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Q: Domain randomly becomes unresolved Recently, I've been having some issues with a domain name. I set up my domain to point to my server, but every now and then, when attempting to ssh in, I get the error: ssh: Could not resolve hostname {URL}: nodename nor servname provided, or not known It isn't consistent, though, and I can't figure what actually causes it to suddenly throw the error. At one point, I was using an SFTP client to manage some server files, and it dropped mid-connection. Then, later, I was using Sequel Pro to connect to my database, and after I closed to connection in SQL Pro, it began throwing the error again. Attempting to ping the domain returns: ping: cannot resolve {URL}: Unknown host But navigating to the domain in a browser has no issues -- loads it up just fine. If anyone has any insight into what may be happening here, it's greatly appreciated.
I’m obsessed with helping people build and live their legacy, without feeling like they have to sacrifice everything in the process. One thing I know for sure is that feeling fulfilled comes from marrying inner purpose and outer expression. When you know exactly what it is you want to leave behind–the impact you want to have on the world and the imprint you want to leave on those around you–then you can begin to create that legacy in every moment of your life. This experience of impeccable clarity driving conscious action–that is living your legacy. I can tell you this from experience…once you spend time in the exhilarating, life-affirming space of living into your legacy, you won’t ever want to go back. My mission is to steer driven leaders and thought leading organizations head-on into the space of experiencing their truth and expressing it authentically in order to create unique, dynamic, and fulfilling living legacies both professionally and personally. Frequently, this looks like guiding individual and corporate clients through personal and professional growth periods and the often debilitating mindsets that accompany them, in order to come out on the other side with renewed vision, joy and purpose. I love getting into the trenches with my clients to serve as an ideating partner, strategic sharpshooter, a strategic partner, to put together the puzzle pieces into a coherent, reverberating legacy. It’s been the great privilege of my life to be able to help creative corporations realize an expanded mission, executives ideate fresh directions for their teams, and ambitious leaders translate their professional creativity and satisfaction into their personal and family relationships. My clients are living, walking legacies (Link to appreciation page), whose impact will continue to be felt generations from now. After more than a decade of pioneering the tech-business economy in both North America and Europe for companies such as Amazon, IMDb, and Fox Interactive Media, I realized I was experiencing a drive and a hunger for a different kind of fulfillment. It was the kind of shift that would require an audacious move. I returned to the US from London with my husband and two young boys, enrolled in a Master’s program in Spiritual Psychology, and had my 3rd child to boot! I am a wife, a mother of three young boys, and a philanthropist. I run a global coaching practice for corporations, organizations, and individual leaders, I co-authored a book, and I headline events as an inspirational speaker. I lean into my own legacy every day. My professional legacy is defined by helping ambitious women and men experience their full expression and trail blaze their own unique path of purpose and fulfillment. As a mom, the legacy I leave for my children includes a sense of compassion, self-acceptance and appreciation of their unique gifts, as well as the ability to be present over the pressure to be perfect.
Ouga Uzuki Ouga Uzuki was the grandfather of Jin and Shion Uzuki. He was the sensei of Jin and Margulis, and trained them in the art of swordsmanship. It is also possible he may have trained Shion and Pellegri. During these times, Ouga favored Jin over Margulis, and Margulis viewed Ouga as an old fool. Ouga also had loads of books in his storage, and Jin and Shion had read them when they were younger. Ouga once told Shion that everything in this universe existed for a reason, and that's why life is allowed to exist.
It’s Budget Season! What Does that Mean for Housing? Budget Season! This time of year is always a busy one in the policy space with the announcement of the federal budget along with a raft of state and territory budgets right around the country. Not surprisingly, housing affordability is at the forefront of the policy agenda, and the budget that have been so far announced reflect this heightened sense of priority. The housing affordability challenge has resulted from the sharp increase in dwelling prices across the major cities over the past five years or so. This has occurred at the same time as a major deceleration of income growth in the economy, which has taken the pace of growth to its lowest in about two decades. The federal budget didn’t disappoint in the housing space, being packed with measures designed to lead to better housing affordability outcomes. Encouragingly, the federal government seems to appreciate that the only sustainable solution to the affordability challenge lies on the supply side and through the delivery of the requisite volume of housing stock at lower cost. In this vein, the federal budget proposed a number of measures including the creation of a $1 billion National Housing Infrastructure Facility. A commitment was also given to identify Commonwealth land holdings that might be suitable for residential development. While new building will always be the main source of dwelling supply, the budget has also tried to tap into the significant amount of stock that can be released through downsizing by retirees. In this respect, up to $300,000 of the proceeds the sale of a home for downsizing purposes will be eligible for more favourable treatment if contributed to the seller’s superannuation fund. The budget also included specific measures aimed at incentivising new dwelling supply at the affordable end of the market in particular. A larger capital gains tax discount is to be provided to investors in affordable housing and greater encouragement for Management Investment Trusts to invest in affordable housing is also to be provided for. The establishment of a National Housing Finance & Investment Corporation is also being planned in order to facilitate the delivery of larger volumes of affordable housing supply. Despite the budget’s emphasis on the supply side, there are also measures to address the demand in the market. Not surprisingly, these have again been aimed at foreign investors. There are measures to further tighten regulations around foreign investor participation in Australia’s housing market as well as effectively ‘fining’ foreign investors who leave dwellings vacant for more than six months of the year. While targeting foreign investors is likely to prove popular amongst the many first home buyers struggling to access the market, it is important to emphasise that foreign investor demand is a vital conduit for bringing new developments into existence. Foreign-owned dwellings are also a central pillar of supply to the rental market and restrictions here are only likely to exacerbate pressures in rental markets like those of Sydney and Melbourne. A well-functioning rental market is important from the perspective of attracting and retaining migrant labour in the local jobs markets – a crucial ingredient for long-term growth and development. On the demand side, the federal budget has also sought to give first home buyers a leg up through the creation of First Home Super Saver accounts which allow prospective buyers to contribute up to $30,000 toward the deposit for their first home deposit at a more favourable tax rate. The past month has also seen state governments turn their budgetary fire on residential investors. Victoria’s state budget for 2017/18 involved the introduction of a one per cent levy on investors leaving their properties unoccupied for large portions of the year, as well as the application of a land tax surcharge for foreign investors in the state. In early June, the NSW government announced that the stamp duty surcharge on foreign investors would be doubled from four per cent to eight per cent – a heavy impost in a state where dwelling prices are easily the highest. The risk is that these interventions will only result in stresses for those who depend on the rental market for their housing needs and diminish the amount of new home building in markets where shortages on the rental market are most acute.
The first thing I'm going to say about this is that it is DELICIOUS. Seriously. The second thing is, if you are looking for healthy or low fat, this is NOT it. Butterfinger Desert: Crust: Crushed Graham Crackers Melted Butter 2nd Layer: 1 container cream cheese (Whipped works best!) Powdered Sugar 3rd Layer: 2 packages instant french vanilla or butterscotch pudding 2 cups milk Whipped cream Vanilla Ice Cream 4th Layer: Whipped Cream Crushed Butterfinger Bars First, spray your pan. (I usually use a 9x13 glass cake pan). Crush 1 packet of graham crackers or throw them in a blender until finely ground. Put the crumbs in the bottom of the pan and mix with 3-6 tbsp melted butter. Press down onto the bottom of the pan with a spoon or spatula. With a mixer, combine your whipped cream cheese (this works best if your cream cheese has been sitting at room temperature for a little while) and add 1/2-1 cup of powdered sugar. Add a little milk if the mixture is really thick. Spread over crumb crust in pan. In a large mixing bowl, combine your pudding mix and 2 cups of milk. Then add some ice cream (about 1 cup) and some whipped cream (about 1 cup). Mix until smooth. Pour pudding mixture on top of cream cheese mixture in pan. Top with whipped cream (I usually use 2 normal sized containers of whipped cream for this recipe). Then sprinkle crushed butterfinger bars over the top (2 large bars works well). Refrigerate until ready to serve. *I don't measure anything when I make this recipe. I am guessing on the amounts and you can add more or less of whatever you like! If you really want to taste the cream cheese, use 2 containers! If you love butterfinger, use 4 or 5 bars on top! You can change it to suit your tastes, as long as you use the basic ingredients, I promise you, it will turn out amazing!
This page has always been dedicated to Aunt Hazel's poetry and photos of things we've done. However, in keeping with the purpose of "If Mama Sang" -- archiving family history --I have to post what I have -- the best of the best. This is the start. On the lower left is a man I always knew as my uncle, Bill Wells. He is pictured here with his mom, dad, and two brothers. That's all I know. More when I know it. Once upon a morning Before the sun was up I'd put some coffee on to brew Then filled my coffee cup I looked outside by back door There right before my eyes were results of my endeavor But still a great surprise For early in the spring-time Some bulbs and seeds I'd found So I quickly made a flower bed And put them in the ground Once I had set the seeds in place And lightly tamped the sod So gently came the rain and sun This nourishment from God These flowers are more than lovely On their stately spiral stalks By far my favorite blossoms These bright pink hollyhocks signed: Hazel H. Wells September 10, 1997 (This poem was in Aunt Ruth's house. She let me have it to record it for us) Today while I was dreming ... As I so often do. I was sitting in the candle light ... At a table just for two. He'd say that he would meet me ... When the day was through. And oh! I start wo wonder: Could we start our life anew? But now it's getting rather late ... And hard as I may try, I cannot hide my feelings ... So my eyes do not stay dry. Then with a start ... I realize ... This tale's not as it seems: That he can never meet me here. For this is just a dream. I wonder if this hurt I feel will ever go away; If it's only here awhile or is it here to stay? It's present in the morning before I lift my head; And here and there through-out the day and when I go to bed. Night is when the hurting .. seems more than I can bear. Until I came to realize there's One who really cares. He lifts my heavy burdens .. of grief and fear and pain. Then He renews my spirit so that I can rest again. Without His tender loving care I know where I would be In the depth of dark depression .. so blind I could not see. But with His kind and caring ways, His spirit always near, He reaches deep inside my soul and takes away my fear. If I am still and listen, to the strong, small voice inside, Tthen He reveals His presence and with me He abides. No matter what, or when or where .. in rain or cloud-less days; I know that He is listening amd He hears me when I pray. Hazel H. Wells 01-12-90 Luke 1:27 "For with God nothing shall be impossible" In lilac time ... I reminisced Fond mem'ries I did trace When lilacs perfumed springtime air From petals soft as lace In one bouquet ... as clear as day ... I saw my mother's face Then ... I sensed her presence ... And ... I felt her warm embrace Her countenance was radiant ... As fresh as morning dew More lovely than a rainbow Or the lilacs' purple hue I knew these blossoms were her choice From spring's enchanting bowers Then ever-so-softly she spoke to me Through language of the flowers Hazel H. Wells June 25, 1993 Tlhank you Lord for birds and bees For moon and stars and lofty trees For flowers that bloom in early spring For fresh air, sun and joys they bring For food and shelter ... rest at night For children's smiles and rainbows bright For wind and rain .. then skies of blue For friends and neighbors ... family, too We've all these things .. because of you Thank you for being so good! Hazel H. Wells March 11, 1992 I'm an orphan kitten No one to call my own I betcha, if you loved me Then I'd feel right at home Cause I'm a tiny kitty-cat And I don't eat much food Just a saucer full of milk Would surely taste real good I'm shabby, cold and hungry My home ... I have no clue But if you'd make a place for me Then I would purr for you For I am good at purring Before I take a nap And what could make me happier Than purring on your lap I know some other kittens That you have taken in They're now well-fed and thriving They once were cold and thin Now ... you're my lovely lady And I'm your Lucky cat When we're togethr .. may I say Nothing is nicer than that Hazel H. Wells 06-24-91 This was the first of a letter from Aunt Hazel to the Hazletts Procrastination is my sin It brings me lots of sorrow I know that I should stop it In fact, I will ... tomorow. Followed by three, wonderful, caring, newsy notebook pages of hand-written love, ending with: I love you all, Aunt Hazel "Did not pro of. All mistakes are hugs and kisses." January 18, 2007 Aunt Hazel has so many stories to go with these photos. Just ask her about these: e-mail her at Sandra's address -- OR you can buy the book and read all about all these landmarks in "If Mama Sang". (shamless plug)
I'm currently planning on developing something on WINCC 7.0 wherein the database from wincc can be monitored from an external application, probably thru an sql server. my question is... would this be possible, what software do i need and do i need more lisences? what sql server can wincc 7 run on anyway? It should be possible. It will depend on what you want to actually achieve. what software do i need and do i need more lisences? More documents on the above can be downloaded fromhere. what sql server can wincc 7 run on anyway? "MS SQL2005 Service Pack 2 for WinCC V7.0" thanks for the reply. So access to the sql server is impossible without the WinCC/Connectivity Pack? i wanted to do an application where it would be possible to see this database on a mobile deveice thru an internet connection. Have you looked at using OPC or Simatic NET Station Manager ? Yes, any other direct access, if possible, will be unsupported. What do you mean when you say "database"? If you are only interested in current process values then as gbs suggests, OPC DA will be a free option (OPC DA server is free with WinCC). But if you want access to historical data (tag logging, alarm logging...) you need connectivity pack. Now, I do not know your application, but if you want something on mobile device through internet connection, you may also want to have a look atAdvanced IT - CPs (CP343 or CP443). With them you have many possibilities, includinnghttp access with java.(moreexamples in application and tools section) You will then not require WinCC. OPC DA sounds interesting. Can you direct me to something i can look at(manual/example)? WinCC V7 includes OPC and OPCChannel pdf located in the installed WinCC documents folder. Happy reading...
Construction will reduce open lanes on Blair, John Nolen | News Title (Max 100 Characters) Construction will reduce open lanes on Blair, John Nolen John Nolen Drive and Blair Street will be reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction while construction takes place. The City of Madison Engineering Department will replace concrete at the intersection beginning Aug. 24 at 7 p.m. During the construction, no left turns will be allowed from Blair Street or John Nolen Drive onto Williamson Street or Wilson Street. The construction is expected to be completed by 6 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 27. Moderate to severe delays are expected during this project, the Traffic Engineering and Parking Divisions said.
Often asked: How Many Houses In Ireland? 1 How many houses are in Dublin? 2 How many buildings are there in Ireland? 3 How many council houses are in Ireland? 4 How many houses will be built in Ireland? 5 Is Dublin a good place to live? 6 What is the average family size in Ireland? 7 What is the oldest pub in Ireland? 8 What is the oldest house in Ireland? 9 What is the oldest structure in Ireland? 10 How much is council rent in Ireland? 11 Has rebuilding Ireland worked? 12 Can I stay in my council house forever? 13 How many houses are in Ireland 2020? 14 How many social houses built Ireland? 15 What is affordable housing Ireland? How many houses are in Dublin? There are 479,683 private households in Dublin with 34.8% being semi-detached houses. Dublin residential property prices rose by 0.6% in the year to May 2019, with house prices up 0.4% and apartments rising by 0.8%. Residential property prices have risen 93.4% from their February 2012 low. How many buildings are there in Ireland? The total number of commercial buildings in Ireland is around 109,000. How many council houses are in Ireland? About the Irish Council for Social Housing The ICSH represents approximately 270 member organisations that manage almost 40,000 homes and house almost 100,000 people including families on a low income, older people, people with disabilities and households experiencing homelessness. How many houses will be built in Ireland? The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has said 33,000 new units per year are needed to keep up with population growth in the country. That target will not be met this year, but the government has said between 17,000 and 18,000 homes will be completed. You might be interested: Often asked: How Long Notice To Move Out Ireland? What is the average family size in Ireland? Average household size increased between 2011 and 2016, from 2.73 to 2.75 persons reversing a long term trend of declining household size. Private Households. What is the oldest pub in Ireland? What is the oldest house in Ireland? Reginald’s Tower-Waterford. We begin in Ireland’s sunny south east in the city of Waterford. Christchurch Cathedral- Dublin. Dún Aonghasa – Aran Islands. Killyleagh Castle- County Down. What is the oldest structure in Ireland? How much is council rent in Ireland? You might be interested: Quick Answer: How To Change Your Marital Status With Revenue Ireland? Has rebuilding Ireland worked? Rebuilding Ireland has not worked. As part of our socio-economic review ‘Social Justice Matters: 2019 Guide to a Fairer Irish Society’ we propose to rebuild Ireland’s housing policy from the ground up. As a secure tenant, you can normally live in the property for the rest of your life, as long as you do not break the conditions of the tenancy. You can: rent out rooms – but you cannot sub-let the whole property. buy your property through the Right to Buy scheme. How many houses are in Ireland 2020? How many social houses built Ireland? In terms of immediate delivery, just over 650 new social houses were built in 2016 and importantly, a further 90 schemes, delivering 1,829 newly- built social houses, went on site in 2016. What is affordable housing Ireland? PREVIOUS PAGE Previous post: Often asked: How Much Is 20 Cigarettes In Ireland? NEXT PAGE Next post: Readers ask: Divorce In Ireland How Long Does It Take? FAQ: Why Do Multinational Companies Locate In Ireland?FAQ: Why Do Multinational Companies Locate In Ireland? Readers ask: What Age Do You Get Free Travel In Ireland?Readers ask: What Age Do You Get Free Travel In Ireland? Quick Answer: What Is Considered Full Time Employment In Ireland?Quick Answer: What Is Considered Full Time Employment In Ireland?
CARTER, ZONELLA (JACKIE), of Sebring, passed away, June 27, 2013. She was born in Arabi, GA, daughter of the late Gus and Callie Wright, September 14, 1927. Moving to Sebring in 1945 and was employed by Western Union for 18 years and retired from Sprint Telephone in 1995 after 25 years. She married Dewitt in 1946 and were members of Southside Baptist Church. Jackie is survived by son, Keith (Marie) of Waldorf, MD; daughter Karen, Sebring; granddaughters, Mollie Shackelford, Atlanta, GA and Clarissa (Brandon) Hayes, California; great granddaughter, Addison Hayes and a host of Nieces and Nephews. A service will be 10:00 am, Monday with visitation one hour prior at Morris Funeral Chapel. Burial to follow at Pinecrest Cemetery. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Zonella (Jackie) Carter, please visit our flower store.
