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Förderung beruflicher Bildung III Support for Technical and Vocational Education and Training III
Das Vorhaben Förderung der beruflichen Bildung in Ghana, Phase III ist Bestandteil des deutsch-ghanaischen EZ Schwerpunktbereichs Ausbildung und nachhaltiges Wachstum für gute Jobs. Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Etablierung eines Exzellenzzentrums für Grüne Technologien am Kumasi Technical Institute, Ghana. Das FZ-Modul soll auch den Zugang für ghanaische Jugendliche und Fachkräfte zu bedarfsorientierten und qualitativ hochwertigen Aus- und Weiterbildungsangeboten in Berufsfeldern, die für eine Grüne Wirtschaft relevant sind, verbessern.Für die Errichtung der notwendigen Gebäudeinfrastruktur und der Ausstattung und Installation von Werkstätten und Klassenräumen steht ein FZ-Beitrag in Höhe von 5 Mio EUR (HH-Mittel-Zuschuss) zur Verfügung.Die Berufsbildungskommission (Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, CTVET) ist Projektträger des Vorhabens.Hintergrund: das staatliche Berufsbildungssystem ist derzeit nicht in der Lage, Fachkräfte in dem Umfang und der Qualität auszubilden, wie es der Arbeitsmarkt erfordert. Die jugendliche Bevölkerung, die auf den ghanaischen Arbeitsmarkt drängt, verfügt in großen Teilen nur über sehr unzureichende arbeitsmarktrelevante Kompetenzen. Die unzureichende Einbindung der Privatwirtschaft in die staatliche Berufsbildung hemmt den Zugang von Unternehmen zu Fachkräften, die anhand ihrer Bedarfe ausgebildet wurden. Als Folge hemmt dies Innovation und Wachstum ghanaischer Unternehmen, und somit ihr Potential, zu einem inklusiven Wirtschaftswachstum beizutragen.Unmittelbare Zielgruppe des FZ-Moduls sind weibliche und männliche Jugendliche und Fachkräfte aus verschiedenen Gesellschaftsschichten und mit unterschiedlichen Bildungsabschlüssen. Intermediäre Begünstigte sind das Management- und Lehrpersonal am KTI, das Lehrpersonal in den Partnerunternehmen sowie Personal von CTVET. Mittelbare Zielgruppe sind Unternehmen, die von einer besseren Qualifikation der geförderten AbsolventInnen profitieren. The project Promotion of Vocational Training in Ghana, Phase III is part of the German-Ghanaian EZ priority area Training and Sustainable Growth for Good Jobs. The aim of the project is to establish a Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies at the Kumasi Technical Institute, Ghana. The FZ module also aims to improve access for Ghanaian youth and skilled workers to demand-oriented and high-quality education and training opportunities in occupational fields relevant to a green economy.An FZ contribution of EUR 5 million (grant) is available for the construction of the necessary building infrastructure and the equipment and installation of workshops and classrooms.The Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) is the project executing agency.Background: the state vocational training system is currently unable to train skilled workers to the extent and quality required by the labour market. The youth population entering the Ghanaian labour market largely possesses only very inadequate labour market-relevant skills. The insufficient involvement of the private sector in government vocational education and training inhibits companies' access to skilled workers trained on the basis of their needs. As a result, this inhibits innovation and growth of Ghanaian enterprises, and thus their potential to contribute to inclusive economic growth.The immediate target group of the FZ module are female and male youth and professionals from different social strata and with different educational qualifications. Intermediate beneficiaries are management and teaching staff at the CTI, teaching staff in the partner companies and staff from CTVET. Indirect target group are companies that benefit from better qualification of the supported graduates Verbesserung des Zugangs armer Bevölkerungsgruppen zu beruflicher Weiterbildung The project Promotion of Vocational Training in Ghana, Phase III is part of the German-Ghanaian EZ priority area Training and Sustainable Growth for Good Jobs. The aim of the project is to establish a Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies at the Kumasi Technical Institute, Ghana. The FZ module also aims to improve access for Ghanaian youth and skilled workers to demand-oriented and high-quality education and training opportunities in occupational fields relevant to a green economy.An FZ contribution of EUR 5 million (grant) is available for the construction of the necessary building infrastructure and the equipment and installation of workshops and classrooms.The Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) is the project executing agency.Background: the state vocational training system is currently unable to train skilled workers to the extent and quality required by the labour market. The youth population entering the Ghanaian labour market largely possesses only very inadequate labour market-relevant skills. The insufficient involvement of the private sector in government vocational education and training inhibits companies' access to skilled workers trained on the basis of their needs. As a result, this inhibits innovation and growth of Ghanaian enterprises, and thus their potential to contribute to inclusive economic growth.The immediate target group of the FZ module are female and male youth and professionals from different social strata and with different educational qualifications. Intermediate beneficiaries are management and teaching staff at the CTI, teaching staff in the partner companies and staff from CTVET. Indirect target group are companies that benefit from better qualification of the supported graduates
Förderung beruflicher Bildung III Support for Technical and Vocational Education and Training III Das Vorhaben Förderung der beruflichen Bildung in Ghana, Phase III ist Bestandteil des deutsch-ghanaischen EZ Schwerpunktbereichs Ausbildung und nachhaltiges Wachstum für gute Jobs. Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Etablierung eines Exzellenzzentrums für Grüne Technologien am Kumasi Technical Institute, Ghana. Das FZ-Modul soll auch den Zugang für ghanaische Jugendliche und Fachkräfte zu bedarfsorientierten und qualitativ hochwertigen Aus- und Weiterbildungsangeboten in Berufsfeldern, die für eine Grüne Wirtschaft relevant sind, verbessern.Für die Errichtung der notwendigen Gebäudeinfrastruktur und der Ausstattung und Installation von Werkstätten und Klassenräumen steht ein FZ-Beitrag in Höhe von 5 Mio EUR (HH-Mittel-Zuschuss) zur Verfügung.Die Berufsbildungskommission (Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, CTVET) ist Projektträger des Vorhabens.Hintergrund: das staatliche Berufsbildungssystem ist derzeit nicht in der Lage, Fachkräfte in dem Umfang und der Qualität auszubilden, wie es der Arbeitsmarkt erfordert. Die jugendliche Bevölkerung, die auf den ghanaischen Arbeitsmarkt drängt, verfügt in großen Teilen nur über sehr unzureichende arbeitsmarktrelevante Kompetenzen. Die unzureichende Einbindung der Privatwirtschaft in die staatliche Berufsbildung hemmt den Zugang von Unternehmen zu Fachkräften, die anhand ihrer Bedarfe ausgebildet wurden. Als Folge hemmt dies Innovation und Wachstum ghanaischer Unternehmen, und somit ihr Potential, zu einem inklusiven Wirtschaftswachstum beizutragen.Unmittelbare Zielgruppe des FZ-Moduls sind weibliche und männliche Jugendliche und Fachkräfte aus verschiedenen Gesellschaftsschichten und mit unterschiedlichen Bildungsabschlüssen. Intermediäre Begünstigte sind das Management- und Lehrpersonal am KTI, das Lehrpersonal in den Partnerunternehmen sowie Personal von CTVET. Mittelbare Zielgruppe sind Unternehmen, die von einer besseren Qualifikation der geförderten AbsolventInnen profitieren. The project Promotion of Vocational Training in Ghana, Phase III is part of the German-Ghanaian EZ priority area Training and Sustainable Growth for Good Jobs. The aim of the project is to establish a Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies at the Kumasi Technical Institute, Ghana. The FZ module also aims to improve access for Ghanaian youth and skilled workers to demand-oriented and high-quality education and training opportunities in occupational fields relevant to a green economy.An FZ contribution of EUR 5 million (grant) is available for the construction of the necessary building infrastructure and the equipment and installation of workshops and classrooms.The Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) is the project executing agency.Background: the state vocational training system is currently unable to train skilled workers to the extent and quality required by the labour market. The youth population entering the Ghanaian labour market largely possesses only very inadequate labour market-relevant skills. The insufficient involvement of the private sector in government vocational education and training inhibits companies' access to skilled workers trained on the basis of their needs. As a result, this inhibits innovation and growth of Ghanaian enterprises, and thus their potential to contribute to inclusive economic growth.The immediate target group of the FZ module are female and male youth and professionals from different social strata and with different educational qualifications. Intermediate beneficiaries are management and teaching staff at the CTI, teaching staff in the partner companies and staff from CTVET. Indirect target group are companies that benefit from better qualification of the supported graduates Verbesserung des Zugangs armer Bevölkerungsgruppen zu beruflicher Weiterbildung The project Promotion of Vocational Training in Ghana, Phase III is part of the German-Ghanaian EZ priority area Training and Sustainable Growth for Good Jobs. The aim of the project is to establish a Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies at the Kumasi Technical Institute, Ghana. The FZ module also aims to improve access for Ghanaian youth and skilled workers to demand-oriented and high-quality education and training opportunities in occupational fields relevant to a green economy.An FZ contribution of EUR 5 million (grant) is available for the construction of the necessary building infrastructure and the equipment and installation of workshops and classrooms.The Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET) is the project executing agency.Background: the state vocational training system is currently unable to train skilled workers to the extent and quality required by the labour market. The youth population entering the Ghanaian labour market largely possesses only very inadequate labour market-relevant skills. The insufficient involvement of the private sector in government vocational education and training inhibits companies' access to skilled workers trained on the basis of their needs. As a result, this inhibits innovation and growth of Ghanaian enterprises, and thus their potential to contribute to inclusive economic growth.The immediate target group of the FZ module are female and male youth and professionals from different social strata and with different educational qualifications. Intermediate beneficiaries are management and teaching staff at the CTI, teaching staff in the partner companies and staff from CTVET. Indirect target group are companies that benefit from better qualification of the supported graduates
WHO Frivilligt bidrag 2022-2023 + 2024 WHO CVC 2022-2023 + 2024 - WHO CVC 2022-2023+ 2024
Världshälsoorganisationen/WHO är FN:s fackorgan för hälsofrågor med uppdrag att leda och samordna internationellt hälsoarbete, stödja medlemsländernas regeringar i att genomföra bästa möjliga hälso- och sjukvårdspolitik och agera som samordnande auktoritet i det globala hälsoarbetet. WHO:s övergripande mål anges i organisationens konstitution och är ”att alla människor ska uppnå högsta möjliga hälsa”. WHO:s mål beskrivs främst genom två styrdokument: det strategiska arbetsprogrammet, General Programme of Work (GPW13) samt programbudgeten. Arbetsprogrammet för 2019–2025 är det trettonde i ordningen, baseras på Agenda 2030 och anger WHO:s tre strategiska prioriteringar kallade ”trippelmiljardmålen”. Trippelmiljardmålen innebär att en miljard fler människor ska få tillgång till allmän hälso- och sjukvård (Universal Health Coverage, UHC), en miljard fler människor ska vara bättre skyddade mot hälsorelaterade kriser och en miljard fler människor ska leva hälsosammare liv. Arbetsprogrammet innehåller även en fjärde prioritering som syftar till att stärka effektiviteten inom WHO och förbättra stödet till medlemsländerna. Stödet består huvudsakligen av flexibla och icke-öronmärkta medel för genomförandet av WHO:s programbudget för 2022-2023 i linje med GPW13, samt av en mindre mjukt öronmärkt komponent dedikerad målet kring hälsosamma liv och arbetet med hälsa/klimat, miljö och biodiversitet. Insatsen är en samfinansiering mellan två strategier där majoriteten av medlen kanaliseras via strategin för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom hållbar social utveckling (totalt 290 mSEK) och en mindre del via strategin för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom miljö, klimat och biologisk mångfald (totalt 30 mSEK). Utifrån den fördjupande beredning som föranledde beslutet bedöms Sidas stödpaket till WHO nödvändigt för att stärka det multilaterala samfundets hälsoarbete på global, regional och nationell nivå genom ett effektivt och reformerat WHO. Bidraget anses mer relevant än någonsin i ljuset av den enorma börda som pandemin har och fortsätter att orsaka hälsosystem runt om i världen där de största utmaningarna återfinns i låg- och medelinkomstländer. Här anses WHO:s närvaro och tekniska stöd avgörande för att lindra nöd, minska fattigdom och hälsoskillnader mellan grupper och länder samt i arbetet med att uppnå de globala målen, framförallt mål 3 om god hälsa och välbefinnande. Sida gav sin miljö-helpdesk i uppdrag att genomföra en Central Environmental Review (CER) av WHO i början av 2022 som en del av beredningsprocessen. De viktigaste resultaten från CER indikerar att WHO arbetar för att hantera både operativa (direkta) och programmatiska (indirekta) miljö- och klimatfrågor. Organisationens direkta påverkan och interna arbete kopplat till klimat och miljö är starkt och inkluderar omfattande policyer, rapporter och uppföljningar av till exempel deras interna avfallshantering, upphandlingar och evenemang. WHO stödjer även medlemsländerna i deras omvandling mot gröna och motståndskraftiga hälsosystem. Baserat på utvärderingen bedöms kärnsegmentet av insatsen ha en policymarkör 1 (signifikant mål) i förhållande till miljö, mildring av klimatförändringar och anpassning. Den mjuka öronmärkningen dedikerad miljö, klimat och hälsa bedöms ha 2 (huvudmål) i förhållande till miljö, klimatförändring (anpassning) och biologisk mångfald, och policymarkör 1 (signifikant mål) för klimatförändringar (mildring). The World Health Organization/WHO is the UN's specialist body for health issues with the task of leading and coordinating international health efforts, supporting the governments of member countries in implementing the best possible health and medical care policies and acting as a coordinating authority in global health work. WHO's overall goal is stated in the organization's constitution and is "that all people should achieve the highest possible level of health". WHO's goals are primarily described through two guiding documents: the strategic work programme, the General Program of Work (GPW13) and the program budget. The work program for 2019–2025 is the thirteenth in the order, is based on Agenda 2030 and specifies WHO's three strategic priorities called the "triple billion goals". The triple billion goals mean that one billion more people will have access to universal health coverage (UHC), one billion more people will be better protected against health-related emergencies and one billion more people should live healthier lives. The work program also includes a fourth prioritization aimed at strengthening efficiency within WHO and improving support for member states. The support mainly consists of flexible and non-earmarked funds for the implementation of the WHO program budget for 2022-2023 in line with GPW13, as well as of a smaller soft-earmarked component dedicated to the goal of healthy lives and the work on health/climate, environment and biodiversity. The contribution is a co-financing between two strategies where the majority of the funds are channeled via the strategy for Sweden's global development cooperation in sustainable social development (a total of 290 mSEK) and a smaller part via the strategy for Sweden's global development cooperation in the environment, climate and biodiversity (a total of 30 mSEK). Based on the in-depth appraisal that led to the decision, Sida's support package to the WHO is deemed necessary to strengthen the multilateral health work at global, regional and national level through an efficient and reformed WHO. The contribution is considered more relevant than ever in light of the enormous burden that the pandemic has and continues to cause on health systems around the world, where the greatest challenges are found in low- and middle-income countries. Here, WHO's presence and technical support is considered crucial to alleviate suffering, reduce poverty and health differences between groups and countries, as well as in the work to achieve the global goals, above all goal 3 on good health and well-being. Sida commissioned its Climate and Environment helpdesk to conduct a Central Environmental Review (CER) of WHO in early 2022 as part of the appraisal process. The key findings from the CER indicate that WHO works to manage both operational (direct) and programmatic (indirect) environmental and climate change issues. The organisation´s direct impact and internal work connected to climate and environment is strong and involves thorough policies, reports and follow ups on for example their internal waste management, procurements and events. WHO further supports member states in their transformation toward green and resilient health systems. The World Health Organization/WHO is the UN's specialist body for health issues with the task of leading and coordinating international health efforts, supporting the governments of member countries in implementing the best possible health and medical care policies and acting as a coordinating authority in global health work. WHO's overall goal is stated in the organization's constitution and is "that all people should achieve the highest possible level of health". WHO's goals are primarily described through two guiding documents: the strategic work programme, the General Program of Work (GPW13) and the program budget. The work program for 20192025 is the thirteenth in the order, is based on Agenda 2030 and specifies WHO's three strategic priorities called the "triple billion goals". The triple billion goals mean that one billion more people will have access to universal health coverage (UHC), one billion more people will be better protected against health-related emergencies and one billion more people should live healthier lives. The work program also includes a fourth prioritization aimed at strengthening efficiency within WHO and improving support for member states. The support mainly consists of flexible and non-earmarked funds for the implementation of the WHO program budget for 2022-2023 and extended for 2024 in line with GPW13, as well as of a smaller soft-earmarked component dedicated to the goal of healthy lives and the work on health/climate, environment and biodiversity. The contribution is a co-financing between two strategies where the majority of the funds are channeled via the strategy for Sweden's global development cooperation in sustainable social development (a total of 389,5 mSEK) and a smaller part via the strategy for Sweden's global development cooperation in the environment, climate and biodiversity (a total of 45 mSEK). Based on the in-depth appraisal that led to the decision, Sida's support package to the WHO is deemed necessary to strengthen the multilateral health work at global, regional and national level through an efficient and reformed WHO. The contribution is considered more relevant than ever in light of the enormous burden that the pandemic has and continues to cause on health systems around the world, where the greatest challenges are found in low- and middle-income countries. Here, WHO's presence and technical support is considered crucial to alleviate suffering, reduce poverty and health differences between groups and countries, as well as in the work to achieve the global goals, above all goal 3 on good health and well-being.
WHO Frivilligt bidrag 2022-2023 + 2024 WHO CVC 2022-2023 + 2024 - WHO CVC 2022-2023+ 2024 Världshälsoorganisationen/WHO är FN:s fackorgan för hälsofrågor med uppdrag att leda och samordna internationellt hälsoarbete, stödja medlemsländernas regeringar i att genomföra bästa möjliga hälso- och sjukvårdspolitik och agera som samordnande auktoritet i det globala hälsoarbetet. WHO:s övergripande mål anges i organisationens konstitution och är ”att alla människor ska uppnå högsta möjliga hälsa”. WHO:s mål beskrivs främst genom två styrdokument: det strategiska arbetsprogrammet, General Programme of Work (GPW13) samt programbudgeten. Arbetsprogrammet för 2019–2025 är det trettonde i ordningen, baseras på Agenda 2030 och anger WHO:s tre strategiska prioriteringar kallade ”trippelmiljardmålen”. Trippelmiljardmålen innebär att en miljard fler människor ska få tillgång till allmän hälso- och sjukvård (Universal Health Coverage, UHC), en miljard fler människor ska vara bättre skyddade mot hälsorelaterade kriser och en miljard fler människor ska leva hälsosammare liv. Arbetsprogrammet innehåller även en fjärde prioritering som syftar till att stärka effektiviteten inom WHO och förbättra stödet till medlemsländerna. Stödet består huvudsakligen av flexibla och icke-öronmärkta medel för genomförandet av WHO:s programbudget för 2022-2023 i linje med GPW13, samt av en mindre mjukt öronmärkt komponent dedikerad målet kring hälsosamma liv och arbetet med hälsa/klimat, miljö och biodiversitet. Insatsen är en samfinansiering mellan två strategier där majoriteten av medlen kanaliseras via strategin för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom hållbar social utveckling (totalt 290 mSEK) och en mindre del via strategin för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom miljö, klimat och biologisk mångfald (totalt 30 mSEK). Utifrån den fördjupande beredning som föranledde beslutet bedöms Sidas stödpaket till WHO nödvändigt för att stärka det multilaterala samfundets hälsoarbete på global, regional och nationell nivå genom ett effektivt och reformerat WHO. Bidraget anses mer relevant än någonsin i ljuset av den enorma börda som pandemin har och fortsätter att orsaka hälsosystem runt om i världen där de största utmaningarna återfinns i låg- och medelinkomstländer. Här anses WHO:s närvaro och tekniska stöd avgörande för att lindra nöd, minska fattigdom och hälsoskillnader mellan grupper och länder samt i arbetet med att uppnå de globala målen, framförallt mål 3 om god hälsa och välbefinnande. Sida gav sin miljö-helpdesk i uppdrag att genomföra en Central Environmental Review (CER) av WHO i början av 2022 som en del av beredningsprocessen. De viktigaste resultaten från CER indikerar att WHO arbetar för att hantera både operativa (direkta) och programmatiska (indirekta) miljö- och klimatfrågor. Organisationens direkta påverkan och interna arbete kopplat till klimat och miljö är starkt och inkluderar omfattande policyer, rapporter och uppföljningar av till exempel deras interna avfallshantering, upphandlingar och evenemang. WHO stödjer även medlemsländerna i deras omvandling mot gröna och motståndskraftiga hälsosystem. Baserat på utvärderingen bedöms kärnsegmentet av insatsen ha en policymarkör 1 (signifikant mål) i förhållande till miljö, mildring av klimatförändringar och anpassning. Den mjuka öronmärkningen dedikerad miljö, klimat och hälsa bedöms ha 2 (huvudmål) i förhållande till miljö, klimatförändring (anpassning) och biologisk mångfald, och policymarkör 1 (signifikant mål) för klimatförändringar (mildring). The World Health Organization/WHO is the UN's specialist body for health issues with the task of leading and coordinating international health efforts, supporting the governments of member countries in implementing the best possible health and medical care policies and acting as a coordinating authority in global health work. WHO's overall goal is stated in the organization's constitution and is "that all people should achieve the highest possible level of health". WHO's goals are primarily described through two guiding documents: the strategic work programme, the General Program of Work (GPW13) and the program budget. The work program for 2019–2025 is the thirteenth in the order, is based on Agenda 2030 and specifies WHO's three strategic priorities called the "triple billion goals". The triple billion goals mean that one billion more people will have access to universal health coverage (UHC), one billion more people will be better protected against health-related emergencies and one billion more people should live healthier lives. The work program also includes a fourth prioritization aimed at strengthening efficiency within WHO and improving support for member states. The support mainly consists of flexible and non-earmarked funds for the implementation of the WHO program budget for 2022-2023 in line with GPW13, as well as of a smaller soft-earmarked component dedicated to the goal of healthy lives and the work on health/climate, environment and biodiversity. The contribution is a co-financing between two strategies where the majority of the funds are channeled via the strategy for Sweden's global development cooperation in sustainable social development (a total of 290 mSEK) and a smaller part via the strategy for Sweden's global development cooperation in the environment, climate and biodiversity (a total of 30 mSEK). Based on the in-depth appraisal that led to the decision, Sida's support package to the WHO is deemed necessary to strengthen the multilateral health work at global, regional and national level through an efficient and reformed WHO. The contribution is considered more relevant than ever in light of the enormous burden that the pandemic has and continues to cause on health systems around the world, where the greatest challenges are found in low- and middle-income countries. Here, WHO's presence and technical support is considered crucial to alleviate suffering, reduce poverty and health differences between groups and countries, as well as in the work to achieve the global goals, above all goal 3 on good health and well-being. Sida commissioned its Climate and Environment helpdesk to conduct a Central Environmental Review (CER) of WHO in early 2022 as part of the appraisal process. The key findings from the CER indicate that WHO works to manage both operational (direct) and programmatic (indirect) environmental and climate change issues. The organisation´s direct impact and internal work connected to climate and environment is strong and involves thorough policies, reports and follow ups on for example their internal waste management, procurements and events. WHO further supports member states in their transformation toward green and resilient health systems. The World Health Organization/WHO is the UN's specialist body for health issues with the task of leading and coordinating international health efforts, supporting the governments of member countries in implementing the best possible health and medical care policies and acting as a coordinating authority in global health work. WHO's overall goal is stated in the organization's constitution and is "that all people should achieve the highest possible level of health". WHO's goals are primarily described through two guiding documents: the strategic work programme, the General Program of Work (GPW13) and the program budget. The work program for 20192025 is the thirteenth in the order, is based on Agenda 2030 and specifies WHO's three strategic priorities called the "triple billion goals". The triple billion goals mean that one billion more people will have access to universal health coverage (UHC), one billion more people will be better protected against health-related emergencies and one billion more people should live healthier lives. The work program also includes a fourth prioritization aimed at strengthening efficiency within WHO and improving support for member states. The support mainly consists of flexible and non-earmarked funds for the implementation of the WHO program budget for 2022-2023 and extended for 2024 in line with GPW13, as well as of a smaller soft-earmarked component dedicated to the goal of healthy lives and the work on health/climate, environment and biodiversity. The contribution is a co-financing between two strategies where the majority of the funds are channeled via the strategy for Sweden's global development cooperation in sustainable social development (a total of 389,5 mSEK) and a smaller part via the strategy for Sweden's global development cooperation in the environment, climate and biodiversity (a total of 45 mSEK). Based on the in-depth appraisal that led to the decision, Sida's support package to the WHO is deemed necessary to strengthen the multilateral health work at global, regional and national level through an efficient and reformed WHO. The contribution is considered more relevant than ever in light of the enormous burden that the pandemic has and continues to cause on health systems around the world, where the greatest challenges are found in low- and middle-income countries. Here, WHO's presence and technical support is considered crucial to alleviate suffering, reduce poverty and health differences between groups and countries, as well as in the work to achieve the global goals, above all goal 3 on good health and well-being.
