13 values
Immediate protection for children and adolescents in one priority new settlement to respond and prevent violence, abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents IMMEDIATE PROTECTION FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN ONE PRIORITY NEW SETTLEMENT TO RESPOND AND PREVENT VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN Immediate protection for children and adolescents in one priority new settlement to respond and prevent violence, abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents
Crisis financing
Improving access to life-saving essential medicines, medical services and prevention and control of cholera in the Rohingya population in Cox's Bazaar IMPROVING ACCESS TO LIFE-SAVING ESSENTIAL MEDICINES, MEDICAL SERVICES AND PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF CHOLERA IN THE ROHINGYA POPULATION IN COX'S BAZAA Improving access to life-saving essential medicines, medical services and prevention and control of cholera in the Rohingya population in Cox's Bazaar
Crisis financing
Life-saving Sexual and Reproductive Health support to women and girls LIFE-SAVING SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SUPPORT TO WOMEN AND GIRLS Life-saving Sexual and Reproductive Health support to women and girls
Crisis financing
Multi-sector emergency interventions for the new arrivals seeking humanitarian assistance inside the Registered Refugee Camps MULTI-SECTOR EMERGENCY INTERVENTIONS FOR THE NEW ARRIVALS SEEKING HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE INSIDE THE REGISTERED REFUGEE CAMPS Multi-sector emergency interventions for the new arrivals seeking humanitarian assistance inside the Registered Refugee Camps
Crisis financing
Protecting cyclone affected children from violence, abuse and exploitation PROTECTING CYCLONE AFFECTED CHILDREN FROM VIOLENCE, ABUSE AND EXPLOITATION Protecting cyclone affected children from violence, abuse and exploitation
Crisis financing
Protecting newly arrived Rohingya women and girls in Bangladesh by providing life-saving Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health and gender-based violence PROTECTING NEWLY ARRIVED ROHINGYA WOMEN AND GIRLS IN BANGLADESH BY PROVIDING LIFE-SAVING MINIMUM INITIAL SERVICE PACKAGE (MISP) FOR REPRODUCTIVE HEAL Protecting newly arrived Rohingya women and girls in Bangladesh by providing life-saving Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health and gender-based violence
Crisis financing
Protecting newly arrived Rohingya women and girls in Bangladesh by providing lifesaving minimum initial service package for Reproductive Health and Gender-based violence PROTECTING NEWLY ARRIVED ROHINGYA WOMEN AND GIRLS IN BANGLADESH BY PROVIDING LIFESAVING MINIMUM INITIAL SERVICE PACKAGE FOR REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND G Protecting newly arrived Rohingya women and girls in Bangladesh by providing lifesaving minimum initial service package for Reproductive Health and Gender-based violence
Crisis financing
Protecting women and girls by provision of life-saving sexual and reproductive health services PROTECTING WOMEN AND GIRLS BY PROVISION OF LIFE-SAVING SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES Protecting women and girls by provision of life-saving sexual and reproductive health services
Crisis financing
Providing Critical Shelter Support for Newly Arrived Rohingyas in Cox's Bazaar PROVIDING CRITICAL SHELTER SUPPORT FOR NEWLY ARRIVED ROHINGYAS IN COX'S BAZAAR Providing Critical Shelter Support for Newly Arrived Rohingyas in Cox's Bazaar
Crisis financing
Providing Life-Saving Emergency Health Services to Newly Arrived Rohingyas in Cox's Bazar PROVIDING LIFE-SAVING EMERGENCY HEALTH SERVICES TO NEWLY ARRIVED ROHINGYAS IN COX'S BAZAR Providing Life-Saving Emergency Health Services to Newly Arrived Rohingyas in Cox's Bazar
Crisis financing
Providing life-saving sexual and reproductive health services to populations affected by Cyclone Mora in Bangladesh PROVIDING LIFE-SAVING SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES TO POPULATIONS AFFECTED BY CYCLONE MORA IN BANGLADESH Providing life-saving sexual and reproductive health services to populations affected by Cyclone Mora in Bangladesh
Crisis financing
