6 values
3 values
6 values
29 values
Annex 2 schematically displays the relationship between the Strategy and this national and international regulatory framework. Descarbonisation programme Adaptation to climate change and greater resilience Programme for the national carbon credit market and other taxation tools to achieve carbon neutrality Programme of social transition Programme of Innovation, research and systematic observation Mobility: Reduction of 50% internal emissions from mobility 20% electric vehicles (turisms) Descarbonisation Buildings: Cosnumption reductions of 40% Descarbonisation Electricity: consumption from national productioni electricity zero emissions consumption from national productionThe National Energy Strategy for the Fight against Climate Change 3 The Strategy’s action programmes and activities The five (5) programmes and the seventeen (17) activities planned are as follows: Programme I. Decarbonisation to achieve carbon neutrality: mitigating greenhouse gas emissions The Strategy seeks carbon neutrality by 2050.
{ "answer_start": 122, "text": "The Strategy seeks carbon neutrality by 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Descarbonisation programme Adaptation to climate change and greater resilience Programme for the national carbon credit market and other taxation tools to achieve carbon neutrality Programme of social transition Programme of Innovation, research and systematic observation Mobility: Reduction of 50% internal emissions from mobility 20% electric vehicles (turisms) Descarbonisation Buildings: Cosnumption reductions of 40% Descarbonisation Electricity: consumption from national productioni electricity zero emissions consumption from national productionThe National Energy Strategy for the Fight against Climate Change 3 The Strategy’s action programmes and activities The five (5) programmes and the seventeen (17) activities planned are as follows: Programme I. Decarbonisation to achieve carbon neutrality: mitigating greenhouse gas emissions The Strategy seeks carbon neutrality by 2050. The concept of carbon neutrality has increased the awareness of a wide range of actors in light of the challenge of combating climate change, thus facilitating the empowerment of all the agents in this stage of the transition, a process essential for adapting to and dealing with this climate phenomenon.
{ "answer_start": 106, "text": "The Strategy seeks carbon neutrality by 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC).Antigua and Barbuda’s 2021 update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution areas of loss and damage response, gender responsive approaches in access to finance, and the just transition of the workforce. 2. Summary of the NDC The NDC targets included in this submission are based on the 1.5°C mitigation goal and adaptation goals that assume a 3.4°C increase in global temperatures (based on projections from the assessments of the INDCs). The targets are aligned with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda’s (GoAB) goal of net-zero by 2040. These targets are intended to be met by using relevant technologies, policies such as land use planning and updated building codes, with financial instruments such as catastrophic insurance instruments for extreme weather events.
Antigua and Barbuda
{ "answer_start": 74, "text": "the targets are aligned with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda’s (GoAB) goal of net-zero by 2040" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
By this submission, Australia communicates its updated and enhanced first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. — Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target, covering all sectors and gases included in Australia’s national inventory. — In order to achieve net zero by 2050, Australia commits to seven low emissions technology stretch goals - ambitious but realistic goals to bring priority low emissions technologies to economic parity with existing mature technologies. — Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points.
{ "answer_start": 19, "text": "Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target, covering all sectors and gases included in Australia’s national inventory." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
81 6.1.1 Energy and greenhouse gas scenarios 81 6.1.2 More detailed description of selected pathways 83 6.1.3 Wood value chain scenario . 89 6.2 Online consultation for a long-term climate strategy for a climate-neutral Austria in 6.3 Storylines for individual fields of action . 122 Tables . 125 Figures . 126 Abbreviations 127THE VISION – A climate-neutral Austria in 2050 A comprehensive long-term strategy needs a clear vision. The future will be what we make of it, not a given state. A long-term path requires an appealing and inspiring long-term vision. Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 – this is our vision.
{ "answer_start": 91, "text": "Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 – this is our vision" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 – this is our vision. A strategy that includes a comprehensive transformation of both our energy supply and our consumption patterns and that includes an adapted but competitive economic system goes far beyond of merely reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It must contain all three pillars of sustainability –economic, social, and environmental aspects – as this is the only way to achieve committing to far-reaching changes by the population. Resource saving, sustainable and innovative technologies and the circular economy are key elements to achieve the goal. The development of this vision, the design of the strategy, the definition, the implementation and review of concrete measures is a core task of politicians and public administration.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 – this is our vision" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in this updated NDC, including through the use of nature-based solutions in the FOLU sector intended to increase removals, whilst underpinning the NDC development process with more robust and realistic data and projections in all sectors. Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050. The NDC for Belize is consistent with the overall goal of the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) which encompasses medium-term economic development, poverty reduction, and longer-term sustainable development.
{ "answer_start": 52, "text": "Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
With regards to mitigation action, Bhutan has been relatively successful in developing strategies and plans in key sectors but faces challenges in raising adequate support for implementation of the LEDS, NAMAs and other mitigation programs. 3. Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC. At the same time, Bhutan calls on the international community to continue and enhance the support for Bhutan’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
{ "answer_start": 46, "text": "Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
2nd NDC
The NDC firmly responds to the development objectives of Cabo Verde’s Ambição 2030 (Ambition Plan 2030). Cabo Verde’s flagship contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% below business-as-usual (BAU) and to increase this target to 24% on the condition of adequate international support; • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including by building a pumped storage and other energy storage capacities; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon public transport, including active modes and international maritime transport; • The 2030 commitment to reverse the trend of habitat degradation, substantially improve biodiversity, water retention, strengthen soils and restore forests and coastal wetlands; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) for water supply mobilisation and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; • The 2030 commitment to provide sewage systems to all households and provides safe wastewater treatment, including the use of RE and the recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater; • The 2025 commitment to establish comprehensive and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs.
Cabo Verde
{ "answer_start": 52, "text": "The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Cabo Verde’s flagship contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% below business-as-usual (BAU) and to increase this target to 24% on the condition of adequate international support; • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including by building a pumped storage and other energy storage capacities; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon public transport, including active modes and international maritime transport; • The 2030 commitment to reverse the trend of habitat degradation, substantially improve biodiversity, water retention, strengthen soils and restore forests and coastal wetlands; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) for water supply mobilisation and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; • The 2030 commitment to provide sewage systems to all households and provides safe wastewater treatment, including the use of RE and the recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater; • The 2025 commitment to establish comprehensive and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs. To ensure robust implementation in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) established under the Paris Agreement, Cabo Verde will enact dedicated legislation covering comprehensive monitoring, reporting and evaluation of GHG data, mitigation action as well as adaptation action, and defining a cross-institutional climate governance framework.
Cabo Verde
{ "answer_start": 36, "text": "The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Visión de largo plazo de Chile: Transición al desarrollo sustentable e inclusivo a más tardar al 2050 La ECLP será el instrumento orientador de la política climática para ali- nearla con la visión y meta de largo plazo definida para Chile y propuesta en el Proyecto de Ley Marco de Cambio Climático, que establece donde se debe llegar hacia mediados de siglo para ser coherentes con los esfuerzos mundiales de evitar el aumento de temperatura global tal como establece el Acuerdo de Paris. Chile se ha comprometido a alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de GEI y aumentar su resiliencia a más tardar al 2050, lo que requiere de un esfuerzo de coordinación y sinergia sin precedente en materia de política am- biental en el país.
{ "answer_start": 83, "text": "Chile se ha comprometido a alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de GEI y aumentar su resiliencia a más tardar al 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Chile se ha comprometido a alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de GEI y aumentar su resiliencia a más tardar al 2050, lo que requiere de un esfuerzo de coordinación y sinergia sin precedente en materia de política am- biental en el país. Esta estrategia, junto con la NDC, corresponden a los instrumentos de ges- tión del cambio climático de mayor jerarquía a nivel nacional, estableciendo objetivos, metas y lineamientos de mediano y largo plazo en materia de cambio climático a nivel nacional, sectorial y subnacional.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Chile se ha comprometido a alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de GEI y aumentar su resiliencia a más tardar al 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Moreover, China proposed 15 categories of policies and measures for enhanced actions on climate change. Since then, China has made significant progress in fulfilling its commitments in an active and pragmatic manner. China’s updated NDC goals are as follows: aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, to increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and to bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030.
{ "answer_start": 48, "text": "achieve carbon neutrality before 2060;" },%20New%20Goals%20and%20New%20Measures%20for%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions.pdf
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
China’s updated NDC goals are as follows: aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, to increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and to bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030. (III) Challenges Faced by China in Attaining the New Goals China is confronted with enormous challenges and difficulties in its NDCs, which calls for great efforts.
{ "answer_start": 16, "text": "achieve carbon neutrality before 2060;" },%20New%20Goals%20and%20New%20Measures%20for%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions.pdf
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Meta de mitigación de GEI Siguiendo los principios rectores de utilizar la mejor información disponible y procurar el no retroceso y la progresión de la ambición, Colombia establece su compromiso de mitigación, en términos de las emisiones absolutas máximas del país en el año 2030 (meta absoluta de emisiones para un solo año) como se describe a continuación. Tabla 5. Resumen de la meta de mitigación de emisiones de GEI Compromiso Como parte de su meta de mitigación Colombia se compromete a: Emitir como máximo 169.44 millones de t CO2 eq en 2030 (equivalente a una reducción del 51% de las emisiones respecto a la proyección de emisiones en 2030 en el escenario de referencia), iniciando un decrecimiento en las emisiones entre 2027 y 2030 tendiente hacia la carbono-neutralidad a mediados de siglo.
{ "answer_start": 115, "text": "iniciando un decrecimiento en las emisiones entre 2027 y 2030 tendiente hacia la carbono-neutralidad a mediados de siglo" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Resumen de la meta de mitigación de emisiones de GEI Compromiso Como parte de su meta de mitigación Colombia se compromete a: Emitir como máximo 169.44 millones de t CO2 eq en 2030 (equivalente a una reducción del 51% de las emisiones respecto a la proyección de emisiones en 2030 en el escenario de referencia), iniciando un decrecimiento en las emisiones entre 2027 y 2030 tendiente hacia la carbono-neutralidad a mediados de siglo. Establecer presupuestos de carbono para el periodo 2020-2030 a más tardar en 2023. Reducir las emisiones de carbono negro del 40% respecto al nivel de 2014.
