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We are a leading civil law set, regularly rated in the top 20 sets in England. We are particularly well known for our expertise in public law and human rights (we run the popular UK Human Rights Blog and LawPod UK), as well as medical law (including clinical negligence), professional disciplinary, tax, and environmental work. Indicators of excellence are the high number of our Members on the Attorney General’s Panels, the number of QCs (26, including 6 female silks) and the number of former Members now in the senior judiciary. We have a vacancy for one third six pupil. This will be a funded pupillage with an award of £27,500 paid on a guaranteed earnings basis starting in October 2019. Applications will be considered until the closing date at 4pm on Tuesday, 9th July. Please address by email a covering letter, a full CV and any open references already available to David Hart QC and Alasdair Henderson who will lead the selection process. Candidates should also ask pupil supervisors and other referees to send closed references (which are preferred) to David and Alasdair, by the deadline of 4pm, 9th July. Short-listed candidates should expect to be called for interview by email at very short notice (probably on 11th July) and should provide their mobile phone numbers on their applications. We recruit in accordance with the principles set out in our equality and diversity policy and all applications will be treated in the strictest confidence. Full details of that policy and our pupillage policy are available on our website.
The Special Ops Magazine is published by Multi-Man Publishing. It includes articles and scenarios for MMP's games as well as complete games. Also see the Operations Magazine, Operations Magazine Visual Index and Operations Special Magazine. (from the publisher's website :) twice will probably be changing the name of the magazine, as we can't keep calling it a "Special Issue", nor do we feel we can we keep calling it "Operations" since its so radically different in content. The release dates will be center roughly around our two largest conventions - MMP's own Winter Offensive and the World Boardgaming Championships (in other words, January and August, approximately). Content will be in the neighborhood of 40 pages, with two small or one "standard" games or variants (1 map, 1 countersheet, rules). We will be supporting all of our games through this magazine (although obviously each magazine can't have content on everything we produce!)" Games : ASL/ASLSK Scenarios : Articles : New Game: ASL/ASLSK Scenarios: Articles Main Content Index | Game Series Index | Game Magazines Index
The undersigned groups appreciate this opportunity to share our collective supporting comments on the West Grand Terre Beach Nourishment and Stabilization Project, submitted by the State of Louisiana for RESTORE Council consideration for the first Funded Priorities List of the RESTORE Pot 2 Council-selected projects. We represent a coalition of conservation interests that have worked for decades to restore a healthy Gulf of Mexico ecosystem – starting with prompt restoration of the Mississippi River Delta – reconnecting the Mississippi River to its delta to protect communities, environment, and economies. Our groups continue to recommend urgent action on projects that will reduce land loss and restore wetlands in the Mississippi River Delta through comprehensive restoration actions that have the potential to provide multiple benefits and services over the long term to the entire Gulf of Mexico. West Grand Terre Barrier Island is part of the barrier island chain separating the productive and economically important Barataria Bay estuary from the Gulf of Mexico. These islands provide habitat for migratory birds, wildlife, and fish. They also serve as the first line of defense in protecting nearby coastal communities from devastating storm surge as well as protecting the interior coastal habitats of Barataria Bay, which includes bottomland hardwood forests, cypress swamps, marshes ranging from fresh to saltwater, from high energy waves and saltwater intrusion. However, increasing tidal forces caused by ever-growing interior bays, canals, navigation channels, subsidence, wave action and sea level rise have all attributed to the erosion and retreat of these barrier islands. This erosion has led to loss of the island and back marsh habitats and threatened the entire interior Barataria Bay estuarine ecosystem. The West Grand Terre Beach Nourishment and Marsh Stabilization Project provides the Council with an opportunity to fund one project within a larger effort to restore the Barataria Basin Barrier Shoreline. Other reaches of the shoreline have been or will be funded through state surplus funds, the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA), Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). Together these individual projects will re-establish 2 barrier shorelines critical for protecting nearby communities, will restore important migratory and shore bird habitat and will improve the ecosystem function of the barrier island system, preventing the wholesale loss of the lower Barataria Bay estuary. Our groups support the development of the West Grand Terre Beach Nourishment and Marsh Stabilization Project. We commend the selection of this important segment of the Barataria Bay Barrier Shoreline by the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority. We look forward to the construction of this project within the next few years as funding becomes available.
Widely considered to be one of the greatest conductors in the classical world, Zubin Mehta served as the artistic leader of the Los Angeles Philharmonic from 1962 to 1978 and of the New York Philharmonic from 1978 to 1991. His longest professional relationship has been with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, where he is music director for life. His commanding and forceful style has made him one of the premier interpreters of music by Gustav Mahler, Anton Bruckner and Richard Strauss. Born into a musical family, he studied under his father, Mehli Mehta, a violinist who founded the Bombay Symphony, and later at Vienna’s Academy of Music. He won the Liverpool International Conducting Competition in 1958, and by his mid-20s he had conducted the Vienna, Berlin and Israel philharmonic orchestras. His first major directorship was with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, from 1961 to 1967. During his L.A. Philharmonic tenure, Mehta presided over the orchestra’s move to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, where it would remain until 2003. He served as the New York Philharmonic’s music director for 13 years, longer than any other conductor. His most fruitful collaboration has been with the Israel Philharmonic, which named him music director for life in 1981. He has conducted more than 3,000 concerts with the orchestra, including a number of international tours. In addition, he is active in music education in Tel Aviv and his native Mumbai. In opera, Mehta served as music director of the Bavarian State Opera in Munich from 1998 to 2006. He has conducted numerous times at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, the Vienna State Opera, the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, La Scala in Milan and at the Salzburg Festival. Mehta has two children from his first marriage to Carmen Lasky. He has been married to actress Nancy Kovack since 1969. Mehta is a remarkable man... with an impact on and off the stage. He also has a lifetime commitment to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and is a Los Angelean... with a devote fan base. ” — skpcp, February 17, 2011 at 8:42 p.m. Did you ever meet Zubin Mehta? Share your memory. Which other stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame have connections to Zubin Mehta? Are other places in the world important to Zubin Mehta? Does Zubin Mehta deserve this star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered signs of massive water vapor vents on the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa. The discovery, announced today, is the latest clear indication that liquid water exists under the icy surface of Europa and one more notch in the argument for a full scientific exploration of its surface. Exciting indeed. This discovery may well speed up the chances of a mission to the icy world, which is considered by many to hold our best hopes of finding traces of life within our solar system. Removing the complication of having to drill through Europa's icy crust would make a potential mission to the moon that bit easier and I would hope that NASA's planning committee start looking at such a mission as a great deal more viable. The plumes discovered on Europa are thought to be very similar to those found on another of Jupiter's moons, Enceladus, although with one key difference. Europa's gravitational pull is around 12 times that of Enceladus, which means that whereas the water vapor spouting from Enceladus eventually escapes into space, the plumes on Europa are dragged back down to the surface. We're not talking Old Faithful here either. The vents on Europa shoot the water vapor a massive 125 miles into the air before making their journey back down. These findings were only made possible after a series of high-risk upgrades were made to the Hubble Telescope, which made it possible for its sensors to detect such activity. Its safe to say that this was one risk that was totally worth it.
Algester State School provides a LOTE program to students starting from Year 2. We aim to provide students with an authentic language and cultural learning experience. Learning a second language is much more than learning simple greetings. We provide real life learning scenarios which enable students to build the capacity for intercultural understanding and the awareness of other cultures. Language learning benefits our young learners’ personal, cognitive, academic, social and cultural development. It ultimately allows them to appreciate the world from other perspectives.
Q: Как сравнить два временных ряда Подскажите, пожалуйста, как сравнить два временных ряда? У меня есть две таблицы, в каждой из которых есть DF['Месяц Год'] и DF['Выручка']. Построены два временных ряда для двух таблиц. Нужно проанализировать поведение клиентов. Т.е. определить, что эти два ряда ведут себя одинаково? Есть ли уже готовый метод в библиотеках, который помогает это сделать? Я разделила на кластер: по дате и выручке! И посмотрела на сколько себя репрезентативно ведут два кластера. Сопоставимы ли две выборки.
Warehouse Design for leader in Broadcasting Rental Solutions. With a 20 year history, Presteigne Charter is one of the world’s leading broadcast dry hire and systems rental specialists and is also the market leader in the broadcast rental solutions. With £40 million in broadcasting assets, they offer a truly comprehensive inventory of equipment, maintained by experienced engineers. At every stage, from the initial enquiry through to delivery, they work to the highest standards of customer service. They will suggest the optimum solution based on the client needs, rather than just hiring out individual items. They offer technical assistance and their Hire Desk staff are knowledgeable, flexible, and willing to handle last-minute requirements. All Presteigne Charter equipment is stringently checked, tested and prepared so it is always ready to go. Equipment is flight cased and they provide all accessories down to the last cable, tripod or grip. They arrange transportation locally, nationally and internationally, and we track and monitor deliveries and collections for clients’ extra peace of mind. Their expert engineers will ensure that the most appropriate equipment reaches you in optimum condition, on time and ready for purpose whatever the scale of the project and wherever it is in the world. They provide clients in locations as diverse as the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya for the filming of Big Cat Live, and the Hell’s Kitchen studio in the UK. The nature of their work varies just as greatly, with projects ranging from the G20 Summit in London, to all four Grand Slam Tennis Tournaments in the USA, Australia, France and the UK. Presteigne Charter engaged Gideon Hillman Consulting Ltd to provide Warehouse design, optimised capacity layouts and standard operating procedures for a New Warehouse Facility required to support their continual business success and growth. The project included providing increased capacity to accommodate stock from an existing ‘Off-Site’ store into the new facility at Manor Royal. To get a clear understanding of how the business operated the warehouse consultants undertook at total review of the existing storage facilities and operational procedures. Working closely with the Senior Management team it was possible using our ‘In-House’ CAD system to design a fully optimised warehouse facility to include: Optimised design for Pallet Racking, Shelving, Project Build area, Order Assembly & Despatch, Goods in and Quality Checking, Design of Mezzanine Floor for equipment storage and provide designated enclosed work areas for the Technical & Engineering teams to be accommodated below the Mezzanine. Head of Corporate and Trust Relations - The Royal British Legion.
DNA is often described as being like a blueprint for your body – it contains the code that allows you to build all the various molecules that your body needs to function. Slight changes in this code are responsible to a greater or lesser extent for such diverse features as your susceptibility to a certain disease or the shape of your face. In forensic science, the main day-to-day use of DNA is as an identification technique where we aim to match a DNA sample found at, for example, a crime scene, to a specific individual. Rather than sequencing all of the ~6 billion bases of DNA that comprise your genome, we instead look at a few very short segments of DNA that have been chosen because they are highly variable between different people. These segments of DNA do not code for any of those molecules we said your body needs to function, and instead can be simplistically considered as ‘filler DNA’ between the more important parts. The segments of DNA we look at are called short tandem repeats (STRs). These are short DNA motifs (typically four base pairs long) that are repeated multiple times in tandem (ie next to each other). An example of a DNA motif could be AGAC, and this could be repeated four times such that the full DNA sequence is AGACAGACAGACAGAC. The number of repeats can vary such that it could be four repeats, five repeats, six repeats etc and it is this variation that is vital in allowing us to distinguish different people. In your cells, you have two copies of your DNA, one from your mother and one from your father. Additionally, your DNA from each parent is packaged into 23 different parts instead of being one long DNA strand (these are your chromosomes), and so in total, you have 46 chromosomes in your cells arranged into 23 pairs. For DNA profiling, we look at a selection of different STR markers that are located at various places on these chromosomes. For example, one marker analysed is called D12S391 which is found on chromosome 12 – every person will have two copies of this STR marker (one from each parent) and from one parent they could have received a copy with, say, 12 repeats while from the other parent they received a copy with 15 repeats, so the genotype at this marker would be 12,15. The combination of these numbers (genotypes) at multiple different STR markers is what constitutes a DNA profile. Is it surprising that the evidence used to prove someone is innocent or sentence them to life in prison is based on such a simple change in the DNA?
Have you CHERISHed LIFE today? About CHERISH Cherish Life was founded with a passion to make a significant difference in the lives of pregnant women and new mothers in India. The vision, to Cherish every mom-to-be and mother with the best pregnancy/maternity clothing and accessories, has resulted in a unique set of products being specifically designed to serve the Indian woman. Cherish manufactures and retails all its products under the `Cherish` brand name. Created for comfort, style and affordability, each product design has been a result of close interaction with our customers and their feedback. This has ensured the success of new products introduced so far and continues to propel us in the right direction, with respect to product design and innovation. We believe in our customers being our advertisers, promoters and evangelists. Our product addition strategy coupled with our level of customer service offered, has resulted in 100% customer satisfaction since inception. This has also resulted in Cherish becoming one of the most favored brands in the maternity and motherhood space. We look forward to travelling with you on your happy and delightful road to motherhood! About The Founder, Arathi Kuppu My journey started seventeen years ago, as a passion for numbers, technology and innovation. A career that started in software development quickly led to managing and delivering mission-critical technology initiatives for pioneers like AltaVista (acquired by Yahoo!) Nokia and Palm(acquired by HP). Having had this wonderful journey, where I had loved every bit of what I have done and done every bit of what I had loved..I came back to India. Being equally passionate about women, the entrepreneur in me sought to do something that would leverage my experience and make a significant impact in the lives of women. I found myself interacting with women in my neighborhood, mostly pregnant and young mothers. I found them wearing ill-fitting shirts and t-shirts (mostly their husband`s) or salwar suits which were unceremoniously opened up at the sides and some wearing western clothing. But all of them looking and feeling very uncomfortable. This triggered some thoughts about my own pregnancy. I looked back on how I had indulged in new maternity dresses which fit me well and made me look good. I was creating a life and I felt happy and comfortable doing it. I wanted to create something similar for women here. Statistics showed that approximately 22 million women get pregnant in India every year. My extensive research showed that the options for maternity clothing and accessories, relevant to India, its weather and culture, was extremely limited and virtually did not exist in many places. With a passion to help very pregnant woman and young mother in India, Cherish Life was born. My Vision: * Health Hygeine and Happiness for every pregnant woman and young mother * Empower women financially My Philosophy: * Innovate to satisfy the customer * Keep things simple * Just do it, execute I have Cherished Life for four years now and have loved every moment of it. With every customer satisfied, we have created a smile. Would you like to become a part of this vision and help more women Cherish their pregnancy? Do write to me at
Resolving Conflicts with Behavior Agreements The intervention in brief: I end up dealing with a large number of discipline issues, as I am sure many school social workers do. This year, I started using behavior agreements as a means of resolving moderate to major conflicts between two students. Behavior agreements (aka “behavior contracts”) take students through the process of mediating issues that cannot be solved quickly (5 minutes or less). Here is a copy of the behavior agreement document I use. First, each student verbally describes their side of what occurred, and then records it on the paper in front of them. Then, the students take turns stating how they think the other student could “make it right.” Saying sorry, giving back a stolen item, or erasing what something mean or vulgar are all examples of making it right. They record what they said could make it right and how the other student asked them to make it right. Finally, they agree on what to do moving forward. Where I got it and how I changed it: The idea of a behavior agreement came from a professional development inservice my district provided back in September. I made my own behavior agreement form from scratch to suit my needs. Generally, this process has worked well with students from 2nd through 5th grade. Older and younger students could also use the form as well if it were adapted slightly. How I measure it: Thus far, the data I have at my disposal is that of the eighteen students who have completed behavior agreements, absolutely none have had to come back and repeat the process. I have one student who has come back with a different student and a different issue, but this is to be expected. In fact, his willingness to return shows that he has bought in to its effectiveness. I believe that part of the reason this is working is the time it takes out of the students’ day. The discussion that goes with the agreement is lengthy. I recommend devoting approximately 30 minutes to resolving the conflict in order for the intervention to be effective. Each student needs to be heard for the behavior agreement to feel meaningful. The time spent on a behavior agreement now can save time later. If I could go back, what I would do differently: Right now things are working fairly well. I think a good next step, however, may be to provide teachers with brief training in how to use the behavior agreement in class.
Thankfully, Amendment One was rendered moot three years after its passage by the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges.[8] In Obergefell, the Supreme Court held that same-sex couples have the constitutional right to “have their marriages deemed lawful on the same terms and conditions as marriages between persons of the opposite sex.”[9] This ruling marked the federal legalization of same-sex marriages and overruled all state laws and constitutional provisions outlawing such marriages. The impact of such a bill, should it be passed, would be the attempted nullification of all same-sex marriages performed since 2015. Fortunately, despite the fact that the bill was referred to the Committee on Rules, jokingly referred to by some as where “bills go to die,”[18] House Bill 65 is not dead enough. Two years before House Bill 65 was proposed, the state legislature was presented with House Bill 780, which also attempted to reinstate Amendment One on the grounds that Obergefell incorrectly interpreted “the decree of God.”[19] Like House Bill 65, House Bill 780 was sent to the Committee on Rules.[20] However, of House Bill 780, House Speaker Tim Moore released a public statement that the bill “will not be heard.”[21] No such assurance has been made about House Bill 65. Nearly five years ago, the Supreme Court recognized the right of same-sex couples to marry. This decision should have finally allowed same-sex couples to rest assured in the security of their unions and the protections of their families against government interference. Unfortunately for same-sex married couples in North Carolina, this has not been the case. On a biannual basis, legislation has been proposed attempting to undermine the constitutional right to marriage. Both pieces of legislation relied upon reinstating Amendment One, which would set North Carolina back nearly ten years in the LGBTQ+ rights movement and upend and unknown number of marriages and families. The North Carolina legislature must act to formally remove Amendment One from the state constitution and finally give same-sex married couples the stability and privacy to which they are constitutionally entitled. [1] Campbell Robertson, North Carolina Voters Pass Same-Sex Marriage Ban, N.Y. Times (May 8, 2012), [2] N.C. Const. art. XIV, § 6. [3] Karen McVeigh, North Carolina Passes Amendment 1 Banning Same-Sex Unions, Guardian (May 9, 2012), [5] Robertson, supra note 1. [10] Nathanael Blake, 3 Years of Experience Have Only Proved That Obergefell Was a Big Mistake, Federalist (June 28, 2018), [11] Ken Connelly, Why Supreme Court Got It Wrong, CNN (June 27, 2015), [12] H.B. 65, 2019 Gen. Assemb. Reg. Sess. (N.C. 2019). [18] Colin Campbell, Proposed Gay Marriage Ban Is Dead in NC House, Speaker Says, News & Observer (Apr. 12, 2017), [19] Becca Heilman, NC Bill Banning Same-Sex Marriage Will Not Advance in the General Assembly, Daily Tar Heel (Apr. 13, 2017), [21] Campbell, supra note 18.
