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IR14-DEL-VHND IR14-National and state HFW and WCD departments can roll out Village Health and Nutrition Days (VHNDs) with a focus on quality
services and coverage with equity, which contributes to Child Health. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2012 Programme Component Results (PCR) Reproductive and Child Health | Principal gender equality objective |
LITERACY AND NON-FORMAL EDUCATION Out of school children accessing Non-Formal Education are integrated into formal education at national level and in select
provinces by 2017., which contributes to Education – General, Equitable Access To Quality Education, Equity – Focus On Girls' And Inclusive Education, Skills Development. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Evaluations, Research And Data, Fostering Innovation And Use Of New Technologies, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2017, policies and programmes to achieve inclusive universal basic education, holistic ECCD and alternative pathways to
learning are in place and effectively implemented by Department of Education and Department of Community Development. | Significant gender equality objective |
OAU Conv. against Corrupt OAU konv. mot korruption Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Strengthening capacities of the actors in the Argentine Chaco-region for the promotion of a sustainable development and adaptation to climate change Stärkung der Fähigkeiten der Akteure in der argentinischen Chaco-Region zur Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel Strengthening capacities of the actors in the Argentine Chaco-region for the promotion of a sustainable development and adaptation to climate change Stärkung der Fähigkeiten der Akteure in der argentinischen Chaco-Region zur Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel Strengthening capacities of the actors in the Argentine Chaco-region for the promotion of a sustainable development and adaptation to climate change Stärkung der Fähigkeiten der Akteure in der argentinischen Chaco-Region zur Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel | No gender equality objective |
HUM INSATSER/KONFLIKTHANT HUM /CONFLICT Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Power VI pl res PowerVI pl res Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Decent. spprt Kosovo - Study tour skatteverket PreparProperty Tax Kosovo Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Stärkung der sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung und Resilienz durch die aktive Einbindung vulnerabler Gruppen wie Menschen mit Behinderungen in lokale Entscheidungsprozesse und soziales Unternehmertum. Strengthening of socio-economic development and resilience through active engagement of vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities in local decision-making and social entrepreneurship. Stärkung der sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung und Resilienz durch die aktive Einbindung vulnerabler Gruppen wie Menschen mit Behinderungen in lokale Entscheidungsprozesse und soziales Unternehmertum. Strengthening of socio-economic development and resilience through active engagement of vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities in local decision-making and social entrepreneurship. Stärkung der sozio-ökonomischen Entwicklung und Resilienz durch die aktive Einbindung vulnerabler Gruppen wie Menschen mit Behinderungen in lokale Entscheidungsprozesse und soziales Unternehmertum. Strengthening of socio-economic development and resilience through active engagement of vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities in local decision-making and social entrepreneurship. | No gender equality objective |
Östekonomiska Institutet (SITE) Development day 15 Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE)Development day 15 - Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) Support to the Development Day conference on Finance and sustainable development with focus on gender equality Support to the Development Day conference on Finance and sustainable development with focus on gender equality | Principal gender equality objective |
Assessment of MARD Coop Assessment of MARD Coop The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
LiL SeriesIX-X Advancing Youth Civic Engagement, including against Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) In South Sudan. The overall objective is to improve civic engagement among young people and reduce SGBV in South Sudan. Targeting youth, (both men and women) aged 15-35 and women in general ensures that the initiative focuses on key demographics that are traditionally underrepresented in decision-making processes. Additionally, the focus on inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities is within the broader framework of creating an inclusive community, aimed at empowering marginalized groups in decision-making processes. The project will be implemented by BBC Media Action in partnership with 26 radio stations and 8 local civil society organisations (4 women-led and 4 youth-led) across 5 states in South Sudan. Core activities will include radio programming (drama series and skits), community outreach and social media campaigns, and strengthening capacity of 13 partner radio stations. | Significant gender equality objective |
Stärkung der Resilienz und Selbsthilfekapazitäten von Frauen, Mädchen und Kindern in der Bekaa-Ebene Strengthening resilience and self-help capacities of women, girls and children in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon Stärkung der Resilienz und Selbsthilfekapazitäten von Frauen, Mädchen und Kindern in der Bekaa-Ebene Strengthening resilience and self-help capacities of women, girls and children in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon Das Projekt trägt dazu bei, Frauen und Mädchen in der Projektregion so zu stärken, dass sie eigene Netzwerke aufbauen, sich in ihren Familien behaupten und bei Bedarf Hilfe suchen. The project contributes to empowering women and girls in the project region so that they build their own networks, assert themselves in their families and seek help when needed. | Principal gender equality objective |
Women Girls soccer conference Berlin 2019 Frauen- Mädchenfußballkonferenz Berlin 2019 Promotion and development of sports structures by expanding the competences of the participants from DAC countries of the OECD. Participants in the female soccer empowerment conference are 20 foreign coaches, football players and referees, who will be trained and furthered in workshops and training units during the conference. Förderung und Ausbau von Sportstrukturen durch Erweiterung der Kompetenzen der Teilnehmerinnen aus DAC-Ländern der OECD. Teilnehmerinnen der Konferenz female soccer empowerment sind 20 ausländische Trainerinnen, Fussballspielerinnen und Schiedsrichterinnen, die im Rahmen der Konferenz in Workshops und Trainigseinheiten aus- und weitergebildet werden. | Significant gender equality objective |
SOCIAL POLICY Enhanced equity and child-sensitive social policies that enable children and families to thrive and be protected from the effects
of poverty and discrimination., which contributes to Child Poverty / Public Finance For Children, Social Protection And Child Poverty. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Evaluations, Research And Data, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Regional support and inter-country initiatives contribute to the quality and impact of policy and programmes for the realization
