Hvornår vandt detroit lions sidst et mesterskab?
{ "text": [ "1957" ], "answer_start": [ 1028 ] }
Detroit Lions Nuværende sæson Oprettet 12. juli 1930; 87 år siden (12. juli 1930) Første sæson: 1930 Spiller på Ford Field Detroit, Michigan Har hovedkvarter i Allen Park, Michigan Logo Ordmærke Tilknytning til ligaer/konferencer National Football League (fra 1930 til i dag) Western Division (1933-1949) National Conference (1950-1952) Western Conference (1953-1969) Central Division (1967-1969) National Football Conference (1970-nutid) NFC Central (1970-2001) NFC North (2002-nuværende) Nuværende uniform Holdets farver Honolulu Blue, sølv Kampsang Gridiron Heroes Maskot Løven Roary Theo "Gridiron" Spight Personale Ejer(e) Martha Firestone Ford Formand Martha Firestone Ford Formand Rod Wood Generaldirektør Bob Quinn Cheftræner Jim Caldwell Holdets historie Portsmouth Spartans (1930-1933) Detroit Lions (1934-nuværende) Mesterskaber Liga mesterskaber (4) NFL-mesterskaber (før 1970 AFL-NFL-fusionen) (4) 1935, 1952, 1953, 1957 Konferencemesterskaber (4) NFL National: 1952 NFL Western: 1953, 1954, 1957 Divisionsmesterskaber (4) NFL West: 1935 NFC Central: 1983, 1991, 1993 Deltagelse i slutspillet (18) NFL: 1932, 1935, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1957, 1970, 1982, 1983, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2011, 2014, 2016 Hjemmebaner Universal Stadium (1930-1933) University of Detroit Stadium (1934-1940) Tiger Stadium (1938-1939, 1941-1974) Pontiac Silverdome (1975-2001) Ford Field (2002-nutid)
{ "text": [ "1957" ], "answer_start": [ 1019 ] }
Detroit Lions Current season Established July 12, 1930; 87 years ago (July 12, 1930) First season: 1930 Play in Ford Field Detroit, Michigan Headquartered in Allen Park, Michigan Logo Wordmark League/conference affiliations National Football League (1930–present) Western Division (1933–1949) National Conference (1950–1952) Western Conference (1953–1969) Central Division (1967–1969) National Football Conference (1970–present) NFC Central (1970–2001) NFC North (2002–present) Current uniform Team colors Honolulu Blue, Silver Fight song Gridiron Heroes Mascot Roary the Lion Theo "Gridiron" Spight Personnel Owner(s) Martha Firestone Ford Chairman Martha Firestone Ford President Rod Wood General manager Bob Quinn Head coach Jim Caldwell Team history Portsmouth Spartans (1930–1933) Detroit Lions (1934–present) Championships League championships (4) NFL Championships (pre–1970 AFL–NFL merger) (4) 1935, 1952, 1953, 1957 Conference championships (4) NFL National: 1952 NFL Western: 1953, 1954, 1957 Division championships (4) NFL West: 1935 NFC Central: 1983, 1991, 1993 Playoff appearances (18) NFL: 1932, 1935, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1957, 1970, 1982, 1983, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2011, 2014, 2016 Home fields Universal Stadium (1930–1933) University of Detroit Stadium (1934–1940) Tiger Stadium (1938–1939, 1941–1974) Pontiac Silverdome (1975–2001) Ford Field (2002–present)
Detroit Lions
Hvornår blev house of the rising sun udgivet?
{ "text": [ "1964" ], "answer_start": [ 297 ] }
"The House of the Rising Sun" er en traditionel folkesang, der undertiden kaldes "Rising Sun Blues". Den fortæller om et liv, der er gået galt i New Orleans; mange versioner opfordrer også en søskende til at undgå den samme skæbne. Den mest succesfulde kommercielle version, der blev indspillet i 1964 af den britiske rockgruppe The Animals, blev et hit nummer et på den britiske single-liste og også i USA og Frankrig. Som en traditionel folkesang indspillet af et elektrisk rockband er den blevet beskrevet som det "første folk-rock-hit".
{ "text": [ "1964" ], "answer_start": [ 251 ] }
"The House of the Rising Sun" is a traditional folk song, sometimes called "Rising Sun Blues". It tells of a life gone wrong in New Orleans; many versions also urge a sibling to avoid the same fate. The most successful commercial version, recorded in 1964 by British rock group the Animals, was a number one hit on the UK Singles Chart and also in the United States and France. As a traditional folk song recorded by an electric rock band, it has been described as the "first folk-rock hit".
The House of the Rising Sun
Hvad er historien bag fantomet i operaen?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The Phantom of the Opera Fantomet i operaen (fransk: Le Fantôme de l'Opéra) er en roman af den franske forfatter Gaston Leroux. Den blev første gang udgivet som en føljeton i Le Gaulois fra den 23. september 1909 til den 8. januar 1910. Den blev udgivet i bind i slutningen af marts 1910 af Pierre Lafitte. Romanen er delvis inspireret af historiske begivenheder i Paris-operaen i det 19. århundrede og en apokryfe historie om brugen af en tidligere balletelevs skelet i Carl Maria von Webers opsætning af Der Freischütz fra 1841. Den er med succes blevet tilpasset til forskellige scene- og filmatiseringer, hvoraf de mest bemærkelsesværdige er filmatiseringen fra 1925 med Lon Chaney i hovedrollen og Andrew Lloyd Webbers musical fra 1986.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The Phantom of the Opera (French: Le Fantôme de l'Opéra) is a novel by French writer Gaston Leroux. It was first published as a serialisation in Le Gaulois from 23 September 1909, to 8 January 1910. It was published in volume form in late March 1910 by Pierre Lafitte. The novel is partly inspired by historical events at the Paris Opera during the nineteenth century and an apocryphal tale concerning the use of a former ballet pupil's skeleton in Carl Maria von Weber's 1841 production of Der Freischütz. It has been successfully adapted into various stage and film adaptations, most notable of which are the 1925 film depiction featuring Lon Chaney, and Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1986 musical.
The Phantom of the Opera
Hvem spillede charlie i the perks of being a wallflower?
{ "text": [ "Logan Lerman" ], "answer_start": [ 103 ] }
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film) Filmen udspiller sig på baggrund af en ung studerende, Charlie (Logan Lerman), der har lidt af en klinisk depression som følge af tilbageslag i barndommen, og som for nylig er blevet udskrevet fra en psykiatrisk institution for at begynde sin tilpasning til en normal livsstil som ung gymnasieelev. Charlie er utilpas ved at begynde sit første år på high school; han er genert og har svært ved at få venner, men han får et godt forhold til sin engelsklærer, Mr. Anderson (Paul Rudd).
{ "text": [ "Logan Lerman" ], "answer_start": [ 68 ] }
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film) The film is set against the background of a young student, Charlie (Logan Lerman), who has been suffering from clinical depression from childhood setbacks and has recently been discharged from a mental health care institution to begin his adaptation to a normal lifestyle as a young high school student. Charlie is uneasy about beginning his freshman year of high school; he is shy and finds difficulty in making friends, but he connects with his English teacher, Mr. Anderson (Paul Rudd).
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film)
Hvornår lavede man filmen 9 til 5?
{ "text": [ "1980" ], "answer_start": [ 92 ] }
9 to 5 (film) 9 to 5 (i rulleteksterne kaldt Nine to Five) er en amerikansk komediefilm fra 1980, produceret af Bruce Gilbert og skrevet (sammen med Patricia Reswick) og instrueret af Colin Higgins. I hovedrollerne ses Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin og Dolly Parton som tre arbejdende kvinder, der udlever deres fantasier om at hævne sig på og vælte virksomhedens enevældige, "sexistiske, egoistiske, løgnagtige, hykleriske bigot"-chef, spillet af Dabney Coleman.
{ "text": [ "1980" ], "answer_start": [ 60 ] }
9 to 5 (film) 9 to 5 (styled in the opening credits as Nine to Five) is a 1980 American comedy film produced by Bruce Gilbert and co-written (with Patricia Reswick) and directed by Colin Higgins. It stars Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, and Dolly Parton as three working women who live out their fantasies of getting even with, and their overthrow of, the company's autocratic, "sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot" boss, played by Dabney Coleman.
9 to 5 (film)
Hvem synger sangen there is no arizona?
{ "text": [ "Jamie O'Neal" ], "answer_start": [ 94 ] }
"There Is No Arizona" er en sang skrevet og indspillet af den australske countrymusikkunstner Jamie O'Neal. Den blev udgivet i august 2000 som den første single fra O'Neals debutalbum, Shiver. Sangen nåede førstepladsen på Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks (nu Hot Country Songs) hitlisterne. Den blev skrevet af O'Neal, Lisa Drew og Shaye Smith.
{ "text": [ "Jamie O'Neal" ], "answer_start": [ 91 ] }
"There Is No Arizona" is a song co-written and recorded by Australian country music artist Jamie O'Neal. It was released in August 2000 as the first single from O'Neal's debut album, Shiver. The song reached Number One on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts. It was written by O'Neal, Lisa Drew and Shaye Smith.
There Is No Arizona
Hvem skrev mother nature's son?
{ "text": [ "Lennon-McCartney" ], "answer_start": [ 87 ] }
"Mother Nature's Son" er en sang, der primært er skrevet af Paul McCartney (krediteret Lennon-McCartney) og udgivet af Beatles på The Beatles ("The White Album"). Den var inspireret af et foredrag, som Maharishi Mahesh Yogi holdt, mens Beatles var i Indien. Samme foredrag inspirerede Lennon til den uudgivne sang "Child of Nature", hvis melodi han senere genbrugte til "Jealous Guy".
{ "text": [ "Lennon–McCartney" ], "answer_start": [ 81 ] }
"Mother Nature's Son" is a song written primarily by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon–McCartney) and released by the Beatles on The Beatles ("the White Album"). It was inspired by a lecture given by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi while the Beatles were in India. The same lecture inspired Lennon's unreleased song "Child of Nature", the tune of which he later re-used for "Jealous Guy".
Mother Nature's Son
Hvem sang killing me softly with his song?
{ "text": [ "The Fugees" ], "answer_start": [ 412 ] }
Killing Me Softly with His Song Hiphopgruppen Fugees coverede sangen (som blot "Killing Me Softly") på deres album The Score fra 1996 med Lauryn Hill som forsanger. Deres version blev et hit og nåede op på andenpladsen på den amerikanske airplay-liste. Sangen toppede hitlisterne i Storbritannien, hvor den blev landets mest solgte single i 1996. Den har siden solgt 1,36 millioner eksemplarer i Storbritannien. The Fugees' indspilning vandt i 1997 en Grammy for bedste R&B-optræden af en duo eller gruppe med vokal, og deres video vandt MTV Video Music Award for bedste R&B-video.
{ "text": [ "Fugees" ], "answer_start": [ 14 ] }
Killing Me Softly with His Song Hip hop group Fugees covered the song (as simply "Killing Me Softly") on their 1996 album The Score, with Lauryn Hill singing the lead vocals. Their version became a hit, reaching number two on the U.S. airplay chart. The song topped the charts in the United Kingdom, where it became the country's biggest-selling single of 1996. It has since sold 1.36 million copies in Britain. The Fugees recording won the 1997 Grammy for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal and their video earned the MTV Video Music Award for Best R&B Video.
Killing Me Softly with His Song
Hvem sang bind en gul sløjfe om det gamle egetræ?
{ "text": [ "Tony Orlando og Dawn" ], "answer_start": [ 143 ] }
Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree Forudgået af "Den nat lyset gik ud i Georgia" af Vicki Lawrence Billboard Hot 100-single nummer et (Tony Orlando og Dawn-versionen) 21. april 1973 (fire uger) Efterfulgt af "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" af Stevie Wonder Foregået af "Dirty Old Man" af George Hamilton IV RPM Country Tracks nummer et single (Johnny Carver-version) 16. juni 1973 (en uge) Efterfulgt af "You Always Come Back (To Hurting Me)" af Johnny Rodriguez Foregået af "Get Down" af Gilbert O'Sullivan Nummer et på UK Singles Chart 21. april 1973 (fire uger) Efterfulgt af "See My Baby Jive" af Wizzard
{ "text": [ "Tony Orlando and Dawn" ], "answer_start": [ 110 ] }
Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree Preceded by "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" by Vicki Lawrence Billboard Hot 100 number-one single (Tony Orlando and Dawn version) April 21, 1973 (four weeks) Succeeded by "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" by Stevie Wonder Preceded by "Dirty Old Man" by George Hamilton IV RPM Country Tracks number one single (Johnny Carver version) June 16, 1973 (one week) Succeeded by "You Always Come Back (To Hurting Me)" by Johnny Rodriguez Preceded by "Get Down" by Gilbert O'Sullivan UK Singles Chart number one single April 21, 1973 (four weeks) Succeeded by "See My Baby Jive" by Wizzard
Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree
Hvem spillede emily valentine i beverly hills 90210?
{ "text": [ "Christine Elise" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Christine Elise (født den 12. februar 1965) er en amerikansk film- og tv-skuespillerinde. Hun er bedst kendt for sine roller som Emily Valentine i Beverly Hills, 90210 og Kyle i filmen Child's Play 2 fra 1990.
{ "text": [ "Christine Elise" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Christine Elise (born February 12, 1965) is an American film and television actress. She is best known for her roles as Emily Valentine on Beverly Hills, 90210 and Kyle in the 1990 film Child's Play 2.
Christine Elise
Hvem er karakterene i the andy griffith show?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of The Andy Griffith Show characters Følgende er en liste over karakterer i The Andy Griffith Show, en amerikansk sitcom tv-serie med Andy Griffith i hovedrollen. Serien blev vist i otte sæsoner på CBS mellem 3. oktober 1960 og 1. april 1968.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of The Andy Griffith Show characters The following is a list of characters of The Andy Griffith Show, an American sitcom television series, starring Andy Griffith. The series ran for eight seasons on CBS between October 3, 1960, and April 1, 1968.
List of The Andy Griffith Show characters
Hvornår blev macbook pro med touch bar lanceret?
{ "text": [ "2016" ], "answer_start": [ 69 ] }
Den fjerde generation af MacBook Pro blev annonceret den 27. oktober 2016. Den erstattede funktionstasterne med en interaktiv, multi-touch "Touch Bar" og en Touch ID-sensor integreret i tænd/sluk-knappen. Den 15-tommers bærbare computer startede til 2.399 dollars, sammenlignet med 1.999 dollars for den tidligere iteration. Den 5. juni 2017 opgraderede Apple de interne dele af MacBook Pro, såsom forbedret Iris Plus- og AMD Radeon-grafik, Kaby Lake-processorer og ekstra hukommelse. Derudover fås 13" MacBook Pro nu med en lagringsmulighed på 128 GB (ned fra den grundlæggende 256 GB lagerplads) med en sænket startpris på 1299 USD. Alle andre konfigurationer af MacBook Pro har samme pris som sidste år, bortset fra de trinvise opgraderinger af processorer og grafik.
{ "text": [ "2016" ], "answer_start": [ 63 ] }
The fourth generation MacBook Pro was announced on October 27, 2016. It replaced the function keys with an interactive, multi-touch "Touch Bar" and a Touch ID sensor integrated into the Power button. The 15-inch notebook started at $2,399, compared to $1,999 for the previous iteration. On 5 June 2017, Apple upgraded the internals of the MacBook Pro, such as enhanced Iris Plus and AMD Radeon graphics, Kaby Lake processors, and added memory. Additionally, the 13-inch MacBook Pro now comes with a 128GB storage option (down from the base 256GB storage) with a lowered starting price of $1299. All other configurations of the MacBook Pro have the same price as last year, barring the incremental upgrades in processors and graphics.
MacBook Pro
Hvornår stoppede man med at bruge den elektriske stol?
{ "text": [ "8. februar 2008" ], "answer_start": [ 1557 ] }
Electric chair Selv om den elektriske stol længe har været et symbol på dødsstraf i USA, er brugen af den i tilbagegang på grund af den stigende brug af den dødbringende indsprøjtning, som mange anser for at være en mere human henrettelsesmetode. Selv om nogle stater stadig har elektrochok som henrettelsesmetode, er den i dag kun en sekundær metode, der kan vælges frem for den dødelige indsprøjtning på fængslets anmodning, undtagen i Tennessee, hvor den kan anvendes, hvis stofferne til den dødelige indsprøjtning ikke er til rådighed, uden at fangen selv skal give sit besyv med. Fra 2014 er elektrochok en valgfri henrettelsesform i Alabama, Florida, South Carolina og Virginia. De giver fangen mulighed for at vælge den dødelige indsprøjtning som en alternativ metode. I staten Kentucky er den elektriske stol blevet taget ud af drift, undtagen for de fanger, hvis kapitalforbrydelser blev begået før den 31. marts 1998, og som vælger elektrochok; indsatte, der ikke vælger elektrochok, og indsatte, der begik deres forbrydelser efter den udpegede dato, henrettes ved dødelig indsprøjtning. I staten Tennessee kan den elektriske stol anvendes, hvis der ikke er adgang til lægemidler til dødelig indsprøjtning, eller på anden måde, hvis den indsatte vælger det, og hvis deres forbrydelse med dødelig indsprøjtning blev begået før 1999. Den elektriske stol er en alternativ henrettelsesform, der er godkendt til potentiel brug i Arkansas og Oklahoma, hvis andre henrettelsesformer er fundet forfatningsstridige i staten på henrettelsestidspunktet. Den 8. februar 2008 fastslog Nebraskas højesteret, at henrettelse ved hjælp af den elektriske stol var en "grusom og usædvanlig straf" i henhold til statens forfatning. Dette satte en stopper for henrettelser af denne type i Nebraska, som er den eneste tilbageværende stat, der beholder elektrochok som eneste henrettelsesmetode.
{ "text": [ "february 8, 2008" ], "answer_start": [ 1449 ] }
Electric chair Although the electric chair has long been a symbol of the death penalty in the United States, its use is in decline due to the rise of lethal injection, which is widely believed to be a more humane method of execution. Although some states still maintain electrocution as a method of execution, today, it is only maintained as a secondary method that may be chosen over lethal injection at the request of the prisoner, except in Tennessee, where it may be used if the drugs for lethal injection are not available, without input from the prisoner. As of 2014, electrocution is an optional form of execution in Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia. They allow the prisoner to choose lethal injection as an alternative method. In the state of Kentucky, the electric chair has been retired, except for those whose capital crimes were committed prior to March 31, 1998, and who choose electrocution; inmates who do not choose electrocution and inmates who committed their crimes after the designated date are executed by lethal injection. In the state of Tennessee, the electric chair is available for use if lethal injection drugs are unavailable, or otherwise, if the inmate so chooses and if their capital crime was committed before 1999. The electric chair is an alternate form of execution approved for potential use in Arkansas and Oklahoma if other forms of execution are found unconstitutional in the state at the time of execution. On February 8, 2008, the Nebraska Supreme Court determined that execution by electric chair was a "cruel and unusual punishment" under the state's constitution. This brought executions of this type to an end in Nebraska, the only remaining state to retain electrocution as its sole method of execution.
Electric chair
Hvem var stjernerne i singing in the rain?
{ "text": [ "Debbie Reynolds" ], "answer_start": [ 269 ] }
Singin' in the Rain Plakat til biografudgivelsen Instrueret af Gene Kelly Stanley Donen Produceret af Arthur Freed Screenplay by Betty Comden Adolph Green Historien af Betty Comden Adolph Green Medvirkende: Gene Kelly Donald O'Connor Debbie Reynolds Musik af Lennie Hayton (originalmusik) Sange: Nacio Herb Brown (musik) Arthur Freed (sangtekst) Kinematografi Harold Rosson Redigeret af Adrienne Fazan Produktion selskab Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distribueret af Loew's Inc. Udgivelsesdato 27. marts 1952 (1952-03-27) (Radio City Music Hall) 11. april 1952 (1952-04-11) (USA) Løbetid 103 minutter Land USA Sprog Engelsk Budget 2,5 mio. dollars Indtjening 12,4 millioner dollars
{ "text": [ "Debbie Reynolds" ], "answer_start": [ 254 ] }
Singin' in the Rain Theatrical release poster Directed by Gene Kelly Stanley Donen Produced by Arthur Freed Screenplay by Betty Comden Adolph Green Story by Betty Comden Adolph Green Starring Gene Kelly Donald O'Connor Debbie Reynolds Music by Lennie Hayton (original score) Songs: Nacio Herb Brown (music) Arthur Freed (lyrics) Cinematography Harold Rosson Edited by Adrienne Fazan Production company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distributed by Loew's Inc. Release date March 27, 1952 (1952-03-27) (Radio City Music Hall) April 11, 1952 (1952-04-11) (United States) Running time 103 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $2.5 million Box office $12.4 million
Singin' in the Rain
Hvilken del af new york er times square?
{ "text": [ "Midtown Manhattan" ], "answer_start": [ 103 ] }
Times Square er et stort kommercielt knudepunkt, et turistmål, et underholdningscenter og et kvarter i Midtown Manhattan i New York City, der ligger ved krydset mellem Broadway og Seventh Avenue. Det strækker sig fra West 42nd til West 47th Street. Times Square, der er prydet med plakater og reklamer, kaldes undertiden "The Crossroads of the World", "The Center of the Universe", "the heart of The Great White Way" og "the heart of the world". Det er et af verdens travleste fodgængerområder, og det er også centrum for Broadway Theater District og et vigtigt centrum for verdens underholdningsindustri. Times Square er en af verdens mest besøgte turistattraktioner, der tiltrækker anslået 50 millioner besøgende årligt. Omkring 330 000 mennesker passerer Times Square dagligt, hvoraf mange er turister, mens over 460 000 fodgængere går gennem Times Square på de travleste dage.
{ "text": [ "Midtown Manhattan" ], "answer_start": [ 115 ] }
Times Square is a major commercial intersection, tourist destination, entertainment center and neighborhood in the Midtown Manhattan section of New York City at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. It stretches from West 42nd to West 47th Streets. Brightly adorned with billboards and advertisements, Times Square is sometimes referred to as "The Crossroads of the World", "The Center of the Universe", "the heart of The Great White Way", and the "heart of the world". One of the world's busiest pedestrian areas, it is also the hub of the Broadway Theater District and a major center of the world's entertainment industry. Times Square is one of the world's most visited tourist attractions, drawing an estimated 50 million visitors annually. Approximately 330,000 people pass through Times Square daily, many of them tourists, while over 460,000 pedestrians walk through Times Square on its busiest days.
Times Square
Hvem har de fleste turnovers i nba's historie?
{ "text": [ "Karl Malone" ], "answer_start": [ 190 ] }
List of National Basketball Association career turnovers leaders Rang Spiller Position(er) Hold(e) spillet for (år) Samlede omsætninger Antal spillede kampe Omsætninger pr. kampgennemsnit 1 Karl Malone* PF Utah Jazz (1985-2003)Los Angeles Lakers (2003-2004) 4,524 1,476 3.07 2 John Stockton* PG Utah Jazz (1984-2003) 4,248 1,504 2.82 3 Kobe Bryant† SG Los Angeles Lakers (1996-2016) 4,010 1,346 2.98 4 Jason Kidd* PG Dallas Mavericks (1994-1996)Phoenix Suns (1996-2001)New Jersey Nets (2001-2008)Dallas Mavericks (2008-2012)New York Knicks (2012-2013) 4,003 1,391 2.88 5 LeBron James^ SF Cleveland Cavaliers (2003-2010, 2014-2018)Miami Heat (2010-2014)Los Angeles Lakers (2018-nutid) 3,966 1,143 3.47 6 Moses Malone* C Buffalo Braves (1976)Houston Rockets (1976-1977)Houston Rockets (1977-1982)Philadelphia 76ers (1982-1986)Washington Bullets (1986-1988)Atlanta Hawks (1988-1991)Milwaukee Bucks (1991-1993)Philadelphia 76ers (1993-1994)San Antonio Spurs (1994-1995) 3,804 1,247 3.05 7 Isiah Thomas* PG Detroit Pistons (1981-1994) 3,682 979 3.76 8 Hakeem Olajuwon* C Houston Rockets (1984-2001)Toronto Raptors (2001-2002) 3,667 1,238 2.96 9 Patrick Ewing* C New York Knicks (1985-2000)Seattle SuperSonics (2000-2001)Orlando Magic (2001-2002) 3,537 1,183 2.99 10 Paul Pierce† SF Boston Celtics (1999-2013)Brooklyn Nets (2013-2014)Washington Wizards (2014-2015)Los Angeles Clippers (2015-2017) 3,532 1,343 2.63 11 Magic Johnson* PG Los Angeles Lakers (1979-1991, 1996) 3,506 906 3.87 12 Reggie Theus PG/SG Chicago Bulls (1978-1984)Kansas City/Sacramento Kings (1984-1988)Atlanta Hawks (1988-1989)Orlando Magic (1989-1990)New Jersey Nets (1990-1991) 3,493 1,026 3.40 13 Steve Nash* PG Phoenix Suns (1996-1998)Dallas Mavericks (1999-2004)Phoenix Suns (2004-2012)Los Angeles Lakers (2012-2014) 3,478 1,217 2.86 14 Tim Duncan† PF/C San Antonio Spurs (1997-2016) 3,381 1,392 2.43 15 Charles Barkley* PF Philadelphia 76ers (1984-1992)Phoenix Suns (1992-1996)Houston Rockets (1996-2000) 3,376 1,073 3.15 16 Shaquille O'Neal* C Orlando Magic (1992-1996)Los Angeles Lakers (1996-2004)Miami Heat (2004-2008)Phoenix Suns (2008-2009)Cleveland Cavaliers (2009-2010)Boston Celtics (2010-2011) 3,310 1,207 2.74 17 Allen Iverson* SG/PG Philadelphia 76ers (1996-2006)Denver Nuggets (2006-2008)Detroit Pistons (2008-2009)Memphis Grizzlies (2009)Philadelphia 76ers (2009-2010) 3,262 914 3.57 18 Scottie Pippen* SF Chicago Bulls (1987-1998)Houston Rockets (1999)Portland Trail Blazers (1999-2003)Chicago Bulls (2003-2004) 3,257 1,178 2.76 19 Robert Parish* C Golden State Warriors (1976-1977)Golden State Warriors (1977-1980)Boston Celtics (1980-1994)Charlotte Hornets (1994-1996)Chicago Bulls (1996-1997) 3,183 1,534 2.07 20 Kevin Garnett† PF/C Minnesota Timberwolves (1995-2007), (2015-2016)Boston Celtics (2007-2013)Brooklyn Nets (2013-2015) 3,179 1,462 2.17 21 Dwyane Wade^ SG Miami Heat (2003-2016, 2018-nuværende)Chicago Bulls (2016-2017) Cleveland Cavaliers (2017-2018) 3,160 982 3.22 22 Mark Jackson PG New York Knicks (1987-1992)Los Angeles Clippers (1992-1994)Indiana Pacers (1994-1996)Indiana Pacers (1997-2000)Denver Nuggets (1996-1997)Indiana Pacers (1997-2000)Toronto Raptors (2000-2001)New York Knicks (2001-2002)Utah Jazz (2002-2003)Houston Rockets (2004) 3,155 1,296 2.43 23 Andre Miller† PG Cleveland Cavaliers (1999-2002)Los Angeles Clippers (2002-2003)Denver Nuggets (2003-2006)Philadelphia 76ers (2006-2009)Portland Trail Blazers (2009-2011)Denver Nuggets (2011-2013)Washington Wizards (2014-2015)Sacramento Kings (2015)Minnesota Timberwolves (2015-2016)San Antonio Spurs (2016) 3,121 1,304 2.39 24 Dwight Howard^ C Orlando Magic (2004-2012)Los Angeles Lakers (2012-2013)Houston Rockets (2013-2016)Atlanta Hawks (2016-2017)Charlotte Hornets (2017-2018)Washington Wizards (2018-nuværende) 3,043 1,035 2.94 25 Gary Payton* PG Seattle SuperSonics (1990-2003)Milwaukee Bucks (2003)Los Angeles Lakers (2003-2004)Boston Celtics (2004-2005)Miami Heat (2005-2007) 3,030 1,335 2.27 26 Russell Westbrook^ PG Oklahoma City Thunder (2008-nutid) 3,001 748 4.01 27 Clyde Drexler* SG Portland Trail Blazers (1983-1995)Houston Rockets (1995-1998) 2,977 1,086 2.74 28 Michael Jordan* SG Chicago Bulls (1984-1993, 1995-1998)Washington Wizards (2001-2003) 2,924 1,072 2.73 29 Rod Strickland PG New York Knicks (1988-1990)San Antonio Spurs (1990-1992)Portland Trail Blazers (1992-1996)Washington Bullets/Wizards (1996-2001)Portland Trail Blazers (2001)Miami Heat (2001-2002)Minnesota Timberwolves (2002-2003)Orlando Magic (2003-2004)Toronto Raptors (2004)Houston Rockets (2005) 2,862 1,094 2.62 30 Carmelo Anthony^ SF Denver Nuggets (2003-2011)New York Knicks (2011-2017)Oklahoma City Thunder (2017-2018)Houston Rockets (2018-nuværende) 2,824 1,054 2.68 31 Alex English* SF/PF Milwaukee Bucks (1976-1977)Milwaukee Bucks (1977-1978)Indiana Pacers (1978-1980)Denver Nuggets (1980-1990)Dallas Mavericks (1990-1991) 2,821 1,133 2.49 32 Larry Bird* SF/PF Boston Celtics (1979-1992) 2,816 897 3.14 33 Bernard King* SF New Jersey Nets (1977-1979)Utah Jazz (1979-1980)Golden State Warriors (1980-1982)New York Knicks (1982-1985, 1987)Washington Bullets (1987-1991)New Jersey Nets (1993) 2,791 874 3.19 34 Tony Parker^ PG San Antonio Spurs (2001-2018)Charlotte Hornets (2018-nuværende) 2,790 1,198 2.33 35 Charles Oakley PF Chicago Bulls (1985-1988)New York Knicks (1988-1998)Toronto Raptors (1999-2001)Chicago Bulls (2001-2002)Washington Wizards (2002-2003)Houston Rockets (2004) 2,785 1,282 2.17 36 Buck Williams PF New Jersey Nets (1981-1989)Portland Trail Blazers (1989-1996)New York Knicks (1996-1998) 2,784 1,307 2.13 37 Otis Thorpe PF/C Kansas City/Sacramento Kings (1984-1988)Houston Rockets (1988-1995)Portland Trail Blazers (1995)Detroit Pistons (1995-1997)Vancouver Grizzlies (1997-1998)Sacramento Kings (1998)Washington Wizards (1999)Miami Heat (1999-2000)Charlotte Hornets (2000-2001) 2,774 1,257 2.21 38 Shawn Kemp PF/C Seattle SuperSonics (1989-1997)Cleveland Cavaliers (1997-2000)Portland Trail Blazers (2000-2002)Orlando Magic (2002-2003) 2,766 1,051 2.63 39 Ray Allen* SG Milwaukee Bucks (1996-2003)Seattle SuperSonics (2003-2007)Boston Celtics (2007-2012)Miami Heat (2012-2014) 2,709 1,300 2.08 40 Dominique Wilkins* SF Atlanta Hawks (1982-1994)Los Angeles Clippers (1994)Boston Celtics (1994-1995)San Antonio Spurs (1996-1997)Orlando Magic (1999) 2,669 1,074 2.49 41 Terry Porter PG/SG Portland Trail Blazers (1985-1995)Minnesota Timberwolves (1995-1998)Miami Heat (1999)San Antonio Spurs (1999-2002) 2,666 1,274 2.09 42 Jerry Stackhouse SG Philadelphia 76ers (1995-1997)Detroit Pistons (1997-2002)Washington Wizards (2002-2004)Dallas Mavericks (2004-2009)Milwaukee Bucks (2010)Miami Heat (2010)Atlanta Hawks (2011-2012)Brooklyn Nets (2012-2013) 2,641 970 2.72 43 Pau Gasol^ C/PF Memphis Grizzlies (2001-2008)Los Angeles Lakers (2008-2014)Chicago Bulls (2014-2016)San Antonio Spurs (2016-nuværende) 2,622 1,196 2.19 44 Jack Sikma C Seattle SuperSonics (1977-1986)Milwaukee Bucks (1986-1991) 2,586 1,107 2.34 45 Mitch Richmond* SG Golden State Warriors (1988-1991)Sacramento Kings (1991-1998)Washington Wizards (1999-2001)Los Angeles Lakers (2001-2002) 2,579 976 2.64 46 Tom Chambers PF/C San Diego Clippers (1981-1983)Seattle SuperSonics (1983-1988)Phoenix Suns (1988-1993)Utah Jazz (1993-1995)Charlotte Hornets (1997)Philadelphia 76ers (1997) 2,549 1,107 2.30 47 Stephon Marbury PG Minnesota Timberwolves (1996-1999)New Jersey Nets (1999-2001)Phoenix Suns (2001-2004)New York Knicks (2004-2008)Boston Celtics (2009) 2,547 846 3.01 48 Walter Davis SF/SG Phoenix Suns (1977-1988)Denver Nuggets (1988-1991)Portland Trail Blazers (1991)Denver Nuggets (1991-1992) 2,541 1,033 2.46 49 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar* C Milwaukee Bucks (1969-1975)Los Angeles Lakers (1975-1977)Los Angeles Lakers (1977-1989) 2,527 929 2.72 50 Kevin Willis PF/C Atlanta Hawks (1984-1994)Miami Heat (1994-1996)Golden State Warriors (1996)Houston Rockets (1996-1998)Toronto Raptors (1999-2001)Denver Nuggets (2001)Houston Rockets (2001-2002)San Antonio Spurs (2002-2004)Atlanta Hawks (2004-2005)Dallas Mavericks (2007) 2,520 1,424 1.77
{ "text": [ "Karl Malone" ], "answer_start": [ 117 ] }
List of National Basketball Association career turnovers leaders Rank Player Position(s) Team(s) played for (years) Total turnovers Games played Turnovers per gameaverage 1 Karl Malone* PF Utah Jazz (1985–2003)Los Angeles Lakers (2003–2004) 4,524 1,476 3.07 2 John Stockton* PG Utah Jazz (1984–2003) 4,248 1,504 2.82 3 Kobe Bryant† SG Los Angeles Lakers (1996–2016) 4,010 1,346 2.98 4 Jason Kidd* PG Dallas Mavericks (1994–1996)Phoenix Suns (1996–2001)New Jersey Nets (2001–2008)Dallas Mavericks (2008–2012)New York Knicks (2012–2013) 4,003 1,391 2.88 5 LeBron James^ SF Cleveland Cavaliers (2003–2010, 2014–2018)Miami Heat (2010–2014)Los Angeles Lakers (2018–present) 3,966 1,143 3.47 6 Moses Malone* C Buffalo Braves (1976)Houston Rockets (1976–1977) Houston Rockets (1977–1982)Philadelphia 76ers (1982–1986)Washington Bullets (1986–1988)Atlanta Hawks (1988–1991)Milwaukee Bucks (1991–1993)Philadelphia 76ers (1993–1994)San Antonio Spurs (1994–1995) 3,804 1,247 3.05 7 Isiah Thomas* PG Detroit Pistons (1981–1994) 3,682 979 3.76 8 Hakeem Olajuwon* C Houston Rockets (1984–2001)Toronto Raptors (2001–2002) 3,667 1,238 2.96 9 Patrick Ewing* C New York Knicks (1985–2000)Seattle SuperSonics (2000–2001)Orlando Magic (2001–2002) 3,537 1,183 2.99 10 Paul Pierce† SF Boston Celtics (1999–2013)Brooklyn Nets (2013–2014)Washington Wizards (2014–2015)Los Angeles Clippers (2015–2017) 3,532 1,343 2.63 11 Magic Johnson* PG Los Angeles Lakers (1979–1991, 1996) 3,506 906 3.87 12 Reggie Theus PG/SG Chicago Bulls (1978–1984)Kansas City/Sacramento Kings (1984–1988)Atlanta Hawks (1988–1989)Orlando Magic (1989–1990)New Jersey Nets (1990–1991) 3,493 1,026 3.40 13 Steve Nash* PG Phoenix Suns (1996–1998)Dallas Mavericks (1999–2004)Phoenix Suns (2004–2012)Los Angeles Lakers (2012–2014) 3,478 1,217 2.86 14 Tim Duncan† PF/C San Antonio Spurs (1997–2016) 3,381 1,392 2.43 15 Charles Barkley* PF Philadelphia 76ers (1984–1992)Phoenix Suns (1992–1996)Houston Rockets (1996–2000) 3,376 1,073 3.15 16 Shaquille O'Neal* C Orlando Magic (1992–1996)Los Angeles Lakers (1996–2004)Miami Heat (2004–2008)Phoenix Suns (2008–2009)Cleveland Cavaliers (2009–2010)Boston Celtics (2010–2011) 3,310 1,207 2.74 17 Allen Iverson* SG/PG Philadelphia 76ers (1996–2006)Denver Nuggets (2006–2008)Detroit Pistons (2008–2009)Memphis Grizzlies (2009)Philadelphia 76ers (2009–2010) 3,262 914 3.57 18 Scottie Pippen* SF Chicago Bulls (1987–1998)Houston Rockets (1999)Portland Trail Blazers (1999–2003)Chicago Bulls (2003–2004) 3,257 1,178 2.76 19 Robert Parish* C Golden State Warriors (1976–1977) Golden State Warriors (1977–1980)Boston Celtics (1980–1994)Charlotte Hornets (1994–1996)Chicago Bulls (1996–1997) 3,183 1,534 2.07 20 Kevin Garnett† PF/C Minnesota Timberwolves (1995–2007), (2015–2016)Boston Celtics (2007–2013)Brooklyn Nets (2013–2015) 3,179 1,462 2.17 21 Dwyane Wade^ SG Miami Heat (2003–2016, 2018–present)Chicago Bulls (2016–2017) Cleveland Cavaliers (2017–2018) 3,160 982 3.22 22 Mark Jackson PG New York Knicks (1987–1992)Los Angeles Clippers (1992–1994)Indiana Pacers (1994–1996)Denver Nuggets (1996–1997)Indiana Pacers (1997–2000)Toronto Raptors (2000–2001)New York Knicks (2001–2002)Utah Jazz (2002–2003)Houston Rockets (2004) 3,155 1,296 2.43 23 Andre Miller† PG Cleveland Cavaliers (1999–2002)Los Angeles Clippers (2002–2003)Denver Nuggets (2003–2006)Philadelphia 76ers (2006–2009)Portland Trail Blazers (2009–2011)Denver Nuggets (2011–2013)Washington Wizards (2014–2015)Sacramento Kings (2015)Minnesota Timberwolves (2015–2016)San Antonio Spurs (2016) 3,121 1,304 2.39 24 Dwight Howard^ C Orlando Magic (2004–2012)Los Angeles Lakers (2012–2013)Houston Rockets (2013–2016)Atlanta Hawks (2016–2017)Charlotte Hornets (2017–2018)Washington Wizards (2018–present) 3,043 1,035 2.94 25 Gary Payton* PG Seattle SuperSonics (1990–2003)Milwaukee Bucks (2003)Los Angeles Lakers (2003–2004)Boston Celtics (2004–2005)Miami Heat (2005–2007) 3,030 1,335 2.27 26 Russell Westbrook^ PG Oklahoma City Thunder (2008–present) 3,001 748 4.01 27 Clyde Drexler* SG Portland Trail Blazers (1983–1995)Houston Rockets (1995–1998) 2,977 1,086 2.74 28 Michael Jordan* SG Chicago Bulls (1984–1993, 1995–1998)Washington Wizards (2001–2003) 2,924 1,072 2.73 29 Rod Strickland PG New York Knicks (1988–1990)San Antonio Spurs (1990–1992)Portland Trail Blazers (1992–1996)Washington Bullets/Wizards (1996–2001)Portland Trail Blazers (2001)Miami Heat (2001–2002)Minnesota Timberwolves (2002–2003)Orlando Magic (2003–2004)Toronto Raptors (2004)Houston Rockets (2005) 2,862 1,094 2.62 30 Carmelo Anthony^ SF Denver Nuggets (2003–2011)New York Knicks (2011–2017)Oklahoma City Thunder (2017–2018)Houston Rockets (2018–present) 2,824 1,054 2.68 31 Alex English* SF/PF Milwaukee Bucks (1976–1977) Milwaukee Bucks (1977–1978)Indiana Pacers (1978–1980)Denver Nuggets (1980–1990)Dallas Mavericks (1990–1991) 2,821 1,133 2.49 32 Larry Bird* SF/PF Boston Celtics (1979–1992) 2,816 897 3.14 33 Bernard King* SF New Jersey Nets (1977–1979)Utah Jazz (1979–1980)Golden State Warriors (1980–1982)New York Knicks (1982–1985, 1987)Washington Bullets (1987–1991)New Jersey Nets (1993) 2,791 874 3.19 34 Tony Parker^ PG San Antonio Spurs (2001–2018)Charlotte Hornets (2018–present) 2,790 1,198 2.33 35 Charles Oakley PF Chicago Bulls (1985–1988)New York Knicks (1988–1998)Toronto Raptors (1999–2001)Chicago Bulls (2001–2002)Washington Wizards (2002–2003)Houston Rockets (2004) 2,785 1,282 2.17 36 Buck Williams PF New Jersey Nets (1981–1989)Portland Trail Blazers (1989–1996)New York Knicks (1996–1998) 2,784 1,307 2.13 37 Otis Thorpe PF/C Kansas City/Sacramento Kings (1984–1988)Houston Rockets (1988–1995)Portland Trail Blazers (1995)Detroit Pistons (1995–1997)Vancouver Grizzlies (1997–1998)Sacramento Kings (1998)Washington Wizards (1999)Miami Heat (1999–2000)Charlotte Hornets (2000–2001) 2,774 1,257 2.21 38 Shawn Kemp PF/C Seattle SuperSonics (1989–1997)Cleveland Cavaliers (1997–2000)Portland Trail Blazers (2000–2002)Orlando Magic (2002–2003) 2,766 1,051 2.63 39 Ray Allen* SG Milwaukee Bucks (1996–2003)Seattle SuperSonics (2003–2007)Boston Celtics (2007–2012)Miami Heat (2012–2014) 2,709 1,300 2.08 40 Dominique Wilkins* SF Atlanta Hawks (1982–1994)Los Angeles Clippers (1994)Boston Celtics (1994–1995)San Antonio Spurs (1996–1997)Orlando Magic (1999) 2,669 1,074 2.49 41 Terry Porter PG/SG Portland Trail Blazers (1985–1995)Minnesota Timberwolves (1995–1998)Miami Heat (1999)San Antonio Spurs (1999–2002) 2,666 1,274 2.09 42 Jerry Stackhouse SG Philadelphia 76ers (1995–1997)Detroit Pistons (1997–2002)Washington Wizards (2002–2004)Dallas Mavericks (2004–2009)Milwaukee Bucks (2010)Miami Heat (2010)Atlanta Hawks (2011–2012)Brooklyn Nets (2012–2013) 2,641 970 2.72 43 Pau Gasol^ C/PF Memphis Grizzlies (2001–2008)Los Angeles Lakers (2008–2014)Chicago Bulls (2014–2016)San Antonio Spurs (2016–present) 2,622 1,196 2.19 44 Jack Sikma C Seattle SuperSonics (1977–1986)Milwaukee Bucks (1986–1991) 2,586 1,107 2.34 45 Mitch Richmond* SG Golden State Warriors (1988–1991)Sacramento Kings (1991–1998)Washington Wizards (1999–2001)Los Angeles Lakers (2001–2002) 2,579 976 2.64 46 Tom Chambers PF/C San Diego Clippers (1981–1983)Seattle SuperSonics (1983–1988)Phoenix Suns (1988–1993)Utah Jazz (1993–1995)Charlotte Hornets (1997)Philadelphia 76ers (1997) 2,549 1,107 2.30 47 Stephon Marbury PG Minnesota Timberwolves (1996–1999)New Jersey Nets (1999–2001)Phoenix Suns (2001–2004)New York Knicks (2004–2008)Boston Celtics (2009) 2,547 846 3.01 48 Walter Davis SF/SG Phoenix Suns (1977–1988)Denver Nuggets (1988–1991)Portland Trail Blazers (1991)Denver Nuggets (1991–1992) 2,541 1,033 2.46 49 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar* C Milwaukee Bucks (1969–1975)Los Angeles Lakers (1975–1977)Los Angeles Lakers (1977–1989) 2,527 929 2.72 50 Kevin Willis PF/C Atlanta Hawks (1984–1994)Miami Heat (1994–1996)Golden State Warriors (1996)Houston Rockets (1996–1998)Toronto Raptors (1999–2001)Denver Nuggets (2001)Houston Rockets (2001–2002)San Antonio Spurs (2002–2004)Atlanta Hawks (2004–2005)Dallas Mavericks (2007) 2,520 1,424 1.77
List of National Basketball Association career turnovers leaders
Hvem spillede george jefferson i all in the family?
