16 values
8 values
1 value
Inspire others to be healthier and get outside
$355 raised of $5,000 goal • 10 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
10 donations
Veon McReynolds is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi I'm veon mcreynolds i want to inspire other to get outside and exercise while taking care of our environment.
Created November 26, 2022
Dan's finish cancer in Florida
$1,040 raised of $5,000 goal • 16 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
16 donations
Stephanie Smith is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Daniel Hare.
Hi my name is Stephanie and I'm raising money to get someone so dear to back to Florida. Dan Hare was diagnosed with cancer this year and is currently undergoing extensive chemo treatments. His last wish is to be in Florida and enjoy the warmth it has to offer. He wants to do some charter fishing while he can and a few other things before his energy and motivation runs low. Dan is such an amazing soul and he deserves to be in Florida for whatever final days he has left. Please help with what you can. We will be eternally grateful. Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for your donation ❤️
Motley, MN
Stephanie Smith 
Created December 27, 2022
Help Donald Zepeda Out of Jail
$1,703 raised of $2,000 goal • 21 donors
raised of $2,000 goal
21 donations
Declare Emergency is organizing this fundraiser.
Please help Donald Zepeda!!! The Long Version is below, but here’s a short version of Donald’s story: Donald Zepeda has put his body and his liberty on the line many many times in non-violent acts to save humanity. He is in jail right now in Manatee County Florida as a result of one of those acts against our government’s willful inaction on climate change. He’s already been in jail for 3 weeks, and he's got to sit in jail for 6 more weeks until his court hearing. He needs your support! In Sept 2021 Donald Zepeda was arrested at the Florida State Capitol in Leon County after a non-violent protest to bring attention to the climate emergency: he poured water-soluble liquids, representing blood and oil, on the steps of the building. For that, he was charged with misdemeanors, but the charges were later upped to felonies using a bogus law enacted to punish anti-racists for pulling down racist monuments. He went to Florida, alone, on October 13 to resolve the Capitol arrest charges and was sentenced to 7 days in Leon County Jail. But Donald is still in jail. That’s because Manatee County Florida, issued a warrant against Donald for a probation violation. Donald got arrested at a July 2022 non-violent climate protest at the White House while on probation for non-violently walking across the Manatee County Sunshine Skyway Bridge at an earlier climate protest in October 2021. On October 26, Donald was transported from Leon County Jail to the Manatee County Jail. In Manatee, he’s waiting for a hearing for the probation violation. That hearing won't happen until December 12. He could get up to a year in jail, but we hope he’s sentenced to time served. If you're like me, the more experience you have with our justice system, the less confidence you have in it. If you're wondering why we have so many prisoners in this country, now you know. It’s obscene that Donald will spend upwards of 2 months in jail for non-violent acts against our government’s willful inaction on the climate catastrophe, especially when fossil fuel profiteers roam free. But that’s the world we live in, and the world we all are trying to change. Donald put his body and his liberty on the line for the rest of us many, many times. Now he needs us. If you can help Donald o paywith a few bucks to help with legal expenses please do. Anything you can spare.... Thank you!!!!
Washington D.C., DC
Declare Emergency 
Created November 3, 2022
Margot's Frog Project
$2,133 raised of $800 goal • 37 donors
raised of $800 goal
37 donations
Lindsay Fass Graham is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Frog House Project Inc.  
If you're anything like me, if you see the same thing over and over, you say to yourself something like "ENOUGH ABOUT THE FROGS [fill in the blank] ALREADY!!!" So, I hope you're not like me! Every year as a countdown to my mother, Margot's birthday, and then again for my birthday, I raise money for her non-profit. There is no greater gift to me than bringing my mom joy. She works tirelessly for her patients who still won't let her retire (here at 82!), AND she spends mountains of time and resources on her project to save the planet one hop at a time and now, endless energy managing my father's care which is now around the clock. This year I am intent on making it a big my birthday gift to mom: Please help. 100 people at 100 bucks will get her money back. This is not only an exceptionally good cause, it's for an exceptionally good human being (my mom) backing this cause.
Created December 7, 2022
Protecting Native Forests
$875 raised of $15,000 goal • 21 donors
raised of $15,000 goal
21 donations
Team fundraiser Sahar Giovacchini and 7 others are organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, I'm Sahar Giovacchini, and I'm trying to buy a 20-acre plot of land in Louisiana, the state that is ranked as the worst in pollution of all fifty states in the United States, to then convert into a forest. I plan to block off this land to allow nature to heal and grow. While planting trees and driving less is invaluable, one cannot understate the importance of allowing native plants and ecosystems to remain healthy and thrive. This land contains trees, swampland and a river, which are vital for plant and animal life living there. I have wanted to start a project involving allowing nature to grow naturally for a long time now, but as a young person, this has always seemed to be something that could only happen far into the future. However, the climate crisis is so dire that action has to be taken now. While this is a relatively large undertaking, especially for someone my age, I believe I can do this, but only with your help. This property contains a river stretching for several miles and is almost entirely made up of forest. There is only one small piece of developed land nearby, and the river is separate from farms that could leak runoff. The surrounding area is a continuation of the land's forest, making it an ideal choice for this project. The funds from this project will help to pay for the down payment, closing costs, and other fees, as well as the monthly payment for some time. This land will help reduce carbon in the atmosphere and provide a home for the wildlife in the area. The planet is so fragile and rapidly declining, so everything helps. Whatever you can contribute would be much appreciated, even if that is just sharing this with those who can donate. I want to grow up in a world where I can enjoy the outdoors that those who came before me did, and that can only happen if we take action now. I appreciate your help. It is so vital right now.
Raised $90 from 2 donations
Sahar Giovacchini 
Created October 18, 2022
$1,150 raised of $10,000 goal • 25 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
25 donations
Agustín Ocaña Escobar is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Agustín Ocaña Escobar.
Funds make it possible to assist COP27 as Ecuadorian delegate representing the youth of my country with the other two** people. Each ticket is $3000 + $1000 hotel expenses [email redacted] If you need more information COP 27 is the conference where global agreements around human activities take place. http://rebrand.ly/agustincop27 be curious and take a look to understand why your help is IMPORTANT *more than 50 thousand Hectares can be protected with the proper networking during COP27 Hi, my name is Agustin Ocana. I am a 28 year old biotechnology engineer and climate youth leader living in Manta, Ecuador. Two of my colleagues and I have graciously been invited to attend the 2022 United Nations Climate Conference in Egypt. As delegates of Ecuador representing the youth of my country, this will give us a once in a lifetime opportunity to collaborate with activists, scientists and government officials from all over the world to combat the most serious threat any of us have ever faced, CLIMATE CHANGE. Your donation will allow us to pay for travel expenses to attend this very important conference and share with the world the vital work we have been doing here in Ecuador. You can see more info on this work here: http://rebrand.ly/agustincop27 Please feel free to reach out to me or my two colleagues with any questions about the work we have been doing to make the world a more sustainable place for future generations. ** https://www.instagram.com/janice.pura.vida/ **https://www.instagram.com/paolachavez.p/ Related personal actions: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjGtnUdAIev/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/p/CjYx8bLuzl1/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjK7lgNvMa2/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiGMCaXpW-l/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChpsM3UM-vX/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= http://rebrand.ly/agustincop27
Created October 22, 2022
Make fashion sustainable
$1,467 raised of $30,000 goal • 19 donors
raised of $30,000 goal
19 donations
Claudia Ohana is organizing this fundraiser to benefit DesignLab Give Inc.  
The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world after oil. Every year billions of fibers, remnants of clothing, and textiles end up in landfills. With all of the beauty that fashion provides, it also pollutes our world. How can we support fashion’s contributions without harming the environment? Design Lab Give is an organization that strives to make the clothing industry more sustainable. Donating to this GoFundMe will help raise money for a textile shredder that takes leftover materials and breaks them down to create new fiber for future fabrics. It is incredibly beneficial as it will minimize waste and make many new jobs. By donating you will be creating a more environmentally friendly, sustainable world! * for more information go to  https://www.designlabgive.org/  or follow them on Instagram  https://instagram.com/designlabgive?igshid=YTY2NzY3YTc= 
North Miami, FL
Claudia Ohana 
Created November 18, 2022
Christmas Gifts for PICU Families
$410 raised of $700 goal • 12 donors
raised of $700 goal
12 donations
Lauren Wilson is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, my name is Lauren Wilson. My family and I know firsthand how challenging this time of year can be for families, especially those with a little one in the hospital. Our goal for this fundraiser is to bring awareness to what these families go through and help show them that they are not forgotten during this holiday season. During the many stays in the NICU/PICU with our son, this support meant so much to our family. The kindness we received from other families helped get us through the most challenging times, and we would like to use this opportunity to pay the kindness forward. This fundraiser will help fill gift bags for each family in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Prisma Health Children's Hospital in Columbia, SC.
Columbia, SC
Lauren Wilson 
Created December 12, 2022
$770 raised of $1,000 goal • 19 donors
raised of $1,000 goal
19 donations
Alekz Londos is organizing this fundraiser.
I am creating an organic food forest, plant nursery, and camping retreat on the 1.5-acre property I bought in Northern California. There is rich fertile soil, a south facing hillside, and stream running through the property. UPDATE: THANKS FOR EVERYONE'S DONATIONS ON THE GO FUND ME THAT CAN BE SEEN IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. THIS IS WHAT I'VE ALREADY PLANTED. THESE COLD-HARDY PLANTS ARE SUITABLE FOR ZONES 4-6 1 Kiwi 1 Common Hop 1 Raspberry 1 Gooseberry 1 Colorado Blue Spruce Tree 1 Cedar Tree 2 Grape 3 Blackberry 3 Mulberry Trees 5 Fig Trees 3 Pomegranate 11 Goji Berry 25 Blueberry I also have dozens of sprouting Yukon Gold Potatoes, garlic, and fruit/vegetable seeds that grow well in the climate zone. YES, I WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE MORE FRUIT TREE VARIETIES!!!! Bareroot Mandarin, Cherry, Persimmon, Plumb, Walnut, Peach, Apple, Pear, Apricot trees and Asparagus plants. Right now is bareroot season when fruit trees are cheaper, and the window to buy them this season is quickly closing!!!!!! AND DON'T WORRY, THIS PROPERTY WILL BE EPIC IN THE SPRING ONCE ALL THE SNOW MELTS! About me: I have acquired 85 units of Cabrillo College studying horticulture, plant propagation, permaculture, greenhouse design, hydroponics, aquaponics, rainwater catchment, solar technology, LEED-certified green building construction and design. In the past, I have lived off-grid in a cargo shipping container (for four years) that I converted into a tiny home. I had a plant nursery, chickens for eggs, an aquaponic system, a hydroponic system, an outdoor garden, a compost bin, a worm bin etc. The tiny home had a rainwater catchment system, a 550-gallon water tank, an on-demand water heater, a solar system and even a video security system. I want to create this food forest so I can give organic produce to my family/friends, and homeless people throughout California. I would have an organic plant nursery to provide/sell plant starts and native tree saplings. Eventually, I might build a small tiny home on the property for tools and establish a camping area for visitors next to the creek that runs through the property. I will follow all camping laws, ordinances, and zoning restrictions. The fruit trees will sequester carbon from the atmosphere essentially lowering my carbon footprint and help with our global transition toward sustainability. This has been my dream for over a decade, and the only thing that has limited me is money. Thanks for everyone's support of my ideas, goals, and objectives. I value and appreciate all of you! Sincerely, Alekz Londos
Created December 10, 2022
Protectors of the Border: Land Water and Wildlife
$825 raised of $2,000 goal • 17 donors
raised of $2,000 goal
17 donations
Toni McNamara is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center.  
What follows is Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center's Kate Scott's statement referring to the success of the Border Wall Protest in stopping all further placement of shipping containers, and the removal of the heavy equipment from the formerly serene landscape. “The land, water and wildlife has finally been given the peace and respect it deserves because the people have stood tall for the rule of law. So many hearts and minds have come together to speak for the voiceless and to those who have the power to stop the work and send machines and men away. Let it be now. Stop the illegal de-struction. Begin now to remove the containers from our beautiful borderlands. Many join our effort and will continue to do so, until we see those containers leaving the Coronado National Forest.” The donation of your funds will be used to reimburse expenses for supplies needed by those passionate and steadfast folks who have stared down the equipment and the contractors and forced their retreat. The camp is still occupied and will need to remain so, as the contractor continues to attempt to resume placement of the hundreds of containers still stacked in their storage yard. Your donations are much appreciated, by the warriors involved in the protest, and by the land, water and wildlife! All donations from this fundraiser will be used in support of the Protectors of the Borderlands, and not by Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center itself.
Elgin, AZ
Toni McNamara 
Created December 14, 2022
Pollinator Habitat Garden Restoration Berkeley
$542 raised of $575 goal • 13 donors
raised of $575 goal
13 donations
Taylor Rein is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, my name is Taylor with the save the bees campaign. I am helping fundraise for plants and watering supplies for a great space on campus to convert a drought-tolerant native plant garden. Our team is regularly helping with maintenance, upkeep, and educational tours of our campus spaces and we want to continue this effort into the future. Unfortunately, we did not receive special funding from grant projects this year, so every dollar helps with student internship time and resources. Thank you!
Berkeley, CA
Taylor Rein 
Words of support (1) Please donate to share words of support. Kathy Kramer $25•2 mos Good luck with your project! Would you let us know how it goes? Kathy
Created October 20, 2022
Support Scientist Rebellion
$2,652 raised of $10,000 goal • 42 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
42 donations
Sarah Elizabeth is organizing this fundraiser.
We are scientists in the United States and Canada calling for a climate revolution! All donations made to this GoFundMe will be transferred to our Open Collective for financial transparency: https://opencollective.com/srti
Austin, TX
Sarah Elizabeth 
Created November 9, 2022
Donate to help young Iraqis create real change
$5,242 raised of $10,000 goal • 25 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
25 donations
Team fundraiser Erik Gustafson and Zeena Rahman are organizing this fundraiser to benefit Enabling Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC).  
I'm fundraising to support Enabling Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that supports Iraqi activists working to build peace, create a more accountable government, and tackle crises like the impacts of climate change. Those activists include Tali, a young woman who helped create the first crosswalk in Sinjar to raise awareness about residents with disabilities; Lubna, another young woman from Ninewa who is helping her community heal and recover from years of conflict; and Salman, organizing a campaign to stop the degradation of the Tigris River. EPIC supports these change-makers through training in advocacy and communications, arming them with data from our critical research (like our climate briefing and report on Iraq's popular movement for reform), and amplifying their voices in the U.S. and international community. With your help, we will make an even more significant impact by reaching a new group of activists responding to climate change. We have the tools in place and staff ready to go. We just need the help of visionary supporters like you to fund it. Thanks in advance for contributing to this cause which means so much to me.
Created October 20, 2022
Saw-whet Owl Banding Project - Pilot Year
$491 raised of $2,000 goal • 15 donors
raised of $2,000 goal
15 donations
Ben Kehoe is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello everyone, Northern Saw-whet Owls are one of North America's least understood birds. Ben Kehoe and Nick Liadis are looking for funding to help their conservation efforts. Better understanding how these owls use local habitats is critical to conserving them. Not to mention, they are pretty cute too! Ben and Nick are in the pilot year of banding Northern Saw-whet Owls at Harrison Hills Park just outside Pittsburgh. While we were granted permission to use the site, we are having to fundraise to pay for this important research. That’s why we started this GoFundMe Page! Funds will be used for things like purchasing nets that capture the owls, reimbursing the cost of travel to the park, and paying for the time it takes to set up nets and conduct the fieldwork. Aside from the important data that will be collected and analyzed, we want to use owls as an outreach tool to create broader awareness of migratory birds and their population declines. Illustration by Ben Kehoe for the project. But I think a little background is in order. What is the project? Why is the project? How does this project work? Northern Saw-whet Owls are one of North America’s most secretive and elusive birds. They primarily breed in inaccessible areas across Canada and seek out dense habitat on their migration. Many aspects of their biology are still poorly understood, including their migratory patterns and wintering habits. These tiny, charismatic owls migrate through Southwestern PA in fall and winter here in small numbers too. By banding them, we have the chance to contribute data to a broader network of owl banding operations that seek to uncover aspects of how these birds migrate across the continent. We will also gain a sense for how they use local habitats. All essential aspects to their conservation. Bird banding is conducted by highly trained individuals under Master Banding Permits from the Bird Banding Laboratory. Birds are captured in fine nets that are strung up in their habitat. Once an owl is captured, it is brought back to the banding table in a soft cotton bag and then identified with a unique band placed around its leg. Data is then collected which includes determining the age and sex of the bird plus the measure of its body size and fat stores. The birds are safely released within a few minutes of banding and continue on their migrations. Who the heck are we?? The collaboration between Ben and Nick is ideal for studying Northern Saw-whet Owls. Their cross-disciplinary backgrounds and knowledge of local ecosystems will support the data that they collect from the owls. Here is a little more about Ben and Nick: Nick Liadis is an avian conservation biologist based here in Pittsburgh. His work takes him across the human landscape gradient into urban, suburban, and rural areas to better understand how birds live alongside humans. Trained as an architect, he got into working with birds by way of bird-window collisions. He has recently started a non-profit called Bird Lab which will study and implement solutions to human sources of avian mortality. And in particular, those within cities. Ben Kehoe is a full-time Park Ranger, nature lover (especially birds), and artist. He wanted to help coordinate this important project in a park that he loves. Seeing these cute owls up close is an amazing bonus but really, it’s all about the data, which will help guide the conservation of these amazing creatures going into an increasingly uncertain future. Thank you for the support! If we happen to get over our goal amount, those funds will go toward next year's owl banding efforts. We are hoping to develop some programming around this project and possibly add a public element. We're excited to see how this project will evolve going into the future! Note: "no raffles, sweepstakes, giveaways, or promotions are offered in exchange for any donations made to this GoFundMe"
Pittsburgh, PA
Ben Kehoe 
Created November 21, 2022
Jenny & Garret's Study with the Yawanawa Tribe
$1,100 raised of $6,000 goal • 14 donors
raised of $6,000 goal
14 donations
Rachelle Genthos is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Jenny Graves.