Provision of child protection and emergency education services to flood-affected children in Jamalpur and Dinajpur districts PROVISION OF CHILD PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY EDUCATION SERVICES TO FLOOD-AFFECTED CHILDREN IN JAMALPUR AND DINAJPUR DISTRICTS Provision of child protection and emergency education services to flood-affected children in Jamalpur and Dinajpur districts
Crisis financing
Provision of criticial WASH services as well as GBV prevention and sexual and reproductive health to the people affected by landslide in Chittagong Hill Tracks PROVISION OF CRITICIAL WASH SERVICES AS WELL AS GBV PREVENTION AND SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH TO THE PEOPLE AFFECTED BY LANDSLIDE IN CHITTAGONG H Provision of criticial WASH services as well as GBV prevention and sexual and reproductive health to the people affected by landslide in Chittagong Hill Tracks
Crisis financing
Provision of life-saving WASH services to the Rohingya refugee population, to prevent and respond to Acute Water Diarrhoea (AWD) outbreaks in Ukhiya upazila, Cox's Bazar District PROVISION OF LIFE-SAVING WASH SERVICES TO THE ROHINGYA REFUGEE POPULATION, TO PREVENT AND RESPOND TO ACUTE WATER DIARRHOEA (AWD) OUTBREAKS IN UKHIYA Provision of life-saving WASH services to the Rohingya refugee population, to prevent and respond to Acute Water Diarrhoea (AWD) outbreaks in Ukhiya upazila, Cox's Bazar District
Crisis financing
Provision of life-saving WASH services to the Rohingyas refugees population in Teknaf and Ukhya upazilas, Cox's Bazar Districts PROVISION OF LIFE-SAVING WASH SERVICES TO THE ROHINGYAS REFUGEES POPULATION IN TEKNAF AND UKHYA UPAZILAS, COX'S BAZAR DISTRICTS Provision of life-saving WASH services to the Rohingyas refugees population in Teknaf and Ukhya upazilas, Cox's Bazar Districts
Crisis financing
Provision of life-saving WASH services to the flood-affected people in Jamalpur and Dinajpur districts of Bangladesh PROVISION OF LIFE-SAVING WASH SERVICES TO THE FLOOD-AFFECTED PEOPLE IN JAMALPUR AND DINAJPUR DISTRICTS OF BANGLADESH Provision of life-saving WASH services to the flood-affected people in Jamalpur and Dinajpur districts of Bangladesh
Crisis financing
Registered refugee camps in Kutupalong and Nayapara of Ukhiya and Teknaf upazila in Cox's Bazar district, Bangladesh REGISTERED REFUGEE CAMPS IN KUTUPALONG AND NAYAPARA OF UKHIYA AND TEKNAF UPAZILA IN COX'S BAZAR DISTRICT, BANGLADESH Registered refugee camps in Kutupalong and Nayapara of Ukhiya and Teknaf upazila in Cox's Bazar district, Bangladesh
Crisis financing
Restoring Safe and Adequate WASH Facilities in the Makeshift Settlements, Cox's Bazar District RESTORING SAFE AND ADEQUATE WASH FACILITIES IN THE MAKESHIFT SETTLEMENTS, COX'S BAZAR DISTRICT Restoring Safe and Adequate WASH Facilities in the Makeshift Settlements, Cox's Bazar District
Crisis financing
Saving lives, health and dignity of cyclone-affected women and girls through multi-sectoral GBV response SAVING LIVES, HEALTH AND DIGNITY OF CYCLONE-AFFECTED WOMEN AND GIRLS THROUGH MULTI-SECTORAL GBV RESPONSE Saving lives, health and dignity of cyclone-affected women and girls through multi-sectoral GBV response
Crisis financing
WASH in Emergency Response of Cyclone MORA in Cox's Bazar WASH IN EMERGENCY RESPONSE OF CYCLONE MORA IN COX'S BAZAR WASH in Emergency Response of Cyclone MORA in Cox's Bazar
Crisis financing
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society: South Asia Relief Project BANGLADESH RED CRESCENT SOCIETY: SOUTH ASIA RELIEF PROJECT Programme: Disaster Relief. Description: Bangladesh Red Crescent Society: South Asia Relief Project
Crisis financing
Small-scale activities aggregated SMALL-SCALE ACTIVITIES AGGREGATED Small-scale activities aggregated
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - Friendship AIDE HUMANITAIRE - FRIENDSHIP Aide humanitaire - Friendship - Rohingyas crisis -Soutien pour la construction et le fonctionnement d'une ou deux maternités
Crisis financing
Intervention d'urgence-Coordination des secours et services de soutien et de protection INTERVENTION D'URGENCE-COORDINATION DES SECOURS ET SERVICES DE SOUTIEN ET DE PROTECTION Intervention d'urgence-Coordination des secours et services de soutien et de protection
Crisis financing
GRsp emergency project GRSP EMERGENCY PROJECT Supply of water,health care and sanitation services and psyco - social support to Rohynga refugees of Mainnerghonna camp
Crisis financing
Emergency Grant Aid for the people in Myanmar and Bangladesh in response to the destabilized situation in the northern part of Rakhine State, Myanmar EMERGENCY GRANT AID FOR THE PEOPLE IN MYANMAR AND BANGLADESH IN RESPONSE TO THE DESTABILIZED SITUATION IN THE NORTHERN PART OF RAKHINE STATE, MYANMAR Emergency Assistance
Crisis financing
Emergency Grant Aid to the displaced persons in the People's Republic of Bangladesh(Through IOM) EMERGENCY GRANT AID TO THE DISPLACED PERSONS IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH(THROUGH IOM) Emergency Assistance
Crisis financing
Emergency Grant Aid to the displaced persons in the People's Republic of Bangladesh(Through UNHCR) EMERGENCY GRANT AID TO THE DISPLACED PERSONS IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH(THROUGH UNHCR) Emergency Assistance
Crisis financing
Emergency Grant Aid to the displaced persons in the People's Republic of Bangladesh(Through UNICEF) EMERGENCY GRANT AID TO THE DISPLACED PERSONS IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH(THROUGH UNICEF) Emergency Assistance
Crisis financing
Measures to co-ordinate delivery of humanitarian aid MEASURES TO CO-ORDINATE DELIVERY OF HUMANITARIAN AID Bangladesh - Dhaka: Dept. ID- 60500 -- Outcome 1: Increased availability and use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services-- Output 05: SRH in Emergencies
Crisis financing
Measures to co-ordinate delivery of humanitarian aid MEASURES TO CO-ORDINATE DELIVERY OF HUMANITARIAN AID Bangladesh - Dhaka: Dept. ID- 60500 -- Outcome 3: Advanced Gender Equality-- Output 10: GBV and harmful practices
Crisis financing
AC_666_Country health emergency preparedness and the International Health Regulations (2005)_74010 AC_666_COUNTRY HEALTH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (2005)_74010 Country health emergency preparedness and the International Health Regulations (2005)
Crisis financing
AC_666_Infectious hazard management_12250 AC_666_INFECTIOUS HAZARD MANAGEMENT_12250 Infectious hazard management
Crisis financing
AC_666_Outbreak and crisis response_72050 AC_666_OUTBREAK AND CRISIS RESPONSE_72050 Outbreak and crisis response
Crisis financing
AC_352_Country health emergency preparedness and the International Health Regulations (2005)_74010 AC_352_COUNTRY HEALTH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (2005)_74010 Country health emergency preparedness and the International Health Regulations (2005)
Crisis financing
AC_352_Emergency operations_72050 AC_352_EMERGENCY OPERATIONS_72050 Emergency operations
Crisis financing
AC_352_Infectious hazard management_12250 AC_352_INFECTIOUS HAZARD MANAGEMENT_12250 Infectious hazard management
Crisis financing
CVCA_352_Country health emergency preparedness and the International Health Regulations (2005)_74010 CVCA_352_COUNTRY HEALTH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (2005)_74010 Country health emergency preparedness and the International Health Regulations (2005)
Crisis financing
CVCA_352_Emergency operations_72050 CVCA_352_EMERGENCY OPERATIONS_72050 Emergency operations
Crisis financing
Centre de Perfectionnement aux Actions post-conflictuelles de Déminage et de Dépollution (CPADD - Bénin) CENTRE DE PERFECTIONNEMENT AUX ACTIONS POST-CONFLICTUELLES DE DÉMINAGE ET DE DÉPOLLUTION (CPADD - BÉNIN) Action dans le domaine du maintien de la paix et de la sécurité – frais de fonctionnement - Centre de Perfectionnement aux Actions post-conflictuelles de Déminage et de Dépollution (CPADD - Bénin)
Crisis financing
AC_236_Emergency operations_72050 AC_236_EMERGENCY OPERATIONS_72050 Emergency operations
Crisis financing
AC_236_Health emergency information and risk assessment_74010 AC_236_HEALTH EMERGENCY INFORMATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT_74010 Health emergency information and risk assessment
Crisis financing
The Project for the Construction of Disaster-Resilient Emergency Mobile Network THE PROJECT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DISASTER-RESILIENT EMERGENCY MOBILE NETWORK Construction of disaster-resilient emergency mobile network
Crisis financing
Measures to co-ordinate delivery of humanitarian aid MEASURES TO CO-ORDINATE DELIVERY OF HUMANITARIAN AID Bhutan - Thimphu: Dept. ID- 60600 -- Outcome 1: Increased availability and use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services-- Output 05: SRH in Emergencies
Crisis financing
