8 values
Products that harm small animals can also protect what?
{ "text": [ "the skin", "food", "insects", "large animals", "plants", "consumers", "boulders", "organisms" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a pesticide is used for protecting plants by killing insects
Small animals are harmed by pesticides.
Protecting plants can sometimes come at the expense of harming small animals
Products that harm small animals can also protect what? (A) the skin (B) food (C) insects (D) large animals (E) plants (F) consumers (G) boulders (H) organisms
What is used for protecting plants while killing beneficial pollinators?
{ "text": [ "watering cans", "dangerous", "toxins", "pesticide", "irrigation", "exoskeleton", "steroids", "plant food" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a pesticide is used for protecting plants by killing insects
Pesticides also kill beneficial insects that pollinate flowers and prey upon harmful insects.
Pesticide is used for protecting plants while killing beneficial pollinators.
What is used for protecting plants while killing beneficial pollinators? (A) watering cans (B) dangerous (C) toxins (D) pesticide (E) irrigation (F) exoskeleton (G) steroids (H) plant food
What doesn't protect plants?
{ "text": [ "viruses", "smallpox", "herbicide", "steroids", "A virus", "Nematoda", "chickenpox", "cigarettes" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a pesticide is used for protecting plants by killing insects
Plants are poisoned by herbicides, animals by pesticides.
an herbicide poisons plants
What doesn't protect plants? (A) viruses (B) smallpox (C) herbicide (D) steroids (E) A virus (F) Nematoda (G) chickenpox (H) cigarettes
What does something used for protecting plants by killing insects require?
{ "text": [ "electricity", "hydrogen and oxygen", "organic molecules", "food and shelter", "important habitats", "Special disposal", "chemical messengers", "deoxyribonucleic acid" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a pesticide is used for protecting plants by killing insects
Pesticide use requires disposal of either excess pesticides or empty pesticide containers.
Something that requires special disposal is used for protecting plants by killing insects
What does something used for protecting plants by killing insects require? (A) electricity (B) hydrogen and oxygen (C) organic molecules (D) food and shelter (E) important habitats (F) Special disposal (G) chemical messengers (H) deoxyribonucleic acid
Effective insulation has a positive impact on an animal's what?
{ "text": [ "heat energy", "survival", "water", "food", "growth", "ideas", "Energy.", "energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Effective insulation is the way to keep the warm air warm.
Effective insulation has a positive impact on an animal's survival.
Effective insulation has a positive impact on an animal's what? (A) heat energy (B) survival (C) water (D) food (E) growth (F) ideas (G) Energy. (H) energy
What could have a positive impact on an animal's survival?
{ "text": [ "Blankets", "Lack of Food", "food", "Habitat Destruction", "heat", "hormones", "Drought", "proteins" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
People cover up with a blanket to stay warm.
Blankets have a positive impact on an animal's survival
What could have a positive impact on an animal's survival? (A) Blankets (B) Lack of Food (C) food (D) Habitat Destruction (E) heat (F) hormones (G) Drought (H) proteins
What has a positive impact on a forest animal's survival?
{ "text": [ "fire", "horses", "hair", "play", "fur", "warm", "tools", "rest" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Animals who live in the forest have very soft, warm fur.
fur has a positive impact on a forest animal's survival
What has a positive impact on a forest animal's survival? (A) fire (B) horses (C) hair (D) play (E) fur (F) warm (G) tools (H) rest
whose survival does staying warm have a positive impact on?
{ "text": [ "stability", "a fish", "Mammal", "h2o", "oxygen", "ice cubes", "pigeons", "humans" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Humans are animals too.
staying warm has a positive impact on a human's survival
whose survival does staying warm have a positive impact on? (A) stability (B) a fish (C) Mammal (D) h2o (E) oxygen (F) ice cubes (G) pigeons (H) humans
Conserving energy has a positive effect on what?
{ "text": [ "Doing what you like", "Increasing global temperatures", "Animal survival", "important habitats", "animals with backbones", "most organisms", "Profits for oil companies", "Most plants" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Everyone needs to conserve some energy to stay warm.
Conserving energy has a positive impact on an animal's survival
Conserving energy has a positive effect on what? (A) Doing what you like (B) Increasing global temperatures (C) Animal survival (D) important habitats (E) animals with backbones (F) most organisms (G) Profits for oil companies (H) Most plants
Furry animals grow thicker coats which has what impact on their survival?
{ "text": [ "heat", "positive", "negative", "energy", "ironic", "Energy.", "decreased", "adding heat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Furry animals grow thicker coats to keep warm in the winter.
Furry animals grow thicker coats which has a positive impact on their survival.
Furry animals grow thicker coats which has what impact on their survival? (A) heat (B) positive (C) negative (D) energy (E) ironic (F) Energy. (G) decreased (H) adding heat
What should you do for cold weather?
{ "text": [ "converting electricity to heat", "protect them", "igniting fuel and oxidiser", "adding heat", "Wear a t-shirt", "Put on flip-flops", "Dress for the weather", "Don't wear anything" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
If it's cold weather, dress warmly and warm up longer.
Dress for cold weather because you are also an animal.
What should you do for cold weather? (A) converting electricity to heat (B) protect them (C) igniting fuel and oxidiser (D) adding heat (E) Wear a t-shirt (F) Put on flip-flops (G) Dress for the weather (H) Don't wear anything
what has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to be a carrier for life?
{ "text": [ "four limbs", "staying frosty", "staying isolated", "prolactin release", "staying warm", "staying mad", "coded genes", "organic molecules" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Animals that survive develop an immunity, but are also carriers for life.
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to be a carrier for life
what has a positive impact on an animal 's ability to be a carrier for life? (A) four limbs (B) staying frosty (C) staying isolated (D) prolactin release (E) staying warm (F) staying mad (G) coded genes (H) organic molecules
what is required for survival?