{ "text": [ "Sherman Hemsley" ], "answer_start": [ 50 ] }
George Jefferson er en fiktiv karakter spillet af Sherman Hemsley i den amerikanske tv-sitcoms All in the Family (fra 1973 til 1975) og dens spin-off The Jeffersons (1975-1985), hvor han er programmets hovedperson. Han er den eneste karakter, der optræder i alle 253 episoder af The Jeffersons.
{ "text": [ "Sherman Hemsley" ], "answer_start": [ 52 ] }
George Jefferson is a fictional character played by Sherman Hemsley on the American television sitcoms All in the Family (from 1973 until 1975) and its spin-off The Jeffersons (1975–1985), in which he serves as the program's protagonist. He is the only character to appear in all 253 episodes of The Jeffersons.
George Jefferson
Hvem skrev the hairy maclary række bøger?
{ "text": [ "Lynley Dodd" ], "answer_start": [ 129 ] }
Hairy Maclary er en fiktiv hund, som er helten i en serie billedbøger for børn, der er skabt af den newzealandske forfatter Dame Lynley Dodd, og som optrådte første gang i 1983 med udgivelsen af Hairy Maclary From Donaldson's Dairy. Hairy Maclary er hovedpersonen i tolv bøger i serien, og yderligere ni handler om hans venner. Serien har solgt over fem millioner eksemplarer på verdensplan. Hans eventyr foregår som regel i selskab med hans andre dyrevenner, som omfatter gravhunden Schnitzel von Krumm, dalmatineren Bottomley Potts og den gamle engelske fårehund Muffin McClay. Katten Scarface Claw er deres frygtindgydende modstander. Ifølge er Hairy Maclary "... en lille hund af blandet race."
{ "text": [ "Lynley Dodd" ], "answer_start": [ 122 ] }
Hairy Maclary is a fictional dog, the hero of a series of children's picture books created by the New Zealand author Dame Lynley Dodd, and making his first appearance in 1983 with the publication of Hairy Maclary From Donaldson’s Dairy. Hairy Maclary is the protagonist of twelve books in the series, and a further nine are about his friends. The series has sold over five million copies worldwide. His adventures are usually in the company of his other animal friends who include the dachshund Schnitzel von Krumm, dalmatian Bottomley Potts and Old English sheepdog Muffin McClay. The tomcat Scarface Claw is their formidable opponent. According to, Hairy Maclary is "... a small dog of mixed pedigree."
Hairy Maclary
Hvornår fik harry potter og dødsregalierne premiere?
{ "text": [ "21. juli 2007" ], "answer_start": [ 206 ] }
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter og Dødsregalierne er en fantasy-roman skrevet af den britiske forfatter J. K. Rowling og den syvende og sidste roman i Harry Potter-serien. Bogen udkom den 21. juli 2007 og afsluttede serien, der begyndte i 1997 med udgivelsen af Harry Potter og de vises sten. Den blev udgivet af Bloomsbury Publishing i Det Forenede Kongerige, i USA af Scholastic og i Canada af Raincoast Books. Romanen omhandler begivenhederne umiddelbart efter Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005) og den endelige konfrontation mellem troldmændene Harry Potter og Lord Voldemort.
{ "text": [ "21 July 2007" ], "answer_start": [ 181 ] }
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is a fantasy novel written by British author J. K. Rowling and the seventh and final novel of the Harry Potter series. The book was released on 21 July 2007, ending the series that began in 1997 with the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It was published by Bloomsbury Publishing in the United Kingdom, in the United States by Scholastic, and in Canada by Raincoast Books. The novel chronicles the events directly following Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005), and the final confrontation between the wizards Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Picture of the wicked witch from the wizard of oz?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Margaret Hamilton (actress) Margaret Brainard Hamilton (9. december 1902 - 16. maj 1985) var en amerikansk filmskuespillerinde, der var bedst kendt for sin rolle som den onde heks i Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's filmklassiker Troldmanden fra Oz (1939).
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Margaret Hamilton (actress) Margaret Brainard Hamilton (December 9, 1902 – May 16, 1985) was an American film character actress best known for her portrayal of the Wicked Witch of the West in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's classic film The Wizard of Oz (1939).
Margaret Hamilton (actress)
Hvornår tilsluttede hawai sig til usa?
{ "text": [ "21. august 1959" ], "answer_start": [ 161 ] }
Hawaii (/həˈwawaɪ(j)i, -ʔi/ ( lytte); hawaiiansk: Hawaiʻi [həˈvɐjʔi]) er den 50. og seneste stat, der blev optaget i USA, efter at have fået statsborgerskab den 21. august 1959. Hawaii er den eneste amerikanske stat, der ligger i Oceanien, og den eneste stat, der udelukkende består af øer. Det er den nordligste øgruppe i Polynesien og indtager det meste af en øgruppe i det centrale Stillehav. Hawaii er den eneste amerikanske stat, der ligger uden for Nordamerika.
{ "text": [ "August 21, 1959" ], "answer_start": [ 175 ] }
Hawaii (/həˈwaɪ(j)i, -ʔi/ ( listen); Hawaiian: Hawaiʻi [həˈvɐjʔi]) is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the United States of America, having received statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located outside North America.
Hvad hedder de fire ninja turtles?
{ "text": [ "Leonardo" ], "answer_start": [ 187 ] }
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters [skjul] v t e Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Oprettet af Kevin Eastman Peter Laird Karakterer (optrædener) Skildpadder Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo Raphael Støtte til Splinter Hamato Yoshi April O'Neil Casey Jones Leatherhead Metalhead Miyamoto Usagi Mighty Mutanimals Venus Antagonister Shredder Foot Clan Karai Baxter Stockman Bebop og Rocksteady Krang Purple Dragons Rottekongen Slash Tokka og Rahzar Tegneserier Mirage-tegneserie Fortællinger Adventures Mighty Mutanimals Daglig tegneserie Dreamwave tegneserie IDW-tegneserie Fjernsyn Serie fra 1987 Episoder Sæson 1 Sæson 2 Sæson 3 Sæson 4 Sæson 5 Sæson 6 Sæson 7 Sæson 8 Sæson 9 Sæson 10 Mutant Turtles: Superman Legend Næste mutation Episoder Villains 2003-serien Episoder Sæson 1 Sæson 2 Sæson 3 Sæson 4 Sæson 5 Sæson 6 Sæson 7 Turtles Forever Hjemmevideo 2012-serien Karakterer Episoder Sæson 1 Sæson 2 Sæson 3 Sæson 4 Sæson 5 Film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) soundtrack II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) soundtrack III (1993) soundtrack TMNT (2007) soundtrack Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) soundtrack Out of the Shadows (2016) Spil Rollespil Videospil Andre Actionfigurer Lego Fremmede racer Casey Jones (fanfilm) Mad-tilknytninger Tegneserie All-Stars til undsætning "Turtle Power!" "Spin That Wheel" Dimension X Technodrome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock Turtle Power: The Definitive History of te Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Kategori
{ "text": [ "Leonardo" ], "answer_start": [ 134 ] }
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters [hide] v t e Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Created by Kevin Eastman Peter Laird Characters (appearances) Turtles Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo Raphael Supporting Splinter Hamato Yoshi April O'Neil Casey Jones Leatherhead Metalhead Miyamoto Usagi Mighty Mutanimals Venus Antagonists Shredder Foot Clan Karai Baxter Stockman Bebop and Rocksteady Krang Purple Dragons Rat King Slash Tokka and Rahzar Comics Mirage comic series Tales Adventures Mighty Mutanimals Daily comic strip Dreamwave comics series IDW comic series Television 1987 series Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 Season 9 Season 10 Mutant Turtles: Superman Legend Next Mutation Episodes Villains 2003 series Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Turtles Forever Home video 2012 series Characters Episodes Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Films Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) soundtrack II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) soundtrack III (1993) soundtrack TMNT (2007) soundtrack Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) soundtrack Out of the Shadows (2016) Games Role-playing games Video games Other Action figures Lego Alien races Casey Jones (fan film) Food tie-ins Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue "Turtle Power!" "Spin That Wheel" Dimension X Technodrome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Category
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters
Onkel bonnmee som kan huske hans tidligere liv?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (Thai: ลุงบุญมีระลึกชาติ; RTGS: Lung Bunmi Raluek Chat) er en thailandsk kunstdramafilm fra 2010 skrevet, produceret og instrueret af Apichatpong Weerasethakul. Filmen, der udforsker temaet reinkarnation, vandt Palme d'Or på filmfestivalen i Cannes i 2010 og blev dermed den første thailandske film til at vinde den.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (Thai: ลุงบุญมีระลึกชาติ; RTGS: Lung Bunmi Raluek Chat) is a 2010 Thai art drama film written, produced, and directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul. The film, which explores the theme of reincarnation, won the Palme d'Or at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival, becoming the first Thai film to do so.
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
Hvor skal sommer-ol 2020 afholdes?
{ "text": [ "Tokyo" ], "answer_start": [ 201 ] }
2020 Summer Olympics De olympiske sommerlege i 2020, officielt kendt som de XXXII. olympiske lege (japansk: 第三十二回オリンピック競技大会, Hepburn: Dai Sanjūni-kai Orinpikku Kyōgi Taikai) og almindeligvis kendt som Tokyo 2020, er en kommende international multisportsbegivenhed, der efter planen skal finde sted fra 24. juli til 9. august 2020.
{ "text": [ "Tokyo" ], "answer_start": [ 177 ] }
The 2020 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXXII Olympiad (Japanese: 第三十二回オリンピック競技大会, Hepburn: Dai Sanjūni-kai Orinpikku Kyōgi Taikai) and commonly known as Tokyo 2020, is a forthcoming international multi-sport event that is scheduled to take place from 24 July to 9 August 2020.
2020 Summer Olympics
Hvor mange hjerneceller er der i hjernen?
{ "text": [ "100000000000" ], "answer_start": [ 700 ] }
List of animals by number of neurons Navn Neuroner i hjernen/hele nervesystemet Synapser Detaljer Billede Kilde Svamp 5000000000000000000♠0 Trichoplax 5000000000000000000♠0 Asplanchna brightwellii (rotifer) 700220000000000000000000000♠omkring 200 Kun hjerne Caenorhabditis elegans (rundorm) 7002302000000000000♠302 7003750000000000000♠~7,500 Maner 7003560000000000000♠5,600 Hydra vulgaris (H. attenuate) Megaphragma mymaripenne 7003740000000000000♠7,400 Æske-mane 7003870000000000000♠8,700–7004175000000000000♠17,500 voksen Tripedalia cystophora (8 mm i diameter) - omfatter ikke 1000 neuroner i hver af de fire rhopalia Medicinsk igle 7004100000000000000♠10,000 Damsnegl 7004110000000000000♠11,000 Havsnegl 7004180000000000000♠18,000 Amphioxus 7004200000000000000♠20,000 kun centralnervesystemet Frugtflue 7005250000000000000♠250,000 7007100000000000000♠< 1×10^7 Larve af zebrafisk 7005100000000000000♠100,000 Hummer 7005100000000000000♠100,000 Myrer 7005250000000000000♠250,000 Varierer fra art til art Honningbi 7005960000000000000♠960,000 7009100000000000000♠~1×10^9 Kakerlak 7006100000000000000♠1,000,000 Voksne zebrafisk 7007100000000000000♠~10,000,000 celler (neuroner + andre) Frø 7007160000000000000♠16,000,000 Nøgen muldvarpe 26,880,000 Røget spidsmus 7007360000000000000♠36,000,000 Korthalet spidsmus 7007520000000000000♠52,000,000 Husmus 7007710000000000000♠71,000,000 7012100000000000000♠~1×10^12 Nil-krokodille 7007805000000000000♠80,500,000 Guldhamster 7007900000000000000♠90,000,000 Stjerneskudsmuldvarp 7008131000000000000♠131,000,000 Zebrafinke 7008131000000000000♠131,000,000 Kun hjernen Brun rotte 7008200000000000000♠200,000,000 7011448000000000000♠~4.48×10^11 Østlig muldvarp 7008204000000000000♠204,000,000 Marsvin 7008240000000000000♠240,000,000 Grå muselemur 7008254710000000000♠254,710,000 Almindelig træspurv 7008261000000000000♠261,000,000 Duer 7008310000000000000♠310,000,000 Kun hjerne Gråt egern 453,660,000 Præriehund 473,940,000 Europæisk kanin 494,200,000 Blæksprutte 7008500000000000000♠500,000,000 Almindelig syvsover 7008636000000000000♠636,000,000 Kat 7008760000000000000♠760,000,000 7013100000000000000♠~1×10^13 Sortbuget agouti 7008857000000000000♠857,000,000 Nordlig stor galago 7008936000000000000♠936,000,000 Trestribet natabe 7009146800000000000♠1,468,000,000 Capybara 7009160000000000000♠1,600,000,000 Raven 7009217100000000000♠2,171,000,000 Kun hjernen Husdyrsvin 7009222000000000000♠2,220,000,000 Springbok 7009272000000000000♠2,720,000,000 Blesbok 7009306000000000000♠3,060,000,000 Blå-gul ara 7009313600000000000♠3,136,000,000 Kun hjerne Almindelig egernabe 7009324600000000000♠3,246,000,000 Krabbespisende makak 7009344000000000000♠3,440,000,000 Tufted capuchin 7009369100000000000♠3,691,000,000 Bonnetmakak 7009378000000000000♠3,780,000,000 Stor kudu 7009491000000000000♠4,910,000,000 Rhesusmakak 7009637600000000000♠6,376,000,000 Giraf 7010107500000000000♠10,750,000,000 Gul bavian 7010109500000000000♠10,950,000,000 Orangutang 7010326000000000000♠32,600,000,000 Gorilla 7010334000000000000♠33,400,000,000 Mennesker 7010860000000000000♠86,000,000,000 7014150000000000000♠~1.5×10^14 Synapser for en gennemsnitlig voksen Afrikansk elefant 7011257000000000000♠257,000,000,000
{ "text": [ "100000000000" ], "answer_start": [ 668 ] }
List of animals by number of neurons Name Neurons in the brain/whole nervous system Synapses Details Image Source Sponge 5000000000000000000♠0 Trichoplax 5000000000000000000♠0 Asplanchna brightwellii (rotifer) 7002200000000000000♠about 200 Brain only Caenorhabditis elegans (roundworm) 7002302000000000000♠302 7003750000000000000♠~7,500 Jellyfish 7003560000000000000♠5,600 Hydra vulgaris (H. attenuate) Megaphragma mymaripenne 7003740000000000000♠7,400 Box jellyfish 7003870000000000000♠8,700–7004175000000000000♠17,500 adult Tripedalia cystophora (8 mm diameter) – does not include 1000 neurons in each of the four rhopalia Medicinal leech 7004100000000000000♠10,000 Pond snail 7004110000000000000♠11,000 Sea slug 7004180000000000000♠18,000 Amphioxus 7004200000000000000♠20,000 central nervous system only Fruit fly 7005250000000000000♠250,000 7007100000000000000♠< 1×10^7 Larval zebrafish 7005100000000000000♠100,000 Lobster 7005100000000000000♠100,000 Ant 7005250000000000000♠250,000 Varies per species Honey bee 7005960000000000000♠960,000 7009100000000000000♠~1×10^9 Cockroach 7006100000000000000♠1,000,000 Adult zebrafish 7007100000000000000♠~10,000,000 cells (neurons + other) Frog 7007160000000000000♠16,000,000 Naked mole-rat 26,880,000 Smoky shrew 7007360000000000000♠36,000,000 Short-tailed shrew 7007520000000000000♠52,000,000 House mouse 7007710000000000000♠71,000,000 7012100000000000000♠~1×10^12 Nile crocodile 7007805000000000000♠80,500,000 Golden hamster 7007900000000000000♠90,000,000 Star-nosed mole 7008131000000000000♠131,000,000 Zebra finch 7008131000000000000♠131,000,000 Brain only Brown rat 7008200000000000000♠200,000,000 7011448000000000000♠~4.48×10^11 Eastern mole 7008204000000000000♠204,000,000 Guinea pig 7008240000000000000♠240,000,000 Gray mouse lemur 7008254710000000000♠254,710,000 Common treeshrew 7008261000000000000♠261,000,000 Pigeon 7008310000000000000♠310,000,000 Brain only Gray squirrel 453,660,000 Prairie dog 473,940,000 European rabbit 494,200,000 Octopus 7008500000000000000♠500,000,000 Common marmoset 7008636000000000000♠636,000,000 Cat 7008760000000000000♠760,000,000 7013100000000000000♠~1×10^13 Black-rumped agouti 7008857000000000000♠857,000,000 Northern greater galago 7008936000000000000♠936,000,000 Three-striped night monkey 7009146800000000000♠1,468,000,000 Capybara 7009160000000000000♠1,600,000,000 Raven 7009217100000000000♠2,171,000,000 Brain only Domestic pig 7009222000000000000♠2,220,000,000 Springbok 7009272000000000000♠2,720,000,000 Blesbok 7009306000000000000♠3,060,000,000 Blue-and-yellow macaw 7009313600000000000♠3,136,000,000 Brain only Common squirrel monkey 7009324600000000000♠3,246,000,000 Crab-eating macaque 7009344000000000000♠3,440,000,000 Tufted capuchin 7009369100000000000♠3,691,000,000 Bonnet macaque 7009378000000000000♠3,780,000,000 Greater kudu 7009491000000000000♠4,910,000,000 Rhesus macaque 7009637600000000000♠6,376,000,000 Giraffe 7010107500000000000♠10,750,000,000 Yellow baboon 7010109500000000000♠10,950,000,000 Orangutan 7010326000000000000♠32,600,000,000 Gorilla 7010334000000000000♠33,400,000,000 Human 7010860000000000000♠86,000,000,000 7014150000000000000♠~1.5×10^14 Synapses for average adult African elephant 7011257000000000000♠257,000,000,000
List of animals by number of neurons
Hvem har de fleste hjemmekørsler i college baseball?
{ "text": [ "Pete Incaviglia" ], "answer_start": [ 51 ] }
List of college baseball career home run leaders 1 Pete Incaviglia Oklahoma State 1983-1985 213 100
{ "text": [ "Pete Incaviglia" ], "answer_start": [ 2 ] }
List of college baseball career home run leaders 1 Pete Incaviglia Oklahoma State 1983–1985 213 100
List of college baseball career home run leaders
Hvad er det højeste punkt i new mexico?
{ "text": [ "Wheeler Peak" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Wheeler Peak (New Mexico) Wheeler Peak er det højeste naturlige punkt i den amerikanske stat New Mexico. Det ligger nordøst for Taos og syd for Red River i den nordlige del af staten og kun 3,2 km sydøst for skisporene i Taos Ski Valley. Den ligger i Sangre de Cristo Mountains, den sydligste delstrækning af Rocky Mountains. Topens højde er 4.013 m (13.167 fod).
{ "text": [ "Wheeler Peak" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Wheeler Peak (New Mexico) Wheeler Peak is the highest natural point in the U.S. state of New Mexico. It is located northeast of Taos and south of Red River in the northern part of the state, and just 2 miles (3.2 km) southeast of the ski slopes of Taos Ski Valley. It lies in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the southernmost subrange of the Rocky Mountains. The peak's elevation is 13,167 feet (4,013 m).
Wheeler Peak (New Mexico)
Hvem er involveret i verdenshandelsorganisationen?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
World Trade Organization Verdenshandelsorganisationen (WTO) er en mellemstatslig organisation, der regulerer den internationale handel. WTO startede officielt den 1. januar 1995 i henhold til Marrakesh-aftalen, der blev undertegnet af 124 lande den 15. april 1994, og som erstattede den almindelige overenskomst om told og handel (GATT), der startede i 1948. Det er den største internationale økonomiske organisation i verden.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade. The WTO officially commenced on 1 January 1995 under the Marrakesh Agreement, signed by 124 nations on 15 April 1994, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1948. It is the largest international economic organization in the world.
World Trade Organization
Hvad er rækkefølgen af twilight sagaen?
{ "text": [ "Twilight Saga: New Moon" ], "answer_start": [ 164 ] }
The Twilight Saga (film series) [skjul] v t e Twilight-serien af Stephenie Meyer Bøger Twilight New Moon Eclipse Breaking Dawn Filmserie Twilight Twilight Saga: New Moon The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - del 1 Del 2 Medvirkende Karakterer Bella Swan Edward Cullen Jacob Black Musik Twilight "Decode" "Spotlight" New Moon "Mød mig på jævndøgn" "Mulighed" Eclipse "Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)" "Heavy in Your Arms" Breaking Dawn - del 1 "It Will Rain" "A Thousand Years" Breaking Dawn - del 2 "The Forgotten" Spin-offs Bree Tanners korte andet liv Midnight Sun (ikke udgivet) Tegneserier Twilight: Den grafiske roman New Moon: The Graphic Novel Andre The Twilight Saga: Den officielle illustrerede guide Twilight-fandom TwiCon Scene It? Twilight Relaterede artikler Vampyrer stinker Breaking Wind Halvtreds nuancer af grå Gabriel's Inferno Smukke Bastard Kategori Portal
{ "text": [ "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" ], "answer_start": [ 137 ] }
The Twilight Saga (film series) [hide] v t e The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer Books Twilight New Moon Eclipse Breaking Dawn Film series Twilight The Twilight Saga: New Moon The Twilight Saga: Eclipse The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 Part 2 Cast members Characters Bella Swan Edward Cullen Jacob Black Music Twilight "Decode" "Spotlight" New Moon "Meet Me on the Equinox" "Possibility" Eclipse "Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)" "Heavy in Your Arms" Breaking Dawn – Part 1 "It Will Rain" "A Thousand Years" Breaking Dawn – Part 2 "The Forgotten" Spin-offs The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Midnight Sun (unpublished) Comics Twilight: The Graphic Novel New Moon: The Graphic Novel Other The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide Twilight fandom TwiCon Scene It? Twilight Related articles Vampires Suck Breaking Wind Fifty Shades of Grey Gabriel's Inferno Beautiful Bastard Category Portal
The Twilight Saga (film series)
Hvornår udkom breath of the wild?
{ "text": [ "3. marts 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 46 ] }
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Udgiv 3. marts 2017
{ "text": [ "March 3, 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 8 ] }
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Release March 3, 2017
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Hvem skrev sangen can't get no satisfaction?
{ "text": [ "Mick Jagger" ], "answer_start": [ 124 ] }
"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" er en sang af det engelske rockband The Rolling Stones, udgivet i 1965. Den blev skrevet af Mick Jagger og Keith Richards og produceret af Andrew Loog Oldham. Richards' guitarriff med tre toner - som skulle erstattes af horn - åbner og driver sangen. Teksten refererer til seksuel frustration og kommercialisme.
{ "text": [ "Mick Jagger" ], "answer_start": [ 123 ] }
"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" is a song by the English rock band the Rolling Stones, released in 1965. It was written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and produced by Andrew Loog Oldham. Richards' three-note guitar riff—‌intended to be replaced by horns—‌opens and drives the song. The lyrics refer to sexual frustration and commercialism.
(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Hvornår kommer næste sæson af ever after high?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of Ever After High webisodes Ever After High-dukke-serien har affødt en webserie, hvis episoder er blevet udgivet på deres websted og YouTube. Webserien er opdelt i kapitler, som hver især indeholder forskellige kortfilm. De første par shorts blev udgivet den 30. maj 2013. Nogle af YouTube-kortfilmene er blevet samlet til længere episoder, som kan ses på Netflix, sammen med nye episoder, der annonceres som "Netflix Originals". Nogle af episoderne er længere, f.eks. episoden "Thronecoming", som havde premiere på Nickelodeon den 2. november 2014 som en tv-special. Spillefilmen "Spring Unsprung" blev udgivet som en Netflix-eksklusiv serie den 6. februar 2015.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of Ever After High webisodes The Ever After High doll franchise has spawned a web series whose episodes were released on their website and YouTube. The web series is organized into chapters, each of which contains various shorts. The first few shorts were released on May 30, 2013. Some of the YouTube shorts have been compiled into longer episodes that are available to watch on Netflix, along with new episodes that are advertised as "Netflix Originals." Some of the episodes are longer, such as the episode "Thronecoming", which premiered on Nickelodeon on November 2, 2014 as a television special. The feature film, "Spring Unsprung", was released as a Netflix exclusive on February 6, 2015.
List of Ever After High webisodes
Hvem har vundet flest guld medaljer ved olympiaden?
