[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The British were in charge of India from 1858 to 1947.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During the period from 1877 to 1947 (or so), the British monarchs also called themselves \"Emperor of India\" or \"Empress of India,\" in addition to their status as King or Queen.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So Victoria signed letters as \"Victoria RI,\" where the R was for \"queen\" (Regina) and the I was for \"empress\" (Imperatrix).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Victoria was persuaded to take the title of Empress of India by then prime minister Benjamin Disraeli in 1876", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Partly this was to stop the political embarrassment that her daughter was married to the heir to the German emperor which would have made her daughter an empress", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and so outrank her - thus making Britain less important than Prussia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mostly it was that Disraeli was an expert politician and able to twist the monarch and public opinion to his purpose.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Giving the head of state an impressive title that made her happy, the people happy and increased the country's international standing - at no cost - was a masterstroke.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Victoria and her successors were king/queen of the United Kingdom (England + Scotland + Wales + Ireland) and emperor/empress of India in personal union, in part at least so as not to be outdone by the Hohenzollern (king of Prussia and emperor of Germany) and the Habsburgs (emperor of Austria and king of Hungary).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "“RI” (regina-imperatrix) is the exact equivalent of “k.u.k.”", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(kaiserlich und königlich).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "People talked about the British Empire, but nobody ever actually officially created a British Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was no monarch of the British Empire, no prime minister of the British Empire, not cabinet of the British empire, no parliament of the British Empire, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was merely the United kingdom and a bunch of colonies controlled by it with no central institutions except for those which the United Kingdom already had.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "They sometimes used the title \"King-Emperor\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The main cultural region was England (& Britain), which had historically been \"Kingdoms\" not \"Empire\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence it was more culturally acceptable for the reigning monarch to be called \"King\", not \"Emperor\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is no formal ritual which bestows the title \"Emperor\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The term doesn't have a legal meaning, there no copyright, nothing to prevent Joshua Norton from declaring himself to be the Emperor of North America.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Pedants may argue that the term derives from Imperator, which does have a formal requirement and bestowal ritual, but since the fall of Rome that title is not relevant.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Arguably the Monarch of the United Kingdom became an Emperor in 1759 after the Battle of Quebec.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Great Britain defeated France and inherited title to French lands in North America.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is the event that my teachers asserted made the UK an Empire, although there isn't really a legalistic justification for the change.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The UK suddenly had Imperial problems, which I would loosely define as \"How to perform governance in a foreign land where domestic governance obviously doesn't apply?\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "North American colonies were not \"represented\" by members of Parliament, nor by the House of Lords (One could argue the Lords Spiritual, but ...)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "British law applied and British rights, but governance would have to be exercised differently.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There could be no Bishops, no Lords, no Barons, no Marquis, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The institutions of governance that relied on these officials would have to be restructured.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For me, that is an Imperial problem and that is why Britain is suddenly an Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(note that Scotland had Scottish titles and Scottish governance institutions that the UK could co-opt; there were no such institutions in North America.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While the individuals serving as Governors' may have had titles, they were serving as the King's representative, not as titled Lords.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Flip the question", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the other way - What would have happened if Britain were never an Empire?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What if there is no point at which one can say \"at this point Britain is not an Empire, but at the point it is.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nothing in history would have changed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Emperor is a word we use out of convenience to describe Executive authorities that must incorporate a diversity of governance institutions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(In point of fact, I believe that Adams suggested that G. Washington be addressed as his Imperial Majesty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thank goodness he was defeated.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " C. Wallace", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "When did the British monarch become an Emperor? I know that Queen Victoria became Empress of India, that there is an order of the British Empire, but is there such a thing as a British Emperor?", "title": "When did the British monarch become an emperor?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<british-empire>", "link": "", "author": " Dubacq" }
[ [ "After the battle of Quebec in 1759, the British monarch become Emperor. From 1877 to 1947, the British monarch also referred to themselves as Emperor of India. There is no formal rule about use of this title.", "There is no formal way of defining a British monarch as an Emperor or Empress. However, the term \"Empress of India\" was used, and some would argue that the British monarch played the role of an Emperor following the Battle of Quebec, even though the term was not official." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "British monarchs used the title Emperor of India, but not an Emperor of Britain.", "The British monarch arguably became an emperor after the battle of Quebec.", "There is no formal definition of a British Emperor." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Whele senators and ordinary civilians could justify a war with such considerations, the official pretexts for the wars were always different.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All wars Rome conducted were officially motivated by international law.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Particular motivations being: Defending the allies (first and second Punic wars, Gallic war)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Breach of a treaty by the other party (second Punic war) Invitation by a foreign pretender to the throne to help him against his adversary (invasion of Judea) Pacification of warlike tribes (Caesar's invasions of Britain and Germany) and so on.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It should be noted that \"we just will conquer you\" statements are quite rare in world's history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is because if you use such arguments, you will experience problems in the future with concluding any treaties with other peoples, thus diplomatically unwise.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The most close possibly being Islamic conquests which were based on theological arguments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The only (to my knowledge) province that Rome brought under its control primarily based on a resource need was Egypt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Egypt, and to a lesser extent, north Africa, were the so-called \"granary of Rome\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Egypt was a necessary supplier of grains in a time where Rome (the city) and the standing army were growing, and an increasing number of citizens was relying on handouts by politicians or the state - the so-called \"plebs frumentaria\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At its apex Rome imported approximately 350000 tonnes of grains each year and 200-300 thousand citizens were living off handouts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Egypt also offered good connections to Asian trade routes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But if trade is considered a resource, then the Punic wars and the Hellenic wars might also be considered a resource driven assessment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As user357320 already mentioned, the annexation of Dacia and Iberia also had some economic agendas, but that was not the main reason given at the time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, here is a picture of where you find what resources:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "At one point, the Romans extended the frontier in central Germania to swallow up a modest bit of land that was rich in silver mines.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "IIRC this was around the time of the Emperor Domitian.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sources:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The primary source was from The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire by Edward Luttwak.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It discusses the annexation and mentions the region as securing some fertile land and supporting a friendly tribe, as well as pressing on the hostile Chatti.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It also provided a buffer for Maintz and the flank of the annexation of the Agri Decumantes to the south.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However I did find a supporting remark from Tacitus' Annals Book XI, 20, from the time of Claudius: Nor was it long before the same distinction was gained by Curtius Rufus, who had opened a mine, in search of silver-lodes, in the district of Mattium.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The profits were slender and short-lived, but the legions lost heavily in the work of digging out water-courses and constructing underground workings which would have been difficult enough in the open.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Worn out by the strain — and also because similar hardships were being endured in a number of provinces — the men drew up a private letter in the name of the armies, begging the emperor, when he thought of entrusting an army to a general, to assign him triumphal honours in advance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here Curtius Rufus gets triumphal ornaments by sending his troops over the border to do some quick work Silver Mining in Germany.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is the same area that the lines would later extend out to encompass a generation or so later.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Several Roman authors criticised Roman imperialism.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Two that I am aware of include: • Sallust, De bello Iugurthino.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The book however traces Rome’s warlikeness back to inner politics, not acquisition of resources.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "•", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Caesar, De bello Gallico, 7th book.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Caesar negotiates with Vincengetorix.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the book, Caesar criticises Roman imperialism via Vincengetorix’ speech during that negotiation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It was always my understanding that the Roman conquests in Spain and Dacia were motivated by their respective gold and silver mines.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "Was there ever a case when Rome conquered a territory solely for the purpose of gaining control of a specific resource (spice, ore, timber, etc....)? I'm looking for something backed up by historical evidence - e.g. a document from a military/civilian leader, a public speach etc... admitting to such motivation. Please note that I'm only including extractable natural resources here as understood today - e.g things like slaves, extra economy, markets, waterways or strategic territory are NOT in scope.", "title": "Were there any conquests that Ancient Rome undertook explicitly to gain control of a natural resource?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<ancient-rome>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Rome conquered Egypt for its resources, Spain and Dacia for their gold and silver mines and Germania for silver mines also.", "There are a few examples of Roman territorial gains which may have been motivated by a need for resources, such as gold and silver in Spain, silver in Germania and other resources in Egypt." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is believed that Rome's incursions into Egypt were motivated by need for certain resources.", "It is believed that Roman conquests in Spain were driven by the desire to appropriate their gold and silver mines.", "At one point, Roman took land in Germania which was rich in silver desposits." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The Epidaurus Theatre (ca. 300-340 BC), the Delphi theatre (4 th century BC) and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus (161 AD) in the Acropolis of Athens (known locally as the the Herodeon), still fulfil their original purpose, all three are constantly used as venues for various festivals .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The ancient theatre in Dion is also used occasionally.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Colosseum (completed in 80 AD) could also qualify, while not in constant use as with the Pantheon that DVK already mentioned , it is used by the catholic church for the Via Crucis ceremony on Good Friday .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Furthermore in July 2000 the National Theatre of Greece performed Oedipus Rex in the Colosseum .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lastly, the remains of the Temple of Hera (590 BC, destroyed by an earthquake in the 4 th century BC) in Ancient Olympia is the location where the torch of the Olympic flame for the Modern Olympics is lit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A continuous flame was maintained at the sanctuary of the temple during the Ancient Olympics, and the temple was also the location where the olive wreaths for the victors were displayed during the games.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 35 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Pantheon in Rome (126 AD).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of the older buildings in the Wiki list ( ) are either not in use, or used as tombs only, or were reconstructed significantly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 22 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The upper story of the Theater of Marcellus (ca 13 BC) in Rome is a block of apartments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Sonkin", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "While not exactly a building, the Western Wall in Jerusalem ( ) is a site in which daily praying takes place.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was constructed around around 19 BCE.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " L", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Roman theatre in Caesarea .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Goldberg", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think is possible that only Roman buildings are still in use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Spain we have the Theatre of Mérida , inaugurated 15 B.C and today it is used to play Roman tragedies, and Hercules' Tower , a Roman lighthouse in A Coruña, still in use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Stonehenge and other megalithic sites in Britain are still, or pehaps more accurately, once again used for religious purposes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "What's the oldest building in the world that is still in use (i.e. used for something other than a tourist spot).", "title": "What is the oldest building in the world still in use?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<construction>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The oldest known buildings in the world are the Pantheon and the Roman theatre in Caesarea.", "Possible contenders for the oldest building still used for its original purpose could be the Roman theatre in Caesarea or the Pantheon in Rome." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Possible contenders for the oldest building still used for its original purpose could be the Roman theatre in Caesarea or the Pantheon in Rome." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "This is an interesting question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With the benefit of hindsight, \"Russia\" wasn't in a position to help Saddam Hussein in 1990-91 because the Soviet was about to implode.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The reason it probably didn't help Hussein in 2003 was that they didn't believe that President George Bush Jr. would invade Iraq; his father, Bush Sr., had declined to march on Baghdad after winning the Persian Gulf War.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But the Iraq war was a \"wakeup\" call to Russia; it didn't want Syria to be the next country to fall under American influence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Not to dismiss political philosophy, but pragmatism drives most behaviors in goverment-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Russia's only warm-water port (also the only one in the Mediterranean) is in Syria.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It just got re-built.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Russia sells about $5 Billion worth of arms to Syria every year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Syria willingly obliges Russia's pressure to confront Israel when called to do so.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Helping Saddam\" when the US invading Iraq would lead to direct military conflict with the US.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Russia was the ally of the socialist Baath party in Iraq, of which Saddam was a member.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "However, the Iran-Iraq war changed this allegiance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since during the cold-war there were really only two poles (in military, economic, and ideological power), most countries allied with one or the other.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This ultimately became a binary decision, as allying with one would require joining that ally's international \"camp\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Baath party in Iraq had initially been enthusiastic with the deposing of their enemy, the Shah of Iran, in 1979.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, when largely Shia Iran called for the overthrow of the minority Sunni-led Iraq, this sentiment obviously changed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The US obviously had their own animosity towards Iran as it had overthrown", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it's ally the Shah, and held Americans hostage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The US government was more than happy to supply Iraq with arms, including biological weapons, in their bloody fight with the Iranians.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This lead to an alliance with the Americans at the expense of the Iraqi relationship with the Soviets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While the Americans were hoping that both countries would demolish each other leading the way to weaker more controllable states, they would have much preferred the more secular government of Iraq to the anti-imperialist and militantly Islamic government of Iran.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is why after the war, the Americans continued to arm Iraq, despite Saddam using American chemical weapons to murder the rebellious Kurdish population.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Much of the reason that the Soviet Union did little to interfere in the 1980's was due to their weakening economic situation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "When the first gulf war was initiated by the US in 1991, Russia was not in a position to resist.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Furthermore, considering that the Americans were leading the global coalition to force Saddam out of Kuwait, any military assistance provided by the Russians could be seen in a negative light by the international community.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Not to mention that any direct involvement would been seen as an act of war against the US, which would be very dangerous given the tenuous nuclear balance maintained between those countries.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The dynamics of the Cold War were such that every country outside of the Superpowers were strongly encouraged to take sides.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you were geographically close to one of them, you often didn't have a lot of choice who that was.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, this opened oppertunity for the less ideologically rigid (and less scrupulous) to work both sides off each other to obtain the best deal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is essentially what Hussein did in Iraq.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While Iran was a staunch US ally, he took support from Russia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, after the revolution in the 70's, he sensed an oppertunity and started taking support from the USA too.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During the Iran/Iraq war, Hussein was essentially acting as a USA client to keep Iran busy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I believe the (stupid) idea of starting the war was entirely Hussein's, but once engaged it was definitely in the USA's interest that Iraq do as well as possible in it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The problem with a country taking this Realpolitik attitude is when the day comes that you aren't particularly useful to either side, things can get ugly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is what happened to Hussein after the Iran/Iraq war ended.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It pays to develop real friends.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If we speak about the second Iraq war, Russia dealt with the case of Iraq the same way as it dealt with Syria.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They opposed the invasion and did not allow the Iraq invasion in the Security Council, but the USA just bypassed the SC.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Russia had no power and/or willingness to prevent the Iraq invasion by military means as this would mean a direct military conflict with the USA.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Regarding the first invasion in Iraq under Bush the father, there was a pro-US leadership in the USSR at the time (1991)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "so they were unwilling and unable to oppose.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also Iraq at the time invaded Kuwait which provided a better pretext for international condemnation and the anti-Iraqi UN SC resolution.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Syria is one of the few places in which Russian technology is field tested against Western technology on a regular basis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For instance, other than North Korea, Syria has the most advanced anti-aircraft systems in the world.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is often put to the test with Israeli jets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 2007 I think an Israeli jet did manage to penetrate the air defences, and just a few weeks ago a suspected Israeli jet was shot down", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(it later turned out to be Turkish).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, Syria has an important Russian Mediterranean naval base.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Wasn't Saddam an ally of Russia? If Russia wasn't his ally, who was his ally? Syria is looking like a strong ally of Russia as it was the case of Serbia. Russians played direct roles to save these countries. Then what was in Saddam's mind?", "title": "Why didn't Russia help Saddam Hussein as it is helping Syria now?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<russia><middle-east><syria>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Russia did not believe the US would invade Iraq and also could not risk war with the US. The had a weakend economic position and were in no position to intervene.", "Russia was indeed an ally of the Ba'ath party in Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein. However, during the first Gulf War, Russia had a pro-US leadership and, regardless of this, any intervention on the part of Russia to support the Iraqis would likely have led to a conflict with the USA and possibly other countries. Furthermore, it is not clear that Russia was either politically or economically in a position to enter such a conflict." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The nature of conflicts involving Saddam Hussein meant that any intervention by Russia on the side of the Iraqis would likely lead to an international conflict or at least a direct conflict with the USA.", "Russia was neither economically or politically in the a position to enter into a conflict to help Saddam Hussein.", "Russia was indeed an ally of the Ba'ath party in Iraq.", "During the first Gulf War, there was a pro-US leadership in place in Russia." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Pedro I of Brazil declared its independence from Portugal and thus can be said to have founded the country as Brazil did not exist as an entity until its colonization by the Portuguese.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He however had to abdicate his throne due to his mismanagement of the country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "King Clovis", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the I has been called \" the first Frenchman \", but he was more or less ignored for long periods of French history:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In April, President Chirac instructed the government to set up a national committee to mark the 1,500th anniversary of the baptism of Clovis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to historians, the only other French celebration of the baptism of Clovis was in the 18th century, nine years before the legal separation of church and state.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, Clovis soon became a heated partisan issue: A lot of people even began to suspect that the Clovis debate was becoming a displaced argument about the extreme-right-wing National Front and its leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Front had taken up the iconography of Clovis before anyone else, and had helped put the Clovis cult back in motion...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Clovis, it turned out, had what in American politics would be called \"a character problem.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Far from being a pioneering pagan-basher, was just an opportunist, who saw a way of getting papal support by triangulating himself between the heretic Arians and the pagan Alamanni....", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His negatives kept going up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was a butcher who had killed his uncles and most of his nephews...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The left declared that Clovis was really more German than French...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "( source )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Though (or perhaps because) rightist groups have tried to generate love for Clovis, in part to celebrate monarchical over republican traditions in France, Clovis remains far from universally beloved in the almost apolitical manner that most Americans venerate George Washington.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " sheds", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Perhaps Ataturk is an example.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Nowadays, his legacy is very much questioned in Turkey.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Goldberg", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Russia's Boris Yeltsin is widely disrespected in Russia.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the questionnaire conducted by the request of IA Regnum in Voronezh in January 2012, 56% of the participants consider that he brought more harm than good.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "About 31% assessed that there was about equal amount of harm and benefit, and only 9% said that he brought more benefit than evil.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only 20% opined that he could be not that bad man in private life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A questionnare by VTsIOM conducted by the request of state agency RIA NOVOSTI countrywide showed that only 17% of the questioned considered the deeds of Yeltsin positive, which is surpassed only by Gorbachev, whose activity is considered positive by no more than 14%.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Canada, Sir John A. MacDonald is today often derided as drunk and corrupt, despite his many accomplishments and notwithstanding the glowing tributes in those links.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I myself am amazed that he found a compromise acceptable to the five founding provinces, and then still managed to finagle British Columbia in as well; but not all Canadians share that opinion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many in Quebec, and perhaps also in New Brunswick and Manitoba, still despise him for executing Louis Riel following the North-West rebellion in 1885.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Geerkens", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Pedro I of Brazil is not venerated neither hated in Brazil.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It roots in the sui generis history of independence of Brazil, and personally of his founder and liberator.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Summarizing: Pedro", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I was born in Lisbon, Portugal, 1798.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Portuguese Court transferred to Rio de Janeiro in 1808, running away of Napoleon invasion of Iberian Peninsula.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It created the sui generis situation of the capital of a Empire residing in one of its Colony, not in the Metropolis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His father, John VI, became King of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves in 1816.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1821, when it was safe to return, John VI went back to Lisbon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pedro", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I declared independence in 1822.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Portugal, ruled by his father, accepted independence in 1825.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The whole process of independence was, with a few exceptions, pretty peaceful compared to the process of other countries in the continent.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When his father died, in 1826, he also briefly reigned over Portugal, from 10 march to 2 may.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He abdicated the Brazilian Crown in 1831 and went back to Portugal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He died on 1834, in Lisbon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, despite being the de facto founder of the country, it is hard to view him as an \"authentic liberator\" (specially compared with the founders of the USA or Bolivar, José de San Martín, etc.), or even as an \"authentic Brazilian\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, despite being a national holiday, Brazilians celebrates its independence day (7 of september) way less than other countries on Americas.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Edit : it is not to say that there were not wishes of independence on Brazil.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the contrary, Brazil had separatist and republican movements since the eighteenth century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another national holiday on April 21 celebrates Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes , executed as a leading member of the Minas Gerais Conspiracy , in 1792.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another national holiday celebrates the Proclamation of the Republic, which happened November 15 (1889).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, the ambiguous or little relevance of Dom Pedro I roots in some perception that his declaration of independence was a stratagem of the Portuguese Royal to not lose power.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Usurping the authentic wishes of independence and specially of republicanism.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome, is an example of sort.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He was of course always glorified as the founder of the city, and even divinized, but at the same time he was a king, with some clear tyrannical tendencies, and during all the republic, and even at the beginning of the empire, this was enough for him to be considered as an example not to follow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is telling that Octavian, after his victory in the civil war, refused to surname of \"Romulus\" that some in the senate wanted to offer him (he accepted \"Augustus\" instead)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "ël", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Founders of nations are often known as the \" Father of the Nation \". These people are charismatic leaders who have gone through hardship in creating a nation for the independence of their country, and in many cases have a Cult of Personality It is possible that founders of nations become de facto dictators by using their personality-cult. This allows them to implement various controversial decisions which ultimately trigger public dissatisfaction. Is there any country where the founder of the nation is no longer respected? If so, why are they no longer respected?", "title": "Is there any country where the founder of the nation is no longer respected?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<founding-fathers>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There are several exmples of this. Ataturk is not respected in this country and Boris Yeltsin is another example in Russia, as well as John A. Macdonald in Canada and Romulus, the founder of Rome.", "Depending on the definition of the 'founder' of a country, there are a few examples of founders being later less respected by their countrymen. Some of these include, Ataturk, Boris Yeltsin, John A. MacDonald or Romulus." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Depending on the definition of the 'founder' of a country, there are a few examples of founders being later less respected by their countrymen. Some of these include, Ataturk, Boris Yeltsin, John A. MacDonald or Romulus." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I think the Great Depression was quite irrelevant for Germany in 1939 similarly to for other countries that took measures at state regulation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As for the income, Germany was a well-developed industrial country with advanced technology.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was a pioneering country at chemistry, electrical engineering, machine-tool construction, railroads and transportation, metallurgy and mining.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Its industry was known for exceptional quality.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Germany had extensive exports, which did not stop throughout the war mostly through the neutral countries.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "With the German conquests German firms earned numerous advantages that maximized their income: They replaced or adsorbed the local businesses in many occupied countries", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They earned the ability to use cheap forced labour of the conquered peoples Also prior to the war any strikes were outlawed in Germany so that the firms could operate without risking with workers' protests.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 39 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The recent book Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State by Götz Aly offers a new and very important look at this question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is the subject of an ongoing academic debate but many of the factual findings seem to be indisputable, if I understand correctly (haven't read it but read very detailed reviews).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Very brief summary: The Nazis borrowed prodigious sums to finance the re-armament of Germany, the Autobahns and the social benefits the Germans received. \"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Fortunately\", at the very moment the chips were due to fall and they would have had to face insolvency, they started the war and turned it into a great expopriation scheme.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That the Nazis looted all Europe and made it pay and work for the war machine is quite well-known; Ali goes into great detail showing the mechanics of the process and showing that the German was effort was to a large degree a financial pyramid, where the conquered countries and the murdered Jews were looted to pay off the deficits the Nazis had kept accruing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "He posits that the common German people were quite aware of this, grosso modo , and claims that this partly explains the tenacity with which the Germans fought to the bitter end (a claim that may not immediately follow from his economic data, as other factors, e.g. ideology, are involved).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One detail for example: they herded hundreds of thousands of Russians to work as labourers, industrial workers and domestic help in Germany; they were ostensibly paid (very low) salaries - but these salaries were stashed into a fund which nobody ever saw.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another example: the Germans paid for goods in the countries they conquered (at least in the East) with \"occupation marks\" - an artificial currency whose exchange rate they loaded heavily in their own favour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Goldberg", "score": 30 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "According to a recent study commissioned by the German Finance Ministry, looting of German Jewish wealth amounted to 120 billion reich marks and financed about 1/3 of the expenditure of the German armed forces during WWII.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Aller", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Germany conquered and occupied a number of countries, and stripped them of their gold reserves (except in those instances where the countries were able to ship the gold abroad).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They sometimes paid in either marks, or more often, local currency, since they effectively controlled those countries' banking systems.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And in a pinch, they could requisition the supplies and labor that needed, basically at the point of a gun.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And Germany was one of the first countries to \"exit\" the Depression.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That was a major result of the rearmament program, which had a \"pump priming\" effect on the economy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Nazis got there money by kicking out the privately owned central bank.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "(Just like the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank of USA, aka Central Bank).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After that Hitler printed their own money which was interest free.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "within a few years Germany was the richest nation in the world while the rest of the nation were in a depression from the privately owned central banks greed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Some US Bank and large US Companies funded the Germans in World War 2.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of these banks,The Union Bank run by Prescott Bush owned by George Herbert Walker was seized by the U.S in 1942 for trading with the Germans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Under The trading with the enemy act.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mr Julius Silverstein and Mr. Gingold sued the Bush family and the United States in 2001 for profiting from the Auschwits concentration camps.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of the reason the United States didn't get involved in World War 2 was because of US companys profits.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One company was Ford Motor Company.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think the true answer is: money is a fiction, useful for bookkeeping, but ultimately meaningless.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What truly matters is control of resources, infrastructure and labor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Using money is the \"civilized\" method of gaining that control, but if you're prepared to resort to uncivilized methods (forced labor, seizing privat property, outright conquest), you can pretty much ignore it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See and", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Borgwardt", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Not sure if it's already mentioned here, but not many people know that Nazi Germany was on the verge of bankruptcy in the years 1936-1938.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Uncontrolled investments in weaponry, social plans plus the build up of an extensive police- and army apparatus where too much for the state, which just was coming out of the deepest recession in German history until then.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After 1938 this changed of course, as occupying other countries, hence robbing their gold reserves and access to massive private (mainly Jewish) capital, meant a big boost for for them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And let's also not forget that Germany was financially supported by very rich Americans of German and Irish (Henry Ford!)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "descend.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although this proved to be a drop on a boiling plate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "German economy only SEEMED strong, but in fact was still very weak in the 30's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's why I don't agree with the answer chosen as the correct one as it's not a correct answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Gaea", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "How did Nazi Germany finance itself during the war? They produced a large amount of war material during 1939-1945, but how was this production financed? What were Germany's revenue streams that enabled them to purchase and transport the raw materials of war and pay the workers? I doubt they were exporting goods during the war, so any revenue was likely internal to the country. Given the Depression was still going on in 1939, how did they pay for the war?", "title": "How did Nazi Germany finance itself during WW2?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<world-war-two><nazi-germany><economy><ww2-european-theater>", "link": "", "author": " Pointer" }
[ [ "The Nazis made money from the countries they occupied. They stripped them of their gold reserves and looted Europe. Their exports still continued through neutral countries. They also borrowed huge sums from some US and private banks.", "The Nazis made significant financial gains as it conquered land during the war. However, it also borrowed a lot of money and looted more from its own Jewish people. Added to this that the regime continued to export to other neutral countries, the Nazi regime was more than capable of supporting itself financially." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The gains made by looting conquered peoples significantly contributed towards financially supporting the Nazi regime.", "The Nazis borrowed quite a lot of money to support the regime during the war.", "The Nazis took over the privately-owned central bank.", "The Nazis confiscated a lot of Jewish money during and leading up to the war.", "Germany's extensive exports with other neutral countries continued throughout the war." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The Scenic Theatre in North Dakota claims to be the oldest continually operating theatre on its website.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "From their website footnote", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The oldest continually operating theatre in America", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "*", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "* Based on Box Office Magazine's published article on what they credited as the oldest in America & it was 17 years newer than the Scenic Theatre.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They claim they opened in 1911.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Newtown", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Theatre also claims to be the oldest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Newtown Theatre has an extensive history dating back to 1831.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is, in fact, the oldest movie theater in the United States with it's first movie being shown in 1906.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Originally built to be a hall for town gatherings and a \"non sectarian\" church for traveling ministers, it soon became a center of entertainment in Newtown.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If true this would make it older than the Scenic Theatre.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Both of these however, don't say whether they regularly showed movies to the public in the early days or not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Nickelodeon Theatre in Pittsburgh was the first genuine movie theatre in the US.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It opened in June, 1905", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so you're not going to get any earlier than that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It shut down in the 1910s, I think.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Park Theatre in Estes Park, CO is the oldest continually operating theatre west of the Mississippi that was originally built as a motion picture theatre.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Its owners now believe that all theaters east of the Mississippi that were older and originally built to be motion picture theaters have closed down in recent years", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It started playing first run pictures in June of 1913 and just upgraded to digital this year for its 100th year anniversary Sorce: former employee Additional source:,_Colorado) Also see the theatre's website:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Graham Opera House, now known as the State Theater, in Washington, IA has been showing movies since 1894.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At that time a local couple (Frank & Indiana Brinton) toured 35mm nitrate cellulose films and magic lantern slides around the Midwest in what were called 'Tab Shows'.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The movie industry at that time was not taken seriously and was sometimes considered questionable entertainment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The couple were part owners of the Graham Opera House.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Graham Opera House showed both movies and live plays/operas up through the depression.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sorry, I do not know the exact date it switched to only showing motion pictures or when it became known as the State Theater.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The State Theater still maintains it's opera house look as it did when it was first built in the 1890's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I am not claiming this is the oldest continuously run movie theater in the US, but I would say that it is at least in the running.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Very little is mentioned about Frank Brinton's Tab Shows online.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is a link from the Washington County Historical Society that mentions his \"moving pictures\" in the second to last paragraph--the rest of the article tells about a flying machine he made.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is another link from the Kalona News (Washington County, IA) in July 2013 mentioning the current owner of the Brinton films (which survived the past century) and how Brintons toured the Midwest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I hope this information helps determine the oldest continuously operating movie theater in the US!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Johnson", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the San Francisco bay area, California - the Roxie Cinema built in 1909 is the oldest continiously operating theater, changed it's name 7 times starting with the name of C. H. Brown Theater in 1933 the name changed to the Roxie to this day.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another theater in the bay area in the town of Vallejo (V-Town),", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ca.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "as it is known is the Empress Theater.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Opened in 1911 with the Empress name and today it has the same name.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ducay", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Ruby Theatre in Chelan, Washington was built as a movie theatre by the Kingman brothers and opened in 1914.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It has operated as a movie theatre since than.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is privately owned and continues to shown first run films.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It has recently installed digital equipment in anticipation of its 100th birthday next year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Its auditorium is essentially the same as when it was constructed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in about 1990.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Ruby is believed to be the oldest continuously running movie theatre in the Northwest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Creek", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, It was originally thought that the building housing the Priest Theatre, and built in 1910, was a storage facility for automobiles and not used as a theatre until 1926.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, during a campaign to do a required upgrade to digital projection, it was discovered during a history search of the building (via artifacts and articles found) that the theatre building has been used a a theatre since it's construction in 1910.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A link to the kickstarter campaign they used for the building fundraising is included below.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It has the complete updated history of the building.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Pittman", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Minor Theater, located at 1015 H Street in Arcata, California, is one of the oldest buildings in the United States built for feature films that is still open and showing movies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was the first building in Humboldt County to be built as a \"true movie theater.\" From Wikipedia", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I had worked at the Newtown Theatre for a bit", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and yes it has shown movies since 1906.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A couple years back for our 100th year anniversary we actually went back and found all the newspaper clippings of the movies we showed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Coluch", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The oldest OPERATING cinema is in Ottawa, Kansas.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Plaza showed its first movie in 1905 and is still running today.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would know, I live here and watch movies here almost every weekend.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They also have a museum that was opened in 2013 to show the history behind it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " RaeAnn Lear", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "It appears from Wikipedia that the oldest theater in continuous use is in Denmark, but since so much of the film industry is dominated by Hollywood, I was wondering what is the oldest movie theater in the United States.", "title": "What is the oldest movie theater in the US that has been in continuous use as a movie theater?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<20th-century><united-states><movies>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is some debate about the oldest theater in the United States. Some say it is the Scenic Theater in North Dakota while others think it is the Nickelodeon Theatre in Pittsburgh.", "There is no clear answer to this question since a number of theatres make such a claim, including the Scenic Theatre in North Dakota and the Nickelodeon Theatre in Pittsburgh." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There is no clear answer to this question since a number of theatres make such a claim, including the Scenic Theatre in North Dakota and the Nickelodeon Theatre in Pittsburgh." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I think, it depends on the definition of a road.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Most old roads will start as a path trail, later it will be paved.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe it will decline and become again a trail.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think some of the oldest roads will be a mountain pass.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An example", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": The Brenner Pass in the Alps was already used in the stone age ( Ötzi was found nearby).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Damascus, in southwestern Syria, is widely believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, it's not a stretch to suggest that the city of Damascus has the oldest road in the world .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A road that would also meet the following criteria.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "System of paving 2.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Continual upkeep 3.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Continual control by a city 4.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Continuous use, from construction to present day Damascus Straight Street is the Roman street Decumanus Maximus and dates at least as far back as the first century AD.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Roman times, Straight Street was 26 meters wide and 1,570 meters long, lined on both sides with covered porticos containing shops.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The present road follows the same line, starting at Bab Sharqi in the East, crossing the whole width of the ancient city of Damascus , and coming out at the end of Suq Madhat Pasha, 20 meters to the North of Bab al-Jabiya on the western side.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However , the present road is narrower than the ancient one, and via upkeep about 4 meters above its original level.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Italy's Appian Way began construction in 312 BCE.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is still in use, at least as a bicycle path.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I am not certain whether any of the current material could be dated to the original construction.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Links: Wikipedia ; New York Times (reg.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "req.).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Carraig", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would vote for Grand Trunk Road .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "EDIT: I just learned about the Ridgeway , in England.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Over 5,000 years old and still in use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Tripodon Street, in Plaka, Athens, has been used continuously since 500 B.C", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "My suspicions are that a road in Rome, Italy, likely has a strong claim, or perhaps a road in Egypt. It just needs to be a road that has been in continuous use for traffic, whether it was some form of vehicle or pedestrian, through the present day. Per the concerns raised by some of the comments the requirements are: regular upkeep, some sort of system of paving, some sort of control over the road by a city.", "title": "What is the oldest road in the world that has been in continuous use?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<ancient-history><transportation>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Some suggestions are the Grand Trunk Road and Tripodon Street in Athens that has been in use since 500 BC.", "The answer to this question will depend on the definition of a road. However, possible answers could be the Grand Trunk Road or Tripodon Street in Plaka, Athens." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this question will depend on what is considered a road.", "Possible answers to this question could include the Grand Trunk Road or Tripodon Street in Plaka, Athens." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Scotland was \"ruled\" by Edward Long Shanks, then under Robert the Bruce became free.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1707, Scotland opted to join with England.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The group chosen to discus the acts of union were chosen by a pro union Duke of Queensberry, and were mostly pro union.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another case I remember reading was about Eadric Streona .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was a traitor for both the English and the Danes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He joined Knut against the English, then joined the English against the Danes in the battle of Battle of Assandun .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During that battle, he deserted and joined the Danes again, securing their victory.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When England was under Knuts thumb, Knut, who knew the Eadric was not trust-worthy, had him executed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This example might not be what you are looking for, because Eadric didn't switch sides because of a scene of loyalty or necessity, but rather for monetary and power gain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, Eadric wasn't a king of a country, but rather the Alderman of Mercia, the equivalent of an earl.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(earl came into use after Knut appointed Jarls, but the English couldn't pronounce Jarl, and so said earl.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand Mercia was still very much a separate entity, and an earldom was very much a sovereign power", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "thanks the the decentralizing effect of feudalism.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "A textbook example of this occurred in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia in 1979.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The country had been effectively independent for 14 years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A whites-only government had unilaterally declared independence from Britain in 1965.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But in December 1979, as part of the deal by which transition to majority rule was to take place, the Rhodesian parliament voted itself out of existence .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Power was handed back to London and an old-style colonial governor (in the considerable shape of Lord Soames) was despatched to Africa to take over.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The flag of British Rhodesia reverted to the Union Flag (with Rhodesian arms) instead of the flags (predominantly the green-white-green tricolor) which had been flown by the de facto independent states of Rhodesia and (briefly) Zimbabwe-Rhodesia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was always intended to be a temporary arrangement, to allow for free and fair elections to take place.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The elections were held a few months later and independence was duly celebrated in Zimbabwe in April 1980.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Drinker", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba are Netherlands Antilles islands which have rejoined the Netherlands following the breakup of the Netherlands Antilles as a country.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The other 3 Antilles islands have opted for nationhood, although still as part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Some time after the unification of China by Qin, Ren Xiao and Zhao", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tuo were sent to colonise the barbarian region of Nanyue around present day Guangzhou.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Zhao Tuo succeeded Ren Xiao around the time when revolts began to occur against Qin, eventually signalling Nanyue's independence by declaring himself King and raiding surrounding provinces.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When Liu Bang reunited China, the diplomat Lu Jia persuaded Zhao Tuo to submit to Han, although he retained his title of King.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, after Liu Bang's death, his widow Empress Lü cut off trade in iron goods with Nanyue, as a result of which Zhao Tuo declared himself Emperor of Nanyue, dispatching troops to attack Han and sending bribes to nearby chiefs to encourage them to switch allegiances.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Empress Lü sent troops to attack him but disease led to the failure of the mission.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After Empress Lü's death, Emperor Wen took the throne.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once more, Lu Jia persuaded Zhao Tuo to submit to Han, renouncing his title of Emperor and returning to being King.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In 1860 the Dominican Republic, some 15 years after independence and in turmoil, asked to be readmitted to the Spanish Empire .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems that debts and the threat of invasion prompted the request, which was readily agreed to by the Spanish.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The relationship quickly broke down and the territory was soon in revolt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Spain was unable to reassert control and within five years the country was again independent.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Drinker", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The British colony of Newfoundland became a mostly independent dominion in 1907.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1933, facing crushing dept in the Great Depression, Newfoundland seems to have become mostly a British Colony again while ruled by the Commission.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1948 the citizens voted in a referendum to become part of Canada instead of continuing under Britain, or regaining independence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some wanted to join the United States but Britain and Canada kept that off the ballot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[1]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Persons more expert on Newfoundland history may want to confirm or deny or clarify my impression that an independent Newfoundland agreed in 1933 to become some sort of British possession again.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Is there any country(former colony) in the world that fought for/obtained independence and then again tried to join its colonist ruler? I guess an African country did so. Can anyone tell me?", "title": "Is there any country(former colony) in the world that obtained independence and then again tried to join its colonist ruler?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<independence><colony>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Zimbabwe, islands in the Antilles and the Dominican Republic have all fought for independence before rejoining their old nation.", "There a few examples of this occuring, including Zimbabwe, the Netherlands Antilles islands and the Dominican Republic. The exact reasons in each case are less clear." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There a few examples of this occuring, including Zimbabwe, the Netherlands Antilles islands and the Dominican Republic. The exact reasons in each case are less clear." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The Nazi Party destroyed the political apparatus of the working class, broke the trade union movement, and handed the economy over to German capitalist monopolies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Socialism\" in the mind of the NSDAP involved either the SA's street fighting fantasy of a German nation recast in the image of the right wing worker; or, the NSDAP's central apparatus' conception of a pliant breeding nation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Socialism\" was for the NSDAP the forced mobilisation of the ethnic nation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many Germans at the time, particularly right wing Germans, associated these values with a Bismarkian right wing policy that had been called \"Socialism,\" in the sense of state provided goods and services.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To take political advantage of this feeling, the NSDAP named itself \"National Socialist.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The NSDAP did not hope for the abolition of capitalism, nor for workers' control.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition to this economic position, the NSDAP wished to reunify their imaginary German nation by force; impose a German order on Europe through war; and to eliminate their imaginary racial \"other.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These combination of policies are considered \"right wing.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ordinary socialism, in the sense of workers' control of production, was considered left wing at the time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Russell", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The same reason the \"Democratic People's Republic of (North) Korea\" is a democratic republic...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It wasn't.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was a time when socialism really seemed like the way forward, tempering free enterprise with thoughtful regulation and investing workers in the means of production.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So non-socialists like the Nazis and Communists called themselves socialist to appeal to the political moderates of the interwar period.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the modern day, anyone who equates socialism with either Nazi-brand Fascism or Soviet-brand Communism is a political propagandist, usually affiliated with right-wing US interests.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Swamp Yankee", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It wasn't socialist, and in fact was vehenmently opposed to actual socialists/communists.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Reichstag Fire was one of the causes for Nazi party to grab power and was sold as the beginnings of a communist uprising.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Socialism was not considered right wing in 1930s Europe.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "(Remember in the USA \"Socialist\" is used as a dirty word.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Europe this is not the case ('Socialist Party' is 2nd largest in European Parliament, etc.).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That can colour a debate about the word).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pleanty of countries call themselves things, it doesn't mean they are those things.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Like \"Democratic Republic of Korea\", etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The \"Nazi\" Party STARTED OUT as the National Socialist German Workers Party, with a left-leaning, socialist bent.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is, until it enrolled \"Member Number 7,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" aka Adolf Hitler, who had other ideas.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A World War", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I veteran, Hitler figured out the the \"Dolchstoss\" legend, the idea that Germany had been winning World War I until it was \"stabbed in the back\" by Hitler's enemies, plus re-armament/revanche, was more appealing to most German people than the idea of a \"worker's paradise.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was particularly true of the right wing, where Hitler drew most of his financial support.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, the Nazi party at one time had two wings, a nationalist wing under Hitler and a socialist wing under Gregor Strasser, who considered himself a personal friend of Hitler's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is, until Hitler took over the party, and later murdered his \"friend\" Strasser during the \"Night of the Long Knives.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It sounded good for marketing purposes, for engaging the average industrial worker without the revolutionary baggage of Communism.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is important to understand that when it comes to statism , right and left don't matter that much.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While they will give different reasons why they're chaining you down, enslaving you or murdering you and there may be different people wielding the bludgeon or the gun, the end result is the same.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words, meet the new boss, same as the old boss .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think that Nazi regime was unique in world history in that it unlike any other regime before and after had two faces: it externally pretended to be a left-center force, a left-centrist socialist pro-workers, progressive, industrialist, anti-monarchist, anti-religious, pro-women rights, pro-animal rights, anti-capitalist, anti-monarchist, anti-colonialist party.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But in reality it turned out that Nazism was actually far more right than any monarchists, Russian \"black-hundreds\" and conservatives were before.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was hiding its ultra-right face for a while to achieve popular support.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This duality led to many mistakes by individuals and politicians who made deals with Nazi party and Nazi Germany.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "German Cristians thought they are dealing with a centrist patriotic party when voting for enabling act.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Vatican thought Hitler is quite like Mussolini: a moderately conservative centrist.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Stalin thought he was dealing with a left-center party of small bourgeoisie.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ethnic minorities also thought Nazis are pro-national self-determination and cultural autonomy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many Jews saw that Nazis for a first time in 2000 years allowed Jews to have their own police, ambulance service, postal service, orphanages, and even telephone stations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They did not knew the orphanages and hospitals were designed to quickly separate those unable to work.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nobody could imagine Nazis will kill people in new shining uniforms they just designed for Jewish police (no other regime gives a forage cap with a badge to a condemned enemy).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many Russians and Ukrainians believed Germans will build a moderate form of Socialism without collectivization and other excesses of Soviet Union.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many Germans believed that Nazis really protect animal rights for ethical reasons, not just to make a ban on Jewish meat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In reality it turned out that even conservative clergymen looked like Bolshevicks compared to Nazis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This masquerade became possible because Hitler departed from earlier tradition typical for ultra-right, volkishe movements.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Initially he was even criticized from the far-right positions for even use of the word \"party\" instead of traditional for the right-wing \"league\" \"movement\" or \"union\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But Hitler was smarter.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He abandoned monarchism in favor of unrestricted ultimate dictatorship.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He pursued clergy because they were too left for him and Christian principles were too egalitarian and not enough anti-Semitic, although historically religious Christians were the most anti-Semitic group.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He denounced aristocracy and social estates in favor of eugenics.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He denounced right-wing to promote ultra-right instead.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "The Nazi Party stands for the National Socialist German Workers' Party ( Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ), which sounds like a name for a communist party, why is it considered a far-right party? Isn't it a far-left party, or was socialism considered to be far-right at the time?", "title": "If the nazi is a far-right party, why is it socialist?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<nazi-germany><political-history><political-party>", "link": "", "author": " Li" }
[ [ "The Nazi party presented itself as a socialist party but was in fact vehemently opposed to its ideals. It was a good way to attract industrial workers in the beginning.", "The actual answer to this question is that the Nazi party was not socialist. Socialism was considered to be left-wing at the time and the party used the term 'socialist' as a marketing tool." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The actual answer to this question is that the Nazi party was not socialist.", "The Nazi party used the word 'socialist' as a way to garner support.", "Socialism was not considered to be right-wing at the time." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Personally, I don't think anything ever went particularly \"wrong\" with India.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "They only fell behind the civilizations of Western Europe, not the rest of the world.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "So the proper question to ask here is what suddenly went right with heretofore backward Europe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To my mind the answer to this question is clear: The printing press.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nearly overnight Europeans had access to several orders of magnitude more knowledge than they had before (and than anyone still relying on slow, error prone, and expensive hand-copying could possibly have).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The discourse this allowed would have had a self-multiplying effect.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The difference would be like somebody from the 1800's (or even the 1970's) trying to compete for knowledge with today's internet society.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There's just no hope for them, no matter how smart they may be.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 33 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Every culture and civilization goes through ups and downs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "To assume that: There was a homogenous Indian civilization", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was for any length of time constantly on the up or even \"better\" than others", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Certain expressions of advancement from certain locales mean \"Indian\" technology was universally more advanced would be a very narrow view.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This denies Grecian, Mesopotamian, Persian and European achievements, Industrial Revolution, and just so much more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So what slice of time are we talking about when we discuss decline?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That keeps happening everywhere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Greece isn't what it used to be, neither is Mesopotamia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rise and fall are natural cycles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only In the short run we can attribute causes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As in \"what were the factors that led to the fall of the Magadhan(/Roman) Empire?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Hmmm, in my point of view, Our ancestors never taught those technologies in written form.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The people who learned some technology don't want to teach that outside their family.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "From British period we just started to read Europe's history as our indian history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example \"Vasco da gama discovered india\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We people started to thought US and Euro only has the technologies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ":( Thats it...:)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Raj", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As late as the 18th century, India had a cotton industry that was at least as advanced as the European textile industry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But when England conquered most of the country, she felt that it was too competitive with her woolens industry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So England taxed India's cotton industry and otherwise prevented it from developing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Same with a number of other industries in the country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Instead, under \"mercantilism,\" India was made to produce raw, not finished goods.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So colonization appears to be the culprit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think the main reasons are demolition of Takshashila and Nalanda universities.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Indians were never good at scientific method to begin with.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Scientific method aka challenging/testing/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "advancing existing knowledge by peers and verification using experiments was never popular.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of the glory lies in individual brilliance/theories/work that was passed down as facts and absolute truths, which does not help in advancing knowledge.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of the Indian scientific works survive intact unchanged today because of the lack of challenges/advancing of these works by others.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is due to the Indian psyche of not challenging ideas/elders and the inherent need to maintain status quo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While the threats of invasion, colonization, destruction of centers of learning like nalanda/taxilla etc are true, the greatest culprit is that Indians rest on past accomplishments instead of moving to the next thing and advancing what is already known.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Indians sucked at scientific method of any kind, so development of science never happened beyond the initial work of some savant in their respective fields.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This would certainly be linked to the Turkish and Mughal conquest of the subcontinent.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "In pre-medieval India, the academia was heavily dependent on royal patronage, as the Brahmin and Buddhist scholars were attached by occupation to the court.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In this period, there had been various mathematical and philosophical advances though there seems to have been a dearth of equipment and tools required for experiment that are fundamentally important to the development of the scientific method.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, as the accepted answer points out, the printing press which enormously fueled the scientific revolution in the West, was absent in the present case.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With the arrival of the Muslims 1 however, royal patronage to the indigenous academia ceased; and later (to a minimal extent) replaced by scholars of Central Asian origin.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If an active interest in indigenous intellectual institutions were taken by these rulers, I think the scenario would have been markedly different.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, the reason for the lack of scientific development in the subcontinent may have not been that it \"lagged-behind\" as much as that there was discontinuity and in fact a total cessation of the thousand year old tradition of Indian scientific 2 thought.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A loose term used here to denote the succession of Central Asian empires that entered the subcontinent. 2 Denoting here the various fields of study that might have led to the development of a scientific method.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The advancement of the 'scientific progress' of a society is largely contingent upon the society's ability to create new inventions and integrate them into their society.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "India's rigid caste system and the adoption of dharma, or 'duty,' into Indian society fit new members of society into specific roles without regards to their innate talents or interests and discouraged scientific progress.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The highest ranking members of the caste, the 'brahmin' (priests) and 'ksatriyah' (warriors) had virtually no need for scientific inventions or research except for potentially firearms and so had no incentive to encourage scientific study among the other castes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The caste system, I would argue, was India's greatest limitation with respect to scientific innovation and research throughout its history.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "India had been among the \"leaders\" in scientific research spanning Mathematics, Medicine, Chemistry and others. Controversial theories of nuclear technology in 1000 BC aside, India's leadership role is true when we talk about the \"BC\" era and maybe up to 1000 AD. What went wrong after that? Is the colonization the only reason for India's seeming downfall in scientific advancements?", "title": "What went wrong with India's scientific development as a society?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<india><technology>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "India never excelled at scientific development. The caste system was a limitation to innovation and there was a lack of teaching. The demolition of Takshashila and Nalanda universities were also reasons.", "The answer to this question is likely to be subjective and include multiple factors. Some people would argue that Indian scientific endeavour was never particularly strong and others would argue that it didn't ever get worse but that other regions outpaced it. Other possible reasons for stunted scientific advancement incude invasion by other cultures, the demolition of Takshashila and Nelanda universities, the caste system or even the lack of literacy. In any case, it would be fair to say that every culture and civilization has been through positive and negative periods throughout history." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Some people might argue that Indian science was never particularly advanced and that Indian civilisation was not good at advancing beyond what had been discovered.", "One possible reason could have been the fact that knowledge was not shared effectively throughout Indian society.", "Some would argue that India didn't do anything wrong. It's merely that other regions had more success scientifically.", "The demolition of Takshashila and Nalanda universities may have contributed to India's scientific downfall.", "The caste system may have limited India's ability to produce great thinkers who made new discoveries.", "Invasions by other cultures could have thwarted some of India's scientific progress.", "Every civilization goes through periods of ascent and decline." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Quite a few of them, especially in Central and South America.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Here are lists of attempted and successful coups d'etat, listed by date in the former, by nation in the latter.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Swamp Yankee", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The 1973 Pinochet coup in Chile seems to fit the criteria you outline.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A democratically elected president of a Western country ousted by the military.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The 1973 Chilean coup d'état was a watershed event of the Cold War and the history of Chile.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Following an extended period of social and political unrest between the conservative-dominated Congress of Chile and the elected socialist President Salvador Allende , Allende was overthrown in a coup d’état.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The junta was composed of the heads of the Air Force, Navy, Carabineros (police force) and the Army , though Pinochet eventually arose to supreme power within a year after the coup, formally assuming the presidency in late 1974.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pinochet later assumed power and ended Allende's elected Popular Unity government, instigating a campaign of terror on its supporters which included the murder of former Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Before Pinochet's rule, Chile had for decades been hailed as a beacon of democracy and political stability in a South America plagued by military juntas and Caudillismo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Turvey", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Poland - (\"Zamach majowy\" - May coup )", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "- parliamentary democracy from 1918, successful coup d'etat of Józef Piłsudski in May 1926, and then authoritarian rule of Piłsudski's party up to 1939.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Britain, dictatorship 1653-1658 France, absolute monarchy until 1789, then dictatorship (1799), absolute empire (1804), again monarchy (1814), then dictatorship (1848) and absolute empire again (1852). Germany, absolute monarchy (1871-1918), then dictatorship (1933) Spain, absolute monarchy before 1873, restoration of monarchy by a coup (1874-1931), dictatorship 1936-1975 Finland, dictatorship 1939-1945 Italy, dictatorship (1922) Note that regimes which were not mentioned as dictatorships are not necessarily democratic either.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Rather a lot of Western European countries spent the modern era vascilating between Democratic and Authoritarian governments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is common enough that it is common when talking about the modern history of said countries to refer to a period as either \"The nth Republic\" or \"The nth Monarchy/Empire/Reich/Whatever\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Countries in this boat include Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would characterize the 1973 overthrow of Chile's Salvador Allende by GENERAL Augosto Pinochet as an example of a \"military takeover of a democracy in the western world.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": " Chile was a western democracy in 1973.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "People might debate as to whether or not it was \"advanced.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Ignoring the Spanish 1981 and Greek 1967 coups. Are there any other examples of the military attempting (or even managing) to overthrow an elected government in an advanced democracy in the western world (W-Europe, Japan, Canada, USA)? The only example I can remember reading about is the 1933 Business plot . Another example is the Algerian coup against de Gaulle in 1961.", "title": "Has there ever been an attempted military takeover of a democracy in the western world?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<military><democracy>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There were many examples of this in South America such as the Pinochet coup in Chile in 1973. There was also the May coup in Poland.", "The most recent example of this might be the Pinochet coup in Chile in 1973. However, throughout recent and most distant past, there have been a number of coup attempts across Central and Southern America and Europe, including Poland, Spain and Finland." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Whilst there have been a number of examples of this in Central and South America, the most recent clear answer to this question would likely be the Pinochet coup in Chile in 1973", "There have been a number of military coups across European countries both in recent and more distant past." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Geoffrey Blainy, one of Australia's greatest historians, dedicated about 2 pages or so to a chapter entitled The Paradox of Isolation .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He said that places like the USA or Australia advance slowly in the beginning because they are isolated: they don't trade with anyone, they don't share inovation with anyone, they don't even have the need to innovate, because innovation is only sparked when it is necessary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, at the same time, Blainy also said that isolation, though in the beginning can be hampering, is helpful in the long run, because an isolated nation cannot be attacked, just like Great Britain and the Channel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What I am trying to get at is that America's isolation was its salvation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In both world wars, America was able and willing to stay neutral for a long long time, and as a result, spent less and earned more on the wars than Europe did.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another example is Great Britain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During the 1800s, Britain persued isolationist policies, and was the greatest empire on earth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By WW1, Great Britain was unable to persue isolation; Germany was building up its navy, and Britain was unable to maintain the two-power standard and was on the decline.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nowadays, America's isolation is not guaranteed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "America has so many obligations around the world that if there is a war, America will be involved.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nor does the USA have isolation from economic problems.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some might even venture to say that the USA is at the beginning of its decline.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Based on the evidence, it seems that isolation is one of the many building factor of a great nation; America and Britain both succeeded because of isolation, and both seem to or have fallen because of loss of isolation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "GDP per capita growth before and after WW2", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ":Note the sudden rise at around 1940.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The United States is one of the five largest countries in the world by area.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The others are Russia, Canada, China, and Brazil.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of these five, the United States has the largest amount of land in temperate, agriculturally and industrially suitable climates.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Russia and Canada are (mostly) too far north, China and Brazil have much larger proportions of deserts or jungles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The United States is also one of the five largest countries in the world by population.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The others include China, India, Indonesia and Pakistan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Brazil and Russia are sixth and seventh.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is for these reasons, that the \"BRIC\" countries are now important, as potential challengers to the U.S. Of these, only China can beat the U.S. in both population and land area (India also has a respectable, but not matching land area).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For now, at least, the quality of the U.S. population is better; richer, better educated, more entrepreneurial, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "America is an immigrant country that has (generally) attracted the \"best and brightest\" from abroad.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "China and Russia, have been \"closed\" countries that have repelled foreign ideas, putting them at a disadvantage vis-a-vis", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the U.S. Brazil seems like a smaller version of \"America,\" and India, an English-speaking country, has more (but poorer) people on a smaller land area.