Chronicle Editorial Board March 22, 2020 Updated: March 22, 2020 4 a.m. Offices emptied, classes ceased and shops shuttered. Bridges cleared, trains had seats and cable cars stopped climbing. In a city known for cuisine and carousing, restaurants faced acres of empty tables and bars echoed with a last call for the ages. As a potentially catastrophic contagion bore down on America and the world, the Bay Area led California and the country in learning a new way of working together: Keeping apart. Over the past two weeks, San Francisco Mayor London Breed and other local officials were among the first in the state and nation to shut down any congregation of people as large as a concert and then a wedding and then a happy hour, ultimately urging nearly 7 million people in six counties to avoid contact beyond their households for at least three weeks to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Gov. Gavin Newsom followed close behind with ever-stricter advice, recently acknowledging that school closures — much like the rest of this mass disassembly — could go on for months. Even President Trump belatedly began to sound a little more like West Coast officials than, well, himself, broadly discouraging business as usual to save lives and promising a trillion-dollar stimulus to stem the economic damage. Like the remarkable shelter-in-place orders declared by six governments acting in unison across this often fractious region, soon followed by others, the signs of an emerging national and nonpartisan consensus for a concerted response offered cause for cautious hope. This country has been all too halting in recognizing the danger of the pandemic, portending a painful struggle ahead. But we might yet preclude the worst possible consequences of the pandemic with the public will to abide by the expert consensus and avoid all unnecessary contact — “social distancing” as a social movement. This necessity will have vastly disparate consequences depending on our wealth, station and circumstances. For some, it means little more than taking a laptop home and putting up with a few more distractions from work. For others, the strains of child care and the cessation of business threaten livelihoods. Doctors, nurses and other essential workers will be called on to risk their health and that of their families for the sake of others. And far too many in our region and state face this shelter-in-place order without the basic protection of permanent shelter. For those who have already lost their jobs and seen routine burdens such as rent payments and grocery shopping suddenly become daunting, all the commentary about dwindling 401(k)s, industry bailouts and recession metrics seems a distant distraction. For many of them, the Great Depression II has arrived. Truly national crises and responses have been rare in our modern history; 9/11, the wars that followed and the Great Recession took much from some and little from others. But while work, play, school, travel, commerce and camaraderie are a lot to give up for a few weeks or months, Americans have sacrificed much more for longer. Those who remember and took part in the last such collective struggle, World War II, happen to be among those most at risk today. The current crisis and the national mobilization needed to meet it defy most comparisons not only in scope but in kind. The general public is being asked to do less, not more, against an enemy that is invisible to the eye and largely unnoticeable until it’s too late. Even in its throes, it will hardly affect many of the young and healthy even as it poses a mortal danger to the old and physically vulnerable. Our capacity even to comprehend the threat depends heavily on science and expertise, assets that have been all too doubted and diminished in our country and era. The trial ahead should at least revive national respect for knowledge and institutions. Likewise, in a region that gave us the technology to increasingly separate ourselves from each other, from social media and smartphones to personal transportation and delivery on demand, this new abnormal has thrown the human will to connect into sharp relief. Working, shopping and communicating from home may be easier than ever for most of us, and more useful than ever at this moment, but forgoing contact with family, friends and even strangers remains contrary to our nature. That undervalued imperative should also regain its rightful esteem when the pandemic passes and we see each other again. On that day, which will come, we can count on clasping more of our loved ones if we take this seriously and respond accordingly now. Our resolve and resilience will be tested again in an unprecedented way and on a massive scale. Our history shows we can and have done more. And so we rise once more to the challenge of our time.
Petty discusses the Heartbreakers and Mudcrutch in the current Uncut Tom Petty discusses his groups Mudcrutch and the Heartbreakers in the new issue of Uncut, out now. The singer and guitarist, who is currently promoting the second album with his reunited early band, Mudcrutch 2, explains in the piece that he’s got used to hard work over his years in the music business. “I’ve come to realise that I’m always pushing the rock up the hill,” he says. “Because we don’t take the easy way. But that’s who we are and that’s the way we do it and it’s always worked out fine. And I’m going to keep doing it. “We’ve had a lot of fun,” Petty says, discussing the current Mudcrutch tour. .” Unlike its predecessor – a product of speed and instinct – Mudcrutch’s second album turned out to be a more involved affair. “The first album has its own vibe, but it’s hard to do that more than once,” admits Petty. “10-day albums don’t happen very often. The second one took months. Not steady work, but still…” Read more from Tom Petty and Mudcrutch in the new issue out Uncut, out now. Photo by Brantley Gutierrez.
Leery tenants could supplant lewd texts as a rising problem for Anthony Weiner. Michael McKee, one of the city’s leading tenant advocates, skewered Weiner in a full-page article — headlined “Why No Tenant Should Vote for Anthony Weiner” — in the latest issue of the Metropolitan Council on Housing’s newspaper. The broadside came as more evidence surfaced that Weiner is preparing a soon-to-be-announced mayoral run. He was spotted with his wife, Huma Abedin, filming a campaign-style video on the porch of his childhood Brooklyn home, NBC-NY said. McKee said the ex-congressman double-crossed tenants as a city councilman in 1994 and voted to decontrol rent-stabilized apartments renting for $2,000 or more when they become vacant or if the occupant makes at least $175,000 two years in a row. The limits are now $2,500 and $200,000. “Anthony Weiner was one of those who promised to stand with tenants,” McKee wrote, but after some arm-twisting by then-Council Speaker Peter Vallone Sr., Weiner switched sides and helped pass the bitterly fought bill by 28-18. There are nearly 1 million New Yorkers living in rent-stabilized apartments — which makes for a potent voting bloc that Weiner can’t afford to offend if his upcoming entry into the mayoral race is to gain traction. Weiner declined comment yesterday, but when the issue last came up three years ago, he defended his position, saying that wealthy people’s rents should not be subsidized.
I love new discoveries from different parts of the world. Currently I’ve been listening to an incredible talent and this being Toronto’s very own Charlotte Day Wilson. Now if you love your soul music then you will love this 23 year old singer/ songwriter/ producer and multi instrumentalist. Before going solo she was the vocalist for The WAYO who are a 4 piece R&B soulful group based in Toronto via Halifax. The 4 members all met at King’s College and they have even released an EP and this being Wanderings which combined soul, jazz, hip-hop, R&B and funk. Now The Wayo are no more as they disbanded a few months ago. Aside from The Wayo, Charlotte has been trained as a vocalist, guitarist and saxophonist with roots in R&B, soul and folk. I must say I was knocked for six when I went on Charlotte’s Soundcloud page. Currently on display is the debut single After All the recent follow up Work and then Spent Missing which is a Froyo Ma song which Day featured on. After All: The debut tune by Charlotte Day Wilson was literally amazing. The soulful vocals were enough to mellow me out. This beautiful track is pleasing on the ear and it seems Wilson is Canada’s answer to Jessie Ware. Anyhow After All was a slow but smooth cut which featured a multitude of instruments leaving me utterly hypnotised. Work: This is the latest song by Charlotte and it is a right cracker. Work is a slick sultry soulful ode to hustle with elements of R&B added in for good measure. It was rather blissful aided by Wilson’s angelic vocal delivery. Other than a drum beat you had the organ playing all throughout which sent shivers up my spine. When the day comes when Charlotte does perform in the UK, I reckon witnessing her sing in a church would be amazing due to churches acoustics. Recently Zane Lowe premiered this song on Apple Music’s Beats 1 show. Wilson describe Work as “a bit of a mantra to remind myself to hustle as hard as possible”. Spent Missing: This song Charlotte Day Wilson featured on and this is completely different compared to the likes of both After All and Work. Spent Missing was a chillful soulful number smothered in plenty of electronic beats. Overall it was an utter masterpiece which had been perfectly produced. All in all I really dig Charlotte Day Wilson’s music. Whenever I hear soulful music it always gives me the chills. Anyhow Wilson is a talented singer/ songwriter, both After All and Work are pieces of art getting me greatly excited for the forthcoming EP which is all recorded and ready to go. (If you like what you hear then you can purchase music by Charlotte on iTunes)
Stewart-Haas Racing will begin fielding Fords in NASCAR’s Sprint Cup Series in 2017, the team and manfacturer announced Wednesday. The team has been with Chevrolet since Gene Haas launched the team in 2002 with a three-race effort. Ford and SHR made the announcement Wednesday, surprising most everybody in the NASCAR universe who wasn’t involved with the deal. It will end a partnership between Chevy and SHR that began when the company was formed in 2009. The technical support SHR receives from Chevy’s Hendrick Motorsports will also end. SHR includes the race teams of Tony Stewart, Kevin Harvick, Danica Patrick and Kurt Busch, each of whom have driven Chevys for virtually their entire careers (although Busch won the 2004 Cup championship in a Ford for Roush Fenway Racing). The team’s engines will be prepared by Roush Yates Engines. SHR will be the largest Ford team in the Cup series, and joins Team Penske, Roush Fenway Racing, Wood Brothers Racing, Richard Petty Motorsports and Front Row Motorsports in the manufacturer’s lineup. Stewart said the addition of people such as Rex Stump as SHR’s technical director (hired away from Hendrick in 2014) helped in the decision. He said SHR will build its own chassis in 2017, a task performed in the past for the team by Hendrick. “We’ve been very pleased with our relationship with Hendrick,” said Stewart. “We never initially talked about self sufficient, but as time has gone on and the sport has evolved so fast, that if you truly want to be put in the position to be at the top of your field, then there are things you have to do on your own. Hendrick team owner Rick Hendrick indicated his organization will uphold its part of its partnership with SHR through the end of this season. “We will continue to provide SHR’s teams with engines and chassis in 2016, and those programs will be supported appropriately,” Hendrick said in a statement. ▪ SHR also confirmed that Ty Dillon will drive its No. 14 car in Sunday’s QuikTrip 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway in relief of Stewart, who continues to recover from a broken back he suffered Jan. 31 in a dune buggy accident. Brian Vickers, who drove for Stewart in Sunday’s Daytona 500, will take over again in the Las Vegas race on March 6.Stewart-Haas Racing will switch from Chevrolet to Ford as its manufacturer partner in 2017, Ford announced Wednesday.
I'm running System Shock Portable v1.2 and when I increase the resolution to 1024x768 or higher the mouse pointer speed slows down incredibly making the game nearly unplayable (I have to move my mouse 3-4 times to get the pointer across the screen). Is there some config file setting to increase the speed of the mouse pointer? I am using Malba Tahan's mouselook mod as well as Gulikoza's DOSBox build if that makes a difference. Edit: In XCYB.CFG I decreased the hmousemul and vmousemul to 1 which makes it playable but is there any other tweak that can be done to increase the speed of the cursor even a little more? wait wait wait System Shock... Portable? Please tell me what this is and where I might acquire it. I am long overdue for a SHODAN fix. @LessPop_MoreFizz Portable, as in you can put it on a USB stick, doesn't require an "install". Also has a few patches and improvements to make it playable on modern systems. You can check out my video on it: using Mouse Look mod. @Solivagant If it were possible I'd slap you through TCP/IP for saying System Shock is the "granddaddy of BioShock" in your YouTube video info. In DOSBox, the mouse sensitivity can be altered by changing the setting "sensitivity" in section [sdl] in the file "Dosbox.conf". The default value is 100 and can be changed up to 1000. I don't know if this is helpful for you in this situation but it might be worth a try. After a quick test this seems to work. I'm not sure how I missed this before, maybe I thought 100 was the maximum. A value of about 800 seems to be good to be good on my system with the xcyb.cfg changes I already made. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged dosbox system-shock or ask your own question.
So the way in which I am interpreting this is part Scandi-style with a slight whiff of 90s revival but ultimately it's about being pristine whatever the execution. Staples of the look are perfect, deep blacks, greys, brand new Supergas, slick, leather bags, 3/4 length wool skirts, ribbed knits, interesting jewellery and a lint brush. No loose threads, no frayed hems, no stretching, no bobbles and definitely no fading, hair or lint. This is about being sharp and organised, even when casual. Cleanliness is not enough, when it looks knackered, so is the look, that item's out. Here's the look and where you can find it. From the hight street Whistles, Toast and Topshop will not let you down. Above from Topshop via Instagrammer @olivia_wh I Gigi Womenswear in Brighton is a one-stop shop to build the look. The shop is an emporium of clothes that fits into this genre. I instantly fell in love with a mandarin-collared, knitted pea coat in virgin wool by the Italian label Transit Par Such. It's long, it's fitted and it will be perfect for my impending weekend in Scandinavia. It will, I am reliably advised, be the beginning of life-long loyalty to the brand. Coco Blue in Taunton is also a supplier of the label and both were very kind in sourcing me the piece I had set my heart on. Above: Transit Par Such available in-store at I Gigi (in Brighton, Suusex) and Coco Blue (in Taunton, Somerset) Build the look with interesting brass jewellery. Here's my Barcelona haul modelled by yours truly. Manicure by Lisa Nails in Berkhamsted - get matt black if you can.
Dexter Season 7 “Buck the System” Review – “I have the worst luck with interns.”| October 15, 2012 at 1:54 AM EDT Don’t miss this Dexter “Buck the System” review. Speltzer He…worships bulls? What is up with what he was wearing? I feel like last season was all about stuff like this… I mean, does he think he’s a bull and stuff, or a minotaur? Hannah McKay I’m a huge fan of Yvonne Strahovski, so I am so glad she’s landed a spot on Dexter. I don’t have the patience for flowers, but I am fascinated by people who do. So I think the character of Hannah is really interesting, how she has greenhouses and tends to all these flowers. Granted, she needed a hobby after her horrible early life. Obviously Dexter was sexually attracted to Hannah, and that’s why he got nervous around her. At least, that’s my theory. Technology’s Gonna Getcha That damn bracelet helped the bad guys track down Dexter. But at least we witnessed Dexter getting rid of Lewis before Lewis was killed, it’s more satisfying that way. However, will the goons know how to clean up Lewis’ blood and DNA enough that it won’t resurface sometime and make it look like Dexter murdered Lewis. Dexter “Buck the System” Season 7 Quotes “He was being very uncooperative.” – Dexter “A groundskeeper in a cemetery. That’s appropriate.” – Dexter “This one has a smoothie bar.” – Dexter “People will always be lazy and they will always have dogs.” “I understand more about police work than I care to.” – Hannah McKay “You think you are strong. But you are not strong if you do not feel.” “This is what my life has become?” – Dexter Quotes “I have the worst luck with interns.” – Masuka “You do this for a living?” – Hannah McKay “It was a hooker. It’s not cheating if you’re paying for it.” – Lewis “It’s a capital offense to be who you are.” – Deb “An alarm is going off in my lizard brain.” – Dexter “Great, now my brother has a lizard brain.” – Deb “My lizard brain has been your secret weapon all along, you just didn’t know it.” – Dexter “Everything’s changed.” – Deb Refund the $ Lewis is awful. Dexter’s plan was pretty smart. Ditto with getting Jamie to dump him. Deb’s Rules There’s a fundamental question about whether Harry was right or wrong about how he trained Dexter. I’ll admit I change my mind just about as often as Dexter does. (Probably because I’m led in that direction by the show.) Deb is way too loose with Dexter. He’s a serial killer, but he wants to go to the gym. Sure, we all need cardio. Even if Deb approves of why Dexter kills, she can’t be okay with why he does it. And that’s a problem. Harrison When Dexter is staying at Deb’s… Harrison is just with his babysitter, all the time? And we already know that Harrison had the same young experience like young Dexter did… so it seems like Dexter will have a very specific legacy. I predict that the final season of Dexter will jump ahead till where Harrison is a young teen, and Dexter will give him a code. What did you think of this episode? Is Deb letting him off too easy? Dexter Season 7 Episode 3 | Dexter “Buck the System” Review | Episode written by Jace Richdale Photo Credit: Showtime
Welcome back to our Puppet series. I apologize for the extended hiatus and thank you for sticking around! As an added bonus, in addition to inlining files, I’m including links to the corresponding files and commits in my PuppetInABox project so you can easily review the files and browse around as needed. I hope this is helpful! Today, we will look at improving our build server. The build role is a centralized server where we can do our software development, including work on our puppet code and creating packages with FPM. When we work with git, we have to run git branch to see what branch we’re in. If you’re like me, this has led to a few uses of git stash and in some cases having to redo the work entirely once you start committing on the long branch. To help, we’re going to add the currently-active branch name of any git directory we are in to the PS1 prompt. We also are doing a lot of edits of *.pp files and we don’t have any syntax highlighting or auto-indenting going on. We can fix that with a few modifications, and we’ll discuss where additional customizations can be made.
Just short of 5 mile moderate hike In Barkhamstead, Connecticut will take you to spectacular views over a white pine forest if you decide to follow the Indian Council Caves Trail located close to the border of Connecticut and Massachusetts. The trail is part of the 79 mile long Tunxis Trail and is located along Route 219 west of the intersection on Hillcrest Drive. There is a small area by the side of the road where you can park and the trail starts right across from it following a footed bridge. This very well marked trail passes by pine groves, deciduous fern forest, by an enchanting pond, bubbling brooks, fieldstone foundation walls and huge ancient trees, before you finally reach the giant moss covered boulders that form the “caves”. The place is really magical and peaceful and if you close your eyes you can imagine the Native American Indians gathering there looking for cover from the elements or having a dinner with their Tribe before heading out for hunting. Climbing around the rocks is a little treacherous at times but taking your time and wearing appropriate footwear should make it easy enough. We ended up spending quite some time here exploring all the nooks and crannies of the caves. This hike should be doable for kids and we can imagine all the fun that would be for them. Once at the summit you would be rewarded with beautiful views of the forest and pond you just walked by. On a clear day you can see pretty far and during fall months the vistas combined with the colors of the changing leaves are spectacular. Walk around the edge and marvel at the splendid views ahead while listening to the birds chirp or find a spot along the ledge and have a picnic before heading back.