UNDP DPG DAG 2019 - 2024 UNDP DPG DAG 2019 - 2024
DPG (Development Partner Group, tidigare DAG, Development Assistance Group) är en insats som genomförs av UNDP i samverkan med ett 30-tal bilaterala och multilaterala aktörer i syfte att samordna biståndet i Etiopien, genom ökad koordinering, biståndseffektivitet, analyser, uppföljningar och givardialog. Under 2021 förlängdes insatsen genom en avtalsändring, för en ny fas under perioden 2021-2023. I en tidigare fas av projektet gavs stöd till Etiopiens utvecklingsplan för åren 2016-2020, "Growth and Transformation Plan" vilket var landets andra versionen (GTPII). Det finns en välutvecklad givarkoordineringsstruktur i landet som syftar till att stärka landet genomförande av GTPII. Givarstrukturen består av ett övergripande organ där alla biståndschefer deltar (DPG, tidigare DAG). DPG/DAG leder givarkoordineringen och är den huvudsakliga ingången för givarna till dialog på hög nivå. DPG/DAG och landets finansministerium möts en gång per år för en strategisk dialog. DPG/DAG stödjs av ett sekretariat och UNDP är arbetsgivare för de som arbetar inom sekretariatet. Under DPG/DAG finns ett stort antal tematiska grupper. Sverige har 2019-2020 aktivt drivit en miljö/klimatgrupp, en privatsektorgrupp, en governance grupp samt en valstödsgrupp. Sverige hade ordföranderollen tillsammans med Världsbanken i DAG/DPG 2019-2020. Sveriges bidrag till DPG/DAG uppgår till omkring SEK 500 000 per år. DPG (Development Partner Group, formerly DAG, Development Assistance Group), is a project implemented by UNDP in cooperation with around 30 bilateral and multilateral partners in order to enhance coordination, development effectiveness, and dialogue related to reforms in Etiophia. A new phase has been added to the project through an amendment for 2021-2023. The previous phase of the project aimed to enhance implementation of Ethiopia's second Growth and Transformation plan covering 2016-2020. There is also a well developed donor coordination structure in the country which aim is to support and strengthen the implementation of the GTPII, strengthen dialogue and aid effectiveness. The donor structure is led by DPG (previously called the DAG, Development Assistance Group) and it has a large number of thematic sub-groups. Sweden is particularly active in the environment/climate change group, the private sector development group and the governance group. Sweden was together with the Worldbank co-chairing the DAG structure 2019-2020. The structure is supported by a Secretariat hosted by UNDP. Every year the DPG/DAG develops a work plan and a budget which aim is to support the GTPII implemenentation, dialogue with the government and aid effectiveness. The workplan outlines a number of activities like workshops, trainings, meetings, studies and research and all donors participating in the DAG structure financially contribute to this work. The Embassy has since several years back contributed to the work with an amount of SEK 500 000 per year. The DPG (Development Partner Group) (previously the "Development Assistant Group") has about 30 bilateral and multilateral members supporting the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) in executing national development plans in accordance with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The "DPG Structure" includes the DPG Advisory Committee (former DAG Executive Committee (Ex-Com), the DPG Heads of Agency (HOA) (consisting of 30 members), five Technical Working Groups, 12 Sector Working Groups, and a Secretariat. The DPG structure conducts and coordinates joint dialogue with the Government of Ethiopia. The Secretariat is hosted by the UNDP country office and provides support to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Planning and Development Commission (PDC) in the context of the DPG Pooled Funds support to national development priority plans. It also provides technical assistance and policy advisory services, and facilitates support to the various sector and technical working groups, the DPG Advisory Committee and the DPG Heads of Agency. The Secretariat follows up on ongoing agendas as well as new initiatives that are launched by the DPG and facilitates policy level events between the GoE and DPs, such as the Annual Progress Review (APR), the HLF and ad hoc events. The technical working groups that operate directly under the umbrella of the DPG include: (i) the Macro-economic discussion forum and Public Financial Management sub-groups; (ii) Governance Technical Working Group GTWG, which consists of Civil Society and the Justice, Safety and Conflict sub-groups; (iii) Donor Group on Gender Equality (DGGE); and (iv) Health, Population and Nutrition, consisting of sub-groups on Nutrition and HIV/AIDS and Basic Service Delivery. In addition, the architecture includes twelve Sector Working Groups with 10 sub sector working groups that fall under the auspices of the MoF.
UNDP DPG DAG 2019 - 2024 UNDP DPG DAG 2019 - 2024 DPG (Development Partner Group, tidigare DAG, Development Assistance Group) är en insats som genomförs av UNDP i samverkan med ett 30-tal bilaterala och multilaterala aktörer i syfte att samordna biståndet i Etiopien, genom ökad koordinering, biståndseffektivitet, analyser, uppföljningar och givardialog. Under 2021 förlängdes insatsen genom en avtalsändring, för en ny fas under perioden 2021-2023. I en tidigare fas av projektet gavs stöd till Etiopiens utvecklingsplan för åren 2016-2020, "Growth and Transformation Plan" vilket var landets andra versionen (GTPII). Det finns en välutvecklad givarkoordineringsstruktur i landet som syftar till att stärka landet genomförande av GTPII. Givarstrukturen består av ett övergripande organ där alla biståndschefer deltar (DPG, tidigare DAG). DPG/DAG leder givarkoordineringen och är den huvudsakliga ingången för givarna till dialog på hög nivå. DPG/DAG och landets finansministerium möts en gång per år för en strategisk dialog. DPG/DAG stödjs av ett sekretariat och UNDP är arbetsgivare för de som arbetar inom sekretariatet. Under DPG/DAG finns ett stort antal tematiska grupper. Sverige har 2019-2020 aktivt drivit en miljö/klimatgrupp, en privatsektorgrupp, en governance grupp samt en valstödsgrupp. Sverige hade ordföranderollen tillsammans med Världsbanken i DAG/DPG 2019-2020. Sveriges bidrag till DPG/DAG uppgår till omkring SEK 500 000 per år. DPG (Development Partner Group, formerly DAG, Development Assistance Group), is a project implemented by UNDP in cooperation with around 30 bilateral and multilateral partners in order to enhance coordination, development effectiveness, and dialogue related to reforms in Etiophia. A new phase has been added to the project through an amendment for 2021-2023. The previous phase of the project aimed to enhance implementation of Ethiopia's second Growth and Transformation plan covering 2016-2020. There is also a well developed donor coordination structure in the country which aim is to support and strengthen the implementation of the GTPII, strengthen dialogue and aid effectiveness. The donor structure is led by DPG (previously called the DAG, Development Assistance Group) and it has a large number of thematic sub-groups. Sweden is particularly active in the environment/climate change group, the private sector development group and the governance group. Sweden was together with the Worldbank co-chairing the DAG structure 2019-2020. The structure is supported by a Secretariat hosted by UNDP. Every year the DPG/DAG develops a work plan and a budget which aim is to support the GTPII implemenentation, dialogue with the government and aid effectiveness. The workplan outlines a number of activities like workshops, trainings, meetings, studies and research and all donors participating in the DAG structure financially contribute to this work. The Embassy has since several years back contributed to the work with an amount of SEK 500 000 per year. The DPG (Development Partner Group) (previously the "Development Assistant Group") has about 30 bilateral and multilateral members supporting the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) in executing national development plans in accordance with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The "DPG Structure" includes the DPG Advisory Committee (former DAG Executive Committee (Ex-Com), the DPG Heads of Agency (HOA) (consisting of 30 members), five Technical Working Groups, 12 Sector Working Groups, and a Secretariat. The DPG structure conducts and coordinates joint dialogue with the Government of Ethiopia. The Secretariat is hosted by the UNDP country office and provides support to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Planning and Development Commission (PDC) in the context of the DPG Pooled Funds support to national development priority plans. It also provides technical assistance and policy advisory services, and facilitates support to the various sector and technical working groups, the DPG Advisory Committee and the DPG Heads of Agency. The Secretariat follows up on ongoing agendas as well as new initiatives that are launched by the DPG and facilitates policy level events between the GoE and DPs, such as the Annual Progress Review (APR), the HLF and ad hoc events. The technical working groups that operate directly under the umbrella of the DPG include: (i) the Macro-economic discussion forum and Public Financial Management sub-groups; (ii) Governance Technical Working Group GTWG, which consists of Civil Society and the Justice, Safety and Conflict sub-groups; (iii) Donor Group on Gender Equality (DGGE); and (iv) Health, Population and Nutrition, consisting of sub-groups on Nutrition and HIV/AIDS and Basic Service Delivery. In addition, the architecture includes twelve Sector Working Groups with 10 sub sector working groups that fall under the auspices of the MoF.
TAKIWAMA - Gestion intégrée des eaux dans le bassin du lac Tanganyika et du lac Kivu
TAKIWAMA - Gestion intégrée des eaux dans le bassin du lac Tanganyika et du lac Kivu - TAKIWAMA - Gestion intégrée des eaux dans le bassin du lac Tanganyika et du lac Kivu
TAKIWAMA - Gestion intégrée des eaux dans le bassin du lac Tanganyika et du lac Kivu TAKIWAMA - Gestion intégrée des eaux dans le bassin du lac Tanganyika et du lac Kivu - TAKIWAMA - Gestion intégrée des eaux dans le bassin du lac Tanganyika et du lac Kivu
Dialogen som verktyg Dialogue as a tool
The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Dialogen som verktyg Dialogue as a tool The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
EU Support to Strengthening IBM in Ukraine (EU for Solidarity Lanes and IBM) Addendum number 1 to the contrac
Contract related to: EU Support to Strengthening IBM in Ukraine (EU for Solidarity Lanes and IBM) Addendum number 1 to the contrac - On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation launched a war of agression against Ukraine. The military agression has inflicted widespread suffering and casualties on the Ukrainian population, disrupted the provision of essential services, damaged civilian infrastructure and caused massive forced displacement. The European Union and the international community at large have firmly and unequivocally condemned Russia¿s war of aggression in the strongest possible terms and imposed sweeping economic sanctions as well as restrictive measures against individuals. The Action seeks to contribute to alleviating the suffering of the Ukrain¿s population caused by Russia¿s war of agression, including indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure by the Russian Armed Forces in blatant violation of international law, especially international humanitarian law. The Action¿s main objective is to provide infrastructure to secure access to basic goods and services as well as protection. The Action will also contribute to strengthening the country¿s resilience and resilience against hybrid threats by increasing the capacity of the government, economic actors, media and civil society to withstand the impact of the crisis and contribute to the recovery of the country. Focus will be also placed on the reconstruction of civilian infrastructure and its strategic planning as well as energy security.The Action, while contributing to advancing SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions), is in line with Priority Area 1 (A resilient, sustainable and integrated economy), Priority Area 4 (A resilient digital transformation) and Priority Area 5 (A resilient, gender-equal, fair and inclusive society) of the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP) 2021-2027 for Ukraine, and is consistent with the wider European Union¿s goal of increasing the stability, prosperity and resilience of its neighbourhood, as set out in the Global Strategy for the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union.
EU Support to Strengthening IBM in Ukraine (EU for Solidarity Lanes and IBM) Addendum number 1 to the contrac Contract related to: EU Support to Strengthening IBM in Ukraine (EU for Solidarity Lanes and IBM) Addendum number 1 to the contrac - On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation launched a war of agression against Ukraine. The military agression has inflicted widespread suffering and casualties on the Ukrainian population, disrupted the provision of essential services, damaged civilian infrastructure and caused massive forced displacement. The European Union and the international community at large have firmly and unequivocally condemned Russia¿s war of aggression in the strongest possible terms and imposed sweeping economic sanctions as well as restrictive measures against individuals. The Action seeks to contribute to alleviating the suffering of the Ukrain¿s population caused by Russia¿s war of agression, including indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure by the Russian Armed Forces in blatant violation of international law, especially international humanitarian law. The Action¿s main objective is to provide infrastructure to secure access to basic goods and services as well as protection. The Action will also contribute to strengthening the country¿s resilience and resilience against hybrid threats by increasing the capacity of the government, economic actors, media and civil society to withstand the impact of the crisis and contribute to the recovery of the country. Focus will be also placed on the reconstruction of civilian infrastructure and its strategic planning as well as energy security.The Action, while contributing to advancing SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions), is in line with Priority Area 1 (A resilient, sustainable and integrated economy), Priority Area 4 (A resilient digital transformation) and Priority Area 5 (A resilient, gender-equal, fair and inclusive society) of the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP) 2021-2027 for Ukraine, and is consistent with the wider European Union¿s goal of increasing the stability, prosperity and resilience of its neighbourhood, as set out in the Global Strategy for the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union.
Subvention avec ECES pour la mise en oeuvre du projet PAPPE
<p>Projet d¿appui au Parlement et aux processus électoraux (PAPPE) - Changement de mode de gestion (passant de gestion indirecte avec une agence d'un état membre-GIZ à un contrat de subvention avec ECES) conformement aux dispositions de la CF</p>
Subvention avec ECES pour la mise en oeuvre du projet PAPPE <p>Projet d¿appui au Parlement et aux processus électoraux (PAPPE) - Changement de mode de gestion (passant de gestion indirecte avec une agence d'un état membre-GIZ à un contrat de subvention avec ECES) conformement aux dispositions de la CF</p>
Youth Rising - EU Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for Young People in Liberia II
Contract related to: Youth Rising - EU Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for Young People in Liberia II - Liberia¿s population was estimated to be 5 million in 2020, with forecasts predicting 6.4 million in 2030.&nbsp;In 2020, 40% of the population was under the age of 15 &nbsp;and population growth is not projected to decrease. As a result, pressure on the education system and the labour market in Liberia are extremely high. The global commodity price crisis, and combined effects of the Ebola crisis and COVID-19 pandemic, have devastated the Liberian economy and worsened youth¿s fragility problems. &nbsp;Liberian youth suffer from high unemployment, underemployment and vulnerable employment rates. A socially and economically marginalised youth poses serious risks to national security, social cohesion and stability. Efforts to improve youth¿s employability are constrained by a deficient Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector. Overall, the Liberian TVET sector is faced with serious shortcomings in terms of quality and relevance, access and equity, funding and governance, including outdated and limited equipment; lack of adequately trained and incentivized trainers and administrators; lack of an accreditation system and standardized curricula; weak linkages between TVET and the productive sectors of the economy; low management capacity and central and local levels; lack of gender sensitive measures; lack of coordination between TVET stakeholders; lack of defined pathways into and from TVET; and insufficient funding.&nbsp;The proposed Action seeks to step up EU support to Liberian youth, to ensure they can acquire relevant skills and access decent and quality jobs through vocational and technical training. The proposed action builds on the results of EU¿s ¿Youth Rising¿ project, designed to strengthen the Liberian TVET sector in its capacity to deliver equitable and gender-balanced access to high quality and demand-driven TVET in 7 counties (6 supported by the EU and 1 by the Government of Sweden).The second phase of the ¿Youth Rising¿ project will replicate the action in the remaining 8 counties. The proposed intervention will complement capacity development support at the central and Vocational Training Centre levels and strengthen links with the private sector. In addition, the intervention will address equity and inclusiveness issues in hard-to-reach counties, with a focus on gender, vulnerable youth, youth with disabilities, and youth at risk. The intervention will improve access to TVET in all counties. The proposed Action reflects the EU¿s political objectives defined in the European Consensus on Development. It will enhance youth¿s employability and Vocational Education and Training (VET) alignment to private sector needs.&nbsp;The Action proposes measures to address gender equity in access to TVET and female paid employment, thus contributing to the 2021-2025 EU Gender Action Plan. The Action is aligned to the Government of Liberia (GoL)¿s priorities, as stated in the ¿Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD 2018-2024). &nbsp;¿Power to the people¿, the first pillar of the four-pronged PAPD strategy, focuses on the importance of developing a skilled workforce, with specific emphasis on the role of TVET.
Youth Rising - EU Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for Young People in Liberia II Contract related to: Youth Rising - EU Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for Young People in Liberia II - Liberia¿s population was estimated to be 5 million in 2020, with forecasts predicting 6.4 million in 2030.&nbsp;In 2020, 40% of the population was under the age of 15 &nbsp;and population growth is not projected to decrease. As a result, pressure on the education system and the labour market in Liberia are extremely high. The global commodity price crisis, and combined effects of the Ebola crisis and COVID-19 pandemic, have devastated the Liberian economy and worsened youth¿s fragility problems. &nbsp;Liberian youth suffer from high unemployment, underemployment and vulnerable employment rates. A socially and economically marginalised youth poses serious risks to national security, social cohesion and stability. Efforts to improve youth¿s employability are constrained by a deficient Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector. Overall, the Liberian TVET sector is faced with serious shortcomings in terms of quality and relevance, access and equity, funding and governance, including outdated and limited equipment; lack of adequately trained and incentivized trainers and administrators; lack of an accreditation system and standardized curricula; weak linkages between TVET and the productive sectors of the economy; low management capacity and central and local levels; lack of gender sensitive measures; lack of coordination between TVET stakeholders; lack of defined pathways into and from TVET; and insufficient funding.&nbsp;The proposed Action seeks to step up EU support to Liberian youth, to ensure they can acquire relevant skills and access decent and quality jobs through vocational and technical training. The proposed action builds on the results of EU¿s ¿Youth Rising¿ project, designed to strengthen the Liberian TVET sector in its capacity to deliver equitable and gender-balanced access to high quality and demand-driven TVET in 7 counties (6 supported by the EU and 1 by the Government of Sweden).The second phase of the ¿Youth Rising¿ project will replicate the action in the remaining 8 counties. The proposed intervention will complement capacity development support at the central and Vocational Training Centre levels and strengthen links with the private sector. In addition, the intervention will address equity and inclusiveness issues in hard-to-reach counties, with a focus on gender, vulnerable youth, youth with disabilities, and youth at risk. The intervention will improve access to TVET in all counties. The proposed Action reflects the EU¿s political objectives defined in the European Consensus on Development. It will enhance youth¿s employability and Vocational Education and Training (VET) alignment to private sector needs.&nbsp;The Action proposes measures to address gender equity in access to TVET and female paid employment, thus contributing to the 2021-2025 EU Gender Action Plan. The Action is aligned to the Government of Liberia (GoL)¿s priorities, as stated in the ¿Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD 2018-2024). &nbsp;¿Power to the people¿, the first pillar of the four-pronged PAPD strategy, focuses on the importance of developing a skilled workforce, with specific emphasis on the role of TVET.
Consultant HR/D-experienc Konsult Erfarenh.red. MR
Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Consultant HR/D-experienc Konsult Erfarenh.red. MR Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Use UK expertise to strengthen the capacity of Venezuelan journalists to report accurately on human rights through the use of digital tools
STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF VENEZUELAN JOURNALISTS TO REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS Use UK expertise to strengthen the capacity of Venezuelan journalists to report accurately on human rights through the use of digital tools
Reserve Reserv
Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Reserve Reserv Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Grow Together: Transformation von Gender-Beziehungen in Uganda hin zu gleichberechtigter Mitbestimmung, wirtschaftlichem Empowerment und verbesserter Menstruationsgesundheit von Frauen und Mädchen Grow Together: Transforming gender relations in Uganda towards equal participation, economic empowerment and improved menstrual health for women and girls
Grow Together: Transformation von Gender-Beziehungen in Uganda hin zu gleichberechtigter Mitbestimmung, wirtschaftlichem Empowerment und verbesserter Menstruationsgesundheit von Frauen und Mädchen Grow Together: Transforming gender relations in Uganda towards equal participation, economic empowerment and improved menstrual health for women and girls Grow Together: Transformation von Gender-Beziehungen in Uganda hin zu gleichberechtigter Mitbestimmung, wirtschaftlichem Empowerment und verbesserter Menstruationsgesundheit von Frauen und Mädchen Grow Together: Transforming gender relations in Uganda towards equal participation, economic empowerment and improved menstrual health for women and girls
Grow Together: Transformation von Gender-Beziehungen in Uganda hin zu gleichberechtigter Mitbestimmung, wirtschaftlichem Empowerment und verbesserter Menstruationsgesundheit von Frauen und Mädchen Grow Together: Transforming gender relations in Uganda towards equal participation, economic empowerment and improved menstrual health for women and girls Grow Together: Transformation von Gender-Beziehungen in Uganda hin zu gleichberechtigter Mitbestimmung, wirtschaftlichem Empowerment und verbesserter Menstruationsgesundheit von Frauen und Mädchen Grow Together: Transforming gender relations in Uganda towards equal participation, economic empowerment and improved menstrual health for women and girls Grow Together: Transformation von Gender-Beziehungen in Uganda hin zu gleichberechtigter Mitbestimmung, wirtschaftlichem Empowerment und verbesserter Menstruationsgesundheit von Frauen und Mädchen Grow Together: Transforming gender relations in Uganda towards equal participation, economic empowerment and improved menstrual health for women and girls
Sierra Leone OV - Post Ascend
Oncho elimination mapping (OEM)
Commitment 2023 Expenditure Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Expenditure Apr 2023 to Jun 2023 Expenditure Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Expenditure Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Expenditure Oct 2022 to Dec 2022
Sierra Leone OV - Post Ascend Oncho elimination mapping (OEM) Commitment 2023 Expenditure Jan 2023 to Mar 2023 Expenditure Apr 2023 to Jun 2023 Expenditure Jul 2022 to Sep 2022 Expenditure Jul 2023 to Sep 2023 Expenditure Oct 2022 to Dec 2022
ACTED - COVID-19 Fund for emergency CSO projects ACTED - Fondo volto a compensare i costi aggiuntivi sostenuti dalle OSC nella realizzazione delle iniziative di emergenza a causa del COVID-19
ACTED - Fund aimed at financing extra costs incurred by CSOs in emergency projects because of COVID-19 ACTED - Fondo volto a compensare i costi aggiuntivi sostenuti dalle OSC nella realizzazione delle iniziative di emergenza a causa del COVID-19
Commitment - Financial Year 2022 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022
ACTED - COVID-19 Fund for emergency CSO projects ACTED - Fondo volto a compensare i costi aggiuntivi sostenuti dalle OSC nella realizzazione delle iniziative di emergenza a causa del COVID-19 ACTED - Fund aimed at financing extra costs incurred by CSOs in emergency projects because of COVID-19 ACTED - Fondo volto a compensare i costi aggiuntivi sostenuti dalle OSC nella realizzazione delle iniziative di emergenza a causa del COVID-19 Commitment - Financial Year 2022 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022
Enhancing the Role of the Syrian Peacebuilding Club
Contract related to: Enhancing the Role of the Syrian Peacebuilding Club - While the humanitarian needs are huge, with almost 14 million people in need of assistance, the changing nature of the crisis requires a more robust medium-term approach supporting the resilience and early recovery efforts of Syrian citizens wherever possible at a grassroots level ¿ going beyond emergency and life-saving responses. There is also a clear imperative to support medium to longer-term interventions which focus on strengthening systems and fostering resilience and sustainability. This Special Measure will therefore support the resilience and early recovery needs of the Syrian population through community-driven interventions aimed at the provision of key services while supporting social cohesion at the local level. Four priority areas of intervention have been selected. Interventions in the health and education sectors will focus on strengthening the provision of key services now, but will also pay attention, among others, to aspects which increase resilience, such as strengthened capacities of healthcare personnel to manage services and systems, or greater investments in vocational education providing youth with viable livelihood opportunities. This Special Measure will also continue to build urban and rural resilience, providing integrated support to a number of urban areas and their rural hinterlands with the aim of mitigating further instability, displacement and loss of human capital by employing a people-centred approach to recovery and social cohesion. Finally, this action will support local Syrian civil society actors to build their capacities as independent development actors in their communities, promoting inclusive, transparent and participatory processes, which can support early recovery and foster social cohesion.Individual areas of the action will contribute to four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) linked directly to the priority sectors of intervention. Due attention to cross-cutting issues, especially gender and support for vulnerable community members will lead to contributions towards SDGs on gender inequality and reduced inequalities. Together, the separate interventions will contribute towards the overarching goal of a reduction in poverty.The action will give priority (1) to a `Whole of Syria¿ approach as long as the operational context allows, and (2) to communities where significant numbers of returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are located. &nbsp;
Enhancing the Role of the Syrian Peacebuilding Club Contract related to: Enhancing the Role of the Syrian Peacebuilding Club - While the humanitarian needs are huge, with almost 14 million people in need of assistance, the changing nature of the crisis requires a more robust medium-term approach supporting the resilience and early recovery efforts of Syrian citizens wherever possible at a grassroots level ¿ going beyond emergency and life-saving responses. There is also a clear imperative to support medium to longer-term interventions which focus on strengthening systems and fostering resilience and sustainability. This Special Measure will therefore support the resilience and early recovery needs of the Syrian population through community-driven interventions aimed at the provision of key services while supporting social cohesion at the local level. Four priority areas of intervention have been selected. Interventions in the health and education sectors will focus on strengthening the provision of key services now, but will also pay attention, among others, to aspects which increase resilience, such as strengthened capacities of healthcare personnel to manage services and systems, or greater investments in vocational education providing youth with viable livelihood opportunities. This Special Measure will also continue to build urban and rural resilience, providing integrated support to a number of urban areas and their rural hinterlands with the aim of mitigating further instability, displacement and loss of human capital by employing a people-centred approach to recovery and social cohesion. Finally, this action will support local Syrian civil society actors to build their capacities as independent development actors in their communities, promoting inclusive, transparent and participatory processes, which can support early recovery and foster social cohesion.Individual areas of the action will contribute to four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) linked directly to the priority sectors of intervention. Due attention to cross-cutting issues, especially gender and support for vulnerable community members will lead to contributions towards SDGs on gender inequality and reduced inequalities. Together, the separate interventions will contribute towards the overarching goal of a reduction in poverty.The action will give priority (1) to a `Whole of Syria¿ approach as long as the operational context allows, and (2) to communities where significant numbers of returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are located. &nbsp;
Straightening of an inclusive and sustainable economy in Tiquipaya and Sacaba municipalities ECO.COM. Rafforzamento dell'economia comunitaria, solidale, inclusiva e sostenibile nei Comuni di Tiquipaya e Sacaba (Bolivia)
This project proposal aims to contribute to improving the socio-economic development of the<br><br>Bolivian communities of Tiquipaya and Sacaba and the living conditions of their population through the strengthening a community economy as an opportunity for a sustainable, inclusive and solidarity local economic development in order to contribute to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development. La presente proposta progettuale intende contribuire a migliorare lo sviluppo socio-economico dei comuni boliviani di Tiquipaya e Sacaba e le condizioni di vita della loro popolazione attraverso il rafforzamento dell’economia comunitaria, come opportunità di sviluppo economico locale sostenibile, inclusivo e solidale, contribuendo alla localizzazione degli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Commitment - Financial Year 2018 Disboursement - Financial Year 2018 Disboursement - Financial Year 2020 Disboursement - Financial Year 2021
Straightening of an inclusive and sustainable economy in Tiquipaya and Sacaba municipalities ECO.COM. Rafforzamento dell'economia comunitaria, solidale, inclusiva e sostenibile nei Comuni di Tiquipaya e Sacaba (Bolivia) This project proposal aims to contribute to improving the socio-economic development of the<br><br>Bolivian communities of Tiquipaya and Sacaba and the living conditions of their population through the strengthening a community economy as an opportunity for a sustainable, inclusive and solidarity local economic development in order to contribute to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development. La presente proposta progettuale intende contribuire a migliorare lo sviluppo socio-economico dei comuni boliviani di Tiquipaya e Sacaba e le condizioni di vita della loro popolazione attraverso il rafforzamento dell’economia comunitaria, come opportunità di sviluppo economico locale sostenibile, inclusivo e solidale, contribuendo alla localizzazione degli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Commitment - Financial Year 2018 Disboursement - Financial Year 2018 Disboursement - Financial Year 2020 Disboursement - Financial Year 2021
EU for Inclusive Socio-Economic Development - XK2022AAP
This Action will address thematic priority 1: Education, employment, social protection and inclusion policies, and health of the IPA III programming framework. The overall objective of this Action is to contribute to thestabilisation of the socio-economic situation of non-majority communities in Kosovo as well as developing an inclusive and multi-cultural society through stable support to minority communities, inclusion of minoritystudents in education at all level and the enabling environment for youth volunteering.
EU for Inclusive Socio-Economic Development - XK2022AAP This Action will address thematic priority 1: Education, employment, social protection and inclusion policies, and health of the IPA III programming framework. The overall objective of this Action is to contribute to thestabilisation of the socio-economic situation of non-majority communities in Kosovo as well as developing an inclusive and multi-cultural society through stable support to minority communities, inclusion of minoritystudents in education at all level and the enabling environment for youth volunteering.