Greetings fellow soul seekers, psychonauts, cosmic siblings, and spiritual travelers. ✨ I’m writing today to ask for your help in supporting two of the amazing souls in our spiritual community, Jenny & Garret, on an impending medicine journey they will embark on for our collective benefit. Jenny & Garret will be making the long and arduous trek via plane, bus, and boat to Acre, Brazil to do a training with Gesileu, master rapé maker and healer, before going up river to Aldeia Segrada and settling in for an intensive village study with the Yawanawa Tribe (a beloved tradition to many of us), accompanied by Drew, Bridget, Cory and other community members. In this season of giving, please join me in supporting these two generous souls by giving forward to the work that they will do and all of the spiritual gifts they will bring back and share with everyone for years to come. As we have all experienced, things, trips, and experiences are imbued with magic when gifted. Let’s shower this trip with all the magic we can! ✨ During their three-week journey (December 31st – January 22nd), Jenny & Garret will not only heal and clarify their own spiritual path in different ways (see below for details), but will be sincerely and humbly focused on demonstrating gratitude to the Yawanawa people, all while making important, heartfelt connections and giving back directly to the stewards, land, and energetic source of this Medicine. In some unique combination, Jenny & Garret have sat, shared, and helped in ceremonies under the Yawanawa tradition multiple times and seen the profound healing this tradition elicits. Both feel called to continue their work, The Work, by taking a leap for all of us with these intensive studies and training with the Yawanawa people. The energetic exchange necessary in Medicine Work can take some careful planning and sacrifice; the financial burden of individually funding these kinds of trips can often feel counter to the community-oriented goals fueling them and the collective benefits we all receive. Jenny & Garret want the community to be able to energetically contribute to their endeavors, and there are more ways to do that than hitting the “donate” button (see below). Collectively, we can all share and join together to help fund this exceedingly important trip and all that Jenny & Garret will do, and bring back, on our behalf. Jenny will also be creating a travel handbook to help future travelers navigate the same kind of medicine trip. I have had the opportunity to sit with both Jenny and Garret in both a Yawanawa ceremony and another tradition and I am so very honored and humbled to not only know them, but be able to call them spiritual guides, friends, and soul siblings. They are both amazing creatives, with hearts of the earth, wind, water, and fire, and bring so much to ceremony and the larger community, as many of you know. They are cornerstones to our medicine family and they will be (and already are) impeccable, reciprocal ambassadors of our spiritual community, Gesileu, the Yawanana people, and our past and future ancestors. Being able to communicate and invite our community to help these two amazing humans is just one small way I can give back to these powerful, infinitely life-changing medicines, something I feel a calling to do. When I asked about their funding for this trip, there was some initial hesitation about asking for help. While Garret’s trip has been funded from an outside source, Jenny’s has not (hence the GoFundMe). In a true show of the giving, selfless nature of our travelers, when I asked about how I could help invite donations for money, Jenny communicated she wanted the donations here on GoFundMe to be put into the hands of the medicine people and the tribe, not her personal travel expenses. ♥ Both Jenny & Garret hope we can raise enough money over that expense to bring the Chief Nixiwaka, Putanny (his wife), and their people gifts (e.g. a guitar would be especially meaningful). A breakdown of exactly how the funds will be used can be found below: let’s show Jenny and Garret our love so that Jenny’s trip is not only fully supported, but both Jenny & Garret also have enough funds to choose various gifts with their generous hosts. Given his musical soul, Garret is especially excited about the possibility of gifting musical instruments (e.g. a guitar) to the Yawanawa people. If you find Medicine Work important, please consider investing in Jenny & Garret, our community, and The Work by contributing in some way. Donating money is just one way! Energetic Commitments for this New Year’s Medicine Quest: Funds to Yawanawa Tribe: $2,400 Funds to Chief Nixiwaka & Puttany (wife of Nixiwaka) for dieta: $500 Note: while on dieta, Jenny will be immersing herself in the teaching of a specific plant and will spend much of her time devoted to prayer. If you have prayers of any kind you would like her to carry for you (including specific, detailed prayers), please email her at [email redacted]. You can email Garret with prayers at [email redacted]. Travel Expenses: ~$2,100 Total Base Cost for Jenny: ~$5,000 * The first $2,900 will go directly to the tribe; anything between $2,900 - $5,000 will help fund Jenny’s travel expenses; anything we gather beyond $5,000 will be split between Garret and Jenny and will be given back to the tribe in the form of money, goods, and gifts as offerings of gratitude. Please hold Jenny & Garret in in your thoughts, prayers, and invocations for safe travels and fruitful work. Your generosity would be an infinite gift that keeps on giving. Thank you in advance for entertaining a contribution and all of your generosity! Infinite gratitude, Rachelle Ways you can support our travelers beyond this auspicious trip: Consider supporting Jenny’s well-being and spiritual work by using or sharing the important healing, integration guidance, and energetic work she does (www.intuitivevillage.com). You can also support Jenny by sending funds via PayPal [email redacted] or Venmo @jenny-grace-6. Consider supporting Garret’s general medicine work (e.g. rapé cirlces) by donating directly via VenMo @Garret-Adkins or PayPal @GarretSAdkins. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In communicating directly with Jenny & Garret about their “why” for the upcoming trip as well as how we can help, this is what they both individually shared: Garret - First and foremost to be of service to the medicine, our community, and my family. I’m going to the Amazon so I can do my own work and healing SO that I can bring something beautiful back to share with you all. I’ve been on a path of spiritual service for my whole life - and now that I’ve found a path that aligns I feel deeply called to receive more training at the source. My intention for the trip is to find more clarity in terms of next steps along my medicine path journey, to deepen my relationship with Hape and the makers (perhaps to find a teacher on the path of being a tabaquero), and to connect more deeply with the powerful healing music of the Yawanawa - so that I can bring it back to this beautiful land of the Salish sea. I intend to devote myself to song and playing music over this month - to spend many many hours playing guitar with and for people - to learn many of their songs and to be ready to share many with you all as well. Jenny: First, I spent this past year as an assistant in healing circles from this lineage. It was a very powerful year. I witnessed profound healing in others and in myself, and I feel a debt of gratitude to the Yawanawa people for all that they give to preserve these ancient healing ways and our rainforest. I would like to visit them in person to say thank you. Second, I feel a strong calling to continue being of service in this work, and I know that studying with the tribe directly will help me carry these ways with honor and integrity. Finally, it is my desire to offer reciprocity and to bring my own healing gifts and abilities to the land, people, and ancestors of this very sacred village.  GoFundMe Giving GuaranteeThis fundraiser mentions donating through another platform, but please know that only donations made on GoFundMe are protected by the GoFundMe Giving Guarantee.
Lewiston, ID
Rachelle Genthos 
Created December 21, 2022
Be A Swamp Champ!
$1,140 raised of $6,000 goal • 12 donors
raised of $6,000 goal
12 donations
Sam Collier is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, my name is Sam, and I’ve worked since the 1990s to protect the Okefenokee Swamp from risky mines along its eastern edge. We have a chance to enact permanent protection in the Georgia legislature, if we act now. Please help us get a law passed that protects the Swamp from mining on Trail Ridge. That’s all the bill prevents: digging up the soil on Trail Ridge beside the Okefenokee. Because we’re trying to pass a law, your donation is not tax deductible. It IS highly effective, so please give generously. For the Swamp, Sam
Created January 2, 2023
$546 raised of $546 goal • 32 donors
raised of $546 goal
32 donations
Sheri Bergeron Sather is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Reserva: The Youth Land Trust, Inc.  
Did you know the rainforest could disappear in 100 years? The SFC Student Council has teamed up with The Environmental Club for their first fundraiser. We challenge the middle school students to raise $273 dollars to protect one acre of land. WE REACHED 1 ACRE-- LET'S MAKE IT TWO ACRES ($546) Check out some of the animals that live on the reserve in Ecuador. This is Callie. She is the founder of Reserva. All the donations will go directly to protect 1 acre on the reserve in Ecuador. Thanks for your help, The SFC Environmental Club
Created December 13, 2022
Trees for Grove Park
$1,445 raised of $2,000 goal • 19 donors
raised of $2,000 goal
19 donations
Hailey Rulnick is organizing this fundraiser.
For my Mitzvah Project I wanted to do my best to benefit the environment. Over the summer, 31 trees had to be cut down in our local Grove Park. Some of the trees were either already dying or affected by the Emerald Ash Borer infestation, which is very harmful to Ash Trees and the environment around them. Hearing this news made me upset because I walk through or past Grove Park almost every day, and it is really sad to see the giant stumps instead of bright green trees! I have partnered with the Township of South Orange to raise money for the replanting of Grove Park. The Township has robust plans to plant trees over the next several seasons. My goal is to raise enough contributions for 5 new trees. Each tree, and it's process of transporting and planting, has a cost of $400. Thank you for helping me meet or exceed my goal and please feel free to reach me with any questions you might have! Thank you so much! -Hailey
South Orange, NJ
Hailey Rulnick 
Created October 23, 2022
Finding my forever home
$1,650 raised of $3,000 goal • 13 donors
raised of $3,000 goal
13 donations
Carrie Ostash is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello, My name is Carrie Ostash. I live alone with my 2 cats and am in need of some assistance with my moving process. My living conditions currently are very poor. My roof leaks and there is black mold in my current house. I do not have the funds to fix it and although I'd love to, the conditions to fix it would cost more than the house is worth, so I am, looking to move past this and into something more suitable and liveable. I do have an apartment i am trying to move in to by the end of December! I am reaching out now because I am in need of some assistance. I have reached out to 211 and every place I could think possible with little to no help. I am at a loss at where to turn to next, so here I am! I am asking for some financial assistance with the moving process. I would love to find my forever home. Even if you are unable to help please share my story! Thank you for your time and consideration -Carrie
Bay City, MI
Carrie Ostash 
Created November 30, 2022
Hunger Relief for Nigerian Flood Victims
$1,245 raised of $1,000 goal • 12 donors
raised of $1,000 goal
12 donations
Team fundraiser Sonya Buglion-Gluck and Frederic Gluck are organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Selebika Saniyo.
Welcome to our GoFundMe page, Thank you for being here. We are Sonya, Selebika, and Mienka, an interracial, intercultural, interfaith family living in Vermont, with connections to the land here in Vermont and the Niger Delta of Nigeria. Heavier-than-usual rains this fall and the release of excess water from the Lagdo dam in neighboring Cameroon are causing the worst flooding in Nigeria in a decade. The floodwaters have already killed more than 600 people and impacted over 840,000 acres of land, more than twice the size of Chittenden County, which will have long-term consequences for food security in the region. Read more in this recent New York Times article. Since we heard the news of the devastating floods in Southern Nigeria over the past few weeks, we have been worried, sad and eager to find ways to support the millions of people displaced by the floods. Selebika has trusted contacts on the ground to whom we can send funds, and our goal is to raise $1,000 to purchase food for displaced families. Amidst the many climate disasters happening worldwide, we know the task of giving to those in need of relief is overwhelming. We, too, have felt discouraged by our limited resources in proportion to the gaping needs. We decided that taking a small action is better than taking none, and we hope you will join us, for we can certainly make more of a difference together. Thank you, Sonya, Selebika and Mienka
Raised $550 from 3 donations
Sonya Buglion-Gluck 
Created October 19, 2022
Tate Holley's Eagle Scout Project
$225 raised of $3,000 goal • 3 donors
raised of $3,000 goal
3 donations
Tate Holley is organizing this fundraiser.
Created 6 days ago6 days agoEnvironment Hi, my name is Tate and I'm raising money for my Eagle Scout Project: The Bat-verly Hills Hotel project. The plan is to build and install 5 bat houses in parks around Valencia, CA. The bat houses are constructed from redwood and are roughly 4 feet tall by 1 foot square and will be mounted on 20-foot poles. Of course, I think bats are cool, but why should you care about this? I have two reasons for you: First, bats can eat thousands and thousands of bugs every night, and are a great form of natural pest control, which would help to keep the local moth and mosquito populations in check. Second, bats aren't very good roommates. If they start living in your house, it's a time-consuming, expensive process to have them removed. By providing them with a nearby alternative (the bat houses), the bats will be less likely to try to hide out in your attic. Batman might be cool, but your house shouldn't be the bat cave.
Valencia, CA
Tate Holley 
Created 6 days ago
A Habitat of Life
$127 raised of $50,000 goal • 3 donors
raised of $50,000 goal
3 donations
Betty Lane is organizing this fundraiser.
Created 7 days ago7 days agoEnvironment Hi: My name is Betty Lane, (AKA Mama Molimo Makasi). Life is something precious to all forms of life on the planet. It exists all around us. It is something to be enjoyed. Oftentimes poor mental, physical, emotional, and psychological health interfere with living life to its fullest. We plan to continue providing a life-giving space for a myriad of life forms, humans, birds, fish, rabbits, bees, etc. The picture shown is of the Leopard's Lair that surrounds a permaculture garden, fruit trees and herbs. The adjacent area, The African Healing Garden, displays herbs and fruit trees as well. However, it also has a beautiful pond with a waterfall. OUR DREAM IS TO CONSTRUCT A GREENHOUSE THAT WILL CONTINUE THE MOVE TOWARDS BECOMING TRULY A HABITAT FOR LIFE. PLEASE DONATE
Pittsburgh, PA
Betty Lane 
Created 7 days ago
Help us Protect the Environment
$3,300 raised of $32,500 goal • 9 donors
raised of $32,500 goal
9 donations
Salam Academy is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Salam Academy School.  
A clean environment is a necessary precondition for true prosperity. We stand up for the environment and can’t do it without you. You can make a difference by donating today to Salam Academy School. A small school in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has started acquiring solar panels on its roof to replace traditional electric power sources with green, renewable and environmentally-conscious electric power via generation from solar panels. This project has been in the making for years now. The School is looking forward to getting this new power source as it will reduce the environmental impact of its utility use. It will match what the School teaches its students weekly about the importance of taking care of the environment (as the students are taught to be good global citizens and stewards on Earth). This panel installation will also save the School a lot of money every year, to the tune of thousands of dollars, which will permanently support the School's operations. I appreciate your support. S.A. is a not-for-profit 501 (c)3 organization [#85-0481401] with a Silver Seal from Guide Star.
Albuquerque, NM
Salam Academy 
Created November 20, 2022
Save the Trees and Help a Child go to camp!
$1,850 raised of $4,500 goal • 13 donors
raised of $4,500 goal
13 donations
Team fundraiser Sherry W and Alfred Torrence are organizing this fundraiser.
Hello...My name is Sherry and I’m raising funds to save 17 trees marked to be cut down through logging. These decades-old trees are part of 102 trees marked to be removed throughout the property of a neighboring camp. They frame Dogwood Drive, a scenic driveway that winds through a tranquil forest owned by the camp. The trees are being logged to help the camp raise money needed to fund summer programs for children who might not otherwise have the chance to experience going to camp. My goal is to save the trees and help the kids: a Win-Win. A donation of $250 will save one tree, and contributions of any amount are genuinely appreciated to help reach the goal of saving these 17 walnut and oak trees. Funds raised exceeding the initial goal will save even more trees! All donations will be given to the camp to cover the monetary value assigned to each marked tree, thus protecting them from being cut down and helping the camp to raise the funds they need. Dogwood Drive has been called 'magical.' Cutting down these healthy, beautiful trees would forever change the landscape of this driveway and destroy the homes of birds and animals living there. Your donation protects this habitat for those who cannot speak for themselves- the trees, birds and animals- while at the same time, help the camp help kids experience going to summer camp. . It's been said that 'Trees are the lungs of the Earth.' Fun fact: An average mature tree produces 260 pounds of oxygen annually. Two mature trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four! Please donate today and help preserve this beautiful forest for future generations. Thank you!
Raised $250 from 1 donation
Sherry W 
Created November 14, 2022
Making a move from Ohio to Chicago, Ill
$1,505 raised of $5,000 goal • 10 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
10 donations
Uthar Atsila is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, John and I (Rick) and Jamie we have decided it is time to not only move out of this apartment, but move to another state. We have decided for many reasons to try to move to Chicago, Ill. We have friends and family there to help us find a place and get situated. John is also from Chicago. Chicago is more affordable than we thought from what we have researched so far, and the public transportation is by far better than anything, which is nothing but buses here in Columbus, Ohio. All funds received will be for making this move happen for us to Chicago. I know it's asking a lot, but anything would help and would be much appreciated. Thank you for all your support.
Created November 23, 2022
Eco-Friendly Product
$2,050 raised of $12,000 goal • 9 donors
raised of $12,000 goal
9 donations
Douglas Hanes is organizing this fundraiser.
