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Article: (CNN) -- As they move from their early teens to their late teens, kids no longer want to be pals with Mom and Dad. Teenage boys are much less likely than girls to initiate conversations with their parents. And moms baby their sons. Not exactly news flashes, you say? But we're not talking about real life here, exactly. We're talking about Facebook. The world's largest social network released new data Thursday about how parents and their children interact online. But the findings, from Facebook's data science team, also illustrate how personal interactions on Facebook can mirror those in the so-called real world. Read more: Why Facebook will have trouble killing the text message . "With the holidays approaching, and families gathering all over the world, we wanted to understand how parents and children on Facebook communicate," says the post, which crunches friend requests, conversations and other Facebook data from the past two months. "We are happy to see that our data surfaces the affection, care, and closeness of family ties." Young people and social media: Docs examine pitfalls . Here are the highlights of what Facebook found: . Who friends whom: More than 65% of friendships between 13-year-olds and their parents are initiated by the child. But the older the teenager gets, the less likely he or she is to be the one sending the friend request. By the time kids are in their early to mid-20s, their parents are initiating friend requests with them 60% of the time. As kids grow into their 30s and 40s, however, they begin friending their parents more often again. "This overall trend follows the rough arc of children seeking distance from their parents as they prepare to leave the nest, and then gradually gravitating back as they accomplish their own milestones in life," says the blog post. The secret online life of my sixth grader . Who talks to whom: Moms and dads initiate parent-child conversations more often than their teenage kids. For daughters, this imbalance evens out by the time they hit 30 and are messaging their parents as often as they receive messages in return. Sons, however, however, take twice as long -- until age 60 -- to come around. What they say: The data team studied hundreds of thousands of public Facebook messages between parents and children to identify the words and phrases that appeared most often. Based on the results, Mom and Dad are very proud of their kids. Among the most common phrases from parents: "I'm so proud, "all my heart," "well done," "proud of you" and "call me." Moms and dads use language much differently when messaging with sons, though. Mothers preferred endearments like "my handsome son" and "my little boy," while dads used profanity and words like "buddy" and "dude." Read more: Microsoft opens its own social network . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
New data show how parents and their children interact on Facebook . More than 65% of friendships between 13-year-olds and parents are initiated by child . Moms prefer endearments like "my handsome son"; dads use profanity and words like "dude"
Article: You would never know by looking at the lively and cheeky toddler - now 16-months-old - that he was so close to death just seven months ago. But when Leo Lever was nine-months-old he swallowed a button battery in the family's inner-west Sydney home in April which had attached to his oesophagus for six days before finally being discovered on the third visit to the hospital. The little tacker had eroded an astounding one third of his oesophagus and had to spend eight days in an induced coma and a further six weeks being tube fed through his nose when he made a miraculous full recovery. Leo Lever was put into an induced coma for eight days with no certainty of full recovery . The nine-month-old swallowed a button battery which was discovered six days later on the third hospital visit . You would never know by looking at the lively and cheeky toddler - now 16-months-old - that was he so close to death just seven months ago . As soon as the x-ray revealed the round foreign object, his mother, Francesca Lever, immediately realised what had happened. Her husband, Stewart, had changed his bike helmet battery light and their eldest son, Lachie, 3, had climbed on to the bench and must have knocked it off onto the floor. 'Leo is a little vacuum cleaner,' his mother Francesca quipped who was unaware of what had happened at the time. 'He started crying out of the blue and was really distressed for the rest of the night,' she said. 'He was also vomiting but he was already unwell that week with a fever so I just thought it was part of that.' Francesca (pictured) believes her son's fighting spirit helped with his full recovery . Leo was tube fed for three weeks in the ward and another three weeks when he went home . It wasn't until Leo's breathing changed that his parents took him to hospital with staff treating him for croup on the first two visits. But when the little fella didn't improve, Francesca went back to the hospital and requested an x-ray and Leo was rushed into emergency surgery within 25 minutes. 'I still had no idea what was in store or how severe it was,' she recalls. 'It was a crazy time - I still can't believe we made it through.' Being so young, Leo needed to be sedated so he could remain still in order to heal and was therefore put into an induced coma for eight days. He then spent another three days in intensive care and a further three weeks in a ward before going home where he was tube fed at home for another three weeks. Sydney Children’s Hospital’s ear, nose and throat specialist, Ian Jacobson, told Francesca that he had no idea of the prognosis as it 'was the worst damage he had seen.' A third of Leo's oesophagus had eroded but it completely healed about two months later . His mother described Leo as a 'robust little guy' who was a 'loving, friendly and outgoing character' However, six weeks after leaving hospital, his follow-up procedure showed that his oesophagus had completely healed. 'The staff were amazed he survived six days with the battery inside him - one more day and it may have been different,' she said. Francesca believed that her son's character had a lot to do with the incredible recovery. 'He's a really robust little guy - nine out of 10 kids probably would have died but he has a real fight about him,' she said. ' He was jumping up and down on the bed 10 minutes before going into surgery.' She said she still finds it hard to believe that such a small object could have been lethal. 'I had no idea it was such a hazard,' she said. 'If it was a coin it would have obstructed and he would have choked - or it would have passed through - but because of the charge of the battery it attached itself to the oesophagus and started to erode.' 'It's good to spread the word because I didn't know such a tiny shiny thing could be such a danger.' Francesca still can't believe her family made it through the trauma . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Leo Lever was nine-months-old when he swallowed a button battery in the family's inner-west Sydney home in April . The little tacker had eroded an astounding one third of his oesophagus . He spent eight days in an induced coma and six weeks being tube fed . Doctors were unsure of his prognosis as damage was worst they had seen . Now 16-months-old - he made a full recovery in less than two months .
Article: George Groves was in confident mood on the morning of his eagerly-awaited rematch with IBF and WBA super-middleweight champion Carl Froch by sending his opponent a taunting tweet. Groves tweeted: 'No more sleeps @Carl_Froch #TickTock' as he continued his provocative lead up to the Battle of Britain. Many believe the Londoner overstepped the mark with his trash talking during the weigh-in when he said that Froch was 'a man on death row'. To which the champion replied: 'I want to send him back into the hole he crawled out of and put this saga behind me'. Groves' comments, made in front of 4,000 boisterous fans, have not gone unnoticed by the Boxing Board of Control. VIDEO Scroll down to watch the pair showboat at the weigh-in and their intense square-up . Fighting talk: George Groves taunts Carl Froch on the morning of their eagerly-awaited rematch . Job done: Carl Froch and George Groves both made weight ahead of their rematch on Saturday . Face to face: Froch did the talking as both men came together for the final time before the first bell . General Secretary Robert Smith said: . 'It was a silly thing to say. We know that boxers sometimes say silly . things as a fight nears but this was unfortunate. 'It . is not appropriate to talk in terms of death in relation to this very . hard game of ours because unfortunately death sometimes happens. 'We . won't do anything about this until the fight is over but we will have a . think next week as to whether to have a word with George.' Froch was reprimanded by the Board after threatening to kill Mikkel Kessler before their rematch. The . Nottingham Cobra, who is defending his world super-middleweight titles . in front of a Wembley crowd of 80,000, was booed and jeered as he took . to the scales by a predominantly London crowd in the nearby Arena. Surprisingly, given that he is naturally the heavier man, Groves came in 1lb 4oz lighter than Froch. No worries: Groves looked confident as he weighed in well within the 12st limit at Wembley Arena . Inside: Froch weighed in just within the limit to ensure the rematch goes ahead on Saturday night . The . Cobra said to The Saint as they posed for the eyeball-to-eyeball . photographs: 'You look drawn and dehydrated. You've come in under . weight.' Later, Froch said: . 'He looks to me like he has put himself under pressure by saying he'll . knock me out in three rounds. Very nervous, if you ask me.' Groves responded by saying: 'I did the weight comfortably, we wanted to moan about the 4pm weigh-in for the sake of moaning. Business time: The trash talk will stop between Froch and Groves when they go toe-to-toe at Wembley . Cheeky to cheeky: Both Brits try to show they're relaxed ahead of the super middleweight world title bout . 'I feel perfect in mind, body and soul. I couldn't be more ready. 'Carl needs reassurance but he can't find it and for that reason he's going to struggle. I'd beat Carl Froch every night of the week.' Groves weighed 1lb 10oz under the 12st limit, while Froch scaled 11st 13lb 9oz. The . closest we came to drama was when one of Groves' sizeable contingent of . bodyguards engaged in a brief scuffle with an official security man. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
George Groves tweets 'no more sleeps @Carl_Froch #TickTock' Groves weighed in a touch lighter than Froch at 11st 12lb 4oz . The champion Froch came in under the 12st limit at 11st 13lb 9oz . Froch, from Nottingham, was booed by the Wembley Arena crowd .
Article: Mr Justice Holman (pictured) said that in almost 20 years as a judge of the Family Division he had rarely heard a more harrowing case . A mixed-race toddler must be taken from a ‘perfect’ white couple who wanted to adopt him and given to a black aunt he has never met, a judge ruled yesterday. The 20-month-old boy has been lovingly cared for by his adoptive parents for the past 13 months and will suffer distress and perhaps psychological harm when he is removed from them. But Mr Justice Holman said these factors were outweighed by the child’s chance to be brought up by his father’s family, who can teach him about his African heritage. The experienced family court judge said it was one of the most harrowing cases he had heard and expressed regret at the ‘intense grief’ his ruling would cause. The adoptive parents’ heartbreak could have been avoided if the father of the boy had come forward earlier. But the man, a 32-year-old black African who claimed asylum in England in 2001, initially showed no real interest in the baby, referred to only as ‘C’, and even denied it was his. The child’s mother, who is white and in her early twenties, has struggled with alcohol and drug problems. While still a teenager she had two children by different fathers. They are now aged three and five, and have both been adopted. Her third child, C, was taken from her five days after his birth in March last year and placed with foster carers by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council in South Yorkshire. At seven months old he was placed for adoption with the white couple, named as ‘A’ and ‘B’. Social worker Elizabeth Lancaster assessed the couple as being ‘remarkable people’, ‘perfect’ parents for the little boy and almost ‘the ideal adopters’. The judge paid tribute to how they attended courses to prepare themselves for taking on the child, and read books to him about his father’s home country in Africa. The child is now ‘very well attached’ to the couple and feels secure with them, the judge said. One of the adoptive parents told the court: ‘He is such a happy, settled, loving little person who knows who we are ... I love him so much. He will always be my son.’ The judge of the Family Division ruled at the High Court (pictured) that the 20-month-old boy should live with his aunt in the Home Counties . This is not the first time Rotherham’s social services have caused controversy. This summer they were criticised in a report that found at least 1,400 children suffered sexual exploitation in the borough over a 16-year period. And in 2012 there was a row after the council removed three siblings of ethnic minority descent from experienced foster parents because they were members of Ukip. The married couple, who had been fostering for nearly seven years, said they were made to feel like criminals when a social worker told them their views on immigration made them unsuitable carers. Rotherham council’s former director of children’s services Joyce Thacker said at the time that the quality of the couple’s care was ‘not an issue’. She added: ‘These children are from EU migrant backgrounds and Ukip has made very clear statements on ending multiculturalism. I have to think about how sensitive I am being to those children.’ But while frontline social workers supported adoption by A and B, Rotherham’s interim director of children’s services and C’s court-appointed guardian backed the aunt. C’s biological mother had initially claimed that the child’s father was her white long-term partner, who has a criminal record and a history of drug problems. Social workers noticed that the boy appeared to be of mixed race but accepted the mother’s word. But this March, after A and B had started formal adoption proceedings, the aunt contacted social services to say her brother was in fact the father. A genetic test confirmed this was the case, and social workers assessed that the 29-year-old aunt, a single mother who lives in the Home Counties, was a suitable carer for the child. Mr Justice Holman ruled that C should be placed with the aunt after a five-day family court hearing. He said: ‘I know, and deeply regret, that my decision will cause intense grief. After hearing all the evidence and argument, and after due consideration, I am, however, clear as to the outcome, which I do not reach narrowly or marginally. ‘I have no doubt that public reaction to this judgment and decision is likely to be polarised, with some agreeing and some strongly disagreeing with what I have decided.’ Under the Adoption and Children Act 2002, the most important concern of family courts is a child’s welfare ‘throughout his life’. Judges must take into account the likely effect of the child’s being adopted and ceasing to be a member of their original family. They must not make an adoption order unless they consider that doing so would be better than not doing so. Once a child has been formally adopted, the order can be revoked only in ‘highly exceptional and very particular circumstances’. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Justice Holman said toddler will live with family of father who rejected him . Ruled that the toddler should be moved from the 'perfect' adoptive couple . Toddler went to live with adoptive parents when he was seven months old . Five months later, genetic father said he wanted him to live with his sister . Judge said it was 'finely balanced case' but rejected adoption application .
Article: England delivered a comfortable 3-1 victory over Scotland at Celtic Park on Tuesday . Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain finished off a sublime Jack Wilshere pass while Wayne Rooney's scored a double to go past Jimmy Greaves' England tally. Andrew Robertson's second-half strike gave the Tartan Army hope but Rooney's second came almost immediately after it to maintain the visitors' two-goal buffer. Sportsmail's Rob Draper rates all the players' performances. Wayne Rooney celebrates the first of his double against Scotland on Tuesday night . Jack Wilshere holds off Steven Naismith as he backs up sublime skills with some hard graft . ENGLAND . Fraser Forster - 7 . Didn't disappoint on his return to Celtic Park and on only his second England start. Strong and commanding. Nathaniel Clyne - 7.5 . Didn't falter in a big atmosphere and contained the pace of Ikechi Anya, one of Scotland's big threats, with poise. Nathaniel Clyne (left) performed well on the big stage and managed to contain the pacy Ikechi Anya . Gary Cahill - 6.5 . Rode out the first-half pressure well and held England together when Scotland had their early dominant spell. Chris Smalling - 6 . Better, though the odd miskick and aberration still makes you worry. In general, though, did the job required of him. Luke Shaw - 6.5 . Still raw defensively but when charging forward with the ball is an incredible threat. Needs to work on end product. Chris Smalling did what was asked of him but remains a worry with the occasional miskick . James Milner - 7 . Solid, as expected, and occasional flashes. But found if difficult to control the game in those first half periods in which Scotland impressed. Good delivery for free kick that led to second goal. Jack Wilshere - 7.5 . His growing adeptness to his deeper midfield role demonstrated once again with his delightful through ball for Oxlade-Chamberlain's goal. Rapidly becoming England's best player. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain - 7 . Always a threat and though he won't score many headers for England, he finished this one comfortably enough. Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain celebrates his deft header to score England's opener . Wayne Rooney - 8 . Always abuzz, appeared to be relishing the animosity as he busied himself at centre forward. Good reaction for first goal and sound finish for the second. Stewart Downing - 6 . Started brightly, combining well with Welbeck and Rooney but faded a little in the first half as Scotland's midfield grew. Danny Welbeck - 6.5 . Had and energy and ideas, stretching the Scotland defence - but should have done better with his early chance. Danny Welbeck shows his frustration after squandering a good chance in the first half . Kieran Gibbs (66) - 6 . Filled in well for Shaw, demonstrating England's surfeit of left backs. Phil Jagielka (HT) - 6.5 . Defended well and always likely to rise to an occasion such as this. Adam Lallana (HT) - 6.5 . Great cut back for Rooney’s second goal capping a fine year for England. Adam Lallana made an impact off the bench, providing the cut-back for the Rooney goal they're celebrating . Raheem Sterling (66) - 5 . Terrible in his defensive role in allowing Scotland back in the game. Had little chance to show his attacking strength. Rickie Lambert (80) - 6.5 . Contributed to England’s third goal in the short time on pitch. SCOTLAND . David Marshall - 7 . Collected Welbeck's early shot well and looked confident and sharp throughout - could do little with goal. Substituted at half-time. Steven Whittaker - 5.5 . Struggled against Welbeck and Rooney, who interchanged on the left wing. Couldn't impose himself. Andrew Robertson - 7 . Had done well enough but caught cold when ball bounced off him for Rooney's headed goal, but scored to give Scotland hope. Scotland's Andrew Robertson (centre) scores their only goal to give the hosts hope . Russell Martin - 6.5 . The better of the two centre halves attempting to hold together a creaky Scottish defence - but he did so in vain. Grant Hanley - 5 . Scotland's solid start was ruined when he somehow allowed Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain to drift in front of him and head home. Scott Brown - 6.5 . Lost the possession badly to present England with a first half counter attack - but they failed to capitalise. Otherwise did well in midfield. Grant Hanley (right) keeps close tabs on Wayne Rooney but was left standing for Ox's subtle finish . Charlie Mulgrew - 7.5 . Scotland's best player early on when he established control of the midfield and drove his side on. Shaun Maloney - 6.5 . His first half strike which flew over Forster's goal was a wasted opportunity which blighted an otherwise effective performance. Steven Naismith - 7 . Characteristically energetic performance causing England a few problems in the first half - but had little support to speak of. Steven Naismith lacked support from his team-mates in a characteristically energetic performance . Ikechi Anya -6 . Got little change out of Nathaniel Clyne and so one of Scotland's most potent weapons was neutered. Chris Martin - 5.5 . Worked hard holding the ball up and running channels but ultimately to little. Substitutes . Craig Gordon (HT) - 6 . Had barely taken the pitch before he was picking the ball from the net. After that did well enough. Darren Fletcher (HT) - 6.5 . Added some solidity to the midfield but the game had largely gone. Steven May (66) - 6 . Did his best to fill in but couldn’t prevent England’s third. James Morrison (HT) - 6 . Worked to get in game but Scotland could create little for him . Barry Bannan (66) - 6 . Unable to impose himself on game though worked hard . Johnny Russell (80) - 7 . Terrific run and cross for Scotland’s goal. Made a real impact . Managers . Roy Hodgson, England - 7 . Good end to a bad year which shows the team is with him. Gordon Strachan - 6 . Didn’t do much wrong tactically but Scotland were not good enough. England boss Roy Hodgson is given a warm welcome by his opposite Gordon Strachan before kick-off . VIDEO Hodgson praises attack as Rooney approaches record . Referee: Jonas Eriksson - 6 . Wasn’t the bloodbath people feared. Did well. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
England defeated Scotland 3-1 at Celtic Park on Tuesday night . Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain flicked on Jack Wilshere's sublime ball for 1-0 . Wayne Rooney headed England's second home early in the second half . Andrew Robertson hit back for Scotland before Rooney's second came . Rooney is the star man for England with a rating of eight .
Article: By . Rebecca Hardy . Gabby Logan will be the only female member of the BBC's presenting team at the World Cup . Gabby Logan wants to hold her tongue about sexism in football today. Really she does. Which is just as well given she's outnumbered, at a rough count, by about 100 to one. We're here in the Royal Institute of British Architects' swanky London HQ to meet the team the BBC will be sending to cover the World Cup in Brazil in less than a fortnight's time. The 'we' is largely a throng of sports hacks, while Team BBC includes, among others, Gary Lineker, Rio Ferdinand, Alan Shearer, Chris Waddle, Robbie Savage and, er... Gabby. She's the one in the little ra-ra skirt and T-shirt style top, looking rather like the cheerleader. Now, this is the same Gabby who said of the last World Cup, 'I've experienced sexism in my career - comments and situations that are specific to me being a woman. It was quite apparent during the World Cup in South Africa. I was staying in quite an isolated place in a high-testosterone environment. I just wanted to go back to my hotel and read a magazine.' Fast-forward four years and Gabby says, 'Now you can look at this room and think, "Yeah, I see what she means."' See it? You'd better believe it, these are some very blokey blokes. Gabby shrugs. 'That's the way it is. There isn't lots of room for women. No gaps have been created,' she says. 'The same people are doing the job so you're not going to move somebody on just for the sake of it. Do you know what I mean?' Not really. This is, after all, the BBC - that great champion of equal opportunities and diversity. Surely they could have rooted out one or two other women with a grasp of the beautiful game to even up the odds from 13 (the number of blokes on parade for Team BBC) to one (Gabby)? 'With the pundits, you're talking about men who play football, so it's a man's world there,' she says. Well, it certainly is here. You could bottle the testosterone. But what about the 29 million women playing football worldwide or, for that matter, those competing in the Women's World Cup in Canada next year? I suspect England captain Casey Stoney might beg to differ with Gabby. 'I guess while Gary Lineker's still a presenter, how is a woman ever supposed to come in?' Gabby is not threatened by her male comrades and is often found teasing them - once describing Gary Lineker as a 'crisp salesman' She sounds a little restrained, rather than outspoken. God forbid she's been told to button it. Not our Gabby. She is, after all, at 41 still a trailblazer for women in sports broadcasting who, along with the wonderful Clare Balding, helped bring the Olympic Games alive. We like her forthright views. We like her sharp tongue. We like her wit. Remember her recent hilarious talk at Leeds Trinity University when she teased Lineker about becoming 'a crisp salesman', joked about Ryan Giggs' affair with his sister-in-law and said Andy Murray was the 'moodiest, most miserable b****** I've ever met in my life' after he lost the mixed doubles final at the Olympics? I last saw Gabby a few months after that spectacular London 2012. She was reeling from her post-sports-extravaganza high, saying, 'I even found it difficult to get excited about football. Everything felt a bit anti-climactic.' Now she says, 'I think a lot of people felt that deflation. It was such an amazing thing to have been a part of. Everyone got so excited about it. Afterwards, it's hard to go back to regular work. It doesn't seem as exciting, but life moves on. The memories start to disappear a bit.' Gabby had the honour of presenting the 2012 Olympic Games . When Gabby worked on the Olympics the games dominated the Logan household, with her twins Reuben and Lois, now eight, attending many of the events. She'll be leaving them at home with her husband, former Scottish rugby international Kenny Logan, when she travels to Brazil. Given that her role on Team BBC will be to follow England, whose odds of winning the tournament are up there with the ratio of blokes to girls in this room, she might not be away for too long. Gabby adores her children, who were conceived with IVF. Gabby with her husband Kenny Logan in 2012 . 'When I was at the World Cup in South Africa they came out for a few days,' she says. 'But I felt a bit bad for the other guys who were missing their kids. At that point I thought, "I shouldn't have done this." You're there to work. 'But I think it's hard for anyone when they're away from the family. You miss your kids. You miss your husband. I'm sure there are a lot of times I'll think, "Oh, I'm missing sports day today." It's normal. You do the job to the best of your ability but you can't help but miss your family. But it's a job. You just have to keep all the balls in the air.' Gabby is some juggler. Since the 2012 games she's been keeping several balls in the air. Last year, as well as hosting the World Aquatics Championships and covering the Athletics World . Championships from Moscow, she replaced Sue Barker on BBC Sports Personality of the Year. She's also dipped her toe into primetime TV, hosting BBC1's comedy panel series I Love My Country and presenting ITV1's Splash! alongside Vernon Kay (the first series was a ratings winner, the second made more of a plop than a splash with two million fewer viewers). Will she be returning with a third series? 'I don't know yet,' she says. 'Entertainment TV is really very...' She plasters on a smile. 'Hopefully it will, because I did really enjoy it.' Gabby was brought up on football. Her father, Terry Yorath, was the former Welsh international footballer and manager whose life fell to pieces along with the rest of the family's when Gabby's brother Daniel, who was signed for Leeds United, dropped dead in the garden while kicking a ball in 1992. He was only 15 and suffering from an un-detected heart condition. Gabby now has a fear of everything falling to pieces when the going gets good. In fact, eyebrows were raised recently when it was revealed she had invested in the same tax-avoidance scheme as Gary Barlow, but she moved swiftly to point out that like many others she'd been misled, and that since 2012 she's been working with the Inland Revenue to repay any money owed. Gabby on the set of Splash! with co-hosts, Tom Daley and Vernon Kaye, she says she hope that a third series will kick off soon . She says she tends to ringfence her fears by pushing herself on and on. 'This summer we've got the World Cup, the Commonwealth Games and then the European Athletics Championships so it's going to be a fantastic - though busy - work period. Then in two years we're back in Brazil for the Olympics.' Has she been confirmed as part of Team BBC? 'Yes,' she says. 'Look, when I was saying that as a woman in a man's environment when you've been on the road for three weeks with blokes all the time, you kind of think, "Oh I wouldn't mind a coffee with a girl today," it's not because they're behaving badly. They're just being themselves and being men. 'I'm kind of bored talking about it. I'm busy doing my job. You never know if this is going to be the last time they ask you, do you? Or when your time's up. I never take any of this for granted.' And, with a swish of that flirty little ra-ra skirt, she's up and off, pushing her way through all that testosterone. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Gabby is heading off to Brazil this summer for the World Cup . She will be the BBC's only female presenter . Here she discusses her experience of sexism in the sport's industry .
Article: (CNN) -- Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer are on course for their first semifinal meeting since 2005 after both progressed at the Masters Series event in Miami. World No. 1 Nadal set up a quarterfinal clash with seventh-ranked Czech Tomas Berdych after crushing Ukraine's Alexandr Dolgopolv 6-1 6-2 on Tuesday evening U.S. time. No. 3 Federer, who took to the court after midnight following Maria Sharapova's marathon three-hour win in the women's event, defeated Belgium's Olivier Rochus 6-3 6-1 to earn a meeting with 25th seed Gilles Simon -- who has beaten him in two of their three meetings to date. However, the 16-time grand slam champion prevailed in five sets against the Frenchman at this year's Australian Open, and faces a player who needed two and a half hours on court before beating Serbia's Janko Tipsarevic 4-6 7-6 (7-3) 6-2. Murray parts company with coaching consultant Corretja . "It's happened a few times in my career where we waited around forever and I was able to play one of those clean, quick matches," two-time Miami champion Federer told the ATP Tour website after extending his record against Rochus to 8-0. Nadal, twice a runner-up in the hard-court tournament, has a chance to avenge his Indian Wells final defeat against world No. 2 Novak Djokovic if he can get past Berdych on Thursday and then possibly Federer -- who he last faced at semifinal stage at the 2005 French Open. "We know each other," the Spaniard said of Berdych. "We played a lot of times, and I know if I play my best tennis I'm going to have chances against him. "He can play very, very good, and I have to play very solid all the time with my serve and wait a chance on the return." Berdych, who lost to Nadal in the 2010 Wimbledon final, battled into the last eight with a 6-3 2-6 7-6 (7-4) win over Germany's Florian Mayer. Djokovic, unbeaten in 21 matches this year, can reach the semifinals with victory over unseeded South African Kevin Anderson on Wednesday. The winner of that match will play 14th seed Mardy Fish, who upset Spanish No. 6 David Ferrer 7-5 6-2 and will next week become the top-ranked American ahead of Andy Roddick. Former No. 1 player Sharapova will return to the top-10 of the women's rankings after an absence of more than two years following her hard-fought quarterfinal win over Alexandra Dulgheru. The Russian, a two-time grand slam champion who has battled injuries since 2008, finally overcame the Romanian 26th seed 3-6 7-6 (8-6) 7-6 (7-5) in their first encounter. The 16th seed injured her ankle during the match, but is confident she will be able to play in her second successive semifinal following the defeat by Indian Wells champion Caroline Wozniacki two weeks ago. "It hurt when I did it. I've iced it a lot, did an ice bath and got it taped. I'll be okay. I'm tough," the 23-year-old told the WTA Tour website ahead of her clash with 21st seed Andrea Petkovic, who beat Sharapova 6-2 6-3 at the Australian Open in January and eliminated current No. 1 Wozniacki on Monday. Bosnia-born German Petkovic knocked out another former No. 1, Serbian sixth seed Jelena Jankovic, winning 2-6 6-2 6-4. Second seed and defending champion Kim Clijsters saved five match-points against Jankovic's compatriot Ana Ivanovic before finally prevailing 7-6 (7-4) 3-6 7-6 (7-5) in a fourth-round tie between two former top-ranked players. The Belgium had dropped just seven games to Ivanovic in their previous three matches, but found herself 5-1 down and 0-40 on her own serve in the third set before . Two-time Miami winner Clijsters, who briefly regained top spot from Wozniacki this year, will face eighth seed Victoria Azarenka of Belarus in the quarterfinals on Wednesday. The winner of that match will take on Russian third seed Vera Zvonareva, who beat Polish No. 9 Agnieszka Radwanska 7-5 6-3 in the opening match on Wednesday. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
World No. 1 Rafael Nadal faces seventh-ranked Czech Tomas Berdych in Miami quarterfinals . No. 3 Roger Federer to take on France's Gilles Simon after late-night victory . Maria Sharapova to return to women's top-10 after reaching semifinals . Defending champion Kim Clijsters battles into the last eight, beating Ana Ivanovic .
Article: More than 40 countries will assist the U.S. in defeating ISIS, President Obama announced Thursday in a special national address. Mr Obama's speech follows the approval by Congress today, to arm Syrian rebels in the fight against the terrorist network. The president again insisted that no American troops will be sent back to Iraq to fight on the ground. Instead the U.S. will continue air strikes against ISIS, with new help from French allies. He said the country would not be bullied by the terrorist group, who have filmed the gruesome beheadings of two American journalists. 'Americans are united in confronting the threat from ISIL,' President Obama said from the White House. 'As Americans, we do not give in to fear.' Scroll down for video . Victory: President Obama addressed the nation Thursday evening, after receiving support from Congress to arm Syrian rebels in the fight against ISIS . The U.S. Senate approved the president's plan for training and arming moderate Syrian rebels to battle Islamic State militants today, a major part of his military campaign to 'degrade and destroy' the radical group. The Senate voted 78-22, in a rare bipartisan show of support for one of Mr Obama's high-profile initiatives. With the House of Representatives approving the legislation on Wednesday, the measure now goes to Obama to sign into law. Ten Senate Democrats and 12 Republicans voted no. Some objected to including a 'war vote' in a spending bill. The battle ahead: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel testified before the House Armed Services Committee today about the threat of ISIL . Others worried that getting involved with the rebels would lead to broader involvement in Iraq or Syria's civil war or that any arms given to them might fall into the wrong hands and end up being used against U.S. forces or their allies. 'We must now defend ourselves from these barbarous jihadists, but let's not compound the problem by arming feckless rebels in Syria who seem to be merely a pit stop for weapons that are really on their way to ISIS,' said Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, a leading Republican skeptic about foreign military involvement. 'ISIS' refers to the Islamic State in Syria. It is also referred to as ISIL and IS. Growing: The Islamic State has been gaining ground in parts of eastern Syria and northwestern Iraq, since the start of the Syrian civil war. ISIS jihadi-militants pictured above marching in the strong-hold city of Raqqa in January . Not doing it alone: In his speech Thursday night, President Obama said again that U.S. troops would not be fighting ISIS on the ground. Instead, we will continue airstrikes against the group in Iraq, with new help from the French military . The rebels have been fighting a three-year-long civil war seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who has held onto power despite the rise of the Islamic State group and a long covert U.S. effort to back the moderate fighters. The amendment to arm and train the rebels passed the House on a vote of 273-156, with support - and opposition - divided between Democratic and Republican lawmakers. Obama sought the authorization to have some congressional buy-in for his plan to stop the violent Islamic State militants, whose takeover of large parts of Iraq and Syria is seen as a threat to U.S. national security. The measure was written as an amendment to a spending bill that would keep the U.S. government operating on October 1, the start of a new fiscal year. If Obama signs it into law as expected, the authority to train and arm the rebels would expire on December 11. The legislation is likely just the start of a debate over what longer-term role the U.S. military should have in battling the Sunni Islamist militants who have killed thousands of people in Iraq and Syria, declared war on the West and are held responsible for beheading two American journalists in recent weeks. ISIS' most recent victim was a British aid worker David Haines, and the group released yet another video on Thursday showing a UK journalist pleading for his life. Next: ISIS released yet another video today, purporting to show a British photojournalist John Cantlie, pleading for his life . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
President Obama held a press conference on Thursday, after Congress voted to arm rebels in Syria to fight ISIS . The president said again that no U.S. troops will fight on the ground . France will aid American military in continuing airstrikes in Iraq . More than 40 countries will join the U.S. in working to 'degrade and destroy' the Islamic State, including several Arab countries, the president said .
Article: The fault zone expected to generate the next 'big one' earthquake has gone silent. Researchers are baffled by the lack of activity at the 1,00km long Cascadia fault which stretches from Northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino in California. Experts believe the lack of activity could point to a build up of pressure - which could lead to a massive killer quake. Scroll down for video . The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) 'megathrust' fault is a 1,000 Km long dipping fault that stretches from Northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino California.It separates the Juan de Fuca and North America plates. The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) 'megathrust' fault is a 1,000 Km long dipping fault that stretches from Northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino California. It separates the Juan de Fuca and North America plates. New Juan de Fuca plate is created offshore along the Juan de Fuca ridge. The Juan de Fuca plate moves toward, and eventually is shoved beneath, the continent (North American plate). Two independent research initiatives have both found the same thing - the sound of silence under the sea. The Cascadia earthquake fault zone lies underwater between 40 and 80 miles offshore of the Pacific Northwest coastline. Earthquake scientists have listening posts along the coast from Vancouver Island to Northern California, and have been using ships to drop off and later retrieve ocean bottom seismographs. These record for up to a year right on top of the fault zone. However, they have detected few signs of the grinding and slipping they expected. It is 'a puzzle,' according to University of Oregon geophysics professor Doug Toomey. 'What is extraordinary is that all of Cascadia is quiet. It's extraordinarily quiet when you compare it to other subduction zones globally,' Toomey told the Seattle pi. Two teams have been examining the area. A joint Japanese-Canadian team dropped instruments offshore of Vancouver Island, while Toomey's team is in its fourth year of deployments. Named the Cascadia Initiative, it is rotating among subduction zone segments offshore of Washington, Oregon and Northern California. More videos available at Berkeley Seismo Lab . Researchers have been using ships to drop off and later retrieve ocean bottom seismographs - but still say the fault remains 'eerily quiet'. The Cascadia Initiative (CI) is an onshore/offshore seismic and geodetic experiment that takes advantage of an Amphibious Array to study questions ranging from megathrust earthquakes to volcanic arc structure to the formation, deformation and hydration of the Juan De Fuca and Gorda plates. Researchers say the area is 'locked'. The Japanese-Canadian team, which published their research in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, wrote: 'The lack of interplate seismicity is interpreted to reflect complete healing and locking of the megathrust over three centuries after the previous great earthquake,' wrote Koichiro Obana and his co-authors in the BSSA paper. Experts say this could cause major problem. 'If there were low levels of offshore seismicity, then we could say some strain is being released by the smaller events,' Toomey said. 'If it is completely locked, it means it is increasingly storing energy and that has to be released at some point.' The Cascadia Initiative (CI) is an onshore/offshore seismic and geodetic experiment that takes advantage of an Amphibious Array to study questions ranging from megathrust earthquakes to volcanic arc structure to the formation, deformation and hydration of the Juan De Fuca and Gorda plates. Toomey described himself as 'very concerned' and said it is 'imperative' people in the Northwest continue to prepare for a big earthquake. The last full rip of the Cascadia Subduction Zone happened in January 1700. The exact date and destructive power was determined from buried forests along the Pacific Northwest coast and an 'orphan tsunami' that washed ashore in Japan. Geologists digging in coastal marshes and offshore canyon bottoms have also found evidence of earlier great earthquakes and tsunamis. The inferred timeline of those events gives a recurrence interval between Cascadia megaquakes of roughly every 400 to 600 years, reports the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Cascadia 'megathrust' fault is a 1,000 Km long dipping fault . It stretches from Northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino California . Researchers believe fault is 'locked' and pressure building in it .
Article: By . Amanda Williams . For years, rescuing cats from trees has been as much a part of a fireman's job as tackling burning buildings. But cat owners in Scotland will soon be charged £350 if their pet needs rescuing from a tree under a new charging policy for non-emergency call-outs being rolled out by fire chiefs. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is introducing a price list for attending all non-emergency incidents and industrial training events. Cat owners in Scotland will soon be charged £350 if their pet needs rescuing from a tree under a new charging policy for non-emergency call-outs being rolled out by fire chiefs . It could see drivers involved in crashes facing a fire brigade fee for clearing hazardous roadside spillages. And homeowners could pay for summoning firemen to pump out flood water or rescue their cat if it is stuck up a tree. HIRE PER HOUR: Aerial Rescue Pump: £285 Aerial Ladder Platform: £274Pumping Appliance: £262Light Vehicles: £47Fire Crew/Additional Personnel: £24-£39 . STAFF COSTS PER HOUR: Firefighter £24Crew Manager £27Watch Manager A £28Watch Manager B £30Station Manager £31Group Manager £39 . VENUE HIRE PER HOUR:Venues holding up to 12 people £15Venues holding 13 to 50 people £25Venues holding 51 to 100 people £30Venues holding more than 100 people £40 . Other services which will be charged for: . Fire Cover at Special EventsEx-Directory Number for Automatic Fire Alarm Handling CompaniesIndustrial TrainingFreedom of Information requests costing £100 or moreFire Investigation ReportsIncident ReportsTrade Union Commission payroll deductions . They charge £24 an hour for firefighters, crew managers at £27 an hour, and fire engines at £285, all plus VAT. The current cost is £285 per hour - £342 including VAT - per fire appliance. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) said other non-emergency incidents crews attend include freeing people from jammed lifts and gaining entry to premises. Fire authorities have more freedom to charge after a revision in the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 in February. Eight regional fire services, which amalgamated to become SFRS on April 1 last year, had their own approach to charging for non-emergency call-outs. However, a report to the Fire Service . Board says the new charging policy for the single service enables the . service to 'explore potential income streams that have had limited . application in the past'. The charges are expected to bring in £136,000-a-year. They are based on the expected actual cost of delivery to the Fire Service, including overheads. A SFRS spokesman said: 'As a fire and rescue service we are regularly called to assist in animal rescue situations. 'This . may range from a domestic pet trapped to a major road traffic collision . involving a transporter carrying cattle and there will always be . occasions where the specialist skills and equipment of the fire and . rescue service is needed. And homeowners could pay for summoning firemen to pump out flood water (stock picture) 'Our . intervention in these cases can often prevent an escalation of the . incident and prevent the public from endangering themselves by trying to . effect a rescue. 'We are . not aware of any charge being made by SFRS for animal rescues although . the service would be entitled to do so. Each incident would be . considered on a case by case basis.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is introducing a call-out price list . Homeowners could pay for summoning firemen to pump out flood water . And drivers involved in crashes could also face a fire brigade fee .
Article: Yangon, Myanmar (CNN) -- When Burmese commuters have an accident they don't dial 911 or any ordinary emergency service. They call the country's version of Marlon Brando, a heartthrob in the 1980s and 90s who turned his back on the film industry to run a fleet of ambulances and bury the nation's dead. A household name in Myanmar, which is also known as Burma, Kyaw Thu has starred in more than 200 films, and even took home a Myanmar Academy Award in 1994 for best actor in "Da-Byi-Thu Ma Shwe Hta." He followed it up with best director for "Amay No Bo" in 2003, but by then his head had already been turned by the story of an old woman left to die alone in hospital. "The doctor warned the patient's family that she was close to death. After that they disappeared. A few days later she passed away -- so this dead body had no owner," Kyaw Thu told CNN at this office on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar's largest city. He later found out that the woman's family couldn't afford a funeral service. At the time, it wasn't uncommon; poor families would often sneak out in the dead of night to bury their dead, he said. And so began the Free Funeral Service Society, founded in collaboration with multi-award winning late Burmese writer and director Thukha, which now also provides a free library, education, medical, dental care and disaster relief. From films to funerals . Kyaw Thu's decision to leave the film industry wasn't entirely his own. In 2007, he was arrested and later banned from the film industry after being accused of supporting the Saffron Revolution. That year, the Myanmar military staged a violent crackdown on the largest anti-government demonstrations since 1988. Led by monks, tens of thousands of Burmese marched through the streets to protest plans to cut fuel subsidies. Kyaw Thu doesn't deny that he helped them but says that the society's policy of aiding people "regardless of social status, national and religion" meant that no one was turned away. He says he's on better terms with the current government led by President Thein Sein, who came to power in 2011, ending 50 years of military rule. However, he says not enough is being done to repair the country's patchy public services and protect the country's poor. "We are showing the government what we need to do," he said. He claimed the government is out of touch with what's happening on the ground, as are foreign investors, who he says go straight to the capital Naypyidaw to listen to politicians rather than the people. "I want to make a suggestion: before they go to Naypyidaw they should meet the CSOs and NGOs who are really doing things for Burma so they know what's really happening," he said. "So after they meet with the CSOs and NGOs they'll have information -- they'll know the reality. So they can criticize and they can negotiate and they can discuss with the government and other parties." He says other parties need to do more to deliver on their promises by using their own funding, rather than seeing him as a bank. A country on the mend? Kyaw Thu spoke with CNN as hundreds of delegates arrived in the country for the World Economic Forum on East Asia, two days of talks on how the country can shake off the legacy of its past. As well as basic, if not non-existent, public services, the country is saddled with crumbling buildings, potholed roads, a patchy telecommunications network and an outdated electricity network that only services a quarter of the population of 60 million people. Under the control of military leaders, Myanmar's economy stagnated so much so that in 1990 its per capita GDP growth was at a similar level to that recorded in 1900, according to a recent report from McKinsey & Company. There's much that needs to be fixed, but money is needed. Kyaw Thu's society relies on donations and an army of volunteers -- around 500 a day -- who do everything from carrying caskets to preparing bodies for burial. Trained doctors and nurses man the hospitals and clinics where patients are offered everything from eye surgery to maternity care and blood transfusions. The extent of their work can be seen in hundreds of laminated photos pinned on notice boards, which line the halls of the company's headquarters. One shows a newly married couple -- still in their wedding clothes -- carrying a casket; they came to volunteer straight after the service, he said. Others show shots of aid workers digging wells and bringing supplies to cyclone-hit residents, students sitting learning in class and then, incongruously, a couple of images of mutilated bodies -- all part of a day's work for the society. Message to Burmese people: 'Please be united' Kyaw Thu may be incredibly popular in Myanmar, providing services that in many countries are promised by politicians, but he says he has no plans to enter politics. "No," he said, shaking his head, "I have no ambition to make a political party." He says his motivation is altruism; he doesn't need power, glory or adoration. "When we are giving the aid to the people, we don't expect any kind of benefit or opportunity. When we help, if they're happy, I'm also happy." He supports Nobel laureate and leader of the National League of Democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi -- her image hangs on the walls of his office -- but says Burma's people need to drop their unquestioning admiration of Suu Kyi and her father, the late General Aung San, and start following their lead. "People are not following their speech. They are very impressed. They say we love Aung San Suu Kyi, we love General Aung San... but they're not following their policy. They're not implementing what they're saying. This is the problem with Burmese people." Kyaw Thu is dismayed by the outbreaks of ethnic violence around the country that have strained relations between Burmese Buddhists and the minority Muslim population. He said the society has not been allowed to travel west to Rakhine State where Rohingya Muslims are alleged by human rights groups to be suffering systematic abuse amounting to "ethnic cleansing." "They (the government) say it's very dangerous and very difficult. So we have no chance to go to the desperate people," Kyaw Thu said. He said the pace of Myanmar's transformation, from a military state to thriving democracy at peace with ethnic rivalries, depends on the attitudes of ordinary people. Decades of military rule had produced bad attitudes, he said. "If the attitudes of normal citizens change and are good -- within five years it will change," he said. "I want to give the message to all people in Burma: Please be united." Han Thar Nyein contributed to this report. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Award-winning Burmese actor gave up films to operate free funeral services . Kyaw Thu was considered a heartthrob in the 1980s and 1990s . He formed Free Funeral Service Society after hearing the story of a woman abandoned in hospital . Society now provides ambulance, hospital, disaster relief and education services .
