140 values
[ "What are the names of each department?", "Order them alphabetically." ]
[ "SELECT dept_name FROM department", "SELECT dept_name FROM department ORDER BY dept_name" ]
What are the names of all departments in alphabetical order?
SELECT dept_name FROM department ORDER BY dept_name
[ "Tell me about all classes.", "Which of those take place in room KLR209?", "What are their codes?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM CLASS", "SELECT * FROM CLASS WHERE class_room = 'KLR209'", "SELECT class_code FROM CLASS WHERE class_room = 'KLR209'" ]
What are the codes of all the courses that are located in room KLR209?
SELECT class_code FROM CLASS WHERE class_room = 'KLR209'
[ "Order the employee information by date of birth.", "Which of these employees have jobs as professors?", "What are their first names?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY emp_dob", "SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_jobcode = 'PROF' ORDER BY emp_dob", "SELECT emp_fname FROM employee WHERE emp_jobcode = 'PROF' ORDER BY emp_dob" ]
What are the first names of all employees that are professors ordered by date of birth?
SELECT emp_fname FROM employee WHERE emp_jobcode = 'PROF' ORDER BY emp_dob
[ "Order the employees alphabetically by first name", "Which of those are professors?", "What are their first names and office locations?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY emp_fname", "SELECT * FROM professor AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num ORDER BY T2.emp_fname", "SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.prof_office FROM professor AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num ORDER BY T2.emp_fname" ]
What are the first names and office locations for all professors sorted alphabetically by first name?
SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.prof_office FROM professor AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num ORDER BY T2.emp_fname
[ "What are the employees' first names?", "Also, what are their last names?", "Which of those refer to the oldest employee?" ]
[ "SELECT emp_fname FROM employee", "SELECT emp_fname , emp_lname FROM employee", "SELECT emp_fname , emp_lname FROM employee ORDER BY emp_dob LIMIT 1" ]
What are the first and last names of the employee with the earliest date of birth?
SELECT emp_fname , emp_lname FROM employee ORDER BY emp_dob LIMIT 1
[ "List all information on students with a higher GPA than 3", "What information is for the youngest student?", "What are their first name, last name, and GPA?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM student WHERE stu_gpa > 3", "SELECT * FROM student WHERE stu_gpa > 3 ORDER BY stu_dob DESC LIMIT 1", "SELECT stu_fname , stu_lname , stu_gpa FROM student WHERE stu_gpa > 3 ORDER BY stu_dob DESC LIMIT 1" ]
What is the first and last name of the youngest student with a GPA above 3, and what is their GPA?
SELECT stu_fname , stu_lname , stu_gpa FROM student WHERE stu_gpa > 3 ORDER BY stu_dob DESC LIMIT 1
[ "What are the student ids of all students who received an enrollment grade of C?", "What are the first names that correspond to each student id?", "What is a list of distinct first names?" ]
[ "SELECT stu_num FROM enroll WHERE enroll_grade = 'C'", "SELECT stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE enroll_grade = 'C'", "SELECT DISTINCT stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE enroll_grade = 'C'" ]
What are the first names of all students who got a grade C in a class?
SELECT DISTINCT stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE enroll_grade = 'C'
[ "For each department, what is the corresponding number of professors?", "For the department with the fewest professors, what is its name and code?" ]
[ "SELECT count(*) , T1.dept_code FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code", "SELECT T2.dept_name , T1.dept_code FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT 1" ]
What is the name of the department with the fewest professors?
SELECT T2.dept_name FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT 1
[ "Which professors do have a Ph.D. degree?", "How many of those professors are in each department?", "Find the code of the department that has the most of them.", "What is the name of that department?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.'", "SELECT count(*) , dept_code FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' GROUP BY dept_code", "SELECT dept_code FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' GROUP BY dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1", "SELECT T2.dept_name FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T1.prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1" ]
Which department has the most professors with a Ph.D.?
SELECT T2.dept_name , T1.dept_code FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T1.prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
[ "What is the first names of employees whose job code is PROF?", "Which of them are not teaching any class?" ]
[ "SELECT emp_fname FROM employee WHERE emp_jobcode = 'PROF'", "SELECT emp_fname FROM employee WHERE emp_jobcode = 'PROF' EXCEPT SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num" ]
What are the first names of all professors not teaching any classes?
SELECT emp_fname FROM employee WHERE emp_jobcode = 'PROF' EXCEPT SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num
[ "What are the first names of all employees who are teaching classes?", "Please list the first names of all other professors.", "Which of these refer to teachers in the history department?" ]
[ "SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num", "SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code EXCEPT SELECT T4.emp_fname FROM employee AS T4 JOIN CLASS AS T5 ON T4.emp_num = T5.prof_num", "SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' EXCEPT SELECT T4.emp_fname FROM employee AS T4 JOIN CLASS AS T5 ON T4.emp_num = T5.prof_num" ]
What are the first names of all history professors who do not teach?
SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' EXCEPT SELECT T4.emp_fname FROM employee AS T4 JOIN CLASS AS T5 ON T4.emp_num = T5.prof_num
[ "What is all the information about the history department?", "What are the names of professors in this department?", "Also, where are their offices located?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM department WHERE dept_name = 'History'", "SELECT T1.emp_lname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History'", "SELECT T1.emp_lname , T2.prof_office FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History'" ]
What are the last name and office of all history professors?