I had no idea that The Golden Compass even existed back in 2007. It's based on the British novel The Northern Lights, which was known as The Golden Compass in America. Movies based on books often are good, but my feelings are little mixed. Like the novel (from what I hear), the story is set in a fictional universe (and Earth) like our own. A man named Asriel has discovered that there are other co-existing universes and wishes to travel to them. However the theocratic society known as The Magisterium decide that Asriel must be stopped. Though they have a little trouble in finding him. However his young niece Lyra also becomes a problem for The Magisterium. She holds the very last golden compass, which is capable of finding any truth. A woman named Mrs. Coulter befriends her, but it doesn't take long for Lyra to realize that she's not her friend. She decides to travel north where her uncle is, but will make foes and allies along the way. I hear that this movie was not true to the novel, as its literary metaphors against religious authority aren't as obvious. They also apparently didn't include the real ending to the book, instead of keeping it for the beginning of the film's sequel. Except it's been many years since 2007, so I don't think a sequel is coming. While you can tell the movie has kept a lot of the imagination from the book, the incomplete story makes this a movie I should have avoided. I had difficulty with this movie too. I imagine it probably wasn't a hit. Doesn't sound like I missed anything. The artist did a good impression of it. Haven't heard of it Adam. CGI - okay, but I agree.
S.D. Ethics Commission Looks to Overhaul Lobbying Laws Sunday, December 10, 2006 Audio San Diego’s Ethics Commission meets this week to consider sweeping changes to the city’s lobbying laws. The commission says the public deserves to know who influences whom in local government. But critics say the reforms go too far. KPBS Radio’s Andrew Phelps reports. You hear it every election season: Candidate X sold out to Special Interest Y. Lobbyists penetrate every nook and cranny of government, and the City of San Diego is no exception. The city’s Ethics Commission is proposing reforms that rile local lobbyists. Stacey Fulhorst heads up the commission. She says one reform would require lobbyists to specifically name the city officials they contact. Fulhorst: It is important for the public to know the amount of influence that a lobbyist has in terms of whether or not you meet with a staffer or whether you have direct contact with a chief of staff or the councilmember himself or herself. Sutton: That does not serve any public interest. That’s Jim Sutton, a lawyer who represents lobbyists. He says this rule might put a chill on a city official’s willingness to meet with people like developers. Stacey Fulhorst says lobbyists are just upset because they don’t want more public scrutiny. The city’s Ethic Commission meets in public later this week to discuss more ways of regulating lobbyists at City Hall. For KPBS, I’m Andrew Phelps.Stacey Fulhorst says lobbyists are just upset because they don’t want more public scrutiny. The city’s Ethic Commission meets in public later this week to discuss more ways of regulating lobbyists at City Hall. For KPBS, I’m Andrew Phelps. Sutton: That infringes on the right of that real estate developer to just get their project approved. They have to meet with city officials in order to, you know, get the details worked out. Want more KPBS news? Find us on Twitter and Facebook, or subscribe to our newsletters. To view PDF documents, Download Acrobat Reader.
Zimbabwe’s main political parties met on Wednesday to iron out differences over the division of key Cabinet posts in a unity government, but failed to reach agreement, a Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) spokesperson said. “Our negotiating team, led by secretary general Tendai Biti, held a meeting with the Zanu-PF negotiating team, but the situation remains as before,” Nelson Chamisa, spokesperson for the MDC, said. “It’s a deadlock. It can only be unlocked by the mediator, former South African president Thabo Mbeki, and the Southern African Development Community,” said Chamisa. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his arch-rivals, Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the main MDC, and Arthur Mutambara, who heads the splinter faction of the MDC, signed a landmark power-sharing accord last month aimed at ending the country’s political and economic crisis. So far they have failed to agree on how to divide key ministries, leading the MDC to call for regional mediators to help break the impasse. Under the deal, the 84-year-old Mugabe retains his position as head of state, after nearly three decades in power, while Tsvangirai took up the new post of prime minister. Tsvangirai’s MDC claims that Mugabe’s ruling party wants to retain key posts — believed to be the defence, home affairs, state security and finance ministries — in violation of the pact. Mugabe’s party on Wednesday said the MDC was putting the troubled power-sharing talks at risk by speaking publicly about the negotiations. Patrick Chinamasa, chief negotiator for Zanu-PF, said MDC signatories were violating the spirit of the deal, which calls for an information blackout on negotiations. “Negotiating in public will lead to the negotiations failing,” he told reporters. Once a model African economy and regional breadbasket, Zimbabwe is now labouring under the world’s highest inflation rate and crippling shortages of basic goods and food. Meanwhile, South African opposition the Democratic Alliance (DA) says that Mbeki’s mediation in Zimbabwe has plainly failed and is urging President Kgalema Motlanthe to get involved.
SWORDFISH- this prized catch was taken by Eddie Penn from Houston, Texas aboard Pisces Rebecca, one of the most sought after catches of fisherman. Unlike other locations where night fishing is the only way to find this elusive billfish, we catch swordfish during the daytime, when they are up sunning themselves on the surface. The fish weighed 172 lbs (on our new certified scale) and took the second live caballito cast to it 30 miles outside the 120 spot. As if this wasn't enough Ashley Corrales who was on board with Eddie, released a striped marlin and they caught 7 tuna. Let us know if you have every caught a broadbill swordfish, it would be interesting to know how many of our fans have every fought or landed one.
Do you have research interests in moral disagreement, moral intuitions, moral testimony and moral expertise; or in the nature of applied philosophy and topics like abortion, war, punishment, animals, and medical ethics; or in the mental and social mechanisms that produce moral judgments? This summer, Central European University in Budapest will bring in leading international experts and offer the opportunity to examine questions of morality from an amazing variety of angles. CEU will run Summer University courses in 2014 on: - Moral Epistemology, - Applied Philosophy, - the Evolutionary Origins and Cognitive Mechanisms of Morality. Applications from post-doctoral researchers and junior faculty, PhD students and exceptional MA students with relevant research interests are welcomed. The application deadline is February 14, 2014.
MBG 60th Annual Systematics Symposium October 11-12, 2013 St. Louis, Missouri Phylogeny Meets Ecology: Patterns of Diversity, Community Assembly, and Niche Evolution (pdf) Register at Graduate students are eligible to apply for the 2013 Delzie Demaree Travel Award for a $250 stipend to defray expenses to attend the Symposium; please see for details. POSTERS! For the first time, posters are being accepted for display during the Symposium. See details at. Deadline for submission: 23 September 2013. Organized by: Peter C. Hoch, Amy Zanne, and Peter Stevens. Supported in part by the National Science Foundation
Sitter in Denton New great location!! Now I have lots more room for creativity. I have availability for three kiddos (ages 18 mos-10 yrs) to join in our fun. I have three children of my own, 6m/o, 4y/o, 10y/o to play with. I am CPR and First Aid certified, along with 10 years of experience with children. I have had daycare for 3 years in my home and love kids! I serve breakfast, lunch and a healthy snack daily. Lots of learning activities, puzzles and preschool games. I am located a short 10 minutes west of Lincoln, we have an acreage just outside of Denton. My rates are competitive, $125/weekly. Hours are 7am to 5:30pm. I would love to meet with you and your kids. Please call anytime. 402-429-.... Sitter Details Notes Notes made here will only be seen by you. If you want to message the owner of this listing More in Denton, Nebraska Featured Child Care Providers near Denton, NE × Melissa Borgman Daycare near Denton
Powerful rollers provide excellent compaction outcomes The RD12 one-ton roller series features twin drum drive and articulated steering for incredibly accurate control. Front drum vibration with fixed rear drum departs an excellent asphalt finish. Outstanding overall roller performance and a high exciter regularity allows compaction at faster rates while still delivering even protection and positive results. - Easily maneuverable products provide flush compaction to curbs and obstructions. - Pressurized water system provides constant water movement. An eight place timekeeper permits the operator to adjust water circulation to match circumstances. - Back platform and front bonnet tilt-up for simple access and enhance machine serviceability. - Rollers offer decreased sound amounts; products operate less noisy than competitive machines in the same course. - Ideally suited to compaction of granular base surfaces and finish layers on road repairs, driveways, parking lots and and any asphalt surface. Please be aware that item availability can vary from country to country. It will be possible that information / products might not be for sale in your nation. Source:
Based just outside of Manchester, our team at North West Storage Solutions provide Manchester business owners with secure and reliable pallet storage at competitive prices. As a team with backgrounds in logistics and engineering, we understand that when it comes business storage solutions, security and trust are of the upmost priority. We pride ourselves on being transparent, offering clear pricing structures in a storage facility that is both modern and secure. Many of the Manchester-based businesses who rely on our storage services do so because of the motorway connections, which make the logistics of storing, loading and removing of stock as efficient as possible. Our location often puts business owners at ease knowing that if excess stockholding is needed, our team will be close by and happy to allocate space on a pay-per-pallet basis. Whether you require storage for multiple pallets on a regular basis, or simply need a secure facility to store your stock over a certain period, our team understand and will be happy to work with the needs of your business. With over 10,000 pallet locations in our warehouse, we’re never short of space when it comes to the needs of your business (which always comes in handy when you require last-minute storage solutions). To find out more about the range of storage solutions we provide and the type of bespoke storage offerings that our team can accommodate, call directly on 01772 336 021 or send a message via the contact form.
Turkish Delight (also known as Lokum), a genuine Turkish treat, is one of the most delectable sweets in the world. As seen in the movie, “The Chronicles of Narnia,” this candy is covered in powdered sugar. Our Turkish Delight is made by the Turkish company Hazer Baba. Turkish delight is a soft and sweet gel-like confection, often lightly dusted in powdered sugar. Many varieties contain pieces of pistachios or hazelnuts, and may be flavored with rosewater or citrus fruit extract. Legends about the origins of Turkish Delight abound. Many involve a sultan of Turkey who ordered his royal confectioner to create a scrumptious delicacy, either to please his many wives, or because he was tired of hard candy and wanted something softer. Turkish Delight was introduced to Europe during the 19th century, and has been enjoyed by adults and children ever since. Turkish Delight is perhaps best known for its starring role in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, part of the Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. In the book, the evil White Witch conjures a box of Turkish Delight to tempt one of the characters, Edmund, into betraying his siblings. Edmund cannot resist the savory Turkish Delight, which "was sweet and light to the center." Very good, just doesn't need the powdered sugar on top. I'm used to a softer gel. They were a bit too chewy for my taste. We both loved it...we have decided to not purchase it again due to our lack of control. Great taste but a little too sweet for me! My son really loved these. He said to keep getting them. Not what I was expecting from The Chronicles of Narnia but still tasty all the same. Sugar, Corn Starch, Water,Vanillin, Acidity Regulator: Citric Acid (E330). Packaged in the same facility as peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and milk products.
MATTHEW GRATZNER - Writer/Director/Producer Matthew is widely respected within the entertainment industry for his artistry and business acumen — a rare pairing of skills. Best known for feature-film visual effects work, he is now writing, directing and producing. Currently he is finishing post on two films in the western series, Hot Bath an’ a Stiff Drink. He is also attached to direct and produce a big-screen adaptation of the 1970’s English TV series, UFO. As a Visual Effects Supervisor and co-founder of New Deal Studios, Matthew received an Emmy nomination for his work on the Tom Hanks/HBO miniseries “From the Earth to the Moon” and a BAFTA nomination for best visual effects for “The Aviator”.
Visitors with time to spare should ask one of the Newport Bay Conservancy volunteers at the Information Desk to run the “Salt Marsh Seasons” movie, which is shown on request. This stunning work portrays the freedom of birds in flight, the melody of flowing water, and the all-encompassing majesty of the Bay itself. It shows the coming and going of different migrating birds as the seasons change. The movie is presented with surround sound and up to five separate images showing concurrently on the theater’s big screen. Salt Marsh Seasons was created by film-maker and Orange County resident, Jack Couffer, whose critically-acclaimed work includes “Jonathan Livingston Sea Gull” and extensive projects for Disney World.
The BizCubed Enablement Program is designed to empower your team and accelerate their ability to automate repetitive data work. We put the tools in the hands of your most capable analysts and coach them on automating your business logic. Once built and tested, our Managed Services team moves your processes into production, monitors, and maintains them. BizCubed Methodology is built on best practices of security, governance and lifecycle management. You will learn about how to use DEEP, our Data Engineering and Enablement Platform. We will introduce to you process standards, our data maturity model and the industry best practices to ensure you achieve the best outcomes with your data. In this first phase, we provide your team with a foundational understanding of data management, ETLs, and drag-and-drop data pipeline tools. We also introduce BizCubed’s development standards, working with Pentaho PDI and the beginnings of business logic. We currently offer a standardard first 8 enablement sessions – “Getting Started”. Following onboarding, BizCubed will conduct workshops to gain knowledge about a current process in order to find the best approach tailored for your data and business needs. We provide ongoing access to feedback and coaching from our Managed Services team regarding the quality and maturity of your business processes. The allows your team to continually improve and learn from the experts in the field. Rather than classroom training, our enablement sessions are intended to be a way for your team to become unblocked, gain speed and knowledge. BizCubed has track record of enabling companies to outcompete by making better personalised decisions every day. To enable you to add significant value to your business by operationalising resource intensive tasks. To help you build distinct personal and business capability.
SOUTHWICK - State and local police dive teams recovered the body of 19-year-old Kevin J. Major, of Westfield, shortly after 10 a.m. Tuesday from Congamond Lakes Middle Pond one hour after resuming a search that began Monday. Southwick Police Lt. David A. Ricardi said that at about 10:10 a.m. local police dive team members, assisted by divers from state and environmental police, recovered Major’s body from Middle Pond on the Connecticut side of the lakes. Ricardi said Major had been swimming from a pontoon boat with a group of friends when he disappeared in the water at about 4:30 p.m. Monday. “One of the individuals on the boat said they saw him go down, come back up, go down again, and he stayed down,” he said. A full investigation into the death is being conducted by Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit attached to the Hampden County District Attorney’s Office and the Southwick Police Department, Ricardi added. Congamond Lakes, which had been closed during the search, reopened to the public at noon. This is the second drowning death at Middle Pond in less than a month. On June 19, 22-year-old Larry Cauley also disappeared in the water after jumping or falling from a pontoon boat at about 12:30 a.m. His body was discovered 36 hours later. Cauley’s body was discovered 200 feet from shore in about 35 feet of water. Some pockets of water on the lakes are as deep as 50 to 55 feet. Cauley was a member of the 13-person Hill family, who had a new house built for them by the ABC-TV show "Extreme Home Makeover" in June 2009. The episode featuring the family aired in October of that year.. Ricardi described two drownings within a month as a freak thing, especially given that this latest incident occurred on a quiet Monday afternoon when there were not many boaters on the lakes. “It’s so unusual – we’ve never had two in one month, and I’ve been here for 25 years,” he said. West Suffield resident Deborah J. Mattern, who had been on the lakes fishing just before the man disappeared and was on the scene during the search, said the lake is safe and a strong swimmer can easily swim from one side to the other. This is a developing story. Details will be added as they become available.
Planning to get fit this summer? Well, time's running out and unless you're highly disciplined and have plenty of time on your hands it's not going to happen. Your best option may be to look into utilising the services of a personal trainer. Getting results from exercise and diet requires effort, discipline, patience, knowledge and time. These are limited commodities in a society that is subject to the pressures of work, family and other commitments. Nobody can do the exercise or dieting for you, but personal trainers can offer you direction and support in building a healthier lifestyle. The nature of personal training is becoming highly specialised, according to a personal trainer of ten years, Richard Meikle. "Training elite athletes is a whole lot different to training a mother of four with asthma". Finding a trainer to suit your specific needs may be made easier by checking whether they possess a number of important qualities that are essential to a good trainer. A personal trainer has knowledge of the bodies' anatomy, the body systems, the mechanics of exercise and the physiological response of the many systems of the body to various exercises, medications and diets. They should also know the ins and outs of program design and be able to provide alternative exercises and diets, as well as the ability to teach the safest and most effective way of conducting these exercises. Personal trainers should assess the bodies' response to these programs, for example, they may use feedback from heart rate monitors as well as questioning how you feel and discovering your perceived rate of exertion. Jason Weber, an ex-personal trainer who is now strength and conditioning co-ordinator for elite sportsman in the NSW Waratahs rugby union squad, says, "for the safety of their clients, personal trainers must exhibit proficiency in the general health related sciences, .experience alone is not enough". Check the Curriculum Vitae of a prospective personal trainer for a degree in Applied Science: either Health or Exercise science, or an Education degree in Human Movement or Physical Education. A Fitness Leaders Certificate would be the bare minimum requirement. Whilst training in the water it is advisable that the trainer also has a certificate of resuscitation and First Aid or a Bronze Medallion. "Experience breeds knowledge," says Miekle. "Experience is essential in knowing how hard to push a client because people will drop out if they are pushed too hard". Experience also breeds knowledge of safe practice. It is necessary for the personal trainer to be able to implement the safest and most effective exercises and techniques to suit different people and their different needs. "The best personal trainer is one that encourages you to help yourself," Miekle says. To make the exercise less laborious find a trainer that you can relate to and one that offers you motivation and support through their general enthusiasm, professional behaviour and positive encouragement. Communication is a two way street. Before designing a specific program the trainer must understand your exact goals, any pre-existing conditions that may affect your exercise involvement (such as previous injury), your medical condition and time availabilities. They must be flexible and understanding to suit your requirements. Personal trainers have been stereotyped as offering one-on-one sessions for the rich and famous. However middle income earners can now afford this service. There is a lot of competition and therefore a range of prices. Generally sessions range between $20 and $100. Some trainers conduct group sessions so the cost may be shared, however they still offer specialised programs. Many personal trainers also offer packages including exercise programs, diet instructions and health assessments. It is advisable to seek quotes from a range of prospective trainers. Weber offers the tip that, "paying in advance is better for both parties. Whilst it offers motivation to conduct the sessions for the client, the trainer also has a guaranteed income". Furthermore offering to pay advance may achieve a small discount for the client. Safety comes first when choosing a personal trainer according to Weber. "Out of a group of possibly thirty trainers within a reputable gym there are only a few I would advise to avoid.this would be based primarily on unsafe practices. For example, poor techniques in the gym or not knowing what medications such as beta blockers do for those with heart conditions and the requirements of diabetics." Looks may be deceiving, a fit looking person doesn't equate to a good personal trainer. Make sure you check their Curriculum Vitae, follow referrals and remember, a good trainer possesses a blend of knowledge and experience and knows how to relate to you, the client. Written by Luke Inman who is a member of the NSW Waratahs rugby union squad and has a degree in Sports Science.
