stringlengths 11
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stringlengths 13
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value |
SPIDER_train_6739 | Show all the buildings that have at least 10 professors. | return buildings ;return professors in #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least 10 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_674 | Give the full name and phone of the customer who has the account name 162. | return customers ;return account names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 162 ;return full name of #3 ;return phone of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6740 | In which buildings are there at least ten professors? | return buildings ;return professors in #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least ten | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6741 | For each faculty rank, show the number of faculty members who have it. | return faculty ranks ;return faculty members who have #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 | ['select', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6742 | How many faculty members do we have for each faculty rank? | return faculty ranks ;return faculty members of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 | ['select', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6743 | Show all the ranks and the number of male and female faculty for each rank. | return ranks ;return faculty of #1 ;return #2 that are male ;return #2 that are female ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return number of #4 for each #1 ;return #1 , #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'filter', 'filter', 'group', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6744 | How many faculty members do we have for each rank and gender? | return faculty members ;return ranks of #1 ;return genders of #1 ;return number of #1 for each #2 ;return number of #1 for each #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6745 | Which rank has the smallest number of faculty members? | return ranks ;return faculty members of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is lowest | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6746 | Find the faculty rank that has the least members. | return members ;return faculty ranks of #1 ;return number of #1 for each #2 ;return #2 where #3 is the lowest | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6747 | Show the number of male and female assistant professors. | return assistant professors ;return #1 that are male ;return number of #2 ;return #1 that are female ;return number of #4 ;return #3 , #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate', 'filter', 'aggregate', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6748 | How many male and female assistant professors do we have? | return assistant professors ;return #1 that are male ;return #1 that are female ;return number of #2 ;return number of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'aggregate', 'aggregate', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6749 | What are the first name and last name of Linda Smith's advisor? | return Linda Smith ;return advisor of #1 ;return first name of #2 ;return last name of #2 ;return #3 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_675 | How many accounts does the customer with first name Art and last name Turcotte have? | return customers ;return first names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is Art ;return last names of #1 ;return #1 where #4 is Turcotte ;return #1 of both #3 and #5 ;return accounts of #6 ;return number of #7 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6750 | Who is the advisor of Linda Smith? Give me the first name and last name. | return Linda Smith ;return advisor of #1 ;return first name of #2 ;return last name of #2 ;return #3 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6751 | Show the ids of students whose advisors are professors. | return professors ;return #1 who are advisors ;return students ;return advisors of #3 ;return #3 where #4 is any #2 ;return the ids of #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6752 | Which students have professors as their advisors? Find their student ids. | return students ;return #1 who have professor as advisor ;return ids of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6753 | Show first name and last name for all the students advised by Michael Goodrich. | return students ;return #1 advised by Michael Goodrich ;return first name of #2 ;return last name of #2 ;return #3 , #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6754 | Which students are advised by Michael Goodrich? Give me their first and last names. | return students ;return #1 advised by Michael Goodrich ;return first names of #2 ;return last names of #2 ;return #3 , #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6755 | Show the faculty id of each faculty member, along with the number of students he or she advises. | return faculty members ;return faculty ids of #1 ;return students #1 advise ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #2 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6756 | What are the faculty id and the number of students each faculty has? | return faculty ;return faculty ids of #1 ;return students of #1 ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #2 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6757 | Show all the faculty ranks and the number of students advised by each rank. | return faculty ranks ;return students advised by #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6758 | How many students are advised by each rank of faculty? List the rank and the number of students. | return faculty ;return ranks of #1 ;return students of #2 ;return number of #3 for each #2 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6759 | What are the first and last name of the faculty who has the most students? | return faculties ;return #1 who has the most students ;return first names of #2 ;return last name of #2 ;return #3 , #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_676 | Return the number of accounts that the customer with the first name Art and last name Turcotte has. | return customers ;return first names of #1 ;return last names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is Art ;return #1 where #3 is Turcotte ;return accounts of both #4 and #5 ;return number of #6 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6760 | Give me the the first and last name of the faculty who advises the most students. | return faculty ;return students #1 advises ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return first name of #4 ;return last name of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6761 | Show the ids for all the faculty members who have at least 2 students. | return faculty members ;return students of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least 2 ;return ids of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6762 | Which faculty members advise two ore more students? Give me their faculty ids. | return faculty members ;return students #1 advise ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least two ;return faculty ids of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6763 | Show ids for the faculty members who don't advise any student. | return faculty members ;return students of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is zero ;return ids of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6764 | What are the ids of the faculty members who do not advise any student. | return faculty members ;return #1 who do not advise any student ;return ids of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6765 | What activities do we have? | return activities | ['select'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6766 | List all the activities we have. | return activities | ['select'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6767 | How many activities do we have? | return activities ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6768 | Find the number of activities available. | return activities ;return #1 that are available ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6769 | How many faculty members participate in an activity? | return faculty members ;return #1 who participate in an activity ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_677 | Show all customer ids and the number of accounts for each customer. | return customers ;return customer ids of #1 ;return accounts of #1 ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #2 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6770 | Give me