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Q: How to save related case accountNumber field on Task Using Process Builder I need to create a field in task where the value should be the task related case related Account Number. I want task.whatid.account.accountnumber something like this A: Since the What field is a polymorphic lookup, it is not very flexible to fetch the data from the parent object. If you are still willing to try a trigger, here is a sample code. trigger updateCaseAccount on Task (before insert, before update) { List<Id> lstCaseIds = new List<Id>(); for (Task task :{ if(task.WhatId != null){ lstCaseIds.add(task.WhatId); } } Map<Id, Case> mapCases = new Map<Id, Case>([SELECT Id, Account.AccountNumber FROM Case WHERE Id =: lstCaseIds]); for (Task task :{ if(task.WhatId != null){ task.Case_Account__c = mapCases.get(task.WhatId).Account.AccountNumber; } } } I have created the field Case_Account__c as a text field, which will be populated with AccountNumber using the Account related to the Case. A: Try this trigger. trigger TaskTrigger on Task (before insert, before update) { Set<Id> caseIds = new Set<Id>(); for (Task t : { if(t.WhatId != null && String.valueOf(t.WhatId).startWith('500')) { caseIds.add(t.WhatId); } } Map<Id, Case> caseMap = new Map<Id, Case>([SELECT Id, AccountId, Account.AccountNumber FROM Case WHERE Id IN :caseIds]); for (Task t : { if(t.WhatId != null) { t.Account_Number__c = caseMap.get(t.WhatId).Account.AccountNumber; } } } You can also go for process builder with flows.
The primary objective of this collective effort is the promotion of Andros island as a top tourist destination in Greece and abroad. The branding of the tourist product called Andros according to the characteristics of the island and the development of a strategy for its promotion. The aim is also to strengthen and promote each member-company separately as it is a collective effort of the island’s businesses, which as members contribute in every way to achieving this goal. Fill in the form below to get further information on how you can contribute to it as well as benefit from the overall effort.
Roger is too modest to point out that he is the sole trader responsible for or whatever the site is that he mentions. He is also a holder of a consumer credit licence No: 221556, which imposes (amongst other things) a code of conduct on him. I'm absolutely certain that covertly attracting business in the guise of friendly assistance is covered by this, and anybody interested might want to contact Roger's local trading standards people (he's in Bournemouth, Dorset). Their number is 01305 224701.
The Worst Person in the World Joachim Trier's film The Worst Person in the World (Norwegian: Verdens verste menneske) is a romantic black comedy-drama released in 2021. Renate Reinsve won the award for Best Actress for her role in the film, which opened in competition at the Cannes Film Festival in 2021. The film was nominated for Best International Feature Film and Best Original Screenplay at the 94th Academy Awards Julie is a medical student in Oslo who has an epiphany and decides to pursue psychology instead of her lover after experiencing an epiphany. Julie is taken to the building where Aksel grew up and was motivated to pursue a career as an artist. Julie is working as an on-set photographer on a film shoot sometime later. She pictures an actress and then sees the actress outside with Eivind and a baby through a window FOR MORE DETAILS SWIPE UP
Academics with links to the pharmaceutical industry were more likely to talk up the risks of the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic in the media and promote the use of drugs than those without these ties, finds research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. During the 2009-2010 swine flu pandemic, the UK spent an estimated £1 billion on pharmaceuticals, including antiviral drugs (neuraminidase inhibitors) and an H1N1 specific vaccine. Pharma made £4.5-6.5 billion out of H1N1 vaccines alone. Concerns were subsequently raised about the links (competing interests) experts on influential scientific advisory committees, including the WHO’s Emergency Committee, had with drug companies. Researchers retrospectively analysed UK newspaper print coverage of the HIN1 swine flu pandemic, to assess the extent of competing interests among sources quoted on the topic between April and July 2009—the period when major decisions were being made about how best to respond to the emerging threat. Daily, Sunday, tabloid, middle market, and broadsheet publications on both sides of the political spectrum were included, to reflect a range of perspectives and reporting styles. Broadcast media were excluded on the grounds that print media offered more in-depth analysis and more divergent viewpoints. The final sample of 425 articles was scrutinised for the sources quoted, the assessment of the risk to the population made by each source, and the promotion or rejection of drugs/vaccines. Competing interests for each named academic quoted were then unearthed, using conflict of interest statements, funding sources detailed on profile pages, Google searches, and funding declarations on all publications in the previous four years. Grants, honoraria, speakers’ fees, consultancies, advisory roles, employment, and directorship/stock ownership were all considered competing interests. The analysis showed that during the study period, health ministers were the most frequently quoted source (34%) in media articles on swine flu, followed by academics (30%). Sixty one academics were quoted, 18 (30%) of whom had competing interests. The academics made 74 risk assessments, over half of which (44; 59.5%) were higher than those made by official agencies, such as the Department of Health, in the same article. Of these, 35 were made by academics with competing interests, meaning that risk assessments from these academics were almost six times as likely to be higher than those from official agencies, compared with risk assessments made by academics without any industry links. Twenty academics commented specifically on drugs/vaccines in 36 articles (8.5% of the total). Half of them had competing interests—a higher proportion than the one in three on the WHO’s Emergency Committee. Half of the commentators promoted the use of antiviral drugs and around half (45%) promoted the use of a vaccine. Some 15% promoted both. Academics promoting the use of antiviral drugs in newspaper articles were eight times more likely to have pharma industry links than those not commenting on their use. Only three articles out of the 425 mentioned that the quoted academic had a potential competing interest. The researchers acknowledge that the interviews may have contained more nuanced views than appeared in print, and that journalists may have sought divergent views to balance a story or increase its newsworthiness. But academics are a trusted and accessible source of comment for journalists and are in a unique and powerful position during emerging public health threats, they say. “Our results provide some evidence that the provision of higher risk assessments and the promotion of [antiviral drugs] are associated with [competing interests] among academics,” they write. “These add to the growing body of literature highlighting the potential influence of the pharmaceutical industry on policy decisions through multiple avenues, including advisory committees, drafting of guidelines, and media commentary,” they note.
Explore Photos of Two Seater Dining Tables (Showing 14 of 25 Photos)Preferred Two Seater Dining Tables for White 2 Seater Dining Table Awesome Fern And Tori Kitchen Dining Set | Find the Best Interior Design Ideas to Match Your Style. It is important for your living room to be presented with the proper two seater dining tables as well as effectively setting up to accommodate greatest overall comfort to any person. A great mixtures and also layout of the dining room are going to increase the interior decoration of your room thereby making it more look good also comfy, giving you this latest life to the house. When you commit to shopping for a product and point, as you even spend money on searching around for the potential purchasing there are many features you will want to make sure you complete before anything else. The most convenient way to choose the ideal dining room is by having a perfect dimensions of that area and the already present furniture themes. Getting the good two seater dining tables provide you with a nicely layout, outstanding and also enjoyable space or room. Explore on the internet to get inspiration for your dining room. And then, look at the space you have to work with, along with your people at home needs and you will be ready to design a room that you are going to enjoy over the years. The details helps anyone to take on two seater dining tables at any time, by know there is certainly a large number of elements adjust a place. The best part can be easy to establish your place incredible with home decor that will fit your chosen design and style, there are certainly several tips to get in the mood about establishing the home incredible, regardless of your design and style and preference. As a result, our suggestions is to hang out a little thinking about your personal choice in addition to read and learn what you may prefer and also planning your home an object that is remarkable to you. Usually there are a considerable amount of factors to check in picking your two seater dining tables. Maximize out of your dining room following a variety furniture guide, the better place to start would be to know what you intend on putting on the dining room for. Dependent on whatever you are planning to use on the dining room can determine the alternatives you happen to make. Whether or not you are dressing up your living room or even designing your first room, thinking about your two seater dining tables is a great factor. Keep doing all these advice to set up the impression you desire no matter what the living space available. The best method to get started preparing dining room could be to select a center point for the room, then arrange the other parts of the furniture items complement all around the dining room. Preferring your dining room consists of various things to think about in spite of its measurements and concept. To reduce furnishing your home uncomfortable, be concerned about a few recommendations as said by the specialist for making a choice on your two seater dining tables. It is more effective in the event that create special appeal. Color choice and even individualism can make each and every place feel like this is positively all yours. Mix your main theme using the constant color preferences to cause it come across pleasantly more inviting. The best color, pattern and also quality makes impressive the visual appeal of your current house. It can be the best idea to shop two seater dining tables after having a good attention at the item that you can buy, check for their prices, compare and then choose the most excellent product at the most excellent value. This will allow you to in having to get the good dining room for your household to make it more fascinating, and also enhance it with the best items and accents to make it a home to be enjoyed for several years. And what appears to be better, you can certainly find offers on dining room the moment you look around also commonly when you finally look to buy two seater dining tables. Before buying any kind of pieces of furniture by yourself, try your best to have the effective strategies to ensure you are essentially shopping for whatever it is you would like to purchase so now, be sure that you are bringing your concentration through internet for the order, where you are to be guaranteed to have the feature to discover the best prices reasonable.
Balancing motherhood and a career By CNN's Mallika Kapur LONDON, England (CNN) -- Motherhood does not have to mean jumping off the career ladder, and an increasing number of women are choosing to juggle both, statistics show. A growing number of British women -- 80 percent according to recent figures -- are returning to work either part-time or full-time before their child is 18 months old. But juggling parenthood and a career often means making compromises. A survey by charity The Maternity Alliance this year revealed that one in four parents accepted a cut in salary or job status as part of arranging greater flexibility in their hours. For Denise Tyler, returning to work after having her baby meant creating a new business, allowing her to work from home three days a week. After struggling to find useful information targeted at working mothers, she decided to set up Mother@Work -- a Web-based magazine specifically for working mothers, offering practical, legal and financial advice as well as a forum for them to share their experiences. "What I think women are getting out of it is feeling that they aren't alone, because one of the feelings I think most working mothers have -- even if it's by choice that you are working and a mother -- is ... 'How am I going to cope?'" Tyler says much has changed from 30 years ago, when women campaigned for equality in the workplace. These days, she says, women can more easily combine their professional and personal lives. "Now we have achieved that. We can work and have high-flying careers. But we can also have the choice of having a family at the same time." Management consultant Sharmila Guha, pregnant with her second child, is on maternity leave. After her first child, son Rohan, now 2, was born, she cut down her working hours, which has involved making a compromise in her career. "The thing that I've had to accept, which has been quite difficult, is that I've gone from being one of the lead performers in my peer group to being an average performer in terms of appraisals. So that's a bit of an adjustment." Despite this, Guha says she feels as though she has a good balance between work and motherhood. "The choice was mine, and at the moment, given the experience I have, I don't feel I have been unduly disadvantaged."
protective orders, and collaborative law. of or access to the child becomes a final, appealable order. Sec. 102.004. STANDING FOR GRANDPARENT OR OTHER PERSON. the child's physical health or emotional development. the order is filed for record. (2) the agreement is not in the child's best interest. the court in determining the best interests of the child. be part of the record in the case. States, or a foreign government. (7) any other relevant factor. conflicting weekend or Thursday [Wednesday] periods of possession. of the child on the first weekend of each month beginning at 6 p.m. any court order applicable when a parent is not deployed. the requirements of Section 155.204(a). county for six months or longer. of the filing of the motion. denying that grounds for the transfer exist. the date the hearing is concluded. proceeding is not subject to interlocutory appeal. transfer the files as provided by this subchapter. [(4)] a certified copy of each final order [rendered]. the transferred pleadings and other requested documents [files]. pleadings and other requested documents [files]. court's local registry that the suit has been docketed. person is in the best interest of the child. conditions for the possession of or access to a child. person designated by the deployed conservator. changed since the date of the order's rendition. resources during the period of service. grounds described by Subsection (a). financially responsible for the child. or filed on or after the effective date of this Act.
