[ "The design and implementation of high gain 2.4GHz patch antenna array for wireless communications application in rural area is presented.", "The patch antenna array with high gain is expected to minimize the need of tower that almost requires high cost of construction.", "In order to achieve high gain, the proposed antenna is constructed by 4×4 rectangular patches fed by microstrip line corporate feeding network which is developed using a λ/4 transformer impedance matching technique.", "The antenna structure is then deployed on a Flame Retardant (FR) 4 Epoxy dielectric substrate which the thickness and dielectric constant of 1.6mm, and 4.4, respectively.", "Prior hardware realization, some antenna parameters including return loss, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), radiation pattern, and gain are characterized through simulation to obtain an optimum design of antenna.", "While from the measurement, it shows that the characteristics of realized patch antenna array have good agreements with the design results in which the realized antenna has the measured gain of 15.59dB at the center frequency with the return loss of 19.52dB which corresponds to VSWR of 1.24 and the bandwidth response of 130MHz ranges from the frequency of 2.31GHz-2.44GHz." ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.39469999074935913, 0.39469999074935913, 0.6053000092506409, 0.7894999980926514, 0.631600022315979, 0.8158000111579895 ]
[ "Automatic story comprehension is a fundamental challenge in Natural Language Understanding, and can enable computers to learn about social norms, human behavior and commonsense.", "In this paper, we present a story comprehension model that explores three distinct semantic aspects: (i) the sequence of events described in the story, (ii) its emotional trajectory, and (iii) its plot consistency.", "We judge the model’s understanding of real-world stories by inquiring if, like humans, it can develop an expectation of what will happen next in a given story.", "Specifically, we use it to predict the correct ending of a given short story from possible alternatives.", "The model uses a hidden variable to weigh the semantic aspects in the context of the story.", "Our experiments demonstrate the potential of our approach to characterize these semantic aspects, and the strength of the hidden variable based approach.", "The model outperforms the stateof-the-art approaches and achieves best results on a publicly available dataset." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7436000108718872, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ "Although deep learning has historical roots going back decades, neither the term “deep learning” nor the approach was popular just over five years ago, when the field was reignited by papers such as Krizhevsky, Sutskever and Hinton’s now classic 2012 (Krizhevsky, Sutskever, & Hinton, 2012)deep net model of Imagenet.", "What has the field discovered in the five subsequent years?", "Against a background of considerable progress in areas such as speech recognition, image recognition, and game playing, and considerable enthusiasm in the popular press, I present ten concerns for deep learning, and suggest that deep learning must be supplemented by other techniques if we are to reach artificial general intelligence. !", "Departments of Psychology and Neural Science, New York University, gary.marcus at nyu.edu.", "I thank Christina 1 Chen, François Chollet, Ernie Davis, Zack Lipton, Stefano Pacifico, Suchi Saria, and Athena Vouloumanos for sharp-eyed comments, all generously supplied on short notice during the holidays at the close of 2017." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 3, 3 ]
[ 1, 0.5946000218391418, 0.3783999979496002, 0.6485999822616577, 0.8378000259399414 ]
[ "Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3) is the predominant SCADA protocol in the energy sector – more than 75% of North American electric utilities currently use DNP3 for industrial control applications.", "This paper presents a taxonomy of attacks on the protocol.", "The attacks are classified based on targets (control center, outstation devices and network/communication paths) and threat categories (interception, interruption, modification and fabrication).", "To facilitate risk analysis and mitigation strategies, the attacks are associated with the specific DNP3 protocol layers they exploit.", "Also, the operational impact of the attacks is categorized in terms of three key SCADA objectives: process confidentiality, process awareness and process control.", "The attack taxonomy clarifies the nature and scope of the threats to DNP3 systems, and can provide insights into the relative costs and benefits of implementing mitigation strategies." ]
[ 4, 3, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.43689998984336853, 0.43689998984336853, 0.4659999907016754, 0.43689998984336853, 0.8252000212669373, 0.43689998984336853 ]
[ "A revision is currently being undertaken of ISO 9241-11, published in 1998 to provide guidance on usability.", "ISO-9241-11 defines usability in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a particular context of use.", "The intention was to emphasise that usability is an outcome of interaction rather than a property of a product.", "This is now widely accepted.", "However, the standard also places emphasis on usability measurement and it is now appreciated that there is more to usability evaluation than measurement.", "Other developments include an increasing awareness of the importance of the individual user's emotional experience as discretionary usage of complex consumer products and use of the World Wide Web have became more widespread.", "From an organisational perspective, it is now appreciated that usability plays an important role in managing the potentials risks that can arise from inappropriate outcomes of interaction.", "The revision of ISO 9241-11 takes account of these issues and other feedback." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645 ]
[ "Noise is always presents in digital images during image acquisition, coding, transmission, and processing steps.", "Noise is very difficult to remove it from the digital images without the prior knowledge of noise model.", "That is why, review of noise models are essential in the study of image denoising techniques.", "In this paper, we express a brief overview of various noise models.", "These noise models can be selected by analysis of their origin.", "In this way, we present a complete and quantitative analysis of noise models available in digital images." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8181999921798706, 0.8181999921798706, 0.6363999843597412, 0.5454999804496765, 0.33329999446868896, 0.6363999843597412 ]
[ "The increasing diffusion of digital technologies throughout industries and aspects of life is transforming businesses even in areas that always have been dependent on physical materiality.", "In this paper, by conducting an exploratory Delphi study in collaboration with 19 industry experts, we aim to shed light on the specific managerial challenges associated with the impact of digital transformation in the industrial-age, physical product–manufacturing automotive industry.", "Our results point to three key themes: (1) the radicalization of IT-enabled business transformation going beyond intraorganizational challenges, (2) the transformation of industrial business through digital innovation, and (3) the emergence of physical–digital paradoxes.", "With our study, we extend the knowledge in IT-enabled business transformation literature by relating it to the emergent topic of digital innovation.", "We find organizational ambidexterity to be of specific importance when dealing with emergent challenges that arise from the combination of the physical and digital worlds." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7921000123023987, 0.6535000205039978, 0.6435999870300293, 0.6535000205039978, 0.415800005197525 ]
[ "Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently emerged as a popular building block for natural language processing (NLP).", "Despite their success, most existing CNN models employed in NLP are not expressive enough, in the sense that all input sentences share the same learned (and static) set of filters.", "Motivated by this problem, we propose an adaptive convolutional filter generation framework for natural language understanding, by leveraging a meta network to generate inputaware filters.", "We further generalize our framework to model question-answer sentence pairs and propose an adaptive question answering (AdaQA) model; a novel two-way feature abstraction mechanism is introduced to encapsulate co-dependent sentence representations.", "We investigate the effectiveness of our framework on document categorization and answer sentence-selection tasks, achieving state-of-the-art performance on several" ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8378000259399414, 0.7419000267982483, 0.6215999722480774, 0.5676000118255615, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "As mobile ad hoc network applications are deployed, security emerges as a central requirement.", "In this paper, we introduce the wormhole attack, a severe attack in ad hoc networks that is particularly challenging to defend against.", "The wormhole attack is possible even if the attacker has not compromised any hosts, and even if all communication provides authenticity and confidentiality.", "In the wormhole attack, an attacker records packets (or bits) at one location in the network, tunnels them (possibly selectively) to another location, and retransmits them there into the network.", "The wormhole attack can form a serious threat in wireless networks, especially against many ad hoc network routing protocols and location-based wireless security systems.", "For example, most existing ad hoc network routing protocols, without some mechanism to defend against the wormhole attack, would be unable to find routes longer than one or two hops, severely disrupting communication.", "We present a general mechanism, called packet leashes, for detecting and, thus defending against wormhole attacks, and we present a specific protocol, called TIK, that implements leashes.", "We also discuss topology-based wormhole detection, and show that it is impossible for these approaches to detect some wormhole topologies." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.8108000159263611, 0.8108000159263611, 0.766700029373169, 0.6215999722480774, 0.6215999722480774, 0.8108000159263611, 0.5946000218391418, 0.8108000159263611 ]
[ "Scattering in participating media, such as fog or haze, generates volumetric lighting effects known as crepuscular or god rays.", "Rendering such effects greatly enhances the realism in virtual scenes, but is inherently costly as scattering events occur at every point in space and thus it requires costly integration of the light scattered towards the observer.", "This is typically done using ray marching which is too expensive for every pixel on the screen for interactive applications.", "We propose a rendering technique for textured light sources in single-scattering media, that draws from the concept of epipolar geometry to place samples in image space: the inscattered light varies orthogonally to crepuscular rays, but mostly smoothly along these rays.", "These are epipolar lines of a plane of light rays that projects onto one line on the image plane.", "Our method samples sparsely along epipolar lines and interpolates between samples where adequate, but preserves high frequency details that are caused by shadowing of light rays.", "We show that our method is very simple to implement on the GPU, yields high quality images, and achieves high frame rates." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308, 0.39469999074935913, 0.5788999795913696, 0.39469999074935913, 0.3684000074863434, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "Compared to scanned images, document pictures captured by camera can suffer from distortions due to perspective and page warping.", "It is necessary to restore a frontal planar view of the page before other OCR techniques can be applied.", "In this paper we describe a novel approach for flattening a curved document in a single picture captured by an uncalibrated camera.", "To our knowledge this is the first reported method able to process general curved documents in images without camera calibration.", "We propose to model the page surface by a developable surface, and exploit the properties (parallelism and equal line spacing) of the printed textual content on the page to recover the surface shape.", "Experiments show that the output images are much more OCR friendly than the original ones.", "While our method is designed to work with any general developable surfaces, it can be adapted for typical special cases including planar pages, scans of thick books, and opened books." ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1 ]
[ 0.428600013256073, 0.571399986743927, 0.666700005531311, 0.8285999894142151, 0.8285999894142151, 0.8285999894142151, 0.4000000059604645 ]
[ "This paper presents the concepts, issues on development, and future perspectives of a novel musculoskeletal humanoid `Kotaro'.", "The specifications and advantages of Kotaro include muscle-driven endoskeletal structure, multiple degrees of freedom, variable physical softness, the multiple-joint spine, easily configurable muscles, distributed onbody controllers, various sorts of many sensors including eyes, ears, and whole-body tactile sensors, and so on.", "These characteristics would achieve a flexible body, litheness of motions, safety, and adaptability and applicability to diverse tasks which would very often appear in human's daily lives" ]
[ 0, 0, 2 ]
[ 0.7778000235557556, 0.7778000235557556, 0.41670000553131104 ]
