1 class
1 class
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format'], function(ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.EnvType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userRole = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { var form = ui.createForm({ title: ' ', }); // View Closed-Lost MP Tickets // Load jQuery var inlineHtml = '<script src="" integrity="sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlineHtml += '<script src="" integrity="sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;}</style>'; // Load "FixedHeader" Datatable extension inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; //Load gyrocode extension for Datatbles inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="//" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;} </style>'; // Define alert window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" style="margin-top:14px;" hidden><div id="alert" class="alert alert-danger fade in"></div></div>'; // Define information window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" hidden><p id="info" class="alert alert-info"></p></div>'; //inlineHtml += '<div style="background-color: #CFE0CE; min-height: 100vh; margin-top: -15px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<div style="margin-top: -40px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="opennewticket" onclick="">Open New Ticket</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewopentickets" onclick="">View Open MP Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewclosedtickets" onclick="">View Closed Tickets</button>'; // form.addSubmitButton({ // label: 'Open New Ticket' // }); // form.addButton({ // id: 'custpage_view_open_tickets', // label: 'View Open MP Tickets', // functionName: 'viewOpenTickets()' // }); // form.addButton({ // id: 'custpage_view_closed_tickets', // label: 'View Closed Tickets', // functionName: 'viewClosedTickets()' // }); inlineHtml += '<h1 style="font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700; color: #103D39; text-align: center">View Closed-Lost MP Tickets</h1>' inlineHtml += dateCreatedSection(); inlineHtml += tabsSection(); inlineHtml += '</div>'; form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'preview_table' }).updateLayoutType({ layoutType: ui.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEBELOW }).updateBreakType({ breakType: ui.FieldBreakType.STARTROW }).defaultValue = inlineHtml; form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selected_id', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selected ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selector_type', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selector Type' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.clientScriptFileId = 4813455;//SB=4796344 PROD = 4813455 context.response.writePage(form); } else { } } /** * The date input fields for the "Date Created" column filter. * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dateCreatedSection() { var inlineQty = '<div class="form-group container date_filter_section">'; inlineQty += '<div class="row">'; // Date from field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_from">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_from_text">DATE CREATED FROM</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_from" class="form-control date_from" type="date"/>'; inlineQty += '</div></div>'; // Date to field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_to">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_to_text">DATE CREATED TO</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_to" class="form-control date_to" type="date">'; inlineQty += '</div></div></div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * The table that will display the tickets, based on their type. * @param {String} selector * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dataTablePreview(selector) { var inlineQty = '<style>table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' {font-size: 12px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px; }table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin: auto">'; inlineQty += '<table id="tickets-preview-' + selector + '" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed">'; inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; inlineQty += '</tr>'; inlineQty += '</thead>'; inlineQty += '<tbody id="result_tickets_' + selector + '"></tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table>'; inlineQty += '</div>' return inlineQty; } function tabsSection() { var inlineQty = '<div >'; // Tabs headers inlineQty += '<style>.nav > > a, .nav > > a:focus, .nav > > a:hover { background-color: #379E8F; color: #fff }'; inlineQty += '.nav > li > a, .nav > li > a:focus, .nav > li > a:hover { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 2px solid #379E8F; color: #379E8F; }'; inlineQty += '</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 30px"><ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified" style="margin:0%; ">'; // Tabs headers if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; } inlineQty += '</ul></div>'; // Tabs content- BARCODES inlineQty += '<div class="tab-content">'; if (!isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="barcodes">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('barcodes'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } if (isFinanceRole(userRole) || isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="invoices">'; } else { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="invoices">'; } inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } inlineQty += '</div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023)); } /** * Whether the user is from the Data Systems Co-ordinator team, * or an administrator * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isDataAdminRole(userRole){ return ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 3) || (userRole == 1006)); } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
[{"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ", "start": 1089, "end": 1160}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd", "start": 1709, "end": 1780}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu", "start": 1486, "end": 1557}]
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format'], function(ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.EnvType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userRole = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { var form = ui.createForm({ title: ' ', }); // View Closed-Lost MP Tickets // Load jQuery var inlineHtml = '<script src="" integrity="kgfhvu9qnh3mr6eel97y6fq2hezzol8z" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="vqbpgud2ghvjgm1n5hdgjnn5818fzsf2" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlineHtml += '<script src="" integrity="ngw6fo1pu3tjgnp9jnlp7vnwvfqb9yn7" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;}</style>'; // Load "FixedHeader" Datatable extension inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; //Load gyrocode extension for Datatbles inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="//" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;} </style>'; // Define alert window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" style="margin-top:14px;" hidden><div id="alert" class="alert alert-danger fade in"></div></div>'; // Define information window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" hidden><p id="info" class="alert alert-info"></p></div>'; //inlineHtml += '<div style="background-color: #CFE0CE; min-height: 100vh; margin-top: -15px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<div style="margin-top: -40px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="opennewticket" onclick="">Open New Ticket</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewopentickets" onclick="">View Open MP Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewclosedtickets" onclick="">View Closed Tickets</button>'; // form.addSubmitButton({ // label: 'Open New Ticket' // }); // form.addButton({ // id: 'custpage_view_open_tickets', // label: 'View Open MP Tickets', // functionName: 'viewOpenTickets()' // }); // form.addButton({ // id: 'custpage_view_closed_tickets', // label: 'View Closed Tickets', // functionName: 'viewClosedTickets()' // }); inlineHtml += '<h1 style="font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700; color: #103D39; text-align: center">View Closed-Lost MP Tickets</h1>' inlineHtml += dateCreatedSection(); inlineHtml += tabsSection(); inlineHtml += '</div>'; form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'preview_table' }).updateLayoutType({ layoutType: ui.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEBELOW }).updateBreakType({ breakType: ui.FieldBreakType.STARTROW }).defaultValue = inlineHtml; form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selected_id', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selected ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selector_type', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selector Type' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.clientScriptFileId = 4813455;//SB=4796344 PROD = 4813455 context.response.writePage(form); } else { } } /** * The date input fields for the "Date Created" column filter. * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dateCreatedSection() { var inlineQty = '<div class="form-group container date_filter_section">'; inlineQty += '<div class="row">'; // Date from field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_from">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_from_text">DATE CREATED FROM</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_from" class="form-control date_from" type="date"/>'; inlineQty += '</div></div>'; // Date to field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_to">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_to_text">DATE CREATED TO</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_to" class="form-control date_to" type="date">'; inlineQty += '</div></div></div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * The table that will display the tickets, based on their type. * @param {String} selector * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dataTablePreview(selector) { var inlineQty = '<style>table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' {font-size: 12px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px; }table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin: auto">'; inlineQty += '<table id="tickets-preview-' + selector + '" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed">'; inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; inlineQty += '</tr>'; inlineQty += '</thead>'; inlineQty += '<tbody id="result_tickets_' + selector + '"></tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table>'; inlineQty += '</div>' return inlineQty; } function tabsSection() { var inlineQty = '<div >'; // Tabs headers inlineQty += '<style>.nav > > a, .nav > > a:focus, .nav > > a:hover { background-color: #379E8F; color: #fff }'; inlineQty += '.nav > li > a, .nav > li > a:focus, .nav > li > a:hover { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 2px solid #379E8F; color: #379E8F; }'; inlineQty += '</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 30px"><ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified" style="margin:0%; ">'; // Tabs headers if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; } inlineQty += '</ul></div>'; // Tabs content- BARCODES inlineQty += '<div class="tab-content">'; if (!isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="barcodes">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('barcodes'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } if (isFinanceRole(userRole) || isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="invoices">'; } else { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="invoices">'; } inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } inlineQty += '</div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023)); } /** * Whether the user is from the Data Systems Co-ordinator team, * or an administrator * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isDataAdminRole(userRole){ return ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 3) || (userRole == 1006)); } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format'], function(ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.EnvType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userRole = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { var form = ui.createForm({ title: ' ', }); // View Closed-Lost MP Tickets // Load jQuery var inlineHtml = '<script src="" integrity="PI:KEY:kgfhvu9qnh3mr6eel97y6fq2hezzol8zEND_PI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="PI:KEY:vqbpgud2ghvjgm1n5hdgjnn5818fzsf2END_PI" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlineHtml += '<script src="" integrity="PI:KEY:ngw6fo1pu3tjgnp9jnlp7vnwvfqb9yn7END_PI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;}</style>'; // Load "FixedHeader" Datatable extension inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; //Load gyrocode extension for Datatbles inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="//" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;} </style>'; // Define alert window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" style="margin-top:14px;" hidden><div id="alert" class="alert alert-danger fade in"></div></div>'; // Define information window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" hidden><p id="info" class="alert alert-info"></p></div>'; //inlineHtml += '<div style="background-color: #CFE0CE; min-height: 100vh; margin-top: -15px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<div style="margin-top: -40px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="opennewticket" onclick="">Open New Ticket</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewopentickets" onclick="">View Open MP Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewclosedtickets" onclick="">View Closed Tickets</button>'; // form.addSubmitButton({ // label: 'Open New Ticket' // }); // form.addButton({ // id: 'custpage_view_open_tickets', // label: 'View Open MP Tickets', // functionName: 'viewOpenTickets()' // }); // form.addButton({ // id: 'custpage_view_closed_tickets', // label: 'View Closed Tickets', // functionName: 'viewClosedTickets()' // }); inlineHtml += '<h1 style="font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700; color: #103D39; text-align: center">View Closed-Lost MP Tickets</h1>' inlineHtml += dateCreatedSection(); inlineHtml += tabsSection(); inlineHtml += '</div>'; form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'preview_table' }).updateLayoutType({ layoutType: ui.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEBELOW }).updateBreakType({ breakType: ui.FieldBreakType.STARTROW }).defaultValue = inlineHtml; form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selected_id', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selected ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selector_type', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selector Type' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.clientScriptFileId = 4813455;//SB=4796344 PROD = 4813455 context.response.writePage(form); } else { } } /** * The date input fields for the "Date Created" column filter. * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dateCreatedSection() { var inlineQty = '<div class="form-group container date_filter_section">'; inlineQty += '<div class="row">'; // Date from field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_from">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_from_text">DATE CREATED FROM</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_from" class="form-control date_from" type="date"/>'; inlineQty += '</div></div>'; // Date to field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_to">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_to_text">DATE CREATED TO</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_to" class="form-control date_to" type="date">'; inlineQty += '</div></div></div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * The table that will display the tickets, based on their type. * @param {String} selector * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dataTablePreview(selector) { var inlineQty = '<style>table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' {font-size: 12px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px; }table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin: auto">'; inlineQty += '<table id="tickets-preview-' + selector + '" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed">'; inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; inlineQty += '</tr>'; inlineQty += '</thead>'; inlineQty += '<tbody id="result_tickets_' + selector + '"></tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table>'; inlineQty += '</div>' return inlineQty; } function tabsSection() { var inlineQty = '<div >'; // Tabs headers inlineQty += '<style>.nav > > a, .nav > > a:focus, .nav > > a:hover { background-color: #379E8F; color: #fff }'; inlineQty += '.nav > li > a, .nav > li > a:focus, .nav > li > a:hover { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 2px solid #379E8F; color: #379E8F; }'; inlineQty += '</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 30px"><ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified" style="margin:0%; ">'; // Tabs headers if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; } inlineQty += '</ul></div>'; // Tabs content- BARCODES inlineQty += '<div class="tab-content">'; if (!isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="barcodes">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('barcodes'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } if (isFinanceRole(userRole) || isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="invoices">'; } else { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="invoices">'; } inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } inlineQty += '</div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023)); } /** * Whether the user is from the Data Systems Co-ordinator team, * or an administrator * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isDataAdminRole(userRole){ return ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 3) || (userRole == 1006)); } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
/** * @NApiVersion 2.1 */ // This script sends an email with an attachment. require(['N/email', 'N/record', 'N/file'], (email, record, file) => { const senderId = -515; const recipientEmail = ''; let timeStamp = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds(); let recipient = record.create({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, isDynamic: true }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'subsidiary', value: '1' }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'companyname', value: 'Test Company' + timeStamp }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: recipientEmail }); let recipientId =; let fileObj = file.load({ id: 88 }); email.send({ author: senderId, recipients: recipientId, subject: 'Test Sample Email Module', body: 'email body', attachments: [fileObj], relatedRecords: { entityId: recipientId, customRecord: { id: recordId, recordType: recordTypeId } } }); });
[{"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 205, "end": 225}]
/** * @NApiVersion 2.1 */ // This script sends an email with an attachment. require(['N/email', 'N/record', 'N/file'], (email, record, file) => { const senderId = -515; const recipientEmail = ''; let timeStamp = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds(); let recipient = record.create({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, isDynamic: true }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'subsidiary', value: '1' }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'companyname', value: 'Test Company' + timeStamp }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: recipientEmail }); let recipientId =; let fileObj = file.load({ id: 88 }); email.send({ author: senderId, recipients: recipientId, subject: 'Test Sample Email Module', body: 'email body', attachments: [fileObj], relatedRecords: { entityId: recipientId, customRecord: { id: recordId, recordType: recordTypeId } } }); });
/** * @NApiVersion 2.1 */ // This script sends an email with an attachment. require(['N/email', 'N/record', 'N/file'], (email, record, file) => { const senderId = -515; const recipientEmail = 'PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI'; let timeStamp = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds(); let recipient = record.create({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, isDynamic: true }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'subsidiary', value: '1' }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'companyname', value: 'Test Company' + timeStamp }); recipient.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: recipientEmail }); let recipientId =; let fileObj = file.load({ id: 88 }); email.send({ author: senderId, recipients: recipientId, subject: 'Test Sample Email Module', body: 'email body', attachments: [fileObj], relatedRecords: { entityId: recipientId, customRecord: { id: recordId, recordType: recordTypeId } } }); });
/** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType Suitelet * @NModuleScope Public */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Script Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Inventory Balance Utility ID: _inventory_history Description A utility for looking up the ending balance of an item for a specified day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Developer(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tim Dietrich • • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20201105 - Tim Dietrich • Initial version. */ var log, query, serverWidget, historyRows = 100; define( [ 'N/log', 'N/query', 'N/ui/serverWidget' ], main ); function main( logModule, queryModule, serverWidgetModule ) { // Set module references. log = logModule; query= queryModule; serverWidget = serverWidgetModule; return { onRequest: function( context ) { // Create a form. var form = serverWidget.createForm( { title: 'Inventory Balance History', hideNavBar: false } ); // Add a submit button. form.addSubmitButton( { label: 'Get History' } ); // Add an "Item ID" field. var itemField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_itemid', type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Item Name / Number' } ); // Add a "Date" field. var dateField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_date', type: serverWidget.FieldType.DATE, label: 'Show Ending Balance For Date' } ); // Make both fields mandatory. itemField.isMandatory = true; dateField.isMandatory = true; // If the form has been submitted... if ( context.request.method == 'POST' ) { // Set defaults for the item and date field values. itemField.defaultValue = context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid; dateField.defaultValue = context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date; // Process the form. formProcess( context, form ); } // Display the form. context.response.writePage( form ); } } } function formProcess( context, form ) { var theQuery = ''; theQuery += 'SELECT '; theQuery += 'TranDate AS Date, '; theQuery += 'Type, '; theQuery += '\'<a href="/app/accounting/transactions/\' || TransactionID || \'" target="_new">\' || TranID || \'</a>\' AS TransID, '; theQuery += 'AltName, '; theQuery += '( Qty_Balance - Quantity ) AS Beginning_Balance, '; theQuery += 'Quantity, '; theQuery += 'Qty_Balance AS Ending_Balance '; theQuery += 'FROM ( '; theQuery += 'SELECT * FROM ( '; theQuery += 'SELECT '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Transaction AS TransactionID, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.Type, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID AS TransLineID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Rate, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.NetAmount, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Quantity, '; theQuery += 'Entity.AltName, '; theQuery += 'SUM( TransactionLine.Quantity ) '; theQuery += 'OVER ( '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.ID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID '; theQuery += 'RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING '; theQuery += ') Qty_Balance '; theQuery += 'FROM '; theQuery += 'Item '; theQuery += 'INNER JOIN TransactionLine ON '; theQuery += '( TransactionLine.Item = Item.ID ) '; theQuery += 'INNER JOIN Transaction ON '; theQuery += '( Transaction.ID = TransactionLine.Transaction ) '; theQuery += 'LEFT OUTER JOIN Entity ON '; theQuery += '( Entity.ID = Transaction.Entity ) '; theQuery += 'WHERE '; theQuery += '( Item.ItemID = \'' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid + '\' ) '; theQuery += 'AND ( TransactionLine.IsInventoryAffecting = \'T\' ) '; theQuery += 'AND ( Transaction.Voided = \'F\' ) '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.ID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID '; theQuery += ') '; theQuery += 'WHERE '; theQuery += '( TranDate <= TO_DATE( \'' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date + '\', \'MM/DD/YYYY\' ) ) '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'TranDate DESC, TransactionID DESC, TransLineID DESC '; theQuery += ') '; theQuery += 'WHERE ( ROWNUM <= ' + historyRows + ' ) '; try { // Run the query. var queryResults = query.runSuiteQL( { query: theQuery } ); // Get the mapped results. var records = queryResults.asMappedResults(); // If records were returned... if ( records.length > 0 ) { // Create a sublist for the results. var resultsSublist = form.addSublist( { id : 'results_sublist', label : 'Balance History', type : serverWidget.SublistType.LIST } ); // Get the column names. var columnNames = Object.keys( records[0] ); // Loop over the column names... for ( i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++ ) { // Add the column to the sublist as a field. resultsSublist.addField( { id: 'custpage_results_sublist_col_' + i, type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: columnNames[i] } ); } // Add the records to the sublist... for ( r = 0; r < records.length; r++ ) { // Get the record. var record = records[r]; // Loop over the columns... for ( c = 0; c < columnNames.length; c++ ) { // Get the column name. var column = columnNames[c]; // Get the column value. var value = record[column]; // If the column has a value... if ( value != null ) { // Get the value as a string. value = value.toString(); // If the value is too long to be displayed in the sublist... if ( value.length > 300 ) { // Truncate the value. value = value.substring( 0, 297 ) + '...'; } // Add the column value. resultsSublist.setSublistValue( { id : 'custpage_results_sublist_col_' + c, line : r, value : value } ); } } } // Add an inline HTML field so that JavaScript can be injected. var jsField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_js', type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'Javascript' } ); // Add Javascript to make the first row bold, and add a tooltip. jsField.defaultValue = '<script>\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.addEventListener(\'DOMContentLoaded\', function() {'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("results_sublistrow0").style["font-weight"]="bold";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("results_sublistrow0").title="This is the balance as of ' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date + '.";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += '}, false);'; jsField.defaultValue += '</script>'; } else { // Add an "Error" field. var errorField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_error', type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Error' } ); errorField.defaultValue = 'No history found for: ' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid; // Add an inline HTML field so that JavaScript can be injected. var jsField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_js', type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'Javascript' } ); // Add Javascript to make the error field red. jsField.defaultValue = '<script>\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.addEventListener(\'DOMContentLoaded\', function() {'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("custpage_field_error").style.background="red";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("custpage_field_error").style.color="white";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += '}, false);'; jsField.defaultValue += '</script>'; } } catch( e ) { var errorField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_error', type: serverWidget.FieldType.LONGTEXT, label: 'Error' } ); errorField.defaultValue = e.message; } }
[{"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 639, "end": 657}]
/** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType Suitelet * @NModuleScope Public */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Script Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Inventory Balance Utility ID: _inventory_history Description A utility for looking up the ending balance of an item for a specified day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Developer(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tim Dietrich • • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20201105 - Tim Dietrich • Initial version. */ var log, query, serverWidget, historyRows = 100; define( [ 'N/log', 'N/query', 'N/ui/serverWidget' ], main ); function main( logModule, queryModule, serverWidgetModule ) { // Set module references. log = logModule; query= queryModule; serverWidget = serverWidgetModule; return { onRequest: function( context ) { // Create a form. var form = serverWidget.createForm( { title: 'Inventory Balance History', hideNavBar: false } ); // Add a submit button. form.addSubmitButton( { label: 'Get History' } ); // Add an "Item ID" field. var itemField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_itemid', type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Item Name / Number' } ); // Add a "Date" field. var dateField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_date', type: serverWidget.FieldType.DATE, label: 'Show Ending Balance For Date' } ); // Make both fields mandatory. itemField.isMandatory = true; dateField.isMandatory = true; // If the form has been submitted... if ( context.request.method == 'POST' ) { // Set defaults for the item and date field values. itemField.defaultValue = context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid; dateField.defaultValue = context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date; // Process the form. formProcess( context, form ); } // Display the form. context.response.writePage( form ); } } } function formProcess( context, form ) { var theQuery = ''; theQuery += 'SELECT '; theQuery += 'TranDate AS Date, '; theQuery += 'Type, '; theQuery += '\'<a href="/app/accounting/transactions/\' || TransactionID || \'" target="_new">\' || TranID || \'</a>\' AS TransID, '; theQuery += 'AltName, '; theQuery += '( Qty_Balance - Quantity ) AS Beginning_Balance, '; theQuery += 'Quantity, '; theQuery += 'Qty_Balance AS Ending_Balance '; theQuery += 'FROM ( '; theQuery += 'SELECT * FROM ( '; theQuery += 'SELECT '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Transaction AS TransactionID, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.Type, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID AS TransLineID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Rate, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.NetAmount, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Quantity, '; theQuery += 'Entity.AltName, '; theQuery += 'SUM( TransactionLine.Quantity ) '; theQuery += 'OVER ( '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.ID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID '; theQuery += 'RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING '; theQuery += ') Qty_Balance '; theQuery += 'FROM '; theQuery += 'Item '; theQuery += 'INNER JOIN TransactionLine ON '; theQuery += '( TransactionLine.Item = Item.ID ) '; theQuery += 'INNER JOIN Transaction ON '; theQuery += '( Transaction.ID = TransactionLine.Transaction ) '; theQuery += 'LEFT OUTER JOIN Entity ON '; theQuery += '( Entity.ID = Transaction.Entity ) '; theQuery += 'WHERE '; theQuery += '( Item.ItemID = \'' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid + '\' ) '; theQuery += 'AND ( TransactionLine.IsInventoryAffecting = \'T\' ) '; theQuery += 'AND ( Transaction.Voided = \'F\' ) '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.ID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID '; theQuery += ') '; theQuery += 'WHERE '; theQuery += '( TranDate <= TO_DATE( \'' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date + '\', \'MM/DD/YYYY\' ) ) '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'TranDate DESC, TransactionID DESC, TransLineID DESC '; theQuery += ') '; theQuery += 'WHERE ( ROWNUM <= ' + historyRows + ' ) '; try { // Run the query. var queryResults = query.runSuiteQL( { query: theQuery } ); // Get the mapped results. var records = queryResults.asMappedResults(); // If records were returned... if ( records.length > 0 ) { // Create a sublist for the results. var resultsSublist = form.addSublist( { id : 'results_sublist', label : 'Balance History', type : serverWidget.SublistType.LIST } ); // Get the column names. var columnNames = Object.keys( records[0] ); // Loop over the column names... for ( i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++ ) { // Add the column to the sublist as a field. resultsSublist.addField( { id: 'custpage_results_sublist_col_' + i, type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: columnNames[i] } ); } // Add the records to the sublist... for ( r = 0; r < records.length; r++ ) { // Get the record. var record = records[r]; // Loop over the columns... for ( c = 0; c < columnNames.length; c++ ) { // Get the column name. var column = columnNames[c]; // Get the column value. var value = record[column]; // If the column has a value... if ( value != null ) { // Get the value as a string. value = value.toString(); // If the value is too long to be displayed in the sublist... if ( value.length > 300 ) { // Truncate the value. value = value.substring( 0, 297 ) + '...'; } // Add the column value. resultsSublist.setSublistValue( { id : 'custpage_results_sublist_col_' + c, line : r, value : value } ); } } } // Add an inline HTML field so that JavaScript can be injected. var jsField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_js', type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'Javascript' } ); // Add Javascript to make the first row bold, and add a tooltip. jsField.defaultValue = '<script>\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.addEventListener(\'DOMContentLoaded\', function() {'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("results_sublistrow0").style["font-weight"]="bold";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("results_sublistrow0").title="This is the balance as of ' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date + '.";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += '}, false);'; jsField.defaultValue += '</script>'; } else { // Add an "Error" field. var errorField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_error', type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Error' } ); errorField.defaultValue = 'No history found for: ' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid; // Add an inline HTML field so that JavaScript can be injected. var jsField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_js', type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'Javascript' } ); // Add Javascript to make the error field red. jsField.defaultValue = '<script>\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.addEventListener(\'DOMContentLoaded\', function() {'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("custpage_field_error").style.background="red";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("custpage_field_error").style.color="white";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += '}, false);'; jsField.defaultValue += '</script>'; } } catch( e ) { var errorField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_error', type: serverWidget.FieldType.LONGTEXT, label: 'Error' } ); errorField.defaultValue = e.message; } }
/** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType Suitelet * @NModuleScope Public */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Script Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Inventory Balance Utility ID: _inventory_history Description A utility for looking up the ending balance of an item for a specified day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Developer(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tim Dietrich • PI:EMAIL:ychag@example.comEND_PI • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20201105 - Tim Dietrich • Initial version. */ var log, query, serverWidget, historyRows = 100; define( [ 'N/log', 'N/query', 'N/ui/serverWidget' ], main ); function main( logModule, queryModule, serverWidgetModule ) { // Set module references. log = logModule; query= queryModule; serverWidget = serverWidgetModule; return { onRequest: function( context ) { // Create a form. var form = serverWidget.createForm( { title: 'Inventory Balance History', hideNavBar: false } ); // Add a submit button. form.addSubmitButton( { label: 'Get History' } ); // Add an "Item ID" field. var itemField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_itemid', type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Item Name / Number' } ); // Add a "Date" field. var dateField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_date', type: serverWidget.FieldType.DATE, label: 'Show Ending Balance For Date' } ); // Make both fields mandatory. itemField.isMandatory = true; dateField.isMandatory = true; // If the form has been submitted... if ( context.request.method == 'POST' ) { // Set defaults for the item and date field values. itemField.defaultValue = context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid; dateField.defaultValue = context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date; // Process the form. formProcess( context, form ); } // Display the form. context.response.writePage( form ); } } } function formProcess( context, form ) { var theQuery = ''; theQuery += 'SELECT '; theQuery += 'TranDate AS Date, '; theQuery += 'Type, '; theQuery += '\'<a href="/app/accounting/transactions/\' || TransactionID || \'" target="_new">\' || TranID || \'</a>\' AS TransID, '; theQuery += 'AltName, '; theQuery += '( Qty_Balance - Quantity ) AS Beginning_Balance, '; theQuery += 'Quantity, '; theQuery += 'Qty_Balance AS Ending_Balance '; theQuery += 'FROM ( '; theQuery += 'SELECT * FROM ( '; theQuery += 'SELECT '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Transaction AS TransactionID, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.Type, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID AS TransLineID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Rate, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.NetAmount, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.Quantity, '; theQuery += 'Entity.AltName, '; theQuery += 'SUM( TransactionLine.Quantity ) '; theQuery += 'OVER ( '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.ID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID '; theQuery += 'RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING '; theQuery += ') Qty_Balance '; theQuery += 'FROM '; theQuery += 'Item '; theQuery += 'INNER JOIN TransactionLine ON '; theQuery += '( TransactionLine.Item = Item.ID ) '; theQuery += 'INNER JOIN Transaction ON '; theQuery += '( Transaction.ID = TransactionLine.Transaction ) '; theQuery += 'LEFT OUTER JOIN Entity ON '; theQuery += '( Entity.ID = Transaction.Entity ) '; theQuery += 'WHERE '; theQuery += '( Item.ItemID = \'' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid + '\' ) '; theQuery += 'AND ( TransactionLine.IsInventoryAffecting = \'T\' ) '; theQuery += 'AND ( Transaction.Voided = \'F\' ) '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'Transaction.TranDate, '; theQuery += 'Transaction.ID, '; theQuery += 'TransactionLine.ID '; theQuery += ') '; theQuery += 'WHERE '; theQuery += '( TranDate <= TO_DATE( \'' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date + '\', \'MM/DD/YYYY\' ) ) '; theQuery += 'ORDER BY '; theQuery += 'TranDate DESC, TransactionID DESC, TransLineID DESC '; theQuery += ') '; theQuery += 'WHERE ( ROWNUM <= ' + historyRows + ' ) '; try { // Run the query. var queryResults = query.runSuiteQL( { query: theQuery } ); // Get the mapped results. var records = queryResults.asMappedResults(); // If records were returned... if ( records.length > 0 ) { // Create a sublist for the results. var resultsSublist = form.addSublist( { id : 'results_sublist', label : 'Balance History', type : serverWidget.SublistType.LIST } ); // Get the column names. var columnNames = Object.keys( records[0] ); // Loop over the column names... for ( i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++ ) { // Add the column to the sublist as a field. resultsSublist.addField( { id: 'custpage_results_sublist_col_' + i, type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: columnNames[i] } ); } // Add the records to the sublist... for ( r = 0; r < records.length; r++ ) { // Get the record. var record = records[r]; // Loop over the columns... for ( c = 0; c < columnNames.length; c++ ) { // Get the column name. var column = columnNames[c]; // Get the column value. var value = record[column]; // If the column has a value... if ( value != null ) { // Get the value as a string. value = value.toString(); // If the value is too long to be displayed in the sublist... if ( value.length > 300 ) { // Truncate the value. value = value.substring( 0, 297 ) + '...'; } // Add the column value. resultsSublist.setSublistValue( { id : 'custpage_results_sublist_col_' + c, line : r, value : value } ); } } } // Add an inline HTML field so that JavaScript can be injected. var jsField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_js', type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'Javascript' } ); // Add Javascript to make the first row bold, and add a tooltip. jsField.defaultValue = '<script>\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.addEventListener(\'DOMContentLoaded\', function() {'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("results_sublistrow0").style["font-weight"]="bold";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("results_sublistrow0").title="This is the balance as of ' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_date + '.";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += '}, false);'; jsField.defaultValue += '</script>'; } else { // Add an "Error" field. var errorField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_error', type: serverWidget.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Error' } ); errorField.defaultValue = 'No history found for: ' + context.request.parameters.custpage_field_itemid; // Add an inline HTML field so that JavaScript can be injected. var jsField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_js', type: serverWidget.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'Javascript' } ); // Add Javascript to make the error field red. jsField.defaultValue = '<script>\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.addEventListener(\'DOMContentLoaded\', function() {'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("custpage_field_error").style.background="red";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += 'document.getElementById("custpage_field_error").style.color="white";\r\n'; jsField.defaultValue += '}, false);'; jsField.defaultValue += '</script>'; } } catch( e ) { var errorField = form.addField( { id: 'custpage_field_error', type: serverWidget.FieldType.LONGTEXT, label: 'Error' } ); errorField.defaultValue = e.message; } }
/** * @NApiVersion 2.1 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript */ define(['N/https', 'N/record', 'N/search'], /** * @param{https} https * @param{record} record * @param{search} search */ (https, record, search) => { /** * Defines the Scheduled script trigger point. * @param {Object} scriptContext * @param {string} scriptContext.type - Script execution context. Use values from the scriptContext.InvocationType enum. * @since 2015.2 */ const execute = (scriptContext) => { try { // Buscar plantas que tienen SGC Local var locationsArray = search.create({ type: "customrecord_ptg_folio_sgc_local", filters: [], columns: [ search.createColumn({ name: "internalid", sort: search.Sort.ASC, label: "SGC Local ID" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_folio", label: "Folio" }), search.createColumn({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA", label: "Internal ID" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_planta", label: "Planta" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_ip_sgc", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA", label: "PTG - IP SGC" }) ] }); let locationsArrayCount = locationsArray.runPaged().count; let locationsArrayResult =, locationsArrayCount); let clientesActualizados = 0; locationsArrayResult.forEach(location => { let sgc_id = location.getValue({ name: "internalid" }); let location_id = location.getValue({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA" }); let planta = location.getValue({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_planta" }); let ip = location.getValue({ name: "custrecord_ptg_ip_sgc", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA" }); log.audit('Entra en la ubicación', `SGC ID: ${sgc_id} - Location Id: ${location_id} - Nombre Planta: ${planta} - IP: ${ip}`); let itemSearchObj = search.create({ type: search.Type.CUSTOMER, filters: [ ['custentity_ptg_cliente_act_sgc', 'is', 'T'], ], columns: [ "entityid", "altname", "custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_" ] }); let searchResultCount = itemSearchObj.runPaged().count; log.debug("itemSearchObj result count", searchResultCount); let startGeneral = 0; let endGeneral = searchResultCount; let singleresults ={ start: startGeneral, end: endGeneral }); let credentials = { host: ip, // Cambia por el IP de la location user: 'root', password: 'root', db: 'sgc', location: location_id }; // let credentials = { // host: '', // Cambia por el IP de la location // user: 'u570911546_sgc', // password: '7837336aA', // db: 'u570911546_sgc', // location: location_id // }; let data = { credentials, clientes: [], } let url = ``; // let url = ``; singleresults.forEach(cliente => { try { // Find if custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_ exist whitin the location array let plantarelacionada = cliente.getValue({ name: "custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_" }); if (plantarelacionada === location_id) { let clientRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: cliente.getValue({ name: "entityid" }) }); let client = { cuenta: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }), num_ruta: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_ruta_asignada' }), Nombre: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }), Domicilio: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'defaultaddress' }), Colonia: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_colonia_ruta' }), CP: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_codigo_postal' }), Ciudad: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'city' }), RFC: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mx_rfc' }), Telefono: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_telefono_principal' }), Derechos: '0002', Contador: '1', Comentario1: '', Comentario2: '@14', id_precio: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_precio_' }), id_impuesto: '2', GPS: '89 59.9999N 179 59.9999E', Tiempo_inicio: '12:00:00', Tiempo_fin: '11:59:00', CURP: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_numero_contrato' }), Saldo: '0', PrecioComer: '0', num_fact: '1', observacion2: 'Observacion 2', observacion1: 'Observacion 1', observacion3: 'Observacion 3', observacion4: 'Observacion 4', observacion5: 'Observacion 5', observacion6: 'Observacion 6', observacion7: 'Observacion 7', observacion8: 'Observacion 8', observacion9: 'Observacion 9', observacion10: 'Observacion 10', } data.clientes.push(client); } } catch (error) { // log.error({ // title: `Error`, // details: `${error}` // }); } }); let headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json' } log.audit({ title: `Envio de datos`, details: `${JSON.stringify(data)}` }); let response ={ url: url, headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify(data) }); log.debug('response', response.body); // Update clientes with new status let clientes = JSON.parse(response.body).clientes; let status = JSON.parse(response.body).status || false; log.audit({ title: `Clientes:`, details: clientes }) if (status) { clientes.forEach(cliente => { try { let clientRecord = record.load({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, id: }); clientRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_ptg_cliente_act_sgc', value: false });; clientesActualizados++; log.audit({ title: `Cliente:`, details: `${} - ${} Actualizado` }); } catch (error) { log.error({ title: `Error al actualizar cliente:`, details: `${error}` }); } }); } else { log.error({ title: `Error`, details: `${JSON.parse(response.body).message}` }); } }); log.audit({ title: `Proceso finalizado...`, details: `Clientes actualizados: ${clientesActualizados}` }); } catch (error) { log.debug('Error scheduled:', error) } } return { execute } });
[{"tag": "IP_ADDRESS", "value": "", "start": 3698, "end": 3713}]
/** * @NApiVersion 2.1 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript */ define(['N/https', 'N/record', 'N/search'], /** * @param{https} https * @param{record} record * @param{search} search */ (https, record, search) => { /** * Defines the Scheduled script trigger point. * @param {Object} scriptContext * @param {string} scriptContext.type - Script execution context. Use values from the scriptContext.InvocationType enum. * @since 2015.2 */ const execute = (scriptContext) => { try { // Buscar plantas que tienen SGC Local var locationsArray = search.create({ type: "customrecord_ptg_folio_sgc_local", filters: [], columns: [ search.createColumn({ name: "internalid", sort: search.Sort.ASC, label: "SGC Local ID" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_folio", label: "Folio" }), search.createColumn({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA", label: "Internal ID" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_planta", label: "Planta" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_ip_sgc", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA", label: "PTG - IP SGC" }) ] }); let locationsArrayCount = locationsArray.runPaged().count; let locationsArrayResult =, locationsArrayCount); let clientesActualizados = 0; locationsArrayResult.forEach(location => { let sgc_id = location.getValue({ name: "internalid" }); let location_id = location.getValue({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA" }); let planta = location.getValue({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_planta" }); let ip = location.getValue({ name: "custrecord_ptg_ip_sgc", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA" }); log.audit('Entra en la ubicación', `SGC ID: ${sgc_id} - Location Id: ${location_id} - Nombre Planta: ${planta} - IP: ${ip}`); let itemSearchObj = search.create({ type: search.Type.CUSTOMER, filters: [ ['custentity_ptg_cliente_act_sgc', 'is', 'T'], ], columns: [ "entityid", "altname", "custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_" ] }); let searchResultCount = itemSearchObj.runPaged().count; log.debug("itemSearchObj result count", searchResultCount); let startGeneral = 0; let endGeneral = searchResultCount; let singleresults ={ start: startGeneral, end: endGeneral }); let credentials = { host: ip, // Cambia por el IP de la location user: 'root', password: 'root', db: 'sgc', location: location_id }; // let credentials = { // host: '', // Cambia por el IP de la location // user: 'u570911546_sgc', // password: '7837336aA', // db: 'u570911546_sgc', // location: location_id // }; let data = { credentials, clientes: [], } let url = ``; // let url = ``; singleresults.forEach(cliente => { try { // Find if custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_ exist whitin the location array let plantarelacionada = cliente.getValue({ name: "custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_" }); if (plantarelacionada === location_id) { let clientRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: cliente.getValue({ name: "entityid" }) }); let client = { cuenta: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }), num_ruta: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_ruta_asignada' }), Nombre: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }), Domicilio: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'defaultaddress' }), Colonia: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_colonia_ruta' }), CP: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_codigo_postal' }), Ciudad: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'city' }), RFC: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mx_rfc' }), Telefono: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_telefono_principal' }), Derechos: '0002', Contador: '1', Comentario1: '', Comentario2: '@14', id_precio: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_precio_' }), id_impuesto: '2', GPS: '89 59.9999N 179 59.9999E', Tiempo_inicio: '12:00:00', Tiempo_fin: '11:59:00', CURP: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_numero_contrato' }), Saldo: '0', PrecioComer: '0', num_fact: '1', observacion2: 'Observacion 2', observacion1: 'Observacion 1', observacion3: 'Observacion 3', observacion4: 'Observacion 4', observacion5: 'Observacion 5', observacion6: 'Observacion 6', observacion7: 'Observacion 7', observacion8: 'Observacion 8', observacion9: 'Observacion 9', observacion10: 'Observacion 10', } data.clientes.push(client); } } catch (error) { // log.error({ // title: `Error`, // details: `${error}` // }); } }); let headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json' } log.audit({ title: `Envio de datos`, details: `${JSON.stringify(data)}` }); let response ={ url: url, headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify(data) }); log.debug('response', response.body); // Update clientes with new status let clientes = JSON.parse(response.body).clientes; let status = JSON.parse(response.body).status || false; log.audit({ title: `Clientes:`, details: clientes }) if (status) { clientes.forEach(cliente => { try { let clientRecord = record.load({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, id: }); clientRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_ptg_cliente_act_sgc', value: false });; clientesActualizados++; log.audit({ title: `Cliente:`, details: `${} - ${} Actualizado` }); } catch (error) { log.error({ title: `Error al actualizar cliente:`, details: `${error}` }); } }); } else { log.error({ title: `Error`, details: `${JSON.parse(response.body).message}` }); } }); log.audit({ title: `Proceso finalizado...`, details: `Clientes actualizados: ${clientesActualizados}` }); } catch (error) { log.debug('Error scheduled:', error) } } return { execute } });
/** * @NApiVersion 2.1 * @NScriptType ScheduledScript */ define(['N/https', 'N/record', 'N/search'], /** * @param{https} https * @param{record} record * @param{search} search */ (https, record, search) => { /** * Defines the Scheduled script trigger point. * @param {Object} scriptContext * @param {string} scriptContext.type - Script execution context. Use values from the scriptContext.InvocationType enum. * @since 2015.2 */ const execute = (scriptContext) => { try { // Buscar plantas que tienen SGC Local var locationsArray = search.create({ type: "customrecord_ptg_folio_sgc_local", filters: [], columns: [ search.createColumn({ name: "internalid", sort: search.Sort.ASC, label: "SGC Local ID" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_folio", label: "Folio" }), search.createColumn({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA", label: "Internal ID" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_planta", label: "Planta" }), search.createColumn({ name: "custrecord_ptg_ip_sgc", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA", label: "PTG - IP SGC" }) ] }); let locationsArrayCount = locationsArray.runPaged().count; let locationsArrayResult =, locationsArrayCount); let clientesActualizados = 0; locationsArrayResult.forEach(location => { let sgc_id = location.getValue({ name: "internalid" }); let location_id = location.getValue({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA" }); let planta = location.getValue({ name: "custrecord_ptg_sgc_local_planta" }); let ip = location.getValue({ name: "custrecord_ptg_ip_sgc", join: "CUSTRECORD_PTG_SGC_LOCAL_PLANTA" }); log.audit('Entra en la ubicación', `SGC ID: ${sgc_id} - Location Id: ${location_id} - Nombre Planta: ${planta} - IP: ${ip}`); let itemSearchObj = search.create({ type: search.Type.CUSTOMER, filters: [ ['custentity_ptg_cliente_act_sgc', 'is', 'T'], ], columns: [ "entityid", "altname", "custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_" ] }); let searchResultCount = itemSearchObj.runPaged().count; log.debug("itemSearchObj result count", searchResultCount); let startGeneral = 0; let endGeneral = searchResultCount; let singleresults ={ start: startGeneral, end: endGeneral }); let credentials = { host: ip, // Cambia por el IP de la location user: 'root', password: 'root', db: 'sgc', location: location_id }; // let credentials = { // host: 'PI:IP_ADDRESS:', // Cambia por el IP de la location // user: 'u570911546_sgc', // password: '7837336aA', // db: 'u570911546_sgc', // location: location_id // }; let data = { credentials, clientes: [], } let url = ``; // let url = ``; singleresults.forEach(cliente => { try { // Find if custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_ exist whitin the location array let plantarelacionada = cliente.getValue({ name: "custentity_ptg_plantarelacionada_" }); if (plantarelacionada === location_id) { let clientRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: cliente.getValue({ name: "entityid" }) }); let client = { cuenta: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }), num_ruta: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_ruta_asignada' }), Nombre: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }), Domicilio: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'defaultaddress' }), Colonia: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_colonia_ruta' }), CP: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_codigo_postal' }), Ciudad: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'city' }), RFC: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mx_rfc' }), Telefono: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_telefono_principal' }), Derechos: '0002', Contador: '1', Comentario1: '', Comentario2: '@14', id_precio: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_precio_' }), id_impuesto: '2', GPS: '89 59.9999N 179 59.9999E', Tiempo_inicio: '12:00:00', Tiempo_fin: '11:59:00', CURP: clientRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ptg_numero_contrato' }), Saldo: '0', PrecioComer: '0', num_fact: '1', observacion2: 'Observacion 2', observacion1: 'Observacion 1', observacion3: 'Observacion 3', observacion4: 'Observacion 4', observacion5: 'Observacion 5', observacion6: 'Observacion 6', observacion7: 'Observacion 7', observacion8: 'Observacion 8', observacion9: 'Observacion 9', observacion10: 'Observacion 10', } data.clientes.push(client); } } catch (error) { // log.error({ // title: `Error`, // details: `${error}` // }); } }); let headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json' } log.audit({ title: `Envio de datos`, details: `${JSON.stringify(data)}` }); let response ={ url: url, headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify(data) }); log.debug('response', response.body); // Update clientes with new status let clientes = JSON.parse(response.body).clientes; let status = JSON.parse(response.body).status || false; log.audit({ title: `Clientes:`, details: clientes }) if (status) { clientes.forEach(cliente => { try { let clientRecord = record.load({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, id: }); clientRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_ptg_cliente_act_sgc', value: false });; clientesActualizados++; log.audit({ title: `Cliente:`, details: `${} - ${} Actualizado` }); } catch (error) { log.error({ title: `Error al actualizar cliente:`, details: `${error}` }); } }); } else { log.error({ title: `Error`, details: `${JSON.parse(response.body).message}` }); } }); log.audit({ title: `Proceso finalizado...`, details: `Clientes actualizados: ${clientesActualizados}` }); } catch (error) { log.debug('Error scheduled:', error) } } return { execute } });
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType ClientScript * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/error', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/url', 'N/record', 'N/format', 'N/email', 'N/currentRecord', 'N/https'], function (error, runtime, search, url, record, format, email, currentRecord, https) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userRole = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userId = runtime.getCurrentUser().id; /** * On page initialisation */ var currRec = currentRecord.get(); function pageInit() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); //Remove Chrome's incessant "Leave Site" warning window.onbeforeunload = null; //background-colors $("#NS_MENU_ID0-item0").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#NS_MENU_ID0-item0 a").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#body").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#tr_submitter").css("margin-left", "10px"); var ticketsDataSet = []; var invoicesDataSet = []; $(document).ready(function () { console.log('doc ready'); $('#email_body').summernote(); $('#owner, #toll_issues, #mp_issues, #invoice_issues, #enquiry_medium_status, #send_toll').selectpicker(); $('#tickets-preview').DataTable({ data: ticketsDataSet, columns: [{ title: "ID" }, { title: "Date created" }, { title: "Date closed" }, { title: "Barcode Number" }, { title: "Status" }, { title: "TOLL Issues" }, { title: "Resolved TOLL Issues" }, { title: "Comment" }] }); $('#emails-preview').DataTable(); var invoice_table = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable({ data: invoicesDataSet, columns: [{ title: "Invoice Date", type: "date" }, { title: "Invoice #" }, { title: "Status" }, { title: "Invoice Type" }, { title: "Amount Due", type: "num-fmt" }, { title: "Total Amount", type: "num-fmt" }, { title: "Overdue" }, { title: "Invoice ID" }, { title: "Action" }], columnDefs: [{ visible: false, targets: -2, }, { targets: -1, data: null, render: function (data, type, row, meta) { var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); var disabled = (data[7] == selector_id) ? 'disabled' : ''; return '<button class="btn btn-success add_inv glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-inv-id="' + data[7] + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Attach to email" ' + disabled + '></button>'; } }] }); $('#invoices-preview thead tr').addClass('text-center'); // Adapted from // Adds a row to the table head row, and adds search filters to each column. $('#invoices-preview thead tr').clone(true).appendTo('#invoices-preview thead'); $('#invoices-preview thead tr:eq(3) th').each(function (i) { var title = $(this).text(); $(this).html('<input style="width: 80%" type="text" placeholder="Search ' + title + '" />'); $('input', this).on('keyup change', function () { if (invoice_table.column(i).search() !== this.value) { invoice_table .column(i) .search(this.value) .draw(); } }); }); //var invoice_table = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable(); invoice_table.on('click', 'button.add_inv', function () { }); }); console.log('Page init'); if ( == "script=1243&deploy=1" || == "script=976&deploy=1&compid=1048144_SB3" || == "script=1243&deploy=1&compid=1048144_SB3&whence=") { currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: '' }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: "barcode_number" }); } var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); //Toggling show/hide for the tickets associated to customer number if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').show(); } else { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').hide(); } // The inline html of the <table> tag is not correctly displayed inside div.col-xs-12.contacts_div when added with Suitelet. // Hence, the html code is added using jQuery when the page loads. var inline_html_contact_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="contacts" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_name"><b>NAME</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_phone"><b>PHONE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_email"><b>EMAIL</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_role"><b>ROLE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_add_as_recipient"><b>ADD AS RECIPIENT</b></th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>'; $('div.col-xs-12.contacts_div').html(inline_html_contact_table); // Like the contacts table, the html code of the usernote table is added using jQuery when the page loads. var inline_html_usernote_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="user_note" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_title"><b>TITLE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_name"><b>NAME</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_date"><b>DATE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_comment"><b>USER NOTE</b></th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>'; $('div.col-xs-12.user_note_div').html(inline_html_usernote_table); //Credit memo display displayed conditionally if (selector_type == 'invoice_number' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var inline_html_credit_memo_table = htmlCreditMemoTable(status_value); $('div.col-xs-12.credit_memo_div').html(inline_html_credit_memo_table); var inline_html_usage_report_table = htmlUsageReportTable(status_value); $('div.col-xs-12.usage_report_div').html(inline_html_usage_report_table); } // The value of the submitter button at the bottom of the page is directly linked to the value of the button at the top. // var submit_btn_val = $('#submitter').val().toUpperCase(); // $('#submit_ticket').val(submit_btn_val); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { console.log('!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) : ', !isNullorEmpty(selector_number)); // If we updated the contacts, we have the parameter 'custpage_selector_number' and no parameter for 'custpage_ticket_id'. if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) : ', isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)); $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } // If we come from the edit_ticket page, we have the parameters 'custpage_selector_number' and' custpage_ticket_id'. } else { console.log('isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) : ', isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)); createContactsRows(); // If the ticket status is "Open, the acknoledgement template shall be selected. if (status_value != 3) { $('#template option:selected').attr('selected', false); $('#template option[value="66"]').attr('selected', true); // Select the acknoledgement template loadTemplate(); } if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { updateInvoicesDatatable(); createCreditMemoRows(status_value); createUsageReportRows(status_value); createUsernoteRows(ticket_id); } else if (selector_type == 'barcode_number') { selectEnquiryMedium(); selectTollEmails(); selectOwner(); setReminderDate(); hideCloseTicketButton(); updateTicketsDatatable(); } else { //selector_type == 'customer_issue' selectEnquiryMedium(); } } } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); updateButtonsWidth(); $('.input-group-btn button').click(function (e) { $(e.currentTarget).next('ul').toggleClass('hide'); $(e.currentTarget).next('ul').toggleClass('show'); }); $('#screenshot_image').on('change', function () { var file = $('#screenshot_image')[0].files[0]; if (file && (file.type == "image/jpeg" || file.type == "image/png")) { //continue } else { showAlert('Please enter a screenshot image of type .png or .jpeg'); } }); //Change display depending on which selector is chosen $('.dropdown-menu li a').click(function (e) { console.log("in selector dropdown li a"); e.preventDefault(); setupSelectorInput($(this).text()); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', true); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.invoice_method_accounts_cc_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_customer_po_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.terms_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_invoicing_cycle_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); // Add MP Issues options var mp_ticket_issues_columns = new Array(); mp_ticket_issues_columns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name' }); mp_ticket_issues_columns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'internalId' }); var mpTicketIssuesResultSet = search.create({ type: 'customlist_mp_ticket_issues', columns: mp_ticket_issues_columns }); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = ''; mpTicketIssuesResultSet.each(function (mpTicketIssueResult) { var mp_issue_name = mpTicketIssueResult.getValue('name'); var mp_issue_id = mpTicketIssueResult.getValue('internalId'); mp_issues_option_inline_html += '<option value="' + mp_issue_id + '">' + mp_issue_name + '</option >'; return true; }); $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('.toll_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.resolved_toll_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.open_invoices').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.resolved_invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note').addClass('hide'); $('.comment_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); var owner_list = [userId]; console.log(owner_list); $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; case 'invoice_number': if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', false); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', false); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', false); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', false); $('#invoice_method').attr('disabled', false); $('#accounts_cc_email').attr('disabled', false); $('#mpex_po_number').attr('disabled', false); $('#customer_po_number').attr('disabled', false); $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle').attr('disabled', false); } $('.accountscontact_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').addClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_method_accounts_cc_email_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_customer_po_number_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.terms_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_invoicing_cycle_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.open_invoices').removeClass('hide'); // Remove MP Issues options $('#mp_issues option').each(function () { if ($(this).val() != 4) { $(this).remove(); } }); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('.toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.resolved_toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.resolved_invoice_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.user_note').removeClass('hide'); $('.comment_section').addClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').removeClass('hide'); //Set Owner to current user var owner_list = [userId]; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; case 'customer_issue': $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', true); $('.invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_title_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_textarea_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').addClass('hide'); $('.toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').removeClass('hide'); var current_customer_issue = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (current_customer_issue) { case 'Customer App': //App related fields $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').removeClass('hide'); //Set current chosen option to Customer App var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="10" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh') break; case 'Customer Portal': //Portal related fields $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="9" selected> Customer Portal Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#owner').selectpicker('val', [1706027]); break; case 'Update Label': //Label fields $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').removeClass('hide'); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="11" selected> Update Customer Label Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); break; } //Set Owner to Rianne Mansell var owner_list = ['1132504']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; } $(this).closest("ul").toggleClass('hide'); $(this).closest("ul").toggleClass('show'); }); $('#open_inv').click(function () { var invoice_id = $(this).data('inv-id'); var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + invoice_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; console.log("invoice_link", invoice_link);, "_blank", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); }) updateEnquiryMediumAndCount(); $('#reviewcontacts').click(function () { console.log("1234"); addEditContact(); }); $('#invoices_dropdown').change(function () { var invoice_status_filter = $(this, 'option:selected').val(); if (invoice_status_filter == 'open') { var invoice_section_header = 'OPEN INVOICES'; } else if (invoice_status_filter == 'paidInFull') { var invoice_section_header = 'PAID INVOICES'; } $('.open_invoices_header div div h4 span').text(invoice_section_header); updateInvoicesDatatable(); }); $('.add_as_recipient').click(function () { var email_address = $(this).data('email'); console.log(email_address); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { $(this).toggleClass('btn-success'); $(this).toggleClass('btn-danger'); if ($(this).attr('data-original-title') == 'Add as recipient') { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Remove recipient'); } else { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Add as recipient'); } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // Convert "TO" text field to email adresses array console.log($('#send_to')); var send_to_values = $('#send_to').val().split(','); var send_to_array = []; send_to_values.forEach(function (email_address_in_send_to) { email_address_in_send_to = email_address_in_send_to.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address_in_send_to)) { send_to_array.push(email_address_in_send_to); } }); // Add or remove selected email adress from array var firstname = $(this).data('firstname'); var firstname_array = $('#send_to').data('firstname'); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname_array)) { firstname_array = JSON.parse($('#send_to').data('firstname')); } else { firstname_array = []; } var contact_id = $(this).data('contact-id'); var contact_id_array = $('#send_to').data('contact-id'); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id_array = JSON.parse(contact_id_array); } else { contact_id_array = []; } var index_of_email_address = send_to_array.indexOf(email_address); if (index_of_email_address == -1 && $(this).hasClass('btn-danger') && !isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { send_to_array.push(email_address); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname)) { firstname_array.push(firstname); } if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id) || contact_id == 0) { contact_id_array.push(contact_id); } } else if ($(this).hasClass('btn-success')) { send_to_array.splice(index_of_email_address, 1); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname)) { firstname_array.splice(firstname, 1); } if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id)) { contact_id_array.splice(contact_id, 1); } } firstname_array = JSON.stringify(firstname_array); contact_id_array = JSON.stringify(contact_id_array); // Convert array to text field var send_to = ''; send_to_array.forEach(function (email_address) { send_to += email_address + ', '; }); send_to = send_to.slice(0, -2); console.log('send_to : ', send_to); $('#send_to').val(send_to); $('#send_to').data('firstname', firstname_array); $('#send_to').data('contact-id', contact_id_array); } }); $('#credit_memo tbody td[headers="credit_memo_action"] button, #usage_report tbody td[headers="usage_report_action"] button, button#add_inv').on('click', function () { }); $('#acc_manager_button').click(function () { var account_manager_email = $('#acc_manager').data('email'); var send_cc_field = $('#send_cc').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(send_cc_field)) { $('#send_cc').val(account_manager_email); } else { $('#send_cc').val(send_cc_field + ', ' + account_manager_email); } }); $('#template').change(function () { loadTemplate() }); $('#send_email').click(function () { sendEmail() }); $('#toll_issues, #invoice_issues').on('change', function () { hideCloseTicketButton() }); $('#mp_issues').change(function () { selectOwner(); hideCloseTicketButton(); }); $('#cancelbutton').click(function () { onCancel() }); $('#closeticketbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, '') }); $('#closenewticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("in close new"); closeNewTicket() }); $('#closelostbutton').click(function () { closeTicketLost() }); $('#closeunallocatedbutton').click(function () { closeUnallocatedTicket() }); $('#reopenticketbutton').click(function () { reopenTicket() }); $('#updateticketbutton').click(function () { updateAndNew(); }); $('#updatecloseticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("btn clicked"); if (confirm("Are you sure you want to update and close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { console.log('Update & Closed Started'); updateSaveRecord(); updateCloseTicket(); console.log("Update finished"); //updateCloseTicket(); } }); $('#openticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("hi"); //saveRecord(); $('#submitter').trigger('click'); }); $('#opennewticketbutton').click(function () { openAndNew(); }); $('#escalatebutton').click(function () { escalateTicket(ticket_id, selector_number, selector_type); }); $('#escalaterianne').click(function () { console.log("Escalating to rianne"); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); var comments = $('#comment').val(); console.log('comments', comments); if (isNullorEmpty(comments)) { console.log('Enter comment before Escalation', comments); showAlert('Please enter a Comment before escalating to IT'); return false; } if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }))) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it', value: new Date() }); var owner_list = ['1132504']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', parseInt(ticket_id), customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), $('#login_email_text').val(), '', '', [""]); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } else { console.log('didnt work for some reason'); } }); $('#escalateankith').click(function () { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); var escalated_to_it = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }); var first_interaction = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && creator_id == 112209 && !isNullorEmpty(escalated_to_it) && selector_type == "customer_issue" && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('Enter customer number before Escalation'); showAlert('Please enter a Customer Number'); return false; } else if (isNullorEmpty(first_interaction) && interaction_count_by_phone == 0 && interaction_count_by_email == 0) { console.log('Incrememnt interaction count before Escalation'); showAlert('Please Interact with Customer before Escalation'); return false; } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 }); var owner_list = ['409635']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); var subject = 'MPSD' + ticket_id + ' - Customer Issue Ticket Escalated'; var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var login_email = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email' }); sendCustomerTicketEmail(subject, parseInt(ticket_id), customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), $('#login_email_text').val(), '', '', [""]); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + parseInt(ticket_id) + '] - Your IT ticket has been escalated - Customer Portal', [login_email], 120, customer_id); } var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); }); $('#escalateunderdev').click(function () { saveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 17 });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); location.reload(); }); $('#escalateremoveunderdev').click(function () { saveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); location.reload(); }); $('#closeresolvedbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, 15); }); $('#closeunresolvedbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, 16); }); // Prevent the ticket to be submitted on enter. $('input, textarea').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); // Add a newline at the end of the comment textarea when enter is pressed // This will not create the newline where the cursor is in the text $('textarea#comment').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { var comment = $(this).val(); comment += '\n'; $(this).val(comment); return false; } }); //Event listener for customer number input and selector value input $('#customer_number_value, #selector_value').change(function () { checkMandatoryFields(); }); // Auto Format Comment Box for Emails var comment_formatted = false; $('#comment').on('keyup', function (event) { var selection = $(this).val(); if ('From:') != -1 && selection.indexOf(']\n') == -1) { var newstr = selection.replace('To:', '\nTo:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('Sent:', '\nSent:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('Subject:', '\nSubject:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('>', '>\n'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll(']', ']\n'); $(this).val(newstr); console.log('Selection Changed: ' + newstr) } else { comment_formatted = true; return true; } }); } function escalateTicket(ticket_id, selector_number, selector_type) { var answer = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to escalate this ticket?"); if (answer) { //SET FIELDS IN RECORD //some code // REDIRECT TO URL console.log("IN HERE"); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_ticketing_escalate', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_ticketing_escalate', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params; var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: Math.floor(ticket_id), }); var customerstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status' }); var ticketstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); console.log('customerstatus', customerstatus); if (parseInt(customerstatus) < 4) { console.log(customerstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: parseInt(customerstatus) + 1 }); } if (parseInt(ticketstatus) < 11) { console.log(ticketstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 11 }); } else if (parseInt(ticketstatus) < 14) { console.log(ticketstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: parseInt(ticketstatus) + 1 }); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) //Send email to Receiver var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: Math.floor(ticket_id), }) var ticketstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { if (ticketstatus == 11) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 1 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 109, customer_id); } else if (ticketstatus == 12) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 2 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 110, customer_id); } else if (ticketstatus == 13) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 3 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 111, customer_id); } } //Send email to TOLL var toll_issues = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); var mp_issues = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue' }); var body = 'MP Ticket ID: ' + ticket_name + '\n Barcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nToll Issues: ' + toll_issues + '\nMP Issues: ' + mp_issues; // if (ticketstatus == 11) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: [''], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 1- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042} // }); // } else if (ticketstatus == 12) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: [''], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 2- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042}, // }); // } else if (ticketstatus == 13) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: [''], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 3- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042}, // }); // } console.log("upload", upload_url), '_self'); } else { //some code } } /** * Function to sent emails when a customer associated ticket is escalated */ function sendCustomerEscalateEmail(subject, recipients, template, customer_id) { var sales_rep = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().name); var userid = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); var suiteletUrl = url.resolveScript({ scriptId: 'customscript_merge_email', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_merge_email', returnExternalUrl: true }); suiteletUrl += '&rectype=customer&template='; suiteletUrl += template + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + '' + '&contactid=' + null + '&userid=' + userid; console.log(suiteletUrl); var response = https.get({ url: suiteletUrl }); var emailHtml = response.body; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { email.send({ author: 112209, body: emailHtml, recipients: recipients, subject: subject, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }); } else { email.send({ author: 112209, body: emailHtml, recipients: recipients, subject: subject, }); } } function commentsDate() { var today = new Date(); var dd = today.getDate(); var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); if (dd < 10) { dd = '0' + dd; } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm; } today = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy; return today; } function saveRecord(context) { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var selector_issue = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }); //set to T onEscalate var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); console.log('status_value' + status_value) console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue) console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type) console.log('selector_number ' + selector_number) if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number'); return false; } } if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value) && !isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { // Barcode/Inv associated tickets - check that a TOLL Issue or an Invoice Issue has been selected. // Customer number associated ticket - check that a customer number has been entered switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; if (toll_issues_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'); return false; } break; case 'invoice_number': var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'); return false; } break; case 'customer_issue': var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used) && !validateEmail(login_email_used)) { showAlert('User login email format is invalid. Please enter email again <br>'); return false; } break; } } if (role == 1005) { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; var checkTicketOwner = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(checkTicketOwner)) { var checkTicketOwnerRec = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(checkTicketOwner) }); var owners = checkTicketOwnerRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (isNullorEmpty(owners) && owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } } if (selector_issue == 'T') { var to = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); to = $.makeArray(to); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, true) if (!email_sent) { return false; } } var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); console.log("Ticket id = " + ticket_id); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var ticketRecord = record.