Resurrection of the ancestral RH5 invasion ligand provides a molecular explanation for the origin of P. falciparum malaria in humans
Many important infectious diseases are the result of zoonoses, in which pathogens that normally infect animals acquire mutations that enable the breaching of species barriers to permit the infection of humans. Our understanding of the molecular events that enable host switching are often limited, and yet this is a fundamentally important question. Plasmodium falciparum, the etiological agent of severe human malaria, evolved following a zoonotic transfer of parasites from gorillas. One gene—rh5—which encodes an essential ligand for the invasion of host erythrocytes, is suspected to have played a critical role in this host switch. Genome comparisons revealed an introgressed sequence in the ancestor of P. falciparum containing rh5, which likely allowed the ancestral parasites to infect both gorilla and human erythrocytes. To test this hypothesis, we resurrected the ancestral introgressed reticulocyte-binding protein homologue 5 (RH5) sequence and used quantitative protein interaction assays to demonstrate that this ancestral protein could bind the basigin receptor from both humans and gorillas. We also showed that this promiscuous receptor binding phenotype of RH5 was shared with the parasite clade that transferred its genome segment to the ancestor of P. falciparum, while the other lineages exhibit host-specific receptor binding, confirming the central importance of this introgression event for Plasmodium host switching. Finally, since its transfer to humans, P. falciparum, and also the RH5 ligand, have evolved a strong human specificity. We show that this subsequent restriction to humans can be attributed to a single amino acid mutation in the RH5 sequence. Our findings reveal a molecular pathway for the origin and evolution of human P. falciparum malaria and may inform molecular surveillance to predict future zoonoses.
PLoS biology
Refining animal research: The Animal Study Registry
The Animal Study Registry (ASR; was launched in January 2019 for preregistration of animal studies in order to increase transparency and reproducibility of bioscience research and to promote animal welfare. The registry is free of charge and is designed for exploratory and confirmatory studies within applied science as well as basic and preclinical research. The registration form helps scientists plan their study thoroughly by asking detailed questions concerning study design, methods, and statistics. With registration, the study automatically receives a digital object identifier (DOI) that marks it as intellectual property of the researcher. To accommodate the researchers concerns about theft of ideas, users can restrict the visibility of their registered studies for up to 5 years. The full content of the study becomes publicly accessible at the end of the embargo period. Because the platform is embedded in the infrastructure of the German Federal Government, continuity and data security are provided. By registering a study in the ASR, researchers can show their commitment to transparency and data quality to reviewers and editors, to third-party donors, and to the general public.
PLoS biology
Somatosensory cortex participates in the consolidation of human motor memory
Newly learned motor skills are initially labile and then consolidated to permit retention. The circuits that enable the consolidation of motor memories remain uncertain. Most work to date has focused on primary motor cortex, and although there is ample evidence of learning-related plasticity in motor cortex, direct evidence for its involvement in memory consolidation is limited. Learning-related plasticity is also observed in somatosensory cortex, and accordingly, it may also be involved in memory consolidation. Here, by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to block consolidation, we report the first direct evidence that plasticity in somatosensory cortex participates in the consolidation of motor memory. Participants made movements to targets while a robot applied forces to the hand to alter somatosensory feedback. Immediately following adaptation, continuous theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (cTBS) was delivered to block retention; then, following a 24-hour delay, which would normally permit consolidation, we assessed whether there was an impairment. It was found that when mechanical loads were introduced gradually to engage implicit learning processes, suppression of somatosensory cortex following training almost entirely eliminated retention. In contrast, cTBS to motor cortex following learning had little effect on retention at all; retention following cTBS to motor cortex was not different than following sham TMS stimulation. We confirmed that cTBS to somatosensory cortex interfered with normal sensory function and that it blocked motor memory consolidation and not the ability to retrieve a consolidated motor memory. In conclusion, the findings are consistent with the hypothesis that in adaptation learning, somatosensory cortex rather than motor cortex is involved in the consolidation of motor memory.
PLoS biology
Experimental evolution reveals a general role for the methyltransferase Hmt1 in noise buffering
Cell-to-cell heterogeneity within an isogenic population has been observed in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Such heterogeneity often manifests at the level of individual protein abundance and may have evolutionary benefits, especially for organisms in fluctuating environments. Although general features and the origins of cellular noise have been revealed, details of the molecular pathways underlying noise regulation remain elusive. Here, we used experimental evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to select for mutations that increase reporter protein noise. By combining bulk segregant analysis and CRISPR/Cas9-based reconstitution, we identified the methyltransferase Hmt1 as a general regulator of noise buffering. Hmt1 methylation activity is critical for the evolved phenotype, and we also show that two of the Hmt1 methylation targets can suppress noise. Hmt1 functions as an environmental sensor to adjust noise levels in response to environmental cues. Moreover, Hmt1-mediated noise buffering is conserved in an evolutionarily distant yeast species, suggesting broad significance of noise regulation.
PLoS biology
An ecosystem-wide reproductive failure with more snow in the Arctic
2018: Arctic researchers have just witnessed another extreme summer—but in a new sense of the word. Although public interest has long been focused on general warming trends and trends towards a lower sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean, this summer saw the realization of another predicted trend: that of increasing precipitation during the winter months and of increased year-to-year variability. In a well-studied ecosystem in Northeast Greenland, this resulted in the most complete reproductive failure encountered in the terrestrial ecosystem during more than two decades of monitoring: only a few animals and plants were able to reproduce because of abundant and late melting snow. These observations, we suggest, should open our eyes to potentially drastic consequences of predicted changes in both the mean and the variability of arctic climate.
PLoS biology
KHDC3L mutation causes recurrent pregnancy loss by inducing genomic instability of human early embryonic cells
Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is an important complication in reproductive health. About 50% of RPL cases are unexplained, and understanding the genetic basis is essential for its diagnosis and prognosis. Herein, we report causal KH domain containing 3 like (KHDC3L) mutations in RPL. KHDC3L is expressed in human epiblast cells and ensures their genome stability and viability. Mechanistically, KHDC3L binds to poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) to stimulate its activity. In response to DNA damage, KHDC3L also localizes to DNA damage sites and facilitates homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA repair. KHDC3L dysfunction causes PARP1 inhibition and HR repair deficiency, which is synthetically lethal. Notably, we identified two critical residues, Thr145 and Thr156, whose phosphorylation by Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is essential for KHDC3L’s functions. Importantly, two deletions of KHDC3L (p.E150_V160del and p.E150_V172del) were detected in female RPL patients, both of which harbor a common loss of Thr156 and are impaired in PARP1 activation and HR repair. In summary, our study reveals both KHDC3L as a new RPL risk gene and its critical function in DNA damage repair pathways.
PLoS biology
Molecular basis for the PAM expansion and fidelity enhancement of an evolved Cas9 nuclease
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas systems have been harnessed as powerful genome editing tools in diverse organisms. However, the off-target effects and the protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) compatibility restrict the therapeutic applications of these systems. Recently, a Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) variant, xCas9, was evolved to possess both broad PAM compatibility and high DNA fidelity. Through determination of multiple xCas9 structures, which are all in complex with single-guide RNA (sgRNA) and double-stranded DNA containing different PAM sequences (TGG, CGG, TGA, and TGC), we decipher the molecular mechanisms of the PAM expansion and fidelity enhancement of xCas9. xCas9 follows a unique two-mode PAM recognition mechanism. For non-NGG PAM recognition, xCas9 triggers a notable structural rearrangement in the DNA recognition domains and a rotation in the key PAM-interacting residue R1335; such mechanism has not been observed in the wild-type (WT) SpCas9. For NGG PAM recognition, xCas9 applies a strategy similar to WT SpCas9. Moreover, biochemical and cell-based genome editing experiments pinpointed the critical roles of the E1219V mutation for PAM expansion and the R324L, S409I, and M694I mutations for fidelity enhancement. The molecular-level characterizations of the xCas9 nuclease provide critical insights into the mechanisms of the PAM expansion and fidelity enhancement of xCas9 and could further facilitate the engineering of SpCas9 and other Cas9 orthologs.
PLoS biology
Walking enhances peripheral visual processing in humans
Cognitive processes are almost exclusively investigated under highly controlled settings during which voluntary body movements are suppressed. However, recent animal work suggests differences in sensory processing between movement states by showing drastically changed neural responses in early visual areas between locomotion and stillness. Does locomotion also modulate visual cortical activity in humans, and what are the perceptual consequences? Our study shows that walking increased the contrast-dependent influence of peripheral visual input on central visual input. This increase is prevalent in stimulus-locked electroencephalogram (EEG) responses (steady-state visual evoked potential [SSVEP]) alongside perceptual performance. Ongoing alpha oscillations (approximately 10 Hz) further positively correlated with the walking-induced changes of SSVEP amplitude, indicating the involvement of an altered inhibitory process during walking. The results predicted that walking leads to an increased processing of peripheral visual input. A second study indeed showed an increased contrast sensitivity for peripheral compared to central stimuli when subjects were walking. Our work shows complementary neurophysiological and behavioural evidence corroborating animal findings that walking leads to a change in early visual neuronal activity in humans. That neuronal modulation due to walking is indeed linked to specific perceptual changes extends the existing animal work.
PLoS biology
NF1-cAMP signaling dissociates cell type–specific contributions of striatal medium spiny neurons to reward valuation and motor control
The striatum plays a fundamental role in motor learning and reward-related behaviors that are synergistically shaped by populations of D1 dopamine receptor (D1R)- and D2 dopamine receptor (D2R)-expressing medium spiny neurons (MSNs). How various neurotransmitter inputs converging on common intracellular pathways are parsed out to regulate distinct behavioral outcomes in a neuron-specific manner is poorly understood. Here, we reveal that distinct contributions of D1R-MSNs and D2R-MSNs towards reward and motor behaviors are delineated by the multifaceted signaling protein neurofibromin 1 (NF1). Using genetic mouse models, we show that NF1 in D1R-MSN modulates opioid reward, whereas loss of NF1 in D2R-MSNs delays motor learning by impeding the formation and consolidation of repetitive motor sequences. We found that motor learning deficits upon NF1 loss were associated with the disruption in dopamine signaling to cAMP in D2R-MSN. Restoration of cAMP levels pharmacologically or chemogenetically rescued the motor learning deficits seen upon NF1 loss in D2R-MSN. Our findings illustrate that multiplex signaling capabilities of MSNs are deployed at the level of intracellular pathways to achieve cell-specific control over behavioral outcomes.
PLoS biology
Dynamic evolution in the key honey bee pathogen deformed wing virus: Novel insights into virulence and competition using reverse genetics
The impacts of invertebrate RNA virus population dynamics on virulence and infection outcomes are poorly understood. Deformed wing virus (DWV), the main viral pathogen of honey bees, negatively impacts bee health, which can lead to colony death. Despite previous reports on the reduction of DWV diversity following the arrival of the parasitic mite Varroa destructor, the key DWV vector, we found high genetic diversity of DWV in infested United States honey bee colonies. Phylogenetic analysis showed that divergent US DWV genotypes are of monophyletic origin and were likely generated as a result of diversification after a genetic bottleneck. To investigate the population dynamics of this divergent DWV, we designed a series of novel infectious cDNA clones corresponding to coexisting DWV genotypes, thereby devising a reverse-genetics system for an invertebrate RNA virus quasispecies. Equal replication rates were observed for all clone-derived DWV variants in single infections. Surprisingly, individual clones replicated to the same high levels as their mixtures and even the parental highly diverse natural DWV population, suggesting that complementation between genotypes was not required to replicate to high levels. Mixed clone–derived infections showed a lack of strong competitive exclusion, suggesting that the DWV genotypes were adapted to coexist. Mutational and recombination events were observed across clone progeny, providing new insights into the forces that drive and constrain virus diversification. Accordingly, our results suggest that Varroa influences DWV dynamics by causing an initial selective sweep, which is followed by virus diversification fueled by negative frequency-dependent selection for new genotypes. We suggest that this selection might reflect the ability of rare lineages to evade host defenses, specifically antiviral RNA interference (RNAi). In support of this hypothesis, we show that RNAi induced against one DWV strain is less effective against an alternate strain from the same population.
PLoS biology
The NIH Open Citation Collection: A public access, broad coverage resource
Citation data have remained hidden behind proprietary, restrictive licensing agreements, which raises barriers to entry for analysts wishing to use the data, increases the expense of performing large-scale analyses, and reduces the robustness and reproducibility of the conclusions. For the past several years, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Portfolio Analysis (OPA) has been aggregating and enhancing citation data that can be shared publicly. Here, we describe the NIH Open Citation Collection (NIH-OCC), a public access database for biomedical research that is made freely available to the community. This dataset, which has been carefully generated from unrestricted data sources such as MedLine, PubMed Central (PMC), and CrossRef, now underlies the citation statistics delivered in the NIH iCite analytic platform. We have also included data from a machine learning pipeline that identifies, extracts, resolves, and disambiguates references from full-text articles available on the internet. Open citation links are available to the public in a major update of iCite (
PLoS biology
Spliceosomal Prp8 intein at the crossroads of protein and RNA splicing
The spliceosome is a large ribonucleoprotein complex that removes introns from pre-mRNAs. At its functional core lies the essential pre-mRNA processing factor 8 (Prp8) protein. Across diverse eukaryotes, this protein cofactor of RNA catalysis harbors a self-splicing element called an intein. Inteins in Prp8 are extremely pervasive and are found at 7 different sites in various species. Here, we focus on the Prp8 intein from Cryptococcus neoformans (Cne), a human fungal pathogen. We solved the crystal structure of this intein, revealing structural homology among protein splicing sequences in eukaryotes, including the Hedgehog C terminus. Working with the Cne Prp8 intein in a reporter assay, we find that the biologically relevant divalent metals copper and zinc inhibit intein splicing, albeit by 2 different mechanisms. Copper likely stimulates reversible modifications on a catalytically important cysteine, whereas zinc binds at the terminal asparagine and the same critical cysteine. Importantly, we also show that copper treatment inhibits Prp8 protein splicing in Cne. Lastly, an intein-containing Prp8 precursor model is presented, suggesting that metal-induced protein splicing inhibition would disturb function of both Prp8 and the spliceosome. These results indicate that Prp8 protein splicing can be modulated, with potential functional implications for the spliceosome.
PLoS biology
Development of neural specialization for print: Evidence for predictive coding in visual word recognition
How a child’s brain develops specialization for print is poorly understood. One longstanding account is selective neuronal tuning to regularity of visual-orthographic features, which predicts a monotonically increased neural activation for inputs with higher regularity during development. However, we observed a robust interaction between a stimulus’ orthographic regularity (bottom-up input) and children’s lexical classification ability (top-down prediction): N1 response, which is the first negative component of the event-related potential (ERP) occurring at posterior electrodes, was stronger to lower-regularity stimuli, but only in children who were less efficient in lexically classifying these stimuli (high prediction error). In contrast, N1 responses were reduced to lower-regularity stimuli in children who showed high efficiency of lexical classification (low prediction error). The modulation of children’s lexical classification efficiency on their neural responses to orthographic stimuli supports the predictive coding account of neural processes of reading.