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The world is now moving toward a \"convergence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" Given its natural advantages, America will long be at least a \"contender.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" It's not clear how long we'll remain number one.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "At the end of World War II not only the British and French colonial empires ended, but also France and Britain were dependent and had a huge economical debt towards USA.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During the decades that followed, the United States offered good opportunities to skilled professionals in all the world, and also to not skilled ones.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That includes researchers, engineers, doctors, and many other professions that did not have the possibility to emerge in their own country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even in 2005 it had the highest immigrant population .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "US also has the highest military spending, fact that allows to influence the politics of other countries from which they buy raw materials.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This made many people use the term American Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later it was the center of the transformation of economy due to new informatic technologies, internet and e-commerce.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the latest decades US companies started outsourcing industrial production to China and services, like call centres and computer software development, to India.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "Виталий Олегович", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The USA is the world's strongest country because of its military force.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "And it is the most advanced military force because it has the most advanced fundamental science.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And it has the most advanced fundamental science because America inherited it from Germany which had been devastated.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Germany was the most advanced nation since about 800 when Holy Roman Empire was formed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And in 1930s most German scientists just moved to the USA, similarly to how Roman scientists moved to Germany in 9th century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Historically (and I'm stealing heavily from, USA was in an enviable position of combining: economy-friendly geography (large interconnected navigable rivers systems, great safe ports, agriculture-friendly lands) militarily-friendly (post 1870s)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "world position (no heavy military threat from east or west and pretty much none from the north)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Economic-growth friendly policies (immigration relying on self-selection; lower taxes; lower regulation).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "The USA has been the world's strongest country for a long time now. Even after the rise of China as one of the dominant economies in the world, the USA is still the world's top economy. Does the USA just happen to be the world's strongest economy, or are there any historical traits involved?", "title": "Why is the USA the world's strongest country?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><economy>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The US is one of the largest countries in the world and has a strong military. It has an immigrant population that has always attracted the best and brightest from abroad as well as a relatively isolationist home policy.", "There are a number of reasons why the USA might be considered the world's strongest country or economy. Firstly, it is one of the world's five biggest, both in terms of land mass and population. Furthermore, it has a very strong military and has had a welcoming policy towards talented immigrants who are likely to further enhance its economic success." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The USA's strength counld be due to its isolationist history.", "The USA is one of the five largest countries in the world.", "The USA has the a strong military force.", "The USA has one of the five largest populations in the world.", "The USA has generally welcomed talented immigrants." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Fire-hardened spears, hardwood clubs and maces and shark-tooth \"swords\" were pretty much state-of-the-art for both Aboriginal and Polynesian cultures.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Polynesians had the advantage of advanced stonemasonry and oceanic navigation, neither of which would do them much good in a war of conquest, the native Australians had a spear-thrower, the woomera, which vastly improves the range and power of a thrown spear.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "More, Polynesian wars were mostly local affairs, precipitated by cultural conflicts and resource allocation rather than wars of conquest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Europeans had steel, gunpowder, horses and ships capable of carrying immense loads of cargo and troops, and a will to conquer and claim anything they found.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Completely different ballgame.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As for Austronesian people, like Indonesians, it is difficult to answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I can really only speculate: The trade winds were very strongly against them (see: this map )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Maritime SE Asian cultures really only interacted with others from the same culture group, unless for trade Australians and New Guineans of the time had neither spices nor mineral or metal goods, so trade missions (and perhaps colonies) were considered futile.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Swamp Yankee", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "People from what is modern day Indonesia were visiting northern Australia to collect and process trepang (sea-cucumber or sea slug) for centuries before European settlement.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "These people are generally referred to as Macassan (or Makassan).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The first European to circumnavigate Australia, Matthew Flinders, encountered Macassans processing trepang.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Relationships with the Aboriginal people were mostly positive as the Macassans stayed for a few months per year and returned home as the winds changed to trade their product with the Chinese.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This information has been extensively documented Gordon McLaughlan claims that pre-Moari Polynesian navigators (referred to as Lapita) \"landed on the coast of Australia but encountered an alien landscape and long-established inhabitants\" (p.18 - A Short History of New Zealand - Penguin, 2004).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have no idea as to whether this claim is supported by the historical record or whether it is simply an assumption based on the incredible sea-faring exploits of the Lapita.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Australia was a lot less hospitable area than Polynesians, Indonesians, and other islanders were used to.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Although technically in the tropics, the fact that people lived on islands meant that the sea was a moderating influence on the climate, and \"temperate\" weather crops such as breadfuirt and sweet potatoes could grow on them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, the sea provided a ready source of fish.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not so Australia, which being continental, had a less temperate climate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jungles were thicker, crops scarcer, and food harder to find.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As mentioned in other answers above, the \"Australians\" had more potent weapons, probably because of the need to hunt mammals, rather than fish.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's possible that Pacific Islanders found themselves in Australia from time to time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Most probably did not survive.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps a few survivors were absorbed into the local populations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What did NOT happen was people visiting Australia, leaving, and then saying, \"Let's go back there with the friends and family.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I can only agree with some of the points, as I have an extensive understanding of Austronesian migratory history but am still vague on Australasian.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My only contribution is to add that Australia was not so much a lost continent but rather a vast and imposing one which was not entirely cut of from southern migration.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was part of PNG during the ice age and the two land masses share a common genus.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Migrants still continued to flow in to Australia but in small groups who simply blended into the existing population.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the southern regions there is evidence that many of the aboriginal population have cultural and ethnic ties to their Southern roots as fishermen and canoe building coastal communities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However Lapita and other Austronesian's were strictly a island colonizing coastal peoples who had specific destinations in mind, isolated unpopulated small land masses which they could farm and colonize.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Culturally", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and ethnically they integrated with existing trading communities such as PNG and probably the southern western coastal parts of Australia but a large land mass", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "had very little appeal to their mindset.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously, groups in Indonesia were trading and taking resources from coastal Australia but were more interested in their own regional concerns and had no particular drive to colonize this harsh and seemingly desolate interior that was probably inhabited by territorial tribal groups of people.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems strange to me that such a small divide between Indonesia and Australia would have such little momentum in terms of their contact but little was coming out of Australia as opposed to the vast trade network that had formed from the Southern trade roots and their spice empires.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It's not so much about land as trade it would seem, which makes sense but perhaps more historical evidence will be discovered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The austronesian were great mariners and this brought them to far corner of the globe as far as Easter island and Madagascar.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But why not Australia which lies south of Indonesia?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think the most plausible answer is because its already inhabited and when austronesian made landings, to Australia, it was by chance and composed of a handful of individuals.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They stood little chance against the hostile aborigines even if they possessed superior weaponry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Furthermore Australia is a large island, any subsequent waves of chance landings would have occurred far apart from each others and not making it possible for the austronesian to form meaningful numbers to compete against the aborigines as compared to uninhibited islands.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "These earlier austronesian would have been outnumbered and decimated.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I agree that scattered Austronesian landings on the big island continent may well have prevented this culture from building up any significant numbers to thrive.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But I don't think it would be due to any hostility of Aborigines that they wouldn't.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'd say that the locals would expect some sort of compensation like seafood, for the imposition on their lands, and this kind of arrangement over time could have lead to intermarriages and the Austronesians blending in with the aborigines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Future DNA studies may be able to answer this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jackson", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Australia was colonised by people from New Guinea while the two islands were still joined (up to 25,000 years ago).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Evidence of human habitation in eastern New Guinea dates back to 40,000 years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The negroid ie small frizzy haired people were the first Australians.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Their remnants can be found in the rainforests of northern Queensland and in Tasmania.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " morris", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Australia hosted aboriginal populations since prehistory. However technologically advanced civilizations (in comparison) lived nearby, in Indonesia, Polynesia and New Guinea. Why was it not colonized by those people? Is there any evidence of interaction/invasions?", "title": "Why did Austronesian/Polynesian people not colonize Australia?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<colonization><australia><south-east-asia>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There may well have been landings from time to time but the country is so large that it prevented groups from forming. People from Indonesia practiced sea cucumber fishing in northern Australia for centuries before European settlement. They had no particular drive to colonise and had their own, local concerns. Australia was also very inhospitable compared to other parts of Asia.", "The answer to this question will be subjective, but there are a number of reasons that Polynesian peoples didn't colonise Australia. Firstly, they were unlikely to have had sufficient numbers to make a successful colonisation attempt. Furthermore, there didn't seem to be much in terms of trade or anything enticing to encourage them to make a colonisation effort. As a side note, it seems there is evidence of New Gineau colonisation of Australia, but this would have been around 25,000 years ago." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Whilst its possible that the Pacific Islanders found themselves in Australia, the main reason that they are unlikely to have attempted to colonise it would be a lack of numbers.", "There is plenty of evidence of trade between the Pacific Islanders, Indonesia and Australia.", "There is evidence of colonisation by people from New Guinea over 25,000 years ago.", "It seems that there was very little enticing other nearby civilisations to colonise Australia given the lack of trade and the hostility of the continent." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Algeria was more then a colony, there were French Départements in Algeria, from 1848 on until 1962 it was an integral part of the French motherland.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "See Wikipedia or the french wikipedia article for the French départements in Algeria This does not mean, that Algerians were full citizens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See also Process of Colonization :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Algeria was formally declared to be a part of France and was again divided into three departments, the government of which was placed into the hands of European settlers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The tension between the French and the Arabs started to grow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The French neglected the Arabs and in July of 1864, Senatus Consulte declared all Moslems to be French subjects, meaning the Muslims were not to be citizens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This way, the Arabs could keep their Muslim religion and the Koran law, and were subject to special police regulations, including the infamous code de l’indigenat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In order for Arabs to become full-blooded French citizens, they had to give up their personal status, which not many were willing to do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The other answers pointed out very correctly that Algiers was legally considered a part of France.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "What must be added is that there was a very large body of French colonists in Algiers, which was not the case with the other French possessions, whatever their legal status.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Goldberg", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Julian Jackson's account of France in the 1930s and 1940s France: The Dark Years shows how France's African empire was seen as compensation for the decline in French prestige and influence in Europe during this period.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Algeria was the most important element in this project because of proximity to France, long historical association, and larger settler population than elsewhere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Writing in 1938 Le Matin declared the keys to French security were the Vosges, Alps, Pyrenees and Atlas Mountains (my emphasis).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Le Matin also stated at this time:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "France has two capitals: Paris and Algiers", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's hard to imagine an equivalent statement of imperial projection coming out of London or other European capitals.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Drinker", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Algeria was considered a \"back door\" to France, from the south.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In the hands of a hostile country, England, Germany, or even Libya/Egypt, it was seen as a potential invasion route to France.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand, if France retained a foothold in Africa through Algeria, it could continue to influence its former colonies in \"French West Africa\" (which it does to a small degree, to this day).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "France looked at Algeria", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "that way an American might see Latin America through the Monroe Doctrine: a \"no fly\" zone for hostile foreign countries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Algeria is the part of Africa that is closest to France.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There were multiple reasons why Algeria was so important to French: Algeria was French military colony since 1834.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and, by the constitution of 1848 to be an integral part of French territory and divided into three French departments (Algiers, Oran and Constantine).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, as Tom said, Algeria was backdoor of France and it was very possible route to invade France.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "French capitulation in WW2 was already great hit to French honor, but when France lost in First Indochina war France was totally defiled.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "France could not allow to lose in another war because that could cause big political and military crisis in France.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Algeria, there were more French population (about 800,000)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "then in other overseas territories and colonies and their destiny would be very critical if they lost that war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Sego", "score": 4 } } ]
{ "question": "Why did France put so many resources into fighting Algeria in comparison to its other former colonial holdings? Was there anything unique about the French-Algerian relationship. On Wikipedia it says that France regarded Algeria in a way similar t how the USA think of Hawaii and Alaska. Is this true? If it is, why?", "title": "Why did France put so many resources into fighting Algeria in comparison to its other former colonial holdings?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<war><colonization><france><africa>", "link": "", "author": " Lex" }
[ [ "Algeria was considered more than a colony, it was a legal part of France. There were a lot of French settlers living there compared with other colonies. It was also seen a potential invasion route to France if it fell into the wrong hands.", "As is often the case, there is more than one answer. However, significant contributing factors include the fact that Algeria was legally seen as part of France and not just a mere colony. There was also a large French population there. Finally, Algeria was seen by France as a potential invasion route and therefore needed to be protected from foreign invasion." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Algeria was considered legally part of France and was seen as much more than just a colony.", "There was a significantly large French population in Algeria.", "Algeria was seen as a potential invasion route into France." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In China, there were warriors similar to ronin - the xia.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As a link, I found only those regarding their philosophy or literature about them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "GURPS Martial Arts", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(it's no solid historical work", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I didn't manage to find any better source)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "states they were more like Robin Hood than Lancelot", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- they were not upper class like samurai.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Korean Hwarang are approximation of Samurai from the other side - they were upper class young men probably serving as warriors, but it's not their defining feature.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In GURPS Martial Arts they are presented as very similar to Samurai, but when I consider what is written in Wikipedia, it might be just a myth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is a Chinese saying (in pinyin), \"Hao tie bu da ding, hao ren bu dang bing.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Good iron is not used to make nails.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good men do not become soldiers.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For most of Chinese history, soldiers were vilified, rather than honored.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence, they would not generally be regarded as members of the upper class, which was occupied by landowners and philosophers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of Korea, whose culture is more similar to China's than Japan's felt much the same way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Korea had a Yangban class which might be compared with samurai status but was closer to the Chinese scholarly ruling class.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most historians hold that the scholar class achieved power in China (or Chinese dynasties of whatever race, except perhaps the Mongol Yuan one) while the warrior class gained power in Japan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During the late 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries, this warrior class became a scholarly administrative class, or at the lower level a parasite class who lived off peasants' labour through small stipends from their clan lords.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A few clans, notably, Satsuma, allowed samurai to also engage in horticulture, but they were the exception rather than the rule.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Before China was unified there was a warrior class(mostly noblemen), until the warlords realized that they could hire peasants with a cheap price and give them cheap weapons to expand their army.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "After that, most noblemen became scholars or military commanders, because of the change in the tactics of warfare(the ceasing of chariot warfare and agreed warfare,and the start of surprise attack which were considered treacherous by the noble warrior class but was promoted by Sun Tzu and so on.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "梁文义", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Korea (gojoseon goguryeo baekje shila Balhae goryeo joseon etc)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "you were either commoner, slave, yangban (rich gentlemen class?), scholar, or a warrior called Muin or Musa.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2 of the ways of getting a government position were to become a scholar or a muin thru tests.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A warrior class like the ninja came about because commoners wanted to fight upper class.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There wasn't really a situation like this in Korea.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those who wanted to fight became musa and just killed or simply payed back.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But there was \"Gaema Budae\", \"Gemma Squad\" or Chulgap busae.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These were squads of warriors who were fully armored in the strongest metal armor and even their horses were fully armored.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Chulgap was made with small plates of metal about inch x 2 inch large that were stitched together like fish scales.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This made the armor lot more flexible unlike plate armors used by rest of the world, it was very light like leather but stronger than plate armors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Armors made with plates like used in china and rest of the world can be pierced by strong Metal tip arrow but chulgap was nearly impossible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All goguryeo armors were made in fish scale style.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later other parts of world did the same.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Studies found out Korea was first to use this style of advanced armors which were one of lightest and strongest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also their shoes were embedded with spikes on the bottom to kick and stab enemies who were too close while fighting on horse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was also found to be first invented in Korea.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes there were other armies who were fully armored head to toe in other parts of world but not like goguryeo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also GGR was one of if not the first to fully armor their horses since the bc times.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were monks who learned to fight (like Shaolin) but studied secret Korean martial arts strictly for quickest killing silent as possible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They had the simplest armor that only covered the most vital area to increase their speed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One way their were called were JoEuiSunIn.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When country was in trouble they worked as mercenaries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They weren't part of any body of government nor any army but them selves.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They would sneak into enemy territories and burn their supplies and murder the leaders.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Korea warrior classes were more separated by style of martial arts they studied than creating whole new class like Japan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were many more martial arts in Korea than just tae kwon do hapkido taekyun etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Considering that the Samurai class had its distant roots in Chinese political structure, did China or Korea have a similar warrior class?", "title": "Were there Samurai equivalents in Korea or China?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<japan><china><social-class><korea><samurai>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "China also had its own warrior class, as well as the Korean Hwarang and Yangan class.", "Yes, in both China and Korea, there were similar warrior classes. In China, there was the Xia, whilst in Korea, there were classes such as the Hwarang or the Yangban." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "In China, there was a similar warrior class known as the Xia.", "In Korean, there were other warrior classes that existed, such as the Hwarang or the Yangban." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Soviet Navy's role was negligible compared to that of either the Soviet Army or the Navies of the Western Allies.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is not surprising given the essentially continental nature of the USSR.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other two answers give the glorified official version which inflates ridiculously the damage inflicted on the Axis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Early in the war, the Baltic fleet was locked up in Leningrad; Tributs kept sending submarines on one way missions to show that he was doing something.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After the cruiser Red Ukraine was lost in 1941, the use of larger ships had to be sanctioned by Moscow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Indeed, the Northern fleet helped with the Arctic Convoys, and late in the war both Baltic and Black sea fleets were more active, but all their achievements pale compared to what the Red Army did.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "PS.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Soviet Naval Strategy was heavily directed towards Sea denial (the Shipbuilding Ministry was unofficially known as \"Наркомат подводных лодок\" - Submarine Ministry) which is not surprising given the aforementioned continental nature of the USSR.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "One might find Анализ эффективности советского подводного флота в годы Второй мировой войны enlightening, especially its scathing criticism of the official historiography.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 26 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Unlike Soviet ground forces the fleet was well prepared at the beginning of German invasion and did not panic or wait for orders.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example as early as August 1941 Baltic fleet air force bombed Berlin from the island Ezel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1941 Baltic fleet placed 12047 mines.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1943 the Finns together with the Germans successfully placed a net across the Gulf of Finland which Soviet submarines could not penetrate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The operations of the Baltic fleet became confined to the Gulf.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nevertheless the fleet played a serious role during the blockade of Leningrad and associated operations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1, 5 ] ] }, { "text": "For instance they supported the offensive north of Leningrad with about 200 high-caliber guns.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1, 5 ] ] }, { "text": "The fleet also set up some fleet units on the lakes surrounding Leningrad, the Chud, Ladoga, Onega and Ilmen lakes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1944 Finland started to remove the barrier net, increasing the possibilities for Soviet fleet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Overall they sunk 280 enemy warships and 624 transports, including 2 pre-dreadnought battleships, 3 cruisers, 16 destroyers, and 16 submarines.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Fleet executed 24 landing operations and 158,000 aerial sorties.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "100,000 Baltic fleet personnel were awarded decorations and 137 became Heroes of the Soviet Union.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Black Sea Fleet also was not caught by surprise; on the night of the June 22 German attack on the USSR they successfully defended against a German surprise air strike.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Throughout the war the Black Sea Fleet made 13 landings, sank 508 enemy ships, and transported 2 million passengers and 8 million tonnes of freight.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Northern Fleet during the war sank over 200 enemy warships and 400 transports and destroyed over 1300 planes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Pacific Fleet mostly did not participate in the war until the 1945 war against Japan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Many of its personnel did participate in the fight against Germany as members of other units.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Baltic fleet", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The fast German advance up the Baltic coast pushed the Soviet fleet back to bases in the gulf of Finland (Leningrad and Kronstadt).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From here their operations were severely limited by German and Finnish mines.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "See the wikipedia page .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is a description of mine-laying activity in gratuitous detail .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mine were layed by Germany, their co-belligerent Finland, as well as by Sweden .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Baltic fleet did participate in the Siege of Leningrad , but it looks like their main contribution was in aviation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "The Russian submarines in the Baltic appear to have been disruptive, but weren't very effective and did not present a substantial threat .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Black Sea", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mostly inaccessible to the Germans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As with the Baltic, their western bases were quickly taken by German land force.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Russian navy had a huge surface fleet advantage, against the Romanian and Bulgarian navies, but this was completely nullified by German air superiority.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In this case the German land advance took all major Soviet shipyards, leaving the fleet based in Georgia with inadequate repair facilities, hindering their operational capabilities .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "They were able to give some support to, and helped to evacuate, coastal cities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Other", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Northern fleet was involved in protexting the Arctic Convoys , and supplied naval infantry forces to the Petsamo–Kirkenes Offensive against German forces in northern Finland and Norway.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "The Pacific fleet participated in the Soviet invasion of Manchuria .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The Caspian", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Flotilla was involved in supplying Stalingrad (via the Volga, which flows into the Caspian) as well as supplying other fighting in the Caucasuses.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5, 6 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cooper", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Soviet navy played an auxiliary role throughout the entirety of the Second World War.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "The Baltic fleet was mainly locked in by German and Finnish mines, while the Black Sea fleet mainly participated in evacuation operations (Odessa and Sevastopol) and after the Germans retreated in 1943, attempted to gain control from German and Romanian forces.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The Navy also participated in numerous landing operations in the Black Sea (Malaia Zemlia) for which Tsezar Kunikov is famous, and Brezhnev, who took credit he didn't deserve.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Furthermore, Soviet Naval Infantry participated in numerous battles once their ships were disabled or there was a need for manpower.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "From Leningrad, to Odessa, Stalingrad, Sevastopol, Novorossiisk, and 'special forces' operations (mainly conducted by naval recon troops), Soviet navy personnel made up a significant and important part of many Red Army operations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "The Germans nicknamed them 'The Black Death'.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "the soviet fleet did assist on the arctic convoys as mentionedin a was also a soviet submarine that sank a german hospital ship willhiem gustloff that was acting as a evacuation ship as the russians advanced on the eastern front.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "wasn't the only timea hospital ship was attacked.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "a dutch and australian hospital shipswere attacked in the pacific by the imperial japanese navyin 1942", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the Black sea there was also an Italian naval group of small ships.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ans the germans managed to send a group off small speedboats using the Danube river to reach the Black sea.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jean", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Most books about WWII speak of the naval battles of Allied and Axis powers during the war, but none about the Soviet Navy. The Soviets had an active fleet at the time - why did it not engage the Germans at sea?", "title": "What was the role of the Soviet Navy during WWII?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<world-war-two><nazi-germany><soviet-union><naval><ww2-european-theater>", "link": "", "author": " Byzantine" }
[ [ "The Soviet navy had a role but it was relatively minor and did not present a substantial threat. They had a huge surface fleet advantage but this was wiped out by German air superiority.", "Whilst the Soviet Navy's role in WWII was smaller than that of the Soviet infantry or other Allied navies, the various fleets did play a significant role in delivering supplies to other Soviet forces, protecting convoys and carrying out numerous landing operations. The Baltic fleet was severely restricted owing to the Germans and Fins placing mines and a net across the Gulf of Finland, but despite this, the Soviet Navy was still responsible for the sinking of hundreds of enemy warships, transports and planes. On top of this, where deemed necessary, navy personnel were also provided as support for the infantry and other operations." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The Soviet Navy's role in WWII was much smaller than that of the Soviet Army or the Navy's of the Western Allies. Their strategy was directed towards preventing the enemy from using the sea in the conflict.", "The different Soviet fleets were involved in WWII to different extents but between them sunk thousands of enemy ships, transports and plans. The Baltic fleet alone placed over 12,000 mines.", "Although Russian submarines appear to have been disruptive, the Soviet navy does not seem to have been seen as a huge threat. Any advantages they may have had were nullified by Germany superiority in the air.", "German and Finnish activities in the gulf of Finland significantly restricted the operations of the Soviet Baltic fleet. This include the placing of mines and, in particular, a net placed across the Gulf which Soviet submarines were unable to penetrate. Other German activities, such as the capturing of Soviet shipyards, also had a significant impact on Soviet naval operations.", "The Soviet Pacific fleet did not participate until the war with Japan in 1945.", "The Soviet Navy played a significant part in supporting other land and air operations. They provided manpower for the Soviet infantry and participated in numerous landing operations, as well as delivering supplies to other Soviet forces.", "The Soviet navy was involved in protecting Arctic convoys and delivering other supplies to various Soviet forces." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "As a melee fighter, heavy cavalry would have depended on armor to block melee weapons once they got in range, and that alone would justify its use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As far as effectiveness against firearms the best I've ever found is that quality armor of the time was somewhat effective against small arms and muskets at range, though muskets could easily penetrate at close range.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "While I haven't been able to find exact distances, I would expect this also gave Heavy Cavalry a range where musket fire was ineffective and they would be able to close before infantry could reload.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rifles of the period had longer range and took longer to reload, which would indicate they were more effective against armor though it may have been a wash due to longer reload times, but I can't conform that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rifles and rifle companies were also far less common at the time so the decision to wear armor was likely based more on fighting musket armed soldiers as that was the more common opponent.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Just to add a note about cannons: fragmentation is a very common source of injury --", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "be it wood splinters, bone, rocks, or shrapnel from the shell --", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "link, graphic images of wounds .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This could have impacted the desire to wear armour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, wikipedia and Body Armor:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cuirass and Helmet seem to indicate that fragmentation/shrapnel was not a factor at all in wearing armour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - against SE abuse", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Without getting too involved in a discussion of terminal ballistics, the Napoleonic period armour certainly offered some protection against firearms, but it was only effective up to a point.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This picture shows a a French cavalry cuirass (a breastplate worn as body armour) from Waterloo on display in the Musée de l’Armée: A cannonball from a British 9lb cannon can do a lot of damage!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Further down the scale, a simple musket-ball could also kill an armoured cavalryman at that time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is the cuirass of Lieutenant Colonel Achambault: Looking at the state of his cuirass, you probably won't be surprised to learn that he was killed while leading the 9th Cuirassiers during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now, I've also seen plenty of cases where Napoleonic period armour shows dents from musket balls that didn't penetrate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In those cases it most definitely saved lives and prevented serious injury.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The guy in this cuirass probably survived this shot: Without the armour, he would certainly have had a much worse day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If this link works, see picture of a Napoleonic era Cuirass (armed cavalryman's breast plate)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "with what appear a hole in it made by a cannon ball, apparently on entry and exit: Cuirass hit by cannon ball I doubt the cuirassier wearing it survived.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As for muskets, I have certainly read of how at the battle of Waterloo, when French heavy cavalry, with armoured breast plates like the cuirass above and metal helmets, confronted British infantry, men noticed a distinctive rattling sound of musket balls bouncing off the metal armour, suggesting that it did protect against small arms fire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, as far as I know, unlike in the Middle Ages men, were never armoured head to foot nor did horses have armour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My guess, only, is that armour in this period was particularly although not exclusively for protection against the swords and lances of enemy cavalry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The latter, attacking from roughly the same height, and keeping their guard up against counter-blows, would most often land blows on the upper part of the cavalryman's body, hence armour being mainly on chest, back and head.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The arms were presumably less protected because they needed to be freer to hold the reins and wield a sword.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The early Napoleonic cuirassier cuirasses were intended to withstand three musket shots at close range.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was never achieved in practice.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later the official standard was for the cuirass to withstand one musket shot at long range.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Elting, J.R. Swords Around a Throne (1988) p. 230.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The cuirass was effective at stopping long range musket balls, but not those received at shorter ranges.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the evening after the Battle of Quatre Bras, Colonel Frederick Ponsonby, commander of the British 12th Light Dragoons, examined the corpses of French cuirassiers and was gratified in finding many with musket ball holes in their cuirasses, one with no less than three.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Haythornthwaite, P.J. Napoleonic Cavalry (2001), London, p. 59.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Read", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, it did help.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Even now, soldiers use helms and vests.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only helm, as it was found during the WWI, decreases the number of KIA in troops.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(But increases the number of wounded) M-1 helmet worn in World War II had saved 76,000 American infantrymen from serious injury or death ( )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, more armour brought more safety.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But it was expensive, so, used only for more expensive troops, such as heavy cavalry, engineers, grenadiers in some countries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "During the Napoleonic wars in Europe, many heavy cavalry units still retain the use of armours, for example, French Carabiniers-à-Cheval below, How effective were these to protect the cavalryman against enemy fire, like muskets or rifles? Did they effectively reduce the casualties from gunfire, or were they just used to protect against non-firearms attack like swords? Or were they just used for ceremonial/prestige reasons?", "title": "Was the Napoleonic era cavalry armour effective against firearms?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<military><europe><cavalry><napoleonic-wars>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Napoleonic army certainly gave some protection. There are examples of armour showing dents where the musket balls didn't penetrate. The cuirass was effective at withstanding long range musket balls.", "It is generally agreed that Napoleonic era amour did provide some protection against musket or rifle fire, but mainly at long range rather than short range." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is generally agreed that Napoleonic period armour did provide some protection from musket and rifle fire.", "The armour used during Napoleon's time was likely effective against long range shots but not so much against short range fire." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "It is sometimes argued, albeit farcically in the manner of \"For the want of a horseshoe nail\", that WWII was started over Germany's inability to deliver telegraph poles it owed to France and Belgium.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the want of a telegraph pole , the Ruhr was occupied .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the want of a free Ruhr, a shaky economy was sent into a death spiral.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the want of a prosperous economy, the Weimar Republic was destabilized politically.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the want of a stable government, the Nazis were able to take over and start re-arming.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the want of a regime that wasn't evil, the world erupted into war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All for the want of a telegraph pole.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But this is less of a national debt issue than the Allies screwing themselves by burdening Germany with outrageous reparations demands, and then following through on collecting them by force.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It convinced Germany of the need to re-arm, and gave the German people a smoldering hatred of the Allied Powers that allowed Hitler's broader war schemes to blossom.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Swamp Yankee", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Debt between sovereign states (or separate currency unions) is a peculiar creature.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We can take for example a late 1970s year in which Japan was pouring econo-cars into the US market, US car companies were in deep trouble, and it seemed like every VCR, TV, and eggbeater had a Japanese name on it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Due to the habit of Japanese not to buy foreign goods if they could avoid it, we had a trade imbalance, and this was 'funded' by 'borrowing money' from Japan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What this meant in particular is that the Japanese central bank would purchase US Treasury Bills, flooding the US and eventually global economy with Yen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If we look carefully at what that means, it means that the US printed paper IOUs furiously while the Japanese poured their efforts into making 'real things': cars, TVs, etc., and shipping these to us to consume.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Japan currently holds about $1 trillion in US debt (China, at this moment, has about $1.3 trillion).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If Japan sells this debt to Saudi Arabia, it would be most likely in exchange for oil - something 'real'.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If Japan were to demand 'repayment', the only way that could be done is for Japan to purchase real goods from the US - aircraft, wheat, beef, oranges, CPU chips, lumber, or whatever.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At that point, dollar denominated debt would be repatriated in exchange for dollar denominated products.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Needless to say, anything bought from America is not produced in Japan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Presumably anything the Japanese could produce would never be bought from the US.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, Japan would be creating jobs in the US if they demanded 'repayment'.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Probability this will happen: zero.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In short, if the US sells debt to foreign countries that 'protect' their domestic industries from foreign competition, they will tend to accumulate foreign debt which they will never redeem, unless they get in the kind of trouble where they need massive imports.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another peculiarity of all this is that the Japanese have been big savers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, the combined debt of the Japanese government and the American government are 'assets' to Japanese households.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These 'assets' tend to be kept under the mattress, figuratively speaking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In short, money is earned, much of it is stashed away and never spent.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One interpretation of what money is is that it stimulates production and consumption.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, as the US spends money like water the restaurants are full of waiters pocketing tips that are using it to buy gasoline which the station uses to buy gas which the oil company uses to run refineries, etc., etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If the wage earner chooses in instead to park it in a safe, it doesn't stimulate commerce.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If it sits in the safe until the 20-something retires at age 55, that currency does not act as money over a period of, say 30 years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is 30 years of potential vendors not working and not earning those yen or dollars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, as the US 'prints' money and puts it in circulation, foreign debtors remove it by 'saving' it in their respective central banks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is also a problem within the US: wealthy people also 'hoard' cash, so to speak, rather than keeping it circulating in the economy to stimulate further activity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Poor", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I am skeptical as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One could argue that debt (internal and external) is inversely correllated with state strength, and that war is a way of reinforcing state strength.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "One might argue that this is part of the grounds for the war of 1812 (the segment of the population that backed the war was motivated in part by their loathing for British creditors).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ultimately there are books written about why nations go to war, and I believe the only consensus is that there is no single reason why nations go to war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The set of reasons varies by country and by decade.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Any answer for the period of the Congress of Vienna is probably not applicable to the post WWII period, nor can answers from the current era be compared with answers from the bipolar cold war regime.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I also expect that it would be tough to prove, since I sincerely doubt that the agressor would admit \"We're going to war because we're deadbeats!\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However you could probably assemble a dataset of wars and graph the trade deficit between the initiating parties.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(I think that allies would cloud the issue); the graph would be an interesting resolution to the question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " C. Wallace", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One proximate cause of World War II was the Versailles treaty, and the huge reparations debt it imposed on Germany.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of Hitler's main platform planks was to revitalize the German economy by \"tearing up\" that Treaty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Under the Dawes Plan of 1928, Germany would have been paying off Versailles debt for 60 years, all the way to 1988, if it had not been wiped out by World War II.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I am rather skeptical of the theory that leaders go to war to get people's mind off debt, but it's certainly a discussionable matter.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, I do have an example for you of a debtor invading his creditor to write off the debt : here .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Spoiler: it backfired rather spectacularly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Goldberg", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I saw in an article mentioning that there is a link between national debt and starting wars I don't recall where I've seen it mentioned to look for further references on the matter. Are there known historical studies or academic papers that examined historical data to find a causation link between national debt/trade deficits and starting wars? Mention: When I say national debt I refer to both external debt and internal debt (both to internal debtors and through fiat currency).", "title": "Is there a link between national debt/trade deficit and starting a war?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<war><economy><trade>", "link": "", "author": " Florinescu" }
[ [ "One cause of WWII was the the huge reparations debt imposed on Germany after WWI. ", "There is no clear evidence of a correlation between state debt and starting wars, however, theoretically it could make logical sense. Additionally, it is widely agreed that the debts placed on Germany due to the Treaty of Versailles did contribute towards starting the Second World War." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is arguable that a country with large debts could be a weak country and a war could be seen as a way to increase the strength of the country.", "The treat of Versailles, which placed Germany heavily in debt, is considered to be a factor that contributed towards the outbreak of the Second World War." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "here are a few reasons motorized infantry are superior.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Motorized infantry are in the cover of an armored vehicle untildeployed to fight drastically limiting their exposure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Vehicles transporting infantry can be outfitted with heavy machine guns and anti-tank missiles.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Mounted guns can be significantly larger than what a person couldcarry.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Smaller machine guns can be used that could be carried by a person,but by mounting them accuracy can be improved and the shooter can bebetter shielded.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Vehicles can have more powerful sensor arrays that can provide more and better information than previously possible.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Technology is advancing to the point where this is starting to be less relevant.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Interesting question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Believe me", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm no military expert but the strategic value of motorized infantry", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "is two fold: (1) Speed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As you mentioned before, this is probably the greatest advantage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(2)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Towing capacity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously trucks, motorbikes and the like optimized for military usage have a much greater towing capacity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They are able to deploy heavier equipment, weapons or provisions into the field allowing infantry to spend more man hours on the ground.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Otherwise foot soldiers would rely primarily on...well foot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Marches.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some trucks may have pintle mounted weapons like light machine guns or grenade launchers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The problem is that many motorized trucks that are not cavalry (i.e. tanks, APCs, IFVs) are not armored enough to provide a real tactical advantage in terms of infantry engagements.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But the greatest power lies in rapidly deploying forces to areas of need allowing quicker and more precise responses to enemy advances.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words speed and carrying power are probably the biggest advantages.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Take a look at these: M3", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Halftrack German Armored Recon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Vehicles Soviet armored car", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would add few other notices over great advatange of speed: morale effect: derives from mobility, simply the soldiers in a motorizedinfantry feel less trapped in situations since if there is astrategic retreat, their mobility is higher, so they have higherchance not to get chased by enemy.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "fatigure advatange: this is not closely related to speed, but worths to mention they don't have to walk tens of miles/kilometers", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", they won't be that tired after a movement order.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They can carry more and heavier supplies.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And some drawbacks:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are dependent on fuel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obvious.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are more dependent on weather.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just remember muddy ugly war terrain where the motorized infantry have to struggle with stucked armoured cars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are more dependent on good supply of spare parts of cars, and repair support.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those cars won't work forever without maintainance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are more costy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obvious.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can release several dozens of people with a simple gun and some clothes and supply items on the cost of one car without crew.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Did I miss something?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I want to add one more note.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Soviet Army (and Russian Ground Forces) commander of the AFV (BMP-1, BMP-2, etc.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "commands infantry platoon attached to this vehicle too.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously, cooperation between infantry and AFV would be better.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I rode an armored personnel carrier in combat in Vietnam and Cambodia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From my personal experience I would agree with what others have said, only emphasizing the advantage of much greater supplies of food, water, and particularly ammunition.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I am a lifetime member of the \"plenty more where that came from\" school of thought.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another plus not mentioned was that when you stood atop a personnel carrier, your head was twice as far off the ground, making it easier to relate the ground around you to the images in the military photo map in your hand.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These days, GPS does a better job assisting the ground pounder with the art of land navigation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My time to add something.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't forget about the logistic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, motorized infantry has definitely bigger chances to provide good medical service to wounded soldiers, or take them out of the battlefield even during the fights.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Wędrychowski", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "My understanding is that motorized infantry have greater combat value than \"standard\" infantry (foot soldiers armed with rifles, or perhaps machine guns), over and above their greater mobility. Do the vehicles give motorized infantry better protection? Do the vehicles carry firepower over and above what their soldiers are carrying? Or do the soldiers carry heavier weapons because they are being transported?", "title": "What advantages have motorized infantry enjoyed over standard infantry besides speed?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<military>", "link": "", "author": " Au" }
[ [ "Mounting guns means more weaponry can be carried and improves accuracy. Forces can also be deployed rapidly giving a quicker a more precise response.", "It is generally considered that the main advantage of motorised infantry is the ability to carry heavier equipment and weaponry. However, other advantages include the ability to use more precise technology and deliver medical support to personel. Additionally, motorised infantry are likely to be less exposed, which will influence their morale." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is generally considered that the main advantage of motorised infantry is the ability to carry heavier equipment and weaponry.", "Vehicles are generally more high-tech and are able to be more precise in their movements and attacks.", "Motorised infantry are much more able to provide medical support to the wounded in the field.", "Motorised infantry will have a different psychological experience as they will feel less exposed in combat." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "One reason was that the \"Anglos\" brought their own women with them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "For instance, there were women passengers on the Mayflower.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And twelve years after the settlement at Jamestown, there was a boatload of women (in 1619), followed by many more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Spaniards also had more \"multicultural\" dealings, as noted in the comments above.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Spanish religious ideology was one of converting the \"natives,\" which in practice meant absorbing them into Spanish society and intermarrying with them once they converted.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "English society did not have similar mechanisms for absorbing children of mixed parentage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the rare situations where Anglos produced \"half breeds\" with Indians, the children almost always became \"Indians\" rather than Anglos.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"American\" men DID produce children with African slaves.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But they were consigned to the lowest levels of society (until modern times), and didn't \"mix\" with the rest of American society. \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever\" was the North American ethos as late as the 1960s.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think you could argue for a fundamental difference in the Spanish and English attitudes toward \"colonization\" of the Americas, based partly on different historical backgrounds and partly on where they started.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Once the Spanish got to the Americas proper (as opposed to the Caribbean islands), they encountered populous agricultural and urban societies, including sophisticated kingdoms and empires (especially the Aztecs and Incas).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The model provided by Cortes and Pizarro thus became (crudely speaking):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Conquer the native kingdoms and rule over them (and marry their women).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When you want more land, go on expeditions to conquer it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The strong Catholic missionary impulse of the time also meant a strong emphasis on converting the natives to Catholicism, which made it easier for Spaniards to intermarry with them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(Note that both Cortes and Pizarro married local princesses.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was arguably a continuation of the Reconquista model: conquer the Moorish kingdoms and rule over the (non-Christian) locals as you try to convert them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It probably also was affected by the multinational nature of the Spanish/Hapsburg empire in the 16th Century: if Flemish and Italians and Germans could all be subjects of the Emperor, so could Indians in the Americas.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For the English colonists (as well as, e.g., the Dutch in New Amsterdam), the model was more \"Buy or steal small amounts of land from the natives to set up your own independent settlements.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't interact with the natives aside from trade, and when you want to expand, buy or steal more land and push the natives away (or kill them).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus, despite the interactions and occasional intermarriage that did take place (and the occasional efforts at missionary activity), English colonists tended to remain segregated in their own societies, building their own towns and gradually expanding at the expense of native populations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another possible factor: The lands the Spanish conquered included numerous long-established agricultural societies (with genuine cities), which generally meant they had higher populations.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This probably ensured that the natives remained relatively numerous compared to the European conquerors/settlers despite the massive die-offs from Old World diseases.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The lower population density in most of North America (fewer agricultural societies, and none of them with actual cities) probably meant that it was easier for English colonists to outnumber the natives over time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Erwin", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Interracial marriage is not so uncommon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Probably the absence of same-race women played a role, but Portuguese were also well known to marry local wives in Africa,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "while British and French people usually didn't The fact that Portuguese and Spaniards have a multirracial origin (arab, celtic, roman, goth) might also have some influence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One theory is that King Phillip's war was the cause.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The idea behind this theory is simple: When the pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620, the Native Americans aided them in establishing themselves, and helped them not to starve, by teaching the pilgrims, people who had lived as refugees in the urban Netherlands for a generation, to learn farming and survival skills.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They even celebrated the first thanksgiving together.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In New England, generally speaking, the contact between the Europeans and Natives Americans were more than cordial - there was intermarriage, and conversion to Christianity, and peaceful coexistence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By about 1670, the mixing of the two populations, combined with declining Native American populations and quality of life, set the stage for \"King Phillips War\" Supporting Source and Wikipedia links.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The common narrative goes like this: Metacom, a Native American nicknamed \"King Phillip\" by the settlers, started attacking and slaughtering the colonial population.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The English colonialist responded in kind, slaughtering the Native American population.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Both sides killed whichever \"enemy\" they came across, including women and children.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Persons of mixed heritage were victims of both sides.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "5% of the settler and 40% of the Native American population died.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The general slaughter led to well defined racial identities that didn't exist before the war, and set the stage for future separate ethnic trends in North America.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is, of course, an opposing theory presented in this book that the war was instead a civil war intended to increase British control of the region, which used \"divide and conquer\" strategies, split what was a unified community to increase colonial power.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One results of the increase British control was marginalization of the Native population, and a stronger racial identity for the settlers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The British then used racial identity through the colonies to maintain power.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Divide and Conquer\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Especially agree with the above comment on King Phillip's War...which was then followed by the French and Indian War.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the US South treatment of native populations was quite brutal..with both Northern and Southern \"brutalities\" converging as US Settlers started pouring into Ohio then heading West.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Allan W Eckert wrote I think excellent albeit fictional accounts of the early era.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The stories only grow tragic and more dramatic as \"the United States\" crosses the Mississippi into the Wild West.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Zhivago", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "A large part of the current population of South America are descendants of both native Americans and Europeans. In contrast, in north America the intermingling of native Americans and Europeans was significantly less common. What are the historic reasons for this difference?", "title": "Why did native Americans and Europeans mix in South America but not in North America?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<north-america><south-america><ethnicity>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The Spanish and British colonising attitudes were different in relation to historical backgrounds. The Spanish colonial ideology was based on converting the locals to catholicism and that made it easier to intermarry. ", "There are number of possible answers to this question, but the most important factor may have been the difference in philosopher between the two groups of settlers. Spanish settlers were more interested in 'converting' the natives whereas settlers in the north merely wanted to use them. Additionally, Spanish settlers in the south encountered large agrarian societies, which would have been difficult to take on, whereas tribes in the north were somewhat smaller. Other reasons given for the lack of integration in the north at King Phillip's War and the fact that northern settlers brought their own women with them." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "One contributing factor to this could be the differing attitudes of the Spanish compared with the settlers in the North. The Spanish settlers focused more on 'converting' the natives, where as the North American settlers were more interested in exploiting the natives in order to grow their own settlements.", "In the North, the tribes encountered were smaller than the large agrarian societies encountered in the south. Therefore, the numbers involved could have had an impact on how much intermingling took place.", "King Phillips's War is sometimes cited as a factor in the relative anymosity between settlers and natives in the North.", "It is suggested that settlers in the north did not intermingle with the natives much because they brought their own women with them." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In the early days of Rome (kingdom and early republic) large oval shields were used and heavy Roman infantry fought in the manner of hoplites.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Around 300BC the Roman army changed into the form we recognise, adopting changing from phalanxes to a manipular structure.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Roman heavy infantry adopted the scutum.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Oddly enough by the 3rd century", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "AD oval shields had come back into use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't believe the Testudo formation dictated what shields were used by Roman infantry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was a very specialised formation with many weaknesses.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given the Roman track record of innovation and their doctrine of tactical flexibility it seems unlikely that their shield choice would be beholden to one of the many tricks in their vast playbook.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The whole idea of their early abandonment of the phalanx in favour of a manipular structure, which coincided with a change of shield, was to increase this flexibility.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is evidence from Polybius 1 that the shield was adapted from a oval to rectangular shield used by the Samnites (one of their early Italic rivals), so it must have had real combat advantages outside of the Testudo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why did the oval/rectangular shield lose its appeal then?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was another change to Roman infantry equipment that happened during the late 2nd and early 3rd century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The sword in general use changed from the short Gladius to the longer Spatha .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A longer weapon would have changed the ergonomics and tactics of combat, leading to a change in shield type.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Spatha was a more \"cut and thrust\" weapon and was used as an auxilary type weapon in the 1st century and was also adopted into Germanic use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was about the time of the loss of a professional core after the Constitutio Antoniniana and the removal of the elite legions' special equipment and status.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems reasonable to say that Roman infantry adopting auxiliary-style weapons (this shield and obviously auxiliary-style sword) was part of this process of the Roman army becoming dominated by the equipment and tactics of the Auxiliaries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": it's all behind paywalls of couse: Polybius", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(VI, 23 2-3),", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cooper", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Permanently fell out of use you say?As soon as one needs the same tactics, one needs the same design of shieldsand a similar kind of training.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here Kyrgyzstan riot police doing what they call a \"turtle\" with rectangular shields: and those are Venezuelans doing the same:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now compare that to the classical depiction of roman \"testudo formation\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To answer the original question, I believe the Scutum did not completely fall out of use until the fall of the empire its self.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Throughout the centuries of use, both 'core' heavy infantry Legionaries AND the Auxiliaries used oval shields of various sizes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A comment above noted the move away from the short stabbing Gladius, in favour of the longer Spatha, this was undoutably easier to wield with a lighter, more easily manouvered shield.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, when it comes down to it, the Scutum was a tool used by highly trained heavy infantry fighting in line based formations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Training included how to \"punch\" with it, how to run at the charge with it, and how to manoeuvre with it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With the decline of the empire, the reduced standing of the Legions, and perhaps a reduced emphasis on training, plus the ease of use and construction of the \"old style\" oval shield brought about its decline.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Certainly the Vikings, Angles, Saxons, Franks and other western European successors to the empire often still fought in line, with various round, oval and kite shaped shields, but with thrusting spears, pikes and even long hafted war axes, cut and thrust swords longer than the Gladius being a symbol of a wealthy warrior, so without the short stabbing sword no Scutum ?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Scutum was too expensive as was the Lorica Segmentata, and the training of the Legionnaires.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "And as was said prior Roman Citizens didn't really want to die in a foreign land", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and so Rome had to rely more upon Auxiliaries and Foederati as well as Sagittari, and many others.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rome became lazy in the basic sense and the Barbarians saw good pay and protection for their families and their tribes who were allowed to settle in Roman boarders for their services.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Scutum was made of 3 pieces of wood wrapped in leather with cast iron on the edges and in the center.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Shield they used later was only 1 piece of wood with cast iron on the edges and center, much like that of the barbarians who fought for Rome.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rome also got rid of the Pila and replaced it with s Plumbart or Lead Dart", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it all was because Legionnaires, Scutums, Gladius, Lorica Segmentata, and Pila were costly but effective .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later Emperor's didn't care about effectiveness, and believed that because they were Rome they were the best military conquerors of many nations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So came the Comitanses, Spatha, Round Shields, Lorica Hamata, and Plumbart.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cheaper, but not as effective .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " of Rome", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is no way the shield had cast iron.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It would have been forged out and hammered into strips.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cast iron is brittle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now, the scutum was curved so that a man's body fit snugly into it in combat lines where they could \"push\" as a phalanx \"pushed\" but the scutum would have been far safer during the \"push\" as it offered leg protection and facial protection whereas the greek shield was big and round or tombstone shaped but flat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Flat shields can be turned by barbarian hands gripping them and because the scutum was cylindrical the soldier could apply some measure of torque to keep the shield from being pulled especially if he was tucked in.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In much the same way if a barbarian was to try to pull the shield down by pulling it outward, the roman soldier could brace it with his knees at the bottom or set it down and use the ground and feet to brace it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The scutum was advanced weaponry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " barosso", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Scutum was discontinued because around the 3rd century AD the Roman Legions were mostly made up of Auxilia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This created more \"barbarian\" influence in the Legions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Eventually the Roman Legionary began to look more like a Germanic warrior instead of what most people think of when they hear the term Roman soldier.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Wikipedia says By the end of the 3rd century the rectangular scutum seems to have disappeared. Why did the rectangular scutum design fall out of use? Why was the shield design not commonly used by anyone else later in history?", "title": "Why did the scutum fall out of use?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<military><ancient-rome>", "link": "", "author": " Kurtzhals" }