{ "text": [ "sugar", "soil", "Energy.", "nitrogen", "hormones", "hydration", "energy", "evaporation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Proper hydration is necessary to stay warm.
hydration is needed for survival
what is required for survival? (A) sugar (B) soil (C) Energy. (D) nitrogen (E) hormones (F) hydration (G) energy (H) evaporation
Arctic animals are assisted in survival by what?
{ "text": [ "genetic diversity", "anti-freeze", "food and shelter", "warm greetings", "some invertebrates", "lowered energy cost", "fat tuesday celebrations", "layers of fat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Arctic animals have layers of fat and thick coats of fur to keep warm in the frigid Arctic climate.
Layers of fat help Arctic animals survive
Arctic animals are assisted in survival by what? (A) genetic diversity (B) anti-freeze (C) food and shelter (D) warm greetings (E) some invertebrates (F) lowered energy cost (G) fat tuesday celebrations (H) layers of fat
What has a positive impact on an animal's survival?
{ "text": [ "four limbs", "sensory neurons", "low water availability", "fur and fat", "loss of food", "heat energy", "hormones", "destruction of habitat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
With a thick fur coat and 4 inches of fat a bear stays warm.
fur and fat has a positive impact on an animal's survival
What has a positive impact on an animal's survival? (A) four limbs (B) sensory neurons (C) low water availability (D) fur and fat (E) loss of food (F) heat energy (G) hormones (H) destruction of habitat
Staying warm has a positive impact on an animal's chances to:
{ "text": [ "die", "moves", "protect them", "cave", "fur", "Reproduction", "reproduce", "growth" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Adaptive traits improve the chance of surviving and reproducing.
Staying warm has a positive impact on an animal's chances for reproduction.
Staying warm has a positive impact on an animal's chances to: (A) die (B) moves (C) protect them (D) cave (E) fur (F) Reproduction (G) reproduce (H) growth
What has a positive impact on mans survival?
{ "text": [ "food", "support", "heat", "warmth", "bamboo", "warm", "glycogen", "hormones" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
staying warm has a positive impact on an animal 's survival
Man is an animal with primary instincts of survival.
Warmth has a positive impact on mans survival
What has a positive impact on mans survival? (A) food (B) support (C) heat (D) warmth (E) bamboo (F) warm (G) glycogen (H) hormones
In a location, what disappears first when disturbance increases?
{ "text": [ "dirt", "bushes", "mussels", "loose soil", "Light", "rain", "clouds", "animals" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
These animals are the first to disappear as human disturbance increases.
Animals in a location are the first to disappear as disturbance increases.
In a location, what disappears first when disturbance increases? (A) dirt (B) bushes (C) mussels (D) loose soil (E) Light (F) rain (G) clouds (H) animals
Where does prey go to hide?
{ "text": [ "Something with a head, thorax, and abdomen", "they body they live in", "marshes and swamps", "Under water", "To another location like underground", "organisms and their habitat", "Up a tree", "In a house" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
Some animals hide underground.
Prey will hide underground when disturbed
Where does prey go to hide? (A) Something with a head, thorax, and abdomen (B) they body they live in (C) marshes and swamps (D) Under water (E) To another location like underground (F) organisms and their habitat (G) Up a tree (H) In a house
What might happen to animals disturbed by humans?
{ "text": [ "direct damage to the lungs", "Abnormal cell growth", "enormous damage to homes", "They may provide humans with food.", "massive damage", "They may not survive.", "They will always survive.", "they may befriend the humans." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
Animals may not survive in new location.
If humans disturb animals, they may not survive
What might happen to animals disturbed by humans? (A) direct damage to the lungs (B) Abnormal cell growth (C) enormous damage to homes (D) They may provide humans with food. (E) massive damage (F) They may not survive. (G) They will always survive. (H) they may befriend the humans.
What can cause whales to move to a new location?
{ "text": [ "Earth orbiting the Sun", "movements in the earth's crust", "embarrassment", "Temperature changing", "tax rates", "whale watching boats", "unemployment rates", "mechanical waves" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
A small number of unscrupulous whale watching companies were also taking their clients too close to the animals and causing disturbance.
Whales will move to a new location due to whale watching boats
What can cause whales to move to a new location? (A) Earth orbiting the Sun (B) movements in the earth's crust (C) embarrassment (D) Temperature changing (E) tax rates (F) whale watching boats (G) unemployment rates (H) mechanical waves
development by humans can cause animals to what?
{ "text": [ "body temperature reduces", "depress neuronal excitability", "have offspring", "Abnormal cell growth", "move to different locations", "become pets", "Temperature changing", "live longer" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
Controlling development controls human disturbances of the river bank and its watershed that can increase erosion, disturb animal habitat and consequently, impair water quality.
development by humans can cause animals to move to different locations
development by humans can cause animals to what? (A) body temperature reduces (B) depress neuronal excitability (C) have offspring (D) Abnormal cell growth (E) move to different locations (F) become pets (G) Temperature changing (H) live longer
Why would a bear move to a different location?
{ "text": [ "It remains dormant", "it keeps an organism warm", "if bears have a burrow", "Temperature changing", "if bears are well-fed", "if humans disturb bears", "if bears are safe", "the body's largest organ" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
Bears are intelligent animals.
if humans disturb bears in a location then those bears will move to a different location
Why would a bear move to a different location? (A) It remains dormant (B) it keeps an organism warm (C) if bears have a burrow (D) Temperature changing (E) if bears are well-fed (F) if humans disturb bears (G) if bears are safe (H) the body's largest organ
Animals will require moving habitats if what happens to the animal in a location?
{ "text": [ "threatened", "uncontrolled", "humans disturb it", "rain touches it", "prey feeds it", "animals find it", "enormous damage to homes", "cause their death" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
Different kinds of animals have different habitat requirements.
If humans disturb animals in a location, animals will require a moving habitats.