{ "answer_start": 55, "text": "iniciando un decrecimiento en las emisiones entre 2027 y 2030 tendiente hacia la carbono-neutralidad a mediados de siglo" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
A partir de ahora, inicia el reto de implementar la E2050 articulando su visión, principios fundamental- es y apuestas a los instrumentos de política pública, que contribuyan a construir el camino para una nue- va Colombia carbono neutral y con amplias capaci- dades de adaptación al cambio climático. Carlos Eduardo Correa Escaf Ministro de ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleCONTENIDO Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Circunstancias nacionales 6.1 Apuestas para alcanzar la resiliencia climática socioecológica en Colombia al 2050 Página 145 ◆ 6.2 Relación entre apuestas de la E2050 Página 183 ◆ 6.3 Medios de implementación para sustentar e impulsar la resiliencia climática Página 196 Áreas de acción para la transición a una Colombia resiliente: referentes de ambición e instrumentos Literatura citada Anexos 9.1 Cuento: “Vientos de cambio: Una historia de carbono neutralidad”, historia para acercar al público infantil (niños de educación básica primaria) las transfor- maciones profundas que impulsa la E2050 para Colombia Página 265 ◆ 9.2 Relación de estudios de apoyo elaborados para la construcción de la E2050 Página 266 7.1 Anclaje institucional, de monitoreo, seguimiento, y evalua- ción Página 245 ◆ 7.2 Inclusión de consideraciones de largo plazo en planificación, políticas e instrumentos Página 247 ◆ 7.3 Información, capacidades y tecnología para la resiliencia climática Página 249 ◆ 7.4 Implementación pionera de apues- tas y opciones de transformación de la E2050 Página 250 ◆ 7.5 Comunicación y gestión de la transición Página 252 El camino a seguir para la implementación y la actualización de la E2050 3.1 Contexto y justificación nacional e inter- nacional para la acción Página 53 ◆ 3.2 El cambio climático en Colombia: comporta- miento esperado de la temperatura y la pre- cipitación a mediados del siglo XXI Página 56 ◆ 3.3 Perfil de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) por sector en Colombia Página 65 ◆ 3.4 Colombia, un país con alto riesgo por cambio climático (periodo 2040- 2070) Página 75 ◆ 3.5 Evaluación de posibles efectos económicos de la transición hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 92 Mandato e importancia de tener una estrategia de largo plazo 4.1 Resiliencia socioecológica como fundamento para la acción climática Página 101 ◆ 4.2 Cons- trucción participativa de la Estrategia Climática de Largo Plazo E2050 Página 108 ◆ 4.3 El camino colombiano hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 111 Bases para la construcción de un futuro resiliente al clima en Colombia fundamentales La visión de ColombiaMensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores.
{ "answer_start": 406, "text": "A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Carlos Eduardo Correa Escaf Ministro de ambiente y desarrollo sostenibleCONTENIDO Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Circunstancias nacionales 6.1 Apuestas para alcanzar la resiliencia climática socioecológica en Colombia al 2050 Página 145 ◆ 6.2 Relación entre apuestas de la E2050 Página 183 ◆ 6.3 Medios de implementación para sustentar e impulsar la resiliencia climática Página 196 Áreas de acción para la transición a una Colombia resiliente: referentes de ambición e instrumentos Literatura citada Anexos 9.1 Cuento: “Vientos de cambio: Una historia de carbono neutralidad”, historia para acercar al público infantil (niños de educación básica primaria) las transfor- maciones profundas que impulsa la E2050 para Colombia Página 265 ◆ 9.2 Relación de estudios de apoyo elaborados para la construcción de la E2050 Página 266 7.1 Anclaje institucional, de monitoreo, seguimiento, y evalua- ción Página 245 ◆ 7.2 Inclusión de consideraciones de largo plazo en planificación, políticas e instrumentos Página 247 ◆ 7.3 Información, capacidades y tecnología para la resiliencia climática Página 249 ◆ 7.4 Implementación pionera de apues- tas y opciones de transformación de la E2050 Página 250 ◆ 7.5 Comunicación y gestión de la transición Página 252 El camino a seguir para la implementación y la actualización de la E2050 3.1 Contexto y justificación nacional e inter- nacional para la acción Página 53 ◆ 3.2 El cambio climático en Colombia: comporta- miento esperado de la temperatura y la pre- cipitación a mediados del siglo XXI Página 56 ◆ 3.3 Perfil de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) por sector en Colombia Página 65 ◆ 3.4 Colombia, un país con alto riesgo por cambio climático (periodo 2040- 2070) Página 75 ◆ 3.5 Evaluación de posibles efectos económicos de la transición hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 92 Mandato e importancia de tener una estrategia de largo plazo 4.1 Resiliencia socioecológica como fundamento para la acción climática Página 101 ◆ 4.2 Cons- trucción participativa de la Estrategia Climática de Largo Plazo E2050 Página 108 ◆ 4.3 El camino colombiano hacia la carbono neutralidad Página 111 Bases para la construcción de un futuro resiliente al clima en Colombia fundamentales La visión de ColombiaMensajes estratégicos de la E2050 Mensajes estratégicos de la E2050 A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores. Para alcanzar la carbono neutralidad en 2050 es necesario alcanzar la meta de emisiones presentada en la más reciente NDC de Colombia.
{ "answer_start": 358, "text": "A 2050 Colombia ambiciona transformarse en una sociedad y una economía resiliente al clima, es decir, carbono neutral y con alta capacidad adaptativa en sus territorios y sectores." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
será importante monitorear el cumplimiento de ambos elementos a lo largo del periodo de la NDC.Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada de Costa Rica 2020 a. Cómo la Parte considera que su NDC es justa y ambiciosa a la luz de sus circunstancias nacionales. Con la presente contribución, Costa Rica aumentó su ambición con respecto a la primera contribución presentada por Costa Rica ante la CMUCCC en el 2015. A continuación se describen los principales aspectos que lo evidencian: - Las metas de mitigación están alineadas con la trayectoria de la Estrategia de Largo Plazo de Costa Rica, el Plan Nacional de Descarbonización, presentada por Costa Rica en 2019 y que busca emisiones netas cero en 2050 y es consistente con la trayectoria 1.5 °C.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 77, "text": "Las metas de mitigación están alineadas con la trayectoria de la Estrategia de Largo Plazo de Costa Rica, el Plan Nacional de Descarbonización, presentada por Costa Rica en 2019 y que busca emisiones netas cero en 2050 y es consistente con la trayectoria 1.5 °C." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
A continuación se describen los principales aspectos que lo evidencian: - Las metas de mitigación están alineadas con la trayectoria de la Estrategia de Largo Plazo de Costa Rica, el Plan Nacional de Descarbonización, presentada por Costa Rica en 2019 y que busca emisiones netas cero en 2050 y es consistente con la trayectoria 1.5 °C. - El país pasó de tener una meta de emisiones absolutas netas máxima al 2030 de 9.37 a 9.11 millones de toneladas de CO2e. De manera que Costa Rica se compromete a reducir 0,26 millones de toneladas de CO2e más para el año 2030. - Costa Rica incluyó por primera vez una meta con un presupuesto máximo de emisiones netas para el periódo 2021-2030.
Costa Rica
{ "answer_start": 11, "text": "Las metas de mitigación están alineadas con la trayectoria de la Estrategia de Largo Plazo de Costa Rica, el Plan Nacional de Descarbonización, presentada por Costa Rica en 2019 y que busca emisiones netas cero en 2050 y es consistente con la trayectoria 1.5 °C." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
El país mejora la contabilidad y se han introducido nuevas opciones con una mejor claridad para seguir mostrando los esfuerzos de mitigación a nivel nacional, con la respectiva aplicación del Sistema Nacional de MRV, con una desagregación en lo sectorial a nivel de país.Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada 2020 - NDC-RD 2020 e. Cómo ha abordado la Parte el Artículo 4, párrafo 6 del Acuerdo de París. La República Dominicana se guía por la Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo (Ley 1-2012) y por el Plan de Desarrollo Compatible con el Cambio Climático (Plan DECCC-2011) para preparar y comunicar estrategias sectoriales, planes y medidas para un desarrollo con bajas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que reflejen sus circunstancias especiales al 2030 y su aspiración de carbono neutralidad al 2050. 7.
Dominican Republic
{ "answer_start": 84, "text": "Compatible con el Cambio Climático (Plan DECCC-2011) para preparar y comunicar estrategias sectoriales, planes y medidas para un desarrollo con bajas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que reflejen sus circunstancias especiales al 2030 y su aspiración de carbono neutralidad al 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
La República Dominicana se guía por la Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo (Ley 1-2012) y por el Plan de Desarrollo Compatible con el Cambio Climático (Plan DECCC-2011) para preparar y comunicar estrategias sectoriales, planes y medidas para un desarrollo con bajas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que reflejen sus circunstancias especiales al 2030 y su aspiración de carbono neutralidad al 2050. 7. Cómo contribuye la NDC para lograr el objetivo de la Convención como se establece en su Artículo 2. Cómo contribuye la NDC a los objetivos mundiales sobre el cambio climático (Convención, Acuerdo de París y descarbonización). Acciones específicas de mitigación y movilización de recursos financieros para implementación. a. Cómo contribuye la NDC a alcanzar el objetivo del Convenio establecido en su Artículo 2.
Dominican Republic
{ "answer_start": 19, "text": "Compatible con el Cambio Climático (Plan DECCC-2011) para preparar y comunicar estrategias sectoriales, planes y medidas para un desarrollo con bajas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que reflejen sus circunstancias especiales al 2030 y su aspiración de carbono neutralidad al 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Through this LEDS, Fiji will continue its climate leadership which, to-date, has included serving as the President of the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the ambitious near-term targets Fiji committed to under its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). As the central goal of this LEDS, Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy through pathways defined in this LEDS.
{ "answer_start": 59, "text": "To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
As the central goal of this LEDS, Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy through pathways defined in this LEDS. To achieve this core objective, the LEDS has elaborated four possible low emission scenarios for Fiji: • A “Business-as-Usual (BAU) Unconditional scenario,” which reflects the implementation of existing and official policies, targets, and technologies that are unconditional in the sense that Fiji would implement and finance them without reliance on external or international financing.