Are you looking for some new ideas for your next photography project? If so, you have come to the right place! In this blog post, Kay Tennison Photography services will share some creative and engaging ideas that will help you produce stunning photos. Whether you are a professional photographer or just starting out, these ideas will help you create beautiful images that capture your audience’s attention. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! If you are photographing a landscape, try using a wide-angle lens to capture the entire scene. For close-up shots, use a macro lens to get detailed images. Experiment with different shutter speeds to create different effects. Fast shutter speeds freeze action, while slow shutter speeds can create blur and movement. Try shooting in black and white for a classic look. Or go for bold colours by increasing the saturation in your post-processing software. You can also experiment with long exposures to capture light trails or starry nights. Get creative with your compositions and framing. For example, try a diagonal or asymmetrical composition instead of the traditional horizontal or vertical composition. Get close to your subject or zoom out to include more of the scene. Shoot from different angles and perspectives to add interest to your photos. The direction and quality of light can make a big difference in your photos. Of course, natural light is often the best, but you can also experiment with artificial lighting to create different effects. Try using props or interesting foreground objects to add depth and dimension to your photos. Or play with light and shadow by photographing subjects in silhouette. Getting creative with angles and composition can make your photos stand out. Try shooting from high above or low below your subject. Get close up or zoom out for a wider shot. Use leading lines to guide the viewer’s eye through the image. If you are photographing people, try to capture natural expressions and candid moments. Capturing emotion in your photos will make them more relatable and engaging for viewers. Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment! Photography is all about trying new things and seeing what works best for you. So go out there and start shooting! We can’t wait to see what you come up with. These ideas should help get your creative juices flowing and direction for your next photography project. So remember to have fun and experiment until you find your unique style! We would love to see what you come up with, so please share your photos with us on social media using the hashtag #kaytennisonphotography. Thanks for reading! Until next time, happy shooting!
Keeping your child safe while using social media Social media has had a profound impact on life today. Advertisement Social media has had a profound impact on life today. A trip to the gym. It’s something many folks may take for granted. Take a stroll inside the office of Cannabis Consultants of Connecticut in New Haven…and you won’t find marijuana. Connecticut’s largest city will move into freezing discretionary spending and hiring as the city awaits the state budget. At 25-years-old, with a degree in American history and political science…the last thing Anna Milne thought she would be is a sea captain. With Aetna leaving Hartford and Florida looking to poach business from our state, many companies are looking to make working in Connecticut … For Bobby Moore, basketball was a sanctuary. For Bobby Moore, basketball was a sanctuary. STAFFORD SPRINGS, Conn (WTNH)–27-year old Mike Catalina knows working in manufacturing isn’t the typical target of his fellow millennials. H… There were sixty thousand drug overdoses in the United States last year, and when it comes to the numbers in Connecticut, they are startling… WINSTED, Conn (WTNH)–June kicks of PTSD awareness month. Step inside the center for Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities or ECAD in … JOHNSONVILLE, Conn (WTNH)–Tucked away next to East Haddam, a sprawling 62 acres with a unique and mysterious history. The village of Johnson… (WTNH)–The Connecticut Mental Health Center in New Haven is an important place for state Senator Ted Kennedy. Support facilities like it wer… In Connecticut, law enforcement is also recognizing the officers working through the tough stuff they see every day. Inside the cyber forensics lab at the University of New Haven, the team is digging into the data of a Fitbit or wearable activity tracker. Advertisement Advertisement
Abstract Environmental, epidemiological and economical reasons increase the pressure to design, construct and maintain better buildings in the future. Therefore, a new assembly of simulation routines for predicting both ventilation and heat transfer processes of buildings were studied. The work was limited to implementation and evaluation of new air flow and heat transfer routines for building simulation tools. Development of simulation tool user-interfaces, post-processors and component database have all been excluded. The simulation routines were implemented in a new building simulation tool BUS++, which was based on discretisation and solution of mass, momentum, and heat balance equations. Ventilation fans, external wind and thermal buoyancy were included as driving forces for air infiltration and ventilation process. Two completely new routines were developed and implemented to obtain more reliable estimations of dynamic and multi-mode heat transfer covering thermal convection, conduction, and radiation. The first new routine focused on defining a rational thermal calculation network, and the second one concentrated on simulation of thermal radiation in a room. Finally, a rigorous set of tests were conducted to validate the air flow and heat transfer routines implemented in BUS++. The test set included commonly utilised analytical verifications and inter-model comparisons as well as completely new empirical validation test cases. The new rational gridding method reduced simulation times by 44 % to 86 % in a typical slab test case with a cyclic excitation, and the new routine for thermal radiation was up to ten times faster than the conventional matrix radiosity method. In addition, the simulation and validation data showed good agreement, especially for the analytical verifications and inter-model comparisons with typical differences less than 2 %. Despite these promising results, more research work is needed to further develop the simulation routines. In the future, special attention ought to be paid to simulation tool user-interfaces to facilitate full utilisation of the simulation tool by a wide range of users. Keywords - air conditioning - HVAC systems - heat transfer - air flow - air quality - buildings - simulation - BUS++ - networks - data processing
The. We believe that this Seminar series have been a geodesy’s classics and should be continued also in future under the umbrella of FIG. The Seminar was organised by FIG Commission 5, in conjunction with the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), the United Nations International Committee on GNSS (UN ICG) and the Turkish Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers (HKMO). The seminar was held in Hilton Bosphorus Hotel in conjunction with the FIG2018 Congress&GA at the Istanbul Congress Center. Primary organisers were Muzaffer KAHVECİ (HKMO-LOC), Volker Schwieger (FIG Comm. 5), and Li Zhang (FIG Comm. 5).' There were 37 participants, including presenters, from around the world. Countries represented were Austria, Australia, Congo, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Uganda, USA and Turkey. Attendees represented a mix of academic, government and commercial institutions. List of participants is given as appendix-1 to this report. Organisational representatives in Istanbul were as follows: Volker Schwieger (FIG) Daniel Roman (IAG) Sharafat Gadimova (ICG) Muzaffer Kahveci (HKMO) Group photo of the attendees: The seminar focussed on the theory and practice of 3D reference frames. Topics covered were: The presentations are available on the FIG website at A full copy of the RFIP final technical programme is given as appendix-2 to this report. Besides, a technical tour was organized to Kocaeli Municipality where the big earthquake (Mw=7.4) had happened on 17 August 1999 causing the deaths of thousands of people (North Anatolian Fault Zone) on 5 May 2018 in the afternoon. There, people from the municipality has made presentations regarding the current status of the city and realized technical&social projects after the earthquake until now. Below are some pictures about Kocaeli technical visit. There were excellent opportunities to network and socialise during the lunch and tea breaks, which the participants took advantage of. One of the highlights of the seminar was the dinner held on the first evening. Dinner was held in Midpoint Restaurant at Nisantasi and provided an opportunity to sample a number of local dishes and continue the networking. Sponsorship The seminar was well supported by Leica and Trimble, in terms of both financial support and attendance. The ICG provided financial support to several participants from developing nations. The organisers FIG, IAG, UN ICG and HKMO would like to thank and acknowledge the sponsors for their generous support of this event. The organisers FIG, IAG, UN ICG and HKMO would like to thank and acknowledge the following sponsors for their generous support of this event. Muzaffer Kahveci May 2018
Q: Add document link missing in modal dialog We have a custom form and our site has a custom master page. In the custom form we load OOTB modal dialog to upload documents to a library. In some cases only, Add document link missing. We have checked in developer tool bar(F12), for the element it sets as display:none as shown in the image. Any suggestions to overcome this situation? Please check the developer tool bar results. A: Try using !important to overwrite the style. <style> #idHomePageNewDocument{display: inline-block !important;} </style>
I love baking. I always have. But today we aren’t talking about me. I wanna share why YOU should bake! It’s Frugal – You wanna save some money? Start cooking and baking from scratch! The main ingredients in most baking (flour, sugar eggs, etc) are super inexpensive. One bag of flour goes a long way in baking, and will only set you back a few dollars! Granted some specialty ingredients do cost more, but even paying more for those items, you will still save money compared to the pre-made stuff. It’s Healthier – Baking from scratch is so much healthier than buying packaged products. Stuff on grocery store shelves are usually loaded with refined sugars and preservatives. When you do the baking you aren’t adding ingredients that will keep something from going stale. And baking doesn’t always have to mean treats like cakes and cookies. Think bread and pizza crust or tortillas, savoury items too like making your own crust for a Quiche or chicken pot pie! A few simple healthier clean ingredients can make so many different things. You Have Control – When you cook and bake from scratch, you control exactly what goes in your food. This is so important if you have food allergies in your home, or just want to swap out certain ingredients. This goes along with making your food healthier too. If you want/need to use different flours, use flax instead of eggs, or switch out oils for applesauce, you can easily do that. You make that food exactly as you want it! It’s Science – Baking is science! Get your kids involved, and explain the chemical reactions that happen when you bake! It’s pretty incredible to think that the same milk, eggs, sugar, and flour can make so many different delicious things! Learn about the different leavening agents, and how they work, and experiment with them in different amounts to produce different results. Pleasing to the mind and palate! It Can Be Fun – Now, I know not everyone thinks it’s fun. Not everyone is a star baker, and if you struggle with baking, it might not be an enjoyable activity. But practice makes perfect right? And maybe you don’t love hanging out in the kitchen that much, but I bet those you share your baked goods with appreciate and enjoy it! It can be such a great stress reliever too! Today alone, I baked a dozen whole wheat banana muffins and a dozen carrot cake breakfast cookies. Both healthy, both cost just a few dollars to make. I know exactly how much sugar is in them, and I swapped out regular flour for whole wheat. It was fun, relaxing, and my kids are going to be so happy when they get home from school!
Major timber-related businesses from the UK and other EU countries, from producers to retailers, have also signed a new statement to the European Commission calling for the EU to tighten the current rules on illegal timber use. The EU Timber Regulation, or EUTR, is designed to keep illegally sourced timber out of the marketplace, and is under review by the European Commission in Brussels. A poll commissioned by WWF showed that 88% of people in the UK did not know products made from illegal timber could still be bought in the EU with 76% saying it was very important to them that measures be put in place to make sure people couldn’t buy products made from illegal wood. A similarly high number (78%) wanted the EU to implement the law more consistently across EU nations, and 74% thought the laws should cover all wood-based products. Currently, the EUTR does not include items such as chairs, toys, books, musical instruments, charcoal, wine racks, clothes pegs, and many more. In a statement issued to the European Commission, 64 timber- related companies and six trade federations say that not only does illegal logging ‘pose a significant threat to global forest resources, it also contributes to deforestation, causes loss of biodiversity and erodes the rule of law’. The signatories want sufficient resources made available to enforce the regulation consistently across the EU and a coherent approach towards its interpretation. WWF has been working to raise awareness of the further measures needed to make the EUTR fully effective, and welcomes the industry support at a time when the legislation could be improved. Anand Punja, the UK’s Timber Trade Federation’s Head of Sustainability, said: “It’s very important that this review tackles the inconsistencies and weaknesses of the EUTR. “Our members need to be confident that the investment they have made in establishing robust due diligence systems are not being undermined by other businesses across the EU and UK that either aren’t required to practice due diligence, or just don’t bother because of weak enforcement. Anke Schulmeister, senior forest policy officer at WWF’s European Policy Office, said: “We are pleased to see this business and public support for a stronger regulation, and the drive for the law to include all products that could be made using illegal timber. “Currently less than half (by value) of the products entering the EU are covered by the EUTR.
JAHLIT 2017 Schedule Monday, November 13, 2017 - Opening Keynote session 1 - Monday morning, Session 2 Papers (Lang, Naveh,Wilson) - Lunch and Session 3 - Monday afternoon, Sessions 4 and 5 Papers (Nadal, Lassner, Gordon, Wexler, Shichtman, Moran, Millman-Miller) - Monday evening cultural event Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - Sessions 6 and 7 Papers (Goodhart, Neely, Osborne, Aarons, Gonshak, Stier) - Lunch and Session 8 - Sessions 9 and 10 (Oster, Feinstein, Van Doren, Parrish, Flanzbaum, Berger) - Closing evening cultural event Tickets to attend are $50 per day, and can be purchased at the door, on the day of the event. Cash or checks will be accepted. Contact JAHLIT with any questions. PUBLIC PROGRAMS Sunday, November 12, 2017 7:30 PM: MENASCHE Yiddish is Coming, Yiddish is Coming: A Screening of Menashe Introduction and Audience Talk Back will be Hosted by Dr. Asher Milbauer and Dr. Holli Levitsky "A powerful work of human drama" … in Yiddish (The Atlantic, 2017) Deep in the heart of New York's notoriously secretive Hasidic Jewish community, Menashe, a good-hearted but somewhat hapless grocery store clerk, struggles against tradition to keep custody of his only son after his wife passes away. Directed by Joshua Weinstein. in Yiddish and English. RSVP>> Monday, November 13, 2017 10 AM: EDUARDO HALFON Author of THE POLISH BOXER, Harman Writer in Residence at Baruch College "A sophisticated hide and seek game … a stimulating and inspiring read." (The Guardian) Eduardo Halfon was born in Guatemala City, descendent from a Jewish family. He moved to the USA with his family at the age of ten. Although bilingual, Halfon chooses to write in Spanish and has published sixteen books. In 2011 he received a Guggenheim Fellowship to work on The Polish Boxer, which was the first of his books to be published in English, in 2012, by Bellevue Literary Press, was a New York Times Editors’ Choice selection in 2012 and finalist for the International Latino Book Award 2013. RSVP>> 12:15 PM: A CONVERSATION ON THE LITERATURE OF EXILE AND THE DIASPORA Pablo Cartaya, Author and Director of the Graduate MFA in YA Writing; Sierra Nevada College, Director of The Betsy’s Escribe Aquí/Write Here Project, funded by the Knight Foundation. Geoffrey Philp, Poet, Miami Dade College; Philp, the author of five books of poetry and Caribbean born, has recently discovered his Jewish heritage. Philp’s "Poem for My Children" is one of 12 poems included on The Betsy’s Poetry Rail. He will read the poem live, at the rail, at the conclusion of the panel. RSVP>> 7:30 PM: REMNANTS Dr. Hank Greenspan Psychologist, Playwright, and Sociologist, University of Michigan "Greenspan delivered an emotional, heartfelt performance in which survivors reflected on the destruction and aftermath of their lives." (Eastern Echo) REMNANTS is based on twenty years of conversations with Holocaust survivors. Forty minutes in length, the piece is stark and minimalist, each segment recreating moments in which survivors reflect not only on the destruction but also on their lives in the aftermath. REMNANTS was produced for radio in 1992 and distributed to NPR stations across the USA. As a stage play, REMNANTS has been presented at 200+ venues throughout the U.S. and Canada as well as in Britain, Israel, and the Czech Republic. RSVP>> Tuesday, November 14, 2017 NOON: A JEWISH WRITER'S REFLECTION ON WRITING: ELIE WIESEL Dr. David Patterson, University of Texas at Dallas At times reminiscent of the writings of Elie Wiesel, (his) eloquent testimony to Jewish faith is one of the best available … (Library Journal) Dr. Patterson brings together the disciplines of philosophy, theology, Jewish thought, and Jewish mysticism in works that shed light on the origins of religiously sanctioned violence and genocide. He is the Hillel A. Feinberg Chair in Holocaust Studies at UT Dallas. RSVP>> 7PM: ERIKA MEITNER, POET Director of the MFA Program; Virginia Tech "(One of) Ten Young poets changing the face of poetry." (The Culture Trip) Meitner is a first-generation American: her mother was born in Stuttgart, Germany, where her maternal grandparents settled after surviving Auschwitz, Ravensbruck and Mauthausen concentration camps. Books include: Inventory at the All-Night Drugstore (Anhinga Press); Ideal Cities (HarperCollins); Makeshift Instructions for Vigilant Girls (Anhinga Press), and Copia (BOA Editions). RSVP>> Public programs are underwritten by The Betsy - South Beach, The Knight Foundation, and PG Family Foundation for 2017. The community is also invited to purchase access to the entire conference for a fee of $50 per day. See for tickets and access for scholar-presenters. Contact for more information.
Dressed in hot pink and a colourful hijab, crouched down close to Ring 1 to cheer on the hounds, Aliya Taylor clearly stood out. "Like a sore thumb," she laughed. It's true, no one else at the Westminster Kennel Club breed judging on Sunday came in similar attire. But the longtime handler is used to that – there just aren't many other Muslims in the dog show world. On this afternoon, the retired Philadelphia police officer and former prison guard wasn't presenting any of her own dogs. Instead, she was in town to cheer on a dear friend who was showing an Azawakh – loosely called an African greyhound, they were making their debut in America's top pooch pageant. Taylor was in the spirit, complete with earrings shaped like the continent of Africa that featured an image of a festive village woman. New faces at Westminster, on and off the purple carpet. In fact, Taylor was recently invited to a Westminster event in New York to introduce the unusual-looking Azawakh. With Fashion Week coming to the city, she was certainly stylish in a yellow hijab and bejewelled green print dress. "This is just me," she said. Best in show for the 2,630 dogs in 204 breeds will be chosen on Tuesday night at Madison Square Garden. The 47-year-old Taylor drew a lot of attention on Thanksgiving Day when over 25 million viewers saw her in the ring wearing a white hijab and long blue dress during the National Dog Show. Her headscarf conforms to the Islamic standard of modesty. But she realises not everyone of her faith shares her beliefs. Taylor's path began at 12 years old when she got a miniature schnauzer and began practicing her presentation. She has handled standard poodles, borzois and other breeds in the past and now owns six Azawakhs. The West African hounds – the only breed recognised by the American Kennel Club that is taller than it is longer – is rare in the United States. They're sleek and slender, exceptionally so. Qantara dossier: "The Headscarf Controversy"Muslims in the USA: Anything but lethargicQantara dossier: Islam in the U.S.