{ "text": [ "Michael Phelps" ], "answer_start": [ 118 ] }
List of multiple Olympic gold medalists Nej. Atleter Nation Sport År Spil Køn Guld Sølv Bronze I alt 1 Phelps, MichaelMichael Phelps USA Svømning 2004-2016 Sommer M 23 3 2 28 2 Latynina, LarisaLarisa Latynina Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1956-1964 Sommer F 9 5 4 18 3 Nurmi, PaavoPaavo Nurmi Finland Atletik 1920-1928 Sommer M 9 3 0 12 4 Spitz, MarkMark Spitz USA Svømning 1968-1972 Sommer M 9 1 1 11 5 Lewis, CarlCarl Lewis USA Atletik 1984-1996 Sommer M 9 1 0 10 6 Bjørgen, MaritMarit Bjørgen Norge Langrend 2002-2018 Vinter F 8 4 3 15 7 Bjørndalen, Ole EinarOle Einar Bjørndalen Norge Biathlon 1998-2014 Vinter M 8 4 1 13 8 Dæhlie, BjørnBjørn Dæhlie Norge Langrend 1992-1998 Vinter M 8 4 0 12 Fischer, BirgitBirgit Fischer Østtyskland Tyskland Kanosejlads 1980-2004 Sommer F 8 4 0 12 10 Kato, SawaoSawao Kato Japan Gymnastik 1968-1976 Sommer M 8 3 1 12 Thompson, JennyJenny Thompson USA Svømning 1992-2004 Sommer F 8 3 1 12 12 Biondi, MattMatt Biondi USA Svømning 1984-1992 Sommer M 8 2 1 11 13 Bolt, UsainUsain Bolt Jamaica Atletik 2008-2016 Sommer M 8 0 0 8 Ewry, RayRay Ewry USA Atletik 1900-1908 Sommer M 8 0 0 8 15 Andrianov, NikolaiNikolai Andrianov Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1972-1980 Sommer M 7 5 3 15 16 Shakhlin, BorisBoris Shakhlin Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1956-1964 Sommer M 7 4 2 13 17 Čáslavská, VěraVěra Čáslavská Tjekkoslovakiet Gymnastik 1960-1968 Sommer F 7 4 0 11 18 Chukarin, ViktorViktor Chukarin Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1952-1956 Sommer M 7 3 1 11 19 Gerevich, AladárAladár Gerevich Ungarn Fægtning 1932-1960 Sommer M 7 1 2 10 20 Mangiarotti, EdoardoEdoardo Mangiarotti Italien Fægtning 1936-1960 Sommer M 6 5 2 13 21 Werth, IsabellIsabell Werth Tyskland Ridesport 1992-2016 Sommer F 6 4 0 10 22 Lochte, RyanRyan Lochte USA Svømning 2004-2016 Sommer M 6 3 3 12 23 Felix, AllysonAllyson Felix USA Atletik 2004-2016 Sommer F 6 3 0 9 Van Innis, HubertHubert Van Innis Belgien Bueskydning 1900-1920 Sommer M 6 3 0 9 Yegorova, LyubovLyubov Yegorova Unified Team Rusland Langrend 1992-1994 Vinter F 6 3 0 9 26 Nakayama, AkinoriAkinori Nakayama Japan Gymnastik 1968-1972 Sommer M 6 2 2 10 27 Vezzali, ValentinaValentina Vezzali Italien Fægtning 1996-2012 Sommer F 6 1 2 9 28 Fredriksson, GertGert Fredriksson Sverige Kanosejlads 1948-1960 Sommer M 6 1 1 8 29 Hoy, ChrisChris Hoy Storbritannien Cykling 2000-2012 Sommer M 6 1 0 7 Kenny, JasonJason Kenny Storbritannien Cykling 2008-2016 Sommer M 6 1 0 7 31 Scherbo, VitalyVitaly Scherbo Unified Team Hviderusland Gymnastik 1992-1996 Sommer M 6 0 4 10 32 Ahn Hyun-Soo Viktor Ahn Sydkorea Rusland Short track speed skating 2006-2014 Vinter M 6 0 2 8 Klimke, ReinerReiner Klimke United Team of Germany Vesttyskland Ridesport 1964-1988 Sommer M 6 0 2 8 34 Kovács, PálPál Kovács Ungarn Fægtning 1936-1960 Sommer M 6 0 1 7 35 Kárpáti, RudolfRudolf Kárpáti Ungarn Fægtning 1948-1960 Sommer M 6 0 0 6 Nadi, NedoNedoNedo Nadi Italien Fægtning 1912-1920 Sommer M 6 0 0 6 Otto, KristinKristin Otto Østtyskland Svømning 1988 Sommer F 6 0 0 6 Skoblikova, LidiaLidia Skoblikova Sovjetunionen Speed skating 1960-1964 Vinter F 6 0 0 6 Van Dyken, AmyAmy Van Dyken USA Svømning 1996-2000 Sommer F 6 0 0 6 40 Wüst, IreenIreen Wüst Nederlandene Hurtigløb på skøjter 2006-2018 Vinter F 5 5 1 11 41 Ono, TakashiTakashi Ono Japan Gymnastik 1952-1964 Sommer M 5 4 4 13 42 Osburn, CarlCarl Osburn USA Shooting 1912-1924 Sommer M 5 4 2 11 43 Hall, Jr., GaryGary Hall, Jr. USA Svømning 1996-2004 Sommer M 5 3 2 10 Keleti, ÁgnesÁgnes Keleti Ungarn Gymnastik 1952-1956 Sommer F 5 3 2 10 45 Comăneci, NadiaNadia Comăneci Rumænien Gymnastik 1976-1980 Sommer F 5 3 1 9 Thorpe, IanIan Thorpe Australien Svømning 2000-2004 Sommer M 5 3 1 9 47 Ritola, VilleVilleVille Ritola Finland Atletik 1924-1928 Sommer M 5 3 0 8 48 Astakhova, PolinaPolina Astakhova Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1956-1964 Sommer F 5 2 3 10 49 Pechstein, ClaudiaClaudia Pechstein Tyskland Speed skating 1992-2006 Vinter F 5 2 2 9 50 Lipă, ElisabetaElisabeta Lipă Rumænien Roning 1984-2004 Sommer F 5 2 1 8 51 Endo, YukioYukio Endo Japan Gymnastik 1960-1968 Sommer M 5 2 0 7 Fourcade, MartinMartin Fourcade Frankrig Biathlon 2014-2018 Vinter M 5 2 0 7 Peirsol, AaronAaron Peirsol USA Svømning 2000-2008 Sommer M 5 2 0 7 54 Tsukahara, MitsuoMitsuo Tsukahara Japan Gymnastik 1968-1976 Sommer M 5 1 3 9 55 Adrian, NathanNathan Adrian USA Svømning 2008-2016 Sommer M 5 1 2 8 Wiggins, BradleyBradley Wiggins Storbritannien Cykling 2000-2016 Sommer M 5 1 2 8 57 Egerszegi, KrisztinaKrisztina Egerszegi Ungarn Svømning 1988-1996 Sommer F 5 1 1 7 Jager, TomTom Jager USA Svømning 1984-1992 Sommer M 5 1 1 7 Lazutina, LarisaLarisa Lazutina Unified Team Rusland Langrend 1992-1998 Vinter F 5 1 1 7 Lee, Willis A.Willis A. Lee USA Shooting 1920 Sommer M 5 1 1 7 Thunberg, ClasClas Thunberg Finland Hurtigløb på skøjter 1924-1928 Vinter M 5 1 1 7 Vollmer, DanaDana Vollmer USA Svømning 2004-2016 Sommer F 5 1 1 7 Winkler, Hans GünterHans Günter Winkler Tysklands forenede hold Vesttyskland Ridesport 1956-1976 Sommer M 5 1 1 7 Wu Minxia Kina Dykning 2004-2016 Sommer F 5 1 1 7 65 Alsgaard, ThomasThomas Alsgaard Norge Langrend 1994-2002 Vinter M 5 1 0 6 Heida, AntonAnton Heida USA Gymnastik 1904 Sommer M 5 1 0 6 Kim, NellieNellie Kim Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1976-1980 Sommer F 5 1 0 6 Kozák, DanutaDanuta Kozák Ungarn Kanosejlads 2008-2016 Sommer F 5 1 0 6 Ledecky, KatieKatie Ledecky United States Svømning 2012-2016 Sommer F 5 1 0 6 Lilloe-Olsen, OleOle Lilloe-Olsen Norge Skydning 1920-1924 Sommer M 5 1 0 6 Schollander, DonDon Schollander USA Svømning 1964-1968 Sommer M 5 1 0 6 72 Blair, BonnieBonnie Blair USA Speed skating 1988-1994 Vinter F 5 0 1 6 Damian, GeorgetaGeorgeta Damian Rumænien Roning 2000-2008 Sommer F 5 0 1 6 Franklin, MissyMissy Franklin USA Svømning 2012-2016 Sommer F 5 0 1 6 Lane, AlfredAlfred Lane USA Shooting 1912-1920 Sommer M 5 0 1 6 Redgrave, SteveSteve Redgrave Storbritannien Roning 1984-2000 Sommer M 5 0 1 6 Weissmuller, JohnnyJohnny Weissmuller USA Svømning, vandpolo 1924-1928 Sommer M 5 0 1 6 Zou Kai Kina Gymnastik 2008-2012 Sommer M 5 0 1 6 79 Chen Ruolin Kina Dykning 2008-2016 Sommer F 5 0 0 5 Davydova, AnastasiaAnastasia Davydova Rusland Synkronsvømning 2004-2012 Sommer F 5 0 0 5 Fisher, MorrisMorris Fisher USA Skydning 1920-1924 Sommer M 5 0 0 5 Heiden, EricEric Heiden USA Speed skating 1980 Vinter M 5 0 0 5 Ishchenko, NataliaNatalia Ishchenko Rusland Synkronsvømning 2008-2016 Sommer F 5 0 0 5 Romashina, SvetlanaSvetlana Romashina Rusland Synkronsvømning 2008-2016 Sommer F 5 0 0 5 85 Smetanina, RaisaRaisa Smetanina Sovjetunionen Unified Team Langrend 1976-1992 Vinter F 4 5 1 10 86 Popov, AlexanderAlexander Popov Unified Team Rusland Svømning 1992-2000 Sommer M 4 5 0 9 87 Torres, DaraDara Torres USA Svømning 1984-2008 Sommer F 4 4 4 12 88 Ender, KorneliaKornelia Ender Østtyskland Svømning 1972-1976 Sommer F 4 4 0 8 Fraser, DawnDawn Fraser Australien Svømning 1956-1964 Sommer F 4 4 0 8 90 Jernberg, SixtenSixten Jernberg Sverige Langrend 1956-1964 Vinter M 4 3 2 9 Tourischeva, LudmillaLudmilla Tourischeva Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1968-1976 Sommer F 4 3 2 9 92 Groß, RiccoRicco Groß Tyskland Biathlon 1992-2006 Vinter M 4 3 1 8 Miez, GeorgesGeorges Miez Schweiz Gymnastik 1924-1936 Sommer M 4 3 1 8 Olsen, OttoOtto Olsen Norge Skydning 1920-1924 Sommer M 4 3 1 8 Svendsen, Emil HegleEmil Hegle Svendsen Norge Biathlon 2010-2018 Vinter M 4 3 1 8 96 Patzaichin, IvanIvan Patzaichin Rumænien Kanosejlads 1968-1984 Sommer M 4 3 0 7 97 Nemov, AlexeiAlexei Nemov Rusland Gymnastik 1996-2000 Sommer M 4 2 6 12 98 Kramer, SvenSven Kramer Nederlandene Speed skating 2006-2018 Vinter M 4 2 3 9 99 Aamodt, Kjetil AndréKjetil André Aamodt Norge Alpint skiløb 1992-2006 Vinter M 4 2 2 8 de Bruijn, IngeInge de Bruijn Nederlandene Svømning 2000-2004 Sommer F 4 2 2 8 Fischer, SvenSven Fischer Tyskland Biathlon 1994-2006 Vinter M 4 2 2 8 Kulakova, GalinaGalina Kulakova Sovjetunionen Langrend 1972-1980 Vinter F 4 2 2 8 Lezak, JasonJason Lezak USA Svømning 2000-2012 Sommer M 4 2 2 8 Matthes, RolandRoland Matthes Østtyskland Svømning 1968-1976 Sommer M 4 2 2 8 Schmitt, AllisonAllison Schmitt USA Svømning 2008-2016 Sommer F 4 2 2 8 106 Ballangrud, IvarIvar Ballangrud Norge Hurtigløb på skøjter 1928-1936 Vinter M 4 2 1 7 Liberg, EinarEinar Liberg Norge Skydning 1908-1924 Sommer M 4 2 1 7 108 Delfino, GiuseppeGiuseppe Delfino Italien Fægtning 1952-1964 Sommer M 4 2 0 6 d'Oriola, ChristianChristian d'Oriola Frankrig Fægtning 1948-1956 Sommer M 4 2 0 6 Gaudin, LucienLucien Gaudin Frankrig Fægtning 1920-1928 Sommer M 4 2 0 6 Grevers, MattMatt Grevers USA Svømning 2008-2012 Sommer M 4 2 0 6 Guo Jingjing Kina Dykning 2000-2008 Sommer F 4 2 0 6 Jong-oh, JinJin Jong-oh Sydkorea Skydning 2004-2016 Sommer M 4 2 0 6 Korbut, OlgaOlga Korbut Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1972-1976 Sommer F 4 2 0 6 Kostelić, JanicaJanica Kostelić Kroatien Alpint skiløb 2002-2006 Vinter F 4 2 0 6 Kuske, KevinKevin Kuske Tyskland Bobsleigh 2002-2018 Vinter M 4 2 0 6 117 Trillini, GiovannaGiovanna Trillini Italien Fægtning 1992-2008 Sommer F 4 1 3 8 118 Daniels, CharlesCharles Daniels USA Svømning 1904-1908 Sommer M 4 1 2 7 Kitajima, KosukeKosuke Kitajima Japan Svømning 2004-2012 Sommer M 4 1 2 7 Spooner, LloydLloyd Spooner USA Skydning 1920 Sommer M 4 1 2 7 Trickett, LibbyLibby Trickett Australien Svømning 2004-2012 Sommer F 4 1 2 7 122 Domracheva, DaryaDarya Domracheva Hviderusland Biathlon 2010-2018 Vinter F 4 1 1 6 Ignat, DoinaDoina Ignat Rumænien Roning 1992-2008 Sommer F 4 1 1 6 Kim Soo-Nyung Sydkorea Bueskydning 1988-2000 Sommer F 4 1 1 6 Novikova-Belova, ElenaElena Novikova-Belova Sovjetunionen Fægtning 1968-1976 Sommer F 4 1 1 6 Rose, MurrayMurray Rose Australien Svømning 1956-1960 Sommer M 4 1 1 6 Sidyak, ViktorViktor Sidyak Sovjetunionen Fægtning 1968-1980 Sommer M 4 1 1 6 Svan, GundeGunde Svan Sverige Langrend 1984-1988 Vinter M 4 1 1 6 van Moorsel, LeontienLeontien van Moorsel Nederlandene Cykling 2000-2004 Sommer F 4 1 1 6 Wagner-Augustin, KatrinKatrin Wagner-Augustin Tyskland Kanosejlads 2000-2012 Sommer F 4 1 1 6 Wang Meng Kina Short track speed skating 2006-2010 Vinter F 4 1 1 6 132 Ainslie, BenBen Ainslie Storbritannien Sejlads 1996-2012 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Artemov, VladimirVladimir Artemov Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1988 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Ashford, EvelynEvelyn Ashford USA Atletik 1984-1992 Sommer F 4 1 0 5 Evans, JanetJanet Evans USA Svømning 1988-1992 Sommer F 4 1 0 5 Ferguson, IanIan Ferguson New Zealand Kanosejlads 1984-1988 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Fonst, RamónRamón Fonst Cuba Fægtning 1900-1904 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Fu Mingxia Kina Dykning 1992-2000 Sommer F 4 1 0 5 Grishin, Jevgenij Jevgenij Grishin Sovjetunionen Speed skating 1956-1964 Vinter M 4 1 0 5 Hefford, JaynaJayna Hefford Canada Ishockey 1998-2014 Vinter F 4 1 0 5 Klochkova, YanaYana Klochkova Ukraine Svømning 2000-2004 Sommer F 4 1 0 5 Kolehmainen, HannesHannes Kolehmainen Finland Atletik 1912-1920 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Koss, Johann OlavJohann Olav Koss Norge Hurtigløb på skøjter 1992-1994 Vinter M 4 1 0 5 Lange, AndréAndré Lange Tyskland Bobsleigh 2002-2010 Vinter M 4 1 0 5 Louganis, GregGreg Louganis USA Dykning 1976-1988 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Muratov, ValentinValentin Muratov Sovjetunionen Gymnastik 1952-1956 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Naber, JohnJohn Naber USA Svømning 1976 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Nykänen, MattiMatti Nykänen Finland Skispring 1984-1988 Vinter M 4 1 0 5 Pahud de Mortanges, CharlesCharles Pahud de Mortanges Nederlandene Ridning 1924-1936 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Sheppard, MelMel Sheppard USA Atletik 1908-1912 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Szabo, EcaterinaEcaterina Szabo Rumænien Gymnastik 1984 Sommer F 4 1 0 5 Tikhonov, AlexanderAlexander Tikhonov Sovjetunionen Biathlon 1968-1980 Vinter M 4 1 0 5 Wang Nan Kina Bordtennis 2000-2008 Sommer F 4 1 0 5 Wickenheiser, HayleyHayley Wickenheiser Canada Ishockey 1998-2014 Vinter F 4 1 0 5 Williams, VenusVenus Williams USA Tennis 2000-2016 Sommer F 4 1 0 5 Zátopek, EmilEmil Zátopek Tjekkoslovakiet Atletik 1948-1952 Sommer M 4 1 0 5 Zimyatov, NikolayNikolay Zimyatov Sovjetunionen Langrend 1980-1984 Vinter M 4 1 0 5 158 Kulcsár, GyőzőGyőző Kulcsár Ungarn Fægtning 1964-1976 Sommer M 4 0 2 6 159 Beerbaum, LudgerLudger Beerbaum Vesttyskland Tyskland Ridning 1988-2016 Sommer M 4 0 1 5 Biles, SimoneSimone Biles United States Gymnastik 2016 Sommer F 4 0 1 5 Boron, KathrinKathrin Boron Tyskland Roning 1992-2008 Sommer F 4 0 1 5 Chun Lee-Kyung Sydkorea Short track speed skating 1994-1998 Vinter F 4 0 1 5 Edwards, TeresaTeresa Edwards USA Basketball 1984-2000 Sommer F 4 0 1 5 Geisenberger, NatalieNatalie Geisenberger Tyskland Luge 2010-2018 Vinter F 4 0 1 5 Hurley, MarcusMarcus Hurley USA Cykling 1904 Sommer M 4 0 1 5 Li Xiaopeng Kina Gymnastik 2000-2008 Sommer M 4 0 1 5 Olsen, JonJon Olsen USA Svømning 1992-1996 Sommer M 4 0 1 5 Pozdnyakov, StanislavStanislav Pozdnyakov Unified Team Rusland Fægtning 1992-2004 Sommer M 4 0 1 5 Richards-Ross, SanyaSanya Richards-Ross USA Atletik 2004-2012 Sommer F 4 0 1 5 Susanu, VioricaViorica Susanu Rumænien Roning 2000-2008 Sommer F 4 0 1 5 Zampori, GiorgioGiorgio Zampori Italien Gymnastik 1912-1924 Sommer M 4 0 1 5 172 Ammann, SimonSimon Ammann Schweiz Skispring 2002-2010 Vinter M 4 0 0 4 Arlt, TobiasTobias Arlt Tyskland Luge 2014-2018 Vinter M 4 0 0 4 Bird, SueSue Bird USA Basketball 2004-2016 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Blankers-Koen, FannyFanny Blankers-Koen Nederlandene Atletik 1948 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Catchings, TamikaTamika Catchings USA Basketball 2004-2016 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Cologna, DarioDario Cologna Schweiz Langrend 2010-2018 Vinter M 4 0 0 4 Cuthbert, BettyBetty Cuthbert Australien Atletik 1956-1964 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Darnyi, TamásTamás Darnyi Ungarn Svømning 1988-1992 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Deng Yaping Kina Bordtennis 1992-1996 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Dillard, HarrisonHarrison Dillard USA Atletik 1948-1952 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Elvstrøm, Paul BertPaul Bert Elvstrøm Danmark Sejlads 1948-1960 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Ermakova, AnastasiaAnastasia Ermakova Rusland Synkronsvømning 2004-2008 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Farah, MohamedMohamed Farah Storbritannien Atletik 2012-2016 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Fuchs, JenőJenő Fuchs Ungarn Fægtning 1908-1912 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Icho, KaoriKaori Icho Japan Wrestling 2004-2016 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Johnson, MichaelMichael Johnson USA Atletik 1992-2000 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Korzeniowski, RobertRobert Korzeniowski Polen Atletik 1996-2004 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Kraenzlein, AlvinAlvin Kraenzlein USA Atletik 1900 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Krayzelburg, LennyLenny Krayzelburg USA Svømning 2000-2004 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Krovopuskov, ViktorViktor Krovopuskov Sovjetunionen Fægtning 1976-1980 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Leslie, LisaLisa Leslie USA Basketball 1996-2008 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 McCormick, PatPat McCormick USA Dykning 1952-1956 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Oerter, AlAl Oerter USA Atletik 1956-1968 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Ouellette, CarolineCaroline Ouellette Canada Ishockey 2002-2014 Vinter F 4 0 0 4 Owens, JesseJesse Owens USA Atletik 1936 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Pavesi, CarloCarlo Pavesi Italien Fægtning 1952-1960 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Pinsent, MatthewMatthew Pinsent Storbritannien Roning 1992-2004 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Radmilovic, PauloPaulo Radmilovic Storbritannien Vandpolo, Svømning 1908-1920 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Saint Cyr, HenriHenri Saint Cyr Sverige Rytteri 1952-1956 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Salnikov, VladimirVladimir Salnikov Sovjetunionen Svømning 1980-1988 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Schuhmann, CarlCarl Schuhmann Tyskland Gymnastik, brydning 1896 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Taurasi, DianaDiana Taurasi USA Basketball 2004-2016 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Trott, LauraLaura Trott Storbritannien Cykling 2012-2016 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Uphoff, NicoleNicole Uphoff Vesttyskland Tyskland Ridesport 1988-1992 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Virén, LasseLasse Virén Finland Atletik 1972-1976 Sommer M 4 0 0 4 Wassberg, ThomasThomas Wassberg Sverige Langrend 1980-1988 Vinter M 4 0 0 4 Wendl, TobiasTobias Wendl Tyskland Luge 2014-2018 Vinter M 4 0 0 4 Williams, SerenaSerena Williams USA Tennis 2000-2012 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Wöckel, BärbelBärbel Wöckel Østtyskland Atletik 1976-1980 Sommer F 4 0 0 4 Yining, ZhangZhang Yining Kina Bordtennis 2004-2008 Sommer F 4 0 0 4
{ "text": [ "Michael Phelps" ], "answer_start": [ 88 ] }
List of multiple Olympic gold medalists No. Athlete Nation Sport Years Games Gender Gold Silver Bronze Total 1 Phelps, MichaelMichael Phelps United States Swimming 2004–2016 Summer M 23 3 2 28 2 Latynina, LarisaLarisa Latynina Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956–1964 Summer F 9 5 4 18 3 Nurmi, PaavoPaavo Nurmi Finland Athletics 1920–1928 Summer M 9 3 0 12 4 Spitz, MarkMark Spitz United States Swimming 1968–1972 Summer M 9 1 1 11 5 Lewis, CarlCarl Lewis United States Athletics 1984–1996 Summer M 9 1 0 10 6 Bjørgen, MaritMarit Bjørgen Norway Cross-country skiing 2002–2018 Winter F 8 4 3 15 7 Bjørndalen, Ole EinarOle Einar Bjørndalen Norway Biathlon 1998–2014 Winter M 8 4 1 13 8 Dæhlie, BjørnBjørn Dæhlie Norway Cross-country skiing 1992–1998 Winter M 8 4 0 12 Fischer, BirgitBirgit Fischer East Germany Germany Canoeing 1980–2004 Summer F 8 4 0 12 10 Kato, SawaoSawao Kato Japan Gymnastics 1968–1976 Summer M 8 3 1 12 Thompson, JennyJenny Thompson United States Swimming 1992–2004 Summer F 8 3 1 12 12 Biondi, MattMatt Biondi United States Swimming 1984–1992 Summer M 8 2 1 11 13 Bolt, UsainUsain Bolt Jamaica Athletics 2008–2016 Summer M 8 0 0 8 Ewry, RayRay Ewry United States Athletics 1900–1908 Summer M 8 0 0 8 15 Andrianov, NikolaiNikolai Andrianov Soviet Union Gymnastics 1972–1980 Summer M 7 5 3 15 16 Shakhlin, BorisBoris Shakhlin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956–1964 Summer M 7 4 2 13 17 Čáslavská, VěraVěra Čáslavská Czechoslovakia Gymnastics 1960–1968 Summer F 7 4 0 11 18 Chukarin, ViktorViktor Chukarin Soviet Union Gymnastics 1952–1956 Summer M 7 3 1 11 19 Gerevich, AladárAladár Gerevich Hungary Fencing 1932–1960 Summer M 7 1 2 10 20 Mangiarotti, EdoardoEdoardo Mangiarotti Italy Fencing 1936–1960 Summer M 6 5 2 13 21 Werth, IsabellIsabell Werth Germany Equestrian 1992–2016 Summer F 6 4 0 10 22 Lochte, RyanRyan Lochte United States Swimming 2004–2016 Summer M 6 3 3 12 23 Felix, AllysonAllyson Felix United States Athletics 2004–2016 Summer F 6 3 0 9 Van Innis, HubertHubert Van Innis Belgium Archery 1900–1920 Summer M 6 3 0 9 Yegorova, LyubovLyubov Yegorova Unified Team Russia Cross-country skiing 1992–1994 Winter F 6 3 0 9 26 Nakayama, AkinoriAkinori Nakayama Japan Gymnastics 1968–1972 Summer M 6 2 2 10 27 Vezzali, ValentinaValentina Vezzali Italy Fencing 1996–2012 Summer F 6 1 2 9 28 Fredriksson, GertGert Fredriksson Sweden Canoeing 1948–1960 Summer M 6 1 1 8 29 Hoy, ChrisChris Hoy Great Britain Cycling 2000–2012 Summer M 6 1 0 7 Kenny, JasonJason Kenny Great Britain Cycling 2008–2016 Summer M 6 1 0 7 31 Scherbo, VitalyVitaly Scherbo Unified Team Belarus Gymnastics 1992–1996 Summer M 6 0 4 10 32 Ahn Hyun-Soo Viktor Ahn South Korea Russia Short track speed skating 2006–2014 Winter M 6 0 2 8 Klimke, ReinerReiner Klimke United Team of Germany West Germany Equestrian 1964–1988 Summer M 6 0 2 8 34 Kovács, PálPál Kovács Hungary Fencing 1936–1960 Summer M 6 0 1 7 35 Kárpáti, RudolfRudolf Kárpáti Hungary Fencing 1948–1960 Summer M 6 0 0 6 Nadi, NedoNedo Nadi Italy Fencing 1912–1920 Summer M 6 0 0 6 Otto, KristinKristin Otto East Germany Swimming 1988 Summer F 6 0 0 6 Skoblikova, LidiaLidia Skoblikova Soviet Union Speed skating 1960–1964 Winter F 6 0 0 6 Van Dyken, AmyAmy Van Dyken United States Swimming 1996–2000 Summer F 6 0 0 6 40 Wüst, IreenIreen Wüst Netherlands Speed skating 2006–2018 Winter F 5 5 1 11 41 Ono, TakashiTakashi Ono Japan Gymnastics 1952–1964 Summer M 5 4 4 13 42 Osburn, CarlCarl Osburn United States Shooting 1912–1924 Summer M 5 4 2 11 43 Hall, Jr., GaryGary Hall, Jr. United States Swimming 1996–2004 Summer M 5 3 2 10 Keleti, ÁgnesÁgnes Keleti Hungary Gymnastics 1952–1956 Summer F 5 3 2 10 45 Comăneci, NadiaNadia Comăneci Romania Gymnastics 1976–1980 Summer F 5 3 1 9 Thorpe, IanIan Thorpe Australia Swimming 2000–2004 Summer M 5 3 1 9 47 Ritola, VilleVille Ritola Finland Athletics 1924–1928 Summer M 5 3 0 8 48 Astakhova, PolinaPolina Astakhova Soviet Union Gymnastics 1956–1964 Summer F 5 2 3 10 49 Pechstein, ClaudiaClaudia Pechstein Germany Speed skating 1992–2006 Winter F 5 2 2 9 50 Lipă, ElisabetaElisabeta Lipă Romania Rowing 1984–2004 Summer F 5 2 1 8 51 Endo, YukioYukio Endo Japan Gymnastics 1960–1968 Summer M 5 2 0 7 Fourcade, MartinMartin Fourcade France Biathlon 2014–2018 Winter M 5 2 0 7 Peirsol, AaronAaron Peirsol United States Swimming 2000–2008 Summer M 5 2 0 7 54 Tsukahara, MitsuoMitsuo Tsukahara Japan Gymnastics 1968–1976 Summer M 5 1 3 9 55 Adrian, NathanNathan Adrian United States Swimming 2008–2016 Summer M 5 1 2 8 Wiggins, BradleyBradley Wiggins Great Britain Cycling 2000–2016 Summer M 5 1 2 8 57 Egerszegi, KrisztinaKrisztina Egerszegi Hungary Swimming 1988–1996 Summer F 5 1 1 7 Jager, TomTom Jager United States Swimming 1984–1992 Summer M 5 1 1 7 Lazutina, LarisaLarisa Lazutina Unified Team Russia Cross-country skiing 1992–1998 Winter F 5 1 1 7 Lee, Willis A.Willis A. Lee United States Shooting 1920 Summer M 5 1 1 7 Thunberg, ClasClas Thunberg Finland Speed skating 1924–1928 Winter M 5 1 1 7 Vollmer, DanaDana Vollmer United States Swimming 2004–2016 Summer F 5 1 1 7 Winkler, Hans GünterHans Günter Winkler United Team of Germany West Germany Equestrian 1956–1976 Summer M 5 1 1 7 Wu Minxia China Diving 2004–2016 Summer F 5 1 1 7 65 Alsgaard, ThomasThomas Alsgaard Norway Cross-country skiing 1994–2002 Winter M 5 1 0 6 Heida, AntonAnton Heida United States Gymnastics 1904 Summer M 5 1 0 6 Kim, NellieNellie Kim Soviet Union Gymnastics 1976–1980 Summer F 5 1 0 6 Kozák, DanutaDanuta Kozák Hungary Canoeing 2008–2016 Summer F 5 1 0 6 Ledecky, KatieKatie Ledecky United States Swimming 2012–2016 Summer F 5 1 0 6 Lilloe-Olsen, OleOle Lilloe-Olsen Norway Shooting 1920–1924 Summer M 5 1 0 6 Schollander, DonDon Schollander United States Swimming 1964–1968 Summer M 5 1 0 6 72 Blair, BonnieBonnie Blair United States Speed skating 1988–1994 Winter F 5 0 1 6 Damian, GeorgetaGeorgeta Damian Romania Rowing 2000–2008 Summer F 5 0 1 6 Franklin, MissyMissy Franklin United States Swimming 2012–2016 Summer F 5 0 1 6 Lane, AlfredAlfred Lane United States Shooting 1912–1920 Summer M 5 0 1 6 Redgrave, SteveSteve Redgrave Great Britain Rowing 1984–2000 Summer M 5 0 1 6 Weissmuller, JohnnyJohnny Weissmuller United States Swimming, Water polo 1924–1928 Summer M 5 0 1 6 Zou Kai China Gymnastics 2008–2012 Summer M 5 0 1 6 79 Chen Ruolin China Diving 2008–2016 Summer F 5 0 0 5 Davydova, AnastasiaAnastasia Davydova Russia Synchronized swimming 2004–2012 Summer F 5 0 0 5 Fisher, MorrisMorris Fisher United States Shooting 1920–1924 Summer M 5 0 0 5 Heiden, EricEric Heiden United States Speed skating 1980 Winter M 5 0 0 5 Ishchenko, NataliaNatalia Ishchenko Russia Synchronized swimming 2008–2016 Summer F 5 0 0 5 Romashina, SvetlanaSvetlana Romashina Russia Synchronized swimming 2008–2016 Summer F 5 0 0 5 85 Smetanina, RaisaRaisa Smetanina Soviet Union Unified Team Cross-country skiing 1976–1992 Winter F 4 5 1 10 86 Popov, AlexanderAlexander Popov Unified Team Russia Swimming 1992–2000 Summer M 4 5 0 9 87 Torres, DaraDara Torres United States Swimming 1984–2008 Summer F 4 4 4 12 88 Ender, KorneliaKornelia Ender East Germany Swimming 1972–1976 Summer F 4 4 0 8 Fraser, DawnDawn Fraser Australia Swimming 1956–1964 Summer F 4 4 0 8 90 Jernberg, SixtenSixten Jernberg Sweden Cross-country skiing 1956–1964 Winter M 4 3 2 9 Tourischeva, LudmillaLudmilla Tourischeva Soviet Union Gymnastics 1968–1976 Summer F 4 3 2 9 92 Groß, RiccoRicco Groß Germany Biathlon 1992–2006 Winter M 4 3 1 8 Miez, GeorgesGeorges Miez Switzerland Gymnastics 1924–1936 Summer M 4 3 1 8 Olsen, OttoOtto Olsen Norway Shooting 1920–1924 Summer M 4 3 1 8 Svendsen, Emil HegleEmil Hegle Svendsen Norway Biathlon 2010–2018 Winter M 4 3 1 8 96 Patzaichin, IvanIvan Patzaichin Romania Canoeing 1968–1984 Summer M 4 3 0 7 97 Nemov, AlexeiAlexei Nemov Russia Gymnastics 1996–2000 Summer M 4 2 6 12 98 Kramer, SvenSven Kramer Netherlands Speed skating 2006–2018 Winter M 4 2 3 9 99 Aamodt, Kjetil AndréKjetil André Aamodt Norway Alpine skiing 1992–2006 Winter M 4 2 2 8 de Bruijn, IngeInge de Bruijn Netherlands Swimming 2000–2004 Summer F 4 2 2 8 Fischer, SvenSven Fischer Germany Biathlon 1994–2006 Winter M 4 2 2 8 Kulakova, GalinaGalina Kulakova Soviet Union Cross-country skiing 1972–1980 Winter F 4 2 2 8 Lezak, JasonJason Lezak United States Swimming 2000–2012 Summer M 4 2 2 8 Matthes, RolandRoland Matthes East Germany Swimming 1968–1976 Summer M 4 2 2 8 Schmitt, AllisonAllison Schmitt United States Swimming 2008–2016 Summer F 4 2 2 8 106 Ballangrud, IvarIvar Ballangrud Norway Speed skating 1928–1936 Winter M 4 2 1 7 Liberg, EinarEinar Liberg Norway Shooting 1908–1924 Summer M 4 2 1 7 108 Delfino, GiuseppeGiuseppe Delfino Italy Fencing 1952–1964 Summer M 4 2 0 6 d'Oriola, ChristianChristian d'Oriola France Fencing 1948–1956 Summer M 4 2 0 6 Gaudin, LucienLucien Gaudin France Fencing 1920–1928 Summer M 4 2 0 6 Grevers, MattMatt Grevers United States Swimming 2008–2012 Summer M 4 2 0 6 Guo Jingjing China Diving 2000–2008 Summer F 4 2 0 6 Jong-oh, JinJin Jong-oh South Korea Shooting 2004–2016 Summer M 4 2 0 6 Korbut, OlgaOlga Korbut Soviet Union Gymnastics 1972–1976 Summer F 4 2 0 6 Kostelić, JanicaJanica Kostelić Croatia Alpine skiing 2002–2006 Winter F 4 2 0 6 Kuske, KevinKevin Kuske Germany Bobsleigh 2002–2018 Winter M 4 2 0 6 117 Trillini, GiovannaGiovanna Trillini Italy Fencing 1992–2008 Summer F 4 1 3 8 118 Daniels, CharlesCharles Daniels United States Swimming 1904–1908 Summer M 4 1 2 7 Kitajima, KosukeKosuke Kitajima Japan Swimming 2004–2012 Summer M 4 1 2 7 Spooner, LloydLloyd Spooner United States Shooting 1920 Summer M 4 1 2 7 Trickett, LibbyLibby Trickett Australia Swimming 2004–2012 Summer F 4 1 2 7 122 Domracheva, DaryaDarya Domracheva Belarus Biathlon 2010–2018 Winter F 4 1 1 6 Ignat, DoinaDoina Ignat Romania Rowing 1992–2008 Summer F 4 1 1 6 Kim Soo-Nyung South Korea Archery 1988–2000 Summer F 4 1 1 6 Novikova-Belova, ElenaElena Novikova-Belova Soviet Union Fencing 1968–1976 Summer F 4 1 1 6 Rose, MurrayMurray Rose Australia Swimming 1956–1960 Summer M 4 1 1 6 Sidyak, ViktorViktor Sidyak Soviet Union Fencing 1968–1980 Summer M 4 1 1 6 Svan, GundeGunde Svan Sweden Cross-country skiing 1984–1988 Winter M 4 1 1 6 van Moorsel, LeontienLeontien van Moorsel Netherlands Cycling 2000–2004 Summer F 4 1 1 6 Wagner-Augustin, KatrinKatrin Wagner-Augustin Germany Canoeing 2000–2012 Summer F 4 1 1 6 Wang Meng China Short track speed skating 2006–2010 Winter F 4 1 1 6 132 Ainslie, BenBen Ainslie Great Britain Sailing 1996–2012 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Artemov, VladimirVladimir Artemov Soviet Union Gymnastics 1988 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Ashford, EvelynEvelyn Ashford United States Athletics 1984–1992 Summer F 4 1 0 5 Evans, JanetJanet Evans United States Swimming 1988–1992 Summer F 4 1 0 5 Ferguson, IanIan Ferguson New Zealand Canoeing 1984–1988 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Fonst, RamónRamón Fonst Cuba Fencing 1900–1904 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Fu Mingxia China Diving 1992–2000 Summer F 4 1 0 5 Grishin, YevgenyYevgeny Grishin Soviet Union Speed skating 1956–1964 Winter M 4 1 0 5 Hefford, JaynaJayna Hefford Canada Ice hockey 1998–2014 Winter F 4 1 0 5 Klochkova, YanaYana Klochkova Ukraine Swimming 2000–2004 Summer F 4 1 0 5 Kolehmainen, HannesHannes Kolehmainen Finland Athletics 1912–1920 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Koss, Johann OlavJohann Olav Koss Norway Speed skating 1992–1994 Winter M 4 1 0 5 Lange, AndréAndré Lange Germany Bobsleigh 2002–2010 Winter M 4 1 0 5 Louganis, GregGreg Louganis United States Diving 1976–1988 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Muratov, ValentinValentin Muratov Soviet Union Gymnastics 1952–1956 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Naber, JohnJohn Naber United States Swimming 1976 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Nykänen, MattiMatti Nykänen Finland Ski jumping 1984–1988 Winter M 4 1 0 5 Pahud de Mortanges, CharlesCharles Pahud de Mortanges Netherlands Equestrian 1924–1936 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Sheppard, MelMel Sheppard United States Athletics 1908–1912 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Szabo, EcaterinaEcaterina Szabo Romania Gymnastics 1984 Summer F 4 1 0 5 Tikhonov, AlexanderAlexander Tikhonov Soviet Union Biathlon 1968–1980 Winter M 4 1 0 5 Wang Nan China Table tennis 2000–2008 Summer F 4 1 0 5 Wickenheiser, HayleyHayley Wickenheiser Canada Ice hockey 1998–2014 Winter F 4 1 0 5 Williams, VenusVenus Williams United States Tennis 2000–2016 Summer F 4 1 0 5 Zátopek, EmilEmil Zátopek Czechoslovakia Athletics 1948–1952 Summer M 4 1 0 5 Zimyatov, NikolayNikolay Zimyatov Soviet Union Cross-country skiing 1980–1984 Winter M 4 1 0 5 158 Kulcsár, GyőzőGyőző Kulcsár Hungary Fencing 1964–1976 Summer M 4 0 2 6 159 Beerbaum, LudgerLudger Beerbaum West Germany Germany Equestrian 1988–2016 Summer M 4 0 1 5 Biles, SimoneSimone Biles United States Gymnastics 2016 Summer F 4 0 1 5 Boron, KathrinKathrin Boron Germany Rowing 1992–2008 Summer F 4 0 1 5 Chun Lee-Kyung South Korea Short track speed skating 1994–1998 Winter F 4 0 1 5 Edwards, TeresaTeresa Edwards United States Basketball 1984–2000 Summer F 4 0 1 5 Geisenberger, NatalieNatalie Geisenberger Germany Luge 2010–2018 Winter F 4 0 1 5 Hurley, MarcusMarcus Hurley United States Cycling 1904 Summer M 4 0 1 5 Li Xiaopeng China Gymnastics 2000–2008 Summer M 4 0 1 5 Olsen, JonJon Olsen United States Swimming 1992–1996 Summer M 4 0 1 5 Pozdnyakov, StanislavStanislav Pozdnyakov Unified Team Russia Fencing 1992–2004 Summer M 4 0 1 5 Richards-Ross, SanyaSanya Richards-Ross United States Athletics 2004–2012 Summer F 4 0 1 5 Susanu, VioricaViorica Susanu Romania Rowing 2000–2008 Summer F 4 0 1 5 Zampori, GiorgioGiorgio Zampori Italy Gymnastics 1912–1924 Summer M 4 0 1 5 172 Ammann, SimonSimon Ammann Switzerland Ski jumping 2002–2010 Winter M 4 0 0 4 Arlt, TobiasTobias Arlt Germany Luge 2014–2018 Winter M 4 0 0 4 Bird, SueSue Bird United States Basketball 2004–2016 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Blankers-Koen, FannyFanny Blankers-Koen Netherlands Athletics 1948 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Catchings, TamikaTamika Catchings United States Basketball 2004–2016 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Cologna, DarioDario Cologna Switzerland Cross-country skiing 2010–2018 Winter M 4 0 0 4 Cuthbert, BettyBetty Cuthbert Australia Athletics 1956–1964 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Darnyi, TamásTamás Darnyi Hungary Swimming 1988–1992 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Deng Yaping China Table tennis 1992–1996 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Dillard, HarrisonHarrison Dillard United States Athletics 1948–1952 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Elvstrøm, Paul BertPaul Bert Elvstrøm Denmark Sailing 1948–1960 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Ermakova, AnastasiaAnastasia Ermakova Russia Synchronized swimming 2004–2008 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Farah, MohamedMohamed Farah Great Britain Athletics 2012–2016 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Fuchs, JenőJenő Fuchs Hungary Fencing 1908–1912 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Icho, KaoriKaori Icho Japan Wrestling 2004–2016 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Johnson, MichaelMichael Johnson United States Athletics 1992–2000 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Korzeniowski, RobertRobert Korzeniowski Poland Athletics 1996–2004 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Kraenzlein, AlvinAlvin Kraenzlein United States Athletics 1900 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Krayzelburg, LennyLenny Krayzelburg United States Swimming 2000–2004 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Krovopuskov, ViktorViktor Krovopuskov Soviet Union Fencing 1976–1980 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Leslie, LisaLisa Leslie United States Basketball 1996–2008 Summer F 4 0 0 4 McCormick, PatPat McCormick United States Diving 1952–1956 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Oerter, AlAl Oerter United States Athletics 1956–1968 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Ouellette, CarolineCaroline Ouellette Canada Ice hockey 2002–2014 Winter F 4 0 0 4 Owens, JesseJesse Owens United States Athletics 1936 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Pavesi, CarloCarlo Pavesi Italy Fencing 1952–1960 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Pinsent, MatthewMatthew Pinsent Great Britain Rowing 1992–2004 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Radmilovic, PauloPaulo Radmilovic Great Britain Water polo, Swimming 1908–1920 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Saint Cyr, HenriHenri Saint Cyr Sweden Equestrian 1952–1956 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Salnikov, VladimirVladimir Salnikov Soviet Union Swimming 1980–1988 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Schuhmann, CarlCarl Schuhmann Germany Gymnastics, Wrestling 1896 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Taurasi, DianaDiana Taurasi United States Basketball 2004–2016 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Trott, LauraLaura Trott Great Britain Cycling 2012–2016 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Uphoff, NicoleNicole Uphoff West Germany Germany Equestrian 1988–1992 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Virén, LasseLasse Virén Finland Athletics 1972–1976 Summer M 4 0 0 4 Wassberg, ThomasThomas Wassberg Sweden Cross-country skiing 1980–1988 Winter M 4 0 0 4 Wendl, TobiasTobias Wendl Germany Luge 2014–2018 Winter M 4 0 0 4 Williams, SerenaSerena Williams United States Tennis 2000–2012 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Wöckel, BärbelBärbel Wöckel East Germany Athletics 1976–1980 Summer F 4 0 0 4 Yining, ZhangZhang Yining China Table tennis 2004–2008 Summer F 4 0 0 4
List of multiple Olympic gold medalists
Hvornår var sidste gang mennesker var på månen?