{ "answer_start": 9, "text": "To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Total Net Emissions for Fiji under four LEDS scenarios (all values in metric tonnes CO e). Figure 1. Total Net Emissions for Fiji under the four LEDS scenarios (all values in metric tonnes CO e). “As the central goal of this LEDS, Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy”FIJI LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2018-2050 I 7 6 I FIJI LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2018-2050 Each of the emission reduction scenarios detailed for each sector in this LEDS is underpinned by a range of key policies and actions that must be undertaken in each sector to achieve the emission reductions. A non- exhaustive list of prioritised actions, with high-level costing and timeline, linked to the achievement of the LEDS sector scenarios is outlined in Annex A.
{ "answer_start": 44, "text": "To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
CCICD convened and chaired a LEDS Steering Committee composed of government ministries and major public utilities representing all relevant sectors in Fiji. CCICD then engaged members of the Steering Committee as well as numerous national and international experts and stakeholders from private sector, academia, and civil society through a participatory process to develop the LEDS (described in section 1.5 below). 1.2 FIJI’S VISION Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy. This is consistent and aligns directly with Fiji’s objective stated above to ensure that net zero emissions is achieved globally by 20503.
{ "answer_start": 65, "text": "To reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
National low carbon strategy - March 2020 14/176CHAPTER 2: FRANCE S PROJECT France has set targets for reducing territorial greenhouse gas emissions, in line with its international commitments15 and EU policy. These are: Achieving carbon neutrality by 205016 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 199017; In the short and medium terms, comply with the carbon budgets adopted by decree, meaning the emissions caps should not be exceeded per period of five years. In parallel to the reduction of territorial emissions, the national low carbon strategy aims to achieve an overall reduction in the French carbon footprint (cf. chapter 4.1.i. “Carbon footprint”).
{ "answer_start": 33, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
In parallel to the reduction of territorial emissions, the national low carbon strategy aims to achieve an overall reduction in the French carbon footprint (cf. chapter 4.1.i. “Carbon footprint”). We must develop a new sustainable model of growth that creates jobs and wealth and improves wellbeing whilst building a circular economy for the future that is resilient to climate change. 2.1. Strategic Themes A. Ambition Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is a real challenge (reducing gross emissions by a factor of at least 6) requiring very ambitious efforts in terms of energy efficiency, ambitious also in terms of sobriety, involving massive investments and a substantial transformation of our production and consumption patterns in order to develop a more circular economy, which is both resource-efficient and less waste-producing.
{ "answer_start": 65, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Ambition Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is a real challenge (reducing gross emissions by a factor of at least 6) requiring very ambitious efforts in terms of energy efficiency, ambitious also in terms of sobriety, involving massive investments and a substantial transformation of our production and consumption patterns in order to develop a more circular economy, which is both resource-efficient and less waste-producing. These climate issues are global and closely linked to our consumption. Thus, it is also our responsibility to control the emissions embedded in the goods and services imported to France. B.
{ "answer_start": 1, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Thus, it is also our responsibility to control the emissions embedded in the goods and services imported to France. B. International equity France assumes its responsibility in the fight against climate change, and upholds the principle already approved at international level of an action that is proportionate to the common responsibilities of States, but is fair and thus differentiated depending on the countries, taking into account the differences in the national situations, notably in terms of their capacity and potential to reduce emissions and their historical responsibility. C. Realism The strategy is based on a prospective baseline scenario of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 (cf. chapter 2.2. “The baseline scenario”). This will allow us to define one credible vision for the transition to carbon neutrality.
{ "answer_start": 99, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
This report is made public. The High Council for the Climate issues an opinion on the national low-carbon strategy and carbon budgets as well as on this accompanying report. It assesses the consistency of the low-carbon strategy in relation to France s national policies and European and international commitments, in particular the Paris climate agreement and the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, while taking into account the socio-economic impacts of the transition for households and businesses, sovereignty issues and environmental impacts. 5.3. Strategy revision Every five years, the low carbon strategy undergoes complete revision.
{ "answer_start": 59, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
It shall present an explanation for each of the objectives not achieved and the means implemented to achieve them. The High Council shall issue an opinion on the national low-carbon strategy and carbon budgets as well as on the report mentioned in II of Article L. 222-1 D. It assesses the consistency of the low-carbon strategy with France s national policies and European and international commitments, in particular the Paris Climate Agreement and the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, while taking into account the socio-economic impacts of the transition for households and businesses, sovereignty issues and environmental impacts.
{ "answer_start": 76, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
The High Council shall issue an opinion on the national low-carbon strategy and carbon budgets as well as on the report mentioned in II of Article L. 222-1 D. It assesses the consistency of the low-carbon strategy with France s national policies and European and international commitments, in particular the Paris Climate Agreement and the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, while taking into account the socio-economic impacts of the transition for households and businesses, sovereignty issues and environmental impacts. Article L. 132-5 of the French Environmental Code The High Council for the Climate may take up a matter on its own initiative or be referred to it by the Government, the President of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate or the President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council to give an opinion, within the scope of its competence, on a bill, a legislative proposal or a question relating to its field of expertise.
{ "answer_start": 57, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
In: Climate change 2014, Mitigating climate change Contribution of Working Group III to the fifth Evaluation Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change National low carbon strategy - March 2020 166/176APPENDIX 10: CARBON SINKS This appendix is a list of the strategic elements of the SNBC related to carbon sinks. Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 involves striking a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and absorptions on the national territory. Indeed, by 2050, by mobilising as much as possible the potential of each available lever to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, without, however, making technological bets, a certain level of emissions seems incompressible, particularly in the non-energy sectors (agriculture in particular).
{ "answer_start": 51, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
chapter 2.2), the estimated total sink in the land sector (forest and agricultural land) at optimal and sustainable performance, added to an estimated capture and storage sink, would only allow us to balance these residual non-energy emissions and the residual emissions from fossil fuels retained for part of the transport sector (national air and international transport). 174 See INRA study “stocker du carbone dans les sols français – quel potentiel au regard de l objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ?” (“Storing carbon in French soils - what potential with regard to objective 4 per 1000 and at what cost?”) - July 2019 National low carbon strategy - March 2020 167/176Sinks and greenhouse gas emissions in France in 2050 according to the baseline scenario The optimised mobilisation of carbon sinks is therefore an essential lever for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
{ "answer_start": 138, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
174 See INRA study “stocker du carbone dans les sols français – quel potentiel au regard de l objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ?” (“Storing carbon in French soils - what potential with regard to objective 4 per 1000 and at what cost?”) - July 2019 National low carbon strategy - March 2020 167/176Sinks and greenhouse gas emissions in France in 2050 according to the baseline scenario The optimised mobilisation of carbon sinks is therefore an essential lever for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. A. Sinks in the land sector The forest contributes to the underlying SNBC scenario (AMS scenario) as a carbon sink in the forest ecosystem, as a carbon sink in wood products, and through substitution effects through the production of materials and energy that can substitute for more GHG-emitting materials and energy.
{ "answer_start": 82, "text": "Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
According to the modeling results, GHG emissions in the BAU scenario will decrease to only 56 million tons of CO2 eq)/year, from 2019 levels. Therefore, a considerably stronger effort will be needed to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality target1 than the policies and measures currently in effect. According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century. However, the clean energy transition will vary based on different assumptions, and the generation of socioeconomic benefits will differ in their development pathways (Figure 1).
{ "answer_start": 47, "text": "According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
49On the Path to Climate Neutrality October 2021On the Path to Climate Neutrality October 2021 The Paris Agreement encourages Parties to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies. This document enfolds Iceland’s first communication on its long-term strategy (LTS), to be updated when further analysis and policy documents are published on the matter. Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions. The goal of net zero emissions no later than 2040 was enacted into the Climate Act in June 2021, based on the Government Agreement from 2017.
{ "answer_start": 56, "text": "Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
The Paris Agreement further stipulates that, to attain these objectives, it will be necessary ‘to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases’, that is net zero emissions, in the second half of this century. Recent scientific reports have further evidenced the importance of immediate and long-term climate action.1 The Paris Agreement encourages Parties to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies. This document is Iceland’s first communication on its long-term climate strategy. Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions.
{ "answer_start": 83, "text": "Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions. The goal of net zero emissions no later than 2040 was enacted into the Climate Act in June 2021, based on the Government Agreement from 2017. Foundation has been laid for the long-term strategy and various milestones have been reached on the path towards the long-term goal of climate neutrality. A key document is Iceland’s Climate Action Plan for emissions reduction of 40% by 2030, compared to 2005 levels, which was published in 2020.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
India’s NDC is ambitious, and it is a significant contribution towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Environmentally sustainable, low carbon initiatives are underpinning all key sectors of the Indian economy.P a g e | 3 of 3 India reaffirms its commitment to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. This update to India’s existing NDC is a step forward towards our long term goal of reaching net-zero by 2070. No change in the other sections or text or otherwise of the document containing existing first NDC is proposed at this stage. India reserves the right to provide further updates by way of additional submissions on its NDC, as and when required. *****
{ "answer_start": 53, "text": "This update to India’s existing NDC is a step forward towards our long term goal of reaching net-zero by 2070" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
With the recognition of these, it will be an urgent task for the world to pursue efforts to limit the global average temperature rise to below 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. As a member of the international community, Japan will contribute to the world by formulating this long-term strategy and sharing the experiences out of its implementation, thereby contributing to achieving the aforementioned target set forth in the Paris Agreement. 2. Japan’s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth.
{ "answer_start": 74, "text": "Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Japan’s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth. By the Act Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures in 204th session of the Diet (Act No. 54 of- 4 - 2021) (Hereinafter the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Act No.
{ "answer_start": 3, "text": "Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
: une gouvernance efficace et la participation active de tous les acteurs de la transition (loi relative au climat, pacte climat) ; fournir les incitations nécessaires par le biais de la politique fiscale (principe du pollueur- payeur, taxe CO2 , taxation de l’énergie et des ressources) ; intégrer les aspects climatiques dans le budget de l’Etat et garantir des finances publiques durables (investissements dans les infrastructures clés, flux financiers compatibles avec un profil d’évolution vers un développement à faible émission de GES) ; consolider le rôle précurseur de l’Etat et des communes en développant les marchés publics durables (bâtiments publics durables, sains et circulaires, véhicules électriques, stratégie de décarbonisation à l’horizon 2040) ; exploiter la fonction coordinatrice intersectorielle de l’aménagement territorial et urbain (programme directeur d’aménagement du territoire, centres de développement et d’attraction et déconcentration concentrée, consultation « Luxembourg in Transition ») ; mobiliser la recherche et favoriser l’innovation et la digitalisation (stratégie nationale de la recherche et de l’innovation, télétravail) ; favoriser l’engagement de la société et étoffer le rôle clé de l’éducation et de la formation (participation des citoyens et des consommateurs, transfert de connaissances et développement de compétences) ; ainsi que consolider le cadre UE en faveur de l’action pour le climat (paquet législatif « Delivering the European Green Deal », normes de performance des véhicules, exigences en matière d’écoconception). En bref, la cohérence du cadre législatif et politique avec l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050 devra être assurée.
{ "answer_start": 233, "text": "l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
En bref, la cohérence du cadre législatif et politique avec l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050 devra être assurée. Ensuite, sont présentés les lignes directrices et les principaux champs d’action et mesures stratégiques pour guider la transformation dans tous les secteurs concernés (Entre parenthèses est évoquée une sélection des leviers et instruments décrits dans la stratégie.) :Vers la neutralité climatique en 2050 7 / 97 1. Système énergétique 1. Principe de primauté de l’efficacité énergétique (réduction de la consommation énergétique, mécanisme d’obligations en matière d’efficacité énergétique) 2. Déploiement maximisé des énergies renouvelables (énergie solaire et éolienne, coopération européenne) et rôle potentiel de l’hydrogène renouvelable (stratégie hydrogène, décarbonisation d’activités difficiles à électrifier) 3.
{ "answer_start": 10, "text": "l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
205 La Commission européenne a publié en mai 2020 la communication COM(2020) 381 final : Une stratégie « De la ferme à la table » pour un système alimentaire équitable, sain et respectueux de l’environnement. 206 MECDD, 2020 : Stratégie « Null Offall Lëtzebuerg », ressourcen/null-offall-letzebuerg.html, p. 48 207 MECDD, 2020 : Stratégie « Null Offall Lëtzebuerg », p. 38 209 Neobuild, 2019 : Stratégie nationale Urban Farming Luxembourg, la neutralité climatique en 2050 79 / 97 La politique agricole commune (PAC) et sa mise en pratique au niveau national doivent soutenir les agriculteurs à améliorer leurs performances environnementales et climatiques en cohérence avec l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050, y compris par l’incitation accrue à des investissements et pratiques agricoles durables et par le renforcement progressif des normes environnementales obligatoires.
{ "answer_start": 104, "text": "l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
206 MECDD, 2020 : Stratégie « Null Offall Lëtzebuerg », ressourcen/null-offall-letzebuerg.html, p. 48 207 MECDD, 2020 : Stratégie « Null Offall Lëtzebuerg », p. 38 209 Neobuild, 2019 : Stratégie nationale Urban Farming Luxembourg, la neutralité climatique en 2050 79 / 97 La politique agricole commune (PAC) et sa mise en pratique au niveau national doivent soutenir les agriculteurs à améliorer leurs performances environnementales et climatiques en cohérence avec l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050, y compris par l’incitation accrue à des investissements et pratiques agricoles durables et par le renforcement progressif des normes environnementales obligatoires. Les fonds de la PAC sont à réallouer vers les activités et mesures promouvant la transition de la production agricole.
{ "answer_start": 69, "text": "l’objectif de la neutralité climatique à l’horizon 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
The LCDS is being spearheaded by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning (MECP) and is the result of a three-year process initiated by Government and the MECP, whereby mitigation measures have been researched and short- listed, possible abatement levels quantified through Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC) modelling (i.e. the ratio of abatement potential against incremental cost of measure), and stakeholders consulted, leading to a list of realistic and cost-effective measures which are to be implemented in the years to come. The Strategy aims to move towards climate neutrality by 2050 in line with Malta’s contribution to EU-wide goals. Carbon neutrality is also one of Malta’s pillars for economic growth and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
{ "answer_start": 83, "text": "The Strategy aims to move towards climate neutrality by 2050 in line with Malta’s contribution to EU-wide goals" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
The context and long-term vision for this NDC is set out in RMI’s Tile Til Eo 2050 Climate Strategy, September 2018. A copy of that strategy is annexed.Nationally Determined Contribution In the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, the Republic of the Marshall Islands: • commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at • communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least • reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest; • commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to generate the necessary financing; • commits to submitting an Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC by 2020 at the latest; • commits to a gender-responsive and human rights-based approach in all NDC- related planning, programming and implementation; and • commits to using the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines in the future.Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Parameter Information Timeframe / periods for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Start year: 2025 End year: 2030 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year 2010 base year (~185 Gg CO2-e) Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035 and an aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest Coverage % National emissions Sectors • Energy - Electricity Generation - Domestic Transportation - Other (Cooking and Lighting) • Waste (Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible) Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) (Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible) Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to use market-based mechanisms to meet targets No Land sector accounting approach N/A Metrics and methodology Consistent with methodologies used in RMI’s Second National Communication (1996 IPCC Guidelines).Parameter Information Planning process RMI’s updated NDC was developed as part of the process to produce and adopt RMI’s Tile Til Eo 2050 Climate Strategy, September 2018.
Marshall Islands
{ "answer_start": 89, "text": "reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
2nd NDC
A copy of that strategy is annexed.Nationally Determined Contribution In the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, the Republic of the Marshall Islands: • commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at • communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least • reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest; • commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to generate the necessary financing; • commits to submitting an Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC by 2020 at the latest; • commits to a gender-responsive and human rights-based approach in all NDC- related planning, programming and implementation; and • commits to using the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines in the future.Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Parameter Information Timeframe / periods for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Start year: 2025 End year: 2030 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year 2010 base year (~185 Gg CO2-e) Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035 and an aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest Coverage % National emissions Sectors • Energy - Electricity Generation - Domestic Transportation - Other (Cooking and Lighting) • Waste (Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible) Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) (Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible) Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to use market-based mechanisms to meet targets No Land sector accounting approach N/A Metrics and methodology Consistent with methodologies used in RMI’s Second National Communication (1996 IPCC Guidelines).Parameter Information Planning process RMI’s updated NDC was developed as part of the process to produce and adopt RMI’s Tile Til Eo 2050 Climate Strategy, September 2018. Fair and ambitious RMI’s emissions are negligible in the global context (<0.00001% of global emissions).
Marshall Islands
{ "answer_start": 68, "text": "reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
2nd NDC
RMI has reiterated its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050, including most recently through signing the Declaration of the Carbon Neutrality Coalition at the One Planet Summit in December 2017. 9. The purpose of this 2050 Climate Strategy – which is RMI’s long-term low greenhouse gas emission climate-resilient development strategy under the Paris Agreement - is to outline a long-term pathway for RMI to achieve its objectives for net zero emissions and 100% renewable energy, as well as to facilitate adaptation and climate resilience in a way that ensures the future protection and prosperity of the country and its women, men and youth.Section 1 – Executive Summary Key Recommendations In order to achieve its objectives for net zero emissions by 2050 and 100% renewable energy, as well as to adapt to the impacts of climate change and achieve resilience in a way that ensures future protection and prosperity of RMI, this 2050 Strategy makes the following recommendations: ¾ Submit, by 2020 at the latest, a new NDC in which, in the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, RMI: x revises its quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025; x commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030; x communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035; x reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest, x commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to generate the necessary financing; x commits to submitting an Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC by 2020 at the latest; x commits to a gender-responsive and human rights-based approach in all NDC-related planning, programming and implementation; and x commits to using the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines (currently 2006).
Marshall Islands
{ "answer_start": 248, "text": "reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
2nd NDC
The purpose of this 2050 Climate Strategy – which is RMI’s long-term low greenhouse gas emission climate-resilient development strategy under the Paris Agreement - is to outline a long-term pathway for RMI to achieve its objectives for net zero emissions and 100% renewable energy, as well as to facilitate adaptation and climate resilience in a way that ensures the future protection and prosperity of the country and its women, men and youth.Section 1 – Executive Summary Key Recommendations In order to achieve its objectives for net zero emissions by 2050 and 100% renewable energy, as well as to adapt to the impacts of climate change and achieve resilience in a way that ensures future protection and prosperity of RMI, this 2050 Strategy makes the following recommendations: ¾ Submit, by 2020 at the latest, a new NDC in which, in the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, RMI: x revises its quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025; x commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030; x communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035; x reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest, x commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to generate the necessary financing; x commits to submitting an Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC by 2020 at the latest; x commits to a gender-responsive and human rights-based approach in all NDC-related planning, programming and implementation; and x commits to using the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines (currently 2006). ¾ Focus in the short and medium term on RMI’s electricity sector to implement GHG reductions consistent with achieving its NDC targets; ¾ Act to reduce RMI’s growing waste problem by minimizing organic material in collected waste and consider possibilities to generate energyfrom waste; ¾ Develop polices to encourage a greater use of public transport, cycling and walking, and the increased uptake of electric vehicles; ¾ Explore options to reduce GHG emissions from domestic ocean-based transport, including improved regulatory control; ¾ Continue efforts to phase out the use of kerosene for lighting and strengthen existing institutional arrangements to reduce GHGs from cooking and lighting; ¾ Establish a long-term finance strategy to implement this 2050 Strategy and its recommendations; and identify and consider options for a more coordinated and centralized approach to applying for, and monitor, related overseas aid and investment; ¾ Ensure due diligence is fulfilled before making significant investments to implement this 2050 Strategy and its recommendations; ¾ Prioritize capacity building in all areas relevant for the implementation of this 2050 Strategy and its recommendations; ¾ Mainstream gender and human rights, including in relation to developing, adopting, reviewing and implementing laws, policies and projects related to climate change, and commission further analysis with a view to putting in place a strategy to improve related data collection, monitoring and evaluation; ¾ Include health considerations as part of RMI’s forthcoming National Adaptation Plan; ¾ Include education, training & public awareness considerations as part of RMI’s forthcoming National Adaptation Plan; ¾ Review and update, as necessary, this 2050 Strategy as a minimum every five years – including to recommend targets for inclusion in future NDCs – at least one year before RMI submits future NDCs; and ¾ Establish a domestic process to oversee reviews and updates to this 2050 Strategy, as well as to monitor its implementation.Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1.