the number of faculty members who participate in an activity | return faculty members ;return #1 who participate in activity ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6771 | Show the ids of the faculty who don't participate in any activity. | return faculty ;return #1 that participate in any activity ;return the #1 besides #2 ;return the ids of #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6772 | Which faculty do not participate in any activity? Find their faculty ids. | return faculty ;return #1 that do not participate in activities ;return faculty ids of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6773 | Show the ids of all the faculty members who participate in an activity and advise a student. | return faculty members ;return #1 who participate in an activity ;return #1 who advise a student ;return ids of both #2 and #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'intersection'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6774 | What are ids of the faculty members who not only participate in an activity but also advise a student. | return faculty members ;return activities of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least one ;return students advise of #1 ;return number of #5 for each #1 ;return #1 where #6 is at least one ;return #1 in both #4 and #7 ;return ids of #8 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6775 | How many activities does Mark Giuliano participate in? | return Mark Giuliano ;return activities of #1 ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'project', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6776 | Find the number of activities Mark Giuliano is involved in. | return activities ;return #1 of Mark Giuliano ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6777 | Show the names of all the activities Mark Giuliano participates in. | return activities ;return #1 that Mark Giuliano participates in ;return the names of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6778 | What are the names of the activities Mark Giuliano is involved in | return activities ;return #1 that Mark Giuliano is involved in ;return names of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6779 | Show the first and last name of all the faculty members who participated in some activity, together with the number of activities they participated in. | return faculty members ;return #1 that participated in some activity ;return first names of #2 ;return last names of #2 ;return the number of activities participated of #2 ;return #3 , #4 , #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_678 | How many accounts are there for each customer id? | return customer ids ;return accounts of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 | ['select', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6780 | What is the first and last name of the faculty members who participated in at least one activity? For each of them, also show the number of activities they participated in. | return faculty members ;return activities of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least one ;return first names of #4 ;return last names of #4 ;return activities of #4 ;return number of #7 for each #4 ;return #5 , #6 , #8 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6781 | Show all the activity names and the number of faculty involved in each activity. | return activities ;return names of #1 ;return faculty involved in #1 ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #2 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6782 | How many faculty members participate in each activity? Return the activity names and the number of faculty members. | return activities ;return faculty members that participate in #1 ;return names of #2 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #3 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6783 | What is the first and last name of the faculty participating in the most activities? | return faculty ;return activities of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return first names of #4 ;return last names of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6784 | Find the first and last name of the faculty who is involved in the largest number of activities. | return faculty ;return faculty involved in activities ;return #2 where number of activities is largest ;return first name of #3 ;return last name of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'select', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6785 | What is the name of the activity that has the most faculty members involved in? | return activities ;return faculty members of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return name of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6786 | Which activity has the most faculty members participating in? Find the activity name. | return activities ;return faculty members participating in #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return name of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6787 | Show the ids of the students who don't participate in any activity. | return students ;return #1 who participate in any activity ;return #1 besides #2 ;return ids of #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6788 | What are the ids of the students who are not involved in any activity | return students ;return activities of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is higher than zero ;return #1 besides #4 ;return ids of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6789 | Show the ids for all the students who participate in an activity and are under 20. | return students ;return #1 who participate in activities ;return #2 who are under 20 ;return ids of #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_679 | Show the customer id and number of accounts with most accounts. | return customers ;return accounts of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return customer id of #4 ;return accounts of #4 ;return number of #6 ;return #5 , #7 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'aggregate', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6790 | What are the ids of the students who are under 20 years old and are involved in at least one activity. | return students ;return #1 under 20 years old ;return activities of #1 ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #1 where #4 is at least one ;return #1 of both #2 and #5 ;return ids of #6 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6791 | What is the first and last name of the student participating in the most activities? | return students ;return activities of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return first name of #4 ;return last name of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6792 | Tell me the first and last name of the student who has the most activities. | return students ;return activities of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return first name of #4 ;return last name of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6793 | What is the name of the activity with the most students? | return activities ;return students in #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return name of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6794 | Find the name of the activity that has the largest number of student participants. | return activities ;return student participants of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return name of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6795 | Find the first names of the faculty members who are playing Canoeing or Kayaking. | return faculty members ;return #1 who are playing Canoeing ;return #1 who are playing Kayaking ;return first names of #2 ;return first names of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6796 | Which faculty members are playing either Canoeing or Kayaking? Tell me their first names. | return faculty members ;return #1 playing Canoeing ;return #1 playing Kayaking ;return #2 , #3 ;return first names of #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'union', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6797 | Find the first names of professors who are not playing Canoeing or Kayaking. | return professors ;return #1 who are playing Canoeing ;return #1 who are playing Kayaking ;return #1 besides #2 ;return #4 besides #3 ;return first names of #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'discard', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6798 | What are the first names of the professors who do not play Canoeing or Kayaking as activities? | return professors ;return activities of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is