class label
2 classes
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy applied for scholarships.
Amy didn't apply for any scholarships.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy failed in all her classes.
Amy made good grades in all her classes.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy applied for scholarships.
Amy forgot to apply for any scholarships.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy made bad grades in all her classes.
Amy made good grades in all her classes.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy made horrible grades in all of her classes.
Amy made good grades in all her classes.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy never studied.
Amy studied a lot and received great grades.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy partied a lot and received bad grades.
Amy studied a lot and received great grades.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy studied a lot and received great grades.
Amy studied a lot and still received bad grades.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
Amy then struggled and failed in college.
Amy applied for scholarships.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
She did not apply for scholarships to help pay for school.
She applied for scholarships to help pay for school.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
She applied for scholarships to help pay for school.
She forgot to apply for scholarships to help pay for school.
Amy was a hardworking student.
She received a full ride to the school for having outstanding grades.
She applied for scholarships to help pay for school.
She hadn't received any scholarships for college.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend but she didn't want to marry him.
Danny and his girlfriend got engaged.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny asked his girlfriend if she wanted to get married.
Danny asked his girlfriend if she wanted to get lunch.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny asked his girlfriend if she wanted to have sex.
Danny asked his girlfriend if she wanted to get married.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny asked his girlfriend if she would break up with him.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny asked his girlfriend if she wanted to get married.
Danny forgot ask if his girlfriend wanted to get married.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny proposed to his dog.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend and she really wanted to marry him.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend but she didn't want to marry him.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend but she didn't want to marry him.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend but she said yes immediately.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend's jacket.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend.
Danny then stopped practicing because he was scared to ask.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny's girlfriend proposed to him.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend.
Danny got down on one knee.
To be kind, she told him she needed some time to think.
Danny proposed to his girlfriend.
His girlfriend proposed to Danny.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
A pool party was recently installed at the neighborhood.
A water slide was recently installed at the pool.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
A pool was recently demolished.
A water slide was recently installed at the pool.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
A water slide was recently installed at the pool.
A water slide was recently destroyed at the pool.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
The party happened a few weeks ago.
The party is a few weeks away.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
The party is a few years away.
The party is a few weeks away.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
The party is cancelled this year.
The party is a few weeks away.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
The pool party is scheduled for next Saturday at noon.
The pool installation is scheduled for next Saturday at noon.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
The pool party is scheduled for next Saturday at noon.
The pool party is cancelled next Saturday.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
The pool party is scheduled for next Saturday at noon.
The pool was scheduled for last Saturday at noon.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
This year, we canceled it.
This year, we don't know when.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
This year, we don't do it.
This year, we don't know when.
The neighborhood always has a pool party.
I cannot wait for the party.
This year, we don't expect one to happen.
This year, we don't know when.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
As Thad got older he didn't like going with his dad.
As he got older he started to enjoy fishing.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
As he got older he started to enjoy fishing.
As he got older he started to enjoy knitting.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
As he got older he started to enjoy skiing.
As he got older he started to enjoy fishing.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad and his dad went fishing.
Thad and his dad went golfing.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad and his dad went fishing.
Thad and his dad went to the mall.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad fished with new bait.
Thad fished with a broken pole.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad fished with his new girlfriend.
Thad fished with new bait.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad used no bait.
Thad fished with new bait.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad hated fishing with his dad.
Thad went fishing with his dad.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad missed fishing with his dad this time.
Thad went fishing with his dad.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad went fishing with his dad.
Thad went bowling with his dad.
Thad always loved going places with his dad, especially the river.
Thad caught the biggest fish he'd ever seen that day!
Thad went to a baseball game with his dad.
Thad and his dad went fishing.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim inapt and eventually ran a walkathon.
Jim trained and eventually ran a marathon.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained and eventually ran a marathon.
Jim skipped training snd missed the marathon.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained and eventually ran a marathon, but never finished.
Jim trained and eventually ran a marathon.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim couldnt trained and wasnt able to run the Boston marathon.
Jim trained and finally ran the Boston marathon.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained and finally ran the Boston marathon.
Jim trained and finally ran the Boston store.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained and finally ran the Boston marathon.
Jim trained and finally swam the Boston river.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
jim never trained for it.
Jim trained and finally ran the Boston marathon.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained for months, then ran a marathon.
Jim trained for hours, then ran a marathon.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained for months, then ran the fifty yard dash.
Jim trained for months, then ran a marathon.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained for months, then ran a marathon.
Jim trained for seconds, then ran a marathon.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim hardly trained and was not ready for race day.
Jim trained hard and was ready for race day.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained hard and was ready for race day.