SELECT T1.emp_lname , T2.prof_office FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History'
[ "Find me all employees with the last name 'Heffington'?", "What are the names of their departments?", "Also, where are their offices located?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_lname = 'Heffington'", "SELECT T3.dept_name FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T1.emp_lname = 'Heffington'", "SELECT T3.dept_name , T2.prof_office FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T1.emp_lname = 'Heffington'" ]
What is the name of the department and office location for the professor with the last name of Heffington?
SELECT T3.dept_name , T2.prof_office FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T2.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T1.emp_lname = 'Heffington'
[ "Find the professors whose office is located in room DRE 102?", "What are their last names?", "When were they hired?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM professor WHERE prof_office = 'DRE 102'", "SELECT T1.emp_lname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num WHERE T2.prof_office = 'DRE 102'", "SELECT T1.emp_hiredate FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num WHERE T2.prof_office = 'DRE 102'" ]
What is the last name of the professor whose office is located in DRE 102, and when were they hired?
SELECT T1.emp_lname , T1.emp_hiredate FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num WHERE T2.prof_office = 'DRE 102'
[ "Find all information on students.", "Which of that information refers to people with the last name Smithson?", "What are the codes of the courses they took?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM student", "SELECT * FROM student WHERE stu_lname = 'Smithson'", "SELECT T1.crs_code FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN student AS T3 ON T3.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T3.stu_lname = 'Smithson'" ]
What are the course codes for every class that the student with the last name Smithson took?
SELECT T1.crs_code FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN student AS T3 ON T3.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T3.stu_lname = 'Smithson'
[ "What are the course descriptions?", "Also, show credits.", "Which of the above refer to courses that a student with the last name 'Smithson' took?" ]
[ "SELECT crs_description FROM course", "SELECT crs_description , crs_credit FROM course", "SELECT T4.crs_description , T4.crs_credit FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN student AS T3 ON T3.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN course AS T4 ON T4.crs_code = T1.crs_code WHERE T3.stu_lname = 'Smithson'" ]
How many credits is the course that the student with the last name Smithson took, and what is its description?
SELECT T4.crs_description , T4.crs_credit FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN student AS T3 ON T3.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN course AS T4 ON T4.crs_code = T1.crs_code WHERE T3.stu_lname = 'Smithson'
[ "What information do you have on professors who got a Ph.D.?", "Also, combine that with information you have on professors with a Masters?", "How many are there in total?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.'", "SELECT * FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' OR prof_high_degree = 'MA'", "SELECT count(*) FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' OR prof_high_degree = 'MA'" ]
How many professors attained either Ph.D. or Masters degrees?
SELECT count(*) FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.' OR prof_high_degree = 'MA'
[ "What information do you have on professors in the Accounting department?", "Also, what do you have on professors in the Biology department?", "How many of them are there?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T2.dept_name = 'Accounting'", "SELECT * FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T2.dept_name = 'Accounting' OR T2.dept_name = 'Biology'", "SELECT count(*) FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T2.dept_name = 'Accounting' OR T2.dept_name = 'Biology'" ]
What is the number of professors who are in the Accounting or Biology departments?
SELECT count(*) FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T2.dept_name = 'Accounting' OR T2.dept_name = 'Biology'
[ "What are the first names of all professors teaching CIS-220?", "What are the first names of all professors teaching QM-261?", "Who is teaching both?" ]
[ "SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num WHERE crs_code = 'CIS-220'", "SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num WHERE crs_code = 'QM-261'", "SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num WHERE crs_code = 'CIS-220' INTERSECT SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num WHERE crs_code = 'QM-261'" ]
What is the first name of the professor who is teaching CIS-220 and QM-261?
SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num WHERE crs_code = 'CIS-220' INTERSECT SELECT T1.emp_fname FROM employee AS T1 JOIN CLASS AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.prof_num WHERE crs_code = 'QM-261'
[ "What are the first names of all students taking some classes from the Accounting department?", "Of those, who also took some classes from the Computer Information Systems department?" ]
[ "SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code JOIN course AS T4 ON T3.crs_code = T4.crs_code JOIN department AS T5 ON T5.dept_code = T4.dept_code WHERE T5.dept_name = 'Accounting'", "SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code JOIN course AS T4 ON T3.crs_code = T4.crs_code JOIN department AS T5 ON T5.dept_code = T4.dept_code WHERE T5.dept_name = 'Accounting' INTERSECT SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code JOIN course AS T4 ON T3.crs_code = T4.crs_code JOIN department AS T5 ON T5.dept_code = T4.dept_code WHERE T5.dept_name = 'Computer Info. Systems'" ]
What are the first names of all students taking accoutning and Computer Information Systems classes?
SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code JOIN course AS T4 ON T3.crs_code = T4.crs_code JOIN department AS T5 ON T5.dept_code = T4.dept_code WHERE T5.dept_name = 'Accounting' INTERSECT SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code JOIN course AS T4 ON T3.crs_code = T4.crs_code JOIN department AS T5 ON T5.dept_code = T4.dept_code WHERE T5.dept_name = 'Computer Info. Systems'
[ "What are all the student GPAs?", "Which of those are for students taking course ACCT-211?", "What is their average GPA?" ]
[ "SELECT stu_gpa FROM student", "SELECT T2.stu_gpa FROM enroll AS T1 JOIN student AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T1.class_code = T3.class_code WHERE T3.crs_code = 'ACCT-211'", "SELECT avg(T2.stu_gpa) FROM enroll AS T1 JOIN student AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T1.class_code = T3.class_code WHERE T3.crs_code = 'ACCT-211'" ]
What is the average GPA of students taking ACCT-211?