Measures to co-ordinate delivery of humanitarian aid MEASURES TO CO-ORDINATE DELIVERY OF HUMANITARIAN AID Bhutan - Thimphu: Dept. ID- 60600 -- Outcome 4: Integration of evidence-based analysis on population dynamics to the development agendas-- Output 12: National Population data eco-systems
Crisis financing
AC_630_Country health emergency preparedness and the International Health Regulations (2005)_74010 AC_630_COUNTRY HEALTH EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS (2005)_74010 Country health emergency preparedness and the International Health Regulations (2005)
Crisis financing
AC_630_Emergency operations_72050 AC_630_EMERGENCY OPERATIONS_72050 Emergency operations
Crisis financing
AC_630_Infectious hazard management_12250 AC_630_INFECTIOUS HAZARD MANAGEMENT_12250 Infectious hazard management
Crisis financing
CVCA_630_Emergency operations_72050 CVCA_630_EMERGENCY OPERATIONS_72050 Emergency operations
Crisis financing
Contribution to specific-purpose programme CONTRIBUTION TO SPECIFIC-PURPOSE PROGRAMME
Crisis financing
Crisis financing
Voluntary financial contribution VOLUNTARY FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION
Crisis financing
To support urgent medical care globally. Estimated based on 990PF. TO SUPPORT URGENT MEDICAL CARE GLOBALLY. ESTIMATED BASED ON 990PF. ESTIMATED BASED ON 990PF. To support urgent medical care globally. Estimated based on 990PF.. These data were estimated by OECD based on publicly available IRS 990PF fillings.
Crisis financing
to promote road safety in low and middle - income countries. Estimated based on 990PF. TO PROMOTE ROAD SAFETY IN LOW AND MIDDLE - INCOME COUNTRIES. ESTIMATED BASED ON 990PF. ESTIMATED BASED ON 990PF. Programme: Public Health: Road Safety. Description: to promote road safety in low and middle - income countries. Estimated based on 990PF.. These data were estimated by OECD based on publicly available IRS 990PF fillings.
Crisis financing
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER AIDE HUMANITAIRE - ALPINTER Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER - Stock ESOL -Renouvellement du stock ESOL: 1000 lampes/1000 bâches/200 rouleaux/500 cordages
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER AIDE HUMANITAIRE - ALPINTER Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER - Stock ESOL -Renouvellement du stock humanitaire lot 1
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER AIDE HUMANITAIRE - ALPINTER Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER - Stock ESOL -Renouvellement du stock humanitaire lot 2
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER AIDE HUMANITAIRE - ALPINTER Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER - Stock ESOL -Renouvellement du stock humanitare lot 3
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER AIDE HUMANITAIRE - ALPINTER Aide humanitaire - ALPINTER - Stock ESOL -Stock ESOL: commande de 155 bâches et 250 cordages
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - Canal de Provence AIDE HUMANITAIRE - CANAL DE PROVENCE Aide humanitaire - Canal de Provence - Stock ESOL -Achat de pastilles de purification Aquatab
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - Canal de Provence AIDE HUMANITAIRE - CANAL DE PROVENCE Aide humanitaire - Canal de Provence - Stock ESOL -Renouvellement du stock ESOL : 15 citernes d'1m3
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - Canal de Provence AIDE HUMANITAIRE - CANAL DE PROVENCE Aide humanitaire - Canal de Provence - Stock ESOL -Renouvellement du stock ESOL : 25 citernes 8m3
Crisis financing
Aide humanitaire - Canal de Provence AIDE HUMANITAIRE - CANAL DE PROVENCE Aide humanitaire - Canal de Provence - Stock ESOL -Renouvellement du stock ESOL: 428 000 pastille de purification Aquatab
Crisis financing
CICR - Comité international de la Croix-Rouge CICR - COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX-ROUGE Contributions obligatoires - CICR - Comité international de la Croix-Rouge
Crisis financing
CICR - Comité international de la Croix-Rouge CICR - COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX-ROUGE Contributions volontaires - CICR - Comité international de la Croix-Rouge
Crisis financing
Crisis financing
Support to the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies. SUPPORT TO THE WHO CONTINGENCY FUND FOR EMERGENCIES. Support to the World Helath Organisation's Contingency Fund for Emergencies.