Today begins with a new you. Beyond our doors lies a unique journey, a place where accomplishment exceeds capabilities. Belmars is like a precious gem, waiting to be discovered. We are a small independent gym in White Plains, NY in Westchester County offering a diverse range of programs. We specialize in teaching Muay Thai kickboxing, Olympic boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, zumba, yoga, private training and general fitness. Everyone is different and that's why Belmars is committed to your personal development. Whether your goal is to be more fit or compete, Belmars will train you to succeed. We do things a little different here - a little unique. Our programs are designed to increase awareness, energy levels, and self-confidence. We are dedicated to training students, whether they are beginners or more advanced athletes, to the best of their abilities, with step-by-step professional guidance at each stage of their development. Some Days Are Sad And Others Are Spent At Belmars! Ready to experience the benefits of training at Belmars? Come try a FREE class in one or more of the following programs. Are you ready to go 12 rounds? There are two types of people in this world. Those who Zumba, and those who don’t know what they’re missing. Our circuit-base training sessions will push you to your limit and beyond. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for beginners to advance students. Yoga for your mind body and soul. I love it here! you get such a great workout while having fun. I go for boxing with Peter and the Kickfit circuit with Julia and Rhiannon. Peter passes the class by teaching you valuable skills and getting you to work harder than you ever have before all while cracking jokes and making you laugh. The hour would fly by and my classes with him soon became something I really looked forward to during the week. There are no words to describe how fabulous this gym is. The instructors are so skillful, talented & patience. I work out all the time, but this workout is beyond anything I experience. Belmars Muay Thai & circuit course was the BEST!!! I have tried other schools in the past but they never had me so motivated to learn & get in shape. The beginners course trains your mind & body and prepares you for a better healthy more active life. Great class, where you learn to keep yourself fit, and the training makes boot camp look like a walk in the park. I really feel that I have a beginners understanding of Muay Thai and it is exciting to see the techniques we've learned when I see a professional fight. I definitely am in better shape, and can see a difference in my body. An intense yet positive program that provokes the best results from all participants. Peter and his entire team are a pleasure and I would highly recommend this to everyone. Come in for a FREE week of training in the program of your choice.
The death toll from rioting in South Africa rose to 45 on Tuesday as police and the military tried to halt the unrest in poor areas of two provinces that began last week after the imprisonment of former President Jacob Zuma. Many of the deaths in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces occurred in chaotic stampedes as scores of people stole food, electric appliances, liquor and clothing from stores, officials said. Sporadic violence broke out after Zuma on Thursday began serving a 15-month sentence for contempt of court. He had refused to comply with a court order to testify at a state-backed inquiry investigating allegations of corruption while he was president from 2009 to 2018. The unrest then spiraled into a spree of looting in township areas of the two provinces, witnesses said, although it has not spread to South Africa's other seven provinces, where police are on alert. "The criminal element has hijacked this situation," said Premier David Makhura of Gauteng province, which includes Johannesburg. "We understand that those unemployed have inadequate food. We understand that the situation has been made worse by the pandemic," an emotional Makhura said on the state South African Broadcasting Corp. "But this looting is undermining our businesses here [in Soweto]. It is undermining our economy, our community. It is undermining everything." As he spoke, the broadcast showed police trying to bring order to the Ndofaya shopping mall, where 10 people were crushed to death in a looting stampede. A couple of gunshots could be heard. Makhura appealed for leaders of political, religious and community organisations to urge people to stop the looting. At least 19 had been killed in Gauteng, including the 10 at the mall in the Meadowlands area of Soweto, Makhura said. At least 26 people had been killed in KwaZulu-Natal province, many crushed in the shops, premier Sihle Zikalala told the press on Tuesday. The deployment of 2500 soldiers to support the South African police has not yet stopped the rampant looting, although arrests are being made at some areas in Johannesburg, including Vosloorus in the eastern part of the city. Authorities have repeatedly warned Zuma supporters and relatives against using social media to encourage the riots. The Constitutional Court, the country's highest court, heard Zuma's application to have his sentence rescinded on Monday. Zuma's lawyer argued that the top court made errors when sentencing Zuma to prison. After 10 hours of testimony, the judges said they would announce their decision at a later date.
Dreadlocks Project Mike Dronkers / Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012 @ 11:36 a.m. / Art Local photographer Leon Villagomez is starting a yearlong photo essay on dreadlocks. After having to cut his hair to get a university job in his native Mexico, he wondered if people could look past the hair. Since then, he's gone through the grow-cut cycle three times. As a former university dean of administration with a degree in finance, he knows that for better or worse, looks matter. Now residing in dread-friendly Arcata as a photographer, he's letting them grow. The idea behind The Dreadlocks Project, however, isn't about changing the public's view on dreadlocks. Everyone is different and unique. Same are dreadlocks, no one equal to another and each has a story. This is what I try to show in each of the images of this project—the personality of each person with dreadlocks I photograph, making each photo unlike the next. If you have dreads and want your picture taken for the project, email leonfvc at gmail dot com. Related tags: dreadlocks, photographyblog comments powered by Disqus
3349East Setauket, Long Island East Setauket, NY 11733 60 miles Backyard Lawn, Distressed Patina, Exposed Beam, Fence, Fields, Greenhouse, Porch, Rustic, Shingle, Wood Floor 15 acre Barn, Farm Notes Film friendly This beautiful 15 acre farm on Long Island has country charm in every detail. There are 3 barns, an event space, and a greenhouse on this property. The tractor, back hoe, gardens, forests, pastures, tire swing, large logs, old trucks, a pond, and animals on this working farm. The animals on this farm include: sheep, pony, cow, rabbits, chickens, ducks, and goats. Wood piles, hay bails, plowed fields, and crops can change from time to time. There is a parking area that can fit 20+ cars. Restrictions:
- Location: Roi Et centre - Price: 1,8 Milion Baht - Status: SOLD - Reference: BI0230 - Description: This brand new, high-end condominium on the top floor is located in the centre of Roi Et city next to the National Museum. The Korndej Park Condominium is developed by a large local developer and consists of 137 units which will be ready for occupancy by mid 2016. The project has 8 floors, with the ground floor being used for car parking and the second floor for shops/services, a swimming pool and a fitness room. The six upper floors can be reached using the elevator/lifts access. Accommodation: A beautiful finished unit of 34,66 sq. meters consisting of a living room with dining area. From this room you can reach the balcony with 180 degrees panoramic city views. Further there is a separated kitchen with sink and a cabinet. The bathroom is fully equipped with shower, electric water heater, toilet and washing basin. A sliding door in the living area brings you to the bedroom with air-conditioning. Being a licensed condominium project, units can be bought outright by foreign nationals. If you are looking for an investment opportunity or excellent living with all the luxuries and 24 hours security in the beautiful and expanding centre of Roi Et, do not wait too long to make an appointment as this unit is the only one left for sale on the top floor
My poor children! They were born into a family where their mother and father aren’t afraid to say no — and to mean it. At times, they might think it’s an unfortunate circumstance, but I know that it’s often for their own good. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of times that my husband and I do say yes, and cave in to requests. But, in our parenting journey, we’re working hard to enforce rules, consequences, limits and boundaries that reflect the values we’re trying to instill in our children (and the love we have for them, too). Ultimately, we want to keep our children safe and healthy. We also want them to grow up to be well-adjusted adults who know how to work through disappointment and frustration, who have experienced — and understand how to delay — gratification and who understand how to have a healthy work/life/extracurricular balance. I know my children need and sometimes — even though their actions and/or emotions may not show it — want to hear the word no. Why do we cave so easily? Saying “no,” and meaning it can be exhausting! As a kindergarten teacher and mother of four, I’ve had my fair share of experiences with vocal, disappointed children who haven’t liked what I’ve had to say. I know, in the short term, it can be a lot easier and can take a lot less effort to let your child get his or her way, rather than standing strong. But creating a “yes” culture, as Walsh puts it, can send kids the message that they can and should have whatever they want whenever they want it. Walsh, who argues children’s brains are primed early on to learn the concept of “no, explains that avoiding “no” can lead to disappointment and failure when kids later learn they can’t always have their way. It happens in the car, at home, in stores, at the park — you name it. It’s the great give-in, and it’s one of the biggest contributors to the entitlement epidemic. Desperate parents everywhere cave when their kids push them hard enough, teaching them all kinds of unhelpful lessons: for instance, that rules can be broken and that it’s perfectly acceptable to use bad behavior to accomplish a goal. Also, feelings of guilt can weigh us down as parents. You’ve probably been there too, thinking you’re the worst parent or catching yourself worrying that you’re depriving your children of something “everyone else” has or does. But the reality is, oftentimes a simple “no” can open up opportunities for more time together, less time working to pay something off and fewer commitments, which can potentially alleviate stress for the entire family. I remember when my daughter was in first grade and we made the hard decision to have her stop participating in the dance class she loved and excelled at when she was in kindergarten. Her first-grade practice schedule would have been over the suppertime hour three days of the school-week. As a working mom with (at that time) four children ages 7 and younger, it was an overwhelming undertaking to make multiple after-school trips along with the necessary responsibilities of keeping a home. Having her participate in the experience would have compromised our chance to spend time around our family table daily — and my sanity. Just thinking about it was stressful! We said “no,” and she survived. And, with this perspective and understanding of how saying “no” can open up more time together, our family is thriving. Megan Devine lives and blogs in Northeastern Minnesota. Follow her on Instagram @megtdevine. Send questions or comments to at
Books - what are your favourites? What have you read recently? What would you recommend? Over the past couple of weeks I've read a few books that weren't painting related... Linda Kelsey - Fifty is not a four-letter word, The Secret Lives of Sisters. Cassandra King - The Same Sweet Girls, Queen of Broken Hearts. Sara Donati - Into The Wilderness series. Louise Shaffer - The Three Miss Margarets, The Ladies of Garrison Gardens. Hmmm, bleddy good question! However, one that I'll havta answer when I'm a little more soberer. There have been a few days when I felt like putting up a message saying, "closed due to lack of interest". Thank you, sweetheart, I'll hold off hitting the 'delete' button tonight. Oh, and I love to read, given the opportunity. My all time favourite to date is 'Pillars of the Earth' by Ken Follett. It's sooo hard to keep a forum going when you've only got a few members. I do love hearing about all of you, and really think of you as my 'friends away from friends' (supposed to sound like 'home away from home', did it succeed? I used to love to read.. Now that I've gotten OLD, it's more bother than it's worth, what with the glasses, the bright light, the comfortable chair... it goes on and on......... now, where's that 'whining' emote? Well, then, this one will have to do. I read Pillars of the Earth to my husband whilst he drove from Port Hedland to Broome and back again in June 1991. I've started the next book World Without End but it's such a huge book to read, very long story, kinda puts me off. Need to do another road trip... I love reading! and now that I have my contact I can read whenever I want! Up to my fourth book this year. A controversial one called "The Shack" I'm 'enjoying' it so far! As I go to writing classes, I'm told to read lots, so now that I am hopefully my writing will improve? I've just read Monica McInerney - Odd One Out - and enjoyed it. RFAM I'm a verrrrry slow reader. Is that 'cause you are editing them? ATM I'm reading Monica McInerney's - The Faraday Girls - and it's a very good read. Yes, in part. Also I don't get enough time to read, so a book ends up taking me aaaaages with a few pages here and a few pages there. I do love reading though. Nah, not at all. Books are for learning as well as pleasure (sometimes both! ), so I say good onya for getting into the nitty gritty of your projects. I'm now reading Fortune's Rocks by Anita Shreve. I'm reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron and Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now. As well as art books and magazines. I've just started another, older, book by Ken Follett but I can't remember what it's called! Considering that it's now 22:40 and I've only just stopped work, I can't see me getting through much of it tonight either!! This'll give you an idea of how slow I am at reading ... I'm still reading the Ken Follett book that I mentioned above. It's called something like 'On Wings of Eagles' and is strongly based on fact. Sort of a cross between a documentary (book style) and a novel - a very good read so far. It tells the story of Ross Perot's company employees escaping from the revolution in Iran in the late 1970s. Maybe I'll be able to keep my eyes open long enough to read another couple of pages tonight! I started a Ken Follett book in January and sort of gave up because it's way tooooooooooooooooooo loooooooooooooooooong.......... and I have other things such as art to do....let alone housewifey stuff. now I read 2/3 non fiction books 1/3 fiction. and I can be half way through four books at a time! holidays are good times to polish them of. I find reading is a luxury... funny I can jump on the computer for hours and not feel guilty well terribly guilty but to sit and read a book for an hour or two feels decadent! I'm reading Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus by John Gray.
For the first time since the Economic Crisis of 2008 hit the Americans, there are some signs that the economy is recovering. Four states have reported an increase in jobs during the month of October. California, New York, Florida, and Texas have reported an increase of 134,300 jobs combined while there has been no change in the unemployment rate. There is hope in that the income taxes derived from hiring people to fill the jobs will help the budget deficits of each of these states. There is also some speculation that younger people may be finding jobs or people who are unemployed are now regaining confidence in looking for jobs. whatever the case, it is refreshing and encouraging that there are new jobs available. Advertisements Good day I was fortunate to search your blog in bing your topic is impressive I learn much in your subject really thanks very much btw the theme of you site is really wonderful where can find it it was very interesting to read. I want to quote your post in my blog. It can? And you et an account on Twitter?
Mini skirts that actually cover your bum and midi skirts that go past your knee. As an advocate for tall women, being six feet tall myself, I am so underwhelmed at the amount of brands that actually cater to people of a certain height - let alone the lack of size inclusivity across the board. I’d imagine that petite people feel the same way. You would think that, being 2021 and all, these kinds of issues would no longer exist and that all clothing would be available in petite, tall, plus size and everything else. If we’re going to preach body positivity then we need to do so for ALL bodies. In my constant search for tall skirts, I’ve found only a few brands that fit the bill. While there are definitely more tall-inclusive labels now than there were a few years ago, the amount of products they have on offer is wanting. My biggest pet peeve is finding an item of clothing I love only to discover that it’s not available in tall sizes. As well as my struggle in finding tall jeans, finding tall skirts that actually cover my bum is a whole other story. I can’t tell you the amount of times I was told off at school for having a skirt that was “too short”, and no, I didn’t roll it up – I’ve just always been tall. The other issue is finding midi skirts that fall below my knee. Yep, the struggle is real. Us tall gals just want to feel pretty and look cute like the rest of the female population, is that too much to ask? Summer months are made so much easier at the thought of slipping into a breezy maxi skirt or summer dress, and winter calls for a classic mini skirt, tights and black boots combo. Actually finding said skirts is a whole other task, but one which I am here to help with. I’ve done the hard work for you and found 13 tall skirts for year-round wear that not only fit properly (trust me, I actually own most of them), but that also adhere to current trends. You’re welcome. A firm favourite choice for me has got to be this tall denim ‘90s maxi skirt from ASOS. Paired with a halter neck top and chunky fashion trainers? Perfection. Though not technically labelled as ‘tall’, this ditsy floral print mini skirt from M&S comes in both a regular length and long length (for my fellow long-legged ladies). Style it with a basic white T-shirt and sandals and you’ve got yourself a full summer lewk. If you're 5'9" or above, keep scrolling down to treat yourself to a new tall skirt. Save when you shop for tall skirts with our ASOS discount codes. Save when you shop for tall skirts with our New Look discount codes. Save when you shop for tall skirts with our M&S discount codes. Save when you shop for tall skirts with our Long Tall Sally discount codes.
Coursework writing companies. supplies students with professional writing and modifying assistance. We assist them cope with academic assignments such as essays, articles, time period coursework online and research papers, theses, dissertations, coursework, case research, PowerPoint shows, e book opinions, etc. All delivered papers are samples meant for use only for analysis purposes. Take a look at-Taking: A number of students don’t take a look at effectively, and a number of choice tests, specifically, are difficult for them. They don’t demonstrate precise mastery. If that is you, then we are able to provide discipline-particular experts to take these assessments for you. That is a very powerful reason why it’s best to get the best coursework writing help: it’s an on the spot stress-aid Coursework Writing Help. Once you stress over college assignments, you overlook important things like sleep, correct food, and friendships. A lot stress isn’t good for you. Regardless of whether you have an urgent deadline or are having hassle understanding the concepts, we are prepared to supply you with customized coursework assignments. Our writers are at all times online in case you require urgency coursework help, as they’ll deliver in as little as three hours for brief assignments and a minimal of 3 days for larger assignments. Moreover, we will assure that your task will be written from scratch and custom made as a way to suit your wants. Looking for an affordable coursework writer? Acquire one from us for $11.30 a page solely while enjoying plenty of low cost and reward packages that make our prices even more inexpensive. If you are searching for an Essay Writing Service UK that’s at all times available, then you are at the right place. Additionally, we offer maximum confidentiality as the corporate worth integrity. The writers keep private data of the scholars and deal with such with utmost respect with out leaking anything to the third party. Furthermore, the consumer only offers the information at any time for verification and approval functions. is a one hundred% legit firm. Our essay and paper writing consultants contribute to totally unique educational works that hold your educational integrity whole. Our homework services are checked through Buy Coursework Copyscape and so can move the Turnitin check spotlessly, generating a green or yellow similarity report. The writers we work with are ENL and ESL degree-holders instructed to satisfy essays and analysis papers from scratch. Disclaimer: We spend hours researching and writing our articles and try to offer accurate, up-to-date content material. However, our analysis is supposed to assist your personal, and we are Coursework Writing Service not performing as licensed professionals. We advocate that you just consult with your own lawyer, accountant, or different licensed skilled for related selections. In our business, we are extremely concerned about making the shopper expertise secure and comfortable. We rely each element of communication and cooperation to improve our work procedures much Coursework Writing Service more. Our ensures relate to completely different aspects of our work. Probably the most essential are confidentiality, security, and refund ensures. Earlier than writing a coursework, a student has to plan based on period and the materials wanted and as instructed in coursework suggestions. Regarding the deadline, a student must not wait until the final Coursework Writing Service-minute for the paper to start out writing. Final minute rush in completing a paper may cause college students to make widespread grammar errors that can affect their closing grade. Irrespective of how challenging or particular your task is, an professional author will be out there to complete it on time. We also cater to the wants of different academic levels. Our writers are experienced to provide you with an essay or paper that’s applicable to your educational stage. We will end coursework duties for school, high-faculty, school, college, Undergraduate, Graduate, Grasp’s and even Ph.D. levels. Our assignment writing service is your greatest guess if you wish to succeed. College students aren’t allowed to hunt help from the instructors or from fellow students unless it’s a group coursework or instructed. Though, an instructor is only permitted to ship directions on learn how to handle a coursework paper in addition to stating specific areas that are critically checked by examiners.
Côté Gamers will later this year be ready with another ColecoVision game from Jean Philippe MEOLA. This new upcoming game is a platformer called: Casimodo. The game is a 32kb. game, has more than 30 levels, many traps and you play against time. Tony Cruise at Electric Adventures says his ColecoVision Berzerk version will get its release this year. Berzerk can be purchased via CollectorVision Games when the time is right. But Tony has more games he are working on. Pyxidis, a space shooter, but also a multi cartridge with 3 games, namely: Lunar Rescue, Depth Charge and Stunt Cycle. But there are more yet to come from down under: Sea Quest, based on the Atari 2600 version, Kangaroo Arcade by Atari and last but not least: Tron Arcade by Disney. Team Pixelboy says: "My goal is to release Space Shuttle, Utopia and Arabian for ColecoVision on Christmas Day 2022. I'll be working throughout the year to make that happen. CollectorVision Games has opened up for their 1 year membership club. Get your secret cartridge and rom games by signing up, read more about it here. It have to be fast, it ends on January 31, 2022. will still be updated, albeit not at the same pace as I wish.
Logan lathe 920 restoration part2: Boring the drive pulley. Now that we have a temporary wooden pulley to stand in, the logan original pulley can be bored out to accept bushings concentric to the outside diameter. This job was made much easier by making the temp cone pulley first, then setting the original into the 8” 3 jaw chuck, and indicating the run out of the od to the lowest possible setting by rotating the part in the jaws. I considered doing this machining operation in my 7x14 mini lathe, or my 7x12 mini lathe, however this job was on the outside limits of the 7” swing. If you watched the logan lathe pulley part1 video of this boring project, you know we are doing this to eliminate or minimize the run out of this pulley because of the vibration it transfers to the machine. The motor driven shaft is of ¾ diameter, and requires that the pulley be over bored to accept bushing inserts, with sufficient wall thickness to allow for threading of the locking set screws. I had on hand a length of 1.75” round stock, so I decided on 1.125 finish bore.
Q: Is it bad practice to put IP addresses into SPF records instead of lookups if you are also in control of the lookedup record? If someone owns a domain that needs to be looked up in an SPF record, is it bad practice for them to put the IP address of that domain instead of the domain itself in order to cut down on lookups? E.g. to stop going over the 10 lookups limit? I understand that this would result in needing to change two IPs in the DNS records if the IP needed to be changed instead of one change. Is there any other reason it shouldn't be done? A: As mail server related DNS records are only changed occasionally but queried all the time, it is better optimize the latter. Administrator's Considerations in RFC 7208, 10.1.2 summarizes this well: There might be administrative considerations: using a over ip4 or ip6 allows hosts to be renumbered easily at the cost of a DNS query per receiver. Using mx over a allows the set of mail hosts to be changed easily. Unless such changes are common, it is better to use the less resource-intensive mechanisms like ip4 and ip6 over a or a over mx. A: would result in needing to change two IPs Sounds like an argument in favour of putting the raw address in the SPF record to me. If the person doing the next migration sees the v4 and v6 address spelled out explicitly in the SPF record, that is just another reminder that at least two records needed to be changed anyway. In any case, its a good idea to keep a list somewhere easily discoverable that tells the next person doing any changes what else might need an orderly rollover procedure (mta-sts, DANE, ..)
At least one important area of the War of 1812 historians have either totally ignored or at least slighted, and that is the repeal of the British restrictions on American trade--the orders in council--just before the United States declared war on Britain. Normally authors working with broader subjects which also covered repeal have only gently nudged this topic. In his nine-volume history of the United States Adams devoted only one short chapter to it. Perkins, while going into more detail in his own single chapter on repeal, still admitted that it was far from the last word. Repeal itself is a large subject and a lengthy monograph would be needed to deal adequately with it. For a detailed study of the causes of the War of 1812, however, a knowledge of the background of repeal is necessary. Because the orders were the Americans' main reason for going to war, that tl1ey were rescinded two days before war was declared is very important. If the orders were in the process of repeal, why were not the United States, in the process of starting a war, aware of it? And how obvious was it to outsiders that the British were finally taking some action against the orders? The reverse of the question is also pertinent: how aware were the British of the American steps towards war, and how much did they credit them? With such questions this paper will deal.
Microsoft said Tuesday it has not filed a complaint with the European Union about Google+, contrary to a report from Reuters. Jack Evans, a spokesman for Microsoft said that the company had not filed any sort of formal complaint about Google+ with the European Union. Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the report. Reuters had reported that Microsoft and other firms had complained to the European Union regarding Google+, Google’s social networking site. A later version of the Reuters report indicated a complaint had not yet been filed with the European Commission. The nature of the complaint was not immediately clear, but unnamed people “familiar with the situation” told Reuters that the move could expand the European Union’s current investigation into Google. The two tech giants have been in a few public conflicts in recent months. Microsoft publicly criticized Google for its privacy policy, and even went so far as to create a short video slamming the reliability of Google Docs. The video, oddly enough, was posted on YouTube, which is owned by Google. The companies also went head-to-head last week after reports that Google ads had circumvented Microsoft privacy controls in Apple’s Safari browser. In a company blog post, Dean Hachamovitch, the corporate vice president of Internet Explorer, said that Google was bypassing a Microsoft privacy standard called P3P privacy protection, too. Google fired back by saying that Microsoft’s policy was “widely non-operational” and that it is “impractical to comply” with Microsoft’s standard. Microsoft also filed a complaint with the European Union last week stating that Motorola Mobility — which is in the process of being acquired by Google — was trying to block sales of Windows devices because of their capability to play Internet video. “In legal proceedings on both sides of the Atlantic, Motorola is demanding that Microsoft take its products off the market, or else remove their standards-based ability to play video and connect wirelessly,” wrote Dave Heiner, deputy general counsel for Microsoft’s corporate standards and antitrust group in a blog post.
Peaches, Rancid and Beck all collaborate on ‘Try This’… It’s been confirmed that Pink‘s third album will be called ‘TRY THIS’ and will feature collaborations with Peaches and Rancid. The album, out November 10, is a follow-up to the massive selling ‘M!ssundaztood’. The majority of the songs were co-written by Pink and Tim Armstrong of Rancid, the tracks reportedly giving the album a much rockier feel. Long-time collaborator Linda Perry (ex-4 Non Blondes) and Beck also pick up writing credits. As previously revealed on NME.COM, the album features a collaboration with Pink, ‘Oh My God’. The tracklisting runs: ‘Trouble’ ‘God Is A DJ’ ‘Last To Know’ ‘Tonight’s The Night’ ‘Oh My God’ ‘Catch Me While I’m Sleeping’ ‘Waiting For Love’ ‘Save My Life’ ‘Try Too Hard’ ‘Humble Neighbourhoods’ ‘Walk Away’ ‘Unwind’ ‘Love Song’ ‘Feel Good Time’ ‘Hooker’ Pink’s first single from the album, ‘Trouble’, is released on October 27.
Q: overwrite=true not allowing me to overwrite files when uploading via REST I am using the following line of code to set the upload location for my file: var fileCollectionEndpoint = siteUrl + "/_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('" + serverRelativeUrlToFolder + "')/files/add(overwrite=true,url='" + fileName + "')"; It works fine when uploading a document with a different name, however if I need to overwrite a document which already exists(has the same name) it throws an error saying the file already exists. Major versions are turned on in my document library and versioning/overwriting is working correctly when I use the out of the box default upload form! Any ideas? A: You could try this: * *Check if a file with the same name exists before uploading it *if yes, asks the user if he/she wants to overwrite the existing file *If yes, check out the existing file *Upload your file *(Optional) Check in the new uploaded file Maybe it's the checkout step that you miss here?
Q: Имитация всех действий при загрузке файлов в e2e тестах protractor, как? Здравствуйте! Провожу e2e тестирование сайта с использованием protractor. Нужно полностью сымитировать действия пользователя при загрузке файла на сайт. Алгоритм такой: * *Происходит открытие страницы *Нажимается кнопка "Загрузить" *Появляется стандартное окно с выбором файлов для загрузки *Выбирается файл *Файл загружается на сервер Проблема и не понимание появляются на 3 шаге. Не понимаю, как можно сымитировать движение мыши в окне выбора файлов и сделать двойной клик по файлу, чтобы он загрузился. Как рассчитать координаты мыши, где она должна сделать двойной клик и вообще возможно ли это? Подскажите, пожалуйста. Возможно, кто-то сталкивался с этим.
For years we have been asked (and asked) what we think about clothing rental services. They have their place when you’re in between sizes. In that way, they can be part of a sustainable fashion strategy. However, curating a wardrobe filled with pieces you love and can depend on is the Real Life Style way. It also seems to be the way of our fashionable First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden! If our First Lady can repeat outfits at a global level, it is ok for you to repeat outfits. Please enjoy the First Lady fashion-on-repeat show! Yes, it is ok to repeat outfits, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change up your accessories! Dr. Jill Biden switches out her masks and bracelets to wear this Narciso Rodriguez look at both the Tokyo Olympics and in Florida with Dr. Fauci. Dr. Biden created multiple looks with Brandon Maxwell’s Audrey Dot sheath dress. Endless strands of pearls and a coordinating black mask are chic additions. The pearls elongate her body line and allow the dress to shine. Throwing Zadig & Voltaire’s Love jacket over the dress at the G7 gives the dress some attitude and creates an entirely new look. Check out the @DrJillBidenFashion Instagram account for more of her outfit-repeating and details! Do you think it’s ok to repeat outfits on social media and in real life? A client put this question to us last month. Wearing the same outfit to the same type of work event just one month apart is a no. Repeating the looks from the black tie work events in her social life is a yes. What are your rules when it comes to repeating outfits? Let us know in the comments!
Meadow ISD would like to wish all community members, staff personnel, and students associated with our district a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. 2018 brought us many ideas and concepts that have been a focal point this year. The state has emphasized community/parent engagement, response to intervention (RTI), and correcting special education issues. We are currently working on and implementing programs and plans for our students based on individual student data. Accountability and STAAR test scores still dominate much of the state’s attention to determine whether schools are successful or inferior. My stance since I’ve been at Meadow is that our students are far more than a standardized test score. We feel that Meadow ISD provides an exciting, safe, and innovative learning environment for all students. Will school finance finally be addressed? Will there be more or less emphasis on standardized testing? Will small rural schools be relevant in the State’s eyes? How many mandates will be implemented before the start of the next school year? What will be done to address school safety? Come to mind at the state level. Locally our staff, administration, and school board are working on ideas/plans to make MISD even better. 2019 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting years of my tenure at Meadow ISD. I want to encourage anyone that has a question, comment, or concern with any part of our educational process to please come visit with us. We all want our students to be successful and it takes help from several areas to accomplish that goal. Let’s work together with the philosophy that it takes a village to raise a child. I want to personally thank Bronco Nation for allowing me to continue to serve as the instructional leader of Meadow ISD. 2019 will bring the ending of my seventh year and God willing the beginning of my eighth year at Meadow. Your children are my primary focus every day of the year. I can’t express enough how blessed I feel to be a part of this community.
Q: How to deploy a web part that uses AjaxControlToolkit with WSPBuilder? I'm trying to deploy a webpart that is an ASP.NET user control that uses AjaxControlToolkit via WSPBuilder, with not much success. There seems to be a lot of web.config edits that need to be done in order to get this working, and I'd prefer if this is done automatically. Does anyone have a tutorial that I can use? Or a .zip file with the WSPBuilder solution as an example? A: Can u check , there is a feature Ajax.Config Feature which will update the web.config file for necessary entries. I am not too sure of the AjaxControlToolkit
RWJF grantee Project ECHO is helping the U.S. Army treat service members all over the world who are suffering from chronic pain–a huge, complex, and growing problem for the military. Project ECHO is a collaborative model of medical education and care management that dramatically expands the capacity of primary care clinicians. The lack of pain specialists in remote areas has been part of the challenge. Now, primary care providers, such as family doctors and nurse practitioners, are learning to fill this void through Project ECHO, bringing an integrated, holistic approach to pain management that includes massage, acupuncture, biofeedback, and yoga. At ECHO “boot camps,” specialists and primary care providers learn how to work together as a team. “It is the ‘teach a man to fish rather than hand him a fish’ mentality that allows us to build champions and build capacity in remote areas,” Col. Kevin Galloway, chief of staff for the U.S. Army Pain Management Task Force, explains in a new video produced by the Army and the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, where the ECHO Institute is based. Dr. Sanjeev Arora, the social innovator and creator of Project ECHO, notes that the partnership with the Army demonstrates how the ECHO model can be applied in large health systems to bring needed care to more patients with complex, chronic conditions. Watch the video below to see how Project ECHO is helping to make a difference for America’s wounded warriors.
Real estate crowdfunding has been quietly evolving on the sidelines during the latest commercial real estate bull market. Critics dismissed this new form of capital raising as just another fad or buzzword du jour. However, crowdfunding platform founders claim that it is destined to overtake traditional capitalization methods in the not too distant future. Regardless, the major objections to crowdfunding are dissipating rapidly as advancements in supporting technology trends (to be discussed in a subsequent post) allow for greater investment transparency and growing user-adoption. As this industry matures, real estate investors and sponsors will be able to connect more efficiently, creating greater competition for capital and deals. This increased efficiency and competition will result in a broader demand for quality deals and cheap equity. However, before market participants may hope to reap these benefits, they should first be aware of the basics of crowdfunding. Over the course of a series of posts, I intend to cover some of the key differentiators of crowdfunding platforms that affect investors and sponsors. These consist of two major areas: differentiation of platforms and differentiation of offerings. While both platforms and offerings have significant effects on both investors and sponsors, investors should be more concerned with understanding the platform, and sponsors with understanding the offering.
How do I operate with the analytics? It is suitable for all from junior developer to CEO. You can totally set up how the info will be represented. Research as you would like to! You can set up analytics as you want from one week to one year. Look the system and get insights. We are glad to see that you’ve checked all the features, we appreciate it. Let’s start our journey to Automated Future! Bots’ analytics on the platform How do I operate with the analytics? Can I see the analytics of previous periods? Research as you would like to!
And the choice to move on. To wherever destiny takes her. This one’s really really good. I liked the choice of words in a few places. Loved it. The thought is wonderful. All the best to her. Love the train stations. The journey is never-ending to anywhere. Me too 🙂 Train journeys feel good and less tiring! A great poem of choices and hope! Thank you so much Dwight 🙂 Thanks for following my blog too. Really appreciate it! lovely. Reading this post itself gives hope. That’s how well it is written. The picture is the right choice too . Thanks for the follow that brought me here. love the hopeful end, Vignesh. I love the positive hopefulness of this poem as she sets out to ride a train to somewhere.. Big changes although scary in some ways are also exhilarating, fresh and open the door to a new destiny!
Last week, Seattle’s City Council did an “about face” revoking the onerous corporate head tax it unanimously enacted less than one month ago. Its city council had approved an annual $275 per full-time employee assessment to fund homeless programs and affordable housing. The tax, which would raise $237 million over five years, was the subject of an employer-led referendum to abolish it. The handwriting was on the wall. If the council did not rescind the tax, the voters would. Tax supporters targeted the city’s largest employers. Amazon, which is actively searching for a second corporate headquarters (HQ2) outside of Seattle, was the bull’s eye. It would have cost Amazon an estimated $11 million annually. Tax opponents feared that, if the tax went into effect next January, Amazon would shift its focus from Seattle and put over 40,000 jobs in jeopardy. Seattle could be left with large downtown buildings standing empty. There is no question about the gravity of Seattle’s homelessness. A Puget Sound Business Journal study estimated the region is spending more than $1 billion a year on homelessness. It is straining the resources of government and charitable organizations. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reported on a single night in 2017, over a half million people were homeless in America. There were over 21,000 people homeless in Washington State last year. In Seattle, HUD records show the unsheltered population grew by 44 percent over two years to nearly 5,500 and it is worsening. Many cities are finding that affordable housing in urban neighborhoods is disappearing and replaced with more expensive condos and office building. Higher wage earners want to locate closer to work and avoid traffic congestion. For example, Philadelphia’s City Council is considering imposing a one percent tax on construction of most residential, commercial and industrial projects. The tax would be calculated based on the costs listed on building permits and would raise $22 million a year. Money raised from Philadelphia’s tax would be used to give qualified home buyers as much as $10,000 for a down payment and closing costs, the Wall Street Journal reported. Some members of Philadelphia’s City Council preferred requiring property developers to set aside 10 percent of new projects as below-market units. “Detroit in 2017 passed a law requiring developers that receive city subsidies or discounted land to set aside 20 percent of units for low income households, typically those making between $34,000 and $41,000 for a family of four,” WSJ reporter Scott Calvert wrote. Along with looking at project “set asides” for affordable housing, government officials need to look at ways to reduce regulatory costs. Nationwide, regulations imposed by all levels of government account for nearly 25 percent of the sales price of a new single-family home, according to a 2016 study by the National Association of Home Builders. It found that regulatory costs in an average home built for sale went from $65,224 to $84,671 between 2011 and 2016. Regulatory costs impact rentals as well particularly in West Coast cities. reports a two bedroom apartment in Seattle rents for $2,700 a month on average compared with $1,450 in Pittsburgh, PA. Rent in Austin, TX, is 20 percent lower and consumer prices are 30 percent below Seattle. (Both cities are attempting to lure Amazon’s HQ2). Homelessness is universal issue in which cities vying for Amazon’s HQ2 face. So is the availability of affordable homes and apartments to rent or buy. Hopefully, the faux pas in Seattle will lead to a new and more cooperative direction. This problem has moved far beyond just one in which elected officials can address. It now requires business involvement. Don Brunell is a business analyst, writer and columnist. He recently retired as president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s oldest and largest business organization, and now lives in Vancouver. He can be contacted at
When the Telugu film Jabardasth released earlier this year it created a big ripple and shook up YRF. Directed by Nandini Reddy, Jabardasth was a Telugu-Tamil bilingual (called Dum Dum Pee Pee in Tamil) featuring Siddharth and Samantha in the lead and came across as an unofficial remake of YRF’s Band Baaja Baaraat. With YRF already keen to remake this successful rom-com in Tamil and Telugu, they quickly stalled the release of the Tamil version i.e Dum Dum Pee Pee by taking the legal route.This was immediately followed by their announcement of Aaha Kalyanam, the official remake of Band Baaja Baaraat in Tamil and Telugu. Though originally meant to be shot in both languages, apparently it has now been shot in Tamil alone and dubbed into Telugu. A. Gokul Krishna makes his debut into direction with Aaha Kalyanam. The film features Nani and Vaani Kapoor (who was earlier seen this year in Shuddh Desi Romance). Other actors include M.J.Sriram and Simran. The music is a totally new soundtrack by Dharan Kumar while Loganathan Srinivasan is the DOP and Bavan Sreekumar is the editor. Aaha Kalyanam is all set to hit the screens in both languages on 7th February 2014. Lets see if it can replicate the success of the Hindi original. Here’s the trailer of the Tamil version. WTF is this, same sets, and bad dubbing for Vani Kapoor.
Irritable bowel disease, also known as IBD, is the term used to refer to the digestive issues that cause chronic inflammation and pain in the gut. Crohn’s disease and colitis are two of the most common subsets of diseases that fall into the category of IBD. When healthy white blood cells attack the lining of the colon, mistakenly identifying a foreign or harmful “invader,” Crohn’s and colitis develop. The series of excruciating painful and debilitating symptoms are a direct result of the inflammation occurring within the stomach lining. Although the two conditions fall within the same category of IBD, the differences between the two are significant. With Crohn’s, the inflammation is not limited to just the gastrointestinal tract, and it can produce symptoms that range from nausea, abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea to negative effects on the skin, eyes, joints, and liver. The severity of Crohn’s can vary from individual to individual, but it commonly produces ulcers and blockages within the intestines, resulting from the chronic inflammation and swelling. Colitis, while also severe, is more commonly contained within the colon and is a result of germ-resistance issues. White blood cells attack the food and bacteria in the stomach, and produce symptoms that include fatigue, loss of appetite, bloody stools, and anemia. Coconut oil’s soothing consistency and remarkable anti-inflammatory properties aid the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. Ingest each day, either neat or in your food. The oil’s antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties can provide relief from illnesses that can agitate and compound the symptoms of IBD issues. At present, there is no cure for IBD. However, coconut oil can promote proper digestion, calm ulcers, improve bowel consistency, and maintain a quality of health within the gastrointestinal system that IBD sufferers will welcome.
A pay rate plateau for IT professionals has seen businesses ramp-up hires over the last year, according to employment firm Peoplebank. (Cashmoney image by Martin Kingsley, CC2.0) The company's quarterly salary survey of some 50 IT professional roles claimed that industry job numbers have doubled in Victoria, risen 30 per cent in Queensland and NSW, and were subject to a "dramatic resurgence" in Western Australia over the last 12 months. However, hires in the Australian Capital Territory had frozen in the lead up to the Federal Election, the report claimed. The report noted that in-demand IT skills differ between states, but said that Java and .NET developers are wanted across the country. The skills desired in each of the states were: - NSW: business analysts, business intelligence, project coordinators and project managers; - VIC: business analysts and testers as well as Enterprise Resource Planning skills in both Oracle and SAP; - ACT: project managers, Java architects; - QLD: project managers, business analysts and business intelligence and data warehousing professionals; - WA: IT professionals are needed for some $17 billion in new projects generated from the booming resources sector, and are hedging bets between prospective jobs; - SA: business analysts and project managers. Peoplebank's capital city salary rates for permanent roles The survey collected payment information for the 50 IT roles over a period of eight months. The results are published below. Rates are consistent between November 2009 to August 2010, unless otherwise noted. Join Discussion
Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add diced pancetta, stirring occasionally until golden and crispy, about 10 minutes. Transfer pancetta (without fat) onto a paper towel, set aside. It should form a rectangle, roughly 18 x 12-inches (46 x 30 cm). Cut the puff pastry into 4 x 4-inch squares (10 x 10 cm). Brush squares with beaten egg. Fold the four corners of each square toward the inside creating an edge, about ¼-inch (6 mm). Brush edges with beaten egg. Garnish the inside of each square with a slice of brie, pancetta, almonds, dried fruit, and sage. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer bites onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for 15 minutes or until puff pastry is golden brown and cheese has melted. Serve immediately.
11th Annual Tennis Classic a Smash Another Montreal summer, another fabulous JGH Tennis Classic! The 11th edition of this remarkable fundraiser was another smashing success, raising over $400,000 (figures to be confirmed) to support the Department of Urology’s fight against prostate cancer — a disease that claims the lives of more than 5,000 men in Canada each year. Funds raised from the 2008 Classic, staged on August 7, will help fund a number of initiatives that could prove crucial to unlocking the mysteries of prostate cancer, including implementation of a patient data bank that will facilitate data comparisons with other medical centres; continued studies and cooperation with the Department of Pathology, which will provide important information regarding tumours; and pursuit of a fascinating research avenue that could lead Jewish General Hospital researchers to an entirely new treatment for advanced prostate cancer. Since its inception, the JGH Tennis Classic has raised more than $2 million, allowing our world-class team of doctors, scientists and researchers to continue their vital work at a time when fiscal constraints often limit the ability to seek new and better treatments. On behalf of the entire JGH family — the Foundation, the Department of Urology and the Tennis Classic Committee, we wish to express our gratitude for continuing to provide us with the power to heal. Thanks to all the enthusiastic sponsors and supporters who took part in this year’s tournament. We hope you had as much fun as we did! We are particularly grateful to our major sponsors, including Bell, HSBC, PDI, Picchio Pharma, Bice Ristorante, Figueredo communication and Tennis Canada. Watch this site for dates and news about next year’s Tennis Classic.
Marquese Scott leveraged the popularity of his dance to Pumped Up Kicks to build a strong commercial presence with previous commercials for Roomba and Coke. Now he’s back with another ad for Coke but this time he’s not alone. At numerous point taking the viewpoint of orchestra members playing on stage, we see Scott as the conductor who’s soon joined by numerous dancers. Given the often small and subtle movement of Scott’s work, the framing of each moment does a nice job of keeping them from getting lost.
Redskins falling apart from the inside Steelers/NFL Videos Washington Redskins dysfunction hit a new level Wednesday when an assistant coach told reporters they should "go to the source" for a "yes or no" when reporting a story. In the same interview, he proceeded to utter an ambiguous "no" that failed to clear up anything. Secondary coach Jerry Gray was asked: "Have you interviewed for the head coaching job with Washington?" His answer was clear: "No." But Gray wouldn't repeat the denial, even shooing away reporters seeking clarification as he stood outside the trainers' room. A few minutes later, team spokesman Zack Bolno said that Gray's "no" actually meant "no comment." » Larry Johnson's gift has lost some of its luster. The running back will get his wish on Sunday and get on the field against the Kansas City Chiefs, the team that let him go last month. He probably won't get too many chances to rub it in. Johnson is likely to get only a few carries in the Cincinnati Bengals' run-oriented offense, just enough time to say hello and remind the Chiefs that he's still around but not enough to make it "the best Christmas gift" he called it a few weeks ago. » Michael Vick won the Ed Block Courage Award, voted on by his teammates on the Philadelphia Eagles. The once-disgraced star quarterback returned to the league after spending 18 months in a federal prison for his role in a dogfighting ring. » Brian Westbrook was cleared to play after recovering from two concussions and is expected to return against the Denver Broncos at home Sunday. » New England Patriots running back Fred Taylor seems set to face his former team after missing 10 games with an ankle injury. » Oakland Raiders quarterback Charlie Frye has been cleared to play after sustaining a concussion against Denver last week and will start Sunday's game against his former team, the Cleveland Brown<<
This December I learned that I am part of the largest growing religious group in the United States. No, I'm not an Evangelical Christian (that segment is also a growing group), but that is where my interest in spirituality started. I was 10 years old when I asked Jesus into my heart. It was my first summer at Camp Deer Run in Alton, NH. I did it silently sitting on a rock outside. I closed my eyes and prayed that Jesus would enter my heart. And then I prayed that he would open my mom's heart so that she could go to Heaven too. I didn't feel rapture or receive mystical guidance, but I felt safer in the world. I knew I had a god on my side who could part rivers, move mountains with mustard seeds, could raise the dead and heal the sick. He was also promised to take me under his wing so that I would never have to feel my skin burn in Hell. That guy, Jesus, would have been a big help the previous school year, which had been a rough one. At various times I was called Brain, Leech, and Loser. On the playground kick ball players migrated into a tight radius when I was up. And when arrived home after school the house was empty except for a Brazilian housekeeper/nanny who was gray faced and sad, and, and spoke no English at all. Twenty-seven years later. I've got a few friends. I'm rarely called names. And even though I'm probably still no good at kickball, at 37 it matters a lot less. I still close my eyes to pray. I continue to think highly of Jesus--I'm reminded of my husband's friend Kevin who says, "yeah, I'm into the Jeez." But even though the idea of Jesus still means something to me, I don't consider myself Christian in a formal sense. Jesus has been demoted. He is no longer my spiritual sun, but one star in my Milky Way, one prick of light in a large somewhat ordered collection. And oddly enough, in my undefined spiritual identity, I may have found my tribe. A December 2008 poll (you'll need to scroll to read the general report) reported that the largest growing religious affiliation in America is not having one. That number has grown from 8% to 15% since 1999. In 2008 an additional 11% of respondents refused to answer the question at all. And, more telling than either of those, I think, is that 27% of Americans believe that their funeral will not be religious. In my adult life, I happen to know a lot of people who have no religious affiliation. The authors of the ARIS poll call them "nones.". And, in my experience, these folks, like me, are not entirely un-spiritual. Many of them have a strong set of beliefs and moral values. They live meaningful lives and are looking for ways to articulate that meaning. Many of them, like me, even pray. One of my friends in this group is an atheist, but I believe he is one of the most spiritual people I know. And as a therapist, my mom, who is also a "none," regularly offers spiritual advice and sees people through periods of spiritual growth, but she never did ask Jesus to be her savior like I hoped she would that summer (and for many years after). These people--this group--you are my tribe--I dedicate my blog to you. To anyone who has ever wondered why we're here, who has wondered what it means to have a meaningful life, and who has found their religion's official answer wanting--I offer my best effort to you. That we may all be able to recognize goodness when we see it in ourselves and others, that we may leave our kids a world that is better than the one we found, and that we may all seek and know peace.
Home / Licensing / Spin Master wrestles the DC license from Mattel in three year deal with Warner Bros. Beginning in spring 2020, Spin Master will be a new toy licensee for the super hero franchise that spans the likes of Batman, Superman and the recently released film adaptation of Aquaman. Spin Master has wrestled the DC license from the clutches of Mattel having signed a three year global licensing agreement with Warner Bros Consumer Products. The deal, one which was revealed late in December adding to a reportedly dulled Christmas period for the global toymaker Mattel, covers the boys’ action category, remote control and robotic vehicles as well as water toys and games and puzzles. “Children everywhere have been entertained and inspired by DC Super Heroes and Super Villains for more than 80 years and we are honoured to be a part of that storytelling and imagined play.
Huawei Consumer Business Group, CBG in short, makes an announcement revealing its 6.9 million 5G smartphone units shipped as of December 2019 and the end-to-end 5G solutions. Definitely an extensive number pondering Huawei’s devoir to the technology as well as leadership in 5G tech. A total of eight Huawei 5G smartphones made its way to the consumers in 2019, namely Huawei Mate 30 Pro 5G, Huawei Mate 30 5G, Porsche Design Huawei Mate 30 RS, Huawei Mate 20 X (5G), Huawei Nova 6 5G, Huawei Mate X, Honor V30 Pro, and Honor V30. Similarly, Huawei’s 5G devices support 5G NSA and SA networking modes — a plus point to the consumers looking for a 5G device. Merit to Huawei, it offers the 5G tech in a range of price points, something that democratizes 5G to a large group of customers. With the 5G infrastructure technology, 5G network equipment including base stations; core networks; optical networks; and mmWave-enabled technology; the 5G chipsets including base station chips; baseband chips; and smartphone chips, and the end-user 5G devices including smartphones; customer-premises equipment (CPE); portable routers; and tablets; Huawei, definitely has it all, and this is what makes it a leader in the 5G spectrum right now. As for inn 2020, Huawei’s 5G devices, as well as infrastructures, are said to providing more consumers than connecting with the globe via 5G.
Fictional Space in W.S. Burroughs' Trilogy "Cities of the Red Night", "The Place of Dead Roads", "The Western Lands" In this study I will focus on interpreting the conceptual role and symbolic meaning of both imaginary and structural aspects of spacial evolution, in an effort to reveal the essence of general spacial picture and to authors ideological conception expressed through the space. I will also investigate different types of space in terms of the history of literary directions such as modern and postmodern literature. The principal goal of my project will be to create the overall development paradigm of space from first part of the trilogy to the last. For the purposes of this study, biographical details will also be taken into consideration as the image of the creator, which is autobiographical to a large extent, serves as one the main interlink which determines the dynamics of space. It will shown that the symbolic meaning of various-level spacial changes is straightly connected with Burroughs’ vision of his own life and creative path, as well as literature and history in general. HSE University → Student Theses → Fictional Space in W.S. Burroughs' Trilogy "Cities of the Red Night", "The Place of Dead Roads", "The Western Lands"
As I settled into parenthood, I questioned whether my husband and I should raise a family in a big city like Chicago. Don't get me wrong, I was born in Chicago. It's where I landed my first job, in a doughnut shop, bought my first Schwinn bike, got my first bike stolen, spent summer days (and broke curfews) at the beach, went to school and fell in love. But after 36 years of Chicago's extremes—freezing winters, heavy traffic and the high cost of housing, I dreamed of a less hectic, smaller city life to pass down to my child. Then one day, my husband surprised me with a job offer to work in Cincinnati, Ohio. When we visited, I loved Cincinnati's tall trees, soft hills and smaller city feel. The houses in our price range were spacious. People kept telling us,&quot;It's a great place to raise a family," so with my smaller city dream in reach, we took the offer. On moving day, my mother and three sisters waited as my husband and I stuffed the trunk of our car with our last-minute items. My sister Jean, a flight attendant, said,&quot;Pack it tight like a suitcase." Like a suitcase? Suitcases were for trips you returned home from. Didn't she get it? This was not a round-trip. As I said my goodbyes, I imagined my immigrant grandparents saying their goodbyes. Their journey, from Italy to America, was thousands of miles, to a place they had never seen and a language they could not speak. Compared to them, my goodbyes should have been easy, but they weren't. During my first three years in Cincinnati, some dreams came true. Winters there were milder than those in Chicago. The natives' idea of&quot;traffic" kept me entertained. People often kept their cars running as they dashed into stores. As a big city girl taught to check my back and stay out of dark alleys, I relished these Mayberry moments. The only lingo we had to learn was how to order Cincinnati-style chili. The people we met seemed to make more excuses to get together rather than excuses not to. But not everything was perfect. Although Nina loved her big play spaces, the house was lots of work and keeping my flower beds trimmed became a chore. Mulch took over my life. As Nina started to walk, we had to dodge the minivans rolling up and down the driveways and for the first time, I dreamed for a back alley, like the ones in Chicago, to keep Nina safer. After three years, I began to crave Chicago's unpredictable excitement. Then one evening, my husband announced he had a job opportunity in Chicago. Chicago? Move back? I began to question. Chicago's traffic? Heavier by now. Chicago's winters? Still chilling. Chicago's housing costs? Climbing as arrogantly as Trump's new tower. And what about a smaller city life for Nina? Then, I began to imagine my daughter growing up in Chicago as I did: Meeting her friends at The Art Institute for a paper bag lunch, then seeing works by Renoir and Monet; driving up and down Lake Shore Drive to calm her teenage bouts of restlessness; celebrating the end of a work week in Greek town with saganaki and grilled octopus; spending summer days towel-toting to the beach. Which life should I pass down? Cincinnati's smaller city life or Chicago's big city adventures. We discussed and debated. Chicago won. As I said some sad goodbyes, I realized, as parents, the dreams we think are unshakable can be flipped on their sides. We make courageous choices to stay the course, or sometimes, it turns out to be wiser to make an uncomfortable U-turn for the sake of passing down something better for our children. Like many people, I gained strength from the big city experience of Chicago: To question the status quo, to try something different, and if necessary, to find the courage to make a U-turn. This is what Chicago taught me and what I'm proud to pass down. My years in Cincinnati gave me the perspective I needed to sift through Chicago's big city pressures and make more deliberate choices for what I want to keep&quot;smaller" in my family's life. On moving day, my husband and I packed the last-minute items into the trunk of our car, and as before, it didn't all fit. "It's late," I told him as I fiddled our stuff to fit.&quot;Just pack it like a suitcase. It's time to go home." Fran Gaddini lives in Oak Park with her husband, Roger Boord, and 5-year-old daughter, Nina Marie. Her family enjoys Oak Park's small city feel with its close proximity to The Big City's adventures.
Advocates for election reform, including the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts, have issued their recommendations for implementing early voting in the state, which will go into effect with the November 2016 election. To encourage cities and towns to offer a robust early voting program, the Election Modernization Coalition has issued an Early Voting Challenge, with gold and silver “medals” to recognize communities which meet or exceed those recommendations. The law passed by the state legislature in 2014 requires early in-person voting be available at city or town election offices for an eleven-day period before the election, during normal business hours. The coalition, which also includes Common Cause Massachusetts, MassVOTE, MASSPIRG, ACLU of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Voter Table, MIRA Coalition, and Progressive Massachusetts, urges cities and towns to offer at least one early voting location for every 35,000 residents. All ballots that will be used in a municipality should be available at every early voting location. The coalition also urges that early voting locations be open at least one evening each week and for at least four hours on the weekend in the early voting period. Early voting is already available in 32 other states, making it possible for people to vote in person who can’t get to the polls on Election Day, and helping to reduce lines on Election Day.
If your yearbook staff holds ambitions of becoming a national Pacemaker winner or Pacemaker Finalist, the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) is now providing an online resource that could help staffs get there. A sampling of judge’s comments for each of the recently announced 2016 Yearbook Pacemaker winners – pointing out various strengths from the books – are now online at the NSPA’s website. Along with the judging highlights, the cover and two spreads from each of the winning entries are also displayed. The page provides yearbook staffs a great look at what nationally award-winning books do well in the eyes of the judges, regarding coverage, design and theme, and what they can aim for when taking their yearbook program to the next level.
Q: Получить залогиненого пользователя Laravel У меня стандартная аутентификация, в контроллере получаю таким образом и все выводит use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; $user = Auth::user(); dump($user); Так же у меня есть контроллер который прописан в api.php и работает со списком продуктов Route::group(['prefix' => 'v2', 'as' => 'api.', 'namespace' => 'Api\V2'], function () { // Products Route::apiResource('products', 'ProductController'); }); Как мне в этом контроллере получить залогиненного пользователя ? Auth::user() возвращает null По сути мне только id нужно получить текущего залогиненного пользователя Код контроллера <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\V2; use App\Http\Resources\BaseAllResource; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Filters\UsersFilter; use App\Base; use App\User; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; class BaseController extends Controller { public function test(Request $request){ $user = Auth::user(); dump($user); } } A: В файле app\Http\Kernel.php добавите в переменную $middleware путь: \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class,
Oban is on the West coast of Scotland just an hour south of Fort William. The name ‘Oban’ means ‘Little Bay’ and it occupies a delightful setting in the Firth of Lorn. The town has grown up around the Oban distillery which opened in 1794 and since then visitors have flocked to the town to visit the dramatic scenery, take ferries to the Islands and sample the excellent seafood landed in the small harbour. And of course to taste the local whisky! Since last September Oban has had a new metro hotel, The Ranald, located on Stevenson Street, just off the main esplanade and only a couple of minutes walk from the ferry terminal and the railway station. The Ranald is Oban’s newest hotel and is located in an elegant townhouse in the centre of Oban. The owners’ vision was to give Oban an hotel that provides affordable luxury and they have succeeded. The Ranald is modern and has been smartly decorated with a designer’s eye, featuring elegantly hand-painted walls and motifs throughout. The hotel has 17 ensuite rooms spread over three floors offering guests flat screen freeview TVs and iphone docking stations.There is complimentary wifi available throughout the hotel which makes getting online easy. The paintings in the bar have roughly-hewn paint spattered wooden frames which complement the images perfectly. We were made very welcome in the elegant bar by Alex May and Ewelina Braiko who helped us plan our journey the next day and recommended places to visit nearby. Glen Coe got added to our must-see list, as did the waterfalls of Glen Nevis. We were able to walk to McCaig’s Tower which is one of the sights of Oban, a mini Colosseum built by a wealthy banker at the turn of the 20th century. Standing above the town it is a folly that is worth the short, albeit steep walk to visit. Our bedroom was a good size and there were plenty of pillows and cushions. There were tea and coffee making facilities, along with some tasty Scottish short bread and a hair drier. The bathroom was smart and new with rectangular sink and very efficient and contemporary shower that powerfully wakes you up in the morning. On the wall was a contemporary print of a Scottish loch, rendered in bright colours. The duvets were cosy, the cotton sheets were thick and we had a good night’s sleep. Breakfast was a buffet selection with juice or a mixed fruit smoothie. A delicious fruit compote was available to add to cereals and yoghurts, as well as pastries and toast. This was followed by a selection from the menu – we went for Scottish pancakes and a baked egg. Baked eggs are a Ranald speciality and can be ordered with several different flavours. I was drawn to ham and mushroom, but there was a haggis option…Bravely I ordered a Haggis baked egg. Hayley assured us that haggis would be delicious and never having eaten haggis before we waited in trepidation for it to appear… Having risen in the oven the baked egg looked superb. The moment of truth. I broke through the cheesy topping and into the eggs. At the bottom was the haggis. I tasted it and was pleasantly surprised. A spicy and herby mince. I am still unaware exactly what the ingredients of haggis are, but they taste good! The pancakes were a more usual breakfast, but with compote and syrup they were a tasty start to the day. Oban is the Seafood capital of Scotland, has ferries to the islands and is a short drive from the grandeur of Glen Coe. A recommended stopping place on any tour of Scotland. RANALD HOTEL 41 STEVENSON STREET OBAN ARGYLL PA34 5NA We stayed as guests of The Ranald
Nella pratica clinica real-world, nei pazienti con psoriasi in placche moderata-severa con lesioni residue dopo ≥24 settimane di trattamento con ixekizumab in monoterapia, il trattamento adiuvante con calcipotriolo 0,005%/betametasone 0,064% in schiuma si è associato a miglioramenti significativi e persistenti. To examine the effectiveness and safety of adjunctive treatment with calcipotriene 0.005%/betamethasone dipropionate 0.064% (Cal/BD) foam in adult patients with chronic plaque psoriasis who have localized residual plaques after ≥24 weeks of treatment with ixekizumab biologic therapy. This study was a prospective, open-label, single-arm study of adult patients with moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis who had suboptimal response after ≥24 weeks of treatment with ixekizumab (residual 3-8% body surface area [BSA] involvement). All patients continued treatment with ixekizumab and received once-daily Cal/BD foam for 4 weeks, followed by every other day for weeks 8 to 12. The primary endpoint was treat-to-target BSA ≤1% at week 4. Additional endpoints included the the Physician’s Global Assessment (PGA) score, PGA×BSA, and the patient-reported Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Safety evaluations included assessments of adverse events (AEs) and local skin reactions. Among 25 enrolled patients, 36% were female, and the mean age was 50 years. After 4 weeks of daily Cal/BD foam, 56% of patients achieved the treat-to-target goal of ≤1% BSA. Mean % BSA involvement, mean PGA score, and composite PGA×BSA score decreased 4 weeks after the addition of Cal/BD foam. Improvements in disease severity outcomes were maintained after reducing Cal/BD dosing frequency. Cal/BD was generally safe and well-tolerated, with no serious AEs reported. In real-world clinical practice, for patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis who had residual plaques following ≥24 weeks of ixekizumab monotherapy, adjunctive treatment with Cal/BD foam was associated with notable and sustained improvements in disease control.
Q: Syntax error: end of file unexpected Имею следующий Makefile: ./object_files/server.o: ./source_files/server.c ./header_files/server.h if which gcc then gcc -c ./source_files/server.c mv ./server.o ./object_files/server.o elif which clang then clang -c ./source_files/server.c mv ./server.o ./object_files/server.o else echo -e "\033[31m\033[5mPlease, install a compilar for C language such as gcc or clang!!!\033[0m\n" fi ./executable_files/server: ./object_files/server.o if which gcc then gcc -o ./executable_files/server ./object_files/server.o elif which clang then clang -o ./executable_files/server ./object_files/server.o else echo -e "\033[31m\033[5mPlease, install a compilar for C language such as gcc or clang!!!\033[0m\n" fi Вывод консоли: if which gcc /bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then") make: *** [Makefile:2: object_files/server.o] Error 2 A: Каждая строчка в мейкфайле выполняется как отдельная команда, за исключением случаев, когда конец предыдущей экранирован. Так что: ./object_files/server.o: ./source_files/server.c ./header_files/server.h if which gcc;\ then\ gcc -c ./source_files/server.c;\ mv ./server.o ./object_files/server.o;\ elif which clang;\ then\ clang -c ./source_files/server.c;\ mv ./server.o ./object_files/server.o;\ else\ echo -e "\033[31m\033[5mPlease, install a compilar for C language such as gcc or clang!!!\033[0m\n";\ fi Я лично всегда подобные вещи просто кладу в отдельный скрипт. A: * *в программировании считается хорошим тоном переиспользовать существующий код *к чему все эти манипуляции с подкаталогами? kiss вроде никто пока не отменял. у программы gnu/make по этому поводу есть удобная «магия». если избавиться от дублирования кода и поместить файлы server.c и server.h в текущий каталог, то ровно той же функциональности можно добиться гораздо более лаконичным (а потому проще поддерживаемым) кодом: CC = $(shell command -v gcc || command -v clang) ifeq ($(CC),) $(error Please, install a compilar for C language such as gcc or clang!!!) endif server: server.o: server.c server.h p.s. подробнее о применённой «магии» (или в первоисточнике: implicit rules).