not Canoeing ;return #1 where #2 is not Kayaking ;return #1 of both #3 and #4 ;return first names of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6799 | Find the first names of the faculty members who participate in Canoeing and Kayaking. | return faculty members ;return #1 that participate in Canoeing ;return #1 that participate in Kayaking ;return #1 in both #2 and #3 ;return first names of #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_68 | What details do we have on the students who registered for courses most recently? | return students ;return when did #1 register ;return #1 where #2 is the highest ;return details of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_680 | What is the customer id of the customer with the most accounts, and how many accounts does this person have? | return customer ;return accounts ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return id of #4 ;return highest of #3 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'select', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'aggregate', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6800 | What are the first names of the faculty members playing both Canoeing and Kayaking? | return faculty members ;return #1 playing Canoeing ;return #1 playing Kayaking ;return #1 of both #2 and #3 ;return first names of #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6801 | Find the ids of the students who participate in Canoeing and Kayaking. | return students ;return #1 who participate in Canoeing ;return #1 who participate in Kayaking ;return #1 of both #2 and #3 ;return ids of #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6802 | Which students participate in both Canoeing and Kayaking as their activities? Tell me their student ids. | return students ;return activities of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is Canoeing ;return #1 where #2 is Kayaking ;return #1 of both #3 and #4 ;return student ids of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6803 | Find the name of the airport in the city of Goroka. | return airports ;return cities of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is Goroka ;return name of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6804 | What are the names of the airports in the city of Goroka? | return airports ;return cities of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is Goroka ;return names of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6805 | Find the name, city, country, and altitude (or elevation) of the airports in the city of New York. | return airports ;return #1 in the city of New York ;return names of #2 ;return cities of #2 ;return countries of #2 ;return altitudes of #2 ;return #3 , #4 , #5 , #6 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6806 | What is the name, city, country, and elevation for every airport in the city of New York? | return airports ;return cities of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is New York ;return names of #3 ;return cities of #3 ;return countries of #3 ;return elevations of #3 ;return #4 , #5 , #6 , #7 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6807 | How many airlines are there? | return airlines ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6808 | What is the total number of airlines? | return airlines ;return total number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6809 | How many airlines does Russia has? | return airlines ;return #1 that Russia has ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_681 | What is the customer first, last name and id with least number of accounts. | return customers ;return accounts of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return first name of #4 ;return last name of #4 ;return id of #4 ;return #5 , #6 , #7 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6810 | What is the number of airlines based in Russia? | return airlines ;return #1 based in Russia ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6811 | What is the maximum elevation of all airports in the country of Iceland? | return airports ;return countries of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is Iceland ;return elevations of #3 ;return maximum of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6812 | What is the highest elevation of an airport in the country of Iceland? | return Iceland ;return airports of #1 ;return elevations of #2 ;return #2 where #3 is highest ;return elevation of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6813 | Find the name of the airports located in Cuba or Argentina. | return airports ;return #1 located in Cuba ;return #1 located in Argentina ;return names of #2 ;return names of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6814 | What are the names of all airports in Cuba or Argentina? | return airports ;return #1 in Cuba ;return #1 in Argentina ;return #2 or #3 ;return names of #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'union', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6815 | Find the country of the airlines whose name starts with 'Orbit'. | return airlines ;return names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 starts with 'Orbit ;return country of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6816 | What are the countries of all airlines whose names start with Orbit? | return airlines ;return names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 start with Orbit ;return countries of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6817 | Find the name of airports whose altitude is between -50 and 50. | return airports ;return altitudes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is at least -50 ;return #1 where #2 is at most 50 ;return #1 in both #3 and #4 ;return names of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6818 | What are the names of all airports whose elevation is between -50 and 50? | return airports ;return elevations of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is at least -50 ;return #1 where #2 is at most 50 ;return #1 of both #3 and #4 ;return names of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6819 | Which country is the airport that has the highest altitude located in? | return airports ;return altitudes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is highest ;return country of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_682 | Give the full name and customer id of the customer with the fewest accounts. | return customers ;return accounts of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is lowest ;return full name of #4 ;return customer id of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6820 | What is the country of the airport with the highest elevation? | return airports ;return elevations of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is highest ;return country of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6821 | Find the number of airports whose name contain the word 'International'. | return airports ;return names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 contain 'International ;return number of of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6822 | How many airports' names have the word Interanation in them? | return airports ;return names of #1 ;return #2 with the words Interanation ;return number of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6823 | How many different cities do have some airport in the country of Greenland? | return airports ;return countries of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is Greenland ;return cities of #3 ;return different #4 ;return number of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6824 | In how many cities are there airports in the country of Greenland? | return airports ;return #1 in Greenland ;return cities of #2 ;return number of #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6825 | Find the number of routes operated by American Airlines. | return routes ;return #1 operated by American Airlines ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6826 | How many routes does American Airlines operate? | return routes ;return #1 that American Airlines operates ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6827 | Find the number of routes whose destination airports are in Canada. | return routes ;return destination airports of #1 ;return where are #2 ;return #1 where #3 is in Canada ;return number of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'comparative', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6828 | How many routes end in a Canadian airport? | return routes ;return #1 that end in a Canadian airport ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |