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85,600 | test/M27708.wav | परणलक आधरम परतनधक ठउ ठउम यसलई धर नपल सरवतम तनहक छबद बरह ईप ८६१ ईस |
85,601 | test/M59508.wav | For well he knew how wary is pisah the fish the slightest movement would frighten him away and only by infinite patience might he be captured at all tarzan depended upon his own quickness and the suddenness of his attack for he had no bait or hook |
85,602 | test/M70065.wav | I will go willingly with you you will go with me anyway growled usanga it is nothing to me whether you go willingly or not i am going to be a great king and you will do whatever i tell you to do he had in mind that he would start properly with this woman |
85,603 | test/M48218.wav | At the same moment by a lucky chance the moon broke through the clouds we rushed over the brow of the hill and there was our man running with great speed down the other side springing over the stones in his way with the activity of a mountain goat तर पछ बजट |
85,604 | test/M66647.wav | In which he offers to purchase the good will of the house to unite with his own for three hundred thousand francs advise me what i had better do one that congress had no power to interfere with slavery in any state two that congress ought not to interfere with slavery in the district of columbia |
85,605 | test/M1168.wav | गठटर गवसम रहक अनधपन ह नयमम आधरत ह In the beautiful springtime and summertime and autumntime i cant understand just think of all that miner misses the sunshine the flowers the songs of the birds and the merry little breezes to play with i wonder |
85,606 | test/M39503.wav | फलएक एक So on she went now and then calling back to the young man in the darkness but he did not know that she had slipped aside into a recess till suddenly he put his foot on a trap door which gave way under him and he fell down |
85,607 | test/M25722.wav | ओसम वन लदनजसत परयग गर अगन To be sure the improvers had an eye on it and priscilla grant had read a paper on cemeteries before the last meeting of the society धरम परवरतन गरउन |
85,608 | test/M2223.wav | I have been surrounded by the soft easy comforts of civilization the sin and misery of this great city have beaten like waves against the stone walls of my church and of this house in which i live and i have hardly heeded them the walls have been so thick |
85,609 | test/M18216.wav | Being reserved as a fund for his charities mister fogg played not to win but for the sake of playing the game was in his eyes a contest महल ५१ छन If not before i have backed mascot you lu lu she answered quickly it almost seemed defiantly |
85,610 | test/M39744.wav | Jean valjean javert thrust his bludgeon between his teeth bent his knees inclined his body laid his two powerful hands on the shoulders of jean valjean which were clamped within them as in a couple of vices |
85,611 | test/M34143.wav | छतक सवरलई पशचतय मनषयम तनक लगनकणडल यससग एउट आपतकलन Ancoar no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i am going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it |
85,612 | test/M58257.wav | Reached the roof the man could not have raised himself on tiptoe the caravan was just his size come in said the man who was ursus the child entered put down your bundle |
85,613 | test/M17142.wav | And do you not think me handsomer so oh you are beautiful always beautiful cried louise now where are you going to brussels if you like it is the nearest frontier we can go to brussels पनर बनइनछ कमहरक चरच बढन थलय |
85,614 | test/M28334.wav | नरदशनम बनक सनतन And immovable hostility mister danton composed his chin in his collar and deliberately turned himself towards his companion his small eyes wandered and instantaneously met and rested on those of missus lawford छन यसल पन |
85,615 | test/M21424.wav | अरच भएक I have called upon a more serious matter at least to me than tree throwing and whatever mistakes i make in my manner of speaking upon it to you madam do me the justice to set em down to my want of practice and not to my want of care परनकट ह भरतय रलदवर सञचलत कलकत मटर सबभनद परन भमगत यतयत सव ह |
85,616 | test/M75162.wav | मछ पतत लगइसकक आस सदधचरण शरषठदवर In coarse and modern characters seemed all that was before her if the evidence of sight might be trusted she held a washing bill in her hand she seized another sheet and saw the same articles with little variation a third a fourth and a fifth presented nothing new |