Iraq emergency humanitarian assistance
To provide emergency humanitarian relief to 65,000 ordinary Iraqis in serious need. Including provision of emergency medicines, food and basic shelter . It will also enable aid agencies to trace and reunite families who have been separated while fleeing from the violence.The Department for International Development (DFID) is leading the UK’s humanitarian response and getting life-saving aid to people across northern and central Iraq who have fled ISIL terrorists that includes: emergency medicines, food, shelter and essential winter supplies.
Iraq emergency humanitarian assistance To provide emergency humanitarian relief to 65,000 ordinary Iraqis in serious need. Including provision of emergency medicines, food and basic shelter . It will also enable aid agencies to trace and reunite families who have been separated while fleeing from the violence.The Department for International Development (DFID) is leading the UK’s humanitarian response and getting life-saving aid to people across northern and central Iraq who have fled ISIL terrorists that includes: emergency medicines, food, shelter and essential winter supplies.
Resilient Integrated-Coupled FOW platform design methodology (ResIn)
This project will enhance the design and development of floating offshore renewables, in particular offshore floating wind as commercially viable electricity infrastructure through a risk based approach allowing to build resilience against extreme events. The socio-economic challenge is the increasing energy need in emerging economies, such as China, which causes grave air pollution and CO2 emissions. The project work focusses on China, where heavy air pollution alone is estimated to have caused 2.2million premature deaths. Sustainable energy generation, thus replacing coal-fired power plants is one of the solutions to address this problem. In China specifically, the energy demand is at its highest along the industrialised and densely populated coastal regions. The challenge for a renewable energy supply is that the solar, wind and hydro resource are primarily located in the NW and SW of China and electricity transmission via the grid is already constrained. The Chinese government therefore has identified offshore wind energy as one of the primary energy resources with a potential of over 500GW of installed capacity, capable to produce up to 1,500 TWh of electricity per year, which would offset as many as 340 coal-fired power stations. Whilst initial installations in shallow waters near the coast have been made, over 1/3rd of the resource is located in deeper water (>40m) and will require floating installations. Offshore wind energy generation is currently more expensive than fossil fuels in China, and the risk of typhoon damage is high. The project has a fourfold approach: 1.Enhanced environmental modelling to accurately determine extreme loadings; 2. Assessment of novel, porous floating offshore wind structures and active damping mechanisms; 3. Enhanced numerical modelling techniques to efficiently calculate the complex coupled behaviour of floating wind turbines; 4. Risk based optimisation of devised designs and engineering implications. This combined approach is carried through distinguished scientific research expertise and leading industry partners in the field of offshore wind. To maximise the impact and benefits of this research the project places large emphasis on knowledge exchange activities, industry liaison and the establishment of cross-country research capacity to foster the global commercial realisation of offshore floating wind energy. The project is an interdisciplinary, cross-country collaboration with leading research Universities and industry partners. The academic expertise from the University of Exeter, the University of Edinburgh and University of Bath in the areas of Environmental assessment and modelling, Hydrodynamic design, Advanced computational modelling and risk based reliability engineering is matched with Dalian University of Technology and Zhejiang University as two of the leading Chinese research institutions in Ocean Engineering and Offshore Renewable Energy. Whilst the project carries out fundamental engineering research, strong industrial partnerships in both countries will facilitate industry advice and subsequent research uptake. The strong industrial UK support for this project through the ORE Catapult, DNV-GL, ITPE is matched with wider international support through EDF (France) and DSA (Canada), as well as the Chinese project partners MingYang Wind Power Ltd (3rd largest wind manufacturer in China), the National Ocean Technology Centre, NOTC, (institutional responsibility for marine spatial planning) and the 'Shanghai Investigation, Design & Research Institute', SIDRI (State-owned offshore wind project developer in China), demonstrates the timeliness and industrial relevance of the proposed research. All partners are committed to support the establishment of a long-lasting research base to develop resilient and cost effective offshore floating wind energy systems through collaborative research and innovation efforts, as well as capacity building and knowledge exchange. The Newton Fund builds research and innovation partnerships with developing countries across the world to promote the economic development and social welfare of the partner countries.
Resilient Integrated-Coupled FOW platform design methodology (ResIn) This project will enhance the design and development of floating offshore renewables, in particular offshore floating wind as commercially viable electricity infrastructure through a risk based approach allowing to build resilience against extreme events. The socio-economic challenge is the increasing energy need in emerging economies, such as China, which causes grave air pollution and CO2 emissions. The project work focusses on China, where heavy air pollution alone is estimated to have caused 2.2million premature deaths. Sustainable energy generation, thus replacing coal-fired power plants is one of the solutions to address this problem. In China specifically, the energy demand is at its highest along the industrialised and densely populated coastal regions. The challenge for a renewable energy supply is that the solar, wind and hydro resource are primarily located in the NW and SW of China and electricity transmission via the grid is already constrained. The Chinese government therefore has identified offshore wind energy as one of the primary energy resources with a potential of over 500GW of installed capacity, capable to produce up to 1,500 TWh of electricity per year, which would offset as many as 340 coal-fired power stations. Whilst initial installations in shallow waters near the coast have been made, over 1/3rd of the resource is located in deeper water (>40m) and will require floating installations. Offshore wind energy generation is currently more expensive than fossil fuels in China, and the risk of typhoon damage is high. The project has a fourfold approach: 1.Enhanced environmental modelling to accurately determine extreme loadings; 2. Assessment of novel, porous floating offshore wind structures and active damping mechanisms; 3. Enhanced numerical modelling techniques to efficiently calculate the complex coupled behaviour of floating wind turbines; 4. Risk based optimisation of devised designs and engineering implications. This combined approach is carried through distinguished scientific research expertise and leading industry partners in the field of offshore wind. To maximise the impact and benefits of this research the project places large emphasis on knowledge exchange activities, industry liaison and the establishment of cross-country research capacity to foster the global commercial realisation of offshore floating wind energy. The project is an interdisciplinary, cross-country collaboration with leading research Universities and industry partners. The academic expertise from the University of Exeter, the University of Edinburgh and University of Bath in the areas of Environmental assessment and modelling, Hydrodynamic design, Advanced computational modelling and risk based reliability engineering is matched with Dalian University of Technology and Zhejiang University as two of the leading Chinese research institutions in Ocean Engineering and Offshore Renewable Energy. Whilst the project carries out fundamental engineering research, strong industrial partnerships in both countries will facilitate industry advice and subsequent research uptake. The strong industrial UK support for this project through the ORE Catapult, DNV-GL, ITPE is matched with wider international support through EDF (France) and DSA (Canada), as well as the Chinese project partners MingYang Wind Power Ltd (3rd largest wind manufacturer in China), the National Ocean Technology Centre, NOTC, (institutional responsibility for marine spatial planning) and the 'Shanghai Investigation, Design & Research Institute', SIDRI (State-owned offshore wind project developer in China), demonstrates the timeliness and industrial relevance of the proposed research. All partners are committed to support the establishment of a long-lasting research base to develop resilient and cost effective offshore floating wind energy systems through collaborative research and innovation efforts, as well as capacity building and knowledge exchange. The Newton Fund builds research and innovation partnerships with developing countries across the world to promote the economic development and social welfare of the partner countries.
CNTR 06 7230 Programme Facilitator, Forest Governance and Trade Programme
This activity CNTR 06 7230 Programme Facilitator, Forest Governance and Trade Programme is a component of Forest Governance and Trade reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £209,705. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Forestry policy and administrative management, Trade policy and administrative management, Public sector policy and administrative management, Public finance management (PFM).
Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 2 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 3 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 4 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2010 Quarter 1 (prior to 12th May 2010) Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence
CNTR 06 7230 Programme Facilitator, Forest Governance and Trade Programme This activity CNTR 06 7230 Programme Facilitator, Forest Governance and Trade Programme is a component of Forest Governance and Trade reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £209,705. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Forestry policy and administrative management, Trade policy and administrative management, Public sector policy and administrative management, Public finance management (PFM). Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 2 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 3 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 4 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2010 Quarter 1 (prior to 12th May 2010) Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence Staff Business Travel and Subsistence
Swed Participat. TIPH - Swed.Participation TIPH Fredsobserv.Hebron, TIPH
The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Swed Participat. TIPH - Swed.Participation TIPH Fredsobserv.Hebron, TIPH The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Digitale und inklusive lokale Governance Digital and inclusive local governance
Der Zugang für Frauen und andere vulnerable Gruppen zu digitalen und physischen Dienstleistungen auf kommunaler Ebene ist verbessert. Access for women and other vulnerable groups to digital and physical services at the community level has improved Der Zugang für Frauen und andere vulnerable Gruppen zu digitalen und physischen Dienstleistungen auf kommunaler Ebene ist verbessert. Access for women and other vulnerable groups to digital and physical services at the community level has improved
Digitale und inklusive lokale Governance Digital and inclusive local governance Der Zugang für Frauen und andere vulnerable Gruppen zu digitalen und physischen Dienstleistungen auf kommunaler Ebene ist verbessert. Access for women and other vulnerable groups to digital and physical services at the community level has improved Der Zugang für Frauen und andere vulnerable Gruppen zu digitalen und physischen Dienstleistungen auf kommunaler Ebene ist verbessert. Access for women and other vulnerable groups to digital and physical services at the community level has improved
OHCHR Guatemala, Honduras och El Salvador 2017-2021 OHCHR Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador 2017-2021 - OHCHR Honduras 2022
Insatsen omfattar stöd till OHCHR i Guatemala, Honduras och El Salvador. OHCHR has a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people. OHCHR provides assistance, in the form of technical expertise and capacity-development, to support the implementation of international human rights standards on the ground. It assists governments, which bear the primary responsibility for the protection of human rights, to fulfil their obligations, supports individuals to claim their rights and speaks out objectively on human rights violations. The intended outcome of the support to OHCHR in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador is to increase the respect for human rights, to decrease levels of discrimination and impunity and to strengthen accountability and the rule of law. OHCHR will work to improve legislation and its implementation in line with international standards on human rights, it will work to build capacity of both duty bearers and rights holders, and will work to raise awareness and to strengthen protection mechanisms. OHCHR has a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people. OHCHR provides assistance, in the form of technical expertise and strengthening of capacities, to support the implementation of international human rights standards on the ground. It assists governments, which bear the primary responsibility for the protection of human rights, to fulfil their obligations, supports individual rights holders and civil society to claim their rights and speaks out objectively on human rights violations. The intended outcome of the support to OHCHR in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua is to increase the respect for human rights, to decrease levels of discrimination and impunity and to strengthen accountability and the rule of law. OHCHR will work to improve legislation and its implementation in line with international standards on human rights, it will work to build capacity of both duty bearers and rights holders, and will work to raise awareness and to strengthen protection mechanisms.
OHCHR Guatemala, Honduras och El Salvador 2017-2021 OHCHR Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador 2017-2021 - OHCHR Honduras 2022 Insatsen omfattar stöd till OHCHR i Guatemala, Honduras och El Salvador. OHCHR has a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people. OHCHR provides assistance, in the form of technical expertise and capacity-development, to support the implementation of international human rights standards on the ground. It assists governments, which bear the primary responsibility for the protection of human rights, to fulfil their obligations, supports individuals to claim their rights and speaks out objectively on human rights violations. The intended outcome of the support to OHCHR in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador is to increase the respect for human rights, to decrease levels of discrimination and impunity and to strengthen accountability and the rule of law. OHCHR will work to improve legislation and its implementation in line with international standards on human rights, it will work to build capacity of both duty bearers and rights holders, and will work to raise awareness and to strengthen protection mechanisms. OHCHR has a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people. OHCHR provides assistance, in the form of technical expertise and strengthening of capacities, to support the implementation of international human rights standards on the ground. It assists governments, which bear the primary responsibility for the protection of human rights, to fulfil their obligations, supports individual rights holders and civil society to claim their rights and speaks out objectively on human rights violations. The intended outcome of the support to OHCHR in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua is to increase the respect for human rights, to decrease levels of discrimination and impunity and to strengthen accountability and the rule of law. OHCHR will work to improve legislation and its implementation in line with international standards on human rights, it will work to build capacity of both duty bearers and rights holders, and will work to raise awareness and to strengthen protection mechanisms.
Technical Commitment - Late Payment Interest on Contract ENI/2021/ 418-311
Contract related to: Technical Commitment - Late Payment Interest on Contract ENI/2021/ 418-311 - To maintain the viability of a two-state solution with Jerusalem as the capital of two states. The specific objective of EU support is to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian EJ residents and preserve the Palestinian character of the city.
Technical Commitment - Late Payment Interest on Contract ENI/2021/ 418-311 Contract related to: Technical Commitment - Late Payment Interest on Contract ENI/2021/ 418-311 - To maintain the viability of a two-state solution with Jerusalem as the capital of two states. The specific objective of EU support is to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian EJ residents and preserve the Palestinian character of the city.
Dap Service Provider (DAI) - Fees
This activity Dap Service Provider (DAI) - Fees is a component of Drivers of Accountability Programme (DAP) 2010-2015 reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £2,266,545. It works in the following sector(s): Democratic participation and civil society.
This is an outgoing commitment to DAI Europe of £264070.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services This is an outgoing commitment to THIRD PARTY MONIES of £307387.00. This is an outgoing commitment to THIRD PARTY MONIES of £0.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services This is an outgoing commitment to Crown Agents Bank of £1664545.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Funds Disbursed By Third Parties and Implementing Managers Funds Disbursed By Third Parties and Implementing Managers Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Salaries - Basic Pay Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Funds Disbursed By Third Parties and Implementing Managers Funds Disbursed By Third Parties and Implementing Managers
Dap Service Provider (DAI) - Fees This activity Dap Service Provider (DAI) - Fees is a component of Drivers of Accountability Programme (DAP) 2010-2015 reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £2,266,545. It works in the following sector(s): Democratic participation and civil society. This is an outgoing commitment to DAI Europe of £264070.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services This is an outgoing commitment to THIRD PARTY MONIES of £307387.00. This is an outgoing commitment to THIRD PARTY MONIES of £0.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services This is an outgoing commitment to Crown Agents Bank of £1664545.00. Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Funds Disbursed By Third Parties and Implementing Managers Funds Disbursed By Third Parties and Implementing Managers Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services UK Salaries - Basic Pay Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Funds Disbursed By Third Parties and Implementing Managers Funds Disbursed By Third Parties and Implementing Managers
Kristna Fredsr; Centralam Kristna Fredsr; Centalam
The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Kristna Fredsr; Centralam Kristna Fredsr; Centalam The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Supporting the National Action Plan for Ready-made Garment Sector in Bangladesh
To improve working conditions in the garment sector in Bangladesh by providing support to structural and fire assessments on around 1500 factories, strengthening the labour and factory inspection regime, providing occupational health and safety training to garment sector employees and increasing national health and safety awareness through media campaigns, improving dialogue between workers and management at individual factory and national level and supporting the rehabilitation of the survivors of recent industrial accidents.
Supporting the National Action Plan for Ready-made Garment Sector in Bangladesh To improve working conditions in the garment sector in Bangladesh by providing support to structural and fire assessments on around 1500 factories, strengthening the labour and factory inspection regime, providing occupational health and safety training to garment sector employees and increasing national health and safety awareness through media campaigns, improving dialogue between workers and management at individual factory and national level and supporting the rehabilitation of the survivors of recent industrial accidents.
EAHR 2005 - EAHRI 2005 Lawyers etc EAHRI 2005
Supported to publish the East African Journal of Democracy and Human Rights including a yearly State of Democracy (in East Africa) report. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
EAHR 2005 - EAHRI 2005 Lawyers etc EAHRI 2005 Supported to publish the East African Journal of Democracy and Human Rights including a yearly State of Democracy (in East Africa) report. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Strengthening Capacity of Civil Society for Expanded Social Services (SuCCESS)
Overall Objective: Contribute to developing civil societys potential for promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms of the most vulnerable personsSO
Strengthening Capacity of Civil Society for Expanded Social Services (SuCCESS) Overall Objective: Contribute to developing civil societys potential for promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms of the most vulnerable personsSO
FAO appell Tanzania 99 FAO apeall Tanzania 99
The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
FAO appell Tanzania 99 FAO apeall Tanzania 99 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Renforcer le r¿le de la soci¿t¿ civile dans les r¿formes de la cha¿ne p¿nale au Maroc
<p>L¿action s¿inscrit dans l¿objectif général de l¿appel à proposition, en ce qu¿elle propose de consolider et renforcer le rôle de monitoring et de plaidoyer des organisations de la société civile marocaine ainsi que de dynamiser le partenariat pluri-acteurs et le réseautage des associations au niveau national-local dans la promotion et la défense des droits de l¿Homme. L¿action tient compte du rôle qui est accordé à la participation de la société civile par la nouvelle Constitution et le Nouveau Modèle de Développement que le Maroc s¿est engagé à mettre en ¿uvre. </p>
Renforcer le r¿le de la soci¿t¿ civile dans les r¿formes de la cha¿ne p¿nale au Maroc <p>L¿action s¿inscrit dans l¿objectif général de l¿appel à proposition, en ce qu¿elle propose de consolider et renforcer le rôle de monitoring et de plaidoyer des organisations de la société civile marocaine ainsi que de dynamiser le partenariat pluri-acteurs et le réseautage des associations au niveau national-local dans la promotion et la défense des droits de l¿Homme. L¿action tient compte du rôle qui est accordé à la participation de la société civile par la nouvelle Constitution et le Nouveau Modèle de Développement que le Maroc s¿est engagé à mettre en ¿uvre. </p>
Stöd till 2020 Befolkning och boende CENSUS Support to 2022 Population and Housing Census - New Strategy - Support to 2022 Census on Population and Housing
The contribution will assist INSTAT to conduct the 2022 Population and Housing Census. Sida contribution will cover some of the activities of the Census. The intervention complements the support of Sweden to the statistical system in Albania in almost 20 years. The registration of population and housing Census to be conducted in 2022 will provide a picture of the whole Albanian population with information important to realistically plan and take decisions. In addition, will provide important overview about the economic and social situation of Albanian households. Census is a huge intervention budgeted to about 16.9 MEUR and Sweden will provide a part of the support (about 9%) along other financer like Albanian Government ( about 55% ) and EU Delegation (about 28%). Insatsen kommer att bidra till INSTATs genomförande av folk- och bostadsräkningen 2022. Sidas bidrag kommer att täcka en del av aktiviteterna inom ramen för folk-och bostadsräkningen. Insatsen kompletterar Sveriges 20-åriga stöd till Albanien inom statistikområdet. Folk-och bostadsräkningen som ska genomföras under 2022, kommer att ge en bild av den albanska befolkningen; information som är viktig för att kunna planera och fatta beslut på ett realistiskt sätt. Dessutom kommer den att ge en betydelsefull översikt av de albanska hushållens ekonomiska och sociala situation. Folk-och bostadsräkningen är ett mycket stort program med en budget på cirka 16.9 MEUR och Sverige kommer att ge ett delbidrag (cirka 9 % av budgeten) tillsammans med andra finansiärer som den albanska regeringen (drygt 55 %) och EU-delegationen (cirka 28 %). The overall objective of the Population and Housing Census (PHC) 2022 is to provide the government and other stakeholders and the public with relevant statistical information on the social and demographical structure of the population in Albania and also contribute to the creation of a building and dwelling register and of population registers on the local and national level, which will be the source of annual Census statistics in the future. Specific Objectives of the project proposal is to support INSTAT conducting part of the Population and Housing Census 2022 by using technology more efficiently and effectively managed. The project proposal has been designed as financially support for the field work staff specifically controllers, support part of Publicity Campaign activities and provide external expertise for the preparation of the in-depth analyses of the Census results.
Stöd till 2020 Befolkning och boende CENSUS Support to 2022 Population and Housing Census - New Strategy - Support to 2022 Census on Population and Housing The contribution will assist INSTAT to conduct the 2022 Population and Housing Census. Sida contribution will cover some of the activities of the Census. The intervention complements the support of Sweden to the statistical system in Albania in almost 20 years. The registration of population and housing Census to be conducted in 2022 will provide a picture of the whole Albanian population with information important to realistically plan and take decisions. In addition, will provide important overview about the economic and social situation of Albanian households. Census is a huge intervention budgeted to about 16.9 MEUR and Sweden will provide a part of the support (about 9%) along other financer like Albanian Government ( about 55% ) and EU Delegation (about 28%). Insatsen kommer att bidra till INSTATs genomförande av folk- och bostadsräkningen 2022. Sidas bidrag kommer att täcka en del av aktiviteterna inom ramen för folk-och bostadsräkningen. Insatsen kompletterar Sveriges 20-åriga stöd till Albanien inom statistikområdet. Folk-och bostadsräkningen som ska genomföras under 2022, kommer att ge en bild av den albanska befolkningen; information som är viktig för att kunna planera och fatta beslut på ett realistiskt sätt. Dessutom kommer den att ge en betydelsefull översikt av de albanska hushållens ekonomiska och sociala situation. Folk-och bostadsräkningen är ett mycket stort program med en budget på cirka 16.9 MEUR och Sverige kommer att ge ett delbidrag (cirka 9 % av budgeten) tillsammans med andra finansiärer som den albanska regeringen (drygt 55 %) och EU-delegationen (cirka 28 %). The overall objective of the Population and Housing Census (PHC) 2022 is to provide the government and other stakeholders and the public with relevant statistical information on the social and demographical structure of the population in Albania and also contribute to the creation of a building and dwelling register and of population registers on the local and national level, which will be the source of annual Census statistics in the future. Specific Objectives of the project proposal is to support INSTAT conducting part of the Population and Housing Census 2022 by using technology more efficiently and effectively managed. The project proposal has been designed as financially support for the field work staff specifically controllers, support part of Publicity Campaign activities and provide external expertise for the preparation of the in-depth analyses of the Census results.
Mozambique 2021 - ICRC Appeals 2018-2020: Operations (new strategy)
Sida genomför årligen en humanitär allokeringsprocess, vari samtliga humanitära kriser analyseras utifrån de humanitära behoven och där de mest relevanta av strategiska partnerorganisationer att svara upp mot identifierade behov utväljs. Det nu aktuella stödet till Internationella Rödakorskommittén (ICRC) baseras på Sidas humanitära allokeringsprocess, som färdigställdes under slutet av 2017. Aktuell insats bygger vidare på tidigare års stöd till ICRC, där Sverige, bland annat genom Sida, har varit en av ICRC:s betydande givare åtminstone sedan 1953. Sidas årliga stöd till ICRC befästes 2014 då ett strategiskt partnerskap, genom ett treårigt avtal, signerades. Det treåriga avtalet förlängdes senare för att också inkludera 2017. Ett nytt treårigt avtal (2018-2020) föreslås nu för att möjliggöra en fortsatt strategisk ansats i relation och partnerskap med ICRC. Det nu föreslagna stödet avses kompletteras med ytterligare stöd genom beslutade avtalsändringar och kompletterande insatsbeslut för åren 2018-2020, under förutsättning att riksdagen anvisar nödvändiga finansiella medel samt baserat på bedömd relevans i kommande allokeringsprocesser. För 2018 föreslås att 450 miljoner SEK allokeras till ICRC för implementeringen av insatser i 36 kontexter (varav 8 är regionala och därmed täcker flera länder). Av den initiala allokeringen utgör 115 miljoner SEK oallokerat stöd, vilket ger ICRC flexibilitet att tillskjuta ytterligare finansiella medel till länder och regioner med ökade humanitära behov eller som är kraftigt underfinansierade. Sida måste dock, enligt avtal, godkänna ICRC:s förslag på hur det oallokerade stödet allokeras. För överblick och fördelning av stöd hänvisas till avtalets bilaga III (Budget summary). För 2019 och 2020 föreslås att 5 miljoner SEK allokeras till ICRC per år som oallokerat stöd, vilket ger ett totalt beslutsbelopp om 460 miljoner SEK. ********** BAKGRUND ICRC utgör en av de främsta humanitära aktörerna i länder och kontexter med väpnad konflikt, med ett mandat i den internationella humanitära rätten (IHR). ICRC:s övergripande mål är att skydda liv och värdighet hos människor utsatta för väpnad konflikt och andra situationer av våld, genom bland annat att säkerställa evakuering från krigszoner, upprätthållande av temporära boendelösningar (shelter) och basala förnödenheter såsom mat, vatten och sanitet. ICRC:s målgrupper är definierade inom IHR och utgörs av civila, frihetsberövade, sårade och sjuka. Efter att ha gjort en behovsanalys kombinerar ICRC fyra metoder för att, direkt eller indirekt, på kort, medellång eller lång sikt, arbeta för att upprätthålla respekt för liv, värdighet och fysiskt samt psykiskt välbefinnande hos dem som drabbas av väpnade konflikter och andra situationer av våld. Dessa metoder syftar till att förhindra (förebyggande), utrota orsaken (skydd) och lindra (bistånd/materiellt stöd) mänskligt lidande i en väpnad konflikt eller andra situationer av våld samt att stärka Röda Kors/Halvmåne-rörelsen (samarbete). Uppföljning och utvärdering är också avgörande för denna process, liksom samordningen med de många aktörer som finns på den alltmer komplexa humanitära scenen. ICRC presenterade sin humanitära appell för 2018 under december månad 2017. Detta är en givargemensam appell och budget, indelad efter länder samt regioner. Sida begär inte in en egen ansökan eller budget. ICRC inkom också i december 2017 med ett förslag på hur ett eventuellt stöd från Sida skulle fördelas på landprogram, baserat på humanitära behov och finansiella resurser. ICRC:s totala budget för 2018 uppgår till 2,016.8 miljoner CHF (c:a 17 miljarder SEK), varav 218,4 miljoner CHF (c:a 1,8 miljarder SEK; motsvarande 10,8 % av den totala budgeten) går till huvudkontorets särskilda appell, vilken utgår från huvudkontorets verksamhet. Huvudkontorsappellen stöds årligen av UD, med kärnstöd uppmätt kring cirka 100 miljoner SEK per år. Resterande budget om 1,798.3 miljoner CHF (c:a 15,1 miljarder SEK) går till ICRC:s insatsappell, vilket är en ökning med 11,6 % jämfört med 2017. Ökningen beror främst på att de humanitära behoven i världens oroshärdar har fortsatt att öka. Det är till insatsappellen Sida allokerar sitt stöd. ICRC:s 10 största insatser sett till budget är Syrien, Irak, Sydsudan, Jemen, Nigeria, Somalia, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Afghanistan, Ukraina och Myanmar. ICRC:s verksamhetsmål ligger i dess övergripande humanitära uppdrag att vara en opartisk, neutral och oberoende organisation fast förankrad i den internationella humanitära rätten, i syfte att skydda liv och värdighet hos de som drabbas av väpnade konflikter och annat våld och att ge dem bistånd och materiellt stöd. ICRC:s mervärde som humanitär aktör i väpnade konflikter ligger bland annat i organisationens unika möjlighet att ha tillträde i svåra kontexter samt deras möjlighet att nå ut till mottagarna bland annat genom samarbetet med de nationella rödakors- och rödahalvmåneföreningarna. ICRC har detta unika mandat och möjlighet till tillträde i svåra kontexter tack vare sin förankring i den internationella humanitära rätten. ICRC har också möjlighet till konfidentiell dialog med majoriteten av parterna till en konflikt och kan därigenom diskutera och påverka respekt för den internationella humanitära rätten och skydd för exempelvis civila. ICRC har en djup kunskap om dynamiken i konflikter och våldsamma situationer. ICRC gör kontinuerliga riskbedömningar lokalt och har visat kapacitet att anpassa sin verksamhet därefter. ICRC är i ständig dialog med de olika parterna i en konflikt. Enligt ICRC:s ramverk för projekthantering ska konflikt och kontextanalys göras innan insatser genomförs i svåra kontexter. Detta är en förutsättning för att ICRC ska kunna verka. ********** Sida bedömer att samtliga medel för 2018 ska utbetalas i början av året för att ICRC ska ges förutsättningar att planera och genomföra humanitära insatser utan fördröjning. ICRC omsätter regelmässigt utbetalda medel i nära anslutning till utbetalning och förbrukar gåvomedel inom verksamhetsåret. ********** Bedömningspromemorian har skrivits på engelska med anledning av att engelskspråkig personal i fält är delaktig i beredning och uppföljning av insatsen, i enlighet med Generaldirektörens beslut om Sidas språkvalsmatris med tillämpningsanvisningar från den 1 mars 2013. Each year Sida undertakes a humanitarian allocation process in which all on-going humanitarian crises are analyzed, and where the partners most relevant to respond to identified needs in each specific crisis are selected. The initial funding to the ICRC in 2018, which is being encompassed in this decision, is thus based on the Sida humanitarian allocation process that took place in late 2017. A three-year agreement is however suggested to be signed with the ICRC, where additional contributions will be added to the agreement, subject to funds availability, governmental appropriations and Sida needs assessments. For 2018, it is proposed that 450 MSEK is allocated to the ICRC for the implementation of activities in 36 contexts (of which 8 are regional and covers several countries). Out of the initial allocation 115 MSEK is proposed to be unallocated, which would enable the ICRC to flexibly add additional financial contributions to countries and regions with increased needs or that are severely underfunded. Sida must, as per the agreement, approve the ICRC suggestion on how the unallocated funds are to be allocated. An additional 10 MSEK (5 MSEK per year) is allocated to the ICRC as unallocated funding for 2019 and 2020, respectively. The ICRC mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.