Animals will require moving habitats if what happens to the animal in a location? (A) threatened (B) uncontrolled (C) humans disturb it (D) rain touches it (E) prey feeds it (F) animals find it (G) enormous damage to homes (H) cause their death
what will creatures do if humans disturb them?
{ "text": [ "kill them", "reproduce", "survive", "threatened", "migrate", "Vibrates", "murmur", "move" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
Migration- Movement of a group of animals from one place to another.
if humans disturb creatures then they migrate
what will creatures do if humans disturb them? (A) kill them (B) reproduce (C) survive (D) threatened (E) migrate (F) Vibrates (G) murmur (H) move
What can disturb animals causing them to move to a different location?
{ "text": [ "movements in the earth's crust", "Something with a head, thorax, and abdomen", "Something that is self-aware", "fissures of hot, acidic water", "depress neuronal excitability", "basic building blocks of life", "a tree falling", "cloudy and rainy weather" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if humans disturb animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
The human being is self-aware.
If something that is self-aware disturbs animals in a location then those animals will move to a different location
What can disturb animals causing them to move to a different location? (A) movements in the earth's crust (B) Something with a head, thorax, and abdomen (C) Something that is self-aware (D) fissures of hot, acidic water (E) depress neuronal excitability (F) basic building blocks of life (G) a tree falling (H) cloudy and rainy weather
What could be used to separate salt from water
{ "text": [ "Condensation", "engines", "Evaporation", "Sublimation", "a delta", "Precipitation", "energy", "Time and energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
For example, in salt water, salt is the solute and water is the solvent.
evaporation can be used for separating salt from water
What could be used to separate salt from water (A) Condensation (B) engines (C) Evaporation (D) Sublimation (E) a delta (F) Precipitation (G) energy (H) Time and energy
What can separate salt from water?
{ "text": [ "vaporization", "shaking", "evaporation", "mouth of rivers", "salinity", "freezing", "Heat energy", "nothing" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
For example, in salt water, salt is the solute and water is the solvent.
evaporation can remove salt from water
What can separate salt from water? (A) vaporization (B) shaking (C) evaporation (D) mouth of rivers (E) salinity (F) freezing (G) Heat energy (H) nothing
what can be used for separation a solute from a solvent in a solution?
{ "text": [ "sweating", "liquid", "energy", "water", "heat", "salt", "freezing", "boiling" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Boiling is very rapid evaporization.
boiling can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
what can be used for separation a solute from a solvent in a solution? (A) sweating (B) liquid (C) energy (D) water (E) heat (F) salt (G) freezing (H) boiling
Evaporation can be used for separating a solute from
{ "text": [ "soil", "salts", "Water", "vapors", "liquid", "gas", "compounds", "lipids" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Water as a Solvent Water is an excellent solvent.
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from Water
Evaporation can be used for separating a solute from (A) soil (B) salts (C) Water (D) vapors (E) liquid (F) gas (G) compounds (H) lipids
What can separate from a solvent in a solution, creating table salt?
{ "text": [ "energy", "gasoline", "a solute", "vaporization", "a solvent", "water", "heat energy", "water vapor" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Table salt is a typical evaporated salt product.
separating a solute from a solvent in a solution can create table salt
What can separate from a solvent in a solution, creating table salt? (A) energy (B) gasoline (C) a solute (D) vaporization (E) a solvent (F) water (G) heat energy (H) water vapor
Evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a water in what?
{ "text": [ "molecule", "Condensation", "atom", "aqueous solution", "Heat energy", "vaporization", "evaporation", "aqueous chemical" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
An aqueous solution has water as the solvent.
Evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a water in an aqueous solution
Evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a water in what? (A) molecule (B) Condensation (C) atom (D) aqueous solution (E) Heat energy (F) vaporization (G) evaporation (H) aqueous chemical
what can be used for separating a solute from a volatile vehicle
{ "text": [ "strainer", "evaporation", "sweating", "water vapor", "energy", "vaporization", "more solute", "oxidation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Solvent Paints Solvent paints use organic solvents as the volatile vehicle.
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a volatile vehicle
what can be used for separating a solute from a volatile vehicle (A) strainer (B) evaporation (C) sweating (D) water vapor (E) energy (F) vaporization (G) more solute (H) oxidation
What can be used to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution?
{ "text": [ "bandaid", "Gas", "table", "sodium", "energy", "heat", "frost", "vapors" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Energy in the form of heat causes evaporation.
heat can be used to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution
What can be used to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution? (A) bandaid (B) Gas (C) table (D) sodium (E) energy (F) heat (G) frost (H) vapors
What can be used to separate a solute from a solvent?
{ "text": [ "liquid drying", "activation energy", "a hydraulic system", "chemical equations", "Condensation", "circulatory systems", "heat energy", "water vapor" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Evaporation occurs when a liquid dries.
Liquid drying can be used to separate a solute from a solvent.
What can be used to separate a solute from a solvent? (A) liquid drying (B) activation energy (C) a hydraulic system (D) chemical equations (E) Condensation (F) circulatory systems (G) heat energy (H) water vapor
What can be used to damage plants?
{ "text": [ "A virus", "viruses", "electricity", "toxins", "Nematoda", "leeches", "storms", "evaporation" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Solvent separated from the solution is likely to damage plants.
Evaporation can be used to damage plants.
What can be used to damage plants? (A) A virus (B) viruses (C) electricity (D) toxins (E) Nematoda (F) leeches (G) storms (H) evaporation
What does gasoline release when it separates?
{ "text": [ "kinetic energy", "heat energy", "Organic compounds", "Decrease bodily water", "water vapor", "Chemical energy", "hydrogen and oxygen", "carbon dioxide" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Gasoline, paints and solvents evaporate, releasing reactive organic compounds.
