[ Symptoms ] what can i expect with treatment for stage 2 ovarian cancer [ Disease ] am not sure what type of chemotherapy you will be receiving but this usually includes a platinum drug and a taxane drug a description of chemotherapy side effects can be found on the women is cancer network web site this site has been developed by the gynecologic cancer foundation and contains a lot of good information about ovarian cancer
[ Symptoms ] at what age do children begin to get their adult teeth [ Disease ] the normal time of adult tooth eruption for children can be anywhere between 5 and 14 years old girls usually slightly precede boys
[ Symptoms ] after the removal of a skene is gland cyst how long do you have to wait before you can have sex again [ Disease ] even though the ct scan was normal if you are continuing to have this troublesome array of symptoms you need to be seen by a neurologist for a higher level diagnostic evaluation
[ Symptoms ] im 21 and cannot orgasm or stay wet during sex and its only been this past year whats going on hi i am 21 years old married with a 2 year old kid i also have a vaginal std herpes and i have also had a bacterial infection twice on that went through my blood after i had my son and another one this past june and i didnt get it treated for 3 months i have pain during sex and i cant stay wet or orgasm and i used to be a squirter but now nothing this past year has been very depressing for me and i dont know what do to [ Disease ] gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd can be thought of as chronic symptoms of heartburn the term refers to the frequent backing up reflux of stomach contents food acid andor bile into the esophagus the tube that connects the throat to the stomach gerd also refers to the array of medical complications some serious that can arise from this reflux though it causes discomfort occasional heartburn is not harmful about 20 of adults in the u s experience gerd symptoms such as heartburn and acid regurgitation at least once a week but if you have heartburn frequently and it is untreated your stomach is acid may inflame the lining of your esophagus or swallowing tube potentially narrowing it stomach acid may also change the cells of the lining of your esophagus this change called barrett is esophagus increases the likelihood of cancer of the esophagus only a small percentage of people with gerd develop barrett is esophagus your stomach is contents can also move into your throat and be drawn past your vocal cords and into your lungs where they can cause damage along with hoarseness a chronic dry cough or asthma anyone can develop gerd at any age you are more likely to develop it as you get older nearly one out of every 10 american adults has heartburn daily pregnant women are especially prone to gerd nearly one out of every four pregnant women has heartburn every day
[ Symptoms ] i have not had an erection since my prostate gland was removed five years ago what can be done to correct this problem test results have shown that i have a blood vessel that will not hold the pressure to maintain an erection [ Disease ] i i have the same issue pain starts in chest area goes into my back and finally working its way up into my jaw sometimes i feel like i might be having a heart attack if i have one attack in a particular day i will have at least three i take a 12 hr zantac but it rarely keeps the pain at bay for 2 hrs many times i am awakened around 5 am with these symptoms any idea if gerd or acid reflux or gallbladder or hiatus hernia
[ Symptoms ] is it ok to stop taking premarin i have taken it for 10 years following a hysterectomy and i want to quit what happens if i just quit [ Disease ] sure you can quit taking premarin estrogen replacement if you would like be prepared for a potential onslaught of menopause symptoms if you do so among the symptoms you might experience if you stop taking estrogen are hot flashes sometimes called hot flushes irritability vaginal dryness night sweats i do not list those to try to sway you against going off the estrogen i only list them so you do not get caught off guard i would recommend talking to your doctor about ways to taper off the estrogen gradually in order to minimize possible side effects your doctor also will be a valuable source of information regarding both the benefits and the risks of hormone replacement therapy hrt for you given your unique medical history best wishes to you
[ Symptoms ] can you have an appendicitis when you white blood cell count is normal symptoms are fever approx 102 nausea stomach pain belly button area pain worse with excercise labs normal colonoscopy normal endoscope normal xrays normal and ultrasound normal this has been for the last 9 months fever once or twice a week [ Disease ] it is possible but typically only in the early stages of the disease the white blood cell count in the blood usually becomes elevated with infection in early appendicitis before infection sets in it can be normal but most often there is at least a mild elevation even early in the process <link> also is not this a really long timetable for appendicitis
[ Symptoms ] help my husbend cant remimber like he use to he smokes tobacco and weed he stopped drinking over 4 months ago and he is losing weight he has a new friend and the guy comes over every day and does not leave till late then my husband has been real restless at night he cant even remember where he put his wallet even just after 2 hours he has adhd that he has had since he was a child and never med treated other then that he is in good health [ Disease ] it could be many things like peripheral neuropathy or compressed nerves but to be more helpful please let me know your agesexother history have you been through any lab tests like cbc thyroid
[ Symptoms ] is it best to take vitamins a b c & e individually or is there a single product containing these [ Disease ] almost any high quality multivitamin will contain all of these vitamins you can simply take one tablet to get them all if you need help choosing the right multivitamin for you consult your pharmacist and do not forget to eat a healthy diet i am not against taking vitamin pills but this should only be to supplement the vitamins you get from food food contains essential micronutrients you can not get from pills and food also contains the fiber your body needs for digestion wishing you well
[ Symptoms ] should liver cancer patient consume significantly less water per doctor is instruction why is this the male patient is very old age 98 and has liver cirrhosis with digestion issues the doctors advised not to consume more than 1 liter liquid per day including all contents of liquid in the various forms of meals that are consumed why is water is not good for liver with problems dehydration and weakness due to loss of energy with reduced food intake and water consumption is questioned water intake should help body to retain strength and energy your response would be appreciated [ Disease ] often times with liver disease like cirrhosis edema or what is often referred to as ascites occurs which means fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity putting pressure on other organs including the kidneys while the patient can still be dehydrated too much water can cause the fluid accumulation to worsen sodium levels can also decrease and fluid is then restricted if you are not interested in aggressive therapy at this point in his care talk to his doctor about other treatment options good luck
[ Symptoms ] what are the side effects of gastritis drugs when used for prolonged periods due to the reoccurrence of gastritis symptoms [ Disease ] no you are not pregnant you had your emergency contraceptive pills on 26th november so this bleeding must be withdrawal bleeding due to that drug but if bleeding does not settle get one ultrasound scan done and keep assured revert back to a gynaecologist online > <link>
[ Symptoms ] how long after your last dose of antibiotics can you take monistat for a yeast infection i have been taking antibiotics for the last 10 days and have a yeast infection i have just taken my last pill earlier today and want to know how soon after i can start monistat for the infection thanks [ Disease ] you can start the monistat anytime like right now
[ Symptoms ] can you have a normal bm with a colostomy bag and no colon my neighbor went to the hospital the other day she told them that she had a normal bm and she supposedly has no colon and only a colostomy bag is this possible [ Disease ] hi not yet you have to think just how your cycle goes to understand that your not pregnant yet if you miss your next period then wait a week then go and get tested at your doctors then you will know either way your bleeding may be from rough sex good luck