[ [ "The development of longer wepons meant the need for a new shield. The scutum was also expensive to make and there was less emphasis on training around this time.", "There are number of possible factors involved, however one likely key factor was that the shield was expensive to manufacture. Additionally, the decline of the Roman Empire and the emergence of new weapons and styles of combat may have necessitated a different style of shield." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The emergence of a longer weapon necessitated the use of a different style of shield.", "The Scutum was an expensive shield to manufacture.", "The gradual decline of the Roman Empire meant that less of a focus was placed on the choice of shield or its military advantages." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There were plenty:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "E.g. the Austro-Prussian War (1866) and the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871) form such a pair.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Obviously Prussia (soon to become center of the German Empire as proclaimed by Wilhelm I in 1871) participated in both.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a European who has been born in the 1960s I rather often comment to my friends that it has been extraordinary good fortune for us members of an generation that hasn't had to witness war (from up-close) during their lifetimes (keeping fingers crossed.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I give credit partly to the shocks of the two WWs (on the destructive side) and the developments leading up to the founding of the EU (on the constructive side) each. UPDATE", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": I now realize that I have answered a slightly different question by mistake, i.e. one for pairs of wars with a time span of 25 years or less (sic!)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "in between.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sorry for that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "How about the Punic Wars ?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The first war was 264 to 241 BC.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The second was 218 to 201 and the third 149 to 146.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were 23 years between the first two and 52 between the last two.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Luke", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "What about three generations in a row?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From the series of Polish-Teutonic Wars that took place between 14th and 16th century, I would refer to three periods of time. 1409-11 (with the Battle of Grunwald , which was one of the largest military engagements of medieval Europe) during the rules of Władysław II Jogaila , then a generation later, 1431-35 , at the end of his reigns, and finally another generation later, Thirteen Years War (1454-66), in the times of Casimir IV Jagiellon .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Wędrychowski", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The French Revolution begun in 1789 and the Battle of Waterloo was 1815, 25 years later.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I think you could also find many examples during Hundred-Years War.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Also crusades can be set in 10-30 year steps: 2nd (1150)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "3rd (1190) 4th (1202) children's (1212)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "5th (1220)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "6th", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(1230) 7th (1250) 8th (1270) (dates rounded, full list eg.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "in Wikipedia )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The French Revolution (begun in 1789) happened around a decade before the Napoleonic Wars (late 1700s-1814).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's a clear case, too, of the one leading to the other, as the instability surrounding the Reign of Terror and so on led directly to Napoleon gaining power in France.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One could argue that there's a similar link between the Russo-Japanese War of the early 1900s and the Great War, as it demonstrated that Russia was weak and could be taken.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As with the French Revolution / Napoleonic campaigns, though, that might be too close for you, as you had more or less the same cohort fighting in each instance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My other example was going to be the Punic Wars, although those too have already been mentioned.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If ever one conflict led to another...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the U.S., the French and Indian War, 1754-1763 was about one generation ahead of the American Revolution 1776-1783.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you take the Texas Revolution of 1836 as the \"start\" of the Mexican-American War, the 1836 start was 25 years ahead the Civil War (1861-65).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The argument is that the earlier wars \"incubated\" the later wars, as some historians believe was the case with World War I and II.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The French and Indian War caused the taxation (and set up a potential alliance with France), that led to the American Revolution.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And the wars of Texas and America against Mexico sharpened the slavery issue, helping to incubate the Civil War.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The \"third wars\" in these sequences were the War of 1812 after the American Revolution, and the Korean War after World War II.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was no \"third war\" after the Civil War because of the exhaustion of the Americans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "The I and II world wars are 25 years apart, which is within the length of one generation. This is interesting, because it creates a premise for an entire part of a generation to be both without fathers and grandfathers. Have there been other wars separated by the length of one generation (20-30 years)?", "title": "What other pairs of wars have had a ~25 year interval?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<world-war-two><war><world-war-one>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The gap between the French revolution and the battle of Waterloo was also similar in distance. The hundred years war would also be similar. There are also other examples like the French and Indian war with the American Revolution and the Texas revolution before the Civil war.", "There are number of wars with a rougly one-generation gap between them, including the French Revolution and the Battle of Waterloo, the Russo-Japanese War and the First World War, or the Texas Revolution and the American Civil War." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There are number of wars with a rougly one-generation gap between them, including the French Revolution and the Battle of Waterloo, the Russo-Japanese War and the First World War, or the Texas Revolution and the American Civil War." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Metohija Ottoman Empire (until 1912) Montenegro (1912-1915) Austria-Hungary (1915-1918) Serbia (1918) Kingdom of Serbs, Croatsand Slovenes (1918–1929) Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1929–1941) Italian protectorate of Albania (1941-1943) Nazi Germany (1943-1944) Serbia (1944-1946)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yugoslavia (1946-1991) Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(1992-2003) Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006) Serbia (2006-2008) Kosovo (2008-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think the Carpathian Ruthenia area (the little triangle on the \"end\" of Czechoslovakia after the end of WW1) gives us five bona fide separate national entities and more if pseudo-states (such as your Fiume) and other periods of loose or brief control are allowed.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "up to 1918 Austria-Hungary 1918 Hungary 1918", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "West Ukraine 1918-1939", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Czechoslovakia 1939 Carpatho-Ukraine Republic 1939-1944 Hungary 1944-1945 Czechoslovakia 1945-1991 USSR", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1991 - Ukraine", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've marked in bold where nation states were recognisably exercising full sovereignty over the area.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Looser claims in italics.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Memelland (now Klaipeda) in Lithuania is another possible candidate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Drinker", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Lviv : Austria-Hungary (until 1918) Western Ukrainian National Republic Poland (1918-1939) USSR (1939-1941)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Reichskommissariat Ukraine (1941-1944) Poland (1944-1946) USSR", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(1946-1991) Ukraine (1991-now) This does not qualify as the most number of different countries, but probably qualifies as the most number of changes in national flag.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Cešký Těšin , the western part of Cieszyn, Silesia : to 1918 : Austria-Hungary October 31-November 5 1918: competing Czech and Polish local administrations November 5", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1918- Jan 30 1919:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Polish occupation 1919-1920:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Czech occupation 1920-1938:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "First Czechoslovak Republic (formalized by 1920 Spa Conference) 1938-1939: Second Polish Republic (Polish occupation after Munich Agreement) 1939-1945: Großdeutsches Reich (i.e. annexed by Nazi Germany) 1945-1992: Czechoslovakia 1993-: Czech Republic/Czechia", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "U Sabotů , now Šance (see the map ). until 1918: Austria(-Hungary) 1918", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- 1939 Czechoslovakia 1939 - 1945 Germany (Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren) 1945 - 1992", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Czechoslovakia 1993 - 1997 Czech Republic 1997 - Slovakia", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Garabík", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "For example, a centenarian who has spent her entire life in Rijeka would have lived in five: The Austro-Hungarian Empire (until 1920) The Free State of Fiume (1920-1924) Italy (1924-1947) Yugoslavia (1947-1991) Croatia (1991-present) Is there any piece of land in the world which has been in more hands than that since March 5, 1898 (the birthdate of the oldest living person )? If so, where?", "title": "How many different countries could a person alive today have lived in without leaving their hometown?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<20th-century><geography>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The Carpathian Ruthenia area and Memelland in Lithuania have also been part of many different states over the last century.", "The regions of Carpathian Ruthenia and Memelland could potentially have changed hands more than five times since March 5 1898." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The regions of Carpathian Ruthenia and Memelland could potentially have changed hands more than five times since March 5 1898." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There are plenty of industrial uses for steam engines, mostly for generating electricity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Any coal-fueled power station is a steam engine, or more likely a set of them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The only big change in technology is that converting the steam's expansion energy to kinetic energy is now done using a steam turbine and not a piston engine.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since the question specifically mentions railways, I suppose the mobile/transportation uses are the intended focus.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are still some steam locomotives around, run by enthusiasts and mostly for tourists.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There are some in England, India and China that I know of, and probably some others as well.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For more practical uses, there are naval vessels which are steam powered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In this case, of course, they also use steam turbines rather than piston engines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, and I suppose this is a big change, they create the heat for the steam not by burning coal but by nuclear fission.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At heart, any nuclear-powered ship is running on steam.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 37 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Nuclear power stations are steam engines, they just use a different source of energy to generate the steam from what you're probably thinking of.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "So yes, steam engines are in widespread use around the planet.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 28 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Steam Engine :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless you are specifically referring to steam railway locomotives , a particular application of the steam engine, then yes steam engines are widely used as the most common worldwide means of producing electric power.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The particular class of steam engine most commonly used in this configuration is the steam turbine .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Modern re-invention of the steam railway locomotive is most likely to be considering advanced steam technologies .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Use as a replacement for the internal combustion engine for automotive use has also been researched in the recent past.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Research into applications for modern steam engines seems to have been motivated by a fear of drastically higher gasoline and diesel prices for internal combustion and diesel engines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With the recent worldwide supply of shale-oil and shale-gas expected to glut the market for several decades, I expect research into non-stationary steam engines to abate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Geerkens", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To my knowledge, there is one single cylinder steam engine at the Hook Norton Brewery in England, still working for it's living, and there are several Steam Boats around, such as the Paddle Wheeler Hjejlen in Denmark, and the SS Skjelskoer built in 1915, both are Coal Fired.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In Australia there are several Steam Driven Paddle Boats on the Murray River.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of these are Wood Burners.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Kirk", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "A large variety of preserved and rebuilt steam locomotives are still used on well over a hundred heritage railways in the UK, some well over 10 miles in length.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "See the list of British Heritage and Private Railways On these lines, there are several hundred steam engines regularly used to provide regular timetabled services, especially from March to October, though Christmas 'Santa Specials' are also very popular.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many of the services provide public transport possibilities as well, some of the preserved steam railways connecting with regular train services at junctions and termini.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Additionally, there are steam train services run on main lines and even new build and reconstructed express steam engines running for tourist and steam train enthusiasts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Heritage steam railways play an important part in the economies of many areas in the UK , attracting large numbers of visitors who also use other services locally.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example The small narrow gauge preserved Lynton and Barnstable Light Railway in North Devon, just a few miles long at present, is reckoned to provide a welcome injection of many millions of pounds into the local economy there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Brown", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The cog railway in NH still uses some steam locomotives to travel back and forth to the summit of Mt Washington.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Most have been replaced, but there is still one coal fired locomotive a day that makes the trip", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One of the engines on the Welsh Mount Snowdon Railway is a steam locomotive.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bellis", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Almost every 1 power station that produces electricity uses steam to power its turbines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only the heat source (of energy): burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas or using nuclear fission, is different.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is why all power stations are located near a water source, so that they can have unlimited supply of water to heat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are some steam engines remaining operational in locomotives and boats around the world either for tourist attraction or for the lack of reach of new technology.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Except the ones using directly renewable sources such as solar, sun and wave.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "From my knowledge, there is a steam engine locomotive still being used in India from Mettupalam to Ooty route.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is always overbooked as many tourists still visit and take the train is a very pleasant trip and the site through the rail route is very beautiful.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Menon", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Are there any countries in which steam engines have a regular purpose, or are still dominant on the railway? When did they officially fade out of use in the western world?In Australia at least, they are being privately looked into again to make a comeback. Is this the case anywhere else?It's several questions, I know, but mainly anything related to the title.", "title": "Are steam engines still in regular use anywhere in the world?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<technology><contemporary-history><engineering>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There is still a line in India that uses steam engines. There are also numerous lines that use steam for tourist travel and steam boats that operate in Australia.", "Yes, steam engines are used across the globe, such as in energy generation or to power paddle boats. However, specifically looking at steam railways, there are number around the world, and the UK has a number of well-preserved steam railways." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There are steam railways in many countries around the world, including the UK, USA, and India.", "The UK has a number of well-preserved steam railways.", "There are steam engines in use around the world that aren't necessarily used on the railways, including for boats and energy generation.", "Yes, steam engines are still used right across the globe." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The Enigma machines and the breaking of the Enigma code were not the main determinants of the outcome of World War II, but did contribute to the outcome.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were only a few types of Enigma machines, so they had to be capable of using different encryption keys.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If machines used the same encryption key for message after message, the encryption would be broken before too long, and then all successive (and preceding recorded) messages could be decrypted by the opponents.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The machines had several physical settings (as described by the Wikipedia article ), including selection of wheel order and wiring of some movable plugs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The usual procedure was to have prearranged settings for each day of use, with the machine changed at midnight to the new day's settings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, the operator would rotate the wheels arbitrarily (for randomness) before starting encryption of a new message.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His arbitrary selection would be communicated at the front of the sent message.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The procedures are described in more detail on this page and this page .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "\"Allies\" capturing Engima machines (what you really mean was British navy, who then in Hollywood were magically transformed into US navy) was really of no importance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What was important was capturing code books.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The wiring of the Enigma machine was known since the 1930s, when Polish mathematicians managed to reconstruct it from very limited information.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The latest Enigma machines came with a set of eight wheels, of which three were plugged into the machine, plus a fourth extra wheel for submarines.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was a \"day code\" which told the personell which three wheels to pick, how to rotate them, and which nine cables to use on the plugboard.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When a message was sent, sender and receiver put their enigmas into the day position.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then the sender would send a random three digit key, and then both sender and receiver would switch the wheels to that key.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, they do allow multiple keys.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Typically they had a new key every day.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "See this Wikipedia article :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Though Enigma had some cryptographic weaknesses, in practice it was German procedural flaws, operator mistakes, laziness, failure to systematically introduce changes in encipherment procedures, and Allied capture of key tables and hardware that, during the war, enabled Allied cryptologists to succeed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was not capturing the hardware alone that enabled the decryption.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The key tables were books of keys to be used on a given day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The first Enigma machine to come to the notice of Germany's foes was in Poland, around 1928.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Polish customs (and their intelligence service) were suspicious of the German embassy's unseemly desire to get a certain package out of Customs on a Saturday.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Poles spent the weekend copying the manuals and examining the mechanism, and then delivered it in the Monday morning post.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In August 1939, facing invasion, the Poles gave all their knowledge (including 10 years of mathematical advances in code breaking) to the French and British.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You should watch the BBC series \"The Secret War\" (circa 1975), especially the episode \"Still Secret\", which covers Enigma/Ultra/Fish and Bletchley Park very thoroughly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Allies were NOT dependent on capturing Enigma machines -- they made tremendous advancements in code breaking without having the physical machine or both plain and encrypted messages.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Perry", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, different keys were used on several levels.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In an Enigma system, the key consists of several components: Rotors (which rotor is used in which position).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Originally, 3 rotors were used (each with unique wiring).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later on, more rotors were added (up to 8 by the end of the war).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ringstellung (the position of the ring on each rotor) Rotor starting point Plugboard settings", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, not everyone used the same key:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some groups (the Navy and Abwehr, for example) used their own rotors with different wiring.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Each group of operators (one army, or one U-boot group, for example) got its own list of keys.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Keys were changed daily.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There were multiple Cypher Keys for example Supply Ships sheltering in neutral ports used the Tibet Cypher.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "merchant Raiders used Special Cypher 100.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cypher Bertok was used to communicate with the Naval attache Tokyo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cypher Freya was used between OKM and naval shore installations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Triton Cypher was used by U-boats in the Indian Ocean.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were even special Enigma keys created for co-operation between the German and Japanese navies operated on three rotor machines known as T-Enigma under the Tirpitz agreement of 1942 (Tirupitsu to Japanese/JN-18 to USN)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The code key for this was originally known as Sumatra and later as Gartenzaun.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was mostly used by German I-class U-boats which sailed to Europe such as I-29 and I-52 for example.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The SS had their own Cypher keys such as Kliest many of which were rarely broken.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "German Railways had their own Cypher Keys as did various Luftwaffe units.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Kreigsmarine used four rotor Enigma machines as opposed to the three rotor machines of the Luftwaffe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These were books of Cypher keys relevant for specific days and the way they were used changed as the war progressed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Generally a vessel was only issued with a book of Cypher keys lasting three months.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later in the war Keys would change up to twice per day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They were issued on pink water soluble paper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "The German Enigma machines are the key for German victories during the early years of World War II. When the Allies managed to capture few Enigma machines and decode then the face of war began to change in favor of Allies. My question is, is it possible to have multiple encryption/decryption keys in a same enigma machines?So that it enables the users to send/receive the 1st message using a different encryption/decryption key and the next message using a different key.", "title": "Did the German Enigma machine use multiple encryption keys?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<world-war-two><nazi-germany><cryptology>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There were only a few types of Enigma machines so they had to be able to using different keys. Different keys were used on different levels and they had a new key every day.", "Yes, the Enigma machine used multiple encryption keys and changed encryption key each day." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Yes, the Enigma machine used multiple encryption keys and changed encryption key each day." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "One candidate for \"last widely recognized country to be conquered\" would be South Vietnam.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "From the Wikipedia article : Despite a peace treaty concluded in January 1973, fighting continued until the North Vietnamese army overran Saigon on 30 April 1975.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and: Its sovereignty was recognized by the United States and by some eighty-seven other nations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It had membership in several special committees of the United Nations, and would have been a member of the United Nations itself had it not been for a Soviet veto in 1957", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I started my search by looking at Wikipedia's list of former United Nations members .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of these, some are countries that ceased to be members because they were absorbed by other countries: East Germany (became part of West Germany; peaceful transition) Tanganyika and Zanzibar (apparently peaceful) Formation of Malaysia (apparently peaceful, or in any case formed from colonies that were not independent until absorbed) North and South Yemen (apparently peaceful) A reference to North/South Vietnam in the Yemen article got me to think about South Vietnam, which is perhaps an obvious answer to the question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There might be other, non-recognized states: I can think of Biafra, independent from 1967 to 1970 (so in any case earlier than South Vietnam).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "ørgen", "score": 26 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Kuwait was invaded in November 1990 by Iraq , and the Iraqis weren't ejected until February 1991; thus Kuwait ceased to exist for about six months.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It can be argued that Kuwait had a government in exile during that time; but supposedly, South Vietnam still has a government in exile .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In terms of \"empire\" conquering that has had significant cultural effect, meaning a large change in the ethnic or linguistic nature of a large area of land the biggest changes in the last 100 years: Elimination of Prussia (1945-1948) Elimination of Manchuria (1930s) Collapse of the French empire in West Africa Collapse of the British empire in Africa, India and Southeast Asia Creation of Pakistan, Burma and Thailand Elimination of Austro-Hungarian Empire and creation of Czechoslovakia, Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary Collapse of Ottoman empire, creation of Israel, Iraq, Syria and Kuwait", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The most recent significant area to be \"conquered\" and absorbed by another country is the Crimean peninsula, conquered and annexed by the Russia Federation this year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The most recent time an entire \"country\" has been conquered and annexed militarily by another country was the de facto annexation of Republic of Chechnya in 2009.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Durden", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Arguably, Western Sahara could also fall in this definition.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It was decolonized from Spanish rule in 1975 and soon after been occupied by Morocco and Mauritania.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later on Mauritania retreated and Morocco took over most of the land leaving a small territory in the hands of the Polisario Front, a western Sahara's people guerilla movement.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, this is not a clear cut case as Western Sahara wasn't a sovereign state and it has not completely vanished but it's recent and fairly close to what you're asking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe even more than South Vietnam.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Since some people did not like my last answer I will reformulate it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The German Democratic Republic was a member of the United Nations and was recognised by most countries in the world, including the USA.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1990 it disappeared from the map and was incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was not conquered militarily by West Germany, but it was annexed by it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Disclaimer :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The correct answer to this question depends on what a \"country\" is: should it be de facto independant before the invasion, should it be recognized as independant by the UN, etc. ?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, my proposition is: Chechnya, 2000", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While Chechnya declared its independance from Russia in November 1991, it had to fight to establish independant institutions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After the First Chechnya war (1994-1996), president Aslan Maskhadov and Boris Eltsin signed the Moscow peace treaty in 1997, which ensured de facto independance and a form of recognition even if the question of the links between the Republic and Russia was not definitely settled.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Second Chechnya war (August 1999 - April 2000) then fits this question: Russia bombed and invaded Chechnya, and their military victory led to the installation of a pro-Moscow government and ultimately to the 2003 referendum which attached Chechnya to Russia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the Old Days, one country would conquer another and add it to its empire. What was the most recent country to be conquered and cease to exist as a country?", "title": "What was the most recent country to be conquered and disappear?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<warfare>", "link": "", "author": " Eastwood" }
[ [ "Chechnya and South Vietnam would be examples as well as Western Sahara. ", "The correct answer to this question will depend on the definition of a country. However, there are a few possible contenders, including South Vietnam, Chechnya and Western Sahara. Kuwait could arguably fit the description as Iraqi forces occupied the country for some six months during the Gulf War." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There are few countries that could fall into this category, including South Vietnam, Chechnya and Western Sahara.", "The correct answer to this question will depend on the definition of a country.", "Kuwait could argubly fall into this category since Iraqi forces weren't expelled for about six months during the Gulf War." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "According to the historical records of the Cornaro / Cornèr family of Venice, they have their ancestral ground from gens Cornelia, via the city of Rimini.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Here are links for Wikipedia (Italian version is more informative) and The Art of Living Long from Louis Cornaro, William Temple", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the family can derive themselves back into Middle ages", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so Cornaro / Cornèr family could be good candidate to an old Roman family surviving the Dark ages after Roman Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "èr", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The wikipedia page on gens notes that Although both the concept of the gens and of the patriciate survived well into imperial times, both gradually lost most of their significance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the final centuries of the Western Empire, patricius was used primarily as an individual title, rather than a class to which an entire family belonged.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The gens originally held a governance function, then that governance function was absorbed into Roman governance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After the Imperial period, the functions were no longer relevant.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was no reason to maintain the lineage, and the \"notable families\" bred back into the general populace.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With respect to Latin surnames, I don't have any data on the distribution of surnames, so I don't know if Latin surnames are under-represented.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If I were to hazard a guess, I suspect that after the fall of Rome, the prestige of a Latin surname vanished, and I would expect that today Latin surnames are probably similar to other ethnic surnames in distribution - but that is merely a hypothesis and I don't have data to test it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Update: Even when Rome controlled Europe, only a minority of the population would have had a nomen .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I cannot cite a source, but I believe that the majority of nomen were from the Urban Tribes, and therefore would not have been \"notable\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The governor of a province and his staff probably had patrician nomen; the inhabitants of the province probably did not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Again, a hypothesis, but I would be surprised to find surnames derived from nomen anywhere other than Italy, Byzantium and possibly Spain/Portugal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " C. Wallace", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The main issue with sustaining a 'line' is that without modern medicine, a decent fraction of marriages will not result in children.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This ends that gens right there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have children, they may die before reaching the age to marry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In ancient times, child mortality was high, something in the 30-50 percent range.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Wealthy families might do a little better, but not a lot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Having a taste for large families helps the odds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, rich Romans in the Republic usually restricted themselves to 1 or 2 sons, in order to not divide the estate so the son could have enough wealth for politics.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This put their gens in the \"risky\" category.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An added risk for powerful, influential families was proscriptions and political murder during the Civil Wars and Imperial age under paranoid emperors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Entire families could and were wiped out that way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Roman families didn't last long.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Julius Caesares died with Caesar.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His adopted nephew's line ended with him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The last known person with even a remote link to Augustus by blood was the Emperor Nero.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Basically, they petered out and were replaced by new families who in some instances gratuitously grafted old illustrious names to theirs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This process took place a number of times.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, according to one estimate , by 69 CE only 2% of the senators had republican patrician ancestry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And that was before the large influx of provincials into the aristocracy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another thing to bear in mind is that under Roman law a new citizen (a freedman or a foreigner) took the nomen of the Roman who had sponsored his enfranchisement.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, for example, practically all Gallo-Romans were named Julius Somethingus.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And finally, modern surnames have practically nothing to do with all this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Goldberg", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Over the centuries the original Latin gens were diluted.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even in late Roman times such names were not common.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In many cases Latin families married into the families of leaders of barbarians and their name was lost as a surname.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Latin names do tend to persist as first names, however, indicating the continuation of their cultural heritage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, the names Julius / Julia and Cornelius / Cornelia are Latin names common in everyday families.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Latin surnames have survived sporadically.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, there is one guy in the United States with the last name of Chrysogonus , one of the Cornelian gens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is possible that many old Latin names exist in mutated form.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, the common upper class Italian name, Schiapelli , may be derived from Scipio , another Cornelian gens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Due to the use of different dialects and languages in Italy old names have in some cases undergone considerable alterations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Durden", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Descendants of those families are still here under different names.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I think everyone will agree that there was a very big cultural shift in Europe during the decline and then fall of the western empire, so much of a shift that Latin died as spoken language.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With the cultural stance switching to the local cultures, a powerful family would attain local titles and create a new regime based on local rule.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As in England, France and the H.R.E., people became known by their jobs or by the places they lived or governed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The wealthy heads of the great houses, I'm sure, did what they could to maintain their status and as such became big fat targets for every warlord and chieftain looking for loot or to legitimize their own seat.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "War is expensive, children at the time not so much so many children were wed into local houses to ensure peace.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So to finally get to the point, many prominent houses of today like the house of Hapsburg-Lothringen do descend from Roman Patricians, if Vatican records can be believed.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Lund", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My understanding is that some of the prominent Western Roman families that were possible lineal descendants of these families migrated to Constantinople and the Eastern Roman Empire as the Western Roman Empire fell.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Others stayed behind in other areas of Italy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The ones who migrated probably intermarried, and were integrated into the elite families of the Eastern Roman Empire aka Byzantine Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After the fall of Constantinople the surviving refugees fled to Italy, and others stayed behind as the Phanariotes under the Ottoman Empire", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "í", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "What happened to the numerous (patrician) families of Rome? Like the Gens Julia for example. There are no ancestors today leading back to them like for example the famous Medici family from renaissance Italy. I can't think of any Roman \"last names\" still in use. What happened?", "title": "What happened to all the notable Roman families?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<ancient-history><ancient-rome><names>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Descendants of the old families are still around with other names. Latin surnames probably fell out of grace after the fall of the empire. ", "There is no clear answer to this question, however, it is possible that the descendents of Roman noble families are still around, albeit under different names. Other theories speculated that they migrated or just petered out altogether after the fall of the empire." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It has been suggested that descendents of prominent Roman noble families are still around today but under different names.", "Some of the Roman noble families may well have migrated after the fall of the empire.", "These families gradually petered out, particularly after the fall of the empire." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The skull and crossbones or \"death's head\" is not a purely German - still less a specifically Nazi - symbol, but has been, and still is, used by many military units, including the British, Australian and Swedish armies and the US Marine Corps.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The British Queen's Royal Lancers use the skull and crossbones with the caption beneath \"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Or Glory\" - the \"Death or Glory boys\", and 100 Squadron RAF fly it on their flag.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It would appear to be a sign of commitment to die fighting, rather than mere \"baddassery\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "See: Totenkopf (Wikipedia) .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 37 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The deaths head (Totenkopf) is a symbol that had been in use by many German and Prussian military units in history, going back hundreds of years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was mainly to signify their high levels of badassery.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The SS picked up on this and used it themselves to co-opt that history to mold themselves as an elite force.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Use of the symbol as a military insignia began with the cavalry of the Prussian army under Frederick the Great.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Frederick formed Husaren-Regiment Nr. 5", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(von Ruesch), a Hussar regiment commanded by Colonel von Ruesch.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These Hussars adopted a black uniform with a Totenkopf emblazoned on the front of their mirlitons and wore it on the field in the War of Austrian Succession and in the Seven Years' War.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1808, when the regiment was reformed into Leib-Husaren Regiments Nr.1 and Nr.2, the Totenkopf remained a part of the uniform.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "During the Napoleonic Wars, when Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, was killed in battle, his troops changed the colour of their uniforms to black or apple green, with a Totenkopf on their shakos in mourning their dead leader.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Other sources claim that the \"Black Brunswickers\" were so equipped while Friedrich Wilhelm of Brunswick lived, as a sign of revenge on the French.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The skull continued to be used throughout the Prussian and Brunswick Armed forces until 1918, and some of the stormtroopers that led the last German offensives on the Western Front in 1918 used skull badges.[2] from WIKI", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 26 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As others have said the symbol is very, very old.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The meaning is both \"loyalty unto death\" and about remembering your own mortality, not \"badassery\" or anything else.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "An excellent reference on the subject is \"Death's Head\" by Joost Holscher.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a symbol for soldiers it pre-dates even that by pirates actually.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As others have stated it was used by almost all European armed forces.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The history of its use for the Germans begins with the Purussian hussars in the 18th Century and the Brunswick forces who went to fight for the British in the Napoleonic wars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It stayed as a famous and respected symbol for the Prussian Lieb hussars into the early 20th century and then was absorbed into the German army.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Nazis tried to co-opt it in the 1930s in order to cash in on its extensive history with the German army.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The army protested this however so the Nazi version had to be altered with the addition of a rather goofy oversized jaw to placate them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The totenkopf used by the SS is different from that used by the German army in WW2.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's also largely an exaggeration (approaching a myth) that Hugo Boss had much of an influence on the look of Nazi uniforms: those uniforms were based on a universal style used by almost all armies since before WW 1, from Australia to the USA, to Japan etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The style originated in Britain in the late 19th century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Actually it was already present in Prussia at the time of Frederic the Great, whose inspiration for this emblem might have come from some Pandurs units.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Two Prussian hussars regiments used this symbol at this time :the 5th and 8th, the later even shown a complete skeleton on its shako.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And a \"Death hussars\" unit also existed during the french revolution, between September 1792 and April 1793.They were dressed in black with the skull and crossbones on the top of their jacket sleeves and on the sabretache.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I don't think SS uniform skull is in any way related to similar insignia in other nations, as suggested by @TheHonRose.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I believe it was introduced by Hugo Boss circa 1933 when he designed Nazi uniforms, and the meaning of it was something like \"Loyal until death\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't recall the reference though; you may want to look into early history of Hugo Boss fashion house.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now, as to where Hugo Boss got the idea of putting a skull on SS uniforms - that I don't know; Oldcat's conjecture about Totenkopf sounds very plausible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Seven answers and nobody has gone back further than the 18th century?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From wikipedia :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From at least the 12th century, it has been used for military flags or insignia and as a warning of the ferocity of the unit displaying it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It became associated with piracy from the 14th century onwards, possibly even earlier.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "By the 15th century, the symbol had developed into its familiar form.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Knights Templar organisation, active from the 12th until their demise in 1307, adopted a skull-and-crossbones flag to identify ships belonging to their vast fleet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The later Knights of Malta, made up of many former Templars and using the same flag, became known for piracy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The skull and crossbones as a pirate's flag could well predate the Knights Templar", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " By", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I was watching The Boy in Striped Pyjamas , and I saw this skull and crossbones on this Nazi's cap. Why is it there? (That is, what does this represent?)", "title": "What does the skull and crossbones on the Nazi uniform represent?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<nazi-germany><uniform>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "This is to do with loyalty until death. Before that, it was associated with piracy and even used on military flags.", "This symbol has been used historically by a variety of forces and is meant to symbolise to willingness to die in battle. It was used on the Nazi uniforms due to its long history with the German army after Hugo Boss designed the Nazi uniforms." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "This symbol is meant to be a sign of commitment to dying in battle.", "The Nazis used it due to its long history with the German army after Hugo Boss designed Nazi uniforms.", "This symbol had been used much earlier by a variety of forces." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The English Civil War is popular for re-enactment in England .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Helps that it occurred over 350 years ago though.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Spanish Civil War 1936-39 seems to be regularly re-enacted too", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "but probably not on the same scale as the English or American Civil Wars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Redmond", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Lviv (Lwow) in Ukraine they re-enact the Polish-Ukrainian civil war of 1918:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(On the other hand, the \"civil war\" between Ukrainians and Russian communistswhich also began in 1918, still continues, so they do not re-enact it).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is not completely clear whether the national liberation war in the Western Ukraine against Soviet Union qualifies as a civil war", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but it is also re-enacted:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Russian Civil War of 1917-1922 is re-enacted very often, see here and here for example (links are in Russian).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The interesting point is that there are many fans from both sides, that actually in heart still support one of the sides.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Russia is diverse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "More info can be found here .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Battle of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, of the American Revolution.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Technically, our revolution was a civil war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Chernoch", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Chinese Civil War between the Communists and the nationalists is reenacted in China.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They are cool and have no problem, because, one side is regarded bad or evil, and the other good ones or saviours.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence there is no sympathy clash thing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence everybody enjoys the good ones beating the bad ones.:)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "chinese not very good on appropriation, eh?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There has been great sympathy and admiration for Confederate forces and leaders in America , even after they lost.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Because the side was viewed as brave, and deserving a legacy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The victors could not and did not brand the Confederates as dishonorable scoundrels, blood hungry monsters and cruel war criminals.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't we see people naming their kids after Confederate generals?Well, Robert Lee Frost :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Wikipedia has a photo of re-enactment of the Battle of White Mountain Since Bohemia was effectively a part of Holy Roman Empire, I'm calling it a Civil War.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "...and if not, what is it that makes people comfortable reenacting the American Civil War? It would seem grotesque to reenact the Rwandan Civil War or Yugoslavian Civil War, for example. In particular, what is the most recent civil war that people are comfortable reenacting?", "title": "Are any civil wars -- other than the American Civil War -- commonly reenacted?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<civil-war>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Many civil wars including the English and Spanish civil wars are also re-enacted regularly. There is also great admiration for the Confederate forces, which is also why re-enactments happen.", "There are number of civil wars which are reenacted around the world, including in England, Spain and Ukraine. People feel comfortable with reenacting the American civil war because the Confederates were not generally considered bad people, despite losing the war. They even received a certain level of admiration." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There are number of civil wars which are reenacted around the world, including in England, Spain and Ukraine.", "People feel comfortable with reenacting the American civil war because the Confederates were not generally considered bad people, despite losing the war. They even received a certain level of admiration." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm not sure you can really state that thesis with certainty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The world's top two religions are indeed monotheistic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, that could just be explained due to them both arising in the same region.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The third and fourth largest religions, Hinduism (1 billion adherents) and Shenisim (about 400 million), are both polytheistic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The fifth, Buddhism (also about 400 million) either has no gods or is polytheistic as well, depending on how you want to look at it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "None of these really seem to be in any current danger of being replaced by a monotheistic faith.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One can also make a case that the two large Monotheistic religions were primarily spread by the sword, so its debatable how much their modern success has to do with their own internal qualities.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Nearly all countries where Islam is prevalent are either Afro-Asiatic-speaking countries, or were conqured/colonized by Afro-Asiatic speakers during the period they ran the trade routes to the far east and sub-Saharan Africa (and all such countries lie along those trade routes).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Nearly all countries where Christianity is prevalent are either Indo-European speaking, or were conquered and/or colonized by Indo-Europeans during their imperialistic age.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So if I were to have to put a time on this...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For Islam it would be the 8th to 11th centuries along the spice routes, and the end of that time for sub-Saharan Africa.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "For Christianity there would be two major periods of expansion: one from the time of Constantine (4th Century) to the end of the Roman Empire (5h Century), some slow progress in Europe after that, and then another that started with the Age of Discovery in the late 15th century, and ended (most likely) with decolonization in the late 20th Century.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One of the main common tenets of Monotheistic worships, is the inherent assertion, that there is only one God; that those who consider otherwise are wrong.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence, its a motivation that followers should make efforts to bring those who don't recognise their one God, under Him,because they are under the influence of wrong.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence, monotheistic religions all over the world, made the efforts to get more and more followers, and hence they got more and more followers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Polytheistic religions, most often, did not see differences as problems, unless there were steep cultural disparities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "People with new Gods, meant , to polytheists, most often, new Gods to be worshipped and added to the pantheon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Simple", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's odd no one has mentioned Judaism.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Arguably the source of both Christianity and Islam", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", it has (despite occasional attempts) never been very imperialistic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, Sikhism, another monotheistic religion, has not (that I know of) been particularly imperialistic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On a slightly different topic, if members of two different monotheistic religions discover that they have no major doctrinal differences, can it be said that the religions are truly different?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, isn't it likely that multiple monotheistic religions have merged into just a few over the millennia, especially in the pre-Christian era?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Not getting into the WHY.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But take a look at Egyptian religion and history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They were polytheism ( ) transformed into monotheism ( ) and then changed back.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Looking at those details and might provide some insight as to the how.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Almost every religion or spiritual belief system in the world has at least some expression of a single god or an underlying force that permeates everything.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "God in that sense is usually described as omnipresent, unchanging, eternal - that which has always been, always will be and from which everything is created.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For Hindus that would be Brahman , Christians would call that God , in Islam it's Allah , Taoism teaches of Tao and the list could go on.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even in shamanic traditions there is almost always something that is recognized as the underlying force of all existence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Modern physics has also observed and recognizes such a concept.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Physicists nowadays call it the Unified Field Theory .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In polytheistic belief systems the various gods are usually expressions of different aspects of existence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Monotheistic religions speak of a direct connection that an individual can achieve with god.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps this makes the proposed final reward of monotheistic religions very appealing and the ultimate punishment very frightening.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Psychologically this is a far more powerful form of mind control.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Polytheistic religions don't speak of such grand rewards or punishments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The different gods govern various aspects of the world and the believer is left to barter with the gods for good fortune.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Aus", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you look at the European area alone, there is a distinct shift towards a more 'modern' monotheistic religious in the rise of the Mystery cults in Greece and Rome.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mithras, Sol Invictus, were somehow different and beyond and more exciting than the old pantheon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even in standard Paganism, individuals tended more and more to identify with a smaller set of gods as patrons - Jupiter and Hercules for Diocletian and the Tetrarchs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Julian the Apostate's supposed return to Paganism was in a form that standard mythologies would find puzzling, as he imposed a single heirarchy for all pagan gods with one god at the top.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the midst of this, Christianity gained traction as it also could offer a more personal, active relation between men and the gods than standard Paganism.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It won out in this case, but the other cases indicate that Paganism was becoming unsatisfying in general, and an opportunity for a new religion was open.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would not consider Atenism a new religion, as it was a personal construction of one man and dropped when he died.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even his son dropped it as soon as possible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "In the world at the moment, the most popular religions seem to mostly be religions that worship only one \"God\", such as Christianity and Islam. However, in the past there were many religions that worshipped a vast number of \"Gods\", such as Norse, Greek, Roman, Chinese etc. Is there a historical reason why these older, multi deity relgions were replaced with religions that worshipped a singular god, and if so, when did this occur?", "title": "When and why did single deity religions become more popular than multi deity religions?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<religion>", "link": "", "author": " R Dizzle" }
[ [ "A lot of mono deity religions were spread by wars and colonisation. ", "One reason why monotheistic religions grews could be due to military conquest as Christian and Islamic kingdoms expanded and spread their religion accordingly. The spread of Islam could also well be linked to the spice routes." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "One possible reason why monotheistic religions grew in popularity was because their spread was linked to military conquest.", "The spread of Islam could also be related to the spice routes." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Most noteworthy would be Hess' flight to England in 1941, although that was not quite a defection.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Defection rather implies changing sides in a conflict.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "None of the senior Nazis seem to have done that:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Hess seems to have wanted to persuade the UK to make peace with Germany, but his idea of how to do this was hopelessly wrong.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He seems to have assumed that the UK monarchy of the 1940s worked like the pre-WWI German Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Himler was trying to preserve his existing position as head of the SS and Police, and add the leadership of Nazi Germany to it, by getting the Americans, British and French to join the German side in the war against the USSR.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was considered treason by the existing Nazi government, but was not a defection to the Allied side.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Surrendering yourself, or the forces under your command is not defection.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If German forces in Italy had switched sides and made war against Germany, that would be defection, but they didn't do that, and the Allied side wouldn't have been interested anyway.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Willy Lehmann was a spy, but spies aren't usually considered defectors unless they visibly change sides, or flee to the side they've been working for.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Paulus might be considered a defector, at the point when it was starting to become clear that the Germans weren't going to win, but he was a military officer rather than a politician.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Ernst Hanfstaengl quit the cause before the outbreak of war, but it's hard to call him a senior Nazi.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Dallman", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Operation Sunrise led to the surrender of all Axis forces in Italy on 2 May 1945, 5 days before VE day.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Several high ranking officers were involved in the negotiations and the story is complicated, but Field Marshall Albert Kesselring, the Commander in Chief of the Mediterranean Theater, knew of the negotiations and ultimately approved - I would call this a 'noteworthy defection.'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Allen Dulles' book 'The Secret Surrender' tells the story.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In April 1945, toward the end of the Nazi regime, Heinrich Himmler , the head of the Gestapo (Secret Police) and \"SS\" military units, left Berlin against Hitler's orders, and began negotiations with representatives of neutral Sweden, as an attempt to surrender Germany to only Britain and the United States, while allying with them against the Soviet Union.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "He did this on his own authority, without the consent of Hitler (who expelled him from the Nazi party), in fact, against Hitler's express instructions to stay in Berlin.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His overtures were rejected, but he was basically the highest-ranking Nazi (fourth after Hitler, Goering and Goebbels) to try to negotiate with the Allies without authority from Hitler.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Admiral Doenitz, who did surrender to the Allies, did so with authority vested in him by Hitler's last will and testament.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm not sure whether being captured blunts the definition of \"defection\" at all, but after Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus' capture, he cooperated with the Soviets completely, even making anti-war propaganda statements for the Soviet Union .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "How about (for an EARLY example) Fritz Thyssen ?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was a wealthy industrialist who gave large contributions to the Nazis from 1923 to 1932.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was one of the major characters who urged von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler chancellor and was elected as a member of the Reichstag.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However he soured on the Nazis (and Germany) at the beginning of WWII and took his family to Switzerland (and then France), after which he was expelled from the party and his company was seized.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later he made the mistake of going to Belgium right as the Germans invaded and he ended up in a concentration camp, but managed to survive the war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Try to consider Willy Lehmann.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "He was recruited in 1929, before Hitler came to power, initially for money, but when the War became expected to start, his collaboration became more ideological as he was strongly against it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He headed the Gestapo department that was doing counter-intelligence against Soviet industrial espionage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He transferred over a lot of very important info to the Soviets, that on German weapons, rocket technology, submarines, Gestapo cryptographic codes, and even the exact date for the invasion of the USSR.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When the USSR had lost link to him, he conducted a risky step, and in 1940 put a letter into a post box of Soviet embassy calling for continued collaboration and said his work in Gestapo would lose any meaning if the USSR would not resume contacts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1941 after invasion of the USSR the connection with him was lost.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1942 the Soviets tried to reestablish contact, but the Germans captured the sent communicators and executed Lehmann afterwards.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "During WWII, before it became clear the Nazis were going to lose, is there any especially noteworthy examples of a member or members of the Nazi party defecting to the Allies? I'm aware noteworthy is fairly ambiguous, but I'm not really sure how else to phrase the question.", "title": "What is the most noteworthy defection of a member of the Nazi party to the Allies during WWII?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<world-war-two><nazi-germany>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "None of the senior seem to have defected. Himmler did leave Berlin against orders at the end of the war.", "No senior Nazis appear to have done this, however, depending on the definition of 'defection', some might fit the description, including Hess, Himmler and Hanfstaengl. There were also a number of captured Nazis who went on to work for their captors. Willy Lehmann might also be an acceptable answer." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "No senior Nazis appear to have done this.", "There are number of potential candidates to be described as 'defectors', including Hess, Himmler and Hanfstaengl.", "If capture is relevant, Paulus and other captured Axis forces would be relevant.", "Another potential candidate is Willy Lehmann." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Leather was probably the most common material.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The most basic transportation technology of the medieval era was the foot ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those who did not go barefoot ... wore simple shoes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These shoes were made from leather, including the flat sole.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R. Science and Technology in Medieval European Life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Medieval shoes in general were typically made of leather, and for the simplest designs it was little more than a piece of leather strapped on to the ankle with drawstrings or some similar mechanism.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For footwear, men and women both wore similar styles of leather shoes and low boots; the latter were particularly favored by working folk.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The dominant style of the twelfth century relied on drawstring thongs laced around the ankle to keep the shoe on the foot; surviving thirteenth-century shoes are sometimes fastened with lacings up the inner side or with toggles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The sole was flat with no additional heel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As the sole wore out, it might be patched with another piece of leather .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Forgeng, Jeffrey L., and Jeffrey L. Singman.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Daily life in Medieval Europe .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One popular method of manufacturing shoes led to what is called turnshoes , so named because it was sewn inside out, then turned upright when finished.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These used only a layer of leather and while primitive, remained in use for a long time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The type of shoe made throughout medieval Europe was that known as the 'turnshoe' in which the upper, often of supple goatskin, was sewn onto the sole, normally of cow-hide, and then the whole turned inside out so that the sewn seam was concealed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Clarke, Helen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Archaeology of Medieval England.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "British Museum Publications, 1984.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, some shoes were made with wooden soles , which allowed for footwear with hard soles (turnshoes could only be made with soft ones).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This mainly took the form of pattens , and were effectively wooden slippers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[A]t least a few pattens were made with thin, flat wooden soles supported on iron braces instead of wooden arches ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Interestingly, pattens seem to have been the only wooden footwear in the Middle Ages.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Clogs with wooden soles and leather uppers and shoes made entirely of wood such as those traditionally associated with Holland do not appear to have come into common use until some time after the Middle Ages.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Newman, Paul B. Daily life in the Middle Ages.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "McFarland, 2001.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 23 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One kind of shoe not mentioned in the other answers are those using bast soles.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Bast\" is fiber from tree bark.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bast shoes or lapti, were once worn by poorer members of Northern European cultures.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "These were usually made from birch or linden.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are woven like a basket, and so are quite distinct from the wooden clog or hard wooden-soled shoes mentioned in the other answers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Spain (especially Catalonia) and France (especially Occitania), espadrilles , soled with jute rope, have been worn since at least the 14th century .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Jute is also a bast fiber.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unlike the woven bast shoes of Northern Europe, espadrilles generally only make use of jute in the soles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thanks to @MartinArgerami for mentioning espadrilles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " sheds", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Europe, different demands were placed on shoes based on different climates.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "People around the Mediterranean tended to wear sandals with wooden soles and leather thongs due to the warmer climate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 2 ] ] }, { "text": "If complete coverage was required, the entire foot might be encased in leather.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In some places or situations, a clog would be worn, particularly if one was working in muddy or damp conditions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The clog could be entirely wooden, like the iconic clog of the Netherlands, or a typical leather shoe with a wooden base.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, you can compare this with footwear in other parts of the world, like the moccasins of America or the sandals of eastern Asia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Fashion also comes into play, like the shoes of royalty or a jester.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Rowe", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As others have mentioned, leather has been to preferred choice of material for the soles of footwear for thousands of years.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "An interesting fact is that one of the technologies that gave the Romans such an advantage was their hardened leather sandals which allowed them to march 20 miles a day, every day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Untreated leather and animal skins would wear out after three or four days at that pace slowing an enemy army down and giving the Romans an advantage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The technology to harden leather was lost with the fall of the Roman empire and does not appear to have been recovered until the late medieval period.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Smith", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Leather for sure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "My boots are all leather except for a piece of rubber at the bottom of the heel.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Tough, firm, resistant to wear\" exactly describes traditional leather use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The soles and any other parts are replaced as needed; my \"cheap\" boots as a teen lasted 10 years, and my current Ostrich ropers are 15 years old and \"like new\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nylon/rubber/synthetic shoes last less than a year of use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Leather was \"perfected\" in ancient times, and can be manufactured with variable properties to suit the specific part.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Different leathers and other material are laminated to form what we call composites today, but ancient people already mastered that concept.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's also important that the boot can be disassembled, using reversable hide glue , nails, and stiching, so individual components can be repaired and replaced.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My brand-new 15-year-old boots were torn down and rebuilt on the original last (wood form).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "ługosz", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "Today, nearly all commercial footwear has a sole made of either rubber or plastic with rubber-like qualities. It's a great material for the job, but it comes from a tree that's native to the Americas, and thus was unavailable to the Old World before Columbus. What did they make shoe and boot soles out of in earlier ages? Ideally, it would have to be something relatively tough, firm and resistant to wear, in contrast to the rest of the shoe which should ideally be relatively soft and flexible.", "title": "What were shoe soles made from in previous ages?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<middle-ages><europe><everyday-life><clothing><historical-techniques>", "link": "", "author": " Wheeler" }
[ [ "The soles of shoes would probably have been made out of leather for areas around the Meditarranean or be clogs with a wooden base for the north of Europe.", "There were a number of different materials used to the soles of shoes before the advent of rubber, however, the most popular was probably leather. Alternatively, some cultures were known to use wood, bast or string to make the soles of shoes or boots." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Leather was probably the most common material used to make shoe and boot soles.", "In some countries around Europe, wooden soles were popular.", "Some cultures used woven or string soles." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The question is illogical because there was no such thing as a viking in the days of the undivided Roman Empire or of the Western Roman Empire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A viking is defined as a Scandinavian pirate or sea raider during the period of about 795 to 1100 AD at the widest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is always incorrect to capitalize viking and use it as an ethnic word instead of an occupational word.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus it is impossible for western Romans before 476 AD to ever encounter vikings since no Scandinavians ever went on viking raids to Roman territories until after the western Roman Empire fell.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But Roman citizens and subjects and Scandinavians did meet sometimes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, Roman artifacts have been unearthed from Scandinavian Roman era sites.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Each artifact was either transported to Scandinavia in stages, passing from one trader to another, or else was transported to Scandinavia in one long trip.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the latter case, either Scandinavians acquired Roman artifacts in Roman territory, thus meeting Roman citizens and subjects, or else Roman traders and/or diplomats transported them to Scandinavia, thus meeting Scandinavians.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And there were Saxon sea raiders who raided the \"Saxon Shore\" of Roman Britain and Gaul during the late empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In those days the Romans used the word \"Saxon\" to refer to not only Saxons, but other northern Germanic peoples who raided Roman lands by sea.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus it is possible that some of those \"Saxons\" were Angles, Jutes, and other Scandinavians.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If there were any Scandinavians among those \"Saxons\" making proto-viking type raids on Roman lands, they might have used the word \"viking\" to describe their occupation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course modern historians would not approve of using the word \"viking\" to describe such raiders centuries before the age of vikings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And as written in andejons' answer, the Roman battles with the Cimbrians may have been with migrants from Scandinavia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were a lot of Germanic mercenaries in the Roman army, and SOME of them MIGHT have been Scandinavians.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Radagaisus, a Gothic King, led a horde of barbarians in an invasion of Italy in 405-406 before being defeated by Flavius Stilicho.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The invaders included Alans, Sueves, and Vandals.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have read that some of the barbarians came from far north, and thus it is POSSIBLE that SOME of them were born in Scandinavia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And considering that there were contacts between Romans and Indians and Chinese, there could have been some unrecorded contacts of various types between Romans and Scandinavians.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So the answer is vikings no, Scandinavians yes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 42 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I presume you're not talking about the Byzantine half of the Roman Empire here.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those ties are well known.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, taking the subject line of your question, Romans of the western half of the Roman Empire meeting Vikings would be impossible because Rome fell before the label Viking was generally applied to Scandinavians.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Taking the text of your question, the answer regarding trade is yes, but mainly through intermediaries .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Regarding seriously scouting for invasion, I don't think so, but one cannot prove a negative.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Leaving aside the questions whether Scandinavians during the first centuries CE could be called \"vikings\", the answer is that they did encounter them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Cimbrians were a people who invaded Italy and fought the Romans about 100 BCE.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Cimbrians are said to have come from the Cimbrian peninsula, identified with Jylland in Denmark.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As for Roman invasions of Scandinavia, there was really no way or point to it since they could and would not control continental Germania following the battle of Teutoburg forest.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No they did not.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The romans, I suspect, never came up that far north.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They did, however deal with the similar goths.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Roman Empire, that is to say, the Western half of the Roman Empire, had fallen /collapsed around 476 AD/CE, approximately 325 years before the first Viking ships set sail from Scandinavia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When the Vikings emerged on the world historical stage, Rome, as well as much of the Italian peninsula, were slumbering through \"The Dark Ages\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So chronologically speaking, it would have been impossible for The Romans to have had any type of encounter with The Scandinavian Vikings.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Geographically speaking, as far as we know, the Romans never traveled towards Scandinavia; the most Northern city within The Roman Empire was Cologne in Northwest Germany/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Rhineland-(or", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "if you prefer, York, in Northern England).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The last architectural Roman remnant in Northern Europe, is Hadrian's Wall, located in the North of England-(though you could also include the Antoinne Wall in Southern Scotland).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In short, the Romans, even during the final years of their Empire, would probably have not known of the existence of Scandinavia or its indigenous peoples and certainly would have not known of or encountered The Vikings.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Did the Romans ever scout Scandinavia for possible conquest? Or was trade ever done between them?", "title": "Did the Romans ever encounter the Vikings?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<roman-empire><vikings>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The vikings were not around at the same time as the Romans. However, Romans and Scandinavians did meet each other. ", "It would have been impossible for the Romans to come into contact with the Vikings as they existed during very different periods of history. However, there is disagreement as to whether or not the Romans interacted with Scandinavians, though they may have done or at least traded through intermediaries." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It would have been impossible for the Romans to come into contact with the Vikings as they existed during very different periods of history.", "It is unclear whether Romans came into contact with Scandinavians as it would be geographically rather difficult and possibly without much point.", "It is possible that Romans came into contact or traded with Scandinavains through intermediaries." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Some examples from WW2: Poland was on the winning side but lost the eastern half of the country to the USSR.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes they got compensated by German territories, but we could have some fun debating the relevance of that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Britain came out a winner but it's impoverishment", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "was a significant factor leading to withdrawal from the Empire .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " B", "score": 22 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have read your question as \"Has a country ever won a war, and still \"lost\" territory, and if so, why?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One example was the Austro-Sardinian War, otherwise known as the Second War of Italian Independence.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sardinia (Piedmont) won the war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She did so with the help of France, under Napoleon III.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She had to cede her holdings of Savoy and Nice to France to obtain this help, (thereby \"losing\" territory to France).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She was \"compensated\" by getting Lombardy from Austria in a winning war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Shortly thereafter, Piedmont's enhanced military and diplomatic stature enabled her to annex other parts of northern and central Italy, and ultimately unite all of Italy under her rule.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Such scenario is not uncommon during the decolonization-related wars of the 20th century.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The colonial power is often able to defeat the other side militarily, but for political or other reasons had to withdraw.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some examples: Indonesian National Revolution (1945-1949), was considered to be a Dutch military victory, since Dutch military forces were able to defeat the Indonesian republicans and maintain control of Indonesia's major towns, cities and industrial assets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, diplomatic pressure as well as the continuing guerrilla warfare forced it to accept the independence of Indonesia, formerly its colony since the 17th century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Suez Crisis (1956).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Egypt nationalized/seized the Suez Canal (which was previously held by the British) in 1956.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Britain, France and Israel subsequently attacked and defeated Egypt, but political pressure forced them to withdraw and accept Egypt's control of the canal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Despite being outnumbered and outgunned Finland managed to repel a Soviet invasion in the Winter War of 1939-40 although they lost 11% of their land area.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "India had won some territory in the 1971 Indo-Pakistani war , which was a victory for India and newly independent Bangladesh.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, India ceded the territory in the 1972 Simla agreement as a gesture of goodwill.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "War between Chile and the coalition of Peru and Bolivia During this war, Chile payed with territory (Patagonia territories) to Argentina in order to prevent Argentinian intervention in the war against Chile.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thanks to this deal , Chile won the war and several territories from Peru and Bolivia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But Chile lost any demand over territories on the Patagonia east of Los Andes mountains, territories twice the size of Germany.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Would British Empire loosing most of its colonies within 10 years after winning WWII count?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although the loss was not immediate, it was triggered by the loss of geopolitical positions due to expenses of WWII and rise of Britain's WWII allies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "How about all the little German principalities that were on the winning side of the Wars of the Umpteenth Coalition from 1792-1815 but were wiped off the map nonetheless?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, considering that same conflict, Austria was ultimately victorious, but lost Belgium.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Monsour", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Has any country won a war, but lost a non-trivial amount of its territory? For example, 10% or 20%. It doesn't matter whether this country still exists or not.", "title": "Has any country won a war, but lost a non-trivial portion of its territory?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<war><international-relations>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "During the second world war, Poland and Finland were on the winning side but lost a portion of their land area. The second war of Italian independence was another example.", "There are some examples of winning sides losing territory in the process, particularly during the Second World War. Another example of this occurred during the Austro-Sardinian War. It could also be said that the colonies lost following the 20th-century wars may count as lost territory." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Winning countries did lose territory on a couple of occasions during the Second World War.", "Such a loss of territory did occur during the Austro-Sardinian War.", "Many victory countries in the 20th century wars did subsequently lose colonies, which could be classed as lost territory." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Let' just say that it was highly discouraged.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "First, unlike \"regular\" prisons, guards at concentration camps did not go home every day because it was a quasi military function.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even when \"off duty,\" they would be either in or near the camp most days, getting a few weeks of \"leave\" each year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Second, many were too shocked by the horrors of what they saw to discuss it with their families.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One \"exterminator\" (not guard) on the eastern front reportedly wrote in his diary, \"How I can tell my parents I kill babies every day?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Third, their work gave them a first hand insight about what happened to \"dissidents\" or \"undesirables\" or just people who talked too much.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No one would want to go from being a guard to being an inmate at one of these camps.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As noted by Tyler Durden, you need to differentiate between concentration camps and extermination camps.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So far as the former were concerned, they were not only well known but needed to be well known.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Prisons can hardly serve as effective deterrents if their existence is kept a secret!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to Robert Gellately, the Gestapo never had more than about 32,000 employees.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since there were approximately 60,000,000 people in Germany alone, they were only ever going to be effective if people knew precisely what would happen were they to be arrested.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Such was not the case when it came to extermination camps, the existence of which needed to be kept secret for more than one reason.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For a start, it was imperative", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "that victims not know where they were going and what was going to happen to them when they got there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The SS went to great lengths to preserve the mystery around these places, telling people to bring luggage with them, changes of clothes, cutlery and a small amount of money - and even, in the case of Jews from Iannina in Greece, purchasing tickets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Secondly, the Nazis also wanted to ensure that the outside world would know as little as possible about the purpose of these installations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Battling against the Russians on the Eastern Front, the last thing they wanted their enemies to know was that being captured would involve being subsequently murdered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To win this war, the Nazis needed the Russians to surrender.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When word got out about the wholesale murder to Soviet POWs (some 2,000,000 - approximately), the Russians knew that it was in their best interests to die fighting.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Finally - and most germane to your question - the Nazis did not want their general population to know.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With all that was going on (rationing, power shortages, allied bombing), they counted desperately on the continued support of their own population.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is one thing for people to look the other way when they see people being persecuted, even violently; it is quite another to know that entire communities of people are being murdered through an impersonal, industrial process.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, while guards were under strict orders not to speak about what they saw and what they did, people always speak about what they see and what they do.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "When given time away from work (which was every so often), people not only spoke about what they had seen, they did so in great detail.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Some guards had personal photo albums that related to the times they had spent in individual facilities - and, of course, the same thing goes for shooters.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Most of the so-called \"Einsatzgruppen\" photos were taken by perpetrators, and many were sent home to their families by post).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't personally know of any instances of people being punished for revealing information to their families and friends, although that may have happened.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They certainly weren't supposed to.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " bM", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "No, they weren't.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even concentration camp inmates who were incarcerated temporarily were required to sign a paper that they would never tell anybody about what they saw in the camp.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This information was secret for many reasons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not only to hide the Holocaust, but to hide other abuses as well (of non-Jewish prisoners), to hide information on who were the prisoners (there could be important figures inside), on the ethnic composition of prisoners, on the jobs the prisoners were occupied with (this was war secret), on the medical experiments performed and so on.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You are confusing two different things: extermination camps and concentration camps.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There were dozens of Nazi concentration camps, but only six extermination camps.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The guards at the extermination camps were a small number of fanatical SS soldiers who were dedicated to carrying out their tasks in the most secretive way possible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Himmler, the boss of these men personally selected them and trained them to be secretive and there were express policies in place that made it a serious offense to be any way discussing extermination procedures or events with anyone, including girlfriends and wives.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Durden", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Camp guards were not permitted to disclose anything that went on in the camps and were held to a secrecy code.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were rules in place also for camp guards about treatment of prisoners and misappropriation of Jewish property and of course we know all about the atrocities that occurred there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the many interviews I read with former prison guards they mostly felt they were just doing their duty and did not deserve further punishment for what happened in the camps.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Burkhardt", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In a forum a holocaust survivor reckoned that most Germans did not know about the killing of Jews and others in concentration camps. Others objected and said that people at least knew that Jews were disappearing and not coming back. My question: Were the guards or anybody who worked in a concentration camp and able to leave on a regular basis allowed to talk about the things they did or saw?", "title": "Were concentration camp guards allowed to talk about their work at home?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<nazi-germany><holocaust>", "link": "", "author": " Etomer" }