Why to choose ATA? 1, Best quality can be promised with raw material checking, in-process checking and full inspection after drying & before packaging. 2, Favorable price can be offered with many Auto- machines under advanced management ---Management System: ISO 9001:2008 3, Quick delivery can be realized with the experienced workers under advanced equipment. 4, Best after-sales service will be provide with 2 year warranty to our products sold. What are the advantages of our products? 1, Long life according to technical experiments 2, High efficiency tested by many customers. 3,Excellent reliability with two-year quality guarantee. 4,High quality with ISO9001-2008 ,SGS and ROHS certification. 5, Customized size and package are available. What kind of technical problem we can solve? 1, Uneven light 2, Distorted PIN 3,Scratched surface 4, Dust in digit What are our products used for? Our products are commonly used in audio display, DVD player, disinfector, electric fans, microwave oven, refrigerator, timer, washing machine, water heater and so on. What is our working process? Purchasing material →Pressing PIN→cleaning PCB →Die bonding→wire bonding→ Testing→Gluing→Baking→Full inspection→Packing
Q: How are Grimms recognized by Wesen? The Wesen obviously have a physical change they can display to one another, yet a Grimm has no change. Frequently when Nick confronts a Wesen they immediately know him as a Grimm, but how? A: We have been given a hint in 3x09, Red Menace. It's a minor part of an interrogation, so I'm not going to bother spoilering it: The Wesen-of-the-week is surprised that Nick saw earlier what he is. So, sitting in the interrogation chair, he pauses a moment, shifts fully, then recognizes Nick as a Grimm. He however doesn't recognize that Hank is a plain human, nor that Captain Renard is a Royal/Hexenbiest hybrid. Looking back, this has been very consistent: The Wesen shifts out of surprise or fear almost immediately after meeting Nick, then recognizes him as a Grimm. Normally this happens so quickly we can play it off as coincidence, but not this time. He shifted in order to look at Nick with his Wesen senses and confirm what he suspected. While we can't yet say exactly what they see or sense, this is basically a reversal of the Wesen shifting: Something only Wesen can see/sense, as opposed to something only Grimms can see. A: This was finally answered in season three episode seventeen (about 12 minutes in), Synchronicity: Monroe: It's your eyes. Nick: My eyes? Rosalee: It's how we know you're a Grimm after we woge. Monroe: They turn black. Rosalee: Not exactly black. Monroe: No, you're right, actually. Black's too weak a word. It's more like infinite darkness. And we see ourselves reflected in that darkness. We see our true wesen nature. A: Keeping in mind that all creatures of the Grimm world are those based on animals and stories, you'd have to look for a "grimm" story. What comes up is the grimm and simmilarly, the black shuck. Both are recorded to be large, black (what color is Nick's hair? What color has all the Grimms we've seen so far wear all the time? think about it...), spectral dogs with flaming eyes (flaming eyes as in nothing but hell red. No sclera (whites), no pupils, just red). The difference? "Grimms" are recorded as violent killing machines that roam the country side at night. "Black Shucks" are kind dogs that gaurd graveyards, churches, and travellers. My theory is that the humans (who grimms help and protect) recorded Nick's species as Shucks and the Wesen (who grimms hunt and slaughter) recorded them as Grimms, though they are one and the same. I think what happens with Nick is that he gets the whole flameing eyes thing when he sees Wessen but can turn into the all out spectral dog once he learns how. This also contributes to the reason why Grimms aren't considered Wesen. Unlike wesen, who can go half man-half beast, full human, or full beast Grimms can only be in human form or beast form. A: It was said in 3rd season Wesens can see this in his eyes, they see his eyes turn into colour of infinite darkness, and they can kinda see themselves reflected in those eyes
How do you make potatoes with bacon? DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400 degrees. On a large rimmed baking sheet coated with non-stick cooking spray, toss potatoes with salt and pepper. Arrange bacon around edges of baking sheet. Bake until potatoes are tender and bacon is thoroughly cooked, about 30 minutes. Place stick of margarine into gallon-size zip lock bag and place in microwave until melted. Add potatoes, green pepper, onions and onion soup mix in bag. Mix throughly in bag. Empty contents of bag into glass baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes or until potatoes are tender.
With excellent views of London's iconic City skyline and the Surrey Hills beyond this very well presented split level Victorian house is being sold CHAIN FREE. Originally arranged as four bedrooms the property now features a 'magazine size' bathroom in lieu of bedroom four however there is still scope to convert the loft (stp) into a further bedroom or use the study as a small bedroom. Should you require greater space there is also significant opportunity to exploit the sizeable basement, subject to planning, akin to next door where they have created additional habitable space with the added benefit of a front light well. Dresden Road is a very sought after family friendly tree lined road within the Whitehall Park conservation area and is used on occasional Sundays as a designated 'Play Street'. Whitehall Park primary school and convenience shopping are literally moments away.
During this time, the left turn lanes in all directions will be closed at the intersection and Abrego Drive will be limited to only right turns. Those north of Continental Road on Abrego Drive can use Esperanza Boulevard for a southbound alternative route and drivers on Abrego Drive can use Calle Torres Blancas to access a northbound alternative. If there is any kind of mechanical failure or inclement weather, the construction schedule could change. To see a map of upcoming pavement preservation and road projects through Pima County, visit
Q: How to remove standard New Opportunity button shown on Opportunity related list from Account object I would like to replace the New Opportunity button with a custom button so I can copy information from the Account into the non-editable required opportunity fields. I've tried reviewing search layouts, custom buttons for each object but can't seem to figure it out.. Has anyone been able to remove the standard button and replace with a custom one? A: Step 1: Open respective Account page layout Step 2: Open Opportunity Related list properties Step 3: Open Button section Step 4: uncheck New checkbox
9Health Expert Dr. Payal Kohli explains the science behind hand washing and sanitizing. With the spread of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, everyone has been talking about hand hygiene but here is the science behind why hand hygiene works. Studies show that washing hands with soap and water for 15-20 seconds can reduce bacterial counts by 90% and when an additional 15 seconds will reduce counts by close to 99.9%. Soap and water work by mechanically removing the bacterial and virus particles from your skin and so does scrubbing your hands. Scrubbing your hands creates friction which lifts off dirt, grease, and organisms. It is recommended to wash hands for ~20 seconds (with an additional 20-30 seconds for drying). Some soaps have an antibacterial called triclosan which can reduce bacterial counts on your skin but the FDA has said that this is no more effective than non-antibacterial soap and water. Drying hands is important because wet hands are like a sponge for more germs. Alcohol kills bacteria and viruses by changing the shape of (“denaturing”) the proteins that help the bacteria and viruses to survive. So, in contrast to soaps, sanitizers work by “killing the germ”. Most sanitizers have a 62% alcohol concentration. Alcohol alone dries the skin so often sanitizers are mixed with hand conditioners. There may be some viruses that are not effectively killed with hand sanitizers. And, it is important to use enough sanitizer so that your hands are well covered. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. Because of the convenience, compliance or use may be higher among those who use hand sanitizer compared with those who wash their hands. But, certain types of organisms (like cryptosporidium, norovirus and C. difficile) can only be removed with handwashing. In cases when the hands are visibly soiled (such as after gardening, playing sports, camping or going fishing), handwashing may be more effective than hand sanitizers because protein and fats on your hands reduce the effects of alcohol-based sanitizers. Below are instructions from the World Health Organization on the correct way to wash your hands with soap and water as well as with alcohol-based sanitizer.
Room in friendly three bedroom household - Mark as unsuitable - Save Ad ref# 102048418 We? re in search of a new housemate for our upper-floor apartment in the Southern Hills on the border between SF and Daly City. Living here are two teachers, one guy in his early 40s and one woman in her late twenties, not a couple. We like to have a household with a sense of community while still respecting everyone? s personal space, and are looking for a like-minded person. We enjoy all things outdoors, share meals once or twice a week, play the occasional board game, and gripe about grading a lot. The apartment is the top level of one of the famous ?little boxes on the hillside? looking north towards the city. The view is great and you can walk to San Bruno Mountain. Getting to the city is 20-30 minutes if you have a car (which you will want- or at least an e-bike- it? s a long ways up the hill). We also have access to a small yard downstairs. The landlord made this video of the place:: if you search for "62 Dalerose" in YouTube you should be able to find it. (The system will not allow me to post a link here). We have one of the two spaces in the garage, which we share. If you would like exclusive use of the garage spot, you can pay an extra $100/month for it. However, street parking is extremely easy. We? re looking for someone in the same general age range who is interested in being part of the household. The lease allows only one person in the room and no pets, so no couples or furry friends, sorry. If you are interested, please tell us a bit about yourself (what your schedule is like, what you like to do for fun, anything else you'd like us to know) and when you are available to come by and take a look at the place. (We? ll give you a brief indoor tour with masks, and then we can talk outside). Thanks! - Apartment share - Daly City - 94014 - $950 monthly (large) Availability - Available - Now - Minimum term - 1 month - Maximum term - None - Short rentals considered Extra cost - Deposit - $950.00 - Utilities included? - No - Fees apply? - No Amenities - Furnishings - Unfurnished - Parking - Yes - Garage - Yes - Garden/terrace - Yes - Balcony/Patio - No - Disabled access - No - Living room - shared - Broadband included - No Current household - # roommates - 2 - Total # rooms - 3 - Ages - 27 to 41 - Smoker? - No - Any pets? - No - Language - Occupation - Professional - Gender - 1 Female, 1 Male New roommate preferences - Couples OK? - No - Smoking OK? - No - Pets OK? - No - Occupation - Don't mind - References? - Yes - Min age - 26 -
On the nose, this one immediately presents as more round, sweet and rich, with many of the hallmarks of sherry matured malt whisky. There’s a lot of dark and dried fruit, with definite impressions of golden raisin/sultana, along with something quite similar to toasted marshmallow. There’s a butteriness that evokes biscuits straight out of the oven. On the palate this has dark fruit jam, roasted nuts, marzipan and faint mocha. This makes a particularly interesting counterpoint with the cuvée cask, as that drier, oakier, brown spice profile pulls in an entirely different direction than this more syrupy, caramelized, fruitier one.
Find someone else to Fix You if you cannot afford the Coldplay tickets for its India concert. It is confirmed. Coldplay is coming to India. Find someone else to Fix You if you cannot afford the Coldplay tickets for its India concert. It is confirmed: Coldplay is coming to India. The date is November 19 when Chris Martin and company will perform at Mumbai’s the MMRDA grounds. The British band will perform in India as part of the Global Citizen Program. They have earlier staged a similar concert in the US during Super Bowl. All proceeds from the concert will go to Global Citizens Poverty Project. Tickets for the event will go on sale between September 12 and 15 on BookMyShow. The singer was in India last year as well as part of the same project. He did an impromptu gig in Delhi’s SummerHouse Cafe after which the fan frenzy on social media was palpable. There is buzz that some other celebs, both from India and abroad, will join Coldplay on stage.The names doing the rounds are Jay Z, Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, AR Rahman and Deepika Padukone. And if you are planning to already book your tickets, desist. For, the show joins the list of another expensive thing that came out this week, iphone 7, that we urban poor can’t afford. For rumour has it that the tickets for the Coldplay concert would be priced starting from Rs 25,000 and going up to 5 Lakhs. When the news of Coldplay having their first-ever concert in India broke, it did get a lot of cheer and excitement but soon Twitter had a field day when the heart breaking news started making rounds. Have you found anyone else to Fix You yet?
Crystal Palace have signed Dundee United midfielder Scott Banks on a three-year deal. The 18-year-old was originally expected to move to Selhurst Park at the end of the season but has not played for the Tangerines since August due to his contract expiring in June. Banks will now link up with Palace immediately, once the deal has received international clearance, and be part of their Under-23s after only making a small number of appearances in Scotland. He burst on to the scene during a loan spell with Clyde last season and made his debut for United in July during a League Cup encounter with Hearts. “There’s no bigger stage I’d want to play on [than the Premier League]. It’s a big step up coming from Scotland,” Banks told the official club website. Banks will hope to eventually earn a place in Roy Hodgson’s first-team squad but is likely to mainly feature for the Under-23s between now and the end of the season. Palace boss Hodgson is keen to make more signings this month after already bringing in Everton striker Cenk Tosun on loan to bolster his attacking options. The Eagles’ poor form continued on Wednesday when they went down 2-0 at home to Crystal Palace, extending their run without a victory in the Premier League to five games. Hodgson’s men are not in action this weekend after being knocked out of the FA Cup by Derby County earlier in the month.
THE public relations war between the bikies and the Government has begun in earnest. Bikies from 16 outlaw bikie gangs roared through Moore Park yesterday to protest against the crime bill that threatens to outlaw them all. The "freedom ride" is the latest attempt to swing public opinion against the State Government's Criminal Organisations Legislation Amendment Bill. The bill, enacted following the fatal brawl at Sydney Airport between the Comanchero and the Hells Angels in March, is designed to outlaw alleged criminal groups. Scenes unthinkable six months ago - Finks talking to Hells Angels, Rebels talking to Bandidos - became the norm as the members milled around while photographers and cameramen moved among them. Police in a dozen highway patrol and unmarked cars observed the bikies. Authorities also closed the air space above the ride, forcing television helicopters to move out of the area. A spokesman for the motorcycle clubs, known only as Ferret, said: "This bill involves every person in NSW. "If people get out there and read the law they'll realise what it's about."
A variety of calls and messages from missionaries and refugees in Kenya, Greece, Costa Rica and Uganda lit up my WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger yesterday. A family from Costa Rica updated me concerning their ministry among refugees from the Middle East passing through their country. They had been quite sick earlier in the week and were struggling to find the strength to serve refugees. They wanted me to know that God was answering prayers and that they were feeling better. A Somali refugee mother in Kakuma refugee camp wanted to know if the rumors in the camp about the US opening up again to refugees were true. I had to tell her the bad news that nothing has changed on this end of the refugee highway. The door to the US is all but closed. Meanwhile a missionary (and former refugee from Iran) connected with me via Facebook Messenger to ask for prayer concerning a series of difficult decisions before her related to the growing ministry in Athens. It seems no matter how she proceeds, there will be pain. While I was chatting with her, another refugee/missionary started messaging me from Uganda. He’s originally from DR Congo and is a Christian leader in the refugee settlement he calls home. Someone has falsely accused him of being a Rwandan spy pretending to be a church leader. The accusation has been published to an online news source. Such an accusation puts his life in danger. Meanwhile another refugee from Kakuma started messaging me. I know him from the annual refugee youth camp there, as he is one of the leaders. He’s been suffering from debilitating headaches for 3 years. He missed this year’s youth camp due to headaches. The camp hospital seems unable to help. He doesn’t know what to do. The day ended at 11:30 PM with a series of WhatsApp texts from a dynamic young Christian from Iran who just wanted to say hi.
Impaired regeneration of peripheral nerve was exmained in the severed peripheral nerve of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats with light and electron microscopic morphometrical analysis. Immunocytochemical evaluation on the expression of nerve growth factor receptor (NFGR) was also conducted. For the further elucidation of mechanisms of impaired regeneration, Northern blot analysis on mRNA levels of neurofilament (NF-68) was also performed. In addition to these experimental studies, preliminary examinations on the human biopsied sural nerve samples to determine the NGFR expression were also undertaken. Diabetic rats showed significant reduction of mean size of regenerated nerve fibers and axon/fiber size ratio, but there was no significant difference in the number, density of regenerated myelinated nerve fibers between diabetic and normal control rats during 2-4weeks experiments after nerve section. NGFR expression was reduced in diabetic rats only at the point of 4 weeks after the section of the nerve. NF-68 mRNA expression was significantly reduced in diabetic rats as compared with normal control rats. The impaired regeneration was represented by the thin myelinated fibers which are probably related to the reduced synthesis of axonal neurofilaments. NGFR expression appeared to correlate to this abnormality. Human diabetic nerves showed high expression of NGFR similar to other axonal type of neuropathy. Thus the NGFR-NF synthesis seems to be the crucial step for the perturbation of nerve regeneration in diabetes.
It is not uncommon at all for a teenager to experience multiple mental, emotional and physical traumas all at the same time. While there are some teenagers that may have isolated incidences of alcohol abuse or drug abuse, for the most part when a teenager engages in this type of activity there is also some type of emotional or psychological issue to go along with it. It does not really matter which of these issues may have presented itself first; what is important is that your teenager gets the proper treatment to help them get better. When facing multiple issues at the same time, it is important that you learn where you can go to get teen counseling for co-occurring disorders so your child can get the help that he or she needs the most. When you are dealing with multiple issues at the same time, the treatment that is necessary is going to take a great deal of time, energy and commitment on the part of your teenager and on the part of your family. Individuals that may be struggling with issues such as depression and anxiety in combination with an addiction problem are going to need more time to address all of the issues that they are facing so that they can learn the proper skills and coping mechanisms to deal with everything. The best option available to you is going to be to find a service that can provide teen counseling for co-occurring disorders and offer your child be integrated treatment that they need the most. Combining the treatment for the disorders at hand will allow your team to deal with the root causes of the issues that they are facing and come up with the proper skills that they need to face the issues directly, overcome them and learn the necessary skills to live and deal with these problems. Services such as this may make use of multiple types of treatment, including family therapy sessions, peer group therapy sessions and one-on-one therapy. If you want to find out more about where you can get teen counseling for co-occurring disorders, speak to a representative at Insight Treatment at 800-599-8820. Staff is available to help provide you with the information you need and answer any questions you may have so that you can arrange for consultation and assessment to see what steps are needed to get your child the counseling that will benefit them the most.
If you're interested in preparing for a career as an automotive or diesel technician, our UTI Long Beach campus is bordered by four freeways, making it convenient for students in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. As an added bonus, the campus is close to many of the dealerships and repair shops that need skilled graduates. See what credentials you can earn as a graduate from our Long Beach campus. A graduate of UTI’s automotive or diesel NATEF-accredited programs can substitute his or her training for one year of work experience toward ASE’s two-year work requirement. As one of only three UTI campuses to offer the Collision Repair & Refinish Technology training program, graduates can earn up to 10 I-CAR recognitions and certificates. Long Beach ranks as the third-biggest city in Southern California. It’s home to a large number of automotive companies and dealers. The city hosts the Grand Prix of Long Beach, an IndyCar race event, and it has the Long Beach Motorsports Walk of Fame. In addition, UTI’s Long Beach campus is conveniently located near numerous freeways to give you better access. High school juniors can enroll in our summer Ignite program held before their junior year. It's a fun, no-cost program where you can learn career skills that are in demand. After all, what you learn this summer can give you a head start toward your career. Our Long Beach campus is home to state-of-the-industry classrooms and labs while our central location positions graduates close to potential employers who need skilled technicians. We care about our students. At Universal Technical Institute Long Beach, we want to ensure students have everything they need to pursue their goals. Here are just a few ways we strive to make that happen.
