Anti-CRISPR Phages Cooperate to Overcome CRISPR-Cas Immunity
Summary Some phages encode anti-CRISPR (acr) genes, which antagonize bacterial CRISPR-Cas immune systems by binding components of its machinery, but it is less clear how deployment of these acr genes impacts phage replication and epidemiology. Here, we demonstrate that bacteria with CRISPR-Cas resistance are still partially immune to Acr-encoding phage. As a consequence, Acr-phages often need to cooperate in order to overcome CRISPR resistance, with a first phage blocking the host CRISPR-Cas immune system to allow a second Acr-phage to successfully replicate. This cooperation leads to epidemiological tipping points in which the initial density of Acr-phage tips the balance from phage extinction to a phage epidemic. Furthermore, both higher levels of CRISPR-Cas immunity and weaker Acr activities shift the tipping points toward higher initial phage densities. Collectively, these data help elucidate how interactions between phage-encoded immune suppressors and the CRISPR systems they target shape bacteria-phage population dynamics.
Bacteriophage Cooperation Suppresses CRISPR-Cas3 and Cas9 Immunity
Bacteria utilize CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems for protection from bacteriophages (phages), and some phages produce anti-CRISPR (Acr) proteins that inhibit immune function. Despite thorough mechanistic and structural information for some Acr proteins, how they are deployed and utilized by a phage during infection is unknown. Here, we show that Acr production does not guarantee phage replication when faced with CRISPR-Cas immunity, but instead, infections fail when phage population numbers fall below a critical threshold. Infections succeed only if a sufficient Acr dose is contributed to a single cell by multiple phage genomes. The production of Acr proteins by phage genomes that fail to replicate leave the cell immunosuppressed, which predisposes the cell for successful infection by other phages in the population. This altruistic mechanism for CRISPR-Cas inhibition demonstrates inter-virus cooperation that may also manifest in other host-parasite interactions.
Reactivation of Dormant Relay Pathways in Injured Spinal Cord by KCC2 Manipulations
Many human spinal cord injuries are anatomically incomplete but exhibit complete paralysis. It is unknown why spared axons fail to mediate functional recovery in these cases. To investigate this, we undertook a small-molecule screen in mice with staggered bilateral hemisections in which the lumbar spinal cord is deprived of all direct brain-derived innervation, but dormant relay circuits remain. We discovered that a KCC2 agonist restored stepping ability, which could be mimicked by selective expression of KCC2, or hyperpolarizing DREADDs, in the inhibitory interneurons between and around the staggered spinal lesions. Mechanistically, these treatments transformed this injury-induced dysfunctional spinal circuit to a functional state, facilitating the relay of brain-derived commands toward the lumbar spinal cord. Thus, our results identify spinal inhibitory interneurons as a roadblock limiting the integration of descending inputs into relay circuits after injury and suggest KCC2 agonists as promising treatments for promoting functional recovery after spinal cord injury.
Risk SNP-Mediated Promoter-Enhancer Switching Drives Prostate Cancer through lncRNA PCAT19
The prostate cancer (PCa) risk-associated SNP rs11672691 is positively associated with aggressive disease at diagnosis. We showed that rs11672691 maps to the promoter of a short isoform of long noncoding RNA PCAT19 (PCAT19-short), which is in the third intron of the long isoform (PCAT19-long). The risk variant is associated with decreased and increased levels of PCAT19-short and PCAT19-long, respectively. Mechanistically, the risk SNP region is bifunctional with both promoter and enhancer activity. The risk variants of rs11672691 and its LD SNP rs887391 decrease binding of transcription factors NKX3.1 and YY1 to the promoter of PCAT19-short, resulting in weaker promoter but stronger enhancer activity that subsequently activates PCAT19-long. PCAT19-long interacts with HNRNPAB to activate a subset of cell-cycle genes associated with PCa progression, thereby promoting PCa tumor growth and metastasis. Taken together, these findings reveal a risk SNP-mediated promoter-enhancer switching mechanism underlying both initiation and progression of aggressive PCa.
Biology and Clinical Implications of the 19q13 Aggressive Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Locus
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified rs11672691 at 19q13 associated with aggressive prostate cancer (PCa). Here, we independently confirmed the finding in a cohort of 2,738 PCa patients and discovered the biological mechanism underlying this association. We found an association of the aggressive PCa-associated allele G of rs11672691 with elevated transcript levels of two biologically plausible candidate genes, PCAT19 and CEACAM21, implicated in PCa cell growth and tumor progression. Mechanistically, rs11672691 resides in an enhancer element and alters the binding site of HOXA2, a novel oncogenic transcription factor with prognostic potential in PCa. Remarkably, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated single-nucleotide editing showed the direct effect of rs11672691 on PCAT19 and CEACAM21 expression and PCa cellular aggressive phenotype. Clinical data demonstrated synergistic effects of rs11672691 genotype and PCAT19/CEACAM21 gene expression on PCa prognosis. These results provide a plausible mechanism for rs11672691 associated with aggressive PCa and thus lay the ground work for translating this finding to the clinic.
Turbulence Activates Platelet Biogenesis to Enable Clinical Scale Ex Vivo Production
The ex vivo generation of platelets from human-induced pluripotent cells (hiPSCs) is expected to compensate donor-dependent transfusion systems. However, manufacturing the clinically required number of platelets remains unachieved due to the low platelet release from hiPSC-derived megakaryocytes (hiPSC-MKs). Here, we report turbulence as a physical regulator in thrombopoiesis in vivo and its application to turbulence-controllable bioreactors. The identification of turbulent energy as a determinant parameter allowed scale-up to 8 L for the generation of 100 billion-order platelets from hiPSC-MKs, which satisfies clinical requirements. Turbulent flow promoted the release from megakaryocytes of IGFBP2, MIF, and Nardilysin to facilitate platelet shedding. hiPSC-platelets showed properties of bona fide human platelets, including circulation and hemostasis capacities upon transfusion in two animal models. This study provides a concept in which a coordinated physico-chemical mechanism promotes platelet biogenesis and an innovative strategy for ex vivo platelet manufacturing.
Toward Minimal Residual Disease-Directed Therapy in Melanoma
Many patients with advanced cancers achieve dramatic responses to a panoply of therapeutics yet retain minimal residual disease (MRD), which ultimately results in relapse. To gain insights into the biology of MRD, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing to malignant cells isolated from BRAF mutant patient-derived xenograft melanoma cohorts exposed to concurrent RAF/MEK-inhibition. We identified distinct drug-tolerant transcriptional states, varying combinations of which co-occurred within MRDs from PDXs and biopsies of patients on treatment. One of these exhibited a neural crest stem cell (NCSC) transcriptional program largely driven by the nuclear receptor RXRG. An RXR antagonist mitigated accumulation of NCSCs in MRD and delayed the development of resistance. These data identify NCSCs as key drivers of resistance and illustrate the therapeutic potential of MRD-directed therapy. They also highlight how gene regulatory network architecture reprogramming may be therapeutically exploited to limit cellular heterogeneity, a key driver of disease progression and therapy resistance.
SnapShot: Messenger RNA Modifications
mRNA modifications are defining a novel layer of complexity that is becoming widely appreciated as the epitranscriptome. This SnapShot summarizes the major breakthroughs in the burgeoning field of mRNA modifications to provide an overview of the molecular players involved and insights gained into the functional consequences of the growing number of modifications occurring within mRNA transcripts.
The Gut Microbiota Mediates the Anti-Seizure Effects of the Ketogenic Diet
(Cell 173, 1728–1741.e1–e6; June 14, 2018) In the Experimental Models and Subject Details: Bacteria section of the STAR Methods and the Key Resource Table of the above article, the ATCC strain number for Akkermansia muciniphilawas incorrectly listed as BAA845. The correct number is BAA835. Additionally, in the legend of Figure 6B, the correct sentence should be, ‘‘Biochemicals, identified by Random Forests classification of colonic lumenal (left) and serum (right) metabolomes, that contribute most highly to the discrimination of seizure-susceptible (SPF CD, Abx KD) from seizure-protected (SPF KD, AkkPb KD) groups. n = 8 cages/group.’’ These errors, which have been corrected online and in the print version, do not affect the conclusions in the study, and we apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused.
A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Sensor Enables Rapid and Specific Detection of Dopamine in Flies, Fish, and Mice
Dopamine (DA) is a central monoamine neurotransmitter involved in many physiological and pathological processes. A longstanding yet largely unmet goal is to measure DA changes reliably and specifically with high spatiotemporal precision, particularly in animals executing complex behaviors. Here, we report the development of genetically encoded GPCR-activation-based-DA (GRABDA) sensors that enable these measurements. In response to extracellular DA, GRABDA sensors exhibit large fluorescence increases (ΔF/F0 ∼90%) with subcellular resolution, subsecond kinetics, nanomolar to submicromolar affinities, and excellent molecular specificity. GRABDA sensors can resolve a single-electrical-stimulus-evoked DA release in mouse brain slices and detect endogenous DA release in living flies, fish, and mice. In freely behaving mice, GRABDA sensors readily report optogenetically elicited nigrostriatal DA release and depict dynamic mesoaccumbens DA signaling during Pavlovian conditioning or during sexual behaviors. Thus, GRABDA sensors enable spatiotemporally precise measurements of DA dynamics in a variety of model organisms while exhibiting complex behaviors.
A Suite of Transgenic Driver and Reporter Mouse Lines with Enhanced Brain-Cell-Type Targeting and Functionality
Modern genetic approaches are powerful in providing access to diverse cell types in the brain and facilitating the study of their function. Here, we report a large set of driver and reporter transgenic mouse lines, including 23 new driver lines targeting a variety of cortical and subcortical cell populations and 26 new reporter lines expressing an array of molecular tools. In particular, we describe the TIGRE2.0 transgenic platform and introduce Cre-dependent reporter lines that enable optical physiology, optogenetics, and sparse labeling of genetically defined cell populations. TIGRE2.0 reporters broke the barrier in transgene expression level of single-copy targeted-insertion transgenesis in a wide range of neuronal types, along with additional advantage of a simplified breeding strategy compared to our first-generation TIGRE lines. These novel transgenic lines greatly expand the repertoire of high-precision genetic tools available to effectively identify, monitor, and manipulate distinct cell types in the mouse brain.