Marshall Islands
{ "answer_start": 214, "text": "reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
2nd NDC
A cet effet, le Maroc a lancé un processus d’élaboration d’une LT-LEDS qui permettra la mise en cohérence des politiques publiques et l’alignement des décisions de court terme avec les objectifs de long terme. L’objectif de ce processus est de parvenir à une stratégie intégrée, commune et partagée par toutes les parties prenantes, établissant les principales orientations de l’économie et de la société marocaines entre 2020 et 2050 pour atteindre un objectif de décarbonation à l’horizon 2050 qui soit aligné avec l’Accord de Paris. L’autre objectif de la LT-LEDS est, in fine, de rehausser l’ambition climatique au-delà des objectifs de court terme affichés dans les NDC et consacrer son leadership climatique au niveau mondial en se joignant aux efforts internationaux de neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050.
{ "answer_start": 84, "text": "L’autre objectif de la LT-LEDS est, in fine, de rehausser l’ambition climatique au-delà des objectifs de court terme affichés dans les NDC et consacrer son leadership climatique au niveau mondial en se joignant aux efforts internationaux de neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
L’autre objectif de la LT-LEDS est, in fine, de rehausser l’ambition climatique au-delà des objectifs de court terme affichés dans les NDC et consacrer son leadership climatique au niveau mondial en se joignant aux efforts internationaux de neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050. L’élaboration de la LT-LEDS offrirait également au Maroc plusieurs opportunités majeures de : •  Co-construction d’un cap commun et partagé de transformation systémique du modèle de développement du Maroc et inscription dans une trajectoire à long terme d’une économie sobre en carbone ;Stratégie Bas Carbone à Long Terme •  Accélération de l’alignement du développement du Maroc avec les exigences des deux agendas mondiaux des Nations Unies, à savoir l’Accord de Paris et l’Agenda 2030 de développement durable tout en garantissant la sécurité énergétique du Royaume ; •  Exploration des retombées potentielles d’un mode de croissance décarbonée sur les plans économique (PIB, nouvel écosystème industriel vert de TPME, créativité et innovation), social (emplois verts, réduction des inégalités), environnemental et des territoires ; •  Amélioration de l’attractivité économique et sociale des territoires, des régions et des villes, tout en développant des infrastructures résilientes et à faible empreinte carbone ; •  Positionnement proactif dans un environnement international et régional en pleine mutation et porteur d’opportunités d’amélioration de la position commerciale et d’export du Maroc : « Green Deal » de l’UE et éventualité d’un ajustement aux frontières de l’UE du contenu en carbone des importations, initiatives sur le Bassin Méditerranéen, zone de libre-échange continentale (ZLECAF) et enjeux continentaux en Afrique… ; et •  Renforcement de la compétitivité internationale du pays, à travers l’attraction des investissements étrangers et l’accès à de nouvelles sources de financement climatique et au développement des partenariats internationaux.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "L’autre objectif de la LT-LEDS est, in fine, de rehausser l’ambition climatique au-delà des objectifs de court terme affichés dans les NDC et consacrer son leadership climatique au niveau mondial en se joignant aux efforts internationaux de neutralité carbone à l’horizon 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
The revised NDC allows for a robust assessment of Namibia’s mitigation and adaptation actions supported by a comprehensive stakeholder-driven dialogue mechanism and enhanced data. This report provides an update on the latest policies, measures and actions that will drive significant emission reductions whilst promoting a climate-resilient Namibia. The updated NDC presents a progressive shift above the 2015 pledge to reduce emissions from 89% to 91% by 2030. Mitigation contribution Namibia s mitigation commitment is in the form of a decrease in GHG emissions compared to the Business as Usual (BAU) baseline over the 2015-2030 period. This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050.
{ "answer_start": 95, "text": "This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050" }'s%20Updated%20NDC_%20FINAL%2025%20July%202021.pdf
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050. In the energy sector, the national sustainable energy strategy of Namibia looks to introduce new emissions- reducing technologies and encourage healthier practices that are more energy efficient.1 The updated NDC includes climate-friendly and energy-efficient refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC). Low Global Warming Potential technology options, particularly technology with natural refrigerants, exist as an alternative to HFCs for almost any RAC appliance. In the AFOLU sector, the main driver of the 2030 goal is to reduce the deforestation rate. The next 10 years will see a decrease in CO2 equivalents by over 13.5 MtCO2e.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050" }'s%20Updated%20NDC_%20FINAL%2025%20July%202021.pdf
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
2050 Aspirational Goal Nauru aspires to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks by 2050, on the basis of equity and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. This updated NDC sets the beginning of the path for Nauru to progress towards our aspiration of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. But achieving this aspirational goal will be contingent on the effective mobilization of sufficient international financial, technical and capacity building support. This ambitious mitigation effort must be pursued in tandem with urgent adaptationactions, including the full realization of the Higher Ground Initiative, along with major improvements to national food security, water security, and public health and safety.VII.
{ "answer_start": 37, "text": "This updated NDC sets the beginning of the path for Nauru to progress towards our aspiration of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
To this end, the country has developed its policy and institutional framework. In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 19 of the Paris Agreement, Nepal is formulating a long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy by 2021. The strategy aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050. 3. Mitigation Component of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Quantified targets of NDC Type Activity-based targets and policy targets in key sectors, including emissions reduction in some sectorsThe targets in this section, unless otherwise specified, are conditional upon international support.
{ "answer_start": 23, "text": "Nepal is formulating a long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy by 2021. The strategy aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
2nd NDC
La vulnerabilidad del país ante los efectos del cambio climático, tanto a nivel de sus estructuras físicas, como de la plataforma de servicios ecosistémicos y antropogénicos que sustenta la economía nacional, exige un aumento en el nivel de ambición climática para garantizar la sostenibilidad y competitividad del país en el largo plazo, en un escenario de desarrollo que para ser sostenible tiene que ser resiliente al clima. En seguimiento a los compromisos adquiridos por el país en el marco del Acuerdo de Paris (AP), la actualización de la primera Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional de Panamá (CDN1) es innovadora, justa y ambiciosa, toda vez que se fundamenta en un enfoque integrado, en el cual las acciones para la adaptación y mitigación se complementan para la construcción de resiliencia y avanzar hacia la neutralidad en carbono del país al 2050, generando benefi cios triples.
{ "answer_start": 67, "text": "En seguimiento a los compromisos adquiridos por el país en el marco del Acuerdo de Paris (AP), la actualización de la primera Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional de Panamá (CDN1) es innovadora, justa y ambiciosa, toda vez que se fundamenta en un enfoque integrado, en el cual las acciones para la adaptación y mitigación se complementan para la construcción de resiliencia y avanzar hacia la neutralidad en carbono del país al 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
En seguimiento a los compromisos adquiridos por el país en el marco del Acuerdo de Paris (AP), la actualización de la primera Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional de Panamá (CDN1) es innovadora, justa y ambiciosa, toda vez que se fundamenta en un enfoque integrado, en el cual las acciones para la adaptación y mitigación se complementan para la construcción de resiliencia y avanzar hacia la neutralidad en carbono del país al 2050, generando benefi cios triples. Esto es, que producen resultados múltiples y tangibles en los ámbitos del desarrollo económico, el bienestar social y la sostenibilidad ambiental, la igualdad de género y empoderamiento de las mujeres, jóvenes y grupos vulnerables, al minimizar el daño causado por los impactos del cambio climático y al mismo tiempo maximizar las oportunidades que ofrece el fi nanciamiento climático.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "En seguimiento a los compromisos adquiridos por el país en el marco del Acuerdo de Paris (AP), la actualización de la primera Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional de Panamá (CDN1) es innovadora, justa y ambiciosa, toda vez que se fundamenta en un enfoque integrado, en el cual las acciones para la adaptación y mitigación se complementan para la construcción de resiliencia y avanzar hacia la neutralidad en carbono del país al 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
The other important component of the contributions would be from climate-resilient development in the country and enhancing adaptation in the livelihood of the rural population which amounts to 75 – 80 percent12 of the 8.25 million13 people in PNG. PNG’s NDC in 2016 was prepared in line with the national strategies and plans. The commitments were adduced from the National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy (NCCDMP), under which PNG aspires to reduce its emission to 50 percent by 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050. Specific to the forest sector, PNG developed its National REDD+ Strategy which was approved by NEC in May 2017. The National REDD+ Strategy outlines the key action areas across the sectors.
Papua New Guinea
{ "answer_start": 53, "text": "The commitments were adduced from the National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy (NCCDMP), under which PNG aspires to reduce its emission to 50 percent by 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
2nd NDC
The Republic of Seychelles is committed to reducing economy wide absolute Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 293.8 ktCO2e in 2030 (26.4%) compared to business as usual (BAU) scenario by implementing the following:a. Mitigation Contribution With its new and enhanced mitigation contributions, Seychelles seeks to achieve a substantial mitigation benefit, lowering the GHG emission to a level of 817 ktCO2eq by 2030, relatively to baseline emissions, as well as a lasting adaptation impact in terms of energy and water security for Seychelles and improved resilience across communities. The enhanced mitigation contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26.4% below business-as-usual (BAU); • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonized net-zero emissions economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including marine energy technologies, bio- energies, such as biomass and waste-to-energy, and the use of environment friendly intermittent energy storage technologies; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon transport, including active modes and international maritime transport, starting with public transportation; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) by modernizing the entire electricity sector, increased electricity generation from renewable sources, improved energy efficiency across sectors, and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system through water supply mobilisation; • The 2030 commitment to ensure that sewage systems and wastewater treatment facilities include nutrients and energy recover; • The commitment to ensure “Responsible Tourism” in a circular economy, defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector.
{ "answer_start": 108, "text": "The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonized net-zero emissions economy by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
The enhanced mitigation contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26.4% below business-as-usual (BAU); • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonized net-zero emissions economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including marine energy technologies, bio- energies, such as biomass and waste-to-energy, and the use of environment friendly intermittent energy storage technologies; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon transport, including active modes and international maritime transport, starting with public transportation; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) by modernizing the entire electricity sector, increased electricity generation from renewable sources, improved energy efficiency across sectors, and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system through water supply mobilisation; • The 2030 commitment to ensure that sewage systems and wastewater treatment facilities include nutrients and energy recover; • The commitment to ensure “Responsible Tourism” in a circular economy, defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector. b.