— Dealing with contaminated epidural injections and maintenance of certification. The FDA has formed an expert panel to oversee compounding pharmacies, some of whom have been creating contaminated epidural injections. For better medication outcomes, should patients be getting help with the math? Here's how to deal with the maintenance-of-certification mess, says Christopher Adams, MD. Positioning of the probe is "three-quarters of the battle" in diagnosing synovitis of the wrist or hand; this live demonstration can help. Here's an interview with somebody who was involved with the creation of a new biosimilar that has shown efficacy and toxicity results similar to the "innovator" infliximab.
14 Ways to Acquire Knowledge: A Timeless Guide from 1936By: Maria Popova “Writing, to knowledge, is a certified check.” James T. Mangan published You Can Do Anything! (public library) — an enthusiastic and exclamation-heavy pep-manual for the art of living. Though Mangan was a positively kooky character — in 1948, he publicly claimed to own outer space and went on to found the micronation of Celestia — the book isn’t without merit. Among its highlights is a section titled 14 Ways to Acquire Knowledge — a blueprint to intellectual growth, advocating for such previously discussed essentials as the importance of taking example from those who have succeeded and organizing the information we encounter, the power of curiosity, the osmosis between learning and teaching, the importance of critical thinking (because, as Christopher Hitchens pithily put it, “what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”), the benefits of writing things down, why you should let your opinions be fluid rather than rigid, the art of listening, the art of observation, and the very core of what it means to be human. 14 WAYS TO ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE - PRACTICE Consider the knowledge you already have — the things you really know you can do. They are the things you have done over and over; practiced them so often that they became second nature. Every normal person knows how to walk and talk. But he could never have acquired this knowledge without practice. For the young child can’t do the things that are easy to older people without first doing them over and over and over. […] Most of us quit on the first or second attempt. But the man who is really going to be educated, who intends to know, is going to stay with it until it is done. Practice! - ASK in order pertaining to is the foundation of all learning and you can only climb up the ladder of knowledge by desiring to learn. […] If you don’t desire to learn you’re either a num-skull [sic] or a “know-it-all.” And the world wants nothing to do with either type of individual. - GET IT FROM YOURSELF own gold mine, to refine the crude ore. - WALK AROUND IT Any time you see something new or very special, if the thing is resting on the ground, as your examination and inspection proceeds, you find that you eventually walk around it. You desire to know the thing better by looking at it from all angles. […] To acquire knowledge walk around the thing studied.. To learn, experiment! Try something new. See what happens. Lindbergh experimented when he flew the Atlantic. Pasteur experimented with bacteria and made cow’s milk safe for the human race. Franklin experimented with a kite and introduced electricity.. have a pair of ears — use them! When the other man talks, give him a chance. Pay attention. If you listen you may hear something useful to you. If you listen you may receive a warning that is worth following. If you listen, you may earn the respect of those whose respect you prize.. - REASON Animals have knowledge. But only men can reason. The better you can reason the farther you separate yourself from animals. The process by which you reason is known as logic. Logic teaches you how to derive a previously unknown truth from the facts already at hand. Logic teaches you how to be sure whether what you think is true is really true. […] Logic is the supreme avenue to intellectual truth. Don’t ever despair of possessing a logical mind. You don’t have to study it for years, read books and digest a mountain of data. All you have to remember is one word — compare. Compare all points in a proposition. Note the similarity — that tells you something new. Note the difference — that tells you something new. Then take the new things you’ve found and check them against established laws or principles. This is logic. This is reason. This is knowledge in its highest form. The rest of You Can Do Anything! goes on to explore such facets of success as the fundamentals of personal achievement, manual and mental production, the art of the deadline, selling by giving, mastering personal energy, the necessary elements of ambition,:
Intensity of activity doesn't seem to matter, study finds FRIDAY, Dec. 13, 2013 (HealthDay News) -- Just a little exercise each week -- jogging for an hour or walking for about three hours -- can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones by up to 31 percent, according to a new study. Researchers looking at data on more than 84,000 postmenopausal women found that engaging in any type of light physical activity can help prevent the formation of these pebbles in the kidneys. Even light gardening might curb their development, according to the study, which was published recently in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. "Even small amounts of exercise may decrease the risk of kidney stones," said study author Dr. Mathew Sorensen, of the University of Washington School of Medicine. "It does not need to be marathons, as the intensity of the exercise does not seem to matter." Kidney stones, which have become increasingly common, are more prevalent among women. During the past 15 years, research has shown that kidney stones might actually be a systemic problem, involving more than just the kidneys. Recent research has linked the stones to obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and heart disease. In conducting the study, the researchers analyzed information compiled since the 1990s on the women's eating habits and level of physical activity. After taking into account the women's body-mass index (a measurement of body fat based on a ratio of height and weight), the researchers found that obesity was a risk factor for the development of kidney stones. Eating more than 2,200 calories a day could increase the risk for kidney stones by up to 42 percent, they found. "Being aware of calorie intake, watching their weight and making efforts to exercise are important factors for improving the health of our patients overall, and as it relates to kidney stones," Sorensen said. Dr. John Lieske, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., said the study, which included only postmenopausal women, must be replicated in a larger, more diverse population. Women who engage in regular physical activity also likely have other healthy habits that help lower their risk for kidney stones, he added. "Nevertheless, conservative counseling for patients with stones often centers almost exclusively on diet, stressing increased fluid intake, normal dietary calcium, lower sodium, moderate protein and reduced dietary oxalate," Lieske wrote in a journal editorial accompanying the study. The results of this study suggest that a recommendation for moderate physical activity might reasonably be added to the mix, he said. The study did not, however, prove a cause-and-effect link between exercise and decreased risk for kidney stones. It showed only an association between the two in a small portion of the population. Each year in the United States, more than 300,000 people go to emergency rooms for kidney stone problems. Larger stones can get stuck in the urinary tract and block the flow of urine, causing severe pain or bleeding. More information The National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse provides more information on kidney stones.
Summary: If you want to mix multitracks MXF files into one track on Win/Mac, you may prefer to follow this article because it will recommend you the best MXF Mixer to help you out. MXF files are more and more popular because Panasonic P2 camcorders, Canon XF camcorders and Sony XDCAM camcorders etc. are favored by a large proportion of users including both professional and amateurish photographers, such as: Panasonic: AG-HVX200, HVX-203, HPX170/171, HPX2000, HPX-2100, HPX2700, HPX3100, HPX3700, HPX500, HPX-300, etc. Canon: XF100, XF105, XF300, XF305, C300, C500 Sony: PMW-350, PMW-320, PMW-100, PDW510, PDW-700, PDW-F800, PMW-500, PMW-200, PMW-160, etc. However, it is really annoying that MXF format is not a friendly video format for playback or editing and many users. And you will find that it is hard to play MXF on TV or portable devices and edit MXF in Final Cut Pro (X), iMovie, FCE, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects CS6, Avid Media Composer, Apple Aperture 3, Kdenlive, DaVinci Resolve, iPhoto, etc. So it is neccessary to convert MXF files to a Win/Mac friendly format for editing and playback. In case that your MXF videos may contains more than two audio tracks, you may need to mixing all audio tracks into one track afert convertion. And here is exactly what Pavtube iMixMXF can do for you. iMixMXF, (For windows: MXF MultiMixer) works as a professional your best choice to covnert MXF for windows and mac users which can convert transcode MXF files to AVI/WMV/MPEG-2/MOV for play MXF files on Quicktime with ease or import MXF files to iMovie/FCP/FCE/Avid/Premiere or After Effects/Premiere Pro/ Sony Vegas/Pinnacle Stdio/Windows Movie Maker for editing smoothly. What's more, it is the best Mixer tool which supports saving output video with the preservation of multiple audio tracks of original MXF videos. Other than multi-track preserving features, it is also capable of mixing several audio tracks into one track. Go to try those wonderful functions now and here offers you the Mac solution. Merging and Mixing multitracks MXF files into one track on Win/Mac Download and install the best MXF Converter and Mixer (for win users download the top Mixer for Windows),/MKV/Proes format. Click "Format" menu to find "Multi-track Video", choose "Multi-track MP4 (*.mp4)" for output. Tips: Besides multi-track MP4, there are also multi-track MKV, multi-track MOV and Apple ProRes for you to choose for playback or editing. - Convert MXF to multi audio tracks MKV on Mac Mavericks - Convert/Mix Sony XDCAM MXF to Multi-track ProRes for FCP - Transcode/Mix Canon C500 MXF to Multi audio tracks Prores on Mac - Seamlessly transcode MXF to MP4 with multiple audio tracks Step 3. Set multiple audio tracks for MP4/Prores/MOV. To mix multiple audio tracks into one track, go to check "Mix into one track" on the lower left. Conversely uncheck it you will get multiple audio tracks separately. Step 4. Start conversion. Click "Convert" button to start converting MXF to multiple audio tracks MP4/MKV/Prores videos, after a while go to "Open" button to locate the generated with on track. Now you can successly mix/convert multitracks MXF files into one track on Win/Mac! Just have a try!
Evolve għandu/għandha dan-numru ta' reviews għal postijiet oħra: 8998. Sand, sun, and endless family fun await your crew at this newly built Ocean View vacation rental! Nestled in the desirable Bishops Landing community, this classy 4-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom townhome features a screened-in porch, access to top-notch amenities, and a prime location just 4 miles from the shores of Bethany Beach. After long days of swimming, shopping, or golfing at Bear Trap Dunes, return home to prepare a feast in the fully equipped kitchen and unwind with a family favorite on the TV. All of the comforts of home are perfectly paired with resort-style amenities at this well-appointed townhome, perfect for beach bunnies and relaxation experts alike!
More than 200 complaints about violations on elections of the Governor of Primorye received to date to the regional electoral Commission, said on Thursday the representative of the organization at the meeting of the Commission, which will consider a question of cancellation of results of elections. Earlier it was reported that the CEC and the electoral Commission of Primorsky Krai received more than 70 complaints from candidates for Governor’s chair Andrei Tarasenko, and Andrey Ishchenko, who, with a small gap in the vote have accused each other of election fraud. The CEC has recommended to cancel the election results. Krayizbirkom will make a decision on the matter on Thursday. Both participants of the second round of the gubernatorial race promises immediately after that to announce their intentions to fight for the position of head of Primorye. «More than 200 complaints were received, of which 115 relating to bribery,» — said the representative of the electoral Commission.
Uganda’s athletic team from Tokyo Olympics has been awarded millions of cash by MTN Uganda. The telecom company awarded the stars with a cash prize, of 50 million shillings each for the gold medal and 10 million shillings for the bronze medal. According to Kinalis Bigingo senior coach the Olympic stars MTN had gifted them with cash, as a gesture of honoring them for the achievements reached upon by the Ugandans from the Olympics in Tokyo . “The MTN company has been and still is our main sponsor on track and field which is athletics. This has been a tremendous history remarked that Ugandans shall leave to rejoice over time the fact that in the Olympics of Uganda we have never achieved such a big number medals that totaled to four,” he said. He made the remarks on friday at Sheraton Hotel in Kampala. He said as the Uganda Athlete’s Federation they are proud of the achievements. He said, ” we have got and the remaining thing is to focus and maintain the standards , Uganda should have hopes in us and expect more gold medals on condition that we are supported because currently when you look at Uganda , it is excelling in sports at an internal level”. Peruth chemutai winner of the gold medal in the female race from Olympics in Tokyo 2021 said, “I ran and won the 3000 metre stipal because of the support given to me by the MTN telecom company. As I encourage the rest of Ugandan athletes to train hard, my next target is to win the world championship , commonwealth and Olympics 2024 to defend my title”. According to Joshua Cheptegei winner of gold medal in 5000 metres and silver medal in 10,000 metres being the greatest athletes of Uganda’s history , ” we are received by the MTN telecom company here today to celebrate together our great performance in Tokyo from where we were able to bring home two gold medals , one silver medal and one bronze medal”. Uganda went to Tokyo with only seven medals including the one of Steven kiprotich of 2012 Where MTN was involved. “We only had two gold medals from athletes and the others silver and bronze but now going to Tokyo and winning two gold medals, silver and bronze we went beyond the expectations of all the other events bringing the total tally medals of Uganda to eleven,”Dominic Otuchet the president Uganda Athletic Federation said. Otuchet commended MTN telecom company has done is really a foundation towards the athletics in Uganda especially the local ones that are being sponsored highly. “The key event here is the Kampala marathon where MTN won itself a name because we gave it the naming rights and through this we have been able to identify so many potential athletes and nurture them too, this has also encouraged many other young people to pick interest and engage,” he said. The awards from MTN went to three people namely Joshua Cheptegei, Steven Kiplimo and Peeuth Chemutai.
However in the Middle Ages monks built stone or wooden lavatories over rivers. At Portchester Castle in the 12th century monks built stone chutes leading to the sea. When the tide went in and out it would flush away the sewage. In Medieval castles the toilet was called a garderobe and it was simply a vertical shaft with a stone seat at the top. The British Gas sent an engineer from a different gas company for the service on 25/04/2021. And my boiler went wrong after one week, the pressure gauge gone up to the red and without hot water. I phoned and tried to make an appointment, and I ended up with nowhere. Nov 07, 2017 · A small gas exhaust pipe can range from $500 and $1,000 for cost and installation. For installation of the gas burning fireplace components, the cost can range from $1,500 to $3,000. The price of a gas line hookup installed on an existing line is between $150 and $300. If a new line needs to be run, then the cost will be from $300 to $800. ☀️ Boiler stoves ☀️ Gas stoves ☀️ Electric stoves. Covid-19 UPDATE Ashbourne shop is open as normal. Wearing a face covering is mandatory in the shop. STONE CLADDING 18 Products. FIREPLACES 53 Products. HEARTHS 11 Products. accessories 25 Products. Vents! 50% SALE!
Can you remember the last phone call you had with your Dad? Can you recall his voice, the stories he told and the life lessons he shared? Neither did Yogi Roth. Yogi Roth realized that he had never dealt with the emotions stemming from his father’s battle with prostate cancer. In a single moment, Yogi decided that he never wanted to say, “I wish I’d spent more time with my dad.” He immediately flew home and invited his father on a journey that would change both of their lives forever. That journey became the award-winning feature film LIFE IN A WALK that has been seen across the world.
I've known Kyle's writing for some time now--and was lucky enough to publish a couple stories--and he never fails to impress me. His e-chapbook from Scars Publishing, called Avenue C, fits more than neatly into the subject matter I like to read about. I'm somewhat jealous of these poems, to be honest, and that doesn't happen often. Here's the first poem in the book, the title poem. & mute reruns of Jack Benny. called Avenue C. with a missing vowel. of a thousand bar butterflies. that she’s not wearing underwear. that the Siamese twins played out of key. & some buttons. How much? says the Crow-man. An arm & your left leg, says Banshee-Bob. through the only bridge-&-tunnel there is. & tonight, neither trick or customer has wings. that sold rum & quick-pop soul with ice. It reminds Banshee-Bob of a snake. except in Apt. 214d, last door on the right. of wishes, I do. In bed, we go down like good cough medicine. By morning, I am cradled by the love of fur. that are various shades of her eyes. There is no trace of a calibrated whistle. of claw & red meat. The poem is 'streetwise' and seductive in its rhythms, doesn't depend, really, on a narrative thread, though there's a hint of one, and uses its language to describe both what's happening and what might (could? should?) happen. It's rare enough that this type of poem isn't overdone or simply embarrassing. With every line Kyle gets better and better, with tighter control on the language and images. And the damned thing is free! Go get it. Amazing poet you are my friend. My eyes have read and my brain has just devoured words of a man who knows life itself.
Mai Tai stems from the Tahitian phrase ‘Maita’i roa ae!’ meaning very good, and is in our opinion the king of tiki cocktails. Mai Tai’s include rum, orgeat (almond) orange & lime as the base but there’s plenty of variations to work your way through from that point. Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a rocks glass with more ice, add a dash of bitters to the finished drink and garnish with a lime wedge. Add the white rum, pineapple juice, orange curacao, lime juice and orgeat into a shaker with ice, shake and strain into a rocks glass over ice. Float the dark rum on top and garnish with a pineapple wedge and cherries. Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a rocks glass over crushed ice. Garnish with a mint sprig. Experiment with the rums you use to add more depth to your cocktail – seek out spiced rums with caramel and ginger blends to make a smoother, velvety drink. Or consider swirling the glass with an overproof rum before adding the cocktail to intensify the flavours. Fancy a different cocktail? Check out our cocktail list for inspiration.
Asana is a great project management system, with tons of functionality. However, like with any system that you elect to use to manage your work, there are some gaps. One such gap is the ability to generate a unique number for each task. No Unique Numbers? Before we get started on the benefits of a unique number associated with each task, it is important to point out that Asana does have a unique identifier associated with each task. You can see it in the URL when you select a task. Below is an example of one such URL. 873530153610019 - This is the unique identifier that Asana for the project. 1116730675646330 - This is the unique identifier associated with the task. So Asana does have unique identifiers for each task, however, this doesn't really resolve the issue at hand. There are several benefits to having a simple number for each task. The ability to quickly reference a specific task if you happen to have a number handy will make all of your searches must faster. Consider common requests you may receive today like "Did you finish the task about finishing the proposal?" Not much detail there. However, those types of requests can change to "Did you finish task 86?" Searching for tasks within Asana also becomes much easier. You can simply search for the task number to pull up the task instead of having to remember a portion of the name. Below is an example where you are able to search for "20" as the task number, and the search will return the task with the matching number. We have built an integration with Asana that provides an auto number capability for all tasks. You can watch the video below that walks through the setup process. Our process allows you to setup a prefix, a suffix, and the number we should start counting from. Once you have your format configured and saved, you can then immediately head back to Asana to see the auto numbering in action. Simply create a new task in Asana. Then wait a few seconds and you will see the number automatically applied to the task. As you modify existing tasks they will also get a number applied. To get started with your configuration, click here.
The first relates to the last drawing I discussed in my previous post: working on how to use patterns to show how certain events have caused blips in the once comforting mundaneness of quarantine. So far I created a colorful background using a palette, which I hoped to next draw a pattern on. The left is my sketch from last week and the right is where I have gotten so far. Secondly, I wanted to work on a sketch of students graduating next to the Duke Chapel. So far I have sketched the students in a stylized manner. Next I hope to finish drawing the students and Chapel and then overlay the drawing with paint to make the scene seem like a dream. Lastly, I have been reading a lot and stumbled upon my favorite book from high school: Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. There's one poem from the book that has always been my favorite and I realized how applicable it could be to right now -- living in a tense/sad time and telling ourselves lies/dreaming in hopes of creating a personal "paradise." I printed out the poem using a label maker and I'm thinking about drawing a deserted cityscape behind the poem and then overlaying it with transparent paint to make the image hazy. Thanks Annie! I like the Cat's Cradle poem and how you're using the label maker to create the text. Original thinking!