Jim hardly trained and wasnt ready for race day.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
Jim trained slowly and was not ready for race day.
Jim trained hard and was ready for race day.
Jim decided he wanted to run a marathon.
He celebrated his accomplishment with friends and family
they try to see.
Jim trained hard and was ready for race day.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
John chased the squirrel and laughed at it.
Ruth chased the squirrel and laughed at it.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth chased the child and laughed at it.
Ruth chased the squirrel and laughed at it.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth crouched down and didn't scare the squirrel.
Ruth crouched down and tried to pet the squirrel.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth crouched down and tried to pet the puppy.
Ruth crouched down and tried to pet the squirrel.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth kept her distance from the squirrel and laughed at it.
Ruth chased the squirrel and laughed at it.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth tried to pet the squirrel.
Ruth avoided the squirrel.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth moved away from the squirrel.
Ruth tried to pet the squirrel.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth tried to avoid the squirrel.
Ruth tried to pet the squirrel.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth tried to pet the squirrel.
Ruth tried to pet the worm.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth tried to pet the squirrel.
The squirrel tried to pet Ruth.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
Ruth tried to pet the squirrel.
The squirrel tried to pet Ruth.
Ruth was walking through the park one day when she saw a squirrel.
It jumped on Ruth's face and bit her nose.
The squirrel sat down and tried to hug Ruth.
Ruth crouched down and tried to pet the squirrel.
John was a student at an elementary school.
John later bought a farm and a horse as an adult.
John Dreamed of being a computer programmer.
John Dreamed of being a Farmer.
John was a student at an elementary school.
John later bought a farm and a horse as an adult.
John became a teacher at the elementary school.
John Dreamed of being a Farmer.
John was a student at an elementary school.
John later bought a farm and a horse as an adult.
John dreamed of having a mansion some day.
John dreamed of having a farm some day.
John was a student at an elementary school.
John later bought a farm and a horse as an adult.
John dreamed of having a farm some day.
John dreamed of having a mansion someday.
John was a student at an elementary school.
John later bought a farm and a horse as an adult.
John would hate to have a farm some day.
John dreamed of having a farm some day.
John was a student at an elementary school.
John later bought a farm and a horse as an adult.
John graduated and moved to the country.
John did not graduate and moved to a island.
John was a student at an elementary school.
John later bought a farm and a horse as an adult.
John graduated and moved to the country.
John graduated and moved to the city.
John was a student at an elementary school.
John later bought a farm and a horse as an adult.
John graduated and moved to the metropolitan.
John graduated and moved to the country.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
Her cat bumped the candle while Erin slept.
Erin and her cat fell asleep and died when the house caught on fire.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
Erin candles set the sheets on fire.
Erin threw away her candles.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
Erin's candles made the sheets smell great.
Erin candles set the sheets on fire.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
Erin's draperies caught fire from a candle flame.
Erin's cat caught fire from a candle flame.".
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
Erin's draperies got cleaned at the cleaners.
Erin's draperies caught fire from a candle flame.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
Erins candles cooled the sheets.
Erin candles set the sheets on fire.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
Her cat bumped the candle while Erin slept.
Erins cat turned off the lights.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
Her cat bumped the candle while Erin slept.
Her cat bumped the candle and it went out.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
The cat spilled the candle and the house got wax on it.
The cat spilled the candle and house got on fire.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
The cat spilled the candle and house got on fire.
The cat spilled the candle but the house did not get on fire.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
the cat spilled the candle but there was no fire.
The cat spilled the candle and house got on fire.
Erin loved to sleep with candles.
Both Erin and the cat got out safely.
erin's draperies did not catch fire from a candle flame.
Erin's draperies caught fire from a candle flame.
Sam walked through the forest to birdwatch.
The man was playing a flute that sounded like a bird.
He was driven away by the sound.
He was very drawn to the sound.
Sam walked through the forest to birdwatch.
The man was playing a flute that sounded like a bird.
Sam came across a man.
A man found Sam playing a flute.
Sam walked through the forest to birdwatch.
The man was playing a flute that sounded like a bird.
Sam followed a beautiful birdsong and came to a bird.
Sam followed a beautiful bird song and came to a man instead of a bird.
Sam walked through the forest to birdwatch.
The man was playing a flute that sounded like a bird.
Sam saw a man who sounded like a bird.
Sam saw a man who sounded like an iguana.
Sam walked through the forest to birdwatch.
The man was playing a flute that sounded like a bird.
The birds sounded musical.
The birds sounded very terrible.
My friend came to my house and asked to charge his phone.
As a result his phone rant out of power.
My phone charger was broken.
He used my phone charger.