[ "Digital forensics is a relatively new scientific discipline, but one that has matured greatly over the past decade.", "In any field of human endeavor, it is important to periodically pause and review the state of the discipline.", "This paper examines where the discipline of digital forensics is at this point in time and what has been accomplished in order to critically analyze what has been done well and what ought to be done better.", "The paper also takes stock of what is known, what is not known and what needs to be known.", "It is a compilation of the author’s opinion and the viewpoints of twenty-one other practitioners and researchers, many of whom are leaders in the field.", "In synthesizing these professional opinions, several consensus views emerge that provide valuable insights into the “state of the discipline.”" ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.771399974822998, 0.771399974822998, 0.37139999866485596, 0.6000000238418579, 0.37139999866485596, 0.8285999894142151 ]
[ "Neural networks are typically designed to deal with data in tensor forms.", "In this paper, we propose a novel neural network architecture accepting graphs of arbitrary structure.", "Given a dataset containing graphs in the form of (G, y) where G is a graph and y is its class, we aim to develop neural networks that read the graphs directly and learn a classification function.", "There are two main challenges: 1) how to extract useful features characterizing the rich information encoded in a graph for classification purpose, and 2) how to sequentially read a graph in a meaningful and consistent order.", "To address the first challenge, we design a localized graph convolution model and show its connection with two graph kernels.", "To address the second challenge, we design a novel SortPooling layer which sorts graph vertices in a consistent order so that traditional neural networks can be trained on the graphs.", "Experiments on benchmark graph classification datasets demonstrate that the proposed architecture achieves highly competitive performance with state-of-the-art graph kernels and other graph neural network methods.", "Moreover, the architecture allows end-to-end gradient-based training with original graphs, without the need to first transform graphs into vectors." ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308, 0.8158000111579895, 0.8158000111579895, 0.8158000111579895, 0.421099990606308, 0.6053000092506409 ]
[ "For sophisticated reinforcement learning (RL) systems to interact usefully with real-world environments, we need to communicate complex goals to these systems.", "In this work, we explore goals defined in terms of (non-expert) human preferences between pairs of trajectory segments.", "We show that this approach can effectively solve complex RL tasks without access to the reward function, including Atari games and simulated robot locomotion, while providing feedback on less than 1% of our agent’s interactions with the environment.", "This reduces the cost of human oversight far enough that it can be practically applied to state-of-the-art RL systems.", "To demonstrate the flexibility of our approach, we show that we can successfully train complex novel behaviors with about an hour of human time.", "These behaviors and environments are considerably more complex than any which have been previously learned from human feedback." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.8055999875068665, 0.583299994468689, 0.3610999882221222, 0.3610999882221222, 0.33329999446868896, 0.7778000235557556 ]
[ "In this paper, we adopt 3D CNNs to segment the pancreas in CT images.", "Although deep neural networks have been proven to be very effective on many 2D vision tasks, it is still challenging to apply them to 3D applications due to the limited amount of annotated 3D data and limited computational resources.", "We propose a novel 3D-based coarseto-fine framework for volumetric pancreas segmentation to tackle these challenges.", "The proposed 3D-based framework outperforms the 2D counterpart to a large margin since it can leverage the rich spatial information along all three axes.", "We conduct experiments on two datasets which include healthy and pathological pancreases respectively, and achieve the state-of-the-art in terms of Dice-Sørensen Coefficient (DSC).", "Moreover, the worst case of DSC on the NIH dataset was improved by 7% to reach almost 70%, which indicates the reliability of our framework in clinical applications." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6111000180244446, 0.6111000180244446, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.6388999819755554, 1 ]
[ "No wonder you activities are, reading will be always needed.", "It is not only to fulfil the duties that you need to finish in deadline time.", "Reading will encourage your mind and thoughts.", "Of course, reading will greatly develop your experiences about everything.", "Reading elements of distributed computing is also a way as one of the collective books that gives many advantages.", "The advantages are not only for you, but for the other peoples with those meaningful benefits." ]
[ 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 0.5929999947547913, 0.40700000524520874, 0.5813999772071838, 0.5813999772071838, 0.5813999772071838, 0.5813999772071838 ]
[ "This article provides an overview of the mainstream deep learning approaches and research directions proposed over the past decade.", "It is important to emphasize that each approach has strengths and \"weaknesses, depending on the application and context in \"which it is being used.", "Thus, this article presents a summary on the current state of the deep machine learning field and some perspective into how it may evolve.", "Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) (and their respective variations) are focused on primarily because they are well established in the deep learning field and show great promise for future work." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.7646999955177307, 0.5881999731063843 ]
[ "Today‘s business environment is very much dynamic, and organizations are constantly changing their software requirements to adjust with new environment.", "They also demand for fast delivery of software products as well as for accepting changing requirements.", "In this aspect, traditional plan-driven developments fail to meet up these requirements.", "Though traditional software development methodologies, such as life cycle-based structured and object oriented approaches, continue to dominate the systems development few decades and much research has done in traditional methodologies, Agile software development brings its own set of novel challenges that must be addressed to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of the valuable software.", "It‘s a set of software development methods based on iterative and incremental development process, where requirements and development evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams that allows rapid delivery of high quality software to meet customer needs and also accommodate changes in the requirements.", "In this paper, we significantly indentify and describe the major factors, that Agile development approach improves software development process to meet the rapid changing business environments.", "We also provide a brief comparison of agile development methodologies with traditional systems development methodologies, and discuss current state of adopting agile methodologies." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.7838000059127808, 0.6215999722480774, 0.5676000118255615, 0.40540000796318054, 0.40540000796318054, 0.5676000118255615, 0.7838000059127808 ]
[ "The requirement of detection and identification of tables from document images is crucial to any document image analysis and digital library system.", "Here in this paper we report a very simple but extremely powerful approach to detect any table in any form that may be present in a document page.", "The algorithm rely on the observation that the tables has distinct columns whose physical implication is in the presence of substantially larger gaps between the fields than the gaps between the words in text lines.", "This deceptively simple observation has led to the design of a simple but powerful table detection system with a low computation cost and achieving an efficiency close to 100%.", "Moreover, mathematical foundation of the approach is also established including formation of a regular expression for ease of implementation." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585 ]
[ "Manual analysis and decryption of enciphered documents is a tedious and error prone work.", "Often—even after spending large amounts of time on a particular cipher—no decipherment can be found.", "Automating the decryption of various types of ciphers makes it possible to sift through the large number of encrypted messages found in libraries and archives, and to focus human effort only on a small but potentially interesting subset of them.", "In this work, we train a classifier that is able to predict which encipherment method has been used to generate a given ciphertext.", "We are able to distinguish 50 different cipher types (specified by the American Cryptogram Association) with an accuracy of 58.5%.", "This is a 11.2% absolute improvement over the best previously published classifier." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7278000116348267, 0.5900999903678894, 1, 0.337799996137619, 0.8198000192642212 ]
[ "Instant messaging (IM) has become one of the most popular forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC) and is especially prevalent on college campuses.", "Previous research suggests that IM users often multitask while conversing online.", "To date, no one has yet examined the cognitive effect of concurrent IM use.", "Participants in the present study (N = 69) completed a reading comprehension task uninterrupted or while concurrently holding an IM conversation.", "Participants who IMed while performing the reading task took significantly longer to complete the task, indicating that concurrent IM use negatively affects efficiency.", "Concurrent IM use did not affect reading comprehension scores.", "Additional analyses revealed that the more time participants reported spending on IM, the lower their reading comprehension scores.", "Finally, we found that the more time participants reported spending on IM, the lower their self-reported GPA.", "Implications and future directions are discussed." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 0.8285999894142151, 0.6000000238418579, 0.771399974822998, 0.8285999894142151, 1, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "Clustering is a solution for classifying enormous data when there is not any early knowledge about classes.", "With emerging new concepts like cloud computing and big data and their vast applications in recent years, research works have been increased on unsupervised solutions like clustering algorithms to extract knowledge from this avalanche of data.", "Clustering time-series data has been used in diverse scientific areas to discover patterns which empower data analysts to extract valuable information from complex and massive datasets.", "In case of huge datasets, using supervised classification solutions is almost impossible, while clustering can solve this problem using unsupervised approaches.", "In this research work, the focus is on time-series data, which is one of the popular data types in clustering problems and is broadly used from gene expression data in biology to stock market analysis in finance.", "This review will expose four main components of time-series clustering and is aimed to represent an updated investigation on the trend of improvements in efficiency, quality and complexity of clustering time-series approaches during the last decade and enlighten new paths for" ]
[ 1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 2 ]
[ 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "TreeView is a simple, easy to use phylogenetic tree viewing utility that runs under both MacOS (on Apple Macintosh computers) and under Microsoft Windows on Intel based computers, the two most common personal computers used by biologists.", "Some phylogeny programs, such as PAUP (Swofford, 1993) and MacClade (Maddison and Maddison, 1992) already provide excellent tree drawing and printing facilities, however at present these programs are restricted to Apple Macintosh computers.", "Furthermore, they require the user to load a data set before any trees can be displayed which is inconvenient if the user simply wants to view the trees.", "More portable programs, such as DRAWGRAM and DRAWTREE in the PHYLIP package (Felsenstein, 1993) can run on both MacOS and Windows computers, but make little, if any use of the graphical interface features available under those operating systems.", "TreeView runs as a native application on either MacOS or Windows computers, enables the user to use the standard fonts installed on their machine, their printer, and supports the relevant native graphics format (PICT and Windows metafile) for either creating graphics files or pasting pictures to other applications via the clipboard.", "The program also supports standard file operations, such as 'drag and drop' whereby dragging a file's icon onto the program opens that file.", "TreeView can read a range of tree file formats (see below) and can display trees in a range of styles (Fig. 1).", "Additional information, such as edge lengths and internal node labels can also be displayed.", "The order of the terminal taxa in the tree can be altered, and the tree can be rerooted.", "If the tree file contains more than one tree the user can view each tree in turn." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.7894999980926514, 0.5788999795913696, 0.631600022315979, 0.631600022315979, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308, 0.53329998254776, 0.631600022315979 ]
[ "John Trono published a new exercise in concurrent programming—the Santa Claus problem—and provided a solution based on semaphores [12].", "His solution is incorrect because it assumes that a process released from waiting on a semaphore will necessarily be scheduled for execution.", "We give a simple solution in Ada 95 using higher order synchronization primitives: protected objects and rendezvous.", "We then give solution in Java, though this solution is not as elegant as the Ada 95 solution because the Java synchronization primitives are rather limited.", "The problem demonstrates that semaphores, designed for low-level mutual exclusion, are not appropriate for solving difficult concurrent programming problems." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6090999841690063, 0.6090999841690063, 0.5735999941825867, 1, 0.7868000268936157 ]
