stringlengths 11
| question_text
stringlengths 7
| decomposition
stringlengths 13
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stringlengths 10
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stringclasses 1
value |
SPIDER_train_6376 | What are the different pilot names who had piloted a flight in the country 'United States' or in the airport named 'Billund Airport'? | return pilots ;return countries #1 piloted flights in ;return #1 where #2 is 'United States ;return airports #1 piloted flights in ;return #1 where #4 is 'Billund Airport ;return #3 or #5 ;return different names of #6 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'comparative', 'union', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6377 | What is the most common company type, and how many are there? | return company types ;return companies of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return number of #1 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'aggregate', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6378 | How many airports haven't the pilot 'Thompson' driven an aircraft? | return airports ;return aircraft of #1 ;return pilots that have driven #2 ;return #2 where #3 is 'Thompson ;return number of #4 for each #1 ;return #1 where #5 is at least one ;return #1 besides #6 ;return number of #7 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'comparative', 'group', 'comparative', 'discard', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6379 | List the name of the pilots who have flied for both a company that mainly provide 'Cargo' services and a company that runs 'Catering services' activities. | return pilots ;return companies of #1 ;return services of #2 ;return #1 where #3 is 'Cargo ;return activities of #2 ;return #1 where #5 is 'Catering services ;return #1 of both #4 and #6 ;return names of #7 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_638 | What are the names of all playlists that have more than 100 tracks? | return playlists ;return tracks of #1 ;return the number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is more than 100 ;return the names of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6380 | Which of the airport names contains the word 'international'? | return airports ;return names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 contains 'international ;return names of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6381 | How many companies operates airlines in each airport? | return airports ;return airlines in #1 ;return companies of #2 ;return number of of #3 for each #1 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6382 | how many airports are there in each country? | return airports ;return countries of #1 ;return number of #1 for each #2 | ['select', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6383 | which countries have more than 2 airports? | return countries ;return airports in #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is higher than 2 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6384 | which pilot is in charge of the most number of flights? | return pilots ;return flights #1 are in charge of ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6386 | Count the number of accounts. | return accounts ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6387 | Show all account ids and account details. | return accounts ;return ids of #1 ;return details of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6388 | What are the ids and details of all accounts? | return accounts ;return ids of #1 ;return details of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6389 | How many statements do we have? | return statements ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_639 | List all tracks bought by customer Daan Peeters. | return customers ;return tracks bought by #1 ;return #2 where #1 is Daan Peeters | ['select', 'project', 'comparative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6390 | Count the number of statements. | return statements ;return Count the number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6391 | List all statement ids and statement details. | return statements ;return ids of #1 ;return details of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6392 | What are the ids and details of all statements? | return statements ;return ids of #1 ;return details of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6393 | Show statement id, statement detail, account detail for accounts. | return accounts ;return statement id for #1 ;return statement detail for #1 ;return account detail for #1 ;return #2 , #3 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6394 | What are the statement ids, statement details, and account details, for all accounts? | return accounts ;return statement ids of #1 ;return statement details of #1 ;return account details of #1 ;return #2 , #3 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6395 | Show all statement id and the number of accounts for each statement. | return statements ;return statement ids of #1 ;return accounts of #1 ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #2 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6396 | What are the different statement ids on accounts, and the number of accounts for each? | return accounts ;return statement ids of #1 ;return number of #1 for each #2 | ['select', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6397 | Show the statement id and the statement detail for the statement with most number of accounts. | return statements ;return accounts of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is highest ;return statement id of #3 ;return statement detail of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6398 | What are the statement id and statement detail for the statement that has the most corresponding accounts? | return statements ;return corresponding accounts of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest ;return statement id of #4 ;return statement detail of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6399 | Show the number of documents. | return documents ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_64 | List the id of students who attended some courses? | return students ;return #1 who attended some courses ;return id of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_640 | What are the tracks that Dean Peeters bought? | return tracks ;return #1 that Dean Peeters bought | ['select', 'filter'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6400 | Count the number of documents. | return documents ;return the number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6401 | List the document type code, document name, and document description for the document with name 'Noel CV' or name 'King Book'. | return documents ;return document names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'Noel CV ;return #1 where #2 is 'King Book ;return #3 or #4 ;return document type code of #5 ;return document name of #5 ;return document description of #5 ;return #6 , #7 , #8 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'union', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6402 | What are the type come, name, and description of the document that has either the name 'Noel CV' or 'King Book'? | return documents ;return names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'Noel CV ;return #1 where #2 is 'King Book ;return #3 , #4 ;return type come of #5 ;return name of #5 ;return description of #5 ;return #6 , #7 , #8 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'union', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6403 | Show the ids and names of all documents. | return documents ;return ids of #1 ;return names of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6404 | What are the ids and names for each of the documents? | return documents ;return ids of #1 ;return names of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6405 | Find names and ids of all documents with document type code BK. | return documents ;return document type codes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is BK ;return names of #3 ;return ids of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6406 | What are the names and ids of documents that have the type code BK? | return documents ;return type codes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is