Mozambique 2021 - ICRC Appeals 2018-2020: Operations (new strategy) Sida genomför årligen en humanitär allokeringsprocess, vari samtliga humanitära kriser analyseras utifrån de humanitära behoven och där de mest relevanta av strategiska partnerorganisationer att svara upp mot identifierade behov utväljs. Det nu aktuella stödet till Internationella Rödakorskommittén (ICRC) baseras på Sidas humanitära allokeringsprocess, som färdigställdes under slutet av 2017. Aktuell insats bygger vidare på tidigare års stöd till ICRC, där Sverige, bland annat genom Sida, har varit en av ICRC:s betydande givare åtminstone sedan 1953. Sidas årliga stöd till ICRC befästes 2014 då ett strategiskt partnerskap, genom ett treårigt avtal, signerades. Det treåriga avtalet förlängdes senare för att också inkludera 2017. Ett nytt treårigt avtal (2018-2020) föreslås nu för att möjliggöra en fortsatt strategisk ansats i relation och partnerskap med ICRC. Det nu föreslagna stödet avses kompletteras med ytterligare stöd genom beslutade avtalsändringar och kompletterande insatsbeslut för åren 2018-2020, under förutsättning att riksdagen anvisar nödvändiga finansiella medel samt baserat på bedömd relevans i kommande allokeringsprocesser. För 2018 föreslås att 450 miljoner SEK allokeras till ICRC för implementeringen av insatser i 36 kontexter (varav 8 är regionala och därmed täcker flera länder). Av den initiala allokeringen utgör 115 miljoner SEK oallokerat stöd, vilket ger ICRC flexibilitet att tillskjuta ytterligare finansiella medel till länder och regioner med ökade humanitära behov eller som är kraftigt underfinansierade. Sida måste dock, enligt avtal, godkänna ICRC:s förslag på hur det oallokerade stödet allokeras. För överblick och fördelning av stöd hänvisas till avtalets bilaga III (Budget summary). För 2019 och 2020 föreslås att 5 miljoner SEK allokeras till ICRC per år som oallokerat stöd, vilket ger ett totalt beslutsbelopp om 460 miljoner SEK. ********** BAKGRUND ICRC utgör en av de främsta humanitära aktörerna i länder och kontexter med väpnad konflikt, med ett mandat i den internationella humanitära rätten (IHR). ICRC:s övergripande mål är att skydda liv och värdighet hos människor utsatta för väpnad konflikt och andra situationer av våld, genom bland annat att säkerställa evakuering från krigszoner, upprätthållande av temporära boendelösningar (shelter) och basala förnödenheter såsom mat, vatten och sanitet. ICRC:s målgrupper är definierade inom IHR och utgörs av civila, frihetsberövade, sårade och sjuka. Efter att ha gjort en behovsanalys kombinerar ICRC fyra metoder för att, direkt eller indirekt, på kort, medellång eller lång sikt, arbeta för att upprätthålla respekt för liv, värdighet och fysiskt samt psykiskt välbefinnande hos dem som drabbas av väpnade konflikter och andra situationer av våld. Dessa metoder syftar till att förhindra (förebyggande), utrota orsaken (skydd) och lindra (bistånd/materiellt stöd) mänskligt lidande i en väpnad konflikt eller andra situationer av våld samt att stärka Röda Kors/Halvmåne-rörelsen (samarbete). Uppföljning och utvärdering är också avgörande för denna process, liksom samordningen med de många aktörer som finns på den alltmer komplexa humanitära scenen. ICRC presenterade sin humanitära appell för 2018 under december månad 2017. Detta är en givargemensam appell och budget, indelad efter länder samt regioner. Sida begär inte in en egen ansökan eller budget. ICRC inkom också i december 2017 med ett förslag på hur ett eventuellt stöd från Sida skulle fördelas på landprogram, baserat på humanitära behov och finansiella resurser. ICRC:s totala budget för 2018 uppgår till 2,016.8 miljoner CHF (c:a 17 miljarder SEK), varav 218,4 miljoner CHF (c:a 1,8 miljarder SEK; motsvarande 10,8 % av den totala budgeten) går till huvudkontorets särskilda appell, vilken utgår från huvudkontorets verksamhet. Huvudkontorsappellen stöds årligen av UD, med kärnstöd uppmätt kring cirka 100 miljoner SEK per år. Resterande budget om 1,798.3 miljoner CHF (c:a 15,1 miljarder SEK) går till ICRC:s insatsappell, vilket är en ökning med 11,6 % jämfört med 2017. Ökningen beror främst på att de humanitära behoven i världens oroshärdar har fortsatt att öka. Det är till insatsappellen Sida allokerar sitt stöd. ICRC:s 10 största insatser sett till budget är Syrien, Irak, Sydsudan, Jemen, Nigeria, Somalia, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Afghanistan, Ukraina och Myanmar. ICRC:s verksamhetsmål ligger i dess övergripande humanitära uppdrag att vara en opartisk, neutral och oberoende organisation fast förankrad i den internationella humanitära rätten, i syfte att skydda liv och värdighet hos de som drabbas av väpnade konflikter och annat våld och att ge dem bistånd och materiellt stöd. ICRC:s mervärde som humanitär aktör i väpnade konflikter ligger bland annat i organisationens unika möjlighet att ha tillträde i svåra kontexter samt deras möjlighet att nå ut till mottagarna bland annat genom samarbetet med de nationella rödakors- och rödahalvmåneföreningarna. ICRC har detta unika mandat och möjlighet till tillträde i svåra kontexter tack vare sin förankring i den internationella humanitära rätten. ICRC har också möjlighet till konfidentiell dialog med majoriteten av parterna till en konflikt och kan därigenom diskutera och påverka respekt för den internationella humanitära rätten och skydd för exempelvis civila. ICRC har en djup kunskap om dynamiken i konflikter och våldsamma situationer. ICRC gör kontinuerliga riskbedömningar lokalt och har visat kapacitet att anpassa sin verksamhet därefter. ICRC är i ständig dialog med de olika parterna i en konflikt. Enligt ICRC:s ramverk för projekthantering ska konflikt och kontextanalys göras innan insatser genomförs i svåra kontexter. Detta är en förutsättning för att ICRC ska kunna verka. ********** Sida bedömer att samtliga medel för 2018 ska utbetalas i början av året för att ICRC ska ges förutsättningar att planera och genomföra humanitära insatser utan fördröjning. ICRC omsätter regelmässigt utbetalda medel i nära anslutning till utbetalning och förbrukar gåvomedel inom verksamhetsåret. ********** Bedömningspromemorian har skrivits på engelska med anledning av att engelskspråkig personal i fält är delaktig i beredning och uppföljning av insatsen, i enlighet med Generaldirektörens beslut om Sidas språkvalsmatris med tillämpningsanvisningar från den 1 mars 2013. Each year Sida undertakes a humanitarian allocation process in which all on-going humanitarian crises are analyzed, and where the partners most relevant to respond to identified needs in each specific crisis are selected. The initial funding to the ICRC in 2018, which is being encompassed in this decision, is thus based on the Sida humanitarian allocation process that took place in late 2017. A three-year agreement is however suggested to be signed with the ICRC, where additional contributions will be added to the agreement, subject to funds availability, governmental appropriations and Sida needs assessments. For 2018, it is proposed that 450 MSEK is allocated to the ICRC for the implementation of activities in 36 contexts (of which 8 are regional and covers several countries). Out of the initial allocation 115 MSEK is proposed to be unallocated, which would enable the ICRC to flexibly add additional financial contributions to countries and regions with increased needs or that are severely underfunded. Sida must, as per the agreement, approve the ICRC suggestion on how the unallocated funds are to be allocated. An additional 10 MSEK (5 MSEK per year) is allocated to the ICRC as unallocated funding for 2019 and 2020, respectively. The ICRC mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.
UN Women Core Funding 2018/19-2020/21
Core funding to UN Women to achieve improvements in gender equality, economic and political opportunities for women, and reduced gender-based discrimination around the world, through their leadership of global efforts on these issues.
Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year
UN Women Core Funding 2018/19-2020/21 Core funding to UN Women to achieve improvements in gender equality, economic and political opportunities for women, and reduced gender-based discrimination around the world, through their leadership of global efforts on these issues. Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year
Supporting Oral Language Development
Children with a small vocabulary are at a disadvantage for all aspects of learning. Unless there is targeted support, children who start slow will continue to fall behind their language-rich peers. A powerful way to ensure all children are ready for learning, particularly in school, is to offer high quality oral language education early in a child's life. The power of early language intervention is supported by a large body of evidence showing a combined foundation of strong spoken language and listening comprehension cascading to reading and writing skills. However, little is known about the efficacy of oral language interventions in low- and middle-income countries where communities are often multilingual. We aim to address this gap in the literature through a mixed-methods study with children ages of 3-to-6 living in India and the Philippines. The study will examine oral language development under the particular complexities of multilingual urban poor settings. Research in these settings is of importance as there is reason to believe resources that spontaneously support children's language development may be under strain for the urban poor (e.g. reduced social networks, a new school language), making them a particularly vulnerable group for school failure. A co-developed project The proposed project was co-developed by multiple agencies. Government partners shared that a pressing systemic concern was the low literacy rates in primary schools. Community partners stressed the need for evidence on quality programs that will work in local schools and university partners echoed the need for a comprehensive program of research. We therefore propose to understand children's language development in-context and will test an intervention that could potentially better prepare children for primary school. The research sites will be Udupi district in India and Quezon City in the Philippines. Defining characteristics of these sites include the multiple languages around the child and a policy commitment to either mother-tongue or multilingual education. Hence, these contexts offer an opportunity to research a topic that is understudied in not just DAC countries but also internationally: children's oral language development and oral language intervention in a multilingual setting. Objectives and Outputs The primary objective of this research is to provide descriptive and causal evidence on quality (in early childhood development and pre-primary education) and readiness (for primary education) through three studies that aim to a) map opportunities and barriers to oral language development, b) validate assessments to track children's developing oral language and c) examine a targeted intervention delivered by teachers one year before entry into primary school. We will map opportunities and barriers by following thirty children over one day to record their language experiences, examining language knowledge of their conversation partners, and conducting an ethnographic inquiry of classes they attend. We will finetune fifteen assessments by analyzing 3000 data points on each test and, in a study with 800 children, evaluate a language intervention designed with teachers that draws upon folk tales and local narratives. This inter-disciplinary project will provide an approach to reach the Sustainable Development Goal of effective learning outcomes for all children by focusing on the language bedrock of early childhood learning. Outputs include evidence briefs for policy makers and open access toolkits for educators. Multiple bodies of data for the research community will expand the evidence-base in these contexts. These include a word bank, an archive of child language, a rich description of talk in the classroom, performance data and outcomes data. Taken together, the proposed research could potentially act as a catalyst for informed early childhood education in India, the Philippines, and other DAC countries. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.
Supporting Oral Language Development Children with a small vocabulary are at a disadvantage for all aspects of learning. Unless there is targeted support, children who start slow will continue to fall behind their language-rich peers. A powerful way to ensure all children are ready for learning, particularly in school, is to offer high quality oral language education early in a child's life. The power of early language intervention is supported by a large body of evidence showing a combined foundation of strong spoken language and listening comprehension cascading to reading and writing skills. However, little is known about the efficacy of oral language interventions in low- and middle-income countries where communities are often multilingual. We aim to address this gap in the literature through a mixed-methods study with children ages of 3-to-6 living in India and the Philippines. The study will examine oral language development under the particular complexities of multilingual urban poor settings. Research in these settings is of importance as there is reason to believe resources that spontaneously support children's language development may be under strain for the urban poor (e.g. reduced social networks, a new school language), making them a particularly vulnerable group for school failure. A co-developed project The proposed project was co-developed by multiple agencies. Government partners shared that a pressing systemic concern was the low literacy rates in primary schools. Community partners stressed the need for evidence on quality programs that will work in local schools and university partners echoed the need for a comprehensive program of research. We therefore propose to understand children's language development in-context and will test an intervention that could potentially better prepare children for primary school. The research sites will be Udupi district in India and Quezon City in the Philippines. Defining characteristics of these sites include the multiple languages around the child and a policy commitment to either mother-tongue or multilingual education. Hence, these contexts offer an opportunity to research a topic that is understudied in not just DAC countries but also internationally: children's oral language development and oral language intervention in a multilingual setting. Objectives and Outputs The primary objective of this research is to provide descriptive and causal evidence on quality (in early childhood development and pre-primary education) and readiness (for primary education) through three studies that aim to a) map opportunities and barriers to oral language development, b) validate assessments to track children's developing oral language and c) examine a targeted intervention delivered by teachers one year before entry into primary school. We will map opportunities and barriers by following thirty children over one day to record their language experiences, examining language knowledge of their conversation partners, and conducting an ethnographic inquiry of classes they attend. We will finetune fifteen assessments by analyzing 3000 data points on each test and, in a study with 800 children, evaluate a language intervention designed with teachers that draws upon folk tales and local narratives. This inter-disciplinary project will provide an approach to reach the Sustainable Development Goal of effective learning outcomes for all children by focusing on the language bedrock of early childhood learning. Outputs include evidence briefs for policy makers and open access toolkits for educators. Multiple bodies of data for the research community will expand the evidence-base in these contexts. These include a word bank, an archive of child language, a rich description of talk in the classroom, performance data and outcomes data. Taken together, the proposed research could potentially act as a catalyst for informed early childhood education in India, the Philippines, and other DAC countries. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.
Validation of immunological markers for use in screening of stomach cancer in low-income settings Validering av immunologiska markörer för screening av magsäckscancer i låginkomstländer
Kan forskning om cancer verkligen vara till nytta för fattiga människor i låginkomstländer? Ja, trots vad de flesta tror, håller cancer alltmer på att bli en sjukdom som till största delen drabbar fattiga. År 2008 uppskattade WHO att 57 % av cancerfallen och 65 % av dödsfallen i cancer skedde i de mer lågutvecklade länderna. Problemet förväntas dessutom öka de närmaste decennierna. Magsäckscancer är ett stort hälsoproblem i världen. Det är den tredje vanligaste dödsorsaken i världen, med ca 700 000 dödsfall per år. Mer än 70 % av dessa återfinns i låg- och medelinkomstländer. I de länder som räknas som mest underutvecklade beräknas det att det varje år avlider mer än 17 000 människor pga magsäckscancer. Som jämförelse orsakade Ebolaepidemin i västafrika 2014-2015 ca 10 000 dödsfall. Magsäckscancer orsakas oftast av en kronisk infektion med magsäcksbakterien Helicobacter pylori. Infektionen är vanligast i de fattigare länderna i världen. De flesta som är infekterade utvecklar inte några allvarliga symptom, men 1-3 % drabbas av magsäckscancer. En orsak till den höga dödligheten i sjukdomen är att den är svårupptäckt, och därför oftast upptäcks för sent, när tumörcellerna redan har spridit sig i kroppen. Vid tidigare upptäckt kan man behandla genom att operera bort tumören, och man har då en mycket bättre chans att överleva sjukdomen. Projektets målsättning är att ta fram en metod eller ett test för att upptäcka magsäckscancer med ett blod- eller salivprov, och testet ska vara så billigt att det går att använda i stor skala i de fattigare länder där man löper stor risk att drabbas av magsäckscancer. Om vi lyckas med målsättningen kommer vi att kunna bidra till att dödligheten i magsäckscancer minskar i de länder där risken för sjukdomen är hög. Would research on cancer really be of benefit for the most underdeveloped countries? Yes, despite common belief, cancer is increasingly becoming a disease preferentially affecting the poor. In 2008, WHO estimated that 57 % of cancer cases and 65 % of cancer deaths occurred in less developed countries, and the magnitude of the problem in low-income countries is expected to increase during coming decades. Stomach cancer is a major health problem. It is the third most common cause of cancer death in the world, affecting around 700 000 people every year, the large majority (> 70 %) in low- and middle-income countries. In the countries defined as "least developed" or "other low-income", it is estimated that 17 350 stomach cancer deaths currently occur each year. As a comparison, the Ebola epidemic of West Africa in 2014 caused 9980 deaths. Stomach cancer mortality to a high degree affects the poorest people in all countries, regardless of whether these individuals reside in a country defined as a low-income country or not. Thus, large numbers of deaths by stomach cancer occur among the most poor populations of low-middle income developing countries of Latin America and Asia. The disease is most often caused by a chronic infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is highly prevalent in less developed areas of the world. H. pylori infection is not a sufficient cause for stomach cancer, but other factors such as smoking and a poor diet add to the effects of the infection to increase risk of cancer development. Overall, around 2-3 % of infected individuals develop stomach cancer over the course of their life-time. An important barrier to improved health in the stomach cancer area is the fact that stomach cancer has very diffuse symptoms and therefore is diagnosed at a late stage. When the disease is discovered early, significantly increased long-term survival can be achieved by surgical treatment. A simple and low-cost method that can detect stomach cancer by screening in high-incidence countries would therefore be strongly beneficial. There are currently no biomarkers (identified biological markers) or screening tools available for stomach cancer. The current research project aims to establish and validate such a tool. The overall aim of the project is to develop a low-cost and minimally invasive screening test that can be used in low-income settings for identification of individuals affected by gastric cancer at an early stage of the disease. We propose to do this by detecting the natural biomarkers of the immune system: antibodies, using a low-cost lateral-flow assay. We will identify antibody signatures to H. pylori peptides that can be used to identify gastric cancer using blood or saliva samples. Our proposal rests on the fact that the immune response to H. pylori differs between individuals developing stomach cancer and individuals without cancer. The proposed project is an important part of an international collaboration between highly skilled research groups in Sweden, Nicaragua, Australia, Canada, Italy and USA, which are very well suited to conduct the outlined experiments due to long-standing expertise in mucosal immunology, immune assay development, H. pylori infection, oncology and cancer diagnosis. Specific aims of the project: 1. To identify a signature of Helicobacter pylori peptides that can be used as a screening tool to identify individuals with stomach cancer 2. To set up a low-cost test kit that allows use of this screening signature in low-income settings 3. To establish whether salivary samples can replace serum/plasma for screening If successful, our project will enable early detection and may thereby contribute to increased survival in stomach cancer disease in many of the poor countries around the world.
Validation of immunological markers for use in screening of stomach cancer in low-income settings Validering av immunologiska markörer för screening av magsäckscancer i låginkomstländer Kan forskning om cancer verkligen vara till nytta för fattiga människor i låginkomstländer? Ja, trots vad de flesta tror, håller cancer alltmer på att bli en sjukdom som till största delen drabbar fattiga. År 2008 uppskattade WHO att 57 % av cancerfallen och 65 % av dödsfallen i cancer skedde i de mer lågutvecklade länderna. Problemet förväntas dessutom öka de närmaste decennierna. Magsäckscancer är ett stort hälsoproblem i världen. Det är den tredje vanligaste dödsorsaken i världen, med ca 700 000 dödsfall per år. Mer än 70 % av dessa återfinns i låg- och medelinkomstländer. I de länder som räknas som mest underutvecklade beräknas det att det varje år avlider mer än 17 000 människor pga magsäckscancer. Som jämförelse orsakade Ebolaepidemin i västafrika 2014-2015 ca 10 000 dödsfall. Magsäckscancer orsakas oftast av en kronisk infektion med magsäcksbakterien Helicobacter pylori. Infektionen är vanligast i de fattigare länderna i världen. De flesta som är infekterade utvecklar inte några allvarliga symptom, men 1-3 % drabbas av magsäckscancer. En orsak till den höga dödligheten i sjukdomen är att den är svårupptäckt, och därför oftast upptäcks för sent, när tumörcellerna redan har spridit sig i kroppen. Vid tidigare upptäckt kan man behandla genom att operera bort tumören, och man har då en mycket bättre chans att överleva sjukdomen. Projektets målsättning är att ta fram en metod eller ett test för att upptäcka magsäckscancer med ett blod- eller salivprov, och testet ska vara så billigt att det går att använda i stor skala i de fattigare länder där man löper stor risk att drabbas av magsäckscancer. Om vi lyckas med målsättningen kommer vi att kunna bidra till att dödligheten i magsäckscancer minskar i de länder där risken för sjukdomen är hög. Would research on cancer really be of benefit for the most underdeveloped countries? Yes, despite common belief, cancer is increasingly becoming a disease preferentially affecting the poor. In 2008, WHO estimated that 57 % of cancer cases and 65 % of cancer deaths occurred in less developed countries, and the magnitude of the problem in low-income countries is expected to increase during coming decades. Stomach cancer is a major health problem. It is the third most common cause of cancer death in the world, affecting around 700 000 people every year, the large majority (> 70 %) in low- and middle-income countries. In the countries defined as "least developed" or "other low-income", it is estimated that 17 350 stomach cancer deaths currently occur each year. As a comparison, the Ebola epidemic of West Africa in 2014 caused 9980 deaths. Stomach cancer mortality to a high degree affects the poorest people in all countries, regardless of whether these individuals reside in a country defined as a low-income country or not. Thus, large numbers of deaths by stomach cancer occur among the most poor populations of low-middle income developing countries of Latin America and Asia. The disease is most often caused by a chronic infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is highly prevalent in less developed areas of the world. H. pylori infection is not a sufficient cause for stomach cancer, but other factors such as smoking and a poor diet add to the effects of the infection to increase risk of cancer development. Overall, around 2-3 % of infected individuals develop stomach cancer over the course of their life-time. An important barrier to improved health in the stomach cancer area is the fact that stomach cancer has very diffuse symptoms and therefore is diagnosed at a late stage. When the disease is discovered early, significantly increased long-term survival can be achieved by surgical treatment. A simple and low-cost method that can detect stomach cancer by screening in high-incidence countries would therefore be strongly beneficial. There are currently no biomarkers (identified biological markers) or screening tools available for stomach cancer. The current research project aims to establish and validate such a tool. The overall aim of the project is to develop a low-cost and minimally invasive screening test that can be used in low-income settings for identification of individuals affected by gastric cancer at an early stage of the disease. We propose to do this by detecting the natural biomarkers of the immune system: antibodies, using a low-cost lateral-flow assay. We will identify antibody signatures to H. pylori peptides that can be used to identify gastric cancer using blood or saliva samples. Our proposal rests on the fact that the immune response to H. pylori differs between individuals developing stomach cancer and individuals without cancer. The proposed project is an important part of an international collaboration between highly skilled research groups in Sweden, Nicaragua, Australia, Canada, Italy and USA, which are very well suited to conduct the outlined experiments due to long-standing expertise in mucosal immunology, immune assay development, H. pylori infection, oncology and cancer diagnosis. Specific aims of the project: 1. To identify a signature of Helicobacter pylori peptides that can be used as a screening tool to identify individuals with stomach cancer 2. To set up a low-cost test kit that allows use of this screening signature in low-income settings 3. To establish whether salivary samples can replace serum/plasma for screening If successful, our project will enable early detection and may thereby contribute to increased survival in stomach cancer disease in many of the poor countries around the world.
Övers Småföretagutv Small Business Karelia
Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Övers Småföretagutv Small Business Karelia Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Flood Disaster Manager DRR-Team in Malaysia (DRR218MY02)
This project concerns the deployment of the DRR-Team, following the formal request by the Chief Minister of Penang and supported by the National Disaster Management Agency of Malaysia. DRR-Team is asked to assist with expertise in the area of flash floods and landslides, particularly on flood risk management, meteorological and hydrological forecasting tools and emergency plans.
Flood Disaster Manager DRR-Team in Malaysia (DRR218MY02) This project concerns the deployment of the DRR-Team, following the formal request by the Chief Minister of Penang and supported by the National Disaster Management Agency of Malaysia. DRR-Team is asked to assist with expertise in the area of flash floods and landslides, particularly on flood risk management, meteorological and hydrological forecasting tools and emergency plans.
Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
CAP Kina UNDP CAP China UNDP Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Health Sector Programme Support phase V
Component 1: The goal of Danida's sector budget support has been to enable achievement of the six health objectives put forward in the Sector Medium Term Development Plan: 1) Bridge equity gaps in geographical access to health services; 2) Ensure sustainable financing for health care delivery and financial protection for the poor; 3) Improve efficiency in governance and management of the health system; 4) Improve quality of health service delivery including mental health services; 5) Enhance national capacity for the attainment of the health related MGDs and sustain the gains; 6) Intensify prevention and control of non communicable diseases. This has been done by providing sector budget support combined with active engagement in the policy dialogue and provision of long term technical assistance. From 2015 and until the programme phases out in 2016, the support will be focused the MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF), which focus on improving maternal health. Component 2: Providing around 35% of health services, especially in areas with substantially poor and marginalised populations, the members of Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) makes the CHAG Secretariat a central actor in the health sector. Danida's support enables CHAG to become a strategically positioned, respected, and even more credible actor in the sector. This development is further supported by the well-functioning public-private partnership between Ministry of Health and CHAG (as a non-profit organisation). The objective of Danida's support is to promote the health needs of the poor and vulnerable across the country through assisting the institutional development of the private non-profit sector. Based on the positive experience with CHAG, Danida's support will continue as core funding to support implementation of CHAG's Strategic Plan and Programme of Work (2012-2016).
Health Sector Programme Support phase V Component 1: The goal of Danida's sector budget support has been to enable achievement of the six health objectives put forward in the Sector Medium Term Development Plan: 1) Bridge equity gaps in geographical access to health services; 2) Ensure sustainable financing for health care delivery and financial protection for the poor; 3) Improve efficiency in governance and management of the health system; 4) Improve quality of health service delivery including mental health services; 5) Enhance national capacity for the attainment of the health related MGDs and sustain the gains; 6) Intensify prevention and control of non communicable diseases. This has been done by providing sector budget support combined with active engagement in the policy dialogue and provision of long term technical assistance. From 2015 and until the programme phases out in 2016, the support will be focused the MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF), which focus on improving maternal health. Component 2: Providing around 35% of health services, especially in areas with substantially poor and marginalised populations, the members of Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG) makes the CHAG Secretariat a central actor in the health sector. Danida's support enables CHAG to become a strategically positioned, respected, and even more credible actor in the sector. This development is further supported by the well-functioning public-private partnership between Ministry of Health and CHAG (as a non-profit organisation). The objective of Danida's support is to promote the health needs of the poor and vulnerable across the country through assisting the institutional development of the private non-profit sector. Based on the positive experience with CHAG, Danida's support will continue as core funding to support implementation of CHAG's Strategic Plan and Programme of Work (2012-2016).
UNDPA FN:s avd för politiska frågor 2018 UNDPA core support 2018
Political issues Politiska frågor
UNDPA FN:s avd för politiska frågor 2018 UNDPA core support 2018 Political issues Politiska frågor
This initiative aims at enhancing unemployed youth skills through continuing vocational education and training (CVET) by using the Work- Based Learning Methodology and providing seed fund grants for the establishment of new businesses. This project consists of three levels of intervention:- Providing soft skills training related to start up businesses, followed by technical and vocational training implemented by TVET providers in the Ministry of labor using Work-Based Learning methodology (WBL); - A “startup camp” upon the completion of training to support beneficiaries in developing their business ideas into businesses. And creating linkages with available technical and financial services; - Raise the awareness on the importance of TVET as an important tool for the youth’ engagement in the labor market. La presente iniziativa ha come obiettivo di accompagnare e facilitare l’ingresso dei giovani palestinesi nel mondo del lavoro attraverso un rafforzamento delle loro competenze e capacità, sia con la formazione tecnico-professionale, sia sostenendo la creazione di progetti imprenditoriali. L’obiettivo generale (O.G.) è quello di contribuire a facilitare l’accesso al mercato del lavoro per i giovani palestinesi principalmente attraverso interventi di Formazione Professionale e Tecnica Continua (CVET, Continuing Vocational Educational Training) per accrescere le opportunità di impiego. L’O.G. si articola nei seguenti tre obiettivi specifici (O.S.): O.S.1. Sviluppare le abilità e competenze legate alla domanda di mercato, sia con interventi di tipo teorico, sia con attività di formazione sul posto di lavoro.O.S. 2 Incoraggiare i giovani a intraprendere piccole attività imprenditoriali o di lavoro autonomo nell’ambito tecnico-professionale. O.S. 3 Sensibilizzare all’importanza della formazione tecnico-professionale Contribuire a facilitare l’accesso al mercato del lavoro per i giovani palestinesi principalmente attraverso interventi di Formazione Professionale e Tecnica Continua (CVET, Continuing Vocational Educational Training) per accrescere le opportunità di impiego. Sviluppare le abilità e competenze legate alla domanda di mercato, sia con interventi di tipo teorico, sia con attività di formazione sul posto di lavoro. Incoraggiare i giovani a intraprendere piccole attività imprenditoriali o di lavoro autonomo nell’ambito tecnico-professionale. Sensibilizzare all’importanza della formazione tecnico-professionale
Commitment - Financial Year 2022 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022 Commitment - Financial Year 2023
AYADI: INCREASE ACCESS TO THE LABOUR MARKET FOR YOUTH JOB SEEKERS THROUGH BUSINESS AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING AYADI: FACILITARE L’ACCESSO AL MERCATO DEL LAVORO PER I GIOVANI ATTRAVERSO LA FORMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE E L’IMPRENDITORIA This initiative aims at enhancing unemployed youth skills through continuing vocational education and training (CVET) by using the Work- Based Learning Methodology and providing seed fund grants for the establishment of new businesses. This project consists of three levels of intervention:- Providing soft skills training related to start up businesses, followed by technical and vocational training implemented by TVET providers in the Ministry of labor using Work-Based Learning methodology (WBL); - A “startup camp” upon the completion of training to support beneficiaries in developing their business ideas into businesses. And creating linkages with available technical and financial services; - Raise the awareness on the importance of TVET as an important tool for the youth’ engagement in the labor market. La presente iniziativa ha come obiettivo di accompagnare e facilitare l’ingresso dei giovani palestinesi nel mondo del lavoro attraverso un rafforzamento delle loro competenze e capacità, sia con la formazione tecnico-professionale, sia sostenendo la creazione di progetti imprenditoriali. L’obiettivo generale (O.G.) è quello di contribuire a facilitare l’accesso al mercato del lavoro per i giovani palestinesi principalmente attraverso interventi di Formazione Professionale e Tecnica Continua (CVET, Continuing Vocational Educational Training) per accrescere le opportunità di impiego. L’O.G. si articola nei seguenti tre obiettivi specifici (O.S.): O.S.1. Sviluppare le abilità e competenze legate alla domanda di mercato, sia con interventi di tipo teorico, sia con attività di formazione sul posto di lavoro.O.S. 2 Incoraggiare i giovani a intraprendere piccole attività imprenditoriali o di lavoro autonomo nell’ambito tecnico-professionale. O.S. 3 Sensibilizzare all’importanza della formazione tecnico-professionale Contribuire a facilitare l’accesso al mercato del lavoro per i giovani palestinesi principalmente attraverso interventi di Formazione Professionale e Tecnica Continua (CVET, Continuing Vocational Educational Training) per accrescere le opportunità di impiego. Sviluppare le abilità e competenze legate alla domanda di mercato, sia con interventi di tipo teorico, sia con attività di formazione sul posto di lavoro. Incoraggiare i giovani a intraprendere piccole attività imprenditoriali o di lavoro autonomo nell’ambito tecnico-professionale. Sensibilizzare all’importanza della formazione tecnico-professionale Commitment - Financial Year 2022 Disboursement - Financial Year 2022 Commitment - Financial Year 2023
Verbesserung der Einkommenssicherheit von Kleinbäuer:innen im Baumwollanbau in Indien und Pakistan Improving income security of small scale sustainable cotton farmers in India and Pakistan
Verbesserung der Einkommenssicherheit von Kleinbäuer:innen im Baumwollanbau in Indien und Pakistan Improving income security of small scale sustainable cotton farmers in India and Pakistan Verbesserung der Einkommenssicherheit von Kleinbäuer:innen im Baumwollanbau in Indien und Pakistan Improving income security of small scale sustainable cotton farmers in India and Pakistan
Verbesserung der Einkommenssicherheit von Kleinbäuer:innen im Baumwollanbau in Indien und Pakistan Improving income security of small scale sustainable cotton farmers in India and Pakistan Verbesserung der Einkommenssicherheit von Kleinbäuer:innen im Baumwollanbau in Indien und Pakistan Improving income security of small scale sustainable cotton farmers in India and Pakistan Verbesserung der Einkommenssicherheit von Kleinbäuer:innen im Baumwollanbau in Indien und Pakistan Improving income security of small scale sustainable cotton farmers in India and Pakistan
Better Education Statistics for Improved Learning (BESt)
This programme supports UIS (UNESCO Institute of Statistics), GMR (Global Monitoring Report) and PISA for Development (Programme for International Student Assessment) to enable the monitoring and use of key education indicators and data, in order to improve systems and learning outcomes
Better Education Statistics for Improved Learning (BESt) This programme supports UIS (UNESCO Institute of Statistics), GMR (Global Monitoring Report) and PISA for Development (Programme for International Student Assessment) to enable the monitoring and use of key education indicators and data, in order to improve systems and learning outcomes
Faith for Peace: Empowering local actors to promote peacebuilding, human rights, democracy, and religious tolerance in Nigeria
<p>Faith for Peace: Empowering local actors to promote peacebuilding, human rights, democracy and religious tolerance in Nigeria</p>
Faith for Peace: Empowering local actors to promote peacebuilding, human rights, democracy, and religious tolerance in Nigeria <p>Faith for Peace: Empowering local actors to promote peacebuilding, human rights, democracy and religious tolerance in Nigeria</p>
Education Cannot Wait 2018-2020 Education Cannot Wait 2018-2020 - Education Cannot Wait 2018-2020 Afghanistan
Education Cannot Wait (ECW) är en ny global fond dedikerad år utbildning i konflikt- och krissituationer. ECWs övergripande mål är att till 2021 nå ut till 8 miljoner flickor, pojkar och ungdomar, bland annat från marginaliserade grupper, som lever i krissituationer för att förbättra deras möjligheter att lära och ta till sig kunskap och därmed öka deras välbefinnande och anställningsbarhet. Detta genom att 1) inspirera till ökat politiskt engagemang så att utbildning betraktas av både regeringar och finansiärer som högt prioriterat i krissituationer, 2) generera ökad och additionell finansiering för utbildning i kris- och konfliktsituationer, 3) bidra till ökad gemensam planering och genomförande av utbildningsinsatser i kris- och konfliktsituationer, 4) stärka lokal och global kapacitet, och 5) förbättra ansvarsskyldigheten genom att utveckla och dela kunskap och bidra till ökad insamling och analys av data. Sida bidrar med 180 000 000 SEK som är icke-öronmärkt till ECWs globala fond, samt med 90 000 000 SEK för att finansiera implementeringen av ECWs fleråriga utbildningsprogram i Afghanistan som planeras nå 500 000 barn årligen med speciellt fokus på flickor, intern- och återvändande flyktingar. Support to Education Cannot Wait (ECW), a new global fund dedicated to transform the delivery of education in emergencies. The overarching goal of ECW is to by 2021 be reaching 8 million crisis-affected girls, boys and youth, including from marginalized groups, improving their learning outcomes and enhancing their socio-emotional wellbeing and employability. It will do so by 1) increase political support to education in crises; 2) increase financing for education in crises; 3) improve joint planning and responses; 4) strengthen local and global capacity; and 5) improve accountability. Sida is contributing with SEK 180 000 000 in un-earmarked global support to ECW’s pooled fund, and with SEK 90 000 000 to the ECW facilitated multiyear programme in Afghanistan which will target 500 000 children annually focusing on girls, internally displaced people and returnee refugee communities. i. Overarching Goal: By 2021, ECW supported interventions will be reaching 8 million crisis-affected girls, boys and youth, including from marginalized groups, improving their learning outcomes and enhancing their socio-emotional wellbeing and employability. ii. Strategic objectives: 1. Increase political support to education in crises (Increase high-level attention with an aim towards greater equity of response, with an emphasis on the most vulnerable and reaching neglected crises) 2. Increase financing for education in crises (Raise significant additional money to support interventions that improve access, quality, continuity, protection, equity and gender equality) 3. Improve joint planning and responses (Unite humanitarian and development efforts in support of national preparedness and responses to education crises through facilitating the development of joint programmes) 4. Strengthen local and global capacity (Strengthen individual and institutional capacity of those leading education efforts in crises and improve delivery systems) 5. Improve accountability (Develop and share knowledge with a focus on increasing awareness of need and evidence for effective interventions) iii. The ECW Facilitated Multi-Year Programme, Afghanistan: The programme aims to achieve its goals through mutually supportive five key outcomes and results: Outcome 1: Access to education for emergency-affected girls and boys is increased. Outcome 2: Conducive, child-friendly and inclusive teaching and learning environment enabled for emergency affected girls and boys. Outcome 3: Increased continuity of education for emergency-affected girls and boys. Outcome 4: Quality of learning for emergency-affected girls and boys is improved. Outcome 5: Safe and protective learning environment for emergency-affected girls and boys, especially the most marginalized, are established and strengthened.
Education Cannot Wait 2018-2020 Education Cannot Wait 2018-2020 - Education Cannot Wait 2018-2020 Afghanistan Education Cannot Wait (ECW) är en ny global fond dedikerad år utbildning i konflikt- och krissituationer. ECWs övergripande mål är att till 2021 nå ut till 8 miljoner flickor, pojkar och ungdomar, bland annat från marginaliserade grupper, som lever i krissituationer för att förbättra deras möjligheter att lära och ta till sig kunskap och därmed öka deras välbefinnande och anställningsbarhet. Detta genom att 1) inspirera till ökat politiskt engagemang så att utbildning betraktas av både regeringar och finansiärer som högt prioriterat i krissituationer, 2) generera ökad och additionell finansiering för utbildning i kris- och konfliktsituationer, 3) bidra till ökad gemensam planering och genomförande av utbildningsinsatser i kris- och konfliktsituationer, 4) stärka lokal och global kapacitet, och 5) förbättra ansvarsskyldigheten genom att utveckla och dela kunskap och bidra till ökad insamling och analys av data. Sida bidrar med 180 000 000 SEK som är icke-öronmärkt till ECWs globala fond, samt med 90 000 000 SEK för att finansiera implementeringen av ECWs fleråriga utbildningsprogram i Afghanistan som planeras nå 500 000 barn årligen med speciellt fokus på flickor, intern- och återvändande flyktingar. Support to Education Cannot Wait (ECW), a new global fund dedicated to transform the delivery of education in emergencies. The overarching goal of ECW is to by 2021 be reaching 8 million crisis-affected girls, boys and youth, including from marginalized groups, improving their learning outcomes and enhancing their socio-emotional wellbeing and employability. It will do so by 1) increase political support to education in crises; 2) increase financing for education in crises; 3) improve joint planning and responses; 4) strengthen local and global capacity; and 5) improve accountability. Sida is contributing with SEK 180 000 000 in un-earmarked global support to ECW’s pooled fund, and with SEK 90 000 000 to the ECW facilitated multiyear programme in Afghanistan which will target 500 000 children annually focusing on girls, internally displaced people and returnee refugee communities. i. Overarching Goal: By 2021, ECW supported interventions will be reaching 8 million crisis-affected girls, boys and youth, including from marginalized groups, improving their learning outcomes and enhancing their socio-emotional wellbeing and employability. ii. Strategic objectives: 1. Increase political support to education in crises (Increase high-level attention with an aim towards greater equity of response, with an emphasis on the most vulnerable and reaching neglected crises) 2. Increase financing for education in crises (Raise significant additional money to support interventions that improve access, quality, continuity, protection, equity and gender equality) 3. Improve joint planning and responses (Unite humanitarian and development efforts in support of national preparedness and responses to education crises through facilitating the development of joint programmes) 4. Strengthen local and global capacity (Strengthen individual and institutional capacity of those leading education efforts in crises and improve delivery systems) 5. Improve accountability (Develop and share knowledge with a focus on increasing awareness of need and evidence for effective interventions) iii. The ECW Facilitated Multi-Year Programme, Afghanistan: The programme aims to achieve its goals through mutually supportive five key outcomes and results: Outcome 1: Access to education for emergency-affected girls and boys is increased. Outcome 2: Conducive, child-friendly and inclusive teaching and learning environment enabled for emergency affected girls and boys. Outcome 3: Increased continuity of education for emergency-affected girls and boys. Outcome 4: Quality of learning for emergency-affected girls and boys is improved. Outcome 5: Safe and protective learning environment for emergency-affected girls and boys, especially the most marginalized, are established and strengthened.
Local Government Technical Assistance Facility 2017-2022
The Local Government Technical Assistance Facility supports NZ local government employees to work with their equivalents in Pacific Island Countries to share technical knowledge and capability. Common areas of focus are urban planning, asset management and governance.
Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year
Local Government Technical Assistance Facility 2017-2022 The Local Government Technical Assistance Facility supports NZ local government employees to work with their equivalents in Pacific Island Countries to share technical knowledge and capability. Common areas of focus are urban planning, asset management and governance. Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year
Support to the UN, Youth Climate Summit Projektstöd till the UN, Youth Climate Summit
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Support to the UN, Youth Climate Summit Projektstöd till the UN, Youth Climate Summit . .
SCA SRHR/Education 09-10 SCA SRHR/Education 09-10 - Health
The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
SCA SRHR/Education 09-10 SCA SRHR/Education 09-10 - Health The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Activity under preparation Support to implementing partners on EU rules and procedures
Contract related to: Support to implementing partners on EU rules and procedures - To strengthen the role of the EU as a strategic and political partner in Nigeria¿s affairs, to strengthen strategic communications and policy dialogue and to support the design, implementation and monitoring of planned actions under the MIP.
Activity under preparation Support to implementing partners on EU rules and procedures Contract related to: Support to implementing partners on EU rules and procedures - To strengthen the role of the EU as a strategic and political partner in Nigeria¿s affairs, to strengthen strategic communications and policy dialogue and to support the design, implementation and monitoring of planned actions under the MIP.
Strategieentwicklung der Netzwerke von kirchlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteurinnen/Akteuren zur Umsetzung von integraler Ökologie in Ecuador Strategy development of networks of church and civil society actors for the implementation of integral ecology in Ecuador
Strategieentwicklung der Netzwerke von kirchlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteurinnen/Akteuren zur Umsetzung von integraler Ökologie in Ecuador Strategy development of networks of church and civil society actors for the implementation of integral ecology in Ecuador Durch die Förderung einer integralen Ökologie wird die Verteidigung der Rechte von Menschen und Natur gestärkt. By promoting an integral ecology, the rights of people and nature are defended.
Strategieentwicklung der Netzwerke von kirchlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteurinnen/Akteuren zur Umsetzung von integraler Ökologie in Ecuador Strategy development of networks of church and civil society actors for the implementation of integral ecology in Ecuador Strategieentwicklung der Netzwerke von kirchlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteurinnen/Akteuren zur Umsetzung von integraler Ökologie in Ecuador Strategy development of networks of church and civil society actors for the implementation of integral ecology in Ecuador Durch die Förderung einer integralen Ökologie wird die Verteidigung der Rechte von Menschen und Natur gestärkt. By promoting an integral ecology, the rights of people and nature are defended.
UNICEF 2003 Tjetjenien UNICEF 2003 Chechnya
The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
UNICEF 2003 Tjetjenien UNICEF 2003 Chechnya The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Special Revision NIS -Somalia Special Review NIS - Somalia
Audit of the organization Revision av organisationen.
Special Revision NIS -Somalia Special Review NIS - Somalia Audit of the organization Revision av organisationen.
Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Further Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER PRO)
<p>The overall objective of the Project is to i<span style="color: black;">mprove employment and livelihood opportunities for SuTPs, PuIPs and HC members in selected high-refugee-concentration provinces</span></p>
Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Further Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER PRO) <p>The overall objective of the Project is to i<span style="color: black;">mprove employment and livelihood opportunities for SuTPs, PuIPs and HC members in selected high-refugee-concentration provinces</span></p>
Offenes Programm Kommunale Infrastruktur II - Phase 2 Open Prog Municipal Infrastructure II - Phase 2
Das Programm umfasst die Rehabilitierung und den teilweisen Neubau der Wasserversorgungs- und Abwasserentsorgungseinrichtungen sowie der Abwasserreinigungsanlagen der Städte Ganja und Sheki in Aserbaidschan. Aufgrund der komplexen Struktur des Programms werden die Investitionen in jeweils technisch und wirtschaftlich in sich abgeschlossene und aufeinander aufbauende Phasen unterteilt. Bisher befinden sich drei Phasen in der Umsetzung (Phase 1: BMZ Nr. 2001 66 702, Phase 2: BMZ Nr. 2008 66 194, Phase 3: BMZ Nr. 2009 66 671). Die Investitionsmaßnahmen der zweiten Programmphase umfassen die Erneuerung und Erweiterung der Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgungsnetze einschließlich Hauptabwasserleitung in ausgewählten Stadtteilen in Ganja und Sheki. Parallel zu den Investitionen der Programmphasen soll im Rahmen einer Begleitmaßnahme (BMZ Nr. 2004.7019.5) der Aufbau effizient und nachhaltig wirtschaftender Wasserbetriebe in Ganja und Sheki unterstützt werden. Die Aus- und Fortbildung des Personals soll aus den A+F Mitteln (BMZ Nr. 2004 299) der ersten Phase finanziert werden.Zielgruppe des Gesamtprogramms sind die rd. 400.000 Einwohner der Programmstandorte Ganja (328.400 Einwohner) und Sheki (64.500 Einwohner) zuzüglich angrenzender Dörfer (9.000 Einwohner). Vorrangig profitieren die Bewohner der zur Erneuerung vorgesehenen Versorgungszonen (ca. 130.000 Einwohner) von den Investitionsmaßnahmen der Phasen 1-3.Das bisherige Finanzierungsvolumen der ersten Phase beläuft sich auf rd. 60,6 Mio. EUR ein-schließlich Ko.-Finanzierung und Eigenbeitrag. Hinzu kommen die Kosten für die Begleitmaß-nahme und A+F-Mittel i.H.v. rd. 4 Mio. EUR. Für die zweite Phase wird ein Investitionsbedarf von rd. 65,2 Mio. EUR geschätzt. Dieser wird durch ein zinsverbilligtes Darlehen in Höhe von 43 Mio. EUR sowie einem Eigenbeitrag der aserbaidschanischen Seite in Höhe von 22,2 Mio. EUR gedeckt. Open Prog Municipal Infrastructure II - Phase 2 Das Ziel des FZ-Programms und der einzelnen Module ist die Sicherstellung einer kontinuierlichen, verbrauchsorientierten Versorgung der Bevölkerung von Ganja und Sheki und eine hygienisch unbedenkliche Abwasserableitung (Phase 1 und 2) sowie die Sicherstellung einer umweltverträglichen, nachhaltigen Abwasserentsorgung und -behandlung (Phase 3) in den Programmregionen. Open Prog Municipal Infrastructure II - Phase 2
Offenes Programm Kommunale Infrastruktur II - Phase 2 Open Prog Municipal Infrastructure II - Phase 2 Das Programm umfasst die Rehabilitierung und den teilweisen Neubau der Wasserversorgungs- und Abwasserentsorgungseinrichtungen sowie der Abwasserreinigungsanlagen der Städte Ganja und Sheki in Aserbaidschan. Aufgrund der komplexen Struktur des Programms werden die Investitionen in jeweils technisch und wirtschaftlich in sich abgeschlossene und aufeinander aufbauende Phasen unterteilt. Bisher befinden sich drei Phasen in der Umsetzung (Phase 1: BMZ Nr. 2001 66 702, Phase 2: BMZ Nr. 2008 66 194, Phase 3: BMZ Nr. 2009 66 671). Die Investitionsmaßnahmen der zweiten Programmphase umfassen die Erneuerung und Erweiterung der Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgungsnetze einschließlich Hauptabwasserleitung in ausgewählten Stadtteilen in Ganja und Sheki. Parallel zu den Investitionen der Programmphasen soll im Rahmen einer Begleitmaßnahme (BMZ Nr. 2004.7019.5) der Aufbau effizient und nachhaltig wirtschaftender Wasserbetriebe in Ganja und Sheki unterstützt werden. Die Aus- und Fortbildung des Personals soll aus den A+F Mitteln (BMZ Nr. 2004 299) der ersten Phase finanziert werden.Zielgruppe des Gesamtprogramms sind die rd. 400.000 Einwohner der Programmstandorte Ganja (328.400 Einwohner) und Sheki (64.500 Einwohner) zuzüglich angrenzender Dörfer (9.000 Einwohner). Vorrangig profitieren die Bewohner der zur Erneuerung vorgesehenen Versorgungszonen (ca. 130.000 Einwohner) von den Investitionsmaßnahmen der Phasen 1-3.Das bisherige Finanzierungsvolumen der ersten Phase beläuft sich auf rd. 60,6 Mio. EUR ein-schließlich Ko.-Finanzierung und Eigenbeitrag. Hinzu kommen die Kosten für die Begleitmaß-nahme und A+F-Mittel i.H.v. rd. 4 Mio. EUR. Für die zweite Phase wird ein Investitionsbedarf von rd. 65,2 Mio. EUR geschätzt. Dieser wird durch ein zinsverbilligtes Darlehen in Höhe von 43 Mio. EUR sowie einem Eigenbeitrag der aserbaidschanischen Seite in Höhe von 22,2 Mio. EUR gedeckt. Open Prog Municipal Infrastructure II - Phase 2 Das Ziel des FZ-Programms und der einzelnen Module ist die Sicherstellung einer kontinuierlichen, verbrauchsorientierten Versorgung der Bevölkerung von Ganja und Sheki und eine hygienisch unbedenkliche Abwasserableitung (Phase 1 und 2) sowie die Sicherstellung einer umweltverträglichen, nachhaltigen Abwasserentsorgung und -behandlung (Phase 3) in den Programmregionen. Open Prog Municipal Infrastructure II - Phase 2
Extension of Contract for a JUSTIANTO
This activity Extension of Contract for a JUSTIANTO is a component of Forest Governance and Trade reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £28,248. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Forestry policy and administrative management, Trade policy and administrative management, Public finance management (PFM), Public sector policy and administrative management.
Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 2 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 3 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 4 Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services
Extension of Contract for a JUSTIANTO This activity Extension of Contract for a JUSTIANTO is a component of Forest Governance and Trade reported by FCDO with a funding type of 104 - Procurement of Services and a budget of £28,248. This project benefits Developing countries, unspecified. It works in the following sector(s): Forestry policy and administrative management, Trade policy and administrative management, Public finance management (PFM), Public sector policy and administrative management. Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 2 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 3 Aggregated spend data - Financial Year 2009 Quarter 4 Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services Technical & Advisory services
Activity under preparation Review of the TVET and Employment Sector Reform Performance Contract in the Republic of Tajikistan
<p><strong>Support to the Technical/vocational education and training (TVET) and employment sector. </strong></p>
Activity under preparation Review of the TVET and Employment Sector Reform Performance Contract in the Republic of Tajikistan <p><strong>Support to the Technical/vocational education and training (TVET) and employment sector. </strong></p>
Administration Agreement with WB to support Philippines Rural Development Programme (PRDP) - Loan extension 2
The objective of the Trust Fund is to co-finance the Philippine Rural Development Project, which has its project development objective to increase rural incomes and enhance farm and fishery productivity in the targeted areas.
