[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In the book to create a new house it typically has to be granted to you by a highlord or the king.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A knight winning favor may be then risen to a lord and given land.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As for your question whats to stop say a rich merchant to have land and set himself up, in Westeros it appears that all land is owned by the crown first, high lords second (Stark, Greyjoy, Lannister, Tyrell, others) then given out by highlords to the lesser lords.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore as is typical in medieval Europe, especially Britain, there is no way to own your own land or to go into the woods and claim land to become a noble.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now as a side note say you are a wealthy merchant, you may be able to buy yourself land from the king, highlord and receive a title for a price, this seems to follow Westeros style politics though I don't recall any instances of it happening as of yet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Edit - also say you set yourself up as a lord without approval, your local lord or highlord will come and kill you for treason ASAP.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 25 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "A run of the mill peasant can't declare himself lord of anything.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the simple reason that he doesn't own the land he lives and works on .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A commoner rents the land from its owner, who is a lord.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Which is why being given lands is such a big deal in Westeros (and any feudal state).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A title is just an empty honorific without land.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are countless knights running around in Westeros, desperately looking for employment because the vast majority of knights are not landed knights, i.e. the title didn't come with lands.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Down", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Westeros operates under a Feudal system .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In such a system, if anyone steps out of line, someone above them in the hierarchy will be there to... remind them of their place.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, a Lord might have a peasant executed for treason for declaring themselves a Lord.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In order for a new house to be established then, it would fall to someone with the proper authority to grant a family the titles.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We see this quite a bit over the course of the story.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, after the Battle of the Blackwater , many of the fighting men are granted honors, lands, titles, etc by the crown.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ethier", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the Game of Thrones taking a house and giving yourself a name is more complicated than is described.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You have to find a area that no one owns.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You have to be able to protect it from other people and thieves.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And as Justin Either's answer says: a Lord might have a peasant executed for treason for declaring themselves a Lord.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You have to have the necessary forces.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can see from here: On Dragonstone, Stannis declares he is the true heir of Robert Baratheon to the Iron Throne, as Joffrey has no true claim to the throne.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since the king's death Stannis has been gathering what strength he can from the lords of the narrow sea and from Myrish and Lyseni sellswords, but his forces are too few to challenge the Lannisters in King's Landing You have to be able to defend the position you say you have.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just anyone can't do that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I mean Stannis barely did it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In either position you have to have power.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I mean the series is called \"Game of Thrones\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Its a game of power, you either fight for your position or you get dethroned.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There are actually two separate questions you ask: How does one found a House, and how does one become a lord.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are many noble Houses that do not have lords.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Prominent examples at the start of ASoIaF are House Poole, the stewards of Winterfell, and House Clegane, whose head is known as Ser Gregor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The general rule seems to be that only Houses that rule over lands and castles are called Lords, although the Cleganes prove there are exceptions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lordless Houses seem to be created primarily through knighthood.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Two characters, Davos and Rolly, obtain surnames of their own creation upon being knighted.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, some knights seem to lack surnames (such as Ser Duncan the Tall or Gendry).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My guess would be that men knighted by high lords and kings are often also granted nobility and a surname, which would limit the number of nobility.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Typically, lordship and nobility is granted-- and can be stripped-- by the high lords of the Seven Kingdoms or the King himself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Lordship can be conferred for pretty much any reason, but usually happens after another House has gone extinct or turned traitor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Notably we only ever see nobles raised to lordship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Examples include the Spicers (who are named the Lords of Castamere for their role in the Red Wedding) and the Royce cadet branch (granted lordship of the Gates of the Moon by Petyr Baelish to consolidate his rule).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The title Lord is also conferred on a select few in the realm who hold certain ranks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The head of the Night's Watch or the Kingsguard is styled Lord Commander, and members of the small council are called Lords, even someone as lowborn as Varys.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } } ]
{ "question": "What's to stop any old smallfolk from declaring himself Lord of (his dwelling), making a simple drawing, taking a last name, and sharing that name with all members of his family and their descendants? And even if that's not recognized, how would a highborn person do the same?", "title": "How does one found a house in Westeros?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<game-of-thrones><a-song-of-ice-and-fire>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Typically, lordship and nobility is granted-- and can be stripped-- by the high lords of the Seven Kingdoms or the King himself.", "All land is owned by the Crown and the highlords and is distributed to the lesser Lords by both of these parties. Also, a house may be granted to a person upon being knighted and small folk are killed for treason for declaring themselves as Lords without prior approval. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "A new house in Westeros is typically granted to a person by highlords and kings. All land is owned by the Crown and the highlords and is distributed to the lesser Lords by both of these parties. A house may be granted to a person upon being knighted. Small folk are killed for treason for declaring themselves as Lords without prior approval. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "To add a little bit on this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The original TMNT as of the comic book had masks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But they were all red as seen in this cover:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus they were only distinguishable by the weapons they carried.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The tvTropes page on the franchise gives us even more information.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems that the comic was originally in black/white, so the color of the \"masks\" was not relevant anymore.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But with the first cartoon that changed and the turtles all got their \"Color Coded Character\" appearance:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even the special colored issues had the bandana masks they wear all red.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The original cartoon gave the turtles different color bandannas (which have since been used in every successive incarnation) and the action figures, different skin colors (ignored until the 2003 cartoon).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And the tvtropes wiki gives even more information: The Archie comic series Lampshaded this with a \"Truth in Television\" flashback story about the pre-teenaged Turtles all wearing red headbands and Splinter having difficulty telling them apart until they decide on color coding their masks a la Donald Duck's nephews.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This also seems to be the \"in-universe\" explanation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 56 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To elaborate on part of my comment to Liath's post, the real-world answer is probably just that it was part of the intentional ridiculousness of the \"ninja turtle\" concept--as described on this page and this one , the idea started as a joke drawing during a sketch-sharing session between creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, you can see that Eastman's first sketch looked even more like a semi-realistic turtle wearing a ninja outfit:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A stubby-legged large-bodied turtle is about the last creature you'd expect to have ninja-like reflexes, hence the humor of giving it a ninja outfit (which naturally includes a mask, since ninjas are known to hide their faces) and a tough-looking expression.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Whether any attempt was ever made to give an in-universe explanation for why they would need masks, I don't know.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You could imagine it was an aesthetic choice on Splinter's part, since as mentioned here his original origin story was that he learned martial arts when he was a pet of a real ninja named Hamato Yoshi and practiced mimicking his moves, so he may have felt motivated to imitate the clothing style as well after he mutated and began to train the turtles.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 39 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you never heard of this comic and someone were to ask you to draw a \"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" then in all probability you would draw some type of walking turtle wearing a mask and carrying a sword or some other appropriate weapon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You might also draw it in some kind of ninja outfit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Point is, in the eyes of the general person, there are certain defining characteristics to what can be called a ninja.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of them is most definitely the presence of a mask.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Without the mask, it would be \"Teenage mutant fighting turtle\" or the like that coincidentally might make use of ninja-like weapons.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I doubt the original creator/artist had in mind the practicality of giant turtles masquerading as ninjas.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He just drew the concept as he saw it in his head.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From there, the characters were pretty much established.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 31 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "So, just to play Devil's advocate here, (fictional) ninja do not wear eye masks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Doing a google image search for ninja shows tens and tens of images looking like: Their entire body is hidden in black and only the area where the ninja turtles have their masks is visible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, how would the ninja turtles have looked like real ninjas?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I drew up a quick sketch:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Doubt anybody would have recognized that as turtles rather than oddly fat ninjas.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So during the first sketching game one of the creators must have decided to instead inverse the entire outfit, leaving some resemblance of how ninja's look without any parts of the actual ninja outfit thus answering why the ninja turtles wear masks instead of ninja outfits.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Mulder", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Well, let's see.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those guys have no eyebrows, so after a couple of minutes of skipping around all that forehead sweat starts going straight into their eyes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And yes, ok, turtles don't sweat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But after their transformation they became all sorts of active, so there has to be a way to get rid of all the body heat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You don't see them walk around with tongues hanging out,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so canine-style heat loss isn't it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They don't roll around in cool mud, so that's out too.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Basically, they behave like humans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most likely they developed an ability to sweat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, without eyebrows, headbands are basically a must-have accessory for them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But they don't exactly have many options of where to put headbands.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Have you seen their heads?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not a hell of a lot of space up there for a headband.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So their only option is to cut eye holes in the headbands and put them over their face.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's basic survival for them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They'd probably gladly take em off, but then they're blind out there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " R", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The only answer I can give is an out of universe one (I'd love someone to answer in-universe!).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The turtles are colour coded:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Leonardo - Blue Donatello - Purple Michelangelo - Orange Raphael - Red", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the original comics the characters had no voices (clearly)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so their weapons were the only other way to distinguish between the characters, which is no use if they're not fighting or are disarmed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So the original comic book authors needed some clothing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What's the distinctive clothing of a ninja?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Ninjas wear masks!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Like in the movie 3 ninjas , they wore masks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Its also so we can identify them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "This is something I don't understand. Are they trying to hide their identities? How many turtles are there that can stand on their feet? Is it because they are ninjas? Again the shell is a big give away.", "title": "Why do the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wear masks?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Ninjas are known to wear masks as part of their outfit. We also identify the turtles by their masks.", "The turtles wouldn’t be named Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles without the mask because ninjas wear masks to hide their faces and the mask aids their identity as Ninja Turtles and allows them to mask their faces " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Ninjas are known to hide their faces by wearing masks. The turtles wouldn’t be named Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles without the mask because the mask aids their identity as Ninja Turtles. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Almost a tie with \" Get Smart \": Kiss of Death, Airdate: Saturday, Dec. 31, 1966 , 8:30 PM, Writers: Stan Burns and Mike Marmer, Director: Bruce Bilson Max rescues Tracy Dunhill, a rich heiress who then falls in love with him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Unknown to Max, Dunhill is actually a member of the Daughters of KAOS.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She is seeking revenge against Max, who killed her father, the founder of U.S. KAOS.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She invites Max to a party at her apartment where she will kill him with poison lipstick .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Agent 13 is stationed inside a sofa in the apartment, but he's drunk and unable to save Max from the deadly lips.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As Richard pointed out, there's also this autobiographical reference:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From an interview with Baroness Carla Jenssen in The Brownsville Herald, by Gilbert Swan, May 31 1932: Despite the girlishly engaging gesture, the reporter shuddered just a little.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Just a few years ago,\" he suggested, \"had I but smelled this bud", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "—there would have been sudden sleep—I would have awakened hours later from drugged dreams—\"Yes, that's quite true!\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "came the calm reply. \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And if you had accepted one of my cigarettes something similar might have happened.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Had you wooed me, and been a man who held secrets of state or information I wanted—well, you might have fallen in love with me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At least, I should have pretended to be a seductress.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And when a man kissed me—again, morphia!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For coated on my lips, on my teeth and on the roof of the mouth was a certain lethal preparation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We who were in the service and were women were trained to apply it, with a thin coating to protect ourselves.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When men kissed, the coating came off—and then I would search their rooms, their baggage and their clothes until I found what I wanted.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She is the Baroness Carla Jenssen, late of the British secret service.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now she has arrived in America but recently from London to discuss arrangements for a prosaic lecture tour, to look over the American radio broadcast prospects and check up on the filming of a book, \"I Spy,\" which she wrote concerning her adventures.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jenssens's \" I Spy \" was published in 1930, by Dodd, Mead & company and by Jarrolds.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It doesn't look like it has been... scanned?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ebooked?...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It looks like it's not commercially available in a downloadable format yet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " L.", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No idea who invented the concept, but the first time I read about it in a Sci Fi Novel as a teenager was in the Mag Force 7 series from Margaret Weis and Don Perrin.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I think it was Knights of the Black Earth (but it might have been Robot Blues), published in 1995 (96 for Robot blues), so before the Firefly series.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Raoul de Beausoleil has perfectly applied lipstick during a ball.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm almost certain", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "he mentions he has a cover layer to prevent it touching his lips and he admits after the assassination is complete he'll take the antidote just to be sure.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He leaves a perfect kiss mark on the back of the hand of his mark who jokes to his friends about it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(It mentions his lipstick assassination in this Wiki article)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm sure someone can come up with an earlier example, but that's the first time I encountered it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Mouse", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The earliest reference to it can be found in North by northwest (1959).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Mr. Tornhill (played by Cary Grant) goes to the art auction where he meets the villain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Until then, the villain had been trying to kill him by various methods.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He had hired a woman to play muse to Cary on a train which Cary comes to know after the assassination attempts on him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cary, in his characteristic style confronts him with the question:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"I wonder what subtle form of manslaughter is next on the program.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Am I to be dropped into a vat of molten steel and become part of a new skyscraper, or are you going to ask this female to kiss me again and poison me to death?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Shinde", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Possibly still not the inventor, and it was fantasy, but poisoned lipstick showed up in the November 21, 1966 episode of Gilligan's Island , \"The Invasion\", as part of Gilligan's dream of being a super-spy.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Although, looking at some descriptions of the episode, it fails at the \"doesn't harm the wearer\" test, although apparently because Gilligan's kiss (wearing plastic lip protectors) is so vigorous that the poison \"bounces back\" on her.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Another early reference of poisonous lipstick includes a fictional super-villain in the DC comics and movies, Posion Ivy , particularly during her first appearance in book #181 of a Batman comic series in June 1966 .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Because of this, she is commonly in association with the superhero Batman, but one of her special abilities is having poisonous lipstick.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Poison Ivy was created by Robert Kanigher and Sheldon Moldoff, where she used plant toxins and mind-controlling chemicals to defeat her enemies, in addition to the poisonous lipstick.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An example of her using her poisonous lipstick is in the movie, Batman & Robin , made in 12 June, 1997 .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An example of her using her mind-controlling special ability is in a 2009 comic book Batman HUSH written by Jeph Loeb and pencilled by Jim Lee, where she takes control of Superman in the last part of Chapter Four: The City, but that is irrelevant to the topic of the question (although it nonetheless provides some insight into her character).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This may not be a full answer, because the ticked answer above has perhaps the earliest reference, but I wanted to add to that answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I am also new to all of this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Pie", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "In the Firefly episode “ Our Mrs. Reynolds ”, Saffron is able to temporarily knock out Mal by getting him to kiss her after treating her lips with some kind of knock-out agent (Inara later gets some of the same). In Doctor Who, Professor River Song uses a similar technique – an hallucinogenic lipstick to escape her cell when she needs to. My question is – What is the earliest reference in a work of science fiction/fantasy to a lipstick that would poison the kissee but not the kisser?", "title": "What is the earliest reference to a poisoned lipstick in a work of science fiction?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<story-identification><technology>", "link": "", "author": " Geek" }
[ [ "The earliest reference of a poisoned lipstick may be Jenssens's \" I Spy \", published in 1930.", "The earliest reference to a poisonous lipstick that would poison the kiseee and not the kisser may appear in: North by Northwest (1959); Knights of the Black Earth (1995); Robot Blues (1996); Gillian’s Island episode \"The Invasion\" (1966); Batman Comic Series (1966); Mag Force 7; I Spy (1930); or \"Get Smart\" Kiss of Death (1966)" ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The earliest reference to a poisonous lipstick that would poison the kiseee and not the kisser may appear in: North by Northwest (1959); Knights of the Black Earth (1995); Robot Blues (1996); Gillian’s Island episode \"The Invasion\" (1966); Batman Comic Series (1966); Mag Force 7; I Spy (1930); or \"Get Smart\" Kiss of Death (1966)" ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In terms of pure speed, in their respective universes, the Flash (Barry Allen) is faster, by far, than Quicksilver .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When Marvel and DC have had crossovers between Universes, Quicksilver's powers remained constant due to their mutant origins (which presupposes his body has been organically adapted for the use of superhuman speed)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "while the Flash's speed is an aspect of an external power which he may not have access to in the Marvel Universe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With great effort, the Flash may reach the speed of light, in atmosphere, without deleterious environmental effects!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Quicksilver has been seen at a top speed of four or five times the speed of sound (Mach 4 or 5).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This level of speed for Quicksilver is new.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He used to max out at Mach 1.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since crossover events are exceedingly rare, it is safe to assume that if you were comparing their speeds, the Flash is consistently faster than Quicksilver, though operationally speaking both could be consider comparable since their feats tend to be done at the same overall speed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Generally speaking, the Flashes of the previous DC Universe continuity were far faster than almost anyone else in their universe with superspeed because they are able to channel a temporal phenomenon called the Speed Force.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Other speedsters haven't had as pure a connection and as a result are only a fraction as fast.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Johnny Quick , Jesse Quick (Chambers) , Max Mercury", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the New52 universe, Barry Allen appears to be the only Flash on Prime Earth with a connection to the Speed Force.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The renewed Jay Garrick on Earth 2 is now receiving his power from the god Mercury and does not (as far as we currently know) utilize Speed Force energies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was a version of the Flash on Earth 3 called Johnny Quick whose powers were the same as the Flash's of Prime Earth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He is now deceased.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "UPDATE:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To answer a question regarding both of these speedster's thinking capacities: Both have shown they are able to use their minds faster than an ordinary human.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given their need to have increased perception abilities to handle their bodies moving far faster than any ordinary human's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If they were unable to speed their cognitive abilities they would likely die once they were moving faster than about two hundred miles an hour because they would be limited by their human reflex time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is already a question here answering Barry Allen's (The Flash) ability to think at superhuman speed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given Barry's far greater speed, he would also likely need to be able to think at a far faster rate than Quicksilver.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Baring that, he would at least need a reaction time far greater than Quicksilver's in order to control his much higher top speeds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Can The Flash See the Future Now?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Howze", "score": 60 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Depends on the universe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In DC, Flash can beat the speed of light while Quicksilver tops out at Mach 4.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, in the crossover events, we've learned that Flash cannot access the speed force in the Marvel universe and cannot go faster than Mach 1 while Quicksilver has the same speed in either universe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The below image is a common image macro / meme used to address Flash's reaction time and speed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is taken from the post-Crisis pre-New52 era Superman story arc \"Grounded\" (part 7, Superman Vol.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No. 709)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "wherein Superman walks across America reflecting on his relation to it and, at one point, asks Flash (Barry Allen) about what he sees.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is no explicit proof that such continuity is preserved in the current line except for Grant Morrison's Multiversity project and his position that: “People have this idea of canon, but there is no canon,” he says.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“To me, it’s all real.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Every comic you ever read is real.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Arguably a philosophical position, but distinguishable as he is an architect of the DCU with the ability to actively shape its continuity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nonetheless, it is instructive in the creator's perception as to the magnitude of Flash's speed as conceived of by J. Michael Straczynski, written by Chris Roberson, and vetted by Eddie Berganza.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Such sentiments have carried into the New 52 with feats such as these: By comparison, Quicksilver is generally perceived as a super-sonic, rather tha super-luminal, speedster.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The most notable exception is when exposed to the Terrigen Mists which enabled him to time travel and create temporal duplicates of himself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, the ability took a severe toll on him and such abilities are commonplace to the Flash family.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Impluse (Bart Allen) similarly had temporal duplicates and several iterations ofthe Flash and members of the Flash family can time travel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus, Flash is consistently portrayed as faster by an order of several magnitudes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Which flash are we talking about?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Barry Allen flash is technically the fastest thing in both universes [1] .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In terms of his max speed, he can \"run faster than the speed of thought\" [2] (which is a really weird way of saying hes infinitely fast).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Flash (BARRY ALLAN)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Flash #150, \"straining every muscle,\" he ran at ten times the speed of light.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And lets see this pic - Death of THE FLASH", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "HE IS THE FASTEST THING IN ALL UNIVERSES full size of pic:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } } ]
{ "question": "We see a lot of information about both of them, but is there a specific speed that each one can reach? I'm trying to figure out the current speed of each one, in the current comics line.", "title": "Who's faster? Quicksilver or Flash?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><dc><the-flash><quicksilver>", "link": "", "author": " Jordan" }
[ [ "In Flash #150, \"straining every muscle,\" he ran at ten times the speed of light. Quicksilver has been seen at a top speed of four or five times the speed of sound (Mach 4 or 5). Flash is faster.", "Flash may reach or surpass the speed of light and Quicksilver is known to run at a speed that far surpasses the speed of sound. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Flash may reach or surpass the speed of light and Quicksilver is known to run at a speed that far surpasses the speed of sound. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The Death Star's natural gravitational field would be exceedingly weak.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Death Star was described as a \"small moon\" in Star Wars; Wikipedia lists the first Death Star's diameter as 140 to 160 kilometers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A large moon like ours, 3500km of solid rock, only produces a gravitation field 17% of Earth's at its surface.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Death Star, besides being much smaller than our Moon, is also mostly hollow, the reason being that you don't build something that big unless you really need the interior space.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Death Star at its surface would not have a gravitational field of even a thousandth that of Earth, and the field would decrease as you moved into the interior of the station.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Given the weak field, there's nothing to be gained by orienting the floors relative to it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A radial orientation means all windows are skylights.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you're lucky enough to have a window office in the Death Star, it would be much nicer if you could sit in your executive chair and look out at the stars without craning your neck.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But if the floor is always pointed toward the center of the station, then the windows out are necessarily on the ceiling.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Emperor seemed to prefer normal windows.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jones", "score": 81 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "A radial structure would give the floors and ceilings a noticable curvature, which would get more pronounced closer to the interior.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Flat objects, like regular furniture, wouldn't be flush with the ground: all of their weight would be carried by their centre, with the edges sticking out above the floor (or, more accurately, the floor would stick out under the edges).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Not only would this require expensive custom furniture and equipment, but the curvature on inner levels would be greater than the outer levels, so equipment would only sit properly within a particular range of levels.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Local flatness\", eg.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "per room, wouldn't work either:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Items", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "nearer the walls would roll towards the centre, which is technically \"down hill\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The layout of rooms on each level would have to depend on those above and below it, to avoid floors and ceilings \"pinching\" together.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Alternatively, some extra space could be allocated to allow for pinching (eg.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "with adjustable floor/ceiling tiles on pistons), but this reduces the number of levels that can fit in the structure.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Floor plans couldn't be revised by simply moving walls around: the floors would need to be altered and walls from one place might not fit in another.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There would be abrupt changes between the sections, eg.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "at doors and along corridors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Large spaces like hangars would need to be split into several areas with different floor orientations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 50 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The design you're describing is very similar to that of Centrepoint Station , a large space station in the Corellian system .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Its construction pre-dates the invention of artificial gravity without spin in the Star Wars universe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By the time the Death Star is constructed, however, artificial gravity is commonplace.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It makes sense, therefore, for the Death Star to use the pre-existing and commonly used artificial gravity convention used in all other Imperial construction, rather than pursuing a radically different design philosophy, no matter how much sense it might make from a physics background.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Sheridan", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "All the above answers are good, but I'd also like to add that with a radial layout, only one layer would be on the surface of the station: a single shell surrounding the entire sphere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously you could divide that \"surface level\" into different zones for different operations, but it would quickly become unwieldy to have, for example, a docking station where ships come down from the roof and then you have to go down a series of floors for different levels of operation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Much better to have a sphere with flat levels equivalent to latitude, so that the re-supply docks can be at a certain latitude while the military docks can be elsewhere, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "With a flat level structure every floor has a ring of surface contact around the edge, allowing for more efficient transfer of objects and ships between the interior of the station and the outside, and easier localization of different departments and facilities along a single floor of the facility.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Given fixed density, gravitational acceleration at the surface of a spherical body is proportional to the radius of the body (mass goes up as the cube of radius, but gravity falls off with the square of distance from the center of gravity).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus, the gravity of a solid rock Death Star of the same density as Earth's moon would be on the order of 0.007 Earth gravities at the outer edge, and decreasing as you go deeper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Death Star isn't solid rock; a large fraction of its volume filled with nitrogen and oxygen gas, hundreds of times less dense.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This means the artificial gravity generators still have to do more than 99.3% of the work even if you orient floors center-ward.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Empire was obviously not concerned with engineering efficiencies of that order.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Borogove", "score": 7 } } ]
{ "question": "The Death Star is large enough to have its own gravitational field. One would expect that the preferred \"down\" direction points toward its center, instead of running from pole to pole. However, the pictures of the incomplete station show a structure that favors two perpendicular directions. How come?", "title": "Why isn't the Death Star's structure radial?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Being hollow, the Death Star's gravitational field would be weak, so there is nothing to be gained by orienting the floors relative to it. The flat, level structure makes movement around the Death Star easier and prevents curvature of the interior space.", "A radial structure would mean a weak gravitational field, no view from the windows and the curvature of the floors and ceilings would decrease the size of the interior. Moreover, the layout of each room and the floor plans could not be moved around as easily. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "A radial structure would mean a weak gravitational field. It is impossible to see out of the windows of a radial structure. A radial structure would make the curvature of the floors and ceilings more noticeable and would decrease the size of the interior. The layout of each room and the floor plans could not be moved around as easily. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Probably Hexanerax 2 in Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke, given that Robert L Forwards's Dragon's Egg is a neutron star not a planet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's how it is described: The planet was absolutely flat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Its enormous gravity had long ago crushed into one uniform level the mountains of its fiery youth--mountains whose mightiest peaks had never exceeded a few metres in height.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yet there was life here, for the surface was covered with a myriad geometrical patterns that crawled and moved and changed their colour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was a world of two dimensions, inhabited by beings who could be no more than a fraction of a centimetre in thickness.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's pretty much all we know about it -- it's a throwaway vision, not the setting for any of the novel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Hal Clement's Mesklin from Mission of Gravity is an obvious contender, but its gravity is a mere 3G at the equator where the known life is, and 665G at the poles, which is probably still less than Hexanerax 2 as described.)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Scott", "score": 30 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'll venture that the winner is none other than our old favourite; Krypton .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Without focusing on specific numbers, the surface gravity on Krypton would have to be tens of thousands of times heavier than Earth to meet the description below.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was \"The Black-Hole Planet.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Nothing ever left.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was as dense as a newborn star and as dark as the pit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From a more conventional planet with crusted frozen oceans, life should at the very least have reflected so much that astronomers in nearby systems might at first have mistaken it for a star.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was so heavy that space itself contracted around it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A dull green glow, the backwash of starlight that collected in its atmosphere, reflected downward to streak Krypton's daytime sky with red-shifted luminous clouds and light its nights with a phosphorescent pink.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The light radiated from every horizon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The days were barely brighter than Krypton's nights.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It took an enormous expense of energy to launch anything from the world's surface.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even a nuclear-powered vessel designed to accelerate across lightyears of space needed to tap the thermal energy of the planet's underground in order to trigger a reaction big enough just to escape Krypton's terrible attraction.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even on a world whose population's profligate use of energy had actually slowed the planet's self-destruction, Jor-El realized that his use of so much power in one burst would certainly attract attention.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He gave himself the chance to make the only test of his prototype starcraft.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If we're just looking at heavyworld sci-fi in general, then you can't got far wrong with Flux by Stephen Baxter.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The main characters are tiny humans living inside the surface of a neutron star rather than merely living on the surface, like the wimpy lifeforms in Dragon's Egg", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I don't remember the name of the story; but you didn't ask that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I believe that the answer might be Jupiter .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Isaac Asimov wrote a short story in his robots series about the \"ZZ\" line of robot,which was designed to travel to the surface (!) of Jupiter.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Three of them traveled there in a non-airtight spaceship(rather than try to build something that could withstand the atmospheric pressure).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They encountered creatures that were sufficiently", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "advancedthat they attacked the robots with weapons (although not effectively).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Rook", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "By far not the one with the highest density (looking at Mike's and Richard's answers here), but Perry Rhodan issue #16, \"Die Geister von Gol\", was about a planet of 916g surface gravity, making it a #3 entry at the time of posting.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ";-)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rhodan and his crew navigated the surface with tracked multi-purpose vehicles (\"Shifts\"), which needed their anti-gravs (usually used to let them fly) running at max output just to keep them mobile (and not crushing the crew).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I am not sure if you could call the beings they encountered \"life forms\" (and neither were the protagonists), as they seemed to be energy-beings, but they were attracted by the vehicle's shields (reacting to stimulus), and drained their power supply, growing in size in the process (feeding, growth), so let's call them \"life\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The highest gravity planet to bear human life in the PR universe would be Oxtorne, a 4.8g world.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A shipwrecked crew of emigrants managed, with the help of genetic engineering, to adapt to the harsh environment of their world within four generations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Not as much gravity as a neutron star, but Iain M Banks's The Algebraist features a race called the Dwellers who float around inside of gas giants throughout the galaxy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ZanLynx mentioned in the comments the Hades Matrix from Alastair Reynolds's Revelation Space series, a neutron star that was somehow converted into an impossibly dense and powerful computer so that a long-dead race could go on living as programs within the matrix.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So they're not exactly life forms in high gravity, but maybe it still counts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "First Mesklin popped my mind from \"Starlight\" by Hal Clement.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is a true planet (not a neutron star like Hexanerax2) and it has a solid surface (unlike the aforementioned gas giants), but it has a size of a smaller gas planet and a shape", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so distorted that the strenght of the gravity on its equator is slightly different than on its poles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Stephen Baxters Flux tells a story about a \"human\" civilization living on a neutron star.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not really humans, but made by humans to be able to live on the neutron star.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I've just started reading Foundation and Gaal Dornick has landed on Trantor for the first time and notices that: The air seemed thicker here, the gravity a bit greater, than on hishome planet of Synnax... This prompted me to wonder, what is the highest gravity planet mentioned in science fiction that has lifeforms? Edit 1: I am specifically asking about planets with solid surfaces. Edit 2: I am referring to the gravitational force at the surface.", "title": "In science fiction, which planet with lifeforms has the largest gravitational force?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<hard-sci-fi><gravity>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Hexanerax 2, Krypton, the planet in Flux by Stephen Baxter, and Oxtorne are all suggested answers to this question.", "The possibilities are as follows: Hexanerax 2, Mesklin, Krypton, the Black-Hole Planet, Jupiter and Oxtorne. The planet in Flux by Stephen Baxter is also a contender." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The possibilities are as follows: Hexanerax 2, Mesklin, Krypton, the Black-Hole Planet, Jupiter and Oxtorne. The planet in Flux by Stephen Baxter is also a contender." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "First of all, Dumbledore did NOT tell Harry the full truth (SHOCKER, right?).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He didn't actually see \"himself holding socks\" as the main part of an image:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Allie:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What did dumbledore truly see in the mirror of Erised?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "J.K. Rowling:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He saw his family alive, whole and happy – Ariana, Percival and Kendra all returned to him, and Aberforth reconciled to him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(source: J.K. Rowling Web Chat Transcript Jul 30, 2007 ) Now, whether he wears socks or not is unstated, but based on the rest of the answer, I would posit that yes, he does.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would say that he did NOT outright lie (from a certain point of view :), and the socks answer was a way he hinted at the truth : The rest of the quote explains it:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"I see myself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Harry stared.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"One can never have enough socks,\" said Dumbledore. \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another Christmas has come and gone", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I didn't get a pair.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "People will insist on giving me books .\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "( Philosopher's Stone ) What Dumbledore wants isn't really socks .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What he wants is family - someone who will give him comfortable socks for Christmas and not co-workers or associates who will give him books.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Interestingly, we could surmise that this is what Dumbledore actually meant purely from the books, without JKR's interview quote above (as proof, edit history will show that I posted this part of the answer before I remembered about the interview :) JKR hints at the truth in two other places, and the first one is why the \"Christmas\" thing was important in the PS quote: JKR makes a big deal of Harry getting clothes from Mrs. Weasley: ...'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My mum.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I told her you didn't expect any presents and –", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "oh, no,' he groaned, 'she's made you a Weasley jumper.'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Harry had torn open the parcel to find a thick, hand-knitted sweater in emerald green and a large box of home-made fudge.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Every year she makes us a jumper,' said Ron, unwrapping his own, 'and mine's always maroon.'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's really nice of her ,' said Harry, trying the fudge, which was very tasty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(PS)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And this is an annual tradition she puts in in all the books.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "JKR always goes on about how special it was for Harry to be treated as family by Weasleys (especially at the end of GoF).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Being given cloths for Christmas is a family tradition.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Something Dumbledore would severely miss.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dumbledore lets on to Harry that the main reason he basically killed himself (accidentally - by putting on the cursed Resurrection Stone before Year 6), was because he longed to see his family: \"When I discovered it, after all those years, buried in the abandoned home of the Gaunts – the Hallow I had craved most of all, though in my youth I had wanted it for very different reasons", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "– I lost my head, Harry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I quite forgot that I was not a Horcrux, that the ring was sure to carry a curse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I picked it up, and I put it on, and for a second", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I imagined that I was about to see Ariana, and my mother, and my father , and to tell them how very, very sorry, I was...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This pretty clearly establishes what his deepest desire was, which is what the Mirror would show.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 68 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Here's a second reason why \"comfortable, warm socks\" is an appropriate evasive answer for Dumbledore to give: It is consistent with his persona as the wise old headmaster.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The philosophers generally agree that appreciation of life's simple pleasures , such as warm feet, is a key aspect of the wisdom that comes with age.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think he didn't want talk with Harry about his family, it may be, because he didn't want to burden him with this information, since Harry was very young at the time or because Dumbledore was so deeply wounded by the events that he didn't want to talk about it with anyone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It was probably a combination of both.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The socks were what he said in order to maneuver out of answering the question.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Despite the great Ms. Rowling's answer, I see more in Professor Dumbledore's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think there is foreshadowing symbolism in Dumbledore's assertion that he desired socks most of all.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Socks represented the familiarity of family that Dumbledore deeply regretted losing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The complexity of the symbolism was made more explicit when Harry gave Dobby a sock to escape slavery.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The sock, in retrospect, is what Dumbledore needed to escape the slavery of everlasting guilt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Dumbledore answered the question just not when Harry asked him about it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He sort of also answered it when he warned Harry about the dangers of the mirror.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He sees himself getting socks in the mirror because that is what he most desires -- since he has learned that he should not dwell on things that cannot be, like this family being whole again, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The idea being that Dumbledore is wise enough to know he cannot have his family back and has reconciled that, so the mirror instead shows him with warm socks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Spoiler Alert: If you did not see Crimes of Grindelwald - Do not read.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This does not belong here, but rather here , but for some inane reason, they're marked as dupes when they're clearly not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dumbledore does not see socks in the Mirror, he sees Grindelwald.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now this is only at this particular point of time, and very likely changed, but at least in Canon we know at one point, Dumbledore's greatest desire was to be united with the one he truly loved - Grindelwald.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "In the Harry Potter books, Prof. Dumbledore doesn't fail to mention his love for socks, but he does fail to mention the reason for his fascination with them. I think that when Harry asked him what Dumbledore saw in the Mirror of Erised, the truth was he saw his family: his sister, brother and mother; but he told Harry his second favorite desire instead: Holding woolen socks. What is the meaning of this fascination?", "title": "What is Dumbledore's fascination with socks?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<harry-potter><albus-dumbledore>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "What Dumbledore wants is family, someone to give him comfortable socks for Christmas. This reflects what he most desires - his family being whole.", "Dumbledore regrets losing his family and the socks symbolise the profoundness of his loss and the strength of his reconciliation. Dumbledore appeciates life’s simple pleasures and doesn’t want to burden Harry with his guilt and pain and so he chooses to talk to Harry about socks instead. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Dumbledore regrets losing his family and the socks symbolise the profoundness of his loss and the strength of his reconciliation. Additionally, Dumbledore appeciates life’s simple pleasures and doesn’t want to burden Harry with his guilt and pain and so he chooses to talk to Harry about socks instead. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yoda is not mourning the death of the Jedi after order 66.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He is physically responding to the disturbance in the force caused by the death of so many powerful Jedi.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The same way Obi Wan reacted in Episode 4 when Alderaan was destroyed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Edited to add:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The part where Yoda is actually attacked was left out of the novelization but later, when Obi Wan freaks out about the children, this dialog occurs:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"We took them from their homes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan fought to stay in his chair; the pain inside him demanded motion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It became wave after wave of tremors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"We promised their families—\" \"Control yourself, you must; still Jedi, you are!\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, Master Yoda.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" That scab on his knuckle—focused on that, he could suppress the shaking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Yes, we are Jedi.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But what if we're the last?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"If the last we are, unchanged our duty is.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" Yoda settled his chin onto hands folded over the head of his gimer stick.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He looked every day of his nearly nine hundred years. \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While one Jedi lives, survive the Order does.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Resist the darkness with every breath, we must.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He lifted his head and the stick angled to poke Obi-Wan in the shin. \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Especially the darkness in ourselves, young one.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of the dark side, despair is.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The simple truth of this called to him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even despair is attachment: it is a grip clenched upon pain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Slowly, very slowly, Obi-Wan Kenobi remembered what it was to be a Jedi.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So in this scene from the novelization", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yoda is clearly saying not to grieve for the dead Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is not in the movie", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I am not clear if novelization is considered canon or not, but", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "well... it's here.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 104 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The difference is that a single Jedi dying is part of the cycle of Life.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That Jedi unites with the Force, and that is not something to mourn.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But the killing of all Jedi is not part of the cycle, and causes disequilibrium in the Force (and the galaxy).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not any single one of the killed Jedi is to be mourned: they are all reuniting with the Force, but the fact that they all are being killed is to be mourned.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 44 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "A different take on Envite's answer (+1, by the way), is that Yoda isn't mourning for the ones that are dying, but rather, for the ones that are doing the killing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "ão Mendes", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yoda also trains Luke even after insisting that he's too old to begin Jedi training.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And advises him that he should never use the force as a weapon for attack, despite the Jedi having been a major combatative force in the Clone Wars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yoda in the prequels is learning that his own advice, that the advice of the Jedi council, does not always work .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a repeated theme in the original trilogy - that the Jedi's own pride and refusal to change is what led to their downfall.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Contrary to popular desire, Yoda is not necessarily the most perfect being in the universe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If he was, perhaps he could instantaneously bring balance back to the force at the snap of his fingers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So then, if all these other great answers are somehow incorrect, another possibility is that he is in fact mourning the death of so many Jedi.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words, while he has intellectual assent to his own principle of not mourning Jedi when they die, and when only a few of them dies at a time he is able to emotionally handle it, he is not able to do so when nearly ALL of them die.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's analogous to when you see him easily lift small objects with the force, but is then visibly straining when you see him lift extremely massive objects.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think canon intends to make him out to be perfect.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just saying. :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Perhaps it is the difference between someone dying a natural death, and someone being killed.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "One is the conclusion of a life, while the other is a life being cut short.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He is mourning the tragedy of the Empire's genocide and the loss of all of the potential good contained within the Jedi Order, rather than just the loss of a friend.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "In Episode 3, Yoda tells Anakin, Rejoice for those around us who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed, that is. However, as Order 66 is executed, it shows Yoda most definitely mourning for the Jedi who are currently being slaughtered. Why doesn't Yoda hold true to his own advice and rejoice those who have transformed into the Force?", "title": "Why does Yoda mourn the Jedi after Order 66 is executed?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><yoda><order-66>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Yoda is clearly saying not to grieve for the dead Jedi. Yoda is not mourning the death of the Jedi after order 66, he is mourning the tragedy of the Empire's genocide.", "Although Yoda is not mourning the loss of the Jedi per se, it is possible he is mourning their death since they are dying unnaturally and as a result of genocide. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Yoda is not mourning the loss of the Jedi being killed. He learns that his own advice is not always practical. It is possible Yoda is mourning the death of the Jedi since they are dying unnaturally and as a result of genocide. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Micah's answer reminded me of when I had recently watched the DS9 episode Past Tense: Part 1 .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a scene where Sisko and Bashir are filling out forms in Sanctuary District A, when Sisko realizes what day it is.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As he's explaining the events that will occur a few days later, we get this shot of a screen on the wall: As you can see, the temperature is listed in degrees Celsius.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since they are in a US government building, I think it's reasonable to assume that the US had switched to using Celsius at least by Friday, August 30th, 2024.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since this predates the formation of the United Earth government, I think it's reasonable to assume they always used the metric system, at least for temperature.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "So far as I can tell, nobody in Star Trek from the near future ever uses anything but the metric system .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We see people from future Earth in the following years: 2024, in the DS9", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2-parter \"Past Tense\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To the best of my searching ability, none of them use any units at all.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2036, in the Voyager episode \"One Small Step\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There's some brief dialogue at the beginning of the episode between astronauts which involves metric units.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2050, at the very end of the Voyager episode \"11:59\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There's only one line, with no units in it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2063", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", in Star Trek: First Contact .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lily talks about the cockpit of the Phoenix being four meters long.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "When Riker reports the Phoenix 's speed (presumably reading off the instrumentation that Cochrane and Lily installed), it's in kilometers per second. ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and then we're into the backstory of the Enterprise crew, in \"Broken Bow\" and \"First Flight.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" I can't find any humans using units (other than warp-scale numbers) in any of the flashback scenes in either of them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, one Vulcan in \"First Flight\" does quote a length in kilometers; as they're not a Vulcan unit, this probably means the humans he's talking to use them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So everyone who uses units, from the present up until the Enterprise era, uses the metric system.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, everyone who uses units, from the present up until the Enterprise era, is some kind of astronaut or scientist who might very well be using metric even if they were a present day American.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So this is all kind of shaky.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's really too bad \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Past Tense\" doesn't have any units in it, as none of its past characters are scientists or astronauts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Additionally, there seems to have been a revival of imperial/customary units in the 23rd century; for example, in \"The Doomsday Machine,\" atmospheric pressure aboard the Constellation is reported as \"eleven pounds per square inch.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Though you could just chalk that up to Early Installment Weirdness ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For now, only two or three countries uses the Imperial system.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the future, probably no one is going to.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As United Earth was the unification of Earth, It's probably that they chose the most used - the metric system over other systems.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So I presume when It was created either all countries already used the metric system or It was chosen as the official one after it's creation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I sincerely hope I could give you some information.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Guimarães", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Bear in mind that the Imperial system is completely useless in engineering applications, and never used or taught in science or engineering courses at college or university.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So in answer to your question, Earth already uses the metric system in serious applications.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While the general public may still use imperial measurements on a united Earth, we only ever see starship crews and being trained in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines, they'd all be used to metric anyway.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the episode \"Arena\" S1/Ep18 Spock gives out the distance of enemy ground forces in yards measurements.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "When the crew of the Enterprise are talking to the food replicators on board about a beverage, they state the temperature in Celcius. Is there any record of when United Earth as a whole adopted the metric system?", "title": "When Did United Earth Switch to the Metric System?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><star-trek-tng>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "As United Earth was the unification of Earth, It's probably that they chose the most used - the metric system over other systems. The metric system is also most commonly used in engineering and scientific disciplines. One might assume that when United Earth was created, either all countries already used the metric system or it was chosen as the official system later on. However, claims are made that this happened in 2036 or 2050.", "Although there is no concrete evidence of when the metric system was adopted by United Earth, the starship crews have always been used to working in the metric system due to their scientific and engineering backgrounds and the year 2036 and 2050 feature in Star Trek: Voyager as possible answers to the question. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "In the Voyager episode \"One Small Step\", the year 2036 is mentioned. At the very end of the Voyager episode, the year 2050 is mentioned. The metric system is the official system in science and engineering so the Starship crews are used to working in metric. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "They certainly can in the films; In the original 1990 Ninja Turtles film, Michaelangelo shows this ability, before quipping about how much he loves being a turtle.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Leonardo also does this in the 1993 sequel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Turtles in Time And in the latest 2014 Ninja Turtles reboot , Michaelangelo and Raphael withdraw all of their extremities in order to disguise themselves as a gigantic product placement Behati Prinsloo's breasts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And no, I'm not kidding.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I wish I was.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We also see them do it in the original cartoon TV series .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 68 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "in the original movies there is a scene where at least one of them pulls their head into his shell and I believe the final scene of turtles 2 they float back to the surface of the water completely pulled into their shells although I could be wrong", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Comics :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think they all do it at least once, but I could be wrong.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Image Comics Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Vol.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "III; #1 , Donatello retracts his head into his shell during a long fall: 2012", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nickelodeon Cartoon :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Raphael does this at least once, when one of Leatherhead's booby traps flies at his head.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Michelangelo also retracts completely into his shell at least once.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And pulls only his head into his shell at least twice:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Leonardo does it unintentionally:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They've even released a line of toys based on the 2012 cartoon series called \" Head Droppin' Turtles \" 1990 Movie Series :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the first movie, Michelangelo does it once .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the second movie, they all do it at least once: 2014", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Movie :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As Richard notes, they also do it in the recent reboot .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, Leonardo: Real life: I'll just leave this here:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cheber stands with Monica", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the older Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon, all 4 of the turtles withdrew their entire bodies into their shells, but only for comedic reasons (such as being afraid of a roach), rather than defensive ones (such as avoiding being crushed).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The turtles, despite their ability to speedily use this ability, usually don't withdraw into their shells for any reason.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the first Ninja Turtles movie, when Michelangelo put his head in his shell, they achieved the illusion of withdrawal by raising the shell itself -- the actor in the green body suit didn't move.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This may or may not have been the method used in the third movie.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Raphael does this in the 2012 series when Mikey shows him a cockroach.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But that time, he actually hides his whole body in its shell.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Octopod", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "It's been a while since I read the comics or watched the animated show, or the original movies, but have the turtles ever been able to retreat into their shells like normal turtles do?", "title": "Can the turtles go inside their shells?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "They do retreat into their shells in the 1990 and 2014 films and in the original cartoon TV series.", "The Turtles can retreat into their shells, though usually only for a good reason." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The Turtles can retreat into their shells, though usually only for a good reason." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "No.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "in order for a human to be inducted as a scout and later a marine he has to undergo mental conditioning as well as physical.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A Blank couldn't be screened by the psykers and therefore not be eligible for becoming a Space Marine.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We see a glimpse of becoming a Space Marine in Space Wolf novels.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(Yes they are not conventional), but the process itself couldn't be that much different from other chapters.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The complete \"standard\" process is here .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Space Wolves have another ritual called \"passing the gates of Morkai \".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In this test the Librarians take over the mind of an aspirant and judge it worthy or NOT worthy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If any other chapters have similar tests Blanks would not be permitted to become Space Marines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They certainly can't become Space Wolves.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also we see the effect that Blanks have on psykers in the Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So any aspirant trying out for the Space Marines would be found out fairly quick and either killed outright or passed on to the Black ships.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But we have only ONE occasion of Blank in whole Wh40k literature.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is introduced in the novel Emperor's Gift from Aaron Dembski-Bowden at chapter eleven, when Grey Knights Chapter marines arrive to Titan - their Chapter monastery planet, to give away the body of their fallen brother to be buried in Dead Fields.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There battle-brothers met Phlegyras - a so-called Ferrymen who’s work concludes in giving a proper ritual and burial to the fallen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These men do not serve in any kind of battle roles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Grey Knights immediately recognized Space Marine-like body type of this ferryman, and his unnatural aura of nothingness because he was a blank.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But anyways, no matter questions asked, Phlegyras never revealed who he was and how he became a Blank.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At any occasion, it is impossible to say how it is possible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Gene-seed implantation to a naturally-born blank will result in immediate death because of psi-infused nature of gene-seed (please remember who their Grandfather is).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At least, that's the most popular theory the imperial scholars have.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So Phlegyras should become pariah after initiation to the Chapter.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "Владимир Истомин", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the Space Marine video game Captain Titus is a Blank.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He holds a warp generating device and fights an almost-daemon price with no mutation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His immunity to the warp gets the Inquisition alerted by Leandros.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Nope, it's never happened.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And it never would because they're too valuable / rare / un-likeable to become Space Marines", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a male in the 40k universe, you have a 1 in 2 billion chance of being born with the Pariah Gene , so when one pops up, the Inquisition will always be the first on the scene.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And even if the Pariah were born on a chapter's recruiting world, chances are he would be rejected out right.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously the chapter's Liberians would detect the Pariah immediately and either hand him over to the Inquisition or possibly kill him, depending on the chapter.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But some chapters don't employ any psykers at all, The Black Templars for example.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm sure they'd have other tests to check for Chaos or corruption but if a Pariah did pass these tests, they'd have another problem.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pariahs give off an aura which makes people instantly and intensely dislike and distrust them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They couldn't possibly be part of a squad when every one of their brothers permanently despises them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Alexandros the Blind, the current chapter master of the Sons of Dorn is a Blank.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Rex", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Another possible explanation is that they simply wouldn't be chosen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A typical Chapter controls several recruiting worlds which may have populations in the millions or billions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From this, they derive a very small number of recruits every year: given what we know of Chapter sizes and Space Marine lifespans and loss rates (when not appearing in other factions' codices, at least), it might be in the single digits.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So they can afford to be extremely choosy, with literally millions of people passed over for every one accepted.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At the same time, because normal human empathy is to some degree psychic, Blanks are not accepted by others around them - including, we must assume, Space Marines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even if the Blank is superlatively capable, the examining Marine will invent a flaw, simply because of his innate dislike of the Blank.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since by definition everyone who makes the shortlist to be inducted is exceptional, it wouldn't take much to tilt the examiner's decision away from the Blank.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No, because such a person would be immediately picked up on by the Chapter's Librarians.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There are no examples of what happens next if such an individual is found: perhaps they are killed, or handed over to the Inquisition.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jacobs", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Are there any instances in literature of Blanks/pariahs serving as Space Marines? Surely they'd be unstoppable when facing warp entities. I know assassins can be blanks and they're rare, etc.", "title": "Are there any instances of Blanks serving as Space Marines?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<warhammer-40k>", "link": "", "author": " Hanvey" }