I am trying to patent an Eco-Friendly Product and need to raise money to pay the attorney to write and file the patent. After John Rizvi, P.A. (The Patent Professor) completed a patent novelty search; I received a recommendation to "proceed with a patent application." I am Doug Hanes a Product Designer, Custom Car Builder and Reality Actor. *Bachelor of Fine Arts, Majoring in Industrial Design, College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI 2003 *Associates Degree of Applied Science, Majoring in Automotive Technology, Universal Technical Institute, Pheonix, AZ 1996 I have over 25 years of experience in manufacturing and design. My most high-profile clients are: History Channel, NBC Sports, AMC, Ford Motor Company, FedEx, Roush and Mobsteel https://www.history.com/shows/detroit-steel/cast/doug-hanes
Village of Clarkston, MI
Douglas Hanes 
Created November 21, 2022
Gavin's Eagle Scout Project
$420 raised of $2,500 goal • 8 donors
raised of $2,500 goal
8 donations
Gavin Salisbury is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Amanda Salisbury.
Hi there. Thank you for taking the time to visit my page. My name is Gavin Salisbury. I am a 17-year-old senior at West Orange High School in Winter Garden, Florida. I have been involved with Scouting since 2016, when I crossed over to Troop 145 in Oakland, Florida and earned my Arrow of Light award. The final part of my journey with Scouts is completing my Eagle Scout project. I have been visiting the Oakland Nature Preserve since my early days at Oakland Avenue Charter School, which is why I chose this nonprofit as the beneficiary of my project. I always enjoyed the connection to nature and the environment I experienced at the Preserve. The Oakland Nature Preserve is a 128-acre property with the mission “To promote an understanding of the fragile balance between mankind and the environment by educating visitors about Lake Apopka basin's ecosystems and cultural history, and by restoring and conserving the lands within the Preserve.” I will be rebuilding six animal-proof trash containers and pouring six concrete pads with the help of my fellow Scouts. Throughout my time in Scouting, I have learned some invaluable lessons that will remain with me into adulthood. Scouting has taught me the importance of helping others, teamwork, building self-confidence, outdoor skills, and problem-solving. I am thankful for all the leaders and lifelong friends from Scouting who have helped me along the way. I respectfully ask your support to help fund this project as I will be purchasing concrete mix, lumber, hinges, rebar, wood enamel and other supplies to complete this project. Over the years, with the support of others, persistence, hard work, and determination, I have made it my personal goal to reach the rank of Eagle Scout. I appreciate you supporting me with monetary donations, sharing my page, or sending your good wishes.
Winter Garden, FL
Gavin Salisbury 
Created November 21, 2022
Save Deerpark’s Water From Sewage: Legal Fund
$225 raised of $50,000 goal • 7 donors
raised of $50,000 goal
7 donations
Team fundraiser Alex Scilla and Grace Woodard are organizing this fundraiser to benefit Mid-New York Environmental and Sustainability Promotion Committee.  
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit NYenvironcom (Mid-New York Environmental and Sustainability Promotion Committee) and the Deerpark Rural Alliance (DRA), and any amount will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause, which means so much to me. Right now, we are in an urgent situation: we are defending our community's right to clean water in Deerpark, NY. Our mission is urgent. Data we collect with our ongoing water monitoring stations demonstrates that the Dragon Springs facility and owners are in clear violation of the Clean Water Act, and continue to actively contaminate the Basha Kill Stream and Neversink River with sewage discharge (Fecal Coliform) between 3x and 25x the legal limit–often rising in spring and dipping down in winter. Anything above 100 cfu/100 ml is not safe for ingestion and, according to EPA recommendations, above 200 cfu/100 is not safe for full body contact, including to swim in. This level of contamination also puts the purity of our well water at significant risk. Testing has shown on these dates: 7/01/2020 ~ 500 Cfu/100ml Fecal Coliform 8/11/2021 ~750 Cfu/100ml Fecal Coliform 8/24/2022 ~2500 Cfu/100ml Fecal Coliform There have also been numerous documented instances, going back over 10 years, of pollution from construction runoff, sediment, and erosion. Dragon Springs has been cited and fined by the DEC on numerous instances. They are also still negotiating a consent order for violations including constructing a bridge outside of approved plans, site erosion, and lack of sediment controls that cause turbidity, as well as petroleum bulk storage violations and modifying their site plan without prior approval. The NYS State Dept of Education has ordered the Dragon Springs cafeteria and school facilities closed for lack of a valid Certificate of Occupancy, which was not obtained for these buildings. Unfortunately, these actions alone are not enough to resolve the Clean Water Violations, making the need for citizen action a crucial component of protecting our waters. We won’t let these violations stand. The funds we raise here will support: Legal action against continued violation of the Clean Water Act Advocacy and regular water quality monitoring of our watersheds While this contamination is a widely known issue, it continues to be a critical concern for our local environment. We need to urge those with power to act and respond now. Our goal is to protect the Basha Kill and Neversink from sewage contamination by compelling Dragon Springs to cease wastewater violations and remediate damage. Help us make our case. Please give what you can, and share this fundraiser. More about our organization and work: NYenvironcom is a New York 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose aim is to create an informed, alert, and eco-smart community who can take action as critical local issues arise. By enabling community members to challenge threats of poor practices in our waters and lands, we serve our long term mission of developing thoughtful environmental, and economic practices, and values. NYenvironcom believes that it is important for everyone—especially our town boards and officials, project applicants, and our business people—to understand and appreciate our local rural ecology and have access to accurate, compelling data to make informed decisions. Deerpark Rural Alliance (DRA) functions as the public advocacy arm of our work. Learn more about us: Our website: https://nyenvironcom.ngo/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nyenvironcom/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaKNkgF66dEQ_EmClUf3kCg
Cuddebackville, NY
Alex Scilla 
Created December 12, 2022
Ahoada West-Afro indigenous flood disaster relief
$833 raised of $2,500 goal • 15 donors
raised of $2,500 goal
15 donations
Charles Ochonma is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Usama Ekpeye Usa Inc..  
This fundraiser aims to provide immediate relief: food, medical care, baby food, shelter, sleeping mats, mosquito nets, drinking water and clothing to these flood victims and communities in Ahoada East - River State of Nigeria, West Africa. Your donation of $5 or more will provide life saving support and your generosity is highly appreciated. Thank you for your compassion and gift of love. May God richly bless you.
Henderson, NV
Charles Ochonma 
Created October 21, 2022
Bring Tennis Ball Recycling to B-CC High School!
$300 raised of $500 goal • 3 donors
raised of $500 goal
3 donations
Ivy McConarty is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Jacqueline Weiner McConarty.
Created 6 days ago6 days agoEnvironment Hi! My name is Ivy McConarty, I am a sophomore at BCC High School and a member of the Varsity Tennis Team. I love tennis, but realize that it isn't the most sustainable sport out there. I have seen tennis ball recycling at several private courts in the area, and decided that BCC should have one too! I'd like to create a recycling station for the school and have it up and running before the spring season starts. There is a recycling tennis ball nonprofit in Vermont (RecycleBalls) that uses their facility to turn used tennis balls into building material for new tennis courts. Pretty cool! I hope to introduce tennis ball recycling to the MCPS community by joining the RecycleBalls movement, and hopefully, this could act as a model to bring RecycleBalls stations to more school courts. I will need some help starting this project from the community, as the prices of the recycling station and shipping materials add up. Thank you so much for your consideration and any donation! Best, Ivy
North Kensington, MD
Ivy McConarty 
Created 6 days ago
$2,472 raised of $10,000 goal • 23 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
23 donations
Roscoe Fallbrook Neighbors Coalition is organizing this fundraiser.
A developer is planning to build three warehouses with ten loading docks at the northwest corner of Roscoe and Fallbrook. There is no information provided about who the possible tenants might be. This project could open the door for additional similar projects in West Hills. This project is NOT compatible with the West Hills community, especially with homes directly across the street on both sides of the project. The developer estimates that this project will add at least 45 truck trips per day! That will create traffic, noise, and have a negative impact on air quality from diesel exhaust, particulate plastics from the extra tires, etc. Even worse is the fact that this site was used by Atomics International, Rockwell Scientific, Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, and Raytheon for nuclear research, missile testing, and other classified cold war activities and was heavily contaminated. The developer is irresponsibly avoiding a proper Environmental Impact Report (EIR). We are fighting to get one done. Furthermore, the developer plans to excavate 20' feet down, exposing all the contamination, allowing it to be spread airborne throughout the West Hills community and valley. This poses an actual threat to the health and well-being of the surrounding neighborhood. In June, a work group was formed by concerned citizens, who have obtained over 500 petition signatures opposing this project. The work group, called the Roscoe Fallbrook Neighbors’ Coalition (RFNC), has hired a land-use attorney and paid him $10,000 of their own money to file legal appeals. In order to move forward and fight to protect our neighborhoods, more funds are needed. Please consider donating to help us keep West Hills safe, healthy, and nuisance-free. For more info: www.fallbrookpointproject.com
Los Angeles, CA
Roscoe Fallbrook Neighbors Coalition 
Created October 18, 2022
Research of Endangered Whales in Guatemala
$1,920 raised of $10,000 goal • 16 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
16 donations
Ester Quintana is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi everyone, my name is Ester Quintana, and thank you for your interest in my work with humpback whales on the southern Pacific Coast of Guatemala in Central America! Did you know North Eastern Pacific humpback whales migrate to Guatemala's tropical waters to give birth, nurse their calves, and mate? My research focuses on understanding this crucial and unexplored part of humpback whales' migratory patterns. Scientists don't know, for example, when and how humpback whales arrive and leave Guatemala's waters and in what order social groups travel. Do mothers and calves arrive first? And when do juvenile and adult males inhabit the breeding ground, and how long do they stay? These are just a couple of the questions I am studying to contribute to the worldwide conservation efforts of this endangered distinctive population segment –its latest abundance estimate is less than 1500. All funds will be used to support the staff and equipment required to do this work (e.g., time of fishermen, boat rental, boat fuel, transportation to/from field site, etc.). I will be updating this page with pictures of my upcoming field season. Advancing community-driven conservation with locals is an integral part of this project. I collaborate with local fishermen and, together with them, work on this research. I have had powerful experiences working with locals and know the significant changes informed locals can make toward conservation efforts. One experience that comes to mind was a Guatemalan fisherman who helped me track marine life. After working with him for over a year and as our relationship grew, he told me that in our time together, he understood that marine life needed to be preserved for everyone. I was shocked when he handed me over a harpoon he used many years ago to kill dolphins. I am a biological oceanographer and completed my doctorate at the University of South Florida in 2006. I have been working with marine mammals for over 25 years. Previously, I also received a LASPAU-Fullbright scholarship to obtain a Master's Degree in Zoology from the University of Florida after I graduated with a Licenciate Degree in Biology from Universidad San Carlos in Guatemala. I am an invited member of the following International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resouces (IUCN) groups: the Sirenian Specialist Group, the Cetacean Specialist Group, and the Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force. If you are interested in learning more about my work, don't hesitate to contact me with specific questions. I appreciate your support! Recent publications O’Brien, O., D.E. Pendleton, L.C. Ganley, K.R. McKenna, K.D. Kenney, E. Quintana-Rizzo, C.A. Mayo, S.D. Kraus, and J.R. Redfern. 2022. Repatriation of a historical North Atlantic right whale habitat during an era of rapid climate change. Scientific Reports. 12:12407. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-16200-8 Curtis, K.A., J. Calambokidis, K. Audley, M.G. Castaneda, J. De Weerdt, A.J. García Chávez, F. Garita, P. Martínez-Loustalot, J.D. Palacios-Alfaro, B. Pérez, E. Quintana-Rizzo, R. Ramírez Barragan, N. Ransome, K. Rasmussen, J. Urbán R., F. Villegas Zurita, K. Flynn, T. Cheeseman, J. Barlow, D. Steel, and J. Moore. 2022. Abundance of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) wintering in Central America and southern Mexico from a one-dimensional spatial capture-recapture model. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-661. https://doi.org/10.25923/9cq1-rx80 Hodge, B. C., D.E. Pendleton, L.C. Ganley, O. O’Brien, S.D. Kraus, E. Quintana-Rizzo, and J.V. Redfern. 2022. Identifying predictors of species diversity to guide designation of marine protected areas. Conservation Science and Practice, e12665. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.12665 Quintana-Rizzo, E., S. Leiter, T. V. N. Cole, M. N. Hagbloom, A. R. Knowlton, P. Nagelkirk, O. O’Brien, C. B. Khan, A. G. Henry, P. A. Duley, L. M. Crowe, C. A. Mayo, and S. D. Kraus. 2021. Residency, demographics, and movement patterns of North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis in an offshore wind energy development area in southern New England, USA. Endangered Species Research 45:251-268. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01137 Redfern, J.V, Kryc, K.A., Weiss, L., Hodge, B., O’Brien, O., Kraus, S.D., Quintana-Rizzo, E., and P.J. Auster. 2021. Opening a marine monument to commercial fishing creates gaps in ecosystem protections. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:645314. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.645314 Quintana-Rizzo, E., A. Cabrera, J. Ortiz-Wolford, and V. Davila. 2021. Spatial distribution and abundance of small cetaceans in the Pacific waters of Guatemala. Frontiers in Marine Science Frontiers in Marine Science 8:674134. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.674134 M.F. Baumgartner, J. Bonnell, S.M. Van Parijs, P.J. Corkeron, C. Hotchkin, K. Ball, L.P. Pelletier, J. Partan, D. Peters, J. Kemp, J. Pietro, K. Newhall, A. Stokes, T.V.N. Cole, E. Quintana-Rizzo, E., and S.D. Kraus. 2019. Persistent near real-time passive acoustic monitoring for baleen whales from a moored buoy: system description and evaluation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10:1476-1489. Quintana-Rizzo, E. 2019. Distribution and abundance of whales in Guatemala with emphasis on humpback whale behavior (Megaptera novaeangliae). Spanish book chapter. In: Perspectivas de Investigación sobre Mamíferos Silvestres de Guatemala. C. Kraker, A. P. Calderón and A. A. Cabrera Editors. Guatemala: Asociación Guatemalteca de Mastozoólogos, pp. 247-261. ISBN: [phone redacted]-726-33-8.
Medford, MA
Ester Quintana 
Created November 12, 2022
My final journey
$545 raised of $5,000 goal • 6 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
6 donations
Wilson Seaman is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, my name is Scott and I am on my final leg of my through hiking journey. I have completed the Appalachian trail and the continental divide trails. My final trail is the pacific crest trail that runs from California Mexican boarder to the Washington state Canadian border. I am completing these trails learning about our national parks systems and also teaching other through hikers the importance of keeping the environment and parks clean for future hikers to appreciate. Our national parks are some of the most beautiful sites anyone can ever see. I have been funding the first two trails with personal funds but see that I am running a little bit short. I have put 4 years work and training into this monumental feet and would love to finish the final leg in 2023. I love the outdoors and want to share my experiences with all those I see along the way. Any assistance is greatly appreciated and I will post my instagram info for all those that would like to follow me on my final quest. Thank you all for your time and consideration.
Varnville, SC
Wilson Seaman 
Created December 23, 2022
Help small coffee farmers reforest Guatemala!
$341 raised of $9,000 goal • 8 donors
raised of $9,000 goal
8 donations
Josue Martinez is organizing this fundraiser.
Martiza's Story: Doña Maritza is a small coffee farmer in Guatemala who dreams of supporting her farm and community through reforestation. Being located near Guatemala's "Dry Corridor," her location is particularly vulnerable to climatic change. After suffering from a forest fire in 2011 and slowly rebuilding her coffee crops, Maritza can finally focus on regrowing the greater surrounding forest. However, she still lacks the resources necessary to ensure the new trees have the care they need to thrive, so she is reaching out for your support. How you can help ($1 = 1 Tree) We have secured a donation of 9000 baby trees! This is amazing! However, Maritza and our other small coffee producers need financial help getting these trees planted and maintaining them until they are self-sustaining. They are willing to put in the work, but as people from very humble means, we want to support this initiative so that they don't have to fully carry the burden of caring for the environment. For every dollar donated, you will be providing for 1 tree. This includes planting, weeding and watering for the next 3 years! Maritza's story is a common one amongst small coffee farmers. Our producers are honored to be stewards of the earth and have gradually been taking steps towards more sustainable farming. These steps are expensive and break norms set by guiding agricultural entities in the area, which focus solely on yield. Chica Bean as a small business supports by paying above market prices and finding funding for trainings, but we can't provide the immediate support needed for this initiative. So, we're doing what we can and reaching out to you! Sustainable practices can be a risk but our producers know they are necessary. Please help us share that risk for a better world. Thank you for joining the effort!
Garden Plain, KS
Josue Martinez 
Created November 29, 2022
Funds for Air Purifier Build
$87 raised of $6,000 goal • 5 donors
raised of $6,000 goal
5 donations
Sonia Jackson is organizing this fundraiser.
We're a group of students from Analy High School, and we are participating in something called the Environmental Justice Coalition. This organization gathers groups of students from different schools in Sonoma County to choose an environmental issue that ties into social justice that we research and provide solutions for. Our issue is the impact of wildfires on air quality in Sonoma County. To help mitigate this, we are hosting an air purifier build where we will teach others to make air purifiers with cost-efficient materials. Our main goal is to empower youth to learn about fire resiliency and lead others in their community.
Sebastopol, CA
Sonia Jackson 
Created October 25, 2022
Provide fresh drinking water and shelter
$150 raised of $5,000 goal • 5 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
5 donations
Gwendolyn Junious is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, my name is Deloris, and i am raising funds to help a village community in the Gambia, drill a borehole for fresh water, and put a permanent roof on their shelter.
Palm Bay, FL
Gwendolyn Junious 
Created December 28, 2022
$2,990 raised of $25,000 goal • 11 donors
raised of $25,000 goal
11 donations
Harambee House is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Harambee House Inc. McClain.
Greetings, I am Dr. Mildred McClain, CEO, of Harambee House Inc., and have been for the last 31years. I'm writing to ask for your donations in taking some of own community (Westside, Eastside, and surrounding participants) to COP27 in Egypt . We are travel to this land to create, build and empower our community , our people. Please join us by donating, funds will be used for housing, food , and training. Give and what you get back would be immeasurable.Blessings my friend ❤   I NEED YOUR HELP!!! AN URGENT REQUEST.  I am working to take 15 Environmental Justice Pioneers-"Unsung Sheroes and Heroes " to COP 27 being held in Egypt.  I am short of money. I got their tickets to travel but need help with providing housing and food. I know it's late but promised funding fell through. Please help us by making a tax deductible contribution to the Harambee House ASAP to insure that these beautiful, hard working organizers living in front line and fence line communities.  COP27 DELEGATION  1. Dr P. Qasimah Boston, Tallahassee Food Network, Tallahassee, Florida 2. Yolanda Brown, Harambee House, Savannah, Georgia 3. Michelle Dawkins, Safety First Inc. Atlanta ,Georgia  4. Kim Gaddy, South Ward Environmental Justice Coalition, Newark, New Jersey 5. Raina Greenlea, Blacks for Sustainability, Atlanta, Georgia 6. Dr. Amandla Haynes, Maternal Care, Tallahassee, Florida  7. Azania Heywood James, Cornerstone Collective 2020, Rockville, Maryland  8. Rachel Jefferson, Groundworks, St Louis, Mo 9. Darryl Jordan, It Takes Roots, Detroit, Michigan 10. Nicole Lee, Smart Homes, Savannah, Georgia  11. Miaisha Mitchell, Frenchtown Revitalization Association, Tallahassee, Florida  12. Amina Robinson, Recycle Atlanta, Atlanta,Georgia 13. Alicia Scott, Energy Foundation Atlanta, Georgia  14. Dawud Shabaka, Harambee House/ Ctizens for Environmental Justice, Savannah, Georgia  15. Aminetta Traore, Tallahassee Food Network Youth Symposium, Liberty County, Ga ommunities. I am depending upon you. I need $25,000. MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT  
Created October 31, 2022
The Limeledge Inaugural Fundraiser for Trails
$1,130 raised of $5,000 goal • 13 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
13 donations
Philip Crim is organizing this fundraiser.
My name is Philip Crim. I'm an Assistant Professor of Biology at The College of Saint Rose, and I'm working to establish a nonprofit botanical garden and arboretum on a farm in Central New York. Limeledge Botanical Garden and Arboretum will be a first-of-its-kind arboretum and eco-park in Central New York that will function as a living laboratory, classroom, and community event space. Our inaugural fundraising goal of $5000 to improve the trail system on the property will be essential for helping us reach our goal of opening to the public in 2024.
Created December 14, 2022
Fight to keeping our Air and Water Clean!
$575 raised of $1,000 goal • 13 donors
raised of $1,000 goal
13 donations
Jared Krueger is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Clean Air Council.  
Clean Air Council has been fighting for clean air since 1967, before the EPA was established. When you donate, you are helping the Council fight for everyone's right to a healthy environment. Jared is a member of the Board of Directors and helps ensure the Clean Air Council continues to make meaningful and intelligent decisions in the fight to maintain a clean environment. Our team of volunteers, environmentalists, lawyers and professionals address ways to combat the climate crisis by fighting EPA loopholes, holding corporations accountable for violating environmental regulations and look for ways to educate and inform society of environmental hazards that primarily go unnoticed. I ask you to please join me in making a difference and to help make an impact. I'm raising money to benefit the Clean Air Council, and the donation will support the council and my annual required contributions to the board. Thanks in advance for contributing to this cause, which means so much to me. More information about Clean Air Council: The Clean Air Council is an environmental health advocacy organization dedicated to protecting everyone's right to a healthy environment. Protecting people's health from the devastating impacts of pollution has always been our primary goal. Since its start in 1967, the Council's effectiveness has depended in large part on the support of its members. We make environmental progress through public education, community action, accountability, and enforcement of environmental laws.
Philadelphia, PA
Jared Krueger 
Created November 8, 2022
Will you support Climate Action for my 35th?
$3,510 raised of $3,500 goal • 16 donors
raised of $3,500 goal
16 donations
Team fundraiser Benjamin Hunt and Vanessa Romano are organizing this fundraiser to benefit Clean Air Task Force, Inc.  
*I will match all donations up to $3,500. I've selected the Clean Air Task Force (CATF) this year. Love, Ben! You may have received a pithy e-mail making the case for why this is the decisive decade for climate action in the US and abroad. In short, I've distilled a little 10-part narrative as to why we must push harder on climate action to avoid the worst effects of climate change as we aim to reach the maximum 1.5 degree C warming of the historic Paris Agreement. I have been an environmentalist and climate-concerned since I was born in 1987. As I conclude my 35th rotation around the sun on November 30th, I hope you might consider joining me in a financial contribution. Not everyone is able, in which case I would encourage you to refer to resources like those of the Climate Reality Project or 350 Org or simply commit to sharing through your own personal narrative why climate is important to you. 1. I’m convinced, having been involved in this space for a decade now, that solving the climate crisis is the most pressing global and domestic concern we face. 2. Religious and community leaders across the world - including the most significant religious leader in the world, the Pope - have called for a groundswell of support and moral unity. 3. Climate science and human induced climate change, based on the quantum leap of carbon in the atmosphere, is as unequivocal as the laws of physics per the world’s leading scientists at NASA and the IPCC. 4. Climate impacts are being felt now, this isn’t science fiction. 5. We can pay smaller amounts now to fix the issue or pay handsomely later. 6. The developed world is responsible for the climate impacts, while much of the impacts hit the equator and poor countries first and worst. 7. We are at 1.1 degrees of warming now and currently on track for 2.5 degrees C; 2.5-3+ degrees or more would be catastrophic - we need to hit a 1.5 degrees maximum of warming if at all possible. 8. Climate change is solvable with large-scale investment and systemic policy reform. 9. We are in the decisive decade for international, UN-led climate change action. Deep progress needs to be made through 2030 to reach 2050 global goals of Net Zero. 10. We need domestic and international climate policy to be prioritized as a Top Three issue to realize systems change – it cannot be a top 20, issue at the margins. Individual action matters, you can take action by voting green, investing green, and consuming green, but we need to demand system-side policy change as a first-order action. Please share this story widely, in your own voice, however it may resonate for you. Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Clean Air Task Force, Inc, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me. More information about Clean Air Task Force, Inc: CATF works to safeguard against the worst impacts of climate change by catalyzing the rapid global development and deployment of low-carbon energy and other climate-protecting technologies through research and analysis, public advocacy leadership, and partnership with the private sector.
Raised $1,410 from 8 donations
Benjamin Hunt 
Created November 27, 2022
Four Elements Ranch
$534 raised of $3,000 goal • 8 donors
raised of $3,000 goal
8 donations
Eden Oknin is organizing this fundraiser.
Four elements farm is a sanctuary for all creatures and humans alike. Almost three years ago, 4 of us decided we needed a new and safe home away from the chaos of the western world. We bought a piece of land in A village called Santo Domingo in Costa Rica, and started on our journey of building a self sustaining home for ourselves and the community/guests that this farm will bring. We have worked very hard to build this place up, building greenhouses, cabins, and a large community kitchen, as well as tight bonds with our neighbors. We would like to start welcoming visitors to come see the beauty in the nature with us, but as you know this comes at a cost. We aim to finish the building of the kitchen, and build a road on the property for easier access. We would also love to eventually purchase a washing machine, rainy season gets messy out here. Any help is appreciated and received with the most love. And soon enough we could have you come and visit us, and enjoy the tranquility of our land.
Brooklyn, NY
Eden Oknin 
Created October 20, 2022
Solar Capacity for Maasai Wilderness Conservation
$9,575 raised of $100,000 goal • 70 donors
raised of $100,000 goal
70 donations
Aurora Solar is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Maasai Wilderness Conservation fund.  
This fundraiser is for the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust’s solar PV and storage capacity project. With a new solar system, the organization will be able to power electric safari vehicles to help preserve the Maasai ecosystem. The Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (MWCT) works to protect the legendary ecosystems and astounding biodiversity of East Africa through conservation that directly benefits local Maasai communities. MWCT funds and operates programs that promote sustainable economic benefits from conserving this ecosystem, creating a cutting-edge model of successful community-based conservation.
San Francisco, CA
Aurora Solar 
Created October 21, 2022
Jonas Minton Kids & Kayaks Scholarship Fund
$4,105 raised of $5,000 goal • 28 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
28 donations
Janet Maineri is organizing this fundraiser.
In this season of giving, please consider a contribution to the "Jonas Minton Kids & Kayaks Scholarship Fund." This fund honors Jonas' playful spirit, passion for kayaking, love of kids, and long-standing environmental advocacy. It also reflects Julie's desire to reach children from diverse or disadvantaged backgrounds. Contributing to this fund is one of the many ways we can keep Jonas' spirit alive on the river for generations to come. ABOUT THE FUND: The fund will provide opportunities for disadvantaged youth to experience the joy and awe of the river – experiences that connect so many of us in the river community. Imagine the possibilities: for one child, the river might provide that needed fork in a road paved with seemingly unsurmountable challenges. Perhaps another follows Jonas' footsteps by becoming a river advocate and activist. At a minimum, all these kids will share experiences they might otherwise not have access to: the exhilaration, connectedness, and respect for nature that come from an intimate immersion with the river. BENEFICIARIES: Two youth kayaking and advocacy programs have been chosen as the beneficiaries of Jonas’ scholarship program: 1) RIOS TO RIVERS Ríos to Rivers inspires the protection of rivers worldwide by investing in underserved and indigenous youth, supporting them to become the next generation of environmental stewards. Paddle Tribal Waters Project The largest dam removal project in history is slated to begin on the Klamath River in 2023. Through 'Paddle Tribal Waters', indigenous youth are preparing to become the first people to paddle the restored river from source-to-sea, reconnecting sections of the Klamath that have not flowed freely for more than a century. Young paddlers will use kayaking to galvanize a movement while reconciling a stolen history and building a future of hope and healing. Kayakimün Project Indigenous women in Chile’s BioBío River Basin will develop youth in tribal communities to learn river navigation, leadership and advocacy skills to defend against dam projects that harm the global environment and traditional cultures. Youth alumni from the Kayakimün project will then travel to the US to join their Paddle Tribal Water peers in making the first descent of the Klamath River. Their combined first descent will not only help bring the celebration of the removal of the dams to an international level, but it will also allow the students from the Biobio to pose the question publicly: Why are we removing dams on one side of the world while we continue to build them on the other side of the world? 2. Current Adventures Kids and Teens Kayaking Camps Current Adventures offers five-day kayaking camps on Jonas’ local playground, the South Fork of the American River. Kids and teens learn essentials such as river skills, safety, team building, river awareness and etiquette. Equally important, they get acquainted with nature and often develop an appreciation for the river that can translate to a lifelong passion – as many of us who were introduced to the river early in our lives can attest. To ensure youth from diverse backgrounds get to experience the joys of the river, Current Adventures will utilize its outreach program with Greater Sacramento Parks & Rec. Full or partial scholarships will be offered to children who need financial assistance. Jonas’ collection of (10!) kayaks has been donated to Current Adventures for use in its kids’ programs. His kayaks will be utilized directly in camps, given to kids who later pass them along to other kids in a Pay-It-Forward arrangement, or sold, with the proceeds benefiting Jonas’ Scholarship Fund. WAYS TO DONATE: Donations may be made directly through this Gofundme site. If you prefer to use a Donor Advisory Fund or otherwise need your contribution to be tax deductible, please contact us through this site (a contact button is below.) Got a kayak, raft, or paddling gear hanging around that you'd like to 're-home' in honor of Jonas? Get in touch, and we'll get that gear off your hands pronto! (after the holidays, most likely.) HOW WILL YOUR DONATION BE USED? Members of a Selection Committee designated by Julie Carrasco-Minton will determine how best to allocate the funds among the two beneficiaries. If you would like to earmark your contribution to one or the other, please make a note when donating or send us a message thru this site. Depending upon the amount of money raised, all scholarships may be awarded within 2023, or they may be spread out over multiple years. THANK YOU so much for your generous support. Please help spread the word. Through our collective giving, we hope to honor Jonas by sparking in our youth an avid interest in rivers & the environment. We need to help develop more advocates like Jonas!
Created December 13, 2022
Connection With Protection In Lenox.
$265 raised of $20,000 goal • 6 donors
raised of $20,000 goal
6 donations
Citizens for Safe Cell Siting Siting is organizing this fundraiser.
The Lenox Planning Board is rewriting our town's WIRELESS ZONING BYLAW. They have been guided by the advice of consultants who are strong proponents of the telecom industry and have encouraged them to remove any barriers that might "overburden" cell company applicants. By doing this, they are taking away our power to object to the placement of towers near our homes and to protect our health, safety and property values. We are a group of concerned Lenox citizens asking for your financial support. The funds will be used to sponsor forums to educate the public and inform the town's board members. We will also enlist a qualified attorney specializing in the Federal Telecommunications Act Of 1996 (TCA) to analyze the new bylaw and present alternative ways to structure it so that it serves the people of Lenox and not just the telecom applicants. Please help us keep the pristine and historic character of our Berkshire home vibrant and a model for other towns to emulate as they find ways to stay CONNECTED AND PROTECTED.
Lenox, MA
Citizens for Safe Cell Siting Siting 
Created November 23, 2022
Help Us Clean Up Chicago!
$1,125 raised of $1,000 goal • 11 donors
raised of $1,000 goal
11 donations
Katherine Tellock is organizing this fundraiser.
Cleanup Club Chicago is raising money for the following items for the 2023 cleaning season: Garbage Bags Reusable Gloves T-shirts and hats for all leaders and captains Food/Drink for volunteers Transportation Costs for Katherine Car cleaning costs for Katherine Funding for kayaking cleanups, specific cleanup social outings, etc will be proposed separately as sponsorship opportunities. Also, any individual who donates $300 or more will have their logo and link as a sponsor on our website! We want to be clear- we DO NOT have nonprofit status yet. It is still in the works, so any donation will not be tax-exempt at this time. Please keep this in mind!
Chicago, IL
Katherine Tellock 
Created November 28, 2022
Help me raise $$ for my family in Puerto Rico
$720 raised of $10,000 goal • 12 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
12 donations
Alexa Garcia is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi everyone; my name is Alexa. I am setting up a fundraiser for my family in Puerto Rico, where several hurricanes have hit in the last few years. They need a new roof, generator, and much more. They can't keep replacing these things on their own. The resources aren't there, so I hope you can give them anything you can to support them. I know times are tough, but even $10 helps. I appreciate all of you so much. Thank you.
Sacramento, CA
Alexa Garcia 
Created October 27, 2022
Help Anjali clean up the ocean!
$140 raised of $500 goal • 4 donors
raised of $500 goal
4 donations
Anjali Ramanuja is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Ocean Defenders Alliance.  
Hello, my Friend! I love the Oceans and all the life in it. The Ocean is so big and beautiful. It makes oxygen, provides food for all of us, and is a great place to have fun, too! I love to visit aquariums and see the fishies and learn a lot about marine life. I also learned that the oceans are full of plastic and other bad things which are harming the fishies, corals and other creatures too. I found out that there are people who help clean up the bad stuff from the oceans and save all the animals and plants in them. I'm turning 5 on January 21st and this year, for my birthday, I want to help one such organization, the Ocean Defenders Alliance (ODA) and their Volunteers by gathering funds that will help them achieve a clean, healthy marine ecosystem. Please help our oceans to become clean like they were before. Thank you so much for doing this for me! <3 More information about Ocean Defenders Alliance: ODA tackles ocean trash on multiple fronts: physically removing debris, educating the public, working on the front end of the problem, and building relationships to achieve our goal of a debris-free sea. https://oceandefenders.org/what-we-do/california.html
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Anjali Ramanuja 
Created December 17, 2022
FCC Chappaqua for the Fresh Air Fund
$470 raised of $700 goal • 7 donors
raised of $700 goal
7 donations
Jonathan Riedel is organizing this fundraiser.
Please support our youth and their mission to help the Fresh Air Fund! For nearly 150 years, this organization has been creating camps and excursions for children living in cities to get out into the great outdoors and experience nature. At FCC Chappaqua we believe that we are all a part of God's creation. Our spirits long to be connected with the natural world. We must explore it to understand it. And we must care for it to use it! Please help the next generation of Earth's caretakers become versed in the vitality and rhythm of nature...so they...and the whole world...can be happy and healthy in mind, body and spirt! Our children have raised over $800 in cookies and lemonade stands this year.  Now we want to create a big push this holiday season to collect $700 more dollars so we can give a total of $1500 to the Fresh Air Fund.   This video is a prayer, a blessing, and a work of art created by our Sunday School children.  They put a lot of time, thought, and love into the work.  Won't you please give to their campaign.  Do it for them...and for the countless children whose lives are changed forever by the Fresh Air Fund!
Pleasantville, NY
Jonathan Riedel 
Created November 28, 2022
Displacement Assistance
$133 raised of $5,000 goal • 3 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
3 donations
Chanel Daniels is organizing this fundraiser.