85,617 | test/M46431.wav | Later frank had fallen very ill with a fever of some sort and missus merideth and ned this would have done better in poesy where transcendences are more allowed and the poets indeed have been busy with it for it is in effect the thing which figured in that strange fiction of the ancient poets बनक खल रखएक |
85,618 | test/M58374.wav | कमजर भरषट मनतरहर Though most of them are comparatively short as their highest sources lie in the icy solitudes of the range within forty or fifty miles of the coast a few however of these foaming roaring streams |
85,619 | test/M52114.wav | See he added turning to the groups round the room the ladies hang upon your lips you would render yourself popular among the fair sex if you were to gratify their curiosity ah monseigneur said chauvelin significantly अधकरकरमहरक भतभनस |
85,620 | test/M71063.wav | That which proceeds from the law of nature or from discipline and philosophy there is yet another love compounded of all these three which is charity and includes piety dilection |
85,621 | test/M79019.wav | कखरल कसनलई आमदन Theres some of em now more knockings had sounded on the front door and the faces of two young men peered in through the misty glass the crowd having made a lane for them on learning that they worked in the place of death let em in sure assented thong |
85,622 | test/M79086.wav | The progress of the heat within was marked by yellowish spots which spread over the surface of the body if then a happy crisis came not all hope was gone soon the breath infected the air with a fetid odour the lips were glazed |
85,623 | test/M1120.wav | And thou instruct me how to raze palestrina to the ground heaven have i power to lock and to unlock as thou dost know therefore the keys are two the which my predecessor held not dear १९औ शतबदम य जव कषतरक सदधनत |
85,624 | test/M84294.wav | The latter had a force of ten thousand men under his command four years after ahab began to reign she went out at once to buy some things for breakfast and when johnny awoke the bread was there and all that he needed johnny is now a man but he has never wanted bread from that day |
85,625 | test/M36136.wav | जयद न छ ओखलढङग खटङ सलखमब Like a mere continuation of those flock like summits the eye could hardly tell where the snowy ridges ended and the foaming waves began i was thus steeped in the marvellous ecstasy which all high summits develop in the mind य अकबर दवर |
85,626 | test/M4439.wav | And neither him nor cornplanter when he relieved watch was a hard task master we hired a nigger boy to do our work and a lazy grinning runagate he was when i found toby didnt die the minute he reached town why boylike |
85,627 | test/M11748.wav | But shakespeare he could never have been nor can it be called an injustice to all of us who are not englishmen of queen elizabeths time that shakespeare had that advantage and was thereby enabled to exist मनयतअनसर टकय कषतरलई खसलर रन पन |
85,628 | test/M81587.wav | उनल महरषटरक मखयमनतर Titty went off rubbing her sides but this time she did not dare to disobey and in a very bad temper stooped down over the well it was not at all easy to fill the milk can which was large and round it would not go down into the well एउट बयन कषणपरसद भटटरईलई |
85,629 | test/M10363.wav | Chapter nine they meet the woozy there seem to be very few houses around here after all remarked ojo after they had walked for a time in silence never mind said scraps we are not looking for houses |
85,630 | test/M87359.wav | And found existence almost supportable because he felt that he could throw it off at pleasure like a worn out garment two methods of self destruction were at his disposal he could hang himself with his handkerchief to the window bars |
85,631 | test/M53147.wav | Seemed to give him a sort of right to be importunate sometimes succeeded though even in that case there was nothing that could sit more uneasily upon mister falkland than this insinuation as if he wanted a guardian to take care of him गणशजक परतम टसनपरछ |
85,632 | test/M54240.wav | अधकत हनहनछ En sign some names to it en say youll sell me cheap case yous hard up youll find you aint gwine to have no trouble you take me up de country a piece en sell me on a farm |
85,633 | test/M36786.wav | २०१५ म परकशत १२ एव २९ शलक I think it would have been just as well to have been killed at once they are sure to find us here and if they dont we shall die of cold before tomorrow morning i dont think they will find us walter said cheerfully |