[ "In this paper we present an approach to organize and classify e-mails using self-organizing maps.", "The aim is on the one hand to provide an intuitive visual profile of the considered mailing lists and on the other hand to offer an intuitive navigation tool, were similar e-mails are located close to each other, so that the user can scan easily for e-mails similar in content.", "To be able to evaluate this approach we have developed a prototypical software tool that imports messages from a mailing list and arranges/ groups these e-mails based on a similarity measure.", "The tool combines conventional keyword search methods with a visualization of the considered e-mail collection.", "The prototype was developed based on externally growing self-organizing maps, which solve some problems of conventional self-organizing maps and which are computationally viable.", "Besides the underlying algorithms we present and discuss some system evaluations in order to show the capabilities of the approach.", "# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 4, 0, 3 ]
[ 0.583299994468689, 1, 0.3889000117778778, 0.583299994468689, 0.3889000117778778, 0.41670000553131104, 1 ]
[ "We compare three common dispute resolution processes – negotiation, mediation, and arbitration – in the framework of Crawford and Sobel (1982).", "Under negotiation, the two parties engage in (possibly arbitrarily long) face-to-face cheap talk.", "Under mediation, the parties communicate with a neutral third party who makes a non-binding recommendation.", "Under arbitration, the two parties commit to conform to the third party recommendation.", "We characterize and compare the optimal mediation and arbitration procedures.", "Both mediators and arbitrators should optimally filter information, but mediators should also add noise to it.", "We find that unmediated negotiation performs as well as mediation if and only if the degree of conflict between the parties is low." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "Deep learning takes advantage of large datasets and computationally efficient training algorithms to outperform other approaches at various machine learning tasks.", "However, imperfections in the training phase of deep neural networks make them vulnerable to adversarial samples: inputs crafted by adversaries with the intent of causing deep neural networks to misclassify.", "In this work, we formalize the space of adversaries against deep neural networks (DNNs) and introduce a novel class of algorithms to craft adversarial samples based on a precise understanding of the mapping between inputs and outputs of DNNs.", "In an application to computer vision, we show that our algorithms can reliably produce samples correctly classified by human subjects but misclassified in specific targets by a DNN with a 97% adversarial success rate while only modifying on average 4.02% of the input features per sample.", "We then evaluate the vulnerability of different sample classes to adversarial perturbations by defining a hardness measure.", "Finally, we describe preliminary work outlining defenses against adversarial samples by defining a predictive measure of distance between a benign input and a target classification." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.8205000162124634, 0.8205000162124634, 0.7949000000953674, 0.3846000134944916, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "Scaling the distributed deep learning to a massive GPU cluster level is challenging due to the instability of the large mini-batch training and the overhead of the gradient synchronization.", "We address the instability of the large mini-batch training with batch size control.", "We address the overhead of the gradient synchronization with 2D-Torus all-reduce.", "Specifically, 2D-Torus all-reduce arranges GPUs in a logical 2D grid and performs a series of collective operation in different orientations.", "These two techniques are implemented with Neural Network Libraries (NNL) 1 .", "We have successfully trained ImageNet/ResNet-50 in 224 seconds without significant accuracy loss on ABCI cluster." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.41670000553131104, 0.6388999819755554, 0.666700005531311, 0.666700005531311, 1 ]
[ "The effects of e-commerce institutional mechanisms on trust and online purchase have traditionally been understood in the initial online purchase context.", "This study extends this literature by exploring the role of ecommerce institutional mechanisms in the online repurchase context.", "In doing so, it responds to the emerging call for understanding the institutional context under which customer trust operates in an e-commerce environment.", "Specifically, this study introduces a key moderator, perceived effectiveness of e-commerce institutional mechanisms (PEEIM), to the relationships between trust, satisfaction, and repurchase intention.", "Drawing on the theory of organizational trust, and based on a survey of 362 returning online customers, we find that PEEIM negatively moderates the relationship between trust in an online vendor and online customer repurchase intention, as it decreases the importance of trust to promoting repurchase behavior.", "We also find that" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3 ]
[ 0.7760000228881836, 0.7760000228881836, 0.6159999966621399, 0.6159999966621399, 0.2240000069141388, 0.8040000200271606 ]
[ "This study assessed motives for social network site (SNS) use, group belonging, collective self-esteem, and gender effects among older adolescents.", "Communication with peer group members was the most important motivation for SNS use.", "Participants high in positive collective self-esteem were strongly motivated to communicate with peer group via SNS.", "Females were more likely to report high positive collective self-esteem, greater overall use, and SNS use to communicate with peers.", "Females also posted higher means for group-in-self, passing time, and entertainment.", "Negative collective self-esteem correlated with social compensation, suggesting that those who felt negatively about their social group used SNS as an alternative to communicating with other group members.", "Males were more likely than females to report negative collective self-esteem and SNS use for social compensation and social identity gratifications." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 0.4571000039577484, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.37139999866485596, 0.37139999866485596, 0.37139999866485596 ]
[ "Internet of Things (IoT) technology has attracted much attention in recent years for its potential to alleviate the strain on healthcare systems caused by an aging population and a rise in chronic illness.", "Standardization is a key issue limiting progress in this area, and thus this paper proposes a standard model for application in future IoT healthcare systems.", "This survey paper then presents the state-of-the-art research relating to each area of the model, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, and overall suitability for a wearable IoT healthcare system.", "Challenges that healthcare IoT faces including security, privacy, wearability, and low-power operation are presented, and recommendations are made for future research directions." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.833299994468689, 0.3889000117778778, 0.3889000117778778 ]
[ "In microblogging services such as Twitter, the users may become overwhelmed by the raw data.", "One solution to this problem is the classification of short text messages.", "As short texts do not provide sufficient word occurrences, traditional classification methods such as \"Bag-Of-Words\" have limitations.", "To address this problem, we propose to use a small set of domain-specific features extracted from the author's profile and text.", "The proposed approach effectively classifies the text to a predefined set of generic classes such as News, Events, Opinions, Deals, and Private Messages." ]
[ 0, 2, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.4323999881744385, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054, 0.4323999881744385 ]
[ "Recent advances have given rise to the popularity and success of cloud computing.", "However, when outsourcing the data and business application to a third party causes the security and privacy issues to become a critical concern.", "Throughout the study at hand, the authors obtain a common goal to provide a comprehensive review of the existing security and privacy issues in cloud environments.", "We have identified five most representative security and privacy attributes (i.e., confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, and privacy-preservability).", "Beginning with these attributes, we present the relationships among them, the vulnerabilities that may be exploited by attackers, the threat models, as well as existing defense strategies in a cloud scenario.", "Future research directions are previously determined for each attribute." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 0.8108000159263611, 0.5946000218391418, 0.40540000796318054, 0.7838000059127808, 0.5946000218391418 ]
[ "Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) is a nonlinear processing technique employed at the transmit side to implement the concept of dirty paper coding (DPC).", "The application of THP is restricted by the dimensionality constraint that the number of transmit antennas has to be greater or equal to the total number of receive antennas.", "In this paper, we propose an iterative coordinate THP algorithm for overloaded scenarios in which the total number of receive antennas is larger than the number of transmit antennas.", "The proposed algorithm is implemented on two types of THP structures, the decentralized THP (dTHP) with diagonal weighted filters at the receivers of the users, and the centralized THP (cTHP) with diagonal weighted filter at the transmitter.", "Simulation results show that a significantly better bit error rate (BER) and sum-rate performances can be achieved by the proposed iterative coordinate THP algorithm as compared to previously reported techniques." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8181999921798706, 1, 0.3939000070095062, 0.8181999921798706, 0.8181999921798706 ]
[ "This paper presents a learning approach, i.e. negative correlation learning, for neural network ensembles.", "Unlike previous learning approaches for neural network ensembles, negative correlation learning attempts to train individual networks in an ensemble and combines them in the same learning process.", "In negative correlation learning, all the individual networks in the ensemble are trained simultaneously and interactively through the correlation penalty terms in their error functions.", "Rather than producing unbiased individual networks whose errors are uncorrelated, negative correlation learning can create negatively correlated networks to encourage specialisation and cooperation among the individual networks.", "Empirical studies have been carried out to show why and how negative correlation learning works.", "The experimental results show that negative correlation learning can produce neural network ensembles with good generalisation ability." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.567300021648407, 0.567300021648407, 0.40380001068115234, 0.5961999893188477, 0.42309999465942383, 0.8269000053405762 ]
[ "Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) honeypots are key tools not only for determining threats which pertain to SCADA devices in the wild, but also for early detection of potential malicious tampering within a SCADA device network.", "An analysis of one such SCADA honeypot, Conpot, is conducted to determine its viability as an effective SCADA emulating device.", "A long-term analysis is conducted and a simple scoring mechanism leveraged to evaluate the Conpot honeypot." ]
[ 0, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.5968999862670898, 0.5659000277519226, 0.40310001373291016 ]
[ "In this paper, a concept of integer fast Fourier transform ( IntFFT ) for approximating the discrete Fourier transform is introduced.", "Unlike the fixed-point fast Fourier transform (FxpFFT ), the new transform has the properties that it is an integer-to-integer mapping, is power adaptable and is reversible.", "The lifting scheme is used to approximate complex multiplications appearing in the FFT lattice structures where the dynamic range of the lifting coefficients can be controlled by proper choices of lifting factorizations.", "Split-radix FFT is used to illustrate the approach for the case of 2 -point FFT, in which case, an upper bound of the minimal dynamic range of the internal nodes, which is required by the reversibility of the transform, is presented and confirmed by a simulation.", "The transform can be implemented by using only bit shifts and additions but no multiplication.", "A method for minimizing the number of additions required is presented.", "While preserving the reversibility, the IntFFT is shown experimentally to yield the same accuracy as the FxpFFT when their coefficients are quantized to a certain number of bits.", "Complexity of the IntFFT is shown to be much lower than that of the FxpFFT in terms of the numbers of additions and shifts.", "Finally, they are applied to noise reduction applications, where the IntFFT provides significantly improvement over theFxpFFT at low power and maintains similar results at high power." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929 ]
[ "Active database systems support mechanisms that enable them to respond automatically to events that are taking place either inside or outside the database system itself.", "Considerable effort has been directed towards improving understanding of such systems in recent years, and many different proposals have been made and applications suggested.", "This high level of activity has not yielded a single agreed-upon standard approach to the integration of active functionality with conventional database systems, but has led to improved understanding of active behavior description languages, execution models, and architectures.", "This survey presents the fundamental characteristics of active database systems, describes a collection of representative systems within a common framework, considers the consequences for implementations of certain design decisions, and discusses tools for developing active applications." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.4375, 0.5 ]