Article: By . Sean O'hare . PUBLISHED: . 10:04 EST, 7 December 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 17:53 EST, 7 December 2012 . Tragedy: Ana Hernandez, 32, fell in love with Darren Stott, 42, in Gran Canaria, and moved to South Yorkshire with him. A pregnant lawyer who died from an apparent overdose had told friends she feared her fiancé was trying to kill her, an inquest heard. Ana Hernandez, 32, was found dead on her bed at the home she shared with Darren Stott. A post-mortem examination revealed a cocktail of drugs – none of which had been prescribed to her – in her system. Tests also revealed the drugs may have been mixed into a spicy stew which she had eaten. Police initially concluded there was nothing suspicious about the death as she had been given paracetamol for a headache despite her strong opposition to the idea. But now a coroner has dramatically adjourned the hearing into her death so that police can look into ‘very important’ claims that she believed she was being poisoned by her university lecturer fiancé, who was described as a ‘control freak’. The coroner’s office was recently unable to contact Mr Stott, 42, who moved to the Canary Islands – where the couple originally met – after her death in June and he did not attend the inquest on Thursday. Friends and relatives of the Spaniard, who was four months pregnant, were stunned by her sudden death as she was a fitness fanatic and vehemently opposed to taking medication during pregnancy. Her family insisted the staunch Roman Catholic would never have taken her life. The inquest heard Mr Stott, who lectured at Leeds Metropolitan University, met Miss Hernandez in April 2011. She proposed to him on February 29 and moved in March to live with him in the village of Barnburgh, near Doncaster. A statement from Mr Stott said said when she found out she was pregnant ‘I was extremely happy and so was Ana’. In early June the couple visited the home of local friends, Geoff and Carolyn Telford, for a drink. Mr Telford said: ‘She told me, “Darren is trying to kill me. He’s trying to make me take drugs.” She wasn’t very happy.’ Mrs Telford said Miss Hernandez complained of a headache and said: ‘He’s trying to kill me with these drugs.’ The inquest was told Mr Stott travelled to Berkshire to attend a course on June 26. His fiancee’s body was found two days later at their three-bedroom bungalow after Mr Stott asked the Telfords to check on her. Pathologist Dr Kim Suvarna said ‘very high’ levels of paracetamol, tramadol, codeine and cyclizine were found in her stomach. Each of the drugs on their own would have been enough to kill her. She had died after eating a highly-spiced stew and the pathologist said there was evidence to suggest the tablets could have been ground down. Discovery: Ms Hernandez's semi-naked body was found on a bed at the three-bedroom bungalow home she shared with university lecturer and partner Mr Stott in the village of Barnburgh, near Doncaster . The coroner has ordered further . toxicology tests to shed more light on how she died. The inquest heard . tablets were found in every room in the house, all prescribed to Mr . Stott for a variety of ailments. Asked about Mr Stott, Detective Sergeant . David Roberts told the inquest: ‘There was just something about him . that made me feel uncomfortable.’ Miss Hernandez’s brother Rafael, 42, . who lives in the Doncaster area, said Mr Stott was a ‘control freak’ who . wanted to know her every movement. Coroner Nicola Mundy adjourned the . inquest in Doncaster and said: ‘I am far from satisfied with what I have . heard. Very important matters have come out which need to be pursued.’ She said there were ‘glaring inconsistencies’ in Mr Stott’s account. New life: Ms Hernandez moved to the village of Barnburgh (pictured), South Yorkshire, to live with Mr Stott who she met in Gran Canaria. She was studying English at Doncaster College and hoped to resume her legal career in the UK or back in Gran Canaria . Holiday romance: Ana Hernandez met Darren Stott when he was living in Gran Canaria (pictured), Canary Islands, Spain . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Ana Hernandez, 32, died after eating a highly-spiced stew . Cocktail of . painkillers were found in her stomach during post-mortem . Lawyer told a friend that her partner was 'trying to kill me with these drugs' Her body was found on June 28 with a packed suitcase next to her . Doncaster coroner's office has been unable to locate partner Darren Stott .
Article: Beijing, China (CNN) -- In a round-table meeting with government advisers and researchers of a government-run think tank on April 14, Premier Wen Jiabao enjoined them to listen to people's voices and relay these truthfully to top leaders. Wen's call to speak the truth comes at a time when the Chinese authorities are rounding up dissenters and muzzling whistle-blowers. A contradiction? Analysts say Wen's statement is designed to counter public scepticism and to warn officials against lying or pandering to higher ups. Others suggest it may just be part of Beijing's crisis management. A People's Daily commentary explains that Wen's appeal is meant to elicit accurate assessment of the situation so authorities can deal with problems effectively. "I don't think it is in contradiction to the party's crackdown on dissents," says Wenfang Tang, a political science professor at Ohio University. "Wen is trying to promote the legitimacy of the party, at least on the surface, whereas the dissidents want to destroy it." In recent years, China has seen communist governments in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan swept by political turmoil called the "color revolution". Beijing has also watched authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and North Africa toppled by popular uprisings. The fall of these regimes has raised the spectre of a Chinese "jasmine revolution." That does not seem likely--yet. More than 30 years after Chairman Mao's death, the Communist regime has built one of the most successful authoritarian governments in the world, delivering double-digit economic growth while keeping its one-party grip. Still, China's leaders fear outbreaks of luan (chaos). "They are not complacent," says a retired Communist Party official, who declined to be identified. "They may disagree on the ways and means but they agree on one goal that anti-government acts will be nipped in the bud at all cost. They do not care what other people and countries will say." They have good reasons to fret. The country is grappling with high inflation, endemic corruption, growing pollution concerns and a widening gap between the rich and the poor. They fear outbreak of ethnic strife in Tibet and Xinjiang, which experienced bloody street riots in 2008 and 2009, respectively. China's leaders have been trying to ease the pressure. "Their calculation is that if the government can keep the economy growing and jobs and wages increasing, the legitimacy of the CCP will be maintained," says China-watcher Drew Thompson. "But the challenges of growing social injustice, environmental damage and sustaining high economic growth will continue to haunt the leaders." To avoid its own "jasmine revolution," Beijing is taking firm measures to nip dissent in the bud. Police have detained scores of dissidents, including lawyers and prominent artist Ai Weiwei. Censors block Internet and social networking sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. At the same time, Chinese leaders try to project a sense of calm and normalcy. Party insiders say this tactic is known as neijin waisong--"tight inside, appearing lax from the outside." At the press conference at the end of the annual session of China's legislature last month, I asked Premier Wen if he thought political reform was urgently needed so the leadership could better address the people's grievances and avert social unrest. The solution, he replied, was political reform--but reform that is gradual and led by the Communist Party. "It's not easy to pursue political restructuring in a country of 1.3 billion people," he said. "It needs to take place in an orderly way, under the leadership of the party." Wen added: "At present, I think the biggest danger lies in corruption, and eliminating the breeding ground of corruption needs systemic and structural reform." Premier Wen is not necessarily pushing for radical political reforms, analysts say. Instead, says the retired Communist Party official, "he advocates transparency and accountability so as to effectively solve problems, avoid chaos and consolidate the Party's leadership." Wen's admirers say he is a reformist at heart. However, he sounds like a lonely voice among China's top leaders. Wu Bangguo, chairman of China's parliament and No. 2 in the party's hierarchy, in March ruled out the possibility of a multi-party democracy in China. Says Professor Wenfang Tang: "The question is whether Wen's effort to promote inner-party democracy will have a spill-over effect on political opposition outside the party. His style is different from Hu Jintao's and other technocrats. He is emotional and immensely popular, likes to appear in front of cameras and create sound bites." Some observers wonder if Wen's pronouncement is just part of a "good cop, bad cop" charade, with Wen playing the reform-minded leader and President Hu Jintao playing the hard liner. But there may be one other reason why the 69-year-old Wen feels freer to speak out in recent months. His two five-year terms will end in March 2013, after which he is expected to go into semi-retirement. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Premier Wen Jiabao tells government advisers and researchers: "Speak the truth" Comes at a time when Chinese authorities are rounding up dissenters . Beijing has built one of the world's most successful authoritarian regimes . Official: "(Wen) advocates transparency and accountability so as to ... solve problems"
Article: (CNN) -- Prosecutors in Boston, Massachusetts, say they plan to release their files on accused "Craigslist killer" Philip Markoff, who killed himself in jail in August, after formally dropping the murder case against him Thursday. The Suffolk County District Attorney's office said Wednesday it plans to file paperwork requesting a dismissal of their case Thursday morning. The case was short-circuited when Markoff took his own life August 15, but District Attorney Daniel Conley said at the time that the evidence against the suspect was "overwhelming." Conley is slated to discuss the case with reporters Thursday morning after requesting the case be dropped, a move his office said will set the stage for the release of "all relevant documents" at an unspecified later date. "Prosecutors are currently reviewing and redacting those documents and assembling the physical evidence," the district attorney's office said in a statement issued Wednesday. "We expect that it will be ready for media review within the next few weeks." Markoff, 24, was a second-year student at Boston University's School of Medicine when arrested in April 2009 in the killing of Julissa Brisman, 25, at Boston's Copley Marriott Hotel. Police said that Brisman, a model, advertised as a masseuse on the online classifieds service Craigslist, and Markoff might have met her through the site. Authorities said Markoff killed himself in his jail cell by cutting himself multiple times with a makeshift scalpel crafted from a pen and a piece of metal. In addition, a large, clear plastic bag of a type issued to inmates was fastened around his neck with a piece of gauze. The name of his former fiancee, who called off their wedding after his arrest, was scrawled in what appeared to be blood on the wall of his cell when he was found, Conley told reporters at the time. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
District attorney to file for dismissal after suspect Markoff's suicide . Prosecutors expect to release their file on Markoff "within the next few weeks" The former medical student killed himself in jail August 15 .
Article: Manuel Pellegrini remains convinced under-fire Eliaquim Mangala will establish himself as a key figure in the Manchester City defence. France centre-back Mangala has endured a difficult start to life in the Barclays Premier League following his £32million summer arrival from Porto. The 23-year-old endured a torrid afternoon as City were beaten 2-1 at West Ham on Saturday, and to compound his woes opposition boss Sam Allardyce later revealed he had been targeted as the weak link. Eliaquim Mangala looks dejected after the final whistle as Manchester City lost to West Ham . Sky Blues boss Manuel Pellegrini has backed his under-fire defender . Mangala also struggled in a game at Hull a month ago but manager Pellegrini has not lost faith. Pellegrini remembers how Martin Demichelis was ridiculed after some calamitous performances when he joined the club last season but the Argentinian has now turned that situation around. Pellegrini said: 'The same thing happened with Martin Demichelis last year. Remember all the criticism for him after he just arrived in the Premier League. 'I think Eliaquim Mangala is a young player and he has a lot of experience. I am sure we bought the centre-back that we need in him. This year with him, Vincent (Kompany), Martin, (Matija) Nastasic and Dedryck Boyata we have centre-backs that I can assure you will play very well.' Mangala and Bacary Sagna were signed in the close season to increase Pellegrini's defensive options as it was felt City lacked depth in this area. Performances this term, however, have been inconsistent with 17 goals conceded in 14 games in all competitions, including the Community Shield. Pellegrini accepts improvement is needed, but he says that applies across the pitch and not only to the defence. Carlton Cole beats Mangala to the ball as the Hammers took all three points . Argentine defender Martin Demichelis also had trouble adapting to life in the Premier League . The Chilean said: 'I think it's very it's important to have clean sheets. As a team you play easily or you play with more trust when you don't concede any easy goal at the beginning. 'But I think we must improve in general, not just talking about the defending. We must create more chances, we must score more goals. 'We are working on that and I am absolutely sure we will return to be the same team we were in the most important part of last season. 'But the only way is to compare last season with this season. And I don't think we are any worse this season.' The loss at Upton Park was the champions' second in the Barclays Premier League this season but Pellegrini does not believe it is a sign of any decline in powers. He points out that at the same stage last season City were a point worse off than they are now and sitting seventh, as opposed to their current third. He said: 'This year maybe we are playing in irregular form. Maybe some parts of the game are well, and others not so well. We are always clear that we need to improve and we are thinking about the best way to do it. 'But last year we had one point less than this year, and we didn't start as well as I wanted last year.' Aleksandar Kolarov poses for the cameras during a training session on Tuesday . Manchester City goalkeeper Willy Caballero during training at the Etihad Stadium . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
France centre-back Eliaqium Mangala has endured a difficult start to life in the Barclays Premier League . The 23-year-old endured a torrid afternoon as City were beaten 2-1 at West Ham on Saturday . Manuel Pellegrini has backed the defender to come good at Man City . Man City face Newcastle in the Capital One Cup on Wednesday .
Article: (CNN) -- Look at the goals Ivan Rosales has set for himself and you'll see an example of the American ambition that makes our nation great. Ivan is a recent graduate of California State University in San Bernardino, and is about to start a master's program in bioethics at New York University. But that's just a steppingstone on his path, he hopes, to medical school, where he wants to study oncology. Along the way, he'd also like to join the military and serve our country as an Army medic. Sounds like a guy you'd want as your neighbor (or your doctor), right? In America: Program granting work rights for childhood immigrants begins . Well, there's a catch: Ivan was born in Mexico and came to the United States when he was 8 months old. Although two older siblings were born here and are citizens, Ivan is an undocumented immigrant. But the Obama administration saw that America was losing out when people like Ivan could not reach their full potential because of their immigration status. The administration announced June 15 that it would consider requests for "deferred action" -- that is, a stay of deportation proceedings -- for young people who came to the United States before age 16, were 30 or younger as of June 15, have lived in the United States for at least five years, have graduated or are enrolled in school or were honorably discharged from the military, have stayed out of trouble and pass a background check. Excitement has been building among eligible young people during the 60 days U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services had to work out the details. The agency published the request forms Tuesday and is accepting requests starting Wednesday. "Deferred action for childhood arrivals," as it is officially called, lifts the immediate threat of deportation proceedings from about 1 million aspiring citizens who see America as their only home. It does so at no cost to taxpayers; applicants must pay a $465 fee, which will cover the program's cost. But it does more than that. It is the first step toward the creation of a new immigration process that recognizes the contributions of new Americans — whatever their provenance — to our country and our culture. In Ivan's case, that means getting an education that allows him to treat people who are fighting America's No. 2 killer. He knows a few cancer survivors; he tells me he has known too many others who have died. Already as an undergraduate, Ivan did stem-cell research that could lead to new cancer treatments. For the next two years, at least, Ivan will be able to work legally to help pay for graduate school. He can apply for internships and volunteer without worry. What is most meaningful to Ivan? "I'll be able to have a valid ID," he tells me. "That's the most overwhelming thing. Even something that simple will give me a sense of actually belonging." Ivan and his peers will be America's next generation of entrepreneurs and farm workers, engineers and assembly-line employees, inventors, nurses, teachers -- and doctors. If they aren't curing you, they might be hiring you, teaching your children or keeping food on your table. They are good for America. We are at our best when we encourage and reward hard work, not question it. We are at our strongest when we lift aspirations, not when we stifle them. We also must treat this positive step as an initial accomplishment, not a final one. As Ivan and other aspiring citizens move closer to achieving their dreams, all of us must come together and move Congress to pass a permanent road map to citizenship for all who pledge allegiance to our country. Wednesday is a day of new promise, new confidence and new opportunity to preserve and strengthen the American dream — not just for Ivan but for all of us. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Ali Noorani. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Ali Noorani: To see the promise of immigrant ambition, look to the goals of Ivan Rosales . He says Rosales came illegally as infant to U.S; a college grad, now wants to be oncologist . He says Rosales can request stay of deportation under new Obama plan Wednesday . Noorani: Step should be prelude to Congress passing reform that welcomes people like Rosales .
Article: By . Emma Thomas . PUBLISHED: . 06:59 EST, 22 November 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 09:34 EST, 22 November 2013 . A young couple plunged 150ft down a clifftop as they tried to save their runaway puppy, an inquest has heard. Civil engineer Rhys Clark was killed and his fiancée Anna Galazka was seriously injured as they tried to save their one-year-old dog Sherlock as he fell down the cliff face. Witnesses told how they watched in horror as first Mr Clark and Miss Galazka slid down a steep grassy slope before tumbling over the clifftop Southerndown near Bridgend, South Wales. The inquest heard Mr Clark, 27, shot headfirst onto rocks on the holiday beach with Miss Galazka, 25, crashing down after him seconds later. Couple: The inquest heard Mr Clark, 27, fell onto rocks on the holiday beach at Southerndown with his girlfriend crashing after him seconds later. They had been trying to reach their puppy Sherlock, who they had just adopted . Mr Clark was killed instantly as he struck the rocks to just a few feet from the body of the mongrel Sherlock. The couple had rescued Sherlock from an animal welfare centre just weeks earlier and loved taking him on walks. Polish-born Miss Galazka had a miraculous escape but suffered multiple fractures, including a broken pelvis and broken leg. The couple had been together for two-and-a-half years and planned to get married. Miss Galazka was described by Mr Clark’s father at the inquest as the 'perfect partner' for his son. He said: 'Anna is absolutely charming and was the perfect partner for Rhys.They were in love and Rhys said he planned to marry Anna.' Schoolboy Archie White saw the tragedy unfold at the top of the steep cliffs. Dangerous: The couple plunged over the 150ft cliff in South Wales after trying to catch their puppy. Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan coroner Thomas Atherton recorded a verdict of accidental death at the inquest today . Archie, 13, said: 'The man was running forwards and tried to grab the dog by the edge of the cliff but he was too slow. 'He scrambled down the steep side but was unable to stop himself and shot forward headfirst towards the rocks.' Sam Clarke, who was rock climbing on the cliffs, told the . inquest: 'The man was sliding feet first down the grassy bank. Steep: Eyewitnesses told how they watched in horror as first Rhys and Anna slid down a steep grassy slope - before tumbling over the clifftop . 'He . was sliding at some speed and appeared to be out of control as he tried . to stop himself before he went down the vertical cliff face. 'The woman also started to slide down the same grassy bank before she tumbled down the cliffs.' The inquest heard that lifeguards on the beach tried to resuscitate Mr Clark before a doctor on the scene pronounced him dead from multiple injuries. Miss Galazka was breathing and was airlifted to hospital by an air ambulance. She is still recovering from her injuries and did not give evidence at the inquest. Mr Clark had a First Class honours degree and First Class Masters in engineering from Cardiff University, where he met Miss Galazka three years ago. The couple were planning to marry, . have children and settle down in the Herefordshire countryside, where he . had always dreamed of living. The pair had a regular walk along the cliffs at Southerndown, which are a popular filming location for the TV show Dr Who. Mr Clark was a volunteer during the London Olympics and Miss Galazka was in training for next year’s London Marathon. Cardiff . and Vale of Glamorgan coroner Thomas Atherton, giving a verdict of . accidental death, said: 'It is quite clear from the evidence that the . dog ran towards the cliff edge and Rhys followed with tragic . consequences.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Rhys Clark, 27, was killed and his fiancée Anna Galazka seriously injured . Witnesses saw them slide down grassy slope before tumbling over cliff . Lifeguards tried to resuscitate Rhys but he was pronounced dead . Anna is still recovering from fractures including a broken pelvis and leg .
Article: (CNN) -- With less than two weeks before the scheduled last day of the Florida legislative session, demonstrators against the state's proposed immigration bills are putting on a full court press. On Monday an estimated 600 people, mostly Hispanic students, farm workers, immigrant families and advocates, boarded buses from Clearwater to the capitol building in Tallahassee where they began a week of scheduled demonstrations against SB 2040 and HB 7089. The bills come as Arizona's immigration law is stuck in a federal appeals court. If passed, Florida's bills would turn "all local law enforcement into immigration agents," the League of United Latin American Citizens said in a written statement. "With these powers, local police can ask anyone for papers regardless of their status. Just like Sheriff Joe Arpaio does in Arizona," the statement said. "This bill also mandates 'e-verify' for all businesses under the threat of license revocation." Republican Sen. Anitere Flores proposed one of the bills. "Senate Bill 2040 in its current form simply seeks to ensure that in a time of such great unemployment, employers are verifying that any new employees hired have proper documentation to work," Flores said in an email to CNN. "Senate Bill 2040 does not deputize police officers, nor does it criminalize immigrants." She is against an Arizona-style immigration bill, she said. Gov. Rick Scott has indicated that he is in favor of moving along with immigration reform soon, but he has come short of endorsing the proposed bills. HB 7089 would give law enforcement the ability to check the documented status of people under criminal investigation if there is "reasonable suspicion." It would also make being undocumented a state crime. The scheduled last day for the Florida legislative session is May 6. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Demonstrators are mostly students, farm workers, immigrant families and advocates . Bills would force employers to verify proper documentation, senator says . The bills come as Arizona's immigration law is stuck in a federal appeals court .
Article: By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 18:55 EST, 24 December 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 04:57 EST, 25 December 2012 . While a space shuttle requires more than 30,000 people to launch, the Delta Clipper Experimental Advanced, also known as the DCXA, only required 15 people to take off. The pictures and video below show the amazing single-stage rocket launching thousands of feet without a pilot, moving through the air and landing back in its original position -- on its tail. That was one of several successful launches, others of which saw the rocket reach as high as 10,000 feet, according to The Learning Channel video’s narrator. Scroll down for video . Unmanned rocket: The DCXA's original prototype was built by American aerospace manufacturer and defense contractor McDonnell Douglas in conjunction with the U.S. Defense Department¿s Strategic Defense Initiative Organization from 1991 to 1993 . Take off: This video image shows the DCXA taking off before launching thousands of feet without a pilot, moving through the air and landing back in its original position . The captured video was one of several successful launches, others of which saw the rocket reach as high as 10,000 feet . The DCXA could lift off on its power without the need for separate throw-away boosters. The unmanned reusable prototype was built by American aerospace manufacturer McDonnell Douglas in conjunction with the U.S. Defense Department’s Strategic Defense Initiative Organization from 1991 to 1993. It was originally called the DC-X. On August 18, 1993, a small group of spectators at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico witnessed the rocket’s first launch, according to a report from the Ada Information Clearinghouse. The original DC-X flew three times at the White Sands Missile Range before the Defense Department terminated the program in late 1993. The rocket was then given to NASA scientists, who upgraded the vehicle’s design for improved performance and renamed the upgraded prototype the DCXA. Landing: This video image shows the single-stage rocket landing in its original position -- on its tail . Reusable: The DCXA could be ready to fly again 24 hours after take-off . The prototype’s oxygen fuel tanks were . built in Russia using lithium, the lightest of metals, while its . hydrogen tanks were made of epoxy, the same material used in . bullet-proof vests. The DXCA would reportedly burn 90% of its take-off weight in its first three minutes of flight. The redesigned rocket could be ready to fly again 24 hours after take-off. The DCXA underwent its last test flight in 1996. On July 2 that same year, NASA granted a contract for another single-stage reusable launch vehicle, known as the X-33, to Lockheed Martin for its VentureStar orbital spaceplane. Small flight crew: While a space shuttle requires more than 30,000 people to launch, the DCXA only required 15 people to take off . Remote control: Ground crew controlled the rocket by computer from a nearby trailer . Lightweight: The prototype¿s oxygen fuel tanks were built in Russia using lithium, the lightest of metals, while its hydrogen tanks were made of epoxy . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Video shows single-stage unmanned rocket launching thousands of feet without a pilot, moving through the air and landing back in its original position . The reusable prototype was originally built . by McDonnell . Douglas in conjunction with the U.S. Defense Department’s SDIO from 1991 to 1993 .
Article: (CNN) -- The oil and gas industry's injection of wastewater deep into the Earth is "a likely contributing factor" to the 50% increase in Oklahoma earthquakes since October, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The jump in temblors significantly increases the chance for a damaging quake -- 5.5 magnitude or greater -- in the Great Plains state, the federal agency said. "As a result of the increased number of small and moderate shocks, the likelihood of future, damaging earthquakes has increased for central and north-central Oklahoma," the USGS said Monday. The increase in earthquakes "do not seem to be due to typical, random fluctuations in natural seismicity rates," a recent USGS statistical analysis found. Rather, a finding by the USGS and the Oklahoma Geological Survey "indicates that a likely contributing factor to the increase in earthquakes is wastewater disposal by injection into deep geologic formations," the USGS said. The Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association, however, urged a wait-and-see approach in judging the USGS's assertions. "Because crude oil and natural gas is produced in 70 of Oklahoma's 77 counties, any seismic activity within the state is likely to occur near oil and natural gas activity. The OIPA and the oil and gas industry as a whole support the continued study of Oklahoma's increased seismic activity, but a rush to judgment provides no clear understanding of the causes," the industry group said. Between last October and April 14, the state experienced 183 quakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater, the USGS and Oklahoma Geological Survey said. That is an increase from the state's long-term average from 1978 to 2008 of only two magnitude 3.0 or larger quakes per year. "The water injection can increase underground pressures, lubricate faults and cause earthquakes -- a process known as injection-induced seismicity," the USGS said. "Much of this wastewater is a byproduct of oil and gas production and is routinely disposed of by injection into wells specifically designed and approved for this purpose." To better gauge the increased quakes, the USGS and Oklahoma officials have added monitoring stations, which now stand at 15 permanent facilities and 17 temporary stations, the agency said. In 2012: Debate over fracking, quakes get louder . What you need to know about earthquakes . Measuring the magnitude of earthquakes . The place where two earthquakes hit every hour . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Oklahoma sees 50% jump in earthquake rate since October . A 'likely' factor for the increase is oil and gas industry's wastewater wells, USGS says . Industry group urges caution in rushing to any judgment . USGS: Oklahoma now faces greater risk for a major one, 5.5 magnitude or greater .
Article: By . Hugo Gye . PUBLISHED: . 11:17 EST, 17 April 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 11:53 EST, 17 April 2013 . Baroness Thatcher was this afternoon cremated at Mortlake Crematorium in South-West London. After a reception for the guests at her ceremonial funeral, the body of the former Prime Minister was driven from St Paul's Cathedral to the suburban district. Her ashes are due to be interred next to those of her beloved husband Denis, who died in 2003, at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. Final journey: Baroness Thatcher's coffin enters Mortlake Crematorium in South-West London this afternoon . Escort: Police riders drove in front of the hearse to clear the way for the funeral cortege . Crowd: Well-wishers lined the route and applauded the arrival of the convoy in Mortlake . Following the spectacular . funeral at St Paul's, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh joined the . stateswoman's family to watch her coffin loaded into a hearse and taken to the Chelsea hospital in . preparation for her final journey. Relatives then moved on to a reception at the Guildhall to thank the funeral guests for their attendance. After . the reception ended, Lady Thatcher's coffin left Central London - . roughly four hours after the conclusion of the funeral service. The vehicle was accompanied by police motorcyclists en route to Mortlake. Setting off: A hearse carrying Baroness Thatcher's coffin driving to Mortlake Crematorium . Arrival: The convoy as it reached Mortlake in South-West London for the cremation . Salute: Police on guard at the crematorium paid their respects to the former Prime Minister . The convoy drove west through Central London, and crossed Putney Bridge on its way to the suburb in the Borough of Richmond. Dozens of onlookers lined the street and applauded as the coffin entered through the crematorium gates, which were guarded by two police officers. Another two police officers saluted as the hearse went into the grounds, followed by two Jaguar cars and a Range Rover. Two coaches carrying guests had arrived at the crematorium half an hour earlier, for a private service before the cremation. Lady Thatcher's ashes will eventually be buried with those of Sir Denis, under a marble slab in the grounds of the famous hospital. Ceremony: Crowds earlier lined the Central London streets as Lady Thatcher's coffin passed by . Service: 2,300 guests attended the funeral inside St Paul's Cathedral this morning . Family: Thatcher relatives including Mark and Carol, pictured with the Queen, attended the cremation . Other well-known figures to have been cremated at Mortlake Crematorium include comedian Tommy Cooper, actor Michael Redgrave and political journalist Robin Day. Earlier, Lady Thatcher received an affectionate farewell from the British people during a funeral with full military honours at the nation's best-known cathedral. The service, which was planned by the former Tory leader herself before her death, featured well-known hymns as well as readings by her granddaughter Amanda and David Cameron. Her coffin was driven from the Palace of Westminster to the church of St Clement Danes, then transferred to a gun carriage for the journey to St Paul's. Lady Thatcher died last Monday at the age of 87 following a series of strokes. Reunited: Lady Thatcher's ashes will be interred alongside those of her beloved husband Denis . Grave: The resting place of Sir Denis in the grounds of the Royal Hospital Chelsea in West London . Preparation: Staff at the hospital last week, apparently measuring the ground for Lady Thatcher's grave . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Hearse driven from St Paul's Cathedral to Mortlake Crematorium . Family attends private service before former Prime Minister is cremated . Ashes will be interred with husband in grounds of Royal Hospital Chelsea .
Article: One of Britain's most famous ships, the Cutty Sark, was damaged by a mystery fire for the second time in recent years. However, the historic vessel was saved from destruction by the rapid response of firefighters who had developed emergency contingency plans following a devastating blaze seven years ago. Scroll down for video . One of Britain's most famous ships, the Cutty Sark, was damaged by a mystery fire for the second time in recent years . Fire crews raced to the 19th Century clipper in Greenwich, south east London, yesterday morning after a blaze broke out below the deck. Flames damaged an area of the ship's hull, although a 'swift and pre-planned' response to the blaze meant firefighters were able to protect the national treasure. The ship, launched in 1869, suffered millions of pounds worth of damage when a huge blaze ripped through its wooden hull during a £25 million restoration project in 2007. Speaking at the scene last night, London Fire Brigade Station Commander George Vost said: 'The Brigade were called just before 7.30am by an automatic fire alarm system. 'Crews from Greenwich fire station responded quickly arriving on the scene within four minutes, at which point to officer in command called for assistance. The historic vessel was saved from destruction by the rapid response of firefighters . 'Within an hour a team of 20 firefighters had extinguished the blaze which damaged hull timbers.' He added: 'The crews worked swiftly to contain a fire which had broken out on level three, a floor below the top deck, which had started in one of the museum sections. 'Unfortunately a small area of the interior lining of the hull was damaged. We worked with the Cutty Sark conservation team to get the ship open to the public again at 10.30am, around half an hour after its scheduled opening time. 'We have our investigation team on site working with engineers from the ship. Having had a serious incident in the past there was a lot of pre-planning that goes into how we deal with situations like this. 'The Cutty Sark is an important part of the Greenwich Museum and they are very good with carrying out fire drills and fire safety checks.' Visitors were allowed into the ship while fire investigators inspected the ship's hull to establish the source of the blaze. Teams could be seen abseiling down the port side of the ship looking for clues from the outside as to why the latest incident occurred. Emergency services were called out to the fire in Greenwich at around 7.30am . Fire originally broke out on the Cutty Sark on May 21st, 2007, causing £10 million worth of damage. Luckily large sections of the ship, including the masts, saloon and deckhouses had been removed prior to the first blaze. By the time restoration was complete more than 90 per cent of the ship's original features were still intact and the attraction reopened to the public in April 2012. The cause of the first devastating blaze was blamed on an industrial vacuum cleaner which had been left on for days. Queuing to look around the boat this morning Egyptian tourist Mahmoud Zayed, 35, said: 'It's a good job this thing didn't go up in flames again. 'It's so beautiful and had so much history attached to it.' National Maritime Museum spokeswoman Sheryl Twigg said: 'At 7.21am this morning local fire crews responded rapidly to a fire alert on board Cutty Sark. 'This turned out to be a fire and the damage is very limited. The ship opened to the public half an hour later than normal. The cause of the fire is under investigation.' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Blaze broke out below deck yesterday with flames engulfing ship's hull . But 'swift and pre-planned' response meant firefighters limited damage . Comes seven years after national treasure was devastated by mystery blaze . Ship was lunched in 1869 and is displayed in Greenwich, south east London .
Article: London (CNN) -- Security experts are starting to analyze events leading up to the horrific cleaver attack of a man believed to be a British soldier on the suburban streets of London. One key line of inquiry they'll be following among the many leads: How does this attack relate to other incidents around the world? CNN Terrorism Analyst Paul Cruickshank says the precedents are not hard to detect. "It's early in the investigation in terms of looking at the culprit and motivation but there's a track record of Islamist extremists inspired by al Qaeda ideology targeting soldiers in the West," he said. Other areas the security services would look at, he added, would include which groups -- if any -- were behind the attack and whether it was home-grown. Cruickshank said that there had been plots in the past when attackers had tried to target military personnel: the fact that Wednesday's murder happened near a military barracks in southeast London was significant. "It's not clear if this particular officer was specifically targeted or he just happened to be walking through this area and was a target of opportunity," said Cruickshank, "but it seems that more than one individual was part of this attack, so this could well have been planned. We just don't know." CNN affiliate ITN has broadcast a video showing a man at the scene of the attack with bloody hands and holding a meat cleaver, saying: "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you." He then continues: "The only reasons we killed this man this is because Muslims are dying daily. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for tooth." Cruickshank cited the plot, uncovered in 2007, to kidnap and murder a Muslim British soldier. Four men plotted to kidnap a solider on leave and then decapitate him in a garage. Parviz Khan, the leader of the plotters, planned to behead the soldier "like a pig" and then post film of the killing online. It is not known if there are any links between this plot and the attack. Leading al Qaeda clerics have called those who target soldiers in the West "heroes," Cruickshank said. "These are people inspired by al Qaeda ideology in the West," Cruickshank said. "Hero" was the term militant cleric Anwar al-Awlaki -- who was born and raised in the United States -- had used to describe Nidal Hasan, an American Muslim soldier based at Fort Hood, Texas. In November 2009 Hasan shot and killed 13 U.S. soldiers at the military base in November 2009. Hasan and Al-Awlaki had communicated on the internet before the shootings at the military base, used at the time by soldiers about to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, Cruickshank said. Al-Awlaki himself was killed by a U.S. drone strike in in Yemen in September 2011. "The motivation in these past attacks has been the war in Afghanistan and Iraq," Cruickshank said. "For a generation of Islamist extremists in the UK, Iraq and Afghanistan were their formative experiences." In 2012, Mohammed Merah, a 23-year-old French-Algerian, went on a killing spree that terrorized France and left seven people dead, including three soldiers. Three children were killed when he attacked a Jewish school. He was eventually tracked down to his apartment in Toulouse, southern France, where he was besieged for 32 hours before being killed as security forces stormed the building on March 22. During that siege Merah told negotiators that he was acting on behalf of al Qaeda. A senior U.S. counterterrorism official later told CNN that Merah was believed to have linked up with Jund al Khilafah, an obscure Kazakh Jihadist group with ties to al Qaeda, just months before the attacks. ] . Cruickshank said the fact that such killings had occurred since foreign troop levels in Iraq and Afghanistan had been scaled back was irrelevant to the attackers. "The Iraq War is still very much an issue for these people. A significant number of these have been energised by watching beheading videos put out by groups like al Qaeda in Iraq." Monica Sarkar contributed to this report. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Cruickshank: Track record of al Qaeda-inspired extremists targeting soldiers . British police uncovered 2007 plot to kidnap and murder a Muslim British soldier . Security services looking at whether London suspects linked to any groups . Leading al Qaeda clerics have called those who target western soldiers 'heroes'
Article: By . Becky Barrow . PUBLISHED: . 12:39 EST, 17 December 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 07:29 EST, 18 December 2013 . A record 400,000 homeowners are now property millionaires – twice as many as five years ago. The number of homes worth £1million or more has jumped by a third over the past year alone, fuelled by soaring house prices in London and the South East. A report found that 255 homeowners have been promoted to the exclusive club every day. Pricey: The total number of homes valued at £1 million plus by Zoopla this month has grown by almost one third compared with a year ago to reach 393,127. Homes around Hampstead Heath in North London are pictured . But the rise means that, in some . areas, young couples looking to move from a flat to a house to start a . family are forced to take on crippling mortgages. And . house prices are still rising, according to figures published . separately yesterday by the Office for National Statistics. Property . prices in the UK have risen by 5.5 per cent over the last 12 months, . although the rise in London is even steeper, jumping by 12 per cent. In fact, prices are rising by only 3.1 per cent in Britain, if London and the South East are removed from the calculation. Of . all property millionaires, six in ten are in London, including around . 41,400 who live in the capital’s smallest borough of Kensington and . Chelsea. Expensive: The exclusive borough of Kensington and Chelsea (left) was named by Zoopla as home to the highest number of property millionaires totalling 41,393. The highest proportion of property millionaires outside the capital can be found in the Surrey postcode area of GU25 covering Virginia Water (right) The report, by . property website Zoopla, found that around 240,000 property . millionaires are in London and around 82,600 are in the South East. There . is more mortgage debt in south west London than in the whole of Wales, . according to the first-ever analysis of mortgages by postcodes in the . UK. In south west London, . which includes areas such as Wimbledon, Wandsworth, Balham, Earlsfield . and Clapham, homeowners are burdened with a total mortgage debt of . £29.2billion. By . comparison, homeowners in Wales have a total mortgage debt of . £28.5billion, according to the research by the Council of Mortgage . Lenders and the British Bankers’ Association. It highlights the extraordinary gulf between house prices in London and the rest of the country. The . average house price in Wales is £164,000, which is one of the cheapest . places to buy in the country, compared with an average of £437,000 in . London. By . comparison, there are only 1,043 in all of Wales, 1,814 in Yorkshire . and the Humber and 2,574 in the North East. Lawrence Hall, from Zoopla, . said: ‘There has been a hive of activity propelling house price growth . at the top end.’ Outside . London, the highest proportion of property millionaires are in the . Surrey town of Virginia Water, where a third of houses are worth more . than £1million. Other . millionaire hotspots include the Buckinghamshire towns of Beaconsfield . and Chalfont St Giles. In the exclusive Royal Borough of Kensington and . Chelsea, the average price of a home is now £1.2million. A decade ago, the average price there was £470,000, according to the Land Registry. Peter . Rollings, chief executive of estate agency Marsh & Parsons, said . the property market in the capital ‘dances to a different beat.’ He . said: ‘Prices are rising at more than twice the speed of other regions. ‘Prime London continues to be a magnet for both UK and overseas buyers, and demand for the best properties remains intense. ‘We . have recorded an average of 19 registered buyers per available . property, and until levels of supply increase, property will continue . to sell quickly, for close to, or for the asking price, and in many . cases, in excess of the asking price.’ SOUGHT-AFTER AREA . Chris Wreghitt and his wife Wendy bought their six-bedroom detached property in Powick, Worcestershire, for £270,000 in 1999. It is now worth £1million. Mr Wreghitt said: ‘We’ve done quite a lot of work on it including converting the cellars which were flooded and closed off into a games room for the children. Huge increase: Chris and Wendy Wreghitt with son Jack . ‘I’d say we spent around £100,000 altogether. But I didn’t think when we bought it that it would be worth as much as it is now.’ Mr Wreghitt, 55, runs an export sales company. The Grade II listed property also includes a coach house which he uses as his office. He said: ‘It’s a nice village in a sought-after area. It also offers a good choice of both comprehensive and independent schools.’ He and his wife, a 52-year-old primary school teacher, have three children – Sam, 23, Katie, 21, and Jack, 15. THE LONDON EFFECT . The Curran's House . Piers Curran sold his five-bedroom Victorian townhouse in Wandsworth Common in July for just over £1.2million – eight years after he bought it for £495,000. Mr Curran, 35, and his wife Su, 35, had spent £200,000 on a loft conversion. The couple, who have two children aged seven and four, moved from Putney because they preferred the schools. They have now moved to a £1.65million house nearby. Mr Curran, head of proprietary trading firm Amplify Trading, said: ‘I was surprised how much we sold it for in the end, even though I monitor the property market closely and know prices in London have shot up.’ ‘We accepted an offer in February for £1.18million but we couldn’t find a property for ourselves so pulled out. 'We put it back on the market in July and sold it within 24 hours for £37,000 more than we asked for.’ Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
92,985 more property millionaires in Britain created in past 12 months . Three-fifths of million pound plus properties are found to be in London . Kensington & Chelsea home to highest number of property millionaires .