of all children's rights in the region, including in humanitarian situations. | Significant gender equality objective |
Kapazitätsaufbau zur Entwicklung kooperativer Strukturen und erhöhter Ernährungssicherheit als Beitrag zur Bekämpfung ländlicher Armut Capacity building for devlopment of co-operative structures and improved food security as a contribution to alleviate rural poverty Kapazitätsaufbau zur Entwicklung kooperativer Strukturen und erhöhter Ernährungssicherheit als Beitrag zur Bekämpfung ländlicher Armut Capacity building for devlopment of co-operative structures and improved food security as a contribution to alleviate rural poverty Kapazitätsaufbau zur Entwicklung kooperativer Strukturen und erhöhter Ernährungssicherheit als Beitrag zur Bekämpfung ländlicher Armut Capacity building for devlopment of co-operative structures and improved food security as a contribution to alleviate rural poverty | No gender equality objective |
Seminar Financial Mgmt - Consultant Seminar finansiell styr Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
IR5 3 - EVIDENCES SUR LES VULNERABILITES IR1. D'ici fin Decembre 2012, un réseau de comité de protection communautaire- de prévention, détection et protection contre
toutes les formes de violences, d'abus et d'exploitation à l'encontre des enfants est mis en place., which contributes to Adolescent Empowerment, Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: IR1. D'ici fin Decembre 2012, un réseau de comité de protection communautaire- de prévention, détection et protection contre
toutes les formes de violences, d'abus et d'exploitation à l'encontre des enfants est mis en place. | Principal gender equality objective |
DSH Save the Children Af-Pak Save the Children Nederland 'Increased basic service delivery and socio-economic empowerment of women ans youth in Pakistan and Afghanistan' | Significant gender equality objective |
PROTECTION OP2 - REDUCTION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST CHIL By the end of 2020 violence against children is reduced through integrated and coordinated prevention and protection mechanisms
(Medical, psycho- social, and Legal)., which contributes to Access To Justice, Child Protection – General, Child Protection – Strengthen Families And Communities, Data And Child Protection, Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children, Violence, Exploitation And Abuse. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Evaluations, Research And Data, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Improved and equitable prevention of and response to exploitation of and violence against children in targeted provinces. | Significant gender equality objective |
Territoriale Landsicherungs- und Landnutzungsstrategie sowie Konfliktbearbeitung mit indigenen Gemeinden und Kleinbauernfamilien am Pilcomayo-Fluss Securing land rights and developing land use schemes for indigenous small scale farmer households at the land of Pilcomayo river Territoriale Landsicherungs- und Landnutzungsstrategie sowie Konfliktbearbeitung mit indigenen Gemeinden und Kleinbauernfamilien am Pilcomayo-Fluss Securing land rights and developing land use schemes for indigenous small scale farmer households at the land of Pilcomayo river Territoriale Landsicherungs- und Landnutzungsstrategie sowie Konfliktbearbeitung mit indigenen Gemeinden und Kleinbauernfamilien am Pilcomayo-Fluss Securing land rights and developing land use schemes for indigenous small scale farmer households at the land of Pilcomayo river | No gender equality objective |
MANAGING FOR RESULTS By 2027, UNICEF staff and partners have increased capacity to effectively plan and monitor programmes and report on programme
performance and result(M4R), which contributes to Cross-Sectoral - Monitoring, Data And Situation Analyses, Cross-Sectoral - Planning And Programme Reviews. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2027, India Country Programme, in partnership with relevant stakeholders, will be effectively, coherently, and efficiently
designed and managed through evidence-based, risk-informed, adaptive and gender-transformative programming, by strengthening social
and behavior change, advocacy, and public-private sector engagement in achieving equitable sustainable results for children and
young people | Significant gender equality objective |
ICRC Emergency Appeal 2011 ICRC Emergency Appeal 2011 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
CAP FAO 02 FAO Apell VAFR 02 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
UNF+UN-DDA Small Arms UNF+FN-DDA lätta vapen The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
AERC/ODC subsaharan afric AERC/ODC subsaharan afric Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Monitoring PV/ZESCO ZMB Monitoring PV/ZESCO ZMB The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Enhanced coordination, coherence and accountability of the UN system for commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment in Iraq The UN System has a dedicated expertise on GEWE provided by UN Women to mainstream gender in inter-agency working groups and UNSDCF processes | Principal gender equality objective |
Utvärdering ENERGIA Evaluation Energia The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Advocacy für Menschenrechte: Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft zur Durchsetzung von Frauenrechten in Nicaragua (Schwerpunkte: Teenagerschwangerschaften und Gewalt an Frauen) Advocacy for Human Rights: Strengthening civil society to enforce womens rights in Nicaragua (priorities: teenage pregnancy and violence against women) Advocacy für Menschenrechte: Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft zur Durchsetzung von Frauenrechten in Nicaragua (Schwerpunkte: Teenagerschwangerschaften und Gewalt an Frauen) Advocacy for Human Rights: Strengthening civil society to enforce women's rights in Nicaragua (priorities: teenage pregnancy and violence against women) Advocacy für Menschenrechte: Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaft zur Durchsetzung von Frauenrechten in Nicaragua (Schwerpunkte: Teenagerschwangerschaften und Gewalt an Frauen) Advocacy for Human Rights: Strengthening civil society to enforce women's rights in Nicaragua (priorities: teenage pregnancy and violence against women) | Principal gender equality objective |
Projet Régional d'Organisation et de Consolidation des acteurs multisectoriels pour le développement
ZONAL LOT 2 AP 2 Contract related to: Projet Régional d'Organisation et de Consolidation des acteurs multisectoriels pour le développementZONAL LOT 2 AP 2 - Lobjectif global du Programme est de contribuer à améliorer la culture de démocratie et de dialogue au Tchad à travers une participation croissante et effective des organisations de la société civile (OSC) dans la vie politique, économique et social | No gender equality objective |
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Gender is a strategic element in the program, based on a gender analysis. | Significant gender equality objective |
Strengthening the labour rights of women working in the unorganised (informal) sector in India Stärkung der Arbeitnehmerrechte von Frauen im informellen Sektor in Indien Developing and publishing a white paper as well as production and dissemination of 5 short films in order to raise awareness for the labor-law related situation of women working in the informal sector and to promote reforms. Verfassen und Veröffentlichung eines Weißbuchs sowie Produktion und Verbreitung von 5 Kurzfilmen, um die arbeitsrechtliche Situation von Frauen im informellen Sektor stärker in das öffentliche Bewusstsein zu rücken und Anstoß für Reformen zu geben. | Significant gender equality objective |
MOZ Repayment of funds MOC Återbetalning medel Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
BEI ECOURAGING FEMALE POLITICAL THROUGH Women in Front will establish a counseling office for female candidates in the upcoming national elections of 2018, through which they will be trained on issues related to the political domain. A research on obstacles that women generally face in their quest to participate in national decision-making will be carried out in order to structurally increase women in national politics. . | Significant gender equality objective |
F.a: Information and up-scaling of peace, human rights and gender equity The project activities include radio programs, training sessions and debates on women's rights. In 2010, Kenya adopted a referendum on a new constitution that safeguards better than the former constitution for example women's rights, property rights, right
to participation in political decision-making, equality and bodily integrity. In practice, women's rights are often realized poorly. One reason for that is the high illiteracy rate, a result of which women do not know the legislation and their rights. The
project aims to increase the awareness of women in particular in accordance with constitution, and to promote women's ability to influence local and national decision-making. The project consists of, for example, radio programs, and group discussions, whi
ch also allows the illiterate women's participation in project activities and to benefit from the activities. The primary beneficiaries of the project are the women in Kwale and Kilifi provinces. In particular, the project takes into account the illiterate
women. Indirect beneficiaries are the other local government representatives, opinion leaders and the men whose awareness of women's rights, human rights in general, and civil rights will increase. AMWIK is the national women's media organization founded
in 1983. | Significant gender equality objective |
Nachhaltige Verbesserung der Gesundheits- und Lebenssituation der Bevölkerung durch Bau von Brunnen und Toiletten in zehn Dörfern im Südwesten von Burkina Faso Sustainable improvement of health- und livelihood situation of the people living in ten rural villages through well and toilet construction in the Southwest of Burkina Faso Nachhaltige Verbesserung der Gesundheits- und Lebenssituation der Bevölkerung durch Bau von Brunnen und Toiletten in zehn Dörfern im Südwesten von Burkina Faso Sustainable improvement of health- und livelihood situation of the people living in ten rural villages through well and toilet construction in the Southwest of Burkina Faso Nachhaltige Verbesserung der Gesundheits- und Lebenssituation der Bevölkerung durch Bau von Brunnen und Toiletten in zehn Dörfern im Südwesten von Burkina Faso Sustainable improvement of health- und livelihood situation of the people living in ten rural villages through well and toilet construction in the Southwest of Burkina Faso | No gender equality objective |
Verbesserung des nachhaltigen Zugangs zu Finanzdienstleistungen durch die Stärkung von Bildungs- und Verbandsstrukturen in Südamerika Improvement of sustainable access to financial services through the strengthening of
educational and network structures in Southern America Verbesserung des nachhaltigen Zugangs zu Finanzdienstleistungen durch die Stärkung von Bildungs- und Verbandsstrukturen in Südamerika Improvement of sustainable access to financial services through the strengthening of
educational and network structures in Southern America Das Oberziel des Projektes ist die Verbesserung des nachhaltigen Zugangs zu
Finanzdienstleistungen durch die Stärkung von Bildungs- und Verbandsstrukturen. The overall objective of the project is to improve sustainable access to
Financial services by strengthening education and association structures. | No gender equality objective |
Women leaders effectively participate in and influence decisions in political institutions at Federal and Regional levels. Aligned with SP 1.1 | Principal gender equality objective |
RRF Small RRF Small - GAF Preaward study Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Documentation Center Documentation Center The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
UNDP Atlantic Coust NIC UNDP Atlantk NIC Orkan Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
More women business owners and enterprises implement a gender equality agenda aligned with the WEPs This outcome covers the implementation of the Win-Win project in Costa Rica, where UNW is a non-resident agency. In addition, it focuses on strategic partnerships, innovation and knowledge- sharing. The programme, which is implemented jointly with ILO, aims at increasing the commitment of private companies to gender equality and women´s empowerment and strengthening the capacities of companies to implement these commitments. It involves includes Argentina, Brazil, which is the office hosting (host to the multi-country programme), Chile, Costa Rica, Jamaica and Uruguay. Under this outcome, UNW, as NRA in Costa Rica, also implements the joint programme funded by the SDG fund: Strengthening of the National Social Protection Strategy Puente al Desarrollo (EPD) to break the cycle of poverty at the local level with a gender and environmental perspective. | Principal gender equality objective |
UN-Women strategically plans for and transforms its business model to deliver impact at scale, through agile and ethical leadership rooted in a continuous improvement culture. UN-Women Mozambique Country Office strategically plans for and transforms its business model to deliver impact at scale, through agile and ethical leadership rooted in a continuous improvement culture. | Principal gender equality objective |
IR65-AP-GOVERNANCE FOR CHILD RIGHTS IR65-Evidence from integrated and UNJCP districts are collected, replicated and sustained to improve utilisation of human,
financial and other resources at the National, state, district and sub district level, which contributes to Child Poverty / Public Finance For Children. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2012 Programme Component Results (PCR) Social Policy, Planning , Monitoring and Evaluation | Significant gender equality objective |
Förderung von Frauenrechten sowie der Achtung von Mädchen und Frauen in Odisha Strengthening Womens Rights and Respect for Girls and Women in Odisha Förderung von Frauenrechten sowie der Achtung von Mädchen und Frauen in Odisha Strengthening Womens Rights and Respect for Girls and Women in Odisha Förderung von Frauenrechten sowie der Achtung von Mädchen und Frauen in Odisha Strengthening Womens Rights and Respect for Girls and Women in Odisha | Principal gender equality objective |
Knowledge generation and RBM capacity is strengthened to inform and guide programming for gender equality and the empowerment of women UN Women ensures the compliance with MERP and SOPs standards and strengthen staff capacity on RBM | Principal gender equality objective |