Administration Agreement with WB to support Philippines Rural Development Programme (PRDP) - Loan extension 2 The objective of the Trust Fund is to co-finance the Philippine Rural Development Project, which has its project development objective to increase rural incomes and enhance farm and fishery productivity in the targeted areas.
SPF, Nätverksträffar o dialogmöten 2019-2022, 2023 KAPAME SPF, Network meeting 2019-2022, 2023 KAPAME - SPF, Inspirationswebinarium
Inom ramen för Strategi för kapacitetsutveckling, partnerskap och metoder som stöder Agenda 2030 för hållbar utveckling (KAPAME) ansvarar Sida Partnership Forum för att tillhandahålla en plattform för och möjliggöra nätverkande och dialoger mellan aktörer inom svenskt bistånd. Huvudsakliga målgrupper för insatsen är personal inom svenska civilsamhällesorganisationer, myndigheter, näringsliv och akademin. Nätverksträffar och mötesfora vid SPF riktar sig till de ovan nämnda aktörerna och innehållet omfattar aktuella biståndspolitiska teman med Agenda 2030 som övergripande ramverk och fokus ligger på att skapa bättre förutsättningar för lärande och erfarenhetsutbyte mellan aktörerna för att de ska kunna bidra till utvecklingssamarbetets övergripande mål. This contribution will support the implementation of the strategy for capacity development, partnership and methods that supports the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development 2018-2022 (KAPAME). The main target groups are employees within Swedish NGO:s, Government agencies, private sector and universities. The aim in this contribution is to create prerequisite for networking and dialogues between actors working within development cooperation. The activities focus on learning and exchange of experience to contribute to the overall goal of development cooperation
SPF, Nätverksträffar o dialogmöten 2019-2022, 2023 KAPAME SPF, Network meeting 2019-2022, 2023 KAPAME - SPF, Inspirationswebinarium Inom ramen för Strategi för kapacitetsutveckling, partnerskap och metoder som stöder Agenda 2030 för hållbar utveckling (KAPAME) ansvarar Sida Partnership Forum för att tillhandahålla en plattform för och möjliggöra nätverkande och dialoger mellan aktörer inom svenskt bistånd. Huvudsakliga målgrupper för insatsen är personal inom svenska civilsamhällesorganisationer, myndigheter, näringsliv och akademin. Nätverksträffar och mötesfora vid SPF riktar sig till de ovan nämnda aktörerna och innehållet omfattar aktuella biståndspolitiska teman med Agenda 2030 som övergripande ramverk och fokus ligger på att skapa bättre förutsättningar för lärande och erfarenhetsutbyte mellan aktörerna för att de ska kunna bidra till utvecklingssamarbetets övergripande mål. This contribution will support the implementation of the strategy for capacity development, partnership and methods that supports the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development 2018-2022 (KAPAME). The main target groups are employees within Swedish NGO:s, Government agencies, private sector and universities. The aim in this contribution is to create prerequisite for networking and dialogues between actors working within development cooperation. The activities focus on learning and exchange of experience to contribute to the overall goal of development cooperation
BEHTRUWC - Second Phase 2010/18806 BEHTRUWC - Second Phase - BEHTRUWC-Second Phase
BEHTRUWC is the second phase of the NFE3/Basic Education for Hard to Reach Urban Children project for working children ( 1997-2004)which was supported by Sida. It is a GOB project for urban working children in the 6 Divisions of Bangladesh covering 166150 children for the period 2005-2012. It is supported by the GOB, UNICEF, CIDA and Sida. Sida and CIDA funds are channeled through UNICEF. BEHTRUWC is the second phase of the NFE3/Basic Education for Hard to Reach Urban Children project for working children ( 1997-2004)which was supported by Sida. It is a GOB project for urban working children in the 6 Divisions of Bangladesh covering 166150 children for the period 2005-2012. It is supported by the GOB, UNICEF, CIDA and Sida. Sida and CIDA funds are channeled through UNICEF.
BEHTRUWC - Second Phase 2010/18806 BEHTRUWC - Second Phase - BEHTRUWC-Second Phase BEHTRUWC is the second phase of the NFE3/Basic Education for Hard to Reach Urban Children project for working children ( 1997-2004)which was supported by Sida. It is a GOB project for urban working children in the 6 Divisions of Bangladesh covering 166150 children for the period 2005-2012. It is supported by the GOB, UNICEF, CIDA and Sida. Sida and CIDA funds are channeled through UNICEF. BEHTRUWC is the second phase of the NFE3/Basic Education for Hard to Reach Urban Children project for working children ( 1997-2004)which was supported by Sida. It is a GOB project for urban working children in the 6 Divisions of Bangladesh covering 166150 children for the period 2005-2012. It is supported by the GOB, UNICEF, CIDA and Sida. Sida and CIDA funds are channeled through UNICEF.
Procurement Adv Ass Upphandlingsstöd Ass
Sverige och Jugoslavien har överenskommit att Jugoslavien handlar upp de tjänster som APAD identifierat för genomförande av projektet. Sida kommer att ställa två konsulter till Jugoslaviens förfogande under upphandlingen, Assisum ger juridiskt stöd och SPM kommer att sitta med i anbudsutvärdering samt sköta all praktisk kontakt och beredning tillsammans med APAD. Sweden and FRY has agreed that FRY will procure the service needed to implement the project proposed to Sida by APAD. Sida will provide FRY with two consultants in the process, Assistum will give legal advice and SPM will suport APAD and the technical committee in their tasks.
Procurement Adv Ass Upphandlingsstöd Ass Sverige och Jugoslavien har överenskommit att Jugoslavien handlar upp de tjänster som APAD identifierat för genomförande av projektet. Sida kommer att ställa två konsulter till Jugoslaviens förfogande under upphandlingen, Assisum ger juridiskt stöd och SPM kommer att sitta med i anbudsutvärdering samt sköta all praktisk kontakt och beredning tillsammans med APAD. Sweden and FRY has agreed that FRY will procure the service needed to implement the project proposed to Sida by APAD. Sida will provide FRY with two consultants in the process, Assistum will give legal advice and SPM will suport APAD and the technical committee in their tasks.
Support to the Operationalisation of Nigeria's Country Level Implementation Plan (CLIP) GAP III
<p>Support to the Country Level Implementation Plan (CLIP) GAP III</p>-Support to the Operationalisation of Nigeria's Country Level Implementation Plan (CLIP) GAP III
Support to the Operationalisation of Nigeria's Country Level Implementation Plan (CLIP) GAP III <p>Support to the Country Level Implementation Plan (CLIP) GAP III</p>-Support to the Operationalisation of Nigeria's Country Level Implementation Plan (CLIP) GAP III
Early Intervention Inst - Early Intervention Early Intervention inst.
Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Early Intervention Inst - Early Intervention Early Intervention inst. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se.
Unesco utbildning 2022-2025 UNESCO Education 2022-2025
Flexibelt stöd till Unescos utbildningsprogram i linje med Unescos program och budget 41 C/5, 2022-2025. De två övergripande resultatområdena är att: "Säkerställa inkluderande och rättvis utbildning av hög kvalitet och främja möjligheter till livslångt lärande för alla" samt "Stärka den internationella samordningen för att uppnå SDG 4 och utveckla en global utbildningsagenda baserad på forskning, framtidsspaning och innovation". Dessutom bidrar utbildningssektorn till två av Unescos andra resultatområden "Främja inkludering och bekämpa diskriminering, hatpropaganda och stereotyper” samt till att "Främja kunskapsutbyte och kompetensutveckling i den digitala tidsåldern". Unescos verksamhet inom utbildning är brett och omfattar alltifrån livslångt lärande, kvalitet i utbildning, jämställdhet, inkluderande utbildning (inklusive för de mest utsatta och elever med funktionsnedsättning), sexualundervisning samt utbildning för hållbar utveckling och miljö och klimatintegrering. Resultatramverket omfattar alla dessa områden. Flexible support to UNESCO's education programme in line with UNESCO's Programme and Budget 41 C/5, 2022-2025. The two overall result areas are to: "Ensure inclusive and equitable high-quality education and promote opportunities for lifelong learning for all" and "Strengthen international coordination to achieve SDG 4 and develop a global education agenda based on research, foresight and innovation". In addition, the education sector contributes to two of UNESCO's other result areas "Promoting inclusion and combating discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes" and to "Promoting knowledge exchange and skills development in the digital age". UNESCO's activities in education are broad and cover everything from lifelong learning, quality in education, equality, inclusive education (including for the most vulnerable and students with disabilities), sexuality education and education for sustainable development and environment and climate integration. The results framework includes expected results on all these areas. För utbildning och lärande är de nio övergripande målen (outputs) till vilka Sida bidrar: ED1 Utbildningssystemen är rustade för att främja inkludering, tar itu med marginalisering och främjar rättigheter, även i kontexter drabbade av kris. ED2 Genustransformerande utbildningssystem stärker eleverna, garanterar säkra lärandemiljöer och tacklar utbildningshinder, särskilt för flickor och kvinnor, som har förvärrats av inlärningskrisen ED4 Eleverna har relevanta färdigheter för att möta de krav som finns på individuell, arbetsmarknads- och samhällelig nivå genom läskunnighet, TVET, STEM och högre utbildning ED5 Lärare har fått utbildning och stöd för att hantera de förändringar som följde av covid-19 krisen och för att förbättra inlärningsresultaten ED6 Utbildningssystemens motståndskraft, kvalitet och rättvisa har stärkts för att vara flexibla och utvecklande lärmiljöer och för att bättre svara upp mot SDG4-åtaganden ED7 Utbildningspolitik och finansieringsbeslut för att uppnå SDG 4 är informerade av starkare samordning, data och övervakning, kunskap och innovativa partnerskap ED9 Förnyad syn på utbildning och lärande genom tvärvetenskaplig forskning, framtidsspaning och samhällspolitisk debatt ED3 Elever har stärkts för att kunna leva hälsosamma liv, främja hållbar utveckling och engagera sig i världen som kreativa och ansvarsfulla globala medborgare ED8 Teknologier och digitala innovationer används för att säkerställa mer inkluderande, effektivt och relevant lärande.
Unesco utbildning 2022-2025 UNESCO Education 2022-2025 Flexibelt stöd till Unescos utbildningsprogram i linje med Unescos program och budget 41 C/5, 2022-2025. De två övergripande resultatområdena är att: "Säkerställa inkluderande och rättvis utbildning av hög kvalitet och främja möjligheter till livslångt lärande för alla" samt "Stärka den internationella samordningen för att uppnå SDG 4 och utveckla en global utbildningsagenda baserad på forskning, framtidsspaning och innovation". Dessutom bidrar utbildningssektorn till två av Unescos andra resultatområden "Främja inkludering och bekämpa diskriminering, hatpropaganda och stereotyper” samt till att "Främja kunskapsutbyte och kompetensutveckling i den digitala tidsåldern". Unescos verksamhet inom utbildning är brett och omfattar alltifrån livslångt lärande, kvalitet i utbildning, jämställdhet, inkluderande utbildning (inklusive för de mest utsatta och elever med funktionsnedsättning), sexualundervisning samt utbildning för hållbar utveckling och miljö och klimatintegrering. Resultatramverket omfattar alla dessa områden. Flexible support to UNESCO's education programme in line with UNESCO's Programme and Budget 41 C/5, 2022-2025. The two overall result areas are to: "Ensure inclusive and equitable high-quality education and promote opportunities for lifelong learning for all" and "Strengthen international coordination to achieve SDG 4 and develop a global education agenda based on research, foresight and innovation". In addition, the education sector contributes to two of UNESCO's other result areas "Promoting inclusion and combating discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes" and to "Promoting knowledge exchange and skills development in the digital age". UNESCO's activities in education are broad and cover everything from lifelong learning, quality in education, equality, inclusive education (including for the most vulnerable and students with disabilities), sexuality education and education for sustainable development and environment and climate integration. The results framework includes expected results on all these areas. För utbildning och lärande är de nio övergripande målen (outputs) till vilka Sida bidrar: ED1 Utbildningssystemen är rustade för att främja inkludering, tar itu med marginalisering och främjar rättigheter, även i kontexter drabbade av kris. ED2 Genustransformerande utbildningssystem stärker eleverna, garanterar säkra lärandemiljöer och tacklar utbildningshinder, särskilt för flickor och kvinnor, som har förvärrats av inlärningskrisen ED4 Eleverna har relevanta färdigheter för att möta de krav som finns på individuell, arbetsmarknads- och samhällelig nivå genom läskunnighet, TVET, STEM och högre utbildning ED5 Lärare har fått utbildning och stöd för att hantera de förändringar som följde av covid-19 krisen och för att förbättra inlärningsresultaten ED6 Utbildningssystemens motståndskraft, kvalitet och rättvisa har stärkts för att vara flexibla och utvecklande lärmiljöer och för att bättre svara upp mot SDG4-åtaganden ED7 Utbildningspolitik och finansieringsbeslut för att uppnå SDG 4 är informerade av starkare samordning, data och övervakning, kunskap och innovativa partnerskap ED9 Förnyad syn på utbildning och lärande genom tvärvetenskaplig forskning, framtidsspaning och samhällspolitisk debatt ED3 Elever har stärkts för att kunna leva hälsosamma liv, främja hållbar utveckling och engagera sig i världen som kreativa och ansvarsfulla globala medborgare ED8 Teknologier och digitala innovationer används för att säkerställa mer inkluderande, effektivt och relevant lärande.
State and Resilience Building Contract for the Republic of Armenia
Contract related to: State and Resilience Building Contract for the Republic of Armenia - The overall objective of this Action is to assist the Armenia Government to: i) manage the short term impact on the public finance, and avoid further destabilisation, ii) address the medium and longer-term needs of Nagorno-Karabakh refugees. The Action will contribute to the implementation of the support programmes adopted by the Government to enable the refugees to resettle in Armenia. Specifically, the action will strengthen the Government¿s ability to deliver financial assistance to refugees in the short and medium term;&nbsp;and facilitate the long-term integration of those refugees who will decide to integrate in the Armenian social structures, e.g. education, pension, and healthcare systems.
State and Resilience Building Contract for the Republic of Armenia Contract related to: State and Resilience Building Contract for the Republic of Armenia - The overall objective of this Action is to assist the Armenia Government to: i) manage the short term impact on the public finance, and avoid further destabilisation, ii) address the medium and longer-term needs of Nagorno-Karabakh refugees. The Action will contribute to the implementation of the support programmes adopted by the Government to enable the refugees to resettle in Armenia. Specifically, the action will strengthen the Government¿s ability to deliver financial assistance to refugees in the short and medium term;&nbsp;and facilitate the long-term integration of those refugees who will decide to integrate in the Armenian social structures, e.g. education, pension, and healthcare systems.
Activity under preparation Renforcer l'espace civique en Côte d'Ivoire
Contract related to: Renforcer l'espace civique en Côte d'Ivoire - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&amp;D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality.
Activity under preparation Renforcer l'espace civique en Côte d'Ivoire Contract related to: Renforcer l'espace civique en Côte d'Ivoire - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&amp;D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality.
Strengthening Climate Resilient Systems for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Ethiopia (SCRS - WASH)
Improve access to climate-resilient water and improved sanitation services and good hygiene practices for 300,000 people in the prioritised drought-affected and drought-prone areas of Ethiopia. The proposed Strengthening Climate Resilient Systems for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Ethiopia (SCRS-WaSH) programme will contribute to the Government of Ethiopia's Climate Resilient WaSH provision to drought-prone areas. the programme aims to realise this through a combination of targeted Financial Aid and Technical Assistance support. The FA will focus primarily on improving climate-resilient WaSH facilities which ensure year-round access to resilient WaSH services at household, community and institution levels in the targeted intervention areas. This will be complemented with TA support that focuses on strengthening the WaSH delivery systems.
Strengthening Climate Resilient Systems for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Ethiopia (SCRS - WASH) Improve access to climate-resilient water and improved sanitation services and good hygiene practices for 300,000 people in the prioritised drought-affected and drought-prone areas of Ethiopia. The proposed Strengthening Climate Resilient Systems for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Ethiopia (SCRS-WaSH) programme will contribute to the Government of Ethiopia's Climate Resilient WaSH provision to drought-prone areas. the programme aims to realise this through a combination of targeted Financial Aid and Technical Assistance support. The FA will focus primarily on improving climate-resilient WaSH facilities which ensure year-round access to resilient WaSH services at household, community and institution levels in the targeted intervention areas. This will be complemented with TA support that focuses on strengthening the WaSH delivery systems.
Social Protection Programme for Iraq: Leveraging Effective Response and Accelerating Reform
<p>The program will contribute to social protection reform in iraq by adapting, expanding and innovating social protection response to address the immediate needs of households in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Focus is on improving public policy environment for sustainable and inclusive expansion of social protection to most vulnerable groups, reinforcement of government capacities and filling in gaps in employment related social insurance and assistance.</p>
Social Protection Programme for Iraq: Leveraging Effective Response and Accelerating Reform <p>The program will contribute to social protection reform in iraq by adapting, expanding and innovating social protection response to address the immediate needs of households in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Focus is on improving public policy environment for sustainable and inclusive expansion of social protection to most vulnerable groups, reinforcement of government capacities and filling in gaps in employment related social insurance and assistance.</p>
Extraordinary Danish contribution to OCHA's Emergency Response Fund for Palestine, 2014
Formålet med den danske støtte er, at bidrage til nødhjælpsindsatsen i Gaza som følge af udbruddet af kampe mellem Hamas og Israel og den deraf forværrede humanitære situation. FN's katastrofefond for Palæstina er en fleksibel mekanisme, hvis formål er at finansiere akutte behov indenfor vand, sanitet, fødevaresikkerhed, sundhed mv.
Extraordinary Danish contribution to OCHA's Emergency Response Fund for Palestine, 2014 Formålet med den danske støtte er, at bidrage til nødhjælpsindsatsen i Gaza som følge af udbruddet af kampe mellem Hamas og Israel og den deraf forværrede humanitære situation. FN's katastrofefond for Palæstina er en fleksibel mekanisme, hvis formål er at finansiere akutte behov indenfor vand, sanitet, fødevaresikkerhed, sundhed mv.
Support for 2010/11 Education Census
This activity Support for 2010/11 Education Census is a component of Support to Education Strategic Plan in Ghana reported by FCDO with a funding type of 108 - Non-budget support financial aid and a budget of £304,000. It works in the following sector(s): Education policy and administrative management, Educational research.
This is an outgoing commitment to Crown Agents Limited of £152000.00. Aid to partner government Aid to partner government Aid to partner government
Support for 2010/11 Education Census This activity Support for 2010/11 Education Census is a component of Support to Education Strategic Plan in Ghana reported by FCDO with a funding type of 108 - Non-budget support financial aid and a budget of £304,000. It works in the following sector(s): Education policy and administrative management, Educational research. This is an outgoing commitment to Crown Agents Limited of £152000.00. Aid to partner government Aid to partner government Aid to partner government
IPPF 2024-2027 IPPF 2024-2027
IPPF är en partner som Sida samarbetat med under flera decennier och de har växt fram till en ledande organisation inom SRHR, som i vissa länder är den största tillhandahållaren av hälso- och SRHR tjänster. Den reform som IPPF inledde år 2019 resulterade i en organisation med en god styrningsmodell och en mer adekvat resursallokeringsmodell och där behoven styr verksamhetens inriktning. Resurserna når nu i högre grad medlemsorganisationerna direkt där en mindre del bekostar huvudkontoret och dess reducerade personalstyrka. IPPFs nya strategi (2023-2028) som heter "Come Together" har fyra strategiska områden med definierade mål och väntade resultat. Dessa strategiska områden innefattar: 1. Centrera vård runt människor - expandera valmöjligheter, öka tillgång, avancera digitala lösningar och egenvård inklusive för utsatta grupper och personer med funktionsvariation 2. Flytta fram sexualitetsagendan - grunda påverkansarbete, förändra normer, agera tillsammans med unga 3. Solidaritet för förändring - stötta sociala rörelser, bygga strategiska partnerskap, skapa nytt och dela kunskap 4. Vårda federationen - vdiareutveckla dess identitet, växa federationen, "walk the talk" IPPF har även förbättrat hur man väljer ut och accepterar nya medlemsorganisationer. IPPF har utvecklat ett system där både nya och etablerade medlemsorganisationerna följs upp och kvalitetsgranskas, med b la årliga revisioner. IPPF arbetar även aktivt med jämställdhetsintegrering, rättvis tillgång till vård och rättigheter, mångfald, anti-rasism och inklusion. IPPFs roll i risk reduktion i kriser är unik pga sin närvaro i så många olika länder på nationell och sub-nationell nivå. Deras huvudsakliga arbete inkluderar att bygga resilienta system och resiliens i samhällen där de arbetar. De är även ofta de första att finnas på plats när en kris inträffar. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a leading actor in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), with a presence in 120 countries as it works through local actors to provide sexual and reproductive health services including comprehensive sexuality education, comprehensive abortion care and provides access to a range of modern contraceptives, conducts advocacy work to improve policy and legal frameworks at the national and global levels. IPPF is a UK charity federation registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. The federation includes 6 regional offices, 31 collaborative partners and 118 Member Associations within 149 countries. IPPF is a trusted and long term partner to Sida with support from the Strategy for Sweden’s global development cooperation in sustainable social development 2018–2023. Sida is one of IPPF's largest core funding donors, funding that is crucial to ensure sustained and predictable operations as well as flexibility to adapt to emerging and unexpected needs. It is Sida's assessment that the partnership over the years between Sida and IPPF is characterised by mutual reliance and trust. Sida finds that the value add generated through the partnership is IPPF's uncomparable outreach in the area of SRHR also strengthened by IPPF being a strong actor both in terms of service delivery and SRHR-advocacy. In many countries where IPPF operates, the state is a key direct target group for IPPF's advocacy work. Further, MAs are often the leading SRHR­ CSO with the recognised legitimacy to convene CSOs, government and other stakeholders. As a result, MAs increasingly influence national funding mechanisms through involvement in committees and have established good relationships with elected representatives through national parliamentary groups. In their new strategy Come Together, IPPF gives dedicated attention to reaching those furthest left behind with SRHR services and information, and making sure that their voices and needs are reflected in advocacy. This includes groups such as LGBTQI+, persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, among others. IPPF is also uniquely placed to work with disaster risk reduction. Their presence across most countries in the world today makes them a first responder when crises hits, but also an important actor in building resilience and ensuring preparedness. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a leading actor in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), with a presence through member associations in 120 countries as it works through local actors to provide sexual and reproductive health services including comprehensive sexuality education, comprehensive abortion care and provides access to a range of modern contraceptives, conducts advocacy work to improve policy and legal frameworks at the national and global levels. The monitoring and follow up of the core support for this agreement is based on IPPFs strategic outcomes and outputs as set out in their Strategy "IPPF 2023-2028 - Come Together". The overarching goal is to achieve "Quality SRHR for Everyone, Everywhere, Breaking Barriers. The strategy has four pillars with dedicated goals 1. Center Care on People - expand choice, widen access, advance digital and self care. Goal: Quality person centered care to more people, in more places. 2. Move the Sexuality Agenda - ground advocacy, shift norms, act with youth Goal: Societal and legislative change for universal sexual and reproductive rights. 3. Solidarity for Change - support social movements, build strategic partnerships, innovate and share knowledge Goal: Amplify impact by building bridges, shaping discourse, and connecting communities, movements, and sectors. 4. Nurture our Federation - chart our identity, grow our federation, walk the talk Goal: Replenish and nurture the federation from a common value base and unleash our collective power for greater impact. Equity and inclusion are a key theme of the new strategy, with IPPF aspiring to scale and reaching historically excluded groups including LGBTQ communities, young people, older people and people in crisis settings. While IPPF remains ambitious and seeks to grow its impact, the focus is now on using available resources to reach disadvantaged people with quality, person-centred care (Pillar 1). It is not only about reaching high numbers, but also about who we reach and the quality of the care we provide. In Pillar 2, devoted to societal and legislative change, Come Together likewise moves its ambition from broad policy shifts in many countries to grounded, feminist interventions that combine the tools at our disposal: informing laws and policies, changing social norms, defending hard-won rights and strategic communications. The number of countries alone is not what motivates the impact: rather, it is values and a deep-held belief in the universality of sexual and reproductive rights. Reaching far and having impact in many countries remains important, but as a target not as a catalyst. With young people at the front and centre of our new strategy, it was this group that called for IPPF to have a stronger focus on innovation, new technologies and digital engagement. Digital health interventions and self-care are important initiatives that will help IPPF broaden choice, reach, and affordability. In Pillar 2, digital communications and social media are avenues for modernizing how we deliver CSE and effect change. In Pillar 3, there is a focus on developing and incubating new technologies and using digital platforms to share research and data as part of a strategic shift to forming deeper partnerships and solidarity. While IPPFs existing strategy focuses on expansion, Come Together seeks to grow and nurture the Federation with a strong emphasis on defining and building from a foundation of common values. Pillar 4 is centred on sustainability and longevity. Growth is not only about adding more MAs, but about finding new national organizations that add skills and abilities that are needed in places where IPPF is most needed. Federation growth, across members and the Secretariat, is rooted in nurturing staff welfare, building high-performance culture and systems, and standing together on inclusion and anti-discrimination. Growth also refers to income but with a focus on diversification, entrepreneurship, and domestic financing. The new strategy positions IPPF at the forefront of a global movement, where we will unite and spearhead the actions and achievements of SRHR champions around the world to realize a step change in SRHR
IPPF 2024-2027 IPPF 2024-2027 IPPF är en partner som Sida samarbetat med under flera decennier och de har växt fram till en ledande organisation inom SRHR, som i vissa länder är den största tillhandahållaren av hälso- och SRHR tjänster. Den reform som IPPF inledde år 2019 resulterade i en organisation med en god styrningsmodell och en mer adekvat resursallokeringsmodell och där behoven styr verksamhetens inriktning. Resurserna når nu i högre grad medlemsorganisationerna direkt där en mindre del bekostar huvudkontoret och dess reducerade personalstyrka. IPPFs nya strategi (2023-2028) som heter "Come Together" har fyra strategiska områden med definierade mål och väntade resultat. Dessa strategiska områden innefattar: 1. Centrera vård runt människor - expandera valmöjligheter, öka tillgång, avancera digitala lösningar och egenvård inklusive för utsatta grupper och personer med funktionsvariation 2. Flytta fram sexualitetsagendan - grunda påverkansarbete, förändra normer, agera tillsammans med unga 3. Solidaritet för förändring - stötta sociala rörelser, bygga strategiska partnerskap, skapa nytt och dela kunskap 4. Vårda federationen - vdiareutveckla dess identitet, växa federationen, "walk the talk" IPPF har även förbättrat hur man väljer ut och accepterar nya medlemsorganisationer. IPPF har utvecklat ett system där både nya och etablerade medlemsorganisationerna följs upp och kvalitetsgranskas, med b la årliga revisioner. IPPF arbetar även aktivt med jämställdhetsintegrering, rättvis tillgång till vård och rättigheter, mångfald, anti-rasism och inklusion. IPPFs roll i risk reduktion i kriser är unik pga sin närvaro i så många olika länder på nationell och sub-nationell nivå. Deras huvudsakliga arbete inkluderar att bygga resilienta system och resiliens i samhällen där de arbetar. De är även ofta de första att finnas på plats när en kris inträffar. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a leading actor in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), with a presence in 120 countries as it works through local actors to provide sexual and reproductive health services including comprehensive sexuality education, comprehensive abortion care and provides access to a range of modern contraceptives, conducts advocacy work to improve policy and legal frameworks at the national and global levels. IPPF is a UK charity federation registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. The federation includes 6 regional offices, 31 collaborative partners and 118 Member Associations within 149 countries. IPPF is a trusted and long term partner to Sida with support from the Strategy for Sweden’s global development cooperation in sustainable social development 2018–2023. Sida is one of IPPF's largest core funding donors, funding that is crucial to ensure sustained and predictable operations as well as flexibility to adapt to emerging and unexpected needs. It is Sida's assessment that the partnership over the years between Sida and IPPF is characterised by mutual reliance and trust. Sida finds that the value add generated through the partnership is IPPF's uncomparable outreach in the area of SRHR also strengthened by IPPF being a strong actor both in terms of service delivery and SRHR-advocacy. In many countries where IPPF operates, the state is a key direct target group for IPPF's advocacy work. Further, MAs are often the leading SRHR­ CSO with the recognised legitimacy to convene CSOs, government and other stakeholders. As a result, MAs increasingly influence national funding mechanisms through involvement in committees and have established good relationships with elected representatives through national parliamentary groups. In their new strategy Come Together, IPPF gives dedicated attention to reaching those furthest left behind with SRHR services and information, and making sure that their voices and needs are reflected in advocacy. This includes groups such as LGBTQI+, persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, among others. IPPF is also uniquely placed to work with disaster risk reduction. Their presence across most countries in the world today makes them a first responder when crises hits, but also an important actor in building resilience and ensuring preparedness. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a leading actor in the area of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), with a presence through member associations in 120 countries as it works through local actors to provide sexual and reproductive health services including comprehensive sexuality education, comprehensive abortion care and provides access to a range of modern contraceptives, conducts advocacy work to improve policy and legal frameworks at the national and global levels. The monitoring and follow up of the core support for this agreement is based on IPPFs strategic outcomes and outputs as set out in their Strategy "IPPF 2023-2028 - Come Together". The overarching goal is to achieve "Quality SRHR for Everyone, Everywhere, Breaking Barriers. The strategy has four pillars with dedicated goals 1. Center Care on People - expand choice, widen access, advance digital and self care. Goal: Quality person centered care to more people, in more places. 2. Move the Sexuality Agenda - ground advocacy, shift norms, act with youth Goal: Societal and legislative change for universal sexual and reproductive rights. 3. Solidarity for Change - support social movements, build strategic partnerships, innovate and share knowledge Goal: Amplify impact by building bridges, shaping discourse, and connecting communities, movements, and sectors. 4. Nurture our Federation - chart our identity, grow our federation, walk the talk Goal: Replenish and nurture the federation from a common value base and unleash our collective power for greater impact. Equity and inclusion are a key theme of the new strategy, with IPPF aspiring to scale and reaching historically excluded groups including LGBTQ communities, young people, older people and people in crisis settings. While IPPF remains ambitious and seeks to grow its impact, the focus is now on using available resources to reach disadvantaged people with quality, person-centred care (Pillar 1). It is not only about reaching high numbers, but also about who we reach and the quality of the care we provide. In Pillar 2, devoted to societal and legislative change, Come Together likewise moves its ambition from broad policy shifts in many countries to grounded, feminist interventions that combine the tools at our disposal: informing laws and policies, changing social norms, defending hard-won rights and strategic communications. The number of countries alone is not what motivates the impact: rather, it is values and a deep-held belief in the universality of sexual and reproductive rights. Reaching far and having impact in many countries remains important, but as a target not as a catalyst. With young people at the front and centre of our new strategy, it was this group that called for IPPF to have a stronger focus on innovation, new technologies and digital engagement. Digital health interventions and self-care are important initiatives that will help IPPF broaden choice, reach, and affordability. In Pillar 2, digital communications and social media are avenues for modernizing how we deliver CSE and effect change. In Pillar 3, there is a focus on developing and incubating new technologies and using digital platforms to share research and data as part of a strategic shift to forming deeper partnerships and solidarity. While IPPFs existing strategy focuses on expansion, Come Together seeks to grow and nurture the Federation with a strong emphasis on defining and building from a foundation of common values. Pillar 4 is centred on sustainability and longevity. Growth is not only about adding more MAs, but about finding new national organizations that add skills and abilities that are needed in places where IPPF is most needed. Federation growth, across members and the Secretariat, is rooted in nurturing staff welfare, building high-performance culture and systems, and standing together on inclusion and anti-discrimination. Growth also refers to income but with a focus on diversification, entrepreneurship, and domestic financing. The new strategy positions IPPF at the forefront of a global movement, where we will unite and spearhead the actions and achievements of SRHR champions around the world to realize a step change in SRHR
Overall Objective:The overall objective of the project is to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crises among IDPs and people living in vulnerable situations in Mogadishu.The intervention aims at bridging the gap between the displacement affected in urban communities and urban poor and the local government, by strengthening systems and structures for crises response, supporting the most vulnerable in communities to master the current hardship time, and improve access to health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services that work for longer. Hereby, gender-sensitive actions and measures against gender-based violence will be streamlined and incorporated into COVID-19 response protocols. The project will increase municipal capacities in the areas of crises response and effective crises management as well as urban resilience and settlement upgrading.The Specific Objectives of the action:1.Enhance capacity of relevant departments at Benaadir Regional Administration (BRA)/Mogadishu Municipality to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, through streamlining coordination mechanism, mainstreaming gender sensitive actions, and finding synergies between ongoing national and regional efforts;2.Improved access to WASH services in IDP sites and urban poor neighbourhoods and to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) health facilities and other services to promote testing and facilitate case management including alternative referrals;3.Reduced negative socio-economic impact upon livelihood of the most vulnerable members of displacement affected communities through access to cash-transfer programs and emergency protections; Activities: 1)Capacity development to improve transparent, accountable and participatory coordination mechanism within BRA to respond to COVID-19 while integrating Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and also sensitising population on COVID-19 in Mogadishu. 2)Rehabilitation of health facilities, provision of clean and affordable water and hygiene kits to people in vulnerable situation in Mogadishu.3)Cash transfers to vulnerable households in Mogadishu.