PLoS biology
Autism candidate gene DIP2A regulates spine morphogenesis via acetylation of cortactin
Dendritic spine development is crucial for the establishment of excitatory synaptic connectivity and functional neural circuits. Alterations in spine morphology and density have been associated with multiple neurological disorders. Autism candidate gene disconnected-interacting protein homolog 2 A (DIP2A) is known to be involved in acetylated coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) synthesis and is primarily expressed in the brain regions with abundant pyramidal neurons. However, the role of DIP2A in the brain remains largely unknown. In this study, we found that deletion of Dip2a in mice induced defects in spine morphogenesis along with thin postsynaptic density (PSD), and reduced synaptic transmission of pyramidal neurons. We further identified that DIP2A interacted with cortactin, an activity-dependent spine remodeling protein. The binding activity of DIP2A-PXXP motifs (P, proline; X, any residue) with the cortactin-Src homology 3 (SH3) domain was critical for maintaining the level of acetylated cortactin. Furthermore, Dip2a knockout (KO) mice exhibited autism-like behaviors, including excessive repetitive behaviors and defects in social novelty. Importantly, acetylation mimetic cortactin restored the impaired synaptic transmission and ameliorated repetitive behaviors in these mice. Altogether, our findings establish an initial link between DIP2A gene variations in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and highlight the contribution of synaptic protein acetylation to synaptic processing.
PLoS biology
Sex chromosomes control vertical transmission of feminizing Wolbachia symbionts in an isopod
Microbial endosymbiosis is widespread in animals, with major ecological and evolutionary implications. Successful symbiosis relies on efficient vertical transmission through host generations. However, when symbionts negatively affect host fitness, hosts are expected to evolve suppression of symbiont effects or transmission. Here, we show that sex chromosomes control vertical transmission of feminizing Wolbachia endosymbionts in the isopod Armadillidium nasatum. Theory predicts that the invasion of an XY/XX species by cytoplasmic sex ratio distorters is unlikely because it leads to fixation of the unusual (and often lethal or infertile) YY genotype. We demonstrate that A. nasatum X and Y sex chromosomes are genetically highly similar and that YY individuals are viable and fertile, thereby enabling Wolbachia spread in this XY-XX species. Nevertheless, we show that Wolbachia cannot drive fixation of YY individuals, because infected YY females do not transmit Wolbachia to their offspring, unlike XX and XY females. The genetic basis fits the model of a Y-linked recessive allele (associated with an X-linked dominant allele), in which the homozygous state suppresses Wolbachia transmission. Moreover, production of all-male progenies by infected YY females restores a balanced sex ratio at the host population level. This suggests that blocking of Wolbachia transmission by YY females may have evolved to suppress feminization, thereby offering a whole new perspective on the evolutionary interplay between microbial symbionts and host sex chromosomes.
PLoS biology
Predicting translational progress in biomedical research
Fundamental scientific advances can take decades to translate into improvements in human health. Shortening this interval would increase the rate at which scientific discoveries lead to successful treatment of human disease. One way to accomplish this would be to identify which advances in knowledge are most likely to translate into clinical research. Toward that end, we built a machine learning system that detects whether a paper is likely to be cited by a future clinical trial or guideline. Despite the noisiness of citation dynamics, as little as 2 years of postpublication data yield accurate predictions about a paper’s eventual citation by a clinical article (accuracy = 84%, F1 score = 0.56; compared to 19% accuracy by chance). We found that distinct knowledge flow trajectories are linked to papers that either succeed or fail to influence clinical research. Translational progress in biomedicine can therefore be assessed and predicted in real time based on information conveyed by the scientific community’s early reaction to a paper.
PLoS biology
Cell confinement reveals a branched-actin independent circuit for neutrophil polarity
Migratory cells use distinct motility modes to navigate different microenvironments, but it is unclear whether these modes rely on the same core set of polarity components. To investigate this, we disrupted actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) and the WASP-family verprolin homologous protein (WAVE) complex, which assemble branched actin networks that are essential for neutrophil polarity and motility in standard adherent conditions. Surprisingly, confinement rescues polarity and movement of neutrophils lacking these components, revealing a processive bleb-based protrusion program that is mechanistically distinct from the branched actin-based protrusion program but shares some of the same core components and underlying molecular logic. We further find that the restriction of protrusion growth to one site does not always respond to membrane tension directly, as previously thought, but may rely on closely linked properties such as local membrane curvature. Our work reveals a hidden circuit for neutrophil polarity and indicates that cells have distinct molecular mechanisms for polarization that dominate in different microenvironments.
PLoS biology
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals regulatory mechanism for trophoblast cell-fate divergence in human peri-implantation conceptuses
Multipotent trophoblasts undergo dynamic morphological movement and cellular differentiation after conceptus implantation to generate placenta. However, the mechanism controlling trophoblast development and differentiation during peri-implantation development in human remains elusive. In this study, we modeled human conceptus peri-implantation development from blastocyst to early postimplantation stages by using an in vitro coculture system and profiled the transcriptome of 476 individual trophoblast cells from these conceptuses. We revealed the genetic networks regulating peri-implantation trophoblast development. While determining when trophoblast differentiation happens, our bioinformatic analysis identified T-box transcription factor 3 (TBX3) as a key regulator for the differentiation of cytotrophoblast (CT) into syncytiotrophoblast (ST). The function of TBX3 in trophoblast differentiation is then validated by a loss-of-function experiment. In conclusion, our results provided a valuable resource to study the regulation of trophoblasts development and differentiation during human peri-implantation development.
PLoS biology
Cisd2 is essential to delaying cardiac aging and to maintaining heart functions
CDGSH iron-sulfur domain-containing protein 2 (Cisd2) is pivotal to mitochondrial integrity and intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. In the heart of Cisd2 knockout mice, Cisd2 deficiency causes intercalated disc defects and leads to degeneration of the mitochondria and sarcomeres, thereby impairing its electromechanical functioning. Furthermore, Cisd2 deficiency disrupts Ca2+ homeostasis via dysregulation of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (Serca2a) activity, resulting in an increased level of basal cytosolic Ca2+ and mitochondrial Ca2+ overload in cardiomyocytes. Most strikingly, in Cisd2 transgenic mice, a persistently high level of Cisd2 is sufficient to delay cardiac aging and attenuate age-related structural defects and functional decline. In addition, it results in a younger cardiac transcriptome pattern during old age. Our findings indicate that Cisd2 plays an essential role in cardiac aging and in the heart’s electromechanical functioning. They highlight Cisd2 as a novel drug target when developing therapies to delay cardiac aging and ameliorate age-related cardiac dysfunction.
PLoS biology
Mating induces switch from hormone-dependent to hormone-independent steroid receptor–mediated growth in Drosophila secondary cells
Male reproductive glands like the mammalian prostate and the paired Drosophila melanogaster accessory glands secrete seminal fluid components that enhance fecundity. In humans, the prostate, stimulated by environmentally regulated endocrine and local androgens, grows throughout adult life. We previously showed that in fly accessory glands, secondary cells (SCs) and their nuclei also grow in adults, a process enhanced by mating and controlled by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling. Here, we demonstrate that BMP-mediated SC growth is dependent on the receptor for the developmental steroid ecdysone, whose concentration is reported to reflect sociosexual experience in adults. BMP signalling appears to regulate ecdysone receptor (EcR) levels via one or more mechanisms involving the EcR’s N terminus or the RNA sequence that encodes it. Nuclear growth in virgin males is dependent on ecdysone, some of which is synthesised in SCs. However, mating induces additional BMP-mediated nuclear growth via a cell type–specific form of hormone-independent EcR signalling, which drives genome endoreplication in a subset of adult SCs. Switching to hormone-independent endoreplication after mating allows growth and secretion to be hyperactivated independently of ecdysone levels in SCs, permitting more rapid replenishment of the accessory gland luminal contents. Our data suggest mechanistic parallels between this physiological, behaviour-induced signalling switch and altered pathological signalling associated with prostate cancer progression.
PLoS biology
Dynamic enhancers control skeletal muscle identity and reprogramming
Skeletal muscles consist of fibers of differing metabolic activities and contractility, which become remodeled in response to chronic exercise, but the epigenomic basis for muscle identity and adaptation remains poorly understood. Here, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing of dimethylated histone 3 lysine 4 and acetylated histone 3 lysine 27 as well as transposase-accessible chromatin profiling to dissect cis-regulatory networks across muscle groups. We demonstrate that in vivo enhancers specify muscles in accordance with myofiber composition, show little resemblance to cultured myotube enhancers, and identify glycolytic and oxidative muscle-specific regulators. Moreover, we find that voluntary wheel running and muscle-specific peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (Pgc1a) transgenic (mTg) overexpression, which stimulate endurance performance in mice, result in markedly different changes to the epigenome. Exercise predominantly leads to enhancer hypoacetylation, whereas mTg causes hyperacetylation at different sites. Integrative analysis of regulatory regions and gene expression revealed that exercise and mTg are each associated with myocyte enhancer factor (MEF) 2 and estrogen-related receptor (ERR) signaling and transcription of genes promoting oxidative metabolism. However, exercise was additionally associated with regulation by retinoid X receptor (RXR), jun proto-oncogene (JUN), sine oculis homeobox factor (SIX), and other factors. Overall, our work defines the unique enhancer repertoires of skeletal muscles in vivo and reveals that divergent exercise-induced or PGC1α-driven epigenomic programs direct partially convergent transcriptional networks.
PLoS biology
A hormone receptor pathway cell-autonomously delays neuron morphological aging by suppressing endocytosis
Neurons have a lifespan that parallels that of the organism and are largely irreplaceable. Their unusually long lifespan predisposes neurons to neurodegenerative disease. We sought to identify physiological mechanisms that delay neuron aging in Caenorhabditis elegans by asking how neuron morphological aging is arrested in the long-lived, alternate organismal state, the dauer diapause. We find that a hormone signaling pathway, the abnormal DAuer Formation (DAF) 12 nuclear hormone receptor (NHR) pathway, functions cell-intrinsically in the dauer diapause to arrest neuron morphological aging, and that same pathway can be cell-autonomously manipulated during normal organismal aging to delay neuron morphological aging. This delayed aging is mediated by suppressing constitutive endocytosis, which alters the subcellular localization of the actin regulator T cell lymphoma Invasion And Metastasis 1 (TIAM-1), thereby decreasing age-dependent neurite growth. Intriguingly, we show that suppressed endocytosis appears to be a general feature of cells in diapause, suggestive that this may be a mechanism to halt the growth and other age-related programs supported by most endosome recycling.
PLoS biology
The developmental Wnt signaling pathway effector β-catenin/TCF mediates hepatic functions of the sex hormone estradiol in regulating lipid metabolism
The bipartite transcription factor β-catenin (β-cat)/T cell factor (TCF), formed by free β-cat and a given TCF family member, serves as the effector of the developmental Wnt signaling cascade. β-cat/TCFs also serve as effectors of certain peptide hormones or growth factors during adulthood. We reported that liver-specific expression of dominant-negative Transcription factor 7 like 2 (TCF7L2DN) led to impaired glucose disposal. Here we show that, in this LTCFDN transgenic mouse model, serum and hepatic lipid contents were elevated in male but not in female mice. In hepatocytes, TCF7L2DN adenovirus infection led to stimulated expression of genes that encode lipogenic transcription factors and lipogenic enzymes, while estradiol (E2) treatment attenuated the stimulation, associated with Wnt-target gene activation. Mechanistically, this E2-mediated activation can be attributed to elevated β-cat Ser675 phosphorylation and TCF expression. In wild-type female mice, ovariectomy (OVX) plus high-fat diet (HFD) challenge impaired glucose disposal and insulin tolerance, associated with increased hepatic lipogenic transcription factor sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1-c (SREBP-1c) expression. In wild-type mice with OVX, E2 reconstitution attenuated HFD-induced metabolic defects. Some of the attenuation effects, including insulin intolerance, elevated liver-weight gain, and hepatic SREBP-1c expression, were not affected by E2 reconstitution in HFD-fed LTCFDN mice with OVX. Finally, the effects of E2 in hepatocytes on β-cat/TCF activation can be attenuated by the G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) antagonist G15. Our study thus expanded the scope of functions of the Wnt pathway effector β-cat/TCF, as it can also mediate hepatic functions of E2 during adulthood. This study also enriches our mechanistic understanding of gender differences in the risk and pathophysiology of metabolic diseases.
PLoS biology
A photoactivatable crosslinking system reveals protein interactions in the Toxoplasma gondii inner membrane complex
The Toxoplasma gondii inner membrane complex (IMC) is an important organelle involved in parasite motility and replication. The IMC resides beneath the parasite’s plasma membrane and is composed of both membrane and cytoskeletal components. Although the protein composition of the IMC is becoming better understood, the protein–protein associations that enable proper functioning of the organelle remain largely unknown. Determining protein interactions in the IMC cytoskeletal network is particularly challenging, as disrupting the cytoskeleton requires conditions that disrupt protein complexes. To circumvent this problem, we demonstrate the application of a photoreactive unnatural amino acid (UAA) crosslinking system to capture protein interactions in the native intracellular environment. In addition to identifying binding partners, the UAA approach maps the binding interface of the bait protein used for crosslinking, providing structural information of the interacting proteins. We apply this technology to the essential IMC protein ILP1 and demonstrate that distinct regions of its C-terminal coiled-coil domain crosslink to the alveolins IMC3 and IMC6, as well as IMC27. We also show that the IMC3 C-terminal domain and the IMC6 N-terminal domain are necessary for binding to ILP1, further mapping interactions between ILP1 and the cytoskeleton. Together, this study develops a new approach to study protein–protein interactions in Toxoplasma and provides the first insight into the architecture of the cytoskeletal network of the apicomplexan IMC.
PLoS biology
Human motor cortical beta bursts relate to movement planning and response errors
Motor cortical beta activity (13–30 Hz) is a hallmark signature of healthy and pathological movement, but its behavioural relevance remains unclear. Using high-precision magnetoencephalography (MEG), we show that during the classical event-related desynchronisation (ERD) and event-related synchronisation (ERS) periods, motor cortical beta activity in individual trials (n > 12,000) is dominated by high amplitude, transient, and infrequent bursts. Beta burst probability closely matched the trial-averaged beta amplitude in both the pre- and post-movement periods, but individual bursts were spatially more focal than the classical ERS peak. Furthermore, prior to movement (ERD period), beta burst timing was related to the degree of motor preparation, with later bursts resulting in delayed response times. Following movement (ERS period), the first beta burst was delayed by approximately 100 milliseconds when an incorrect response was made. Overall, beta burst timing was a stronger predictor of single trial behaviour than beta burst rate or single trial beta amplitude. This transient nature of motor cortical beta provides new constraints for theories of its role in information processing within and across cortical circuits, and its functional relevance for behaviour in both healthy and pathological movement.
PLoS biology
Alpha oscillations and traveling waves: Signatures of predictive coding?