The biggest shopping month of the year is here, and you’re probably brainstorming gift ideas for co-workers, family, and friends. There are a lot of cool office peripheral devices on the market. Here are a few of my favorites. Keyboards come in many different styles and sizes. Before settling on a specific one, consider how it will be used. For the data entry enthusiasts, a wireless numeric keypad, like the Targus Wireless Keypad is convenient and easy to use. For the writer, get one without the keypad, like the Microsoft Sculpt. Placing the mouse closer to the body will reduce the likelihood of injury. Typing on a tablet or smart phone has become the norm for most people. To make it easier and more comfortable, consider gifting an external input device. Often, tablets and smart phones have few, if any, USB ports. Select an input device that is Bluetooth- capable or tablet-compatible like Microsoft’s portable, foldable Bluetooth keyboard or the Kinesis Freestyle Blue 2. In addition, get an iPad tablet stand (Spin Stand) to view the display closer to eye level. This will reduce “iPad neck,” strain caused in the neck and shoulders from constantly looking down. The mouse style I recommend the most is a vertical mouse such as the Evoluent Vertical Mouse. This style keeps the hand in a natural (handshake) position. For those who experience wrist, elbow, and shoulder pain associated with mousing, select a trackball mouse like the Logitech M570 or the Contour Roller Mouse Red (with a built-in mouse located at the front of the keyboard!) For a more detailed review on how to choose a mouse, watch this video. For the road warrior, a windshield or dashboard phone mount is a great accessory. Car mounts are easy-to-use, lightweight, safe for drivers, and only $25. The best part is, it gets the phone out of your hands so you can focus on the road. One last thing to keep in mind: it takes time getting used to a new device. And, if after too many tries, it doesn’t work out, be sure to include a gift receipt. Good luck on your gift search and happy holidays!
With. The future is all digital Apple is not the first one to introduce phones without a headphone jack. Lenovo has already introduced a couple of digital audio out only smartphones. But of course, iPhone 7 is the next big thing in the market therefore, we will see other companies following the trend. In the near future, all the major smartphone manufacturing companies could shift to analog-free phones. We have seen it in the past when Apple launched iTunes and the app store, it became an industry trend. When Apple introduced nano sim cards, everyone in the industry did the same. It is quite possible that the entire chunk of android smartphone manufacturing companies will get rid of the analog streaming from their phones and this will change pretty much everything ranging from DRM to audio streaming to the types of headphones to a whole bunch of local legal issues. The headphone jack free phones will not be an exception. It will become an industry trend pretty soon. These new phones will change the way we will use audio files in the future. This is just the beginning of a new era in the music streaming. Add new comment
Q: Incron, отслеживание удаления файлов Есть папка, при загрузке в нее файлов отрабатывается скрипт с помощью incron с модификатором IN_MODIFY. Какой модификатор/ключ установить, чтобы скрипт выполнялся, если из папки один из файлов удалили? Пользователь загружает и удаляет из папки файлы со своей виндовой машины. Папка расшарена с помощью samba. Пробовал модификатор — IN_DELETE скрипт не запускается. Имена файлов заранее не известны, имя папки статично. Пример настройки, которая работает при копировании файлов в папку (вывод incrontab -l): /home/path IN_MODIFY /home/pathwhitscript/ Пример, который, как я подразумеваю, должен запускать мой скрипт при удалении файла из папки: /home/path IN_DELETE /home/pathwhitscript/ Сам скрипт рабочий. Вопрос только в том, как заставить incron запускать скрипт при удалении файла. A: подозреваю, что вы поместили в incrontab обе эти строки: /home/path IN_MODIFY /home/pathwhitscript/ /home/path IN_DELETE /home/pathwhitscript/ и получаете в логе после сохранения файла сообщение вида: incrond: cannot create watch for user пользователь: (2) No such file or directory как пишут во многих местах, например, здесь, так делать нельзя: для каждого отслеживаемого каталога должна быть только одна строка, в которой может быть перечислено через запятую несколько событий. а для определения, какое именно из событий произошло, передавать параметром вашему скрипту переменную $%. примерно так: /home/path IN_MODIFY,IN_DELETE /home/pathwhitscript/ $% другие спец-переменные, которые можно использовать в файле incrontab, перечислены в man 5 incrontab.
Junior year is a turning point for many families because it marks the year when college planning activities begin to consume all your free time. It helps to go into your senior year of high school with a plan, so start now to ensure that you don’t fall behind. Here’s what you should be doing the spring of your junior year and into the summer. You’ll want to make sure that you’ll complete all the requisites for your diploma. Take full advantage of the classes offered by your high school and schedule a rigorous course load for senior year. Also check on your class rank and your current GPA. If you haven’t performed as well as you had hoped the first two years of high school, it’s not too late to change that. An upward trend in grades is something colleges like to see. In the beginning of the semester, look up testing dates and locations for the SAT and/or ACT. The tests are typically offered about once a month during the school year. Decide which test you’re most comfortable with and which one highlights your strengths most to colleges by taking a few practice tests. Start to narrow down your college selection and schedule visits to your top choices for the summer. Make sure those colleges fit the most important qualifications to you: size, location, cost, majors, any special programs of interest, etc. Most colleges require you to submit at least one or two letters of recommendation (LOR) from a teacher or guidance counselor. Additional letters can be written by a manager, club leader, coach, or anyone you have formed a close relationship with recently. Begin to gather the material you will give each person to help them write the best LOR possible. Start to do more research about what your colleges of interest require for admission, such as SAT Subject Tests. There are four policies regarding Subject Tests: required, recommended, considered, and alternative. If it’s financially feasible for you to take SAT Subject Tests, and schools on your list either require or recommend it, you can sign up and prepare for them in the spring and summer. Also, a small number of colleges have the policy that Subject Tests can act as an alternative to standardized testing; they allow an applicant to submit Subject Test scores in lieu of ACT and SAT scores. Once you narrow down your college list, go to each school’s website to find out how much it costs per year to go there. Also get to know the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Even though you can’t fill out the FAFSA until October 1 of your senior year, you can start to gather the necessary materials. The summer before senior year is your time to get a head start on the college application process. Check out the Common Application to see their selection of essays and begin working on them as soon as possible. The Common Application has a limited character count for extracurricular descriptions, but your résumé can be used to expand on your accomplishments. In addition, consider creating a LinkedIn profile to act as an online portfolio that adds another dimension to your application. You’ll want to include videos, pictures, research papers, and anything else that can help humanize you to the admission staff. The second semester of your junior year is an essential time for preparing for college. By starting early, you can put together a stronger application that might help you get into the college of your dreams. Kristen Moon is an independent college counselor and founder of Moon Prep provides one-on-one tutoring services catered to university admission. They guide students through the entire application process, including completing applications, personal statements, supplemental essays, student résumés, scholarships, and financial aid. Their specialty lies in the Ivy League, direct medical programs (BS/MD), and highly competitive universities.
Are you looking for the process to erase empty space on Hard Drive or SSD? If yes, then don’t worry, I will explain how a user can securely wipe free space from an SSD or Hard Drive. You can quickly overwrite the free space that remains once you deleted some data from the disk. Why Need to Erase Empty Space on Hard Drive? When a user deletes files from a hard disk or SSD, the file actually never gets deleted from the hard drive. Anyone can successfully recover that file using powerful Data Recovery Software. Usually, there is no need for a user to permanently delete the data & then erase the whole white space on the drive. But, if you deleted something crucial or confidential & want to get rid of it permanently from the disk, then you need to completely Wipe data from the disk. My computer hard drive storage is getting full. So, I decided to delete some unimportant data from the disk. But still, a lot of empty space remains in my hard drive. I do not know how can I wipe free space from the drive. Kindly suggest to me a way how can I erase empty space on the Hard Drive. A user can completely erase the free space from the disk using RecoveryTools Disk Wipe Software. The toolkit will enable the users to securely wipe empty space on a hard drive. The utility will provide a separate option to the users to empty the free space from the logical drives. You can wipe free space data completely from the computer with this special application. Trial Limitation: The free demo of this utility will enable the users to wipe free space of the first 10 items with less than 5MB in size. If you completely wipe out all the free disks from the computer, then you need to first activate the software. You can activate it by purchasing the license edition. Once you complete the purchase process, you can get the activation code via email within the first 15 minutes. Install & run the software on your Windows machine. Enable the Logical Drive option & then chose the Free Space option from the Wipe options menu. Select the required options from the Wipe Methods. A user can apply multiple filter settings to wipe only selective data. The application will display a warning message. Once your drive-free space completed wipe out, the utility will display a message box. The toolkit will create a SavingLog report to summary complete details about free space removal process. I permanently deleted some files from the disk & then empty the recycle bin too. Do these deleted files are recoverable? If yes, then how do I wipe the empty space & overwrite the data with a different value? Yes, the files deleted from the Recycle bin can also recover using a professional data recovery tool. So, if you want to permanently delete data from the disk, then you need to erase free space from the logical drive. I want to run this application on my Microsoft Windows 8 OS device. Is it compatible with Windows OS? Yes, the software is fully compatible with all the latest versions & editions of Microsoft Windows including Windows 8. Does this utility wipe empty space on the hard drive securely? Yes, the software is a completely safe & secure application to wipe empty space on the hard drive. In the above article, I had explained the best solution to securely wipe empty space from hard drive or SSD without any issue. Users can understand the working of this utility in an easy & simple way. The free space stored in the application is completely wiped out from the disk by using this application.
Q: Регулярное выражение для получения атрибутов запроса Вот код: var query = "id INT (10) AUTO_INCREMENT KEY, name VARCHAR( 255 ), info VARCHAR ( 255) DEFAULT('your text' ) DEFAULT('your text' ) AUTO_INCREMENT, text , age INT(2), date DATETIME DEFAULT(NOW()), counter INT(10) DEFAULT(10)".split(','); var regular = /\w+([\s]*\((.*?)\)(\s|$)|(\s|$))/g; for(var i=0, matches; i < query.length; i++) { query[i] = query[i].trimLeft(); matches = query[i].match(regular); console.log(query[i]); console.log(matches); } Как видно, я парсю query запрос на значения и атрибуты. Скорость парсинга должна быть большой, поэтому экономлю на спичках. Как оптимизировать регулярку? Пример в живую: A: Короче говоря было написано: var parse_expression = "id INT (10) AUTO_INCREMENT KEY, \ name VARCHAR( 255 ), \ info VARCHAR ( 255) DEFAULT('your text' ) DEFAULT('your text' ) AUTO_INCREMENT, \ text , \ age INT(2), \ date DATETIME DEFAULT(NOW()), \ counter INT(10) DEFAULT(10), \ other varchar(255) DEFAULT ('your (mine) text'),\ other2 varchar(255) DEFAULT ('use close braket - ) to finish condition string '),\ other3 varchar(255) DEFAULT ('stop,the split,) ')"; var div = document.getElementById('b'); var len = parse_expression.length; var tokens = []; var compiler_tokens = {}; var tags = ["'", '"', '(', ')']; var token = ''; var ifOpenTokens; for(var pos = 0, last_cut = 0; pos < len; pos++, ifOpenTokens = false) { if(tags.indexOf(parse_expression[pos]) != -1) { if(!(parse_expression[pos-1] != undefined && parse_expression[pos-1] == '\\' // если предыдущий символ - обратный слеш && parse_expression[pos-2] != undefined && parse_expression[pos-2] != '\\') || parse_expression[pos-1] != '\\'// если предыдущий символ - не слеш, то обрабатываем ) { if(compiler_tokens[parse_expression[pos]] == undefined || !compiler_tokens[parse_expression[pos]]) { if((parse_expression[pos] == '(' || parse_expression[pos] == ')') && (compiler_tokens['"'] == undefined || !compiler_tokens['"']) && (compiler_tokens["'"] == undefined || !compiler_tokens["'"]) ) { compiler_tokens[parse_expression[pos]] = 1; } else if(parse_expression[pos] == '(' || parse_expression[pos] == ')') { continue; } else { compiler_tokens[parse_expression[pos]] = true; } } else { if((parse_expression[pos] == '(' || parse_expression[pos] == ')') && (compiler_tokens['"'] == undefined || !compiler_tokens['"']) && (compiler_tokens["'"] == undefined || !compiler_tokens["'"]) ) { compiler_tokens[parse_expression[pos]]++; } else if(parse_expression[pos] == '(' || parse_expression[pos] == ')') { continue; } else { compiler_tokens[parse_expression[pos]] = false; } } } } if(parse_expression[pos] == ',') { // check for open tokens console.log(compiler_tokens['"'], compiler_tokens['\'']); if(compiler_tokens['('] != compiler_tokens[')'] && (!compiler_tokens['"'] && !compiler_tokens["'"])) { throw new Error("Remained unclosed tags in query '" + parse_expression.substring(last_cut, pos)); } else { if(compiler_tokens['"'] || compiler_tokens["'"]) { ifOpenTokens = true; } } if(!ifOpenTokens) { token = parse_expression.substring(last_cut, pos); tokens.push(token); last_cut += token.length + 1; } } if(pos == len - 1) { token = parse_expression.substring(last_cut, pos + 1); tokens.push(token); } } if (compiler_tokens['"'] || compiler_tokens["'"]) { throw new Error("Remained unclosed tags in query '"+ parse_expression); } :D Собака убежала, вроде годно работает. Скрипт также будет разбирать данные в INSERT.
Q: Подключение tee в gstreamer при нажатии кнопки Поток с вэб камеры транслирую на виджет. При нажатии на кнопку хочу копировать этот же поток через tee в muxer и далее в файл. Можно ли эту ветку подключать "онлайн" и как правильно её останавливать? Есть план Б: сделать отдельный пайп и подключить его через appsink-appsrc. A: Как простой вариант, использовать элемент valve, tee-valve --> по требованию создаем и подключаем к нему --> muxer-filesink, во время создания pipe у элемента valve выставить флаг valve.set_property('drop', True) когда нужно начать запись в файл, создать и подключить muxer->filesink и переключить флаг в False если нужно писать в разные файлы, можно подменять filesink (через unlink/link) предварительно включив drop чтобы файл корректно завершался нужно отправить в muxer сигнал eos src_pad = muxer.get_static_pad('src') src_pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BLOCK | Gst.PadProbeType.EVENT_DOWNSTREAM, probe_event_cb, None) muxer_sink.send_event(Gst.Event.new_eos()) callback будет примерно таким def probe_event_cb(pad, info, data): if info.get_event().type is not Gst.EventType.EOS: return Gst.PadProbeReturn.PASS src_pad.remove_probe( filesink.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) muxer.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) pipe.remove(muxer) pipe.remove(filesink)
Excessive hair growth is a frequent cosmetic concern for both men and women. At Advanced Dermatology, we offer multiple options for treating excessive hair growth depending upon the hair-type, the skin-type, and the location of the hair on the body. We frequently address excess hair growth on the face and neck, as well as excessive body hair. Sometimes excessive hair growth in women can be related to a medical condition often related to a woman’s hormones.For example, polycystic ovary syndrome can be related to excessive unwanted hair growth in both women and children. Of course, proper treatment of the underlying medical concern is paramount, but excess hair removal can generally be provided concurrently with medical treatments. In addition, excessive hair growth can be genetic in nature. Though excessive hair growth due to genetic conditions is not medically concerning, it may pose a major cosmetic concern. Regardless of cause, excess hair growth in both men and women can be treated at Advanced Dermatology. Our providers will consult with you to determine the most effective treatment plan. We utilize lasers for all skin types to remove or reduce hair without damaging the skin in the treated areas.
[ 02:30 wednesday 24 august – haggerston hall, london ] between working on my projects and partying i’ve rather neglected the cycle of processing and uploading photos and films. previously the backlog held fairly steady at three months but now it has swollen to a full year. in a couple of days i’ll be fleeing the frenzies of london and heading south to stromboli for a bit. the impending trip has shamed me into editing my film from last september’s visit to the island. i already uploaded some pictures from the trip back in april. : c : Advertisements
I was doing offline upgrade from 7.16 to 8.0. With all servers stopped upgrade with rpm and started again. From 7.16 to 7.17 no problems at all. Cluster came up green. Did i loose anything in Elasticsearch breaking changes | Elastic Installation and Upgrade Guide [8.0] | Elastic ? Did you have security feature enabled in your Older version? String ES 8, security is enabled by default which can be disabled if not required. Security was enabled on 7.16-7.17 also. Hey, sorry this got missed from the breaking changes. We had a few improvements to the validation of SSL configuration, and this particular one got missed from the docs. In your case, it looks like the old configuration worked by accident, because you're actually using the ca file as your keystore & truststore which is not what the docs advise, and it typically indicates an error in configuration. In your case it looks like it worked (well enough) in 7.x, but in most case that sort of configuration would lead to additional, hard to diagnose errors. The change in 8.0 is designed to catch those errors earlier. There's a couple of ways to solve this. If your keystore has a password on it, then you will need to enter it in place of the quotes in -storepass "". That will give you the same behaviour you had in ES7, although as I mentioned above, I think you've made a mistake in your configuration. I would recommend that you fix up the problem with your nodes, rather than try and work around it. It look like you're using a CA as the server certificate, which isn't ideal, and it's what the documentation guides you to do. Typically you would use elasticsearch-certutil to create a CA (as you have done) and then use that CA to generate one or more server certificates for use in your nodes. If you follow those steps then the file you end up with is usable as a keystore and a truststore, while the CA file is not. elastic-stack-ca.p12 file in place of the elastic-certificates.p12 file. I would recommend going back through those instructions and working out where you went wrong, so you can switch over to using elastic-certificates.p12 instead. Thank you Tim. I've followed your advice (2nd).