BK ;return names of #3 ;return ids of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6407 | How many documents are with document type code BK for each product id? | return product ids ;return documents of #1 ;return document type codes of #2 ;return #2 where #3 is BK ;return number of #4 for each #1 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'comparative', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6408 | Count the number of documents with the type code BK that correspond to each product id. | return product ids ;return documents that correspond to #1 ;return #2 with the type code BK ;return number of #3 for each #1 | ['select', 'project', 'filter', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6409 | Show the document name and the document date for all documents on project with details 'Graph Database project'. | return projects ;return details of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'Graph Database project ;return documents of #3 ;return document names of #4 ;return document dates of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_641 | How much is the track Fast As a Shark? | return track ;return #1 Fast As a Shark ;return how much is #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6410 | What are the names and dates for documents corresponding to project that has the details 'Graph Database project'? | return projects ;return details of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'Graph Database project ;return documents corresponding to #3 ;return names of #4 ;return dates of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6411 | Show project ids and the number of documents in each project. | return projects ;return project ids of #1 ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #2 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6412 | How many documents correspond with each project id? | return project ids ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 | ['select', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6413 | What is the id of the project with least number of documents? | return projects ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is lowest ;return id of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6414 | Return the id of the project that has the fewest corresponding documents. | return projects ;return corresponding documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is lowest ;return id of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6415 | Show the ids for projects with at least 2 documents. | return projects ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least 2 ;return ids of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6416 | What are project ids of projects that have 2 or more corresponding documents? | return projects ;return corresponding documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least 2 ;return project ids of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6417 | List document type codes and the number of documents in each code. | return document type codes ;return documents in #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6418 | How many documents are there of each type? | return types of documents ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 | ['select', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6419 | What is the document type code with most number of documents? | return document type codes ;return documents with #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_642 | What is the unit price of the tune "Fast As a Shark"? | return the tune Fast As a Shark ;return the unit price of #1 | ['select', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6420 | Return the code of the document type that is most common. | return documents ;return types of #1 ;return number of #1 for each #2 ;return #2 where #3 is the highest ;return the code of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6421 | Show the document type code with fewer than 3 documents. | return document type codes ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is lower than 3 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6422 | What are the codes corresponding to document types for which there are less than 3 documents? | return document types ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is lower than 3 ;return codes corresponding to #4 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6423 | Show the statement detail and the corresponding document name for the statement with detail 'Private Project'. | return statements ;return details of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'Private Project ;return detail of #3 ;return document name of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6424 | What are the details for statements with the details 'Private Project', and what are the names of the corresponding documents? | return statements ;return details for #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'Private Project ;return details of #3 ;return corresponding documents of #3 ;return #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6425 | Show all document type codes, document type names, document type descriptions. | return document types ;return codes of #1 ;return names of #1 ;return descriptions of #1 ;return #2 , #3 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6426 | What are the codes, names, and descriptions of the different document types? | return documents ;return different types of #1 ;return codes of #2 ;return names of #2 ;return descriptions of #2 ;return #3 , #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6427 | What is the document type description for document type named Film? | return document types ;return #1 named Film ;return document type description of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6428 | Return the description of the document type name 'Film'. | return document types ;return names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'Film ;return description of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6429 | What is the document type name and the document type description and creation date for all the documents? | return documents ;return document types of #1 ;return names of #2 ;return descriptions of #2 ;return creation dates of #1 ;return #3 , #4 , #5 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_643 | Find the name of tracks which are in Movies playlist but not in music playlist. | return the Movies playlist ;return the music playlist ;return tracks of #1 ;return tracks of both #1 and #2 ;return #3 besides #4 ;return names of #5 | ['select', 'select', 'project', 'intersection', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6430 | Return the type name, type description, and date of creation for each document. | return documents ;return type names of #1 ;return descriptions of #1 ;return date of creation of #1 ;return #2 , #3 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6431 | Show the number of projects. | return projects ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6432 | How many projects are there? | return projects ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6433 | List ids and details for all projects. | return projects ;return ids of #1 ;return details of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6434 | What are the ids and details for each project? | return projects ;return the ids of #1 ;return the details of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6435 | What is the project id and detail for the project with at least two documents? | return projects ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is at least two ;return project id of #4 ;return detail of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6436 | Return the ids and details corresponding to projects for which there are more than two documents. | return projects ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is higher than two ;return ids of #4 ;return details of #4 ;return #5 , #6 | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'comparative', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6437 | What is the project detail for the project with document "King Book"? | return projects ;return document of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is King Book ;return project detail