Predictive coding is a key mechanism to understand the computational processes underlying brain functioning: in a hierarchical network, higher levels predict the activity of lower levels, and the unexplained residuals (i.e., prediction errors) are passed back to higher layers. Because of its recursive nature, we wondered whether predictive coding could be related to brain oscillatory dynamics. First, we show that a simple 2-level predictive coding model of visual cortex, with physiological communication delays between levels, naturally gives rise to alpha-band rhythms, similar to experimental observations. Then, we demonstrate that a multilevel version of the same model can explain the occurrence of oscillatory traveling waves across levels, both forward (during visual stimulation) and backward (during rest). Remarkably, the predictions of our model are matched by the analysis of 2 independent electroencephalography (EEG) datasets, in which we observed oscillatory traveling waves in both directions.
PLoS biology
Waves of prediction
Predictive processing (e.g., predictive coding) is a predominant paradigm in cognitive neuroscience. This Primer considers the various levels of commitment neuroscientists have to the neuronal process theories that accompany the principles of predictive processing. Specifically, it reviews and contextualises a recent PLOS Biology study of alpha oscillations and travelling waves. We will see that alpha oscillations emerge naturally under the computational architectures implied by predictive coding-and may tell us something profound about recurrent message passing in brain hierarchies. Specifically, the bidirectional nature of forward and backward waves speaks to opportunities to understand attention and how it nuances bottom-up and top-down influences.
PLoS biology
Symmetry breaking in the embryonic skin triggers directional and sequential plumage patterning
The development of an organism involves the formation of patterns from initially homogeneous surfaces in a reproducible manner. Simulations of various theoretical models recapitulate final states of natural patterns, yet drawing testable hypotheses from those often remains difficult. Consequently, little is known about pattern-forming events. Here, we surveyed plumage patterns and their emergence in Galliformes, ratites, passerines, and penguins, together representing the three major taxa of the avian phylogeny, and built a unified model that not only reproduces final patterns but also intrinsically generates shared and varying directionality, sequence, and duration of patterning. We used in vivo and ex vivo experiments to test its parameter-based predictions. We showed that directional and sequential pattern progression depends on a species-specific prepattern: an initial break in surface symmetry launches a travelling front of sharply defined, oriented domains with self-organising capacity. This front propagates through the timely transfer of increased cell density mediated by cell proliferation, which controls overall patterning duration. These results show that universal mechanisms combining prepatterning and self-organisation govern the timely emergence of the plumage pattern in birds.
PLoS biology
Combinatorial mutagenesis of rapidly evolving residues yields super-restrictor antiviral proteins
Antagonistic interactions drive host–virus evolutionary arms races, which often manifest as recurrent amino acid changes (i.e., positive selection) at their protein–protein interaction interfaces. Here, we investigated whether combinatorial mutagenesis of positions under positive selection in a host antiviral protein could enhance its restrictive properties. We tested approximately 700 variants of human MxA, generated by combinatorial mutagenesis, for their ability to restrict Thogotovirus (THOV). We identified MxA super-restrictors with increased binding to the THOV nucleoprotein (NP) target protein and 10-fold higher anti-THOV restriction relative to wild-type human MxA, the most potent naturally occurring anti-THOV restrictor identified. Our findings reveal a means to elicit super-restrictor antiviral proteins by leveraging signatures of positive selection. Although some MxA super-restrictors of THOV were impaired in their restriction of H5N1 influenza A virus (IAV), other super-restrictor variants increased THOV restriction without impairment of IAV restriction. Thus, broadly acting antiviral proteins such as MxA mitigate breadth-versus-specificity trade-offs that could otherwise constrain their adaptive landscape.
PLoS biology
A neural ensemble correlation code for sound category identification
Humans and other animals effortlessly identify natural sounds and categorize them into behaviorally relevant categories. Yet, the acoustic features and neural transformations that enable sound recognition and the formation of perceptual categories are largely unknown. Here, using multichannel neural recordings in the auditory midbrain of unanesthetized female rabbits, we first demonstrate that neural ensemble activity in the auditory midbrain displays highly structured correlations that vary with distinct natural sound stimuli. These stimulus-driven correlations can be used to accurately identify individual sounds using single-response trials, even when the sounds do not differ in their spectral content. Combining neural recordings and an auditory model, we then show how correlations between frequency-organized auditory channels can contribute to discrimination of not just individual sounds but sound categories. For both the model and neural data, spectral and temporal correlations achieved similar categorization performance and appear to contribute equally. Moreover, both the neural and model classifiers achieve their best task performance when they accumulate evidence over a time frame of approximately 1–2 seconds, mirroring human perceptual trends. These results together suggest that time-frequency correlations in sounds may be reflected in the correlations between auditory midbrain ensembles and that these correlations may play an important role in the identification and categorization of natural sounds.
PLoS biology
EXP1 is critical for nutrient uptake across the parasitophorous vacuole membrane of malaria parasites
Intracellular malaria parasites grow in a vacuole delimited by the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane (PVM). This membrane fulfils critical roles for survival of the parasite in its intracellular niche such as in protein export and nutrient acquisition. Using a conditional knockout (KO), we here demonstrate that the abundant integral PVM protein exported protein 1 (EXP1) is essential for parasite survival but that this is independent of its previously postulated function as a glutathione S-transferase (GST). Patch-clamp experiments indicated that EXP1 is critical for the nutrient-permeable channel activity at the PVM. Loss of EXP1 abolished the correct localisation of EXP2, a pore-forming protein required for the nutrient-permeable channel activity and protein export at the PVM. Unexpectedly, loss of EXP1 affected only the nutrient-permeable channel activity of the PVM but not protein export. Parasites with low levels of EXP1 became hypersensitive to low nutrient conditions, indicating that EXP1 indeed is needed for nutrient uptake and experimentally confirming the long-standing hypothesis that the channel activity measured at the PVM is required for parasite nutrient acquisition. Hence, EXP1 is specifically required for the functional expression of EXP2 as the nutrient-permeable channel and is critical for the metabolite supply of malaria parasites.
PLoS biology
Opposing signaling pathways regulate morphology in response to temperature in the fungal pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum
Phenotypic switching between 2 opposing cellular states is a fundamental aspect of biology, and fungi provide facile systems to analyze the interactions between regulons that control this type of switch. A long-standing mystery in fungal pathogens of humans is how thermally dimorphic fungi switch their developmental form in response to temperature. These fungi, including the subject of this study, Histoplasma capsulatum, are temperature-responsive organisms that utilize unknown regulatory pathways to couple their cell shape and associated attributes to the temperature of their environment. H. capsulatum grows as a multicellular hypha in the soil that switches to a pathogenic yeast form in response to the temperature of a mammalian host. These states can be triggered in the laboratory simply by growing the fungus either at room temperature (RT; which promotes hyphal growth) or at 37 °C (which promotes yeast-phase growth). Prior worked revealed that 15% to 20% of transcripts are differentially expressed in response to temperature, but it is unclear which transcripts are linked to specific phenotypic changes, such as cell morphology or virulence. To elucidate temperature-responsive regulons, we previously identified 4 transcription factors (required for yeast-phase growth [Ryp]1–4) that are required for yeast-phase growth at 37 °C; in each ryp mutant, the fungus grows constitutively as hyphae regardless of temperature, and the cells fail to express genes that are normally induced in response to growth at 37 °C. Here, we perform the first genetic screen to identify genes required for hyphal growth of H. capsulatum at RT and find that disruption of the signaling mucin MSB2 results in a yeast-locked phenotype. RNA sequencing (RNAseq) experiments reveal that MSB2 is not required for the majority of gene expression changes that occur when cells are shifted to RT. However, a small subset of temperature-responsive genes is dependent on MSB2 for its expression, thereby implicating these genes in the process of filamentation. Disruption or knockdown of an Msb2-dependent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase (HOG2) and an APSES transcription factor (STU1) prevents hyphal growth at RT, validating that the Msb2 regulon contains genes that control filamentation. Notably, the Msb2 regulon shows conserved hyphal-specific expression in other dimorphic fungi, suggesting that this work defines a small set of genes that are likely to be conserved regulators and effectors of filamentation in multiple fungi. In contrast, a few yeast-specific transcripts, including virulence factors that are normally expressed only at 37 °C, are inappropriately expressed at RT in the msb2 mutant, suggesting that expression of these genes is coupled to growth in the yeast form rather than to temperature. Finally, we find that the yeast-promoting transcription factor Ryp3 associates with the MSB2 promoter and inhibits MSB2 transcript expression at 37 °C, whereas Msb2 inhibits accumulation of Ryp transcripts and proteins at RT. These findings indicate that the Ryp and Msb2 circuits antagonize each other in a temperature-dependent manner, thereby allowing temperature to govern cell shape and gene expression in this ubiquitous fungal pathogen of humans.
PLoS biology
Repair of multiple simultaneous double-strand breaks causes bursts of genome-wide clustered hypermutation
A single cancer genome can harbor thousands of clustered mutations. Mutation signature analyses have revealed that the origin of clusters are lesions in long tracts of single-stranded (ss) DNA damaged by apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like (APOBEC) cytidine deaminases, raising questions about molecular mechanisms that generate long ssDNA vulnerable to hypermutation. Here, we show that ssDNA intermediates formed during the repair of gamma-induced bursts of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the presence of APOBEC3A in yeast lead to multiple APOBEC-induced clusters similar to cancer. We identified three independent pathways enabling cluster formation associated with repairing bursts of DSBs: 5′ to 3′ bidirectional resection, unidirectional resection, and break-induced replication (BIR). Analysis of millions of mutations in APOBEC-hypermutated cancer genomes revealed that cancer tolerance to formation of hypermutable ssDNA is similar to yeast and that the predominant pattern of clustered mutagenesis is the same as in resection-defective yeast, suggesting that cluster formation in cancers is driven by a BIR-like mechanism. The phenomenon of genome-wide burst of clustered mutagenesis revealed by our study can play an important role in generating somatic hypermutation in cancers as well as in noncancerous cells.
PLoS biology
Calreticulin is a Critical Cell Survival Factor in Malignant Neoplasms
Calreticulin (CRT) is a high-capacity Ca2+ protein whose expression is up-regulated during cellular transformation and is associated with disease progression in multiple types of malignancies. At the same time, CRT has been characterized as an important stress-response protein capable of inducing immunogenic cell death (ICD) when translocated to the cell surface. It remains unclear why CRT expression is preserved by malignant cells during the course of transformation despite its immunogenic properties. In this study, we identify a novel, critical function of CRT as a cell survival factor in multiple types of human solid-tissue malignancies. CRT knockdown activates p53, which mediates cell-death response independent of executioner caspase activity and accompanied full-length poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) cleavage. Mechanistically, we show that down-regulation of CRT results in mitochondrial Ca2+ overload and induction of mitochondria permeability transition pore (mPTP)-dependent cell death, which can be significantly rescued by the mPTP inhibitor, Cyclosporin A (CsA). The clinical importance of CRT expression was revealed in the analysis of the large cohort of cancer patients (N = 2,058) to demonstrate that high levels of CRT inversely correlates with patient survival. Our study identifies intracellular CRT as an important therapeutic target for tumors whose survival relies on its expression.
PLoS biology
Allosteric regulation of a prokaryotic small Ras-like GTPase contributes to cell polarity oscillations in bacterial motility
Mutual gliding motility A (MglA), a small Ras-like GTPase; Mutual gliding motility B (MglB), its GTPase activating protein (GAP); and Required for Motility Response Regulator (RomR), a protein that contains a response regulator receiver domain, are major components of a GTPase-dependent biochemical oscillator that drives cell polarity reversals in the bacterium Myxococcus xanthus. We report the crystal structure of a complex of M. xanthus MglA and MglB, which reveals that the C-terminal helix (Ct-helix) from one protomer of the dimeric MglB binds to a pocket distal to the active site of MglA. MglB increases the GTPase activity of MglA by reorientation of key catalytic residues of MglA (a GAP function) combined with allosteric regulation of nucleotide exchange by the Ct-helix (a guanine nucleotide exchange factor [GEF] function). The dual GAP-GEF activities of MglB accelerate the rate of GTP hydrolysis over multiple enzymatic cycles. Consistent with its GAP and GEF activities, MglB interacts with MglA bound to either GTP or GDP. The regulation is essential for cell polarity, because deletion of the Ct-helix causes bipolar localization of MglA, MglB, and RomR, thereby causing reversal defects in M. xanthus. A bioinformatics analysis reveals the presence of Ct-helix in homologues of MglB in other bacterial phyla, suggestive of the prevalence of the allosteric mechanism among other prokaryotic small Ras-like GTPases.
PLoS biology
Control over single-cell distribution of G1 lengths by WNT governs pluripotency
The link between single-cell variation and population-level fate choices lacks a mechanistic explanation despite extensive observations of gene expression and epigenetic variation among individual cells. Here, we found that single human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have different and biased differentiation potentials toward either neuroectoderm or mesendoderm depending on their G1 lengths before the onset of differentiation. Single-cell variation in G1 length operates in a dynamic equilibrium that establishes a G1 length probability distribution for a population of hESCs and predicts differentiation outcome toward neuroectoderm or mesendoderm lineages. Although sister stem cells generally share G1 lengths, a variable proportion of cells have asymmetric G1 lengths, which maintains the population dispersion. Environmental Wingless-INT (WNT) levels can control the G1 length distribution, apparently as a means of priming the fate of hESC populations once they undergo differentiation. As a downstream mechanism, global 5-hydroxymethylcytosine levels are regulated by G1 length and thereby link G1 length to differentiation outcomes of hESCs. Overall, our findings suggest that intrapopulation heterogeneity in G1 length underlies the pluripotent differentiation potential of stem cell populations.
PLoS biology
The Tara Pacific expedition—A pan-ecosystemic approach of the “-omics” complexity of coral reef holobionts across the Pacific Ocean
Coral reefs are the most diverse habitats in the marine realm. Their productivity, structural complexity, and biodiversity critically depend on ecosystem services provided by corals that are threatened because of climate change effects—in particular, ocean warming and acidification. The coral holobiont is composed of the coral animal host, endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, associated viruses, bacteria, and other microeukaryotes. In particular, the mandatory photosymbiosis with microalgae of the family Symbiodiniaceae and its consequences on the evolution, physiology, and stress resilience of the coral holobiont have yet to be fully elucidated. The functioning of the holobiont as a whole is largely unknown, although bacteria and viruses are presumed to play roles in metabolic interactions, immunity, and stress tolerance. In the context of climate change and anthropogenic threats on coral reef ecosystems, the Tara Pacific project aims to provide a baseline of the “-omics” complexity of the coral holobiont and its ecosystem across the Pacific Ocean and for various oceanographically distinct defined areas. Inspired by the previous Tara Oceans expeditions, the Tara Pacific expedition (2016–2018) has applied a pan-ecosystemic approach on coral reefs throughout the Pacific Ocean, drawing an east–west transect from Panama to Papua New Guinea and a south–north transect from Australia to Japan, sampling corals throughout 32 island systems with local replicates. Tara Pacific has developed and applied state-of-the-art technologies in very-high-throughput genetic sequencing and molecular analysis to reveal the entire microbial and chemical diversity as well as functional traits associated with coral holobionts, together with various measures on environmental forcing. This ambitious project aims at revealing a massive amount of novel biodiversity, shedding light on the complex links between genomes, transcriptomes, metabolomes, organisms, and ecosystem functions in coral reefs and providing a reference of the biological state of modern coral reefs in the Anthropocene.