Q: Счетчик времени от указанной даты до текущей <h3>Мы с Вами:</h3> //нужно вывести данные в таком вот виде <p>12 лет ___ 3 месяца ___ 5 дней ___ 21 час ___ 15 минут ___ 25 секунд</p> Везде есть счетчики обратного отсчета только. Пока такой на JavaScript не нашел. Как такой написать? A: Я бы сделал так: const creationDateObj = { year: 2010, month: 2, day: 29, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }; const creationDate = new Date( creationDateObj.year, creationDateObj.month,, creationDateObj.hours, creationDateObj.minutes, creationDateObj.seconds ); const timeLeft = document.querySelector('#timeLeft'); setInterval(() => { const now = new Date(); const diffInMS = now - creationDate; const diffAsDate = new Date(diffInMS); const [ years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds ] = diffAsDate .toISOString() .split('T') .map(timePart => timePart .split(/-|:|\./) .map(str => +str) ) .flat(); timeLeft.textContent = `${years - 1970} лет ___ ${months - 1} месяца ___ ${days - 1} дней ___ ${hours} час ___ ${minutes} минут ___ ${seconds} секунд`; }, 1000); body { background-color: #777 } <h3>Мы с Вами:</h3> <p id="timeLeft"></p> A: Вам нужна библиотека moment.js
Time has been running out and it is my time to go. You know I have been waiting for you for 5 years. I knew you will not be here next week and it tears me apart so badly. I could not imagine you will be away for another year. This is a hard decision and I know you will be hurt, but I need to do it. Otherwise, I would never live the life that I wanted. You will probably find my tears in this letter because I cried on it. Oh, silly me. I knew you have a lot of big dreams and I am happy for you that you can achieve them one by one. I know going to Haiti is one of your dreams and I am so glad you get the opportunity to go there. We have so many amazing memories and I just can not believe I have to let you go at the end. It is a wonderful opportunity and I thank God I met you. However, I have to learn to open my heart to another woman from this time. I will always support you so if you need me please do contact me. I hope I will see you again soon. I know we will still be good friends after all. Emily is starring at that letter with a blank mind. Only one word came to her mind: Sure. Sure she knows that this time will come, and there is no doubt that she have been prepared for this time to come. Ian is the most patient man in the whole world. [Emily] I know he suffer so much to wait for me. I whispered to myself: “Yes, I can not believe this also, Ian… We have been this far.” The woman who will have his heart will be very lucky and deep down I know that clearly. Emily is working as a humanitarian and she will be going to Haiti next week. Ian, however, will stay in this small town. Ian is a hardworking British man that Emily knows since childhood. Looking back at where they met, Emily reminds herself back to the year 1994. At that time, Emily was planting a tree in the farm by herself, and there she finds Ian smiling at her. “Hi there, care to help me?” He took a closer look at Emily. “Sure. What do you need?”Emily answered. “Hmm yeah I would like to know where the Oak’s farm is. I thought you will know it, I just moved here last week by the way. Nice to meet you.” He explained carefully why he would like to know and saw if Emily will help him or not. Emily accompanied him until they found the Oak’s farm and introduce him to the surroundings. “Thank you. I really do appreciate it. Ian smiles at Emily and leave. The next weeks Emily spend is with him and they are become closer and closer. They work in the farm almost everyday. They started to form their own shared dream, which is marrying each other. All this happened before Emily started to live in her dreams. Emily keeps wondering why love, the most fragile thing that everyone are looking for, could never go hand in hand with dreams. Most people in Emily’s town, however, never go anywhere other than around town. But Emily is different; she wants to see the world. Emily has a very big dream to helps people all over the world especially refugees in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Haiti. But she always has to choose between love and dream. One year later, without even answering the last letter from him, Emily gets another letter. She gets a bad feeling about this one. She begins to open the letter and one word catches her really hard. Her heart beats faster in a second. That word is wedding. Yes, this one is Ian’s wedding invitation. I will be back just in time for the wedding. No question asked; I will be there for him. On the wedding day, I met him in the church. He looks so different because I have not seen him all year. That fact has devastated me. Maybe I do not know him anymore like I used to be. He asked me when he sees me that day, “How are you? Are you okay?” I answered him clearly, “I could have not been better. I see you happy and that is all I could ask for.” She smiled at him and told him that she needs to do other things. Of course it is just an excuse and he knows that, but she does not care. She can not be around him often in that kind of situation. [Emily] Since I do not see him around again, tears started to fall down from my eyes. I can not stand it anymore and I do not want to see him looking at me crying, on his wedding day. So I left. Not knowing when I could see him again.
Hospitals with pharmacist-provided heparin and warfarin management services have lower rates of allcause mortality and morbidity as well as lower rates of bleeding-related morbidity, according... Gender & Recurrent VT: Men More at Risk? Men may be more at risk than women for recurrent venous thromboembolism (VT), according to a recently published, well-designed study. Treatment target ranges introduced in the mid-1990s provide safer and effective warfarin therapy in patients with histories of atrial fibrillation, cerebral ischemia, or mechanical heart valves... Anticoagulation remains underused in patients with atrial fibrillation, especially in the oldest patients, and amiodarone has replaced quinidine as the most commonly used sinus rhythm medication...
Part of being in business is the uncertainty when an audit will be conducted or what tax type will be selected for audit. All we know is that at some stage anyone may be selected for an audit. Late filing of returns. Not declaring all your income. Claiming expenses that are not deductible (for example, entertainment), or expenses that are out of the norm for your industry. Appearing to live beyond your means. Working in an industry, such as hospitality, that has a high level of cash sales. If you find yourself in the position of being notified of an IRD audit, our first advice to you is to talk to your accountant. It is important to ensure someone experienced in communicating with the IRD in this specialised area helps you prepare and provide the extensive information the IRD will request. The cost of a tax audit is usually associated with the preparation of information for, and the time involved in dealing with, the Inland Revenue Department. In our experience a small business can often pay in excess of $2,000 for their accountants involvement in a quick, routine audit where very few, if any, issues are found. If you're faced with an IRD audit, ask for help! Don't go it alone, the law is complex. This advice is general in nature. Every situation is unique. Strettons has the expertise to guide any taxpayer through the audit process.
OREANDA-NEWS. Russian oil supplies to Poland are carried out in accordance with the plan, without any problems. This was announced on Friday by the press service of the operator of the Polish section of the Druzhba oil pipeline, PERN. "At the moment, oil supplies to Poland through the Druzhba pipeline are carried out in accordance with the schedule, without interruptions", the message said. Earlier on Friday, the Belneftekhim concern stated that Russian oil was not supplied to Belarusian refineries, and the loading of these enterprises was reduced to the minimum technologically permissible level. In turn, Igor Demin, the official representative of Transneft, told the Russian media that the transit of oil through the territory of Belarus is in full. According to him, Transneft is pumping as part of applications from oil companies. Starting January 1, she has no applications from these companies for deliveries to Belarusian refineries. Druzhba provides oil supplies to Belarusian refineries and its transit to Europe. Each year, PERN, which acts as the operator of the Polish section of the pipeline, pumps about 50 million tons of oil from Russia into the national system, managing a 2.6 thousand km long pipeline network, and also has storage facilities with a volume of 3.5 million cubic meters and an oil port in Gdansk with a capacity of 40 million tons of oil per year.
A November 18th workplace injury has led to large fines for a Chicago Heights based chemical company. The company, Polychem Services Inc., has been cited for $63,000.00 in fines in response to one safety and five health violations at the facility. According to reports, a worker was injured on November 18, 2010, suffering second and third degree burns in a confined space without proper means of egress or ingress. One of the health violations is considered ‘willful’ – a violation committed with intentional knowing or voluntary disregard for the law’s requirements and/or plain indifference to worker safety and health. The fines are the result of an OSHA investigation at the facility following the Chicago work injury. Polychem Services has the options of paying the fines and abating the violations, requesting a conference with OSHA’s area director or contesting the fines before an independent OSHA review board. A Department of Labor spokesperson has indicating that the company has not yet made a decision on how it is going to handle the violations. Federal law requires employers to to be aware of hazards that exist in the workplace and also take appropriate precautions by following OSHA guidelines when necessary. No comment from Polychem has been made available. Injured workers in Illinois may be entitled to benefits under the Workers Compensation Act even where OSHA violations are not found. If you have been injured at work you should contact a Chicago work injury lawyer to discuss a potential claim.
Casimir d'Angelo has taught French in seven European universities including the University of Cambridge, where he was Director of the Language Unit for 20 years. He is an experienced author and examiner. Rod Hares has been a teacher, examiner, an LEA adviser in Modern Languages, a one-time Chairman of The British Association for Language Teaching, and an author for many years. Jean-Claude Gilles is a French native speaker with 30 years of examining experience. He has taught MFL throughout his career and has written many publications for KS3 through to KS5 French. Lauren Lechelle is a French native speaker, experienced teacher, author and IB examiner. She is currently teaching at Headington School in Oxford. Kirsty Thathapudi is an experienced editor, developer and author of MFL teaching material. Lisa Littlewood is an experienced French teacher and A-level examiner. She is currently teaching at Bournside School in Cheltenham. Severine Chevrier-Clarke is a French native speaker, experienced teacher, author and examiner as well as a qualified translator. This is the best A-level text book I have seen for many years. It manages to provide what students need for the new A-levels whilst being inherently interesting and extremely usable.I do urge you to get hold of a copy of this Hodder book. It's excellent and so much better than the previous generation of A-level books. You can earn a 5% commission by selling Aqa A-Level French (Includes As) on your website. It's easy to get started - we will give you example code. After you're set-up, your website can earn you money while you work, play or even sleep! You should start right now!
Hello All, I am trying to get to a point of where the teardown task will remove the node from the chef integration. The issue I am running into is I can execute the task manually with a server context and it works great in removing the node from chef. The problem arises when it is the teardown task in the workflow. It doesn’t appear to run at all and shows nothing in the logs of the remote server or anything. Does anyone have an example of a teardown script for removing chef nodes that works in the actual teardown process? Hello, just a few questions to help better answer you. Is there a delayed removal policy in place. Is the machine powered on when you hit delete? If it isn’t it cannot run those knife commands on the target vm. Or are you running with context local and using the knife command on the appliance? The knife command is being ran on a remote server and the script is kept local to the morpheus server. The instance itself I don’t think would be required to be powered on at all with it being a teardown task, right? In this example I am really just echo’ing everything into a file for validation that the task is running, and I get nothing on the remote server when it is a portion of the workflow assigned during the provisioning of the instance. Only when the task is executed manually with any existing instance name. Cool, how are you applying the workflow to the instance. is it targeted as part of provisioning? Provisioning via policy to that specific cloud currently. That would be correct. I am deploying a new instance every time I am testing the process. I have also ran it with policy as well as assigning the workflow manually. I guess one question is where can I tell that the teardown task is actually getting ran? I am assuming that the normal morpheus variables are also still valid during the teardown process. I am having the same issue with an email task for deletion as well. Works with the manual execution, but not during the actual teardown phase of a compute deletion. okay , so I may have just noticed something… do the teardown tasks not run unless I delete the instance itself? So, this is interesting. If you delete via virtual machine in cloud => compute with remove infra and the associated instances, it does not run the teardown tasks. why would this be any different than deleting through the instances area? I believe this is due to the provisioning workflow being tied to the instance itself which can contain multiple VMs, Deleting a VM from outside of the instance would not trigger any workflow to run.
The WHO has said that there is a benefit of administering an additional booster dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for the highest risk groups, health workers, those over 60 years of age or with immunocompromising conditions. The WHO said that in considering additional booster doses, the two main scenarios to assess are the use of additional booster doses in those who are not able to mount and sustain adequate immune responses and considerations for additional booster doses to be administered in order to protect high-risk populations and health workers to maintain the health system during periodic waves of disease surges. “An additional dose included in an extended primary series enhances immune responses in some ICPs. Given the significant risk of severe COVID-19 for ICPs, if infected, WHO has already issued a recommendation for an extended primary series (i.e. third dose) as well as a booster dose (i.e. fourth dose) for ICPs, for all COVID-19 vaccines,” it said. “Taken together, these studies show some short-term benefit of an additional booster dose of mRNA vaccine in health workers, those over 60 years of age or with immunocompromising conditions,” the WHO said. It said that data to support an additional dose for healthy younger populations is limited; preliminary data suggests that in younger people, the benefit is minimal. “The limited available data suggest that for highest risk groups, there is a benefit that supports the administration of an additional booster dose,” the WHO said, adding that in those most at risk for severe disease or death (adults over the age of 60 years, or those who are not able to mount a full immune response), the additional benefit of an additional booster dose of mRNA vaccine might be “warranted”. It said while seasonality is not yet fully established for SARS-CoV-2, evidence from the past two years supports the notion of more substantial transmission during the winter season. “Therefore, for countries with either a Northern or Southern Hemisphere winter season, plans for a catch-up to improve primary series coverage and boosting for those at highest risk, campaigns should take seasonality into account,” the WHO added. Do happier Chinese workers spell the end of affordable tech gadgets? Some Short-Term Benefits Of Additional Booster Dose Of mRNA Vaccine In Health Workers: WHO have 892 words, post on at May 19, 2022. This is cached page on Health Breaking News. If you want remove this page, please contact us.
Q: IP address differences between two computers on the same local network Why does the python command print(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) give: on my laptop on my Raspberry PI when they're both on the same local network, and the PI's IP address is a static Please be gentle, I'm a bit clueless on networking terminology and understanding :) A: gethostbyname has been obsolete since getaddrinfo was introduced more than a decade ago. However neither of them are intended to be used to find the IP address of the host your software is running on. In order to find the IP address of the host your software is running on, the simplest approach is to create a UDP socket and connect it to the remote address you want to communicate with. import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) s.connect(('2001:db8::', 53)) print s.getsockname() On a host with multiple IP addresses this may produce different result depending on which remote address you specify in the code.
Case: Rare Francois Borgel early tank style "waterproof" design with 3 slide in clips that squeeze the case, crystal and gaskets firmly together. Signed inside the back with the FB key symbol, Brevet, No. 207378, Alpina, Acier Inoxydable. Measures 23mm by 38.5mm excluding the crown. 16mm strap. Dial: Original factory printed two tone dial with black numbers and small seconds at 6:00. Signed Alpina, Swiss Made. Movement: Beautiful form style in house designed and manufactured manual wind movement caliber 490 with incabloc, signed Alpina, 15 Jewels, Swiss. Recently serviced and in excellent working condition. An extremely rare example of Francois Borgels early tank style waterproof design in good overall condition housing a top quality Alpina movement. This ingenious case design caught the attention of many of the top houses in Switzerland in the 1940's. Used by numerous companies such as Patek Philippe, Vacheron & Constantin, Movado, and Cartier, these watches are highly sought after and rare to find as although the design is wonderfully creative, it was quickly discovered that it was not very effective in waterproofing the watch so not many were produced. While the dial on this example is relatively good, you can see it was exposed to moisture at some point and therefore has developed a patina with age. Alpina was an excellent designer and manufacture of movements in the first half of the 20th Century and this caliber 490 is no exception. The last picture on the page shows how the clips located on the side of the case slide out towards the lugs allowing it to be opened.
The Friends of Oakdale Cemetery have a variety of special items for sale. Items are available at the Oakdale Cemetery Office, by downloading this Product Order Form, or you can call |||PHONE_NUMBER||| for further information or email us at |||EMAIL_ADDRESS||| Friends of Oakdale Cemetery have available a new documentary, Oakdale Cemetery, Where Angles and Mortals Meet. It tells the story of Oakdale, North Carolina’s first Rural cemetery, opened in 1855. Oakdale Cemetery is among the earliest Rural cemeteries in the country. Authorities recognize Oakdale for its aesthetic richness and historic significance. Its diverse assemblage of monuments, statuary, and funerary art, as well as its fine collection of flora and fauna put it in the forefront of the state’s historic treasures. All of these aspects are featured in Oakdale Cemetery, Where Angles and Meet. Donald Koonce, a native Wilmingtonian and owner of Ferncreek Creative, Greenville, SC, produced the documentary. Koonce is an award winning film and video producer who specializes in documentary work. He has produced and directed special documentaries for NASA, The Gettysburg National Battlefield Park, The National Air and Space Museum and numerous museums throughout the country. His production for the South Carolina State Museum, “Destiny’s People: Stories of South Carolina” was awarded an international CINE “Golden Eagle” by the Committee for International Nontheatrical Events. Wilmington photographer, Melva Calder, shot additional still photographs which Koonce used throughout the documentary. The retail price is $15.00. If purchased at the Oakdale Cemetery Office (520 N 15th Street), members of the Friends receive a $2.00 discount. Notecards are $10.00 for 8 cards and envelopes. Price includes shipping. Angel Posters are 20″ x 16″. They are $10.00 + $3.00 shipping. Size is 20x 16.
Building homes since 1983, Burbank Homes has been in Queensland since 2012 where the team’s established reputation as one of the country’s most trusted builders only continues to prosper. Led by a passionate team who live and breathe homebuilding, Burbank Homes is a family owned and operated business with unwavering family values instilled in the heart of every home. Starting out as a small homebuilding company in Melbourne’s west, Burbank has become one of Australia’s most trusted builders and has expanded operations into South Australia, New South Wales the Australian Capital Territory and Queensland. With a vast range of single and double-storey designs to choose from, catering for every homebuyer and budget, the time to build your dream home with Burbank has never been better.
No poor stickhandling please. More games for the Flames this season - ? For the first time this season the Flames are faced with the prospect of not playing another game should they lose. They face elimination in a stadium that they haven't won in since 2006, that being the Honda Center. A victory for the Flames tonight and they get to fight again another day, but would still need two more wins to take the series. Bob Hartley and the Flames felt as if their lineup last game was good enough to win, thus the will be no changes for tonight's game. Karri Ramo will be in net again as he goes up against Frederik Andersen again who has been fantastic for Anaheim. Hopefully Calgary can solve him so they won't get vanquished to the land of golf and fishing. Also Check out Anaheim Calling for Ducks coverage. We're all befuddled. Either the Flames are rolling 13 forwards and five defensemen or Bob Hartley is bad at math. #Flames RW Josh Jooris not announced among scratches in Anaheim. But lineup sheet has 13 forwards. Can't be right. So the lineups are apparently the same. Online lineup sheet has #Flames C/RW Josh Jooris as a scratch.