SELECT avg(T2.stu_gpa) FROM enroll AS T1 JOIN student AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T1.class_code = T3.class_code WHERE T3.crs_code = 'ACCT-211'
[ "What is the GPA, phone number, and first name for all students?", "Order this information from highest GPA to lowest.", "What is the information for the top 5 GPAs?" ]
[ "SELECT stu_gpa , stu_phone , stu_fname FROM student", "SELECT stu_gpa , stu_phone , stu_fname FROM student ORDER BY stu_gpa DESC", "SELECT stu_gpa , stu_phone , stu_fname FROM student ORDER BY stu_gpa DESC LIMIT 5" ]
What is the first name, GPA, and phone number of the students with the top 5 GPAs?
SELECT stu_gpa , stu_phone , stu_fname FROM student ORDER BY stu_gpa DESC LIMIT 5
[ "Who is the student with lowest gpa?", "What is the department name for the student?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM student ORDER BY stu_gpa LIMIT 1", "SELECT T2.dept_name FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code ORDER BY stu_gpa LIMIT 1" ]
What is the name of the department with the student that has the lowest GPA?
SELECT T2.dept_name FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code ORDER BY stu_gpa LIMIT 1
[ "What is the average student GPA?", "Find students with a GPA less than that?", "What are their first names and GPAs?" ]
[ "SELECT avg(stu_gpa) FROM student", "SELECT * FROM student WHERE stu_gpa < (SELECT avg(stu_gpa) FROM student)", "SELECT stu_fname , stu_gpa FROM student WHERE stu_gpa < (SELECT avg(stu_gpa) FROM student)" ]
What is the first name and GPA of every student that has a GPA lower than average?
SELECT stu_fname , stu_gpa FROM student WHERE stu_gpa < (SELECT avg(stu_gpa) FROM student)
[ "What is the number of students in each department?", "Which one has the most students?", "What is that department's name and address?" ]
[ "SELECT count(*) , dept_code FROM student GROUP BY dept_code", "SELECT * FROM student GROUP BY dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1", "SELECT T2.dept_name , T2.dept_address FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1" ]
What is the name and address of the department with the most students?
SELECT T2.dept_name , T2.dept_address FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
[ "What are the names and address for each department?", "Also, how many students are in each department?", "Which of that information refers to the top 3 departments ordered by number of students?" ]
[ "SELECT dept_name , dept_address FROM department", "SELECT T2.dept_name , T2.dept_address , count(*) FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code", "SELECT T2.dept_name , T2.dept_address , count(*) FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 3" ]
What is the name, address, and number of students in the departments that have the 3 most students?
SELECT T2.dept_name , T2.dept_address , count(*) FROM student AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code GROUP BY T1.dept_code ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 3
[ "Which professors do have a Ph.D.?", "Also, which of these are in the history department?", "What are their first names and location of their offices?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM professor WHERE prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.'", "SELECT * FROM professor AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T2.dept_name = 'History' AND T1.prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.'", "SELECT T1.emp_fname , T2.prof_office FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T3.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' AND T2.prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.'" ]
What are the first names and office of the professors who are in the history department and have a Ph.D?
SELECT T1.emp_fname , T2.prof_office FROM employee AS T1 JOIN professor AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T3.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' AND T2.prof_high_degree = 'Ph.D.'
[ "What are the first names of all employees?", "who are teaching some courses?", "Also, what courses do they teach?" ]
[ "SELECT emp_fname FROM employee", "SELECT T2.emp_fname FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num", "SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.crs_code FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num" ]
What are the first names of all teachers who have taught a course and the corresponding course codes?
SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.crs_code FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num
[ "Find all employees who taught a course?", "What are their first names?", "Also, what are the course descriptions of their classes?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num", "SELECT T2.emp_fname FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num", "SELECT T2.emp_fname , T3.crs_description FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code" ]
What are the first names of all teachers who have taught a course and the corresponding descriptions?
SELECT T2.emp_fname , T3.crs_description FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code
[ "Which employees have taught some course?", "What are these courses' descriptions?", "Also, what are their office locations and the professors' first names?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num", "SELECT T3.crs_description FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code", "SELECT T2.emp_fname , T4.prof_office , T3.crs_description FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code JOIN professor AS T4 ON T2.emp_num = T4.emp_num" ]
What are the first names, office locations of all lecturers who have taught some course?
SELECT T2.emp_fname , T4.prof_office , T3.crs_description FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code JOIN professor AS T4 ON T2.emp_num = T4.emp_num
[ "Tell me all information on lecturers who have taught a course.", "What are the corresponding course descriptions?", "Also, what are those professors' first names, office locations, and department name?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num", "SELECT T3.crs_description FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code", "SELECT T2.emp_fname , T4.prof_office , T3.crs_description , T5.dept_name FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code JOIN professor AS T4 ON T2.emp_num = T4.emp_num JOIN department AS T5 ON T4.dept_code = T5.dept_code" ]
What are the first names, office locations, and departments of all instructors, and also what are the descriptions of the courses they teach?