[ [ "This is contested. Some claim that Blanks cannot become Space Marines because they cannot be screened by psykers. However, Captain Titus is a Blank in the Space Marine video game and the Space Wolf novels give a glimpse of one becoming a Space Marine.", "Although a Blank technically can’t become a space marine since the psykers and the Chapter’s Librarians would prevent this, the Space Wolf novels introduce the concept of Blanks becoming Space Marines, and Captain Titus and Alexandros the Blind may fall into that category. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "A Blank can’t become a space marine since the psykers and the Chapter’s Librarians would prevent this. The Space Wolf novels introduce the concept of Blanks becoming Space Marines. Captain Titus features as a Blank in the Space Marine video game and Alexandros the Blind is a Blank though there is no confirmation he is a Space Marine. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The Major is a cyborg.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Which means that she is a human with extensive biomechanical parts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a child she was in an accident and had to replace much of her body with cybernetic prosthetics.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Having so much cybernetic equipment as part of her made it easy for her to interact with the Puppet Master.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the end of the movie we see her body destroyed and her brain installed into a new body designed for adolescents.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Down", "score": 23 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Like others have said, the continuity for Ghost in the Shell varies depending on whether you're considering the manga, the various animes or the movies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'll answer from the perspective of my preferred version, the 1995 movie by Mamoru Oshii .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In this movie, Motoko Kusanagi used to be human , but she has doubts about it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A major theme of the movie is precisely this: what makes a person human?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What if we replaced almost all of the body with cybernetic parts: would we still be human?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And what if we took that final step and replaced even the brain?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What then?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is the major existential worry that Kusanagi faces in the movie.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As evidence of both her past humanity and her worries about her present condition, consider this conversation she has with her partner Batou ( taken from the script ): KUSANAGI: That robot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Did we seem similar to you?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "BATOU:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "K:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't mean physically.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "B:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just what then?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "K:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Well, I guess cyborgs like myself have a tendency to be paranoid about our origins.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sometimes I suspect I'm not who I think I am.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Like maybe I died a long time ago, and somebody took my brain and stuck it in this body.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe there never was a real me in the first place, and I'm completely synthetic like that thing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "B:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You've got human brain cells in that titanium shell of yours .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You're treated like other humans, so stop with the angst.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "K:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But that's just it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's the only thing that makes me feel human: The way I'm treated.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I mean, who knows what's inside our heads.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Have you ever seen your own brain?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "B: It sounds to me like you're doubting your own ghost.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "K: What", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "if a cyber-brain could possibly generate its own ghost, create a soul all by itself?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And if it did, just what would be the importance of being human then?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " F.", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The original movies, Stand Alone Complex, and the new ARISE series are all separate continuities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Events in one are not necessarily applicable to the others.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In SAC, she has been a full body cyborg (everything except her brain is totally robotic) since her body was severely damaged in the plane crash that killed her parents when she was six years old.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She was one of only two survivors, with the other being", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hideo Kuze", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In ARISE, her brain was put into a prosthetic body before she was born.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Kusanagi was and still is human.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Well, human at their core.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Kusanagi is a full-body cyborg.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Essentially Kusanagi's totally normal human brain is encased in a cybernetic shell, and the entire rest of Kusanagi's body is mechanical.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The technology of Ghost in the Shell has gotten advanced to the point where people can directly interface their brains with computers, which is the source of many issues in the various Ghost in the Shell stories.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But what it boils down to is that Kusanagi is still human, they just make heavy use of the cyborg technologies available to them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "First off, I have not read the manga, and I will be making sweeping statements that may not apply to the manga.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said - Lets go through the evidence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Technology", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Human-like AI is both possible, and demonstrated in every incarnation of GiTS, though even the most sophisticated examples like proto tend to lack cyber-brains.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "'Ghost-dubbing' or copying a cyber-brain is also possible (and demonstrated), but the copy is inferior.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A cyber-brain would also be pretty heavily augmented to be able to interface seamlessly with both the cyber-bodies and external machines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You also see them outside of the body from time to time in their metal cases.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The arise series also introduces a couple of characters that have used 'AI chips' to replace brain functions in their ailing brains.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The major Origin story", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The major's origin story varies from continuity to continuity (arise/stand alone complex/the manga and the movies all exist separate from one another, in spite of their similarities)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In arise, the major has been a cyborg from birth (or at least a kind of brain in a jar).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Stand alone complex a plane crash left her in a coma; forcing(?)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the use of a cyber-body to revive her.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The movies do not make any specific mention of her origins to my knowledge.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Age Old enough to participate in the last big war...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The wiki article on the major suggests 31 but i'm not buying it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Body Military-issue cyber-body with cyber-brain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Capabilities One of the best hackers in the world, and having control over her cyberbody above and beyond most.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Conclusion", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The major probably isn't an AI judging solely from the fact that she predates the indistinguishably-human variants AND has a cyber-brain.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is however quite possible that the major isn't the first... heading section nine is rather dangerous after all.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The technology does exist to make copies as well as offset the ailing abilities of poor copies with AI chips, perhaps even pushing her abilities past her otherwise (relatively) normal contemplates.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Smith", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Motoko is supposed to represent the closest mankind has ever gotten to what is known as the machine singularity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "When mankind is fully integrated with machine.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In computer terms, a ghost in the shell is when a computer program begins to write it's own code, nullifying the need for any programmer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was believed by scientists as the first signs of a computer becoming self aware or artificial intelligence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only a few times have it's been seen when code has appeared out of no where.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was always thought it was programmed by a ghost.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "After watching Ghost in the Shell movie and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, I couldn't tell Major Motoko Kusanagi was an AI or she used to be a human. Was Major Motoko Kusanagi a human in a past life, or was she an AI from the beginning?", "title": "Was Major Motoko Kusanagi a human in a past life, or was she an AI from the beginning?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<ghost-in-the-shell>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "In SAC, she has been a full body cyborg (everything except her brain is totally robotic) since her body was severely damaged in the plane crash that killed her parents when she was six years old. However, In ARISE, her brain was put into a prosthetic body before she was born. She probably isn't an AI because she predates the indistinguishably-human variants AND has a cyber-brain. Essentially, Kusanagi's human brain is encased in a cybernetic shell, and the rest of her body is mechanical. ", "Kusanagi is a human cyborg with a mechanical body and a cyber brain. However, she is not an AI, though she closely represents one." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Kusanagi was born and still is a cyborg — but she is still human. Given she has a cyber brain, she is not an AI, though she comes close to representing one. A plane crash left her body severely damaged meaning her body is now mechanical." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, of course there are.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The need to excrete waste matter was not genetically engineered out of humans (and other Federation member species) by the 23rd century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are next to no explicit references in the shows, though the Enterprise-D has a door labelled \"HEAD\" on the Bridge, and there were verbal references in Voyager to such rooms.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In DS9, Bashir stated that it was \"best not to think too much\" about how waste extraction worked.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rom worked on the station's waste extraction facilities more than once.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Races in Orbit", "score": 35 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Memory alpha mentions a toilet in the Star Trek brig (prison cell): especially in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a whole separate toilet entry in Memory Alpha", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "however the toilet in the brig in Star Trek V remains as far as I know, the only visible representation of a potty on the series.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "William Riker shows us exactly where the only bathroom on the enterprise is in Journey's End", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This was addressed in my favourite Star Trek:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Enterprise episode, Breaking The Ice.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The chief engineer of the Enterprise is asked by some Earth schoolchildren", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "how the toilets on the Enterprise work.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He tells them that all biological waste on the ship is recycled into other materials and used to make items such as replacement uniform boots.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Of course Starships have toilets, and blueprints explicitly show and detail them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The blueprints from Rick Sternback display toilets on various decks, here is a sample of Decks 1 (the Bridge) and 2.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You can see a \"head\" on Deck 1, and on the Officers' quarters on Deck 2.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Enterprise NX-01", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Enterprise NX-01 blueprints also show toilets, i.e. the room labeled as 18 on Deck A: Miranda Class", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The blueprints of the Miranda Class also show \"heads\" on various decks:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "These are just some examples.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "More blueprints can be seen at Cygnus X-1 .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Jonathan Frakes hosted a Star Trek top 10 shows at the end of ST:TNG , and said that the Enterprise had only one bathroom - and he pointed to a schematic screen of the ship, and to the room.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He wasn't joking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That was the only bathroom identified on the ship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't recall if it was the bridge area or not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I know that it's a weird question, but I haven't seen a single bathroom on the Enterprise, not even on blueprints. Do they exist?", "title": "Αre there bathrooms on the Enterprise?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><uss-enterprise>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Yes, there are toilets on the ship. For example, Enterprise-D has a door labelled \"HEAD\" on the Bridge and the Enterprise NX-01 blueprints also show toilets. The blueprints of the Miranda Class also show \"heads\" on various decks.", "There are bathrooms on the Enterprise, most notably the Enterprise NX-01, as per Sternbach’s blueprints. Moreover, the episode Breaking the Ice reveals that there is a bathroom on board the Enterprise and there are references to bathrooms in both Voyager and on Memory Alpha. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "There are indeed bathrooms (or possibly even only one bathroom) on the Enterprise as can be seen in Sternbach’s blueprints of Enterprise NX-01 and the Miranda Class, as well as in the episode Breaking the Ice. There is also at least one toilet on board the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D. There is also a reference to the bathrooms in Voyager and on Memory Alpha. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "According to IMDB : The final scene was filmed at Lake Powell, Arizona, which is a giant water reservoir on the Colorado river.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whether this water was meant to represent Lake Powell in the movie itself as well is unknown; however, judging by the path of the debris it's doubtful, since the Tiangong is seen entering the atmosphere above the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, so it would seem that Ryan Stone would have landed on a lake in Central Asia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yet, since we clearly hear an American radio station through the speaker of the Shenzhou it's probable that Alfonso Cuarón wanted to leave the exact place of the landing ambiguous .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In one of the bonus featurettes on the blu-ray DVD, the filmmakers address the landscape seen when Stone resurfaces.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The surrounding terrain on Lake Powell is normally desert-like, with barren and rocky formations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They show how they took the surrounding landscape of Lake Powell and enhanced it to make it look like a green, living area.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She enters the atmosphere over the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, so she should land in Central Asia somewhere", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but we can hear an American radio station through the speaker of the Shenzhou, which would indicate she's in America somehow, so", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "we really don't know where she lands...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Which apparently was the point.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 36 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This blog has dissected the film to determine the location of every shot in the film Gravity and to compare it with the corresponding location on Google Earth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To cut a long story short, the final shots of the film should take place somewhere in the vicinity of the Caspian Sea or South Aral Sea (and based on the trajectory of the falling debris, the Tiangong Module should land somewhere near to the northern coastline) however the 200KM and below footage has been rendered completely in CGI.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Even ignoring the erratic trajectory (filmmaker's license), the island that she passes over and the lake that she lands in are fictional.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 29 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think it is, as you say, deliberately left ambiguous -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "certainly because in the end it doesn't matter, she's back on earth safe and sound as she wanted to be.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whether she is in-fact safe is subject matter for another film :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As to where she could possibly be, it could be anywhere - lets not forget that by the time she boarded the Chinese station, it was already in a dire situation due to the fact that it was skimming the atmosphere.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She then immediately boards the Shenzhou as the station is ripped apart around her, so there is no real planning on where the deorbit burn will occur (there is typically several hours between undocking and actual deorbit for ISS visitors)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", it just happens as the station is destroyed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With that in mind, its unlikely the craft was on target for a Chinese landing, IMHO", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "shes just lucky", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "she didn't end up in the middle of the Pacific.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "First check this:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I believe \"Mystery\" landscape 590 is 44°", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "53'59.67\"N 51° 6'10.28\"E Which puts it at the north east corner of the Caspian Sea.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Based on the trajectory in the movie, she appears to be going east and perhaps somewhat south.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "My opinion, she ends up in Aydar Lake in Uzbekistan, probably on the eastern end where it becomes smaller.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Without the in depth analysis, I first got the impression she had landed at Lake Zurich, but then I thought that the director would perhapsTo find that ending, too predictable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But I feel I got that impression from the clearly American radio station playing in the escape capsule, and from the mission control's director (Ed Harris). :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The location is supposed to represent a primordial place.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She has experienced the hero's journey, been reborn.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She represents not only Dr. Ryan Stone who has defeated her own grief and transcended literal death as well a figurative death, but humanity--even all land mammals, even evolution.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The setting is Galapagos-like.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In her skin tight clothes, she is the first creature who climbs out of the sea an onto land, dragging her body as she breathes the air.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then, she is a four-legged animal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then, a biped.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The frog, the insects and the strange landscape are not from our time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Prehistoric.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yet, the space station burns up in the atmosphere above her.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some theories state that life on earth originated from outer-space.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Is it possible that Cuarón is saying humans must evolve again, that we must transcend our grief, our attachment to time and space and to even life itself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That our pain originates in our attachments?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I just watched Gravity for the third time. The ending got me to thinking. It's never clearly explained in the movie, but where did Sandra Bullock's character end up landing? To me it looks suspiciously like China, possibly, which makes total sense considering she took the Shenzhou craft from the Chinese space station. I know the actual filming location was Lake Powell in Arizona.", "title": "In the movie Gravity, where does Sandra Bullock's character end up?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<gravity-movie>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "We really don't know where she lands - the island that she passes over and the lake that she lands in are fictional. However, speculation indicates the Caspian or South Aral Sea, Aydar Lake, and Lake Zurich.", "Sandra Bullock’s place of landing cannot be confirmed — and it may be a primordial place that doesn’t exist — but she appears to be travelling south east and possibly lands near Lake Zurich or in Aydar Lake in Uzbekistan." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Firstly, there is no confirmation of where Sandra Bullock lands and, secondly, wherever she lands may be a fictional, primordial place. She appears to be travelling south east and there is the possibility that she lands in either Aydar Lake in Uzbekistan or near Lake Zurich. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the TNG episode \"The Dauphin\", there were shapeshifters native to Daled IV.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The future monarch of the species as well as her bodyguard/protector had the ability to assume humanoid and animal forms.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the TNG episode \"The Survivors\", we were introduced to a Douwd, a powerful being capable of either changing or disguising its appearance.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It was able to dematerialize and move around without the aid of a transporter, so its control over its physical structure must be near total.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the movie Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , inside the Rurapenthe prison complex Kirk and McCoy encountered a shapeshifter that called itself a chameloid.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It could assume humanoid and animal forms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Star Trek: Voyager , creatures capable of full mimicry of humans were encountered on the class Y \"demon planet\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "These creatures were featured in the episodes \"Demon\" and \"Course: Oblivion\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Star Trek:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Deep Space Nine 's episode \"The Alternate\", another Shapeshifting species was encountered.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This one could retain shapes, but it was more of a powder, so its abilities were limited.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This species may be related to the Changelings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Wraiths in Star Trek:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Enterprise 's episode \"Rogue Planet\" were slug-like by default, but were very capable shapeshifters.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some of the Suliban from Star Trek:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Enterprise have shapeshifting abilities, but this is a product of genetic engineering.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Besides the species that are naturally shapeshifters, some humans also can shape shift through mental discipline.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the TOS episode \"Whom Gods Destroy\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "mental patient Captain Garth repeatedly alters his appearance to mimic other humans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And in the episode \"Mudd's Women\" crones convert themselves into beautiful young women apparently via the placebo effect.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jones", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you define 'changeling' as being a shape-shifting species, possibly the largest one we see is in TNG 'Encounter at Farpoint' - the Spaceborne Entity .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We see one transform itself into Farpoint station and another in the form of a massive starship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Right", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The beings in Star Trek: Voyager are made of a biomimetic compound.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They came from the Class Y planet on the episode Demon .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They actually appeared on the episode Course: Oblivion .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They had no knowledge of what they really are and it is unclear if they had any conscious ability to assume new shapes or where actually shapeshifters at all and not some type of autonomously self-assembled entities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In terms of other shapeshifters the memory alpha link can detail those, the majority appear to be able to transition from one discrete morphology to another, with the exception of the Changleings who are natively amorphous.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Shapeshifters", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I believe the shapeshifters from voyager your looking for are the Undine, otherwise known as species 8472 by the borg.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "voyager episode \"in the flesh\" is entirely about how they set up a complex to masquerade as humans to infiltrate and the federation, as they deemed humans/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the fed their greatest threat and deemed the borg irrelevant.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Undine", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There form of shapeshifting is even harder to detect then the changlings, which was dam near perfect as it was.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Memory Alpha page that Richard linked tohas a section on \"Non-corporeal to physical shapeshifters\",which includes, for example, the Organians.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They seem to have overlooked Trelane (The Squire of Gothos)who was presumably some sort of energy being (inasmuch as that's what his parents were)but could assume humanoid form.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Rook", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In \"The Survivor\" an episode of the kind of sort of semi-canon Star Trek: The Animated Series an multi tenticled Vendorian was encountered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Vendorians can take the shape of other life forms, and this particular one even turned himself into a functioning machine while that machine was desperately needed! KIRK:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There used to be only two examining tables in this room.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now there are three.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SPOCK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I just realised that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "KIRK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a vial of Orientine acid, Winston.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It will burn through almost anything but this crystal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you've never seen it work, I'll demonstrate on you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(The table transforms into the alien)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "MCCOY:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I saw that, but I don't believe it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SPOCK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A Vendorian, Doctor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Their planet is quarantined, and few people ever do see them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Their ability to rearrange their molecular structure into anything with the same general size and mass and their practise of deceit as a way of life puts them off limits.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "KIRK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mister Spock, get a security team down here on the double. and later: KIRK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good work, Mister Scott.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That deflector shield went up just in time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SCOTT:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But sir, I haven't finished repairing the shield.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I told you it'll take hours, and it will.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SPOCK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Interesting.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "KIRK", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": Then what was?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Winston.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SPOCK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is not outside the realm of probability.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If he could rearrange his own atoms to become an examination table, one would have to assume he could become a deflector shield.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": " When Garth of Izar was severely wounded near Antos IV, the Antosians taught him the process of cellular regeneration to heal himself, and Garth later used it to change his shape and impersonate other beings ( Star Trek: The Original Series \"Whom Gods Destroy\").", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "KIRK: How does he manage to change form at will?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "CORY: The people of Antos taught him the techniques of cellular metamorphosis to restore the destroyed parts of his body.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By himself, he later learned to use the technique to recreate himself into any form he wished.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The first time we knew about it was when a guard, seeing what he thought was me in Garth's cell, released him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So Captain Kirk should have kept an open mind and not been certain that Cameloids were a myth until Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "MARTIA: I'm a chameloid.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "KIRK: I've heard about you. '", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Shapeshifters', I thought you were mythical.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So that might (depending on various factors such as the canon status of TAS and whether cellular regeneration is innate to all Antosians) possibly make as many as three other canonical shape shifting biological (non energy beings) species in Star Trek before the changelings in Star Trek:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Deep Space Nine !", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " A. Golding", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm currently watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and as all you know there are many appearances of shapeshifting/changeling characters like the Founders and Odo. I watched Star Trek Voyager 5-6 years ago, and I think I remember the crew encountering some shapeshifting species as they were travelling home? So, are there any other changeling species in Star Trek besides The Founders?", "title": "Are there any other changeling species in the Star Trek universe besides the Founders?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><star-trek-voyager><star-trek-ds9>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Yes, there have been a number of changelings in Star Trek, including natives of Daled IV, Douwd, a chameloid, the inhabitants of the demon planet, the Undine, the Vendorians and the Antosians. ", "The following species and/or characters are known to shapeshift: those native to Daled IV, the future monarch of the species, a Douwd, a Chameloid, Garth of Izar, the Undine and Vendorians. Moreover, Shapeshifters are also encountered in TNG \"Encounter at Farpoint\" — the Spaceborne Entity, Deep Space Nine’s episode \"the Alternate\" and Star Trek: Voyager. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "In Star Trek, humans and species are known to naturally shapeshift. The following species and/or characters are known to shapeshifte: those native to Daled IV, the future monarch of the species, a Douwd, a Chameloid, Garth of Izar, the Undine and Vendorians. Shapeshifters are also encountered in TNG \"Encounter at Farpoint\" — the Spaceborne Entity, Deep Space Nine’s episode \"the Alternate\" and Star Trek: Voyager. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Canonically, we don't know because we don't know of any romantic relationships Jango had with either men or women.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The fact that Jango did not have a child with a woman does not really indicate he's homosexual -- he is willing to have a son", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but perhaps he never found a suitable woman to be the mother.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Legends, he is heterosexual.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He has a romantic relationship with a woman named Sheeka Tull .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Legends also provides the backstory for Jango's recruitment as clone template.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The ending to the video game Star Wars", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bounty Hunter includes a scene in which Darth Tyranus first recruits Jango.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tyranus sells the idea to Jango as a chance for \"immortality\", and to pass on his ways to the clone army.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This convinced Jango to become the clone template for the army and possibly for Boba (he could pass on his ways to Boba in particular), but when Tyranus asks him why he wanted an unaltered clone Jango refuses to answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So even Legends only hints at why Jango wanted a son.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 51 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Because he wanted an exact replica of himself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 27 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I don't think Jango Fett actively sought to have a son via cloning.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Rather, thinks happened the other way around.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Republic approached him and bought his DNA to produce a clone army.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In return, Fett decided that, if they were going to clone him, he wanted one to raise as his own.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words, the opportunity to have a son presented itself through the clone process, so he took advantage of it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If he truly wanted a son, it wouldn't have mattered if he was homosexual or not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are plenty of options for \"natural born\" children other than heterosexual sex, including adoption or artificial insemination.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Having said that, there's no indication that he's homosexual, and as @Null points out, at least one non-canon case of his having a heterosexual relationship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Again, that's not proof -- homosexual men in the real world do sometimes \"fake it\" for various reasons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It merely shows that we just don't know enough about him to know.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "A woman?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dating?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Seriously, he's the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter and (according to Legends canon)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "one of the last living true Mandalorians.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He also wants something very specific - not just a child, but a son that he can raise in his own image.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Doing things the \"old-fashioned way\" would require: Finding a potential mate, one who would be genetically compatible with Fett's standards Establishing a relationship with that mate Impregnating the mate with viable offspring A 50/50 chance that the offspring would be male", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An even lower chance that the offspring would have the right genetic makeup for what Fett intended A healthy birth with no complications Dealing with the mother", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(provided Jango did not want her involved in the raising of the offspring, which is likely unless she was a Mandalorian warrior) Long story short", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", Jango Fett is an extremely practical man.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And when a practical, yet efficient method of getting what you want is presented to you, you take it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's entirely possible", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "that, had Dooku's offer never come along, Fett would have eventually attempted to settle down and have a son the old-fashioned way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As it stands, however, he was presented with an excellent opportunity to get a son without any of the added steps or \"baggage\" he would have to deal with otherwise.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Based only on my take from watching the movies, I imagine Fett as a sort of elitist, perhaps even a eugenics advocate, that believes that there is no further improvement to be made to his genes and that the best way to continue his blood line is by simple replication.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This doesn't have to be expressed in specific physical or mental characteristics and could just be a matter of ego.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If I was to develop this story further, here are some cute ideas: He has a secret that must be passed on which he will trust no one with but himself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some information was encoded in his DNA which will be lost if it is modified.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There is somewhere something of importance such as a treasure or an heirloom which can only be accessed with his DNA but may be fatal so he wants someone else to take the fall.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He wants to extend his life by transferring his consciousness to the boy when he comes of age.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As I was writing, the last option actually rings well with Tyranus's promise of immortality and the fact that we know that force users can still maintain a degree of control after they have died and returned to the force, If Fett knew this then he may have been looking for a body to return to.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He might also have some or all of the knowledge of Darth Plagueis which would connect a lot of points in the story.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Daniely", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Why did Jango Fett choose to have his son, Boba Fett, created via cloning, rather than having a child by a woman? Did he want a son and was either unwilling or unable to do so with a mate?", "title": "Why did Jango Fett have a son via cloning instead of through natural reproductive processes?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars>", "link": "", "author": " Gurgel" }
[ [ "Tyranus sells the idea to Jango as a chance for \"immortality\", and to pass on his ways to the clone army. Some information is encoded in his DNA which will be lost if it is modified. There may also be something important that can only be accessed with his DNA or he may also want to extend his life by transferring his consciousness to the boy at a later date.", "There is little information available on Jango’s relationships, but he was likely drawn to cloning because of the concepts of immortality and replication. Moreover, Fett may believe his genes are perfect and that his DNA bears a treasure he wants his offspring to access without his DNA being modified. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "There is little information available on Jango’s sexual orientation and his relationships with men and women. He may not have purposefully sought to have a child via cloning but is likely drawn to the idea of immortality and replication associated with cloning. Fett may be an elitist who believes his genes are perfect and that his DNA contains a treasure or an heirloom that he wants someone else to access without his DNA being modified. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "It depends which clones you're talking about.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the video game Star Wars: Battlefront II , Fett's clones had almost completely died out during the Kamino uprising .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Fett clones struggled to integrate into the more general army and, according to Survivor's Quest , by 22 ABY the remainder are thought to have died or deserted.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you include non-Fett clones, you can include those created after the Spaarti took over cloning on Coruscant.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They had a process which could generate matured clones in a year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, their clones ended up being inferior and deformed, leading to mental instability, lack of fighting power, and as such resulted in a high casualty rate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These probably died out or deserted at the same time as the last Fett clones.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Currently, there isn't a Disney canon answer, as we don't know the makeup of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps at the time of the original trilogy.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But as far as Legends canon goes, we do have a couple answers:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As Polynomial notes in his answer, the last of the Fett clones were created about the time of the Kamino Uprising in 12 BBY, and these \"anti-troopers\" were all destroyed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No more new Fett clones were created, and as he pointed out, these eventually died or deserted.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given the accelerated aging, not many clones would be alive even 40-50 years after their aging.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, one exception to this is Jaing Skirata .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was one of the first Fett Clones, a Null ARC trooper who was cloned in 32 BBY, and was able to stop the rapid aging using stolen Kaminoan research.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Still alive at the time of the Legacy of the Force series, he was in reality over 70 years old, but biologically 140.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Using this research, several other clones were also able to extend their lifespan, and though we are not told of their names, it is likely that these were the other Null ARC Troopers .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, it is almost assured that these few were the only Fett clones still alive around 40 ABY (and thus the last ones in the galaxy) , as the 'unfixed' clones would have died of biological age long before.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Around 40 ABY (towards the end of Legends canon)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", we do see some research still being done on cloning (by a Kaminoan, no less), but not to the level of the clone troopers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Fallen", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For an answer from canon, the best information we currently have is from the canon novel Tarkin .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It includes a scene where a group of stormtroopers are led by a Fett clone sergeant but all the other troopers are non-clone recruits.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is the relevant quote (the stormtroopers are loading Darth Vader's meditation chamber onto Tarkin's ship): When the stormtrooper operating the equipment accidentally allowed the flattened sphere to bang against the edge of the cargo hold’s retracted hatch, Vader stamped forward with his gloved hands clenched.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“I warned you to be careful!”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "he shouted up at the trooper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“My apologies, Lord Vader.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Wind shear from—”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“Excuses won’t suffice, Sergeant Crest,” Vader cut him off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“Perhaps you are aging too quickly to remain on active duty.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tarkin couldn’t make sense of the remark until he realized that Crest’s was a face he had seen countless times during the war—the face of an original Kamino clone trooper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The bare-headed others comprising Vader’s squad were human regulars who had enlisted after the war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "p. 94", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The novel takes place about 5 years after the end of the Clone Wars (14 BBY), so clone production evidently stopped at the end of the Clone Wars and within 5 years the clones were becoming too old to be useful as soldiers (due to their age acceleration).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Empire likely phased out the last of the Fett clones within a few years of this event.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For all we know, Sergeant Crest was the last clone stormtrooper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The final surviving clone is is CT-6116, or Kix.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the book The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku , set near The Force Awakens , reveals that Kix was kept in stasis for decades due to the fact that he knew how to prevent Order 66.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Swansino", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you are looking for the oldest surviving clone in the new Disney canon that isn't necessarily a stormtrooper or still serving the Empire, then Captains Rex and Gregor, and Commander Wolffe and are certainly in the running.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the Star Wars Rebels episode", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"The Lost Commanders\" (S02E01),", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the crew of the Ghost is sent to find a \"great military leader\" from the Clone Wars, who turns out to be Rex.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given that Rebels is set 4BBY and given the apparent ages of Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor (biologically, not necessarily chronologically), it would seem likely that the Empire would not have too many Clone Wars clones left at this point in time and they could be among the last survivors.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Boba Fett could also be the last surviving clone since he did not have the accelerated aging or anything clone troopers had.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Boba Fett was a unaltered clone.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Smith", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "After Jenna goes to Mandalore to learn how to kill Jason she meets the X Jedi healer in the multi colored armor there is also a clone with him that he has been healing for years that it had a brain injury 1 of Sgt Kals boys.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I know that many clone troopers became Imperial stormtroopers, but for how long? Do we have any information on the last of them?", "title": "Who was/were the last clone(s)?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><clones><star-wars-legends>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The Fett clones struggled to integrate into the more general army and, according to Survivor's Quest , by 22 ABY the remainder are thought to have died or deserted. In addition, given the accelerated aging, not many clones would be alive even 40-50 years after their aging. ", "The last of the surviving clones was likely to have been either T-6116, Kix, Rex, Wolfe, Gregor, Boba Fett or the X Jedi healer’s clone who Jenna meets in Mandalore. Moreover accelerated ageing would have contributed to most of the clones dying out during the Kamino uprising or before 22 ABY. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The last of the surviving clones may have been one of the following: CT-6116, Kix, Rex, Wolfe, Gregor, Boba Fett or the X Jedi healer’s clone who Jenna meets in Mandalore. Due to factors such as, inter alia, accelerated ageing, it is suspected most completely died out during the Kamino uprising or before 22 ABY. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Real world words", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Is this something invented by Martin or did it originate elsewhere?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I hate to break it to the in-universe and sci-fi/fantasy-authors-invented-this folk, but these are all real world language.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As chepner points out in another answer, \"ser\" is simply Middle English for the Modern English \"sir\", as the OED says.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"maester\" is Early Modern English for \"master\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It can be found in William Tyndale's 1534 translation of the New Testament, alongside words such as \"faether\", \"moether\", and \"broether\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Brooke Foss Westcott (1872). \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "§ I. Tyndale.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A General View of the History of the English Bible .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2nd Edition.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "London.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Macmillan, pp.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "51–52) \"Joffrey\":", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There's a huge range of ways to spell names rooted in \"got\" + \"fridu\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some of them can be seen at \"Gotfrid\" ( The Kurufin's Castle ) .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Spellings such as \"Jofry\" and \"Jofré\" are quite real.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Joffrey\" and \"Robb\" (a simple diminutive of \"Robert\") are first names that have become surnames over the past seven or so centuries, and one can find many people with these names.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was an aristocratic Joffrey family in Vevey, Switzerland from the 15th to the 18th centuries, for example.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There's a more extensive analysis of these real world archaisms done by an OED employee: Adam Pulford (2012-04-03).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Words are wind – the language of Game of Thrones .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Other authors More specifically, was there another fantasy author that used \"Ser\" as a noble title?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As you have seen, plenty have used these real world archaisms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I add one more to follow on from Nate Wells' answer: James Tiptree Jr. who used gender-neutral \"Ser\" and \"Myr\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Brightness Falls from the Air the appendix says: Myr, Myrrin : Myr serves for Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss and is often prefixed affectionately or jokingly to a person's first name or nickname.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Myrrin is the plural, corresponding to \"Ladies and Gentlemen\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And a character insists upon being called \"Ser\" instead of \"Myr\", just as some people in the real world insist upon being a \"Sir\" when called \"Mister\": \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And then you are Myr … ?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" Kip addresses the taciturn man.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" Ser Xe Vovoka,\" the stranger corrects him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[…] Kip recalls that \"Ser\" is a technical honorific, somewhere beyond \"Doctor\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not to call him \"Myr\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 55 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "GRRM is known to be a fan of Sci-Fi Author Jack Vance .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In his \" Moon Moth \", Vance uses Ser for Sir.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That may (or may not) have been the inspiration for Martin's unusual spelling:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A slave rose from where he had been squatting, touched knuckles to the black cloth at his forehead, and sang on a three-tone phrase of interrogation: \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Moon Moth before me possibly expresses the identity of Ser Edwer Thissell?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thissell tapped the hymerkin, which hung at his belt and sang: \"I am Ser Thissell.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"I have been honored by a trust,\" sang the slave.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Three days from dawn to dusk I have waited on the dock; three nights from dusk to dawn I have crouched on a raft below this same dock listening to the feet of the Night-men.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At last I behold the mask of Ser Thissell.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 31 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The word ser is ancient Italian and was equivalent to modern day mister.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Two works of fiction I can think of that show its usage in Italian are: The Decameron/Novel 1, 1 Circle 7, cantos 12-17 of Dante's Inferno", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The UTEXAS material is particularly relevant I think because of the way they translate a verse: \"Siete voi qui, ser Brunetto?\"Is", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it you here, ser Brunetto?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As you can see, they left ser untraslated.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Being pretty sure that they folks at UTEXAS are pretty learned, this suggests that the term ser originated elsewhere also for the English language.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 22 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "See \"sir\" in the Oxford English Dictionary , in which \"ser\" is given as a variant in Middle English (ca. 1200-1500)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Ser is a commonly used polite form of address in Fantasy & Science Fiction.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is generally used when the polite form of address for the individual is unknown, particularly when the sex of the individual is unknown or the society is gender neutral.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I think however, the term is undergoing a meaning shift in some cases to simply be a polite form of address for a male only.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I can not remember the first novel I encountered this term in but similar words include: Hir, Hirself, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Wells", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In CJ Cherryh's science fiction Alliance-Union novels (see: Mercanter's Luck, Downbelow Station, Serpent's Reach, Cyteen etc), dating back to the 1980s, \"ser\" and \"sera\" are frequently used as honorifics.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Tseng", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Is this something invented by Martin or did it originate elsewhere? More specifically, was there another fantasy author that used \"Ser\" as a noble title? I'm mainly asking because I cannot shake a feeling that I've read a book that used the word and wasn't authored by Martin, but I can't recall anything specific so perhaps I'm just conflating something with ASOIAF.", "title": "Where does the idea of replacing \"Sir\" with \"Ser\" in \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" come from?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<a-song-of-ice-and-fire>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Ser is a variant of Sir in the English language in the real world, and commonly used in science fiction.", "Originating from ancient Italian, \"ser\" is a variant for \"sir\" in Middle English and is often used in Science Fiction as a polite form of address." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "\"Ser\" is a variant for \"sir\" in middle English. It is used a lot in fantasy and science fiction as a polite form of address. It originates from ancient Italian. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "First off, JKR never came out and stated either way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So we can only infer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm inferring that she didn't intend the name to make fun of the character .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "First, generic evidence - most of her names that are meant to convey meanings are NOT meant to make fun of someone (except for \"looney\" Luna's first name, possibly) or otherwise hurtful.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nearly all the meaningful names (Lupin, Weasley, Newt Salamander, Voldemort, Lovegood, Poppy, Ollievander, etc...) had real non-insulting meaning, either in-universe or out of universe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, naming Neville with a deeply insulting name intentionally would have been out of pattern.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Leaving that aside, we have evidence from the name itself: t's a real English surname, with fairly non-funny and non-insulting meaning/origins.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This interesting name is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is a topographical surname for someone who lived in a long valley or dell .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In some cases the modern surname, found as Longbottom and Longbotham, may also be locational in origin, from the place called \"Longbottom\" in Luddended Foot in West Yorkshire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In either instance the name derives from the Old English pre 7th Century \"lang\", Middle English \"long\", long, with Old English \"bothm, botm\", Middle English \"bodme\", bottom, valley, dell.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Richard Longboteham, which was dated 1379, in the \"Yorkshire Poll Tax Returns\", during the reign of King Richard 11, known as \"Richard of Bordeaux\", 1377 - 1399.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": " Please note that the fact that JKR intended it to be a topographical meaning of the name is even more likely considering that his first (given) name is ALSO topographical: This great and noble surname is of Norman origin, introduced into England after the Conquest of 1066.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is a French locational name from \"Neuville\" in Calvados or \"Neville\" in Seine-Maritime, Normandy, both so called from the Old French \"neu(f)\" new, with \"ville\", a settlement (src: )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, for that matter, was another earlier version of Neville's surname (from the First Forty document referenced in @Richard's answer): ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "either a locational surname, from a place called Sidebottom in Cheshire near Stockport, or a topographical name peculiar to the counties of Cheshire, Lancashire and Yorkshire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The derivation of the name is from the Olde English pre 7th Century \"sid\", wide, broad, spacious, and \"bothm\", valley, bottom, dell, and in the case of the topographical surname, this would denote residence in such a \"wide valley\" .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(src: )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An interesting contradiction is that, on the same First Forty document, Neville also had another rejected version of surname, Puff.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That one doesn't seem to have much of topographic origin, and isn't even British or French.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The only known origins are German/Austrian: nickname for a violent, aggressive person, from buff ‘push’, ‘shove’.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From a pet form of a personal name, Bodefrit, composed with Old High German biutan ‘to bid or order’ or boto ‘messenger’.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Possibly an altered spelling of Pfaff.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If that's the meaning, I can see where JKR was coming from crossing that name out :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think we can be pretty certain that JKR's intention was to make Neville sound a bit \"goofy\" with her choice of name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Longbottom certainly isn't the most dignified of names, despite it being a traditionally English surname.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Note also that HP is a children's book.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Names that contain the word 'bottom' are generally considered hilarious.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "On top of that, the \" first forty \" document (showing her initial thoughts on character names) listed him originally as Neville Side bottom , another slightly unusual British name and one that is, to some quite amusing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously she had bottoms in mind when choosing his name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It is a real name, not something JKR made up, and it has been used in England for a long time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This interesting name is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is a topographical surname for someone who lived in a long valley or dell .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In some cases the modern surname, found as Longbottom and Longbotham, may also be locational in origin, from the place called \"Longbottom\" in Luddended Foot in West Yorkshire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In either instance the name derives from the Old English pre 7th Century \"lang\", Middle English \"long\", long, with Old English \"bothm, botm\", Middle English \"bodme\", bottom, valley, dell.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Richard Longboteham, which was dated 1379, in the \"Yorkshire Poll Tax Returns\", during the reign of King Richard 11, known as \"Richard of Bordeaux\", 1377 - 1399.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " B Nimble", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My last name actually is Longbottom, just to confirm it is definitely a name which is still around today.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A lot of Neville Longbottom jokes are a burden of the name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Fact: \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Longbottom\" is a funny name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe not the funniest name possible ( like \"Hugh Morris\" for example )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but there is undeniably a little bit of humor in this particular choice of names.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And if you can remember back to being the age/maturity of the target audience of the book I think you'll remember snickering and giggling about all things \"fanny\", \"bottom\", \"butt\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Eugene Pratt", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Is the family name of Neville a funny one that is actually part of the his \"image\" in the first books? I'm asking this from the point of view of a non-British and a non-English native speaker. Another form of this question would be - is Longbottom a name that you rather not give to your children if you can avoid it.", "title": "Did Rowling give Neville the family name Longbottom as a joke/funny name as part of his initial image", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<harry-potter>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "\"Longbottom\" is a funny name, and although it is a real, traditional name, we can be pretty certain that JKR's intention was to make Neville sound a bit \"goofy\" with her choice of name.", "Although the writer’s intention is not to ridicule the character by choosing the surname Longbottom, he/she clearly wants to make the character sound a bit goofy. Moreover, Longbottom is a genuine name albeit not the most dignified. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "It is obvious that the word \"bottoms\" was in the mind of the writer when choosing the name of the character and her intention was to make the character sound goofy by choosing a funny name. Longbottom is a real name albeit not one of the most dignified. The author’s intention was not to ridicule the character despite Longbottom jokes being commonplace. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I don't know how chivalrous Batman will turn out to be in this movie, but the Dark Knights of the past have had cause, once in a while, to take civilian passengers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Vicki Vale in", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Batman and Rachel Dawes in Batman Begins both got to take a ride in their respective Batmobiles after being rescued by their respective Batmen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, even if he's not running a taxi service, it's by no means unimaginable for him to bring the Batmobile to a screeching stop, retract the hood, and grunt \"Climb in!\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "to someone in danger.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Batman has, of course, anticipated this contingency, and marked an unsafe area—to better protect the citizens of Gotham.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Veeder", "score": 100 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Because it's not only batman who works worked on the Batmobile Note that the earlier batmobile was designed by one man (Fox), built by others (Waynetech), driven by another (Wayne) and maintained by yet another man (Alfred).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "At a minimum there are four and potentially dozens of people who've worked on the various batmobiles, any of whom could have thought that that was a step.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Because the car is built out of stock (airplane?)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "parts As Patrick and Monty have pointed out in their comments above, the parts used for the Tumbler were cannibalised from Waynetech's military assets rather than being custom-made from scratch.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The same is almost certainly true for the modified Batmobile.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These parts may well have been pre-painted with the \"no step\" designation before they were appropriated for this 'black project'", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So he knows where not to step Since Bruce wasn't fundamentally involved in the design of the car, it's clearly in his interest to know which bits can be stepped on and which bits can't.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Causing thousands of dollars of damage to his funky new Batmobile for the sake of a 1$ stencil is not a good tradeoff.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 85 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "By popular demand, I am reposting my comment as an answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just to clarify, this footage is not the finished product, so don't expect to see this sign to appear in an official release.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It will most likely be digitally erased in post-production.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You would not see this any more than you would see the wires that hold up the stunt men in an elaborate fight scene.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I seriously doubt the sign is there for Batman, or his damsel in distress.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is most likely put there by the prop master to alert the cast and crew not to put too much weight on that part because it would probably break, or damage something underneath the body panel.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Time will tell if I am correct.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Hutchinson", "score": 46 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It could be a bit of engineer's humor on the part of Batman or the actual builder of the batmobile, like this notice on the Space Shuttle Carrier aircraft : \"Shuttle mounting point\" by Rob Elliott (Zeeeter at en.wikipedia) -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Self-made; originally uploaded to here .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 28 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I've interpreted the evidence differently from most here.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would be surprised if the signage doesn't make the final version.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was placed intentionally, with very neat lettering, to give the Batmobile an 'aerospace-y' or 'high-tech' feel.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do a google search , you'll find that most actual 'no step' signs (that are to keep actual people from stepping on some non-weight-bearing surface,) are brightly colored and often red or yellow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My opinion (and that is all that it is) is that the Batmobile is so marked to give the impression that it might be subject to service by his team of engineers and/or was just provided by the manufacturer (Wayne Industries) with said marking in place.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just like it would be for anyone who ordered one -- as if it is an actual product with all the normal safety / warning stickers in place.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think (as does Jason Hutchinson who mentioned this first) that it's a label for the film crew since it will obviously be some vulnerable part which cannot support the full weight of a person (or some similar reason).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Judging by the unaltered footage and no music", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "+ the fact it says B-roll in the title", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "this is some stock footage which got leaked or released to some network in order to create some anticipation for the upcoming movie.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't like this footage,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "if it got leaked shame on the person who did it, we've seen the batmobile in pictures and will see it in future 'REAL' teasers/trailers/clips", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "just wait till it comes out properly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If it was intentionally released shame on the film studio, this shows they are not putting any effort into creating a hype for the movie and does not read well for the movie", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(i'm going with the first option).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But yes the lable is purely for crew, it has nothing to do with things \"in-universe\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sorry to spoil it for ya", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but there's probably nothing more to it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Why wouldn't it?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If there's danger, there's danger.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You could argue that ground crew at airports and on military bases must be extremely well trained and would never think of stepping on the dangerous parts of aircraft, but manufacturers still plaster \"NO STEP\" all over them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a safety measure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a precaution.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I see no reason at all for this not to apply to the Batmobile.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Races in Orbit", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Because stepping could cause damage to panel.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Seriously though, I see two possibilities: it is not meant to be seen by the audience, only the cast and crew (as others have pointed out); or it is meant to be seen by the audience and convey the impression that this is a piece of military hardware of some kind, although obviously repurposed for Batman's use.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But we won't know until the movie comes out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cheber stands with Monica", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "This (silent) video shows the Batmobile in the new Batman v Superman movie: However, 14 seconds in we see: Why would the Batmobile need to have \"NO STEP\" on the side? Batman knows the risk and it's not like he's running a taxi service. Is Batman worried about getting a ticket from an overenthusiastic Health & Safety officer?", "title": "Why does the Batmobile have a \"NO STEP\" sign?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<dc><batman><dc-extended-universe><batman-v-superman-dawn-of-justice>", "link": "", "author": " Monica - Goodbye SE" }
[ [ "It was most likely put there as a safety precaution by the prop master to warn against breakage, or damage underneath the body panel and to prevent unnecessary costs. One would doubt that the sign is there for Batman, or his damsel in distress.", "As Batman is not the only one using the Batmobile, the sign needs to be visible to avoid any damage being caused to the panel. Also, the sign may be purely aesthetic or there is a chance it is there for film crew as a safety precaution. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The dark knights are known to take civilian passengers and Batman is not the only driver of the Batmobile so the sign needs to be visible for everyone using it so that no damage is caused to the panel. The sign may be solely there for aesthetic purposes for the audience or for film crew as a safety precaution. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In this post-apocalyptic world, probably brought on by nuclear war, pretty much everyone has been exposed to lots of radiation and it seems many of the War Boys have cancer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Nux is having night sweats and enlarged lymph nodes in his neck, so I'm guessing he has some lymphoma, a type of cancer that involves lymph nodes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In patients with cancers of white blood cells (leukemias and lymphomas), the bone marrow is overcrowded by defective, cancerous white blood cells, so the bone marrow has neither the resources or space to make red blood cells, which are necessary to transport oxygen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a result, when the cancer gets bad enough (such as when you don't get treatment), blood transfusions will often be necessary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This way the blood recipient can get the donor's red blood cells to prevent anemia and platelets to prevent bleeding.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is not a cure for the cancer, but it should help with some of the symptoms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Max probably has blood type of O-, making him a universal donor, so people use him as a \"blood bag.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Its alluded to in the opening monologue that pretty much everyone has some form of cancerous disease.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence transfusions, Larry and Barry the tumours, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I presumed that many of the War Boys have a lymphoma due to radiation or inherited mutations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It was details like this that elevate the movie.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Furthermore the \"oil\" barron who had terrible lymphedema with his bulging feet made the movie all the more \"realistic\" and disturbing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Roberts", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Nuclear bombs, radioactive warfare, they are all referenced to as \"half lives\" - they are or were obviously exposed to radiation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The War Boys are all sick one way or another and have shortened lifespans, so they need blood transfusions to live longer and hopefully live long enough to become drivers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They probably have lymphedema, anemia, maybe leukemia, since that is also treated by blood transfusion.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It might also be to get adrenaline, since Nux brought Max, his \"blood bag\", with him on the ride.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the new Mad Max: Fury Road , a major starting event is that Max is being used as a \"blood bag\" for one of the War Boys. It seems to be implied later on that the war boy has some sort of terminal illness (indicated by the two strange lumps on his collar bone and a mention of night fevers). Is it ever actually explained why they're receiving blood transfusions and/or what precisely is going on with the War Boys?", "title": "What’s going on with the War Boys in Mad Max: Fury Road?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<mad-max><mad-max-fury-road>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Nux has night sweats and enlarged lymph nodes in his neck, so he may have some lymphoma, a type of cancer that involves lymph nodes, treated by blood transfusion. This may be due to exposure to radiation in the post-apocalyptic world.", "The War Boys are all sick due to the effects of radiation exposure and are likely all suffering from some form of cancer that is being treated by blood transfusion. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "In this post-apocalyptic world, the War Boys are all sick and are most likely suffering from some form of cancer due to radiation exposure for which they are receiving a blood transfusion. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In Star Wars the Clone Wars , Series 2 episode seven, \"Legacy Of Terror\" Anakin and Obi-Wan use their lightsabers to give off light when they are descending into the catacombs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Clone Troopers who accompany them use in-built lights on their helmets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the new Disney canon novel \"Heir to the Jedi\", Luke uses his lightsaber in a tunnel as a light source after some creature ate Luke's lamp.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "“Stay back!”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I warned Drusil as I heard the creature choke and spit up the lamp.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It wasn’t working anymore—maybe it was simply in the off position rather than broken, but I wasn’t about to search in the dark for it in the bottom of a sewer with something hungry nearby.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We needed to see, so I pulled my lightsaber from my belt and hoped it would give off enough ambient light to spot the creature before it attacked again .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Holding it in front of me in a defensive stance, I turned it on as I heard the creature snarl and thrash in the filth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The blue plasma blade bloomed up and my eyes, dilated in the darkness, saw the thing open its mouth and bunch its powerful back legs for a spring at my throat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In The Clone Wars: Weapons Factory (S02E06), Barriss Offee and Ashoka Tano use their sabers to provide light when they are trapped beneath some rubble.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the following episode, Legacy of Terror (S02E07), Obi-Wan and Anakin use theirs to provide light as they descend into a temple.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Savage Opress used his lightsaber as a light source in the season 4", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Clone Wars episode \"Brothers\" (episode 21).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Morthil", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Obi-Wan does just that in the Revenge of the Sith novelisation, right after he is attacked by his clone troops.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Some undefinable time later, Obi-Wan felt his head and shoulders breach the surface of the lightless ocean.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He unclipped his lightsaber and raised it over his head.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In its blue glow he could see that he had come up in a large grotto; holding the lightsaber high, he tucked away his rebreather and sidestroked across the current to a rock outcropping that was rugged enough to offer handholds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He pulled himself out of the water.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rey also does it in The Rise of Skywalker , after falling into some sinking sands.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "When Luke is being tested by Yoda at the tree of the Dark Side, he lights his saber as he enters the tunnel.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I always assumed it was in order to see by its light.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is supported by the official novelization as mentioned by Valorum .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He held his glowing sword in front of him and noticed an object on the cave floor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pointing his lightsaber downward, Luke illuminated a black, shiny beetle the size of his hand.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In an instant, the thing scurried up the slimy wall to join a cluster of its mates.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Johnson", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Since lightsabers give off a visible glow, I could see a Jedi or a Sith using their lightsaber as a lighting source. They were already used as tools (at least in Episode I) so there are some non-violent uses to a lightsaber. Has any Jedi or Sith used their lightsaber in this manner in canon works?", "title": "Were lightsabers ever used as light sources?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><lightsaber>", "link": "", "author": " Protester" }
[ [ "The lightsaber is used as a light source several times, including in The Clone Wars and in The Rise of Skywalker.", "Lightsabers are used as lighting sources in the following: Clone Wars \"Legacy of Terror\", \"Weapons Factory\" and \"Brothers\", as well as in Heir to the Jedi, Revenge of the Sith and the Rise of Skywalker. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Anakin and Obi-Wan use their lightsabers to descend into the catacombs in Clone Wars \"Legacy of Terror\" and Obi-Wan uses his again in the Revenge of the Sith when he is attacked by his clone troops. In Heir to the Jedi, Luke uses his lightsaber in a tunnel after his lamp was eaten. Barriss Offee and Ashoka Tano in the Clone Wars episode \"Weapons Factory\" use their lightsabers when they are trapped under some rubble and, in the Clone Wars episode \"Brothers\", lightsabers are used as a lighting source. In the Rise of the Skywalker, Rey uses his lightsaber when he falls into sinking sand. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Many Tusken raiders died to bring you this information.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Enraged by his mother's death, Anakin had slain an entire camp of Tusken raiders, including women, children...possibly even their animals.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This went down in Attack of the Clones , prior to his fight with Dooku.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 109 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One time Anakin blew up a droid control ship with people on it in orbit around Naboo.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This happened in Star Wars:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Episode I - The Phantom Menace , during the Battle of Naboo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was while he was nine, so his earliest kills on record in my opinion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This ship contained at least 10 non-droids as per this tech guide for Episode One.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 106 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes he had (Note: this is a compilation of all answers found thus far plus some more research on my part - consider upvoting the other answers for this question as well)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's a list: A gorgoodon (a non-sentient creature, but I thought I'd mention it):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jedi Quest: Path to Truth Krayn the slave trader (when he was 13)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Source: Anakin on Wookieepedia )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(note: NOT canon)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The persons on the ship he destroyed in", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Phantom Menace (kudos to Himarm)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Tusken Raiders following the death of his mother in Episode II (kudos to Praxis - although I did know that one myself!)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Tal Merrik in the series", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Clone Wars (kudos to Null) Genosian Warriors in", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Clone Wars (kudos to Nu'Daq) Saato in Star Wars: The New Droid Army (a video game, I know, but just thought I'd add that one in too) Trenox", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(again Star Wars: The New Droid Army ) Messo", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Legends)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Denturi (Anakin's Wookieepedia page cites that he had killed this person, but I can't find much more about Denturi other than that) Durge (was killed by being 'force-pushed' into a star - what a way to die!)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(kudos to Matemáticos Chibchas)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Right", "score": 64 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As a canon example of Anakin killing a human by lightsaber prior to his execution of Dooku, Anakin killed Tal Merrik .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This image is from", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Clone Wars S02E13 \"Voyage of Temptation\" .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 50 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Also, in the foundry scene in Attack of the Clones , he sliced up some Geonosian warriors.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "'Daq", "score": 17 } } ]
{ "question": "Was Count Dooku his first kill or had he already slain many a foe?", "title": "Had Anakin Skywalker killed anyone before Dooku?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><anakin-skywalker>", "link": "", "author": " Schwarzzeskywalker" }