EU RESPONSE TO HEALTH AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN MOGADISHU Overall Objective:The overall objective of the project is to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crises among IDPs and people living in vulnerable situations in Mogadishu.The intervention aims at bridging the gap between the displacement affected in urban communities and urban poor and the local government, by strengthening systems and structures for crises response, supporting the most vulnerable in communities to master the current hardship time, and improve access to health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services that work for longer. Hereby, gender-sensitive actions and measures against gender-based violence will be streamlined and incorporated into COVID-19 response protocols. The project will increase municipal capacities in the areas of crises response and effective crises management as well as urban resilience and settlement upgrading.The Specific Objectives of the action:1.Enhance capacity of relevant departments at Benaadir Regional Administration (BRA)/Mogadishu Municipality to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, through streamlining coordination mechanism, mainstreaming gender sensitive actions, and finding synergies between ongoing national and regional efforts;2.Improved access to WASH services in IDP sites and urban poor neighbourhoods and to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) health facilities and other services to promote testing and facilitate case management including alternative referrals;3.Reduced negative socio-economic impact upon livelihood of the most vulnerable members of displacement affected communities through access to cash-transfer programs and emergency protections; Activities: 1)Capacity development to improve transparent, accountable and participatory coordination mechanism within BRA to respond to COVID-19 while integrating Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and also sensitising population on COVID-19 in Mogadishu. 2)Rehabilitation of health facilities, provision of clean and affordable water and hygiene kits to people in vulnerable situation in Mogadishu.3)Cash transfers to vulnerable households in Mogadishu.
Supporting human rights activists and civil society organizations to advocate for human rights, democracy and peaceful coexistence in North Iraq
This Action aims at promoting fundamental human rights, pluralism and democratization in North Iraq by strengthening and empowering local actors. In order to have a great broad impact, Jiyan Foundation will work on different levels in different sectors (education, health, justice/human rights) and will involve a wide range of target groups (general public, children, youth, religious community leaders, human rights activists, CSOs). A special focus will be given to women activists.
Supporting human rights activists and civil society organizations to advocate for human rights, democracy and peaceful coexistence in North Iraq This Action aims at promoting fundamental human rights, pluralism and democratization in North Iraq by strengthening and empowering local actors. In order to have a great broad impact, Jiyan Foundation will work on different levels in different sectors (education, health, justice/human rights) and will involve a wide range of target groups (general public, children, youth, religious community leaders, human rights activists, CSOs). A special focus will be given to women activists.
Yemen: Access, Logistics, Liaison, and Accountability (YALLA) - 2017-20
To provide rapid, specialist, expertise and transportation for the UN to enable a more effective and better coordinated response to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen from 2017 onwards
Yemen: Access, Logistics, Liaison, and Accountability (YALLA) - 2017-20 To provide rapid, specialist, expertise and transportation for the UN to enable a more effective and better coordinated response to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen from 2017 onwards
LENS - Local CSOs Empowered, Networked and Strengthened for Active Budget Monitoring
Contract related to: LENS - Local CSOs Empowered, Networked and Strengthened for Active Budget Monitoring - The overall objective of the Action is to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU approximation and integration process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through an enhanced contribution by civil society and media.IPA III assistance within the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2021-2023 will encourage sector-based networking and cooperation among Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in particular in the following areas: rule of law, anti-corruption, education, health, electoral processes, social inclusion, environment and climate change, youth, culture, local economy and entrepreneurship, women rights, freedom of expression and media. Gender and inclusion of minorities will be a cross cutting issue. This support will be further consolidated via Resource Centre, second phase, for CSOs with aim to address the problem of low capacity of CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and make sustainable impact achieved through www.EUResurs.ba web portal.Assistance will also increase domestic CSOs' capacities to contribute to transparent and fair elections, and improve capacities of CSOs to combat corruption, improve social dialogue and support social partners. Furtheemore, assistance will also be provided to the Governments at different levels to build their capacities for more effective inclusion of CSOs in policy and decision-making.Pm - the contribution to the RELOAD programme will continue with the aim of strengthening partnerships between local governments and civil society in the Bosnia and Herzegovina by scaling-up a successful model of transparent and project-based funding of CSOs from local government budgets towards greater civic engagement in decision-making and improvement of local service delivery. This is being channelled through the multicountry CSF and media programme.
LENS - Local CSOs Empowered, Networked and Strengthened for Active Budget Monitoring Contract related to: LENS - Local CSOs Empowered, Networked and Strengthened for Active Budget Monitoring - The overall objective of the Action is to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU approximation and integration process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through an enhanced contribution by civil society and media.IPA III assistance within the Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2021-2023 will encourage sector-based networking and cooperation among Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in particular in the following areas: rule of law, anti-corruption, education, health, electoral processes, social inclusion, environment and climate change, youth, culture, local economy and entrepreneurship, women rights, freedom of expression and media. Gender and inclusion of minorities will be a cross cutting issue. This support will be further consolidated via Resource Centre, second phase, for CSOs with aim to address the problem of low capacity of CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and make sustainable impact achieved through www.EUResurs.ba web portal.Assistance will also increase domestic CSOs' capacities to contribute to transparent and fair elections, and improve capacities of CSOs to combat corruption, improve social dialogue and support social partners. Furtheemore, assistance will also be provided to the Governments at different levels to build their capacities for more effective inclusion of CSOs in policy and decision-making.Pm - the contribution to the RELOAD programme will continue with the aim of strengthening partnerships between local governments and civil society in the Bosnia and Herzegovina by scaling-up a successful model of transparent and project-based funding of CSOs from local government budgets towards greater civic engagement in decision-making and improvement of local service delivery. This is being channelled through the multicountry CSF and media programme.
UNRWA - Basisdienstleistungen im Kontext der Syrienkrise im Libanon und Jordanien, Phase IV (BDL4) UNRWA - Basic Services in the Context of the Syria Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan, Phase IV (BDL4)
Der Bürgerkrieg in Syrien hat massive Fluchtbewegungen in die Nachbarländer verursacht. Die hohe Anzahl an Flüchtlingen verstärkt dort den bereits hohen Druck auf die Ressourcen und erschwert den Zugang zu grundlegenden Dienstleistungen insbesondere für die arme Bevölkerung. Auch die bereits zuvor stark überlasteten palästinensischen Flüchtlingscamps im Libanon und Jordanien sind davon betroffen. Das Ziel des SIGA (Sonderinitiative Geflüchtete und Aufnahmeländer) Vorhabens ist es, analog der Vorgängerphase, die Resilienz der palästinensischen Flüchtlinge zu stärken und ihren Zugang zu Basisdienstleistungen in den Bereichen (Umwelt-)Gesundheit und Bildung aufrecht zu erhalten. Dadurch wird ein Beitrag zur Stabilisierung der Nachbarländer der Syrienkrise geleistet und die Auswirkungen auf die Flüchtlinge verringert. Es sollen Lehrer und (Umwelt-)Gesundheitspersonal von UNRWA im Libanon, sowie Gesundheitspersonal von UNRWA in Jordanien finanziert werden. Damit erhalten palästinensische Flüchtlinge aus Syrien und palästinensische Flüchtlinge in den Aufnahmeländern Zugang zu Schulbildung in UNRWA-betriebenen Schulen und Zugang zu medizinischer Grundversorgung in UNRWA-Gesundheitszentren, darüber hinaus wird die Sicherstellung der Wasserversorgung und des Abfallmanagements in palästinensischen Flüchtlingslagern im Libanon unterstützt. Damit zielt das Vorhaben darauf ab, die Stabilität in UNRWA Flüchtlingslagern zu erhöhen, indem sie UNRWA bei der Deckung ihres Finanzierungsbedarfes für Basisdienstleistungen im Bereich (Umwelt-) Gesundheit und Bildung unterstützt. Das SIGA Vorhaben wird von UNRWA im Libanon und Jordanien umgesetzt. The civil war in Syria, has caused massive refugee movements to neighboring countries. The high number of refugees in those countries is adding to the already high pressure on resources, making access to basic services more difficult, especially for the poor population. The Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan, which were already heavily overburdened before, are affected by this as well. Similar to the previous project phase, the objective of the SI-funded project (Special Initiative Displaced Persons and Host Countries), is to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian refugees and maintain their access to basic services in the areas of (environmental) health and education, contributing to the stabilization of neighboring countries of Syria and reduce the impact on refugees. Funding will be provided for UNRWA teachers as well as (environmental) health staff in Lebanon and health staff in Jordan. This will provide Palestine refugees from Syria and Palestine refugees in host countries with access to schooling in UNRWA-run schools and access to primary health care in UNRWA health centers, in addition to supporting the provision of water supply and waste management in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Thus, the intervention aims to increase stability in refugee camps by supporting UNRWA in meeting its funding needs for providing basic (environmental) health and education services. The SI-funded project is implemented by UNRWA in Lebanon and Jordan. Resilienz der palästinensischen Flüchtlinge stärken und ihren Zugang zu Basisdienstleistungen (Bildung und (Umwelt-)gesundheit) aufrechterhalten. The civil war in Syria, has caused massive refugee movements to neighboring countries. The high number of refugees in those countries is adding to the already high pressure on resources, making access to basic services more difficult, especially for the poor population. The Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan, which were already heavily overburdened before, are affected by this as well. Similar to the previous project phase, the objective of the SI-funded project (Special Initiative Displaced Persons and Host Countries), is to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian refugees and maintain their access to basic services in the areas of (environmental) health and education, contributing to the stabilization of neighboring countries of Syria and reduce the impact on refugees. Funding will be provided for UNRWA teachers as well as (environmental) health staff in Lebanon and health staff in Jordan. This will provide Palestine refugees from Syria and Palestine refugees in host countries with access to schooling in UNRWA-run schools and access to primary health care in UNRWA health centers, in addition to supporting the provision of water supply and waste management in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Thus, the intervention aims to increase stability in refugee camps by supporting UNRWA in meeting its funding needs for providing basic (environmental) health and education services. The SI-funded project is implemented by UNRWA in Lebanon and Jordan.
UNRWA - Basisdienstleistungen im Kontext der Syrienkrise im Libanon und Jordanien, Phase IV (BDL4) UNRWA - Basic Services in the Context of the Syria Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan, Phase IV (BDL4) Der Bürgerkrieg in Syrien hat massive Fluchtbewegungen in die Nachbarländer verursacht. Die hohe Anzahl an Flüchtlingen verstärkt dort den bereits hohen Druck auf die Ressourcen und erschwert den Zugang zu grundlegenden Dienstleistungen insbesondere für die arme Bevölkerung. Auch die bereits zuvor stark überlasteten palästinensischen Flüchtlingscamps im Libanon und Jordanien sind davon betroffen. Das Ziel des SIGA (Sonderinitiative Geflüchtete und Aufnahmeländer) Vorhabens ist es, analog der Vorgängerphase, die Resilienz der palästinensischen Flüchtlinge zu stärken und ihren Zugang zu Basisdienstleistungen in den Bereichen (Umwelt-)Gesundheit und Bildung aufrecht zu erhalten. Dadurch wird ein Beitrag zur Stabilisierung der Nachbarländer der Syrienkrise geleistet und die Auswirkungen auf die Flüchtlinge verringert. Es sollen Lehrer und (Umwelt-)Gesundheitspersonal von UNRWA im Libanon, sowie Gesundheitspersonal von UNRWA in Jordanien finanziert werden. Damit erhalten palästinensische Flüchtlinge aus Syrien und palästinensische Flüchtlinge in den Aufnahmeländern Zugang zu Schulbildung in UNRWA-betriebenen Schulen und Zugang zu medizinischer Grundversorgung in UNRWA-Gesundheitszentren, darüber hinaus wird die Sicherstellung der Wasserversorgung und des Abfallmanagements in palästinensischen Flüchtlingslagern im Libanon unterstützt. Damit zielt das Vorhaben darauf ab, die Stabilität in UNRWA Flüchtlingslagern zu erhöhen, indem sie UNRWA bei der Deckung ihres Finanzierungsbedarfes für Basisdienstleistungen im Bereich (Umwelt-) Gesundheit und Bildung unterstützt. Das SIGA Vorhaben wird von UNRWA im Libanon und Jordanien umgesetzt. The civil war in Syria, has caused massive refugee movements to neighboring countries. The high number of refugees in those countries is adding to the already high pressure on resources, making access to basic services more difficult, especially for the poor population. The Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan, which were already heavily overburdened before, are affected by this as well. Similar to the previous project phase, the objective of the SI-funded project (Special Initiative Displaced Persons and Host Countries), is to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian refugees and maintain their access to basic services in the areas of (environmental) health and education, contributing to the stabilization of neighboring countries of Syria and reduce the impact on refugees. Funding will be provided for UNRWA teachers as well as (environmental) health staff in Lebanon and health staff in Jordan. This will provide Palestine refugees from Syria and Palestine refugees in host countries with access to schooling in UNRWA-run schools and access to primary health care in UNRWA health centers, in addition to supporting the provision of water supply and waste management in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Thus, the intervention aims to increase stability in refugee camps by supporting UNRWA in meeting its funding needs for providing basic (environmental) health and education services. The SI-funded project is implemented by UNRWA in Lebanon and Jordan. Resilienz der palästinensischen Flüchtlinge stärken und ihren Zugang zu Basisdienstleistungen (Bildung und (Umwelt-)gesundheit) aufrechterhalten. The civil war in Syria, has caused massive refugee movements to neighboring countries. The high number of refugees in those countries is adding to the already high pressure on resources, making access to basic services more difficult, especially for the poor population. The Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan, which were already heavily overburdened before, are affected by this as well. Similar to the previous project phase, the objective of the SI-funded project (Special Initiative Displaced Persons and Host Countries), is to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian refugees and maintain their access to basic services in the areas of (environmental) health and education, contributing to the stabilization of neighboring countries of Syria and reduce the impact on refugees. Funding will be provided for UNRWA teachers as well as (environmental) health staff in Lebanon and health staff in Jordan. This will provide Palestine refugees from Syria and Palestine refugees in host countries with access to schooling in UNRWA-run schools and access to primary health care in UNRWA health centers, in addition to supporting the provision of water supply and waste management in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Thus, the intervention aims to increase stability in refugee camps by supporting UNRWA in meeting its funding needs for providing basic (environmental) health and education services. The SI-funded project is implemented by UNRWA in Lebanon and Jordan.
ICRC app.2000 ICRC app.2000
The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
ICRC app.2000 ICRC app.2000 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Appui ¿ la r¿vision du fichier ¿lectoral
Contract related to: Appui ¿ la r¿vision du fichier ¿lectoral - L¿action vise à contribuer à des élections locales crédibles, inclusives et transparentes, dans le respect des normes régionales et internationales. Dans la continuité de l¿appui de l¿Union européenne aux élections présidentielle et législatives de 2020-2021, elle contribuera au fonds commun multi-bailleur géré par le PNUD, qui vise à appuyer les acteurs nationaux dans l¿organisation et la gestion de l¿ensemble du cycle électoral en répondant au mieux aux normes de qualité internationalement reconnues. Elle continuera également de soutenir l¿Autorité Nationale des Elections (ANE) par une assistance technique pour renforcer ses capacités et l¿accompagner dans l¿approfondissement des réformes engagées
Appui ¿ la r¿vision du fichier ¿lectoral Contract related to: Appui ¿ la r¿vision du fichier ¿lectoral - L¿action vise à contribuer à des élections locales crédibles, inclusives et transparentes, dans le respect des normes régionales et internationales. Dans la continuité de l¿appui de l¿Union européenne aux élections présidentielle et législatives de 2020-2021, elle contribuera au fonds commun multi-bailleur géré par le PNUD, qui vise à appuyer les acteurs nationaux dans l¿organisation et la gestion de l¿ensemble du cycle électoral en répondant au mieux aux normes de qualité internationalement reconnues. Elle continuera également de soutenir l¿Autorité Nationale des Elections (ANE) par une assistance technique pour renforcer ses capacités et l¿accompagner dans l¿approfondissement des réformes engagées
Förslag 2002 ekon reform Proposal 2002 eco reform
Consultancy work in order to assist the POLICY unit in preparing support for economic reforms for fiscal year 2002. Konsultstöd för Sida/POLICYs arbete med beredning av stöd för ekonomiska reformer för 2002.
Förslag 2002 ekon reform Proposal 2002 eco reform Consultancy work in order to assist the POLICY unit in preparing support for economic reforms for fiscal year 2002. Konsultstöd för Sida/POLICYs arbete med beredning av stöd för ekonomiska reformer för 2002.
Support to youth and women through products and services development and Public and Private Partnerships SOSTEGNO A GIOVANI E DONNE ATTRAVERSO PARTENARIATI PUBBLICO-PRIVATI PER LO SVILUPPO DI MICRO-PICCOLE E MEDIE IMPRESE IN ETIOPIA
The proposed initiative aims at further supporting the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) to improve its technical service delivery to youth and women, provide integrated services for improving design capacities, promoting products, innovative mindset, start-up development and to foster public private partnership (PPP) engagements.The initiative will focus on providing, in close coordination with MoLS, ad hoc technical services to local young talents. A special focus will be given at women and young people who work, or intend to work, in the following sectors: design, leather, fashion, textiles, ecotourism, coffee, and other strategic areas defined in the ten-year development plan of the country (Ten Year Development Plan). UNIDO will promote and apply entrepreneurship development tools / methodologies, as well as foster the design and development of products, sales services, digital and innovative services. The initiative will apply the lessons learned from the Addis Ababa Creative Hub by establishing a relationship of collaboration and exchange between the new Jimma hub and the Addis Ababa hub, whichis the result of a previous contribution from the Italian Cooperation. L'iniziativa proposta mira a sostenere il Governo dell'Etiopia (GoE) per migliorare la fornitura di servizi tecnici ai giovani e alle donne, fornire servizi integrati per migliorare le capacità di progettazione, promuovere prodotti, mentalità innovative, sviluppo di start-up e facilitare impegni di partenariato pubblico-privato (PPP). L'iniziativa si concentrerà sulla fornitura, in stretto coordinamento con il MoLS, di servizi tecnici ad hoc ai giovani talenti locali. Un focus particolare verrà rivolto alle donne ed ai giovani che operano, o intendono operare, nei settori: del design, della pelle, della moda, del tessile, dell'ecoturismo, del caffè, e di altri ambiti strategici definiti nel Piano di sviluppo decennale del paese (Ten Year Development Plan). UNIDO promuoverà ed applicherà strumenti / metodologie di sviluppo dell’imprenditorialità’, nonché favorirà la progettazione e lo sviluppo di prodotti, di servizi di vendita, di servizi digitali e innovativi. L'iniziativa applicherà le lezioni apprese dall'Hub creativo di Addis Abeba instaurando un rapporto di collaborazione e scambio tra il nuovo Hub di Jimma e quello di Addis Abeba, frutto di un precedente contributo della Cooperazione Italiana.