Preprint: contains the details of the proofs of some results which were announced in "Descent Construction for GSpin Groups: Main Results and Applications." In this paper we provide an extension of the theory of descent of Ginzburg-Rallis-Soudry to the context of essentially symplectic representations, that is representations τwith the property that the exterior square L-function twisted by some Hecke character ω has a pole at s = 1. Our theory supplements the recent work of Asgari-Shahidi on the functorial lift from the general Spin groups GSpin2n+1 to GL2n. Hundley, Joseph and Sayag, Eitan. "Descent Construction for GSpin Groups–Odd Case." (Jan 2009).
Turn L onto the Hadrian’s Wall path heading west past the trig point at 345 metres to Milecastle 41. Turn R onto the footpath here, crossing Melkridge Common to the road at Well House. Turn R on the road then L onto a path bearing R past Cowburn Rigg and then north to a path junction by a wall at NY 734690 (2.8 miles/4.5km). Turn R here then take the L fork off Gibbs Hill and continue along the southern edge of Greenlee Plantation to Greenlee. Turn R here and then L at the next junction, following the path to the north of Greenlee Lough across some fields to a path junction at NY 779707 (6.2 miles/10km). Turn R onto the Pennine Way and head south to Hadrian’s Wall at turret 37A. Turn R onto the Hadrian’s Wall path and follow this back to the start.
In order to understand the glacial to interglacial fluctuations in pteropod preservation and productivity during the late Quaternary (similar to 54 ka BP to present), we investigated pteropod, organic carbon (Cord and Globigerina bulloides abundance in a deep sea core from the western Andaman Sea. Pteropod abundance and preservation is similar to the "Indo-Pacific carbonate preservation type", showing better preservation during glacial and poor preservation during interglacial periods. The core site appears to have remained below the aragonite compensation depth (ACD) throughout the Holocene, indicated by the total absence of pteropods. Maximum abundance and good preservation of pteropods was observed during stadials such as Younger Dryas (YD), Heinrich Events (HEs) and Last Glacial Maxima (LGM) indicating weaker oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and deeper ACD. Furthermore, the high relative abundance of mesopelagic pteropods over epipelagic forms suggests a well ventilated water column with weak OMZ particularly during LGM, apparently driven by intense winter monsoon. Increased monsoon-driven productivity was observed during 45-40 ka, of early Marine Isotope stage 2 (MIS 2, 24-22 ka), Bolling/Allered (B/A; 15-13.5 ka), YD and late Holocene as evidenced by Cor, content and G. bulloides. Enhanced pteropod preservation of H1 associated with low C(org) content and G. bulloides suggests that reduced monsoonal driven productivity might have influenced pteropod preservation. Deglacial preservation spike in the Andaman Sea is consistent with other northern Indian Ocean records and elsewhere outside the Indian Ocean implying the event is global in nature, marked by deepening of ACD probably driven by enhancement of winter monsoon on local and changes in intermediate water circulation on regional scale. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
HomeHealthKnow Your BodyThe Pros of a Weighted Blanket!! The Pros of a Weighted Blanket!! The concept of the weighted blanket comes from psychiatry’s practice. In no case does this mean that it should be used for people with psychological and mental problems only. It’s just a very smart innovation that can help in easing many problems every person is dealing with, in some time of their life. As our society has become so-to-say hectic and our lifestyle takes its toll on us, we cannot ignore the great benefits this therapeutic tool provides. Moreover, it helps our overall health and well-being. People have always believed that one cannot buy happiness. Well, here we are in the 21st century, talking about a simple product that can be bought with some amount of money and provide instant happiness. Yes, by buying a Baloo weighted blanket you’re buying yourself a daily dose of happiness. The simple life hack of using a blanket that is heavier than a usual one, triggers chemical changes and reactions inside the body. Moreover, the additional weight stimulates the nervous system in a way that the glands start releasing the so-called happiness hormones. When these hormones are released, it means that our body is in the rest and digest state. When we are happy we feel relaxed, content, calm. Moreover, in this point of rest and relaxation, the body also releases the melatonin (sleep hormone) and is able to easily fall in a deep and uninterrupted sleep. Let’s see what are all these changes and processes that the blanket can perform, beneficial for. What is universal for all humankind is the great satisfactory feeling of a hug. Moreover, this is exactly where the power of the weighted blanket comes, it can perform the soothing “hugging” sensation. What has already been explained above is the science behind the power of the hug. All the changes that are triggered, are a result of the pressure the weight puts on the nerve endings inside the skin. Known as the deep touch pressure stimulation, it’s the trigger for the consecutive processes that lead to relaxation, calmness and finally to deep sleep. A very common reason for developing a psychological disorder is the absence or very low levels of previously mentioned happiness hormones in the bloodstream and brain. Therefore, with the regular use of the weighted blanket, the body re-establishes the hormonal balance. Moreover, the higher levels of the beneficial hormones help in easing the symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks. Anxiety and depression can be a result of many reasons or problems, however, the hormonal processes are strong chemical reactions will always result in a particular outcome. Even if the problem is persisting, the use of the blanket can help you calm, relax and ease your journey to healing. Stress is a result of increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, that the body secrets when we are in danger. In this context, danger might be any stressful situation at work, home, financially, etc. When the stress persists the cortisol levels increase and the body is constantly alert, stressed and stuck under the fight or flight response. In times like these, the body is unable to relax and calm down. What weighted blanket does for a distressed organism is an instant change in the nervous system. Moreover, the deep touch pressure stimulation has the ability to switch to rest and digest state of the body, in no time. Moreover, the secretion of cortisol stops no matter what thoughts might be worrying you, and starts the release of the opposite, the happiness hormones. This helps the body to find the balance back. A prolonged state of stress means high levels of cortisol that may result in anxiety, sleep problems and physical maladies.
f 0. 111. Cloudy Saturday; southwesterly winds. an artery in his left hand. mt the request of the aocused. result of the alleged assault. snd all diseases of women and children. concert will last until 10 oclock. be at the hall not latter than 7:46 p. in. desired to be ready for duty by 7 oclock. "The Money Question," by Charles A. game will be called at 1:30 p. m. Co., 226 South Spring street. money question. Seats free. trip from New Orleans stepped Hon. C. than an hour for the arrival of the train. club and Messrs. Sutherland Hutton, C. L,. Petchner and Councilman E. L. ladies immediately retired. Hon. Chas. A. Towne of' Minnesota. the committee appointed to escort Mr. ard's Pavilion at 8 p. m. Pasadena and suburbs. around Santa Barbara and vicinity. Santa Barbara for Los Angeles at w 15 a. m., arriving In Los Angeles at 12:40 p. m. 3:23 p. m,i speaks at Riverside at 8 p. m. Riverside, Redlands and vicinity. Diego at 1:15 p. m. Diego at 8 p. m. for Fresno at 10:20 p. m. Oakland at 7:10 a. m. land at 8 p. m. Sunday, February 27th, at San Francisco. late last evening from Hon. Geo. W. ble for him to be present this evening. talk prior to Mr. Towne's speech. provoked. The prophet of the Kabala. In Evergreen cemetery this afternoon. Mr. Allen, William Millard, William C. Steward, Rev. A B. White. Routine Recomendations Adopted. quest of Clara R. Shatto and John S. special franchise be advertised for sale. going to be a discrepancy somewhere. time of the special franchise. make a reasonable division of fares. taken by them until that time. ing the council for protection from them. shall be voted to the highest bidder. by the railway companies." Mr. Maltman was followed by Messrs. is enough if you use it often. Recommend that the petition from S. be placed upon Its passage. and Santa Clara streets. to Eleventh streets. Sulphur, Mrs. M. G. Haynes, Mrs. C. K. W. Penberthy, W. W. Fisher. Mrs. W. W. Pittsburg. Pa.; G. A. Nobrie, Mrs. G. A. Nobrie and son, Boston. Mass.; M. cisco; Edith R. Morris, El Paso; W. B. Angeles; John Pfelfter, Utlca, N. V.; A. W. Smith, Washington; F. Schwartz. Miss E. sons, Los Angeles; G. W. Turner, G. W. Mrs. C. S. Valentine, J. 8. Crowley. S. M. C. W. Ott. Milwaukee; G. J. Mauer, T. J. Ryan, Mrs. G. A. Detchmunday, Mrs. G. W. Gardner, C. R. Gilmore, Mrs. C. R. ards, New Orleans; Henry Klein, Mrs. Henry Klein, Cincinnati; S. Colgate, Mrs. 8. Colgate, Ellen S. Hooker, New York. both out of pocket an,d out of dogs. Detective Goodman learned yesterday . of the most desperate criminals In the . serving terms in San Quentin. a suspender buckle and glanced off. ted this saloon robbery last evening. was afterward hung. got oft with a sentence of five days. Abramoff back to Russia. fined as stated. Big . . handsome styles and color ideas. biggest value on record. Suit and Overcoat in the house. We Have It.. ever offered at the price of $3.00. ' tlon. Mv sister 1b never without it."—G. M. write for complete proofs and free samples. It is quickly Absorbod. 1 Size inc.; at Drnggists or by mall. JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, AaeiTl, NEW YORK.
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What we don’t have yet, however, are machines for producing strategy. We still believe that humans are uniquely capable of making “big swing” strategic decisions. For example, we wouldn’t ask a computer to put together a new “mobility strategy” for a car company based on such trends as a decreased interest in driving among teens, the rise of ride-on-demand services like Uber and Lyft, and the likelihood of self-driving cars at some point in the future. We assume that the defined capabilities of algorithms are no match for the uncertainties, high-level issues, and problems that strategy often serves up. We may be ahead of smart machines in our ability to strategize right now, but we shouldn’t be complacent about our human dominance. First, it’s not as if we humans are really that great at setting strategy. Many M&A deals don’t deliver value, new products routinely fail in the marketplace, companies expand unsuccessfully into new regions and countries, and myriad other strategic decisions don’t pan out. A third piece of evidence that strategy is becoming more autonomous is that major consulting firms are beginning to advocate for the idea. For example, Martin Reeves and Daichi Ueda, both of the Boston Consulting Group, recently published a short article on the Harvard Business Review website called “Designing the Machines That Will Design Strategy,” in which they discuss the possibility of automating some aspects of strategy. McKinsey & Co. has invested heavily in a series of software capabilities it calls “McKinsey Solutions,” many of which depend on analytics and the semi-automated generation of insights. Deloitte has developed a set of internal and client offerings involving semi-automated sensing of an organization’s external environment. In short, there is clear movement within the strategy consulting industry toward a greater degree of interest in automated cognitive capabilities. Assuming that this movement toward autonomous strategy is beginning to take place, what are the implications for human strategists? As Reeves and Ueda point out in their article, cognitive capabilities will need to be combined with human intelligence in what they call an “integrated strategy machine.” Just as contemporary autonomous vehicles can take the wheel under certain conditions, we’ll see situations in which strategic decision making can be automated. Other situations, however, will require that a human strategist take the wheel and change direction. Big-picture thinking is one capability at which humans are still better than computers — and will continue to be for some time. Machines are not very good at piecing together a big picture in the first place, or at noticing when the landscape has changed in some fundamental way. Good human strategists do this every day. In a world of smart, strategic machines, humans need to excel at big-picture thinking in order to decide, for example, when automation is appropriate for a decision; what roles machines and people will play, respectively; and when an automated strategy approach their organization has implemented no longer makes sense. Executives who see the big picture are able to answer the critical questions that will guide their organizations’ future: how their companies make money, what their customers really want, how the economy is changing, and what competitors are up to that is relevant to their company. These kinds of issues and trends can’t be captured in data alone. It’s certainly a good and necessary thing for strategists to begin embedding their thinking into cognitive technologies, but they also have to keep their eyes on the broader world. There is a level of sense-making that only a human strategist is capable of — at least for now. It’s a skill that will be more prized than ever as we enter an era of truly strategic human-machine partnerships. This article was originally published on August 25, 2016. It has been updated to reflect edits made for its inclusion in the Fall 2016 print edition of MIT Sloan Management Review. It was also featured on LinkedIn Pulse.
Animal Crossing is great, sure. But there's one major problem with it: it's not available on non-Nintendo platforms. Wouldn't it be great to have Animal Crossing on your Android tablet or iPad, eh? Or how about a very similar game on your Android tablet or iPad? Good. That's because Stolen Couch is just about to soft-launch Castaway Paradise. Dutch developer Stolen Couch Games describes Castaway Paradise as a mixture of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon. It's a bright and cheerful game, then, full of anthropomorphic animals living on an island. You create a character and join the village to befriend the quirky villagers, decorate the island, and collect items. You're also able to farm, fish, catch bugs, gaze at the stars, earn money, collect plant trees, and do a whole bunch of other things. It all sounds great, but Stolen Couch has received a number of complaints about one particular element of Castaway Paradise. Initially, you see, it was going to be a freemium game. Lots of people disliked this idea, though, and made their feelings very clear. So, Stolen Couch has listened to the masses and is toying with a premium model instead. Nothing is set in stone yet, mind. As mentioned earlier, Stolen Couch will soft-launch Castaway Paradise next week. In terms of a 'full' release, well, iOS, Android, and PC gamers will have to wait until 2014 for the pleasure. Would YOU prefer Castaway Paradise to be a freemium or a premium game? Let us know in the comments section below.
I have been cruising Pinterest a lot lately and about a week ago I got a hankering for a grilled cheese. When I was little and woke up in the middle of the night my grandma would make me grilled cheese. I remember eating grilled cheese and Ovaltine at all hours of the morning, sometimes with a game of solitaire and other times just good conversation. Naturally the next step was to start pinning different grilled cheese sandwiched like crazy! When I landed on this one I knew I had a winner! This recipe comes form the author of the blog, Kevin Lynch. I love his "About Me." Sweet, simple, to the point and something I can definitely relate to. Thanks for the recipe! It was AMAZING!!!
Loot filters are crucial in Path Of Exile, without them you will never be able to choose among the mountains of loot that drops in gameplay. Choosing the right Loot Filter is more important in Path of Exile 3.12, because this changes this league. There are a large number of new items in this patch that need to be tracked. New Contracts and Blueprints are the keys to Heists and Grand Heists, so you need to be able to pick those up. There's also the Replica Uniques and more than 900 Alternate Skill Gems that have been added in 3.12. In short, there are many new items that need to track, and a loot filter makes these items easy to pick out of the messy loot. The default loot filter is ok, that is the one loaded into the game by default. But it also has its main flaws, it will not highlight some basic item types for you. It will not put special styling or sounds on League specific items or other drops either. It will be suitable for most ordinary players, but many will eventually want to move into a more professional field. Neversink's Loot Filter - The most common loot filter is for many POE players. Neversink provides a wide range of options for strict filters, and more speed-oriented players want to choose a stricter filter. Greengrove's Loot Filter - It's a very stylish loot filter, with several cosmetic options, it has a variety of color schemes, such as Amethyst, Atlantisite, Bloodstone, Jade, Zoisite and Game Like, each one provides its own unique look. Filtering for items is more general and shows a wide range of items. This latest version is tailored for endgame play and farming. StupidFatHobbit's Loot Filter - Experienced players and racers may want to take a look here. FilterBlast - It is another good choice because it has a lot of options as bases for your Loot Filter for Path of Exile 3.12. This makes it very easy to customize many different filters from different authors. You can follow this guide to find the best loot filter for yourself. It's only a few hours before the release of Heist. We hope players can make preparations and enjoy Heist League. And has also prepared sufficient POE Currency in order to guarantee the game experience of players. Whether you are a PC user, PS4 user or XBOX One user, you can buy the POE Currency you need on So just enjoy Heist!
‘Funda’ is a Hindi word (or, more accurately, an Indian word, as it is also used in other Indian languages, including English), which is a short form of the English word fundamental. The same is the case with the word ‘fundoo’, except that is it an adjective derived from ‘funda’ according to Hindi derivational morphology. The adjective has two senses. One of these is the sense familiar to a select group of people, the kind who are educated in colleges like New Delhi’s St. Stephen’s and have a circle made up almost exclusively of people from a similar background. For this group of people, the word ‘fundoo’ means fundamentalist. And nothing else. Thus, for them, ‘fundoo’ (the noun version) basically means a person from the Sangh Parivar. And since they (not the Sangh Parivaris) are mainly ‘secular’, it is a term of derision. Just like the other n-term they have for the Sangh Parivaris. I first became familiar with this word when I entered an engineering college for my bachelor’s degree. In that college, the word was heavily used. It meant someone whose fundamentals (as in Thermodynamics or Theory of Machines) were very strong, i.e., who was very good at something. It could also be used with some metaphorical extension to mean high praise (with regard to anything) for someone or something. It might sound strange to many, but at that time I somehow thought that this word (and the word ‘funda’) were slang words only used in that particular college. Later I found out that these two words are among the most heavily used words as far as the young (school or college) generation is concerned. Being called fundoo can be a big complement, though the overuse of the term means that the complement could be highly diluted. I didn’t become familiar (till much later) with the other sense — fundamentalist — of the word till I read a particular number of one of the most popular columns in the Indian press, written by Khushwant Singh. I had no idea that the word was also used in this sense. But what was more surprising, almost astonishing to me, was the fact that Khushwant Singh similarly seemed to have no idea that there was another sense in which this word was used. By the way, I wrote ‘one of the most popular columns in the Indian press’ instead of ‘in the National’ or ‘in the English’ press because this particular column is syndicated by many Indian language newspapers and they publish a translation. As I then read all kinds of magazines and newspapers etc., I found out that there were others like Khushwant Singh for whom too the word only meant one thing: fundamentalist. What was common among all these people was that they were from the select group that I mentioned in the beginning. I have spent various periods of time in many educational institutions of India and have lived in many cities and towns and have kept my eyes and ears open, especially to language related things. Nowhere except in the writings of this group of people have I found anyone using the word ‘fundoo’ in the sense that they use. And as I said ealier, it is one of the most heavily used words and therefore I keep hearing it much too regularly. I am aware that there might, in fact, be some other people outside this group who use the word in that rare sense. And I am not sure about the origin of the word either. It could very well be that the word was initially used in the first sense. But I have heard no one using it in that sense. Not a single person. To repeat once more to make the point clear, the second sense of the word is used so heavily that I find it hard to believe that if you live in an Indian city or even a small town (and know either English or an Indian language), you could remain oblivious to the second sense of the word. But you could easily be unaware of the first sense because it is used so rarely. The only way this can happen is if that group of people has somehow cut itself off from the life around it and is not much in touch with it. This cut off has to be fairly radical, because according to many yardsticks, I myself am quite cut off. But I know the second sense. As well as the first. I knew them long before I started studying Linguistics or related fields. Or perhaps they are words from two different languages, the first spoken by the top caste and the second by the lesser mortals.