The Chara Genome: Secondary Complexity and Implications for Plant Terrestrialization
Land plants evolved from charophytic algae, among which Charophyceae possess the most complex body plans. We present the genome of Chara braunii; comparison of the genome to those of land plants identified evolutionary novelties for plant terrestrialization and land plant heritage genes. C. braunii employs unique xylan synthases for cell wall biosynthesis, a phragmoplast (cell separation) mechanism similar to that of land plants, and many phytohormones. C. braunii plastids are controlled via land-plant-like retrograde signaling, and transcriptional regulation is more elaborate than in other algae. The morphological complexity of this organism may result from expanded gene families, with three cases of particular note: genes effecting tolerance to reactive oxygen species (ROS), LysM receptor-like kinases, and transcription factors (TFs). Transcriptomic analysis of sexual reproductive structures reveals intricate control by TFs, activity of the ROS gene network, and the ancestral use of plant-like storage and stress protection proteins in the zygote.
Structure of the Human cGAS–DNA Complex Reveals Enhanced Control of Immune Surveillance
Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) recognition of cytosolic DNA is critical for immune responses to pathogen replication, cellular stress, and cancer. Existing structures of the mouse cGAS-DNA complex provide a model for enzyme activation but do not explain why human cGAS exhibits severely reduced levels of cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP) synthesis compared to other mammals. Here, we discover that enhanced DNA-length specificity restrains human cGAS activation. Using reconstitution of cGAMP signaling in bacteria, we mapped the determinant of human cGAS regulation to two amino acid substitutions in the DNA-binding surface. Human-specific substitutions are necessary and sufficient to direct preferential detection of long DNA. Crystal structures reveal why removal of human substitutions relaxes DNA-length specificity and explain how human-specific DNA interactions favor cGAS oligomerization. These results define how DNA-sensing in humans adapted for enhanced specificity and provide a model of the active human cGAS-DNA complex to enable structure-guided design of cGAS therapeutics.
An Algal Greening of Land
Photosynthetic eukaryotes arose ∼1.5 billion years ago by endosymbiosis with a cyanobacterium. Algae then evolved for a billion years before one lineage finally colonized land. Why the wait? The Chara braunii genome details a decisive step linking plant origins with Earth's history.
Translating the Physical Code of Life
The cytoplasm is a highly crowded and complex environment, and the regulation of its physical properties has only recently begun to be revealed. In this issue of Cell, Delarue et al. demonstrate that the control of ribosome concentration through mTORC1 sets limits on the diffusion of large particles and controls phase separation in eukaryotic cells.
The Tuft Cell-ILC2 Circuit Integrates Intestinal Defense and Homeostasis
The intestinal response to helminth infection is mediated by a recently established type 2 immune circuit that consists of intestinal tuft cells and type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s). Schneider et al. have discovered that tuft cells sense succinate fermented by Tritrichomonas via GPR91 to drive the IL-25-ILC2-IL-13-dependent immune circuit and intestinal remodeling.
Günter Blobel (1936–2018)
When Günter Blobel died on February 18, the world lost an innovative thinker and superb experimentalist who ushered cell biology into the molecular age. He left new paradigms that continue to inform our understanding of how cells work, a legion of trainees who continue to transform science, and a legacy of accomplishments as a global citizen. Debonair and jovial, he had a ferocious passion for science as well as opera and architecture. Blobel was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1999 ‘‘for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell.’’ In themid-20 century, cell biology was undergoing a revolution. Elegant morphological and biochemical assays were characterizing cellular architecture, and a cataloging of ‘‘what was where’’ had identified the subcellular compartments, their contents, and their functions. Blobel’s demonstration of discrete ‘‘topogenic sequences’’ in proteins that governed where they were in the cell, how they got there, and how they were folded provided the first mechanistic insight into how this architecture
High-Throughput Investigation of Diverse Junction Elements in RNA Tertiary Folding
RNAs fold into defined tertiary structures to function in critical biological processes. While quantitative models can predict RNA secondary structure stability, we are still unable to predict the thermodynamic stability of RNA tertiary structure. Here, we probe conformational preferences of diverse RNA two-way junctions to develop a predictive model for the formation of RNA tertiary structure. We quantitatively measured tertiary assembly energetics of >1,000 of RNA junctions inserted in multiple structural scaffolds to generate a "thermodynamic fingerprint" for each junction. Thermodynamic fingerprints enabled comparison of junction conformational preferences, revealing principles for how sequence influences 3-dimensional conformations. Utilizing fingerprints of junctions with known crystal structures, we generated ensembles for related junctions that predicted their thermodynamic effects on assembly formation. This work reveals sequence-structure-energetic relationships in RNA, demonstrates the capacity for diverse compensation strategies within tertiary structures, and provides a path to quantitative modeling of RNA folding energetics based on "ensemble modularity."
Single-Cell Map of Diverse Immune Phenotypes in the Breast Tumor Microenvironment
Knowledge of immune cell phenotypes in the tumor microenvironment is essential for understanding mechanisms of cancer progression and immunotherapy response. We profiled 45,000 immune cells from eight breast carcinomas, as well as matched normal breast tissue, blood, and lymph nodes, using single-cell RNA-seq. We developed a preprocessing pipeline, SEQC, and a Bayesian clustering and normalization method, Biscuit, to address computational challenges inherent to single-cell data. Despite significant similarity between normal and tumor tissue-resident immune cells, we observed continuous phenotypic expansions specific to the tumor microenvironment. Analysis of paired single-cell RNA and T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing data from 27,000 additional T cells revealed the combinatorial impact of TCR utilization on phenotypic diversity. Our results support a model of continuous activation in T cells and do not comport with the macrophage polarization model in cancer. Our results have important implications for characterizing tumor-infiltrating immune cells.
Defects in the Alternative Splicing-Dependent Regulation of REST Cause Deafness
The DNA-binding protein REST forms complexes with histone deacetylases (HDACs) to repress neuronal genes in non-neuronal cells. In differentiating neurons, REST is downregulated predominantly by transcriptional silencing. Here we report that post-transcriptional inactivation of REST by alternative splicing is required for hearing in humans and mice. We show that, in the mechanosensory hair cells of the mouse ear, regulated alternative splicing of a frameshift-causing exon into the Rest mRNA is essential for the derepression of many neuronal genes. Heterozygous deletion of this alternative exon of mouse Rest causes hair cell degeneration and deafness, and the HDAC inhibitor SAHA (Vorinostat) rescues the hearing of these mice. In humans, inhibition of the frameshifting splicing event by a novel REST variant is associated with dominantly inherited deafness. Our data reveal the necessity for alternative splicing-dependent regulation of REST in hair cells, and they identify a potential treatment for a group of hereditary deafness cases.
A Molecular Grammar Governing the Driving Forces for Phase Separation of Prion-like RNA Binding Proteins
Proteins such as FUS phase separate to form liquid-like condensates that can harden into less dynamic structures. However, how these properties emerge from the collective interactions of many amino acids remains largely unknown. Here, we use extensive mutagenesis to identify a sequence-encoded molecular grammar underlying the driving forces of phase separation of proteins in the FUS family and test aspects of this grammar in cells. Phase separation is primarily governed by multivalent interactions among tyrosine residues from prion-like domains and arginine residues from RNA-binding domains, which are modulated by negatively charged residues. Glycine residues enhance the fluidity, whereas glutamine and serine residues promote hardening. We develop a model to show that the measured saturation concentrations of phase separation are inversely proportional to the product of the numbers of arginine and tyrosine residues. These results suggest it is possible to predict phase-separation properties based on amino acid sequences.
Recovering Gene Interactions from Single-Cell Data Using Data Diffusion
Single-cell RNA sequencing technologies suffer from many sources of technical noise, including under-sampling of mRNA molecules, often termed "dropout," which can severely obscure important gene-gene relationships. To address this, we developed MAGIC (Markov affinity-based graph imputation of cells), a method that shares information across similar cells, via data diffusion, to denoise the cell count matrix and fill in missing transcripts. We validate MAGIC on several biological systems and find it effective at recovering gene-gene relationships and additional structures. Applied to the epithilial to mesenchymal transition, MAGIC reveals a phenotypic continuum, with the majority of cells residing in intermediate states that display stem-like signatures, and infers known and previously uncharacterized regulatory interactions, demonstrating that our approach can successfully uncover regulatory relations without perturbations.
Direct Visualization of the Conformational Dynamics of Single Influenza Hemagglutinin Trimers
Influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is the canonical type I viral envelope glycoprotein and provides a template for the membrane-fusion mechanisms of numerous viruses. The current model of HA-mediated membrane fusion describes a static "spring-loaded" fusion domain (HA2) at neutral pH. Acidic pH triggers a singular irreversible conformational rearrangement in HA2 that fuses viral and cellular membranes. Here, using single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET)-imaging, we directly visualized pH-triggered conformational changes of HA trimers on the viral surface. Our analyses reveal reversible exchange between the pre-fusion and two intermediate conformations of HA2. Acidification of pH and receptor binding shifts the dynamic equilibrium of HA2 in favor of forward progression along the membrane-fusion reaction coordinate. Interaction with the target membrane promotes irreversible transition of HA2 to the post-fusion state. The reversibility of HA2 conformation may protect against transition to the post-fusion state prior to arrival at the target membrane.
Evolution of Cortical Neurogenesis in Amniotes Controlled by Robo Signaling Levels
Summary Cerebral cortex size differs dramatically between reptiles, birds, and mammals, owing to developmental differences in neuron production. In mammals, signaling pathways regulating neurogenesis have been identified, but genetic differences behind their evolution across amniotes remain unknown. We show that direct neurogenesis from radial glia cells, with limited neuron production, dominates the avian, reptilian, and mammalian paleocortex, whereas in the evolutionarily recent mammalian neocortex, most neurogenesis is indirect via basal progenitors. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments in mouse, chick, and snake embryos and in human cerebral organoids demonstrate that high Slit/Robo and low Dll1 signaling, via Jag1 and Jag2, are necessary and sufficient to drive direct neurogenesis. Attenuating Robo signaling and enhancing Dll1 in snakes and birds recapitulates the formation of basal progenitors and promotes indirect neurogenesis. Our study identifies modulation in activity levels of conserved signaling pathways as a primary mechanism driving the expansion and increased complexity of the mammalian neocortex during amniote evolution.
Optogenetic Editing Reveals the Hierarchical Organization of Learned Action Sequences
The organization of action into sequences underlies complex behaviors that are essential for organismal survival and reproduction. Despite extensive studies of innate sequences in relation to central pattern generators, how learned action sequences are controlled and whether they are organized as a chain or a hierarchy remain largely unknown. By training mice to perform heterogeneous action sequences, we demonstrate that striatal direct and indirect pathways preferentially encode different behavioral levels of sequence structure. State-dependent closed-loop optogenetic stimulation of the striatal direct pathway can selectively insert a single action element into the sequence without disrupting the overall sequence length. Optogenetic manipulation of the striatal indirect pathway completely removes the ongoing subsequence while leaving the following subsequence to be executed with the appropriate timing and length. These results suggest that learned action sequences are not organized in a serial but rather a hierarchical structure that is distinctly controlled by basal ganglia pathways.