PLoS biology
TRPC channels regulate Ca2+-signaling and short-term plasticity of fast glutamatergic synapses
Transient receptor potential (TRP) proteins form Ca2+-permeable, nonselective cation channels, but their role in neuronal Ca2+ homeostasis is elusive. In the present paper, we show that TRPC channels potently regulate synaptic plasticity by changing the presynaptic Ca2+-homeostasis of hippocampal neurons. Specifically, loss of TRPC1/C4/C5 channels decreases basal-evoked secretion, reduces the pool size of readily releasable vesicles, and accelerates synaptic depression during high-frequency stimulation (HFS). In contrast, primary TRPC5 channel-expressing neurons, identified by a novel TRPC5–τ-green fluorescent protein (τGFP) knockin mouse line, show strong short-term enhancement (STE) of synaptic signaling during HFS, indicating a key role of TRPC5 in short-term plasticity. Lentiviral expression of either TRPC1 or TRPC5 turns classic synaptic depression of wild-type neurons into STE, demonstrating that TRPCs are instrumental in regulating synaptic plasticity. Presynaptic Ca2+ imaging shows that TRPC activity strongly boosts synaptic Ca2+ dynamics, showing that TRPC channels provide an additional presynaptic Ca2+ entry pathway, which efficiently regulates synaptic strength and plasticity.
PLoS biology
The world needs BRICS countries to build capacity in invasion science
Developed countries are producing policies to reduce the flow of invasive species and control or eradicate existing invasions, but most developing countries are under-resourced to tackle either aspect without help. Emerging economies, such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS), are responsible for donating many of the world’s invasive species that have the potential to reach nearly all terrestrial biomes. Implementing a proactive ‘facilitated network’ model is urgently required to build capacity and stimulate effective appropriate invasion science. We contend that creating a BRICS network of invasion scientists will have the immediate impact required to meet future policy demands.
PLoS biology
The evolution of a new cell type was associated with competition for a signaling ligand
There is presently a very limited understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the evolution of new cell types. The skeleton-forming primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) of euechinoid sea urchins, derived from the micromeres of the 16-cell embryo, are an example of a recently evolved cell type. All adult echinoderms have a calcite-based endoskeleton, a synapomorphy of the Ambulacraria. Only euechinoids have a micromere-PMC lineage, however, which evolved through the co-option of the adult skeletogenic program into the embryo. During normal development, PMCs alone secrete the embryonic skeleton. Other mesoderm cells, known as blastocoelar cells (BCs), have the potential to produce a skeleton, but a PMC-derived signal ordinarily prevents these cells from expressing a skeletogenic fate and directs them into an alternative developmental pathway. Recently, it was shown that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling plays an important role in PMC differentiation and is part of a conserved program of skeletogenesis among echinoderms. Here, we report that VEGF signaling, acting through ectoderm-derived VEGF3 and its cognate receptor, VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-10-Ig, is also essential for the deployment of the skeletogenic program in BCs. This VEGF-dependent program includes the activation of aristaless-like homeobox 1 (alx1), a conserved transcriptional regulator of skeletogenic specification across echinoderms and an example of a “terminal selector” gene that controls cell identity. We show that PMCs control BC fate by sequestering VEGF3, thereby preventing activation of alx1 and the downstream skeletogenic network in BCs. Our findings provide an example of the regulation of early embryonic cell fates by direct competition for a secreted signaling ligand, a developmental mechanism that has not been widely recognized. Moreover, they reveal that a novel cell type evolved by outcompeting other embryonic cell lineages for an essential signaling ligand that regulates the expression of a gene controlling cell identity.
PLoS biology
Spatiotemporal dynamics of odor responses in the lateral and dorsal olfactory bulb
The mammalian olfactory bulb (OB) plays an essential role in odor processing during the perception of smell. Optical imaging of the OB has proven to be a key tool in elucidating the spatial odor mapping and temporal dynamics that underlie higher-order odor processing. Much is known about the activation of olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) glomerular responses in the dorsal olfactory bulb (dOB) during odor presentation. However, the dorsal bulb provides access to only approximately 25% of all glomeruli, and little is known about how the lateral bulb functions during this critical process. Here, we report, for the first time, simultaneous measurements of OSN glomerular activity from both the dOB and the lateral olfactory bulb (lOB), thus describing odor-specific spatial mapping and the temporal dynamics of olfactory input to both the dorsal and lateral bulb. Odor responses in the lateral bulb tended to be most prominent in the dorso-lateral (D-L) region. Lateral glomeruli became active in a dorso-ventral (D-V) sequence upon odor inhalation, unlike the anterio-posterior (A-P) activity wave typical of the dorsal glomeruli. Across the entire D-L bulb, the spatial organization of these dynamics can be explained neither by the purely mechanosensitive dynamics (to breathing clean air) nor by the response amplitudes across glomeruli. Instead, these dynamics can be explained by a combination of zonal receptor distributions, associated OB projections, and air flow paths across the epithelium upon inhalation. Remarkably, we also found that a subset of OSN glomeruli in the lOB was highly sensitive to extranasal air pressure changes, a response type that has not been reported in dorsal glomeruli.
PLoS biology
Inverted translational control of eukaryotic gene expression by ribosome collisions
The canonical model of eukaryotic translation posits that efficient translation initiation increases protein expression and mRNA stability. Contrary to this model, we find that increasing initiation rate can decrease both protein expression and stability of certain mRNAs in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These mRNAs encode a stretch of polybasic residues that cause ribosome stalling. Our computational modeling predicts that the observed decrease in gene expression at high initiation rates occurs when ribosome collisions at stalls stimulate abortive termination of the leading ribosome or cause endonucleolytic mRNA cleavage. Consistent with this prediction, the collision-associated quality-control factors Asc1 and Hel2 (orthologs of human RACK1 and ZNF598, respectively) decrease gene expression from stall-containing mRNAs only at high initiation rates. Remarkably, hundreds of S. cerevisiae mRNAs that contain ribosome stall sequences also exhibit lower translation efficiency. We propose that inefficient translation initiation allows these stall-containing endogenous mRNAs to escape collision-stimulated reduction in gene expression.
PLoS biology
NLRX1 inhibits the early stages of CNS inflammation and prevents the onset of spontaneous autoimmunity
Nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat containing X1 (NLRX1) is a mitochondria-located innate immune sensor that inhibits major pro-inflammatory pathways such as type I interferon and nuclear factor-κB signaling. We generated a novel, spontaneous, and rapidly progressing mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS) by crossing myelin-specific T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice with Nlrx1−/− mice. About half of the resulting progeny developed spontaneous experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (spEAE), which was associated with severe demyelination and inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS). Using lymphocyte-deficient mice and a series of adoptive transfer experiments, we demonstrate that genetic susceptibility to EAE lies within the innate immune compartment. We show that NLRX1 inhibits the subclinical stages of microglial activation and prevents the generation of neurotoxic astrocytes that induce neuronal and oligodendrocyte death in vitro. Moreover, we discovered several mutations within NLRX1 that run in MS-affected families. In summary, our findings highlight the importance of NLRX1 in controlling the early stages of CNS inflammation and preventing the onset of spontaneous autoimmunity.
PLoS biology
MCC950/CRID3 potently targets the NACHT domain of wild-type NLRP3 but not disease-associated mutants for inflammasome inhibition
The nucleotide-binding-domain (NBD)–and leucine-rich repeat (LRR)–containing (NLR) family, pyrin-domain–containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome drives pathological inflammation in a suite of autoimmune, metabolic, malignant, and neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, NLRP3 gain-of-function point mutations cause systemic periodic fever syndromes that are collectively known as cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS). There is significant interest in the discovery and development of diarylsulfonylurea Cytokine Release Inhibitory Drugs (CRIDs) such as MCC950/CRID3, a potent and selective inhibitor of the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway, for the treatment of CAPS and other diseases. However, drug discovery efforts have been constrained by the lack of insight into the molecular target and mechanism by which these CRIDs inhibit the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway. Here, we show that the NAIP, CIITA, HET-E, and TP1 (NACHT) domain of NLRP3 is the molecular target of diarylsulfonylurea inhibitors. Interestingly, we find photoaffinity labeling (PAL) of the NACHT domain requires an intact (d)ATP-binding pocket and is substantially reduced for most CAPS-associated NLRP3 mutants. In concordance with this finding, MCC950/CRID3 failed to inhibit NLRP3-driven inflammatory pathology in two mouse models of CAPS. Moreover, it abolished circulating levels of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18 in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-challenged wild-type mice but not in Nlrp3L351P knock-in mice and ex vivo-stimulated mutant macrophages. These results identify wild-type NLRP3 as the molecular target of MCC950/CRID3 and show that CAPS-related NLRP3 mutants escape efficient MCC950/CRID3 inhibition. Collectively, this work suggests that MCC950/CRID3-based therapies may effectively treat inflammation driven by wild-type NLRP3 but not CAPS-associated mutants.
PLoS biology
Variation in actuarial senescence does not reflect life span variation across mammals
The concept of actuarial senescence (defined here as the increase in mortality hazards with age) is often confounded with life span duration, which obscures the relative role of age-dependent and age-independent processes in shaping the variation in life span. We use the opportunity afforded by the Species360 database, a collection of individual life span records in captivity, to analyze age-specific mortality patterns in relation to variation in life span. We report evidence of actuarial senescence across 96 mammal species. We identify the life stage (juvenile, prime-age, or senescent) that contributes the most to the observed variation in life span across species. Actuarial senescence only accounted for 35%–50% of the variance in life span across species, depending on the body mass category. We computed the sensitivity and elasticity of life span to five parameters that represent the three stages of the age-specific mortality curve—namely, the duration of the juvenile stage, the mean juvenile mortality, the prime-age (i.e., minimum) adult mortality, the age at the onset of actuarial senescence, and the rate of actuarial senescence. Next, we computed the between-species variance in these five parameters. Combining the two steps, we computed the relative contribution of each of the five parameters to the variance in life span across species. Variation in life span was increasingly driven by the intensity of actuarial senescence and decreasingly driven by prime-age adult mortality from small to large species because of changes in the elasticity of life span to these parameters, even if all the adult survival parameters consistently exhibited a canalization pattern of weaker variability among long-lived species than among short-lived ones. Our work unambiguously demonstrates that life span cannot be used to measure the strength of actuarial senescence, because a substantial and variable proportion of life span variation across mammals is not related to actuarial senescence metrics.
PLoS biology
Nystagmus in patients with congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) originates from synchronously firing retinal ganglion cells
Congenital nystagmus, involuntary oscillating small eye movements, is commonly thought to originate from aberrant interactions between brainstem nuclei and foveal cortical pathways. Here, we investigated whether nystagmus associated with congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) results from primary deficits in the retina. We found that CSNB patients as well as an animal model (nob mice), both of which lacked functional nyctalopin protein (NYX, nyx) in ON bipolar cells (BCs) at their synapse with photoreceptors, showed oscillating eye movements at a frequency of 4–7 Hz. nob ON direction-selective ganglion cells (DSGCs), which detect global motion and project to the accessory optic system (AOS), oscillated with the same frequency as their eyes. In the dark, individual ganglion cells (GCs) oscillated asynchronously, but their oscillations became synchronized by light stimulation. Likewise, both patient and nob mice oscillating eye movements were only present in the light when contrast was present. Retinal pharmacological and genetic manipulations that blocked nob GC oscillations also eliminated their oscillating eye movements, and retinal pharmacological manipulations that reduced the oscillation frequency of nob GCs also reduced the oscillation frequency of their eye movements. We conclude that, in nob mice, synchronized oscillations of retinal GCs, most likely the ON-DCGCs, cause nystagmus with properties similar to those associated with CSNB in humans. These results show that the nob mouse is the first animal model for a form of congenital nystagmus, paving the way for development of therapeutic strategies.
PLoS biology
Activation of the intrinsic fibroinflammatory program in adult pancreatic acinar cells triggered by Hippo signaling disruption
Damaged acinar cells play a passive role in activating pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) via recruitment of immune cells that subsequently activate PSCs. However, whether acinar cells directly contribute to PSC activation is unknown. Here, we report that the Hippo pathway, a well-known regulator of proliferation, is essential for suppression of expression of inflammation and fibrosis-associated genes in adult pancreatic acinar cells. Hippo inactivation in acinar cells induced yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1)/transcriptional coactivator with PDZ binding motif (TAZ)-dependent, irreversible fibrosis and inflammation, which was initiated by Hippo-mediated acinar-stromal communications and ameliorated by blocking YAP1/TAZ target connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). Hippo disruption promotes acinar cells to secrete fibroinflammatory factors and induce stromal activation, which precedes acinar proliferation and metaplasia. We found that Hippo disruption did not induce cell-autonomous proliferation but primed acinar cells to exogenous pro-proliferative stimuli, implying a well-orchestrated scenario in which Hippo signaling acts as an intrinsic link to coordinate fibroinflammatory response and proliferation for maintenance of the tissue integrity. Our findings suggest that the fibroinflammatory program in pancreatic acinar cells is suppressed under normal physiological conditions. While transient activation of inflammatory gene expression during tissue injury may contribute to the control of damage and tissue repair, its persistent activation may result in tissue fibrosis and failure of regeneration.
PLoS biology
V1 interneurons regulate the pattern and frequency of locomotor-like activity in the neonatal mouse spinal cord
In the mouse spinal cord, V1 interneurons are a heterogeneous population of inhibitory spinal interneurons that have been implicated in regulating the frequency of the locomotor rhythm and in organizing flexor and extensor alternation. By introducing archaerhodopsin into engrailed-1-positive neurons, we demonstrate that the function of V1 neurons in locomotor-like activity is more complex than previously thought. In the whole cord, V1 hyperpolarization increased the rhythmic synaptic drive to flexor and extensor motoneurons, increased the spiking in each cycle, and slowed the locomotor-like rhythm. In the hemicord, V1 hyperpolarization accelerated the rhythm after an initial period of tonic activity, implying that a subset of V1 neurons are active in the hemicord, which was confirmed by calcium imaging. Hyperpolarizing V1 neurons resulted in an equalization of the duty cycle in flexor and extensors from an asymmetrical pattern in control recordings in which the extensor bursts were longer than the flexor bursts. Our results suggest that V1 interneurons are composed of several subsets with different functional roles. Furthermore, during V1 hyperpolarization, the default state of the locomotor central pattern generator (CPG) is symmetrical, with antagonist motoneurons each firing with an approximately 50% duty cycle. We hypothesize that one function of the V1 population is to set the burst durations of muscles to be appropriate to their biomechanical function and to adapt to the environmental demands, such as changes in locomotor speed.