Dear Santa, I’ve been a good girl or a relatively good girl this year. It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten a big ticket Christmas gift. I know that I got a lot of really cool and expensive Wedding gifts this year, but I had to share those with Rob. I’m a greedy girl and would love to have a gift all to myself. To help in your selection process, please see the slideshow below. There are pictures and everything of items I would love to receive. If you could bring me the new iMac or the Nikon camera, you can skip the rest of the list. I don’t need to have it all. My greed does have its limits. Thanks for your time and hope to see a gift under my tree. Your pal, Anne Advertisements
Q: Unica "Treatment Code" into and out of ExactTarget We're installing UNICA and part of the installation will be the creation of "Treatment Codes" which identify what email a recipient received, and also connects any activity (Clicks, Opens) back to the email too. We can easily import the Treatment Code and the Customer ID into ET via a Data Extension, but how can we link that data back when we receive the aggregate CLICKS, OPENS, BOUNCES, etc back? There's no option to pull the Data Extension data out in an automated way, but I really doubt we're the first organization trying to do this. Any and all help would be gratefully accepted.
The people I got to meet there were absolutely incredible. They were some of the most down-to-earth people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. Their spirits touched my life, and I will never forget the love I felt from God during my time visiting. God truly does love all of His children. I love this picture of “Jesus.” It makes me think of life. At times we may feel that we are in the middle of nowhere. We may feel like we are not progressing, or that life has nothing to offer. We may feel as though we are stuck in a desert with nowhere to go. But is that really true? Jesus Christ is the Way. He is the One who has made it possible for us to become better people. He is our Brother, and loves us more than we will ever know. It is because of Him that we can experience joy. It is because of Him that we can heal from pain. He is the Great Jehovah. He is the Light and the Way. And I am so thankful for Him. Don’t forget about Jesus Christ, because He will never forget about you. Thanks to my cousin who dragged me into the middle of nowhere so that I could remember Jesus.
The final match of the FIDE Grand Prix 2022 series organised by World Chess was finished on April 4th. In the final match tiebreaker GM Wesley So of USA defeated his countrymen GM Hikaru Nakamura by a score of one and half : half and won the third leg of the Grand Prix in Berlin. The tournament winner and the runner-up looked happy at the closing ceremony as both of them were successful in the major tournament and world championship cycle. Despite the loss in the final match, Hikaru Nakamura qualified for the FIDE Candidates Tournament 2022 and became the overall winner of FIDE Grand Prix Series 2022. Richard Rapport, who is the second in the overall standings and also qualified for the Candidates, while Wesley So was third in overall Series. In the first tiebreaker game, Hikaru played the Bishop opening with white, which was a shocker to Wesley So as he didn’t expect to see this on the board today. However, Wesley played confidently with Black and got a decisive positional advantage by move 15. Hikaru showed his excellent defensive skills and tenaciousness, and after a couple of mistakes by Wesley, he managed to create a very dangerous attack on the kingside. It was Wesley’s turn to find the only moves to defend his position and stay in the game. After several evaluation swings and Evaluation bar dancing in this complicated game, the opponents split a point in a drawish rook ending. In the second game, the Berlin Defense in Ruy Lopez was played. White managed to get a pleasant edge, but the position seemed quite balanced until a certain point. Wesley exchanged the queens at the cost of doubling his pawns on the d-file but with creative play made some initiative in the center. On the 32nd move, Hikaru made a terrible blunder and after a simple refutation found himself in a hopeless position. Wesley emerged a piece up and then slowly with good technique converted his advantage to win the game and the match. Jashwaneel Patil is a student pursuing Bachelor of Engineering and a young mind who likes to explore and research in different areas. His vision lies in making Earth to make a better place to live with taking small steps towards sustainability and making best use of technology available to make easier life for mankind.
A technique created by researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, in Germany, makes it possible to bend sheet glass into complex or unconventional shapes with the help of laser beams. The team hope the technique will allow a new range of products to be developed by engineers and designers. The researchers take advantage of the fact that glass becomes viscous and malleable when exposed to high temperatures with, ‘precise calculations and gravity’ reportedly doing the rest. The technique sees 4mm thick glass sheets put in an oven at just under the heat required to soften them. Here, a laser beam is then directed by adjustable mirrors, which heats across a pre-programmed path. The extra heat from the laser then causes parts of the glass to achieve the new and desired form. This technique allows architects and industrial designers to make use of shapes that were previously difficult and costly to produce. Here, sheet glass is shaped without the need for a bending mould, meaning the process doesn’t leave behind any unsightly marks and the flat glass surface remain visually undistorted. Since the glass is removed for cooling, the bending oven is free for the next workpiece and so doesn’t have to be cooled down. This offers greater energy efficiency than conventional processes. While the laser requires a lot of energy, the very short processing times and the fact that it is fixed, save electricity. The researchers are able to process sheet glass with edges of up to 1m and alter both sides of the glass. Next, they will experiment with different types of glass and explore further manufacturing variations with a view to expanding the range of shapes products can take.
Jesus Christ Is King! Suppose you were to launch your web browser and find only ONE newsline that announced in large, bold letters, “Jesus Christ is King”? How would you feel if everywhere you were accustomed to going you got the error message “Not Found”? When Christ takes over, everything about us will change—our stores, businesses governments, even our homes. The internet, the social media, the news media, the schools and colleges, the courts, the businesses, all will change. Are you ready for it? Picture if you can a world without any deceit, or violence, or corruption, or injustice, or war; where laws are firm and fair for the good of all. Yes, it is going to be, and soon. Listen to now to find out what you can do to be ready to live when Jesus Christ is King.
- Join over 1.2 million students every month - Accelerate your learning by 29% - Unlimited access from just £6.99 per month Using the information in the sources and your own knowledge, in what ways were the lives of the people at home affected by the First World War? Extracts from this document... Introduction Carly Harwood Coursework - Assignment One -. more. Middle There is evidence of this in Source A, written by Clive Emsley (a modern historian), in 'New Perspectives' magazine in 1990. In this secondary data he explains that 'many). more. Conclusion
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Niche User: This school has done a lot for my little brother and has helped him a lot with his behavioral and mental health. Also, the teachers really seem to care about the students. The only thing I will say as a negative is that this school is seriously in need of a renovation. Senior: MCPS is one of the United States most diverse county. Each and every student makes a difference. We are all acknowledged for our hard work, dedication and commitment. The staff and faculty members are always here for their students.
Ellie's really grown up this summer, and I think she's really ready to set out on her own school experience. She won't be in Kindergarten until next year, and I'm really happy that she'll have this year to grow some more and prepare. She got to bring a stuffed animal to school for her first day, and I left her hugging her teddy bear, smiling at her desk. She loves her sister fiercely...and while she's nervous to start school, she sees her sister's enthusiasm and that helps. I can't believe that I have TWO kids in school now. I don't think it's really sunk in. I think it's going to take a while. For now though, I'm just going to give myself this week to adjust and help my kids adjust. I wish all of you with kids going back to school the smoothest of transitions back...and look forward to sharing new projects with you soon. Much love, XOXO, Jill Awwww, they look so sweet & happy!!! Good job Mama!!! Thanks Chelle! They have had so much fun this week! Que preciosas están las dos con ese vestidito, es una tela preciosa. Y que bien que se tengan la una a la otra para apoyarse. Me encanta la segunda imagen, jajaja, la una feliz de empezar su primer grado y la peke emocionada como pensando que pasará, que haremos hoy alli :D Besote!!!! Lu vio el vestido en la tienda e inmediatamente lo quiso para la escuela. Así que por supuesto, Ellie lo quiso tambien. Ellas son buenas amigas. Muchas gracias por el comentario, Ayla.
Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP) Planning • Environment • Real Estate HEP Events Guidance Publications Awards Contacts U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration From: Cynthia J. Burbank Program Manager, Planning and Environment To: Division Administrators Federal Lands Highway Division Engineers Date: May 6, 1999 Reply to: HENE Last March, the FHWA released the FHWA Traffic Noise Model, Version 1.0 (FHWA TNM). To create the data base for the FHWA TNM, the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) developed national Reference Energy Mean Emission Levels (REMELs) for 5 vehicle types, based on field measurements made at 40 sites in 9 States. During this development, State-specific REMELs were analyzed and found to be statistically equivalent to the national REMELs. Thus, there should not be a need for State departments of transportation (DOTs) to develop their own REMELs. As stated in Measurement of Highway-Related Noise, dated May 1996, "Until the design of highway vehicles changes incrementally, or regulatory requirements warrant lower noise emission levels, development of State-specific REMELs is unnecessary." Although it is not prohibited, State DOTs are strongly discouraged from developing and using State-specific REMELs in the FHWA TNM. However, if a State DOT desires to utilize State-specific REMELs in the FHWA TNM, it must complete the following steps, in order: STEP 1: Notify FHWA of its desire to develop State-specific REMELs; STEP 2 Submit a detailed REMEL measurement plan to FHWA for review and approval; STEP 3: Conduct field measurements and develop REMELs; and STEP 4: Submit measurement data and analysis, along with the resulting REMELs, to FHWA for review and approval. The REMELs must be developed in accordance with the procedures outlined in the report Measurement of Highway-Related Noise. The detailed REMEL measurement plan must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the procedures, including their precise application to the measurements at hand. The plan must include a complete discussion of all the items contained in the attached "Requirements for a REMEL Measurement Plan." If you have any questions concerning the development of State-specific REMELs, you may contact Bob Armstrong or Steve Ronning at (202) 366-2073 or (202) 366-2078, respectively. cc: Resource Center Directors
When you think of photo books, you think of . . . . photos. Today, photo books can include photos, scanned documents, graphic elements and even lots of text. This makes them great platforms for family historians to capture and share their family stories. There are a number of photo book publishing services, but one stands out. Blurb is a full service publishing service offering photo book, trade book, magazine and ebook support. Like many of the self-publishing serives, there is no minimum purchase required. If you only want one copy, you only buy one copy. Price is determined by the number of pages, book size and paper quality you choose. You can also sell your book through Blurb if you wish and Blurb can distribute it to other booksellers like Amazon and Apple’s iBooks too. Blurb has a number of book-building tools too. You can choose to build your book using their Online Photo Books tool. It offers pre-designed layouts combining photos with short captions. It supports importing images from your Facebook, Flickr or Instagram account. Download their free BookWright software [Windows & Mac] to build photo books, magazines and even family histories for publishing as either print or ebooks. This series of video tutorials provides an overview of the software and shows you how to build your own books.
Guida ai software gestionali Paperback, 76 Pages Price: $7.58 Prints in 3-5 business days Un manuale per capire il funzionamento di alcuni software per gestire studi di professionisti e condomini. Ratings & ReviewsLog in to review this item There are no reviews for the current version of this product Refreshing... There are no reviews for previous versions of this product Refreshing... Product Details - Standard Copyright License - Published - August 14, 2013 - Language - Italian - - gestione, - condominio, - studio tecnico, - professionale, - software paradiso, - raffaele castelli, - programmi, - computer, - assistenza, - scrittore, - narrativa, - manuali Listed In More From see more > Solo e pensoso Paperback: False vie di fuga Paperback: Il linguaggio è... Paperback: Vicoletti ciechi Paperback: Manuale di scrittura... Paperback: $17.58 $14.94 $18.20 $15.47 $8.06 $6.30 $5.36 $14.61 Age Verification The page you are attempting to access contains content that is not intended for underage readers. Please verify your birth date to continue.
Barcelona-based on-demand delivery startup Glovo is beefing up its engineering capacity by opening a second tech hub, its first in Poland — with an initial plan to hire 40 additional engineers and have a total of 50 tech and product experts working predominantly out of its Warsaw office. Glovo says it expects the Polish engineering hub to make up half of its technology capacity in time. It will have a main focus on developing user-facing features for its marketplace product and for partners operating on the platform, it adds. It also has plans for further expansion of the facility down the line — and an overarching roadmap for its business of a 300-strong engineering team to support building out its on-demand service offering. Its pitch is “everything” delivered on-demand, from fast food to groceries or pharmaceuticals, so long as it’s small and light enough to be handled by one of the couriers picking up jobs on its platform. In August Spanish media reported that Glovo had itself been shopping — picking up Polish food delivery platform Pizza Portal for an acquisition price-tag that’s billed as up to €35 million (~$39 million). Glovo raised a $169 million Series D back in April, which included investment from Drake, owner of global pizza franchise Papa John’s — giving it the means and the motive to gobble smaller rivals in the food delivery space. In all, Glovo operates in more than 20 countries at this stage, though its densest markets of operation remain its home market of Spain and also Italy. In Poland it operates in just eight cities — so the Pizza Portal acquisition looks intended to beef up its footprint there, with the latter slated as the largest food-service platform in the market — even as Glovo doubles down on expanding its engineering capacity by tapping up local tech talent. At the same time, competition for on-demand delivery, and especially food delivery, remains fierce in Europe, where a number of players — including the likes of Deliveroo, JustEat and Uber Eats — are battling it out for territory. And, in some instances, consuming each other to carve out a bigger share of lunch in key markets. Where Glovo doesn’t operate in Europe highlights some of that ongoing food fight, with no offering in Germany or the U.K., for instance. Its regional strategy focuses on the South and East. It has also been building up an international business, opening in markets in LatAm and the Middle East and Africa. Scaling fast is certainly core to Glovo’s playbook, though. It says it launched in a new city every four days on average last year, while the 2015-founded startup now employs more than 1,300 people in all. Glovo founder Oscar Pierre will be joining us at TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin in December to chat about growing an on-demand delivery business — you can find out more about Disrupt conference passes here.
He's been preparing for this moment since his days as a prosecutor in New York. The press proposed various theories to explain how this once-revered eminence had become a maladroit Kent to Trump’s deranged King Lear. Some said Giuliani had a misguided sense of loyalty, others that he had been off his rocker since the death of his political consigliere Peter Powers in 2016. In reality, he has been practicing for his role as Trump’s chief conspiracist for decades. His entire career has been conducted in shout-driven, near-paranoiac overdrive. As a federal prosecutor in the 1980s, he courted the tabloids, donning a leather jacket to conduct a fake drug deal. He also designed the “perp walk” to parade arrested Wall Street executives before the press. In 2000, he held a somber press conference to announce his divorce even before he told his wife. That Giuliani should now take his talents to Fox News is more than coincidental: He owes his political success to its founders. Roger Ailes served as Giuliani’s media consultant during his first, failed mayoral campaign in 1989, and, as mayor, Giuliani returned the favor by offering the fledgling network a public-access TV station; he also officiated Ailes’s wedding. So when he popped up on Fox years later to attack Black Lives Matter and decry Obama’s anti-police “propaganda,” he was renewing a cozy relationship founded not only on political horse-trading but also on a shared affinity for spittle-flecked, anti-liberal invective. The same holds true for the fragrant alliance between America’s mayor and America’s president. The two men share a deep love for all things theatrical. The former mayor’s claim, “I am the real whistleblower,” is entirely of a piece with the president’s odes to his own “unmatched wisdom.” And even though he’s not an opera buff like Giuliani, Trump is at the very least a devoted reader of Page Six. The tragedia for Giuliani is that his fellow New Yorker may not reward his loyalty: It likely won’t be long before Trump throws him under the bus. At that point, America’s mayor will have completed the now familiar trajectory of the mediagenic Trump ally, from Fox pundit to late-night punch line.
Rising percentage of people nowadays tend to recognize that regards equipment used in the construction industry there is a considerable progress. It is indicated by the fact that in order to make a good building it is advised to have proper tools that would not only provide high class of service, but also much more efficient working conditions to the employees. Therefore, it is recommended to remember that inter alia in terms of mining equipment there is broad variety of improvements that are very important concerning the health of the employees. This indicates that compared with the situation for instance 20 years ago, when using space underground wasn’t as popular as it is currently, we may be ascertained that the health harm referred to working underground is significantly minimized. It is proved by the fact that there have been a lot of protections developed, due to which we were given with an occasion to protect various senses from harmful influence inter alia of voice, which in case of underground (poszerzone informacje pod linkiem) construction is pretty big. Consequently, these days working on underground drilling is not as dangerous to our health as it used to be in the past. Taking everything into consideration, as far as mining machines are concerned at present the possibilities in this area have developed substantially and, hence, we might be assured that buying them would provide us better opportunities in miscellaneous areas, which is referred to great variety of advantages.
Rep. Steny Hoyer (D) of Maryland says the current Congress is one of the “least productive and most confrontational” he’s ever served in. As the minority whip in the House, Mr. Hoyer is charged with rounding up votes and mobilizing Democrats on key legislation. He also says for there to be meaningful gun control legislation, there needs to be a national consensus on what to do, because right now, Democrats don’t have the votes in the House or the Senate to pass any sort of measure. He was the guest at the July 25 Monitor breakfast.
Q: Apache MPM_Prefork Setting for high performance My VPS has 16GB RAM / 6 Cores and it's running on Debian 10 with Virtualmin installed. and my script needs mpm_php to work properly. Getting high traffic so I need to adjust the default setting of the mpm_prefork settings. i read mpm_worker or events cannot work with mod_php. Here is my current setting <IfModule mpm_prefork_module> StartServers 60 MinSpareServers 30 MaxSpareServers 80 Serverlimit 840 MaxRequestWorkers 840 MaxConnectionsPerChild 0 </IfModule> Can someone tell if this setting is good for high traffic? or should I need to edit something?
and highlights those that could be hidden under the pieces already assembled. "At Edge": arranges the pieces at the edge of the "Play Room" around the limits of the "Ghost". It leaves in place the parts assembled and those already manually moved. "In Grid": Arranges the pieces evenly on the "Play Room." Arranges the pieces at random on the "Play Room" and leaves only the pieces already assembled in place. "Play Room" and "Trays" and those of position and opacity of the "Ghost" Choose the background color of the "Play Room" is very useful for bringing out the pieces of some puzzles. Open the video tutorial "Tools"
I’ve often blogged about my adoration for Palm Springs. Both my husband and I have been daydreaming about a getaway there. But until life stops getting in the way and time allows for such a vacay, I’m finding satisfaction in swooning over the pretty palm prints I’ve been seeing all over spring fashion. From dresses to tops to festive, palm-adorned accessories, here are my top picks for incorporating this season’s popular fashion trend into your warm season wardrobe. Here’s one style note for you: don’t wear these pieces together. Pick one palm-printed item and wear it with a pattern of a different design, or play it safe with a solid.