85,634 | test/M47801.wav | He proposes to do kenneth then took the platform and was welcomed with a hearty cheer he modestly assured them that a representative in the state legislature could accomplish much good for his district यस दशम अनक |
85,635 | test/M56284.wav | Helen loved the resolution of her cousin and believing that the now ravaged ellerslie had no attractions to hold marauders amongst its ruins she dismissed lord andrew to make his preparations and turned herself to prefer her suit accordingly to her father तयस दन लखनथ |
85,636 | test/M7896.wav | कषत भर जनछन Isabels application of that measure had been particularly free to day for in addition to the general truth that she couldnt leave ralph to die alone she had something important to ask of him this indeed was gilberts business as well as her own |
85,637 | test/M59023.wav | As if the end and aim of human actions appeared every day to be more within his reach were sacrificed to the zealous master hopkins for cats and kittens were frequently said to be imps who had taken that form however he was not the only scoundrel who made witch finding a trade in sykes local recorder mention is made of a scotchman |
85,638 | test/M73745.wav | Have extolled him for the beauty of his melodies and harmonies the expressiveness of his modulations the wealth spontaneity and logical clearness of his ideas and the superb architecture of his productions |
85,639 | test/M45031.wav | यस कलक करत आननदबघ ठउ She with shabby dress and shoes as big as a gouty mans you should have seen her shake the prim looking girl as if she had been a plum tree you little fool said she do you want to ruin us १०४ वट फल पर |
85,640 | test/M55483.wav | यसत चलन जन ३ समम शखर If it should be and he came to london with his teeming millions there may be a solemn duty and if it come we must not shrink from it i shall be prepared i shall get my typewriter this very hour |
85,641 | test/M20535.wav | Which the inhabitants asserted had stood seven years before just above high water mark but now was daily washed by every tide on inquiry i found that three earthquakes one of them severe had been felt here during the last ten years |
85,642 | test/M43510.wav | गरन अभपरय रखएक हनछ Elgiva perhaps from the casement standing hand in hand they were watching the calm moonlight on the river पड कम गरई The man i mean not his work well yes he is very good company or would have been if in the week he has been in the house यसक परथम वजत |
85,643 | test/M70423.wav | Forgot altogether his fathers oft repeated injunction not to approach too near the sun the consequence was that the wax by means of which his wings were attached melted and he fell into the sea and was drowned |
85,644 | test/M16296.wav | Dilated and infuriate shall send forth from far with thundring noise among our foes such implements of mischief as shall dash to pieces and orewhelm whatever stands adverse that they shall fear we have disarmd the thunderer |
85,645 | test/M83730.wav | Came upon a tree which he climbed in order to get an unobstructed view of the country he argued that camp fires would be lighted for the evening meal not a sign of smoke could he discover anywhere tads heart sank |
85,646 | test/M58479.wav | We had not seen one another enough to love as if love must have more time than friendship this was sincerely my meaning and i had this meaning till klopstock came again to hamburg this he did a year after we had seen one another for the first time |
85,647 | test/M44514.wav | And thrice in knowledge and when three days and three nights had passed they were twelve years in age twenty four in strength and thirty six in wisdom |
85,648 | test/M25272.wav | It seems strange that any principle of right and justice should have been regarded by these dishonest knaves even in their relations to each other but they had rigid rules in regard to the division of their spoils |
85,649 | test/M78795.wav | Whence you got a glimpse of the bloom white cherry trees in the left orchard and nodding slender birches down in the hollow by the brook was greened over by a tangle of vines here sat marilla cuthbert when she sat at all always slightly distrustful of sunshine |
85,650 | test/M82293.wav | That what the english really wanted was nothing less than such a binding alliance or rather coalition as would practically merge the lesser state in the greater but the very idea of such a loss of the independence that they had only just won was to the netherlanders unthinkable अधक मनहर हन घटन भइचल आउन |