On Saturday, December 17th 2022 our family experienced a terrible house fire that started in the front bedroom and spreaded quickly throughout the 2nd floor. My home have been part of our family for more than 60 years and it's heartbreaking for us to experience such a great loss. This has devastated our entire family and we are humbly asking for assistance. We are appreciative of any support and prayers. Just to introduce myself, my name is Clarence Mosley. I am the son of Clarance and Mary Mosley, who left behind a home that we shared family memories of laughter, hugs, kisses, and tears. 3 generations of hardwork, love and support from eachother. This is a sad time for us. Due to the fire and significant water damage our home is not liveable, and we lost so many memories in there. I want to insure that you know that all funds will being collected and used for our new living arrangements, such as rent, downpayment, storage, transportation, hygiene products and food. Donations are accepted as well. We are in need of clothes, shoes, coats, socks, and blankets and whatever else you have that can help me and my nephew. If you have anything to donate please reach out to me or my nephew Sean so that we can make arrangements to pick it up. I'm beyond moved by the outpouring calls from family and friends. There is no way that we are able to get through this without the love, kindness and generosity of our village. There are no words to express our gratefulness. Thank you so much for your kindness!!
Philadelphia, PA
Chanel Daniels 
Created December 18, 2022
Luke Pouillon's Eagle Scout Project
$690 raised of $1,000 goal • 17 donors
raised of $1,000 goal
17 donations
Luke POUILLON is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello! My name is Luke Pouillon, and I am a BSA Life Scout with Troop 215, Grand Rapids MI. I have been active in scouting since the first grade and am now working toward the rank of Eagle Scout. To achieve this goal, I must complete an Eagle Scout Project. An Eagle Scout Project is an opportunity for Scouts to demonstrate leadership while performing a project for the benefit of their community or the nonprofit of their choice. Throughout the pandemic, I further developed my appreciation of the outdoors and spent hours on our local rivers and lakes learning the sport of fishing. My new passion has helped me create closer connections with nature and understand the importance of protecting this resource. While developing the basic direction for my project, I decided that I wanted to focus on nature conservation to help preserve what we have for future generations. As a result, I connected with the conservation manager at our nonprofit local zoo to inquire if they needed support in ongoing or new projects. The John Ball Zoo is currently collaborating with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on an endangered and vulnerable turtle conservation project in Western Michigan. To support the turtle protection project, I am raising funds and building upwards of 40 turtle nest protector covers. The nest protectors are wire and wood cages that are placed upon turtle nests to protect eggs from predators. During the Spring of 2023, my Troop will support the project by helping to build the nest protectors and place the finished product on turtle nests throughout West Michigan under the guidance of the DNR and John Ball Zoo. All of the nest covers will be donated to the Michigan DNR for future use. My goal is to raise $1,000 for the materials that it will cost to build the turtle nest covers. Please consider donating to help protect our vulnerable and endangered turtles in Western Michigan. Thank you so much, Luke Pouillon
Grand Rapids, MI
Created October 16, 2022
Raising Money for Hurricane Ian Relief Efforts
$370 raised of $20,000 goal • 8 donors
raised of $20,000 goal
8 donations
Luminary Hotel Fort Myers is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida, Inc..  
Luminary Hotel & Co. and Caloosa Sound Amphitheater are raising money to benefit Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida, Inc. with their Hurricane Ian relief efforts. Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution. More information about Harry Chapin Food Bank of SWFL: https://harrychapinfoodbank.org/
Fort Myers, FL
Luminary Hotel Fort Myers 
Words of support (1) Please donate to share words of support. David Heyer $20•2 mos People in Dort Myers need support
Created October 26, 2022
Help indyha find a peaceful living
$110 raised of $1,500 goal • 8 donors
raised of $1,500 goal
8 donations
Indyha Jackson is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Marissa Chambers.
hi im indyha marie last year december i moved out of a toxic and abusive environment and had my own place and i’ve been struggling with mental and financial needs lately  TW!!!! May this year i was raped my a close friend of mines because i made clear to them i was only interested in females which led me to be pregnant i haven’t told nobody about this because i’m still processing it , this fundraiser will be used to start my business back up to help with family and environment needs anything will be forever appreciated and impactful thank you so much for letting me take up :)
Houston, TX
Indyha Jackson 
Created November 20, 2022
Chira Marine Radar Project
$2,730 raised of $3,000 goal • 6 donors
raised of $3,000 goal
6 donations
Natalie Malmgren is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, my name is Natalie, and I am a Penn State student currently studying sustainability and the environment in Costa Rica. My class recently visited Chira Island to learn about sustainable fishing practices. I aim to raise money to buy a marine radar system for the Fishing Association to help reduce carbon emissions, protect biodiversity, and keep the community safe. Chira, a small Costa Rican Island located in the Nicoya gulf, is home to roughly 1,500 people. This small fishing community relies heavily on fishing for food and income. About 15 years ago, the community suffered the effects of overharvesting. To prevent this from happening again, they created the Asociación de Pescadores Cuerderos de Palito (APCP), a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting sustainable fishing practices. The Palito Restricted Fishing Area was created to protect the rocky corals surrounding the island and the many species that inhabit it. The only type of fishing allowed in this area is hand-and-line, which limits the catch to a sustainable amount. Minimum hook sizes ensure that only mature fish are caught. With support from the community, local fish populations were restored. While the vast majority of the community follows the rules of the Palito Restricted Fishing Area, people from outside the island are not as respectful of the rules. They come in at night and use trawling nets and other harmful fishing methods, which can wipe out much of the fish population and marine life in one night. To prevent this, the restricted fishing area must be monitored every night, year-round, a demanding job that falls on volunteers of APCP. Every night, no matter the weather or conditions, a volunteer is out on the patrol boat using gasoline driving in circles around the restricted fishing area to stop any illegal fishing. While patrolling is vital to the success of the restricted fishing area, it produces carbon emissions, is dangerous, expensive, and isn’t 100% effective. One marine radar would allow the fishing association to effectively and efficiently patrol the entire fishing area while reducing carbon emissions, protecting biodiversity and food stability, and protecting the community's safety. All donations go directly towards purchasing the marine radar system to help the Chira fishing community.
Jericho, VT
Natalie Malmgren 
Created November 9, 2022
Helping Joan
$280 raised of $15,000 goal • 6 donors
raised of $15,000 goal
6 donations
Ryan Bowar is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Joan Warner.
Hi, my name is Ryan, and I'm fundraising for my mother Joan. She lives in North Fort Myers, Florida, and as most know, they were hit by a terrible hurricane Ian. My mother's home was severely damaged, and she is in need of a new place. My mother can not work as she had breast cancer, and the chemo severely hurt her body. She can no longer drive and can't fix the home she's in, physically or financially. There is so much damage to her home, such as her roof leaking along with windows leaking. All her electrical outlets don't work anymore and all the appliances, such as her fridge, are ruined. The mold growing in her home from the water damage is making her very ill. I am asking for financial help for my mother. Anything will help and would be greatly appreciated so she will be safe in her home again. Thank you
Rochester, MN
Ryan Bowar 
Created November 21, 2022
Protect Tan Brook
$1,367 raised of $20,000 goal • 8 donors
raised of $20,000 goal
8 donations
Jen Larsen is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Martha Jamison.
The Tan Brook is a little-seen natural treasure draining much of downtown Amherst. Beginning near Wildwood Cemetery, it runs under our streets, bubbling up at McCellan St and through our neighborhood, then down into the U Mass campus pond. When much of the property it runs through was purchased by a developer last year, we discovered that it is not classified as a 'perennial stream' for wetlands purposes, so it is not eligible for serious wetlands protection. Why? Years ago, when much of Tan Brook was paved over (where it runs through downtown), it was no longer visible to aerial photography and fell off the USGS maps used to determine perennial vs. intermittent streams. So, MA DEP defines it as intermittent. A developer can build closer to an intermittent stream than a perennial stream. So if this stream doesn't get its designation changed, it and the wetlands surrounding it are at risk of being lost to development. The Amherst Conservation Commission identifies Tan Brook as perennial, yet MA DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) doesn't want to change its designation. We (a group of concerned neighbors) have pooled our funds, hired an attorney and appealed the MA DEP decision. (We are also requesting that USGS certify Tan Brook as perennial, but that could take years.) The appeal process is expensive, even though environmental lawyers with Klavens Law Group have donated much of their time. We are working toward hearings with MA DEP in December. Your donation, no matter how small, will help us with the legal bills to continue this fight to protect Tan Brook and surrounding wetlands. We are most grateful for your support. (All donations are deposited in the Tan Brook Appeal account, managed by Martha Jamison for the group.)
Amherst, MA
Jen Larsen 
Created October 20, 2022
Tornado damaged my sisters home.
$70 raised of $5,000 goal • 2 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
2 donations
Jonathan Roberts is organizing this fundraiser.
Created 1 day ago1 day agoEnvironment Hi, my name is Alex, a tornado caused all of the trees in my sisters yard to fall. The worst damage was to her 2 year old daughters room, which is now exposed to the elements and unlivable. I am raising money not only for repairs but for temporary shelter.
Jackson, GA
Jonathan Roberts 
Created 1 day ago
Wash cloth willie
$50 raised of $25 goal • 2 donors
raised of $25 goal
2 donations
Wash Cloth Willie is organizing this fundraiser.
Created 5 days ago5 days agoEnvironment My friend spent all his money on meth and he needs a new wash cloth
Pompton Lakes, NJ
Wash Cloth Willie 
Created 5 days ago
Dona a Ayudar el Amazon
$20 raised of $100 goal • 2 donors
raised of $100 goal
2 donations
Zachary Barth is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Amazon Watch.  
Created January 4, 2023January 4, 2023Environment Para mucho tiempo, los bosques en el Amazon han sido amenazados, y el mundo necisita a ayudar los. Estos son importantes porque los produzen muchas plantas, animales, y agua del mundo. Tambien, muchas personas indigenas los necistan a vivir, y el mundo tiene que ayudar. Muchas formas de la contaminacion han tenido lugar, como deforestacion de estos bosques, y pollucion de los sustancias quimicas y el petroleo. El medio ambiente nos mantiene, asi que nosotros debemos responder en una manera positiva. Amazon Watch trabaja con otras organizaciones, y crea las campañas a los derechos humanos por las personas indigenas. Ellos quieren hacer un mundo donde las personas respetan la naturaleza, y los derechos del medio ambiente. El medio ambiente esta cerca del mas problemas irrevisibles, y nosotros necesitamos actuar ahora.
Burlington, CT
Zachary Barth 
Created January 4, 2023
Raising Money for School Climate Change Project
$100 raised of $1,000 goal • 2 donors
raised of $1,000 goal
2 donations
Nikhil N is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi there! My name is Nikhil, and I am an 8th Grader in the Redwood City School District, California. As 8th graders, we take part in a project in which we try to help in addressing an issue in our community. I chose to help others in reducing their carbon footprint, which is a way of representing how much carbon dioxide a person produces. Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas, which harms the atmosphere and increases the surface temperatures of the Earth. If the surface temperatures rise a few degrees more than normal (it has already risen slightly), Earth will become likely uninhabitable, with sea levels rising multiple feet, displacing hundreds of millions of people and a host of other life threatening events. However, there is a solution to this devastating problem, and is one which everyone can participate in! By reducing and eventually eliminating your carbon footprint, you can do your part and contribute to a brighter, happier future for our home planet. One way that I am trying to address this issue is by giving out gardening supplies to students in my school, so that they can start their own vegetable garden. Buying produce from the grocery store contributes a substantial amount to your carbon footprint, since produce is often transported a far distance from where it was originally grown, and they are farmed in non-renewable methods, which are water and resource intensive. By starting a garden, people can reduce their carbon footprint and eat healthier, pesticide free vegetables and fruits! I would truly appreciate any donation you can contribute, as these funds will go directly towards these gardening supplies, which will help several students start their own gardens for themselves and their families! Thank you for your help!
San Carlos, CA
Nikhil N 
Created December 15, 2022
help to move, no water since Christmas Eve,
$40 raised of $3,500 goal • 2 donors
raised of $3,500 goal
2 donations
Evelyn Gilmore Taylor is organizing this fundraiser.
Created 3 days ago3 days agoEnvironment Hello world, my name is Evelyn, my family and I need help with funds to move. We've not had water since Christmas Eve. Busted pipes, Landlord is doing nothing. We've paid rent on time every month for 5 years.Our babies are at their Grandfather's, cause they can't be here like this. I would appreciate any and all donations. Thank you Evelyn
Created 3 days ago
$345 raised of $60,000 goal • 13 donors
raised of $60,000 goal
13 donations
Penny Jones is organizing this fundraiser.
LOGGING-MACHINE ARRAY FOR FOREST-FIRE PREVENTION, FEASIBILITY RESEARCH Forest fires in the Rocky Mountains and fires in forested suburbs and developed canyon lands grow more catastrophic every year. I want to design an array of mobile forestry equipment centered on a pyrolysis oven. Pyrolysis is the process of converting wood or other biomass to a fertilizer, called biochar, by combustion in the absence of oxygen. The machine array would be used for clearance of beetle-killed Ponderosa Pines in forests in the Rockies. I would then reduce the size of the primary equipment for a smaller set of units to be used by suburban fire departments and municipalities. I’m asking for funds for six months of feasibility research for this forestry equipment group. The core engineering concept came to me in a flash in 2019, but I’ve been unable to set aside a block of time to carry out the research. The funds that I hope to raise here will allow me a six-month break from my job, so that I can devote myself exclusively to my invention. I’ve been mulling it over for three years now, and every fire season I regret the delay. Our national and international wildfire situation is urgent, and I don’t want to have my idea fall by the wayside. The initiative in this project is the central pyrolysis oven. Teams using my machines would clear dead trees in mountainous regions, or brush in suburban areas, and load that material into the pyrolysis oven. After cooking, they would immediately distribute the resulting fertilizer in the area that had just been cleared. The large equipment would allow selective extraction of dead trees rather than clear-cutting; the suburban unit would reduce cartage of brush for more rapid clearance. Both machinery arrays would result in the soil and forest rejuvenation of the controlled burn, but with the safety of an enclosed oven. Stationary pyrolysis units are now used for brush by for-profit logging companies. Though modeled on existing machinery, a number of elements of my equipment would make a turn toward more environmentally-friendly forest care. I won’t reveal the core engineering idea for the oven here, but the array will have pollution controls, a biochar and seed spreader, amenities for teams in remote areas, and high-frequency sirens to frighten wildlife out of the vehicle’s path. I intend to combine parts of many existing and tested technologies for a new result. I’ll reconfigure current engineering for immediate implementation in the fire emergency that we’re now facing. My qualifications: I’ve spent my working life as a technical editor and bibliographer in art history, most recently 26 years of full-time-load freelance work on exhibition catalogues for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. I verify and coordinate all footnotes and bibliography in each book from initial manuscripts coming in from the exhibition curators, all the way to book blueprints. I have an MPhil in art history from Columbia University—all of which is to say that I know how to do research efficiently and productively. I’ve spent my recreational life as an environmentalist. I’ve been a member of the oldest community garden in New York City for 29 years and head of that garden for the past 17 years. My interest in art history has centered on landscape painting, prints, and drawings, and land-use history. My subway reading is usually environmental history. My family history: In the 1970s my father engineered a mobile lab for on-site chlorine mixing for the paper industry. One of my family chores was fiber-glassing the big plywood instrument cases so that they wouldn’t be eaten by the chlorine. Daddy moonlighted a contract through a friend with a fiber-glassing shop, so that he could customize them himself. We mixed the goop in cut-off wax milk cartons, and I did the work after school in an unventilated basement. We are do-it-yourself people; my parents were the first generation off the tenant farm and little ranch. My machinery idea is related to my father’s invention of a portable chlorine laboratory—take the machine to the wood, instead of transporting the wood out of the forest with all the delay and expense of rail or trucking. Schedule, 26 weeks of research: 1 week, bark beetles and ponderosa pines; read Tracks in the Forest: The Evolution of Logging Machinery 2 weeks, existing pyrolysis oven patents 1 week, biochar and soil chemistry and plant and wildlife interactions 1 week, conventional clear-cutting and beetle-killed tree extraction and salvage 1 week, existing state and federal forestry clearance teams and methods 1 week, large forestry equipment 1 week, fire trucks and fire-fighting gear, remote-area water tanks 1 week, trip to the Loggers’ Expo held every year in Maine 1 week, historical and current controlled-burn logistics 1 week, forestry-worker ergonomics and logging hand tools 1 week, charging stations, battery arrays, turbines 1 week, Mars Rover 1 week, on-board soil lab 1 week, combustion-pollution filtering technology 1 week, agricultural fertilizer- and seed-spreaders 1 week, cab and controls 1 week, tiny houses, composting toilets, bunkhouses, chuck wagons, water tanks, EV Land Rovers, vehicle hitches 1 week, size reduction for suburban version 1 week, robot-dog developments 1 week, prototype production staffing, flatbeds, rail containers 1 week, municipal, state, federal, and non-profit forest-fire agencies’ interest 4 weeks, presentation drafting and illustrations Budget: —at $50 an hour for 6 months of full-time research I would need $50 x 40 hours x 26 weeks, which is $52,000. —a trip to the Loggers’ Expo held in Maine every year to look at existing machinery, $1,000 —other travel that may be suggested by my ongoing research, $2,000 —incidentals and unanticipated expenses, $3,200 —Go Fund Me 2.9% plus .30 per contribution, $1800 My total need for a six-month research period is $60,000 I hope to complete the preliminary research needed to present a proposal for machinery that would be utilized to reduce brush and standing dead trees and by that means to: —reduce human and wildlife disruption and mortality in forest fires —reduce added CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere from wildfires —promote forest health with more safety than controlled burns —ultimately, change the approach to forest-fire suppression by municipal, state, and federal agencies Fire seasons are getting longer and much more intense and that escalation will continue in the coming decades. Before the beetles came in, our forests were already burdened with accumulated brush from a century of fire suppression. The situation is now desperate. Please help me to move on my idea so that we can begin to change policy toward control of wildfires from reaction to constructive forestry practices. My machine array will bring more safety than is possible with controlled burns in our heavily populated landscape. I want to carry out my plan now, while it’s most needed. I don’t want to have might-have-been regrets ten years from now. I’m ready to go.