{ "text": [ "11. december 1972" ], "answer_start": [ 1678 ] }
Apollo 17 Eugene Cernan om bord på Lunar Rover under den første EVA under Apollo 17 Type af mission Bemandet månelanding Operatør NASA COSPAR ID CSM: 1972-096A LM: 1972-096C SATCAT nr. CSM: 6300 LM: 6307 Missionens varighed 12 dage, 13 timer, 51 minutter, 59 sekunder Rumfartøjets egenskaber Rumfartøj Apollo CSM-114 Apollo LM-12 Producent CSM: North American Rockwell LM: Grumman Masse til opsendelse 48,607 kg (107,161 lb) Landingsmasse 5.500 kg (12.120 lb) Besætning Besætningsstørrelse 3 Medlemmer Eugene A. Cernan Ronald E. Evans Harrison H. Schmitt Kaldesignal CSM: Amerika LM: Challenger EVA'er 1 i det cislunare rum Plus 3 på månens overflade EVA's varighed 1 time, 5 minutter og 44 sekunder Rumvandring for at hente filmkassetter Påbegyndelse af missionen Opsendelsesdato 7. december 1972, 05:33:00 (1972-12-07UTC05:33Z) UTC Raket Saturn V SA-512 Opsendelsessted Kennedy LC-39A Afslutning af missionen Genvundet af USS Ticonderoga Landingsdato 19. december 1972, 19:24:59 (1972-12-19UTC19:25:00Z) UTC Landingssted Det sydlige Stillehav 17°53′S 166°07′′W / 17.88°S 166.11°W / -17.88; -166.11 (Apollo 17-støbning) Orbitalparametre Referencesystem Selenocentrisk Periselene 26,9 kilometer (14,5 nmi) Aposelene 109,3 kilometer (59,0 nmi) Epoke 11. december, 4:04 UTC Månens kredsløbsfartøj Rumfartøjskomponent Kommando-/servicemodul Indsættelse i kredsløb 10. december 1972, 19:47:22 UTC Afgang fra kredsløb 16. december 1972, kl. 23:35:09 UTC Orbits 75 Landingsfartøj på månen Rumfartøjskomponent Månemodul Landingsdato 11. december 1972, 19:54:57 UTC Opsendelse tilbage 14. december 1972, kl. 22:54:37 UTC Landingssted Taurus-Littrow 20°11′27′′′′N 30°46′18′′′′E / 20.19080°N 30.77168°E / 20.19080; 30.77168 (Apollo 17-landing) Prøvens masse 110,52 kg (243,7 lb) EVA'er på overfladen 3 EVA's varighed 22 timer, 3 minutter og 57 sekunder Første: 7 timer, 11 minutter, 53 sekunder Anden: 7 timer, 36 minutter, 56 sekunder Tredje: 7 timer, 15 minutter, 8 sekunder Månens rover Afstanden 35,74 kilometer (22,21 mi) Docking med LM Dato for docking 7. december 1972, 09:30:10 UTC Dato for udtørring 11. december 1972, kl. 17:20:56 UTC Docking med LM Ascent Stage Dato for docking 15. december 1972, 01:10:15 UTC Dato for udtørring 15. december 1972, 04:51:31 UTC Nyttelast Modul til videnskabelige instrumenter Apollo-pakke med eksperimenter på månens overflade Lunar Roving Vehicle Masse SIM: ALSEP: LRV: 210 kg (463 pund) Fra venstre til højre: Schmitt, Cernan (siddende), Evans Apollo-programmet ← Apollo 16
{ "text": [ "december 11, 1972" ], "answer_start": [ 1597 ] }
Apollo 17 Eugene Cernan aboard the Lunar Rover during the first EVA of Apollo 17 Mission type Manned lunar landing Operator NASA COSPAR ID CSM: 1972-096A LM: 1972-096C SATCAT no. CSM: 6300 LM: 6307 Mission duration 12 days, 13 hours, 51 minutes, 59 seconds Spacecraft properties Spacecraft Apollo CSM-114 Apollo LM-12 Manufacturer CSM: North American Rockwell LM: Grumman Launch mass 48,607 kilograms (107,161 lb) Landing mass 5,500 kilograms (12,120 lb) Crew Crew size 3 Members Eugene A. Cernan Ronald E. Evans Harrison H. Schmitt Callsign CSM: America LM: Challenger EVAs 1 in cislunar space Plus 3 on the lunar surface EVA duration 1 hour, 5 minutes, 44 seconds Spacewalk to retrieve film cassettes Start of mission Launch date December 7, 1972, 05:33:00 (1972-12-07UTC05:33Z) UTC Rocket Saturn V SA-512 Launch site Kennedy LC-39A End of mission Recovered by USS Ticonderoga Landing date December 19, 1972, 19:24:59 (1972-12-19UTC19:25:00Z) UTC Landing site South Pacific Ocean 17°53′S 166°07′W / 17.88°S 166.11°W / -17.88; -166.11 (Apollo 17 splashdown) Orbital parameters Reference system Selenocentric Periselene 26.9 kilometers (14.5 nmi) Aposelene 109.3 kilometers (59.0 nmi) Epoch December 11, 4:04 UTC Lunar orbiter Spacecraft component Command/Service Module Orbital insertion December 10, 1972, 19:47:22 UTC Orbital departure December 16, 1972, 23:35:09 UTC Orbits 75 Lunar lander Spacecraft component Lunar Module Landing date December 11, 1972, 19:54:57 UTC Return launch December 14, 1972, 22:54:37 UTC Landing site Taurus–Littrow 20°11′27′′N 30°46′18′′E / 20.19080°N 30.77168°E / 20.19080; 30.77168 (Apollo 17 landing) Sample mass 110.52 kilograms (243.7 lb) Surface EVAs 3 EVA duration 22 hours, 3 minutes, 57 seconds First: 7 hours, 11 minutes, 53 seconds Second: 7 hours, 36 minutes, 56 seconds Third: 7 hours, 15 minutes, 8 seconds Lunar rover Distance covered 35.74 kilometers (22.21 mi) Docking with LM Docking date December 7, 1972, 09:30:10 UTC Undocking date December 11, 1972, 17:20:56 UTC Docking with LM Ascent Stage Docking date December 15, 1972, 01:10:15 UTC Undocking date December 15, 1972, 04:51:31 UTC Payload Scientific Instrument Module Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package Lunar Roving Vehicle Mass SIM: ALSEP: LRV: 463 pounds (210 kg) Left to right: Schmitt, Cernan (seated), Evans Apollo program ← Apollo 16
Apollo 17
Hvem synger sangen band on the run?
{ "text": [ "Paul McCartney" ], "answer_start": [ 59 ] }
Band on the Run (song) "Band on the Run" er titelsangen på Paul McCartney og Wings' album Band on the Run fra 1973. Sangen blev udgivet som single i 1974, efter succesen med "Jet", og blev en international hitliste-succes. Sangen toppede hitlisterne i USA og nåede også op som nummer 3 i Storbritannien. Singlen solgte over en million eksemplarer i 1974 i USA. Den er siden blevet en af bandets mest berømte sange.
{ "text": [ "Paul McCartney" ], "answer_start": [ 39 ] }
Band on the Run (song) "Band on the Run" is the title song of Paul McCartney and Wings' 1973 album Band on the Run. The song was released as a single in 1974, following the success of "Jet", and became an international chart success. The song topped the charts in the United States, also reaching number 3 in the United Kingdom. The single sold over one million copies in 1974 in America. It has since become one of the band's most famous songs.
Band on the Run (song)
Hvem er hovedpersonen i sling blade?
{ "text": [ "Karl Childers" ], "answer_start": [ 221 ] }
Sling Blade (film) Sling Blade er en amerikansk dramafilm fra 1996, der foregår i Arkansas på landet, skrevet og instrueret af Billy Bob Thornton, som også spiller hovedrollen. Den fortæller historien om en mand ved navn Karl Childers, der er udviklingshæmmet og bliver udskrevet fra et psykiatrisk hospital, hvor han har boet siden han dræbte sin mor og hendes elsker, da han var 12 år gammel, og det venskab han udvikler med en ung dreng og dennes mor. Ud over Thornton medvirker Dwight Yoakam, J.T. Walsh, John Ritter, Lucas Black, Natalie Canerday, James Hampton og Robert Duvall.
{ "text": [ "Karl Childers" ], "answer_start": [ 176 ] }
Sling Blade (film) Sling Blade is a 1996 American drama film set in rural Arkansas, written and directed by Billy Bob Thornton, who also stars in the lead role. It tells the story of a man named Karl Childers who has a developmental disability and is released from a psychiatric hospital, where he has lived since killing his mother and her lover when he was 12 years old, and the friendship he develops with a young boy and his mother. In addition to Thornton, it stars Dwight Yoakam, J. T. Walsh, John Ritter, Lucas Black, Natalie Canerday, James Hampton, and Robert Duvall.
Sling Blade (film)
Hvor mange karrieremål har wayne gretzky?
{ "text": [ "894" ], "answer_start": [ 142 ] }
List of career achievements by Wayne Gretzky Gretzky satte rekorder både i den regulære sæson og efter sæsonen og har rekorden for flest mål (894), assists (1.963), point (2.857) og hattricks (50) i den regulære sæson i karrieren. Den næstnærmeste spiller i den samlede pointhøst for den regulære sæson er Jaromir Jagr med 1.921, og Gretzky havde således flere assists i karrieren end nogen anden spiller har i alt point. Gretzky scorede sine første 1.000 point hurtigere (424 kampe) end nogen anden spiller i NHL-historien, og scorede en anden 1.000 point (pointnummer 1.001 til 2.000) hurtigere (433 kampe) end nogen anden spiller end ham selv. Gretzkys samlede pointantal inklusive regulær sæson og slutspil er imponerende 3 239 (1 016 mål, 2 223 assists).
{ "text": [ "894" ], "answer_start": [ 122 ] }
List of career achievements by Wayne Gretzky Gretzky set records in both regular season and post-season play, holding the record for most career regular season goals (894), assists (1,963), points (2,857) and hat-tricks (50). The next closest player in total points for the regular season is Jaromir Jagr at 1,921, thus Gretzky had more career assists than any other player has total points. Gretzky scored his first 1,000 points faster (424 games) than any other player in NHL history, and scored a second 1,000 points (point number 1,001 through 2,000) faster (433 games) than any player other than himself. Gretzky's point total including regular season and playoffs stands at an imposing 3,239 (1,016 goals, 2,223 assists).
List of career achievements by Wayne Gretzky
Hvad er navnet på vulkanen der ødelagde pompeii?
{ "text": [ "Vesuv" ], "answer_start": [ 283 ] }
Pompeii var en gammel romersk by i nærheden af det moderne Napoli i regionen Campania i Italien, i Pompei kommuneområde. Pompeii blev sammen med Herculaneum og mange villaer i det omkringliggende område for det meste ødelagt og begravet under 4 til 6 m vulkansk aske og pimpsten ved Vesuvens udbrud i 79 e.Kr.
{ "text": [ "Mount Vesuvius" ], "answer_start": [ 314 ] }
Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city near modern Naples, in the Campania region of Italy, in the territory of the comune of Pompei. Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area, was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.
Hvem har flest følgere på instagram?
{ "text": [ "Cristiano Ronaldo" ], "answer_start": [ 278 ] }
List of most-followed Instagram accounts Rang Chg Konto navn Ejer Følgere (millioner) Profession Land 1. @instagram Instagram 228 Social media platform USA 2. @selenagomez Selena Gomez 130 Musiker og skuespillerinde 3. @arianagrande Ariana Grande 115 4. @cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo 115 Fodboldspiller POR 5. @beyonce Beyoncé 108 Musiker USA 6. @kimkardashian Kim Kardashian 105 Reality-tv-personlighed 7. @taylorswift Taylor Swift 104 Musiker og skuespillerinde 8. @kyliejenner Kylie Jenner 99 Reality-tv-personlighed 9. @therock Dwayne Johnson 96 Skuespiller og professionel wrestler 10. @justinbieber Justin Bieber 93 Musiker CAN 11. @kendalljenner Kendall Jenner 85 Model USA 12. @neymarjr Neymar 84 Fodboldspiller BRA 13. @nickiminaj Nicki Minaj 84 Musiker TRI 14. @leomessi Lionel Messi 83 Fodboldspiller ARG 15. @natgeo National Geographic 83 Magasin USA 16. @nike Nike 75 Multinationalt selskab inden for sportstøj 17. @mileycyrus Miley Cyrus 73 Musiker og skuespillerinde 18. @jlo Jennifer Lopez 70 Musiker og skuespillerinde 19. @khloekardashian Khloé Kardashian 70 Reality-tv-personlighed 20. @katyperry Katy Perry 68 Musiker 21. @ddlovato Demi Lovato 62 Musiker og skuespillerinde 22. @kourtneykardash Kourtney Kardashian 59 Reality-tv personlighed 23. @badgalriri Rihanna 58 Musiker BAR 24. @victoriassecret Victoria's Secret 58 Forhandler af undertøj USA 25. @kevinhart4real Kevin Hart 55 Komiker 26. @realmadrid Real Madrid C.F. 54 Fodboldklub ESP 27. @fcbarcelona FC Barcelona 53 28. @theellenshow The Ellen Show 49 Komiker USA 29. @justintimberlake Justin Timberlake 47 Musiker og skuespiller 30. @zendaya Zendaya 45 Skuespillerinde 31. @vindiesel Vin Diesel 45 Skuespiller 32. @shakira Shakira 44 Musiker COL 33. @9gag 9GAG 42 Platform for sociale medier HKG 34. @davidbeckham David Beckham 41 Fodboldspiller GBR 35. @chrisbrownofficial Chris Brown 41 Musiker USA 36. @caradelevingne Cara Delevingne 41 Model og skuespillerinde GBR 37. @emmawatson Emma Watson 41 Skuespillerinde 38. @champagnepapi Drake 38 Musiker CAN 39. @gigihadid Gigi Hadid 37 Model USA 40. @kingjames LeBron James 34 Basketballspiller USA 41. @jamesrodriguez10 James Rodríguez 34 Fodboldspiller COL 42. @garethbale11 Gareth Bale 32 Fodboldspiller GBR 43. @zacefron Zac Efron 31 Skuespiller USA 44. @nikefootball Nike 31 Multinationalt selskab inden for sportstøj 45. @adele Adele 31 Musiker GBR 46. @maluma Maluma 30 COL 47. @iamzlatanibrahimovic Zlatan Ibrahimović 29 Fodboldspiller SWE 48. @nasa NASA 28 Statsligt rumagentur USA 49. @ronaldinho Ronaldinho 28 Fodboldspiller BRA 50. @vanessahudgens Vanessa Hudgens 27 Skuespillerinde og musiker USA Pr. 13. november 2017
{ "text": [ "Cristiano Ronaldo" ], "answer_start": [ 238 ] }
List of most-followed Instagram accounts Rank Chg Account name Owner Followers (millions) Profession Country 1. @instagram Instagram 228 Social media platform USA 2. @selenagomez Selena Gomez 130 Musician and actress 3. @arianagrande Ariana Grande 115 4. @cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo 115 Footballer POR 5. @beyonce Beyoncé 108 Musician USA 6. @kimkardashian Kim Kardashian 105 Reality TV personality 7. @taylorswift Taylor Swift 104 Musician and actress 8. @kyliejenner Kylie Jenner 99 Reality TV personality 9. @therock Dwayne Johnson 96 Actor and professional wrestler 10. @justinbieber Justin Bieber 93 Musician CAN 11. @kendalljenner Kendall Jenner 85 Model USA 12. @neymarjr Neymar 84 Footballer BRA 13. @nickiminaj Nicki Minaj 84 Musician TRI 14. @leomessi Lionel Messi 83 Footballer ARG 15. @natgeo National Geographic 83 Magazine USA 16. @nike Nike 75 Sportswear multinational corporation 17. @mileycyrus Miley Cyrus 73 Musician and actress 18. @jlo Jennifer Lopez 70 Musician and actress 19. @khloekardashian Khloé Kardashian 70 Reality TV personality 20. @katyperry Katy Perry 68 Musician 21. @ddlovato Demi Lovato 62 Musician and actress 22. @kourtneykardash Kourtney Kardashian 59 Reality TV personality 23. @badgalriri Rihanna 58 Musician BAR 24. @victoriassecret Victoria's Secret 58 Lingerie retailer USA 25. @kevinhart4real Kevin Hart 55 Comedian 26. @realmadrid Real Madrid C.F. 54 Football club ESP 27. @fcbarcelona FC Barcelona 53 28. @theellenshow The Ellen Show 49 Comedian USA 29. @justintimberlake Justin Timberlake 47 Musician and actor 30. @zendaya Zendaya 45 Actress 31. @vindiesel Vin Diesel 45 Actor 32. @shakira Shakira 44 Musician COL 33. @9gag 9GAG 42 Social media platform HKG 34. @davidbeckham David Beckham 41 Footballer GBR 35. @chrisbrownofficial Chris Brown 41 Musician USA 36. @caradelevingne Cara Delevingne 41 Model and actress GBR 37. @emmawatson Emma Watson 41 Actress 38. @champagnepapi Drake 38 Musician CAN 39. @gigihadid Gigi Hadid 37 Model USA 40. @kingjames LeBron James 34 Basketball player USA 41. @jamesrodriguez10 James Rodríguez 34 Footballer COL 42. @garethbale11 Gareth Bale 32 Footballer GBR 43. @zacefron Zac Efron 31 Actor USA 44. @nikefootball Nike 31 Sportswear multinational corporation 45. @adele Adele 31 Musician GBR 46. @maluma Maluma 30 COL 47. @iamzlatanibrahimovic Zlatan Ibrahimović 29 Footballer SWE 48. @nasa NASA 28 Government space agency USA 49. @ronaldinho Ronaldinho 28 Footballer BRA 50. @vanessahudgens Vanessa Hudgens 27 Actress and musician USA As of November 13, 2017
List of most-followed Instagram accounts
Hvad hedder spøgelsen i fortidens ånd?
{ "text": [ "Jacob Marley" ], "answer_start": [ 72 ] }
Ghost of Christmas Past er den første af de tre ånder (efter besøget af Jacob Marley, hans tidligere forretningspartner), der hjemsøger Ebenezer Scrooge. Denne engleånd viser Scrooge scener fra hans fortid, der fandt sted omkring jul, for at vise ham, at han skal ændre sin livsstil, og for at vise læseren, hvordan Scrooge blev en bitter, kold og koldblodig gnier.
{ "text": [ "Jacob Marley" ], "answer_start": [ 87 ] }
The Ghost of Christmas Past is the first of the three spirits (after the visitation by Jacob Marley, his former business partner) to haunt Ebenezer Scrooge. This angelic spirit shows Scrooge scenes from his past that occurred on or around Christmas, in order to demonstrate to him the necessity of changing his ways, as well as to show the reader how Scrooge came to be a bitter, cold-hearted miser.
Ghost of Christmas Past
Hvilken skuespiller spiller hulk?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Mark Ruffalo Ruffalo blev internationalt kendt ved at spille Marvel Comics-figuren Bruce Banner / Hulk i Marvel Cinematic Universe (som erstatning for Edward Norton, der spillede hovedrollen i The Incredible Hulk, der udkom i 2008), begyndende med The Avengers (2012) og senere gentog han rollen i Iron Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) og dens uanmeldte efterfølger (2019). Han spillede hovedrollen i og var medproducent på tv-dramafilmen The Normal Heart fra 2014, som han blev nomineret for Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Television Movie for, og han vandt Screen Actors Guild Award for bedste skuespiller i en tv-film. Samme år portrætterede han Dave Schultz i Foxcatcher, som han blev nomineret til priser, herunder en Golden Globe, og en Oscar for bedste birolle. I 2015 blev han nomineret til Golden Globe Award for bedste skuespiller - film musical eller komedie for Infinitely Polar Bear og modtog også BAFTA- og Oscar-nomineringer for sin rolle i dramaet Spotlight.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Mark Ruffalo Ruffalo gained international prominence by portraying the Marvel Comics character Bruce Banner / Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (replacing Edward Norton, who headlined The Incredible Hulk, released in 2008), beginning with The Avengers (2012) and later reprising the role in Iron Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and its untitled sequel (2019). He starred in and was the co-executive producer of the 2014 television drama film The Normal Heart, for which he was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Television Movie and he won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor in a TV Movie. The same year, he portrayed Dave Schultz in Foxcatcher, for which he was nominated for awards, including a Golden Globe, and an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. In 2015, he was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy for Infinitely Polar Bear and also received BAFTA and Academy Award nominations for his role in the drama Spotlight.
Mark Ruffalo
Hvornår kom in the heat of the night ud?
{ "text": [ "1988" ], "answer_start": [ 307 ] }
In the Heat of the Night (TV series) In the Heat of the Night er en amerikansk drama-tv-serie baseret på filmen fra 1967 og romanen fra 1965 af samme titel. I hovedrollerne ses Carroll O'Connor som politichef William Gillespie og Howard Rollins som kriminalbetjent Virgil Tibbs. Den blev sendt på NBC fra 1988 til 1992 og derefter på CBS indtil maj 1995. De udøvende producenter var Fred Silverman, Juanita Bartlett og O'Connor.
{ "text": [ "1988" ], "answer_start": [ 272 ] }
In the Heat of the Night (TV series) In the Heat of the Night is an American drama television series based on the 1967 film and the 1965 novel of the same title. It starred Carroll O'Connor as police chief William Gillespie, and Howard Rollins as police detective Virgil Tibbs. It was broadcast on NBC from 1988 until 1992, then on CBS until May 1995. Its executive producers were Fred Silverman, Juanita Bartlett and O'Connor.
In the Heat of the Night (TV series)
Hvem sang sangen you can ring my bell?
{ "text": [ "Anita Ward" ], "answer_start": [ 256 ] }
"Ring My Bell" er en disco-sang fra 1979 skrevet af Frederick Knight. Sangen blev oprindeligt skrevet til den dengang 11-årige Stacy Lattisaw, som en teenybopper-sang om børn, der taler i telefon. Da Lattisaw skrev kontrakt med et andet pladeselskab, blev Anita Ward bedt om at synge den i stedet, og den blev hendes eneste store hit.
{ "text": [ "Anita Ward" ], "answer_start": [ 242 ] }
"Ring My Bell" is a 1979 disco song written by Frederick Knight. The song was originally written for then eleven-year-old Stacy Lattisaw, as a teenybopper song about kids talking on the telephone. When Lattisaw signed with a different label, Anita Ward was asked to sing it instead, and it became her only major hit.
Ring My Bell
Hvor mange sider er der i den første harry potter-bog?
{ "text": [ "223" ], "answer_start": [ 545 ] }
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry Potter og de vises sten Omslag til en af de tidligste britiske udgaverAuthor J. K. RowlingIllustrator Thomas Taylor (UK Edition)Jonny Duddle (2014 UK Edition)Mary GrandPré (US Edition)Kazu Kibuishi (2013 US Edition)Jim Kay (Illustreret udgave)Land StorbritannienSprog EngelskSerie Harry PotterUdgivelsesnummer 1. i serienGenre FantasyUdgiver Bloomsbury (UK) (Canada 2010-nutid)Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic (US)Raincoast (Canada 1998-2010)Udgivelsesdato 26. juni 1997 (UK)1. september 1998 (US)Sider 223 (britisk udgave)332 (2014 britisk udgave)309 (amerikansk udgave)336 (2013 amerikansk udgave)256 (illustreret udgave)ISBN 0-7475-3269-9Følges af Harry Potter og hemmelighedernes kammer
{ "text": [ "223" ], "answer_start": [ 523 ] }
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Cover for one of the earliest UK editionsAuthor J. K. RowlingIllustrator Thomas Taylor (UK Edition)Jonny Duddle (2014 UK Edition)Mary GrandPré (US Edition)Kazu Kibuishi (2013 US Edition)Jim Kay (Illustrated edition)Country United KingdomLanguage EnglishSeries Harry PotterRelease number 1st in seriesGenre FantasyPublisher Bloomsbury (UK) (Canada 2010–present)Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic (US)Raincoast (Canada 1998–2010)Publication date 26 June 1997 (UK)1 September 1998 (US)Pages 223 (UK Edition)332 (2014 UK Edition)309 (US Edition)336 (2013 US Edition)256 (illustrated Edition)ISBN 0-7475-3269-9Followed by Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Hvem vandt den sidste formel 1 grand prix?
{ "text": [ "Lewis Hamilton" ], "answer_start": [ 296 ] }
List of Formula One Grand Prix winners Vindere af Formel 1 Grand Prix Rang Land Kører Vinder Sæsoner aktive Første sejr Sidste sejr 1 Tyskland Schumacher, MichaelMichael Schumacher 91 1991-2006 2010-2012 1992 Belgiens Grand Prix 2006 kinesisk Grand Prix 2 Det Forenede Kongerige Hamilton, LewisLewis Hamilton 62 2007- 2007 Canadas Grand Prix 2017 USA's Grand Prix 3 Frankrig Prost, AlainAlain Prost 51 1980-1991 1993 1981 Frankrigs Grand Prix 1993 Tysklands Grand Prix 4 Tyskland Vettel, SebastianSebastian Vettel 47 2007- 2008 Italiens Grand Prix 2017 Brasiliens Grand Prix 5 Brasilien Senna, AyrtonAyrton Senna 41 1984-1994 1985 Portugals Grand Prix 1993 Australiens Grand Prix 6 Spanien Alonso, FernandoFernando Alonso 32 2001 2003- 2003 Ungarsk Grand Prix 2013 Spaniens Grand Prix 7 Det Forenede Kongerige Mansell, NigelNigel Mansell 31 1980-1992 1994-1995 1985 Europæisk Grand Prix 1994 Australiens Grand Prix 8 Det Forenede Kongerige Stewart, JackieJackie Stewart 27 1965-1973 1965 Italiens Grand Prix 1973 Tysklands Grand Prix 9 Det Forenede Kongerige Clark, JimJim Clark 25 1960-1968 1962 Belgiens Grand Prix 1968 Sydafrikas Grand Prix 9 Østrig Lauda, NikiNiki Lauda 25 1971-1979 1982-1985 1974 Spaniens Grand Prix 1985 Hollands Grand Prix 11 Argentina Fangio, Juan ManuelJuan Manuel Fangio 24 1950-1951 1953-1958 1950 Monaco Grand Prix 1957 Tysklands Grand Prix 12 Brasilien Piquet, NelsonNelson Piquet 23 1978-1991 1980 USA's Grand Prix West 1991 Canadisk Grand Prix 12 Tyskland Rosberg, NicoNico Rosberg 23 2006-2016 2012 Kinas Grand Prix 2016 Japans Grand Prix 14 Det Forenede Kongerige Hill, DamonDamon Hill 22 1992-1999 1993 Ungarns Grand Prix 1998 Belgiens Grand Prix 15 Finland Häkkinen, MikaMika Häkkinen 20 1991-2001 1997 Europæisk Grand Prix 2001 USA's Grand Prix 15 Finland Räikkönen, KimiKimi Räikkönen 20 2001-2009 2012- 2003 Malaysias Grand Prix 2013 Australiens Grand Prix 17 Det Forenede Kongerige Moss, StirlingStirling Moss 16 1950-1962 1955 Britisk Grand Prix 1961 Tysklands Grand Prix 18 Det Forenede Kongerige Button, JensonJenson Button 15 2000-2017 2006 Ungarsk Grand Prix 2012 Brasiliens Grand Prix 19 Australien Brabham, JackJack Brabham 14 1955-1970 1959 Monaco Grand Prix 1970 Sydafrikas Grand Prix 19 Det Forenede Kongerige Hill, GrahamGraham Hill 14 1958-1975 1962 Hollands Grand Prix 1969 Monaco Grand Prix 19 Brasilien Fittipaldi, EmersonEmerson Fittipaldi 14 1970-1980 1970 USA's Grand Prix 1975 Britisk Grand Prix 22 Italien Ascari, AlbertoAlberto Ascari 13 1950-1955 1951 Tysklands Grand Prix 1953 Schweiz' Grand Prix 22 Det Forenede Kongerige Coulthard, DavidDavid Coulthard 13 1994-2008 1995 Portugals Grand Prix 2003 Australiens Grand Prix 24 USA Andretti, MarioMario Andretti 12 1968-1972 1974-1982 1971 Sydafrikas Grand Prix 1978 Hollands Grand Prix 24 Argentina Reutemann, CarlosCarlos Reutemann 12 1972-1982 1974 Sydafrikas Grand Prix 1981 Belgiens Grand Prix 24 Australien Jones, AlanAlan Jones 12 1975-1981 1983 1985-1986 1977 Østrigs Grand Prix 1981 Caesars Palace Grand Prix 27 Canada Villeneuve, JacquesJacques Villeneuve 11 1996-2006 1996 Europæisk Grand Prix 1997 Luxembourg Grand Prix 27 Brasilien Barrichello, RubensRubens Barrichello 11 1993-2011 2000 Tysklands Grand Prix 2009 Italiens Grand Prix 27 Brasilien Massa, FelipeFelipe Massa 11 2002 2004- 2006 Tyrkiets Grand Prix 2008 Brasiliens Grand Prix 30 Sverige Peterson, RonnieRonnie Peterson 10 1970-1978 1973 Fransk Grand Prix 1978 Østrigs Grand Prix 30 Sydafrika Scheckter, JodyJody Scheckter 10 1972-1980 1974 svensk Grand Prix 1979 Italiens Grand Prix 30 Det Forenede Kongerige Hunt, JamesJames Hunt 10 1973-1979 1975 Hollands Grand Prix 1977 Japans Grand Prix 30 Østrig Berger, GerhardGerhard Berger 10 1984-1997 1986 Mexicos Grand Prix 1997 Tysklands Grand Prix 34 Australien Webber, MarkMark Webber 9 2002-2013 2009 Tysklands Grand Prix 2012 Britisk Grand Prix 35 New Zealand Hulme, DennyDenny Hulme 8 1965-1974 1967 Monaco Grand Prix 1974 Argentinas Grand Prix 35 Belgien Ickx, JackyJacky Ickx 8 1967-1979 1968 Fransk Grand Prix 1972 Tysklands Grand Prix 37 Frankrig Arnoux, RenéRené Arnoux 7 1978-1989 1980 Brasiliens Grand Prix 1983 Hollands Grand Prix 37 Colombia Montoya, Juan PabloJuan Pablo Montoya 7 2001-2006 2001 Italiens Grand Prix 2005 Brasiliens Grand Prix 39 Storbritannien Brooks, TonyTony Brooks 6 1956-1961 1957 Britisk Grand Prix 1959 Tysklands Grand Prix 39 Det Forenede Kongerige Surtees, JohnJohn Surtees 6 1960-1972 1963 Tysklands Grand Prix 1967 Italiens Grand Prix 39 Østrig Rindt, JochenJochen Rindt 6 1964-1970 1969 USA's Grand Prix 1970 Tysklands Grand Prix 39 Frankrig Laffite, JacquesJacques Laffite 6 1974-1986 1977 Sveriges Grand Prix 1981 Canadisk Grand Prix 39 Canada Villeneuve, GillesGilles Villeneuve 6 1977-1982 1978 Canadisk Grand Prix 1981 Spaniens Grand Prix 39 Italien Patrese, RiccardoRiccardo Patrese 6 1977-1993 1982 Monaco Grand Prix 1992 Japans Grand Prix 39 Tyskland Schumacher, RalfRalf Schumacher 6 1997-2007 2001 San Marino Grand Prix 2003 Frankrigs Grand Prix 46 Italien Farina, GiuseppeGiuseppe Farina 5 1950-1955 1950 britisk Grand Prix 1953 Tysklands Grand Prix 46 Schweiz Regazzoni, ClayClay Regazzoni 5 1970-1980 1970 Italiens Grand Prix 1979 Britisk Grand Prix 46 Det Forenede Kongerige Watson, JohnJohn Watson 5 1973-1983 1985 1976 Østrigs Grand Prix 1983 USA's vestlige Grand Prix 46 Finland Rosberg, KekeKeke Rosberg 5 1978-1986 1982 Schweiz Grand Prix 1985 Australiens Grand Prix 46 Italien Alboreto, MicheleMichele Alboreto 5 1981-1994 1982 Caesars Palace Grand Prix 1985 Tysklands Grand Prix 46 Australien Ricciardo, DanielDaniel Ricciardo 5 2011- 2014 Canadas Grand Prix 2017 Aserbajdsjan Grand Prix 52 New Zealand McLaren, BruceBruce McLaren 4 1959-1970 1959 USA's Grand Prix 1968 Belgiens Grand Prix 52 USA Gurney, DanDan Gurney 4 1959-1968 1970 1962 Frankrigs Grand Prix 1967 Belgiens Grand Prix 52 Det Forenede Kongerige Irvine, EddieEddie Irvine 4 1993-2002 1999 Australiens Grand Prix 1999 Malaysias Grand Prix 55 Det Forenede Kongerige Hawthorn, MikeMike Hawthorn 3 1952-1958 1953 Frankrigs Grand Prix 1958 Frankrigs Grand Prix 55 Det Forenede Kongerige Collins, PeterPeter Collins 3 1952-1958 1956 Belgiens Grand Prix 1958 Britisk Grand Prix 55 USA Hill, PhilPhil Hill 3 1958-1964 1966 1960 Italiens Grand Prix 1961 Italiens Grand Prix 55 Frankrig Pironi, DidierDidier Pironi 3 1978-1982 1980 Belgiens Grand Prix 1982 Hollands Grand Prix 55 Belgien Boutsen, ThierryThierry Boutsen 3 1983-1993 1989 Canadisk Grand Prix 1990 Ungarsk Grand Prix 55 Det Forenede Kongerige Herbert, JohnnyJohnny Herbert 3 1989-2000 1995 Britisk Grand Prix 1999 Europæisk Grand Prix 55 Tyskland Frentzen, Heinz-HaraldHeinz-Harald Frentzen 3 1994-2003 1997 San Marino Grand Prix 1999 Italiens Grand Prix 55 Italien Fisichella, GiancarloGiancarlo Fisichella 3 1996-2009 2003 Brasiliens Grand Prix 2006 Malaysias Grand Prix 55 Nederlandene Verstappen, MaxMax Verstappen 3 2015- Det spanske Grand Prix 2016 2017 Mexicos Grand Prix 64 Argentina González, José FroilánJosé Froilán González 2 1950-1957 1960 1951 Britisk Grand Prix 1954 Britisk Grand Prix 64 USA Vukovich, BillBill Vukovich 2 1951-1955 Indianapolis 500 i 1953 Indianapolis 500 i 1954 64 Frankrig Trintignant, MauriceMaurice Trintignant 2 1950-1964 1955 Monaco Grand Prix 1958 Monaco Grand Prix 64 Tyskland Trips, Wolfgang vonWolfgang von Trips 2 1956-1961 1961 Hollands Grand Prix 1961 Britisk Grand Prix 64 Mexico Rodríguez, PedroPedro Rodríguez 2 1963-1971 1967 Sydafrikas Grand Prix 1970 Belgiens Grand Prix 64 Schweiz Siffert, JoJo Siffert 2 1962-1971 1968 Britisk Grand Prix 1971 Østrigs Grand Prix 64 USA Revson, PeterPeter Revson 2 1964 1971-1974 1973 Britisk Grand Prix 1973 Canadisk Grand Prix 64 Frankrig Depailler, PatrickPatrick Depailler 2 1972 1974-1980 1978 Monaco Grand Prix 1979 Spaniens Grand Prix 64 Frankrig Jabouille, Jean-PierreJean-Pierre Jabouille 2 1974-1975 1977-1981 1979 Frankrigs Grand Prix 1980 Østrigs Grand Prix 64 Frankrig Tambay, PatrickPatrick Tambay 2 1977-1986 1982 Tysklands Grand Prix 1983 San Marino Grand Prix 64 Italien de Angelis, ElioElio de Angelis 2 1979-1986 1982 Østrigs Grand Prix 1985 San Marino Grand Prix 64 Finland Bottas, ValtteriValtteri Bottas 2 2013- Det russiske Grand Prix 2017 2017 Østrigs Grand Prix 76 USA Parsons, JohnnieJohnnie Parsons 1 1950-1958 Indianapolis 500 i 1950 Indianapolis 500 i 1950 76 USA Wallard, LeeLee Wallard 1 1950-1951 1951 Indianapolis 500 1951 Indianapolis 500 76 Italien Fagioli, LuigiLuigi Fagioli 1 1950-1951 1951 Fransk Grand Prix 1951 Fransk Grand Prix 76 Italien Taruffi, PieroPiero Taruffi 1 1950-1956 1952 Schweiz' Grand Prix 1952 Schweiz' Grand Prix 76 USA Ruttman, TroyTroy Ruttman 1 1950-1952, 1954 1956-1958, 1960 1952 Indianapolis 500 1952 Indianapolis 500 76 USA Sweikert, BobBob Sweikert 1 1952-1956 1955 Indianapolis 500 1955 Indianapolis 500 76 Italien Musso, LuigiLuigi Musso 1 1954-1958 1956 Argentinas Grand Prix 1956 Argentinas Grand Prix 76 USA Flaherty, PatPat Flaherty 1 1950-1959 Indianapolis 500 i 1956 Indianapolis 500 i 1956 76 USA Hanks, SamSam Hanks 1 1950-1957 1957 Indianapolis 500 1957 Indianapolis 500 76 USA Bryan, JimmyJimmy Bryan 1 1952-1960 Indianapolis 500 i 1958 Indianapolis 500 i 1958 76 USA Ward, RodgerRodger Ward 1 1951-1960 1963 1959 Indianapolis 500 1959 Indianapolis 500 76 Sverige Bonnier, JoakimJoakim Bonnier 1 1956-1971 1959 Hollands Grand Prix 1959 Hollands Grand Prix 76 USA Rathmann, JimJim Rathmann 1 1950 1952-1960 Indianapolis 500 i 1960 Indianapolis 500 i 1960 76 Italien Baghetti, GiancarloGiancarlo Baghetti 1 1961-1967 1961 Frankrigs Grand Prix 1961 Frankrigs Grand Prix 76 Det Forenede Kongerige Irland, InnesInnesInnes Irland 1 1959-1966 1961 USA's Grand Prix 1961 USA's Grand Prix 76 Italien Bandini, LorenzoLorenzo Bandini 1 1961-1967 1964 Østrigs Grand Prix 1964 Østrigs Grand Prix 76 USA Ginther, RichieRichie Ginther 1 1960-1967 1965 Mexicos Grand Prix 1965 Mexicos Grand Prix 76 Italien Scarfiotti, LudovicoLudovico Scarfiotti 1 1963-1968 1966 Italiens Grand Prix 1966 Italiens Grand Prix 76 Det Forenede Kongerige Gethin, PeterPeter Gethin 1 1970-1974 1971 Italiens Grand Prix 1971 Italiens Grand Prix 76 Frankrig Cevert, FrançoisFrançois Cevert 1 1970-1973 1971 USA's Grand Prix i USA 1971 USA's Grand Prix i USA 76 Frankrig Beltoise, Jean-PierreJean-Pierre Beltoise 1 1967-1974 1972 Monaco Grand Prix 1972 Monaco Grand Prix 76 Brasilien Pace, José CarlosJosé Carlos Pace 1 1972-1977 1975 Brasiliens Grand Prix 1975 Brasiliens Grand Prix 76 Tyskland Mass, JochenJochen Mass 1 1973-1982 1975 Spaniens Grand Prix 1975 Spaniens Grand Prix 76 Italien Brambilla, VittorioVittorio Brambilla 1 1974-1980 1975 Østrigs Grand Prix 1975 Østrigs Grand Prix 76 Sverige Nilsson, GunnarGunnar Nilsson 1 1976-1977 1977 Belgiens Grand Prix 1977 Belgiens Grand Prix 76 Italien Nannini, AlessandroAlessandro Nannini 1 1986-1990 1989 Japans Grand Prix 1989 Japans Grand Prix 76 Frankrig Alesi, JeanJean Alesi 1 1989-2001 1995 Canadisk Grand Prix 1995 Canadisk Grand Prix 76 Frankrig Panis, OlivierOlivier Panis 1 1994-1999 2001-2004 1996 Monaco Grand Prix 1996 Monaco Grand Prix 76 Italien Trulli, JarnoJarno Trulli 1 1997-2011 2004 Monaco Grand Prix 2004 Monaco Grand Prix 76 Polen Kubica, RobertRobert Kubica 1 2006-2010 2008 Canadas Grand Prix 2008 Canadas Grand Prix 76 Finland Kovalainen, HeikkiHeikki Kovalainen 1 2007-2013 2008 Ungarns Grand Prix 2008 Ungarns Grand Prix 76 Venezuela Maldonado, PastorPastor Maldonado 1 2011-2015 Spaniens Grand Prix 2012 Spaniens Grand Prix 2012
{ "text": [ "Lewis Hamilton" ], "answer_start": [ 248 ] }