In the land of invigorating moments... In the far west of Slovenia, stretching for 72 km2, there is a charming hilly world called Brda. Colourful hills extend from mountains of Korada in the North and Sabotin in the East, to the state border with Italy. In the southeast it is surrounded by the emerald green Soča River and by the Idrija River in the northwest. In the influence of the favourable location, fertile soil and Mediterranean climate many sunny fruits are produced. Especially known are Brda cherries and grapes. In honour of these two fruits events like Festival of Cherries and Festival of St. Martin are organised each year and bring to Brda many visitors from all around. Brda can delightfully surprise you in each season of the year. Beginning with spring, when nature is waking up and covers the whole landscape into magnificent green-variegated colors, then throughout the summer when it gives us juicy fruits, and surprises us in autumn with a wonderful game of yellow-red colors, till winter time when nature is calm and hardworking farmers in the wine cellars begin to produce the magic wine drop. Therefore welcome to Brda, to a land of invigorating moments... Kozana The village Kozana is situated on the ridge that descends from Smartno to Vipolze. It is enclosed by many vineyards and fertile orchards. In the old monarchy of Austria, farmers from Kozana as well as farmers from Brda, were largely trading with fruits. They were transporting it up to Vienna. One of the nicest examples of the sacral architecture in Brda is the church in the village Kozana. The preliminary drawings for the renewal of the bell tower were made by the famous Slovene architect Jože Plečnik. According to his plan, the tower was raised and the finishing touches in the shape of the temple were added to the top in 1956. After both wars only one bell remained, which was then turned into three smaller ones. The bells were then changed again a few years ago, in 1999. For other informations about Brda visit:
The public were surprised by the stories circulating in the social media in the past few days regarding the ABSCBN having a franchise renewal issues. Their social media account shared their side about the controversial issue that the network, as well as its thousand employees, are facing. Several fans and supporters of Angel Locsin were very surprised to know that the actress does not renew her contract with the network until today. The reason, is because Angel Locsin was busy preparing for her upcoming wedding with her fiancé, Neil Arce. On the Kapamilya actress’s post, she reminded everyone to “Think before you click”. She has requested not to let the network shut down because it will have a great devastating impact on each and every employee the network has. She mentioned all the cameramen, utilities, art, and technical departments, the production team, the actors, directors, caterers, producers, lightmen, crew, tents, and many other employees of the famous network. She also stated that the ABS-CBN network has been her home for several years already and that she genuinely loves every person she knew and she worked within the network. She was able to hear their stories from their respective goals in life, to their priorities, all their sacrifices and all the hard works they are giving in their line of work. She clarified things about some issues about her not having a contract renewal on her home network but it was all because of her upcoming wedding. She expressed her love for those people she treated as families and friends as an actress of the network who will greatly suffer when the closure of the network will happen this coming March. The famous actress pleads for the utmost consideration that the authorities can give to the thousands of people working under the ABS-CBN Network. Even until now, there is still no confirmation if the network will finally be allowed to renew its franchise. But there are still a lot of celebrities especially Kapamilya actors and actresses who showed their support to the ABS-CBN network.
Q: Why is it that in Spring 18, Emails from Salesforce can't reach my company's outlook inbox? I remember that 3-5 months ago (Should be Summer '17), I am able to send emails from the "Send Test and Verify Merge Fields" button in Email Template to my company's email Outlook just fine. I have even tried using Test Deliverability to test : Results : * *All 32 emails are received to Gmail *No email received to Company Outlook Is this something to do with the recent Salesforce update? How do I get around this problem? ** UPDATE 26 MAR : These are my Email Deliverability settings and still cannot reach my company's outlook A: if no email is going out of the org, then You should check for the Deliverability of the Org. No access: Prevents all outbound email to and from users. System email only: Allows only automatically generated emails, such as new user and password reset emails. Especially useful for controlling email sent from sandboxes so that testing and development work doesn’t send test emails to your users. Newly created sandboxes default to System email only. All email: Allows all types of outbound email. Default for new, non-sandbox organizations. Sandboxes created before Spring ’13 default to All email.
For survivors of sexual assault, this past week brought a maelstrom of emotions: disbelief, frustration, fury, and shame, to name a few. We respect those who are unable to share their stories as well as those who have spoken. As nurses, we practice trauma-informed care and recognize that trauma, such as sexual assault, can impact healthcare throughout the lifespan. Despite Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s searing testimony against Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, the hearing ended with the Senate Judiciary’s confirmation of his nomination. A week-long F.B.I. background investigation into existing allegations of sexual assault and misconduct by Kavanaugh is the only remaining delay to a full Senate vote, possibly resulting in his life-time appointment to the Supreme Court. This investigation has at least another week of play in the national media. While the phenom of largely women, defiantly giving public testimony of their assault, often resulting in death threats, is likely to continue. Meanwhile, an estimated 17.7 million women and 2.78 million men, have survived an attempted or completed rape, according to RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. Some of the Radical Nurses are part of that number, others are allies of, and advocates for, survivors of sexual assault. We believe you. If you are in need of help, please contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline, for confidential support. Call 800.656.HOPE (4673), you’ll be routed to a local RAINN affiliate organization based on the first six digits of your phone number. Cell phone callers have the option to enter the ZIP code of their current location to more accurately locate the nearest sexual assault service provider. Or for confidential, on-line chat: Excellent post, thank you. Forensic Nurses stand behind survivors caring for them throughout the medical forensic exam, with empathy, compassion and excellent nursing assessment skills.
Casamara is becoming a recognised name in the London dance scene. We’re back with our third and biggest instalment of 2019!! We bring you a 10 hour day and night bank holiday special in the heart of Shoreditch at the prestigious 93 feet east. This is going to be a special party with a hand selected line up, taking us through the day and into the night ! Come and join the movement. We can’t wait to party with all our Casamara family for the first part of our birthday specials! See you in the dance !
The Trepiuno will be the new version of the old Fiat 500. This was an icon in Europe for decades! But was never sold in the US. So guess what... The new one won't be either... Just like the new Beetle or the mini Cooper, the Trepiuno is pretty much a charicature, a cartoon version of the old model. The lines are very new, but somehow, the new and old have the same personality. It's great!!! And the best news: The price is supposed to be under $10 000!!! If only they could keep the production interior close to this prototype, it would be an amazing exemple of simplicity, with a futuristic touch... For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about. Here is a picture of the legend, the old Fiat 500!
Anti-Feedback control can be engaged and adjusted to eliminate the body resonance feedback often associated with amplified acoustic guitars at high volume levels. To eliminate body resonance feedback, switch the filter in and adjust the anti-feedback control until the body resonation reduces. You should find a “sweet spot on” the control where any feedback present disappears. Designed and engineered in the UK, the A-DUO provides versatility, portability, and reliability to all levels of acoustic players. An ultra-efficient, dual mono Class D power amplifier plus a pair of 8” custom-designed dual-cone woofers, delivers articulate transparent acoustic sound with both punch and high-end clarity, just like your acoustic instrument. The A-DUO has been designed to adapt to multiple performance situations. Placed on the floor, it has a minimal stage footprint and can even be used as a performance seat. Alternatively, it can be placed on its side feet for tonal variation or mounted on a speaker stand for maximum projection. Whatever the acoustic application the A-DUO is a true performer.
Discussion in 'JASS Resources' started by Spellbound, Jun 26, 2018. This library comes in 2 versions: one that uses ListT and one that uses TimerUtils. You'll probably want the ListT version if you're going to be adding airborne effect to a lot of units. as to avoid the hashtable limit. Autofly library and make your life easier. One is available in the test map. Requires UnitDex. RiseAndFall[yourUnit] will return the RiseAndFall instance of a unit. ^ This will cause a unit to changed its height from currentZ to endZ over duration. can be useful for units that fly or hover. This function returns the struct instance if you wish to store it. ^ This will make your unit appear to levitate between currentZ and endZ over duration. Set a narrow distance for a more realistic effect. ^ This returns true if a unit is airborne/falling/rising. Set to the current height of the unit to terminate immediately. - v1.05 creator methods renamed to create/createAirborne. Added safety to the private .createEx method as well as to the .end method. Updated documentation. Removed unused/redundant lines. - v1.04 fixed an issue with the initialization order which was causing libraries depending on RiseAndFall to freeze when saving. Also added a speed parameter to .end for greater control. - v1.03 RiseAndFall.end now requires a real rather than a boolean. - v1.02 RiseAndFall.start now takes a boolean argument rather than a integer. RiseAndFall.end now takes a real argument for the endZ. - v1.01 updated code in great part thanks to Wareditor. Welp, I'm told there are many inefficient things about this library, so I guess hold off until this is updated. So, Wareditor fixed it. Is good now. The test map seems to work fine. Why use moveType over a boolean? If a user wants only flying units to have smooth movement this can be done manually. Right now I feel it is just weird to use integer instead of boolean, where 8 and 2 is true. looks like an interpolation. Can you tell me which interpolation method you used? If something in your code is supposed to be configurable, you should use constants for that or put it at the top, so people can see it when reading the documentation. You could also say something in the docuemantation about it: "if you want units to be reset to fly height 0, you can change that in function ..." Addiotionally "if wanted" does not specify what would change. RiseAndFall was initially meant to be use with another library of mine where movetype was necessary, but I guess I can just detect movement type in that library itself and pass a boolean depending on the type. I changed the argument to boolean. I'm told the jury's still out on the naming convention of static members? That comment was supposed to have been removed, but I forgot. You pointing it out made me realised I should have added another argument to .end, so I did that for v1.02. EDIT: Actually, I might just remove the boolean flag in .end and just keep the real parameter. If the current height matches the endZ, it destroys immediately. Updated to v1.03. .end now takes a real instead of a boolean. ), but it's useful so approved. In the ListT version, you should make the init struct extend an array, or better to remove it and implement the Init module directly in the RiseAndFall struct since the method setup() should also be private. Ah, thanks for noticing. Will remove. Hmm, actually that's something I need clarification on. Is there any initialization order difference between implementing a module in a private vs a non-private struct? I was always under the impression that things could bug if the struct wasn't private? I'll use the operator to check for the instance and override it if one is already in effect on the unit. There will no difference. What causes a bug is if the onInit method is not private inside a module, which will be recognized as a struct onInit, hence will be given lower priority in initialization. But it would be better if you will allocate an instance only if the unit isn't affected yet. If it already is, just use the existing instance.
We would like to remind you that Border Force has launched of the new Emergency General Aviation Report (GAR) Telephone Line: +44 (0) 845 723 1110 This number allows General Aviation pilots, operators or owners to amend or submit a General Aviation Report (GAR) for Border Force purposes in an emergency situation. The emergency telephone line may only be used for a flight that is: • Not required to report under the Terrorism Act 2000; • Is outside the GAR reporting timescales; An emergency such as: • A medical emergency of a pilot/passenger; or • Air Ambulance with critical passengers; or • Other emergency requiring a change to information contained within an already submitted GAR; • Last minute changes to a submitted GAR, when changes to online version are not possible. Please remember the aircraft commander has a legal responsibility for all persons and goods carried.
Example to program the universal remote for your TV. 2. Push the TV button on your remote. 3. If your remote has a code search or set button, push and hold that button until the light stays solid on the remote. If you don't have one of these buttons, hold down the TV button until the light stays on. 4. Enter the code for your brand of TV. If the code works, the light should turn off. If you don't know the code and your remote has an auto program feature, you normally keep pushing the power button until the TV turns off. Each time you push power, the light will blink showing it is trying a different code. If you find a code that works, hit enter to save the code.