Article: BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- An Australian author imprisoned last month for insulting the king and crown prince of Thailand was on his way home Saturday after receiving a pardon from the king. Harry Nicolaides behind the bars of a Thai holding cell. Harry Nicolaides, 41, was arrested last August over his 2005 book titled "Verisimilitude." The book includes a paragraph about the king and crown prince that authorities deemed a violation of a law that makes it illegal to defame, insult or threaten the crown. CNN has chosen not to repeat the language because it could result in CNN staff being prosecuted in Thailand. Mark Dean, a lawyer for Nicolaides, said he was released Friday and taken to the Australian embassy in Bangkok, where he stayed until leaving for Australia at about midnight. "He is obviously very relieved and grateful that the pardon was granted," Dean said. Nicolaides was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty last month. He faced a term of up to six years before the plea. Watch shackled Nicolaides at court » . His lawyers then requested the pardon. King Bhumibol Adulydej had pardoned foreigners in similar cases in the past. Dean said Nicolaides was deported from Thailand, but that he did not know of any other stipulations related to the pardon. In an interview with CNN International, Dean avoided repeating what Nicolaides wrote, but said the passage was presented as a rumor, not a fact. "This is probably not the best time to repeat the passage that was found to be offensive," Dean said. "But it concerned the crown prince of Thailand and a rumor that was being circulated in Thailand about the crown prince." Nicolaides had been living in Thailand since 2003, lecturing at two universities about tourism. He was about to leave Thailand when he was arrested on August 31. It is not clear why the authorities waited three years after the publication of his book to bring charges against him. Fifty copies of the book were published, and only seven were sold. Thailand's king is highly revered in the Buddhist nation. But even he has said in the past that he can be criticized. Thailand's prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, also has told CNN he is concerned about what he called misuse of the law. Still, other cases of violating the law are pending before the Thai Criminal Court, involving both Thais and foreigners. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Harry Nicolaides, 41, was arrested last August over his 2005 book . The book includes a paragraph about the king and crown prince . Authorities deemed it a violation of a law that makes it illegal to insult the crown . Man's lawyer says he was relieved and left for Australia at about midnight .
Article: (CNN) -- An 87th minute header from beleaguered striker Andy Carroll handed Liverpool a 2-1 victory over Merseyside rivals Everton in the semifinal of the English FA Cup on Saturday. Carroll's effort compounded a miserable second half for David Moyes' team after a promising opening to the match played at Wembley Stadium. Nikica Jelavic pounced on a mix up between Liverpool defender's Jamie Carragher and Daniel Agger in the 24th minute to side-foot past goalkeeper Brad Jones to hand Everton the lead. It stayed that way until the 62nd minute when Sylvain Distin's sloppy back-pass gifted Liverpool a way back into the game. Luis Suarez raced onto the mistake before comfortably beating Tim Howard with the outside of his right boot to level the scores. Liverpool perhaps should have been ahead earlier in the half when Andy Carroll missed a gilt-edged chance to equalize but somehow directed his header wide. But the $55 million man made amends rising above Everton's Marouane Fellaini to nod home the winner from a Craig Bellamy free-kick. "It's the best feeling ever. We worked hard and getting the goal right there at the end was great," Carroll told ESPN afterwards. "I had a few chances and should have probably scored earlier. But I kept at it and it was a great ball in by Craig (Bellamy), and I just had to score with that one and I did. "It's a great feeling. I've had some criticism but I've just kept on going," Carroll added. His manager Kenny Dalglish, who has also been the subject of criticism after Liverpool's poor league form in recent weeks, was delighted with the effort of his team. "I think it was fantastic and although it's not been too good in the league recently, that's two cup finals -- one we've won and won we're looking forward to," Dalglish told ESPN. FA Cup gives Dalglish opportunity to repay owners' faith . Chelsea take on Tottenham Hotspur in the second semifinal on Sunday. The final will be played on Saturday May 5. Meanwhile in the English Premier League, Carlos Tevez scored a hat-trick for Manchester City on Saturday in the English Premier League as Manchester City thrashed Norwich City 6-1 at Carrow Road. The win closes the gap on leaders Manchester United to just two points who play Aston Villa at Old Trafford on Sunday. The Argentine put City ahead in the 18th minute, before his compatriot Sergio Aguero added a second nine minutes later. Andrew Surman's goal for Norwich six minutes after the break gave home fans hope of a comeback but four goals from City in the final quarter of the match killed off the game. Tevez bagged his second in the 73rd minute as did Aguero two minutes later to make the game safe. Tevez, who was starting only his second league game since last September, claimed his hat-trick ten minutes from the end, with Adam Johnson completing the rout in injury time to boost City's goal difference to plus 58, eight ahead of United. In the other three Premier League fixtures played Saturday, the teams struggling at the foot of the table all had days to forget. Wolverhampton Wanderers played out a goalless draw against Sunderland at the Stadium of Light -- a result that does little to alleviate their plight at the bottom of the league. Second-from-bottom Blackburn Rovers were beaten 3-0 by Swansea City, while 16th-placed Queens Park Rangers went down 1-0 against West Bromwich Albion at the Hawthorns. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Andy Carroll defies critics with match-winning header at Wembley in FA Cup semifinal against Everton . Liverpool reach second final of English domestic season after winning League Cup in February . Carlos Tevez scores a hat-trick as Manchester City thrash Norwich City 6-1 . Title rivals Manchester United at home to Aston Villa on Sunday .
Article: Australia launched the Michael Cheika era with a victory, but failed to convince in edging past the Barbarians 40-36 at Twickenham. The Barbarians cut Australia's 18-point lead down to just four points late in the second half, but were unable to snatch victory at the death. New coach Cheika kept his autumn Test series cards close to his chest by making 10 changes from the Wallabies side that pushed New Zealand to the brink in 29-28 Bledisloe Cup defeat last month. Barbarian Adam Thomson crosses for a try in the corner in their narrow loss to Australia in the Killik Cup . Former Australia winger Nick Cummins, for the Barbarians, runs at the Wallabies fly-half Quade Cooper . The former Leinster coach's first Australia challenge still ended in victory however, as the Wallabies won out six tries to five in their bid to move past Ewen McKenzie's acrimonious resignation. Sam Carter, Benn Robinson, Tevita Kuridrani, Rob Horne, Bernard Foley and Sean McMahon crossed for the Australians, who struggled for rhythm throughout. The Wallabies had Will Genia and Quade Cooper back in half-back tandem for the first time in a year, but still failed for fluency. Frank Halai, Adam Thomson, Francis Saili, Nick Cummins and Marnitz Boshoff claimed the scores for the Barbarians, John Kirwan's side unlucky not to prevail in the event. Wallabies winger Rob Horne runs in one of Australia's six tries of the match at Twickenham on Saturday . The Barbarians threw out all their trademark trick plays in the first 10 minutes - but were unable to make any count. Luatua's American Football lineout throw rocketed to Cummins in the outside centre channel, catching the Wallabies unawares. The Japan-based flyer knocked on though, killing cheeky move number one. When Colin Slade punted a penalty to the corner rather than for goal, in the ultimate touring-side spirit, the BaaBaas then pumped 11 men into the five-metre lineout. Australia conceded a penalty rather than a try from the drive, teeing up the Barbarians for another sneaky ploy. New Zealander Francis Saili does a celebratory dance after he scores the flair-filled Baa-Baas third try . Tomas Cubelli tapped the five-metre penalty then chipped the ball back over his head, again catching the Australians napping. Slade rose highest in the in-goal area, only to knock the ball on off his shoulder. Just when Australia looked to wrestle the initiative though, Slade kick-started a fine scoring move with an inch-perfect jink and offload out of the tackle to Cummins. The industrious Stephens clawed a pass off his toes in midfield to keep the move alive, before the ball was whipped wide to Halai. The Auckland Blues wing scythed in at the perfect moment to open the scoring. Francis Saili's defence-turning grubber sent Halai racing through again, only for the wing to fly-hack on when he should have scooped up. Cooper sustained Australia's curiously indifferent start by botching a four-man overlap with a needless miss-pass, only for lock Carter to punch over for a try on the next phase. Now based in Japan, Cummins was among the Barbarians' five different try scorers . Wallaby Tevita Kuridrani makes a bust on his way to a try in Australia's narrow win in London . Not even a Television Match Official (TMO) spotted Saia Fainga'a's clear midfield knock-on, leaving the BaaBaas flummoxed. The stubborn Barbarians refused to give in, Saili twice involved in sending Thomson home for the hosts' second score. Slade's conversion handed the BaaBaas the 12-7 advantage, only for Robinson to plough home on a tight drive. Cooper's conversion scrambled Australia a 14-12 lead that Cheika's side retained until the break. The Barbarians gifted Australia the second half's opening score, non-existent midfield defence allowing Kuridrani a cakewalk across the whitewash. Australia's new head coach Michael Cheika (centre) issues his instructions before his first game in charge . All Black Colin Slade got the chance to torment the Aussies again after New Zealand's recent win . The hosts hit back immediately though, Saili chipping the Wallabies defence before beating Sean McMahon to the loose ball to dot down. Slade then slotted a 45-metre penalty to edge the BaaBaas into a 22-21 lead. Wallabies boss Cheika made a raft of changes on 55 minutes, both Cooper and Genia hauled off. And the immediate dividend was Horne's try, the wing profiting as the Barbarians ran out of blindside defenders. Israel Folau blasted clear following a Barbarians break, only for Halai to haul him down and steal the ball. Scrum half Will Genia (centre) was reunited with No 10 Cooper in Cheika's new-look line-up . The Blues wing was hustled into touch though, and the Wallabies' replacement fly-half Foley nipped in from the quick lineout. Foley converted his own try to hand Australia an 11-point lead, before McMahon ghosted home cheaply too. Australia wing Cummins then picked a smart line to race onto Tim Nanai-Williams' blind pass to bag a Barbarians try against his international team-mates. Replacement Boshoff powered away for a score to cut the Wallabies' lead to just four points with a minute to play, but Kirwan's men were unable to turn the tide at the death. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Michael Cheika presided over first game as Australia coach at Twickenham . NSW coach made 10 changes to the team that lost to New Zealand . The Wallabies almost blew an 18-point lead after a strong comeback . Sam Carter, Benn Robinson, Tevita Kuridrani, Rob Horne, Bernard Foley and Sean McMahon scored tries for Australia . Frank Halai, Adam Thomson, Francis Saili, Nick Cummins and Marnitz Boshoff crossed for the John Kirwan-coached Barbarians .
Article: A champion wakeboarder has spoken for the first time since an horrific training accident left him quadriplegic. Talking through a speaking valve from his Florida hospital bed, Brad Smeele, 27, thanked his supporters for their donations and good wishes and celebrated being able to talk for the first time in a month. The New Zealander shattered his C4 vertebrae in July while attempting a double backflip during training at the world's largest wake park Lake Ronix in Orlando, Florida. Scroll down for video . Brad Smeele, 27, from New Zealand was left a quadriplegic after a wakeboarding accident in Florida . 'I just wanted to send a message out and say thank you so much for all the support and all the kind messages you guys have been sending through,' Mr Smeele said in a video posted to YouTube. 'All the donation and gifts and everything has been really amazing and it's truly blown me away how much support I've got from all around the world so just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone. 'I'm really stoked to let you guys know that tomorrow morning I'm actually off to Atlanta to go to the Shepherd Rehab Centre so onto stage two of this battle so I'll keep you guys updated.' Mr Smeele will spend roughly six weeks at the Atlanta rehabilitation facility to help adjust to life as a quadriplegic, his sister Monique Smeele said. Mr Smeele was working at the Florida wake park as a manager when the tragic accident occurred . Before his accident he was ranked 20th in the US Pro Wakeboard Tour - the largest professional wakeboarding circuit in the world . 'Apparently they work them pretty hard, which Brad is pretty keen on,' Ms Smeele told Daily Mail Australia. 'He's been in the ICU for a month so he wants to get out, that's the type of person he is.' Following the accident and the injury to his spinal cord, Mr Smeele was told there was only a one to two percent chance he would regain motor skills to the top half of his body - a fact he is taking day by day. 'He's been incredible throughout this. He has dealt with it much better than I thought he would,' Ms Smeele said. 'It's a situation you don't wish upon anyone, but Brad has been really strong and positive. He's going to do whatever he has to in order to have the best life possible going forward.' Mr Smeele, from New Zealand, shattered his C4 vertebrae in July while attempting a double backflip during training at the world's largest wake park Lake Ronix in Orlando, Florida . Since the operation he has regained sensation from his nipple-line up, and has been able to move his shoulders slightly. Mr Smeele has spent the past five weeks recovering in Orlando Regional Medical Center. He has been building up the ability to breathe without the aid of a ventilator while also battling an ongoing pneumonia infection. The keen wake boarder has split his time between New Zealand and the US for the past 10 years to follow the pro season. Mr Smeele was working at the Florida wake park as a manager when the tragic accident occurred. On Saturday a fundraising event held in his hometown of Auckland raised almost $NZ30,000 ($A27,381) – but this is only a small part of what is needed. Just six months of rehabilitation is estimated to cost US$500,000. His family created a website to document his recovery and to help raise money for his care. 'We're focusing on raising enough money for his rehabilitation... that's where he's going to have the best chance possible moving forward,' Ms Smeele said. 'We'll try to pay for medical bills through other avenues.' Talking through a speaking valve, 27-year-old Brad Smeele thanked his supporters for their donations and good wishes in a video posted on YouTube . Following the accident and the injury to his spinal cord Mr Smeele was told there was only a 1-2 percent chance he would regain motor skills to the top half of his body . Brad's mother Linda Smeele thanked all her son's supporters in a Facebook post last month but described his recovery as an 'agonisingly slow process'. 'I feel like I am in 'groundhog day', treading the same path to be by my son's bedside every day, with what seems like little or no change,' she said. Mr Smeele's girlfriend Talor Reazin . 'We keep reminding ourselves this is a marathon, not a sprint, and your combined love and support will help him for the remainder to his marathon. 'I am grieving for the loss of the active life Brad had, and challenged by the unknown of what lies ahead. 'But we know he is strong and determined and he will be an inspiration!' Following the accident his girlfriend Talor Reazin posted a picture of him to Instagram along with a message of support. 'I love this boy with all my (heart). He was badly injured doing the one thing he loves most - wakeboarding,' Ms Reazin wrote. 'He is one of the most kind-hearted, hard working, gentle souls I know and is always positive with a bright happy smile on his face.' Mr Smeele has been wakeboarding since he was 12 and has won titles at wakeboard championships around the world. Before his accident he was ranked 20th in the US Pro Wakeboard Tour - the largest professional wakeboarding circuit in the world. For updates, visit The keen wake boarder has split his time between New Zealand and the US for the past 10 years to follow the pro season . His family has created a website to document his recovery and to help raise money for his care . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Brad Smeele, 27, shattered his C4 vertebrae last month during a wakeboarding accident in Florida . The New Zealander has begun six weeks of extensive rehabilitation to help adjust to life as a quadriplegic . Doctors said there's only a 1-2 percent chance he would regain motor skills to the top half of his body . Mr Smeele spoke for the first time in a month through a valve from his hospital bed to thank supporters for their donations . His family is raising money to pay for expensive rehabilitation in America .
Article: By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 20:50 EST, 6 August 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 23:10 EST, 6 August 2012 . Selena Gomez has been banned from Facebook - but fans of the Disney actress need not launch into uproar just yet. For the unfortunate victim of the online ban is not Justin Bieber's girlfriend with a million-dollar film career - but an 18-year-old girl called Selena Miranda Gomez from New Mexico. When she tried to sign into Facebook last week, she was told via email that her account had been shut down because it was 'inauthentic'. Real deal: The Facebook account of Disney actress Selena Gomez. Unfortunately for one teenager with the same name, her account was shut down after she was dubbed an imposter . Miss Gomez told TMZ: 'I AM NOT AN IMPOSTOR ... My name is not hers on my page. In fact, I even put my middle name on my FB to clear up any confusion.' She has asked Facebook to reactivate her account but so far has had no response. Under Facebook guidelines, an account which pretends to be a real individual is not allowed. The other Selena Gomez, 20, was hard at work on her new film Parental Guidance this week. The starlet was also snapped taking a lunch break with Bieber in Woodland Hills, California. Anti-social: Facebook offers advice on how to get rid of fake accounts which are against company policy . It was announced last week that Facebook is to close 83 million accounts that the company believes to be fake or spam. Many are accounts that have been set up for users' pets or babies - when anyone who wants to do that, should really be creating a fan page. Facebook did not specify a date when it would be getting rid of these accounts. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Girl, 18, from New Mexico told she was 'inauthentic'
Article: By . Chris Greenwood . PUBLISHED: . 10:35 EST, 4 July 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 17:48 EST, 4 July 2012 . A nurse who pinned a golliwog doll to her uniform to mock black colleagues went on to draft a council’s policy on race relations, a hearing was told. Susan Horton branded a junior nurse a ‘gorilla’, joked about feeding them bananas and made monkey noises while discussing a black doctor. She was sacked along with her colleague Sarah Cullum when their two-year reign of terror at St Mary’s Hospital in Kettering, Northamptonshire, was exposed. Guilty: Nurse Susan Horton (left) clipped a golliwog doll (right, file picture) to her uniform as she made a series of racist remarks about her black colleagues, a misconduct hearing was told . But in a bizarre twist, a Nursing and . Midwifery Council hearing was told yesterday that after she was fired by . the NHS in 2007, Horton was hired by Wellingborough Council as a . community safety officer. ‘During her time at the council, Susan . wrote a policy on race hate and delivered a talk on that to 300 . employees at the council,’ said John Lynch, representing Horton. 'Terrible behaviour': Horton's colleague Sarah Cullum (pictured) was also found guilty after the hearing was told she referred to one ward as the 'United Nations' because 'they are all black' Last night Horton and Cullum were kicked out of the nursing profession after being found guilty of more than 60 charges. Richard Williams, of the NMC, said: . ‘There was physical abuse of patients and use of inappropriate language . when referring to patients both in front of them and behind their . backs.’ The tribunal was told Horton and Cullum acted in ‘partnership’ to racially abuse staff at all levels, including senior doctors. They were also responsible for physically abusing some patients, including a 70-year-old man who was hit and kicked by Horton. Both nurses shouted at another . patient, said he smelled of urine and asked if he was gay and if he . liked sharing a room with men. Healthcare assistant Sandy Smith said . Horton and Cullum swapped racist remarks when they met for shift . handovers. She said Horton’s golliwog was on her . uniform ‘so it was always accessible’ and that she often pointed at it . and then at black nurses. Horton made monkey noises while . discussing a black doctor, referred to her as ‘scary Mary’ and said she . ‘shouldn’t be allowed to breed’. She also joked about ‘saving the bananas for Mary’. Both nurses commented that two nurses . from Guyana were ‘jabbering away in their gobbledegook’ as they spoke in . their native language. Kicked out: The two nurses have been struck off after waging a campaign of racist abuse on their ward at St Mary's Hospital in Kettering (pictured) The tribunal panel was told Horton did . monkey impressions while discussing a black doctor and referred to . black colleagues as ‘n*****s’ that ‘look like apes’. Giving evidence, Horton had . strenuously denied making racist comments and described the golliwog . doll she wore as ‘lovely’. Cullum’s lawyer, Sarah Christie-Brown, said . she was ‘sucked in’ by behaviour on the ward which had become a ‘way of . life’. A spokesman for Northamptonshire . Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust said: ‘This behaviour discredits . professional nursing and we know they do not reflect the views of other . nurses in the trust.’ Unusual turn of events: After being fired by the hospital, Horton went on to get a job with Wellingborough Council (above), where she drafted policy on race relations . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Susan Horton and a colleague struck off for campaign of racist abuse . Horton branded junior nurse a 'gorilla' while running hospital ward . Made joke about 'saving the bananas' for doctor she called 'scary Mary' Referred to black colleagues as 'n*****s' and said 'they look like apes' After sacking she became Wellingborough Council community safety officer . She wrote policy paper on race hate and delivered seminar to 300 employees . Fellow nurse Sarah Cullum referred to one ward as 'The United Nations' Cullum said it was because 'there is not a single white face' Pair found guilty of more than 60 offences between 2006 and 2007 .
Article: They shot to global fame as the privileged toffs from hit movie The Riot Club - the film based on Old Etonians who go to Oxford University and on towards positions of great power and influence. And it seems that their debauched on-screen activities have worked in their favour because Sam Claflin and Douglas Booth have both landed top modelling jobs. Sam, who also stars alongside Jennifer Lawrence as Finnick Odair in The Hunger Games, is the star of Ciroc Vodka's new campaign, Ciroc On Arrival, and was hand-picked to be photographed by legendary snapper, Mario Testino. Scroll down for video . Photographer Mario Testino picked Hunger Games actor Sam Claflin to star in Ciroc Vodka's new campaign . The campaign is all about hand-picking emerging talents from across the globe and celebrating the latest young stars breaking out in their profession. Sam was chosen by Mario, who regularly works with Cara Delevingne, the Beckhams and Kate Moss, as one to watch in the industry for the London shoot. Speaking about his latest role, 28-year-old Sam said: 'I’ve been lucky enough to have been given some amazing opportunities to be able to do what I love in life. 'Of course, I have had to prove myself in a lot of ways as an actor which puts a lot of pressure on me, so this campaign appealed as it allows me a moment to celebrate.' Sam, who as chosen as an emerging acting talent, regularly works with Cara Delevingne and Kate Moss . Sam prepares for his shoot at The London Edition Hotel. He says the shoot felt like a career 'milestone' The heartthrob describes his wife, Inbetweeners actress Laura Haddock, as his 'female counterpart' Sam has had a lot of acting roles over the years but only shot to prominence in The Hunger Games - he has since become a poster boy within the acting world and a promising thespian. Despite his success, it wasn't always smooth sailing. He explains: 'Being in drama school and all the training you do as an actor, you hope you’re going to make it. 'But there’s a part of you that’s got to be realistic and say: "Look, it might not happen to me", so to play the roles I’m now playing and to be selected by Mario Testino, who is world famous for creating some of the most iconic images of recent decades, definitely feels like a milestone in my career.' Sam beefed up to for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire as Katniss's co-conspirator Finnick Odair last year . Sadly for his female fans, Sam is married to the equally attractive actress, Laura Haddock. Speaking about his wife, who starred as Alison in The Inbetweeners movie, he said: 'She's my female counterpart is the best way to describe her. 'She is my mum. She reminds me of my mum so much which I think - a guy will know, right? It's important. Your mum knows like everything.' Sam and Laura are part of a new London-based group of hot young actors and regularly attend parties with Suki Waterhouse, Cara Delevingne, Jack Whitehall, Gemma Chan, Natalie Dormer and Douglas Booth. Douglas won the heart of the - mostly female - nation in 2013 in Carlo Carlei's film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Douglas Booth, left, starred as Harry and Sam Claflin, right, played Alistair in the hit movie The Riot Club . After starring alongside Sam in The Riot Club, Douglas has become a household name. His latest coup? Becoming the face of Salvatore Ferragamo's latest fashion campaign. The 22-year-old stars in A Man’s Story, a dynamic menswear project by photographer and filmmaker Francesco Carrozzini. He joins ASAP Rocky, Ryan McGinley, Henrik Lundqvist, Alexander Gilkes, Louis-Marie de Castelbajac and Tyrone Wood and reveals a decision that led them to become the men they are today. Speaking in a promotional video as he showcases the label's new sneakers, Douglas speaks of his childhood dreams of finding fame. He said: 'I remember being a kid and having a massive imagination. I would entertain myself just by running around the garden, I wanted to live a thousand lifetimes within my own. Douglas Booth may only be 22 but he is now the star of Salvatore Ferragamo's latest fashion campaign . 'To do that, I had to tell different stories and play different characters. I remember sitting and watching Gladiator 15 to 20 times with my friends, that was inspiring for me. Then to be working with Russell Crowe and him playing my father was a bizarre experience. 'Being driven home from school one day, I said to my friend: "I want to be an actor" and he said: "pfft, it's not going to happen" and I said: "why not?" 'I always just believed that there are people doing things that you dream of doing but you've got to take life by the balls and just do it.' Douglas stars in A Man's Story, a menswear project by photographer and filmmaker Francesco Carrozzini . And he did just that. Douglas, although severely dyslexic who admits to struggling at school, went on to develop a keen interest in drama. By 15, he was a member of the Curtis Brown acting agency and landed his first professional role in 2009's From Time To Time directed by Julian Fellowes. A role as Pip in the BBC One adaptation of Charles Dickens' Great Expectations in 2011 and a role in Darren Aronofsky's Biblical epic Noah alongside friend Emma Watson followed. His good looks have also landed him modelling work with acclaimed British fashion house, Burberry. Douglas has starred in campaigns with fellow Brit beauties Emma Watson, Rosie Huntington Whiteley, and Lily Donaldson. Douglas admitted to his dreams of finding fame: 'I remember being a kid and having a massive imagination' Fashionable face: Douglas (third from right) on the front row alongside (L-R) Poppy Delevigne, Donna Air, Aaron Paul, Alexa Chung, Sarah Jessica Parker and Serena Williams . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Hunger Games hunk Sam, 28, starred with Douglas, 22, in The Riot Club . Now both Brits have landed cool new advertising campaigns . Sam was hand-picked by photographer Mario Testino as 'one to watch' Douglas models Salvatore Ferragamo's latest men's fashion .
Article: By . Keith Gladdis . PUBLISHED: . 18:27 EST, 28 April 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 04:37 EST, 29 April 2013 . Chaos: Packets fall off a crowded conveyor onto cluttered floor at UK Mail depot . Staff at one of Britain's largest courier companies have been secretly filmed dropping, throwing and kicking customers' parcels. Many of the packages being damaged by workers at UK Mail were labelled 'Fragile' and came from leading internet retailers like Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Dell. Despite a slogan promising to deliver 'quickly, safely and securely', packages at the depot were seen falling from crowded conveyer belts before being mishandled. The shocking footage will confirm the fears of many web shoppers that their expensive purchases are being lost and mistreated by private delivery companies. Across the online shopping industry, problems with deliveries cost businesses an estimated £851million a year. An undercover reporter for tonight's Channel 4 Dispatches programme saw parcels being mishandled every day at the UK Mail plant in Bournemouth. One even narrowly missed his head when it was thrown by another worker. Robert Hammond, from campaign group Consumer Focus, said: 'This shows people quite blatantly, quite openly throwing around items without the least care and consideration. 'This is chaos – as simple as that. There is really no proper management going on in this depot.' Richard Headland, editor of Which? magazine said: 'A lot of us suspect that this kind of thing goes on. To see footage as graphic as that is quite shocking.' On another occasion, depot workers were filmed discussing the possibility of selling bottles of wine from a damaged parcel on the internet auction site eBay. The worker says: 'Hopefully, if they . say “Oh, can you please dispose of them', then we'll be like... [claps . hands] straight on eBay.' See video below . Unsupervised: The TV investigation found that there were rarely any managers on the depot floor . The TV investigation found that there were rarely any managers on the depot floor to make sure staff lived up to the firm's pledges. After viewing the footage, chief executive Guy Buswell apologised to customers and launched an inquiry. 'We need to investigate those clips and see exactly what happened at the time to allow those guys to run amok, which is clearly what they've done,' he said. 'Of course, I'm going to say sorry to the customers affected. We need to investigate it, see what went on, and take a view. 'I'm disappointed with all of it on the basis that we spend an awful lot of time making sure that our staff are well trained.' He added: 'Last year, UK Mail delivered 29 million parcels. I have 486 claims for damage so I would say that clip doesn't really show our business in a true light.' Ministers plan to privatise Royal Mail this year, meaning that letters could soon also be delivered by private companies. In a pilot scheme starting a year ago in West London, TNT became the first firm to deliver post directly to households. Kickabout: A colleague at one of the UK's largest courier companies takes aims at a package . However, another Dispatches reporter working undercover as a TNT postman discovered that he had to leave his bike carrying bundles of mail unattended on busy roads on most days. He also discovered that the post bags were not securely locked to the bike, meaning letters could easily be stolen. Bikes were seen unattended around West London as TNT workers delivered the mail, including one bike carrying letters from firms including Barclays and Thames Water which was left for about 30 minutes. Mr Hammond added: 'Clearly, there's a security angle. Any amount of that post could be easily lifted off the bike and removed. This seems short of the standards that one would expect.' A TNT spokesman said it was improving the locks on panniers and the way they were attached to the bikes. Dispatches was also shown evidence of a TNT postman dumping post in a bin in a park. TNT said the culprit has been sacked. Channel 4's Dispatches: Secrets of Your Missing Mail is screened tonight at 8pm. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Undercover footage from one of UK's largest couriers filmed for Channel 4 . UK Mail workers damage packages from Marks and Spencer, Tesco and Dell . TV investigation found there were rarely any managers on the depot floor .
Article: British holidaymakers who are looking to cash in on the strength of the pound should look to Europe for an affordable getaway in 2015, new research has revealed. European resorts and cities are this year’s best-value holiday hotspots, claiming eight of the top ten places in an annual study by Post Office Travel Money, and five are destinations that have the euro. With the euro and other currencies looking increasingly fragile against the pound, the cheapest destination for UK tourists (excluding the price of flights and accommodation) is Prague, followed by the Algarve in Portugal and Sunny Beach in Bulgaria. Prague was the cheapest of 46 destinations included in a recent Post Office Travel Money study . Eight typical items purchased by British holidaymakers, including water and beer, cost £35.29 in Prague . Based on the average total cost of eight items typically purchased by British tourists: . Prague, Czech Republic (£35.29) Algarve, Portugal (£36.04) Sunny Beach, Bulgaria (£36.14) Costa del Sol, Spain (£36.80) Kuta, Bali (£38.09) Budapest, Hungary (£40.87) Crete, Greece (£41.74) Cape Town, South Africa (£42.96) Paphos, Cyprus (£43.71) Marmaris, Turkey (£46.15) Based on the average total cost of eight items typically purchased by British tourists: . Singapore (£149.65) Dubai (£144.50) Auckland, New Zealand (£126.70) Muscat, Oman (£120.13) English Harbour, Antigua (£117.39) St James, Barbados (£104.59) Darwin, Australia (£103.34) Penang, Malaysia (£93.32) Vancouver, Canada (£91.24) Beijing, China (£89.26) Post Office Travel Money ranked 46 popular destinations based on the average total price of eight typical purchases by British tourists: a cup of coffee, bottle of beer, a can of Coca-Cola or Pepsi, a glass of wine, a 1.5-litre bottle of mineral water, sun cream, a pack of cigarettes and a three-course evening meal for two with a bottle of house wine. In Prague, the average total for all eight items is just £35.29, with the evening meal and house wine accounting for most of the cost (£21.28). For those same items tourists would spend £36.04 in the Algarve (the cheapest beach resort on the list and last year’s runner-up), £36.14 in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, £36.80 in Spain’s Costa del Sol, and £38.09 in Kuta, Bali, last year’s No 1 and the only non-European destination in this year’s top five. For the second year in a row the Algarve is second on the list and Europe's cheapest beach getaway . The remainder of the top ten is occupied by four European destinations – Budapest in Hungary, Crete in Greece, Paphos in Cyprus and Marmaris, Turkey – plus Cape Town, South Africa. At £41.74, Crete had the biggest price drop (19 per cent) out of all 46 destinations, and Post Office Travel Money said the exchange rates are likely to prove ‘game changers’ when it comes to holiday choice this year. And given the current rates UK tourists will have more cash to spend everywhere in Europe, except Turkey, compared with a year ago, according to the ‘worldwide holiday costs barometer’ study. The cost of the eight tourist staples has fallen in two-thirds of the European countries surveyed. Kuta, Bali, last year's No 1, was the only non-European destination to crack the top five . In Europe, the largest increase was found in Marmaris, Turkey, where a 13 per cent rise in costs didn’t prevent it from cracking the top ten. Bali remains the best value long-haul resort, although it experienced a 21 per cent increase in its barometer basket. Costa Rica has become increasingly affordable with a 37 per cent drop in the Northern Pacific town of Tamarindo (£54.51). The most expensive of the 46 destinations are Singapore (£149.65), Dubai (£144.50), Auckland, New Zealand (£126.70), Muscat, Oman (£120.13) and English Harbour on the Caribbean island of Antigua (£117.39). A glass of wine, for example, costs 95p in Budapest, £1.58 in Prague and £9.35 in Dubai. Singapore was the most expensive of the 46 destinations, followed by Dubai, Auckland and Muscat, Oman . Post Office Travel Money ranked Costa Rica as one of its 2015 hotspots (pictured: a three-toed sloth) The report also listed its top ten hotspots for 2015: the Caribbean islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dubai, Eastern Europe, Mauritius, Mexico, Greece, Iceland and Japan, with a special mention for Cuba. Andrew Brown of Post Office Travel Money said: ‘Holidaymakers travelling to Europe in the coming year can look forward to better value-for-money, although they should still do their homework to ensure they don’t miss out on the best deals. ‘There is currently little difference in resort costs between the Algarve, Sunny Beach and the Costa del Sol, which are cheapest in Europe, but keep an eye on Crete and Cyprus where falls in the cost of eating out make these islands better value than ever before.’ Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Cost of eight typical items, including beer, in Prague amounts to £35.29 . Algarve, Portugal ranks No 2 and is Europe's cheapest beach getaway . Most expensive destinations of those surveyed are Singapore and Dubai . Costa Rica, Croatia, Dubai included in must-visit destinations in 2015 .
Article: By . Kerry Mcqueeney . Updated: . 08:47 EST, 8 October 2011 . A nationwide face recognition service is to be activated in some U.S. states by the FBI which will allow local police to identify suspects. The program, part of a $1 billion overhaul of the FBI's existing fingerprint database, will begin by mid-January and will allow police to pinpoint wanted criminals more quickly and accurately, . Other biometric markers such as iris scans and voice recordings will also be implemented into the revamped database, it has been reported. Police scanner: It is hoped the face recognition software will help law enforcement pinpoint wanted criminals more quickly and accurately . Bureau officials told Nextgov that the new face recognition feature could help provide the 'missing link' for police for unsolved cases. Nick Megna, from the FBI's criminal justice information services division, said: '[Law enforcement authorities] have a photo of a person and for whatever reason they just don't know who it is [but they know] this is clearly the missing link to our case.' It would allow officers to use the software to retrieve mugshots of suspects and rank them on in order of similarity to the features of the person in the picture. Currently, FBI agents need to have the name of an individual to find a suspect's mugshot within the 10 million images stored in the bureau's Integrated Fingerprint Identification System. Big Brother: The FBI, whose Washington headquarters are pictured here, have been accused of using local police to create a 'massive surveillance system' The next generation identification system will allow analysts to upload a photograph and, depending on the number of results, could be given a list of potential matches within 15 minutes. Megna added that the service does not provide a direct match. The service is to be trialled in Michigan, Washington, Florida and North Carolina this winter before it is offered to other justice professionals across the country in 2014. However, critics say they are concerned that the system could be abused, for instance, by swapping information with other government agencies to check immigration immigrants are in the country illegally. 'The federal government is using cops to create a massive surveillance system' There are also concerns about accuracy and civil liberties. Sunita Patel, a staff attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, said told Nextgov: 'Any database of personal identity information is bound to have mistakes. 'And with the most personal immutable traits like our facial features and fingerprints, the public can't afford a mistake.' She also said she was worried about local police gathering information for federal law enforcement. She added: 'The federal government is using local cops to create a massive surveillance system.' Questions were also raised over whether innocent Americans would be identified by the facial recognition feature by, for instance, retrieving mugshots of people who had only been arrested and were not guilty of any crime. Megna responded by saying the system would not change the way FBI works and serves to help local police to identify suspects in pictures. He added that the bureau had in place an elaborate system to protect existing databases of fingerprints, palm prints, mug shots and all other criminal data. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Program will overhaul the FBI's fingerprint database . Critics concerned about accuracy and civil liberties .
Article: (CNN) -- United States captain Landon Donovan is poised for a January switch to Everton after the English Premier League club confirmed talks were underway about a loan move. The 27-year-old, who has won a record 120 international caps, will lead his country against England in their opening group game at the World Cup finals in South Africa next year. The versatile Los Angeles Galaxy forward is expected to join compatriot Tim Howard on Merseyside from January 2 if negotiations are successful, and remain at Goodison Park until mid-March. "Landon is a player who [manager] David Moyes has identified as someone he would like to bring to the club," chief executive Robert Elstone told Everton's official Web site. "We are working to make that happen and hope we can reach agreement soon with all the appropriate parties." Donovan has previous experience in Europe, having gone to Bayer Leverkusen while a teenager. But he failed to make an impact at the German club and was loaned to U.S. Major League Soccer outfit San Jose Earthquakes before joining the Galaxy in 2005. He spent a spell on loan at Bayern Munich at the start of this year, making six appearances, and then after a public falling-out with teammate David Beckham helped the galaxy reach the final of the MLS Cup. Donovan would join a growing list of American players in Britain, joining Howard and his fellow-goalkeepers Brad Friedel and Brad Guzan of Aston Villa, Fulham's Clint Dempsey and Eddie Johnson, West Ham defender Jonathan Spector plus Maurice Edu and DaMarcus Beasley at Scottish club Rangers. Everton are struggling in the bottom half of the Premier League following a debilitating series of injuries to key players, but have qualified for the knockout stages of the Europa League. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
United States captain Landon Donovan is poised for a January switch to Everton . The English Premier League club confirms talks are underway about a loan move . The 27-year-old will lead his country in opening World Cup group match against England . He will join Everton on January 2 if talks are successful and stay until mid-March .
Article: (CNN) -- As same-sex marriage has become accepted in a way that would have been unthinkable a decade ago, the media have -- perhaps unwittingly -- played a crucial role. It's not that most journalists lean left on such social issues as gay rights, though that's hard to dispute. It's that the power of pictures can neutralize political propaganda. Once same-sex marriage was legalized in such early states as Iowa and Massachusetts, the photos and footage of happy couples celebrating made clear that no one was really threatened by such unions. The visuals put a human face on the debate. Even as stories quoted people who remained staunchly opposed to same-sex marriage, the pictures conveyed that the sky was not falling -- and by the time New York, Maryland and Washington legalized same-sex unions, it was, well, less newsworthy. But that's hardly true everywhere, as a stunning backlash in Mississippi makes clear. The first known gay wedding in the town of Laurel, Mississippi, was, naturally, a story for the local paper. And it was a story with a heart-rending twist. An article in the the Laurel Leader-Call recounted Jessica Powell's wedding to Crystal Craven, who was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer and has had three operations in the past year. It was a moving piece that described how Craven, at the wedding, wore a white cowboy hat to hide the scars from her latest surgery. "If chemo doesn't work," she said, "we don't know what happens after that." Watch: Is the murdered model's beauty driving the Oscar Pistorius coverage? The result: A torrent of angry calls, canceled subscriptions and outraged comments on the paper's website and Facebook page. As recounted by Deep South Progressive, one person wrote: "This is what we have to put up with on the world news every night. Never thought I would open my local paper and see such. Insulting!!!" Said another: "It's a sad day for traditional family values when this is printed on the front of a newspaper." The paper's owner, Jim Cegieklski, responded in an op-ed: . "You don't have to like something for it to be historic. The holocaust, bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the Black Sox scandal are all still historic. I'm in no way comparing the downtown wedding of two females to any of these events (even though some of you made it quite clear that you think gay marriage is much worse), I'm just saying that whether you liked the story or not, the first known gay wedding to take place in Jones County is still historic." He added: "I can't help but be saddened by the hate-filled viciousness of many of the comments directed toward our staff." Watch: Was the press ready to smear Pete Domenici over his out-of-wedlock baby? The Leader-Call deserves credit for standing by a legitimate story that infuriated part of its readership. There was no attempt to glorify gays; the piece simply recounted the wedding, which was purely symbolic, since Mississippi doesn't allow same-sex marriage. What was stunning was the way some critics simply ignored the fact that one of the women is fighting for her life. Maybe this resonates more deeply for taking place in the South, where many leading newspapers once staunchly defended racial segregation in a way that is now embarrassing -- and which prompted some of them to apologize decades later. At the same time, a column in Sunday's Washington Post makes clear that those who believe the press tilts too far toward same-sex marriage have a valid point. Watch: New York anchor who attacked wife gets the tabloid treatment . Ombudsman Patrick Pexton reports on an e-mail dialogue he facilitated between a reader and a Post reporter he declines to name. The reader complained that the Post minimizes "the millions of Americans who believe in traditional marriage and oppose redefining marriage into nothingness." The reporter said: "The reason that legitimate media outlets routinely cover gays is because it is the civil rights issue of our time. ... The true conservative would want the government out of people's bedrooms, and religion out of government." That is bias, pure and simple. Yes, it is a civil rights issue, but the reporter simply can't understand why anyone would have a different viewpoint other than that the government should not interfere on such issues as same-sex marriage and perhaps, by extension, abortion. If this seems outrageous to you, keep in mind that President Barack Obama did not come out for same-sex marriage until the final months of his first term. Many people are opposed to it for reasons ranging from tradition to religion, and we in the press have to respect that. Watch: Mark Sanford launches forgiveness tour in S.C. There was a time when most gay journalists remained closeted for fear of being penalized. A decade or two from now, as today's younger people move into positions of power, opponents of same-sex marriage may seem as wrong-headed and their views as antiquated as those of people who defended keeping blacks at the back of the bus. The media must be even-handed on this divisive issue, but they might also take a page from a small Mississippi paper that bigotry shouldn't deter them from treating gay couples fairly. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Howard Kurtz. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Howard Kurtz: Media has played role in growing acceptance of gay marriage . He says a Mississippi paper covered a same-sex wedding and outrage ensued . He says in another instance, a D.C. reporter seemed to show bias on other side of issue . Kurtz: Paper right to defend story; D.C. reporter shows media's need to remain neutral .