Cloning of Macaque Monkeys by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
(Cell 172, 881–887; February 8, 2018) In the above article, the raw data of RNA-sequencing, SNP, and STR were not initially uploaded into a public repository. These data have now been deposited and can be accessed via the links included in the STAR Methods under ‘‘Data and Software Availability’’ and in the Key Resources Table. These omissions have been corrected online, and we apologize for any inconvenience wemay have caused.
The Control of Vocal Pitch in Human Laryngeal Motor Cortex
In speech, the highly flexible modulation of vocal pitch creates intonation patterns that speakers use to convey linguistic meaning. This human ability is unique among primates. Here, we used high-density cortical recordings directly from the human brain to determine the encoding of vocal pitch during natural speech. We found neural populations in bilateral dorsal laryngeal motor cortex (dLMC) that selectively encoded produced pitch but not non-laryngeal articulatory movements. This neural population controlled short pitch accents to express prosodic emphasis on a word in a sentence. Other larynx cortical representations controlling voicing and longer pitch phrase contours were found at separate sites. dLMC sites also encoded vocal pitch during a non-speech singing task. Finally, direct focal stimulation of dLMC evoked laryngeal movements and involuntary vocalization, confirming its causal role in feedforward control. Together, these results reveal the neural basis for the voluntary control of vocal pitch in human speech. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
Surface Properties Determining Passage Rates of Proteins through Nuclear Pores
Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) conduct nucleocytoplasmic transport through an FG domain-controlled barrier. We now explore how surface-features of a mobile species determine its NPC passage rate. Negative charges and lysines impede passage. Hydrophobic residues, certain polar residues (Cys, His), and, surprisingly, charged arginines have striking translocation-promoting effects. Favorable cation-π interactions between arginines and FG-phenylalanines may explain this apparent paradox. Application of these principles to redesign the surface of GFP resulted in variants that show a wide span of transit rates, ranging from 35-fold slower than wild-type to ∼500 times faster, with the latter outpacing even naturally occurring nuclear transport receptors (NTRs). The structure of a fast and particularly FG-specific GFPNTR variant illustrates how NTRs can expose multiple regions for binding hydrophobic FG motifs while evading non-specific aggregation. Finally, we document that even for NTR-mediated transport, the surface-properties of the "passively carried" cargo can strikingly affect the translocation rate.
Lean on Me: Cell-Cell Interactions Release TGF-β for Local Consumption Only
A new study combines detailed biochemical characterization with whole-animal genetics and computational transcriptome data mining to reveal how the LRRC33 milieu molecule imposes an exquisite level of spatial control on TGF-β signaling in the CNS.
CBFβ-SMMHC Inhibition Triggers Apoptosis by Disrupting MYC Chromatin Dynamics in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
The fusion oncoprotein CBFβ-SMMHC, expressed in leukemia cases with chromosome 16 inversion, drives leukemia development and maintenance by altering the activity of the transcription factor RUNX1. Here, we demonstrate that CBFβ-SMMHC maintains cell viability by neutralizing RUNX1-mediated repression of MYC expression. Upon pharmacologic inhibition of the CBFβ-SMMHC/RUNX1 interaction, RUNX1 shows increased binding at three MYC distal enhancers, where it represses MYC expression by mediating the replacement of the SWI/SNF complex component BRG1 with the polycomb-repressive complex component RING1B, leading to apoptosis. Combining the CBFβ-SMMHC inhibitor with the BET inhibitor JQ1 eliminates inv(16) leukemia in human cells and a mouse model. Enhancer-interaction analysis indicated that the three enhancers are physically connected with the MYC promoter, and genome-editing analysis demonstrated that they are functionally implicated in deregulation of MYC expression. This study reveals a mechanism whereby CBFβ-SMMHC drives leukemia maintenance and suggests that inhibitors targeting chromatin activity may prove effective in inv(16) leukemia therapy.
For T Cells, the Child Is Father of the Man
When T cells respond to infectious agents, they differentiate into effector and memory cells. In this issue of Cell, Smith et al. use a genetic "time-stamping" method to show that the developmental time the T cell arises-near birth or as an adult-dictates what type of T effector or memory cell results.
The Walrus and the Carpenter: Complex Regulation of Tumor Immunity in Colorectal Cancer
Immune infiltration has been correlated with survival of patients with colorectal cancer. In this issue, Ziegler et al. reveal complex and unexpected connections between loss of STAT3, mitophagy, and the induction of an adaptive immune response that limits the growth of colorectal carcinoma.
Size-Dependent Segregation Controls Macrophage Phagocytosis of Antibody-Opsonized Targets
Macrophages protect the body from damage and disease by targeting antibody-opsonized cells for phagocytosis. Though antibodies can be raised against antigens with diverse structures, shapes, and sizes, it is unclear why some are more effective at triggering immune responses than others. Here, we define an antigen height threshold that regulates phagocytosis of both engineered and cancer-specific antigens by macrophages. Using a reconstituted model of antibody-opsonized target cells, we find that phagocytosis is dramatically impaired for antigens that position antibodies >10 nm from the target surface. Decreasing antigen height drives segregation of antibody-bound Fc receptors from the inhibitory phosphatase CD45 in an integrin-independent manner, triggering Fc receptor phosphorylation and promoting phagocytosis. Our work shows that close contact between macrophage and target is a requirement for efficient phagocytosis, suggesting that therapeutic antibodies should target short antigens in order to trigger Fc receptor activation through size-dependent physical segregation.
Stimulating Astrocytes to Remember
Adamsky et al. show that stimulation of astrocytes potentiates synaptic transmission and enhances behavioral performance in memory tasks. These results demonstrate that astrocytes are actively involved in synaptic physiology and brain function and lend further support to the idea that animal behavior results from the coordinated activity of neurons and astrocytes.
Toward a Choate View of Fate
We begin life as a single totipotent cell that divides into millions of progeny cells. As our cells divide, daughter cells become morphologically and functionally different from their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and aunts. This process of specialization forms the basis of our development into complex multicellular organisms. A cell’s functional identity and fate are thought to be controlled by the RNAs it expresses, and cellular identity and fate can be altered by changing its RNA compilation, a process called reprogramming. If a cell becomes aberrantly programmed during development, an entire linage can be disrupted with devastating consequences. Thus, an important objective in biology is to completely understand cell-type lineages and the transcriptional states underlying cell fates so we can recognize and correct lineage problems when they happen and artificially reprogram cell fates when desired. But the task of mapping every cell lineage in a multicellular organism has been piecemeal and challenging. In a collection of recent papers, researchers now report some exciting progress using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to efficiently determine the complete transcriptomes of tens of thousands of individual cells from either flatworms, frogs, or fish at different time points (Briggs et al., 2018; Farrell et al., 2018; Fincher et al., 2018; Plass et al., 2018; Wagner et al., 2018). Then, using computational algorithms, they order every cell based on both transcriptome similarity and chronology and generate unprecedented whole-organism charts of ordered cell lineages as branching trees. Impressive in both their resolution and scale, these studies can deconstruct the composition and histories of complex tissues in an unbiased way without the need for
The Inner Nuclear Membrane Is a Metabolically Active Territory that Generates Nuclear Lipid Droplets
Summary The inner nuclear membrane (INM) encases the genome and is fused with the outer nuclear membrane (ONM) to form the nuclear envelope. The ONM is contiguous with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the main site of phospholipid synthesis. In contrast to the ER and ONM, evidence for a metabolic activity of the INM has been lacking. Here, we show that the INM is an adaptable membrane territory capable of lipid metabolism. S. cerevisiae cells target enzymes to the INM that can promote lipid storage. Lipid storage involves the synthesis of nuclear lipid droplets from the INM and is characterized by lipid exchange through Seipin-dependent membrane bridges. We identify the genetic circuit for nuclear lipid droplet synthesis and a role of these organelles in regulating this circuit by sequestration of a transcription factor. Our findings suggest a link between INM metabolism and genome regulation and have potential relevance for human lipodystrophy.
LSD1 Ablation Stimulates Anti-tumor Immunity and Enables Checkpoint Blockade
Chromatin regulators play a broad role in regulating gene expression and, when gone awry, can lead to cancer. Here, we demonstrate that ablation of the histone demethylase LSD1 in cancer cells increases repetitive element expression, including endogenous retroviral elements (ERVs), and decreases expression of RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) components. Significantly, this leads to double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) stress and activation of type 1 interferon, which stimulates anti-tumor T cell immunity and restrains tumor growth. Furthermore, LSD1 depletion enhances tumor immunogenicity and T cell infiltration in poorly immunogenic tumors and elicits significant responses of checkpoint blockade-refractory mouse melanoma to anti-PD-1 therapy. Consistently, TCGA data analysis shows an inverse correlation between LSD1 expression and CD8+ T cell infiltration in various human cancers. Our study identifies LSD1 as a potent inhibitor of anti-tumor immunity and responsiveness to immunotherapy and suggests LSD1 inhibition combined with PD-(L)1 blockade as a novel cancer treatment strategy.
A LINE1-Nucleolin Partnership Regulates Early Development and ESC Identity
Transposable elements represent nearly half of mammalian genomes and are generally described as parasites, or "junk DNA." The LINE1 retrotransposon is the most abundant class and is thought to be deleterious for cells, yet it is paradoxically highly expressed during early development. Here, we report that LINE1 plays essential roles in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and pre-implantation embryos. In ESCs, LINE1 acts as a nuclear RNA scaffold that recruits Nucleolin and Kap1/Trim28 to repress Dux, the master activator of a transcriptional program specific to the 2-cell embryo. In parallel, LINE1 RNA mediates binding of Nucleolin and Kap1 to rDNA, promoting rRNA synthesis and ESC self-renewal. In embryos, LINE1 RNA is required for Dux silencing, synthesis of rRNA, and exit from the 2-cell stage. The results reveal an essential partnership between LINE1 RNA, Nucleolin, Kap1, and peri-nucleolar chromatin in the regulation of transcription, developmental potency, and ESC self-renewal.