[ "Impedance and Admittance Control are two distinct implementations of the same control goal.", "It is well known that their stability and performance properties are complementary.", "In this paper, we present a hybrid system approach, which incorporates Impedance and Admittance Control as two extreme cases of one family of controllers.", "This approach allows to continuously switch and interpolate between Impedance and Admittance Control.", "We compare the basic stability and performance properties of the resulting controllers by means of an extensive case study of a one-dimensional system and present an experimental evaluation using the KUKA-DLR-lightweight arm." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.7778000235557556, 0.7778000235557556, 0.7778000235557556, 0.6388999819755554, 0.583299994468689 ]
[ "Software architects struggle to choose an adequate architectural style for multi-tenant software systems.", "Bad choices result in poor performance, low scalability, limited flexibility, and obstruct software evolution.", "We present a comparison of 12 Multi-Tenant Architecture (MTA) patterns that supports architects in choosing the most suitable architectural pattern, using 17 assessment criteria.", "Both patterns and criteria were evaluated by domain experts.", "Five architecture assessment rules of thumb are presented in the paper, aimed at making fast and efficient design decisions.", "The comparison provides architects with an effective method for selecting the applicable multi-tenant architecture pattern, saving them effort, time, and mitigating the effects of making wrong decisions." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8158000111579895, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.7894999980926514, 0.6053000092506409, 0.421099990606308 ]
[ "Feature selection has been the focus of interest for quite some time and much work has been done.", "With the creation of huge databases and the consequent requirements for good machine learning techniques, new problems arise and novel approaches to feature selection are in demand.", "This survey is a comprehensive overview of many existing methods from the 1970’s to the present.", "It identifies four steps of a typical feature selection method, and categorizes the different existing methods in terms of generation procedures and evaluation functions, and reveals hitherto unattempted combinations of generation procedures and evaluation functions.", "Representative methods are chosen from each category for detailed explanation and discussion via example.", "Benchmark datasets with different characteristics are used for comparative study.", "The strengths and weaknesses of different methods are explained.", "Guidelines for applying feature selection methods are given based on data types and domain characteristics.", "This survey identifies the future research areas in feature selection, introduces newcomers to this field, and paves the way for practitioners who search for suitable methods for solving domain-specific real-world applications.", "(Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 ]
[ 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808, 0.3513999879360199, 0.8378000259399414, 1, 0.7240999937057495, 0.7838000059127808, 0.5676000118255615, 0.6215999722480774, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "The healthcare milieu of most developing countries is often characterized by multiplicity of health programs supported by myriad of donors geared towards reversing disease trends in these countries.", "However, donor policies tend to support implementation of vertical programs which maintain their own management structures and information systems.", "The emerging picture overtime is proliferation of multiple and uncoordinated health information systems (HIS), that are often in conflict with the primary health care goals of integrated district based health information systems.", "As a step towards HIS strengthening, most countries are pursuing an integration strategy of the vertical HIS.", "Nevertheless, the challenges presented by the vertical reporting HIS reinforced by funds from the donors renders the integration initiatives ineffective, some ending up as total failure or as mere pilot projects.", "The failure of the systems after implementation transcends technical fixes.", "This paper drew on an empirical case to analyze the challenges associated with the effort to integrate the HIS in a context characterized by multiple vertical health programs.", "The study revealed the tensions that exists between the ministry of health which strived to standardize and integrate the HIS and the vertical programs which pushed the agenda to maintain their systems alongside the national HIS.", "However, as implied from the study, attaining integration entails the ability to strike a balance between the two forces, which can be achieved by strengthening communication and collaboration linkages between the stakeholders." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.771399974822998, 0.4000000059604645, 0.571399986743927, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.44440001249313354, 0.542900025844574 ]
[ "Deep learning (DL) is a powerful state-of-the-art technique for image processing including remote sensing (RS) images.", "This letter describes a multilevel DL architecture that targets land cover and crop type classification from multitemporal multisource satellite imagery.", "The pillars of the architecture are unsupervised neural network (NN) that is used for optical imagery segmentation and missing data restoration due to clouds and shadows, and an ensemble of supervised NNs.", "As basic supervised NN architecture, we use a traditional fully connected multilayer perceptron (MLP) and the most commonly used approach in RS community random forest, and compare them with convolutional NNs (CNNs).", "Experiments are carried out for the joint experiment of crop assessment and monitoring test site in Ukraine for classification of crops in a heterogeneous environment using nineteen multitemporal scenes acquired by Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1A RS satellites.", "The architecture with an ensemble of CNNs outperforms the one with MLPs allowing us to better discriminate certain summer crop types, in particular maize and soybeans, and yielding the target accuracies more than 85% for all major crops (wheat, maize, sunflower, soybeans, and sugar beet)." ]
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8151000142097473, 0.3962000012397766, 0.6037999987602234, 0.42260000109672546, 0.6340000033378601, 0.7886999845504761 ]
[ "We present a micro-traffic simulation (named “DeepTraffic”) where the perception, control, and planning systems for one of the cars are all handled by a single neural network as part of a model-free, off-policy reinforcement learning process.", "The primary goal of DeepTraffic is to make the hands-on study of deep reinforcement learning accessible to thousands of students, educators, and researchers in order to inspire and fuel the exploration and evaluation of DQN variants and hyperparameter configurations through large-scale, open competition.", "This paper investigates the crowd-sourced hyperparameter tuning of the policy network that resulted from the first iteration of the DeepTraffic competition where thousands of participants actively searched through the hyperparameter space with the objective of their neural network submission to make it onto the top-10 leaderboard." ]
[ 0, 2, 1 ]
[ 0.5788999795913696, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409 ]
[ "Social media for news consumption is a double-edged sword.", "On the one hand, its low cost, easy access, and rapid dissemination of information lead people to seek out and consume news from social media.", "On the other hand, it enables the wide spread of \\fake news\", i.e., low quality news with intentionally false information.", "The extensive spread of fake news has the potential for extremely negative impacts on individuals and society.", "Therefore, fake news detection on social media has recently become an emerging research that is attracting tremendous attention.", "Fake news detection on social media presents unique characteristics and challenges that make existing detection algorithms from traditional news media ine ective or not applicable.", "First, fake news is intentionally written to mislead readers to believe false information, which makes it difficult and nontrivial to detect based on news content; therefore, we need to include auxiliary information, such as user social engagements on social media, to help make a determination.", "Second, exploiting this auxiliary information is challenging in and of itself as users' social engagements with fake news produce data that is big, incomplete, unstructured, and noisy.", "Because the issue of fake news detection on social media is both challenging and relevant, we conducted this survey to further facilitate research on the problem.", "In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of detecting fake news on social media, including fake news characterizations on psychology and social theories, existing algorithms from a data mining perspective, evaluation metrics and representative datasets." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645 ]
[ "This research compared social networking site (SNS) use in a collectivistic culture, China, and an individualistic culture, the United States (US).", "Over 400 college student participants from a Southwestern University in Chongqing, China, and 490 college participants from a Midwestern University in the US completed a survey about their use of SNSs – time spent, importance and motives for use.", "They then rated themselves on a variety of personal characteristics, namely the Big Five Personality factors, Loneliness, Shyness and Life Satisfaction.", "Results revealed cultural differences in SNS use.", "US participants spent more time in SNS, considered them to be more important and had more friends in SNSs than did Chinese participants.", "Self-ratings of personal characteristics also differed in the two cultures as did the personal characteristics that predicted SNS use.", "In general, personal characteristics were less effective in predicting SNS use in China than in the US.", "Findings suggest that in collectivistic cultures the importance of the family, friends and one’s groups may be partly responsible for Chinese participants’ lesser use of SNSs, whereas in individualistic cultures the importance of self and having more but less close and enduring friendships may be partly responsible for US participants’ greater use of SNSs.", "Personal characteristics predicted SNS use in both cultures but were stronger predictors in an individualistic culture than in a collectivistic, consistent with the emphasis on self in the former and on family, friends and one’s groups in the latter.", "Future research is needed to identify whether cultural values always take precedence over personal characteristics and motives in determining behavior in the virtual world." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.571399986743927, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.428600013256073, 0.22859999537467957, 0.571399986743927, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929, 1 ]
[ "Waterfall development is still a widely used way of working in software development companies.", "Many problems have been reported related to the model.", "Commonly accepted problems are for example to cope with change and that defects all too often are detected too late in the software development process.", "However, many of the problems mentioned in literature are based on beliefs and experiences, and not on empirical evidence.", "To address this research gap, we compare the problems in literature with the results of a case study at Ericsson AB in Sweden, investigating issues in the waterfall model.", "The case study aims at validating or contradicting the beliefs of what the problems are in waterfall development through empirical research." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929 ]
[ "For many organizations, Information Technology (IT) enabled business initiatives and IT infrastructure constitute major investments that, if not managed properly, may impair rather than enhance the organization's competitive position.", "Especially since the advent of Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX), both management and IT professionals are concerned with design, implementation, and assessment of IT governance strategies to ensure that technology truly serves the needs of the business.", "Via an in-depth study within one organisation, this research explores the factors influencing IT governance structures, processes, and outcome metrics.", "Interview responses to open-ended questions indicated that more effective IT governance performance outcomes are associated with a shared understanding of business and IT objectives; active involvement of IT steering committees; a balance of business and IT representatives in IT decisions; and comprehensive and well-communicated IT strategies and policies.", "IT governance also plays a prominent role in fostering project success and delivering business value.", "© 2007 Elsevier Inc.", "All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.40540000796318054, 0.40540000796318054, 0.4323999881744385, 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808 ]
[ "Compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging (CS-MRI) is an active research topic in the field of inverse problems.", "Conventional CS-MRI algorithms usually exploit the sparse nature of MRI in an iterative manner.", "These optimizationbased CS-MRI methods are often time-consuming at test time, and are based on fixed transform bases or shallow dictionaries, which limits modeling capacity.", "Recently, deep models have been introduced to the CS-MRI problem.", "One main challenge for CS-MRI methods based on deep learning is the trade-off between model performance and network size.", "We propose a recursive dilated network (RDN) for CS-MRI that achieves good performance while reducing the number of network parameters.", "We adopt dilated convolutions in each recursive block to aggregate multi-scale information within the MRI.", "We also adopt a modified shortcut strategy to help features flow into deeper layers.", "Experimental results show that the proposed RDN model achieves state-of-the-art performance in CS-MRI while using far fewer parameters than previously required." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.5881999731063843, 0.41179999709129333, 0.2353000044822693, 0.44119998812675476, 0.6176000237464905, 0.41179999709129333, 0.6176000237464905, 0.7940999865531921 ]