SELECT T2.emp_fname , T4.prof_office , T3.crs_description , T5.dept_name FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN course AS T3 ON T1.crs_code = T3.crs_code JOIN professor AS T4 ON T2.emp_num = T4.emp_num JOIN department AS T5 ON T4.dept_code = T5.dept_code
[ "What information is there on students who are taking a class?", "What are their first and last names?", "Also, what are the descriptions for the courses they are taking?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num", "SELECT T1.stu_fname , T1.stu_lname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num", "SELECT T1.stu_fname , T1.stu_lname , T4.crs_description FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code JOIN course AS T4 ON T3.crs_code = T4.crs_code" ]
What are the names of all students who took a class and the corresponding course descriptions?
SELECT T1.stu_fname , T1.stu_lname , T4.crs_description FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code JOIN course AS T4 ON T3.crs_code = T4.crs_code
[ "Which students did receive an A in any courses?", "Who of them also received a C in any courses?", "What are their' first names and last names?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T2.enroll_grade = 'A'", "SELECT * FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T2.enroll_grade = 'C' OR T2.enroll_grade = 'A'", "SELECT T1.stu_fname , T1.stu_lname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T2.enroll_grade = 'C' OR T2.enroll_grade = 'A'" ]
What are the names of all students taking a course who received an A or C?
SELECT T1.stu_fname , T1.stu_lname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T2.enroll_grade = 'C' OR T2.enroll_grade = 'A'
[ "What are the first names of all professors who are teaching any classes?", "Which of them are from the Accounting department?", "Also, what classrooms do they teach in?" ]
[ "SELECT T2.emp_fname FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN professor AS T3 ON T2.emp_num = T3.emp_num", "SELECT T2.emp_fname FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN professor AS T3 ON T2.emp_num = T3.emp_num JOIN department AS T4 ON T4.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T4.dept_name = 'Accounting'", "SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.class_room FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN professor AS T3 ON T2.emp_num = T3.emp_num JOIN department AS T4 ON T4.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T4.dept_name = 'Accounting'" ]
What are the first names of all Accounting professors who teach and what are the classrooms of the courses they teach?
SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.class_room FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN professor AS T3 ON T2.emp_num = T3.emp_num JOIN department AS T4 ON T4.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T4.dept_name = 'Accounting'
[ "Which professors are teaching some classes?", "Which of them are from the Computer Information Systems department?", "What are their first names and highest degrees?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN professor AS T3 ON T2.emp_num = T3.emp_num", "SELECT * FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN professor AS T3 ON T2.emp_num = T3.emp_num JOIN department AS T4 ON T4.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T4.dept_name = 'Computer Info. Systems'", "SELECT DISTINCT T2.emp_fname , T3.prof_high_degree FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN professor AS T3 ON T2.emp_num = T3.emp_num JOIN department AS T4 ON T4.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T4.dept_name = 'Computer Info. Systems'" ]
What are the different first names and highest degree attained for professors teaching in the Computer Information Systems department?
SELECT DISTINCT T2.emp_fname , T3.prof_high_degree FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num JOIN professor AS T3 ON T2.emp_num = T3.emp_num JOIN department AS T4 ON T4.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T4.dept_name = 'Computer Info. Systems'
[ "What are the last names of all students?", "Which of those refer to students who received a grade of A in some classes?", "Of those, who is enrolled in 10018?" ]
[ "SELECT stu_lname FROM student", "SELECT T1.stu_lname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T2.enroll_grade = 'A'", "SELECT T1.stu_lname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T2.enroll_grade = 'A' AND T2.class_code = 10018" ]
What is the last name of the student who received an A in the class with the code 10018?
SELECT T1.stu_lname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T2.enroll_grade = 'A' AND T2.class_code = 10018
[ "What are the first names of all professors?", "Which of those are in the History department?", "Of those, who does not have a Ph.D.?" ]
[ "SELECT emp_fname FROM professor AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num", "SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.prof_office FROM professor AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T1.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History'", "SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.prof_office FROM professor AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T1.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' AND T1.prof_high_degree ! = 'Ph.D.'" ]
What are the first names and offices of history professors who don't have Ph.D.s?
SELECT T2.emp_fname , T1.prof_office FROM professor AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num JOIN department AS T3 ON T1.dept_code = T3.dept_code WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' AND T1.prof_high_degree ! = 'Ph.D.'
[ "Find the first names of all professors?", "Which of those teach more than one class?" ]
[ "SELECT emp_fname FROM professor AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.emp_num = T2.emp_num", "SELECT T2.emp_fname FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num GROUP BY T1.prof_num HAVING count(*) > 1" ]
What are the first names of all professors who teach more than one class?
SELECT T2.emp_fname FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN employee AS T2 ON T1.prof_num = T2.emp_num GROUP BY T1.prof_num HAVING count(*) > 1
[ "How many courses is each student enrolled in?", "Which students are enrolled in only one?", "What are their first names?" ]
[ "SELECT count(*) , T1.stu_num FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num GROUP BY T1.stu_num", "SELECT * FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num GROUP BY T2.stu_num HAVING count(*) = 1", "SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num GROUP BY T2.stu_num HAVING count(*) = 1" ]
What are the first names of student who only took one course?
SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num GROUP BY T2.stu_num HAVING count(*) = 1
[ "Which courses have a description including the word \"Statistics\"?", "What is the name of the departments those courses are in?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM course WHERE crs_description LIKE '%Statistics%'", "SELECT T2.dept_name FROM course AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T1.crs_description LIKE '%Statistics%'" ]
What is the name of the department that offers a course that has a description including the word "Statistics"?
SELECT T2.dept_name FROM course AS T1 JOIN department AS T2 ON T1.dept_code = T2.dept_code WHERE T1.crs_description LIKE '%Statistics%'
[ "What information is on students whose name starts with 'S'?", "Which of them took course ACCT-211?", "What are their first names?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM student WHERE stu_lname LIKE 'S%'", "SELECT * FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code WHERE T3.crs_code = 'ACCT-211' AND T1.stu_lname LIKE 'S%'", "SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code WHERE T3.crs_code = 'ACCT-211' AND T1.stu_lname LIKE 'S%'" ]
What is the first name of the student whose last name starts with the letter S and is taking ACCT-211?
SELECT T1.stu_fname FROM student AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.stu_num = T2.stu_num JOIN CLASS AS T3 ON T2.class_code = T3.class_code WHERE T3.crs_code = 'ACCT-211' AND T1.stu_lname LIKE 'S%'
[ "Find all the modern rooms.", "Of those, which have a base price lower than $160 and two beds? Return the room names." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE decor = 'modern'", "SELECT roomName FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice < 160 AND beds = 2 AND decor = 'modern';" ]
What are the names of modern rooms that have a base price lower than $160 and two beds.
SELECT roomName FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice < 160 AND beds = 2 AND decor = 'modern';
[ "Find all the rooms whose price is above 160.", "Of those, which rooms can accommodate more than two people?", "Give me the name and id of those rooms." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 160", "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 160 AND maxOccupancy > 2;", "SELECT roomName , RoomId FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 160 AND maxOccupancy > 2;" ]
What are the room names and ids of all the rooms that cost more than 160 and can accommodate more than two people.
SELECT roomName , RoomId FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 160 AND maxOccupancy > 2;
[ "How many reservations were made for each room?", "Which room has the largest number of reservations?", "Tell me the name of that room." ]
[ "SELECT count(*) FROM Reservations GROUP BY Room", "SELECT * FROM Reservations GROUP BY Room ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1", "SELECT T2.roomName FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1;" ]
Which room has the largest number of reservations?
SELECT T2.roomName FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1;
[ "Find the reservations made by a person called ROY SWEAZ", "How many kids stay in the rooms reserved by this person?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Reservations WHERE FirstName = \"ROY\" AND LastName = \"SWEAZY\";", "SELECT kids FROM Reservations WHERE FirstName = \"ROY\" AND LastName = \"SWEAZY\";" ]
Find the number of kids staying in the rooms reserved by a person called ROY SWEAZ.
SELECT kids FROM Reservations WHERE FirstName = "ROY" AND LastName = "SWEAZY";
[ "Find the reservations made by a person called ROY SWEAZ", "Count the number of times ROY SWEAZY has made reservations." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Reservations WHERE FirstName = \"ROY\" AND LastName = \"SWEAZY\";", "SELECT count(*) FROM Reservations WHERE FirstName = \"ROY\" AND LastName = \"SWEAZY\";" ]
Find the number of times ROY SWEAZY has reserved a room.
SELECT count(*) FROM Reservations WHERE FirstName = "ROY" AND LastName = "SWEAZY";
[ "Find the room with the highest rate.", "What are the name, rate, check in and check out date of this room?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Reservations GROUP BY Room ORDER BY Rate DESC LIMIT 1;", "SELECT T2.roomName , T1.Rate , T1.CheckIn , T1.CheckOut FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room ORDER BY T1.Rate DESC LIMIT 1;" ]
Return the name, rate, check in and check out date for the room with the highest rate.
SELECT T2.roomName , T1.Rate , T1.CheckIn , T1.CheckOut FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room ORDER BY T1.Rate DESC LIMIT 1;
[ "Which reservations were made by CONRAD SELBIG?", "Which one has check in date Oct 23, 2010?", "Find the number of adults for this reservation." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Reservations WHERE FirstName = \"CONRAD\" AND LastName = \"SELBIG\";", "SELECT * FROM Reservations WHERE CheckIn = \"2010-10-23\" AND FirstName = \"CONRAD\" AND LastName = \"SELBIG\";", "SELECT Adults FROM Reservations WHERE CheckIn = \"2010-10-23\" AND FirstName = \"CONRAD\" AND LastName = \"SELBIG\";" ]
Find the number of adults for the room reserved and checked in by CONRAD SELBIG on Oct 23, 2010.
SELECT Adults FROM Reservations WHERE CheckIn = "2010-10-23" AND FirstName = "CONRAD" AND LastName = "SELBIG";
[ "Which reservations were made by DAMIEN TRACHSEL?", "Which one has check in date Sep 21, 2010?", "Find the number of kids for this reservation." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Reservations WHERE FirstName = \"DAMIEN\" AND LastName = \"TRACHSEL\";", "SELECT * FROM Reservations WHERE CheckIn = \"2010-09-21\" AND FirstName = \"DAMIEN\" AND LastName = \"TRACHSEL\";", "SELECT Kids FROM Reservations WHERE CheckIn = \"2010-09-21\" AND FirstName = \"DAMIEN\" AND LastName = \"TRACHSEL\";" ]
Return the number of kids for the room reserved and checked in by DAMIEN TRACHSEL on Sep 21, 2010.
SELECT Kids FROM Reservations WHERE CheckIn = "2010-09-21" AND FirstName = "DAMIEN" AND LastName = "TRACHSEL";
[ "Return all the rooms with king beds.", "What is the total number of king beds?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King';", "SELECT sum(beds) FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King';" ]
Find the total number of king beds available.