SOCAL AND CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEM AND POVERTY REDUCTION MECHANISMS STRENGTHENED Central and local level institutions have increased capacities to legislate, plan, coordinate and allocate resources for universal
prevention, poverty reduction and effective delivery of targeted social and child protection services to those left behind in the
development process., which contributes to Access To Inclusive Social Protection, Operations Support To Programme Delivery, Protection From Violence, Exploitation, Abuse And Neglect, Reducing Child Poverty. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Communications, Community Engagement, Social And Behaviour Change, Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Partnerships And Engagement: Public And Private, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2027, all girls and boys benefit from quality, inclusive and well-financed social and child protection and justice that: are
mutually reinforcing and shock-responsive contribute to a sustainable reduction in poverty help them live in safe and caring
family environments with equitable access to rights, services and benefits | Significant gender equality objective |
EQUITY FOCUS ON GIRLS & INCLUSIVE EDUCAT Les communautés de la zone d'intervention inscrivent massivement les enfants, particulièrement les filles et les plus vulnérables,
et contribuent activement à leur maintien à l'école, which contributes to Equitable Access To Quality Education, Equity – Focus On Girls' And Inclusive Education. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Evaluations, Research And Data, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: D'ici à 2017, la proportion d'enfants, spécialement les filles et les enfants vulnérables qui accèdent à l'éducation primaire et
achèvent ledit cycle augmente dans la Zone d'Éducation Prioritaire (ZEP) | Principal gender equality objective |
Opportunities for Women in Agribusiness in Egypt Promouvoir les opportunités économiques pour les femmes dans l'agrobusiness en Égypte This project enhances women’s economic well-being in the agribusiness sector in two governorates of Upper Egypt. It focuses on advancing women’s economic empowerment by establishing women-led agribusinesses and partnerships with private sector companies. It aims to improve work environments for women and gender-responsiveness of the Government of Egypt’s labour policies and regulations. Project activities include: (1) increasing access to growth-oriented and environmentally sustainable agribusiness opportunities for women entrepreneurs; (2) providing business management, technical and entrepreneurial training and health services to beneficiaries; (3) engaging with local leaders and influences to challenge stereotypes related to gender equality; (4) supporting new and existing enterprises and strengthening women’s entrepreneurship networks; (5) working with local companies to adopt gender-responsive policies and workplace models in their operations; and (6) increasing the capacity of public institutions to mainstream gender into national policies and strategies that address barriers to women’s access and control over economic benefits, particularly those related to agribusiness. This project expects to benefit 6500 direct beneficiaries, 342 intermediaries, and 22,225 (10,898 women and 11,327 men) indirect beneficiaries. Ce projet améliore le bien-être économique des femmes dans le secteur de l'agrobusiness dans deux gouvernorats de Haute-Égypte. Il se concentre sur la promotion de l'autonomisation économique des femmes en créant des entreprises agroalimentaires dirigées par des femmes et des partenariats avec des entreprises du secteur privé. Il vise à améliorer l'environnement de travail des femmes et la prise en compte du genre dans les politiques et réglementations du travail du gouvernement égyptien. Les activités dece projet comprennent : 1) l'augmentation de l'accès aux opportunités d'agrobusiness orientées vers la croissance et écologiquement durables pour les femmes entrepreneurs; 2) la fourniture de formations en gestion d'entreprise, techniques et entrepreneuriales et de services de santé aux bénéficiaires; 3) l'engagement avec les dirigeants locaux et les influences pour remettre en question les stéréotypes liés à l'égalité des sexes; 4) le soutien aux entreprises nouvelles et existantes et le renforcement des réseaux d'entrepreneuriat féminin; 5) travailler avec les entreprises locales pour qu'elles adoptent des politiques et des modèles de lieu de travail sensibles au genre dans leurs opérations; 6) accroître la capacité des institutions publiques à intégrer le genre dans les politiques et stratégies nationales qui s'attaquent aux obstacles à l'accès et au contrôle des femmes sur les bénéfices économiques, en particulier ceux liés à l'agrobusiness. Ce projet bénéficie à 6500 bénéficiaires directs, 342 intermédiaires et 22 225 (10 898 femmes et 11 327 hommes) bénéficiaires indirects. | Significant gender equality objective |
Build professional associations as champions for priority issues To build salience among key national, state and policy stakeholders to raise visibility on relevant issues for improving RMNCH and women's health in India. | Significant gender equality objective |
kronofogden GEO Enforcement MoJ - Enforcment MoJ Som led i Sidas stöd till demokratisk samhällsstyrning, har Sida beslutat inleda ett samarbete med Kronofogden för kapacitetsutveckling hos motsvarande myndighet i Georgien, National Bureau of Enforcement, NBE As part of Sida's support for democratic governance, a decision has been taken to initiate a cooperation with the Swedish Enforcement Agency for capacity building at the corresponding Georgian agency, the National Bureau of Enforcement, NBE. A decision on a 3-years project for a twinning like cooperation has been taken for the period 2010-2013. | Significant gender equality objective |
Quorum: women and youth innovating democracy - NIMD - Quorum: women and youth innovating democracy - NIMD (NS) Quorum: kvinnor och ungas demokratiska deltagande, NIMD The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD, det nederländska institutet för flerpartidemokrati) i Colombia har ansökt om finansiering hos Sida på 9 miljoner kronor för att genomföra projektet ”Quorum: kvinnor och ungas demokratiska deltagande” i Colombia under perioden 2021-2023.
Insatsen syftar till att öka kvinnors och ungdomars lika politiska deltagande och inflytande i beslutsfattande organ för att kunna garantera deras politiska rättigheter genom att 1) i de mest konfliktdrabbade områdena förbättra kvinnors och ungdomars kapacitet och färdigheter till att delta i både politiska och civila processer och för att kunna utöva inflytande i lokalt beslutsfattande; 2) stärka de politiska aktörernas organisatoriska kapacitet för att garantera lika deltagande av kvinnor och ungdomar i beslutsfattande organ; och 3) utveckla ett evidensbaserat förslag lett av kvinnor och ungdomar för att förbättra deras politiska deltagande och representation.
Insatsens totala budget är 9 miljoner kronor. This intervention, led by the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) in Colombia, is a project support aiming at increasing women’s and youth’s equal political participation and influence in decision-making settings, by:
1) Improving the capacities and skills of women and youth from the most conflict-affected territories.