Article: By . Tara Brady . PUBLISHED: . 12:24 EST, 2 December 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 14:28 EST, 2 December 2013 . Florida's Native Americans have said they will battle to preserve the lands where their ancestors were once imprisoned. The Seminole Wars, also known as the Florida Wars, were three conflicts between Native Americans who had settled in Florida but were forced to move in the early 18th century by the U.S. Army. Hundreds of Seminole Tribe members were imprisoned at Egmont Key near the mouth of Tampa Bay by federal officials in the 1850s during the Third Seminole War. Those Seminoles who did not perish on the island in the harsh conditions were taken by ship to Florida's Panhandle where they were made to continue the journey by land and find new reservations in the west - a journey current-day Seminoles call the 'Voyage of Tears.' Edna Bowers (right), descendent of Polly Parker, looks on as fellow tribe member Willie Johns (left) and Florida Park Services Director Donald Forgione hang a photograph of Parker . Historic: Seminole Tribe member and historian Willie Johns holds up a photograph of Polly Parker . Florida Park Services Director Donald Forgione (at podium) addresses Seminole Tribe members and guests during a visit to Egmont Key State Park . 'This is kind of like our holocaust,' said Willie Johns, Seminole Tribe member and historian. Johns is a descendent on his father's side of Polly Parker, who was imprisoned. On Sunday, direct descendants visited the island and praised Parker's legendary 1858 escape. Parker persuaded federal officials to allow her to look for herbs. Instead, she fled, with about a dozen other Seminole members which led to an extensive search by U.S. forces. Seminole Tribe member Bobby Henry visits Egmont Key State Park to retrace the 'Voyage of Tears' She eventually returned to her family's camp hundreds of miles south near Lake Okeechobee. Peter Gallagher, a spokesman for the Seminole Tribe, said: 'Her progeny became many of the leaders and important figures of the tribe ever since. After leaving Egmont Key, the group planned to continue their journey aboard the Florida Fisherman II northward to St Marks - a 22-hour trip - and then press on for Tallahassee by bus. Egmont Key State Park manager Peter Krulder (left), Seminole Tribe members Willie Johns (centre), Edna Bowers (right) and Peter Gallagher look at historic photographs . Dead palm trees litter the eroded shoreline of Egmont Key State Park where Seminole tribe members began a historic journey to retrace the 'Voyage of Tears' Seminole Tribe members boarded a charter boat which departed from Egmont Key State Park as part of a historic journey to retrace the 'Voyage of Tears' Their purpose was to retrace part of the journey of their ancestors and to talk with leaders in the state capital about the preservation of Egmont Key. The island, which is a national wildlife sanctuary, is less than half the size it was about 100 years ago due to land erosion. Seminole Tribe member Edna Bowers, descendent of Polly Parker, visits Egmont Key State Park . While its white beaches, emerald-colored waters, and inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places due to the lighthouse and the old Fort Dade make it a popular tourist spot for snorkelers and visitors, members of the Seminole Tribe see the erosion as a threat to their history. They fear that their ancestors' buried remains might one day be washed away and under water like the mostly submerged remnants of Fort Dade. Mr Johns said: 'From this day on we can help each other in all we do to preserve this place. Edna Bowers, of Hollywood, Florida, took part in the trip. A direct descendent of Parker, she grew up hearing about the hard times that her ancestors endured and all that they overcame. In the brief stop on Egmont Key, Bowers looked through the historic photographs brought by Woody Hanson of Fort Myers, who says his grandfather - W. Stanley Hanson - was an advocate for the Seminole Tribe and was with Parker when she died. 'It means a lot,' Bowers said about drawing attention to Parker's story. 'I wondered,' Bowers said, 'When she was ever going to be recognised for what she went through.' Rounded up: This 1816 picture depicts the capture of the Seminole Indian Chiefs. Florida's Native Americans have said they will battle to preserve the lands where their ancestors were once imprisoned . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Seminole Wars were between Native Americans in Florida and U.S. Army . Native Americans were imprisoned on Edmont Key in 18th century . Those Seminoles who did not die were taken by ship to the mainland . Forced to find reservations in the west which became known as the Voyage of Tears . Island is less than half the size it was 100 years ago due to land erosion .
Article: By . Deni Kirkova . PUBLISHED: . 11:26 EST, 12 March 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 13:49 EST, 12 March 2014 . Want to get fitter, faster? Then the new Insanity classes rolling out across British gyms could be for you. The hardcore American workout practised by Demi Lovato is focussed on high-intensity interval training (HIIT). She famously tweeted: 'Just did the #Insanity workout DVD... Amazing.. So intense but I loved it!' Insanity is usually practiced at home on DVD, but for British gym bunnies lacking discipline, a 45-minute gym class has launched where you're put through your paces with the promise of a possible 1,000-calorie burn. To put that into perspective, a spinning class burns just 331 in the same amount of time. Group Exercise manager at the Reebok Sports Club, Tanya Camilleri, demonstrates from acrobatics . The cardio-based, total-body conditioning programme and is based on 'max . interval training', supposedly a faster way of burning calories. Traditional . HIIT workouts, which can burn up to 750 calories in 45 minutes, feature short . bursts of maximum intensity with longer periods of . rest. But Insanity flips that formula upside-down by combining . lengthier periods of high intensity exercise with shorter cool downs. And now, developers Beachbody have . taken the principles of the successful Insanity home DVD to create the . 'ultimate HIIT class', available at select gyms across Britain including . the swanky Reebok Sports Club and thirtysevendegrees Olympia, from April onwards. Taking place in studios with an instructor, the equipment-free classes involve non-stop strenuous stamina training and claim to improve fitness in 60 days, if practiced weekly. Insanity classes target the entire . body, beginning with an accelerated warmup and moving into three intense . blocks of work, each one targeting a different element of fitness. First is plyometrics and endurance - . essentially 'jump training' where muscles exert maximum force in as . short a time as possible. Then the class moves on to strength and . balance before the final section on agility and co-ordination. You . finish with eight minutes of functional core work and a stretch. I headed to the Reebok gym full of enthusiasm after having recently vowing to start working out three times a week to improve my fitness. I'd heard it was one of the hardest workouts out there and although I was a little intimidated, I was keen to get stuck in. Once we got going I found it very hard and very quick. The moves were faster than any speed I'm comfortable moving at (a bit like when Spinning instructors tell you to sprint when you're knackered). Lots of floor work, burpees, jumps, lunges - everything in max-impact mode. No easing you in. I found myself slipping over once in a while and also taking the low-impact option on a few occasions. Everyone else in the class, though, was committed to the workout and pushed themselves to the max. The class was held in a giant gleaming studio and once we got going I found it very jumpy and quick . After the shakes and exhaustion surpassed, the workout was ultimately satisfying. If I kept it up, I could surely get up to the level of my fellow gym-goers. As long as your health is good don't be afraid to push yourself for real results. An instructor will always ask if you have any injuries and advise on low-impact variations to suit, but, generally, we can achieve more than we think we're capable of, and Insanity's the proof. At least in the gym. Would I go back? Were I a member of Reebok, yes, for sure. I'd do this once a week as I think variety is key, and this class seems like a golden addition to any fitness regime. That bit you dread but the push you need. DENI KIRKOVA . Participants work out at the very limits of their capability for three to four minute bursts of intense, dynamic exercises, which are spaced with rests or 'cools down' for . about 30 seconds, before the whole process is repeated. Instructors provide low-impact options for each move so the class is accessible to all fitness levels. Watch full video on YouTube here. 'Adding high-intensity exercise . forces the body to use fast-twitch muscle fibers not normally engaged in . cardio exercise,' explains a spokesperson for Insanity. 'These . fast-twitch fibers continue burning fuel even during lower-intensity . exercise. Insanity's high-intensity activity forces the body to work for . longer periods of time at a higher capacity than traditional workouts. 'People experience faster . increases in cardiovascular fitness, and burn carbohydrates and fat . more efficiently - as much as 1,000 calories per hour, with the enhanced . calorie burn lasting anywhere from three to 24 hours after completion of the . workout.' As a result, the workout, developed by personal trainer Shaun T. in 2009, claims to be the most effective workout programmes around. Insanity classes at Reebok Sports Club, Canary Wharf, E14, membership £116 per month or £69 for weekend-only, . An Insanity event where participants have a go at press-ups . An instructor stands at the front and dictates the class, giving low-intensity options for all levels . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
American top-selling extreme fitness home DVD is loved by Demi Lovato . Rolls out across British gyms as 45-minute classes .
Article: Washington (CNN) -- Another attempted terrorist attack on the United States in coming months is "certain," the heads of major U.S intelligence agencies told a Senate committee Tuesday. Al Qaeda remains the top security threat to the United States, but a growing cyber-security threat also must be addressed by the U.S. intelligence community, the heads of the CIA, the FBI and other agencies told the Senate Intelligence Committee. The hearing covered a range of security issues and became contentious, with Republicans on the committee arguing with Democratic counterparts and the intelligence chiefs on how the Obama administration has handled terrorism suspects such as the failed Christmas Day bomber of a U.S. airliner. Asked by committee chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, of the likelihood of another attempted terror attack on the United States in the next three to six months, the officials agreed with Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair's initial answer of "certain." While none of the intelligence chiefs, who included CIA Director Leon Panetta, FBI Director Robert Mueller and others, cited a specific pending threat, their testimony made clear that an evolving al Qaeda remains their top concern. "My greatest concern, and what keeps me awake at night, is that al Qaeda and its terrorist allies and affiliates could very well attack the United States," Panetta said. Al Qaeda is adapting methods to make their plots more difficult to detect, shifting from large attacks with multiple players to using individuals without any background in terrorism, Panetta said. He noted the Christmas Day attempt as an example, saying the suspect had a U.S. visa but little history of involvement with terrorist groups. "Obviously, they decided to make use of someone like that within a very short period of time" of the suspect coming into contact with al Qaeda, Panetta said. Blair also said that deciding whether to prosecute terrorist suspects in a criminal court or by a military commission should be decided on a case-by-case basis. The question involved the handling of Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, the suspect in the failed Christmas Day bombing of a U.S. airliner. Republicans have criticized security officials for charging the suspect in criminal court instead of treating him as an enemy combatant to be prosecuted by a military commission. Sen. Kit Bond, R-Missouri, said it was a mistake for security officials to have read AbdulMutallab his Miranda rights on the night he was arrested, instead of first conducting further interrogation. Blair, however, said the handling of terror suspects requires flexibility to allow for the appropriate response in each case. FBI Director Robert Mueller agreed, saying that providing a suspect with Miranda rights can bring better information than traditional military or intelligence interrogation. Mueller noted that incentive agreements with suspects have many times resulted in gaining "actionable intelligence" that otherwise might never have come forward. Republican Sens. Olympia Snowe of Maine and James Risch of Idaho, asked why AbdulMutallab was read his Miranda rights so quickly. Mueller said the decision must be considered in the context of the full investigation. "You're looking at it through the rear-view mirror," Mueller said. "Do not discount what has happened or what does happen after that in terms of gaining intelligence." Later Tuesday, a law enforcement official told CNN AbdulMutallab had been talking to investigators since last week and providing useful, current and actionable intelligence -- leads that the FBI and intelligence officials have been actively following up. The official was not authorized to speak for attribution because the case remains under investigation. Mueller said none of the intelligence chiefs at Tuesday's hearing were consulted about the decision to read AbdulMutallab his Miranda rights. That decision was made by the chief security interrogator at the scene in consultation with the Department of Justice, Mueller said. The discussion included a harsh exchange among committee members, with Democratic Sens. Feinstein, Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island accusing Republican Sens. Bond and Orrin Hatch of Utah of politicizing the issue. Feinstein noted the policy of charging terrorists in U.S. criminal courts dates back to the Reagan administration, while Whitehouse called Republican framing of the issue "fallacious." Hatch also asked Blair if any evidence showed that President Obama's plan to close the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention facility for terrorism suspects would reduce the terrorist threat against the United States. Hatch and Bond said they opposed the plan because it would bring terrorism suspects to U.S. soil. Blair responded that Guantanamo has become a major recruiting tool for al Qaeda, setting off an exchange with Hatch that concluded with Blair saying: "Guantanamo has achieved a sort of mythic quality that helps al Qaeda." In his written testimony to the committee, Blair said it would take the capture or deaths of al Qaeda's top two leaders -- Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri -- to possibly end the group's intent to attack the United States. On the cyber-security threat, Blair's written testimony described an inability to contend with attacks using computer networks and telecommunications systems. "Sensitive information is stolen daily from both government and private sector networks, undermining confidence in our information systems, and in the very information these systems were intended to convey," Blair wrote. "We often find persistent, unauthorized, and at times, unattributable presences on exploited networks, the hallmark of an unknown adversary intending to do far more than merely demonstrate skill or mock a vulnerability." Feinstein agreed with Blair's assessment that the nation was unprepared for the kinds of possible cyber attacks it could face. "The need to develop an overall cyber-security strategy is very clear," Feinstein said. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
NEW: Capture of al Qaeda's top leaders needed to possibly end attempts, Dennis Blair says . NEW: Blair defends decision to read Christmas day suspect rights, says it yielded useful intel . Al Qaeda remains the top security threat to the United States, agency heads say . U.S. intelligence community also faces growing cybersecurity threat .
Article: (CNN) -- An Arizona couple who wanted to adopt a woman's baby know more than they're saying about the 8-month-old boy's disappearance, police say. Gabriel Johnson hasn't been seen since December 26, police said, and his mother was arrested last week in Miami Beach, Florida, after not reporting for a December 28 child custody hearing in Arizona. "We have some good indications at this point with our investigation that Tammi and Jack Smith do know more information than they have provided to us that could possibly lead us to Gabriel," Sgt. Steve Carbajal, spokesman for the Tempe (Arizona) Police Department, told HLN's Nancy Grace on Thursday. For their part, the Smiths told HLN's Jean Casarez on "Nancy Grace" that they voluntarily took polygraph tests Friday at the Tempe Police Department. "The polygraph test is not like what you see on TV," Jack Smith said. "It's almost like being strapped into the electric chair, so it's very intensive. And we were very happy to do it." The Smiths have said they met Elizabeth Johnson, 23, seven months ago during a long layover at an airport, and later the three discussed a plan to adopt Johnson's child, Gabriel. But the boy's father, Logan McQueary, has legal custody and has said Elizabeth Johnson urged him to sign papers giving the Smiths custody of the boy, but he refused. "She didn't want Logan to have the baby, and we couldn't adopt the baby because Logan wouldn't sign the papers," Tammi Smith said on "Nancy Grace." "So her idea was to just keep running forever. And we told her, 'You can't run forever. They're going to find you.' " Elizabeth Johnson has refused to say where the boy is, according to police, and remains in a Florida jail on suspicion of custodial interference. Carbajal's department has indications that Gabriel is alive, he said, adding that the Smiths have spoken with investigators. But he declined to say why police believe that the couple has more information. The Smiths say they do not know where Gabriel is. Watch what they say about the polygraphs . Detectives have not been able to confirm that Johnson gave the child to an unidentified couple in San Antonio, Texas, as she has claimed. "On one hand, we hear that that went down and the child was given away to an unknown couple at a park," Carbajal said. "We balance that with statements made by Elizabeth that she killed Gabriel. Which story is true? Our investigators are trying to get to the bottom of that right now." New leads and developments in the case were coming in by the minute, he said. The FBI found Johnson's car in San Antonio and have examined it for any clues that could lead them to the boy, but his whereabouts remain unknown. Anyone with more information is asked to call the Tempe Police Department at 480-350-8311 or the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
NEW: Would-be parents tell HLN they volunteered for polygraph tests . Gabriel Johnson, 8 months old, hasn't been seen since December 26 . Child's mother was arrested in Miami and is in police custody but won't say where he is . Police believe they Arizona couple know more than they're saying .
Article: An African-American man has been arrested and charged with a hate crime over pellet gun attacks on white joggers in New York's Central Park. Edward J Fall, 20, from Morningside Heights was charged with criminal possession of a weapon as part of a hate crime, assault and reckless endangerment after the attacks on August 17 and 18. A woman jogger told police that she was hit in the back of the head by a pellet gun as she ran in the park on August 18, and when she turned round saw Fall and his accomplices. Charged: Edward Fall, 20, is accused of shooting white joggers with a pellet gun in Central Park . Caught on video: The suspects accused of attacking white joggers with a pellet gun in Central Park were caught on surveillance video . According to the New York Daily News, when the woman confronted the gunmen they told her: 'F*** you, you f****** white b****. All white people suck.' The woman, 36, claims that blood was gushing from her head after the attack and that there was no altercation prior to the attack. She told the Daily News 'It's a hate crime - for no reason at all.' Another 34-year-old male jogger reported being attacked with a pellet gun on August 17 and Fall has also been charged over this attack. Police are also interviewing another alleged accomplice of Fall. The New York Post said '[P]olice sources said [the two suspects] have been linked to a few other pellet gun shootings around the city.' A third suspect is also being sought in the attacks . Sketch: One of the women in the group, who has not yet been arestedm is depicted in this police sketch released to the media . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Edward Fall, 20, from Morningside Heights was charged over two attacks in Central Park . The victim allegedly faced five harassers in Central Park and was shot by a pellet gun . Victim Hanna has claimed a woman told her 'F*** you, you f****** white b****' and that a man said 'All white people suck'
Article: (CNN) -- Tuesday's Virginia earthquake triggered the shutdown of a nearby nuclear power plant and spurred declarations of "unusual events" at plants as far away as Michigan, U.S. authorities reported. Dominion Virginia Power said both reactors at its North Anna plant, less than 20 miles from the epicenter of the magnitude-5.8 quake, shut down automatically after the first tremors. Amanda Reidelbach, an emergency management spokeswoman for Louisa County, said the plant vented steam, but there was no release of radioactive material. David Heacock, the utility's chief nuclear officer, said the 1,800-megawatt plant was operating on emergency power and the two pressurized-water reactors were safely deactivated. "The plants are designed for this kind of a seismic event," Heacock said. "There is no apparent damage to anything at the plant right now." Crews were working to restore off-site power to the plant Tuesday evening, the utility said. Dan Stoddard, senior vice president of nuclear operations for Dominion, said some power from the grid had been restored to the reactors and it was possible full power could be achieved late Tuesday. It was not clear if a 4.2-magnitude aftershock Tuesday evening would affect the operation. Stoddard said there was no damage to the spent fuel pool. The diesel generators supplying backup power have enough fuel to operate 30 days and more can be brought in, if needed, Stoddard told CNN . "The power plant is safe," Stoddard said. One of those generators failed a few minutes after it kicked in, said Joey Ledford, a spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regional office in Atlanta. But only one generator is required to supply power to each reactor unit, leaving another unit in reserve, Ledford said. "They're in good shape at this point," he said. Stoddard said even with the failure of one generator, Dominion has four others in use or available. The North Anna plant is about 50 miles northwest of Richmond and about 90 miles southwest of Washington. Operators declared an alert -- the second-lowest level of emergency reporting under U.S. nuclear regulations -- after the quake struck shortly before 2 p.m., the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said. NRC inspectors went over the North Anna plant as part of a review of U.S. nuclear facilities after the disaster at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi, where three reactors melted down following the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck the plant March 11. They found that diesel generators needed to provide emergency power were functional and "readily available for short-term actions," and the utility moved quickly to replace one portable generator that was not working at the time, according to the NRC's inspection report. At Fukushima Daiichi, the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, cooling systems and backup generators were knocked out by the 15-meter (48-foot) tsunami that swamped the plant shortly after the magnitude-9 earthquake. Dominion Virginia said reactors at its other nuclear station, the Surry plant near Newport News, were still running. Surry and 11 plants in five other states issued an "unusual event" declaration, the lowest level of emergency notice, according to the NRC. They are the Shearon Harris plant in North Carolina; the Calvert Cliffs plant in Maryland; Pennsylvania's Susquehanna, Three Mile Island, Limerick and Peach Bottom plants; the Oyster Creek, Hope Creek and Salem plants in New Jersey; and the D.C. Cook and Palisades plants in Michigan. "All these plants continue to operate while plant personnel examine their sites," the NRC said. CNN's Emily Smith, Brian Todd, Jeanne Meserve, Scott Bronstein, Shawn Nottingham and Matt Smith contributed to this report. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
NEW: Some electricity restored to nuclear power plant . Inspection shows no damage to spent fuel pool . One of four backup generators failed at the North Anna plant, the NRC says . One nuclear plant shuts down; 11 others declare "unusual events" after quake .
Article: Firebrand U.S. talkshow host Glenn Beck has accused the Associated Press news agency of 'raping' Bill Crosby after it published an interview in which it asks him about claims he sexually assaulted more than a dozen women. The AP published the interview on Wednesday in which the comedian refuses to comment on the allegations. But he is later recorded asking the reporter to 'scuttle' that part of the interview. And today, Conservative loudmouth and former Fox News host Beck, 49, defended the comedian in a 15-minute rant on his eponymous radio show, declaring, 'You want to talk about rape? That's media rape right there.' Scroll down for video . Outrage: Firebrand talkshow host Glenn Beck (left) accused the Associated Press of 'raping' Bill Crosby after it published an interview in which its reporter asks him about the sex-assault allegations engulfing him (right) Referring to the AP's question, he went on: 'You said you would not [ask] that. Since when does your 'no' mean 'yes'? Do you know the definition of 'no,' sir? You've just raped Bill Cosby. You said you wouldn't do it. You just did it and then you blamed it on him. My gosh, maybe we should have a lesson on rape.' At the end of the interview, on November 6, Cosby tells the interviewer: 'We thought, because it was AP, that it wouldn't be necessary to go over that question with you. 'Tell your boss the reason why we didn't say that upfront was because we thought ... the AP had the integrity to not ask.' First response: On Wednesday, the AP published an interview in which a reporter asked Cosby to respond to allegations that he's raped more than a dozen women . 'Scuttled': Appearing alongside wife Camille, the comedian refused to comment on the allegations, but is later recorded asking the reporter to 'scuttle' that part of the interview . But the AP concluded by saying: 'The interview was on record. The AP made no agreement to avoid questions about the allegations or to withhold publishing any of his comments at any time.' The interview took place on November 6 following a string of allegations by women claiming he had drugged and raped them. Five women have come forward in the past month and claimed that they were drugged and raped by Cosby, four of them when they were teenagers. One of the accusers is supermodel Janice Dickinson, who claims that during a dinner in 1982 the actor gave her a pill and when she woke up he was on top of her. The other four ladies; Barbara Bowman, Joan Tarshis, Tamara Green and Therese Serignese have all shared remarkably similar stories in which they claim to have shared a drink or a pill with Cosby and then woken up after or while they say he was sexually assaulting them. Talking about rape: Conservative loudmouth and former Fox News host Beck, 49, defended the comedian in a 15-minute rant on his eponymous radio show, declaring, 'You want to talk about rape? That's media rape right there.' Also coming forward recently is Carla Ferrigno, wife of Incredibly Hulk star Lou Ferrigno, who says Cosby tried to sexually assault her at a part at his house in 1967. What's more, Cosby allegedly tried to use a friend to help court Ferrigno, and allegedly made his move on the former Playboy Bunny just moments after his own wife, Camille, left the room. When asked to speak about these claims in an AP interview, Cosby said he had 'no response' and 'no comment.' These allegations are already having a major impact on his work however, with Netflix postponing the airing of his new comedy special, Bill Cosby 77, which was due to air the day after Thanksgiving, and NBC pulling the plug on a comedy project they were developing with the Cosby Show star. Cosby has also had scheduled appearances on talk shows including The Queen Latifah Show and Late Night With David Letterman cancelled in the wake of these allegations. TV Land has also announced they will no longer air reruns of The Cosby Show on the network. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Cosby is accused of raping more than a dozen women during his heyday . In AP interview, released Wednesday, he is asked to respond to allegations . While he refuses to awswer, he later asks interviewer to 'scuttle' section . Firebrand conservative Glenn Beck launches tirade against AP on radio . He blasts: 'You want to talk about rape? That's media rape right there'
Article: Little green army men were inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame on Thursday, along with two other retro classics, the Rubik’s Cube and blow-your-own bubbles. The low-tech trio of toys joins an esteemed list of childhood favorites, including Barbie, G.I. Joe, Scrabble and the hula hoop, at the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York, having beat out nine other finalists including Fisher-Price Little People, American Girl dolls and My Little Pony. The tiny green heroes have been a favorite with children around the world since their creation in 1938 - and were even featured in the popular Toy Story movies. Life in plastic: New additions to the National Toy Hall of Fame include little green army men (right), the Rubik's Cube (left) and bubbles (center) At ease: Actors portraying the little green army men pose at the National Museum of Play in Rochester, NY . While their popularity waned during the 20 years of the Vietnam War, their appearance in the 1995 film cemented their place as one of the world's most-loved toys and prompted several manufacturers to begin reproducing millions of them every year. 'Over the years, these toys have remained popular because they are lightweight, simple to transport in buckets or pails, fun to blow up, easy to replace,' said the Museum of Play's curator Patricia Hogan. 'But most of all because they inspire open-ended play.' The army men made it on to the list of Hall of Fame finalists on two other occasions before finally making the cut this time around, offering hope to this year's rejected toys, which also included Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Slip 'N Slide, Operation, paper airplanes and pots and pans. Toy story: Items previously inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York, include Barbie (left) and G.I. Joe (right) The Rubik's Cube was invented by Hungarian architect Erno Rubik in the 1970s, but really began to take off in the United States in 1980 after being imported by Ideal Toy Corp. More than 100 million of the six-color cubes were sold between 1980 and 1982, diving an obsessively-twisting nation between those who could solve the complex puzzle - and who could not. The cubes, which have nine colored squares on each side, can be arranged 43 quintillion ways, according to the Toy Hall of Fame, and have inspired organized competitions in more than 50 countries, along with variety of contests that require entrants to solve it blindfolded, one-handed and under water. Word play: Scrabble (pictured) was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame in 2004 . Mats Valk of the Netherlands holds the speed record for re-aligning the colors in 5.55 seconds. In a videotaped statement played at Thursday's ceremony, Mr Rubik said he was happy to see his cube added to a collection that includes chess and 'other wonderful inventions from around the world.' 'I am very satisfied that I was able to share my enjoyment and happiness in connection with discoveries ... of geometry with millions of kids all around the world,' Mr Rubik said. Children have played with soap bubbles since at least the 17th century, according to the toy hall, when paintings depicting the play appeared in what is now modern-day Belgium. More than 200 million bottles of bubble liquid are sold annually. Didn't make the cut: My Little Pony (left) and American Girl dolls (right) were among the finalists that were not chosen . Bubbles got a nod because of their ability to inspire imagination, Hall of Fame spokesperson Shane Rhinewald revealed, listing the simple toy alongside similar inductees including the stick and blanket. Ms Hogan, who curates the toy hall inside the museum, noted the staying power of the decidedly low-tech toys in this year's class, saying the simpler the toy, the more ways children find to use them. 'The toys that do all the laughing or singing or moving for you don't offer the child as much room to use his imagination,' she said. Flying high: The kite, represented by this colorful model, was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame in 2007 . A national selection committee made up of 24 experts, including toy collectors, designers and psychologists vote the winners in to the hall each year. Anyone can nominate a toy, but to make it through the preliminary selection process and become a finalist a toy must have achieved icon status, survived through generations, foster learning, creativity or discovery and have profoundly changed play or toy design. 'All kinds of stuff gets nominated,' curator Nicolas Ricketts said. 'People have nominated dirt, sofa cushions. Anything that someone has played with and had a good time with might end up being nominated.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
The trio of retro toys beat out nine other finalists including Fisher-Price Little People, American Girl dolls and My Little Pony . Toys previously inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester include Barbie, G.I. Joe and Scrabble .
Article: (CNN) -- They say a week is a long time in politics. In today's febrile world of finance, it's a lifetime. Europe's leaders may soon learn that lesson the hard way if they continue to dodge the question on everyone's lips: What to do if Greece is pushed out of the eurozone? No stranger to unfortunate soubriquets herself, Angela Merkel has repeatedly refused to address the matter of a Greek exit -- or "Grexit," as it has been dubbed. This week, she cited "political correctness" as her logic for skirting the issue. Either way, the bosses of some of the eurozone's biggest companies have decided they can't afford the luxury of being caught short. With a staff of more than 90,000 to consider and operations in more than 80 countries to oversee, Shell CEO Peter Voser has admitted that he must plan for what the markets say is an increasingly plausible outcome to a tragedy well into its third year. Speaking on CNN's "World Business Today," Voser said that "one obviously has made provisions" at this stage. "I still see it as a low likelihood scenario, but we have done our work over the last few months to prepare ourselves," he said. As high as the stakes are for one of the world's biggest oil companies, the stakes for heads of government, like Merkel, are even higher. About 320 million people use the euro daily, and as the German chancellor knows, the integrity of the union is crucial for confidence in its economy -- an economy that just flatlined in the first quarter. This invites the question: If it's so obvious to business leaders, why do Europe's elected leaders still shy away from the subject? Charles Proctor, partner at the law firm Edwards Wildman, thinks he knows the answer. Having spent the past two years pondering the possibility of a eurozone member dropping out, Proctor says the existing legal framework doesn't offer a formal escape route. The European Union treaty does give Greece the extreme option of backing out of the EU but not out of its monetary system in itself. This means any negotiations would have to be kept quiet. "One assumes that a certain amount of contingency work has been done," Proctor said, "just that it has been kept secret against the political backdrop that the eurozone must hold together." Greeks set election date amid possibility of bank panic . That view is echoed by former EU Commissioner and one-time UK Trade Secretary Peter Mandelson. "I think it would be better to discuss this behind closed doors. Otherwise, it would create yet more uncertainty," he said. "In theory you might say: 'Its face doesn't fit, it's not performing in the way that others need it to do, its politics are falling apart, its people are miserable ... so why not let it go out?' But the consequences of that would shake Greece for many, many years to come." Since Greece went to the polls May 6, as many as six rate-setters from the European Central Bank have openly debated the pros and cons of a common currency minus one troublesome member. The word "Grexit" has made the front page of tabloids and broadsheets in non-eurozone nations like Britain for two straight days. But bookmaker Paddy Power has cut the odds it is offering on Greece being the first out of the eurozone to 1-in-10 from 1-in-8. Lex van Dam, co-founder of Hampstead Capital, says it's a "really tough call." He says Greece's chances of keeping the euro are 50-50 and hinge less on political goodwill than financial support from the European Central Bank. "Saving Greece means throwing good money after bad, but not saving Greece means possible huge and fatal capital outflows from the periphery as well," he said. If that's the case, van Dam said, the losses incurred by the central bank could threaten the very institutions set up to safeguard the euro. Which means keeping Greece inside the eurozone could mean a "no euros zone" for its neighbors further down the line. So can the tide be turned? Proctor reckons the dam has burst. "For many years it used to be taboo, but so many people are talking about it, it's not a possibility that can be ignored anymore," he said. Either way, lawyers, hedge fund managers and chief executives are discussing the euro area's monetary fate, even if those in charge of its member nations are not. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
The eurozone's biggest companies make contingency plans for Greece's exit . "I still see it as a low likelihood scenario, but we have done our work," Shell's CEO says . Europe's elected leaders are saying little, but many suspect behind-the-scenes talks . Lex van Dam sees a 50-50 chance of Greece staying in the eurozone .
Article: Black Hawk helicopters and truck-sized X-ray machines that are typically used along the U.S.-Mexico border have been brought to the Super Bow venue to bolster security. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) showcased the technology on Monday in preparation for Sunday’s football game between the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. CBP Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske was on hand to detail key features of the agency's Black Hawks and the large mobile X-ray machines used to detect contraband and explosives. The Black Hawk helicopters and truck-sized X-ray machines have been brought to the Super Bowl venue in Glendale, Arizona to assist with the security effort . A U.S. Customs and Border Protection Black Hawk helicopter flies above University of Phoenix Stadium, site of Super Bowl XLIX football game, which will be on February 1 . The X-ray machines slowly pan outside a semi-truck while operators look for anomalies. They are in heavy use at the Mariposa Port of Entry in Nogales, Arizona, one of the busiest ports of entry for commerce in the country. Within a few minutes, the machines can scan an entire semi-trailer for explosives. Tucson-based helicopters and Black Hawks will monitor the airspace around the game, which will be a no-fly zone while the game is on. The Black Hawks are used by the CBP and the Border Patrol for a variety of missions, including rescuing sick and injured people as they cross the border. The large mobile X-ray machines that are used to detect contraband and explosives are usually deployed at the U.S.-Mexico border . A U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent sits in a control booth as the X-ray machine he is in scans a tractor trailer truck outside of University of Phoenix Stadium, site of the NFL Super Bowl football game . The mighty machines have also recently been used to arrest so-called 'scouts,' or people acting as lookouts for drug and human smuggling organizations. Mr Kerlikowske said Arizona's border with Mexico will still be secure while some equipment is used in Glendale. He also said that the people that operate the technology provided by customs will play a key part in keeping everyone safe at the big game. ‘The real key about this equipment is the people who operate them,’ Mr Kerlikowske said. Customs and Border Protection is deploying about 100 officers to assist other federal and local law enforcement agencies at the game. The X-ray machines slowly pan outside a semi-truck while operators look for anomalies. They are in heavy use at the Mariposa Port of Entry in Nogales, Arizona, one of the busiest ports of entry for commerce in the country . The Black Hawks are used by the CBP and the Border Patrol for a variety of missions, including for rescuing border crossers who become sick or injured . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
X-rays to be used to detect contraband and explosives in trucks . Black Hawk helicopters will monitor airspace during the game . Border with Mexico will still have adequate security . Super Bowl will be held at University of Phoenix Stadium in Arizona . New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks face off in February 1 game .
Article: This was an afternoon that had it all. Comebacks, shambolic defending, and - for Kenny Jackett at least - the dawning realisation that they need to learn how to hold on to leads. Wolves were behind, then ahead before surrendering twice. They are games like these that may determine whether the newboys can keep pace at the top. Reading, for all their good work going forward, were there for the taking. Nick Blackman's own goal had looked like handing the visitors all three points, but Glenn Murray’s vicious strike from the edge of the box as we crept into injury time stole the show. Glenn Murray was able to save Reading from defeat as Wolves twice relinquished their lead . Glenn Murray and Reading celebrate their last-minute equaliser to make it 3-3 against Wolves . Glenn Murray salvaged a point for Reading as Jamie Mackie returns the ball to the spot for the restart . David Edwards scores Wolves' third goal as he thought he'd gifted the visitors a late 3-2 winner . Wolverhampton Wanderers manager Kenny Jackett looks on during the Championship 3-3 draw at Reading . Reading (4-4-2): Federici 6, Gunter 5.5, Hector 6.5, Pearce 5.5, Obita 6; Blackman 6,5, Akpan 5 (Guthrie 46 - 5), Norwood 7, Taylor 7 (Kuhl 73); Cox 6.5 (Mackie 68 - 6), Murray 7 . Subs not used: Andersen, Long, Cooper, Kuhl, Porgrebnyak . Bookings: Guthrie, Taylor . Goals: Hector (19), Taylor (55), Murray (89) Wolves (4-2-3-1): Ikeme 6; Doherty 6, Batth 6, Stearman 5, Golbourne 6; McDonald 6, Evans 7; Henry 7.5 (Van La Parra 79), Saville 7 (Edwards 77), Sako 6.5; Clarke 6.5 . Subs not used: McCarey, Rowe, Ebanks-Landell, Jacobs . Bookings: Stearman, Edwards . Goals: Henry (51), Evans (54), Edwards (84) Referee: James Adcock . A four-minute spell early in the second half to yield three goals was the obvious highlight, but this was captivating from start to finish. Wolves were dozy in switching on to Jordan Obita’s short corner with Oliver Norwood before the latter whipped in wonderfully from the right, allowing the young central defender Michael Hector to steal a yard at the near post and thump home a header. It was a sweet moment for the 22-year-old, who netted a first goal for the club who brought him through its academy. This is his first sustained period in the first team alongside the more experienced Alex Pearce; Hector has had to work for an opportunity after no less than an astonishing 11 loan spells away in a short career. The last - a season at Aberdeen - clearly did him no harm. On-loan striker Murray showed just why the majority of the Championship wouldn’t mind having him in their midst after his quick thinking robbed Richard Stearman of possession and won the initial corner and would later flash an effort just wide after easily pushing the weak Kevin McDonald off the ball 30 yards out. Reading's Michael Hector scores his side's first goal as Wolves fell 1-0 down after just 19 minutes . Reading's Michael Hector celebrates scoring his side's first goal against Wolves on Sunday . Michael Hector of Reading celebrates scoring the opening goal of the Championship clash with Wolves . Reading's Michael Hector celebrates with Nick Blackman after putting his side 1-0 up against Wolves . Michael Hector and Nick Blackman celebrate together after Reading went 1-0 up against Wolves . The Royals might have found themselves behind before that 19th minute opener, though. The impressive George Saville, only 21 and formerly of Chelsea, found himself in Pearce’s slipstream after intelligent work from Leon Clarke but could only fire straight at Adam Federici. Wolves, too narrow and one-paced, had struggled to really get a grip on this until the break. Six minutes after it, Bacary Sako was finally afforded time to run at Chris Gunter on the left and drilled a cross low towards James Henry at the back post who duly obliged. James Henry of Wolverhampton Wanderers celebrates scoring his side's first goal against Reading . James Henry of Wolves celebrates scoring the visiting side's first goal against Championship club Reading . The away end of the Madjeski - heavily populated with 1,800 visiting supporters - went berserk. Even more so three minutes later. Inexplicably unmarked on the penalty spot, Lee Evans calmly slotted in a second after Obita uncharacteristically gave the ball away in his own box. The four-minute madness didn’t end there. Almost immediately from the restart the hosts were level. Simon Cox broke menacingly through the middle, playing in Jake Taylor and the winger slotted underneath Carl Ikeme. Then more drama. Blackman put through his own net from a corner to spark further delirium before wily Murray was able to earn a share of the spoils for Adkins. Lee Evans of Wolverhampton Wanderers scores his side's second goal minutes later to reverse the lead . Lee Evans put Wolves ahead in the second half after Reading took an initial lead after just 19 minutes . Reading's Jake Taylor celebrates scoring his side's second goal to make it 2-2 on Sunday afternoon . Reading's Jake Taylor brought Reading level with Wolves after the home side relinquished their early lead . Reading brought matters level to 2-2 with more than half hour to play against Wolves on Sunday afternoon . Wolves players look dejected during a break in play after Reading equalised to make it 2-2 on Sunday . Reading manager Nigel Adkins looks on after his side relinquished their early 1-0 lead against Wolves . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Michael Hector gave Reading an initial first half 1-0 lead after 19 minutes . James Henry equalised in the 51st minute to bring Wolves level to 1-1 . Lee Evans gave Wolves the lead shortly after but Reading equalised less than a minute later through Jake Taylor to make it 2-2 . Nick Blackman own goal looked to win tie for Wolves with 84th-minute strike . Glenn Murray netted in 89th minute to make it 3-3 and take a point apiece .