{ "answer_start": 22, "text": "The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonized net-zero emissions economy by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
The enhanced mitigation contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26.4% below business-as-usual (BAU); • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonized net-zero emissions economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including marine energy technologies, bio- energies, such as biomass and waste-to-energy, and the use of environment friendly intermittent energy storage technologies; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon transport, including active modes and international maritime transport, starting with public transportation; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) by modernizing the entire electricity sector, increased electricity generation from renewable sources, improved energy efficiency across sectors, and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system through water supply mobilisation; • The 2030 commitment to ensure that sewage systems and wastewater treatment facilities include nutrients and energy recover; • The commitment to ensure “Responsible Tourism” in a circular economy, defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector. b. Adaptation Contribution As a Small Island Developing State, Seychelles is inherently vulnerable to the impacts and risks associated with climate change, and thus gives high priority to climate adaptation strategies that will improve its resilience to these.
{ "answer_start": 22, "text": "The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonized net-zero emissions economy by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
83 TABLE 9: PROJECTIONS OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM THE IPPU SECTOR INCLUDING F-GASES UNDER THE WEM SCENARIO TABLE 10: PROJECTIONS OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM THE IPPU SECTOR INCLUDING F-GASES UNDER THE WAM SCENARIO . 84 TABLE 11: PROJECTIONS OF EMISSIONS IN THE ROAD TRANSPORT FOR 2017* – 2040 UNDER THE WEM SCENARIO . 84 TABLE 12: PROJECTIONS OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS IN THE ROAD TRANSPORT FOR 2017 – 2040 UNDER THE WAM SCENARIO . 84 TABLE 13: PROJECTIONS OF EMISSIONS FROM AGRICULTURE UNTIL 2040 UNDER THE WEM SCENARIO 85 FIGURE 28: PROJECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF CARBON STOCK IN LIVING BIOMASS (ABOVE GROUND + GROUND) IN SLOVAK FORESTS . 86 TABLE 14: PROJECTIONS OF CO2 EMISSIONS AND REMOVALS IN THE LULUCF SECTOR (IN GG) UNTIL 2040 UNDER THE WEM SCENARIO . 86 TABLE 15: PROJECTIONS OF CO2 EMISSIONS AND REMOVALS IN THE LULUCF SECTOR (IN GG) UNTIL 2040 UNDER THE WAM SCENARIO . 86 ANNEX II - SPECIFIC APPROACHES AND ANALYTICAL MODELS APPLIED TO INDIVIDUAL SECTORS . 88 LULUCF – expert approach . 90 Waste sector - expert approach. 90 A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENARIOS USED IN THE LOW -CARBON STUDY 91 A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE MODELS USED . 92LIST OF ACRONYMS BAT Best Available Technologies Carbon dioxide DHS District heating system MS Member State EE Energy efficiency EC European Commission ESD/ESR GHG emissions outside the EU-ETS EU ETS/ ETS European Emission Trading Scheme Gg Gigagram (=Mt) GDP Gross domestic product IPCC Intergovernmental panel on climate change IPPU Industrial processes and product use sector LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry sector Mt Million tonnes MW Megawatt ME SR Ministry of Economy of the SR MoE SR Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic NECP Integrated Energy and Climate Plan for 2021 - 2030 NMVOC Indirect emissions N2O Nitrous oxide OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PAMs Policies and measures SEA Slovak Environment Agency WB World Bank SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride SHMI Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute Slovak-CGE GHG ENVISAGE-Slovakia applied general equilibrium mode Greenhouse gas UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change MFF Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 WEM Scenario with existing measures WAM Scenario with additional measuresSUMMARY This Strategy aims to identify measures, including additional measures, to achieve climate neutrality in Slovakia by 2050. This ambitious target was formally defined only at the last stage of preparation for this Strategy (after the completion of the modelling of possible emission scenarios), and therefore other less ambitious emission reduction (and increase in removals) scenarios are analysed in detail: a scenario with existing WEM measures and a scenario with additional WAM measures.
{ "answer_start": 361, "text": "This Strategy aims to identify measures, including additional measures, to achieve climate neutrality in Slovakia by 2050. This ambitious target was formally defined only at the last stage of preparation for this Strategy" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
92/07– official consolidated text, Assembly adopted at its session on 13 July 2021 the following R E S O L U T I O N ON SLOVENIA’S LONG-TERM CLIMATE STRATEGY UNTIL 2050 (ReDPS50) With the Resolution on Slovenia’s Long-Term Climate Strategy Until 2050 (hereinafter: Climate Strategy) being adopted to implement paragraph one of Article 15 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action, amending Regulations (EC) No 663/2009 and (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directives the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 2009/119/EC and (EU) 2015/652 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 1), the Republic of Slovenia sets a clear objective, i.e. to attain net zero emissions or climate neutrality by 2050.By setting the climate objective, the Climate Strategy is determining the goal of attaining net zero emissions by 2050 to other sectors and their sectoral policies.
{ "answer_start": 132, "text": "the Republic of Slovenia sets a clear objective, i.e. to attain net zero emissions or climate neutrality by 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Implementation of the NDC The Republic of Korea is building up the following institutional arrangements and mechanisms to implement its updated NDC. First, the Republic of Korea is pushing forward policies that accelerate the achievement of its updated 2030 target and 2050 goal in accordance with the Carbon Neutrality Act. The Act was enacted in September 2021 with the aim of strengthening both mitigation and adaptation measures and addressing inequality that could arise in the societal transition to carbon neutrality. The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea’s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030.
Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 80, "text": "The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea’s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030." }'s%20Enhanced%20Update%20of%20its%20First%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contribution_211227_editorial%20change.pdf
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea’s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030. Other key pillars of the Act include: climate impact assessment, climate-responsive budgeting, Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS), adaptation measures for the climate crisis, and designation of special areas and establishment of support centers for the just transition. The Act serves as a legislative basis for the economic and social transition that will ultimately enable the Republic of Korea to achieve its NDC. Second, the public and private sectors have joined forces to implement the NDC with the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Commission at the center.
Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea’s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030." }'s%20Enhanced%20Update%20of%20its%20First%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contribution_211227_editorial%20change.pdf
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
First, the Republic of Korea is pushing forward policies that accelerate the achievement of its updated 2030 target and 2050 goal in accordance with the Carbon Neutrality Act. The Act was enacted in September 2021 with the aim of strengthening both mitigation and adaptation measures and addressing inequality that could arise in the societal transition to carbon neutrality. The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea’s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030. Other key pillars of the Act include: climate impact assessment, climate-responsive budgeting,Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS), adaptation measures for the climate crisis, and designation of special areas and establishment of support centers for the just transition.
Republic of Korea
{ "answer_start": 58, "text": "The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea’s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030." }'s%20Enhanced%20Update%20of%20its%20First%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contribution_211227_editorial%20change.pdf
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Asimismo, la disponibilidad de un sistema energético menos dependiente de los combustibles fósiles, disminuirá la exposición del país a las variaciones de los mercados internacionales de combustibles, aumentando así su resiliencia frente a los cambios internacionales y su competitividad en el contexto global. Por ello, el objetivo de esta Estrategia a Largo Plazo (en adelante ELP o Estrategia) es articular una respuesta coherente e integrada frente a la crisis climática, que aproveche las oportunidades para la modernización y competitividad de nuestra economía y sea socialmente justa e inclusiva. Se trata de una hoja de ruta para avanzar hacia la neutralidad climática en el horizonte 20501, con hitos intermedios en 2030 y 2040.
{ "answer_start": 45, "text": "el objetivo de esta Estrategia a Largo Plazo (en adelante ELP o Estrategia) es articular una respuesta coherente e integrada frente a la crisis climática, que aproveche las oportunidades para la modernización y competitividad de nuestra economía y sea socialmente justa e inclusiva. Se trata de una hoja de ruta para avanzar hacia la neutralidad climática en el horizonte 2050" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
The country focuses on building the resilience of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, Health, Water, Biodiversity, Coastal and Marine, Tourism, Urban Planning and Human Settlement sectors Sri Lanka’s per capita greenhouse gas emission in 2010 was 1.02 tons and its global cumulative contribution in 2019 was 0.03%. Despite this low carbon footprint and highly vulnerable status, Sri Lanka commits to increase 32% forest cover by 2030 and reduce greenhouse emissions by 14.5% for the period of 2021-2030 from Power (electricity generation), Transport, Industry, Waste, Forestry, and Agriculture In order to realize this ambitious target, Sri Lanka further commits; ➢ To achieve 70% renewable energy in electricity generation by 2030 ➢ To achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050 in electricity generation ➢ No capacity addition of Coal power plants Sri Lanka has already launched following major initiatives; ➢ Adopting ‘Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management’ with an ambition to halve nitrogen waste by 2030 ➢ Banning agro-chemicals and chemical fertilizer ➢ Promoting organic fertilizer and farming ➢ Banning single-use plastics ➢ Promoting E-mobility ➢ Promoting circular economy Sri Lanka expects to achieve its Carbon Neutrality by 2060Chapter 1.
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 173, "text": "Sri Lanka expects to achieve its Carbon Neutrality by 2060" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Despite this low carbon footprint and highly vulnerable status, Sri Lanka commits to increase 32% forest cover by 2030 and reduce greenhouse emissions by 14.5% for the period of 2021-2030 from Power (electricity generation), Transport, Industry, Waste, Forestry, and Agriculture In order to realize this ambitious target, Sri Lanka further commits; ➢ To achieve 70% renewable energy in electricity generation by 2030 ➢ To achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050 in electricity generation ➢ No capacity addition of Coal power plants Sri Lanka has already launched following major initiatives; ➢ Adopting ‘Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management’ with an ambition to halve nitrogen waste by 2030 ➢ Banning agro-chemicals and chemical fertilizer ➢ Promoting organic fertilizer and farming ➢ Banning single-use plastics ➢ Promoting E-mobility ➢ Promoting circular economy Sri Lanka expects to achieve its Carbon Neutrality by 2060Chapter 1. Introduction Sri Lanka submitted its initial NDCs in September 2016 as a country that ratified the Paris Agreement.
Sri Lanka
{ "answer_start": 128, "text": "Sri Lanka expects to achieve its Carbon Neutrality by 2060" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
This demands wide-ranging action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also demands that every sector of society plays a part in the climate transition. In 2017, the Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) adopted a climate policy framework with (1) national climate goals, (2) a Climate Act and (3) a Climate Policy Council. The climate policy framework’s long-term climate goal establishes that, by 2045 at the latest, Sweden is to have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and should thereafter achieve negative emissions. By 2045, greenhouse gas emissions from Swedish territory are to be at least 85 per cent lower than emissions in 1990. To achieve net zero emissions, supplementary measures may be counted in line with rules decided at international level.