2) Enhancing the organisational capacities of political actors to guarantee the equal participation of women and youth.
3) Developing a women and youth lead proposal to improve their political participation and representation. The strategic objective of the Contribution is to contribute to increase women
and youth equal political participation and influence in decision making settings
as a guarantee for the full exercise of their political rights.
By the end of the Contribution is it expected that the political participation of
women and young people has increased in targeted territories and at the
national level, leading in the long term to a more democratic and inclusive
political system.
In order to achieve this goal, NIMD Colombia has set three specific objectives:
1. To improve the capacities and skills of women and youth from the most
conflict affected territories to participate in political and civic process and
influence decision making settings of their communities
2. To enhance the organizational capacities of political actors to guarantee the
equal participation of women and youth in decision making settings
3. To develop a women and youth lead an evidence based proposal to improve
their political participation and representation under equality parameters. | Significant gender equality objective |
DOM Energy control final DOM Driftövervakn. avslut The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Seminarie Good Governance Seminar Good Governance Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
User-Studies on Contraceptive Use and Preferences in China to enable Stak to conduct the 2019 Youth Reproductive Health Survey (including a user-study on contraceptive use and preferences) in China to generate data for informing youth FP and SRH stakeholder engagement | Significant gender equality objective |
Nutzung von Regenwasser und Verbesserung der sanitären Einrichtungen durch Frauengruppen, Fortführung Supporting Women Groups to Improve Resilience and Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change in South West Uganda Nutzung von Regenwasser und Verbesserung der sanitären Einrichtungen durch Frauengruppen, Fortführung Supporting Women Groups to Improve Resilience and Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change in South West Uganda ACORD nutzt bestehende traditionelle Frauen-Selbsthilfegruppen in Südwest-Uganda, um die Trinkwasserversorgung durch Regenwassersammeln zu verbessern. Die positiven Wirkungen auf Ernährung, Hygiene, Selbstbewusstsein und häuslicher Harmonie sind beeindruckend. ACORD uses already existing traditional women's groups in South Western Uganda to supply disadvantaged households with tanks for rainwater harvesting. The positive effects on nutrition, hygiene, self esteem and peaceful family life are impressing. | Significant gender equality objective |
Kina Miljövård Tianjin CHN Tianjin Environ Prote The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Women Advocate for Peace (Women, Peace and Security in Colombia) “Women Advocate for Peace” aims to contribute to a lasting peace process with gender justice in Colombia, in which women and girls have equal rights and opportunities as men and boys. This implies creating enabling conditions to strengthen the participation, influence and leadership of women and their organisations in peace-building spaces at the local, territorial and national levels. This five-year programme from 2021 to 2025 has been elaborated by a consortium consisting of three Colombian organizations—Ruta Pacífica de la Mujeres, Liga Internacional de Mujeres por la Paz y la Libertad (LIMPAL) and Corporación de Apoyo a Comunidades Populares (CODACOP)—and two Dutch ones—ICCO and HealthNet TPO. Our Theory of Change describes three mutually interrelated thematic pillars/ result areas:
1. Peace process; 2. Accompaniment and protection; and 3. Women’s empowerment.
The fulfilment of the gender indicators established by the Peace Accord will influence the application and adoption of gender-based measures to protect women, including psychosocial attention. Compliance with the gender measures established by the Peace Accord is a determining factor for a sustainable and inclusive peace process. By accompanying women and their organizations, they will become stronger, increase their resilience, and be able to participate in political spaces to ensure the application and monitoring of the current laws governing gender (including the WPS agenda and SDG-5) at the national as well as departmental and municipal levels. Finally, encouraging their economic autonomy and a more equitable redistribution of chores in the family context will facilitate their empowerment, the development of their political role, and their fundamental contribution to development and peace in Colombia. | Significant gender equality objective |
QUALITY EVIDENCE By 2020, relevant line ministries, TUIK, NHRI and CSOs have increased capacity to generate and use quality and disaggregated
evidence on the situation of children for monitoring, reporting and advocacy purposes., which contributes to Building Capacity For Evaluation, Cross-Sectoral Monitoring, Data And Situation Analyses, Evaluation And Research. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Evaluations, Research And Data. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2020 CRM systems use solid evidence for policy-making, reporting and advocacy on child rights, and facilitate claiming and
redress procedures for the CRs violated. | Significant gender equality objective |
More women lead, participate and have access to business opportunities to advance sustainable and inclusive growth
(Outcome 7) Funded by the EU Partnership Instrument, this regional initiative aims is to support sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth by promoting economic participation and empowerment of women in Asia and EU countries. It aims to enhance the capacity of private sector companies to implement the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) by promoting decent work opportunities for women and integrating a gender perspective in the business environment and practices. The action focuses on the role that the private sector can play in support of women’s economic empowerment in partnership with the public sector and networks of women’s entrepreneurs, women-led groups and associations. | Principal gender equality objective |
Stärkung v. Frauen + Förderung der Gendergerechtigkeit in A.P., Fortführung Forging equality + Empowerment in A.P./ India Stärkung v. Frauen + Förderung der Gendergerechtigkeit in A.P., Fortführung Forging equality + Empowerment in A.P./ India Stärkung v. Frauen + Förderung der Gendergerechtigkeit in A.P., Fortführung Forging equality + Empowerment in A.P./ India | Principal gender equality objective |
Reg coord Great Lake 2003 - Utrikes resor Reg humsamord storasjö-03 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Situation im Distrikt Khaliun im Gobi-Alati-Aimag in der Mongolei Improvement of the socioeconomic situation in Khaliun/Gobi-Altai-Aimag/Mongolia Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Situation im Distrikt Khaliun im Gobi-Alati-Aimag in der Mongolei Improvement of the socioeconomic situation in Khaliun/Gobi-Altai-Aimag/Mongolia Verbesserung der sozioökonomischen Situation im Distrikt Khaliun im Gobi-Alati-Aimag in der Mongolei Improvement of the socioeconomic situation in Khaliun/Gobi-Altai-Aimag/Mongolia | No gender equality objective |
Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter und die Agenda 2013 - Fortschritte und Prioritäten Gender Equality and the Agenda 2013 - Monitoring Progress and Setting Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter und die Agenda 2013 - Fortschritte und Prioritäten Gender Equality and the Agenda 2013 - Monitoring Progress and Setting SDGs mit Bezug zur Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter werden überprüft und umgesetzt mit Unterstützung von Daten mit hoher Qualität SDGs are monitored and implemented in a gender-responsive manner with high quality data and evidence | Principal gender equality objective |
NA/Promoting Women Entrepreneurship (PWEN) The objective of the project is to strengthen the women's entrepreneurship and this way the women's position in the society. The aim of the project is also to create jobs and to reduce poverty in the country. The project consists of three items, 1) promoti
on of the women entrepreneurship 2) developing of the business environment especially for women entrepreneurship 3) developing of the sociocultural atmosphere for women entrepreneurship. | Significant gender equality objective |
Integrating International Standards to Address Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine Intégration des normes internationales pour lutter contre la violence sexuelle en Ukraine Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice (WIGJ) works to increase accountability for conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) in Ukraine by providing Ukrainian legal practitioners and civil society actors with training, mentoring and support to incorporate international standards into their work on prosecuting and advocating around CRSV. This includes mentoring and training for lawyers and practical tools to support advocates seeking to address conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine. L’organisation Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice s’efforce d’accroître la reddition de comptes pour la violence sexuelle liée au conflit en Ukraine en offrant aux praticiens du droit et aux acteurs de la société civile du pays de la formation, du mentorat et du soutien afin qu’ils intègrent les normes internationales dans leur travail sur les poursuites et les plaidoyers concernant ce type de violence. Les activités du projet comprennent de la formation et du mentorat à l’intention des avocats ainsi que des outils pratiques pour aider ceux d’entre eux qui cherchent à lutter contre la violence sexuelle liée au conflit en Ukraine. | Significant gender equality objective |
Sv Kyrkan, Tanzania torka Sv Kyrkan, TAN, drought Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
ZAF Burn Diagnostics and Care ZAF: Burn Diagnostics and Care Projekt är ett samarbete mellan Kl och Stellenbosch universitet. Syftet med projektet är att öka tillgången och kvalitéen av vård för brännskador vilket särskilt ska vara till förmån för fattiga och marginaliserade män, kvinnor och barn The project is a cooperation between KI and Stellenbosch University, which aims to increase the availability and quality of treatment for burn injuries. The treatment will especially benefit poor and marginalised men, women and children. | Significant gender equality objective |
Stärkung der sozialen Infrastruktur für die Aufnahme von Binnenflüchtlingen in der Ukraine Strengthening social infrastructure for the absorption of IDP´s Ausgewählte Aufnahmegemeinden stellen eine verbesserte soziale Infrastruktur für Binnenvertriebene und die ansässige Bevölkerung zur Verfügung. Selected municipalities provide improved social infrastructure to internally displaced persons as well as to local citizens. Ausgewählte Aufnahmegemeinden stellen eine verbesserte soziale Infrastruktur für Binnenvertriebene und die ansässige Bevölkerung zur Verfügung. Selected municipalities provide improved social infrastructure to internally displaced persons as well as to local citizens. | No gender equality objective |
UN Women- Reimagining Gender Equality Across Generations and Communities The project’s overall objective is to empower civic groups and youth, specifically young women to effectively galvanize public support, foster discourse around future aspirations to advance women’s rights and take actions in pursuit of gender equality. | Principal gender equality objective |
PC Fund 2007. PC Fund 2007 - DSDS The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
NUTRITION GOVERNANCE, INFO & KNOWLEDGE Government and non-governmental actors have improved capacity in governance, nutrition information systems and knowledge-
generation to facilitate scale-up of nutrition interventions., which contributes to Early Detection And Treatment Of Malnutrition, Health And Development In Early Childhood And Adolescence, Nutrition In Early Childhood, Nutrition Of Adolescents And Women. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Evaluations, Research And Data, Partnerships And Engagement: Public And Private, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: New Element | Significant gender equality objective |
VISIBLE GIRLS AND YOUTH: Förderung der Gleichberechtigung und Befähigung von Mädchen in Oaxaca VISIBLE GIRLS AND YOUTH: promotion of gender equality and empowerment of girls in Oaxaca VISIBLE GIRLS AND YOUTH: Förderung der Gleichberechtigung und Befähigung von Mädchen in Oaxaca VISIBLE GIRLS AND YOUTH: promotion of gender equality and empowerment of girls in Oaxaca VISIBLE GIRLS AND YOUTH: Förderung der Gleichberechtigung und Befähigung von Mädchen in Oaxaca VISIBLE GIRLS AND YOUTH: promotion of gender equality and empowerment of girls in Oaxaca | Principal gender equality objective |
Reaching Adolescent Girls Everywhere- Increasing Youth Access to Family Planning and Contraceptives Accroître l’accès à la planification familiale et les contraceptifs pour les adolescentes Family planning is critical to advancing gender equality and adolescents' empowerment. Among development actors, UNFPA Supplies is the largest provider of contraceptives in the world and is pivotal to the achievement of the Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) goal of enabling 120 million more women and girls to have access to contraceptives by 2020. Canada's support to UNFPA Supplies contributes to increasing the availability and use of contraceptives by adolescents in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mali. Project activities include: (1) supporting advocacy with governments for the inclusion of emergency contraception among an integrated package of reproductive health commodities available in-country; (2) improving adolescent and youth access to reproductive health services and information, including family planning and contraceptives, with a focus on humanitarian and fragile settings; and (3) strengthening capacity and systems for supply chain management to ensure availability of high-quality reproductive health supplies for adolescents and youth. La planification familiale est cruciale pour faire progresser l’égalité des sexes et le renforcement économique des adolescentes. Parmi les intervenants du développement, le «UNFPA Supplies» est le plus important fournisseur de contraceptifs au monde et joue un rôle essentiel dans l’atteinte de l’objectif de «Family Planning 2020» (FP2020) de permettre à 120 millions de femmes et de filles de plus d’avoir accès à des moyens de contraception d’ici 2020. Le soutien du Canada au «UNFPA Supplies» contribue à accroître la disponibilité et l’utilisation de contraceptifs par les adolescentes en République démocratique du Congo et au Mali. Parmi les activités de projet, mentionnons : 1) l’appui à la défense des intérêts auprès de gouvernements pour l’inclusion de la contraception d’urgence parmi un ensemble intégré de produits de santé reproductive disponibles dans le pays; 2) l’amélioration de l’accès des adolescentes et des jeunes aux services de santé reproductive et à l’information connexe, y compris la planification familiale et les contraceptifs, en accordant une attention particulière aux contextes humanitaires et fragiles; (3) le renforcement de la capacité et des systèmes pour la gestion des chaînes d’approvisionnement pour assurer la disponibilité de fournitures de santé reproductive de grande qualité pour les adolescentes et les jeunes. | Significant gender equality objective |