Gasoline releases organic compounds when it separates
What does gasoline release when it separates? (A) kinetic energy (B) heat energy (C) Organic compounds (D) Decrease bodily water (E) water vapor (F) Chemical energy (G) hydrogen and oxygen (H) carbon dioxide
What can be used to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution?
{ "text": [ "flow of electrons", "Dehydration", "heat energy", "heating liquids", "a hydraulic system", "water vapor", "kinetic energy", "Time and energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Heating liquids is also made easier by allowing saturated gas to reduce evaporation.
Heating liquids can be used to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution.
What can be used to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution? (A) flow of electrons (B) Dehydration (C) heat energy (D) heating liquids (E) a hydraulic system (F) water vapor (G) kinetic energy (H) Time and energy
What can be used for segregating a solute from a solvent in a solution?
{ "text": [ "an electron lens", "simple", "evaporation", "heat energy", "vaporization", "water vapor", "reduced heat", "Time and energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Samples are segregated by mission in separate gloveboxes.
Evaporation can be used for segregation a solute from a solvent in a solution.
What can be used for segregating a solute from a solvent in a solution? (A) an electron lens (B) simple (C) evaporation (D) heat energy (E) vaporization (F) water vapor (G) reduced heat (H) Time and energy
What can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution?
{ "text": [ "simple", "salinity", "tube", "energy", "heat", "boiling", "sweating", "mild" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Boiling is evaporation that occurs theroughout a liquid.
boiling can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
What can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution? (A) simple (B) salinity (C) tube (D) energy (E) heat (F) boiling (G) sweating (H) mild
Evaporation can be used to move a solvent apart from:
{ "text": [ "heat", "Temperature", "Water", "heat energy", "all liquids", "vaporization", "evaporation", "a solute" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
evaporation can be used for separating a solute from a solvent in a solution
Girls and boys residences are separate and far apart.
evaporation can be used to move a solute apart from a solvent in a solution.
Evaporation can be used to move a solvent apart from: (A) heat (B) Temperature (C) Water (D) heat energy (E) all liquids (F) vaporization (G) evaporation (H) a solute
An animal can become dehydrated after doing what?
{ "text": [ "hibernation", "vaporization", "Cooking", "eating", "sweating", "sleeping", "contracting", "drinking" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Dehydration is the loss of total body water.
An animal sweating can become dehydrated
An animal can become dehydrated after doing what? (A) hibernation (B) vaporization (C) Cooking (D) eating (E) sweating (F) sleeping (G) contracting (H) drinking
if an animal sweats it can cause
{ "text": [ "Relieve pain", "infection", "Localized damage", "fever", "ground to shake", "Dehydration", "bloating", "reduced heat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Dehydration is the loss of total body water.
if an animal sweats it can cause Dehydration
if an animal sweats it can cause (A) Relieve pain (B) infection (C) Localized damage (D) fever (E) ground to shake (F) Dehydration (G) bloating (H) reduced heat
how do organisms cool off?
{ "text": [ "down", "shade", "winter", "water", "sweat", "cold", "sleep", "skin" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
When animals sweat, evaporation of the sweat takes away body heat, thus cooling the animal.
sweating takes away body heat
how do organisms cool off? (A) down (B) shade (C) winter (D) water (E) sweat (F) cold (G) sleep (H) skin
Excessive physical and emotional exertion does what to an animal?
{ "text": [ "cause their death", "decreases its bodily water", "encourages mating", "major threat to health", "heat the body", "depress neuronal excitability", "rehydrates the body", "yields more offspring" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Sweat is the result of excessive physical and emotional exertion.
Excessive physical and emotional exertion decreases an animal's bodily water.
Excessive physical and emotional exertion does what to an animal? (A) cause their death (B) decreases its bodily water (C) encourages mating (D) major threat to health (E) heat the body (F) depress neuronal excitability (G) rehydrates the body (H) yields more offspring
What happens when an animal sweats?
{ "text": [ "reduced heat", "atoms are created", "dehydration", "vaporization", "hyperthyroidism", "evaporation", "skin temperature increases", "molecules are torn" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Dehydration is the removal of the water.
if an animal sweats, the animal becomes dehydrated
What happens when an animal sweats? (A) reduced heat (B) atoms are created (C) dehydration (D) vaporization (E) hyperthyroidism (F) evaporation (G) skin temperature increases (H) molecules are torn
what's bodily water decreases when it sweats?
{ "text": [ "omnivores", "humans", "dogs", "thermometer", "bullfrogs", "pigeons", "h2o", "excretory" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Human beings are animals.
if a human sweats its bodily water decreases
what's bodily water decreases when it sweats? (A) omnivores (B) humans (C) dogs (D) thermometer (E) bullfrogs (F) pigeons (G) h2o (H) excretory
What happens to an animal's bodily water when they release water to regulate body temperature?
{ "text": [ "It converts into energy", "it needs them", "It increases", "vaporization", "evaporation", "It converts into heat", "It decreases", "It gets heated up" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Sweat glands help regulate our body temperature and release water and salt.
When an animal regulates their body temperature by releasing water, their bodily water decreases
What happens to an animal's bodily water when they release water to regulate body temperature? (A) It converts into energy (B) it needs them (C) It increases (D) vaporization (E) evaporation (F) It converts into heat (G) It decreases (H) It gets heated up
What happens when an animal perspires?
{ "text": [ "it takes in more water", "Generating heat", "its bodily water increases", "heat is produced", "To keep their body heat.", "It becomes dormant", "its bodily water remains", "it's bodily water decreases" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Sweat and perspiration are an annoyance with glasses.
If an animal perspires than that animals bodily water decreases.
What happens when an animal perspires? (A) it takes in more water (B) Generating heat (C) its bodily water increases (D) heat is produced (E) To keep their body heat. (F) It becomes dormant (G) its bodily water remains (H) it's bodily water decreases
why do animals sweat?