PLoS biology
Adult bone marrow progenitors become decidual cells and contribute to embryo implantation and pregnancy
Decidua is a transient uterine tissue shared by mammals with hemochorial placenta and is essential for pregnancy. The decidua is infiltrated by many immune cells promoting pregnancy. Adult bone marrow (BM)-derived cells (BMDCs) differentiate into rare populations of nonhematopoietic endometrial cells in the uterus. However, whether adult BMDCs become nonhematopoietic decidual cells and contribute functionally to pregnancy is unknown. Here, we show that pregnancy mobilizes mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to the circulation and that pregnancy induces considerable adult BMDCs recruitment to decidua, where some differentiate into nonhematopoietic prolactin-expressing decidual cells. To explore the functional importance of nonhematopoietic BMDCs to pregnancy, we used Homeobox a11 (Hoxa11)-deficient mice, having endometrial stromal-specific defects precluding decidualization and successful pregnancy. Hoxa11 expression in BM is restricted to nonhematopoietic cells. BM transplant (BMT) from wild-type (WT) to Hoxa11−/− mice results in stromal expansion, gland formation, and marked decidualization otherwise absent in Hoxa11−/− mice. Moreover, in Hoxa11+/− mice, which have increased pregnancy losses, BMT from WT donors leads to normalized uterine expression of numerous decidualization-related genes and rescue of pregnancy loss. Collectively, these findings reveal that adult BMDCs have a previously unrecognized nonhematopoietic physiologic contribution to decidual stroma, thereby playing important roles in decidualization and pregnancy.
PLoS biology
Single-cell selectivity and functional architecture of human lateral occipital complex
The human lateral occipital complex (LOC) is more strongly activated by images of objects compared to scrambled controls, but detailed information at the neuronal level is currently lacking. We recorded with microelectrode arrays in the LOC of 2 patients and obtained highly selective single-unit, multi-unit, and high-gamma responses to images of objects. Contrary to predictions derived from functional imaging studies, all neuronal properties indicated that the posterior subsector of LOC we recorded from occupies an unexpectedly high position in the hierarchy of visual areas. Notably, the response latencies of LOC neurons were long, the shape selectivity was spatially clustered, LOC receptive fields (RFs) were large and bilateral, and a number of LOC neurons exhibited three-dimensional (3D)-structure selectivity (a preference for convex or concave stimuli), which are all properties typical of end-stage ventral stream areas. Thus, our results challenge prevailing ideas about the position of the more posterior subsector of LOC in the hierarchy of visual areas.
PLoS biology
Peptide presentation by bat MHC class I provides new insight into the antiviral immunity of bats
Bats harbor many zoonotic viruses, including highly pathogenic viruses of humans and other mammals, but they are typically asymptomatic in bats. To further understand the antiviral immunity of bats, we screened and identified a series of bat major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I Ptal-N*01:01–binding peptides derived from four different bat-borne viruses, i.e., Hendra virus (HeV), Ebola virus (EBOV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and H17N10 influenza-like virus. The structures of Ptal-N*01:01 display unusual peptide presentation features in that the bat-specific 3–amino acid (aa) insertion enables the tight “surface anchoring” of the P1-Asp in pocket A of bat MHC I. As the classical primary anchoring positions, the B and F pockets of Ptal-N*01:01 also show unconventional conformations, which contribute to unusual peptide motifs and distinct peptide presentation. Notably, the features of bat MHC I may be shared by MHC I from various marsupials. Our study sheds light on bat adaptive immunity and may benefit future vaccine development against bat-borne viruses of high impact on humans.
PLoS biology
Conservation and divergence of protein pathways in the vertebrate heart
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the western world. Attaining a mechanistic understanding of human heart development and homeostasis and the molecular basis of associated disease states relies on the use of animal models. Here, we present the cardiac proteomes of 4 model vertebrates with dual circulatory systems: the pig (Sus scrofa), the mouse (Mus musculus), and 2 frogs (Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis). Determination of which proteins and protein pathways are conserved and which have diverged within these species will aid in our ability to choose the appropriate models for determining protein function and to model human disease. We uncover mammalian- and amphibian-specific, as well as species-specific, enriched proteins and protein pathways. Among these, we find and validate an enrichment in cell-cycle–associated proteins within Xenopus laevis. To further investigate functional units within cardiac proteomes, we develop a computational approach to profile the abundance of protein complexes across species. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of these data sets for predicting appropriate model systems for studying given cardiac conditions by testing the role of Kielin/chordin-like protein (Kcp), a protein found as enriched in frog hearts compared to mammals. We establish that germ-line mutations in Kcp in Xenopus lead to valve defects and, ultimately, cardiac failure and death. Thus, integrating these findings with data on proteins responsible for cardiac disease should lead to the development of refined, species-specific models for protein function and disease states.
PLoS biology
Single-molecule correlated chemical probing reveals large-scale structural communication in the ribosome and the mechanism of the antibiotic spectinomycin in living cells
The ribosome moves between distinct structural states and is organized into multiple functional domains. Here, we examined hundreds of occurrences of pairwise through-space communication between nucleotides in the ribosome small subunit RNA using RNA interaction groups analyzed by mutational profiling (RING-MaP) single-molecule correlated chemical probing in bacterial cells. RING-MaP revealed four structural communities in the small subunit RNA, each distinct from the organization defined by the RNA secondary structure. The head domain contains 2 structural communities: the outer-head contains the pivot for head swiveling, and an inner-head community is structurally integrated with helix 44 and spans the entire ribosome intersubunit interface. In-cell binding by the antibiotic spectinomycin (Spc) barely perturbs its local binding pocket as revealed by the per-nucleotide chemical probing signal. In contrast, Spc binding overstabilizes long-range RNA–RNA contacts that extend 95 Å across the ribosome that connect the pivot for head swiveling with the axis of intersubunit rotation. The two major motions of the small subunit—head swiveling and intersubunit rotation—are thus coordinated via long-range RNA structural communication, which is specifically modulated by Spc. Single-molecule correlated chemical probing reveals trans-domain structural communication and rationalizes the profound functional effects of binding by a low–molecular-mass antibiotic to the megadalton ribosome.
PLoS biology
The cat is out of the bag: How parasites know their hosts
Toxoplasma gondii is a remarkably successful protozoan parasite that infects a third of the human population, along with most mammals and birds. However, the sexual portion of the parasite’s life cycle is narrowly limited to cats. How parasites distinguish between hosts has long been a mystery. A new study reveals that Toxoplasma identifies cats based on a single fatty acid, linoleic acid. Experimental manipulation of fatty acid metabolism by drug treatment turns a mouse into a cat in the “eye” of the parasite. This new model enables genetic crosses of an important human pathogen without the use of companion animals and opens the door to future discovery.
PLoS biology
Strong preference for autaptic self-connectivity of neocortical PV interneurons facilitates their tuning to γ-oscillations
Parvalbumin (PV)-positive interneurons modulate cortical activity through highly specialized connectivity patterns onto excitatory pyramidal neurons (PNs) and other inhibitory cells. PV cells are autoconnected through powerful autapses, but the contribution of this form of fast disinhibition to cortical function is unknown. We found that autaptic transmission represents the most powerful inhibitory input of PV cells in neocortical layer V. Autaptic strength was greater than synaptic strength onto PNs as a result of a larger quantal size, whereas autaptic and heterosynaptic PV-PV synapses differed in the number of release sites. Overall, single-axon autaptic transmission contributed to approximately 40% of the global inhibition (mostly perisomatic) that PV interneurons received. The strength of autaptic transmission modulated the coupling of PV-cell firing with optogenetically induced γ-oscillations, preventing high-frequency bursts of spikes. Autaptic self-inhibition represents an exceptionally large and fast disinhibitory mechanism, favoring synchronization of PV-cell firing during cognitive-relevant cortical network activity.
PLoS biology
β-glucan–dependent shuttling of conidia from neutrophils to macrophages occurs during fungal infection establishment
The initial host response to fungal pathogen invasion is critical to infection establishment and outcome. However, the diversity of leukocyte–pathogen interactions is only recently being appreciated. We describe a new form of interleukocyte conidial exchange called “shuttling.” In Talaromyces marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus zebrafish in vivo infections, live imaging demonstrated conidia initially phagocytosed by neutrophils were transferred to macrophages. Shuttling is unidirectional, not a chance event, and involves alterations of phagocyte mobility, intercellular tethering, and phagosome transfer. Shuttling kinetics were fungal-species–specific, implicating a fungal determinant. β-glucan serves as a fungal-derived signal sufficient for shuttling. Murine phagocytes also shuttled in vitro. The impact of shuttling for microbiological outcomes of in vivo infections is difficult to specifically assess experimentally, but for these two pathogens, shuttling augments initial conidial redistribution away from fungicidal neutrophils into the favorable macrophage intracellular niche. Shuttling is a frequent host–pathogen interaction contributing to fungal infection establishment patterns.
PLoS biology
Loss of Bardet-Biedl syndrome proteins causes synaptic aberrations in principal neurons
Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), a ciliopathy, is a rare genetic condition characterised by retinal degeneration, obesity, kidney failure, and cognitive impairment. In spite of progress made in our general understanding of BBS aetiology, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying cognitive impairment in BBS remain elusive. Here, we report that the loss of BBS proteins causes synaptic dysfunction in principal neurons, providing a possible explanation for the cognitive impairment phenotype observed in BBS patients. Using synaptosomal proteomics and immunocytochemistry, we demonstrate the presence of Bbs proteins in the postsynaptic density (PSD) of hippocampal neurons. Loss of Bbs results in a significant reduction of dendritic spines in principal neurons of Bbs mouse models. Furthermore, we show that spine deficiency correlates with events that destabilise spine architecture, such as impaired spine membrane receptor signalling, known to be involved in the maintenance of dendritic spines. Our findings suggest a role for BBS proteins in dendritic spine homeostasis that may be linked to the cognitive phenotype observed in BBS.
PLoS biology
Inhibition of Notch signaling rescues cardiovascular development in Kabuki Syndrome
Kabuki Syndrome patients have a spectrum of congenital disorders, including congenital heart defects, the primary determinant of mortality. Seventy percent of Kabuki Syndrome patients have mutations in the histone methyl-transferase KMT2D. However, the underlying mechanisms that drive these congenital disorders are unknown. Here, we generated and characterized zebrafish kmt2d null mutants that recapitulate the cardinal phenotypic features of Kabuki Syndrome, including microcephaly, palate defects, abnormal ear development, and cardiac defects. The cardiac phenotype consists of a previously unknown vasculogenesis defect that affects endocardium patterning and, consequently, heart ventricle lumen formation. Additionally, zebrafish kmt2d null mutants have angiogenesis defects depicted by abnormal aortic arch development, hyperactive ectopic blood vessel sprouting, and aberrant patterning of the brain vascular plexus. We demonstrate that zebrafish kmt2d null mutants have robust Notch signaling hyperactivation in endocardial and endothelial cells, including increased protein levels of the Notch transcription factor Rbpj. Our zebrafish Kabuki Syndrome model reveals a regulatory link between the Notch pathway and Kmt2d during endothelium and endocardium patterning and shows that pharmacological inhibition of Notch signaling rebalances Rbpj protein levels and rescues the cardiovascular phenotype by enhancing endothelial and endocardial cell proliferation and stabilizing endocardial patterning. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that Kmt2d regulates vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, provide evidence for interactions between Kmt2d and Notch signaling in Kabuki Syndrome, and suggest future directions for clinical research.
PLoS biology
Changes in chromatin accessibility ensure robust cell cycle exit in terminally differentiated cells
During terminal differentiation, most cells exit the cell cycle and enter into a prolonged or permanent G0 in which they are refractory to mitogenic signals. Entry into G0 is usually initiated through the repression of cell cycle gene expression by formation of a transcriptional repressor complex called dimerization partner (DP), retinoblastoma (RB)-like, E2F and MuvB (DREAM). However, when DREAM repressive function is compromised during terminal differentiation, additional unknown mechanisms act to stably repress cycling and ensure robust cell cycle exit. Here, we provide evidence that developmentally programmed, temporal changes in chromatin accessibility at a small subset of critical cell cycle genes act to enforce cell cycle exit during terminal differentiation in the Drosophila melanogaster wing. We show that during terminal differentiation, chromatin closes at a set of pupal wing enhancers for the key rate-limiting cell cycle regulators Cyclin E (cycE), E2F transcription factor 1 (e2f1), and string (stg). This closing coincides with wing cells entering a robust postmitotic state that is strongly refractory to cell cycle reactivation, and the regions that close contain known binding sites for effectors of mitogenic signaling pathways such as Yorkie and Notch. When cell cycle exit is genetically disrupted, chromatin accessibility at cell cycle genes remains unaffected, and the closing of distal enhancers at cycE, e2f1, and stg proceeds independent of the cell cycling status. Instead, disruption of cell cycle exit leads to changes in accessibility and expression of a subset of hormone-induced transcription factors involved in the progression of terminal differentiation. Our results uncover a mechanism that acts as a cell cycle–independent timer to limit the response to mitogenic signaling and aberrant cycling in terminally differentiating tissues. In addition, we provide a new molecular description of the cross talk between cell cycle exit and terminal differentiation during metamorphosis.
PLoS biology
Direct auditory cortical input to the lateral periaqueductal gray controls sound-driven defensive behavior
Threatening sounds can elicit a series of defensive behavioral reactions in animals for survival, but the underlying neural substrates are not fully understood. Here, we demonstrate a previously unexplored neural pathway in mice that projects directly from the auditory cortex (ACx) to the lateral periaqueductal gray (lPAG) and controls noise-evoked defensive behaviors. Electrophysiological recordings showed that the lPAG could be excited by a loud noise that induced an escape-like behavior. Trans-synaptic viral tracing showed that a great number of glutamatergic neurons, rather than GABAergic neurons, in the lPAG were directly innervated by those in layer V of the ACx. Activation of this pathway by optogenetic manipulations produced a behavior in mice that mimicked the noise-evoked escape, whereas inhibition of the pathway reduced this behavior. Therefore, our newly identified descending pathway is a novel neural substrate for noise-evoked escape and is involved in controlling the threat-related behavior.
PLoS biology
The remote allosteric control of Orai channel gating
Calcium signals drive an endless array of cellular responses including secretion, contraction, transcription, cell division, and growth. The ubiquitously expressed Orai family of plasma membrane (PM) ion channels mediate Ca2+ entry signals triggered by the Ca2+ sensor Stromal Interaction Molecule (STIM) proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The 2 proteins interact within curiously obscure ER-PM junctions, driving an allosteric gating mechanism for the Orai channel. Although key to Ca2+ signal generation, molecular understanding of this activation process remain obscure. Crystallographic structural analyses reveal much about the exquisite hexameric core structure of Orai channels. But how STIM proteins bind to the channel periphery and remotely control opening of the central pore, has eluded such analysis. Recent studies apply both crystallography and single-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) analyses to probe the structure of Orai mutants that mimic activation by STIM. The results provide new understanding on the open state of the channel and how STIM proteins may exert remote allosteric control of channel gating.
PLoS biology
Artificially selecting microbial communities: If we can breed dogs, why not microbiomes?
Natural microbial communities perform many functions that are crucial for human well-being. Yet we have very little control over them, and we do not know how to optimize their functioning. One idea is to breed microbial communities as we breed dogs: by comparing a set of microbiomes and allowing the best-performing ones to generate new communities, and so on. Although this idea seems simple, designing such a selection experiment brings with it many decisions with surprising outcomes. Xie and colleagues developed a computational model that reveals this complexity and shows how different experimental design decisions can impact the success of such an experiment.
PLoS biology
Can genomics shed light on the origin of species?