Immunomimetic Designer Cells Protect Mice from MRSA Infection
Summary Many community- and hospital-acquired bacterial infections are caused by antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) predisposes humans to invasive infections that are difficult to eradicate. We designed a closed-loop gene network programming mammalian cells to autonomously detect and eliminate bacterial infections. The genetic circuit contains human Toll-like receptors as the bacterial sensor and a synthetic promoter driving reversible and adjustable expression of lysostaphin, a bacteriolytic enzyme highly lethal to S. aureus. Immunomimetic designer cells harboring this genetic circuit exhibited fast and robust sense-and-destroy kinetics against live staphylococci. When tested in a foreign-body infection model in mice, microencapsulated cell implants prevented planktonic MRSA infection and reduced MRSA biofilm formation by 91%. Notably, this system achieved a 100% cure rate of acute MRSA infections, whereas conventional vancomycin treatment failed. These results suggest that immunomimetic designer cells could offer a therapeutic approach for early detection, prevention, and cure of pathogenic infections in the post-antibiotic era. Video Abstract
mTORC1 Controls Phase Separation and the Biophysical Properties of the Cytoplasm by Tuning Crowding
Macromolecular crowding has a profound impact on reaction rates and the physical properties of the cell interior, but the mechanisms that regulate crowding are poorly understood. We developed genetically encoded multimeric nanoparticles (GEMs) to dissect these mechanisms. GEMs are homomultimeric scaffolds fused to a fluorescent protein that self-assemble into bright, stable particles of defined size and shape. By combining tracking of GEMs with genetic and pharmacological approaches, we discovered that the mTORC1 pathway can modulate the effective diffusion coefficient of particles ≥20 nm in diameter more than 2-fold by tuning ribosome concentration, without any discernable effect on the motion of molecules ≤5 nm. This change in ribosome concentration affected phase separation both in vitro and in vivo. Together, these results establish a role for mTORC1 in controlling both the mesoscale biophysical properties of the cytoplasm and biomolecular condensation.
A Somatically Acquired Enhancer of the Androgen Receptor Is a Noncoding Driver in Advanced Prostate Cancer
Increased androgen receptor (AR) activity drives therapeutic resistance in advanced prostate cancer. The most common resistance mechanism is amplification of this locus presumably targeting the AR gene. Here, we identify and characterize a somatically acquired AR enhancer located 650 kb centromeric to the AR. Systematic perturbation of this enhancer using genome editing decreased proliferation by suppressing AR levels. Insertion of an additional copy of this region sufficed to increase proliferation under low androgen conditions and to decrease sensitivity to enzalutamide. Epigenetic data generated in localized prostate tumors and benign specimens support the notion that this region is a developmental enhancer. Collectively, these observations underscore the importance of epigenomic profiling in primary specimens and the value of deploying genome editing to functionally characterize noncoding elements. More broadly, this work identifies a therapeutic vulnerability for targeting the AR and emphasizes the importance of regulatory elements as highly recurrent oncogenic drivers.
Mitophagy in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Triggers Adaptive Immunity during Tumorigenesis
In colorectal cancer patients, a high density of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells in tumors is associated with better prognosis. Using a Stat3 loss-of-function approach in two wnt/β-catenin-dependent autochthonous models of sporadic intestinal tumorigenesis, we unravel a complex intracellular process in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) that controls the induction of a CD8+ T cell based adaptive immune response. Elevated mitophagy in IECs causes iron(II)-accumulation in epithelial lysosomes, in turn, triggering lysosomal membrane permeabilization. Subsequent release of proteases into the cytoplasm augments MHC class I presentation and activation of CD8+ T cells via cross-dressing of dendritic cells. Thus, our findings highlight a so-far-unrecognized link between mitochondrial function, lysosomal integrity, and MHC class I presentation in IECs and suggest that therapies triggering mitophagy or inducing LMP in IECs may prove successful in shifting the balance toward anti-tumor immunity in colorectal cancer.
Structural Alterations Driving Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Revealed by Linked-Read Genome Sequencing
Nearly all prostate cancer deaths are from metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), but there have been few whole-genome sequencing (WGS) studies of this disease state. We performed linked-read WGS on 23 mCRPC biopsy specimens and analyzed cell-free DNA sequencing data from 86 patients with mCRPC. In addition to frequent rearrangements affecting known prostate cancer genes, we observed complex rearrangements of the AR locus in most cases. Unexpectedly, these rearrangements include highly recurrent tandem duplications involving an upstream enhancer of AR in 70%-87% of cases compared with <2% of primary prostate cancers. A subset of cases displayed AR or MYC enhancer duplication in the context of a genome-wide tandem duplicator phenotype associated with CDK12 inactivation. Our findings highlight the complex genomic structure of mCRPC, nominate alterations that may inform prostate cancer treatment, and suggest that additional recurrent events in the non-coding mCRPC genome remain to be discovered.
A Milieu Molecule for TGF-β Required for Microglia Function in the Nervous System
Extracellular proTGF-β is covalently linked to "milieu" molecules in the matrix or on cell surfaces and is latent until TGF-β is released by integrins. Here, we show that LRRC33 on the surface of microglia functions as a milieu molecule and enables highly localized, integrin-αVβ8-dependent TGF-β activation. Lrrc33-/- mice lack CNS vascular abnormalities associated with deficiency in TGF-β-activating integrins but have microglia with a reactive phenotype and after 2 months develop ascending paraparesis with loss of myelinated axons and death by 5 months. Whole bone marrow transplantation results in selective repopulation of Lrrc33-/- brains with WT microglia and halts disease progression. The phenotypes of WT and Lrrc33-/- microglia in the same brain suggest that there is little spreading of TGF-β activated from one microglial cell to neighboring microglia. Our results suggest that interactions between integrin-bearing cells and cells bearing milieu molecule-associated TGF-β provide localized and selective activation of TGF-β.
Phenotypic Convergence: Distinct Transcription Factors Regulate Common Terminal Features
Transcription factors regulate the molecular, morphological, and physiological characteristics of neurons and generate their impressive cell-type diversity. To gain insight into the general principles that govern how transcription factors regulate cell-type diversity, we used large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing to characterize the extensive cellular diversity in the Drosophila optic lobes. We sequenced 55,000 single cells and assigned them to 52 clusters. We validated and annotated many clusters using RNA sequencing of FACS-sorted single-cell types and cluster-specific genes. To identify transcription factors responsible for inducing specific terminal differentiation features, we generated a "random forest" model, and we showed that the transcription factors Apterous and Traffic-jam are required in many but not all cholinergic and glutamatergic neurons, respectively. In fact, the same terminal characters often can be regulated by different transcription factors in different cell types, arguing for extensive phenotypic convergence. Our data provide a deep understanding of the developmental and functional specification of a complex brain structure.
A Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of the Aging Drosophila Brain
Summary The diversity of cell types and regulatory states in the brain, and how these change during aging, remains largely unknown. We present a single-cell transcriptome atlas of the entire adult Drosophila melanogaster brain sampled across its lifespan. Cell clustering identified 87 initial cell clusters that are further subclustered and validated by targeted cell-sorting. Our data show high granularity and identify a wide range of cell types. Gene network analyses using SCENIC revealed regulatory heterogeneity linked to energy consumption. During aging, RNA content declines exponentially without affecting neuronal identity in old brains. This single-cell brain atlas covers nearly all cells in the normal brain and provides the tools to study cellular diversity alongside other Drosophila and mammalian single-cell datasets in our unique single-cell analysis platform: SCope ( These results, together with SCope, allow comprehensive exploration of all transcriptional states of an entire aging brain.
Developmental Origin Governs CD8+ T Cell Fate Decisions during Infection
Heterogeneity is a hallmark feature of the adaptive immune system in vertebrates. Following infection, naive T cells differentiate into various subsets of effector and memory T cells, which help to eliminate pathogens and maintain long-term immunity. The current model suggests there is a single lineage of naive T cells that give rise to different populations of effector and memory T cells depending on the type and amounts of stimulation they encounter during infection. Here, we have discovered that multiple sub-populations of cells exist in the naive CD8+ T cell pool that are distinguished by their developmental origin, unique transcriptional profiles, distinct chromatin landscapes, and different kinetics and phenotypes after microbial challenge. These data demonstrate that the naive CD8+ T cell pool is not as homogeneous as previously thought and offers a new framework for explaining the remarkable heterogeneity in the effector and memory T cell subsets that arise after infection.
Universal Patterns of Selection in Cancer and Somatic Tissues
(Cell 171, 1029–1041.e1–e15; November 16, 2017) It has come to our attention that in the Results and Discussion of the above article, we neglected to cite Davoli et al. (2013). This paper identified several of the cancer driver geneswementioned in our paper and provided estimates of the number of genes under positive selection in cancer. The text and references in the online version of our paper have been corrected accordingly. We apologize for the omission and any inconvenience it may have caused to the scientific community.
Mfd Dynamically Regulates Transcription via a Release and Catch-Up Mechanism
(Cell 171, 1029–1041.e1–e15; November 16, 2017) It has come to our attention that in the Results and Discussion of the above article, we neglected to cite Davoli et al. (2013). This paper identified several of the cancer driver geneswementioned in our paper and provided estimates of the number of genes under positive selection in cancer. The text and references in the online version of our paper have been corrected accordingly. We apologize for the omission and any inconvenience it may have caused to the scientific community.
Inactivation of CDK12 Delineates a Distinct Immunogenic Class of Advanced Prostate Cancer
Using integrative genomic analysis of 360 metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) samples, we identified a novel subtype of prostate cancer typified by biallelic loss of CDK12 that is mutually exclusive with tumors driven by DNA repair deficiency, ETS fusions, and SPOP mutations. CDK12 loss is enriched in mCRPC relative to clinically localized disease and characterized by focal tandem duplications (FTDs) that lead to increased gene fusions and marked differential gene expression. FTDs associated with CDK12 loss result in highly recurrent gains at loci of genes involved in the cell cycle and DNA replication. CDK12 mutant cases are baseline diploid and do not exhibit DNA mutational signatures linked to defects in homologous recombination. CDK12 mutant cases are associated with elevated neoantigen burden ensuing from fusion-induced chimeric open reading frames and increased tumor T cell infiltration/clonal expansion. CDK12 inactivation thereby defines a distinct class of mCRPC that may benefit from immune checkpoint immunotherapy.
Transient Osmotic Perturbation Causes Long-Term Alteration to the Gut Microbiota
Osmotic diarrhea is a prevalent condition in humans caused by food intolerance, malabsorption, and widespread laxative use. Here, we assess the resilience of the gut ecosystem to osmotic perturbation at multiple length and timescales using mice as model hosts. Osmotic stress caused reproducible extinction of highly abundant taxa and expansion of less prevalent members in human and mouse microbiotas. Quantitative imaging revealed decimation of the mucus barrier during osmotic perturbation, followed by recovery. The immune system exhibited temporary changes in cytokine levels and a lasting IgG response against commensal bacteria. Increased osmolality prevented growth of commensal strains in vitro, revealing one mechanism contributing to extinction. Environmental availability of microbiota members mitigated extinction events, demonstrating how species reintroduction can affect community resilience. Our findings (1) demonstrate that even mild osmotic diarrhea can cause lasting changes to the microbiota and host and (2) lay the foundation for interventions that increase system-wide resilience.