[ "Integrated injection logic or merged transistor logic is a novel bipolar circuit design approach to achieve high-density large-scale integration.", "As the basic logic units it uses multicollector npn transistors which are powered from merged multicollector lateral pnp transistors.", "I2L can be fabricated with standard buried collector technology and is therefore compatible with conventional bipolar circuitry on the same chip.", "The feature of having special interface circuitry—digital and/or linear—on the same chip renders I2L a powerful LSI technique." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.40540000796318054, 0.5676000118255615, 0.7838000059127808, 0.5676000118255615 ]
[ "An approach to error-based testing is described that uses simple programmer error models and focus-directed methods for detecting the effects of errors.", "Errors are associated with forgetting, ignorance, bandwidth and perversity.", "The focus-directed approach was motivated by the observation that focus is more important than methodology in detecting such errors.", "The strengths and weaknesses of error-based versus more methodological methods are compared using three underlying assumptions called the faith, coincidence and hindsight effects.", "The weaknesses of error-based testing are compensated for by establishment of an expertise-based foundation that uses research from the study of natural decision making.", "Examples of the application of error-based methods are given from projects in which the author had access to the programmers, making it possible to track failure back to both defect and error.", "The relationship of error-based testing to contemporary methods, such as context-driven and exploratory testing, is described." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.6215999722480774, 0.8108000159263611, 0.8108000159263611, 0.8108000159263611, 0.40540000796318054 ]
[ "Recent discussion in the public sphere about algorithmic cl assification has involved tension between competing notions of what it means for a probabilistic class ification to be fair to different groups.", "We formalize three fairness conditions that lie at the heart of these debates, and we prove that except in highly constrained special cases, there is no method that can satis fy these three conditions simultaneously.", "Moreover, even satisfying all three conditions approximat ely requires that the data lie in an approximate version of one of the constrained special cases identified by our theorem.", "These results suggest some of the ways in which key notions of fairness are incompatible with each other, and hence provide a framework for thinking about the trade-offs between them." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.37139999866485596, 0.8571000099182129, 1 ]
[ "In emotion classification of speech signals, the popular features employed are statistics of fundamental frequency, energy contour, duration of silence and voice quality.", "However, the performance of systems employing these features degrades substantially when more than two categories of emotion are to be classified.", "In this paper, a text independent method of emotion classification of speech is proposed.", "The proposed method makes use of short time log frequency power coefficients (LFPC) to represent the speech signals and a discrete hidden Markov model (HMM) as the classifier.", "The emotions are classified into six categories.", "The category labels used are, the archetypal emotions of Anger, Disgust, Fear, Joy, Sadness and Surprise.", "Adatabase consisting of 60 emotional utterances, each from twelve speakers is constructed and used to train and test the proposed system.", "Performance of the LFPC feature parameters is compared with that of the linear prediction Cepstral coefficients (LPCC) and mel-frequency Cepstral coefficients (MFCC) feature parameters commonly used in speech recognition systems.", "Results show that the proposed system yields an average accuracy of 78% and the best accuracy of 96% in the classification of six emotions.", "This is beyond the 17% chances by a random hit for a sample set of 6 categories." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.3824000060558319, 0.8234999775886536, 1, 0.7940999865531921, 0.6470999717712402, 0.44119998812675476, 0.44119998812675476, 1, 1 ]
[ "The deep reinforcement learning community has made several independent improvements to the DQN algorithm.", "However, it is unclear which of these extensions are complementary and can be fruitfully combined.", "This paper examines six extensions to the DQN algorithm and empirically studies their combination.", "Our experiments show that the combination provides state-of-the-art performance on the Atari 2600 benchmark, both in terms of data efficiency and final performance.", "We also provide results from a detailed ablation study that shows the contribution of each component to overall per-" ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.771399974822998, 0.571399986743927, 0.5357000231742859, 0.428600013256073, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "Understanding and discovering knowledge from GPS (Global Positioning System) traces of human activities is an essential topic in mobility-based urban computing.", "We propose TrajectoryNet—a neural network architecture for point-based trajectory classi€cation to infer real world human transportation modes from GPS traces.", "To overcome the challenge of capturing the underlying latent factors in the low-dimensional and heterogeneous feature space imposed by GPS data, we develop a novel representation that embeds the original feature space into another space that can be understood as a form of basis expansion.", "We also enrich the feature space via segment-based information and use Maxout activations to improve the predictive power of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs).", "We achieve over 98% classi€cation accuracy when detecting four types of transportation modes, outperforming existing models without additional sensory data or location-based prior knowledge." ]
[ 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.628600001335144, 0.428600013256073, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 1 ]
[ "Video compression currently is dominated by engineering and fine-tuned heuristic methods.", "In this paper, we propose to instead apply the well-developed machinery of machine learning in order to support the optimization of existing video encoders and the creation of new ones.", "Exemplarily, we show how by machine learning we can improve one encoding step that is crucial for the performance of all current video standards: macroblock mode decision.", "By formulating the problem in a Bayesian setup, we show that macroblock mode decision can be reduced to a classification problem with a cost function for misclassification that is sample dependent.", "We demonstrate how to apply different machine learning techniques to obtain suitable classifiers and we show in detailed experiments that all of these perform better than the state-of-the-art heuristic method" ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.631600022315979, 0.631600022315979, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308 ]
[ "The experiments aimed to compare three methods to create ensemble models implemented in a popular data mining system WEKA, were carried out.", "Six common algorithms comprising two neural network algorithms, two decision trees for regression, and linear regression and support vector machine were used to generate individual committees.", "All algorithms were employed to actual data sets derived from the cadastral system and the registry of real estate transactions.", "Nonparametric Wilcoxon signed-rank tests to evaluate the differences between ensembles and original models were conducted.", "The results obtained show there is no single algorithm which produces the best ensembles and it is worth to seek an optimal hybrid multi-model solution." ]
[ 2, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.6053000092506409, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "Data warehouses and data marts have long been considered as the unique solution for providing end-users with decisional information.", "More recently, data lakes have been proposed in order to govern data swamps.", "However, no formal definition has been proposed in the literature.", "Existing works are not complete and miss important parts of the topic.", "In particular, they do not focus on the influence of the data gravity, the infrastructure role of those solutions and of course are proposing divergent definitions and positioning regarding the usage and the interaction with existing decision support system.", "In this paper, we propose a novel definition of data lakes, together with a comparison with other over several criteria as the way to populate them, how to use, what is the Data Lake end user profile.", "We claim that data lakes are complementary components in decisional information systems and we discuss their position and interactions regarding the other components by proposing an interaction model." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1 ]
[ 0.5817000269889832, 0.3903999924659729, 0.5856999754905701, 0.5856999754905701, 0.5856999754905701, 0.5817000269889832, 0.3903999924659729 ]
[ "The market for mobile devices is growing rapidly nowadays.", "Constant technological improvements provide great opportunities for the creation of mobile applications.", "For the success of a mobile application or website, one of the main concerns, besides security issues, is usability.", "Poor usability decreases user productivity and consequently causes loss of users.", "In order to avoid these problems, usability aspects have to be considered already during the design phase of the application, e.g. by following predefined usability guidelines.", "Although usability guidelines for web development are already in place since the 1990s, structured and evaluated usability guidelines for mobile applications can rarely be found in scientific literature.", "Thus, in this paper we introduce a catalogue of usability guidelines for mobile applications and websites, and subsequently demonstrate their usage by applying them in two case studies: the development of a mobile application and a mobile website." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7646999955177307, 0.44119998812675476, 0.5293999910354614, 0.3824000060558319, 0.3824000060558319, 0.3824000060558319 ]
[ "Humans gather information by engaging in conversations involving a series of interconnected questions and answers.", "For machines to assist in information gathering, it is therefore essential to enable them to answer conversational questions.", "We introduce CoQA, a novel dataset for building Conversational Question Answering systems.1 Our dataset contains 127k questions with answers, obtained from 8k conversations about text passages from seven diverse domains.", "The questions are conversational, and the answers are free-form text with their corresponding evidence highlighted in the passage.", "We analyze CoQA in depth and show that conversational questions have challenging phenomena not present in existing reading comprehension datasets, e.g., coreference and pragmatic reasoning.", "We evaluate strong conversational and reading comprehension models on CoQA.", "The best system obtains an F1 score of 65.1%, which is 23.7 points behind human performance (88.8%), indicating there is ample room for improvement.", "We launch CoQA as a challenge to the community at https://stanfordnlp.", "github.io/coqa/." ]
[ 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3 ]
[ 1, 0.8327000141143799, 0.5856999754905701, 0.41830000281333923, 0.6413999795913696, 1, 0.6413999795913696, 0.41830000281333923, 0.8047999739646912 ]
[ "Recommendation systems that model users and their interests are often used to improve various user services.", "Such systems are usually based on automatic prediction of user ratings of the items provided by the service.", "This paper presents an overview of some of the methods for automatic ratings prediction in the domain of movie ratings.", "The chosen methods are based on various approaches described in related papers.", "During the prediction process both the user and item features can be used.", "For the purpose of this paper, data was gathered from the publicly available movie database IMDb.", "The paper encompasses the implementation of the chosen methods and their evaluation using the gathered data.", "The results show an improvement in comparison to the chosen baseline methods." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.6215999722480774, 0.4323999881744385, 0.4323999881744385, 0.5946000218391418, 0.6485999822616577, 0.4323999881744385, 0.3783999979496002, 0.4323999881744385 ]
[ "The problem of road or lane perception is a crucial enabler for advanced driver assistance systems.", "As such, it has been an active field of research for the past two decades with considerable progress made in the past few years.", "The problem was confronted under various scenarios, with different task definitions, leading to usage of diverse sensing modalities and approaches.", "In this paper we survey the approaches and the algorithmic techniques devised for the various modalities over the last 5 years.", "We present a generic break down of the problem into its functional building blocks and elaborate the wide range of proposed methods within this scheme.", "For each functional block, we describe the possible implementations suggested and analyze their underlying assumptions.", "While impressive advancements were demonstrated at limited scenarios, inspection into the needs of next generation systems reveals significant gaps.", "We identify these gaps and suggest research directions that may bridge them." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7857000231742859, 0.833299994468689, 0.6111000180244446, 0.41670000553131104, 0.44440001249313354, 0.44440001249313354, 0.6388999819755554, 0.833299994468689 ]