Evolutionary biologists are increasingly using population genetic variation across genomes to address questions around the origin and ongoing evolution of species. Patterns of differentiation between closely related species are highly variable across the genome, and a wide variety of processes contribute to that variation. There is an emerging pattern of parallelism, whereby different species pairs in groups of related species show similar differentiation patterns across their genomes, offering an opportunity to test hypotheses regarding the processes underlying species differentiation. A recent study used both simulations and empirical data to investigate different forms of selection in a radiation of monkeyflowers. The parallel patterns emerged very rapidly after divergence and could not be readily explained by selection for removal of deleterious mutations but instead likely results from some combination of adaptive evolution, species incompatibilities, and ongoing gene flow. Overall, an emerging pattern is that there may be a surprising degree of predictability in the genetic architecture of species differences across groups of related species.
PLoS biology
Reticulon and CLIMP-63 regulate nanodomain organization of peripheral ER tubules
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an expansive, membrane-enclosed organelle composed of smooth peripheral tubules and rough, ribosome-studded central ER sheets whose morphology is determined, in part, by the ER-shaping proteins, reticulon (RTN) and cytoskeleton-linking membrane protein 63 (CLIMP-63), respectively. Here, stimulated emission depletion (STED) super-resolution microscopy shows that reticulon4a (RTN4a) and CLIMP-63 also regulate the organization and dynamics of peripheral ER tubule nanodomains. STED imaging shows that lumenal ER monomeric oxidizing environment-optimized green fluorescent protein (ERmoxGFP), membrane Sec61βGFP, knock-in calreticulin-GFP, and antibody-labeled ER-resident proteins calnexin and derlin-1 are all localized to periodic puncta along the length of peripheral ER tubules that are not readily observable by diffraction limited confocal microscopy. RTN4a segregates away from and restricts lumenal blob length, while CLIMP-63 associates with and increases lumenal blob length. RTN4a and CLIMP-63 also regulate the nanodomain distribution of ER-resident proteins, being required for the preferential segregation of calnexin and derlin-1 puncta away from lumenal ERmoxGFP blobs. High-speed (40 ms/frame) live cell STED imaging shows that RTN4a and CLIMP-63 regulate dynamic nanoscale lumenal compartmentalization along peripheral ER tubules. RTN4a enhances and CLIMP-63 disrupts the local accumulation of lumenal ERmoxGFP at spatially defined sites along ER tubules. The ER-shaping proteins RTN and CLIMP-63 therefore regulate lumenal ER nanodomain heterogeneity, interaction with ER-resident proteins, and dynamics in peripheral ER tubules.
PLoS biology
Helicobacter pylori senses bleach (HOCl) as a chemoattractant using a cytosolic chemoreceptor
The gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori requires a noncanonical cytosolic chemoreceptor transducer-like protein D (TlpD) for efficient colonization of the mammalian stomach. Here, we reconstituted a complete chemotransduction signaling complex in vitro with TlpD and the chemotaxis (Che) proteins CheW and CheA, enabling quantitative assays for potential chemotaxis ligands. We found that TlpD is selectively sensitive at micromolar concentrations to bleach (hypochlorous acid, HOCl), a potent antimicrobial produced by neutrophil myeloperoxidase during inflammation. HOCl acts as a chemoattractant by reversibly oxidizing a conserved cysteine within a 3His/1Cys Zn-binding motif in TlpD that inactivates the chemotransduction signaling complex. We found that H. pylori is resistant to killing by millimolar concentrations of HOCl and responds to HOCl in the micromolar range by increasing its smooth-swimming behavior, leading to chemoattraction to HOCl sources. We show related protein domains from Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli possess similar reactivity toward HOCl. We propose that this family of proteins enables host-associated bacteria to sense sites of tissue inflammation, a strategy that H. pylori uses to aid in colonizing and persisting in inflamed gastric tissue.
PLoS biology
Population susceptibility: A vital consideration in chemical risk evaluation under the Lautenberg Toxic Substances Control Act
The 2016 Frank Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (Lautenberg TSCA) amended the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to mandate protection of susceptible and highly exposed populations. Program implementation entails a myriad of choices that can lead to different degrees of public health protections. Well-documented exposures to multiple industrial chemicals occur from air, soil, water, food, and products in our workplaces, schools, and homes. Many hazardous chemicals are associated with or known to cause health risks; for other industrial chemicals, no data exist to confirm their safety because of flaws in 1976 TSCA. Under the 2016 Lautenberg amendments, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must evaluate chemicals against risk-based safety standards under enforceable deadlines, with an explicit mandate to identify and assess risks to susceptible and highly exposed populations. Effective public health protection requires EPA to implement the Lautenberg TSCA requirements by incorporating intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect susceptibility, adequately assessing exposure among vulnerable groups, and accurately identifying highly exposed groups. We recommend key scientific and risk assessment principles to inform health-protective chemical policy such as consideration of aggregate exposures from all pathways and, when data are lacking, the use of health-protective defaults.
PLoS biology
Targeting oxidative pentose phosphate pathway prevents recurrence in mutant Kras colorectal carcinomas
Recurrent tumors originate from cancer stem cells (CSCs) that survive conventional treatments. CSCs consist of heterogeneous subpopulations that display distinct sensitivity to anticancer drugs. Such a heterogeneity presents a significant challenge in preventing tumor recurrence. In the current study, we observed that quiescent CUB-domain–containing protein 1 (CDCP1)+ CSCs are enriched after chemotherapy in mutant Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (Kras) colorectal carcinomas (CRCs) and serve as a reservoir for recurrence. Mechanistically, glucose catabolism in CDCP1+ CSCs is routed to the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (PPP); multiple cycling of carbon backbones in the oxidative PPP potentially maximizes NADPH reduction to counteract chemotherapy-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, thereby allowing CDCP1+ CSCs to survive chemotherapeutic attack. This is dependent on silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 5 (Sirt5)-mediated inhibition of the glycolytic enzyme triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) through demalonylation of Lys56. Blocking demalonylation of TPI at Lys56 increases chemosensitivity of CDCP1+ CSCSs and delays recurrence of mutant Kras CRCs in vivo. These findings pinpoint a new therapeutic approach for combating mutant Kras CRCs.
PLoS biology
Feeling fooled: Texture contaminates the neural code for tactile speed
Motion is an essential component of everyday tactile experience: most manual interactions involve relative movement between the skin and objects. Much of the research on the neural basis of tactile motion perception has focused on how direction is encoded, but less is known about how speed is. Perceived speed has been shown to be dependent on surface texture, but previous studies used only coarse textures, which span a restricted range of tangible spatial scales and provide a limited window into tactile coding. To fill this gap, we measured the ability of human observers to report the speed of natural textures—which span the range of tactile experience and engage all the known mechanisms of texture coding—scanned across the skin. In parallel experiments, we recorded the responses of single units in the nerve and in the somatosensory cortex of primates to the same textures scanned at different speeds. We found that the perception of speed is heavily influenced by texture: some textures are systematically perceived as moving faster than are others, and some textures provide a more informative signal about speed than do others. Similarly, the responses of neurons in the nerve and in cortex are strongly dependent on texture. In the nerve, although all fibers exhibit speed-dependent responses, the responses of Pacinian corpuscle–associated (PC) fibers are most strongly modulated by speed and can best account for human judgments. In cortex, approximately half of the neurons exhibit speed-dependent responses, and this subpopulation receives strong input from PC fibers. However, speed judgments seem to reflect an integration of speed-dependent and speed-independent responses such that the latter help to partially compensate for the strong texture dependence of the former.
PLoS biology
Selective suppression and recall of long-term memories in Drosophila
Adaptive decision-making depends on the formation of novel memories. In Drosophila, the mushroom body (MB) is the site of associative olfactory long-term memory (LTM) storage. However, due to the sparse and stochastic representation of olfactory information in Kenyon cells (KCs), genetic access to individual LTMs remains elusive. Here, we develop a cAMP response element (CRE)-activity–dependent memory engram label (CAMEL) tool that genetically tags KCs responding to the conditioned stimulus (CS). CAMEL activity depends on protein-synthesis–dependent aversive LTM conditioning and reflects the time course of CRE binding protein 2 (CREB2) activity during natural memory formation. We demonstrate that inhibition of LTM-induced CAMEL neurons reduces memory expression and that artificial optogenetic reactivation is sufficient to evoke aversive behavior phenocopying memory recall. Together, our data are consistent with CAMEL neurons marking a subset of engram KCs encoding individual memories. This study provides new insights into memory circuitry organization and an entry point towards cellular and molecular understanding of LTM storage.
PLoS biology
Perceptual uncertainty
The number of the distinct tactile percepts exceeds the number of receptor types in the skin, signifying that perception cannot be explained by a one-to-one mapping from a single receptor channel to a corresponding percept. The abundance of touch experiences results from multiplexing (the coexistence of multiple codes within a single channel, increasing the available information content of that channel) and from the mixture of receptor channels by divergence and convergence. When a neuronal representation emerges through the combination of receptor channels, perceptual uncertainty can occur—a perceptual judgment is affected by a stimulus feature that would be, ideally, excluded from the task. Though uncertainty seems at first glance to reflect nonoptimality in sensory processing, it is actually a consequence of efficient coding mechanisms that exploit prior knowledge about objects that are touched. Studies that analyze how perceptual judgments are “fooled” by variations in sensory input can reveal the neuronal mechanisms underlying the tactile experience.
PLoS biology
Volitional control of vocalizations in corvid songbirds
Songbirds are renowned for their acoustically elaborate songs. However, it is unclear whether songbirds can cognitively control their vocal output. Here, we show that crows, songbirds of the corvid family, can be trained to exert control over their vocalizations. In a detection task, three male carrion crows rapidly learned to emit vocalizations in response to a visual cue with no inherent meaning (go trials) and to withhold vocalizations in response to another cue (catch trials). Two of these crows were then trained on a go/nogo task, with the cue colors reversed, in addition to being rewarded for withholding vocalizations to yet another cue (nogo trials). Vocalizations in response to the detection of the go cue were temporally precise and highly reliable in all three crows. Crows also quickly learned to withhold vocal output in nogo trials, showing that vocalizations were not produced by an anticipation of a food reward in correct trials. The results demonstrate that corvids can volitionally control the release and onset of their vocalizations, suggesting that songbird vocalizations are under cognitive control and can be decoupled from affective states.
PLoS biology
Evolution of intron splicing towards optimized gene expression is based on various Cis- and Trans-molecular mechanisms
Splicing expands, reshapes, and regulates the transcriptome of eukaryotic organisms. Despite its importance, key questions remain unanswered, including the following: Can splicing evolve when organisms adapt to new challenges? How does evolution optimize inefficiency of introns’ splicing and of the splicing machinery? To explore these questions, we evolved yeast cells that were engineered to contain an inefficiently spliced intron inside a gene whose protein product was under selection for an increased expression level. We identified a combination of mutations in Cis (within the gene of interest) and in Trans (in mRNA-maturation machinery). Surprisingly, the mutations in Cis resided outside of known intronic functional sites and improved the intron’s splicing efficiency potentially by easing tight mRNA structures. One of these mutations hampered a protein’s domain that was not under selection, demonstrating the evolutionary flexibility of multi-domain proteins as one domain functionality was improved at the expense of the other domain. The Trans adaptations resided in two proteins, Npl3 and Gbp2, that bind pre-mRNAs and are central to their maturation. Interestingly, these mutations either increased or decreased the affinity of these proteins to mRNA, presumably allowing faster spliceosome recruitment or increased time before degradation of the pre-mRNAs, respectively. Altogether, our work reveals various mechanistic pathways toward optimizations of intron splicing to ultimately adapt gene expression patterns to novel demands.
PLoS biology
Astroglial dysfunctions drive aberrant synaptogenesis and social behavioral deficits in mice with neonatal exposure to lengthy general anesthesia
Lengthy use of general anesthetics (GAs) causes neurobehavioral deficits in the developing brain, which has raised significant clinical concerns such that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning on the use of GAs in children younger than 3 years. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms for GAs-induced neurotoxicity remain largely unknown. Here, we report that sevoflurane (Sevo), a commonly used GA in pediatrics, caused compromised astrocyte morphogenesis spatiotemporally correlated to synaptic overgrowth, with reduced synaptic function in developing cortex in a regional-, exposure-length-, and age-specific manner. Sevo disrupted astrocyte Ca2+ homeostasis both acutely and chronically, which led to the down-regulation of Ezrin, an actin-binding membrane-bound protein, which we found was critically involved in astrocyte morphogenesis in vivo. Importantly, overexpression of astrocyte Ezrin rescued astrocytic and neuronal dysfunctions and fully corrected deficits in social behaviors in developing mice with lengthy Sevo exposure. Our data uncover that, in addition to neurons, astrocytes may represent important targets for GAs to exert toxic effects and that astrocyte morphological integrity is crucial for synaptogenesis and neurological behaviors.
PLoS biology
mGluR5/ERK signaling regulated the phosphorylation and function of glycine receptor α1ins subunit in spinal dorsal horn of mice
Inhibitory glycinergic transmission in adult spinal cord is primarily mediated by glycine receptors (GlyRs) containing the α1 subunit. Here, we found that α1ins, a longer α1 variant with 8 amino acids inserted into the intracellular large loop (IL) between transmembrane (TM)3 and TM4 domains, was expressed in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, distributed at inhibitory synapses, and engaged in negative control over nociceptive signal transduction. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) specifically suppressed α1ins-mediated glycinergic transmission and evoked pain sensitization. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) was critical for mGluR5 to inhibit α1ins. By binding to a D-docking site created by the 8-amino–acid insert within the TM3–TM4 loop of α1ins, the active ERK catalyzed α1ins phosphorylation at Ser380, which favored α1ins ubiquitination at Lys379 and led to α1ins endocytosis. Disruption of ERK interaction with α1ins blocked Ser380 phosphorylation, potentiated glycinergic synaptic currents, and alleviated inflammatory and neuropathic pain. These data thus unraveled a novel, to our knowledge, mechanism for the activity-dependent regulation of glycinergic neurotransmission.
PLoS biology
TSC1/mTOR-controlled metabolic–epigenetic cross talk underpins DC control of CD8+ T-cell homeostasis
Dendritic cells (DCs) play pivotal roles in T-cell homeostasis and activation, and metabolic programing has been recently linked to DC development and function. However, the metabolic underpinnings corresponding to distinct DC functions remain largely unresolved. Here, we demonstrate a special metabolic–epigenetic coupling mechanism orchestrated by tuberous sclerosis complex subunit 1 (TSC1)-mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) for homeostatic DC function. Specific ablation of Tsc1 in the DC compartment (Tsc1DC-KO) largely preserved DC development but led to pronounced reduction in naïve and memory–phenotype cluster of differentiation (CD)8+ T cells, a defect fully rescued by concomitant ablation of mTor or regulatory associated protein of MTOR, complex 1 (Rptor) in DCs. Moreover, Tsc1DC-KO mice were unable to launch efficient antigen-specific CD8+ T effector responses required for containing Listeria monocytogenes and B16 melanomas. Mechanistically, our data suggest that the steady-state DCs tend to tune down de novo fatty acid synthesis and divert acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) for histone acetylation, a process critically controlled by TSC1-mTOR. Correspondingly, TSC1 deficiency elevated acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1) expression and fatty acid synthesis, leading to impaired epigenetic imprinting on selective genes such as major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-I and interleukin (IL)-7. Remarkably, tempering ACC1 activity was able to divert cytosolic acetyl-CoA for histone acetylation and restore the gene expression program compromised by TSC1 deficiency. Taken together, our results uncover a crucial role for TSC1-mTOR in metabolic programing of the homeostatic DCs for T-cell homeostasis and implicate metabolic-coupled epigenetic imprinting as a paradigm for DC specification.