85,651 | test/M4638.wav | अधकतर अकषर The country is distracted by mere struggles for place if strong it makes itself despotic at the cheap price of appeasing the representatives or such of them as are capable of giving trouble by a share of the spoil गगलल पररत भएर पन हन गरदछ |
85,652 | test/M73753.wav | The rottenness of the federal government didnt anger them it merely grieved them they could remember both of them how different everything was when they were young men just entering on life तरफबट तसर सनतनक नपल सवल |
85,653 | test/M59260.wav | जनत शसनल Come said beauchamp taking both his hands take courage my friend but how came that first note to be inserted in your journal some unknown enemy an invisible foe has done this गरह समसय समधन |
85,654 | test/M21387.wav | आयत गरनहनछ You neednt trouble yourself i know my way the major opened the door leading to mister dunbars apartments and walked without ceremony into the tapestried chamber where he found the banker sitting near a table upon which a silver coffee service a dresden cup and saucer असटरलयन सममलनक सन |
85,655 | test/M80341.wav | I can accommodate you to a t i have one not far off that i bought off three diggers who went to the new rush come with me and you shall see it and then judge for yourself we all went to look at it and found it to be a good second hand tent |
85,656 | test/M79955.wav | The custom was abolished not long after on account of the abuses which had arisen but monica observed it to the end she scarcely tasted of her offering herself |
85,657 | test/M40828.wav | Poor missus vickers with a womans quick instinct saw this and even amid her own trouble found leisure to console him the wretches she said under her breath as frere was flung down beside her to subject you to such indignity पणडवहरल शरकषणक सहयतल परशर नपल भरत चकतस वभगहरक आवशयकत परव जललम परन |
85,658 | test/M71007.wav | I decided to investigate but first i lifted my head to fill my lungs with the pure invigorating night air of the mountains as i did so i saw stretching far below me the beautiful vista of rocky gorge and level cacti studded flat डनडल भरत र नपलक |
85,659 | test/M45899.wav | तय घटन भएक As it was released from pressure when a partial vacuum was formed by the refluence of the wave where a crevice is filled with water the entire force of the blow of the wave is transmitted by hydraulic pressure to the sides of the fissure उनल महकव दवकट |
85,660 | test/M63387.wav | For a day and a night the cowboys made merry in town while their foremen consulted and the captains appointed by the association mapped out the different routes at times like these foremen such as park and deacon smith जसत क बजगणतक समसयहर १९९९ क जन समम कम बढ रकम ग यगदन गरक छ |
85,661 | test/M20717.wav | And that so few of them died is greatly due to this young man who went down into the firing line and pulled them from it and bore them out of danger |
85,662 | test/M8519.wav | They went up by the stair because they thought this would make a better impression they stood in a row in front of missus darling with their hats off and wishing they were not wearing their pirate clothes they said nothing but their eyes asked her to have them उपतयकक वरनदरनगर सहर |
85,663 | test/M21166.wav | Ruggles and i would have given anything on earth to be out of that we knew wed no business to be there and we felt as foolish as flatfish it was a tremendous relief when the old fellow and sylvia got up at last and trailed away both of them looking idiotically happy |
85,664 | test/M46478.wav | At once the penalty of doubt and its proof excuse and genesis परयगम लयइनछ Everybody here that comes to see me tells me the lines are there yes i know the girls voice was low a little breathless and thats why i need you so much एक पलस इनसपकटरक |
85,665 | test/M84250.wav | Splintered wood metal hurtling through air bleeding hands lacerated breasts sightless eyes thats the trouble with high explosives he half groaned he turned away from the stand and went to the single window that lit the room |
85,666 | test/M48015.wav | कषठ कठ Should accompany argyle to scotland and that fletcher should go with monmouth to england fletcher from the beginning had augured ill of the enterprise but his chivalrous spirit would not suffer him to decline a risk which his friends seemed eager to encounter |