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_created_ticket', value: 'T' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: false }); } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the ticket record with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); // Save customer number var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val(); console.log('Saving customer number = ' + customer_number); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_number', value: customer_number }); // Save Enquiry status var enquiry_status_val = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_status_val)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_status', value: enquiry_status_val }); } var attachments_hyperlink = $('#attachments').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_hyperlink)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_attachments', value: attachments_hyperlink }); } // Save Ticket Label var label = $('#label_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(label)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_label', value: label }); } //Save Enquiry medium var enquiry_medium = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_medium)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: enquiry_medium }); } var total_enquiry_count = 0; if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val()); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_count', value: total_enquiry_count }); var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_chat_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_chat }); } var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_phone }); } var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_email }); } var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }))) { if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email) || !isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date', value: new Date() }); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_phone }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_email }); } //Check Enquiry is Selected if (isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } else if (total_enquiry_count == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } //Save Medium list saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setTicketStatus(ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setCreator(ticketRecord); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altname', value: selector_number }); var owner_email_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); owner_email_list = $.makeArray(owner_email_list); var zee_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_zee', value: zee_id }); console.log("sending email..." + selector_type); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number', value: selector_id }); // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } break; case 'invoice_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number', value: selector_id }); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { var daytodayemail = $('#daytodayemail').val(); var daytodayphone = $('#daytodayphone').val(); var accountsemail = $('#accountsemail').val(); var accountsphone = $('#accountsphone').val(); var selected_invoice_method_id = $('#invoice_method option:selected').val(); var accounts_cc_email = $('#accounts_cc_email').val(); var mpex_po_number = $('#mpex_po_number').val(); var customer_po_number = $('#customer_po_number').val(); var customer_terms = $('#customers_terms').val(); var selected_invoice_cycle_id = $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle option:selected').val(); var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service', value: daytodayemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'phone', value: daytodayphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: accountsemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altphone', value: accountsphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method', value: selected_invoice_method_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email', value: accounts_cc_email }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po', value: mpex_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11', value: customer_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_finance_terms', value: customer_terms }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle', value: selected_invoice_cycle_id });{}) // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } } break; case 'customer_issue': var screenshot_image = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ss_image' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(screenshot_image)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_screenshot', value: screenshot_image }); } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); } var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_issue_type)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_issue', value: customer_issue_type }); } var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email', value: login_email_used }); } var is_customer_number_email_sent = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number_email_sent' }); console.log("cust iss typ", customer_issue_type); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': console.log("in cust app"); var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(phone_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_used', value: phone_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(browser)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_browser', value: browser }); } var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(os_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_operating_system', value: os_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Update Label': var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_name', value: sender_name }); } var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_phone', value: sender_phone }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; } break; } } ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); //Owner var owner_list = new Array; $('#owner option:selected').each(function () { owner_list.push($(this).val()); }); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { // Send email to new owners. var old_owner_list = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_owner_list)) { var only_new_owner_ids = []; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (new_owner_id) { if (old_owner_list.indexOf(new_owner_id) == -1) { only_new_owner_ids.push(new_owner_id); only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + new_owner_id + '"]').data('email')); } }) } else { var only_new_owner_ids = owner_list; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (owner_id) { only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + owner_id + '"]').data('email')); }) } console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue); console.log('only_new_owner_email_address ' + only_new_owner_email_address); console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type); // If there is an issue, all the owners have already received an email. if (selector_issue == 'F' && (!isNullorEmpty(only_new_owner_email_address))) { console.log('ISSUE'); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, only_new_owner_email_address, false); if (!email_sent) { return false; } } else if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val() sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $('#browser_value').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), '', login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Update Label': var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, only_new_owner_email_address); break; } } } // Save Owner list console.log(owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list }); console.log("oList", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' })); //cxcxc // Save Comment switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; case 'invoice_number': var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment = '' }; var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date; var date_time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var date_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.TIMEOFDAY }); if (!isNullorEmpty(usernote_textarea)) { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment += '\n'; } var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + date_time_now + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; // Save usernote on Customer record var userNote = record.create({ type: 'note', }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: selected_title }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'notedate', value: date_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'time', value: time_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: usernote_textarea }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'entity', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) {{}) } comment += usernote; } break; case 'customer_issue': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; } if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var original_comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); var total_comment = $('#comment').val(); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment2 = new_comment.split("\n").join(''); var date_netsuite = format.format({ value: new Date(), type: format.Type.DATETIME }); console.log("new_comment", new_comment); console.log("new_comment2", new_comment2); var comment_with_date = total_comment; if (!isNullorEmpty(new_comment2)) { comment_with_date = "\n" + original_comment + "\n" + date_netsuite + " - " + new_comment2 + "\n"; } console.log('comment_with_date', comment_with_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment', value: comment_with_date }); } var ticket_id ={ enableSourcing: true, }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_id) && (selector_type == 'barcode_number')) { try { var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: selector_id }); console.log("ticket_id", ticket_id); console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', value: ticket_id }); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues ', value: list_toll_issues }); var rec_email = $('#receiveremail').val(); var rec_name = $('#receivername').val(); var rec_state = $('#receiverstate').val(); var rec_zip = $('#receiverzip').val(); var rec_addr1 = $('#receiveraddr1').val(); var rec_addr2 = $('#receiveraddr2').val(); var rec_city = $('#receiversuburb').val(); var rec_phone = $('#receiverphone').val(); //Check if Rec details are to be updated if (!$("#receiveremail").is(":disabled")) { if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_email)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email', value: rec_email }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_name)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_name', value: rec_name }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_state)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_state', value: rec_state }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_zip)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_postcode', value: rec_zip }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr1)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr1', value: rec_addr1 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr2)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr2', value: rec_addr2 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_city)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_suburb', value: rec_city }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_phone)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_phone', value: rec_phone }); } }{ enableSourcing: true, }); } catch (e) { console.log('Error to load the barcode record with barcode_id : ' + selector_id); } } return true; } /** * Takes action depending on which of the two fields (Customer number or Barcode/Inv number) is filled */ function checkMandatoryFields() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); console.log("checkMandatoryField"); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); var ticket_records = null; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isCustomerNumberValid(customer_number)) { currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number', value: customer_number }); var customer_id = getCustomerID(customer_number); console.log("cid", customer_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case "barcode_number": case "invoice_number": displayCustomerInfo(); break; case "customer_issue": } } ticket_records = searchTicketRecords(customer_number); console.log('Current tickets on customer number ' + customer_number + ': ' + ticket_records); var customer_record = customerLinkedToCustomerNum(customer_number); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_record)) { //Display franchisee details displayFranchiseeInfo(customer_record); } if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_records)) { //If tickets exist with this customer number, display customer number tickets datatable updateCustomerNumTicketsTable(ticket_records); } else { console.log('Removing table'); //Remove tickets datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').hide(); //Show no ticket exists info box $('#info').text('No ticket exists for the customer '); $('#info').parent().show(); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) && isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case "barcode_number": if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } break; case "invoice_number": if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } break; case "customer_issue": break; } } if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number or a barcode/invoice number'); //Remove tickets datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').hide(); //Reload page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } function updateCustomerNumTicketsTable(ticket_records_dataset) { console.log('Inside update customer tickets table'); $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').show(); $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').show(); if (!($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('#customer_number_tickets_preview'))) { //Initialise new datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').DataTable({ data: ticket_records_dataset, select: { style: 'single' }, columns: [{ title: "ID" }, { title: "Customer Number" }, { title: "Name" }, { title: "Barcode Number" }, { title: "Invoice Number" }, { title: "Customer Issue" }, { title: "Owner" }, { title: "Date created" }] }); //Row selection $('#customer_number_tickets_preview tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); } else { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview tr.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var selected_row = $('#customer_number_tickets_preview > tbody > tr.selected'); updateFields(selected_row); } }); } else { //Update datatable rows var datatable = $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').DataTable().clear(); datatable.rows.add(ticket_records_dataset); datatable.draw(); } } function updateFields(selected_row) { //All tickets in here always exist so we can directly redirect to the Edit ticket page console.log('Inside update fields'); var barcode_number = selected_row.children()[3].textContent.trim(); var invoice_number = selected_row.children()[4].textContent.trim(); var customer_issue_type = selected_row.children()[5].textContent.trim(); var ticket_id = selected_row.children()[0].textContent.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) || !isNullorEmpty(invoice_number)) { var selector_type = isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) ? "invoice_number" : "barcode_number"; currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); //Set selector value var selector_number = isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) ? invoice_number : barcode_number; $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); // If a ticket already exists for the barcode number, the user is redirected to the "Edit Ticket" page. if (ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number)) { console.log('ticket linked to barcode') var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } displayCustomerInfo(); } else { var selector_type = "customer_issue"; currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: customer_issue_type }); console.log('In displayCustomerIssueInfo - ' + customer_issue_type); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id.slice(4, 8)), selector_number: customer_issue_type, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Updates the enquiry medium multi-select field and the enquiry count by chat, phone and email fields in the client side */ function updateEnquiryMediumAndCount() { $('.increment_enquiry_count_by_chat, .increment_enquiry_count_by_phone, .increment_enquiry_count_by_email').click(function () { console.log("Clicked increment"); //Get total enquiry count and increment by 1 var total_enquiry_count = $('#total_enquiry_count').val(); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(++total_enquiry_count); if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_chat') !== -1) { console.log("In chat click"); //Get chat enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(++enquiry_count_by_chat); //Select the chat option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_phone') !== -1) { //Get phone enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(++enquiry_count_by_phone); //Select the phone option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_email') !== -1) { //Get email enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(++enquiry_count_by_email); //Select the email option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', true); } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#enquiry_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); $('.decrement_enquiry_count_by_chat, .decrement_enquiry_count_by_phone, .decrement_enquiry_count_by_email').click(function () { var total_enquiry_count = $('#total_enquiry_count').val(); if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_chat') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_chat > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(--enquiry_count_by_chat); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_chat === 0) { //Unselect medium list option $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="3"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_phone') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_phone > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(--enquiry_count_by_phone); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_phone === 0) { $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_email') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_email > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(--enquiry_count_by_email); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_email === 0) { $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', false); } } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#enquiry_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); $('.increment_interaction_count_by_chat, .increment_interaction_count_by_phone, .increment_interaction_count_by_email').click(function () { console.log("Clicked increment"); //Get total interaction count and increment by 1 var total_interaction_count = $('#total_interaction_count').val(); $('#total_interaction_count').val(++total_interaction_count); if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_chat') !== -1) { console.log("In chat click"); //Get chat interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_chat = $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(++interaction_count_by_chat); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_phone') !== -1) { //Get phone interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(++interaction_count_by_phone); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_email') !== -1) { //Get email interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(++interaction_count_by_email); //Select the email option in medium list } }); $('.decrement_interaction_count_by_chat, .decrement_interaction_count_by_phone, .decrement_interaction_count_by_email').click(function () { var total_interaction_count = $('#total_interaction_count').val(); if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_chat') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_chat = $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(); if (interaction_count_by_chat > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(--interaction_count_by_chat); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_phone') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); if (interaction_count_by_phone > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(--interaction_count_by_phone); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } if (interaction_count_by_phone === 0) { $('#interaction_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_email') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (interaction_count_by_email > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(--interaction_count_by_email); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } if (interaction_count_by_email === 0) { $('#interaction_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', false); } } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#interaction_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#interaction_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); } function openAndNew() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_open_new_ticket', value: 'T' }); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } function updateAndNew() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_open_new_ticket', value: 'T' }); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } /** * Function to save the medium list depending on chat, phone and email enquiry values */ function saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord) { var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); if (enquiry_count_by_phone >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("1") === -1) { medium_list.push("1"); } if (enquiry_count_by_email >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("2") === -1) { medium_list.push("2"); } if (enquiry_count_by_chat >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("3") === -1) { medium_list.push("3"); } if (enquiry_count_by_phone === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("1"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } if (enquiry_count_by_email === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("2"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } if (enquiry_count_by_chat === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("3"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: medium_list }); } /** * Triggered when a customer calls for an issue with a barcode that is not his. * Reorganize the shown sections. */ function onEscalate() { console.log("onesc"); var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue', value: 'T' }); //Set status to Escalated // currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value', value: 10) }; $('#submitter').val('Escalate to Owner'); $('#submit_ticket').val('ESCALATE TO OWNER'); // Hide the "Escalate" button $('#tbl_custpage_escalate').closest('td').hide(); $('#tbl_custpage_escalate').closest('td').prev().hide(); $('.open_and_new_ticket_btn').addClass('hide'); $('.escalate').addClass('hide'); updateButtonsWidth(); // Hide the contacts fields and contact details sections $('.daytodaycontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.zee_main_contact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').addClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_contact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.contacts_section').addClass('hide'); $('.reviewcontacts_section').addClass('hide'); // Hide the send email section $('#send_email_container').addClass('hide'); // Show that the Issue Customer Name, the MP Issue and the Comment are mandatory $('.mandatory').removeClass('hide'); // Show the "MP Issues" field and the "Owner" text area $('.mp_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); selectOwner(); // Hide the tickets datatable $('.tickets_datatable_section').addClass('hide'); $('#tickets-preview_wrapper').addClass('hide'); //Hide tickets enquiry section $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.label_section').addClass('hide'); //Hide previous emails section $('.previous_emails_header').addClass('hide'); $('.previous_emails_section').addClass('hide'); //Hide customer ticket related issues $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); if (selector_type == "customer_issue") { var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); if (selector_number == "Customer App") { //Set current chosen option to Customer App var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="10" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } else if (selector_number == "Customer Portal") { //Set current chosen option to Customer Portal var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="9" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } else if (selector_number == "Update Label") { //Set current chosen option to Update Label var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="11" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh') } } /** * If the barcode number validation raises an error, the fields are cleared. * The informations linked to the previous barcode are deleted. */ function clearFields() { $('#customer_name').val(''); // Unselect all TOLL Issues fields $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); $('#comment').val(''); } /** * Called when "Escalate to Owner" is clicked. * Check that in case of an issue with a barcode, the mandatory fields are filled. * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {Boolean} */ function validateIssueFields(selector_type) { var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; var mp_issues_length = $('#mp_issues option:selected').length; var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; var comment = $('#comment').val(); var usernote = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': if (toll_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { alertMessage += 'Please type a comment<br>'; return_value = false; } break; case 'invoice_number': if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (isNullorEmpty(usernote)) { alertMessage += 'Please type a User Note<br>'; return_value = false; } break; } if (return_value == true && mp_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select an MP Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (return_value == false) { showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Send the email with the information regarding the ticket to the email adresses in the array 'to'. * @param {String} selector_type * @param {Array} to * @param {Boolean} is_issue * @returns {Boolean} Whether the email was sent or not. */ function sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, is_issue) { console.log("sek type", selector_type); console.log("to", to); console.log("is_issue", is_issue); // There is an issue with the barcode // The owner should be contacted. if (is_issue) { var validate_issue_fields = validateIssueFields(selector_type); if (!validate_issue_fields) { return false; } } var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); var customer_name = $('#customer_name').val(); var comment = $('#comment').val(); var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date(); var email_subject = 'MP Ticket issue - ' + selector_number; var email_body = ''; email_body += 'Environment : ' + runtime.envType + '\n'; email_body += 'Date & Time : ' + formatDate(date) + '\n'; switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': email_body += 'Barcode Number : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; case 'invoice_number': email_body += 'Invoice Number : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; case 'customer_issue': email_body += 'Customer associated ticket : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; } email_body += 'Customer Name : ' + customer_name + '\n'; switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': email_body += 'TOLL Issues : '; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); break; case 'invoice_number': email_body += 'Invoice Issues : '; $('#invoice_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); break; } email_body += 'MP Issues : '; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment.trim())) { comment += '\n'; } var date = new Date(); var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + dnow + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; comment += usernote; } email_body += 'Comment : ' + comment; var cc = [] //CC email addresses // Now the escalation and information emails are sent from the user addresses. console.log("emailsend"); email.send({ author: 112209, body: email_body, recipients: to, subject: email_subject, cc: cc, }); // 112209 is from MailPlus Team return true; } /** * Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page without saving any changes. */ function onCancel() { console.log("cancel"); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output; } else { var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_closed_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_closed_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output; }, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } /** * Function to return the customer id given a customer number * @param {*} customer_number */ function getCustomerID(customer_number) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); customer_search.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'haskeywords', values: customer_number, })); var result_set ={ start: 0, end: 1000 }); result_set.forEach(function (search_value) { console.log("search va", search_value); }); var customerId = result_set[0].id; console.log(customerId, "custid"); return customerId; } /** * Checks that the given customer number is valid * Returns the customer record if found, else returns null */ function isCustomerNumberValid(customer_number) { if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'is', values: customer_number, }) customer_search.filters.push(new_filter); try { var result_set =; if (result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }) != null && result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }).length > 0) { // Customer found. return true; } else { //Customer does not exist in record showAlert('Enter a valid customer number. Customer ' + customer_number + ' does not exist'); return false; } } catch (error) { //Undefined ID error return false; } } else { showAlert('Enter a customer number'); return false; } } /** * - If the barcode record exists but there is an MP Ticket issue with the record, * the onEscalate function is called. * @return {Boolean} Whether or not all the input has been filled. */ function validateSelectorInput() { console.log('In validateSelectorInput()'); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); console.log(selector_number); console.log(selector_type); var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var keep_selector_number = false; if (isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'invoice_number': alertMessage += 'Please enter the Invoice Number<br>'; break; case 'barcode_number': alertMessage += 'Please enter the Barcode Number<br>'; break; default: alertMessage += 'Please enter a selector number or a customer issue <br>'; } return_value = false; } if ((return_value == true) && (!checkSelectorFormat(selector_number, selector_type))) { switch (selector_type) { case 'invoice_number': alertMessage += 'The Invoice Number format is incorrect<br>'; break; case 'barcode_number': alertMessage += 'The Barcode Number format is incorrect<br>'; break; } return_value = false; } // If a ticket already exists for the barcode number, the user is redirected to the "Edit Ticket" page. if (return_value && ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number)) { console.log('tic ket linked to barcode') var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } if (return_value) { console.log('Escalate to owner cases'); switch (selector_type) { //Escalate to owner cases case 'invoice_number': var activeInvoiceResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); if ((isNullorEmpty(activeInvoiceResults))) { alertMessage += 'No invoice record exists for the invoice number ' + selector_number + '<br>'; keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: '' }); return_value = false; } break; case 'barcode_number': var activeBarcodeResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); console.log("absdhskhd"); if ((isNullorEmpty(activeBarcodeResults))) { console.log("aasnj"); alertMessage += 'No active barcode record exists for the barcode number ' + selector_number + '<br>'; // $('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="2"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1, 2, 3]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: '' }); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } console.log("baasnj"); if ((!zeeLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults))) { alertMessage += 'No franchisee is associated to the barcode ' + selector_number + '<br>'; console.log("casnj"); // $('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1, 3]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } console.log("adasnj"); if ((!customerLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults))) { alertMessage += 'No customer is associated to the barcode ' + selector_number + '<br>'; console.log("easnj"); //$('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } break; } } // if (return_value == false) { // if (!keep_selector_number) { // var last_correct_selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); // $('#selector_value').val(last_correct_selector_number); // } // showAlert(alertMessage); // } else { // $('#alert').parent().hide(); // } if (return_value == false) { console.log('Lastcase'); showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Displays error messages in the alert box on top of the page. * @param {String} message The message to be displayed. */ function showAlert(message) { $('#danger-alert').html('<button type="button" class="close" id="close-alert" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>' + message); $('#danger-alert').parent().show(); $("#danger-alert").fadeTo(3000, 500).slideUp(500, function () { $("#danger-alert").slideUp(500); }); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 800) } /** * Check that if the selector is a barcode number, it starts with 'MPE', * followed by either 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'N' or 'T', * and then finishes by 6 digits. * * If it's an invoice, it should start with 'INV' and then finishes by 6 digits. * @param {String} selector_number * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {Boolean} */ function checkSelectorFormat(selector_number, selector_type) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // var barcodeFormat = /^MPE[BCDFNTG]\d{6}$/; // var connoteFormat = /^MPXL\d{6}$/; // var onlyNumbers = /^\d{20}$/; // if (barcodeFormat.test(selector_number) || connoteFormat.test(selector_number) || onlyNumbers.test(selector_number)) { return true; // } // return false; case 'invoice_number': var invoiceFormat = /^INV\d{6}$/; return invoiceFormat.test(selector_number); } } /** * Searches for an opened ticket linked to this selector number. * The barcode record might not exist, but the ticket associated to the selector number can. * @param {String} selector_number * @returns {Boolean} */ function ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number) { console.log("selector number", selector_number); var activeTicketFilterExpression = [ [["custrecord_barcode_number", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["altname", "is", selector_number]], 'AND', ["custrecord_ticket_status", "noneof", '3'] ]; var activeTicketsResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', filterExpression: activeTicketFilterExpression }); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_ticket_status', operator: search.Operator.NONEOF, values: 3 })); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{altname}' })); if (activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count < 1) { console.log("change filters1"); activeTicketsResults.filters.pop(); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{custrecord_barcode_number.custrecord_connote_number}' })); } if (activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count < 1) { console.log("change filters2"); activeTicketsResults.filters.pop(); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{}' })); } var searchResultCount = activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count; console.log("CNTTTT", searchResultCount); if (isNullorEmpty(activeTicketsResults) || searchResultCount < 1) { console.log("ISNULL") return false; } else { // If an active ticket exists for the barcode number, the ticket_id is saved. // The validate function then redirects the user to its "Edit Ticket" page. var ticket_id = ''; (value) { console.log(value); console.log("id",; ticket_id =; return true; }); //console.log("AR2", activeTicketsRes); console.log("matching ticket_id", ticket_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); return true; } } /** * Searches for the active barcodes records with the name `barcode_number`, * or for the active invoice records with the name `invoice_number`, * There is normally only one such record. * @param {String} selector_number * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {nlobjSearchResult[]} An array of nlobjSearchResult objects corresponding to the searched records. */ function getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var filterExpression = [ [["name", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["custrecord_connote_number", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["custrecord_ext_reference_id", "is", selector_number]], 'AND', ["isinactive", "is", 'F'] ]; var activeBarcodeColumns = new Array(); activeBarcodeColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[2] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[3] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[4] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_date_stock_used', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[5] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_time_stock_used', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[6] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[7] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name', join: null, summary: null }); var activeSelectorResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', filterExpression: filterExpression, columns: activeBarcodeColumns }); var connoteFormat = /^MPXL\d{6}$/; var cpConnoteFormat = /^CPBZL5C\d{7}$/; var sendleFormat = /^SB.*$/; if (connoteFormat.test(selector_number) || cpConnoteFormat.test(selector_number)) { console.log('connote'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_connote_number', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } else if (sendleFormat.test(selector_number)) { console.log('external reference'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_ext_reference_id', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } else { console.log('else'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'name', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'isinactive', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: false, })); break; case 'invoice_number': var filterExpression = [ ["tranid", "is", selector_number] ]; var invoiceColumns = new Array(); invoiceColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: null }); invoiceColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'partner', join: null, summary: null }); var activeSelectorResults = search.create({ type: 'invoice', join: null, filterExpression: filterExpression, columns: invoiceColumns }); break; } console.log("abc"); console.log(activeSelectorResults); if (!isNullorEmpty(activeSelectorResults)) { var selector_id = ''; (search_res) { console.log("ID",; selector_id =; return true; }); console.log('selector_id val', selector_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: selector_id }); } return activeSelectorResults; } /** * Verifies that the barcode record is associated to a customer * @param {nlobjSearchResult[]} activeBarcodeResults Result of getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) * @returns {Boolean} */ function customerLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults) { // var activeBarcodeResult = activeBarcodeResults[0]; // var customer_id = activeBarcodeResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); // if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { // return false; // } else { // return true; // } var customer_id; (search_val) { customer_id = search_val.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer' }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { return true; } else { return false; } }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Verifies that the barcode record is associated to a franchisee * @param {nlobjSearchResult[]} activeBarcodeResults Result of getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) * @returns {Boolean} */ function zeeLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults) { //var activeBarcodeResult = activeBarcodeResults[0]; var zee_id; (search_val) { zee_id = search_val.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee' }); console.log("zee", zee_id); if (isNullorEmpty(zee_id)) { return true; } else { return false; } }); if (isNullorEmpty(zee_id)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Returns the customer record for a given customer number * If record does not exist, returns null * @param {*} customer_number */ function customerLinkedToCustomerNum(customer_number) { if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'haskeywords', values: customer_number, }); customer_search.filters.push(new_filter); try { var result_set =; if (result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }) != null && result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }).length >= 1) { // Customer found. return result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 })[0]; } else { // Customer does not exist in record return null; } } catch (error) { //Undefined ID error return showAlert(error); } } } /** * Displays the informations linked to a selector record. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function displayCustomerInfo() { console.log('In displayCustomerInfo()'); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var activeSelectorResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); var activeSelectorResult; var selector_id = ''; (search_val) { selector_id =; activeSelectorResult = search_val; console.log("selector_id", selector_id); }); console.log("asr", activeSelectorResult); //var selector_id = activeSelectorResult.getId(); console.log('selector_id : ', selector_id); console.log('activeSelectorResult : ', activeSelectorResult); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: selector_id }); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var customer_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); var customer_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); var zee_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prshowAlod_stock_zee'); var zee_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee'); var date_stock_used = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_date_stock_used'); var time_stock_used = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_time_stock_used'); var final_delivery_val = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del'); var final_delivery = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del'); //Show the required fields $('.mpex_stock_used_section').show(); $('.final_delivery_enquiry_status_section').show(); //Update values $('#date_stock_used').val(date_stock_used); $('#time_stock_used').val(time_stock_used); $('#final_delivery').attr('data-val', final_delivery_val); $('#final_delivery').val(final_delivery); break; case 'invoice_number': var customer_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('entity'); var customer_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('entity'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); var zee_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('partner'); var zee_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('partner'); break; } $('#customer_name').val(customer_name); // Load customer record try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); var zee_id = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'partner' }); var daytodayphone = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'phone' }); var daytodayemail = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service' }); var entityid = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }); // Set new customer number value $('#customer_number_value').val(entityid); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number', value: entityid }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { var accountsphone = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altphone' }); var accountsemail = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'email' }); var maap_bank_account_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_maap_bankacctno' }); var maap_parent_bank_account_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_maap_bankacctno_parent' }); var selected_invoice_method_id = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method' }); var accounts_cc_email = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email' }); var mpex_po_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po' }); var customer_po_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11' }); var mpex_invoicing_cycle = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle' }); } // Load Franchisee record var zeeRecord = record.load({ type: 'partner', id: zee_id }); var zee_name = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'companyname' }); var zee_main_contact_name = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity3' }); var zee_email = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'email' }); var zee_main_contact_phone = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity2' }); $('#daytodayphone').val(daytodayphone); $('#daytodayemail').val(daytodayemail); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { $('#accountsphone').val(accountsphone); $('#accountsemail').val(accountsemail); $('#account_number').val(maap_bank_account_number); $('#parent_account_number').val(maap_parent_bank_account_number); // Unselect Invoice all method options fields $('#invoice_method option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); // Select the right invoice method option $('#invoice_method option[value=' + selected_invoice_method_id + ']').prop('selected', true); $('#accounts_cc_email').val(accounts_cc_email); $('#mpex_po_number').val(mpex_po_number); $('#customer_po_number').val(customer_po_number); $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle').val(mpex_invoicing_cycle); } $('#zee_main_contact_name').val(zee_main_contact_name); $('#zee_email').val(zee_email); $('#zee_main_contact_phone').val(zee_main_contact_phone); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id', value: zee_id }); $('#franchisee_name').val(zee_name); // Contacts details createContactsRows(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // TOLL Issues // Unselect all TOLL Issues fields $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); // Select the corresponding TOLL issues var toll_issues = activeSelectorResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(toll_issues)) { toll_issues = toll_issues.split(','); toll_issues.forEach(function (toll_value) { $('#toll_issues option[value=' + toll_value + ']').prop('selected', true); }); } break; case 'invoice_number': // Invoice Issues // If the ticket is not opened yet, there are no Invoice Issues yet. updateInvoicesDatatable(); break; } // Display the tickets linked to the customer in the datatable updateTicketsDatatable(); setReminderDate(); return true; } function searchTicketRecords(customer_number) { var all_ticket_search = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: 'customsearch_ticket_by_custnum' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_cust_number', operator: 'contains', values: customer_number, }) all_ticket_search.filters.push(new_filter); var tickets_result_set ={ start: 0, end: 1000 }); var ticket_records = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(tickets_result_set)) { for (var i = 0; i < tickets_result_set.length; i++) { var ticket_id = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('name'); var cust_number = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('custrecord_cust_number'); var cust_name = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_customer1'); var barcode_num = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_barcode_number'); var invoice_num = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_invoice_number'); var customer_issue = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('custrecord_customer_issue'); var owner = tickets_result_set[i].getText('owner'); var date_created = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('created'); ticket_records.push([ticket_id, cust_number, cust_name, barcode_num, invoice_num, customer_issue, owner, date_created]); } } return ticket_records; } /** * Displays the invoices linked to the customer into a datatable. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function updateInvoicesDatatable() { var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var invoice_status_filter = $('#invoices_dropdown option:selected').val(); console.log("inv filter", invoice_status_filter); var invoicesSearchResults = loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status_filter); $('#result_invoices').empty(); var invoicesDataSet = []; if (isNullorEmpty(invoicesSearchResults)) { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { $('#info').text('No customer is associated to this invoice.'); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } else { try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, id: customer_id, isDynamic: true }); var customer_name = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }); console.log(customer_name); return true; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } } } var today = new Date; invoicesSearchResults.each(function (invoiceResult) { var status = invoiceResult.getValue('statusref'); if (status == invoice_status_filter) { var invoice_date = invoiceResult.getValue('trandate'); invoice_date = invoice_date.split(' ')[0]; invoice_date = dateCreated2DateSelectedFormat(invoice_date); var re = /Invoice #([\w]+)/; var invoice_number = invoiceResult.getValue('invoicenum'); invoice_number = invoice_number.replace(re, '$1'); var invoice_id =; var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + invoice_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; invoice_number = '<a href="' + invoice_link + '">' + invoice_number + '</a>'; var status_text = invoiceResult.getText('statusref'); var invoice_type = invoiceResult.getText('custbody_inv_type'); var amount_due = invoiceResult.getValue('amountremaining'); var total_amount = invoiceResult.getValue('total'); var due_date_string = invoiceResult.getValue('duedate'); var overdue = ''; if (!isNullorEmpty(due_date_string)) { due_date = stringToDate(due_date_string); var days_overdue = Math.ceil((today - due_date) / 86400000); if (days_overdue > 0) { overdue = days_overdue + ' days (' + due_date_string + ')'; } else { overdue = 'Due date : ' + due_date_string; } } amount_due = financial(amount_due); total_amount = financial(total_amount); invoicesDataSet.push([invoice_date, invoice_number, status_text, invoice_type, amount_due, total_amount, overdue, invoice_id]); } return true; }); // Update datatable rows. var datatable = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable(); datatable.clear(); datatable.rows.add(invoicesDataSet); datatable.draw(); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); return true; } /** * Update the headers of the tickets preview datatable, depending on the selector_type. * @param {String} selector_type */ function updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type) { var table = $('#tickets-preview').DataTable(); var header_cells = table.columns([3, 5, 6]).header().to$(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': $.each(header_cells, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: $(this).text('Barcode Number'); break; case 1: $(this).text('TOLL Issues'); break; case 2: $(this).text('Resolved TOLL Issues'); break; default: break; } }); break; case 'invoice_number': $.each(header_cells, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: $(this).text('Invoice Number'); break; case 1: $(this).text('Invoice Issues'); break; case 2: $(this).text('Resolved Invoice Issues'); break; default: break; } }); break; } } /** * Displays the tickets linked to the customer into a datatable. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function updateTicketsDatatable() { var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var ticketSearchResults = loadTicketsSearch(customer_id); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticketSearchResults)) { ticketSearchResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_customer1', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: customer_id, }) ); } //console.log("cnt", searchResultCount); console.log('update tickets datatable'); updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type); $('#result_tickets').empty(); var ticketsDataSet = []; if (isNullorEmpty(ticketSearchResults)) { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { $('#info').text('No customer is associated to this ticket.'); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } else { try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); var customer_name = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }); $('#info').text('No ticket exists for the customer ' + customer_name); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } } } (ticketResult) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var ticket_id = ticketResult.getValue('name'); var date_created = ticketResult.getValue('created'); var date_closed = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_date_closed'); var barcode_number = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_barcode_number'); var status = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_ticket_status'); var toll_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_toll_issues'); toll_issues = toll_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var resolved_toll_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_resolved_toll_issues'); resolved_toll_issues = resolved_toll_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var comment = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_comment'); ticketsDataSet.push([ticket_id, date_created, date_closed, barcode_number, status, toll_issues, resolved_toll_issues, comment]); break; case 'invoice_number': var ticket_id = ticketResult.getValue('name'); var date_created = ticketResult.getValue('created'); var date_closed = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_date_closed'); var re = /Invoice #([\w]+)/; var invoice_number = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_invoice_number'); invoice_number = invoice_number.replace(re, '$1'); var status = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_ticket_status'); var invoice_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_invoice_issues'); invoice_issues = invoice_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var resolved_invoice_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues'); resolved_invoice_issues = resolved_invoice_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var comment = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_comment'); comment = comment.split('\n').join('<br>'); ticketsDataSet.push([ticket_id, date_created, date_closed, invoice_number, status, invoice_issues, resolved_invoice_issues, comment]); break; } return true; }); // Update datatable rows. var datatable = $('#tickets-preview').dataTable().api(); datatable.clear(); datatable.rows.add(ticketsDataSet); datatable.draw(); return true; } /** * Load the result set of the invoices records linked to the customer. * @param {String} customer_id * @param {String} invoice_status * @return {nlobjSearchResultSet} invoicesResultSet */ // function loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status) { // if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { // var invoicesSearch = search.load({ type: 'invoice', id: 'customsearch_mp_ticket_invoices_datatabl' }); // var invoicesFilterExpression = invoicesSearch.filterExpression; // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ['entity', 'is', customer_id]); // if (invoice_status == 'open') { // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", "anyof", "CustInvc:A"]); // Open Invoices // } else if (invoice_status == 'paidInFull') { // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", "anyof", "CustInvc:B"]); // Paid in Full // var today_date = new Date(); // var today_day = today_date.getDate(); // var today_month = today_date.getMonth(); // var today_year = today_date.getFullYear(); // var date_3_months_ago = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month - 3, today_day)); // var date_3_months_ago_string = format.parse({ value: date_3_months_ago, type: format.Type.DATE }); // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["trandate", "after", date_3_months_ago_string]); // } // console.log('invoicesFilterExpression : ', invoicesFilterExpression); // invoicesSearch.filterExpression = invoicesFilterExpression; // invoicesResultSet =; // } // console.log("inv res set", invoicesResultSet) // return invoicesResultSet; // } /** * Load the result set of the invoices records linked to the customer. * @param {String} customer_id * @param {String} invoice_status * @return {nlobjSearchResultSet} invoicesResultSet */ function loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status) { var invoicesResultSet; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var invoicesSearch = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_mp_ticket_invoices_datatabl', type: search.Type.INVOICE }); var invoicesFilterExpression = invoicesSearch.filterExpression; invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND'); invoicesFilterExpression.push(['entity', search.Operator.IS, customer_id]); console.log("inv status", invoice_status); // Open Invoices if (invoice_status == 'open' || isNullorEmpty(invoice_status)) { invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", search.Operator.ANYOF, "CustInvc:A"]); // Open Invoices } else if (invoice_status == 'paidInFull') { invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", search.Operator.ANYOF, "CustInvc:B"]); // Paid in Full var today_date = new Date(); var today_day = today_date.getDate(); var today_month = today_date.getMonth(); var today_year = today_date.getFullYear(); var date_3_months_ago = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month - 3, today_day)); var date_3_months_ago_string = formatDate(date_3_months_ago); invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["trandate", search.Operator.AFTER, date_3_months_ago_string]); } invoicesSearch.filterExpression = invoicesFilterExpression; invoicesResultSet =; var searchResultCount = invoicesSearch.runPaged().count; console.log("cnt", searchResultCount); } return invoicesResultSet; } /** * Load the result set of the tickets records linked to the customer. * WARNING : This method returns only 1000 results. If we want more results, we need to use a saved search * @param {String} customer_id * @return {Array} An array of nlobjSearchResult objects, containing the different ticket records. */ function loadTicketsSearch(customer_id) { var ticketSearchResults = new Array; console.log("custid", customer_id); // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no customer_id. if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var filterExpression = search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_customer1', operator: 'is', values: customer_id, }); var ticketsColumns = new Array(); ticketsColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name' }); ticketsColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'created' }); ticketsColumns[2] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_date_closed' }); ticketsColumns[3] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); ticketsColumns[4] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_invoice_number' }); ticketsColumns[5] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); ticketsColumns[6] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); ticketsColumns[7] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues' }); ticketsColumns[8] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_invoice_issues' }); ticketsColumns[9] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues' }); ticketsColumns[10] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_comment' }); ticketSearchResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', filter: filterExpression, columns: ticketsColumns }); } return ticketSearchResults; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'ADD/EDIT CONTACTS' ('#reviewcontacts') * Open the 'ticket_contact' page with the parameters : * - Customer ID * - Barcode Number * - Script ID : 'customscript_sl_open_ticket' * - Deployment ID : 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket' */ function addEditContact() { var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var params = { custid: parseInt(customer_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, id: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', deploy: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2' }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_ticket_contact', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_ticket_contact', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } else { $('#info').parent().hide(); showAlert('No customer is associated to this ticket.'); } } /** * Loads the result set of all the contacts linked to a Customer. * @returns {nlobjSearchResultSet} contactsResultSet */ function loadContactsList() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var contactsResultSet = []; // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no customer_id. if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var contactsSearch = search.load({ type: 'contact', id: 'customsearch_salesp_contacts' }); var contactsFilterExpression = [ ['company', 'is', customer_id], 'AND', ['isinactive', 'is', 'F'] ]; contactsSearch.filterExpression = contactsFilterExpression; contactsResultSet =; } return contactsResultSet; } /** * Dispalys fields related to customer and frnachisee and hides the remaining. */ function displayFranchiseeInfo(customer_record) { var customer_name = customer_record.getValue('companyname'); var daytodayemail = customer_record.getValue('email'); var daytodayphone = customer_record.getValue('phone'); var zee_name = customer_record.getText('partner'); var zee_email = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'email', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_contact_name = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity3', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_abn = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity_abn_franchiserecord', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_phone = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity2', join: 'partner', summary: null }); //Ticket details section $('.customer_name').val(customer_name); $('#daytodayemail').val(daytodayemail); $('#daytodayphone').val(daytodayphone); $('#franchisee_name').val(zee_name); $('#zee_email').val(zee_email); $('#zee_main_contact_name').val(zee_contact_name); $('#zee_main_contact_phone').val(zee_phone); $('#zee_abn').val(zee_abn); createContactsRows(); } /** * - Populates the Contacts table by adding contacts details at each row. * - If there is a ticket_id (which means we are in edit mode), * adds the contact to the "To" field of the "Send Email" section. */ function createContactsRows() { var contactsResultSet = loadContactsList(); console.log(contactsResultSet); // Used for the Contacts Table. var inline_contacts_table_html = ''; // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no contacts. if (!isNullorEmpty(contactsResultSet)) { contactsResultSet.each(function (contactResult) { var contact_id = contactResult.getValue('internalid'); var salutation = contactResult.getValue('salutation'); var first_name = contactResult.getValue('firstname'); var last_name = contactResult.getValue('lastname'); var contact_name = salutation + ' ' + first_name + ' ' + last_name; var contact_email = contactResult.getValue('email'); var contact_phone = contactResult.getValue('phone'); var contact_role_value = contactResult.getValue('contactrole'); var contact_role_text = contactResult.getText('contactrole'); var add_as_recipient_btn = '<button style="background-color: #379E8F; border-color: #379E8F" class="btn btn-success add_as_recipient glyphicon glyphicon-envelope" type="button" data-email="' + contact_email + '" data-firstname="' + first_name + '" data-contact-id="' + contact_id + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add as recipient"></button>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_name">' + contact_name + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_phone">' + contact_phone + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_email">' + contact_email + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_role">'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<span class="role_value" hidden>' + contact_role_value + '</span>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<span class="role_text">' + contact_role_text + '</span>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_add_as_recipient">' + add_as_recipient_btn + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '</tr>'; return true; }); } $('#contacts tbody').html(inline_contacts_table_html); } /** * Populates the Usernote table by adding the usernotes at each row. */ function createUsernoteRows(ticket_id) { // Used for the UserNote Table. var inline_usernote_table_html = ''; ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var comments = comment.split('\n'); // This regExp matches any content inside brackets, that is not brackets. var re = /\[([^\[\]]+)\]/g; comments.forEach(function (value, index, comments_array) { // Iterate the array from the last element to the first, in order to display the most recent usernote on top. var nb_usernotes = comments_array.length; var usernote = comments_array[nb_usernotes - index - 1]; var usernote_array = usernote.split(' - '); var match_brackets_content_iterator = re[Symbol.matchAll](usernote); // match_brackets_content_array is an array of arrays. // Each of its element contains the matched string (with the brackets), // and the string inside the brackets (which is used for `usernote_title`, `usernote_name` and `usernote_date`. var match_brackets_content_array = Array.from(match_brackets_content_iterator, function (x) { return (x[1]) }); var usernote_title = match_brackets_content_array[0]; var usernote_name = match_brackets_content_array[1]; var usernote_date = match_brackets_content_array[2]; var usernote_text = usernote_array[usernote_array.length - 1]; inline_usernote_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_title">' + usernote_title + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_name">' + usernote_name + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_date">' + usernote_date + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_comment">' + usernote_text + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '</tr>'; }); } $('#user_note tbody').html(inline_usernote_table_html); } /** * Function to select TOLL emails */ function selectTollEmails() { var toll_emails = $('#send_toll option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); toll_emails = $.makeArray(toll_emails); $('toll_emails').selectpicker('val', toll_emails); } /** * Function to select the enquiry medium */ function selectEnquiryMedium() { var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('enquiry_medium_status').selectpicker('val', medium_list); } /** * For barcode tickets currently * Based on the selected MP Issue, an Owner is allocated to the ticket. * IT issues have priority over the other issues. */ function selectOwner() { var owner_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); console.log("owner_list", owner_list) owner_list = $.makeArray(owner_list); var list_mp_ticket_issues = $('#mp_issues option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); list_mp_ticket_issues = $.makeArray(list_mp_ticket_issues); console.log(list_mp_ticket_issues); if (list_mp_ticket_issues.length != 0) { var it_issue = false; var other_issue = '0'; list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (mp_ticket_issue_value) { if (mp_ticket_issue_value < 5) { it_issue = true; } else { other_issue = mp_ticket_issue_value; } }); if (it_issue) { // IT Issue owner_list = owner_list.concat([409635, 696992]); // Select Ankith Ravindran and Raine Giderson. } else if (other_issue != '0') { switch (other_issue) { case '5': // Operational Issue owner_list.push(25537); // Select Michael McDaid. break; case '6': // Finance Issue owner_list.push(280700); // Select Vira Nathania. break; case '7': // Customer Service Issue owner_list.push(386344); // Select Jessica Roberts. break; case '10': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; case '9': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; case '11': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; } } } $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); } /** * Function triggered when the '#template' input field is blurred. * Load the subject of the email and the body of the template. */ function loadTemplate() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var template_id = $('#template option:selected').val(); console.log('template_id : ', template_id); try { var templateRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_camp_comm_template', id: template_id, isDynamic: true }); var template_subject = templateRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_camp_comm_subject' }); console.log("templateRecord", templateRecord); console.log("tempsubj", template_subject); } catch (e) { //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the template with template_id : ' + template_id); } //} } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var sales_rep = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().name); console.log($('#send_to')) var first_name = $('#send_to').data("firstname"); console.log(first_name) var dear = encodeURIComponent(first_name); var contact_id = ''; var contact_id_array = $('#send_to').data('contact-id'); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id_array = JSON.parse(contact_id_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id = contact_id_array[0].toString(); if (contact_id == '0' && !isNullorEmpty(contact_id[1])) { contact_id = ''; } } } console.log('contact_id : ', contact_id); var userid = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); // var url = ''; // if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { // var url = ''; // } // url += template_id + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + dear + '&contactid=' + contact_id + '&userid=' + userid; var suiteletUrl = url.resolveScript({ scriptId: 'customscript_merge_email', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_merge_email', returnExternalUrl: true }); console.log('suiteletUrl', suiteletUrl); suiteletUrl += '&rectype=customer&template='; //var template_id = 94; // var newLeadEmailTemplateRecord = record.load({ // type: 'customrecord_camp_comm_template', // id: template_id, // isDynamic: true // }); //var templateSubject = template_subject; var emailAttach = new Object(); emailAttach['entity'] = customer_id; // suiteletUrl += template_id + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + dear + '&contactid=' + null + '&userid=' + userid; // var headerObj = { // name: 'Accept-Language', // value: 'en-us' // }; console.log('suiteletUrl', suiteletUrl); // var response = https.get({ // url: suiteletUrl, // }); // var emailHtml = response.body; var response = https.get({ url: suiteletUrl }); console.log("response", response); // console.log("URL", url); // suiteletUrl = http.request({ // method: http.Method.GET, // url: url, // }) // // urlCall = http.get({ // // url: url, // // }); // console.log(urlCall); var emailHtml = response.body; $('#email_body').summernote('code', emailHtml); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var subject = 'MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - ' + template_subject + ' - ' + selector_number; $('#subject').val(subject); } /** * Check that the fields "To", "Template" and "Subject" are non-empty. * @returns {Boolean} */ function validateEmailFields() { var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var send_to_val = $('#send_to').val(); var send_toll_val = $('#send_toll').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(send_to_val) && isNullorEmpty(send_toll_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please select a recipient.<br>'; } var template_val = $('#template option:selected').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(template_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please select a template.<br>'; } else { var subject_val = $('#subject').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(subject_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please enter a subject.<br>'; } } if (return_value == false) { showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Function to sent emails when a customer associated ticket is opened */ function sendCustomerTicketEmail(subject, ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, browser, os, login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, send_to) { console.log("in email fn ", send_to); if (isNullorEmpty(browser)) { browser = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(os)) { os = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { login_email_used = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { sender_name = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { sender_phone = " - " }; var url = ""; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { var url = ""; } var contactEmail = [""]; var custparam_params = new Object(); custparam_params['ticket_id'] = parseInt(ticket_id); custparam_params['selector_number'] = selector_number; custparam_params['selector_type'] = selector_type; var ticket_url = url + "&custparam_params=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(custparam_params)); if (isNullorEmpty(subject)) { subject = 'MPSD' + ticket_id + ' - New Customer Ticket Opened'; } var body = '' + selector_number + ' Ticket Details <br>'; body += 'Customer number : ' + customer_number + ' <br>'; body += 'Login email used : ' + login_email_used + ' <br>'; switch (selector_number) { case 'Customer App': body += 'Browser : ' + browser + ' <br>'; body += 'Operating system : ' + os + ' <br>'; break; case 'Customer Portal': body += 'Browser : ' + browser + ' <br>'; break; case 'Update Label': body += 'Sender name : ' + sender_name + ' <br>'; body += 'Sender phone : ' + sender_phone + ' <br>'; break; } body += '<a href="' + ticket_url + '"> Open ticket page </a><br>'; body += 'Next reminder time: ' + getNextReminderTime() + ' <br>'; var file = $('#screenshot_image')[0]; if (file && (typeof file.files[0] != 'undefined')) { file = file.files[0]; if ((file.type == "image/jpeg" || file.type == "image/png") && ( { var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function (e) { body += '<img src=" ' + + '">'; console.log("email send", send_to); if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { email.send({ author: userId, body: body, recipients: send_to, subject: subject, cc: contactEmail, }); } } fr.readAsDataURL(file); } } else { if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { console.log("email send", send_to); email.send({ author: userId, body: body, recipients: send_to, subject: subject, cc: contactEmail, }) } } console.log("EMAIL WORKED"); } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'SEND EMAIL' ('#send_email') * Send the selected email to the selected contact, and reloads the page. */ function sendEmail() { if (validateEmailFields()) { // Send Email // Convert "TO" text field to email adresses array var send_to_values = $('#send_to').val().split(','); var send_to = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to_values)) { send_to_values.forEach(function (email_address) { email_address = email_address.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { send_to.push(email_address); } }); } console.log("send_to", send_to); var send_toll_values = $('#send_toll').val(); var send_toll_to = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(send_toll_values)) { for (var i = 0; i < send_toll_values.length; i++) { send_toll_to.push($('#send_toll option:selected').val(send_toll_values)[i].text); } } // CC Field var cc_values = $('#send_cc').val().split(','); var cc = []; cc_values.forEach(function (email_address) { cc.push(email_address.trim()); return true; }); if (isNullorEmpty(cc)) { cc = null; } console.log("cc", cc); // BCC Field var bcc_values = $('#send_bcc').val().split(','); var bcc = []; bcc_values.forEach(function (email_address) { bcc.push(email_address.trim()); return true; }); if (isNullorEmpty(bcc)) { bcc = null; } console.log("bcc", bcc); var email_subject = $('#subject').val(); var email_body = $('#email_body').summernote('code'); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var params_email = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email' }); params_email = JSON.parse(params_email); params_email.recipient = send_to; params_email.subject = email_subject; params_email.body = encodeURIComponent(email_body); = cc; params_email.bcc = bcc; params_email.records = { entityId: customer_id }; var attachments_credit_memo_ids = params_email.attachments_credit_memo_ids; var attachments_usage_report_ids = params_email.attachments_usage_report_ids; var attachments_invoice_ids = params_email.attachments_invoice_ids; params_email = JSON.stringify(params_email); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_credit_memo_ids) || !isNullorEmpty(attachments_usage_report_ids) || !isNullorEmpty(attachments_invoice_ids)) { // Send email using the response part of this suitelet script. currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email', value: params_email }); setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } else { send_to = send_to.concat(send_toll_to); console.log("Final send " + send_to); // If there are no attachments, it's faster to directly use nlapiSendEmail() from the client script. // console.log("email send", recipients); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id) && !isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { email.send({ author: userId, body: email_body, recipients: send_to, subject: email_subject, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id }, bcc: bcc, cc: cc, }) } else { email.send({ author: userId, body: email_body, recipients: send_to, subject: email_subject, bcc: bcc, cc: cc, }) } // 112209 is from MailPlus Team var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id); // Reload the page var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } else { return false; } } /** * Set record status to 'In Progress'. * @param {Number} ticket_id */ function setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id) { try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var status_value = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var invoice_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number' }); if (isNullorEmpty(status_value) || status_value == 1) { //Ticket is open var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); if (isFinanceRoleOnly(userRole) && !isNullorEmpty(invoice_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 6 }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) && selector_number == "Customer App") { console.log('Setting ticket status to In progress - IT'); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 4 }); //In progress - Developers } else { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: true });{ enableSourcing: true, }) } } catch (e) { console.log("e", e); //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to Set record status to In Progress with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } //} } } /** * - Triggered by any changes on the TOLL Issues, Invoice Issues or MP Ticket Issues fields. * - Display the button 'CLOSE TICKET' only when there are no selected issues. * - Display the button 'CLOSE UNALLOCATED TICKET' only if the user is Ankith Ravindran or Raine Giderson * and if the issues 'No allocated customer' or 'No allocated franchisee' are selected. */ function hideCloseTicketButton() { // Check that there are no selected issues. var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; var mp_issues_length = $('#mp_issues option:selected').length; // Show the 'Close Ticket' Button switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': if ((toll_issues_length == 0) && (mp_issues_length == 0)) { $('.close_ticket').removeClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_ticket').addClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').addClass('hide'); } break; case 'invoice_number': if ((invoice_issues_length == 0) && (mp_issues_length == 0)) { $('.close_ticket').removeClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_ticket').addClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').addClass('hide'); } break; } // Show the 'Close Unallocated' button. var mp_issues_selected = $('#mp_issues option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); mp_issues_selected = $.makeArray(mp_issues_selected); // '1' is the MP Issue 'No Allocated Customer' // '3' is the MP Issue 'No Allocated Franchisee' var is_no_allocated_mp_issue = (mp_issues_selected.indexOf('1') != -1 || mp_issues_selected.indexOf('3') != -1); // '409635' is the user ID of Ankith Ravindran // '696992' is the user ID of Raine Giderson // '766498' is the user ID of Raphaël Chalicarne var is_user_ankith_or_raine = (userId == '409635' || userId == '696992' || userId == '766498'); var can_show_close_unallocated_button = (is_no_allocated_mp_issue && is_user_ankith_or_raine); if (can_show_close_unallocated_button) { $('.close_unallocated_ticket').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_unallocated_ticket').addClass('hide'); } updateButtonsWidth(); } function updateSaveRecord() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var selector_issue = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }); //set to T onEscalate var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); console.log('status_value' + status_value) console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue) console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type) console.log('selector_number ' + selector_number) if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number'); return false; } } // if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value) && !isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { // // Barcode/Inv associated tickets - check that a TOLL Issue or an Invoice Issue has been selected. // // Customer number associated ticket - check that a customer number has been entered // switch (selector_type) { // case 'barcode_number': // var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; // if (toll_issues_length == 0) { // showAlert('Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'); // return false; // } // break; // case 'invoice_number': // var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; // if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { // showAlert('Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'); // return false; // } // break; // case 'customer_issue': // var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); // if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used) && !validateEmail(login_email_used)) { // showAlert('User login email format is invalid. Please enter email again <br>'); // return false; // } // break; // } // } if (role == 1005) { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; var checkTicketOwner = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(checkTicketOwner)) { var checkTicketOwnerRec = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(checkTicketOwner) }); var owners = checkTicketOwnerRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (isNullorEmpty(owners) && owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } } if (selector_issue == 'T') { var to = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); to = $.makeArray(to); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, true) if (!email_sent) { return false; } } var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); console.log("Ticket id = " + ticket_id); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var ticketRecord = record.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_created_ticket', value: 'T' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: false }); console.log("DOES FALSE WORK", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent' })) } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the ticket record with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); // Save customer number var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val(); console.log('Saving customer number = ' + customer_number); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_number', value: customer_number }); // Save Enquiry status var enquiry_status_val = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_status_val)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_status', value: enquiry_status_val }); } var attachments_hyperlink = $('#attachments').