SELECT sum(beds) FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King';
[ "Return all the rooms with king beds.", "What are the names and decor of these rooms?", "Sort the list by the room base price." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King'", "SELECT roomName , decor FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King'", "SELECT roomName , decor FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King' ORDER BY basePrice;" ]
What are the names and decor of rooms with a king bed? Sort them by their price
SELECT roomName , decor FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King' ORDER BY basePrice;
[ "What is the base price of each room?", "Order the rooms by their base price.", "Report the room name and base price of the cheapest room." ]
[ "SELECT basePrice FROM Rooms", "SELECT * FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice ASC", "SELECT roomName , basePrice FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice ASC LIMIT 1;" ]
What are the room name and base price of the room with the lowest base price?
SELECT roomName , basePrice FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice ASC LIMIT 1;
[ "Find the room with name \"Recluse and defiance\".", "What is its decor?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE roomName = \"Recluse and defiance\";", "SELECT decor FROM Rooms WHERE roomName = \"Recluse and defiance\";" ]
Return the decor of the room named "Recluse and defiance".
SELECT decor FROM Rooms WHERE roomName = "Recluse and defiance";
[ "Group all the rooms by the bed type.", "For each bed type, find the average base price of different bed type." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms GROUP BY bedType;", "SELECT bedType , avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms GROUP BY bedType;" ]
For each bed type, find the average base price of different bed type.
SELECT bedType , avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms GROUP BY bedType;
[ "For each modern room, find the maximum number of people who can stay in.", "What is the total number of people who can stay in the modern rooms of this inn?" ]
[ "SELECT maxOccupancy FROM Rooms WHERE decor = 'modern';", "SELECT sum(maxOccupancy) FROM Rooms WHERE decor = 'modern';" ]
How many people in total can stay in the modern rooms of this inn?
SELECT sum(maxOccupancy) FROM Rooms WHERE decor = 'modern';
[ "Find the decor of each room", "For each type of decor, how many reservations were made?", "Which decor is the least popular?" ]
[ "SELECT decor FROM Rooms", "SELECT count(T2.decor) FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T2.decor", "SELECT T2.decor FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T2.decor ORDER BY count(T2.decor) ASC LIMIT 1;" ]
What is the least popular kind of decor?
SELECT T2.decor FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T2.decor ORDER BY count(T2.decor) ASC LIMIT 1;
[ "What is the maximum capacity of each room?", "What is the number of people who actually stayed for each room reservation? The number of people include adults and kids.", "How many times the number reached the maximum capacity?" ]
[ "SELECT maxOccupancy FROM Rooms", "SELECT T1.Adults + T1.Kids FROM Reservations AS T1", "SELECT count(*) FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE T2.maxOccupancy = T1.Adults + T1.Kids;" ]
How many times the number of adults and kids staying in a room reached the maximum capacity of the room?
SELECT count(*) FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE T2.maxOccupancy = T1.Adults + T1.Kids;
[ "For each reservation, find the base price and the actual rate payed.", "How many times did the actual price exceeded the base price?", "What are the first and last names of people who payed more than the rooms' base prices?" ]
[ "SELECT T1.Rate , T2.basePrice FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId", "SELECT count(*) FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE T1.Rate - T2.basePrice > 0", "SELECT T1.firstname , T1.lastname FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE T1.Rate - T2.basePrice > 0" ]
What are the first and last names of people who payed more than the rooms' base prices?
SELECT T1.firstname , T1.lastname FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE T1.Rate - T2.basePrice > 0
[ "List all the rooms.", "Count the number of rooms." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms;", "SELECT count(*) FROM Rooms;" ]
What is the total number of rooms available in this inn?
SELECT count(*) FROM Rooms;
[ "Return all the rooms with king beds.", "What is the total number such rooms?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King';", "SELECT count(*) FROM Rooms WHERE bedtype = 'King';" ]
How many rooms have a king bed?
SELECT count(*) FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = "King";
[ "Group all the rooms by the bed type", "For each bed type, count the number of rooms." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms GROUP BY bedType;", "SELECT bedType , count(*) FROM Rooms GROUP BY bedType;" ]
What are the number of rooms for each bed type?
SELECT bedType , count(*) FROM Rooms GROUP BY bedType;
[ "Sort all the rooms by the maximum occupancy.", "Which room has the largest capacity?", "Tell me the name of that room." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms ORDER BY maxOccupancy DESC", "SELECT * FROM Rooms ORDER BY maxOccupancy DESC LIMIT 1;", "SELECT roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY maxOccupancy DESC LIMIT 1;" ]
What is the name of the room that can accommodate the most people?
SELECT roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY maxOccupancy DESC LIMIT 1;
[ "List all the rooms in the descending order of the base price.", "Which room has the highest base price?", "Give me the id and name of this room." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice DESC", "SELECT * FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice DESC LIMIT 1;", "SELECT RoomId , roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice DESC LIMIT 1;" ]
Which room has the highest base price?
SELECT RoomId , roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice DESC LIMIT 1;
[ "Which rooms have traditional decor?", "What are the name and bed type of those rooms?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE decor = \"traditional\";", "SELECT roomName , bedType FROM Rooms WHERE decor = \"traditional\";" ]
What are the bed type and name of all the rooms with traditional decor?