List of Formula One Grand Prix winners Formula One Grand Prix Winners Rank Country Driver Wins Seasons active First win Last win 1 Germany Schumacher, MichaelMichael Schumacher 91 1991–2006 2010–2012 1992 Belgian Grand Prix 2006 Chinese Grand Prix 2 United Kingdom Hamilton, LewisLewis Hamilton 62 2007– 2007 Canadian Grand Prix 2017 United States Grand Prix 3 France Prost, AlainAlain Prost 51 1980–1991 1993 1981 French Grand Prix 1993 German Grand Prix 4 Germany Vettel, SebastianSebastian Vettel 47 2007– 2008 Italian Grand Prix 2017 Brazilian Grand Prix 5 Brazil Senna, AyrtonAyrton Senna 41 1984–1994 1985 Portuguese Grand Prix 1993 Australian Grand Prix 6 Spain Alonso, FernandoFernando Alonso 32 2001 2003– 2003 Hungarian Grand Prix 2013 Spanish Grand Prix 7 United Kingdom Mansell, NigelNigel Mansell 31 1980–1992 1994–1995 1985 European Grand Prix 1994 Australian Grand Prix 8 United Kingdom Stewart, JackieJackie Stewart 27 1965–1973 1965 Italian Grand Prix 1973 German Grand Prix 9 United Kingdom Clark, JimJim Clark 25 1960–1968 1962 Belgian Grand Prix 1968 South African Grand Prix 9 Austria Lauda, NikiNiki Lauda 25 1971–1979 1982–1985 1974 Spanish Grand Prix 1985 Dutch Grand Prix 11 Argentina Fangio, Juan ManuelJuan Manuel Fangio 24 1950–1951 1953–1958 1950 Monaco Grand Prix 1957 German Grand Prix 12 Brazil Piquet, NelsonNelson Piquet 23 1978–1991 1980 United States Grand Prix West 1991 Canadian Grand Prix 12 Germany Rosberg, NicoNico Rosberg 23 2006–2016 2012 Chinese Grand Prix 2016 Japanese Grand Prix 14 United Kingdom Hill, DamonDamon Hill 22 1992–1999 1993 Hungarian Grand Prix 1998 Belgian Grand Prix 15 Finland Häkkinen, MikaMika Häkkinen 20 1991–2001 1997 European Grand Prix 2001 United States Grand Prix 15 Finland Räikkönen, KimiKimi Räikkönen 20 2001–2009 2012– 2003 Malaysian Grand Prix 2013 Australian Grand Prix 17 United Kingdom Moss, StirlingStirling Moss 16 1950–1962 1955 British Grand Prix 1961 German Grand Prix 18 United Kingdom Button, JensonJenson Button 15 2000–2017 2006 Hungarian Grand Prix 2012 Brazilian Grand Prix 19 Australia Brabham, JackJack Brabham 14 1955–1970 1959 Monaco Grand Prix 1970 South African Grand Prix 19 United Kingdom Hill, GrahamGraham Hill 14 1958–1975 1962 Dutch Grand Prix 1969 Monaco Grand Prix 19 Brazil Fittipaldi, EmersonEmerson Fittipaldi 14 1970–1980 1970 United States Grand Prix 1975 British Grand Prix 22 Italy Ascari, AlbertoAlberto Ascari 13 1950–1955 1951 German Grand Prix 1953 Swiss Grand Prix 22 United Kingdom Coulthard, DavidDavid Coulthard 13 1994–2008 1995 Portuguese Grand Prix 2003 Australian Grand Prix 24 United States Andretti, MarioMario Andretti 12 1968–1972 1974–1982 1971 South African Grand Prix 1978 Dutch Grand Prix 24 Argentina Reutemann, CarlosCarlos Reutemann 12 1972–1982 1974 South African Grand Prix 1981 Belgian Grand Prix 24 Australia Jones, AlanAlan Jones 12 1975–1981 1983 1985–1986 1977 Austrian Grand Prix 1981 Caesars Palace Grand Prix 27 Canada Villeneuve, JacquesJacques Villeneuve 11 1996–2006 1996 European Grand Prix 1997 Luxembourg Grand Prix 27 Brazil Barrichello, RubensRubens Barrichello 11 1993–2011 2000 German Grand Prix 2009 Italian Grand Prix 27 Brazil Massa, FelipeFelipe Massa 11 2002 2004– 2006 Turkish Grand Prix 2008 Brazilian Grand Prix 30 Sweden Peterson, RonnieRonnie Peterson 10 1970–1978 1973 French Grand Prix 1978 Austrian Grand Prix 30 South Africa Scheckter, JodyJody Scheckter 10 1972–1980 1974 Swedish Grand Prix 1979 Italian Grand Prix 30 United Kingdom Hunt, JamesJames Hunt 10 1973–1979 1975 Dutch Grand Prix 1977 Japanese Grand Prix 30 Austria Berger, GerhardGerhard Berger 10 1984–1997 1986 Mexican Grand Prix 1997 German Grand Prix 34 Australia Webber, MarkMark Webber 9 2002–2013 2009 German Grand Prix 2012 British Grand Prix 35 New Zealand Hulme, DennyDenny Hulme 8 1965–1974 1967 Monaco Grand Prix 1974 Argentine Grand Prix 35 Belgium Ickx, JackyJacky Ickx 8 1967–1979 1968 French Grand Prix 1972 German Grand Prix 37 France Arnoux, RenéRené Arnoux 7 1978–1989 1980 Brazilian Grand Prix 1983 Dutch Grand Prix 37 Colombia Montoya, Juan PabloJuan Pablo Montoya 7 2001–2006 2001 Italian Grand Prix 2005 Brazilian Grand Prix 39 United Kingdom Brooks, TonyTony Brooks 6 1956–1961 1957 British Grand Prix 1959 German Grand Prix 39 United Kingdom Surtees, JohnJohn Surtees 6 1960–1972 1963 German Grand Prix 1967 Italian Grand Prix 39 Austria Rindt, JochenJochen Rindt 6 1964–1970 1969 United States Grand Prix 1970 German Grand Prix 39 France Laffite, JacquesJacques Laffite 6 1974–1986 1977 Swedish Grand Prix 1981 Canadian Grand Prix 39 Canada Villeneuve, GillesGilles Villeneuve 6 1977–1982 1978 Canadian Grand Prix 1981 Spanish Grand Prix 39 Italy Patrese, RiccardoRiccardo Patrese 6 1977–1993 1982 Monaco Grand Prix 1992 Japanese Grand Prix 39 Germany Schumacher, RalfRalf Schumacher 6 1997–2007 2001 San Marino Grand Prix 2003 French Grand Prix 46 Italy Farina, GiuseppeGiuseppe Farina 5 1950–1955 1950 British Grand Prix 1953 German Grand Prix 46 Switzerland Regazzoni, ClayClay Regazzoni 5 1970–1980 1970 Italian Grand Prix 1979 British Grand Prix 46 United Kingdom Watson, JohnJohn Watson 5 1973–1983 1985 1976 Austrian Grand Prix 1983 United States West Grand Prix 46 Finland Rosberg, KekeKeke Rosberg 5 1978–1986 1982 Swiss Grand Prix 1985 Australian Grand Prix 46 Italy Alboreto, MicheleMichele Alboreto 5 1981–1994 1982 Caesars Palace Grand Prix 1985 German Grand Prix 46 Australia Ricciardo, DanielDaniel Ricciardo 5 2011– 2014 Canadian Grand Prix 2017 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 52 New Zealand McLaren, BruceBruce McLaren 4 1959–1970 1959 United States Grand Prix 1968 Belgian Grand Prix 52 United States Gurney, DanDan Gurney 4 1959–1968 1970 1962 French Grand Prix 1967 Belgian Grand Prix 52 United Kingdom Irvine, EddieEddie Irvine 4 1993–2002 1999 Australian Grand Prix 1999 Malaysian Grand Prix 55 United Kingdom Hawthorn, MikeMike Hawthorn 3 1952–1958 1953 French Grand Prix 1958 French Grand Prix 55 United Kingdom Collins, PeterPeter Collins 3 1952–1958 1956 Belgian Grand Prix 1958 British Grand Prix 55 United States Hill, PhilPhil Hill 3 1958–1964 1966 1960 Italian Grand Prix 1961 Italian Grand Prix 55 France Pironi, DidierDidier Pironi 3 1978–1982 1980 Belgian Grand Prix 1982 Dutch Grand Prix 55 Belgium Boutsen, ThierryThierry Boutsen 3 1983–1993 1989 Canadian Grand Prix 1990 Hungarian Grand Prix 55 United Kingdom Herbert, JohnnyJohnny Herbert 3 1989–2000 1995 British Grand Prix 1999 European Grand Prix 55 Germany Frentzen, Heinz-HaraldHeinz-Harald Frentzen 3 1994–2003 1997 San Marino Grand Prix 1999 Italian Grand Prix 55 Italy Fisichella, GiancarloGiancarlo Fisichella 3 1996–2009 2003 Brazilian Grand Prix 2006 Malaysian Grand Prix 55 Netherlands Verstappen, MaxMax Verstappen 3 2015– 2016 Spanish Grand Prix 2017 Mexican Grand Prix 64 Argentina González, José FroilánJosé Froilán González 2 1950–1957 1960 1951 British Grand Prix 1954 British Grand Prix 64 United States Vukovich, BillBill Vukovich 2 1951–1955 1953 Indianapolis 500 1954 Indianapolis 500 64 France Trintignant, MauriceMaurice Trintignant 2 1950–1964 1955 Monaco Grand Prix 1958 Monaco Grand Prix 64 Germany Trips, Wolfgang vonWolfgang von Trips 2 1956–1961 1961 Dutch Grand Prix 1961 British Grand Prix 64 Mexico Rodríguez, PedroPedro Rodríguez 2 1963–1971 1967 South African Grand Prix 1970 Belgian Grand Prix 64 Switzerland Siffert, JoJo Siffert 2 1962–1971 1968 British Grand Prix 1971 Austrian Grand Prix 64 United States Revson, PeterPeter Revson 2 1964 1971–1974 1973 British Grand Prix 1973 Canadian Grand Prix 64 France Depailler, PatrickPatrick Depailler 2 1972 1974–1980 1978 Monaco Grand Prix 1979 Spanish Grand Prix 64 France Jabouille, Jean-PierreJean-Pierre Jabouille 2 1974–1975 1977–1981 1979 French Grand Prix 1980 Austrian Grand Prix 64 France Tambay, PatrickPatrick Tambay 2 1977–1986 1982 German Grand Prix 1983 San Marino Grand Prix 64 Italy de Angelis, ElioElio de Angelis 2 1979–1986 1982 Austrian Grand Prix 1985 San Marino Grand Prix 64 Finland Bottas, ValtteriValtteri Bottas 2 2013– 2017 Russian Grand Prix 2017 Austrian Grand Prix 76 United States Parsons, JohnnieJohnnie Parsons 1 1950–1958 1950 Indianapolis 500 1950 Indianapolis 500 76 United States Wallard, LeeLee Wallard 1 1950–1951 1951 Indianapolis 500 1951 Indianapolis 500 76 Italy Fagioli, LuigiLuigi Fagioli 1 1950–1951 1951 French Grand Prix 1951 French Grand Prix 76 Italy Taruffi, PieroPiero Taruffi 1 1950–1956 1952 Swiss Grand Prix 1952 Swiss Grand Prix 76 United States Ruttman, TroyTroy Ruttman 1 1950–1952, 1954 1956–1958, 1960 1952 Indianapolis 500 1952 Indianapolis 500 76 United States Sweikert, BobBob Sweikert 1 1952–1956 1955 Indianapolis 500 1955 Indianapolis 500 76 Italy Musso, LuigiLuigi Musso 1 1954–1958 1956 Argentine Grand Prix 1956 Argentine Grand Prix 76 United States Flaherty, PatPat Flaherty 1 1950–1959 1956 Indianapolis 500 1956 Indianapolis 500 76 United States Hanks, SamSam Hanks 1 1950–1957 1957 Indianapolis 500 1957 Indianapolis 500 76 United States Bryan, JimmyJimmy Bryan 1 1952–1960 1958 Indianapolis 500 1958 Indianapolis 500 76 United States Ward, RodgerRodger Ward 1 1951–1960 1963 1959 Indianapolis 500 1959 Indianapolis 500 76 Sweden Bonnier, JoakimJoakim Bonnier 1 1956–1971 1959 Dutch Grand Prix 1959 Dutch Grand Prix 76 United States Rathmann, JimJim Rathmann 1 1950 1952–1960 1960 Indianapolis 500 1960 Indianapolis 500 76 Italy Baghetti, GiancarloGiancarlo Baghetti 1 1961–1967 1961 French Grand Prix 1961 French Grand Prix 76 United Kingdom Ireland, InnesInnes Ireland 1 1959–1966 1961 United States Grand Prix 1961 United States Grand Prix 76 Italy Bandini, LorenzoLorenzo Bandini 1 1961–1967 1964 Austrian Grand Prix 1964 Austrian Grand Prix 76 United States Ginther, RichieRichie Ginther 1 1960–1967 1965 Mexican Grand Prix 1965 Mexican Grand Prix 76 Italy Scarfiotti, LudovicoLudovico Scarfiotti 1 1963–1968 1966 Italian Grand Prix 1966 Italian Grand Prix 76 United Kingdom Gethin, PeterPeter Gethin 1 1970–1974 1971 Italian Grand Prix 1971 Italian Grand Prix 76 France Cevert, FrançoisFrançois Cevert 1 1970–1973 1971 United States Grand Prix 1971 United States Grand Prix 76 France Beltoise, Jean-PierreJean-Pierre Beltoise 1 1967–1974 1972 Monaco Grand Prix 1972 Monaco Grand Prix 76 Brazil Pace, José CarlosJosé Carlos Pace 1 1972–1977 1975 Brazilian Grand Prix 1975 Brazilian Grand Prix 76 Germany Mass, JochenJochen Mass 1 1973–1982 1975 Spanish Grand Prix 1975 Spanish Grand Prix 76 Italy Brambilla, VittorioVittorio Brambilla 1 1974–1980 1975 Austrian Grand Prix 1975 Austrian Grand Prix 76 Sweden Nilsson, GunnarGunnar Nilsson 1 1976–1977 1977 Belgian Grand Prix 1977 Belgian Grand Prix 76 Italy Nannini, AlessandroAlessandro Nannini 1 1986–1990 1989 Japanese Grand Prix 1989 Japanese Grand Prix 76 France Alesi, JeanJean Alesi 1 1989–2001 1995 Canadian Grand Prix 1995 Canadian Grand Prix 76 France Panis, OlivierOlivier Panis 1 1994–1999 2001–2004 1996 Monaco Grand Prix 1996 Monaco Grand Prix 76 Italy Trulli, JarnoJarno Trulli 1 1997–2011 2004 Monaco Grand Prix 2004 Monaco Grand Prix 76 Poland Kubica, RobertRobert Kubica 1 2006–2010 2008 Canadian Grand Prix 2008 Canadian Grand Prix 76 Finland Kovalainen, HeikkiHeikki Kovalainen 1 2007–2013 2008 Hungarian Grand Prix 2008 Hungarian Grand Prix 76 Venezuela Maldonado, PastorPastor Maldonado 1 2011–2015 2012 Spanish Grand Prix 2012 Spanish Grand Prix
List of Formula One Grand Prix winners
Hvem sang you'll always find me in the kitchen at parties?
{ "text": [ "Jona Lewie" ], "answer_start": [ 95 ] }
"You'll Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties" er en sang af den engelske singer-songwriter Jona Lewie. Den er skrevet af Lewie og Keef Trouble. Den blev udgivet i 1980 og kom ind på den britiske single-liste i maj, nåede nummer 16 og blev i 11 uger på listen.
{ "text": [ "Jona Lewie" ], "answer_start": [ 89 ] }
"You'll Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties" is a song by English singer-songwriter Jona Lewie. It was written by Lewie and Keef Trouble. It was released in 1980 and entered the UK Singles Chart in May, reaching number 16 and staying for 11 weeks on the chart.
You'll Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties
Vis mig et billede af en titan arum?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Amorphophallus titanum På grund af dens lugt, der ligner lugten af et rådnende lig eller kadaver, karakteriseres titan arum som en ådselsblomst og er også kendt som ligblomst eller ligplante (indonesisk: bunga bangkai - bunga betyder blomst, mens bangkai kan oversættes med lig, kadaver eller ådselsblomst). Af samme grund tilskrives titlen ligblomst også til slægten Rafflesia.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Amorphophallus titanum Due to its odor, which is like the smell of a rotting corpse or carcass, the titan arum is characterized as a carrion flower, and is also known as the corpse flower, or corpse plant (Indonesian: bunga bangkai – bunga means flower, while bangkai can be translated as corpse, cadaver, or carrion). For the same reason, the title corpse flower is also attributed to the genus Rafflesia.
Amorphophallus titanum
Er usa på den nordlige eller sydlige hemisfære?
{ "text": [ "den nordlige halvkugle" ], "answer_start": [ 481 ] }
Southern Hemisphere Den sydlige halvkugle er den halvdel af Jorden, der ligger syd for ækvator. Den indeholder alle eller dele af fem kontinenter (Antarktis, Australien, ca. 90 % af Sydamerika, den sydlige tredjedel af Afrika og flere sydlige øer ud for det asiatiske fastland), fire oceaner (det indiske ocean, det sydlige Atlanterhav, det sydlige ocean og det sydlige Stillehav) og de fleste af Stillehavsøerne i Oceanien. Dens overflade består af 80,9 % vand mod 60,7 % vand på den nordlige halvkugle, og den indeholder 32,7 % af Jordens landareal.
{ "text": [ "Northern Hemisphere" ], "answer_start": [ 460 ] }
The Southern Hemisphere is the half sphere of Earth which is south of the equator. It contains all or parts of five continents (Antarctica, Australia, about 90% of South America, the southern third of Africa, and several southern islands off the continental mainland of Asia), four oceans (Indian, South Atlantic, Southern, and South Pacific) and most of the Pacific Islands in Oceania. Its surface is 80.9% water, compared with 60.7% water in the case of the Northern Hemisphere, and it contains 32.7% of Earth's land.
Southern Hemisphere
Hvornår åbnede det første casino i atlantic city?
{ "text": [ "26. maj 1978" ], "answer_start": [ 198 ] }
Resorts Casino Hotel er et hotel og kasino i Atlantic City, New Jersey. Resorts var det første casinohotel i Atlantic City og blev det første lovlige casino uden for Nevada i USA, da det åbnede den 26. maj 1978. Resortet blev udvidet i 2004 med det 27 etager høje Rendezvous Tower og gennemgik en renovering i 2011, hvor resortet blev ombygget til et Roaring Twenties-tema.
{ "text": [ "May 26, 1978" ], "answer_start": [ 216 ] }
Resorts Casino Hotel is a hotel and casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Resorts was the first casino hotel in Atlantic City, becoming the first legal casino outside of Nevada in the United States, when it opened on May 26, 1978. The resort completed an expansion in 2004, adding the 27-story Rendezvous Tower, and underwent renovations in 2011, converting the resort to a Roaring Twenties theme.
Resorts Casino Hotel
Hvad er aldersgrænsen for at måtte drikke i holland?
{ "text": [ "18 år" ], "answer_start": [ 623 ] }
Legal drinking age Land Stat/Region/Provins De jure Noter Alkoholalderen Alder for køb Albanien 18 Armenien Ingen 18 Der findes ingen love, der pålægger alkoholsælgere at identificere potentielle mindreårige drikkere. Der foretages meget sjældent, hvis overhovedet, ID-kontrol Østrig Burgenland Niederösterreich Wien 16 Kärnten Oberösterreich Salzburg Steiermark Tyrol Vorarlberg 16 (øl, vin og cider) 18 (destillerede drikkevarer) Kärnten kræver også, at unge skal holde en alkoholpromille på under 0,05 % i blodet. Aserbajdsjan Ingen 18 Det er ulovligt at sælge eller servere alkohol til en mindreårig under 18 år. Hviderusland Ingen 18 Loven forbyder salg af alkohol til personer under 18 år. Loven håndhæves dog sjældent. Belgien Ingen 16 (øl, vin og cider) 18 (spiritus) Siden den 10. januar 2010 har det været ulovligt at "sælge, servere eller tilbyde" enhver form for destilleret alkohol til personer under 18 år eller enhver alkoholholdig drik til personer under 16 år. Så gærede drikkevarer som øl og vin er tilladt over 16 år. Tidligere var det ulovligt at sælge alkoholholdige drikkevarer til unge under 16 år, men voksne ledsagere kunne købe drikkevarer til dem. Bosnien og Hercegovina Ingen 18 Det er en lovovertrædelse at sælge alkohol til en mindreårig under 18 år. Loven forbyder ikke mindreårige at købe, forsøge at købe eller indtage alkohol. Bulgarien Ingen 18 Ifølge loven er det ulovligt at servere eller sælge alkohol til børn under 18 år. Der er ingen restriktioner for mindreårige, der indtager alkohol. Kroatien Ingen 18 Det er forbudt at sælge eller servere alkohol til personer under 18 år. Der er ingen lovbestemt minimumsalder for at købe eller indtage alkohol. Cypern Ingen 17 Det er ulovligt at sælge eller servere alkohol til personer under 17 år. Der er ingen minimumsalder for at købe, forsøge at købe eller indtage alkohol i offentligheden. Tjekkiet Ingen 18 Det er ulovligt at udlevere alkohol til mindreårige (kan straffes med bøde eller op til 1 eller 2 års fængsel). Selve forbruget er ikke forbudt ved lov. Danmark Ingen 16 (<16,5 % ABV) 18 (≥16,5 % ABV) Selv om der ikke er noget alderskrav for at drikke alkohol i Danmark, er der love, der forhindrer mindreårige i at købe alkohol: For at kunne købe alkohol over 1,2 % og under 16,5 % ABV i butikker skal man være 16 år gammel. For at købe alkohol med en alkoholprocent på over 16,5 % ABV i butikker skal man være fyldt 18 år. Traditionen tro har unge privat lov til at drikke alkohol efter konfirmationen. Hvis en butik eller bar undlader at bede om et id-kort og bliver identificeret som havende solgt alkohol til en mindreårig, kan den straffes med en bøde. Et nationalt id-kort, der kan fås på det lokale rådhus, kan tjene som alderskontrol. Dette kort anvendes dog sjældent, da et pas eller kørekort er mere almindeligt anvendt. På Færøerne er det lovligt at drikke og købe alkohol fra 18 år. Estland 18 Det er ulovligt at sælge, servere eller levere alkoholholdige drikkevarer til personer under 18 år. Alkohol, der findes i et barns besiddelse, kan konfiskeres af politiet. Finland 18 (besiddelse og køb af alkohol med en alkoholprocent på 1,2-22 %) 20 (for besiddelse og køb af 23-80 % ABV) 18 (for alle i barer, klubber og restauranter) Alle større dagligvarekæder har indført en politik om at bede om legitimation, hvis kunden ser ud til at være under 30 år. Butikkerne kan nægte at sælge alkohol, hvis kunden ledsages af en mindreårig, eller hvis der er mistanke om køb af alkohol ved fuldmagt. Det er en strafbar handling at købe alkohol på vegne af en mindreårig. Politiet kan visitere mindreårige på offentlige steder og konfiskere eller destruere alkoholholdige drikkevarer i deres besiddelse. Hændelser indberettes til den lovlige værge og de sociale myndigheder, som kan gribe ind med børneforsorgsprocedurer. Desuden kan personer på 15 år eller derover idømmes en bøde. I privatlivet betragtes det som en strafbar handling at tilbyde alkohol til en mindreårig, hvis det fører til beruselse, og handlingen kan anses for forkastelig som helhed under hensyntagen til den mindreåriges alder, modenhedsgrad og andre omstændigheder. Frankrig Ingen 18 Frankrig har ingen udtrykkeligt fastsat forbrugsalder, men det er ulovligt at sælge alkohol til en mindreårig (under 18 år) og kan straffes med en bøde på 7500 euro. Denne alder blev hævet fra 16 til 18 år i 2009. Georgien Ingen 18 I henhold til georgisk lov er det forbudt at sælge alkoholiske drikkevarer til personer under 18 år. Tyskland 14 (øl, vin og cider, hvis de ledsages) 16 (øl, vin og cider) 18 (spiritus og fødevarer, der indeholder mere end ubetydelige mængder spiritus) Det er ulovligt at sælge, servere eller levere gærede alkoholholdige drikkevarer (øl, vin, cider og mousserende vin) til personer under 16 år. Denne aldersgrænse falder dog til 14 år, hvis en mindreårig ledsages af sin forælder eller værge. Det er generelt ulovligt at udskænke, sælge eller levere drikkevarer, der indeholder spiritus og fødevarer, der indeholder spiritus i mere end ubetydelige mængder, til personer under 18 år. Overtrædelse af loven om beskyttelse af unge kan straffes med bøder på op til 50 000 EUR. Se også: Alkohollove i Tyskland Gibraltar Ingen 18 16(øl, vin og cider) Det er ulovligt at sælge alkoholholdige drikkevarer til personer under 18 år, bortset fra følgende to undtagelser. Minimumsalderen for udskænkning i lokaler med alkoholbevilling er 16 år, hvis: Den alkoholiske drik er øl, vin eller cider med en alkoholprocent på under 15 % ABV, eller den alkoholholdige drikkevare serveres på flaske eller i en færdigpakket beholder med en alkoholprocent på under 5,5 % ABV. Grækenland Ingen 18 I 2008 var det forbudt for mindreårige at indtage alkoholholdige drikkevarer i offentligheden. Loven gælder dog ikke for private arrangementer eller private lokaler. Ungarn 18 Island Ingen 20 Det er ikke strafbart for mindreårige at være i besiddelse eller indtage alkohol, men det er strafbart at forsyne dem med alkohol. Irland Ingen (på privat bopæl med tilladelse fra forældre eller værge) 18 Det er ulovligt for mindreårige at købe alkohol eller for en tredjepart at forsøge at købe alkohol til mindreårige. Det er ulovligt at købe alkohol til personer under den myndige alder uden tilladelse fra deres værge. Italien Ingen 18 I 2012 foreslog den daværende sundhedsminister Renato Balduzzi at hæve aldersgrænsen til 18 år. Salg af alkohol til personer under 18 år i butikker medfører en bøde på mellem 250 og 1 000 EUR. Servering af alkoholholdige drikkevarer til personer under 16 år er en strafbar handling og straffes med fængsel i op til et år, og hvis personen er 16 eller 17 år, behandles det som en lovovertrædelse, der straffes med en bøde på mellem 250 og 1 000 EUR (lov nr. 189/2013). Kosovo Ingen Letland Ingen 18 Det er ulovligt at sælge eller servere alkoholiske drikkevarer til mindreårige under 18 år. Der er ingen minimumsalder for at indtage eller besidde alkohol. Liechtenstein 16 øl, vin og cider 18 spiritus og spiritusbaserede drikkevarer Vin, øl og cider samt nogle andre festdrikke, der undertiden er uden spiritus, kan købes fra 16 år. Spiritus og alkopops må kun sælges til personer, der er fyldt 18 år. Litauen 20 Det er ulovligt at sælge, servere eller levere alkoholholdige drikkevarer til personer under 20 år. Det er forbudt for mindreårige under 20 år at indtage eller besidde alkoholholdige drikkevarer. Minimumsalderen blev hævet fra 18 til 20 år siden 2018. Luxembourg Ingen 16 Det er ulovligt at sælge eller servere alkoholholdige drikkevarer >1,2 % ABV til personer under 16 år. Overtrædelse straffes med bøder på mellem 251 og 1 000 EUR. Makedonien 18 Skal vise et id-kort på anmodning. På visse mindre steder, f.eks. familieejede nærbutikker og kiosker på gaden, er der ingen eller kun ringe håndhævelse af, hvor gammel eller ung en person er, når vedkommende køber alkohol. Der er ingen eller næsten ingen håndhævelse af reglerne, når man drikker privat, men hvis man drikker på barer, kan det være nødvendigt at vise legitimation. Malta 17 Skal fremvise legitimation på anmodning. Moldova Ingen 18 Det er ulovligt at sælge eller servere alkoholiske drikkevarer til personer under 18 år. Det er ikke ulovligt for mindreårige at købe, forsøge at købe eller indtage alkohol. Minimumsalderen for køb blev hævet fra 16 til 18 år i 2012. Montenegro 18 Nederlandene 18 Den lovlige alder for køb og forbrug af alkoholholdige drikkevarer blev hævet fra 16 til 18 år siden 2014. Alkohol er almindeligvis tilgængeligt efter tilladelse fra forældrene. Det er ulovligt at sælge alkoholiske drikkevarer til personer under 18 år, men det er ikke ulovligt at give alkohol i privat regi. Norge Ingen 18 (<22%) 20 (≥22% ABV) Det er ulovligt at sælge alkohol til eller købe alkohol til mindreårige. Mindreårige defineres som værende under 18 år for øl og vin og under 20 år for drikkevarer, der indeholder 22 % ABV eller mere. Mindreårige, der køber alkohol, holdes ikke strafferetligt ansvarlige; i stedet er det dem, der har solgt eller skaffet alkoholen til dem, der er ansvarlige. Alkohol med mere end 60 % alkoholprocent sælges generelt ikke i Norge, men regeringen kan dog gøre undtagelser for specifikke produkter. Alkohol, som mindreårige er i besiddelse af, kan konfiskeres som bevismateriale. Det er forbudt at drikke i offentligheden, men dette håndhæves sjældent i rekreative områder. Polen Ingen 18 I artikel 15 i loven om opdragelse til ædruelighed og bekæmpelse af alkoholisme er det klart fastsat, at købere eller personer, der får serveret alkohol, skal være mindst 18 år og bevise det med legitimation, hvis de ser ud til ikke at være mindst 18 år. Der er ingen omtale af aldersgrænsen for forbrug i denne eller nogen anden lov i Polen. Det er ulovligt at drikke på gader, bypladser og i parker uanset alder. Portugal Ingen 18 Rumænien Ingen 18 I henhold til lov 61/1991, opdateret i 2008, stk. 21-25, er det ulovligt at servere eller sælge alkohol til mindreårige. Rusland Ingen 18 Der findes ingen love eller bestemmelser i Rusland, der forbyder mindreårige at indtage alkohol, men salg af alkohol til mindreårige er forbudt i henhold til føderale og yderligere regionale love. Serbien Ingen 16 Slovakiet 18 Slovenien Ingen 18 Der findes ingen lov om besiddelse og forbrug, men det er ulovligt at sælge eller tilbyde alkohol af enhver art til mindreårige. Spanien 18 Asturien var den sidste selvstyrende region i Spanien, hvor alkoholalderen blev hævet til 18 år (tidligere 16 år) den 1. maj 2015. Sverige Ingen Ingen (mindre end 2,25 % ABV) 18 (barer og restauranter) 18 (2,25 %-3,5 % ABV i fødevarebutikker) 20 (Systembolagets butikker), Se også: Alkohol i Sverige Mange klubber vælger at have højere aldersgrænser end 18 år, almindeligvis 20 eller 23 år. Det er lovligt at drikke under 18 år, men det er ulovligt at sælge, udlåne eller give alkohol til personer under den alder, og politiet kan beslaglægge alkohol fra dem, bortset fra at de kan få serveret alkohol under opsyn i privat regi "i moderate mængder". Det er lovligt at servere alkohol for en mindreårig person på et privat sted. Grunden til den lavere grænse i barer end i Systembolagets butikker er, at bartendere har et juridisk ansvar for, hvor beruset en gæst bliver. Schweiz Schweiz (føderal lov) Ingen (Se noter) 16 (gærede alkoholholdige drikkevarer med mindre end 15 % ABV og naturvine med mindre end 18 % ABV) 18 (spiritus) Den, der tilbyder eller leverer alkoholholdige drikkevarer til et barn under 16 år i en mængde, der er sundhedsskadelig, straffes med fængsel i op til 3 år eller bøde. Den, der sælger eller leverer spiritus til en person under 18 år, straffes med en bøde på op til 10 000 CHF. Ticino 18 Kantonen Ticino forbyder salg og forbrug af enhver form for alkohol til mindreårige under 18 år. Nogle butikker og supermarkeder må ikke sælge alkohol til mindreårige under 18 år. Tyrkiet 18 Se også: Alkohollove i Tyrkiet Ukraine 18 Det Forenede Kongerige England Wales 18 16 (øl, vin eller cider til måltidet) 5 (privat) Ingen (under lægeligt tilsyn eller i nødstilfælde) Lovgivning i England og Wales: Det er ulovligt at sælge, servere, tilbyde eller indtage alkoholholdige drikkevarer i lokaler med licens til personer under 18 år, bortset fra følgende to undtagelser: Mindreårige på 16 eller 17 år må indtage vin, øl eller cider på bevillingssteder, når de bestilles sammen med et måltid og ledsages af en voksen. Det er lovligt at sælge likørkonfekture til personer uanset alder. Det er ulovligt at tillade mindreårige under 5 år at indtage alkoholholdige drikkevarer, medmindre de er under lægeligt tilsyn eller i en nødsituation. Personer over 17 år har ret til deres egen toldfrie bevilling, som omfatter alkohol. Skotland 18 16 (øl, vin eller cider på et sted med alkoholbevilling sammen med et måltid) Ingen (privat) Lovgivning i Skotland: Det er ulovligt at sælge, servere, tilbyde eller indtage alkoholholdige drikkevarer offentligt for unge under 18 år, bortset fra følgende to undtagelser: Mindreårige på 16 eller 17 år må indtage vin, øl eller cider på bevillingssteder, når de bestilles sammen med et måltid. Det er lovligt at sælge likørkonfekture til personer uanset alder. Personer over 17 år har ret til deres egen toldfrie bevilling, som omfatter alkohol. Nordirland 18 Lovgivning i Nordirland: Det er ulovligt at sælge, servere, tilbyde eller indtage alkoholholdige drikkevarer i offentligheden, hvis man er under 18 år. Det Forenede Kongerige Challenge 21 og Challenge 25 (gælder for hele Det Forenede Kongerige) Under BBPA's Challenge 21- og Challenge 25-ordninger bliver kunder, der forsøger at købe alkoholholdige drikkevarer, bedt om at bevise deres alder, hvis de efter detailhandlerens mening ser ud til at være under 21 år (eller eventuelt 25 år), selv om de ifølge loven skal være mindst 18 år. Mange supermarkedskæder og værtshuskæder har opslag om Challenge 21 (eller Challenge 25), hvori de oplyser, at de ikke vil betjene personer, der ser ud til at være under 21 (eller 25) år, uden legitimation.
{ "text": [ "18 years" ], "answer_start": [ 559 ] }
Legal drinking age Country State/Region/Province De jure Notes Drinking age Purchase age Albania 18 Armenia None 18 There are no laws mandating alcohol vendors to ID potential underage drinkers. ID checks are very rarely, if ever, carried out Austria Burgenland Lower Austria Vienna 16 Carinthia Upper Austria Salzburg Styria Tyrol Vorarlberg 16 (beer, wine and cider) 18 (distilled beverages) Carinthia also requires adolescents to maintain a blood alcohol level below 0.05%. Azerbaijan None 18 It is illegal to sell or serve alcohol to a minor under 18 years of age. Belarus None 18 The law prohibits the sale of alcohol to anyone under the age of 18 years. However, the law is rarely enforced. Belgium None 16 (beer, wine and cider) 18 (spirits) Since 10 January 2010, it is illegal to "sell, serve, or offer" any form of distilled alcohol to those under the age of 18 or any alcoholic drink to those under 16. So fermented drinks like beer or wine are permitted above 16. Previously, it was illegal to sell alcoholic drinks to under-16s, but accompanying adults could buy drinks for them. Bosnia and Herzegovina None 18 Selling alcohol to a minor under the age of 18 years is a offence. The law does not prohibit minors from buying, attempting to buy or consuming alcohol. Bulgaria None 18 By law, it is illegal to serve or sell alcohol to any child under the age of 18. There is no restrictions for minors consuming alcohol. Croatia None 18 It is prohibited to sell or serve alcohol to anyone under 18 years of age. There is no minimum age to buy or consume alcohol by law. Cyprus None 17 It is illegal to sell or serve alcohol to anyone under thhe age of 17 years. There is no minimum age to buy, attempt to buy or consume alcohol in public. Czech Republic None 18 It is illegal to provide alcohol to minors (punishable by fine or up to 1 or 2 year(s) imprisonment). Consumption itself is not prohibited by law. Denmark None 16 (<16.5% ABV) 18 (≥16.5% ABV) While there is no age requirement for drinking alcohol in Denmark, there are laws that prevent minors from buying alcohol: In order to buy alcohol above 1.2% and below 16.5% ABV in stores, one must be 16 years of age. In order to buy alcohol above 16.5% ABV in stores, one must be 18 years of age. By tradition, youths are privately allowed to drink alcohol after their confirmation. If a shop or bar fails to ask for an ID card and is identified having sold alcohol to an underage, it is subject to fine. A national ID card, obtained in the local town hall, can serve as age verification. This card is rarely used though since a passport or drivers license is more commonly used. Both the legal drinking and purchasing age in the Faroe Islands is 18. Estonia 18 It is illegal to sell, serve or supply alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 18 years. Alcohol found in possession of any child can be confiscated by the police. Finland 18 (possession and purchase of 1.2–22% ABV) 20 (for possession and purchase of 23–80% ABV) 18 (for all in bars, clubs and restaurants) All major grocery chains have implemented a policy to ask for ID if the customer looks under 30. Stores may refuse to sell alcohol if the customer is accompanied by a minor, or if proxy purchasing is suspected. Purchasing alcohol on behalf of a minor is a criminal offence. Police may search minors in public places and confiscate or destroy any alcoholic beverages in their possession. Incidents are reported to the legal guardian and social authorities, who may intervene with child welfare procedures. In addition, those aged 15 or above are subject to a fine. In private, offering alcohol to a minor is considered a criminal offence if it results in drunkenness and the act can be deemed reprehensible as a whole, considering the minor's age, degree of maturity and other circumstances. France None 18 France has no explicitly stated consumption age, but selling alcohol to a minor (under 18) is illegal and can be fined 7500 euros. This age was raised from 16 to 18 in 2009. Georgia None 18 By Georgian law, the sale of alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 18 years is prohibited. Germany 14(beer, wine and cider if accompanied) 16 (beer, wine and cider) 18 (spirits and aliments containing spirits above negligible amounts) It is illegal to sell, serve or supply fermented alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, cider and sparkling wine) to anyone under 16 years of age. However this age limit drops down to 14 if a minor is accompanied by his parent or legal guardian. It is generally illegal to serve, sell or supply any beverage containing spirits and aliments containing spirits above negligible amounts, to anyone under the age of 18 years. Violation of the "Protection of Young Persons Act" can be fined up to 50.000€. See also: Alcohol laws in Germany Gibraltar None 18 16(beer, wine and cider) It is illegal to sell alcoholic drinks to anyone under the age of 18, other than the following two exceptions. The minimum age to be served in licensed premises is 16 if: The alcoholic beverage is beer, wine or cider below 15% ABV, or The alcoholic beverage is served in a bottle, or a pre-packaged container below 5.5% ABV. Greece None 18 In 2008, the consumption of alcoholic beverages was prohibited for minors in public. However, the law does not apply to private events or private premises. Hungary 18 Iceland None 20 Possession or consumption of alcohol by minors is not an offence, but supplying them with alcohol is. Ireland None (on private residence with permission from parents or guardians) 18 It is illegal for minors to buy alcohol or for a third party to attempt to buy it for minors. It is illegal to purchase alcohol for anybody under the age of consent without permission from their guardians. Italy None 18 In 2012 the then Health Minister Renato Balduzzi proposed to raise the age to 18. Selling alcohol to those under the age of 18 in shops carries a fine between €250 and €1000. Serving alcoholic beverages to those under the age of 16 is a criminal offense and is punished with prison up to one year, if the individual is 16 or 17 it will be treated as an offense that is fined between €250 and €1000 (Legge n. 189/2013). Kosovo None Latvia None 18 It is illegal to sell or serve alcoholic beverages to any minor under the age of 18 years. There is no minimum age to consume or possess alcohol. Liechtenstein 16 beer, wine and cider 18 spirits and spirit-based beverages Wine, beer and ciders as well as some other party drinks sometimes without spirits may be purchased by the age of 16. Spirits as well as alcopops may be sold only to people at least 18. Lithuania 20 It is illegal to sell, serve or supply acloholic beverages to anyone under the age of 20 years. Minors under the age of 20 are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages or from possessing them. The minimum age was raised from 18 to 20 since 2018. Luxembourg None 16 It is illegal to sell or serve alcoholic beverages >1.2% ABV to any person under the age of 16 years. Violation is fined €251 to €1.000. Macedonia 18 Must show an ID card upon request. In certain smaller places, such as family-owned convenience stores and street kiosks, there is little to no enforcement on how old or young somebody purchases alcohol. There is little to no enforcement for drinking privately, but drinking in bars may require an ID. Malta 17 Must provide identification upon request. Moldova None 18 It is illegal to sell, or serve alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 18 years. It is not illegal for minors to buy, attempt to buy or consume alcohol. The minimum purchase age was raised from 16 to 18 in 2012. Montenegro 18 Netherlands 18 The legal age for purchasing and consumption of alcoholic beverages was raised from 16 to 18 since 2014. Alcohol is commonly available upon parental permission. Selling alcoholic beverages to people under 18 is illegal, although giving it away in private is not. Norway None 18 (<22%) 20 (≥22% ABV) Selling alcohol to or buying alcohol for minors is illegal. Minors are defined as under 18 for beer and wine, under 20 for drinks that contain 22% ABV or more. Minors who buy alcohol are not held criminally responsible; instead, the crime lies with those who sold it or obtained it for them. Alcohol with more than 60% ABV is generally not sold in Norway, although exceptions may be made by the government for specific products. Alcohol possessed by minors may be confiscated as evidence. Drinking in public is prohibited, though this is rarely enforced in recreational areas. Poland None 18 Article 15 of The Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism clearly states that buyers or persons being served must be at least 18 and prove it with ID if they look like they may not be at least that age. There is no mention of consumption age in this or any other act in Poland. Drinking on streets, town squares, and in parks is illegal regardless of age. Portugal None 18 Romania None 18 According to law 61/1991 updated in 2008, paragraphs 21-25, it is illegal to serve or sell alcohol to minors. Russia None 18 There is no law or regulation in Russia that prohibits minors from consuming alcohol, but selling alcohol to minors is prohibited by federal and additional regional laws. Serbia None 16 Slovakia 18 Slovenia None 18 There is no law regulating the possession and consumption, but it is illegal to sell or offer alcohol of any kind to minors. Spain 18 Asturias was the last autonomous community in Spain where the drinking age was increased to 18 (previously 16) on 1 May 2015. Sweden None None (less than 2.25% ABV) 18 (bars and restaurants) 18 (2.25%–3.5% ABV in food shops) 20 (Systembolaget shops), See also: Alcohol in Sweden Many clubs choose to have higher age limits than 18, commonly 20 or 23. It is legal to drink below 18, but it is illegal to sell, lend or give alcohol to someone under that age and the police can seize alcohol from them, apart from being served alcohol supervised in private "in moderation". It is legal to serve an underage person alcohol in a private place. The reason for lower limit in bars than in Systembolaget shops is that bartenders have a legal responsibility for how drunk a guest gets. Switzerland Switzerland (federal law) None (See notes) 16 (fermented alcoholic drinks with less than 15% ABV and natural wines with less than 18% ABV) 18 (spirits) Whoever offers or supplies alcoholic beverages to a child under the age of 16 years in an amount which is harmful to one's health is punished with imprisonment up to 3 years or a fine. Whoever sells or supplies spirits to a person under the age of 18 years is punished with a fine up to 10.000 CHF. Ticino 18 The canton Ticino prohibits selling and consumption of any type of alcohol by minors under the age of 18. Some shops and supermarkets may not sell alcohol to minors under the age of 18. Turkey 18 See also: Alcohol laws of Turkey Ukraine 18 United Kingdom England Wales 18 16 (beer, wine or cider with meal) 5 (private) None (under medical supervision, or in an emergency) Legislation in England and Wales: It is illegal to sell, serve, offer or consume alcoholic beverages on licensed premises under the age of 18, other than the following two exceptions: Minors aged 16 or 17 may consume wine, beer or cider on licensed premises when ordered with a meal, and accompanied by an adult. It is legal to sell liqueur confectionery to someone of any age. It is illegal to permit minors under the age of 5 to consume alcoholic beverages unless under medical supervision or in an emergency. Persons over 17 are entitled to their own duty free allowance, which includes alcohol. Scotland 18 16 (beer, wine or cider on licensed premises with meal) None (private) Legislation in Scotland: It is illegal to sell, serve, offer or consume alcoholic beverages in public under the age of 18, other than the following two exceptions: Minors aged 16 or 17 may consume wine, beer or cider on licensed premises when ordered with a meal. It is legal to sell liqueur confectionery to someone of any age. Persons over 17 are entitled to their own duty free allowance, which includes alcohol. Northern Ireland 18 Legislation in Northern Ireland: It is illegal to sell, serve, offer or consume alcoholic beverages in public under the age of 18. United Kingdom Challenge 21 and Challenge 25 (applies to all of the United Kingdom) Under the BBPA's Challenge 21 and Challenge 25 schemes, customers attempting to buy alcoholic beverages are asked to prove their age if in the retailer's opinion they look under 21 (or optionally 25) even though the law states they must be a minimum of 18. Many supermarket and off-licence chains display Challenge 21 (or Challenge 25) notices stating that they will not serve persons who look under 21 (or 25) without ID.