{ "answer_start": 50, "text": "The climate policy framework’s long-term climate goal establishes that, by 2045 at the latest, Sweden is to have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and should thereafter achieve negative emissions." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
eq Buildings Transport Industry Agriculture Waste Synthetic Gases International Aviation and ShippingFigure 6: Development of the greenhouse gas footprint based on Swiss final demand from 2000 to 2017, broken down by domestic and import-related emissions (emissions related to exported goods and services are not in- cluded). Source: FSO Air emissions accounts (2020) 4 Long-term target for 2050 In line with the scientific evidence, based on the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its highest pos- sible ambition 17 and in view of specific economic and social requirements, Switzerland has set itself the following long-term target18: Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero).
{ "answer_start": 94, "text": "Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero)." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Source: FSO Air emissions accounts (2020) 4 Long-term target for 2050 In line with the scientific evidence, based on the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its highest pos- sible ambition 17 and in view of specific economic and social requirements, Switzerland has set itself the following long-term target18: Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero). Switzerland s greenhouse gas target for 2050 (net-zero target)… … means achieving equilibrium between sources of emissions and removal and covers all internation- ally governed greenhouse gases (not just CO2); … includes all sectors in the greenhouse gas inventory (energy, industrial processes and product us- age, agriculture, land use, land use changes and forestry (LULUCF), waste and others); … covers the emissions within Swiss national borders (territorial or point of sale principle); … also includes the emissions from international aviation and shipping attributable to Switzerland; … does not determine specific domestic and international shares for emission reductions; … represents an interim goal where future development after 2050 is still undecided.
{ "answer_start": 48, "text": "Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero)." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Mid-century, Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy THAILAND Submitted under the Paris Agreementii The COP, by its decision 1/CP 21, paragraph 35, invited Parties to communicate, by 2020, to the secretariat mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 19, of the Agreement. _____________________________________________ In line with the Paris Agreement, Thailand aims to peak its greenhouse gas emissions in 2030, with the ambition to move towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as early as possible within the second half of this century, and towards carbon neutrality by 2065, while looking forward to enhanced international cooperation and support on finance, technology and capacity-building to achieve this ambition.iii Contents Thailand’s Vision ii Contents iii List of Tables iv List of Figures iv Glossary of Abbreviations v Executive summary 2 Chapter 1: National Circumstances 1.2 National GHG Emissions Profile 13 1.3 Thailand’s Climate Change Policy and Institutional Arrangement 19 Chapter 2: Thailand’s Mitigation Actions 2.1 Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) 23 2.2 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 24 2.3 Implementation of Mitigation Measures 24 Chapter 3: Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development 3.1 Methodology for the Development of Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Pathways 3.2 Long-term Sectoral emissions 36 3.3 Macroeconomic Impact Assessment 40 3.4 Co-benefits of Long-term Low Emissions 42 3.5 Thailand Carbon Neutrality 43iv List of Tables Table 1-1 Thailand’s economic indicators 7 Table 1 2 Energy production by fuel type 2016-2019 11 Table 1-3 Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP) 2018 12 Table 1-4 Main features of the Energy Efficiency Plan (EEP) 2018 13 Table 2-1 Mitigation measures under Thailand’s NDC Roadmap (2021-2030) 25 Table 3-1 Sectoral classification in the Thailand’s LEDS CGE Model 34 Table 3-2 Change of net present value of total energy system cost 42 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Map of the Kingdom of Thailand 4 Figure 1-2 Annual mean maximum temperatures in Thailand 5 Figure 1-3 Age structure of Thailand during 2020-2040 6 Figure 1- 4 Shares of solid waste generated, recycled, and disposed 9 Figure 1-5 Final energy consumption by fuel type 2020.
{ "answer_start": 51, "text": "In line with the Paris Agreement, Thailand aims to peak its greenhouse gas emissions in 2030, with the ambition to move towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as early as possible within the second half of this century, and towards carbon neutrality by 2065" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
_____________________________________________ In line with the Paris Agreement, Thailand aims to peak its greenhouse gas emissions in 2030, with the ambition to move towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as early as possible within the second half of this century, and towards carbon neutrality by 2065, while looking forward to enhanced international cooperation and support on finance, technology and capacity-building to achieve this ambition.iii Contents Thailand’s Vision ii Contents iii List of Tables iv List of Figures iv Glossary of Abbreviations v Executive summary 2 Chapter 1: National Circumstances 1.2 National GHG Emissions Profile 13 1.3 Thailand’s Climate Change Policy and Institutional Arrangement 19 Chapter 2: Thailand’s Mitigation Actions 2.1 Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) 23 2.2 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 24 2.3 Implementation of Mitigation Measures 24 Chapter 3: Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development 3.1 Methodology for the Development of Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Pathways 3.2 Long-term Sectoral emissions 36 3.3 Macroeconomic Impact Assessment 40 3.4 Co-benefits of Long-term Low Emissions 42 3.5 Thailand Carbon Neutrality 43iv List of Tables Table 1-1 Thailand’s economic indicators 7 Table 1 2 Energy production by fuel type 2016-2019 11 Table 1-3 Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP) 2018 12 Table 1-4 Main features of the Energy Efficiency Plan (EEP) 2018 13 Table 2-1 Mitigation measures under Thailand’s NDC Roadmap (2021-2030) 25 Table 3-1 Sectoral classification in the Thailand’s LEDS CGE Model 34 Table 3-2 Change of net present value of total energy system cost 42 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Map of the Kingdom of Thailand 4 Figure 1-2 Annual mean maximum temperatures in Thailand 5 Figure 1-3 Age structure of Thailand during 2020-2040 6 Figure 1- 4 Shares of solid waste generated, recycled, and disposed 9 Figure 1-5 Final energy consumption by fuel type 2020. 10 Figure 1-6 Share of final energy consumption by economic sectors 2020 10 Figure 1-7 The energy conservation target during the year 2010-2037 13 Figure 1-8 National GHG emissions/removals by sector 14 Figure 1-9 Total GHG emissions by sector (excluding LULUCF) 2000 and 2016 15 Figure 1-10 GHG emissions in the Energy sector in 2016 15 Figure 1-11 GHG emissions in the IPPU sector in 2016 16 Figure 1-12 GHG emissions in the Agriculture sector in 2016 17 Figure 1-13 GHG emissions in the LULUCF sector in 2016 17 Figure 1-14 GHG emissions in the Waste sector in 2016 18 Figure 1-15 Structure of the National Committee on Climate Change Policy 20 Figure 1-16 The structure of domestic MRV system for GHG emissions reduction 21 Figure 2-1 Thailand’s NAMAs implementation 24 Figure 2-2 GHG reduction potential in 2030 according to the NDC sectoral action plans 27 Figure 3-1 Preparation and approval process of Thailand’s LEDS 30 Figure 3-2 Framework of Thailand’s LEDS Development 31 Figure 3-3 Overview of the input of the AIM/EndUse model in developing Thailand’s LEDS 33 Figure 3-4 An overview of the AIM/CGE Model for Thailand’s LEDS 34 Figure 3-5 GHG emissions/removals by sector in 2005 – 2050 in the BAU scenario 38 Figure 3-6 Thailand’s long-term low greenhouse gas emission scenario.
{ "answer_start": 1, "text": "In line with the Paris Agreement, Thailand aims to peak its greenhouse gas emissions in 2030, with the ambition to move towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as early as possible within the second half of this century, and towards carbon neutrality by 2065" }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Moreover, it ensures a low greenhouse gas development that does not threaten Ukraine’s food production and that the Ukrainian economy can develop in a sustainable manner. How the NDC contributes towards Article 2, paragraph 1(a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement. Ukraine’s NDC is consistent with a trajectory to achieve net zero GHG emissions not later than 2060.
{ "answer_start": 44, "text": "Ukraine’s NDC is consistent with a trajectory to achieve net zero GHG emissions not later than 2060." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Ahead of COP26, the UK intends to publish a comprehensive Net Zero Strategy, setting out the government’s vision for transitioning to a net zero economy by 2050, making the most of new growth and employment opportunities across the UK. The Net Zero Strategy will constitute the UK’s revised Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy to the UNFCCC. The UK also intends to publish ambitious individual plans across key sectors of the economy, including an Energy White Paper, Transport Decarbonisation Plan, England Peat Strategy and Heat and Buildings Strategy ahead of COP26. The UK is dedicated to promoting equality and inclusion, including women’s empowerment and gender equality. Public authorities must fulfil responsibilities set out under the UK’s Equality Act (2010),17 which covers a range of protected characteristics.
United Kingdom
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Ahead of COP26, the UK intends to publish a comprehensive Net Zero Strategy, setting out the government’s vision for transitioning to a net zero economy by 2050, making the most of new growth and employment opportunities across the UK. The Net Zero Strategy will constitute the UK’s revised Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy to the UNFCCC." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
The time is now for decisive action, and the United States is boldly tackling the climate challenge. In 2021, we rejoined the Paris Agreement, set an ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52% in 2030, launched the Global Methane Pledge, and have undertaken additional concrete actions to advance climate action domestically and internationally. These investments are critical to immediately accelerate our emissions reductions. This 2021 Long-Term Strategy represents the next step: it lays out how the United States can reach its ultimate goal of net-zero emissions no later than 2050. Achieving net-zero emissions is how we—and our fellow nations around the globe—will keep a 1.5°C limit on global temperature rise within reach and prevent unacceptable climate change impacts and risks.
United States of America
{ "answer_start": 68, "text": "This 2021 Long-Term Strategy represents the next step: it lays out how the United States can reach its ultimate goal of net-zero emissions no later than 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Paris Agreement NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) The government of the Federative Republic of Brazil is pleased to communicate to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), updated in the context of the Glasgow Climate Pact, which was adopted by the Parties to the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement during the 26th Conference of the Parties. Through this communication, Brazil confirms its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 37%, compared with 2005. Additionally, Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 50%, compared with 2005. Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
{ "answer_start": 103, "text": "Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Brazil’s updated NDC is broad in scope and includes a consideration of means of implementation and the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions in all economic sectors. This contribution is communicated under the assumption that the implementation of the Paris Agreement fully respects the principles and provisions of the UNFCCC, in particular the principle of common, but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. As a developing country, Brazil´s historical contribution to the global problem of climate change has been small.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Brazil´s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
en relación a las emisiones no absorbidas del escenario BAU, propuesto en el Primer BUR de Andorra al CMNUCC (diciembre 2014). Este compromiso se incrementó con la primera actualización de la NDC en 2020, concretamente con un objetivo a largo plazo de neutralidad en carbono para el año 2050. La actualización que ahora se presenta responde al Pacto por el Clima de Glasgow anteriormente comentado, y refuerza el compromiso a medio plazo para asegurar conseguir la neutralidad en el 2050.