{ "text": [ "energy", "cool off", "evaporation", "Heat energy", "reduced heat", "food", "reduce", "heat" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Just like sweating, the evaporation of the water cools the body.
animals sweat to cool off
why do animals sweat? (A) energy (B) cool off (C) evaporation (D) Heat energy (E) reduced heat (F) food (G) reduce (H) heat
If a lion sweats what happens?
{ "text": [ "its bodily water decreases", "depress neuronal excitability", "get chemical reactions started", "its bodily water increases", "heat is produced", "it becomes less thirsty", "it becomes warmer", "exposure to cold" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Lions are very scary animals.
If a lion sweats its bodily water decreases
If a lion sweats what happens? (A) its bodily water decreases (B) depress neuronal excitability (C) get chemical reactions started (D) its bodily water increases (E) heat is produced (F) it becomes less thirsty (G) it becomes warmer (H) exposure to cold
What can an animal do to cool themselves down?
{ "text": [ "preventing heat transfer", "Cover with a blanket", "To keep their body heat.", "converting electricity to heat", "evaporation", "Go into sun", "Stand near a fire", "Decrease bodily water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Sweat is produced to cool the skin down.
animals can cool themselves down by decreasing bodily water
What can an animal do to cool themselves down? (A) preventing heat transfer (B) Cover with a blanket (C) To keep their body heat. (D) converting electricity to heat (E) evaporation (F) Go into sun (G) Stand near a fire (H) Decrease bodily water
An animal panting has decreased what?
{ "text": [ "Quality of life", "motility", "common sense", "life span", "burnout", "Heart rate", "Temperature", "body water" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Some animals sweat, some pant, some lick.
An animal panting has decreased body water
An animal panting has decreased what? (A) Quality of life (B) motility (C) common sense (D) life span (E) burnout (F) Heart rate (G) Temperature (H) body water
What reduces a human's bodily water?
{ "text": [ "flying", "steroids", "fishing", "evaporation", "sugar", "sweating", "reading", "Roundworms." ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Human beings are group animals.
sweating reduces a human's bodily water
What reduces a human's bodily water? (A) flying (B) steroids (C) fishing (D) evaporation (E) sugar (F) sweating (G) reading (H) Roundworms.
what's bodily water decreases through sweat?
{ "text": [ "Lobsters", "plants", "h2o", "excretion", "insects", "pigeons", "omnivores", "humans" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Humans are only animals.
if humans sweat, their bodily water decreases
what's bodily water decreases through sweat? (A) Lobsters (B) plants (C) h2o (D) excretion (E) insects (F) pigeons (G) omnivores (H) humans
From which part of a dog can bodily water escape?
{ "text": [ "Veins and arteries.", "the skin", "aqueous solution", "Endocrine system", "epidermis and dermis", "Pituitary gland", "pituitary", "bottom of feet" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Dogs only sweat from the bottoms of their feet, the only way they can discharge heat is by panting.
A dog's bodily water can exit through the bottoms of their feet
From which part of a dog can bodily water escape? (A) Veins and arteries. (B) the skin (C) aqueous solution (D) Endocrine system (E) epidermis and dermis (F) Pituitary gland (G) pituitary (H) bottom of feet
Many animals ways of getting rid of extra heat makes bodily what decrease
{ "text": [ "solutes", "death", "water", "Energy.", "energy", "matter", "low pHs", "Weight" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Many animals have developed ways of getting rid of extra heat by sweating or panting.
Many animals ways of getting rid of extra heat makes bodily water decrease
Many animals ways of getting rid of extra heat makes bodily what decrease (A) solutes (B) death (C) water (D) Energy. (E) energy (F) matter (G) low pHs (H) Weight
Reducing body-heat can also decrease an animal's what?
{ "text": [ "Quality of life", "prolactin release", "Bodily water", "Heart rate", "heat energy", "Weight", "Temperature", "energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
if an animal sweats then that animal 's bodily water decreases
Most of the time, sweating can reduce body-heat.
reducing body-heat decreases an animal's bodily water
Reducing body-heat can also decrease an animal's what? (A) Quality of life (B) prolactin release (C) Bodily water (D) Heart rate (E) heat energy (F) Weight (G) Temperature (H) energy
What is the primary item inside a virus?
{ "text": [ "Chemical energy", "particles", "genetic material", "cytoplasm", "electromagnetic energy", "bioaerosols", "food and shelter", "bacteria" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA DNA DNA is a person's genetic fingerprint.
Viruses contain genetic material and not much else.
What is the primary item inside a virus? (A) Chemical energy (B) particles (C) genetic material (D) cytoplasm (E) electromagnetic energy (F) bioaerosols (G) food and shelter (H) bacteria
What do viruses contain the most of?
{ "text": [ "Chemical energy", "layers of fat", "ribonucleic acid", "cytoplasm", "germs", "harmful substances", "deadly and devastating", "deoxyribonucleic acid" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid.
Viruses contain deoxyribonucleic acid, but not much else.
What do viruses contain the most of? (A) Chemical energy (B) layers of fat (C) ribonucleic acid (D) cytoplasm (E) germs (F) harmful substances (G) deadly and devastating (H) deoxyribonucleic acid
What contains an abundance of deoxyribonucleic acid and not much else?
{ "text": [ "Conifers", "PDAs", "pollen", "anemia", "bacteria", "proteins", "diseases", "viruses" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA is short for Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
Viruses contain deoxyribonucleic acid but not much else.
What contains an abundance of deoxyribonucleic acid and not much else? (A) Conifers (B) PDAs (C) pollen (D) anemia (E) bacteria (F) proteins (G) diseases (H) viruses
What contains deoxyribonucleic acid but not much else.
{ "text": [ "minerals", "bacteria", "loose soil", "pollen", "viruses", "anemia", "PDAs", "vertebrates" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid.
Viruses contain deoxyribonucleic acid but not much else.