[ [ "The concentration camps and extermination camps were not the same places. They were highly discouraged from discussing what went on in the camps. However, people always end up talking about what they see and what they do.", "The question has confused concentration camps with extermination camps. However, it is generally agreed that workers in extermination camps were expected to keep their work secret. Despite this, it is quite likely that some did discuss their work at home." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The question has confused concentration camps with extermination camps as Jews were not killed in concentration camps.", "It is generally agreed that workers at extermination camps were expected not to talk about their work.", "Despite being expected not to talk about their work, it is more than likely that they did so." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The longest retreat is the Long March", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The retreat lasted over a year and went almost 10,000 km.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Communists, under the eventual command of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, escaped in a circling retreat to the west and north, which reportedly traversed over 9,000 kilometers (5600 miles) over 370 days", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most people are familiar with the outline of this retreat - essentially,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had establish an un-recognized governance over parts of Jianxi and Fujian .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The GMD attacked, and the CCP fled to join with communist forces in north China.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They settled in Baoan", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 26 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Napoleon in Russia is the longest clear retreat.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Its the longest regular army retreat, at least 490 miles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Anabasis is considerably longer, but it is not corroborated.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There are a few massive countries like Canada or Australia, but they haven't had major wars on their territory.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The only other countries to even approach that kind of length are China and India, neither of which seem to have any notable retreats across their length - besides insurgencies like the Long March, as the other answer has already found.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "List of Chinese wars and battles List of Indian battles", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You could also consider situations like the defeat of the Africa Korps to be a retreat, but it was more of a delaying action and doesn't clearly qualify.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The reason why Napoleons' retreat was unique was, firstly, because his army was much larger and better supplied than medieval and ancient militaries, and secondly because Russia was late to industrialize and did not have the logistical ability to pursue him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is an unusual combination that does not happen often.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The retreat of the Nez Perce under Chief Joseph in 1877 is a good candidate: a fighting retreat in good order, covering a distance that is variously described as anything from about 1,150 to 1,500 miles (1850 to 2400 km).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(I have seen claims that this was taught to US Army and Marine officers, at least as recently as the Vietnam War era, as an exemplar of a well-conducted fighting retreat.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Erwin", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There's also the march of the Czech (or Czechoslovak) Legion in 1918, after the October Revolution and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The Legion was formed as a unit in the Russian Army composed of Czechs and Slovaks interested in freeing their compatriots from Austro-Hungarian rule.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When the Bolsheviks started making peace with the Central Powers, the Czech Legion decided to rejoin the war on the Allied side, which basically meant getting to France.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since getting through the German-controlled Baltic looked dubious, they decided to exit Russia via Vladivostok, in the Siberian Far East.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The march started as a retreat in the face of German and Austro-Hungarian forces invading the Ukraine (part of a move to pressure the Bolsheviks into agreeing to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk), and effectively ended 6,000 miles (9,700 kilometers)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "later in Vladivostok, which makes it a little bit longer than the Long March.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All the same, I'm not sure how much of this qualifies as a retreat per se, since for much of the time they were more on the offensive than anything else (seizing control of multiple cities along the railway route, for example).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's probably more an example of a (very extended) march through hostile territory.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Erwin", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Consider Anabasis of Cyrus, described by Xenophon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If we are talking re regular troops then the British Commonwealth retreat to the Japanese on 1942 should be considered.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I can't find an exact distance but History learning site gives this as 1000 miles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This would have been equalled by the 1944-5 campaign that saw the Japanese retreat that distance although that retreat ended with the whole army destroyed and the British forces being able to go further which the Japaese weren't able to do in 1942, Map from United States Army Center for Military History", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } } ]
{ "question": "What is the longest sustained retreat by a military force in history, by total length? Not counting naval examples, as they can be much longer. When I search for it I get a lot of results to the Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River , which is the longest retreat in US history , but at 120 mi (190 km) it is dwarfed by a more famous retreat, of the French from Moscow . Still, that may not be the longest in all history. Which one is the longest?", "title": "What is the longest retreat?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<military><warfare>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "They are lots of candidates for the longest retreat in history: the Long March, Napooleon in Russia, the Anabasas of Cyrus, Nez Perce in 1877, the Czech Legion in 1918 after the October Revolution and the British retreat to the Japanese in 1942.", "It is unclear which is the longest retreat in history, but strong contenders include The Long March, Napoleon's retreat from Russia or the retreat of Anabasis of Cyrus." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is unclear which is the longest retreat in history, but strong contenders include The Long March, Napoleon's retreat from Russia or the retreat of Anabasis of Cyrus." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In 1976, Emmanuel Todd published La Chute finale .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The book states that the Soviet Union had been stagnating since 1970 and that its economy was collapsing (", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "its main novelty, which made it justly famous, is the use of demographic indicators, and especially infant mortality, to pierce through the obfuscations of Soviet statistics).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It predicts the decomposition of the Soviet sphere in 10 to 20 years because of the centripetal forces exercised on the politically dominated european periphery of the Soviet sphere by a new generation of educated individuals well-aware of the much higher standards of living in Western Europe (the precise mechanism described, involving economic stagnation, then ideological decomposition and finally the decomposition of the state system is well-worth reading).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The book was well-received and was a publishing success.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It favorably cites Amalrik's work in numerous occasions and in fact claims multiple times that its core thesis, though controversial, is not at all uncommon in the West, so that in addition to providing a clear example of a prediction of the final dislocation of the USSR in a timeframe and manner reasonably close to actual events, it is also a testimony of the fact that many people in the late 70s had come to the conclusion that the USSR would collapse within one or two decades.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is a once famous book written in 1970 by Andrei Amalrik, titled\"Will Soviet Union survive until 1984?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "English edition: Harper and Row, NY, 1970.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(I don't think it was ever published in Russian.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The author is an emigrant fromSoviet Union).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The date of his prediction is slightly incorrect, but in 1970s this wasa very unusual prediction, people did not believe him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The details and reasonsof collapse that he describes are all wrong.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When it actually collapsed, I tried to find whether there is any published textof 1970s or 1980s which predicted this, and I found none, except this book.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Neither I could find any convincing explanation of reasons of this collapse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why China does not collapse?I lived in Soviet Union, and talked to many people.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nobody could see thisbefore 1989.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pemark.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other answer mentions decline of oil production.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This does not logically imply a dissolution of Soviet Union.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Cuba and N Korea have little oil, but they still exist).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Decline of revenues from export may mean an economic crisis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But I believe that dissolution of Soviet Union had other reasons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most countries which experience economic difficulties do not fall apart as a result.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In his book „The Grand Failure: The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century“ , Zbigniew Brzeziński , National Security Advisor to U.S. President Jimmy Carter, refers to several own predictions about the collapse of Communism in general and the „Soviet Union“ project in particular.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The earliest reference is to his master's thesis of 1950 (I could not find the references on the Web).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In his newer predictions of late 1980's, he suggested five possibilities: Pluralization and „democratizing“ of the Communist regime; Protracted crisis; Economic stagnation; A KGB coup; The explicit collapse of the Communist regime.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As we know, in 1989-1991 the collapse took place, gradually changing into the KGB coup in 1999-2000.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, the direct answer to your question would be, Certainly, it was not a surprise for officials.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, the topic was not very popular in media, so it may become a surprise to average citizens in the West.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Further reading: The Wikipedia article Predictions of the dissolution of the Soviet Union lists quite a few similar predictions by other politicians, analysts, and thinkers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, probably the greatest French writer on the history of the USSR predicted the fall of the USSR in her book \"L'empire éclaté\" in 1978.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "She thought it would fall because of the faster growing demography of the Muslim republics of Central Asia (the soviet \"stans\").", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Masse", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "M. King Hubbert predicted that Soviet oil production would decline as it did, thus implying an economic collapse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems that the CIA took Hubbert’s methodology seriously and applied it to the USSR (Anonymous 1977).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This report predicted that Soviet oil production would peak in the early 1980's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact there were two peaks, the first in 1983, at 12.5 million barrels per day and the second in 1988 at 12.6 barrels per day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since then production has declined steadily.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems likely that the Reagan administration, which took office in 1981, bearing in mind the economic havoc produced when US production peaked in 1981, followed by the Arab oil embargo and the \"oil crisis\" of 1973-74 and the deep recession that followed, decided to use the \"oil weapon\" to destabilize the USSR.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Reagan embarked on a major military buildup, putting the Soviet Union under pressure to keep up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Meanwhile, declining prices after 1981 forced the USSR to pump more oil to supply its clients in Eastern Europe and to sell in world markets for hard currency.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then in 1985 Regan persuaded Saudi Arabia to flood the world markets with cheap oil.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Again, the USSR had to increase output to earn hard currency.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This led to the second peak in 1988.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Two years later the USSR imploded (Heinberg 2004)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "pp 40-41.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The same methodology could be applied to predict the collapse of the Shah's government, the 1970s stagflation in the US, and the fate of oil producers in general.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hubbert published his method in 1956.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " J Sims", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'd argue that Ronald Reagan, or someone in his administration or amongst his influencers did.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whether one might like the character or not, methinks he deserves credit for great Soviet Russia jokes and for having reversed the policy of deescalation of his predecessors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He basically smashed the accelerator to the floor and proceeded to militarily outspend the USSR to death.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It ended up very costly for the US but by 1985 the Soviet Union was spending 25% of its GDP on its military - which is completely unsustainable, and indeed led it to its collapse a few years later.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In this sense one could argue that his contribution to ending the Cold War was quite significant, if not key, and I can't imagine him moving forward with this without", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "at least some of his surroundings or influencers thinking - or outright predicting - it might work.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " de Bernardy", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "This claim was made by Foreign Policy in 2011 : In the years leading up to 1991, virtually no Western expert, scholar, official, or politician foresaw the impending collapse of the Soviet Union I was wondering if the above claim is true. Would the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 have been a huge surprise to Western intellectuals and politicians in, say, 1985 (before Gorbachev)?", "title": "In the 1980s, did any Western expert, scholar, official, or politician predict the impending collapse of the Soviet Union?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<soviet-union>", "link": "", "author": " LJ" }
[ [ "The collapse was not a surprise for officials. Ronald Reagan and his advisors certainly expected it. Hélène Carrière d'Encausse predicted the fall in her 1978 book.", "It is unlikely that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a surprise to western officials and some people who are considered to have foreseen it include Hélène Carrère d'Encausse and Ronald Reagan." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is considered unlikely that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a surprise to officials.", "People who are generally considered to have predicted the fall of the Soviet Union include Hélène Carrère d'Encausse and Ronald Reagan." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "is their any other place that could have held this moniker prior to that time?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Washington", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(population 67,000) is a town in historic County Durham in England.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The earliest extant references to it appear in Old English and date to 1096.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As your question didn't specify that the place had to be within the United States, this would be the oldest place with this moniker, and the origin of the surname.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Washington Old Hall is the family home of George Washington's ancestors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 23 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "According to this article from the Free Lance-Star (referencing American Philatelist), there were seven other US towns called \"Washington\" that were established prior to Washington D.C.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It indicates that Washington, Virginia was the oldest to be surveyed and populated in 1749 (although it only achieved 'town' status in the 1790s) and Washington, North Carolina was the first to achieve town status (e.g. a population over 200) in 1776.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 17 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The very George Washington's surname suggests that his ancestors originated from a similarly called place in England .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is a village called Washington in West Sussex, England.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the Washington Parish Council: Its name – first recorded in 947 AD – means, in Old English, ‘Homestead of Wassa’s people’.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This etymology (home of Wassa) is also the etymology of the name of President Washington and thus also Washington DC.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The fact that the etymology is the same, however, does of course not imply that George Washington himself originates from this particular village. .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " says Reinstate Monica", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Washington, Georgia claims to be the \"first city in the nation to be established in the name of George Washington, 1780\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This is a very interesting discussion!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is a place you may not be aware of:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Washington Bottom, a rural community in present-day Wood County, West Virginia, was land granted to George Washington for his service in the the French and Indian War.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Washington visited the area in 1770, and saw \"he saw a bottom of 'exceeding good land' and thought there might be two or three thousand acres of bottom and flat land together.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He had his agent", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Col. William Crawford survey it for him in the summer of 1771.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Washington received a grant for this survey from the governor of Virginia in Dec 1772.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Col. Crawford reported at the time that they were having a hard time keeping squatters from settling on the land, and recommended hiring men to live on it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Col. Crawford and his brother Valentine became Washington's agents to start a settlement there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They started clearing/building on it for Washington late in 1774, but with the onset of the Revolutionary War, the few who had settled there were driven out and structures burned.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Raids by Indian allies of the British kept them out until the end of the war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The area began to be settled again after the end of the war, although not intensively due to continued raids by Indians until 1793.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, there was a permanent settlement by 1785.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A blockhouse called Neal's Station was built south of the Little Kanawha River, at the north end of Washington Bottom, in that year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And, \"In a letter written to Thomas Freeman in 1785, he referred to it as the tract 'commonly called and distinguished by the name of Washington Bottom.'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" Settlement picked up after General Wayne's ruthless campaign of extermination in 1793 drove the Indians out of the area.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The land was bequeathed to an heir of George Washington after his death, Betty Carter; she sold it to associates of the Washingtons from the Loudoun/Fairfax County Virginia area, who moved their whole extended families there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So when would you say this place was started, or named?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And was it named for George Washington, or by him?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Information from History of Washington Bottom,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " M", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "It is pretty common knowledge that Washington, DC was named after the United States' first President, George Washington, and founded in 1791. However, is there any other place, in the United States, that held this name prior to that time? Inspired by this question on another Stack Exchange .", "title": "Was any city/town/place named \"Washington\" prior to 1790?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><cities><george-washington>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There were seven other towns called Washington, inlcuding towns in Georgia and West Virginia.", "Yes, prior to the founding of Washington D.C. it is agreed that there were seven other US towns called Washington in the USA, including Washington, Georgia. There is also Washington Bottom, a rural community in Wood Country, West Virginia." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Yes, prior to the founding of Washington D.C. it is agreed that there were seven other US towns called Washington in the USA, including Washington, Georgia. ", "Washington Bottom, a rural community in Wood Country, West Virginia, supposedly pre-dates Washington D.C." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "As the Metropolitan museum's article on armor notes, it took several centuries from the first introduction of gunpowder on the battlefield to the elimination of armor for the infantry man.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The decline took the form of a gradual shedding of armor from the arms and legs and then finally from the body.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The main reasons for this decline were weight and cost.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In theory it was possible to make armor capable of stopping a musket bullet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, as firearms became more powerful (thanks to better manufacturing, which reduced windage, and improvements in the formulation of gunpowders)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the armor required for protection got thicker and, therefore, heavier and more expensive.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Heavier armor meant that your soldiers were less mobile and would suffer fatigue more quickly, neither of which is an advantage on the battlefield (or even getting to the battlefield).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ultimately, of course, no amount of personal armor would be capable of stopping a cannon ball (or even something as small as a 1-pound grape-shot) so even a bulletproof armour was no guarantee of safety.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of the advantages of the musket was that it required relatively little training (compared to a bow or a sword) to be an effective weapon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This meant that armies could be raised from lower-class men with comparatively little training (who were free to work on the land in times of peace).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These men could not have afforded to equip themselves with armor, so this cost would have fallen on whomever was raising the army.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The sad fact is that it became cheaper to replace the soldier than it was to provide armor to protect him from the enemy's small arms fire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bird", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I agree with the answer of Steve Bird, but I want to mention one more aspect of this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Body armor was not suddenly eliminated.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was still widely used in 17th century, and later.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is the Polish hussar armor of late 17 century, very long time after theintroduction of firearms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But body armor was EXPENSIVE.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "With increase of the size of the armies, and general social changes, the soldiers could not be expected anymore to buy it for themselves, and giving it to them was prohibitively expensive.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is not surprising that body armor first disappeared in infantry, and remained in cavalry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was some limited use of body armor even in WWI (it can really protect you from shell splinters which were a major cause of combat deaths and wounds.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is an example .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can find many moreon the internet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But it was too expensive to provide soldiers with it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So they limited themselves with helmets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Notice that nowadays when the armies became much smaller again, the body armor (bullet proof vests) is widely used.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Why wear it when you can ride it?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just look at all these lumbering hunks of armour on the battlefield: Source Source", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Over time, people began to realise that riding vehicles with armour served way much better than having each person wear armour as a person can only carry so much armour.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Vehicles (or even a massed groups of people) on the other hand, can carry way more armour which can stop gunpowder-fired projectiles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is not that soldiers quit using armour, the armour changed platforms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " von der Tann", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Because armour that would protect the whole body from muskets would be so heavy you could barely move.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This would put you at a severe tactical disadvantage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lighter missile troops could pepper you until they found a weakness and if you try to attack them they'll run away.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Repeat until you're exhausted.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By dropping some, and eventually all, armour you become fast enough to close before they can get too many shots off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Even as far back as the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, in pre-firearm times, metal body armor turned out to be a drawback, not a benefit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Thanks in part to the sea of mud in the battlefield, the armored French knights on foot were slowed up, and the powerful Welsh longbow could penetrate main armor at 20-30 yards, or appendage (arm, leg) armor at up to 200 yards.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The slow moving French foot soldiers were slaughtered because they couldn't get close enough to Henry's longbowmen to employ their swords.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The French mounted cavalry wearing very heavy armor often drowned in the mud when the arrows hit their horses and they fell off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A mounted knight, once dismounted, was pretty much immobile, due to the extreme weight of their armor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The key here was the introduction of a powerful weapon that could strike at a distance with enough force to penetrate wearable metal armor, thus invalidating the primary reason for armor: protection against a sword or spear at close range.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As Agincourt showed, a fast moving unarmored soldier with a long range weapon handily bested a slower moving armored soldier.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The introduction of the musket, that could do what the longbow could do but with far less training, finally obsoleted metal body armor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "personal armor has made a comeback in the last 30 or so years, thanks to lightweight composite armor that can resist the typical rifle bullet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of the advanced militaries today equip their foot soldiers with body armor, and that is one reason that casualties have dropped for the more modern militaries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I have wondered this question for a long time. The metal armor has enjoyed its heyday through the early human warfare history right into the renaissance. Then guns and cannons entered the fighting scene and all the sudden, soldiers were only wearing uniform onto the battle field. Compare with cotton fabric, metal armor can withstand more damage. Compared to arrows and sword cuts, bullet and cannon balls were more devastating, weren't there even more reasons for soldier to wear metal armor?", "title": "Why was metal armor phased out after gun powder was weaponized?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<war><armour>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Armored vehicles are more effective than equipping soliders with armor individually. This reduces weight and cost. Metal body armor was so heavy it turned out to be a drawback, not a benefit.", "The main reason that armour was phased out after the advent of gunpowder was likely that the armour required to withstand gunfire was heavy and expensive. Additionally, armour had already long been considered something of a hindrance on the battlefield." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "One reason why armour phased out was because any armour which could withstand musket fire was likely to be very heavy.", "The armour required to withstand musket fire would likely have been very expensive.", "Armour had already long been considered something of a disadvantage in combat." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I would say it is the flag of Deventer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a city towards the east of the Netherlands, that prospered by trading with the various cities around the North and Baltic Sea coast as well as Scandinavia.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is situated at the river IJssel, which feeds in the Zuiderzee (back then, before Afsluitdijk changed it).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The port of Amsterdam (depicted on the painting) also is connected directly to the Zuiderzee .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Both cities being big trading cities, with easy access to each other, you can imagine many ships from either city visited the other.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Below is a picture of the facade of the Deventer City Hall, showing the single headed eagle on a golden shield, similar to the flag in the OP's question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Deventer was part of the Hanseatic league, and part of the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle Ages.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was granted Free Imperial City rights before 1250, which explains the single headed eagle, as the emperor Frederick II adopted the double headed eagle around 1250 (according to the Chronica Majora by Matthew Paris ).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source of the picture and additional renditions of the coat of arms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I don't think it's an eagle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It looks more like a Gryphon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In that case, it could be from a number of Baltic states or areas, especially Pomerania .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But I'm pretty sure it's actually a lion, or more specifically,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the Flemish Lion, indicating that the ships are from Flanders , which is the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium nowadays, or from the Netherlands in general:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "That looks a bit like the flag of Prussia.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "At the time, Prussia was a duchy vassal of Poland, and had been given as a standard an Eagle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were a lot of Baltic port cities in Prussia, most notably Danzig (now Gdansk )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The only problem is that the eagle is facing the wrong way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Looking through their flags , it looks like there were a couple of iterations where the eagle was facing to the right instead of the left, but those were both in the 20th Century (and both known as \"The Free State of Prussia\").", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So either this is close, but not it, or the artist was painting from memory and got the facing direction of his Prussian eagles wrong.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I found a site which might lead to the answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sadly I couldn't find the territory named Keizer (Emperor?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe is it a royal ensign for the Emperor himself?), the sixth from left, third from top: Very exact match by color and shape.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "check out this link for greater resolution: Very RARE 18th Century Table of all ship's flags in the world - Gerard van Keulen .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the painting as a whole I see a lot of Dutch flags.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the enlarged part of the painting there is what looks like a Dutch flag with letters on it (East or west India Company?).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I also see what looks like a yellow flag with something red on it, and possibly horizontal stripes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A building in the background has what looks like the Amsterdam coat of arms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I suppose it is a Dutch port and there are Dutch and foreign ships in it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think that looking up the 17th century flags of Dutch and foreign provinces and seaports would be useful.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I note that the flag of Flanders in France & Belgium was yellow with a black lion on it", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but those look like eagles and not lions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of the north German ports had red and white flags.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Holy Roman Emperor and the Tsar of Russia had yellow flags with black 2 headed eagles.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And some of their subjects might have flown such flags.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just as a stone slab with a carved 2 headed eagle was excavated from the site of the Hanseatic offices in London.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The king of the Romans and future emperor used a yellow coat of arms with a single headed eagle but that ship in the painting is unlikely to have used his banner.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A coat of arms yellow with a single headed eagle was sometimes also used for the kingdom of Germany and", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so some German ships MIGHT possibly might have flown a flag with that coat of arms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You should look in 17th century flag charts for similar flags.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In my experience flags with eagles were rare.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[1]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was no law against a shipowner having a personal coat of arms and banner of yellow with a black eagle, so it could have been a private flag.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What type of ship flew the eagle flags and how far was it likely to travel?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It looks like a small ship to me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Putting banner like flags on staffs at the end of diagonal booms is an unfamiliar practice to me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Are there specific occasions or types of ships that would be done on?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is a site for flag identification questions:[1]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Added 04-02-2018 -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I note that the eagle flag looks square, like a banner, while most of the other flags seem rectangular, like flags normally flown by ships, which may be a clue.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This looks like the coat of arms for the duchy of Holland.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A red lion on a yellow background.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This would make sense because Amsterdam, the city thats depicted in the painting, was one of the most important cities of Holland.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm doing research on a painting ' Koppertjesmaandag ' by Adriaen van Nieulandt in 1633. In the right corner of the painting you can see a couple of ships with their flags. One in particular is a gold flag with a black eagle. This flag seems to be used a lot for the Holy Roman Empire, although usually double-headed. This particular flag is single headed. Anyone here with knowledge on European flags?Thank you.", "title": "What is the flag in this 17th century painting?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<europe><17th-century><identification><flags><netherlands>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It could be the flag of Deventer, Prussia or the coat of arms for the Duchy of Holland.", "The flag in the picture could potentially be the flag of Deventer, the flag of Prussia or the coat of arms of the Duchy of Holland." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The flag in the picture could potentially be the flag of Deventer, the flag of Prussia or the coat of arms of the Duchy of Holland." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The Ottoman Empire was not an Arabian empire , but a Turkish one.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So they had no reason to uproot their capital from Turkish lands and move it to an Arabian region.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, Constantinople Istanbul was way better than Damascus, Cairo, and Baghdad at everything.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It had a strategic position on the Bosphorus Strait, and was also close to Europe, which allowed for better coordination of war and trade.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was the crown jewel of the Eastern Roman Empire in terms of culture and wealth, and it was even close to the previous Ottoman capital, Edirne.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was well-defended with two sets of famous walls.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 56 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Location: it is a strategic point, the central point for which Black Sea trade must pass.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are under siege and you have a fleet, you can get supplied indefinitely; if the enemy assaults the walls you can flee to the Asiatic mainland.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To illustrate this point, think how much did the Byzantine Empire did resist while being just that city.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And even then, the final conquest was not easy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Infrastructure:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Byzantines did a lot of work in the city.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From Hagia Sophia to the walls.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It also had well developed merchant colonies that ensured a nice income.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After the sack of Baghdad, there were few comparable cities in the entire world, and none of those under Ottoman control.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, you leave the city to any governor, and suddenly that governor acquires a lot of power and wealth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Turkish is not Arab!!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While both were Muslims, they certainly did not feel part of the same group.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ottoman conquests in Egypt and Persia 1 were as bloody and contested as any of their European campaigns agains Christians.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Certainly, you do not want to put your throne in a city far away from your power base.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "A well-timed (or badly-timed, if you are the ruler) insurrection and your head is at the stake.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "1", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Which by the way were not Arabs, either.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 30 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Two more factors:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Ottoman Turks considered themselves to be the successors of the Roman Empire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Before they captured Constantinople, their territory was known as the Sultanate of Rum .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After capturing Constantinople, Mehmed II called himself the Caesar of Rome", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "( Kayser-i Rum ).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Constantinople had been the capital of the Roman Empire for more than a thousand years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So moving the capital would amount to abandoning that claim.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although the Balkans had not been ruled for long by Moslems, they were better watered and hence more agriculturally productive and valuable than most of the Arab world.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So it made sense to have a capital near that area.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Painter", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Ottoman Empire saw itself as a blend of Western and Eastern history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of the Ottoman sultan's ambitions were to be the \"Alexander the Great\" (Check Süleyman the Magnificent).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ottoman rule and ideology was somewhat based on this view point.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Ottoman Empire never had the ambition to expand eastward.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The main expansion was done westward, Italy being the main source of attraction.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After the reign of Yavuz Sultan Selim, eastern expansion was done in 6 years - which changed the viewpoint of the empire from being a western renaissance one to an eastern-western mix.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This mix was always repeated in various important ferman.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Check the Tanzimat Fermanı for the importance given to this way of life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also you need to check Namık Kemal, who was a key figure in formation of the ottoman constitution.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Check the ideology of Ottomanism too.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After the conquest of Istanbul, probably the most important figure of renaissance, Fatih Sultan Mehmet, looked westward and had ambitions towards Italy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was the most popular figure in Italy back then, even people of Rome established coins in Latin in his name.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ottoman science flourished in his reign, most of the Latin/Greek books were translated to Arabic (not Turkish since Arabic is considered as the language of science).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, after his reign, this western concentration turned into the west-eastern blend as I've told above.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why move the capital to Damascus?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Has nothing to do with the empire's ambitions...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Apparently these ambitions HAVE failed (as it failed in Hellenistic times), and the founder of the Turkish Republic moved away from east and turned their faces towards west.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now this is how Turkey has been for some time now (almost 100 years).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Basically, the Ottomans were \"Turks\" first, and Moslems second.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Hence, they felt no need to cater to their Arab subjects by adopting one of their cities as a capital in a way that the Mongols might have felt with say, the Chinese.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even today, \"Turkey\" is not really part of the \"Arab\" world, even though they are both Moslem peoples.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Besides its political implications (e.g. as the \"second Rome\"), Constantinople was an ideal capital for the Ottoman Empire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That's because it had aspirations to the north, as well as the south.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The fact that the Arabs had been conquered earlier was \"incidental;\" again, unlike the Mongols, the Ottomans were not headed in a primarily southerly direction.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Ottomans had interests in the Balkans, and also took the Crimean Khanate under its wing, thereby involving itself in \"Russian\" politics until the twentieth century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, Constantinople guarded one of the three key \"straits (the Dardanelles) in the Mediterranean.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other two were the Strait of Gibraltar (outside Ottoman domains) and the Suez Canal (not built until the late 19th century).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Apart from Constantinople's strategic location, it was easy to defend, largely protected by water (as the British found out at Gallipoli in 1915), and accessible by land only through narrow corridors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "As of 1517 A.D., the Ottmans have acquired the whole Levant, Egypt and they've largely become Muslim. Why they did not move their capital to a historically Islamic city like Damascus, Baghdad, or Cairo? Did any discussion on the topic ever take place?", "title": "Why did the Ottomans not change their capital to an Arab city?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<middle-east><islam><ottoman-empire>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The Ottomans were Turks first and Constantinople was an ideal capital. They conisdered themselves successors to the Roman Empire so wanted to stay close.", "The Ottoman Empire was a Turkish empire, not an Arabic one. It would have made little sense for the empire to located its capital so far from its true power base." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The Ottoman Empire was a Turkish empire not an Arabic one and, as such, its power base in Constantinole was ideal.", "It would not have made sense to place their capital so far from where their power base was." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The French revolution was truly revolutionary , it replaced the monarchy with a regime based on popular support.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "A king had to hire mercenaries, the revolutionary regime could draft patriotic citizens in a levee en masse .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(Sure, not all draftees were entirely enthusiastic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But it made a notable difference.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In some parts of Europe, anti-monarchist patriots were inclined to support the republican/revoutionary French.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In others, they were merely inclined to not give their utmost in the support of their king.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The French Revolution was more empowering than debilitating.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Put another way, it awoke a sleeping giant.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At the time of the Revolution, France was the second most populous country in Europe (after Russia), and potentially the richest and strongest.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The reason it failed to live up to this potential was the burdens placed on the French people by the various King Louis, especially the last one (XVI), and his wife, the extravagant Marie Antoinette.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The French Revolution eliminated these monarchs (and an oppressive nobility that ruled side-by-side with them) and thus freed a lot of resources for other purposes, including war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Frenchmen were empowered by their newly-won freedoms, and their citizen-soldiers, led by a relative handful of veterans, fought bravely and well for many of the same reasons as newly empowered American revolutionaries some ten to fifteen years earlier, when led by many of these same professional soldiers, including one Marquis de Lafayette.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Put another way, the French had a natural quantitative superiority of resources against one or more coalition powers, and the French Revolution ensured that the quality of these resources would be at least equal, if not superior to the others.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The French Convention decreed a levée en masse on 23 August 1793 to resist the anti-French coalition: From this moment until such time as its enemies shall have been driven from the soil of the Republic, all Frenchmen are in permanent requisition for the services of the armies.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The young men shall fight; the married men shall forge arms and transport provisions; the women shall make tents and clothes and shall serve in the hospitals; the children shall turn old lint into linen; the old men shall betake themselves to the public squares in order to arouse the courage of the warriors and preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This state of total war marks a historic turning point.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Never before in history had all men, women, children, and elderly in an entire country been requisitioned for war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This caught the coalition completely off guard.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Armies until then - and for years to come still, in the rest of Europe - were the affair of professionals (and mercenaries).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "France overwhelmed the rest of Europe to the point where they had to expand their troop counts far beyond their ability to pay professional soldiers At least a few historians (e.g. J.M. Roberts) emphasize the introduction of total war by France as one of the major breaks with the past that opened the modern era.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " de Bernardy", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The introduction of conscription was a direct result of the dissolution of the monarchy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All the other monarchies saw France as a threat to their way of order, as they feared similar uprisings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In March 1793, France was at war with Austria, Prussia, Spain, Britain, Piedmont and the United Provinces.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A professional army was woefully inadequate for this, in terms of both manpower, and having to pay for it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Desertion was fairly common but the sheer number of eligible males who were conscripted and slowly trained while fighting alongside veterans resulted in a huge, competent army of both NCO and COs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However support grew due to the popular overthrow of the monarchy, the subsequent success in defending France, and the Napoleonic wars which leveraged this somewhat-bloodened army (and the spoils of war).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "More directly to your question - the original text of the levee en masse gives some insight as to how this was accomplished (for example, the conversion of national buildings into barracks, etc.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Complex question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Resources.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "France was large, rich and Populous country.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Around 40 million to Austria's 20 million or Prussia's 10 Million, Russian was about the same 40 million, but well behind in wealth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And France was richer than these countries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And once France had established an empire, French advantages increased.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Politics and Diplomacy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For a lot of the period France was only opposed to 1 major land power.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Even in the Early period, Russia, Prussia were much more concerned with the partition of Poland than dealing with france.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the Revolution - patriotism.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Initially the revolutionary armies were able to be mobilised essentially by patriotism, and calling for volunteers was responded to in very large numbers, the revolution mobilised more of the French society, this did not last and conscription replaced volunteers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But in critical period the volunteers and enthusiasm The Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once the Revolutionary armies occupied areas, Netherlands, Rhineland, Italy much of the costs of supporting the armies was able to be imposed on the Empire.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "as much as half the military expenditure of France came from the Empire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "During revolutions or civil wars, countries usually suffer enormous economic losses along with much civil unrest. These things would seem to make it impossible for a nation to operate a huge army and go on major wars of conquest. But France did that in the Napoleonic Wars, and conquered almost all the other European Empires. How? Did France somehow not suffer economically? Did France somehow recover very quickly in time for the Coalition Wars?", "title": "During and right after the French Revolution, how did France maintain and operate such a big army all over Europe?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<napoleonic-wars><french-revolution><french-empire>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The French Revolution was more empowering than debilitating. It mobilised large numbers of soldiers. France was also a large and rich country. They were also able to impose the costs on the Empire is occupied.", "The French Revolution was very popular, so it was relatively straight forward to find volunteers or conscripts for the army. Additionally, France was already one of the richest countries in Europe and able to impose many costs on the countries that it conquered. Another potential consideration is that the cost of combat may not have been high since they were mainly fighting a single land power at any one time." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The French Revolution was highly popular so it was relatively straight forward to find volunteers or conscripts for the army.", "Franch was one of the richest countries in Europe and so could afford the costs.", "France was able to impose many costs on the countries that it conquered.", "The costs of combat may not have been very high as France was rarely fighting with more than one major land power." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The only reference similar to what you ask would have been in Operation Corona , when some British planes carried German speaking radio operators to give wrong directions to nightfighters.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, I doubt this would have been tried beyond tactical, immediate level in air combat, because: The setup was not easy (including finding radio operators who spoke the enemy language well enough to confuse the enemy).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Land troops would intensively used campaign phones, and the operators would be probably able to recognize who they were talking to (between communications would usually be from HQ to subordinate units).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Non-urgent messages would have been coded, or even delivered personally.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even if you had the enemy codes, letting the enemy know that you have the codes for a small tactical advantage is just the thing you should not do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The situation would be less fluid.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even if you gave an unit an order to abandon the positions, that order would take some time to comply; during that time the ruse could be discovered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you gave the enemy time to discover the ruse, things could be wrong.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One thing with deception is that you are giving away your intentions (tell the enemy to remove their forces from one position and, if the enemy discovers you, now the enemy knows which is your objective).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "During WW2 the British used an actor who bore a striking resemblance to Montgomery , to throw off the Germans as to British intentions on invading France.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "M. E. Clifton", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "James was noticed when he appeared as 'Monty' in a British stage production, and was recruited by fellow actor David Niven to actually impersonate Montgomery, to the edification of German intelligence sources.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The goal of Operation Copperhead was to hint to the Germans that Monty was actually interested in southern France in early 1944.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The effort appears to have been at least partially successful.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "A classic example would be the pre-D-day deception aimed at making the German's believe that the actual invasion was to take place at the Pas de Calais.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An entire fake army, the First United States Army Group was invented as part of Operation Fortitude South .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To help sell the effect and convince the Germans that this was the main invasion force, a large deception operation created fake equipment, such as camps, dummy landing craft and airstrips, to look like a real army was being prepared.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was supplemented with wireless traffic between these fake units to simulate real operational communications.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition notable senior staff, such as General Patton, were (supposedly) attached to the army to give it some credence.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bird", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "When the Americans landed at Salerno, loudspeakers blared out in the best Hollywood style, \"Come out with you", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "'re hands up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We've got you covered.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not spies, exactly, but certainly \"voices.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Americans refused to surrender, and won the battle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Most (in)famous (and most controversial) use of voice actor was Norman Shelley's impersonation of Winston Churchill in some of his most important and most famous speeches.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Allegedly, Churchill had very unpleasant high-pitched voice, and he could not be bothered to record his speeches.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, voice actor took his role and recorded 'We shall fight them on the beaches', 'Their finest hour' etc .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later, in 1949.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Churchill re-recorded those speeches with use of new equipment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This topic is still hotly contested, with various claims and counter-claims, but as you could see from links below, there is physical evidence(records) that Norman Shelley indeed did record some of Churchill's more famous speeches.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Finest hour for actor who was Churchill's radio voice Norman Shelley Churchill's voice - 1909", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I am mostly referring to WW2 and cold war when embedded spies could have impersonated officials on low levels to carry out orders which were never issued.", "title": "Have voice actors ever been used to impersonate military or political officials to trick the enemy into doing something?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<espionage>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Norman Shelley is said to have impersonated Churchill in some of his most important speeches. The British also carried German radios to give the wrong orders to nightfighters. ", "It is widely believed that actor Normal Shelley was the true voice of some of the Winston Churchill's war-time speeches. However, whether this was done to deliberately mislead the enemy is another matter. Additionally, during the second world war, British planes may have carried German-speaking radio operators to try to deceive German fighters. It is also claimed that an actor played the role of General Montgomery in an attempt to mislead German forces about British movements in France." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is believed that some British planes carried German speaking radio operators during the Second World War to mislead German fighters.", "Durring the Second World War, the British used an actor to play a general in order to mislead the Germans about British manoeuvres in France.", "It is widely believed that actor Norman Shelley was the true voice of some of Winston Churchill's speeches." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There is a text written by Luther called \"an den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation\" (exact spelling!).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So the word \"deutsch\" is very old.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, even from the 1848 revolution on (short-living foundation of a German Democracy that was supposed to overcome the small monarchies (\"Kleinstaaten\")) or from 1871 on (Foundation of the 2nd Reich), Germans didn't consider themselves as Germans at once.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, it was the same German Empire, with the \"Kaiser der Deutschen\" from 1871 on, but people still identified themselves strongly with their Land and their respective King (Württemberg, Sachsen, Bayern, Hessen ...) or City (Hamburg, Bremen, Lübeck) that constituted the federally organized Reich.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One interesting source is the author Karl May: In his adventure stories, he gave Germans mostly positive roles, but among them, all German heros were Saxonian (as the author himself).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe it is similar for Americans form the US:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Being American but being Texan (etc.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So there was a slow transition that was not equally fast.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This transition came to an end in the years around 1933.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I once read that from that time on German mountaineers wrote \"deutsch\" as their nationality in the summit logs much more often.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Previously, they preferred \"bayrisch\" or \"sächsisch\" etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is an interesting source because summit logs are for the voluntary mountaineering community only, so it is not influenced by the authorities claiming their citizens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Grünbusch", "score": 33 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The word Deutsch itself has deep roots.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The name Dutch is a cognate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you're willing to reach way back, the word's ancestry can be traces to the proto-Indo-European word tewtéh [1] meaning people, tribe or the ruler of a tribe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Its English cousin would be the word thede, also meaning people or kinfolk.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Irish Gaelic you can find 'tuath,' with the same meaning.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The word Teuton arose from this root as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The question, in my view, isn't when the word Deutsch started to be used as much as when did it take on this particular spelling and become imbued with a modern understanding in the sense of nation states.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other answers here seem to clarify that question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[1]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The term has evolved gradually, with the root phrase being listed in Wikipedia :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Theodiscus is a Medieval Latin term literally meaning \"popular\" or \"of the people\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later in the same entry it states: However, in German, the use of the term referring to Germans specifically as opposed to people speaking Germanic languages in general evolves during the Early Modern Period and it is in the late 17th and 18th century that the modern meaning of Deutsch is established.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "L. Weisgerber, Deutsch als Volksname 1953", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The term must definitely have been in common use by 1863, at the very latest, as it is used in the inscription on the floor of the Hall of Liberation .There, it was still spelled Teutsche , however.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I am a german student and the theme in history last semester was the founding of Germany.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the war against France, before 1871 students and poets started saying that we the Germans have to fight together against France (they wore black, red and gold which became the colors of the flag).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was the time when most people called themselves German. Before they used the state name and being German was more defined about the language (Luther translated the Bible to german therefore the german language got more equality in this time) than the border.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "King Ludwig (806-976), now called \"der Deutsche\" in modern german history-books, was labeled as ruling \"Teutschlandt\" in the year 1500.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, the word was in use as early as this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But at this time it probably meant the land of the people who spoke \"teutsch\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "When Otto the great became holy emperor of Rome", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the Italians began calling the ethnic group comprised of German people \"teutsche\" jokingly", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and they adopted the name.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Russell", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Up to 1871, ancestors of today's Germans lived in different states. What did they call themselves in those times? What did Germans call themselves in the 18 th century? Did they call themselves \"Deutsche\" or did they use names derived from names of states like Prussians, Bavarians, Saxons, et cetera? When did Germans start to call themselves \"Deutsche\" en masse?", "title": "When did Germans begin to call themselves \"Deutsche\"?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<germany><ethnicity><demonym>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The word \"Deutsch\" is very old. It was in common use at least as early as 1863.", "The term \"Deutsch\" is very old and, at the latest, was in use by 1863 because it is inscribed on the floor of the Hall of Liberation." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The term \"Deutsch\" is very old and, at the latest, was in use by 1863 because it is inscribed on the floor of the Hall of Liberation." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Over the years I've read many accounts where people stated that they were told by a judge that they could spend X months in jail or they could join up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This could never hold up as a law in any state, but is more of an informal use of a judge's discretion.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's probably a lot less common today with today's very professional military.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A simple Google search turned up only this one case on the first page of results:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Blob", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This was much more possible during World War II when America needed \"every man.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Some years ago, I knew a man (born in 1925) who was arrested for \"carjacking\" who was sentenced to two years, with sentence to be suspended if he would volunteer for two years in the Army (and they would accept him.)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That, in fact, did happen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The judge probably figured that the rehabilitative impact of the one would be as great as the other, but the Army offered the more productive outlet for both the convict and for society.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Au", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My father punched one of his high school teachers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Justifiably, IMO, based on the story as he told it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This occurred a few years before the end of the Korean \"conflict\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was given the choice that day to go with the police or go with his parents (he was under 18) to an Army recruiting office.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's not as easy to join the military these days", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so this tactic is no longer viable.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A modern analog would be the courts sending people to AA meetings in return for a lighter penalty - they can't force anyone to go so they manipulate them into it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " k", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This is intriguing because it's usually a \"don't ask, don't tell\" military thing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I was in the US Army for 2 years (2003 - 2005) and over time I've learned it definitely happens but probably a low percentage of military recruits.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The compelling issue is what the exact percentage is.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When I was in Army AIT, my AIT Drill Sergeant actually told us he was forced to join the Army via court order (a drug type of charge).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ah, but see Drill Sergeants are considered elite members of the military and so the Army successfully rehabilitated him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My roommate in Germany informed me he was also forced to either join the Army or go to Jail.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He didn't tell me what charges he had", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but he had a serious criminal record/history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even in basic training, they had a marching cadence:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Got a letter in the mail:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Go to War / Go to Jail\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once in the Military, the secret is that the expendable criminals get the military equivalent of the death penalty as illustrated (but implied) in some war movies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My dad even once told me that this is the way it's always been and the way it always will be.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He was retired Army having served 30 years and served in Vietnam (safe areas).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only the worst criminals get sent to the violent areas where low life-expectancy is expected.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And from what I saw, this is incredibly true.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Soldiers are expected to eventually have the choice to choose the Army as a life-long career, because anyone who served knows that after basic training stages, the military recruit is like a civilian and many work civilian-equivalent jobs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just to point out one more example:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "remember the movie \"Platoon\"?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was, for example, a brief scene showing US Army soldiers raping indigenous children and remember when Taylor tried to break it up?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So ... what happens to those rapists?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They get sent to a very specific area with the only intention is to make them suffer or get killed and buried in a pile of corpses as if to imply not even worth an official burial.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Okay, one more example.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the movie \"Full Metal Jacket,\" there was a part when the Drill Instructor said: \"Marines are not allowed to die without permission.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is 100% true in other military branches as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The answer to the original question is YES.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 2007, it published information obtained through the Freedom of Information Act that found the number of convicted criminals enlisting in the US military had nearly doubled in two years, from 824 in 2004 to 1,605 in 2006.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In that period, a total of 4,230 convicted felons were enlisted, including those guilty of rape and murder.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On top of this, 43,977 soldiers signed up who had been found guilty of a serious misdemeanour, which includes assault.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another 58,561 had drug-related convictions, but all were handed a gun and sent off to the Middle East.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The fact that the military has allowed more than 100,000 people with such troubled pasts to join its ranks over the past three years illustrates the problem we're having meeting our military needs in this time of war,\" said Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" ( )", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Greenfarb", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Question: Was it ever possible to join the US military instead of going to prison for a crime?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Local Prosecutors and judges can do whatever they like.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "They can tell someone to join the army or face prison, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are plenty of stories of these kinds of things occurring, especially in Korea and Vietnam.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However; that doesn't mean the army willingly accepts folk as an alternative to prison.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "army recruiters are forbidden to participate in such arrangements and all branches of service will disqualify such candidates if they find out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Army's Recruiting Regulation , 601-210, paragraph 4-8b:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Any \"applicant who, as a condition for any civil conviction or adverse disposition or any other reason through a civil or criminal court, is ordered or subjected to a sentence that implies or imposes enlistment into the Armed Forces of the United States is not eligible for enlistment.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Still one can image that it has happenned and still happens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The army will make a man of him, kind of thing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Jimmy Hendrix was given the choice of prison or military service .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Wikipedia his name.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "During the early to mid-1970s, I knew many young men at the Naval Base in Rota, Spain, who joined the Navy only to avoid jail (and departed at the earliest opportunity.)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Salovitch", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "It is pretty clear that today the US military is an all volunteer force and it is not allowed to take people who are joining to avoid going to prison. Was there ever a time when a judge could sentence a criminal to prison or military service? If so, how did it work? Was it for a fixed time and what happens if the criminal was found not fit for duty and separated from the military?", "title": "Was it ever possible to join the US military instead of going to prison for a crime?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><military>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There have been many examples of people over the years being offered military service instead of prison time. Jimi Hendrix was one such famous example. It was definitely a common practice in the 1970s and before that in WWII they needed every man they could get. It still happens now occasionally, at the descretion of the court judge.", "It is generally considered that this has happened throughout recent history, although it is likely to be at the discretion of a judge rather than relating to any particular legislation. Such choices were likely handed down during the Second World War but may have continued beyond this and even still happen today." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is generally considered that this has happened on many occasions.", "This is not considered to be related to any particular law but is more likely to be related the judges discretion.", "Such things would likely have occurred during the Second World War but may have continued for a significant period of time after this." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Not that I know of, but in 1712 in Sweden, February had 30 days .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sweden, being a Protestant country, was initially suspicious of the \"papist\" Gregorian calendar, but decided to adopt it in the early 18th century.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, there was an idea to do so gradually, by simply skipping all the leap days until the calendars were in synch.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was done in 1700, but then, the Great Northern War broke out and people seemed to forget about this, so 1704 and 1708 had 29 days in February.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then someone realized how silly it all was, and decided to go back to the Julian calendar by adding an extra leap day in 1712.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sweden eventually shifted to the Gregorian calendary in 1740, but then all in one go.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It seems the Julian calendar had a month with 32 days on leap years at one point: An inscription has been discovered which orders a new calendar to be used in Asia to replace the previous Greek lunar calendar.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "According to one translation \"Intercalation shall commence on the day after 14 Peritius [a.d.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "IX Kal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Feb, which would have been 15 Peritius] as it is currently constituted in the third year following promulgation of the decree.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Xanthicus shall have 32 days in this intercalary year.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is historically correct.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was decreed by the proconsul that the first day of the year in the new calendar shall be Augustus' birthday, a.d. IX Kal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Oct. Every month begins on the ninth day before the kalends.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The date of introduction, the day after 14 Peritius, was 1 Dystrus, the next month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The month after that was Xanthicus.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus Xanthicus began on a.d. IX Kal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Mart.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", and normally contained 31 days.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In leap year, however, it contained an extra \"Sebaste day\", the Roman leap day, and thus had 32 days.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From the lunar nature of the old calendar we can fix the starting date of the new one as 24 January, a.d.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "IX Kal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Feb 5 BC in the Julian calendar, which was a leap year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thus from inception the dates of the reformed Asian calendar are in one-to-one correspondence with the Julian.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " de Bernardy", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Of course it depends whose months you look at.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Part of the decimalization project in revolutionary France was Claude Boniface Collignon's proposals for decimalizing time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He called for ten \"solar months\" per year, each of 36.5 days.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See page 168 of his Decouverte d'etalons justes, naturels, invariables et universels .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think his long months only exist conceptually and never became national law.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Brick", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In 46 BC, as part of the introduction of the Julian calendar, Caesar first had to wrench the existing calendar back into alignment with the solar year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It had drifted so far out of alignment that harvest festivals were separated from the harvest by several months.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As part of doing this, he introduced two special one-time intercalary months between November and December that added a total of 67 days to 46 BC.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I haven't been able to find information concerning how the 67 days were split up, but at least one of the months had to have a length of at least 34 days.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Nowadays, the Tamil calendar 's month ஆனி (Āni) has 32 days.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I guess there Is and it happened in 1978 October.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It had 32 days. :-)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " de viruz", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "As the title says. I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) that with our modern Gregorian calendar, no month will ever be longer than 31 days. But have there been any times in the (perhaps recent) past where we had 32 days in a month?", "title": "Has there ever been a month with 32 days?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<calendar><modern>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The Julian calendar had a month with 32 days as well as the modern Tamil calender.", "The answer to this question will depend on which culture's calendar is used. The Julian calendar and the modern Tamil calendar both contain months with 32 days. There is another claim that October 1978 had 32 days." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It appears that the Julian calendar had a month with 32 days.", "The answer will depend on which culture's calendar you use.", "The Tamil calendar contains a month with 32 days.", "There is a claim that such an event took place in October 1978." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Operation Flipper , in November 1941 was a British special forces operation aimed at killing or capturing Erwin Rommel .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The intention was to disrupt the German Command and Control infrastructure before the start of Operation Crusader , which was intended to relieve the siege of Tobruk .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It was felt that Rommel was such a pivotal figure for the German army in North Africa that his death might sway the result.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The operation failed, because Rommel had left for Rome ahead of the attack (almost half the attacking force were unable to get ashore due to bad weather which meant that the other mission objectives were also not achieved).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Colonel Laycock's report on the raid, dated 5 January 1942, can be read at the UK National Archives (reference WO 201/720 ) EDIT:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a side-note in regard to Operation Vengeance , I found two papers that you might find interesting The first of these is the 2015 monograph Killing a Peacock:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A Case Study of the Targeted Killing of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto , by Maj Adonis C. Arvanitakis, United States Air Force, submitted to the School of Advanced Military Studies at Fort Leavenworth, which looks at the planning and execution of the operation in some detail.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The second paper is the 1992 thesis Bullets With Names: The Deadly Dilemma by Roger G. Herbert, Jr., Lieutenant, United States Navy, which considers Operation Vengeance in the wider context of targeted assassinations from the perspective of the United States.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 31 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The operation to kill Bin Laden (2011)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, in recent memory the US Millitary started an operation specifically to take out Osama Bin Laden (it happened in 2011):", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "\"The Associated Press reported at the time two U.S. officials as stating the operation was \"a kill-or-capture mission, since the U.S. doesn't kill unarmed people trying to surrender\", but that \"it was clear from the beginning that whoever was behind those walls had no intention of surrendering\"\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 21 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Attempt to kill or capture Tito Operation Rösselsprung was a failed attempt by the Germans to capture or kill Marshal Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia on the 25th of May, 1944.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The attempt to kill or capture", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tito was led by Kurt Rybka with 500th SS Parachute Battalion .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tito, however, escaped from his cave headquarters after the German's first assault had failed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The only part of Tito they ended up capturing was his uniform...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Tito with members of the Supreme Staff in front of the cave in Drvar , May 1944.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" This photo was presumably taken not long before the German assault.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source: Wikipedia Initially involved in the attempt was Otto Skorzeny , perhaps best known for his key role in the rescue of Mussolini in Operation Eiche in September 1943.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Skorzeny's plan, though, was compromised and had no further part in the events which followed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Capture of Admiral Horthy, regent of Hungary", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps a marginal case is that of the October 1944 Operation Panzerfaust , the successful capture of the Hungarian regent Admiral Miklos Horthy , which also involved Skorzeny.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1920, Horthy had originally accepted the regency on the condition that he was also commander of the armed forces, but I can find little evidence as to what extent he was involved land-based operations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He did, however, continue to wear a uniform.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bosteen", "score": 20 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The United States opened the 2003 invasion of Iraq with an attempted Decapitation Strike against Saddam Hussein.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " TenEyck", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I just learned that Operation Gaff (1944) was another such attempt of taking out the “usual” Erwin Rommel.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The abduction of German General Kreipe on Crete in 1944 (documented in the book and movie Ill Met by Moonlight might be one, although the intent was not to kill.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The general was captured and smuggled off of Crete as a prisoner of war.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Custer", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The Polish Home Army (a military force still subservient to the Polish Government in Exile), had operations that took out various police and military officials - and even attempted to kill Hitler, although the operation failed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Paszkiewicz", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If we count the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (1942—1949 span of activity) (they had between 20.000 and 200.000 fighters) as a regular army.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They actually killed many soviet officials, either from the army or the NKVD.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Their more important kill was Nikolai Vatutin , commander of the 1st Ukranian Front during WWII.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "Operation Vengeance (1943) was a US military operation aimed specifically to kill Japanese Admiral Yamamoto. It looks like something weird in contemporary era: are there any similar military operations (conducted by regular military services, I mean) which were uniquely targeting a single enemy commander (of a internationally recognized country) in the last century, or in present day warfare, furthermore?", "title": "Operation Vengeance and Individual Targeting of Enemy Commanders", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<world-war-two><military><20th-century>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The operation to kill Osama Bin Laden is an example of this as well as the attempt on Saddam Hussein in 2003. There were also examples in WWII to kill Rommel.", "There have been a number of operations in history aimed at killing specific generals, including the American mission to kill Osama Bin Laden in 2011 and the British mission to kill or capture Erwin Rommel during the Second World War. Other notable missions include the mission to capture German General Kreipe, the capture of Admiral Horthy of Hungary, the German mission to kill Tito or the US mission to kill Saddam Hussein in 2003." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The USA carried out a mission specifically to kill Osama Bin Laden in 2011.", "Operation Gaff and Operation Flipper were both operations aimed at killing or capturing Erwin Rommel.", "The Germans launched an operation to kill Tito in 1944.", "There was an operation to abduct German General Kreipe.", "The American invasion of Iraq aimed to killed Saddam Hussein. ", "The capture of Admiral Horthy, Regent of Hungary could fall into this category." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Actually, there was a famous Soviet movie from 1966, Береги́сь автомоби́ля , whose plot centers around car insurance:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The main character sells car insurance during the day and steals the insured cars at night and, after selling stolen cars, donates the proceeds to orphanages.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(No, he is not crazy, he even has a document certifying his sanity.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The movie is quite good (great director and cast of actors), here it is on youtube .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Edit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On a more serious note, the following info is taken from the book \" Плакат Госстраха \", Moscow, 2012.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All insurance in USSR was done by a monopoly, Госстрах , established in 1921.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the book, the first time (presumably, since 1920s) private cars in USSR were insured (by Госстрах) in 1946, specifically, 99 cars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The number went up to (approx) 1700 by 1949 and to 188500 by 1969.