Article: Barcelona have unveiled their new home kit for the 2014-15 season, uniting stars from the present first team and the future talent of the club as they look to the future after losing the La Liga title on the final day of the season to Atletico Madrid. The home shirt, manufactured by Nike, features bolder and wider Barcelona stripes in darker tones of red and blue. Old and new: Xavi, Edgar Ie, Gerard Pique, Sergi Samper, Andres Iniesta, Neymar, Lionel Messi, Jean Marie Dongou Tsafack and Sergio Busquets pose in the new kit . Representing: The shirt, made by Nike, sports the Catalan colours in the V neck pattern . FC Barcelona B-team players Sergi Samper, Edgar Ie and Jean Marie Dongou Tsafack joined first-team stars Neymar, Andres Iniesta, Gerard Pique, Xavi, Lionel Messi and Sergio Busquets to unveil the new kit. The shirt boasts a new crest, and a unique relaxed blue collar showcasing a Senyera flag in the open V-neck. It is the first time the Catalan flag has appeared on the front of the club’s shirt. Inside the back of the neck is a blue pennant tab with Barcelona’s club motto: 'Mes que un club' (More than a club) and their founding year of 1899. Reclaim: Barca are hoping they will be lifting the La Liga title in this kit next season . Barcelona appointed their former midfielder Luis Enrique as their new manager on Monday after Gerardo Martini's departure. The 44-year-old, who led Celta Vigo this season, has agreed a two-year deal to take over from Martino, who left his position after just one campaign in charge. The Catalan club said in a statement on their official website: 'The FC Barcelona board of directors have this evening confirmed Luis Enrique Martineza as the new first-team coach, following a proposal from sporting director Andoni Zubizarreta.' In the past: Barcelona couldn't beat Atletico on Saturday, meaning Diego Simeone's side won La Liga . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Catalan giants unveil new Nike kit for the 2014-15 season . Stars Messi Neymar, Iniesta, Pique, Xavi and Busquets are joined by B-team players Sergi Samper, Edgar Ie and Jean Marie Dongou Tsafack . Barcelona were beaten to La Liga by Atletico on the final day of the season . Luis Enrique is the club's new manager after Gerardo Martino's departure .
Article: By . Louise Cheer . A serial rapist broke into a celebratory dance after he was released from a West Australian prison, despite a judge saying he was at high risk of re-offending. Patrick Alfred Dennis Comeagain is now a free man and could not contain his joy while pushing a trolley of his belongings through the automatic doors of Casuarina Prison with a smile plastered across his face. On Thursday, Justice Ralph Simmons approved the 41-year-old's released into the community, but imposed a strict 10-year supervision order on the man - requiring him to wear a GPS tracker, comply to a strict curfew and not to have contact with a child under the age of 16. Scroll down for video . Patrick Alfred Dennis Comeagain has spent 14 years in prison, including time for raping a nine-year-old girl and two women . Comeagain has spent 14 years - most of his adult life - in prison and claims to have sexually assaulted 41 people, including men, women and children. He spent six of those years as a declared sex offender after the introduction of the Western Australia's tough sex offender laws. Nine News reported he was convicted of sexually assaulting a nine-year-old girl in 1994. He raped a woman five weeks after being released on parole and 37 days after that he raped another woman in her home. Justice Simmons imposed 43 conditions on Comeagain and said although there was a risk of re-offending, he wished the 41-year-old well. Comeagain thanked Justice Simmons and said he would make the most of the opportunity. He walked free through the automatic doors at Casuarina Prison with a smile on his face . His release was ordered on Thursday with 43 conditions under a strict 10-year supervision order . Western Australia Police Minister Liza Harvey said she strongly disagreed with Comeagain's release. 'The court has decided to do this, but the DDP [Director of Public Prosecutions] opposed it, police oppose it,' she told Nine News. 'We are bound by the decision of the court. 'I can only imagine [his victims'] horror in seeing this person released. I share it.' Justice Simmons let him walk free despite there being a high risk of him re-offending . Comeagain was raised in the Mullewa and Geraldton regions of Western Australia. Comeagain has had five episodes of serious sexual offending, starting in 1987 when he was 15. He has also committed offences of a non-sexual nature. Previous annual reviews of his dangerous sex offender status, it has been noted there had been very few occasions following his release from prison when Comeagain had not re-offended shortly after. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Patrick Alfred Dennis Comeagain's release was ordered on Thursday . He couldn't contain his joy and is seen dancing outside Casuarina Prison . The 41-year-old has spent 14 years in prison, six as a declared sex offender . His first serious sex offence was committed when he was just 15 . Comeagain's release comes with 43 conditions, including wearing a tracker .
Article: By . Sam Webb . A pair of smart glasses that could transform the lives of blind and partially-sighted people could be in the shops as soon as 2016. The revolutionary technology enables those suffering from sight loss to see obstacles and faces, similar to the fictional high-tech visor worn by Geordi La Forge in TV's Star Trek. The smart glasses consist of a video camera mounted on the frame of the glasses; a computer processing unit that is small enough to fit in a pocket; and software that provides images of objects close-by to the see-through displays in the eyepieces of the glasses. The joint project between the University of Oxford and the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has won a £500,000 grant in a Google charity competition. Scroll down for video . Iain Cairns (pictured) tried out the smart glasses in Oxford's Covered Market. He said that the glasses add extra information and detail to what he sees and that everyone has 'drawings around them'. A version of what he sees is pictured on the laptop (left) The money will enable RNIB and Oxford University to create 100 pairs of smart glasses and test them with 1,000 people. This will be the first large-scale test of smart glasses and augmented reality for sight enhancement anywhere in the world and is the first step towards getting the glasses made available to everyone who needs them - for as little as £300. There are 300,000 people registered as blind in the UK who still have some remaining vision and it si estimated the glasses could help half of them. The smart glasses enable those with very limited vision to make use of what sight remains, increasing their confidence and helping them navigate and communicate with people. The prototype has already enabled users to identify faces and obstacles more clearly than they have seen for years. Dr Hicks of Oxford University is pictured wearing the innovation. Right, the Star Trek character Geordi LaForge . Within 18 months, RNIB hopes to be able to revolutionise the lives of 1,000 people living with sight loss, providing the foundations to create a low-cost version with additional functionality for people with sight loss around the world. ‘The idea of the smart glasses is to give people with poor vision an aid that boosts their awareness of what’s around them – allowing greater freedom, independence and confidence to get about, and a much improved quality of life,’ says Dr Stephen Hicks of the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Oxford, who is leading the development of the glasses. 'The group has been awarded further funding from the Royal Society to look at introducing more features into the glasses, such as face, object or text recognition. An audio prompt via an earphone would give people more information about who or what they are seeing. ‘We eventually want to have a product that will look like a regular pair of glasses and cost no more than a few hundred pounds - about the same as a smart phone,’ says Dr Hicks. The idea of the smart glasses (pictured) is to give people with poor vision - who are severely sight impaired but can see a small amount - an aid that boosts their awareness of what's around them . Iain Cairns, a copywriter for a marketing agency in London, tried out the smart glasses in Oxford’s Covered Market. The 43-year-old was diagnosed with the inherited eye condition choroideremia at around the age of 12. He has an area of central vision left in each eye. He can still work in front of a computer and carry on writing, but started using a cane around three years ago – mostly as a sign to others that moving around can be more of a problem. On having the glasses fitted outside a café in the Covered Market, Iain reacted: ‘I can see your face. 'It’s like the Lord of the Rings when he puts the ring on and sees things in a new way. The smart glasses consist of a video camera mounted on the frame of the glasses, a computer processing unit that is small enough to fit in a pocket and software that provides images of objects close-by to the see-through displays in the eyepieces of the glasses. The transparent electronic displays, where the glasses’ lenses would be, give a simple image of nearby people and obstacles. The camera with specially designed software interprets the nearby surroundings allowing people to see important things much more distinctly than before, such as kerbs, tables and chairs, or groups of people. The glasses don’t replace lost vision, but assist with spatial awareness. Anyone using the glasses looks through them to make the most of their existing sight, with additional images appearing in their line of sight to give extra information about who or what is in front of them. 'That tablecloth is looking lovely. It’s getting the pattern of the tablecloth. 'It’s like I’ve wandered into an 80s pop video. Everyone has cool A-ha drawings round them. It’s now much more of a scene with several people in.’ The Google Impact Challenge is run by the technology giant and asks UK-based charities how they would change the world through innovative technology. Helen Goulden, executive director of the charity's innovation lab and another judge in the Impact Challenge, said: 'This challenge shines a light on just how many charities are already doing great things with technology to address some of our most pressing challenges,' she said. To find out more about the glasses click here. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Technology uses glasses-mounted camera to project images onto eyepieces . It means those who are legally blind can see faces and objects . The state-of-the-art glasses could help 150,000 in the UK alone .
Article: (CNN) -- BMW Oracle won the America's Cup as victory in Sunday's second race off Valencia against Swiss holders Alinghi gave them an unassailable 2-0 lead in the best-of-three series. The syndicate, founded by software magnate Larry Ellison, is the first American team to win yachting's most prestigious trophy since 1992. Ellison was on board as they clinched victory by a margin of five minutes and 26 seconds, underlining their superiority against Alinghi, who made a series of uncharacteristic errors in both races off the Spanish coast. "It's an absolutely awesome feeling. I couldn't be more proud," said the 65-year-old billionaire, who fought a lengthy legal battle to earn the right to challenge the Swiss syndicate. The victory means the Golden Gate Yacht Club of San Francisco will now defend the America's Cup in the 34th staging of an event which dates back to 1851. Oracle have held the technological edge in both races, with a radical 223ft (68 meters) wingspan on their catamaran. Alinghi, who won the trophy with a 5-2 win over Team New Zealand in Valencia in 2007, dropped a possible protest after the second race as the result was confirmed. Light winds meant the start of Sunday's race was delayed for six hours, but when racing got underway Alinghi were again at a disadvantage having been penalized before the start, as in Friday's defeat. But with Ernesto Bertarelli at the helm, Alinghi held an early lead of over 600 meters before Oracle established a winning advantage of their own, touching speeds of 30 knots on the 39-nautical mile course. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
BMW Oracle take a winning 2-0 lead in the best-of-three America's Cup series . The American challengers beat Swiss holders Alinghi by over five minutes on Sunday . Software magnate Larry Ellison founded BMW Oracle over 10 years ago . Golden Gate Yacht Club of San Francisco now official defender of America's Cup .
Article: By . Daily Mail Reporter . Two women who were sexually abused as children by their stepfather have spoken out in a bid to help other victims after his crimes went unpunished for nearly two decades. Katie Shortman, 24, and Dellisa Shortman, 25, have bravely spoken out after Paul Ward was jailed for four years when he admitted two counts of indecent assault. Ward, 50, of Sale, Greater Manchester, began abusing his two stepdaughters in the early 90s, when they were aged just five and six. Katie Shortman (right), 24, and Dellisa Shortman (left), 25, have waived their anonymity to speak out in a bid to help other victims of abuse . He was left to groom the girls with . sweets at their home and abuse them over a two-year period, despite . having a conviction for abusing a four-year-old boy and being known to . social services, the police and the CPS. The two sisters have now waived their right to anonymity, granted under the Sexual Offences Act 1992, and spoken out in a bid to help other victims of abuse. Katie, 24, said: 'He used to buy me sweets . and take me places which was something me and my sister rarely had when . he wasn’t around. I would plead with him to stop, crying, telling him he . was hurting me. My sister would try to fight him off. We both would be . screaming but nothing would stop him.' The . girls were taken into care aged seven and eight. Both spent the first . three years at a children’s home. But their bond was broken when they were separated. Katie became addicted to cocaine at the age of 12 and fell pregnant at 14, while still in the care system. She had three children by the age of 19 - two have been adopted and one was stillborn. Paul Ward, 50, began abusing his two stepdaughters in the early 90s, when they were aged just five and six . She . said: 'I used to take drugs, I’d run away and go into men’s houses. I . felt like I should be abused - I was conditioned in that way. I was . confused and alone, I had to grow up fast, I used to run away from . foster placements because it felt like I was being punished.' Because of her mental health problems, she lost custody of both her children. She . said: 'It kills me inside that I can’t hold my children, have a family, . and can no longer have the bond with my sister I once had. It feels . like everything has been taken from me because of this man’s disgusting . actions. He has ripped my life apart. While he has lived a free life for . the past 17 years, I have suffered in silence.' She said she feels the authorities failed her as a child - but has praised the police work after the case was reopened in 2011. She said: 'The police this time have been incredible, if it wasn’t for them I would still feel like nobody cared. 'I . hope no little girl or boy ever has to go through what I went through. All those people who should have protected us failed us greatly. Anybody . who is aware of a child being abused and does nothing about it is as . bad as the abuser. More needs to be done so agencies can work together . and get closure. I feel like Paul stole my innocence and social services . stole my potential.' She . went on to say: 'I won’t allow him into my heart. My life’s too . precious to have something so sick and twisted in it. What he did to me . impacted on how I saw life but I’m no longer a victim, I’m a surviving . victim. Even if I can help one child in the same predicament as me, I’ll . die happy.' She now plans to write a book about her experience in order to help others. She . said: 'I want for other children not to have to wait 17 years to get . someone to listen - give them the courage to come forward about their . abuse.' Sisters Katie and Dellisa Shortman have spoken out in a bid to help other victims of sexual abuse. Paul Ward (right), 50, began abusing his two stepdaughters in the early 90s, when they were aged just five and six . Dellisa, 25, . also has depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. She was . Ward’s first target and later, when he began to abuse her little sister, . Dellisa would try to protect her from their stepfather. After they were sent to different children’s homes they met only once a year. Dellisa . had a girl when she was 21 but she was adopted because Dellisa, who has . mental health and learning difficulties, was unable to care for her. She now lives in Oldham in a flat on her own. She said: 'I can’t forgive him, I feel like he should have got a lot longer. He took nearly 20 years of our lives.' She . went on to say: 'My child was taken off me. I’ve never had the right . support and it’s had such a big impact on my life. I don’t have the . close relationship with my sister that I should have.' The judge said there were a number of missed opportunities to stop Ward, who was convicted in 1993 of abusing a four-year-old boy . Jailing . Ward at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court, Judge Maurice Greene . told him: 'These two girls during the 1990s were let down by social . services, by the police, and by the Crown Prosecution Service. 'Had their case been dealt . with properly, it’s highly likely that you would have been before the . courts many, many years ago and some form of closure may have been . available to these two young women a long time ago.' The . judge said there were a number of missed opportunities to stop Ward, . who was convicted in 1993 of abusing a four-year-old boy, including a . police surgeon examination of Dellisa when she was a young girl which . showed evidence of abuse. Other missed opportunities . included a police interview with Katie in 1998 in which she told . officers her stepfather abused her; a police interview with Dellisa in . 1999 when she again complained of abuse; and reports from school that . the girls were showing symptoms of abuse. In each of these cases no action was taken. He . said: 'It really was not until 2011 when they were interviewed as . adults that prosecution followed. This was an indication of the change . in the prosecution authorities. That can only be for the better.' He added: 'What is clear is . that you abused your position as their stepfather. You abused the . position of trust you had in that family. Your abuse has had a . considerable effect on both these girls. You have ruined a large part of . their lives.' Earlier, the court heard how Ward would send his wife to the shops to have time alone with the girls, grooming them with sweets. Katherine . Pierpoint, defending, said Ward had shown genuine remorse for his . actions. She said he appeared a ‘rather pathetic character’, adding that . he had alcohol and cannabis addictions and that the period of abuse was . during a time of particularly heavy drinking. 'I won’t allow him into my heart. My life’s too . precious to have something so sick and twisted in it' - Katie Shortman . He was put on the sex offenders’ register for life. Greater Manchester Police said in a statement: 'These two girls who are now women reported the abuse to Greater Manchester Police and Trafford Council social services in 1998. 'A decision was made to take no further action against Paul Ward in 1999. 'The recommendation to discontinue the case came from a specialist who advised against the inquiry going further and this was considered at the time to be in the best interests of the victims. 'If such a recommendation was made to officers today, it would be challenged before an investigation was finalised. 'When the abuse was reported again in 2011 the case was immediately re-opened and a full investigation commenced. This investigation has led to the successful conviction of Paul Ward. 'GMP has changed the way it investigates crimes against vulnerable people and officers who investigate child abuse and domestic abuse now have a clear structure with dedicated lines of responsibility and ownership.' Trafford Council said that it would not be appropriate for it to comment on individual cases of this nature . It stated that safeguarding children and vulnerable young people has always been a key priority for the Council. A spokesman said: 'Current policies and procedures, together with the strength of its multi-agency working and information sharing continue to ensure Trafford’s effectiveness in helping protect local young people.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Paul Ward began abusing his stepdaughters in the early 1990s . He was left to groom the girls despite conviction for abusing boy, 4 . Ward was jailed yesterday for four years after admitting indecent assault . Katie and Dellisa Shortman have bravely spoken out in a bid to help other victims of abuse .
Article: By . Chris Brooke . Last updated at 4:53 PM on 15th December 2011 . Killer: James Gethen, now 16, was jailed for manslaughter today after admitting killing his mother on the grounds of diminished responsibility . A 15-year-old boy clubbed his mother to death with a baseball bat before calmly walking out of the house and telling a neighbour what he had done, a court heard today. James Gethen said he could 'see her brains' after carrying out the attack. He attacked Ann Gethen, 39, in a fit of rage hours after she announced her engagement on Facebook. The schoolboy had been traumatised by the death of his father eight months earlier and had even tried to jump into his grave, a court heard today. He had a history of violence and killed his mother in a brutal, unprovoked and sustained late-night attack at the family home. His sister Paula, 16, was woken by screams from the living room and when she saw what had happened Gethen told her: ‘I’m not bothered. I hope she’s dead.’ Today Gethen was given an indeterminate sentence for public protection at Leeds Crown Court and must serve at least five years before he can be considered for release. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. Mr Justice Openshaw said a psychiatrist concluded the teenager was ‘highly dangerous.’ He called the case ‘dreadful’ and said any thought the defendant’s danger would go away was merely ‘a hope.’ The attack took place at 3am on 15 August last year at the family home in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. Murdered: Ann Gethen, 39, was killed by her son in Barnsley. He then calmly walked outside and told his neighbour what he had done . Michael Smith, prosecuting, said the teenager struck his mother over the head several times with the bat and killed her almost instantaneously. There were sobs from the public gallery when the court heard how Gethen, now 16, told a neighbour: ‘I hit my mum round the head with a baseball bat and could see her brains and everything.’ Adrian Waterman, QC, defending, said Gethen suffered a number of psychiatric problems – believed to stem from a bout of meningitis he suffered as a premature baby. He said Gethen had suffered an abnormal bereavement reaction when his father Eric died from cancer in December 2009 and he ‘tried to enter the grave’ when he was buried. Gethen also expressed his wish to be buried alongside him, the court heard. The teenager shared a bed with his sister and lived a ‘complex’ family life in a house where the attic bedroom was fire-damaged and the windows and front door were boarded up. He had previously displayed ‘sexually abusive behaviour’ towards girls, was expelled from school because of bullying and fighting with other pupils and his school records show ‘episodes of disruptive behaviour and violence on an almost daily basis.’ In one incident he tried to strangle a school friend with a shoelace. His father ‘knew how to sort him out’ and following his death the boy ended up in court for damaging a relative’s home and throwing a brick through a 76-year-old man’s window. When assessed by psychiatrists, the teenager confessed to ‘homicidal ideas’ and ‘unusual images of himself committing homicide.’ Outside court Detective Superintendent James Abdy of South Yorkshire Police said: ‘This was a tragic event and our thoughts are with the family. ‘They have not only had to endure the loss of a loved one but also come to terms with the fact that Ann’s life was cut short at the hands of her own son James.’ Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
James Gethen, 15, calmly walked out of house and told neighbour what he had done . Judge jails him for an indeterminate period with minimum term of five years . Psychiatrist rules he is 'highly dangerous'
Article: By . Associated Press . and Daily Mail Reporter . State police in New York say an Albany man was high on drugs when he called 911 to report that his vehicle had been sideswiped on a highway. Police say 38-year-old Malcolm Sidbury was driving south on the Taconic Parkway in Columbia County on Wednesday when he told dispatchers his car had been hit by another vehicle that didn't stop. Troopers spotted the vehicles and stopped both. Upon interviewing the other driver, Thomas R Robbins, 57, of Poughkeepsie, police determined he was drunk. Write caption here . Police say Robbins' blood-alcohol content was .25 per cent, more than three times the legal limit. Sidbury was also interviewed, and found to be under the influence of drugs. According to the Daily Freeman, Robbins was charged with drunken driving, aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and leaving the scene of a property-damage accident, all misdemeanors. He also was charged with numerous vehicle and traffic law violations. Sidbury was charged with driving while impaired by drugs. Police said Sidbury was in the right lane when Robbins attempted to pass him, sideswiping his vehicle without stopping. Both men were issued tickets. The district attorney's office said it doesn't have attorney information for either man. The men will appear in Livingston Town Court. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Malcolm Sidbury, 38, called 911 after another vehicle sideswiped him and kept driving in Columbia County . Troopers detained the other driver, Thomas Robbins, 57, and found that he was under the influence of alcohol . Sidbury was interviewed and police determined he was high on drugs . Both men were charged .
Article: By . Bianca London . PUBLISHED: . 07:43 EST, 16 October 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 08:01 EST, 16 October 2013 . Christian Louboutin has won a court case against an anti-Islamic group. The esteemed footwear designer has been granted an injunction against Belgian activists Women Against Islamisation, who were using his iconic red-soled shoes in their campaign posters without his permission. In a court ruling in Antwerp on Monday, it was agreed the campaign 'tarnished' the brand's image and all posters should be removed within 24 hours, BBC News reports. Christian Louboutin has won a court ruling against an anti-Islam group who 'tarnished' the footwear brand's image by featuring his iconic red-soled shoes in an advert . The poster in question showed the Louboutin-clad legs of Anke Van dermeersch, a former Miss Belgium winner and now a senator for far-right group Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest). An accompanying key showed what it claimed was Islam's view of a woman based on the length of her skirt, from 'sharia conform' at floor level to 'stoning' at the top of the thigh. The poster in question showed the Louboutin-clad legs of Anke Van dermeersch, a senator for far-right group Vlaams Belang . Anke appeared unfazed in September when it was announced Louboutin would be taking the case to court. She said: 'Are politicians still allowed to dress the way they want? It seems that not only Islam is intolerant...A legal judgment on a dress code for politicians would be a surreal precedent. 'Apart from the absurd argument concerning reputational damage, there is no legal basis for such a dress code.' A member of Vlaams Belang has since posted an image of their revised poster on Twitter, which has switched the red-soled shoes for yellow ones. In a court ruling in Antwerp on Monday, it was agreed the campaign 'tarnished' the image of the brand - which is famed for its iconic red soles - and all posters should be removed within 24 hours . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Designer granted injunction against Belgian activists Women Against Islamisation . They used his red-soled shoes in campaign poster without permission . Posters ordered to be taken down within 24 hours .
Article: By . Sara Malm . PUBLISHED: . 03:07 EST, 15 August 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 03:50 EST, 15 August 2013 . A young boy died in a car crash after his 15-year-old sister lost control of the family SUV. Emir Zilkic was riding with his two older siblings, the unlicensed driver and a 14-year-old girl, near their home in Erie, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday night. The teenage driver had taken the large 4-by-4 without permission and was taking her younger siblings and two friends to McDonald’s when the car came off the road just four blocks from the family home. Accident: Emir Zilkic, 8, died when this SUV, driven by his 15-year-old sister, flipped off the road near their home in Erie County . Witnesses said the vehicle was speeding when it started rolling, and then flipped through the air. At least three of the children were thrown out of the car as it flew through the air, but two were pinned underneath as it landed, Erie County Police said. Emir Zilkic was pronounced dead at the scene just after 9.30pm. The 15-year-old driver, their 14-year-old sister and two other children, a boy aged ten and a girl, 14, were taken to hospital. The girl behind the wheel suffered a back injury and her sister a broken arm and internal bleeding, their mother Alma Zilkic told GoErie. Tragedy: The 15-year-old had taken the family SUV without permission and had taken her siblings and their friends to McDonalds when the car flipped in the way home . ‘They say she was speeding, like 80 miles per hour, and lost control. And (Emir's) gone,’ she told the paper. The family, who hail from Bosnia, has lived in Erie for 14 years and Mrs Zilkic said the accident has hit them hard. She added that she does not blame her daughter for the accident, as the Erie police continue the investigation of the scene of the crash. Once a review has been put together, Erie County District Attorney's Office will make a decision on whether to press criminal charges. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Emir Zilkic, 8, died after his sister lost control of the family car . The 15-year-old had taken the SUV without permission . Three other children, a boy, 10, and two 14-year-old girls also injured .
Article: (CNN) -- Anuradha Koirala is fighting to prevent the trafficking and sexual exploitation of Nepal's women and girls. Since 1993, she and her group, Maiti Nepal, have helped rescue and rehabilitate more than 12,000 victims. Below are her thoughts on being chosen as a Top 10 CNN Hero. Q: Where were you when you got the call that you'd been selected as a Top 10 CNN Hero? Anuradha Koirala: The day I found out that I'd been selected as a Top 10 CNN Hero, I was in Delhi, India. I'd had meetings with Indian and Nepalese government officials, police officers and [nongovernmental organizations] that are partnering with us regarding rescue and repatriation of Nepali girls. I also went to meet Nepali girls at a government remand home in Delhi. We had four girls rescued last week, so I was talking to all the children. The police officers were very positive, but one lawyer was acting very "smart" [about not wanting the girls to return home to Nepal]. I said to him: "We are all working for the benefit of the children. So legal things are one part, but when there are girls, you have to send the girls back to their own country. That is all I want." So the whole morning and afternoon, I had been fighting. I was very excited and thankful to get the news. I have a big family, about 2,000 children and girls. This was a moment for us to cry, hug and remember how we started, what we have gained and where we are today. Q: What does it mean to you to have been selected by the Blue Ribbon Panel? Koirala: It means they have given priority to this heinous crime against humanity. We have to fight against this crime and protect the children from this. Q: What do you want people to know most about the importance of your work? Koirala: I would like to urge all the human beings around the world: Please close your eyes and imagine these girls are your daughters, and you will feel the pain of being trafficked. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Anuradha Koirala and her group, Maiti Nepal, have helped more than 12,000 escape sex slavery . Koirala was chosen as a Top 10 CNN Hero for her efforts in Nepal . Koirala: "We have to fight against this crime and protect the children from this"
Article: (CNN) -- The news editor of the Zambian newspaper The Post has gone on trial for allegedly circulating obscene material to politicians, the newspaper states on its Web site. Zambia President Rupiah Banda has branded the childbirth photos pornographic. In early June, Chansa Kabwela wrote to the country's vice president, health minister and several non-governmental organizations to highlight problems in the country's health-care system -- especially the problems pregnant women faced during a strike by health-care workers. In her letter, Kabwela included several photos of a woman giving birth in a parking lot outside a hospital from which she had been turned away, according to Reporters Without Borders. The country's president, Rupiah Banda, branded the photos pornographic and called for Kabwela's arrest and prosecution, according to the press freedom organization. "Kabwela's arrest is shocking and the grounds are ridiculous," the organization said in a statement on its Web site after the arrest. Now the trial into the alleged obscene photos has begun in the Lusaka magistrate's court, the newspaper Web site says. One of the first witnesses, Kenneth Ngosa, a senior private secretary to the vice president, told the court he was immediately disturbed by the pictures he found inside the letter, according to the paper. The Post described the courtroom as "packed to capacity" and said "people from all works of life including musicians and opposition political party members" had come to support Kabwela. Defense lawyer George Chisanga has asked the court to look into whether the president's order to arrest and prosecute Kabwela could influence the course of justice. A joint statement from several Zambian media organizations, published on The Post's Web site, calls for the government to amend the law on obscenity to clarify what constitutes obscenity and material that can corrupt morals. The statement concedes that the pictures were in bad taste, but notes that they were sent on behalf of a good cause: to end the strike. CNN efforts to obtain comment from both The Post and the Zambian government have been unsuccessful. According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization, in 2004 the mortality rate of children under 5 years old in Zambia was 182 per 1,000 live births. In the United States, under-5 mortality rate was 8 per 1,000 live births in 2006. Skilled health personnel attended only 43 percent of childbirths in Zambia in 2002, according to the health organization. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
News editor of Zambian newspaper on trial for circulating obscene material . Chansa Kabwela sent pictures of a woman giving birth in a parking lot to President . She says she wanted to highlight problems in country's healthcare system . President Banda branded the images pornographic and had Kabwela arrested .
Article: By . Lillian Radulova for Daily Mail Australia . New regulations from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) allowing Australian domestic airline passengers to use electronic devices from gate-to-gate are soon to be approved. CASA's call for revised submissions already has Australian airliners cheering, including Virgin and Qantas which began pursuing the changes long ago. The changes could see passengers able to use smartphones and tablets weighing up to 1 kilogram in flight mode during take-off, landing and taxi mode. Australian Airliners are awaiting approval from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority to alter regulations allowing passengers to use hand held electronic devices during take-off and landing . Heavier items such as laptops will still be required to be held in overhead departments with fear they could be a danger to other passengers during high turbulence if they become air-borne. Airlines have to complete a safety checklist before the regulations can be approved, however, which will include detailing how they will ensure passengers do not use their devices in a disruptive way, according to the Herald Sun. They must also show their aircraft manufacturers approve of the change. Training for cabin crews will also have to be revised with necessity placed on ensuring passengers still pay attention to flight announcements. Virgin Australia wasted no time after the announcement, releasing a statement on Friday from the chief customer officer Mark Hassell which claimed that the airline company had already re-lodged their submission and were waiting for approval . 'In-flight entertainment is a key driver of customer satisfaction and this application marks the next phase of that product evolution,' Mr Hassell said. Virgin Australia had re-lodged their submission by Friday according to their chief customer officer, with the airline planning to implement the regulation change as soon as possible . 'Virgin Australia will work to immediately implement the use of hand-held personal electronic devices from gate to gate and will have further updates for customers in coming days.' A spokesperson for Qantas told the Herald Sun that as of July 16, passengers on Qantas flights across New Zealand and the US were already enjoying the perks. 'Qantas passengers travelling on the majority of trans-Tasman routes can already use personal electronic devices during all phases of flight provided the devices are in flight mode,' said a Qantas spokeswoman. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Australian domestic passengers could soon be able to use hand held electronics during take-off and landing . Airliners are waiting for the final approval from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority . Items weighing more than 1kg, including laptops, would still need to be stowed away in ovewrhead compartments for safety reasons .
Article: By . William Turvill . Usain Bolt has caused embarrassment to Virgin Media after being caught performing crude dance moves at a pre-carnival party in Trinidad and Tobago. The Olympic legend, who features in a number of Virgin adverts for broadband, was pictured in Momentum nightclub 'daggering' with a participating female. The controversial dance, which originated in Mr Bolt's native Jamaica, is designed to imitate sexual intercourse. Scroll down for video . Athlete Usain Bolt has been photographed 'daggering' at a pre-carnival party in Trinidad and Tobago . The photographs will be the cause of embarrassment for Virgin Media, the company which Mr Bolt stars in adverts for in the UK . This picture shows Usain Bolt with Sir Richard Branson performing in one of his many adverts for Virgin Media . Often seen during carnivals, the dance is known for its sexually explicit style and is usually performed to dancehall music. The Olympic record holder appeared happy to be photographed as he took part in the dance in front of fans. At the height of six foot and five inches, the Jamaican sprinter towered over the unknown female as they danced together on stage. The athlete, dressed in a black vest and bright orange shorts, also spoke to fans from the stage. The Olympic legend, who features in a number of television adverts for Virgin, was pictured in Momentum nightclub . The dance, which originated in Mr Bolt's native Jamaica, is designed to imitate sexual intercourse . Mr Bolt is widely believed to be the fastest man in the world, and has set world records in both the 100- and 200-metre races . He has since return to his gruelling . work schedule as he shares a Instagram video with fans captioned: ‘Early . morning Electro Stimulation work out..strengthening of the . pain no gain..the journey must continue #SeriousFace . #ForeverFaster#ElectroStimulation #StillHungry’. Mr Bolt is widely believed to be the fastest man in the world, and has set world records in both the 100- and 200-metre races. He has set three world records in the Olympics and won gold medals in the 100- and 200-metre races at both the 2008 and 2012 Games. Virgin Media declined to comment. Originating from Jamaica, daggering is a controversial dance form designed to imitate sexual intercourse. It is considered more explicit than grinding and can include acrobatic stunts in which one partner jumps on to another from a height. The dance is said to have been performed in Jamaica for a number of years but has only recently become known by the name daggering. There have been efforts in recent years to crack down on daggering in Jamaica, with the nation’s Broadcast Commission banning songs and music videos which show or promote the dance. The rise in popularity of daggering has also been a concern for those in the medical profession. The dance has reportedly resulted in a rise in the number of men fracturing and damaging their penises. Off the ground: At the height of six foot and five inches, the Jamaican sprinter towered over the unknown female as they danced together on stage . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
The Jamaican sprinter, who features in a number of Virgin adverts for broadband, was pictured in a nightclub 'daggering' with a female . The controversial dance is designed to imitate sexual intercourse . It originated in Mr Bolt's native Jamaica and has been banned by broadcasters in the country .
Article: Cooler, ice box, cool box: Whatever you call it, this mainstay of picnics around the globe has barely been innovated upon for several decades. Not any more, though - Oregon-based Ryan Grepper has unveiled his innovative ‘Coolest’ device that has a host of different features, and it's currently taking the internet by storm. Combining Bluetooth functionality, a smartly designed interior, off-road wheels, a blender and more, Grepper is hoping that his innovation is going to change the world of coolers forever. An Oregon-based inventor has designed a new type of food and drink cooler. Known as 'Coolest' (pictured) the product has racked up £1.2 million ($2 million) on Kickstarter in just a few days. The multi-functional product has a number of different features on offer . The project is currently just a few days into a Kickstarter campaign but has already racked up more than £1.2 million ($2 million) from more than 10,000 backers . - 18v battery-powered rechargeable blender . - Removable waterproof Bluetooth speaker . - USB charger . - LED lid light . - Gear tie-down . - Cooler divider/cutting board . - Extra wide easy rolling tyres . - Integrated storage for plates and knife . - Bottle opener . The device can be bought by residents of the U.S. now for £96 ($165), while customers in the EU and Canada can get one for £108 ($185). The release date is expected by February 2015, although higher pledges get access to earlier releases - and for £1,200 ($2,000) the inventor himself will attend a party you host. From the outside the Coolest is similar in shape and size to a regular cooler. On its top though is a blender, which can be used with a supplied jug to mix up drinks and food. A single charge of the device, via the mains, will apparently allow for 27 litres (six gallons) of liquid to be blended. Wireless speakers are also included on the exterior, which can be connected to by a Bluetooth-enabled device. These are also waterproof, preventing them becoming damaged from spillages or the rain. The interior of the Coolest (shown) is designed to separate things you want to keep relatively dry with ice to be used in the blender. Inside there are also compartments for plates to be stored, and there's a ceramic knife that can be used to cut limes, lemons and whatnot on top of the cooler . Other features of the multi-purpose cooler include a USB charger, LED lights inside to light up when it’s dark and a tie-down to hold equipment on top. Beach-ready tyres make it easy to drag over rough terrain, while an interior divider can keep surplus ice separate. The final feature of the jack-of-all-trades device is a bottle opener on its exterior. ‘The Coolest is a portable party disguised as a cooler, bringing blended drinks, music and fun to any outdoor occasion,’ Grepper writes on Kickstarter. ‘Regular coolers are boring, break easily and are a hassle to haul around just to carry the ice. ‘The Coolest cooler is 60 quarts of awesome packed with so much fun you'll look for excuses to get outside more often.’ Responding to suggestions from backers, Grepper has more plans for the product in future as well, including alternative colours and possibly even solar panels to charge it. Beach-ready tyres make it easy to drag over rough terrain. Other features on offer include wireless Bluetooth speakers, a USB charger and a blender. The Coolest can currently be pre-ordered on Kickstarter for £108 ($185) with delivery by February 2015 . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Oregon-based inventor has designed a new type of food and drink cooler . Known as 'Coolest' the product has racked up $2m on Kickstarter in days . The multi-functional product has a number of different features on offer . These include wireless Bluetooth speakers and wheels that can go off-road . The Coolest can be pre-ordered for £108 ($185) with delivery by Feb 2015 .
Article: Northampton secured maximum points from a 38-15 European Rugby Champions Cup demolition of Treviso in Italy. Scores from Samu Manoa, Alex Waller, Ben Foden, Luther Burrell, George Pisi and a penalty try ensured it was a job well done by Jim Mallinder's side against their struggling Pool Five rivals. Saints number eight Manoa opened the scoring after nine minutes when he finished off a patient build-up by forcing his way over from close range. Northampton's Ben Foden touches down for his side's third try of the game against Treviso in Italy . Samu Manoa (centre) of Saints celebrates after scoring a try during the comfortable win . It was a fifth try of the season for the United States international, who is expected to join French champions Toulon in the summer. Outside-half Stephen Myler added the conversion to give Saints a solid early lead. A change of referee due to an injury to Peter Fitzgibbon delayed the game for several minutes and he was replaced by Leo Colgan. Former Worcester and Wasps outside-half Joe Carlisle then got Treviso on the scoreboard with a penalty. Treviso lost lock Francesco Minto to the sin-bin when he tackled Sam Dickinson in an offside position and Saints immediately grabbed a second try. Northampton's Luther Burrell scores Saints' fourth try as they take maximum points . Northampton and Treviso players scum during the European Champions Cup match . Myler kicked the penalty to touch and the Saints' eight were too strong for the Treviso pack, with prop Waller almost powering his way over. The visitors secured the bonus point within nine minutes of the restart with two quick scores from Foden and Burrell. The latter was the provider in the first try with a superb pass to set Foden free and he produced a smart finish, with Myler kicking the difficult conversion. Almost immediately, Saints went over for their first try after excellent work by Tom Stephenson and Jamie Elliot allowed Burrell to finish. Saints players celebrate after marching to a comfortable victory against Treviso . Treviso did get back into the contest when fly-half Carlisle sent a long pass to wing Ludovico Nitoglia to go over in the corner. Saints' fifth was a penalty try when Treviso popped up at the scrum and the home side went down to 14 men for the second time when replacement Romulo Acosta was shown a yellow card. Treviso did, however, manage a second try when the impressive Carlisle intercepted Stephenson's pass and raced home from 60 metres. But there was still time for Saints to get their sixth when replacement Pisi touched down with two minutes to go. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Samu Manoa and Alex Waller scored first-half tries for Northampton . Ben Foden, Luther Burrell, George Pisi and a penalty try secured the win . Saints grabbed maximum points in the European Champions Cup game . Treviso were twice reduced to 14 men as they had no answer to Saints .
Article: By . Larisa Brown . PUBLISHED: . 13:00 EST, 18 February 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 20:06 EST, 18 February 2014 . Clive Mantle (pictured with Casualty co-star Jane Gurnett) broke down today as he recalled the moment his ear was bitten off . A former Casualty star had part of his ear bitten off after asking two fellow hotel guests to keep the noise down, a court heard. Clive Mantle, 56, had been woken in the early hours of the morning and had left his room twice to ‘request politely’ that two drunks quieten down so he could sleep. In the violence that followed, Mr Mantle, who was still wearing his pyjamas, lost a ‘substantial part’ of his ear, which ended up on the floor, leaving him permanently disfigured. He claimed he was worried about defending himself for fear of being prosecuted like Tony Martin – the farmer convicted of manslaughter after shooting a burglar dead. Mr Mantle, who played surgeon Mike Barrett in Casualty and currently plays Lord Umber in Game of Thrones, had been staying at the Travelodge while performing in a play at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle, the court heard. He was woken at about 4.30am on March 24 last year by Philip McGilvray, 33, and Alan French, 32, who were shouting in the corridor outside his ground-floor room. Jolyon Perks, prosecuting, told Newcastle Crown Court: ‘They had come down from Scotland with friends and they were out drinking and socialising. At 4.30am in the morning they had reached the stage where they were excessively drunk and had also reached the stage where drink converted them to being raucous and, ultimately, violent.’ The actor, 6ft 5in tall and sporting a large moustache, told the court how the pair were making ‘banshee-like’ noises which woke him up and resulted in him opening his room door. He said: ‘I cast a fairly strange figure. I had a huge moustache for the part I was playing in the play, with a T-shirt and pyjama bottoms.’ He asked the men to keep the noise down as he was trying to sleep – but the noise soon started up again. He said: ‘Male one was encouraging male two to “come and look at the old man in his pyjamas”.’ Mr Mantle, who has since grown his hair to cover the injury, said it was a ‘sport’ to them and he could hear ‘wailing and laughter’ from the men. Hearing more noise, he went to his door and warned he was going to call security but there was not a phone in his room. He was on his way to the Quayside hotel reception, walking barefoot, when the pair laid into him, the jury heard. Clive Mantle was woken in the early hours of the morning and had left his room twice to ¿request politely¿ that two drunks quieten down . Alan French, 32, (left) and Philip McGilvray, 33, (right) were visiting Newcastle and had been out drinking . Mr Perks said: ‘As he approached, the two defendants deliberately blocked his path. ‘He told them he needed to get past and placed his hands between them, and tried to force his way through, perhaps not unreasonably considering the situation he was in. ‘At this point they both decided to grab his arms and set about him. Both men threw a flurry of drunken punches, some landed, some didn’t. Ultimately, it ended with him being dragged on the ground face down.’ Mr Mantle told the court: ‘I think in total there were about 15 blows, of which only four hurt.’ Philip McGilvray, 32, from Hamilton, Scotland, pictured arriving at Newcastle Crown Court this morning where he is accused of being involved in an attack which left Casualty star Clive Mantle with part of his ear bitten off . At one point, French was on top of the actor and McGilvray was by his left side. Fighting back tears, Mr Mantle described how the ‘melee’ turned into his ear being bitten off by McGilvray. He said: ‘The next thing I was aware of was a pain in my left ear which triggered a massive response within me. The adrenaline it gave me enabled me to rip my right hand away. ‘The only thing I could do is put my thumb in his eye socket to make him release. ‘An image of Tony Martin, the guy who shot the intruders in his house, went through my mind. I have got to do enough damage to hurt him but not so much I get prosecuted for poking someone’s eye out – it’s bizarre the thing you think about at times like this.’ It was at this point, he said that his ‘guardian angel’ Alice Klenk, a nurse staying at the hotel with her partner, heard the fighting and came out of her room. She grabbed one of the defendants by his collar and held the other back with her arm to stop them having another go at Mr Mantle, the jury heard. The actor said: ‘She saved me from a lot further damage.’ Clive Mantel says he was woken up by Philip McGilvray, 33, and Alan French, 32, who were shouting in his hotel corridor last March . After staggering to his feet, he saw there was blood all over him. He said: ‘I looked down and there was my ear lying on the carpet.’ He picked up his ear and grabbed one of the men, but the pair managed to flee and Mr Mantle returned to his room with Miss Klenk, where they put his ear in a glass of water to preserve it. The court heard how the two defendants did not return to the hotel for several hours – by which point they had tried to check in to a nearby Premier Inn but were turned away. McGilvray and French, both from Hamilton, Scotland, deny a charge of causing grievous bodily harm with intent, and will claim they were acting in self-defence. The case continues. Sorry we are unable to accept comments for legal reasons. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
The 56-year-old says he was woken up by Philip McGilvray, 33, and Alan French, 32, shouting in the corridor . Mr Mantle twice asked the pair to keep quiet before he was attacked . The actor was staying in the Quayside Travelodge in Newcastle . McGilvray told detectives he bit the actor because he had been attacked . McGilvray and French both deny wounding with intent .