Legal drinking age
Hvornår kommer den nye episode af black lightning?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Black Lightning (TV series) Udviklingen af serien begyndte i september 2016, da Fox bestilte et tilsagn om en pilotproduktion af Black Lightning. I februar 2017 afviste Fox serien, og den blev samlet op af The CW med et nyt manuskript til pilotafsnittet. The CW bestilte officielt serien i maj 2017. Den første sæson fik premiere den 16. januar 2018 i 13 afsnit. Den 2. april 2018 fornyede The CW serien for en anden sæson.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Black Lightning (TV series) Development on the series began in September 2016 when Fox ordered a pilot production commitment for Black Lightning. In February 2017, Fox passed on the series, with it being picked up by The CW with a new script for the pilot. The CW officially ordered the series in May 2017. The first season premiered on January 16, 2018, for a 13-episode run. On April 2, 2018, The CW renewed the show for a second season.
Black Lightning (TV series)
Hvad er flest point, jordan nogensinde har scoret?
{ "text": [ "63" ], "answer_start": [ 185 ] }
List of career achievements by Michael Jordan Sæson Hold GP GS W-L MIN FGM FGA 3PM 3PA FTM FTA OFF DEF REB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS 1984-85 Chicago 82 82 38-44 3,144 837 1,625 9 52 630 746 167 367 534 481 196 69 291 285 2,313 1985-86 Chicago 18 7 9-9 451 150 328 3 18 105 125 23 41 64 53 37 21 45 46 408 1986-87 Chicago 82 82 40-42 3,281 1,098 2,279 12 66 833 972 166 264 430 377 236 125 272 237 3,041 1987-88 Chicago 82 82 50-32 3,311 1,069 1,998 7 53 723 860 139 310 449 485 259 131 252 270 2,868 1988-89 Chicago 81 81 47-34 3,255 966 1,795 27 98 674 793 149 503 652 650 234 65 290 247 2,633 1989-90 Chicago 82 82 55-27 3,197 1,034 1,964 92 245 593 699 143 422 565 519 227 54 247 241 2,753 1990-91† Chicago 82 82 61-21 3,034 990 1,837 29 93 571 671 118 374 492 453 223 83 202 229 2,580 1991-92† Chicago 80 80 67-13 3,102 943 1,818 27 100 491 590 91 420 511 489 182 75 200 201 2,404 1992-93† Chicago 78 78 56-22 3,067 992 2,003 81 230 476 569 135 387 522 428 221 61 207 188 2,541 1994-95 Chicago 17 17 13-4 668 166 404 16 32 109 136 25 92 117 90 30 13 35 47 457 1995-96† Chicago 82 82 72-10 3,090 916 1,850 111 260 548 657 148 395 543 352 180 42 197 195 2,491 1996-97† Chicago 82 82 69-13 3,106 920 1,892 111 297 480 576 113 369 482 352 140 44 166 156 2,431 1997-98† Chicago 82 82 62-20 3,181 881 1,893 30 126 565 721 130 345 475 283 141 45 185 151 2,357 2001-02 Washington 60 53 30-30 2,093 551 1,324 10 53 263 333 50 289 339 310 85 26 162 119 1,375 2002-03 Washington 82 67 37-45 3,031 679 1,527 16 55 266 324 71 426 497 311 123 39 173 171 1,640 Karriere 1,072 1,039 706-366 41,011 12,192 24,537 581 1,778 7,327 8,772 1,668 5,004 6,672 5,633 2,514 893 2,924 2,783 32,292 Første pensionering 667 656 423-244 25,842 8,079 15,647 287 955 5,096 6,025 1,131 3,088 4,219 3,935 1,815 684 2,006 1,944 21,541 Anden pensionering 930 919 639-291 35,887 10,962 21,686 555 1,670 6,798 8,115 1,547 4,289 5,836 5,012 2,306 828 2,589 2,493 29,277 Slutspil 179 179 119-60 7,474 2,188 4,497 148 446 1,463 1,766 305 847 1,152 1,022 376 158 546 541 5,987 All-Star 13 13 6-7 382 110 233 3 11 39 52 22 39 61 54 37 6 42 31 262
{ "text": [ "63" ], "answer_start": [ 140 ] }
List of career achievements by Michael Jordan Season Team GP GS W-L MIN FGM FGA 3PM 3PA FTM FTA OFF DEF REB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS 1984–85 Chicago 82 82 38–44 3,144 837 1,625 9 52 630 746 167 367 534 481 196 69 291 285 2,313 1985–86 Chicago 18 7 9–9 451 150 328 3 18 105 125 23 41 64 53 37 21 45 46 408 1986–87 Chicago 82 82 40–42 3,281 1,098 2,279 12 66 833 972 166 264 430 377 236 125 272 237 3,041 1987–88 Chicago 82 82 50–32 3,311 1,069 1,998 7 53 723 860 139 310 449 485 259 131 252 270 2,868 1988–89 Chicago 81 81 47–34 3,255 966 1,795 27 98 674 793 149 503 652 650 234 65 290 247 2,633 1989–90 Chicago 82 82 55–27 3,197 1,034 1,964 92 245 593 699 143 422 565 519 227 54 247 241 2,753 1990–91† Chicago 82 82 61–21 3,034 990 1,837 29 93 571 671 118 374 492 453 223 83 202 229 2,580 1991–92† Chicago 80 80 67–13 3,102 943 1,818 27 100 491 590 91 420 511 489 182 75 200 201 2,404 1992–93† Chicago 78 78 56–22 3,067 992 2,003 81 230 476 569 135 387 522 428 221 61 207 188 2,541 1994–95 Chicago 17 17 13–4 668 166 404 16 32 109 136 25 92 117 90 30 13 35 47 457 1995–96† Chicago 82 82 72–10 3,090 916 1,850 111 260 548 657 148 395 543 352 180 42 197 195 2,491 1996–97† Chicago 82 82 69–13 3,106 920 1,892 111 297 480 576 113 369 482 352 140 44 166 156 2,431 1997–98† Chicago 82 82 62–20 3,181 881 1,893 30 126 565 721 130 345 475 283 141 45 185 151 2,357 2001–02 Washington 60 53 30–30 2,093 551 1,324 10 53 263 333 50 289 339 310 85 26 162 119 1,375 2002–03 Washington 82 67 37–45 3,031 679 1,527 16 55 266 324 71 426 497 311 123 39 173 171 1,640 Career 1,072 1,039 706–366 41,011 12,192 24,537 581 1,778 7,327 8,772 1,668 5,004 6,672 5,633 2,514 893 2,924 2,783 32,292 First Retirement 667 656 423–244 25,842 8,079 15,647 287 955 5,096 6,025 1,131 3,088 4,219 3,935 1,815 684 2,006 1,944 21,541 Second Retirement 930 919 639–291 35,887 10,962 21,686 555 1,670 6,798 8,115 1,547 4,289 5,836 5,012 2,306 828 2,589 2,493 29,277 Playoffs 179 179 119–60 7,474 2,188 4,497 148 446 1,463 1,766 305 847 1,152 1,022 376 158 546 541 5,987 All-Star 13 13 6–7 382 110 233 3 11 39 52 22 39 61 54 37 6 42 31 262
List of career achievements by Michael Jordan
Hvem spillede den unge tom riddle i harry potter?
{ "text": [ "Hero Fiennes-Tiffin" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin Hero Beauregard Fiennes-Tiffin (født 6. november 1997) er en engelsk skuespiller, der er bedst kendt for sin rolle som den 11-årige Tom Riddle, den unge udgave af Lord Voldemort (som i filmene spilles af hans onkel Ralph Fiennes), i Harry Potter og Halvblodsprinsen, den sjette del af Harry Potter-filmene. Han spillede også rollen som den "yngre Charlie" i den krigsbaserede film Private Peaceful.
{ "text": [ "Hero Fiennes-Tiffin" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin Hero Beauregard Fiennes-Tiffin (born 6 November 1997) is an English actor best known for his role as the 11-year-old Tom Riddle, the young version of antagonist Lord Voldemort (played in the films by his uncle, Ralph Fiennes), in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, the sixth installment of the Harry Potter films. He also played the role of "younger Charlie" in the war based film Private Peaceful.
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin
Hvem har rekorden for de mest hotdogs spist?
{ "text": [ "Joey Chestnut" ], "answer_start": [ 345 ] }
Takeru Kobayashi Den 4. juli 2011 konkurrerede Kobayashi på taget af en bar på Manhattan samtidig med Nathan's Contest på Coney Island via en live video-simulcast af begivenheden. Kobayashi fik 69 hotdogs, en mere end den officielt anerkendte tidligere verdensrekord. Denne verdensrekord stod som den højeste nogensinde spiste indtil 2016, hvor Joey Chestnut spiste rekordmange 70 hotdogs ved det års Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.
{ "text": [ "Joey Chestnut" ], "answer_start": [ 329 ] }
Takeru Kobayashi On July 4, 2011, Kobayashi competed on the rooftop of a Manhattan bar simultaneously with the Nathan's Contest at Coney Island via a live video simulcast of the event. Kobayashi finished 69 hot dogs, one more than the officially recognized previous world record. That world record stood as the highest ever eaten until 2016 when Joey Chestnut ate a record 70 at that year's Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.
Takeru Kobayashi
Hvem er skuespilleren der spiller jax i sons of anarchy?
{ "text": [ "Charlie Hunnam" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Charlie Hunnam Charles Matthew Hunnam (født 10. april 1980) er en engelsk skuespiller. Han er kendt for sine roller som Jackson "Jax" Teller i FX-dramaserien Sons of Anarchy (2008-14), Nathan Maloney i Channel 4-dramaet Queer as Folk (1999-2000), Lloyd Haythe i Fox-komedieserien Undeclared (2001-02), titelrollen i Nicholas Nickleby (2002), Pete Dunham i Green Street (2005), Raleigh Becket i Pacific Rim (2013), Percy Fawcett i The Lost City of Z (2017) og i titelrollen i Guy Ritchies King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017).
{ "text": [ "Charlie Hunnam" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Charlie Hunnam Charles Matthew Hunnam (born 10 April 1980) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Jackson "Jax" Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy (2008–14), Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk (1999–2000), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared (2001–02), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby (2002), Pete Dunham in Green Street (2005), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim (2013), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z (2017), and in the title role of Guy Ritchie's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017).
Charlie Hunnam
Hvem har den højeste skyde procent i nba?
{ "text": [ "DeAndre Jordan" ], "answer_start": [ 82 ] }
Field goal percentage NBA-karriererekorden for field goal percentage indehaves af DeAndre Jordan med 0,677. Den højeste field goal-procent for en enkelt sæson blev sat af Wilt Chamberlain med 0,727 i 1972-73-sæsonen.
{ "text": [ "DeAndre Jordan" ], "answer_start": [ 59 ] }
Field goal percentage The NBA career record for field goal percentage is held by DeAndre Jordan at 0.677. The highest field goal percentage for a single season was set by Wilt Chamberlain with 0.727 in the 1972–73 season.
Field goal percentage
Hvem synger i'm giving up on you?
{ "text": [ "A Great Big World" ], "answer_start": [ 31 ] }
"Say Something" Single af A Great Big World og Christina Aguilera fra albummet Is There Anybody Out There? Udgivet 3. september 2013 (2013-09-03) Format CD digital download Indspillet 2013 Genre Indie pop Længde 3:49 Mærke Epic Sangskriver(e) Ian Axel Chad King Mike Campbell Producent(er) Dan Romer A Great Big World singler kronologi "Dette er det nye år" (2013) "Say Something" (2013) "Already Home" (2014) "Dette er det nye år" (2013) "Say Something" (2013) "Already Home" (2014) Christina Aguilera singler kronologi "Hoy Tengo Ganas Ti" (2013) Hoy Tengo Ganas Ti2013 "Say Something" (2013) Say Something2013 "We Remain" (2013) We Remain2013
{ "text": [ "A Great Big World" ], "answer_start": [ 31 ] }
"Say Something" Single by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera from the album Is There Anybody Out There? Released September 3, 2013 (2013-09-03) Format CD digital download Recorded 2013 Genre Indie pop Length 3:49 Label Epic Songwriter(s) Ian Axel Chad King Mike Campbell Producer(s) Dan Romer A Great Big World singles chronology "This Is the New Year" (2013) "Say Something" (2013) "Already Home" (2014) "This Is the New Year" (2013) "Say Something" (2013) "Already Home" (2014) Christina Aguilera singles chronology "Hoy Tengo Ganas Ti" (2013) Hoy Tengo Ganas Ti2013 "Say Something" (2013) Say Something2013 "We Remain" (2013) We Remain2013
Say Something
Hvor mange sæsoner er der af downtown abbey?
{ "text": [ "6" ], "answer_start": [ 460 ] }
Downton Abbey Genre Historisk periodedrama Skabt af Julian Fellowes Skrevet af Julian Fellowes Shelagh Stephenson Tina Pepler Instrueret af Brian Percival Ben Bolt Brian Kelly Andy Goddard James Strong Ashley Pearce Medvirkende: Se listen over hovedrolleindehaverne i Downton Abbey Åbningstema "Did I Make the Most of Loving You?" Komponist(er) John Lunn Oprindelsesland Storbritannien Oprindelige sprog Engelsk Antal serier 6 Antal episoder 52 (liste over episoder) Produktion Eksekutivproducent(er) Julian Fellowes Gareth Neame Rebecca Eaton Producent(er) Liz Trubridge (serieproducent) Nigel Marchant Sted(er) Highclere Castle Filmfotografering David Katznelson (serie 1) Gavin Struthers (serie 2) Redaktør(er) John Wilson Steve Singleton Mike Jones Opsætning af kamera Enkeltkamera Løbetid Almindelige episoder: 47-53 minutter Udvidede episoder: 64-72 minutter Julespecials: 92-93 minutter (ekskl. reklamer) Produktionsselskab(er) ITV Studios Carnival Films WGBH-TV Udgiv Oprindelige netværk ITV (UK) PBS (USA) Billedformat 1080i (HDTV) Lydformat Stereofonisk Oprindelig udgivelse 26. september 2010 (2010-09-26) - 25. december 2015 (2015-12-25) Eksterne links Websted
{ "text": [ "6" ], "answer_start": [ 446 ] }
Downton Abbey Genre Historical period drama Created by Julian Fellowes Written by Julian Fellowes Shelagh Stephenson Tina Pepler Directed by Brian Percival Ben Bolt Brian Kelly Andy Goddard James Strong Ashley Pearce Starring See List of Downton Abbey main cast Opening theme "Did I Make the Most of Loving You?" Composer(s) John Lunn Country of origin United Kingdom Original language(s) English No. of series 6 No. of episodes 52 (list of episodes) Production Executive producer(s) Julian Fellowes Gareth Neame Rebecca Eaton Producer(s) Liz Trubridge (series producer) Nigel Marchant Location(s) Highclere Castle Cinematography David Katznelson (series 1) Gavin Struthers (series 2) Editor(s) John Wilson Steve Singleton Mike Jones Camera setup Single-camera Running time Regular episodes: 47–53 minutes Extended episodes: 64–72 minutes Christmas specials: 92–93 minutes (excluding advertisements) Production company(s) ITV Studios Carnival Films WGBH-TV Release Original network ITV (UK) PBS (US) Picture format 1080i (HDTV) Audio format Stereophonic Original release 26 September 2010 (2010-09-26) – 25 December 2015 (2015-12-25) External links Website
Downton Abbey
Hvor foregår call me by your name?
{ "text": [ "italiensk" ], "answer_start": [ 136 ] }
Call Me by Your Name er en roman fra 2007 af den amerikanske forfatter André Aciman om en kærlighedsaffære mellem en 17-årig amerikansk-italiensk-jødisk dreng på 17 år, der er intellektuelt forudseende, og en 24-årig amerikansk-jødisk forsker på besøg i 1980'ernes Italien. Romanen fortæller om deres sommerromance og de 20 år, der fulgte efter.
{ "text": [ "Italy" ], "answer_start": [ 226 ] }
Call Me by Your Name is a 2007 novel by American writer André Aciman about a love affair between an intellectually precocious 17-year-old American-Italian Jewish boy and a visiting 24-year-old American Jewish scholar in 1980s Italy. The novel chronicles their summer romance and the 20 years that followed.
Call Me by Your Name
Hvem har fleste home runs i mlb?
{ "text": [ "Barry Bonds" ], "answer_start": [ 54 ] }
List of Major League Baseball career home run leaders Barry Bonds er indehaver af rekorden i Major League Baseball med 762 homeruns. Han overhalede Hank Aaron, der i øjeblikket er nummer to med 755, den 7. august 2007. Den eneste anden spiller, der har slået 700 eller mere, er Babe Ruth med 714. Alex Rodriguez (696), Willie Mays (660), Albert Pujols (633), Ken Griffey, Jr. (630), Jim Thome (612) og Sammy Sosa (609) er de eneste andre spillere, der har slået 600 eller mere.
{ "text": [ "Barry Bonds" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
List of Major League Baseball career home run leaders Barry Bonds holds the Major League Baseball home run record with 762. He passed Hank Aaron, who is currently second with 755, on August 7, 2007. The only other player to have hit 700 or more is Babe Ruth with 714. Alex Rodriguez (696), Willie Mays (660), Albert Pujols (633), Ken Griffey, Jr. (630), Jim Thome (612), and Sammy Sosa (609) are the only other players to have hit 600 or more.
List of Major League Baseball career home run leaders
Hvad er den medicinske term for at svede blod?
{ "text": [ "Hematidrosis" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Hematidrosis, også kaldet blodsved, er en meget sjælden tilstand, hvor et menneske sveder blod. Udtrykket stammer fra oldgræsk haîma/haímatos (αἷμα/αἵματος), der betyder blod, og hīdrṓs (ἱδρώς), der betyder sved.
{ "text": [ "Hematidrosis" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Hematidrosis, also called blood sweat, is a very rare condition in which a human sweats blood. The term is from Ancient Greek haîma/haímatos (αἷμα/αἵματος), meaning blood, and hīdrṓs (ἱδρώς), meaning sweat.
Hvornår blev bay bridge i maryland bygget?
{ "text": [ "1952" ], "answer_start": [ 279 ] }
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (almindeligvis kendt som "Bay Bridge") er en stor bro med to brofag i den amerikanske delstat Maryland. Den spænder over Chesapeake Bay og forbinder statens landlige Eastern Shore-region med den urbane Western Shore-region. Den oprindelige bro blev åbnet i 1952 og var med en længde på 6,9 km verdens længste sammenhængende stålkonstruktion over vandet; den parallelle bro blev tilføjet i 1973. Broen har officielt fået navnet "Gov. William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge" efter William Preston Lane Jr., der som den 52. guvernør i Maryland tog initiativ til broens opførelse i slutningen af 1940'erne efter årtiers politisk ubeslutsomhed og offentlig kontrovers.
{ "text": [ "1952" ], "answer_start": [ 259 ] }
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge (commonly known as the "Bay Bridge") is a major dual-span bridge in the U.S state of Maryland. Spanning the Chesapeake Bay, it connects the state's rural Eastern Shore region with the urban Western Shore. The original span opened in 1952 and with a length of 4.3 miles (6.9 km), was the world's longest continuous over-water steel structure; the parallel span was added in 1973. The bridge is officially named the "Gov. William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge" after William Preston Lane Jr. who, as the 52nd Governor of Maryland, initiated its construction in the late 1940s finally after decades of political indecision and public controversy.
Chesapeake Bay Bridge
Hvad er kænguruens navn i peter plys?
{ "text": [ "Roo" ], "answer_start": [ 322 ] }
List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters Plys overstadige, glade, glade, mindre ansvarsfulde og til tider problemgivende tigerven. Han hopper rundt og hopper især på andre. Han er fuld af energi, udadvendt og kan lide at have det sjovt og er så overmodig, at han tror, at enhver opgave er "det, tigere er bedst til". Han bliver Roos bedste ven og senere også Puha's, da Roo og Lumpi bliver bedste venner.
{ "text": [ "Roo" ], "answer_start": [ 285 ] }
List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters Pooh's exuberant, happy, less-than-responsible and sometimes trouble-making tiger friend. He bounces around, especially bouncing on others. He is full of energy, outgoing, and likes to have fun and is so overconfident that he thinks that any task is "what tiggers do best". He becomes Roo's best friend and later Pooh's when Roo and Lumpy become best friends.
List of Winnie-the-Pooh characters
Hvornår udkom guardians of the galaxy?
{ "text": [ "2014" ], "answer_start": [ 662 ] }
Guardians of the Galaxy (film) Guardians of te Galaxy Plakat til biografudgivelsen Instrueret af James Gunn Produceret af Kevin Feige Skrevet af James Gunn Nicole Perlman Baseret på Guardians of the Galaxy af Dan Abnett Andy Lanning Medvirkende: Chris Pratt Zoe Saldana Dave Bautista Vin Diesel Bradley Cooper Lee Pace Michael Rooker Karen Gillan Djimon Hounsou John C. Reilly Glenn Close Benicio del Toro Musik af Tyler Bates Kinematografi Ben Davis Redigeret af Fred Raskin Craig Wood Hughes Winborne Produktion selskab Marvel Studios Distribueret af Walt Disney Studios Film Udgivelsesdato 21. juli 2014 (2014-07-21) (Dolby Theatre) 1. august 2014 (2014-08-01) (USA) Løbetid 122 minutter Land USA Sprog Engelsk Budget 232,3 millioner dollars (brutto) 195,9 mio. dollars (netto) Kasse 773,3 millioner dollars
{ "text": [ "2014" ], "answer_start": [ 625 ] }
Guardians of the Galaxy (film) Guardians of the Galaxy Theatrical release poster Directed by James Gunn Produced by Kevin Feige Written by James Gunn Nicole Perlman Based on Guardians of the Galaxy by Dan Abnett Andy Lanning Starring Chris Pratt Zoe Saldana Dave Bautista Vin Diesel Bradley Cooper Lee Pace Michael Rooker Karen Gillan Djimon Hounsou John C. Reilly Glenn Close Benicio del Toro Music by Tyler Bates Cinematography Ben Davis Edited by Fred Raskin Craig Wood Hughes Winborne Production company Marvel Studios Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Release date July 21, 2014 (2014-07-21) (Dolby Theatre) August 1, 2014 (2014-08-01) (United States) Running time 122 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $232.3 million (gross) $195.9 million (net) Box office $773.3 million
Guardians of the Galaxy (film)
Hvem skrev ordene til sangen amazing grace?
{ "text": [ "John Newton" ], "answer_start": [ 122 ] }
"Amazing Grace" er en kristen salme, der blev udgivet i 1779, med ord skrevet af den engelske digter og anglikanske præst John Newton (1725-1807).
{ "text": [ "John Newton" ], "answer_start": [ 117 ] }
"Amazing Grace" is a Christian hymn published in 1779, with words written by the English poet and Anglican clergyman John Newton (1725–1807).
Amazing Grace
Hvornår blev suite life of zack and cody lavet?
{ "text": [ "18. marts 2005" ], "answer_start": [ 144 ] }
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody er en amerikansk sitcom, der er skabt af Danny Kallis og Jim Geoghan. Serien blev sendt på Disney Channel fra den 18. marts 2005 til den 1. september 2008 med 4 millioner seere, hvilket gjorde den til den mest succesfulde premiere på Disney Channel. Serien blev nomineret til en Emmy Award tre gange og blev nomineret til en Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award tre gange. Serien var også længe en fast bestanddel af den nu nedlagte ABC Kids lørdag morgenblok på ABC.
{ "text": [ "march 18, 2005" ], "answer_start": [ 133 ] }
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody is an American sitcom created by Danny Kallis and Jim Geoghan. The series aired on Disney Channel from March 18, 2005, to September 1, 2008 with 4 million viewers, making it the most successful premiere for Disney Channel. The series was nominated for an Emmy Award three times and was nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award three times. The show was also a long-standing staple of the now defunct ABC Kids Saturday morning block on ABC.
The Suite Life of Zack & Cody
Hvad er den største flod i usa?