of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6438 | Give the details of the project with the document name 'King Book'. | return projects ;return document names of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'King Book ;return details of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6439 | How many budget types do we have? | return budget types ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_644 | What are the names of all tracks that are on the Movies playlist but not in the music playlist? | return tracks ;return #1 on the Movies playlist ;return #1 on the music playlist ;return #1 in both #2 and #3 ;return #2 besides #4 ;return the names of #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'intersection', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6440 | Count the number of budget codes. | return budget codes ;return number of #1 | ['select', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6441 | List all budget type codes and descriptions. | return budget type codes ;return descriptions of #1 ;return #1 , #2 | ['select', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6442 | What are the type codes and descriptions of each budget type? | return budget types ;return type codes of #1 ;return descriptions of #1 ;return #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6443 | What is the description for the budget type with code ORG? | return budget types ;return codes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is ORG ;return description of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6444 | Return the description of the budget type that has the code ORG. | return budget types ;return codes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is ORG ;return description of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6445 | How many documents have expenses? | return documents ;return #1 that have expenses ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6446 | Count the number of documents with expenses. | return documents ;return #1 with expenses ;return Count of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6447 | What are the document ids for the budget type code 'SF'? | return documents ;return budget type codes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'SF ;return document ids of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6448 | Give the ids of documents with expenses that have the budget code 'SF'. | return expenses ;return budget codes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'SF ;return documents of #3 ;return ids of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6449 | Show the budget type code and description and the corresponding document id. | return budget type codes ;return descriptions of #1 ;return document ids of #1 ;return #1 , #2 , #3 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_645 | Find the name of tracks which are in both Movies and music playlists. | return tracks ;return playlists of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is Movies ;return #1 where #2 is music ;return #1 of both #3 and #4 ;return names of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6450 | Return the budget type codes, budget type descriptions and document ids for documents with expenses. | return documents ;return #1 with expenses ;return budget type codes of #2 ;return budget type descriptions of #2 ;return document ids of #2 ;return #3 , #4 , #5 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'project', 'project', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6451 | Show ids for all documents with budget types described as 'Government'. | return documents ;return #1 with budget types that are 'Government ;return ids for #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6452 | Give the ids for documents that have the budget description 'Government'. | return documents ;return budget descriptions of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'Government ;return ids of #3 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6453 | Show budget type codes and the number of documents in each budget type. | return budget types ;return budget type codes of #1 ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #2 , #4 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'group', 'union'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6454 | What are the different budget type codes, and how many documents are there for each? | return budget codes ;return types of #1 ;return number of of documents for each #2 | ['select', 'project', 'group'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6455 | What is the budget type code with most number of documents. | return budget type codes ;return documents of #1 ;return number of #2 for each #1 ;return #1 where #3 is highest | ['select', 'project', 'group', 'superlative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6456 | Give the budget type code that is most common among documents with expenses. | return budget type codes ;return documents of #1 ;return #2 with expenses ;return number of #3 for each #1 ;return #1 where #4 is highest | ['select', 'project', 'filter', 'group', 'superlative'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6457 | What are the ids of documents which don't have expense budgets? | return documents ;return #1 which have expense budgets ;return #1 besides #2 ;return ids of #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6458 | Return the ids of documents that do not have expenses. | return documents ;return #1 with expenses ;return #1 besides #2 ;return ids of #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6459 | Show ids for all documents in type CV without expense budgets. | return documents ;return #1 that are type CV ;return #2 that has expense budgets ;return #2 besides #3 ;return ids of #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'discard', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_646 | What are the names of all the tracks that are in both the Movies and music playlists? | return tracks ;return playlists #1 are in ;return #1 where #2 is Movies ;return #1 where #2 is music ;return #1 of both #3 and #4 ;return names of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6460 | What are the ids of documents with the type code CV that do not have expenses. | return documents ;return type codes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is CV ;return #3 that do not have expenses ;return ids of #4 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'filter', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6461 | What are the ids of documents with letter 's' in the name with any expense budgets. | return documents ;return #1 that are expense budgets ;return #1 with letter 's in the name ;return #1 of both #2 and #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'filter', 'intersection'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6462 | Give the ids of documents that have expenses and contain the letter s in their names. | return documents ;return #1 that have expenses ;return names of #2 ;return #2 where #3 contain the letter s ;return ids of #4 | ['select', 'filter', 'project', 'comparative', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6463 | How many documents do not have any expense? | return documents ;return #1 with expense ;return #1 besides #2 ;return number of #3 | ['select', 'filter', 'discard', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6464 | Count the number of documents that do not have expenses. | return documents ;return #1 not have expenses ;return number of #2 | ['select', 'filter', 'aggregate'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6465 | What are the dates for the documents with both 'GV' type and 'SF' type expenses? | return documents ;return expenses of #1 ;return types of #1 ;return #1 where #3 is 'GV ;return #1 where #3 is 'SF ;return #1 of both #4 and #5 ;return dates of #6 | ['select', 'project', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |
SPIDER_train_6466 | Give the dates of creation for documents that have both budget type codes 'GV' and 'SF'. | return documents ;return budget types codes of #1 ;return #1 where #2 is 'GV ;return #1 where #2 is 'SF ;return #1 of both #3 and #4 ;return dates of creation of #5 | ['select', 'project', 'comparative', 'comparative', 'intersection', 'project'] | train |