85,667 | test/M52901.wav | And walking so slowly that the motion of her feet seemed not circular at all then the bell was answered and he delivered into witherss hands one two tins of corned beef and a round ox tongue |
85,668 | test/M67276.wav | As the simple instinct of a faithful animal an animal is a lucid somnambulist there are cases in which the dog feels that he should follow his master others in which he should precede him then the animal takes the direction of sense यसलई आयजन पषठम तय लखद जद |
85,669 | test/M41752.wav | One should call them this is more than i can understand belong to the marmot branch of the squirrel family and wherever found they look much alike as you will notice johnny chucks coat is brownish yellow नपल भरत लबनन दव सइड पकएर नकलन आफन मवल छत जत पन दवत मनन गरदछन |
85,670 | test/M41520.wav | बध पगन ह It really must be some one whistling he decided for he could follow the strains of a pretty munchkin melody the last observation i remarked was made on the island when the geyser was you mean axel island dont decline the honour of having given your name to the first island ever discovered in the central parts of the globe well said i |
85,671 | test/M44248.wav | Here he said scornfully tak thy traps and neer speak to me again i wash my hands of ye tak em and do what yen a mind chuck thy money |
85,672 | test/M69525.wav | That he must speak to her at once she promptly answered that she did not want to see him and would not without a moments hesitation he appealed for an audience with the princess and it was granted he proceeded |
85,673 | test/M1324.wav | आउन नषकरय अवसथ My duty and my happiness lie here with the forest and with you my life is deeply rooted in this place something i cant define connects my inner being with these trees and separation would make me ill might even kill me मजमदरक मतय भएपछ |
85,674 | test/M21998.wav | आखर क करक And to climb the steep and flinty mountain the wonderful sublimity and variety of the prospects repaid him for all this and the enthusiasm with which they were viewed by his young companions heightened his own |
85,675 | test/M65186.wav | करतक करयम परवतत And thousands of operations rendered unnecessary although there have been notable advances in the science and in the art of obstetrics since the middle of the eighteenth century a great many fundamental facts must yet be learned |
85,676 | test/M61381.wav | Than from any experiences of his own his zest in debauchery might wane but never missus cutters belief in it the reckoning with his wife at the end of an escapade was something he counted on |
85,677 | test/M41069.wav | If you knew that his recovery depended upon his drinking two flasks of water why did you not say so before were unduly large in proportion to the house and formed as it were a big room with the front door at one end and the bottom of the staircase at the other in front of the large hall fire |
85,678 | test/M80303.wav | Reggie positively avoided mauds society and this after reading doctor cupids invaluable tip about seeking her company on all occasions and the dictum of aunt charlotte to the effect that |
85,679 | test/M8833.wav | महभरतक अनसर महभरत And the next instant there was a thud and a bump a bump again a half stifled cry and then a hurried vision of some black carpeting that flapped and shook as though all the winds of eblis were in its folds and then apparently disgorged from its inmost recesses a little man २०१७ सलम जगदमब अतयनत पडदयक बनय |
85,680 | test/M11624.wav | मगर गरङ वश जल जवन Behind before and on both sides crowds of militiamen with bared heads walked ran and bowed to the ground at the summit of the hill they stopped with the icon the men who had been holding it up by the linen bands attached to it |
85,681 | test/M75910.wav | By the time he is two years old he has gained maturity and grasp enough to play many little educational games with his mother and his little brothers and sisters or playmates these games should be calculated to develop his various faculties |
85,682 | test/M12136.wav | यह समपरक गरन It needed a brave man to approach it for it made your hair stand on end merely to look at it it was as dark as the night of a storm and as silent as the grave but the knight of the fish knew no fear चतवन जललक रमणय नरमण हनक करणम गरनल आखक |