Article: By . Matthew Morlidge . Follow @@MattMorlidge . 'I watch him a lot and try to do the same things that he does,' Adnan Januzaj told Inside United of his infatuation with former Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo. And judging by their stats from their debut seasons at Old Trafford, the youngster's statement may just be more factual than first thought. For the duo scored an identical number of goals in their first full campaign at the club, as well as sharing almost identical records in other fields. Identical: The similarities are there, but will Januzaj (left) live up to his potential like Ronaldo (right) did? World class: Cristiano Ronaldo grew to be a United and eventually a world great . The statistics provided by Opta are from Ronaldo's 2003/04 season, and Januzaj's breakthrough campaign under David Moyes. Like Ronaldo, Januzaj has arrived as a youngster from foreign shores, eager to kick on and hold down a first team spot. But he has some act to follow. Upon signing Cristiano Ronaldo from Sporting Lisbon in 2003 for over £12million, Sir Alex Ferguson knew straight away a legend was born at Old Trafford. In his . autobiography, Ferguson described first seeing Ronaldo as ‘the biggest . surge of excitement and anticipation I experienced in football . management’. Goes down easy: Januzaj has been criticised for play acting on several occasions this season . Silverware: Ronaldo celebrates scoring the opener against Millwall in the 2004 FA Cup final . Stepovers and tricks followed on a Premier League bow against Bolton, with fans already in awe of their new Portuguese son. It was Ferguson who brought Januzaj to Manchester in 2011 from Anderlecht, but he never featured under the empowering Scot, only first impressing under countryman Moyes. His full debut at United - away at Sunderland in November - produced two goals and a man of the match award. A fine start, but their would be few supporters who would think the now fully-pledged Belgian can match the almighty career of Ronaldo. The . 18-year-old has hardly featured in recent months, and perhaps similarly . to Ronaldo, been criticised for falling to the ground too easily. Like for like: Ronaldo's first season is almost identical to Januzaj's first campaign at Old Trafford . Fan favourite: The Old Trafford crowd recognised Ronaldo's quality and potential straight away . Much to prove: Januzaj still has some fans to win over, and the new manager, too . The difference is, however, that Januzaj has picked up a staggering six yellow cards this season, all for simulation. Ronaldo has described himself in the past of being 'sent by god' to play football, but is somewhat ordinary statistics from his first season show that pressure should not be put on Januzaj so early in his career. If Louis van Gaal is to come in, a manager famed for overseeing progression of youth, the teenager could go on to forge a successful career in England. But after his first year, Ronaldo then went on to score 80 times in his next 167 league appearances for United, as well as a staggering 177 in 165 La Liga games for Real Madrid. That is the challenge Januzaj faces. On top of the world: Ronaldo won the Balon d'Or this year after Lionel Messi's dominance . Mega man: Ronaldo left after six years of service, and Januzaj will no doubt be hot property as well . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Ronaldo scored the same number of goals as Januzaj has in his first season . Other statistics are almost identical between the two players . Ronaldo went on to be a United great, moving to Real Madrid in 2009 . Januzaj has hardly featured for United in recent months .
Article: By . Sean O'hare . Police released this picture of Anthony Stubbs with baby Lily on the day she was born . A mother has issued a desperate plea for her missing 16-year-old son to come home for Christmas and distributed a picture of him cradling his newborn daughter in the hope it will prompt him to get in touch. School prefect Anthony Stubbs vanished last month following a row with his 18-year-old girlfriend, just weeks after she gave birth to their daughter, Lily. He has not been seen or heard from since and it is believed his bank account remains untouched. Lancashire police hope by publicly distributing pictures of Lily on the day she . was born, he may get in touch with his family. Anthony’s mother Denise, 34, broke down in tears at a news conference . as she said: 'Christmas is a time for family and all I want is for . Anthony to come home. 'It is his daughter Lily’s first Christmas . and he should be here to celebrate with her and the rest of the family. All the family have support for him - we’re not angry, we just want him . to come home.” She added: 'If Anthony was to walk back in it would . be brilliant - Christmas would be brilliant and him coming back would . be the best Christmas present ever. 'We just don’t understand why . he’s gone. he had already made plans for Christmas. He’d already bought a . stocking for Lily and I urge him to come back for the sake of his baby. 'If . he has any problems, it’s ok, I know why he went and I know what . pressure he was under and I just want him to come home so we can sort it . all out. Running away isn’t the answer, he needs to be with his family. 'It’s . very out of character to go, he loves his baby so much, he idolises . that child, the way he looks at her. He might have had pressures but he . loved that little girl. Denise Machin mother of Anthony Stubbs breaks down during public appeal for help over her missing son . 'Just tell me his alright - it’s the not . knowing that’s killing me, I’m jumping to conclusions. I want to make . sure he’s safe and well looked after - if he’s not ready to come home, . my door is always open for him, if he or someone could just contact me, . it won’t take the heartache away, but at least I’ll know he’s safe. 'Anthony . may have grown up too fast but he can also be gullible and the fact he . is very loving and caring might lead to some people taking advantage of . him.' Following reports of an argument with his teenage girlfriend he . walked out of their home last month intending to go to his mother’s address a ten . minute walk away, but he never arrived. Last September the Year 11 pupil who is studying for his GCSEs at Wellfield Business and Enterprise . College in Leyland, Lancashire, was delighted when his girlfriend Charlotte . Mason gave birth to their daughter Lily. Despite concerns . from his family about his schooling, the teenager who is due to sit his . exams next year set up home with Charlotte and Lily at a house in the . town. Anthony who enjoys . music and outdoor pursuits found out he was going to be dad when he was . just 15 and had just celebrated his 16th birthday when Lily was born. Police missing poster for school prefect Anthony Stubbs in his school uniform and prefects badge who has vanished after he became a father at 16 . CCTV images of the last known steps taken by school prefect Anthony Stubbs . Anthony pictured on an open Facebook profile with girlfriend Charlotte Mason who gave birth to baby Lily in September . The last confirmed sighting of Anthony was as he walked with his schoolbag over his shoulder near to the Seven Stars public house in Leyland at 12:55pm on Sunday 25th November. Anthony’s family said the day before he went missing Anthony failed to show for at a ceremony where his grandparents were renewing their wedding vows on their anniversary. Denise added: 'When Anthony didn’t come to the ceremony, I thought it was because he was busy at home with the baby; I didn’t want to interfere. 'But on Sunday at about 4pm his girlfriend sent me a text to ask me when he was going back home to her - and that’s when we realised he was missing. 'I waited until it had been 24 hours and then went straight to the police station on Monday, because I knew then that something had happened. 'He’s a great lad. He always puts everyone before himself, he helps with anything, he is into all his school activities, music, performing arts, he is a head prefect, head of house - a really good student. 'Christmas is going to be empty unless he comes home. He brings life to Christmas and always cracks how own jokes to make me laugh. 'He’d say, ‘Mother Goose cheer up it’s Christmas’ and he’d always put the star up on the tree because I couldn’t reach. His little brother Oscar who is only three keeps asking where Anthony is and I tell him he’s on holiday. Girlfriend Charlotte Mason lived with Anthony and baby Lily in a house in Leyand, Lancashire . Baby Lily was born shortly after her father Anthony Stubb's 16th birthday . Anthony is not believed to have used his bank account since going missing . Anthony pictured here with his girlfriend Charlotte Mason before he went missing on November 25 . Despite concerns from his family about his schooling, Anthony set up home with Charlotte and Lily at a house in Leyland, Lancashire . Anthony’s cousin and best friend Katie Smith, 15 said: 'He mentioned that he wanted to move back in with his mum but this was a few weeks before, he just said he’d had enough of living at Charlotte’s. 'I last saw him the Friday of that weekend, we’d finished English revision and we were going out with my mum and dad to get stuff for the wedding - it was my nana’s wedding. That’s the last time we saw him.' Det Insp John Entwisle of Lancashire Police said: 'We’re following all the leads, all the contacts, we’re pursuing all avenues. 'We’re hoping Anthony will see this and come into a police station - wherever he is and just show that he’s fit and well and we can assure Denise that he’s alive and with us. 'He has a three month old baby at home who we know he must miss and our main aim is to locate Anthony safe and well, and bring him home to his family for Christmas.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Anthony disappeared after row with 18-year-old girlfriend on November 25 . His bank account has remained untouched since vanishing . CCTV footage captures last sighting of him with his schoolbag over shoulder . Mother said: 'Christmas is time for family and all I want is him to come home'
Article: (CNN) -- The Wimbledon tennis championships provide two weeks of pure sporting theatre permeated with tears, tantrums, comebacks, upsets, joy, despair, strawberries and cream. So, perhaps the only surprise attached to the appointment of an ace poet to cover the tournament is that it wasn't served up sooner in its rich 133-year history. Matt Harvey has been chosen as top seed -- a baseline bard who will pen a poem for every day of the two-week grand slam, chronicling the sights and sounds of south west London into a series of soulful sonnets. A regular contributor to BBC radio and a self-confessed Wimbledon obsessive, Harvey is already salivating at the prospect of trawling the sprawling site in SW19. He told CNN: "It's just fantastic to be given such access to the place and the people. I've already spent time there before the lines have been painted and in the museum, and it has been fascinating. I even got to sit in the umpire's chair on Centre Court and had to pinch myself. "When it starts I imagine I'll be wandering about in the background. I'll have to respond to the things people will be talking about, like if a pigeon is shredded by Roger Federer's racket -- not that I wish ill of any pigeons, or Federer's racket for that matter. "I will also have to touch upon the traditions like strawberries and cream and Cliff Richard, and also the new addition of the roof -- welcoming people to the Wimbledome. "The attention I've had since it was announced just makes me realize how much everybody loves it. I'm not the icing on the cake for Wimbledon, but hopefully I can be one of the many hundreds of thousands on the icing that's on the cake." Poetry has a permanent presence at Wimbledon, the immortal lines "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same," from Rudyard Kipling's poem 'If' adorning the players' entrance to Centre Court. Harvey's task is to follow in those feted footsteps and compose an original work for each one of the 14 days of Wimbledon. So where will he draw his inspiration from? He explained: "I'll be getting there early and experiencing Wimbledon before people get in and the change when they do arrive -- and I'll probably go and recite some poems to people in the queue too. "Wimbledon has such a rich history to draw on too. I can write about the fact that in the olden days women had to wear corsets and the like, which meant their clothes weighed three times more than the men. "Or about the 1905 champion, May Sutton, who caused a stir by rolling her sleeves up above the elbow and wearing a dress that showed her ankles. "There are also a bunch of racket stringers who sit in a little hut at Wimbledon where the players take their rackets to be tuned to their specifications. "Plus, the Queen is going to be there for the first time since the silver jubilee in 1977, when Virginia Wade won the women's title, so there is enough to write about without even mentioning the on-court action." Harvey's poems will be available on the official Wimbledon and Poetry Trust Web sites, and he'll be blogging throughout the tournament. He'll also have his very own Twitter page, meaning punters can embrace their poetic side by Tweeting suggestions during the tournament. He explained: "I do a bit in my live show where members of the audience write a line of poetry on a scrap of paper and they always fit together better than people think, so I'll be inviting people to Tweet me some pithy lines and hopefully we can do the same thing. "Twitter is limited to 140 characters but you may just be able to fit a couplet in there." • To follow Matt Harvey's poems during the tournament visit the Wimbledon or Poetry Trust Web sites. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Matt Harvey has been appointed Wimbledon's first official poet . Harvey will write a poem every day of the two-week grand slam . The public can Tweet him lines of poetry during the tournament . Harvey will be reciting poems to those in the long queue for tickets .
Article: Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- The slaughter of bottlenose dolphins in an infamous Japanese cove took place on Tuesday. About 500 dolphins were driven into the cove this year, a larger number than usual, according to the local Taiji fishermen's union. A fisherman who is a union board member, and who did not want to be named, told CNN that the total number of dolphins to be captured or slaughtered was less than 100, and that the rest would be released. The yearly event is a focal point of the Taiji community's dolphin hunting season, which many in the community in southwest Japan view as a long-held tradition. The annual hunting season begins in September and runs through March, according to animal rights activists. But the hunt is heavily scrutinized by environmental activists, who have been monitoring activities and livestreaming and tweeting about the latest developments. In recent days, environmentalist group the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has provided livestreams showing bottlenose dolphins splashing frantically as they tried to escape their human captors. Dolphins separated by nets into smaller partitions bobbed up and down, trying to reach other members of their pod. The group said that the dolphins appeared bloodied, and had had nothing to eat since their capture in Taiji Cove four days ago. The union representative said that the fishermen had introduced what they considered a "more humane" method of slaughtering the dolphins, cutting their spines on the beach to kill the animals more swiftly and cause them less pain. Defending tradition . Although the hunting of dolphins is widely condemned in the West, many in Japan defend the practice as a local custom -- and say it is no different to the slaughter of other animals for meat. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters at a news conference Monday that marine mammals including dolphins were "very important water resources." "Dolphin fishing is one of traditional fishing forms of our country and is carried out appropriately in accordance with the law. Dolphin is not covered by the International Whaling Commission control and it's controlled under responsibility of each country." Taiji mayor Kazutaka Sangen echoed the sentiments. "We have fishermen in our community and they are exercising their fishing rights," he said. "We feel that we need to protect our residents against the criticisms." He accused the Sea Shepherd of using the issue of dolphin hunting to raise funds and attract attention. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been live-streaming video of events in the cove and posting frequent updates on Twitter. The Wakayama Prefectural Government, where Taiji is located, gives an annual "catching quota." This year, the government allows for the hunting of 2,026 small porpoises and dolphins (557 are for bottlenose dolphins). The dolphin hunt has seen some changes, Sangen said. The town wants to create a whale/porpoise study with the aim of bringing a marine park to the city. And the method of hunting has been changing, becoming less crude, he added. On Monday, the fishermen focused on selecting dolphins to be sold into captivity at marine parks and aquariums in Japan and overseas, the conservation group said. Trainers marked the dolphins deemed unsuitable for captivity, which would be either killed or driven back out to the ocean, according to the Sea Shepherd group. Kennedy's tweet met with criticism in Japan . Caroline Kennedy, the recently installed U.S. ambassador to Japan, tweeted that she is "deeply concerned by inhumaneness of drive hunt dolphin killing." "I understand her statement as an expression of her concern on this debate," said Sangen. "There always are the people who say it's wrong and it's right, but what we have to see is if fishermen are hunting endangered species or not. They don't. We are fishing under the permission just like the U.S. does." While Japanese media did not cover the dolphin hunt, several outlets reported on Kennedy's comments. On social media, Japanese users blasted Kennedy for commenting on what many consider a tradition. One user, named @simaya tweeted: "She refers to humanitarian treatment to animals. What about the atomic bombing, Agent Orange and missiles falling on civilians in the Middle East?" Masayhisa Sato, a Japanese lawmaker tweeted: "The dolphin hunt is also a traditional fishing culture. I wonder whether it's appropriate for ambassador to comment on this." Captivity, death or freedom . On the days leading to the killing, divers and boats drove the dolphins into increasingly small segments of the water to select the ones that will be held in captivity. In the days leading up to the dolphin hunting, 40 to 60 local fishermen worked with nets to divide up the dolphin pod. "They tighten up the nets to bring each sub-group together then the skiffs push them toward the tarps. Under the tarps in the shallows is where the trainers work with the killers to select the 'prettiest' dolphins which will sell and make the best pay day for the hunters," said the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Dozens of men circled around dolphins pinning them against a boat and hoisting them into black nets by pulling on their dorsal fin. When men successfully captured the dolphins into the net, they cheered "Yay!" The Cove Guardians counted 51 bottlenose dolphins taken in the last few days, but the fishermen's union did not disclose the number of dolphins captured or killed. Japan at center of controversy . A 2009 Oscar-nominated documentary film, "The Cove," brought the issue of dolphin hunting in Taiji to the fore with bloody scenes of dolphin slaughter. The prefecture government has condemned the film in an online response as distorted, biased and unfair to the fishermen. "'The Cove' filmed secretly the scenes of dying dolphins, and depicted their death in a manner designed to excite outrage," according to the Wakayama Prefecture statement. "The Taiji dolphin fishery has been a target of repeated psychological harassment and interference by aggressive foreign animal protection organizations," it said. The Japanese practice of whale hunting has also put it in conflict with the views of much of the world. Earlier this year, Sea Shepherd said it had chased Japan's whalers out of Antarctic waters. Japan's fleet carries out an annual whale hunt despite a worldwide moratorium, taking advantage of a loophole in the law that permits the killing of the mammals for scientific research. Whale meat is commonly available for consumption in Japan. CNN's Junko Ogura and Laura Smith-Spark contributed to this report. Madison Park reported and wrote from Hong Kong. Yoko Wakatsuki reported from Tokyo. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Local fisherman: Dolphin slaughter took place in cove in Taiji, Japan . Local officials defend hunting of dolphins as a traditional practice . Prefecture government allows hunt of more than 2,000 dolphins and porpoises .
Article: (CNN) -- Springtime, when young lovers' "ehh" turns to desperate fancy, when we clear the metaphorical (and literal) skeletons from our proverbial (and literal) closets, when the sun pulls the cobwebs from her blighted eyes and bestows upon us her tentative warmth. Winter is almost over, friends, and with spring comes cleaning. Sure, you're probably planning on taking some time out to execute mundane, soul-eviscerating tasks such as scooping deflated basketballs (and dreams) from the rain gutters, so why not add another to-do to the list? We suggest giving your online world a good scrubbing. And we don't just mean deleting all those cookies you've collected from surfing RedTube. Freshen up Facebook . Yes, it's obnoxious and wholly unfair, but -- as we've heard time and time again -- prospective employers, friends and lovers judge you based on your Facebook account. If your status history is replete with F bombs, your albums bursting with snaps of your impressive beer-bonging skills and your wall crawling with comments detailing last night's exploits with that dude whose name you can't recall, well, you're likely not getting hired (or lucky). Enter Socioclean, a service that combs through your entire Facebook history, grading you on just how dirty your social presence is. Warning: You will likely get an "F," as Socioclean is more sensitive to sin than the pastor in "Footloose." Seriously, the only way you might possibly score an "A" is if your profile were composed entirely of pictures of kittens -- and you refrained from labeling them with the other word for cat. Still, the service provides a handy log of anything even remotely offensive your profile may contain, letting you go through, and, say, delete all mentions of your deep, abiding love for moonshine before applying for that job at the day care center. Tweak Twitter . You know there's a reason you decided to follow PonyDancer87 on Twitter -- you just can't remember what it is, and now every time you log in you're privy to his extensive musings on the subject of Princess Celestia and her "gorgeous flowing mane." Yeah, it's time to pull that dude from the race -- as well as all other lame horses. Tweeter Karma is a service that lets you see which of your followers are following you back, and unfollow those you can live without -- within the app. And, for those among us who follow scads of folks who never tweet, there's Untweeps, which lets you unfollow all those silent lurkers. Prime your presence . Your web presence is your business card, so make like those dudes in "American Psycho" and invest in subtle, off-white coloring and a tasteful watermark. "People need to constantly manage and monitor their reputation before someone else does it for them," says Dan Schawbel, personal branding expert and author of "Me 2.0." "To control your social media presence, you should use various tools to keep track about what other people say about you: (for news and blog mentions), (for tweets), (for blog comments), and, which searches your name across all social networks." You can even up the ante by signing up for Brand Yourself, a site that lets you track and manage your online identity. The service was born because CEO Pete Kistler shares his name with a convicted felon, an issue that made Googling the entrepreneur a dicey affair. So, you know, it's a useful tool -- unless you actually are a convicted felon. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Here's how to freshen your Facebook pages and clean up your social media presence . Socioclean will comb through your Facebook profile to make it future-employee appropriate . Tweeter Karma lets you see which of your Twitter followers are following you back .
Article: (CNN) -- Ola Orekunrin was studying to become a doctor in the UK a few years ago when her younger sister fell seriously ill while traveling in Nigeria. The 12-year-old girl, who'd gone to the West African country on holiday with relatives, needed urgent care but the nearest hospital couldn't deal with her condition. Orekunrin and her family immediately began looking for an air ambulance service to rapidly transport the girl, a sickle cell anemia sufferer, to a more suitable healthcare facility. They searched all across West Africa but were stunned to find out there was none in the whole region. "The nearest one at the time was in South Africa," remembers Orekunrin. "They had a 12-hour activation time so by the time they were ready to activate, my sister was dead. "It was really a devastating time for me and I started thinking about whether I should be in England talking about healthcare in Africa, or I should be in Africa dealing with healthcare and trying to do something about it." Orekunrin did the latter. Motivated by the tragic death of her sister, the young doctor decided to leave behind a high-flying job in the UK to take to the Nigerian skies and address the vital issue of urgent healthcare in Africa's most populous country. Read this: Private jets spread their wings in Africa . A pioneering entrepreneur with an eye for opportunity, Orekunrin set up Flying Doctors Nigeria, the first air ambulance service in West Africa, transporting victims of medical emergencies, including industrial workers from the country's booming oil and gas sector. "There was a situation in Nigeria where there were only two or three very good hospitals and they were sometimes a two, three, four-day journey away from the places where incidents happened," says Orekunrin. "We also have a huge oil and gas industry and at that time there was no coordinated system for moving people from the offshore environment to a hospital to receive treatment." Currently in its third year, the Lagos-based company has so far airlifted about 500 patients, using a fleet of planes and helicopters to rapidly move injured workers and critically ill people from remote areas to hospitals. "From patients with road traffic trauma, to bomb blast injuries to gunshot wounds, we save lives by moving these patients and providing a high level of care en route," says Orekunrin. "Many of our roads are poorly maintained, so emergency transport by road during the day is difficult. At night, we have armed robbers on our major highways; coupled with poor lighting and poor state of the roads themselves, emergency transport by road is deadly for both patients and staff." Flying helicopters, speaking Japanese . At 27, there isn't much Orekunrin hasn't achieved. Born in London, she grew up in a foster home in the charming seaside town of Lowestoft in the south-east of England. Aged 21, Orekunrin had already graduated from the University of York as a qualified doctor. She was then awarded the MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship and moved to Japan to conduct research in the field of regenerative medicine. After moving back to Europe the young doctor looked set for a promising career in medicine in the UK. But her desire to improve healthcare services in West Africa brought her back to her roots. Orekunrin quit her job, sold her assets and went on to study evacuation models and air ambulance services in other developing countries before launching her ambitious venture, which enables her to combine her "deep love for medicine and Africa" with her growing passion for flying -- Orekunrin is also a also a trainee helicopter pilot. "I wanted to find a way that I can facilitate people who were critically ill," she says. "Get them to see a doctor, and not just any doctor -- I wanted to facilitate getting the right patient to the right facility, within the right time frame for that particular illness, and that's why I came to start the air ambulance." Last month, the World Economic Forum recognized Orekunrin's achievements by naming her amongst its prestigious Young Global Leaders class of 2013, a group it describes as the best of today's leaders under the age of 40. "It came as a surprise to me actually," she says of the honor. "I'm really flattered and really happy." Trauma epidemic . Nigeria, Africa's second-biggest economy, is the continent's top producer of oil, boasting huge petroleum and natural gas reserves. The industry's potential, coupled with a growing financial services sector, is expected to help drive further demand for companies such as Flying Doctors Nigeria, which works on a retainership basis with the public sector, wealthy individuals and oil and gas companies. Yet Orekunrin says that there are still several challenges that need to be navigated to successfully run a company like hers in the West African country. "The aviation business is very expensive in Nigeria," she says. "Keeping costs down is always a challenge," she adds, noting that red tape and bureaucracy are also testing small businesses' endurance. But despite the challenges, Orekunrin remains determined to bring about change in Nigeria's healthcare system. "I want to achieve a proper use of the healthcare sector in Nigeria," she says. Read this: One woman's mission to fix water crisis . Looking ahead, Orekunrin says her goal is to continue improving access to treatment while focusing on the pre-hospital and in-hospital management of injuries. She says that whilst much attention and funding is directed toward infectious diseases, Africa is also facing a big problem treating physical injuries and wounds. "Eighty percent of the world trauma occurs in low-middle income countries just like Nigeria," she says. "I feel there should be more focus on the trauma epidemic that Africa currently faces." "In the UK, I would see one gunshot wound every three or four years. In Nigeria, I see one gunshot wound every three-four days. Add in the road-traffic trauma, falls from heights, industrial injuries, stab sounds, injuries from domestic violence and you see a huge problem that definitely needs addressing." Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Ola Orekunrin, 27, is a medical doctor, helicopter pilot and entrepreneur . She has founded the first air ambulance service in West Africa . Flying Doctors Nigeria has transported 500 people in its first three years . The World Economic Forum recently included Orekunrin in its Young Global Leaders list .
Article: LONDON, England (CNN) -- Animal rights campaigners were holding a meeting Tuesday with Britain's Ministry of Defence to argue against the use of bearskin in the iconic furry headgear worn by royal guards at Buckingham Palace. A PETA activist in Sofia, Bulgaria earlier this year protests against UK troops wearing bearskin hats. Robbie LeBlanc, European director for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), was meeting with Ann Taylor, the minister for defense equipment and support, the defense ministry said. "We are hoping that they will switch to a humane synthetic alternative," a PETA spokeswoman said. PETA has been campaigning for years against the use of bearskin in the headgear, a familiar symbol of London worn by the guards who keep watch over royal buildings like Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. The hats are part of the footguards' ceremonial dress, along with the bright red jackets. PETA says the bears used to produce the fur hats are killed cruelly and unnecessarily. "It's an absolute moral disgrace," said Mike Hancock, a British lawmaker who has joined PETA's campaign against the bearskins. "I don't think the British public or tourists will mind if it's synthetic fur, and I'm absolutely amazed in this day and age that we see beautiful animals skinned and killed" to produce the hats. A spokesman for the National Army Museum in London, Julian Farrance, said the fur comes only from Canadian bears that have died naturally, and that no bears are killed for the hats. Campaigners say they still want the defense ministry to use a different material. "It still promotes the usage of animal fur in areas where it's totally unnecessary, in my view, for fur to be used," said Glenda Jackson, another British lawmaker opposed to the use of the fur. The British Army's use of the bearskin hats dates back to the Battle of Waterloo on in 1815, when Wellington's army defeated the French Imperial Guard in a victory that marked Napoleon's downfall. The British soldiers captured the headgear from the defeated Imperial Guardsmen and have worn them ever since, although today the hats are only worn for ceremonial duties. Those British soldiers were renamed the Grenadier Guards to honor their defeat of the Grenadiers of the French Imperial Guards. The Grenadiers are now among five bearskin-wearing regiments that guard British royal buildings. But each bearskin hat is heavy and can prove very hot for the wearer. "There have been occasions where soldiers have suffered from heatstroke, because obviously wearing that much fur on your head ... can get quite warm," Farrance said. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Animal rights campaigners oppose UK royal guards wearing furry headgear . Scheduled to stage meeting with defense ministry in London Tuesday . Iconic headgear has been worn since the battle of Waterloo in 1815 . Army expert: Fur comes only from Canadian bears that have died naturally .
Article: (CNN) -- What does $40 per paycheck mean for you and your family? That's what the White House is asking Americans as part of a public campaign to put pressure on the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to pass a payroll tax cut extension. The payroll tax cut is worth roughly $1,000 a year -- or $40 a paycheck -- for an average family. It affects about 160 million Americans. Responses, which ranged from the serious to the inane, began pouring in Tuesday after the White House posted the question on its Twitter and Facebook accounts: . "It would be easier to make my student loan payments," tweeted Matthew Nocella. David Paul Hluchy posted on Facebook that $40 means "40 Hot Wheels mainline cars." iReport: What could you do with $40? The price of a tank of gas, grocery bills and prescription costs, though, appeared to be the most popular topics on the White House social media sites. "#40dollars is a tank of gas to get me to and from work for the week. That means two less tanks of gas a month," tweeted Jim Schmidt. Barb B tweeted: "It means getting a new winter jacket for my toddler son (he lost his last week) & the rest for groceries." tweeted Barb B . Gloria Attar took it one step further, breaking it down in a tweet how she can spend the money: "#40dollars is school lunches for 1 mo or water bill for 2 mos; or meat budget for 1mo w/coupons, loyalty card & store specials." Leslie T tweeted that $40 was two months worth of bowling outings with her autistic son. The payroll tax cut debate on the White House Facebook page, though, resembled the congressional logjam with people throwing barbs at Republicans and Democrats as well as at one another. "If I have $1,000 less, I'll spend $1,000 less. Is Congress prepared to do the same to extend the tax cuts?" Tara Eudy asked in her post. Republican and Democrats in the House and Senate have taken to the airwaves over the issue, with Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona saying the tax cut must be extended to help out Americans still struggling in the economic recovery. It was a response echoed, albeit a bit differently, by Karen Tanner who posted a two word answer on the White House Facebook page: . "What paycheck?" Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
White House asks public what $40 a paycheck means . Responses pour in to White House Twitter and Facebook accounts . The payroll tax cut is worth roughly $1,000 a year -- or $40 a paycheck -- for an average family . It affects roughly 160 million Americans, the White House says .
Article: The Football Association has confirmed its decision to reject Hull's name change is currently in arbitration. The club's proposal to rebrand from Hull City AFC to Hull Tigers, pushed for by owner Assem Allam in a bid to attract increased overseas investment, was thrown out by the FA Council in April. Allam revealed in a press conference earlier this month that he had reacted by putting the club up for sale within 24 hours but was also appealing against the decision. The Egyptian caused confusion by stating the case was being handled by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, who reported no knowledge of it. The FA has confirmed its decision to reject Hull's name change is currently in arbitration . His son, acting chief executive Ehab, quickly moved to clarify that the arbitration process was actually being handled through the FA's own procedures but a confidentiality clause meant the governing body were unable to stand up those claims. But on Tuesday the FA and Hull both posted identical statements on their websites to clear up any lingering doubt. The statement read: 'The Football Association has agreed with Hull City to clarify the position regarding the club's name change application. 'On Wednesday 9 April 2014, The FA Council rejected Hull City's application to change its playing name to Hull Tigers. Hull City owner Assem Allam (left) wanted to change the club's name to Hull Tigers . 'The club has chosen to commence an arbitration under Rule K of the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association to challenge the decision of The FA Council. 'Any arbitration commenced under Rule K of the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association is confidential. However, in the interests of the supporters, The Football Association and the club have agreed to confirm that an arbitration has commenced and once a decision has been reached it will be published. 'All other aspects of the arbitration shall remain confidential until such time as a decision has been made.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Hull City owner Assem Allam wanted to rename team to Hull Tigers . Proposal to rebrand was thrown out by FA Council in April . Allam appealed decision but also put club up for sale .
Article: A cosmetic surgeon who put patients in danger by teaching nurses how to administer Botox illegally has been banned from the medical profession for a year. Dr Mark Harrison amassed a fortune as he charged the nurses £400 a day for training courses on injecting the toxic drug at his Harley Street clinic. Showing a ‘cavalier’ attitude to safety, he told them to give Botox to patients without a prescription. Dr Mark Harrison amassed a fortune as he charged the nurses £400 a day for training courses on illegally injecting Botox. Pictured: Dr Harrison advertises his training in a video . He admitted the practice was ‘naughty’ but said regulation was so lax they would get away with it. It is thought the 51-year-old, who lives in a £4million townhouse in Kensington, West London, made more than £1million from the scam. But Harrison, managing director of Harley Aesthetics, was exposed by an undercover BBC investigation in which a journalist posed as a trainee nurse to film him secretly. Yesterday he was condemned for his ‘flippant, cavalier and deplorable’ attitude at a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service hearing. The Fitness To Practise panel found him guilty of misconduct by encouraging the nurses to break the law and suspended him for 12 months. Botox is normally administered by a doctor to a patient with a valid prescription after a face-to-face consultation. But Harrison found a loophole in the law at the time that allowed remote prescribing in exceptional circumstances, and he authorised nurses to perform the procedure by speaking to them on his mobile. He charged £30 for each ‘consultation’ and offered one-day training courses at his practice for nurses who wanted to administer Botox. It is thought the 51-year-old, who lives in a £4million townhouse in Kensington, West London, made more than £1million from the scam . The 2012 BBC investigation alleged Harrison told nurses to use Botox prescribed for one patient on another and actively encouraged them to not pay adequate regard to a patient’s medical history before administering the jabs. The millionaire – who also owns a six-bedroom Gloucestershire mansion with a nearby private stable for his seven polo ponies and properties in the French Alps including a £1million chalet and a hotel – boasted in his company newsletter that he carried out 50,000 remote prescriptions, suggesting he made £1.5million from the phone calls alone. His company, one of the UK’s largest purchasers of Botox, charged patients from £200 for a treatment. He was filmed telling nurses: ‘Strictly speaking, a vial with a patient name on should only be used on that patient. We use it on a number of people. Is it ever an issue? No. It is not legal but it’s what everybody does, doctors, professors, me. Just order a vial in your name – it’s not policed at all.’ Harrison also suggested that if nurses could not contact him before giving Botox they should go ahead and he would authorise it afterwards. He was condemned for his ‘flippant, cavalier and deplorable’ attitude at a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service hearing for carrying out the training courses at his Harley Street clinic (pictured) Suspending him following a hearing in Manchester, the panel said: ‘The findings against Dr Harrison are wide-ranging, some are repeated and involve the potential to place patients at risk of harm. His conduct... could properly be described as deplorable.’ In a letter to the panel, Dr Harrison said: ‘I can understand that on a busy ward with lots of different vials and lots of different patients, to use vials between patients would be dangerous. It would be unacceptable. 'However, in the context of Botox where you have a single practitioner administering a single medication to one patient at a time, I would contend that that is not dangerous, but I have not been accused of doing it. I do not encourage nurses to do that.’ In the wake of the investigation into Harrison, the GMC has banned doctors from remotely prescribing cosmetic injections such as Botox, meaning they must hold a face-to-face consultation. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Dr Mark Harrison charged nurses £400 a day for courses on injecting Botox . Encouraged nurses to administer drug without patient having prescription . 51-year-old, from Kensington, London, thought to have made £1m in scam . Condemned for 'flippant, cavalier and deplorable' attitude by medical panel .
Article: (MENTAL FLOSS) -- When we think of economic crises in America, two periods come to mind -- the Great Depression and whatever it is we're in the middle of right now. But the U.S. stock market has crashed more times than we'd like to admit. Historically, our economy has been brought to its knees by everything from greedy bankers to horse illnesses. Horses, cows, whales and a failed copper scheme caused economic panics earlier in U.S. history. So let's take a deep breath and remember that panics are just part of the American way of life. 1. The Panic of 1873: America stops horsing around . During the late 19th century, the American economy relied on horses the way it depends on gas today. Horses unloaded cargo from ports, transported goods from city to city, worked the farms, supported the army, and served as the emergency vehicles of choice. Without them, the American workforce would have ground to a halt. And that's exactly what happened in 1872, when an estimated 99 percent of all horses in America contracted equine influenza. The highly contagious strain started in Canada and spread through New England to the South in a matter of months, leaving horses across the country too weak to stand and coughing uncontrollably. Street buggies stopped running, paralyzing commerce in the cities. Railroads were stymied because trains run on coal -- coal that was hauled out of mines by horses. And as the horse flu spread, U.S. military troops had to go into battle on foot (they were fighting Apache Indians at the time). More tragically, a fire in Boston raged for three days because there were no horses to carry water. The flames destroyed more than 700 buildings, causing an estimated $73.5 million in damages and killing at least 20 people. The "Great Epizootic," as it was called, spiraled out of control in less than a year. At the height of the panic, as many as 20,000 businesses failed, a third of all railroads went bankrupt, and unemployment spiked to almost 15 percent. The economy took nearly a decade to recover. Ironically, nearly all of the horses recuperated by the following spring. 2. The Winter of 1886: When the cows don't come home . During the second half of the 19th century, cattle ranches in the American West were thriving. From the Montana grasslands to the Texas prairie, ranches were attracting investors back East and across the pond in Europe. But by 1886, things were getting dicey. Overgrazing, coupled with a hot and dry summer, had left the plains almost bare. Then came the snow. Known as the "Winter of Death," the following season saw one of the worst cold spells in recorded history. More than half the cattle in the West froze to death, unable to move in the thick snow. Ghoulish firsthand accounts describe the bodies of dead cows stretching for miles across the horizon. When the spring thaw and floods came, thousands of bloated corpses floated into the streams and rivers. Some ranchers quit the business entirely and didn't even bother to round up their surviving cattle. Mental Floss: Bold business scams that failed miserably . By the end of 1887, the disaster had wiped out more than half of the United States' western cattle and debilitated the national economy. Most cattle investors went bankrupt, and thousands of cowboys were left unemployed. But more than anything, the winter of 1886 put an end to all those turn-of-the-century, idyllic fantasies of open-range ranching in the Wild West. 3. The Panic of 1907: Captains of industry to the rescue! The Panic of 1907 started the way many panics do, with a greedy capitalist. Multimillionaire Augustus Heinze, who had made his fortune mining in Montana, believed he had enough control over the copper industry to corner the market. With the help of several major banks, he concocted a scheme to buy up all the shares of United Copper. But Heinze had overestimated his prowess, and the scheme failed, bringing down Heinze, United Copper, the banks, and many, many stockholders. Mental Floss: Who is Ponzi and what was his scheme? The debacle sent ripples of anxiety throughout the market, and investors started pulling their money out of banks altogether. After one of New York City's biggest trusts went under, panic ensued, and the stock market collapsed. At the time, there were no central banks in place, so the federal government had no means of bailing out businesses or injecting cash into the economy. It just stood by, idly waiting for a hero to save the day. Amazingly, one did. James Pierpont Morgan, banker extraordinaire, rescued the American economy. He propped up many of the failing banks in New York by twisting the arms of other financiers, and he assuaged investors' fears by backing up the market with his own vast cash reserves. Before long, Wall Street was on the mend. The government also learned its lesson. With the panic resolved, it created the Federal Reserve, ensuring that it could buttress the economy during hard times. Since then, the government has taken a more active role in financial matters and relied less on the kindness of robber barons. 4. Whale of a Crisis: The collapse of America's first oil industry . During the early 19th century, America was one of the top oil-producing countries in the world. But it wasn't petroleum the nation was exporting; it was whale oil. By the mid-1800s, the high-risk, high-profit business was the fifth-largest industry in the United States. Mental Floss: 6 things you probably don't know about oil . At its height, the American whaling industry produced more than 10 million gallons of oil a year and sold it for $1.77 a gallon (about $35 per gallon today). Better still, an American fleet of 1,000 ships had exclusive access to the North Atlantic territories, which ensured profits. What could have stopped such a juggernaut of an industry? For one thing, other sources of oil. In 1846, Canadian geologist Abraham Gesner developed a technique for distilling kerosene from petroleum, and within a few decades, kerosene had replaced whale oil as the most popular fuel for lamps. Another reason for the decline was that the whales were dying off. The enthusiastic slaughter throughout the 1800s drove some whale species to extinction and put others on the brink. With so few left to hunt, the cost of whaling became prohibitively expensive. The final blow to whalers came during the harsh winter of 1871, when the North Atlantic ice trapped and crushed the bulk of the American fleet. Although American consumers didn't suffer as the country switched from whale oil to petroleum, coastal towns in New England and the Mid-Atlantic languished, and shipbuilders and fishermen found themselves out of work. By the time of the Civil War, whaling ships had become so worthless that Union soldiers loaded a fleet of them with stones and sank them into Charleston harbor. The hope was to blockade the South from the port, but when the plan didn't work, the ships were no great loss. America's first oil industry had been tapped out. For more mental_floss articles, visit . Entire contents of this article copyright, Mental Floss LLC. All rights reserved. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Odd things caused U.S. economy to tank four other times . Disease kills 99 percent of horses in 1872, causing business failures, bankruptcies . Dry summer, record cold winter in 1886 wipes out half the cattle in West . 1907 copper scheme causes run on banks, banker uses own money to stop it .