SELECT roomName , bedType FROM Rooms WHERE decor = "traditional";
[ "Which rooms have king beds?", "Group all the rooms with king beds according to the decor type.", "Count the number of rooms for each decor type." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = \"King\"", "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = \"King\" GROUP BY decor;", "SELECT decor , count(*) FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = \"King\" GROUP BY decor;" ]
How many rooms have king beds? Report the number for each decor type.
SELECT decor , count(*) FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = "King" GROUP BY decor;
[ "What is the average price of all the rooms?", "What about the minimum price?", "Tell me the average and minimum price of the rooms for each different decor." ]
[ "SELECT avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms", "SELECT min(basePrice) FROM Rooms", "SELECT decor , avg(basePrice) , min(basePrice) FROM Rooms GROUP BY decor;" ]
What is the average minimum and price of the rooms for each different decor.
SELECT decor , avg(basePrice) , min(basePrice) FROM Rooms GROUP BY decor;
[ "Sort all the rooms according to the price", "Just show the room names" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice;", "SELECT roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice;" ]
Sort all the rooms according to the price. Just report the room names.
SELECT roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice;
[ "Show me all the rooms that cost more than 120.", "How many rooms?", "Tell me how many rooms cost more than 120, for each different decor." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 120", "SELECT count(*) FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 120", "SELECT decor , count(*) FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 120 GROUP BY decor;" ]
How many rooms cost more than 120, for each different decor?
SELECT decor , count(*) FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 120 GROUP BY decor;
[ "Tell me the average price of rooms.", "Report the average room price for each bed type." ]
[ "SELECT avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms", "SELECT bedType , avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms GROUP BY bedType;" ]
What is the average base price of rooms, for each bed type?
SELECT bedType , avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms GROUP BY bedType;
[ "Find all the rooms with a king bed.", "How about queen bed?", "Return the names of rooms that have either of them." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = \"King\"", "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = \"Queen\";", "SELECT roomName FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = \"King\" OR bedType = \"Queen\";" ]
What are the names of rooms that have either king or queen bed?
SELECT roomName FROM Rooms WHERE bedType = "King" OR bedType = "Queen";
[ "Tell me the bed type for each room.", "How many distinct types of beds are there?" ]
[ "SELECT bedType FROM Rooms;", "SELECT count(DISTINCT bedType) FROM Rooms;" ]
Find the number of distinct bed types available in this inn.
SELECT count(DISTINCT bedType) FROM Rooms;
[ "Return a list of all the rooms sorted in the descending order of base prices.", "Return the top three.", "Just tell me the room id and name for these rooms." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice DESC", "SELECT * FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice DESC LIMIT 3;", "SELECT RoomId , roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice DESC LIMIT 3;" ]
What are the name and id of the three highest priced rooms?
SELECT RoomId , roomName FROM Rooms ORDER BY basePrice DESC LIMIT 3;
[ "What is the average room price in this inn?", "Find all the rooms that cost more than that.", "What are their room names?" ]
[ "SELECT avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms", "SELECT * FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > ( SELECT avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms );", "SELECT roomName FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > ( SELECT avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms );" ]
What are the name of rooms that cost more than the average.
SELECT roomName FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > ( SELECT avg(basePrice) FROM Rooms );
[ "Find the ids of all the rooms that have been reserved before.", "Which rooms have not had any reservation yet?", "How many are there?" ]
[ "SELECT DISTINCT room FROM reservations", "SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE roomid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT room FROM reservations)", "SELECT count(*) FROM rooms WHERE roomid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT room FROM reservations)" ]
How many rooms have not had any reservation yet?
SELECT count(*) FROM rooms WHERE roomid NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT room FROM reservations)
[ "Group all the reservation record by the rooms.", "For each room, count how many times it was booked.", "Also report the name of each room." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Reservations GROUP BY Room", "SELECT count(*) FROM Reservations GROUP BY Room", "SELECT T2.roomName , count(*) FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room" ]
For each room, find its name and the number of times reservations were made for it.
SELECT T2.roomName , count(*) , T1.Room FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room
[ "For each room, count how many times it was booked.", "Which rooms have been booked more than 60 times?", "Give me the names of the rooms." ]
[ "SELECT count(*) FROM Reservations GROUP BY Room", "SELECT * FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room HAVING count(*) > 60", "SELECT T2.roomName FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room HAVING count(*) > 60" ]
What are the names of rooms whose reservation frequency exceeds 60 times?
SELECT T2.roomName FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId GROUP BY T1.Room HAVING count(*) > 60
[ "Which rooms' base prices are between 120 and 150?", "Give me the names of these rooms." ]
[ "SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE baseprice BETWEEN 120 AND 150", "SELECT roomname FROM rooms WHERE baseprice BETWEEN 120 AND 150" ]
Which rooms cost between 120 and 150? Give me the room names.
SELECT roomname FROM rooms WHERE baseprice BETWEEN 120 AND 150
[ "Find the reservations made by customers whose first name has \"ROY\" in part.", "What rooms were booked by these customers?", "What are the names of these rooms?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Reservations WHERE firstname LIKE '%ROY%'", "SELECT * FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE firstname LIKE '%ROY%'", "SELECT T2.roomName FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE firstname LIKE '%ROY%'" ]
What are the name of rooms booked by customers whose first name has "ROY" in part?
SELECT T2.roomName FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE firstname LIKE '%ROY%'
[ "What are the different allergies?", "How many are there?" ]
[ "SELECT DISTINCT allergy FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT count(DISTINCT allergy) FROM Allergy_type" ]
How many allergy entries are there?