{ "answer_start": 49, "text": "La actualización que ahora se presenta responde al Pacto por el Clima de Glasgow anteriormente comentado, y refuerza el compromiso a medio plazo para asegurar conseguir la neutralidad en el 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
La actualización que ahora se presenta responde al Pacto por el Clima de Glasgow anteriormente comentado, y refuerza el compromiso a medio plazo para asegurar conseguir la neutralidad en el 2050. Tipo de compromiso: visión a mediano y a largo plazo Se refuerza a mediano plazo para el 2030, la reducción cuantificada en un valor absoluto relativo a las emisiones no absorbidas respecto el escenario Business as usual definido en el Primer informe bianual de actualización de Andorra a la CMNUCC (2014), pasando del objetivo previamente asumido de una reducción del 37% a una reducción del 55% para el 2030 respecto un escenario inmovilista (BAU).Se mantiene y refuerza así el compromiso ya adquirido en la primera actualización de la NDC a largo plazo para el 2050, buscando la neutralidad en carbono, es decir el equilibrio entre las emisiones y las absorciones para el año 2050.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "La actualización que ahora se presenta responde al Pacto por el Clima de Glasgow anteriormente comentado, y refuerza el compromiso a medio plazo para asegurar conseguir la neutralidad en el 2050." }
Is carbon neutrality envisioned?
Updated NDC
The commitments currently made at a global level in the field of mitigation propose a future scenario very different from the objective defined by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), namely preventing any rise in temperature beyond 2ºC (compared to pre-industrial levels) by the end of the 21st century. However, the scientific community has emphasised the importance of taking the action required to prevent any rise in global warming beyond 1.5ºC with respect to pre-industrial levels and the international call to overcome this challenge is increasingly intense. Andorra therefore supports the implementation of the actions envisaged in the Paris Agreement entailing a reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions until carbon neutrality is achieved5.
{ "answer_start": 90, "text": "Andorra therefore supports the implementation of the actions envisaged in the Paris Agreement entailing a reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions until carbon neutrality is achieved" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
no date provided
Andorra therefore supports the implementation of the actions envisaged in the Paris Agreement entailing a reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions until carbon neutrality is achieved5. In addition, in domestic terms, reducing emissions will lead to an improvement in the quality of the environment, with benefits for human health and a positive impact on the prevention of the potential natural risks associated with climate change. In both cases the goal is to ensure better quality of life for present and future generations. At the same time, the energy transition must allow the creation of a new ecosystem that promotes high added value activities, thus improving the diversification of our economy.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Andorra therefore supports the implementation of the actions envisaged in the Paris Agreement entailing a reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions until carbon neutrality is achieved" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
no date provided
By this submission, Australia communicates its updated and enhanced first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. — Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target, covering all sectors and gases included in Australia’s national inventory. — In order to achieve net zero by 2050, Australia commits to seven low emissions technology stretch goals - ambitious but realistic goals to bring priority low emissions technologies to economic parity with existing mature technologies. — Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points.
{ "answer_start": 19, "text": "Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target, covering all sectors and gases included in Australia’s national inventory." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
By this submission, Australia communicates its updated and enhanced first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. — Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target, covering all sectors and gases included in Australia’s national inventory. — In order to achieve net zero by 2050, Australia commits to seven low emissions technology stretch goals - ambitious but realistic goals to bring priority low emissions technologies to economic parity with existing mature technologies. — Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points.
{ "answer_start": 81, "text": "Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
— Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points. Australia’s emissions projections 2021 demonstrate that we are on track to reduce emissions by up to 35% below 2005 levels by 2030.1 The details of Australia’s 2030 and 2050 targets and low emissions stretch goals are set out in Tables 1–3, along with the information for clarity, transparency and understanding in accordance with decision 4/CMA.1 (see Table 4). Emissions reduction targets must go hand-in-hand with real outcomes. Australia has a strong track record of setting emissions reduction targets that are both ambitious and achievable, and of holding ourselves accountable for exceeding them.
{ "answer_start": 1, "text": "Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points." }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Australia’s adaptation action is built on partnerships. Australia will continue to make strong contributions to global climate science and sharing our expertise, experiences and skills across the globe toward stronger adaptation and resilience outcomes.AUSTRALIA’S NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION – COMMUNICATION 2021 Tables 1–3: Australia’s Nationally Determined Contribution 1.1 Quantifiable information on reference point Target 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021–2030 Net zero emissions by 2050 1.1.1 Reference year or other starting point Emissions budget for the period 2021–2030 Australia’s net emissions in the most recently available year, published in the annual National Inventory Report.
{ "answer_start": 53, "text": "26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021–2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
Australia will continue to make strong contributions to global climate science and sharing our expertise, experiences and skills across the globe toward stronger adaptation and resilience outcomes.AUSTRALIA’S NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION – COMMUNICATION 2021 Tables 1–3: Australia’s Nationally Determined Contribution 1.1 Quantifiable information on reference point Target 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021–2030 Net zero emissions by 2050 1.1.1 Reference year or other starting point Emissions budget for the period 2021–2030 Australia’s net emissions in the most recently available year, published in the annual National Inventory Report. 1.1.2 Quantifiable information on the reference indicators The indicative value of the emissions budget is -e, corresponding to the 28% target, as published in Australia’s emissions projections 2021.
{ "answer_start": 46, "text": "26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021–2030" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
81 6.1.1 Energy and greenhouse gas scenarios 81 6.1.2 More detailed description of selected pathways 83 6.1.3 Wood value chain scenario . 89 6.2 Online consultation for a long-term climate strategy for a climate-neutral Austria in 6.3 Storylines for individual fields of action . 122 Tables . 125 Figures . 126 Abbreviations 127THE VISION – A climate-neutral Austria in 2050 A comprehensive long-term strategy needs a clear vision. The future will be what we make of it, not a given state. A long-term path requires an appealing and inspiring long-term vision. Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 – this is our vision.
{ "answer_start": 91, "text": "Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 – this is our vision" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 – this is our vision. A strategy that includes a comprehensive transformation of both our energy supply and our consumption patterns and that includes an adapted but competitive economic system goes far beyond of merely reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It must contain all three pillars of sustainability –economic, social, and environmental aspects – as this is the only way to achieve committing to far-reaching changes by the population. Resource saving, sustainable and innovative technologies and the circular economy are key elements to achieve the goal. The development of this vision, the design of the strategy, the definition, the implementation and review of concrete measures is a core task of politicians and public administration.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 – this is our vision" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
All analyses for the FOLU sector was carried out within this database. For actions in the energy sector, baseline emissions are estimated in line with the Baseline Energy Scenario (BES) in IRENA’s ReMAP modelling framework, which is representative of policies announced up to 2015. b. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year c. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Policies, strategies and plans in place as of December 2020 were considered in the targets and actions included in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO’s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA’s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector.
{ "answer_start": 151, "text": "The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets)" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
For actions in the energy sector, baseline emissions are estimated in line with the Baseline Energy Scenario (BES) in IRENA’s ReMAP modelling framework, which is representative of policies announced up to 2015. b. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year c. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Policies, strategies and plans in place as of December 2020 were considered in the targets and actions included in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO’s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA’s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators Updates may reflect feedback from stakeholders provided during the validation of this document, as well as additional targets included in the long-term Low Emissions Development Strategy, which is currently being developed 2.
{ "answer_start": 139, "text": "The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets)" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
With regards to mitigation action, Bhutan has been relatively successful in developing strategies and plans in key sectors but faces challenges in raising adequate support for implementation of the LEDS, NAMAs and other mitigation programs. 3. Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC. At the same time, Bhutan calls on the international community to continue and enhance the support for Bhutan’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
{ "answer_start": 46, "text": "Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
2nd NDC
Visión de largo plazo de Chile: Transición al desarrollo sustentable e inclusivo a más tardar al 2050 La ECLP será el instrumento orientador de la política climática para ali- nearla con la visión y meta de largo plazo definida para Chile y propuesta en el Proyecto de Ley Marco de Cambio Climático, que establece donde se debe llegar hacia mediados de siglo para ser coherentes con los esfuerzos mundiales de evitar el aumento de temperatura global tal como establece el Acuerdo de Paris. Chile se ha comprometido a alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de GEI y aumentar su resiliencia a más tardar al 2050, lo que requiere de un esfuerzo de coordinación y sinergia sin precedente en materia de política am- biental en el país.
{ "answer_start": 83, "text": "Chile se ha comprometido a alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de GEI y aumentar su resiliencia a más tardar al 2050" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Chile se ha comprometido a alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de GEI y aumentar su resiliencia a más tardar al 2050, lo que requiere de un esfuerzo de coordinación y sinergia sin precedente en materia de política am- biental en el país. Esta estrategia, junto con la NDC, corresponden a los instrumentos de ges- tión del cambio climático de mayor jerarquía a nivel nacional, estableciendo objetivos, metas y lineamientos de mediano y largo plazo en materia de cambio climático a nivel nacional, sectorial y subnacional.
{ "answer_start": 0, "text": "Chile se ha comprometido a alcanzar la neutralidad de emisiones de GEI y aumentar su resiliencia a más tardar al 2050" }
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Moreover, China proposed 15 categories of policies and measures for enhanced actions on climate change. Since then, China has made significant progress in fulfilling its commitments in an active and pragmatic manner. China’s updated NDC goals are as follows: aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, to increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and to bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030.
{ "answer_start": 39, "text": "aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level," },%20New%20Goals%20and%20New%20Measures%20for%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions.pdf
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC
China’s updated NDC goals are as follows: aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, to increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and to bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030. (III) Challenges Faced by China in Attaining the New Goals China is confronted with enormous challenges and difficulties in its NDCs, which calls for great efforts.
{ "answer_start": 7, "text": "aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level," },%20New%20Goals%20and%20New%20Measures%20for%20Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions.pdf
Are there economy-wide unconditional targets?
Updated NDC