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_hyperlink)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_attachments', value: attachments_hyperlink }); } // Save Ticket Label var label = $('#label_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(label)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_label', value: label }); } //Save Enquiry medium var enquiry_medium = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_medium)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: enquiry_medium }); } var total_enquiry_count = 0; if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val()); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_count', value: total_enquiry_count }); var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_chat_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_chat }); } var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_phone }); } var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_email }); } var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }))) { if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email) || !isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date', value: new Date() }); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_phone }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_email }); } //Check Enquiry is Selected if (isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } else if (total_enquiry_count == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } //Save Medium list saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setTicketStatus(ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setCreator(ticketRecord); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altname', value: selector_number }); var owner_email_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); owner_email_list = $.makeArray(owner_email_list); var zee_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_zee', value: zee_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number', value: selector_id }); // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); console.log(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); console.log("rem date", reminder_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } break; case 'invoice_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number', value: selector_id }); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { var daytodayemail = $('#daytodayemail').val(); var daytodayphone = $('#daytodayphone').val(); var accountsemail = $('#accountsemail').val(); var accountsphone = $('#accountsphone').val(); var selected_invoice_method_id = $('#invoice_method option:selected').val(); var accounts_cc_email = $('#accounts_cc_email').val(); var mpex_po_number = $('#mpex_po_number').val(); var customer_po_number = $('#customer_po_number').val(); var customer_terms = $('#customers_terms').val(); var selected_invoice_cycle_id = $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle option:selected').val(); var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service', value: daytodayemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'phone', value: daytodayphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: accountsemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altphone', value: accountsphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method', value: selected_invoice_method_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email', value: accounts_cc_email }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po', value: mpex_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11', value: customer_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_finance_terms', value: customer_terms }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle', value: selected_invoice_cycle_id });{}) // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } } break; case 'customer_issue': var screenshot_image = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ss_image' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(screenshot_image)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_screenshot', value: screenshot_image }); } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); } var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_issue_type)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_issue', value: customer_issue_type }); } var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email', value: login_email_used }); } var is_customer_number_email_sent = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number_email_sent' }); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(phone_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_used', value: phone_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(browser)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_browser', value: browser }); } var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(os_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_operating_system', value: os_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Update Label': var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_name', value: sender_name }); } var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_phone', value: sender_phone }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; } break; } } ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); //Owner var owner_list = new Array; $('#owner option:selected').each(function () { owner_list.push($(this).val()); }); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { // Send email to new owners. var old_owner_list = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_owner_list)) { var only_new_owner_ids = []; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (new_owner_id) { if (old_owner_list.indexOf(new_owner_id) == -1) { only_new_owner_ids.push(new_owner_id); only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + new_owner_id + '"]').data('email')); } }) } else { var only_new_owner_ids = owner_list; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (owner_id) { only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + owner_id + '"]').data('email')); }) } // If there is an issue, all the owners have already received an email. if (selector_issue == 'F' && (!isNullorEmpty(only_new_owner_email_address))) { var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, only_new_owner_email_address, false); if (!email_sent) { return false; } } else if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val() sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $('#browser_value').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), '', login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Update Label': var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, only_new_owner_email_address); break; } } } // Save Owner list console.log(owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list }); console.log("oList", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' })); //cxcxc // Save Comment switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; case 'invoice_number': var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment = '' }; var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date; var date_time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var date_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.TIMEOFDAY }); if (!isNullorEmpty(usernote_textarea)) { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment += '\n'; } var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + date_time_now + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; // Save usernote on Customer record var userNote = record.create({ type: 'note', }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: selected_title }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'notedate', value: date_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'time', value: time_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: usernote_textarea }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'entity', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) {{}) } comment += usernote; } break; case 'customer_issue': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; } if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var original_comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); var total_comment = $('#comment').val(); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment2 = new_comment.split("\n").join(''); var date_netsuite = format.format({ value: new Date(), type: format.Type.DATETIME }); console.log("new_comment", new_comment); console.log("new_comment2", new_comment2); var comment_with_date = total_comment; if (!isNullorEmpty(new_comment2)) { comment_with_date = "\n" + original_comment + "\n" + date_netsuite + " - " + new_comment2 + "\n"; } console.log('comment_with_date', comment_with_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment', value: comment_with_date }); } var ticket_id ={ enableSourcing: true, }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_id) && (selector_type == 'barcode_number')) { try { var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: selector_id }); console.log("ticket_id", ticket_id); console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', value: ticket_id }); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues ', value: list_toll_issues }); var rec_email = $('#receiveremail').val(); var rec_name = $('#receivername').val(); var rec_state = $('#receiverstate').val(); var rec_zip = $('#receiverzip').val(); var rec_addr1 = $('#receiveraddr1').val(); var rec_addr2 = $('#receiveraddr2').val(); var rec_city = $('#receiversuburb').val(); var rec_phone = $('#receiverphone').val(); //Check if Rec details are to be updated if (!$("#receiveremail").is(":disabled")) { if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_email)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email', value: rec_email }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_name)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_name', value: rec_name }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_state)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_state', value: rec_state }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_zip)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_postcode', value: rec_zip }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr1)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr1', value: rec_addr1 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr2)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr2', value: rec_addr2 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_city)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_suburb', value: rec_city }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_phone)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_phone', value: rec_phone }); } }{ enableSourcing: true, }); } catch (e) { //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { // if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the barcode record with barcode_id : ' + selector_id); // } //} } } return true; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'UPDATE CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function updateCloseTicket() { console.log('In update&close function'); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); console.log('All values have been set part1'); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); console.log('All values have been set part2'); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); } console.log('Email sent');{ enableSourcing: true, }) console.log('Redirecting to edit tickets page'); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } function closeTicket(selector_type, status_num) { if (selector_type == "customer_issue") { closeCustIssueTicket(selector_type, status_num); } else { closeBarcodeTicket() } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function closeBarcodeTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); updateSaveRecord(); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer // if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { // sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); // } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } function closeCustIssueTicket(selector_type, status_num) { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { var ticket_id = parseInt(currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' })); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var login_email = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); var escalated_to_it = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }); if (isNullorEmpty(login_email)) { console.log('No LOGIN EMAIL'); showAlert('Please enter a valid Login Email'); return false; } if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && creator_id == 112209 && !isNullorEmpty(escalated_to_it) && selector_type == "customer_issue" && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('CUSTOMER NUMBER MISSING'); showAlert('Please enter a Customer Number'); return false; } updateSaveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); if (isNullorEmpty(status_num)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 15 }); sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - Your IT ticket has been resolved - Customer Portal', [login_email], 121, customer_id); } else { if (status_num == 15) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - Your IT ticket has been resolved - Customer Portal', [login_email], 121, customer_id); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: status_num }); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' });{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function closeNewTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket and open a new ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) // Redirect to the Open New Ticket" page // var output = url.resolveScript({ // deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', // scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', // }) var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET - LOST ITEM' ('#close_ticket_lost') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed - Lost Item". */ function closeTicketLost() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket and set it as Closed-Lost?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 9 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord);{ enableSourcing: true, }); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Lost In Transit - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 113, customer_id); } var product_order = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_prod_stock_prod_order' }); var invoice = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_prod_stock_invoice' }); var userNoteId = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'recordid' }); console.log("Invoice", invoice); console.log("product order", product_order); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: barcodeName, selector_type: 'barcode_number' }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var ticket_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params; //CREDIT MEMO SECTION if (!isNullorEmpty(invoice) && isNullorEmpty(product_order)) { //Error- Send Email to Ankith body = "There's an error with the barcode as only the Invoice field is filled and the Product Order field is not (within the barcode record). Please see below barcode details\n\nMP Ticket: " + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['', ''], subject: "Test Error MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id }, }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(invoice) && !isNullorEmpty(product_order)) { //SEND EMAIL TO FIONA + POPIE --> change to raine after mat leave body = 'MP Ticket: ' + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nInvoice: ' + invoice + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['', '', ''], subject: "MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }) } else { //SEND EMAIL TO FIONA console.log("in here"); body = 'MP Ticket: ' + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['', ''], subject: "MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }) } // Create User Note under Barcode Record var userNote = record.create({ type: record.Type.NOTE, isDynamic: true, }); // Record Type i.e Cust Product Stock userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'recordtype', value: 1014 }); // Record ID userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'record', value: parseInt(userNoteId) }); //Title userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: 'Barcode Status- LIT' }); //Memo userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: 'Barcode ' + barcodeName + ' has been set to status Lost in Transit' });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE UNALLOCATED TICKET' ('#close_unallocated_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed - Unallocated". */ function closeUnallocatedTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 8 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord);{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Set the status of the ticket based on the MP ticket Values. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function setTicketStatus(ticketRecord) { var current_status = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var list_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_mp_ticket_issues.push($(this).val()); }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 1 }); if (currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }) == 'T') { //Set status to escalated //console.log("Changing status to escalated"); //ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 }); } else if (isNullorEmpty(current_status)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); } else if (list_mp_ticket_issues.length != 0) { var it_issue = false; var other_issue = '0'; list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (mp_ticket_issue_value) { if (mp_ticket_issue_value < 5) { it_issue = true; } else { other_issue = mp_ticket_issue_value; } }); if (it_issue) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 4 }); } else if (other_issue != '0') { switch (other_issue) { case '5': // Operational Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 5 }); break; case '6': // Finance Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 6 }); break; case '7': // Customer Service Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); break; } } } else { // If there are no more MP Ticket issues, if (current_status >= 4) { var email_sent = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent' }); console.log(email_sent); if (email_sent) { //If an email has ever been sent to the customer, the status is updated to 'In progress - Customer service' ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); } else { // If no email has ever been sent to the customer, the status is updated to 'Open' ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); } } } return ticketRecord; } /** * Set the creator of the ticket if there is none. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function setCreator(ticketRecord) { var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); if (isNullorEmpty(creator_id)) { var user_id = parseInt(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator', value: user_id }); } return ticketRecord; } /** * If we work with a barcode ticket, the TOLL Issues and MP Ticket Issues are added to the record. * If we work with an invoice ticket, the Invoice Issues are added to the record. * If issues have been deleted from any of these fields, they are saved in the resolved fields. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function updateIssues(ticketRecord) { var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // Save TOLL Issues var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved TOLL Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var old_list_toll_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_toll_issues)) { if (typeof (old_list_toll_issues) == "string") { old_list_toll_issues = [old_list_toll_issues]; } var list_resolved_toll_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_toll_issues)) { list_resolved_toll_issues = new Array; } else if (typeof (list_resolved_toll_issues) == "string") { list_resolved_toll_issues = [list_resolved_toll_issues]; } old_list_toll_issues.forEach(function (old_toll_issue) { // If a TOLL issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_toll_issues.indexOf(old_toll_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_toll_issues.push(old_toll_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues', value: list_resolved_toll_issues }); } } console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues', value: list_toll_issues }); break; case 'invoice_number': // Save Invoice Issues var list_invoice_issues = new Array; $('#invoice_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_invoice_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved INVOICE Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var old_list_invoice_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_invoice_issues)) { if (typeof (old_list_invoice_issues) == "string") { old_list_invoice_issues = [old_list_invoice_issues]; } var list_resolved_invoice_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_invoice_issues)) { list_resolved_invoice_issues = new Array; } else if (typeof (list_resolved_invoice_issues) == "string") { list_resolved_invoice_issues = [list_resolved_invoice_issues]; } old_list_invoice_issues.forEach(function (old_invoice_issue) { // If an invoice issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_invoice_issues.indexOf(old_invoice_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_invoice_issues.push(old_invoice_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues', value: list_resolved_invoice_issues }); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_issues', value: list_invoice_issues }); break; } // Save MP Ticket Issues var list_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_mp_ticket_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved MP Ticket Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) && selector_type != "customer_issue") { var old_list_mp_ticket_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_mp_ticket_issues)) { old_list_mp_ticket_issues = Array.from(old_list_mp_ticket_issues); var list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_mp_ticket_issue' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues)) { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; } else { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = Array.from(list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues); } old_list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (old_mp_ticket_issue) { // If a MP Ticket issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_mp_ticket_issues.indexOf(old_mp_ticket_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues.push(old_mp_ticket_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_mp_ticket_issue', value: list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues }); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue', value: list_mp_ticket_issues }); return ticketRecord; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'REOPEN TICKET' ('#reopen_ticket') * Set the ticket record as active. * Deletes the date of closure, * Set the status as "Open". */ function reopenTicket() { console.log("in reopen"); console.log("customer number"); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: null }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 1 }); // Save Reminder date setReminderDate(); var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); console.log("rem3", reminder_date); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } // Set new Creator and new Owner ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator', value: userId }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: [userId] });{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Reload the page var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, customer_number: customer_number, }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); console.log("in reopen"); } /** * Lookup for the Credit Memo associated to an invoice. * @returns {nlobjSearchResult[]} creditMemoResults */ function searchCreditMemo() { var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); var creditMemoResults = search.create({ type: 'creditmemo', filter: [ search.createFilter({ name: 'mainline', operator: 'is', values: 'T', }), search.createFilter({ name: 'createdfrom', operator: 'is', values: selector_id, }) ], columns: [ search.createColumn({ name: 'tranid', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'trandate', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'entity', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'createdfrom', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'internalid', summary: 'group' }) ] }); return; } else { return null; } } /** * searchCreditMemo() searches for Credit Memos linked to the current invoice. * If there are results, they are displayed in the table '#credit_memo'. * Otherwise, the section containing the table is hidden. * @param {Number} status_value */ function createCreditMemoRows(status_value) { var inline_credit_memo_table_html = ''; var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; console.log("sv", status_value); var creditMemoResults = searchCreditMemo(); if (!isNullorEmpty(creditMemoResults)) { $('.credit_memo').removeClass('hide'); creditMemoResults.each(function (creditMemoResult) { console.log("CMR", creditMemoResult); var credit_memo_number = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'tranid', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_date = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'trandate', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_name = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_id = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_link = baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + credit_memo_customer_id; var credit_memo_created_from_id = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'createdfrom', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_created_from = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'createdfrom', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + credit_memo_created_from_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; var credit_memo_id = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'internalid', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + credit_memo_id + '&whence='; var credit_memo_url = baseURL + '/app/accounting/print/' + credit_memo_id + '&label=Credit+Memo&printtype=transaction'; var credit_memo_action_button = '<button class="btn btn-success add_cm glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-cm-id="' + credit_memo_id + '" data-cm-url="' + credit_memo_url + '" title="Attach to email"></button>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_number"><a href="' + credit_memo_link + '">' + credit_memo_number + '</a></td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_date">' + credit_memo_date + '</td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_customer"><a href="' + credit_memo_customer_link + '">' + credit_memo_customer_name + '</td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_invoice_number"><a href="' + invoice_link + '">' + credit_memo_created_from + '</td>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_action">' + credit_memo_action_button + '</td>'; } inline_credit_memo_table_html += '</tr>'; }); } else { $('.credit_memo').addClass('hide'); } $('#credit_memo tbody').html(inline_credit_memo_table_html); // Each time the table is redrawn, we trigger tooltip for the new cells. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } /** * In the suitelet script, if the ticket record concerns an invoice, * the associated usage reports id are saved. * The files are loaded and their filenames and url are saved into the array of objects 'usage_report_array'. * This array is parsed and if the ids are not null, a row is added to the '#usage_report' table. * Otherwise, the section containing the table is hidden. * @param {Number} status_value */ function createUsageReportRows(status_value) { var inline_usage_report_table_html = ''; var usage_report_array = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_usage_report_array' }); usage_report_array = JSON.parse(usage_report_array); console.log('usage_report_array : ', usage_report_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(usage_report_array)) { usage_report_array.forEach(function (usage_report_obj) { var usage_report_id =; if (!isNullorEmpty(usage_report_id)) { var usage_report_filename =; var usage_report_link = usage_report_obj.url; var usage_report_action_button = '<button class="btn btn-success add_ur glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-ur-id="' + usage_report_id + '" title="Attach to email"></button>'; inline_usage_report_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_usage_report_table_html += '<td headers="usage_report_filename"><a href="' + usage_report_link + '">' + usage_report_filename + '</a></td>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_usage_report_table_html += '<td headers="usage_report_action">' + usage_report_action_button + '</td>'; } inline_usage_report_table_html += '</tr>'; } }); } else { $('.usage_report').addClass('hide'); } $('#usage_report tbody').html(inline_usage_report_table_html); // Each time the table is redrawn, we trigger tooltip for the new cells. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } /** * Depending on the number of buttons at the end of the page, their width and offset should change. * If there are 2 buttons, they have a width of 4 cols and an offset of 2 cols. * If there are 3 buttons, they have a width of 4 cols. * If there are 4 buttons, they have a width of 3 cols. */ function updateButtonsWidth() { var nb_buttons = $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div:not(.hide)').length; $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-offset-2'); switch (nb_buttons) { case 2: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-3'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div:not(.hide)').eq(0).addClass('col-xs-offset-2'); break; case 3: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-3'); break; case 4: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-3'); break; } } /** * Converts the selector field into either "Invoice number"/"Barcode number"/ "Customer App" * @param {String} selector_name */ function setupSelectorInput(selector_name) { $('#selector_text').text(selector_name); switch (selector_name) { case 'INVOICE NUMBER': $('#selector_value').attr('placeholder', 'INV123456'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('value'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('disabled'); break; case 'BARCODE NUMBER': $('#selector_value').attr('placeholder', 'MPEN123456'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('value'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('disabled'); break; case 'CUSTOMER APP': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Customer App'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; case 'CUSTOMER PORTAL': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Customer Portal'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; case 'UPDATE LABEL': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Update Label'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; // case 'UPDATE CUSTOMER DETAILS': // $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); // $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Update Customer Details'); // $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // break; } } /** * Format a date object to the string 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm [am/pm]' * @param {Date} date * @returns {String} date_string */ function formatDate(testDate) { console.log('testDate: ' + testDate); var responseDate = format.format({ value: testDate, type: format.Type.DATE }); console.log('responseDate: ' + responseDate); return responseDate; } /** * Converts the date string in the "invoice_date" table to the format of "date_selected". * @param {String} invoice_date ex: '4/6/2020' * @returns {String} date ex: '2020-06-04' */ function dateCreated2DateSelectedFormat(invoice_date) { // date_created = '4/6/2020' var date_array = invoice_date.split('/'); // date_array = ["4", "6", "2020"] var year = date_array[2]; var month = date_array[1]; if (month < 10) { month = '0' + month; } var day = date_array[0]; if (day < 10) { day = '0' + day; } return year + '-' + month + '-' + day; } /** * Calculates the reminder date based on the current date and the selector_type. */ function setReminderDate() { var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) || !isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var today = new Date(); var today_day_in_month = today.getDate(); var today_day_in_week = today.getDay(); var today_month = today.getMonth(); var today_year = today.getFullYear(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var addNbDays = 1; if (today_day_in_week == 5) { addNbDays += 2; } break; case 'invoice_number': var addNbDays = 3; if (today_day_in_week == 3 || today_day_in_week == 4 || today_day_in_week == 5) { addNbDays += 2; } break; } var reminder_date = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month, today_day_in_month + addNbDays)); reminder_date = reminder_date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var ticket_reminder_date = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder' }); var reminder_date = ''; if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_reminder_date)) { ticket_reminder_date = format.parse({ value: ticket_reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var reminder_date_day_in_month = ticket_reminder_date.getDate(); var reminder_date_month = ticket_reminder_date.getMonth(); var reminder_date_year = ticket_reminder_date.getFullYear(); reminder_date = new Date(Date.UTC(reminder_date_year, reminder_date_month, reminder_date_day_in_month)); reminder_date = reminder_date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; } } $('#reminder').val(reminder_date); } /** * Creates the inline HTML of the Credit Memo table, * with a button for the attachments if the ticket is not closed. * @param {Number} status_value * @returns {String} inline_html_credit_memo_table */ function htmlCreditMemoTable(status_value) { var inline_html_credit_memo_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="credit_memo" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<tr>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_number">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CREDIT #</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_date">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>DATE</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_customer">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CUSTOMER</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_invoice_number">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CREATED FROM</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_action">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>ATTACH TO EMAIL</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; } inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</tr>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</thead>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<tbody></tbody>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</table>'; return inline_html_credit_memo_table; } function htmlUsageReportTable(status_value) { var inline_html_usage_report_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="usage_report" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<tr>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usage_report_filename">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<b>FILE NAME</b>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</th>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_html_usage_report_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usage_report_action">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<b>ATTACH TO EMAIL</b>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</th>'; } inline_html_usage_report_table += '</tr>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</thead>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<tbody></tbody>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</table>'; return inline_html_usage_report_table; } /** * This function is triggered when a button is clicked to attach a file. * It stores the file id in the right array of the object 'params_email'. */ function attachFileButton() { $(this).toggleClass('btn-success'); $(this).toggleClass('btn-danger'); if ($(this).attr('id') == 'add_inv') { $(this).find('span.glyphicon').toggleClass('glyphicon-minus'); $(this).find('span.glyphicon').toggleClass('glyphicon-plus'); } else { $(this).toggleClass('glyphicon-minus'); $(this).toggleClass('glyphicon-plus'); } // Tooltip seems to set the 'title' attribute to 'data-original-title'. // The only way to have tooltip take into account the change of title is to modifiy the attribute 'data-original-title'. // Using the jQuery method 'data()' doesn't work. if ($(this).attr('data-original-title') == 'Attach to email') { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Remove from email'); } else { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Attach to email'); } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); var attachment_id = ''; var attachment_ids_array_name = ''; if ($(this).hasClass('add_ur')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('ur-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_usage_report_ids'; } else if ($(this).hasClass('add_cm')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('cm-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_credit_memo_ids'; } else if ($(this).hasClass('add_inv')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('inv-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_invoice_ids'; } addIdToAttachmentList(attachment_ids_array_name, attachment_id); } /** * Adds or remove the id of a record to be attached (or removed) to the email that will be sent in the function sendEmail(); * @param {String} attachment_ids_array_name * @param {Number} id */ function addIdToAttachmentList(attachment_ids_array_name, id) { var params_email = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email' }); params_email = JSON.parse(params_email); var attachment_ids_array = params_email[attachment_ids_array_name]; var index_of_id_elem = attachment_ids_array.indexOf(id); if (index_of_id_elem == -1) { attachment_ids_array.push(id); } else { attachment_ids_array.splice(index_of_id_elem, 1); } params_email[attachment_ids_array_name] = attachment_ids_array; params_email = JSON.stringify(params_email); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email', value: params_email }); } /** * @param {Number} x * @returns {String} The same number, formatted in Australian dollars. */ function financial(x) { if (typeof (x) === 'string') { x = parseFloat(x); } if (isNullorEmpty(x)) { return "$0.00"; } else { return x.toLocaleString('en-AU', { style: 'currency', currency: 'AUD' }); } } /** * Returns whether a ticket is closed or not based on its status value. * @param {Number} status_value * @returns {Boolean} is_ticket_closed */ function isTicketNotClosed(status_value) { var is_ticket_not_closed = ((status_value != 3) && (status_value != 8)) ? true : false; return is_ticket_not_closed; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023) || ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 1006) || (userRole == 3))); } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRoleOnly(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles return (userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023); } function validateEmail(email) { var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase()); } function getBase64(file) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function () { resolve(reader.result) } reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } /** * Function to get the next email reminder time. * Adds +2 hours to the current date. */ function getNextReminderTime() { var today = new Date(); //Adding 19 hours to PST will give Australia/ Sydney timezone today.setHours(today.getHours() + 19); var currentHours = today.getHours(); log.debug({ title: 'currentHours + 2', details: currentHours + 2 }); if (currentHours + 2 > 16) { //Current hours + 2 hours is past 5. next reminder will be sent the next day at 9 am today.setDate(today.getDate() + 1); today.setHours(9); today.setMinutes(0); today.setSeconds(0); } else if (currentHours + 2 < 9) { //Current hours + 2 hours is before 9 am. Edge case but this is unlikely to happen since script does not run outside 9-5 today.setHours(9); today.setMinutes(0); today.setSeconds(0); } else { // Set next reminder time to today + 2 hours today.setHours(today.getHours() + 2); } return today; } function stringToDate(val) { return format.parse({ value: val, type: format.Type.DATE }) } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { pageInit: pageInit, saveRecord: saveRecord, closeTicket: closeTicket, closeTicketLost: closeTicketLost, closeUnallocatedTicket: closeUnallocatedTicket, onEscalate: onEscalate, onCancel: onCancel }; } );
[{"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 34709, "end": 34739}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 37692, "end": 37724}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 45911, "end": 45938}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 46347, "end": 46374}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 46784, "end": 46811}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 182103, "end": 182135}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 242222, "end": 242249}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 242253, "end": 242285}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 242970, "end": 242997}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 243001, "end": 243031}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 243035, "end": 243062}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 243645, "end": 243672}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 243676, "end": 243706}]
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType ClientScript * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/error', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/url', 'N/record', 'N/format', 'N/email', 'N/currentRecord', 'N/https'], function (error, runtime, search, url, record, format, email, currentRecord, https) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userRole = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userId = runtime.getCurrentUser().id; /** * On page initialisation */ var currRec = currentRecord.get(); function pageInit() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); //Remove Chrome's incessant "Leave Site" warning window.onbeforeunload = null; //background-colors $("#NS_MENU_ID0-item0").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#NS_MENU_ID0-item0 a").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#body").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#tr_submitter").css("margin-left", "10px"); var ticketsDataSet = []; var invoicesDataSet = []; $(document).ready(function () { console.log('doc ready'); $('#email_body').summernote(); $('#owner, #toll_issues, #mp_issues, #invoice_issues, #enquiry_medium_status, #send_toll').selectpicker(); $('#tickets-preview').DataTable({ data: ticketsDataSet, columns: [{ title: "ID" }, { title: "Date created" }, { title: "Date closed" }, { title: "Barcode Number" }, { title: "Status" }, { title: "TOLL Issues" }, { title: "Resolved TOLL Issues" }, { title: "Comment" }] }); $('#emails-preview').DataTable(); var invoice_table = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable({ data: invoicesDataSet, columns: [{ title: "Invoice Date", type: "date" }, { title: "Invoice #" }, { title: "Status" }, { title: "Invoice Type" }, { title: "Amount Due", type: "num-fmt" }, { title: "Total Amount", type: "num-fmt" }, { title: "Overdue" }, { title: "Invoice ID" }, { title: "Action" }], columnDefs: [{ visible: false, targets: -2, }, { targets: -1, data: null, render: function (data, type, row, meta) { var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); var disabled = (data[7] == selector_id) ? 'disabled' : ''; return '<button class="btn btn-success add_inv glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-inv-id="' + data[7] + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Attach to email" ' + disabled + '></button>'; } }] }); $('#invoices-preview thead tr').addClass('text-center'); // Adapted from // Adds a row to the table head row, and adds search filters to each column. $('#invoices-preview thead tr').clone(true).appendTo('#invoices-preview thead'); $('#invoices-preview thead tr:eq(3) th').each(function (i) { var title = $(this).text(); $(this).html('<input style="width: 80%" type="text" placeholder="Search ' + title + '" />'); $('input', this).on('keyup change', function () { if (invoice_table.column(i).search() !== this.value) { invoice_table .column(i) .search(this.value) .draw(); } }); }); //var invoice_table = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable(); invoice_table.on('click', 'button.add_inv', function () { }); }); console.log('Page init'); if ( == "script=1243&deploy=1" || == "script=976&deploy=1&compid=1048144_SB3" || == "script=1243&deploy=1&compid=1048144_SB3&whence=") { currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: '' }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: "barcode_number" }); } var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); //Toggling show/hide for the tickets associated to customer number if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').show(); } else { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').hide(); } // The inline html of the <table> tag is not correctly displayed inside div.col-xs-12.contacts_div when added with Suitelet. // Hence, the html code is added using jQuery when the page loads. var inline_html_contact_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="contacts" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_name"><b>NAME</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_phone"><b>PHONE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_email"><b>EMAIL</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_role"><b>ROLE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_add_as_recipient"><b>ADD AS RECIPIENT</b></th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>'; $('div.col-xs-12.contacts_div').html(inline_html_contact_table); // Like the contacts table, the html code of the usernote table is added using jQuery when the page loads. var inline_html_usernote_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="user_note" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_title"><b>TITLE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_name"><b>NAME</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_date"><b>DATE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_comment"><b>USER NOTE</b></th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>'; $('div.col-xs-12.user_note_div').html(inline_html_usernote_table); //Credit memo display displayed conditionally if (selector_type == 'invoice_number' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var inline_html_credit_memo_table = htmlCreditMemoTable(status_value); $('div.col-xs-12.credit_memo_div').html(inline_html_credit_memo_table); var inline_html_usage_report_table = htmlUsageReportTable(status_value); $('div.col-xs-12.usage_report_div').html(inline_html_usage_report_table); } // The value of the submitter button at the bottom of the page is directly linked to the value of the button at the top. // var submit_btn_val = $('#submitter').val().toUpperCase(); // $('#submit_ticket').val(submit_btn_val); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { console.log('!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) : ', !isNullorEmpty(selector_number)); // If we updated the contacts, we have the parameter 'custpage_selector_number' and no parameter for 'custpage_ticket_id'. if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) : ', isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)); $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } // If we come from the edit_ticket page, we have the parameters 'custpage_selector_number' and' custpage_ticket_id'. } else { console.log('isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) : ', isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)); createContactsRows(); // If the ticket status is "Open, the acknoledgement template shall be selected. if (status_value != 3) { $('#template option:selected').attr('selected', false); $('#template option[value="66"]').attr('selected', true); // Select the acknoledgement template loadTemplate(); } if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { updateInvoicesDatatable(); createCreditMemoRows(status_value); createUsageReportRows(status_value); createUsernoteRows(ticket_id); } else if (selector_type == 'barcode_number') { selectEnquiryMedium(); selectTollEmails(); selectOwner(); setReminderDate(); hideCloseTicketButton(); updateTicketsDatatable(); } else { //selector_type == 'customer_issue' selectEnquiryMedium(); } } } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); updateButtonsWidth(); $('.input-group-btn button').click(function (e) { $(e.currentTarget).next('ul').toggleClass('hide'); $(e.currentTarget).next('ul').toggleClass('show'); }); $('#screenshot_image').on('change', function () { var file = $('#screenshot_image')[0].files[0]; if (file && (file.type == "image/jpeg" || file.type == "image/png")) { //continue } else { showAlert('Please enter a screenshot image of type .png or .jpeg'); } }); //Change display depending on which selector is chosen $('.dropdown-menu li a').click(function (e) { console.log("in selector dropdown li a"); e.preventDefault(); setupSelectorInput($(this).text()); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', true); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.invoice_method_accounts_cc_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_customer_po_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.terms_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_invoicing_cycle_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); // Add MP Issues options var mp_ticket_issues_columns = new Array(); mp_ticket_issues_columns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name' }); mp_ticket_issues_columns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'internalId' }); var mpTicketIssuesResultSet = search.create({ type: 'customlist_mp_ticket_issues', columns: mp_ticket_issues_columns }); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = ''; mpTicketIssuesResultSet.each(function (mpTicketIssueResult) { var mp_issue_name = mpTicketIssueResult.getValue('name'); var mp_issue_id = mpTicketIssueResult.getValue('internalId'); mp_issues_option_inline_html += '<option value="' + mp_issue_id + '">' + mp_issue_name + '</option >'; return true; }); $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('.toll_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.resolved_toll_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.open_invoices').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.resolved_invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note').addClass('hide'); $('.comment_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); var owner_list = [userId]; console.log(owner_list); $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; case 'invoice_number': if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', false); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', false); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', false); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', false); $('#invoice_method').attr('disabled', false); $('#accounts_cc_email').attr('disabled', false); $('#mpex_po_number').attr('disabled', false); $('#customer_po_number').attr('disabled', false); $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle').attr('disabled', false); } $('.accountscontact_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').addClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_method_accounts_cc_email_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_customer_po_number_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.terms_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_invoicing_cycle_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.open_invoices').removeClass('hide'); // Remove MP Issues options $('#mp_issues option').each(function () { if ($(this).val() != 4) { $(this).remove(); } }); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('.toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.resolved_toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.resolved_invoice_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.user_note').removeClass('hide'); $('.comment_section').addClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').removeClass('hide'); //Set Owner to current user var owner_list = [userId]; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; case 'customer_issue': $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', true); $('.invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_title_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_textarea_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').addClass('hide'); $('.toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').removeClass('hide'); var current_customer_issue = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (current_customer_issue) { case 'Customer App': //App related fields $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').removeClass('hide'); //Set current chosen option to Customer App var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="10" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh') break; case 'Customer Portal': //Portal related fields $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="9" selected> Customer Portal Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#owner').selectpicker('val', [1706027]); break; case 'Update Label': //Label fields $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').removeClass('hide'); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="11" selected> Update Customer Label Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); break; } //Set Owner to Rianne Mansell var owner_list = ['1132504']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; } $(this).closest("ul").toggleClass('hide'); $(this).closest("ul").toggleClass('show'); }); $('#open_inv').click(function () { var invoice_id = $(this).data('inv-id'); var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + invoice_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; console.log("invoice_link", invoice_link);, "_blank", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); }) updateEnquiryMediumAndCount(); $('#reviewcontacts').click(function () { console.log("1234"); addEditContact(); }); $('#invoices_dropdown').change(function () { var invoice_status_filter = $(this, 'option:selected').val(); if (invoice_status_filter == 'open') { var invoice_section_header = 'OPEN INVOICES'; } else if (invoice_status_filter == 'paidInFull') { var invoice_section_header = 'PAID INVOICES'; } $('.open_invoices_header div div h4 span').text(invoice_section_header); updateInvoicesDatatable(); }); $('.add_as_recipient').click(function () { var email_address = $(this).data('email'); console.log(email_address); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { $(this).toggleClass('btn-success'); $(this).toggleClass('btn-danger'); if ($(this).attr('data-original-title') == 'Add as recipient') { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Remove recipient'); } else { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Add as recipient'); } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // Convert "TO" text field to email adresses array console.log($('#send_to')); var send_to_values = $('#send_to').val().split(','); var send_to_array = []; send_to_values.forEach(function (email_address_in_send_to) { email_address_in_send_to = email_address_in_send_to.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address_in_send_to)) { send_to_array.push(email_address_in_send_to); } }); // Add or remove selected email adress from array var firstname = $(this).data('firstname'); var firstname_array = $('#send_to').data('firstname'); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname_array)) { firstname_array = JSON.parse($('#send_to').data('firstname')); } else { firstname_array = []; } var contact_id = $(this).data('contact-id'); var contact_id_array = $('#send_to').data('contact-id'); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id_array = JSON.parse(contact_id_array); } else { contact_id_array = []; } var index_of_email_address = send_to_array.indexOf(email_address); if (index_of_email_address == -1 && $(this).hasClass('btn-danger') && !isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { send_to_array.push(email_address); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname)) { firstname_array.push(firstname); } if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id) || contact_id == 0) { contact_id_array.push(contact_id); } } else if ($(this).hasClass('btn-success')) { send_to_array.splice(index_of_email_address, 1); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname)) { firstname_array.splice(firstname, 1); } if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id)) { contact_id_array.splice(contact_id, 1); } } firstname_array = JSON.stringify(firstname_array); contact_id_array = JSON.stringify(contact_id_array); // Convert array to text field var send_to = ''; send_to_array.forEach(function (email_address) { send_to += email_address + ', '; }); send_to = send_to.slice(0, -2); console.log('send_to : ', send_to); $('#send_to').val(send_to); $('#send_to').data('firstname', firstname_array); $('#send_to').data('contact-id', contact_id_array); } }); $('#credit_memo tbody td[headers="credit_memo_action"] button, #usage_report tbody td[headers="usage_report_action"] button, button#add_inv').on('click', function () { }); $('#acc_manager_button').click(function () { var account_manager_email = $('#acc_manager').data('email'); var send_cc_field = $('#send_cc').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(send_cc_field)) { $('#send_cc').val(account_manager_email); } else { $('#send_cc').val(send_cc_field + ', ' + account_manager_email); } }); $('#template').change(function () { loadTemplate() }); $('#send_email').click(function () { sendEmail() }); $('#toll_issues, #invoice_issues').on('change', function () { hideCloseTicketButton() }); $('#mp_issues').change(function () { selectOwner(); hideCloseTicketButton(); }); $('#cancelbutton').click(function () { onCancel() }); $('#closeticketbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, '') }); $('#closenewticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("in close new"); closeNewTicket() }); $('#closelostbutton').click(function () { closeTicketLost() }); $('#closeunallocatedbutton').click(function () { closeUnallocatedTicket() }); $('#reopenticketbutton').click(function () { reopenTicket() }); $('#updateticketbutton').click(function () { updateAndNew(); }); $('#updatecloseticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("btn clicked"); if (confirm("Are you sure you want to update and close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { console.log('Update & Closed Started'); updateSaveRecord(); updateCloseTicket(); console.log("Update finished"); //updateCloseTicket(); } }); $('#openticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("hi"); //saveRecord(); $('#submitter').trigger('click'); }); $('#opennewticketbutton').click(function () { openAndNew(); }); $('#escalatebutton').click(function () { escalateTicket(ticket_id, selector_number, selector_type); }); $('#escalaterianne').click(function () { console.log("Escalating to rianne"); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); var comments = $('#comment').val(); console.log('comments', comments); if (isNullorEmpty(comments)) { console.log('Enter comment before Escalation', comments); showAlert('Please enter a Comment before escalating to IT'); return false; } if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }))) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it', value: new Date() }); var owner_list = ['1132504']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', parseInt(ticket_id), customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), $('#login_email_text').val(), '', '', [""]); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } else { console.log('didnt work for some reason'); } }); $('#escalateankith').click(function () { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); var escalated_to_it = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }); var first_interaction = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && creator_id == 112209 && !isNullorEmpty(escalated_to_it) && selector_type == "customer_issue" && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('Enter customer number before Escalation'); showAlert('Please enter a Customer Number'); return false; } else if (isNullorEmpty(first_interaction) && interaction_count_by_phone == 0 && interaction_count_by_email == 0) { console.log('Incrememnt interaction count before Escalation'); showAlert('Please Interact with Customer before Escalation'); return false; } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 }); var owner_list = ['409635']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); var subject = 'MPSD' + ticket_id + ' - Customer Issue Ticket Escalated'; var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var login_email = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email' }); sendCustomerTicketEmail(subject, parseInt(ticket_id), customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), $('#login_email_text').val(), '', '', [""]); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + parseInt(ticket_id) + '] - Your IT ticket has been escalated - Customer Portal', [login_email], 120, customer_id); } var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); }); $('#escalateunderdev').click(function () { saveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 17 });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); location.reload(); }); $('#escalateremoveunderdev').click(function () { saveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); location.reload(); }); $('#closeresolvedbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, 15); }); $('#closeunresolvedbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, 16); }); // Prevent the ticket to be submitted on enter. $('input, textarea').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); // Add a newline at the end of the comment textarea when enter is pressed // This will not create the newline where the cursor is in the text $('textarea#comment').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { var comment = $(this).val(); comment += '\n'; $(this).val(comment); return false; } }); //Event listener for customer number input and selector value input $('#customer_number_value, #selector_value').change(function () { checkMandatoryFields(); }); // Auto Format Comment Box for Emails var comment_formatted = false; $('#comment').on('keyup', function (event) { var selection = $(this).val(); if ('From:') != -1 && selection.indexOf(']\n') == -1) { var newstr = selection.replace('To:', '\nTo:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('Sent:', '\nSent:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('Subject:', '\nSubject:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('>', '>\n'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll(']', ']\n'); $(this).val(newstr); console.log('Selection Changed: ' + newstr) } else { comment_formatted = true; return true; } }); } function escalateTicket(ticket_id, selector_number, selector_type) { var answer = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to escalate this ticket?"); if (answer) { //SET FIELDS IN RECORD //some code // REDIRECT TO URL console.log("IN HERE"); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_ticketing_escalate', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_ticketing_escalate', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params; var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: Math.floor(ticket_id), }); var customerstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status' }); var ticketstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); console.log('customerstatus', customerstatus); if (parseInt(customerstatus) < 4) { console.log(customerstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: parseInt(customerstatus) + 1 }); } if (parseInt(ticketstatus) < 11) { console.log(ticketstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 11 }); } else if (parseInt(ticketstatus) < 14) { console.log(ticketstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: parseInt(ticketstatus) + 1 }); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) //Send email to Receiver var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: Math.floor(ticket_id), }) var ticketstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { if (ticketstatus == 11) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 1 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 109, customer_id); } else if (ticketstatus == 12) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 2 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 110, customer_id); } else if (ticketstatus == 13) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 3 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 111, customer_id); } } //Send email to TOLL var toll_issues = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); var mp_issues = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue' }); var body = 'MP Ticket ID: ' + ticket_name + '\n Barcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nToll Issues: ' + toll_issues + '\nMP Issues: ' + mp_issues; // if (ticketstatus == 11) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: [''], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 1- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042} // }); // } else if (ticketstatus == 12) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: [''], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 2- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042}, // }); // } else if (ticketstatus == 13) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: [''], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 3- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042}, // }); // } console.log("upload", upload_url), '_self'); } else { //some code } } /** * Function to sent emails when a customer associated ticket is escalated */ function sendCustomerEscalateEmail(subject, recipients, template, customer_id) { var sales_rep = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().name); var userid = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); var suiteletUrl = url.resolveScript({ scriptId: 'customscript_merge_email', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_merge_email', returnExternalUrl: true }); suiteletUrl += '&rectype=customer&template='; suiteletUrl += template + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + '' + '&contactid=' + null + '&userid=' + userid; console.log(suiteletUrl); var response = https.get({ url: suiteletUrl }); var emailHtml = response.body; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { email.send({ author: 112209, body: emailHtml, recipients: recipients, subject: subject, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }); } else { email.send({ author: 112209, body: emailHtml, recipients: recipients, subject: subject, }); } } function commentsDate() { var today = new Date(); var dd = today.getDate(); var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); if (dd < 10) { dd = '0' + dd; } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm; } today = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy; return today; } function saveRecord(context) { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var selector_issue = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }); //set to T onEscalate var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); console.log('status_value' + status_value) console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue) console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type) console.log('selector_number ' + selector_number) if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number'); return false; } } if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value) && !isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { // Barcode/Inv associated tickets - check that a TOLL Issue or an Invoice Issue has been selected. // Customer number associated ticket - check that a customer number has been entered switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; if (toll_issues_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'); return false; } break; case 'invoice_number': var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'); return false; } break; case 'customer_issue': var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used) && !validateEmail(login_email_used)) { showAlert('User login email format is invalid. Please enter email again <br>'); return false; } break; } } if (role == 1005) { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; var checkTicketOwner = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(checkTicketOwner)) { var checkTicketOwnerRec = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(checkTicketOwner) }); var owners = checkTicketOwnerRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (isNullorEmpty(owners) && owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } } if (selector_issue == 'T') { var to = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); to = $.makeArray(to); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, true) if (!email_sent) { return false; } } var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); console.log("Ticket id = " + ticket_id); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var ticketRecord = record.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_created_ticket', value: 'T' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: false }); } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the ticket record with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); // Save customer number var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val(); console.log('Saving customer number = ' + customer_number); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_number', value: customer_number }); // Save Enquiry status var enquiry_status_val = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_status_val)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_status', value: enquiry_status_val }); } var attachments_hyperlink = $('#attachments').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_hyperlink)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_attachments', value: attachments_hyperlink }); } // Save Ticket Label var label = $('#label_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(label)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_label', value: label }); } //Save Enquiry medium var enquiry_medium = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_medium)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: enquiry_medium }); } var total_enquiry_count = 0; if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val()); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_count', value: total_enquiry_count }); var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_chat_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_chat }); } var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_phone }); } var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_email }); } var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }))) { if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email) || !isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date', value: new Date() }); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_phone }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_email }); } //Check Enquiry is Selected if (isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } else if (total_enquiry_count == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } //Save Medium list saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setTicketStatus(ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setCreator(ticketRecord); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altname', value: selector_number }); var owner_email_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); owner_email_list = $.makeArray(owner_email_list); var zee_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_zee', value: zee_id }); console.log("sending email..." + selector_type); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number', value: selector_id }); // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } break; case 'invoice_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number', value: selector_id }); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { var daytodayemail = $('#daytodayemail').val(); var daytodayphone = $('#daytodayphone').val(); var accountsemail = $('#accountsemail').val(); var accountsphone = $('#accountsphone').val(); var selected_invoice_method_id = $('#invoice_method option:selected').val(); var accounts_cc_email = $('#accounts_cc_email').val(); var mpex_po_number = $('#mpex_po_number').val(); var customer_po_number = $('#customer_po_number').val(); var customer_terms = $('#customers_terms').val(); var selected_invoice_cycle_id = $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle option:selected').val(); var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service', value: daytodayemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'phone', value: daytodayphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: accountsemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altphone', value: accountsphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method', value: selected_invoice_method_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email', value: accounts_cc_email }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po', value: mpex_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11', value: customer_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_finance_terms', value: customer_terms }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle', value: selected_invoice_cycle_id });{}) // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } } break; case 'customer_issue': var screenshot_image = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ss_image' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(screenshot_image)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_screenshot', value: screenshot_image }); } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); } var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_issue_type)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_issue', value: customer_issue_type }); } var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email', value: login_email_used }); } var is_customer_number_email_sent = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number_email_sent' }); console.log("cust iss typ", customer_issue_type); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': console.log("in cust app"); var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(phone_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_used', value: phone_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(browser)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_browser', value: browser }); } var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(os_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_operating_system', value: os_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Update Label': var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_name', value: sender_name }); } var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_phone', value: sender_phone }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; } break; } } ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); //Owner var owner_list = new Array; $('#owner option:selected').each(function () { owner_list.push($(this).val()); }); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { // Send email to new owners. var old_owner_list = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_owner_list)) { var only_new_owner_ids = []; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (new_owner_id) { if (old_owner_list.indexOf(new_owner_id) == -1) { only_new_owner_ids.push(new_owner_id); only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + new_owner_id + '"]').data('email')); } }) } else { var only_new_owner_ids = owner_list; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (owner_id) { only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + owner_id + '"]').data('email')); }) } console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue); console.log('only_new_owner_email_address ' + only_new_owner_email_address); console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type); // If there is an issue, all the owners have already received an email. if (selector_issue == 'F' && (!isNullorEmpty(only_new_owner_email_address))) { console.log('ISSUE'); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, only_new_owner_email_address, false); if (!email_sent) { return false; } } else if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val() sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $('#browser_value').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), '', login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Update Label': var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, only_new_owner_email_address); break; } } } // Save Owner list console.log(owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list }); console.log("oList", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' })); //cxcxc // Save Comment switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; case 'invoice_number': var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment = '' }; var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date; var date_time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var date_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.TIMEOFDAY }); if (!isNullorEmpty(usernote_textarea)) { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment += '\n'; } var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + date_time_now + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; // Save usernote on Customer record var userNote = record.create({ type: 'note', }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: selected_title }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'notedate', value: date_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'time', value: time_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: usernote_textarea }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'entity', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) {{}) } comment += usernote; } break; case 'customer_issue': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; } if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var original_comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); var total_comment = $('#comment').val(); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment2 = new_comment.split("\n").join(''); var date_netsuite = format.format({ value: new Date(), type: format.Type.DATETIME }); console.log("new_comment", new_comment); console.log("new_comment2", new_comment2); var comment_with_date = total_comment; if (!isNullorEmpty(new_comment2)) { comment_with_date = "\n" + original_comment + "\n" + date_netsuite + " - " + new_comment2 + "\n"; } console.log('comment_with_date', comment_with_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment', value: comment_with_date }); } var ticket_id ={ enableSourcing: true, }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_id) && (selector_type == 'barcode_number')) { try { var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: selector_id }); console.log("ticket_id", ticket_id); console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', value: ticket_id }); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues ', value: list_toll_issues }); var rec_email = $('#receiveremail').val(); var rec_name = $('#receivername').val(); var rec_state = $('#receiverstate').val(); var rec_zip = $('#receiverzip').val(); var rec_addr1 = $('#receiveraddr1').val(); var rec_addr2 = $('#receiveraddr2').val(); var rec_city = $('#receiversuburb').val(); var rec_phone = $('#receiverphone').val(); //Check if Rec details are to be updated if (!$("#receiveremail").is(":disabled")) { if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_email)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email', value: rec_email }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_name)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_name', value: rec_name }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_state)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_state', value: rec_state }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_zip)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_postcode', value: rec_zip }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr1)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr1', value: rec_addr1 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr2)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr2', value: rec_addr2 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_city)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_suburb', value: rec_city }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_phone)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_phone', value: rec_phone }); } }{ enableSourcing: true, }); } catch (e) { console.log('Error to load the barcode record with barcode_id : ' + selector_id); } } return true; } /** * Takes action depending on which of the two fields (Customer number or Barcode/Inv number) is filled */ function checkMandatoryFields() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); console.log("checkMandatoryField"); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); var ticket_records = null; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isCustomerNumberValid(customer_number)) { currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number', value: customer_number }); var customer_id = getCustomerID(customer_number); console.log("cid", customer_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case "barcode_number": case "invoice_number": displayCustomerInfo(); break; case "customer_issue": } } ticket_records = searchTicketRecords(customer_number); console.log('Current tickets on customer number ' + customer_number + ': ' + ticket_records); var customer_record = customerLinkedToCustomerNum(customer_number); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_record)) { //Display franchisee details displayFranchiseeInfo(customer_record); } if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_records)) { //If tickets exist with this customer number, display customer number tickets datatable updateCustomerNumTicketsTable(ticket_records); } else { console.log('Removing table'); //Remove tickets datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').hide(); //Show no ticket exists info box $('#info').text('No ticket exists for the customer '); $('#info').parent().show(); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) && isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case "barcode_number": if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } break; case "invoice_number": if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } break; case "customer_issue": break; } } if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number or a barcode/invoice number'); //Remove tickets datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').hide(); //Reload page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } function updateCustomerNumTicketsTable(ticket_records_dataset) { console.log('Inside update customer tickets table'); $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').show(); $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').show(); if (!($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('#customer_number_tickets_preview'))) { //Initialise new datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').DataTable({ data: ticket_records_dataset, select: { style: 'single' }, columns: [{ title: "ID" }, { title: "Customer Number" }, { title: "Name" }, { title: "Barcode Number" }, { title: "Invoice Number" }, { title: "Customer Issue" }, { title: "Owner" }, { title: "Date created" }] }); //Row selection $('#customer_number_tickets_preview tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); } else { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview tr.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var selected_row = $('#customer_number_tickets_preview > tbody > tr.selected'); updateFields(selected_row); } }); } else { //Update datatable rows var datatable = $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').DataTable().clear(); datatable.rows.add(ticket_records_dataset); datatable.draw(); } } function updateFields(selected_row) { //All tickets in here always exist so we can directly redirect to the Edit ticket page console.log('Inside update fields'); var barcode_number = selected_row.children()[3].textContent.trim(); var invoice_number = selected_row.children()[4].textContent.trim(); var customer_issue_type = selected_row.children()[5].textContent.trim(); var ticket_id = selected_row.children()[0].textContent.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) || !isNullorEmpty(invoice_number)) { var selector_type = isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) ? "invoice_number" : "barcode_number"; currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); //Set selector value var selector_number = isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) ? invoice_number : barcode_number; $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); // If a ticket already exists for the barcode number, the user is redirected to the "Edit Ticket" page. if (ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number)) { console.log('ticket linked to barcode') var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } displayCustomerInfo(); } else { var selector_type = "customer_issue"; currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: customer_issue_type }); console.log('In displayCustomerIssueInfo - ' + customer_issue_type); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id.slice(4, 8)), selector_number: customer_issue_type, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Updates the enquiry medium multi-select field and the enquiry count by chat, phone and email fields in the client side */ function updateEnquiryMediumAndCount() { $('.increment_enquiry_count_by_chat, .increment_enquiry_count_by_phone, .increment_enquiry_count_by_email').click(function () { console.log("Clicked increment"); //Get total enquiry count and increment by 1 var total_enquiry_count = $('#total_enquiry_count').val(); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(++total_enquiry_count); if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_chat') !== -1) { console.log("In chat click"); //Get chat enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(++enquiry_count_by_chat); //Select the chat option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_phone') !== -1) { //Get phone enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(++enquiry_count_by_phone); //Select the phone option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_email') !