[ [ "Prior to Dooku, Anakin had already killed a camp of Tusken Raiders, Tal Merrik, some Geonosian warriors and he also blew up a ship with people on board.", "It is known Anakin kills an entire camp of Tusken raiders after his mother’s death and that he murders Tal Merrik before he executes Dooku. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Anakin kills an entire Tusken Raiders’ camp following the death of his mother. Anakin blows up a droid control ship full of people. Anakin slices up some Geonosian warriors. Anakin kills Tal Merrik before he executes Dooku." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There's very little information in the books you can use to determine their intelligence.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even if a dragon did something very smart (like attacking Danys enemies and not her friends), you could argue it was just instinct or dumb luck that it acted in such a way.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "One thing we know is that the dragons of old were very good at following commands.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Whether laying waste to Harrenhalls stone towers, helping forge Dragon Steel Swords or helping melt the ancient Valyrian roads (that Tyrion guesses were stones melted together.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At the Kingsmoot of the Ironborn we find out how such specific commands were given to beats:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Euron Greyjoy claims he recovered a magic horn that can bind a dragon to your will.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If this is true it suggests to me, any feats performed by the Valyrian dragons of old can't automatically be attributed to dragon intelligence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless someone has a better example, the most \"intelligent\" trick", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the dragons have performed that can't be attributed to blind luck or instinct is breathing fire on command...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Drakaris!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Mouse", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In A Clash of Kings, the warlocks say \"\"A wilful beast,\" laughed a handsome young man.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "shall we teach you the secret speech of dragonkind ?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Come, come.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This implies that dragons can speak, which implies a high degree of intelligence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps not human level, but certainly higher than animals.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, the Warlocks may have been lying...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but I don't see why as there were a lot of visions Daenerys saw there which have since come true.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is some evidence that a dragon can bond to a particular person/rider, and that this 'rapport' leads to an instinctive synergy between dragon and rider.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "See: The Princess and the Queen, Dany/Drogon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, dragons may seem to be intelligent, but most perceived intelligence by dragons can be attributed to these bonds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Outside a dragonrider bond, they exhibit an intelligence roughly similar to a smart horse or dog (Dany's three), with the cunning of an apex predator (Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal in Meereen, Sheepstealer, Cannibal).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In some mythology, dragons are more intelligent than humans.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We observe in GoT that the dragon destroyed (with its tail) the scorpion device that had injured it and while this may have been at the command of Daenrys, we did not hear her command.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Dragons smartness and emotional state seems to be very similar to that of a domesticated dog.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They can take orders: Dracarys:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The order for the dragon to breathe fire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Valahd:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The order for the dragon to fly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "( Note that it appears Emilia Clarke actually says Fly here", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but she was meant to say Valahd ) Drogon!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Valahd.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Game of Thrones, Seaosn", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "5 Episode 9,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"The Dance of Dragons\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We also know that from a related question that dragons share a deep connection with their dragon riders: Dany and Drogon share deep connection.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And the event in the fighting pit is evidence that Drogon has ability to sense when Dany is in peril.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Game of Thrones Season 5, Inside the Episode #9, 6:44", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "What do we know about the intelligence of dragons? Is it portrayed differently in the books than in Game of Thrones? I’m specifically curious about the perceived/known intelligence of dragons when they were more numerous in the A Song of Ice and Fire world.", "title": "How smart are the dragons in Game of Thrones?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<game-of-thrones><a-song-of-ice-and-fire><dragons>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Dragons can develop and relationship or a bond with a particular rider and become good at following commands. However, they are said to be instinctive and be as intelligent as a domesticated dog, and cunning as an apex predator.", "Though there is not much information available on the intelligence of dragons in books, they are known to be as smart as a horse or dog and have been known to be portrayed as being more intelligent than human beings in mythology. Moreover, they can bond easily with humans and can follow commands like Dracarys in Game of Thrones." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "There is very little evidence about the intelligence of dragons in books. Whether it is down to a dragon’s instinct or not, they are very good at following commands and can bond well with humans — and are often portrayed as more intelligent than humans in mythology. Dracarys from Game of Thrones is an example of an intelligent dragon. Their level of intelligence can be compared to that of a smart horse or dog. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "If you are looking for a strict abduction, then in 1946, Planet Comics , a science fiction comic book title ran a story in the July issue detailing how aliens used a luminous tractor beam to kidnap an Earth woman who they labeled \"Specimen 9\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You can read the comic online here", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Link provided by @user14111, page 15 of 52).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They evidently need her to help their race survive, as she was told that she was part of \"Project Survival\", as they took her to out near Saturn, as outlined in this web article .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is some evidence of earlier reports ( Part I , Part II ) both in media and local lore, going as far back as the late 19th century, but I don't know the provenance of such reports.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Kurd Laßwitz \"Auf zwei Planeten\" ( Two planets ) from 1897 might qualify, at least if your idea of abduction does not necessarily include violence.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the book human explorers strand on a Martian bridgehead at the North Pole.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Martians want to take one of them to their home planet, however their ethics do not allow for outright abduction (but still they don't want to take no for an answer).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After a while convince one of the humans to go to Mars (and he later returns).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Pierstorff", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "\"The Star Mouse\" (1942) by Fredric Brown is about an Earthling who is abducted, modified, and returned to Earth by space aliens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, the Earthling is a mouse, and he is abducted not from the surface of the Earth but from a rocket en route to the Moon, so I'm not sure it counts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Instead I will nominate: 1936: \"The Human Pets of Mars\" , a novella by Leslie Francis Stone , first published in Amazing Stories , October 1936 , available at the Internet Archive .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is an excerpt from Everett F. Bleiler 's description in Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years : Place: Washington, D.C., and Mars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "*", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The gigantic, glowing, drum-shaped vessel settles down in Washington, and several fifty-foot-tall creatures like gigantic octopi emerge.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since they make no hostile moves, and seem to be simply sightseeing, they are not molested while they wander the streets of Washington.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But as they return to their vessel they seize individuals from the streets and make off with them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Police shoot, but the ten-tentacled octopi (called decapods), clad in golden, glowing armor, are impervious.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Two members of the Bureau of Standards, Brett Rand and George Worth, who had crept into the vessel, are also taken prisoner.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "*", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They all awaken in a strange milieu, where the gigantic decapods maintain a high civilization.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After examination by the rulers, the Earth people are taken one by one by individual decapods to their dwellings, where it soon becomes obvious that the captives are considered pets, not well-tended pets, but ill-treated, misunderstood, arbitrarily mishandled pets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "*", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is not clear how many Earth people were taken, for several were vivisected, but those who stay in the story for various periods of time seem to number about fifteen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the end a few of the captives escape and make their way back to Earth in a commandeered Martian spacecraft.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The earliest, overtly scifi version, that I can find is The Whisperer in Darkness (1931).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, I asked Jess Nevins about this a few years ago, and he contends that it's probably an evolution from the stories of fairies etc kidnapping humans .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " B", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Hugo Gernsback's futuristic novel Ralph 124C41+ (1911) a visiting Martian scientist falls in love with Ralph's girlfriend and abducts her, this being sort of an alien abduction.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "No doubt a lot of other ETs in the pulps kidnapped people for various reasons", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " A. Golding", "score": 4 } } ]
{ "question": "Which fictional work (of any format) was the first to feature the abduction of a human from Earth by aliens? In particular, did this work precede the first reports of purported abductions in the media, or did it come later?", "title": "Which came first: fictional works involving alien abduction or claims of alien abduction?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<aliens><history-of><alien-abduction>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Kurd Laßwitz' \"Auf zwei Planeten\" ( Two Planets ) from 1897 is the earliest of the examples given, along with Hugo Gernsback's futuristic novel Ralph 124C41+ (1911); The Whisperer in Darkness (1931); and a story in Planet Comics in 1946 detailing how aliens used a tractor beam to kidnap woman called \"Specimen 9\".", "Out of the four works listed, the first fictional work to feature an abduction was Auf Zwei Planeten (Two Planets) in 1897." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The following titles feature an abduction of a human from Earth: Auf Zwei Planeten (Two Planets) in 1897, Ralph 124C 41+ in 1911, The Whisperer Darkness in 1931 and Planet Comics in 1946. The earliest of these titles is Auf Zwei Planeten (Two Planets). " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Pronunciation is extremely important in spell casting.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That is covered during the Wingardium Leviosa class, in the first book.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Professor Flitwick himself tells the students to be extra careful when pronouncing the spell, and he mentions the example of wizard who got badly injured from wrongly pronouncing the spell he wanted to cast.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A while later, Hermione points out how Ron's spell is being ineffective due to his mispronunciation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“Wingardium Leviosa!”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "he shouted, waving his long arms like a windmill.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“You’re saying it wrong,” Harry heard Hermione snap.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“It’s Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the ‘gar’ nice and long.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“You do it, then, if you’re so clever,” Ron snarled.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(As rightly stated above by Cearon O'Flynn) And even sometime after that we see a practical example of Professor Flitwick's story, when Seamus feather's burst into flames (scene that was also in the movie).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Essential (with a caveat)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the first book, Professor Flitwick explicitly says that speaking the right words is essential for the spell to function correctly.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Indeed, major errors, such as changing an entire phoneme, can have disastrous consequences: \"And saying the magic words properly is very important, too -- neverforget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himselfon the floor with a buffalo on his chest.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "— Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If someone were rendering incapable of uttering a spell correctly, they would also be incapable of using that spell.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At worst, it would produce some alternate effect, as indicated in the previous quotation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At best, the spell would simply fail, as seen when Neville tried to perform magic with a broken nose: “ STUBEFY! ”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "shouted Neville, wheeling around and waving Hermione’s wandat the oncoming Death Eaters.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“ STUBEFY , STUBEFY! ”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But nothing happened — one of the Death Eaters shot their own StunningSpell at Neville; it missed him by inches.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "— Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The caveat:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "talented witches and wizards can perform nonverbal spells.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A sufficiently skilled spellcaster can use any incantation nonverbally.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some are even specifically nonverbal, such as Levicorpus .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So someone who had had their throat ripped out by a werewolf (for example)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "could still learn to use any spell, but with more difficulty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is likely, however, that particularly hard spells would be of reduced effectiveness:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She winced slightly and put a hand to her ribs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The curse Dolohov hadused on her, though less effective than it would have been had he beenable to say the incantation aloud , had nevertheless caused, in MadamPomfrey’s words, “quite enough damage to be going on with.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "— Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes the pronunciation is very important For example in The Philospohers Stone Ron", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "is saying Wingardium Leviosa incorrectly and cannot get the spell to work:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“Wingardium Leviosa!”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "he shouted, waving his long arms like a windmill.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“You’re saying it wrong,” Harry heard Hermione snap.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“It’s Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the ‘gar’ nice and long.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“You do it, then, if you’re so clever,” Ron snarled.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " O'Flynn", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I believe it's a combination of wand movement (discussed during DA sessions and lessons such as Wingardium Leviosa), intention and knowledge of the spell's incantation and finally the pronunciation of the incantation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I imagine non-verbal spells require a version of the incantation in one's mind, rather than just thinking \"levitate that feather!\"It would seem that as the incantation can be dropped, it is the least important and pronunciation is not that essential.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 1 ] ] }, { "text": "However it is easier to say a spell as well as wand movement and intention, so presumably the less talented or experienced you are, the more it matters.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, the relationship between wand and wizard would be less well-developed and instructions would need to be as clear as possible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Order of the Phoenix we see a case where the mispronunciation of the incantation caused someone's clothes to be set on fire, so pronunciation clearly matters: \"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Oh no,\" said Cho rather wildly as he approached.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Expelliarmious!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I mean, Expellimellius!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I — oh, sorry, Marietta!\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Her curly-haired friend’s sleeve had caught fire; Marietta extinguished it with her own wand and glared at Harry as though it was his fault.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I agree that pronunciation is important.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But there are other languages, not to mention those who were very capable of silent casting.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To assume that everyone must use the Latin (?) words for these spells is a bit silly as there were other schools of magic (Beauxbatons and Durmstrang officially mentioned) in the world.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Komaki", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As Ryan Perry already pointed out one answer with the story when Harry used Floo Powder to go to Diagon Alley and said \"diagonal\" we see \"critical or else it will be a problem\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "How important is the actual pronunciation of magic words in Harry Potter ? To that end, what if there was a deaf-mute Wizard, or a wizard who had his throat ripped out by a werewolf? Or if you had a heavy accent or lisp? Clearly there are foreign wizards, do they have their own spells or translations? Is a Chinese wizard expected to say Evatacavra ? Also, if it is just the intent of the spell, why would anyone ever say a spell out loud? It's unstrategic.", "title": "How important is pronunciation in spellcasting?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<harry-potter>", "link": "", "author": " Herrell" }
[ [ "Pronunciation is extremely important in spell casting. Professor Flitwick tells the students to be careful when pronouncing the spell. There are examples of catching fire, getting injured or conjuring buffalo as a result of incorrect p[pronunciation of spells. However, a sufficiently skilled spell caster can use any incantation non-verbally.", "Pronunciation of a spell, regardless of the language in which the spell is written, is significant in spellcasting, as are wand movement and, less so, intonation. The consequences of mispronunciation may have devastating effects. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Pronunciation is deemed to be an integral part of spellcasting along with wand movement and, perhaps less so, intention. Mispronunciation can have disastrous consequences when casting a spell. The spells can be in a language other than Latin. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The scene was a rather neat way for the Wachowskis to visually represent Neo's transformation into a Hacker of the Matrix.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Upon his rebirth, he perceives the programming language that creates the Matrix 'reality' directly, including the Agents.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "When he enters Smith and destroys him from the inside, the act evokes the real-life techniques of advanced hacking, in which the programmer manipulates the underlying code, rather than the 'surface' interface that simple users see.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " girl", "score": 57 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Neo jumping into Agent Smith is a reflection of how the Agents override the humans in the Matrix.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "At various points in the movie, you can see the Agents both exit and enter humans - it's a representation of how they are overriding the human.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Similarly, Neo is rewriting Agent Smith's source code - he is inserting himself into Smith the same way that the Agents insert themselves into the other humans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 36 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Jumping into him was like editing his source code.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Since he is a program, he couldn't be killed in a traditional sense.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So he was deleted.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Is there a reason he chooses this method to kill him?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, Neo failed to 'conventionally' kill Agents because machines tend to be back.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Neo tries something new.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I don't know what all these other answers are about.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a gamer, it looked to me like a routine \"spawn-kill\" from an old FPS game, where two people would spawn on the same spot, or one person would spawn on the same spot where somebody else is already standing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The game physics can't compensate for two objects being in the same physical space, so it immediately terminates one of them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In a game, this is where the ragdoll physics are applied to the killed object/person and it is pushed away or falls down.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the matrix, Agent Smith exploded.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously it took a little longer in the movie for dramatic effect.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It looked like Neo turned himself into liquid, then after the explosion it seemed like he had pushed outward from inside Smith, bending space itself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I believe he chose this method because it completely undermined the laws of physics in a world that is based on simulating reality - the other agents would know there is nothing they can do against this kind of threat.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Neo did not Hack Agent Smith, he merged with Agent Smith and in doing so allowed his code to merge with Agent Smiths.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The moment he does that the Machines (which Neo is plugged into) can then rewrite the entire Matrix deleting agent Smith, Rebooting the Matrix and allowing a refresh of the system It isnt Neo that destroys Smith it is the Machines that do that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " C", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "At the end of the movie Neo jumps into Smith and blows him up. Is there a reason he chooses this method to kill him?", "title": "Why does Neo jump into Smith?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<the-matrix>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "He may have chosen this method because it was something new and completely undermined the laws of physics in a world that is based on simulating reality - the other agents would know there is nothing they can do against this kind of threat. This is an equivalent of \"hacking\", as since he is a program, he cannot be killed in a traditional way.", "Neo is able to hack and override Smith using the unconventional method of jumping into him without the risk of harming himself. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "Neo opts for this method over a conventional method since he is able to safely hack and override Smith by manipulating the underlying code. By doing so, he mitigates the risk of endangering himself. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Note that he wasn't just holding onto a single line but was in fact standing on one and holding another.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's certainly possible for him to conduct sufficient electricity (between the lines) to have electrocuted himself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "An electric fence designed to stop things jumping into and climbing it would have alternate rails electrified with opposite polarity, or AC current with the opposing phase, resulting in exactly this effect.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, while people often object that it doesn't act like a cattle fence, this is only because cows can't jump or climb, and cow-fences are typically a single rail.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 42 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You are correct that birds aren't shocked because they aren't grounded.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, on a typical electric fence, the electric conductor is separated from the fence itself and insulated from it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not all the fence carries a voltage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If someone were to touch both the conductor and the metal of the fence then they would be grounded.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The current would be able to flow through them to the fence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No he wouldn't have gotten shocked because he's not grounded and there's no way there's three phases running across that fence because all the lines are connected by a mesh.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The whole fence would be shorted out if that was the case.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Part of the drama of the situation was that the fence was initially off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We can assume this means the fence was at ground state, i.e. zero volts relative to the ground and relative to little Timmy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The tension of the scene comes from Dr. Grant and the kids racing against the restart sequence conducted by the other intrepid heroes, who are about to unwittingly electrocute homo sapiens instead of tyrannosaurus rex .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If the fence lines Tim were touching were opposite polarity, that would have been 50,000 volts from his hands to his feet, with a pass through his torso.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Now, the fatality of electrocution is measured in current, not voltage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Apparently as little as 42 volts is enough to push a fatal charge.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, as you point out, it all hinges on whether or not the current would actually transmit to him, while he's on the fence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If the fence lines were the same polarity, there's still the issue of capacitance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Capacitance is what causes static electricity: a charge builds up on your body while you're ungrounded and discharges when you touch an unsuspecting friend or doorknob.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But in this case, it's the fence that's getting charged up and sending a shock into the ungrounded boy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Again, while 50,000 volts seems like a lot, a typical, minor shock that get from touching metal after walking on carpet can be as high as 25,000 volts .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Part of what causes the voltage from a static shock to be so high is the collection of a surface charge on the pointy ends of our fingers we tend to touch things with.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A charged fence with a large enough current supply pushing electrons into an ungrounded body may behave differently.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm not qualified enough to tackle that one, so I'd suggest asking again on Physics.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SE", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "if you're interested in more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Tim would not have been shocked while hanging on the fence.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As stated by a previous post, the fence is all at the same potential.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Under normal conditions, there is voltage present in the wire, but no current flow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Current will only flow through the fence wiring when a path to ground is presented.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A practical example is an electrical receptacle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Voltage is always present at the receptacle, but Current will flow when you plug in a hair dryer or when you stick a fork in the hot side.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tim is not touching the ground; he is touching four different points of the same potential.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He should have been fine.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "What you are failing to notice is that all the the larger conductors are connected together via the smaller uninsulated wires.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore all of the cables are at the same potential.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The boy should not have received a shock due to current flow through his body as all of the cabling is at the potential.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However in EHV overhead transmission, you will not see birds perched on the cables due to the strong electric field caused by the high potential (between phases and also to ground).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The high strength electric field caused by 50kV would be enough to blow him off the fence, especially when the power was turned on as there would have been a surge of current.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bones", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "While it's true he isn't grounded and no CURRENT would run through him, it's definitely the reason he's not instantly fried.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, static discharges is something everyone has tried when touching a charged surface, like your car or say escalator-handrails.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I doubt this has ever killed anyone, even if (as someone mentioned previously, and this is true)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the voltage experienced can be over 25000.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The reason Tim is \"electrocuted\", though, and rendered unconscious, is the electric POTENTIAL difference (voltage) between him and a suddenly active 50000 volt fence.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Tim then becomes a capacitor (a device which stores electric charge) whose capacitance is much greater than that of a bird.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The voltage doesn't kill you - the current (if grounded) will.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you've ever seen live powerline work being performed from a helicopter, you'll notice they use a conductive wand on approach to equalize potential difference between wire and helicopter before \"touching\" the wires.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This neatly visualizes what happens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For more on that, refer to this question on Physics.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SE .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the Jurassic Park movie, the boy (Tim) is on an electric fence when the power gets turned on. However, birds can sit on power lines. I think this is because they do not touch the ground, only the line. Since Tim is not touching the ground, shouldn't he be safe until he reaches the bottom?", "title": "Should the little boy have been shocked?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<jurassic-park>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "If the fence lines Tim were touching were opposite polarity, that would have been 50,000 volts from his hands to his feet, with a pass through his torso. However, the reason Tim is \"electrocuted \"and rendered unconscious, is the electric POTENTIAL difference (voltage) between him and a suddenly active 50,000 volt fence. The high strength electric field caused by 50kV would be enough to blow him off the fence, especially when the power was turned on as there would have been a surge of current. Current will only flow through the fence wiring when a path to ground is presented. The voltage won't kill you - the current (if grounded) will. For example, if someone were to touch both the conductor and the metal of the fence then they would be grounded.", "Theoretically, Tim should not have been electrocuted on the fence because he wasn’t grounded. However, the fact that the 50,000 volt fence was activated so suddenly caused him to be electrocuted while on the fence. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The fact Tim isn’t grounded should mean he isn’t electrocuted. The sudden voltage difference between Tim and the 50,000 volt fence cause the electrocution. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The Thing has rarely been (as far as I can recall) depicted as bleeding even when he fought incredible powerful or vicious combatants such as Tryco Slatterus", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(Former Champion of the Universe) Thundra or the Hulk .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To be fair, it seems a bit odd, the Thing also rarely fights opponents who have the ability to cut him, so that might explain why we've rarely seen him bleeding.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If Ben Grimm's body retains the ability to bleed, (and the Marvel Handbook does not indicate it would not)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it is rarely shown no matter who he is fighting.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The assumption is, he is too difficult to cut deep enough to reach anything resembling a vital organ.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is also safe to assume, his rocky form, if it still uses blood keeps that part of him deeply embedded within his rocky exterior.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While the Marvel Universe's handbook indicates the Thing still has blood under all of his keratin-like armor, his body's physical structure has been enhanced and become far more durable than it would otherwise.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So even if you could penetrate his external armor, his internal structures are also tougher than they would be normally.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Thing possesses superhuman strength, endurance and durability.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The mutagentic, specific-frequence cosmic ray bombardment caused his musculature, bone structure, internal organ composition, soft tissue structures and skin to greatly increase in toughness and density.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Despite his bulk, his reflexes have retained their above average human levels.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Thing's lungs are of greater volume and efficiency than a normal man's enabling him to hold his breath underwater for nine minutes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He can withstand extremes of temperature from -75 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit for up to an hour before heat prostration occurs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He can withstand the effects of armor-piercing bazooka shells (15 pounds of high explosives) with no injuries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "REF: Handbook of the Marvel Universe :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ben Grimm - Thing", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would suspect this is another case of the character's ill defined powers being poorly depicted and almost never explained, thus we are left to wonder how their physiology does what it does.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I equate this along the same lines as Colossus' osmium-transplanted flesh where his body \"somehow\" (insert handwavium here) trades places with a biological equivalent of osmium (heaviest metal known) and he is able to continue to exist without a problem.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "HOWEVER:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In a battle against Wolverine (Fantastic Four vol.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "#374 (Mar. 1993)), his face was cut open by Wolverine's Adamantium claws and bled.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The claws left scarring that Ben would later wear a helmet to hide the scars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was later healed by Hyperstorm .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Howze", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In Fear Itself, while possessed by an Asgardian demon hammer, Thor punched a hole in his chest and while you don't necessarily see blood coming from the wound, Thor's hammer is covered in it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So that seems to show that he can and does bleed if anyone is actually able to penetrate his skin that far.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Green", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, he bleeds.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is is bleeding while fighting The Champion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Notice the trail of blood he leaves as well as the blood coming from his mouth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Thing is still \"normal\" underneath his rocky skin.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He's got blood, organs, everything.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "His skin is ~2 inches thick (OHOTMU) and very durable.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's why it is rare that he bleeds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bannon", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In this savage fight against the Hulk, Hulk literally breaks part of his face but he doesn't bleed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In last week's Future Imperfect 2 Hulk fought another version of the Thing, which less pronounced rocky skin and again broke off chunks of it but Thing didn't bleed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Marvel Two-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In-One #54 (part 2 of six-part Project Pegasus saga), the Thing bled after being shot at point blank range by Deathlok using an amped-up laser:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm not sure exactly to what extent his body is composed of rock . In order to be alive I'm assuming he has organs and blood and such. His tongue and eyes look human enough and they require blood flow. But has Thing 's exterior shell ever been damaged to the point he actually bled? For the purpose of this question, we're pretending the terrible movies have never existed.", "title": "Has Thing ever bled?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><fantastic-four>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The Thing does bleed. The Marvel Universe's handbook indicates that the Thing has normal blood and organs under all of his keratin-like, rocky armor. For example, Thor punched a hole in his chest and while you don't see blood coming from the wound, Thor's hammer is covered in it.", "The Thing is made up of blood and organs but his opponents rarely have the ability to make him bleed because of his profound durability. However, Thor succeeded in doing so with a hammer. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The opponents the Thing fights rarely have the ability to make him bleed. It is hard to make the Thing bleed. One opponent who did cause him to bleed was Thor whose hammer was covered in the Thing’s blood. ", "The Thing is made up of blood and organs but, despite being \"normal\" underneath, his physical structure is exceptionally durable." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Characters meeting alternate versions of themselves is a common trope in Marvel comics.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There are too many instances of this to list, but here are a few: The Hulk most famously fought a future version of himself ( Maestro ) in the The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect series.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Maestro character would later appear several other times as well, always posing a dangerous threat to the younger Hulk.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you count the psychic plane, the various incarnations of The Hulk had to face a new incarnation - Guilt Hulk -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "within Bruce Banner's mind in Incredible Hulk #377 .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Guilt Hulk, an evil persona based on Bruce's abusive father, would show up again later as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The original five X-Men were brought forward into the future in the All-New X-Men series, resulting in all but Jean Grey meeting themselves.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This proved particularly traumatic for Scott Summers , who ended up fighting his older self on several occasions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An offshoot of the Exiles, the Wolverine Squad is a team made up entirely of Wolverines from different universes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The team was created specifically to kill a gestalt being - Brother Mutant - which included yet ANOTHER version of Wolverine in its makeup.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The current \" Secret Wars \" arc witnessed multiple characters meeting alternate versions of themselves", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the new reality ruled over by Doom, his will is enforced by The Thor Corps - a police force comprised entirely of Thors from different universes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The X-Termination event saw X-Men from three different continuities interact.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "These are just a few - there are numerous examples available.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And if you count cases where the doppelganger is an android, clone, shape-shifter, or something else assuming the form of a character, the list becomes even larger.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Ultimate Fantastic Four had the unfortunate luck to meet their Zombie-Universe counterparts in Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 1, issue 21.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This was the beginning of the Marvel Zombies storylines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm certain there are other instances of Marvel characters meeting other-universe counterparts, but this one sticks out in my mind.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Adam", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Here are three panels from Alan Moore's run on Captain Britain in which the hero meets numerous alternative versions of himself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was later an entire superhero team formed of alternative versions of Captain Britain, the Captain Britain Corps .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Scott", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Not if you include Beta Ray Bill/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Beta Ray Thor as an alternate version of Thor:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thor has also met this alternate version of himself:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And he once turned into a Hulked-Out version of himself:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And as cde pointed out, in Thor Corps, Thor teamed up with Beta Ray Bill, Thunderstrike, and Thor 2099.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cheber stands with Monica", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Xmen travel through alternative time lines like squirrels cross branches of a tree.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cable has met Nate Grey the X Man, and Strife.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Beast was kidnapped and tortured by Dark Beast.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Gambit fought Sun, a physical god version of himself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Storm and Wolverine have met their days of future past punk counterparts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Wolverine has met I think, his gay and in love with Hercules alternative self.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "SheHulk has met and interrogated her \"Slept with Juggernaut\" copy.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The X-man met the X-babies, alternate versions of themselves created by Mojo.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Jean Grey and Madeline Pryor. Magneto and Joseph", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "As I understand it, Spider-Man has met alternative versions of himself on several different instances, such as the Noir, 2099, & Ultimate alternates, at one point teaming up with them and other alternates as Web- Warriors. Deadpool also has encountered several alternate versions of himself, going so far as to create an entire team of alternate Deadpools known as the Deadpool Corps. I was just curious: have any of the other Marvel characters experienced similar encounters, or has it only been Spidey and the lovable Merc with the Mouth?", "title": "Are Spider-Man & Deadpool the only characters who have met alternate versions of themselves?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Characters meeting alternate versions of themselves is a common trope in Marvel comics. These include the Hulk, Thir, most of the X-Men,the Fantastic Four, Beast, Storm, and Wolverine.", "With the Hulk at the helm, the list of Marvel characters who meet alternate versions of themselves also includes Thor, Cable, Beast, Gambit, Storm and Wolverine, SheHulk, the X-Men, Jean Grey and Magneto. Moreover, Marvel characters are known to meet alternate versions of themselves in All-New X-Men, Secret Wars, X-Termination and the Ultimate Fantastic Four. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "It is commonplace for Marvel characters to meet alternate versions of themselves, the Hulk being the most famous. Marvel characters are known to meet alternate versions of themselves in All-New X-Men, Secret Wars, X-Termination and the Ultimate Fantastic Four. Marvel characters who meet alternate versions of themselves include the Hulk, Thor, Cable, Beast, Gambit, Storm and Wolverine, SheHulk, the X-Men, Jean Grey and Magneto. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "This could be the book Crossing The Line .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The main character in the series is Shan Frankland.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She is infected with an alien parasite/symbiote called the C'naatat that confers immortality.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In chapter 22 of the book she voluntarily exits the airlock rather than face capture.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Rennie", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Perhaps Hyperion by Dan Simmons?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's been a few decades since I read it, and I don't remember any airlocks, but there is a (cross-shaped) parasite called a cruciform which makes the host immortal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After many weeks, Duré steals into their sacred cavern and discovers a finely wrought cross-shaped artwork that predates human spaceflight by millennia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He deduces that they are survivors from a seedship crash centuries earlier who have been infected with cross-shaped organisms called cruciforms that integrate themselves into their host.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After death, the cruciform rebuilds the physical body and resurrects them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The price of immortality is that resurrection information is lost, and over time they become unintelligent and androgynous, losing all distinguishing features.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When he is seen topless while bathing the Bikura discover he has no cruciform on him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Debating killing him they instead lead him into Hyperion's labyrinth system where he encounters the Shrike and is unknowingly infected with a cruciform.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Padron-McCarthy", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Or indeed, could it be Neal Asher's story \"The Engineer\" about seriously deep bioengineering in the 1998 anthology", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Engineer (reissued in 2006 as", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Engineer ReConditioned )?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In it Asher's Polity-universe protagonists (a \"partial cat-adapt\" and her human male sidekick) discover the sporulated form of an extinct race of ancient bioengineers and attempt to revive it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This slow process leads to it biologically assimilating them and amplifying their abilities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Immortality?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Well, they manage to survive the blast from a nearby nuke strike.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Hal Clement's \"Needle\" has an alien symbiont fuse with an Earthling to find an alien criminal, and the alien gives powers to the host.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The 1987 movie", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Hidden and Star Trek 's Trill race repeat the concept.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The original Star Trek episodes \"Metamorphosis\" and \"Is there in truth no beauty\" repeat the concept.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Sounds kinda like The Million Year Hunt , by Kenneth Bulmer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In it, the protagonist is inhabited by an alien symbiont and sets out to find the symbiont's mate/partner.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Towards the end, both the protagonist and his girlfriend are thrown into space, and they only survive due to the symbionts' protection.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This list of summaries mentions the symbiont.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A friendly alien parasite occupies a human's body, giving him extraordinary powers in order to enlist his aid in tracking down a dangerous enemy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "All I can really remember about this novel is that at one point a woman gets blown out an airlock and survives, and that the characters in it are not on Earth. There is also a parasite/symbiote that causes immortality.", "title": "Novel about a parasite/symbiote that causes immortality", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<story-identification><novel><immortality>", "link": "", "author": " Anthony" }
[ [ "This could be Crossing The Line; Hyperion by Dan Simmons; Needle by Hal Clement; or The Million Year Hunt by Kenneth Bulmer.", "The title of the book referenced may be one of \"Crossing the Line\", \"Hyperion\", \"Needle\" or \"The Million Year Hunt\"." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The title of the book could potentially be \"Crossing the Line\". Dan Simmon’s \"Hyperion\" is a possible option. Hal Clement’s \"Needle\" has a plot similar to the one described in the question. Kenneth Bulmer’s \"The Million Year Hunt\" is a possible option. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In my opinion, It is independent of Sauron.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "When asked what the watcher is, Gandalf says [tFotR, A Journey in the Dark , p.403 of 50th anniversary edition] There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And later, when describing his battle with the Balrog in the deeps he says [tTT, The White Rider , p.654]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The world is gnawed by nameless things.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even Sauron knows them not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are older than he.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now I have walked there, but I will bring no report to darken the light of day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is no indication that Sauron controls or even has knowledge of the watcher.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It could be a similar situation to Shelob, and he knows it's there and leaves it as it is useful.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 30 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is no suggestion in the book that it is controlled by anyone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "All Gandalf says about it is: Something has crept, or has been driven out of dark waters under the mountains.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Source: The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, chapter 4", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"A Journey in the Dark\")", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Scott", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Well, we just don't know.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, what always made me curious is how the quote goes on: ‘Something has crept, or has been driven out of dark waters under the mountains.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world.’", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He did not speak aloud his thought that whatever it was that dwelt in the lake, it had seized on Frodo first among all the Company.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This indicates quite strongly that the Watcher was specifically picking the ringbearer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But I somehow don't think that those “old nameless things” would by themselves sense and fancy the ring as much as men, elves, orcs do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Saruman is the only Maia who succumbs to it, but he is IMO a special case (Maia of Aulë like Sauron, and so on).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other examples of ancient beings don't care much about the Ring: Bombadil.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Completely indifferent, though he knows quite well of the Ring's powers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Durin's Bane.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Not sure here, perhaps the Balrog was just too busy with Gandalf to focus on Frodo+Ring. Treebeard.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Well... he never gets near the Ring, but like old Tom he doesn't really seem bothered much by the whole Ring war business at all.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Smaug.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not sure here either.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is said that dragons devoured some of the Seven, but apparently that destroyed those rings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So much for Precious.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps most relevant:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Shelob.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Paralyses Frodo, but does she in any way go for the ring?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sure, Sam attacks before she has much time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But at least Gollum assumes that Shelob would ignore the Ring (and leave it for him to pick later)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "when eating Frodo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Gollum may of course be mistaken here.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think that, if the Watcher is such an ancient creature, the only reason it would immediately grab Frodo with Ring is on Sauron's account (if not the Balrog's or – unlikely – Saruman's).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps we can't say Sauron controls it, but I believe that he has at least some influence on it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There are a few hints in Tolkien's books that the watcher in the water was under Sauron's control.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Firstly, the following lines from The Silmarillion , \"Of the Rings of Power\": \"Now Sauron's lust and pride increased and he determined to make himself master of all things in Middle Earth, and he gathered again under his government all the evil things of the days of Morgoth that remained on earth or beneath it\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Call me crazy", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but im pretty sure that the watcher in the water would be classed as an evil thing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I also believe it was alive or perhaps the spawn of a creature that existed when Morgoth had dominion of Middle Earth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Gandalf himself says the creature is old.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Secondly we have Gandalf, who suspects the creatures motives, Gandalf is the wisest of all the Maia who's instincts and suspicions usually turn out to be correct.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An excellent example of this is when his instincts warned him for no apparent reason to keep the ring's whereabouts hidden from Saruman.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The final hint that Sauron may have controlled the watcher in the water can be found in Appendix B LOTR", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"The Return of the king\" - \"2480 Orcs make strongholds in the Misty Mountains, Sauron begins to people Moria with his creatures\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No, there is no suggestion that anyone controls the Watcher.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "By all (known to me) accounts, it is an independant creature, perhaps possessing enough intelligence to feel the addictive power of the One Ring.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "One speculation I can think of is that the Watcher was one of the monsters \"created\" by the first Dark Lord Morgoth in the First Age (along with trolls and dragons), and that the Watcher follows his instinct or deeply-buried purpose to guard the realm inhabited by orcs and the Balrog.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "In the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, there is a kraken-like creature found in lake front of the gates of Moria, both mentioned in the book and shown in the movies. What I want to know is, who controls it? Is it an independent creature, or is it controlled by Sauron, or maybe by the Balrog of Moria?", "title": "Who controls the Watcher in the Water?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<tolkiens-legendarium><the-lord-of-the-rings><magical-creatures>", "link": "", "author": " Hadžić" }
[ [ "There is no suggestion that it is controlled by anyone. However, the Watcher is such an ancient creature that the only reason it would immediately grab Frodo with Ring is on Sauron's account (if not the Balrog's or even Saruman's account). We can't say Sauron controls it, but I he may at least have some influence on it.", "It is uncertain, for the most part, whether the watcher is being controlled by anyone. However, assuming he is being controlled by someone, either partially or fully, the probable candidates are Balrog, Saruman (though unlikely), Treebeard and Sauron. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "The watcher may have been controlled by Sauron but there is little information on whether the watcher was controlled by anyone. It can be assumed that if the watcher is being controlled, then Balrog, Treebeard and Saruman (though unlikely) Sauron are possible candidates. It is possible one of the aforementioned is partially controlling the watcher or that he is entirely independent. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, Kirk must know about Archer, and it is NOT implied in", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Original Series that Kirk is the first to explore deep space with warp technology.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is never suggested in The Original Series", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "that Kirk's Enterprise (or that the generation of explorers that includes Kirk and his crew) are the \"first ones\" to explore deep space.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is also never suggested that warp technology is a \"new technology\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words, nothing in TOS contradicts the existence of previous generations of explorers who have access to warp technology.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Indeed, the episode \"Balance of Terror\" reveals that United Earth had once fought a protracted war with the Romulan Star Empire decades before the time of TOS , leading to the establishment of a Neutral Zone between their respective domains.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The fact that humans could efficiently reach the location that became this Neutral Zone implies that warp technology was available well in advance of TOS .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Moreover, in the TOS episode \"Metamorphosis\" we learn that Zefram Cochrane had invented the warp drive for humanity, and that he had disappeared in the early 22nd Century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was discovered alive and well by the Enterprise in the mid-23rd Century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This further cements the timeline: the creation of the warp drive predates TOS by over a century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words, the timelines regarding deep-space missions and warp drive were not retconned by Star Trek: Enterprise .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While Star Trek as a whole does have some continuity errors, the timeline is remarkably consistent between The Original Series and Enterprise .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Finally, whether people like it or not, Enterprise is canon .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In that television series, we discover that Captain Jonathan Archer was directly involved in the establishment of the Federation itself .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Archer went on to be the Chief of Staff of Starfleet and, by 2184, the President of the United Federation of Planets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, it is virtually impossible for James T. Kirk to not have known a great deal about Jonathan Archer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 33 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In your question there are a few errors", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so I'd like to correct them first.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Firstly, Star Trek: The Original Series which featured Kirk and Spock, was sent on a five year mission, not a three year mission.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 2265, the Enterprise was assigned to a five-year mission of deep-space exploration, and command passed to James T. Kirk.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The ship's primary goal during this mission was to seek out and contact alien life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Captain Kirk's standing orders also included the investigation of all quasars and quasar-like phenomena.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "( Source )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Secondly, this was not the first five-year mission for the Enterprise , let alone The Federation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Prior to Kirk, the Enterprise had also been commanded by Captain Robert April and Captain Christopher Pike.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thirdly, the Enterprise did not have what was considered to be 'new' warp technology; the Warp Drive was invented back in the 21st century with it's first warp flight on April 5 2063 .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now, to your actual question about Kirk knowing of Archer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems in the original timeline (i.e. The Original Series ) there is no reference on either the Memory Beta or Alpha pages about Kirk and Archer being in contact with one another.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Presumably, seeing as though Enterprise is set following TOS , Kirk was aware of Archer, but this is not confirmed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, in the alternate reality (2009 reboot) we know he does .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Consider the following quote from Memory Alpha :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He [Kirk] quickly learned that Scott was wiser than he lead on, after first impressions belied the fact that he had begun to postulate the theory of transwarp beaming while still on active duty ( misplacing Admiral Archer's beagle Porthos in the process , earning his isolation to Delta Vega).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As for the prime reality though (the one from TOS ) consider the following quote about Archer: Considered by historian John Gill, as the \"greatest explorer of the 22nd century,\" Archer is widely credited with saving Earth from the Xindi and paving the way for the founding of the United Federation of Planets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He went on to become one of the Federation's earliest presidents.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(ENT: \"In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II\")", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless Kirk is completely ignorant of Federation, let alone Earth, history, he would know of Archer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Right", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "TNG implies that Archer is to the Federation what George Washington is to the United States, or Charles de Gaulle is to the French.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For instance, Troi says this the ENT finale", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These are the Voyages... TROI:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Oh, [Archer will] be fine.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I had to memorise this speech in grammar school.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You wish you could tell them all that this alliance will give birth to the Federation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Granted, Kirk was only 100 years removed, while Riker and Troi were about 200 years out, but it still stands to reason that Archer had already passed into legend by the time TOS started.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If they're having school children memorize Archer's speech in the 23rd century, it's safe to say he's a big deal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the promotion before the pilot of Enterprise, Broken Bow, it was said it was to be commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer, who James Tiberius Kirk idolized in his youth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "When a scientist named Ketteract who's been experimenting with the Omega Molecule goes silent and the same Vulcan T'urell from Archer's era is sighted orbiting the Ketteract research station by Admiral Kirk in the 2290s, he states himself in Shatner's voice that \"Turell's past is questionable to say the least, according to Captain Archer's logs\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't believe this is canon", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but it's in the storyline of Star Trek Legacy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the J.J. reboot Kirk met Archer and knows, likes his dog.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The reason Scotty is marooned on Delta Vega is because he used \"Admiral Archer's\" prize beagle in a transporter experiment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whoops!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Spoeneman", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I recall that Jim Kirk and Spock and the original Star Trek crew were sent on a three year mission to explore new worlds using the new warp technology, as if they were the first ones. But the Jonathan Archer crew also used warp drive to explore far into space earlier in time. I know that crewman Daniels messed with Archer's timeline so many times that it is not clear that there is any unmolested timeline. But were Kirk and the original Star Trek crew later in the same timeline that Archer was in?", "title": "Does James T Kirk know about Jonathan Archer?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><star-trek-tos><star-trek-enterprise><captain-kirk>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "In the original timeline (i.e. The Original Series ) there is no reference on either the Memory Beta or Alpha pages about Kirk and Archer being in contact with one another. However, in the J.J. reboot, Kirk met Archer and knows and likes his dog.", "In the original series, it does not appear that Kirk and Archer meet. However, in the J.J reboot, Kirk and Archer meet and Kirk is fond of Archer’s dog. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 11 ]
[ [ "In the original series, there is no reference to Kirk and Archer’s paths crossing. In the J.J. Reboot, Archer and Kirk meet and Kirk is fond of Archer’s dog." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "George Lucas apparently admitted that the inspiration behind the \"look\" of R2-D2 was the trio of Huey, Louie, and Dewey from Doug Trumbull's film Silent Running , which was released five years before A New Hope .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Los Angeles Times , 5 Dec 1977 ...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The drones, by the way, proved to be director George Lucas' inspiration for his own stubby robot, R2-D2, a fact that he admitted to [Doug] Trumbull when he approached him about contributing to Star Wars.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Trumbull, however, turned down the assignment because he did not want to repeat himself by returning to another space opera... Also this interesting tidbit:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "According to a August 14, 1981 Hollywood Reporter article, Universal sued Twentieth Century-Fox, claiming that the droid \"R2-D2\" in Star Wars was an infringement upon the design of drones Huey, Dewey and Louie.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Judge Irving Hill of the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles dismissed the case before trial, however, stating that \"no one has a monopoly on the use of robots in art,\" and that the robots in question were not similar.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Universal appealed the decision, but the Court of Appeals also dismissed the case.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "( Source for Excerpts )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 33 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Not to discredit any of these answers but to augment them, we must recall that though George Lucas came up with the character and guidelines for the design, it was Ralph McQuarrie who designed R2-D2.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "We must consider his inspiration as much, if not more, than Lucas contributions to the look of the character.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Star Wars Insider once asked McQuarrie about the design of the droids in Star Wars .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "SW Insider :", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Did the script describe the droids or was their look something you came up with?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "McQuarrie : I think Artoo was just described as a small robot.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I thought of him as running on a giant ball bearing — just a sphere, a circle, wheel-like.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He had gyros so he could go in any direction on this ball.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "( Source )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Subsequently, some of the earliest variations of R2-D2 looked like a droid setting on top of a sphere just as McQuarrie mentioned in the interview.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, due to technical limitations of the time this concept of Artoo had to be reworked into something slightly different and similar to the droid we all know and recognize today.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also worth noting, much of Ralph's early work that wasn't utilized for the trilogy was used during the design of The Force Awakens and this sketch eventually became the inspiration for BB-8.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As you can see this concept is quite different than the Huey, Louie, and Dewey droids in Silent Running that was referenced by Praxis provided answer and is somewhat similar to the D2 Rainbow vacuum cleaner referenced by Charles Coffey .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So is the vacuum an inspiration to Artoo?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "We don't know!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Possibly, possibly not.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's also worth mentioning that before moving to Hollywood, Ralph worked for Boeing as a technical illustrator.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was likely inspired by the streamlined look of many of the air and space craft that he helped illustrate while at Boeing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So what was the inspiration of Artoo?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Very likely pseudo-robotic looking devices of the 70s, concepts from other works and various other career inspirations from McQuarrie's past.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Character design is often a collaborative work and before the final result of R2-D2 was settled upon, there was certainly many rounds of conversations with Lucas and McQuarrie, followed by the prop and costume department working with Lucas input and McQuarrie's final sketches of R2-D2 to come up with a final result.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Each contributor likely left their mark from their own inspirations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Who knows, George could have off-the-cuff thrown out to Ralph that he wanted a \"simple robot, it needs to have an arm, or arms, similar to the little droids in Silent Running ...\" to which McQuarrie could have then sat at his sketchpad, started to think, looked over at his vacuum cleaner, decided to take the thoughts from George and then shape those influences into a pseudo-aeronautical shaped robot, slightly inspired from McQuarries very own past.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's impossible to know the original thought process but this isn't entirely implausible.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unfortunately, the retelling of these details isn't always perfect and is sometimes contradictory because none of us ever remember all of the small details of our work from 10-30 years earlier.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Our minds tend to fill in the \"gaps\" of our recollection so one thing that George says might not align with Ralph and,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "even still, there will always be little details that will be left out with time because people just don't remember.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The best answer that we can likely discern is to observe the history of the those involved in the development of Artoo and apply it to the details we have from interviews they've given over the years and settle for something, somewhere likely in the middle.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have always suspected a Rainbow D2 vacuum cleaner was the inspiration for the design as well as for the name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The D2 was a 1960's version of the Rainbow vacuum.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Coffey", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "He appears to be based off a common park trash bin.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It's spot-on.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Weyn", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I actually once heard that the inspiration was a Danish brand of Hoover/Vacuum Cleaner from the company Nilsen & Fisker called Nilfisk.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "You can see the resemblance with the 3 wheels and the shape quite clearly when you look at the original Nilfisk.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It is still sold today with very few modifications to it's design, and is considered a Danish design classic.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Andersen", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I am a Rainbow Sales Rep and in the list of famous people who owns Rainbows, George Lucas is one of them and he owned one (not sure if he still does) back in the 1970's when he was writing Star Wars and designing the characters.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So... we like to think he designed it after the D2 Series (Chrome Dome) Rainbow, but I'm sure he will deny it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Merriman", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Looking at R2-D2, I can't think of any robots I've seen in science fiction that vaguely resemble R2D2's design. What was the inspiration for the design of R2-D2?", "title": "What was the inspiration for the design of R2-D2?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><r2-d2>", "link": "", "author": " Right" }
[ [ "It's difficult to know for sure how R2-D2 was developed, however, George Lucas apparently admitted that inspiration was taken from Huey, Dewey and Louie from the film \"Silent Running\". That being said, there are numerous theories, such as taking inspiration from the Rainbow D2 vacuum cleaner or a park rubbish bin. In any case, character design is often a collaborative effort and, since the character in question was developed such a long time ago, it will be difficult to ascertain the true facts.", "There are a number of theories about the inspiration behind R2D2, including characters from the Silent Running and various vacuum cleaners or possibly the trash can" ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [ "Our minds tend to fill in the \"gaps\" of our recollection so one thing that George says might not align with Ralph and,", "( Source )", "even still, there will always be little details that will be left out with time because people just don't remember." ] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "R2D2 was inspired by a trio of characters called Huey, Louie and Dewey from the film Silent Running.", "R2D2 was dreamed up by designer Ralph McQuarrie and went through various design modifications, possibly influenced by the D2 vacuum cleaner produced by the Rainbow company.", "R2D2 is based on the trash can.", "R2D2 is said to be based on a Nilfisk vacuum cleaner." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Arguably, the most famous decapitated robot (technically, android) head in science fiction is that of Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation : In the original question, you wrote, \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The girl did say it was quite famous and well-known...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" and in the in the comments you wrote, \"...the picture (from memory) was very detailed, I recall there were wires and bits of metal coming out of its neck...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Data fits that bill on both counts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As seen in the episode \"Time's Arrow\" :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Egyptian robot head from a famous StF work?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It has to be Stargate .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Check out the guard helmets:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Heavy metal band, Iron Maiden's legendary, Eddie the Head .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Eddie's head is often disembodied and a lot of their cover art has Egyptian stuff on them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In custom artwork such as a tattoo, I'd expect all sorts of wires and bits of metal coming out of his neck , as is the norm for depictions of him in fan art.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Eddie assumes a different guise relating to the themes of individual albums and their corresponding world tours, and has appeared as a cyborg, an Egyptian mummy and a lobotomised mental patient amongst others.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "–", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Wiki", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Cybermen from Doctor", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Who", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A well-known robot that has often been seen with a severed head could be the Cybermen from Doctor Who .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Below are some examples: A Classic Doctor Who Cyberman-head from \"Death in Heaven\": A Classic Doctor Who Cyberman-head from \"Dalek\": Handles, the Cyber-head from \"The Time of The Doctor\": The Cyberman-head from \"The Pandorica Opens\":", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Battle Droids from Star Wars I-III", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The Battle Droids, first seen in The Phantom Menace , look Egyptian with their long necks, thin heads, and markings.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The back of the head resembles a pharaoh's turban.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Battle droid heads are often severed during combat, especially when facing the Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Compare a Battle droid with Anubis: Severed Battle Droid head with wires sticking out: Battle Droid head close up", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(the eyes especially look Egyptian to me):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Well, there's IMHO nothing that looks Egyptian here, but Ash's head in Alien definitely has those wires you're mentioning, and that's for sure, a decapitated robot's head.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Sometime ago I met a girl who had the most stunning tattoo of a decapitated robot's head on her arm. It may have been an Egyptian robot's head, but it was simply stunning. I recall there were wires and bits of metal coming out of its neck. The girl did say it was quite a famous and well-known sci-fi art picture but I am unable to find a copy of it anywhere. Does this ring any bells with anyone at all?", "title": "Picture of a decapitated Egyptian robot's head with wires coming out of its neck", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<robots><character-identification><art>", "link": "", "author": " W" }
[ [ "There are many possible answers to this question. The head in question could be taken from Stargate, Iron Maiden's Eddie the Head, the Cybermen from Dr Who or the Battle Droids from Star Wars.", "A number of sources are suggested including, Stargate, Iron Maiden, Doctor Who, Star Wars and Alien." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "It's from the film Stargate.", "It is the singer Eddie the Head from Iron Maiden.", "It could be a cyberman from Doctor Who.", "It could be a battle droid from Star Wars.", "It looks like Ash's head from Alien." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "This is from Star Wars Episode IV:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A New Hope .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the video of this scene (0:14), we can clearly see this particular stormtrooper (circled in red) aim down the sight and fire at Han :", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 43 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Since you've asked for any medium, the most unambiguous way to confirm that stormtroopers used their sights is using a video game.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's a gif (taken from 2:14 of this Youtube video ) of a cold weather assault stormtrooper (snowtrooper) using the sight on his E-11 to get headshots on Rebel soldiers at the Battle of Hoth (from Star Wars:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Battlefront II ):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And here's a similar gif (taken from 32:40 of this Youtube video ) from DICE 's new Star Wars: Battlefront (which is largely canon ): Notice that this snowtrooper's HUD is displaying a note that he's already killed fifteen Rebels while he kills his sixteenth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These snowtroopers prove that Imperial troops can be quite effective and deadly, contrary to certain naysayers!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We know these are snowtroopers because (a) snowtroopers formed the Imperial infantry at the Battle of Hoth and (b) a few seconds after the indicated time in the second clip", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "we see the snowtrooper with", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "his E-11:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a bonus, both gifs show that the sight is a scope since there is some magnification when aiming down it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 42 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "During the Battle of Endor: And of course, this guy shot Artoo.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I originally did not include this shot that hit Leia, because I feel it is ambiguous whether the scope is in use or not.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jackson", "score": 42 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "There is no canon explanation why helmeted soldiers with limited vision would be able to make use of a scope on a rifle they mostly hip fire anyway.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "There is one example of a stormtrooper raising their rifle to fire, but in this example it cannot be made out whether the stormtrooper is using their scope or merely raising their rifle to brace for recoil (maybe this explains why they are usually so inaccurate when firing from their hip?).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "An out of universe answer would be the reason they added the scopes to the E-11 Blaster Rifle was to make it better replicate existing earth weapons, even though the Blaster rifles in the star wars universe are rarely used for long distance pitched assaults, but more frequently for corridor shootouts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The analysis I have made upon the aforementioned scene where a stormtrooper appears to raise their weapon is as follows: You can clearly see from the diagram below the orientation of the gun and the stormtroopers visor do not line up The stormtroopers helmet eye-holes do not line up to the scope", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "A better explained theory as to what the stormtrooper is doing is as follows:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The stormtrooper, seeing Han has raised his weapon in order to improve accuracy by reducing the recoil on his blaster.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Out of universe, and not an answer, but interesting and too much for a comment...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "The E-11 blaster prop is a modified Sterling sub-machine gun .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "The scope is not a rifle scope, but a 1.44x scope from a Sherman tank !", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "An inappropriate scope, plus the helmet, probably made it very difficult for the actors to see through.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "M40 scope M38 scope .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } } ]
{ "question": "This is an E-11 blaster rifle: It was standard issue for stormtroopers and makes many, many appearances in various Star Wars works. Recently, I noticed this: These guns have sights. I can't recall ever seeing these sights used in any medium. Does anyone know if they ever had been used? It would seem that it would really help with the stormtroopers' aiming issues.", "title": "Do Stormtroopers ever use the sights of their E-11 blaster rifles?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><star-wars-legends><weapon><stormtroopers>", "link": "", "author": " Jedi" }