What contains deoxyribonucleic acid but not much else. (A) minerals (B) bacteria (C) loose soil (D) pollen (E) viruses (F) anemia (G) PDAs (H) vertebrates
what contain a right hand double helix of polynucleotides but not much else
{ "text": [ "orchids", "newsprint", "alleles", "Viruses", "soil", "ferns", "animals", "plants" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA Structure DNA Structure DNA is a right hand double helix of polynucleotides.
Viruses contain a right hand double helix of polynucleotides but not much else
what contain a right hand double helix of polynucleotides but not much else (A) orchids (B) newsprint (C) alleles (D) Viruses (E) soil (F) ferns (G) animals (H) plants
What can reproduce themselves?
{ "text": [ "trees", "eunoch", "rocks", "corpse", "viruses", "humans", "plants", "parasites" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA can reproduce itself.
viruses can reproduce themselves
What can reproduce themselves? (A) trees (B) eunoch (C) rocks (D) corpse (E) viruses (F) humans (G) plants (H) parasites
What do viruses contain?
{ "text": [ "resistance", "fish", "harmful substances", "Chemical energy", "encoded information", "contamination", "ice", "dust" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA is encoded information.
viruses contain encoded information but not much else
What do viruses contain? (A) resistance (B) fish (C) harmful substances (D) Chemical energy (E) encoded information (F) contamination (G) ice (H) dust
What is a main component of a virus?
{ "text": [ "Something that causes allergies", "Leptospirosis", "Localized damage", "heat produced", "deoxyribonucleic acid", "Chemical energy", "direct damage to the lungs", "It helps them survive" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid.
Viruses contain deosyribonucleic acid, but not much else.
What is a main component of a virus? (A) Something that causes allergies (B) Leptospirosis (C) Localized damage (D) heat produced (E) deoxyribonucleic acid (F) Chemical energy (G) direct damage to the lungs (H) It helps them survive
What contain the genetic information for life but not much else?
{ "text": [ "plants", "barnacles", "parasites", "fungi", "alleles", "animals", "Viruses", "bacteria" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA contains the genetic information for life.
Viruses contain the genetic information for life but not much else
What contain the genetic information for life but not much else? (A) plants (B) barnacles (C) parasites (D) fungi (E) alleles (F) animals (G) Viruses (H) bacteria
What does HIV contain?
{ "text": [ "p53", "RNA", "DNA", "CFCs", "ova", "gene", "HPV", "mold" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
Where most viruses are DNA, HIV is an RNA virus.
HIV virus contains RNA
What does HIV contain? (A) p53 (B) RNA (C) DNA (D) CFCs (E) ova (F) gene (G) HPV (H) mold
what contains DNA?
{ "text": [ "ovum", "DNA", "HPV", "p53", "HIV", "O3", "RNA", "gene" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
Examples include influenza, rabies, HIV, and Herpes viruses.
HIV contains DNA
what contains DNA? (A) ovum (B) DNA (C) HPV (D) p53 (E) HIV (F) O3 (G) RNA (H) gene
What contains DNA but not much else?
{ "text": [ "cigarettes", "insects", "bacteria", "Most plants", "loose soil", "pollen", "mammals", "smallpox" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
Some smallpox viruses are maintained in laboratories.
smallpox contains DNA but not much else
What contains DNA but not much else? (A) cigarettes (B) insects (C) bacteria (D) Most plants (E) loose soil (F) pollen (G) mammals (H) smallpox
What are Prions void of
{ "text": [ "life", "O2", "RNA", "SNPs", "harm", "gene", "DNA", "p53" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
Prions are different than bacteria or viruses.
DNA is not in Prions
What are Prions void of (A) life (B) O2 (C) RNA (D) SNPs (E) harm (F) gene (G) DNA (H) p53
What do viruses contain?
{ "text": [ "electromagnetic energy", "light energy", "resistance", "contamination", "Deoxyribonucleicacid", "Chemical energy", "harmful substances", "Leptospirosis" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleicacid.
Viruses contain Deoxyribonucleicacid but not much else.
What do viruses contain? (A) electromagnetic energy (B) light energy (C) resistance (D) contamination (E) Deoxyribonucleicacid (F) Chemical energy (G) harmful substances (H) Leptospirosis
what do viruses contain?
{ "text": [ "Mass", "DNA", "SNPs", "RNA", "acid", "gene", "ovum", "host" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
All viruses consist of RNA or DNA and a protein coat.
viruses have RNA
what do viruses contain? (A) Mass (B) DNA (C) SNPs (D) RNA (E) acid (F) gene (G) ovum (H) host
germs that cause people to get sick contain what but not much else?
{ "text": [ "gene", "HPV", "mold", "CFCs", "RNA", "zinc", "p53", "DNA" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
Viruses contain DNA but not much else.
Viruses are germs that cause people to get sick.
germs that cause people to get sick contain DNA but not much else
germs that cause people to get sick contain what but not much else? (A) gene (B) HPV (C) mold (D) CFCs (E) RNA (F) zinc (G) p53 (H) DNA
What can power computers?
{ "text": [ "cities", "Fuel cells", "energy", "kinetic energy", "industry", "heating liquids", "information", "Solar energy" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Computers run on electricity.
fuel cells can power computers
What can power computers? (A) cities (B) Fuel cells (C) energy (D) kinetic energy (E) industry (F) heating liquids (G) information (H) Solar energy
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into what?
{ "text": [ "water energy", "power", "turbine energy", "LEDs", "solar energy", "Light", "Heat", "gas" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Power involves electrical energy.
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into power.
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into what? (A) water energy (B) power (C) turbine energy (D) LEDs (E) solar energy (F) Light (G) Heat (H) gas
What do microbial fuel cells transform hydrogen into?
{ "text": [ "Renewable energy", "Electrical energy", "kinetic energy", "electromagnetic energy", "an engine", "transportation technology", "Solar energy", "Oil" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Fuel cells are devices that directly convert hydrogen into electricity.