{ "text": [ "Mississippi-floden" ], "answer_start": [ 231 ] }
List of longest rivers of the United States (by main stem) De længste hovedfloder i USA # Navn Udmunding Længde Kilde koordinater Munding koordinater Afvandingsområde område Udledning Stater, provinser og billede 1 Missouri-floden Mississippi-floden 70032341000000000000000♠2.341 mi 3.768 km 45°55′39′′′′N 111°30′29′′′′′W / 45.92750°N 111.50806°W / 45.92750; -111.50806 (Missouri River (kilde)) 38°48′49′′′′N 90°07′11′′′′′W / 38.81361°N 90.11972°W / 38.81361; -90.11972 (Missouri River (udløb)) 7005529353000000000♠529,353 mi2 1.371.017 km2 [n 2] 7004691000000000000♠69,100 ft3/s 1,956 m3/s [n 3] Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missourim 2 Mississippi-floden Den Mexicanske Golf 7003220200200000000000♠2,202 mi 3,544 km [n 4] 47°14′22′′′′N 95°12′29′′′′′W / 47.23944°N 95.20806°W / 47.23944; -95.20806 (Mississippifloden (kilde)) 29°09′04′′′′N 89°15′12′′′′′W / 29.15111°N 89.25333°W / 29.15111; -89.25333 (Mississippi-floden (udmunding)) 7006126000000000000♠1,260,000 mi2 3.270.000 km2 [n 5] 7005650000000000000♠650,000 ft3/s 18.400 m3/s Minnesotas, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisianam 3 Yukon-floden Beringhavet 70031979000000000000000♠1,979 mi 3,185 km [n 6] 59°35′00′′′′N 133°47′00′′′′′′W / 59.58333°N 133.78333°W / 59.58333; -133.78333 (Yukon River (kilde)) 62°35′55′′′′N 164°48′00′′′′′W / 62.59861°N 164.80000°W / 62.59861; -164.80000 (Yukon River (udløb)) 7005324000000000000♠324,000 mi2 839.200 km2 [n 7] 7005224000000000000♠224,000 ft3/s 6,340 m3/s British Columbia, Yukon Territory, Alaska 4 Rio Grande Den Mexicanske Golf 70031759000000000000000♠1,759 mi 2.830 km [n 8] 37°47′52′′′′N 107°32′18′′′′′W / 37.79778°N 107.53833°W / 37.79778; -107.53833 (Rio Grande (kilde)) 25°57′22′′′′N 97°08′43′′′′′W / 25.95611°N 97.14528°W / 25.95611; -97.14528 (Rio Grande (udmunding)) 7005340000000000000♠340,000 mi2 870.000 km2 [n 9] 7003130000000000000♠1,300 ft3/s 37 m3/s Colorados, New Mexico, Texasm, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipasm 5 Colorado River Den Californiske Golf 70031450000000000000000♠1.450 mi 2,330 km [n 10] 40°28′20′′′′N 105°49′34′′′′′W / 40.47222°N 105.82611°W / 40.47222; -105.82611 (Colorado River (kilde)) 31°48′57′′′′N 114°48′22′′′′′W / 31.81583°N 114.80611°W / 31.81583; -114.80611 (Colorado River (udmunding)) 7005248000000000000♠248,000 mi2 642.000 km2 [n 11] 7003140000000000000♠1,400 ft3/s 40 m3/s Colorados, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Californien, Sonoram, Baja Californiam 6 Arkansas-floden Mississippi-floden 70031443000000000000000♠1,443 mi 2,322 km [n 12] 39°15′30′′′′N 106°20′38′′′′′W / 39.25833°N 106.34389°W / 39.25833; -106.34389 (Arkansas-floden (kilde)) 33°46′30′′′′N 91°04′15′′′′′W / 33.77500°N 91.07083°W / 33.77500; -91.07083 (Arkansas River (udløb)) 7005160200000000000♠160,200 mi2 414.910 km2 7004355000000000000♠35,500 ft3/s 1,004 m3/s Colorados, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansasm 7 Columbia-floden Stillehavet 70031243000000000000000♠1.243 mi 2.000 km [n 13] 50°13′00′′′′N 115°51′00′′′′′W / 50.21667°N 115.85000°W / 50.21667; -115.85000 (Columbia River (kilde)) 46°14′39′′′′N 124°03′29′′′′′′W / 46.24417°N 124.05806°W / 46.24417; -124.05806 (Columbia River (udløb))) 7005279548000000000♠279,548 mi2 724.024 km2 [n 14] 7005273000000000000♠273,000 ft3/s 7,730 m3/s British Columbia, Washingtonm, Oregonm 8 Red River Atchafalaya og Mississippi floderne 70031125000000000000000♠1,125 mi 1,811 km [n 15] 34°34′35′′′′N 99°57′54′′′′′W / 34.57639°N 99.96500°W / 34.57639; -99.96500 (Red River (kilde)) 31°01′10′′′′N 91°44′52′′′′′W / 31.01944°N 91.74778°W / 31.01944; -91.74778 (Red River (munding)) 70046559000000000000000♠65,590 mi2 169,890 km2 [n 16] 7004301000000000000♠30,100 ft3/s 852 m3/s [n 17] Oklahomas, Texas, Arkansas, Louisianam 9 Snake River Columbia-floden 70031040000000000000000♠1,040 mi 1,674 km 44°07′49′′′′N 110°13′10′′′′′W / 44.13028°N 110.21944°W / 44.13028; -110.21944 (Snake River (kilde)) 46°11′10′′′′N 119°01′43′′′′′W / 46.18611°N 119.02861°W / 46.18611; -119.02861 (Snake River (munding)) 7005108000000000000♠108,000 mi2 281.000 km2 7004553000000000000♠55,300 ft3/s 1.565 m3/s Wyomings, Idaho, Oregon, Washingtonm 10 Ohio River Mississippi-floden 70029790000000000000000♠979 mi 1.575 km 40°26′34′′′′N 80°01′02′′′′′W / 40.44278°N 80.01722°W / 40.44278; -80.01722 (Ohio River (kilde)) 36°59′12′′′′N 89°07′50′′′′′W / 36.98667°N 89.13056°W / 36.98667; -89.13056 (Ohio River (udmunding)) 7005204000000000000♠204,000 mi2 529.000 km2 7005308400000000000♠308,400 ft3/s 8.733 m3/s Pennsylvanien, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Kentuckym 11 Colorado River i Texas Den Mexicanske Golf 70029700000000000000000♠970 mi 1.560 km 32°40′47′′′′N 101°43′51′′′′′W / 32.67972°N 101.73083°W / 32.67972; -101.73083 (Colorado River of Texas (kilde))) 28°35′41′′′′N 95°58′59′′′′′W / 28.59472°N 95.98306°W / 28.59472; -95.98306 (Colorado River of Texas (udmunding)) 70043990000000000000000♠39,900 mi2 103.341 km2 7003260000000000000♠2,600 ft3/s 75 m3/s Texass, m 12 Tennessee-floden Ohio River 70029350000000000000000♠935 mi 1.504 km 35°57′33′′′′N 83°51′01′′′′′W / 35.95917°N 83.85028°W / 35.95917; -83.85028 (Tennessee River (kilde)) 37°04′02′′′′N 88°33′53′′′′′W / 37.06722°N 88.56472°W / 37.06722; -88.56472 (Tennessee River (udløb)) 7004408888000000000000000♠40,880 mi2 105.870 km2 7004710000000000000♠71,000 ft3/s 2.000 m3/s Tennessees, Alabama, Kentuckym 13 Canadian River Arkansas-floden 70029060000000000000000♠906 mi 1.458 km 37°01′11′′′′N 105°04′33′′′′′W / 37.01972°N 105.07583°W / 37.01972; -105.07583 (Canadian River (kilde)) 35°27′12′′′′N 95°01′58′′′′′W / 35.45333°N 95.03278°W / 35.45333; -95.03278 (Canadian River (udløb)) 70044713000000000000000♠47,130 mi2 122,070 km2 7003610000000000000♠6,100 ft3/s 174 m3/s Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahomam 14 Brazos-floden Den Mexicanske Golf 70028600000000000000000♠860 mi 1.390 km 33°16′07′′′′N 100°00′37′′′′′W / 33.26861°N 100.01028°W / 33.26861; -100.01028 (Brazos-floden (kilde)) 28°52′33′′′′N 95°22′42′′′′′W / 28.87583°N 95.37833°W / 28.87583; -95.37833 (Brazos-floden (udløb)) 7004446200000000000♠44,620 mi2 115.566 km2 7003880000000000000♠8,800 ft3/s 249 m3/s Texass, m 15 Green River Colorado River 7002760000000000000♠760 mi 1.230 km 43°09′13′′′′N 109°40′18′′′′′W / 43.15361°N 109.67167°W / 43.15361; -109.67167 (Green River (kilde)) 38°11′21′′′′N 109°53′07′′′′′W / 38.18917°N 109.88528°W / 38.18917; -109.88528 (Green River (udløb))) 70044490000000000000000♠44,900 mi2 116,200 km2 7003610000000000000♠6,100 ft3/s 172 m3/s Wyomings, Colorado, Utahm 16 Pecos-floden Rio Grande 70027300000000000000000♠730 mi 1,175 km 35°58′34′′′′N 105°33′29′′′′′W / 35.97611°N 105.55806°W / 35.97611; -105.55806 (Pecos River (kilde)) 29°41′59′′′′N 101°22′17′′′′′W / 29.69972°N 101.37139°W / 29.69972; -101.37139 (Pecos River (udløb)) 70044400000000000000000♠44,000 mi2 113 960 km2 70017100000000000000000♠71 ft3/s 2 m3/s New Mexicos, Texasm 17 White River (Arkansas) Mississippi-floden 70027200000000000000000♠720 mi 1.159 km 35°50′20′′′′N 93°36′16′′′′′W / 35.83889°N 93.60444°W / 35.83889; -93.60444 (White River (kilde)) 33°57′05′′′′N 91°04′53′′′′′W / 33.95139°N 91.08139°W / 33.95139; -91.08139 (White River (udløb)) 70042787200000000000000♠27,872 mi2 72,189 km2 7004346000000000000♠34,600 ft3/s 979 m3/s Arkansass, m, Missouri 18 James River [n 18] Missouri-floden 70027100000000000000000♠710 mi 1,140 km 47°28′53′′′′N 99°51′32′′′′′W / 47.48139°N 99.85889°W / 47.48139; -99.85889 (James River (kilde)) 42°52′17′′′′N 97°17′26′′′′′W / 42.87139°N 97.29056°W / 42.87139; -97.29056 (James River (udløb))) 70042094200000000000000♠20,942 mi2 54.240 km2 70028540000000000000000♠854 ft3/s 24,2 m3/s [n 19] North Dakotas, South Dakotam 19 Kuskokwim-floden Beringhavet 70027020000000000000000♠702 mi 1.130 km 63°05′16′′′′N 154°38′33′′′′′W / 63.08778°N 154.64250°W / 63.08778; -154.64250 (Kuskokwim-floden (kilde)) 60°04′59′′′′N 162°20′02′′′′′W / 60.08306°N 162.33389°W / 60.08306; -162.33389 (Kuskokwim-floden (udmunding)) 70044800000000000000000♠48,000 mi2 124.319 km2 7004670000000000000♠67,000 ft3s 1.900 m3/s Alaskas, m 20 Cimarron-floden Arkansas-floden 70026980000000000000000♠698 mi 1.123 km 36°54′24′′′′N 102°59′12′′′′′W / 36.90667°N 102.98667°W / 36.90667; -102.98667 ("Cimarron River (kilde)) 36°10′14′′′′N 96°16′19′′′′′W / 36.17056°N 96.27194°W / 36.17056; -96.27194 (Cimarron-floden (udløb)) 7004195100000000000♠19,510 mi2 50,540 km2 7003150000000000000♠1,500 ft3/s 42 m3/s Oklahomas, m, Colorado, Kansas 21 Cumberland River Ohio River 70026960000000000000000♠696 mi 1.120 km 36°50′42′′′′N 83°19′26′′′′′W / 36.84500°N 83.32389°W / 36.84500; -83.32389 (Cumberland River (kilde)) 37°08′36′′′′N 88°24′27′′′′′W / 37.14333°N 88.40750°W / 37.14333; -88.40750 (Cumberland River (munding)) 70041793000000000000000♠17,930 mi2 46.430 km2 7004410000000000000♠41,000 ft3/s 862 m3/s Kentuckys, m, Tennessee 22 Yellowstone River Missouri River 70026780000000000000000♠678 mi 1.091 km 43°59′18′′′′N 109°55′45′′′′′W / 43.98833°N 109.92917°W / 43.98833; -109.92917 (Yellowstone River (kilde)) 47°58′42′′′′N 103°58′56′′′′′W / 47.97833°N 103.98222°W / 47.97833; -103.98222 (Yellowstone River (udløb))) 70047040000000000000000♠70,400 mi2 182.336 km2 7004128000000000000♠12,800 ft3/s 362 m3/s Wyomings, Montana, North Dakotam 23 North Platte River Platte River 70026650000000000000000♠665 mi 1.070 km 40°38′23′′′′N 106°24′19′′′′′W / 40.63972°N 106.40528°W / 40.63972; -106.40528 (North Platte River (kilde)) 41°06′50′′′′N 100°40′33′′′′′W / 41.11389°N 100.67583°W / 41.11389; -100.67583 (North Platte River (munding)) 70043488500000000000000♠34,885 mi2 90,352 km2 70027700000000000000000♠770 ft3/s 21,9 m3/s Colorados, Wyoming, Nebraskam 24 Milk River Missouri-floden 70026250000000000000000♠625 mi 1.005 km[n 20] 48°51′20′′′′N 113°01′10′′′′′W / 48.85556°N 113.01944°W / 48.85556; -113.01944 (Milk River (kilde)) 48°03′26′′′′N 106°19′07′′′′′W / 48.05722°N 106.31861°W / 48.05722; -106.31861 (Milk River (udløb)) 70042233200000000000000♠22,332 mi2 57.839 km2 [n 21] 70026700000000000000000♠670 ft3/s 18,9 m3/s Alberta, Montanas, m 25 Ouachita-floden Black River 70026050000000000000000♠605 mi 974 km 31°41′56′′′′N 94°19′57′′′′′W / 31.69889°N 94.33250°W / 31.69889; -94.33250 (Ouachita River (kilde)) 31°37′53′′′′N 91°48′25′′′′′W / 31.63139°N 91.80694°W / 31.63139; -91.80694 (Ouachita-floden (udmunding)) 70042488600000000000000♠24,886 mi2 64,454 km2 7004298000000000000♠29,800 ft3/s 843 m3/s Arkansass, Louisianam 26 Saint Lawrence-floden Saint Lawrence-bugten 70026000000000000000000♠600 mi 965 km [n 22] 44°05′55′′′′N 76°23′28′′′′′W / 44.09861°N 76.39111°W / 44.09861; -76.39111 (Saint Lawrence-floden (kilde)) 49°40′00′′′′N 64°30′00′′′′′W / 49.66667°N 64.50000°W / 49.66667; -64.50000 (Saint Lawrence-floden (munding)) 7005620000000000000♠620,000 mi2 1.600.000 km2 [n 23] 7005440000000000000♠440,000 ft3/s 12.600 m3/s [n 24] New Yorks, Ontarios, Quebecm 27 Gila-floden Colorado River 70026000000000000000000♠600 mi 960 km 33°10′47′′′′N 108°12′22′′′′′W / 33.17972°N 108.20611°W / 33.17972; -108.20611 (Gila-floden (kilde)) 32°43′11′11′′′′N 114°33′19′′′′′W / 32.71972°N 114.55528°W / 32.71972; -114.55528 (Gila-floden (udløb)) 70045785000000000000000♠57,850 mi2 149.832 km2 [n 25] 70022100000000000000000♠210 ft3/s 6 m3/s [n 26] New Mexicos, Arizonam 28 Sheyenne River Red River of te North 70025910000000000000000♠591 mi 951 km 47°41′46′′′′N 100°29′52′′′′′W / 47.69611°N 100.49778°W / 47.69611; -100.49778 (Sheyenne River (kilde)) 47°01′25′′′′N 96°49′31′′′′′W / 47.02361°N 96.82528°W / 47.02361; -96.82528 (Sheyenne River (udløb)) 70038800000000000000000♠8,800 mi2 23.000 km2 [n 27] 70022880000000000000000♠288 ft3/s 8,2 m3/s [n 28] North Dakotas, m 29 Tanana River Yukon-floden 70025840000000000000000♠584 mi 940 km [n 29] 63°02′57′′′′N 141°51′52′′′′′W / 63.04917°N 141.86444°W / 63.04917; -141.86444 (Tanana River (kilde)) 65°09′38′′′′N 151°57′37′′′′′W / 65.16056°N 151.96028°W / 65.16056; -151.96028 (Tanana River (udløb))) 70044400000000000000000♠44,000 mi2 114.000 km2 7004418000000000000♠41,800 ft3/s 1.185 m3/s Alaskas, m 30 Smoky Hill River Kansas River 70025760000000000000000♠576 mi 927 km 38°57′01′′′′N 102°34′49′′′′′W / 38.95028°N 102.58028°W / 38.95028; -102.58028 (Smoky Hill River (kilde)) 39°03′36′′′′N 96°48′04′′′′′W / 39.06000°N 96.80111°W / 39.06000; -96.80111 (Smoky Hill (udløb)) 70041926000000000000000♠19,260 mi2 49.900 km2 [n 30] 7003154200000000000♠1,542 ft3/s 43,7 m3/s [n 31] Colorados, Kansasm 31 Niobrara-floden Missouri-floden 70025680000000000000000♠568 mi 914 km 42°49′15′′′′N 104°38′50′′′′′W / 42.82083°N 104.64722°W / 42.82083; -104.64722 (Niobrara River (kilde)) 42°45′58′′′′N 98°02′50′′′′′W / 42.76611°N 98.04722°W / 42.76611; -98.04722 (Niobrara River (udløb)) 70041260000000000000000♠12,600 mi2 32,600 km2 7003170000000000000♠1,700 ft3/s 49 m3/s Wyomings, Nebraskam 32 Little Missouri River Missouri River 70025600000000000000000♠560 mi 900 km 44°32′25′′′′N 104°59′57′′′′′W / 44.54028°N 104.99917°W / 44.54028; -104.99917 ("Little Missouri River (kilde)) 47°36′38′′′′N 102°52′24′′′′′W / 47.61056°N 102.87333°W / 47.61056; -102.87333 (Little Missouri River (munding)) 70038310000000000000000♠8,310 mi2 21,500 km2 [n 32] 70024500000000000000000♠450 ft3/s 13 m3/s [n 33] Wyomings, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakotam 33 Sabine River Den Mexicanske Golf 70025530000000000000000♠553 mi 890 km 32°48′29′′′′N 95°55′14′′′′′W / 32.80806°N 95.92056°W / 32.80806; -95.92056 (Sabine River (kilde)) 29°59′08′′′′N 93°47′26′′′′′W / 29.98556°N 93.79056°W / 29.98556; -93.79056 (Sabine River (udmunding)) 70039756756000000000000000♠9,756 mi2 25,268 km2 7003840000000000000♠8,400 ft3/s 238 m3/s Texass, Louisianam 34 Red River of te North Winnipeg-søen 70025500000000000000000♠550 mi 890 km [n 34] 46°15′52′′′′N 96°35′55′′′′′W / 46.26444°N 96.59861°W / 46.26444; -96.59861 (Red River of te North (kilde)) 50°23′47′′′′N 96°48′39′′′′′W / 50.39639°N 96.81083°W / 50.39639; -96.81083 (Red River (munding)) 7005111000000000000♠111,000 mi2 287.500 km2 [n 35] 7003830000000000000♠8,300 ft3/s 236 m3/s North Dakotas, Minnesotas, Manitobam 35 Des Moines River Mississippi-floden 7002525250000000000000000♠525 mi 845 km 44°05′02′′′′N 95°41′17′′′′′W / 44.08389°N 95.68806°W / 44.08389; -95.68806 (Des Moines (kilde)) 41°22′52′′′′N 91°25′21′′′′′W / 41.38111°N 91.42250°W / 41.38111; -91.42250 (Des Moines River (udmunding)) 70041201800000000000000♠12,018 mi2 31,127 km2 7003640000000000000♠6,400 ft3/s 182 m3/s Minnesotas, Missouri, Iowam 36 White River (Missouri-floden) Missouri River 70025060000000000000000♠506 mi 815 km 42°41′10′′′′N 103°50′14′′′′′W / 42.68611°N 103.83722°W / 42.68611; -103.83722 (White River (kilde)) 43°42′50′′′′N 99°28′01′′′′′W / 43.71389°N 99.46694°W / 43.71389; -99.46694 (White River (udløb)) 70041020020000000000000000♠10,200 mi2 26,418 km2 70025700000000000000000♠570 ft3/s 16 m3/s Nebraskas, South Dakotam 37 Trinity-floden Galveston Bay 70025060000000000000000♠506 mi 815 km 32°47′54′′′′N 96°53′52′′′′′W / 32.79833°N 96.89778°W / 32.79833; -96.89778 (Trinity River (kilde)) 29°44′35′′′′N 94°42′12′′′′′W / 29.74306°N 94.70333°W / 29.74306; -94.70333 (Trinity River (udløb)) 70041797000000000000000♠17,970 mi2 46,540 km2 7003780000000000000♠7,800 ft3/s 222 m3/s Texass, m 38 Wabash-floden Ohio River 70025030000000000000000♠503 mi 810 km 40°21′07′′′′N 84°45′57′′′′′W / 40.35194°N 84.76583°W / 40.35194; -84.76583 (Wabash River (kilde)) 37°47′53′′′′N 88°01′38′′′′′W / 37.79806°N 88.02722°W / 37.79806; -88.02722 (Wabash River (udløb)) 70043295000000000000000♠32,950 mi2 85.340 km2</ref> 7003100100000000000♠1,001 ft3/s 28 m3/s Ohios, Indianam, Illinoism
{ "text": [ "Mississippi River" ], "answer_start": [ 177 ] }
List of longest rivers of the United States (by main stem) Longest main-stem rivers of the United States # Name Mouth Length Source coordinates Mouth coordinates Watershed area Discharge States, provinces, and image 1 Missouri River Mississippi River 7003234100000000000♠2,341 mi 3,768 km 45°55′39′′N 111°30′29′′W / 45.92750°N 111.50806°W / 45.92750; -111.50806 (Missouri River (source)) 38°48′49′′N 90°07′11′′W / 38.81361°N 90.11972°W / 38.81361; -90.11972 (Missouri River (mouth)) 7005529353000000000♠529,353 mi2 1,371,017 km2 [n 2] 7004691000000000000♠69,100 ft3/s 1,956 m3/s [n 3] Montanas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missourim 2 Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico 7003220200000000000♠2,202 mi 3,544 km [n 4] 47°14′22′′N 95°12′29′′W / 47.23944°N 95.20806°W / 47.23944; -95.20806 (Mississippi River (source)) 29°09′04′′N 89°15′12′′W / 29.15111°N 89.25333°W / 29.15111; -89.25333 (Mississippi River (mouth)) 7006126000000000000♠1,260,000 mi2 3,270,000 km2 [n 5] 7005650000000000000♠650,000 ft3/s 18,400 m3/s Minnesotas, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisianam 3 Yukon River Bering Sea 7003197900000000000♠1,979 mi 3,185 km [n 6] 59°35′00′′N 133°47′00′′W / 59.58333°N 133.78333°W / 59.58333; -133.78333 (Yukon River (source)) 62°35′55′′N 164°48′00′′W / 62.59861°N 164.80000°W / 62.59861; -164.80000 (Yukon River (mouth)) 7005324000000000000♠324,000 mi2 839,200 km2 [n 7] 7005224000000000000♠224,000 ft3/s 6,340 m3/s British Columbias, Yukon Territory, Alaskam 4 Rio Grande Gulf of Mexico 7003175900000000000♠1,759 mi 2,830 km [n 8] 37°47′52′′N 107°32′18′′W / 37.79778°N 107.53833°W / 37.79778; -107.53833 (Rio Grande (source)) 25°57′22′′N 97°08′43′′W / 25.95611°N 97.14528°W / 25.95611; -97.14528 (Rio Grande (mouth)) 7005340000000000000♠340,000 mi2 870,000 km2 [n 9] 7003130000000000000♠1,300 ft3/s 37 m3/s Colorados, New Mexico, Texasm, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipasm 5 Colorado River Gulf of California 7003145000000000000♠1,450 mi 2,330 km [n 10] 40°28′20′′N 105°49′34′′W / 40.47222°N 105.82611°W / 40.47222; -105.82611 (Colorado River (source)) 31°48′57′′N 114°48′22′′W / 31.81583°N 114.80611°W / 31.81583; -114.80611 (Colorado River (mouth)) 7005248000000000000♠248,000 mi2 642,000 km2 [n 11] 7003140000000000000♠1,400 ft3/s 40 m3/s Colorados, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Sonoram, Baja Californiam 6 Arkansas River Mississippi River 7003144300000000000♠1,443 mi 2,322 km [n 12] 39°15′30′′N 106°20′38′′W / 39.25833°N 106.34389°W / 39.25833; -106.34389 (Arkansas River (source)) 33°46′30′′N 91°04′15′′W / 33.77500°N 91.07083°W / 33.77500; -91.07083 (Arkansas River (mouth)) 7005160200000000000♠160,200 mi2 414,910 km2 7004355000000000000♠35,500 ft3/s 1,004 m3/s Colorados, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansasm 7 Columbia River Pacific Ocean 7003124300000000000♠1,243 mi 2,000 km [n 13] 50°13′00′′N 115°51′00′′W / 50.21667°N 115.85000°W / 50.21667; -115.85000 (Columbia River (source)) 46°14′39′′N 124°03′29′′W / 46.24417°N 124.05806°W / 46.24417; -124.05806 (Columbia River (mouth)) 7005279548000000000♠279,548 mi2 724,024 km2 [n 14] 7005273000000000000♠273,000 ft3/s 7,730 m3/s British Columbias, Washingtonm, Oregonm 8 Red River Atchafalaya and Mississippi rivers 7003112500000000000♠1,125 mi 1,811 km [n 15] 34°34′35′′N 99°57′54′′W / 34.57639°N 99.96500°W / 34.57639; -99.96500 (Red River (source)) 31°01′10′′N 91°44′52′′W / 31.01944°N 91.74778°W / 31.01944; -91.74778 (Red River (mouth)) 7004655900000000000♠65,590 mi2 169,890 km2 [n 16] 7004301000000000000♠30,100 ft3/s 852 m3/s [n 17] Oklahomas, Texas, Arkansas, Louisianam 9 Snake River Columbia River 7003104000000000000♠1,040 mi 1,674 km 44°07′49′′N 110°13′10′′W / 44.13028°N 110.21944°W / 44.13028; -110.21944 (Snake River (source)) 46°11′10′′N 119°01′43′′W / 46.18611°N 119.02861°W / 46.18611; -119.02861 (Snake River (mouth)) 7005108000000000000♠108,000 mi2 281,000 km2 7004553000000000000♠55,300 ft3/s 1,565 m3/s Wyomings, Idaho, Oregon, Washingtonm 10 Ohio River Mississippi River 7002979000000000000♠979 mi 1,575 km 40°26′34′′N 80°01′02′′W / 40.44278°N 80.01722°W / 40.44278; -80.01722 (Ohio River (source)) 36°59′12′′N 89°07′50′′W / 36.98667°N 89.13056°W / 36.98667; -89.13056 (Ohio River (mouth)) 7005204000000000000♠204,000 mi2 529,000 km2 7005308400000000000♠308,400 ft3/s 8,733 m3/s Pennsylvanias, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Kentuckym 11 Colorado River of Texas Gulf of Mexico 7002970000000000000♠970 mi 1,560 km 32°40′47′′N 101°43′51′′W / 32.67972°N 101.73083°W / 32.67972; -101.73083 (Colorado River of Texas (source))) 28°35′41′′N 95°58′59′′W / 28.59472°N 95.98306°W / 28.59472; -95.98306 (Colorado River of Texas (mouth)) 7004399000000000000♠39,900 mi2 103,341 km2 7003260000000000000♠2,600 ft3/s 75 m3/s Texass, m 12 Tennessee River Ohio River 7002935000000000000♠935 mi 1,504 km 35°57′33′′N 83°51′01′′W / 35.95917°N 83.85028°W / 35.95917; -83.85028 (Tennessee River (source)) 37°04′02′′N 88°33′53′′W / 37.06722°N 88.56472°W / 37.06722; -88.56472 (Tennessee River (mouth)) 7004408800000000000♠40,880 mi2 105,870 km2 7004710000000000000♠71,000 ft3/s 2,000 m3/s Tennessees, Alabama, Kentuckym 13 Canadian River Arkansas River 7002906000000000000♠906 mi 1,458 km 37°01′11′′N 105°04′33′′W / 37.01972°N 105.07583°W / 37.01972; -105.07583 (Canadian River (source)) 35°27′12′′N 95°01′58′′W / 35.45333°N 95.03278°W / 35.45333; -95.03278 (Canadian River (mouth)) 7004471300000000000♠47,130 mi2 122,070 km2 7003610000000000000♠6,100 ft3/s 174 m3/s Colorados, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahomam 14 Brazos River Gulf of Mexico 7002860000000000000♠860 mi 1,390 km 33°16′07′′N 100°00′37′′W / 33.26861°N 100.01028°W / 33.26861; -100.01028 (Brazos River (source)) 28°52′33′′N 95°22′42′′W / 28.87583°N 95.37833°W / 28.87583; -95.37833 (Brazos River (mouth)) 7004446200000000000♠44,620 mi2 115,566 km2 7003880000000000000♠8,800 ft3/s 249 m3/s Texass, m 15 Green River Colorado River 7002760000000000000♠760 mi 1,230 km 43°09′13′′N 109°40′18′′W / 43.15361°N 109.67167°W / 43.15361; -109.67167 (Green River (source)) 38°11′21′′N 109°53′07′′W / 38.18917°N 109.88528°W / 38.18917; -109.88528 (Green River (mouth)) 7004449000000000000♠44,900 mi2 116,200 km2 7003610000000000000♠6,100 ft3/s 172 m3/s Wyomings, Colorado, Utahm 16 Pecos River Rio Grande 7002730000000000000♠730 mi 1,175 km 35°58′34′′N 105°33′29′′W / 35.97611°N 105.55806°W / 35.97611; -105.55806 (Pecos River (source)) 29°41′59′′N 101°22′17′′W / 29.69972°N 101.37139°W / 29.69972; -101.37139 (Pecos River (mouth)) 7004440000000000000♠44,000 mi2 113,960 km2 7001710000000000000♠71 ft3/s 2 m3/s New Mexicos, Texasm 17 White River (Arkansas) Mississippi River 7002720000000000000♠720 mi 1,159 km 35°50′20′′N 93°36′16′′W / 35.83889°N 93.60444°W / 35.83889; -93.60444 (White River (source)) 33°57′05′′N 91°04′53′′W / 33.95139°N 91.08139°W / 33.95139; -91.08139 (White River (mouth)) 7004278720000000000♠27,872 mi2 72,189 km2 7004346000000000000♠34,600 ft3/s 979 m3/s Arkansass, m, Missouri 18 James River [n 18] Missouri River 7002710000000000000♠710 mi 1,140 km 47°28′53′′N 99°51′32′′W / 47.48139°N 99.85889°W / 47.48139; -99.85889 (James River (source)) 42°52′17′′N 97°17′26′′W / 42.87139°N 97.29056°W / 42.87139; -97.29056 (James River (mouth)) 7004209420000000000♠20,942 mi2 54,240 km2 7002854000000000000♠854 ft3/s 24.2 m3/s [n 19] North Dakotas, South Dakotam 19 Kuskokwim River Bering Sea 7002702000000000000♠702 mi 1,130 km 63°05′16′′N 154°38′33′′W / 63.08778°N 154.64250°W / 63.08778; -154.64250 (Kuskokwim River (source)) 60°04′59′′N 162°20′02′′W / 60.08306°N 162.33389°W / 60.08306; -162.33389 (Kuskokwim River (mouth)) 7004480000000000000♠48,000 mi2 124,319 km2 7004670000000000000♠67,000 ft3s 1,900 m3/s Alaskas, m 20 Cimarron River Arkansas River 7002698000000000000♠698 mi 1,123 km 36°54′24′′N 102°59′12′′W / 36.90667°N 102.98667°W / 36.90667; -102.98667 ("Cimarron River (source)) 36°10′14′′N 96°16′19′′W / 36.17056°N 96.27194°W / 36.17056; -96.27194 (Cimarron River (mouth)) 7004195100000000000♠19,510 mi2 50,540 km2 7003150000000000000♠1,500 ft3/s 42 m3/s Oklahomas, m, Colorado, Kansas 21 Cumberland River Ohio River 7002696000000000000♠696 mi 1,120 km 36°50′42′′N 83°19′26′′W / 36.84500°N 83.32389°W / 36.84500; -83.32389 (Cumberland River (source)) 37°08′36′′N 88°24′27′′W / 37.14333°N 88.40750°W / 37.14333; -88.40750 (Cumberland River (mouth)) 7004179300000000000♠17,930 mi2 46,430 km2 7004410000000000000♠41,000 ft3/s 862 m3/s Kentuckys, m, Tennessee 22 Yellowstone River Missouri River 7002678000000000000♠678 mi 1,091 km 43°59′18′′N 109°55′45′′W / 43.98833°N 109.92917°W / 43.98833; -109.92917 (Yellowstone River (source)) 47°58′42′′N 103°58′56′′W / 47.97833°N 103.98222°W / 47.97833; -103.98222 (Yellowstone River (mouth)) 7004704000000000000♠70,400 mi2 182,336 km2 7004128000000000000♠12,800 ft3/s 362 m3/s Wyomings, Montana, North Dakotam 23 North Platte River Platte River 7002665000000000000♠665 mi 1,070 km 40°38′23′′N 106°24′19′′W / 40.63972°N 106.40528°W / 40.63972; -106.40528 (North Platte River (source)) 41°06′50′′N 100°40′33′′W / 41.11389°N 100.67583°W / 41.11389; -100.67583 (North Platte River (mouth)) 7004348850000000000♠34,885 mi2 90,352 km2 7002770000000000000♠770 ft3/s 21.9 m3/s Colorados, Wyoming, Nebraskam 24 Milk River Missouri River 7002625000000000000♠625 mi 1,005 km[n 20] 48°51′20′′N 113°01′10′′W / 48.85556°N 113.01944°W / 48.85556; -113.01944 (Milk River (source)) 48°03′26′′N 106°19′07′′W / 48.05722°N 106.31861°W / 48.05722; -106.31861 (Milk River (mouth)) 7004223320000000000♠22,332 mi2 57,839 km2 [n 21] 7002670000000000000♠670 ft3/s 18.9 m3/s Alberta, Montanas, m 25 Ouachita River Black River 7002605000000000000♠605 mi 974 km 31°41′56′′N 94°19′57′′W / 31.69889°N 94.33250°W / 31.69889; -94.33250 (Ouachita River (source)) 31°37′53′′N 91°48′25′′W / 31.63139°N 91.80694°W / 31.63139; -91.80694 (Ouachita River (mouth)) 7004248860000000000♠24,886 mi2 64,454 km2 7004298000000000000♠29,800 ft3/s 843 m3/s Arkansass, Louisianam 26 Saint Lawrence River Gulf of Saint Lawrence 7002600000000000000♠600 mi 965 km [n 22] 44°05′55′′N 76°23′28′′W / 44.09861°N 76.39111°W / 44.09861; -76.39111 (St. Lawrence River (source)) 49°40′00′′N 64°30′00′′W / 49.66667°N 64.50000°W / 49.66667; -64.50000 (Saint Lawrence River (mouth)) 7005620000000000000♠620,000 mi2 1,600,000 km2 [n 23] 7005440000000000000♠440,000 ft3/s 12,600 m3/s [n 24] New Yorks, Ontarios, Quebecm 27 Gila River Colorado River 7002600000000000000♠600 mi 960 km 33°10′47′′N 108°12′22′′W / 33.17972°N 108.20611°W / 33.17972; -108.20611 (Gila River (source)) 32°43′11′′N 114°33′19′′W / 32.71972°N 114.55528°W / 32.71972; -114.55528 (Gila River (mouth)) 7004578500000000000♠57,850 mi2 149,832 km2 [n 25] 7002210000000000000♠210 ft3/s 6 m3/s [n 26] New Mexicos, Arizonam 28 Sheyenne River Red River of the North 7002591000000000000♠591 mi 951 km 47°41′46′′N 100°29′52′′W / 47.69611°N 100.49778°W / 47.69611; -100.49778 (Sheyenne River (source)) 47°01′25′′N 96°49′31′′W / 47.02361°N 96.82528°W / 47.02361; -96.82528 (Sheyenne River (mouth)) 7003880000000000000♠8,800 mi2 23,000 km2 [n 27] 7002288000000000000♠288 ft3/s 8.2 m3/s [n 28] North Dakotas, m 29 Tanana River Yukon River 7002584000000000000♠584 mi 940 km [n 29] 63°02′57′′N 141°51′52′′W / 63.04917°N 141.86444°W / 63.04917; -141.86444 (Tanana River (source)) 65°09′38′′N 151°57′37′′W / 65.16056°N 151.96028°W / 65.16056; -151.96028 (Tanana River (mouth)) 7004440000000000000♠44,000 mi2 114,000 km2 7004418000000000000♠41,800 ft3/s 1,185 m3/s Alaskas, m 30 Smoky Hill River Kansas River 7002576000000000000♠576 mi 927 km 38°57′01′′N 102°34′49′′W / 38.95028°N 102.58028°W / 38.95028; -102.58028 (Smoky Hill River (source)) 39°03′36′′N 96°48′04′′W / 39.06000°N 96.80111°W / 39.06000; -96.80111 (Smoky Hill (mouth)) 7004192600000000000♠19,260 mi2 49,900 km2 [n 30] 7003154200000000000♠1,542 ft3/s 43.7 m3/s [n 31] Colorados, Kansasm 31 Niobrara River Missouri River 7002568000000000000♠568 mi 914 km 42°49′15′′N 104°38′50′′W / 42.82083°N 104.64722°W / 42.82083; -104.64722 (Niobrara River (source)) 42°45′58′′N 98°02′50′′W / 42.76611°N 98.04722°W / 42.76611; -98.04722 (Niobrara River (mouth)) 7004126000000000000♠12,600 mi2 32,600 km2 7003170000000000000♠1,700 ft3/s 49 m3/s Wyomings, Nebraskam 32 Little Missouri River Missouri River 7002560000000000000♠560 mi 900 km 44°32′25′′N 104°59′57′′W / 44.54028°N 104.99917°W / 44.54028; -104.99917 ("Little Missouri River (source)) 47°36′38′′N 102°52′24′′W / 47.61056°N 102.87333°W / 47.61056; -102.87333 (Little Missouri River (mouth)) 7003831000000000000♠8,310 mi2 21,500 km2 [n 32] 7002450000000000000♠450 ft3/s 13 m3/s [n 33] Wyomings, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakotam 33 Sabine River Gulf of Mexico 7002553000000000000♠553 mi 890 km 32°48′29′′N 95°55′14′′W / 32.80806°N 95.92056°W / 32.80806; -95.92056 (Sabine River (source)) 29°59′08′′N 93°47′26′′W / 29.98556°N 93.79056°W / 29.98556; -93.79056 (Sabine River (mouth)) 7003975600000000000♠9,756 mi2 25,268 km2 7003840000000000000♠8,400 ft3/s 238 m3/s Texass, Louisianam 34 Red River of the North Lake Winnipeg 7002550000000000000♠550 mi 890 km [n 34] 46°15′52′′N 96°35′55′′W / 46.26444°N 96.59861°W / 46.26444; -96.59861 (Red River of the North (source)) 50°23′47′′N 96°48′39′′W / 50.39639°N 96.81083°W / 50.39639; -96.81083 (Red River (mouth)) 7005111000000000000♠111,000 mi2 287,500 km2 [n 35] 7003830000000000000♠8,300 ft3/s 236 m3/s North Dakotas, Minnesotas, Manitobam 35 Des Moines River Mississippi River 7002525000000000000♠525 mi 845 km 44°05′02′′N 95°41′17′′W / 44.08389°N 95.68806°W / 44.08389; -95.68806 (Des Moines (source)) 41°22′52′′N 91°25′21′′W / 41.38111°N 91.42250°W / 41.38111; -91.42250 (Des Moines River (mouth)) 7004120180000000000♠12,018 mi2 31,127 km2 7003640000000000000♠6,400 ft3/s 182 m3/s Minnesotas, Missouri, Iowam 36 White River (Missouri River) Missouri River 7002506000000000000♠506 mi 815 km 42°41′10′′N 103°50′14′′W / 42.68611°N 103.83722°W / 42.68611; -103.83722 (White River (source)) 43°42′50′′N 99°28′01′′W / 43.71389°N 99.46694°W / 43.71389; -99.46694 (White River (mouth)) 7004102000000000000♠10,200 mi2 26,418 km2 7002570000000000000♠570 ft3/s 16 m3/s Nebraskas, South Dakotam 37 Trinity River Galveston Bay 7002506000000000000♠506 mi 815 km 32°47′54′′N 96°53′52′′W / 32.79833°N 96.89778°W / 32.79833; -96.89778 (Trinity River (source)) 29°44′35′′N 94°42′12′′W / 29.74306°N 94.70333°W / 29.74306; -94.70333 (Trinity River (mouth)) 7004179700000000000♠17,970 mi2 46,540 km2 7003780000000000000♠7,800 ft3/s 222 m3/s Texass, m 38 Wabash River Ohio River 7002503000000000000♠503 mi 810 km 40°21′07′′N 84°45′57′′W / 40.35194°N 84.76583°W / 40.35194; -84.76583 (Wabash River (source)) 37°47′53′′N 88°01′38′′W / 37.79806°N 88.02722°W / 37.79806; -88.02722 (Wabash River (mouth)) 7004329500000000000♠32,950 mi2 85,340 km2</ref> 7003100100000000000♠1,001 ft3/s 28 m3/s Ohios, Indianam, Illinoism
List of longest rivers of the United States (by main stem)
Hvornår blev filmen disorderlies udgivet?
{ "text": [ "1987" ], "answer_start": [ 35 ] }
Disorderlies er en komediefilm fra 1987 med rapgruppen The Fat Boys og Ralph Bellamy i hovedrollerne.
{ "text": [ "1987" ], "answer_start": [ 18 ] }
Disorderlies is a 1987 comedy film starring the rap group, The Fat Boys, and Ralph Bellamy.
Robin williams never had a friend like me?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Friend Like Me" er en sang fra Disney-filmen Aladdin fra 1992. Den blev sunget af Robin Williams i sin rolle som Genie. Sangen blev nomineret til en Oscar for bedste originale sang ved den 65. Oscar-uddeling og til en Golden Globe Award for bedste originale sang ved den 50. Golden Globe Award i 1993.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Friend Like Me" is a song from the 1992 Disney film Aladdin. It was performed by Robin Williams in his role as the Genie. The song was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song at the 65th Academy Awards and the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song at the 50th Golden Globe Awards in 1993.
Friend Like Me
Hvem gifter ted sig med i how i met your mother?
{ "text": [ "The Mother" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
The Mother (How I Met Your Mother) Tracy McConnell, bedre kendt som "The Mother", er titelpersonen fra CBS tv-serien How I Met Your Mother. Showet, som fortælles af Future Ted, fortæller historien om, hvordan Ted Mosby mødte The Mother. Tracy McConnell optræder i 8 afsnit fra "Lucky Penny" til "The Time Travelers" som en usynlig karakter; hun blev først set fuldt ud i "Something New" og blev forfremmet til en hovedperson i sæson 9. Moderen spilles af Cristin Milioti.
{ "text": [ "The Mother" ], "answer_start": [ 34 ] }
The Mother (How I Met Your Mother) Tracy McConnell, better known as "The Mother", is the title character from the CBS television sitcom How I Met Your Mother. The show, narrated by Future Ted, tells the story of how Ted Mosby met The Mother. Tracy McConnell appears in 8 episodes from "Lucky Penny" to "The Time Travelers" as an unseen character; she was first seen fully in "Something New" and was promoted to a main character in season 9. The Mother is played by Cristin Milioti.
The Mother (How I Met Your Mother)
Hvornår var sidste gang rockies vandt world series?
{ "text": [ "2012" ], "answer_start": [ 1450 ] }
[vise] v t e Colorado Rockies Baseret i Denver, Colorado Franchise Historie Udvidelse Udkast til udvidelse Sæsoner Rekorder No-hitters Spillere Første-runde-udkastvalg Managere Ejere og direktører Tv-stationer Starting Day-kastere Boldbaner Mile High Stadium Coors Field Forårstræning Hi Corbett Field Salt River Fields ved Talking Stick Kultur Dinger Blake Street Bombers "Hey! Baby" (DJ Ötzi-sang) "Rocky Mountain Way" (sang af Joe Walsh) Rocktober 2007 NL Wild Card tie-breaker Continental League Mike Coolbaugh "The Losing Edge" (South Park) Nøglepersonale Ejere: Ejere: Charlie Monfort og Dick Monfort Formand: ubesat Administrerende direktør: Jeff Bridich Bestyrer: Bud Black Vimpler i National League (1) 2007 Wild card pladser (4) 1995 2007 2009 2017 Tilknyttede klubber i de mindre ligaer Albuquerque Isotopes (AAA) Hartford Yard Goats (AA) Lancaster JetHawks (A Adv.) Asheville Tourists (A) Boise Hawks (Short A) Grand Junction Rockies (Rookie Adv.) DSL Rockies (Rookie) Udsendelse Fjernsyn AT&T SportsNet Rocky Mountain Radio KOA (AM) Tilknyttede radionetværk Radio- og tv-selskaber Drew Goodman Jeff Huson Ryan Spilborghs Jack Corrigan Jerry Schemmel [vise] Sæsoner (26) 1990s 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
{ "text": [ "2012" ], "answer_start": [ 1414 ] }
[show] v t e Colorado Rockies Based in Denver, Colorado Franchise History Expansion Expansion Draft Seasons Records No-hitters Players First-round draft picks Managers Owners and executives Broadcasters Opening Day starting pitchers Ballparks Mile High Stadium Coors Field Spring training Hi Corbett Field Salt River Fields at Talking Stick Culture Dinger Blake Street Bombers "Hey! Baby" (DJ Ötzi song) "Rocky Mountain Way" (Joe Walsh song) Rocktober 2007 NL Wild Card tie-breaker Continental League Mike Coolbaugh "The Losing Edge" (South Park) Key personnel Owners: Charlie Monfort and Dick Monfort President: vacant General Manager: Jeff Bridich Manager: Bud Black National League pennants (1) 2007 Wild card berths (4) 1995 2007 2009 2017 Minor league affiliates Albuquerque Isotopes (AAA) Hartford Yard Goats (AA) Lancaster JetHawks (A Adv.) Asheville Tourists (A) Boise Hawks (Short A) Grand Junction Rockies (Rookie Adv.) DSL Rockies (Rookie) Broadcasting Television AT&T SportsNet Rocky Mountain Radio KOA (AM) Radio network affiliates Broadcasters Drew Goodman Jeff Huson Ryan Spilborghs Jack Corrigan Jerry Schemmel [show] Seasons (26) 1990s 1990 · 1991 · 1992 · 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Colorado Rockies
Vis mig en liste over alle lande?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Lists of countries and territories [vise] v t e Lister over lande efter livskvalitet på ranglisterne Generelt Rapport om verdens lykke Indeks for den lykkelige planet Indeks for menneskelig udvikling efter land ulighedskorrigeret Legatum velstandsindeks Indeks for gode lande Indeks for tilfredshed med livet Indeks for hvor man skal fødes Økonomisk Nettolønnen pr. indbygger Jobsikkerhed Langtidsledighedsprocent Boligejendomsandel Smartphone-ejerskab Miljø Indeks for miljøpræstationer Indeks for miljømæssig sårbarhed Risiko for naturkatastrofer Sundhed Kræftfrekvens Sundhedsvæsenets kvalitet Sundhedsudgifter dækket af det offentlige Hospitalssenge Risiko for død som følge af ikke-smitsomme sygdomme Graviditetsfrekvens blandt teenagere Social/politisk Regeringens gennemsigtighed Globalt slaveri-indeks Globalt indeks for terrorisme Globalt indeks for konkurrenceevnen Indeks for sociale fremskridt Tid afsat til fritid og personlig pleje Kvinders gennemsnitlige antal år i skole Liste over internationale ranglister Liste over de bedste internationale ranglister efter land Lister efter land
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Lists of countries and territories [show] v t e Lists of countries by quality of life rankings General World Happiness Report Happy Planet Index Human Development Index by country inequality-adjusted Legatum Prosperity Index Good Country Index Satisfaction with Life Index Where-to-be-born Index Economic Net take-home pay Job security Long-term unemployment rate Home ownership rate Smartphone ownership rate Environment Environmental Performance Index Environmental Vulnerability Index Natural disaster risk Health Cancer rate Health care quality Health expenditure covered by government Hospital beds Risk of death from non-communicable disease Teenage pregnancy rate Social/Political Government transparency Global Slavery Index Global Terrorism Index Global Competitiveness Index Social Progress Index Time devoted to leisure and personal care Women's average years in school List of international rankings List of top international rankings by country Lists by country
Lists of countries and territories
Hvem spillede mike brady i the brady bunch?