[ [ "There does not seem to much any evidence that storm troopers ever used the scopes on their weapons, although it would also be fair to say that it would be difficult to use since the storm troopers wore helmets. One scene does seem to show a storm trooper using their scope.", "There are various opinions: that the scope is used in Star Wars IV, that it is used in video games, that it is used in the Battle of Endor, that it is not used and that it is copied from the real-world Sherman tank." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "A scope is used in Star Wars IV.", "The scopes are used in video games.", "The scope is used in the Battle of Endor.", "The scope is not used - it is only added to make the blaster look more like earth weapons.", "The blaster is a modified Sterling sub-machine gun and the scope is taken from a Sherman tank." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "This is discussed at some length in the semi-canon sourcebook; The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Notably there's no mention of the blade's crystal being \" attuned \" to the user in any way.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There do appear to be sensible reasons though:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a symbolic element to building one's own lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It marks you out as a Jedi that has come of age.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This has strong echoes of Vader's vicarious pride at Luke's achievement in ROTJ.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It offers the opportunity to construct a saber that is uniquely theirs and matches their fighting style.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Most will settle for a standard saber, but this is your opportunity to build something unusual.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The manual mentions out-sized weapons, curved handles, double-blades, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Jedi periodically lose or damage their sabers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Knowing how to build one means that you gain an insight into their design, repair and long-term maintenance .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As far as I know, the canon source that concerns this topic the most is the Young Jedi arc of The Clone Wars .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "No specifics are mentioned, such as lightsabers being \"attuned to your own life signature\", but in the episode A Test of Strength the weight of determining the style for a Jedi's individual lightsaber is emphasized to some degree.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Certainly, the style of lightsabers vary a great deal depending on the Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, Ezra Bridger's lightsaber can be said to fit him well, and it can be assumed that he therefore performs better with it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Janse", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "From a weaponry standpoint, it allows you to build the weapon to the exact dimensions of your hand and fingers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Button placement, dial pressure, everything designed exactly the way you want it to instinctually work.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "My understanding is that ancient swords like katanas were forged to the owners measurements- something like the length being a multiple of the length of the forearm which meant that they would have the precise control over the weapon desired.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is the case with anything bespoke though, from clothing to technology.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "If you ever want to see an example, ask a friend who built their own mechanical keyboard about the process and sit back for an hour or two.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can get into mysticism", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "is you like, but really there is much to be said for creating something such that it both fits you exactly and you know intuitively what its strengths and weaknesses are.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Mental clarity in combat Lightsabers contain kyber crystals, which have unique properties related to their connection with the Force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the Databank, the kyber crystal in a lightsaber helps provide clarity in combat.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "This is explicitly attributed to the Jedi having built the lightsaber with a crystal that they found themselves: At the heart of every Jedi lightsaber is a kyber crystal found on several planets, most notably the icebound caves of Ilum.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "This crystal is attuned to the Force, and connected to a Jedi Knight on a deeply personal level.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "In this way, a lightsaber is an extension of a Jedi’s Force awareness.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Because Jedi let the Force guide their selection of the crystal, the vibration that the crystal creates in the lightsaber blade helps Jedi center themselves and find balance in the Force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "In this way, a Jedi can center his or her attention beyond the distractions of combat.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "While that is the main benefit, obviously there are others.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, building one’s own lightsaber ensures that the weight, material, and shape match one’s own physical characteristics and preferences.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Yoda, for instance, wielded a shorter lightsaber than average, which would be easier for him to wield than a standard lightsaber:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Yoda’s lightsaber was smaller than a standard Jedi lightsaber, befitting his shorter stature.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "According to this posting , there is a ceremony called The Gathering in which, Palawan's \"find a kyber crystal attuned to their Force presence on the Crystal Caves of Ilum\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So there may be two issues involved: 1) building it yourself, and 2) building it with a crystal attuned to your Force presence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "When you use a lightsaber of your own construction, the lightsaber is supposedly most attuned to your own life signature in the Force as compared to other lightsabers. How does this work, and what benefits are there to such an attunement? How significant are the differences between using the lightsabers of others as compared to your own?", "title": "What are the benefits of using the lightsaber you constructed yourself?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><lightsaber>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Firstly, there is a symbolic element to building your own lightsaber as it demonstrates that you have come of age as a Jedi. Secondly, it provides you with the opportunity to build something that matches your fighting style and which matches the dimensions of your hand. Additionally, it allows you to gain extra knowledge about lightsaber maintenance and repair.", "Various reasons and advantages are suggested, including marking out the user as a mature Jedi, matching the user's weight and hand dimensions, and boosting the user's mental powers through the action of the kyber crystal." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [ "So there may be two issues involved: 1) building it yourself, and 2) building it with a crystal attuned to your Force presence.", "According to this posting , there is a ceremony called The Gathering in which, Palawan's \"find a kyber crystal attuned to their Force presence on the Crystal Caves of Ilum\"." ] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The reasons are sensible rather than mystical - it marks you out as a mature Jedi, and allows you to have a sabre that matches your style and which you will be able to maintain yourself.", "The sabre is designed according to the user's weight and will therefore be best suited to one individual user.", "The sabre can be exactly matched to the user's dimensions in terms of hand and finger size.", "The kyber crystals in the sabres give the user greater mental clarity, along with the benefits of a close physical match." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Quite a vague description.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One possibility is the Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "First answer is correct, definitely Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "First book is \"Darkover Landfall\" Spaceship crash lands on a distant planet after going off course.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Local plant pollen and spores have drug like effects and bring out latent psychic powers in certain families who become royalty over generations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The series covers the culture that evolves and the effect when human contact is reestablished centuries later.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I remember reading the entire series in the late 70's/early 80's", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I agree that Darkover is very likely, but also the Cycle of Fire books by Janny Wurts has similar ideas.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Perhaps the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It takes place on a planet colonized over a millennium prior by humans from Earth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The planet has an energy field which reacts to the wishes and desires of the colonists, and this manifests as magic.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's possible you're thinking of the Coldfire Trilogy by C. S. Friedman.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's set on a fantasy world with magic where it turns out that current civilization is the result of a failed future society.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Things that don't match include that the order is different — it starts in the magic society and we later learn about the futuristic underpinnings — and that the ship didn't crash, but rather, the colonization attempt failed due to the technology failing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't remember anything specific about the plants, but the first book involved an evil forest and the latter books were set in other strange environs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It could be L.E. Modessit Jr's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Recluce Saga .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Fall of Angels , a modern spacefaring (and -fighting) ship with a small crew is forced into an alternate universe where much technology fails and magic works.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Crew members find themselves with new abilities such as \"Order Magic\", healing, night vision, and prophetic visions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They struggle to found a working society that will last despite being mostly women surrounded by excessively chauvinistic nations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other books in the series mostly deal with their descendants in a world where magic works, and technology is largely limited by choice as it strengthens \"Chaos Magic\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The overall theme of the series is the eternal struggle between Order and Chaos, each of which can be manipulated by adepts as Magic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It could also, at a stretch, be the Well World series by Jack Chalker, which starts with \"Midnight at the Well of Souls\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In that first book, a spacecraft gets caught up in a gateway to the Well World, and the people on board are sent to a variety of regions and are transformed to different species based on where they go.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Following books in the series cover various power struggles both in the outer universe and on the Well World, where some of the geographic regions are coded to stop any technology working but in exchange have a form of magic.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The True Game series (3x trilogies) by Sherri S. Tepper has this as its core concept - however the revelation that they landed on a spaceship doesn't come out until the very last book in the set.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Possibly Saga of Pliocene Exile - Julian May ?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm trying to figure out the title of a series I read when I was younger.As far as I can remember, it started with a spaceship crashing on a planet in book 1.Some plants on that planet had weird effects on the people of the ship, not sure what kind though. All of the books afterwards are set centuries or even millennia later, about the rebuilt civilization where \"magic\" or some kind of powers were around. I'll update if I remember anything more specific.", "title": "Looking for name of a book-series - Spaceship crashed, Civilization based on Magic rebuilt", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<story-identification>", "link": "", "author": " K." }
[ [ "There are various books that might fit this description. One possibility is the Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Other potential answers include the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman, the Well World series by Jack Chalker or the True Game series by Sherri S. Tepper.", "A number of suggestions are made, including the Darkover series, Cycle of Fire, Coldfire, Well World, Saga of Pliocene Exile and True Game." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Perhaps the Darkover series by Marion Zimmer Bradley the Cycle of Fire books by Janny Wurts which has similar ideas.", "Perhaps the Coldfire Trilogy by C.S. Friedman? It is set on a planet colonized over a thousand years earlier by humans.", "It could also be the Well World series by Jack Chalker, which starts with \"Midnight at the Well of Souls\".", "It could be the True Game series by Sherri S. Tepper which has this as its core concept. However the revelation that they landed on a spaceship doesn't come out until the very last book in the set.", "Possibly Saga of Pliocene Exile by Julian May." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Within the comics continuity, yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Comics Alliance explains that the story of The Brave & The Bold #191 is about Batman and The Joker teaming up to figure out who murdered The Penguin on live TV.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Comics Alliance also notes that such team-ups between them have occurred multiple times, but always as a matter of extenuating circumstances.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For one thing, it’s a Batman/Joker team-up story.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That actually happened more often than you might expect", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "— Bob Haney did it twice during his run, within eight issues of each other — but it’s always one of those things that requires some extenuating circumstances.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Vol 1 145", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Joker is dying, but is the only one with the knowledge that Batman needs to save the day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Batman is forced to put the Joker in a Lazarus pit to save him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Anyone else who is resurrected by the Lazarus pit comes out temporarily insane.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As usual, things are subverted with the Joker, and he emerges from the pit calm, rational, and filled with genuine remorse for all of the pain he has caused.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This newly sane Joker goes with Batman to defeat Ra's al Ghul.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Not that he's useful, he just mopes around a lot).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And, of course, the effects of the Lazarus pit are temporary, so by the end he's back to the insane psychopath we know and love.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Shepherd", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "While not exactly an alliance in the classic sense of the word, there is a certain amount of cooperation in the Arkhamverse, especially in City and Knight.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Note: spoilers for the Arkham City and Arkham Knight video games follow.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Arkham City, Batman is forced to help Joker find a cure for his illness after being infected with his blood.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Batman finds a cure together with Mr Freeze, and administers it to himself, but before he can cure Joker, Joker ambushes him, accidentally destroying the only cure that can heal him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Joker dies shortly afterwards.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Arkham Knight, it is revealed that Joker's blood turned the infected people insane, Joker style.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "4 people were infected, along with Batman.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "3 of the normal people infected turned into Joker copycats soon after infection.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The 4th infection took hold during the events of Arkham Knight.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Early during the events of Arkham Knight, Batman inhales a large dose of Scarecrow's toxin, forcing the Joker Personality to emerge.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Joker Personality is present throughout the rest of the main storline.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "providing comments on the situation in Joker's classic sarcastic tone.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During 2 segments of the storyline, the Joker takes control over Batman.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The first time, it is unintentional, after Scarecrow sprays additional toxin in Batman's face onboard the Stagg zeppelin.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The second time could be seen as intentional: Batman has been forced to surrender to Scarecrow to save his friends, and Scarecrow injects him with toxin.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unbeknownst to Scarecrow, Joker was waiting for this moment to take over Batman.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Scarecrow thus was surprised when Batman said he was not afraid, and injected him again.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This then made Joker become afraid of being forgotten and allowed Batman to take control again.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Neither of these are alliances in the classic sense of the word, but especially the events of City sound like what you are looking for: a common goal in saving both of their lives.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Arkham Knight is a bit more tenuous, but it could be argued that they both had the common goal of saving Gotham from Scarecrow, although Joker had the goal on top of that of gaining control over Batman.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In Batman: Brave and the Bold cartoon, Batman teamed up Joker to fight Owlman.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Episode is \"Game Over for Owlman!\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Corporation", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "During the Justice Leagues story arc, the original JLA was erased from everyone's memories, and the various League members each created their own interpretation of 'A' (Aliens for Superman, Atlantis for Aquaman, etc.).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Batman created the Justice League of Arkham, for which the Joker was a member.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "They worked together at first, but near the end the Joker and the rest of the villains turned on Batman.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, he recently teamed up with the Joker in Batman:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Europa when both are infected with a deadly virus:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Vega", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Also in Lego Batman 3:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Beyond Gotham most of the heroes and villains team up to defeat Brainiac including Batman and Joker.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However this may not be canon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " French", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "I don't mean true alliance, but have they ever fought some kind of common enemy or had a common goal? For example, I can imagine Batman fighting some kind of oppressive regime due to his virtuous principles he believes in, and Joker would be interested too - because he just loves creating chaos.", "title": "Has Batman ever teamed up with Joker?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<dc><batman>", "link": "", "author": " 9999" }
[ [ "There are multiple occasions on which Batman and Joker have teamed up together. These include the story entitled The Brave and the Bold (#191) and the Justice Leagues story ark. There is also an episode in the Batman: Brave and the Bold cartoon in which this happens, entitled \"Game Over for Owlman\".", "Batman and Joker have teamed up in the comics - in the story The Brave & The Bold - and they have cooperated in the films in the Akrhamverse," ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Yes - in the comics, in the story The Brave & The Bold.", "Yes, in a sense, in the Arkhamverse, where they at least cooperate a bit." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the October 1999 comic Batman: Harley Quinn , he tries to kill Harley precisely because he is starting to have feelings for her and dislikes this in himself:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " al'Thor", "score": 39 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The relationship between Joker and Harley was always complicated but Joker did feel affection/love for Harley at some point in time and the results were rather contradictory as he tried to kill her.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Per Batman Wikia : Quinn's relationship with the Joker is one of the most complex and twisted love affairs in comics: as with all people, the Joker is abusive and manipulative towards Harley, but, just as often, there's evidence of camaraderie, playfulness, and genuine affection towards her.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She's the only person who's managed to become intimate on such a long term basis with the Joker, who, in turn, displays occasional moments of confusion and discomfort which results in attempts to kill her.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Iconic Depiction of Harley Quinn", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One time, when the Joker realized he had very deeply hidden feelings of love, he sent Harley off in a rocket", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Maybe wasted effort, but I think there is so much going on", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "that isn't being pointed out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Joker being clinically psychotic, for one.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Is someone in his shoes capable of feeling that deep a 'good' emotion?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I mean, he is essentially living in an unending psychosis (", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Quote from his profile on DC Wiki:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"He is constantly adapting his personality and his psychosis to respond to the world around him, sometimes a harmless trickster and at others a brutal mass-murderer.\"), and that's ignoring his sadism and narcissism sprinkled on top of it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That being said.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Though it is possible for Harley to be blindly in love with him, I highly doubt that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This isn't some high school cheerleader that is in love with being in love.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a mastermind and psychiatrist that worked with Joker during his time in Arkham Asylum.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It can be argued that she is deluding herself, but that kind of delusion won't stand up to multiple attempts on her life, not with her intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the mind.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words, he can't be in love in the sense we understand it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's not possible, not in his situation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, it is possible that he loves her in his own, sick, twisted way and that she understands enough of his inner workings to appreciate that about him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence their twisted off-on relationship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But maybe that's just me fangirling on Harley ^_^", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In The New Batman Adventures episode, Beware the Creeper (this series was the follow-up to Batman:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Animated Series , where Harley Quinn was created), there is one scene where she is standing in a giant pie singing a song to Joker.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were brief flashes of a look that wasn't mocking on Joker's face.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I always read that as him realizing he loves her but can't admit it, even to himself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Great kid, lousy cook.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I really think Joker can't really admit it to himself that he cares for her.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He does, it shows simply because he keeps her around unlike anyone else, but I don't see him understanding how to be in love.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Instead, he just wonders why he keeps her when he gets rid of every other henchman he has.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Like most things, this is open to interpretation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Some people want to believe that Joker had feelings for her, others are skeptical that Joker cares much for anyone other than himself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But that's itself is open for interpretation, for example you could say the joker only cares for himself", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "but then you look at Heath Ledgers Joker who didn't even care about himself, that type of Joker would only keep Harley around as an example of what a 'bad day' could do to someone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I think whether or not Joker cares about Harley is dependant on which Joker we're talking about.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Excuse", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "any grammar/spelling mistakes my phone sucks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The reason people ask whether the Joker has any love or affection for Harley is mostly because of the movie Suicide Squad .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I honestly loved the movie since it depicted love between them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, when it comes to the comics itself, I don't think that they will get together.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Joker only loves himself and he is just using Harley.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He is so twisted, that he wanted to kill Harley because of the feelings he started to have within.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I believe that since joker was so badly abused as a kid, that he only knows one kind \"Affection\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "and because of how messed up joker is and psychotic, there are a lot of reasons as to why he is they way he is towards Harley.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "that being said, he has probably seen how his father treated his mother and only knows that type of love and doesn't realize how horrible he is to Harley.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "there are a lot of reasons and it isn't clear as to whether or whether not he has feelings for Harley.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But if he does, he doesn't want to.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "People who grow up under such harsh circumstances have troubles with emotions and it's just a really messed up situation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "The Joker seems to care little about anything other than himself (and to some extent, Batman), whereas Harley Quinn is quite literally mad for the Joker. Has the Joker ever shown any genuine concern or affection towards Harley? I would prefer sources, if any, from comics.", "title": "Does the Joker care about Harley Quinn?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<dc><the-joker><harley-quinn>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The answer to to this question will be largely subjective and open to interpretation. However, whilst the Joker's relationship is very complicated, there are indeed numerous instances in which the Joker demonstrates genuine affection towards Harley Quinn, even if this subsequently resulted in him trying to kill her. That being said, some people believe that he is simply using her.", "This question has no easy answer as it is a matter of interpretation, but any feelings of love that the Joker does experience are soon consumed by a desire to destroy." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The Joker can be seen as having love for Hayley but it is open to interpretation, and even if it is something like love, his response to such feelings is to seek to destroy the object of his affections, i.e. Harley." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "50 Billion See Richard's answer to", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What is the bloodiest war in the Star Trek universe?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "--the largest number killed due to a war on any of the Trek TV shows/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "movies was 50 billion (in an incident recalled by a powerful energy being known as a Douwd , in the TNG episode", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Survivors --this", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "particular Douwd had been disguised as a Federation citizen, and he destroyed the entire Husnock species after they destroyed the Federation colony he had been living in, just three days before the episode was set).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the novels, the highest number Richard found was 63 billion (during a Borg invasion of the Alpha Quandrant in the novel Lost Souls ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And if you want only Federation deaths from TV shows or movies (as might be suggested by the line 'what was the single worst catastrophe the federation faced'), there is also the Federation/Klingon war shown in an alternate history in the TNG episode Yesterday's Enterprise , which was said to have resulted in 40 billion lives lost--and since the Federation was losing this war, it's a safe bet that the number of Federation lives was more than 20 billion, or at least, not significantly less than that", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(if you reject this one because it took place in an alternate timeline, please specify what timeline you are asking about, since the timeline that was created in the 2009 Star Trek movie is obviously different than the one most previous TV episodes and movies have been set in).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This question is not exactly a duplicate of that other question since that one was specifically about war while this one is about death counts from any causes, but I don't think there have been any natural disasters or other non-war-related incidents that have been shown to have killed a larger number.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 26 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Possibly over 18 billion", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the events leading up to Star Trek (2009), the planet Romulus is destroyed and its population of over 18 billion is wiped out when the Hobus star goes supernova — a tragedy that Spock tried, but failed, to prevent.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This event is documented in the (fully canon) Star Trek: Countdown comic book series and referred to in Star Trek (2009).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Because of the improved relations between the Federation and the Romulan Empire after Nemesis , and because of Spock's involvement in this incident, I am including this within the scope of the question.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Every Earth-based organism that ever lived and maybe more", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In the series finale of TNG, Q convinces Picard to perform an action which causes ripples back in time that prevents life from ever existing on Earth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Arguably, this could be considered \"killing\" every human who ever lived or will live, along with any non-human Earth species.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Just taking humans into account, we're probably talking about trillions or even quadrillions (depending on how far into the future you want to consider).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Counting every other species on Earth, those numbers would skyrocket by several orders of magnitude.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "And given that the anomaly is spreading (it was actually pretty far from Earth when they found it), it could affect many other inhabited planets as well.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "If it doesn't eventually stop, it could potentially end all life in the Universe.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course it was a Q-based scenario, and it was reversed by the end of the episode, and of course all those lives weren't actually ended so much as not started, but depending on how loose your criteria are for a life-ending event, this could qualify.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Hoffman", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Possibly over 6 billion In Star Trek (2009) when the planet Vulcan is destroyed in 2258 in the alternate timeline created by Nero's arrival, almost everyone on Vulcan was killed, which amounts to about 6 billion people", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "- I doubt that there would be another single incident that had that many deaths.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Right", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There's also the uninhabited Dyson's Sphere (TNG, \"Relics\"), which size was equivalent to ~400 million Earths (according to Star Trek science consultant, Naren Shankar).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Multiply that by the ~6 billion inhabitants just on one Earth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Even if only fraction of the Dyson's Sphere was populated, that would be well into the trillions gone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "I can't remember if one of the crew said they all left due to the star's radiation issues, or did something suddenly happen with the star that wiped them out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe someone can illucidate more on that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In Star Trek they face many trials, wars, battles, what was the single worst catastrophe the federation faced, in reported casualties? Was it the battle of Wolf 359, an engagement in the Dominion war, when the Borg went back in time and assimilated all of Earth?", "title": "What was the largest death count in Star Trek?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><warfare>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is no clear answer to this question, however suggestions range from 6 billion, to 18 billion or even 63 billion, depending on whether referring to the books, comics or TV series.", "There are many different candidates proposed, with the casualty numbers varying from 6 billion to trillions." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The Borg invasion of Alpha Quadrant - 63 billions dead.", "The destruction of the planet Romulus - 18 billion dead.", "The destruction of every Earth based organism that ever lived - possibly trillions.", "The destruction of the planet Vulcan - possibly over 6 billion.", "The destruction of Dyson's sphere is a possible contender if we assume population density equal to that of the Earth." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Night Owls by Lauren M. Roy Night Owls book store is the one spot on campus open late enough to help out even the most practiced slacker.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The employees’ penchant for fighting the evil creatures of the night is just a perk…", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Valerie McTeague’s business model is simple: provide the students of Edgewood College with a late-night study haven and stay as far away from the underworld conflicts of her vampire brethren as possible.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She’s lived that life, and the price she paid was far too high to ever want to return.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Elly Garrett hasn’t known any life except that of fighting the supernatural werewolf-like beings known as Creeps or Jackals.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But she always had her mentor and foster father by her side—until he gave his life protecting a book that the Creeps desperately want to get their hands on.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When the book gets stashed at Night Owls for safe keeping, those Val holds nearest and dearest are put in mortal peril.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now Val and Elly will have to team up, along with a mismatched crew of humans, vampires , and lesbian succubi, to stop the Jackals from getting their claws on the book and unleashing unnamed horrors…", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was released in 2014 and has been stated to be part of a series with Grave Matters released in 2015.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Jane Jameson series, starting with #2, Nice Girls Don't Date Dead Men , has the vampire protagonist working at a bookstore.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Following", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs, the second in a hilarious, smart, sexy romantic series about an out-of-work librarian who is turned into a vampire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With her best friend Zeb’s Titanic-themed wedding looming ahead, new vampire Jane Jameson struggles to develop her budding relationship with her enigmatic sire, Gabriel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems unfair that she’s expected to master undead dating while dealing with a groom heading for a nuptial nervous breakdown, his hostile werewolf in-laws, and the ugliest bridesmaid dress in the history of marriage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Night's Master is the 3rd book in Amanda Ashley's Children of the Night series.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Kathy McKenna was sure that the little Midwestern town of Oak Hollow would be isolated enough for safety, but the moment the black-clad stranger walked into her bookstore , she knew she was wrong.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Raphael Cordova exudes smoldering power, and his sensual touch draws Kathy into a world of limitless pleasure and unimaginable dangers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Oak Hollow was supposed to be neutral territory for Supernatural beings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Instead it has become home to an evil force determined to destroy them—and kill any mortal who gets in the way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As leader of the North American vampires , Raphael has always put duty first, but then, no woman ever enthralled him the way Kathy does.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And as the enemy’s terrifying plan is revealed, Raphael’s desire could be a fatal distraction for all his kind, and for the woman he has sworn to love forever…", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This one is probably the least likely, as it looks like the vampires are the focus of the series with the bookstore owner only showing up in this 2008 entry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Hounded the first book in the Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne Atticus O’Sullivan, last of the Druids, lives peacefully in Arizona, running an occult bookshop and shape-shifting in his spare time to hunt with his Irish wolfhound.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "His neighbors and customers think that this handsome, tattooed Irish dude is about twenty-one years old—when in actuality, he’s twenty-one centuries old.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not to mention: He draws his power from the earth, possesses a sharp wit, and wields an even sharper magical sword known as Fragarach, the Answerer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unfortunately, a very angry Celtic god wants that sword, and he’s hounded Atticus for centuries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now the determined deity has tracked him down, and Atticus will need all his power—plus the help of a seductive goddess of death, his vampire and werewolf team of attorneys , a bartender possessed by a Hindu witch, and some good old-fashioned luck of the Irish—to kick some Celtic arse and deliver himself from evil.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Points where this matches the description: Occult bookstore in which he has a collection of rare magical books Main character is owner of said bookstore One of his attorneys is a vampire, \"friend\" and sparring partner First book in the series Published during the mentioned four year time frame (2011) What may not fit:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Open at night - I don't specifically remember the bookstore open at night, but several of the key scenes do occur at night.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Only one point that doesn't quite match, but seems to match on all other details.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Could it be Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore , by Robin Sloan?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't recall vampires, but there is a secret society and a mystery.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "It was published in 2012.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This could be the Alex Verus series", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Alex is a clairvoyant, who can see the future.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "He also runs a Magic store.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "It's not actually a bookstore per se , but a general magic store.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "If I recall correctly, the store was generally open at odd hours.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "The first book in the series (Fated) was published in 2012.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "I can't quite recall the status of vampires in the series though.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "So it may be a miss on that part.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Phoenix", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "The book is fairly new, at most 4 years and it's the start of a series.I know vampires were involved and that the bookstore was open at night butthat's about it.", "title": "I'm looking for the title of a book about a magical bookstore and its owner", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<story-identification><magic><urban-fantasy>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are numerous possible books that could fit this description. The most likely book is probably \"Night Owls\" by Lauren M. Roy. However, other potential candidates include \"Night's Master\" from Amanda Ashley's \"Children of the Night\" series, \"Hounded\" by Kevin Hearne, \"Mr Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore\" by Robin Sloan or a book from the Alex Verus series.", "There are many possible candidates, but the most likely one appears to be Night Owls by Lauren M Roy." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Night Owls by Lauren M Roy", "The Jane Jameson series.", "Night's Master from Amanda Ashley's Children of the Night series.", "Hounded from Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicles.", "Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan.", "The Alex Verus series." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In The Empire Strikes Back , we see TIE Fighters in the atmosphere of Bespin, not the vacuum of space, when the Millennium Falcon is being chased after rescuing Luke.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(See around 2.44)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As Bespin is a Gas Giant they obviously do not fly over land, but they are below a floating city known to have a breathable atmosphere.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 76 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In The Empire Strikes Back , the Millennium Falcon hides in a \"cave\" on an asteroid.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The TIE bombers fly low over the asteroid dropping bombs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I argue that the asteroid had a non-trivial atmosphere: Han and Leia explore outside the ship.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although they carry supplemental breathable air, there is clearly enough atmospheric pressure that they do not immediately die.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since the \"cave\" (actually a space slug) is open to the surface of the asteroid, it would be near-vacuum if the asteroid didn't have an atmosphere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They seem to experience a normal gravity as they walk outside the Falcon , suggesting that the asteroid has enough gravity to hold an atmosphere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The mynocks appear to fly using bat-like wings, which implies a certain minimal amount of atmosphere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The space slug appears to have nostrils, which implies it breaths an atmosphere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(I'll concede this point, though, since what appears to be a nostril may just be a shadow.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " McCarthy", "score": 31 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This is questionably canonical, but there's an easter egg in Episode 2 that includes three distant TIE fighters and X-wing during the chase seen through Coruscant at the start of the film.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Coruscant has a breathable atmosphere (evidenced by the chase scene is in an open air vehicle).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Wookieepedia says that: During the chase through Coruscant, after Padmé Amidala survives Zam Wesell's assassination attempt, three TIE fighters are seen chasing an X-wing starfighter.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "They can be clearly seen inside the red rectangle in the following images, from this site.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " McBob", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Edit", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems that I was wrong :(", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It's always difficult to prove a negative, but all references to TIE fighters I can find from the two movie trilogies indicate that we do not see a TIE fighter flying in an atmosphere (which has now been proven wrong)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "However...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Canon we do see this!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Wookieepedia tells us that:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "They were able to operate both in space as well as in planetary atmospheres , acting as fighters or scouts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "according to the canon work Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We see this at 0:45 in the below clip:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But this isn't from either of the movie trilogies as requested in the question!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nevertheless, we do know from canon that it is possible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Right", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This is slightly outside the scope of the question (not Original Trilogy), but in New Disney Canon - even pre-Episode-7, we do see this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the novel Aftermath , we see TIE Fighter being commandeered by Nora, flown in the planet's atmosphere, engeged in dogfight with other TIE Fighters, and eventually crashed into Satrap's palace.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Tie fighter engines are ion thrusters , which wouldn't work outside the vacuum of space (i.e. in the presence of other ion atoms).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "In the trailers for Star Wars - Episode VII: The Force Awakens , we see TIE-type vessels flying near the ground, in the atmosphere of a planet (the planet itself looks a lot like Tatooine). Have we ever seen this before? I am specifically looking for: Footage from the two existing film trilogies Spacecraft from the TIE family, either fighters or bombers Operating in full-atmospheric conditions, not the near-vacuum of space", "title": "Have we ever seen TIE fighters/bombers operating in atmosphere before?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><spaceship><the-force-awakens>", "link": "", "author": " Cheber stands with Monica" }
[ [ "As TIE-fighter engines were ion thrusters, they would not work outside the vacuum of space, and indeed it is doubtful that there are actually examples of TIE-fighters flying in full-atmospheric conditions. However, there are numerous possible examples of TIE-fighters flying in what could be considered to be atmospheric conditions. These could include when they fly in the atmosphere of Bespin or when they drop bombs on an asteroid, both scenes in The Empire Strikes Back.", "A number of scenes are mentioned in which TIE fighters do fly in atmospheric conditions, but some canonical sources nonetheless state that their engines would not be able to operate in such conditions." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "TIE fighters fly in the atmosphere of Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back.", "TIE fighters fly low over an asteroid that has an atmosphere in The Empire Strikes Back.", "TIE fighters fly through the atmosphere of Coruscant in Episode 2.", "Wookiepedia tells us that TIE fighers can operate in planetary atmospheres as well as space.", "TIE fighters use engines that cannot operate in planetary atmospheres." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There are two main reasons for this: Aragorn is part Maia himself (over Isildur , Elendil , Elros , Elwing , Lúthien and Melian , links from the LOTR Project family tree).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Isildur, Aragorn's ancestor, was the one who took the ring from Sauron in the war of the Last Alliance (with Narsil , the sword that was reforged and given to Aragorn before the end of the Ring War).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " supports Monica", "score": 25 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In addition to the reasons cited in other answers, e.g., one of Aragorn's ancestors was a Maia, another one of his ancestors cut the Ring from Sauron's hand, he wields that same sword, reforged, there is another fear that Sauron had: Sauron does not know who has the Ring.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "He suspects that Aragorn may have it, and in his pride, is attempting to overthrow Sauron to put himself in Sauron's place.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Aragorn, as a descendant of the Men of Númenor, armed with the One Ring, would be a truly terrifying foe.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Presumably, he would be able to control the Nazgûl, Orcs, and Trolls; he could persuade the men of Harad and Rhûn to change sides.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Sauron would be left without an army.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It is what he would do in our place.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That we would wish to overthrow him and have no one in his place, he has not considered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That we should seek to destroy the Ring has not yet entered his darkest dreams.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(That quotation is from memory; I don't have the books with me.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Harris", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Because Aragorns ancestor Isildur was the one who cut the finger with the ring from Sauron.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And Aragorn is wielding the same reforged sword that did the deed.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Aragorn is the Heir of Isildur Being the rightful King to the thrones of Gondor 1 (and Arnor re-established), he had the potential to reunite the sundered Kingdoms of the Dúnedain: Arnor and Gondor, to oppose Sauron.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Then Aragorn, being now the Heir of Isildur, was taken with his mother to dwell in the house of Elrond; and Elrond took the place of his father and came to love him as a son of his own.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But he was called Estel, that is \"Hope\", and his true name and lineage were kept secret at the bidding of Elrond; for the Wise then knew that the Enemy was seeking to discover the Heir of Isildur, if any remained upon earth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The bigger reason that Sauron was so fearful was that: Sauron (mistakenly) believed that Aragorn had the Ring and would use it against him '", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Now Sauron knows all this, and he knows that this precious thing which he lost has been found again; but he does not yet know where it is, or so we hope.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And therefore he is now in great doubt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For if we have found this thing, there are some among us with strength enough to wield it .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That too he knows.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For do I not guess rightly,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Aragorn, that you have shown yourself to him in the Stone of Orthanc? '", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I did so", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ere", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I rode from the Hornburg,' answered Aragorn. '", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I deemed that the time was ripe, and that the Stone had come to me for just such a purpose.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was then ten days since the Ring-bearer went east from Rauros, and the Eye of Sauron, I thought, should be drawn out from his own land.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Too seldom has he been challenged since he returned to his Tower .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Though if I had foreseen how swift would be his onset in answer, maybe I should not have dared to show myself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bare time was given me to come to your aid.'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore Sauron had all the more reason to fear Aragorn's power.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Though being a mortal Man, Aragorn 'wrenched' the Orthanc-stone against from Sauron's will .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That's definitely to be afraid of Aragorn.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think that Aragorn having a very small amount of Maiar blood in him was the reason that Sauron feared him, as many of the other answers given seem to suggest.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "By the time Aragorn was born, his Maiar blood was so diluted that it can be considered as irrelevant.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In this excellent answer Aragorn's Maiar blood percentage is calculated to be 0.000000000000000001355% .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": This is perfectly answered here .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cauthon", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Aragorn is the one man who can reunite the kingdoms of men (I mean Rohan and Gondor) and stand up to Sauron.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He can also summon the Men of the Mountain, but I do not think Sauron is aware of that.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Sauron manipulated the Palantíri to deceive, driving Saruman to treason and Denethor to despair, thus nobbling the strongest of his opponents.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then up pops Aragorn.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He has the Palantír of Orthanc, so presumably he has already defeated Saruman while Mordor wasn't looking.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What's worse, he has the strength of will to take control of the Palantír, and the clear intention to claim the throne of Gondor, rally its people, and generally do all that Denethor could not.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All that scheming wasted!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Sherwood", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "He fears Aragorn (specifically Aragorn) because of a Prophecy of the Elves which fortells that the Heir of Isildur will encompass his destruction.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Sauron is a Maia but he is also dammned.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He fears the inevitable retribution for his evil.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think most of the other answers have overlooked something else.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition to Sauron fearing him for his potential with the One Ring, which he thinks is Aragorns for the taking, there is this: He can command men, that is pretty much it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In a fractured world (there are few and weak alliances)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "he is the one man that can bring them together and put up a fight, even win, especially with the ring.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Sauron, formerly known as Mairon, fears Aragorn for reasons I do not know. I especially do not understand, since Sauron is far more powerful than Aragorn even without the ring, as he is a Maia. Why does Sauron fear Aragorn?", "title": "Why does Sauron fear Aragorn if he is a Maia?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<the-lord-of-the-rings><tolkiens-legendarium>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are many potential reasons that Sauron would fear Aragorn, and any answer would be at least partially speculative. However, it is true that Aragorn is at least part Maia himself, and furthermore, Aragorn's ancestor was the one who took the ring from Sauron in the first place. Furthermore, Aragorn would be able to unite the kingdoms of men, and this combined with the One Ring would make him a very fearsome force.", "There are many reasons for Sauron to fear Aragorn, the main ones being that Aragorn has Maia ancestry, Aragorn's ancestor originally cut off the Ring, Aragorn is prophesied to be his doom, Aragorn may have the Ring and Aragorn can command men." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Because of Aragorn's Maia ancestry (Aragorn's ancestor Isildur had cut the Ring from Sauron's hand long ao) and because Aragorn has a sword forged from the original one used to cut off Sauron's ring finger.", "Sauron fears Aragorn because he can command men.", "Sauron fears Aragorn because he suspects that Aragorn may have the Ring." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "He has had control over his ability, albeit temporarily in Astonishing X-Men .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In Astonishing X-Men #14, during an impromptu telepathic \"therapy session\", Emma Frost presented Cyclops with the possibility that his lack of control over his optic blasts actually stems not from physical brain damage, but from a sort of mental block She reasons that it was a coping mechanism to deal with the loss of his parents.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In Astonishing X-Men # 23 , he uses them:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Scott admits that this theory is the truth ..", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the issue ends with Scott apparently in a catatonic state, with his eyes uncovered and displaying their natural shade of brown, with no evidence of his powers manifesting.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later he manifests, and has full control over his optical blasts, although it was only temporary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't know of any other instance where he has regained this ability, and I don't own the issue in question, otherwise I could provide more details.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Actually the way it was explained back in Uncanny X-Men (1st Series) 138 and 144 published in the early 80's - Scott Summers, AKA Cyclops , does not have full control over his powers because of a head injury he suffered as a child, when his mother pushed he and Alex (Scott's younger brother and later the X-Man Havok ) out of an airplane in order to save their lives:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cyclops 's head injury caused an inability to fully control his optic beam as explained here: However a retcon, by Joss Whedon in the pages of Astonishing X-Men , suggests that Cyke is in fact the one who does not allow himself full control over his mutant powers: But as Emma Frost was under the subliminal control of Cassandra Nova when she was messing about in Scott’s brain, so it isn't 100% clear that this is actually true.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The control he gained from that incident was temporary and in the end he required his ruby quartz lens to again gain some control over his optic blast : As is the nature with the X-Men convolution abounds, because if those two options weren't enough for you way back in X-Factor (1st Series) 39, circa 1988, this was revealed:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So the reality is that it could be that Mr Sinister , Scott himself or even that ole head injury that does it...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "But, if you don't mind a little speculation, one would think if it was either of the first two Professor X , or even Phoenix , would have be able to help due to their vast mental powers?!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Century Fza", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In the film X-MEN: The Last Stand we see that Jean/Dark Phoenix is able to use her powers to seemingly restore Scott's normal eye functions.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Jean asks Scott to remove his glasses, saying something to the effect of I can control it now.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Whatever happened seemed to be permanent, however it's possible that it was only temporary.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Either way he did have normal eye functions the rest of his life!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "However there is simply not enough information for us to understand exactly what happened.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the animated series X-Men Evolution , in episode The Cauldron : Magneto, cajoled the two young mutants into testing his mutant enhancement machine, which was powered by the mystic Cytorrak gem.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cyclops emerged with the newly named Havok, both able to fully control their powers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, the two boys' minds were altered by the gem and they were now the most powerful members of Magneto's Brotherhood of Mutants.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Oul", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There was a time when Scott and the original X-men were altered by an alien entity which negated and modified their mutant powers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Scott had total control over his optic blasts, he could even look at people without his visorIt was in X-Men First Class Vol 2", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "#6-7 2008", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the Ultimate Universe (universe 1610)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Cyclops gained the ability to control his powers completely when he was under the effects of Banshee , aka 'Mutant Growth Hormone'.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "This drug gives mutants who take it a secondary mutation, and/or enhances the one(s) they already have.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Unfortunately, Banshee is highly addictive and tended to have mind-altering effects.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Cyclops could not safely stay on it for an extended period, and eventually had to cease taking it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Shortly after he stopped taking it regularly, his powers returned to normal.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Pretty straightforward question. We see Cyclops with his trademark visor/glasses on 24/7 to control his power. So is there ever a point in any universe where Cyclops develops control of his power and is able to use it without the visor/glasses? Note: this question says that he was never able to control his powers before becoming one of the X-men. I'm looking for an all-time answer in any Marvel universe.", "title": "Has Cyclops of the X-Men ever developed the power to control his eyes?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><x-men>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are numerous instances where Cyclops has had control over his optic blasts and has been able to discard his visor. This happened temporarily in Astonishing X-Men, and potentially more permanently in First Class X-Men Vol 2 and the film X-Men: The Last Stand. In Ultimate Universe, Cyclops again was able to control his optic powers completely whilst under the influence of a drug called Banshee.", "There are differing views, e.g. that Cyclops gained control of the eye during a therapy session, that he never gained control (possibly due to a head injury), that he gains control after Jean cures him and that he gains temporary control after taking a hormone drug called Banshee." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Cyclops had control only temporarily during a therapy session in Astonishing X-men #14.", "No - Cyclops lost control over his eye following a head injury, although there is a suggestion elsewhere that Mr Sinister might have caused it.", "Yes - Jean/Dark Pheonix cures him and thereby gives him control of the eye.", "Yes - Scott was altered by an alien entity and then had total control over his optical blasts in X-Men First Class Vol 2.", "Yes - Cyclops gained the ability to control the eye after taking a hormone called Banshee, but he had to stop taking it in the end and then returned to normal." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Aku sent Jack to the future as a last ditch effort to stop Jack from killing him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future where my evil is law.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is especially clear in the first episode/movie, in which we see him beg with Jack before this.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's never directly said why Aku sent him to that particular era, but it's safe to say that sending him in the future would prevent him from tampering with the past -- and that Aku is strongest in the future, where he has had time to recover and take everything over.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, this is stated at the start of every episode in the first four seasons .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Moreover, lending credence to Aku's decision", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", we see that 50 years further down the road, Aku has regained an immense amount of power, being able to destroy a whole army in seconds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Clearly, Aku knew that he could recoup and hoped to become powerful enough to overcome the \"foolish samurai wielding a magic sword\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 50 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "He's in the future because the Samurai was not allowed to slice through living beings, due to TV viewer age restrictions.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Slicing robots was perfectly acceptable by the network.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So the setting was hand-waved into the future, so that all of his opponents could be robots.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " M", "score": 30 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "\"Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape-shifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But a foolish Samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future, where my evil is law!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku!\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "-- Aku, opening sequence", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Aku saw him as a threat, and sent him to a time where Aku was (apparently) too powerful to be threatened by him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From Wikipedia (emphasis mine):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After taking his father's magic katana, the prince challenges Aku to a duel and defeats him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, before the prince can deal the killing blow, Aku creates a time portal and sends his opponent into the distant future, anticipating that he would be able to amass sufficient power to deal with the samurai later .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And from Wikia (emphasis mine): Jack travelled to the castle of Aku and found his father enslaved and nearly skin and bones.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He warned Jack that it was too early for him to fight Aku , but he didn't listen and continued on.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jack then confronted the sorcerer and the battle began.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jack managed to severely wound Aku , but before he could deal the final blow, Aku opened a time portal and threw Jack into it, sending him centuries into the future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When Jack finally escaped the portal, he found himself in a dystopian future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After Jack escaped being crushed, he met three alien teens who called him \"Jack.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He asked them where he was and what was going on around him, and learned that Aku had conquered the world and spread his influence across the universe , enslaving many planets while using Earth as his base of operations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " al'Thor", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "What would you do if you had encountered a dungeon boss you cannot beat?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "CAUTION:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tongue in cheek answer imminent, reader discretion is advised.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's right", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", you would use your escape rope , lick your wounds, go out and grind in those levels some more until you think you can beat it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is what Aku actually did in this case.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During the conclusion of the initial battle between Jack and Aku, Aku realized that his power level is not enough to beat Jack, and carelessly he had no more health potions left as well, so Aku decided to escape to live and fight another day.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Since Jack is not some dungeon boss that will idly sit in some dungeon waiting for Aku to grind in those levels he delayed the encounter the only way possible, by sending Jack to the future, Aku used his metaphorical escape rope and sent Boss Jack back to his \"dungeon\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Evidently either Aku got lazy and forgot about this encounter, or he is just not that good in power-leveling, by the time it's once again destined to battle the boss, he is not high level enough to steamroll over Jack by this point.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Whether or not he did this to keep the boss battles interesting remains uncertain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Gecko", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Tearing open a portal in time was obviously a last-ditch effort, so it stands to reason Aku didn't have a solid plan for it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It was the only way he could think of, at the time, to distance himself from Jack.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "From the facts that Aku isn't shown to use such portals at any other occasion (AFAIR), and that he waited until the very end to do it, we can conjecture that it was a sort of experimental ability", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Aku wasn't sure he could do it at all, let alone what would be the exact consequences.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Aku probably did consider that in the future he would have an advantage against Jack, but didn't engineer the exact destination - he just did what he could with his remaining strength, and that ended up sending Jack when it did.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Rosenfeld", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Aku attacks Jack's village when Jack is a child and he is helped by his Mother and friends of his Father to escape so that he could return to defeat Aku at a later time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "After training and growing up, Jack gets his Father's sword and returns to his village and confronts Aku.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Jack wins the battle and as he is about to defeat/kill Aku, Aku sends Jack into the future to escape the battle and so that Aku will be stronger and have a better chance of defeating Jack when they meet again in the future .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is why Jack is trying to get back to the past so that he can fight the weaker \"past Aku\" and finish the job, as \"future Aku\" has a lot of resources which makes defeating him more difficult.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the TV show Samurai Jack, he is transported to the future where most episodes involve him chasing the one who sent him there, and trying to get back to his time. What was the reason AKU sends him to the future?", "title": "Why is Samurai Jack in the future?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<samurai-jack>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It is apparently never directly said why Samurai Jack was sent to the future, however, it is fairly implicit that Jack is sent to the future so that when Aku next comes to fight him, Aku will be much stronger and stand a better chance of victory. Another factor as to why this decision was made to set the programme in the future, is that violence against robots was considered more palatable to the TV networks than violence against people.", "Nearly all responses agree that Aku sent Jack into the future because he realised Jack was going to kill him and it was the only way to save himself. One response saw it as a plot device designed to get around TV viewer age restrictions." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Aku sent Jack into the future as he knew Jack would otherwise kill him and this was the only way to save himself.", "Aku sends Jack into the future so that Jack can fight against robots rather than people, thereby avoiding the TV age restrictions on slicing into living beings." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "National City, in the TV show, is located somewhere on the west coast of the United States.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Most likely, it's located in southern California, just south of the Sierra Nevada mountains.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As you mentioned, there are only a couple of things we know for sure about National City.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Three of those things can help us locate it:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is on the coast: it has a harbor big enough for a large oil tanker to dock there (the one Kara splits in half by accident).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This almost certainly means it's one one of the coasts, as I don't think any inland rivers are big enough.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's near enough to some very arid regions that Alex can get there for work and back.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's roughly a \"two hour drive\" from National City to Montecito.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "From episode S01E06, \"Red Faced\": Cat's Mom:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Anyway, Toni's having an impromptu little dinner party at the house", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "she's rented in Montecito.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just a few old friends.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cat: Mother, that is at least two hours away, we're going to have to leave right now.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Fortunately, This last one really helps pin down a lot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since Montecito is in Southern California, we know National City has to be in the same area.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A ballpark estimate would put it within a 120 mile radius of Montecito.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If we further restrict ourselves to the coastline, that puts it on the coast, somewhere north of San Diego but south of Los Angeles.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The bottom end of Death Valley would be almost due north of that point on the coast.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And being on the coast likely means lots of bays or barrier islands where that bridge would be needed.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So, all of the pieces seem to fit a city located somewhere on the southern CA coast between LA and San Diego.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Since it takes around 2 hours to Ojai or Montecito in the show, and all the rest (giant bridge and bay allowing big ships), San Diego is the only place which satisfies all of these criteria in real life.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Plus, National City is, as already mentioned, part of San Diego in real life as well, just a few miles south of downtown.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So National City is a mix of Los Angeles (since it is filmed there and San Diego doesn't have the size or importance that L.A has), and San Diego, since it is located there geographically, i.e. no other place is two hours from Montecito and Ojai, with a deep bay and giant bridge.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ho", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is a National City just south of San Diego on the interstate 5, it is located between San Diego and Chula Vista.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Its western edge borders the San Diego Bay, which has a bridge that connects the Coronado Island to San Diego mainland.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The bridge is about 3 miles south of the San Diego international airport, and Imperial Valley (a desert climate) is just east of the Laguna mountains (the mountain range just east of San Diego).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would suggest that National City is located just south of Los Angeles, nearby or as a stand in for Dana Point/San Clemente.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Much like Gotham and Metropolis are south of New York, located in New Jersey and Delaware, respectively, but located where no large cities are in the real world.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "National City would be near, but not part of Los Angeles; close enough for Cat Grant to get to Hollywood parties, but far enough that she can be the biggest queen bee in the city, which she would not likely be in L.A.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This also allows the DEO's desert headquarters to be out somewhere between Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake, about an hour's drive east along route 74 (Ortega Hwy), over the hills into the desert.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Llewellyn", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the original DC comics, all of these locations were allegorical stand-ins.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Gotham and Metropolis were supposed to stand-ins for New York", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(Metropolis, the sort of uptown, Gotham the older, grittier, more corrupt downtown).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Smallville is supposed to be a podunk town in Kansas.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "National City, I initially thought of as a stand as a substitute for Chicago, given that there were several Chicago world's fairs, where a lot of new stuff came out.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is geographically San Diego, but kind of a stand in for either Chicago or Los Angeles in terms of the general feel of the town (both cities have a lot of trade influence, whereas I get the impression San Diego is super into the Mexican American culture far more than being an international city).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We haven't had a whole lot of Mexican American stuff brought up, but definitely get the sense of an (inter)national city.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And yes, there is a National City, CA.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Rinne Hooker", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "National City is LA, a few hours from Ojai and Montecito", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "it also has a large port and bridge also Long Beach (w/in LA) has a huge bridge as well and a very large port.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "San Diego is pretty far from both Ojai and Montecito, most of their residents vacation a bit closer to that location.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Also the personal style of Cat is VERY LA.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "When I first started watching the series I was taken aback because I live in National City.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I have lived here for 4 years, but it is nothing like the National City of Supergirl .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I agree that it is more like Chicago or Los Angeles, but don't forget about Central City, which is also like Los Angeles.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If we were to narrow it down, I feel it is more plausible that National City is a surrogate for Chicago, Illinois, but on the west coast given that it has a port.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Alequin", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Season 1 Episode 19, “Myriad” we see National City labeled on a map on a news broadcast.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It appears to be near the West coast of the United States hugging the border between California and Oregon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But then in season 1 episode 20, we learn that Nevada is to the northeast of the DEO.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So I’d say they’re inconsistent.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Kara Danvers/Supergirl lives in National City, which appears to be at least a moderately large city, though smaller than Metropolis. We know from various episodes that it is relatively near a mountainous area with a dry/desert climate, where the DEO does training exercises (Supergirl can fly far quickly, but her sister Alex works at the DEO base and lives somewhere in National City) it has a large enough waterway to allow oil tankers into port it is on/near a river or a bay with a large bridge Where is National City located?", "title": "Where is National City located?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<dc><arrowverse><supergirl-2015>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "In the TV show, National City is located somewhere on the west coast of the United States, probably Southern California. In fact, there is a place outside San Diego named National City in real life. In reality, National City is probably a composite of Los Angeles and San Diego, if not an allegorical stand-in for San Diego itself.", "National City is located on the West Coast between San Diego and Los Angeles, but in the context of the stories it is what the place stands for that matters more than its actual geographical location." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "There is general agreement that National City is geographically located on the West Coast between San Diego (near which there is an actual National City) and Los Angeles, but it is important also to remember that the geographical location is not a matter of primary relevance." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We see R2 pilot Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter in \"R2 Come Home\", an episode of The Clone Wars Not only does he do some pretty fancy flying (surviving a dogfight with Slave I ), he docks with a hyperspace ring and flies all the way to Coruscant.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He also flies a Y-Wing bomber in \"Nomad Droids\", a later episode, and even blows up some vulture droids:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Baker", "score": 45 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In Revenge of the Sith", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "we see Obi-Wan's R7 unit take his Starfighter back to the Republic ship with a message for Commander Cody, tricking General Grievous into thinking he has left Utapau so he can surprise the Separatist forces.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Mandolorian", "score": 39 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes In Revenge of the Sith Obi-Wan has his droid take control of the flying for a bit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All right, R4.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No, no.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nothing too fancy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and later he even says OBI-WAN:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Flying is for droids!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He has his droid fly the ship again on Utapau.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": Take the Fighter back to the ship In Empire Strikes Back", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "R2 also makes a suggestion about taking control of the ship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "LUKE: (into comlink)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, R2?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "R2 utters a soft, carefully phrased steam of whistles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "LUKE:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(into comlink, chuckling)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's all right.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'd like to keep it on manual control for a while.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The little droid lets out a defeated whimper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Luke smiles, and continues on his course.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Ep.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "V script", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So yes, droids can fly the ships they're mounted in, even without a pilot inside the cockpit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Also answered by this scifi exchange post.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Does R2D2 Try to Trick Luke in Episode V - Empire Strikes Back?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "R2D2 could control Luke's X-Wing in Episode V.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The answer is yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "There are a few examples for this.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "One is an episode in The Clone Wars where R2-D2 even outmanoeuvred the slave one.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Another is in the films in The Empire Strikes Back .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "There R2-D2 during the evacuation scene flies the X-Wing towards the landing zone and Luke.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "During Empire Strikes Back, after leaving Hoth: R2, set a course for the Dagobah system Also, a droid can handle more G-Forces than a human,so outmaneuvering a bounty hunter was no big deal for him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "In the new (canon) novelisation of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back, we have the following passage, just after the Battle at Hoth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "A short distance farther sits your X-wing, a spaceship outfitted for one pilot and one droid.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "R2 is in his place.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "He’s the one who piloted it out here to the muster site, to wait for you.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "The Empire Strikes Back", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": So You Want to Be a Jedi?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In addition to the above examples of droids piloting starfighters, droids are also capable of piloting capital ships.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "There are many examples of Separatist capital ships being piloted by droids in The Clone Wars , not to mention the scene at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Further, some droids are starfighters, again, at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously, a droid that functions as a starfighter is capable of piloting itself, and is therefore capable of piloting a starfighter.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Crack Corn", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I was wondering if astromech droids (like R2-D2) could fully control any unmanned ship they're mounted in.", "title": "Can astromech droids control and fly the ships they're mounted in?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><droids>", "link": "", "author": " Beckers" }