[ "We present a review of the state of the art of segmentation and partitioning techniques of boundary meshes.", "Recently, these have become a part of many mesh and object manipulation algorithms in computer graphics, geometric modeling and computer aided design.", "We formulate the segmentation problem as an optimization problem and identify two primarily distinct types of mesh segmentation, namely part segmentation and surface-patch segmentation.", "We classify previous segmentation solutions according to the different segmentation goals, the optimization criteria and features used, and the various algorithmic techniques employed.", "We also present some generic algorithms for the major segmentation techniques." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7778000235557556, 0.583299994468689, 0.7778000235557556, 0.8055999875068665 ]
[ "Visual notations form an integral part of the language of software engineering (SE).", "Yet historically, SE researchers and notation designers have ignored or undervalued issues of visual representation.", "In evaluating and comparing notations, details of visual syntax are rarely discussed.", "In designing notations, the majority of effort is spent on semantics, with graphical conventions largely an afterthought.", "Typically, no design rationale, scientific or otherwise, is provided for visual representation choices.", "While SE has developed mature methods for evaluating and designing semantics, it lacks equivalent methods for visual syntax.", "This paper defines a set of principles for designing cognitively effective visual notations: ones that are optimized for human communication and problem solving.", "Together these form a design theory, called the Physics of Notations as it focuses on the physical (perceptual) properties of notations rather than their logical (semantic) properties.", "The principles were synthesized from theory and empirical evidence from a wide range of fields and rest on an explicit theory of how visual notations communicate.", "They can be used to evaluate, compare, and improve existing visual notations as well as to construct new ones." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.5896999835968018, 0.7419000267982483, 0.7949000000953674, 0.3846000134944916, 0.41029998660087585, 0.41029998660087585, 0.3846000134944916, 0.41029998660087585, 0.5896999835968018 ]
[ "We present a method for automatically learning a set of discriminatory facial components for face recognition.", "The algorithm performs an iterative growing of components starting with small initial components located around pre-selected points in the face.", "The direction of growing is determined by the gradient of the cross-validation error of the component classifiers.", "In experiments we analyze how the shape of the components and their discriminatory power changes across different individuals and views." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 0.44440001249313354, 0.583299994468689, 0.583299994468689, 0.833299994468689 ]
[ "Cyber-physical systems are ubiquitous in power systems, transportation networks, industrial control processes, and critical infrastructures.", "These systems need to operate reliably in the face of unforeseen failures and external malicious attacks.", "In this paper: (i) we propose a mathematical framework for cyber-physical systems, attacks, and monitors; (ii) we characterize fundamental monitoring limitations from system-theoretic and graph-theoretic perspectives; and (ii) we design centralized and distributed attack detection and identification monitors.", "Finally, we validate our findings through compelling examples." ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.4000000059604645, 0.800000011920929, 1 ]
[ "This paper presents the modeling of wind energy systems using MATLAB Simulink.", "The model considers the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) technique to track the maximum power that could be extracted from the wind energy, due the non-linear characteristic of the wind turbine.", "The model consists of wind generation model, converter model (DC-DC converter), and MPPT controller.", "The main contribution of our work is in the model of DC-DC converter (buck converter) which is developed in rather details, which allows the MPPT controller output (duty cycle) adjusts the voltage input of the converter to track the maximum power point of the wind generator.", "The simulation results show that the developed model complies with the theoretical one.", "Further the MPPT control shows a higher power output compared to the system without MPPT." ]
[ 0, 2, 0, 2, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4571000039577484, 0.628600001335144, 0.628600001335144, 0.8571000099182129 ]
[ "The digital divide refers to the separation between those who have access to digital information and communications technology (ICT) and those who do not.", "Many believe that universal access to ICT would bring about a global community of interaction, commerce, and learning resulting in higher standards of living and improved social welfare.", "However, the digital divide threatens this outcome, leading many public policy makers to debate the best way to bridge the divide.", "Much of the research on the digital divide focuses on first order effects regarding who has access to the technology, but some work addresses the second order effects of inequality in the ability to use the technology among those who do have access.", "In this paper, we examine both first and second order effects of the digital divide at three levels of analysis  the individual level, the organizational level, and the global level.", "At each level, we survey the existing research noting the theoretical perspective taken in the work, the research methodology employed, and the key results that were obtained.", "We then suggest a series of research questions at each level of analysis to guide researchers seeking to further examine the digital divide and how it impacts citizens, managers, and economies." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.8421000242233276, 0.631600022315979, 0.421099990606308, 0.421099990606308, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "Broad classes of statistical classification algorithms have been developed and applied successfully to a wide range of real world domains.", "In general, ensuring that the particular classification algorithm matches the properties of the data is crucial in providing results that meet the needs of the particular application domain.", "One way in which the impact of this algorithm/application match can be alleviated is by using ensembles of classifiers, where a variety of classifiers (either different types of classifiers or different instantiations of the same classifier) are pooled before a final classification decision is made.", "Intuitively, classifier ensembles allow the different needs of a difficult problem to be handled by classifiers suited to those particular needs.", "Mathematically, classifier ensembles provide an extra degree of freedom in the classical bias/variance tradeoff, allowing solutions that would be difficult (if not impossible) to reach with only a single classifier.", "Because of these advantages, classifier ensembles have been applied to many difficult real world problems.", "In this paper, we survey select applications of ensemble methods to problems that have historically been most representative of the difficulties in classification.", "In particular, we survey applications of ensemble methods to remote sensing, person recognition, one vs. all recognition, and medicine." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1 ]
[ 0.833299994468689, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4666999876499176, 0.4666999876499176, 0.4666999876499176, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645 ]
[ "We have developed a hip exoskeleton for seniors with difficulties in walking due to muscle weakness.", "The exoskeleton is lightweight and moderate in assistance power compared to other hip exoskeletons in the literature.", "Its controller estimates user gait phase, walking speed, and ground inclinations to generate assistance torque adaptively.", "To assess the physiological effect of the gait assistance, we compared metabolic energy consumption for 5 adults for walking on a treadmill with and without the exoskeleton at the same speed: the exoskeleton reduced metabolic cost of walking by 13% (p = 0:0024).", "The step length and the stride time increased under the assistance.", "Our analysis for the result suggests that the efficiency of hip exoskeletons on saving metabolic energy can be twice as high as that of ankle exoskeletons possibly because muscle-tendon unit in the hip joint is less energy-efficient than in the ankle joint." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4000000059604645, 0.800000011920929 ]
[ "Given hyper-competition and rapid environmental changes, one of the most critical sources of competitive advantage is attracting and retaining talented workers.", "E-recruiting is one of the most rapidly growing areas of e-business.", "To promote an understanding of the use of e-recruiting technologies and management practices utilized by leading business organizations, this study investigates the evolution of e-recruiting systems and analyzes the corporate career Web sites of Fortune 100 companies.", "Thirty-three attributes that characterize corporate career Web sites were identified, named, and organized around four major categories: recruiting methods, job search tools, job application tools, and information on organizational attributes.", "While all Fortune 100 companies practice e-recruiting, our content analysis indicates that most of them need to further develop the e-recruiting system in order to improve their recruiting performance." ]
[ 2, 0, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.40540000796318054, 0.3783999979496002, 0.40540000796318054, 0.5946000218391418, 0.4323999881744385 ]
[ "A mathematical tool to build a fuzzy model of a system where fuzzy implications and reasoning are used is presented.", "The premise of an implication is the description of fuzzy subspace of inputs and its consequence is a linear input-output relation.", "The method of identification of a system using its input-output data is then shown.", "Two applications of the method to industrial processes are also discussed: a water cleaning process and a converter in a steel-making process." ]
[ 2, 0, 1, 1 ]
[ 0.41029998660087585, 0.7949000000953674, 1, 0.7949000000953674 ]
[ "The Internet of Things (IoT) being a promising technology of the future is expected to connect billions of devices.", "The increased number of communication is expected to generate mountains of data and the security of data can be a threat.", "The devices in the architecture are essentially smaller in size and low powered.", "Conventional encryption algorithms are generally computationally expensive due to their complexity and requires many rounds to encrypt, essentially wasting the constrained energy of the gadgets.", "Less complex algorithm, however, may compromise the desired integrity.", "In this paper we propose a lightweight encryption algorithm named as Secure IoT (SIT).", "It is a 64-bit block cipher and requires 64-bit key to encrypt the data.", "The architecture of the algorithm is a mixture of feistel and a uniform substitution-permutation network.", "Simulations result shows the algorithm provides substantial security in just five encryption rounds.", "The hardware implementation of the algorithm is done on a low cost 8-bit micro-controller and the results of code size, memory utilization and encryption/decryption execution cycles are compared with benchmark encryption algorithms." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4 ]
[ 0.8047999739646912, 0.8047999739646912, 0.8047999739646912, 0.8047999739646912, 0.8047999739646912, 0.41830000281333923, 0.41830000281333923, 0.41830000281333923, 0.41830000281333923, 0.3903999924659729 ]
[ "The purpose of this article is to offer some reflections on the relationships between digital technologies and learning.", "It is argued that activities of learning, as they have been practised within institutionalized schooling, are coming under increasing pressure from the developments of digital technologies and the capacities to store, access and manipulate information that such resources offer.", "Thus, the technologies do not merely support learning; they transform how we learn and how we come to interpret learning.", "The metaphors of learning currently emerging as relevant in the new media ecology emphasize the transformational and performative nature of such activities, and of knowing in general.", "These developments make the hybrid nature of human knowing and learning obvious; what we know and master is, to an increasing extent, a function of the mediating tools we are familiar with.", "At a theoretical and practical level, this implies that the interdependences between human agency, minds, bodies and technologies have to serve as foundations when attempting to understand and improve learning.", "Attempts to account for what people know without integrating their mastery of increasingly sophisticated technologies into the picture will lack ecological validity." ]
[ 2, 0, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.7878999710083008, 0.5758000016212463, 0.42419999837875366, 0.7878999710083008, 0.6363999843597412, 0.42419999837875366, 0.3635999858379364 ]
[ "Progress in Mobile Commerce is heavily dependent upon effective and reliable payment mechanisms.", "Security concerns loom as a major impediment to widespread and rapid adoption, and there is accordingly an urgent need for a framework within which security issues in mobile commerce can be evaluated.", "This paper draws on lessons from prior payment mechanisms in order to present such a framework.", "It provides insights into the use of the framework by performing a test application.", "Implications for policy, practice and research are drawn." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7576000094413757, 0.7576000094413757, 0.6363999843597412, 0.4544999897480011, 0.6061000227928162 ]