Genomic Dissection of Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia, Including 28 Subphenotypes
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are two distinct diagnoses that share symptomology. Understanding the genetic factors contributing to the shared and disorder-specific symptoms will be crucial for improving diagnosis and treatment. In genetic data consisting of 53,555 cases (20,129 bipolar disorder [BD], 33,426 schizophrenia [SCZ]) and 54,065 controls, we identified 114 genome-wide significant loci implicating synaptic and neuronal pathways shared between disorders. Comparing SCZ to BD (23,585 SCZ, 15,270 BD) identified four genomic regions including one with disorder-independent causal variants and potassium ion response genes as contributing to differences in biology between the disorders. Polygenic risk score (PRS) analyses identified several significant correlations within case-only phenotypes including SCZ PRS with psychotic features and age of onset in BD. For the first time, we discover specific loci that distinguish between BD and SCZ and identify polygenic components underlying multiple symptom dimensions. These results point to the utility of genetics to inform symptomology and potential treatment.
Helicase-Dependent RNA Decay Illuminated by a Cryo-EM Structure of a Human Nuclear RNA Exosome-MTR4 Complex
The ribonucleolytic RNA exosome interacts with RNA helicases to degrade RNA. To understand how the 3' to 5' Mtr4 helicase engages RNA and the nuclear exosome, we reconstituted 14-subunit Mtr4-containing RNA exosomes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and human and show that they unwind structured substrates to promote degradation. We loaded a human exosome with an optimized DNA-RNA chimera that stalls MTR4 during unwinding and determined its structure to an overall resolution of 3.45 Å by cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM). The structure reveals an RNA-engaged helicase atop the non-catalytic core, with RNA captured within the central channel and DIS3 exoribonuclease active site. MPP6 tethers MTR4 to the exosome through contacts to the RecA domains of MTR4. EXOSC10 remains bound to the core, but its catalytic module and cofactor C1D are displaced by RNA-engaged MTR4. Competition for the exosome core may ensure that RNA is committed to degradation by DIS3 when engaged by MTR4.
Prospectively Isolated Tetraspanin+ Neoblasts Are Adult Pluripotent Stem Cells Underlying Planaria Regeneration
Proliferating cells known as neoblasts include pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) that sustain tissue homeostasis and regeneration of lost body parts in planarians. However, the lack of markers to prospectively identify and isolate these adult PSCs has significantly hampered their characterization. We used single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and single-cell transplantation to address this long-standing issue. Large-scale scRNA-seq of sorted neoblasts unveiled a novel subtype of neoblast (Nb2) characterized by high levels of PIWI-1 mRNA and protein and marked by a conserved cell-surface protein-coding gene, tetraspanin 1 (tspan-1). tspan-1-positive cells survived sub-lethal irradiation, underwent clonal expansion to repopulate whole animals, and when purified with an anti-TSPAN-1 antibody, rescued the viability of lethally irradiated animals after single-cell transplantation. The first prospective isolation of an adult PSC bridges a conceptual dichotomy between functionally and molecularly defined neoblasts, shedding light on mechanisms governing in vivo pluripotency and a source of regeneration in animals. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
Common Disease Is More Complex Than Implied by the Core Gene Omnigenic Model
The evidence that most adult-onset common diseases have a polygenic genetic architecture fully consistent with robust biological systems supported by multiple back-up mechanisms is now overwhelming. In this context, we consider the recent "omnigenic" or "core genes" model. A key assumption of the model is that there is a relatively small number of core genes relevant to any disease. While intuitively appealing, this model may underestimate the biological complexity of common disease, and therefore, the goal to discover core genes should not guide experimental design. We consider other implications of polygenicity, concluding that a focus on patient stratification is needed to achieve the goals of precision medicine.
Sunlight Brightens Learning and Memory
Sunlight can alter mood, behavior, and cognition, but the cellular basis of this phenomenon remains to be fully elucidated. In this issue of Cell, Zhu et al. shed light on a UV-dependent metabolic pathway that leads to increased synaptic release of glutamate and enhanced motor learning and memory in mice.
Disease Heritability Studies Harness the Healthcare System to Achieve Massive Scale
Heritability studies are essential for defining genetic influences on disease risk and trait variability. Polubriaginof et al. show how massive amounts of data contained in electronic health records can be used for heritability studies on hundreds of phenotypes. Mining emergency contact information with comparison to existing gold standards showcases the broad utility of the approach.
Prospecting for Planarian Pluripotency
Planarians are renowned for extraordinary regenerative abilities that are driven by stem cells maintained throughout their lives. In this issue of Cell, Zeng et al. report the prospective isolation of planarian pluripotent stem cells. Their work opens new directions for understanding how these remarkable cells are established, maintained, and activated.
Visible Machine Learning for Biomedicine
A major ambition of artificial intelligence lies in translating patient data to successful therapies. Machine learning models face particular challenges in biomedicine, however, including handling of extreme data heterogeneity and lack of mechanistic insight into predictions. Here, we argue for "visible" approaches that guide model structure with experimental biology.
The Ongoing Shakeup in Organelle Biology
With the complexities of organelle communication and their dynamics under intense investigation, what are the new principles that are emerging, and where is the field headed? Cell's Robert Kruger recently discussed these questions with Erika Holzbaur, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, and Ivan Dikic. Annotated excerpts from this conversation are presented below, and the full conversation is available with the article online.
New Flavors in Immunomodulation
Whether to boost the immune system or to tame it, drugs that modulate immune function are becoming an essential part of modern pharmacopoeia. While many of these target molecules that are expressed by immune cells, recent advances in immunometabolism are now opening new classes of modulators that derive from endogenous metabolites. It is becoming clear that the immune system is involved in many diseases, including conditions that were not traditionally considered infectious, inflammatory, or autoimmune, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In that context, immunomodulation is now a critical part of the pharmaceutic arsenal, either for the potentiation of immune responses, with anti-PD-1 or anti-CTLA-4 as obvious examples, or to limit them, with anti-tumor necrosis factors (TNFs) leading drug sales for the last few years. By and large, research in this area has been focused on blocking immune cytokines and receptors either through antibodies or kinase inhibitors. Now, with two recent studies reporting the use of modified metabolites to suppress immune responses (Kornberg et al., 2018; Mills et al., 2018), immunometabolism is opening a new front in the quest to modulate immune function. Indeed, the current approaches have shown extraordinary success, but they have also sometimes been limited by the redundancy of immune activators and inhibitors. For example, immune exhaustion in cancer is mediated by a large variety of soluble and cell-surface molecules, and despite the success of anti-PD-1 as a single agent, many other receptors might need to be blocked simultaneously to improve therapeutic efficiency further and overcome resistance (Sharma et al., 2017). In addition to immune mediators, the function of immune cells is also modulated by all core pathways for cellular function, and metabolism has emerged as a critical hub in their activation. This line of inquiry started with the observa-
Dynamics and Spatial Genomics of the Nascent Transcriptome by Intron seqFISH
Visualization of the transcriptome and the nuclear organization in situ has been challenging for single-cell analysis. Here, we demonstrate a multiplexed single-molecule in situ method, intron seqFISH, that allows imaging of 10,421 genes at their nascent transcription active sites in single cells, followed by mRNA and lncRNA seqFISH and immunofluorescence. This nascent transcriptome-profiling method can identify different cell types and states with mouse embryonic stem cells and fibroblasts. The nascent sites of RNA synthesis tend to be localized on the surfaces of chromosome territories, and their organization in individual cells is highly variable. Surprisingly, the global nascent transcription oscillated asynchronously in individual cells with a period of 2 hr in mouse embryonic stem cells, as well as in fibroblasts. Together, spatial genomics of the nascent transcriptome by intron seqFISH reveals nuclear organizational principles and fast dynamics in single cells that are otherwise obscured.
A Flat BAR Protein Promotes Actin Polymerization at the Base of Clathrin-Coated Pits
Summary Multiple proteins act co-operatively in mammalian clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) to generate endocytic vesicles from the plasma membrane. The principles controlling the activation and organization of the actin cytoskeleton during mammalian CME are, however, not fully understood. Here, we show that the protein FCHSD2 is a major activator of actin polymerization during CME. FCHSD2 deletion leads to decreased ligand uptake caused by slowed pit maturation. FCHSD2 is recruited to endocytic pits by the scaffold protein intersectin via an unusual SH3-SH3 interaction. Here, its flat F-BAR domain binds to the planar region of the plasma membrane surrounding the developing pit forming an annulus. When bound to the membrane, FCHSD2 activates actin polymerization by a mechanism that combines oligomerization and recruitment of N-WASP to PI(4,5)P2, thus promoting pit maturation. Our data therefore describe a molecular mechanism for linking spatiotemporally the plasma membrane to a force-generating actin platform guiding endocytic vesicle maturation.
A Network of Noncoding Regulatory RNAs Acts in the Mammalian Brain
Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) play increasingly appreciated gene-regulatory roles. Here, we describe a regulatory network centered on four ncRNAs-a long ncRNA, a circular RNA, and two microRNAs-using gene editing in mice to probe the molecular consequences of disrupting key components of this network. The long ncRNA Cyrano uses an extensively paired site to miR-7 to trigger destruction of this microRNA. Cyrano-directed miR-7 degradation is much more effective than previously described examples of target-directed microRNA degradation, which come primarily from studies of artificial and viral RNAs. By reducing miR-7 levels, Cyrano prevents repression of miR-7-targeted mRNAs and enables accumulation of Cdr1as, a circular RNA known to regulate neuronal activity. Without Cyrano, excess miR-7 causes cytoplasmic destruction of Cdr1as in neurons, in part through enhanced slicing of Cdr1as by a second miRNA, miR-671. Thus, several types of ncRNAs can collaborate to establish a sophisticated regulatory network.
Next-Generation Machine Learning for Biological Networks
Machine learning, a collection of data-analytical techniques aimed at building predictive models from multi-dimensional datasets, is becoming integral to modern biological research. By enabling one to generate models that learn from large datasets and make predictions on likely outcomes, machine learning can be used to study complex cellular systems such as biological networks. Here, we provide a primer on machine learning for life scientists, including an introduction to deep learning. We discuss opportunities and challenges at the intersection of machine learning and network biology, which could impact disease biology, drug discovery, microbiome research, and synthetic biology.