Article: By . James Chapman . PUBLISHED: . 19:03 EST, 2 February 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 19:10 EST, 2 February 2014 . Hundreds of thousands more union members will be able to play a more active role due to Ed Miliband's reforms, McCluskey has said . Union baron Len McCluskey yesterday hailed Ed Miliband’s reforms to Labour’s links with the trade unions as ‘music to my ears’. The Unite general secretary, whose union has given Labour more than £8 million since Mr Miliband became leader, said they would allow potentially hundreds of thousands more union members to ‘play a more active role’. Labour HQ insists its plans to change the way the party elects its leaders and takes money from the unions is Mr Miliband’s ‘Clause Four moment’, a reference to when Tony Blair changed its constitution. Deputy leader Harriet Harman insisted that allowing union members to pay £3 to affiliate to Labour and then vote in the leadership elections would ‘breathe fresh life’ into the party. She accused critics of being ‘phobic’ about trade union, telling the BBC’s Andrew Marr programme: ‘What it’s about is opening up the Labour party to people at workplaces up and down the country, broadening the base of the Labour party. ‘I don’t know what you mean about ‘a trade union direction’; if you mean people who care about more people being able to get jobs, being able to have the living wage, caring about decent terms and conditions, caring about equality and social justice, well yes, that’s a good thing, that’s what the Labour party believes in.’ Mr Miliband says he wants to ‘mend, not end’ Labour’s link to the unions, and asked former trade unionist and Labour general secretary to draw up proposals that will be discussed this week by the party’s ruling body. Individual members of an affiliated trade union will be given a straight ‘yes or no’ choice about whether they want to pay a small sum that will be given to Labour. Those that want to pay this fee will also be asked if they wish - at no extra cost - to become an ‘affiliated supporter’ who has a direct relationship with the party as an individual. Mr Miliband said: ‘This is about completing unfinished business from the past 20 years and creating a One Nation Labour Party built on the principle of one member, one vote. ‘And it is about letting the people back into our politics: giving people a real choice and a real voice in our party; changing Labour so that Labour can change our country.’ The Tories - and some Labour critics -- say the changes will make it easier for union members to determine Labour leadership contests, greatly increasing the number who can vote and diluting the power of Labour MPs over the outcome. Mr Miliband - whose received £8m from Unite since he became leader of the party - says he wants to ¿mend, not end¿ Labour¿s link to the unions . They also warn that giving individuals a choice over whether or not to pay affiliation fees means more cash will acculumate in unions’ political funds, which leaders can then choose whether or not to hand to the party. Mr McCluskey told BBC Radio Five’s Pienaar’s Politics: ‘For me it wasn’t necessarily a question of gaining or losing power when Ed [Miliband] made his statement back in the summer of last year. He was talking about giving an opportunity to ordinary trade unionists – maybe hundreds of thousands - to play a more active role within the Labour party. That was music to my ears, which is why we welcome the proposals.’ Paul Kenny, head of the GMB union, told the BBC’s Sunday Politics, said the proposed changes to leadership elections were ‘very sensible’ and the perception of a union ‘bloc vote’ has always been a myth. Professor Roger Seafert, a trade union expert, said: ‘It is not clear that Miliband believes that this change will reduce union influence. It just changes the nature of that influence. But fundamentally those people who pay the bills, the unions, will still have a big say in party policy.’ Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps said: ‘Ed Miliband promised to loosen the trade union barons’ grip on the Labour Party. But he has been too weak to deliver. ‘Until now, the union barons could buy Labour’s policies and pick Labour’s leader. After these changes, it will be even easier for the union barons to buy Labour’s policies and even easier to pick the leader. And Ed Miliband has done nothing that would stop the unions fixing Labour’s candidate selections.’ Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Unite has given Labour more than £8m since Miliband became leader . Party leader's reforms to union linke 'music to my ears' McCluskey said . Will mean thousands will play more active role, union leader added .
Article: The Colorado father who was found safe in Pueblo Tuesday, five days after he went missing during a Denver Broncos game, is now staying with friends and catching up on his sleep, it was revealed today. At around 10.50pm Eastern time, the Denver Police Department tweeted that 53-year-old Paul Kitterman had been found alive more than 110 miles south of Denver in the City of Pueblo, and that no foul play is suspected. Reached by phone, Kitterman's father, Allen, told MailOnline: 'He's back home with his friends. We have not spoken to him but we are glad he's OK. 'We are trying to let him sleep, he's catching up on his sleep. I appreciate your concern.' Pueblo Police said they found Kitterman coherent outside a Kmart store near Highway 50 and Elizabeth Street after a citizen spotted him, Fox Denver reports. Scroll down for videos . FOUND: Paul Kitterman (second left) was last seen on Thursday when he disappeared during halftime at the Broncos game. Denver Police announced Tuesday night that he had been found alive and unharmed in Pueblo, Colorado. Also pictured are his stepson Jarod (far right), friend Tia Bakke (second right) and her boyfriend Jay Yust (left) The above map shows the distance between Broncos Stadium, where Kitterman went missing on Thursday, and Pueblo, Colorado where he was found unharmed five days later . He reportedly told police that he wanted to escape to some place warm. Police there said he appeared to be in good health, and has been put up in a hotel to await the arrival of his grown stepson, whom he had left alone during halftime at Mile High Stadium five days earlier. According to police, they got a call from a family friend Tuesday saying they had picked up Kitterman at a Salvation Army and took him to a Rodeway Inn in Pueblo, but by the time officers arrived at the motel the man was gone. Soon after, police received a call from the owner of Benfatti Furniture who spotted Kitterman and recognized him as the missing man from news reports. The 53-year-old was picked up next to a Kmart store near the Pueblo Mall. Kitterman, who had no car and no cellphone on him, revealed that he walked and hitchhiked from Denver to Pueblo located 112 miles away because 'he'd had his fill of football,' reported USA Today. The father also allegedly told police that he enjoyed taking walks, reported the station KOAA. According to police in Pueblo, the divorced construction worker was surprised to learn that his disappearance has made national headlines. Kitterman, who had been described by his family as someone who is not comfortable with technology, told officers that he had not seen any television since he took off from the stadium. Earlier in the day Tuesday, Kitterman's family had a scare when police found the body of a middle-aged man near train tracks in the vicinity of the football stadium, but it was quickly determined that it was not the missing dad. Paul Kitterman's family have released a statement on Facebook thanking everyone for offering them support and asking the public and the media to respect their privacy. 'The family is happy to report Paul has been found and they are now with him and he is safe,' read the status update posted Tuesday night. Denver Police Sgt. Steve Warneke said that no criminal charges are expected. 'All we were trying to do was make sure he was unharmed, and he was,' Warneke said. 'So at that point, we're finished." Police referred all other questions to Kitterman's family. Kitterman was last seen on Thursday when his stepson left him at halftime to use the restroom. On Monday night, Denver police revealed that a witness saw Kitterman inside the stadium during the third quarter, but it remains unknown where the man went after the game. Jarod Tonneson, Kitterman’s stepson, as well as his friends, have publicly criticized investigators for allegedly not doing enough to locate the missing man. 'I think they should take us more seriously,' Tonneson said during an interview on Fox News Tuesday morning. Tia Bakke, Kitterman's friend who took him to the fateful game on Thursday, told MailOnline Monday: 'He's now been missing for four days and we have had absolutely no leads whatsoever. But police don't consider it a priority. 'They say he is an adult and there is no sign of foul play so there is nothing much they can do,' she added. 'I am trying to maintain a positive, hopeful attitude, but I am very, very worried.' Kitterman, who is unmarried and lives alone in Kremmling, was at his first ever professional football game when he vanished. Bakke and her boyfriend Jay Yust - for whom Kitterman has worked for the last 10 years - had invited him last-minute to go to Thursday's crunch AFC West face-off against the San Diego Chargers along with his 21-year-old stepson, Jarod Tonneson. In their haste, Kitterman forgot his cellphone, took no credit cards and very little cash. Still, Kitterman had memorized his friends' phone numbers and would have found ways to reach out if he wanted to leave. 'We are regulars, we are not season ticket holders, but this was the fourth Broncos game we have been to this season, and we have taken other friends with us before,' said Bakke. 'But Paul had never been to a game.' The friends couldn't get seats together so Bakke and Yust sat in one section of the Sports Authority Field at Mile High while Kitterman and his son went to another, section number 230. Safe and well - but where was he? Denver Police said that no foul play was suspected in Kitterman's disappearance. They referred all further questions to the man's family . Father and son: Jarod Tonneson (left) and Paul went with Tia Bakke and her boyfriend for their first Broncos game on Thursday . The foursome met up at halftime when the Broncos were leading 14-7 — but that is the last time that Kitterman, who works on Yust's MY Ranch in Kremmling, Colorado, was seen. 'He was super-excited about the game. It was the first time he had been and the Broncos were ahead and playing well,' Bakke, 24, told MailOnline. 'Jarod needed to use the restroom and we left Paul waiting outside for him - it couldn't have been more than 10 feet from where we had been standing.' But when Jarod came out, his father was nowhere to be found so he went back to his seat in the south bleachers to watch the second half of the game, assuming he would soon rejoin him. When the game ended in a 35-21 Bronco victory around 9.30 pm, Bakke called Tonneson telling him she and her 30-year-old boyfriend were waiting at Gate 8 ready for the two-hour drive back to Kremmling. 'He said he was waiting for Paul and asked me if he was with us, I said "no, I thought he was with you."' Mystery: Kitterman - pictured with Jarod at the game - did not have his cell phone or his credit cards with him when he vanished, Bakke said . For nearly three frantic hours the trio searched the 13-year-old, 76,000-capacity stadium with no luck. They called the police, local hospitals, even jails and detox facilities in the hope that someone could give them a lead. Tonneson told Denver's Fox affiliate, KDVR-TV he and his friends had looked in 'parking lots, trees, bushes, anywhere we could think of'. Eventually they left for the long journey home, hoping against hope that Paul would be waiting for them when they returned to Kremmling. Bakke called the frustrating days following the game 'the longest, most miserable days of her life'. According to his son, Paul had four or five beers in the course of a four-hour span, not enough to become disoriented. Tia Bakke told MailOnline that Kitterman has worked for her boyfriend for nearly a decade and has always been extremely reliable. 'Paul is the most trustworthy person you could ever wish to meet,' she said. 'He would hate the fuss that is growing up around his disappearance. Paul is just not the type of person who would do something like this for attention. 'He would never deliberately let anyone worry about him, that is just not who he is,' she added. 'He never wants stress or heartache or anything like that. He is the type of person that if you are having a bad day will do anything he can to be there for you. Back home: Bakke told MailOnline that Kitterman said that it was uncharacteristic of him to disappear. She said he's 'extremely reliable. Paul is the most trustworthy person you could ever wish to meet' Farm hand: Kitterman worked at a ranch owned by the friends he went to the game with. Bakke said: 'He would hate the fuss that is growing up around his disappearance' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Denver Police say Paul Kitterman, 53, is safe after being located more than 110 miles away in Pueblo, Colorado . Kitterman told police he walked and hitchhiked to Pueblo . Was surprised to learn his disappearance sparked a media frenzy . Kitterman's father, Allen, tells MailOnline the 53-year-old is currently staying with friends and catching up on his sleep . Police are not expecting to file any charges against Kitterman . They are directing all questions about his disappearance to family . Kitterman was last seen by his stepson at a game at Mile High stadium in Denver on Thursday . Stepson Jarod Tonneson, 21, went to the bathroom during halftime, but after returning to his seat his father never rejoined him .
Article: By . Nick Enoch . PUBLISHED: . 16:00 EST, 3 January 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 06:02 EST, 4 January 2014 . Outside a makeshift tent built from cardboard and rusting metal, a family do their best to keep warm as they huddle around a small fire. The child's father is a rag picker, scavenging what he can from refuse, and then trying to sell it. Meanwhile, a young boy stirs from his slumber in a rubbish-strewn outdoor shelter - the thick red bedding and corrugated iron 'wall' doing little to protect him from the elements. Heartbreaking scenes such as these played out across much of northern India this week as the region is gripped by sub-zero temperatures. A family warm themselves outside a makeshift tent built from cardboard in Srinagar, Kashmir in freezing conditions today. The man is a rag picker, scavenging through refuse and then trying to sell it . Temperatures in northern India plummeted this week, with the mercury falling as a low as -12C at night . A child stirs from an uncomfortable night in an outdoor temporary shelter in Delhi today . The winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outside . The temperature in Delhi managed just 2.4C on December 30 - making it the coldest December there in 17 years. Above, people do their best to fight the cold on the streets today . The rag picker and his young children are one of thousands of families struggling to survive another harsh winter in a slum in Srinagar, Kashmir, as the mercury fell to -2C last night. Earlier this week, the night-time temperature dropped to -12C. And the boy in the bed is among the countless homeless people in Delhi forced to live outdoors. The temperature in Delhi managed just 2.4C on December 30 - making it the coldest December there in 17 years, according to Times of India. This was about five degrees below the average for this time of year. A Kashmiri boatman makes a snowman at the Dal Lake in Srinagar. The lake is also a popular tourist attraction . Living in abject poverty and with scant drainage or sanitation facilities, the poor of Srinagar find it hard to survive at the best of times . The Srinagar slum-dwellers' 'homes' are often made from whatever materials they can find: cardboard, tin or torn tarpaulins . Despite the homeless people's dire predicament, the government has done little to help improve their lot . To make matters worse, many of Srinagar's shanty towns are near to Dal Lake, a popular destination for tourists - a constant reminder of the gaping chasm between the haves and the have-nots . Around 200,000 people live below the poverty line in Srinagar but only a small proportion of families have been rehoused, due to lack of funding . Living in abject poverty and with scant drainage or sanitation facilities, the slum dwellers of Srinagar find it hard to survive at the best of times. Their 'homes' are often made from whatever materials they can find: cardboard, tin or torn tarpaulins. To make matters worse, many of the city's shanty towns are near to Dal Lake, a popular destination for tourists - and a constant reminder of the gaping chasm between the haves and the have-nots. Despite the situation, the government has done little to help improve their lot. There are around 65million slum dwellers in India, with 1.7million of them living in Delhi. Men on the streets of Delhi today keep their heads covered in the biting cold . The Jammu and Kashmir administrations has begun road clearance operations, while drinking water and other essentials are being provided to those in need . There are around 65million slum dwellers in India, with 1.7million of them living in Delhi (above) Around 200,000 people live below the poverty line in Srinagar but only a small proportion of families have been rehoused, due to lack of funding. Heavy snowfall has led to widespread disruption of the road networks in the Kashmir valley, with cars stranded on the Srinagar-Jammu national highway earlier this week. The Jammu and Kashmir administrations has begun road clearance operations, while drinking water and other essentials are being provided to those in need, India Today reported. A solitary child in Srinagar stands among the trees and appalling shelters that they must call home . In sub-zero temperatures, this family will clearly struggle throughout the winter in their tiny shack . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
In Srinagar, Kashmir, in the north of the country, homeless people are struggling in sub-zero conditions . Delhi hit 2.4C on December 30 - the coldest December on record in the city for 17 years .
Article: (CNN) -- The drama of the action in-and-around the golf course has enraptured fans of the game through the generations and around the world. But the same drama that pulls in the crowds has also provided rich material for filmmakers too. Stars of the screen including Dean Martin, Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy have all starred in club-themed movies, as have more contemporary celebrities like Adam Sandler, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase and Will Smith. Though the stories committed to celluloid vary in their approach - from The Stooges comedic farce entitled "Three Little Beers," to the Ben Hogan biopic "Follow the Sun," - the central attraction of golf remains at all the film's core. Here is CNN's best ten golf movies ever made - do you agree with our selection? If there is another film you feel should be included then add your comments to the Sound Off below. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
The drama and comedy of golf has provided great material for film makers . Funny films Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore lead the list . Dean Martin, Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn all starred down the years . SOUND OFF - Do you agree with the ten movies CNN has picked?
Article: By . Lizzie Parry . Chantell Miller's newborn baby girl Ka'Leah died after doctors mistakenly inserted a feeding tube into her heart. Her twin brother Kaleem, pictured with his mother, is now two . A premature baby girl died after doctors mistakenly inserted a feeding tube into her heart, causing her to suffer a heart attack. Chanell Miller, 31, gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy, at 28 weeks into her pregnancy. The newborns were transferred to Newham University Hospital's neonatal unit, where they were being cared for by specialist teams. But nine days after their birth, Miss Miller, from East London, was told her little girl had stopped breathing and died. A post-mortem examination revealed the newborn, named Ka'Leah Noel, died when doctors incorrectly pierced her heart with a long line feeding tube. Ka'Leah's twin brother, Kaleem Noel, survived and is now two-years-old. An inquest earlier this month determined the feeding tube was wrongly inserted into the newborn's heart. Bart's Health Trust who run the hospital, have since said that they have compiled a comprehensive action plan to improve training given to neonatal staff on the correct insertion of long lines, in a bid to avoid a similar tragedy. Miss Miller said: 'I appreciate that lessons have been learned by the hospital, I hope this never happens again - no mother should go through what I went through. 'I have to deal with the fact that if it wasn't for a simple oversight, Ka'Leah would be with us now. 'Nothing will ever bring back my only baby daughter - her death will be with me for life.' While pregnant, Miss Miller, who has five sons, was delighted to find out that she was to give birth to her first daughter. But just 28 weeks into her pregnancy Miss Miller was rushed to hospital after suddenly going into labour. Medics found her son was in the breech position, while her daughter was facing backwards, and rushed Miss Miller into the operating theatre to undergo an emergency Caesarean section. Four hours later on May 7, 2012, both babies were born - but it was not until three days later that Miss Miller was able to see the twins. Ka'Leah was the smaller of the two, weighing less than a kilogram. They were both incubated and fed by a long line - a tube used to feed babies that do not yet have working intestines. The twins, who were born at 28 weeks, were rushed to a specialist neonatal unit at Newham University in London where medics were caring for them. Pictured is Kaleem as a newborn . When her twins were nine days old Miss Miller was summoned to the neonatal ward from her hospital bed to be told her daughter had passed away. Pictured is Ka'Leah's scan and hand and foot prints . 'They were little fighters,' said Miss Miller. 'Both were breathing on their own and doctors were positive they'd pull through.' Nine . days after the twins' traumatic birth Miss Miller, who was still . staying in the hospital for treatment for an infection caused by the . emergency Caesarean, was called to the neonatal ward. Miss Miller said: 'I was nodding off in my hospital bed when a nurse told me I needed to get myself to their ward fast. 'When I got there, I found medics frantically working on Ka'Leah. A short while later, a doctor delivered the devastating bombshell - my daughter had stopped breathing and died. I went numb.' A spokeswoman for Bart's Health . Trust, which runs Newham University Hospital, said: 'Bart's Health NHS . Trust are extremely sorry for the distress caused to the family as a . result of the failings in care provided to Ka'Leah. 'We have apologised in writing to Miss Miller and extended our deepest sympathies on her very sad loss. 'The . clinicians involved in Ka'Leah's care were in early contact with the . coroner following her death and have co-operated at every stage with . ongoing inquest proceedings. 'A full internal investigation into Ka'Leah's death was commissioned as soon as the post mortem results were available. 'As . a result of this we have implemented a comprehensive action plan, . including producing clear guidance on the safe insertion of long lines . and improving the training of staff to ensure their correct . positioning.' Miss Miller demanded a post-mortem after she received conflicting reports about the cause of her daughter's death. She . said: 'My mum arrived at the hospital to support me but was astonished . when a doctor explained that her granddaughter had suffered a heart . attack. 'I'd been told Ka'Leah had stopped breathing, it didn't stack up. 'Desperate for answers, we pushed for a post mortem which revealed a doctor had pierced Ka'Leah's heart cavity with the long line.' An inquest two weeks ago determined that the line was incorrectly inserted into Ka'Leah by a doctor in his first year of speciality training. The misplaced line caused cardiac tamponade, a rare condition where fluid builds up around the heart. It was found that this, coupled with Ka'Leah's prematurity, caused her death. At the inquest at Walthamstow Coroner's Court on June 11, coroner Dr Shirley Radcliffe recorded a narrative verdict saying she had no doubt that the line was incorrectly positioned. Miss Miller said: 'The inquest showed that no senior doctor had picked up on the mistake for over five days. 'Negligence had cost me my only little girl. 'The hospital have since apologised but as far as I'm concerned it isn't enough. 'I'm so lucky to have Kaleem but some days he looks so much like his twin sister it breaks my heart. 'Even now, two years on, I'm terrified to let him sleep in case he doesn't wake up. 'I am pleased the hospital are trying to stop this from ever happening again but I'm not happy that nobody has been punished for their mistakes. 'Following the inquest this month, I have decided that I need some time to grieve before possibly taking further action.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Chantell Miller gave birth to her twins - a boy and a girl - in May 2012 . The premature twins were rushed to Newham University Hospital in London . Nine days after their birth at 28 weeks, Ka'Leah Miller passed away . Her twin Kaleem survived and is now two years old . Inquest found doctors wrongly inserted a feeding tube into Ka'Leah's heart . It caused cardiac tamponade - a rare condition where fluid surrounds heart . Coroner found that coupled with her prematurity caused Ka'Leah's death . Miss Miller said: 'If it wasn't for a simple oversight Ka'Leah would be with us'
Article: By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 00:48 EST, 8 March 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 14:57 EST, 8 March 2014 . A 45-year-old lawyer who plunged to his death from a Manhattan building on Friday was suffering from bi-polar, was still reeling from the deaths of his parents and had recently separated from his wife, friends say. Leonard Morton, who represented the likes of Madison Square Garden and The Lincoln Center, jumped from a 12th-floor window and landed face down on scaffolding above the sidewalk on Broadway near Barclay Street at about 7.20am. He died at the scene near City Hall, with officers quickly covering his body with a sheet as workers in neighboring buildings looked on as they arrived for work. 'He was going through a terrible, terrible depression,' close friend Linda March, 51, told The New York Daily News. Deceased: Leonard Morton, 45, was described as 'very intelligent' and a 'good lawyer'. He took his own life on Friday morning in Manhattan . 'He was a very intelligent person and a very good lawyer.' Morton fell into a deep depression after his mother passed away in November 2011, friends said. His mom, Deanna Morton, a partner at New York public relations firm InfiniTech, LLC, died in her sleep, aged 69. 'It would be hard for anyone to endure — you reach a breaking point,' a friend said. 'He was a wonderful son to both his mother and father.' Morton worked for his mother’s public relations firm, Morton Communications, for several years, according to his online profile. His father died about a year after his mother, friends said. Leonard Morton eventually pulled out of his depression but went into a manic phase a few months ago, friends said. He separated from his wife of three years, Dara. He could get very boisterous and very loud when he was in that stage,' March said. 'It was very hard for her to deal with that.' Morton lived with his cat in a luxury co-op on W. 93rd St. Scene: Leonard Morton jumped to his death from a 12th-floor window on Broadway near Barclay Street at 7.20am Friday . Doctors recently adjusted his medications, sending him back into the pits of despair, March said. In addition to running his own law firm, he worked as an administrative judge for the city's Environmental Control Board tribunal and was a part-time law professor at Hunter College. He also volunteered as a captain in the New York State Guard, providing free legal services to military personnel. March last spoke to Morton on Wednesday. 'He was telling me he was very depressed and he was having a hard time functioning,' she said. 'I said to him, ‘Let me help you.’ She ordered cardboard boxes from Amazon and planned to come to his apartment Sunday to help him get organized. The night before he died, she texted with him, letting him know the boxes would be delivered Saturday. 'I wish I'd done something better or something more,' she said. 'He knew if he called any of us we would be there for him in a heartbeat. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he would do something like this.' If you need help or wish to discuss your thoughts with someone, please call Samaritans Suicide Prevention Helpline on 877 870 4673 . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Leonard Morton, 45, was an attorney who represented Madison Square Garden and The Lincoln Center . On Friday morning around 7.20am he jumped from the 12th-floor window of his Manhattan office . He died at the scene on 255 Broadway near Barclay Street . Friends he had been battling a 'terrible, terrible depression' was recently separated from his wife . He was also struggling from his death of his mother and father .
Article: (CNN) -- Pollsters in Peru said Sunday that left-leaning Ollanta Humala looks poised to win the presidency, defeating rival Keiko Fujimori in a polarizing runoff election that pits the county's left and right against each other. Early exit polls released as voting closed at 5 p.m. ET gave Humala as much as a 5-percentage-point lead over Fujimori, the daughter of a former president who's serving a 25-year sentence for human rights abuses. Pollster CPI showed Humala with 52.5% of the vote and Fujimori with 47.5%. Ipsos Apoyo said Humala would win 52.6% of the ballots cast, while Fujimori would trail with 47.4%. A watchdog election group later released a quick count of ballots, showing Humala would win with 51.5% of the vote, vs. Fujimori's 48.5%. Official results are not expected until later Sunday. Still, supporters of Humala celebrated in downtown Lima, cheering the early results, waving flags and hoisting banners. One read: "Ollanta, Presidente." Peruvians went to the polls Sunday to pick their next president in a runoff election between two candidates with little in common. Humala, 48, narrowly lost a 2006 election bid, in part because many saw him as a close ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, intent on turning the country to the left. That's a point his rival, 36-year-old Fujimori, a right-wing lawmaker, hammered on throughout her campaign. At a closing rally last week in Paseo Colon, a historic avenue in the capital of Lima, Fujimori went on the offensive as she addressed a crowd of thousands. "There are recordings and witnesses that prove that this gentleman is a good soldier of Chavez," she said to cheering crowds. "I am not going to allow other countries to interfere in the sovereignty of our country. I'm going to defend it!" Humala, a former army officer linked to a 2000 military uprising, has tried to distance himself from such perceptions, swapping his trademark red T-shirts for suits this time around. In a recent interview with CNN en Espanol, he denied his goal is a Chavez-style social revolution in Peru. "When we speak about revolution, we're speaking about a revolution in education, which is something fundamental," Humala said. "We have to build our own future. We believe that the Venezuelan model doesn't apply in Peru." Like her opponent, Fujimori was forced to answer uncomfortable questions about her past during this year's election. She is the daughter of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori, who is currently in prison on a 25-year sentence for human rights crimes. Many Peruvians credit the elder Fujimori with defeating insurgencies that ravaged the South American nation for years and for enacting economic reforms that stabilized the Peruvian economy. However, he is also criticized for corruption, having an authoritarian streak and the widespread rights abuses that were committed under his watch. During the campaign, protesters accused his daughter of planning to grant the former president amnesty if she wins, as she said she might do in a 2008 interview. She has since backed away from those remarks. Centrist candidates, including former President Alejandro Toledo, former Lima Mayor Luis Castaneda and former Finance Minister Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, cannibalized each others' votes during the first round of voting in April. In that round, Humala garnered more than 30% of the vote, while Fujimori ended slightly above 23%. Under Peruvian law, only the top two contenders advance to a second round. Peruvians are required by law to vote and some 20 million people were thought to have cast their ballots in Sunday's election. After the elimination of the more centrist candidates in April, Peru's 2010 Nobel literary laureate Mario Vargas Llosa, a former presidential candidate himself, described the race as a choice between "terminal cancer and AIDS." Andrea Stiglich, a member of the Economist Intelligence Unit team of Latin American analysts, said the election was a triumph of extremes. "This election was meant to be the election of a centrist policy continuity candidate, and what we have is a first round that has yielded a result between two extremes in the left and the right," she said before the second-round vote. Current Peruvian President Alan Garcia is not permitted to run for a consecutive term. "I will get behind whoever wins," he said on Sunday, before voting closed. "The task (of running the country) is not easy and they (will) need everyone's support." The new president will face many of the same challenges Garcia did: Persistent poverty, protests around the rights to natural resources and violence from remnants of a leftist insurgency that helped to make Peru the world's largest producer of coca, the raw ingredient of cocaine. On the eve of the election, five soldiers were killed in an attack in the country's southern province of Cusco, state news said. They were reportedly on their way to provide local police with additional security for the election when they were ambushed. CNN's Dana Ford contributed to this report. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
NEW: A quick count of ballots and exit polls put Ollanta Humala ahead . NEW: Supporters of the former army officer rally in downtown Lima . Centrist candidates cannibalized each other during the first round of voting .
Article: By . Kieran Corcoran . PUBLISHED: . 10:01 EST, 9 September 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 13:26 EST, 9 September 2013 . A pensioner has won a gardening competition from beyond the grave - after her daughter entered it on her behalf following her death. Gena Skuse, 76, died in June but won her eleventh gold medal in the Bristol in Bloom gardening competition 13 days after she passed away. Mrs Skuse's daughter, Dawn Tadghighi, entered her mother in secret to the competition which she had been competing since the 1990s. John Skuse and Dawn Tadghighi stand in the garden in Bristol which Gena Skuse loved so much. Mrs Skuse's daughter said that after her mother died the family 'were all just drawn to the garden to be close to her' It . had been tradition for Mrs Skuse to enter the competition in secret and she would never tell her husband, John, 76, about her entries until . she had won. Mrs Tadghighi, 53, said: ‘She called it her little sanctuary and it really is beautiful. 'She worked so hard on it and she would love sitting out there next to the fountain having a cup of tea or coffee. 'Not that she would be able to sit for long - she would spot a weed or something and she would have to be up tidying it. 'When . she went into hospital and I asked her if she had entered this year she . couldn’t speak but she told me no. Just 13 days later she passed away. Gena Skuse, right, won the Bristol in Bloom competition posthumously after her daughter entered her garden in secret . 'After she passed away and we came back to the house and we were all just drawn to the garden to be close to her and we were doing a bit of tidying. 'I looked around and I thought "Yeah, I’m going to enter her again this year" and I did - keeping up the tradition of keeping it a secret. 'When dad got the letter to say she had won it was amazing. 'I didn’t tell him because I didn’t . want the pressure on him because he has found it hard going into her . garden since she passed away. 'It is a tribute to her that she won again - a tribute to the hard work she put in to make a beautiful garden.' Retired caterer Gena and former docks foreman John Skuse, childhood sweethearts, were married for 60 years before she passed away after a short illness. Her . Bristol garden became a labour of love, and features a two-tier water . feature and borders stuffed with ferns, purple larkspurs, white roses . and pink peonies. The . back wall of the house is patterned with hanging baskets overflowing . with daisies and pretty pink flowers, alongside a covered trellis . archway which leads towards raised beds packed with peach and red . pansies. The garden has won Mrs Skuse her tenth gold medal in the Bristol in Bloom competition. She also has a silver medal. Gena Skuse (left) poses with her husband John (right) and Bristol Mayor Geoffrey Gollop (centre) after winning last year's competition . Mr Skuse said: ‘The garden was something in common - besides my love for her. 'She actually adored the garden. We would come out with a cup of tea and sit at the table. 'She was very proud for people to look at it and say "what a lovely garden". She loved other people appreciating it.' Eleven gold plaques and one silver are now displayed proudly in the garden. Mike Crook, chairman of the Bristol in Bloom Community Association, said: ‘It is a garden which has grown over the years but the quality has always increased.’ Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Gena Skuse died in June, but was named the winner of Bristol in Bloom . Her daughter entered her in to the competition secretly . This is Mrs Skuse's 12th medal - 11 of which are gold . Her husband John, 76, says she 'loved other people appreciating' her garden .
Article: By . Emma Innes . PUBLISHED: . 07:56 EST, 24 May 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 07:56 EST, 24 May 2013 . A premature baby has defied the odds to survive despite doctors recommending her family turn off her life support machine seven times. Kenda Mohamed was born 13 weeks early weighing just 1.4lbs and suffered a number of serious conditions and infections. Her parents, Saleh and Halima Eltbawi, couldn't hold her for three months and were told to expect the worst. Kenda Mohamed (pictured with mother, Halima Eltbawi) was born 13 weeks early weighing just 1.4lbs at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary . They were even given the option of switching off her life support seven times. However, they never gave up hope of her recovering and following four major operations their seven-month-old daughter is now on the road to recovery. Her father, Saleh, 31, of Aberdeen, said: ‘The doctors took us to a small room in the hospital seven times to ask us if we would consider turning her life support machine off because she wasn't going to make it. ‘They were just making sure we were aware of the situation and letting us know that they should probably just stop treatment now as they were only prolonging her life by a week or two. ‘But we told them we couldn't give up on her. That's why we think she is a miracle, because nobody told us that she was going to make it. ‘The probabilities of her recovery were very, very slim but we are so happy to see Kenda the way she is now - she keeps surprising us with her progress.’ She was so unwell that her parents, Saleh and Halima Eltbawi, couldn't hold her for three months and were told to expect the worst - doctors even suggested seven times that her life support was turned off . She had four major operations shortly after her birth because she developed a bleed on the brain, a serious eye condition and numerous infections . When the baby was born at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary at 24 weeks in October she was the size of her father’s hand. She went through four major operations in the first few weeks of her life as she suffered bleeding on the brain and a number of serious infections. She also had an eye disease which nearly blinded her, and swelling which caused her body to double in size. Her parents refused to give up hope and kept deciding to give her a chance of survival. She is now seven-months-old and her parents describe her as a 'miracle' Kenda's parents do not know whether she will ever be able to walk or talk but say that they continue to hope that she will be able to lead an independent life . Mr Mohamed, who is originally from Libya, said: ‘The progress she's made is quite remarkable. There's a photo when she's a few weeks old and she's smaller than my hand. ‘Kenda's chances of survival were rated at 30 per cent, then 10 per cent and then we were told she wasn't going to make it through the night. ‘I'm not blaming the doctors, as they were just being honest about what they believed at the time, but we live in hope that Kenda can continue to surprise them. ‘We don't know if she will ever be able to walk or talk, it's just too early, but we're still keeping our hope that she will be able to lead an independent life.’ Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Kenda Mohamed was born 13 weeks early weighing just 1.4lbs . Parents were told she was unlikely to survive and to prepare for the worst . Had four major operations after suffering bleed on the brain and infections . Also had eye disease which nearly blinded her but is now recovering .
Article: By . Tara Brady . PUBLISHED: . 04:15 EST, 21 January 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 12:39 EST, 21 January 2013 . A French sailor has been rescued from wild seas in a dramatic operation in the Southern Ocean - 500 nautical miles off the coast of Tasmania in Australia. Alain Delord, 63, was taking part in a solo round-the-world voyage when the mast on his yacht broke in bad weather forcing him to spend three days adrift in treacherous conditions on a life raft. He was finally plucked from the sea amid cheers from passengers aboard the luxury cruise ship MV Orion, which had changed course from a trip to Antarctica to save him. Scroll down for video . Lucky escape: Stranded Alain Delord was picked up by a cruise ship 500 nautical miles off the coast of Australia . Dramatic: French sailor Alain Delord (pictured right) is pulled from his life raft onto a rescue boat after spending three days in the Southern Ocean . Good spirits: Passengers on board the cruise ship said veteran sailor Alain Delord looked relatively well considering he had spent three days adrift in bad weather conditions . Despite high winds and seven metre waves, Mr Delord looked awake and relatively well as he boarded the Orion, according to passengers. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority coordinated the rescue and the ship reached Mr Delord at about 9.30pm last night local time. 'He is currently receiving medical attention and early indications are that he is healthy,' the authority said. 'Weather conditions were better than expected and there was plenty of light in the area.' Rescued: Lucky Alain Delord on board his monohull as he left the harbour in Crouesty , France, before embarking on a solo round-the-world tour . Orion captain Mike Taylor had warned passengers the stabilisers would have to be switched off as they approached Mr Delord’s raft and urged passengers worried about the ship rolling and rocking to lie down in bed. The lucky sailor toasted his rescuers with a glass of fine red wine once on board and thanked them for saving his life. Ian Vella, catering manager aboard the luxury cruise ship Orion, said despite his ordeal Mr Delord was in good spirits and 'absolutely fine' following medical checks. He said: 'He is very tired and being attended to by the ship’s doctor. Operation: Alain Delord spent three days adrift in the Southern Ocean after he was forced to abandon his yacht . Brave: Stranded yachtsman Alain Delord was rescued by a cruise ship 500 miles off the coast of Australia . The life raft which carried French sailor Alain Delord floats in the Southern Ocean after he was rescued . 'He is very hungry so he is going to have something to eat and a glass of red wine for his dinner. 'I think you would all agree what a fantastic effort everyone involved made. 'It went ahead like clockwork, a wonderful job. Alain is aboard and we are under way. All’s well that ends well.' It is believed the French sailor may have been taking part in the Vendee Globe race but was not a registered competitor. The race was founded by French sailor Philippe Jeantot in 1989 and is held every four years. Competitors race from France around the world and in the seas around the Antarctic. In 1997 Frenchman Thierry Dubois and Briton Tony Bullimore were both rescued in the Southern Ocean during the race. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Alain Delord was taking part in a solo round-the-world voyage when the mast on his yacht broke in bad weather . He was rescued amid cheers from passengers aboard a luxury cruise ship which changed course to save him . The lucky sailor toasted his rescuers with a glass of fine red wine once on board and thanked them for saving his life .
Article: New York (CNN) -- He's designed everything from upscale hotels and restaurants to the sets for Broadway plays and the Academy Awards ceremony. So you might think that creating a kids' playground wouldn't appeal to world-renowned architect David Rockwell. But it did. Rockwell, a father of two, became frustrated when he took his kids to traditional playgrounds. He found that these play areas lacked creativity. "Traditional playgrounds are geared toward gross motor skills and linear play ... they are largely made of fixed equipment: seesaws, slides, monkey bars, swings," Rockwell said. "They are fantastic places to build gross motor skills." So he decided to design a playground that focused on building imagination by letting the kids build the playground themselves. The first of his Imagination Playgrounds opened in July in lower Manhattan. "[Imagination Playground] is a totally manipulatable playground in which every part of it allows kids to create their own constantly transformable play escape." Visiting the playground in lower Manhattan is an adventure. It's not every day, as a CNN reporter, I get to cross over a moat and dodge pipes and water noodles while getting doused with the occasional water splash. In a world of endless standardized tests and regimented schedules, Rockwell's playground is meant to encourage creative thinking, teamwork and risk taking. At first, it looks like a regular playground, but look closer, and there are no swings or monkey bars. Instead, there's water, real sand, big blue foam pieces in many different shapes, shovels, wheelbarrows, balls and lots of running space. Kids have to work together here: two boys are dragging foam pieces from the sand to the water, while another group stacks them. When I ask why they're doing all this work, they say, "To close the hole in our bridge." Most of the groups of kids have just met each other in the playground on this very day. Charlotte Kelman, 10, stopped and pointed to a shapeless stack of blue foam wedges. "See, that's a boat you can float on," she said. "I was actually kind of helping make it." She says she just met the kids who helped her build it in the park today. We spoke with Rockwell in the playground as two kids pushed past us with a wheelbarrow filled with foam blocks, while others built what Rockwell guessed was "a raft city." Laughing, he described it as "a humbling experience for a control freak architect." "One hundred percent of the time, the kids do not use the objects in the way I designed them to be used," he said. Rockwell likes to visit the playground to see what new ideas kids have developed for his foam pieces. "We're finding that kids are so over-programmed and have so little free time that when they get here, their own little creative potential is unleashed," he said. It took him more than five years to build Imagination Playground, and he didn't do it alone. He consulted with play experts and conducted focus groups watching kids use prototypes of the foam. Susan Solomon, one of the play experts who worked with Rockwell on Imagination Playground, would like to see more playgrounds like it. "It's all about avoiding risk in most playgrounds, so it's been dumbed down and there's less and less kids can do," Solomon explained. This one is different because "everything can be invented, reinvented, and this is critical for how kids learn. This enables kids to make their own decisions, to see cause and effect by building up, destroying, building again," she said. But building more playgrounds like this one won't be cheap: Rockwell donated his time and design expertise and helped raise money for the project. The Lower Manhattan Development Corp. donated $4.4 million, and the city of New York threw in an additional $3 million to get the underground pipes in working order. Solomon believes these kinds of play experiences help prepare kids for environments where not everything is controlled. "Here, nothing is fixed, nothing is predetermined, and they can see consequences, learn to make decisions," Solomon said. "They learn that not everything is already laid out for you in a way in which it's always going to be perfect: It's possible to fail." Gail Daum brought her daughter to the park for the first time while we were there. "I love it," she said as she watched her daughter help another little girl carry a large white pipe across the playground. "She just seems to be creating things and interacting with younger and older kids. It's been a great experience so far." Rockwell is trying to raise a $5 million endowment to sustain the playground, which has some atypical costs, including replacing the foam pieces and paying for two "play assistants" who oversee the kids. Rockwell is also exporting the idea to other cities. He's made portable versions of the playground, which he calls "Playground in a Box" -- each contains the foam pieces and other loose parts. Rockwell says they're now in some parks and children's museums around the country. They cost between $7,600 and $11,700. He doesn't make money off this project. He says he does it because he believes it makes a difference, and he'd like to build more full-scale Imagination Playgrounds in other cities around the country. Rockwell smiled as we watched two girls try to dam up a waterspout. "I love working for these constituents," he said. "They are my most interesting clients." Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
David Rockwell designed Academy Awards sets, Nobu restaurants and W Hotels . A father of two, the architect found traditional playgrounds uninspiring . He created Imagination Playground, where kids use teamwork and creativity to play . Manhattan playground cost more than $7 million; he's seeking $5 million more to sustain it .