{ "text": [ "Robert Reed" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Robert Reed Fra 1961 til 1965 spillede han rollen som Kenneth Preston i det populære juridiske drama The Defenders sammen med E. G. Marshall. Han er bedst kendt som faderen Mike Brady, over for Florence Hendersons Carol Brady, i ABC-sitcom'en The Brady Bunch, der blev sendt fra 1969 til 1974. Han genoptog rollen som Mike Brady i flere senere genforeningsprogrammer. I 1976 blev han nomineret til to Primetime Emmy Awards for sin gæstespillerrolle i et todelt afsnit af Medical Center og for sit arbejde i miniserien Rich Man, Poor Man. Året efter fik Reed en tredje Emmy-nominering for sin rolle i miniserien Roots.
{ "text": [ "Robert Reed" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Robert Reed From 1961 to 1965, he portrayed Kenneth Preston on the popular legal drama The Defenders, alongside E. G. Marshall. He is best known as the father Mike Brady, opposite Florence Henderson's Carol Brady, on the ABC sitcom The Brady Bunch, which aired from 1969 to 1974. He reprised the role of Mike Brady in several later reunion programs. In 1976, he earned two Primetime Emmy Award nominations for his guest-starring role in a two-part episode of Medical Center and for his work on the miniseries Rich Man, Poor Man. The following year, Reed earned a third Emmy nomination for his role in the miniseries Roots.
Robert Reed
Hvor får man en ægteskabslicens fra?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Marriage license Specifikationerne for at få en ægteskabslicens varierer fra stat til stat. Generelt skal begge parter dog møde personligt op på det tidspunkt, hvor licensen opnås, være i den ægteskabelige alder (dvs. over 18 år; lavere i nogle stater med samtykke fra en forælder), fremvise behørig legitimation (typisk kørekort, statsligt ID-kort, fødselsattest eller pas; der kan kræves mere dokumentation for personer, der er født uden for USA), og ingen af dem må være gift med nogen anden (i nogle stater kan der kræves bevis for ægtefællens død eller skilsmisse for personer, der tidligere har været gift).
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Marriage license The specifications for obtaining a marriage license vary between states. In general, however, both parties must appear in person at the time the license is obtained; be of marriageable age (i.e., over 18 years; lower in some states with the consent of a parent); present proper identification (typically a driver's license, state ID card, birth certificate or passport; more documentation may be required for those born outside of the United States); and neither must be married to anyone else (proof of spouse's death or divorce may be required for someone who had been previously married in some states).
Marriage license
Hvornår var sidste gang real madrid spillede?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of Real Madrid C.F. records and statistics Real Madrid C.F. er en spansk professionel fodboldklub med base i Madrid. Klubben blev dannet i 1902 som Madrid Football 'Club, og spillede sin første kamp den 13. maj 1902, da den kom i semifinalen i Campeonato de Copa de S.M. Alfonso XIII. Real Madrid spiller i øjeblikket i den spanske La Liga. Real Madrid var et af de stiftende medlemmer af La Liga i 1929 og er en af de tre klubber, herunder FC Barcelona og Athletic Bilbao, der aldrig er blevet degraderet fra ligaen. De har også været involveret i europæisk fodbold lige siden de blev den første spanske klub til at deltage i Europa Cuppen i 1955, bortset fra sæsonerne 1977-78 og 1996-97.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of Real Madrid C.F. records and statistics Real Madrid C.F. is a Spanish professional association football club based in Madrid. The club was formed in 1902 as Madrid Football 'Club, and played its first competitive match on May 13, 1902, when it entered the semi-final of the Campeonato de Copa de S.M. Alfonso XIII. Real Madrid currently plays in the Spanish La Liga. Real Madrid was one of the founding members of La Liga in 1929, and is one of three clubs, including FC Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao, never to have been relegated from the league. They have also been involved in European football ever since they became the first Spanish club to enter the European Cup in 1955, except for the 1977–78 and 1996–97 seasons.
List of Real Madrid C.F. records and statistics
Hvem synger i i can't fight this feeling sangen?
{ "text": [ "REO Speedwagon" ], "answer_start": [ 91 ] }
"Can't Fight This Feeling" er en powerballade, der blev opført af det amerikanske rockband REO Speedwagon. Singlen lå på toppen af Billboard Hot 100-listen i tre uger i træk fra den 9. marts til den 23. marts 1985.
{ "text": [ "REO Speedwagon" ], "answer_start": [ 81 ] }
"Can't Fight This Feeling" is a power ballad performed by the American rock band REO Speedwagon. The single remained at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart for three consecutive weeks from March 9 to March 23, 1985.
Can't Fight This Feeling
Hvad er oprindelsen why did the chicken cross the road?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Why did the chicken cross the road? Denne vittighed stammer fra strejkevagter under arbejderstrejker i det 19. århundredes USA. Svaret på spørgsmålet "Hvorfor krydsede hønen vejen" var oprindeligt: "For at komme derhen, hvor han stod". Det vil sige, at arbejderen havde "tøset" sig ud af strejken og krydsede strejkevagten over til fabrikken. Denne person ville også være kendt som en strejkebryder eller en strejkebryder. 'At komme derhen, hvor han stod' betød, at han ville fortsætte med at tjene den samme indkomst, som han havde før strejken, og ikke forbedre sin 'stilling'.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Why did the chicken cross the road? The origins of this joke emerged from picket lines during labor strikes in 19th century America. The answer to ‘Why did the chicken cross the road’ was originally: ‘To get where he was standing.’ This means that the laborer had ‘chickened’ out of the strike and crossed the picket line over to the factory. This person would also be known as a scab or a strikebreaker. ‘To get where he was standing’ meant that he would continue to make the same income he had before the strike, and not improve his ‘standing’.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Hvem sang sangen whiter shade of pale?
{ "text": [ "Procol Harum" ], "answer_start": [ 67 ] }
"A Whiter Shade of Pale" er debutsinglen fra det britiske rockband Procol Harum, der udkom den 12. maj 1967. Singlen nåede ind på førstepladsen på den britiske singleliste den 8. juni 1967 og blev der i seks uger. Uden megen markedsføring nåede den op som nummer 5 på Billboard Pop Chart i USA. Den er et af de vigtigste hymner fra Summer of Love i 1967 og er en af de færre end 30 singler, der er solgt i over 10 millioner eksemplarer på verdensplan.
{ "text": [ "Procol Harum" ], "answer_start": [ 70 ] }
"A Whiter Shade of Pale" is the debut single by the British rock band Procol Harum, released 12 May 1967. The single reached number 1 in the UK Singles Chart on 8 June 1967 and stayed there for six weeks. Without much promotion, it reached number 5 on the Billboard pop chart in the United States. One of the anthems of the 1967 Summer of Love, it is one of fewer than 30 singles to have sold over 10 million copies worldwide.
A Whiter Shade of Pale
Hvem synger high on the mountain of love?
{ "text": [ "Johnny Rivers" ], "answer_start": [ 31 ] }
"Mountain of Love" Single af Johnny Rivers fra albummet In Action B-side "Moody River" Udgivet 1964 (1964) Længde 2:29 Mærke Imperial Sangskriver(e) Harold Dorman Producent(er) Lou Adler
{ "text": [ "Johnny Rivers" ], "answer_start": [ 31 ] }
"Mountain of Love" Single by Johnny Rivers from the album In Action B-side "Moody River" Released 1964 (1964) Length 2:29 Label Imperial Songwriter(s) Harold Dorman Producer(s) Lou Adler
Mountain of Love
Hvornår blev amerika involveret i vietnamkrigen?
{ "text": [ "1964" ], "answer_start": [ 58 ] }
Role of the United States in the Vietnam War Den 27. juli 1964 blev der beordret yderligere 5.000 amerikanske militærrådgivere til Republikken Vietnam (RVN eller Sydvietnam), hvilket bragte det samlede amerikanske troppetal op på 21.000. Kort efter fandt der en hændelse sted ud for Den Demokratiske Republik Vietnams (Nordvietnam) kyst, som var bestemt til at eskalere konflikten til nye niveauer og føre til en fuldstændig amerikanisering af krigen i fuld skala.
{ "text": [ "1964" ], "answer_start": [ 12 ] }
Role of the United States in the Vietnam War On July 27, 1964, 5,000 additional U.S. military advisers were ordered to the Republic of Vietnam (RVN or South Vietnam), bringing the total American troop level to 21,000. Shortly thereafter an incident occurred off the coast of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) that was destined to escalate the conflict to new levels and lead to the full scale Americanization of the war.
Role of the United States in the Vietnam War
Hvem synger sangen i can't live if living is without you?
{ "text": [ "Harry Nilsson" ], "answer_start": [ 273 ] }
Without You (Badfinger song) "Without You" er en sang skrevet af Pete Ham og Tom Evans fra den britiske rockgruppe Badfinger og blev første gang udgivet på deres album No Dice fra 1970. Sangen er blevet indspillet af over 180 kunstnere, og versioner udgivet som singler af Harry Nilsson (1971) og Mariah Carey (1994) blev internationale bestsellere. Paul McCartney beskrev engang balladen som "the killer song of all time".
{ "text": [ "Harry Nilsson" ], "answer_start": [ 223 ] }
Without You (Badfinger song) "Without You" is a song written by Pete Ham and Tom Evans of British rock group Badfinger, and first released on their 1970 album No Dice. The song has been recorded by over 180 artists, and versions released as singles by Harry Nilsson (1971) and Mariah Carey (1994) became international best-sellers. Paul McCartney once described the ballad as "the killer song of all time".
Without You (Badfinger song)
Hvad hedder den ældste præsident vi har haft?
{ "text": [ "Donald Trump" ], "answer_start": [ 1273 ] }
[skjul] v t e USA's præsidenter (liste) George Washington (1789-1797) John Adams (1797-1801) Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) James Madison (1809-1817) James Monroe (1817-1825) John Q. Adams (1825-1829) Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) William H. Harrison (1841) John Tyler (1841-1845) James K. Polk (1845-1849) Zachary Taylor (1849-1850) Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) James Buchanan (1857-1861) Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881) James A. Garfield (1881) Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885) Grover Cleveland (1885-1889) Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) Grover Cleveland (1893-1897) William McKinley (1897-1901) Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) William H. Taft (1909-1913) Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) Warren G. Harding (1921-1923) Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) Richard Nixon (1969-1974) Gerald Ford (1974-1977) Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) George H. W. Bush (1989-1993) Bill Clinton (1993-2001) George W. Bush (2001-2009) Barack Obama (2009-2017) Donald Trump (2017-nutid) Tidsplaner for formandskabet Wilson Harding Coolidge Hoover F. D. Roosevelt de første 100 dage Truman Eisenhower Kennedy L. B. Johnson Nixon Ford Carter Reagan G. H. W. Bush Clinton G. W. Bush Obama de første 100 dage Trump de første 100 dage Bestil Kategori
{ "text": [ "Donald Trump" ], "answer_start": [ 1285 ] }
[hide] v t e Presidents of the United States (list) George Washington (1789–1797) John Adams (1797–1801) Thomas Jefferson (1801–1809) James Madison (1809–1817) James Monroe (1817–1825) John Q. Adams (1825–1829) Andrew Jackson (1829–1837) Martin Van Buren (1837–1841) William H. Harrison (1841) John Tyler (1841–1845) James K. Polk (1845–1849) Zachary Taylor (1849–1850) Millard Fillmore (1850–1853) Franklin Pierce (1853–1857) James Buchanan (1857–1861) Abraham Lincoln (1861–1865) Andrew Johnson (1865–1869) Ulysses S. Grant (1869–1877) Rutherford B. Hayes (1877–1881) James A. Garfield (1881) Chester A. Arthur (1881–1885) Grover Cleveland (1885–1889) Benjamin Harrison (1889–1893) Grover Cleveland (1893–1897) William McKinley (1897–1901) Theodore Roosevelt (1901–1909) William H. Taft (1909–1913) Woodrow Wilson (1913–1921) Warren G. Harding (1921–1923) Calvin Coolidge (1923–1929) Herbert Hoover (1929–1933) Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945) Harry S. Truman (1945–1953) Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953–1961) John F. Kennedy (1961–1963) Lyndon B. Johnson (1963–1969) Richard Nixon (1969–1974) Gerald Ford (1974–1977) Jimmy Carter (1977–1981) Ronald Reagan (1981–1989) George H. W. Bush (1989–1993) Bill Clinton (1993–2001) George W. Bush (2001–2009) Barack Obama (2009–2017) Donald Trump (2017–present) Presidency timelines Wilson Harding Coolidge Hoover F. D. Roosevelt first 100 days Truman Eisenhower Kennedy L. B. Johnson Nixon Ford Carter Reagan G. H. W. Bush Clinton G. W. Bush Obama first 100 days Trump first 100 days Book Category
George H. W. Bush
Hvad er definitionen på adskillelsen af kirke og stat?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Separation of church and state in the United States Den amerikanske adskillelse af kirke og stat hviler på respekt for kirken; den [europæiske antiklerikale] adskillelse hviler på ligegyldighed og had til kirken og til selve religionen.... Forfatningen skabte ikke en nation, ej heller dens religion og institutioner. Den fandt dem allerede eksisterende og blev udarbejdet med det formål at beskytte dem under en republikansk regeringsform, i et styre af folket, af folket og for folket.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Separation of church and state in the United States The American separation of church and state rests upon respect for the church; the [European anticlerical] separation, on indifference and hatred of the church, and of religion itself.... The constitution did not create a nation, nor its religion and institutions. It found them already existing, and was framed for the purpose of protecting them under a republican form of government, in a rule of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Separation of church and state in the United States
Hvilken dag er ugens første dag i ugen?
{ "text": [ "søndag" ], "answer_start": [ 40 ] }
Sunday For de fleste troende kristne er søndag en dag med tilbedelse og hvile, idet de holder den som Herrens dag og Kristi opstandelsesdag. I nogle muslimske lande og i Israel er søndag den første arbejdsdag i ugen. I henhold til den hebraiske kalender og traditionelle kristne kalendere er søndag den første dag i ugen. Men i henhold til Den Internationale Standardiseringsorganisation ISO 8601 er søndag den syvende dag i ugen.
{ "text": [ "Sunday" ], "answer_start": [ 31 ] }
For most observant Christians, Sunday is observed as a day of worship and rest, holding it as the Lord's Day and the day of Christ's resurrection. In some Muslim countries and Israel, Sunday is the first work day of the week. According to the Hebrew calendar and traditional Christian calendars, Sunday is the first day of the week. But according to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601, Sunday is the seventh day of the week.
Hvem sang have you seen the most beautiful girl in the world?
{ "text": [ "Charlie Rich" ], "answer_start": [ 51 ] }
"The Most Beautiful Girl" er en sang indspillet af Charlie Rich og skrevet af Bill Sherrill, Norris Wilson og Rory Bourke. Country- og western-balladen nåede i 1973 førstepladsen i USA på tre Billboard-musiklister: poplisten (to uger), countrylisten (tre uger) og adult contemporary-listen (tre uger), samt i Canada på tre RPM-lister: RPM 100 Top Singles-listen, Country Tracks-listen og Adult Contemporary-listen. Billboard placerede den som nummer 23 på listen i 1974.
{ "text": [ "Charlie Rich" ], "answer_start": [ 48 ] }
"The Most Beautiful Girl" is a song recorded by Charlie Rich and written by Bill Sherrill, Norris Wilson, and Rory Bourke. The country and western ballad reached number 1 in the United States in 1973 on three Billboard music charts: the pop chart (two weeks), the country chart (three weeks), and the adult contemporary chart (three weeks), as well as in Canada on three RPM charts: the RPM 100 Top Singles chart, the Country Tracks chart, and the Adult Contemporary chart. Billboard ranked it as the No. 23 song for 1974.
The Most Beautiful Girl
Hvilket county befinder rapid city south dakota sig i?
{ "text": [ "Pennington County" ], "answer_start": [ 146 ] }
Rapid City, South Dakota Rapid City (Lakota: Mni Lúzahaŋ Otȟúŋwahe; "Swift Water City") er den næstmest befolkede by i South Dakota og amtsbyen i Pennington County. Byen er opkaldt efter Rapid Creek, som byen ligger ved, og den ligger på den østlige skråning af bjergkæden Black Hills. Indbyggertallet var 67.956 ved folketællingen i 2010.
{ "text": [ "Pennington County" ], "answer_start": [ 135 ] }
Rapid City, South Dakota Rapid City (Lakota: Mni Lúzahaŋ Otȟúŋwahe; "Swift Water City") is the second most populous city in South Dakota and the county seat of Pennington County. Named after Rapid Creek, on which the city is established, it is set against the eastern slope of the Black Hills mountain range. The population was 67,956 as of the 2010 Census.
Rapid City, South Dakota
Hvor fik green bay packers deres navn?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Green Bay Packers blev grundlagt den 11. august 1919 af de tidligere high school-fodboldrivaler Earl "Curly" Lambeau og George Whitney Calhoun. Lambeau skaffede penge til uniformer hos sin arbejdsgiver, Indian Packing Company. Han fik 500 dollars (6.900 dollars i dag) til uniformer og udstyr på betingelse af, at holdet blev opkaldt efter sin sponsor. Green Bay Packers har spillet i deres oprindelige by længere end noget andet hold i NFL.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The Green Bay Packers were founded on August 11, 1919 by former high-school football rivals Earl "Curly" Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun. Lambeau solicited funds for uniforms from his employer, the Indian Packing Company. He was given $500 ($6,900 today) for uniforms and equipment, on the condition that the team be named for its sponsor. The Green Bay Packers have played in their original city longer than any other team in the NFL.
Green Bay Packers
Hvad hedder aben i filmen aladdin?
{ "text": [ "Abu" ], "answer_start": [ 36 ] }
List of Disney's Aladdin characters Abu er Aladdins kleptomaniske abepartner med en høj stemme og kan tale en smule, med Frank Welker som stemme. Animatorerne filmede aber i San Francisco Zoo for at studere de bevægelser, som Abu ville have. Karakteren er baseret på tyven Abu, der har det samme navn, og som blev spillet af Sabu Dastagir i 1940-udgaven af Tyven fra Bagdad.
{ "text": [ "Abu" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
List of Disney's Aladdin characters Abu is Aladdin's kleptomaniac monkey partner with a high-pitched voice and can talk a little, voiced by Frank Welker. The animators filmed monkeys at the San Francisco Zoo to study the movements Abu would have. The character is based on the similarly named Abu the thief, played by Sabu Dastagir in the 1940 version of The Thief of Bagdad.
List of Disney's Aladdin characters
Hvem fandt på teorien om alting?
{ "text": [ "Stephen Hawking" ], "answer_start": [ 21 ] }
Theory of everything Stephen Hawking troede oprindeligt på teorien om alting, men efter at have overvejet Gödels sætning konkluderede han, at en sådan teori ikke kunne opnås: "Nogle mennesker vil blive meget skuffede, hvis der ikke findes en ultimativ teori, der kan formuleres som et begrænset antal principper. Jeg tilhørte tidligere den lejr, men jeg har skiftet mening."
{ "text": [ "Stephen Hawking" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Theory of everything Stephen Hawking was originally a believer in the Theory of Everything but, after considering Gödel's Theorem, concluded that one was not obtainable: "Some people will be very disappointed if there is not an ultimate theory, that can be formulated as a finite number of principles. I used to belong to that camp, but I have changed my mind."
Theory of everything
Tell me what you want what you really really want sang?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Wannabe" En 26 sekunders prøve fra "Wannabe", hvor Brown og Halliwell synger omkvædet i en call and response-interaktion, brugen af ordet "zigazig-ha", og gruppen synger sangens første omkvæd. Problemer med at afspille denne fil? Se mediehjælp.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Wannabe" A 26-second sample from "Wannabe", featuring Brown and Halliwell singing the refrain in a call and response interaction, the use of the word "zigazig-ha", and the group singing the song's first chorus. Problems playing this file? See media help.
Hvem synger i'm in the corner watching you kiss her?
{ "text": [ "Calum Scott" ], "answer_start": [ 35 ] }
"Dancing on My Own" Single af Calum Scott fra albummet Only Human Udgivet 15. april 2016 (2016-04-15) Format Digital download Optaget 2016 Genre Akustisk pop Længde 4:20 Mærke Capitol Sangskriver(e) Robyn Patrik Berger Producent(er) John McIntyre Calum Scotts singler kronologi "Dancing on My Own" (2016) "Rhythm Inside" (2016) "Dancing on My Own" (2016) "Rhythm Inside" (2016) Musikvideo "Dancing on My Own" på YouTube
{ "text": [ "Calum Scott" ], "answer_start": [ 35 ] }
"Dancing on My Own" Single by Calum Scott from the album Only Human Released 15 April 2016 (2016-04-15) Format Digital download Recorded 2016 Genre Acoustic pop Length 4:20 Label Capitol Songwriter(s) Robyn Patrik Berger Producer(s) John McIntyre Calum Scott singles chronology "Dancing on My Own" (2016) "Rhythm Inside" (2016) "Dancing on My Own" (2016) "Rhythm Inside" (2016) Music video "Dancing on My Own" on YouTube
Dancing on My Own
Hvornår gik usa fra guldet?
{ "text": [ "1971" ], "answer_start": [ 501 ] }
Gold standard Fra præsident Charles de Gaulles regering i 1959-1969 og frem til 1970 reducerede Frankrig sine dollarreserver og byttede dem til guld til den officielle valutakurs, hvilket reducerede USA's økonomiske indflydelse. Dette, sammen med det finanspolitiske pres fra de føderale udgifter til Vietnamkrigen og vedvarende betalingsbalanceunderskud, fik den amerikanske præsident Richard Nixon til at afskaffe den internationale konvertibilitet af den amerikanske dollar til guld den 15. august 1971 ("Nixon-chokket").
{ "text": [ "1971" ], "answer_start": [ 457 ] }
Gold standard Starting in the 1959–1969 administration of President Charles de Gaulle and continuing until 1970, France reduced its dollar reserves, exchanging them for gold at the official exchange rate, reducing US economic influence. This, along with the fiscal strain of federal expenditures for the Vietnam War and persistent balance of payments deficits, led U.S. President Richard Nixon to end international convertibility of the U.S. dollar to gold on August 15, 1971 (the "Nixon Shock").
Gold standard
Hvornår kom scars to your beautiful ud?
{ "text": [ "2015" ], "answer_start": [ 167 ] }
"Ar til din smukke" Single af Alessia Cara fra albummet Know-It-All Udgivet 26. juli 2016 (2016-07-26) Format CD Single digital download Indspillet 2015 Genre Synth-pop Længde 3:50 Mærke Def Jam UMG Sangskriver(e) Alessia Caracciolo Warren Felder Coleridge Tillman Andrew Wansel Producent(er) Pop & Oak Sebastian Kole Alessia Cara singler kronologi "Wild" (2016) "Scars to Your Beautiful" (2016) "How Far I'll Go" (2016) "Wild" (2016) "Scars to Your Beautiful" (2016) "How Far I'll Go" (2016) Musikvideo "Scars to Your Beautiful" på YouTube
{ "text": [ "2015" ], "answer_start": [ 174 ] }
"Scars to Your Beautiful" Single by Alessia Cara from the album Know-It-All Released July 26, 2016 (2016-07-26) Format CD Single digital download Recorded 2015 Genre Synth-pop Length 3:50 Label Def Jam UMG Songwriter(s) Alessia Caracciolo Warren Felder Coleridge Tillman Andrew Wansel Producer(s) Pop & Oak Sebastian Kole Alessia Cara singles chronology "Wild" (2016) "Scars to Your Beautiful" (2016) "How Far I'll Go" (2016) "Wild" (2016) "Scars to Your Beautiful" (2016) "How Far I'll Go" (2016) Music video "Scars to Your Beautiful" on YouTube
Scars to Your Beautiful
Hvem har flest mesterskaber i nba?
{ "text": [ "Bill Russell" ], "answer_start": [ 68 ] }
List of NBA players with most championships Boston Celtics-centeren Bill Russell har rekorden for flest vundne NBA-mesterskaber med 11 titler i løbet af sin 13-årige karriere som spiller. Han vandt sit første mesterskab med Boston Celtics i sit debutantår. Derefter vandt han ti mesterskaber i løbet af de næste 12 år, herunder otte mesterskaber i træk fra 1959 til 1966. De sidste to mesterskaber vandt han i 1968 og 1969 som spillertræner. Russells holdkammerat, Sam Jones, vandt ti mesterskaber fra 1959 til 1969, det næstflest i NBA's historie. Fire Celtics-spillere, Tom Heinsohn, K. C. Jones, Satch Sanders og John Havlicek, vandt hver otte mesterskaber. To andre Celtics, Jim Loscutoff og Frank Ramsey, vandt hver syv mesterskaber. Fire spillere, Bob Cousy, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Jordan og Scottie Pippen, vandt hver seks mesterskaber. Jordan og Pippen er medlemmer af holdet Chicago Bulls, som vandt tre mesterskaber i træk to gange i 1990'erne. George Mikan vandt to mesterskaber i NBL, inden den fusionerede med BAA for at danne NBA, og han vandt fem mesterskaber i NBA.
{ "text": [ "Bill Russell" ], "answer_start": [ 22 ] }
List of NBA players with most championships Boston Celtics center Bill Russell holds the record for the most NBA championships won with 11 titles during his 13-year playing career. He won his first championship with the Boston Celtics in his rookie year. Afterwards, he went on to win ten championships in the next 12 years, including eight consecutive championships from 1959 to 1966. He won the last two championships in 1968 and 1969 as player-coach. Russell's teammate, Sam Jones, won ten championships from 1959 to 1969, the second most in NBA history. Four Celtics players, Tom Heinsohn, K. C. Jones, Satch Sanders and John Havlicek, won eight championships each. Two other Celtics, Jim Loscutoff and Frank Ramsey, won seven championships each. Four players, Bob Cousy, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen, won six championships each. Jordan and Pippen are members of the Chicago Bulls team who won three consecutive championships twice in the 1990s. George Mikan won two championships in the NBL before it merged with the BAA to form the NBA, and won five championships in the NBA.
List of NBA players with most championships
Hvis ansigt er på 100 dollar sedlen?
{ "text": [ "Benjamin Franklin" ], "answer_start": [ 116 ] }
United States one hundred-dollar bill Den amerikanske hundreddollarseddel (100 dollars) er en amerikansk møntenhed. Benjamin Franklin, statsmand, opfinder, diplomat og USA's grundlægger, er vist på forsiden af sedlen. På bagsiden af sedlen er der et billede af Independence Hall. $100-sedlen er den største seddelværdi, der er blevet trykt siden 13. juli 1969, hvor sedlerne på 500, 1.000, 5.000, 5.000 og 10.000 dollars blev trukket tilbage. Bureau of Engraving and Printing oplyser, at den gennemsnitlige levetid for en $100-seddel i omløb er 90 måneder (7,5 år), før den udskiftes på grund af slitage.
{ "text": [ "Benjamin Franklin" ], "answer_start": [ 154 ] }
The United States one hundred-dollar bill ($100) is a denomination of United States currency. Statesman, inventor, diplomat, and American founding father Benjamin Franklin is featured on the obverse of the bill. On the reverse of the banknote is an image of Independence Hall. The $100 bill is the largest denomination that has been printed since July 13, 1969, when the denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 were retired. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing says the average life of a $100 bill in circulation is 90 months (7.5 years) before it is replaced due to wear and tear.
United States one hundred-dollar bill
Skuespillere i the fast and the furious tokyo drift?
{ "text": [ "Sung Kang" ], "answer_start": [ 714 ] }
List of The Fast and the Furious characters Karakter Skildret af Film Den hurtige og den rasende (2001) Den turboladede optakt til 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) Los Bandoleros (2009) Hurtig og rasende (2009) Fast Five (2011) Fast & Furious 6 (2013) Furious 7 (2015) The Furious's skæbne (2017) Hovedpersoner Dominic Toretto Vin Diesel Vigtigste Arkiv Cameo Main Brian O'Conner Paul Walker † Main Main Letty Ortiz Michelle Rodriguez Main Main Foto Main Mia Toretto Jordana Brewster Main Main Roman Pearce Tyrese Gibson Main Main Tej Parker Ludacris Vigtigste Main Sean Boswell Lucas Black Main Arkiv Cameo Han Seoul-Oh Sung Kang Main Arkiv Gisele Yashar Gal Gadot Vigtigste Foto Luke Hobbs Dwayne Johnson Main Primære bifigurer Vince Matt Schulze Vigtigste Main Jesse Chad Lindberg Vigtigste Leon Johnny Strong Main Monica Fuentes Eva Mendes Vigtigste Cameo Suki Devon Aoki Main Arkiv Neela Turner Nathalie Kelley Main Arkiv Twinkie Bow Wow Vigtigste Arkiv Tego Leo Tego Calderón Vigtigste Arkiv Cameo Rico Santos Don Omar Vigtigste Arkiv Cameo Elena Neves Elsa Pataky Main Mr. Nobody Kurt Russell Main Ramsey Nathalie Emmanuel Main Eric Reisner Scott Eastwood Main Sekundære bifigurer Hector Noel Gugliemi Vigtigste Cameo Agent Bilkins Thom Barry Vigtigste Main Sergent Tanner Ted Levine Main Pige Minka Kelly Main Agent Markham James Remar Main Orange Julius Amaury Nolasco Vigtigste Arkiv Slap Jack Michael Ealy Main Arkiv Jimmy MC Jin Main Major Boswell Brian Goodman Main Fru Boswell Lynda Boyd Main Earl Jason Tobin Main Reiko Keiko Kitagawa Main Elvis Juan Fernandez Vigtigste Cara Mirtha Mirtha Michelle Main Agent Michael Stasiak Shea Whigham Main Cameo Agent Penning Jack Conley Main Agent Sophie Trinh Liza Lapira Main Agent Wilkes Fernando Chien Vigtigste Agent Fusco Alimi Ballard Vigtigste Agent Chato Yorgo Constantine Main Agent Macroy Geoff Meed Main Rosa Jeirmarie Osorio Vigtigste Jack O'Conner Max William Crane, Charlie & Miller Kimsey Main Samantha Hobbs Eden Estrella Vigtigste Mando Romeo Santos Main Agent Sheppard John Brotherton Vigtigste Magdalene Shaw Helen Mirren Main Fernando Jammarco Santiago Vigtigste Brian Marcos Carlos Vigtigste Primære antagonister Johnny Tran Rick Yune Vigtigste Carter Verone Cole Hauser Main D.K. / Takashi Brian Tee Main Arturo Braga John Ortiz Vigtigste Cameo Hernan Reyes Joaquim de Almeida Vigtigste Owen Shaw Luke Evans Main Cameo Deckard Shaw Jason Statham Cameo Vigtigste Cipher Charlize Theron Main Sekundære antagonister Lance Nguyen Reggie Lee Vigtigste Enrique Mo Gallini Vigtigste Roberto Roberto Sanchez Vigtigste Morimoto Leonardo Nam Main Kamata Sonny Chiba Main Fenix Calderon Laz Alonso Vigtigste Arkiv Zizi Michael Irby Vigtigste Agent Riley Hicks Gina Carano Main Vegh Clara Paget Main Klaus Kim Kold Vigtigste Jah Joe Taslim Main Adolfson Benjamin Davies Vigtigste Denlinger Samuel M. Stewart Main Mose Jakande Djimon Hounsou Main Foto Kiet Tony Jaa Main Kara Ronda Rousey Main Connor Rhodes Kristofer Hivju Main
{ "text": [ "Sung Kang" ], "answer_start": [ 675 ] }
List of The Fast and the Furious characters Character Portrayed by Film The Fast and the Furious (2001) The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) Los Bandoleros (2009) Fast & Furious (2009) Fast Five (2011) Fast & Furious 6 (2013) Furious 7 (2015) The Fate of the Furious (2017) Principal characters Dominic Toretto Vin Diesel Main Archive Cameo Main Brian O'Conner Paul Walker † Main Main Letty Ortiz Michelle Rodriguez Main Main Photo Main Mia Toretto Jordana Brewster Main Main Roman Pearce Tyrese Gibson Main Main Tej Parker Ludacris Main Main Sean Boswell Lucas Black Main Archive Cameo Han Seoul-Oh Sung Kang Main Archive Gisele Yashar Gal Gadot Main Photo Luke Hobbs Dwayne Johnson Main Primary supporting characters Vince Matt Schulze Main Main Jesse Chad Lindberg Main Leon Johnny Strong Main Monica Fuentes Eva Mendes Main Cameo Suki Devon Aoki Main Archive Neela Turner Nathalie Kelley Main Archive Twinkie Bow Wow Main Archive Tego Leo Tego Calderón Main Archive Cameo Rico Santos Don Omar Main Archive Cameo Elena Neves Elsa Pataky Main Mr. Nobody Kurt Russell Main Ramsey Nathalie Emmanuel Main Eric Reisner Scott Eastwood Main Secondary supporting characters Hector Noel Gugliemi Main Cameo Agent Bilkins Thom Barry Main Main Sergeant Tanner Ted Levine Main Girl Minka Kelly Main Agent Markham James Remar Main Orange Julius Amaury Nolasco Main Archive Slap Jack Michael Ealy Main Archive Jimmy MC Jin Main Major Boswell Brian Goodman Main Mrs. Boswell Lynda Boyd Main Earl Jason Tobin Main Reiko Keiko Kitagawa Main Elvis Juan Fernandez Main Cara Mirtha Mirtha Michelle Main Agent Michael Stasiak Shea Whigham Main Cameo Agent Penning Jack Conley Main Agent Sophie Trinh Liza Lapira Main Agent Wilkes Fernando Chien Main Agent Fusco Alimi Ballard Main Agent Chato Yorgo Constantine Main Agent Macroy Geoff Meed Main Rosa Jeirmarie Osorio Main Jack O'Conner Max William Crane, Charlie & Miller Kimsey Main Samantha Hobbs Eden Estrella Main Mando Romeo Santos Main Agent Sheppard John Brotherton Main Magdalene Shaw Helen Mirren Main Fernando Jammarco Santiago Main Brian Marcos Carlos Main Primary antagonists Johnny Tran Rick Yune Main Carter Verone Cole Hauser Main D.K. / Takashi Brian Tee Main Arturo Braga John Ortiz Main Cameo Hernan Reyes Joaquim de Almeida Main Owen Shaw Luke Evans Main Cameo Deckard Shaw Jason Statham Cameo Main Cipher Charlize Theron Main Secondary antagonists Lance Nguyen Reggie Lee Main Enrique Mo Gallini Main Roberto Roberto Sanchez Main Morimoto Leonardo Nam Main Kamata Sonny Chiba Main Fenix Calderon Laz Alonso Main Archive Zizi Michael Irby Main Agent Riley Hicks Gina Carano Main Vegh Clara Paget Main Klaus Kim Kold Main Jah Joe Taslim Main Adolfson Benjamin Davies Main Denlinger Samuel M. Stewart Main Mose Jakande Djimon Hounsou Main Photo Kiet Tony Jaa Main Kara Ronda Rousey Main Connor Rhodes Kristofer Hivju Main
List of The Fast and the Furious characters
Hvem spillede felix i once upon a time?
{ "text": [ "Parker Croft" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Parker Croft (født 13. januar 1987) er en amerikansk skuespiller og manuskriptforfatter, mest kendt for sin rolle som Felix i Once Upon a Time.
{ "text": [ "Parker Croft" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Parker Croft (born January 13 1987) is an American actor and screenwriter, most famous for his role as Felix on Once Upon a Time.
Parker Croft
Hvornår blev den første fast and furious film lavet?
{ "text": [ "2001" ], "answer_start": [ 378 ] }
The Fast and the Furious (også kendt som Fast & Furious) er en amerikansk franchise baseret på en række actionfilm, der i høj grad handler om ulovlige gaderæs og røverier, og som omfatter materiale i forskellige andre medier, der skildrer figurer og situationer fra filmene. Serien, der distribueres af Universal Pictures, blev etableret med filmen The Fast and the Furious fra 2001; denne blev efterfulgt af syv efterfølgere, to kortfilm, der knytter sig til serien, og i maj 2017 er den blevet Universals største franchise nogensinde, i øjeblikket den sjette mest indtjenende filmserie nogensinde med en samlet indtjening på over 5 mia. dollars. Den niende del af franchisen er sat til at blive udgivet den 10. april 2020.
{ "text": [ "2001" ], "answer_start": [ 351 ] }
The Fast and the Furious (also known as Fast & Furious) is an American franchise based on a series of action films that is largely concerned with illegal street racing and heists, and includes material in various other media that depicts characters and situations from the films. Distributed by Universal Pictures, the series was established with the 2001 film titled The Fast and the Furious; this was followed by seven sequels, two short films that tie into the series, and as of May 2017, it has become Universal's biggest franchise of all time, currently the sixth-highest-grossing film series of all time with a combined gross of over $5 billion. The ninth installment of the franchise is set to be released on April 10, 2020.
The Fast and the Furious
Hvem spiller regina mills i once upon a time?
{ "text": [ "Lana Parrilla" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Lana Parrilla Lana Maria Parrilla (født 15. juli 1977) er en amerikansk skuespillerinde. Parrilla er bedst kendt for sine roller på tv og i radio. Hun var fast medvirkende i femte sæson af ABC-sitcomen Spin City fra 2000 til 2001. Senere spillede hun med i Boomtown (2002-2003), Windfall (2006), Swingtown (2008) og som doktor Eva Zambrano i det kortvarige medicinske drama Miami Medical (2010). Hun spillede også rollen som Sarah Gavin i fjerde sæson af Fox-serien 24 i 2005. I 2011 begyndte Parrilla at spille hovedrollen som The Evil Queen/Regina Mills i ABC's fantasy-dramaserie Once Upon a Time. I 2016 vandt Parrilla en Teen Choice Award for Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV-skuespillerinde.
{ "text": [ "Lana Parrilla" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Lana Parrilla Lana Maria Parrilla (born July 15, 1977) is an American actress. Parrilla is best known for her roles on television and radio. She was a regular cast member in the fifth season of the ABC sitcom Spin City from 2000 to 2001. She later starred in Boomtown (2002-2003), Windfall (2006), Swingtown (2008) and as Doctor Eva Zambrano in the short-lived medical drama Miami Medical (2010). She also played the role of Sarah Gavin during the fourth season of the Fox series 24 in 2005. In 2011, Parrilla began starring as The Evil Queen/Regina Mills in the ABC fantasy drama series, Once Upon a Time. In 2016 Parrilla won a Teen Choice Award for Choice Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actress.
Lana Parrilla
Hvem er kendt som the painter of light?
{ "text": [ "Thomas Kinkade" ], "answer_start": [ 8 ] }
William Thomas Kinkade III (19. januar 1958 - 6. april 2012) var en amerikansk maler af populære realistiske, pastorale og idylliske motiver. Han er kendt for sin massemarkedsføring af sine værker i form af trykte reproduktioner og andre licensprodukter via Thomas Kinkade Company. Han karakteriserede sig selv som "Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light", et udtryk, som han beskyttede gennem et varemærke, men som oprindeligt blev tilskrevet den britiske mester J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851). Ifølge Kinkades firma ejer hvert tyvende amerikanske hjem et eksemplar af et af hans malerier.
{ "text": [ "Thomas Kinkade" ], "answer_start": [ 8 ] }
William Thomas Kinkade III (January 19, 1958 – April 6, 2012) was an American painter of popular realistic, pastoral, and idyllic subjects. He is notable for the mass marketing of his work as printed reproductions and other licensed products via the Thomas Kinkade Company. He characterized himself as "Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light", a phrase he protected through trademark but which was originally attributed to the British master J. M. W. Turner (1775–1851). According to Kinkade's company, one in every twenty American homes owns a copy of one of his paintings.
Thomas Kinkade