== -1) { //Get email enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(++enquiry_count_by_email); //Select the email option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', true); } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#enquiry_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); $('.decrement_enquiry_count_by_chat, .decrement_enquiry_count_by_phone, .decrement_enquiry_count_by_email').click(function () { var total_enquiry_count = $('#total_enquiry_count').val(); if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_chat') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_chat > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(--enquiry_count_by_chat); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_chat === 0) { //Unselect medium list option $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="3"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_phone') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_phone > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(--enquiry_count_by_phone); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_phone === 0) { $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_email') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_email > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(--enquiry_count_by_email); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_email === 0) { $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', false); } } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#enquiry_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); $('.increment_interaction_count_by_chat, .increment_interaction_count_by_phone, .increment_interaction_count_by_email').click(function () { console.log("Clicked increment"); //Get total interaction count and increment by 1 var total_interaction_count = $('#total_interaction_count').val(); $('#total_interaction_count').val(++total_interaction_count); if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_chat') !== -1) { console.log("In chat click"); //Get chat interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_chat = $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(++interaction_count_by_chat); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_phone') !== -1) { //Get phone interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(++interaction_count_by_phone); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_email') !== -1) { //Get email interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(++interaction_count_by_email); //Select the email option in medium list } }); $('.decrement_interaction_count_by_chat, .decrement_interaction_count_by_phone, .decrement_interaction_count_by_email').click(function () { var total_interaction_count = $('#total_interaction_count').val(); if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_chat') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_chat = $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(); if (interaction_count_by_chat > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(--interaction_count_by_chat); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_phone') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); if (interaction_count_by_phone > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(--interaction_count_by_phone); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } if (interaction_count_by_phone === 0) { $('#interaction_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_email') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (interaction_count_by_email > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(--interaction_count_by_email); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } if (interaction_count_by_email === 0) { $('#interaction_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', false); } } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#interaction_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#interaction_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); } function openAndNew() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_open_new_ticket', value: 'T' }); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } function updateAndNew() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_open_new_ticket', value: 'T' }); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } /** * Function to save the medium list depending on chat, phone and email enquiry values */ function saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord) { var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); if (enquiry_count_by_phone >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("1") === -1) { medium_list.push("1"); } if (enquiry_count_by_email >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("2") === -1) { medium_list.push("2"); } if (enquiry_count_by_chat >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("3") === -1) { medium_list.push("3"); } if (enquiry_count_by_phone === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("1"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } if (enquiry_count_by_email === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("2"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } if (enquiry_count_by_chat === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("3"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: medium_list }); } /** * Triggered when a customer calls for an issue with a barcode that is not his. * Reorganize the shown sections. */ function onEscalate() { console.log("onesc"); var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue', value: 'T' }); //Set status to Escalated // currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value', value: 10) }; $('#submitter').val('Escalate to Owner'); $('#submit_ticket').val('ESCALATE TO OWNER'); // Hide the "Escalate" button $('#tbl_custpage_escalate').closest('td').hide(); $('#tbl_custpage_escalate').closest('td').prev().hide(); $('.open_and_new_ticket_btn').addClass('hide'); $('.escalate').addClass('hide'); updateButtonsWidth(); // Hide the contacts fields and contact details sections $('.daytodaycontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.zee_main_contact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').addClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_contact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.contacts_section').addClass('hide'); $('.reviewcontacts_section').addClass('hide'); // Hide the send email section $('#send_email_container').addClass('hide'); // Show that the Issue Customer Name, the MP Issue and the Comment are mandatory $('.mandatory').removeClass('hide'); // Show the "MP Issues" field and the "Owner" text area $('.mp_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); selectOwner(); // Hide the tickets datatable $('.tickets_datatable_section').addClass('hide'); $('#tickets-preview_wrapper').addClass('hide'); //Hide tickets enquiry section $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.label_section').addClass('hide'); //Hide previous emails section $('.previous_emails_header').addClass('hide'); $('.previous_emails_section').addClass('hide'); //Hide customer ticket related issues $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); if (selector_type == "customer_issue") { var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); if (selector_number == "Customer App") { //Set current chosen option to Customer App var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="10" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } else if (selector_number == "Customer Portal") { //Set current chosen option to Customer Portal var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="9" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } else if (selector_number == "Update Label") { //Set current chosen option to Update Label var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="11" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh') } } /** * If the barcode number validation raises an error, the fields are cleared. * The informations linked to the previous barcode are deleted. */ function clearFields() { $('#customer_name').val(''); // Unselect all TOLL Issues fields $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); $('#comment').val(''); } /** * Called when "Escalate to Owner" is clicked. * Check that in case of an issue with a barcode, the mandatory fields are filled. * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {Boolean} */ function validateIssueFields(selector_type) { var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; var mp_issues_length = $('#mp_issues option:selected').length; var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; var comment = $('#comment').val(); var usernote = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': if (toll_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { alertMessage += 'Please type a comment<br>'; return_value = false; } break; case 'invoice_number': if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (isNullorEmpty(usernote)) { alertMessage += 'Please type a User Note<br>'; return_value = false; } break; } if (return_value == true && mp_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select an MP Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (return_value == false) { showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Send the email with the information regarding the ticket to the email adresses in the array 'to'. * @param {String} selector_type * @param {Array} to * @param {Boolean} is_issue * @returns {Boolean} Whether the email was sent or not. */ function sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, is_issue) { console.log("sek type", selector_type); console.log("to", to); console.log("is_issue", is_issue); // There is an issue with the barcode // The owner should be contacted. if (is_issue) { var validate_issue_fields = validateIssueFields(selector_type); if (!validate_issue_fields) { return false; } } var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); var customer_name = $('#customer_name').val(); var comment = $('#comment').val(); var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date(); var email_subject = 'MP Ticket issue - ' + selector_number; var email_body = ''; email_body += 'Environment : ' + runtime.envType + '\n'; email_body += 'Date & Time : ' + formatDate(date) + '\n'; switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': email_body += 'Barcode Number : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; case 'invoice_number': email_body += 'Invoice Number : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; case 'customer_issue': email_body += 'Customer associated ticket : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; } email_body += 'Customer Name : ' + customer_name + '\n'; switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': email_body += 'TOLL Issues : '; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); break; case 'invoice_number': email_body += 'Invoice Issues : '; $('#invoice_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); break; } email_body += 'MP Issues : '; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment.trim())) { comment += '\n'; } var date = new Date(); var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + dnow + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; comment += usernote; } email_body += 'Comment : ' + comment; var cc = [] //CC email addresses // Now the escalation and information emails are sent from the user addresses. console.log("emailsend"); email.send({ author: 112209, body: email_body, recipients: to, subject: email_subject, cc: cc, }); // 112209 is from MailPlus Team return true; } /** * Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page without saving any changes. */ function onCancel() { console.log("cancel"); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output; } else { var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_closed_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_closed_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output; }, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } /** * Function to return the customer id given a customer number * @param {*} customer_number */ function getCustomerID(customer_number) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); customer_search.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'haskeywords', values: customer_number, })); var result_set ={ start: 0, end: 1000 }); result_set.forEach(function (search_value) { console.log("search va", search_value); }); var customerId = result_set[0].id; console.log(customerId, "custid"); return customerId; } /** * Checks that the given customer number is valid * Returns the customer record if found, else returns null */ function isCustomerNumberValid(customer_number) { if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'is', values: customer_number, }) customer_search.filters.push(new_filter); try { var result_set =; if (result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }) != null && result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }).length > 0) { // Customer found. return true; } else { //Customer does not exist in record showAlert('Enter a valid customer number. Customer ' + customer_number + ' does not exist'); return false; } } catch (error) { //Undefined ID error return false; } } else { showAlert('Enter a customer number'); return false; } } /** * - If the barcode record exists but there is an MP Ticket issue with the record, * the onEscalate function is called. * @return {Boolean} Whether or not all the input has been filled. */ function validateSelectorInput() { console.log('In validateSelectorInput()'); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); console.log(selector_number); console.log(selector_type); var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var keep_selector_number = false; if (isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'invoice_number': alertMessage += 'Please enter the Invoice Number<br>'; break; case 'barcode_number': alertMessage += 'Please enter the Barcode Number<br>'; break; default: alertMessage += 'Please enter a selector number or a customer issue <br>'; } return_value = false; } if ((return_value == true) && (!checkSelectorFormat(selector_number, selector_type))) { switch (selector_type) { case 'invoice_number': alertMessage += 'The Invoice Number format is incorrect<br>'; break; case 'barcode_number': alertMessage += 'The Barcode Number format is incorrect<br>'; break; } return_value = false; } // If a ticket already exists for the barcode number, the user is redirected to the "Edit Ticket" page. if (return_value && ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number)) { console.log('tic ket linked to barcode') var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } if (return_value) { console.log('Escalate to owner cases'); switch (selector_type) { //Escalate to owner cases case 'invoice_number': var activeInvoiceResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); if ((isNullorEmpty(activeInvoiceResults))) { alertMessage += 'No invoice record exists for the invoice number ' + selector_number + '<br>'; keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: '' }); return_value = false; } break; case 'barcode_number': var activeBarcodeResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); console.log("absdhskhd"); if ((isNullorEmpty(activeBarcodeResults))) { console.log("aasnj"); alertMessage += 'No active barcode record exists for the barcode number ' + selector_number + '<br>'; // $('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="2"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1, 2, 3]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: '' }); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } console.log("baasnj"); if ((!zeeLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults))) { alertMessage += 'No franchisee is associated to the barcode ' + selector_number + '<br>'; console.log("casnj"); // $('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1, 3]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } console.log("adasnj"); if ((!customerLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults))) { alertMessage += 'No customer is associated to the barcode ' + selector_number + '<br>'; console.log("easnj"); //$('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } break; } } // if (return_value == false) { // if (!keep_selector_number) { // var last_correct_selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); // $('#selector_value').val(last_correct_selector_number); // } // showAlert(alertMessage); // } else { // $('#alert').parent().hide(); // } if (return_value == false) { console.log('Lastcase'); showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Displays error messages in the alert box on top of the page. * @param {String} message The message to be displayed. */ function showAlert(message) { $('#danger-alert').html('<button type="button" class="close" id="close-alert" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>' + message); $('#danger-alert').parent().show(); $("#danger-alert").fadeTo(3000, 500).slideUp(500, function () { $("#danger-alert").slideUp(500); }); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 800) } /** * Check that if the selector is a barcode number, it starts with 'MPE', * followed by either 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'N' or 'T', * and then finishes by 6 digits. * * If it's an invoice, it should start with 'INV' and then finishes by 6 digits. * @param {String} selector_number * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {Boolean} */ function checkSelectorFormat(selector_number, selector_type) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // var barcodeFormat = /^MPE[BCDFNTG]\d{6}$/; // var connoteFormat = /^MPXL\d{6}$/; // var onlyNumbers = /^\d{20}$/; // if (barcodeFormat.test(selector_number) || connoteFormat.test(selector_number) || onlyNumbers.test(selector_number)) { return true; // } // return false; case 'invoice_number': var invoiceFormat = /^INV\d{6}$/; return invoiceFormat.test(selector_number); } } /** * Searches for an opened ticket linked to this selector number. * The barcode record might not exist, but the ticket associated to the selector number can. * @param {String} selector_number * @returns {Boolean} */ function ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number) { console.log("selector number", selector_number); var activeTicketFilterExpression = [ [["custrecord_barcode_number", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["altname", "is", selector_number]], 'AND', ["custrecord_ticket_status", "noneof", '3'] ]; var activeTicketsResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', filterExpression: activeTicketFilterExpression }); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_ticket_status', operator: search.Operator.NONEOF, values: 3 })); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{altname}' })); if (activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count < 1) { console.log("change filters1"); activeTicketsResults.filters.pop(); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{custrecord_barcode_number.custrecord_connote_number}' })); } if (activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count < 1) { console.log("change filters2"); activeTicketsResults.filters.pop(); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{}' })); } var searchResultCount = activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count; console.log("CNTTTT", searchResultCount); if (isNullorEmpty(activeTicketsResults) || searchResultCount < 1) { console.log("ISNULL") return false; } else { // If an active ticket exists for the barcode number, the ticket_id is saved. // The validate function then redirects the user to its "Edit Ticket" page. var ticket_id = ''; (value) { console.log(value); console.log("id",; ticket_id =; return true; }); //console.log("AR2", activeTicketsRes); console.log("matching ticket_id", ticket_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); return true; } } /** * Searches for the active barcodes records with the name `barcode_number`, * or for the active invoice records with the name `invoice_number`, * There is normally only one such record. * @param {String} selector_number * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {nlobjSearchResult[]} An array of nlobjSearchResult objects corresponding to the searched records. */ function getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var filterExpression = [ [["name", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["custrecord_connote_number", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["custrecord_ext_reference_id", "is", selector_number]], 'AND', ["isinactive", "is", 'F'] ]; var activeBarcodeColumns = new Array(); activeBarcodeColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[2] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[3] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[4] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_date_stock_used', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[5] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_time_stock_used', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[6] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[7] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name', join: null, summary: null }); var activeSelectorResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', filterExpression: filterExpression, columns: activeBarcodeColumns }); var connoteFormat = /^MPXL\d{6}$/; var cpConnoteFormat = /^CPBZL5C\d{7}$/; var sendleFormat = /^SB.*$/; if (connoteFormat.test(selector_number) || cpConnoteFormat.test(selector_number)) { console.log('connote'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_connote_number', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } else if (sendleFormat.test(selector_number)) { console.log('external reference'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_ext_reference_id', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } else { console.log('else'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'name', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'isinactive', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: false, })); break; case 'invoice_number': var filterExpression = [ ["tranid", "is", selector_number] ]; var invoiceColumns = new Array(); invoiceColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: null }); invoiceColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'partner', join: null, summary: null }); var activeSelectorResults = search.create({ type: 'invoice', join: null, filterExpression: filterExpression, columns: invoiceColumns }); break; } console.log("abc"); console.log(activeSelectorResults); if (!isNullorEmpty(activeSelectorResults)) { var selector_id = ''; (search_res) { console.log("ID",; selector_id =; return true; }); console.log('selector_id val', selector_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: selector_id }); } return activeSelectorResults; } /** * Verifies that the barcode record is associated to a customer * @param {nlobjSearchResult[]} activeBarcodeResults Result of getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) * @returns {Boolean} */ function customerLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults) { // var activeBarcodeResult = activeBarcodeResults[0]; // var customer_id = activeBarcodeResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); // if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { // return false; // } else { // return true; // } var customer_id; (search_val) { customer_id = search_val.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer' }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { return true; } else { return false; } }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Verifies that the barcode record is associated to a franchisee * @param {nlobjSearchResult[]} activeBarcodeResults Result of getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) * @returns {Boolean} */ function zeeLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults) { //var activeBarcodeResult = activeBarcodeResults[0]; var zee_id; (search_val) { zee_id = search_val.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee' }); console.log("zee", zee_id); if (isNullorEmpty(zee_id)) { return true; } else { return false; } }); if (isNullorEmpty(zee_id)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Returns the customer record for a given customer number * If record does not exist, returns null * @param {*} customer_number */ function customerLinkedToCustomerNum(customer_number) { if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'haskeywords', values: customer_number, }); customer_search.filters.push(new_filter); try { var result_set =; if (result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }) != null && result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }).length >= 1) { // Customer found. return result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 })[0]; } else { // Customer does not exist in record return null; } } catch (error) { //Undefined ID error return showAlert(error); } } } /** * Displays the informations linked to a selector record. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function displayCustomerInfo() { console.log('In displayCustomerInfo()'); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var activeSelectorResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); var activeSelectorResult; var selector_id = ''; (search_val) { selector_id =; activeSelectorResult = search_val; console.log("selector_id", selector_id); }); console.log("asr", activeSelectorResult); //var selector_id = activeSelectorResult.getId(); console.log('selector_id : ', selector_id); console.log('activeSelectorResult : ', activeSelectorResult); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: selector_id }); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var customer_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); var customer_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); var zee_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prshowAlod_stock_zee'); var zee_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee'); var date_stock_used = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_date_stock_used'); var time_stock_used = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_time_stock_used'); var final_delivery_val = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del'); var final_delivery = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del'); //Show the required fields $('.mpex_stock_used_section').show(); $('.final_delivery_enquiry_status_section').show(); //Update values $('#date_stock_used').val(date_stock_used); $('#time_stock_used').val(time_stock_used); $('#final_delivery').attr('data-val', final_delivery_val); $('#final_delivery').val(final_delivery); break; case 'invoice_number': var customer_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('entity'); var customer_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('entity'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); var zee_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('partner'); var zee_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('partner'); break; } $('#customer_name').val(customer_name); // Load customer record try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); var zee_id = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'partner' }); var daytodayphone = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'phone' }); var daytodayemail = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service' }); var entityid = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }); // Set new customer number value $('#customer_number_value').val(entityid); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number', value: entityid }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { var accountsphone = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altphone' }); var accountsemail = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'email' }); var maap_bank_account_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_maap_bankacctno' }); var maap_parent_bank_account_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_maap_bankacctno_parent' }); var selected_invoice_method_id = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method' }); var accounts_cc_email = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email' }); var mpex_po_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po' }); var customer_po_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11' }); var mpex_invoicing_cycle = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle' }); } // Load Franchisee record var zeeRecord = record.load({ type: 'partner', id: zee_id }); var zee_name = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'companyname' }); var zee_main_contact_name = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity3' }); var zee_email = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'email' }); var zee_main_contact_phone = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity2' }); $('#daytodayphone').val(daytodayphone); $('#daytodayemail').val(daytodayemail); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { $('#accountsphone').val(accountsphone); $('#accountsemail').val(accountsemail); $('#account_number').val(maap_bank_account_number); $('#parent_account_number').val(maap_parent_bank_account_number); // Unselect Invoice all method options fields $('#invoice_method option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); // Select the right invoice method option $('#invoice_method option[value=' + selected_invoice_method_id + ']').prop('selected', true); $('#accounts_cc_email').val(accounts_cc_email); $('#mpex_po_number').val(mpex_po_number); $('#customer_po_number').val(customer_po_number); $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle').val(mpex_invoicing_cycle); } $('#zee_main_contact_name').val(zee_main_contact_name); $('#zee_email').val(zee_email); $('#zee_main_contact_phone').val(zee_main_contact_phone); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id', value: zee_id }); $('#franchisee_name').val(zee_name); // Contacts details createContactsRows(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // TOLL Issues // Unselect all TOLL Issues fields $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); // Select the corresponding TOLL issues var toll_issues = activeSelectorResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(toll_issues)) { toll_issues = toll_issues.split(','); toll_issues.forEach(function (toll_value) { $('#toll_issues option[value=' + toll_value + ']').prop('selected', true); }); } break; case 'invoice_number': // Invoice Issues // If the ticket is not opened yet, there are no Invoice Issues yet. updateInvoicesDatatable(); break; } // Display the tickets linked to the customer in the datatable updateTicketsDatatable(); setReminderDate(); return true; } function searchTicketRecords(customer_number) { var all_ticket_search = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: 'customsearch_ticket_by_custnum' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_cust_number', operator: 'contains', values: customer_number, }) all_ticket_search.filters.push(new_filter); var tickets_result_set ={ start: 0, end: 1000 }); var ticket_records = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(tickets_result_set)) { for (var i = 0; i < tickets_result_set.length; i++) { var ticket_id = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('name'); var cust_number = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('custrecord_cust_number'); var cust_name = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_customer1'); var barcode_num = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_barcode_number'); var invoice_num = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_invoice_number'); var customer_issue = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('custrecord_customer_issue'); var owner = tickets_result_set[i].getText('owner'); var date_created = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('created'); ticket_records.push([ticket_id, cust_number, cust_name, barcode_num, invoice_num, customer_issue, owner, date_created]); } } return ticket_records; } /** * Displays the invoices linked to the customer into a datatable. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function updateInvoicesDatatable() { var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var invoice_status_filter = $('#invoices_dropdown option:selected').val(); console.log("inv filter", invoice_status_filter); var invoicesSearchResults = loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status_filter); $('#result_invoices').empty(); var invoicesDataSet = []; if (isNullorEmpty(invoicesSearchResults)) { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { $('#info').text('No customer is associated to this invoice.'); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } else { try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, id: customer_id, isDynamic: true }); var customer_name = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }); console.log(customer_name); return true; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } } } var today = new Date; invoicesSearchResults.each(function (invoiceResult) { var status = invoiceResult.getValue('statusref'); if (status == invoice_status_filter) { var invoice_date = invoiceResult.getValue('trandate'); invoice_date = invoice_date.split(' ')[0]; invoice_date = dateCreated2DateSelectedFormat(invoice_date); var re = /Invoice #([\w]+)/; var invoice_number = invoiceResult.getValue('invoicenum'); invoice_number = invoice_number.replace(re, '$1'); var invoice_id =; var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + invoice_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; invoice_number = '<a href="' + invoice_link + '">' + invoice_number + '</a>'; var status_text = invoiceResult.getText('statusref'); var invoice_type = invoiceResult.getText('custbody_inv_type'); var amount_due = invoiceResult.getValue('amountremaining'); var total_amount = invoiceResult.getValue('total'); var due_date_string = invoiceResult.getValue('duedate'); var overdue = ''; if (!isNullorEmpty(due_date_string)) { due_date = stringToDate(due_date_string); var days_overdue = Math.ceil((today - due_date) / 86400000); if (days_overdue > 0) { overdue = days_overdue + ' days (' + due_date_string + ')'; } else { overdue = 'Due date : ' + due_date_string; } } amount_due = financial(amount_due); total_amount = financial(total_amount); invoicesDataSet.push([invoice_date, invoice_number, status_text, invoice_type, amount_due, total_amount, overdue, invoice_id]); } return true; }); // Update datatable rows. var datatable = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable(); datatable.clear(); datatable.rows.add(invoicesDataSet); datatable.draw(); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); return true; } /** * Update the headers of the tickets preview datatable, depending on the selector_type. * @param {String} selector_type */ function updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type) { var table = $('#tickets-preview').DataTable(); var header_cells = table.columns([3, 5, 6]).header().to$(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': $.each(header_cells, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: $(this).text('Barcode Number'); break; case 1: $(this).text('TOLL Issues'); break; case 2: $(this).text('Resolved TOLL Issues'); break; default: break; } }); break; case 'invoice_number': $.each(header_cells, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: $(this).text('Invoice Number'); break; case 1: $(this).text('Invoice Issues'); break; case 2: $(this).text('Resolved Invoice Issues'); break; default: break; } }); break; } } /** * Displays the tickets linked to the customer into a datatable. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function updateTicketsDatatable() { var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var ticketSearchResults = loadTicketsSearch(customer_id); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticketSearchResults)) { ticketSearchResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_customer1', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: customer_id, }) ); } //console.log("cnt", searchResultCount); console.log('update tickets datatable'); updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type); $('#result_tickets').empty(); var ticketsDataSet = []; if (isNullorEmpty(ticketSearchResults)) { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { $('#info').text('No customer is associated to this ticket.'); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } else { try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); var customer_name = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }); $('#info').text('No ticket exists for the customer ' + customer_name); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } } } (ticketResult) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var ticket_id = ticketResult.getValue('name'); var date_created = ticketResult.getValue('created'); var date_closed = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_date_closed'); var barcode_number = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_barcode_number'); var status = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_ticket_status'); var toll_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_toll_issues'); toll_issues = toll_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var resolved_toll_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_resolved_toll_issues'); resolved_toll_issues = resolved_toll_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var comment = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_comment'); ticketsDataSet.push([ticket_id, date_created, date_closed, barcode_number, status, toll_issues, resolved_toll_issues, comment]); break; case 'invoice_number': var ticket_id = ticketResult.getValue('name'); var date_created = ticketResult.getValue('created'); var date_closed = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_date_closed'); var re = /Invoice #([\w]+)/; var invoice_number = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_invoice_number'); invoice_number = invoice_number.replace(re, '$1'); var status = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_ticket_status'); var invoice_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_invoice_issues'); invoice_issues = invoice_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var resolved_invoice_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues'); resolved_invoice_issues = resolved_invoice_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var comment = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_comment'); comment = comment.split('\n').join('<br>'); ticketsDataSet.push([ticket_id, date_created, date_closed, invoice_number, status, invoice_issues, resolved_invoice_issues, comment]); break; } return true; }); // Update datatable rows. var datatable = $('#tickets-preview').dataTable().api(); datatable.clear(); datatable.rows.add(ticketsDataSet); datatable.draw(); return true; } /** * Load the result set of the invoices records linked to the customer. * @param {String} customer_id * @param {String} invoice_status * @return {nlobjSearchResultSet} invoicesResultSet */ // function loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status) { // if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { // var invoicesSearch = search.load({ type: 'invoice', id: 'customsearch_mp_ticket_invoices_datatabl' }); // var invoicesFilterExpression = invoicesSearch.filterExpression; // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ['entity', 'is', customer_id]); // if (invoice_status == 'open') { // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", "anyof", "CustInvc:A"]); // Open Invoices // } else if (invoice_status == 'paidInFull') { // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", "anyof", "CustInvc:B"]); // Paid in Full // var today_date = new Date(); // var today_day = today_date.getDate(); // var today_month = today_date.getMonth(); // var today_year = today_date.getFullYear(); // var date_3_months_ago = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month - 3, today_day)); // var date_3_months_ago_string = format.parse({ value: date_3_months_ago, type: format.Type.DATE }); // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["trandate", "after", date_3_months_ago_string]); // } // console.log('invoicesFilterExpression : ', invoicesFilterExpression); // invoicesSearch.filterExpression = invoicesFilterExpression; // invoicesResultSet =; // } // console.log("inv res set", invoicesResultSet) // return invoicesResultSet; // } /** * Load the result set of the invoices records linked to the customer. * @param {String} customer_id * @param {String} invoice_status * @return {nlobjSearchResultSet} invoicesResultSet */ function loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status) { var invoicesResultSet; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var invoicesSearch = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_mp_ticket_invoices_datatabl', type: search.Type.INVOICE }); var invoicesFilterExpression = invoicesSearch.filterExpression; invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND'); invoicesFilterExpression.push(['entity', search.Operator.IS, customer_id]); console.log("inv status", invoice_status); // Open Invoices if (invoice_status == 'open' || isNullorEmpty(invoice_status)) { invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", search.Operator.ANYOF, "CustInvc:A"]); // Open Invoices } else if (invoice_status == 'paidInFull') { invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", search.Operator.ANYOF, "CustInvc:B"]); // Paid in Full var today_date = new Date(); var today_day = today_date.getDate(); var today_month = today_date.getMonth(); var today_year = today_date.getFullYear(); var date_3_months_ago = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month - 3, today_day)); var date_3_months_ago_string = formatDate(date_3_months_ago); invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["trandate", search.Operator.AFTER, date_3_months_ago_string]); } invoicesSearch.filterExpression = invoicesFilterExpression; invoicesResultSet =; var searchResultCount = invoicesSearch.runPaged().count; console.log("cnt", searchResultCount); } return invoicesResultSet; } /** * Load the result set of the tickets records linked to the customer. * WARNING : This method returns only 1000 results. If we want more results, we need to use a saved search * @param {String} customer_id * @return {Array} An array of nlobjSearchResult objects, containing the different ticket records. */ function loadTicketsSearch(customer_id) { var ticketSearchResults = new Array; console.log("custid", customer_id); // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no customer_id. if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var filterExpression = search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_customer1', operator: 'is', values: customer_id, }); var ticketsColumns = new Array(); ticketsColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name' }); ticketsColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'created' }); ticketsColumns[2] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_date_closed' }); ticketsColumns[3] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); ticketsColumns[4] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_invoice_number' }); ticketsColumns[5] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); ticketsColumns[6] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); ticketsColumns[7] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues' }); ticketsColumns[8] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_invoice_issues' }); ticketsColumns[9] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues' }); ticketsColumns[10] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_comment' }); ticketSearchResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', filter: filterExpression, columns: ticketsColumns }); } return ticketSearchResults; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'ADD/EDIT CONTACTS' ('#reviewcontacts') * Open the 'ticket_contact' page with the parameters : * - Customer ID * - Barcode Number * - Script ID : 'customscript_sl_open_ticket' * - Deployment ID : 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket' */ function addEditContact() { var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var params = { custid: parseInt(customer_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, id: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', deploy: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2' }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_ticket_contact', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_ticket_contact', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } else { $('#info').parent().hide(); showAlert('No customer is associated to this ticket.'); } } /** * Loads the result set of all the contacts linked to a Customer. * @returns {nlobjSearchResultSet} contactsResultSet */ function loadContactsList() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var contactsResultSet = []; // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no customer_id. if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var contactsSearch = search.load({ type: 'contact', id: 'customsearch_salesp_contacts' }); var contactsFilterExpression = [ ['company', 'is', customer_id], 'AND', ['isinactive', 'is', 'F'] ]; contactsSearch.filterExpression = contactsFilterExpression; contactsResultSet =; } return contactsResultSet; } /** * Dispalys fields related to customer and frnachisee and hides the remaining. */ function displayFranchiseeInfo(customer_record) { var customer_name = customer_record.getValue('companyname'); var daytodayemail = customer_record.getValue('email'); var daytodayphone = customer_record.getValue('phone'); var zee_name = customer_record.getText('partner'); var zee_email = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'email', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_contact_name = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity3', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_abn = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity_abn_franchiserecord', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_phone = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity2', join: 'partner', summary: null }); //Ticket details section $('.customer_name').val(customer_name); $('#daytodayemail').val(daytodayemail); $('#daytodayphone').val(daytodayphone); $('#franchisee_name').val(zee_name); $('#zee_email').val(zee_email); $('#zee_main_contact_name').val(zee_contact_name); $('#zee_main_contact_phone').val(zee_phone); $('#zee_abn').val(zee_abn); createContactsRows(); } /** * - Populates the Contacts table by adding contacts details at each row. * - If there is a ticket_id (which means we are in edit mode), * adds the contact to the "To" field of the "Send Email" section. */ function createContactsRows() { var contactsResultSet = loadContactsList(); console.log(contactsResultSet); // Used for the Contacts Table. var inline_contacts_table_html = ''; // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no contacts. if (!isNullorEmpty(contactsResultSet)) { contactsResultSet.each(function (contactResult) { var contact_id = contactResult.getValue('internalid'); var salutation = contactResult.getValue('salutation'); var first_name = contactResult.getValue('firstname'); var last_name = contactResult.getValue('lastname'); var contact_name = salutation + ' ' + first_name + ' ' + last_name; var contact_email = contactResult.getValue('email'); var contact_phone = contactResult.getValue('phone'); var contact_role_value = contactResult.getValue('contactrole'); var contact_role_text = contactResult.getText('contactrole'); var add_as_recipient_btn = '<button style="background-color: #379E8F; border-color: #379E8F" class="btn btn-success add_as_recipient glyphicon glyphicon-envelope" type="button" data-email="' + contact_email + '" data-firstname="' + first_name + '" data-contact-id="' + contact_id + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add as recipient"></button>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_name">' + contact_name + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_phone">' + contact_phone + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_email">' + contact_email + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_role">'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<span class="role_value" hidden>' + contact_role_value + '</span>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<span class="role_text">' + contact_role_text + '</span>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_add_as_recipient">' + add_as_recipient_btn + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '</tr>'; return true; }); } $('#contacts tbody').html(inline_contacts_table_html); } /** * Populates the Usernote table by adding the usernotes at each row. */ function createUsernoteRows(ticket_id) { // Used for the UserNote Table. var inline_usernote_table_html = ''; ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var comments = comment.split('\n'); // This regExp matches any content inside brackets, that is not brackets. var re = /\[([^\[\]]+)\]/g; comments.forEach(function (value, index, comments_array) { // Iterate the array from the last element to the first, in order to display the most recent usernote on top. var nb_usernotes = comments_array.length; var usernote = comments_array[nb_usernotes - index - 1]; var usernote_array = usernote.split(' - '); var match_brackets_content_iterator = re[Symbol.matchAll](usernote); // match_brackets_content_array is an array of arrays. // Each of its element contains the matched string (with the brackets), // and the string inside the brackets (which is used for `usernote_title`, `usernote_name` and `usernote_date`. var match_brackets_content_array = Array.from(match_brackets_content_iterator, function (x) { return (x[1]) }); var usernote_title = match_brackets_content_array[0]; var usernote_name = match_brackets_content_array[1]; var usernote_date = match_brackets_content_array[2]; var usernote_text = usernote_array[usernote_array.length - 1]; inline_usernote_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_title">' + usernote_title + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_name">' + usernote_name + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_date">' + usernote_date + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_comment">' + usernote_text + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '</tr>'; }); } $('#user_note tbody').html(inline_usernote_table_html); } /** * Function to select TOLL emails */ function selectTollEmails() { var toll_emails = $('#send_toll option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); toll_emails = $.makeArray(toll_emails); $('toll_emails').selectpicker('val', toll_emails); } /** * Function to select the enquiry medium */ function selectEnquiryMedium() { var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('enquiry_medium_status').selectpicker('val', medium_list); } /** * For barcode tickets currently * Based on the selected MP Issue, an Owner is allocated to the ticket. * IT issues have priority over the other issues. */ function selectOwner() { var owner_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); console.log("owner_list", owner_list) owner_list = $.makeArray(owner_list); var list_mp_ticket_issues = $('#mp_issues option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); list_mp_ticket_issues = $.makeArray(list_mp_ticket_issues); console.log(list_mp_ticket_issues); if (list_mp_ticket_issues.length != 0) { var it_issue = false; var other_issue = '0'; list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (mp_ticket_issue_value) { if (mp_ticket_issue_value < 5) { it_issue = true; } else { other_issue = mp_ticket_issue_value; } }); if (it_issue) { // IT Issue owner_list = owner_list.concat([409635, 696992]); // Select Ankith Ravindran and Raine Giderson. } else if (other_issue != '0') { switch (other_issue) { case '5': // Operational Issue owner_list.push(25537); // Select Michael McDaid. break; case '6': // Finance Issue owner_list.push(280700); // Select Vira Nathania. break; case '7': // Customer Service Issue owner_list.push(386344); // Select Jessica Roberts. break; case '10': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; case '9': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; case '11': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; } } } $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); } /** * Function triggered when the '#template' input field is blurred. * Load the subject of the email and the body of the template. */ function loadTemplate() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var template_id = $('#template option:selected').val(); console.log('template_id : ', template_id); try { var templateRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_camp_comm_template', id: template_id, isDynamic: true }); var template_subject = templateRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_camp_comm_subject' }); console.log("templateRecord", templateRecord); console.log("tempsubj", template_subject); } catch (e) { //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the template with template_id : ' + template_id); } //} } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var sales_rep = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().name); console.log($('#send_to')) var first_name = $('#send_to').data("firstname"); console.log(first_name) var dear = encodeURIComponent(first_name); var contact_id = ''; var contact_id_array = $('#send_to').data('contact-id'); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id_array = JSON.parse(contact_id_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id = contact_id_array[0].toString(); if (contact_id == '0' && !isNullorEmpty(contact_id[1])) { contact_id = ''; } } } console.log('contact_id : ', contact_id); var userid = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); // var url = ''; // if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { // var url = ''; // } // url += template_id + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + dear + '&contactid=' + contact_id + '&userid=' + userid; var suiteletUrl = url.resolveScript({ scriptId: 'customscript_merge_email', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_merge_email', returnExternalUrl: true }); console.log('suiteletUrl', suiteletUrl); suiteletUrl += '&rectype=customer&template='; //var template_id = 94; // var newLeadEmailTemplateRecord = record.load({ // type: 'customrecord_camp_comm_template', // id: template_id, // isDynamic: true // }); //var templateSubject = template_subject; var emailAttach = new Object(); emailAttach['entity'] = customer_id; // suiteletUrl += template_id + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + dear + '&contactid=' + null + '&userid=' + userid; // var headerObj = { // name: 'Accept-Language', // value: 'en-us' // }; console.log('suiteletUrl', suiteletUrl); // var response = https.get({ // url: suiteletUrl, // }); // var emailHtml = response.body; var response = https.get({ url: suiteletUrl }); console.log("response", response); // console.log("URL", url); // suiteletUrl = http.request({ // method: http.Method.GET, // url: url, // }) // // urlCall = http.get({ // // url: url, // // }); // console.log(urlCall); var emailHtml = response.body; $('#email_body').summernote('code', emailHtml); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var subject = 'MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - ' + template_subject + ' - ' + selector_number; $('#subject').val(subject); } /** * Check that the fields "To", "Template" and "Subject" are non-empty. * @returns {Boolean} */ function validateEmailFields() { var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var send_to_val = $('#send_to').val(); var send_toll_val = $('#send_toll').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(send_to_val) && isNullorEmpty(send_toll_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please select a recipient.<br>'; } var template_val = $('#template option:selected').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(template_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please select a template.<br>'; } else { var subject_val = $('#subject').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(subject_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please enter a subject.<br>'; } } if (return_value == false) { showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Function to sent emails when a customer associated ticket is opened */ function sendCustomerTicketEmail(subject, ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, browser, os, login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, send_to) { console.log("in email fn ", send_to); if (isNullorEmpty(browser)) { browser = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(os)) { os = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { login_email_used = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { sender_name = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { sender_phone = " - " }; var url = ""; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { var url = ""; } var contactEmail = [""]; var custparam_params = new Object(); custparam_params['ticket_id'] = parseInt(ticket_id); custparam_params['selector_number'] = selector_number; custparam_params['selector_type'] = selector_type; var ticket_url = url + "&custparam_params=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(custparam_params)); if (isNullorEmpty(subject)) { subject = 'MPSD' + ticket_id + ' - New Customer Ticket Opened'; } var body = '' + selector_number + ' Ticket Details <br>'; body += 'Customer number : ' + customer_number + ' <br>'; body += 'Login email used : ' + login_email_used + ' <br>'; switch (selector_number) { case 'Customer App': body += 'Browser : ' + browser + ' <br>'; body += 'Operating system : ' + os + ' <br>'; break; case 'Customer Portal': body += 'Browser : ' + browser + ' <br>'; break; case 'Update Label': body += 'Sender name : ' + sender_name + ' <br>'; body += 'Sender phone : ' + sender_phone + ' <br>'; break; } body += '<a href="' + ticket_url + '"> Open ticket page </a><br>'; body += 'Next reminder time: ' + getNextReminderTime() + ' <br>'; var file = $('#screenshot_image')[0]; if (file && (typeof file.files[0] != 'undefined')) { file = file.files[0]; if ((file.type == "image/jpeg" || file.type == "image/png") && ( { var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function (e) { body += '<img src=" ' + + '">'; console.log("email send", send_to); if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { email.send({ author: userId, body: body, recipients: send_to, subject: subject, cc: contactEmail, }); } } fr.readAsDataURL(file); } } else { if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { console.log("email send", send_to); email.send({ author: userId, body: body, recipients: send_to, subject: subject, cc: contactEmail, }) } } console.log("EMAIL WORKED"); } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'SEND EMAIL' ('#send_email') * Send the selected email to the selected contact, and reloads the page. */ function sendEmail() { if (validateEmailFields()) { // Send Email // Convert "TO" text field to email adresses array var send_to_values = $('#send_to').val().split(','); var send_to = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to_values)) { send_to_values.forEach(function (email_address) { email_address = email_address.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { send_to.push(email_address); } }); } console.log("send_to", send_to); var send_toll_values = $('#send_toll').val(); var send_toll_to = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(send_toll_values)) { for (var i = 0; i < send_toll_values.length; i++) { send_toll_to.push($('#send_toll option:selected').val(send_toll_values)[i].text); } } // CC Field var cc_values = $('#send_cc').val().split(','); var cc = []; cc_values.forEach(function (email_address) { cc.push(email_address.trim()); return true; }); if (isNullorEmpty(cc)) { cc = null; } console.log("cc", cc); // BCC Field var bcc_values = $('#send_bcc').val().split(','); var bcc = []; bcc_values.forEach(function (email_address) { bcc.push(email_address.trim()); return true; }); if (isNullorEmpty(bcc)) { bcc = null; } console.log("bcc", bcc); var email_subject = $('#subject').val(); var email_body = $('#email_body').summernote('code'); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var params_email = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email' }); params_email = JSON.parse(params_email); params_email.recipient = send_to; params_email.subject = email_subject; params_email.body = encodeURIComponent(email_body); = cc; params_email.bcc = bcc; params_email.records = { entityId: customer_id }; var attachments_credit_memo_ids = params_email.attachments_credit_memo_ids; var attachments_usage_report_ids = params_email.attachments_usage_report_ids; var attachments_invoice_ids = params_email.attachments_invoice_ids; params_email = JSON.stringify(params_email); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_credit_memo_ids) || !isNullorEmpty(attachments_usage_report_ids) || !isNullorEmpty(attachments_invoice_ids)) { // Send email using the response part of this suitelet script. currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email', value: params_email }); setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } else { send_to = send_to.concat(send_toll_to); console.log("Final send " + send_to); // If there are no attachments, it's faster to directly use nlapiSendEmail() from the client script. // console.log("email send", recipients); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id) && !isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { email.send({ author: userId, body: email_body, recipients: send_to, subject: email_subject, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id }, bcc: bcc, cc: cc, }) } else { email.send({ author: userId, body: email_body, recipients: send_to, subject: email_subject, bcc: bcc, cc: cc, }) } // 112209 is from MailPlus Team var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id); // Reload the page var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } else { return false; } } /** * Set record status to 'In Progress'. * @param {Number} ticket_id */ function setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id) { try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var status_value = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var invoice_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number' }); if (isNullorEmpty(status_value) || status_value == 1) { //Ticket is open var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); if (isFinanceRoleOnly(userRole) && !isNullorEmpty(invoice_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 6 }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) && selector_number == "Customer App") { console.log('Setting ticket status to In progress - IT'); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 4 }); //In progress - Developers } else { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: true });{ enableSourcing: true, }) } } catch (e) { console.log("e", e); //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to Set record status to In Progress with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } //} } } /** * - Triggered by any changes on the TOLL Issues, Invoice Issues or MP Ticket Issues fields. * - Display the button 'CLOSE TICKET' only when there are no selected issues. * - Display the button 'CLOSE UNALLOCATED TICKET' only if the user is Ankith Ravindran or Raine Giderson * and if the issues 'No allocated customer' or 'No allocated franchisee' are selected. */ function hideCloseTicketButton() { // Check that there are no selected issues. var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; var mp_issues_length = $('#mp_issues option:selected').length; // Show the 'Close Ticket' Button switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': if ((toll_issues_length == 0) && (mp_issues_length == 0)) { $('.close_ticket').removeClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_ticket').addClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').addClass('hide'); } break; case 'invoice_number': if ((invoice_issues_length == 0) && (mp_issues_length == 0)) { $('.close_ticket').removeClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_ticket').addClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').addClass('hide'); } break; } // Show the 'Close Unallocated' button. var mp_issues_selected = $('#mp_issues option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); mp_issues_selected = $.makeArray(mp_issues_selected); // '1' is the MP Issue 'No Allocated Customer' // '3' is the MP Issue 'No Allocated Franchisee' var is_no_allocated_mp_issue = (mp_issues_selected.indexOf('1') != -1 || mp_issues_selected.indexOf('3') != -1); // '409635' is the user ID of Ankith Ravindran // '696992' is the user ID of Raine Giderson // '766498' is the user ID of Raphaël Chalicarne var is_user_ankith_or_raine = (userId == '409635' || userId == '696992' || userId == '766498'); var can_show_close_unallocated_button = (is_no_allocated_mp_issue && is_user_ankith_or_raine); if (can_show_close_unallocated_button) { $('.close_unallocated_ticket').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_unallocated_ticket').addClass('hide'); } updateButtonsWidth(); } function updateSaveRecord() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var selector_issue = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }); //set to T onEscalate var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); console.log('status_value' + status_value) console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue) console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type) console.log('selector_number ' + selector_number) if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number'); return false; } } // if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value) && !isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { // // Barcode/Inv associated tickets - check that a TOLL Issue or an Invoice Issue has been selected. // // Customer number associated ticket - check that a customer number has been entered // switch (selector_type) { // case 'barcode_number': // var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; // if (toll_issues_length == 0) { // showAlert('Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'); // return false; // } // break; // case 'invoice_number': // var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; // if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { // showAlert('Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'); // return false; // } // break; // case 'customer_issue': // var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); // if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used) && !validateEmail(login_email_used)) { // showAlert('User login email format is invalid. Please enter email again <br>'); // return false; // } // break; // } // } if (role == 1005) { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; var checkTicketOwner = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(checkTicketOwner)) { var checkTicketOwnerRec = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(checkTicketOwner) }); var owners = checkTicketOwnerRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (isNullorEmpty(owners) && owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } } if (selector_issue == 'T') { var to = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); to = $.makeArray(to); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, true) if (!email_sent) { return false; } } var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); console.log("Ticket id = " + ticket_id); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var ticketRecord = record.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_created_ticket', value: 'T' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: false }); console.log("DOES FALSE WORK", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent' })) } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the ticket record with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); // Save customer number var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val(); console.log('Saving customer number = ' + customer_number); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_number', value: customer_number }); // Save Enquiry status var enquiry_status_val = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_status_val)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_status', value: enquiry_status_val }); } var attachments_hyperlink = $('#attachments').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_hyperlink)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_attachments', value: attachments_hyperlink }); } // Save Ticket Label var label = $('#label_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(label)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_label', value: label }); } //Save Enquiry medium var enquiry_medium = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_medium)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: enquiry_medium }); } var total_enquiry_count = 0; if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val()); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_count', value: total_enquiry_count }); var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_chat_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_chat }); } var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_phone }); } var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_email }); } var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }))) { if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email) || !isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date', value: new Date() }); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_phone }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_email }); } //Check Enquiry is Selected if (isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } else if (total_enquiry_count == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } //Save Medium list saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setTicketStatus(ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setCreator(ticketRecord); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altname', value: selector_number }); var owner_email_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); owner_email_list = $.makeArray(owner_email_list); var zee_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_zee', value: zee_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number', value: selector_id }); // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); console.log(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); console.log("rem date", reminder_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } break; case 'invoice_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number', value: selector_id }); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { var daytodayemail = $('#daytodayemail').val(); var daytodayphone = $('#daytodayphone').val(); var accountsemail = $('#accountsemail').val(); var accountsphone = $('#accountsphone').val(); var selected_invoice_method_id = $('#invoice_method option:selected').val(); var accounts_cc_email = $('#accounts_cc_email').val(); var mpex_po_number = $('#mpex_po_number').val(); var customer_po_number = $('#customer_po_number').val(); var customer_terms = $('#customers_terms').val(); var selected_invoice_cycle_id = $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle option:selected').val(); var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service', value: daytodayemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'phone', value: daytodayphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: accountsemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altphone', value: accountsphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method', value: selected_invoice_method_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email', value: accounts_cc_email }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po', value: mpex_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11', value: customer_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_finance_terms', value: customer_terms }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle', value: selected_invoice_cycle_id });{}) // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } } break; case 'customer_issue': var screenshot_image = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ss_image' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(screenshot_image)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_screenshot', value: screenshot_image }); } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); } var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_issue_type)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_issue', value: customer_issue_type }); } var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email', value: login_email_used }); } var is_customer_number_email_sent = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number_email_sent' }); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(phone_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_used', value: phone_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(browser)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_browser', value: browser }); } var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(os_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_operating_system', value: os_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Update Label': var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_name', value: sender_name }); } var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_phone', value: sender_phone }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; } break; } } ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); //Owner var owner_list = new Array; $('#owner option:selected').each(function () { owner_list.push($(this).val()); }); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { // Send email to new owners. var old_owner_list = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_owner_list)) { var only_new_owner_ids = []; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (new_owner_id) { if (old_owner_list.indexOf(new_owner_id) == -1) { only_new_owner_ids.push(new_owner_id); only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + new_owner_id + '"]').data('email')); } }) } else { var only_new_owner_ids = owner_list; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (owner_id) { only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + owner_id + '"]').data('email')); }) } // If there is an issue, all the owners have already received an email. if (selector_issue == 'F' && (!isNullorEmpty(only_new_owner_email_address))) { var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, only_new_owner_email_address, false); if (!email_sent) { return false; } } else if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val() sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $('#browser_value').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), '', login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Update Label': var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, only_new_owner_email_address); break; } } } // Save Owner list console.log(owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list }); console.log("oList", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' })); //cxcxc // Save Comment switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; case 'invoice_number': var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment = '' }; var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date; var date_time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var date_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.TIMEOFDAY }); if (!isNullorEmpty(usernote_textarea)) { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment += '\n'; } var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + date_time_now + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; // Save usernote on Customer record var userNote = record.create({ type: 'note', }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: selected_title }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'notedate', value: date_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'time', value: time_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: usernote_textarea }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'entity', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) {{}) } comment += usernote; } break; case 'customer_issue': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; } if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var original_comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); var total_comment = $('#comment').val(); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment2 = new_comment.split("\n").join(''); var date_netsuite = format.format({ value: new Date(), type: format.Type.DATETIME }); console.log("new_comment", new_comment); console.log("new_comment2", new_comment2); var comment_with_date = total_comment; if (!isNullorEmpty(new_comment2)) { comment_with_date = "\n" + original_comment + "\n" + date_netsuite + " - " + new_comment2 + "\n"; } console.log('comment_with_date', comment_with_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment', value: comment_with_date }); } var ticket_id ={ enableSourcing: true, }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_id) && (selector_type == 'barcode_number')) { try { var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: selector_id }); console.log("ticket_id", ticket_id); console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', value: ticket_id }); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues ', value: list_toll_issues }); var rec_email = $('#receiveremail').val(); var rec_name = $('#receivername').val(); var rec_state = $('#receiverstate').val(); var rec_zip = $('#receiverzip').val(); var rec_addr1 = $('#receiveraddr1').val(); var rec_addr2 = $('#receiveraddr2').val(); var rec_city = $('#receiversuburb').val(); var rec_phone = $('#receiverphone').val(); //Check if Rec details are to be updated if (!$("#receiveremail").is(":disabled")) { if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_email)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email', value: rec_email }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_name)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_name', value: rec_name }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_state)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_state', value: rec_state }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_zip)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_postcode', value: rec_zip }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr1)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr1', value: rec_addr1 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr2)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr2', value: rec_addr2 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_city)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_suburb', value: rec_city }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_phone)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_phone', value: rec_phone }); } }{ enableSourcing: true, }); } catch (e) { //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { // if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the barcode record with barcode_id : ' + selector_id); // } //} } } return true; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'UPDATE CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function updateCloseTicket() { console.log('In update&close function'); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); console.log('All values have been set part1'); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); console.log('All values have been set part2'); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); } console.log('Email sent');{ enableSourcing: true, }) console.log('Redirecting to edit tickets page'); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } function closeTicket(selector_type, status_num) { if (selector_type == "customer_issue") { closeCustIssueTicket(selector_type, status_num); } else { closeBarcodeTicket() } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function closeBarcodeTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); updateSaveRecord(); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer // if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { // sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); // } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } function closeCustIssueTicket(selector_type, status_num) { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { var ticket_id = parseInt(currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' })); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var login_email = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); var escalated_to_it = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }); if (isNullorEmpty(login_email)) { console.log('No LOGIN EMAIL'); showAlert('Please enter a valid Login Email'); return false; } if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && creator_id == 112209 && !isNullorEmpty(escalated_to_it) && selector_type == "customer_issue" && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('CUSTOMER NUMBER MISSING'); showAlert('Please enter a Customer Number'); return false; } updateSaveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); if (isNullorEmpty(status_num)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 15 }); sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - Your IT ticket has been resolved - Customer Portal', [login_email], 121, customer_id); } else { if (status_num == 15) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - Your IT ticket has been resolved - Customer Portal', [login_email], 121, customer_id); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: status_num }); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' });{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function closeNewTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket and open a new ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) // Redirect to the Open New Ticket" page // var output = url.resolveScript({ // deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', // scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', // }) var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET - LOST ITEM' ('#close_ticket_lost') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed - Lost Item". */ function closeTicketLost() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket and set it as Closed-Lost?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 9 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord);{ enableSourcing: true, }); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Lost In Transit - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 113, customer_id); } var product_order = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_prod_stock_prod_order' }); var invoice = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_prod_stock_invoice' }); var userNoteId = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'recordid' }); console.log("Invoice", invoice); console.log("product order", product_order); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: barcodeName, selector_type: 'barcode_number' }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var ticket_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params; //CREDIT MEMO SECTION if (!isNullorEmpty(invoice) && isNullorEmpty(product_order)) { //Error- Send Email to Ankith body = "There's an error with the barcode as only the Invoice field is filled and the Product Order field is not (within the barcode record). Please see below barcode details\n\nMP Ticket: " + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['', ''], subject: "Test Error MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id }, }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(invoice) && !isNullorEmpty(product_order)) { //SEND EMAIL TO FIONA + POPIE --> change to raine after mat leave body = 'MP Ticket: ' + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nInvoice: ' + invoice + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['', '', ''], subject: "MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }) } else { //SEND EMAIL TO FIONA console.log("in here"); body = 'MP Ticket: ' + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['', ''], subject: "MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }) } // Create User Note under Barcode Record var userNote = record.create({ type: record.Type.NOTE, isDynamic: true, }); // Record Type i.e Cust Product Stock userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'recordtype', value: 1014 }); // Record ID userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'record', value: parseInt(userNoteId) }); //Title userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: 'Barcode Status- LIT' }); //Memo userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: 'Barcode ' + barcodeName + ' has been set to status Lost in Transit' });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE UNALLOCATED TICKET' ('#close_unallocated_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed - Unallocated". */ function closeUnallocatedTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 8 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord);{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Set the status of the ticket based on the MP ticket Values. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function setTicketStatus(ticketRecord) { var current_status = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var list_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_mp_ticket_issues.push($(this).val()); }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 1 }); if (currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }) == 'T') { //Set status to escalated //console.log("Changing status to escalated"); //ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 }); } else if (isNullorEmpty(current_status)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); } else if (list_mp_ticket_issues.length != 0) { var it_issue = false; var other_issue = '0'; list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (mp_ticket_issue_value) { if (mp_ticket_issue_value < 5) { it_issue = true; } else { other_issue = mp_ticket_issue_value; } }); if (it_issue) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 4 }); } else if (other_issue != '0') { switch (other_issue) { case '5': // Operational Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 5 }); break; case '6': // Finance Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 6 }); break; case '7': // Customer Service Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); break; } } } else { // If there are no more MP Ticket issues, if (current_status >= 4) { var email_sent = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent' }); console.log(email_sent); if (email_sent) { //If an email has ever been sent to the customer, the status is updated to 'In progress - Customer service' ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); } else { // If no email has ever been sent to the customer, the status is updated to 'Open' ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); } } } return ticketRecord; } /** * Set the creator of the ticket if there is none. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function setCreator(ticketRecord) { var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); if (isNullorEmpty(creator_id)) { var user_id = parseInt(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator', value: user_id }); } return ticketRecord; } /** * If we work with a barcode ticket, the TOLL Issues and MP Ticket Issues are added to the record. * If we work with an invoice ticket, the Invoice Issues are added to the record. * If issues have been deleted from any of these fields, they are saved in the resolved fields. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function updateIssues(ticketRecord) { var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // Save TOLL Issues var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved TOLL Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var old_list_toll_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_toll_issues)) { if (typeof (old_list_toll_issues) == "string") { old_list_toll_issues = [old_list_toll_issues]; } var list_resolved_toll_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_toll_issues)) { list_resolved_toll_issues = new Array; } else if (typeof (list_resolved_toll_issues) == "string") { list_resolved_toll_issues = [list_resolved_toll_issues]; } old_list_toll_issues.forEach(function (old_toll_issue) { // If a TOLL issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_toll_issues.indexOf(old_toll_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_toll_issues.push(old_toll_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues', value: list_resolved_toll_issues }); } } console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues', value: list_toll_issues }); break; case 'invoice_number': // Save Invoice Issues var list_invoice_issues = new Array; $('#invoice_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_invoice_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved INVOICE Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var old_list_invoice_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_invoice_issues)) { if (typeof (old_list_invoice_issues) == "string") { old_list_invoice_issues = [old_list_invoice_issues]; } var list_resolved_invoice_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_invoice_issues)) { list_resolved_invoice_issues = new Array; } else if (typeof (list_resolved_invoice_issues) == "string") { list_resolved_invoice_issues = [list_resolved_invoice_issues]; } old_list_invoice_issues.forEach(function (old_invoice_issue) { // If an invoice issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_invoice_issues.indexOf(old_invoice_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_invoice_issues.push(old_invoice_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues', value: list_resolved_invoice_issues }); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_issues', value: list_invoice_issues }); break; } // Save MP Ticket Issues var list_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_mp_ticket_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved MP Ticket Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) && selector_type != "customer_issue") { var old_list_mp_ticket_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_mp_ticket_issues)) { old_list_mp_ticket_issues = Array.from(old_list_mp_ticket_issues); var list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_mp_ticket_issue' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues)) { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; } else { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = Array.from(list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues); } old_list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (old_mp_ticket_issue) { // If a MP Ticket issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_mp_ticket_issues.indexOf(old_mp_ticket_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues.push(old_mp_ticket_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_mp_ticket_issue', value: list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues }); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue', value: list_mp_ticket_issues }); return ticketRecord; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'REOPEN TICKET' ('#reopen_ticket') * Set the ticket record as active. * Deletes the date of closure, * Set the status as "Open". */ function reopenTicket() { console.log("in reopen"); console.log("customer number"); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: null }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 1 }); // Save Reminder date setReminderDate(); var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); console.log("rem3", reminder_date); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } // Set new Creator and new Owner ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator', value: userId }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: [userId] });{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Reload the page var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, customer_number: customer_number, }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); console.log("in reopen"); } /** * Lookup for the Credit Memo associated to an invoice. * @returns {nlobjSearchResult[]} creditMemoResults */ function searchCreditMemo() { var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); var creditMemoResults = search.create({ type: 'creditmemo', filter: [ search.createFilter({ name: 'mainline', operator: 'is', values: 'T', }), search.createFilter({ name: 'createdfrom', operator: 'is', values: selector_id, }) ], columns: [ search.createColumn({ name: 'tranid', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'trandate', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'entity', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'createdfrom', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'internalid', summary: 'group' }) ] }); return; } else { return null; } } /** * searchCreditMemo() searches for Credit Memos linked to the current invoice. * If there are results, they are displayed in the table '#credit_memo'. * Otherwise, the section containing the table is hidden. * @param {Number} status_value */ function createCreditMemoRows(status_value) { var inline_credit_memo_table_html = ''; var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; console.log("sv", status_value); var creditMemoResults = searchCreditMemo(); if (!isNullorEmpty(creditMemoResults)) { $('.credit_memo').removeClass('hide'); creditMemoResults.each(function (creditMemoResult) { console.log("CMR", creditMemoResult); var credit_memo_number = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'tranid', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_date = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'trandate', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_name = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_id = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_link = baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + credit_memo_customer_id; var credit_memo_created_from_id = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'createdfrom', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_created_from = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'createdfrom', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + credit_memo_created_from_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; var credit_memo_id = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'internalid', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + credit_memo_id + '&whence='; var credit_memo_url = baseURL + '/app/accounting/print/' + credit_memo_id + '&label=Credit+Memo&printtype=transaction'; var credit_memo_action_button = '<button class="btn btn-success add_cm glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-cm-id="' + credit_memo_id + '" data-cm-url="' + credit_memo_url + '" title="Attach to email"></button>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_number"><a href="' + credit_memo_link + '">' + credit_memo_number + '</a></td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_date">' + credit_memo_date + '</td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_customer"><a href="' + credit_memo_customer_link + '">' + credit_memo_customer_name + '</td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_invoice_number"><a href="' + invoice_link + '">' + credit_memo_created_from + '</td>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_action">' + credit_memo_action_button + '</td>'; } inline_credit_memo_table_html += '</tr>'; }); } else { $('.credit_memo').addClass('hide'); } $('#credit_memo tbody').html(inline_credit_memo_table_html); // Each time the table is redrawn, we trigger tooltip for the new cells. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } /** * In the suitelet script, if the ticket record concerns an invoice, * the associated usage reports id are saved. * The files are loaded and their filenames and url are saved into the array of objects 'usage_report_array'. * This array is parsed and if the ids are not null, a row is added to the '#usage_report' table. * Otherwise, the section containing the table is hidden. * @param {Number} status_value */ function createUsageReportRows(status_value) { var inline_usage_report_table_html = ''; var usage_report_array = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_usage_report_array' }); usage_report_array = JSON.parse(usage_report_array); console.log('usage_report_array : ', usage_report_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(usage_report_array)) { usage_report_array.forEach(function (usage_report_obj) { var usage_report_id =; if (!isNullorEmpty(usage_report_id)) { var usage_report_filename =; var usage_report_link = usage_report_obj.url; var usage_report_action_button = '<button class="btn btn-success add_ur glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-ur-id="' + usage_report_id + '" title="Attach to email"></button>'; inline_usage_report_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_usage_report_table_html += '<td headers="usage_report_filename"><a href="' + usage_report_link + '">' + usage_report_filename + '</a></td>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_usage_report_table_html += '<td headers="usage_report_action">' + usage_report_action_button + '</td>'; } inline_usage_report_table_html += '</tr>'; } }); } else { $('.usage_report').addClass('hide'); } $('#usage_report tbody').html(inline_usage_report_table_html); // Each time the table is redrawn, we trigger tooltip for the new cells. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } /** * Depending on the number of buttons at the end of the page, their width and offset should change. * If there are 2 buttons, they have a width of 4 cols and an offset of 2 cols. * If there are 3 buttons, they have a width of 4 cols. * If there are 4 buttons, they have a width of 3 cols. */ function updateButtonsWidth() { var nb_buttons = $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div:not(.hide)').length; $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-offset-2'); switch (nb_buttons) { case 2: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-3'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div:not(.hide)').eq(0).addClass('col-xs-offset-2'); break; case 3: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-3'); break; case 4: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-3'); break; } } /** * Converts the selector field into either "Invoice number"/"Barcode number"/ "Customer App" * @param {String} selector_name */ function setupSelectorInput(selector_name) { $('#selector_text').text(selector_name); switch (selector_name) { case 'INVOICE NUMBER': $('#selector_value').attr('placeholder', 'INV123456'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('value'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('disabled'); break; case 'BARCODE NUMBER': $('#selector_value').attr('placeholder', 'MPEN123456'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('value'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('disabled'); break; case 'CUSTOMER APP': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Customer App'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; case 'CUSTOMER PORTAL': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Customer Portal'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; case 'UPDATE LABEL': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Update Label'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; // case 'UPDATE CUSTOMER DETAILS': // $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); // $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Update Customer Details'); // $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // break; } } /** * Format a date object to the string 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm [am/pm]' * @param {Date} date * @returns {String} date_string */ function formatDate(testDate) { console.log('testDate: ' + testDate); var responseDate = format.format({ value: testDate, type: format.Type.DATE }); console.log('responseDate: ' + responseDate); return responseDate; } /** * Converts the date string in the "invoice_date" table to the format of "date_selected". * @param {String} invoice_date ex: '4/6/2020' * @returns {String} date ex: '2020-06-04' */ function dateCreated2DateSelectedFormat(invoice_date) { // date_created = '4/6/2020' var date_array = invoice_date.split('/'); // date_array = ["4", "6", "2020"] var year = date_array[2]; var month = date_array[1]; if (month < 10) { month = '0' + month; } var day = date_array[0]; if (day < 10) { day = '0' + day; } return year + '-' + month + '-' + day; } /** * Calculates the reminder date based on the current date and the selector_type. */ function setReminderDate() { var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) || !isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var today = new Date(); var today_day_in_month = today.getDate(); var today_day_in_week = today.getDay(); var today_month = today.getMonth(); var today_year = today.getFullYear(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var addNbDays = 1; if (today_day_in_week == 5) { addNbDays += 2; } break; case 'invoice_number': var addNbDays = 3; if (today_day_in_week == 3 || today_day_in_week == 4 || today_day_in_week == 5) { addNbDays += 2; } break; } var reminder_date = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month, today_day_in_month + addNbDays)); reminder_date = reminder_date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var ticket_reminder_date = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder' }); var reminder_date = ''; if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_reminder_date)) { ticket_reminder_date = format.parse({ value: ticket_reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var reminder_date_day_in_month = ticket_reminder_date.getDate(); var reminder_date_month = ticket_reminder_date.getMonth(); var reminder_date_year = ticket_reminder_date.getFullYear(); reminder_date = new Date(Date.UTC(reminder_date_year, reminder_date_month, reminder_date_day_in_month)); reminder_date = reminder_date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; } } $('#reminder').val(reminder_date); } /** * Creates the inline HTML of the Credit Memo table, * with a button for the attachments if the ticket is not closed. * @param {Number} status_value * @returns {String} inline_html_credit_memo_table */ function htmlCreditMemoTable(status_value) { var inline_html_credit_memo_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="credit_memo" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<tr>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_number">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CREDIT #</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_date">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>DATE</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_customer">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CUSTOMER</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_invoice_number">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CREATED FROM</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_action">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>ATTACH TO EMAIL</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; } inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</tr>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</thead>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<tbody></tbody>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</table>'; return inline_html_credit_memo_table; } function htmlUsageReportTable(status_value) { var inline_html_usage_report_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="usage_report" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<tr>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usage_report_filename">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<b>FILE NAME</b>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</th>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_html_usage_report_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usage_report_action">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<b>ATTACH TO EMAIL</b>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</th>'; } inline_html_usage_report_table += '</tr>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</thead>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<tbody></tbody>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</table>'; return inline_html_usage_report_table; } /** * This function is triggered when a button is clicked to attach a file. * It stores the file id in the right array of the object 'params_email'. */ function attachFileButton() { $(this).toggleClass('btn-success'); $(this).toggleClass('btn-danger'); if ($(this).attr('id') == 'add_inv') { $(this).find('span.glyphicon').toggleClass('glyphicon-minus'); $(this).find('span.glyphicon').toggleClass('glyphicon-plus'); } else { $(this).toggleClass('glyphicon-minus'); $(this).toggleClass('glyphicon-plus'); } // Tooltip seems to set the 'title' attribute to 'data-original-title'. // The only way to have tooltip take into account the change of title is to modifiy the attribute 'data-original-title'. // Using the jQuery method 'data()' doesn't work. if ($(this).attr('data-original-title') == 'Attach to email') { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Remove from email'); } else { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Attach to email'); } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); var attachment_id = ''; var attachment_ids_array_name = ''; if ($(this).hasClass('add_ur')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('ur-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_usage_report_ids'; } else if ($(this).hasClass('add_cm')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('cm-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_credit_memo_ids'; } else if ($(this).hasClass('add_inv')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('inv-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_invoice_ids'; } addIdToAttachmentList(attachment_ids_array_name, attachment_id); } /** * Adds or remove the id of a record to be attached (or removed) to the email that will be sent in the function sendEmail(); * @param {String} attachment_ids_array_name * @param {Number} id */ function addIdToAttachmentList(attachment_ids_array_name, id) { var params_email = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email' }); params_email = JSON.parse(params_email); var attachment_ids_array = params_email[attachment_ids_array_name]; var index_of_id_elem = attachment_ids_array.indexOf(id); if (index_of_id_elem == -1) { attachment_ids_array.push(id); } else { attachment_ids_array.splice(index_of_id_elem, 1); } params_email[attachment_ids_array_name] = attachment_ids_array; params_email = JSON.stringify(params_email); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email', value: params_email }); } /** * @param {Number} x * @returns {String} The same number, formatted in Australian dollars. */ function financial(x) { if (typeof (x) === 'string') { x = parseFloat(x); } if (isNullorEmpty(x)) { return "$0.00"; } else { return x.toLocaleString('en-AU', { style: 'currency', currency: 'AUD' }); } } /** * Returns whether a ticket is closed or not based on its status value. * @param {Number} status_value * @returns {Boolean} is_ticket_closed */ function isTicketNotClosed(status_value) { var is_ticket_not_closed = ((status_value != 3) && (status_value != 8)) ? true : false; return is_ticket_not_closed; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023) || ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 1006) || (userRole == 3))); } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRoleOnly(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles return (userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023); } function validateEmail(email) { var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase()); } function getBase64(file) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function () { resolve(reader.result) } reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } /** * Function to get the next email reminder time. * Adds +2 hours to the current date. */ function getNextReminderTime() { var today = new Date(); //Adding 19 hours to PST will give Australia/ Sydney timezone today.setHours(today.getHours() + 19); var currentHours = today.getHours(); log.debug({ title: 'currentHours + 2', details: currentHours + 2 }); if (currentHours + 2 > 16) { //Current hours + 2 hours is past 5. next reminder will be sent the next day at 9 am today.setDate(today.getDate() + 1); today.setHours(9); today.setMinutes(0); today.setSeconds(0); } else if (currentHours + 2 < 9) { //Current hours + 2 hours is before 9 am. Edge case but this is unlikely to happen since script does not run outside 9-5 today.setHours(9); today.setMinutes(0); today.setSeconds(0); } else { // Set next reminder time to today + 2 hours today.setHours(today.getHours() + 2); } return today; } function stringToDate(val) { return format.parse({ value: val, type: format.Type.DATE }) } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { pageInit: pageInit, saveRecord: saveRecord, closeTicket: closeTicket, closeTicketLost: closeTicketLost, closeUnallocatedTicket: closeUnallocatedTicket, onEscalate: onEscalate, onCancel: onCancel }; } );
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType ClientScript * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/error', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/url', 'N/record', 'N/format', 'N/email', 'N/currentRecord', 'N/https'], function (error, runtime, search, url, record, format, email, currentRecord, https) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userRole = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; var userId = runtime.getCurrentUser().id; /** * On page initialisation */ var currRec = currentRecord.get(); function pageInit() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); //Remove Chrome's incessant "Leave Site" warning window.onbeforeunload = null; //background-colors $("#NS_MENU_ID0-item0").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#NS_MENU_ID0-item0 a").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#body").css("background-color", "#CFE0CE"); $("#tr_submitter").css("margin-left", "10px"); var ticketsDataSet = []; var invoicesDataSet = []; $(document).ready(function () { console.log('doc ready'); $('#email_body').summernote(); $('#owner, #toll_issues, #mp_issues, #invoice_issues, #enquiry_medium_status, #send_toll').selectpicker(); $('#tickets-preview').DataTable({ data: ticketsDataSet, columns: [{ title: "ID" }, { title: "Date created" }, { title: "Date closed" }, { title: "Barcode Number" }, { title: "Status" }, { title: "TOLL Issues" }, { title: "Resolved TOLL Issues" }, { title: "Comment" }] }); $('#emails-preview').DataTable(); var invoice_table = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable({ data: invoicesDataSet, columns: [{ title: "Invoice Date", type: "date" }, { title: "Invoice #" }, { title: "Status" }, { title: "Invoice Type" }, { title: "Amount Due", type: "num-fmt" }, { title: "Total Amount", type: "num-fmt" }, { title: "Overdue" }, { title: "Invoice ID" }, { title: "Action" }], columnDefs: [{ visible: false, targets: -2, }, { targets: -1, data: null, render: function (data, type, row, meta) { var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); var disabled = (data[7] == selector_id) ? 'disabled' : ''; return '<button class="btn btn-success add_inv glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-inv-id="' + data[7] + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Attach to email" ' + disabled + '></button>'; } }] }); $('#invoices-preview thead tr').addClass('text-center'); // Adapted from // Adds a row to the table head row, and adds search filters to each column. $('#invoices-preview thead tr').clone(true).appendTo('#invoices-preview thead'); $('#invoices-preview thead tr:eq(3) th').each(function (i) { var title = $(this).text(); $(this).html('<input style="width: 80%" type="text" placeholder="Search ' + title + '" />'); $('input', this).on('keyup change', function () { if (invoice_table.column(i).search() !== this.value) { invoice_table .column(i) .search(this.value) .draw(); } }); }); //var invoice_table = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable(); invoice_table.on('click', 'button.add_inv', function () { }); }); console.log('Page init'); if ( == "script=1243&deploy=1" || == "script=976&deploy=1&compid=1048144_SB3" || == "script=1243&deploy=1&compid=1048144_SB3&whence=") { currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: '' }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: "barcode_number" }); } var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); //Toggling show/hide for the tickets associated to customer number if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').show(); } else { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').hide(); } // The inline html of the <table> tag is not correctly displayed inside div.col-xs-12.contacts_div when added with Suitelet. // Hence, the html code is added using jQuery when the page loads. var inline_html_contact_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="contacts" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_name"><b>NAME</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_phone"><b>PHONE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_email"><b>EMAIL</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_role"><b>ROLE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="col_add_as_recipient"><b>ADD AS RECIPIENT</b></th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>'; $('div.col-xs-12.contacts_div').html(inline_html_contact_table); // Like the contacts table, the html code of the usernote table is added using jQuery when the page loads. var inline_html_usernote_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="user_note" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_title"><b>TITLE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_name"><b>NAME</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_date"><b>DATE</b></th><th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usernote_comment"><b>USER NOTE</b></th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>'; $('div.col-xs-12.user_note_div').html(inline_html_usernote_table); //Credit memo display displayed conditionally if (selector_type == 'invoice_number' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var inline_html_credit_memo_table = htmlCreditMemoTable(status_value); $('div.col-xs-12.credit_memo_div').html(inline_html_credit_memo_table); var inline_html_usage_report_table = htmlUsageReportTable(status_value); $('div.col-xs-12.usage_report_div').html(inline_html_usage_report_table); } // The value of the submitter button at the bottom of the page is directly linked to the value of the button at the top. // var submit_btn_val = $('#submitter').val().toUpperCase(); // $('#submit_ticket').val(submit_btn_val); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { console.log('!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) : ', !isNullorEmpty(selector_number)); // If we updated the contacts, we have the parameter 'custpage_selector_number' and no parameter for 'custpage_ticket_id'. if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) : ', isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)); $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } // If we come from the edit_ticket page, we have the parameters 'custpage_selector_number' and' custpage_ticket_id'. } else { console.log('isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) : ', isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)); createContactsRows(); // If the ticket status is "Open, the acknoledgement template shall be selected. if (status_value != 3) { $('#template option:selected').attr('selected', false); $('#template option[value="66"]').attr('selected', true); // Select the acknoledgement template loadTemplate(); } if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { updateInvoicesDatatable(); createCreditMemoRows(status_value); createUsageReportRows(status_value); createUsernoteRows(ticket_id); } else if (selector_type == 'barcode_number') { selectEnquiryMedium(); selectTollEmails(); selectOwner(); setReminderDate(); hideCloseTicketButton(); updateTicketsDatatable(); } else { //selector_type == 'customer_issue' selectEnquiryMedium(); } } } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); updateButtonsWidth(); $('.input-group-btn button').click(function (e) { $(e.currentTarget).next('ul').toggleClass('hide'); $(e.currentTarget).next('ul').toggleClass('show'); }); $('#screenshot_image').on('change', function () { var file = $('#screenshot_image')[0].files[0]; if (file && (file.type == "image/jpeg" || file.type == "image/png")) { //continue } else { showAlert('Please enter a screenshot image of type .png or .jpeg'); } }); //Change display depending on which selector is chosen $('.dropdown-menu li a').click(function (e) { console.log("in selector dropdown li a"); e.preventDefault(); setupSelectorInput($(this).text()); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', true); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.invoice_method_accounts_cc_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_customer_po_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.terms_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_invoicing_cycle_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); // Add MP Issues options var mp_ticket_issues_columns = new Array(); mp_ticket_issues_columns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name' }); mp_ticket_issues_columns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'internalId' }); var mpTicketIssuesResultSet = search.create({ type: 'customlist_mp_ticket_issues', columns: mp_ticket_issues_columns }); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = ''; mpTicketIssuesResultSet.each(function (mpTicketIssueResult) { var mp_issue_name = mpTicketIssueResult.getValue('name'); var mp_issue_id = mpTicketIssueResult.getValue('internalId'); mp_issues_option_inline_html += '<option value="' + mp_issue_id + '">' + mp_issue_name + '</option >'; return true; }); $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('.toll_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.resolved_toll_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.open_invoices').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.resolved_invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note').addClass('hide'); $('.comment_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); var owner_list = [userId]; console.log(owner_list); $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; case 'invoice_number': if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', false); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', false); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', false); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', false); $('#invoice_method').attr('disabled', false); $('#accounts_cc_email').attr('disabled', false); $('#mpex_po_number').attr('disabled', false); $('#customer_po_number').attr('disabled', false); $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle').attr('disabled', false); } $('.accountscontact_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').addClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_method_accounts_cc_email_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_customer_po_number_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.terms_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.mpex_invoicing_cycle_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.open_invoices').removeClass('hide'); // Remove MP Issues options $('#mp_issues option').each(function () { if ($(this).val() != 4) { $(this).remove(); } }); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('.toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.resolved_toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.invoice_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.resolved_invoice_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.user_note').removeClass('hide'); $('.comment_section').addClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').removeClass('hide'); //Set Owner to current user var owner_list = [userId]; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; case 'customer_issue': $('#daytodayemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#daytodayphone').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsemail').attr('disabled', true); $('#accountsphone').attr('disabled', true); $('.invoice_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_title_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_textarea_section').addClass('hide'); $('.user_note_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accountscontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.accounts_number_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('col-xs-12'); $('.enquiry_status_div').addClass('col-xs-6'); $('.label_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_status_div').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.reminder_section').addClass('hide'); $('.toll_issues_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').removeClass('hide'); var current_customer_issue = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (current_customer_issue) { case 'Customer App': //App related fields $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').removeClass('hide'); //Set current chosen option to Customer App var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="10" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh') break; case 'Customer Portal': //Portal related fields $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').removeClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').addClass('hide'); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="9" selected> Customer Portal Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#owner').selectpicker('val', [1706027]); break; case 'Update Label': //Label fields $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.sender_details_section').removeClass('hide'); var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="11" selected> Update Customer Label Issue</option>'; $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); break; } //Set Owner to Rianne Mansell var owner_list = ['1132504']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); break; } $(this).closest("ul").toggleClass('hide'); $(this).closest("ul").toggleClass('show'); }); $('#open_inv').click(function () { var invoice_id = $(this).data('inv-id'); var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + invoice_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; console.log("invoice_link", invoice_link);, "_blank", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); }) updateEnquiryMediumAndCount(); $('#reviewcontacts').click(function () { console.log("1234"); addEditContact(); }); $('#invoices_dropdown').change(function () { var invoice_status_filter = $(this, 'option:selected').val(); if (invoice_status_filter == 'open') { var invoice_section_header = 'OPEN INVOICES'; } else if (invoice_status_filter == 'paidInFull') { var invoice_section_header = 'PAID INVOICES'; } $('.open_invoices_header div div h4 span').text(invoice_section_header); updateInvoicesDatatable(); }); $('.add_as_recipient').click(function () { var email_address = $(this).data('email'); console.log(email_address); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { $(this).toggleClass('btn-success'); $(this).toggleClass('btn-danger'); if ($(this).attr('data-original-title') == 'Add as recipient') { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Remove recipient'); } else { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Add as recipient'); } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // Convert "TO" text field to email adresses array console.log($('#send_to')); var send_to_values = $('#send_to').val().split(','); var send_to_array = []; send_to_values.forEach(function (email_address_in_send_to) { email_address_in_send_to = email_address_in_send_to.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address_in_send_to)) { send_to_array.push(email_address_in_send_to); } }); // Add or remove selected email adress from array var firstname = $(this).data('firstname'); var firstname_array = $('#send_to').data('firstname'); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname_array)) { firstname_array = JSON.parse($('#send_to').data('firstname')); } else { firstname_array = []; } var contact_id = $(this).data('contact-id'); var contact_id_array = $('#send_to').data('contact-id'); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id_array = JSON.parse(contact_id_array); } else { contact_id_array = []; } var index_of_email_address = send_to_array.indexOf(email_address); if (index_of_email_address == -1 && $(this).hasClass('btn-danger') && !isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { send_to_array.push(email_address); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname)) { firstname_array.push(firstname); } if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id) || contact_id == 0) { contact_id_array.push(contact_id); } } else if ($(this).hasClass('btn-success')) { send_to_array.splice(index_of_email_address, 1); if (!isNullorEmpty(firstname)) { firstname_array.splice(firstname, 1); } if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id)) { contact_id_array.splice(contact_id, 1); } } firstname_array = JSON.stringify(firstname_array); contact_id_array = JSON.stringify(contact_id_array); // Convert array to text field var send_to = ''; send_to_array.forEach(function (email_address) { send_to += email_address + ', '; }); send_to = send_to.slice(0, -2); console.log('send_to : ', send_to); $('#send_to').val(send_to); $('#send_to').data('firstname', firstname_array); $('#send_to').data('contact-id', contact_id_array); } }); $('#credit_memo tbody td[headers="credit_memo_action"] button, #usage_report tbody td[headers="usage_report_action"] button, button#add_inv').on('click', function () { }); $('#acc_manager_button').click(function () { var account_manager_email = $('#acc_manager').data('email'); var send_cc_field = $('#send_cc').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(send_cc_field)) { $('#send_cc').val(account_manager_email); } else { $('#send_cc').val(send_cc_field + ', ' + account_manager_email); } }); $('#template').change(function () { loadTemplate() }); $('#send_email').click(function () { sendEmail() }); $('#toll_issues, #invoice_issues').on('change', function () { hideCloseTicketButton() }); $('#mp_issues').change(function () { selectOwner(); hideCloseTicketButton(); }); $('#cancelbutton').click(function () { onCancel() }); $('#closeticketbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, '') }); $('#closenewticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("in close new"); closeNewTicket() }); $('#closelostbutton').click(function () { closeTicketLost() }); $('#closeunallocatedbutton').click(function () { closeUnallocatedTicket() }); $('#reopenticketbutton').click(function () { reopenTicket() }); $('#updateticketbutton').click(function () { updateAndNew(); }); $('#updatecloseticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("btn clicked"); if (confirm("Are you sure you want to update and close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { console.log('Update & Closed Started'); updateSaveRecord(); updateCloseTicket(); console.log("Update finished"); //updateCloseTicket(); } }); $('#openticketbutton').click(function () { console.log("hi"); //saveRecord(); $('#submitter').trigger('click'); }); $('#opennewticketbutton').click(function () { openAndNew(); }); $('#escalatebutton').click(function () { escalateTicket(ticket_id, selector_number, selector_type); }); $('#escalaterianne').click(function () { console.log("Escalating to rianne"); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); var comments = $('#comment').val(); console.log('comments', comments); if (isNullorEmpty(comments)) { console.log('Enter comment before Escalation', comments); showAlert('Please enter a Comment before escalating to IT'); return false; } if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }))) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it', value: new Date() }); var owner_list = ['1132504']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', parseInt(ticket_id), customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), $('#login_email_text').val(), '', '', ["PI:EMAIL:lyhxr@example.comEND_PI"]); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } else { console.log('didnt work for some reason'); } }); $('#escalateankith').click(function () { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); var escalated_to_it = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }); var first_interaction = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && creator_id == 112209 && !isNullorEmpty(escalated_to_it) && selector_type == "customer_issue" && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('Enter customer number before Escalation'); showAlert('Please enter a Customer Number'); return false; } else if (isNullorEmpty(first_interaction) && interaction_count_by_phone == 0 && interaction_count_by_email == 0) { console.log('Incrememnt interaction count before Escalation'); showAlert('Please Interact with Customer before Escalation'); return false; } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 }); var owner_list = ['409635']; $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); var subject = 'MPSD' + ticket_id + ' - Customer Issue Ticket Escalated'; var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var login_email = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email' }); sendCustomerTicketEmail(subject, parseInt(ticket_id), customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), $('#login_email_text').val(), '', '', ["PI:EMAIL:nnheo@example.comEND_PI"]); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + parseInt(ticket_id) + '] - Your IT ticket has been escalated - Customer Portal', [login_email], 120, customer_id); } var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); }); $('#escalateunderdev').click(function () { saveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 17 });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); location.reload(); }); $('#escalateremoveunderdev').click(function () { saveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(ticket_id), }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); location.reload(); }); $('#closeresolvedbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, 15); }); $('#closeunresolvedbutton').click(function () { closeTicket(selector_type, 16); }); // Prevent the ticket to be submitted on enter. $('input, textarea').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); // Add a newline at the end of the comment textarea when enter is pressed // This will not create the newline where the cursor is in the text $('textarea#comment').keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { var comment = $(this).val(); comment += '\n'; $(this).val(comment); return false; } }); //Event listener for customer number input and selector value input $('#customer_number_value, #selector_value').change(function () { checkMandatoryFields(); }); // Auto Format Comment Box for Emails var comment_formatted = false; $('#comment').on('keyup', function (event) { var selection = $(this).val(); if ('From:') != -1 && selection.indexOf(']\n') == -1) { var newstr = selection.replace('To:', '\nTo:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('Sent:', '\nSent:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('Subject:', '\nSubject:'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll('>', '>\n'); newstr = newstr.replaceAll(']', ']\n'); $(this).val(newstr); console.log('Selection Changed: ' + newstr) } else { comment_formatted = true; return true; } }); } function escalateTicket(ticket_id, selector_number, selector_type) { var answer = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to escalate this ticket?"); if (answer) { //SET FIELDS IN RECORD //some code // REDIRECT TO URL console.log("IN HERE"); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_ticketing_escalate', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_ticketing_escalate', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params; var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: Math.floor(ticket_id), }); var customerstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status' }); var ticketstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); console.log('customerstatus', customerstatus); if (parseInt(customerstatus) < 4) { console.log(customerstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: parseInt(customerstatus) + 1 }); } if (parseInt(ticketstatus) < 11) { console.log(ticketstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 11 }); } else if (parseInt(ticketstatus) < 14) { console.log(ticketstatus); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: parseInt(ticketstatus) + 1 }); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) //Send email to Receiver var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: Math.floor(ticket_id), }) var ticketstatus = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { if (ticketstatus == 11) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 1 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 109, customer_id); } else if (ticketstatus == 12) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 2 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 110, customer_id); } else if (ticketstatus == 13) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Support enquiry | Stage 3 - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 111, customer_id); } } //Send email to TOLL var toll_issues = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); var mp_issues = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue' }); var body = 'MP Ticket ID: ' + ticket_name + '\n Barcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nToll Issues: ' + toll_issues + '\nMP Issues: ' + mp_issues; // if (ticketstatus == 11) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: ['PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI'], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 1- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042} // }); // } else if (ticketstatus == 12) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: ['PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI'], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 2- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042}, // }); // } else if (ticketstatus == 13) { // email.send({ // author: 112209, // body: body, // recipients: ['PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI'], // subject: 'Ticket Escalated: Escalation 3- ' + ticket_name, // relatedRecords: {record: ticket_id, recordtype: 1042}, // }); // } console.log("upload", upload_url), '_self'); } else { //some code } } /** * Function to sent emails when a customer associated ticket is escalated */ function sendCustomerEscalateEmail(subject, recipients, template, customer_id) { var sales_rep = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().name); var userid = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); var suiteletUrl = url.resolveScript({ scriptId: 'customscript_merge_email', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_merge_email', returnExternalUrl: true }); suiteletUrl += '&rectype=customer&template='; suiteletUrl += template + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + '' + '&contactid=' + null + '&userid=' + userid; console.log(suiteletUrl); var response = https.get({ url: suiteletUrl }); var emailHtml = response.body; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { email.send({ author: 112209, body: emailHtml, recipients: recipients, subject: subject, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }); } else { email.send({ author: 112209, body: emailHtml, recipients: recipients, subject: subject, }); } } function commentsDate() { var today = new Date(); var dd = today.getDate(); var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); if (dd < 10) { dd = '0' + dd; } if (mm < 10) { mm = '0' + mm; } today = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy; return today; } function saveRecord(context) { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var selector_issue = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }); //set to T onEscalate var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); console.log('status_value' + status_value) console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue) console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type) console.log('selector_number ' + selector_number) if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number'); return false; } } if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value) && !isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { // Barcode/Inv associated tickets - check that a TOLL Issue or an Invoice Issue has been selected. // Customer number associated ticket - check that a customer number has been entered switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; if (toll_issues_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'); return false; } break; case 'invoice_number': var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'); return false; } break; case 'customer_issue': var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used) && !validateEmail(login_email_used)) { showAlert('User login email format is invalid. Please enter email again <br>'); return false; } break; } } if (role == 1005) { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; var checkTicketOwner = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(checkTicketOwner)) { var checkTicketOwnerRec = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(checkTicketOwner) }); var owners = checkTicketOwnerRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (isNullorEmpty(owners) && owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } } if (selector_issue == 'T') { var to = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); to = $.makeArray(to); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, true) if (!email_sent) { return false; } } var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); console.log("Ticket id = " + ticket_id); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var ticketRecord = record.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_created_ticket', value: 'T' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: false }); } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the ticket record with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); // Save customer number var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val(); console.log('Saving customer number = ' + customer_number); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_number', value: customer_number }); // Save Enquiry status var enquiry_status_val = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_status_val)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_status', value: enquiry_status_val }); } var attachments_hyperlink = $('#attachments').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_hyperlink)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_attachments', value: attachments_hyperlink }); } // Save Ticket Label var label = $('#label_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(label)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_label', value: label }); } //Save Enquiry medium var enquiry_medium = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_medium)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: enquiry_medium }); } var total_enquiry_count = 0; if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val()); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_count', value: total_enquiry_count }); var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_chat_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_chat }); } var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_phone }); } var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_email }); } var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }))) { if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email) || !isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date', value: new Date() }); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_phone }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_email }); } //Check Enquiry is Selected if (isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } else if (total_enquiry_count == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } //Save Medium list saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setTicketStatus(ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setCreator(ticketRecord); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altname', value: selector_number }); var owner_email_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); owner_email_list = $.makeArray(owner_email_list); var zee_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_zee', value: zee_id }); console.log("sending email..." + selector_type); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number', value: selector_id }); // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } break; case 'invoice_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number', value: selector_id }); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { var daytodayemail = $('#daytodayemail').val(); var daytodayphone = $('#daytodayphone').val(); var accountsemail = $('#accountsemail').val(); var accountsphone = $('#accountsphone').val(); var selected_invoice_method_id = $('#invoice_method option:selected').val(); var accounts_cc_email = $('#accounts_cc_email').val(); var mpex_po_number = $('#mpex_po_number').val(); var customer_po_number = $('#customer_po_number').val(); var customer_terms = $('#customers_terms').val(); var selected_invoice_cycle_id = $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle option:selected').val(); var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service', value: daytodayemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'phone', value: daytodayphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: accountsemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altphone', value: accountsphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method', value: selected_invoice_method_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email', value: accounts_cc_email }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po', value: mpex_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11', value: customer_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_finance_terms', value: customer_terms }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle', value: selected_invoice_cycle_id });{}) // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } } break; case 'customer_issue': var screenshot_image = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ss_image' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(screenshot_image)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_screenshot', value: screenshot_image }); } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); } var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_issue_type)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_issue', value: customer_issue_type }); } var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email', value: login_email_used }); } var is_customer_number_email_sent = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number_email_sent' }); console.log("cust iss typ", customer_issue_type); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': console.log("in cust app"); var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(phone_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_used', value: phone_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(browser)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_browser', value: browser }); } var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(os_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_operating_system', value: os_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Update Label': var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_name', value: sender_name }); } var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_phone', value: sender_phone }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; } break; } } ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); //Owner var owner_list = new Array; $('#owner option:selected').each(function () { owner_list.push($(this).val()); }); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { // Send email to new owners. var old_owner_list = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_owner_list)) { var only_new_owner_ids = []; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (new_owner_id) { if (old_owner_list.indexOf(new_owner_id) == -1) { only_new_owner_ids.push(new_owner_id); only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + new_owner_id + '"]').data('email')); } }) } else { var only_new_owner_ids = owner_list; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (owner_id) { only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + owner_id + '"]').data('email')); }) } console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue); console.log('only_new_owner_email_address ' + only_new_owner_email_address); console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type); // If there is an issue, all the owners have already received an email. if (selector_issue == 'F' && (!isNullorEmpty(only_new_owner_email_address))) { console.log('ISSUE'); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, only_new_owner_email_address, false); if (!email_sent) { return false; } } else if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val() sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $('#browser_value').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), '', login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Update Label': var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, only_new_owner_email_address); break; } } } // Save Owner list console.log(owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list }); console.log("oList", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' })); //cxcxc // Save Comment switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; case 'invoice_number': var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment = '' }; var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date; var date_time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var date_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.TIMEOFDAY }); if (!isNullorEmpty(usernote_textarea)) { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment += '\n'; } var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + date_time_now + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; // Save usernote on Customer record var userNote = record.create({ type: 'note', }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: selected_title }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'notedate', value: date_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'time', value: time_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: usernote_textarea }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'entity', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) {{}) } comment += usernote; } break; case 'customer_issue': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; } if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var original_comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); var total_comment = $('#comment').val(); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment2 = new_comment.split("\n").join(''); var date_netsuite = format.format({ value: new Date(), type: format.Type.DATETIME }); console.log("new_comment", new_comment); console.log("new_comment2", new_comment2); var comment_with_date = total_comment; if (!isNullorEmpty(new_comment2)) { comment_with_date = "\n" + original_comment + "\n" + date_netsuite + " - " + new_comment2 + "\n"; } console.log('comment_with_date', comment_with_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment', value: comment_with_date }); } var ticket_id ={ enableSourcing: true, }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_id) && (selector_type == 'barcode_number')) { try { var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: selector_id }); console.log("ticket_id", ticket_id); console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', value: ticket_id }); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues ', value: list_toll_issues }); var rec_email = $('#receiveremail').val(); var rec_name = $('#receivername').val(); var rec_state = $('#receiverstate').val(); var rec_zip = $('#receiverzip').val(); var rec_addr1 = $('#receiveraddr1').val(); var rec_addr2 = $('#receiveraddr2').val(); var rec_city = $('#receiversuburb').val(); var rec_phone = $('#receiverphone').val(); //Check if Rec details are to be updated if (!$("#receiveremail").is(":disabled")) { if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_email)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email', value: rec_email }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_name)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_name', value: rec_name }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_state)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_state', value: rec_state }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_zip)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_postcode', value: rec_zip }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr1)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr1', value: rec_addr1 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr2)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr2', value: rec_addr2 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_city)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_suburb', value: rec_city }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_phone)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_phone', value: rec_phone }); } }{ enableSourcing: true, }); } catch (e) { console.log('Error to load the barcode record with barcode_id : ' + selector_id); } } return true; } /** * Takes action depending on which of the two fields (Customer number or Barcode/Inv number) is filled */ function checkMandatoryFields() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); console.log("checkMandatoryField"); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); var ticket_records = null; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isCustomerNumberValid(customer_number)) { currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number', value: customer_number }); var customer_id = getCustomerID(customer_number); console.log("cid", customer_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case "barcode_number": case "invoice_number": displayCustomerInfo(); break; case "customer_issue": } } ticket_records = searchTicketRecords(customer_number); console.log('Current tickets on customer number ' + customer_number + ': ' + ticket_records); var customer_record = customerLinkedToCustomerNum(customer_number); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_record)) { //Display franchisee details displayFranchiseeInfo(customer_record); } if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_records)) { //If tickets exist with this customer number, display customer number tickets datatable updateCustomerNumTicketsTable(ticket_records); } else { console.log('Removing table'); //Remove tickets datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').hide(); //Show no ticket exists info box $('#info').text('No ticket exists for the customer '); $('#info').parent().show(); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) && isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case "barcode_number": if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } break; case "invoice_number": if (validateSelectorInput()) { displayCustomerInfo(); } break; case "customer_issue": break; } } if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number or a barcode/invoice number'); //Remove tickets datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').hide(); //Reload page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } function updateCustomerNumTicketsTable(ticket_records_dataset) { console.log('Inside update customer tickets table'); $('#customer_number_tickets_preview_wrapper').show(); $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').show(); if (!($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('#customer_number_tickets_preview'))) { //Initialise new datatable $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').DataTable({ data: ticket_records_dataset, select: { style: 'single' }, columns: [{ title: "ID" }, { title: "Customer Number" }, { title: "Name" }, { title: "Barcode Number" }, { title: "Invoice Number" }, { title: "Customer Issue" }, { title: "Owner" }, { title: "Date created" }] }); //Row selection $('#customer_number_tickets_preview tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); } else { $('#customer_number_tickets_preview tr.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); var selected_row = $('#customer_number_tickets_preview > tbody > tr.selected'); updateFields(selected_row); } }); } else { //Update datatable rows var datatable = $('#customer_number_tickets_preview').DataTable().clear(); datatable.rows.add(ticket_records_dataset); datatable.draw(); } } function updateFields(selected_row) { //All tickets in here always exist so we can directly redirect to the Edit ticket page console.log('Inside update fields'); var barcode_number = selected_row.children()[3].textContent.trim(); var invoice_number = selected_row.children()[4].textContent.trim(); var customer_issue_type = selected_row.children()[5].textContent.trim(); var ticket_id = selected_row.children()[0].textContent.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) || !isNullorEmpty(invoice_number)) { var selector_type = isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) ? "invoice_number" : "barcode_number"; currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); //Set selector value var selector_number = isNullorEmpty(barcode_number) ? invoice_number : barcode_number; $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); // If a ticket already exists for the barcode number, the user is redirected to the "Edit Ticket" page. if (ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number)) { console.log('ticket linked to barcode') var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } displayCustomerInfo(); } else { var selector_type = "customer_issue"; currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type', value: selector_type }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: customer_issue_type }); console.log('In displayCustomerIssueInfo - ' + customer_issue_type); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id.slice(4, 8)), selector_number: customer_issue_type, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Updates the enquiry medium multi-select field and the enquiry count by chat, phone and email fields in the client side */ function updateEnquiryMediumAndCount() { $('.increment_enquiry_count_by_chat, .increment_enquiry_count_by_phone, .increment_enquiry_count_by_email').click(function () { console.log("Clicked increment"); //Get total enquiry count and increment by 1 var total_enquiry_count = $('#total_enquiry_count').val(); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(++total_enquiry_count); if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_chat') !== -1) { console.log("In chat click"); //Get chat enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(++enquiry_count_by_chat); //Select the chat option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_phone') !== -1) { //Get phone enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(++enquiry_count_by_phone); //Select the phone option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_enquiry_count_by_email') !== -1) { //Get email enquiry count and increment by 1 var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(++enquiry_count_by_email); //Select the email option in medium list $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', true); } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#enquiry_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); $('.decrement_enquiry_count_by_chat, .decrement_enquiry_count_by_phone, .decrement_enquiry_count_by_email').click(function () { var total_enquiry_count = $('#total_enquiry_count').val(); if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_chat') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_chat > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(--enquiry_count_by_chat); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_chat === 0) { //Unselect medium list option $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="3"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_phone') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_phone > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(--enquiry_count_by_phone); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_phone === 0) { $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_enquiry_count_by_email') !== -1) { var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (enquiry_count_by_email > 0) { $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(--enquiry_count_by_email); $('#total_enquiry_count').val(--total_enquiry_count); } if (enquiry_count_by_email === 0) { $('#enquiry_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', false); } } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#enquiry_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); $('.increment_interaction_count_by_chat, .increment_interaction_count_by_phone, .increment_interaction_count_by_email').click(function () { console.log("Clicked increment"); //Get total interaction count and increment by 1 var total_interaction_count = $('#total_interaction_count').val(); $('#total_interaction_count').val(++total_interaction_count); if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_chat') !== -1) { console.log("In chat click"); //Get chat interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_chat = $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(++interaction_count_by_chat); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_phone') !== -1) { //Get phone interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(++interaction_count_by_phone); } if (this.className.indexOf('increment_interaction_count_by_email') !== -1) { //Get email interaction count and increment by 1 var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(++interaction_count_by_email); //Select the email option in medium list } }); $('.decrement_interaction_count_by_chat, .decrement_interaction_count_by_phone, .decrement_interaction_count_by_email').click(function () { var total_interaction_count = $('#total_interaction_count').val(); if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_chat') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_chat = $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(); if (interaction_count_by_chat > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_chat').val(--interaction_count_by_chat); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_phone') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); if (interaction_count_by_phone > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(--interaction_count_by_phone); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } if (interaction_count_by_phone === 0) { $('#interaction_medium_status option[value="1"]').prop('selected', false); } } if (this.className.indexOf('decrement_interaction_count_by_email') !== -1) { var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (interaction_count_by_email > 0) { $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(--interaction_count_by_email); $('#total_interaction_count').val(--total_interaction_count); } if (interaction_count_by_email === 0) { $('#interaction_medium_status option[value="2"]').prop('selected', false); } } //Get medium list and update it var medium_list = $('#interaction_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('#interaction_medium_status').val(medium_list).trigger('change'); }); } function openAndNew() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_open_new_ticket', value: 'T' }); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } function updateAndNew() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_open_new_ticket', value: 'T' }); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } /** * Function to save the medium list depending on chat, phone and email enquiry values */ function saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord) { var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); if (enquiry_count_by_phone >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("1") === -1) { medium_list.push("1"); } if (enquiry_count_by_email >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("2") === -1) { medium_list.push("2"); } if (enquiry_count_by_chat >= 1 && medium_list.indexOf("3") === -1) { medium_list.push("3"); } if (enquiry_count_by_phone === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("1"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } if (enquiry_count_by_email === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("2"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } if (enquiry_count_by_chat === "0") { var index = medium_list.indexOf("3"); if (index > -1) { medium_list.splice(index, 1); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: medium_list }); } /** * Triggered when a customer calls for an issue with a barcode that is not his. * Reorganize the shown sections. */ function onEscalate() { console.log("onesc"); var currRec = currentRecord.get(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue', value: 'T' }); //Set status to Escalated // currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value', value: 10) }; $('#submitter').val('Escalate to Owner'); $('#submit_ticket').val('ESCALATE TO OWNER'); // Hide the "Escalate" button $('#tbl_custpage_escalate').closest('td').hide(); $('#tbl_custpage_escalate').closest('td').prev().hide(); $('.open_and_new_ticket_btn').addClass('hide'); $('.escalate').addClass('hide'); updateButtonsWidth(); // Hide the contacts fields and contact details sections $('.daytodaycontact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.zee_main_contact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_stock_used_section').addClass('hide'); $('.final_delivery_section').addClass('hide'); $('.mpex_contact_section').addClass('hide'); $('.contacts_section').addClass('hide'); $('.reviewcontacts_section').addClass('hide'); // Hide the send email section $('#send_email_container').addClass('hide'); // Show that the Issue Customer Name, the MP Issue and the Comment are mandatory $('.mandatory').removeClass('hide'); // Show the "MP Issues" field and the "Owner" text area $('.mp_issues_section').removeClass('hide'); selectOwner(); // Hide the tickets datatable $('.tickets_datatable_section').addClass('hide'); $('#tickets-preview_wrapper').addClass('hide'); //Hide tickets enquiry section $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_medium_section').addClass('hide'); $('.enquiry_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.interaction_count_breakdown_section').addClass('hide'); $('.ticket_enquiry_header_section').addClass('hide'); $('.label_section').addClass('hide'); //Hide previous emails section $('.previous_emails_header').addClass('hide'); $('.previous_emails_section').addClass('hide'); //Hide customer ticket related issues $('.ss_section').addClass('hide'); $('.browser_os_section').addClass('hide'); $('.phone_section').addClass('hide'); $('.login_email_used_section').addClass('hide'); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); if (selector_type == "customer_issue") { var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); if (selector_number == "Customer App") { //Set current chosen option to Customer App var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="10" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } else if (selector_number == "Customer Portal") { //Set current chosen option to Customer Portal var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="9" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } else if (selector_number == "Update Label") { //Set current chosen option to Update Label var mp_issues_option_inline_html = '<option value="11" selected> Customer App Issue</option>'; } $('#mp_issues').html(mp_issues_option_inline_html); //Requires double refresh. One for the dropwdown chnage and sceond for selection $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh'); $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('refresh') } } /** * If the barcode number validation raises an error, the fields are cleared. * The informations linked to the previous barcode are deleted. */ function clearFields() { $('#customer_name').val(''); // Unselect all TOLL Issues fields $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); $('#comment').val(''); } /** * Called when "Escalate to Owner" is clicked. * Check that in case of an issue with a barcode, the mandatory fields are filled. * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {Boolean} */ function validateIssueFields(selector_type) { var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; var mp_issues_length = $('#mp_issues option:selected').length; var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; var comment = $('#comment').val(); var usernote = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': if (toll_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { alertMessage += 'Please type a comment<br>'; return_value = false; } break; case 'invoice_number': if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (isNullorEmpty(usernote)) { alertMessage += 'Please type a User Note<br>'; return_value = false; } break; } if (return_value == true && mp_issues_length == 0) { alertMessage += 'Please select an MP Issue<br>'; return_value = false; } if (return_value == false) { showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Send the email with the information regarding the ticket to the email adresses in the array 'to'. * @param {String} selector_type * @param {Array} to * @param {Boolean} is_issue * @returns {Boolean} Whether the email was sent or not. */ function sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, is_issue) { console.log("sek type", selector_type); console.log("to", to); console.log("is_issue", is_issue); // There is an issue with the barcode // The owner should be contacted. if (is_issue) { var validate_issue_fields = validateIssueFields(selector_type); if (!validate_issue_fields) { return false; } } var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); var customer_name = $('#customer_name').val(); var comment = $('#comment').val(); var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date(); var email_subject = 'MP Ticket issue - ' + selector_number; var email_body = ''; email_body += 'Environment : ' + runtime.envType + '\n'; email_body += 'Date & Time : ' + formatDate(date) + '\n'; switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': email_body += 'Barcode Number : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; case 'invoice_number': email_body += 'Invoice Number : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; case 'customer_issue': email_body += 'Customer associated ticket : ' + selector_number + '\n'; break; } email_body += 'Customer Name : ' + customer_name + '\n'; switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': email_body += 'TOLL Issues : '; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); break; case 'invoice_number': email_body += 'Invoice Issues : '; $('#invoice_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); break; } email_body += 'MP Issues : '; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { email_body += $(this).text() + '\n'; }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment.trim())) { comment += '\n'; } var date = new Date(); var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + dnow + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; comment += usernote; } email_body += 'Comment : ' + comment; var cc = [] //CC email addresses // Now the escalation and information emails are sent from the user addresses. console.log("emailsend"); email.send({ author: 112209, body: email_body, recipients: to, subject: email_subject, cc: cc, }); // 112209 is from MailPlus Team return true; } /** * Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page without saving any changes. */ function onCancel() { console.log("cancel"); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output; } else { var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_closed_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_closed_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output; }, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } /** * Function to return the customer id given a customer number * @param {*} customer_number */ function getCustomerID(customer_number) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); customer_search.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'haskeywords', values: customer_number, })); var result_set ={ start: 0, end: 1000 }); result_set.forEach(function (search_value) { console.log("search va", search_value); }); var customerId = result_set[0].id; console.log(customerId, "custid"); return customerId; } /** * Checks that the given customer number is valid * Returns the customer record if found, else returns null */ function isCustomerNumberValid(customer_number) { if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'is', values: customer_number, }) customer_search.filters.push(new_filter); try { var result_set =; if (result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }) != null && result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }).length > 0) { // Customer found. return true; } else { //Customer does not exist in record showAlert('Enter a valid customer number. Customer ' + customer_number + ' does not exist'); return false; } } catch (error) { //Undefined ID error return false; } } else { showAlert('Enter a customer number'); return false; } } /** * - If the barcode record exists but there is an MP Ticket issue with the record, * the onEscalate function is called. * @return {Boolean} Whether or not all the input has been filled. */ function validateSelectorInput() { console.log('In validateSelectorInput()'); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); $('#selector_value').val(selector_number); var selector_type = $('#selector_text').text().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('_'); console.log(selector_number); console.log(selector_type); var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var keep_selector_number = false; if (isNullorEmpty(selector_number)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'invoice_number': alertMessage += 'Please enter the Invoice Number<br>'; break; case 'barcode_number': alertMessage += 'Please enter the Barcode Number<br>'; break; default: alertMessage += 'Please enter a selector number or a customer issue <br>'; } return_value = false; } if ((return_value == true) && (!checkSelectorFormat(selector_number, selector_type))) { switch (selector_type) { case 'invoice_number': alertMessage += 'The Invoice Number format is incorrect<br>'; break; case 'barcode_number': alertMessage += 'The Barcode Number format is incorrect<br>'; break; } return_value = false; } // If a ticket already exists for the barcode number, the user is redirected to the "Edit Ticket" page. if (return_value && ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number)) { console.log('tic ket linked to barcode') var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } if (return_value) { console.log('Escalate to owner cases'); switch (selector_type) { //Escalate to owner cases case 'invoice_number': var activeInvoiceResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); if ((isNullorEmpty(activeInvoiceResults))) { alertMessage += 'No invoice record exists for the invoice number ' + selector_number + '<br>'; keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: '' }); return_value = false; } break; case 'barcode_number': var activeBarcodeResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); console.log("absdhskhd"); if ((isNullorEmpty(activeBarcodeResults))) { console.log("aasnj"); alertMessage += 'No active barcode record exists for the barcode number ' + selector_number + '<br>'; // $('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="2"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1, 2, 3]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: '' }); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } console.log("baasnj"); if ((!zeeLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults))) { alertMessage += 'No franchisee is associated to the barcode ' + selector_number + '<br>'; console.log("casnj"); // $('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); // $('#mp_issues option[value="3"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1, 3]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } console.log("adasnj"); if ((!customerLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults))) { alertMessage += 'No customer is associated to the barcode ' + selector_number + '<br>'; console.log("easnj"); //$('#mp_issues option[value="1"]').prop('selected', true); var mp_issues_list = [1]; $('#mp_issues').selectpicker('val', mp_issues_list); keep_selector_number = true; $('.customer_section').addClass('hide'); clearFields(); onEscalate(); return_value = false; } break; } } // if (return_value == false) { // if (!keep_selector_number) { // var last_correct_selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); // $('#selector_value').val(last_correct_selector_number); // } // showAlert(alertMessage); // } else { // $('#alert').parent().hide(); // } if (return_value == false) { console.log('Lastcase'); showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Displays error messages in the alert box on top of the page. * @param {String} message The message to be displayed. */ function showAlert(message) { $('#danger-alert').html('<button type="button" class="close" id="close-alert" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>' + message); $('#danger-alert').parent().show(); $("#danger-alert").fadeTo(3000, 500).slideUp(500, function () { $("#danger-alert").slideUp(500); }); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 800) } /** * Check that if the selector is a barcode number, it starts with 'MPE', * followed by either 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'N' or 'T', * and then finishes by 6 digits. * * If it's an invoice, it should start with 'INV' and then finishes by 6 digits. * @param {String} selector_number * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {Boolean} */ function checkSelectorFormat(selector_number, selector_type) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // var barcodeFormat = /^MPE[BCDFNTG]\d{6}$/; // var connoteFormat = /^MPXL\d{6}$/; // var onlyNumbers = /^\d{20}$/; // if (barcodeFormat.test(selector_number) || connoteFormat.test(selector_number) || onlyNumbers.test(selector_number)) { return true; // } // return false; case 'invoice_number': var invoiceFormat = /^INV\d{6}$/; return invoiceFormat.test(selector_number); } } /** * Searches for an opened ticket linked to this selector number. * The barcode record might not exist, but the ticket associated to the selector number can. * @param {String} selector_number * @returns {Boolean} */ function ticketLinkedToSelector(selector_number) { console.log("selector number", selector_number); var activeTicketFilterExpression = [ [["custrecord_barcode_number", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["altname", "is", selector_number]], 'AND', ["custrecord_ticket_status", "noneof", '3'] ]; var activeTicketsResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', filterExpression: activeTicketFilterExpression }); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_ticket_status', operator: search.Operator.NONEOF, values: 3 })); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{altname}' })); if (activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count < 1) { console.log("change filters1"); activeTicketsResults.filters.pop(); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{custrecord_barcode_number.custrecord_connote_number}' })); } if (activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count < 1) { console.log("change filters2"); activeTicketsResults.filters.pop(); activeTicketsResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, formula: '{}' })); } var searchResultCount = activeTicketsResults.runPaged().count; console.log("CNTTTT", searchResultCount); if (isNullorEmpty(activeTicketsResults) || searchResultCount < 1) { console.log("ISNULL") return false; } else { // If an active ticket exists for the barcode number, the ticket_id is saved. // The validate function then redirects the user to its "Edit Ticket" page. var ticket_id = ''; (value) { console.log(value); console.log("id",; ticket_id =; return true; }); //console.log("AR2", activeTicketsRes); console.log("matching ticket_id", ticket_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); return true; } } /** * Searches for the active barcodes records with the name `barcode_number`, * or for the active invoice records with the name `invoice_number`, * There is normally only one such record. * @param {String} selector_number * @param {String} selector_type * @returns {nlobjSearchResult[]} An array of nlobjSearchResult objects corresponding to the searched records. */ function getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var filterExpression = [ [["name", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["custrecord_connote_number", "is", selector_number], "OR", ["custrecord_ext_reference_id", "is", selector_number]], 'AND', ["isinactive", "is", 'F'] ]; var activeBarcodeColumns = new Array(); activeBarcodeColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[2] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[3] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[4] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_date_stock_used', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[5] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_time_stock_used', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[6] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del', join: null, summary: null }); activeBarcodeColumns[7] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name', join: null, summary: null }); var activeSelectorResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', filterExpression: filterExpression, columns: activeBarcodeColumns }); var connoteFormat = /^MPXL\d{6}$/; var cpConnoteFormat = /^CPBZL5C\d{7}$/; var sendleFormat = /^SB.