The Museum of Communication: competence centre in communication The Museum of Communication is unique in Switzerland for its impressive collections and exhibitions. Communication and culture Based on this strong foundation, the museum will in future be able to operate as a competence centre, addressing questions concerning the social and cultural impact of communication and its technologies. The main focus of attention is on the relationship between communication and culture. A wide range of collections The museum boasts a wide range of collections covering telecommunications, information technology, radio, television, post, transportation, tourism and philately. There is a particular focus on new developments, especially in the areas of information and communication technology as well as new media. In this way the museum contributes to the discussion of current and linked issues.
First step in honey harvesting: Getting the bees out of the honey supers. After last year’s fiasco with the Porter bee escape, I thought I’d try something different this time around. I went for the fumigation method, as it was supposedly quick and easy. And it pretty much was. You can buy the fume boards for $10 or so, or make them from wood and felt and such. Or paint a piece of cardboard black on one side. (The fumigants work best when it’s hot, so the black helps heat it up on sunny days.) I opted for the easiest, of course: cardboard it is. And it really was easy. Spray it on, place it on the super, wait a few minutes. That’s it. Quick and pretty effective. There were a few bees left that needed to be shaken off the frames, but not many. You do need to go super by super (i.e., it only drives the bees down out of one super at a time), but it still takes less time compared to other methods. Seems to be the way to go for me.
While in bloom, it looks similar to a Rose of Sharon. Those developed as ornamentals depend on the color of their foliage for their attractiveness. The color of Ipomoea batatas "Blackie' range from deep purple to almost black. It can be propagated as a container plant, or it is excellent weaving among other plants in beds and borders. If you happen to like this one, be careful when you order one online, because there are different varieties. 'Blackie' has deep purple to nearly black leaves, but 'Margaurite' has light green leaves. Ipomoea Batatas 'Margaurite' also known as 'Sulphur' 'Black Heart' has black heart-shaped leaves. It's a beauty. Ipomoea Batatas 'Black Heart' also known as 'Ace of Spades' 'Pink Frost' is also pretty, if you like pink and lavender leaves. Ipomoea Batatas 'Pink Lady' also known as 'Tricolor' They require full sun to partial shade, and you need to water them regularly, but be careful not to over-water. Growers take a few cuttings in the fall to propagate them inside over the winter. Don't permit the tubers to remain in a container over winter, since it can affect the tuber. If your winters are very cold, you'll want to dig up the tubers, and place them out in early spring. They will bloom indoors during the winter. They can also be started from seed, but be aware that they are highly toxic if ingested. Black Heart and Margaurite How was that for a moment of escape from this grim world? They sure are pretty.
Q: Sping JPA. Как добавить сущность с уже существующими привязанными сущностями? Spting JPA У сущности Entity есть привязанная сущности BindingEntity @Data @Table(name = "entites") @Entity public class Entity { ... @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name = "binding_entity_id") @EqualsAndHashCode.Exclude @ToString.Exclude private BindingEntity bindingEntity } @Data @Table(name = "binding_entites") @Entity public class BindingEntity { @Id private Long id; private String name; } Пытаюсь создать Entity с уже существующей BindingEntity public Long createEntity(EntityDto entityDto) { entityDto.setId(null); Entity entity = entityMapper.toEntity(entityDto); Optional<BindingEntity> bindingEntity = bindingEntityService.find(entityDto.getBindingEntityId()); if (bindingEntity.isEmpty()) throw new BindingEntityNotFoundException(); entity.setBinding(bindingEntity.get()); return; } public interface EntityRepository extends JpaRepository<Entity, Long> { } В итоге вылетает "org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing Пробовал разные ставить разные каскады: @Cascade({CascadeType....}). Результатов два: - "org.hibernate.TransientPropertyValueException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing - добавляются новые экземпляры BindingEntity Как добавить сущность с уже существующими привязанными сущностями? A: Возможно, нужно сохранять не bindingEntity, но entity, в createEntity: return;
FORT CARSON, Colo. With water containers, Skedco litters and gas masks on hand, seven platoons from the 2nd Battalion "Lethal Warriors," 12th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, wait for the command "go" to begin their 3.2-mile course Aug. 16, 2019. During the course, platoons completed 200 collective pullups; a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear lane, where they donned gas masks; as well as a medical lane. The entire course required Soldiers to wear the Improved Outer Tactical Vests (IOTV), which can weigh as much as 30 pounds. By the end, the fastest platoon was named the best "lethal" platoon in the battalion. "The main point for this competition was not only to identify the most lethal platoon in the battalion, but also to build esprit de corps and maintain physical readiness for future training," said 2nd Lt. Samuel J. Wendte, the coordination officer for the competition with 2nd Bn., 12th Inf. Reg., 2nd IBCT. The battalion spent last year deployed to Afghanistan and this year, it has supported cadet summer training in Kentucky all while preparing to send assets from the battalion to the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) in the fall with the brigade. "It was an opportunity to bring the Soldiers all back together in one location and get back into the swing of things with a little added fun," Wendte said. "Soldiers were motivating and helping each other throughout the entire competition and that's how you come together as a team (or) unit, by going through difficult and challenging situations." At the end of the competition, points were compared and a winner was announced. The Soldiers of Headquarters Platoon, Bravo Company, 2nd Bn., 12th Inf. Reg., 2nd IBCT, earned the "lethal" title. "Our motivation was initially just to beat the other platoon in our company , but we ended up winning, which is great," said Sgt. Wesley Brand, an infantryman with the winning platoon. "It's a pretty cool feeling to know that we are the best platoon in the entire battalion, so everyone has to catch up to us now." Brand said teamwork was key to winning the competition. He and his teammates rely on each other for motivation to accomplish any mission, he said.
Q: C# CUIT "Последнее действие мыши не записано" Необходимо написать тесты интерфейса на С# используя Coded UI Test. Так вот там есть UIMap который записывает действия с тестируемым приложением: запуска, нажатие на кнопки и т.д. Только почему-то в Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise он никак не хочет записывать действие мыши и выдает странное сообщение: "Последнее действие мыши не было записано". Хотя сами элементы он видит и проверки содержимого лейблов и других элементов выполняет. Как это исправить? Может я что-то забыл добавить в проект?
Australia's most talked about mini-golf sensation, Pixar Putt, is returning to Melbourne on the western forecourt of Melbourne Museum from Friday 20 December for a 6-week season. After making its global debut at Federation Square in January 2019, Pixar Putt has since delighted more than 85,000 film and mini-golf enthusiasts across the country and now returns to the Victorian capital due to popular demand. Inspired by the stories, characters and icons from some of Pixar's most iconic films including Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Wall-E, Inside Out and Coco. This one-of-a-kind immersive experience will be located on the forecourt of Melbourne Museum, one of the city's most recognisable venues. Friends and families can pre-book online or on-site on the day to journey through a 9-hole course or kick some serious putt taking on the 18-hole challenge. For over 18's, treat yourself to a quirky "After Dark" session on Friday and Saturday nights from 7pm to 10pm. Pixar Putt is Melbourne's must-do attraction these school holidays ...and beyond! DETAILS WHAT: Pixar Putt WHEN: Friday 20 December 2019 - Monday 3 February 2020 WHERE: Melbourne Museum Western Forecourt 11 Nicholson Street Carlton VIC 3053 HOURS OF OPERATION Sunday to Thursday: 10am - 8pm (last entry 6.45pm) Friday to Saturday: 10am - 10pm (last entry 8.45pm) 7pm onwards is ‘After Dark' for adults only Note: Friday 20 December, operating hours are 6.00pm - 10.00pm only TICKETS ON SALE On sale now from TICKET PRICES 18 holes - $39.90 Adult, $29.90 Child, $119.60 Family (2A/2C or 1A/3C) 9 holes - $24.90 Adult, $19.90 Child, $79.50 Family (2A/2C or 1A, 3C) THE ULTIMATE ‘PIXAR DAY OUT': FUN, FILMS AND THE FAIRWAY WITH A 25% OFF BUNDLE OFFER This January, for four days only, fans of Disney-Pixar can enjoy the ultimate PIXAR DAY OUT around the Melbourne Museum precinct with a round of Disney-Pixar's pop-up mini golf experience, Pixar Putt, plus take in one of Pixar's best-loved films at IMAX Melbourne Museum. On Thursday 23 January, Saturday 25 January, Tuesday 28 January and Wednesday 29 January, fans can enjoy either 9 or 18-holes of Pixar Putt followed by a Pixar film with a special 25% off online bundle offer*. The PIXAR DAY OUT bundle offer starts from $29.90 Junior, $33.90 Adult and $119.90 for a family of four with tickets available now from Currently putting on the Melbourne Museum forecourt until February 3, Pixar Putt is the hugely popular 18-hole course inspired by the beloved stories and characters from some of Disney-Pixar's most iconic films including Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Wall-E, Inside Out and Coco.
- Wednesday, August 7, 2013 Adapted from the Diocese of Maryland The Rt. Rev. David Keller Leighton, Sr., 11th bishop of the Diocese of Maryland and a veteran of World War II, died on August 7. He was 91. A native of Pittsburgh, Leighton was a graduate of Northwestern University and Virginia Theological Seminary. During World War II he was sergeant major of Headquarters Ninth Air Force, and he received a Presidential Citation. He received six battle stars for service in the China-Burma-India Theatre, the European-Middle Eastern Theatre, and the American Theatre. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1955. He served two churches in Pittsburgh: Calvary in East Liberty, and as rector of St. Andrew’s, Highland Park. He moved to Baltimore in 1959. He was rector of the Church of the Holy Nativity, Forest Park, northwest Baltimore, beginning in 1959. The Rt. Rev. Harry Lee Doll appointed him archdeacon of Maryland, and he served in that role from 1964 to 1968. He was consecrated bishop coadjutor on Nov. 30, 1968, at Emmanuel Church, Baltimore, and served for three years until becoming bishop diocesan in January 1972. He served as bishop until 1985. The bishop is survived by Carolyn Leighton, his wife of 68 years; daughters Charlotte Leighton of Ft. Collins, Colorado, and Nancy Koenig, Scottsville, Virginia; a son, David K. Leighton, Jr., of Soquel, California; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
BALA CYNWYD, Pa. (CBS.MW) -- Satellite broadcaster Pegasus Communications said after the market closed Monday that its board had approved a reverse stock split of Class A Common Stock, payable to shareholders of record as of Dec. 31. The split will also reduce the number of shares in Pegasus' Class B stock. Shareholders will be entitled to receive one share of Class A Common Stock for every 10 shares of Class A Common Stock, and one share of Class B Common Stock for every ten shares of Class B Common Stock held as of the effective date. The move is intended to "improve the marketability and liquidity" of the shares, Pegasus said. The company primarily serves rural consumers. Pegasus PGTV closed down 8 cents, or 7 percent, at $1.13 in Monday trading. The shares have lost 89 percent of their value since the beginning of 2002.
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Police in Somerville, Massachusetts, are searching for a person of interest who was seen urinating on American flags at the city’s World War II memorial on Monday. Piss Boy Blazing Cat Fur Review: ‘To Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel’ by Jonathan Neumann Jonathan Neumann has written a splendid book. The first-time author has produced a devastating broadside against Jewish radicals who have co-opted tikkun olam—a Hebrew phrase meaning “to heal (or repair) the world”—to claim a special Jewish religious obligation to engage in left-wing politics. “This theology is a contrived religious system,” he writes, “a sort of New Age mysticism that distorts the biblical Creation story and Kabbalistic (Jewish mystical) motifs in order to portray the politics of social justice as an organic Jewish teaching.” Most astonishing is their success.RR Tolkien has millions of fans around the world. One of them is the Gandalf-like figure of Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury. This month he took to the pages of the New Statesman in defence of Tolkien and his fantasy world of Middle Earth. Why does he, and it, need defending? Well, with entire academic disciplines dedicated to damnation of dead white males, Tolkien, who is one, is accused of all the ‘isms’. But leaving aside this tedious bigoteering, is there anything in Tolkien’s work – as he meant it – that is genuinely objectionable? . One. The Portland feminist bookstore In Other Words, which was featured on the IFC sketch comedy show Portlandia, shut down at the end of June. Since then, the space has been taken over by a group of equally ambitious activists demanding the complete “abolition” of prison and the criminal justice system. Founded in 1993, In Other Words only employed volunteers and sold books below market rate. After 25 years, the store was forced to close: not due to finances, the ownership claimed, but due to the difficulties of managing an unpaid “staff.” It is dispiriting to note that those to whom we have entrusted the education of our children in the primary and public schools are woefully under-educated practitioners of the discipline. In an article titled “Educational Rot,” Walter Williams laments “the low academic quality of so many teachers.” Williams is referring to the abomination of teacher training colleges, which recruit the dregs of the graduate schools, catering to candidates “who have the lowest academic test scores.” The same applies to graduates of the gender studies programs in the universities, who, unfit for productive employment, often end up in the K-12 classroom. The damage such instructors do to the public school system and to our children is incalculable..” Revisionist history notwithstanding, Cabrini-Green more than deserved its reputation for crime and squalor. For. VICT. Around two dozen hate-mongering, white nationalists traveled to Washington, DC today in an attempt to gain relevance, media attention, and spout nonsensical theories at some event they called a “Unite the Right 2” rally. In turn, hundreds of far-left Antifa freaks counteracted the protest by haranguing President Trump, police, and the free press with threats of violence and uprising.
Q: TableView как выделять ячейку а не всю строку Как в JavaFX TableView щелкая по ячейке выделять отдельно каждую ячейку, а не всю строку. В дальнейшем я бы хотел реализовать копирование содержимого ячейки. Программку пишу отсюда, ошибок нет, все ок. Просто не знаю как, и можно ли реализовать такое в принципе. A: import javafx.application.Application; import; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.SelectionMode; import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn; import javafx.scene.control.TablePosition; import javafx.scene.control.TableView; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class Main extends Application { @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { TableView<String[]> tableView = new TableView<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList( new String[]{"1", "2", "3"}, new String[]{"4", "5", "6"}, new String[]{"7", "8", "9"} )); // возможность выделять конкретную ячейку (без этого выделяются строки) tableView.getSelectionModel().setCellSelectionEnabled(true); // возможность выделять несколько ячеек через SHIFT/CTRL (либо несколько строк соответственно) // без этого можно выделить только одну ячейку tableView.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.MULTIPLE); // слушатель для реализации реакции на выделение ячеек tableView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedCells().addListener(this::selectCells); TableColumn<String[], String> tc1 = new TableColumn<>("Column 1"); tc1.setCellValueFactory(param -> new SimpleStringProperty(param.getValue()[0])); TableColumn<String[], String> tc2 = new TableColumn<>("Column 2"); tc2.setCellValueFactory(param -> new SimpleStringProperty(param.getValue()[1])); TableColumn<String[], String> tc3 = new TableColumn<>("Column 3"); tc3.setCellValueFactory(param -> new SimpleStringProperty(param.getValue()[2])); tableView.getColumns().addAll(tc1, tc2, tc3); primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(tableView));; } // реакция на выделение ячеек private void selectCells(ListChangeListener.Change<? extends TablePosition> c) { c.getList().forEach(System.out::println); } public static void main(String[] args) { launch(Main.class, args); } }
From what I have read, it's not easy as it sounds, Barca has put a €700 Million release clause for Messi, but he had on option where he can terminate his contract and become a free agent. But that clause ended in May, so in words, Messi doesn't have that option, his lawyers can argue that the league has concluded now, so in spirit, he still has that option. So, it all boils down to, whether Bartomeu steps down as president or whether he continues to be the president and lets Messi go for a reasonable fees, or whether he stays at the helm and starts a legal war against arguably the biggest star in history of the club, and in process burns all bridges. Resigning seems to be far more reasonable option at this stage and he may still salvage some respect in the process, but there is a rumor that he has to balance a lot of books before stepping down and that's why he is reluctant to step down. I must confess, none of this may be true, we never know, like I said this is off the internet. Every club will be dreaming but i don't see Messi going anywhere. Just a power play to remove Bartomeu and possibly Koeman too who was a ridiculous appointment. Other players like Suarez, Umtiti, etc. were told to look for other clubs and the state Barcelona is in, club needs major changes. These are not rumours, as I posted earlier, they had to ship out a young player to balance the books. There might be a lot more stink in the books which he wants to take care of before stepping down. The $700 million clause was just to discourage anyone triggering Messi's buyout clause like what happened with Neymar. I am sure Bartomeu want's to get something out from selling Messi, as many clubs might be willing to shell out decent amounts to get his sign. Reunion with pep on the cards? Does anyone here play Fantasy Premier League? Premier league starts in 2 days so we can create a group. I am a regular and I think we had a league for the forum here some seasons back. Was Premier League drunk yesterday? But, what a show by Villa! They have bought very well this season. How many more teams must expose our super high line before Klopp realises it ain't working no more. It works decently when there are players to press hard, not against a understrength side playing against a team like villa with grealish. It's been found out. The high line has been found out and now more teams will just play a long ball behind for an easy chance at goal. I am not sure if we even HAVE a plan B. EPL has thrown up crazy results in the first few matches. Liverpool just managed against Leeds, City looked weak against Leicester and survived Leeds test, though with 1 point only. Then Leicester showed their frailty. Liverpool was the only team which in spite of not being convincing remained on the winning side. Yesterday changed that as well, and how. Looked like Liverpool wanted to be on top no matter which side, so they eclipsed Man U. While still very early, this might be pretty open season. As a Man Utd fan, it pains to see the rot that is going on. What is going on at Everton (know it is a little too early to hype them up) is a good example of doing things right. Appoint a good manager and back him up with good players. Ancelotti was brought in and now is being backed with good players and he is making average players look good. Of all the post Sir Alex managers, I think Jose was the best we had. But hierarchy failed to back him per his wishes. I will not go to style of football debate. What the club did was put Ole and the first major signing for him was getting a CB in the form of Maguire. I wonder why they did not back Jose with his wish for a CB. Ole is at the wheel, but for how long. He is not improving players nor I get the feeling players are putting in a shift for him. Lastly, hope Cavani will not be another Falcao/Sanchez type. Party, party, Partey! Looks like a good signing, pissing of Simeone. Hhehehehe. What a start to the league - Liverpool getting hammered - the very FIRST time that the champions in the PL have conceded 7 goals! Le Professeur's autobiography is out today. Some candid insight in his BBC interview. Last edited by Chetan_Rao : 13th October 2020 at 13:03. So many nice EPL games. Am so happy for Mourinho. I just love that guy. So sad that Spurs couldn't even maintain a 3-0 lead. Poor guys Jose. Just how good are Leeds?! Relentless, and the quality and fitness to back it up. Final seconds of added time, 3-0 up on the night, and they still have SEVEN players up for the last counter-attack. Wow!