Higher-Order Inter-chromosomal Hubs Shape 3D Genome Organization in the Nucleus
Eukaryotic genomes are packaged into a 3-dimensional structure in the nucleus. Current methods for studying genome-wide structure are based on proximity ligation. However, this approach can fail to detect known structures, such as interactions with nuclear bodies, because these DNA regions can be too far apart to directly ligate. Accordingly, our overall understanding of genome organization remains incomplete. Here, we develop split-pool recognition of interactions by tag extension (SPRITE), a method that enables genome-wide detection of higher-order interactions within the nucleus. Using SPRITE, we recapitulate known structures identified by proximity ligation and identify additional interactions occurring across larger distances, including two hubs of inter-chromosomal interactions that are arranged around the nucleolus and nuclear speckles. We show that a substantial fraction of the genome exhibits preferential organization relative to these nuclear bodies. Our results generate a global model whereby nuclear bodies act as inter-chromosomal hubs that shape the overall packaging of DNA in the nucleus.
Structural Basis for Transcript Elongation Control by NusG Family Universal Regulators
NusG/RfaH/Spt5 transcription elongation factors are the only transcription regulators conserved across all life. Bacterial NusG regulates RNA polymerase (RNAP) elongation complexes (ECs) across most genes, enhancing elongation by suppressing RNAP backtracking and coordinating ρ-dependent termination and translation. The NusG paralog RfaH engages the EC only at operon polarity suppressor (ops) sites and suppresses both backtrack and hairpin-stabilized pausing. We used single-particle cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) to determine structures of ECs at ops with NusG or RfaH. Both factors chaperone base-pairing of the upstream duplex DNA to suppress backtracking, explaining stimulation of elongation genome-wide. The RfaH-opsEC structure reveals how RfaH confers operon specificity through specific recognition of an ops hairpin in the single-stranded nontemplate DNA and tighter binding to the EC to exclude NusG. Tight EC binding by RfaH sterically blocks the swiveled RNAP conformation necessary for hairpin-stabilized pausing. The universal conservation of NusG/RfaH/Spt5 suggests that the molecular mechanisms uncovered here are widespread.
SMCHD1 Merges Chromosome Compartments and Assists Formation of Super-Structures on the Inactive X
Mammalian chromosomes are partitioned into A/B compartments and topologically associated domains (TADs). The inactive X (Xi) chromosome, however, adopts a distinct conformation without evident compartments or TADs. Here, through exploration of an architectural protein, structural-maintenance-of-chromosomes hinge domain containing 1 (SMCHD1), we probe how the Xi is reconfigured during X chromosome inactivation. A/B compartments are first fused into "S1" and "S2" compartments, coinciding with Xist spreading into gene-rich domains. SMCHD1 then binds S1/S2 compartments and merges them to create a compartment-less architecture. Contrary to current views, TADs remain on the Xi but in an attenuated state. Ablating SMCHD1 results in a persistent S1/S2 organization and strengthening of TADs. Furthermore, loss of SMCHD1 causes regional defects in Xist spreading and erosion of heterochromatic silencing. We present a stepwise model for Xi folding, where SMCHD1 attenuates a hidden layer of Xi architecture to facilitate Xist spreading.
TCR Transgenic Mice Reveal Stepwise, Multi-site Acquisition of the Distinctive Fat-Treg Phenotype
Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) hosts a population of regulatory T (Treg) cells, with a unique phenotype, that controls local and systemic inflammation and metabolism. Generation of a T cell receptor transgenic mouse line, wherein VAT Tregs are highly enriched, facilitated study of their provenance, dependencies, and activities. We definitively established a role for T cell receptor specificity, uncovered an unexpected function for the primordial Treg transcription-factor, Foxp3, evidenced a cell-intrinsic role for interleukin-33 receptor, and ordered these dependencies within a coherent scenario. Genesis of the VAT-Treg phenotype entailed a priming step in the spleen, permitting them to exit the lymphoid organs and surveil nonlymphoid tissues, and a final diversification process within VAT, in response to microenvironmental cues. Understanding the principles of tissue-Treg biology is a prerequisite for precision-targeting strategies.
A Metabolite-Triggered Tuft Cell-ILC2 Circuit Drives Small Intestinal Remodeling
The small intestinal tuft cell-ILC2 circuit mediates epithelial responses to intestinal helminths and protists by tuft cell chemosensory-like sensing and IL-25-mediated activation of lamina propria ILC2s. Small intestine ILC2s constitutively express the IL-25 receptor, which is negatively regulated by A20 (Tnfaip3). A20 deficiency in ILC2s spontaneously triggers the circuit and, unexpectedly, promotes adaptive small-intestinal lengthening and remodeling. Circuit activation occurs upon weaning and is enabled by dietary polysaccharides that render mice permissive for Tritrichomonas colonization, resulting in luminal accumulation of acetate and succinate, metabolites of the protist hydrogenosome. Tuft cells express GPR91, the succinate receptor, and dietary succinate, but not acetate, activates ILC2s via a tuft-, TRPM5-, and IL-25-dependent pathway. Also induced by parasitic helminths, circuit activation and small intestinal remodeling impairs infestation by new helminths, consistent with the phenomenon of concomitant immunity. We describe a metabolic sensing circuit that may have evolved to facilitate mutualistic responses to luminal pathosymbionts.
Acid Suspends the Circadian Clock in Hypoxia through Inhibition of mTOR
Recent reports indicate that hypoxia influences the circadian clock through the transcriptional activities of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) at clock genes. Unexpectedly, we uncover a profound disruption of the circadian clock and diurnal transcriptome when hypoxic cells are permitted to acidify to recapitulate the tumor microenvironment. Buffering against acidification or inhibiting lactic acid production fully rescues circadian oscillation. Acidification of several human and murine cell lines, as well as primary murine T cells, suppresses mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling, a key regulator of translation in response to metabolic status. We find that acid drives peripheral redistribution of normally perinuclear lysosomes away from perinuclear RHEB, thereby inhibiting the activity of lysosome-bound mTOR. Restoring mTORC1 signaling and the translation it governs rescues clock oscillation. Our findings thus reveal a model in which acid produced during the cellular metabolic response to hypoxia suppresses the circadian clock through diminished translation of clock constituents.
SnapShot: Functions of Tubulin Posttranslational Modifications
Post-translational modification of tubulin offers a mechanism for functional diversification of microtubules and regulation in a variety of physiological contexts. This SnapShot recaps the current state of understanding of tubulin posttranslational modifications and their functions in the regulation of biological processes. To view this SnapShot, open or download the PDF.
Cryo-EM Structure of Human Dicer and Its Complexes with a Pre-miRNA Substrate
Livia Garzia, Noriyuki Kijima, A. Sorana Morrissy, Pasqualino De Antonellis, Ana Guerreiro-Stucklin, Borja L. Holgado, Xiaochong Wu, Xin Wang, Michael Parsons, Kory Zayne, Alex Manno, Claudia Kuzan-Fischer, Carolina Nor, Laura K. Donovan, Jessica Liu, Lei Qin, Alexandra Garancher, Kun-Wei Liu, Sheila Mansouri, Betty Luu, Yuan Yao Thompson, Vijay Ramaswamy, John Peacock, Hamza Farooq, Patryk Skowron, David J.H. Shih, Angela Li, Sherine Ensan, Clinton S. Robbins, Myron Cybulsky, Siddhartha Mitra, Yussanne Ma, Richard Moore, Andy Mungall, Yoon-Jae Cho, William A. Weiss, Jennifer A. Chan, Cynthia E. Hawkins, Maura Massimino, Nada Jabado, Michal Zapotocky, David Sumerauer, Eric Bouffet, Peter Dirks, Uri Tabori, Poul H.B. Sorensen, Priscilla K. Brastianos, Kenneth Aldape, Steven J.M. Jones, Marco A. Marra, James R. Woodgett, Robert J. Wechsler-Reya, Daniel W. Fults, and Michael D. Taylor* *Correspondence:
A Hematogenous Route for Medulloblastoma Leptomeningeal Metastases
Livia Garzia, Noriyuki Kijima, A. Sorana Morrissy, Pasqualino De Antonellis, Ana Guerreiro-Stucklin, Borja L. Holgado, Xiaochong Wu, Xin Wang, Michael Parsons, Kory Zayne, Alex Manno, Claudia Kuzan-Fischer, Carolina Nor, Laura K. Donovan, Jessica Liu, Lei Qin, Alexandra Garancher, Kun-Wei Liu, Sheila Mansouri, Betty Luu, Yuan Yao Thompson, Vijay Ramaswamy, John Peacock, Hamza Farooq, Patryk Skowron, David J.H. Shih, Angela Li, Sherine Ensan, Clinton S. Robbins, Myron Cybulsky, Siddhartha Mitra, Yussanne Ma, Richard Moore, Andy Mungall, Yoon-Jae Cho, William A. Weiss, Jennifer A. Chan, Cynthia E. Hawkins, Maura Massimino, Nada Jabado, Michal Zapotocky, David Sumerauer, Eric Bouffet, Peter Dirks, Uri Tabori, Poul H.B. Sorensen, Priscilla K. Brastianos, Kenneth Aldape, Steven J.M. Jones, Marco A. Marra, James R. Woodgett, Robert J. Wechsler-Reya, Daniel W. Fults, and Michael D. Taylor* *Correspondence:
Cnidarian Cell Type Diversity and Regulation Revealed by Whole-Organism Single-Cell RNA-Seq
The emergence and diversification of cell types is a leading factor in animal evolution. So far, systematic characterization of the gene regulatory programs associated with cell type specificity was limited to few cell types and few species. Here, we perform whole-organism single-cell transcriptomics to map adult and larval cell types in the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis, a non-bilaterian animal with complex tissue-level body-plan organization. We uncover eight broad cell classes in Nematostella, including neurons, cnidocytes, and digestive cells. Each class comprises different subtypes defined by the expression of multiple specific markers. In particular, we characterize a surprisingly diverse repertoire of neurons, which comparative analysis suggests are the result of lineage-specific diversification. By integrating transcription factor expression, chromatin profiling, and sequence motif analysis, we identify the regulatory codes that underlie Nematostella cell-specific expression. Our study reveals cnidarian cell type complexity and provides insights into the evolution of animal cell-specific genomic regulation.