[ [ "Yes, it appears that astromech droids can fully control any unmanned ship that they're mounted in. There are examples of this in various Star Wars films.", "Yes, droids can fly ships they are docked into. There are many examples of this in the Star Wars films and the 'canon' series of novels, for example when Obi-Wan has his droid take over the flying in Revenge of the Sith. " ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Yes - and they are very skilled pilots. For example R2 piloting Mace Windu's Starfighter in \"R2 Come Home\" from the Clone Wars.", "Yes - for example when Obi-Wan has his droid take control of the flying for a while.", "Yes - for example when R2 flies an X-Wing in the Empire Strikes Back.", "Yes - for example when R2 sets course for Dagobah in TESB. Droids can actually be better pilots than humans because they can handle greater G-forces.", "Yes - for example in the official Star Wars novels there is a mention of how R2 flies an X-Wing after the Battle at Hoth.", "Yes - and droids are also capable of piloting capital ships, for example in the opening scene of Revenge of the Sith." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "As for two different characters in the MCU, there aren't so many: Aren't so many in significant roles that is.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For an extensive list including all the unnamed background characters, see here .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I've chosen to focus just on the characters with memorable roles who I can find pictures of.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Laura Haddock plays Peter Quill's mother, Meredith Quill ( Guardians of the Galaxy ), as well as a female fan of Captain America in the 1940's ( Captain America: The First Avenger ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Damion Poitier played as Thanos ( The Avengers ) and also plays one of Crossbones Henchmen ( Captain America: Civil War ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The twin sisters Imogen and Isabella Poynton play Rhomann Dey's Daughter ( Guardians of the Galaxy ) as well as Lila Barton ( Avengers: Age of Ultron ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Nathan Fillion plays Monstrous Inmate ( Guardians of the Galaxy ) as well as Simon Williams/Wonderman ( Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2 deleted scene).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Douglas Robson plays the Horned Marauder ( Thor: The Dark World ) as well as the dark elf in The Collector's museum ( Guardians of the Galaxy ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Seth Green plays Howard the Duck ( Guardians of the Galaxy ) as well as Expo Fan ( Iron Man 2 ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Joe Russo plays S.H.I.E.L.D. surgeon", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dr. Fine ( Captain America: The Winter Soldier ) as well as psychiatrist Theo Broussard ( Captain America: Civil War ).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Benedict Cumberbatch plays Stephen Strange ( Doctor Strange ) as well as Dormammu ( Doctor Strange ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Taika Waititi plays Korg ( Thor Ragnarok ) as well as the right head of Haju ( Thor Ragnarok ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Stephen Blackehart plays the Knowhere Dispatcher that Drax incapacitates ( Guardians of the Galaxy ) as well as Brahl ( Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Clem", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So plays a Kyln Prisoner ( Guardians of the Galaxy ) as well as a Kamar-Taj Disciple ( Doctor Strange ).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Though I can imagine these being the same character.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Kenneth Choi plays Howling Commando Jim Morita ( Captain America: The First Avenger ) as well as his grandson Principal Morita ( Spider-Man: Homecoming ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Martin Starr plays a student at Culver University (identified in the novelization as Amadeus Cho)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "( The Incredible Hulk ) as well as science teacher", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mr. Harrington ( Spider-Man: Homecoming ).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Ignoring the novelization, I can can see these being the same character.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Gemma Chan plays Minn-Erva ( Captain Marvel ) and will play Sersi ( The Eternals ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Enver Gjokaj plays Officer Saunders ( The Avengers ) as well as SSR agent Daniel Sousa ( Agent Carter ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Bridger Zadina plays bully E.J. ( Iron Man 3 deleted scenes) as well as Mordis ( Inhumans ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Tony Curran plays Bor ( Thor: The Dark World ) as well as Finn Cooley ( Daredevil ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Matt Gerald plays White Power Dave ( All Hail the King ) as well as Melvin Potter/Gladiator ( Daredevil ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Alfre Woodard plays Mariah Dillard ( Luke Cage ) as well as Miriam Sharpe ( Captain America: Civil War ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Rob Mars plays an hospital orderly who tried restraining Thor ( Thor ) as well as muscle-for-hire Jerome Zandow ( Agent Carter ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Tom Virtue played Thomas Richards, a Roxxon accountant executed by the Mandarin ( Iron Man 3 ) as well as a motel clerk ( Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Clancy Brown plays Surtur ( Thor: Ragnarok ) as well as Ray Schoonover/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Blacksmith ( Daredevil ).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There also are the people who cameo as different roles.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(e.g. Stan Lee) Outside of the MCU, there are a lot, for example:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ryan Reynolds plays Deadpool in the 2016 movie Deadpool , as well as playing whoever this is supposed to be in X-Men Origins:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Wolverine : Also check out this great video by Mr. Sunday Movies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Although they're not all Marvel roles.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 110 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Chris Evans played Johnny Storm (AKA Human Torch) and Captain America.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Sanfilippo", "score": 89 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Ray Stevenson is the Punisher in Punisher: War Zone and Thor's Tight Buddy as Volstagg in Thor.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Volstagg", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 43 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Ryan Reynolds plays both Deadpool and Hannibal King from Blade: Trinity . Also (half-jokingly), Stan Lee has played a character in many of the Marvel movies dating back to X-Men in 2000.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Some samples are in the image below.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 32 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Ben Foster plays both Spacker Dave in The Punisher (2004) and Angel in X-Men: The Last Stand .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Spacker Dave Angel", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Enver Gjokaj plays a cop in the first Avengers film and Agent Sousa in the Agent Carter TV show.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Thinking laterally here, in any of the X-Men movies featuring Mystique, you'll find that several actors play her role in addition to their regular part in the same film - every time she disguises herself as one of the other characters.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Hoffman", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Somewhat trivially, there is Patton Oswalt, who has had four different roles (Billy Koenig, Sam Koenig, Eric Koenig, and Thurston Koenig) on Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "Has a single actor ever played two separate characters from the Marvel universe? If so, who?", "title": "Has one actor ever played two different characters from Marvel?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><actors>", "link": "", "author": " Brick" }
[ [ "There are many, many instances of a single actor playing more than one character in the marvel universe. However, most of them include playing background or unnamed characters, rather than both parts being signficant lead roles. One example would be Damion Poitier playing Thanos in the The Avengers and a Henchmen in Captain America: Civil War. Another example would be Seth Green playing Howard the Duck in Guardians of the Galaxy and an Expo Fan in Iron Man 2.", "Yes - a large number of actors have been identified who have played more than one role from the Marvel Universe. Just to quote one example: : Laura Haddock plays Peter Quill's mother, Meredith Quill ( Guardians of the Galaxy ), as well as a female fan of Captain America in the 1940's ( Captain America: The First Avenger )." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Yes - there are many actors who play more than one role from the Marvel Universe. Numerous examples are provided, covering both more and less memorable roles." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yoda was a Jedi, which put restrictions on his life choices.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "First, Yoda joined the Jedi Order as a youngling , which meant he was a Jedi since he was a child.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is normal Jedi practice to take very young children from their families to begin Jedi training as soon as possible.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is why Yoda initially opposed Anakin Skywalker's training as a Jedi, since Anakin was not discovered by the Jedi until he was nine years old .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Anakin was still a boy, but the Jedi considered him too old to begin training!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, the Jedi forbid marriage because the Jedi are required to avoid attachments and possessions", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(this is why Anakin and Padme had to hide their marriage).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Technically, it's permissible for Jedi to have casual sex so it would have been permissible for Yoda engage in sexual relations with a member of his species or of a species with which he could reproduce.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, it would be extremely difficult to not become attached to your children so the Jedi would discourage having children as well.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In short, Yoda was a Jedi all of his adult life and the Jedi forbid attachments, so Yoda would not have been permitted to have a wife or children.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 72 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yoda has no known family; his background is deliberately kept vague.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "From an interview with George Lucas:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So he's a mystery character, he's a magical character.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He has no background.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He comes and he goes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He's the subversive secret mysterious stranger that enters the film and then exits at the end.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yoda's page at the Star Wars Databank lists his species as \"unknown\" and makes no mention of any family.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In this answer , @Richard lists all members of this species to have appeared in any licensed Star Wars media.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a short list (Minch, Oteg, Vandar, Yaddle and Yoda), and none of them are Yoda's kids.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And this page , claiming that \"the Children of Yoda and Yaddle were a bunch of weird asshole frogs\", is decidedly uncanonical!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " al'Thor", "score": 53 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm going to be the devil's advocate here and assume Yoda had a family on the side that he never told anyone about.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe some six-inch tall kids, a little green wife, and a cozy home on some distant moon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Let's assume this is true.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now, look at the events of Episode III.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The entire army of the Galactic Republic has standing orders to kill all Jedi, at all costs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Right before the vast majority of the Jedi were wiped out, a small team of them tried to assassinate the Emperor; after this failed, the Emperor told the story like the Jedi were trying to overthrow the government.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, essentially, Yoda is a terrorist, probably public enemy #1 in the entire galaxy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The last thing he'd want to do is go anywhere near his family; for one thing, anyone who knew about them would be expecting it, for another if he got caught, it's very possible his family would get killed in the crossfire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The best thing Yoda could do for his family is make them think he had died on Coruscant; they would mourn his death, but they would be safe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 50 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If Palpatine had not destroyed the Jedi, the Order would have taken care of Yoda in his old age, just as real-world monastic orders take care of their elders.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, before the destruction of the Jedi, this would not have been a worry for him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And after the destruction of the Jedi, Yoda could not return to his own kind, because he could not leave Dagobah.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There are plenty of old people, living in the real world, who have children that don't take care of them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "So it's faulty logic to say that because no children are taking care of him, that he has no children.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "He also may have had children who failed to outlive him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the books of the Thrawn Trilogy another reason is given... Remember that weird cave that Luke entered in Dagobah ?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He fought Darth Vader in there, or at least, a being that looked like him that turned out to be Luke himself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This cave is actually embedded with the dark-side and that fight was a lucid dream", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Luke had (created by The Force).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why does this relates to Yoda?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This cave can be considered as a dark-side nexus, which may be created when a strong dark-side user dies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When Yoda was seeking a place to hide after the events following order 66 , he may have felt the presence of this powerful dark-side user and followed his trail to Dagobah.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yoda eventually killed him in there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since Yoda's light-side power was too great to hide from the Emperor's perception and perhaps other force-sensitive beings from the Empire itself, he chose specifically to continue living in Dagobah, masking his light-side power with dark force emanating from that place.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I.e. a light-dark-force balance was reached.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Relating to the children's question...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I suppose a being of his age could have children, but one hypothesis given in the books is that Yoda was the last being from his own species (we have never seen any other being that looks like him and no mention to his species was ever given).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Adding to that, if he somehow had children, consider that they would most likely have been force-sensitive as well and could have been tracked down because of that....", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yoda is a hermit, and hermits live mostly alone.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan lived the same kind of life on Tattoine until Episode IV events.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yoda just lived it more extremely, living alone in a whole planet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "My son cried when Yoda died. He asked me why no one took care of him during his last days. Given that Yoda was around 900 years old, surely he would have lots of descendants to look after him. Why were his offspring so unfilial?", "title": "Why didn't Yoda have any children to take care of him during his last days given that he lived up to 900 years old?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><yoda>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is no certainty that Yoda had any other family and in fact, it's possible that he was the last of his species. In general, Jedi's tend not to approve of emotional attachments such as family or parenthood. In any case, there are plenty of cases in real life of people having children who do not take care of them in old age, so there is no reason to suggest why this couldn't also be the case for Yoda.", "There is no firm answer to the question. For example, it may be the case that Yoda has no children because Jedi rules forbid this, or it could be because he is the last of his kind or an out-of-universe explanation could be that the creators of Star Wars decided to keep this part of his life vague in order to heighten the mystery surrounding his character." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [ "Yoda has no children because he has been a Jedi since he was a young and Jedi do not approve of emotional attachments such as family or parental bonds." ] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Yoda has no children because the rules of the Jedi order exclude parenthood.", "Yoda's family background is deliberately kept vague in the stories. That is why we know nothing of a family.", "In the real many old people are deserted by their children so the absense of any children to take care of Yoda does not mean he has no children.", "Yoda might have children but a hypothesis is advanced in the books that he was the last of his kind - and if that was the case he would have no-one to mate with." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Found an answer myself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to J.J. Abrams, in an interview to Empire magazine , He is NOT a Sith (despite being a Dark Side user of the Force):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" Kylo Ren is not a Sith ,\" confirms JJ Abrams in the new issue of Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the Dark Side of the Force.”", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, canon Visual Dictionary explicitly says that he's not a Sith on page 24: ...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "His ability to use the Force grants him many impressive combat skills, but Kylo Ren is no Jedi, nor is he a Sith .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He is the archetype of a new generation of Dark Side users that have emerged to fill the void left by the Sith's demise", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 48 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the visual dictionary for The Force Awakens , it mentions that Kylo Ren \"is the archetype of a new generation of dark side users that have emerged to fill the void left by the Sith's demise.\" Later on, it says: \"The Supreme Leader [Snoke] believes Ren to be the ideal embodiment of the Force, a focal point of both light and dark side ability.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It says that Kylo Ren is the \"embodiment of conflict, drawing upon contradictory teachings and deriving power from discord.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Based on the evil things he does in the film, however, and the way he uses the Force, it appears that Kylo Ren is much closer to being a Sith than a Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Nevertheless, this information proves that he is a different user of the Force, neither Sith nor Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Near the end of the film, when Rey has defeated him in their lightsaber battle, Supreme Leader Snoke orders General Hux to bring him to him so that he can complete his training.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Whatever Kylo Ren is aspiring to be, then, he isn't completely 'there' yet, and we'll probably get to see him in complete power in Episode VIII.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 26 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "We don't have to go to the Expanded Universe / Legends to determine whether or not there are dark users of the force who are not Sith.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Both", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Clone Wars and Rebels both contain dark-force-users who are not Sith.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Clone Wars featured Asajj Ventress and her sisterhood.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "While she worked alongside Dooku for much of the series, he made it abundantly clear that she was not a Sith - that there were only two Sith, himself and his master, Sideous.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rebels features characters known as Inquisitors.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "These people are force-users, and definitely dark, but again, they're not Sith.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given that there are force-using bad guys in established Canon who are not Sith, there's really no reason to believe that Kylo Ren is a member of the Sith simply because he's a bad guy who uses a lightsaber and the force. :-)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " L", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In this movie they begin to diverge from the EU by separating the dark side and the sith.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Instead of all dark side users being Sith, the Sith were just one manifestation of the dark side of the force at one point in time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, the Sith were behind the empire but the Sith are no more (so we think...) and now the Knights of Ren are the current manifestation of the dark side of the force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The idea is that there are two sides of the force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The light side and the dark side and that there is a balance that must be upheld.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Very Ying / Yang .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The Jedi were the manifestation of the light side while the Sith were the manifestation of the dark.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Both have been nearly obliterated from the universe but the force doesn't stop existing because of this and now the light side and dark side are now moving forward in new manifestations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "I will not post my \"proof\" as its all spoilers from the movie.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Garrison", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'd say in Episode 7, Kylo is nothing more than a fallen Jedi with a healthy obsession with his grandfather's legacy, but isn't a full sith.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Snoke is the Sith; Kylo is a mere pawn for him to use the \"face\" of the sith but not a true Sith like Vader, Dooku or Palpatine.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The name \"Sith\" has meant a number of different things over the history of Star Wars, in-universe and out.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "As of the time of The Force Awakens , the Sith were most recently an organization of Force-users bound by a number of traditions.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Their most famous tradition was serving the Dark Side of the Force, but they were also recently famous for only having two members at a time (though this rule seems to have been honored in the breach more often than not).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "At this time, Kylo Ren is not known to be a Sith.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "He does indeed serve the Dark Side, but the First Order is a different organization .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Given his obsession with Darth Vader, it is certainly possible", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "-perhaps even likely- that he would seek out knowledge of his grandfather's organization.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He may even hope to re-found it one day, or possibly to cast the First Order as \"heirs to the Sith\" in some way.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "But if he has plans in this direction, then he does not seem to have made his move just yet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Spooniest", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Kylo Ren is obsessed with Darth Vader and vows to finish what he started. He wields a red lightsaber. He opposes the Jedi. He fights for the Empire ... err First Order Does that mean he is a Sith?", "title": "Is Kylo Ren a Sith?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><the-force-awakens><kylo-ren>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Canon Visual Dictionary explicitly states that he is not a Sith, although it is generally accepted that Kylo Ren is closer to being a Sith than a Jedi.", "There is no clear evidence that Kylo Ren is a Sith, but he does serve the Dark Force and may become a Sith at some point." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "No - Kylo Ren is neither a Sith nor a Jedi - instead he is the archetype of a new generation of Dark Side users.", "It is not possible to conclude that Kylo Ren is a Sith just because he has a light sabre and uses the Dark Force", "No - the Dark Side is separate from the Sith and you can serve the former without being a member of the latter.", "Neither - the Sith and the Jedi were opposites like yin and yang but the Dark Force still exists even after both the Sith and the Jedi have been obliterated.", "Kylo is a fallen Jedi who is exploited by true Sith characters such as Darth Vader.", "Kylo Ren is not known to be a Sith - but he may become one later as he serves the Dark Force." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "This is explained in the film's Junior Novelisation .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The super-weapon is capable of firing a beam that travels faster than light.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Evidently it also creates an effect that can be seen faster than light, explaining why people in other systems can see it in realtime: Outside the castle with Chewbacca, Han surveyed a section of Takodana’s sky through a compact ponipin telescope.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He’d heard many theories about the origin of the star that had recently blinked into existence.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "None made any sense.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "New stellar bodies didn’t just brighten the sky all of a sudden.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Han’s ponipin measured that the new star was also many, many light-years away, which under normal astronomical circumstances meant that it had actually blazed to life years before.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Moreover, if the calculations proved correct, the stellar coordinates happened to be the same as those of the Hosnian system, where the capital of the New Republic was located.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Could the Hosnian system have gone nova?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Could it—dare he even consider—have been destroyed?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And if so, how had it happened so quickly?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This was confirmed in a tweet by the film's Creative Executive, Pablo Hidalgo", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Apparently the explosions were... ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some weird-ass hyperspace-rip seen-across-the-cosmos kinda shit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 28 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To answer your first question: it is NOT very close at all.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "TFA Visual dictionary includes a map of the Galaxy, and Takodana looks to be about 1/4 of a galaxy diameter away from Hosnian Prime (sorry, no image yet to prove that).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In-universe answer: technical mumbo-jumbo.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "MAYBE.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The novelization by Alan Dean Foster provides a possible explanation, from a certain point of view (the quoted paragraph was describing the operation of Starkiller weapon): Traveling faster than anything ever generated by artificial means, through a torn portion of space-time whose properties were not fully understood , the concentrated glowing ball of energy lit the night sky above Republic City.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Leia’s envoy Korr Sella was among those who gazed uncomprehendingly at the inexplicable phenomenon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Disturbed space was energized and lit up by its passage.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was as if a minuscule sun had suddenly appeared from nowhere, heading directly for the world on which she stood.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, there's a possible somewhat \"lasers make sounds in a vacuum\" explanation, that somehow, that \"not fully understood\" space-time tear managed to allow people on Takodana to see the explosion of Hosnia Prime.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Despite being (according to Visual Dictionary map) not only something like a quarter of a Galaxy away, but also not even on a direct path from Starkiller to Hosnian (sorry - I don't have a digital map yet, so you'll have to trust me at my word for now).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That, or Midichlorians made them see it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Out of universe answer: J.J. Abrams is hiding under a table ever since I asked him that question.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I overheard him mumbling something about lens flares.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "There's a chance that they'll retcon that in one of 17,214 new Disney revenue sources canon books/comics/stories they planned.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Always in motion, the future is.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 27 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "From all I can see, it's chalked up to artistic license.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The systems are not so close that they would see the attack; it was shown purely for dramatic effect.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This is likely among the biggest logistical problems in regard to space physics in the Star Wars film universe thus far (up there with the visibly-spinning \"galaxy\" at the end of Episode V).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "I didn't have the benefit of the novelization's explanation at the time of my viewing; as a moviegoer, here's how I reconciled the events at the time I watched the film from a scientific perspective:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "All orbs in the \"Hosnian System\" were so close together visibly that it strained credulity (at least for me) to think that they were all individual planets, but instead a \"system\" of celestial bodies that included a main planet and natural satellites within a larger star system (like how we call Jupiter and its moons the \"Jovian System\").", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It would seem to me that the best retcon to fix this plot hole would be to have \"Hosnian Prime\" and its satellites lie within the same star system as Takodana.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "That way, the propagation delay between its destruction and the visibility thereof from Takodana could be a matter of minutes rather than millennia .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "That would be an elegant retcon that would only require the filmmakers to rewrite a map, but it appears as though the novelization's explanation (mentioned above) is the most official answer offered thus far.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Imhoff", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's clear that spacetime just works differently in Star Wars.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "The millennium falcon can jump from system to system just by jumping to light speed.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "So either light moves faster, time moves faster (as seen from our perspective, it explains the visibly rotating galaxy somewhat) or the Galaxy far far away is just very small.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Same can be said of other things.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Putting the mass of a sun in a rocky planet?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a fantasy universe.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "There is even magic in it (the force).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "So trying to put it into a scientific perfection is not relevant.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "This is the reason the midi chlorians sucked.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "The force is not scientific.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Nothing is Star Wars is!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Furthermore the New Order wanted people to see and fear the destruction.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "So the projection of that destruction in other systems could be intentional.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "On Takodana, the main characters and various bar patrons can see the planet Hosnian Prime being destroyed by Starkiller Base with their (respective) naked eyes. How did they see this? Is the Hosnian system close enough to see? If it's not very close and they could just see the explosion, how did the light from it reach them so quickly?", "title": "How is Starkiller Base's beam visible from Takodana in The Force Awakens?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><the-force-awakens>", "link": "", "author": " P" }
[ [ "It is generally accepted that the Hosnian system is not very close to Takodana. However, the superweapon used by the Starkiller Base is capable of firing a beam that travels faster than light. Therefore, any effects of this beam would also be seen faster than light, explaining why people in other systems would be able to see the destruction in real time.", "There a number of possible explanations - the most authoritative comes from the film's Creative Director Pablo Hidalgo who explained that it is because the super-weapon fires a beam that is faster than ligjht." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The film's Creative Director Pablo Hidalgo has confirmed that this was because of a super-weapon firing a beam that travels faster than light.", "It is not at all close but it may appear to be due to complex technical or physical processes at play, as suggested in the novelisation by Alan Dean Foster.", "It's just artistic license - done for dramatic effect.", "One possible explanation is that the orbs in the Hosnian System are actually a planet and its satellites rather than a star and its planets.", "It is because spacetime works differently in the Star Wars universe." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "According to the novelization, R2-D2 was indeed with Chewbacca aboard the Falcon, so the first scene must have had some OTHER R2 astromech.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Each time, Chewbacca would wave.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Had he been equipped to do so, R2-D2 would have done likewise. -", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "[From the novelization]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 27 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I could be wrong but I believe the character in the top image is shinier, newer (i.e. different) than the one in the bottom image.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "During the film, I recall thinking that the character in the top image looked familiar, but couldn't be who you (and I) thought it was.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So the next image made sense to me.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I had the thought \"Oh okay, must have been a different character.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Consider the placement of the individuals in the sending off scene.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Front and center are C-3PO and BB-8.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Off to the side (and behind another person) is an R2 unit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "One would expect, that if that was R2-D2, he would have been standing in close proximity to the two droids in the middle given R2-D2's importance.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That this expectation is not met indicates thats not R2-D2.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No, they are patently not the same droids.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As you can see, the one that leaves the Falcon (pictured to the right below) has a blue top and white legs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Presumably it's R2-D2.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The one on the flight apron (pictured to the left) has a grey top and a grey body with a white trim.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To me the droid looks more like R2-Q2 who was also in the Force Awakens action figure set.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } } ]
{ "question": "In this scene, we see... R2-D2 waving goodbye to Rey and Chewie in the Falcon But, here, in this next scene we see... That R2 is there with Chewie in the Island So, is it a big mistake in the movie??", "title": "Is this the same droid in two scenes from the Force Awakens?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><the-force-awakens><character-identification>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "No these are not the same droid. The droid that leaves on the Falcon appears to be R2-D2 whereas the droid in the other scene has a different appearance and is likely a different unit. The other droid is possibly R2-Q2.", "It must have been another droid that looked like R2-D2 - possibly R2-Q2 from The Force Awakens action set." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "It must have been another droid that looked like R2-D2 - possibly R2-Q2 from The Force Awakens action set." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "From the Star Wars: Visual Dictionary and Force Awakens: Visual Dictionary .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The \"on button\" is the big shiny thing on the handle.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 49 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Straightforward answer:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes , as Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group recently said here and here", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", it's a mistake and that the lightsaber is still supposed to activate with the plate in the middle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Q.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why in the Force Awakens does Finn clearly press the blade adjustment button on Luke's lightsaber to turn it on?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Is it Snoke? ‏@pablohidalgo -", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a mistake.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Via Twitter and Q.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Will Anakin's lightsaber ignition button be corrected in futuremovies to fit how it was in the ot [Original Trilogy]?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "‏@pablohidalgo - If you're asking if the same mistake made in TFA will happen again, I'd say I hope not.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Via Twitter", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(with grammar corrected) One assumes the same applies to the TCW episode.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Let's say it has both the activation button and the length adjust control as depicted in the dictionaries.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Presumably the activation button would cause the blade to quickly jump up to the set blade length.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "However, if you left it on, but turned the length to 0, maybe holding the length adjust button down would cause it to extend in a slow, cool, way!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "That way, both the OP images could make sense.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In episode 2 of the unfinished episodes of the Clone Wars, which I believe are canon, Anakin turns his lightsaber on by pushing the big red button in the front.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "This, added to the many ways you cited by which this lightsaber can be turned on, leads me to believe that there is in fact more than one way to turn it on.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Anderson", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's like a TV remote - I can turn on the TV by pressing the red 'standby' button, or by pressing a channel number.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would say it works like a dimmer switch.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "One switch just controls off and on while the other can control blade length and intensity while also controlling the on off capabilities.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Redundancies built into the weapon to make it more useful.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "This also explains why Darth Vader comes out at different speeds.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Sometimes he uses the blade length adjustment knob sometimes he uses the on off switch", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "You can tell from this video that Finn is actually pushing that button to activate the lightsaber It seems like there are different on-buttons or something because the toys say the big rectangular one near the middle is the on-button. From this video : Is there more than one on-button? Or is this just a continuity error? Where is the official on-button, and why the seeming inconsistency?", "title": "Which button activates Skywalker's lightsaber, and why is it inconsistent?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><technology><lightsaber>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It's possibly that this is a simple mistake and continuity error. However, another possible explanation is that one button is an \"on\" button whilst another is a \"blade length\" button that also functions as an \"on\" button. This way, it would be possible to turn on a saber with both buttons.", "Opinions differ but the most authoritative view (from the film-makers themselves) is that the scene where an alternative button is used to switch on a lightsabre is a mistake and the actual on off button is the large red one on the handle." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The big shiny thing on the handle is the on button.", "When Finn presses the adjustment button to turn a lightsaber on in The Force Awakens it is a mistake according to Pablo Hidalgo.", "Both the activation button and the length adjust control are required to switch it on.", "There are many ways to switch on a lightsaber - as there may be many ways to switch on a TV remote.", "It works like a dimmer switch, with different controls for on and off, for blade length and for intensity." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "It's not nearly as bad as you'd think.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Looking at it from the correct angle, you can see that the cockpit windows are above the mandibles.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I went to Disney's Launch Bay, where they have an official replica of the Falcon, took photos, and highlighted the cockpit windows versus the top of the Falcon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As you can see, the cockpit could be better situated, but they have a largely unobstructed view out of the left side.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 32 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You're not wrong.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As this rather nice wireframe shows, by looking out from the cockpit we can determine that the view from the left side of the ship is almost totally non-existent (blocked by the mandibles) whereas the starboard and front views are completely unimpeded.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Based on the concept art below (and a quote from the fully canonical 'Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections' factbook)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "we learn that the cockpit position was a function of the ship's intended function as a freight-pusher.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With the mandibles holding a cargo pod in place, the cockpit is sufficiently far away that the pod doesn't block the view ahead and to the right, at the cost of a view of the other side of the ship.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Falcon’s side-mounted cockpit and the front-facing mandibles recall her origins as an intermodal tug pushing containers in orbital freight yards.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "But as with many YT-1300s, an enterprising captain saw that her powerful engines and modular construction made her ideal for carrying cargoes of dubious legality.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 25 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "\"What's the point in placing that capsule in such an extremely strange place?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This very question is (sort of) answered in Disney canon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In an inner monologue, Chewbacca is listing the reasons Luke thinks the Falcon is a piece of junk; one of them is: Her cockpit, for reasons no one but the designers back at Corell Industries could understand, was posted to the starboard side, and jutted at an odd angle instead of being mounted on the center line.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "- Star Wars:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo and Chewbacca Adventure", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "So if the question is \"Why is the cockpit where it is?\", the Disney canon answer is \"No one but the designers back at Corell Industries knows, but it seems weird in-universe as well as out-of-universe\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cheber stands with Monica", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As many pointed out in this question , the Falcon wasn't exactly designed for dog fights.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The ship has the body of a freighter and an engine that's likely the most overhauled in the galaxy.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "As such, the cockpit placement was likely considered \"good enough\" for its intended function.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Also, starships are largely flown using a sensor array.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Pilots depend on their copilot and gunner as well as these sensors for input regarding situational awareness.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "It's not an automobile.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Covington", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Well I for one just think they didn't think of it...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "I took this from - five things you didn't know about the Millennium Falcon :", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "The original design wasn’t a hamburger", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "The initial look for the Millennium Falcon was much different.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "What was planned actually became the prototype for the Tantive IV.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "After the crew realized that the design looked too similar to the ship from Space: 1999, they had to go back to the drawing board and come up with something else in a hurry.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Joe Johnston worked on the redesign, and that’s where the hamburger came in.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Johnston told Starlog Magazine, “It was the quickest ship we’ve ever done.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "The Falcon was designed in one day.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5, 5 ] ] }, { "text": "We took some components from the blockade runner, like the cockpit, and stuck it on the side of a big dish with some mandibles out in front.”", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5, 5 ] ] }, { "text": "and yes while it does start with \"not a hamburger\" it does go on to say -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“It was the quickest ship we’ve ever done.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Falcon was designed in one day.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5, 5 ] ] }, { "text": "We took some components from the blockade runner, like the cockpit, and stuck it on the side of a big dish with some mandibles out in front.”", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5, 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Not a lot of thinking about angles and the ability to see the other side of the ship...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "But who cares!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "It still looks great and is, I think we can all agree, the best ship in the Star Wars universe.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The falcon has an excellent roll rate (note the nifty immilmen maneuver at cloud city) and \"alluvial\" (inertial) dampers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "A bogey detected by sensors could easily be brought into the pilots field of vision with a flick of the wrist.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "Course could remain constant there is no up or down in space.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "Not bad for a souped up bulk freighter.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Short answer:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 7 ] ] }, { "text": "Right of Way.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 7 ] ] }, { "text": "On ocean vessels, the ship to the right has the right of way.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 7 ] ] }, { "text": "This ties into the natural human instinct to be more attentive to objects on their right (dominant) side.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 7 ] ] }, { "text": "When you consider maneuvering through a crowded terminal where there are numerous other ships also maneuvering, you would need to have the clearest field of view of the ships to which you must yield right of way.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 7 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm surprised there's no question about this. With the cockpit being located far to the right of the ship, there is a gigantic pile of metal blocking a lot of view for the pilot. The Falcon seems to be (at least partially) maneuvered by vision (windows), so what's the point in placing that capsule in such an extremely strange place?", "title": "Isn't the Millennium Falcon's cockpit placed extremely inconveniently?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><millennium-falcon>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is no clear agreement as to whether the cockpit is indeed positioned poorly. Some believe that there is a clear view of the left side of the ship whilst others believe that there is no line of sight at all. In any case, it's generally agreed that the Millennium Falcon was not designed to be a fighter and therefore the positioning of its cockpit might well be considered good enough for its intended function and indeed for ceding right of way from the right, as done on ocean vessels. Furthermore, the ship likely had a sensor array for navigation.", "There are different views on whether the cockpit position really is a weakness, but the main reason for it according to the film's makers is that the Falcon was designed in a hurry and with the main aim of looking cool." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The position of the cockpit is not as bad as it looks, giving an unobstructed view to the left.", "You are right - the cockpit is in a bad position but this is simply the result of the fact that the Falcon is a converted freight ship.", "It is definitely a weird position but no-one seems to know why it is there.", "The cockpit position shows that the Falcon was not designed for dog fights.", "The Falcon was flown using sensors so the cockpit position was not important.", "The Falcon was designed in a hurry and the main thing was for it to look cool so the cockpit position was not considered from any other perspective.", "The cockpit position does not matter because the Falcon has an excellent roll rate.", "The cockpit position is a result of the right of way rule, which determines that a clear view to the left is the most important thing." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "We don't know that he is \"low ranking\" Finn is an odd trooper, or at least our conception of a trooper.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He says he was \"in sanitation\", however he was part of a ground assault on an important mission.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This could indicate that the First Order have a policy of having their entire work force combat ready, which would not be abnormal considering the rest of their depiction.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That alone indicates that their training and duties are probably not specialized but multi-faceted.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Well, multi-faceted in the strict confines of Starkiller given his lack of linguistics and basic ship mechanics.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "More importantly, there are hints in the movie that he isn't just a basic grunt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "While he's clearly no officer, he: Again, is one of the few (comparatively given the size of the standing force on Starkiller, although apparently the his entire class considered above average) chosen for an important mission.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Is familiar with and is known by Captain Phasma.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Apologies for the second hand citation", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(I'll shoot for an update later), but she mentions \"FN-2187 has the potential to be one of the finest stormtroopers I have ever seen\" in the novel.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Out of all of the people on the base, Phasma seems to have an eye on Finn (although @DVK notes it might be an eye of suspicion).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She probably doesn't ask for his blaster randomly but rather because she was actively keeping an eye on him during the raid.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words, Finn was an up and coming member of the First Order.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Since his first instinct to take down the Starkiller (or more accurately, to find Rey) is to go right to Phasma, it likely that his understanding of the base comes directly from her.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Finn does not know many details about the Starkiller Base , He only knows the 'base'-ics.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Starkiller base is the size of a planet, it would not be uncommon for anyone on it to know where major points of interest are, such as Central Command or a Thermal Oscillator , just like you know where Canada or Australia are on our planet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Finn also mentions that he helped build it, and if he worked in sanitation he must have seen maps to get around to clean specific places.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He did not know how to disable the shields, he needed a higher up, Captain Phasma to disable the shields for him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So he did not know very many details regarding the base such as codes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the attack plan, the Resistance are talking about how they need to blow up the Thermal Oscillator, all Finn does is point to it and arbitrarily say there will be enemy fighters.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think Finn just happened to know the right amount of information to help the Resistance, but no great amount of details above his rank.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I suspect that this is a case of lazy writing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I mean . . .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the movie started out with the search for a map that could lead to Luke Skywalker and it became all about destroying the First Order's Starkiller base.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To make matters worse, why would a character who had been taken and raised to become a stormtrooper, conveniently had a job as a sanitation janitor.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Or perhaps he was lying about being a janitor.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Finn lies to the resistance about his knowledge of the base.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "When they arrive at the base, he explains he was in sanitation as the reason he doesn't know that much about the base.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "From here, the team comes up with an ad-hoc way to deal with the machine.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Finn knows about large structures and their basic purpose and is able to say \"Yeah, we got one of those.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "when asked directly about it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Is there more to this story?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Probably.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But we don't know any of it yet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Finn might be an example of how things are not always as they appear.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "He may have been placed there by another authority to test ethical conduct or valour of its team.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Most of it is from overhearing things.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "There are quite a few cases where he says as much in the novelization.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "A lot of the technical knowledge was gathered after the Resistance surveyed the planet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "He also was bluffing the resistance quite a bit in order to be able to land on the planet and save the Girl.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, he doesn't even know where the shield generator control room is until they find Phasma.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " French", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "When the rebels are planning to attack the Starkiller base, Finn seems to know a lot about the security. And yet, later on, he mentions he was in the sanitation department. His rank was similar to a Private in the modern army. Would we expect a private to know all the details of how a nuclear base (for example) is guarded? So how come Finn knows all those details?", "title": "How does Finn know so many details about the Starkiller Base?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><the-force-awakens>", "link": "", "author": " Tiwari" }
[ [ "It is not clearly explained how Finn knows such detail about the Starkiller Base and it's quite possible that he was largely bluffing. However, nor is it clear what his original rank on the base was, and it's possible that he had much more information than we are led to believe. Finally, given that the Starkiller Base is the size of a planet, it wouldn't be difficult for anyone to know or overhear information about signficant points of interest.", "There are many possible explanations. For example Finn is not just a low ranking trooper, Finn does not know that much about the base, it is just lazy writing, Finn is lying about his knowledge, Finn is a kind of internal spy or Finn picked up his knowledge from overhearing things." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Finn is not the low ranking trooper he appears to be - there are plenty of signs of this.", "Finn does not actually know that much about the base - just where the main sections are.", "This is lazy writing - his backstory is too convenient to be believable.", "Finn lies about his knowledge of the base - and explains he was in sanitation to support his lies.", "Perhaps Finn was not a sanitation worker but a kind of spy installed to check on the behaviour of other team members.", "Finn picked up his knowledge from overhearing things - and there are still gaps in his knowledge." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "First, please note that I have not been able to find any canonical information on why Kylo Ren was given that birth name, so my answer is based upon reasoning and conclusions drawn from watching the movies (ep. 4-7).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Answer While it's true that Han doesn't seem to like Kenobi nor agree with him on anything, Kenobi did disengage the tractor beam and gave his life to ensure that Han, Luke and Leia could leave the Death Star alive and, relatively, unscathed.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If nothing else, Kenobi is the reason (though not intentional)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Han and Leia met (by employing Han to transport them).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Leia knew Kenobi to be a great hero of the Clone Wars, a wise general and a great jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She likely held Kenobi in high reverence and would probably think that naming her son after him would be a) a great homage to the late Jedi and b) give her son a namesake to look up to.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Södergren", "score": 37 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Although you may never hear this from Disney ever, it is very likely that Kylo Ren's real name is inspired by Legends' very own Ben Skywalker .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Legends, Ben Skywalker is Luke's own son, and it was Luke who decided to name his son after the Uncle Ben who watched over him growing up.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even though the Lars tried to keep Luke away from Obi-Wan because they did not want him to become a fallen Jedi like Anakin, Luke still managed to form a friendship with Obi-Wan when he could get away from the Lars' attention, developing an affection for the ageing man.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later events in the Original Trilogy would only serve to deepen Luke's love and respect for Obi-Wan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Kylo Ren was born 0-1 years after the Battle of Endor.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Leia had just recognised Luke as her brother and formally reunited with him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Luke and Leia both greatly admired Obi-Wan (Uncle Ben to Luke and General Kenobi to Leia), so the two of them probably came to an agreement among themselves what to name Leia's son (I guess Luke's vote counted more than Han's), just like how it happened in Legends for Luke's own son.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "But why Ben as opposed to Obi-Wan?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This quote from Legends' Luke may hint at an answer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"I'm just afraid of placing an extra one on his shoulders.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Suppose I named him Obi-Wan, as a salute to my old master?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Would he think that means that I want him to grow up to be a Jedi?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Would he think he had to live up to Ben's reputation?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This line of thought aligns well with Disney-canon-Leia's mentality that she wouldn't want to over-burden her son.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Conclusion :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Drawing parallels from Legends, I believe Luke had a hand in deciding on Kylo's birth name, and the above quote explains why Ben instead of Obi-Wan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Disclaimer :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My answer is based fully off of Legends material, as your question cannot be answered with Disney canon sources alone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, given that the name Starkiller is drawn from Legends, it is not the first time Disney drew inspiration from Legends without explicitly admitting to it even though it's blatantly obvious.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given that this is also a case of a son of the Skywalker line being named after Obi-Wan Kenobi, the similarities are plenty enough to believe that strong parallels had been drawn by Disney from Legends for my suggested answer to be reasonable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 23 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "She trusted him enough to deliver the plans in A New Hope.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Which he succeeded in doing by sacrificing himself which allowed Leia and Han to escape with their lives ...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I was named after a TV character from MASH...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'll posit another possible reason.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Leia makes clear in the movie that she was worried about Ben/Kylo going over to the Dark Side - perhaps from the start.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It was always a risk with Skywalkers, after all...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Naming him Ben may have been in the hope that it would help keep him on the Light Side.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "People often name their children after famous people, in part in the hope that some of the virtues of the famous person carry on to their child - perhaps because the child looks up to their namesake, or perhaps for other reasons.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Naming him after a famous Jedi Knight who was always true to his word and was a great warrior for the Light Side may have been an attempt to guide their son to follow in his footsteps.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, it didn't work out very well...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As thegreatjedi notes, his answer is non-canon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Gunnar's answer is missing some key points in my opinion.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, it's true that Leia never met Kenobi and that Han met him for a very short time, and didn't really like him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "However: As, Gunnar pointed out, Leia knew him as great hero of the Clone Wars At the time Han knew him, he was still in smuggle mindset and not committed to the Rebels", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "But after the events of A New Hope , you have a span of years where Leia and Han are both fully committed to the Rebel Alliance, and are working closely with Luke.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "And we know Luke holds Kenobi in extremely high regard and as a father figure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Then, even later (after Return of the Jedi ) Luke founds the new Jedi Academy.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "So basically the entire success of Rebel Alliance, the downfall of the Empire, and the reason there are Jedi in the galaxy at all can be attributed partly to Kenobi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, why would one assume you have to know someone well to name your child after them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "People do it all the time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "You just have to revere them or their ideals.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "So, in light of all this, there's nothing surprising about Han and Leia naming Ben Solo after Kenobi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps the only question is why they didn't name him Yoda Solo.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's not uncommon for people to ask for opinions/suggestions from relatives when naming their children.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Ben was obviously a very important person, a mentor and a father figure, to Leia's twin brother Luke.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "If Luke didn't have children of his own (we'll have to see about Rey), then it could be a way for Leia to honor her bond with her brother.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Kylo Ren’s real name is Ben, and was presumably given to him by his parents, Han and Leia, in reference to Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi. But his mother never met the person he was named after, and his father knew the person just for a short time, and wasn't too fond of him then. Why would they name their son that?", "title": "Why would Kylo Ren be named after this person?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><the-force-awakens><kylo-ren>", "link": "", "author": " Collings" }
[ [ "It is not clear exactly why Han and Leia named their son Ben, but there are some plausible theories. Firstly, although their bond with Obi-Wan might not have been particularly close, he certainly had a reputation as a Jedi and gave his life for them to escape the Death Star. Furthermore, it's possible that they felt that by naming their son after a virtuous Jedi, they might hope to steer him on a positive past and avoid him falling into the Dark Side.", "Views vary, the main ones being that Ben was named out of respect for Kenobi - either directly or in recognition of Luke's respect for him - or out of concern over what may become of him in his future life." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Kylo Ren was named Ben as a way of honoring the sacrifice made by Kenobi in giving how own life.", "The name was inspired by Ben Skywalkerl", "Because she trusted him to deliver the plans in A New Hope.", "Perhaps because she was worried from the start about Ben going over to the Dark Side.", "They named him out of respect for Luke's opinion of Kenobi - and their respect for Luke." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "So far the best answer I can find.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "JOHN De LANCIE (Q) :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I actually think the judge’s costume was pulled off another show.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They did that kind of thing all the time, especially early on.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Studios have a bazillion costumes in stock and they’re just redone to fit whatever’s needed on the next show or movie.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So I believe that judge’s costume was a cardinal’s outfit from something else.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "- See more at:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " DeMichaels", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The in-universe explanation is that it is from the mid-21st century courts, specifically 2079.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Encounter at Farpoint DATA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Historically intriguing, Captain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Very, very accurate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "PICARD:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mid twenty first century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The post-atomic horror. ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Q (JUDGE): Objection denied.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a court of the year 2079, by ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Anglo's answer is a great practical reason for the costume choice.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would like to add that the court also has a very sinister, guilty-until innocent feel that many Catholic Inquisition courts were / or at least portrayed to be as.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The costume reflects this idea rather successfully.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This is covered in the show's original script .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The decor and clothing are consistent with the year 2049 , prior to first contact.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "[It is an immense courtroom meant to reflect strength and power.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "(We'll discover that it dates back to the mid-21st Century post-atomic crisis era.)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Both decor and legal procedures reflect the time when a desperate humanity, still wounded and bleeding from nuclear war, sought answers to its pain and problems through the merciless strength of a new form of dictatorial government representing neither capitalism nor communism.] and \"Q\" (JUDGE):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a court of the year 2049, by which time more 'rapid progress' had caused all 'United Earth' nonsense to be abolished.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In the episode, the line is broadly identical, but for reasons known only to the writers, the setting (and Q's line) had been shifted forward to a point after the end of the Third World War \"Q\" (JUDGE):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a court of the year 20 7 9 [, etc]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The costume borrows styling from the traditional French academic robes still in use today.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "I got my doctorate at Strasbourg and my shoulder sash (that bit coming over Q's left shoulder), while not the same color, is virtually identical in appearance.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The shroud covering the sides of the head is definitely not part of my set-up, however; it might be an attempt on the part of the producers to evoke that Inquisitional mood one of the other commenters mentioned.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Given what De'Lancie has said 'pulled it off another show', but at one of my first ever UK Star trek Conventions I was told with quick shift, that it was a set of French C16th Judges Robes and indeed it is only those robes are black.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Anyone making it, the hat the most difficault thing to make well", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Endacotte", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "What are the historical antecedents of Q's judge costume? Specifically, does it come from a specific human time and location?", "title": "What are the historical antecedents of Q's judge costume?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><star-trek-tng><star-trek-q><costume>", "link": "", "author": " Spertus" }
[ [ "There are two possible historical antecedents for Q's judge's costume. One is that it is a cardinal's outfit and was probably used on another show that the studio worked on. Another is that the costume is based on French academic robes that are still in use today.", "Views vary, with possible sources identified as costumes recycled from another show, costumes dating back to 2049 or 2079 after first contact and costumes reflecting the French robes or robes used in Inquisition courts." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The costume was copied from another show where it was possibly a cardinal's outfit.", "The costume is from courts in the year 2079 and reflects the sinister appearance of robes used in Inquisition courts.", "The costume dates back to 2049, prior to first contact, as stated in the show's original script.", "The costume is based on the styling of academic or judicial robes used in France." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There are 17 : Griphook : Verne Troyer -> Wawrick Davis Lavender Brown : Jennifer Smith -> Jessie Cave Elphias Doge : Peter Cartwright -> David Ryall Katie Bell : Emily Dale -> Georgina Leonidas", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Tom", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Innkeeper : Derek Deadman -> Jim Tavare The Fat Lady : Elizabeth Spriggs", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "-> Dawn French Helena Ravenclaw :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nina Young", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "-> Kelly Macdonald Pansy Parkinson : Genevieve Gaunt -> Scarlett Byrne Mafalda Hopkirk : Jessica Hynes -> Sophie Thompson Professor Dumbledore : Richard Harris -> Michael Gambon Voldemort : Richard Bremmer -> Ralph Fiennes", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(this cost Voldemort his nose).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Edit: it was a joke I heard, but after reading again the books, it appears that he was described as looking like a snake since GoF)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Angelina Johnson : Danielle Tabor -> Tiana Benjamin Padma", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Patil :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sharon Sandhu -> Afshan Azad Parvati Patil :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sitara Shah", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "-> Shefali Chowdhury Alicia Spinnet : Leilah Sutherland", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "-> Rochelle Douglas Mr Granger :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tom Knight ->", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ian Kelly Mrs Granger : Heather Bleasdale ->", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Michelle Fairley Special section for young Tom Riddle actors :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "11-year old : Hero Fiennes-Tiffin", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "16-year old : Frank Dillane 18-year old : Michael Berendt Young in CoS : Christian Coulson", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 59 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Some recast roles and the actors are: Infant Harry Potter : Saunders", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Triplets Dumbledore :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Michael Gambon, Richard Harris Rubeus Hagrid :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Robbie Coltrane, Martin Bayfield (", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "young version, CoS)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Snape :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Alan Rickman, Alec Hopkins(OotP), Benedict Clarke(DH)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lavender Brown :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jennifer Smith(PoA), Jessie Cave Angelina Johnson : Danielle Tabor, Tiana Benjamin(GoF) Ernie Macmillan : Louis Doyle, Jamie Marks (DH)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Padma Patil :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sharon Sandhu(PoA), Afshan Azad Parvati Patil : Sitara Shah(PoA), Shefali Chowdhury Alicia Spinnet : Leilah Sutherland(PS), Rochelle Douglas(CoS)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Robert Pattinson appeared as Cedric Diggory, who was recast for GoF.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It doesn't look like the original actor for Cedric in PoA was identified.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I've not been able to find a credit for Cedric in PoA, in the film credits or on IMDb.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "See his wiki page .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " De Sousa", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Bill Weasley.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bill is portrayed by English actor Richard Fish in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Irish actor Domhnall Gleeson, son of Brendan Gleeson, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Hooper", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The only one I know is Albus Dumbledore , played by: Richard Harris (films 1–2) Michael Gambon (films 3-8) Toby Regbo (playing the young Albus Dumbledore) source Wikipedia", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Which characters in the Harry Potter films have been recast? As the same character being played by two different actors in different films. Which characters from the Harry Potter films have been recast?", "title": "Which characters have been recast in the Harry Potter films?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<harry-potter><movie><actors>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are a number of characters in the Harry Potter films that have been recast. However, some notable examples include Dumbledore, who was played by Richard Harris, Michael Gambon and Toby Regbo, and Griphook, who was first played by Verne Troyer and then by Warwick Davis.", "There are many characters played by more than one actor - up to 17 by one count." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "There are many characters played by more than one actor - up to 17 by one count. Extensive lists are provided but one exampke would be Albus Dumbledore , played by: Richard Harris (films 1–2) Michael Gambon (films 3-8) Toby Regbo (playing the young Albus Dumbledore)." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There are multiple times to prove that some shenanigans were going on.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Let's dig into some of the comics: The time when he was narrating himself and he got caught, again:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The time when he invited +200 characters to his wedding.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Some of them are from other comic book universes/different studios.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And then there is this one.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He says what the other characters are supposed to say.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And I think this is one of the most obvious ones that can explain your question.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I think the characters around him would realise there is something weird going on, if he would just let them understand.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And one time, he just simply said it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Deadpool Vol.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1 #34 by Christopher Priest", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 36 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the recent movie, Deadpool (2016), there's a scene where Deadpool is talking to the audience and Colossus says \"Who are you talking to?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "There's nobody around\" to which Deadpool points at the camera and says \"Them, over there!\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 22 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It happens all the time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Sometimes, he is even fairly explicit with it:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Ultimate Spider-Man Season 2 Episode 15 Ultimate Deadpool - Funniest Scene Deadpool breaks 4th wall, then Spidey enters his break and is confused, how that happened.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Deadpools breaks 4th wall", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Spidey entered Deadpool's break and is confused how, and breaks Deadpools break. -- And the other way round Spider-Man sees Deadpool breaking the 4th wall, and is confused, because Deadpool is painting on his thoughts and", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Spider-Man sees it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2.1.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": Spidey breaks 4th wall", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2.2 - Deadpool enters Spidey's break", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2.3 - Spidey is confused by Deadpool's entering out of the same episode: 3.1 Spidey breaks 4th wall 3.2.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Deadpools entered Spidey's break 3.3 Spidey interacts with Deadpools's break", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Cable & Deadpool (the story arc in issues 43-50, I don't know which one specifically), he references Spider-Man's deal with Mephisto, even though the deal itself completely re-wrote the timeline to the point where no other character (including Spidey) was aware of it:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "She-Hulk would be the only character to get what he's doing, since she has done it many times before herself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, she's also aware that she is in a comicbook.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cecyre", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Don't remember the issue, but one time there was a not-in-universe recap page that took the form of a talk show, and then in the actual in-universe comic later he references the recap page and the person with him at the time (who had also been on the recap page) is confused.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Simpson", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Has it ever happened (in a comic book, or TV show, or movie or anything) where Deadpool breaks the fourth wall and another character responds to it? Whether it's joining in and breaking the fourth wall with him, or being confused by his strange remarks and questioning him, or anything else?", "title": "Has another character ever observed Deadpool breaking the fourth wall?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><deadpool>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are numerous examples of Deadpool breaking the Fourth Wall. These include the time that he invited 200+ characters to his wedding, some of whom were from other universes or studios. There is also an instance in the 2016 Deadpool movie where he talks directly to the audience. ", "The 4th wall is broken by Deadpool to the confusion of other in-universe characters many times and many examples of this are provided." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "There are many instances of this, for example when Deadpool invited 200+ characters to his wedding.", "Yes - for example in Deadpool (2016) when he talks to the camera and then explains to Colossus that he is talking to the camera.", "Yes - all the time, and sometimes in a fairly explicit way.", "Yes, for example in Season 2 Episode 15 when Deadpool breaks the 4th wall and Spidey is confused by it.", "Yes, for example in Cable & Deadpool when Deadpool references a deal no other character is aware of.", "Yes, and the only other character to get it would be She-Hulk, who is also aware of the 4th wall.", "Yes, for example when Deadpool references a not-in-universe talk show and the in0universe character he is with finds the reference confusing." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Naruto does not use the Flying Thunder God technique at any point in the series.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Notable similarities: Gaining partial mastery over Kurama got him fast enough to be on par with the Third Raikage, who was said to be the fastest shinobi alive (Second only to Minato, when he was alive) Gaining full mastery over Kurama (and becoming friends with him) increased his speed even further, shown to be able to nearly instantly create a shadow clone and fly to the other side of the battlefield to stop two simultaneous attacks on his friends.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "- During his time as Hokage we've seen him use the Body Flicker technique, which is a rather general name for \"moving really really faster so that it looks like teleportation\", but the distinction between Body Flicker and Flying Thunder God was made several times in the series.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "To summerize", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": Naruto is very fast, however, he cannot use the Flying Thunder God technique.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "'s Ghost", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think Naruto may have some knowledge of the Flying Thunder God technique, but has never showcased it in live combat.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "However referring back to the scene where Naruto dodges the Raikage's punch; Naruto does not use the 'FTG' technique but instead uses his brute speed, in the nine tails chakra mode, to match that of the speed of the 'FTG' technique.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "On an important note it is crucial to remember that, after Naruto received the Six Paths Sage Power and entered the Six Paths Sage mode; his speed has enhanced immensely when compared to that of the Nine tails chakra mode.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So the question is not whether Naruto knows the 'FTG' technique, but", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "whether is it really necessary for Naruto?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "as he has already surpassed the speed of the 'FTG' technique using his acquired powers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "He used it in the movies, im not sure if that's canon or not.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bailey", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The movie was Road to Ninja, where Naruto and Sakura where trapped in a tskyuomi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Even Obito says \"The last time I got hit by that Jutsu was 16 years ago.\" referring to when Minato used Rasengan combined with Flying Thunder God and hit Obito/Menma on the back before he could dematerialize that part of his body using close range Kamui.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The scene I am talking about occurs about 14 minutes or so before the end of the movie.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Not sure if it's Canon or not, I would assume it is since the plot of the movie was Obito wanting to test out a limited version of the Infinite Tsukuyomi which would have some relevance to the storyline.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Kakashi999", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In chapter 700 of the manga, the final chapter which takes place years after the events of the series, an adult Hokage Naruto uses Flying Raijin to stop his son, Boruto, from vandalizing the Hokage monument.