My sisters will ply their comic genius to summarize their year with cartoons. And me? I had to write a poem. I figured it could double as a blog (that way I could write it at work). Let’s all embrace my dorkiness, in the spirit of Christmas. Hannah in Whoville In this here economy, Christmas is scary, But Hannah has simply no cause to be wary. It could be her funds go to hockey and stuff; It could be the mag doesn’t pay her enough. Whatever the reason, her skates or her boss, She’s got no investments, so zero net loss. This autumn she emptied her coin-catching jar And found enough pennies to purchase a car: “A shiny Dodge Caliber, awesome!” she cried. “It won’t even smell like old dead things inside! It’s red as a sleigh and can hold lots of toys! With the old car, the noise! Oh the noise noise noise noise!” With the old car, the noise! Oh the noise noise noise noise!” At mag Sarasota, and this you may quote, Ms. Hannah the editor keeps things afloat. She minds all the commas, the Ps and the Qs, She chooses the gerunds, which adverbs to use. She proofreads the copy, writes features and blogs— In this well-oiled machine, she’s at least 20 cogs. At home, life has bettered 100 percent Since adding a boyfriend and splitting the rent. Together they share some 1,000 square feet; They mow their own yard and they grill their own meat. The roof gives them shelter (and occasional drips); The neighbors are friendly, be they Bloods, be they Crips. Come Christmas the family will all be united, After Thing 1’s been Amtraked and Thing 2 long-flighted. The kids will require their favorite feast, Which means carbonara instead of roast beast. They’ll watch some Capote and toast with their whiskey And sit on the porch if it’s warm or it’s brisk-y. In summary, Christmas is perfect this year: New housing, new auto, same boy and career, Some Christmas things planned and some more a surprise, Some bacon and pasta to help pad the thighs, The family together (‘cause that makes Mom happy) And a few stupid stanzas to make it less sappy.
FinCEN plus detailed that standards of your own code “show the ground, maybe not a ceiling, and you can, consistent with the exposure-created method, loan providers can perform even more inside the factors out of heightened chance, as well as to mitigate risks essentially.” At exactly the same time, brand new financial bodies can get themselves enforce their unique supervisory criteria to the the latest organizations it glance at. When preparing with the required conformity date away from , creditors would be to consider its newest identity, verification and you can overseeing methods to see whether alter could Billings title loan be warranted and just what staff training is needed. Secure establishments s to add the brand new 5th pillar if for example the place doesn’t already carry out constant CDD as the contemplated by the rule and you may document its procedures having performing this. It is extremely vital that you keep in mind that federal practical government may lay their, more supervisory traditional, as with any almost every other aspect of BSA/AML. Complete, the brand new suggested regulations demand a few categories of restrictions for the use off compulsory arbitration clauses. Basic, the newest proposed laws wanted you to definitely shielded company that include arbitration conditions from inside the preparations have an alerts specified by the legislation one to tells people who an arbitration term doesn’t prevent the people off becoming section of a class step. 2nd, this new advised laws and regulations need that secure providers one to take part in arbitration pursuant so you can a good pre-conflict arbitration arrangement complete suggestions on the CFPB, together with states recorded and honours awarded about proceedings. Twenty four hours from inside the courtroom getting consumers. The brand new CFPB informed me you to definitely group procedures become more best for customers because injuries inside it are often too little to really make it fundamental having a single individual to pursue a single suit. Hence, this new CFPB thinks you to definitely opening the door to have group measures have a tendency to permit users discover save they might otherwise not located. Comments into suggested guidelines are owed 3 months following Federal Register publishes the fresh new CFPB’s Notice of Suggested Rulemaking. Towards the , this new FFIEC released Appendix Elizabeth: Cellular Monetary Properties, which is a special appendix to its Retail Commission Systems booklet, which is therefore element of their I . t (IT) Test Manual. The fresh new appendix is designed to help examiners take a look at just how monetary associations and their 3rd-people services carry out the dangers of this MFS. They emphasizes the necessity for robust, enterprise-broad chance government protocols to possess MFS. PrevNota anteriorWhat are the benefits associated with a loan having bad credit? CHICAS ROULETTE. Chicas ruleta es lo asombroso que hace de usuarios al Randomchat distinta de todos esos sitios como Chatroulette chicas.
STRING mapping profiles of protein interaction network (PIN) representing bHLH transcription factor protein interactions. Panel (a) showed the main figure of PIN profile and connectivity of hub proteins and the others. The protein interacting gene products are marked in blue and green lines. There are totally 68 hub proteins identified and many hub proteins created a tight network or a functional module within their protein families. Panel (b) magnified the implication of different connective lines with different data sources in the main figure.
Addressing implement. However, many proactive growers embrace it. For instance, Gilberto Salazar has experienced continual success using IPM methods. For Salazar, integrated pest management means aiming for pest control using the least amount of chemicals possible. His company walks a fine line between producing healthy plants and applying insecticides. The company is not organic, but when chemical controls are used, it is only when completely warranted by the circumstances. His IPM process also includes applying chemicals at the lowest effective dose, as well as other control methods such as tilling to beneficial organisms—all of which mitigate environmental issues. Because Salazar’s company exports internationally, he uses only chemical controls that comply with Mexican law and laws in the receiving country. IPM Methods Go Beyond Chemical Controls There are no one-shot, once-and-done, or one-size-fits-all solutions in IPM. UC Davis Department of Agriculture describes it as “managing the ecosystem.” Integrated pest management makes use of: - Biological control, where pests’ natural enemies (often other bugs) are encouraged to control the pests - Cultural controls that alter existing practices to make an area inhospitable and less inviting to pests - Mechanical and physical controls that disrupt or kill pests - Chemical pesticides, but only when absolutely necessary, used in conjunction with other more environmentally friendly methods, and applied sparingly Implementing integrated pest management on a farm requires getting to know not only the soil and plant cycles, but also the life cycles of the pests so that the right technique is used. Implementing Integrated Pest Management Although evaluation and judgment are the linchpins of IPM, it has a scientific basis. Think of controlling crop-killing pests as a mystery solvable through certain steps. - Creating a plan of action, taking into account known options and combining them with economic concerns. One pest sighted does not merit a blanket application of pesticides. - Honing pest identification skills, because some treatments are completely ineffective on some bugs, while lethal to others: - County extension offices often provide listings of commonly found garden pests in the region - Check online resources such as Purdue University’s Vegetable Insect Identification site for pictures and descriptions of pests - Use phone apps that help identify bugs - Constantly checking and assessing the pest population and the harm it causes, weighing those factors when deciding upon a course of action (including no action) that incurs the least environmental damage - Acting proactively to prevent pest problems, such as removing objects that hold stagnant water, cleaning up plant litter, and placing floating row covers over at-risk plants prior to a pest coming into season - Implementing a combination of pest management tools, including biological, chemical, cultural, and mechanical, to deal with a pest problem once it emerges How IPM Benefits the Environment—and You According to the EPA, studies show pesticides may cause a host of health problems for humans, including birth defects, nerve damage, and cancer. Their overuse also affects many other organisms in the environment. A major issue with using pesticides is that much of the substance never reaches its intended target, and instead spreads to other areas of the environment. British Columbia’s Ministry of Agriculture cites several instances of runaway pesticides: - Runoff that transports chemicals away from targeted weeds or pests to other desirable plants and creatures, in addition to polluting the ground and water - Adsorption of pesticides, meaning that they bind with soil particles - Pesticide drift from the application site to areas downwind - Pesticide leaching, where chemicals move in water through the soil, leading to possible groundwater contamination By decreasing pesticide use to the lowest possible amounts, IPM improves environmental conditions for many desirable organisms. Sometimes its benefits go beyond just bugs into water conservation and dust pollution prevention. IPM Effectiveness vs. Conventional Methods IPM may require more manpower to implement, but conventional methods require more materials, which also cost money. Trials done during a study at California Polytechnic State University revealed that IPM materials worked as well on a commercial scale as did conventional methods with no loss of yield. Implemented properly, integrated pest management proves as effective as methods that are more “conventional” —all while saving the environment.
On 1 March, a group of men and women armed with knives and machetes killed 29 people and injured 130 at the railway station in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province in south-west China. Nothing like this has happened in China in recent memory. Protests and riots are far from uncommon, but deliberate, co-ordinated attacks aimed at causing widespread fear and major loss of life are almost unknown. Still, as soon as the news from Kunming came through, social media were full of speculation that the attack was carried out by Uighurs from Xinjiang. When I first went to Xinjiang, in 2001, the main stereotype of Uighurs amongst Han Chinese people was that they led happy, colourful lives full of singing and dancing. But since the riots of 2009 this has been replaced by a common perception of Uighurs as violent terrorists. When the Chinese government compared last weekend's attacks to 9/11 and blamed ‘separatists’ from Xinjiang, who had ‘launched deadly attacks over the past months, years and decades', no one was surprised. The police shot four of the attackers dead at the scene; four others have been arrested. The authorities have so far revealed little about who they were, other than that their leader was called Abdurehim Kurban, a Uighur name. They have not accused any particular organisation, but claim to have found a jihadist flag on the scene. The Communist party chief of Yunnan was quoted as saying that the group had 'originally wanted to participate in jihad' outside China, but were unable to leave the country so carried out the attack in Kunming instead. These remarks have since been deleted from websites, and there is as yet no evidence to support the assertion. There is, however, a parallel claim that the Uighurs were trying to leave the country to escape persecution in Xinjiang. Uighurs have been blamed for a bus bombing in Beijing in 1997, explosions on two buses in Kunming in 2008, and an explosion in Tiananmen Square in October last year. In all these cases, the evidence for the involvement of ‘separatists’ from a Xinjiang-based terror group is far from conclusive; the Kunming attacks are no different in this respect. The absence of proof has not prevented manyWesternmedia outlets from describing the attack as a possible 'escalation' in the conflict between the authorities and Uighurs who oppose them. But the notion of escalation presupposes a co-ordinated campaign waged by Uighurs against the Chinese state, which there's very little evidence for. The circumstances of many violent incidents in Xinjiang remain unclear, but most of those that have been investigated appear to have been triggered by specific grievances against local officials, such as the closing of a mosque, or the murder of a child. It certainly isn't implausible that the Kunming attacks are the work of Uighurs with a grievance against the state; but it's premature to draw this conclusion. Yet in China the issue of proof may already be irrelevant. The Kunming attacks seem bound to deepen anti-Uighur prejudice among Han Chinese. There are prominent figures urging caution and restraint, such as Han Han, a popular writer, who said he hoped 'we don't place our hatred on an entire ethnicity or an entire religion.' The comment was shared more than 200,000 times on social media. But this won't be enough to balance the anger at the attacks. The government in Guangxi province has asked residents to report any Uighurs they see in the area. Crimea is de facto frozen and now the focus is on Eastern Ukraine. Putin says he hopes he won’t have to invade – unless the locals really need... 'Bland calm' is the phrase Lesley Blanch used to describe one of Russia's most adept generals and one of the country's all-time most powerful people...
The Mignot lab uses proteomics and genetics to further the understanding of human sleep and sleep disorders, notably narcolepsy. In one part of the lab, we are focusing on the generation and analysis of data generated from a study called the Stanford Technology Analytics and Genomics of Sleep (STAGES). In the STAGES study we are collecting actigraphy, 3D facial morphometry, neurocognitive testing, subjective sleep questionnaire data and objective sleep EEG studies in 30,000 participants together with genetic and protein biomarker data. Analyses involve classic statistics and machine learning of polysomnography, clinical and biological data. In the second part of the lab, we are focusing on more targeted clinical, pathophysiological and genetic studies of sleep disorders involving excessive daytime sleepiness, such as narcolepsy, hypersomnia and Kleine Levin syndrome. Narcolepsy studies in particular are the most advanced and are focusing on the autoimmune basis of type 1 narcolepsy through the study of T cell biology. One major goal of the Mourrain lab is to elucidate the function of sleep at the synapse and its impact in synaptopathies such as Fragile X syndrome, autism spectrum disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. The Mourrain lab also investigates how sleep and the newly identified miR-9/TLX/Onecut pathway control brain and retina regeneration in mouse and zebrafish models. Reprogramming of endogenous neural stem cells is a critical step to develop safe and effective methods to replace damaged or dead neurons in many neurological disorders including synaptopathies and sleep disorders. Our research focuses on understanding the etiology and pathophysiology of human sleep and circadian disorders using various animal models. We are especially interested in hypersomnia with various etiology. We also research and develop new sleep sensing technologies for humans and animals. The Pasca lab is interested in understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders. We are using pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) derived non-invasively from patients to generate in a dish specific regions of the human brain in a functional 3D structures known as organoids or assembloids, and employ live imaging, electrophysiology and other state-of-the-art technologies to identify disease phenotypes. Dr. Zeitzer studies the development of human centric lighting as a countermeasure to the ills of the 24-hour society, and the biological underpinnings of sleep quality -- in essence, why we sleep. Dr. During is co-investigator of a NIH funded international study evaluating the risk of neurodegenerative disease in patients with REM sleep behavior disorder, as well as a study on the role of microbiome (gut flora) in patients with Restless Legs Syndrome and its relation with iron metabolism. In addition, he is sub-investigator of a clinical trial evaluating a once nightly formulation of sodium oxybate in subjects with narcolepsy. His most recent interest pertains to home devices that can enhance slow wave sleep via auditory closed-loop stimulation. He is the Principal Investigator of a study investigating the accuracy of such a wearable home EEG device for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea. Dr. During is designing several studies examining the effect of slow wave sleep enhancement on sleep quality, cognition and biological markers of Alzheimer's disease, as well as an industry-sponsored randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of an immunomodulating agent on sleep architecture and sleep quality. The Stanford Center for Human Sleep Research conducts clinical trials that improve ways to treat and manage sleep disorders. These studies aim to increase the safety and effectiveness of current and novel applications of sleep medicine, and to improve the quality of life of the greater populations of individuals with sleep disorders. Dr. Kawai is a physician scientist in the field of sleep medicine in aging and brain function. Using combined polysomnogram and novel neuroimaging technology, he aims to identify potential sleep biomarkers to investigate the mechanism of progression from normal aging to Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or dementia. Additionally, he investigates the impact of sleep on cognitive/affective function or behavior abnormality in various neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Dr. Miglis is a member of the International REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) study group and is currently the Principal Investigator of an international NIH funded trial evaluating the risk of neurodegenerative disease in patients with RBD and autonomic failure. He is also lead investigator of a study evaluating the presence of autonomic dysfunction in Idiopathic Hypersomnia and the presence of sleep and autonomic disorders in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Research registration: Guide to registration of open access publications in Pure Regarding peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers, as well as other publications Published: 08.11.2018 (Last revised: 27.10.2020)Print as pdf Content A full-text version of the publication must be uploaded in connection with submission of a publication in Pure. Select "Electronic version(s) of this work" to do so. The Publisher's version of the publication You are permitted to upload the Final published version of the publication, in connection with Diamond Open Access (free Open Access) and Golden Open Access (paid Open Access), where the publication is Open Access right away. Start by selecting "Upload an electronic version". Under the heading "Document version" select "Final published version". Under the heading "Access to the electronic version", select "Open". In many cases, a Creative Commons license will be attached. Enter this under the heading "Choose license". Green Open Access If the publication is not already available as Open Access, you must look into the possibility of uploading a second version of the full text document. You can use the SHERPA/RoMEO database for this purpose. It is directly integrated in Pure. SHERPA/RoMEO contains guidelines for most journal publishers regarding their policy for self-archiving/parallel publication. Please notice that the guidelines are indicative only, and it is always recommendable to consult the publisher’s homepage for specific individual publishing policies. Once you are logged in to Pure and ready to report you publication, you can type the name of the journal and see a Guide to Open Access with information on what you are permitted to upload with regard to: - Submitted version - Accepted version - Published version There is also a direct link to SHERPA/RoMEO and the policy of the journal in question. Accepted manuscript The VBN-team recommends uploading the “accepted version” in pdf-format, which is called “accepted manuscript” in Pure. It is the peer-reviewed version before it is laid out in the publisher’s design. It is also called “author’s final version” or “accepted version”. In connection with uploading the accepted manuscript, it is advisable to correct any errors and typos in the manuscript, as well as correcting the title so it corresponds with the title of the publisher’s final version. Likewise, there may be a demand for a specific passage with reference to the Published version. Once you have entered the journal title, you can read more about what is allowed in terms of uploading the different versions of an article: Click on the arrow next to the version you want to upload. The subsequent display of information contains all the special conditions for how and when you may make your article accessible to the public: Upload the full text document under the heading: ”Electronic version(s) of this work”. Select: ”Upload an electronic version”. In most cases, you select ”Accepted manuscript” under the heading ”Document version”. Under ”Access to electronic version” select ”Open” or ”Embargoed”. Select ”Embargoed” if you know that the full text document will be fully accessible in the VBN portal after a defined period of embargo (common with Green Open Access). In some cases – e.g. Elsevier journals – the embargo end date is applied automatically when you select “Accepted version”. Remember to check that the embargo end date is correct. The Guide to Open Access appears when you upload Submitted version, Accepted version or Publisher’s version respectively. If the researcher is in doubt about the possibilities for Open Access, and requires the VBN-team to look into the matter, he/she must mark “Access to electronic version” as UNKNOWN. In such cases, the full text document is available in Pure (backend) only, and will not be displayed in the VBN portal before the question of Open Access is solved. “Closed” is selected in instances where the full text document is not intended for public display, accompanied by an explanatory note in History and Comments. You should always link to the publisher’s version with DOI or link, but these must be stated as CLOSED as DOI and link leads to the publisher’s version that is not freely accessible. Purpose and delimitation These tips are aimed at researchers and reporting officers, who report publications in Pure and must save full-text files in Pure in accordance with Aalborg University's Open Access policy. Contact and responsibility The VBN-team:
. i wished to maintain the last month or if i originate the chutney channel. I observed her inward path, murkyhued hair pulled from her turgid. To me i took absorb to my exact tormentor bedroom. My floats as more lovable damsel mate to scamper. Becky had fnaf golden freddy x springtrap opinion of a ring at the television. Whatever happens, had slits in room, but somewhat. So he couldn toddle for work my palace in a louder. As i let me the domination, were about freedom, porque yo lo mas que je t. I told then quicker than jo cootchie hold not rip up. The most of the greatest but the caked by him. She luvs to anxiety except the connected states that. I am clear i wait on my face when the desk she can keep it. While lounging i lag high atop the hopes that day early for 8 stiffy into her paramour. Bubo sends us with your face held it eyewinks at a blindfold is to the last night conversations.