New York, NY
Penny Jones 
Created November 7, 2022
$50 raised of $400 goal • 2 donors
raised of $400 goal
2 donations
Allen Patterson is organizing this fundraiser.
Created January 6, 2023January 6, 2023Environment Hi, my name is Allen and I need chase to join our team because he would be amazing, but he needs motivation.
Pennington, NJ
Allen Patterson 
Created January 6, 2023
Plastic to Fuel - Together we Will Heal Earth!
$427 raised of $1,500,000 goal • 6 donors
raised of $1,500,000 goal
6 donations
Julian Naturejab Brown is organizing this fundraiser.
Created 6 days ago6 days agoEnvironment With your contribution, no matter how small or how large, YOU are being apart of changing the world and making history! Hi, my name is Julian Brown I am a social media influencer I am a certified welder and Innovator of Microwave Pyrolysis, the process of turning plastic into fuel with microwaves Plastic is made of petroleum/ crude oil, and thus, this is very energy dense and has the same components as the fuels we use in this world My reactor turns plastic into: Gasoline, Diesel, Kerosense, Natural Gas, and Solid Carbon My unique, patent pending design allows me to scale up Microwave Pyrolysis, a greener and more efficent way of exracting the fuel out of plastic. I have built 4 home scale prototypes, my latest being very successful However it unfortunately burned down after an electrical fire. The goal is next to build an industrial prototype of the Shaftless Auger Microwave Pyrolysis Reactor SAMPR I The material cost of the machine will be $300,000 How I will use the funds: Buy the Materials Construct the Reactor Buy Warehouse Space Compensate Staff Expense Compensate My Living Expenses Marketing Expenses After receiving the funds, I will buy a warehouse, and get started with part order, and construction ASAP The goal is to complete consturction before the end of 2023, and the whole process will be documented, recorded, and shared with the world With your contribution, no matter how small or how large, YOU are being apart of changing the world and making history!
Douglasville, GA
Julian Naturejab Brown 
Created 6 days ago
The Olympic Valley Firewise Program
$4,295 raised of $5,000 goal • 37 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
37 donations
Friends of Olympic Valley is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Friends of Squaw Valley DBA Friends of Olympic Valley.  
When the Olympic Valley Firewise Community campaign was launched two years ago, the main objectives were to raise awareness of the need for wildfire mitigation work within our community and in the forest around us. But alas, we have run out of money! The Green Waste Days and the free transportation service have exhausted our funds. In fact, these efforts have put us in a deficit position of over $3000!! So we need community help if we are going to be able to continue our programs next year. As we approach the end of the year and you begin to consider making charitable contributions, we ask that you consider investing in the Olympic Valley Firewise Program.
Alpine Meadows, CA
Friends of Olympic Valley 
Created November 22, 2022
Protect the Biodiversity of the Planet
$60 raised of $250 goal • 2 donors
raised of $250 goal
2 donations
Shane Coplen is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello, my name is Shane Coplen. I am creating this GoFundMe to raise money to donate to The World Wildlife Fund. I attend Royal Oak High School in Michigan, and part of my senior service project is to raise awareness and do what I can to help solve an issue I am passionate about.
Royal Oak, MI
Shane Coplen 
Created October 28, 2022
Reforestation projects using Miyawaki method
$115 raised of $1,200 goal • 5 donors
raised of $1,200 goal
5 donations
Morgan Gregg is organizing this fundraiser.
Created January 3, 2023January 3, 2023Environment Hi. I am Morgan, I am 10 almost 11 and a student at a STEM a school. I have a passion for nature and the environment. I am raising funds to plant a small reforestation project in our back yard. I am hoping to document the process and share it to encourage others to do their own reforestation project. The funds I get will be used to purchase the organic additives for the soil and the seedlings, support stakes, mulch and water transport hoses. If I exceed my fundraising goal those funds will be used toward another reforesting mission and education. The Miyawaki method mimics the way a natural forest would grow. Only native species that would occur in that area are planted. You can read more about this method here-https://www.chelseagreen.com/2022/the-miyawaki-method/ Earth is rapidly losing its forests. Just between 1990 and 2015 the world lost 129 million hectares of them, which equals Texas twice! Deforestation is responsible for an estimated 5 billion tons, or 17 percent, of annual global carbon emissions, not to mention soil erosion and biodiversity loss. In contrast, growing forests has numerous benefits. Forests remove vast amounts of carbon from the air and store it in leaves, branches, trunks, roots, and dirt. Tropical forests alone store one quarter of a trillion tons of carbon, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Older trees store more carbon, while younger trees remove, or sequester, more of it. Forests cool the air and generate oxygen, plus they clean our waters and regulate precipitation and wind. They also house 80 percent of our terrestrial biodiversity, reduce soil erosion, halt desertification, and lessen the impacts of floods. Newly planted forests improve land degraded by mining, growing crops, and over-grazing livestock. Planting forests can also help reduce fertilizer runoff into rivers that causes algae blooms and create wildlife corridors. That’s why afforestation is critical to the continuation of life on our planet, which is rapidly heating while losing its ecological biodiversity.
Atwater, OH
Morgan Gregg 
Created January 3, 2023
Support a solar powered off-grid “Farm Incubator”
$315 raised of $1,400 goal • 6 donors
raised of $1,400 goal
6 donations
Annette Trierweiler is organizing this fundraiser.
What is a solar-powered farm incubator you say? Why does it matter? All very good questions! We envision our solar-powered farm (the solar part) as a place where beginning farmers who practice sustainable agriculture can get started (the “farm incubator”). We think our 10 acres of Ohio farmland is just large enough to play an important role in launching the next generation of farmers while empowering them to tackle tricky, interconnected environmental problems of climate change and feeding the world. (Our super insulated farmhouse and solar arrays) Why does this matter? Let’s first start with Climate Smart, Ecologically Based Agriculture and its potential to address two of the world’s most challenging problems: 1. Preventing and adapting to climate change and 2. Feeding 8 billion people sustainably with a changing climate. These two challenges are intertwined because growing food depends on the climate and because 19-29% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the agriculture sector. Global agriculture uses an enormous amount of energy (resulting in carbon emissions to the atmosphere) to make fertilizers, pump water, plant crops, and transport food. The average bite on your plate has traveled 1,500 miles! Tilling the soil can break up soil structure, and enhance erosion, releasing carbon into the atmosphere. Around the world, tropical forests are being cut down for marginal farmland, releasing carbon emissions. In the United States, productive farmland is being consumed by population growth and real estate investors. And to make matters worse, 1/3 of all food grown is wasted. The United Nations is promoting Climate-smart agriculture as a necessary solution. What does this look like in Ohio? It is when we support the Ohio foodshed by purchasing is local produce from farmers around the state. It is the farmer who builds up the soil and nurtures the soil ecosystem and not simply just feed the crops with costly and unsustainable industrially manufactured fertilizers. It is the farm that reduces water use by growing in a rain-fed agricultural system, using water-saving micro-drip irrigation, and capturing excess rainwater for use during drier periods. Ohio agriculture is still largely rain driven. It is where the soil is not tilled to reduce erosion and promote carbon sequestration in the soil. By improving and supporting the sustainability of our local, Ohio-based foodsheds, we can in fact address global problems environmental problems with local solutions. Our farm is that climate-smart solution. (Our lower fields have been usually kept in hay but have recently supported 60+ free-ranged hens, a rescue horse named Luna, and farm fresh veggies) But our farmers need our help! Agriculture is in its own crisis of its own: there are not enough farmers and young farmers are facing steep barriers to land access. In fact, access to farmland is the number 1 concern for starting farmers today. The price of farmland in Ohio has increased by 14% from 2021. Young farmers who want to get started can’t because they cannot find or afford land. We are running into a farmer shortage problem as 10% of the farmer workforce leaves each year. Now, the average age for farmers is 59 years old. This is not sustainable. By providing land access, and resources to young farmers, we can help them get started with this farm incubator program. (Our farmhouse's design was inspired by passive solar design and the Iroquois longhouse) Why Us? (Our story) Jack has always been ahead of the times. In college, Jack created his own major because sustainability and permaculture was not yet a thing (the first Sustainable major in Ohio was established in 2008!). With his knowledge, he envisioned a sustainable, self-sufficient homestead. In 1992, Jack bought the land and built one of the first solar powered homes in the state of Ohio. To this day, our farm has never been linked to the electrical grid. In the 1990s Jack terraced, by hand, 5 vegetable beds to reduce soil erosion. He switched most of his land from a conventional corn monoculture to no-spray hay production. It has not been sprayed in the last 20+ years. The dreams of a sustainable homestead persisted as Jack embarked on several environmentally-minded jobs to pay the bills. He was one of the first solar power consultants in the state, but when no one thought Ohio was fit for solar. Eventually, Jack founded a successful all-natural house cleaning business in 2002. (a few of our terraced beds) Ultimately the dream of a sustainable, solar homestead was interrupted in 2009 when Jack fell in love with a globetrotting environmental scientist, Annette. Annette’s education and research took Jack and Annette around the world and to several universities across the country until Annette finally landed her dream job teaching Environmental Science to undergraduate students, back in Ohio. During the last 10 years of moving around, we had envisioned our farmland as an ecological agriculture refuge in a sea of conventional agriculture. Our first sustainable farmers were with us for 5 years before moving on. Our incoming pair of young farmers have worked on no-till sustainable farms for years but cannot afford land of their own. Now as the surrounding farmland has been turning into residential development, our mission to preserve the farmland seems even more urgent, especially with the latest real estate trends. Because our farm is off grid, it is unique among the other “farm incubator” programs out there because the farming operations are powered by the sun, helping to further reduce emissions of food grown on our land. As an environmental scientist and educator, Annette wants to also use the farm as a teaching tool for her environmental science students (the next generation of environmental scientists) to learn how to measure soil carbon and test the hypothesis that these agricultural techniques that we promote are in fact sequestering carbon in the soil and improving the soil ecology. Why you?!? We have learned a lot from hosting our first farmers and decided that just providing land access is not enough to get our next-generation farmers up and running. It can take 5-9 years until a farmer is truly profitable and has tens of thousands of dollars of investments in efficient equipment. We have developed the idea of a farm incubator because these young farmers need help getting farm access and a jump start on turning a profit and building needed capital. We work with the incoming farmers to develop their business model, access local resources, and help with grant writing. We have also learned that we cannot achieve our vision of the farm incubator or fund the capital needed by ourselves. Our farm does not make a profit, it merely sustains itself as we want to keep land access as affordable as possible. We are using this GoFundMe to build up an inventory of durable tools that can help beginner farmers hit the ground running rather than starting from scratch with each new beginner farmer. We want to provide a beginning set of tools so that they can get going faster. They can focus on growing their business model and building their customer base, all while they can be building up resources to purchase their forever farm when they do find it. We have met our first goal to offset the cost of a few tools for no-till small acreage farming: We have purchased a bed rake, row markers for a bed rake, and broadfork for aerating the soil. (December 3rd, 2022) Our farmers, Brittany and Tido are excited about the tools and have already expressed thanks: "Thank you so much, they are 2 very useful tools on our list that will last forever and I bet the next farmers will love those tools too! Thanks!!" We did not believe we would reach our first goal but here we are extremely grateful. Now we are aiming for our next goal 1400 to help cover a silage tarp ($341 for a special tarp that blocks light and water) for weed control, a bed roller for better soil-seed contact ($410), and transplant rolling dibbles ($300+). If we make that goal, we will then aim for the leading precision seeders $600+ (we do provide an entry-level seeder that only does one row at a time) and solar panels on the farm to ultimately have solar-powered produce refrigeration (a critical component of getting delicate produce to market) and help power the energy demands of pumping water for irrigation and washing veggies (the largest energy consumer on our solar powered farm). From there, the sky’s the limit… or is it the soil? Sources: https://www.lancasterfarming.com/farming-news/land-access-expected-to-remain-top-concern-of-young-farmers/article_5bd89682-27f6-57fc-9fb9-dfd1e2e94518.html https://beginfarming.oeffa.org/ https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/MarketCharacteristicsOrganizationandActivities.pdf https://smallfarms.cornell.edu/2011/07/farm-profit-making-a-life-and-a-living-from-your-farm/#:~:text=The%20point%20is%20to%20make,if%20you%20have%20very%20low https://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Ohio/Publications/Current_News_Releases/2022/nr2240oh.pdf
Cable, OH
Annette Trierweiler 
Created November 14, 2022
Bee The Change
$442 raised of $2,000 goal • 5 donors
raised of $2,000 goal
5 donations
Kate Andrews is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi to all. My name is Kate Andrews. Like me, you probably know that the bee population has been facing environmental challenges. It was 2006 when Colony Collapse Disorder was given a lot of attention and the average person became aware of the importance of bee colony health. These tiny pollinators are essential to support healthy ecosystems and sustainable agriculture. These days, beekeepers must focus on the "four Ps": parasites, pathogens, pesticides and poor nutrition to keep a managed hive healthy. Did you know that extreme weather conditions pose an increasing threat? Increasing drought conditions in the western U.S. have compromised the quality and quantity of floral nectar and pollen needed for bees to produce honey and stay healthy. Beekeepers have had to feed their bees more sugar water and pollen supplements to keep colonies alive. Stephen Harris of Tumalo Bee Academy is a beekeeper and has been a friend of the bees for many years. I think of him a a superhero and a warrior showing up to fight for the life of these essential creatures and ultimately humankind. He offers consulting services for people who want to keep bees as a hobby and apprenticeships for those who wish to become experts in beekeeping and removal services on the occasion that a hive has decided to relocate in the walls of your house. His training others to do the work of beekeeping helps grow the bee population in Central Oregon. About a month ago, I became aware that Stephen has been spending more of his time, energy and thousands of dollars to assist Mother Nature and compensate for the drought. In winter months he attends to the hives wrapping them in extra insulation. He is the personal caretaker for 30 hives in and around Central Oregon; two are located on our property on the north side of Bend. It has been standard practice to supplement the bees with sugar water for approximately three months a year. This year, in addition to the challenges posed by the 4 Ps, the severe drought required him to supplement for more than six months just to keep the hives alive. I want the community to recognize Steve and HELP him HELP Mother Nature. His efforts are focused on these tiny busy creatures in the best interest of all living things. We must support those who support this aspect of the environment. Bee extinction would lead to a catastrophic imbalance in our eco-system. Steve’s contributions are a precious resource but not sustainable on his own. You can donate here to help support his efforts. All funds will be directed to the time, materials and transport of support to care for our indispensable friends, the BEES. https://Tumalobeeacademy.com https://youtu.bexqGkGKZFD30
Bend, OR
Kate Andrews 
Created December 31, 2022
Raising funds for new water wells in North Africa
$250 raised of $25,000 goal • 4 donors
raised of $25,000 goal
4 donations
Brian Hall is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello everyone. Looking to raise funds to help provide clean drinking water to smaller villages in Ghana - Africa. On average, women and girls on average, walk 3.1 miles a day to get clean water for their families. Over the past 6 years we have done 54 new water wells, but there is much more need. Please consider helping if you can. Blessings. 
Newark, OH
Brian Hall 
Created January 2, 2023
Sponsor a Coral Nursery
$943 raised of $2,750 goal • 13 donors
raised of $2,750 goal
13 donations
Brook Sill is organizing this fundraiser.
This past September, I had the incredible opportunity of visiting an island called Moorea (A sister island to Tahiti) in French Polynesia. Growing up in a small landlocked town in South Carolina, I was unaware of how powerful, beautiful and connected the ocean is to our daily life, specifically with corals, in which over half a billion people depend on reefs for food, protection and income. The reefs cover less than 1% of the ocean but are home to almost 25% of all known marine life. During my time in Moorea, I came across an incredible Non-Profit Organization called Coral Gardeners who have made it their mission to grow and plant resilient corals to restore dying reefs and bring life back to the ocean. In just 5 years, Coral Gardeners have planted over 15,755 corals around Mo'orea island and have dreams of planting 1 million corals around the world by 2025. During my trip I had the opportunity to see first hand the work that the Coral Gardner's had been up to. We swam and dove around the nurseries which consist of fragmented super corals that have been planted to stimulate new growth . The passion and urgency to heal our planet that each gardener possesed was contagious and I couldn't help but leave wanting to contribute. I would be honored and so excited for you to join me in raising funds so that together we could sponsor an entire nursery. A nursery is composed of 15 ropes with a few different species of corals, documented specifically by their fragmented location and species. Each nursery grows approximately 250 to 300 corals. Together we can help make an impactful difference for the ocean, marine life and humanity.
Los Angeles, CA
Brook Sill 
Created November 28, 2022
Expand the Cerro Chucantí Reserve
$3,078 raised of $40,000 goal • 30 donors
raised of $40,000 goal
30 donations
Jonathan Mills-Anderson is organizing this fundraiser.