*$/; if (connoteFormat.test(selector_number) || cpConnoteFormat.test(selector_number)) { console.log('connote'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_connote_number', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } else if (sendleFormat.test(selector_number)) { console.log('external reference'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_ext_reference_id', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } else { console.log('else'); activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'name', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: selector_number, })); } activeSelectorResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'isinactive', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: false, })); break; case 'invoice_number': var filterExpression = [ ["tranid", "is", selector_number] ]; var invoiceColumns = new Array(); invoiceColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: null }); invoiceColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'partner', join: null, summary: null }); var activeSelectorResults = search.create({ type: 'invoice', join: null, filterExpression: filterExpression, columns: invoiceColumns }); break; } console.log("abc"); console.log(activeSelectorResults); if (!isNullorEmpty(activeSelectorResults)) { var selector_id = ''; (search_res) { console.log("ID",; selector_id =; return true; }); console.log('selector_id val', selector_id); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: selector_id }); } return activeSelectorResults; } /** * Verifies that the barcode record is associated to a customer * @param {nlobjSearchResult[]} activeBarcodeResults Result of getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) * @returns {Boolean} */ function customerLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults) { // var activeBarcodeResult = activeBarcodeResults[0]; // var customer_id = activeBarcodeResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); // if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { // return false; // } else { // return true; // } var customer_id; (search_val) { customer_id = search_val.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer' }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { return true; } else { return false; } }); if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Verifies that the barcode record is associated to a franchisee * @param {nlobjSearchResult[]} activeBarcodeResults Result of getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type) * @returns {Boolean} */ function zeeLinkedToBarcode(activeBarcodeResults) { //var activeBarcodeResult = activeBarcodeResults[0]; var zee_id; (search_val) { zee_id = search_val.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee' }); console.log("zee", zee_id); if (isNullorEmpty(zee_id)) { return true; } else { return false; } }); if (isNullorEmpty(zee_id)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Returns the customer record for a given customer number * If record does not exist, returns null * @param {*} customer_number */ function customerLinkedToCustomerNum(customer_number) { if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { var customer_search = search.load({ type: 'customer', id: 'customsearch_customer_name_2' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'entityid', operator: 'haskeywords', values: customer_number, }); customer_search.filters.push(new_filter); try { var result_set =; if (result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }) != null && result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 }).length >= 1) { // Customer found. return result_set.getRange({ start: 0, end: 1000 })[0]; } else { // Customer does not exist in record return null; } } catch (error) { //Undefined ID error return showAlert(error); } } } /** * Displays the informations linked to a selector record. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function displayCustomerInfo() { console.log('In displayCustomerInfo()'); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val().trim().toUpperCase(); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var activeSelectorResults = getSelectorRecords(selector_number, selector_type); var activeSelectorResult; var selector_id = ''; (search_val) { selector_id =; activeSelectorResult = search_val; console.log("selector_id", selector_id); }); console.log("asr", activeSelectorResult); //var selector_id = activeSelectorResult.getId(); console.log('selector_id : ', selector_id); console.log('activeSelectorResult : ', activeSelectorResult); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id', value: selector_id }); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var customer_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); var customer_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_customer'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); var zee_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prshowAlod_stock_zee'); var zee_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_zee'); var date_stock_used = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_date_stock_used'); var time_stock_used = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_time_stock_used'); var final_delivery_val = activeSelectorResult.getValue('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del'); var final_delivery = activeSelectorResult.getText('custrecord_cust_prod_stock_final_del'); //Show the required fields $('.mpex_stock_used_section').show(); $('.final_delivery_enquiry_status_section').show(); //Update values $('#date_stock_used').val(date_stock_used); $('#time_stock_used').val(time_stock_used); $('#final_delivery').attr('data-val', final_delivery_val); $('#final_delivery').val(final_delivery); break; case 'invoice_number': var customer_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('entity'); var customer_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('entity'); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id', value: customer_id }); var zee_name = activeSelectorResult.getText('partner'); var zee_id = activeSelectorResult.getValue('partner'); break; } $('#customer_name').val(customer_name); // Load customer record try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); var zee_id = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'partner' }); var daytodayphone = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'phone' }); var daytodayemail = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service' }); var entityid = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }); // Set new customer number value $('#customer_number_value').val(entityid); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number', value: entityid }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { var accountsphone = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altphone' }); var accountsemail = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'email' }); var maap_bank_account_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_maap_bankacctno' }); var maap_parent_bank_account_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_maap_bankacctno_parent' }); var selected_invoice_method_id = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method' }); var accounts_cc_email = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email' }); var mpex_po_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po' }); var customer_po_number = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11' }); var mpex_invoicing_cycle = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle' }); } // Load Franchisee record var zeeRecord = record.load({ type: 'partner', id: zee_id }); var zee_name = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'companyname' }); var zee_main_contact_name = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity3' }); var zee_email = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'email' }); var zee_main_contact_phone = zeeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custentity2' }); $('#daytodayphone').val(daytodayphone); $('#daytodayemail').val(daytodayemail); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { $('#accountsphone').val(accountsphone); $('#accountsemail').val(accountsemail); $('#account_number').val(maap_bank_account_number); $('#parent_account_number').val(maap_parent_bank_account_number); // Unselect Invoice all method options fields $('#invoice_method option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); // Select the right invoice method option $('#invoice_method option[value=' + selected_invoice_method_id + ']').prop('selected', true); $('#accounts_cc_email').val(accounts_cc_email); $('#mpex_po_number').val(mpex_po_number); $('#customer_po_number').val(customer_po_number); $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle').val(mpex_invoicing_cycle); } $('#zee_main_contact_name').val(zee_main_contact_name); $('#zee_email').val(zee_email); $('#zee_main_contact_phone').val(zee_main_contact_phone); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id', value: zee_id }); $('#franchisee_name').val(zee_name); // Contacts details createContactsRows(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // TOLL Issues // Unselect all TOLL Issues fields $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { $(this).attr('selected', false); }); // Select the corresponding TOLL issues var toll_issues = activeSelectorResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(toll_issues)) { toll_issues = toll_issues.split(','); toll_issues.forEach(function (toll_value) { $('#toll_issues option[value=' + toll_value + ']').prop('selected', true); }); } break; case 'invoice_number': // Invoice Issues // If the ticket is not opened yet, there are no Invoice Issues yet. updateInvoicesDatatable(); break; } // Display the tickets linked to the customer in the datatable updateTicketsDatatable(); setReminderDate(); return true; } function searchTicketRecords(customer_number) { var all_ticket_search = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: 'customsearch_ticket_by_custnum' }); var new_filter = search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_cust_number', operator: 'contains', values: customer_number, }) all_ticket_search.filters.push(new_filter); var tickets_result_set ={ start: 0, end: 1000 }); var ticket_records = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(tickets_result_set)) { for (var i = 0; i < tickets_result_set.length; i++) { var ticket_id = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('name'); var cust_number = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('custrecord_cust_number'); var cust_name = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_customer1'); var barcode_num = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_barcode_number'); var invoice_num = tickets_result_set[i].getText('custrecord_invoice_number'); var customer_issue = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('custrecord_customer_issue'); var owner = tickets_result_set[i].getText('owner'); var date_created = tickets_result_set[i].getValue('created'); ticket_records.push([ticket_id, cust_number, cust_name, barcode_num, invoice_num, customer_issue, owner, date_created]); } } return ticket_records; } /** * Displays the invoices linked to the customer into a datatable. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function updateInvoicesDatatable() { var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var invoice_status_filter = $('#invoices_dropdown option:selected').val(); console.log("inv filter", invoice_status_filter); var invoicesSearchResults = loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status_filter); $('#result_invoices').empty(); var invoicesDataSet = []; if (isNullorEmpty(invoicesSearchResults)) { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { $('#info').text('No customer is associated to this invoice.'); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } else { try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: record.Type.CUSTOMER, id: customer_id, isDynamic: true }); var customer_name = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }); console.log(customer_name); return true; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } } } var today = new Date; invoicesSearchResults.each(function (invoiceResult) { var status = invoiceResult.getValue('statusref'); if (status == invoice_status_filter) { var invoice_date = invoiceResult.getValue('trandate'); invoice_date = invoice_date.split(' ')[0]; invoice_date = dateCreated2DateSelectedFormat(invoice_date); var re = /Invoice #([\w]+)/; var invoice_number = invoiceResult.getValue('invoicenum'); invoice_number = invoice_number.replace(re, '$1'); var invoice_id =; var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + invoice_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; invoice_number = '<a href="' + invoice_link + '">' + invoice_number + '</a>'; var status_text = invoiceResult.getText('statusref'); var invoice_type = invoiceResult.getText('custbody_inv_type'); var amount_due = invoiceResult.getValue('amountremaining'); var total_amount = invoiceResult.getValue('total'); var due_date_string = invoiceResult.getValue('duedate'); var overdue = ''; if (!isNullorEmpty(due_date_string)) { due_date = stringToDate(due_date_string); var days_overdue = Math.ceil((today - due_date) / 86400000); if (days_overdue > 0) { overdue = days_overdue + ' days (' + due_date_string + ')'; } else { overdue = 'Due date : ' + due_date_string; } } amount_due = financial(amount_due); total_amount = financial(total_amount); invoicesDataSet.push([invoice_date, invoice_number, status_text, invoice_type, amount_due, total_amount, overdue, invoice_id]); } return true; }); // Update datatable rows. var datatable = $('#invoices-preview').DataTable(); datatable.clear(); datatable.rows.add(invoicesDataSet); datatable.draw(); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); return true; } /** * Update the headers of the tickets preview datatable, depending on the selector_type. * @param {String} selector_type */ function updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type) { var table = $('#tickets-preview').DataTable(); var header_cells = table.columns([3, 5, 6]).header().to$(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': $.each(header_cells, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: $(this).text('Barcode Number'); break; case 1: $(this).text('TOLL Issues'); break; case 2: $(this).text('Resolved TOLL Issues'); break; default: break; } }); break; case 'invoice_number': $.each(header_cells, function (index) { switch (index) { case 0: $(this).text('Invoice Number'); break; case 1: $(this).text('Invoice Issues'); break; case 2: $(this).text('Resolved Invoice Issues'); break; default: break; } }); break; } } /** * Displays the tickets linked to the customer into a datatable. * @returns {Boolean} Whether the function worked well or not. */ function updateTicketsDatatable() { var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var ticketSearchResults = loadTicketsSearch(customer_id); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticketSearchResults)) { ticketSearchResults.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_customer1', operator: search.Operator.IS, values: customer_id, }) ); } //console.log("cnt", searchResultCount); console.log('update tickets datatable'); updateTicketsDatatableHeaders(selector_type); $('#result_tickets').empty(); var ticketsDataSet = []; if (isNullorEmpty(ticketSearchResults)) { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { $('#info').text('No customer is associated to this ticket.'); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } else { try { var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); var customer_name = customerRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'altname' }); $('#info').text('No ticket exists for the customer ' + customer_name); $('#info').parent().show(); return true; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the customer record with customer_id : ' + customer_id); } } } } } (ticketResult) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var ticket_id = ticketResult.getValue('name'); var date_created = ticketResult.getValue('created'); var date_closed = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_date_closed'); var barcode_number = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_barcode_number'); var status = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_ticket_status'); var toll_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_toll_issues'); toll_issues = toll_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var resolved_toll_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_resolved_toll_issues'); resolved_toll_issues = resolved_toll_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var comment = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_comment'); ticketsDataSet.push([ticket_id, date_created, date_closed, barcode_number, status, toll_issues, resolved_toll_issues, comment]); break; case 'invoice_number': var ticket_id = ticketResult.getValue('name'); var date_created = ticketResult.getValue('created'); var date_closed = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_date_closed'); var re = /Invoice #([\w]+)/; var invoice_number = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_invoice_number'); invoice_number = invoice_number.replace(re, '$1'); var status = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_ticket_status'); var invoice_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_invoice_issues'); invoice_issues = invoice_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var resolved_invoice_issues = ticketResult.getText('custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues'); resolved_invoice_issues = resolved_invoice_issues.split(',').join('<br>'); var comment = ticketResult.getValue('custrecord_comment'); comment = comment.split('\n').join('<br>'); ticketsDataSet.push([ticket_id, date_created, date_closed, invoice_number, status, invoice_issues, resolved_invoice_issues, comment]); break; } return true; }); // Update datatable rows. var datatable = $('#tickets-preview').dataTable().api(); datatable.clear(); datatable.rows.add(ticketsDataSet); datatable.draw(); return true; } /** * Load the result set of the invoices records linked to the customer. * @param {String} customer_id * @param {String} invoice_status * @return {nlobjSearchResultSet} invoicesResultSet */ // function loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status) { // if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { // var invoicesSearch = search.load({ type: 'invoice', id: 'customsearch_mp_ticket_invoices_datatabl' }); // var invoicesFilterExpression = invoicesSearch.filterExpression; // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ['entity', 'is', customer_id]); // if (invoice_status == 'open') { // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", "anyof", "CustInvc:A"]); // Open Invoices // } else if (invoice_status == 'paidInFull') { // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", "anyof", "CustInvc:B"]); // Paid in Full // var today_date = new Date(); // var today_day = today_date.getDate(); // var today_month = today_date.getMonth(); // var today_year = today_date.getFullYear(); // var date_3_months_ago = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month - 3, today_day)); // var date_3_months_ago_string = format.parse({ value: date_3_months_ago, type: format.Type.DATE }); // invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["trandate", "after", date_3_months_ago_string]); // } // console.log('invoicesFilterExpression : ', invoicesFilterExpression); // invoicesSearch.filterExpression = invoicesFilterExpression; // invoicesResultSet =; // } // console.log("inv res set", invoicesResultSet) // return invoicesResultSet; // } /** * Load the result set of the invoices records linked to the customer. * @param {String} customer_id * @param {String} invoice_status * @return {nlobjSearchResultSet} invoicesResultSet */ function loadInvoicesSearch(customer_id, invoice_status) { var invoicesResultSet; if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var invoicesSearch = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_mp_ticket_invoices_datatabl', type: search.Type.INVOICE }); var invoicesFilterExpression = invoicesSearch.filterExpression; invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND'); invoicesFilterExpression.push(['entity', search.Operator.IS, customer_id]); console.log("inv status", invoice_status); // Open Invoices if (invoice_status == 'open' || isNullorEmpty(invoice_status)) { invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", search.Operator.ANYOF, "CustInvc:A"]); // Open Invoices } else if (invoice_status == 'paidInFull') { invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["status", search.Operator.ANYOF, "CustInvc:B"]); // Paid in Full var today_date = new Date(); var today_day = today_date.getDate(); var today_month = today_date.getMonth(); var today_year = today_date.getFullYear(); var date_3_months_ago = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month - 3, today_day)); var date_3_months_ago_string = formatDate(date_3_months_ago); invoicesFilterExpression.push('AND', ["trandate", search.Operator.AFTER, date_3_months_ago_string]); } invoicesSearch.filterExpression = invoicesFilterExpression; invoicesResultSet =; var searchResultCount = invoicesSearch.runPaged().count; console.log("cnt", searchResultCount); } return invoicesResultSet; } /** * Load the result set of the tickets records linked to the customer. * WARNING : This method returns only 1000 results. If we want more results, we need to use a saved search * @param {String} customer_id * @return {Array} An array of nlobjSearchResult objects, containing the different ticket records. */ function loadTicketsSearch(customer_id) { var ticketSearchResults = new Array; console.log("custid", customer_id); // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no customer_id. if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var filterExpression = search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_customer1', operator: 'is', values: customer_id, }); var ticketsColumns = new Array(); ticketsColumns[0] = search.createColumn({ name: 'name' }); ticketsColumns[1] = search.createColumn({ name: 'created' }); ticketsColumns[2] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_date_closed' }); ticketsColumns[3] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); ticketsColumns[4] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_invoice_number' }); ticketsColumns[5] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); ticketsColumns[6] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); ticketsColumns[7] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues' }); ticketsColumns[8] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_invoice_issues' }); ticketsColumns[9] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues' }); ticketsColumns[10] = search.createColumn({ name: 'custrecord_comment' }); ticketSearchResults = search.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', filter: filterExpression, columns: ticketsColumns }); } return ticketSearchResults; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'ADD/EDIT CONTACTS' ('#reviewcontacts') * Open the 'ticket_contact' page with the parameters : * - Customer ID * - Barcode Number * - Script ID : 'customscript_sl_open_ticket' * - Deployment ID : 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket' */ function addEditContact() { var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var params = { custid: parseInt(customer_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, id: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', deploy: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2' }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_ticket_contact', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_ticket_contact', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } else { $('#info').parent().hide(); showAlert('No customer is associated to this ticket.'); } } /** * Loads the result set of all the contacts linked to a Customer. * @returns {nlobjSearchResultSet} contactsResultSet */ function loadContactsList() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var contactsResultSet = []; // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no customer_id. if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { var contactsSearch = search.load({ type: 'contact', id: 'customsearch_salesp_contacts' }); var contactsFilterExpression = [ ['company', 'is', customer_id], 'AND', ['isinactive', 'is', 'F'] ]; contactsSearch.filterExpression = contactsFilterExpression; contactsResultSet =; } return contactsResultSet; } /** * Dispalys fields related to customer and frnachisee and hides the remaining. */ function displayFranchiseeInfo(customer_record) { var customer_name = customer_record.getValue('companyname'); var daytodayemail = customer_record.getValue('email'); var daytodayphone = customer_record.getValue('phone'); var zee_name = customer_record.getText('partner'); var zee_email = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'email', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_contact_name = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity3', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_abn = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity_abn_franchiserecord', join: 'partner', summary: null }); var zee_phone = customer_record.getValue({ name: 'custentity2', join: 'partner', summary: null }); //Ticket details section $('.customer_name').val(customer_name); $('#daytodayemail').val(daytodayemail); $('#daytodayphone').val(daytodayphone); $('#franchisee_name').val(zee_name); $('#zee_email').val(zee_email); $('#zee_main_contact_name').val(zee_contact_name); $('#zee_main_contact_phone').val(zee_phone); $('#zee_abn').val(zee_abn); createContactsRows(); } /** * - Populates the Contacts table by adding contacts details at each row. * - If there is a ticket_id (which means we are in edit mode), * adds the contact to the "To" field of the "Send Email" section. */ function createContactsRows() { var contactsResultSet = loadContactsList(); console.log(contactsResultSet); // Used for the Contacts Table. var inline_contacts_table_html = ''; // If a ticket is opened for a barcode that is not allocated to a customer, // there will be no contacts. if (!isNullorEmpty(contactsResultSet)) { contactsResultSet.each(function (contactResult) { var contact_id = contactResult.getValue('internalid'); var salutation = contactResult.getValue('salutation'); var first_name = contactResult.getValue('firstname'); var last_name = contactResult.getValue('lastname'); var contact_name = salutation + ' ' + first_name + ' ' + last_name; var contact_email = contactResult.getValue('email'); var contact_phone = contactResult.getValue('phone'); var contact_role_value = contactResult.getValue('contactrole'); var contact_role_text = contactResult.getText('contactrole'); var add_as_recipient_btn = '<button style="background-color: #379E8F; border-color: #379E8F" class="btn btn-success add_as_recipient glyphicon glyphicon-envelope" type="button" data-email="' + contact_email + '" data-firstname="' + first_name + '" data-contact-id="' + contact_id + '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" title="Add as recipient"></button>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_name">' + contact_name + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_phone">' + contact_phone + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_email">' + contact_email + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_role">'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<span class="role_value" hidden>' + contact_role_value + '</span>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<span class="role_text">' + contact_role_text + '</span>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '<td headers="col_add_as_recipient">' + add_as_recipient_btn + '</td>'; inline_contacts_table_html += '</tr>'; return true; }); } $('#contacts tbody').html(inline_contacts_table_html); } /** * Populates the Usernote table by adding the usernotes at each row. */ function createUsernoteRows(ticket_id) { // Used for the UserNote Table. var inline_usernote_table_html = ''; ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var comments = comment.split('\n'); // This regExp matches any content inside brackets, that is not brackets. var re = /\[([^\[\]]+)\]/g; comments.forEach(function (value, index, comments_array) { // Iterate the array from the last element to the first, in order to display the most recent usernote on top. var nb_usernotes = comments_array.length; var usernote = comments_array[nb_usernotes - index - 1]; var usernote_array = usernote.split(' - '); var match_brackets_content_iterator = re[Symbol.matchAll](usernote); // match_brackets_content_array is an array of arrays. // Each of its element contains the matched string (with the brackets), // and the string inside the brackets (which is used for `usernote_title`, `usernote_name` and `usernote_date`. var match_brackets_content_array = Array.from(match_brackets_content_iterator, function (x) { return (x[1]) }); var usernote_title = match_brackets_content_array[0]; var usernote_name = match_brackets_content_array[1]; var usernote_date = match_brackets_content_array[2]; var usernote_text = usernote_array[usernote_array.length - 1]; inline_usernote_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_title">' + usernote_title + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_name">' + usernote_name + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_date">' + usernote_date + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '<td headers="col_usernote_comment">' + usernote_text + '</td>'; inline_usernote_table_html += '</tr>'; }); } $('#user_note tbody').html(inline_usernote_table_html); } /** * Function to select TOLL emails */ function selectTollEmails() { var toll_emails = $('#send_toll option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); toll_emails = $.makeArray(toll_emails); $('toll_emails').selectpicker('val', toll_emails); } /** * Function to select the enquiry medium */ function selectEnquiryMedium() { var medium_list = $('#enquiry_medium_status option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); medium_list = $.makeArray(medium_list); $('enquiry_medium_status').selectpicker('val', medium_list); } /** * For barcode tickets currently * Based on the selected MP Issue, an Owner is allocated to the ticket. * IT issues have priority over the other issues. */ function selectOwner() { var owner_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); console.log("owner_list", owner_list) owner_list = $.makeArray(owner_list); var list_mp_ticket_issues = $('#mp_issues option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); list_mp_ticket_issues = $.makeArray(list_mp_ticket_issues); console.log(list_mp_ticket_issues); if (list_mp_ticket_issues.length != 0) { var it_issue = false; var other_issue = '0'; list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (mp_ticket_issue_value) { if (mp_ticket_issue_value < 5) { it_issue = true; } else { other_issue = mp_ticket_issue_value; } }); if (it_issue) { // IT Issue owner_list = owner_list.concat([409635, 696992]); // Select Ankith Ravindran and Raine Giderson. } else if (other_issue != '0') { switch (other_issue) { case '5': // Operational Issue owner_list.push(25537); // Select Michael McDaid. break; case '6': // Finance Issue owner_list.push(280700); // Select Vira Nathania. break; case '7': // Customer Service Issue owner_list.push(386344); // Select Jessica Roberts. break; case '10': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; case '9': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; case '11': // Customer App Issue owner_list = [1132504]; // Select Rianne Mansell break; } } } $('#owner').selectpicker('val', owner_list); } /** * Function triggered when the '#template' input field is blurred. * Load the subject of the email and the body of the template. */ function loadTemplate() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var template_id = $('#template option:selected').val(); console.log('template_id : ', template_id); try { var templateRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_camp_comm_template', id: template_id, isDynamic: true }); var template_subject = templateRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_camp_comm_subject' }); console.log("templateRecord", templateRecord); console.log("tempsubj", template_subject); } catch (e) { //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the template with template_id : ' + template_id); } //} } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var sales_rep = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().name); console.log($('#send_to')) var first_name = $('#send_to').data("firstname"); console.log(first_name) var dear = encodeURIComponent(first_name); var contact_id = ''; var contact_id_array = $('#send_to').data('contact-id'); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id_array = JSON.parse(contact_id_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(contact_id_array)) { contact_id = contact_id_array[0].toString(); if (contact_id == '0' && !isNullorEmpty(contact_id[1])) { contact_id = ''; } } } console.log('contact_id : ', contact_id); var userid = encodeURIComponent(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); // var url = ''; // if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { // var url = ''; // } // url += template_id + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + dear + '&contactid=' + contact_id + '&userid=' + userid; var suiteletUrl = url.resolveScript({ scriptId: 'customscript_merge_email', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_merge_email', returnExternalUrl: true }); console.log('suiteletUrl', suiteletUrl); suiteletUrl += '&rectype=customer&template='; //var template_id = 94; // var newLeadEmailTemplateRecord = record.load({ // type: 'customrecord_camp_comm_template', // id: template_id, // isDynamic: true // }); //var templateSubject = template_subject; var emailAttach = new Object(); emailAttach['entity'] = customer_id; // suiteletUrl += template_id + '&recid=' + customer_id + '&salesrep=' + sales_rep + '&dear=' + dear + '&contactid=' + null + '&userid=' + userid; // var headerObj = { // name: 'Accept-Language', // value: 'en-us' // }; console.log('suiteletUrl', suiteletUrl); // var response = https.get({ // url: suiteletUrl, // }); // var emailHtml = response.body; var response = https.get({ url: suiteletUrl }); console.log("response", response); // console.log("URL", url); // suiteletUrl = http.request({ // method: http.Method.GET, // url: url, // }) // // urlCall = http.get({ // // url: url, // // }); // console.log(urlCall); var emailHtml = response.body; $('#email_body').summernote('code', emailHtml); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var subject = 'MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - ' + template_subject + ' - ' + selector_number; $('#subject').val(subject); } /** * Check that the fields "To", "Template" and "Subject" are non-empty. * @returns {Boolean} */ function validateEmailFields() { var alertMessage = ''; var return_value = true; var send_to_val = $('#send_to').val(); var send_toll_val = $('#send_toll').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(send_to_val) && isNullorEmpty(send_toll_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please select a recipient.<br>'; } var template_val = $('#template option:selected').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(template_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please select a template.<br>'; } else { var subject_val = $('#subject').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(subject_val)) { return_value = false; alertMessage += 'Please enter a subject.<br>'; } } if (return_value == false) { showAlert(alertMessage); } else { $('#alert').parent().hide(); } return return_value; } /** * Function to sent emails when a customer associated ticket is opened */ function sendCustomerTicketEmail(subject, ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, browser, os, login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, send_to) { console.log("in email fn ", send_to); if (isNullorEmpty(browser)) { browser = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(os)) { os = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { login_email_used = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { sender_name = " - " }; if (isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { sender_phone = " - " }; var url = ""; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { var url = ""; } var contactEmail = ["PI:EMAIL:nnheo@example.comEND_PI"]; var custparam_params = new Object(); custparam_params['ticket_id'] = parseInt(ticket_id); custparam_params['selector_number'] = selector_number; custparam_params['selector_type'] = selector_type; var ticket_url = url + "&custparam_params=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(custparam_params)); if (isNullorEmpty(subject)) { subject = 'MPSD' + ticket_id + ' - New Customer Ticket Opened'; } var body = '' + selector_number + ' Ticket Details <br>'; body += 'Customer number : ' + customer_number + ' <br>'; body += 'Login email used : ' + login_email_used + ' <br>'; switch (selector_number) { case 'Customer App': body += 'Browser : ' + browser + ' <br>'; body += 'Operating system : ' + os + ' <br>'; break; case 'Customer Portal': body += 'Browser : ' + browser + ' <br>'; break; case 'Update Label': body += 'Sender name : ' + sender_name + ' <br>'; body += 'Sender phone : ' + sender_phone + ' <br>'; break; } body += '<a href="' + ticket_url + '"> Open ticket page </a><br>'; body += 'Next reminder time: ' + getNextReminderTime() + ' <br>'; var file = $('#screenshot_image')[0]; if (file && (typeof file.files[0] != 'undefined')) { file = file.files[0]; if ((file.type == "image/jpeg" || file.type == "image/png") && ( { var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function (e) { body += '<img src=" ' + + '">'; console.log("email send", send_to); if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { email.send({ author: userId, body: body, recipients: send_to, subject: subject, cc: contactEmail, }); } } fr.readAsDataURL(file); } } else { if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { console.log("email send", send_to); email.send({ author: userId, body: body, recipients: send_to, subject: subject, cc: contactEmail, }) } } console.log("EMAIL WORKED"); } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'SEND EMAIL' ('#send_email') * Send the selected email to the selected contact, and reloads the page. */ function sendEmail() { if (validateEmailFields()) { // Send Email // Convert "TO" text field to email adresses array var send_to_values = $('#send_to').val().split(','); var send_to = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(send_to_values)) { send_to_values.forEach(function (email_address) { email_address = email_address.trim(); if (!isNullorEmpty(email_address)) { send_to.push(email_address); } }); } console.log("send_to", send_to); var send_toll_values = $('#send_toll').val(); var send_toll_to = []; if (!isNullorEmpty(send_toll_values)) { for (var i = 0; i < send_toll_values.length; i++) { send_toll_to.push($('#send_toll option:selected').val(send_toll_values)[i].text); } } // CC Field var cc_values = $('#send_cc').val().split(','); var cc = []; cc_values.forEach(function (email_address) { cc.push(email_address.trim()); return true; }); if (isNullorEmpty(cc)) { cc = null; } console.log("cc", cc); // BCC Field var bcc_values = $('#send_bcc').val().split(','); var bcc = []; bcc_values.forEach(function (email_address) { bcc.push(email_address.trim()); return true; }); if (isNullorEmpty(bcc)) { bcc = null; } console.log("bcc", bcc); var email_subject = $('#subject').val(); var email_body = $('#email_body').summernote('code'); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var params_email = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email' }); params_email = JSON.parse(params_email); params_email.recipient = send_to; params_email.subject = email_subject; params_email.body = encodeURIComponent(email_body); = cc; params_email.bcc = bcc; params_email.records = { entityId: customer_id }; var attachments_credit_memo_ids = params_email.attachments_credit_memo_ids; var attachments_usage_report_ids = params_email.attachments_usage_report_ids; var attachments_invoice_ids = params_email.attachments_invoice_ids; params_email = JSON.stringify(params_email); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_credit_memo_ids) || !isNullorEmpty(attachments_usage_report_ids) || !isNullorEmpty(attachments_invoice_ids)) { // Send email using the response part of this suitelet script. currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email', value: params_email }); setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id); // Trigger the submit function. $('#submitter').trigger('click'); } else { send_to = send_to.concat(send_toll_to); console.log("Final send " + send_to); // If there are no attachments, it's faster to directly use nlapiSendEmail() from the client script. // console.log("email send", recipients); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id) && !isNullorEmpty(send_to)) { email.send({ author: userId, body: email_body, recipients: send_to, subject: email_subject, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id }, bcc: bcc, cc: cc, }) } else { email.send({ author: userId, body: email_body, recipients: send_to, subject: email_subject, bcc: bcc, cc: cc, }) } // 112209 is from MailPlus Team var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id); // Reload the page var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } else { return false; } } /** * Set record status to 'In Progress'. * @param {Number} ticket_id */ function setRecordStatusToInProgress(ticket_id) { try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var status_value = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var invoice_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number' }); if (isNullorEmpty(status_value) || status_value == 1) { //Ticket is open var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); if (isFinanceRoleOnly(userRole) && !isNullorEmpty(invoice_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 6 }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_number) && selector_number == "Customer App") { console.log('Setting ticket status to In progress - IT'); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 4 }); //In progress - Developers } else { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: true });{ enableSourcing: true, }) } } catch (e) { console.log("e", e); //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to Set record status to In Progress with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } //} } } /** * - Triggered by any changes on the TOLL Issues, Invoice Issues or MP Ticket Issues fields. * - Display the button 'CLOSE TICKET' only when there are no selected issues. * - Display the button 'CLOSE UNALLOCATED TICKET' only if the user is Ankith Ravindran or Raine Giderson * and if the issues 'No allocated customer' or 'No allocated franchisee' are selected. */ function hideCloseTicketButton() { // Check that there are no selected issues. var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; var mp_issues_length = $('#mp_issues option:selected').length; // Show the 'Close Ticket' Button switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': if ((toll_issues_length == 0) && (mp_issues_length == 0)) { $('.close_ticket').removeClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_ticket').addClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').addClass('hide'); } break; case 'invoice_number': if ((invoice_issues_length == 0) && (mp_issues_length == 0)) { $('.close_ticket').removeClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_ticket').addClass('hide'); $('.close_ticket_lost').addClass('hide'); } break; } // Show the 'Close Unallocated' button. var mp_issues_selected = $('#mp_issues option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); mp_issues_selected = $.makeArray(mp_issues_selected); // '1' is the MP Issue 'No Allocated Customer' // '3' is the MP Issue 'No Allocated Franchisee' var is_no_allocated_mp_issue = (mp_issues_selected.indexOf('1') != -1 || mp_issues_selected.indexOf('3') != -1); // '409635' is the user ID of Ankith Ravindran // '696992' is the user ID of Raine Giderson // '766498' is the user ID of Raphaël Chalicarne var is_user_ankith_or_raine = (userId == '409635' || userId == '696992' || userId == '766498'); var can_show_close_unallocated_button = (is_no_allocated_mp_issue && is_user_ankith_or_raine); if (can_show_close_unallocated_button) { $('.close_unallocated_ticket').removeClass('hide'); } else { $('.close_unallocated_ticket').addClass('hide'); } updateButtonsWidth(); } function updateSaveRecord() { var currRec = currentRecord.get(); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); var selector_issue = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }); //set to T onEscalate var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var selector_number = $('#selector_value').val(); console.log('status_value' + status_value) console.log('selector_issue ' + selector_issue) console.log('selector_type ' + selector_type) console.log('selector_number ' + selector_number) if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number)) { showAlert('Please enter a customer number'); return false; } } // if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value) && !isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { // // Barcode/Inv associated tickets - check that a TOLL Issue or an Invoice Issue has been selected. // // Customer number associated ticket - check that a customer number has been entered // switch (selector_type) { // case 'barcode_number': // var toll_issues_length = $('#toll_issues option:selected').length; // if (toll_issues_length == 0) { // showAlert('Please select a TOLL Issue<br>'); // return false; // } // break; // case 'invoice_number': // var invoice_issues_length = $('#invoice_issues option:selected').length; // if (invoice_issues_length == 0) { // showAlert('Please select an Invoice Issue<br>'); // return false; // } // break; // case 'customer_issue': // var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); // if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used) && !validateEmail(login_email_used)) { // showAlert('User login email format is invalid. Please enter email again <br>'); // return false; // } // break; // } // } if (role == 1005) { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { var owner_length = $('#owner option:selected').length; var checkTicketOwner = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(checkTicketOwner)) { var checkTicketOwnerRec = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: parseInt(checkTicketOwner) }); var owners = checkTicketOwnerRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (isNullorEmpty(owners) && owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } else { if (owner_length == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Owner<br>'); return false; } } } if (selector_issue == 'T') { var to = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); to = $.makeArray(to); var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, to, true) if (!email_sent) { return false; } } var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); console.log("Ticket id = " + ticket_id); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var ticketRecord = record.create({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_created_ticket', value: 'T' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent', value: false }); console.log("DOES FALSE WORK", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent' })) } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); try { var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the ticket record with ticket_id : ' + ticket_id); } } } } currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number', value: selector_number }); var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); // Save customer number var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val(); console.log('Saving customer number = ' + customer_number); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_number', value: customer_number }); // Save Enquiry status var enquiry_status_val = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_status_val)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_status', value: enquiry_status_val }); } var attachments_hyperlink = $('#attachments').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(attachments_hyperlink)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_attachments', value: attachments_hyperlink }); } // Save Ticket Label var label = $('#label_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(label)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_label', value: label }); } //Save Enquiry medium var enquiry_medium = $('#enquiry_status option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_medium)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_medium', value: enquiry_medium }); } var total_enquiry_count = 0; if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val()); } if (!isNullorEmpty($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val())) { total_enquiry_count += parseInt($('#enquiry_count_by_email').val()); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_enquiry_count', value: total_enquiry_count }); var enquiry_count_by_chat = $('#enquiry_count_by_chat').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_chat_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_chat }); } var enquiry_count_by_phone = $('#enquiry_count_by_phone').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_phone }); } var enquiry_count_by_email = $('#enquiry_count_by_email').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_enquiry_count', value: enquiry_count_by_email }); } var interaction_count_by_phone = $('#interaction_count_by_phone').val(); var interaction_count_by_email = $('#interaction_count_by_email').val(); if (isNullorEmpty(ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date' }))) { if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email) || !isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_first_interaction_date', value: new Date() }); } } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_phone }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(interaction_count_by_email)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_interaction_count', value: interaction_count_by_email }); } //Check Enquiry is Selected if (isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_chat) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_phone) && isNullorEmpty(enquiry_count_by_email)) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } else if (total_enquiry_count == 0) { showAlert('Please select an Enquiry Type<br>'); return false; } //Save Medium list saveMediumList(enquiry_count_by_chat, enquiry_count_by_phone, enquiry_count_by_email, ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setTicketStatus(ticketRecord); ticketRecord = setCreator(ticketRecord); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altname', value: selector_number }); var owner_email_list = $('#owner option:selected').map(function () { return $(this).data('email') }); owner_email_list = $.makeArray(owner_email_list); var zee_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_zee_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_zee', value: zee_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_type)) { switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number', value: selector_id }); // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); console.log(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); console.log("rem date", reminder_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } break; case 'invoice_number': ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_number', value: selector_id }); var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { var daytodayemail = $('#daytodayemail').val(); var daytodayphone = $('#daytodayphone').val(); var accountsemail = $('#accountsemail').val(); var accountsphone = $('#accountsphone').val(); var selected_invoice_method_id = $('#invoice_method option:selected').val(); var accounts_cc_email = $('#accounts_cc_email').val(); var mpex_po_number = $('#mpex_po_number').val(); var customer_po_number = $('#customer_po_number').val(); var customer_terms = $('#customers_terms').val(); var selected_invoice_cycle_id = $('#mpex_invoicing_cycle option:selected').val(); var customerRecord = record.load({ type: 'customer', id: customer_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_email_service', value: daytodayemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'phone', value: daytodayphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'email', value: accountsemail }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'altphone', value: accountsphone }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_invoice_method', value: selected_invoice_method_id }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_accounts_cc_email', value: accounts_cc_email }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_po', value: mpex_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity11', value: customer_po_number }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_finance_terms', value: customer_terms }); customerRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custentity_mpex_invoicing_cycle', value: selected_invoice_cycle_id });{}) // Save Reminder date var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } } break; case 'customer_issue': var screenshot_image = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ss_image' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(screenshot_image)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_screenshot', value: screenshot_image }); } var customer_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_id' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1', value: customer_id }); } var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_issue_type)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_issue', value: customer_issue_type }); } var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(login_email_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_login_email', value: login_email_used }); } var is_customer_number_email_sent = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number_email_sent' }); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(phone_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_phone_used', value: phone_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(browser)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_browser', value: browser }); } var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(os_used)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_operating_system', value: os_used }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; case 'Update Label': var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_name)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_name', value: sender_name }); } var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); if (!isNullorEmpty(sender_phone)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_sender_phone', value: sender_phone }); } if (is_customer_number_email_sent == 'F' && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, owner_email_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer_number_email_sent', value: true }); } break; } break; } } ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); //Owner var owner_list = new Array; $('#owner option:selected').each(function () { owner_list.push($(this).val()); }); if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { // Send email to new owners. var old_owner_list = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_owner_list)) { var only_new_owner_ids = []; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (new_owner_id) { if (old_owner_list.indexOf(new_owner_id) == -1) { only_new_owner_ids.push(new_owner_id); only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + new_owner_id + '"]').data('email')); } }) } else { var only_new_owner_ids = owner_list; var only_new_owner_email_address = []; owner_list.forEach(function (owner_id) { only_new_owner_email_address.push($('#owner [value="' + owner_id + '"]').data('email')); }) } // If there is an issue, all the owners have already received an email. if (selector_issue == 'F' && (!isNullorEmpty(only_new_owner_email_address))) { var email_sent = sendInformationEmailTo(selector_type, only_new_owner_email_address, false); if (!email_sent) { return false; } } else if (selector_type == 'customer_issue') { var login_email_used = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_issue_type = $('#selector_value').val(); switch (customer_issue_type) { case 'Customer App': var phone_used = $('#phone_used').val(); var os_used = $('#os_value option:selected').val(); var browser = $("#browser_value option:selected").val() sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), $('#os_value option:selected').text(), login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Customer Portal': var browser = $('#browser_value').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, $("#browser_value option:selected").text(), '', login_email_used, '', '', only_new_owner_email_address); break; case 'Update Label': var sender_phone = $('#sender_phone_text').val(); var sender_name = $('#sender_name_text').val(); sendCustomerTicketEmail('', ticket_id, customer_number, selector_type, selector_number, '', '', login_email_used, sender_name, sender_phone, only_new_owner_email_address); break; } } } // Save Owner list console.log(owner_list); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: owner_list }); console.log("oList", ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner' })); //cxcxc // Save Comment switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; case 'invoice_number': var comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); if (isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment = '' }; var selected_title = $('#user_note_title option:selected').text(); var usernote_textarea = $('#user_note_textarea').val(); var date = new Date; var date_time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var date_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var time_now = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.TIMEOFDAY }); if (!isNullorEmpty(usernote_textarea)) { if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { comment += '\n'; } var usernote = '[' + selected_title + '] - [' + userName + '] - [' + date_time_now + '] - ' + usernote_textarea; // Save usernote on Customer record var userNote = record.create({ type: 'note', }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: selected_title }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'notedate', value: date_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'time', value: time_now }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: usernote_textarea }); userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'entity', value: customer_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(customer_id)) {{}) } comment += usernote; } break; case 'customer_issue': var comment = $('#comment').val(); break; } if (!isNullorEmpty(comment)) { var original_comment = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment' }); var total_comment = $('#comment').val(); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment = total_comment.split(original_comment).join(''); var new_comment2 = new_comment.split("\n").join(''); var date_netsuite = format.format({ value: new Date(), type: format.Type.DATETIME }); console.log("new_comment", new_comment); console.log("new_comment2", new_comment2); var comment_with_date = total_comment; if (!isNullorEmpty(new_comment2)) { comment_with_date = "\n" + original_comment + "\n" + date_netsuite + " - " + new_comment2 + "\n"; } console.log('comment_with_date', comment_with_date); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_comment', value: comment_with_date }); } var ticket_id ={ enableSourcing: true, }); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id', value: ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(selector_id) && (selector_type == 'barcode_number')) { try { var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: selector_id }); console.log("ticket_id", ticket_id); console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket', value: ticket_id }); barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_cust_prod_stock_toll_issues ', value: list_toll_issues }); var rec_email = $('#receiveremail').val(); var rec_name = $('#receivername').val(); var rec_state = $('#receiverstate').val(); var rec_zip = $('#receiverzip').val(); var rec_addr1 = $('#receiveraddr1').val(); var rec_addr2 = $('#receiveraddr2').val(); var rec_city = $('#receiversuburb').val(); var rec_phone = $('#receiverphone').val(); //Check if Rec details are to be updated if (!$("#receiveremail").is(":disabled")) { if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_email)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email', value: rec_email }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_name)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_name', value: rec_name }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_state)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_state', value: rec_state }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_zip)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_postcode', value: rec_zip }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr1)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr1', value: rec_addr1 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_addr2)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_addr2', value: rec_addr2 }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_city)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_suburb', value: rec_city }); } if (!isNullorEmpty(rec_phone)) { barcodeRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_phone', value: rec_phone }); } }{ enableSourcing: true, }); } catch (e) { //if (e instanceof error.SuiteScriptError) { // if ( == "SSS_MISSING_REQD_ARGUMENT") { console.log('Error to load the barcode record with barcode_id : ' + selector_id); // } //} } } return true; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'UPDATE CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function updateCloseTicket() { console.log('In update&close function'); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); console.log('All values have been set part1'); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); console.log('All values have been set part2'); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); } console.log('Email sent');{ enableSourcing: true, }) console.log('Redirecting to edit tickets page'); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } function closeTicket(selector_type, status_num) { if (selector_type == "customer_issue") { closeCustIssueTicket(selector_type, status_num); } else { closeBarcodeTicket() } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function closeBarcodeTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); updateSaveRecord(); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer // if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { // sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); // } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } function closeCustIssueTicket(selector_type, status_num) { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { var ticket_id = parseInt(currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' })); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var login_email = $('#login_email_text').val(); var customer_number = $('#customer_number_value').val().trim(); var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); var escalated_to_it = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_escalated_it' }); if (isNullorEmpty(login_email)) { console.log('No LOGIN EMAIL'); showAlert('Please enter a valid Login Email'); return false; } if (isNullorEmpty(customer_number) && creator_id == 112209 && !isNullorEmpty(escalated_to_it) && selector_type == "customer_issue" && !isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { console.log('CUSTOMER NUMBER MISSING'); showAlert('Please enter a Customer Number'); return false; } updateSaveRecord(); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); if (isNullorEmpty(status_num)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 15 }); sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - Your IT ticket has been resolved - Customer Portal', [login_email], 121, customer_id); } else { if (status_num == 15) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [MPSD' + ticket_id + '] - Your IT ticket has been resolved - Customer Portal', [login_email], 121, customer_id); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: status_num }); } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' });{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET' ('#close_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed". */ function closeNewTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket and open a new ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 3 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); try { var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Ticket Closed - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 114, customer_id); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to load barcode because no customer linked"); }{ enableSourcing: true, }) // Redirect to the Open New Ticket" page // var output = url.resolveScript({ // deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', // scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', // }) var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE TICKET - LOST ITEM' ('#close_ticket_lost') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed - Lost Item". */ function closeTicketLost() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket and set it as Closed-Lost?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 9 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord);{ enableSourcing: true, }); var ticket_name = ticketRecord.getText({ fieldId: 'name' }); var customer_barcode_number = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_barcode_number' }); var customer_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_customer1' }); var barcodeRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_customer_product_stock', id: customer_barcode_number, }); var receiveremail = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_receiver_email' }); var barcodeName = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'name' }); //Send Email To Customer if (!isNullorEmpty(receiveremail)) { sendCustomerEscalateEmail('MailPlus [' + ticket_name + '] - Lost In Transit - ' + barcodeName, [receiveremail], 113, customer_id); } var product_order = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_prod_stock_prod_order' }); var invoice = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_prod_stock_invoice' }); var userNoteId = barcodeRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'recordid' }); console.log("Invoice", invoice); console.log("product order", product_order); var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: barcodeName, selector_type: 'barcode_number' }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var ticket_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params; //CREDIT MEMO SECTION if (!isNullorEmpty(invoice) && isNullorEmpty(product_order)) { //Error- Send Email to Ankith body = "There's an error with the barcode as only the Invoice field is filled and the Product Order field is not (within the barcode record). Please see below barcode details\n\nMP Ticket: " + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI', 'PI:EMAIL:nnheo@example.comEND_PI'], subject: "Test Error MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id }, }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(invoice) && !isNullorEmpty(product_order)) { //SEND EMAIL TO FIONA + POPIE --> change to raine after mat leave body = 'MP Ticket: ' + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nInvoice: ' + invoice + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI', 'PI:EMAIL:envkt@example.comEND_PI', 'PI:EMAIL:hzdkv@example.comEND_PI'], subject: "MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }) } else { //SEND EMAIL TO FIONA console.log("in here"); body = 'MP Ticket: ' + ticket_name + '\nBarcode: ' + barcodeName + '\nProduct Order: ' + product_order + '\nTicket URL: ' + ticket_url; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI', 'PI:EMAIL:envkt@example.comEND_PI'], subject: "MPEX Barcode Credit- LIT " + barcodeName, relatedRecords: { entityId: customer_id } }) } // Create User Note under Barcode Record var userNote = record.create({ type: record.Type.NOTE, isDynamic: true, }); // Record Type i.e Cust Product Stock userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'recordtype', value: 1014 }); // Record ID userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'record', value: parseInt(userNoteId) }); //Title userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'title', value: 'Barcode Status- LIT' }); //Memo userNote.setValue({ fieldId: 'note', value: 'Barcode ' + barcodeName + ' has been set to status Lost in Transit' });{ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'CLOSE UNALLOCATED TICKET' ('#close_unallocated_ticket') * Set the date of closure, and the status as "Closed - Unallocated". */ function closeUnallocatedTicket() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to close this ticket?\n\nThis action cannot be undone.")) { updateSaveRecord(); var date = new Date; var dnow = format.parse({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATETIMETZ }); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: dnow }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 8 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 5 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: null }); // Save issues and resolved issues ticketRecord = updateIssues(ticketRecord);{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Redirect to the "View MP Tickets" page var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', }) var upload_url = baseURL + output;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); } } /** * Set the status of the ticket based on the MP ticket Values. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function setTicketStatus(ticketRecord) { var current_status = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status' }); var list_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_mp_ticket_issues.push($(this).val()); }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 1 }); if (currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_issue' }) == 'T') { //Set status to escalated //console.log("Changing status to escalated"); //ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 10 }); } else if (isNullorEmpty(current_status)) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); } else if (list_mp_ticket_issues.length != 0) { var it_issue = false; var other_issue = '0'; list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (mp_ticket_issue_value) { if (mp_ticket_issue_value < 5) { it_issue = true; } else { other_issue = mp_ticket_issue_value; } }); if (it_issue) { ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 4 }); } else if (other_issue != '0') { switch (other_issue) { case '5': // Operational Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 5 }); break; case '6': // Finance Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 6 }); break; case '7': // Customer Service Issue ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); break; } } } else { // If there are no more MP Ticket issues, if (current_status >= 4) { var email_sent = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_email_sent' }); console.log(email_sent); if (email_sent) { //If an email has ever been sent to the customer, the status is updated to 'In progress - Customer service' ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 2 }); } else { // If no email has ever been sent to the customer, the status is updated to 'Open' ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); } } } return ticketRecord; } /** * Set the creator of the ticket if there is none. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function setCreator(ticketRecord) { var creator_id = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator' }); if (isNullorEmpty(creator_id)) { var user_id = parseInt(runtime.getCurrentUser().id); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator', value: user_id }); } return ticketRecord; } /** * If we work with a barcode ticket, the TOLL Issues and MP Ticket Issues are added to the record. * If we work with an invoice ticket, the Invoice Issues are added to the record. * If issues have been deleted from any of these fields, they are saved in the resolved fields. * @param {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord * @returns {nlobjRecord} ticketRecord */ function updateIssues(ticketRecord) { var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': // Save TOLL Issues var list_toll_issues = new Array; $('#toll_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_toll_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved TOLL Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var old_list_toll_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_toll_issues)) { if (typeof (old_list_toll_issues) == "string") { old_list_toll_issues = [old_list_toll_issues]; } var list_resolved_toll_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_toll_issues)) { list_resolved_toll_issues = new Array; } else if (typeof (list_resolved_toll_issues) == "string") { list_resolved_toll_issues = [list_resolved_toll_issues]; } old_list_toll_issues.forEach(function (old_toll_issue) { // If a TOLL issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_toll_issues.indexOf(old_toll_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_toll_issues.push(old_toll_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_toll_issues', value: list_resolved_toll_issues }); } } console.log("list_toll_issues", list_toll_issues); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_toll_issues', value: list_toll_issues }); break; case 'invoice_number': // Save Invoice Issues var list_invoice_issues = new Array; $('#invoice_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_invoice_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved INVOICE Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id)) { var old_list_invoice_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_issues' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_invoice_issues)) { if (typeof (old_list_invoice_issues) == "string") { old_list_invoice_issues = [old_list_invoice_issues]; } var list_resolved_invoice_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_invoice_issues)) { list_resolved_invoice_issues = new Array; } else if (typeof (list_resolved_invoice_issues) == "string") { list_resolved_invoice_issues = [list_resolved_invoice_issues]; } old_list_invoice_issues.forEach(function (old_invoice_issue) { // If an invoice issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_invoice_issues.indexOf(old_invoice_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_invoice_issues.push(old_invoice_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_invoice_issues', value: list_resolved_invoice_issues }); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_invoice_issues', value: list_invoice_issues }); break; } // Save MP Ticket Issues var list_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; $('#mp_issues option:selected').each(function () { list_mp_ticket_issues.push($(this).val()); }); // Save resolved MP Ticket Issues if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) && selector_type != "customer_issue") { var old_list_mp_ticket_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue' }); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_list_mp_ticket_issues)) { old_list_mp_ticket_issues = Array.from(old_list_mp_ticket_issues); var list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_mp_ticket_issue' }); if (isNullorEmpty(list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues)) { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = new Array; } else { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues = Array.from(list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues); } old_list_mp_ticket_issues.forEach(function (old_mp_ticket_issue) { // If a MP Ticket issue of the old list is not in the new list, // it means that the issue was resolved. if (list_mp_ticket_issues.indexOf(old_mp_ticket_issue) == -1) { list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues.push(old_mp_ticket_issue); } }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_resolved_mp_ticket_issue', value: list_resolved_mp_ticket_issues }); } } ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_issue', value: list_mp_ticket_issues }); return ticketRecord; } /** * Triggered by a click on the button 'REOPEN TICKET' ('#reopen_ticket') * Set the ticket record as active. * Deletes the date of closure, * Set the status as "Open". */ function reopenTicket() { console.log("in reopen"); console.log("customer number"); var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var selector_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_number' }); var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var customer_number = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_customer_number' }); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_date_closed', value: null }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_ticket_status', value: 1 }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_mp_ticket_customer_status', value: 1 }); // Save Reminder date setReminderDate(); var reminder_date = $('#reminder').val(); console.log("rem3", reminder_date); if (!isNullorEmpty(reminder_date)) { reminder_date = new Date(reminder_date); reminder_date = format.parse({ value: reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder', value: reminder_date }); } // Set new Creator and new Owner ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_creator', value: userId }); ticketRecord.setValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_owner', value: [userId] });{ enableSourcing: true, }); // Reload the page var params = { ticket_id: parseInt(ticket_id), selector_number: selector_number, selector_type: selector_type, customer_number: customer_number, }; params = JSON.stringify(params); var output = url.resolveScript({ deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', }); var upload_url = baseURL + output + '&custparam_params=' + params;, "_self", "height=750,width=650,modal=yes,alwaysRaised=yes"); console.log("in reopen"); } /** * Lookup for the Credit Memo associated to an invoice. * @returns {nlobjSearchResult[]} creditMemoResults */ function searchCreditMemo() { var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); if (selector_type == 'invoice_number') { var selector_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_id' }); var creditMemoResults = search.create({ type: 'creditmemo', filter: [ search.createFilter({ name: 'mainline', operator: 'is', values: 'T', }), search.createFilter({ name: 'createdfrom', operator: 'is', values: selector_id, }) ], columns: [ search.createColumn({ name: 'tranid', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'trandate', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'entity', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'createdfrom', summary: 'group' }), search.createColumn({ name: 'internalid', summary: 'group' }) ] }); return; } else { return null; } } /** * searchCreditMemo() searches for Credit Memos linked to the current invoice. * If there are results, they are displayed in the table '#credit_memo'. * Otherwise, the section containing the table is hidden. * @param {Number} status_value */ function createCreditMemoRows(status_value) { var inline_credit_memo_table_html = ''; var compid = (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") ? '1048144_SB3' : '1048144'; console.log("sv", status_value); var creditMemoResults = searchCreditMemo(); if (!isNullorEmpty(creditMemoResults)) { $('.credit_memo').removeClass('hide'); creditMemoResults.each(function (creditMemoResult) { console.log("CMR", creditMemoResult); var credit_memo_number = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'tranid', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_date = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'trandate', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_name = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_id = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'entity', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_customer_link = baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + credit_memo_customer_id; var credit_memo_created_from_id = creditMemoResult.getValue({ name: 'createdfrom', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_created_from = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'createdfrom', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var invoice_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + credit_memo_created_from_id + '&compid=' + compid + '&cf=116&whence='; var credit_memo_id = creditMemoResult.getText({ name: 'internalid', join: null, summary: 'group' }); var credit_memo_link = baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + credit_memo_id + '&whence='; var credit_memo_url = baseURL + '/app/accounting/print/' + credit_memo_id + '&label=Credit+Memo&printtype=transaction'; var credit_memo_action_button = '<button class="btn btn-success add_cm glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-cm-id="' + credit_memo_id + '" data-cm-url="' + credit_memo_url + '" title="Attach to email"></button>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_number"><a href="' + credit_memo_link + '">' + credit_memo_number + '</a></td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_date">' + credit_memo_date + '</td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_customer"><a href="' + credit_memo_customer_link + '">' + credit_memo_customer_name + '</td>'; inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_invoice_number"><a href="' + invoice_link + '">' + credit_memo_created_from + '</td>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_credit_memo_table_html += '<td headers="credit_memo_action">' + credit_memo_action_button + '</td>'; } inline_credit_memo_table_html += '</tr>'; }); } else { $('.credit_memo').addClass('hide'); } $('#credit_memo tbody').html(inline_credit_memo_table_html); // Each time the table is redrawn, we trigger tooltip for the new cells. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } /** * In the suitelet script, if the ticket record concerns an invoice, * the associated usage reports id are saved. * The files are loaded and their filenames and url are saved into the array of objects 'usage_report_array'. * This array is parsed and if the ids are not null, a row is added to the '#usage_report' table. * Otherwise, the section containing the table is hidden. * @param {Number} status_value */ function createUsageReportRows(status_value) { var inline_usage_report_table_html = ''; var usage_report_array = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_usage_report_array' }); usage_report_array = JSON.parse(usage_report_array); console.log('usage_report_array : ', usage_report_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(usage_report_array)) { usage_report_array.forEach(function (usage_report_obj) { var usage_report_id =; if (!isNullorEmpty(usage_report_id)) { var usage_report_filename =; var usage_report_link = usage_report_obj.url; var usage_report_action_button = '<button class="btn btn-success add_ur glyphicon glyphicon-plus" type="button" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-ur-id="' + usage_report_id + '" title="Attach to email"></button>'; inline_usage_report_table_html += '<tr class="text-center">'; inline_usage_report_table_html += '<td headers="usage_report_filename"><a href="' + usage_report_link + '">' + usage_report_filename + '</a></td>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_usage_report_table_html += '<td headers="usage_report_action">' + usage_report_action_button + '</td>'; } inline_usage_report_table_html += '</tr>'; } }); } else { $('.usage_report').addClass('hide'); } $('#usage_report tbody').html(inline_usage_report_table_html); // Each time the table is redrawn, we trigger tooltip for the new cells. $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } /** * Depending on the number of buttons at the end of the page, their width and offset should change. * If there are 2 buttons, they have a width of 4 cols and an offset of 2 cols. * If there are 3 buttons, they have a width of 4 cols. * If there are 4 buttons, they have a width of 3 cols. */ function updateButtonsWidth() { var nb_buttons = $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div:not(.hide)').length; $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-offset-2'); switch (nb_buttons) { case 2: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-3'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div:not(.hide)').eq(0).addClass('col-xs-offset-2'); break; case 3: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-3'); break; case 4: $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').removeClass('col-xs-4'); $('.close_reopen_submit_ticket_section .row div').addClass('col-xs-3'); break; } } /** * Converts the selector field into either "Invoice number"/"Barcode number"/ "Customer App" * @param {String} selector_name */ function setupSelectorInput(selector_name) { $('#selector_text').text(selector_name); switch (selector_name) { case 'INVOICE NUMBER': $('#selector_value').attr('placeholder', 'INV123456'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('value'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('disabled'); break; case 'BARCODE NUMBER': $('#selector_value').attr('placeholder', 'MPEN123456'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('value'); $('#selector_value').removeAttr('disabled'); break; case 'CUSTOMER APP': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Customer App'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; case 'CUSTOMER PORTAL': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Customer Portal'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; case 'UPDATE LABEL': $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Update Label'); $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); break; // case 'UPDATE CUSTOMER DETAILS': // $('#selector_text').text("CUSTOMER ISSUE"); // $('#selector_value').attr('value', 'Update Customer Details'); // $('#selector_value').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // break; } } /** * Format a date object to the string 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm [am/pm]' * @param {Date} date * @returns {String} date_string */ function formatDate(testDate) { console.log('testDate: ' + testDate); var responseDate = format.format({ value: testDate, type: format.Type.DATE }); console.log('responseDate: ' + responseDate); return responseDate; } /** * Converts the date string in the "invoice_date" table to the format of "date_selected". * @param {String} invoice_date ex: '4/6/2020' * @returns {String} date ex: '2020-06-04' */ function dateCreated2DateSelectedFormat(invoice_date) { // date_created = '4/6/2020' var date_array = invoice_date.split('/'); // date_array = ["4", "6", "2020"] var year = date_array[2]; var month = date_array[1]; if (month < 10) { month = '0' + month; } var day = date_array[0]; if (day < 10) { day = '0' + day; } return year + '-' + month + '-' + day; } /** * Calculates the reminder date based on the current date and the selector_type. */ function setReminderDate() { var ticket_id = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_id' }); var status_value = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_ticket_status_value' }); if (isNullorEmpty(ticket_id) || !isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { var selector_type = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_selector_type' }); var today = new Date(); var today_day_in_month = today.getDate(); var today_day_in_week = today.getDay(); var today_month = today.getMonth(); var today_year = today.getFullYear(); switch (selector_type) { case 'barcode_number': var addNbDays = 1; if (today_day_in_week == 5) { addNbDays += 2; } break; case 'invoice_number': var addNbDays = 3; if (today_day_in_week == 3 || today_day_in_week == 4 || today_day_in_week == 5) { addNbDays += 2; } break; } var reminder_date = new Date(Date.UTC(today_year, today_month, today_day_in_month + addNbDays)); reminder_date = reminder_date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; } else { ticket_id = parseInt(ticket_id); var ticketRecord = record.load({ type: 'customrecord_mp_ticket', id: ticket_id }); var ticket_reminder_date = ticketRecord.getValue({ fieldId: 'custrecord_reminder' }); var reminder_date = ''; if (!isNullorEmpty(ticket_reminder_date)) { ticket_reminder_date = format.parse({ value: ticket_reminder_date, type: format.Type.DATE }); var reminder_date_day_in_month = ticket_reminder_date.getDate(); var reminder_date_month = ticket_reminder_date.getMonth(); var reminder_date_year = ticket_reminder_date.getFullYear(); reminder_date = new Date(Date.UTC(reminder_date_year, reminder_date_month, reminder_date_day_in_month)); reminder_date = reminder_date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; } } $('#reminder').val(reminder_date); } /** * Creates the inline HTML of the Credit Memo table, * with a button for the attachments if the ticket is not closed. * @param {Number} status_value * @returns {String} inline_html_credit_memo_table */ function htmlCreditMemoTable(status_value) { var inline_html_credit_memo_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="credit_memo" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<tr>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_number">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CREDIT #</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_date">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>DATE</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_customer">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CUSTOMER</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_invoice_number">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>CREATED FROM</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="credit_memo_action">'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<b>ATTACH TO EMAIL</b>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</th>'; } inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</tr>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</thead>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '<tbody></tbody>'; inline_html_credit_memo_table += '</table>'; return inline_html_credit_memo_table; } function htmlUsageReportTable(status_value) { var inline_html_usage_report_table = '<table cellpadding="15" id="usage_report" class="table table-responsive table-striped contacts tablesorter" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;border: 0"><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<tr>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usage_report_filename">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<b>FILE NAME</b>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</th>'; if (isTicketNotClosed(status_value)) { inline_html_usage_report_table += '<th style="vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;" id="usage_report_action">'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<b>ATTACH TO EMAIL</b>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</th>'; } inline_html_usage_report_table += '</tr>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</thead>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '<tbody></tbody>'; inline_html_usage_report_table += '</table>'; return inline_html_usage_report_table; } /** * This function is triggered when a button is clicked to attach a file. * It stores the file id in the right array of the object 'params_email'. */ function attachFileButton() { $(this).toggleClass('btn-success'); $(this).toggleClass('btn-danger'); if ($(this).attr('id') == 'add_inv') { $(this).find('span.glyphicon').toggleClass('glyphicon-minus'); $(this).find('span.glyphicon').toggleClass('glyphicon-plus'); } else { $(this).toggleClass('glyphicon-minus'); $(this).toggleClass('glyphicon-plus'); } // Tooltip seems to set the 'title' attribute to 'data-original-title'. // The only way to have tooltip take into account the change of title is to modifiy the attribute 'data-original-title'. // Using the jQuery method 'data()' doesn't work. if ($(this).attr('data-original-title') == 'Attach to email') { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Remove from email'); } else { $(this).attr('data-original-title', 'Attach to email'); } $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); var attachment_id = ''; var attachment_ids_array_name = ''; if ($(this).hasClass('add_ur')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('ur-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_usage_report_ids'; } else if ($(this).hasClass('add_cm')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('cm-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_credit_memo_ids'; } else if ($(this).hasClass('add_inv')) { attachment_id = $(this).data('inv-id'); attachment_ids_array_name = 'attachments_invoice_ids'; } addIdToAttachmentList(attachment_ids_array_name, attachment_id); } /** * Adds or remove the id of a record to be attached (or removed) to the email that will be sent in the function sendEmail(); * @param {String} attachment_ids_array_name * @param {Number} id */ function addIdToAttachmentList(attachment_ids_array_name, id) { var params_email = currRec.getValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email' }); params_email = JSON.parse(params_email); var attachment_ids_array = params_email[attachment_ids_array_name]; var index_of_id_elem = attachment_ids_array.indexOf(id); if (index_of_id_elem == -1) { attachment_ids_array.push(id); } else { attachment_ids_array.splice(index_of_id_elem, 1); } params_email[attachment_ids_array_name] = attachment_ids_array; params_email = JSON.stringify(params_email); currRec.setValue({ fieldId: 'custpage_param_email', value: params_email }); } /** * @param {Number} x * @returns {String} The same number, formatted in Australian dollars. */ function financial(x) { if (typeof (x) === 'string') { x = parseFloat(x); } if (isNullorEmpty(x)) { return "$0.00"; } else { return x.toLocaleString('en-AU', { style: 'currency', currency: 'AUD' }); } } /** * Returns whether a ticket is closed or not based on its status value. * @param {Number} status_value * @returns {Boolean} is_ticket_closed */ function isTicketNotClosed(status_value) { var is_ticket_not_closed = ((status_value != 3) && (status_value != 8)) ? true : false; return is_ticket_not_closed; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023) || ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 1006) || (userRole == 3))); } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRoleOnly(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles return (userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023); } function validateEmail(email) { var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase()); } function getBase64(file) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function () { resolve(reader.result) } reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); } /** * Function to get the next email reminder time. * Adds +2 hours to the current date. */ function getNextReminderTime() { var today = new Date(); //Adding 19 hours to PST will give Australia/ Sydney timezone today.setHours(today.getHours() + 19); var currentHours = today.getHours(); log.debug({ title: 'currentHours + 2', details: currentHours + 2 }); if (currentHours + 2 > 16) { //Current hours + 2 hours is past 5. next reminder will be sent the next day at 9 am today.setDate(today.getDate() + 1); today.setHours(9); today.setMinutes(0); today.setSeconds(0); } else if (currentHours + 2 < 9) { //Current hours + 2 hours is before 9 am. Edge case but this is unlikely to happen since script does not run outside 9-5 today.setHours(9); today.setMinutes(0); today.setSeconds(0); } else { // Set next reminder time to today + 2 hours today.setHours(today.getHours() + 2); } return today; } function stringToDate(val) { return format.parse({ value: val, type: format.Type.DATE }) } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { pageInit: pageInit, saveRecord: saveRecord, closeTicket: closeTicket, closeTicketLost: closeTicketLost, closeUnallocatedTicket: closeUnallocatedTicket, onEscalate: onEscalate, onCancel: onCancel }; } );