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Below are two Soviet ads for auto-insurance, from 1951 and 1967 respectively.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Besides cute posters, the book (which is 359 page long) contains more details on personal insurance in the Soviet Union.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Kohan", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "USSR did allow private property over personal-use items, which included cars and even houses or apartments.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "What was not allowed was private property over commercial or industrial assets (\"means of production\"), or private business (they turned a blind eye towards self-employed stuff like tutoring or handyman services)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was personal insurance in Soviet Union.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There was accident and life insurance (often with savings component to it), as well as insurance covering houses and cattle (critical for peasants).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Coverage for vehicle itself seems to have been introduced in the 1980's: Russian wiki Same page implies there was mandatory coverage for passengers But proper liability insurance was rolled out only after USSR was gone : Russian wiki", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Bear", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "At USSR times, there was so called GosStrakh system (short form of Gos udarstvennoe Strakh ovanie, aka Government Insurance).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From 1946, it started car insurance program as well.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However, as any other insurance company, it had very contradictory reputation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Schkatula", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Cars in the USSR were not government issued, unless they were company cars so to speak, just as in Western countries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You saved up for one, ordered one, and waited until it was delivered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Difference is that the number manufactured was planned, and independent of actual demand, so you would likely have to wait for 5-10 YEARS for delivery.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Jalopnik is an interesting read, and mentions nothing regarding insurance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course that may be an oversight by the author, but he does mention just going to the black market for spare parts or if your car got stolen, suggesting that insurance, even if it did exist, wasn't really useful (unsurprising, as the planned economy meant that the insurance couldn't simply issue you a replacement for a stolen or wrecked car, you'd have to wait another 10 years).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": " mentions \"transportation insurance\" being available from 1922 but doesn't explain what that entails.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a transcript of a booklet about the USSR published in 1929 so doesn't really say anything about the later years of the USSR when cars were manufactured locally.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Car insurance (and other private property insurance) existed, and was mandatory.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The only difference in this respect with capitalist countries was that the insurance company belonged to the state, and there was no choice of insurance company, and no competition between them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I can't imagine how it works in a planned economy. Does the government replace your car if you crash it? Was there no sort of insurance?", "title": "Was there car insurance in the USSR?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<soviet-union><economy>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There was private property insurance in the Soviet Union. Mandatory vehicle coverage seems to have been introduced in the 1980s. The difference was that the insurance company belonged to the state and there was no competition. ", "Car insurance did exist in the USSR, as did other forms of personal insurance, but the insurance was run by the state rather than a private company." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Car insurance, and indeed other forms of personal insurance, did exist in the USSR.", "The difference in the USSR was that insurance was operated by the state rather than a private company." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In short - if you can't get the job without incorporating, then incorporate!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some clients will require you to be incorporated (which is why I did it 10 years ago).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Essentially, for them, it's a way of distancing themselves from you to ensure they are not responsible for any monies if you don't pay your taxes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For you, there is also this idea of distancing company assets from your personal assets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If they are not requiring you to incorporate, you can simply act as a sole proprietorship.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "A good place to start reading up could be the sites below (for Canada/Ontario): Canada Business", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When I registered, I simply bought a book at Grand&Toy, with all the required forms for Ontario.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These forms would also be available at a local Government service centre.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You walk in, give the government money, and shortly thereafter you are incorporated.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are a number of others things that are required (having a minutes book, writing resolutions, creating shares, setting up a bank account, etc) -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "all discussed in the guide For Ontario you can start here: At a high level, there are some costs for being incorporated, and some tax savings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At a minimum, costs would include: Incorporation costs - from memory", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "this is a few hundred dollars Name Search around $50 (you are not required to pick a name, and can simply use the numbered company from the incorporation, so this is optional) Bank Account in the business's name (RBC is good for new companies as they have the lowest charges currently - see forums for a more indepth discussion.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You may need the help of an account to help set things up, but it's quite easy to maintain all the records, etc that are required.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Some other minor things I enjoy are writing myself expense cheques so that I get money back immediately (and effectively only pay 60% of the cost after writing it off in the company).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I can decide how much to pay myself and push income from year to year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Do you need to incorporate?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This depends on whether the company prefers you to be incorporated.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are going through a recruiting company, some of them are willing to deal with non-incorporated people (Sole Proprietor) and withhold taxes from your cheques for you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do want to incorporate, you can do it yourself, go through a paralegal, or you can even do it online.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I did mine in Ontario for about $300 (no name search", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- i just have a numbered corporation like 123456 Ontario Inc.) through -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "there are other sites that do it as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Things to consider - if you're contracting through a corporation you most likely need to: File corporate taxes annually.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Collect GST from your client, and remit that at least once a year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pay CPP on the salary that you pay yourself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Talk to an accountant about these for clarification - most of them will give you an initial consultation for free.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Generally speaking, accountant fees for corporate filing taxes averages about $1000-2000 a year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I am co-owner of a business, and we incorporated federally.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Mostly to limit liability.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is some excellent information above, and most of my wisdom I got from a trusted lawyer and accountant (find experts you trust in these two areas, they will prove invaluable in so many areas.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The one point I would add is that if you decide to incorporate, you can do so federally or provincially.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We were all set to go provincially, when our lawyer asked \"Is there any chance you might move the business?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Any chance you might want to do work in other provinces?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What about next year?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Five years?\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are going through the expenses to set up a corporation, consider doing so federally, the extra costs were insignificant, but someday you might be glad you don't have to start from scratch.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In this day and age, many people end up moving out of province for work, family concerns, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Miss Mocha", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I know this is a little late", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but here is my answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "You do not \"need\" to incorporate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, incorporating in your situation will cost you in legal fees, administrative headaches, and a fair bit in taxes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The CRA would probably look at your corporation as a personal services corporation and it would not be allowed to claim a number of tax reductions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The tax rate would end up being over the top range (unless you are in Quebec where it would be just under the top marginal range).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Guy", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My late answer is: Be aware of the difference of being a contractor and being an employee.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I am not sure of the laws in Canada, but in the United States lots of small companies like to hire people as \"contractors\" but make them work under rules that fall into employee.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The business is trying to avoid paying payroll taxes, which is fine, but make sure you know your rights and responsibilities as a contractor vs employee.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can check with your state's Bureau of Labor and Industry in the US, but I am sure wherever you are from there is a government agency to do the same thing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm sure there are tax implications, and other things to consider. I don't know where to start.", "title": "I'm currently unemployed and have been offered a contract position. Do I need to incorporate myself? How do I do it?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<canada><employment><contractor>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "You do not need to incorporate yourself unless the company requires it. You can also act as a sole proprietor. If you do need to incorporate yourself, you can do it with the help of a paralegal or online. You can do it federally or provincially.", "The answer will depend on what the customer requires, although it is widely considered that you will not need to incorporate yourself. However, if you do decide to, you can incorporate yourself either federally or provicially and you may wish to seek professional advice on the matter." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "If you do decide to incorporate yourself, you can do so federally or provincially, though you may wish to seek professional help in doing so.", "The answer will depend on whether the company is asking you incorporate or not.", "No, you do not need to incorporate yourself.", "Some customers may require you to incorporate yourself." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "As a Canadian resident, the simple answer to your question is \"yes\" Having worked as a tax auditor and as a Certified Financial Planner, you are required to file an income tax return because you have taxable employment income.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "All the employer is doing is deducting it at source and remitting it on your behalf.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That does not alleviate your need to file.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, if you don't file you will be subject to a no filing penalty.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The one aspect you are missing is that taxpayers may be entitled to tax credits that may result in a refund to you depending on your personal situation (e.g spousal or minor dependents).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I hope this helps.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "While you are required to do so", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "as others have said, it's actually in your interest to do so.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In a recent article at GlobeInvestor , Tim Cestnick discusses the benefits of filing tax returns for teens.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This situation may or may not apply to you but the message is the same.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The main benefits are (1) create RRSP contribution room and (2) be eligible for GST/HST credits and other possible one-shot credits (think oil royalty surplus cheques in Alberta).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Excerpt: You see, when Lincoln was 14, he filed a tax return and reported $2,000 of income that year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He paid no tax thanks to the basic personal tax credit, but he created $360 of RRSP contribution room that year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Beginning in 2003, Lincoln started working part-time in his father's business.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His father agreed to pay him $6,000 each summer to work in the business, to help save money for university.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lincoln didn't pay any tax on the money he earned in those summers because his basic personal tax credit was always higher than his earnings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, Lincoln added to his RRSP contribution room simply by filing a tax return each year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, you have to file a tax return in Canada.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Non residents that have earned employment income in Canada are required to file a Canadian personal income tax return.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Usually, your employer will have deducted sufficient taxes from your pay-cheques, resulting in a tax refund upon filing your Canadian tax return.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You will also receive a tax credit on your US tax return for taxes paid in Canada.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In many cases, you are required to file your taxes by law even if you won't owe.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If it's anything like in the US, it's quite possible", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "your employer is not taking the right amount and you may owe more or may even be in line for a return.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Benages", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you took advantage of options like a home buyers plan (HBP)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "you definitely need to file since you must designate how much of the plan to repay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your employer does not know about what you do with your money so cannot take this into account for the withheld taxes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do not report repayment of the HBP it will be treated as a withdrawal from your RRSP i.e. additional income for that tax year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You are not required to file a tax return in Canada if you have no taxable income.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do not file a return you may be requested to by Canada Revenue Agency, and then you'll need to file one.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There are hundreds of thousands of Canadian residents who do not file tax returns.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Minister who overlooks the CRA may assess any amount of taxes on any resident whether they file a return or not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are penalties for failing to file a return or filing late.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The penalties are based on a percentage of the taxes owed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you owe no taxes, then the penalties are meaningless.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "My company holds back tax from each of my pay checks. I have no other sources of income. I don't expect I owe anything more on my pay. Do I really need to file an income tax return? I live in Canada.", "title": "If I have no exemptions or deductions, just a simple paycheck, do I HAVE to file taxes?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<canada><income-tax><taxes>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Even if you don't owe anything, you are still required to file a tax return. You may be subjet to a no filing penalty if you don't file.", "Yes, even if you have no taxable income, you still need to file a tax return. In fact, if you don't file a return, you may face a penalty." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Yes, even if you have no taxable income, you are still required to file a tax return.", "If you don't file a tax return, you could face a penalty." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Dollar cost averaging moderates risk.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But you pay for this by giving up the chance for higher gains.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you took a hundred people and randomly had them fully buy into the market over a decade period, some of those people will do very well (relative to the rest) while others will do very poorly (relatively).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you dollar cost average, your performance would fall into the middle", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so you don't fall into the bottom (", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but you won't fall into the top either).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you know with 100% certainty what the market will do, then invest it all at the best time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If not, spread it out over time to avoid investing it all at the worst possible time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you define dollar cost cost averaging as investing a specific dollar amount over a certain fixed time frame then it does not work statistically better than any other strategy for getting that money in the market.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "(IE Aunt Ruth wants to invest $60,000 in the stock market and does it $5000 a month for a year.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It will work better on some markets and worse on others, but on average it won't be any better.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dollar cost averaging of this form is effectively a bet that gains will occur at the end of the time period rather than the beginning, sometimes this bet will pay off, other times it won't.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A regular investment contribution of what you can afford over an indefinite time period (IE 401k contribution) is NOT Dollar Cost Averaging", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but it is an effective investment strategy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Vanguard said: Dollar-cost averaging just means taking risk later", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We conclude that if an investor expects such trends to continue, is satisfed with his or her target asset allocation, and is comfortable with the risk/return characteristics of each strategy, the prudent action is investing the lump sum immediately to gain exposure to the markets as soon as possible.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But if the investor is primarily concerned with minimizing downside risk and potential feelings of regret (resulting from lump-sum investing immediately before a market downturn), then DCA may be of use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, any emotionally based concerns should be weighed carefully against both (1)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the lower expected long-run returns of cash compared with stocks and bonds, and (2) the fact that delaying investment is itself a form of market-timing, something few investors succeed at.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I agree with them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here are my additional opinions: The uninvested money will lose its value by inflation while it's waiting to be invested.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As time goes by, accumulated investments diminish DCA effect.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We can diversify our portfolio to reduce risk instead.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Dollar cost averaging works if the stuff you're buying goes up within your time horizon.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It won't protect you from losing money if it doesn't.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also consider that the person (or company, or industry) that suggests dollar-cost averaging might want you to start up a regular investment program and put it on auto-pilot, which subsequently increases the chance that you won't give due attention to the fact that you're sending them money every paycheck to buy an investment that make them money regardless of whether you make money or not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you have a lump sum, you could put it into a low risk investment (which should also have low fluctuations) right away to avoid the risk of buying at a down point.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then move it into a higher risk investment over a period of time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That way you'll buy more units when the price is lower than when it's higher.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Usually I hear dollar cost averaging applied to the practice of purchasing a fixed dollar amount of an investment every week or month right out of your salary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The effect is pretty minimal though, except on the highest growth portfolios, and is generally just used as a sales tool by investment councilors (in my opinion).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Whitlock", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Here is a deliberately simple example of Dollar Cost averaging: Day 1:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Buy 100 shares at $10.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Total value = $1,000.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Average cost per share = $10.00/share (easy).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Day 2", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": Buy 100 more shares at $9.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Total value = $1,900.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Average cost per share = $9.50/share (1,900/200). Notice", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "how your average cost per share went from $10.00 to $9.50.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now instead of hoping the stock rises above $10.00 a share to make a profit, you only need it to go to $9.50 a share (assuming no commissions or transaction fees).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's easy to see how this could work to your advantage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The only catch is that you need buy more of a stock that is dropping (people might think you're crazy).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This could easily backfire if the stock continues to drop.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Over the long run, markets have always gone up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There have been down periods but they have always rebounded.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you pick any random point in the past 100 years and lump sum invested, on average you would have done better than dollar cost averaging if you kept your holdings long enough.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is why most professionals recommend lump sum investing than dollar cost averaging.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, however, this discards any information about the current market conditions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you change the statement above and lump sum invest at new highs, vs dollar cost averaging, this will skew the result to in favour of dollar cost averaging, likewise at 20 year lows this will skew the result to favour lump sum investing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Does dollar cost averaging really work? If I have money available now, why shouldn't I invest it all at once? If the market's going up, wouldn't that be better?", "title": "Does dollar cost averaging really work?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<investing><investment-strategies><dollar-cost-averaging>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Dollar cost averaging doesn't work statistically better than any other strategy. It works if the stuff you're buying goes up with your time horizon. ", "The answer to this question is subjective. It's quite possible that dollar-cost strategies are no more effective than other investment strategies. They are effective if what you are buying goes up in value over the period that you're interested in. If you know 100% what the market will do, then it is best to invest all your money at once." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "If you know what the market will do, 100%, then invest all your money at once.", "Dollar-cost stragies do not work statistically any better than any other strategy.", "A dollar cost strategy is effective if what you are buying goes up over the specific time period you're interested in." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Let me add a counterpoint.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't know about you, but for some psychological reason, when I know I have an abundance of something I tend to be less frugal about the way I consume it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example: When there is a six pack of cokes in the fridge I feel like I am more prone to not drink them up so quickly", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so I have some for later on.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, if I knew I had 3 more cases in the pantry, I seem to go through a lot more of them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If they don't spoil, you can still get some marginal benefit if buying in bulk means you avoid the need for a trip to the shops to get a replacement.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If the item is a commodity that you will use eventually you are unlikely to lose out as the prices tend to remain fairly stable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There's also the inconvenience factor, I like to have plenty of some items", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so I'm not caught short, consider how important your furnace is in mid winter, or the inconvenience of running out of an item right when you need it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Seller", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As with everything else, it's a question of trade-offs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pros For Buying", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Bulk Less frequent trips are needed to purchase more items.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You are less likely to run out of the item at an inconvenient time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a longer lead-time before you need to restock.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cons For Buying", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Bulk Inventory cost.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You need to purchase more shelving/cupboards to stock the goods.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a real cost.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The psychological effect of having more means you are more likely to use more, thus costing you more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Deflation of the cost of the item should occur over time in a well-functioning market economy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A $10 item today might be $9.50 in one year in real terms.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a real opportunity cost associated with overbuying.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Granted, an extra $100 in your bank account won't be earning too much if you have to spend it one month later, but it does mean you have less financial independence for that month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Risk of spoilage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a nonzero risk that your goods could be ruined by flood/fire/toddler/klutz damage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You need to decide which of these pros and cons are more important to you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Financially, you should only buy what you need between shopping trips.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "In reality the convenience of holding goods in storage for when you need them may outweigh the costs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To Rich Seller's point, we live 1/2 gallon of gas and 30 minute round trip from the supermarket.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the items that are non-perishable, such as bathroom or facial tissue, paper towels, shampoo,soap, toothpaste, etc, there's value in never running out of it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "(@JohnFx - your point is well taken.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When my daughter was a toddler, I found her covered in band-aids.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One tiny scratch, 9 band-aids.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My wife asked why I was concerned, we had hundreds in the pantry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I can see how some items might just encourage over-use)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I agree with Rich Seller.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Avoiding a trip to the store is a benefit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not only do you save the time and hassle , but there's real money saved if a car trip is avoided:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I maintain a spreadsheet for all of my car expenses – depreciation, maintenance, insurance, license & registration, gas, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Combined with starting & ending odometer readings for the year, I can see exactly what it costs me to drive one kilometre.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Granted, some costs are fixed simply by virtue of having the car, but gasoline is a variable cost avoided when a trip is avoided.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " W. Rea", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It could be a sunk cost.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "If you buy 5 gallons of vegetable oil it costs $50. Until you use up all the vegetable oil you dollars are tied up and cannot be spent on popcorn or any other good.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So weigh if the convenience is more important than having the cash on hand for other purchases is another factor to consider", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is a trade-off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It can be worthwhile because you save those extra trips.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "(On the other hand, don't you need to go shopping all the time for perishable items anyway?)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand, having those items on stock implies inventory costs (the space they take up might be limited, the money they represent is sleeping and cannot be put to other usage, some of them might break...).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This trade-off gives you the economic order quantity .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your stock levels over time based on that would look like a saw-blade.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In addition, you might want to keep a safety stock for emergencies (if you use them faster than expected, if there is a supply shortage...).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "If I'm buying household items that get used up (e.g; furnace filters, soap, etc.) is it still worthwhile sometimes to buy a bunch, even if there is no volume discount, or am I wasting money? p.s. could somebody please retag with \"volume\" or \"volume-discount\"? I can't create new tags.", "title": "If there's no volume discount, does buying in bulk still make sense?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<purchase><discount>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Buying things in volume means you are less likely to run out an an inconvenient time. You will save on extra trips to the store, which is a marginal benefit. ", "Buying in bulk for non-perishable items that you will definitely use will at least prevent you from running out of them at an inconvenient time. It may also save you some money on shopping trips. However, it will mean that more of your money is tied into those purchases and won't be available for buying other, more urgent, products." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "If you are considering buying non-perishable goods in bulk then the main benefit is that you are unlikely to run out of them at an inconvenient time.", "The main benefit of buying in bulk is probably the reduced number of shopping trips that you will have to make, along the added fuel costs.", "Buying in bulk does mean that your money will be tied into assets and that money won't be available for other purchases." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Consider getting rid of all your credit cards.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This has several benefits: No monthly credit card bill to pay, thus having more money to pay down other debt (if you have any)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You won't have the temptation to spend money you don't have", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You won't have to pay any interest on purchases you make No late charges or interest rate hikes due to your own mistakes (Mistakes do happen)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No late charges or interest rate hikes due to the credit card companies mistakes No extra monthly fees for American-Express-like cards Now, in order have some peace of mind without credit cards, you should have an Emergency Fund for 3 - 6 months worth of expenses.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, there are a couple reasons I see making it reasonable to have one or two cards:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You are currently building up an emergency fund, and want to have something to use in a cash-flow related emergency.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You plan on getting a mortgage soon (although I would recommend living on the cheap for a while and buying an inexpensive condo or house instead of using debt).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you take this option, make sure you pay off the card on the same day you purchase stuff.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Never maintain a balance for more than a day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Other than that, I fail to see any benefits.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sure, you can get free crap like gift certificates and airline miles, but the long term benefits of having no debt are a lot better.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The number to hold depends on your usage and your goals.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "However the most important aspect of credit cards is the effect it has on your credit score.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Having a good credit score can be useful later when making large purchases like a car or house.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Things to consider about credit cards: Paying the minimum monthly balance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Late payments affect your score negatively.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Excessive credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "High unused credit limits can flag you as a high risk.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also too many credit cards with low limits can also create lots of unused credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Another user mentioned getting free tupperware with every card they got).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Merchant support.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not all merchants support all the common cards.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "e.g. You may want 1 Visa, 1 Mastercard.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Reward systems.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some cards have a maximum limit on rewards given based on spending.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At that point you may switch to another card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For most people who have never had a credit card 1 credit card is usually enough initially since the expenses should not exceed income (plus this reduces the temptation to get into lots of debt).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The best way to find out if you are okay is to check your credit score and do it regularly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Canada there are several ways to get this information and some of it free like Equifax .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have five credit cards.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I confess:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "two are in a drawer and don't ever get used!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I do find the other three useful: A Visa card with no annual fee and a 1% cash-back privilege.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I use this card a lot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A MasterCard card with no annual fee and travel points.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I only use it when Visa isn't taken.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An American Express card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I wouldn't be carrying an Amex card at all except", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it's the only card accepted at Costco", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I like the flexibility of using credit there, especially near the holidays.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, I would suggest anything more than five -- I mean,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ahem, three might be excessive ;-)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other responses make good points:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Consider your overall debt, consider your credit score.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And ask yourself, \"Do I really need this card?\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " W. Rea", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have one, and consider it plenty.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But I do have a pretty big line of credit, which may have something to do with the number of cards I carry :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I've had 3 on the go at one point, but I've worked hard over the past year to reduce that down to 1, which will be cleared in 2 months.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I would say its fine to have as many as you want, its more about how you are using them Having 10 all with a fiver on is better than 2 with a few thousand on", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "We have one each for convenience, but we pay them both off every month.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's true that this doesn't establish a payment history with the bank, but if you have a job and little or no debt, you should have no problem getting the important credit, like mortgages and car loans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have some stuck in a drawer (assuming no balance on them) there is still a problem as the bank may consider this part of your \"used\" credit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I know this happened with business credit cards.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, there's the chance of having the cards stolen, of course.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've heard of people having a second credit card with a low limit for online purchases in case it's stolen.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't believe this is necessary, as you still have a debit card in case the credit card has to be canceled due to fraud, and they can rush you a new credit card in 2 days or better.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Whitlock", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There are three roles for credit cards: financing ( credit ) rewards discounts", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, two general-purpose credit cards should be all you need: one for everyday spending to collect rewards, and one with a low APR for things that you need to finance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Store credit cards at the top two or three stores you shop at, with their credit function ignored (low credit limits, and pay them off every month), are also fine for collecting discounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As many of these as is convenient is okay - if you don't take it as license to spend freely.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A gas station credit card also falls in this category, if your regular rewards card doesn't cover it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Is there a right number of credit cards to hold? (Please don't say zero :) What would be the excessive number of credit cards, or how else would you judge enough is enough? If I have some cards I do not use just stuck in a drawer somewhere, is it a problem?", "title": "How many credit cards is it reasonable to have?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<credit-card><accounts>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It depends on your usage and goals. For people who have never had a credit card, 1 is usually enough and the expenses should not exceed income. Some people have a second card with a low limit for online purchases in case it's stolen.", "The answer to this question will be subjective and depend on your own personal circumstances. Some people would recommend not having a credit card at all. Keeping credit cards unused in a draw could still have an impact on your credit score." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this question is subjective and will depend on your own credit needs and levels of debt.", "You may want to consider whether you need a credit card at all.", "Having credit cards unused in a draw at home may still have an impact on your credit score." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Even without analyzing the math or doing a complete risk assesment, consider the following: They wouldn't be doing such a hardsell if these warranties weren't abig profit center for the companiesthat", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "offer them Extended warranties are essentially insurance policies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Insurance policies generally only make sense to protect you from major financial hardship by transferring risk to the company issuing the insurance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I wouldn't buy insurance or a warranty on anything unless the cost or repairing/replacing it", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "wouldn't put me in a bad way with my finances.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When you buy these you are bettingthat the cost of the warranty will be less than the cost of anyreplacement/repair cost, the companyoffering it is betting on the otherside of the equation AND they set theprice.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Consider who in thistransaction has better informationabout repair/replacement costs forthe item.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hint:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It isn't you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My knee-jerk reaction was \"no, they are not worth it\", but I took a little time to look up what some of the trusted names in consumer electronics reviews had to say about extended warranties/service contracts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A cnet writer said that your decision should consider the price of the service contract relative to the price of the item you're buying, as well as the amount of hassle you're willing to endure, should something go wrong.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Consumer Reports believes that the warranties that come with your products are almost always enough, and they say that electronics and appliances are so well-built nowadays, the likelihood of you needing extra service before you upgrade are slim-to-none.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And the folks over at offer the same", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "maybe-yes-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "maybe-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "no advice as the cnet guys: depends on your appetite for risk and the options available to you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So I would suggest that the answer be \"no\" most of the time, but consider it anyway.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I worked for a major retailer that offered such extended warranties.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Our profit margin on these \"product protection plans\" was ~80%.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That should tell you something about how much they are \"worth\" to the consumer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I was just reading Consumer Reports ' December 2009 issue.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The issue's focus is electronics, and there was a small section on extended warranties in the \"Best electronics\" article.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's what they said: Extended warranties still aren't worth buying Seven in 10 respondents to our survey on buying major electronics reported they were pitched an extended warrranty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However hard they're sold, extended warranties are generally bad investments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most electronics products won't need a repair, especially if you choose brands that have fared better than others in the reliability ratings we include in this section.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the unlikely event they break, other Consumer Reports survey data has shown, the average repair bill is often comparable with the cost of a warranty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, buying a plan that includes accidental damage might be worth considering for a laptop or netbook that you'll use a lot on the go.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And buying a computer warranty that extends tech support, too, might make sense if you or a gift recipient could use a lot of hand-holding. [...]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Paying with your credit card might automatically double the manufacturers' warranty and offer other benefits at no extra cost [...]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "BTW, I like Consumer Reports", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I am a long-time subscriber.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Check them out if you haven't before.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " W. Rea", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In my opinion it depends on the type of product.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I would get a warranty for a washing machine or tumble dryer or other product with lots of moving parts that is liable to break down.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I also take into account my luck, the one washing machine I didn't get covered broke down 2 weeks outside the normal warranty period...", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would not get a warranty for a consumer electronics product like a TV, PC, or iPod because they devalue so quickly.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As a rule of thumb, if the model you buy today is going to be on sale for the next few years for around the same price and has moving parts, it is worth considering a warranty.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If it will be worth a small percentage of its value because newer faster shinier models come along to replace it don't bother.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would also not get the warranty from the shop I bought the product from.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can get warranties for consumer products from specialist third parties that will allow you to cover multiple products for a discount.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These work out a lot cheaper than the one the shop will give you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example in the UK, DomGen will cover 3 appliances for £14.99/month and 6 for £20.99/month", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Seller", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To take a higher level view of this, consider the warranty as buying insurance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They want to sell you the warranty because there's profit in it for them over the aggregate of all the warranties they sell.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So ask yourself, would having to replace this item out of your own pocket", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "cause you a significant financial burden?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Items like houses we insure because we can't afford to lose the investment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Items like cars", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "we get liability insurance because we can't afford to pay for another person's medical costs if we're liable for their injury.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand, if you're talking about a $1000 piece of equipment in your house, this won't break you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That means you can self-insure, and if you do that for all the items you purchase, over the long haul, then you will save money (equal to the profit that the company expects on the warranties).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So I say, no, don't buy extended warranties.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The more they're trying to sell it to you, the less you should be willing to buy it (because the higher their profit margin is if they can convince you to buy it).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Whitlock", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The issuer of the service contract is making money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "DO NOT buy these contracts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Self insure over your life time 40/60 years and you will save money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "When shopping for big budget items like TV's and appliances, the resellers (e.g. Best Buy, FutureShop) will often sell an extended warranty that covers the product well beyond the manufacturer's warranty. Is this worth spending the money?", "title": "When buying expensive electronics is it worth getting the extended warranty?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<shopping><extended-warranty>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Consumer Reports believes that the warranties that come with the products are almost always enough. It might be worth it for a washing machine or any product with moving parts that is more liable to break down. ", "The answer to this question will depend on the product, the cost to replace it and how much you're willing to put up with if it breaks. However, generally, people would advise taking an extended warranty out on items that have a lot of moving parts whilst not bothering for electronic goods." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Most people would consider that an extended warranty is not worth purchasing for the majority of products, particularly electronic ones.", "Some people would recommend getting an extended warranty for items that contain a lot of moving parts.", "The answer will depend on the product type, how much it would cost to replace and your own levels of patience should something go wrong." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I have a had a TON of success by negotiating.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Just talk to your current carrier and let them know that you can't afford it and there are other more reasonable options out there", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "and they will most likely be willing to help you out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I wrote a few posts about how to negotiate with wireless carriers as well as one detailing my success .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For customer who can get a Google Voice account:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Use one of your plan's preferred numbers and make receiving all your calls from the Google Voice number free.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have t-mobile with their \"Fav5\" plan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I put my Google Voice number as a fav, tell Google Voice to make the caller id be that number, and to transfer calls to my cell.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When people call me it comes from Google Voice and it is free.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My family has one of those \"package\" deals from Verizon where we get internet, cable TV, landlines, and cell phones all bundled together.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you're going to get TV and internet anyway, it's worth at least checking to see whether the package deal might be cheaper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In our household, we pay for two mobile phones:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Our first phone is on a plan that I use heavily for data (including occasional tethering to a laptop while on the train), but I use very little voice.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, I have a great data plan, but a minimal voice plan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Next, even though I am gadget-oriented person, I try not to replace my phone too often.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I want to get at least 3 years out of every phone I buy, to reduce the amortized monthly cost of the phone itself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The second mobile phone we keep primarily for emergency purposes or a very occasional call", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", so we bought a cheap prepaid Virgin Mobile phone, and we charge it up with $100 per year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That amount was chosen judiciously: As you can see on Virgin Mobile's Topping Up page, when the top-up is at least $100, the credit doesn't expire for 365 days .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, the cost of carrying this second cell phone for the household – provided we don't use many minutes (and we don't) – is only $8.33/month + tax .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At the time we bought this phone we checked out all other carriers in Canada that had prepaid and none of them had a credit that lasted that long.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " W. Rea", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I find that researching the various companies and taking time to choose the right plan for your calling and texting pattern is the way to go.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Sometimes people don't take the time to properly analyze their usage, instead simply choosing a plan that has an attractive monthly rate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In our household, we text far more than we call, so we're on \"unlimited\" texting plans, with very small voice packages.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's very easy to adhere to, because I chose plans well-suited to our needs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That way, throughout the month, we don't have to pay unnecessarily close attention to our calling/texting volumes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Switch to sprint, check out this article about it", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": " or check out cricket wireless, and also most everything plans are becoming rather affordable these days, try checking into those regardless of who your carrier is, but id look into sprint, they also offer like 15 percent discounts to almost everyone for some reason or another, like military, or many employeers, just ask them about it", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In terms of cell phone plans the U.S. is the worst followed by Spain and then Canada. Besides the obvious get rid of the phone option what other strategies can be employed to keep the costs down?", "title": "How can I reduce the cost of having a cell phone?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<mobile-phone-plans><cost-cutting>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Try negotiating with your current carrier and research the various companies to find the best deal.", "The most effective ways to reduce your cell phone bill will be to shop around first and then attempt to negotiate with your provider. You may also want to look into how Google Voice could be used to make free calls." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "You may have success in reducing your bill by simply negotiating with your provider.", "Google Voice could be a useful tool for making all your received calls free.", "Shopping around is probably the simplest way to reduce your cell phone bill." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There's a bit of working backwards that's required.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a summary of a spreadsheet I wrote which helps to get to the answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What you see here is that at age 25, one might have saved about a half year's salary, assuming they worked 5 years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The numbers grow exponentially to at 65, about 15 years salary saved.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This will allow a withdrawal of about 60% final income each year using the 4% guideline.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "More will come from Social Security in the States to get closer to 100%.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The sheet start with assumptions, a 10% per year rate of saving, and an 8% annual return.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Salary is assumed to rise 3% per year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One can choose their age, enter their current numbers and their own assumptions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I had to include some numbers and at the time, 8% seemed reasonable.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not so sure today.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What I do like is the concept of viewing savings in terms of 'years salary' as this leads to replacement rate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Will $1M be enough for you?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only you can answer that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But the goal of 80-100% replacement income is reasonable and this sheet can be used to understand the goals along the way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(note, the uploaded sheet had 15% saving rate, not the 10 I thought.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I used 15 to show a 10% saving along with a 5% match to one's 401(k).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those interested are welcome to enter their own numbers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The one objection I've seen is the increase to salary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Increases tend to be higher in the first 20 than the second, or so I'm told.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would focus first on maxing out your RRSPs (or 401k) each year, and once you've done that, try to put another 10% of your income away into unregistered long term growth savings.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Let's say you're 30 and you've been doing that since you graduated 7 years ago, and maybe you averaged 8% p.a. return and an average of $50k per year salary (as a round number).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would say you should have 60k to 120k in straight up investments around age 30.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If that's the case, you're probably well on your way to a very comfortable retirement.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Whitlock", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For most people, a million dollars is about right.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's the back of the napkin math that you should consider to find your own estimate: How much money do you need to maintain a comfortable retirement lifestyle?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What interest rate is your retirement account earning?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you take 1 and divide it by 2, that's roughly the size of the nest egg you'll need to live indefinitely.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, if your retirement investments are earning 5% a year, and you want to live on $50,000 a year, you would need a $1,000,000 nest egg (50,000 / 0.05) Note that you don't have to make any assumptions about how long you'll live .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The whole idea of a nest egg is that you live off the interest it earns each year without ever dipping into the principle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's the gift that keeps on giving!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When you die, you can pass it along to children, charities, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Brody", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One more thing to consider is", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "that $1M today is not the same as $1M 30 years from now because of inflation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Consider that just 30 years ago (1980) the average house price in the US was only about $69K and a new car cost around $7K on average.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When you retire, it isn't much of a stretch to assume that you could be paying $1.5M for a typical house, $100K for mid-grade car, by the time you retire in 30 years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, over the rest of your working life your salary will likely increase due to inflation too, so that will help.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In 1980 the average US income was around $19K/year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So even though that number seems huge, it is because it is denominated in currency that has been devalued significantly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There are three numbers that matter in that calculation: 1)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "How much do you expect per month from in pension/social security/or other retirement programs?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At what age will each of you retire?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "3)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "How long will each of you live?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "4)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What will your annual expenses be when you retire?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unfortunately #3 is the most important of the three and the hardest to know with any certainty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Here's another answer on the topic: Saving for retirement: How much is enough?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An angle on it", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "this question made me think of: a good approach here is to focus on savings rate (which you can control) rather than the final number (which you can't, plus it will fluctuate with the markets and make you nervous).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, focus on saving at least 10% of your income annually (15% is much safer).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you focus on the final number: the \"goal number\" varies a lot according to how much you spend (if you are living on 60K/year vs. 120K/year).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But the ideal savings rate is similar for most people since it's relative to income the nature of compound interest is that you'll only get close to the goal pretty late in the game, you'll feel far away most of your life, maybe losing motivation as the stock market bounces around you can also lose motivation", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "you really can't do anything about the goal number; if it goes up and down with the market, trying to 'do something' about that is actively harmful", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The way it works in the real world is that you save as much as you can, but there are lots of random factors and unknowns.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some people end up having to work a lot longer than they hoped to.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Others end up able to retire early.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Others retire on time but have to spend less than they hoped.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But the one thing you can often control (as long as you have an income and no catastrophes, anyway) is that you spend less than you make.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " P", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Of course I know I should have a substantial sum of money that generates its own income, off which my spouse and I will live, when we retire. But what is the right amount to have, or even a range? I've heard $1,000,000 but that just seems so huge and unattainable. Is that the magic number? If not, what is? We don't plan on living lavishly when we retire, and plan on moving into an assisted living facility in Canada when it makes sense.", "title": "What size \"nest egg\" should my husband and I have, and by what age?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<retirement>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "A million dollars is about right for most people. Start by maxing out your 401k every year and then putting 10% of your income into long-term growth savings.", "The answer to this question is subjective, but a million dollars might be correct. Another suggestion would be to make sure that you save 10% of your earnings year on year." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this question is subjective, but a million dollars might be correct. Another suggestion would be to make sure that you save 10% of your earnings year on year." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I've found at various times we've spent a lot less when we've been absorbed by \"cheap pastimes\" or passions, such as: video games books deciding to organize a room starting a website :) writing some code", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's incredible how fast some things can burn through your money:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "movies dining out going out for lunch get-togethers with friends or relatives travel home renovations procrastination", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(it's easier to buy an exercise machine than to actually use it) \"hobbies\" (scrapbooking, collecting, autos/motorcycles)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Whitlock", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Depends what you mean by simplify.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I thought I would save money when I talked the family into dropping cable TV, but it ends up coming out as a wash because we rented more and bought TV shows online from", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Then we bought a new computer so I could keep working on my laptop while the family watches streaming internet, we save money, but not as much as I thought)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We did a great purge of \"stuff\" from the garage and closets a couple of summers ago because I wanted to simplify (some clothes, extra pots and pans, a coat rack, unused electronics)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and now I am seeing their replacements coming back into the house in the form of new purchases.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I guess my lesson is that you cannot make another person simplify their life.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I love my wife for trying so hard to help me with my plan, and I certainly don't blame her for wanting a coat rack again", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(it is just who she is, she doesn't see the irony)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but I should have considered how my desire impacted those around me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think that one change you can make which can make a significant impact to your cash flow is not eating out, if you tend to do so a lot.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "My family used to eat out at least once a week, and we've cut it out entirely, saving about $200 a month.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I've seen various blog posts (mostly from Penelope Trunk) refer to \"optimizers\" versus \"settlers.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The optimizers are the go-getters, the ones always on the move, trying to optimize their time, their life, their experience, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They tend to be younger, on average, live in bigger cities, and on the whole, tend to be less happy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The settlers are the ones who settle for what is, live in smaller cities, and tend to be happier, albeit \"less interesting\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Assuming that your idea of \"slowing down\" refers to moving away from that maximizer lifestyle, yes, I think you'll probably save money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Apparently it costs money to be unhappy!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Going out for meals everyday, going out with friends every evening, shopping for the latest and greatest whatever, buying the newest gizmo, trading up your car every 3 years, traveling every other weekend to far-off places, making your life \"interesting\" - these all cost, and far more than their opposites.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Take time to be happy with what you have - enjoy your comfortable and broken-in shoes, enjoy your paid-off car, enjoy some quiet alone time with a good (library) book, appreciate the delicate tastes of a homecooked meal over the in-your-face greasebomb of restaurant food, take a walk, shut off the latest Apple iDevice, and just be.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You'll save money, find calm, and feel refreshed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "*Apologies for waxing philosophical - though the connotations of \"slowing down\" sort of insist on it :).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Maybe it's a slightly different interpretation of \"slowing down\" that you're referring too, but selective procrastination can definitely save you money.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It's basically a technique for advertisement resistance:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When I see some item that I want (but really have no need for), I just procrastinate getting it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This mostly involves just not actively going out and getting it, waiting for it to go on sale (and then waiting for a better sale), and just generally being lazy about it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If I still want it by the time I get around to it, then it's usually something that I consider worth its value.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Usually though, after a month or two, I've forgotten about it altogether and moved on to the next thing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is most effective in avoiding buying the latest tech gadgets and depending on your gadget consumption can save you hundreds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm currently procrastinating buying an iPad until it either goes down in price, a nice alternative shows up, or I decide that it's worth getting myself to an Apple Store -", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "or I decide it's not worth the hype altogether.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think you need to have the experience of over-consumption to realize that buying more stuff won't make you happy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And then when you see TV commercials and ads everywhere, you no longer will want the stuff.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When you do that, then you slow down and start to value spending time with the people important to you, doing stuff and going places with them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's the experiences that count, and some of the most fun and memorable stuff you can do is free or cheap.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "By simplifying my hobbies, I have more time for money-saving activities such as researching deals, creating an effective coupon-clipping system, and making more foods from scratch (which doubles as entertainment since I enjoy it).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When I run frantically from activity to activity, I tend to mindlessly throw away more money, too.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "By living more intentionally, I think about my purchases more as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the simplifying note, never underestimate the power of less stuff in terms of being able to fit into a smaller home.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That leads to less space to heat and cool, which leads to savings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Everyone has their comfort level with less, of course, and some people love space.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are just trade-offs to more stuff.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Depends, sure you could save a buck or two here and there", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "but maybe that time could be used for better things - i.e. earning a side income", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's all situational and relative to you and where you are in life - try things, don't be afraid of mistakes", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "If you simplify your life, and slow things down.. can you save money?I'm looking for opinions and experiences here.", "title": "Can slowing down your lifestyle save you money?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<cost-cutting><lifestyle>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It depends what you mean by simplify. Running frantically from activity to activity means you tend to throw money away more too. Reducing the amount you spend on meals out would definitely save you money.", "It is generally considered that 'slowing down' or simplifying your lifestyle will save you some money, particular when it comes to spending on unnecessary items or outings." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is generally considered that 'slowing down' or simplifying your lifestyle will save you some money, particular when it comes to spending on unnecessary items or outings." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Is it a safety thing?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If the heat pump goes out you replace it immediately, if your floor looks bad but you aren't tripping, I would suggest saving.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Use the extra time to find a great deal and educate yourself on your options.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe even take a class and learn to do it yourself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In these rough times, anything I can save for and pay cash I would.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The exception is if you can finance with 0% interest for a period of time and you have enough money to pay that off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The last consideration I can think of is if you plan to sell the home soon?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For that you might be getting more value than the loan and a real estate agent would be probably know best.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I agree with MrChrister about first considering how necessary the renovations are (is it a nice-to-have, or a need-to-have?), as well as the importance of consulting a Realtor, if you are selling your home, as they will advise you wisely.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For instance, they might advise you to replace the linoleum with a neutral beige ceramic tile, as you would be assured a better resale value on your dollar spent, than if you were to replace the old linoleum with new linoleum (or laminate).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are many types of renovations that simply don't pay off, and others that do provide good return-on-investment (like intelligent kitchen and bathroom updates).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I found this ROI grid at (which is pretty consistent with what I remember reading in the Toronto Star this spring):", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Top 10 Renovations ~ Average return on investment Painting and interior decorating = 73% Kitchen renovations = 72% Bathroom renovations = 68% Exterior painting = 65% Flooring upgrades = 62% Window/door replacement = 57% Family room addition = 51% Fireplace addition = 50% Basement renovation =", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "49% Furnace/heating updating =", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "48% If you are selling your home, and your Realtor has suggested improvements, they are probably necessary, and not doing them might serve as an impediment to quickly selling your home - so factor in the (potential) costs of carrying your home for additional weeks/months, or worse, overlapping mortage costs, if it takes your home longer to sell, and you end up owning two homes simultaneously for a bit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As far as your question (should you pay cash for renos or take out a loan), one factor to consider if you live in Canada is the Home Renovation Tax Credit , which applies to renos that take place until Feb 1, 2010, and can deduct up to $1,350.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So if you have to do a reno and yours qualifies for this tax credit, and you won't have the cash before that deadline, factor in the cost of borrowing vs. the $1,350.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good luck!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have a different take on this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If it would only take 3 months to save up to pay for it, line up the work now.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Shop with your spouse to find the exact floor you want.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By the time you hire the store to do the install, a month will have gone by, by the time the charge bill comes in, you'll be able to pay 2/3 off, and pay in full next month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Note", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": I see this was asked in December.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For those carrying no debt at all, I'm not adverse to a purchase of this type getting partially floated on a credit card for a month or two.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not a pair of shoes, or golf clubs, but a kitchen floor?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The $10 interest is worth it to not walk over a ripped up floor in your home.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It depends on your situation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If your floor is broken, fix it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "If you don't have $1,000 on hand, spend appropriately.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It seems silly to be doing ROI calculations on the potential impact on resale value.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's sillier to blow money frivolously, whether you do so with cash or credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm assuming that if you have a broken linoleum floor that the kitchen isn't new, so it doesn't make sense to install your \"dream tile\" into the kitchen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Skip the imported travertine or wood and buy some nice linoleum and hire a handyman to put it in or install it yourself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can probably do this for $500-700.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have longer term plans for the kitchen, get them on paper and figure out what exactly you want to do and when you'll be able to do it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I know that both Lowes and Home Depot (in Canada at least) will offer a 6 month deferred interest payment on all purchases over a certain dollar amount (IIRC, $500+), and sometimes run product specific 1 year deferred interest specials.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a very effective way of financing renovations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Details:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You've probably seen deferred interest -- It's very commonly used in furniture sales (No money down!!!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No interest!!!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Do not pay for 1 full year!!!)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Personally, I think it's a plot by the exclamation point manufacturers)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It works like this:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Buy something", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- Say $2000 item Interest accrues, but is not charged over the term of the loan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the end date of the loan, if the entire principal is paid off, then the interest is never charged.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, if on the end date, you owe even one penny, then the entire accrued interest is added to your account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Typically, I manage these types of purchases by dividing the principal by 6, and then adding 5%, and paying that amount each month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pay close attention to the end date, because you do not want to pay 22% interest on the entire amount.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This also requires that you watch your card balance carefully.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All payments are usually put to current purchases (i.e. those not under a plan) first, before they are applied to the plan balance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So if you are paying 250 a month on the new floor, and run up another $150 on paint, You need to pay the entire new balance, and then the $250 floor payment in order for it to be applied correctly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also <shameless plug> </shameless", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "plug> Consider doing it yourself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cudmore", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Should I save up enough cash to do home renovations, or can I take out a loan? Our house needs a new kitchen floor as the linoleum is actually ripped in some areas, and the wood is exposed... This is going to cost $1500 to fix.. it's going to take a few months to save for that.. ideas?", "title": "Home Renovations are expensive.. Should I only pay cash for them?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<home-renovation><cash><line-of-credit><loans>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It depends on your situation but think about good return-on-investments and consider your long term plans like whether you would want other work to be done in the future or if you're planning to sell the house. If something essential brakes down then you should replace it immediately, but a floor that looks bad but you're not tripping on but be better to save up for. ", "The answer will depend on your situation and how urgent the repair is. If it would not take long to save up, you might want to wait, if not, you may want to consider a loan. If you have longer-term plans for your kitchen, perhaps you should consider making a long-term plan on how to pay for them." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer will depend on your situation at how urgent the repair is.", "If it would only take 3 months to save up, you might want to consider paying cash.", "If your floor is broken, you should fix it as soon as possible.", "If you have longer term plans for the kitchen, you may want to come up with a longer term plan to pay for the work too." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Wine is often invested, as is whisky and some other spirits And fortified wines that have particular vintages, such as port.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You need to be particular about which ones to invest in though.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Top vintages of wine and port can rocket in value, to make the big profits you need to buy the new vintage before everyone realises it is going to be a top year and sell it some years later when it is approaching its peak.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is obviously quite tricky to do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is fairly common to buy a share in a particular batch of whisky (proper Scottish single malt), then after 12-18 years when it is matured you can take your share in bottles or cash.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Seller", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think you would be better asking about what things COULD increase in value.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Even the given example (houses) are not certain to increase in value.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, one of the key causal factors of this recession IMHO is that no one realized that partly because there have been few recent housing busts, and also the illusory effect of inflation that made it seem like houses always increase in value.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I once heard it described that rich people tend to get richer because they spend more of their money on things that are more likely to hold their value or appreciate (houses, art, etc.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "as opposed to poor people who spend the majority of their money on consumables like rent, utilities, food, cars, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "A truly classic automobile.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Art or antiques Sports cards (and some trading cards)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "There are lots of thing that people will pay for if you wait long enough.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't know that I would consider them investments, but they go up in value.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the US, the \"first class forever\" postage stamps.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The post office has never lowered the cost of a stamp, but has raise it several times recently.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Given that the gov't has bailed out everyone else, I believe it is a safe bet that they would bail out the post office if it financially fell apart.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And you can always use them to send a letter.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They aren't very liquid, and it would probably be difficult to invest in them in large quantities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although, when the post office does raise rates, you could sell yours off on ebay or something.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Oneill", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For an investment to appreciate in value, one of two things needs to happen:1)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Demand for that particular item needs to increase.2)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The supply of that item needs to decrease.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Houses are good because everyone needs a place to live, but there is a finite amount of land.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No matter how much you invest in Manhatten real estate, Manhatten ain't growin'.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The trick there is to find an area that people are going to want to live in when you're ready to sell.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Specific vintages of wines and spirits are another good example, because it's literally impossible to create more of that vintage.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Cars, and most consumer goods, usually don't appreciate because they don't last long enough.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most cars are resold within three to five years after the initial purchase.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is also why jewelry is a good investment; properly cared for, it can last centuries without wearing out.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, look for something durable that has a limited supply.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Chambers", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "All of the above mentioned items might appreciate in value (gold, wine, art).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "However your house is still the only asset that can appreciate TAX-FREE (no capital gains tax to pay when you sell your principal residence).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Say, for instance, diamonds, or gold? Watches?", "title": "Is there anything material I might own (aside from a house) that would increase in value?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<investing>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Look for something durable that has a limted supply. Top vintages of wine and port can increase in value. It is common to buy a share in a batch of whisky then take your share when it has matured. Jewelry is also a good investment as it will last for centuries as well as a classic car or an antique sports card or postage stamp.", "Material goods that may increase in value are likely to be things are durable that people will be prepared to still pay for in the future. Vintage wines and spirits are particularly good examples, as is jewellery. Other examples include art, antiques, classic cars, trading cards and stamps." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Wines and spirits are often invested in because they increase in value and there is a limited supply of that particular vintage.", "Jewellery is a good investment because it is very durable.", "Art, antiques, trading cards, classic cars, and stamps are all considered goods that may increase in value over time.", "Things that increase in value are generally things that last a long time that people will still be willing to pay for in the future." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "If you're determined to save money, find ways to integrate exercise into your daily routine and don't join a gym at all.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This makes it more likely you'll keep it up if it is a natural part of your day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You could set aside half the money you would spend on the gym towards some of the options below.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I know it's not always practical, especially in the winter, but here are a few things you could do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Walk to work", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Take a weekly walk with the family.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We do a minimum of 3 miles/week at the weekend, more if weather is good.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Take the stairs", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "not the lift/elevator Do the odd exercise at your desk (unless you make funny faces when you exercise)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Park further away from the entrance to buildings Get off the bus one stop earlier Go for a jog in the morning", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Make an exercise routine out of unpacking the shopping, e.g. do", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "a few bicep curls with a can Get a dog \"bench press\" your kids,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "i.e. play games that involve lifting them in various ways (helps if they're younger)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Play social sports like football (proper football,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "none of that girly stuff with shoulder pads) or doubles tennis/badminton at the local sports centre.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Court charges split 4 or 10 ways are much less.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you mainly do one type of exercise, like rowing, buy a rowing machine.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An OK one typically costs about 5-10 months membership.