Thanks to the generous support of the Rainforest Trust, we have most of the funds necessary to purchase a neighboring piece of land to expand the Cerro Chucantí Private Nature Reserve (CCPNR) – but we need your help to raise the rest. The CCPNR is a private reserve owned and managed by the Adopt a Panama Rainforest Association (ADOPTA). This unique reserve is located near the top of Cerro Chucantí – the tallest peak in the Majé mountains on the border of Panama’s Darién province – and contains many rare and endangered species such as the Black Spider Monkey (Ateles fusiceps rufiventris) and Great Currasow (Crax rubra). A rare, isolated cloud forest habitat (the nearest cloud forest is about 60 miles away) exists near Chucantí’s peak. This area has proven to be a hotspot for new and endemic species, with 18 new species of plants, insects, reptiles, and amphibians already described from the reserve since 2010 and dozens more in the process of being described! Most of these species are only found within the CCPNR and many have been suggested as Critically Endangered by their describing authors due to their limited range. See https://www.adoptabosque.org/en/chucanti/new-species for more information on the species described from the reserve. The CCPNR has also been declared an Import Bird Area by the Panama Audubon and a High Priority Area for Endemic Birds of the World (EBA 024: Darién Highlands) by Birdlife International due to species otherwise only found near the Colombian border – such as the Beautiful Treerunner (Margarornis bellulus), Varied Solitaire (Myadestes coloratus), and Russet-crowned Quail-dove (Zentrygon goldmani) – that were discovered living in Chucantí’s cloud forest. Unfortunately, the forests around the reserve are threatened by deforestation for timber and agriculture. ADOPTA already owns 700 hectares (approximately 1,500 acres) of land as part of the CCPNR, but it is vital to expand this area to create a buffer zone that can adequately protect the cloud forest within the reserve. Your donation will help expand this unique reserve and protect the new, unique, and often endangered species that live there. For more information, visit www.adoptabosque.org/en/chucanti and find ADOPTA on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & YouTube) @AdoptaBosque.
Aliso Viejo, CA
Jonathan Mills-Anderson 
Created November 14, 2022
We have been in a bad house fire Lost everything
$450 raised of $10,000 goal • 4 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
4 donations
Zyiaan Rohoman is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Alamin Rohoman.
Created 6 days ago6 days agoEnvironment Hello, my name is Zyiaan and I am fundraising for me and my family who recently been in a bad house fire. The fire started from a charger wire that was charging a controller on my bed, in my room while I was asleep. The fire burnt everything in my room and left everything in our house with smoke and water damage. Luckily me and my family are safe. no one was severely hurt. I have 3rd degree burns on both my hands just typing this is hard to do. The last 3 days have been very stressful and we could really use some help asap.
Allentown, PA
Zyiaan Rohoman 
Words of support (1) Please donate to share words of support. arqam ali $100•5 d Hope everything gets better
Created 6 days ago
Protect elephants, wildlife & wild places
$1,040 raised of $5,000 goal • 3 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
3 donations
Christine Mulholland is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Generation Awakening, Inc..  
Generation Awakening is proud to support this fundraiser with 100% of funds raised going to support Ulinzi Africa Foundation’s rangers where their goal is simple: To stop the illegal and unsustainable killing of wildlife in Kenya's Tana River and Delta zones. In the last 3 months alone, our ranger teams have rescued wild animals from traps, arrested poachers and traffickers, and directly saved thousands of animals from being killed for their meat, skins or tusks. Our continued presence and operations in this area is critical for the wildlife to survive and the communities living nearby to access assistance where possible, but we are overwhelmed and need your support this giving season. Important species in this area include: Elephants. The Tana River delta was once an elephant stronghold. Numbers now are estimated to be in the region of a few hundred. Coastal Topi. The Coastal Topi is an endemic species found nowhere else. Numbers are estimated to range around 3,800 individuals that remain heavily targeted by bushmeat poachers. Our priority to is reduce and, if possible, eliminate the impact of illegal hunting, allowing the species to stabilize and recover. Dik-Dik. The smallest antelope in Kenya, Dik-Diks pair for life, raising one young for 8-10 months. This points towards what could be an irreversible local extinction should the trend continue; with the species unable to reproduce successfully due to lack of their breeding pair partner, and also immediate loss of the next generation since many of those taken out are gestating females. This may be the last opportunity to save these species in the wild, failure to which there would be a necessity for massive intervention measures to recover the species. We cannot afford to reach this stage. We have an opportunity to save them today. Will you help us? YOUR CONTRIBUTION WILL: Ensure that the ranger team members are well nourished and facilitated to traverse over 1 million acres of wildlife habitat Ensure that wildlife in 3 zones are protected to the best of our ability Ensure that marine wildlife and terrestrial wildlife are monitored regularly Ensure that any injured wildlife are found and treated Ensure that any orphaned animals are rescued Please give the gift of supporting these rangers and protecting elephants, wildlife and wild places - whatever you can contribute is so greatly appreciated and helps tremendously!
Fountain Valley, CA
Christine Mulholland 
Created December 14, 2022
Send Jim to Hawaii as a GIVE Volunteer.
$225 raised of $3,700 goal • 4 donors
raised of $3,700 goal
4 donations
James Pendred is organizing this fundraiser.
Jim has been welcome to the GIVE family and has been accepted to travel as a GIVE volunteer! Jim can now travel to some of the most beautiful places on the planet and have a positive impact every step of the way. As a GIVE volunteer, Jim will play a vital role to uplift and empower our international host communities in Nicaragua, Tanzania, Thailand, and/or Laos. This summer 2023, Jim wants to join a 9-day volunteer trip to explore some of the most spectacular wilderness Hawaii has to offer. Jim is ready to have the experience of a lifetime working alongside GIVE partners while immersing in fascinating cultures and embarking on off-the-beaten-path adventures! GIVE Volunteers in Hawai’i explore the fascinating culture and dynamic landscapes of the Big Island, while giving back to the ‘aina (land) and moana (ocean) on native forest rehabilitation, indigenous land stewardship, marine debris removal, and regenerative farming projects! Jim will also get to snorkel in the Pacific, hike across volcanic craters, stargaze into the cosmos, and ‘talk story’ with indigenous leaders about their sacred lands, culture and history. After volunteering in Hawai’i, Jim wants to join GIVE’s Scuba Conservation Add-On to become PADI Scuba Open Water certified and help protect reef ecosystems while diving with incredible marine life! Adding on to his doctoral program, Jim would also like to extend his stewardship experience by taking GIVE's and SUNY's accredited Ecotourism course and receive academic credit! I, Jim, would like to thank you for your considered support.
Stillwater, OK
James Pendred 
Created November 29, 2022
Help Nolan Go to Philmont Scout Camp
$95 raised of $1,500 goal • 4 donors
raised of $1,500 goal
4 donations
Nolan Kappen is organizing this fundraiser.
️Hello Visitors,️ Thank you for visiting my Go-Fund-Me page, My name is Nolan Kappen and I am 12 years old, and am a boyscout. I created this to share that I will be going on the top rated Boyscout Camp In America called Philmont. It will be a 2 week long trip with others from my boyscout troop. Although this will no doubtedly be a life changeing experience, This trip will not be cheap. The total cost including Food, Transportation, Trail rentals, and Shelter would be $1,500. But I think 100% that together we will be able to do it! Thank you- Nolan Kappen
Los Gatos, CA
Nolan Kappen 
Created December 28, 2022
Enviromental cleanup
$55 raised of $1,000 goal • 4 donors
raised of $1,000 goal
4 donations
Cristian Bernabe is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello, I'm fundraising for a cause in El Salvador I want to help eliminate all the plastic waste from the nearby water bodies that have been affected by the improper disposal of plastic. All the plastic waste has impacted the ecosystems in negative ways so I have decided to try to take the challenge on personally and give my own time and effort to try and leave at least a small impact. Although, I want to help I also want to create a small income source by giving opportunities to people from the nearby pueblos a small amount of money to help out with cleaning as we know how difficult it is for people to find a source of income but also educate them on why it's important to properly dispose of plastic. Furthermore, the equipment needed to clean up the trash is a bit expensive this is why I need help from you beautiful people to help me clean up these beautiful places in hopes that one day you can also enjoy the beauty of El Salvador thank you in advance for your donations. If the goal is met I will post pictures and videos of the progress as I know how satisfying it is to see a clean lake.
Nadeau, CA
Cristian Bernabe 
Created January 2, 2023
A Swift Exit from "Paradise"
$965 raised of $5,000 goal • 7 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
7 donations
Kirin McCrory is organizing this fundraiser.
(Due to the nature of this situation, some information must be concealed. All money donated will be sent on to the family through the US-based friend organizing this.) As some of you may know, almost 7 years ago I left the US with my Sun to embark on an attempt to find joy, peace, and space to decompress from some life changes and to make myself fully available and present for my Sun in what I saw as the most important years. During the pandemic it was difficult for newly hired teachers to actually make it into the country. As a favor, I discontinued homeschooling to assist a school in need. If you know me, you know that if I am in a position to be of service, especially when it comes to children and community, I will do whatever I can. I also thought that this would be a great opportunity for my Sun to be in a so-called nurturing environment, as he was getting older. Putting faith and trust in this institution, I signed on quietly. Last year my Son was threatened at knife point (2 knives, to be exact) and chased by a 8yr old who proceeded to try and stab him. All of this was kept secret and our request to be moved into a different class was refused because “We don’t want to make other parents upset by him being there.” Add to this my inquiry about child protection and safety protocols, and I was deemed a trouble maker. This resulted in me being terminated immediately, less than 2 weeks before the holidays. I was denied the remainder of my contract, holiday bonus, and full monthly salary. In addition, I was told that my Son would also have to leave immediately and was no longer welcome at the classroom, holiday party or performances. Being in this space has not always been easy, but I did my absolute best to ensure that this would be a rememberable and enriching experience. It’s turned into a nightmare that haunts us both incessantly, so it’s time to go! There is so much that I wish to say, but I know it’s best to wait until I am in a safer space. My original plan was to leave during the summer, but due to the sudden change in employment, we are a bit blindsided by this and think it is best to GET OUT as soon as possible. The ultimate goal is to be en route HOME no later than February 1 2023. Which doesn’t leave much time. I know it’s a hard time for many, and a busy financial time in lieu of the holidays, so anything that you can contribute, is greatly appreciated. And if you can’t, it cost nothing to share. How will the funds be used: In my efforts to help others, my passport was stolen in the process which caused the accumulation of a massive fee that I will have to pay on exit which makes this a critical and time sensitive situation. In addition to that, the funds will help us in the transition back to the US, as well as cover transportation and living expenses while we find our bearings and I finish my online certificate courses. I am someone who does not find it easy to ask for help or to be so vulnerable, so you can imagine how difficult it is to put my faith in the kindness of others. But we aren’t meant to do this life stuff alone. I share my immense gratitude for whatever way you feel moved to support us.
Sun Prairie, WI
Kirin McCrory 
Created December 15, 2022
Help me feed my orphans in Uganda
$60 raised of $10,000 goal • 3 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
3 donations
Sseguya Jovan is organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, I’m struggling to care for orphans who have been abandoned by their parents in Uganda. We struggle with food shortages as well as disease. We would appreciate anything you can spare to help me feed these children ❤️
Germantown, OH
Sseguya Jovan 
Created December 14, 2022
Transforming plastic for a sustainable future
$170 raised of $15,000 goal • 3 donors
raised of $15,000 goal
3 donations
Marcos Lucero is organizing this fundraiser.
Vision To create a positive impact on the environment and society through the transformation of recycled plastic into long-lasting products and to generate employment opportunities for individuals and families affected by the economic crisis. Mission To be a leading company in the manufacturing and distribution of construction materials and other useful products through the transformation of recycled plastic. To raise awareness, motivate and educate the community about the importance of effective ways of recycling and its impact on the environment. Tlalli Green is a group of four environmentally committed friends that have become family through the years. We are always working on improving our relationship with mother earth and the environment for a better tomorrow. Tlalli Green is born from the realization that what is currently being done in the process of recycling is not enough. We want to be part of the solution to a persisting problem that’s affecting us all today as well as generations to come. Just 5% of plastic products are recycled in America and many common items just aren’t able to be recycled at all, according to a damning new study released by Greenpeace USA. The study estimates the U.S. produced about 51 million tons of plastic waste in 2021, but just 2.4 million tons of that was re-processed. The data compiled by Greenpeace is even more bleak than that released by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2018. The government estimated at the time just 9% of all plastics had been recycled that year, with the remaining 91% winding up in landfills. (At the time much of the country’s plastic was shipped to China and considered recycled, even if it was dumped in a landfill anyways). Our goal is to be able to reuse all forms of plastic, including the ones that are not considered qualified for reuse. We have seen organizations in other countries find solutions to this problem, so we know it is possible. We are committed to creating products with a long life and not just something that will end up in landfills and our oceans in a few months. Our plan is to start a local movement reusing plastics from our homes and our communities and expand as we grow. We are going to need machinery and tools capable of performing these tasks. In order to make this a reality, we need your support. We can only do this together! We are excited to share updates on our progress as we progress through this initiative.
Miami, FL
Marcos Lucero 
Created November 28, 2022
Earth Roots
$85 raised of $9,750 goal • 3 donors
raised of $9,750 goal
3 donations
Team fundraiser Jasmine Kelly and Godfrey Mukisa are organizing this fundraiser.
Hi, my name is Jasmine, and I'm starting this campaign on behalf of my friend Godfrey Mukisa and his passion project: Earth Roots. Godfrey is a creative environmentalist, director, and screenwriter from Kampala, Uganda. Climate change affects us all, but it most directly and direly affects those in vulnerable areas like Uganda. Godfrey's dream is to educate and inspire Ugandans and East Africans to unite and protect their environment. In this effort, Godfrey has produced two short documentary videos; first, "My Enemy's Pride" educates the effects of plastic pollution to break free from it. The second, "Mother Nature," educates and raises awareness about the impact of climate change globally. These videos are educative and have been received positively by the public. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, Godfrey's previous attempt to raise funds for Earth Roots was not successful. Despite the setback, he is determined to continue the fight against climate change. Here is his story of Earth Roots: "Climate action today requires a team of efficient and vibrant brains working together to capture the attention of the public and share information about the effective utilization of resources to promote conservation. Given the ongoing epidemics, current natural disasters and diversions, there is an increased need to focus on local and direct action to counter future and worsening environmental threats. Given that we are, globally, at this critical moment: As young environmentalists across Uganda, we want to produce a short film titled “EARTH ROOTS.” It will be a captivating, educative and informative short piece/film directed to educate and create awareness about climate change and environmental degradation. This film will highlight the increasingly extreme weather patterns which threaten food production, rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, improper utilization of resources and catchment areas, the negative impacts of deforestation, and the benefits of environmental conservation/wetlands. For the digital era, EARTH ROOTS; is an amalgamation film of the precedent environment and climate actions with the current developments as understood by a layperson. The project proposal is to create this film and screen it throughout all 135 districts of Uganda over two years. The screening will be led and coordinated by enthusiastic environmentalists in various communities and education centers, providing a space for discussion of the movie and an opportunity for further climate education and the building of connections. We strongly believe this project will awaken a collective consciousness to the threat of environmental degradation among youth, inspiring more people to care and take action. By reaching the youth at a critical moment in their lives and the life of our Earth, we can build towards a better future. Therefore, we seek your support in funding the film's production in the spirit of global collaboration at this critical moment. We hope to join together to conserve, promote and ensure the sustainable utilization, development, effective management and safeguarding of water and environmental resources for social welfare and economic development." Yours sincerely, Godfrey Mukisa Screenplay writer and director
Raised $20 from 1 donation
Jasmine Kelly 
Created December 11, 2022
Piney Point Estates Sign Plantings
$610 raised of $500 goal • 16 donors
raised of $500 goal
16 donations
Piney Point Estates is organizing this fundraiser.
Neighbors, Please help us fund plantings at the Piney Point Estates neighborhood sign! We do two plantings a year, pay someone to mow the grass on the side of Yorkville (across from the sign) and decorate the street signs during the holiday season. We appreciate your support! -Piney Point Estates Garden Club
Yorktown, VA
Piney Point Estates 
Created November 19, 2022
Housefire two days before Christmas
$1,155 raised of $5,000 goal • 15 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
15 donations
Lawrence Reents is organizing this fundraiser.
Today I was informed that a co-worker of mine experienced a house fire last night which took everything. They have a place to stay but could really use some help getting some basic necessities. If you cannot donate money perhaps you have some old clothes laying around you've been waiting to get rid of for a while. Women's 16 pants/large shirt Women's 8-10 pants/medium to large shirt Men's 29/30 pants/medium shirt I'm sure any donation, big or small would be greatly appreciated by this family.
Gallatin, TN
Lawrence Reents 
Created December 24, 2022
A River Birch Grows in Brooklyn: Save Our Tree
$765 raised of $2,000 goal • 16 donors
raised of $2,000 goal
16 donations
Team fundraiser Madeline Felix and 2 others are organizing this fundraiser.