[ "Developing a good speaker embedding has received tremendous interest in the speech community.", "Speaker representations such as i-vector, d-vector have shown their superiority in speaker recognition, speaker adaptation and other related tasks.", "However, not much is known about which properties are exactly encoded in these speaker embeddings.", "In this work, we make an in-depth investigation on three kinds of speaker embeddings, i.e. i-vector, d-vector and RNN/LSTM based sequence-vector (s-vector).", "Classification tasks are carefully designed to facilitate better understanding of these encoded speaker representations.", "Their abilities of encoding different properties are revealed and compared, such as speaker identity, gender, speaking rate, text content and channel information.", "Moreover, a new architecture is proposed to integrate different speaker embeddings, so that the advantages can be combined.", "The new advanced speaker embedding (i-s-vector) outperforms the others, and shows a more than 50% EER reduction compared to the i-vector baseline on the RSR2015 content mismatch trials." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.7940999865531921, 1, 0.5881999731063843, 0.41179999709129333, 0.3824000060558319, 0.3824000060558319, 1 ]
[ "In the last couple of years, the interest of Mobile IT has arisen tremendously and future directions point towards an explosive expansive area.", "The objective with this paper is to explore how mobile eCommerce services map customers' requirements in geographical bound retailing.", "This is done through WineGuide, a geographically bound recommendation service for wine and food adapted to mobile phones.", "The service addresses well-known problems within the area of shopping, by: (1) offering expert recommendations; (2) notifying the user where products are available; (3) distributing information in appropriate situations; (4) letting the user search for products.", "The findings of the study indicate that the full potential of mobile eCommerce services can only be established through a complete eCommerce transaction implementation.", "The mobile phone gets the role of a remote controller, where products are ordered, paid for and home delivered through a few pressings on the" ]
[ 0, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.5555999875068665, 0.6111000180244446, 0.44440001249313354, 0.6111000180244446, 0.833299994468689 ]
[ "In real-world crowd counting applications, the crowd densities vary greatly in spatial and temporal domains.", "A detection based counting method will estimate crowds accurately in low density scenes, while its reliability in congested areas is downgraded.", "A regression based approach, on the other hand, captures the general density information in crowded regions.", "Without knowing the location of each person, it tends to overestimate the count in low density areas.", "Thus, exclusively using either one of them is not sufficient to handle all kinds of scenes with varying densities.", "To address this issue, a novel end-to-end crowd counting framework, named DecideNet (DEteCtIon and Density Estimation Network) is proposed.", "It can adaptively decide the appropriate counting mode for different locations on the image based on its real density conditions.", "DecideNet starts with estimating the crowd density by generating detection and regression based density maps separately.", "To capture inevitable variation in densities, it incorporates an attention module, meant to adaptively assess the reliability of the two types of estimations.", "The final crowd counts are obtained with the guidance of the attention module to adopt suitable estimations from the two kinds of density maps." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.8285999894142151, 0.6571000218391418, 0.6571000218391418, 0.6571000218391418, 0.4000000059604645, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579, 0.4571000039577484 ]
[ "Users typically rate only a small fraction of all available items.", "We show that the absence of ratings carries useful information for improving the top-k hit rate concerning all items, a natural accuracy measure for recommendations.", "As to test recommender systems, we present two performance measures that can be estimated, under mild assumptions, without bias from data even when ratings are missing not at random (MNAR).", "As to achieve optimal test results, we present appropriate surrogate objective functions for efficient training on MNAR data.", "Their main property is to account for all ratings - whether observed or missing in the data.", "Concerning the top-k hit rate on test data, our experiments indicate dramatic improvements over even sophisticated methods that are optimized on observed ratings only." ]
[ 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104, 0.6111000180244446, 0.583299994468689, 0.833299994468689 ]
[ "Learning methods based on dynamic programming (DP) are receiving increasing attention in arti cial intelligence.", "Researchers have argued that DP provides the appropriate basis for compiling planning results into reactive strategies for real-time control, as well as for learning such strategies when the system being controlled is incompletely known.", "We introduce an algorithm based on DP, which we call Real-Time DP (RTDP), by which an embedded system can improve its performance with experience.", "RTDP generalizes Korf's Learning-Real-Time-A* algorithm to problems involving uncertainty.", "We invoke results from the theory of asynchronous DP to prove that RTDP achieves optimal behavior in several di erent classes of problems.", "We also use the theory of asynchronous DP to illuminate aspects of other DP-based reinforcement learning methods such as Watkins' Q-Learning algorithm.", "A secondary aim of this article is to provide a bridge between AI research on real-time planning and learning and relevant concepts and algorithms from control theory.", "1" ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.571399986743927, 0.5555999875068665, 0.41670000553131104, 0.5555999875068665, 0.3610999882221222, 0.8055999875068665 ]
[ "In this paper, we propose an architecture and a scheme of smart hospital based on Internet of Things (IOT) in order to overcome the disadvantages of the present hospital information system, such as the fixed information point, inflexible networking mode and so on.", "The key technologies and construction of smart hospital is presented based on understanding of the connotation and architecture of smart hospital.", "Furthermore, taking a third grade-A hospital as an example, a scheme of smart hospital is given, and its logic structure, application framework, the construction of basic network environment etc.", "are described in detail.", "Experiment proves that deployment of smart hospital can effectively solve the prominent problems existing the diagnosis and treatment of hospital and it brings a positive and profound effect for the present diagnosis and treatment mode in hospital." ]
[ 2, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.8158000111579895, 0.6053000092506409, 0.39469999074935913, 0.421099990606308, 0.7894999980926514 ]
[ "Internet of Things (IoT) is now in its initial stage but very soon, it is going to influence almost every day-to-day items we use.", "The more it will be included in our lifestyle, more will be the threat of it being misused.", "There is an urgent need to make IoT devices secure from getting cracked.", "Very soon IoT is going to expand the area for the cyber-attacks on homes and businesses by transforming objects that were used to be offline into online systems.", "Existing security technologies are just not enough to deal with this problem.", "Blockchain has emerged as the possible solution for creating more secure IoT systems in the time to come.", "In this paper, first an overview of the blockchain technology and its implementation has been explained; then we have discussed the infrastructure of IoT which is based on Blockchain network and at last a model has been provided for the security of internet of things using blockchain." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.7886999845504761, 0.42260000109672546, 0.6075000166893005, 0.3962000012397766, 0.42260000109672546 ]
[ "Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) are establishing themselves as new executives at the top management level of companies that go through a digital transformation.", "The full article is based on six case studies of CDOs and describes how they fulfill their positions.", "Five of the cases are from the “CDO Recommended” region of the figure and one from the “CDO Can be Helpful” region.", "From these cases, we identify the main factors that drive the employment of CDOs, the three role types that CDOs primarily play and the skills and competencies they should have for each role type.", "We also present four key lessons that will ensure businesses equip their CDOs with the skills to successfully navigate through their digital transformation journeys." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5896999835968018, 0.5896999835968018, 0.41029998660087585, 0.3846000134944916, 0.3846000134944916 ]
[ "A reciprocal frame (RF) is a self-supported three-dimensional structure made up of three or more sloping rods, which form a closed circuit, namely an RF-unit.", "Large RF-structures built as complex grillages of one or a few similar RF-units have an intrinsic beauty derived from their inherent self-similar and highly symmetric patterns.", "Designing RF-structures that span over large domains is an intricate and complex task.", "In this paper, we present an interactive computational tool for designing RF-structures over a 3D guiding surface, focusing on the aesthetic aspect of the design.", "There are three key contributions in this work.", "First, we draw an analogy between RF-structures and plane tiling with regular polygons, and develop a computational scheme to generate coherent RF-tessellations from simple grammar rules.", "Second, we employ a conformal mapping to lift the 2D tessellation over a 3D guiding surface, allowing a real-time preview and efficient exploration of wide ranges of RF design parameters.", "Third, we devise an optimization method to guarantee the collinearity of contact joints along each rod, while preserving the geometric properties of the RF-structure.", "Our tool not only supports the design of wide variety of RF pattern classes and their variations, but also allows preview and refinement through interactive controls." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.6000000238418579, 0.800000011920929, 0.6000000238418579, 0.5, 0.4000000059604645, 0.6000000238418579, 0.6000000238418579 ]
[ "This paper presents a robust but simple object pose tracking algorithm based on Kalman filtering.", "Compared to markerless pose tracking, a fiducial marker called ArUco provides a fast and accurate solution to the problem.", "With these advantages, this marker-based technique is ready to be used in virtual reality and operate in low-cost wearable devices.", "However, it still suffers from the problem of occlusion and noise.", "If a large part of the marker is occluded, no pose information can be acquired for the moment.", "Noises due to hand shaking also affect the quality of the resulting pose.", "This is not desirable in a real-time environment.", "We tackle the problems by employing a linear Kalman filter.", "The pose information can be estimated even if the camera view is blocked temporarily.", "We have performed real experiments to demonstrate the effects of the application of Kalman filter." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 1 ]
[ 0.8227999806404114, 0.8227999806404114, 0.6159999966621399, 0.5569999814033508, 0.41350001096725464, 0.41350001096725464, 0.43880000710487366, 0.5612000226974487, 0.43880000710487366, 0.3797000050544739 ]
[ "Smartphone usage is a hot topic in pervasive computing due to their popularity and personal aspect.", "We present our initial results from analyzing how individual differences, such as gender and age, affect smartphone usage.", "The dataset comes from a large scale longitudinal study, the Menthal project.", "We select a sample of 30, 677 participants, from which 16, 147 are males and 14, 523 are females, with a median age of 21 years.", "These have been tracked for at least 28 days and they have submitted their demographic data through a questionnaire.", "The ongoing experiment has been started in January 2014 and we have used our own mobile data collection and analysis framework.", "Females use smartphones for longer periods than males, with a daily mean of 166.78 minutes vs. 154.26 minutes.", "Younger participants use their phones longer and usage is directed towards entertainment and social interactions through specialized apps.", "Older participants use it less and mainly for getting information or using it as a classic phone." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7838000059127808, 0.4323999881744385, 0.4323999881744385, 0.4323999881744385, 0.6485999822616577, 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808, 0.7838000059127808 ]
[ "The fast evolution pace for cloud computing software is on a collision course with our growing reliance on cloud computing.", "On one hand, cloud software must have the agility to evolve rapidly, in order to remain competitive; on the other hand, more and more critical services become dependent on the cloud and demand high availability through firm Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for cloud infrastructures.", "This race between the needs to increase both the cloud upgrade frequency and the service availability is unsustainable.", "In this paper we highlight challenges and opportunities for upgrades in the cloud.", "We survey the release histories of several cloud applications to analyze their evolution pace, and we discuss the shortcomings with current cloud upgrade mechanisms.", "We outline several solutions for sustaining this evolution while improving availability, by focusing on the novel characteristics of cloud computing.", "By discussing several promising directions for realizing this vision, we propose a research agenda for the future of software upgrades in the cloud." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5676000118255615, 0.5676000118255615, 0.5676000118255615, 0.40540000796318054, 1, 0.3783999979496002, 0.8378000259399414 ]