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Naruto does not use the technique during the War, and in fact had never seen it until encountering the resurrected Minato at the end.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Elder", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "He uses Flying Raijin 2 times: against Menma in the movie and to stop Boruto from vandalizing the Great Stone Faces. Note-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He shares his and Kurama's chakra with his reanimated father to teleport the entire allied shinobi forces out of the barrier erected by Obito Uchiha during the Fourth Great Ninja War", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "used on Kisame right after achieving Kurama chakra form for the first time inside the sealing cave (referred to by Bee as Teleportation technique and seeing a yellow flash) used in the very last chapter of Naruto to stop Boruto from painting in the stone mural (Borito calls out the name of the technique) used in the movie \"road to ninja\" against Obito (referred to as the same Technique Minato hit him with 16 years ago)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, yes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Naruto knows that Jutsu and uses it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "But very rarely.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Reason probably being that he just learnt it during the Ninja war and still had trouble with controlling it and incorporating it into his fighting style seamlessly.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "This technique is used by Minato Namikaze, but does Naruto use it as well? As far as I remember, he dodged a punch from Raikage who said that he has surpassed his father. Is this technique something else?", "title": "Does Naruto use Flying Raijin Jutsu?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<naruto>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is no clear agreement as to whether Naruto uses \"Flying Raijin Jutsu\", also known as the Flying Thunder God technique. If he does use it, it's at least agreed that he uses it very rarely. Some would argue that he has never used this technique.", "Views vary - Karuto does appear to know similar techniques at least and possibly to know the Flying Thunder God technique, but he uses it only in the films and even then only rarely." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Naruto does not use the Flying Thunder God technique, but he does use similar techniques, such as his partial mastery over Kurama.", "Naruto may have knowledge of the Flying Thunder God technique but he never uses it in combat. However, he does use brute speed to match the speed of the FTG technique.", "He does use it in the movies, but that may not be canon.", "There is a scene in Road to Ninja (14 minutes before the end) where this is mentioned, but it may not be canon.", "Naruto does not use the technique during the War but he does use Flying Raijin later to stop his son from vandalising a monument.", "Naruto does know it and he uses it - but rarely, perhaps because he cannot control it well." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "No.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The closest the Federation has come was when Sisko poisoned the atmosphere of a Maquis settlement with four hundred kilograms of tricobalt resin, making it uninhabitable to Humans but not to Cardassians.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "( For the Uniform ) Solosos III", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1, 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In the finale episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation ( TNG: All Good Things... )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the actions of Federation Captain Jean-Luc Picard result in the creation of paradoxical anti-time eruption in the Alpha Quadrant.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His incompetence leads to the Earth becoming incapable of sustaining planetary life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Admittedly this was more ' planetary manslaughter through gross negligence ' than actual ' planetcide ' but the result is much the same.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1, 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In the Season 1 finale of Enterprise, \" Shockwave \", the Enterprise accidentally ignites a component of the planet Paraagan II's atmosphere and destroys all life on the planet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Spoiler:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Suliban really did it to get the Enterprise crew in trouble.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Marble", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Likely not canon, but Kirk/ Enterprise destroyed an entire planet (converted it to debris, a la Deathstar) in \"Operation -- Annihilate!\" , published in Star Trek 2 by James Blish.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The story was based on an early version of the script; the version that was filmed and aired didn't trace the enemies back to their home planet and destroy it, but the version that Blish wrote into a story did.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Thanks to Gaultheria for spotting this for me.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ikon", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, sort of, for a few seconds Since OP specifically mentions destroying the atmosphere, in \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A Matter of Time\" the Enterprise effectively ignites the atmosphere of Penthara IV to remove volcanic ash engulfing the planet and then \"harmlessly discharging it into space like a lightning rod\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "PICARD:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The good news.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DATA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The motion of the dust has created a great deal of electrostatic energy in the upper atmosphere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With a modified phaser blast, we could create a shock front that would encircle the planet and ionise the particles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "PICARD", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": That would be like striking a spark in a gas-filled room.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DATA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With one exception, sir.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The particles would be converted into a high energy plasma which our shields could absorb and then re-direct harmlessly into space.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "PICARD", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": Turn the Enterprise into a lightning rod?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DATA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Precisely, sir.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "PICARD:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And the bad news?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DATA: If our phaser discharge is off by as little as point zero six terawatts, it would cause a cascading exothermal inversion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "PICARD:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Meaning?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DATA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We would completely burn off the planet's atmosphere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now, technically the atmosphere was not destroyed, but tension is intentionally heightened over the risk of completely destroying the atmosphere and there is an intentional beat after the planet is engulfed in red before the healthy blue glow ensues.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So let's call that a temporary destruction of the planet (at least in the eyes of the audience).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The original series episode, Obsession, must have left that planet in sorry shape.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Spock remarked that half the atmosphere would be ripped away.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, when the genesis device proved to be unstable in The Search for Spock", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Vladimirovich Alenich", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "During the timeline of the Original Series, Starfleet General Order 24 was an order to destroy all life on a planet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "In both instances where it was ordered or prepared the order was rescinded though and never carried out.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Two", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "The Federation is obviously capable of doing this, but have they? Such an extreme action need not be a belligerent act. It could be undertaken to save a nearby star system from a 'virus' originating from that planet, etc. 'Destroying' the planet could mean everything from destroying the atmosphere to turning it into a floating debris cloud. Basically a deliberate act making it incapable of sustaining planetary life or unmaking the planet.", "title": "Has the Federation ever destroyed a planet?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><federation>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is disagreement as to whether the Federation has ever destroyed a planet, but most people believe that this has not happened. However, there is an instance of the Enterprise igniting part of Paraagan II's atmostphere and therefore killing all life on the planet.", "Views vary, as there have been incidents in which entire atmospheres of planets have been destroyed, but it is not certain whether that amounts to destroying the planet, and the instability of the genesis device in Search for Spock may also have destroyed an entire planet." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "No - although Sisko did once poison the atmosphere of a Maquis settlement, making it uninhabitable for humans.", "Yes", "Yes - the Enterprise once accidentally ignited a planet's atmosphere, destroying all life there.", "Yes - Operation - Annihilate Kirk destroys an entire planet, but this may not be canon.", "Possibly, as half the atmosphere of a planet is ripped away in the Obsession episode from the original series.", "Yes, when the genesis device proved unstable in The Search for Spock.", "No - an order was given to destroy an entire planet twice in the original series, but each time the order was rescinded." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In the Inifnity Gauntlet comic series Thanos was able to smash Captain America's shield.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Admittedly at that point he had the full gauntlet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So if the inifinity stones confer similar power levels in the MCU then Thanos could do it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the \"Fear Itself\" story arch, #5, the shield was broken by the Serpent, who is an Asgardian god.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The story shows Capt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "America throwing his shield to the Serpent, who catches it, then shatters it like glass.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(see below)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is another example, but I will link the article where I got the pic from, for the other one : Broken Shield", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "With the release of Endgame , we now have confirmation that Thanos is capable of doing exactly this when he puts his mind to it, and he doesn't even have Infinity Stones at that point.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Just his brutal strength and double-bladed sword are enough.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Vibranium, while very tough, isn't usually described as indestructible (that's reserved for the equally fictional metal, adamantium).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Even such ultra-strong metals can be broken by individuals or gadgets that can mess with matter at the atomic (or sub-atomic) level.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Thanos breaking Cap's shield is doing it with his glowing gauntlet, so is probably destroying it with infinity gem energy, not through brute force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have found exactly what you want, caps shield in half, Another individual from Asgard, the Serpent is exactly as strong and menacing as he sounds.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "He is the God of Fear and was freed during an \"event\" comic.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "He begins to turn Marvel heroes into his mindless minions.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Naturally, it's up to the Avengers to bring down this tyrant.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "During the epic battle, Captain America throws his mighty shield at the Serpent, but instead of taking a beating, Serpent just catches the shield and snaps it in half with his bare hands.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Luckily for Cap, after Serpent is defeated, some dwarves repaired the shield which left a scar on it from then on.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Cited from this website.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Guthrie", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In Avengers: Age of Ultron , when Scarlet Witch tampers with Tony Stark's mind, he sees a nightmare of dead Avengers. There, you see Captain America's shield torn in half. It was like something cut it or broke it. If vibranium is indestructible, then what could do this to the shield? Is there any weapon or person which is able to damage vibranium? I'm not a fan of comics, so I don't know if there's been a mention of this.", "title": "Is there something in the Marvel universe that could cut vibranium in half?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><marvel-cinematic-universe><avengers><avengers-age-of-ultron>", "link": "", "author": " GOLIZADEH" }
[ [ "It is generally agreed that Vibranium is not indestructible, although it is a very tough material. As a result, there are a number of instances of this material being broken. Captain America's Shield was torn in half by the Serpent, and also broken by Thanos, with or without Infinity Stones. As such, it could be argued that even Thanos' brute force would be enough to break the shield.", "Yes, vibranium can be broken but only by a god or by an individual using a gadget that disrupts it at the atomic or sub-atomic level." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Yes - Thanos smashed Captain America's shield in the Infinity Gauntlet series.", "Yes - the Serpent (an Asgardian god) breaks the shiled in the \"Fear Itself\" story.", "Yes - Thanos can break it using brute strength alone (with his double-bladed sword).", "Yes - it can be broken by individuals or gadgets that mess with matter at an atomic or subatomic level. This can be seen when Thanos breaks Cap's shield with his glowing gauntlet.", "Yes - the Serpent breaks the shield in half but it is repaired later by the dwarves." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I do not have a citation, but probably so that he can pass himself off as human.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If the robots were lacking genitals, the rebels would probably include a strip search among their tests, and probably have in the past.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 113 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Kyle Reese notes that these are the top-of-the-line in infiltration units.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Skynet had spared absolutely no expense in making them look as human as possible, down to the smallest physical features.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "REESE:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But outside, it's living human tissue.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Flesh, skin, hair...blood.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Grown for the cyborgs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pay attention.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The 600 series had rubber skin.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We spotted them easy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But these are new.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They look human.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sweat, bad breath, everything.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Very hard to spot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I had to wait '", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "til he moved on you before I could zero him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From a purely out-of-universe perspective, obviously the idea that the Terminator might be as smooth as a Ken-Doll would undermine how scary he is.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 71 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Sarah Connor Chronicles - (until I can get home and confirm the episode)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but I believe there's an ep where robots have replaced humans in marriages and have maintained the relationship for long periods of time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It’s heavily implied sex was a part of that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It’s the episode where a terminator has replaced the husband of a city planner and it’s his mission to ensure she completes a project that lays the foundation for Skynet (unknown to her at the time).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "EDIT Episode 108:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Vick's Chip -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The T-888's infiltration protocols are advanced enough to allow it to sustain married life with a key Skynet progenitor to remain close to her.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Time of his insertion into the SCC timeline is as yet uncertain, but is certainly long term in nature.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is very likely that the Terminator Vick was based upon a real person.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is touched upon in reference to an automobile accident that happened prior to the episode, and similar occurrences are seen in Season 2.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Lannister", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Disguise, attraction and entrapment.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "May I direct you to Arnold Schwarzenegger's commentary on the 2003 \"Terminator 3\" movie.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(5:13)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"The scene with the enlargement of the breasts was fantastic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Because there's some guys that like little breasts, and there's some guys that like big breasts, so it's just-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "wouldn't it be nice if you could play both sides?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You know it's... sometimes even simultaneously.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This allows terminators to Blend in.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Disguise, if necessary.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Trick/trap or sex their way in to or out of situations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The same reason it has ears, lips, skin, nipples or any other thing that humans have: It is supposed to look like a human!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I've seen this question asked or implied about Data, Andromeda and now terminators.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Why would you ever expect an android built to look like a human not to have genitals?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Consider Skynet: it collects thousands of humans, vivisects them and makes a truly perfect replica.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Then it takes this replica, puts a robotic skeleton inside and has created a perfect human-look-a-like killer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Then, for no reason what so ever, Skynet makes the skin green.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Why?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Or more to the point, since Skynet didn't; why would you ask: \"Why isn't the terminators skin green?\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "They are made with a human skin for a purpose.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "To infiltrate human encampments for intelligence gathering and dissemination of useful information.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If it was discovered and it easily could happen that an easy way to tell apart terminators from the real thing is to pull down their pants, people in such an apocalyptic situation would quickly resort to such a method.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } } ]
{ "question": "The title pretty much says it all. At the start of The Terminator we see him fully naked and fully equipped. He doesn't need them, so why does he have them?", "title": "Why does the terminator have genitalia?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<the-terminator><the-terminator-series>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The Terminator probably has genitalia so that he can accurately pass himself off as a human, allowing him to blend in and infiltrate human camps.", "The Terminator has genitals in order to make it appear more human so that it can fool people and therefore perform its tasks more effectively." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The Terminator has genitals in order to make it appear more human so that it can fool people and therefore perform its tasks more effectively." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "As far as we know, Maul is Darth Maul's pre-Sith name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He was born a Nightbrother and has brothers with similarly evil-sounding names: Savage Opress and Feral .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Maul's last name may be considered \"Opress\" since that's the last name of his brother Savage; on the other hand Maul's mother, Talzin , doesn't seem to have a last name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Not all Sith change their names when they change their title.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There is at least one other example (albeit from Legends) of a Sith who used his birth name: Revan / Darth Revan .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Most Sith change their names in order to help hide their identity (which was especially important for, say, Palpatine/Sidious).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Maul didn't need to change his name because he didn't have a public identity that needed to be kept separate from his Sith identity (and he was conspicuous enough with his tattoos, which he received as a boy).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 48 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It may very well simply be Maul.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In Star Wars: Rebels , Mauls rejects the Sith and says this: Formerly Darth, now just Maul.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Since he no longer considers himself a Sith, and dropped the \"Darth\" title, it doesn't make sense that he'd keep his Sith name if it wasn't also his real name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jedi", "score": 25 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "We may never know.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He mentioned in Rebels that he had a name once, but he has long since forgotten it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I suppose he had to leave it behind when Palpatine made him into Maul", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Smith", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the book Darth Plagueis, Maul is taken as an infant by Sidious from his mother.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The child was named Maul.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Palpatine, in his urge to know more about the dark side than what Plagueis teaches him, manages to make a visit to the world of Dathomir, where he encounters a Dathomirian woman who gives him a Zabrak infant simply known as Maul.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Palpatine later has Maul sent to Mustafar, where he could be nurtured at his young age in the dark side of the Force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later, Maul's existence is made known to Plagueis, who permits (and encourages)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sidious to retain Maul, not as an apprentice, but merely as an assassin (akin to the relationship between Dooku and Ventris during the Clone Wars).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the book, 'Darth Maul, Lockdown', in the prison he was known by the name 'Jangannath' this could be his first name.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Wookieepedia Canon gives information.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's the exact text: \"Their son was born on the planet Iridonia[3] and was given the name Maul—the same Maul who would later be feared and dreaded as Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith as the Sith apprentice to Darth Sidious.\"'s_father", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Wars990898899", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "When a person becomes a Sith, he changes his name. For example: Palpatine took (or was given) the name Sidious Count Dooku took (or was given) the name Tyranus Anakin Skywalker was given the name Darth Vader. What was Darth Maul's name before he became a Sith? Note: the idea for this question came from", "title": "What was Darth Maul's birth name?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><sith><names><darth-maul>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It may not be known what Darth Maul's original name was, although it is quite likely that Darth Maul's birth name was simply Maul or Maul Opress. Another theory is that his name was Jangannath, as this was how he was known in the book \"Darth Maul, Lockdown\".", "There are grounds for believing his pre-Sith name was simply Maul, but he may also have had the surname Opress." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "His pre-Sith name is Maul, as far as we know. He may also have had the last name Opress.", "We may never know the name - it may have been forgotten.", "He was called Jangannath in prison so this could have been his original name." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The lightsabers are indeed trophies taken from Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Grievous provided a not-so-subtle hint that the lightsabers he carried with him were trophies when he encountered Obi-Wan and Anakin on the bridge of the Invisible Hand near the beginning of Episode III: OBI-WAN, ANAKIN, PALPATINE, and ARTOO are captured by GENERAL GRIEVOUS.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They stand before the ALIEN DROID GENERAL. ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "GENERAL GRIEVOUS:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Star Wars :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Episode III Revenge of the Sith script Since he carries around a collection of lightsabers from Jedi", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", it's no surprise that the lightsabers he uses have the Jedi blue and green colors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Grievous isn't able to craft his own lightsabers and has to settle for taking them from the corpses of his Jedi opponents as trophies.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This explains their colours.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We have confirmation from the Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force factbook that the four lightsabers belonged to various Jedi masters that Grievous had defeated; Shaak Ti (which he took from her in in a deleted scene ), Eeth Koth , Pablo-Jill and Roron Corobb .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Pablo-Jill Grievous claimed Pablo-Jill's lightsaber from floating debris, after Grievous injured him during an intense duel in a collapsing satellite city over Duro.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Roron Corobb", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When General Grievous stormed the Republic capital, he cut through layers of security forces and Jedi protectors, including Corobb.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He was killed by Grievous while defending Chancellor Palpatine.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Eeth Koth Koth lost his lightsaber to General Grievous when the Separatist warlord captured him in the Saleucami system.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Shaak Ti As the last line of defense for Chancellor Palpatine, during the final battle of the Clone Wars, Grievous ensnared Shaak Ti with electrified cables, which knocked her unconscious and allowed Grievous to steal het lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Out of universe, the swords used in his fight were a selection of generic blades that were used elsewhere in the films, including the \"stunt\" blade used by Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace , the \"hero\" hilt and \"stunt\" blade used by Anakin and Obi-Wan in Attack of the Clones and the \"stunt\" blade used by Adi Gallia in the Arena fight.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Two reasons: First, as commonly discussed, the lightsabers are taken from the Jedi he captures or kills.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the deleted scene in RoTS, before Anakin and Obi-Wan find Palpatine on the ship above Coruscant, they run into a bunch of Federation droids with Grievous and another Jedi named Shaak Ti.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Shaak Ti says, \"Forgive me, Master Obi-Wan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have failed,\" and then she's killed with her own lightsaber by Grievous.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And Obi-Wan and Anakin say \"You've just made a big mistake.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later, when the two Jedi are captured along with Palpatine.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Grievous says \"Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection,\" and we see a couple of other lightsabers in his cloak, one of which we know is", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Shaak Ti's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So since the lightsabers he has are trophies from defeated Jedi, they would obviously be in the colours the Jedi commonly use: blue and green.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The other reason is more in-depth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Why does he need to take lightsabers in the first place?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Because he can't make one of his own.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Why can't he make his own red lightsaber?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Because he was never a Jedi or a Sith.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He did say, before he fought Obi-Wan on Utapau that he had been trained in the Jedi arts by Count Dooku.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However he says \" Your Jedi arts\", which means he isn't one of them , meaning Obi-Wan and Dooku, who are Jedi and Sith respectively.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is noted that only Sith or Jedi can make their own lightsabers, and it is considered the final test of a Jedi to be able to construct one of their own, as implied by Vader's statement to Luke on Endor in RoTJ:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"So I see you have constructed a new lightsaber.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You're skills are now complete.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, Grievous could never make a lightsaber of his own, because he could not become a Jedi or a Sith, because he had no midichlorians.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They live in people's blood and allow them to control the Force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, since Grievous was mainly droid, with what looked like a heart that Obi-Wan shot in the end, he could not use the midichlorians (if he had any), so he could not control the Force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus he could not make a lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus, he had to use lightsabers taken from defeated Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, they were trophies acquired from the Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, the first blue lightsaber was taken from Master Sifo-Dyas by Count Dooku himself, and later handed over to Grievous as a gift.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Wookieepedia states : Once Grievous' transformation into a cyborg had been successfully completed, Dooku gave him the very special gift of Master Sifo-Dyas' own lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The green lightsaber was stolen from Master K'Kruhk on Hypori.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Wookieepedia says : However, Grievous did steal K'Kruhk's green lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The weapon became one of Grievous' favorites, the cyborg keeping it handy and using it up until and including his final battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Grievous took the second blue lightsaber from Adi Gallia when he struck her down on Boz Pity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The second green-bladed weapon was collected from Master Ur-Sema Du , as explained in Wookieepedia : Wielding her lightsaber against Grievous' electrostaff, Du fought valiantly but was overpowered and killed by the General.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Collecting her lightsaber as a trophy, Grievous left her body where it laid, his existence remaining a secret from the Republic until he was ready to unleash his full might on the Grand Army of the Republic.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Grievous took them from Jedi he defeated in the Clone Wars.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The deleted scene from Episode III in the other question is related to this scene from the 2003 Clone Wars cartoon series .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is how Shaak Ti gets captured and how he gets at least two other lightsabers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You'll note that Grievous starts with at least one and then kills the other Jedi and takes theirs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Sadly the cartoon is no longer considered canon, despite it explaining a good amount of backstory between episodes 2 and 3", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "In Revenge of the Sith , General Grievous has four lightsabers. Later on in the film, we see him use those lightsabers when he fights Obi-Wan and there's not a single red lightsaber - just 2 blues and 2 greens. Are they trophies?", "title": "Why does General Grievous have blue and green lightsabers instead of a red lightsaber?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><lightsaber><revenge-of-the-sith><general-grievous>", "link": "", "author": " Huttner" }
[ [ "The blue and green lightsabers used by General Grievous are indeed trophies taken from Jedi. This is because Grievous isn't able to craft his own lightsabers, therefore, he steals them from defeated Jedi.", "The lightsabers have been taken from Jedi that Grievous has defeated and killed. He takes them because he is unable to make his own lightsaber as he is neither a Jedi nor a Sith" ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The lightsabers have been taken from Jedi that Grievous has defeated and killed. He takes them because he is unable to make his own lightsaber as he is neither a Jedi nor a Sith" ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "\"Turning to face a wall\" isn't going to do jack squiddly against a facehugger.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They're literally built to hug your face and plant eggs in your chest, and nothing you can do as a lone human is going to prevent that once they've jumped at you.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Their little ovipositor (Egg Injector) secretes a kind of acidic substance that allows them to pierce pretty much any material.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It got through Kane's helmet, after all.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So if they wanted, they could probably just make a new hole at the back of your head after you've turned around.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Best defence against a facehugger if you're by yourself is to have a shotgun or a flamethrower in your hands and blast every last one that thinks you're a good place to start a hatchery.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 76 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's hard to say for sure, but in Aliens at least, it takes the combined effort of 4 adults (3 of which are marines, 1 of which is Vasquez .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although arguably, Ripley might not be giving it her all), to pry a facehugger off Ripley.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "We'd have to assume they are very strong creatures and so facing a wall or covering your face with your arms", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "probably wouldn't be adequate protection.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And like Mikey Mouse points out in the comment below, their first job is really to choke you unconscious.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "After you pass out, it doesn't really matter what direction your facing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 45 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "That's like saying that I can't punch you in the face if you're looking the other way.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Technically true, but unlikely to be of any practical help.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "However, to answer the original question, in the Aliens: Berserker comic, a team of alien removal specialists use special anti-facehugger masks, which allows someone to get taken alive for impregnation, and thus reveal the location of the hive.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " J", "score": 25 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Facehuggers have a variety of ways of giving you a face full of alien wing-wong.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "As we see in most movies, the prefer to attack by surprise, are extremely fast and are capable of very long jumps, leaving you with no time to turn away.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "They also seem to strike the neck of their victim (as seen in Aliens and AVP ), throttling them into near unconsciousness before settling onto the face of their victim.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "As we see in", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Alien", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "they are also capable of secreting acid capable of melting through a very thick looking space helmet, so covering your face with your arms might not be a good idea.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In some of the expanded universe material, such as Earth War , one character remarks that he's even seen facehuggers take down adult lions.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It wouldn't work.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Their design (strength, agility and process) is to subdue first on contact and use as an incubator when successful.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Short of killing them, what would work is figuring out how they aim, and either give them a false target (a clay head?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ballistic gel?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "mirror?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "hologram?)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "or be somewhere", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "they can't get to.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(so, be an unreachable/invisible target)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, live on a planet while they are stuck in a star's gravitational pull.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They won't get near you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Keates", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Bishop said in Aliens, that as soon as the alien had planted the embryo, the blood of the facehugger quickly oxidizes and the creature dies.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Since many types of glass won't melt with acid, and seeing that it's very difficult to remove one of those organisms, once attached, why not use a syringe with a glass needle (glass that is tempered to their acidity) and inject an oxidizing agent?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Even a strong base to neutralize the acid blood and thereby killing the creature before it finishes the gestation period.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Then you pull it off and see if you can extract the embryo before it matures.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "I also wonder what localized liquid nitrogen would do to their tissue?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Well, how about using an ape suit?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "They're canon:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "The Apesuit is a specialized armored suit, used by both the United States Colonial Marine Corps and Weyland-Yutani combat personnel.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "The suit effectively protects the wearer from the hazardous effects of Xenomorph acidic blood.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "[...] it additionally protects the wearer from Facehugger attacks as long as they are not comatose, as the Facehugger will then have time to pry the suit's mask off and gain access to the victim within.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "The Apesuits in this game are considerably bulkier than those seen previously.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Voyage", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You could, but the tail would choke you out until you lost consciousness, and then the fingers, which are apparently very strong, would clamp onto your head and not let go.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 7 ] ] }, { "text": "That nasty tube would be down your throat before you knew it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 7 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I think I found a flaw to the alien franchise. As the other day I was wondering if you can just cover your face against a wall or your arms? I mean if you've been cocooned then you can't move your head so your doomed there but if you just hide your face the facehugger can't get you.", "title": "Can you hide your face from a facehugger?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<alien-franchise>", "link": "", "author": " Logsden" }
[ [ "It is generally agreed that you cannot simply hide your face from a facehugger.", "Turning to face a wall would not help you, as the facehugger could simply throttle you from behind and turn you round once you had lost consciousness, or otherwise use its strength to overcome you." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Turning to face a wall would not be an effective defence as the facehuggers ovipostor can get through pretty much anything.", "Facehuggeres are so strong it took 4 adults to get one off Ripley's face.", "Turning away would be like turning away from someone threatening to punch you in the face - but you could survive with an anti-facehugger mask.", "Facehuggers often go for the neck to throttle their victims so turning away won't help. They can kill adult lions.", "They are too strong, agile and cunning to be foiled by someone just turning away.", "You might be able to fight back using a syringe full of an oxidising agent or a strong base - or even liquid nitorgen.", "You could try wearing an ape suit.", "If you turned away they would just strangle you until you lost consciousness and then clamp onto your head and plant the eggs." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Best example I can think of is in Star Wars Rebels, Season 1 Episode 1 (Droids in Distress), a barely trained (virtually untrained?)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ezra does a Force push on Agent Kallus to save Zeb at the very end of the episode.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The first thing Kanan said to Ezra following that incident: Kanan: Your formal Jedi training starts tomorrow", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This leads you to believe that Ezra has not had much, if any, Jedi training prior to this incident.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is reinforced by some discussions earlier in the episode between Hera and Ezra in which he confides in her that he has not really received any training so far.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't have the exact quote handy, but I believe Ezra's response to her question about how his training is going is \"What Jedi training\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 29 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon indicates the only reason young Human Anakin can compete with alien pod racers who have better senses or more than two grasping limbs, is because of his innate Force use.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "QUI-GON : He can see things before they happen.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That's why he appears to have such quick reflexes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is a Jedi trait.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And who says Rey has no Force training.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We don't know much about her past, but given the age she was left behind, the old Jedi Order would have already started her training.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And she could have picked some things up from all of the time Kylo used his own Telepathy on her.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the legends X-Wing series of books Corran Horn (without training in the force) uses non-vocal force persuasion to discourage a stormtrooper from finding him while he is hiding.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In The Clone Wars episode Children of the Force , there are newborns and small children that were already being found by the Jedi but not yet taken.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "They could already levitate their toys.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Mind trick was not used there, but still though if one looks at Luke Skywalker even levitating things doesn't seem to be too easy (and I wouldn't count mind trick as advanced...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "stopping blaster shots mid-air or deflecting them with the hand I would count as advanced).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Entire population of planet", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Haruun Kal 's population was described as force sensitive in Republic comics.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are considered as \"Legends\" now I guess.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An example would be Kar Vastor .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Indigenous to Haruun Kal, learned about ways of the force by himself in a jungle, at least according to Legends.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "He even managed to beat Mace Windu into unconsciousness once.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bayrak", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If every Force-sensitive user needs a Force-sensitive master... ...who taught the first ever Force-sensitive master how to use the Force?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Logically speaking, at least one Force-sensitive individual has to have had the ability to use the Force without training or else no one would have been able to use the Force in the first place.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "The Force is intuitive first; technical later.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Think back to Luke's initial training with Obi-Wan and the Marksman-H combat remote droid .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Kenobi didn't physically lead Luke through the \"motions\" of using the Force in order to blindly deflect the blaster bullets.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "He didn't hold Luke's hands and say, \"Swing like this \".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "He provided simple verbal commands to guide Luke into connecting with his abilities-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it was up to Luke to discover what the Force actually felt like when tapped into and thus how to manipulate it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As far as I'm concerned, Luke is an untrained Force user who does end up deflecting shots from the remote droid through use of the Force- just with a little encouragement from Obi-Wan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Rey had more \"training\" in the art of the Force Mind Trick than Luke did when it came to Force Precognition .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Rey at least had the misfortune (but advantage) of seeing and experiencing Kylo Ren's Mind Probe which she intuitively was able to block by tapping into that specific area of the Force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "From there, she need only apply her newfound power at getting into the mind of someone else.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand, Luke was told to strap on a helmet, become blind, pick up a very complicated weapon, and then deflect small blaster bullets with the \"edge\" of said", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "complicated weapon- all without having the luxury of watching someone else do it or feel the ripple in the Force as another person performs the feat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But then again, that's part of what makes Luke truly such a naturally powerful Force user.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Before Luke met Yoda, he could do some basic telekinesis with no real force training.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Swansino", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Another Legends Example:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In The Force Unleashed (Video Game)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Star Killer can already grab a lightsaber using telekinesis as a toddler.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Although it is not impossible he may have received training shortly after birth, it is very improbable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Young Asajj Ventress instinctively Force-pushes a Weequay raider away from herself in Clone Wars, \"Nightsisters\" (Episode 12).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " H.", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Kajin Savaros uses Force Push to actually disintegrate an Inquisitor on Coruscant.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 7 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If I recall correctly, Han Solo's intuition, \"I've got a bad feeling about this\", was attributed to his being a force sensitive.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 8 ] ] }, { "text": "So completely untrained, he didn't even really believe in it at the time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 8 ] ] }, { "text": "I believe the source for that was either the formerly cannon novels or one of the RPGs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 8 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "In Star Wars The Force Awakens, We see Rey, a seemingly untrained Force sensitive, use a Jedi mind trick with seemingly no training. I have a friend who claims it would be impossible for any untrained Force-sensitive to use an \"advanced maneuver\" like the mind trick. Have we ever seen an untrained Force-sensitive individual use such a Force Power prior to The Force Awakens? Canon is preferable, but Legends will work in addition to a canon answer. Note: Precognition or flying skills do not count as Force powers.", "title": "Have we ever seen an untrained Force-sensitive using Force powers?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><the-force-awakens><the-force>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It would be only an assumption to say that Rey has not received any force training. Very little is stated about her backstory. However, there are in any case various examples of force-sensitives seemingly using the force having received little or no training. These examples include Corran Horn, Kar Vastor and even Luke Skywalker, depending on your definition of \"training\".", "There are many examples of innate use of the Force prior to awakening - such as the Clone Wars episode Children of the Force , where newborns and small children not yet taken by the Jedi can levitate toys." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Anakin is described as using innate Force power when out-competing alien pod racers in the Phantom Menace. It is also possible that Rey did have some training.", "Corran Horn in the X-Wing books uses non-vocal force persuasion to fool a stormtrooper when in hinding.", "In The Clone Wars episode Children of the Force , newborns and small children not yet taken by the Jedi can levitate toys.", "Kar Vastor taught himself about the ways of the Force when living in a jungle, after which he even managed to beat Mace Windu.", "If all Force users needed a Master who could have trained the first Master? Various incidents from the training of Luke provide evidence of his innate ability to use the Force.", "Star Killer was able to grab a lightsaber even as a toddler.", "In Clone Wars Episode 12 Asajj Ventress instinctively Force-pushes a Weequay raider away.", "Kajin Savaros uses Force Push to actually disintegrate an Inquisitor on Coruscant.", "When Han Solo says \"I've got a bad feeling about this\", his intuition was attributed to his being a force sensitive even tho completely untrained." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Seat belts feature in a number of Star Trek properties that significantly pre-date", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Star Trek Beyond .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They were seen in a deleted scene from Star Trek:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nemesis In Star Trek Into Darkness", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Shuttlecraft also have them in various episodes of TNG", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Animated Series (TAS: \"Once Upon a Planet\")", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "during a gravity loss scenario .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can also see that Archer's chair (which looks very suspiciously like Picard's unused prop from Nemesis) has been retro-fitted with slots for shoulder straps in Enterprise, albeit we don't see their use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 45 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "That all depends on your definition of \" Seatbelts \".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The first bridge seat restraint system was seen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "On the Captain's chair, the seat arms folded down over the lap during emergencies.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 34 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In addition to the other fine answers, seat belts were used the first time humans achieved warp", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "( Star Trek:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "First Contact ):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In ST3: The Search for Spock , the crew of the Excelsior use some kind of seat restraint just before they go to trans-warp.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Trekkie", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "#No", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were seat belts used in the TNG era as well as in the new, alternate timeline.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The alternate timeline version of the Enterprise has seat belts that sort of craw or unroll onto your body.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a scene where someone is knocked out, put into a chair, and then a button is pushed to activate seat belts/safety restraints to avoid injury.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "One of the TNG feature films included a scene in which Cpt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Picard (and others) are strapped in use some sort of heavy duty seat belts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } } ]
{ "question": "At one point in Star Trek Beyond , everyone fastened their seat belts. At last! Is this the first time in Star Trek (TV, movies) that seat belts have been used? If not, what was the first time?", "title": "Were seat belts used in Star Trek for the first time in Star Trek Beyond?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The answer to this question depends on the definition of \"seatbelts\". The first restraint system might have been used in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Furthermore, there were seatbelts or at least seatbelt-like restraints used in TNG and Enterprise ", "Views vary - it may be that Star Trek: The Motion Picture was the first time seat belts were used but they may also have been used ever since humans developed warp and both in the TNG era and the new timeline." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Depending on your definition, the first time was the bridge restraint system in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.", "Seat belts were first used when humans first achieved warp.", "The Excelsior crew use some kind of seat restraint just before going trans-warp.", "Seat belts were used both in the TNG era and in the new timeline." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The jet is not just a generic plane, but the X-Men's own custom and private jet, the Blackbird (inspired by the real-life Lockheed SR-71).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As the school is actually a training ground for mutants, and as over the years we have seen many X-Men piloting it, it seems reasonable to think that part of their training involves at least being able to fly it under normal circumstances.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Apart from that the plane contains a copy of Cerebro (and Cerebra, later), so it can probably fly even on its own.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 23 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Way back when, in Uncanny X-Men #143 , (cover-dated March 1981, which I think means it first became available in comic book speciality shops around December of 1980), Kitty Pryde had her first solo adventure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "She was still very much the \"new recruit\" at that point, having only been residing in the X-Mansion, and getting trained by Professor X, for the last few issues before that.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "She was a mere thirteen years old.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "But when a creature called a \"N'Garai Demon\" (shamelessly modeled on the monster from the original Alien movie with Sigourney Weaver) invaded the mansion in search of revenge on the X-Men (because of a previous fight -- long story!), Kitty tried various ways of coping with it, and finally ended up luring the demon into approaching the Blackbird from the rear, where she could fire up all the engines at once and incinerate it in the sudden blast.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I found a a scan of part of that sequence from the original story.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Not showing the incineration, but what leads up to it as Kitty begins working out a new plan and moves into position.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Please note that in the last panel on the bottom right, Kitty is thinking:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't see it yet, in the tail camera.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now to run through the ignition check list.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Please, Lord, don't let me forget anything.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So her thoughts and actions in that scene made it crystal-clear that, even at this early stage in her career, when she was still a thirteen-year-old recruit, her training had already included memorizing the full checklist of things to do in the cockpit of the Blackbird before takeoff.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And how to actually fire up the engines, etc., after you'd done everything else!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This demonstrates that, by that time, Professor X had evidently decided that part of the curriculum for new mutant students went this way:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Start teaching them how to fly the Blackbird as soon as possible , since you never know when a worst-case scenario may come along which makes it a matter of life and death for any available X-Man to know what to do in the cockpit!\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(And let's face it: the superhero lifestyle being what it is, \"worst-case scenarios\" do tend to keep happening!)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since Colossus had already been an X-Man for a while at that point (he joined at the same time that Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and some others did in the comic books of the mid-1970s), it's a safe bet that by this point he was already an experienced pilot of the X-Men's regular Blackbird, even if he didn't get to show it very much.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "(As I recall: Scott Summers, aka Cyclops, seemed to be the most frequent choice for pilot when the entire team was traveling long distances.)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "By now, I suspect that the comic book version of Colossus could practically fly the thing in his sleep, if necessary.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So I see no reason to assume things are much different for a movie version of the character.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He may not be a great pilot, but he's probably been \"cross-trained\" so that he can function at the helm of the Blackbird if the more gifted pilots among the X-Men are unavailable at the time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "All senior students of the school (X-men and New Mutants) are taught how to fly a plane, specially the Blackbird.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This is issued several times across the comic", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Since only Colossus and Negasonic were there, and since they flew the Blackbird, clearly at least one of them was capable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "This should not be surprising since in X2, Rogue and Iceman, both rather junior members of the team also flew the Blackbird.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Either the Blackbird is really easy to fly (unlike its real life counterpart), or Professor Xavier really packs the skills training in, or both.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Johnston", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Negasonic Teenage Warhead shown in the movie is a new character, with different powers than the one in the comics.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, all we know about her capabilities is what's shown in the movie.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "So, even if we had reason to think Colossus couldn't fly the plane (which we don't), we could safely conclude that she could.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In Deadpool, we are shown Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead walking to the X-Men plane and then in the next scene we see the plane take off. I have never seen anything in the comics or in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that either of them can fly a plane. Was it Colossus or Negasonic Teenage Warhead flying the plane? Or did they have a pilot fly it for them?", "title": "Can either Colossus or Negasonic Teenage Warhead actually fly a plane?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><x-men-cinematic-universe><deadpool><deadpool-2016>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Since Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead were on the plane, it's safe to assume that at least one of them could indeed fly it. Since Colossus was an X-man, it's also safe to assume that he may have received training to be able to fly the X-Men plane. As for Negasonic, although there is no reason to believe that she could fly, there is also no information to suggest that she could not.", "There are numerous instances of junior students at the X-Men school flying the Blackbird so it is reasonable to assume that either Negasonic or Colossus can fly it." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The plane is a customised Blackbird and as the school is a training ground for mutants it is reasonable to assume that they have been trained to pilot a plane.", "Even a 13-year old recruit has been depicted as knowing how to operate the controls of the Blackbird - back in a 1980 comic book story called Uncanny X-Men #143.", "It is actually mentioned several times in the comic that all senior X-Men school students are taught how to fly a place and the Blackbird in particular.", "Either Colossus or Negasonic must have flown the plane, but this is no surprise as other junior team members have also flown it.", "We are not told specifically that Negasonic has been taught to fly a place, but based on her capabilities it is reasonable to assume that she could." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Imagine you grew up a farm boy in some podunk town in Backwater, Nebraska, where nothing ever happens.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "All your life you have never been further than 20 miles from the place you were born, and in that 20 miles there is nothing but corn.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You are still in high school, and you realize your instructor used to be a Navy SEAL.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And a secret agent.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And walked on the moon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And advised the president.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That is the level of excitement that Luke experiences when he learns who Ben is.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Things like Jedi and the Clone Wars, even though they are relatively recent events, they are distant enough from Luke's tiny existence to be legendary to him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Luke entering that larger world is a major part of the story of Star Wars.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think that audiences really appreciate that any more now that the prequels have been made.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Doe", "score": 65 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "When Obi-Wan mentions Luke's father, Luke asks, \"You fought in the Clone Wars?\" to which Obi-Wan replies, \"Yes, I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" They then proceed to talk about what happened to Luke's father.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Luke never mentions how long ago the Clone Wars were, nor even expresses much surprise that Obi-Wan was involved.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Over-all, he takes the news quite well.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's a link to the clip.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It wouldn't really be surprising if Luke did think the Clone Wars were \"so long ago.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "After all, when you've only been alive for 20 years, 20 years is a very long time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most 20 year-olds today would say the '90s were \"so long ago,\" too.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 55 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It seems my memory played a [Jedi mind] trick on me:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The quote", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"But that was so long ago\" is actually from the novelization of the movie that was authored by George Lucas before the movie came out (which is weird - the movie opened at the end of May 1977, but the book was published in November 1976!).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As @Rogue Jedi pointed out in his comment, it was really ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While most of the book is in line with the movie, and material from the book later became canon ('Senator Palpatine' is mentioned for the very first time here!)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", there are changes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This appears to be one of them - movie Luke seems only mildly surprised to learn of Obi-Wan's involvement in the C.W., and doesn't mention the time aspect at all.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For more on the book, including some of the ways it differs from the movies, see this link: Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Beyond the fact that clone wars was quite a while before, and Luke is a young man, it is not unreasonable to expect that anyone left on the losing side of the war, would be dead.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Jedi were supposedly killed off, and Luke did not know Obi Wan was a Jedi at that point.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other major group of combatants - the clones - aged at double the normal rate and would be long dead, if they survived the war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Another thing to consider is the fact that the clone wars were mainly fought on core worlds, and mention of the war on outer rim worlds would have been rare.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And wouldn't you be surprised if an old hermit under a bridge told you he was a WWII General?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " HOLLAND", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "In Star Wars IV: A New Hope , Luke sounds surprised to learn that Obi-Wan fought in the Clone Wars. I haven’t watched it recently, but I think he even said, “…but that was so long ago!?” But according to the prequels, the Clone Wars lasted at least until Luke’s birth. So we’re talking about 20 years - not a lot of time at all!?", "title": "Why was Luke surprised that Obi-Wan had fought in the Clone Wars?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><a-new-hope><luke-skywalker><obi-wan-kenobi>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Luke does not really express that much surprise, but he does believe the Clone Wars to have been \"long ago\". In reality, this is quite acceptable, given that he is so young. When you've only been alive for 20 years, 20 years is a very long time.", "The Clone Wars seem long ago to Luke because they ended around the time of his birth 20 years earlier and to any 20 year-old that will seem a long time ago." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Luke is just excited because Obi represents a distant and dramatic world far from the quiet backwater he has known all his life.", "Luke says the wars was \"long ago\" only because he is a young man and so events dating back to his birth do seem long ago." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Doctor Strange initially discovers the ability and perhaps would have attempted to heal his hands if he was not interrupted.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "After he was interrupted, he did not have another opportunity because of the fast paced action afterwards.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "By the end of the movie, his focus is no longer on healing himself and he may view his hands of a reminder of how he got where he is.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Also possible is that Doctor Strange believed Wong.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Wong told him there were serious consequences for using it, and Doctor Strange apologized and only used it later in the movie for important matters such as saving the world.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 27 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Wong tells Strange about the dangers of using the Eye, including the possibility of time loops and paradoxes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There is no evidence in the movie that the Eye can be used to reverse time for a single object, so using it to fix his hands would require reversing time all the way back to prior to the accident.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This would create a paradox, since he would no longer have a reason to end up searching for Kamar-Taj and a way to heal his hands.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, he does use the Eye to reverse time later, and even intentionally create time-loops, but only when there is no other recourse, and no real danger of creating a paradox.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "On several occasions during the film it is pointed out that using the Eye of Agamotto to manipulate time is, at best, risky.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It’s not hard to imagine that turning back time for just one part of his own body might cause much more damage than Strange’s original injury, to him and/or the space-time continuum at large.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " D. Waite", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "He chose not to.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He got past his ego and finally realised that it was not about him, as the ancient one said.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Healing his hands would mean he is choosing to live as the old Strange and not embrace his responsibilities as a sorcerer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's because he doesn't care to heal his hands.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As he descovered his new calling.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He wasn't obsessed with his past profession and life anymore", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Laloggia", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the movie, Strange finds the Eye of Agamotto and notices it can manipulate time. He can manipulate individual objects such as an apple from being fresh to completely moldy and rotten. It is later shown he can use the time warping power with one hand and that there is at least one Master who is missing a hand altogether and can still perform magic spells. Why didn't Strange use this to heal his broken hands, one at a time?", "title": "Why didn't Dr. Strange do this to heal his hands?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel-cinematic-universe><marvel><doctor-strange><doctor-strange-2016>", "link": "", "author": " Unknown Dev" }
[ [ "There are many possible explanations for why Doctor Strange did not choose to heal his hands. One is that he was interrupted and did not have enough of a chance to focus on healing his own hands. Another possibility is that, as Wong warned him that there would be serious consequences for using the eye, he chose not too. It's also plausable that he simply chose not to and had discovered his new calling.", "Doctor Strange was warned of the risks of using the time travel powers and also he had moved on and was not focused on helping himself by that point." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Doctor Strange did not use the time travel powers to heal his hands because Wong warned him of the dangers of doing this.", "He chose not to use the time powers to heal his hands because he had grown beyond self-interest and was immersed in his new calling as a sorcerer." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "A few that at least factor in \"legal proceedings\" in some form: ST: TOS - Court Martial [from @Bob] Kirk draws a court martial in the negligent death of a crewman.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "TOS - The Squire of Gothos", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Trelane was now a judge determined to sentence Kirk for the crimes of treason against a superior authority, conspiracy, and the attempt to foment insurrection ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "TOS - Wolf in the Fold Kirk and the Enterprise Computer become detectives after Scotty is accused of murdering women on a pleasure planet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "TOS -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Menagerie [from @Sarriesfan]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Spock kidnaps the crippled Capt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pike, hijacks the Enterprise and then surrenders for court martial.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Animated - The Magicks of Megas-Tu Lucien explains that some of the people of Megas-Tu did once visit Earth, and that most of the witches and magical beings of Earth lore were actually magicians from his homeworld.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The crew's use of magic, however, attracts the attention of other Megans, and Lucien is unexpectedly apprehended.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It turns out that Lucien is the only Megan to love Earthlings, and that other Megans were driven from Earth in 1691 during the Salem witch trials.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A Megan judge puts humanity on trial for their crass and “let's hang them witches” attitudes of centuries in the past.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As such, the Megans recreate a 1691 witch tribunal and put humanity and Lucien on trial ST: TNG - Encounter at Farpoint On the maiden mission of the U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), an omnipotent being known as Q challenges the crew to discover the secret of a mysterious base in an advanced and civilized fashion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "TNG -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Drumhead An overzealous Starfleet admiral begins a witch-hunt aboard the Enterprise, determined to find a conspiracy, and eventually accusing Captain Picard of treason.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "TNG - Sins of the Father", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A Klingon commander comes aboard the Enterprise in an officer exchange program initiated by Starfleet, much to the chagrin of the crew.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "TNG -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The First Duty Wesley Crusher's team has an accident at Starfleet Aacademy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Picard offers to help a Starfleet investigation as to what happened, and begins to suspect they are hiding something.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "TNG - The Measure of a Man [from @Bob]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When Data resigns his commission rather than be dismantled for examination by an inadequately skilled scientist, a formal hearing is convened to determine whether Data is considered property without rights or is a sentient being.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST: TNG - Devil's Due", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[from @OneWholeBurrito]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ardra demands a planet honor a contract concluded 1,000 years ago..", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Picard is told she is known by many names in various systems, all frightening and almost almighty, but he refuses to believe she's the planet's version of the Devil, and decides to challenge her legal claim.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST: DS9 - Rules of Engagement When Worf destroys a civilian shuttle during an engagement with the Klingons, an extradition hearing is held to see if he must face charges.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST: DS9 - Dax Jadzia Dax is accused of a murder her previous host, Curzon, supposedly committed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST: DS9 - Inquisition Dr. Bashir's plans to attend a medical conference at a breezy resort are canceled when Starfleet Intelligence boards DS9, suspecting the doctor of treason.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST: DS9 - Tribunal", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[from @Bob and comments]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Chief O'Brien goes through the horrific Cardassian judicial system when he is charged for an unknown crime.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "VOY - Author, Author", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Doctor completes work on a holonovel that depicts the crew of Voyager in rather unflattering roles as they abuse and scorn the Emergency Medical Hologram.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When the holonovel is published without his permission, the issue of The Doctor's legal rights is brought into question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Seven reconnects with her aunt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST: VOY - Ex Post Facto", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Baneans wrongfully convict Tom Paris of murder.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Technology plus the Banean physiology can access someone's last experiences before death and the evidence shows Tom killing a jealous husband.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His sentence is to re-live his crimes through his victim's eyes every 14 hours for life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "VOY - Random Thoughts Voyager visits a planet with a telepathic races that outlaws negative thoughts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When B'Elanna is charged with releasing an angry thought into the society and condemned to a dangerous neurological procedure, Tuvok uncovers a black market dealing in violent thoughts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST: VOY - Distant Origin", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[from @Derek]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The scientist is thrilled to be able to prove his Distant Origin theory (that his Voth race originated elsewhere in the galaxy), but the rulers of his society place him on trial for heresy against the doctrinal teachings of their heritage, the central tenet being that they originated in the Delta Quadrant.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The outcome of that trial threatens the Voyager crew as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST: VOY - Death Wish [from @Bob]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The crew accidentally releases a member of the Q Continuum who has been imprisoned within it for over 300 years to prevent him from committing suicide.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He then requests asylum on the ship, which leaves Captain Janeway to decide whether he should go back into confinement or whether to grant his request for asylum, which would give him the opportunity to end his life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ST:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "E - Judgement After Enterprise lends aid to a group of accused rebels, Captain Archer faces a tribunal and charges of conspiring against the Klingon Empire Star Trek VI:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Undiscovered Country Gorkon's chief of staff, General Chang, puts Kirk and McCoy on trial for his [Gorkon's] assassination.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "\"The Measure of a Man,\" \"Court Martial,\" the episode where Chief O'Brien is on trial by Cardassians, and \"Death Wish\" are the ones I can think of at the moment.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Star Trek:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Voyager S3E23 Distant Origin involves a Voth scientist who is accused of heresy against the Voth Doctrine and goes before their Ministry to face trial.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Portions of the original pilot episode of TOS 'The Cage' were later reused in the 2 part episode The Menagerie , which features to the end of part 1 a Court Martial for Spock.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Also be sure to check out \"Devil's Due\" s4e13 of TNG.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Picard puts the Devil on trial.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I like to watch courtroom dramas. I also like science fiction. Combining my 2 likes, I would like to know which are the episodes in Star Trek series with courtroom drama.", "title": "Which are the episodes in Star Trek series with courtroom drama?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><star-trek-tng><star-trek-ds9>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are a number of different episodes of Star Trek that feature courtroom drama. These include ST:TOS - Court Martial, Voyager S3E23 and \"The Measure of a Man\".", "There are a number of occasions when Star Trek features trial scenes, for example in ST: TOS - Court Martial Kirk draws a court martial in the negligent death of a crewman or in Voyager S3E23 Distant Origin a Voth scientist who is accused of heresy against the Voth Doctrine goes before their Ministry to face trial and the 2 part episode The Menagerie features a Court Martial for Spock." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "There are a number of occasions when Star Trek features trial scenes, for example in ST: TOS - Court Martial Kirk draws a court martial in the negligent death of a crewman or in Voyager S3E23 Distant Origin a Voth scientist who is accused of heresy against the Voth Doctrine goes before their Ministry to face trial and the 2 part episode The Menagerie features a Court Martial for Spock." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "It's referring to the T-16 skyhopper.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's the airship Luke owns in episode four.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "When they say that there is a replacement they specifically say", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the T-15.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In A New Hope you also see Luke playing with a model of it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I believe they're discussing the VT-16 .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is the same topic the Stormtroopers in A New Hope discuss while Obi-Wan Kenobi is disabling the tractor beam.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Curiously the Wookieepedia article suggests this is a droid seen in Return of the Jedi.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Personally I'd dispute that as it seems an odd thing for Stormtroopers to discuss, and I'd assume that VT-16 and BT-16 are different things.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But the link above does quote the conversation from A New Hope.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "EDIT:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After a second viewing they definitely say T-15.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I now believe the quote on Wookieepedia is misplaced, and that those Stormtroopers are actually discussing the T-16, not VT-16.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This line in Rogue One was apparently a mis-quote by the voice actors that somehow made it into the completed film.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "They were trying to back-reference the line from A New Hope complaining about the famously obsolete VT-16 (an item that has no canon", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "existence other than to be complained about).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“Without saying a word, without being called upon, and without evenlooking at each other, Sam and I stood up from our chairs and walkedup to the array of microphones in front of the movie screen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Matthewsaid, ‘Okay, we need some kind of stormtrooper dialogue here,guys . . .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "oh, looks like you’re ready", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", let’s go for it.’", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“Sam spoke first, and I spoke second, delivering the line about T-15sbeing made obsolete.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He reacted in that great trooper monotone, andthen we both performed a vocal for being taken down by rebels.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Theroom laughed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We did a second take, and that was it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The whole thingwent down in less than two minutes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Stormtroopers: Beyond the Armor and [The picture above shows a] frame of two stormtroopers having a conversation about the obsolete T-15.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The exchange was intended to set up the conversation overheard during A New Hope regarding the new VT-16.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, the Rogue One conversation identifies the previous model as a T-15, incorrectly calling out the letters as that would link the two references.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Stormtroopers: Beyond the Armor We can assume that the VT-15 is also a non-object that troopers complain about periodically (although I've heard that the T-17 is going to be a vast improvement).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I thought they said \"C-15\"; I assumed it had something to do with a Clone army and was a passing reference to the imperial army weaning itself off of clone troopers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's a nod to A New Hope, \"You seen that new VT-16?\"\"Yeah, some of the other guys were telling me about it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "They say it's… it's quite a thing to see…\"―KE-829", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and his partner aboard the first", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Death StarThe BT-16 perimeter droid, also known as the VT-16, was a bulbous, spider-like droid.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think that this is a reference to the non canon characters, Tag and Bink!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "It also could be a reference to episode 4, when Tag and Bink are talking about the BT-16.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "At the beginning of the beach part of Rogue One, two stormtroopers are discussing something that they say is being rendered obsolete, followed by 'It was about time'. It sounded like AT18, which is not a thing. It cannot be an AT-TE, as in Star Wars: Rebels it is obsolete already. What was it?", "title": "What do the stormtroopers describe as obsolete in Rogue One?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><rogue-one>", "link": "", "author": " Ferla" }