Home All About Gout Burdock Root For Gout: Is It Beneficial For The Condition? Burdock Root For Gout: Is It Beneficial For The Condition? Burdock root is a root of a plant that has been used in treating various illnesses for hundreds of years now. Can it be valuable for those who suffer from gout as well? This article will mainly talk about the effectiveness of burdock root for gout. Can it really be beneficial for the condition, or is it the other way around? Read on to know the answers! Burdock Root for Gout: What is it, by the way? 1 Burdock Root for Gout: What is it, by the way? 2 Burdock Root for Gout: Is it beneficial for the condition? Burdock root actually comes from the burdock, a genus of a weed, which is connected to sunflowers and is part of the daisy family. Furthermore, it is obtainable in tea form in different tinctures. Various manufacturers of this tea are promising a very wide range of health benefits. Moreover, there are several studies that have documented the potential of the root in treating common conditions, including inflammation, diabetes, as well as cancer. Nevertheless, the results haven’t been agreed upon universally. The burdock root is native to the regions in Europe and North Asia. Furthermore, it now grows extensively in the United States as weeds. In various parts of the world, people take it like a root vegetable, just like the potatoes. Furthermore, the burdock plant has large heart-shaped leaves. Not just that, it also yields purple flowers in the autumn and spring. When it comes to the traditional medicine, it the burdock roots that offer a multitude of health benefits. The burdock root has oils in it, as well as compounds like plant sterols and tannins. Nonetheless, doctors don’t actually know which of the components of the plant offer the health benefits. Well, this is because most research examines the burdock root as a whole, and not on a specific element in the root. Various herbalists use the burdock root as a blood purifier, as it is a famous detoxifier and possesses a diuretic effect on the body that is beneficial in removing the impurities of the blood from the bloodstream throughout the kidneys, thus helping in the blood circulation. This is very important for those who suffer from gout. This is for the reason that it is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant as well. Furthermore, what makes the burdock root specifically interesting to those who suffer from gout is that it has a very strong xanthine oxidase inhibitor. This is the enzyme, which produces uric acid. If you block this particular enzyme, it is the same way of how the prescription drugs Febuxostat and Allopurinol reduces the levels or uric acid in the blood. Moreover, the burdock root also has inulin, a carbohydrate that is beneficial in strengthening the liver. It also provides a sugar that does not provoke the rapid production of insulin for those who are diabetic. Not just that, it also has polyacetylenes that may destroy the fungus and bacteria cultures. Boosts the immune system: the significant levels of vitamin E and vitamin C in burdock root is beneficial in eliminating free radicals. Thus, it is beneficial in boosting the immune system. Promotes the hormone balance: the burdock root is beneficial for the liver in metabolizing definite hormones, just like estrogen that may rebalance the hormone levels of the body. Skin care: a lot of herbalists suggest taking burdock root supplements to treat various skin conditions. This is since it may solve the causal problems of constipation and toxicity in an efficient and fast way. Detoxifies the liver: the organic compounds in the burdock root have a direct link in the improvement of clearing the toxins from the blood. Controls diabetes: there is a significant level of insulin in the burdock root, which may be beneficial in lowering the overall level of blood cholesterol. This is through the elimination of it from the body. Helps in digestion: burdock is a digestive aid for a lot of reasons. This is because it has a high concentration of fiber, inulin, and so many more compounds good for digestion. If you want to take burdock root, you should bear in mind that even though it is a beneficial treatment, it is also diuretic. Thus, it may cause the body to lose a lot of water. Therefore, you should make sure to keep your body well-hydrated. You should also consult your doctor before taking it.
THE JEEP Wrangler Rubicon was named after the Rubicon Trail, reputed to be the toughest of all off-road trails. The term "crossing the Rubicon" is also synonymous with "going beyond the point of no return." I decided to put the Wrangler Rubicon through its paces at Mount Maarat, an off-road destination known for its steep red-clay climbs and deep-rutted trails. During the wet season, the red clay's consistency is as slippery as grease. Mount Maarat, on a wet day, was the perfect terrain for testing the low-gear transfer case, axle lockers, electronic disconnecting front stabilizer bar, and, if required, the rock rails. The Jeep Wrangler Unlimited is the four-door version of the iconic Wrangler. Signature features include round headlamps, a seven-slot grille, trapezoidal wheel flares, and exposed door hinges. The design is simple, classic, strong and purpose-built, hinting at its military origins. Open-air fun is unique to the Wrangler Unlimited with its three-piece modular plastic hard top or a folding soft top. In addition, it has removable doors and a fold-down windscreen. The Freedom Top hard top has separate left and right front-passenger panels together with a removable rear section. Images come to mind of boxer Manny Pacquiao waving to his fans from an open-topped Wrangler Unlimited on the occasion of his victory motorcade. Ideal, too, for politicians on the campaign trail. Heading for Mount Maarat, the Wrangler Unlimited had its baptism of fire with an urban water crossing on the flooded Marikina roads. A wading depth of 48cm for a stock unit is generous for the flooded Manila thoroughfares. The door seals kept the water out and the carpets dry. At the trail head, I shifted the Off-Road Rock-Trac NV241OR transfer case to low gear. Its 4:1 low-range gear ratio was easy to appreciate as we headed for the top of Mount Maarat. This transfer case was engineered exclusively for the Rubicon variant. The NV241OR transfer case is a part-time system, engaging four-wheel drive only upon the driver's wishes. Before entering the deep ruts, I disconnected the front stabilizer bar by pushing a switch on the center console. The Active Sway Bar System allows added wheel travel for traversing deep ruts, keeping the front tires on the ground, and maintaining traction. As we approached the muddy climbs, I engaged the Tru-Lock front and rear locking differentials. Tru-Lock differentials boost low-speed traction when ascending steep inclines by evenly splitting torque between both wheels on either axle, forcing them to turn together at the same speed. Despite the wet weather and extreme terrain, the Rubicon made it beyond the point of no return that was Mount Maarat. More important, it made it back home.
Covenant of Mayors Ceremony will take place in Brussels on the 29th November. This Ceremony is the annual turning point of the Covenant movement where new cities and regions confirm their commitment. NALAS associations will bring several mayors who signed the Covenant this year to the Ceremony. NALAS members are active Supporters of the Covenant of Mayors. A group consisting of SCTM representatives, state and local public institutions, cities and municipalities from Serbia is visiting EU institutions in Brussels. The visit is organized by Belgrade Open School BOS and Seriban EU Integration Office in the scope of training program on EU Energy Policy. On Wednesday November 23rd the group have met with Mr. Frederic Boyer from CoM Office. Four cities from Serbia have joined the CoM in last couple of months. CoM office will support in the scope of their capacities SCTM and Serbian municipalities in their effort to join the CoM and fulfil the expected obligations. This year's ceremony will present interesting discussions between European policymakers and cities and regions to create a strong link and a fruitful dialogue between European policy initiatives and mayors' hands-on experience. Dr. Alija Behmen, the mayor of Sarajevo, will take part in the panel discussion The City as a Focus for Policy Initiatives. NALAS continues to work for the Covenant of Mayors to cover the whole South-Eastern Europe (SEE) including the municipalities from EU membership candidates and potential candidates. There have been already taken steps to make this possible. NALAS in collaboration with all its members, 15 associations of local governments, is working on promoting the Covenant in SEE amongst the 4000 municipalities in their operational region. At NEXPO, first of its kind municipal fair in SEE which Sarajevo hosted in March this year, 21 mayors signed the Covenant, and 10 local government associations, including NALAS, became its Supporters.
EUROPEAN Union's chief negotiator Michel Barnier says an urgent meeting with the Council of Ministers will be held this week with an aim to "complete the draft withdrawal agreement". “Before that, tomorrow, I will be meeting ministers from 27 members states during general affairs council and will be meeting Brexit steering group of EU parliament . He added Friday was the most important part of the week, where the council of ministers - made up of government ministers from each of the 27 member states, will “assess and judges” the state of talks. Brexit Secretary David Davis said that the agreement represented a "significant step" on ensuring a time-limited implementation period after Brexit which would deliver the certainty demanded by business. Mr Barnier said there were still outstanding issues relating to the Irish border. He said: "We are not at the end of the road and there is a lot of work still to be done. The EU says a border between the Republic of Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland would be unavoidable since London has said it will also be leaving the bloc's single market and customs union. But UK negotiators are said to be anxious that a hard-line Franco-German alliance with Ireland could yet scupper a transition deal. There is mounting concern Dublin, Berlin and Paris could still try and use the Irish border to halt any agreement with Mr Davis. The Brexit Secretary is in Brussels amid warnings from senior Tories that the UK must be allowed to formally sign trade deals during any transition period. Britain will become a "joke nation" if the EU stops it agreeing new trading terms outside the bloc as it withdraws, Jacob Rees-Mogg claimed. Mr Davis is in Brussels to thrash out details of transition arrangements that would come into force when Britain leaves in March 2019. The Brexit Secretary has said he can "live with" an implementation period of under two years if it helps to secure an early deal. Prime Minister Theresa May will head to Brussels on Thursday for a meeting of the European Council where she is hoping a deal on the arrangements will be signed off. In an article for The Daily Telegraph Mr Rees-Mogg, who chairs the Brexit supporting Conservative European Research Group, wrote: "Britain has to decide if it is a serious country or a joke nation. "It would be humiliating for others to have cause to think thus of us. "The United Kingdom will not accept being a subservient state. "In the case of tariffs, once we have left the EU, it is non-negotiable that our trade minister should be able to respond to any threat of increased tariffs from other nations as suits our national interest, not the EU's. "We must be able to negotiate and sign trade deals. "Yet this does not depend just on our legal ability to do so. "It depends on how other countries view us."
The Cirque de Gavarnie is the jewel in the crown of the Pyrénées National Park. An unmissable excursion for nature lovers. The Cirque de Gavarnie, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a limestone site that rises up an impressive 1500 metres. The surrounding landscapes in the heart of the mountains and in completely unspoiled nature are unique. During your walk you will discover the 423-metre Gavernie Falls one of the tallest waterfalls in Europe. You will be spellbound by the stunning backdrop before you. The unique site of the Cirque de Gavarnie is accessible to all. Take a 2 – 4-hour walk with the family via the village of Gavarnie or the Plateau de Bellevue…There are any number of routes to suit your mood or your level of fitness. If you are on a camping holiday in the Hautes-Pyrénées, come and breathe in the wonderful fresh air during a day’s outing to the Cirque de Gavarnie. This is a trip that is truly worth the detour.
To make it through tough times more Americans have borrowed, stolen or raided their small retirement funds to make ends meet. Loans from retirement funds jumped 20 percent last year. This really can’t be a big surprise to many. Faced with difficult financial decisions people will tend to gravitate towards the oath that seems easiest and less painful immediately. It’s actually a classic example of hyperbolic discounting where a situation at hand today feels more urgent than one in the future. The alarm over not being able to afford things leads people to make decisions in order to avoid more painfully imagined solutions like bankruptcy. But what is actually more painful, a bankruptcy now that will take a couple years to overcome or retiring with little to no money left? Logically an immediate bankruptcy makes the most sense. It allows people to discharge their debt, not have to raid the retirement accounts and actually leaves them better able to save for the future. Along with setting themselves up to have to eat dog food to feed themselves in a future broke society, their poor debt relief decisions have left them unable to contribute as much to their retirement funds. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute survey, 27 percent of respondents said they are “not at all confident” they will have enough to retire comfortably. The reality is the actually number is much higher since acknowledgement would require people to overcome denial. If you retire without sufficient income your choices are to continue to work, and most likely at menial jobs, or find a way to live for less. The standard of life we expect in retirement may fall significantly short of what we will actually face. At risk also are college savings for aspiring students. Parents already struggling to just make it month-to-month are having to cut back on their savings and are not able to put aside as much for college for their children. The lack of college savings will require more student to either not attend college or go further in debt with dangerous student loans. According to the College Board, students are already borrowing about twice as much as they did only a decade ago. The more logical outcome to making these issues work is going to be to maintain a smaller or lower lifestyle than expected. That’s going to be tough for many people. Unfortunately people will exhaust resources that are protected from creditors in bankruptcy, or where only a portion could have been tapped to aid in solving an immediate debt crisis. Sometimes this is due to optimism that things will turn around quickly. Sometimes in order to maintain a life style. Sometimes in the name of the all mighty FICO. You summed it up best with one word – denial.
Where is South Daytona? Welcome to South Daytona! Before you start exploring, it's helpful to know some basic facts about where you're headed. So flatten out your map, grab a pencil and listen up. Daytona Beach has a population of around 61,000. So, if you're thinking of heading off on a road trip while you're staying in South Daytona, you're sure to meet some wonderful new people. What are the major attractions in South Daytona? If your trip to South Daytona is all organized but your itinerary is looking a bit empty, we can give you a few hints and tips. There are plenty of sights within close reach of this neighborhood's center, such as Melodie Park. Living Legends of Auto Racing and Daytona Ice Arena are some other close-by sights that lure a great many travelers like yourself. What are the best road trip destinations near South Daytona? Be sure to swing by Beach Street and Hodgmans Daytona when you're here. Set aside enough time to explore — there's plenty to keep you on the go. Beach Street is about 3 miles away, while Hodgmans Daytona is 2 miles. Where are the best beaches near South Daytona? Beach at Daytona Beach (3 miles away). Smyrna Dunes Park (9 miles away). New Smyrna Beach (12 miles away). Where are the best convention centers near South Daytona? If you're here for primarily work-related reasons, you'll likely be heading to Ocean Center. It's situated 4 miles away. What kind of rental car should I get for South Daytona? A road trip is calling your name, and South Daytona is the perfect base for your Daytona Beach adventure. Located 3 miles from the city center, the first thing you'll need to pick up is the key to one our quality rental cars. A full-size SUV will take you around Daytona Beach in total comfort — or you might want to head off the beaten track and explore hidden gems with a powerful four-wheel drive. If you want to easily zip around the city, we'd recommend going with an economy or compact car. They might not be as spacious, but they'll be amazing at gliding into those tight parking lots. Should I get a luxury rental car in South Daytona? There's loads of choice when it comes to rental cars in South Daytona. From swish SUVs with loads of space for luggage to agile compacts, you'll find it all here. Choosing your ride of course depends on your budget and what activities you've got planned. There are some road trips that are just begging you to splurge on your dream ride, whereas others don't need much more than a bargain, no-frills type model. Which car will you be sliding behind the wheel of this trip?
Alliances this wiki You can create or join alliances to aid you in the game. To create an alliance, you must have used at least 3000 moves. The more players in the alliance, the stronger it is. There is no limit to the number of players there can be in an alliance. Many smaller alliances will accept any new member. Larger alliances may have special entry criteria, such as controlling a certain number of settlements or having a certain levels of stats. The top alliances, in terms of settlements governed, can have thousands of settlements. By joining an alliance you have better odds of finding jackpots of Mars Dollars in ruins. Each settlement owned by the alliance contributes to this. You also gain the protection of stronger alliance members as they can help prevent other alliances from stealing settlements. Alliance members can also share mission information. Typically this is done via personal message or alliance forum.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the binding affinities and dissociation potencies of several 5-HT 2 antagonists in M 2 muscarinic receptor of rat heart membranes using [ 3 H]QNB as a radioligand. The 5-HT 2 antagonists used in this study were sarpogrelate, ketanserin and cyproheptadine. The results showed that sarpogrelate and ketanserin had very weak binding affinities to M 2 muscarinic receptor, whereas cyproheptadine had higher binding affinity to this receptor than the more » ... ptor than the muscarinic receptor antagonist, atropine. All of these three 5-HT 2 antagonists as well as muscarinic receptor antagonists (atropine and pirenzepine) were readily dissociated from M 2 muscarinic receptor in rat heart membranes after washing. Therefore, the findings of the present investigation suggest that the dissociation potencies of neither 5-HT 2 antagonists nor muscarinic antagonists used correlate with their binding affinities to M 2 muscarinic receptors in rat heart.
See more "cf card" Excellent PerformanceSupporting Ultra DMA mode 0-4 (Default setting: Ultra DMA 4), this Transcend 133x CF card with dual-channel support features premium data transfer rate of 15-40MB/s (max), delivering outstanding, reliable shot-to-shot performance and fast transfer to computer. Rich FeaturesBuilt-in hardware ECC technology detects and corrects error for data integrity. Low power consumption extends battery runtime so you can take more shots on a single charge. Pros: HUGE data capacity - 32 gig means I can shoot RAW format all day at the track without dumping to a laptop or changing cards Great price for the storage! Overall Review: I've been using the Transcend disks for a few years now, and have never had an issue. Bonus for Canon 40D users - our cameras are not capable of the faster bus speeds, so 133 transfer rate is as fast as you need to go. Don't waste your money on high speed cards! Pros: Huge storage space, I could keep all my work on the computer and still have room for iTunes. Cons: DIY SSD WARNING: DO NOT USE FOR SSD, write speeds are horrible. Using HD Tune PRO I got 11.7 MB/sec sequential write speed and 26.5 MB/sec sequential read speed. Tests were ran using a CF to 44-pin IDE and then a IDE to USB 2.0 adapter. Overall Review: 133x refers to the read speed only, write speed are less than half that. 1x = 150 KB/sec, 133x = 19.95 MB/sec. Random write speeds are less than half of sequential write speed, so when using this as as SSD, I probably got around 6 MB/sec. Pros: Price and capacity are outstanding. Newegg had it to me in no time (competition was backordered and considerably more $$). I have been using a 16gb Sandisk Extreme III (rated at 133x) with my Canon DSLR. The camera can shoot around 3 pictures a second with Raw and jpg files totalling around 16mb each. Between the cameras buffer and the memory cards capacity I found the performance of this new 32gb card to be identical to the more expensive 16gb Sandisk. Awesome card!! Overall Review: What else can I say - she is a great card - I have had other transcend cards and they have not stopped performing. Pros: I bought this product here at Newegg, but I don’t know why I was not able to right the review from my account. This being cleared, the 32GB CF from Transcend is as good as the 16GB. I have 2 32GB and 4 16GB among other brands too. They are a very good cost/benefit relation, fast enough (speed does not depend only from the card, but also from your device). I’ve been buying Transcend CF for more than 4 years, and never had one single problem with them. I still have my first 1GB card, and still working. Cons: I have a couple of faster CF cards (just to say something cons), but none justify the price difference. Overall Review: Don’t worry, buy it! It is a good product, good price, and Newegg is great in terms of delivery. Pros: Used to upgrade my ipod mini from 4GB microdrive to 16GB flash memory. Works perfectly, one of the few cards that will work for this application. I now have a mini with 14.8GB of storage. Aslo tried it in my Nikon D200 briefly and it functioned perfectly - but never fully utilized its capacity. Cons: Low cost, works well for this application. Pros: high capacity, fast enough, and cheap. Overall Review: It is fully compatible to Canon 5D Mark II. 1080p Video no problem. 3.9fps burst no problem. Pros: installed on my iPod mini 1st gen. worked flawlessly, even reused the plastic corner parts and tape on the original 4GB micro drive. Overall Review: backed up music from iPod --> laptop using YamiPOD. did a restore (format) in iTunes. loaded backed up music back on the iPod using WinAmp. you will need an external power adapter after the restore. buy one on ama*on for a penny. Pros: Huge Seems plenty fast to me.
As many of you may have heard on the news, Influenza is widespread in the state of Maine. We have had Influenza B confirmed within our schools and we are confident that we continue to see symptoms of Influenza in our health offices this week. Influenza is a contagious respiratory virus that can range from mild to severe cases, including death in some cases. Because Influenza is a virus, there isn’t a medication to treat it. In some cases an antiviral medication can be prescribed to lessen the length of the illness, but this window of opportunity is small. We need your help in decreasing the spread of Influenza in our community.
Direct private charter flights from Waco Regional Airport (ACT) in Waco, TX to Moore-Murrell Airport (MOR) in Morristown, TN via Linear Air Taxi. Total private charter airfare between Waco Regional Airport and Moore-Murrell Airport ranges from $17981 to $39919 for the specified travel dates. The total fare is the price for the entire charter plane (price per person is based on the number of passengers entered above). Flight duration ranges from 2 hours 11 minutes to 3 hours 15 minutes, depending on the aircraft. The flight distance from Waco to Morristown is 742 miles and average flight time is 3 hours 15 minutes. If you were to drive from Waco to Morristown, it would take 20 hours 30 minutes to drive 1025 miles.
To Professor John Henderson, about my/his belly. Would be great to cut a fine figure. Swaying on my two pins. Uh huh? I’m listening, I say. asking John for a hug. with smoothing palm. Are you thinking about John now? John Henderson belly closes her eyes. into one tumbling waterfall of cadences. What about his ablatives, his hyperbatons? Belly schmoosh. His semantic analytics? His patterns? His parsings? His epics? His topsy turvey word order? for words. His exploratory thematics? She’s gone, lost in loin-louche. Maria Andrews is a short film maker and photographer who occasionally gets published in poetry mags (Polka Dot Ceiling, Still Life) and was once published in a collection (Bloody Amazing). Her current alias is a puppet called Leopold, who is a London correspondent for She likes belly laughs |||EMAIL_ADDRESS|||
Obituaries Celebrating the life of Donna Lynn Landherr LYNN LANDHERR, 69, of Morrison, IL, died Thursday, August 1, 2019, at CGH Medical Center, in Sterling, IL. Her funeral service will be 2:00 PM Wednesday, August 7, 2019, at the Morrison United Methodist Church in Morrison with Rev. Dr. Noah Panlilio officiating. There will be no visitation. The Morrison Chapel of the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Interment will be at Grove Hill Cemetery in Morrison. A memorial has been established by the family. Donna was born June 27, 1950, in Morrison, IL, to Dan and Dorothy (Van Kampen) Carroll. She was educated in the Morrison grade schools and was a 1968 graduate of Morrison High School. Donna married Glenn F. Landherr on May 27, 1972 in Morrison. Donna was a homemaker who enjoyed taking rides, camping, playing games on her tablet and scrapbooking. She also enjoyed dancing and listening to dance music. Survivors include her husband, Glenn; one daughter, Michelle Goossens of Morrison; one son, Eric (Julie Deluna) Landherr of Morrison; three grandchildren, Wyatt Goossens; Brady and Gavin Landherr; two sisters, Mrs. Janice Stage of Fulton, IL and Mary (Larry) Eads of Morrison, IL; one brother, Robert (Gloria) Carroll of Davis, IL; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Brad Landherr; one sister, Linda DeGroot; one brother, Daniel J. Carroll; four brothers-in-law, Donald Stage, Sr., Don Landherr, Lester Landherr, and Rudy Landherr. To plant a tree in memory of Donna Lynn Landherr, visit the Tribute Store. Previous Events Service 7 Aug 200 W. Lincolnway Morrison, IL 61270 Welcome to Donna's Memorial WallShare memories & photos, send flowers, and much more.
During Maya Brown's sophomore year at Southeast Raleigh High School three years ago, a homework assignment from her medical science teacher inspired what would become an annual fundraiser and youth support group for Alzheimer's disease. The teacher asked students to report on the progress of research and treatment for a disease. Maya chose Alzheimer's. "In my research, I learned that over $10 billion a year is spent on cancer and heart disease research," Maya says. "In comparison, Alzheimer's disease spends less than 10 percent of that amount. While other people might shake their heads and think, 'That's a shame,' I decided to take action."Maya met with Laura Gaddis, owner and executive director of The Guardian Angel in Fuquay-Varina, a nonprofit store supporting Alzheimer's research, and asked for permission to coordinate a Home Run Derby to raise money for the store. Gaddis gave Maya her full support and on Aug. 13, 2011, after months of hard work, Maya pulled off the first annual Home Run Derby. After the first derby, a friend and mentor encouraged Maya to found The Guardian Angels Youth Group. Its primary goal is to provide young volunteers to work at The Guardian Angel Thrift, which recently opened another store in Apex, and to visit patients suffering from Alzheimer's at senior assisted living centers.
The Galveston Island Humane Society, Inc. is dedicated to promoting animal welfare and the protection and prevention of unwanted or homeless animals. GIHS is an "open admission" shelter for Galveston Island. That means we accept all homeless pets, even when the shelter is full. Our open admission status in a community with a disproportionately high number of homeless or unwanted pets leads to needless euthanasia of pets in our shelter. Even with that, we work hard to assure that adoptable pets are not held under a time limit. In a new policy, appointments are now required for owner surrenders as the shelter is consistently at capacity and owners are encouraged to attempt to re-home their pets on their own if possible.
The body top tag is not a self-closing tag. The content placed between the opening and closing of this tag is moved to the top of the body tag. When something is passed using this taglib, the body_top-top> tag to include JavaScript provided by the portlet’s bundle: <liferay-util:body-top <script src="/o/my-liferay-util-portlet/js/my_custom_javascript_body_top.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </liferay-util:body-top> Now you know how to use the <liferay-util:body-top> tag to include additional resources in the top of the page’s body.
The iconic Patsy’s restaurant is run by Sal Scognamillo, who is both a consummate host and creator of exquisite Neapolitan fare. Sinatra’s favourite dishes were Posillipo, fusilli with fileto di pomodoro, and ricotta torte for dessert. Born in 1915 in Hoboken, New Jersey, Sinatra continued his enduring love affair with New York, even after moving to the West coast. Now, as his legend fades and his fan base dies off, many of the notable Sinatra landmarks and old haunts have been forgotten – except one. During his extraordinary life, one little restaurant in New York remained a firm favourite, and it is still there today – with the same family running it. Sinatra’s love affair with this restaurant would endure, throughout his life. Ole Blue Eyes died of a heart attack in 1998, aged 82, after more than a year battling heart disease and cancer. The New York boy was buried in California. WHERE: Patsy’s Restaurant, 236 W 56th St.
Send Condolence George B. 'Bernie' Foy age 83 passed away Tuesday evening, April 17, 2012 at the Hospice House in Sebring, FL. He was a resident of Lake Wales, FL and a former resident of Brown County & Indianapolis. George was born February 4, 1929 in Mt. Morris, MI to the late Harry J. & Dorothy E. (Wilson) Foy. He married Patricia Ann (Steinbrecher) Foy on October 6, 1951 in Indianapolis. She survives in Lake Wales, FL after 60 loving years of marriage. George was a 1948 graduate of Shortridge High School in Indianapolis and attended college before being called to serve his county as a Yeoman Third Class with the United States Navy during the Korean War. George was the devoted father to: Jan-Nette Diane (Michael) Beaugh of Fayetteville, NC, Terry Ann Foy of Cincinnati,OH, Bridget Dixie Foy of Greenfield, Danny Buck (Kim) Foy of Wilkes-Barre, PA, Shonn Patrick (Lori) Foy of Columbia City and Brian Timothy Foy of Indianapolis. He will be remembered by his brother: Henry Keith (Nancy) Foy of Terre Haute; 15 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. George was preceded in death by two children: Christine Jan Foy - Rowe & Kelly Christopher Foy; and two siblings: Dorothy Jean McIntyre & Bernice Sorenson. He retired in 1987 as a Letter Carrier for the United States Postal Service in Indianapolis after 35 years of service. After retirement, George enjoyed working as a Licensed Real Estate Agent in Indiana & Florida and also worked for Vanguard Schools in Lake Wales, FL.He was a member & Deacon at the Morgantown Baptist Church and the University Heights Baptist Church in Indianapolis. George was dedicated to serving the Lord and helping those in need both in Indiana and Florida. The Rev. Ben Swopes will conduct a funeral service at 10 am Monday at the Morgantown Baptist Church,109 E. Elm Street in Morgantown. Friends may call from 6 to 8 pm on Sunday at Meredith - Clark Funeral Home Cremation & Personalization Center, 179 E. Mulberry Street in Morgantown. George will be laid to rest at the East Hill Cemetery in Morgantown with military rites presented by the Martinsville American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guards. Memorial contributions may be sent in honor of George to the "Youth for Christ" PO Box 2584 Winter Haven, FL 33883-2584. Expressions of caring and kindness can be made to the Foy family at. Information: (812) 597-4670 My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this difficult time. May you find comfort knowing that George is with our Lord. Hi Jan-Nette and Terry (and the other Foy's). Sorry to hear about your dad. Hello All, It is with love and deep sadness I send to all of you my condolences. Uncle Bernie is now so happy as we know he is with our Saviour and loved ones. No more tears, no more pain, no more suffering...Praise Jesus. Love and prayers go out for you all, especially you Aunt Pat ~ Love, Collette My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this difficult time. Your dad is happy as we know he is heaven. I will send thoughts and prayers for everyone at this sad time. Your father and Chris will be together now with God. Time does heal. To the Foy family: this morning when Dan asked if anyone wanted to say something about your Dad, I wanted to raise my hand, but I didn't feel it was appropriate. I never had the privilege of meeting your Dad, but I feel as if I know him as well as all of you. It was so cool to hear of your Dad's involvement with "Youth for Christ" and how he worked with young wayward men. Shonn mentioned how you all do things the same.e.g., use a fan. Just as your Dad influenced and impacted the lives of wayward young men, Terry also influenced and impacted the life of this wayward 34 year old. I am grateful that your Dad modeled a life of sharing the Gospel with those who are not like you and just as your Dad followed Jesus, I am grateful that Terry and all of you do also. Love In Christ, Linda McKindley To Terry and siblings. I'm so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. I hope you can be comforted in knowing he is with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, where he will never suffer again. Aunt Pat, O'm so sorry for your loss.I'm sorry that I could not be there. I hope all is well with you and your family. Ke
Officials and students from Nigeria Customs Command and Staff College, Gwagwalada have visited Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) purposely to learn about the implementation of customs duties as part of their training in African countries. The Customs duties are charges levied on goods when they cross international borders. Customs duties are charged by special authorities and bodies created by local governments and are meant to protect local industries, economies, and businesses. The delegation was hosted by Mcha Hassan Mcha, TRA Deputy Commissioner in Tanzania’s business capital, Dar es Salaam. During their visit, the officials and students get the chance to learn how Tanzania Revenue Authority is implementing customs duties. However, Tanzania Revenue Authority is currently using Single Customs Territory on goods passing through Tanzania to the EAC countries and intra trade of the region. This initiative was launched in October 2013 and piloted first in the Northern Corridor involving Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. Following successful implementation in the Northern Corridor, the same is now been implemented in the Central Corridor which involves Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Coronavirus: Les conseils de nos lecteurs! Scores lose millions to Savana Brokerage as grift scheme hits Ghana.
You can watch the full June 17 "On Assignment" online here. Lester Holt embeds with a special community police unit in one of the toughest neighborhoods in the country – Watts, South Los Angeles. In a nation still reeling from Ferguson and Baltimore, what he finds may be a way to resolve the distrust and hate between poor urban communities and the forces sworn to serve and protect them. Kate Snow reports on a drug industry insider, Steven Francesco, whose son died suddenly from a rare side effect of taking antipsychotics. Francesco’s grief and remorse launched him on a journey to find out more about the system he thought he knew and why it had failed his son.
In GravityForm + Paypal Standard, the Total is calculated correctly in Firefox, while on Safari (desktop and mobile) the calculation does not work and the result remains zero. I tried to activate the default theme, and the calculation of the Total works correctly on all browsers. The problem seems to be with Enfold. Do you have news of this problem? Enfold |||IP_ADDRESS||| , WordPress 5.3.2, GravityForm 2.4.16, Gravity Forms PayPal Standard Add-On 3.2. (on left Firefox, on right Safari). your beta version solve the issue. Do you authorize me to continue using your beta version? Or should I wait for the official Enfold update? The topic ‘GravityForm + Paypal Standard, error in the calculation of the Total on Safari’ is closed to new replies.
996 * Source/cmake/OptionsWPE.cmake: Drop the OpenGLES2 package search. 998 as the underlying GL relay. 3849 Stop disabling these options in cross builds. 3861 Add ENABLE_PERIODIC_MEMORY_MONITOR flag. 3866 Define ENABLE_PERIODIC_MEMORY_MONITOR flags in specific platform's options. 3867 Enable it for PlayStation port. 3882 Add the PerformanceTest subdirectory for all ports when in DEVELOPER_MODE. 3895 and have bots run its tests. 3904 Enable GPUProcess in WPE. 3916 Enable s-w-r for GTK/WPE. 3928 * Source/cmake/OptionsCommon.cmake: Remove code to set HAVE_STRINGS_H. 3937 Use correct target namespace. 3948 Remove explicit setting of USE_EXPORT_MACROS from all ports. 3952 PlayStation port. 3955 required. For example production builds may want to override them. 3972 features option is enabled. 3982 the project root directory. Let's just ignore it. 3992 on platforms without inspector frontends. 4008 1.12 when building with WebRTC/MediaStream enabled. 4012 [GTK] ENABLE(OPENGL) remmants... 4018 r254064 but not in all the code base... 4030 Disable API tests and GObject introspection when building with GTK4. 4042 "[Win] Bundle Inspector Resources in Release builds" 4054 - Add PLAYSTATION_COPY_SHARED_LIBRARIES() to install dependencies. 4055 - Add -g option for "Release" configuration. 4056 - Drop "RelWithDebInfo" and "MinSizeRel" configuration. 4090 PAL is built as a static library. 4112 * Source/cmake/OptionsCommon.cmake: Move ICU-configuring macros to Platform.h. 4113 * Source/cmake/OptionsJSCOnly.cmake: Ditto. 4123 Add a WebKitTestRunner derived sources directory. 4135 * Source/cmake/FindGTKUnixPrint.cmake: Removed. 4145 Enable resource load statistics. 4157 Add a target file for internal Apple Windows builds. 4159 * Source/cmake/target/WebCore.cmake: Added. 4168 Because GTK4 is the future and NPAPI plugins the past. 4176 It's not supported yet. 4191 still change. 4207 disk cache would be used, if WEBKIT_USE_SCCACHE is set to 1. 4232 them in both executables and shared libraries. 4242 "Enable the use of XCBuild by default in Apple builds" 4303 * Source/cmake/FindGDK3.cmake: Removed. 4304 * Source/cmake/FindGTK.cmake: Added. 4307 options automatically without needing to use a separate find module for GDK. 4320 Add a DumpRenderTree derived sources directory. 4341 Also ensure that the C++ API is hidden for all platforms. 4350 Add a MiniBrowser derived sources directory. 4362 is used in the source code. 4371 It broke WinCairo builds (Requested by fujihiro on #webkit). 4375 "Enable offlineasm debug annotations for GCC" 4386 Enable GPU Process for development builds as an experimental feature. 4398 libWebCore.a. This is similar to what happened with Visual Studio and WinCairo. 4400 Additionally hidden visibility defaults are added for the port. 4412 the ANGLE-backed implementation can be used for it. 4422 with this setting as of Visual Studio 16.5.0. 4458 Use an linker option instead. 4469 Add build option for inserting distributor branding into the user agent string. 4478 Rubber-stamped by Žan Doberšek. 4482 disable logging until we figure out a better way to handle this. 4495 ensure the script always works even if the shebang does not. 4522 * Source/cmake/FindSystemd.cmake: Added. 4535 elsewhere and is no longer needed. 4548 Added a new compile flag for WEBXR which depends on WEBGL. 4554 Largely based on previous work by Žan Doberšek. 4556 * Source/cmake/FindOpenXR.cmake: Added. 4558 WEBXR is enabled exposing USE_OPENXR to the build. 4559 * Source/cmake/WebKitFeatures.cmake: Added ENABLE_WEBXR. 4560 * Source/cmake/tools/vsprops/FeatureDefines.props: Ditto. 4561 * Source/cmake/tools/vsprops/FeatureDefinesCairo.props: Ditto. 4571 printing warnings except when there is an actual problem.