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format', 'N/task'], function (ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format, task) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { log.debug({ title: 'runtime.getCurrentUser()', details: runtime.getCurrentUser() }); var params = context.request.parameters.custparam_params; log.debug({ title: 'Params', details: params }); if (!isNullorEmpty(params)) { params = JSON.parse(params); if (!isNullorEmpty(params.custpage_bulk_escalate)) { var param_selected_ticket_id = params.custpage_bulk_escalate; log.debug({ title: 'Bulk escalate selected', }); log.debug({ title: 'Bulk escalate: param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); var params2 = { custscript_ticket_id_set: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_bulk_escalate_2', params: params2, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_bulk_escalate_2', }); t_id.submit(); log.debug({ title: 'It WORKED 2', details: params2 }) redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(params.custpage_selected_id)) { var param_selected_ticket_id = params.custpage_selected_id; log.debug({ title: 'bulk emails selected', }); log.debug({ title: 'param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); var params2 = { custscript_selected_ticket_id: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_ticket_under_investigati', params: params2, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_ticket_under_investigati', }); t_id.submit(); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } } else { var form = ui.createForm({ title: ' ', }); // Load jQuery var inlineHtml = '<script src="" integrity="sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlineHtml += '<script src="" integrity="sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;}</style>'; // Load "FixedHeader" Datatable extension inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; //Load gyrocode extension for Datatbles inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="//" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;} </style>'; // Define alert window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" style="margin-top:14px;" hidden><div id="alert" class="alert alert-danger fade in"></div></div>'; // Define information window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" hidden><p id="info" class="alert alert-info"></p></div>'; inlineHtml += '<div style="margin-top: -40px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="opennewticket" onclick="">Open New Ticket</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewclosedtickets" onclick="">View Closed Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewlosttickets" onclick="">View Lost Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="sendbulkemails" onclick="">Send Bulk Emails</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="bulkescalatebtn" onclick="">Bulk Escalate</button>'; inlineHtml += '<h1 style="font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700; color: #103D39; text-align: center">View MP Tickets</h1>' inlineHtml += dateCreatedSection(); inlineHtml += tabsSection(parseInt(role)); inlineHtml += '<div class="loader"></div>'; inlineHtml += '<style> .loader { border: 14px solid #f3f3f3; border-radius: 50%; border-top: 14px solid #379E8F; width: 90px; height: 90px; -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; /* Safari */ animation: spin 2s linear infinite;'; inlineHtml += 'position: fixed; z-index: 1000; left: 50%; }' /* Safari */ inlineHtml += '@-webkit-keyframes spin {0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } }'; inlineHtml += '@keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }'; inlineHtml += '</style>'; inlineHtml += '</div>' form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'preview_table' }).updateBreakType({ breakType: ui.FieldBreakType.STARTROW }).defaultValue = inlineHtml; form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selected_id', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selected ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_bulk_escalate', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Bulk Escalate ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selector_type', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selector Type' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); log.debug({ title: 'Params null', }); form.clientScriptFileId = 4813449;//SB=4796342 PROD = 4813449 context.response.writePage(form); } } else { var param_selected_ticket_id = context.request.parameters.custpage_selected_id; var param_escalate_ticket_id = context.request.parameters.custpage_bulk_escalate; log.debug({ title: 'ELSE', }); log.debug({ title: 'param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); log.debug({ title: 'param_escalate_ticket_id', details: param_escalate_ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(param_escalate_ticket_id)) { var params = { custscript_ticket_id_set: param_escalate_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_bulk_escalate_2', params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_bulk_escalate_2', }); t_id.submit(); log.debug({ title: 'IT WORKED', params: params }); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(param_selected_ticket_id)) { var params = { custscript_selected_ticket_id: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_ticket_under_investigati', params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_ticket_under_investigati', }); t_id.submit(); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else { redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', isExternal: null, parameters: null }); } } } /** * The date input fields for the "Date Created" column filter. * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dateCreatedSection() { var inlineQty = '<div class="form-group container date_filter_section" style="margin-top:40px; margin-bottom: 60px">'; inlineQty += '<div class="row">'; // Date from field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_from">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_from_text">DATE CREATED FROM</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_from" class="form-control date_from" type="date"/>'; inlineQty += '</div></div>'; // Date to field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_to">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_to_text">DATE CREATED TO</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_to" class="form-control date_to" type="date">'; inlineQty += '</div></div></div></div>'; return inlineQty; } function tabsSection(userRole) { var inlineQty = '<div >'; // Tabs headers inlineQty += '<style>.nav > > a, .nav > > a:focus, .nav > > a:hover { background-color: #379E8F; color: #fff }'; inlineQty += '.nav > li > a, .nav > li > a:focus, .nav > li > a:hover { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 2px solid #379E8F; color: #379E8F; }'; inlineQty += '</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 30px"><ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified" style="margin:0%; ">'; if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (runtime.getCurrentUser().id == 1706027) { // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; } inlineQty += '</ul></div>'; // Tabs content inlineQty += '<div class="tab-content">'; if (!isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="barcodes">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('barcodes'); inlineQty += '</div>'; inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="customers">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('customers'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } // if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { // inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="invoices">'; // inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); // inlineQty += '</div>'; // } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { // inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="invoices">'; // inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); // inlineQty += '</div>'; // } inlineQty += '</div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * The table that will display the tickets, based on their type. * @param {String} selector * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dataTablePreview(selector) { var inlineQty = '<style>table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' {font-size: 12px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px; }table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin: auto">'; inlineQty += '<table id="tickets-preview-' + selector + '" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed">'; inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; inlineQty += '</tr>'; inlineQty += '</thead>'; inlineQty += '<tbody id="result_tickets_' + selector + '" style="word-break: break-word;"></tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table>'; inlineQty += '</div>' return inlineQty; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023)); } /** * Whether the user is from the Data Systems Co-ordinator team, * or an administrator * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isDataAdminRole(userRole) { return ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 3) || (userRole == 1006)); } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
[{"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd", "start": 4884, "end": 4955}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu", "start": 4653, "end": 4724}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ", "start": 4224, "end": 4295}]
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format', 'N/task'], function (ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format, task) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { log.debug({ title: 'runtime.getCurrentUser()', details: runtime.getCurrentUser() }); var params = context.request.parameters.custparam_params; log.debug({ title: 'Params', details: params }); if (!isNullorEmpty(params)) { params = JSON.parse(params); if (!isNullorEmpty(params.custpage_bulk_escalate)) { var param_selected_ticket_id = params.custpage_bulk_escalate; log.debug({ title: 'Bulk escalate selected', }); log.debug({ title: 'Bulk escalate: param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); var params2 = { custscript_ticket_id_set: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_bulk_escalate_2', params: params2, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_bulk_escalate_2', }); t_id.submit(); log.debug({ title: 'It WORKED 2', details: params2 }) redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(params.custpage_selected_id)) { var param_selected_ticket_id = params.custpage_selected_id; log.debug({ title: 'bulk emails selected', }); log.debug({ title: 'param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); var params2 = { custscript_selected_ticket_id: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_ticket_under_investigati', params: params2, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_ticket_under_investigati', }); t_id.submit(); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } } else { var form = ui.createForm({ title: ' ', }); // Load jQuery var inlineHtml = '<script src="" integrity="vqbpgud2ghvjgm1n5hdgjnn5818fzsf2" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="949d1u22cbffbrarjh182eig55721odj" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlineHtml += '<script src="" integrity="9q3vfhm7l33rus21toc8fndupq76itje" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;}</style>'; // Load "FixedHeader" Datatable extension inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; //Load gyrocode extension for Datatbles inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="//" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;} </style>'; // Define alert window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" style="margin-top:14px;" hidden><div id="alert" class="alert alert-danger fade in"></div></div>'; // Define information window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" hidden><p id="info" class="alert alert-info"></p></div>'; inlineHtml += '<div style="margin-top: -40px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="opennewticket" onclick="">Open New Ticket</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewclosedtickets" onclick="">View Closed Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewlosttickets" onclick="">View Lost Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="sendbulkemails" onclick="">Send Bulk Emails</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="bulkescalatebtn" onclick="">Bulk Escalate</button>'; inlineHtml += '<h1 style="font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700; color: #103D39; text-align: center">View MP Tickets</h1>' inlineHtml += dateCreatedSection(); inlineHtml += tabsSection(parseInt(role)); inlineHtml += '<div class="loader"></div>'; inlineHtml += '<style> .loader { border: 14px solid #f3f3f3; border-radius: 50%; border-top: 14px solid #379E8F; width: 90px; height: 90px; -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; /* Safari */ animation: spin 2s linear infinite;'; inlineHtml += 'position: fixed; z-index: 1000; left: 50%; }' /* Safari */ inlineHtml += '@-webkit-keyframes spin {0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } }'; inlineHtml += '@keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }'; inlineHtml += '</style>'; inlineHtml += '</div>' form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'preview_table' }).updateBreakType({ breakType: ui.FieldBreakType.STARTROW }).defaultValue = inlineHtml; form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selected_id', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selected ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_bulk_escalate', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Bulk Escalate ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selector_type', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selector Type' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); log.debug({ title: 'Params null', }); form.clientScriptFileId = 4813449;//SB=4796342 PROD = 4813449 context.response.writePage(form); } } else { var param_selected_ticket_id = context.request.parameters.custpage_selected_id; var param_escalate_ticket_id = context.request.parameters.custpage_bulk_escalate; log.debug({ title: 'ELSE', }); log.debug({ title: 'param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); log.debug({ title: 'param_escalate_ticket_id', details: param_escalate_ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(param_escalate_ticket_id)) { var params = { custscript_ticket_id_set: param_escalate_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_bulk_escalate_2', params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_bulk_escalate_2', }); t_id.submit(); log.debug({ title: 'IT WORKED', params: params }); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(param_selected_ticket_id)) { var params = { custscript_selected_ticket_id: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_ticket_under_investigati', params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_ticket_under_investigati', }); t_id.submit(); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else { redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', isExternal: null, parameters: null }); } } } /** * The date input fields for the "Date Created" column filter. * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dateCreatedSection() { var inlineQty = '<div class="form-group container date_filter_section" style="margin-top:40px; margin-bottom: 60px">'; inlineQty += '<div class="row">'; // Date from field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_from">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_from_text">DATE CREATED FROM</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_from" class="form-control date_from" type="date"/>'; inlineQty += '</div></div>'; // Date to field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_to">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_to_text">DATE CREATED TO</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_to" class="form-control date_to" type="date">'; inlineQty += '</div></div></div></div>'; return inlineQty; } function tabsSection(userRole) { var inlineQty = '<div >'; // Tabs headers inlineQty += '<style>.nav > > a, .nav > > a:focus, .nav > > a:hover { background-color: #379E8F; color: #fff }'; inlineQty += '.nav > li > a, .nav > li > a:focus, .nav > li > a:hover { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 2px solid #379E8F; color: #379E8F; }'; inlineQty += '</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 30px"><ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified" style="margin:0%; ">'; if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (runtime.getCurrentUser().id == 1706027) { // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; } inlineQty += '</ul></div>'; // Tabs content inlineQty += '<div class="tab-content">'; if (!isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="barcodes">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('barcodes'); inlineQty += '</div>'; inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="customers">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('customers'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } // if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { // inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="invoices">'; // inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); // inlineQty += '</div>'; // } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { // inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="invoices">'; // inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); // inlineQty += '</div>'; // } inlineQty += '</div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * The table that will display the tickets, based on their type. * @param {String} selector * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dataTablePreview(selector) { var inlineQty = '<style>table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' {font-size: 12px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px; }table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin: auto">'; inlineQty += '<table id="tickets-preview-' + selector + '" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed">'; inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; inlineQty += '</tr>'; inlineQty += '</thead>'; inlineQty += '<tbody id="result_tickets_' + selector + '" style="word-break: break-word;"></tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table>'; inlineQty += '</div>' return inlineQty; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023)); } /** * Whether the user is from the Data Systems Co-ordinator team, * or an administrator * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isDataAdminRole(userRole) { return ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 3) || (userRole == 1006)); } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: A ticketing system for the Customer Service. * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format', 'N/task'], function (ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format, task) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { log.debug({ title: 'runtime.getCurrentUser()', details: runtime.getCurrentUser() }); var params = context.request.parameters.custparam_params; log.debug({ title: 'Params', details: params }); if (!isNullorEmpty(params)) { params = JSON.parse(params); if (!isNullorEmpty(params.custpage_bulk_escalate)) { var param_selected_ticket_id = params.custpage_bulk_escalate; log.debug({ title: 'Bulk escalate selected', }); log.debug({ title: 'Bulk escalate: param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); var params2 = { custscript_ticket_id_set: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_bulk_escalate_2', params: params2, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_bulk_escalate_2', }); t_id.submit(); log.debug({ title: 'It WORKED 2', details: params2 }) redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(params.custpage_selected_id)) { var param_selected_ticket_id = params.custpage_selected_id; log.debug({ title: 'bulk emails selected', }); log.debug({ title: 'param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); var params2 = { custscript_selected_ticket_id: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_ticket_under_investigati', params: params2, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_ticket_under_investigati', }); t_id.submit(); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } } else { var form = ui.createForm({ title: ' ', }); // Load jQuery var inlineHtml = '<script src="" integrity="PI:KEY:vqbpgud2ghvjgm1n5hdgjnn5818fzsf2END_PI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="PI:KEY:949d1u22cbffbrarjh182eig55721odjEND_PI" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlineHtml += '<script src="" integrity="PI:KEY:9q3vfhm7l33rus21toc8fndupq76itjeEND_PI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;}</style>'; // Load "FixedHeader" Datatable extension inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'; //Load gyrocode extension for Datatbles inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" href="//" rel="stylesheet" />'; inlineHtml += '<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlineHtml += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlineHtml += '<script src=""></script>'; inlineHtml += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlineHtml += '<style>.mandatory{color:red;} </style>'; // Define alert window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" style="margin-top:14px;" hidden><div id="alert" class="alert alert-danger fade in"></div></div>'; // Define information window. inlineHtml += '<div class="container" hidden><p id="info" class="alert alert-info"></p></div>'; inlineHtml += '<div style="margin-top: -40px"><br/>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="opennewticket" onclick="">Open New Ticket</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewclosedtickets" onclick="">View Closed Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="viewlosttickets" onclick="">View Lost Tickets</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="sendbulkemails" onclick="">Send Bulk Emails</button>'; inlineHtml += '<button style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; background-color: #FBEA51; color: #103D39; font-weight: 700; border-color: transparent; border-width: 2px; border-radius: 15px; height: 30px" type="button" id="bulkescalatebtn" onclick="">Bulk Escalate</button>'; inlineHtml += '<h1 style="font-size: 25px; font-weight: 700; color: #103D39; text-align: center">View MP Tickets</h1>' inlineHtml += dateCreatedSection(); inlineHtml += tabsSection(parseInt(role)); inlineHtml += '<div class="loader"></div>'; inlineHtml += '<style> .loader { border: 14px solid #f3f3f3; border-radius: 50%; border-top: 14px solid #379E8F; width: 90px; height: 90px; -webkit-animation: spin 2s linear infinite; /* Safari */ animation: spin 2s linear infinite;'; inlineHtml += 'position: fixed; z-index: 1000; left: 50%; }' /* Safari */ inlineHtml += '@-webkit-keyframes spin {0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } }'; inlineHtml += '@keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } }'; inlineHtml += '</style>'; inlineHtml += '</div>' form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML, label: 'preview_table' }).updateBreakType({ breakType: ui.FieldBreakType.STARTROW }).defaultValue = inlineHtml; form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selected_id', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selected ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_bulk_escalate', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Bulk Escalate ID' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); form.addField({ id: 'custpage_selector_type', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Selector Type' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }); log.debug({ title: 'Params null', }); form.clientScriptFileId = 4813449;//SB=4796342 PROD = 4813449 context.response.writePage(form); } } else { var param_selected_ticket_id = context.request.parameters.custpage_selected_id; var param_escalate_ticket_id = context.request.parameters.custpage_bulk_escalate; log.debug({ title: 'ELSE', }); log.debug({ title: 'param_selected_ticket_id', details: param_selected_ticket_id }); log.debug({ title: 'param_escalate_ticket_id', details: param_escalate_ticket_id }); if (!isNullorEmpty(param_escalate_ticket_id)) { var params = { custscript_ticket_id_set: param_escalate_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_bulk_escalate_2', params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_bulk_escalate_2', }); t_id.submit(); log.debug({ title: 'IT WORKED', params: params }); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else if (!isNullorEmpty(param_selected_ticket_id)) { var params = { custscript_selected_ticket_id: param_selected_ticket_id, }; var t_id = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy_ss_ticket_under_investigati', params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_ss_ticket_under_investigati', }); t_id.submit(); redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_edit_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_edit_ticket_2', }); } else { redirect.toSuitelet({ scriptId: 'customscript_sl_open_ticket_2', deploymentId: 'customdeploy_sl_open_ticket_2', isExternal: null, parameters: null }); } } } /** * The date input fields for the "Date Created" column filter. * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dateCreatedSection() { var inlineQty = '<div class="form-group container date_filter_section" style="margin-top:40px; margin-bottom: 60px">'; inlineQty += '<div class="row">'; // Date from field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_from">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_from_text">DATE CREATED FROM</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_from" class="form-control date_from" type="date"/>'; inlineQty += '</div></div>'; // Date to field inlineQty += '<div class="col-xs-6 date_to">'; inlineQty += '<div class="input-group">'; inlineQty += '<span class="input-group-addon" id="date_to_text">DATE CREATED TO</span>'; inlineQty += '<input id="date_to" class="form-control date_to" type="date">'; inlineQty += '</div></div></div></div>'; return inlineQty; } function tabsSection(userRole) { var inlineQty = '<div >'; // Tabs headers inlineQty += '<style>.nav > > a, .nav > > a:focus, .nav > > a:hover { background-color: #379E8F; color: #fff }'; inlineQty += '.nav > li > a, .nav > li > a:focus, .nav > li > a:hover { margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; border: 2px solid #379E8F; color: #379E8F; }'; inlineQty += '</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin:auto; margin-bottom: 30px"><ul class="nav nav-pills nav-justified" style="margin:0%; ">'; if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; //inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (runtime.getCurrentUser().id == 1706027) { // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; // inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#invoices"><b>INVOICES</b></a></li>'; } else { inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#barcodes"><b>BARCODES</b></a></li>'; inlineQty += '<li role="presentation" class=""><a data-toggle="tab" href="#customers"><b>CUSTOMERS</b></a></li>'; } inlineQty += '</ul></div>'; // Tabs content inlineQty += '<div class="tab-content">'; if (!isFinanceRole(userRole)) { inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="barcodes">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('barcodes'); inlineQty += '</div>'; inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="customers">'; inlineQty += dataTablePreview('customers'); inlineQty += '</div>'; } // if (isFinanceRole(userRole)) { // inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="invoices">'; // inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); // inlineQty += '</div>'; // } else if (isDataAdminRole(userRole)) { // inlineQty += '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="invoices">'; // inlineQty += dataTablePreview('invoices'); // inlineQty += '</div>'; // } inlineQty += '</div></div>'; return inlineQty; } /** * The table that will display the tickets, based on their type. * @param {String} selector * @return {String} inlineQty */ function dataTablePreview(selector) { var inlineQty = '<style>table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' {font-size: 12px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px; }table#tickets-preview-' + selector + ' th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; inlineQty += '<div style="width: 95%; margin: auto">'; inlineQty += '<table id="tickets-preview-' + selector + '" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%; table-layout: fixed">'; inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;">'; inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; inlineQty += '</tr>'; inlineQty += '</thead>'; inlineQty += '<tbody id="result_tickets_' + selector + '" style="word-break: break-word;"></tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table>'; inlineQty += '</div>' return inlineQty; } /** * Whether the user is from the finance team, * or a Data Systems Co-ordinator, MailPlus Administration or Administrator user. * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isFinanceRole(userRole) { // 1001, 1031 and 1023 are finance roles // 1032 is the Data Systems Co-ordinator role (to be deleted in prod) // 1006 is the Mail Plus Administration role. // 3 is the Administrator role. return ((userRole == 1001 || userRole == 1031 || userRole == 1023)); } /** * Whether the user is from the Data Systems Co-ordinator team, * or an administrator * @param {Number} userRole * @returns {Boolean} */ function isDataAdminRole(userRole) { return ((userRole == 1032) || (userRole == 3) || (userRole == 1006)); } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: Invoicing Review Summary Page * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format'], function(ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var ctx = runtime.getCurrentScript(); var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } else if (role == 3) { //Administrator zee = '6'; //test } else if (role == 1032) { // System Support zee = '425904'; //test-AR } var start_date; var end_date; var zee_name; function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { var start_time =; var form = ui.createForm({ title: 'Auto Invoicing Console: Summary Page' }); // Load jQuery var inlinehtml2 = '<script src="" integrity="sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src="" integrity="sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; inlinehtml2 += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; //inlinehtml2 += '<div class="se-pre-con"></div> inlinehtml2 += '<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-info instruction_button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#demo" style="background-color: #379E8F">Click for Instructions</button><div id="demo" style="background-color: #e3e8e5 !important;border: 1px solid #379E8F;padding: 10px 10px 10px 20px;width:96%;position:absolute" class="collapse">'; inlinehtml2 += '<b><u>Important Instructions:</u></b><ul><li>Click headers to sort. Hold <b><i>"Shift"</i></b> and click another column to sort according to multiple columns.</li><li>Can search for specific customer by typing into the Search bar</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-default" type="button" value="START REVIEW" disabled> - Click to <b>Start</b> the Invoice Review for the Customer</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-default" type="button" value="CONTINUE REVIEW" disabled> - Click to <b>Continue</b> the Invoice Review Pro'; inlinehtml2 += 'cess</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-primary" type="button" value="FINALISE" disabled> - Click when all the Customer\'s Invoice has been reviewed and its ready for Invoicing</li><li><b>ACTIONS</b> reveals the stage of the review process for each customer: <ul><li><input class="btn-xs btn-danger" type="button" value="REVIEW" disabled> - New <b>activities</b> from Mailplus GO app are available for review.</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-primary" type="button" value="EDIT" disabled> - All <b>activities</b> from Mailplus GO app are reviewed, up-to-date and can be edited.</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-info" type="button" value="FINALISED" disabled> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - All activities from Mailplus GO app are finalised for invoicing</li></li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-success active" type="button" value="INVOICED" disable'; inlinehtml2 += 'd> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - Invoice has been automatically created using activities from Mailplus GO app. </li><li><input class="btn-xs btn btn-default" type="button" value="CUSTOM INVOICE" disabled> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - Invoice has been generated without the use of activities from Mailplus GO app.</ul></li></ul></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<div class="col-xs-4 admin_section" style="width: 20%;left: 40%;position: absolute;"><label class="control-label">Invoicing Month <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk" style="font-size: 5px;top: -5px;color: red;"></span></label>'; // inlinehtml2 += '<button class="click_me" type="button">Click Me!</button>' // inlinehtml2 += '<button class="click_me" type="button">Click Me2!</button>' var result = finalise_date(); if (result == true && isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.start_date)) { var date_string = start_end_date(); start_date = date_string[0]; end_date = date_string[1]; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = date_string[0]; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = date_string[1]; var splitDate = date_string[0].split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required" />'; } else if (!isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.start_date)) { start_date = context.request.parameters.start_date; end_date = context.request.parameters.end_date; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = context.request.parameters.start_date; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = context.request.parameters.end_date; var splitDate = context.request.parameters.start_date.split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required"/>'; } else { var todayDate = getDate(); var service_dates = service_start_end_date(todayDate); start_date = service_dates[0]; end_date = service_dates[1]; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = service_dates[0]; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = service_dates[1]; var splitDate = service_dates[0].split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required" />'; } log.debug({ title: 'zee', details: zee }); if (zee == 6 || zee == 425904) { inlinehtml2 += '<select class="form-control zee_dropdown" >'; var searched_zee = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_job_inv_process_zee', type: search.Type.PARTNER }); var resultSet_zee =; var count_zee = 0; var zee_id; inlinehtml2 += '<option value=""></option>' resultSet_zee.each(function(searchResult_zee) { zee_id = searchResult_zee.getValue('internalid'); zee_name = searchResult_zee.getValue('entityid'); if (context.request.parameters.zee == zee_id) { inlinehtml2 += '<option value="' + zee_id + '" selected="selected">' + zee_name + '</option>'; } else { inlinehtml2 += '<option value="' + zee_id + '">' + zee_name + '</option>'; } return true; }); inlinehtml2 += '</select>'; } if (!isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.zee)) { zee = context.request.parameters.zee; } var zee_record = record.load({ type: record.Type.PARTNER, id: zee, }); var zee_text = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entitytitle' }); var zeeName = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }); // inlinehtml2 += '</div>'; // var inlineQty = '<script src="" integrity="sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // // Load Tooltip // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // // Load Bootstrap // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu" crossorigin="anonymous">'; // inlineQty += '<script src="" integrity="sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // // Load DataTables // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; // inlineQty += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // // Load Bootstrap-Select // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // inlineQty += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; var inlineQty = '<div id ="results_table"><style>table#stockcount {font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; border-color: #24385b; background-color: white;} </style><table border="0" cellpadding="10" id="stockcount" cellspacing="0" class="table table-responsive table-striped table-hover" ><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><td style="text-align:left;"><b>ID</b></td><td style="text-align:left;" class="col-sm-3"><b>CUSTOMER NAME</b></td><td><b>ACTION</b></td><td style="text-align:right;" class="col-sm-2"><b>EXPECTED INVOICE</b></td><td class="col-sm-2" style="text-align:right;"><b>EXPECTED DISTRIBUTION</b></td><td><b>LINK TO INVOICE</b></td></tr></thead><tbody>'; // inlineQty = '<br></br><style>table#stockcount {font-size: 14px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px;}table#stockcount th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; // inlineQty += '<table id="stockcount" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%;">'; // inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #607799;">'; // inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; // inlineQty += '</tr>'; // inlineQty += '</thead>'; // inlineQty += '<tbody id="stock_result" class="stock_result"></tbody>'; // inlineQty += '</table>'; // var searchedSummary = search.load({ id: 'customrecord_job', type: 'customsearch_job_invoicing_summary' }); //var searchedSummary = search.load({ id: 'customrecord_job', type: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt' }); var zeeName_firstletter = zeeName.substring(0, 1); var zeeName_test = zeeName.substring(0, 4); // log.debug({ title: 'zeeName_firstletter', details: zeeName_firstletter }); // log.debug({ title: 'zeeName_test', details: zeeName_test }); if (zeeName_test == 'TEST') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_test' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'A' || zeeName_firstletter == 'B' || zeeName_firstletter == 'C' || zeeName_firstletter == 'D' || zeeName_firstletter == 'E' || zeeName_firstletter == 'F') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_a_f' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'G' || zeeName_firstletter == 'H' || zeeName_firstletter == 'I' || zeeName_firstletter == 'J' || zeeName_firstletter == 'K' || zeeName_firstletter == 'L' || zeeName_firstletter == 'M') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_g_m' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'N' || zeeName_firstletter == 'O' || zeeName_firstletter == 'P' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Q' || zeeName_firstletter == 'R') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_n_r' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'S' || zeeName_firstletter == 'T' || zeeName_firstletter == 'U' || zeeName_firstletter == 'V' || zeeName_firstletter == 'W' || zeeName_firstletter == 'X' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Y' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Z') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_s_z' }); } //var zee_record = nlapiLoadRecord('partner', zee); //var zee_text = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entitytitle' }); var strFormula = "COALESCE({custrecord_job_service.custrecord_service_franchisee},{custrecord_job_group.custrecord_jobgroup_franchisee},{custrecord_job_franchisee},'')"; if (!isNullorEmpty(start_date) && !isNullorEmpty(end_date)) { searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_scheduled', join: null, operator: search.Operator.ONORAFTER, values: start_date })); searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_scheduled', join: null, operator: search.Operator.ONORBEFORE, values: end_date })); } //searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', join: null, operator: search.Operator 'is', values: zee_text })).setFormula(strFormula); searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "partner", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", operator: search.Operator.ANYOF, values: zee })); var resultSet =; form.addField({ id: 'zee', type: 'text', label: 'zee' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = zee; var startReview = true; var startFinalize = false; var countCustomers = 0; var countTotalJobsInvoiceable = 0; var old_customer_id; var old_service_id; var old_service_rate; var old_service_qty; var old_extra_qty; var old_service_type; var old_customer_name; var old_ID; var old_service_text; var old_package_id; var old_package_single_line; var old_package_period; var old_package_fix_rate; var old_invoice_id; var old_invoice_text; var old_sc_ID; var old_sc_entity_id; var old_sc_name; var old_sc_company_name; var old_date_reviewed; var global_gst = 0.10; var total_per_customer = 0.0; var total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; var old_invoice_total = 0.0; var total_gst = 0.0; var reviewed = false; var review = false; var edit = null; var edit_count = 0; var reviewed_count = 0; var invoiced = false; var single_line_discount = false; var total_monthly_invoice = 0.0; var total_monthly_comm = 0.0 var old_invoiceable; var old_jobGroupStatus; var service_count = 0; var service_unique_count = 0; var admin_fees_result = false; var old_admin_fees; var old_invoice_custom; var old_customer_partner; var zee_comm_array = []; var invoiced_count = 0; /** * Goes through the list of jobs for the selected month. Search: Job - Invoicing Review - Summary. * @function resultSet * @param {Array} searchResult Each result from the search * @return {Boolean} true */ resultSet.each(function(searchResult) { var customerInternalID = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'internalid', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCustomerInternalID = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_special_customer", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCustomerName = searchResult.getText({ name: "custrecord_job_special_customer", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var partner = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'partner', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var ID = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'entityid', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var scID = searchResult.getValue({ name: "entityid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SPECIAL_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var companyName = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'companyname', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCompanyName = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'companyname', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SPECIAL_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var customerName = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_customer', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateReviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_reviewed', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var invoiceable = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_invoiceable', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var jobGroupStatus = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_jobgroup_status', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_GROUP', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var inv_if_incomplete = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service_package_inv_incomplet", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateInvFinalised = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_inv_finalised', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateInvoiced = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_invoiced', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); //No. of Jobs that does not have Date Reviewed var countJobsNoDateReviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }); //Total No. of Jobs var countJobs = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'internalid', join: null, summary: search.Summary.COUNT }); var service_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_text = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_service', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_category = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_service_category", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_type = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }))) { var service_qty = 0; } else { var service_qty = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM })); } if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_price', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var service_rate = 0.0; var body = 'Customer Name: ' + companyName + '/ Customer ID: ' + customerInternalID + ' | Service Name: ' + service_text + ' / Service ID: ' + service_id + ' has Null Service Price.'; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['', ''], subject: 'AIC Summary Page - Customer: ' + companyName + ' with Null Service Price', }); } else { var service_rate = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_price', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_extras_qty', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }))) { var extra_qty = 0; } else { var extra_qty = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_extras_qty', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM })); } var date_inv_finalised = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_inv_finalised', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var date_invoiced = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_invoiced', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var date_reviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: "formuladate", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_package', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_single_line = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_invoice_single_line_item', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_period = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_disc_period', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_fix_mth_rate', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var package_fix_rate = 0.0 } else { var package_fix_rate = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_fix_mth_rate', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var invoice_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var invoice_text = searchResult.getValue({ name: "tranid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: "amount", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var invoice_total = 0.0; } else { var invoice_total = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: "amount", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var gst = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service_gst", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: "custentity_admin_fees", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var admin_fees = 0.0; } else { var admin_fees = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: "custentity_admin_fees", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var invoice_custom = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_invoice_custom", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var customer_partner = searchResult.getValue({ name: "partner", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(invoice_custom)) { invoice_custom = ''; } var zee_comm = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulapercent', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); if (companyName == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'service_id', details: service_id }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'service_text', details: service_text }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'package_id', details: package_id }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'package_single_line', details: package_single_line }); //1 log.debug({ title: 'package_period', details: package_period }); //1 log.debug({ title: 'package_fix_rate', details: package_fix_rate }); //9 log.debug({ title: 'service_type', details: service_type }); //9 } zee_comm_array[zee_comm_array.length] = zee_comm; if (countCustomers == 0) { if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_customer_id != customerInternalID) { var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; if (single_line_discount == false) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'service_unique_count', details: service_unique_count }); } if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'old_package_fix_rate', details: old_package_fix_rate }); log.audit({ title: 'zee_comm', details: zee_comm }); } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'total_per_customer for details: customer: ' + old_customer_name, details: total_per_customer }); // if(old_customer_id == 518069){ log.audit({ title: 'invoiced', details: invoiced }); log.audit({ title: 'old_invoice_custom', details: old_invoice_custom }); log.audit({ title: 'old_invoice_total', details: old_invoice_total }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); } if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value=' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + ' onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value=' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + ' onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED</b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED</b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; total_per_customer = 0.0; total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; reviewed = false; edit = null; invoiced = false; single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; admin_fees_result = false; zee_comm_array = []; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_sc_ID != specialCustomerInternalID) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Inside Special Customer' }); } var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } // log.debug({ title: 'SC - details: total_per_customer } for customer: ' + old_sc_name, total_per_customer); if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\'" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\'" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; total_per_customer = 0.0; total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; reviewed = false; edit = null; invoiced = false; single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; admin_fees_result = false; zee_comm_array = []; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else if (old_service_id != service_id) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Inside New Services', details: old_service_text }); } if (old_package_id != package_id) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'End of Packages'}); log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'service_unique_count', details: service_unique_count }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); } if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'End of Packages' }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); } } service_unique_count++; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'Inside Non Packages Invoiceable Yes or Status Completed or Extras' }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'invoiceable', details: invoiceable }); log.audit({ title: 'jobGroupStatus', details: jobGroupStatus }); log.audit({ title: 'service_category', details: service_category }); } // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 1' }); } if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 1. Service Count: ', details: service_count }); } } else { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 0' }); } if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Last Extra' }); } if (old_package_id != package_id) { if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1 && service_unique_count != 0) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; } service_unique_count++; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (old_package_single_line == '1') { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { // service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { // service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } } } old_customer_id = customerInternalID; old_service_id = service_id; old_service_type = service_type; old_service_rate = service_rate; old_service_qty = service_qty; old_extra_qty = extra_qty; old_customer_name = companyName; old_ID = ID; old_service_text = service_text; old_package_id = package_id; old_package_single_line = package_single_line; old_package_period = package_period; old_package_fix_rate = package_fix_rate; old_invoice_id = invoice_id; old_invoice_text = invoice_text; old_invoiceable = invoiceable; old_jobGroupStatus = jobGroupStatus; old_admin_fess = admin_fees; old_invoice_total = invoice_total; old_invoice_custom = invoice_custom; old_customer_partner = customer_partner; old_date_reviewed = dateReviewed; old_sc_ID = specialCustomerInternalID; old_sc_name = specialCustomerName; old_sc_entity_id = scID; old_sc_company_name = specialCompanyName; if (!isNullorEmpty(date_invoiced)) { invoiced = true; invoiced_count++; } else if (!isNullorEmpty(date_inv_finalised)) { reviewed = true; reviewed_count++; } if (!isNullorEmpty(date_reviewed) && edit != false) { edit = true; edit_count++; } else { edit = false; } countCustomers++; return true; }); if (countCustomers > 0) { var admin_fess = search.lookupFields({ type: 'customer', id: old_customer_id, columns: 'custentity_admin_fees' }); var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ',\'yes\', ' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ',\'yes\', ' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td></td><td></td><td><b>NO CUSTOMERS TO REVIEW</b></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>'; } inlineQty += '</tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table></div><br/>'; inlinehtml2 += '<br/><label>Total Exp Invoice Amount</label><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_monthly_invoice).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<label>Total Exp Distribution Amount</label><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_comm" value="' + (total_monthly_comm).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<div><button type="button" id="dailyrevenue" value="DAILY REVENUE" class="form-control btn btn-primary" style="margin-top: 10px; background-color: #379E8F">Daily Revenue</button></div>'; var edit_progress = 0.0; var remaining_progress = 0.0; var reviewed_progress = 0.0; var invoiced_progress = 0.0; edit_progress = (edit_count / countCustomers) * 100; remaining_progress = ((countCustomers - edit_count) / countCustomers) * 100; reviewed_progress = (reviewed_count / countCustomers) * 100; invoiced_progress = (invoiced_count / countCustomers) * 100; if (edit_progress > 0.00 && edit_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Review Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar" style="width: ' + edit_progress + '%">' + edit_progress.toFixed(2) + '% </div><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" style="width: ' + remaining_progress + '%">' + remaining_progress.toFixed(2) + '% (Remaining)</div></div>'; } if (reviewed_progress > 0.00 && reviewed_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Reviewed Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width: ' + reviewed_progress + '%">' + reviewed_progress.toFixed(2) + '% </div></div>'; } if (invoiced_progress > 0.00 && invoiced_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Invoiced Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width: ' + invoiced_progress + '%">' + invoiced_progress.toFixed(2) + '%</div></div></div>'; } form.addField({ id: 'custpage_html2', label: 'inlinehtml', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML }).updateLayoutType({ layoutType: ui.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEABOVE, padding: 1 }).defaultValue = inlinehtml2; form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', label: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML }).defaultValue = inlineQty; form.addField({ id: 'partner', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Partner' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = zee; if (countCustomers == countTotalJobsInvoiceable) { startFinalize = true; } if (countCustomers == edit_count && countCustomers != 0) { var button = finalise_date(); if (button == true || role == 3 || role == 1032 || zee == 6 || zee == 425904) { //WS Edit: should not be && on invoiced_count if (reviewed_count > 0 || invoiced_count == countCustomers) { //DONT SHOW FINALISE BUTTON } else { if (role == 3) { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'run_finalise', label: 'RUN FINALISE SCRIPT', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } else { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'finalise', label: 'FINALISE', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } } } } else if (edit_count == 0 && countCustomers != 0) { form.addButton({ id: 'cust_back1', label: 'START REVIEW ', functionName: 'onclickContinueReview()' }); } else if (edit_count > 0 && reviewed_count == 0) { form.addButton({ id: 'cust_back1', label: 'CONTINUE REVIEW ', functionName: 'onclickContinueReview()' }); } if (role == 3) { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'run_finalise', label: 'RUN FINALISE SCRIPT', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } form.clientScriptFileId = 4798851; //4736989; // SB = 4736989 context.response.writePage(form); var end_time =; log.debug({ title: 'loading_time', details: end_time - start_time }); } else { var partner = context.request.parameters.partner; var start_date = context.request.parameters.start_date; var end_date = context.request.parameters.end_date; /** * [params description] - Paramters that needs to be passed to the scheduled script to set the date Invoiced * @type {Object} */ var params = { custscript_partner: partner, custscript_startdate: start_date, custscript_enddate: end_date } /** * [status description] - Schedule Script to set the date Invoiced for all the jobs associated to the franchisee for that invoicing period. */ if (role == 3) { for (var x = 1; x <= 10; x++) { var status = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy' + x, params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_sc_date_inv_finalised', }); status.submit(); if (status == 'QUEUED') { break; } } } // nlapiSendEmail(112209, [''], 'Invoicing Complete: ' + partner, null, null); var params = new Array(); params['custevent_invoicing_complete'] = 'T'; redirect.toRecord({ id: 'task', type: null, isEditMode: true, parameters: params }); } } function service_start_end_date(date_finalised) { var split_date = date_finalised.split('/'); var date = new Date(); var firstDay = new Date(date.getFullYear(), parseInt(split_date[1]) - 1, 1); var lastDay = new Date(date.getFullYear(), split_date[1], 0); var service_range = []; service_range[0] = format.format({ value: firstDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); service_range[1] = format.format({ value: lastDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); return service_range; } /** * [getDate description] - To get the current date (Suitlet) * @return {string} String of the current date */ function getDate() { var date = new Date(); if (date.getHours() > 6) { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } date = format.format({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); return date; } //To check if todays date falls between the below criteria. function finalise_date() { var date = new Date(); if (date.getHours() > 6) { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } var month = date.getMonth(); //Months 0 - 11 var today = date.getDate(); var year = date.getFullYear(); var lastDay = new Date(year, (month + 1), 0); if (lastDay.getDay() == 0) { lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() - 2); } else if (lastDay.getDay() == 6) { lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() - 1); } var lastWorkingDay = lastDay.getDate(); lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() + 5); var button = false; //If allocator run on the first day of the month, it takes the last month as the filter if (lastWorkingDay == today || today <= lastDay.getDate()) { button = true; } return button; } // Get the previous month first and last day function start_end_date() { var date = new Date(); var month = date.getMonth(); //Months 0 - 11 var day = date.getDate(); var year = date.getFullYear(); if (day == 1 || day == 2 || day == 3 || day == 4 || day == 5) { if (month == 0) { month = 11; year = year - 1 } else { month = month - 1; } } var firstDay = new Date(year, (month), 1); var lastDay = new Date(year, (month + 1), 0); var service_range = []; service_range[0] = format.format({ value: firstDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); service_range[1] = format.format({ value: lastDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); return service_range; } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
[{"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 24025, "end": 24057}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 24061, "end": 24096}, {"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 98731, "end": 98763}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu", "start": 1702, "end": 1773}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-HSMxcRTRxnN+Bdg0JdbxYKrThecOKuH5zCYotlSAcp1+c8xmyTe9GYg1l9a69psu", "start": 11326, "end": 11397}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ", "start": 1303, "end": 1374}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ", "start": 10919, "end": 10990}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd", "start": 1926, "end": 1997}, {"tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-aJ21OjlMXNL5UyIl/XNwTMqvzeRMZH2w8c5cRVpzpU8Y5bApTppSuUkhZXN0VxHd", "start": 11551, "end": 11622}]
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: Invoicing Review Summary Page * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format'], function(ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var ctx = runtime.getCurrentScript(); var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } else if (role == 3) { //Administrator zee = '6'; //test } else if (role == 1032) { // System Support zee = '425904'; //test-AR } var start_date; var end_date; var zee_name; function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { var start_time =; var form = ui.createForm({ title: 'Auto Invoicing Console: Summary Page' }); // Load jQuery var inlinehtml2 = '<script src="" integrity="se2xy1bknelxn4y8xzxu3trosptip3q5" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="9q3vfhm7l33rus21toc8fndupq76itje" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src="" integrity="ax5kh6jaqkcd2tiexxs8v6xjo8yv8a6b" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; inlinehtml2 += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; //inlinehtml2 += '<div class="se-pre-con"></div> inlinehtml2 += '<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-info instruction_button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#demo" style="background-color: #379E8F">Click for Instructions</button><div id="demo" style="background-color: #e3e8e5 !important;border: 1px solid #379E8F;padding: 10px 10px 10px 20px;width:96%;position:absolute" class="collapse">'; inlinehtml2 += '<b><u>Important Instructions:</u></b><ul><li>Click headers to sort. Hold <b><i>"Shift"</i></b> and click another column to sort according to multiple columns.</li><li>Can search for specific customer by typing into the Search bar</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-default" type="button" value="START REVIEW" disabled> - Click to <b>Start</b> the Invoice Review for the Customer</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-default" type="button" value="CONTINUE REVIEW" disabled> - Click to <b>Continue</b> the Invoice Review Pro'; inlinehtml2 += 'cess</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-primary" type="button" value="FINALISE" disabled> - Click when all the Customer\'s Invoice has been reviewed and its ready for Invoicing</li><li><b>ACTIONS</b> reveals the stage of the review process for each customer: <ul><li><input class="btn-xs btn-danger" type="button" value="REVIEW" disabled> - New <b>activities</b> from Mailplus GO app are available for review.</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-primary" type="button" value="EDIT" disabled> - All <b>activities</b> from Mailplus GO app are reviewed, up-to-date and can be edited.</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-info" type="button" value="FINALISED" disabled> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - All activities from Mailplus GO app are finalised for invoicing</li></li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-success active" type="button" value="INVOICED" disable'; inlinehtml2 += 'd> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - Invoice has been automatically created using activities from Mailplus GO app. </li><li><input class="btn-xs btn btn-default" type="button" value="CUSTOM INVOICE" disabled> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - Invoice has been generated without the use of activities from Mailplus GO app.</ul></li></ul></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<div class="col-xs-4 admin_section" style="width: 20%;left: 40%;position: absolute;"><label class="control-label">Invoicing Month <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk" style="font-size: 5px;top: -5px;color: red;"></span></label>'; // inlinehtml2 += '<button class="click_me" type="button">Click Me!</button>' // inlinehtml2 += '<button class="click_me" type="button">Click Me2!