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And it is a one off purchase you won't use instead of a monthly recurring expense you won't use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of the other answers makes a good point.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Gym membership can be cost effective if you go regularly, but don't kid yourself that you'll suddenly go 5 times a week every week if you've not done much regular exercise.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are determined to join a gym, here are a few other things to consider.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ask about an introductory trial.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "You may be able to get a 1-3 month trial.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do, keep notes of every visit so you can evaluate if you really are getting value from it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You may be able to get a discount through work, for example my employers have negotiated a discount with some local gyms.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't join up at the beginning of a month, especially January.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Like when buying a car, the reps may be keen to get commission near the end of a month/week. Get together with some friends who are keen and see if you can negotiate a discount for the group to join.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You may also find it easier to keep in the habit if friends are going too.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Seller", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Shop around for Gym January is a great time to look because that's when most people join and the gyms are competing for your business.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, look beyond the monthly dues.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many gyms will give free personal training sessions when you sign up - a necessity if you are serious about getting in shape!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My gym offered a one time fee for 3 years.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It cost around $600 which comes out to under $17 a month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not bad for a new modern state of the art gym.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Try a gym for a month before you sign up on any contracts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This will also give you time to figure out if you are the type who can stick with a schedule to workout on regular basis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Community centres are cost effective and offer pretty good facilities.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "They have monthly plans as well so no long term committments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Find a physical activity or programme that interests you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Memberships only have real value if you use them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Consider learning a martial art like karate, aikido, kung fu, tai kwan do, judo, tai chi chuan. :-)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even yoga is a good form of exercise.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many of these are offered at local community centres if you just want to try it out without worrying about the cost initially.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Use this to gauge your interest before considering more advanced clubs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One advantage later on if you stay with it long enough - some places will compensate you for being a junior or even associate instructor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Regardless of whether this is your interest or if the gym membership is more to your liking real value is achieved if you have a good routine and interest in your physical fitness activity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It also helps to have a workout buddy or partner.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They will help motivate you to try even when you don't feel like working out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The gym I used to use was around £35-40 a month, its quite a big whack", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but if you think about it; its pretty good value for money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That includes gym use, swimming pool use, and most classes Paying for a gym session is around £6 a go, so if you do that 3 times a week, then make use of the other facilities like swimming at the weekends, maybe a few classes on the nights your not at the gym it does work out ok", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As for deals, my one used to do family membership deals, and I think things like referring a friend gives you money off etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They will probably also put on some deals in January since lots of people want to give it a go being new year and all", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Look for discounts from a health insurance provider, price club, professional memberships or credit cards.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That goes for a lot of things besides health memberships.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My wife is in a professional woman's association for networking at work.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A side benefit is an affiliate network they offer for discounts of lots of things, including gym memberships.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I came across an article posted at Squawkfox last week.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's particularly relevant to answering this question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See 10 Ways to Cut Your Fitness Membership Costs .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's an excerpt: [...]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you’re in the market for a shiny new gym membership, it may be wise to read the fine print and know your rights before agreeing to a fitness club contract.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No one wants to be stuck paying for a membership they can no longer use, for whatever reason.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But if you’re revved and ready to burn a few calories, here are ten ways to get fitter while saving some cash on a fitness club or gym membership.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yay, fitness tips!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[...] Check it out!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " W. Rea", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Do gyms ever negotiate or haggle on price? Do they always insist on a term commitment? Are there any tips and tricks on ways to avoid paying through the nose?", "title": "How can I save money on a gym / fitness membership? New Year's Resolution is to get in shape - but on the cheap!", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<cost-cutting><memberships>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "There can be discounts from health insurance providers or through an employer. January is a good time to shop around for the best offer. You could also get together with friends and negotiate a discount. You might also be able to get a free trial before you sign up and look into community centres that are much more cost effective.", "Ways to save on gym membership include shopping around and trying to negotiate deals. You could even try and negotiate a group deal with friends. Make use of any trial periods and never join a gym at the beginning of a month. You could also check out any local community sports facilities, which are likely to be cheaper." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Shop around and look to negotiate prices or offers with fitness centres. You may even wish to negotiate a group deal with friends.", "Ask about any trial offers so that you can try the facilities before making any long-term commitments.", "Don't join a gym at the beginning of a month.", "Try looking at community sports facilities, which are usually cheaper." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Short term: ask for a raise or look for a new job that pays more.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "Longer term: Expand your skill set.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "PHP programmers are plentiful.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless you are exceptional (e.g. you wrote a top selling PHP book)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "you're going to get PHP programmer market pay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have other skills you will be in high demand.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Keep an eye on job postings, what are they asking for?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Acquire those skills.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Work on gaining expertise in tools.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "What's in use at your company?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What's listed in job postings?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Expand the scope of your skills.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Get outside just coding.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Programmers are plentiful.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Developers who understand the entire life cycle, understand the business, and can work with customers are rarer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Learn about project management.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Work on your \"soft skills\" -- listening, negotiation, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Get some \"domain specific\" knowledge.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you're a developer with deep expertise about the Real Estate market, you're in a smaller niche.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Grow your personal network.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Live and online.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Meetups, Linkedin, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some of these will also help increase the skills I mentioned above.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Keep a journal of things you've done for the company.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When it's time to ask for a raise or for your review, things will go more in your favor if you can show management a detailed list of what you've delivered for the company.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "(This list also helps you when it's time to revise your resume -- lift out the high points and insert into your resume.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In general, turn yourself into an indispensable asset to your company and/or clients.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "And make sure they know it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Just don't be an arrogant jerk in the process.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's a tough thing to do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You should look for a salaried position.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your freelance skills will be much better received, if you've worked for a couple of companies doing programming full time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nothing beats working at it all day long for a few years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you're set on being freelance, write some utility that will be popular, and submit it to", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now that's asking a lot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those on the Web looking for programmers will most likely want you to work for 'sweat equity'.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is, a share in the company for you labour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words \"FREE\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've done my share of those, and if you're just getting into this, you should steer away from them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You may hit the jackpot, but you won't sleep for the next few years ;-)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You are paid hourly?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would have expected most IT people to be on salary", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Depends what your boss is like, he might be easy going and just give a raise if you ask for it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Failing that, do some self improvements, learn something new, take a course, maybe take some PHP certifications or even java certifications?", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Then at least you can say you're trying to move up In regards to pay, have a look on monster or some US job sites, at jobs similar to what you do and with the similar requirements, that should give you an idea of what you should be on.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If all else fails, find a new job, that is always a good way of moving up Hope this helps", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Start by going to and figuring out what the range is for your location (could be quite wide).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then also look at job postings in your area and see if any of them mention remuneration (gov't jobs tend to do this).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If possible go and ask other people in your field what they think the expected range of salary should be.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "Take all that data and create a range for your position.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then try and place yourself in that range based on your experience and skill set.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Be honest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Compare that with your own pay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If your figures indicate you should be making significantly more, schedule a meeting with your boss (or wait for a yearly review if it's relatively soon) and lay out your findings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They can say: Yes", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No Be ready for curve balls like benefits, work environment and other \"intangibles\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If they say no", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and you still think your compensation is unfair", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", it's time to polish up your CV.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The easiest way to get a job is to already have one.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Whitlock", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Most full time developer jobs in the US are paid on a salary basis rather than hourly unless you are a contractor.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, the pay varies widely by region in the US with the West and East coast typically paying the most, but also having the highest cost of living.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "A site I really like for getting salary data by region and keyword for technical jobs is", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here is a link to a chart on that site comparing salary trends for PHP and Joomla.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I am a PHP developer with 3 yrs experience and got exposure in Joomla, CodeIgniter. What should be my hourly pay in U.S. and what should I do to increase it with a steady curve? Thanks.", "title": "How can I increase my hourly pay as a software developer?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><career><salary-increase><paycheck>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "You should start by going to or and looking for the range in your location. Salary ranges vary by region in the US. In the long term, you should expand your skillset and learn more tools and project management as well as soft skills like negotiation. In general, make yourself an asset to your company and grow your personal network.", "To find out what your salary could reasonably be, you might want to consult online sources or job websites. However, the expected pay for a programmer will vary depending on where you live. If you want to increase your salary, the best way is to expand your skill set, including in skills that aren't related to programming. Other key strategies could be to grow your personal network and gain experience that makes you an indispensable asset for the company that you work for." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Aim to expand your skill set, including skills that aren't related to programming, such as project management or domain specific skills.", "There are many websites that could provide a rough idea of expected salaries, and some job websites may also provide a guide.", "Grow your personal network.", "Pay will vary depending on where you live.", "Ask other people in the profession about what your expected salary should be.", "Try to make yourself into an indispensable asset for the company you work for.", "Ask for a raise." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The answer is: IT DEPENDS ON THE BANK!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "And the country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many, many banks are only used to dealing with depositors from their own country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They may not even be able to handle street addresses or phone numbers which are not in their own country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Or worse, they may appear to handle it fine, but then not put the right stamp on the envelope when they send you your statements, which you will never get :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many countries have strict rules (like the US PATRIOT rules) that make it almost impossible to take deposits from people outside the country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would go so far as to say that it's going to be incredibly difficult if not impossible to open a US bank account without physically going to the bank, AND having a permanent mailing address in the US.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, some banks (and countries) are particularly good at this.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are \"offshore\" banks in Jersey, the Isle of Man, the Cayman Islands, etc., which have been specifically set up for the purpose of allowing depositors from anywhere in the world to open accounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you search Google for \"Offshore Banking\" you'll find a lot of references and links to banks that are set up to do this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Spolsky", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I don't think its as hard as you might think.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I personally know of someone who set up an account at \"Loyal Bank\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I know they didn't have to leave the country to do it:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I just went there and clicked on \"Open Personal Account\" and basically it looks like you just have to print and mail them signed documents and proof of identification, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pretty easy stuff...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Opening a bank account in Canada as a US citizen requires you to physically go to Canada.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm not sure about other countries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I opened an account with (Denmark) w/ no problem.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Filled out online forms, scanned my driver's license and 1-2 other documents, wired them money, and was good to go.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have worked in France and had to open a bank account there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Boy, the amount of administration that goes into that...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But above all, you have to prove that you reside in France to be able to open the account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The catch: to reside in France, you need to have a bank account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I can't imagine that you can open an internet account in a French bank with that complicated a system.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Your question isn't clear about which countries are \"foreign\", but it's basically impossible to open a USA bank account if you are not a citizen or resident.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Has anyone attempted opening a foreign bank account from Nepal as a Nepalese citizen, if so what was your experience? how easy was it? Which country's banks will allow this?", "title": "How easy is it for people from Nepal to open a foreign bank account via the internet?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<banking><online-banking><nepal>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It is impossible to open a US bank account unless you are a citizen or resident. Other countries might allow it, such as Denmark, but it depends on the bank.", "The answer will depend on the bank and the country in question. Some countries make it very difficult, if not impossible, to open a bank account without being physically in the country. Other countries make it a little easier." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "In some countries, it is physically impossible to open a bank account without being in the country.", "In some countries, it is fairly easy to open a bank account without being physically present.", "The answer will depend on the bank." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I know some companies or entities have large incomes or expenses at certain times of the year, and like to close their books after these large events.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "For example where I work, the primary seasonal income comes after summer, so our fiscal year ends at the last days of October.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This gives the accountants enough time to collect all the funds, reconcile whatever they have to, pay off whatever they have to and get working on a budget for the next year sooner than a calendar year would.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There also might be tax reasons.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "To get all of your income at the beginning of your fiscal year, even if that is in the middle of the calendar year would allow a company to plan large deductible investments with more certainty.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "I am not to sure of the tax reasons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I can think of a few good reasons: A company, especially public, usually wants their fourth-quarter earnings to be the strongest of the year.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That ends each fiscal year on a high note for the company and its investors, which helps public sentiment and boosts stock prices.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, travel agencies and airlines usually like ending their year in October or March, in the lull between the summer and winter travel seasons with a large amount of that revenue falling within the company's fiscal Q4.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Oil companies sometimes do the same because fuel prices are seasonal for much the same reasons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The downside of the above approach is that you make or break your entire year on your last quarter, which can cause problems for companies with scheduled dividends.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Usually that's not a huge concern, as dividends are based on profits, so if there aren't any profits there aren't any dividends.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, in such cases a bad Q4 which also sends the entire company's year into the red is a double-whammy for stock prices.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If this is a concern, a schedule with strong Q1 and Q3 earnings, with decent Q4 (second or third-best season) and a \"dump\" in Q2 (weakest season) is typically the best overall bet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "December is a really bad month to try to close out an entire year's accounting books.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Accountants and execs are on vacation for large parts of the month, most retail stores are flooded with revenue (and then contra-revenue as items are returned) that takes time to account at the store level and then filter up to the corporate office, etc etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It also doesn't tell the whole story for most retail outfits; December sales are usually inflated by purchases that are then returned in January after all the hullaballoo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a result, a fiscal year end in January or even February keeps the entire season's revenues and expenses in one fiscal year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The downside of the above is that a February fiscal year-end normalizes your December earnings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Investors expect bad Q1 reports for most retail; consumers are looking at credit card statements and tightening belts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Conversely, investors expect huge calendar Q4 numbers; to lump some of the bad news of returns and lower revenues in with your best sales quarter may cause you to continually fail to meet speculator's expectations which will cause your stock to be devalued relative to competitors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My grandfather owned a small business, and I asked him that very question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "His answer was that year-end closeout is very time-consuming, both before and after EOY (end of year), and that they didn't want to do all that around Christmas and New Year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Maybe it's just because of the foundation date.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "If I start a company on August 1st, I would like its FY starts on that date too, in order to track my first whole year.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Would be quite useless to finish my year on December, after just five months.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I want to have data of my first year after a twelve months activity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In addition to the company-specific annual business cycle reasons and company-specific historical reasons mentioned in the other answers, there is another reason.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Accounting firms tend to be very busy during January (and February and March)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "when most companies are closing and auditing their calendar-year books.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If a company chooses its fiscal year to end at a different time of year, the accounting firms are more available, and the auditing costs might be lower.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "There are many companies that have their year end occur on dates other than December 31. What are the advantages to this?", "title": "Why do companies have a fiscal year different from the calendar year?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<taxes><corporate-earnings>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Companies generally want their fourth quarter to be their strongest so this tends to influence the end of year date. Some companies have large incomes or expenses at a specific time of year, so will close their books after this. Accounting firms might also be more available if a company closes it's books at another time of year than December. It also depends on the date the company was founded.", "The answer will depend on the company's circumstances. However, some companies will want their fourth-quarter to be their strongest quarter. Other companies will want their first quarter to be the strongest so that they can plan investments. Other reasons could be related to tax implications or the availability of accountants during holiday periods." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Many companies want their fourth-quarter earnings to be their strongest.", "Because of the holidays, December is often a very impractical time to be closing accounting books.", "The company's tax year may simply depend on when the company was founded.", "There may be tax reasons for closing a company's yearly books on a specific date.", "If a company receives the bulk of its income at the beginning of its fiscal year, this will allow it to plan investments with more certainty." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "It's a fake!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't fall for it", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "or you'll regret it!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is another classic example of what is called a phishing attack .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This other question has another example .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The email in question was not from MasterCard, your bank, or your credit card company.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A phishing attack is a form of social engineering or pretexting where you are led to believe through an official-looking email that the notice is from a legitimate source when, in fact, it is not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cyber-criminals and online organized crime try to use phishing attacks to trick you into revealing your credit card number, your bank account information, your Social Security Number (SSN, United States) or Social Insurance Number (SIN, Canada) or any other kind of personal information.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your bank, credit card company, or other financial account provider", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "should never ask you in an email to visit their site through a link provided in the email.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Never trust a hyperlink provided in an email — odds are good", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it leads to a fake site created by criminals!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When in doubt about such a message, don't click anything .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Contact your financial service provider by phone to inquire, using the phone number on your card or on a previous bill.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't call any phone numbers in the message.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " W. Rea", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Most, if not all, banks, have an address that you should forward such messages to.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Again, do not click on anything in the email itself , but go to your bank's website by opening a browser and typing in the address, then look for a link saying something about \"fraud\" or \"phishing\" attacks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It will probably have an email address, and then you should forward the phish email to that address.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In my experience - security issues are typically handled by banks via regular mail or a telephone call.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Email is used for notifications like a new statement is available, or we did that transfer you asked us to.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't reply to the email or click the links on a security question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "CALL", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "YOUR BANK instead.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is why the support phone number is on the back of the card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Do not trust the hyperlink.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you feel there is even the slightest possibility that this is real, call the number on the back of your actual credit card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't click or call anything provided in the email.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have similar experience, in cases like this banks are normally send you a normal mail and ask you to call them back.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They never send you an email and ask you to do anything regarding to your password.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } } ]
{ "question": "(Public service announcement) I received an email titled \" URGENT: Your Master Card SecureCode Password has expired! \" The email body is an image. Is it legitimate?", "title": "Received email from credit card company: \"URGENT: Your Master Card SecureCode Password has expired!\" Is it legitimate?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<mastercard><credit-card><password><phishing>", "link": "", "author": " W. Rea" }
[ [ "This is definitely a fake.", "This e-mail is a fake." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "This e-mail is a fake." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "While there is no age limit, bear in mind that saving money makes sense only if it doesn't delay your paying off expensive debt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have credit cards or expensive loans you would be best placed to focus on paying them down before saving a lot.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you save and keep debt, you'll effectively lose money as the interest on your debt will usually be higher than you can earn on savings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Having said that, it's worth saving a small amount anyway to have as an emergency fund.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As you pay off your debt, start saving the money you no longer have to pay out and it will soon pay dividends.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Seller", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As AskAboutGadgets notes, there's no lower age limit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You current age (24) is a pretty good one; you'll have four decades or so for your money to grow and compound, allowing it to become a veritable fortune when you're ready to retire if you invest it fairly aggressively.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Are you working?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Does your employer offer a 401(k)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and if so, is there any match?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Saving should be taught to kids at the same time they are old enough to get an allowance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are many numbers tossed around, but 10% is a start for any new saver.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If a college graduate can start by saving even 15%, better still.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you find that the 10% is too much, just start with what you can spare, and work to build that up over time, perhaps by splitting any future raises, half going toward savings, half to spending.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good luck.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As an example, I'm opening a Roth IRA for my 12 year old daughter,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "a 10 year head start on her retirement savings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2010-Nov:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She made good money this summer baby sitting.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2013-Jan:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She's 14 now.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Three deposits to the Roth total $6000, and she's planning to up the number this year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Her goal is to have $50K saved in her Roth by the time she graduates college.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2017-July:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Age 18 and off to college next month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just under $24K, all invested in an S&P low cost index.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We are planning to continue deposits of $4-$5K/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "yr, so the $50K is still a good goal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2019-Nov:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "She turned 21 last month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Third year of college.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Roth is just shy of $45K, 2018 ended with the S&P down 4.4%, but the deposit was more than this, so the account still grew.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And YTD, S&P up 28% really helped.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2020/21 deposits point to a balance", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "over $50K by graduation even if the next 18 months are flat to down a bit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is no age limit in fact, the sooner you start the better - the sooner the money starts to compound.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "There is an old Chinese proverb that I find really motivating: The best time to plant a tree", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "was 20 years ago.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The second best time is now.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As all said, the age limitation thing is nothing, and saving money not necessarily means to live poor nor Skimpy, spend your needs and try to get what you need instead of what you want,the 24 years old is a good start for saving money, the whole life still in front of you Good luck!", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's nearly always a good idea to save for your future, if you don't already have sufficient funds to see out the rest of your days.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The hardest part of the saving decision is knowing exactly what portion of your funds to save.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If we save too aggressively, we risk having an adverse impact on our everyday life and, of course, there's always the possibility that we'll never make it to old age.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But if we don't save, we risk the prospect of a poverty stricken retirement.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's not always easy to find a balance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The best solution is to make so much money that we cannot possibly spend it all!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jennings", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You've never saved money?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Have you ever bought anything?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There probably was a small window of time that you had to pool some cash to buy something.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In my experience, if you make it more interesting by 'allocating money for specific purposes' you'll have better results than just arbitrarily saving for a rainy day.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Allocate your money for different things (ie- new car, emergency, travel, or starting a new business) by isolating your money into different places.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ex-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "your new car allocation could be in a savings account at your bank.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your emergency allocation can be in cash under your bed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your new business allocation could be in an investment vehicle like a stocks where it could potentially see significant gains by the time you are ready to use it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The traditional concept of savings is gone.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is very little money to be earned in a savings account and any gains will be most certainly wiped out by inflation anyway.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Allocate your money, allocate more with new income, and then use it to buy real things and fund new adventures when the time is right.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I am around 24. I've never saved money. I don't know when I should start or stop saving money. Is there an age where I should stop saving money? Is there an age when I should start saving money?", "title": "At what age should I start or stop saving money?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<savings>", "link": "", "author": " Chendur" }
[ [ "There is no lower age limit for saving money, as long as it doesn't stop you from paying off a debt. The sooner the start the better and it is always a good idea to save for your future.", "There is no age limit to start saving and any time is a good time to start putting money away for the future. However, it is not a good idea to be saving if you still have debts that need to be paid." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There is no age limit for saving and any time is a good time to start saving money for the future.", "It is not a good idea to start saving if you still have debts that need to be paid.", "24 is a perfectly good age to start saving." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "John's answer is similar to what I was thinking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You should invest in insurance \"because there's an insurance salesman who needs to pay to send his kid to college.\"", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I will never be a fan of any type of permanent insurance, and I think it wrong to sell a single person with no dependents such a policy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've used the expression \"Variable Annuities are sold, not bought.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\" I feel the same about these insurance policies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The best advice I can offer in a short reply is this: If you need life insurance, buy term.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Save as much as you can, 10% minimum, more if you are able.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A young person should be saving for retirement and to position them self to buy their first house, if that's what they wish.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What good is a full up Whole Life policy when you need to raise $40K to put down on a house?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sorry to sound like I'm lecturing, this is one of my hot points.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 28 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I can tell you the reason the people who are calling you think you ought to use life insurance as an investment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What they will tell you : It is a way to avoid taxes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What they are thinking", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": It is a way for me to sell an investment with a huge commission.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whole life insurance as an investment really doesn't make sense for all but a very small minority of investors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have people that depend on your income to survive, buy term life insurance.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is much more practical and affordable.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 19 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Who depends on you?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I personally wasn't insured until I had a family.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course I had the required insurance policies like auto, but no health until I was 29 and had a kid who needed me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now I have health, dental, vision, life, auto, homeowners and renter's insurance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I can't let an accident or disaster affect my baby's future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Insurance isn't an investment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a hedge against your untimely death, and is meant to replace the potential income that will be lost by not having you there to provide for your family.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Buy term, and invest the difference.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Traditional investments will outperform the insurance fund, as well as offering more flexibility.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Chambers", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As a 24 year old, single,your needs for insurance are minimal.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why you might consider it are for these reasons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You are young, so it will be cheaper than buying say at 34.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Insurance is always on sale.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Two, there is no guarantee that your health will always be good, you may have to pay additional premiums later or even be refused coverage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ask me, I pay 70% more than others my age for the same coverage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Three, insurance ownership with equity values can grow tax free as you accumulate the monies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Consider it like a bond portfolio offering guaranteed returns on portions of the growth, and a long term return of 5.5% or slighly more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Four, stating sooner versus later means more cash buildup.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just like being in a pension will generate more cash for you by age 65, than if you had started at age 34.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Insurance is only one tool in getting a good start.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is not a panacea.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Gorr", "score": 7 } } ]
{ "question": "As i am 24 now i get lot of calls from lot of insurance companies asking to take up an insurance policy.... So i decided to get answers for some of my questions in basicallymoney... Why should i invest my money in insurance? What age would be appropriate for investing money in insurance?", "title": "Why should I invest my money in a life insurance policy?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<insurance><investing><life-insurance><whole-life><universal-life>", "link": "", "author": " Chendur" }
[ [ "It is better to buy term life insurance and then invest the difference. However, you need for insurance at your age are minimal and you could wait until you have a family.", "You may wish to buy term life insurance if you have a family or dependents. In all other cases, there is little point." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "You may want to buy term life insurance if you have a family or dependents.", "If you don't have dependents, there is little point in buying life insurance." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Not to be a downer...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but: Another thing to consider is an update to your \"accounts document\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By that I mean, your list of banks, account numbers, insurance policies, access information, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm told that keeping this information up to date and attached to your will can make a lot of things go far smoother in the event of an untimely passing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I should probably get on that myself...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Haren", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You should pull your credit report from all the credit reporting agencies annually to make sure only the accounts you know of are being reported.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You should also update your Net Worth Statement as well as an inventory of all your assets.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Unfortunately these are extremely time consuming, but in the event that you pass away your loved ones will know all of your finances and it will be easier for them in a very difficult time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Net Worth Statement compiles just that, your net worth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The net worth is compiled by subtracting your liabilities from you assets.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Assets include things such as cash, money in accounts, all estimated value of your household items, any life insurance, bonds, mutual bonds, and retirement money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The liabilities include amounts such as your mortgage, second mortgage, car loans, unsecured loans, credit cards, student loans, and life insurance loans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This statement is a great way to track year to year how you are doing on your finances and if you are where you need to be in order to retire when you would like.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Inventory is also very important.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is used in the event that you have a fire or some sort of disaster that requires you to give a statement of any items you had in your home.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is a very difficult thing to go through, and having this statement ready to hand over only makes thing easier.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are a couple ways to do this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some people take pictures of everything they have in their house and make notes of prices and values, some people take a video of the whole house, and some people write down item by item on the computer or on a piece of paper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whatever way you would like to do", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it is fine, what works for one person does not necessarily work for the other.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Plenty!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Following are just a few:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For things like RESP and RRSP which have an \"end\" date; as you or your children age, you should be migrating to less speculative investments and more secure ones.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "When children are young, for example, you might be in a \"growth\" type fund.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Later on, you would likely want to switch that to an \"income\" fund, which is also more conservative and less likely to lose principal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Are you getting the best benefit from your credit cards?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Is there another card with benefits that you would get more \"back\" from using? Is that fee-based Air miles card worth it?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Is cash-back better for you?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have regular investment withdrawals, can you increase them?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Do you like the plan they are going in to?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Similarly look over any other long-term debt repayment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Student loans, car loans, mortgage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What is coming up this year, what is \"ending\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If, for example, car payment will end, how will you earmark that money, so it just does not disappear into general funds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "While you could go over things like these more often, once a year should be plenty often to keep tabs and not obsess.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good Luck!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Things I do annually: Estimate car depreciation Price shop for car insurance Review credit report for errors and get a general sense of who reports what, and who's looking at it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Taxes (duh!)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Re-evaluate my W4 Consider moving some extra savings into my Roth IRA.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tweak retirement money allocation to target age appropriate holdings.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In order to maintain the health of your finances, do you do any particular activity on an annual basis that you would recommend that might benefit others? Say, a \"spring cleaning\" of some sort?", "title": "Spring cleaning for your finances? Is there any activity that should be done annually, with respect to your money?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<financial-literacy><annual-activity>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "You should look annually at your insurance contracts and check your credit rating. Consider moving some savings around and think about you taxes. Do an inventory of all your assets.", "There are number of things that you might want to consider doing annually, such as checking your credit report for errors or reviewing any savings or investments. You will also have to pay taxes on a yearly basis. Another activity that may be worth doing is an inventory of your assets to update your net worth statement." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Each year you may wish to check your credit report for errors.", "You might want to review any savings or investments make sure they are in the best location.", "You should review and pay your taxes each year.", "You might want to do an inventory or your assets and update your net worth statement." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "The word you're looking for is usury - the crime of lending money at rates above an amount set by law.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In Canada section 347 of the Canadian Criminal Code makes it illegal to charge more than 60% annually.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since most Canadian credit card annual interest fee is below this they are within that legal limit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However this is limited only to the rate and not necessarily a cap on the absolute interest charges.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the U.S., each state has its own local usury law.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This website has a separate page for each state summarizing the local usury law and provides a reference to the local statute.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The rules aren't simple: some set absolute limits, some appear to be pegged to something like the Prime Rate, some states don't have a general usury limit, the rules don't apply to certain loans because of the type of loan or lender, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are US Federal laws dealing with usury, primarily in the context of racketeering -- the RICO Act lets the Feds go after racketeers that violate local usury laws beyond certain parameters.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the US, usury is complicated and depends on the type of account, the bank charter and the where the bank makes credit decisions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most major US credit cards are issued by entities in Utah, South Dakota and Delaware.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "None of these states have usury limits.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many states have usury limits.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In New York, for example a loan may not exceed 16% interest, if the institution is supervised by the State.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Credit card issuers are usually chartered as \"National Associations\" (ie Federally chartered banks regulated by the Comptroller of the Currency).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is no Federal usury statute, and Federally chartered banks are allowed to \"export\" many of the regulations of the state where credit decisions are made.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Small states like South Dakota basically design their banking regulations to meet the needs of the banks, which are major employers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "What are those maximums, and do all countries have them?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Usury, lending money for any interest at all, used to be anti-biblical: it wasn't a Christian thing to do, and so in Christian countries it was Jews who did it (Jews who were money-lenders).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Asking for interest on loans is still anti-Koranic: so Islamic banks don't lend money for interest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Instead of your getting a mortgage from the bank to buy a house, the bank will buy the house, which you then buy from bank on a rent-to-own basis.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Further details:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the EU, you might be looking for Directive 2000/35/EC (Late Payment Directive).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was a statutory rate, 7% above the European Central Bank main rate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, this Directive was recently repealed by Directive 2011/7/EU, which sets the statutory rate at ECB + 8%.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Under EU regulations, Directives must be turned into laws by national governments, which often takes several months.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So in some EU countries the local laws may still reflect the old Directive.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, the UK doesn't participate in the Euro, and doesn't follow the ECB rate)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "When I worked in the corporate world, I remember dealing with a company from the U.K. who cited a U.K. regulation on maximum interest/finance charges that necessitated a change in their contract. What are those maximums, and do all countries have them?", "title": "Is there a law or regulation that governs the maximum allowable interest amount that can be charged on credit cards or in agreements where credit is extended?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<credit-card><interest><regulation><law>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Canada has a law making it illegal to charge more than 60% annually. In the US, each state has its own law, in New York it is 16%.", "Such legislation is known as 'usury legislation' and is governed on a state-by-state basis in the USA and varies between countries." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The legal term for this is 'usury' and such legislation aims to prevent interest rates from exceeding a certain limit.", "In the USA, there is no federal usury legislation and it varies on a state-by-state basis and between countries." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Now, if you're still intrested, works also for Canadian banks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Mint Canada", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yodlee will also work.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I asked a similar question (and provided answers) here .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Thrive, so far, is the best in my opinion.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Their tech support is top notch and their UI is far superior to Yodlee's (which provides the backend for Mint).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I use MoneyStrands (formerly called Expensr), but mostly just to track expenses and look at reports on my spending habits.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It has some really pretty charts, with the ability to drill down into categories and sub-categories, or graph monthly spending for any custom date range.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It does a half-decent job of auto-categorizing the imported bank transactions, and you can set up additional rules for common vendors, but I still have to do some manual work after each import.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It does a good job of integrating my credit cards, bank accounts, and I can even manually add cash transactions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It has some basic budgeting capabilities, but they're not very useful for someone who needs to carefully budget thier monthly spending.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another one I've heard about is, but it only supports American banks (last I heard, anyway).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Here's a link with comparison of various online and offline PF software:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Brejc", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Now, keep in mind I'm biased because I'm an engineer at this company, but provides advice on your savings and investments.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "We currently help users optimize their portfolios for retirement savings, but plan on rolling our more savings goals in the future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "CashBase has a web app, an iPhone app and an Android app, all sync'ed up.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It doesn't integrate with banks automatically, but you can import bank statements as CSV.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Disclosure: Filip is CashBase's founder.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm looking for an intuitive free to use personal finance management web application. There's a whole bunch of them out there and the few that seems modern are: I plan to try each one of them but that might take me a while to find my perfect match. Which personal finance web app do you guys use or recommend? EDIT I've already checked out Mint, it's for US users only. I'm looking for a web app for Canadian or International users.", "title": "What's a good personal finance management web app that I can use in Canada?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<online-applications><canada>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Mint also works for Canadian banks. You can also use Yodlee, Thrive and Moneystrands. Cashbase and Futureadvisor also offer advice on savings and investments.", "The answer to this question will be subjective, but some suggestions include Mint, Yodlee, MoneyStrands or CashBase." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this question will be subjective, but some suggestions include Mint, Yodlee, MoneyStrands or CashBase." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "First off, you generally want to park your emergency fund somewhere", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "that is \"safe\", meaning something that is not subject to market fluctuations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your emergency fund is something you need to be able to count on when times are tough!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That rules out things like stock market investments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Secondly, you need to think about how quickly you will need access to the money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have an emergency, odds are you don't want to be waiting around for weeks/months/years for the money to become available.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This rules out most fixed-term investments (Bonds, traditional CDs, etc).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are concerned that you will need near-instant access to your emergency money, then you probably want to keep it in a Savings or Money Market Account at the same bank as your checking account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most banks will let you transfer money between local accounts instantly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unfortunately, your local bank probably has pitiful interest rates for the Savings/MMA, far below the inflation rate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This means your money will slowly lose value over time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Be prepared to keep contributing to it!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For most people, being able to draw the cash from your fund within a few days (<1 week) is sufficient.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Worst case, you charge something on your credit card, and then pay down the card when the emergency fund withdrawal arrives.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If \"money within a few days\" is okay for you, there are a few options: Money Market (Mutual) Funds (not to be confused with a Money Market Account ) -", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This is the traditional place to keep an emergency fund.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These are investment funds you can buy with a brokerage account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An example of such a fund would be Fidelity Cash Reserves .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "MMFs are not FDIC insured, so they are not exactly zero risk.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, they are considered extremely safe.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They almost never go down in value (only a few times in the past few decades), and when they have, the fund manager or the Federal Govt stepped in to restore the value.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They usually offer slightly better return than a local savings account, and are available in taxable and non-taxable varieties.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Online High-Yield Savings or Money Market Account", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- These are a relatively new invention.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's basically a the same thing as what your local bank offers, but it's online-only.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No local branch means low overhead, so they offer higher interest rates (2.0% vs 0.5% for your local bank).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some of them used to be over 5% before the economy tanked.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Like your local bank, it is FDIC insured.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One bit of caution: Some of these accounts have become \"gimmicky\" lately.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They have started to do things like promo rates for a few months, only offering the high interest rate on the first few $K deposited, limiting the amount that can be withdrawn, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Be sure to read the details before you open an account!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No-Penalty CDs - Certificates of Deposit usually offer a better rate than a Savings Account, but your money is locked up until the CD term is up (e.g. 36 months).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you need to cash out before then, you pay a penalty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some banks have begun to offer CDs that you can cash out with no penalty at all.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "These can offer better rates than the savings account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Make sure it really is no-penalty though.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also watch what your options are for slowly adding money over time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This can be an issue if you want to deposit $100 from every paycheck.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Rewards Checking Accounts - These are checking accounts that will pay a relatively high interest rate (3% or more) provided you generate enough activity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most of them will have requirements like you must have direct deposit setup with them, and you must do a minimum number of debit card transactions from the account per month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you can stay on top of the requirements, these can be a great deal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you don't stay on top of it, your interest rate usually drops back to something pitiful, though.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Personally, we use the Online High-Yield Savings Account for our emergency fund.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm not going to make a specific recommendation as to which bank to use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The best deal changes almost week to week.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Instead, I will say to check out for a list of savings accounts and CDs that you can sort.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Bank Deals blog is a good place to follow rate changes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would suggest your local credit union or local bank for security and liquidity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Liquidity is probably the most important issue for a emergency fund.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ross", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This is probably a good time to note that credit is not a liquid asset, and not an emergency fund.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Credit can be revoked or denied at any time, and Murphy's law states that you may have issues with credit when everything else goes wrong too.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I am using ING for my emergency savings, but sometime last year I discovered SmartyPig.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As of 4/24/2010 they offer 2.1%, which is even better than the 1 year CDs at most banks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've switched two small accounts to SmartyPig and plan to switch my emergency savings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Their accounts are geared around monthly contributions, but you don't have to use that feature.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Riffel", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Something with an FDIC guarentee, so a bank.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "With an emergency fund, I think the 'return of capital' is more important than the 'return on the capital', so I'm fine with putting it in a standard savings account in a local bank(not an internet account) even if it pays next to nothing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The beauty is that since the bank is local, you can walk in and withdraw it all during any weekday.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "This is the US companion of the same question for Canadians Where can I park my rainy-day/ emergency fund? . Basically I want to know what options I have for my emergency fund?", "title": "Where should I park my rainy-day / emergency fund?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><savings><emergency-fund><interest>", "link": "", "author": " Riffel" }
[ [ "Some banks have started to offer CDs that you can cash out without a penalty and these offer a better rate than a Savings account. You can also try an online high yield account with a bank or Money Market if you can wait a few days for your money.", "The answer to this question will be subjective and will depend on how quickly you want access to your money. Ideally, you will want to desposit your fund with a bank, and they will have a range of options for you to choose from. However, if you're prepared to wait for your money, Certificates of Deposit or Money Market Funds might be an options for you." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Certificates of Deposit might be a good option if you're not looking to retrieve your money quickly", "Ideally, you want to deposit your money with a bank, and they will have a range of different accounts or facilities on offer for such a purpose.", "Money Market Funds might be a good option if you're not worried about waiting a few days for your money." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm familiar with the quote.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The institution you donate to can keep you anonymous.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The person actually benefiting is not aware of your generosity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is how I understand the biblical meaning.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By the way, a number of people who donate, do not take the tax deduction, so as to not benefit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To them I suggest they calculate the refund, and add that to their donations the next year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In the US: You can use an intermediary site like or Network For Good .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Network For Good charges 5% and JustGive charges 4.5% for the service.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've no experience with either site to recommend them or otherwise.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the UK: You can set up a CAF (Charities Aid foundation) Charity Account .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "This allows you to donate to charities anonymously, while still allowing the recipient to benefit from Gift Aid (where they can reclaim the income tax you'd paid on the donation).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can even use this account to donate to overseas charities if you're donating at least £250.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Or you can use a different intermediary such as BT MyDonate or The Big Give or another intermediary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See the Wikipedia article \"Comparison of online charity donation services in the United Kingdom\" .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In Canada: You can use an intermediary site.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "As of April '16, it looks like the only options are", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "CanadaHelps (which is itself a registered charity) and Chimp .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Each website charges a fee for its services — either a percentage or a flat fee.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Each website accepts several methods of payment, including credit cards and other options.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You will get a tax receipt for your donation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If there's a United Way charity in your country, it may have a donor choice program which may be able to forward a designated donation to any other charity in your country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The United Way probably charges a fee for this service.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm not sure whether or not the United Way would be willing to keep you anonymous, and I'm not sure whether or not the United Way would add you to its mailing list.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "More details may be available elsewhere online.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Seller", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Can you get a cashier's check from your bank, made out in the charity's name, and mail it to the charity?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From what I recall of the last few times I've gotten a cashier's check from the bank, it didn't have anything on it that identified me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A determined person could probably trace it back to you, but you're not really looking for strong anonymity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another possibility would be a postal money order, but I'm not sure whether you can leave the \"From\" section blank.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The money order would have a fee, but the cashier's check should be free.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(It is at both my local bank and my CU.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "How big or frequent of a donor are you?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For larger donors in the U.S., there is the Donor Advised Fund .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You donate to the DAF, and the money can either be re-donated onward to a charity of your choice, or stay there and be invested (the choices are similar to a 401K, index funds, bond funds, etc.), and later donated .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As far as anonymity, you simply tell the DAF that you want to be anonymous when you re-donate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The DAF takes care of it, and is the donor of record.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The DAF is a charity itself , and you take the tax deduction at the time you donate to the DAF .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So in that sense, it's like an IRA for charitable donations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This lets you time-shift your donations: you can make a big lump sum donation one year and meter it out in future years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I do that myself, and it's a good way around the Trump tax changes (which doubled the standard deduction, which kills deductibility for most people who had it before; this has hurt charities badly).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, many DAFs have an \"initial price of entry\" around $5000, so that plays well with that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The DAF keeps you honest, and protects you from flim-flams.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They do the research, and will only donate to bona-fide charities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It lets you shut down cold any fundraisers who accost you on the street; \"I donate a different way; I'll need your EIN.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "End of conversation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It also stops private fundraisers, who send most of that junk mail and take your money , only giving the residue \"after expenses\" to the charity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some charities have gotten only 9% of the money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The DAF also handles \"complex\" gifts that the charity would be ill-equipped to handle directly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For instance it's always better to donate appreciated stock, rather than sell the stock.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In other words, let the charity pay the capital gains tax, at its rate of 0%.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But your local SPCA is ill-prepared to accept stocks .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So you donate to the DAF and they liquidate it for you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They can also handle very complex donations like apartment buildings, musical rights, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My DAF tells me about 60% of their total contributions are immediately re-donated, so clearly, this \"convert my weird gift for me\" function is widely used.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Reinstate Monica", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If I were donating money to a charity, i.e. an organization set up to help others, I would simply send them the money and ask that my name not be used in publicity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "That would mean that the person(s) actually benefiting from my donation didn't know who I was.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The charity would know, but they don't themselves benefit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I would like to donate some money to a charity, but I would rather they not know who donated it . How could I go about this if cash isn't an option?", "title": "How to donate money anonymously?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<charity><donation>", "link": "", "author": " Ross" }
[ [ "You can use an intermediary site like You can also send the money and ask not to be named publicly.", "There are a number of options available to you, although the simplest is probably to donate via an intermediary. In the UK, it is also possible to set up a Charities Aid Foundation to keep donations private. Other options include postal money orders or simply asking the charity to keep your details private." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "You could donate via an intermediary.", "You could use a postal money order, but it is unclear whether this provides you with complete anonymity.", "You could simply request that the charity keep your details private.", "In the UK, it is possible to set up a Charities Aid Foundation to keep your donations private." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There is no accounting reason that it should be different, there are likely psychological reasons that it should be, however.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Assuming that you live in a western country with good banking regulation, you likely have deposit insurance or a similar scheme.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here in Canada we are covered up to $100,000 in a single account with various limitations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At least my rainy-day account plus savings is nowhere near that, so I'm good to go.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, however, having a large lump of money in an account you regularly use may tempt you more than you can stand.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That iPad, car, home improvement, etc., might be too easy to buy knowing", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "you have relatively easy access to that money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So it really becomes a self-discipline question.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good Luck", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I see two ways to look at it: Discipline:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you keep your emergency fund in a separate account, you will be less likely to dip into it when tempted by a big purchase or investment.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maximize Earnings: If you keep your emergency funds in the same account as your general savings, then the higher balance can sometimes swing you into a higher interest earning rate bracket (depending on your banking institution and balance).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "i think emergency fund should be in a more liquid account (like regular saving or money market)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so you can withdraw money any time, while your regular saving can be tied up in a long term CD, bond or an investment account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I keep several savings accounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I use an online-only bank that makes it very easy to open a new account in about 2 minutes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I keep the following accounts: Emergency Fund with 2 months of expenses.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I pretend this money doesn't even exist.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But if something happened that I needed money right away, I can get it. 6 6-month term CDs, with one maturing every month, each with 1 month's worth of expenses.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This way, every month, I'll have a CD that matures with the money I would need that month if I lose my job or some other emergency that prevents me from working.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You won't make as much interest on the 6-month term, but you'll have cash every month if you need it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Goal-specific accounts", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": I keep an account that I make a 'car payment' into every month", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so I'll have a down-payment saved when I'm ready to buy a car, and I'm used to making a payment, so it's not an additional expense if I need a loan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I also keep a vacation account", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so when it's time to take the family to Disneyland, I know how much I can budget for the trip.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "General savings: The 'everything else' account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When I just NEED to buy a new LCD TV on Black Friday, that's where I go without touching my emergency funds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "We put our fund in a local credit union that we only use for the emergency fund.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We have a savings account that sweeps all funds into a 6 month CD that automatically renews upon maturity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We pretty much don't think about it, and make a deposit with our excess savings after we pay our property taxes in January and school taxes in September.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When my wife and I set it up the emergency fund, the purpose is to have a cushion against emergencies, not earning money or having convenient access.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We wanted access to the money to be onerous enough that neither one of us could pull money out of without calling someone or driving over to the branch.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We even opted not to take an ATM card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the event that we need the money, we can terminate the CD early and pay a 3 month interest penalty.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With $10k, that translates to about $25.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Should your rainy day / emergency fund be in the same account as general savings?", "title": "Should your rainy day / emergency fund be in the same account as general savings?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<savings><emergency-fund><banking>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The reason is more psychological than anything. You may be tempted to spend it. ", "Whilst there is no accounting reason why you should treat your rainy-day fund differently from other savings, keeping it in an account which is easily accessible could tempt you to spend it on something unnecessary." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "From an accounting perspective, there is no reason why your rainy-day fund should be treated any differently from other savings.", "If your rainy-day fund is kept in an account that is easy to access, it may be more tempting for you to spend it on something unnecessary." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There seems to be a lot of speculation here.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "How about a few concrete sources ?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From the U.S. Department of Labor : The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require payment for time not worked, such as vacations, sick leave or federal or other holidays.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "These benefits are matters of agreement between an employer and an employee (or the employee's representative).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From the Missouri Department of Labor & Industrial Relations : Employers are not required to provide vacation pay, holiday pay, or severance pay — these are benefits given at an employer’s discretion.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The exception would be instances where an employer has entered into a contract where certain benefits are established by agreement.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From the New York Department of Labor :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Q: Must an employer pay workers for holidays, sick time and/or vacations?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Under the New York State Labor Law, payment for time not actually worked is not required unless the employer has established a policy to grant such pay.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Holidays, sick time and/or vacations fall under 'time not worked.'", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When an employer does decide to create a benefit policy, that employer is free to impose any conditions they choose.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "From the California Department of Industrial Relations :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is no legal requirement in California that an employer provide its employees with either paid or unpaid vacation time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "However, if an employer does have an established policy, practice, or agreement to provide paid vacation, then certain restrictions are placed on the employer as to how it fulfills its obligation to provide vacation pay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Under California law, earned vacation time is considered wages, and vacation time is earned, or vests, as labor is performed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "[...]", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And, unless otherwise stipulated by a collective bargaining agreement, upon termination of employment all earned and unused vacation must be paid to the employee at his or her final rate of pay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Illinois requires unused vacation to be paid.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Nevada does not require it to be paid.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Massachusetts says vacation is not required, but if offered, may be considered wages.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can find most states' policies by searching for something like Missouri vacation laws .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As you see, the standards vary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The federal government doesn't require employers to pay vacation at all, but states may make more specific laws about it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In my personal experience, most employers do pay out unused vacation (except perhaps in the case of a firing), but the fact that they do so doesn't necessarily indicate that they're legally required to.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The legal requirements for this vary by state but most states do require that employers pay for any unused paid vacation time upon leaving your job.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In my experience, I have been paid for the full amount of the accrued vacation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I would expect that from any employer; it is just as much a part of my compensation as my salary is.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The alternative is that I use all my vacation before leaving (and thus get paid for it) -- so just pay me for it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It depends on the employer.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think they are legally required to pay you for unused vacation days, but many companies do.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In my company, the policy is that you can get paid for up to 10 days of unused vacation if you have already accrued it, but it also clearly states that the company has the right to not pay it out at their own discretion.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I have always gotten paid for all of my unused vacation days when I left a job at my hourly rate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I have always lost any unused sick days, however.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You should check your employee handbook or vacation policy, though.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The last job I left also wouldn't let me use any sick time after I gave my notice.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So you should definitely get familiar with your company's policies and plan ahead, if you can.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good luck!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My company does allow you to get paid for vacation days when you leave, but I also know of people that only receive a percentage of pay for vacation days.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes and no.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some companies do pay it all out or only a set amount.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have had to fight with employers in the past over this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sick leave, on the other hand, almost never gets paid out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I took a leave of absence for a year one time and kept all my sick leave.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now I have over 100 hours and it keeps accumulating.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'll probably never use it, but it is nice that its there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I cashed out unused vacation when leaving my last job.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The lump sum increased my withholdings rate, but I get the extra back as soon as I can file income taxes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, sometimes employers will mandate employees take vacation as a way of reducing liabilities on the books, since stuff owed to employees can be more senior than bondholders and shareholders.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It depends entirely on your company and your contract.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "A previous employer of mine cashed out all unused vacation at the end of every year, and at termination.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My current employer has a \"use it or lose it\" policy (which means every December is a mad scramble for people to \"use it\").", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Check with your HR department to find out what your employer's policy is.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Chambers", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Legally, other answers have this question covered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In my experience, this generally breaks down a few ways: Employers who offer \"PTO\" that covers all forms of leave -- they pay out, up to a limit that they publish in their employee manual.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Employers who offer specific vacation, sick leave and personal time usually only pay out for vacation leave, up to some pre-specified limit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I left a job last year and had about 3 days built up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I gave notice, and then learned that they wouldn't be paying it out before I left.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I emailed my boss on Friday afternoon and told him I was taking my three days off and would be back on Thursday. :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "In the U.S., do you get paid for vacation days untaken when you leave a job?", "title": "In the U.S., do you get paid for vacation days untaken when you leave a job?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><salary><employment><termination>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Some places require unused vacation to be paid. A lot of employers do it even when not required. It depends on your company and your contract.", "The exact answer will depend on your employment contract and the company that you work for. However, whilst there is no legal requirement for companies to pay unused vacation at the end of an employment contract, it is understood that many do." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Most companies do pay out unused vacation at the end of your employment.", "The answer will depend on your contract and employer.", "There is no legal requirement in the USA to pay unused vacation at the end of employment." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "—Easy solution to provide insight into finances.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ -1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pros:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Web based", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Automatically updates all accounts Free Works in plain english", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Supports large number of institutions \"Goals\" feature lets you define and track savings goals Clear spending reports help you balance your budget and identify areas to trim spending.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dedicated support team as well as Community based support Cons:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Can not perform transactions though it - you can only view transactions Can not track cash efficiently.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Web based", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- they store a copy of your credentials and transactions until you delete your account", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Accounts often fail to update causing much frustration", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only works in the USA & Canada", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 39 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "GnuCash —Great for the meticulous who want to know every detail of their finances.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Pros: Free.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Locally stored, so you know you information is secure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Can import statements from most major banks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1, 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Supports American and Eurpoean banking data protocols (OFX and FinTS).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Tracks prices of currencies and common investments (stocks, mutual funds, bonds) Scheduled transaction calculations (for example, splitting out principle and interest from a given loan payment).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Double entry accounting standards to helps with research and audits.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Complete reports and graphs make understanding you finances easy.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Budgets Open Source software Cons:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Community supported, so getting answers to problems can occasionally be time consuming.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Designed for business accounting, so interface is sometimes more complicated the needed for personal finance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Double entry accounting can be complicated for a beginner.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I like You Need A Budget (YNAB)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Pros: Integrated budget as key concept, not an afterthought.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This is far and way YNAB's best feature, being able to plan what your money will do rather than monitoring it after it has been spent.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Refined interface that is visually appealing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Easy setup and use.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Can manually enter or import transactions from any financial institution supporting Quicken.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Can track cash.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Free, frequent updates until the next major version.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The updates sometimes include new functionality.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "No forced upgrades or expiring download capabilities.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "License allows installation on multiple computers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Cons: The application is focused on day to day finances.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although you can track stocks, mutual funds, etc., the application does not provide specialized interfaces or tools for this activity.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Data not in the cloud, but you can sync to an iPhone app or an Android app.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Data can now be in DropBox.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Riffel", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Excel Pros: Extremely flexible", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Many available spreadsheet templates that can automate many tasks Easy to import / export data Easy to generate graphs / charts Cons: Difficult initial set up Less convenient than a dedicated budget solution", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Intuit Quicken .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Pros : Fairly Easy setup Good Account Management Lots of Flexibility Will automatically pull transactions from most banks Cons : Possibly too complex for many users Bad file format Unclear behavior", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm a big fan of", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "http://www.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": " Mvelopes is envelope-style budgeting in an online application.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've tried all of the other applications", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I choose to pay for this one for the following reasons:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Automatically downloads transactions from banks Envelopes", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "let you spread income and know exactly what you have for each category at present Billpay service that integrates with envelopes 12 month spending plan(budget) Debt tracker", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I just switched (from the abandoned, but good MS Money) to Moneydance 2010", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "KMyMoney Pros : Free (and open source) Easy to use Locally stored, so you know you information is secure.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Can import statements from most major banks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1, 2 ] ] }, { "text": "(OFX) Tracks prices of currencies and common investments (stocks, mutual funds, bonds)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Scheduled transactions Graph / Reporting tools Basic budget tool Works on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX Cons :", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Windows and Mac OSX support not as good as Linux support", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Pozzobon", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For Mac it's definitely iFinance .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I use iBank for Mac to keep track of my expenses.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I also use the iPhone version since they can sync over Wi-Fi", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I can capture expenses right on the spot instead of trying to remember what I spent on when I turn on my laptop.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Soto", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For iPhone: iExpenseIt Highly customizable and practical. Visual indicator of monthly budget vs expenses. Overview of Today's spending vs daily spending average. Expense Summary of total, average expense per day and top expense of the month Repeat Expenses - allow recurring expenses such as monthly rent, mortgage, utility bills, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Customize Detail / Simple monthly Budgets.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Store digital photo receipts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Instantly generate graphical reports.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Dynamic reports view:", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Specify reports by criteria such as report by payment, by vendors, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Supports VAT/GST.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "and so on...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "see the link ;)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Money Manager Ex PROS:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is free and open Simple Does not require an install.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Can run from a USB key CONS Weak importing feature", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No any localized rule (e.g. taxes)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No portable device support", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " C", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Emergency Account Vault (Windows)", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I use it to store info about all of my accounts/assets in an encrypted document.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's more for keeping track of everything that is in your name than managing money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good for situations when you need to quickly look up info about a specific account you own.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For any android device you can try:Daily Expense Manager - to track your expensesand a host of other apps to suit your specific needs.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "What are the best software tools for personal finance? Please list what you like about the software you use.", "title": "What are the best software tools for personal finance?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<software>", "link": "", "author": " Grillo" }