85,683 | test/M10653.wav | कल तथ समयबट One knelt then the other two i turned and walked towards the dead bodies keeping my face towards the three kneeling beast men very much as an actor passing up the stage faces the audience they broke the law said i putting my foot on the sayer of the law बसक जनम बङगल आवदध भएक ह |
85,684 | test/M50075.wav | And was come to seize the kingdom of my uncle the capital was utterly unprepared to stand a siege and seeing that resistance was useless at once opened its gates my uncle fought hard for his life but was soon overpowered and when he fell heavy with his repast lay back in his chair looking up at them through the clouds of his tobacco smoke and pondering over the strange chance |
85,685 | test/M76195.wav | यसभतर कतवट कथ नपल सहतयक इतहसम She hoped much therefore that augustines brilliance of intellect would save him in the end and her hopes were not deceived already the noble philosophy of cicero |
85,686 | test/M36550.wav | एक मल धरम एकत कयम रखन Upon which the sun shimmered for a moment was no bigger than the top of old aunt chloes thimble what do i remember next the gray sky and the fretful blue waters of the gulf the steam tug had long since let slip her hawsers |
85,687 | test/M30593.wav | उसलई परकट If she actually missed at any rate missus stringhams discomfort that but showed how her own idea held her her own idea was by insisting on the fact of the girls prominence as a feature of the seasons end |
85,688 | test/M40871.wav | I believe it may be regarded as a position warranted by the history of mankind that in the usual progress of things the necessities of a nation in every stage of its existence will be found at least equal to its resources पयठनम लडईपछ असथय अर दई जन कयलसयम फसफरस फलम |
85,689 | test/M75662.wav | To this the genius only replied by insults and blows i could hear the shrieks and groans of the princess and having by this time taken off my rich garments and put on those in which i had arrived the previous day i lifted the trap found myself once more in the forest |
85,690 | test/M5315.wav | She was a good deal frightened by this very sudden change but she felt that there was no time to be lost as she was shrinking rapidly so she set to work at once to eat some of the other bit her chin was pressed so closely against her foot |
85,691 | test/M50586.wav | He will be so pleased to see my little ones i hope he will be here to morrow for i have a question or two to ask him about myself of some consequence and my dear whenever he comes you had better let him look at little bellas throat oh my dear sir यह गरएक थय |
85,692 | test/M73324.wav | It was just after chapel and the whole body of squires was gathered in the armory waiting for the orders of the day and the calling of the roll of those chosen for household duty myles was sitting on a bench along the wall talking and jesting with some who stood by |
85,693 | test/M42401.wav | This masculinization idea had also sent her on a commission of enquiry into mexico there apparently she had really done responsible work but upon the question of labour mister grammont was fierce असटरलय नसनक बल |
85,694 | test/M52813.wav | बसपरक यहबट कनपर I gave myself to him and took himself for pay the solemn contract of a life was ratified this way the wealth might disappoint myself a poorer prove than this great purchaser suspect the daily own of love |
85,695 | test/M54921.wav | That they had scattered the decaying flesh of a dead hog over the tobacco fields if we dont accept this datum |
85,696 | test/M13618.wav | There is an old arab legend which says not until the river nile flows into palestine will the turk be driven from palestine पहचन सबभनद बढ दवबम नरहन उनल तयह उपनयसकर पथक असपतल बनउन मनसलई सहयग |
85,697 | test/M90115.wav | Or rather elementary principles of bliss that which he considered chief was strange to say the simple and purely physical one of free exercise in the open air the health he said |
85,698 | test/M75844.wav | To send off rattan in a hack cab to fetch me in either of which cases you see dear snobling that though the parson would not have been authorised yet he might have been excused for interfering |
85,699 | test/M1836.wav | And she was about to give her life for him so that his safety might be more completely assured her love for him he would never know now he knew only her crime but presently when she would be convicted and condemned confronted with a few scraps of burned paper and a torn letter case |
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