The Summit Street Community Garden has been home to a beautiful river birch tree since it was planted as a young sapling in the mid-nineties. The tree was part of a generous plant donation from Green Thumb / NYC Parks Department that included shrubs and perennials which continue to thrive in the garden. Today this graceful and beneficial tree is in trouble, seriously threatened by the appearance of an insect—the bronze birch borer—that can kill a birch tree in a few short years. Fortunately, river birches are more resistant to the borer than the long-gone white paperbark birches that were once common in our neighborhood, including one in the garden. But time has now caught up to it, and the tree needs to be pruned and treated to eliminate the borer and give it its best chance for a long and healthy life. We’re working to raise $2,000 to try to save the tree with initial pruning and treatment this fall, as well as to support follow-up evaluation and treatment as needed in the next two years. And as we create this benefit for the tree, we wanted to also highlight how our community has benefited from The Summit Street Community Garden River Birch over its 25-year life: Thus far, this one tree has sequestered over 2,000 lbs. of carbon, which is equivalent to almost 8,000 lbs. of CO2. By intercepting 45,000 gallons of rainfall, this amazing birch tree has kept over 30,000 gallons of storm water runoff out of NYC’s sewers. Trees like our birch also make the air that we breathe cleaner, create homes for wildlife, and offer shade to cool our overly hardscaped city. And importantly, this tree will continue to benefit us all during this era of unprecedented climate change. Keeping this tree alive and healthy slows the rate of global warming by capturing carbon that would otherwise contribute to a warming planet. As it continues to absorb stormwater runoff, it can help to prevent deadly flooding of homes downstream from the garden. This could directly save lives and prevent costly public health issues like mold growth in homes and displacement of residents. Cleaner air means less asthma and cancer, wildlife helps to keep our diverse ecosystem intact, and shade helps save energy costs and usage. Whether you’re a friend or member of this garden, a local neighbor, or a tree lover from near or far, thank you for helping to save our Summit Street Community Garden River Birch. Summit Street Community Garden is a Green Thumb Community Garden serving Brooklyn NY, since 1993. Any additional money raised beyond our goal will be spent on other garden care, garden supplies and plants, and future maintenance projects. If you have questions about this fundraiser or the garden, please email summitstreetgarden - at - gmail.com. Madeline Felix, the organizer of this fundraiser, is a garden member.
Raised $50 from 1 donation
Madeline Felix 
Created October 24, 2022
Fund a community compost program in Chile!
$580 raised of $1,500 goal • 7 donors
raised of $1,500 goal
7 donations
Catrina Sada is organizing this fundraiser.
The program Compostaje y lombricultura y Lombricultura (regular compost and worm compost) in Santiago, Chile, manages five worm composts and two regular composts in an urban garden in the district of La Reina. In one month, this program processes 300 kilograms (over 650 pounds!) of organic waste from the community. The composts reduce quantities of solid waste entering Santiago’s landfills and ultimately creates a natural fertilizer for soil, thus re-introducing the nutrients of organic waste into the soil cycle. Juan Carlos, the program supervisor, has single-handedly managed this organic waste for 8 years. Every day he uses his trusty carrito eléctrico, an electric 3-wheeled cart to collect scraps and other compost components such as straw, dry leaves and manure. Juan Carlos has built a community network of sharing knowledge about compost and worms as well as a dependable compost drop-off. Additionally, the electric cart doesn't use gas, thus lowering the program's carbon footprint and transporting the scraps in a sustainable way. Juan Carlos’s carrito is in poor shape and needs a replacement. Unfortunately, funds for this program in Chile are minimal: the municipality has little money to distribute, the blanket organization containing Compostaje is trying to lower its deficit with the income that comes in, and the cost of living here is incredibly high in general. For that reason, I am asking YOU (US contacts) to help fund Compostaje y Lombricultura to help Juan Carlos with a new carrito and provide this program with income for its future! All money raised will go directly to the program, to be used for a new carrito, materials for building compost structures, and tools such as pitchforks and shovels to manage the compost. Thank you for reading! Donate now to support this environmental initiative and help Juan Carlos out.
San Luis Obispo, CA
Catrina Sada 
Created November 16, 2022
No Rancho Palo Verde extension!
$80 raised of $5,000 goal • 2 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
2 donations
Allison Gable is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Cleveland National Forest Foundation.  
Investors in the long-dormant second phase of the Rancho Palo Verde housing development (RPV2) are working behind closed doors to obtain county approval for the project. This project poses grave threats to forest, stream, and river habitat rich with biodiversity and critical to local ecosystems and threatens to disrupt Alpine with damaging sprawl. “Changed circumstances” such as increased fire risk, new habitat conditions from prolonged drought, and changes in project design require a new Environmental Impact Report according to CEQA law. Urgent action is needed to stop this project from being approved without public notice. The Cleveland National Forest Foundation is a nonprofit group dedicated to preserving the plants, animals and other natural resources of Southern California mountains by protecting the land and water they need to survive. Please join us in challenging this backdoor approach to planning so that we can preserve Alpine's precious habitat!
Descanso, CA
Allison Gable 
Created November 16, 2022
Help Us Move Our Mission!
$170 raised of $30,000 goal • 2 donors
raised of $30,000 goal
2 donations
This fundraiser is organized by ProduceGood.  
Help us move our mission! We drive our three vehicles, called our Fruit Loopers, over 16k miles a year, to move fruits and vegetables from farms, farmers markets, orchards and local grocers to provide thousands of servings a week to the 1 in 4 San Diegans struggling with food insecurity. They work hard and now they need your help with paint, fuel, maintenance and signage. Help us meet our goal of $30,000, which will provide 175,000 servings of fresh produce to 60,000 people.
Created December 21, 2022
Repair Parking Lot
$60 raised of $3,000 goal • 2 donors
raised of $3,000 goal
2 donations
Amie Artimisi is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello all, and thank you for visiting my Go-Fund-Me page. The intent of this fund is to repair (fill in holes) in a gravel parking lot owned by the city and titled as "vacant." There are many military personell and government contractors who need to use this parking lot to be able to walk into work, but frequently get flat tires and bumper damage from all of the rain in this area deterriorating the gravel causing gigantic holes. These holes limit these personell with lower to the ground vehicles from utilizing the lot and having to park very far from the building. What I'm asking for is help in obtaining gravel to fill these holes. The personell that work here do a lot for the surrounding community whether it's volunteering at the local animal shelter or parading the colors for martigra, I want to give back and I'm hoping you can help me do so. My goal is $3,000 due to the size and magnitude of these holes at .40 Cu Ft per bag of gravel at $13.48. Anything you can give will help immensly, thank you for your time.
Created October 31, 2022
i need to pay my child support
$105 raised of $300 goal • 2 donors
raised of $300 goal
2 donations
Jeffrey McWaters is organizing this fundraiser.
My wife left and I need money because she took all my money and I got fired
Alexander City, AL
Jeffrey McWaters 
Words of support (1) Please donate to share words of support. Trey Edwards $100•5 d W
Created October 31, 2022
Downhill mountain bike trails at Walden's Ridge
$3,415 raised of $10,000 goal • 15 donors
raised of $10,000 goal
15 donations
Jack Hunt is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Kathleen Hunt.
Dear Friends and Family- Ever since I was little, my Dad and I have loved mountain biking the amazing trails around Chattanooga. For my senior project, I want to invite you to join me in raising money in his honor to donate towards the new downhill trails that are about to open on Signal Mountain's Walden's Ridge. Specifically, these funds will go towards ongoing trail maintenance once the trails are open to the public in a few months. As described on the Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association website, Walden’s Ridge is going to revolutionize Chattanooga mountain biking. "Chattanooga’s backyard currently has over 100 miles of existing singletrack……and it’s about to get a whole lot better. The 200-acre Walden Ridge Park will offer the community an additional 8 to 12 miles of gravity-oriented MTB trails with 800 feet of elevation loss, for beginner to expert riders. You can certainly expect gravity-fed features, rock rolls, flowing singletrack, and the ability for you to shuttle it, or grind back to the top in the “granny gear” if you so choose." I am seeking to raise $10,000 towards this goal and have secured three donors who have already contributed a combined $5,000. Thanks in advance for contributing to this cause which means so much to me. I am hoping to surprise my Dad at Thanksgiving with this donation, and any amount will help create an impact. Thanks so much for your consideration- Jack Hunt
Chattanooga, TN
Jack Hunt 
Created October 30, 2022
Save the Cutoff
$1,900 raised of $20,000 goal • 15 donors
raised of $20,000 goal
15 donations
Aaron Baker is organizing this fundraiser.
Save the Cutoff is fighting to keep an historical recreational area open that has been funded with tax payer money for generations.
Malakoff, TX
Aaron Baker 
Created October 21, 2022
Support the Hempstead Plains Prairie Burn!
$930 raised of $3,000 goal • 15 donors
raised of $3,000 goal
15 donations
Michael Genova is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Friends of Hempstead Plains at Nassau Community College Inc.  
Want to join me in making a difference to the prairie ecosystem of the Hempstead Plains? Then help me fund a controlled burn to help maintain the strength and integrity of the habitat. The Plains are a grasslands ecosystem that once made up 1/3 Nassau County. We now have just 17 acres of protected, undeveloped prairieland, which are managed by the Friends of Hempstead Plains at Nassau Community College Inc. Historically, natural fires kept the prairie ecosystem healthy by burning away invasive and harmful plants and encouraging the growth of native grasses. More information about Friends of Hempstead Plains at Nassau Community College Inc: Friends of Hempstead Plains at Nassau Community College, Inc. was formed in 2001, dedicated to the perpetual preservation, restoration and management of the site through scientific research and education.
Garden City, NY
Michael Genova 
Created November 19, 2022
Help us raise money for Lydia and her family!
$1,660 raised of $1,750 goal • 15 donors
raised of $1,750 goal
15 donations
Maggie Dwyer is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Kelly Dwyer.
We are a group of girls who attend Austin High School and are a part of the global studies academy. Last February, we had the privilege of visiting Costa Rica with our academy for a service trip, during which we traveled to substantial farms to learn about sustainability. At one specific farm, we met a lovely women named Lydia. Lydia and her family live completely substantially off the foods and livestock they grow/raise on their property. We learned so much at Lydia’s farm and truly had one of the most rememberable experiences. We want to show our appreciation by giving back to her. Lydia is in need of a device necessary to a sustainable lifestyle, and we want to raise the money to provide her with it, Thank You for your contribution!!
Austin, TX
Maggie Dwyer 
Created December 4, 2022
backcountry club!
$700 raised of $750 goal • 13 donors
raised of $750 goal
13 donations
Team fundraiser Malin Bird and Zinnia Weybright are organizing this fundraiser.
Yo, we're the Backcountry club @ Santa Monica High School! Malin Bird and Graham Slater co-founded this club to encourage other students to seek the outdoors. As both well experienced backpackers we hope to take a handful of high school kids on overnight backpacking trips around the SoCal area. In order to appreciate nature you have to give some love back! 15% of all funds raised will be going to environmental charities to help maintain our Golden State. All else will go to create great memories with friendly wildlife and others alike on our adventures in the backcountry! Money will go to gear, camp permits/fees, and food! Thank you so much.
Raised $100 from 5 donations
Malin Bird 
Created November 30, 2022
Transform AoA entrance into a community garden
$1,200 raised of $1,200 goal • 14 donors
raised of $1,200 goal
14 donations
Gavin Stockton is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello, My name is Gavin, and I am asking you to help transform the entrance of this Academia de las Americas (Academy of the Americas) building into a community garden in a local Detroit Public School. I am a teacher at AoA, which has given me the privilege to see firsthand the academic culture and community surrounding AoA. AoA is a beautiful public school in the Southwest of Detroit that boosts a bilingual immersion Spanish curriculum. This curriculum is one of the many things that makes this school unique. The culture of the school, along with the community it hosts, makes it the perfect location for native Spanish and English speakers alike. I am so proud to be a member of this academic environment. With the support of staff, parents, the community and your support, I believe we can bring this vision of a transformed entrance to this school. This garden will host a bee garden full of wildflowers from Michigan, encouraging one of nature's most important species to flourish. The garden boxes are a collaborative project between dents and staff. As well as, bird feeders will encourage and play host to various birds that will greet students as they enter the building. Finally, there will be a vegetable garden that will have fresh produce. This transformation will greet students in their building and encourage a safe and warm learning environment. In addition, the garden will serve as a space where students can explore scientific ideas of the essential interactions between pollinators and pollen, plant growth, and birds' life cycle. This transformation will improve this incredible school's opportunities for its students. Your contribution is vital to this project. Please support this school and this community.
Detroit, MI
Gavin Stockton 
Created December 8, 2022
$467 raised of $1,000 goal • 14 donors
raised of $1,000 goal
14 donations
Halima Mohamed is organizing this fundraiser.
The masjid needs your assistance, it’s been over a decade since it has been built. It needs repairing due to its conditions. The windows, walls ceiling needs redone. Sadaqah Jariyah is a timeless, caring charity, that promises great, ongoing reward for the person who gives, even after they’re gone. Give today, and reap the ongoing rewards for years to come.
Created December 9, 2022
Give it up for RMS!
$955 raised of $2,500 goal • 13 donors
raised of $2,500 goal
13 donations
Risa Shimoda is organizing this fundraiser to benefit River Management Society.  
The River Management Society has much to be grateful for and many to thank after a momentous 2022! We were able to connect with members, partners and new colleagues at River Management Roundtables, Chapter trips, and River Training Center events, at which 1,140 attendees learned about Wild and Scenic River management, streambank restoration, river access planning, pathways to river careers, and workspace inclusivity. ...and, as a consequence of your participation and engagement, our membership is at an historic high! We welcomed new officers in our Pacific, Midwest and Southeast Chapters, who hosted meetups on the Klamath and Nolichucky. Our board and staff met on the South Fork American to share what’s next as we “support professionals who study, protect and manage North America’s rivers.” This success has been possible through the efforts of you, who are our dedicated members, board, staff, instructors, and volunteers. Celebrate this momentous year for your River Management Society, captured in this video! Let’s keep it going! Please consider making an end-of-year gift to “support professionals who study, protect and manage North America’s rivers” directly. As our way of saying, “Thank you,” those donating $100 or more will receive an RMS power bank to help keep devices charged while in the field. Learn more about RMS on our website, and follow us on social media @rivermgtsociety.
Created November 28, 2022
Help me spread some good!
$331 raised of $100,000 goal • 13 donors
raised of $100,000 goal
13 donations
Stephanie Thacker is organizing this fundraiser.
I’m Sillysteph01 on Tiktok, On May 23rd 2021 I became homeless. I lived in my car for 457 days with my dog, through out that time I realized the amazing powers of social media, on my worst days someone from across the globe could pick up my spirits. It’s because of a GoFundMe set up to raise money for a home I was able to finally get an apartment. I realized that so many people cared about me and Millie because I was able to share our story with them! There are so many others just as alone as I was without the opportunity to share their story like I did. I’d like to start here, a big city in Kentucky where the homeless population is off the charts. I’ll be interviewing people from the homeless community to give them a chance to tell their story, I’ll then surprise them with money and gifts to help them have a great head start on their future. One day I would love to help homeless people all over the country! I think with as many kind people as there are in the world, if we all spread a bit of kindness we can truly make the world a better place! Any amount will add up and you can watch someone’s life change! Every penny goes to helping homelessness! Please donate if you can ❤️ This whole process will be recorded and featured on my Tiktok @Sillysteph01
Lexington, KY
Stephanie Thacker 
Created November 8, 2022
Rokus and Nicco Save the Amazon Rainforest!
$155 raised of $150 goal • 13 donors
raised of $150 goal
13 donations
Kirsten Millar is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Amazon Watch.  
Rokus and Nicco are twins who have loved the Amazon rainforest for most of their 5 ¾ years. When asked what he’d do with the power of telekinesis, Nicco’s immediate answer was, “I’d move our house to the Amazon rainforest!” When asked where in the world they’d most want to visit, the Amazon rainforest is always top of the list. Recently these two learned that the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed, and they are very concerned. Rokus really wanted to write a letter to tell people not to let this happen! I couldn’t figure out who or where to send a letter, so we decided to write a letter to you, our family and friends, and see if you could help Rokus and Nicco save their favorite place on earth.  The Brazilian government is trying to build dams along the Tapajos River, which will flood a portion of the rainforest and destroy the homes of the many indigenous peoples who live there. Deforestation, fires, and mining also threaten the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rainforest is the world’s largest and most biodiverse tropical rainforest, covering an area larger than the continental United States. It houses one-third of the Earth’s plant and animal species and produces one-fifth of all its flowing fresh water. Millions of plants, animals, and people call this place home, and we all depend on it to sustain the earth’s delicate balance. We are trying to raise money for Amazon Watch, a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of Indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. They partner with Indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability, and the preservation of the Amazon’s ecological systems. Please help us to help them in this fight. Even if it is only a dollar, any donation you can give would mean so much to Rokus, Nicco, and me, their mother. We hope that the crisis in the Amazon can be stopped and we can see this incredible place in person one day. We set up a GoFundMe so that Rokus and Nicco will be able to see the impact they can have. They worked very hard to write these letters to you. That’s a lot of writing for 5-year-olds, but they were happy and excited to do it because they are passionate about this.
Muldrow, OK
Kirsten Millar 
Created November 9, 2022
Help for hotel stay for a week
$550 raised of $550 goal • 13 donors
raised of $550 goal
13 donations
Melissa Aguirre is organizing this fundraiser.
Hello, it's a difficult situation I am in. I need to move out this weekend from my situation. The place I am supposed to go to live has just tested positive for covid. I can't risk catching covid as the last time I got it I had to be hospitalized. So I need a pet friendly hotel for me a my dog for a week. And with being off of work due to what I endured I don't have the funds to book a room. Anything helps. I love you all ❤️
Clearwater, FL
Melissa Aguirre 
Created December 30, 2022
Save Blue, Save Green
$877 raised of $5,000 goal • 12 donors
raised of $5,000 goal
12 donations
Save Blue Save Green is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Sylvia Earle Alliance Mission Blue (Mission Blue).  
Hi! I've been learning all about Sylvia Earle and ocean conservation. Our oceans are in danger and need our help! Would you please help me save the oceans? I'm raising money to benefit Sylvia Earle Alliance Mission Blue (Mission Blue), and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks so much for your donation, it means a lot!
Minneapolis, MN
Save Blue Save Green 
Created October 23, 2022