SELECT count(DISTINCT allergy) FROM Allergy_type
[ "What are the different types of allergies?", "How many are there?" ]
[ "SELECT DISTINCT allergytype FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT count(DISTINCT allergytype) FROM Allergy_type" ]
How many distinct allergies are there?
SELECT count(DISTINCT allergytype) FROM Allergy_type
[ "Show all allergy information.", "What are the different allergy types?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT DISTINCT allergytype FROM Allergy_type" ]
What are the different allergy types?
SELECT DISTINCT allergytype FROM Allergy_type
[ "What are the allergies?", "What type is each one?" ]
[ "SELECT allergy FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT allergy , allergytype FROM Allergy_type" ]
What are the allergies and their types?
SELECT allergy , allergytype FROM Allergy_type
[ "What are all the different allergy names?", "Which of those are food-related?" ]
[ "SELECT DISTINCT allergy FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT DISTINCT allergy FROM Allergy_type WHERE allergytype = \"food\"" ]
What are all the different food allergies?
SELECT DISTINCT allergy FROM Allergy_type WHERE allergytype = "food"
[ "What are the different types of allergies?", "Which one is a cat allergy?" ]
[ "SELECT DISTINCT allergytype FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type WHERE allergy = \"Cat\"" ]
What is allergy type of a cat allergy?
SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type WHERE allergy = "Cat"
[ "What are all the allergies?", "Which allergies are categorized as type animal?", "How many are there in that category?" ]
[ "SELECT allergy FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT allergy FROM Allergy_type WHERE allergytype = \"animal\"", "SELECT count(*) FROM Allergy_type WHERE allergytype = \"animal\"" ]
How many animal type allergies exist?
SELECT count(*) FROM Allergy_type WHERE allergytype = "animal"
[ "What are the different allergy types?", "How many are in each category?" ]
[ "SELECT DISTINCT allergytype FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT allergytype , count(*) FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype" ]
What are the allergy types and how many allergies correspond to each one?
SELECT allergytype , count(*) FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype
[ "What are all the different allergy types?", "Order them by number of allergies descendingly.", "Which one has the most?" ]
[ "SELECT DISTINCT allergytype FROM Allergy_type", "SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype ORDER BY count(*) DESC", "SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1" ]
Which allergy type is most common?
SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
[ "How many allergies exist for each allergy type?", "Which one has the fewest?" ]
[ "SELECT count(*) , allergytype FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype", "SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype ORDER BY count(*) ASC LIMIT 1" ]
Which allergy type is the least common?
SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype ORDER BY count(*) ASC LIMIT 1
[ "Who are all the students?", "How many are there?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student", "SELECT count(*) FROM Student" ]
What is the total number of students?
SELECT count(*) FROM Student
[ "Who are all the students?", "What are their first names?", "And what about their last names?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student", "SELECT Fname FROM Student", "SELECT Lname FROM Student" ]
What are the full names of all students
SELECT Fname , Lname FROM Student
[ "Who are the students?", "Who are the distinct advisors?", "How many are there?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student", "SELECT DISTINCT advisor FROM Student", "SELECT count(DISTINCT advisor) FROM Student" ]
How many advisors are there?
SELECT count(DISTINCT advisor) FROM Student
[ "Who are the students?", "What are their distinct majors?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student", "SELECT DISTINCT Major FROM Student" ]
What are the different majors?
[ "Who are the students?", "What distinct cities are they from?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student", "SELECT DISTINCT city_code FROM Student" ]
What cities do students live in?
SELECT DISTINCT city_code FROM Student
[ "Who are the female students?", "What are their full names?", "How old are they?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sex = 'F'", "SELECT Fname , Lname FROM Student WHERE Sex = 'F'", "SELECT Age FROM Student WHERE Sex = 'F'" ]
What are the full names and ages for all female students whose sex is F?
SELECT Fname , Lname , Age FROM Student WHERE Sex = 'F'
[ "Which students are male?", "What are their student id numbers?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sex = 'M'", "SELECT StuID FROM Student WHERE Sex = 'M'" ]
What are the student ids for all male students?
[ "Which students are 18?", "How many are there in total?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE age = 18", "SELECT count(*) FROM Student WHERE age = 18" ]
How many students are 18 years old?
SELECT count(*) FROM Student WHERE age = 18
[ "Who is older than 20?", "What are their student ids?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE age > 20", "SELECT StuID FROM Student WHERE age > 20" ]
What are the student ids for students over 20 years old?
SELECT StuID FROM Student WHERE age > 20
[ "Which student has the last name Kim?", "Where does she or he live?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE LName = \"Kim\"", "SELECT city_code FROM Student WHERE LName = \"Kim\"" ]
Give the city that the student whose family name is Kim lives in.
SELECT city_code FROM Student WHERE LName = "Kim"
[ "Who's student id is 1004?", "Who is her advisor?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE StuID = 1004", "SELECT Advisor FROM Student WHERE StuID = 1004" ]
Who advises student 1004?
SELECT Advisor FROM Student WHERE StuID = 1004
[ "Who lives in HKG or CHI?", "How many is that?" ]
[ "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE city_code = \"HKG\" OR city_code = \"CHI\"", "SELECT count(*) FROM Student WHERE city_code = \"HKG\" OR city_code = \"CHI\"" ]
Give the number of students living in either HKG or CHI.
SELECT count(*) FROM Student WHERE city_code = "HKG" OR city_code = "CHI"