Crisis financing
Humanitarian Response plan - Syria HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PLAN - SYRIA Investment cases - Contractual Fees - Vaccine procurement costs
Crisis financing
General support - Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Estimated based on 990PF. GENERAL SUPPORT - POLAND, BELARUS, LITHUANIA, LATVIA, ESTONIA. ESTIMATED BASED ON 990PF. ESTIMATED BASED ON 990PF. General support - Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Estimated based on 990PF.. These data were estimated by OECD based on publicly available IRS 990PF fillings.
Crisis financing
Membership contribution MEMBERSHIP CONTRIBUTION
Crisis financing
set4food - sustainable energy technologies for food utilization 2 SET4FOOD - SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES FOR FOOD UTILIZATION 2 Enhancement of the capacity of humanitarian actors in identifying implementing and monitoring efficient and sustainable energy technologies for food utilization in temporary / permanent camps or informal settlements.
Crisis financing
CS73 Side Event – Building resilience for water-related disaster risks: the case for regional cooperation CS73 SIDE EVENT – BUILDING RESILIENCE FOR WATER-RELATED DISASTER RISKS: THE CASE FOR REGIONAL COOPERATION Greater regional awareness of water-related disasters and the roles of regional cooperation among ESCAP member States.
Crisis financing
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations COALITION FOR EPIDEMIC PREPAREDNESS INNOVATIONS CEPI will incentivize the production of vaccines against epidemic diseases that disproportionately affect developing countries, by providing funding to support their development.
Crisis financing
Emergency Grant Aid for four countries in Middle East and Africa affected by the famine(Through UNICEF) EMERGENCY GRANT AID FOR FOUR COUNTRIES IN MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA AFFECTED BY THE FAMINE(THROUGH UNICEF) Emergency Assistance
Crisis financing
Emergency Grant Aid for four countries in Middle East and Africa affected by the famine(Through WFP) EMERGENCY GRANT AID FOR FOUR COUNTRIES IN MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA AFFECTED BY THE FAMINE(THROUGH WFP) Emergency Assistance
Crisis financing
Emergency Grant Aid in response to famine disaster in the Middle East and Africa regions (Through UNHCR) EMERGENCY GRANT AID IN RESPONSE TO FAMINE DISASTER IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONS (THROUGH UNHCR) Emergency Assistance
Crisis financing
Emergency Grant Aid in response to famine disaster in the Middle East and Africa regions (Through ICRC) EMERGENCY GRANT AID IN RESPONSE TO FAMINE DISASTER IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA REGIONS (THROUGH ICRC) Emergency Assistance
Crisis financing
Emergengy Humanitarian Aid EMERGENGY HUMANITARIAN AID Emergengy Humanitarian Aid
Crisis financing
Humanitarian assistance in cooperation with UNOPS HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE IN COOPERATION WITH UNOPS The projects assist the post-conflict countries and affected countries through providing them with necessary basic infrastructure and equipment, and empowering the communities.