Genetic Inactivation of CD33 in Hematopoietic Stem Cells to Enable CAR T Cell Immunotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
The absence of cancer-restricted surface markers is a major impediment to antigen-specific immunotherapy using chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells. For example, targeting the canonical myeloid marker CD33 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) results in toxicity from destruction of normal myeloid cells. We hypothesized that a leukemia-specific antigen could be created by deleting CD33 from normal hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs), thereby generating a hematopoietic system resistant to CD33-targeted therapy and enabling specific targeting of AML with CAR T cells. We generated CD33-deficient human HSPCs and demonstrated normal engraftment and differentiation in immunodeficient mice. Autologous CD33 KO HSPC transplantation in rhesus macaques demonstrated long-term multilineage engraftment of gene-edited cells with normal myeloid function. CD33-deficient cells were impervious to CD33-targeting CAR T cells, allowing for efficient elimination of leukemia without myelotoxicity. These studies illuminate a novel approach to antigen-specific immunotherapy by genetically engineering the host to avoid on-target, off-tumor toxicity.
Human-Specific NOTCH2NL Genes Expand Cortical Neurogenesis through Delta/Notch Regulation
Summary The cerebral cortex underwent rapid expansion and increased complexity during recent hominid evolution. Gene duplications constitute a major evolutionary force, but their impact on human brain development remains unclear. Using tailored RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), we profiled the spatial and temporal expression of hominid-specific duplicated (HS) genes in the human fetal cortex and identified a repertoire of 35 HS genes displaying robust and dynamic patterns during cortical neurogenesis. Among them NOTCH2NL, human-specific paralogs of the NOTCH2 receptor, stood out for their ability to promote cortical progenitor maintenance. NOTCH2NL promote the clonal expansion of human cortical progenitors, ultimately leading to higher neuronal output. At the molecular level, NOTCH2NL function by activating the Notch pathway through inhibition of cis Delta/Notch interactions. Our study uncovers a large repertoire of recently evolved genes active during human corticogenesis and reveals how human-specific NOTCH paralogs may have contributed to the expansion of the human cortex.
Human-Specific NOTCH2NL Genes Affect Notch Signaling and Cortical Neurogenesis
Genetic changes causing brain size expansion in human evolution have remained elusive. Notch signaling is essential for radial glia stem cell proliferation and is a determinant of neuronal number in the mammalian cortex. We find that three paralogs of human-specific NOTCH2NL are highly expressed in radial glia. Functional analysis reveals that different alleles of NOTCH2NL have varying potencies to enhance Notch signaling by interacting directly with NOTCH receptors. Consistent with a role in Notch signaling, NOTCH2NL ectopic expression delays differentiation of neuronal progenitors, while deletion accelerates differentiation into cortical neurons. Furthermore, NOTCH2NL genes provide the breakpoints in 1q21.1 distal deletion/duplication syndrome, where duplications are associated with macrocephaly and autism and deletions with microcephaly and schizophrenia. Thus, the emergence of human-specific NOTCH2NL genes may have contributed to the rapid evolution of the larger human neocortex, accompanied by loss of genomic stability at the 1q21.1 locus and resulting recurrent neurodevelopmental disorders.
A Fine-Scale Functional Logic to Convergence from Retina to Thalamus
Numerous well-defined classes of retinal ganglion cells innervate the thalamus to guide image-forming vision, yet the rules governing their convergence and divergence remain unknown. Using two-photon calcium imaging in awake mouse thalamus, we observed a functional arrangement of retinal ganglion cell axonal boutons in which coarse-scale retinotopic ordering gives way to fine-scale organization based on shared preferences for other visual features. Specifically, at the ∼6 μm scale, clusters of boutons from different axons often showed similar preferences for either one or multiple features, including axis and direction of motion, spatial frequency, and changes in luminance. Conversely, individual axons could "de-multiplex" information channels by participating in multiple, functionally distinct bouton clusters. Finally, ultrastructural analyses demonstrated that retinal axonal boutons in a local cluster often target the same dendritic domain. These data suggest that functionally specific convergence and divergence of retinal axons may impart diverse, robust, and often novel feature selectivity to visual thalamus.
Tubulin Posttranslational Modifications and Emerging Links to Human Disease
Tubulin posttranslational modifications are currently emerging as important regulators of the microtubule cytoskeleton and thus have a strong potential to be implicated in a number of disorders. Here, we review the latest advances in understanding the physiological roles of tubulin modifications and their links to a variety of pathologies.
Bracing for Abscission
The detachment of plant organs is highly choreographed, requiring the enzymatic dissolution of the middle lamella between cell layers at the base of the detaching organ. Now, Lee et al. demonstrate that abscission efficiency and plant health rely on the spatial confinement of enzymatic activity and mechanical features that ensure a smooth separation.
A “Counter-Enhancer” in Tumor Suppression
The role of the noncoding genome in cancer biology is continually expanding. Cho et al. reveal a new and unexpected mechanism for the regulation of MYC expression mediated by the promoter sequence of its neighbor gene PVT1. This DNA element acts as a promoter-enhancer competitor and a candidate tumor suppressor.
Increasing T Cell Versatility with SUPRA CARs
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells offer a promising treatment option for advanced cancers resistant to standard therapy. Here, Cho et al. report a split-CAR design that enables the engineering of multi-feature CAR-T cells, aiming to address current challenges limiting the safety and efficacy of CAR-T cells for cancer treatment.
The Positives and Negatives of NPR: A Unifying Model for Salicylic Acid Signaling in Plants
Salicylic acid (SA) is a potent inducer of defense gene expression in plants, but how SA activates transcription has been controversial. In this issue of Cell, Ding et al. show that the SA-binding proteins NPR3 and NPR4 function as transcriptional co-repressors, with this activity being blocked by SA.
The Future of Genome Editing
The power of CRISPR is undeniable, but where is the field heading? Cell's April Pawluk caught up with Jia Chen, Weizhi Ji, and Prashant Mali to discuss the successes and challenges we can expect in the coming years. Annotated excerpts from this conversation are presented below, and the full conversation is available with the article online.
Tracking Down and Interrogating Cancer’s Holdouts
The ability to forecast which cancers will likely come back after treatment could help improve patient outcomes and might also point to new vulnerabilities to exploit in future therapies. For clinical oncologists the obstinate cancer cells that withstand treatment and are most often undetectable by microscope, are known as ‘‘minimal residual disease.’’ For instance, individuals with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) typically have a massive burden of cancerous cells at the start of treatment, but after high-dose induction chemotherapy this is drastically reduced and many patients go into remission. Yet, for many of these the disease will eventually come back. How can relapse be predicted during remission? In a recent study, Jongen-Lavrencic et al. (2018) use next-generation sequencing of blood or bone marrow samples from individuals treated and in remission for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) to understand the mutation patterns of minimal residual disease and show which profiles have a higher association with disease recurrence. The authors conduct targeted sequencing to assess ‘‘molecular minimal residual disease’’ in 430 AML patients. When comparing the resulting molecular profiles with frequency of relapse and relapse-free survival, they show that individuals with persisting mutations in one or more of a trio of genes DNMT3A, TET2, and ASXL1 (so-called DTA mutations) do not have a high risk of recurrence, whereas those with persisting non-DTA mutations were at heightened risk over the 4-year period of follow up. What ties these three genes together is that they are frequently impacted with mutations that accrue during normal aging and so are not only associated with malignant disease. The authors also show that combining this type of molecular profiling with the standard-of-care flow cytometry methods to detect minimal residual disease improves the ability to predict outcomes over flow cytometry alone. This supports the idea that
Structural Basis of Smoothened Activation in Hedgehog Signaling
The seven-transmembrane-spanning protein Smoothened is the central transducer in Hedgehog signaling, a pathway fundamental in development and in cancer. Smoothened is activated by cholesterol binding to its extracellular cysteine-rich domain (CRD). How this interaction leads to changes in the transmembrane domain and Smoothened activation is unknown. Here, we report crystal structures of sterol-activated Smoothened. The CRD undergoes a dramatic reorientation, allosterically causing the transmembrane domain to adopt a conformation similar to active G-protein-coupled receptors. We show that Smoothened contains a unique inhibitory π-cation lock, which is broken on activation and is disrupted in constitutively active oncogenic mutants. Smoothened activation opens a hydrophobic tunnel, suggesting a pathway for cholesterol movement from the inner membrane leaflet to the CRD. All Smoothened antagonists bind the transmembrane domain and block tunnel opening, but cyclopamine also binds the CRD, inducing the active transmembrane conformation. Together, these results define the mechanisms of Smoothened activation and inhibition.
CTCF-Binding Elements Mediate Accessibility of RAG Substrates During Chromatin Scanning
RAG endonuclease initiates antibody heavy chain variable region exon assembly from V, D, and J segments within a chromosomal V(D)J recombination center (RC) by cleaving between paired gene segments and flanking recombination signal sequences (RSSs). The IGCR1 control region promotes DJH intermediate formation by isolating Ds, JHs, and RCs from upstream VHs in a chromatin loop anchored by CTCF-binding elements (CBEs). How VHs access the DJHRC for VH to DJH rearrangement was unknown. We report that CBEs immediately downstream of frequently rearranged VH-RSSs increase recombination potential of their associated VH far beyond that provided by RSSs alone. This CBE activity becomes particularly striking upon IGCR1 inactivation, which allows RAG, likely via loop extrusion, to linearly scan chromatin far upstream. VH-associated CBEs stabilize interactions of D-proximal VHs first encountered by the DJHRC during linear RAG scanning and thereby promote dominant rearrangement of these VHs by an unanticipated chromatin accessibility-enhancing CBE function.
An Activity Switch in Human Telomerase Based on RNA Conformation and Shaped by TCAB1
Ribonucleoprotein enzymes require dynamic conformations of their RNA constituents for regulated catalysis. Human telomerase employs a non-coding RNA (hTR) with a bipartite arrangement of domains-a template-containing core and a distal three-way junction (CR4/5) that stimulates catalysis through unknown means. Here, we show that telomerase activity unexpectedly depends upon the holoenzyme protein TCAB1, which in turn controls conformation of CR4/5. Cells lacking TCAB1 exhibit a marked reduction in telomerase catalysis without affecting enzyme assembly. Instead, TCAB1 inactivation causes unfolding of CR4/5 helices that are required for catalysis and for association with the telomerase reverse-transcriptase (TERT). CR4/5 mutations derived from patients with telomere biology disorders provoke defects in catalysis and TERT binding similar to TCAB1 inactivation. These findings reveal a conformational "activity switch" in human telomerase RNA controlling catalysis and TERT engagement. The identification of two discrete catalytic states for telomerase suggests an intramolecular means for controlling telomerase in cancers and progenitor cells.