Article: By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 10:40 EST, 10 June 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 02:02 EST, 11 June 2012 . The sharp increase in the number of women over 30 who are having abortions is due in part to the recent financial crisis, experts have claimed. Terminations carried out by women between 30 and 34 increased by 10 per cent between 2009 and 2011, according to Department of Health figures. Increased financial pressure, more widely available IVF treatment allowing women to have children later, and career ambitions are all said to have contributed to the rise, according to experts. Pregnancy scare: The number of abortions in England and Wales has risen for the second year running, according to the Department Of Health . Experts said one reason was many 30-something women believe they could delay motherhood by using IVF in their 40s. Only last month it emerged that women in their early 40s could be given fertility treatment for free on the NHS despite success rates at this age being low. Tracey McNeil, UK director of Marie Stopes, the sexual health charity, told the Sunday Times: 'There is good evidence that, in a recession, women delay marriage and taking out mortgages into their late 20s. 'That in turn delays them having families until their early or mid-thirties. 'If they have an unplanned pregnancy at a certain stage in their career, or have just embarked on a mortgage and can't afford maternity leave, they may consider termination.' Josephine Quintavalle, of pressure group Comment on Reproductive Ethics, said: ‘At some stage these women are going to decide they really want children and then by that stage it may be too late. 'Meeting women's needs': Ann Furedi said that there was no 'right' number of abortions . ‘It just seems to be abortion on demand. It’s like a form of contraception. ‘Without making judgement, you would think that by this age women should know better. It may be that because IVF is available they can always delay having a baby.’ Last year there were 29,579 abortions carried out on women aged 30 to 34 compared with 27,978 in 2010 – a rise of 1,601. In contrast, the number of those aged between 25 and 29 rose by under 4 per cent, from 40,800 in 2010 to 42,321 last year. For all age groups, 189,931 terminations were carried out in 2011 – an increase of 0.2 per cent in a year. Around 36 per cent were carried out on women who had had an abortion. Only last week it emerged that some teenagers have already had eight abortions, fuelling concerns many think of it as a form of contraception. Figures revealed under the Freedom of Information Act showed that 5,300 girls last year had a ‘repeat’ abortion. Ann Furedi, of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, said: ‘Abortion is a service that a third of women will need in the course of their reproductive lifetimes so they can plan the timing and size of their families, and play a role in society. By age: The percentage of women who had one of more abortions in England and Wales in 2011 . ‘There is no “right” number of abortions above and beyond ensuring that every woman who needs to end an unwanted pregnancy can do so.’ Julie Bentley, of the Family Planning Association, said: ‘The number of abortions hasn’t changed significantly in the past few years and this is to be welcomed. ‘However, we do know cracks are beginning to appear in contraception services. If we are going to bring down abortion numbers, this needs to change. Contraception is an essential not a luxury.’ Public health minister Anne Milton said: ‘Having an abortion can be traumatic and stressful and should never be seen as a form of contraception.’ Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists vice president David Richmond, said: ‘We need to continue to reduce the need for abortion in the first place particularly for repeat abortions.’ Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
There were 189,931 abortions performed for women resident in England and Wales in 2011 . This was a 0.2% rise on 2010 and 7.7% rise on 2001 . 36% of women undergoing abortions had one or more previous abortions - a rise of 31% since 2001 .
Article: By . Paul Thompson In Pleasant Grove, Utah . The 39-year-old Utah mother who has admitted killing six of her newborn babies was thrown out of her home by her in-laws after she began an affair while her husband was prison, MailOnline can reveal. Megan Huntsman was told to leave the home she shared with her three daughters when she cheated on her husband Darren. Her in-laws Stephen and Diane West, who owned the home where she lived, told her to leave in 2011 after finding out about the affair. Huntsman, who is being held on $6million bail, is alleged to have told detectives the babies found dead in her home, were conceived with her now-estranged husband. Gruesome: Utah mom Megan Huntsman (left) has been arrested after admitting to killing six of her newborn babies but her estranged husband Darren West (right), who was just recently released from a drug-related sentence, is not considered a suspect and police believe he had no idea . Together: The body of a stillborn baby was discovered by Megan's estranged husband Darren West (center) this weekend. He then called police who found six other bodies. Pictured above with their three living daughters . But news of the affair raises the . question that some of the babies who were strangled or smothered at . birth might have been born as a result of an extra-marital cheating. Darren West has also told police he had no knowledge of the babies. Aaron Hawker, who lives next door, said he had spoken with West since he made the shocking discovery of the skeletal remains. 'He has told me he has no idea where the babies come from, ' said Mr Hawker. 'He has insisted that they were not his.' Huntsman admitted to killing the children in a period between 1996 and 2006, and police believe she was still with her husband at the time. They have ordered DNA tests to determine the paternity of the murdered children. Former home: Meghan lived at her in-law's home (pictured above) after her husband was incarcerated in 2006. After allegedly having an affair, the Wests kicked her out of the house. The bodies were found as her estranged husband was cleaning out the garage . Mr Hawker, 73, said he was told by West that Huntsman was told to leave the marital home after she began an affair. Her in-laws had agreed to let her to live in the three bedroom home after their son was jailed in 2006 on drugs charges. According to Mr Hawker, one condition was that she must stay faithful to her husband while he was inside and not see any other men. 'What I was told by Darren was that she began an affair and when her in-laws found out they told her to leave. I do not know how long the affair went on for, but was told that it was with a co-worker. Broken promise? Neighbor Aaron Hawker (pictured) says one of the conditions of Meghan staying with her in-laws during her husband's incarceration was that she stay faithful to him . 'Megan left in 2011 and since then we have hardly ever seen her at the house. She would not come back very often and was told she was not welcome in the house.' Time spent behind bars: In 2006, Darren West (pictured) was sentenced to nine years in prison on drug charges. He was just recently released . When Huntsman left, her eldest daughter Darien had just turned 18 with the next youngest Jaycee, aged 17 and the youngest Sawyer aged 11. An aunt Mary West moved into the home to help look after the girls. The two eldest daughters are now adults and the youngest is a teenager. 'We used to see the girls from time to time and they were just your average girls,' said Mr Hawker. 'I think the older ones were looking forward to dating. I have not see them since the bodies were found.' Mr Hawker admitted that he never saw Megan pregnant or even put on any weight. 'It is a complete mystery to me and my wife Kathie. Megan was always very shy, but she was very nice.' Mr Hawker said he wrote to her husband West after he was given a nine-year jail sentence on drugs charges. He said he considered the sentence harsh as West claimed he had only agreed to take in a package for a friend after being offered $200. 'I thought the sentence was unjust and liked Darren. He was a lovely man and I had a lot of time for him. 'I would write to him in prison and when he got out he came to see us. We were glad he was moving back into the house.' West was released earlier this year and was at his home in the town of Pleasant Grove, abut 35 miles from Salt Lake City when he made the horrifying discovery of the bodies. He called his wife after opening one of the boxes to find a corpse of what is believed to be the seventh still born baby. She is alleged to have told him it was her baby. Connections: Megan Huntsman is in jail but she and her estranged husband have three teenage and adult daughters, though the young woman seen leaving the home has not been identified . Questions: Huntsman's youngest daughter, who is in junior high, was born during the same time period when she murdered her other babies and it is not clear why she was spared (an unidentified person pictured above at the family home on Monday) Getting out of the house: A friend was seen helping the person in sweats get bags out of the home on Monday . Horrible job: An unidentified man was seen going in and out of the Pleasant Grove house on Monday . When police carried out a search of the garage they found six other babies. Each had been wrapped in a towel and placed in a box. Police have said Megan has admitted to strangling or smothering six of the babies after carrying them full term. She said the seventh was still born. Growing belly: Neighbor SanDee Wall often noticed Meghan sporting a baby bump, but never commented on it . While Mr Hawker did not ever suspect Megan was pregnant another next door neighbor suspected on several occasions that she was carrying a child. 'I would see her walk up the driveway and she would have the smallest of bumps on her stomach,' said 70-year-old SanDee Wall. 'I thought to myself of several occasions she must be pregnant, but I did not like to say anything to her. 'Megan was so shy and not the sort of person who would engage in conversation.' Ms Wall said after Huntsman's husband was jailed she would often see her the worse for wear for drink. 'I . would also smell pot quite a lot and on many occasions I would see her . drunk.That could have been one of the reasons she was asked to leave the . house.' Neighbors in the quiet, tree lined street are puzzled as to how Hunstman was able to conceal so many pregnancies from her husband. Although he worked in the construction industry he was home most nights and rarely away from his family. 'I had two of my last children at home then and as any mother who has given birth knows it can be very messy," said Mrs Wall. 'I just don't understand how she could have concealed so many babies from her husband.' West has refused to comment since making the shocking discovery in his garage. His parents have also declined to comment after earlier issuing a statement expressing their shock at the death of the babies. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Megan Huntsman, 33, was arrested Sunday for allegedly killing six of her newborn babies and hiding them, along with a stillborn seventh child . Her estranged husband Darren West discovered the stillborn baby while cleaning his parents house on Saturday . He called the police who then discovered the six other bodies . Huntsman lived at the home with their three daughters after her husband was incarcerated in 2006 . West allegedly told a neighbor that the killed children were not his . He said Huntsman was kicked out of the home by his parents after they found out she was cheating on him with a coworker . Police are conducting DNA tests to determine paternity, but believe Huntsman and her husband were together at the time of the murders .
Article: A Chinese teenager who went missing in California last week while carrying hundreds of dollars and a credit card has since been discovered by authorities. Authorities discovered Jin Wuwei Monday at approximately 2pm on a Sunset Boulevard bus stop bench, the West Hollywood Sheriff's Station told KCAL-TV. The 16-year-old was taken to the police station in Claremont to meet his mother, the sheriff's station told the CBS affiliate. Wuwei and his mother, Jiping Geng, reportedly traveled to Claremont so they could visit colleges. Scroll down for video . Student: Jin Wuwei, seen left and right, was discovered by authorities in West Hollywood. He disappeared last Friday in Claremont after he and his mother traveled there to look at colleges . The Claremont Police Department earlier said in a news release that Geng reported the teenager missing February 13. Wuwei took off on foot from the Claremont Lodge at approximately 12:42pm that day, according to the police department, which said he first arrived in the town on February 11. Wuwei was carrying multiple bags at the time, images captured on surveillance video reveal. Before Wuwei was found, the Claremont Police Department said in the release 'He was carrying a backpack and had a limited amount of money. He does not have any family or friends in the area and his destination is unknown. He is fluent in English.' Journey: Jin Wuwei and his mother Jiping Geng were reportedly in the United States scouring colleges . Mystery: Wuwei was carrying multiple bags on February 13, images captured on surveillance video reveal . Geng told KCAL-TV via a translator that her son told her on February 13 that he would look at college libraries in town by himself as she shopped. 'Son, where are you? Can you contact me or your daddy as soon as possible and I hope anybody can help me out' Geng told the television station. Speaking to KABC through a translator, Geng said Wuwei had approximately $500 in cash, a cell phone, a phone charger, and a credit card. The translator relayed to the ABC affiliate that Geng's son also refused to show her an item he purchased ahead of the disappearance. The credit card was not used and the cell phone was shut off, police told KCBS-TV. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Authorities discovered Jin Wuwei Monday at approximately 2pm on a Sunset Boulevard bus stop bench, the West Hollywood Sheriff's Station has said . The 16-year-old took off on foot from a motel at approximately 12:42pm in Claremont on February 13 . His mother has said he had $500 in cash, a cell phone, a phone charger, and a credit card . She told authorities her son is a fluent English speaker and has neither friends nor family near Claremont .
Article: A talented teenage jockey paralysed in a car crash just after completing her first competitive races is back in the saddle after being given pioneering treatment using a bionic leg. Katie Watson, 19, from Ilkeston, Derbyshire, broke her neck when her car aquaplaned on a puddle in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, in February and flipped over. She spent five months in hospital and had daily physiotherapy, where she became one of the first people in the UK to use a bionic leg. Promising jockey Katie Watson, 19, was told she would never walk again after breaking her neck in a car crash - but is now back in the saddle after becoming one of the first people in the UK to use a bionic leg (left) Miss Watson had just completed her first two competitive races when she broke her neck in an accident and was left bedridden . The battery-powered device sits over the patient's own limb and responds to their desire to move, helping them learn to walk again. Miss Watson is already able to walk unaided, started riding again a month ago and says she hopes to return to competitive racing soon. She said: 'I was told by two different doctors and a consultant that I would never walk again, which was devastating to hear but I was determined to do whatever it took to get back on my feet, . 'The Bionic Leg is amazing and has helped me so much. I would wear it every day for half an hour and its effects would carry over. 'At first I used a walking frame, two sticks, then one stick and now I can walk unaided. Four weeks ago I got back on a horse and I want to get back to race-riding again.' Miss Watson is currently living at Oaksey House in Lambourn, Berkshire, a rehabilitation centre funded by the Injured Jockeys Fund. Miss Watson flipped her car over after aquaplaning on a puddle near Cirencester in Gloucestershire . She was rushed to hospital (left) where she had to learn to walk again using a frame and walking sticks. The bionic leg fitted over her limb and responded to her desire to walk, assisting the recovery . The accident happened when she was driving back from visiting her boyfriend in Cheltenham to work in Lambourn. She had been at the beginning of her promising career as a professional flat jockey, having competed in two rides. AlterG, the company which make the electronic limb, claim it is the world's first bionic leg and say the device is designed to help patients after stroke, injury, orthopaedic surgery or traumatic brain injury. John Hammond, a clinical specialist for AlterG, said the bionic leg had recently launched in the UK. Miss Watson began riding again a month ago and says she would like to get back to competitive racing as soon as she feels able . He said: 'The Bionic Leg is a crucial piece of equipment for stroke rehabilitation and therapy for patients with chronic, degenerative neurological gait impairment including Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. 'It's excellent that we can now offer the benefits that the Bionic Leg delivers to people in the UK.' The device is claimed to help improve patient stance and strength, stability and gait while sensing their movements and only assisting when necessary. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Katie Watson, 19, suffered broken neck after car aquaplaned and flipped . Two doctors and consultant told her she would never walk again after crash . However bionic leg was fitted over her limb and responds to desire to move . She is now able to ride again and wants to return to competitive racing .
Article: Bangkok, Thailand (CNN) -- More than 2,000 illegally aborted fetuses have been recovered at a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thai police said Friday. The fetuses were initially discovered earlier in the week, given away by the smell of decay at the Phai-nguern Chotinaram temple in central Bangkok. Friday's recovery efforts brought the total discovered to 2,002 fetuses, police Col. Metee Rakpan said. "From the confession of one of the morticians of the temple that we interrogated last night, he told us that they received these fetuses from the same places as the first lot of 348 fetus remains, and they became dry," said Col. Sombat Milintachinda, chief of the investigation team. "We think that they might have arrived here about a year ago." Authorities had arrested a woman on two charges, Milintachinda said. "One is to perform illegal abortions and open an unlicensed clinic," he said. Two morticians had been charged with hiding bodies and faced about a year in jail if convicted, police added. Temples in Thailand typically have morticians who prepare bodies for cremation. "From our interrogation of the morticians, they admitted that they have been receiving fetuses for about four years, and they told us that they kept the fetuses until they dried up, so it is easy to burn them," Milintachinda said. The fetuses came from illegal abortion clinics, police Lt. Col. Chusak Kumsai said Wednesday. Abortion is illegal in Thailand, unless a woman is endangered by pregnancy or has been raped. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
NEW: Police think the fetuses have accumulated for a year . NEW: Three people have been charged in the case . The fetuses were discovered at a Buddhist temple in Bangkok . Abortion is illegal in Thailand, unless a woman is endangered by pregnancy or was raped .
Article: By . David Mccormack . PUBLISHED: . 18:16 EST, 3 August 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 18:26 EST, 3 August 2013 . The organizers of a summer camp based on ‘The Hunger Games’ had to rethink the event after becoming increasingly concerned about the levels of violence that the children taking part in the ‘fun activity' were talking about carrying out. The hugely popular books and movie depict a teen girl's struggle in a post-apocalyptic future that pits teen against teen, fighting like gladiators in mortal battles. The Country Day School in Largo, Florida, decided to host a Hunger Games-themed week-long summer camp and quickly filled all 26 slots. Organizers of a 'Hunger Games'-themed summer camp had to rethink their idea about being concerned about the outpourings of violence from the children taking part . When the Country Day School in Largo, Florida, decided to host a Hunger Games-themed week-long summer camp it quickly filled all 26 slots . But organizers admit they were surprised about the expectations of the children attending the event. The Tampa Bay Times interviewed participants who spoke of relishing competing in a real-life Hunger Games tournament with a fight to the ‘death.’ ‘If I have to die, I want to die by an arrow,’ one participant, Joey Royals, told the newspaper. ‘Don't kill me with a sword. I'd rather be shot.’ Susan Toler, a clinical psychologist specializing in children's issues, described the idea of the camp as ‘unthinkable.’ A child psychologist has described the idea of the camp as 'unthinkable' The kids took part in four different events to test their intellect, accuracy, balance and teamwork . She argued that when children read the books or watch the movie they're observers and removed from the killing. ‘But when they start thinking and owning and adopting and assuming the roles, it becomes closer to them,’ she said. ‘The violence becomes less egregious.’ Camp organizers initially believed they could cut out the violence by having the kids pull flag belts from each others waists rather than hurting each other. But they admit that once the event was underway they grew concerned about the violence that the kids were expressing. Half-way through the week-long event the organizers decided they needed to change and focus more on team-building activities. More than 36 million Hunger Games books have been sold in the U.S. and the first movie, starring Jennifer Lawrence, grossed $700 million worldwide . Instead of ‘killing’ each other by taking flags, the campers would instead ‘collect lives.’ Whoever had the most flags would win. When head counselor Lindsey Gillette told the campers about the rule change she explained it was so that no one would get out early and have to sit on the sidelines. In the end the event proved a success and great fun for the kids who took part in four different events to test their intellect, accuracy, balance and teamwork. The Hunger Games trilogy of books, written by Suzanne Collins, has sold more than 36 million copies in the U.S. alone. The first movie, starring Jennifer Lawrence, has grossed nearly $700 million worldwide and the next movie ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ is out later this year. The next movie 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire' is out in November . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
The Country Day School in Largo, Florida decided to organize a summer camp based on the 'The Hunger Games' Shocked at the levels of violence that the children expressed they had to change their original idea and focus more on team work than killing . A child psychologist described the idea of a 'Hunger Games' summer camp as 'unthinkable'
Article: By . Victoria Woollaston . PUBLISHED: . 10:27 EST, 18 November 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 12:40 EST, 18 November 2013 . It may look and even sound like the real thing, but this Airbus A380 is actually a scaled-down model of the jumbo airliner and is flown using a handheld remote control. A video has appeared online that shows the plane being flown at an air show and hobbyist event in Germany. The remote-controlled plane has an 18-foot wingspan, weighs 150lbs and is powered by four jet turbines. Scroll down for video . The remote-controlled Airbus A380, pictured, was flown during an air show in Germany. It has an 18ft wingspan, weighs 150lbs and is powered by four jet engines that cost around £1,800 each . The Airbus A380 is a superjumbo that . took its first flight on April 2005. It later became a commercial plane with Singapore Airlines in 2007. There are a total of 115 A380s in operation as of November 2013. It is a double decker jet with a . wingspan of 79.75 metres. It seats 535 people and each plane costs $390 . million (£242 million) to make. It is unclear who the pilot of the plane is, or who is filming the jet’s takeoff and landing in the video, but similar models use engines that are said to cost around £1,800 ($3,000) each. During the video, the pilot is shown taxiing the model Airbus A380 – with the logo of Singapore Airlines printed on the side – around a field and onto a runway. The plane takes off, flies above a cheering crowd for almost five minutes before coming down to land using its tailwheel-type landing gear. With its 18-foot wingspan, the remote-controlled model is 14 times smaller than the full-sized Airbus A380. Spot the difference: The left-hand image shows the remote-controlled Airbus A380 flying above an air show in Germany. The right-hand image shows a full-sized Airbus A380 . The Airbus A380 is a superjumbo that took its first flight on April 2005 before being introduced as a commercial service with Singapore Airlines in 2007. There are a total of 115 A380s in operation as of November 2013. It is a double decker jet with a wingspan of 79.75 metres. It seats 535 people and each plane costs $390 million (£242 million) to make. The Airbus A380 is a superjumbo that took its first flight on April 2005. There are a total of 115 A380s in operation as of November 2013. It is a double decker jet with a wingspan of 79.75 metres . The cabin is designed to make it more comfortable for passengers because it has a higher pressurisation than previous generations. The A380 is pressurised to the equivalent altitude of 5,000 ft up to 41,000 ft giving it 50 per cent less cabin noise and 50 per cent more cabin area and volume. It also has larger windows, bigger overhead bins, and an extra 2 foot of headroom compared to the 747 model. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
The remote-controlled plane was filmed flying at an air show in Germany . With an 18ft wingspan it is 14 times smaller than the full-sized Airbus A380 . The model plane is powered by jet engines said to cost around £1,800 each .
Article: By . Wills Robinson . PUBLISHED: . 04:01 EST, 23 October 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 08:56 EST, 23 October 2013 . An experienced teacher has been banned from the classroom after admitting she was drunk in front of pupils. Sarah O’Hanlon, 34, was intoxicated while running a drama club just three weeks after she started her new job at Sandymoor School in Runcorn, Cheshire, last September. She was also unable to respond to an intruder alarm due to her drunken state and drove her car to school after she had been drinking. Banned: Sarah O'Hanlon, 34, teaching a class at Sandymoor School in Runcorn, Cheshire, in an undated photo. She was suspended after admitting to being in charge of a class while drunk . The teacher was also punished for not telling education recruitment company, Capita, why she had been dismissed from her previous position when she applied for a new job in January. O'Hanlon admitted the allegations and was told she is not allowed to enter a classroom for two years. But she has been given the opportunity to go back to teaching once she has addressed her 'problems'. A professional conduct panel for The National College for Teaching and Leadership said: 'The behaviours are a serious departure from the personal and professional conduct elements of the latest Teachers’ Standards and could have seriously affected the education and well-being of pupils. 'The panel have noted her previous good history and that she has taken steps to deal with the underlying problem, however they have judged that there is a continuing risk to the education and well-being of pupils.' 'This was a serious departure from the personal and professional conduct elements of the latest Teachers’ Standards. 'This was misconduct that could have seriously affected the education and well-being of pupils. This is a continuing risk. 'We considered that matters put forward in mitigation by Ms O’Hanlon and noted that she has a previous good history. However, her actions in giving false information to Capita were deliberate. There is no evidence of duress. 'Ms O’Hanlon has acknowledged her problem and has taken steps to address it. The Panel notes that she is aware of the task ahead and is learning to control her feelings and manage her problems. A spokesman from the school said pupils were never at risk. He added: 'We can confirm that Ms O’Hanlon was employed by the school for the duration stated in the prohibition order and that the panel hearing that led to her prohibition was triggered by the school’s actions. 'Ms O’Hanlon was employed following a full recruitment process, including formal interviews, lesson observations, references from former employers and a full, enhanced CRB check. 'Ms O’Hanlon held qualified teacher status and had significant experience of working in schools prior to being employed by us. 'As soon as the issues were brought to light, Ms O’Hanlon was suspended, pending investigation and the school’s disciplinary procedures were followed throughout.' Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Sarah O'Hanlon had worked at Sandymoor School in Cheshire for a month . The 34-year-old was so drunk she could not respond to an intruder alarm . She was prohibited from entering a classroom for two years .
Article: It captured the imagination of a generation of children. And for decades, there were fears it might have been lost forever after falling into unscrupulous hands. Now those who searched for the elusive golden hare from the 1970s Masquerade mystery will finally be able to see it up close – when it goes on public display for the very first time. The amulet, created by artist Kit Williams, is to be shown at the Victoria and Albert museum as part of a new design exhibition. Mystery: Those who searched for the elusive golden hare from the 1970s Masquerade mystery will finally be able to see it up close - when it goes on public display for the very first time . Popular: Williams's children's story Masquerade was a publishing sensation, selling almost a million copies when it appeared in 1979 . He sparked a nationwide treasure hunt when he buried the jewel three decades ago – with clues as to its whereabouts published in a children’s storybook. But to the disappointment of hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts, the amulet was eventually unearthed by a fraudster who cheated his way into the discovery. Even more alarmingly, it was then sold off to a mystery buyer in the Far East – and lost for 20 years. But in an extraordinary twist of fate, the current owner came forward in 2009 after learning of its significance to the UK and has now put it on temporary loan to the museum. In a rare interview, its publicity-shy creator said he was glad his fans would finally have the chance to see it. Williams said: ‘The idea was to bury . something in the cold wet earth. It was the romance of it, that whatever . people were doing, that jewel was waiting for them. ‘It . hasn’t been seen by the British public before, as it was taken out of . the ground by a rather dubious man who didn’t want to show it. ‘The . amulet looks the same as when I made it, although some of the green . stones have turned black after being preserved in wax while underground. ‘The current owner is very nice, I have met her and I’m glad she’s got it. She didn’t realise it had this other life. ‘She’s delighted that it’s going on display in Britain.’ On display: The amulet, created by artist Kit Williams, is to be shown at the Victoria and Albert museum as part of a new design exhibition. In a rare interview, he said he was glad his fans would finally have the chance to see it . Reunited: Kit Williams and Bamber Gasgoine, riight, with the Golden Hare that they buried together in 1979 . Finders keepers: Poster promoting the finding the hare in the 1970s - the hare was the prize for winning the puzzle from the book Masquerade by Kit Williams . Williams’s children’s story Masquerade was a publishing sensation, selling almost a million copies when it appeared in 1979. Among the illustrations and story, he inserted clues to locate a golden hare amulet – which he buried in a field himself. But though two physics teachers cracked the puzzle in 1982, they were beaten to the treasure by another searcher. This man, who has never been identified, appeared to have found the hiding place through his connection with Williams’ girlfriend. She had known of the rough position in Ampthill Park, Bedfordshire, and the exact spot was narrowed down using metal detectors. The hare was eventually auctioned in December 1988, and sold for £31,900 to an unknown buyer. Williams had hoped to buy it back but dropped out of the bidding at £6,000. Sotheby’s contacted Williams to verify the authenticity since the stones appeared to be a different colour - but the auctioneer was unable to tell him who the eventual buyer was. The current owner came forward by chance in 2009 after her grandaughter happened to be in London and hear about it on the radio. The woman, who lives in the far east, prefers to be anonymous because she holds an ‘important position’ in her country – but was moved to hear of the story of Masquerade and wanted to get involved. Williams added: ‘It’s become a family heirloom. A member of her family wears it to Christmas dinner every year. ‘I . don’t know what will happen to it, but my hopes are irrelevant. It’s . like a child, it’s grown up and its got its own life now. ‘I’m . glad that I created Masquerade, but I wouldn’t do it again. I wasn’t . prepared for how big it would get. I had people knocking on my door in . the middle of the night asking for clues.’ The . jewel is to form part of an exhibition of the best British designs of . the 20th and 21st centuries at the Victoria and Albert Museum starting . on Saturday March 31. Ghislaine . Wood, who curated the exhibition, said: ‘Visitors who owned the book, . or who remember the excitement it generated at the time, will be . thrilled to see the hare. ‘This . is the first time it has been on public display since it was found, and . hopefully it will evoke strong memories for many. A new generation of . visitors may also be inspired to go back and discover the book for . themselves.’ Williams, now 65, lives in Gloucestershire with his wife, Eleyne, and paints for a living. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
The amulet, created by artist Kit Williams, is to be shown at the Victoria and Albert museum as part of a new design exhibition .
Article: Now that Manchester United have confirmed Louis van Gaal as their new manager, attention will turn to what the Dutchman is going to do to turn the club's fortunes around. Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic have already been shown the door, Patrice Evra also likes likely to leave and a cloud of uncertainty very much hangs over the likes of Nani, Ashley Young, Tom Cleverley and Javier Hernandez. One thing is for sure, a major rebuilding job is need at Old Trafford, so Sportsmail takes a look at seven of the players that Van Gaal might be targeting before the start of next season. Running the rule: Louis van Gaal will have his eye on several major transfer signings . Kevin Strootman - Roma . Value: £25mAge: 242013-14 Apps: 28; Goals: 6 . Verdict: Left-footed, clever but lacks pace. Knee injury means he won’t be fit until October. Cesc Fabregas - Barcelona . Value: £45mAge: 272013-14 Apps: 55; Goals: 13 . Verdict: Available for sale. United won’t get involved though if there is a hint of last year’s saga. Toni Kroos - Bayern Munich . Value: £18m Age: 242013-14 Apps: 51; Goals: 4 . Verdict: Had agreed to join David Moyes. Van Gaal still an admirer of Munich youth product. Target: Holland midfielder Kevin Strootman would have been going to the World Cup were it not for injury . Back to Blighty? Arsenal legend Cesc Fabregas could be heading to Manchester . Touted: Bayern Munich midfielder Toni Kroos has been eyeing a move to Old Trafford for a few months . Mats Hummels - Borussia Dortmund . Value: £20m Age: 252013-14 Apps: 28; Goals: 2 . Verdict: Lacks some finesse but is a tough defender. Dortmund will sacrifice one big name this summer . Holger Badstuber - Bayern Munich . Value: £15m Age: 252013-14 Apps: 0; Goals: 0 . Verdict: Regarded as best left-footed defender in Germany by Van Gaal but just returned from injury. Sebastian Jung - Eintracht Frankfurt . Value: £7mAge: 232013-14 Apps: 36; Goals: 1 . Verdict: Second best right back in Germany behind Philipp Lahm, Arsenal also like the 22-year-old. Luke Shaw - Southampton . Value: £27mAge: 182013-14 Apps: 36; Goals: 0 . Verdict: Will join United once finer details of fee for the England left back are ironed out. Rock solid: Mats Hummels (left) could replace the departing Nemanja Vidic in the heart of the defence . Building from the back: Sebastian Jung (left) and Holger Badstuber are also being monitored by Van Gaal . Incoming: Southampton teenager Luke Shaw is reportedly on the verge of a £27million move to Old Trafford . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Midfielders Kevin Strootman, Cesc Fabregas and Toni Kroos on the list . Mats Hummels, Luke Shaw, Holger Badstuber and Sebastian Jung wanted . Rio Ferdinand and Nemanja Vidic have left, Ryan Giggs has retired . Tom Cleverley, Nani, Ashley Young and Javier Hernandez could also leave .
Article: (CNN) -- The Queen's hopes of marking her Diamond Jubilee with a win at Royal Ascot were dashed when her horse, Carlton House, was beaten by two-and-a-quarter lengths by So You Think in the showpiece Prince of Wales Stakes on Wednesday. The victory marked redemption for the Aiden O'Brien-trained six-year-old. Runner-up in this race last year to the ill-fated Rewilding, the New Zealand-bred horse has traveled the globe in search of an elusive 10th Group 1 victory. The dual Cox Plate winner could be considered to be the horse with the biggest carbon footprint in racing, having tried his luck in Australia, France, the U.S. and Dubai. He is now expected to take a well-deserved retirement to stud having passed the £5 million ($7.87m) prize money barrier. The Queen, dressed in pink for the second day of Royal Ascot, had watched Carlton House parade before the race and exchanged a few words with Sheikh Mohammed of Dubai, who gifted Carlton House to the Queen as a yearling. One of the best-known owners and breeders of racehorses in the country, the Queen has not had a Group 1 winner in Britain since Dunfermline captured the St Ledger Stakes in her Silver Jubilee year, 1977. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
So You Think wins Prince of Wales Stakes at Royal Ascot . The Queen's horse, Carlton House, beaten by two-and-a-quarter lengths . Winning horse now expected to retire to stud . The Queen has not had a Group 1 winner in Britain since 1977 .
Article: (CNN) -- Chicago police have arrested a fifth suspect in connection with a shooting that injured 13, including a 3-year-old child, earlier this month. David Logan, 22, faces charges of unlawful use of a weapon and obstructing justice, police said Saturday. The arrest happened on Wednesday. Bullets from an assault rifle and another gun wounded the 13. Two of the victims were 15 years old. Deonta Howard, a toddler, was the youngest hit. Luckily, all survived. Authorities think the violence may have been gang-related. Before Logan's arrest, four others had been arrested in connection with the shooting. Police said two of the suspects -- Tabari Young, 22, and Bryon Champ, 21 -- fired shots onto a full basketball court. Champ is a documented gang member, according to authorities. Those four have been charged with attempted murder and aggravated battery with a firearm, police said. Young is accused of firing the assault-style rifle. Police say Champ also fired a gun of some kind. A third suspect, Kewane Gatewood, 20, is accused of supplying the assault weapon, and Brad Jett, 22, was allegedly the lookout during the shooting, police said. Little boy shot in the face even more afraid of the dark . 'It's got to stop,' grandmother says . Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
David Logan, 22, was arrested on Wednesday, police say . He was charged in connection with a shooting that injured 13 . He faces charges of unlawful use of a weapon and obstructing justice .
Article: Skype murder: Ammaz Qureshi, 35, is on trial charged with the killing of a one-year-old in Norway . A British accountant has gone on trial accused of murdering a toddler on Skype from 1,100 miles away. Ammaz Qureshi, 35, is said to have told the baby's mother, 28-year-old Yasmin Chaudhry, to submerge her one-year-old daughter in a bucket of water after the child interrupted their online chat. The pair both went on trial in Oslo charged with premeditated murder and assault. Married accountant Qureshi, of Pinner, north London, was introduced to Chaudhry by her brother in London in February 2010. After she returned to Oslo two months later, they continued their relationship by text and over the Internet. During months of online chats, Qureshi encouraged Chaudhry to abuse her daughter by forcing her to eat chili powder and bind her arms and legs with rope as he watched on Skype, it is alleged. When the infant began crying during one conversation in October 2010, Qureshi is said to have told Chaudhry to hold the baby's head in a bucket of water as 'discipline'. After being held underwater twice, the child lost consciousness and the mother called emergency services, but the girl died in hospital the next day. Oslo District Attorney Cecilie Schlosser Moller told Norway's TV2 before the trial: 'She was subjected to physical violence during disciplining. 'In the end, it went too far and she died. 'By submerging the girl in the bucket, they would have anticipated her death. She was a small, defenceless girl who was subjected to extensive abuse.' Qureshi has been in custody in Oslo for more than a year, following his extradition to Norway. He and Chaudhry both deny murder, but the mother has pleaded guilty to abusing her child. Accusations: District Attorney Cecilie Schløsser Møller says Qureshi 'anticipated' the little girl's death . Control: Qureshi is accused of masterminding months of abuse against the child before her death in October 2010, as he stayed in touch with his mistress via online chats and texts . Qureshi, 35, is said to have told the baby's mother, 28-year-old Yasmin Chaudhry, to submerge her one-year-old daughter in a bucket of water after the child interrupted their Skype chat . She blames Qureshi - who is not the child's father - for the child's death by telling her to submerge her daughter in water. Qureshi's lawyer Vibeke Hein Baera told the court: 'He denies the accusations of premeditated murder and assault. 'My . client is baffled that he is accused of a crime committed in a country . which he - at that point in time - had never set foot in.' The trial at the Oslo District Court continues. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Ammaz Qureshi, 35, is charged with murder in Norway . Accused of telling mistress to dunk her baby in water over Skype . The child had allegedly interrupted their secret online chat by crying . Qureshi is accused of subjecting child to months of abuse .
Article: A Texas man who went on the run in 2007 after being sentenced to 23 years in prison for murdering his girlfriend, has been caught in India. Amit Livingston was found guilty of killing Hermila Hernandez in 2005, but when a judge allowed him time to get his affairs in order before starting his sentence, the killer fled. Livingston, who is now 46, was caught in the Indian city of Hyderabad on Tuesday, and is being held while authorities wait to extradite him. Caught: Amit Livingston, who went on the run after being found guilty of murder in Texas in 2007, has been arrested in India . Victim: Hermila Hernandez was shot in the back of the head in 2005 after she told Livingston she wanted to end their relationship . It is not clear what led authorities to Livingston, who has evaded capture for seven years. He had been found guilty of shooting Ms Hernandez in the back of the head in September 2005, when she told him she wanted to end their relationship, the Cameron County district attorney's office said. After shooting the 31-year-old, who had three children, Livingston dumped her body on a beach at South Padre Island. He disappeared after the judge, Abel Limas, took the . unusual step of allowing Livingston time to get his affairs in order before . reporting to prison. Limas, and the district attorney at the time, . Armando Villalobos, were both later convicted in a bribery conspiracy. Manhunt: Amit Livingston was sentenced to 23 years in prison for murder but fled the U.S. Attacked: The body of mother-of-three Hermila Hernandez was dumped on a beach after the shooting . 'The mishandling of the Livingston case . and flight from justice were the cornerstone and the centerpiece of the . corruption scandal suffered by Cameron County,' District Attorney Luis . Saenz said in a statement. 'With the convictions that followed in . federal court, the citizens of Cameron County were ready to turn the . page and move forward, but something was still missing: the capture of . Amit Livingston.' The scheme that allowed Livingston to escape featured prominently in the federal corruption trial of Villalobos. Villalobos had arranged to have a friend and former law partner represent the interests of Ms Hernandez's three children in a related lawsuit. Closure: Hermila Garcia, pictured holding a photo of her daughter, says the family feel robbed of justice . By agreeing to convict and sentence Livingston on the same day, Limas freed up the $500,000 bond that had been posted for his release before trial. An agreement was reached to use that bond money to settle the lawsuit. The lawyer representing the children took $200,000 of it in fees, passing $80,000 to Villalobos and $10,000 to Limas. At Villalobos' sentencing in February, Hermila Garcia, the victim's mother, told the judge: '[Villalobos] robbed us of justice to sell the murderer his freedom.' Villalobos was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Limas, who pleaded guilty to racketeering, received six years in prison. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Amit Livingston fled after judge gave him time to get affairs in order after convicting him of murder . 46-year-old was handed 23-sentence after shooting Hermila Hernandez . Judge and district attorney involved in his case were later jailed on bribery charges .
Article: By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 07:13 EST, 1 October 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 10:00 EST, 1 October 2013 . Screenwriter Nora Ephron amassed a huge fortune by investing in the stock market, it has emerged . Acclaimed screenwriter Nora Ephron, who penned the 1989 blockbuster When Harry Met Sally, left an estate worth $27 million, almost double the original estimates after playing the stock market, it has emerged. Ephron, who died last year, reaped huge financial rewards after investing in internet and technology giants such as Google, Amazon and Apple. A final accounting of her will, filed in Manhattan Surrogate’s Court last week, revealed she left around $10.2 million in stocks and other investments as well as a property empire worth over $12 million. Ephron, who as well as writing also directed and produced a number of successful films amassed $642,000 in Apple shares, more than $110,000 in Google and around $89,000 in Amazon. Among the properties owned with husband and fellow screenwriter Nicholas Pileggi were a smart Beverly Hills bungalow, a mansion in East Hampton and a Co-op on Manhattan's East 79th Street, the New York Post reports. Ephron had an additional $4 million worth of personal property, including possessions worth $240,000 inside her Manhattan apartment and some $500,000 in cash, mortgages and loans. When her will was originally filed in September last year her wealth had been estimated at around $15 million. At her request more than $100,000 was spent on a lavish funeral service at at Lincoln Center attended by many of the stars who appeared in her films. Scroll down for video . Blockbuster: Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal star in a famous scene from one of Nora Ephron's best loved films - When Harry Met Sally . Tom Hanks, who starred 'Sleepless in Seattle', Meryl Streep, who appeared in 'Heartburn' and 'Julie & Julia', as well as Barbara Walters, Martin Scorsese and Vanity Fair’s Graydon Carter were among those who paid their respects. They were served pink champagne and enjoyed $20,000 in Mediterranean cuisine supplied by Arpeggio catering. Ephron, who died aged 71 from acute myeloid leukemia, began her career as a reporter with the New York Post, before launching a successful career as a screenwriter and novelist. Director: Nora Ephron is seen on the set of the 2000 film Lucky Numbers . She is best known for romantic comedies . including Silkwood, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, . Bewitched and You've got Mail. She divorced her first husband the writer Dan Greenburg after nine years. Her second husband was the famed journalist Carl Bernstein who along with Bob Woodward broke the Watergate scandal. It meant that for a time she was one of only a handful of people who knew the identity of the journalists' key contact Deep Throat. The bulk of her estate, worth around $22 million was left to her husband and fellow screenwriter Pileggi who is best known for writing the screenplay to 'Goodfellas'. Meryl Streep seen (right) in Ephron's 2009 film Julie & Juli and Tom Hanks (left) in her 1993 hit Sleepless in Seattle were among the many stars who attended her $100,000 funeral last year . Her son Jacob, from her marriage to Bernstein, was given a $460,000 Manhattan co-op. Jacob and her other son with Bernstein, Max, also were the beneficiaries, along with her husband, of millions of dollars in trust funds. Ephron also left generous cash bequests totaling almost $1 million to her sisters, nieces, nephews and staff. Summarize the above article in 3 sentences.
Writer and director bought shares in . Google, Amazon and Apple . She requested a $100,000 funeral sevice before her death last year . Bulk of her fortune was left to husband and fellow writer Nicholas Pileggi .