Crisis financing
Strengthening Regional Cooperation Mechanisms for Tsunami Awareness, Early Warning and Preparedness in Asia-Pacific STRENGTHENING REGIONAL COOPERATION MECHANISMS FOR TSUNAMI AWARENESS, EARLY WARNING AND PREPAREDNESS IN ASIA-PACIFIC Develop an e-learning course on inclusive tsunami preparedness to address issues of persons with disabilities, women and older persons
Crisis financing
Women's leadership in Tsunami-based Disaster Risk Reduction Training Programme for World Tsunami Awareness Day 2017 WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP IN TSUNAMI-BASED DISASTER RISK REDUCTION TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR WORLD TSUNAMI AWARENESS DAY 2017 Suppot for women to take leadership in disaster risk reduction thorough learning lessons from Japan's experience and particioating in field work and discussion
Crisis financing
mandatory contribution MANDATORY CONTRIBUTION Sectors not specified
Crisis financing
mandatory contribution MANDATORY CONTRIBUTION Disaster prevention and preparedness
Crisis financing
voluntary contribution VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION Removal of land mines and explosive remnants of war
Crisis financing
voluntary contribution VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION Sectors not specified
Crisis financing
Malnutrition in refugees MALNUTRITION IN REFUGEES Malnutrition in refugees
Crisis financing
Core contribution CORE CONTRIBUTION Core contribution
Crisis financing
Crisis financing
Expenditures of the Office for Foreigners resulting from the agreement with the UNHCR Office in Warsaw EXPENDITURES OF THE OFFICE FOR FOREIGNERS RESULTING FROM THE AGREEMENT WITH THE UNHCR OFFICE IN WARSAW Wydatki UdSC w zwi?zku z umow? z Biurem UNHCR w Warszawie / Expenditures of the Office for Foreigners resulting from the agreement with the UNHCR Office in Warsaw
Crisis financing
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes CORE SUPPORT TO NGOS, OTHER PRIVATE BODIES, PPPS AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES
Crisis financing
Membership fee MEMBERSHIP FEE The ICRC is committed to responding rapidly and efficiently to the humanitarian needs of people affected by armed conflict or by a natural disaster occurring in a conflict area. The work of the ICRC is based on the Geneva Conventions of 1949, their Additional Protocols, its Statutes – and those of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – and the resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance. It takes action in response to emergencies and at the same time promotes respect for international humanitarian law and its implementation in national law. The ICRC is funded by voluntary contributions from the States party to the Geneva Conventions (governments), national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, supranational organizations (such as the European Commission), and public and private sources. Each year the ICRC launches appeals to cover its projected costs in the field and at headquarters and additional appeals if needs in the field increase. Leta 1993 je Mednarodni odbor Rde?ega križa priznal Rde?i križ Slovenije kot samostojno in enakopravno ?lanico mednarodnega gibanja Rde?ega križa.
Crisis financing
Voluntary contribution VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction is the cornerstone of the international effort to end the suffering and casualties caused by anti-personnel (AP) mines. The Convention was adopted on 18 September 1997 and it entered into force on 1 March 1999. As of 23 May 2012, 160 States had formally agreed to be bound by the Convention. The Convention provides a framework for mine action, seeking both to end existing suffering and to prevent future suffering. The Convention bans the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines. In addition, states that accede to the Convention accept that they will destroy both stockpiled and emplaced anti-personnel mines and assist the victims of mines. Voluntary contribution 2016..
Crisis financing
Voluntary contribution VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), founded in 1919, is the world's largest humanitarian organization, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. The IFRC carries out relief operations to assist victims of disasters, and combines this with development work to strengthen the capacities of its member National Societies. The IFRC's work focuses on four core areas: promoting humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, and health and community care. The IFRC is not a government agency, but depends on donations to carry out its work. Leta 1993 je Mednarodni odbor Rde?ega križa priznal Rde?i križ Slovenije kot samostojno in enakopravno ?lanico mednarodnega gibanja Rde?ega križa.
Crisis financing
Project support. Estimated by OECD. Grants are primarily for family planning activities. PROJECT SUPPORT. ESTIMATED BY OECD. GRANTS ARE PRIMARILY FOR FAMILY PLANNING ACTIVITIES. Project support. Estimated by OECD, based on publicly available 990-PF form for the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation. Grants primarily for family planning programs.
Crisis financing
Doctors Without Borders (Lakare utan Granser) DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS (LAKARE UTAN GRANSER) Earmarked contribution.
Crisis financing
Doctors Without Borders (Lakare utan Granser) DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS (LAKARE UTAN GRANSER) For general operating support.
Crisis financing
Save the Children (Radda Barnen) SAVE THE CHILDREN (RADDA BARNEN) Earmarked contribution.
Crisis financing
Swedish Red Cross SWEDISH RED CROSS For general operating support.
Crisis financing
UNHCR Sweden UNHCR SWEDEN Earmarked contribution.
Crisis financing