Astrocytic Activation Generates De Novo Neuronal Potentiation and Memory Enhancement
Astrocytes respond to neuronal activity and were shown to be necessary for plasticity and memory. To test whether astrocytic activity is also sufficient to generate synaptic potentiation and enhance memory, we expressed the Gq-coupled receptor hM3Dq in CA1 astrocytes, allowing their activation by a designer drug. We discovered that astrocytic activation is not only necessary for synaptic plasticity, but also sufficient to induce NMDA-dependent de novo long-term potentiation in the hippocampus that persisted after astrocytic activation ceased. In vivo, astrocytic activation enhanced memory allocation; i.e., it increased neuronal activity in a task-specific way only when coupled with learning, but not in home-caged mice. Furthermore, astrocytic activation using either a chemogenetic or an optogenetic tool during acquisition resulted in memory recall enhancement on the following day. Conversely, directly increasing neuronal activity resulted in dramatic memory impairment. Our findings that astrocytes induce plasticity and enhance memory may have important clinical implications for cognitive augmentation treatments.
Time-Resolved Analysis Reveals Rapid Dynamics and Broad Scope of the CBP/p300 Acetylome
The acetyltransferases CBP and p300 are multifunctional transcriptional co-activators. Here, we combined quantitative proteomics with CBP/p300-specific catalytic inhibitors, bromodomain inhibitor, and gene knockout to reveal a comprehensive map of regulated acetylation sites and their dynamic turnover rates. CBP/p300 acetylates thousands of sites, including signature histone sites and a multitude of sites on signaling effectors and enhancer-associated transcriptional regulators. Time-resolved acetylome analyses identified a subset of CBP/p300-regulated sites with very rapid (<30 min) acetylation turnover, revealing a dynamic balance between acetylation and deacetylation. Quantification of acetylation, mRNA, and protein abundance after CBP/p300 inhibition reveals a kinetically competent network of gene expression that strictly depends on CBP/p300-catalyzed rapid acetylation. Collectively, our in-depth acetylome analyses reveal systems attributes of CBP/p300 targets, and the resource dataset provides a framework for investigating CBP/p300 functions and for understanding the impact of small-molecule inhibitors targeting its catalytic and bromodomain activities.
The Gut Microbiota Mediates the Anti-Seizure Effects of the Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet (KD) is used to treat refractory epilepsy, but the mechanisms underlying its neuroprotective effects remain unclear. Here, we show that the gut microbiota is altered by the KD and required for protection against acute electrically induced seizures and spontaneous tonic-clonic seizures in two mouse models. Mice treated with antibiotics or reared germ free are resistant to KD-mediated seizure protection. Enrichment of, and gnotobiotic co-colonization with, KD-associated Akkermansia and Parabacteroides restores seizure protection. Moreover, transplantation of the KD gut microbiota and treatment with Akkermansia and Parabacteroides each confer seizure protection to mice fed a control diet. Alterations in colonic lumenal, serum, and hippocampal metabolomic profiles correlate with seizure protection, including reductions in systemic gamma-glutamylated amino acids and elevated hippocampal GABA/glutamate levels. Bacterial cross-feeding decreases gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase activity, and inhibiting gamma-glutamylation promotes seizure protection in vivo. Overall, this study reveals that the gut microbiota modulates host metabolism and seizure susceptibility in mice.
The Striatum Organizes 3D Behavior via Moment-to-Moment Action Selection
Many naturalistic behaviors are built from modular components that are expressed sequentially. Although striatal circuits have been implicated in action selection and implementation, the neural mechanisms that compose behavior in unrestrained animals are not well understood. Here, we record bulk and cellular neural activity in the direct and indirect pathways of dorsolateral striatum (DLS) as mice spontaneously express action sequences. These experiments reveal that DLS neurons systematically encode information about the identity and ordering of sub-second 3D behavioral motifs; this encoding is facilitated by fast-timescale decorrelations between the direct and indirect pathways. Furthermore, lesioning the DLS prevents appropriate sequence assembly during exploratory or odor-evoked behaviors. By characterizing naturalistic behavior at neural timescales, these experiments identify a code for elemental 3D pose dynamics built from complementary pathway dynamics, support a role for DLS in constructing meaningful behavioral sequences, and suggest models for how actions are sculpted over time.
Disease Heritability Inferred from Familial Relationships Reported in Medical Records
Heritability is essential for understanding the biological causes of disease but requires laborious patient recruitment and phenotype ascertainment. Electronic health records (EHRs) passively capture a wide range of clinically relevant data and provide a resource for studying the heritability of traits that are not typically accessible. EHRs contain next-of-kin information collected via patient emergency contact forms, but until now, these data have gone unused in research. We mined emergency contact data at three academic medical centers and identified 7.4 million familial relationships while maintaining patient privacy. Identified relationships were consistent with genetically derived relatedness. We used EHR data to compute heritability estimates for 500 disease phenotypes. Overall, estimates were consistent with the literature and between sites. Inconsistencies were indicative of limitations and opportunities unique to EHR research. These analyses provide a validation of the use of EHRs for genetics and disease research.
The Eukaryotic Proteome Is Shaped by E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Targeting C-Terminal Degrons
Degrons are minimal elements that mediate the interaction of proteins with degradation machineries to promote proteolysis. Despite their central role in proteostasis, the number of known degrons remains small, and a facile technology to characterize them is lacking. Using a strategy combining global protein stability (GPS) profiling with a synthetic human peptidome, we identify thousands of peptides containing degron activity. Employing CRISPR screening, we establish that the stability of many proteins is regulated through degrons located at their C terminus. We characterize eight Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase (CRL) complex adaptors that regulate C-terminal degrons, including six CRL2 and two CRL4 complexes, and computationally implicate multiple non-CRLs in end recognition. Proteome analysis revealed that the C termini of eukaryotic proteins are depleted for C-terminal degrons, suggesting an E3-ligase-dependent modulation of proteome composition. Thus, we propose that a series of "C-end rules" operate to govern protein stability and shape the eukaryotic proteome.
Intermittent Pili-Mediated Forces Fluidize Neisseria meningitidis Aggregates Promoting Vascular Colonization
Neisseria meningitidis, a bacterium responsible for meningitis and septicemia, proliferates and eventually fills the lumen of blood capillaries with multicellular aggregates. The impact of this aggregation process and its specific properties are unknown. We first show that aggregative properties are necessary for efficient infection and study their underlying physical mechanisms. Micropipette aspiration and single-cell tracking unravel unique features of an atypical fluidized phase, with single-cell diffusion exceeding that of isolated cells. A quantitative description of the bacterial pair interactions combined with active matter physics-based modeling show that this behavior relies on type IV pili active dynamics that mediate alternating phases of bacteria fast mutual approach, contact, and release. These peculiar fluid properties proved necessary to adjust to the geometry of capillaries upon bacterial proliferation. Intermittent attractive forces thus generate a fluidized phase that allows for efficient colonization of the blood capillary network during infection.
PNPT1 Release from Mitochondria during Apoptosis Triggers Decay of Poly(A) RNAs
Widespread mRNA decay, an unappreciated feature of apoptosis, enhances cell death and depends on mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP), TUTases, and DIS3L2. Which RNAs are decayed and the decay-initiating event are unknown. Here, we show extensive decay of mRNAs and poly(A) noncoding (nc)RNAs at the 3' end, triggered by the mitochondrial intermembrane space 3'-to-5' exoribonuclease PNPT1, released during MOMP. PNPT1 knockdown inhibits apoptotic RNA decay and reduces apoptosis, while ectopic expression of PNPT1, but not an RNase-deficient mutant, increases RNA decay and cell death. The 3' end of PNPT1 substrates thread through a narrow channel. Many non-poly(A) ncRNAs contain 3'-secondary structures or bind proteins that may block PNPT1 activity. Indeed, mutations that disrupt the 3'-stem-loop of a decay-resistant ncRNA render the transcript susceptible, while adding a 3'-stem-loop to an mRNA prevents its decay. Thus, PNPT1 release from mitochondria during MOMP initiates apoptotic decay of RNAs lacking 3'-structures.
Moderate UV Exposure Enhances Learning and Memory by Promoting a Novel Glutamate Biosynthetic Pathway in the Brain
Sunlight exposure is known to affect mood, learning, and cognition. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we show that moderate UV exposure elevated blood urocanic acid (UCA), which then crossed the blood-brain barrier. Single-cell mass spectrometry and isotopic labeling revealed a novel intra-neuronal metabolic pathway converting UCA to glutamate (GLU) after UV exposure. This UV-triggered GLU synthesis promoted its packaging into synaptic vesicles and its release at glutamatergic terminals in the motor cortex and hippocampus. Related behaviors, like rotarod learning and object recognition memory, were enhanced after UV exposure. All UV-induced metabolic, electrophysiological, and behavioral effects could be reproduced by the intravenous injection of UCA and diminished by the application of inhibitor or short hairpin RNA (shRNA) against urocanase, an enzyme critical for the conversion of UCA to GLU. These findings reveal a new GLU biosynthetic pathway, which could contribute to some of the sunlight-induced neurobehavioral changes.
Analysis of Genetically Diverse Macrophages Reveals Local and Domain-wide Mechanisms that Control Transcription Factor Binding and Function
Non-coding genetic variation is a major driver of phenotypic diversity and allows the investigation of mechanisms that control gene expression. Here, we systematically investigated the effects of >50 million variations from five strains of mice on mRNA, nascent transcription, transcription start sites, and transcription factor binding in resting and activated macrophages. We observed substantial differences associated with distinct molecular pathways. Evaluating genetic variation provided evidence for roles of ∼100 TFs in shaping lineage-determining factor binding. Unexpectedly, a substantial fraction of strain-specific factor binding could not be explained by local mutations. Integration of genomic features with chromatin interaction data provided evidence for hundreds of connected cis-regulatory domains associated with differences in transcription factor binding and gene expression. This system and the >250 datasets establish a substantial new resource for investigation of how genetic variation affects cellular phenotypes.
Mapping the Mouse Cell Atlas by Microwell-Seq
Xiaoping Han,* Renying Wang, Yincong Zhou, Lijiang Fei, Huiyu Sun, Shujing Lai, Assieh Saadatpour, Ziming Zhou, Haide Chen, Fang Ye, Daosheng Huang, Yang Xu, Wentao Huang, Mengmeng Jiang, Xinyi Jiang, Jie Mao, Yao Chen, Chenyu Lu, Jin Xie, Qun Fang, Yibin Wang, Rui Yue, Tiefeng Li, He Huang, Stuart H. Orkin, Guo-Cheng Yuan, Ming Chen, and Guoji Guo* *Correspondence: (X.H.), (G.G.)