Commitment - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2023
Support to youth and women through products and services development and Public and Private Partnerships SOSTEGNO A GIOVANI E DONNE ATTRAVERSO PARTENARIATI PUBBLICO-PRIVATI PER LO SVILUPPO DI MICRO-PICCOLE E MEDIE IMPRESE IN ETIOPIA The proposed initiative aims at further supporting the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) to improve its technical service delivery to youth and women, provide integrated services for improving design capacities, promoting products, innovative mindset, start-up development and to foster public private partnership (PPP) engagements.The initiative will focus on providing, in close coordination with MoLS, ad hoc technical services to local young talents. A special focus will be given at women and young people who work, or intend to work, in the following sectors: design, leather, fashion, textiles, ecotourism, coffee, and other strategic areas defined in the ten-year development plan of the country (Ten Year Development Plan). UNIDO will promote and apply entrepreneurship development tools / methodologies, as well as foster the design and development of products, sales services, digital and innovative services. The initiative will apply the lessons learned from the Addis Ababa Creative Hub by establishing a relationship of collaboration and exchange between the new Jimma hub and the Addis Ababa hub, whichis the result of a previous contribution from the Italian Cooperation. L'iniziativa proposta mira a sostenere il Governo dell'Etiopia (GoE) per migliorare la fornitura di servizi tecnici ai giovani e alle donne, fornire servizi integrati per migliorare le capacità di progettazione, promuovere prodotti, mentalità innovative, sviluppo di start-up e facilitare impegni di partenariato pubblico-privato (PPP). L'iniziativa si concentrerà sulla fornitura, in stretto coordinamento con il MoLS, di servizi tecnici ad hoc ai giovani talenti locali. Un focus particolare verrà rivolto alle donne ed ai giovani che operano, o intendono operare, nei settori: del design, della pelle, della moda, del tessile, dell'ecoturismo, del caffè, e di altri ambiti strategici definiti nel Piano di sviluppo decennale del paese (Ten Year Development Plan). UNIDO promuoverà ed applicherà strumenti / metodologie di sviluppo dell’imprenditorialità’, nonché favorirà la progettazione e lo sviluppo di prodotti, di servizi di vendita, di servizi digitali e innovativi. L'iniziativa applicherà le lezioni apprese dall'Hub creativo di Addis Abeba instaurando un rapporto di collaborazione e scambio tra il nuovo Hub di Jimma e quello di Addis Abeba, frutto di un precedente contributo della Cooperazione Italiana. Commitment - Financial Year 2023 Disboursement - Financial Year 2023
Assistance Technique au Bureau d¿Appui à la Coopération avec l¿Union Européenne (BACUE)
<p>Cette Assistance technique est demandée afin de mettre à la disposition du Bureau d¿Appui à la Coopération avec l¿Union Européenne (BACUE) une expertise moyen terme pour assister le Bureau dans sa mission de coordination, de mise en ¿uvre et de suivi des initiatives de coopération entre l¿UE et la Guinée. Elle aura spécifique pour but d' Accompagner la gestion des marchés (suivi, finalisation et résiliation le cas échéant) et contrats de coopération en cours d¿exécution dans le cadre du FED et du FFU , appuyer le processus de contractualisation et le suivi des nouveaux contrats attribués ; former et coacher le personnel du BACUE sur les thématiques liées à la coopération entre l¿UE et la Guinée et enfin Appuyer le BACUE dans la mise en ¿uvre d¿un contrat de subvention à l¿action et dans la gestion des tâches quotidiennes de gestion de la coopération Guinée-UE.</p>
Assistance Technique au Bureau d¿Appui à la Coopération avec l¿Union Européenne (BACUE) <p>Cette Assistance technique est demandée afin de mettre à la disposition du Bureau d¿Appui à la Coopération avec l¿Union Européenne (BACUE) une expertise moyen terme pour assister le Bureau dans sa mission de coordination, de mise en ¿uvre et de suivi des initiatives de coopération entre l¿UE et la Guinée. Elle aura spécifique pour but d' Accompagner la gestion des marchés (suivi, finalisation et résiliation le cas échéant) et contrats de coopération en cours d¿exécution dans le cadre du FED et du FFU , appuyer le processus de contractualisation et le suivi des nouveaux contrats attribués ; former et coacher le personnel du BACUE sur les thématiques liées à la coopération entre l¿UE et la Guinée et enfin Appuyer le BACUE dans la mise en ¿uvre d¿un contrat de subvention à l¿action et dans la gestion des tâches quotidiennes de gestion de la coopération Guinée-UE.</p>
Integrated fresh sourcing and farm extension services for modern wholesale markets
Note: This project has been cancelled, because it has been withdrawn prematurely.Although this project has been approved and awarded a PSI grant, it has unfortunately never been implemented.Therefore, the full grant amount has been withdrawn. The purpose of the project is to produce 2,000 MT of vegetables and fruits in cooperation with at least 500 farmers.
Integrated fresh sourcing and farm extension services for modern wholesale markets Note: This project has been cancelled, because it has been withdrawn prematurely.Although this project has been approved and awarded a PSI grant, it has unfortunately never been implemented.Therefore, the full grant amount has been withdrawn. The purpose of the project is to produce 2,000 MT of vegetables and fruits in cooperation with at least 500 farmers.
Assistance Technique Gouvernance locale
<p>Assistance Technique Gouvernance locale auprès du gouverneur de Tillabéri et du Conseil Régional de Tillabéri</p>
Assistance Technique Gouvernance locale <p>Assistance Technique Gouvernance locale auprès du gouverneur de Tillabéri et du Conseil Régional de Tillabéri</p>
Utvärdering ITP 275 Risk Management Finance/Bankin Evaluation ITP 275 Risk Management Finance/Banking
Evaluation ITP 275 Risk Management in Finance/Banking Sedan 2003 har KPMG, genom Sida, organiserat ITP-program då det fanns ett identifierat behov att öka kunskapen och kapaciteten i riskhantering i den finansiella sektorn bland relevanta aktörer. Då Sida såg att programmets fokusområden fortsatt hade hög prioritet så upphandlades 2008 programmet "ITP 275 Risk Management in Banking/Finance". Detta ITP-program hade en tydligare ITP-utformning med fem faser i varje programomgång. Denna utvärdering har ett fokus på ITP 275a och 275b med de totalt 8 programomgångar som implementerades under kontraktets löptid 2009-2013 ( fyra riktade mot Afrika, tre mot Europa och en global). Samtidigt anges i uppdragsbeskrivningen att utvärderaren ska mata in resultat, erfarenheter och lessons learned från tidigare program (ITP 222/222LA). ITP 275 har även implementeras på nationell nivå i Irak. Då det bilaterala stödet till Irak fasas ut, så görs det för närvarande en större översyn kring biståndets resultat på en bilateral nivå. I samråd med ansvarig handläggare för det bilaterala programmet så bestämdes det att det irakiska programmet inte kommer att ingå i denna utvärdering. Målet med utvärderingen är att identifiera resultat (positiva/negativa, förutsedda/förutsedda) av ITP-programmet; att samla Iessons Iearned samt att bedöma i vilken utsträckning programmet präglats av ett rättighets- såväl som ett fattigdomsperspektiv.
Utvärdering ITP 275 Risk Management Finance/Bankin Evaluation ITP 275 Risk Management Finance/Banking Evaluation ITP 275 Risk Management in Finance/Banking Sedan 2003 har KPMG, genom Sida, organiserat ITP-program då det fanns ett identifierat behov att öka kunskapen och kapaciteten i riskhantering i den finansiella sektorn bland relevanta aktörer. Då Sida såg att programmets fokusområden fortsatt hade hög prioritet så upphandlades 2008 programmet "ITP 275 Risk Management in Banking/Finance". Detta ITP-program hade en tydligare ITP-utformning med fem faser i varje programomgång. Denna utvärdering har ett fokus på ITP 275a och 275b med de totalt 8 programomgångar som implementerades under kontraktets löptid 2009-2013 ( fyra riktade mot Afrika, tre mot Europa och en global). Samtidigt anges i uppdragsbeskrivningen att utvärderaren ska mata in resultat, erfarenheter och lessons learned från tidigare program (ITP 222/222LA). ITP 275 har även implementeras på nationell nivå i Irak. Då det bilaterala stödet till Irak fasas ut, så görs det för närvarande en större översyn kring biståndets resultat på en bilateral nivå. I samråd med ansvarig handläggare för det bilaterala programmet så bestämdes det att det irakiska programmet inte kommer att ingå i denna utvärdering. Målet med utvärderingen är att identifiera resultat (positiva/negativa, förutsedda/förutsedda) av ITP-programmet; att samla Iessons Iearned samt att bedöma i vilken utsträckning programmet präglats av ett rättighets- såväl som ett fattigdomsperspektiv.
New Zealand Medical Treatment Scheme 2022 - 2027 (MTS)
This activity increases access to lifesaving medical and surgical treatment for people in Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Samoa and builds health workforce capacity in countries through training and the provision of vital equipment.
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New Zealand Medical Treatment Scheme 2022 - 2027 (MTS) This activity increases access to lifesaving medical and surgical treatment for people in Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Samoa and builds health workforce capacity in countries through training and the provision of vital equipment. Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in financial year Expenditure incurred in 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Output 2: DRC – Routes Based Migration Project
This activity Output 2: DRC – Routes Based Migration Project is a component of Responding to Protracted Crisis in Sudan: Humanitarian Reform, Assistance & Resilience Programme reported by FCDO with a funding type of 109 - Multilateral organisation and a budget of £5,429,967. It works in the following sector(s): Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility.
This is an outgoing commitment to British Red Cross of £59899.00. Aid to international organisations Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs This is an outgoing commitment to Danish Refugee Council of £6400000.00. Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations
Output 2: DRC – Routes Based Migration Project This activity Output 2: DRC – Routes Based Migration Project is a component of Responding to Protracted Crisis in Sudan: Humanitarian Reform, Assistance & Resilience Programme reported by FCDO with a funding type of 109 - Multilateral organisation and a budget of £5,429,967. It works in the following sector(s): Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility. This is an outgoing commitment to British Red Cross of £59899.00. Aid to international organisations Aid to civil society organisations / NGOs This is an outgoing commitment to Danish Refugee Council of £6400000.00. Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations Aid to international organisations
Education and protection for school-age children in Lebanon (Phase IV Istruzione e protezione per i bambini in età scolare in Libano (Fase IV)
As part of the Italian Cooperation's response to the multiple crises taking place in Lebanon, the initiative in question intends to contribute to quality, equitable and inclusive education and access to protection services for Lebanese and non-Lebanese school age children, with particular attention to the most vulnerable Nell’ambito della risposta della Cooperazione Italiana alle molteplici crisi in atto in Libano, l’iniziativa in oggetto intende contribuire ad un’educazione di qualità, equa ed inclusiva e all’accesso ai servizi di protezione per i bambini in età scolare, libanesi e non, con particolare attenzione ai più vulnerabili. In una logica di triplo Nesso l’iniziativa prevede il rafforzamento delle capacità dei sistemi nazionali libanesi preposti all’erogazione di servizi educativi
Commitment - Financial Year 2024 Disboursement - Financial Year 2024
Education and protection for school-age children in Lebanon (Phase IV Istruzione e protezione per i bambini in età scolare in Libano (Fase IV) As part of the Italian Cooperation's response to the multiple crises taking place in Lebanon, the initiative in question intends to contribute to quality, equitable and inclusive education and access to protection services for Lebanese and non-Lebanese school age children, with particular attention to the most vulnerable Nell’ambito della risposta della Cooperazione Italiana alle molteplici crisi in atto in Libano, l’iniziativa in oggetto intende contribuire ad un’educazione di qualità, equa ed inclusiva e all’accesso ai servizi di protezione per i bambini in età scolare, libanesi e non, con particolare attenzione ai più vulnerabili. In una logica di triplo Nesso l’iniziativa prevede il rafforzamento delle capacità dei sistemi nazionali libanesi preposti all’erogazione di servizi educativi Commitment - Financial Year 2024 Disboursement - Financial Year 2024
Project Identification Projektident. Albanien
Sida har givit i uppdrag åt Stockholm Group for Development Studies att undersöka möjligheterna att finna fler projekt, främst inom näringsliv och jordbruk, i Korca-regionen i Albanien. Konsulten kommer att resa till Albanien tillsammans med en handläggare från Sida-Stockholm och utföra studien tills. med Sida-Tirana. Sida will assign Stockholm Group for Development Studies in order to explore the possibilies to extend the activities in the Rural Market Development Project in Korca, Albania. The consultant will spend five days in Albania together with the Sida representative in Albania and one representative from Sida-Stockholm.
Project Identification Projektident. Albanien Sida har givit i uppdrag åt Stockholm Group for Development Studies att undersöka möjligheterna att finna fler projekt, främst inom näringsliv och jordbruk, i Korca-regionen i Albanien. Konsulten kommer att resa till Albanien tillsammans med en handläggare från Sida-Stockholm och utföra studien tills. med Sida-Tirana. Sida will assign Stockholm Group for Development Studies in order to explore the possibilies to extend the activities in the Rural Market Development Project in Korca, Albania. The consultant will spend five days in Albania together with the Sida representative in Albania and one representative from Sida-Stockholm.
Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen von armen Familien und Stärkung der politischen Einflußnahme in den Munizipien Ck´ochas und Potosí Integrated rural development with emphasis on civic participation and influence on local politics and development, Rotosí Region
Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen von armen Familien und Stärkung der politischen Einflußnahme in den Munizipien Ck´ochas und Potosí Integrated rural development with emphasis on civic participation and influence on local politics and development, Rotosí Region Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen von armen Familien und Stärkung der politischen Einflußnahme in den Munizipien Ck´ochas und Potosí Integrated rural development with emphasis on civic participation and influence on local politics and development, Rotosí Region
Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen von armen Familien und Stärkung der politischen Einflußnahme in den Munizipien Ck´ochas und Potosí Integrated rural development with emphasis on civic participation and influence on local politics and development, Rotosí Region Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen von armen Familien und Stärkung der politischen Einflußnahme in den Munizipien Ck´ochas und Potosí Integrated rural development with emphasis on civic participation and influence on local politics and development, Rotosí Region Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Bedingungen von armen Familien und Stärkung der politischen Einflußnahme in den Munizipien Ck´ochas und Potosí Integrated rural development with emphasis on civic participation and influence on local politics and development, Rotosí Region
Malawi Cooperation Facility
The Action aims to strengthen the strategic partnership between Malawi and the EU, by providing the EU a flexible instrument to enhance the effectiveness, impact, coherence and visibility of EU cooperation in Malawi. The Action will support and accompany EU¿s interventions in a transversal manner, thus contributing to all priority areas, specific objectives and expected results of the MIP for Malawi on the basis of demand.The Action has three specific objectives: (i) ensure the effective delivery of impactful EU¿s intervention, (ii)&nbsp;&nbsp;improve policy coherence and aid effectiveness, and (iii) enhance strategic communication of the EU¿s action. It will be implemented through procurement, and possibly through grant(s) and/or contribution agreement(s).By its transversal nature, the Action will contribute to the progressive achievement of several SDG, in particular SDG17 (partnerships for the goals), and SDG1 (no poverty), as well as the other more sectoral SDG identified in the MIP (SDG 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16). It will also foster the coordination among donors, in particular among the Team Europe.
Malawi Cooperation Facility The Action aims to strengthen the strategic partnership between Malawi and the EU, by providing the EU a flexible instrument to enhance the effectiveness, impact, coherence and visibility of EU cooperation in Malawi. The Action will support and accompany EU¿s interventions in a transversal manner, thus contributing to all priority areas, specific objectives and expected results of the MIP for Malawi on the basis of demand.The Action has three specific objectives: (i) ensure the effective delivery of impactful EU¿s intervention, (ii)&nbsp;&nbsp;improve policy coherence and aid effectiveness, and (iii) enhance strategic communication of the EU¿s action. It will be implemented through procurement, and possibly through grant(s) and/or contribution agreement(s).By its transversal nature, the Action will contribute to the progressive achievement of several SDG, in particular SDG17 (partnerships for the goals), and SDG1 (no poverty), as well as the other more sectoral SDG identified in the MIP (SDG 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16). It will also foster the coordination among donors, in particular among the Team Europe.
Empowered Pujehun District Council for efficient service delivery to the citizens
The Action seeks to respond to local government challenges in the identified sectors of agriculture, infrastructure and gender and social protection in Pujehun district by building institutional capacity of the Council to deliver on its mandate of providing improved and sustainable services to the citizens. The overall objective of the Action is Local Councils' resources base and institutional capacity to sustainably deliver and account for services are improved; well-managed priority gender-sensitive development actions, consistent with updated existing Local Development Plans, are implemented with EU funding and in cooperation with Civil Society actors. The Action contributes to component 1.0 of the 11th EDF programme in Support to Civil Society and Local Authorities for local development in Sierra Leone which focuses on strengthening decentralisation and local governance. Principally, the Action is designed to achieve the following Specific Objectives (SO); 1) Pujehun District Council has improved institutional capacity to deliver on its core mandate; 2) Citizens in Pujehun District Council are reached with improved and sustainable services in the sectors of agriculture, infrastructure development and gender and social protection; 3) Pujehun District Councils revenue base is increased through enhanced revenue collection, management and generation/investment.The Action include activities in response to COVID 19.
Empowered Pujehun District Council for efficient service delivery to the citizens The Action seeks to respond to local government challenges in the identified sectors of agriculture, infrastructure and gender and social protection in Pujehun district by building institutional capacity of the Council to deliver on its mandate of providing improved and sustainable services to the citizens. The overall objective of the Action is Local Councils' resources base and institutional capacity to sustainably deliver and account for services are improved; well-managed priority gender-sensitive development actions, consistent with updated existing Local Development Plans, are implemented with EU funding and in cooperation with Civil Society actors. The Action contributes to component 1.0 of the 11th EDF programme in Support to Civil Society and Local Authorities for local development in Sierra Leone which focuses on strengthening decentralisation and local governance. Principally, the Action is designed to achieve the following Specific Objectives (SO); 1) Pujehun District Council has improved institutional capacity to deliver on its core mandate; 2) Citizens in Pujehun District Council are reached with improved and sustainable services in the sectors of agriculture, infrastructure development and gender and social protection; 3) Pujehun District Councils revenue base is increased through enhanced revenue collection, management and generation/investment.The Action include activities in response to COVID 19.
“Fortalecimiento del enfoque de agua, saneamiento e higiene para mejorar el estado nutricional de la (COVID-19)
“Fortalecimiento del enfoque de agua, saneamiento e higiene para mejorar el estado nutricional de la “Fortalecimiento del enfoque de agua, saneamiento e higiene para mejorar el estado nutricional de las familias en la Franja de Gaza” ,
“Fortalecimiento del enfoque de agua, saneamiento e higiene para mejorar el estado nutricional de la (COVID-19) “Fortalecimiento del enfoque de agua, saneamiento e higiene para mejorar el estado nutricional de la “Fortalecimiento del enfoque de agua, saneamiento e higiene para mejorar el estado nutricional de las familias en la Franja de Gaza” ,
EQUAL - EU 4 Women Empowerment in Armenia
<p>Impact: To contribute to gender equality in Armenia - for women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity.</p><p>Outcome: State and non-state actors take meaningful action to address and prevent all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination in Armenia.</p><p>Intermediate outcome: Civil society organizations, including women¿s rights organizations, empower girls and women through capacity development, networking, innovative programming and policy work.</p>
EQUAL - EU 4 Women Empowerment in Armenia <p>Impact: To contribute to gender equality in Armenia - for women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity.</p><p>Outcome: State and non-state actors take meaningful action to address and prevent all forms of gender-based violence and discrimination in Armenia.</p><p>Intermediate outcome: Civil society organizations, including women¿s rights organizations, empower girls and women through capacity development, networking, innovative programming and policy work.</p>
EU Civil Society Facility and Media Programme for the Republic of Türkiye 2024-2025 (2024-2025CSF)
The overall objective of this action is to strengthen participatory democracy and the EU integration and approximation process in Türkiye through a reinforced contribution by civil society and media. The action will focus on strengthening operational capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs); improving CSO¿s monitoring capacities on human and fundamental rights; enhancing the right to freedom of expression by reinforcing the capacities of media actors. The action is articulated in ten projects, complemented by support measures for the overall implementation. Building on the results achieved through successful projects and on recommendations from external evaluations, it will include several activities providing financial support to third parties combined with capacity-building. CSOs working on human rights and fundamental freedoms and rights-based organisations are the action¿s main beneficiaries. Enhanced focus is dedicated to vulnerable groups and those in need of continued support or less targeted in the past by EU¿s support. In particular support will be provided to CSOs working on women empowerment and prevention and response to gender based violence; on rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Non-binary, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) people; organisations and activists working on environment and climate change; organisations working on cultural rights, including minority rights, and, also in response to the recent earthquake, organisations working on disaster risk management.
EU Civil Society Facility and Media Programme for the Republic of Türkiye 2024-2025 (2024-2025CSF) The overall objective of this action is to strengthen participatory democracy and the EU integration and approximation process in Türkiye through a reinforced contribution by civil society and media. The action will focus on strengthening operational capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs); improving CSO¿s monitoring capacities on human and fundamental rights; enhancing the right to freedom of expression by reinforcing the capacities of media actors. The action is articulated in ten projects, complemented by support measures for the overall implementation. Building on the results achieved through successful projects and on recommendations from external evaluations, it will include several activities providing financial support to third parties combined with capacity-building. CSOs working on human rights and fundamental freedoms and rights-based organisations are the action¿s main beneficiaries. Enhanced focus is dedicated to vulnerable groups and those in need of continued support or less targeted in the past by EU¿s support. In particular support will be provided to CSOs working on women empowerment and prevention and response to gender based violence; on rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Non-binary, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) people; organisations and activists working on environment and climate change; organisations working on cultural rights, including minority rights, and, also in response to the recent earthquake, organisations working on disaster risk management.
Action Contre la Faim(ACF): Nutrition, Bentiu 2005
To reduce the risk of mortality associated with acute malnutrition, by preventing and treating acute malnutrition amongst the war affected population
Action Contre la Faim(ACF): Nutrition, Bentiu 2005 To reduce the risk of mortality associated with acute malnutrition, by preventing and treating acute malnutrition amongst the war affected population
ASMR funds 2000 - Sarvodaya Legal Services ASMR funds 2000
Support to World View International Foundation for the production of Tamil television programme named Vilippu, by Young Asia Television Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
ASMR funds 2000 - Sarvodaya Legal Services ASMR funds 2000 Support to World View International Foundation for the production of Tamil television programme named Vilippu, by Young Asia Television Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se.
Activity under preparation CSO Roadmap Event - Orientation Workshop of the Children¿s Code Act of 2022 to Civil Society Organizations in Zambia
<p>Payment to Mulungushi International Conference Centre for hosting the workshop for civil society actors to discuss the Children's Code Act, in line with objectives of the CSO Roadmap.</p>
Activity under preparation CSO Roadmap Event - Orientation Workshop of the Children¿s Code Act of 2022 to Civil Society Organizations in Zambia <p>Payment to Mulungushi International Conference Centre for hosting the workshop for civil society actors to discuss the Children's Code Act, in line with objectives of the CSO Roadmap.</p>
Action Document for Addressing gender-based violence in Colombia
Gender-based violence against women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons is a widespread reality in Colombia and has affected disproportionally ethnic minorities and women human rights defenders, not least in conflict-affected areas of the country, with sexual violence as a war strategy. It is a consequence of existing inequalities between women and men, and it actually contributes to perpetuate them. Colombia¿s legal framework is up to international standards but implementation is a huge challenge. Gender-based violence has been further exacerbated in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, with increases in the rates of homicide, sexual violence and suicide among women and LGBTIQ+ persons. Furthermore, the justice system does not act to tackle gender-based violence. Stereotypes and prejudices permeate even the institutional field, incurring in re-victimising behaviours.This Action focuses on strengthening institutional and community capacities to reduce gender gaps, specifically in the enjoyment of a life free of gender-based violence for women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons, by promoting measures to protect them from all forms of violence in all contexts and particularly in those regions affected by armed violence, conflict and territorial control. The strategy relies on a three-pronged approach that integrates first, actions to address existing gaps in policies, legal frameworks, data collection and public servant skills when dealing with gender-based violence; actions to improve institutional and community care and protection routes at local level, paying particular attention to how victims are able to access quality and prompt legal and psychosocial emergency and long-term assistance; and finally actions aimed at promoting the cultural transformation of society and institutions, with particular emphasis on reducing social tolerance of GBV.The intervention logic is therefore structured in three pillars: (1) institutional reinforcement for the reduction of GBV; (2) promotion of a social and institutional cultural transformation; (3) improvement of institutional and community protection and care services for GBV victims.The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to contribute to the reduction of Gender-Based Violence in Colombia. The Specific Objective (Outcome) of this action is to improve the effectiveness of institutional and civil society mechanisms for prevention, protection and comprehensive care in situations of Gender-Based Violence for women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons, particularly in situations of fragility and conflict. The Outputs to be delivered by this action contributing to the corresponding Specific Objective (Outcome) are first, improved institutional capacities in the implementation of the comprehensive public policy on GB, second, improved prevention and awareness-raising strategies for promotion of social and institutional changes in preventing and eradicating GBV and addressing structural gender inequalities, and finally, strengthened access to essential protection and care services for women, girls and LGBTIQ+ victims of GBV with an intersectional approach (institutional and civil society).
Action Document for Addressing gender-based violence in Colombia Gender-based violence against women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons is a widespread reality in Colombia and has affected disproportionally ethnic minorities and women human rights defenders, not least in conflict-affected areas of the country, with sexual violence as a war strategy. It is a consequence of existing inequalities between women and men, and it actually contributes to perpetuate them. Colombia¿s legal framework is up to international standards but implementation is a huge challenge. Gender-based violence has been further exacerbated in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, with increases in the rates of homicide, sexual violence and suicide among women and LGBTIQ+ persons. Furthermore, the justice system does not act to tackle gender-based violence. Stereotypes and prejudices permeate even the institutional field, incurring in re-victimising behaviours.This Action focuses on strengthening institutional and community capacities to reduce gender gaps, specifically in the enjoyment of a life free of gender-based violence for women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons, by promoting measures to protect them from all forms of violence in all contexts and particularly in those regions affected by armed violence, conflict and territorial control. The strategy relies on a three-pronged approach that integrates first, actions to address existing gaps in policies, legal frameworks, data collection and public servant skills when dealing with gender-based violence; actions to improve institutional and community care and protection routes at local level, paying particular attention to how victims are able to access quality and prompt legal and psychosocial emergency and long-term assistance; and finally actions aimed at promoting the cultural transformation of society and institutions, with particular emphasis on reducing social tolerance of GBV.The intervention logic is therefore structured in three pillars: (1) institutional reinforcement for the reduction of GBV; (2) promotion of a social and institutional cultural transformation; (3) improvement of institutional and community protection and care services for GBV victims.The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to contribute to the reduction of Gender-Based Violence in Colombia. The Specific Objective (Outcome) of this action is to improve the effectiveness of institutional and civil society mechanisms for prevention, protection and comprehensive care in situations of Gender-Based Violence for women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons, particularly in situations of fragility and conflict. The Outputs to be delivered by this action contributing to the corresponding Specific Objective (Outcome) are first, improved institutional capacities in the implementation of the comprehensive public policy on GB, second, improved prevention and awareness-raising strategies for promotion of social and institutional changes in preventing and eradicating GBV and addressing structural gender inequalities, and finally, strengthened access to essential protection and care services for women, girls and LGBTIQ+ victims of GBV with an intersectional approach (institutional and civil society).
Activity under preparation Improving Health Outcomes
Activity still under preparation: Improving Health Outcomes -Improving Health Outcomes - Improving Health Outcomes
Activity under preparation Improving Health Outcomes Activity still under preparation: Improving Health Outcomes -Improving Health Outcomes - Improving Health Outcomes
Justice Sector Programme
IPA II 2014 Annual Programme for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Objective 1
Justice Sector Programme IPA II 2014 Annual Programme for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Objective 1