[ [ "There is no real agreement as to what the stormtroopers believe to be obsolete at the beginning of Rogue One. However, it could be that they say \"T-16\", \"T-15\", \"C-15\" or \"VT-16\". There is also the suggestion that the line is a mistake.", "It is uncertain what the reference is - it could be the T-16 skyhopper for example or it might even be nothing more than a misquote by the voice actors." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "It's a reference to the T-16 skyhopper.", "It's a reference to the T-15.", "It's a misquote by the voice actors.", "They might be saying \"C-15\" in reference to the Clone army.", "It's a reference to the VT-16 in A New Hope.", "It could be a reference to the characters Tag and Bink who talk about the BT-16." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Saying you're a Rebel scum with stolen information: you get tortured and killed 100% sure, and fail your mission 100% sure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Lying your zhopa off and claiming (reasonably valid, technically speaking)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Diplomatic immunity: slight chance to delay Empire or even get out of this alive, meaning there's slightly less than 100% chance you get tortured and killed and fail your mission.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Second option seems infinitely more desirable, since a very slight chance is still much better than zero chance.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 28 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Pablo Hidalgo was asked this question on Twitter ; according to him, the mere fact of being on a consular ship is enough to give the crew diplomatic immunity: @HalfshellSeacon:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why do Leia and Antilles pretend to not be rebels, when they just launched out of a rebel command ship?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's an odd denial.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "@pablohidalgo:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They're in a consular ship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That gives 'em diplomatic immunity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Or would've if not for Vader's insistence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Vader, of course, has no respect for that sort of thing, and knows that those rules are going to be meaningless soon anyway, once the Imperial Senate is dismantled.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Baker", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Diplomatic immunity still meant something Remember that, at that point, the Senate still was functioning, to the point that the Death Star had to be kept secret, so it was reasonable to assume that their diplomatic status would grant protection, evidenced by how Leia reprimands Vader.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was briefly after those events that the Emperor disbanded the Senate and the Empire stopped pretending it was in any way democratic, turning to fear as a means of control.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "IN any case, as others have pointed out, it's the same as someone caught red-handed committing a crime claiming to be innocent even on the face of overwhelming evidence, in order to force the authorities to undergo due process.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Presumably, unless they were spectacularly incompetent, the Tantive IV was not broadcasting its ID and/or diplomatic status when they fled from the battle, and only turned it on when they were clean away.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "One Corellian Corvette looks pretty much like every other from the outside, so unless the Imperials could match specific identifying details to the ship that ran away from them at the end of Rogue One, technically as long as they keep insisting they're a Consular ship on a diplomatic mission, Vader would be obligated to honor their diplomatic immunity or the Senate would certainly frown at the Emperor in a most disappointed fashion and tell him such things are not acceptable, and if Darth Vader persists they will certainly write a strongly worded letter about it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a diplomatic fig leaf, yes, but it's all they have --", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "well, all they think they have, because the Senate has been dissolved and the Emperor no longer even pretends to care about what they have to say, but they don't know that yet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This has been addressed in the canon storybook Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "In short, the Tantive IV had the legal protection of the Senate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Theoretically that should have been enough to grant them free passage, even if the Empire suspected them of espionage (in much the same way that real-world diplomats often hide behind diplomatic immunity).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Unfortunately for Leia, the urgency of the situation, the upcoming dissolution of the Senate and the fact that Vader had no qualms about destroying the Tantive IV meant that her legal immunity was pretty much useless.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "“Surely it will not come to that,” said Corla Metonae, Tantive IV’schief petty officer and a long-serving retainer of the Organa royalhousehold.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "“We’re still flying under a diplomatic flag.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The Empirewould not dare board us.”", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Raymus considered that; technically it still held true.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The Tantive IVwas officially a consular ship that Leia used in the performance ofher duties as Alderaan’s representative in the Galactic Senate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "As adiplomat, she enjoyed special legal protections that meant not eventhe Imperial military could board, search, or in any way impede thefree passage of her ship without her express permission.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It was abroad and very convenient privilege that in the past had allowed herand Raymus to conduct acts of espionage and subterfuge right under theEmpire’s nose.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "But now Raymus found himself doubting, given theapparent import of what had been stolen from Scarif, that it would beenough to protect them this time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Star Wars:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From a Certain Point of View - \"Raymus\" by Gary Whitta", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Refuge in Audacity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"We were working backchannel negotiations to try and come to a peaceful solution to the problem these rebels were creating when the ship we were on suddenly took off with us aboard and they told us nothing, and there was a battle and it was horrible", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but fortunately we made our escape when something happened!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And of course we were shooting back!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You started shooting at us!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We were within our rights as stated in the Treaty of Albuxijanumok to shoot back when faced with such aggression!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For all we knew, a crew of rebels had seized control of a star destroyer!\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Morrison", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Given the ending of Rogue One... is obvious that the Imperials and Vader know that the Tantive IV ship was just engaged in a rebellion battle. Therefore why does Captain Antilles, while getting choked by Darth Vader, say: We intercepted no transmissions. ... This is a consular ship. We're on a diplomatic mission. Why would he say such an obviously false lie? Especially when it is his last words?", "title": "Why does Captain Antilles in a New Hope say they're on a diplomatic mission?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><a-new-hope><continuity><rogue-one>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Captain Antilles probably says these words for a number of reasons. The first and most obvious reason is that telling the truth would have mean a certain mission failure, torture and death, whereas lying might at least provide a very slim chance of some other outcome. Additionally, at this point in time, diplomatic immunity was still a meaningful concept and there was still protection provided to consular ships. Lying and pleading diplomatic immunity would have at least forced the authorities to follow due process.", "There is an argument that technically their ship did enjoy diplomatic immunity so there was a chance of saving themselves that way, but also they had nothing to lose by claiming it - the alternative was death." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "If not lying means certain death you may as well lie - however small your chance of being believed.", "Diplomatic immunity was at that time still a widely respected principle so there was at least a chance of succeeding with the lie.", "As there was nothing to identify their ship as a rebel ship they could plausibly claim to be diplomats.", "Technically speaking their ship was under the legal protection of the Senate so they did have diplomatic immunity." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, in \"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "After the Doctor and Clara have finally made their way all the way to the heart of the TARDIS, the Doctor pushes through a glowing crack in the wall to meet his earlier self from right back at the start of the episode.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "From the transcript (emphasis mine): DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Oh, yes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Big friendly button.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "CLARA: You're lying.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yep.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "CLARA: To stop me freaking out? DOCTOR: Is it working?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "CLARA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not so much.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(The future Doctor pushes through the crack.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "FUTURE DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Doctor, Doctor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm from your future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We haven't got long to reset time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(He vanishes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The grenade rolls across the floor to Clara.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She picks it up.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a bonus, there are also at least two more occasions in the show where Matt Smith has interacted with himself on-screen, although in-universe only one of these selves is the Doctor, the other being: in one case (\"The Rebel Flesh\"/\"The Almost People\"), a Ganger in the form of the Eleventh Doctor: in the other (\"Nightmare in Silver\"), a Cyber Planner taking over the Doctor's body and appearing inside his head as a Borgified version of him:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " al'Thor", "score": 43 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the BBC Children in Need", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "special Space / Time , the 11 th Doctor speaks to a version of himself from mere moments into his future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm setting up a controlled temporal implosion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's the only way to reset the TARDIS but unless I find exactly the right lever to control the implosion we're all gonna die.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "AMY", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": You don't know which lever?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No, but I'm about to find out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(A second Doctor steps into the TARDIS through the main doors)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR 2:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The wibbley lever!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The wibbley lever.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thank you!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(The original Doctor throws the wibbley lever and steps into the TARDIS parked in the control room which then dematerialises)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can watch both parts legally on YouTube, at least here in the UK.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 28 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The 11th Doctor meets himself in the episode", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Big Bang", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From the plot synopsis The injured body of a future version of the Doctor appears and whispers something to his earlier self.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The whole plot of this episode can be seen in this awesome music video by Chameleon Circuit The Big Bang 2", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The 3rd Doctor and Jo Grant interact with future versions of themselves in Episode 1 of Day of the Daleks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Starts at about 3:25", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "(The Doctor goes underneath the console.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "A moment later the doors to the lab open and a second Doctor and Jo are standing there.)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR 2:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, of course, I remember now.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Look, don't worry, my dear.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I know you're alarmed", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but you needn't be.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, well I think that should do it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why on Earth I never realised that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Then the Doctor sees himself standing there.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Oh, no.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What are you doing here?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR 2", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ":", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Well, I'm not here.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't worry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Well, that is, in a sense I am here, but you are not there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, well, it's a bit difficult to explain really.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This won't do at all.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We can't have two of us running about.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR 2", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": Yes, well don't worry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It will all sort itself - (Flash, bang from the console and the duplicates vanish.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "JO: Doctor?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What happened?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Well, it's a very complicated thing, time, Jo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once you've begun tampering with it, the oddest things start happening.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "JO:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But there was another you and another me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Well, where've they gone?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DOCTOR:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Back into their own time stream, of course.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Or do I mean forward? -- transcript", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, this has happened a few times..", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "most notably in the Mini-Series Night and The Doctor", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In episode 4 (Last Night), Doctor Who interacts with a second version of himself, and 3 different versions of River.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "They dont solve a problem exactly, but it's the longest interaction between multiple Doctor Who's of the same incarnation I can remember.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "And yes, Calling him \"Doctor Who\" is a joke.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "And yes, calling it a joke makes it less funn..", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "never mind.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Night and The Doctor - Wiki", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ogundare", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Not a direct interaction, but in Smith and Jones , the Doctor of the near relative-future sets up Martha's interactions with the Doctor of the relative-present.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Arguably, Blink is along those lines as well, as it's the Doctor's discovery of the future transcript that causes him to record the video that eventually gets transcribed in the first place.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you were to stretch a point, it could be argued that in Logopolis, The Watcher (or Doctor 4.5) helped both his current self (4) and his future self (5).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As Nyssa says: \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Watcher.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was the Doctor all the time.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But like I said, it's probably stretching a point.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Similar to Has the Doctor ever observed himself, without revealing who he was? but with a slight difference. Has the Doctor ever worked with himself to solve a problem where both incarnations are the same? There are numerous examples (\"The Three Doctors\", \"The Five Doctors\", etc) of different incarnations working together - but has he ever worked with himself?", "title": "Has the Doctor ever knowingly interacted with his current incarnation", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<doctor-who>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Yes, it appears that in \"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS\", the Doctor did indeed work with himself in his present carnation. There are also other instances of this during the Matt Smith series of Doctor Who.", "Yes, there are number of times when the current Doctor interacts with himself, for example in \"Journey to the Centre of the Tardis\"." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Yes, in \"Journey to the Centre of the Tardis\" and there are at least two occasions where Matt Smith interacts with himself.", "Yes - the 3rd Doctor and Jo Grant interact with future versions of themselves in Episode 1 of Day of the Daleks. ", "Yes, in episode 4 (Last Night), Doctor Who interacts with a second version of himself.", "Not a direct interaction, but in Smith and Jones , the Doctor of the near relative-future sets up Martha's interactions with the Doctor of the relative-present. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Vader built his lightsaber within five years of his fall to the dark side Cross-referencing Wookieepedia's timeline of canon media and article on Anakin Skywalker , I believe the canon source which first depicts Vader after his fall to the dark side in Episode III is the novel Lords of the Sith .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The events of that novel occurred five years after Episode III, and the novel does mention that his lightsaber is red: The red line of Vader’s lightsaber flashed, deflecting the shots back at the Twi’lek, putting a dark hole in his chest and another in his face.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "p. 108", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No canon source appears to describe how he built it (or if it was given to him), but presumably he built it just as he built his lightsaber as a Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 53 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Episode III, Revenge of the Sith , Anakin had a blue lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Episode IV, A New Hope , he has a red lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, he acquired it in the 19 years between those two.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As Wookieepedia says here : Darth Vader's lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of Darth Vader, a Sith Lord.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He built the weapon some time after his fall to the Dark side of the Force at the end of the Clone Wars.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It replaced the one he lost during his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is common for Force Users to build their own lightsabers; for example, Luke's new one in Episode VI.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Legends , we have something more concrete.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader , which takes place directly after episode three, Vader creates his lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "he is seen here with the new lightsaber in Chapter 9:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In his quarters aboard the capital ship now under his personal command, Darth Vader, gloved and artificial right hand clamped on the hilt of his new lightsaber, knelt before a larger-than-life hologram of Emperor Palpatine.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And in Chapter 13: Sidious had provided the synthcrystal responsible for the crimson blade, along with his own lightsaber to serve as a model.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Vader, though, had no fondness for antiques, and while he could appreciate the handiwork that had gone into fashioning the inlaid, gently curved hilt of Sidious's lightsaber, he preferred a weapon with more ballast", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So yes, he made the lightsaber in 19 BBY, directly after Episode III, in Legends.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 43 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Legends, less than a month.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Bol Chatak was one of the few Jedi that managed to escape Order 66.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "She was killed on Murkhana in a lightsaber duel with Vader, by which point he had his red saber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This took place less than one month after the events of Episode III.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In Disney Canon, definitely within 5 years, possibly within a month As Null says, the earliest canon reference to Vader's saber is Lords of the Sith , which takes place 5 years after Episode III ends, though it is apparently mentioned in the novel Tarkin that Vader performed an execution for the Emperor on the planet Murkhana, so the event that occurred in Legends may still be true.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This cannot be proven definitively, however, because we aren't given any details.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I think it would be safe to assume that Vader had a red lightsaber before going on any missions, though.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Short answer: he probably built it very early on.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps as early as just prior to his final scene in RotS. (The one with Tarkin & the Death Star under construction in the background.)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Due to the way the scene is shot and edited it's not possible for it to be visible on screen if it is there, but the prop was certainly made for the movie and it's shown up in promotional photos of Hayden in the armor , so it seems reasonably likely it was part of his costume for that last scene.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "As to when that scene takes place: it's tough to say exactly.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "That final montage seems to cover at least a few days, if not weeks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Assuming one is to take the order the scenes are presented as the literal chronological order of events (which may not actually be the case) then this scene falls right between Padme's funeral and Bail returning home to Alderaan with baby Leia.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The scene is somewhat revisited in the Rogue One tie-in novel Catalyst , albeit from Krennic's perspective", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and though it doesn't give any more clues than the movie, the context of what's being said certainly gives the impression", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "this is still a matter of days--a week at the outside--after Order 66.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Indeed the Emperor is said to still be recovering from his encounter with Windu.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mind you, even if they didn't end up using it in that scene, it still seems likely Vader would have built a new one ASAP.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At this point he would have built at least three others as Anakin", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so he certainly knows what he's doing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Resources shouldn't be a problem as Catalyst depicts the Empire is suddenly flush with spare kyber crystals in the wake of the Temple massacre.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(See the Ahsoka novel for how a reclaimed Jedi kyber can be turned into a red blade.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "First ever explanation (but ambiguously canon in Legends)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other answers explain the Legends and Disney canon explanations, but I'd also like to throw out the first ever explanation (even if it was ambiguously canon even at the time), which was in the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith video game .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "This came out on May 4, 2005 which was released 11 days before the movie.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "In an alternate ending, Anakin kills Obi-Wan Kenobi in their duel.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Emperor Palpatine arrives on Mustafar and hands him a new red lightsaber, then Anakin kills him with it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "As we can see, the Emperor already had the red lightsaber ready to give to Vader.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "It stands to reason that Palpatine gave it to Vader as soon as he had recovered enough to use it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Granted, this relies on whether Palpatine having the lightsaber is still C-canon (according to the Legends classifications system) despite the ending itself being non-canon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Between Episodes III and IV, when and how did Darth Vader obtain/construct his red lightsaber?", "title": "When did Darth Vader get his red lightsaber?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><darth-vader>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is not enough detail available to say with confidence when Darth Vader acquired his red lightsaber, although some estimates suggest that he acquired it less than a month after Episode III and at least within five yeras of falling to the Dark Side. However, it is generally considered that he probably built it or received it from the Emperor Palpatine.", "There is no definite explanation provided in the canon of how Vader made the lightsaber but he clearly made or acquired it between Episode III and IV." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Vader built his lightsaber within 5 years of his fall to the Dark Side. There is no canon explanation of how he did it.", "Vader acquired the lightsaber in the 19 years between Episode III (when Anikin had a blue one) and Episode IV (when Vader had the red one).", "Legends says Vader built it in less than a month, after the events in Episode III.", "He built it early on, possibly prior to his final scene in RotS.", "The first explanation is in the Episode III video game where Anakin kills Kenobi in an alternative ending." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "As the question is not limited to humans, Leaf is the oldest.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the books she's at least two hundred years old.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "“Tell us what you saw.”", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "From far away Leaf looked almost a girl, no older than Bran or one of his sisters, but close at hand she seemed far older.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She claimed to have seen two hundred years.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "ADWD, chapter 34", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " G.", "score": 36 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Spoilers", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "unless you've read as far as A Dance With Dragons : Brynden Rivers aka", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bloodraven", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "aka the three-eyed crow is older than Maester Aemon when Bran finds him still alive but embedded in a weirwood tree's roots.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was born in 175AC, 23 years before Maester Aemon, so he is about 125 years old during the events of the books.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The three-eyed crow is confirmed as Brynden Rivers in A Dance With Dragons when he says: “I wore many names when I was quick, but even I once had a mother, and the name she gave me at her breast was Brynden.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Scott", "score": 30 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In A Feast For Crows at the end of the book when Samwell reaches the Citadel Maester Aemon is described as the oldest man in Westeros at 102 years old.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was more than just the oldest living maester.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was the oldest manin Westeros, and lived through more history than Archmaester Perestanhas ever learned.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He could have told us much and more about hisfather's reign, and his uncle's. -- Alleras, to Samwell Tarly", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Richardson", "score": 22 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Night's King Over nine, erhm , SEVEN THOUSAND!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "He had been the thirteenth man to lead the Night's Watch, she said; a warrior who knew no fear. '", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "And that was the fault in him,' she would add, 'for all men must know fear.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "- A Storm of Swords, Chapter 56, Bran IV", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Night's Watch was founded over 8,000 years ago after the Long Night.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If we add a bit of reasonable bit speculation and historically it seems the longest a Lord Commander served was 60 years ... means that he served ~780 years after the founding of the Watch, which would make him over 7,000 years old Although GRRM himself doesn't really buy that...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "As for the Night's King (the form I prefer), in the books he is a legendary figure, akin to Lann the Clever and Brandon the Builder, and no more likely to have survived to the present day than they have.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Probably Melisandre.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "According to David Benioff, one of the showrunners of Game of Thrones , Melisandre is \"several centuries old\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "In HBO's feature Game of Thrones Season 6: Inside the Episode #1 , he says this information comes from conversations with George R. R. Martin, so presumably this is the case in the books as well.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Several centuries\" is vague, but clearly makes her older than characters like Master Aemon and Bloodraven, and probably also Leaf, who claims to be 200 years old (and \"two\" is not \"several\" in my book).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Although it's not canon information, Melisandre's actor Carice van Houten has claimed in interviews that Melisandre is 200–300 years old and 400 years old .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Oh my sweet summer children...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Cannibal img src Was the oldest and one of the largest of dragons at the time of the Dance of the Dragons ( 129 - 131 AC ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "[It was]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A wild dragon, a scavenger and killer of hatchlings, never tamed and vanished at war’s end .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "[1]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Cannibal is most likely still alive and roaming freely in or around the Shadow Lands .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Having roots likely around 114BC [1] , If The Cannibal is still alive, then it would be a minimum of 414 years old , making it the oldest living character of this world [2] .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Honourable Mentions Old Nan Age: unknown, likely over 100 as she is", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hodor's great-grand-mother Maggy", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Frog", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Age: Unknown, likely a nonagenarian or older The Weirnet", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The \"Weirnet\" is a network of Weirwood trees which are all somehow connected.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This allows the likes of Bran and Bloodraven to \"connect\" to it and witness events from the past, present and future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Being that the weirwoods are alive and growing, I would put this one down as a technicality.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Age", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": Timeless; weirwoods are said to grow forever if left undisturbed [1]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The World of Ice and Fire [2]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't count the undead (which includes Others and Wights) in this calculation", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "öoz", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Depending on how you measure age and life, the answer to both could be Daenerys' 3 dragons, which were laid as eggs 'eons ago', and were since turned to stone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "From what we know of Dragon's physiology , hatching a dragon egg requires both the physical development in the egg that normal lizards require, as well as some variation of magic, ritual etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Whether the Dragon is 'alive' from the moment that it has physically grown enough in the egg that it has the potential to hatch, or if it only becomes alive when it does hatch is unknown, and mayby unknowable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the T.V. Show Game of Thrones in season 6 episode 5", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "we see a scene where Leaf plunges a shard of Dragonglass into a man's heart.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When Bran awakes from this vision he says, \"It was you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You made the white walkers.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Leaf then says, \"We were at war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We were being slaughtered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Our sacred trees cut down.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We needed to defend ourselves,\" \"From whom?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"From you, from men.\" So the war against the first men happened thousands of years ago.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now if this white walker they created was the first white walker that means that this happened before the Long Night making Leaf at least 8000 years old.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Besides Leaf there is another character 100+ years old.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That would be Brynden Rivers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If he was born around 175 AC that would make him 125 years old though he stopped aging at the age of 77.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I know that a long life is not usual in the world in which A Song of Ice and Fire is set. That brings to me some questions: Who is the oldest character that lives during (a part of) the books? Who is the oldest character in Westeros' history?", "title": "Who are the oldest characters in A Song of Ice and Fire?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<a-song-of-ice-and-fire><age>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is no clear correct answer to this question. However, potential contenders for the oldest character in A Song of Ice and Fire include Leaf, The Night's King, Melisandre and The Cannibal. The oldest character in Westeros is named as Maester Aemon in A Feast for Crows.", "Views vary, but the main contenders are Leaf (as we are not limited to humans) at 200 years, Maester Aemon at 102, Melisandre at several centuries, Cannibal at 414, Daenerys's dragons at 'aeons' and the Nights King at possibly over 7,000 years old." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Leaf is the oldest (as we are not limited by the question to humans) at around 200 years.", "The oldest man is Maester Aemon, who is 102 years old.", "The Night's King Over Nine may have been over 7,000 years old, depending on the calculations.", "Possibly Melisandre, as she is described as being 'several centuries old' which makes her older than Leaf.", "Excluding the undead such as the Wights, the Cannibal would be the oldest living character - if still alive - with an age of at least 414 years.", "Daenerys' 3 dragons can be regarded as the oldest if we take age to include time spent as an egg, since they were laid 'aeons ago'." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The assumption in the question is mistaken.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As @Mithrandir already linked above, it's a common assumption of adult readers that Hobbes couldn't possibly be real but that's just not how the actual comic works .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Watterson intentionally left the entire issue unresolvable, with strips like this where Hobbes should need to be real for Calvin to be in the situation he's in.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The shift between how Calvin and his parents see the world is very real and part of what the comic explores, but Watterson didn't feel the parents were right and Calvin was wrong .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 218 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Calvin's parents mostly play along with his belief Hobbes is real.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "But when Susie directly points out that Hobbes is a stuffed toy, Calvin simply ignores her: In the very last panel of the comic, we see Calvin as convinced as ever that Hobbes is a real tiger:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Canadian Bandit", "score": 84 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "What makes you think that he's not real?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "First, consider what you mean by \"real.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "\" If you mean \"could you put a video camera there and record Hobbes doing the things that the comic strip has him doing with Calvin?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\", that's deliberately left ambiguous in the comic strips.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, even in a strip where Calvin takes photographs of Hobbes, Calvin and his dad just see the pictures differently, so it resolves nothing", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- it's not clear what the pictures \"really\" look like.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm not convinced that the \"video-camera approach\" is the best way to view this, though.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Try to view it through the characters' POV.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "From Calvin's POV,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "yeah, he's real.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From the other characters' POV, he's a stuffed tiger.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think that it's really important (or provable from the comic strip)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "which one is \"correct\" in the video camera sense.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Reinstate Monica", "score": 29 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As far as I understood when I read Calvin and Hobbes, the situations Calvin finds himself are always ambiguous.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "One could choose to believe that Calvin just has a high imagination in his role play with his stuffed toy or one could believe that Hobbes is some kind of magical toy that comes to life only for Calvin and is a stuffed toy to the rest of them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "something like Perry in \"Phineas and Ferb\" (just the concept not the stuffed part).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "And I always read these comics from the second point of view because it makes it that much more fun.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Especially since we never hear dialogues from Hobbes when there are other people around.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "All his interactions are mostly done when they are alone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'd argue yes, in this strip (May 20, 1986):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Zuckerbraun", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes , was there any moment where Calvin realised that Hobbes wasn't real?", "title": "Did Calvin ever realise that Hobbes was not real?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<comics><calvin-and-hobbes>", "link": "", "author": " Alpha" }
[ [ "It is something of an assumption to say that Hobbes is not real, and therefore, this question may indeed be mistaken. However, there is no indication at any point in the comic series that Calvin realises that Hobbes isn't a real tiger.", "The question misses the point because the stories are to some extent about what is real and how POV affects this and no final answer is provided." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The question makes an incorrect assumption that Hobbes is not real - whereas the comic itself never makes this clear, and that is the point of it.", "No - his parents mostly play along with it but when Susie points out Hobbes is a stuffed toy Calvin ignores her.", "It depends on what you mean by real, as this is a product of a character's POV.", "The situations are always ambiguous so it is never clear what is real and what is not." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "A pretty compelling one is this strip, where Calvin had no opportunity to take the cookies without Susie noticing: I also find it interesting that \"real\" Hobbes appears in the second pane.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Then there's this one, where Calvin would probably have some serious difficulty getting that high up a tree while holding a water balloon on his own, but more convincingly, Calvin is shown leaving the water balloon at the base of the tree before he climbs:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There's also a few where it's unlikely Calvin did something.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There's the tied up one in the OP, for example.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There's also this one, where Hobbes probably stole a piece of cake:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There's this one, too, which, assuming it happened as shown, would be very strange if Hobbes wasn't involved: There's some honorable mentions as well, although I didn't feel they were strong enough to explicitly mention above.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They hint at things done by Hobbes to Calvin but one could imagine Calvin doing them to himself:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Hobbes knocking Calvin backwards at the door Hobbes throwing a water balloon at Calvin, and dragging a full kiddie pool Hobbes makes a clay tiger at the same time that Calvin makes a clay bowl, and Hobbes' is much higher quality Hobbes carries Calvin on his shoulder and puts him in a tree, then tickles his feet Hobbes places Calvin in a large rain barrel, and Calvin appears to not be happy about it", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There's a lot of other examples along these lines if you look around", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "( this is a good source , for example).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But Watterson left it intentionally vague, so as with all questions related to Hobbes' existence, we can never be 100% sure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " C", "score": 137 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the examples provided, as well as every other strip that I can find, there'snothing inconsistent with a young child who has a very vivid imagination.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "My personal opinion is that when Hobbes does many of the things that Calvin credits(or blames) him for, Calvin is actually pretending that he's Hobbes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The issue in the comic strips is that, when we see the \"living\" Hobbes, we'reeither seeing the other reality that nobody else sees (in which case Hobbesreally is alive and is Calvin's active co-conspirator), or we're inside Calvin's imagination,in which case, how much of the rest of the scene is also his imagination?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Note that the fact that it's his imagination doesn't make it any less real, but it's a subjective reality, rather than an objective one.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "We don't know that Calvin didn't have the opportunity to take the cookies; hecould just be very very sneaky.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've watched children, while pretending, do things equally as elaborate to setup a simple scenario and then maintain that their imaginary friend helped them,they \"flew up here,\" or given any of a dozen other explanations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Again - ifHobbes is real, then he helped.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If Hobbes is pretend, then what else ispretend in the scene?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Simple deflection.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Who's to say that Calvin didn't sneak in for a piece ofcake earlier and then pretend (even to himself)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "that Hobbes did it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Somebody else commented that this could just be an elaborate explanation fora wipeout.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Makes sense.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rationalization for falling down, or what he imagined (wished?)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "would happento Suzy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " R.", "score": 37 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the following cartoon strip Hobbes presses the button on the outside of Calvin's Duplicator .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Given the position of the button, there's simply no way that Calvin could have pushed it himself, from inside the machine.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 34 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Eating Tommy Chesnutt: Calvin could not have eaten his classmate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 32 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Hobbes unlocks the front door of the house and leaves without Calvin's mom noticing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Notice", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the last panel - Calvin sneaks home from school and does not enter the house, as evidenced that his mother has not yet noticed him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is strongly implied from the wording as well that Calvin has just arrived back from school and has not yet entered the house.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Yet, HOBBES IS OUTSIDE .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "So this question got me thinking that, except for pure Calvin fantasy (i.e. Spaceman Spiff, where nothing is real), is there ever a comic where Calvin claims Hobbes did something and Calvin could not have possibly performed himself? This one comes close, but Calvin could have tied himself up Note that we don't have to see Hobbes having done it, just that it would have very difficult or impossible for Calvin to have done it.", "title": "Does Hobbes ever do anything that Calvin himself could not do?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<comics><calvin-and-hobbes>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are few examples of instances in which Hobbes has done something which Calvin himself could not do. The OP's example of Calvin being tied up is one such example. Other examples include eating Tommy Chesnutt and Hobbes unlocking the front door without Calvin's mum noticing. Finally, there is the instance in which Hobbes presses a button on the outside of Calvin's duplicator.", "There are many strips where it can appear certain that Hobbes is doing things that Calvin could not have done - but Watterson always leaves an element of uncertainty so the reader can never be 100% sure." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Here are a number of strips providing compelling evidence that Calvin is not doing the stuff that he says Hobbes does. At the same time, Watterson is careful never to provide 100% evidence - there is always an element of uncertainty.", "All of the strips can be explained as the product of a child's imagination - Watterson is simply playing with the POV.", "In the cartoon presented here Hobbes is pressing a button which would be physically impossible for Calvin to press due to its position.", "Calvin could not have eaten his classmate Tommy Chesnutt.", "Yes - in a strip where Hobbes leaves the house by himself before Calvin entered after returning from school." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Although the character isn't named in the episode, The Star Trek Voyager Companion (billed as the \"official companion to Star Trek: Voyager\" ) identifies the remains as belonging to Ensign Hogan , the maquis crewman who was killed in a cave in VOY: Basics You can see the similarity in the caves in the shots below.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 36 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The remains were those of Maquis crewman Hogan , a recurring character in the second and third seasons, who died in the third season premier ( \"Basics, Part 2\" ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Kazon had stranded Voyager's crew on a primitive planet, and Hogan fell prey to a large animal while investigating a cave.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Due to the danger posed by the animal, Hogan's crewmates were unable to retrieve his remains.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Source: Hogan", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(actor Simon Billig )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "| Memory Alpha", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "That unfortunate crewman was killed by an critter while exploring the surroundings, when the Kazon left the crew of the Voyager on a deserted planet to die.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It happened in the first episode of season three.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Christian", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I agree that the remains were supposed to be Hogan, but the only issue I see is that Hogan's uniform was retrieved in Basics part 2 and used by Chakotay to make a water filtration system, including his rank insignia.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Davis", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In basics part 2 an unnamed character in a blue uniform was pulled off a rock and part eaten by the same creature, before they blocked the cave up so the creature would slowly starve to death.. perhaps it could have been his remains?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the first act of Voyager episode \"Distant Origin\" , we see two Voth archaeologists recover the human skeletal remains of a Voyager crew member in a cave on an M-class planet. Strangely, the remains were never identified in the episode. Are they any clues in prior episodes how a Voyager crew member died on this planet? And why his corpse was not retrieved?", "title": "Who was the dead Voyager crew member discovered by the two Voth archaeologists?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><star-trek-voyager>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The character in question isn't named in the episode but is named in the Star Trek Voyager Companion as Ensign Hogan. Hogan feel prey to a large animal while investigating a cave and due to the threat posed by the animal, his crew mates were unable to retrieve his remains.", "The skeleton was most probably the remains of Ensign Hogan who fell prey to a large creature when exploring the cave." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The skeleton was the remains of Ensign Hogan who fell prey to a large creature when exploring the cave.", "The skeleton belonged to an unnamed character in a blue uniform who was eaten by the same creature." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Hugo Hercules was featured in a comic that ran for five months between 1902 and 1903.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "While specifically described as having super strength, in one comic he was able to pull a line of train cars at the same speed as a train.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "From Wikipedia", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A good-natured man endowed with superhuman strength, the character of Hugo wandered about town, helping people with their problems and shocking them with his surprising displays of power.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was so strong he could pick up an elephant, kick a house like a football, wield an artillery cannon like a handgun, and lift a locomotive engine off the tracks and pull its cargo behind him at train speeds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 48 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'll put forward Prof. Gibberne of H.G. Wells's 1901", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The New Accelerator until I'm certain", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "how \"heroic\" you're wanting submissions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The story addresses an elixir, invented by a Prof. Gibberne, that accelerates all of an individual's physiological and cognitive processes by some orders of magnitude, such that although the individual perceives no change in themselves, the external world appears almost frozen into immobility and only the motion of most rapidly moving objects - such as the tip of a cracked whip - can be perceived.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The exploration of the consequences of this is incomplete; for example, the inventor and his companion find that while under the influence of the elixir they can easily singe their clothing from the heat produced by friction against the air as they walk, such is the rapidity of their motion; but this same air friction would render it impossible to breathe at a correspondingly accelerated rate, and this difficulty is ignored.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 28 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For an earlier literary hero who admittedly toes the border of mythology, Hiawatha from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's famous Song of Hiawatha published in 1855: Swift of foot was Hiawatha", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He could shoot an arrow from him And run forward with such fleetness, That the arrow fell behind him!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For the first actual comics superhero, I'm going to suggest", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Whizzer who debuted in USA Comics #1 (Aug. 1941), published by Timely Comics.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Robert L. Frank was born in St. Louis, Missouri.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The origin of the Golden Age character begins while Robert Frank is on a trip to Africa with his father, Dr. Emil Frank, where Robert is bitten by a cobra.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dr. Frank saves Robert by a transfusion of mongoose blood, and soon discovers that his son has developed super-speed.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Frank then decides to fight crime and eventually accepts the offer of Invaders member Bucky, who forms the superhero team the Liberty Legion to rescue the other Invaders, who have been brainwashed by the villain the Red Skull.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "When the Liberty Legion and Invaders eventually disband after World War II, the Whizzer joins the newly formed All-Winners Squad.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Whizzer afterward spent some years battling alcoholism and depression, and was, for some time, homeless in the Bowery section of Manhattan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He also works as a nuclear laboratory technician.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As we are including novels, I propose the 1785 book \" Baron Munchausen's Narrative of his Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia \".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of the cohorts and friends described therein is Berthold, the world's fastest runner .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } } ]
{ "question": "Who was the first super hero with super-speed powers in comics? Plus question: Any prior hero from Pulp magazines or books with super-speed? Mythological species not included.", "title": "Who was the first super hero with super-speed powers in comics?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<comics><history-of><superpowers>", "link": "", "author": " Gurgel" }
[ [ "Whilst it is not certain to be the first super hero with super-speed powers, it appears that the likely answer is Hugo Hercules, which was a comic that ran for five months in 1902 and 1903.", "The earliers one appears to be Hugo Hercules who ran in a comic from 1902 to 1903 and who had super strength and super speed." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Hugo Hercules ran in a comic from 1902 to 1903 and had super strength and super speed.", "The Whizzer debuted in 1941 and had super speed." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The two examples Tyrion cites:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Nights Watch", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- They choose by popular vote on those who wants to be the next leader.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Ironborne - (not 100% on this)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They choose via a Moot on those who want to be a leader.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Essentially Tyrion is saying you can't have children", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but you could either pick a successor or let the people decide.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As to why he thinks it's important, he explains that: Your Grace, I saw hundreds of arrows fly towards you when you fought on Blackwater Rush, and", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I saw hundred of arrows miss.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But any one of them could have found your heart.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Essentially if you keep flying into danger at some point danger will come your way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Without a successor in place this whole thing will have been for nothing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As @MikeScott mentions in a comment: He may also be trying to suggest to Dany that it's irresponsible of her to put herself in danger, since in fact there is no potential successor who can control her dragons (as far as anyone knows at this point), regardless of how they are chosen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And without the dragons, the whole enterprise will immediately collapse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tyrion never outright states it", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but it is certainly implied though I don't think it is his main reason for bringing it up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As @Kepotx says in a comment: Also, if she win, but die without successor, that mean no queen, and new war for the throne.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This fact is not in her favour if she want to bring lot of people on her side.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If she is to gain more support having an available successor will help.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, it doesn't seem to be common knowledge that Dany can't have children, and it's even debatable if she can or not, so this might not be the main motive behind Tyrion's comment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 41 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Tyrion is addressing both the immediate and future need for a successor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the short term, if she is going to expose herself by using and riding the dragons, there needs to be a clear successor to take up the reins", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "should she die, otherwise everything falls apart.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the long term, it's important for the people to know that there is a stable line of succession, whether it be by birthright, or some other means.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Imagine that Dany does win the Iron Throne.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Great, right?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But what happens when Dany dies?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Presumably, she's not immortal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When Dany shuffles off this mortal coil without a successor, we're right back to where we are now!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Various parties will be trying to scheme or force their way into power.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Look to real life history for examples of what happens when the line of succession is weak, or unclear.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Entire empires built by strong, charismatic individuals have been crippled or destroyed on their death because of this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Look at the empires of Alexander, or Genghis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tyrion is advising Dany to avoid that fate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At present, he's speaking to her about the short term ramifications, but you can bet he's thinking very hard about the long term as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In story, it's because she's risking everything by placing herself in danger, as others have suggested, so I won't labour the point on that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dramatically, however, it's to foreshadow the events that followed, lending the later events a hint of cosmic irony .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Indeed, by doing as she did, 1 she appears to have greatly increased the risks everyone faces by losing a dragon to the night king -- and the situation could have been far worse ; Drogon might easily have been hit and she could have been killed -- in hindsight lending Tyrion's words some prophetic weight.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(the spoiler is pretty major, don't say you weren't warned)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "He saw Daenerys fighting.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So he believed that she might die.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Once she dies, every thing will go in vain.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And that's why he didn't want her to go beyond the wall.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Besides, Daenerys can't be a mother, her dragons are her only sons.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So Tyrion thinks that she has to choose a successor.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ghazala", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Even beyond the obvious facts that, herself being from a family of feudal rulers (re-)conquering a feudal realm, where succession is always massively important (which others have already touched upon), at this point it's also a simple military matter that would be just as important today.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You are fighting a war, it is absolutely paramount that there is always a quick and if possible simple answer to the question of \"who is in command?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\", if there isn't you can watch your forces crumble in disarray and confusion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So far, this hasn't been a big problem, Dany has never been in a position of immediate danger during the battles that her armies have fought, but with her riding Drogon into battle, that has changed, so the question of \"if something happens to you, who is in command?\" becomes vital.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Especially considering that Tyrion has seen a lot of people in command die or get taken out during the last years, and he has seen the chaos that often follows, so it's only naturally for him to try and make sure things remain as stable as possible if something were to happen to Dany.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "In the episode Beyond the Wall, Dany and Tyrion had a lengthly conversation about successors. And Tyrion said to Dany: You say you can't have children. But there are other ways of choosing a successor. The Night's Watch has one method, The Iron born folk, although many flaws have another. Why did he think it was so important to remind Dany of this now?What are the methods he is talking about exactly besides having children?", "title": "Why does Tyrion think a successor is so important at this point in Season 7, episode 6?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<game-of-thrones>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The clearest reason that Tyrion thinks that a successor is important at this point in the series is because he believes that Daenerys might die.", "Daenerys can choose a successor as a way to avoid the chaos that will otherwise threaten if she dies childless" ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Daenerys can choose a successor as a way to avoid the chaos that will otherwise threaten if she dies childless" ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "As Dawny33 speculated, and speculated correctly.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It was fire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is confirmed in an interview by The Huffington Post with director of the episode \" Dragon and the Wolf \",", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jeremy Podeswa, when asking the all important question \"Was it Ice or Fire?\" .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Emphasis mine throughout)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“The way I looked at it was, when the sept burned down, that was green fire, and so then the dragon is going to have some kind of blueish fire ,” he said.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“ It’s certainly still fire — it has the ability to burn the Wall and melt snow.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But it’s going to have a different kind of magical quality to it, because it’s coming from an undead dragon.”", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Huffington Post in an interview with Jeremy Podeswa This is re-confirmed in an interview with IndieWire where he discusses the humour of the acceptance of Green fire but not blue fire, although that 'chemically' the two would be different, coming from a dead being.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "“It’s funny because people really accepted the green fire [of wildfire], which burned down the Sept [of Baelor] and the sea battle in the earlier season,” said Podeswa.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“I think that fire can have many different manifestations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think that the ice dragon fire is clearly still fire because it does melt The Wall and tear it down, but it had a particular quality because it’s coming from an undead dragon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So what the chemical nature of that is and the chemical nature of fire would actually be different coming from a non-sentient being.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So there’s", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "definitely some thought into that of what that should actually look like.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But obviously, an ice dragon is going to have an icy kind of fire", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but it’s still fire.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jeremy Podeswa breaks down the final episode for IndieWire Finally, when talking about the amount of practical vs visual effects used in the episode with The Hollywood Reporter , Jeremy Podeswa reveals that there are interactive elements with the scenes where the \"flame\" tears the wall down. \"...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And there are many interactive elements also that people might not be aware of, like the dragon flame and the impact of that and what it does in terms of the effect it has on the Wall...\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Hollywood Reporter in an interview with Jeremy Podeswa", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, the official script to Season 7 Episode 7 \"The Dragon and the Wolf\" states that it was indeed blue fire : Hovering near the base of the Wall, the ice dragon shoots forth a steady stream of blue fire, thick as a tree trunk, strafing back and forth along the base of the Wall.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"The Dragon and the Wolf\", page 62 - Official Script", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 25 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It is fire", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The thing which the dragon was breathing radiates like flames, which only fire can do.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Never seen any creature in Scifi breathing ice which radiates flames Also, one can clearly see black and grey smoke coming out of the wall wherever the blue fire touches it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ice on ice creates white smoke.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "But here, it is more greyish towards the upper side of the smoke, which again supports the view that it is fire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Viserion is known to be smaller than his other two brothers, Drogon and Rhaegal.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, unless and until he magically grew very strong under the aegis of the Night King, there is no way he could have breathed ice so strong which can bring down another ice structure like the Ice Wall [which stood strong for 8000+ years].", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, it should be fire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "To be warned that all the answers here would be speculation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "We shall only (probably) know in the next season.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As the other two answers say it was fire, I will take the other position: it wasn't fire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "When the undead dragon breathes on the encampment at the top of the wall, we see no items catching fire:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Every time we've seen the living dragons breathe, things have caught fire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Furthermore, the damage to the wall is inconsistent with fire damage to ice; we do not see melting, we do not see smoothed surfaces where the \"fire\" has hit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "We see particles which could be steam -- or they could be dust, particles of the wall, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "We do see jagged edges and flying debris consistent with physical impact.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This is inconsistent with the fire of the living dragons, which has been shown to hit humans without explosive force, simply lighting them on fire: Given a lack of signs consistent with fire damage, we are left with what we do know: it is some variety of force-causing emission which acts differently than the fire breathed by living dragons.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It may be ice, or it may be something different entirely.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It is some kind of magic fire, it was definitely fire as", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it brought down a huge portion of the wall which was made of ice and generally", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", fire melts ice!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Though the impact was different than from the previous episode when Dragons were vanquishing the Wight walkers and ice)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In chemistry, we do have substances which burn with a blue flame.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "We need to wait for the dragons to fight each other to know which flame is stronger.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm certain it's magical dragon fire...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "White walkers have blue eyes and the dead they reanimate have blue eyes too.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, those magic sphere bombs that Leaf had were blue.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm guessing this type of 'un-dead' magic has a blue quality.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Major spoilers for the Season 7 finale of Game of Thrones . Did Viserion (Night King's dragon) breathe ice or fire to bring the wall down? Reasons for Fire: - It is a dragon... - It looks like fire, just blue... Reasons for Ice: - The Night King's magic is ice based. - The Wall does not appear to be melting, but exploding", "title": "Was it Ice or Fire?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<game-of-thrones><dragons>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Any answer will be speculation, but it is generally agreed that Viserion breathes fire to bring the wall down, even though it has a magical quality because it's coing from an undead dragon. However, some people may dispute this and claim it to be a magic form of ice.", "Views vary but the most authoritative statement comes from director Jeremy Podeswa who says it is fire, but the fire has a different magical quality because it is coming from an undead dragon." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "According to director Jeremy Podeswa it is fire, but the fire has a different magical quality because it is coming from an undead dragon.", "It must be fire because ice on ice creates white smoke whereas this fire creates grey smoke.", "It wasn't fire - it must have been a jet of particles like ice or dust.", "There are substances in chemistry that burn with a blue flame - and the blue colour is like the blue eyes of the white walkers and the reanimated undead." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I assume that Sansa and Arya are aware of Ned's wise words.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Winterfell plot line this season has been centered around Littlefinger sowing discord amongst the Stark siblings.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, Littlefinger's final scene shows Arya, Sansa, and Bran coming together to pass judgment on Lord Baelish.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Over the past several episodes all 3 siblings had touched the dagger.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They've held it and passed it between each other.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So while Sansa might have said the words and Arya's hand was on the blade when it killed Littlefinger they operated together as a unit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Starks did pass the sentence and the Starks swung the sword.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 108 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Sansa was never taught this.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This lesson was likely never taught to Sansa or Arya to begin with.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the original scene, the lesson was for the benefit of the male children present (Robb, Jon, Bran).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given the attitudes towards what was proper for women to learn, he would not have bothered teaching this bit of wisdom to either Sansa or Arya (though Arya might have heard about it secondhand).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sansa would have no reason to want to strike the blow herself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, she has been learning, the hard way, the art of manipulation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It would fit with both this change in her personality, as well as her upbringing as a lady to let another hand do the dirty work.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "She may have become aware of this later, but not likely - it's not the sort of thing that would come up in conversation before she was spirited away by Littlefinger, and it certainly was not among the behaviors he was trying to teach her.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If she has not had occasion to pass this sentence on someone, there is zero reason for anyone to mention it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Certainly no one had the temerity to bring up at that moment.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Think of where she began, and where she is now.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That sort of thinking belongs to the bright, honorable world she was expecting long ago when Robert and friends first came to town, a world view that has long since been shattered.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even if she IS aware of the tradition, it belongs to a world that must appear to her as naive and fanciful, where people do the right and honorable thing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "she's seen what happens to people that think that way.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whether she knows of it or not, she has no reason to do the deed herself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 39 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As you say, the old way was The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword (emphasis mine).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "There is no natural law of the universe that prevents someone else carrying out the sentence, which is what happened in this case.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is two quotes at work here.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Man who passes the sentence should swing the sword\" and \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The event in question symbolizes that the Stark children aren't lone wolves anymore, but they are a pack again.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And the \"man\" (or rather the entity) that passes the sentence is the wolf pack.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus Bran, Sansa, and Arya are all one in respect to the first quote.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I like to think that Arya added Baelish to her list once Bran told her that he was responsible for their father's death (assuming this happened behind the scenes) and therefore wanted to be the one to end his life.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the Season 7 finale of Game of Thrones, The Dragon and the Wolf Petyr Baelish is sentenced to death by Sansa, and Arya kills him According to the old way, The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword So, why did the person who passed the sentence not carry it out?", "title": "Why was the person who passed the sentence in the Season 7 finale not also the executioner?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<game-of-thrones>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are a number of possible explanations for this, but it is difficult to say for sure which is the correct reason. Firstly, it could be considered that The Starks operated as a unit both when passing the sentence and then carrying it out. Alternatively, it could also be that Sansa was never taught the rule of needing to carry out the sentence. It's also possible that she was aware of the Old Way, but chose to ignore it because she doesn't see it as important.", "Views vary - Arya can be seen as striking the blow for the Starks as whole, as getting revenge for the death of her father or as simply ignorant of a rule that would - in such a society - have only been taught to the menfolk. The rule was anyway only a matter of custom - she was not breaking any deeper natural or universal law." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Altho Arya struck the blow she was doing it as a Stark and the whole execution - including the sentencing - was a combined effort of the Starks.", "Sansa was never taught this rule probably because it was never felt that she - as a women - would need to implement it.", "The rule is just customary - there is no natural or universal law behind it and therefore ultimately no obligation to honor it.", "Arya wanted to be the one who killed Baelish as he was responsible for her father's death - so it was partly a revenge killing." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The canon novel \" Aftermath: Life Debt\" identifies the remains of Alderaan as a debris field named the Alderaanian Graveyard : Asteroids tumble through space.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They drift and spiral, and when one hits the perimeter shield, it breaks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Bits drift, pulverized, as the rest of the rock pirouettes away to join the rest of its crumbling brethren.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Every time it happens, it hurts Teven Gale's heart.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Because that asteroid is a piece of his world.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Was a piece of his world, anyway.....", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Out in the black, demo-droids drill and dig into the asteroids, one by one", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- they look like fireflies out there with their bright-orange light flickering from their cutting lasers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those droids look for anything of note from the world the Alderaanians lost: artifacts, remains, fragments of precious stones or minerals or metals.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even a single brick would be a find.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Accessing any of this wasn't even an option under Imperial rule; the Empire blockaded all access to the Alderaanian graveyard .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "--", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Interlude:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Alderaan Flotilla", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 50 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Vader was apparently not averse to giving away bits of the former Alderaan as a reminder to unruly systems that they needed to remain loyal to the Empire Darth Vader:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Annual #01", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As to what's left, we can actually see it in A New Hope.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In short, not a lot.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"We've come out of hyperspace into a meteor shower or some kind of asteroid collision\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 43 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'd doubt if there'd be many survivors to populate it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Basically you'd be left with a huge Asteroid Belt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It might be worth mining but not likely to have a permanent population unless there are a lot of people who care to live in hollowed-out Asteroids.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Stone", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I presume the remains eventually formed an asteroid belt around the star.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The explosive force would rip any atmosphere from the debris; only Alderaanians off-world could survive.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Reassembly of the planet would be unlikely, as the explosion would scatter a substantial fraction of the planetary mass too far to coalesce by gravity alone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Referring to Valorum's answer, there was a similar event also in a Legends comic book Star Wars 86: The Alderaan Factor .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "A stormtrooper was carrying a chunk of rock around his neck, which was, as he claimed, everything that was left of the planet Alderaan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Later, the trooper was shot dead and the rock remained in Leia's hands.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "In Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope, the Death Star destroys Alderaan, killing all life on the planet. After its destruction, I assume there was still some debris left from it being destroyed. So what happened to this left-over rock and other debris of Alderaan after its destruction by the Death Star? Was it left alone? Were the remains of Alderaan reinhabited by surviving Alderaanians? Was there some attempt (possibly using some sort of gravity creating device) to recreate Alderaan?", "title": "What happened to Alderaan after its destruction by the Death Star?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Whilst it is never clearly stated whether anything in particular happened to the remains of Alderaan, it is quite likely that nothing happened to them and that Alderaan simply became a large asteroid belt and there would be very few, if any, Alderaanian survivors.", "The debris from the destruction of Alderaan is now a widely scattered asteriod belt - too diffuse to form a new planet and therefore unable to provide a viable habitat for any surviving Alderaans, even assuming there were enough of them to re-populate it." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "All that remains of Alderaan is a debris field tumbling through space, access to which is blockaded by the Empire.", "Not a lot.", "It is unlikely there would be many survivors, and anyway all that's left is an asteroid belt which is too widely scattered to coalesce into a planet again and which would not therefore form an attractive habitat for them.", "All that's left is a small chunk of rock taken from a dead stormtrooper and now in the possession of Leia." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "He was mocking Rey.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He was arguing to Rey that he wasn't the savior she thought he was, and he wasn't going to return and go defeat the First Order on his own.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He mis-identifies the lighstaber to mock the idea that he could take down the whole army with his weapon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Laser sword is the way somebody who is unfamiliar to a lightsaber might refer to one, so it emphasizes the lack of knowledge someone would need to have to expect him to defeat the First Order.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Nick", "score": 127 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "He tries to remove the lightsaber's mythical image.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The term lightsaber implies a lot of things beyond the actual technical device.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, it is a part of the Jedi religion, it is a weapon of mythical reputation, it is the weapon that great heroes fought their heroic battles with.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Luke wants to make Rey understand that everything beyond the apparatus itself is pure imagination, so he calls the lightsaber by a name that describes the device, but lacks context, to relativize her associations regarding the weapon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a bit like calling, say, Excalibur, an “old sword”.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's aimed at removing properties of the device which are – in Luke's opinion – not real, and thereby questioning the validity of the Jedi religion that he has become disillusioned with.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Dombek", "score": 51 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Remember that we open with Rey handing Luke the lightsaber (i.e. the end of The Force Awakens ) and Luke tosses it behind him and walks away without saying a word, much to Rey's astonishment Luke doesn't want anything to do with Rey, or rebellions, or Jedi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He's now a crotchety (and snarky) old man.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Mocking Rey by disparaging the lightsaber is a way to discourage her so she'll leave him alone.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 23 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "George Lucas often referred to them as \"laser swords.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The phrase was also used in Phantom Menace by Anakin, referencing Qui Gon's lightsaber.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think we can infer that both phrases are used in-universe.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I thought it might have been a tribute to Lucas who called a light saber a laser sword, a lot.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Or, it might have been his disdain for the weapon on the director’s choice to portray the character.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was entirely bitter against the force and the Jedi at that point.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Could have been both.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1, 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } } ]