[ "The growing interest in Structured Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques and recognition of their importance in IS research suggests the need to compare and contrast different types of SEM techniques so that research designs can be selected appropriately.", "After assessing the extent to which these techniques are currently being used in IS research, the article presents a running example which analyzes the same dataset via three very different statistical techniques.", "It then compares two classes of SEM: covariance-based SEM and partial-least-squaresbased SEM.", "Finally, the article discusses linear regression models and offers guidelines as to when SEM techniques and when regression techniques should be used.", "The article concludes with heuristics and rule of thumb thresholds to guide practice, and a discussion of the extent to which practice is in accord with these guidelines." ]
[ 0, 4, 1, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.41029998660087585, 0.20509999990463257, 0.6154000163078308, 0.41029998660087585, 1 ]
[ "Top-down visual attention mechanisms have been used extensively in image captioning and visual question answering (VQA) to enable deeper image understanding through fine-grained analysis and even multiple steps of reasoning.", "In this work, we propose a combined bottom-up and topdown attention mechanism that enables attention to be calculated at the level of objects and other salient image regions.", "This is the natural basis for attention to be considered.", "Within our approach, the bottom-up mechanism (based on Faster R-CNN) proposes image regions, each with an associated feature vector, while the top-down mechanism determines feature weightings.", "Applying this approach to image captioning, our results on the MSCOCO test server establish a new state-of-the-art for the task, improving the best published result in terms of CIDEr score from 114.7 to 117.9 and BLEU-4 from 35.2 to 36.9.", "Demonstrating the broad applicability of the method, applying the same approach to VQA we obtain a new state-of-the-art on the VQA v2.0 dataset with 70.2% overall accuracy." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.6053000092506409, 0.7894999980926514, 0.6053000092506409, 0.7894999980926514, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "We present a decision tree based approach to function approximation in reinforcement learning.", "We compare our approach with table lookup and a neural network function approximator on three problems: the well known mountain car and pole balance problems as well as a simulated automobile race car.", "We find that the decision tree can provide better learning performance than the neural network function approximation and can solve large problems that are infeasible using table lookup." ]
[ 2, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.3889000117778778, 0.583299994468689, 0.8055999875068665 ]
[ "Social network information is now being used in ways for which it may have not been originally intended.", "In particular, increased use of smartphones capable ofrunning applications which access social network information enable applications to be aware of a user's location and preferences.", "However, current models forexchange of this information require users to compromise their privacy and security.", "We present several of these privacy and security issues, along withour design and implementation of solutions for these issues.", "Our work allows location-based services to query local mobile devices for users' social network information, without disclosing user identity or compromising users' privacy and security.", "We contend that it is important that such solutions be acceptedas mobile social networks continue to grow exponentially." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4 ]
[ 0.6111000180244446, 0.6111000180244446, 0.6111000180244446, 0.6388999819755554, 0.41670000553131104, 0.41670000553131104 ]
[ "This paper introduces the Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus, a dataset containing almost 1 million multi-turn dialogues, with a total of over 7 million utterances and 100 million words.", "This provides a unique resource for research into building dialogue managers based on neural language models that can make use of large amounts of unlabeled data.", "The dataset has both the multi-turn property of conversations in the Dialog State Tracking Challenge datasets, and the unstructured nature of interactions from microblog services such as Twitter.", "We also describe two neural learning architectures suitable for analyzing this dataset, and provide benchmark performance on the task of selecting the best next response." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.421099990606308, 0.6053000092506409, 0.631600022315979, 0.421099990606308 ]
[ "Multiplication is a key fundamental function for many error-tolerant applications.", "Approximate multiplication is considered to be an efficient technique for trading off energy against performance and accuracy.", "This paper proposes an accuracy-controllable multiplier whose final product is generated by a carry-maskable adder.", "The proposed scheme can dynamically select the length of the carry propagation to satisfy the accuracy requirements flexibly.", "The partial product tree of the multiplier is approximated by the proposed tree compressor.", "An 8×8 multiplier design is implemented by employing the carry-maskable adder and the compressor.", "Compared with a conventional Wallace tree multiplier, the proposed multiplier reduced power consumption by between 47.3% and 56.2% and critical path delay by between 29.9% and 60.5%, depending on the required accuracy.", "Its silicon area was also 44.6% smaller.", "In addition, results from an image processing application demonstrate that the quality of the processed images can be controlled by the proposed multiplier design." ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 1, 0.8234999775886536, 0.41179999709129333, 0.44119998812675476, 0.6470999717712402, 0.7646999955177307, 0.2353000044822693, 0.5881999731063843, 0.7646999955177307 ]
[ "MOTIVATION In recent years, several methods have been proposed for aligning two protein sequence profiles, with reported improvements in alignment accuracy and homolog discrimination versus sequence-sequence methods (e.g. BLAST) and profile-sequence methods (e.g. PSI-BLAST).", "Profile-profile alignment is also the iterated step in progressive multiple sequence alignment algorithms such as CLUSTALW.", "However, little is known about the relative performance of different profile-profile scoring functions.", "In this work, we evaluate the alignment accuracy of 23 different profile-profile scoring functions by comparing alignments of 488 pairs of sequences with identity < or =30% against structural alignments.", "We optimize parameters for all scoring functions on the same training set and use profiles of alignments from both PSI-BLAST and SAM-T99.", "Structural alignments are constructed from a consensus between the FSSP database and CE structural aligner.", "We compare the results with sequence-sequence and sequence-profile methods, including BLAST and PSI-BLAST.", "RESULTS We find that profile-profile alignment gives an average improvement over our test set of typically 2-3% over profile-sequence alignment and approximately 40% over sequence-sequence alignment.", "No statistically significant difference is seen in the relative performance of most of the scoring functions tested.", "Significantly better results are obtained with profiles constructed from SAM-T99 alignments than from PSI-BLAST alignments." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.8205000162124634, 1, 0.8205000162124634, 0.6154000163078308, 0.8205000162124634, 0.6154000163078308, 0.5896999835968018, 1, 1, 0.8205000162124634 ]
[ "Java reflection enables us to write reusable programs that are independent of certain classes.", "However, when runtime performance is a big concern, we propose to use compile-time reflection for writing metaprograms that generate non-reflective class/type specific code, which has lower runtime cost.", "We proposed both compile-time reflection and metaprogramming for Java, and extended our previous work on pattern-based traits.", "Pattern-based traits integrate pattern-based reflection with flexible composition of traits.", "They are capable of pattern-matching over class members and generating expressive code.", "We add and formalize pattern-based reflection at the statement-level, which enables a meta program to generate statements.", "We add reified generics for pattern-based traits, which enables a pattern to iterate over any class when traits are instantiated.", "We implemented an ORM tool (called PtjORM) using pattern-based traits.", "PtjORM uses compile-time reflection and our benchmark tests show that it has competitive runtime performance compared to the mainstream Java ORM tools." ]
[ 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.6215999722480774, 0.40540000796318054, 0.4323999881744385, 0.6215999722480774, 0.4323999881744385, 0.6215999722480774, 0.5171999931335449, 1, 0.7585999965667725 ]
[ "Deep learning methods have recently achieved great empirical success on machine translation, dialogue response generation, summarization, and other text generation tasks.", "At a high level, the technique has been to train end-to-end neural network models consisting of an encoder model to produce a hidden representation of the source text, followed by a decoder model to generate the target.", "While such models have significantly fewer pieces than earlier systems, significant tuning is still required to achieve good performance.", "For text generation models in particular, the decoder can behave in undesired ways, such as by generating truncated or repetitive outputs, outputting bland and generic responses, or in some cases producing ungrammatical gibberish.", "This paper is intended as a practical guide for resolving such undesired behavior in text generation models, with the aim of helping enable real-world applications." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.421099990606308, 1, 0.39469999074935913, 0.39469999074935913 ]
[ "Computer applications in the field of psychological test administration have significant ethical implications for clinicians, client/responders, and computerized test construction and administration.", "Lack of awareness of computer-related issues may undermine clinicians’ ability to ethically perform computerized psychological assessments.", "Graduate training in computerized testing is limited, and clinicians should be exposed to ethical concerns, potential judgment errors, and possible pitfalls in evaluating computer-generated reports.", "Recommendations for clinical research and practice are offered.", "Computerization clearly presents a series of dilemmas for psychologists conducting clinical assessments that will continue well into the future.", "Increased awareness of relevant issues will enhance the chances that ethical dilemmas will be successfully navigated.", "# 2003 Elsevier Ltd.", "All rights reserved." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3 ]
[ 0.7894999980926514, 0.39469999074935913, 0.766700029373169, 0.7894999980926514, 0.6053000092506409, 0.7894999980926514, 0.39469999074935913, 0.3684000074863434 ]
[ "Biometric identification is a reliable and convenient way of identifying individuals.", "The widespread adoption of biometric identification requires solid privacy protection against possible misuse, loss, or theft of biometric data.", "Existing techniques for privacy-preserving biometric identification primarily rely on conventional cryptographic primitives such as homomorphic encryption and oblivious transfer, which inevitably introduce tremendous cost to the system and are not applicable to practical large-scale applications.", "In this paper, we propose a novel privacy-preserving biometric identification scheme which achieves efficiency by exploiting the power of cloud computing.", "In our proposed scheme, the biometric database is encrypted and outsourced to the cloud servers.", "To perform a biometric identification, the database owner generates a credential for the candidate biometric trait and submits it to the cloud.", "The cloud servers perform identification over the encrypted database using the credential and return the result to the owner.", "During the identification, cloud learns nothing about the original private biometric data.", "Because the identification operations are securely outsourced to the cloud, the realtime computational/communication costs at the owner side are minimal.", "Thorough analysis shows that our proposed scheme is secure and offers a higher level of privacy protection than related solutions such as kNN search in encrypted databases." ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 0.6053000092506409, 0.5788999795913696, 0.7894999980926514, 1, 0.5788999795913696, 0.421099990606308, 0.39469999074935913, 0.5788999795913696 ]
[ "We present a method for a completely new kind of steganalysis to determine who, out of a large number of actors each transmitting a large number of objects, is hiding payload inside some of them.", "It has significant challenges, including unknown embedding parameters and natural deviation between innocent cover sources, which are usually avoided in steganalysis tested under laboratory conditions.", "Our method uses standard steganalysis features, the maximum mean discrepancy measure of distance, and ranks the actors by their degree of deviation from the rest: we show that it works reliably, completely unsupervised, when tested against some of the standard steganography methods available to nonexperts.", "We also determine good parameters for the detector and show that it creates a two-player game between the guilty actor and the steganalyst." ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 4 ]
[ 0.5676000118255615, 0.5676000118255615, 0.7838000059127808, 0.4323999881744385 ]