PLoS biology
Intestinal delta-6-desaturase activity determines host range for Toxoplasma sexual reproduction
Many eukaryotic microbes have complex life cycles that include both sexual and asexual phases with strict species specificity. Whereas the asexual cycle of the protistan parasite Toxoplasma gondii can occur in any warm-blooded mammal, the sexual cycle is restricted to the feline intestine. The molecular determinants that identify cats as the definitive host for T. gondii are unknown. Here, we defined the mechanism of species specificity for T. gondii sexual development and break the species barrier to allow the sexual cycle to occur in mice. We determined that T. gondii sexual development occurs when cultured feline intestinal epithelial cells are supplemented with linoleic acid. Felines are the only mammals that lack delta-6-desaturase activity in their intestines, which is required for linoleic acid metabolism, resulting in systemic excess of linoleic acid. We found that inhibition of murine delta-6-desaturase and supplementation of their diet with linoleic acid allowed T. gondii sexual development in mice. This mechanism of species specificity is the first defined for a parasite sexual cycle. This work highlights how host diet and metabolism shape coevolution with microbes. The key to unlocking the species boundaries for other eukaryotic microbes may also rely on the lipid composition of their environments as we see increasing evidence for the importance of host lipid metabolism during parasitic lifecycles. Pregnant women are advised against handling cat litter, as maternal infection with T. gondii can be transmitted to the fetus with potentially lethal outcomes. Knowing the molecular components that create a conducive environment for T. gondii sexual reproduction will allow for development of therapeutics that prevent shedding of T. gondii parasites. Finally, given the current reliance on companion animals to study T. gondii sexual development, this work will allow the T. gondii field to use of alternative models in future studies.
PLoS biology
Air pollution as cause of mental disease: Appraisal of the evidence
A causal association of air pollution with mental diseases is an intriguing possibility raised in a Short Report just published in PLOS Biology. Despite analyses involving large data sets, the available evidence has substantial shortcomings, and a long series of potential biases may invalidate the observed associations. Only bipolar disorder shows consistent results, with similar effects across United States and Denmark data sets, but the effect has modest magnitude, appropriate temporality is not fully secured, and biological gradient, plausibility, coherence, and analogy offer weak support. The signal seems to persist in some robustness analyses, but more analyses by multiple investigators, including contrarians, are necessary. Broader public sharing of data sets would also enhance transparency.
PLoS biology
Agonist-induced membrane nanodomain clustering drives GLP-1 receptor responses in pancreatic beta cells
The glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R), a key pharmacological target in type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity, undergoes rapid endocytosis after stimulation by endogenous and therapeutic agonists. We have previously highlighted the relevance of this process in fine-tuning GLP-1R responses in pancreatic beta cells to control insulin secretion. In the present study, we demonstrate an important role for the translocation of active GLP-1Rs into liquid-ordered plasma membrane nanodomains, which act as hotspots for optimal coordination of intracellular signaling and clathrin-mediated endocytosis. This process is dynamically regulated by agonist binding through palmitoylation of the GLP-1R at its carboxyl-terminal tail. Biased GLP-1R agonists and small molecule allosteric modulation both influence GLP-1R palmitoylation, clustering, nanodomain signaling, and internalization. Downstream effects on insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells indicate that these processes are relevant to GLP-1R physiological actions and might be therapeutically targetable.
PLoS biology
Chemokine signaling links cell-cycle progression and cilia formation for left–right symmetry breaking
Zebrafish dorsal forerunner cells (DFCs) undergo vigorous proliferation during epiboly and then exit the cell cycle to generate Kupffer’s vesicle (KV), a ciliated organ necessary for establishing left–right (L–R) asymmetry. DFC proliferation defects are often accompanied by impaired cilia elongation in KV, but the functional and molecular interaction between cell-cycle progression and cilia formation remains unknown. Here, we show that chemokine receptor Cxcr4a is required for L–R laterality by controlling DFC proliferation and KV ciliogenesis. Functional analysis revealed that Cxcr4a accelerates G1/S transition in DFCs and stabilizes forkhead box j1a (Foxj1a), a master regulator of motile cilia, by stimulating Cyclin D1 expression through extracellular regulated MAP kinase (ERK) 1/2 signaling. Mechanistically, Cyclin D1–cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 drives G1/S transition during DFC proliferation and phosphorylates Foxj1a, thereby disrupting its association with proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 4b (Psmd4b), a 19S regulatory subunit. This prevents the ubiquitin (Ub)-independent proteasomal degradation of Foxj1a. Our study uncovers a role for Cxcr4 signaling in L–R patterning and provides fundamental insights into the molecular linkage between cell-cycle progression and ciliogenesis.
PLoS biology
Environmental pollution is associated with increased risk of psychiatric disorders in the US and Denmark
The search for the genetic factors underlying complex neuropsychiatric disorders has proceeded apace in the past decade. Despite some advances in identifying genetic variants associated with psychiatric disorders, most variants have small individual contributions to risk. By contrast, disease risk increase appears to be less subtle for disease-predisposing environmental insults. In this study, we sought to identify associations between environmental pollution and risk of neuropsychiatric disorders. We present exploratory analyses of 2 independent, very large datasets: 151 million unique individuals, represented in a United States insurance claims dataset, and 1.4 million unique individuals documented in Danish national treatment registers. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) county-level environmental quality indices (EQIs) in the US and individual-level exposure to air pollution in Denmark were used to assess the association between pollution exposure and the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders. These results show that air pollution is significantly associated with increased risk of psychiatric disorders. We hypothesize that pollutants affect the human brain via neuroinflammatory pathways that have also been shown to cause depression-like phenotypes in animal studies.
PLoS biology
Identification of traits and functional connectivity-based neurotraits of chronic pain
Psychological and personality factors, socioeconomic status, and brain properties all contribute to chronic pain but have essentially been studied independently. Here, we administered a broad battery of questionnaires to patients with chronic back pain (CBP) and collected repeated sessions of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans. Clustering and network analyses applied on the questionnaire data revealed four orthogonal dimensions accounting for 56% of the variance and defining chronic pain traits. Two of these traits—Pain-trait and Emote-trait—were associated with back pain characteristics and could be related to distinct distributed functional networks in a cross-validation procedure, identifying neurotraits. These neurotraits showed good reliability across four fMRI sessions acquired over five weeks. Further, traits and neurotraits all related to the income, emphasizing the importance of socioeconomic status within the personality space of chronic pain. Our approach is a first step in providing metrics aimed at unifying the psychology and the neurophysiology of chronic pain applicable across diverse clinical conditions.
PLoS biology
Evolution of a family of molecular Rube Goldberg contraptions
Case studies of the evolution of molecular machines remain scarce. One of the most diverse and widespread homologous families of machines is the type IV filament (TFF) superfamily, comprised of type IV pili, type II secretion systems (T2SSs), archaella, and other less-well-characterized families. These families have functions including twitching motility, effector export, rotary propulsion, nutrient uptake, DNA uptake, and even electrical conductance, but it is unclear how such diversity evolved from a common ancestor. In this issue, Denise and colleagues take a significant step toward understanding evolution of the TFF superfamily by determining a global phylogeny and using it to infer an evolutionary pathway. Results reveal that the superfamily predates the divergence of Bacteria and Archaea, and show how duplications, acquisitions, and losses coincide with changes in function. Surprises include that tight adherence (Tad) pili were horizontally acquired from Archaea and that T2SSs were relatively recently repurposed from type IV pili. Results also enable better understanding of the function of the ATPase family that powers the superfamily. The study highlights the role of tinkering by exaptation—the repurposing of pre-existing functions for new roles—in the diversification of molecular machines.
PLoS biology
Coordinated circadian timing through the integration of local inputs in Arabidopsis thaliana
Individual plant cells have a genetic circuit, the circadian clock, that times key processes to the day-night cycle. These clocks are aligned to the day-night cycle by multiple environmental signals that vary across the plant. How does the plant integrate clock rhythms, both within and between organs, to ensure coordinated timing? To address this question, we examined the clock at the sub-tissue level across Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings under multiple environmental conditions and genetic backgrounds. Our results show that the clock runs at different speeds (periods) in each organ, which causes the clock to peak at different times across the plant in both constant environmental conditions and light-dark (LD) cycles. Closer examination reveals that spatial waves of clock gene expression propagate both within and between organs. Using a combination of modeling and experiment, we reveal that these spatial waves are the result of the period differences between organs and local coupling, rather than long-distance signaling. With further experiments we show that the endogenous period differences, and thus the spatial waves, can be generated by the organ specificity of inputs into the clock. We demonstrate this by modulating periods using light and metabolic signals, as well as with genetic perturbations. Our results reveal that plant clocks can be set locally by organ-specific inputs but coordinated globally via spatial waves of clock gene expression.
PLoS biology
MDT-15/MED15 permits longevity at low temperature via enhancing lipidostasis and proteostasis
Low temperatures delay aging and promote longevity in many organisms. However, the metabolic and homeostatic aspects of low-temperature–induced longevity remain poorly understood. Here, we show that lipid homeostasis regulated by Caenorhabditis elegans Mediator 15 (MDT-15 or MED15), a transcriptional coregulator, is essential for low-temperature–induced longevity and proteostasis. We find that inhibition of mdt-15 prevents animals from living long at low temperatures. We show that MDT-15 up-regulates fat-7, a fatty acid desaturase that converts saturated fatty acids (SFAs) to unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), at low temperatures. We then demonstrate that maintaining a high UFA/SFA ratio is essential for proteostasis at low temperatures. We show that dietary supplementation with a monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid (OA), substantially mitigates the short life span and proteotoxicity in mdt-15(-) animals at low temperatures. Thus, lipidostasis regulated by MDT-15 appears to be a limiting factor for proteostasis and longevity at low temperatures. Our findings highlight the crucial roles of lipid regulation in maintaining normal organismal physiology under different environmental conditions.
PLoS biology
Activation of Toll-like receptor 7/8 encoded by the X chromosome alters sperm motility and provides a novel simple technology for sexing sperm
In most mammals, the male to female sex ratio of offspring is about 50% because half of the sperm contain either the Y chromosome or X chromosome. In mice, the Y chromosome encodes fewer than 700 genes, whereas the X chromosome encodes over 3,000 genes. Although overall gene expression is lower in sperm than in somatic cells, transcription is activated selectively in round spermatids. By regulating the expression of specific genes, we hypothesized that the X chromosome might exert functional differences in sperm that are usually masked during fertilization. In this study, we found that Toll-like receptors 7/8 (TLR7/8) coding the X chromosome were expressed by approximately 50% of the round spermatids in testis and in approximately 50% of the epididymal sperm. Especially, TLR7 was localized to the tail, and TLR8 was localized to the midpiece. Ligand activation of TLR7/8 selectively suppressed the mobility of the X chromosome–bearing sperm (X-sperm) but not the Y-sperm without altering sperm viability or acrosome formation. The difference in sperm motility allowed for the separation of Y-sperm from X-sperm. Following in vitro fertilization using the ligand-selected high-mobility sperm, 90% of the embryos were XY male. Likewise, 83% of the pups obtained following embryo transfer were XY males. Conversely, the TLR7/8-activated, slow mobility sperm produced embryos and pups that were 81% XX females. Therefore, the functional differences between Y-sperm and X-sperm motility were revealed and related to different gene expression patterns, specifically TLR7/8 on X-sperm.
PLoS biology
The parietal operculum preferentially encodes heat pain and not salience
Substantial controversy exists as to which part of brain activity is genuinely attributable to pain-related percepts and which activity is due to general aspects of sensory stimulation, such as its salience, or the accompanying arousal. The challenge posed by this question rests largely in the fact that pain per se exhibits highly intense but unspecific characteristics. These therefore should be matched by potential control conditions. Here, we used a unique combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and behavioral and autonomic measures to address this longstanding debate in pain research. Subjects rated perceived intensity in a sequence alternating between heat and sound stimuli. Neuronal activity was monitored using fMRI. Either modality was presented in 6 different intensities, 3 of which lay above the pain threshold (for heat) or the unpleasantness threshold (for sound). We performed our analysis on 26 volunteers in which psychophysiological responses (as per skin conductance responses [SCRs]) did not differ between the 2 stimulus modalities. Having thus ascertained a comparable amount of stimulation-related but unspecific activation, we analyzed stimulus-response functions (SRFs) after painful stimulation and contrasted them with those of the matched acoustic control condition. Furthermore, analysis of fMRI data was performed on the brain surface to circumvent blurring issues stemming from the close proximity of several regions of interest located in heavily folded cortical areas. We focused our analyses on insular and peri-insular regions that are strongly involved in processing of painful stimuli. We employed an axiomatic approach to determine areas showing higher activation in painful compared to nonpainful heat and, at the same time, showing a steeper SRF for painful heat compared to unpleasant sound. Intriguingly, an area in the posterior parietal operculum emerged, whose response showed a pain preference after satisfying all axiomatic constraints. This result has important implications for the interpretation of functional imaging findings in pain research, because it clearly demonstrates that there are areas where activity following painful stimulation is not due to general attributes or results of sensory stimulation, such as salience or arousal. Conversely, several areas did not conform to the formulated axioms to rule out general factors as explanations.
PLoS biology
A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field
Citation metrics are widely used and misused. We have created a publicly available database of 100,000 top scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, coauthorship-adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator. Separate data are shown for career-long and single-year impact. Metrics with and without self-citations and ratio of citations to citing papers are given. Scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields. Field- and subfield-specific percentiles are also provided for all scientists who have published at least five papers. Career-long data are updated to end of 2017 and to end of 2018 for comparison.
PLoS biology
Nessys: A new set of tools for the automated detection of nuclei within intact tissues and dense 3D cultures
Methods for measuring the properties of individual cells within their native 3D environment will enable a deeper understanding of embryonic development, tissue regeneration, and tumorigenesis. However, current methods for segmenting nuclei in 3D tissues are not designed for situations in which nuclei are densely packed, nonspherical, or heterogeneous in shape, size, or texture, all of which are true of many embryonic and adult tissue types as well as in many cases for cells differentiating in culture. Here, we overcome this bottleneck by devising a novel method based on labelling the nuclear envelope (NE) and automatically distinguishing individual nuclei using a tree-structured ridge-tracing method followed by shape ranking according to a trained classifier. The method is fast and makes it possible to process images that are larger than the computer’s memory. We consistently obtain accurate segmentation rates of >90%, even for challenging images such as mid-gestation embryos or 3D cultures. We provide a 3D editor and inspector for the manual curation of the segmentation results as well as a program to assess the accuracy of the segmentation. We have also generated a live reporter of the NE that can be used to track live cells in 3 dimensions over time. We use this to monitor the history of cell interactions and occurrences of neighbour exchange within cultures of pluripotent cells during differentiation. We provide these tools in an open-access user-friendly format.