</button>' var result = finalise_date(); if (result == true && isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.start_date)) { var date_string = start_end_date(); start_date = date_string[0]; end_date = date_string[1]; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = date_string[0]; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = date_string[1]; var splitDate = date_string[0].split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required" />'; } else if (!isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.start_date)) { start_date = context.request.parameters.start_date; end_date = context.request.parameters.end_date; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = context.request.parameters.start_date; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = context.request.parameters.end_date; var splitDate = context.request.parameters.start_date.split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required"/>'; } else { var todayDate = getDate(); var service_dates = service_start_end_date(todayDate); start_date = service_dates[0]; end_date = service_dates[1]; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = service_dates[0]; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = service_dates[1]; var splitDate = service_dates[0].split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required" />'; } log.debug({ title: 'zee', details: zee }); if (zee == 6 || zee == 425904) { inlinehtml2 += '<select class="form-control zee_dropdown" >'; var searched_zee = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_job_inv_process_zee', type: search.Type.PARTNER }); var resultSet_zee =; var count_zee = 0; var zee_id; inlinehtml2 += '<option value=""></option>' resultSet_zee.each(function(searchResult_zee) { zee_id = searchResult_zee.getValue('internalid'); zee_name = searchResult_zee.getValue('entityid'); if (context.request.parameters.zee == zee_id) { inlinehtml2 += '<option value="' + zee_id + '" selected="selected">' + zee_name + '</option>'; } else { inlinehtml2 += '<option value="' + zee_id + '">' + zee_name + '</option>'; } return true; }); inlinehtml2 += '</select>'; } if (!isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.zee)) { zee = context.request.parameters.zee; } var zee_record = record.load({ type: record.Type.PARTNER, id: zee, }); var zee_text = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entitytitle' }); var zeeName = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }); // inlinehtml2 += '</div>'; // var inlineQty = '<script src="" integrity="se2xy1bknelxn4y8xzxu3trosptip3q5" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // // Load Tooltip // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // // Load Bootstrap // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="9q3vfhm7l33rus21toc8fndupq76itje" crossorigin="anonymous">'; // inlineQty += '<script src="" integrity="ax5kh6jaqkcd2tiexxs8v6xjo8yv8a6b" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // // Load DataTables // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; // inlineQty += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // // Load Bootstrap-Select // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // inlineQty += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; var inlineQty = '<div id ="results_table"><style>table#stockcount {font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; border-color: #24385b; background-color: white;} </style><table border="0" cellpadding="10" id="stockcount" cellspacing="0" class="table table-responsive table-striped table-hover" ><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><td style="text-align:left;"><b>ID</b></td><td style="text-align:left;" class="col-sm-3"><b>CUSTOMER NAME</b></td><td><b>ACTION</b></td><td style="text-align:right;" class="col-sm-2"><b>EXPECTED INVOICE</b></td><td class="col-sm-2" style="text-align:right;"><b>EXPECTED DISTRIBUTION</b></td><td><b>LINK TO INVOICE</b></td></tr></thead><tbody>'; // inlineQty = '<br></br><style>table#stockcount {font-size: 14px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px;}table#stockcount th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; // inlineQty += '<table id="stockcount" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%;">'; // inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #607799;">'; // inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; // inlineQty += '</tr>'; // inlineQty += '</thead>'; // inlineQty += '<tbody id="stock_result" class="stock_result"></tbody>'; // inlineQty += '</table>'; // var searchedSummary = search.load({ id: 'customrecord_job', type: 'customsearch_job_invoicing_summary' }); //var searchedSummary = search.load({ id: 'customrecord_job', type: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt' }); var zeeName_firstletter = zeeName.substring(0, 1); var zeeName_test = zeeName.substring(0, 4); // log.debug({ title: 'zeeName_firstletter', details: zeeName_firstletter }); // log.debug({ title: 'zeeName_test', details: zeeName_test }); if (zeeName_test == 'TEST') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_test' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'A' || zeeName_firstletter == 'B' || zeeName_firstletter == 'C' || zeeName_firstletter == 'D' || zeeName_firstletter == 'E' || zeeName_firstletter == 'F') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_a_f' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'G' || zeeName_firstletter == 'H' || zeeName_firstletter == 'I' || zeeName_firstletter == 'J' || zeeName_firstletter == 'K' || zeeName_firstletter == 'L' || zeeName_firstletter == 'M') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_g_m' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'N' || zeeName_firstletter == 'O' || zeeName_firstletter == 'P' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Q' || zeeName_firstletter == 'R') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_n_r' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'S' || zeeName_firstletter == 'T' || zeeName_firstletter == 'U' || zeeName_firstletter == 'V' || zeeName_firstletter == 'W' || zeeName_firstletter == 'X' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Y' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Z') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_s_z' }); } //var zee_record = nlapiLoadRecord('partner', zee); //var zee_text = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entitytitle' }); var strFormula = "COALESCE({custrecord_job_service.custrecord_service_franchisee},{custrecord_job_group.custrecord_jobgroup_franchisee},{custrecord_job_franchisee},'')"; if (!isNullorEmpty(start_date) && !isNullorEmpty(end_date)) { searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_scheduled', join: null, operator: search.Operator.ONORAFTER, values: start_date })); searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_scheduled', join: null, operator: search.Operator.ONORBEFORE, values: end_date })); } //searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', join: null, operator: search.Operator 'is', values: zee_text })).setFormula(strFormula); searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "partner", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", operator: search.Operator.ANYOF, values: zee })); var resultSet =; form.addField({ id: 'zee', type: 'text', label: 'zee' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = zee; var startReview = true; var startFinalize = false; var countCustomers = 0; var countTotalJobsInvoiceable = 0; var old_customer_id; var old_service_id; var old_service_rate; var old_service_qty; var old_extra_qty; var old_service_type; var old_customer_name; var old_ID; var old_service_text; var old_package_id; var old_package_single_line; var old_package_period; var old_package_fix_rate; var old_invoice_id; var old_invoice_text; var old_sc_ID; var old_sc_entity_id; var old_sc_name; var old_sc_company_name; var old_date_reviewed; var global_gst = 0.10; var total_per_customer = 0.0; var total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; var old_invoice_total = 0.0; var total_gst = 0.0; var reviewed = false; var review = false; var edit = null; var edit_count = 0; var reviewed_count = 0; var invoiced = false; var single_line_discount = false; var total_monthly_invoice = 0.0; var total_monthly_comm = 0.0 var old_invoiceable; var old_jobGroupStatus; var service_count = 0; var service_unique_count = 0; var admin_fees_result = false; var old_admin_fees; var old_invoice_custom; var old_customer_partner; var zee_comm_array = []; var invoiced_count = 0; /** * Goes through the list of jobs for the selected month. Search: Job - Invoicing Review - Summary. * @function resultSet * @param {Array} searchResult Each result from the search * @return {Boolean} true */ resultSet.each(function(searchResult) { var customerInternalID = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'internalid', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCustomerInternalID = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_special_customer", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCustomerName = searchResult.getText({ name: "custrecord_job_special_customer", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var partner = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'partner', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var ID = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'entityid', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var scID = searchResult.getValue({ name: "entityid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SPECIAL_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var companyName = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'companyname', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCompanyName = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'companyname', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SPECIAL_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var customerName = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_customer', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateReviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_reviewed', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var invoiceable = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_invoiceable', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var jobGroupStatus = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_jobgroup_status', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_GROUP', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var inv_if_incomplete = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service_package_inv_incomplet", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateInvFinalised = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_inv_finalised', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateInvoiced = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_invoiced', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); //No. of Jobs that does not have Date Reviewed var countJobsNoDateReviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }); //Total No. of Jobs var countJobs = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'internalid', join: null, summary: search.Summary.COUNT }); var service_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_text = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_service', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_category = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_service_category", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_type = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }))) { var service_qty = 0; } else { var service_qty = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM })); } if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_price', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var service_rate = 0.0; var body = 'Customer Name: ' + companyName + '/ Customer ID: ' + customerInternalID + ' | Service Name: ' + service_text + ' / Service ID: ' + service_id + ' has Null Service Price.'; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['', ''], subject: 'AIC Summary Page - Customer: ' + companyName + ' with Null Service Price', }); } else { var service_rate = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_price', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_extras_qty', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }))) { var extra_qty = 0; } else { var extra_qty = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_extras_qty', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM })); } var date_inv_finalised = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_inv_finalised', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var date_invoiced = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_invoiced', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var date_reviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: "formuladate", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_package', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_single_line = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_invoice_single_line_item', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_period = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_disc_period', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_fix_mth_rate', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var package_fix_rate = 0.0 } else { var package_fix_rate = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_fix_mth_rate', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var invoice_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var invoice_text = searchResult.getValue({ name: "tranid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: "amount", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var invoice_total = 0.0; } else { var invoice_total = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: "amount", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var gst = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service_gst", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: "custentity_admin_fees", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var admin_fees = 0.0; } else { var admin_fees = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: "custentity_admin_fees", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var invoice_custom = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_invoice_custom", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var customer_partner = searchResult.getValue({ name: "partner", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(invoice_custom)) { invoice_custom = ''; } var zee_comm = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulapercent', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); if (companyName == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'service_id', details: service_id }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'service_text', details: service_text }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'package_id', details: package_id }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'package_single_line', details: package_single_line }); //1 log.debug({ title: 'package_period', details: package_period }); //1 log.debug({ title: 'package_fix_rate', details: package_fix_rate }); //9 log.debug({ title: 'service_type', details: service_type }); //9 } zee_comm_array[zee_comm_array.length] = zee_comm; if (countCustomers == 0) { if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_customer_id != customerInternalID) { var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; if (single_line_discount == false) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'service_unique_count', details: service_unique_count }); } if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'old_package_fix_rate', details: old_package_fix_rate }); log.audit({ title: 'zee_comm', details: zee_comm }); } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'total_per_customer for details: customer: ' + old_customer_name, details: total_per_customer }); // if(old_customer_id == 518069){ log.audit({ title: 'invoiced', details: invoiced }); log.audit({ title: 'old_invoice_custom', details: old_invoice_custom }); log.audit({ title: 'old_invoice_total', details: old_invoice_total }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); } if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value=' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + ' onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value=' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + ' onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED</b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED</b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; total_per_customer = 0.0; total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; reviewed = false; edit = null; invoiced = false; single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; admin_fees_result = false; zee_comm_array = []; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_sc_ID != specialCustomerInternalID) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Inside Special Customer' }); } var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } // log.debug({ title: 'SC - details: total_per_customer } for customer: ' + old_sc_name, total_per_customer); if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\'" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\'" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; total_per_customer = 0.0; total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; reviewed = false; edit = null; invoiced = false; single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; admin_fees_result = false; zee_comm_array = []; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else if (old_service_id != service_id) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Inside New Services', details: old_service_text }); } if (old_package_id != package_id) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'End of Packages'}); log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'service_unique_count', details: service_unique_count }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); } if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'End of Packages' }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); } } service_unique_count++; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'Inside Non Packages Invoiceable Yes or Status Completed or Extras' }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'invoiceable', details: invoiceable }); log.audit({ title: 'jobGroupStatus', details: jobGroupStatus }); log.audit({ title: 'service_category', details: service_category }); } // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 1' }); } if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 1. Service Count: ', details: service_count }); } } else { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 0' }); } if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Last Extra' }); } if (old_package_id != package_id) { if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1 && service_unique_count != 0) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; } service_unique_count++; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (old_package_single_line == '1') { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { // service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { // service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } } } old_customer_id = customerInternalID; old_service_id = service_id; old_service_type = service_type; old_service_rate = service_rate; old_service_qty = service_qty; old_extra_qty = extra_qty; old_customer_name = companyName; old_ID = ID; old_service_text = service_text; old_package_id = package_id; old_package_single_line = package_single_line; old_package_period = package_period; old_package_fix_rate = package_fix_rate; old_invoice_id = invoice_id; old_invoice_text = invoice_text; old_invoiceable = invoiceable; old_jobGroupStatus = jobGroupStatus; old_admin_fess = admin_fees; old_invoice_total = invoice_total; old_invoice_custom = invoice_custom; old_customer_partner = customer_partner; old_date_reviewed = dateReviewed; old_sc_ID = specialCustomerInternalID; old_sc_name = specialCustomerName; old_sc_entity_id = scID; old_sc_company_name = specialCompanyName; if (!isNullorEmpty(date_invoiced)) { invoiced = true; invoiced_count++; } else if (!isNullorEmpty(date_inv_finalised)) { reviewed = true; reviewed_count++; } if (!isNullorEmpty(date_reviewed) && edit != false) { edit = true; edit_count++; } else { edit = false; } countCustomers++; return true; }); if (countCustomers > 0) { var admin_fess = search.lookupFields({ type: 'customer', id: old_customer_id, columns: 'custentity_admin_fees' }); var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ',\'yes\', ' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ',\'yes\', ' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td></td><td></td><td><b>NO CUSTOMERS TO REVIEW</b></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>'; } inlineQty += '</tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table></div><br/>'; inlinehtml2 += '<br/><label>Total Exp Invoice Amount</label><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_monthly_invoice).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<label>Total Exp Distribution Amount</label><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_comm" value="' + (total_monthly_comm).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<div><button type="button" id="dailyrevenue" value="DAILY REVENUE" class="form-control btn btn-primary" style="margin-top: 10px; background-color: #379E8F">Daily Revenue</button></div>'; var edit_progress = 0.0; var remaining_progress = 0.0; var reviewed_progress = 0.0; var invoiced_progress = 0.0; edit_progress = (edit_count / countCustomers) * 100; remaining_progress = ((countCustomers - edit_count) / countCustomers) * 100; reviewed_progress = (reviewed_count / countCustomers) * 100; invoiced_progress = (invoiced_count / countCustomers) * 100; if (edit_progress > 0.00 && edit_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Review Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar" style="width: ' + edit_progress + '%">' + edit_progress.toFixed(2) + '% </div><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" style="width: ' + remaining_progress + '%">' + remaining_progress.toFixed(2) + '% (Remaining)</div></div>'; } if (reviewed_progress > 0.00 && reviewed_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Reviewed Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width: ' + reviewed_progress + '%">' + reviewed_progress.toFixed(2) + '% </div></div>'; } if (invoiced_progress > 0.00 && invoiced_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Invoiced Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width: ' + invoiced_progress + '%">' + invoiced_progress.toFixed(2) + '%</div></div></div>'; } form.addField({ id: 'custpage_html2', label: 'inlinehtml', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML }).updateLayoutType({ layoutType: ui.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEABOVE, padding: 1 }).defaultValue = inlinehtml2; form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', label: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML }).defaultValue = inlineQty; form.addField({ id: 'partner', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Partner' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = zee; if (countCustomers == countTotalJobsInvoiceable) { startFinalize = true; } if (countCustomers == edit_count && countCustomers != 0) { var button = finalise_date(); if (button == true || role == 3 || role == 1032 || zee == 6 || zee == 425904) { //WS Edit: should not be && on invoiced_count if (reviewed_count > 0 || invoiced_count == countCustomers) { //DONT SHOW FINALISE BUTTON } else { if (role == 3) { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'run_finalise', label: 'RUN FINALISE SCRIPT', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } else { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'finalise', label: 'FINALISE', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } } } } else if (edit_count == 0 && countCustomers != 0) { form.addButton({ id: 'cust_back1', label: 'START REVIEW ', functionName: 'onclickContinueReview()' }); } else if (edit_count > 0 && reviewed_count == 0) { form.addButton({ id: 'cust_back1', label: 'CONTINUE REVIEW ', functionName: 'onclickContinueReview()' }); } if (role == 3) { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'run_finalise', label: 'RUN FINALISE SCRIPT', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } form.clientScriptFileId = 4798851; //4736989; // SB = 4736989 context.response.writePage(form); var end_time =; log.debug({ title: 'loading_time', details: end_time - start_time }); } else { var partner = context.request.parameters.partner; var start_date = context.request.parameters.start_date; var end_date = context.request.parameters.end_date; /** * [params description] - Paramters that needs to be passed to the scheduled script to set the date Invoiced * @type {Object} */ var params = { custscript_partner: partner, custscript_startdate: start_date, custscript_enddate: end_date } /** * [status description] - Schedule Script to set the date Invoiced for all the jobs associated to the franchisee for that invoicing period. */ if (role == 3) { for (var x = 1; x <= 10; x++) { var status = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy' + x, params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_sc_date_inv_finalised', }); status.submit(); if (status == 'QUEUED') { break; } } } // nlapiSendEmail(112209, [''], 'Invoicing Complete: ' + partner, null, null); var params = new Array(); params['custevent_invoicing_complete'] = 'T'; redirect.toRecord({ id: 'task', type: null, isEditMode: true, parameters: params }); } } function service_start_end_date(date_finalised) { var split_date = date_finalised.split('/'); var date = new Date(); var firstDay = new Date(date.getFullYear(), parseInt(split_date[1]) - 1, 1); var lastDay = new Date(date.getFullYear(), split_date[1], 0); var service_range = []; service_range[0] = format.format({ value: firstDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); service_range[1] = format.format({ value: lastDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); return service_range; } /** * [getDate description] - To get the current date (Suitlet) * @return {string} String of the current date */ function getDate() { var date = new Date(); if (date.getHours() > 6) { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } date = format.format({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); return date; } //To check if todays date falls between the below criteria. function finalise_date() { var date = new Date(); if (date.getHours() > 6) { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } var month = date.getMonth(); //Months 0 - 11 var today = date.getDate(); var year = date.getFullYear(); var lastDay = new Date(year, (month + 1), 0); if (lastDay.getDay() == 0) { lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() - 2); } else if (lastDay.getDay() == 6) { lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() - 1); } var lastWorkingDay = lastDay.getDate(); lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() + 5); var button = false; //If allocator run on the first day of the month, it takes the last month as the filter if (lastWorkingDay == today || today <= lastDay.getDate()) { button = true; } return button; } // Get the previous month first and last day function start_end_date() { var date = new Date(); var month = date.getMonth(); //Months 0 - 11 var day = date.getDate(); var year = date.getFullYear(); if (day == 1 || day == 2 || day == 3 || day == 4 || day == 5) { if (month == 0) { month = 11; year = year - 1 } else { month = month - 1; } } var firstDay = new Date(year, (month), 1); var lastDay = new Date(year, (month + 1), 0); var service_range = []; service_range[0] = format.format({ value: firstDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); service_range[1] = format.format({ value: lastDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); return service_range; } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
/** * * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType Suitelet * * Description: Invoicing Review Summary Page * @Last Modified by: Sruti Desai * */ define(['N/ui/serverWidget', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/search', 'N/record', 'N/http', 'N/log', 'N/redirect', 'N/format'], function(ui, email, runtime, search, record, http, log, redirect, format) { var baseURL = ''; if (runtime.envType == "SANDBOX") { baseURL = ''; } var zee = 0; var ctx = runtime.getCurrentScript(); var role = runtime.getCurrentUser().role; if (role == 1000) { //Franchisee zee = runtime.getCurrentUser(); } else if (role == 3) { //Administrator zee = '6'; //test } else if (role == 1032) { // System Support zee = '425904'; //test-AR } var start_date; var end_date; var zee_name; function onRequest(context) { if (context.request.method === 'GET') { var start_time =; var form = ui.createForm({ title: 'Auto Invoicing Console: Summary Page' }); // Load jQuery var inlinehtml2 = '<script src="" integrity="PI:KEY:se2xy1bknelxn4y8xzxu3trosptip3q5END_PI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load Tooltip inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Bootstrap inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="PI:KEY:9q3vfhm7l33rus21toc8fndupq76itjeEND_PI" crossorigin="anonymous">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src="" integrity="PI:KEY:ax5kh6jaqkcd2tiexxs8v6xjo8yv8a6bEND_PI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // Load DataTables inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // Load Bootstrap-Select inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script inlinehtml2 += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; inlinehtml2 += '<script src=""></script>'; inlinehtml2 += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; //inlinehtml2 += '<div class="se-pre-con"></div> inlinehtml2 += '<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-info instruction_button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#demo" style="background-color: #379E8F">Click for Instructions</button><div id="demo" style="background-color: #e3e8e5 !important;border: 1px solid #379E8F;padding: 10px 10px 10px 20px;width:96%;position:absolute" class="collapse">'; inlinehtml2 += '<b><u>Important Instructions:</u></b><ul><li>Click headers to sort. Hold <b><i>"Shift"</i></b> and click another column to sort according to multiple columns.</li><li>Can search for specific customer by typing into the Search bar</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-default" type="button" value="START REVIEW" disabled> - Click to <b>Start</b> the Invoice Review for the Customer</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-default" type="button" value="CONTINUE REVIEW" disabled> - Click to <b>Continue</b> the Invoice Review Pro'; inlinehtml2 += 'cess</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-primary" type="button" value="FINALISE" disabled> - Click when all the Customer\'s Invoice has been reviewed and its ready for Invoicing</li><li><b>ACTIONS</b> reveals the stage of the review process for each customer: <ul><li><input class="btn-xs btn-danger" type="button" value="REVIEW" disabled> - New <b>activities</b> from Mailplus GO app are available for review.</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-primary" type="button" value="EDIT" disabled> - All <b>activities</b> from Mailplus GO app are reviewed, up-to-date and can be edited.</li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-info" type="button" value="FINALISED" disabled> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - All activities from Mailplus GO app are finalised for invoicing</li></li><li><input class="btn-xs btn-success active" type="button" value="INVOICED" disable'; inlinehtml2 += 'd> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - Invoice has been automatically created using activities from Mailplus GO app. </li><li><input class="btn-xs btn btn-default" type="button" value="CUSTOM INVOICE" disabled> <small><b>(LOCKED)</b></small> - Invoice has been generated without the use of activities from Mailplus GO app.</ul></li></ul></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<div class="col-xs-4 admin_section" style="width: 20%;left: 40%;position: absolute;"><label class="control-label">Invoicing Month <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk" style="font-size: 5px;top: -5px;color: red;"></span></label>'; // inlinehtml2 += '<button class="click_me" type="button">Click Me!</button>' // inlinehtml2 += '<button class="click_me" type="button">Click Me2!</button>' var result = finalise_date(); if (result == true && isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.start_date)) { var date_string = start_end_date(); start_date = date_string[0]; end_date = date_string[1]; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = date_string[0]; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = date_string[1]; var splitDate = date_string[0].split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required" />'; } else if (!isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.start_date)) { start_date = context.request.parameters.start_date; end_date = context.request.parameters.end_date; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = context.request.parameters.start_date; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = context.request.parameters.end_date; var splitDate = context.request.parameters.start_date.split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required"/>'; } else { var todayDate = getDate(); var service_dates = service_start_end_date(todayDate); start_date = service_dates[0]; end_date = service_dates[1]; form.addField({ id: 'start_date', type: 'text', label: 'start_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = service_dates[0]; form.addField({ id: 'end_date', type: 'text', label: 'end_date' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = service_dates[1]; var splitDate = service_dates[0].split('/'); if (splitDate[1].length == 1) { splitDate[1] = '0' + splitDate[1] } var startDate = splitDate[2] + '-' + splitDate[1]; inlinehtml2 += '<input type="month" class="form-control invoicing_month" value="' + startDate + '" required="required" />'; } log.debug({ title: 'zee', details: zee }); if (zee == 6 || zee == 425904) { inlinehtml2 += '<select class="form-control zee_dropdown" >'; var searched_zee = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_job_inv_process_zee', type: search.Type.PARTNER }); var resultSet_zee =; var count_zee = 0; var zee_id; inlinehtml2 += '<option value=""></option>' resultSet_zee.each(function(searchResult_zee) { zee_id = searchResult_zee.getValue('internalid'); zee_name = searchResult_zee.getValue('entityid'); if (context.request.parameters.zee == zee_id) { inlinehtml2 += '<option value="' + zee_id + '" selected="selected">' + zee_name + '</option>'; } else { inlinehtml2 += '<option value="' + zee_id + '">' + zee_name + '</option>'; } return true; }); inlinehtml2 += '</select>'; } if (!isNullorEmpty(context.request.parameters.zee)) { zee = context.request.parameters.zee; } var zee_record = record.load({ type: record.Type.PARTNER, id: zee, }); var zee_text = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entitytitle' }); var zeeName = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entityid' }); // inlinehtml2 += '</div>'; // var inlineQty = '<script src="" integrity="PI:KEY:se2xy1bknelxn4y8xzxu3trosptip3q5END_PI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // // Load Tooltip // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // // Load Bootstrap // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="PI:KEY:9q3vfhm7l33rus21toc8fndupq76itjeEND_PI" crossorigin="anonymous">'; // inlineQty += '<script src="" integrity="PI:KEY:ax5kh6jaqkcd2tiexxs8v6xjo8yv8a6bEND_PI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'; // // Load DataTables // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">'; // inlineQty += '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>'; // // Load Bootstrap-Select // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'; // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // // Load Netsuite stylesheet and script // inlineQty += '<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'; // inlineQty += '<script src=""></script>'; // inlineQty += '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="">'; var inlineQty = '<div id ="results_table"><style>table#stockcount {font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; border-color: #24385b; background-color: white;} </style><table border="0" cellpadding="10" id="stockcount" cellspacing="0" class="table table-responsive table-striped table-hover" ><thead style="color: white;background-color: #379E8F;"><tr><td style="text-align:left;"><b>ID</b></td><td style="text-align:left;" class="col-sm-3"><b>CUSTOMER NAME</b></td><td><b>ACTION</b></td><td style="text-align:right;" class="col-sm-2"><b>EXPECTED INVOICE</b></td><td class="col-sm-2" style="text-align:right;"><b>EXPECTED DISTRIBUTION</b></td><td><b>LINK TO INVOICE</b></td></tr></thead><tbody>'; // inlineQty = '<br></br><style>table#stockcount {font-size: 14px;text-align: center;border: none;}.dataTables_wrapper {font-size: 14px;}table#stockcount th{text-align: center;} .bolded{font-weight: bold;}</style>'; // inlineQty += '<table id="stockcount" class="table table-responsive table-striped customer tablesorter" style="width: 100%;">'; // inlineQty += '<thead style="color: white;background-color: #607799;">'; // inlineQty += '<tr class="text-center">'; // inlineQty += '</tr>'; // inlineQty += '</thead>'; // inlineQty += '<tbody id="stock_result" class="stock_result"></tbody>'; // inlineQty += '</table>'; // var searchedSummary = search.load({ id: 'customrecord_job', type: 'customsearch_job_invoicing_summary' }); //var searchedSummary = search.load({ id: 'customrecord_job', type: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt' }); var zeeName_firstletter = zeeName.substring(0, 1); var zeeName_test = zeeName.substring(0, 4); // log.debug({ title: 'zeeName_firstletter', details: zeeName_firstletter }); // log.debug({ title: 'zeeName_test', details: zeeName_test }); if (zeeName_test == 'TEST') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_test' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'A' || zeeName_firstletter == 'B' || zeeName_firstletter == 'C' || zeeName_firstletter == 'D' || zeeName_firstletter == 'E' || zeeName_firstletter == 'F') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_a_f' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'G' || zeeName_firstletter == 'H' || zeeName_firstletter == 'I' || zeeName_firstletter == 'J' || zeeName_firstletter == 'K' || zeeName_firstletter == 'L' || zeeName_firstletter == 'M') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_g_m' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'N' || zeeName_firstletter == 'O' || zeeName_firstletter == 'P' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Q' || zeeName_firstletter == 'R') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_n_r' }); } else if (zeeName_firstletter == 'S' || zeeName_firstletter == 'T' || zeeName_firstletter == 'U' || zeeName_firstletter == 'V' || zeeName_firstletter == 'W' || zeeName_firstletter == 'X' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Y' || zeeName_firstletter == 'Z') { var searchedSummary = search.load({ type: 'customrecord_job', id: 'customsearch_job_inv_review_exp_amt_s_z' }); } //var zee_record = nlapiLoadRecord('partner', zee); //var zee_text = zee_record.getValue({ fieldId: 'entitytitle' }); var strFormula = "COALESCE({custrecord_job_service.custrecord_service_franchisee},{custrecord_job_group.custrecord_jobgroup_franchisee},{custrecord_job_franchisee},'')"; if (!isNullorEmpty(start_date) && !isNullorEmpty(end_date)) { searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_scheduled', join: null, operator: search.Operator.ONORAFTER, values: start_date })); searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_scheduled', join: null, operator: search.Operator.ONORBEFORE, values: end_date })); } //searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: 'formulatext', join: null, operator: search.Operator 'is', values: zee_text })).setFormula(strFormula); searchedSummary.filters.push(search.createFilter({ name: "partner", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", operator: search.Operator.ANYOF, values: zee })); var resultSet =; form.addField({ id: 'zee', type: 'text', label: 'zee' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = zee; var startReview = true; var startFinalize = false; var countCustomers = 0; var countTotalJobsInvoiceable = 0; var old_customer_id; var old_service_id; var old_service_rate; var old_service_qty; var old_extra_qty; var old_service_type; var old_customer_name; var old_ID; var old_service_text; var old_package_id; var old_package_single_line; var old_package_period; var old_package_fix_rate; var old_invoice_id; var old_invoice_text; var old_sc_ID; var old_sc_entity_id; var old_sc_name; var old_sc_company_name; var old_date_reviewed; var global_gst = 0.10; var total_per_customer = 0.0; var total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; var old_invoice_total = 0.0; var total_gst = 0.0; var reviewed = false; var review = false; var edit = null; var edit_count = 0; var reviewed_count = 0; var invoiced = false; var single_line_discount = false; var total_monthly_invoice = 0.0; var total_monthly_comm = 0.0 var old_invoiceable; var old_jobGroupStatus; var service_count = 0; var service_unique_count = 0; var admin_fees_result = false; var old_admin_fees; var old_invoice_custom; var old_customer_partner; var zee_comm_array = []; var invoiced_count = 0; /** * Goes through the list of jobs for the selected month. Search: Job - Invoicing Review - Summary. * @function resultSet * @param {Array} searchResult Each result from the search * @return {Boolean} true */ resultSet.each(function(searchResult) { var customerInternalID = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'internalid', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCustomerInternalID = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_special_customer", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCustomerName = searchResult.getText({ name: "custrecord_job_special_customer", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var partner = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'partner', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var ID = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'entityid', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var scID = searchResult.getValue({ name: "entityid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SPECIAL_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var companyName = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'companyname', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var specialCompanyName = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'companyname', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SPECIAL_CUSTOMER', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var customerName = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_customer', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateReviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_reviewed', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var invoiceable = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_invoiceable', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var jobGroupStatus = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_jobgroup_status', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_GROUP', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var inv_if_incomplete = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service_package_inv_incomplet", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateInvFinalised = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_inv_finalised', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var dateInvoiced = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_invoiced', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); //No. of Jobs that does not have Date Reviewed var countJobsNoDateReviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }); //Total No. of Jobs var countJobs = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'internalid', join: null, summary: search.Summary.COUNT }); var service_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_text = searchResult.getText({ name: 'custrecord_job_service', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_category = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_service_category", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var service_type = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }))) { var service_qty = 0; } else { var service_qty = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulanumeric', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM })); } if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_price', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var service_rate = 0.0; var body = 'Customer Name: ' + companyName + '/ Customer ID: ' + customerInternalID + ' | Service Name: ' + service_text + ' / Service ID: ' + service_id + ' has Null Service Price.'; email.send({ author: 112209, body: body, recipients: ['PI:EMAIL:efpyi@example.comEND_PI', 'PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI'], subject: 'AIC Summary Page - Customer: ' + companyName + ' with Null Service Price', }); } else { var service_rate = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_price', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_extras_qty', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM }))) { var extra_qty = 0; } else { var extra_qty = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_extras_qty', join: null, summary: search.Summary.SUM })); } var date_inv_finalised = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_inv_finalised', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var date_invoiced = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_date_invoiced', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var date_reviewed = searchResult.getValue({ name: "formuladate", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_service_package', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_single_line = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_job_invoice_single_line_item', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var package_period = searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_disc_period', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_fix_mth_rate', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var package_fix_rate = 0.0 } else { var package_fix_rate = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'custrecord_service_package_fix_mth_rate', join: 'CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE_PACKAGE', summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var invoice_id = searchResult.getValue({ name: "internalid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var invoice_text = searchResult.getValue({ name: "tranid", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: "amount", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var invoice_total = 0.0; } else { var invoice_total = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: "amount", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_INVOICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var gst = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_service_gst", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_SERVICE", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(searchResult.getValue({ name: "custentity_admin_fees", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }))) { var admin_fees = 0.0; } else { var admin_fees = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: "custentity_admin_fees", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); } var invoice_custom = searchResult.getValue({ name: "custrecord_job_invoice_custom", join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); var customer_partner = searchResult.getValue({ name: "partner", join: "CUSTRECORD_JOB_CUSTOMER", summary: search.Summary.GROUP }); if (isNullorEmpty(invoice_custom)) { invoice_custom = ''; } var zee_comm = parseFloat(searchResult.getValue({ name: 'formulapercent', join: null, summary: search.Summary.GROUP })); if (companyName == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'service_id', details: service_id }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'service_text', details: service_text }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'package_id', details: package_id }); //569 log.debug({ title: 'package_single_line', details: package_single_line }); //1 log.debug({ title: 'package_period', details: package_period }); //1 log.debug({ title: 'package_fix_rate', details: package_fix_rate }); //9 log.debug({ title: 'service_type', details: service_type }); //9 } zee_comm_array[zee_comm_array.length] = zee_comm; if (countCustomers == 0) { if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_customer_id != customerInternalID) { var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; if (single_line_discount == false) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'service_unique_count', details: service_unique_count }); } if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'old_package_fix_rate', details: old_package_fix_rate }); log.audit({ title: 'zee_comm', details: zee_comm }); } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'total_per_customer for details: customer: ' + old_customer_name, details: total_per_customer }); // if(old_customer_id == 518069){ log.audit({ title: 'invoiced', details: invoiced }); log.audit({ title: 'old_invoice_custom', details: old_invoice_custom }); log.audit({ title: 'old_invoice_total', details: old_invoice_total }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); } if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value=' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + ' onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value=' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + ' onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED</b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED</b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; total_per_customer = 0.0; total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; reviewed = false; edit = null; invoiced = false; single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; admin_fees_result = false; zee_comm_array = []; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_sc_ID != specialCustomerInternalID) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Inside Special Customer' }); } var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } // log.debug({ title: 'SC - details: total_per_customer } for customer: ' + old_sc_name, total_per_customer); if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\'" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\'" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; total_per_customer = 0.0; total_comm_per_customer = 0.0; reviewed = false; edit = null; invoiced = false; single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; admin_fees_result = false; zee_comm_array = []; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else if (old_service_id != service_id) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Inside New Services', details: old_service_text }); } if (old_package_id != package_id) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'End of Packages'}); log.audit({ title: 'service_count', details: service_count }); log.audit({ title: 'service_unique_count', details: service_unique_count }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); } if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'End of Packages' }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); } } service_unique_count++; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.audit({ title: 'Inside Non Packages Invoiceable Yes or Status Completed or Extras' }); log.audit({ title: 'total_comm_per_customer', details: total_comm_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'total_per_customer', details: total_per_customer }); log.audit({ title: 'invoiceable', details: invoiceable }); log.audit({ title: 'jobGroupStatus', details: jobGroupStatus }); log.audit({ title: 'service_category', details: service_category }); } // var service_type = nlapiLookupField('customrecord_service', service_id, 'custrecord_service'); if (service_type == 22) { admin_fees_result = true; } var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_single_line == '1') { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 1' }); } if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)) if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 1. Service Count: ', details: service_count }); } } else { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Package Single Line is 0' }); } if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; } if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } else { if (old_customer_name == 'B & R Enclosures Pty Ltd - Heathwood') { log.debug({ title: 'Last Extra' }); } if (old_package_id != package_id) { if (single_line_discount == false) { if (service_count > 1 && service_unique_count != 0) { service_count = service_count / service_unique_count; } total_per_customer = total_per_customer + ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count) * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((zee_comm * ((old_package_fix_rate * service_count))) / 100) * 1.1); } single_line_discount = false; service_count = 0; service_unique_count = 0; } service_unique_count++; if (isNullorEmpty(package_id)) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && service_category != '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { if (old_package_single_line == '1') { if (service_type == 17) { single_line_discount = true; var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } else { // service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } else { if (single_line_discount == true) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1')) { var total_per_line = (service_rate * (service_qty + extra_qty)); if (gst != 'No') { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst)); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * (total_per_line + (total_per_line * global_gst))) / 100); } else { total_per_customer = (total_per_customer + total_per_line); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + ((zee_comm * total_per_line) / 100); } } } else { // service_unique_count++; if (package_period != 3) { if (invoiceable == 'Yes' || (isNullorEmpty(invoiceable) && jobGroupStatus == '1') || (inv_if_incomplete == '1')) { service_count += (service_qty + extra_qty); } } else { service_count = 1; } } } } } } } old_customer_id = customerInternalID; old_service_id = service_id; old_service_type = service_type; old_service_rate = service_rate; old_service_qty = service_qty; old_extra_qty = extra_qty; old_customer_name = companyName; old_ID = ID; old_service_text = service_text; old_package_id = package_id; old_package_single_line = package_single_line; old_package_period = package_period; old_package_fix_rate = package_fix_rate; old_invoice_id = invoice_id; old_invoice_text = invoice_text; old_invoiceable = invoiceable; old_jobGroupStatus = jobGroupStatus; old_admin_fess = admin_fees; old_invoice_total = invoice_total; old_invoice_custom = invoice_custom; old_customer_partner = customer_partner; old_date_reviewed = dateReviewed; old_sc_ID = specialCustomerInternalID; old_sc_name = specialCustomerName; old_sc_entity_id = scID; old_sc_company_name = specialCompanyName; if (!isNullorEmpty(date_invoiced)) { invoiced = true; invoiced_count++; } else if (!isNullorEmpty(date_inv_finalised)) { reviewed = true; reviewed_count++; } if (!isNullorEmpty(date_reviewed) && edit != false) { edit = true; edit_count++; } else { edit = false; } countCustomers++; return true; }); if (countCustomers > 0) { var admin_fess = search.lookupFields({ type: 'customer', id: old_customer_id, columns: 'custentity_admin_fees' }); var customer_locked = ''; var lock_class = ''; var unique_zee_comm_array = []; unique_zee_comm_array = zee_comm_array.filter(function(elem, index, self) { return index == self.indexOf(elem); }); var min_zee_comm = Math.min(unique_zee_comm_array); if (!isNullorEmpty(old_admin_fess) && admin_fees_result == false && isNullorEmpty(old_date_reviewed)) { total_per_customer = total_per_customer + (old_admin_fess * 1.1); total_comm_per_customer = total_comm_per_customer + (((min_zee_comm * (old_admin_fess)) / 100) * 1.1); } if (invoiced == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } if (old_invoice_custom == 2 || isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_custom)) { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-success active invoice_customer ">INVOICED <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'yes\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-default invoice_customer active">CUSTOM INVOICE <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></button></td>'; } if (roundTwoDec(total_per_customer) == roundTwoDec(old_invoice_total)) { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } else { inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (old_invoice_total).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td>'; if (isNullorEmpty(old_invoice_id)) { inlineQty += '<td>NO INVOICE</td></tr>'; } else { inlineQty += '<td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/accounting/transactions/' + old_invoice_id + '" target="_blank">' + old_invoice_text + '</a></td></tr>'; } } } else if (reviewed == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ',\'yes\', ' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td><td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ',\'yes\', ' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-info invoice_customer"><b>FINALISED </b></button></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" style="text-align:right;" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else if (edit == true) { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-primary invoice_customer">EDIT <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } else { if (isNullorEmpty(old_sc_ID)) { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_customer_id + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_ID + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_customer_name + '</p></td>'; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td><a href="' + baseURL + '/app/common/entity/' + old_sc_ID + '" target="_blank"><p style="text-align:left;">' + old_sc_entity_id + '</p></a></td><td><p style="text-align: left;">' + old_sc_company_name + '</p></td>'; } inlineQty += '<td><button type="button" id="invoice_customer" value="' + old_customer_id + ';\'' + customer_locked + '\';' + old_sc_ID + '" onclick="" class="form-control btn btn-danger invoice_customer">REVIEW <span class="' + lock_class + '"></span></button> </td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" style="text-align:right;" value="' + (total_comm_per_customer).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div></td><td>' + old_invoice_id + '</td></tr>'; } total_monthly_invoice += total_per_customer; total_monthly_comm += total_comm_per_customer; } else { inlineQty += '<tr><td></td><td></td><td><b>NO CUSTOMERS TO REVIEW</b></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>'; } inlineQty += '</tbody>'; inlineQty += '</table></div><br/>'; inlinehtml2 += '<br/><label>Total Exp Invoice Amount</label><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_invoice" value="' + (total_monthly_invoice).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<label>Total Exp Distribution Amount</label><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">$</span><input type="number" class="form-control total_monthly_comm" value="' + (total_monthly_comm).toFixed(2) + '" readonly /></div>'; inlinehtml2 += '<div><button type="button" id="dailyrevenue" value="DAILY REVENUE" class="form-control btn btn-primary" style="margin-top: 10px; background-color: #379E8F">Daily Revenue</button></div>'; var edit_progress = 0.0; var remaining_progress = 0.0; var reviewed_progress = 0.0; var invoiced_progress = 0.0; edit_progress = (edit_count / countCustomers) * 100; remaining_progress = ((countCustomers - edit_count) / countCustomers) * 100; reviewed_progress = (reviewed_count / countCustomers) * 100; invoiced_progress = (invoiced_count / countCustomers) * 100; if (edit_progress > 0.00 && edit_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Review Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar" style="width: ' + edit_progress + '%">' + edit_progress.toFixed(2) + '% </div><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" style="width: ' + remaining_progress + '%">' + remaining_progress.toFixed(2) + '% (Remaining)</div></div>'; } if (reviewed_progress > 0.00 && reviewed_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Reviewed Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width: ' + reviewed_progress + '%">' + reviewed_progress.toFixed(2) + '% </div></div>'; } if (invoiced_progress > 0.00 && invoiced_progress < 100.00) { inlinehtml2 += '</br><label>Invoiced Progress</label><div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width: ' + invoiced_progress + '%">' + invoiced_progress.toFixed(2) + '%</div></div></div>'; } form.addField({ id: 'custpage_html2', label: 'inlinehtml', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML }).updateLayoutType({ layoutType: ui.FieldLayoutType.OUTSIDEABOVE, padding: 1 }).defaultValue = inlinehtml2; form.addField({ id: 'preview_table', label: 'preview_table', type: ui.FieldType.INLINEHTML }).defaultValue = inlineQty; form.addField({ id: 'partner', type: ui.FieldType.TEXT, label: 'Partner' }).updateDisplayType({ displayType: ui.FieldDisplayType.HIDDEN }).defaultValue = zee; if (countCustomers == countTotalJobsInvoiceable) { startFinalize = true; } if (countCustomers == edit_count && countCustomers != 0) { var button = finalise_date(); if (button == true || role == 3 || role == 1032 || zee == 6 || zee == 425904) { //WS Edit: should not be && on invoiced_count if (reviewed_count > 0 || invoiced_count == countCustomers) { //DONT SHOW FINALISE BUTTON } else { if (role == 3) { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'run_finalise', label: 'RUN FINALISE SCRIPT', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } else { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'finalise', label: 'FINALISE', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } } } } else if (edit_count == 0 && countCustomers != 0) { form.addButton({ id: 'cust_back1', label: 'START REVIEW ', functionName: 'onclickContinueReview()' }); } else if (edit_count > 0 && reviewed_count == 0) { form.addButton({ id: 'cust_back1', label: 'CONTINUE REVIEW ', functionName: 'onclickContinueReview()' }); } if (role == 3) { form.addSubmitButton({ label: 'FINALISE' }); form.addButton({ id: 'run_finalise', label: 'RUN FINALISE SCRIPT', functionName: 'onclick_Finalise()' }); } form.clientScriptFileId = 4798851; //4736989; // SB = 4736989 context.response.writePage(form); var end_time =; log.debug({ title: 'loading_time', details: end_time - start_time }); } else { var partner = context.request.parameters.partner; var start_date = context.request.parameters.start_date; var end_date = context.request.parameters.end_date; /** * [params description] - Paramters that needs to be passed to the scheduled script to set the date Invoiced * @type {Object} */ var params = { custscript_partner: partner, custscript_startdate: start_date, custscript_enddate: end_date } /** * [status description] - Schedule Script to set the date Invoiced for all the jobs associated to the franchisee for that invoicing period. */ if (role == 3) { for (var x = 1; x <= 10; x++) { var status = task.create({ taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT, deploymentId: 'customdeploy' + x, params: params, scriptId: 'customscript_sc_date_inv_finalised', }); status.submit(); if (status == 'QUEUED') { break; } } } // nlapiSendEmail(112209, ['PI:EMAIL:efpyi@example.comEND_PI'], 'Invoicing Complete: ' + partner, null, null); var params = new Array(); params['custevent_invoicing_complete'] = 'T'; redirect.toRecord({ id: 'task', type: null, isEditMode: true, parameters: params }); } } function service_start_end_date(date_finalised) { var split_date = date_finalised.split('/'); var date = new Date(); var firstDay = new Date(date.getFullYear(), parseInt(split_date[1]) - 1, 1); var lastDay = new Date(date.getFullYear(), split_date[1], 0); var service_range = []; service_range[0] = format.format({ value: firstDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); service_range[1] = format.format({ value: lastDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); return service_range; } /** * [getDate description] - To get the current date (Suitlet) * @return {string} String of the current date */ function getDate() { var date = new Date(); if (date.getHours() > 6) { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } date = format.format({ value: date, type: format.Type.DATE }); return date; } //To check if todays date falls between the below criteria. function finalise_date() { var date = new Date(); if (date.getHours() > 6) { date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } var month = date.getMonth(); //Months 0 - 11 var today = date.getDate(); var year = date.getFullYear(); var lastDay = new Date(year, (month + 1), 0); if (lastDay.getDay() == 0) { lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() - 2); } else if (lastDay.getDay() == 6) { lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() - 1); } var lastWorkingDay = lastDay.getDate(); lastDay.setDate(lastDay.getDate() + 5); var button = false; //If allocator run on the first day of the month, it takes the last month as the filter if (lastWorkingDay == today || today <= lastDay.getDate()) { button = true; } return button; } // Get the previous month first and last day function start_end_date() { var date = new Date(); var month = date.getMonth(); //Months 0 - 11 var day = date.getDate(); var year = date.getFullYear(); if (day == 1 || day == 2 || day == 3 || day == 4 || day == 5) { if (month == 0) { month = 11; year = year - 1 } else { month = month - 1; } } var firstDay = new Date(year, (month), 1); var lastDay = new Date(year, (month + 1), 0); var service_range = []; service_range[0] = format.format({ value: firstDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); service_range[1] = format.format({ value: lastDay, type: format.Type.DATE }); return service_range; } function isNullorEmpty(strVal) { return (strVal == null || strVal == '' || strVal == 'null' || strVal == undefined || strVal == 'undefined' || strVal == '- None -'); } return { onRequest: onRequest }; });
/** * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType MapReduceScript */ define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'N/email', 'N/runtime'], /** * @param{record} record * @param{search} search */ function(record, search, email, runtime){ /** * Defines the function that is executed at the beginning of the map/reduce process and generates the input data. * @param {Object} inputContext * @param {boolean} inputContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {Object} inputContext.ObjectRef - Object that references the input data * @typedef {Object} ObjectRef * @property {string|number} - Internal ID of the record instance that contains the input data * @property {string} ObjectRef.type - Type of the record instance that contains the input data * @returns {Array|Object|Search|ObjectRef|File|Query} The input data to use in the map/reduce process * @since 2015.2 */ /*Global Variables*/ var departmentD; var classD; var locationD; function getInputData(inputContext){ var loadSearch = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_time_entry_to_post' }); return loadSearch; } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the map entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered automatically * when the associated getInputData stage is complete. This function is applied to each key-value pair in the provided * context. * @param {Object} mapContext - Data collection containing the key-value pairs to process in the map stage. This parameter * is provided automatically based on the results of the getInputData stage. * @param {Iterator} mapContext.errors - Serialized errors that were thrown during previous attempts to execute the map * function on the current key-value pair * @param {number} mapContext.executionNo - Number of times the map function has been executed on the current key-value * pair * @param {boolean} mapContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {string} mapContext.key - Key to be processed during the map stage * @param {string} mapContext.value - Value to be processed during the map stage * @since 2015.2 */ function map(mapContext) { try { var accountCr = runtime.getCurrentScript().getParameter("custscript_proj_var_acct"); var currentUser = 239241; var currentUserEmail = '' var data = JSON.parse(mapContext.value); //log.debug('data',data) var id =; var empName = data.values.employee.value; var custName = data.values.customer.value; var jrnalMemo = data.values.memo; var hours = data.values.hours; log.debug('Time sheet enterted for - ',id) hours = ''+hours.split(':')[0]+'.'+hours.split(':')[1]+''; var timebillCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'timebill', id: id, columns: ['isbillable'] }); var billCbk = timebillCheck['isbillable']; var transactionCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'employee', id: empName, columns: ['subsidiary','department','class','location','custentity_laborcost_usd'] }); var subsidaryD = transactionCheck['subsidiary'][0].value; var subsidaryText = transactionCheck['subsidiary'][0].text; try{ departmentD = transactionCheck['department'][0].value; classD = transactionCheck['class'][0].value; locationD = transactionCheck['location'][0].value; }catch(e){ log.debug('e',e) } var labourCost = transactionCheck['custentity_laborcost_usd']; var finalAmount = (Number(Number(hours)*Number(labourCost))).toFixed(2); var finalLineMemo = 'Time Entry for '+subsidaryText+'; memo:'+jrnalMemo+''; var jobCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'job', id: custName, columns: ['currency','projectexpensetype'] }); var lvCurrency = jobCheck['currency'][0].value; var accountDr = jobCheck['projectexpensetype'][0].value; if(accountDr == '1'){accountDr = 913;}else if(accountDr == '2'){accountDr = 914;}else if(accountDr == -3){accountDr = 885;}else{accountDr = 884;} /* //// @@@@@@@@@@@@ Account Map @@@@@@@@@@@ //// Direct Salary == 61190 Project Direct Salary (895/913) Indirect Salary == Project Indirect Salary (896/914) Overhead == Indirect Labor (885) Regular == Direct Labor (884) //// @@@@@@@@@@@@ Account Map END @@@@@@@@@@@ ////*/ //creating journal record journalRecordCreate = record.create({ type: 'journalentry', isDynamic: true }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'subsidiary', value : subsidaryD }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'currency', value : lvCurrency }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'trandate', value : new Date() }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'approved', value : true }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'timebillflag', value : 'T' }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'custbody_sr_time_track_link', value : id }); var type = 'debit'; addLineDataOnJournalRecord(finalLineMemo,accountDr,finalAmount,type); var type = 'credit'; addLineDataOnJournalRecord(finalLineMemo,accountCr,finalAmount,type); try{ if(billCbk == false || billCbk == 'F' || billCbk == ''){ var journalRecordId ={ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); log.debug('journalRecordId',journalRecordId) /*var rec = record.load({type:'timebill',id:id}); rec.setValue({fieldId:'transactionid',value:Number(journalRecordId)}); rec.setValue({fieldId:'posted',value:true}); var recordSubmit =*/ var recordSubmit = record.submitFields({ type: 'timebill', id: id, values: { 'posted': 'T', 'transactionid':Number(journalRecordId) }, options: { enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields : true } }); log.debug('recordSubmit',recordSubmit) }else{ log.debug('its charges') } }catch(journalRecordSubmitError){ record.submitFields({ type: 'timebill', id: id, values: { 'posted': 'F' } }); log.error({title:'Error in journal Creation: ', details:journalRecordSubmitError}); email.send({author: currentUser, recipients: currentUserEmail, subject: 'Error while submitting journal for Time sheet: '+id+'', body: 'Hi,\n Error is:\n '+journalRecordSubmitError+'' }); } }catch(e){ log.debug('Error', e); } } function addLineDataOnJournalRecord(memo,account,ammount,type){ if(ammount != '' && ammount != undefined || ammount != null){ if(account != '' && account != undefined){ if(type == 'credit'){ var line = journalRecordCreate.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'line' }); journalRecordCreate.selectLine({ sublistId: 'line', line: line }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'account', value: account }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'credit', value: ammount }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'memo', value: memo }); try{ journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'department', value: departmentD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'class', value: classD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'location', value: locationD }); }catch(e){ log.debug("issue with department") } journalRecordCreate.commitLine({ sublistId: 'line'}); }else if(type == 'debit'){ var line = journalRecordCreate.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'line' }); journalRecordCreate.selectLine({ sublistId: 'line', line: line }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'account', value: account }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'debit', value: ammount }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'memo', value: memo }); try{ journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'department', value: departmentD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'class', value: classD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'location', value: locationD }); }catch(e){ log.debug("issue with department") } journalRecordCreate.commitLine({sublistId: 'line'}); } } } } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the reduce entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered * automatically when the associated map stage is complete. This function is applied to each group in the provided context. * @param {Object} reduceContext - Data collection containing the groups to process in the reduce stage. This parameter is * provided automatically based on the results of the map stage. * @param {Iterator} reduceContext.errors - Serialized errors that were thrown during previous attempts to execute the * reduce function on the current group * @param {number} reduceContext.executionNo - Number of times the reduce function has been executed on the current group * @param {boolean} reduceContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {string} reduceContext.key - Key to be processed during the reduce stage * @param {List<String>} reduceContext.values - All values associated with a unique key that was passed to the reduce stage * for processing * @since 2015.2 */ function reduce (reduceContext) { } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the summarize entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered * automatically when the associated reduce stage is complete. This function is applied to the entire result set. * @param {Object} summaryContext - Statistics about the execution of a map/reduce script * @param {number} summaryContext.concurrency - Maximum concurrency number when executing parallel tasks for the map/reduce * script * @param {Date} summaryContext.dateCreated - The date and time when the map/reduce script began running * @param {boolean} summaryContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {Iterator} summaryContext.output - Serialized keys and values that were saved as output during the reduce stage * @param {number} summaryContext.seconds - Total seconds elapsed when running the map/reduce script * @param {number} summaryContext.usage - Total number of governance usage units consumed when running the map/reduce * script * @param {number} summaryContext.yields - Total number of yields when running the map/reduce script * @param {Object} summaryContext.inputSummary - Statistics about the input stage * @param {Object} summaryContext.mapSummary - Statistics about the map stage * @param {Object} summaryContext.reduceSummary - Statistics about the reduce stage * @since 2015.2 */ function summarize (summaryContext) { } return { getInputData:getInputData, map:map, summarize:summarize } });
[{"tag": "EMAIL", "value": "", "start": 2993, "end": 3016}]
/** * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType MapReduceScript */ define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'N/email', 'N/runtime'], /** * @param{record} record * @param{search} search */ function(record, search, email, runtime){ /** * Defines the function that is executed at the beginning of the map/reduce process and generates the input data. * @param {Object} inputContext * @param {boolean} inputContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {Object} inputContext.ObjectRef - Object that references the input data * @typedef {Object} ObjectRef * @property {string|number} - Internal ID of the record instance that contains the input data * @property {string} ObjectRef.type - Type of the record instance that contains the input data * @returns {Array|Object|Search|ObjectRef|File|Query} The input data to use in the map/reduce process * @since 2015.2 */ /*Global Variables*/ var departmentD; var classD; var locationD; function getInputData(inputContext){ var loadSearch = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_time_entry_to_post' }); return loadSearch; } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the map entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered automatically * when the associated getInputData stage is complete. This function is applied to each key-value pair in the provided * context. * @param {Object} mapContext - Data collection containing the key-value pairs to process in the map stage. This parameter * is provided automatically based on the results of the getInputData stage. * @param {Iterator} mapContext.errors - Serialized errors that were thrown during previous attempts to execute the map * function on the current key-value pair * @param {number} mapContext.executionNo - Number of times the map function has been executed on the current key-value * pair * @param {boolean} mapContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {string} mapContext.key - Key to be processed during the map stage * @param {string} mapContext.value - Value to be processed during the map stage * @since 2015.2 */ function map(mapContext) { try { var accountCr = runtime.getCurrentScript().getParameter("custscript_proj_var_acct"); var currentUser = 239241; var currentUserEmail = '' var data = JSON.parse(mapContext.value); //log.debug('data',data) var id =; var empName = data.values.employee.value; var custName = data.values.customer.value; var jrnalMemo = data.values.memo; var hours = data.values.hours; log.debug('Time sheet enterted for - ',id) hours = ''+hours.split(':')[0]+'.'+hours.split(':')[1]+''; var timebillCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'timebill', id: id, columns: ['isbillable'] }); var billCbk = timebillCheck['isbillable']; var transactionCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'employee', id: empName, columns: ['subsidiary','department','class','location','custentity_laborcost_usd'] }); var subsidaryD = transactionCheck['subsidiary'][0].value; var subsidaryText = transactionCheck['subsidiary'][0].text; try{ departmentD = transactionCheck['department'][0].value; classD = transactionCheck['class'][0].value; locationD = transactionCheck['location'][0].value; }catch(e){ log.debug('e',e) } var labourCost = transactionCheck['custentity_laborcost_usd']; var finalAmount = (Number(Number(hours)*Number(labourCost))).toFixed(2); var finalLineMemo = 'Time Entry for '+subsidaryText+'; memo:'+jrnalMemo+''; var jobCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'job', id: custName, columns: ['currency','projectexpensetype'] }); var lvCurrency = jobCheck['currency'][0].value; var accountDr = jobCheck['projectexpensetype'][0].value; if(accountDr == '1'){accountDr = 913;}else if(accountDr == '2'){accountDr = 914;}else if(accountDr == -3){accountDr = 885;}else{accountDr = 884;} /* //// @@@@@@@@@@@@ Account Map @@@@@@@@@@@ //// Direct Salary == 61190 Project Direct Salary (895/913) Indirect Salary == Project Indirect Salary (896/914) Overhead == Indirect Labor (885) Regular == Direct Labor (884) //// @@@@@@@@@@@@ Account Map END @@@@@@@@@@@ ////*/ //creating journal record journalRecordCreate = record.create({ type: 'journalentry', isDynamic: true }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'subsidiary', value : subsidaryD }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'currency', value : lvCurrency }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'trandate', value : new Date() }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'approved', value : true }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'timebillflag', value : 'T' }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'custbody_sr_time_track_link', value : id }); var type = 'debit'; addLineDataOnJournalRecord(finalLineMemo,accountDr,finalAmount,type); var type = 'credit'; addLineDataOnJournalRecord(finalLineMemo,accountCr,finalAmount,type); try{ if(billCbk == false || billCbk == 'F' || billCbk == ''){ var journalRecordId ={ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); log.debug('journalRecordId',journalRecordId) /*var rec = record.load({type:'timebill',id:id}); rec.setValue({fieldId:'transactionid',value:Number(journalRecordId)}); rec.setValue({fieldId:'posted',value:true}); var recordSubmit =*/ var recordSubmit = record.submitFields({ type: 'timebill', id: id, values: { 'posted': 'T', 'transactionid':Number(journalRecordId) }, options: { enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields : true } }); log.debug('recordSubmit',recordSubmit) }else{ log.debug('its charges') } }catch(journalRecordSubmitError){ record.submitFields({ type: 'timebill', id: id, values: { 'posted': 'F' } }); log.error({title:'Error in journal Creation: ', details:journalRecordSubmitError}); email.send({author: currentUser, recipients: currentUserEmail, subject: 'Error while submitting journal for Time sheet: '+id+'', body: 'Hi,\n Error is:\n '+journalRecordSubmitError+'' }); } }catch(e){ log.debug('Error', e); } } function addLineDataOnJournalRecord(memo,account,ammount,type){ if(ammount != '' && ammount != undefined || ammount != null){ if(account != '' && account != undefined){ if(type == 'credit'){ var line = journalRecordCreate.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'line' }); journalRecordCreate.selectLine({ sublistId: 'line', line: line }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'account', value: account }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'credit', value: ammount }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'memo', value: memo }); try{ journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'department', value: departmentD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'class', value: classD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'location', value: locationD }); }catch(e){ log.debug("issue with department") } journalRecordCreate.commitLine({ sublistId: 'line'}); }else if(type == 'debit'){ var line = journalRecordCreate.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'line' }); journalRecordCreate.selectLine({ sublistId: 'line', line: line }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'account', value: account }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'debit', value: ammount }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'memo', value: memo }); try{ journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'department', value: departmentD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'class', value: classD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'location', value: locationD }); }catch(e){ log.debug("issue with department") } journalRecordCreate.commitLine({sublistId: 'line'}); } } } } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the reduce entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered * automatically when the associated map stage is complete. This function is applied to each group in the provided context. * @param {Object} reduceContext - Data collection containing the groups to process in the reduce stage. This parameter is * provided automatically based on the results of the map stage. * @param {Iterator} reduceContext.errors - Serialized errors that were thrown during previous attempts to execute the * reduce function on the current group * @param {number} reduceContext.executionNo - Number of times the reduce function has been executed on the current group * @param {boolean} reduceContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {string} reduceContext.key - Key to be processed during the reduce stage * @param {List<String>} reduceContext.values - All values associated with a unique key that was passed to the reduce stage * for processing * @since 2015.2 */ function reduce (reduceContext) { } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the summarize entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered * automatically when the associated reduce stage is complete. This function is applied to the entire result set. * @param {Object} summaryContext - Statistics about the execution of a map/reduce script * @param {number} summaryContext.concurrency - Maximum concurrency number when executing parallel tasks for the map/reduce * script * @param {Date} summaryContext.dateCreated - The date and time when the map/reduce script began running * @param {boolean} summaryContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {Iterator} summaryContext.output - Serialized keys and values that were saved as output during the reduce stage * @param {number} summaryContext.seconds - Total seconds elapsed when running the map/reduce script * @param {number} summaryContext.usage - Total number of governance usage units consumed when running the map/reduce * script * @param {number} summaryContext.yields - Total number of yields when running the map/reduce script * @param {Object} summaryContext.inputSummary - Statistics about the input stage * @param {Object} summaryContext.mapSummary - Statistics about the map stage * @param {Object} summaryContext.reduceSummary - Statistics about the reduce stage * @since 2015.2 */ function summarize (summaryContext) { } return { getInputData:getInputData, map:map, summarize:summarize } });
/** * @NApiVersion 2.0 * @NScriptType MapReduceScript */ define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'N/email', 'N/runtime'], /** * @param{record} record * @param{search} search */ function(record, search, email, runtime){ /** * Defines the function that is executed at the beginning of the map/reduce process and generates the input data. * @param {Object} inputContext * @param {boolean} inputContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {Object} inputContext.ObjectRef - Object that references the input data * @typedef {Object} ObjectRef * @property {string|number} - Internal ID of the record instance that contains the input data * @property {string} ObjectRef.type - Type of the record instance that contains the input data * @returns {Array|Object|Search|ObjectRef|File|Query} The input data to use in the map/reduce process * @since 2015.2 */ /*Global Variables*/ var departmentD; var classD; var locationD; function getInputData(inputContext){ var loadSearch = search.load({ id: 'customsearch_time_entry_to_post' }); return loadSearch; } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the map entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered automatically * when the associated getInputData stage is complete. This function is applied to each key-value pair in the provided * context. * @param {Object} mapContext - Data collection containing the key-value pairs to process in the map stage. This parameter * is provided automatically based on the results of the getInputData stage. * @param {Iterator} mapContext.errors - Serialized errors that were thrown during previous attempts to execute the map * function on the current key-value pair * @param {number} mapContext.executionNo - Number of times the map function has been executed on the current key-value * pair * @param {boolean} mapContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {string} mapContext.key - Key to be processed during the map stage * @param {string} mapContext.value - Value to be processed during the map stage * @since 2015.2 */ function map(mapContext) { try { var accountCr = runtime.getCurrentScript().getParameter("custscript_proj_var_acct"); var currentUser = 239241; var currentUserEmail = 'PI:EMAIL:kenaa@example.comEND_PI' var data = JSON.parse(mapContext.value); //log.debug('data',data) var id =; var empName = data.values.employee.value; var custName = data.values.customer.value; var jrnalMemo = data.values.memo; var hours = data.values.hours; log.debug('Time sheet enterted for - ',id) hours = ''+hours.split(':')[0]+'.'+hours.split(':')[1]+''; var timebillCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'timebill', id: id, columns: ['isbillable'] }); var billCbk = timebillCheck['isbillable']; var transactionCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'employee', id: empName, columns: ['subsidiary','department','class','location','custentity_laborcost_usd'] }); var subsidaryD = transactionCheck['subsidiary'][0].value; var subsidaryText = transactionCheck['subsidiary'][0].text; try{ departmentD = transactionCheck['department'][0].value; classD = transactionCheck['class'][0].value; locationD = transactionCheck['location'][0].value; }catch(e){ log.debug('e',e) } var labourCost = transactionCheck['custentity_laborcost_usd']; var finalAmount = (Number(Number(hours)*Number(labourCost))).toFixed(2); var finalLineMemo = 'Time Entry for '+subsidaryText+'; memo:'+jrnalMemo+''; var jobCheck = search.lookupFields({ type:'job', id: custName, columns: ['currency','projectexpensetype'] }); var lvCurrency = jobCheck['currency'][0].value; var accountDr = jobCheck['projectexpensetype'][0].value; if(accountDr == '1'){accountDr = 913;}else if(accountDr == '2'){accountDr = 914;}else if(accountDr == -3){accountDr = 885;}else{accountDr = 884;} /* //// @@@@@@@@@@@@ Account Map @@@@@@@@@@@ //// Direct Salary == 61190 Project Direct Salary (895/913) Indirect Salary == Project Indirect Salary (896/914) Overhead == Indirect Labor (885) Regular == Direct Labor (884) //// @@@@@@@@@@@@ Account Map END @@@@@@@@@@@ ////*/ //creating journal record journalRecordCreate = record.create({ type: 'journalentry', isDynamic: true }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'subsidiary', value : subsidaryD }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'currency', value : lvCurrency }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'trandate', value : new Date() }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'approved', value : true }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'timebillflag', value : 'T' }); journalRecordCreate.setValue({ fieldId : 'custbody_sr_time_track_link', value : id }); var type = 'debit'; addLineDataOnJournalRecord(finalLineMemo,accountDr,finalAmount,type); var type = 'credit'; addLineDataOnJournalRecord(finalLineMemo,accountCr,finalAmount,type); try{ if(billCbk == false || billCbk == 'F' || billCbk == ''){ var journalRecordId ={ enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields: true }); log.debug('journalRecordId',journalRecordId) /*var rec = record.load({type:'timebill',id:id}); rec.setValue({fieldId:'transactionid',value:Number(journalRecordId)}); rec.setValue({fieldId:'posted',value:true}); var recordSubmit =*/ var recordSubmit = record.submitFields({ type: 'timebill', id: id, values: { 'posted': 'T', 'transactionid':Number(journalRecordId) }, options: { enableSourcing: true, ignoreMandatoryFields : true } }); log.debug('recordSubmit',recordSubmit) }else{ log.debug('its charges') } }catch(journalRecordSubmitError){ record.submitFields({ type: 'timebill', id: id, values: { 'posted': 'F' } }); log.error({title:'Error in journal Creation: ', details:journalRecordSubmitError}); email.send({author: currentUser, recipients: currentUserEmail, subject: 'Error while submitting journal for Time sheet: '+id+'', body: 'Hi,\n Error is:\n '+journalRecordSubmitError+'' }); } }catch(e){ log.debug('Error', e); } } function addLineDataOnJournalRecord(memo,account,ammount,type){ if(ammount != '' && ammount != undefined || ammount != null){ if(account != '' && account != undefined){ if(type == 'credit'){ var line = journalRecordCreate.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'line' }); journalRecordCreate.selectLine({ sublistId: 'line', line: line }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'account', value: account }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'credit', value: ammount }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'memo', value: memo }); try{ journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'department', value: departmentD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'class', value: classD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'location', value: locationD }); }catch(e){ log.debug("issue with department") } journalRecordCreate.commitLine({ sublistId: 'line'}); }else if(type == 'debit'){ var line = journalRecordCreate.getLineCount({ sublistId: 'line' }); journalRecordCreate.selectLine({ sublistId: 'line', line: line }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'account', value: account }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'debit', value: ammount }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'memo', value: memo }); try{ journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'department', value: departmentD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'class', value: classD }); journalRecordCreate.setCurrentSublistValue({ sublistId: 'line', fieldId: 'location', value: locationD }); }catch(e){ log.debug("issue with department") } journalRecordCreate.commitLine({sublistId: 'line'}); } } } } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the reduce entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered * automatically when the associated map stage is complete. This function is applied to each group in the provided context. * @param {Object} reduceContext - Data collection containing the groups to process in the reduce stage. This parameter is * provided automatically based on the results of the map stage. * @param {Iterator} reduceContext.errors - Serialized errors that were thrown during previous attempts to execute the * reduce function on the current group * @param {number} reduceContext.executionNo - Number of times the reduce function has been executed on the current group * @param {boolean} reduceContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {string} reduceContext.key - Key to be processed during the reduce stage * @param {List<String>} reduceContext.values - All values associated with a unique key that was passed to the reduce stage * for processing * @since 2015.2 */ function reduce (reduceContext) { } /** * Defines the function that is executed when the summarize entry point is triggered. This entry point is triggered * automatically when the associated reduce stage is complete. This function is applied to the entire result set. * @param {Object} summaryContext - Statistics about the execution of a map/reduce script * @param {number} summaryContext.concurrency - Maximum concurrency number when executing parallel tasks for the map/reduce * script * @param {Date} summaryContext.dateCreated - The date and time when the map/reduce script began running * @param {boolean} summaryContext.isRestarted - Indicates whether the current invocation of this function is the first * invocation (if true, the current invocation is not the first invocation and this function has been restarted) * @param {Iterator} summaryContext.output - Serialized keys and values that were saved as output during the reduce stage * @param {number} summaryContext.seconds - Total seconds elapsed when running the map/reduce script * @param {number} summaryContext.usage - Total number of governance usage units consumed when running the map/reduce * script * @param {number} summaryContext.yields - Total number of yields when running the map/reduce script * @param {Object} summaryContext.inputSummary - Statistics about the input stage * @param {Object} summaryContext.mapSummary - Statistics about the map stage * @param {Object} summaryContext.reduceSummary - Statistics about the reduce stage * @since 2015.2 */ function summarize (summaryContext) { } return { getInputData:getInputData, map:map, summarize:summarize } });