[ [ "There are many finance tools available such as GnuCash,, Intuit Quicken,, iFinance for Mac. They can support import statements from most banks and give complete reports and graphs to make understanding your finances easy.", "The answer to this question will be highly subjective. However, some potential options include Mint, GnuCash, Quicken, Moneydance or iFinance, to name a few. Aspects that users like about such applications are the interfaces, the ease of use and facilities like tracking, budgeting and customisation." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ true ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There is a wide range of tool available, including Mint, GnuCash, Quicken, Moneydance or iFinance, to name a few.", "Many of the aspects that users like about such applications are the interfaces, the ease of use and facilities like tracking, budgeting and customisation." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Whole life insurance accumulates a cash value on a pre-tax basis.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "With a paid-up policy, you make payments until a particular age (usually 65 or 70), at which point you are insured for the rest of your life or a very old age like 120.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can also access this pool of money via loans while you are still alive, but you reduce your benefit until you repay the loans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This may be advantageous if you have a high net worth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, if you own a business or farm, a permanent policy may be desirable if the transfer of your property to heirs is likely to generate alot of transactional costs like taxes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Nowadays there are probably better ways to do that too.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whole life/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "universal life is a waste of money 95%+ of the time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An example, my wife and I were recently offered open-enrollment (no medical exam) insurance policies our employers in New York.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We're in our early 30's.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I bought a term policy paying about $400k which costs $19/mo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My wife was offered a permanent policy that pays $100k which costs $83/mo, and would have a cash value of $35k at age 65.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you invested the $60/mo difference between those policies and earned 5%/year with 30% taxes on the gains, you'd have over $40k with 4x more coverage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 13 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Whole life is life insurance that lasts your whole life.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Seriously.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since the insurance company must make a profit, and since they know they will always pay out on a whole life policy, whole life tends to be very expensive, and has lower \"death\" benefits than a term policy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some of these policies are \"paid-up\" policies, meaning that they are structured so that you don't have to pay premiums forever.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But what it amounts to is that the insurance company invests your premiums, and then pays you a smaller \"dividend,\" much like banks do with savings accounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless you are especially risk-averse, it is almost always a better decision to get an inexpensive term policy, and invest the money you save yourself, rather than letting the insurance company invest it for you and reap most of the benefits.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are doing things properly, you won't need life insurance your whole life, as retirement investments will eventually replace your working income.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Harvey", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For most people Term is the way to go.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I consider life insurance a necessity not an investment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See this article on SmartMoney .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Term life insurance is just that - life insurance that pays out if you die, just like car insurance pays out if you have an accident.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Like car insurance, it's easy to compare amongst term life insurance policies - you can even compare quotes online.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Whole life insurance is life insurance plus an investment component.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The money that you pay goes to pay for your life insurance and it also is invested by the insurance company.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Insurance companies love whole life because it is not a commodity; they can come up with a large variety of variants, and that fact plus the fact that it combines insurance and investment means that is very difficult to compare policies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not to mention that fact that none of the companies - as far as I can tell - publish their whole life insurance rates, so it is very difficult to shop around.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Gunnerson", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Just to add to @duffbeer703", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "comment, additionally, the cash value is NOT part of the death benefit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The policy is intended to grow the cash value to the point where it matches the death benefit and then it 'matures' and you get the cash.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My point being, is that since they don't give you both, you are really transferring the reponsiblity from them to you over time, your savings (that you lose) becomes part of the death benefit and they supliment it with less and less over the years so that it would equal the death benefit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "@duffbeer703 nailed it right on the head, buy term and invest the difference and once you've got your savings built, really the need for insurance isn't there any longer (if you've got 1/2 million saved, do you really need insurance?)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "How would one decide which is most appropriate? Are there tax or benefits differences that one offers over the other?", "title": "What's the difference between Term and Whole Life insurance?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<taxes><insurance><life-insurance>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Whole life insurance lasts your whole life. It accumulates a cash value on a pre-tax basis. Term life insurance pays out if you die or if you have an accident.", "It is not clear what the exact difference is between whole life or term life insurance." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is not clear what the exact difference is between whole life or term life insurance." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "USDA publishes a document on a monthly basis that can be used to estimate food costs for a household and provides four \"tiers\": thrifty, low-cost, moderate-cost, and liberal.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "It likely varies by region, as well as by personality.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "In our family, where both my wife and I are frugal, we usually come in below the \"thrifty\" level.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand, incomes in this area are literally only 65% of other places in the country.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cleary", "score": 24 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is no real answer for this, because it totally varies depending on the composition of your family, the standard of living you are accustomed to, and where in the world you live.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The answer for you will be different than for everyone else.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The best thing you can do is to start keeping track of your food expenditures, either by collecting your receipts and totalling them at the end of the month, or by making a note of them after each purchase (e.g. in a notebook you keep in your purse or pocket).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After a few months you will see what your average food expenses are, which you can use as a baseline for your budget.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once you've done that, you can assess whether you're spending too much on food, and then you can look for ways you can cut back (plan to buy your common items when they are on sale, buy in bulk, cut back on take-out and restaurant meals, etc).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 11 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "To add a counterpoint to 0A0D's answer, without being completely frugal the budget for one person that eats out around twice a week would be somewhere around $65-80 a week.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Here are some assumptions: Breakfast: cereal, oats, or comparable: < $1Lunch: sandwich + snacks: $2-3Evening:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "salad: $2 or cooked meal: $3-5; average $3-4Other snacks: <", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "$1Daily total: $6-8Weekly total: $42-56Eating out: additional $10-13 / meal * 2 = $20-26Total: $62 - $82", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "For my family of 3, we pay approximately $200 every two weeks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That is being frugal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "We use lots of coupons.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Maybe this is not really to the point of your question as it was worded, but rather than seek out guidelines for how much one should spend on food, I would start off differently.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Guidelines would suggest targets that others have found doable and sustainable.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would rather find those for myself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So here goes: My approach would be to minimize total disutility or \"pain\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You really need to decide how much you enjoy groceries, cooking, eating out, etc., and balance that against how much you could save by doing with less of it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are trying to cut back on your overall spending, first figure out if spending on food and eating out is a large part of your total budget -- or alternatively, how much discretionary spending on food (eating out, buying fancy groceries) is as a fraction of your total discretionary spending.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If it is a small part, then it would be better to concentrate on another area of your budget.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If spending is sufficiently large as a fraction of your spending, then determine how much you could reasonably cut out to start off with.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "How much would that achieve?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Leaving aside very high-end restaurants, food costs relative to income tend to level out much more quickly than other common items like houses or cars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even high-quality steak can only cost so much :)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so it is difficult even to say how much of your income food should reasonably consume.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At the other end of the spectrum, it's also quite possible to have - relative to your income - a crappy car or even no car, but there is a pretty hard floor on how little you can spend on food and still be healthy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would simply suggest taking a poll of people who live/work near you and appear to have a similar standard of living & income (+/-25%).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "That should give you a good idea to start.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " M", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Me and my future wife spend about 200€ in a month.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "We are very careful when we buy stuff, always going to the cheaper store for any item", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Pozzobon", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I budget $200 each for my girlfriend and me per month.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I could cut probably half of that cost by buying conventional produce, meat, and dairy instead of the organic, grass-fed, free-range stuff I usually buy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I rarely buy packaged, processed food; cooking from scratch tastes better and costs less.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jaskiewicz", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think it might be better to work backward in this case.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "First determine your discretionary income, and then allocate that to the various areas you'd spend money on.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's nice to hear \"you should spend X% of your income on food\" but maybe for you, it's more important to eat out 3 time a week including one super-fancy per month than it is to go on vacations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Food is obviously a requirement, unlike travel or electronics, but fancy or expensive food is not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So I'd say that the food allocation of your discretionary income should be the amount that's above a certain baseline - a reasonable, \"thrifty\" amount.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This might be something like assuming 5 inexpensive take-out meals per month (say $8 each) and cooked food the rest of the time (maybe $5-6 per day).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So a rough estimate of your baseline might be $200 or so.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Now how much do you like to eat out, or buy lobster and duck to cook at home?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "How much do you travel?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you've got $5000 to do what you want with, would you rather take a $3000 trip and have an extra $2000 to spend on food?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's an overly simplified case, but you get the idea...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "In planning out a budget, what is a realistic amount to budget per person for food expenses per month? EDIT: Thanks to Ether's answer, here's a clarification: What guidelines or warning signs are there that we can use when planning out the food portion of our budget? I've seen guidelines for housing expenses, but nothing for essentials such as food. What is a normal amount to use as a guideline? Percentage of salary? Fixed amount per person?", "title": "How much is a typical food budget per person?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<budget><groceries>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "The answer to this varies by region and the standard of living you are accustomed to. For 2 people, you could count $200 per month or $65-80 a week for a single person. The USDA publishes a document on a monthly basis to estimate food costs for a household.", "The answer to this question will depend on your personality and where you live. Many people would consider $200 per month to be enough to two people, but other people may think that this is too low. The USDA publishes rough guidelines on a monthly basis which may be useful, or you might want to consult with people who live or work near you for their opinion." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this will be highly subjective and depend on your own personality and where you live.", "Some people believe that $200 a month is an appropriate amount for two people to spend on food.", "A person who eats out twice a week might spend up to $80 a week on food.", "USDA publishes a monthly a document which may provide you with some rough guidelines.", "You could consider asking people you live or work near you about what they spend." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Paying off your student loan before buying a house is certainly a great risk reduction move for you.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It will lower your debt to income ratio allowing your mortgage approval to go easier and it will free up more of your dollars to pay for the many miscellaneous projects that come with buying a house.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think that if you are considering paying off your student loan before buying a house that means that your student loans are an amount you can fathom paying off and that you are motivated to be rid of your student loan debt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Go for it and pay off your student loan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " B", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It depends on the terms.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Student loans are often very low interest loans which allow you to spread your costs of education over a long time without incurring too much interest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They are often government subsidized.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand, you often get better mortgage rates if you can bring a down payment for the house.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Therefore, it might be more beneficial for you to use money for a down payment than paying off the student load.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There may be specific answers that can be determined based on the interest rates, amounts, tax provisions, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "But I'm here to tell you...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is much easier (i.e., less stressful) to own a home when you have less debt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Pay off any and every debt you can before purchasing a home because there will always be something requiring you to spend money once you own one.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It might be a good idea, because later in life if a large expense shows up or an income source disappears, you will only have the mortgage payment, rather than a mortgage AND a student loan payment.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One extremely important aspect that must be taken into consideration is the state of the housing market.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If prices are rising it will probably be a false economy to delay your house purchase.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Say you pay off a £5,000 student loan, thus delaying your house purchase another year you could well end up forking out an extra £10,000 on the mortgage due to the rise in house prices.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, if the housing market is falling then, without a doubt, pay off the student debt.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Jennings", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "IMO student loans are junk debt that should be dealt with as soon as possible.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Buying a house comes with risks and expenses (repairs, maintenance, etc) and dealing with a student loan at the same time just makes it tougher.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Personally, I would try to pay off at least a few of the loans first.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "Should I pay off my student loan before buying a house?", "title": "Should I pay off my student loan before buying a house?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<mortgage><student-loan><debt-reduction>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Paying off your student debt first will certainly be a good idea. Once you own a house there will always be things requiring you to spend money. However, if prices are rising it could be a false economy to put off buying a house. ", "The answer will depend on the terms of your student loan and the state of the present housing market. It is generally considered wise to pay off any debt, including student debt, before buying a house, but there are some circumstances where buying a house might be considered a more sensible option." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is generally considered that you should pay off your student debt before you buy a house.", "The answer will depend on the state of the housing market and whether house prices are rising or falling.", "The answer may well depend on the terms of your loan.", "In some circumstances, it could be more beneficial to pay off your student loan first." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Do NOT cancel old cards.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "The higher your total credit line, the older your credit accounts, the higher your credit score is.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's OK to apply for new cards if you get good offers, your credit score might be negatively affected in the short term, but it will recover in a couple of years.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "However try not to apply for too may credit accounts when you need to apply for a new mortgage or refinance your current mortgage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Other things that can affect your credit score:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Lower overall utilization (good)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On a particular credit account, lower than 50% if you can, and must stay under 90% utilization.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(good if keep utilization low)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Never go over", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "credit limit Certain cards (e.g. Amex) allow you to increase your credit limit online without pull your credit report, take advantage this to increase your overall credit line.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ultimately, the higher your credit score, the cheaper it is for you to borrow money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even you are a disciplined consumer who pays off your credit cards every month, who knows?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe sometime in the future you will need to borrow money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 16 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Does it make any sense to open another account, just to get the cash back?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This depends on several things, primarily how much you spend on your card.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Work out the math.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you spend $100 a month, then you would only be getting $1.00 a month back, which wouldn't be worth having the new card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, if you are taking any penalties for being late, you're better off cutting the credit cards all together.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Interest (often at 15% or more) will quickly outpace any money you would be getting back.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Would it be smart to cancel the Visa if I do?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you can use the new card everywhere, yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "This prevents you from possible non-usage charges, the paperwork associated with the card, and possible card misuse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ross", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One reason to have two credit cards that hasn't been mentioned yet is that you have a backup in case one card is lost/stolen.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This can be especially helpful in a pinch while you're away from home.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In your case, you might keep the new card as your \"backup\", store it separately from the primary card (i.e. so they don't both get lost at once), and maybe use it for", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "some nominal monthly bill (Netflix or something) to avoid inactivity fees.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "FWIW, Discover might not be my first choice as a backup, Visa/MC are accepted at more places.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Don't open another credit card account just for cash back.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Visa you currently have is all you need.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "The only reason I can think of for opening another account is if some place you shop regularly doesn't accept Visa.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I have an American Express charge card because Costco doesn't take other credit cards.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Credit scores depend on more than just total credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's the Wikipedia entry on credit scores .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your actual score may differ between TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Lawrence", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Two or Three credit cards are a reasonable number (if you are responsible enough to pay them off every month*).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "An extra card or two at home can work as a backup if your wallet is lost or stolen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This amount will give you more options on closing the account if you have problems with the card issuer in the future, or if you find a much better deal, without hurting your credit score.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You might as well take the bonuses from an awards card, because everyone subsidizes the people who use them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just check the 5% category on the card and see if you already spend a significant amount of money there in your budget.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "*If you can't pay it off monthly, you can't afford it, and you're paying more for everything in the long term to the issuer, along with the least responsible and the most responsible people.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "I just got a mailer from Discover offering a new card, with 5% back on some items and 1% back on everything else. However, I already have a Visa which I have had for a few years. Does it make any sense to open another account, just to get the cash back? Would it be smart to cancel the Visa if I do?", "title": "How many credit cards do I need? Should I open another just for the cash back feature?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<credit-card><credit-score>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "If you can use the new card everywhere then it could be a good idea. Don't open another credit card just for cash back. ", "Whether you should get a credit card for cashback will depend on how much you use your card and, even then, the answer will be subjective. Some people think that one card is enough, whilst others believe that two or three credit cards is perfectly acceptable. In any case, it is generally not a good idea to cancel old credit cards." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this question will depend on how much you use your credit card.", "The answer as to whether or not you should get a card for cashback will be subjective.", "How many credit cards you need will be subjective, with some people believing one is enough and others believing that two or three is perfectly fine.", "It is not a good idea to cancel old cards." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "That's the official site for getting your free yearly credit report (one free per year from each of the 3 reporting bureaus).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Kroon", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Assuming you are asking about a credit score in the United States, the following applies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To find out your FICO score, navigate to AnnualCreditReport , the official site to help consumers receive their credit report from each of the three organizations providing these scores - Equifax , Experian , and TransUnion .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "You are - in many states - entitled to a free copy of your credit report from each of these organizations annually.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This copy of your credit report will not contain your credit score from that organization.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It will, however, contain information that goes into your credit score - the lines of credits on file, any delinquencies reported, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you decide you would like to pay for your credit score from each bureau, you will have the option to receive this information while getting your credit report, but you will have to pay a nominal fee for it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Remember that each of the 3 bureaus gives you a different score.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Averaging", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "your 3 scores should give you a good idea of your FICO score.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Note that your report is far more important than your score - once you know that, you know if you're in a good place or not.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These other questions are so close that they might even be considered duplicates, and provide other suggestions for how to check your score.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a warning, don't trust the many ads out there saying you can get your score for free.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Only AnnualCreditReport is considered a safe place for entering the very personal information required to get a score.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The FTC backs this up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Since no one else answered this part of your question yet: Checking your own credit score or report will not affect it in any way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It only hurts you when someone looks it up to run a credit check at your request for the purpose of possibly getting a loan, for example a car dealership.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This only hurts it a tiny bit, and is not worth worrying about unless you are going to 20 different car dealerships who each do a check.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, it is a good idea not to let them run your credit until you are seriously ready to buy a car.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In fact, it is better to just get financing somewhere else and not let them run it at all.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Different states have different laws, check your local laws concerning credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some states even guarantee you to get one free credit report per year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you recently apply for an apartment, a mortgage or denied a credit card or loan, you can usually get a free copy from whomever you authorized to pull your credit report.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Sign up credit monitoring service, there are quite a few of these.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Most credit card companies offer such service, Amex, Chase, Citibank, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It' costs around $10-$20 per month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you sign up a service and pull your own credit report, it's considered a \"soft\" pull which won't affect your score negatively.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Check with your bank.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As of January, 2015, the following banks and credit unions are offering free credit-scores: Barclaycard US First Bankcard (the credit card business of First National Bank of Omaha)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Citibank (C), Discover (DFS), Digital Credit Union, the Pentagon Federal Credit Union, and North Carolina's State Employees' CreditUnion Announced, in the pipeline:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "JPMorgan Chase (JPM) Bank of America Source:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Banks to offer FICO credit scores for free Personal Experience: I've been receiving free FICO score from my credit union for more than 6 months now.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Advice: Most people have multiple bank/credit-union accounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The FICO score will be the same whoever offers it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If none of your financial institutions offer you a free credit-score then you may opt for free services like or other paid services.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Please note that a credit-score is number summarizing your credit-report and should not be confused.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the news: FICO Announcement from 2013 - Free FICO credit scores coming to millions - CNN Obama's Speech at the Federal Trade Commission as of January, 2015 - An expansion in the number of Americans benefiting from free credit scores - The Washington Post", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Kataria", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I've seen the commercials for, but commercials with singing pirates make me uneasy; maybe they'll steal all my booty (personal information). What are the different ways to check my credit score? How will checking affect the score?", "title": "How can I check my credit score?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<credit-score>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "You can use the official site, AnnualCreditRport to receive your report from each of the three organizations providing these scores. You can also check with your bank.", "To check your credit score, you might want to use a credit monitoring service, such as Annual Credit Report, although there are other options too. Your bank may also offer such a service. In any case, checking your credit score will not affect it provided it is you that is checking it." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "You could make use of a credit monitoring service, such as Annual Credit Report, for example.", "You could check with your bank to see if they offer such a service.", "Checking your own credit score yourself will not affect your score." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes you can rollover as many different 401(k)'s into a single IRA account.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I have done it personally and it really cuts down on the overhead of keeping up with lots of different accounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your brokerage or mutual fund company should be able to help you with it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are using a company that just gives you forms and those forms don't mention an easy way to combine.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then I suggest rolling over one 401(k)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "first then once that's finished you can rollover the other 401(k) into that same account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There are a few things to consider.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The answers others gave here are correct, but I'll offer some reasons you may not want to roll to an IRA:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The new 401(k) plan has very low fees for its investment choices.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(My S&P fund cost is .02%, below any ETF or Mutual fund.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You plan to retire early.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One can take withdrawal from their 401(k) if they retire at 55 or later, compared to 59-1/2 for IRA money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You want to keep the option of a 401(k) loan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This may not matter to you, but if you ever have the need for a loan, the 401(k) loan is nearly the cheapest you'll ever find.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You have non-deducted IRA money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I recommend you first convert your IRA money to a Roth.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You'll need to pay tax on the amount that hasn't yet been taxed (either pretax deposits or earnings) but if this amount is relatively small, it's worth converting before flooding your IRA with pre tax money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As other responders said, you can certainly roll over multiple 401(k) into a single account.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "An added benefit of such rollover (besides the ease of tracking) is that you can shop around for your Rollover IRA provider and find the one that gives you the specific mutual funds that you want to invest in, the lowest expenses, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "-", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "in short, find the best fit to your priorities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are also \"lemon\" 401(k) plans and if you are in one of them, get out!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And rollover is the way out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is also one possibility to keep an eye on as it happens rarely, but it does happen - rolling a 401(k) over into another 401(k).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've done it once when I started a job at a company that had a great 401(k) with a good selection of low-cost mutual funds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I rolled the 401(k) from one previous job in to", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "this 401(k) to take advantage of it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At the same time I kept a Rollover IRA, combining the 401(k) from all other jobs; it had more investment options and provided some flexibility.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Can I combine all my 401ks into one account?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Short and sweet.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Pryor", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I've rolled mine over into IRAs, and once you have one rollover account you can roll further 401ks into it--", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I've done that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I have multiple 401(k)s from past employers. I know I can roll each of these over into new IRA accounts at my brokerage, but do the 401(k) rules allow me to combine these 401(k)'s into one IRA account? The rollover forms are always phrased in terms of rolling old 401(k) account into a new IRA account, never any option to select an existing IRA account. If combining is not allowed, then why?", "title": "Combining 401(k)'s from different past employers?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><401k><ira><rollover>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "You can roll as many 401ks as you want into a single IRA account. Your broker should be able to help you with it.", "Yes, it is possible to combine multiple 401ks and this is something that your brokerage or mutual fund company should be able to help you with." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Yes, you can roll multiple 401Ks into a single account.", "Your brokerage or mutual fund company should be able to help you combine your 401ks." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "First of all, look for a savings account with a decent interest rate.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Online banks are good at offering those, and you can transfer your money back and forth from the checking account with a couple of business days' delay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ING Direct offers 1.1% APY right now - lame, but much better than nearly-nothing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you'd like a little nicer rate of return you should also consider putting some of the money (the part you need least) in a short- or intermediate-term bond ETF or mutual fund.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can sell them quite readily, they pay more interest than a savings account, and because of the shorter maturities involved the interest rate risk is limited.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(That's the one that makes your bonds less valuable now because the rates went up after you bought them.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have some NYSE:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "BIV that's yielding 3.8% or so.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I suppose it depends on how liquid you need, and if you're willing to put forth any risk whatsoever.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The stock market can be dangerous, but there are strategies out there that will allow you to insure yourself against significant loss, while likely earning you a decent return.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can buy and sell options along with stocks so that if the stock drops, your loss is limited, and if it goes up or even stays where it's at, you make money (a lot more than 1% annually).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course there's risk of loss, but if you plan ahead, you can cap that risk wherever you want, maybe 5%, maybe 10%, whatever suits your needs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And as far as liquidity goes, it should be no more than a week or so to close your positions and get your money if you really need it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But even so, I would only recommend this after putting aside at least a few thousand in a cash account for emergencies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Enos", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Since you're coming out of college, you're probably a new investor and don't know too much about stocks, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I was in the same situation as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I wanted to keep my cash 'liquid' and wanted to make low risk investments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What I ended up doing was investing the majority of my money in higher interest GICs (Guaranteed Investment Certificate) and keeping the rest in my chequing/savings account.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I understand that GICs aren't exactly the most liquid asset out there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, instead of investing it all into 1 GIC, I put them in to smaller increments with varying lock-in times and roll-over options.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I.e. for 15000keep $3000 on hand in your account2x$1000 invested for 2 years4x$1000 invested for 1 year3x$1000 invested for 180 days3x$1000 invested for 90 days When you find that you run out of cash from your $3000, you'll have a GIC expiring soon.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The 'problem' with GICs is that redeeming them before the maturity period usually incurs a penalty in the form of no interest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Keeping them in smaller increments allows you to redeem only the amount you need without losing too much interest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At maturity, if you don't need the money, you can just have the GIC renew.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other problem with GICs, is that interest rates, though better than savings accounts, aren't that much more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You're basically just fighting off inflation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The benefit is that on maturity, you are guaranteed your principal and the interest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This plan is easy to implement if your bank/credit union allows you to create and manage GICs online.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would suggest a high interest checking account if you qualify, or if you don't, an Investor's Deposit Account (IDA).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Ross", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Provide you are willing to do a bit of work each month, you should apply for a \"rewards checking\" account.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Basically these accounts require you to set up direct deposit (can be any amount and your employer can easily deposit $25 into one account and the rest into another if you like).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They also require you to use your debit card attached to the account (probably about 10 times per month).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Check out the list on the fatwallet finance forum .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Right now the best accounts are earning over 4%.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Pryor", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'd have a look at Capital One's Online account too, they've got 1.35% interest rate with 10% bonus if you have over $15k deposited.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "It is still low like all interest rates, but at least it is on top (or at least close)!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm new to this, but how about putting a big part of your money into an MMA?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't know about your country, but in Germany, some online banks easily offer as much as 2.1% pa, and you can access the money daily.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you want decent profit without risk this is a great deal, much better than most saving accounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Since I graduated from college, I've collected ~$15K USD of savings. Currently this is sitting idle in a low interest checking account. I'd like to put it to better use, but I also need to make sure I can draw on it if necessary. Should I go for a high-yield checking account, or is there a better option?", "title": "Put idle savings to use while keeping them liquid", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><savings><liquidity>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It depends how much you need to keep available and how much risk you are willing to take. You can put some of the money into a GIC and keep the rest in your savings account. Look for a savings account with a decent rate. You could try Capitol One's online account that has a 1.35% interest rate.", "The answer to this question will depend on how much risk you're willing to take and how quickly you want to recover your money. However, many banks will offer savings or checking accounts with high rates of interest which could be beneficial for you. As an alternative, you might want to consider Guaranteed Investment Certificates." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this question will depend on how quickly you want to be able to get your money back and how much risk you're willing to take.", "You might want to consider investing in Guaranteed Investment Certificates.", "Each bank will offer a range of savings and checking accounts which could provide you with a higher rate of interest for your savings." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Putting money into a Roth IRA or 401(k) will save you money if your taxes this year will be lower than your taxes in retirement.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you're young and just starting your career, there's a good chance of this in general.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even if you're not, most people are anticipating tax increases in our nation's future If you have a lot of expenses one year, e.g. for medical reasons, you may have to realize a significant amount of income that year, so having it be Roth money instead of regular can help avoid higher taxes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See also the Wikipedia retirement-savings matrix.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Another consideration is that you are going to wind up with money in the \"regular\" 401(k)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "no matter which one you contribute to.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The employer match can't go into the Roth 401(k).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So all employer matching funds go in with pre-tax dollars and will be deposited in a normal 401(k) account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Edit from JoeTaxpayer - 2013 brought with it the Roth 401(k) conversion the ability to convert from the traditional pretax side of your 401(k) account to the Roth side.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you are in the 15% marginal tax bracket, I'd agree, no harm in using Roth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are in the 25% bracket or above, it would take quite a bit of savings to retire in a higher bracket.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I can't know your entire situation, but the average person is barely saving enough to be in the 15% bracket in retirement, let alone higher.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Also, consider the possibility of early withdrawal penalties.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Regular 401k early withdrawal (for non-qualified reasons) gets you a 10% penalty, in addition to tax, on the entire amount, even if you're just withdrawing your own contributions.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Withdrawing from a Roth 401k can potentially mean less penalties (if it's been in place 5 years, and subject to a bunch of fine print of course).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Enos", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As fennec mentioned, it is about your tax rate today vs your tax rate when you retire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of the big issues is whether you have a lot of tax deductions today that will disappear when you retire, which is likely.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "These include dependents (aka kids) and your home mortgage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For a person with kids and a mortgage, it seems likely that the Roth would be beneficial.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do not have a lot of deductions, you might be ok with the regular 401k to help reduce your tax burden today.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would look at it as more of a balance in general assuming you have the ability to contribute pre or post tax money and you expect your retirement tax rate to be about the same.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Pre-tax money gives you flexibility of withdrawal during retirement.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Say one year you have unusually high expenses you can pull money from your taxed accounts until you hit the top of your target tax bracket and then pull the rest out of already taxed accounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Note that if you have the same tax rate today as when you retire.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The traditional account will net you slightly more money, but not a huge amount.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "My employer allows new contributions to my 401(k) to go in as Roth (post-tax) or \"regular\" (pre-tax). What should I consider when deciding how to distribute my contributions between the two?", "title": "What factors should I take into account when deciding how much of my 401(k) contribution should go into my Roth 401(k)?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><401k><contribution><roth-401k>", "link": "", "author": " Spitzer" }
[ [ "Take the Roth option if your taxes this year will be lower than your taxes in retirement. It could also mean less penalties if you make an early withdrawal. However, if you don't have a lot of deductions, then the regular 401k might be better to reduce your tax burden. ", "There are number of aspects to consider when deciding how to distribute your 401k contributions, including your current and expected tax rates and what potential withdrawal penalties there are. If you do not currently have a lot of tax deductions, you may want to use your regular 401k to reduce your current tax burden. Additionally, a regular 401k provides greater flexibility on withdrawals in retirement." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "When considering how to distribute your contributions, you may want to consider your tax rate and how it may change in the future.", "You may want to consider what early withdrawal penalties there are in each case.", "If you do not have a lot of tax deducations, you may be OK with a regular 401k to reduce your tax burden.", "A regular 401k gives you more flexibility on withdrawals in retirement." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I've found it's just simpler to keep all of my receipts rather than debate which receipts to keep and which to throw away.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I shove all my receipts from August in an envelope labeled August.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Then, next year (12 months later) I shred the envelope.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That way, if I see a bank error, need to find a receipt to do a return or warranty work, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have all of them available for a year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Doing 1 envelope per month means I only have 12 envelopes at any time", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and I can shred an entire envelope without bothering to sort through receipts inside the envelope.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " B", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It is a good idea to keep the receipts.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The reason being that the dispensation from the ATM and the debit to the account are async process.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "There are multiple handshakes during this process between the hardware of the ATM, the software controlling the ATM and the core banking any software programming, there are chances of errors, ie amounts being debit wrong due to bugs, or duplicate of transactions being posted.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Altough such errors would normally get caught during recon between the ATM software and the Core Banking postings, its advisable to keep the receipts and verify erroneous debits.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "In such cases, the receipts would provide additional information required by the Bank to rectify the errors promptly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's a good idea to keep them, just until your statement arrives.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a programmer you know its supposed to be automatic, but glitches do happen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Keeping the receipt till your statement is probably not necessary 99.999999% of the time, but it might save your butt one time, which would be worth it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "As a programmer*, I expect the ATM and counter receipts to have an error and look hard for it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If I don't find the error I usually cram it in my pocket which is the same as throwing it away.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I should keep them, but I also look at my online balances for almost all of my accounts several times a week", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so I (perhaps foolishly) don't worry about paper receipts too much.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "*", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe I should be a tester.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I carefully file them in my wallet", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so I can reconcile them with my bank statement at the end of the month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then when my wallet starts getting to cluttered I trash them all.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the record, I never get around to reconciling them either.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Having the receipt at least for a little while does make it easier to correct a mistake, if and when it does happen.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I had an error happen to me some years ago trying to withdraw money from an ATM in a 7-11 somewhere while on vacation", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(receipt came out, money didn't).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Having the receipt made it easier to correct the mistake when I got back from vacation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Lawrence", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think it's interesting that the other answers here all focus on the possibility of a software glitch or other unintentional error in the ATM behaviour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Personally, I keep ATM receipts so that if I spot a withdrawal I don't recognise, it sways it in favour of being fraud (as opposed to memory failure) if I also don't have a receipt for it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I also always withdraw the same amount and it is not one of the default amounts presented on the screen.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Again, just a way to make any fraudulent transaction stand out on my statement.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "So that when a suspicious transaction appears on your statement, you will note it.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "ex.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You have 5 transactions each $100 dollars each.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You keep the receipts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At the end of the month, online shows 6 transactions at $100 each.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Without actually reconciliation, you will likely not remember off the cuff, if all 6 transactions are valid.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yes, anecdotally this has happened to myself, both with credit cards (skimming) and atm (???).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Without reconciliation at the end of the month, I certainly will not remember if I went to the ATM six vs five times.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Do you keep ATM receipts? I've occasionally heard some bank-insider's tips that say it's a good habit to keep the ATM receipts and check them against the online bank log. Having a programmer background I cannot understand what could possibly happen since it's (supposed to be) an automated procedure that picks always the right amount of money from my bank account. Thanks", "title": "Do you keep ATM receipts? Why might keeping bank ATM receipts be a good habit?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<banking><receipt><atm><record-keeping>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It is advisable to keep the receipts, at least until your statement arrives. It makes it easier to correct a mistake, if and when it does happen.", "Many people do keep ATM receipts and it is generally considered a good idea to keep them. This is because it will make life a lot easier to resolve any errors that might occur, however unlikely they might appear to be." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "There are many people who do indeed keep ATM receipts.", "Most people would consider it good practice to keep ATM receipts.", "Keeping the receipt does make life easier should an error occur.", "Although an ATM withdrawal is an automated process, there are other places in the procedure where errors can occur." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "If and only if by coincidence the car you were already considering from your research includes a 0% finance offer, go ahead a take the financing and save your cash.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If however you are being tempted to a different car, or would spend more than you initially thought were wanted to, 0% financing is just another trick to get more of you money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just be honest why you want the car", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": is it a good price, or does the financing seem like a good deal?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even if you are not paying interest, you are paying principal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you're getting 0% on the financing, it's not costing you anything to borrow that money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So its basically free money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are comfortable with the monthly payments, consider going with no downpayment at all.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Keep that money aside for a rainy day, or invest it somewhere so that you get some return on it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you need to lower the payments later you can always use that money to pay down part of the loan later (check with the dealer that it is an open loan).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you're not comfortable with the payments at 0 down, put enough down to bring the monthly payment to a level where you are comfortable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I've run into two lines of thinking on cars when the 0% option is offered.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One is that you should buy the car with cash - always.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Car debt is not usually considered \"good debt,\" as there is no doubt but that your car will depreciate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless something very odd happens or you keep the car to antique status (and it's a good one), you won't make money off of it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On the other hand, with 0% interest - if you qualify, and remember that dealer promotions aren't for everyone, just those who qualify - you can invest that money in a savings account, bonds, a mutual fund, or the stock market and theoretically make a lot more over the 5 years while paying down the car.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In that case, you really only need to make sure you save enough to make the payment low enough for your comfort zone.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Personally I prefer to not be making a car payment.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Your personal comfort level may vary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, in terms of getting your money's worth a gently used car in good condition is miles better than a new car.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Someone else took the hit on the \"drive it off the lot\" decline in price for you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Do you need the car, or is this an optional purchase for you?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Do you currently have a car that is in good working order?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you can continue to save for the car instead of buying now, you'll be getting interest on what you've saved -- and that's a lot better than 0% financing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'd put more money down and avoid financing.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I personally don't think car debt is good debt and if you can't afford the car, you are better off with a cheaper car.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, you should read up on the 0% offer before deciding to commit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Here's one article that is slightly dated, but discusses some pros and cons of 0% financing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My main point though is that 0% financing is not \"free\" and you need to consider the cost of that financing before making the purchase.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Aside from the normal loan costs of having a monthly payment, possibly buying too much car by looking at monthly cost, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", a 0% financing offer usually forces you to give the dealer/financing company any rebates that are due to you, in essence making the car cost more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " B", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "At minimum, put down the sale price less what insurance would pay if you got in an accident when driving home, OR purchase gap insurance.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "This auto loan calculator is fun to play around with.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The larger the down payment, the smaller your monthly payments will be.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't forget to budget insurance and gas!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Insurance on a car", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "you make payments on is more expensive.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A buddy of mine had a string of bad luck and totaled his car a few months after the date of purchase.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He learned what it meant to be 'underwater', insurance paid him a few thousand less than the value of his loan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What's worse than having no car, having no car and a loan!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I am thinking about getting a new or used car from a local dealer in town. I have worked and saved some money to use as a down payment for it. Some people have told me that I should save nearly all the price of the car before purchasing it, while others have said it doesn't really matter. The dealer is running a special of 5 years, 0% APR currently as well. Can anyone give me some advice on how much of a down payment I should be making?", "title": "How much of a down payment for a car should I save before purchasing it?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<car><down-payment>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "If the amount of repayments is comfortable, then you could consider no downpayment at all. However, the larger the down payment, the smaller your monthly payments will be. ", "The answer to this question will be subjective and some people would recommend not getting any car debt at all. However, if a financing option is available, and you are comfortable with the monthly payments, you may want to not pay any money down at all. Other people might suggest putting down as much money as possible to reduce your monthly payments. An additional consideration might be what the likely insurance payout would be if you had an accident." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "You may want to consider putting no money down if you are comfortable with the monthly payments for the financing.", "The more money you put down, the lower your monthly payments will be.", "Some people would recommend avoiding car debt.", "You may what to consider what the insurance payout would be likely to be if you have an accident." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "If you have an AMEX from another country, you can get an AMEX in the US.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "American Express has a separate system that is not as strongly country-dependent as, say, VISA and MasterCard.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Equifax operates in both Canada and the United States, so if you're from Canada you can ask the bank to get your credit score through Equifax.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not a lot of people know about this", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but it can be done, so be persistent if they say it can't.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This may be possible with other credit reporting agencies as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have proof of income and some cash, most banks will let you get a card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They let teenagers with no credit get a card!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Read", "score": 9 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Secured credit cards are usually not very cost effective for building credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Find a local credit union, of medium to large size.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "A credit union is like a bank, but operates under slightly different rules, and is non-profit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Locally based credit unions often have more flexibility when it comes to offering you loans and credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you just need a card that you can use for daily and online purchases, get a debit card from your credit union.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Most CU's will offer a small personal line of credit to protect you from overdraft and overdraft fees when using the debit card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This will not build much credit, but it can help protect you from accidents when using the debit card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To have a good credit score, you need a long history of paying loans on-time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A great way to build credit long term is through cash-secured loans from your local credit union .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You essentially take out a loan against your own money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can typically set up automatic payments, so you never miss a payment deadline .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The loan term (length of time to pay it off) should be fairly long, so that more history is built.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of the best ways to build credit is getting a mortgage & paying it on-time, every month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With little credit history, you won't get a good interest rate on that mortgage, at first.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once you have built a better score, refinance the mortgage for a better rate, better terms, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once again: go to a local credit union , they can help you navigate most of this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Scott", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Most banks will give you a credit card if you open an account with sufficient funds.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 6 ] ] }, { "text": "It especially helps if you have have a job that direct deposits into your account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think your options are to get a secured card like you said or possibly get a credit card from a local bank that you can build a relationship with.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Sometimes local banks are more willing to work with you as a person instead of the National Banks that look at you like an account number.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you have had an American Express card abroad, you can try and get a US Amex on the strength of it, otherwise you're looking at a secured card if you really want a credit card.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's basically what I did.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course the downside with Amex is that it's not accepted everywhere.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm not a big fan of people", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "co-signing for credit cards (or loans for that matter).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'd also talk to the local credit union(s) and see what they have available.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Geusch", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If the country you came from has an HSBC, you can ask HSBC to use your credit rating from that country to give you an HSBC Mastercard in the US.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "This might only be a service for HSBC Premier", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "but it's worth checking.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I moved from UK to US and got $10,000 credit limit immediately based on my UK credit rating.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Paul", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My local bank (on which I had had my pay direct-deposited for a while when I applied) rejected me for a credit card, but a major national institution accepted me after an online application.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "I had expected the opposite, but this is what happened.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I got a tiny amount of credit at first and had to be careful for a while not to go over the limit, but I immediately set up \"automatic full payment\" from my checking account and started getting automatic increases regularly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It only takes a year or so to have a very good score if you use your card and always pay it in full.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This was before the new \"consumer protection\" laws when it was easier to get credit, so you might have to get a secured card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It might be a $25 investment or so, but if you ever get a real loan (like a mortgage or even for a car) it's more than worth it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even just the cashback you'll get once you upgrade to a real card will pay back those $25 fast.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, it might depend on how it's set up, but being an authorised user on someone else's account might not contribute to your history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you have family or friends in the US, you can ask them to add you as an additional card holder on their credit card account.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "I have done it for a friend, and he was able to obtain his own credit card after a year on my card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Otherwise, look for a credit union that will be a bit more flexible than a bank.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I recently relocated to USA and have no Credit Score. Is Secure Credit Card is the only option for me to start building my credit score? Also please recommend which other credit cards are available for people like me to build credit score", "title": "Relocated to USA. How to get credit card without existing credit history / score?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><credit-card><credit-score><credit-history>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Get a secured card or a credit card from a local bank. If you have an AMEX in another country, then you can get an American one too. If you had an account with HSBC, then you can ask them to use your credit rating from the other country for an account in the US. In any case, most banks will give you a credit card if you open an account with sufficient funds.", "There are a range of options available to you, although your chance of success will depend on the bank that you apply with. However, if you have previously had a card with HSBC or American Express, the process may be simpler. Other options could include borowing from a credit union or asking a friend or family member to be an additional cardholder with you." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Some local banks are more likely to give you a credit card than larger institutions.", "If you have an American Express card from another country, it will be easier to get one in the USA.", "If HSBC operates in your country, you can ask HSBC in the US to use your previous credit history in the country you're from.", "You could consider using a US-based friend or family member as an additional card-holder.", "Some national institutions actually may be less discerning than local banks.", "You could consider borrowing money from a credit union.", "Most banks will give you a credit card if you deposit enough money with them." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "There are flaws in the risk models regarding no credit status.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They don't take into account the fact that someone who lives in society and responsibly meets their obligations for years is more likely to pay off loans than someone who has no history of paying off their loans.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "People with very poor credit will still be able to get some RTO and auto loans, but they pay high interest, and the lender expects collateral property to have value when it's repossessed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Initial credit is not that difficult to obtain if you plan and put some time into it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A cell phone contract, utility bills and bank accounts (especially those overdraft \"accounts\" that you should opt out of) are ways to establish credit without a credit card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Secured credit cards should be more than sufficient to establish credit within a few years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A No Credit standing can be verified at , and should be checked whether you believe you have credit or not because of identity theft concerns.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In summary, it's only better to have bad credit if you want to get a small, high interest loan right now.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0, 1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's a good way to be even more in debt, and pay lots of money to creditors rather than yourself.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are patient, good credit is easier to obtain than repairing really bad credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Either way, you won't be able to get a mortgage for a few years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 12 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This sounds counter intuitive to me but this is the best answer I found.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bad credit is better than no credit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Bad credit means that you were extended and trusted at one point.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bad credit score could also mean that you're paid off, but the bad history of the past is still weighing your score down.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Depending on your current credit situation, you'll probably get extended another loan or card...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "your rates will stink, but you'll get one.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, bad credit shows that the application you filled out is probably not filled with any fraudulant information and they will have some way of being able to get a hold of you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "NO credit is riskier for creditors because they have absolutly NO track record to what the person's character is.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With no credit or anything on your report, how do they know that none of the info on the application is good or bad?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Someone with no credit is going to have the higher interest rate from the beginning.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Higher risk =", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "higher interest rate...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the same with every investment, the higher risk of loss you possibly face, the higher return you want on the investment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "No credit record equals a higher risk of loss.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Source:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Yahoo answers", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "From my limited experience, I would say yes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "My justification for that has to do with data I've analyzed from (a p2p lending site).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They grade borrowers on a scale as follows - AA,A,B,C,D,E,HR.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They also used to have a \"NC\" grade for people with no credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The \"NC\" graded loans were the worst performing group, even worse than \"HR\" (score below 600 or so).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Assuming other lenders have the same experience, it would be reasonable that they would treat people with no credit as if they have the worst possible credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Petroelje", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "With regard to Plus loans (school loans in the US backed by the government) No credit is better than bad credit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "They require that you do not have an \"adverse credit history\" How do Federal Student Loans use Credit Scores?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Stafford, Perkins and PLUS", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "loansdo not depend on your credit score.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The Stafford and Perkins loans areavailable entirely without regard toyour credit history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The PLUS loan,however, requires that the borrowernot have an adverse credit history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(Undergraduate borrowers whose parentsare denied a PLUS loan will beeligible for increased unsubsidizedStafford loan limits.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An adverse credit history is definedas being more than 90 days late on anydebt or having any Title IV debt(including a debt due to grantoverpayment) within the past fiveyears subjected to defaultdetermination, bankruptcy discharge,foreclosure, repossession, tax lien,wage garnishment, or write-off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Itdoes not otherwise involve your creditscore.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " B", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think the answer may change based on a person's net worth.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "If you have money in the bank, andnever borrow, you could have nocredit but you wouldn't need it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Inthat case no credit is better thanbad credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you need to borrow then I couldbe convinced a bank would prefer tohave any history, even bad, overnothing at all.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is because mostbanks let computers make lendingdecisions instead of people.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With nodata to use for the risk assessmenta computer can't provide an answeron whether to make a loan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In thatcase bad credit may be better thanno credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm assuming that a lender might make a high risk loan over a loan with unknown risk.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "There's a popular saying: It's better to have bad credit than no credit. Is this true?", "title": "Is it true that it's better to have bad credit than no credit?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<credit><credit-history>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Bad credit is better than no credit if you need a small, high interest loan. A bank would prefer to have even bad history, than nothing at all. ", "The answer to this question is subjective and will probably depend on your net worth and the type of loan that you're applying for." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this question is subjective.", "The answer to this question may well depend on the type of loan that you are applying for.", "The answer to this question may depend on your own net worth." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Consumerist posted a list of how long to keep bills.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " B", "score": 22 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In general, you don't need to keep bills around for more than a few months.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The exceptions are: anything that was itemized on your federal or state income taxes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You want to keep these around for seven years in case of an audit by the IRS brokerage statements buying/selling stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You need to know how much you bought a stock for when you sell it, to calculate capital gains.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "information relating to major renovations to your house.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This can be used to reduce the gain when you sell.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "anything relating to a business, again for tax and valuation purposes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When selling a house, the last years worth of utility bills might be useful, to show potential buyers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, I get almost all of my recurring bills electronically now.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They get saved and backed up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In that case, its easier to just keep everything than to selectively delete stuff.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It takes very little space, is easier to find things than in paper files, and is much less hassle when moving than boxes full of paper.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In normal cases you don't need it beyond 3-6 months.