PLoS biology
The Candida albicans biofilm gene circuit modulated at the chromatin level by a recent molecular histone innovation
Histone H3 and its variants regulate gene expression but the latter are absent in most ascomycetous fungi. Here, we report the identification of a variant histone H3, which we have designated H3VCTG because of its exclusive presence in the CTG clade of ascomycetes, including Candida albicans, a human pathogen. C. albicans grows both as single yeast cells and hyphal filaments in the planktonic mode of growth. It also forms a three-dimensional biofilm structure in the host as well as on human catheter materials under suitable conditions. H3VCTG null (hht1/hht1) cells of C. albicans are viable but produce more robust biofilms than wild-type cells in both in vitro and in vivo conditions. Indeed, a comparative transcriptome analysis of planktonic and biofilm cells reveals that the biofilm circuitry is significantly altered in H3VCTG null cells. H3VCTG binds more efficiently to the promoters of many biofilm-related genes in the planktonic cells than during biofilm growth, whereas the binding of the core canonical histone H3 on the corresponding promoters largely remains unchanged. Furthermore, biofilm defects associated with master regulators, namely, biofilm and cell wall regulator 1 (Bcr1), transposon enhancement control 1 (Tec1), and non-dityrosine 80 (Ndt80), are significantly rescued in cells lacking H3VCTG. The occupancy of the transcription factor Bcr1 at its cognate promoter binding sites was found to be enhanced in the absence of H3VCTG in the planktonic form of growth resulting in enhanced transcription of biofilm-specific genes. Further, we demonstrate that co-occurrence of valine and serine at the 31st and 32nd positions in H3VCTG, respectively, is essential for its function. Taken together, we show that even in a unicellular organism, differential gene expression patterns are modulated by the relative occupancy of the specific histone H3 type at the chromatin level.
PLoS biology
Value-driven attentional capture enhances distractor representations in early visual cortex
When a behaviorally relevant stimulus has been previously associated with reward, behavioral responses are faster and more accurate compared to equally relevant but less valuable stimuli. Conversely, task-irrelevant stimuli that were previously associated with a high reward can capture attention and distract processing away from relevant stimuli (e.g., seeing a chocolate bar in the pantry when you are looking for a nice, healthy apple). Although increasing the value of task-relevant stimuli systematically up-regulates neural responses in early visual cortex to facilitate information processing, it is not clear whether the value of task-irrelevant distractors influences behavior via competition in early visual cortex or via competition at later stages of decision-making and response selection. Here, we measured functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in human visual cortex while subjects performed a value-based learning task, and we applied a multivariate inverted encoding model (IEM) to assess the fidelity of distractor representations in early visual cortex. We found that the fidelity of neural representations related to task-irrelevant distractors increased when the distractors were previously associated with a high reward. This finding suggests that value-driven attentional capture begins with sensory modulations of distractor representations in early areas of visual cortex.
PLoS biology
Tagger—A Swiss army knife for multiomics to dissect cell type–specific mechanisms of gene expression in mice
A deep understanding of how regulation of the multiple levels of gene expression in mammalian tissues give rise to complex phenotypes has been impeded by cellular diversity. A handful of techniques were developed to tag-select nucleic acids of interest in specific cell types, thereby enabling their capture. We expanded this strategy by developing the Tagger knock-in mouse line bearing a quad-cistronic transgene combining enrichment tools for nuclei, nascent RNA, translating mRNA, and mature microRNA (miRNA). We demonstrate that Tagger can capture the desired nucleic acids, enabling multiple omics approaches to be applied to specific cell types in vivo using a single transgenic mouse line.
PLoS biology
Remote reefs and seamounts are the last refuges for marine predators across the Indo-Pacific
Since the 1950s, industrial fisheries have expanded globally, as fishing vessels are required to travel further afield for fishing opportunities. Technological advancements and fishery subsidies have granted ever-increasing access to populations of sharks, tunas, billfishes, and other predators. Wilderness refuges, defined here as areas beyond the detectable range of human influence, are therefore increasingly rare. In order to achieve marine resources sustainability, large no-take marine protected areas (MPAs) with pelagic components are being implemented. However, such conservation efforts require knowledge of the critical habitats for predators, both across shallow reefs and the deeper ocean. Here, we fill this gap in knowledge across the Indo-Pacific by using 1,041 midwater baited videos to survey sharks and other pelagic predators such as rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata), mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus), and black marlin (Istiompax indica). We modeled three key predator community attributes: vertebrate species richness, mean maximum body size, and shark abundance as a function of geomorphology, environmental conditions, and human pressures. All attributes were primarily driven by geomorphology (35%−62% variance explained) and environmental conditions (14%−49%). While human pressures had no influence on species richness, both body size and shark abundance responded strongly to distance to human markets (12%−20%). Refuges were identified at more than 1,250 km from human markets for body size and for shark abundance. These refuges were identified as remote and shallow seabed features, such as seamounts, submerged banks, and reefs. Worryingly, hotpots of large individuals and of shark abundance are presently under-represented within no-take MPAs that aim to effectively protect marine predators, such as the British Indian Ocean Territory. Population recovery of predators is unlikely to occur without strategic placement and effective enforcement of large no-take MPAs in both coastal and remote locations.
PLoS biology
Strategic deployment of feature-based attentional gain in primate visual cortex
Attending to visual stimuli enhances the gain of those neurons in primate visual cortex that preferentially respond to the matching locations and features (on-target gain). Although this is well suited to enhance the neuronal representation of attended stimuli, it is nonoptimal under difficult discrimination conditions, as in the presence of similar distractors. In such cases, directing attention to neighboring neuronal populations (off-target gain) has been shown to be the most efficient strategy, but although such a strategic deployment of attention has been shown behaviorally, its underlying neural mechanisms are unknown. Here, we investigated how attention affects the population responses of neurons in the middle temporal (MT) visual area of rhesus monkeys to bidirectional movement inside the neurons’ receptive field (RF). The monkeys were trained to focus their attention onto the fixation spot or to detect a direction or speed change in one of the motion directions (the “target”), ignoring the distractor motion. Population activity profiles were determined by systematically varying the patterns’ directions while maintaining a constant angle between them. As expected, the response profiles show a peak for each of the 2 motion directions. Switching spatial attention from the fixation spot into the RF enhanced the peak representing the attended stimulus and suppressed the distractor representation. Importantly, the population data show a direction-dependent attentional modulation that does not peak at the target feature but rather along the slopes of the activity profile representing the target direction. Our results show that attentional gains are strategically deployed to optimize the discriminability of target stimuli, in line with an optimal gain mechanism proposed by Navalpakkam and Itti.
PLoS biology
Expanding beyond carnivores to improve livestock protection and conservation
Promoting human–wildlife coexistence is critical to the long-term conservation of many wild animal species that come into conflict with humans. Loss of livestock to carnivore species (e.g., lions, tigers, wolves) is a well-documented occurrence and the focus of mitigation strategies around the world. One area that has received little research is the impact of noncarnivores on livestock. Both African and Asian elephant species are known to cause livestock injuries and deaths. Livestock owners within elephant ranges perceive elephants as a risk to their livestock, which may reduce their tolerance towards elephants and jeopardize conservation efforts in the area. Though feral hogs may not be of conservation concern, these animals contribute significant losses to farmers’ livelihoods. We advocate for the inclusion of noncarnivore species in policies that promote livestock protection because it will allow for better communication regarding effective strategies and more application in the field.
PLoS biology
Cancer cell population growth kinetics at low densities deviate from the exponential growth model and suggest an Allee effect
Most models of cancer cell population expansion assume exponential growth kinetics at low cell densities, with deviations to account for observed slowing of growth rate only at higher densities due to limited resources such as space and nutrients. However, recent preclinical and clinical observations of tumor initiation or recurrence indicate the presence of tumor growth kinetics in which growth rates scale positively with cell numbers. These observations are analogous to the cooperative behavior of species in an ecosystem described by the ecological principle of the Allee effect. In preclinical and clinical models, however, tumor growth data are limited by the lower limit of detection (i.e., a measurable lesion) and confounding variables, such as tumor microenvironment, and immune responses may cause and mask deviations from exponential growth models. In this work, we present alternative growth models to investigate the presence of an Allee effect in cancer cells seeded at low cell densities in a controlled in vitro setting. We propose a stochastic modeling framework to disentangle expected deviations due to small population size stochastic effects from cooperative growth and use the moment approach for stochastic parameter estimation to calibrate the observed growth trajectories. We validate the framework on simulated data and apply this approach to longitudinal cell proliferation data of BT-474 luminal B breast cancer cells. We find that cell population growth kinetics are best described by a model structure that considers the Allee effect, in that the birth rate of tumor cells increases with cell number in the regime of small population size. This indicates a potentially critical role of cooperative behavior among tumor cells at low cell densities with relevance to early stage growth patterns of emerging and relapsed tumors.
PLoS biology
The lipidome of primary murine white, brite, and brown adipocytes—Impact of beta-adrenergic stimulation
Lipid species patterns are conserved within cells to maintain physicochemical properties of membranes and cellular functions. We present the lipidome, including sterols, glycerolipids (GLs), glycerophospholipids (GPLs), and sphingolipids (SLs), of primary ex vivo differentiated (I) white, (II) brite, and (III) brown adipocytes derived from primary preadipocytes isolated from (I) epididymal white, (II) inguinal white, and (III) intrascapular brown adipose tissue. Quantitative lipidomics revealed significantly decreased fractions of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), with longer (C > 36) and more polyunsaturated species, as well as lower levels of cardiolipin (CL) in white than in brite and brown adipocytes. Together, the brite and brown lipidome was comparable and indicates differences in membrane lipid packing density compared with white adipocytes. Changes in ceramide species profile could be related to the degree of browning. Beta-adrenergic stimulation of brown adipocytes led to generation of saturated lyso-PC (LPC) increasing uncoupling protein (UCP) 1-mediated leak respiration. Application of stable isotope labeling showed that LPC formation was balanced by an increased de novo synthesis of PC.
PLoS biology
Ancient RNA from Late Pleistocene permafrost and historical canids shows tissue-specific transcriptome survival
While sequencing ancient DNA (aDNA) from archaeological material is now commonplace, very few attempts to sequence ancient transcriptomes have been made, even from typically stable deposition environments such as permafrost. This is presumably due to assumptions that RNA completely degrades relatively quickly, particularly when dealing with autolytic, nuclease-rich mammalian tissues. However, given the recent successes in sequencing ancient RNA (aRNA) from various sources including plants and animals, we suspect that these assumptions may be incorrect or exaggerated. To challenge the underlying dogma, we generated shotgun RNA data from sources that might normally be dismissed for such study. Here, we present aRNA data generated from two historical wolf skins, and permafrost-preserved liver tissue of a 14,300-year-old Pleistocene canid. Not only is the latter the oldest RNA ever to be sequenced, but it also shows evidence of biologically relevant tissue specificity and close similarity to equivalent data derived from modern-day control tissue. Other hallmarks of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data such as exon-exon junction presence and high endogenous ribosomal RNA (rRNA) content confirms our data’s authenticity. By performing independent technical library replicates using two high-throughput sequencing platforms, we show not only that aRNA can survive for extended periods in mammalian tissues but also that it has potential for tissue identification. aRNA also has possible further potential, such as identifying in vivo genome activity and adaptation, when sequenced using this technology.
PLoS biology
Cooperative population coding facilitates efficient sound-source separability by adaptation to input statistics
Our sensory environment changes constantly. Accordingly, neural systems continually adapt to the concurrent stimulus statistics to remain sensitive over a wide range of conditions. Such dynamic range adaptation (DRA) is assumed to increase both the effectiveness of the neuronal code and perceptual sensitivity. However, direct demonstrations of DRA-based efficient neuronal processing that also produces perceptual benefits are lacking. Here, we investigated the impact of DRA on spatial coding in the rodent brain and the perception of human listeners. Complex spatial stimulation with dynamically changing source locations elicited prominent DRA already on the initial spatial processing stage, the Lateral Superior Olive (LSO) of gerbils. Surprisingly, on the level of individual neurons, DRA diminished spatial tuning because of large response variability across trials. However, when considering single-trial population averages of multiple neurons, DRA enhanced the coding efficiency specifically for the concurrently most probable source locations. Intrinsic LSO population imaging of energy consumption combined with pharmacology revealed that a slow-acting LSO gain-control mechanism distributes activity across a group of neurons during DRA, thereby enhancing population coding efficiency. Strikingly, such “efficient cooperative coding” also improved neuronal source separability specifically for the locations that were most likely to occur. These location-specific enhancements in neuronal coding were paralleled by human listeners exhibiting a selective improvement in spatial resolution. We conclude that, contrary to canonical models of sensory encoding, the primary motive of early spatial processing is efficiency optimization of neural populations for enhanced source separability in the concurrent environment.
PLoS biology
Atg11 tethers Atg9 vesicles to initiate selective autophagy
Autophagy recycles cytoplasmic components by sequestering them in double membrane–surrounded autophagosomes. The two proteins Atg11 and Atg17 are scaffolding components of the Atg1 kinase complex. Atg17 recruits and tethers Atg9-donor vesicles, and the corresponding Atg1 kinase complex induces the formation of nonselective autophagosomes. Atg11 initiates selective autophagy and coordinates the switch to nonselective autophagy by recruiting Atg17. The molecular function of Atg11 remained, however, less well understood. Here, we demonstrate that Atg11 is activated by cargo through a direct interaction with autophagy receptors. Activated Atg11 dimerizes and tethers Atg9 vesicles, which leads to the nucleation of phagophores in direct vicinity of cargo. Starvation reciprocally regulates the activity of both tethering factors by initiating the degradation of Atg11 while Atg17 is activated. This allows Atg17 to sequester and tether Atg9 vesicles independent of cargo to nucleate nonselective phagophores. Our data reveal insights into the molecular mechanisms governing cargo selection and specificity in autophagy.
PLoS biology
Spectral fingerprints or spectral tilt? Evidence for distinct oscillatory signatures of memory formation
Decreases in low-frequency power (2–30 Hz) alongside high-frequency power increases (>40 Hz) have been demonstrated to predict successful memory formation. Parsimoniously, this change in the frequency spectrum can be explained by one factor, a change in the tilt of the power spectrum (from steep to flat) indicating engaged brain regions. A competing view is that the change in the power spectrum contains several distinct brain oscillatory fingerprints, each serving different computations. Here, we contrast these two theories in a parallel magnetoencephalography (MEG)–intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) study in which healthy participants and epilepsy patients, respectively, studied either familiar verbal material or unfamiliar faces. We investigated whether modulations in specific frequency bands can be dissociated in time and space and by experimental manipulation. Both MEG and iEEG data show that decreases in alpha/beta power specifically predicted the encoding of words but not faces, whereas increases in gamma power and decreases in theta power predicted memory formation irrespective of material. Critically, these different oscillatory signatures of memory encoding were evident in different brain regions. Moreover, high-frequency gamma power increases occurred significantly earlier compared to low-frequency theta power decreases. These results show that simple “spectral tilt” cannot explain common oscillatory changes and demonstrate that brain oscillations in different frequency bands serve different functions for memory encoding.
PLoS biology