Microbial cells can transform hydrogen into electrical energy
What do microbial fuel cells transform hydrogen into? (A) Renewable energy (B) Electrical energy (C) kinetic energy (D) electromagnetic energy (E) an engine (F) transportation technology (G) Solar energy (H) Oil
What do microbial fuel cells and electric generators both create?
{ "text": [ "sunlight", "electricity", "vehicles", "chemical energy", "Greenhouse gases", "engines", "to move people", "light" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Electric generators convert mechanical energy into electric energy.
microbial fuel cells and electric generators both create electricity
What do microbial fuel cells and electric generators both create? (A) sunlight (B) electricity (C) vehicles (D) chemical energy (E) Greenhouse gases (F) engines (G) to move people (H) light
What converts food into electrical energy?
{ "text": [ "transportation technology", "windmills", "matter vibrating", "solar panels", "adding heat", "one celled organisms", "microbial fuel cells", "dams" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Food is chemical energy.
microbial fuel cells convert food into electrical energy
What converts food into electrical energy? (A) transportation technology (B) windmills (C) matter vibrating (D) solar panels (E) adding heat (F) one celled organisms (G) microbial fuel cells (H) dams
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into what?
{ "text": [ "Something with exactly eight protons", "Something studied by Michael Faraday", "scraping oneself on a contaminated object", "Something that moves in an elliptical orbit", "skin redness and pain, possible swelling, blisters, fever, headaches", "remove toxic material from the stomach before it is absorbed", "Something that can be converted to kinetic and heat energy by a motor", "Something made of glass, fiberglass, polyethylene, or vinyl" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Electrical energy can be converted into kinetic energy and heat energy by an electric motor.
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into something that can be converted into kinetic energy and heat energy by a motor
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into what? (A) Something with exactly eight protons (B) Something studied by Michael Faraday (C) scraping oneself on a contaminated object (D) Something that moves in an elliptical orbit (E) skin redness and pain, possible swelling, blisters, fever, headaches (F) remove toxic material from the stomach before it is absorbed (G) Something that can be converted to kinetic and heat energy by a motor (H) Something made of glass, fiberglass, polyethylene, or vinyl
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into
{ "text": [ "kinetic energy", "Deoxyribonucleicacid", "rays or beams", "harmful substances", "vehicles", "sunlight", "deoxyribonucleic acid", "Greenhouse gases" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Electricity is a kinetic energy.
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into kinetic energy
Microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into (A) kinetic energy (B) Deoxyribonucleicacid (C) rays or beams (D) harmful substances (E) vehicles (F) sunlight (G) deoxyribonucleic acid (H) Greenhouse gases
what do microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into?
{ "text": [ "rays or beams", "transportation technology", "Deoxyribonucleicacid", "flow of electrons", "hydrogen and oxygen", "deoxyribonucleic acid", "an engine", "heating liquids" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy
Electrical energy refers to energy associated with the flow of electrons.
microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into a flow of electrons
what do microbial fuel cells convert chemical energy into? (A) rays or beams (B) transportation technology (C) Deoxyribonucleicacid (D) flow of electrons (E) hydrogen and oxygen (F) deoxyribonucleic acid (G) an engine (H) heating liquids
On many broad-leaved trees, what usually changes in the autumn season?
{ "text": [ "colors of the spectrum", "chemical changes", "color of branches", "color of leaves", "temperature", "shape of branches", "size of needles", "bloom time" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Many broad-leaved trees are deciduous.
The color of leaves on many broad-leaved trees usually change in the autumn season.
On many broad-leaved trees, what usually changes in the autumn season? (A) colors of the spectrum (B) chemical changes (C) color of branches (D) color of leaves (E) temperature (F) shape of branches (G) size of needles (H) bloom time
what season happens before snow falls, and spring brings back the greenery
{ "text": [ "autumn", "rainfall", "Winter", "H20", "spring", "rain", "middle", "summer" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Leaves change color, snow falls, and spring brings back the greenery.
the season of autumn happens before snow falls, and spring brings back the greenery
what season happens before snow falls, and spring brings back the greenery (A) autumn (B) rainfall (C) Winter (D) H20 (E) spring (F) rain (G) middle (H) summer
Which tree's leaves change color in autumn
{ "text": [ "Fir", "wind", "Palm", "blue", "elms", "Oak", "Ficus", "Aves" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Common deciduous trees are the oak, elm and beech.
the color of leaves on oak trees usually changes in the autumn season
Which tree's leaves change color in autumn (A) Fir (B) wind (C) Palm (D) blue (E) elms (F) Oak (G) Ficus (H) Aves
What do mulberry trees do in the autumn?
{ "text": [ "Change colors", "Fall over", "Fruit", "bloom time", "reproduce", "Stay green", "spread flower seeds", "staying warm" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Mulberry trees are deciduous.
Mulberry trees change colors in autumn
What do mulberry trees do in the autumn? (A) Change colors (B) Fall over (C) Fruit (D) bloom time (E) reproduce (F) Stay green (G) spread flower seeds (H) staying warm
What does a peachleaf willow do in the autumn?
{ "text": [ "staying warm", "It expands", "Die", "Change colors", "Fall over", "Grow new flowers", "flowers", "spread flower seeds" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Peachleaf willow is a deciduous tree.
A peachleaf willow changes colors in the autumn season
What does a peachleaf willow do in the autumn? (A) staying warm (B) It expands (C) Die (D) Change colors (E) Fall over (F) Grow new flowers (G) flowers (H) spread flower seeds
Fall begins as deciduous trees lose their leaves when?
{ "text": [ "It becomes dormant", "Plant growth is reduced", "in the autumn season", "deforestation", "Physical weathering", "in the winter season", "in the spring season", "in the freezing season" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Fall colors begin as deciduous trees lose their leaves.
Fall begins as deciduous trees lose their leaves in the autumn season.