Study EU-Cooperation Studie EU-bistånd The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
6.1 COMMS, ADVOCACY AND PARTNERSHIP Policy makers, media, donors and civil society organisations engaged to promote children's and women rights, which contributes to Cross-Sectoral Communication For Development, Environmental Sustainability, Other Cross-Sectoral Programme Areas, Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Well-coordinated and result-based planning, M&E, Communication, Advocacy and Partnership are in place to enhance the Rwanda Country
Programme effectiveness and efficiency | Significant gender equality objective |
BUILDING HEALTH SYSTEM CAPACITIES TO DELIVER QUALITY NUTRITION SERVICES By 2025, government structures have the increased capacity to offer integrated, quality, specific and sensitive nutrition services, which contributes to Adolescent Health And Nutrition, Early Detection And Treatment Of Malnutrition, Health And Development In Early Childhood And Adolescence, Nutrition In Early Childhood, Nutrition Of Adolescents And Women, Prevention Of Stunting And Other Forms Of Malnutrition, Strengthening Primary Health Care And High-Impact Health Interventions, Supply And Logistics, Treatment Of Severe Acute Malnutrition. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Evaluations, Research And Data, Fostering Innovation And Use Of New Technologies, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Partnerships And Engagement: Public And Private, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind, United Nations Working Together. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2025, adolescent girls, women of childbearing age (especially pregnant and breastfeeding women) and their children aged 0-59
months adopt better nutrition practices and use quality nutrition-specific and sensitive services. | Significant gender equality objective |
Pasico Trade AB II Pasico Trade AB II The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
The International Foundation for the Young Masters Programme 2016 Internationella Stiftelsen Young Masters Programme 2016 Projekt TheGoals.org Educational proj promotion of developm awareness | Significant gender equality objective |
AWEPA local elections AWEPA lokala val Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Integriertes Gemeinwesenentwicklungsprojekt im Distrikt Chhaeb in der Provinz Preah Vihear, Kambodscha Integrated community development program in Chhaeb district, Kambodscha Integriertes Gemeinwesenentwicklungsprojekt im Distrikt Chhaeb in der Provinz Preah Vihear, Kambodscha Integrated community development program in Chhaeb district, Kambodscha Integriertes Gemeinwesenentwicklungsprojekt im Distrikt Chhaeb in der Provinz Preah Vihear, Kambodscha Integrated community development program in Chhaeb district, Kambodscha | No gender equality objective |
Community Stabilization Central African Republic Stärkung von Gemeinden in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik Community Stabilization for High-Risk Communities in Ndele, CAR Stärkung von Gemeinden in Ndele in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik | No gender equality objective |
Stärkung bäuerlicher und indigener Rechte beim Schutz und der Nutzung von Territorien, natürlicher Ressourcen und bäuerlicher Landwirtschaft, 3. Phase Strengthening peasant and indigenous rights in the protection and use of territories, natural resources and peasant agriculture, 3rd phase Stärkung bäuerlicher und indigener Rechte beim Schutz und der Nutzung von Territorien, natürlicher Ressourcen und bäuerlicher Landwirtschaft, 3. Phase Strengthening peasant and indigenous rights in the protection and use of territories, natural resources and peasant agriculture, 3rd phase Das Projekt dient dazu, indigene Gemeinden und lokale Organisationen zu befähigen, auf informierter Basis, gezielte Aktionen zum Schutz ihrer Lebensgrundlagen zu unternehmen. Durch Recherche- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zielt das Projekt auf die Schaffung einer kritischen Öffentlichkeit und der Sichtbarmachung der Probleme und Beiträge der Zielgruppen. The project serves to empower indigenous communities and local organizations to take informed, targeted action to protect their livelihoods. Through research and outreach, the project aims to create a critical public and make visible the problems and contributions of the target groups. | No gender equality objective |
Sonke & MfJ Gender Sonke & MfJ Gender This is a proposal to develop a Partner Driven Cooperation (PDC) within the field of engaging men and boys in gender equality, with a particular focus on engaging men in caring behaviours such as responsible fatherhood. The envisioned achievement is that Män för Jämställdhet (MfJ) and Sonke Gender Justice Network (Sonke) will sustain an effective cooperation relationship to develop methods for This is a proposal to develop a Partner Driven Cooperation (PDC) within the field of engaging men and boys in gender equality, with a particular focus on engaging men in caring behaviours such as responsible fatherhood. The envisioned achievement is that Män för Jämställdhet (MfJ) and Sonke Gender Justice Network (Sonke) will sustain an effective cooperation relationship to develop methods for | Significant gender equality objective |
ENABLING ACCESS TO EARLY EDUCATION Assessed and costed model for enabling access for children under 5 from disadvantaged families to early education is available for
the Government, which contributes to Access To Quality Learning Opportunities, Equitable Access To Quality Education. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2022, boys and girls, especially the most disadvantaged, are in school and benefit from improved inclusive, gender-responsive
educational policies and practices | Significant gender equality objective |
PROTECTION VIOLENCE, EXPLOITATION, ABUSE By 2018, all boys and girls from risk areas, including in emergency settings, are better protected against violence, trafficking,
abuse and exploitation., which contributes to Access To Justice, Child Protection – Strengthen Families And Communities, Harmful Practices (Fgm/C And Child Marriage), Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children, Violence, Exploitation And Abuse. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2018, 50 per cent of girls and boys, especially the most vulnerable, are better protected against abuses, violence, exploitation
and discrimination. | Principal gender equality objective |
SFCG Westafrica 2006-08 SFCG västafrika 2006-08 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Project and consult fund - OHCHR HR action plan Projekt o konsultfond Col Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Consult Devel Fund 2003 Konsult Fonden 2003 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Climate resilient agriculture practices for disadvantaged women Klimaresistente Landwirtschaftspraktiken für benachteiligte Frauen To establish a climate resilient and adaptable community vegetable garden that provides a sustainable source of healthy food for five local communities in Moyamba district.