{ "question": "In The Last Jedi , I thought it was a little odd that Luke referred to the lightsaber as a \"laser sword\". Given that the lightsaber identifies a Jedi, why did he refer to it as such?", "title": "Why did Luke call the lightsaber by a different name?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><lightsaber><the-last-jedi>", "link": "", "author": " Reddy" }
[ [ "It's possible to infer that both terms, \"lightsaber\" and \"laser sword\", are used. However, in this case Luke calls the lightsaber a \"laser sword\" because he is mocking Rey. As a side note, it is also possible that it was a tribute to George Lucas, who referred to them as laser swords.", "Luke used the term 'laser sword' to show his disdain for the Jedi and his rejection of the idea of resuming his old ways. The term was also often used by Geroge Lucas, however, so it can also be seen as a tribute to him, or as both of these." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Luke was doing it to mock Rey and thereby ridicule her suggestion that he might join her with his lightsaber in fighting against the old enemy.", "It could have been a tribute to George Lucas, who used the term laser sword, or it could be a way of showing his bitterness towards the Force and the Jedi, or a combination of these.", "It could have been both." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The most common guess I've heard is 'knockers', which makes sense since it explains why he was able to come up with 'knuckles' so quickly (still quite an achievement to improvise it on the fly, mind).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Plus, Google says that the use of that word in writing peaked around the time Héctor died, so it's a term he would have been familiar with (if he spoke English, anyway). '", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Tits', which was suggested by another commenter, existed in the 1920s but only really started to get popular around the 2000s.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(And it's only one syllable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So it wouldn't really fit anyway).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Are you talking about the fictional origins of these lyrics?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Because these ARE the original lyrics; \"Everyone knows Juanita\" is an original song written by Adrian Molina and Germaine Franco for the 2017 Pixar movie, Coco.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": " (the writing of Juanita is discussed 2/3 of the way down)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(see back of CD cover, left lower corner for writing credits)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I too started researching the lyrics to the original Mexican song, but then it occurred to me...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "what if it SOUNDS like an old Mexican song", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but it's an original song written for the movie?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Turns out they did a VERY convincing job of making it sound like an old Mexican ranchera.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I do agree with the theory that the authors probably implied \"knockers\" with the euphemistic \"knuckles.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " A", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I assumed it was implied to be \"tatas\" - Spanish slang for \"large breasts\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Knockers\" would work, but it is distinctly English in origin, and I think he was just looking for something that could \"drag on the floor\" to replace the word with.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The word is not nor would have been tits or knockers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those are English language derived words.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The song is Spanish in origin.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The word would be of Spanish origin, therefore, probably chiches or tetas.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Someone earlier suggested \"her lemons\" which would translate as limoncitos or small breast.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think that would fit the context of the song though.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Small breast dragging the floor and all....", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I assumed the \"original\" word that Hector replaced was nipples , as the song doesn't use slang for any other body parts it describes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the Pixar film Coco , when Héctor performs \" Everyone Knows Juanita \" for his friend Chicharrón, he changes one of the lines to be more family friendly. Héctor: Well, everyone knows Juanita Her eyes each a different color Her teeth stick out and her chin goes in And her...knuckles, they drag on the floor Chicharrón: Those aren't the words! Héctor: There are children present What was the actual line that made Héctor censor himself?", "title": "What were the original lyrics to \"Everyone Knows Juanita\"?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<coco>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is no clear correct answer to this question, although there are several possible suggestions. The original word, instead of \"knuckles\", could have been \"knockers\" - a slang term for breasts, \"tatas\" - a Spanish slang term for large breasts, or nipples.", "Views vary, with one possibility being 'tits' or 'knockers' although these words may be too English for the Spanish context, which would make a word like 'tatas' meaning 'large breasts' more likely." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The best guess is 'knockers' as it was current at the time - unlike 'tits', but there was no original song, it's just that this song is written to sound like a version of an olf Mexican song.", "The word that is replaced is most likely 'tatas' meaning 'large breasts' in Spanish, as words like 'tits' and 'knockers' are too English.", "The 'original' word must be 'nipples' because slang terms are not used for any of the other body parts mentioned." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "It depends on how you define a character, but yes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Snoopy conversed with Woodstock with thought bubbles, as evidenced by this passage from the book \"My Life with Charlie Brown\", by C. Schulz.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would much prefer that Snoopy not converse with Woodstock, but there are some ideas too important to abandon, so I have him speaking to Woodstock through \"thought\" balloons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So Snoopy is not actually speaking, but using thought balloons that Woodstock understands, so there is at least one recurring character in Snoopy that understands what he is thinking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 34 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I was going to comment in reply to NKCampbell, pointing out that as well as walking on two legs, putting clothes on himself, ice skating, and typing letters to his brother, Snoopy is also a famous World War I fighter ace , when I noticed the reference comic in that link demonstrates that Linus at least understands what's going on in Snoopy's head, even if he doesn't have a direct translation of individual thoughts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(He shoots down Snoopy from his Sopwith Camel/kennel.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Additionally, that page suggests Marcie understands Snoopy's thoughts inasmuch as she is happy to play the French lass who falls for the hero in his fighter ace fantasy Edit :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Further instances of the characters being aware of what Snoopy is thinking:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Charlie knows Snoopy has just bailed out of", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "his 'plane' Charlie knows Snoopy is flying a sopwith camel in world war 1 against the red baron Edit 2:The example below is wrong.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is Woodstock talking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I couldn't see him in the image (still can't), but it's his speech.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thanks to @DaveTweed for the correction.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I still think there is enough evidence to show there is definitely some understanding of Snoopy's thoughts by the Peanuts children.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And finally: Evidence of direct understanding of Snoopy's 'speech'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(not thought) bubble:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "yes, Snoopy is can be understood by the human characters in the strip.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Edit 3:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To respond to essentially similar comments from RDFozz and cann-ned_food:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the first part of the argument, I suggest that for a strip that started in 1950, realising that Snoopy is a World war 1 fighter ace is NOT an obvious reaction to seeing him dressed in aviator hat/goggles piloting his kennel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A 1950s pilot would be more likely than a WWI pilot fighter ace , (heck even a WWII pilot would be more likely).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the second, the logical end result", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- once you start down the path of assigning parts of the strip to someone's imagination - is that the whole thing must be imagination based, whether that imagination is Snoopy's, Charlie Brown's (whether or not that includes the rest of the Peanuts kids) or that of Mr Schulz himself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I felt this would invalidate the question, so I chose to not only not go down that path, but to ignore it completely.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 27 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I cannot recall any instance where a human character responded as though Snoopy's thought balloons were directly communicated to them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Generally, his communication with humans was limited to his actions (not eating when fed; dancing about; kissing Lucy; Linus commenting on the \"vulture\" in a nearby tree; etc.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As JohnP pointed out, Snoopy's thought balloons do seem to be communicated to Woodstock and his bird friends as though they were spoken, and to Snoopy's siblings when he meets up with them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His siblings responses are communicated the same way; however, the birds' responses are always in \"bird language\" (||\\|||/|||!).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems reasonable to assume that Snoopy (and his siblings) are communicating in \"dog language\", and the thought balloons are simply translations to simplify things for us.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We'd also need to suppose that birds understand \"dog language\"; however, since Snoopy seems to understand \"bird language\", that doesn't seem like much of a stretch.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The closest we see to direct interaction is Woodstock and Snoopy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Snoopy thinks in normal thought, while Woodstock speaks bird, yet they clearly understand each other While we don't see the other characters interact with the bubbles directly, there's always Snoopy's typewriter, which we do see some characters interact with directly from time to time", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No, they don't.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is explicitly stated in the January 27th, 1997 comic strip.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, Charles Schulz was not renown for his consistency, so it's possible that there exists another strip that contradicts this one.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In Peanuts, are the humans aware of what Snoopy is thinking? I know that Charles Schulz was very careful to always place Snoopy's thoughts in a thought bubble as opposed to a speech bubble, but did the other characters react as if it was spoken? I'm referring to human characters only here, not Woodstock or the cactus that Spike speaks to.", "title": "In Peanuts, do the human characters know what Snoopy's thinking?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<comics><peanuts>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is no agreement as to whether the human characters were aware of Snoopy's thoughts. Some may feel that there is evidence of some understanding of his thoughts, but the comic strip in 1997 explicitly stated that the other characters were not aware of what Snoopy was thinking. This being said, Charles Schulz was not renowned for his consistency. ", "Charles Schultz himself stated that none of the human characters understood Snoopy's thoughts, but he was known to be inconsistent and there are signs that the Peanuts children have some understanding of Snoopy's thoughts." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "There is evidence that the Peanuts children had some understanding of Snoopy's thoughts.", "No, they do not, as Charles Schultz himself stated." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Duncan Makenzie, the protagonist of Imperial Earth (1976) is a bisexual man, and sexual encounters with both genders are described.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, a romantic/sexual triangle between Duncan, his friend and sometimes lover Karl, and a girl called Calindy, is central to the plot.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Æ. Mogensen", "score": 49 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes George and Jerry who appear in the third book of the Space Odyssey series 2061:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Odyssey Three .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An old gay couple who are two of Floyd's longest and closest friends; they had worked in the arts in earlier life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "George and Jerry help to manage Floyd's personal affairs while he is away.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" 2061:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Odyssey Three \", Wikipedia", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 39 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Rendezvous With Rama (1973) two male crew members are in a polyamarous relationship with each other and a woman back on earth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But no one can predict where the lightning will strike, and years ago Mercer and Calvert had established an apparently stable liaison.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That was common enough.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Much more unusual was the fact that they also shared a wife back on earth, who had borne each of them a child.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Norton hoped that he could meet her one day; she must be a most remarkable woman.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The triangle had lasted for at least five years, and still seemed to be an equilateral one.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 36 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Walter Curnow from 2010:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Odyssey Two is described as being a \"cheerfully well-adjusted polymorph\" - i.e. happily bisexual.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " McGeary", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, in The Songs of Distant Earth, pretty much everyone on it is, at least, bisexual.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In it, Arthur C. Clark treats sexuality has something volatile, with people not belonging fully to one end of the scale (homo or hetero).The colony on the planet in which the story takes place (Thalassa), was founded with the aid of machines, one of which containing all human knowledge and heroic, or good, history.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Wars, Crimes, Religion and overall bad notions, acts or concepts were left out - the concepts of possession, racism, discrimination and jealousy among them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So regarding relationship and sexuality, this resulted in a society where there was no norm for either relationships or sexual orientation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Everyone was free to be themselves in those regards.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "At some point the author explains that Earth society came to accept sexual orientation as not set in stone, but having a tendency percentage.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "An example in the story is Loren, a man for Earth, which identifies as an heterosexual (but with a small tendency for homosexuality), is married to a woman and although in love with Marissa, has a one night stand with her brother, Kumar.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Kumar, on the other hand is mentioned as being known for having partners from both sexes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There's a rather explicit dialog concerning bisexuality in \"The Songs of Distant Earth\", right at the beginning of chapter 35 \"Convalescence\":", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"I'm quite surprised,\" Loren had interjected at one point in a rather seamy narrative.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"I'd have sworn you were ninety percent hetero.\" \"Ninety-two, according to my profile,\" Horton said cheerfully. \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But I like to check my calibration from time to time.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The lieutanant was only half joking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Somewhere he had heard that hundred percenters were so rare that they were classed as pathological.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[...]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Possibly in The City and the Stars.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a girl who is in love with the main character Alvin, but he rejects her and prefer spending time with his new pal instead (who do have a girlfriend).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "At one point Alvin sees his friend naked when they spend a night together in a tent, and pay some attention to his genitals, which are different from his own (they can be retracted into his body).This was written in the 50s, when orientation was rarely mentioned.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Also in Childhood's End there is a man of mixed race who Clarke describes as beautiful (or perhaps he used other words to describe him, I can't remember).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Hansen", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Arthur C Clarke was gay. Did he portray any of his characters as gay (or otherwise LGBT)?", "title": "Did Arthur C Clarke portray any gay characters in his fiction?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<characters><arthur-c-clarke>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The answer is that yes, LGBT characters do appear in the fiction of Arthur C Clarke. There are examples of relationships between male crew members and other examples include Duncan Makenzie, a bisexual man, and Kumar, who has had relationships with both sexes.", "Yes, there are many gay and bisexual characters in his novels, for example, Duncan Makenzie, the protagonist of Imperial Earth (1976) is a bisexual man, and sexual encounters with both genders are described." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Yes, there are many gay and bisexual characters in his novels, for example, Duncan Makenzie, the protagonist of Imperial Earth (1976) is a bisexual man, and sexual encounters with both genders are described." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "As far as the information from the HP books (and movies), Fantastic Beasts first movie, and as you mentioned in your question, the non-wizarding world people are addressed as: MUGGLES by the British community NO-MAJ (NON-MAGICALS) by the American community However, according to David Yates (director of the new Fantastic Beasts movie), in his interview here , he mentioned that the French address non-wizards as: NON-MAGIQUES Which is undoubtedly the literal translation of the American term.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, as far as I have read, searched and seen online, these are the only three terms mentioned.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "( Fingers crossed for some new reveals though! )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Even though only two words have been officially disclosed, we could assume other countries would use the words introduced in official translations of HP books.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There's a list of translations for \"muggle\" at Harry Potter Wikia .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I dont believe Rowling has answered this.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I suspect we might find out what muggles in France are called with the next Fantastic Beasts movie.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the Finnish translations, it is Jästi .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The source is a currently unavailable pro gradu work for Tampere University linguistics: (gives a timeout error at the moment)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hanna Karppinen: Harry Potter -kirjojen suomennoksissa käytetyt uudissanat, Appendix 2.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pro gradu.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tampereen yliopisto, 2003 Translation: \"The neologisms used in translations of the Harry Potter books\" Funnily enough, the word means a person that is an outsider.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One that does not belong to any circles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It can be any kind of a circle, ie.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "a group of people with a common interest or background.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The word itself was selected by the Finnish translator, Jaana Kapari, from the word jästipää which means a very stubborn person.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Stubborn to a level of stupidity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ästi", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Btw, the English version of that page tells that it's a person who does not partake in geocaching, but that seems to be someone's joke addition :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Untinen", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In India, they're called \"मगलू\" in Hindi which in English would be pronounced as \"Mugloo\" .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source: and also from Harry Potter Wikia .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the pronounciation part, you can copy paste the Hindi word in the translator and listen to the audio", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Ok, this is just speculation on my part... but hear me out: Since it's not actually an english word (Unless you consider it's root as 1920's New Orleans slang for a joint and/or hot chocolate.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but rather a wizard world word", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'd think that most countries would have a local word derived from olde wizarde or high wiz (or whatever the spell language is called) such as Muggle in English, Mugglare in Swedish and मगलू in Hindi (as Abhi stated).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some communities could try and mark their uniqueness and standing apart from the other wizarding world by making up words (such as the americans with their slang word \"no-maj\")", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but the word \"Muggle\" would still be recognizeable by them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Muggles, as we know, are the people who have no magical ability and are born in a non-magical family. Non-magical people are called Muggles in the British magical community and 'No-maj' in the American community. But we can find wizards in other countries also. E.g the twins Parvati and Padma Patil were of Indian descent. What are non-magical people called by magical communities outside of Britain and America? I am not asking about different languages like German or French. I am asking about different magical communities in other countries.", "title": "What is the in-universe term for Muggles in other countries?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<harry-potter><muggles><terminology>", "link": "", "author": " Lannister" }
[ [ "It doesn't appear that that JK Rowling has answered this question. However, David Yates (director of the Fantastic Beasts movie) has mentioned that the French wizards refer to muggles as \"Non-magiques\".", "JK Rowling has not answered this question yet so the only terms we have are 'muggle', 'non-maj' and possibly 'non-magiques' in France." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The only known terms are 'muggle', 'non-maj' and possible in France 'non-magiques'.", "JK Rowling has not answered this question." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "She seemed to be “brought in” for the Second Task.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Fleur’s sister didn’t seem to arrive at Hogwarts with the rest of the students - we only see her at the Second Task, when she’s held as the hostage for Fleur.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The other three hostages were already at Hogwarts since they were all Hogwarts students, but it seems like Fleur’s sister was brought in specifically for the task, perhaps since there was no one at Hogwarts", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "she cared about much.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“A choir of merpeople were singing in the middle, calling the champions towards them, and behind them rose a crude sort of statue; a gigantic merperson hewn from a boulder.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Four people were bound tightly to the tail of the stone merperson.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ron was tied between Hermione and Cho Chang.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was also a girl who looked no older than eight, whose clouds of silvery hair made Harry feel sure that she was Fleur Delacour’s sister.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All four of them appeared to be in a very deep sleep.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Their heads were lolling onto their shoulders, and fine streams of bubbles kept issuing from their mouths.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 26", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(The Second Task) After the Second Task was over, we don’t see Fleur’s sister again until the champions’ families are invited to Hogwarts to watch the final task.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“On the other side of the room, Fleur was jabbering away in French to her mother.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Fleur’s little sister, Gabrielle, was holding her mother’s hand.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She waved at Harry, who waved back.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 31", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(The Third Task)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After having saved her, Harry would be more likely (though not guaranteed) to notice her presence at Hogwarts since he “knew” her - however, she’s not mentioned as being at Hogwarts until the families come for the final task.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the movie, though, she came in with the Beauxbatons students.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In the movie version of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , Gabrielle comes in with the students, and is doing flips.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "She’s also shown in the Beauxbatons uniform, which may imply that the movie intended her to be a student.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, in the movie, there don’t seem to be any other Beauxbatons students as young as her, so if she is supposed to be a student, that would make her the youngest one brought to Hogwarts by far.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As Valorum suggests in the comments, it’s possible", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "they suspected Fleur would be chosen as champion, and brought her sister specifically in preparation for the Second Task.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 50 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Fleur was competing as Beauxbatons' champion in the first Triwizard Tournament in ages.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although this is not mentioned explicitly in the books, surely her family would come over for the occasion, to cheer her on?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Fleur's little sister was doing gymnastics when they arrived at hogwarts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So I'm guessing she's the school's mascot since she's too young to go to the same school as her sister.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Each champion had their most precious possession -- the person they valued most -- taken by the merpeople and held for rescue by their champion.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Harry's best friend, Ron, was chosen, and Hermione was chosen for Krum to rescue.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Cedric's girlfriend, Cho Chang, and Fleur's little sister, Gabrielle, were also selected for the task.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I imagine she was \"flown in\" for the task.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "While there's no mention of it, it wouldn't be unreasonable to imagine that Beauxbatons takes students at a significantly younger age than Hogwarts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In the UK we have a clear separation between Primary and Secondary School, starting at around age 11/12.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Muggle France does something very comparable, but that's not to say that wizarding France might not combine the two and reduce the distinction, after all, with such a small population it may not make sense to have more than one school.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Alternatively they make take an attitude that while a wizarding child might not come into their magic until their second decade, the training may begin much earlier.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "One might liken it to Ballet or learning an instrument, where in general starting younger is more desirable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I am surprised that I didn't find this question using the search. Why was Fleur's little sister Gabrielle even at Hogwarts? If I remember correctly she must have been only 8 years old, and all the other students from Beauxbatons were older than her.", "title": "Why was Fleur's little sister Gabrielle even at Hogwarts?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<harry-potter>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It's not clear whether or not Gabrielle attended Hogwarts, although she does appear during the Second Task. There is also no reason to suggest that she couldn't have attended Hogwarts even though she was significantly younger. In the movie version, she appears with the rest of the students wearing a Beauxbatons uniform. Alternatively, there is the possibility that she was merely the school's mascot rather than a student.", "She has probably come just to act as a hostage for her sister Fleur, but maybe she is just a school mascot or maybe Beauxbatons accepts younger students than Hogwarts." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "It looks like she was brought in only to act as hostage for her sister Fleur. After Harry saves her she is not mentioned until the families come for the final task.", "Gabrielle may be the school's mascot since she is doing gymnastics when they arrive at Hogwarts.", "Perhaps Beauxbatons accepts students from a much younger age than Hogwarts." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Phylosians from 'The Infinite Vulcan' ST: TAS S01E07 (1973)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It might not fit exactly, but apparently in early drafts of 'This Side of Paradise' the Omicron spores from Omicron Ceti II were a communal intelligence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 27 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Since the animated series counts, there are the Phylosians :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They kidnap Spock and make a 25-foot tall clone of him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the TNG episode Shades of Grey , Riker is attacked by a vine that demonstrates a basic level of sentience.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It attacks living things, but not Data, and writhes when they cut off its thorn.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Since there seems to be no animal life on the planet Pahvo from Discovery season 1 episode 8, the sentient Pahvans presumably originated as plant life of some kind.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Scott", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "in DS9 Julian mentions that Ensign Vilix'pran is \"budding\" with twins.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Vilix'pran", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The plants in This SIde of Paradise seem to have some intelligence - they turn to shoot spores into people who aren't already space-hippie-zombies.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They also seem to have some sort of control over people who get sprayed - they want to protect the plants and expand the plants' control over other people.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm not sure if this fits your definition of Sentience.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[Farmyard] KIRK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Spock, is that you?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[Pasture] SPOCK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, Captain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What did you want?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "KIRK", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[OC]:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Where are you?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SPOCK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't believe I want to tell you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[Farmyard] KIRK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Spock, I don't know what you think you're doing, but this is an order.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Report back to me at the settlement in ten minutes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We're evacuating all colonists to Starbase Twenty Seven.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[Pasture]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SPOCK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No, I don't think so.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[Farmyard] KIRK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You don't think so, what?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[Pasture]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SPOCK:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think so, sir.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Fist", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "There are a variety of different species in Star Trek , from all walks of life. Humanoids, insectoids, silicon-based life-forms, the works. However, I can't seem to think of any sentient plant species from across all the Star Trek shows/films. Are there any that exist, throughout all of the canon? Examples from the animated series will also be included, in all its weirdness.", "title": "Are there any sentient plant species in Star Trek?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-trek><aliens>", "link": "", "author": " Swansino" }
[ [ "There are some examples of sentient plant life in Star Trek, including the Phylosians from \"The Infinte Vulcan\" and a vine creature in \"Shades of Grey\".", "There are some sentient plant life forms, including the phylosians, a sentient vine and the pahvans." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The phylosians from The Infinite Vulcan.", "The sentient vine in the TNG episode Shades of Grey.", "The sentient Pahvans." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "This is a pretty common trope.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, here is one of the better known examples:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the The Restaurant at the End of the Universe , Earth was populated by the useless middle class of the planet Golgafrincham, who were sent here on Ark B.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The ark was intentionally crashed into the Earth, but the enough of the Golgafrinchans survived to become the dominant species on the planet, wiping out the native hominids.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Per the Hitchhikers Wikia The Golgafrinchans are a race of humanoid beings who realised that there were three types of beings on the planet of Golgafrincham.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thinkers, Workers, and the strange Middle Class.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The middle class comprised of hair dressers, lawyers, telephone sanitisers, and other such \"worthless jobs\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Thinkers built a ship and told the third class that the planet was to be consumed by a \"giant space goat\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So they built a ship and sent off their third class.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Telling them that they would follow soon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Third class ended up on Earth, \"mucking up the program to determine the ultimate question\", while the rest of the classes were killed off by a raging disease contracted from public telephones.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Golgafrincham itself soon after was consumed by a giant space goat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This may be 'Genesis' by H. Beam Piper.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The 'humans' are from Mars, and their vehicle goes off-track.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The last line is something like", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "'we are the men from Mars'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This happens in James Hogan’s “Inherit the Stars”.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "An ancient skeleton is found on the moon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Scientists try to figure out how it got there.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Readers find out in the final chapter that compatriots of the dead alien landed on earth and founded the human race.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Stern", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Could also be .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The ship did not crashland.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The book begins with a prologue recording a mutiny aboard the planetoid-sized Utu-class starship of the Fourth Imperium (a more-than-55,000-year-old technologically advanced multi-star system empire), the Dahak, led by its Chief of Engineering, the ambitious and psychopathic Captain Anu.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Anu's ostensible reason for mutiny is to lead his followers to refuge on some remote planet where presumably the genocidal wrath of the \"Achuultani\", a mysterious alien race that periodically exterminates all intelligent life it can find, and which has destroyed the previous three Imperiums, will pass over them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Not a perfect match, but it could be The Wailing Asteroid by Murray Leinster.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It might also be Moon Wreck , prequel to The Slaver Wars and The Lost Fleet series by Raymond Weil.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "As Buzz said, this is a pretty common trope.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, of course, Earth is the Thirteenth Colony of Kobol in Battlestar Galactica universe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I am looking for a sci-fi story in which a spaceship with humans crash-lands on earth in the distant past and the surviving members go an founding the human race. This story is at least 30 years old.", "title": "Spaceship crash-lands on earth and the surviving members found the human race", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<story-identification>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The plotline in question appears in a number of different books and is quite a common theme. Books that feature this type of story or variations of it include \"The Restaurant at the End of the Universe\", \"Genesis\" by H. Beam Piper, \"Inherit the Stars\" by James Hogan or \"The Wailing Asteroid\" by Murray Leinster.", "Many books take up this idea, including The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, 'Genesis' by H. Beam Piper, The Wailing Asteroid by Murray Leinster or Moon Wreck , prequel to The Slaver Wars and The Lost Fleet series by Raymond Weil." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "This is a common trope - e.g. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe has Earth populated by the middle classes of Golgafrincham.", "This could be 'Genesis' by H. Beam Piper, where the 'humans' are from Mars.", "This happens in James Hogan’s “Inherit the Stars”, where a skeleton is discovered on the Moon.", "This could be The Wailing Asteroid by Murray Leinster or Moon Wreck , prequel to The Slaver Wars and The Lost Fleet series by Raymond Weil. " ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Ultron waged his war against humanity from the shadows, and Wakanda would have been a significant threat For the majority of his conquest, Ultron had chosen to operate behind the scenes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He wasn't sweeping the streets killing off people, but rather setting up a plot to destroy humanity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Avengers and any relevant governments/institutions for which he was targeting were certainly aware, but in almost all cases he chose subtler movements, concealing his larger plan, and avoiding all out war on humanity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "His original goal seems to have been nuclear destruction, but when that failed, he devised the alternate plan we see him carry out.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "To that end, if there's anyone in the world he'd want to avoid coming after him, it'd be Wakanda itself.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As we've seen, Wakanda's entire technological structure is centered around Vibranium, and it's safe to say they know everything humanly known about the metal.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This includes not just it's strengths, but also it's weaknesses.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Vibranium is the threat to the world because of its capabilities and durability, so his plan is already at risk simply by using the substance for which they are so protective.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "To extend that into an outright invasion/assault on Wakanda itself would be virtually suicidal.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "EDIT:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A quote from Age of Ultron , to affirm that Vibranium was known by at least a few on the outside to have come from Wakanda (and so by extension, we can strongly suspect Ultron knew):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tony Stark:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Steve Rogers: I thought your father said he got the last of it?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bruce Banner: I don't follow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What comes out of Wakanda?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tony Stark:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The strongest metal on earth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 31 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I agree with the above that going after the vibranium would have been a bad idea if Ultron had known, but I disagree that he would have even known it was there.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ultron had access to the entire internet, and by extension probably a lot of government agencies as well (although not nuclear stuff - thanks Jarvis!).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "With the entire world not knowing Wakanda was sitting on a giant stockhouse of vibranium, why would Ultron have this information if all he has to go on is the collective intelligence available via Earth's computers?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is true that Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and others knew about the existence of Vibranium in Wakanda; no one knew that there was tons of it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "When learning of the existence of the metal Ultron was likely able to find out:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Vibranium existed", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was the strongest metal on earth", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Its only known source was Wakanda Cap's shield was made from it", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Klaue was known to have stolen some of it", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As far as Ultron, and anyone else, knew of it vibranium was just some super rare metal that happened to be in Wakanda somewhere.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "At that point you have two options.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Either try your luck mining Wakanda and hope you find some, or hunt down a known dude that you are pretty sure has some.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given that Ultron did have a timetable (Avengers closing in)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "you have to assume he went with the safe option and went after Klaue.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Even if Ultron was aware of the presence of Vibranium in Wakanda, he likely would not know what form it was in.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The logical conclusion would be that the bulk of it was in ore form; after all, the world knew Wakandans to be largely pastoral instead of the technological powerhouse it really was.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Ultron likely had neither the knowledge nor the time to process and refine it himself, making Klaue's smuggled shipment of processed vibranium much more attractive.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Black Panther , Agent Ross tells Klaue that Klaue got all the Vibranium in Wakanda, and Klaue laughs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless Ross was playing Klaue, that tend to indicate that the US government, and arguably the majority of the world, thinks that there is no more Vibranium left to steal.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "If that was the information they had, that was information Ultron had.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Black Panther , Ross mentions that Klaue stole all of Wakanda's remaining Vibranium.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Klaue invaded Wakanda before Avengers: Age Of Ultron , so according to the world, Klaue stole all of the Vibranium in Wakanda leaving only small quantities behind.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "So Ultron went to him directly as he thought the same too.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Tom", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ultron goes to Ulysses Klaue to get the Vibranium he needs to forge a body for himself and Vision so why did he simply not go directly to Wakanda. He had access to the world's entire internet and the information stored on it. He could have gone there and easily managed to get enough Vibranium to make his entire fleet of robots Vibranium bonded. So why does Ultron go to a criminal who got lucky instead of Wakanda?", "title": "Why didn't Ultron get the Vibranium directly from Wakanda?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><marvel-cinematic-universe><avengers-age-of-ultron>", "link": "", "author": "'s Walker" }
[ [ "The answer to this question will be speculative, however, the most likely answer is that Ultron may not have realised how much Vabranium was on Wakanda. Furthermore, even if he did know, it would still have been a more certain option to visit a criminal who does have some than take his chances on a planet where there might be some. In any case, Ultron largely chose to operate behind the scenes and Wakanda would have been a significant threat to him.", "Ultron could have had a number of reasons for going to Klaue - in order to conceal his moves, because he did not know that the vibranium was actually in Wakanda, because he did not know what form the vibranium was in or because he thought Klaue had already removed all the vibranium from Wakanda." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Ultron goes to Klaue for the vibranium because he wants to hide his actions from Wakanda, fearing a response from the Avengers.", "Ultron did not go to Wakanda because he did not know Wakanda was sitting on a stockpile of vibranium.", "Even if Ultron had known about the vibranium in Wakanda he would have known what form it was in.", "Klaue had previously invaded Wakanda so it makes sense that Ultron would believe that Klaue had taken all the vibranium with him." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Introduced in", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and back story filled in by The Tin Woodsman of Oz , the Nick Chopper, the Tin Woodsman and his counterpart, Captain Fyter, had immortal (if rust-prone) metal bodies with their original consciousness preserved (their original meat parts, still alive because nothing could die in Oz, were glued together into a misshapen human form known as ChopFyt).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The first Oz book (which contained enough of Chopper's story to show the transformation that lodged his consciousness in the metal form) was published on May 17, 1900.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ikon", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "People being granted immortality in non-human forms is a recurring theme in Greek Mythology Upon Heracles' death", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Zeus brings him up to Olympus and makes him a god.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Narsissus pines away and is transformed into a Narsissus flower.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Baucis and Philemon grow old together, and upon their deaths are transformed into an oak and a linden tree intertwined.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You could probably debate how much these qualify as \"consciousness transfers\", since trees are not particularly known for their thinking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But the seeds of the concept are there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And it wouldn't surprise me if there are other myths that do include a deliberate body modification to give someone a conscious immortal body.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Lupus", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "According to the Wikipedia article, Mind uploading in fiction , there are two plausible candidates given as the earliest example, depending on whether transfer to biological or artificial \"brains\" is required:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Altered Ego by Jerry Sohl (1954) invovles \"brain records\" taken as backups that can be placed into either a restored or a new brain after the original's death.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Tunnel Under the World by Frederick Pohl (1955) involves electronic scans of brains being uploaded into computers and robots.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Two early examples that come rather close are: Neil R. Jones's \"The Jameson Satellite\" Amazing Stories July 1931 in which super advanced aliens revived the long dead brain of Professor Jameson and put it into a robot body.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "E.E. Smith in The Skylark of Valeron", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Astounding stories (August 1934 to february 1935) had the spaceship Skylark of Valeron equipped with a super computer of almost human intelligence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Richard Seaton had a mind reading helmet he used to control the computer and the ship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When he captured his arch enemy Dusquesne he ripped the mind reading helmet off of his head lest his desire to kill Dusquesne be turned into action by the computer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Reading that scene I instantly thought that similar technology could be used to copy a person's memories into a sufficiently advanced computer so that their copy could live on in the computer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I assume that some readers had the same thoughts back in 1935 and thus there could have been stories featuring memory upload (or is it download?) to computers as early as 1935.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The earliest movie I remember with transferring or copying memory to computers or robots is The Creation of the Humanoids (1962), which suggests that written science fiction probably had memory copying long before 1962.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Star Trek episode \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What Are little Girls Made Of?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "October 20, 1966, also had memory transfer to robots.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the website, Lord of Light (1967) by Roger Zelazny is the first story to have scientific reincarnation, transferring memories to a new biological body and brain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Which is somewhat similar to transferring memories to a new cybernetic body and brain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": " 1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But so far I haven't located any reference to the first written story with memory transfer to a computer or robot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " A. Golding", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One could argue that Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was the first example of transplanting a brain from an old body to a \"recycled\" one.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Published in 1818.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I was reading about Galaxy Express 999 (1978), and I saw this manga featured the idea of human transfer of consciouness into an artificial body for eternal life similar to Altered Carbon or with some similarities to Ghost in the Shell. I assume this story isnt the first one to feature that idea but it is the first one I've heard of. My question is, which was the first sci-fi story to feature human transfer of consciouness into an artificial body for eternal life?", "title": "Which was the first sci-fi story to feature human transfer of consciousness into an artificial body for eternal life?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<history-of><androids>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is no clear definitive answer to this question, but there are several sci-fi books that could claim to contain the first example of human transfer of consciousness to an artificial body. This concept features in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which was first published in 1900. However, if this example does not fit the description in the question, other potential answers could be \"The Altered Ego\" by Jerry Sohl, \"The Tunner Under the World\" by Frederick Pohl or \"The Jameson Satellite\" by Neil R. Jones.", "There are a number of possible contenders, including The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900), The Altered Ego (1954), The Tunnel Under the World (1955) and The Janieson Satellite (1931) and Lord of Light (1967) by Roger Zelazny." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [ "But so far I haven't located any reference to the first written story with memory transfer to a computer or robot.", "According to the website, Lord of Light (1967) by Roger Zelazny is the first story to have scientific reincarnation, transferring memories to a new biological body and brain.", "Which is somewhat similar to transferring memories to a new cybernetic body and brain." ] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "In the Wonderful Wizard of Oz (published 1900) the Tin Woodsman and Captain Fyter have metal bodies that preserve their consciousness.", "There are two possible candidates according to Wikipedia - The Altered Ego by Jerry Sohl (1954) where \"brain records\" are taken in preparation for the original's death and The Tunnel Under the World by Frederick Pohl (1955) where electronic scans of brains are uploaded into computers and robots.", "In Neil R. Jones's \"The Jameson Satellite\" Amazing Stories July 1931, super advanced aliens revived the long dead brain of Professor Jameson and put it into a robot body. ", "According to the website, Lord of Light (1967) by Roger Zelazny is the first story to have scientific reincarnation." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "This is the 'Garden of Eyes' scene from Kubo and the Two Strings .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 41 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The classic form of this monster is D&D 's Beholder , “The body of these creatures is a great globe about 3′ in diameter.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Atop it are ten eye stalks, while in the center of the spherical body is a great eleventh eye.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The body can sustain 40 points of damage, each eye stalk 10 points, and the central eye can withstand up to 20 points...” which is so important to its mythos that it's one of the few baddies specifically claimed by Wizards of the Coast as their IP.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That obviously hasn't stopped imitators like this guy :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“Greet with warm compassion; they will embrace our generosity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Revisit with stern warning; they will heed our genuine concern.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Annihilate with great prejudice; they will serve as an example for others.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They were presumably inspired, however, by monstrosities like H.P. Lovecraft 's Old Ones , “Those in shallow water had continued the fullest use of the eyes at the ends of their five main head tentacles, and had practiced the arts of sculpture and of writing in quite the usual way—the writing accomplished with a stylus on waterproof waxen surfaces.” described in At the Mountains of Madness .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Apparently, long before that, Ralph Waldo Emerson 's essay \"Nature\" included a section about a \"transparent eyeball\" that caused Christopher Pearse Cranch to draw this", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“I become a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or parcel of God.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "c. 1837, apparently based on a misunderstanding of what transparent means.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, especially in reference to film, any gentleperson of taste and sophistication would more quickly recognize it as the Guardian “A Guardian.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What it sees — Lo Pan knows!” from Big Trouble in Little China .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 32 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The core of the planetary parasite Axos from Doctor Who (\" The Claws of Axos ,\" 1971) resembles a floating eye on a stalk.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Could this be The Floating Eye of Death from", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Aquabats ?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It also reminds me of Omi the Dianoga from Star Wars .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Aquabats vs. the Floating Eye of Death! is the third studio album from American band", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Aquabats, released on October 26, 1999.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's the cover album:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It also reminds me the alien twins Bwelelyang and Bob from the movies Men", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Black , but they don't shoot beams, as I remember.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There's also an animated series, but the design is not the same:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Note that the movie version looks like Elder Things from HP Lovecraft, but with no wings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Six feet end to end, three and five-tenths feet central diameter,tapering to one foot at each end.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Like a barrel with five bulgingridges in place of staves.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lateral breakages, as of thinnish stalks,are at equator in middle of these ridges.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In furrows between ridgesare curious growths – combs or wings that fold up and spread out likefans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ". .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "which gives almost seven-foot wing spread.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Arrangementreminds one of certain monsters of primal myth, especially fabledElder Things in the Necronomicon. —", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "H.P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains ofMadness They are a lot of different interpretations of the creature.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "You maybe have seen one with a big eye...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is one illustration, but each artist delivers something different from this description:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Dronte", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This is possibly the monster from Cybersix , episode 9: \"The Eye\" (1999): In this episode, Von Reichter sends José one of his newest creations to test out, a small floating eyeball which grows larger as it sucks out people's souls.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "José nearly takes over the entire city until he loses control of it, leaving it up to Cybersix to save the city and take the monster down.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The visual effects in the episode are similar to the drawing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Shooting destructive beams (at 137 seconds):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Absorbing souls (at 269 seconds):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "They’re Demon Eyes from Terraria .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "They fly around bombing you and shooting you, etc", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "They may also be the Atraxi from Doctor", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Who , from \" The Eleventh Hour \" episode with the Eleventh Doctor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Could be the aliens from the \"Moonstone\" episode of the original The Outer Limits .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Curran", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To add to the other answers, it also made me think of the one eye monster called Ocula in Small Soldiers (1998).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I feel I saw these creatures somewhere (in a movies or a TV series...) but I can't remember a single detail. Can anyone identify what they are? Here's a drawing representation.", "title": "Where are these floating eyeball creatures from?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<story-identification><movie><tv>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It is not clear what these creatures are, but there are several possibilities. They could be from the \"Garden of Eyes\" scene in Kubo and the Two Strings, or they could also from a monster known as D&D's Beholder. The planetary parasite Axos from Doctor Who and the monster from Cybersix also resemble this particular creature.", "There are many monsters that resemble this, for example those in the 'Garden of Eyes' scene from Kubo and the Two Strings, D&D's Beholder, H.P. Lovecraft 's Old Ones from The Mountains of Madness, the planetary parasite Axos from Doctor Who (\"The Claws of Axos\" 1971) or the monster from Cybersix , Episode 9: \"The Eye\" (1999)." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "This is the 'Garden of Eyes' scene from Kubo and the Two Strings.", "This monster looks like D&D's Beholder - “The body of these creatures is a great globe about 3′ in diameter\". They were presumably inspired by monstrosities like H.P. Lovecraft 's Old Ones from The Mountains of Madness.", "The core of the planetary parasite Axos from Doctor Who (\"The Claws of Axos\" 1971) resembles a floating eye on a stalk.", "This could be the monster from Cybersix , Episode 9: \"The Eye\" (1999): In this episode, Von Reichter sends José one of his newest creations to test out, a small floating eyeball which grows larger as it sucks out people's souls.", "These are Demon Eyes from Terraria.", "They might be the aliens from the \"Moonstone\" episode of the original The Outer Limits . ", "They could be the one eyed monster called Ocula in Small Soldiers (1998)." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Per the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Vol 2 (Deluxe Edition)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "#2 , Cap's shield has a blunt, rounded edge.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Granted, that source is 30-something years old by now, but I'm not aware of anything that really contradicts it since.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are a couple of cases of him using the edge to cut heads off (as mentioned in other answers)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but I don't think that necessarily means the edge is sharp; blunt force directed through a basically indestructible object like the shield would work just as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Wynne", "score": 43 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The shield can be used for cutting or smashing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In Avengers #500 (I think)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Captain America slices his shield through Ultron's neck (which is apparently made of Adamantium):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I didn't read the comic, but the Wiki says it takes place on Earth-61108 and Earth-616, but I'm not sure which is depicted there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another image (I'm not sure what comic, nor what earth) depicts the shield going in one side and out the other of a missile .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In another comic, somewhere in Civil War Nos. 1-7 (2006-07) , he smashes Iron Man's helmet open (in the middle panel he's clearly using the edge of the shield):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For the film version, the edges are definitely not sharp.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That can be seen from the way the shield bounces off the people", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cap throws it at in this clip.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It bounces back without slicing them up and with no blood on it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, there is even a clear view of the shield's rim at 1:32, and it can be seen not to be sharpened, but rather squared off.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I doubt if it has been consistent over the years but in Captain America #254 , Cap used his shield to cut off a vampire's head.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand, he has (repeatedly) hit foes in the face with it before, which argues it would be blunt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It does not have a sharp edge.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It is merely narrow, IMHO.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Its indestructibility and the speed with which it strikes Cap's targets concentrates all of that force in a very narrow band.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "A polyethylene cutting board dropped edge-first will concentrate all its force on a bare foot and may cause a pressure cut, at the very least it would leave a nasty bruise.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Imagine the shield's edge striking with the force of a \"mighty\" throw.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "When Captain America throws his mighty shield, does it hit things with a razor-sharp edge that can cut or a blunt edge that can bludgeon/bruise? Or is it some sort of modified edge that could do one or the other depending on how he throws it? I'm interested in the mainstream comics universe (Earth-616, or whatever it calls itself these days), although other universes are interesting supplementary material.", "title": "Are the edges of Captain America’s shield blunted or sharp?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<marvel><comics><captain-america>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It is generally agreed that, while the shield can be used for cutting or smashing, it does not have a sharp edge, at least, not in the film version.", "The evidence is contradictory and it may have been inconsistent over the years, sometimes sharp and sometimes blunt, as there are scenes where it used to cut and other where it is used to smash. It might also be narrow, allowing a cutting action with sufficient force and otherwise a smashing action." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "The shield can be used for cutting or smashing. ", "For the film version, the edges are definitely not sharp and there is one scene where the squared off edges are clearly visible.", "There is no consistent depiction of this - e.g. there are scenes where he uses it to cut (suggesting a sharp edge) and also scenes where he uses it to smash (suggesting a blunt edge).", "It is not sharp, but it is narrow so that it will have a cutting effect if applied with sufficient force, and otherwise a smashing effect." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Dean Cain, who played Superman in the 90's TV show Lois and Clark, is actually 1/4 Japanese , and does identify as Asian American.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, by looks, I could see the audience not necessarily reading the character to be Asian American, and of course, Superman himself being an alien from Krypton, calling the character to be of any particular ethnicity is kind of a misnomer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 55 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "At least three of them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Kong Kenan", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The recent New Super-Man comics feature Kong Kenan as the \"Superman of China\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Note that he was some kind of replacement after the \"usual\" Clark Kent Superman died for the nth time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Actually, he was shown to bully a rich kid (because he was the heir to the flight company who managed the plane Kong's mother died in) at first, then was pictured as a hero after facing a Chinese villain.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was selected to be engineered as part of the Super-Man of China project, which had the means to \"replicate\" Superman's powers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "His recruitment as a replacement however, is motivated by a shady branch of the Chinese government.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He eventually got to meet Clark Kent in Superman #16, during an arc which featured the villain of the month going after multiple Supermen across the multiverse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Up to oneself to decide whether that acknowledges him enough as a Superman!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You might also want to know that there are several other heroes in this arc as well, like Chinese Batman and Wonder Woman.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are the Justice League of China.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hoshi", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the 2002 Elseworld JLA: Shogun of steel , Kal-El's rocket lands in Feudal Japan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He is raised by a fisherman who names him Hoshi, his son of the stars.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thanks to Pharap for pointing out that \"Hoshi\" (星) just means \"star\", and \"star son\" would have to be \"Hoshirou\" (星郎).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He's able to wield a katana, but don't worry, the final fight involves the traditional Superman way of solving issues with punches, while dressed with the brand \"S\" symbol.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Superman of Tokyo Superman of Tokyo (2015) is part of the DC Nation shorts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It features an aging Superman giving his cape and his mantra to Kenta, son of the Japanese equivalent of reporter Lois Lane.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Kenta then takes part in world (or at least Tokyo) saving from a giant robot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For all its... unusualness, the short still features a depiction of Superman, who is Japanese, and is stamped DC.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 42 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "South Asian", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In Superman: The Feral Man of Steel ( Superman Annual #6), an Elseworlds story, the infant K'L'L lands in India in the 19th Century and grows up in the wild.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This version of Superman has the appearance of a dark-skinned Caucasian of South Asia.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "(Image source: Wikipedia )", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "While this may be toeing the line between Eurasia, we do have a depiction of Soviet Superman, and Russia is technically in Asia (even if it shouldn't be culturally).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Superman: Red Son his ship lands in Ukraine instead of Kansas and he becomes a \"Champion of the common worker\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have never seen or heard of any clear depiction of Superman as anything other than the American of European origin that portrayed him in the original series.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "I specifically recall his motto of \"truth, justice and the American way\" being voiced over film of him standing with arms folded and cape flowing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "I think your question is interesting and yet your search better directed to characters of a similar nature with a known Asian origin.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Aside from the films of several Chinese action stars such as Jackie Chan, Jet Lee, and Bruce Lee, most of us here in the US are completely ignorant of superhero film or comic book characters of an Asian (or any other non-European) origin.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To my taste, remakes transposed to other cultural regions are often uninspired.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The inspiration of the original is lost, if there was any to begin with.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Along the lines of Is there a depiction of Superman where he is an African American? Was there ANY depiction of Superman as an Asian in the comics or even elsewhere?", "title": "Is there a depiction of Superman as an Asian?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<dc><comics><superman>", "link": "", "author": " Ray" }
[ [ "There are at least three depictions of Superman as Asian. The recent New Superman comics feature Kong Kenan as the \"Superman of China\" and \"Superman of Tokyo\" is part of the DC Nation shorts. Additionally, \"Superman: The Feral Man of Steel\" depicts Superman as having a dark-skinned South Asian appearance.", "There have been several depictions of Superman as Asian, for example Kong Kenan, but ultimately he is an alien from Krypton so the ethnicity he apparently has can be misleading." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "As Superman is an alien from Krypton it is in a sense misleading to think of him as having any particular ethnicity.", "There have been at least three, including Kong Kenan, the \"superman of China\" and Hoshi, the Superman of Japan.", "In Superman: The Feral Man of Steel (Superman Annual #6), there is an infant who lands in 19th century India and grows up in the wild, having a South Asian appearance.", "I have only seen Superman depicted as having an American or European origin." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Because Vader was a well-known individual in the Empire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Vader quickly became a highly visible symbol of the Empire, serving as Palpatine’s fearsome enforcer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He hunted down fugitive Jedi who had escaped Order 66, as well as ferreting out enemies both within and without.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Darth Vader - Databank (emphasis mine)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And if you are wondering how Kenobi knew Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker, he saw it in the temple hologram.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN moves to a panel and flips some switches.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He sees a HOLOGRAM of ANAKIN slaughtering JEDI, including the YOUNG ONES.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN and YODA react.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN: (continuing)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It can't be . . .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It can't be . . .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As ANAKIN surveys the carnage, a DARK-ROBED SITH LORD enters.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ANAKIN turns to DARTH SIDIOUS and kneels before him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ANAKIN:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The traitors have been taken care of, Lord Sidious.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DARTH SlDIOUS:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good . . .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "good . . . You have done well,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "my new apprentice.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Do you feel your power growing?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ANAKIN:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, My Master.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DARTH", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "SlDIOUS:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now, Lord Vader, now go and bring peace to the Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN watches in horror.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tears well up in his eyes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I can't watch any more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN switches off the hologram.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The TWO JEDI stand in silence for a few moments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "YODA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Destroy the Sith, we must.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Send me to kill the Emperor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I will not kill Anakin.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "YODA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To fight this Lord Sidious, strong enough, you are not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "OBI-WAN:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He is like my brother ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I cannot do it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "YODA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The boy you trained, gone he is . . .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Consumed by Darth Vader.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 61 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "First, Obi Wan knew Vader was Anakin.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As this question points out, he saw Palapatine address Anakin as \"Vader\" in a security hologram at the Jedi temple during the events of Revenge of the Sith.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Second, from this question , it was apparently common rumor that Vader was part machine:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was that genuflecting obedience, the steadfast devotion to execute whatever task the Emperor assigned, that had given rise to so many rumors about Vader: that he was a counterpart to the Confederacy’s General Grievous the Emperor had been holding in reserve; that he was an augmented human or near-human Star Wars: Tarkin.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So even without considering Obi Wan's well developed force powers, it could be a reasonable statement to make.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Vader is a famous figure in the Empire .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Although Obi-Wan is described as living as a hermit, he would have needed to keep some tabs on local Empire propaganda to help him stay hidden.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It is likely that almost everyone in Imperial territory knew what Darth Vader looks like (with his armor on, at least).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan would know that much too.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan is probably just guessing about Vader's cybernetic enhancements, but he has good reason to make the assumptions he does, because unlike most people, Obi-Wan knows the extent of Anakin's injuries .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Vader lost most of his limbs on Mustafar, yet he is seen walking and using hands.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Anyone who hears Vader speak knows he has a breathing apparatus, but most people probably think this is just part of the armor's function as a space suit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan, though, knows where and how Anakin's lungs could have been damaged.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Given the medical technology of the series, it would have been safe for Obi-Wan to assume that Vader's limbs and lungs are cybernetic , because he just plain wouldn't have them otherwise.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Spooniest", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As others have stated, surely there was Imperial propaganda that depicted Vaders image.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "However it doesn't matter what Vader looked like in order for Obi-Wan to know him.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan and Vader sensed each other's presence on the Death Star before they met face to face.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan could have been wearing a snowman suit and Vader dressed as a toaster and they both would have known each other.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "This was, after all, master and apprentice who spent years training and fighting together in the clone wars.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan also knows that Vader at that point has lost an arm and two legs from his battles, so in order for him to be still around he would have to be \"more machine than man\" now.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "When Obi-Wan sees Vader he is standing in the corridor with his lightsaber ignited, and then walks up to Obi-Wan and starts talking.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "How many Dark lords of the Sith would be walking around on the Death Star waiting for him?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Vader hadn't seen Obi-Wan in years either.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The last time he had seen his former master he looked like Ewan McGregor.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Going by sight alone he would have been forgiven for failing to recognise him as the ageing Alec Guinness.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But of course Vader sensed his old master was in the vicinity long before he encountered him face to helmet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If Vader could sense Obi-Wan's presence by the force alone, logically Obi-Wan could sense Vader/Anakin too.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan himself explained that the force \" surrounds \" and \" penetrates \" all living things.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If that is the case it is also logical that those who are sensitive to the force can sense both the outer appearance of another living thing as well as their inner person.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obi-Wan could have therefore sensed that Anakin was \"more machine than man\" based on how the force surrounded and penetrated his remaining living tissue.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } } ]
{ "question": "How did Obi-Wan know what Vader looked like before he confronted him? \"He is more machine now than man\"", "title": "How did Obi-Wan know what Darth Vader looked like in Episode IV?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<star-wars><darth-vader><obi-wan-kenobi>", "link": "", "author": " Lehnigk" }
[ [ "Obi-Wan knew what Darth Vader looked like because Darth Vader was a well-known individual in the empire. It's quite possible that everyone knew what Darth Vader looked like. Aside from this, using the force, Vader and Obi-Wan were able to detect each other's presence aboard the Death Star long before they encountered each other.", "Darth Vader's apperance was familiar across the Empire through propaganda, but also Obi-Wan knew he was Anakin and therefore that he must be part machine due to Anakin's injuries. Obi-Wan would also have recognised Vader because of the link from their former relanship as master and apprentice." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 12 ]
[ [ "Darth Vader was well known throughout the Empire and therefore anyone would have known what he looked like.", "First, Kenobe knew Vader was Anakin and secondly it was widely rumoured that Vader was part machiner.", "Kenobi would have known Vader's appearance from local Empire propaganda and he would have known Vader was part machine because he knew the extent of Anakin's injuries, which would have necessitated mechanical replacements.", "Despite the propaganda providing examples of Vader's appearance Kenobi would have sensed it was him because of their old relationship as master and apprentice." ] ]