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Beyond this destroy it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However in certain cases its required to be kept; For example if you need to prove that you are legally occupying a place/property and do not have relevant documents, the utility receipts can play a role in establishing that you were occupying a place and using it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In case you are not originaly a resident by birth, and your citizenship is at dispute, these records help.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "More so if the records are not maintained properly by the utitlity companies themsleves as in most developing countries.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In India, these help for many individual who are occupying goverment properties for decades and then resolution is passed that people staying for past 25 yrs now own it, other become illegal and are evicted.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For such cases, you could keep a history record say one per year, for past 5 years, and then one for every 5 year of a particular month ...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "basically in a systematic way.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Other than that, just junk them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'd imagine you want to keep the utility bills around to dispute any historical billing errors or anomalies for perhaps 6 months to a year.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Beyond that, you always have the financial records of making the payments -- namely, your bank statements.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So what benefit is there in keeping the paper receipts for utility payments around for longer than that?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I say shred them, with extreme prejudice -- while wearing black Chuck Norris style.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Atwood", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Shred it all.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "You might want to keep a record going back at most a year, just in case.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "But just in case of what?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What is a good idea is to have an electronic record.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a good practice to know how your spending changes over time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Beyond that, it's just a fire hazard.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The thing is, I know I'm right in the above paragraph, but I'm a hypocrite:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have years' worth of paper records of all kinds.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I need to get rid of it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But I have grown attached.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have trucked this stuff around in move after move.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have a skill at taking good care of useless things.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've even thought of hiring somebody to scan it all in for me, so that I can feel safe shredding all this paper without losing any of the data.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But that's insane!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "Until now I've kept all my bills, but it's too much paper. Gas, Water, Electricity, telephone, etc. Why is it a good idea to keep them? For how long should I keep them?", "title": "How long should I keep my bills?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<receipt><record-keeping>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Comsumerist has a list of how long to keep bills. In normal cases, you don't need to keep bills beyond 3-6 months. ", "The answer to this question will be subjective, with some people recommending not keeping any with other people suggesting saving them for up to a year. It's true that they could come in handy for resolving any future disputes with your utility company. Consumerist has published a list as a guide to how long you might want to keep your bills." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Consumerist has shared a guide on how long to keep bills.", "The answer will be subjective but some people will recommend keeping bills for a few months up to a year.", "Keeping bills can be helpful if you need to resolve a dispute with your utility supplier.", "You may want to not bother keeping any paper bills." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I've used ING Direct for several years.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Never had any problems with them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They were (and maybe still are?)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ahead of the curve on security arrangements.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You don't need to have a brick and mortar bank to transfer money in, but it is faster and easier if you do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(At least this is true with my mail account -- see next item.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You don't have to have an online account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can bank entirely by mail if you want.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(At least I have one account set up this way, I assume you can still open an account by mail.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They offer CDs with somewhat mediocre rates that are easy to open and fund online from your savings account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The website is relatively simple to use.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have never had any problems with transfers in or out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When you have to call, you get a human on the phone, quickly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Someone who speaks American English with reasonable diction.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(At least it used to be this way, I don't think I've called them in over a year.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm a fan of ING, but I do wish they managed to keep their rates on top of the chief competition.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It serves its purpose.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "It is online, although you will still need a brick and morter bank to transfer money to it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It has a decent interest rate, although it hasn't been at the top in a while ( compare rates ).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Takes about a week to get money transferred back from it, which is typical of others as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It has a habit of not working with third-party management sites/software (they have actively worked to prevent Mint from working.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have an account there, but transferred most of the funds in it to an American Express account a while back.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "The primary reason was that, unlike ING, AE actively worked with Mint.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Culp", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I used to be both a customer of theirs, and of NetBank.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "When ING bought NetBank, I felt like they handled the transition very poorly from a customer-service standpoint.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I felt like they didn't really value me as a customer, and they didn't do anything to make the transition easy for me.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "For that reason, I decided to pull my money out from all of my accounts I had with them, and I have never looked back.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I now get considerably better rates with a high-yield rewards checking account at my local brick & mortar bank.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I am still able to pay bills online, or mail checks into my local bank if I don't want to physically go to a branch or ATM.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "They are pretty good.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "But for better rates, shop around.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'd suggest Ally or Alliant Credit Union.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you're looking for an alternative, HSBC also has an online only savings account that used to be called HSBC Direct, but is now called HSBC Advance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They offer high interest savings (currently 1.1%) with no minimum balance, CDs and give you an ATM card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've been a satisfied customer for a few years.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's a good saving account from the persepective of usability.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Easy to open, easy to manage, and free at least in Italy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Anyway be aware that in 2008 you would not probably have been so happy to know that your saving were in bank that was close to go banckrupcy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "On October/19/2008 the Ducth government had to inject 10 billions euro into ING Group to save it from a probable collapse.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "At least the CEO", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Michel Tilmant was fired, and also 7000 poor employees was cutted off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After that, it seems they just went on selling themslevs in pieces in order to restructure 2009", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": ING closed retail banking in Ukraine 2009: In order to save €1.4 billion, ING announced that they would be cutting about 7,000 employees from their payroll.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The CEO, Michel Tilmant, also resigned.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2009", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": ING Group sold all of its ownership stake in ING Canada (Property & Casualty Insurer operating in Canada which was renamed to Intact Insurance Company of Canada).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2009", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": ING Group’s Restructuring Plan announced, stating that ING needs to divest ING Direct USA by the end of 2013.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2009", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ": ING announces that it will move towards a separation of its banking and insurance operations. 2009:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ING secures €7.5bn rights issue and repays", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "€5bn to the Dutch State.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2009:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "ING Australia and ING New Zealand", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(superannuation, investment and insurance business) are sold to the Australian ANZ Bank.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "source:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But they also partially repaid the Dutch goverment and now their rating is around A , so it seems to be a safe place to put your saving for now.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Demaio", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "That's the one I use.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "They've been around a long time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've had no problems.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I've used ING and have no complaints with them, but right now if you can work with their restrictions, has a better rate than ING and better than any listed on .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Riffel", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm looking for a good savings account that's 100% online and provides a good interest rate. I saw ING Direct ( and it this looks decent. Has anyone used this? Anything to look out for?", "title": "Is ING Direct Orange Savings a decent online savings account?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><savings><interest-rate><online-banking>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "It serves its purpose and has a decent interest rate as well as being good from a usability perspective. However, Smartypig does have a better rate.", "Many people claim to have used this type of savings account and the reviews are generally quite positive. However, people have complained that they didn't feel valued as customers and others would like their rates to be higher." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The reviews of ING are generally very positive.", "Many people claim to have used this type of savings account.", "Potential complaints about ING involve lower rates than hoped-for and not feeling like a valued customer." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "This sounds more like a behavioral than a debit card issue to me TBH.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Did you put the money you're putting away into a separate savings account that you (mentally) labelled 'for investment'?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That's pretty much what I do (and I have a couple of savings accounts for exactly that reason) and even though I know", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've got $x in the savings accounts,", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "the debit card I carry only lets me spend money from my main bank account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By the time I've transferred the money, the urge to spend has usually gone away, even though it often only takes seconds to make the transfer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Geusch", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's a real pain in the rear to get cash only from a bank teller (the end result of cutting the card as suggested).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is a self control issue here that, like weight loss, should ultimately be addressed for a psychologically healthy lifestyle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You don't mention a budget here.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A budget is one of the first tools necessary for setting spending limits.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Categorizing your money into inviolable categories, such as: savings (in a savings account separate from your debit/checking account) home auto grocery fun stuff (clothes, toys, electronics etc.) will force you to look at any purchase in context of your other needs and goals.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Note that savings is at the top of the list, supporting the aphorism to, \"Pay yourself first.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Make realistic allowances for each budget category, then force yourself to stick to this budget by whatever means necessary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cash in several envelopes labeled with each category can physically reinforce your priorities (the debit card is usually left at home for now).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Roll remaining funds from each month over into the next month to cover irregular larger expenses, such as auto repairs.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What sort of investing are we talking about?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are just talking about retirement savings, an automatic deduction of just $50 to a Roth IRA account at a discount brokerage", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "every pay check is a good start.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An emergency fund of 6 months expenses is also common financial advice, and can likewise be built from small automatic deductions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In defense of wise use of plastic, a debit card can be a great retroactive budgeting tool because it records all spending for you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It takes a lot more effort to save and enter receipts for cash, and a compulsive spender without a budget is just as likely to run out of money whether or not he uses plastic.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You could keep receipts in the envelope you take the cash out of when you're getting started.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are so addicted to spending that you must cut your debit card to enforce your budget, at least consider this a temporary measure to get yourself under control.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When the bank issues you a new card, re-evaluate this decision and the self control measures you've implemented to see if you've grown enough to keep the card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If your goal is to make it harder for you to use to make impulse purchases then YES.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Having to always have cash for purchases will make you less likely to make impulse purchases you don't really need.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If it is one of those debit cards you use just like a credit card without a PIN, I'd cancel it regardless of whatever you are trying to do with your finances.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "They just seem too dangerous to me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unlike a credit card, if someone makes fraudulent purchases on a debit card the money is gone from your bank account until you resolve the issue with the issue.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With a credit card, the BANK is out the money until it gets worked out.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My brother once had", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "his credit card number (not the card) stolen and the criminals emptied his bank account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Eventually the bank put the money back after an investigation, but it had two really nasty side effects: 1)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dozens of checks bounced.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The bank refunded the bounced check fees, but not all of the stores would.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "2) He had no money in his account until it was resolved.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Luckily in his case they resolved it in a few days, but he was already making preparations to borrow money to pay his rent/bills.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "How about just stop buying stuff?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Using cash instead of a debit card lets you see in real time how much cash you have left and where it's going.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a lot \"harder\" to see the cash disappear from your wallet than it is to swipe the plastic", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(whether it's a debit or credit card).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Using cash is a way to keep the funds in check and to keep spending within a budget (i.e. you can't spend it if you don't physically have the cash anymore).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Scott", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Debit cards are the dumbest development ever.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I now have a piece of plastic that allows any yahoo to cause me to bounce my mortgage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Great.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Throw away the debit card.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Use a credit card and exercise some self control.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Take out a sufficient amount of cash to cover your weekly incidental expenses under $50.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you want something that costs more than $50, wait a week and use the credit card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You'll find that using cash at places like the convenience store or gas station will cause you to not spend $3 for a slim jim, lotto ticket, donut or other dumb and unnecessary item.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } } ]
{ "question": "I have been saving for some time now with the aim of building up enough money to begin investment. But the problem is I keep withdrawing money with my debit card whenever i want to buy something. Would it be better if i just snapped the debit card in two, so that i can concentrate on saving, just as i did to my credit card so long ago?", "title": "Debit cards as bad as credit cards?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<savings><debit-card>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "If you think it will make it harder for you to make impulse purchases, then you should throw away the debit card.", "The answer will depend on the type of debit card that you have but you might want to consider getting of rid of your card." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer will depend on the type of debit card that you have but you might want to consider getting of rid of your card." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Howard seems open to borrowing and using credit if the terms are right, whereas I am pretty sure Ramsey is strongly in favor of a cash only lifestyle.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Howard focuses on getting a good deal, and if you want or need a thing, to get a good value for it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Howard repeats that he wants the lowest price, even if that means accepting inferior quality.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Howard however often talks about traveling, electronic gizmos and paying more for electric cars that suit his view of the world.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Howard makes a very concerted effort to make neither political or value judgments, and just offers his opinion and insight to specific questions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ramsey's goal seems to be leading a life within your means, and sacrificing and saving money now to be set for the future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Beans and rice and rice and beans\" is his catch phrase for illustrating that living below your means and never borrowing now will keep you from ever having to borrow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Better to learn to live without if you can't pay cash.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ramsey, in my opinion, treats debt like an addiction and wants to 12 step you out of it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ramsey:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Don't spend it, spending it on credit is a mistake.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ramsey has a special cheer for people who are 100% debt free.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Howard: Try not to spend it, debt is usually bad, but there are some circumstances when you can persuade him.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The bottom line is they both preach living frugally, within your means, it is better to save AND earn more and knowledge is king.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "You wouldn't hurt yourself to follow either of their advice.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 15 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I think you just have to listen to both their shows to get a sense of what makes these guys tick.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think both guys give good advice.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "I think the better question is why each feels the way they do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dave Ramsey admits he made some financial mistakes early on, and the the banks took him to the cleaners.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As a result he has made it his mission to teach others in a similar situation, with no mercy toward the banks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Howard, on the other hand, admits he had enough to retire by 31, with no early financial mistakes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ramsey was bankrupt, lost everything, and almost lost his family.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't blame the guy for his views.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think people look at the two and follow the one that most closely resembles their own situations.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I personally like Dave Ramsey's take no prisoners destroy the credit card mentality.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But I think they are both doing good work.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Keep it up.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Dave and Clark are two different individuals.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dave is a cash only person because he was bankrupted by credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He has mentioned that he had no discipline with credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Clark on the other hand is great with credit and understands how to use it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Credit isn't bad, it's the person who is to blame for misuse of credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dave is great for those who have experienced the same financial destruction or those that have no control over credit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But those are his personal convictions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I believe a strong individual should be able to have some control over personal decisions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The borrower is only slave to the lender when he can't repay the lender.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Debt is only a term used when you can't repay the lender.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You should only borrow what you can afford.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Both Dave and Clark are great in what the offer, I have and will continue to listen to both of them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "One major difference I see is Clark giving investment advice here and there and is open to many of the options out there.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dave seems to not focus too much on investing beyond solid mutual funds and more about helping people on the opposite end of the spectrum and leading them towards a better path.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Clark Howard suggests you go to the library and read his books for free.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dave Ramsey encourages you to buy multiple items every hour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Both are helpful, and their differing opinions do compliment each other - and lead you to financial security.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Clark does not advertise anything.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "He is a rare and true consumer advocate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They both bring great ideas and valuable information.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dave does advertise.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You have to look at Dave's advice with a much more critical eye.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Just listen to his show or go to his website and see the many, many products and services he promotes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Kizzle", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm unfamiliar with Clark Howard's teaching but I am familiar with Dave Ramsey's teaching. How do Clark Howard and Dave Ramsey compare? Do they cover the same material? Any striking differences between their advice?", "title": "How does Clark Howard's advice compare to Dave Ramsey's advice?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<clark-howard><dave-ramsey>", "link": "", "author": " B" }
[ [ "They both preach living frugally but Howard seems open to borrowing if the terms are right, while Ramsey favors a cash only lifestyle.", "Howard and Ramsey are two different people, but they both teach people to live within their means and achieve financial stability. The main difference appears to be that Howard is open to the use of credit whereas Ramsey is firmly against it." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Howard is considered to be open to using credit whereas Ramsey is firmly against it.", "Howard and Ramsey are two different people.", "Both oth them teach people to live within their means and achieve financial stability." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I actually had to go to the bank today", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and so I decided to ask.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The answer I was given is that a check is a legal document (a promise to pay).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In order to get your money from the bank, you need to sign the check over to them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "By endorsing the check you are attesting to the fact that you have transferred said document to them", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "and they can draw on that account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Marian", "score": 23 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The best reason for endorsing a check is in case it is lost.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If the back is blank, a crooked finder could simply write \"pay to the order of \" on it and deposit it in his own account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You do not need a signature for the endorsement.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The safest way to endorse a check is to write \"FOR DEPOSIT ONLY\" followed by an account number, in which case the signature is not needed.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "most businesses make up rubber stamps with this and stamp it the minute they receive a check.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That way it has no value to anyone else.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Depositing checks is increasingly going the way of the dodo.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many businesses today use check truncation - the business scans the check in, sends the digital image to the bank, and stores the check.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I was surprised that Chase already has an applet for iPhones that you can use to deposit a check by taking a picture of it!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Spolsky", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "In my experience, you don't need to endorse a check with a signature to deposit it into your account.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "You do if you are exchanging the check for cash.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 5 ] ] }, { "text": "Businesses usually have a stamp with their account number on them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once stamped, those checks are only able to be deposited into that account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Individuals can do the same.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have had issues depositing insurance and government checks in the past that had both my and my wife's name on them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Both of us had to endorse the check to be able to deposit them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I think this was some kind of fraud prevention scheme, so that later one of us couldn't claim they didn't know anything about the check.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Paper trail of who did the deposit.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Less significant for a personal account, but a bigger deal for accounts that are used by multiple people (e.g. a corporate checking account).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "So the bank can (theoretically) compare that signature to the ID you provide, showing that the names and signatures match and that you are the person to whom the check was written.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I believe the banks are protecting themselves when they \"require\" your endorsement.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Years ago.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "they used to ask for your endorsement, and not require it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you endorse the check, it legally authorizes them to debit your account, if the check is later returned for non-sufficient funds (NSF).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It mostly protects the bank, and not the customer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "When the check is deposited, the bank verifies the signature in the check matches your signature in file.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Why do you need to sign a check on the back when you deposit it to your account?", "title": "What is the purpose of endorsing a check?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<bank-account><check>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "You endorse the check in case it gets lost, and to show that you endorse the cashing of the check.", "Whilst it is not clear that endorsing a check is necessary, there are number of reasons why it might be useful. It can help set a papertrail for the bank's records and also allows them to check that you are the person that the check was made out to. This being said, you will need to endorse a check if you are exchanging it for cash." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Endorsing a check may come in handy if the check is lost.", "It is doubtful that endorsing a check is necessary.", "Endorsing a check helps to establish a papertrail of who made the deposit.", "Endorsing a check may just be a safeguard for the bank.", "Endorsing a check allows the bank to check that you are the person who the check was made out to.", "Endorsing a check is necessary if you are exchanging the check for cash." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I believe that article provides some good reasons, though it may be a bit light on technical details and there are likely other reasons a company would do it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Apparently much of its cash is held overseas, which would pare down the cash pile if brought back into the U.S. With their high credit rating (and probably due to current market conditions) a bond sale would be relatively cheap As long as they do not take on too much debt, it does not matter that debt is used to finance a buyback and/or dividend payments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The shares are bought back -- bringing down the number of shares on the market, thus boosting share price -- and/or shareholders are payed their dividends.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So, if they can finance for less then they would lose to taxes by bringing the money home and they do not take on too much debt, this will likely work just fine and increase share holder value.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Hopefully, someone else can provide some other reasonable scenarios.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The bottom line is that it does not matter how they finance the share buybacks and/or dividend payments as long as they do not shoot themselves in the foot while doing it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Marian", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "It's a tax shelter.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Foreign affiliates hold most of Microsoft's cash and investments.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The cost of borrowing is much cheaper than repatriating the money and paying taxes.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Those bonds are selling at rates similar to US Treasury Debt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Also, many people and organizations with lots of assets still borrow money for day to day expenses.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Why?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You tend to make a better return on investments which are committed for a number of years, and the timing of income from those investments may not coincide with your expenses.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There is a substantial likelihood over the next several years that the US Dollar will experience inflation .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(You may have heard terms like \"Quantitative Easing.\")", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With inflation, the value of each dollar you have will go down.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This also means that the value of each dollar you owe will go down as well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, taking out a loan / issuing a bond at a very good rate, converting it into an asset that's a better way to store value (possibly including stock in a big stable company like MSFT) and then watching inflation reduce the (real) value of the loan faster than the interest piles up... that's like getting free money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Combine that with the tax-shelter games alluded to by everyone else, and it starts to look like a very profitable endeavour.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "When I play Railroad Tycoon III, I often send my company deep into debt to get cash on hand to buy back shares, effectively increasing my ownership of the company as an absolute percentage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then I issue massive dividends until my company goes bankrupt, and start a new company.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's a way to shuttle money borrowed against a company's assets into my personal bank account at no risk to me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In the MSFT case, maybe they think there will be inflation and this is a hedge against holding so many dollars in cash already.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "If they can borrow a couple billion in 2010 dollars and pay it back in 2015 dollars, they're probably going to end up ahead if all they do is buy back shares.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Paying dividends with the money seems stupid vs. buying back shares - they're just driving up income taxes for investors.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Shedletsky", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My answer is not specific, or even maybe applicable, to Microsoft.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Companies don't want to cut dividends.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So they have a fixed expense, but the cashflow that funds it might be quite lumpy, or cyclical, depending on the industry.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another, more general, issue is that taking on debt to retire shares is a capital allocation decision.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A company needs capital to operate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is why they went public in the first place, to raise capital.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Debt is a cheaper form of capital than equity.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "Equity holders are last in line in a bankruptcy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Bondholders are at the front of the line.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To compensate for this, equity holders require a larger return -- often called a hurdle rate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So why doesn't a company just use cheaper equity, and no debt?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some do.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But consider that equity holders participate in the earnings, where bondholders just get the interest, nothing more.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And because lenders don't participate in the potential upside, they introduce conditions (debt covenants) to help control their downside exposure.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For a company, it's a balance, very much the same as personal finances.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A reasonable amount of debt provides low-cost capital, which can be used to produce greater returns.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But too much debt, and the covenants are breached, the debt is called due immediately, there's no cash to cover, and wham!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "bankruptcy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A useful measure, if a bit difficult to calculate, is a company's cost of capital, and the return on that capital.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Cost of capital is a blended number taking both equity and debt into account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Good companies earn a return that is greater than their cost of capital.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Seems obvious, but many companies don't succeed at this.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In cases where this is persistent, the best move for shareholders would be for the company to dissolve and return all the capital.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unfortunately, as in the Railroad Tycoon example above, managers' incentives aren't always well aligned with shareholders, and they allocate capital in ways advantageous to themselves, and not the company.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Businesses have bond ratings just like people have credit ratings.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It has become common for businesses to issue low rate bonds to show that they are strong, and leave the door open for further borrowing if they see an opportunity, such as an acquisition.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "One of the reasons Microsoft might want to build a credit reputation, is that people become familiar with their bonds and will purchase at lower rates when they want to borrow larger amounts of money, rather than assuming they are having financial issues which would lead them to demand higher rates.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "For example, why did Microsoft take on debt to create shareholder value?", "title": "Why would a company sell debt in order to buy back shares and/or pay dividends?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<investing><stocks>", "link": "", "author": " Alam" }
[ [ "It brings down the number of shares on the market and boosts their value. It's a tax shelter as borrowing is cheaper that repatriating the money and paxing tax on it.", "The answer to this question will be speculative, however, there are a number of reasons why this may have happened. Firstly, this operation could be more tax efficient for the company. Secondly, debt is a cheaper form of capital than equity. And finally, this may be seen as a good way to make money if inflation is likely to occur over the next few years." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "By buying back shares, the company is boosting the share price.", "This operation may be more tax efficient for the company.", "The company may be expecting inflation and are selling debt in order to pay it back in the future and thus make a profit.", "Debt is a cheaper form of capital than equity." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "You can choose to pay your mortgage instead of another bill, or vice versa.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your net will change from month to month while your gross is relatively static.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I can make a bunch of promises to my load officer about my expenses, but it is very difficult to verify.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Moreover, it is pretty hard to give your net income and plan for emergencies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So for the sake of reliability, verifiability, and general ease a lender will look at your gross.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "YOU should definitely look at your net when deciding if you can afford a loan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The percentage of gross income is a quick and easy way to arrive at the rough ballpark figure of the mortgage one can afford.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "The net income is something which one does not know offhand.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you want to seriously evaluate then most of the standard mortgage calculators will ask you to enter your gross income, your other liabilities like Auto Loan, Student Loan, personal Loan, Card Payments, Any other regular payments like Child Support etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "After factoring all these one arrives at the actual mortgage one can afford.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "As is evident, the above requires a good amount of calculation and hence the preffered method becomes on the basis of gross income.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "People typically present themselves to be as wealthy as possible to banks and as poor as possible to the government at tax time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Gross income is really the most reliable number for most folks.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Your and your employer are required by law to report an accurate gross income figure annually.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Anything else is totally situational.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "All they are doing anyway is computing your total debt-to-income ratio and mortgage-to-income ratio.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The government agencies that buy mortgages, the big bank that buys the mortgage or the self-underwriting bank has differing standards for different products.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I would ignore the bank completely when they use gross income.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Decide, based upon your current living situation, what your MAX limit on a monthly payment is.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then from that determine the size and cost of the house you can buy.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My husband and I decided on a $2000 monthly payment max, but also agreed $1500 was more reasonable.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When using those numbers in the calculators it is way less than when using gross income.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When we used our gross pay the calculators all said we could afford double what we were looking for.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since they don't know what our take home pay is (after all the deductions including 401k, healthcare, etc), the estimates on gross income are way higher than what we can comfortably afford.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Set a budget based on your current living situation and what you want your future to look like.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Do you want to scrimp and coupon clip or would you rather live comfortably in a smaller home?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Do the online calculators based on take home pay and on gross pay to get a sense of the range you could be looking at.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Gross income is used because there are a lot of variables inherent in the calculation of a \"net income\", including a lot of things under your direct control that you could use to game the system.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "\"Net Income\", as others have inferred, is a very flexible term.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "For the average individual, the definition that would most easily come to mind is likely post-deduction, post-tax earnings; \"take-home pay\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It sounds reasonable, too, as the amount you take home each month can be easily demonstrated with your two most recent pay stubs (which you need to bring in anyway to verify gross earnings).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, even that simplistic definition is fraught with possibility.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You have the ability to modify your pre-tax deductions, such as for retirement or healthcare, and that in turn affects your taxes and thus your net take-home pay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "To assume that you won't do that is foolish for the loan officer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Other definitions of \"net income\", such as, in the case of shopping for a house, \"disposable income plus current rent\", are the result of even longer lists of deductions from gross pay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Many are also dependent on your current home; your electric bill is a function of the size, location and construction of your current home, all of which will change as soon as you move in.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your other bills, such as telecom (TV/phone/internet) are also more or less location-dependent, as even within a single city or metro area, your choice of services and service providers is dictated by the home's physical location.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You may have to pay through the nose right now because your current home isn't serviced by anyone's fiber-optic network, while the home you're moving into could be in a hotly-contested area with access to multiple fiber-optic trunks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, to simplify all this, mortgage companies simply ask for gross income, then apply a metric that makes relatively conservative assumptions about your spending habits to arrive at a final amount.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The upside is simplicity, the downside being that two people both making $60,000/", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "yr may have two completely different financial pictures behind that single number.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Cynical answer: Real Estate agents make money on commission from sale of houses, so their compensation is tied to the home price.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Banks make money off loans, so it is in their interest to make larger loans (as long as the loan gets paid).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So their is a tension at the bank between selling a larger mortgage, and ensuring that their customer can pay the mortgage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Gross income is easier to check, and the taxes at a given income are fairly predictable.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "And banks realized that people can change their medical and retirement deductions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "Whenever I see someone ask how to calculate how big a mortgage he can afford, the answer almost always comes back as a percentage of gross income. Why use gross income as the baseline? Why not net income?", "title": "Why do mortgage affordability recommendations use gross income?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<mortgage><budget><calculation>", "link": "", "author": " bits" }
[ [ "Gross income is constant whereas net income is flexible. There are a lot of variables inherent in the calculation of a net income.", "Gross income is used because it is a more stable figure than Net Income, which can be less predictable. As a consumer, however, you should be more concerned with Net Income." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Gross income is fairly static and therefore the simplest figure to use.", "Net Income is less stable and difficult to know off-hand.", "As an individual, you should be more concenred with Net Income." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I quit diligently reconciling monthly statements some years before everything was online, when I realized that for years before that, every time I thought I found a mistake, it was always my own error.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I was spending a fair amount of time (over the years) doing something that wasn't helping me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So I quit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That said, I do look at the statements and/or check the transactions on a regular basis", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(I now use email notifications of automatic deposits as the trigger, and then look over withdrawals, too) to make sure everything looks appropriate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I'm less concerned about a bank error than I am about identity or account theft.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 8 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "While it's wise, easier and safer to check your transactions online a few times a month, I opt to receive and file paper statements as a hard copy back up of account history.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Any reconciliation I perform is a quick glance to make sure the numbers sound right.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's probably a small waste of time and space, but it settles some of my paranoia (due to my training as a computer engineer) about failure of electronic banking systems.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If someone tampers with bank records or a SAN explodes and wipes out a bunch of account data, then I will have years worth of paper statements to back up my numbers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Having years worth of statements printed on the banks stationary will have better credibility in court than a .pdf or printout thereof that could have been doctored, in case I ever needed to take my bank to court.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A little piece of mind for the price of a letter opener, a square foot file box and a couple of minutes a month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Account statements and the account information provided by your personal finance software should be coming from the same source, namely your bank's internal accounting records.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So in theory one is just as good as the other.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That being said, an account statement is a snapshot of your account on the date the statement was created, while synchronizations with your personal finance application is dynamically generated upon request (usually once a day or upon login).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So what are the implications of this?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your account statement will not show transactions that may have taken place during that period but weren't posted until after the period ended (common with credit card transactions and checks).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Instead they'd appear on the next statement.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Because electronic account synchronizations are more frequent and not limited to a specific time period those transactions will show up shortly after they are posted.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So it is far easier to keep track of your accounts electronically.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Every personal finance software I've ever used supports manual entries so what I like to do is on a daily basis I manually enter any transaction which wasn't posted automatically.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This usually only takes a few minutes each evening.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Then when the transaction eventually shows up it's usually reconciled with my manually entered one automatically.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Aside from finding (infrequent) bank errors this has the benefit of keeping me aware of how much I'm spending and how much I have left.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I've also caught a number of cashier errors this way", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(noticing I was double-charged for an item while entering the receipt total) and its the best defense against fraud and identity theft I can think of.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you're looking at your accounts on a daily basis you're far more likely to notice an unusual transaction than any monitoring service.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Cochran", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My wife and I are paid every two weeks.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I go on line", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "see the exact deposit, add it to register, and see what checks cleared.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In effect, I reconcile twice per month, and the statement can't be different that what their system tells me.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since the online site shows \"last statement balance\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I feel there's no need to bother with the paper, nothing left to reconcile.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Banks make mistakes.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Reconciling your account with your bank statement is the way to catch the errors.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I don't use debit cards, but if I did I would review that portion of the statement.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I look at my credit card statements pretty closely, and probably catch one or two mistakes or things I want to question every year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Sounds like you are reconciling more than once a month.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I like to say I glance at all my statements, but these days I just look at the final balance and call it good.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If a transaction shows up by mistake, I would find it in a couple of days because of", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "how often I update my Quicken and", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I used to be very diligent in reconciling my accounts with the monthly statement when it came in the mail. Now that I don't receive paper statements, I rarely even look at the statement or bother downloading it from the bank website. I track my income and spending with Mint and Quicken, and download and categorize my transactions once per week. I am paying attention to my accounts, just not to the statements provided by the bank. Is it worth the time for me to spend reconciling my statements?", "title": "Is it worth it to reconcile my checking/savings accounts every month?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<banking>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Reconciling the account with the statement is the best way to catch errors.", "The answer to this question is subjective, with some people saying this is no longer necessary whilst others see it as a sensible way to catch potential bank errors." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer to this question is subjective, with some people saying this is no longer necessary whilst others see it as a sensible way to catch potential bank errors." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "In many states banks are required to pay interest on your escrow according to this article .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I know i am getting interest paid.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once your mortgage is setup with an escrow there is no way to get rid of it (only to refinance).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Also nowadays many banks require you to escrow taxes and insurance.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's their way to make sure you don't default on your taxes and don't cancel insurance on \"their\" property.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My bank did fine the first couple years of handling my escrow, then out of the blue, totally messed it up and cost me a lot of time straightening it all out with them as well as straightening out with my taxing authority.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I told them to send me the balance of the escrow and cancel it, that I would handle it from then on and they did.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There was a qualification that I met", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", I just can't remember what that was.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I too have a lot of equity and was never late on a payment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I also manage it via direct deposit from my paychecks into interest bearing accounts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "My mortgage started out with an escrow, but it seemed like they were mismanaging it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "They often over-collected it and locked up my money unnecessarily or under-collected and had to catch up later to pay the tax bill.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Despite what Vitalik said, I told them I would pay my own taxes and insurance and to stop the escrow and they did without argument.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Keep in mind, you should only do this if you are good about saving money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The banks know that many people aren't and will have trouble at the end of the year when a multi-thousand dollar tax or insurance bill comes due, hence the reason they try to get you to do the escrow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In my case, I just had the estimated tax/escrow amount automatically deposited from my paycheck into a special interest bearing savings account that I manage.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The terms of most mortgages usually include the requirement for tax escrow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some banks will let you handle your own taxes once you loan to value drops below 50%.It's annoying that you lose the use of your own funds, I agree.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It can't hurt to write a note to the bank and see it they'll waive escrow.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I simply wrote my bank an email and said, \"I want to handle my own escrow\".", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "They said, \"fine\" and even let me set up a third account called \"escrow\" (savings and checking being the other two) that I just transfer money into whenever I want.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But, I don't actually know what their requirements are for doing that.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I have a ton of equity in the house, and I never missed a payment, AND I have direct deposit at that institution.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, it can be done.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The escrow rules used to be A LOT more lax.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The banks used to screw people pretty hard.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example - after paying off a loan banks would drag their feet about sending back the money.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This does not account for much on one loan, but if you multiply that by all the loans they service", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it is a significant amount.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There are not strict rules governing the amount of money that can be held in escrow and how quickly the money has to be returned after a loan payoff.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } } ]
{ "question": "I notice on a mortgage payment that a portion of every payment goes towards an escrow account (which goes towards homeowner insurance and property taxes). In the meantime, there seems to be a significant amount of money sitting in the escrow account that doesn't reduce payments or earn interest (that I know of). Is there a better way to handle the money going into the mortgage escrow account?", "title": "Mortgage Escrow Balance - is there a better way?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<mortgage>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "You can ask the bank to waive the escrow so you pay the taxes and insurance yourself. ", "It is possible that there is no way of exiting your current arrangements without refinancing. However, it is also possible that you could write to your bank and ask to handle your own Escrow arrangements. They may well accept your proposal." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "It is possible that there is no way to change the current arrangement without refinancing.", "It is generally considered that if you write to your bank and ask to handle your own Escrow arrangements, they will let you do so." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "Simply put, the interest you're paying on your loans is eating into any gains you have in the stock market.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So, figure out how much you're paying in interest and consider the feasibility of paying off some of the loan.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Also figure in if you would be selling the stock at a profit or a loss.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "Generally speaking, a home loan is typically long-term, with a high principal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I believe the consensus is that it is typically not worth paying down extra on it.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "A car loan, though, is much shorter term, with a lower principal.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It may be worth it to pay that down.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would certainly consider paying down the loan with 10% interest, even without running any numbers.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "What about doing this without selling stock?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The reason I suggest that is that you should not sell the stock unless you truly need the money or for some material reason(s) related to the company, the market, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "(Of course, one other reason would be to cut losses.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless I was looking to sell some stock anyway, I would try other ways to come up with the money to pay down the highest interest loan, at least.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are thinking of selling stock to pay down debt, definitely run the numbers.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Marian", "score": 18 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Put yourself in this position - if you had no debts and no investments, would you borrow money at those rates to invest in the stock market?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If no, then pay off the debts.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If yes, then keep them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Petroelje", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'd get rid of the debt with the stock money.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Stocks are at a high for the year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Get out while the getting's good and get your financial house in order.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 7 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Obviously, you should not buy stock when the option is to pay down your debt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "However, your question is different.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Should you sell to reduce debt.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That really depends on your personal situation.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you were planning to sell the stock anyway, go ahead and reduce your loans.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "Check out how the stock is doing and what the perspectives are.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "If the stock looks like it's going down, sell... Do you have savings?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Unless you do, I should advise to sell the stock at any rate.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do have savings, are they earning you more (in percentage) than your loans?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If they are, keep them...", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Junkie", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Depends from your general overall situation, but for what we know i would say: Definetely get rid of the high interest loan (10%)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "since average stocks return is not as high.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Not sell shares for the car loan, the market is not so high (the s&p500 is just above the 200dd moing average).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But if you have extra savings you should emduce this debt, since average savings rate is lower than 4% Keep the student loan for the moment.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm surprised no one has picked up on this, but the student loan is an exception to the rule.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It's inflation bound (for now), you only have to pay it back as a percentage of your salary if you earn over £15k (11% on any amount over that I believe)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", you don't have to pay it if you lose your job, and it doesn't affect your ability to get credit (except that your repayments will be taken into account).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "My advice, which is slightly different to the above, is: if you have any shares that have lost more than 10% since you bought them and aren't currently recovering, sell them and pay off your debts with those.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The rest is down to you - are they making more than 10% a year?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If they are, don't sell them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If your dividends are covering your payments, carry on as you are.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Otherwise it's down to you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " L", "score": 2 } } ]
{ "question": "The question is obvious. I have debt, not in excess, but I have. And I have some stocks in the market. Should I use the stock money to pay my debt, and be debt free. The debt is not high interest. Just a few loans: car loan 4%, student loan 2.75%, misc loan 10% (low balance) Ideas?", "title": "Should I sell my stocks to reduce my debt?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<stocks><debt>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Work out whether it would be profitable to sell the stock in relation to how much interest you are paying. You should not sell the stock unless your really need the money. ", "The answer to this question will depend on your personal situation and the outlook for your stocks. Some people would not recommend selling stocks unless you truly need the funds. Other people would say that it would be worth it to be debt-free. In any case, if you are planning on selling your stocks anyway, you might want to consider paying off your debts as an option." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "You may want to consider this as an option if you were planning on selling the stock anyway.", "The answer will depend on your personal situation and what the outlook is for your stocks.", "Some people would say this is worth it to be debt-free.", "Some people would try to avoid selling stocks unless you truly need the funds." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "That depends whether you're betting on the market going up, or down, during the year.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "If you don't like to bet (and I don't), you can take advantage of dollar cost averaging by splitting it up into smaller contributions throughout the year.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "From a purely analytical standpoint, assuming you are investing your Roth IRA contributions in broad market securities (such as the SPDR S&P 500 ETF, which tracks the S&P 500), the broader market has historically had more upward movement than downward, and therefore a dollar invested today will have a greater expected value than a dollar invested tomorrow.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "So from this perspective, it is better to \"max out\" your Roth on the first day of the contribution year and immediately invest in broad market (or at least well diversified) securities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "That being said, opportunity costs must also be taken into account--every dollar you use to fund your Roth IRA is a dollar that is no longer available to be invested elsewhere", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(hence, a lost opportunity).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With this in mind, if you are currently eligible for a 401k in which your employer matches some portion of your contributions, it is generally advised that you contribute to the 401k up to the employer-match.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, if your employer matches 75% of contributions up to 3.5% of your gross salary, then it is advisable that you first contribute this 3.5% to your 401k before even considering contributing to a Roth IRA.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The reasoning behind this is two-fold: first, the employer-match can be considered as a guaranteed Return on Investment--so for example, for an employer that matches 75%, for every dollar you contribute you already have earned a 75% return up to the employer's limit.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Secondly, 401k contributions have tax implications: not only is the money contributed to the 401k pre-tax (i.e., contributions are not taxed), it also reduces your taxable income, so the marginal tax benefit of these contributions must also be taken into account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Keep in mind that in the usual circumstances, 401k disbursements are taxable.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Finally, many financial advisors will also suggest establishing an \"emergency fund\", which is money that you will not use unless you suffer an emergency that has an impact on your normal income--loss of job, medical emergency, etc.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "These funds are often kept in highly liquid accounts (savings accounts, money-market funds, etc.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "so they can be accessed immediately when you run into one of \"life's little surprises\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Generally, it is advised that an emergency fund between $500-$1000 is established ASAP, and over time the emergency fund should be increased until it has reached a value equivalent to the sum of 8 months' worth of expenses.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If funding an IRA is preventing you from working towards such an emergency fund, then you may want to consider waiting on maxing out the IRA before you have that EF established.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Of course, it goes without saying that credit card balances with APRs other than 0.00% (or similar) should be paid off before an IRA is funded, since while you can only hope to match the market at best (between 10-15% a year) in your IRA investments, paying down credit card balances is an instant \"return\" of whatever the APR is, which usually tends to be between a 15-30% APR.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In a nutshell, assuming you are maxing out your 401k (if applicable), have an emergency fund established, are not carrying any high-APR credit card balances, and are able to do so, historical price movements in the markets suggest that funding your Roth IRA upfront and investing these funds immediately in a broadly diversified portfolio will yield a higher expected return than funding the account periodically throughout the year (using dollar cost averaging or similar strategies).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If this is not the case, take some time to consider the opportunity costs you are incurring from not fully contributing to your 401k, carrying high credit card balances, or not having a sufficient emergency fund established.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This is not financial advice specific to any individual and your mileage may vary.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Consider consulting a Certified Financial Planner, Certified Public Accountant, etc.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 4 ] ] }, { "text": "before making any major financial decisions.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 5 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "If you have the money put it in, and invest the money over a few months.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Always keep a modest reserve of cash to give you the flexibility to take advantage of market opportunities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "More often than not the market will rise year on year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Your best move is to put the $5000 in on Jan 2.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Are you in the 15% bracket?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If not, that is, if higher, I'd suggest the traditional, deductible, IRA.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 4 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Dollar cost averaging is a method of regularly investing money as it is available.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "For example, $100 from each paycheck.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It has been shown to bet better, on average, than collecting the money and investing it all at once.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It is not intended to be used when you have the entire amount up front.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "See this link .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Dollar cost averaging a lump sum would only be beneficial if the market was just as likely to go up as is to go down.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Since, over time, the market (historically) has always gone up, your best bet is to invest all of your money right away.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "text": "Anything else is just trying to time the market.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This may be a lame answer, but the best IRA contribution strategy is the one that will actually stick to .", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 3 ] ] }, { "text": "A single lump sum contribution every year may be a difficult thing for you to maintain.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When it's time to make your contribution, you may say \"eh, $5000 is a lot of money, and my checking account balance is kinda low", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": ", I'll wait before I contribute\".", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You keep putting it off, and then you miss the opportunity for the year.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you setup small regular automatic withdrawals, your IRA contribution will run on auto-pilot.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Depending on your cash flow, this may not be favorable, though.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "Assuming that I can afford it: should I try to max contribute ($5k) to my Roth IRA as soon as possible in the tax year or break up the contributions evenly throughout the year?", "title": "Should I try to max contribute to my Roth IRA asap?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<retirement><roth-ira><contribution>", "link": "", "author": " Denny" }
[ [ "It depends whether you want to take risk. You can take advantage of the dollar cost averaging and split it up into smaller contributions throughout the year. You might also be better putting in all the money at the beginning of the year.", "The answer will depend on what you are expecting the market to do over the year. If you don't like to bet, then spread your contributions out evenly. On the other hand, many people expect markets to go up and would recommend paying as much as you can at the beginning. In any case, your best option would probably be to consult a professional financial advisor." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "The answer will depend on what you are expecting the market to do over the course of the year.", "If you don't like to bet, you should consider breaking up your contributions evenly.", "Some people believe that the best choice is to invest as much as you can straight away.", "Others would recommend a strategy that you are likely to stick to in the long term.", "You may wish to consult with a professional financial planner for the best advice." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "I recently came across bitcoin, it is what I was really looking for at the time.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "You say you want a more \"stable\" system.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Recall from your introductory economics courses that money has three roles: a medium of exchange", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "(here is $, give me goods), a unit of account (you owe me $; the business made $ last year), and a store of value (I have saved $ for the future!).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I assume that you are mostly concerned with the store-of-value role being eroded due to inflation.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But first consider that most people still want regular currency, so as a medium of exchange or accounting unit anything would face an uphill battle.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you discard that role for your currency, and only want to store value with it, you could just buy equities and commodities and baskets of currencies and debt in a brokerage account (possibly using mutual funds) to store your value.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Trillions of dollars' worth of business takes place this way every year already.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Virtual currency was a bit of a dot-com bubble thing.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The systems which didn't go completely bust and are still around have been beset by money-laundering, and otherwise remain largely an ignored niche.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "An online fiat currency has the same basic problem that another currency has.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You need to trust the central bank not to create more money and cause inflation (or even just abscond with the funds... or go bankrupt / get sued).", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Perhaps the Federal Reserve may be jerking us around on that front right now....", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "they're still a lot more believable than a small private institution.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some banks might possibly be trustworthy enough to launch a currency, but it's hard to see why they'd bother (it can't be a big profit center, because people aren't willing to pay too much to just use money.)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "And an online currency that's backed by commodities (e.g. gold) is going to be subject to potentially violent swings in the prices of commodities.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Imagine getting a loan out for your house, denominated in terms of e-gold, and then the price of gold triples.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Ouch?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Congratulations!", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You see the problem.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You can't get away from unstable currencies.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The other problem is that the US will shut down anything that appears to be providing a replacement for the US Dollar.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once a token or medallion or gift certificate or whatever starts being used outside the confines of one business or one network of businesses, it will be shut down, quickly.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It happened with Las Vegas gambling tokens .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Another more recent attempt was with the Liberty Dollar , gold and silver coins and certificates that not only had precious metal backing, but whose proponents encouraged taking them to retailers and paying with them as if they were US Dollars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There were other problems with this idea, but it was the competitive stature of the Liberty dollar that got the headquarters raided and the main site shut down .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Basically, all signs point toward dealing with currencies and their state of being systematically eroded over time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you do find one that appears to exist, be wary, because the rules can change at any time, and the \"money\" will be nowhere near as liquid as a proper currency.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Edit: I discovered Bitcoin a few months after I posted this answer.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I would strongly recommend anyone interested in this question to review it, particularly the myths page that dispels much of the FUD.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Original answer:", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Although it is not online, as a concept the Totnes Pound may be of interest to you.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "I live quite close to this village (in the UK) and the system it promotes does work well.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "According to the Transition Town Totnes website this means that it is \"a community in a process of imagining and creating a future that addresses the twin challenges of diminishing oil and gas supplies and climate change , and creates the kind of community that we would all want to be part of.\"", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If you are looking for a starting place to introduce a new type of currency, perhaps in response to over-dependence on oil and global trade, then reading about the Transition Towns initiative could provide you with the answers you're looking for.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Rowe", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm the equivalent of the FED at ROBLOX.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I run a virtual economy there worth millions of dollars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Even though we are in the business of printing our own money, we've seen much more stability in our currency than in the USD.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "It actually appreciates over time.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think it would make a good investment though, nor would any of the online virtual currencies that I am aware of.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " Shedletsky", "score": 2 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "I'm not sure, but I think the monetary system of Second Life or World of Warcraft would correspond to what you are looking for.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "I don't think they are independent of the dollar though, since acquiring liquidity in those games can be done through exchange for real dollars.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "But there can be more closed systems, maybe Sim type games where this is not the case.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I hope this helps.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "This site lets people deposit gold into an account.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Once you have an account setup you can pay others in gold online .", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I haven't used it or know of anyone who has so", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "I cannot provide any feedback to how well it works.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I'm actually looking for something that would resemble a monetary system of a sovereign country. The value of its currency would be somewhat independent of, say the dollar. If there was a more stable system online, maybe it could replace the less stable real world systems. I'm just curious if anyone has heard of anything like this, or if there is place i can read more about related topics.", "title": "Do you know of any online monetary systems?", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<currency><online-payment>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "Bitcoin would be similar to this concept. You could also look at local currency like the Totnes pound or video game currency like Second Life.", "Two examples of online currency include Bitcoin and the Totnes Pound. Currency systems used in games like Second Life or World of Warcraft may also fit this description." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Two examples of online currency include Bitcoin and the Totnes Pound.", "Currency systems used in games like Second Life or World of Warcraft might fit this description." ] ]
[ { "sents": [ { "text": "If it is a credit card bill, the money goes towards your balance because on all of my cards, the interest for the month will show up as a line item that increases the balance.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "So all your payment goes towards the balance.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is good because your interest is probably calculated daily, and any amount you can lower your balance will therefore lower the interest you have to pay.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Additionally, in the US the CARD act means that you payment must be applied to items with the highest interest rates first.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 14 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The extra money will go toward principal (assuming you're paying on time and don't have late fees).", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 10 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Usually payments are applied towards: Fees Interest Principal", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 6 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "Yes, for a credit card, payments in excess of the minimum will go toward principal.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 0 ] ] }, { "text": "This is not always the case with a mortgage, where prepayments of extra principal need to be explicitly stated.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": " - Apologise to Monica", "score": 3 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "The fine print of your credit card agreement will always tell you exactly in what order things are paid off.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You should have a copy of the agreement, and it's easy to get one if you don't.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "In most cases I believe the order is: Fees Interest Older purchases Recent purchases", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "This applies to your minimum payment as well as any excess", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "- the minimum isn't a separate kind of payment, it's just the minimum you are allowed to make.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 1 } }, { "sents": [ { "text": "There are some loan types where your minimum payment may be less than the interest due in the current period; this is not true of credit cards in the US.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Separately, if you have a minimum payment amount due of less than the interest due in the period, the net interest amount would just become principal anyway so differentiating", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it isn't meaningful.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "With credit cards in the US, the general minimum calculation is 1% of the principal outstanding plus all interest accrued in the period plus any fees.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Any overpayment is applied to the principal outstanding, because this is a revolving line of credit and unpaid interest or fees appear as a charge just like your coffee and also begin to accrue interest.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "The issue arises if you have multiple interest rates.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Maybe you did a balance transfer at a discounted interest rate; does that balance get credited before the balance carried at the standard rate?", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You'll have to call your lender.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 1 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "While there is a regulation in place requiring payment to credit the highest rate balance first the banks still have latitude on how the payment is literally applied; explained below.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When there IS an amortization schedule, the issue is not \"principal or interest\" the issue is principle, or the next payment on the amortization schedule.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "If the monthly payment on your car loan is $200, but you send $250, the bank will use the additional $50 to credit the next payment due.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When you get your statement next month (it's usually monthly)", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "it will indicate an amount due of $150.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "When you've prepaid more than an entire payment, the next payment is just farther in to the future.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You need to talk to your lender about \"unscheduled\" principal payments because the process will vary by lender and by specific loan.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Call your lender.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] }, { "text": "You are a customer, you have a contract, they will explain this stuff to you.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "There is no harm that can possibly come from learning the nuances of your agreement with them.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Regarding the nuance to the payment regulation: A federal credit card reform law enacted in May 2009 requires that credit card companies must apply your entire payment, minus the required minimum payment amount , to the highest interest rate balance on your card.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "Some credit card issuers are aggressive here and apply the non-interest portion of the minimum payment to the lowest interest rate first.", "label": [ 0 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ -1 ] ] }, { "text": "You'll need to call your bank and ask them.", "label": [ 1 ], "label_summ": [ 0 ], "cluster_id": [ [ 1 ] ] } ], "answer_details": { "author": "", "score": 0 } } ]
{ "question": "I have a $80 minimum on my credit bill. If I pay them $100, do the additional $20 go to the card's Principal or Interest ? If it goes to Interest, do I have to explicitly state that those $20 go to Principal?", "title": "Paying over minimum monthly charge of credit cards", "forum": "", "question_tags": "<united-states><credit-card><interest><minimum-payment><principal>", "link": "", "author": "" }
[ [ "All your payment goes towards the balance. You can call your lender to be sure.", "You may want to speak to your credit card provider for an exact answer, however it is generally the case that any excess payments go to your credit card balance." ] ]
{ "rel_sent_not_in_cluster": [ false ], "cluster_sents_not_matched": [ [] ] }
[ 0 ]
[ [ "Any excess money you pay will go to your balance.", "You may want to speak to your lender for a precise answer." ] ]