Aims of this project are to:
- Introduce sustainable agriculture practices that survive the impact of climate change
- Increase the resilience of disadvantaged rural women to the impacts of climate change through the promotion of economically viable market and backyard gardening.
- Equip women with the necessary skills and resources to grow and sell their produce in local markets, thereby increasing their income and economic empowerment. Einrichtung eines klimaresistenten und anpassungsfähigen Gemeinschaftsgemüsegartens, der eine nachhaltige Quelle gesunder Lebensmittel für fünf lokale Gemeinden im Distrikt Moyamba bietet. | Significant gender equality objective |
SRV Aceh SRSA Aceh The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Prog Prep NT 03-04 - Workshop Botswana Insatsförb mm NT 2003-04 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
Blantyre Distribution - Consultancy services Blantyre Distribution Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
OPC South 2000 OPC Syd 2000 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
GAVI HPV Vaccine Program Programme de vaccination contre le papillomavirus de GAVI This project is an allocation to Gavi’s HPV vaccine program, as part of Canada’s long-term institutional support to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Gavi uses these funds, along with other donors’ funding, to achieve its mandate. Gavi’s long-term mission is saving lives and protecting people’s health by increasing equitable and sustainable vaccine use. This project supports Gavi's four strategic goals for the current period (2021 to 2025). Project activities include: (1) introducing and scaling up vaccines against infectious disease, including human papillomavirus and malaria, through procurement and delivery support; (2) strengthening health systems to increase immunization equity, including dedicated support to extend immunization services to under-immunized and zero-dose children; (3) improving the sustainability of national immunizations programs; and (4) ensuring healthy markets for vaccines and related products. Ce projet est une allocation au programme de vaccination contre le papillomavirus de Gavi, dans le cadre du soutien institutionnel à long terme du Canada à Gavi, l'Alliance du vaccin. Gavi utilise ces fonds, ainsi que ceux d'autres donateurs, pour remplir son mandat. La mission de Gavi est de sauver des vies et de protéger la santé des populations en favorisant une utilisation équitable et durable des vaccins. Ce projet soutient les quatre objectifs stratégiques de Gavi pour la période actuelle (2021-2025). Les activités du projet comprennent : 1) introduire et mettre à l’échelle la livraison de vaccins contre les maladies infectieuses, notamment contre le papillomavirus et le paludisme, au moyen d’un soutien à l’achat et à la distribution; 2) renforcer les systèmes de santé pour accroître l’équité en matière de vaccination, y compris le soutien destiné à augmenter l’accès aux services de vaccination aux enfants sous-vaccinés et à ceux qui n’ont reçu aucune dose; 3) améliorer la durabilité des programmes nationaux de vaccination; 4) assurer des marchés sains pour les vaccins et les produits connexes. | Significant gender equality objective |
EDEX drugprev Latin Ameri EDEX drogprev Latinamerik Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till sida@sida.se. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to sida@sida.se. | No gender equality objective |
5.3 CROSS SECTORIAL CHILD PROTECTION 5.3 By 2020, education and health front line workers have increased capacity to identify children at most risk to suffer from
violence and abuse and apply referral protocols, which contributes to Access To Justice, Child Protection – General, Child Protection – Strengthen Families And Communities, Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children, Violence, Exploitation And Abuse. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 5. By 2020, the most vulnerable girls and boys, increasingly access prevention and response services to address violence, neglect
and abuse | Significant gender equality objective |
TBD 2.2. COMMUNITY-BASED MECHANISMS legal and policy frameworks, which contributes to Cross-Sectoral - Social And Behaviour Change, Cross-Sectoral - Social And Behaviour Change (Covid), Promotion Of Care, Mental Health And Psychosocial Well-Being And Justice, Promotion Of Care, Mental Health And Psychosocial Well-Being And Justice (Covid), Protection From Violence, Exploitation, Abuse And Neglect, Protection From Violence, Exploitation, Abuse And Neglect (Covid). UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Communications, Community Engagement, Social And Behaviour Change, Digital Transformation, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Partnerships And Engagement: Public And Private, Risk-Informed Humanitarian And Development Nexus Programming, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2. By 2026, children and adolescents in the Eastern Caribbean Area in all settings grow up in a safe and protective environment
with enhanced, child friendly justice systems and institutional response mechanisms. | Significant gender equality objective |
Support to the Health System in DRC Programme (Appui au système de santé en RDC (ASSR)) Appui Au Système de Santé en RDC (ASSR) is a £35 million, 18 month investment to improve health in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). ASSR is a health systems strengthening program that has a comprehensive package of key interventions that have been proven to work In Congo during the six year ACCÈS AUX SOINS DE SANTÉ PRIMAIRES (ASSP) (ASSP) project. ASSR enables the successful scale-up of a significant minimum health package, Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (eMONC) interventions, and the expansion of the District Health Information Systems 2 (DHIS2) data platform for the health information system. The IMA World Health (IMA) ASSR team, including SANRU, Pathfinder International (Pathfinder), and BAO Systems (BAO), improves access to critical, quality health services in 50 health zones, scaling up best practices from the previous project ASSP, while also introducing new evidence-based innovations to strengthen the Ministry of Health’s ability to manage and sustain them while responding to evolving health challenges. | Significant gender equality objective |