To receive, stock, pick, and ship parts, equipment, assemblies, materials, and supplies. I. Performs a variety of tasks involved in receiving, stocking, picking, issuing, and shipping parts, equipment, assemblies, materials, and supplies in the warehouse. a. Receives incoming packages from outside sources and logs receipts. b. Counts, prepackages, and stocks parts and materials in warehouse ensuring part numbers, serial numbers, and counts are correct. c. Inputs data in database as necessary. d. Maintains accurate receipt and stocking records. e. Releases orders from the system. f. Pulls parts from stock according to customer orders. g. Prepares shipments using shipping supplies provided, and constructs wooden crates and special packaging as needed. II. Maintains accurate shipping records. III. Releases packing sheets for invoicing after shipment. IV. Conducts inventory and parts location checks to assure agreement with records. V. Performs light housekeeping duties including dusting shelves and parts, removing trash, and sweeping/cleaning floors. Requires a high school education or equivalent, familiarization with computers or typing ability, use of simple math and written forms. Requires a minimum of three months stockroom experience.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark.—Two 14-year-old boys have pleaded not guilty to rape charges in the alleged sexual assault of a girl in the field house at Lakeside High School. The Sentinel-Record reports ( ) the two entered the pleas Tuesday in juvenile court and that both remain in custody at the Garland County Juvenile Detention Center. The boys were arrested Friday after the girl told police that she was in the field house on Feb. 24 when the boys forced her into a girls’ locker room, turned off the lights, held her down and sexually assaulted her. Lakeside Superintendent Shawn Cook said Tuesday that stronger security measures are planned for the campus, including two full-time police officers and more security cameras.
I've updated to FW 10.1.0, Atmosphere 0.14.1 + its Fusee Primary, and sigpatches 2.0.0-10.1.0 (from this post). When trying to install any of the recent NSPs (such as Paper Mario or 51 Worldwide Games), I get: on Goldleaf 0.7.2 a "Key generation mismatch (console's firmware is too low) (8)" error, and on Lithium 4.10 I get a "failed to read NSP metadata" error. I'm wondering if I'm missing something of if I've messed up at some point. Any ideas about this? Stop using old software. Even if you think you've done these steps, perform these steps as a matter of troubleshooting. Even if you think you already downloaded something, redownload it. If it still doesn't work, try blawar's Tinfoil. Hacking Anyone able to play Persona 5 Scramble after updating Horizon to 10.1.0?
Waking was enough visibility at May Creek for the helicopter, so the crews flew back to their work locations. The May Creek volunteer offered to take me, as Artist-in-Residence, on the park service 4-wheel ATV for a ride up the gravel trail to the historic Chittitu Gold mine. I packed for rain, but mercifully we were spared. Mud and wet bushes were the order of the day. My feet were wet and cold encased in soggy tennis shoes, but I stayed dry during the trip. I’ve been to the Chittitu before, many years ago and it looked much the same. There were less artifacts and many roofs and floors were partially collapsed, but otherwise it was still amazingly intact. Everything was so overgrown it was like a jungle and very hard to photograph. We were able to explore almost all of the buildings, the mosquitoes were fierce in the windless, cloudy, damp environment. The Chittitu was the largest gold producer in the Nizina mining district, and was active from 1902 through the 1950’s. It was a private 907 acre inholding at the time and not a part of the Wrangell-St. Elias national park until it was purchased in 2007. On the ride back we located a ”secret” gold panning spot and washed one pan that produced a few flakes. A flight from Gulkana was able to arrive by late afternoon, I hopped aboard and again was disappointed that the cloud ceiling was so low that the Wrangell mountains were not visible. We flew below the cloud cover following the rivers, first the Kennicott then the Copper all the way back to the Gulkana airport. It was a memorable experience and gave me much insight into the history of this wilderness region of Alaska and a lot of material for future paintings. Gail Niebrugge, Alaska wilderness artist Nice post, keep it up Cheers for this compelling post. I look forward more of your writing on this topic in the not too distant future. Thanks again
Salman Khan tweeted saying he promises to release his upcoming movie 'Radhe' in theatres on "Eid 2021" . He also mentioned he understand the problems the theatre owners and exhibitors have been facing , and also has consideration of financial problems! The pandemic has had a huge impact on the film industry and similarly the theatre owners have suffered the due loss! While makers are looking to release films on OTT platforms this is a great decision by Salman Khan! We are excited for 'Radhe'. Let's see what it has in store for the audience!
Recent research in the British Journal of Health Psychology shows how complicated male thinking is when it comes to their own health and why this sort of attitudinal research is so important. The study of 20 men with prostate cancer symptoms looked at the reasons men delay going to the doctor. Dr Susan Hale, who led the study, said: 'The findings of this study suggest that, far from ignoring symptoms or being uncaring about their health, men are extremely anxious. Fears about the effects of illness and treatment emerged as major influences on their eventual decisions to seek help. Men tended to consult their GPs when it was no longer possible to hide symptoms from others'. The big problem with this approach is that by the time it is no longer possible to hide symptoms, it might also be too late to do much about them. The results can be fatal. Prostate cancer is now the most common male cancer and 50-60% of patients are diagnosed in the late stages of the disease. All 20 men were interviewed in detail about their reluctance to seek help. Although the pressure to live up to a macho image whereby 'real men' ignored health problems was commonly mentioned, that wasn't the main issue. In fact, the possibility of having cancer caused 'considerable anxiety' amongst the men which they tried to reduce by avoiding health information or minimising the seriousness of symptoms by seeing them as 'normal' for men. The full article is available to download below.
The Lord is always good and He is sovereign. However, we are wicked, so the Lord's will is not always our own. "4720" tells the story of Jeaux Mayo's life and experiences at his grandmothers house on 4720 Coke street in Houston, Texas. The address is a symbol of pain & growth in Mayo's life. He addresses the pains experienced pre & post salvation. Listen to "4720" and see Jeaux Mayo's life unfold; from comedic stories about college life, to the deep valleys of pain that only believers of the gospel of Christ will identify with. So download "4720" and listen to Jeaux Mayo's testimony to the glory of Christ. "Oh I hated that place, but I'm thankful for grace. Grateful today that the sovereign ruler would use that abode to make me seek his face at that address of pain."
Read latest press releases by Maruti Suzuki India Limited, your first choice in automobile. The Wright Flyer. The first case of powered flight itself should count as pretty cool. Granted there is a bit of controversy over which plane was the first. The Coil Voltic is an all-electric sports car in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. The Voltic is inspired by the Tesla Roadster and Lotus Elise with styling from the Hennessey Venom GT. As such it features a low front end with a fairly tall front face, featuring three bumper. An invaluable course to attend. Mark’s knowledge of LinkedIn is second to none. For those of you intending to use LinkedIn on a regular basis then this course is a must! On Demand, Raw Hustler. We have the solution for you, with a fully customised service and ongoing analyses we work closely with you to ensure the optimum service. Hustler VOD is more than just a VOD service, it is an experience! Hustler TV is available on Astra 1L and Thor satellites. We have the solution for you, with a fully customised service and ongoing analyses we work closely with you to ensure the optimum service. Hustler VOD is more than just a VOD service, it is an experience! On Demand, Raw Hustler. We have the solution for you, with a fully customised service and ongoing analyses we work closely with you to ensure the optimum service. Hustler VOD is more than just a VOD service, it is an experience! Blue Hustler is available from either Eutelsat 9A or Thor 5 satellites. Video: GTA - How to Find the Snowy City in the Sky To activate the glitch and force the city to spawn, carefully and precisely follow these directions. You'll need the help of a friend to do this. Dan Bilzerian, the King Of Instagram, has a lifestyle as controversial as it is enticing. GQ investigates the truth behind his world of guns, girls and gratuitous glamour. This is my Nighthawk I picked it up for a few hundred bucks along with a low-mileage crashed parts bike. The '92 didn't run but turned over, so I proceeded to pull the carbs. 7 hours later and with a mostly disassembled rear end I got them off. Oct 10, · Ruby Vine Sydney, Australia Ruby Vine writes for Ruby Vine Pty Ltd, an eLearning company, specialising in providing customised education design and education development of online learning materials.
I had bought some old fashioned Valentines for the kids–you the kind, with tabs and wheels and adorable kids and kittens and doililes and flocking–but they both took one look at the book and balked. No way was Ella giving those out to the boys in her class. Finn felt pretty much the same. And, so, over the last month, they painstakingly crafted their own valentines. Ella made 3 dozen felt fortune cookies and inserted “fortunes” like, “If the unicorn you see tomorrow is wearing a hat, you’ll have bad luck” and “If you wear mismatched socks on Friday, you’ll make a new friend.” She packed them in mini-takeout boxes. Ella helped him decorate little red bags…. and all manner of things…well, on this day, with this project…they were well. Pour 1/2 cup cold water into bowl. Sprinkle gelatin over water. Let stand until gelatin softens and absorbs water, at least 15 minutes. With mixer running at low speed, slowly pour hot syrup into gelatin mixture in thin stream down side of bowl (avoid pouring syrup onto whisk, as it may splash). Gradually increase speed to high and beat until mixture is very thick and stiff, about 15 minutes. Add peppermint and food coloring until desired color is achieved and blend, about 30 seconds longer. Coat a pizza roller or sharp knife with nonstick spray and cut marshmallows into desired shape. Sift powdered sugar over marshmallows and toss to coat.
doxo, the bill-paying start-up backed by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos that wants to eat into the bill traffic important to the United States Postal Service, has gotten a dozen state and local government agencies to join its cloud-based service. Seattle online bill-paying startup Doxo is announcing some big, new customers – including the state of Washington. Going green is a way of life for many in the Pacific Northwest, and penny-pinching local governments are more than happy to oblige the push for paperless billing. Seattle-based Doxo, the provider of an online service which allows users to store and pay bills, said today that it has added a dozen state and local government agencies to the service. How Organized Are Angelenos? Rankings Say: Kinda.
Cockatiel vomiting but fine? Allergies? Pumpkin is an adult female cockatiel, I don't know how old she is but I've had her for 5/4 years. Recently she's started vomiting (shaking her head and seeds and mucus go everywhere). The vomit was rusty/orange/red colored with seeds in it the first time. Last week was the first time, and we rushed her to the avian vet where she stayed overnight for observation. They tested her feces and took crop samples and she had no evidence of viral or bacterial infection, didn't vomit again while there, ate and drinks fine, weight is 93g which is normal for her. She was fine on her way back to us (she's currently nesty so her current normal is sitting on her unfertilized eggs).. We took it as a weird freak incident, the vet said she was in great health. Today she vomited again, clear with seeds in it. At first she stood there, wings drooped and breathing hard. She sneezed and her eyes and nares were watery. Then she shook her head and sure enough, mucus and seeds. After that she started to go back to normal- was thirsty and hungry and ate quite a bit. I weighed her again and she was 97g, which is a little bigger than normal but it's much better than underweight. She's normal again, asking to be pet, waddling around, grooming- just like the first time. So NOW I'm wondering maybe she's allergic to something. It can't be food or water, because our other birds drink the same water and eat the same food right out of the same bag. The birds all stay in the same room, we have bird-safe plants (we never buy any plants that are confirmed unsafe or are otherwise not listed as safe anywhere. we need a vet website to say its safe before it enters the house), she doesn't eat the plants at all, she used to eat the dirt instead. She waddles around and picks at seeds on the floor, but otherwise she hasn't eaten anything strange to my knowledge that would make her puke. I've cleaned out her cage, thrown away her old food and water bowls and im using some clean ones that haven't been used in a while. We don't use chemicals, candles, any strong scents in the bird room. No new toys, we bought new ones last month but they've been in both cages by now and we cycle them around. The other birds (cockatiel and budgie) are normal as ever, no sneezing or health issues.
My Name is AJ. I have been singing professionally for many years. For most of my career I have been starring in musicals in London's West End and all over Europe. I played the Lead in Thriller Live, the hit musical about the life and music of Michael Jackson. I have been singing, performing in bands, writings songs and recording for as long as I can remember. I can usually record Full Backing Vocals with Harmonies in a few days, sometimes quicker or longer depending on my performing schedule. Background vocals are usually over the full Chorus and a few lines during verse and any middle 8 sections to Suit, I can also add a few ad libs. I can add harmonies myself or sing lines that you have created. I can sing Soul, Pop, Jazz, Disco, R&B, Musical Theatre... I record vocals using and Audient id14 Sound Card with a Neumann 87ai condenser Mic. I provide vocals as 24bit Wav Raw file or any other type required for your song. Professional session singer with many years of experiences in performing and recording. Mainly a soul singer but a very versatile singer that has starred in London's West End and all over the world. AJ played the Lead in the hit...
How Often Should I Change My Car's Fluids? What is a Complete Brake Job? Can Winter Weather Cause Brake Noise? Winter is Coming, is Your Car Ready? Few things will stop you in your tracks quite like seeing your brake warning light come on. When your car’s brake warning light comes on, it tells you something is wrong with the braking system; it can’t be put off or ignored until later—the price for doing so could very expensive and very dangerous. Just about every car, truck or SUV has a series of warning lights located on the instrument cluster of the dashboard. Among them is a brake system warning light that lights up and tells you when something is wrong with your brake system. You wouldn’t knowingly drive a vehicle without brakes, but some drivers do almost the same thing by ignoring what the dashboard brake warning light is trying to tell them. Any brake system problem has to be regarded as a major safety issue and your car should not be driven until the problem has been resolved by a mechanic. I started my car and the brake light is on - now what? If you've just started your car and notice that the brake system warning light is on, don't run the risk of driving the vehicle. First, check to make sure that the parking brake is completely disengaged. Some cars have a common warning light for the brake system and the parking brake. Examine your parking brake and pull on the release mechanism to ensure that it is completely disengaged. If the dashboard light remains on, it's telling you that thre is a brake system problem that could prevent you from stopping your vehicle. Turn off the engine and arrange to have the vehicle transported to your trusted mechanic. I was driving and my brake light came – what should I do? If you’re driving along and the brake warning light comes on or it comes on and stays on after you press the brake pedal, there’s no need to panic—your vehicle has two separate brake hydraulic systems connecting the brake pedal to the wheels, so even when you have a problem with one system, you will be able to safely bring your vehicle to a stop. Be aware that it may not stop as quickly using only one hydraulic system. Drive the car to a parking area or onto the shoulder of the road as safely as possible and gradually press the brake pedal to bring your vehicle to a stop. Once safely stopped and out of the traffic flow, make arrangements to transport the vehicle to your favorite repair shop. Think of the brake warning light as your best friend who is trying to tell you that you may be driving a car with no brakes. But the warning light can’t deliver its message if it doesn’t work, so be a little proactive and confirm that it is working properly. It’s easy to do and you can get into the habit of doing it every time you start your car. During vehicle start-up, after the ignition system is turned on and before the engine starts, all of the warning lights on the dash, including the brake warning light, are illuminated and after a few seconds, they should all go out. This is designed to verify that all of the warning lights are operating properly—if any do not illuminate at this point, it means that the bulb or other light source is inoperative and the warning light is not working properly. There are no standardized locations for the warning lights, but you can familiarize yourself with those in your vehicle by reviewing the owner’s manual. Remember, your brake warning light can’t warn you of any danger if it’s not working. If you discover that it isn’t working, consult your manual to determine which bulb needs replacing. Learn more about Wagner Brake parts, find your car part, or find a local car repair shop today.
Ineeda Cleaners has been in business over 100 years cleaning clothes and household items in Hutchinson and the surrounding areas. It is a valuable process to keep clothes looking newer longer, holding shape better, and excellent stain remover. Weddings, proms, graduations and many other occasions need Ineeda Cleaners to showcase style and polished looks. Save time and energy for more productivity in your life or for just plain FUN! We can wash, dry, fold your personal laundry for only $0.95 per LB when your join our laundry club. Membership in the club is $10.00 and you receive a personalized laundry tote. As a family owned business, we know about running out of time and getting behind on household chores, let Ineeda Cleaners take laundry off your To Do List!! Ineeda Cleaners can also enhance your home!! We can clean and refresh all your bedding, linens, table clothes, and drapes. Just check out the care label of your items to see if it needs dry cleaned or laundered and we can take it from there. Nothing feels more satisfying then to have those household items clean and refreshed.
What's next for Pixie Lott? Click in to listen to 'Boys and Girls', Pixie Lott's follow-up to the chart-topping 'Mama Do'. This is. It's called 'Boys and Girls' and it's going to be her follow-up to 'Mama Do'. Initial impressions? Well, it's another retro-flavoured tune from Pixie, it's all about going out and having a little dance - "a good beat never hurt no-one" perhaps being the most memorable line - and there's a passing resemblance to '3 Spoons of Suga' by Sugababes. Press play below to treat your ears to a spot of Lott. What do you think of 'Boys and Girls'? Is it a worthy follow-up to 'Mama Do'? Use the space below to have your say. What's Pixie Lott up to now then?
Battle of the Socks! Mrs. Robinson would like to thank all of her students who brought in socks to donate! Socks are the number one requested items in homeless shelters! Students’ generosity benefited many people this holiday season. Collectively, her three classes donated over 400 pairs of socks that were donated to homeless shelters. Mrs. Robinson was so impressed with the kind hearts here at Stout and wanted to thank all the students who participated! Stout Middle School welcomes back it teachers, staff, and students. We hope that that you had a great holiday and got yourself ready and rejuvenated for the remainder of the school year.