Fall begins as deciduous trees lose their leaves when? (A) It becomes dormant (B) Plant growth is reduced (C) in the autumn season (D) deforestation (E) Physical weathering (F) in the winter season (G) in the spring season (H) in the freezing season
During what time frame do deciduous trees' leaves change color?
{ "text": [ "summer end", "dry and hot", "summer start", "barrel-shaped", "dry conditions", "winter", "after winter", "climate" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Autumn is a season of transistion as the warm summer days fade giving way to cooler weather.
Deciduous trees have leaves that change color when summer fades.
During what time frame do deciduous trees' leaves change color? (A) summer end (B) dry and hot (C) summer start (D) barrel-shaped (E) dry conditions (F) winter (G) after winter (H) climate
what usually has its leaves change color in autumn?
{ "text": [ "by indirect light", "Most plants", "single-celled organisms", "sensory neurons", "haploid plants", "eukyarotes", "peachleaf willow", "It remains dormant" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Peachleaf willow is a deciduous tree.
the color of leaves on peachleaf willows usually changes in the autumn season
what usually has its leaves change color in autumn? (A) by indirect light (B) Most plants (C) single-celled organisms (D) sensory neurons (E) haploid plants (F) eukyarotes (G) peachleaf willow (H) It remains dormant
What usually changes in the autumn season?
{ "text": [ "Something that can be auburn", "looseness of dirt or compost", "the looseness of soil", "the color of leaves on oaks", "a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun", "Warm air moving into cold air", "the male sex cells of plants", "The bending of a ray of light" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Deciduous trees are Oak, Elm, Ash, Maple, and Birch.
the color of leaves on oaks usually changes in the autumn season
What usually changes in the autumn season? (A) Something that can be auburn (B) looseness of dirt or compost (C) the looseness of soil (D) the color of leaves on oaks (E) a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun (F) Warm air moving into cold air (G) the male sex cells of plants (H) The bending of a ray of light
What non-deciduos types do not change colors?
{ "text": [ "Conifers", "Frogs", "eukyarotes", "Echinoids", "monotremes", "opossums", "ferns", "heterotrophs" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
the color of leaves on deciduous trees usually changes in the autumn season
Douglas Fir trees have fir cones.
Conifers do not change colors with the season.
What non-deciduos types do not change colors? (A) Conifers (B) Frogs (C) eukyarotes (D) Echinoids (E) monotremes (F) opossums (G) ferns (H) heterotrophs
What is used for refracting energy?
{ "text": [ "wind", "a circuit", "a prism", "Decibels", "a window", "glass", "a doorbell", "a wave" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a prism is used for refracting light
Light contains energy.
A prism is used for refracting energy.
What is used for refracting energy? (A) wind (B) a circuit (C) a prism (D) Decibels (E) a window (F) glass (G) a doorbell (H) a wave
what is a prism used to refract?
{ "text": [ "Something that can be auburn", "basic building blocks of life", "mirrors", "our nearest star", "wavelengths and photons", "microwaves", "triangles", "focusing a lens" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a prism is used for refracting light
Light is described both as wavelengths and photons.
a prism is used for refracting wavelengths and photons
what is a prism used to refract? (A) Something that can be auburn (B) basic building blocks of life (C) mirrors (D) our nearest star (E) wavelengths and photons (F) microwaves (G) triangles (H) focusing a lens
What does refracted light get divided into?
{ "text": [ "Change colors", "colors of the spectrum", "basic building blocks of life", "fissures of hot, acidic water", "it keeps an organism warm", "energy", "prisms", "light" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a prism is used for refracting light
Light passing through a prism is refracted or divided into the colors of the spectrum.
The refracted light is separated into the color spectrum
What does refracted light get divided into? (A) Change colors (B) colors of the spectrum (C) basic building blocks of life (D) fissures of hot, acidic water (E) it keeps an organism warm (F) energy (G) prisms (H) light
What do prisms do to light?
{ "text": [ "Lighten", "Darken", "Energize", "widen", "Bend", "adapt", "expand", "harm" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a prism is used for refracting light
Refraction Refraction is the bending of light rays.
Prisms are used to bend light
What do prisms do to light? (A) Lighten (B) Darken (C) Energize (D) widen (E) Bend (F) adapt (G) expand (H) harm
What tool can be used to bend rays of light?
{ "text": [ "Compass", "a wave", "fibers", "Magnet", "Pliers", "Prism", "forces", "Newton" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a prism is used for refracting light
Refraction is the bending of a ray of light.
A prism can be used to bend a ray of light.
What tool can be used to bend rays of light? (A) Compass (B) a wave (C) fibers (D) Magnet (E) Pliers (F) Prism (G) forces (H) Newton
What is used to refract light?
{ "text": [ "glass", "stone", "a wave", "fibers", "tube", "copper", "rocks", "sand" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a prism is used for refracting light
Glass prisms are heavy.
glass is used for refracting light
What is used to refract light? (A) glass (B) stone (C) a wave (D) fibers (E) tube (F) copper (G) rocks (H) sand
what is a prism used to refract?
{ "text": [ "focusing a lens", "photons", "h2o", "glass", "oxygen", "rays or beams", "our nearest star", "an electron lens" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a prism is used for refracting light
Light seems to travel in rays or beams.
a prism is used for refracting rays or beams
what is a prism used to refract? (A) focusing a lens (B) photons (C) h2o (D) glass (E) oxygen (F) rays or beams (G) our nearest star (H) an electron lens
what do prisms refract?
{ "text": [ "Slow.", "wind", "yes", "Joules", "ligt", "energy", "sand", "waves" ], "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ] }
a prism is used for refracting light
Glass prisms and mirrors are used to mainipulate the light rays.
prisms refract light
what do prisms refract? (A) Slow. (B) wind (C) yes (D) Joules (E) ligt (F) energy (G) sand (H) waves