This year IIIT-A has secured 20th position in Top Government T-Schools of India under survey done by DATAQUEST “DQ_CMR Best Technical School Survey. We are pleased to share that this year IIIT-A has been ranked 12th in Outlook – Drshti Survey 2017. We are happy to announce that IIIT- Allahabad has occupied 11th position in the India Today Best Engineering Colleges- 2017 ranking. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE’s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. One such event is The All India Student – Young Professionals – Women in Engineering Congress which is the annual hallmark event of the IEEE India Council. ...More 27th Sep, 2017 Machine learning approaches that are based on multiple layers of hidden variables have come to be known as deep learning. The course will cover deep learning practice. ...More 04th Aug, 2017 The Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Analytics objective is to bring the academicians, researchers, industry practitioners and students to discuss about the various ML and DA algorithms. ...More 13th July, 2017
Sina Sports users will help select "Chinese Super League Player of the Year" Globe Soccer and Sina Sports Adidas Originals Superstar 2 Sparkles Negras Baratas , the largest digital media sports platform in China, have signed an innovative agreement making Sina Sports the exclusive digital media partner in China for the 2016 Globe Soccer Awards. The 2016 edition will feature players from China who will be recognized for their achievements. In order to support this development, Sina Sports will launch an online voting competition for Chinese fans to decide who should win the award forthe “Chinese Super League Player of the Year.” As part of the competition, 2 lucky voters will be flown to Dubai to take part in the gala dinner, meet the stars and present the award in person. The Globe Soccer Awards will take place December 28 and 29 in Dubai, and will be live streamed in China for the first time ever, only on Sina Sports.Globe Soccer has appointed sports marketing consultancy RedStrike to generate sponsorship for Sina’s broadcast. In addition Adidas Originals Superstar 2 Bling Blancas Plata Baratas , Sina Sports plans to provide Globe Soccer with extensive promotion on its comprehensive digital platform, including through special posts and promotion on Sina Weibo. In past years the stars who have taken part include Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Franck Ribery, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi, Frank Lampard and coaches such as Carlo Ancelotti adidas predator baratas , Pep Guardiola, Antonio Conte, Josè Mourinho, accompanied by the unforgettable names of footballing history (Maradona, Platini, Zidane, Figo adidas samba baratas , Van Basten) and by the most famous international agents (Jorge Mendes, Mino Raiola, Giovanni Branchini). The Awards have been given every year since 2010 in the United Arab Emirates and are part of the Dubai International Sports Conference organized by the Dubai Sports Council. Arthur Wei, Senior Vice President of Sina and General Manager of Sina Sports had this to say about the partnership: "Everyone in the soccer community around the world has their eyes on what is happening in China. It is an honor to be working alongside Globe Soccer to link Chinese fans with an internationally recognized and established awards, even giving our millions of users a chance to participate and influence the results. We are proud to participate in these important efforts to build exchanges between China and the world through sports." Sina Sports is the #1 destination for sports fans in China. Established in 1998, Sina Sports was the first ever online sports platform in China, offering fans a diversified platform to access the sports news and games they care about adidas deerupt runner baratas , including on the web (, via mobile, and on the Sina Sports mobile APP. Sina Sports licenses and partners with over 90 sports properties, including the Australian Open, European Champions League, English Premier League, AFC Champions League adidas prophere baratas , WTA Zhuhai, NBL, NFL, UFC, MUTV, Dakar Rally, Global Poker League adidas dame 4 baratas , Roland Garros and the USTA. Since 2015, Sina Sports has expanded its business to encompass event operation and licensing, player representation, and original content.
Our Core Business... The Group has more than 30 years of track record in the M&E engineering business and has undertaken a wide range of projects for industrial, commercial and institutional buildings. We primarily undertake projects via engineering, procurement and construction arrangement and our capabilities include design, supply and installation, commissioning and service maintenance. Today our offerings have extended from electrical engineering services to a full range of M&E services including Mechanical Engineering Services, Electrical Engineering Services, Systems Integration and Project Management. List of industries we served… This achievement is a testament to our ability to manage major M&E works for complex and diverse project such as High-Tech industrial parks, Chemical and Wafer Fabrication plants, Hotels, Hospitals, Pharmaceutical and Electronic manufacturing facilities both locally and overseas. So far, our success is a result of several key differentiators that set us apart from the competition, namely: - A cohesive team dedicated and experienced staff - Strong emphasis on in-house training and continuing education program - Long-standing business relationships with trusted suppliers and sub-contractors - Sound financial supports from financial institution and bankers - Established track records with major multi-national companies
Local SEO can be crucial for you if you are a small businessman who runs a regional or local business. With the right local SEO, you can get your business link in a better position on the SERP. However, it will be for a specific location. The main advantage of local SEO is that your business can get exposure among local customers. If you have just started a business, you can contact any Brisbane SEO company as they can execute the optimization work for you. Here are some excellent tips which you can follow to boost the local SEO. As you open an account on Google My Business, you can improve your business listing. It helps you to gain proper exposure among the local audience who have access to the internet. Make sure to mark your business the Google Maps as it ensures your business visibility among random people living in your area. Provide all information that Google My Business requests from you. Once you successfully sign in, you can get access to the dashboard. Voice Search is a new advantage smartphone users get these days. Many experts expect that it will gain importance in the future. In the case of Voice Search, the smartphone user actually says some words on the phone to search for something. As a result, you must use long-tail keywords in your SEO content and write it conversationally. In most cases, the SEO content for your business website will contain answers of 5 Ws and 1 H. This is one of the most important tips you should consider while improving your small business’s local SEO. Usage of local keywords always helps the customers to check and relate to your business. So, it holds on to its relevance. No matter whether you publish on-page or off-page content, the presence of local keywords should always be there. You can even find this type of keyword from the Keyword Planner of Google. In the case of on-page content, you should make sure the local keywords are present on your URL, meta and the content. Generally, the local keywords come with the name of a specific palace or region attached to it. So, Brisbane SEO company can be considered as an example of local keywords . The location pages of the business, in the case of SEO, plays a vital role. Most location pages gain the attraction of the users quite early. Therefore you must always add the location pages while aiming to boost your local SEO. On the other hand, you must remember to add different location pages if you have multiple business centres. For these pages, you need to create different content. The online business directories can be another smart medium to improve your business listing on the SERP. All you need to do is upload everything about your business on one of the business directories available online. Boosting the local SEO for a small business can ensure that it sustains the market for a long time. You can always get affordable SEO plans from any Brisbane SEO company. All you have to do is search for the right company and finalize a deal. The experts in the company can be the best support system for your business as they can work for SEO continuously. This can ultimately fetch you more potential customers. See also Buying bulk network cables - 3 cable types you should buy in bulk for your business!
Checked exceptions are compile time requirement to provide alternative behavior in case of exceptions scenarios. Checked exceptions are thrown (typically designed on the API level) to avoid some wrong application level operations, for example invalid user input or files access problems. Unchecked exception are typically unrecoverable runtime failure due to developer's illegal operation or errors in program's logic or by some JVM failures like out of memory situations. If any method calls may throw the checked exceptions, we must use try/catch blocks or use throws clause in the methods declaration. By using 'throws' in method/constructor signature, we let exceptions propagate outside. In that case, we defer the actual exception handling responsibility to the caller chain. The use of 'throws' in the method signature is suitable when we want our API users to give the control to act on error situations rather than the API handles them. The exception, in the caller chain, are typically handled in the UI layer to show user a friendly message. Throwable and any subclass of Throwable that is not a subclass of either RuntimeException or Error are regarded as checked exceptions. RuntimeException and all subclasses are known to be unchecked exception. Unchecked exceptions can optionally be handled by the caller but that's not a compile time requirement. The predefined unchecked exceptions are based on errors encountered by JVM. They are not meant to be thrown like checked exception using 'throw new AnUncheckedException()' statement. A method/constructor should also not use 'throws' clause with unchecked exceptions to let them bubble up. They should be handled within the method or ideally they shouldn't happen at the first place if we do proper programmatic checking e.g. check like whether if a String contains integers or not before using the method: Integer.parseInt(..). This method might cause JVM to throw NumberFormatException. If we cannot possibly do some kind of pre-checking to avoid unchecked exceptions then we should use try/catch. The originator or source of 'checked' exception is typically 'throw new someCheckedException();' statement written somewhere in a library/API layer, whereas, the source of 'unchecked' exception is some runtime unexpected situation. Typically, an unchecked exception is raised when JVM encounters an illegal operation, for example, some mathematical illegal operation, wrong formatting operations, class casts, or out of memory or other runtime failures.
Q: Выгрузка данных из Clickhouse в SQL Server через SSIS Пытаюсь выгрузить данные из Clickhouse ( в SQL Server SSIS пакетом. Установил на машине с Windows odbc-драйвер Clickhouse x32 версии 1.1.7, в ODBC Data Source Administrator настроил System DSN. SSIS пакет создал в Visual Studio 2019. Для тестовых данных, очень простой пакет: Data Flow с ODBC Source (Clickhouse) ---> OLE DB Destination (SQL Server). И в Source, и в Destination проблем нет. Таблицы видны, колонки видны, замапилось хорошо. Но при запуске пакета - ошибка на первом шаге (Source): Error: 0xC0014020 at Data Flow Task 1, ODBC Source [2]: SQLSTATE: HY000, Message: statement not prepared; Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task 1, SSIS.Pipeline: ODBC Source failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0014020. Попробовал включить трейс odbc, там вот что: DtsDebugHost 326c-2b74 EXIT SQLFreeStmt with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS) HSTMT 0x07F05058 UWORD 0 DtsDebugHost 326c-2b74 ENTER SQLExecute HSTMT 0x07F05058 DtsDebugHost 326c-2b74 EXIT SQLExecute with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR) HSTMT 0x07F05058 DIAG [HY000] statement not prepared (1) До этого в трейсе естественно еще много всего, но вроде как ошибок нет. Не пойму, что надо сделать, чтоб заработало. Кто-нибудь настраивал успешно передачу данных Clickhouse <---> SQL Server через SSIS? UPD: В SSIS пакете в "ODBC Source" превью работает. Данные из CL показываются.
At the time of writing I have just finished a three week project at the Pema T’sal Monastery near Pokhara. The journey to get there is rather grueling. Seven hours to cross a distance little more than 200 km snaking across mountain roads jammed with vehicles of all varieties. While you do get to take the tourist bus which is somewhat luxurious compared to the ‘rawer’ experience of the local buses it is still by no means a comfortable journey. However the experience of a Tibetan monastery not 30 km from the foothills of the notorious Annapurna mountains makes these somewhat minor trials more than worth it. While at the monastery I took part in several classes, all of which involved teaching English in some way to young Buddhists. Most of the students come from a region in the Himalayas called Mustang, an impoverished region of Nepal where Tibetan refugees scrape a minimal existence from a harsh arid land that borders China to the north. While the students (particularly the smallest ones) can often be a challenge the teaching is immensely rewarding. In particular the one on one sessions where you get to witness the progression of your student from a much more personal perspective. Alongside the organized teaching that was done I was also involved in helping to set up a optional class for the more disadvantaged students. Something which I urge future volunteers to carry on. The majority of the monks show an eagerness to learn that far surpasses that seen in developed nations and they delight in talking about their homeland (although it is a given that you must also tell them about yours). There is something invigorating about watching these students, who come from such desolate backgrounds live a somewhat normal and fulfilling youth in relative comfort and safety. Teaching however was not the only thing that one gains from volunteering at the monastery. Aside from the chance to meet a wide range of international volunteers you also get a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and spirituality of Tibetan Buddhism. You experience a wide range of colorful and mystical rituals that bring you further to the heart of this fascinating religion. You even begin to appreciate the unearthly instruments that herald the call to mourning Puja (although at first its six in the mourning timing can be grating). Also, potentially most rewarding of all you get to speak with the senior monks (none of who are over 30) who not only help you understand the more esoteric sides of Buddhist philosophy but also raise your awareness of the plight of the Tibetan people and the continuing destruction of this unique culture. In order to really appreciate the problem however it is vital that you visit the Tibetan refugee camps that are scattered around in the surrounding area. In spite of the monastery’s myriad appeals it is only healthy that one takes time off to visit the nearby Annapurna region. This region includes many awe inspiring sights, in particular the mountains. The most obvious of these is the one known by many as Fishtail with its sharp somewhat beautiful form and prominence above the surrounding area. However the most prized sight is probably that of Annapurna I. The 10th highest mountains in the world and (if Wikipedia is anything to go by) statistically the most lethal with 38% of summit attempts leading to catastrophe. All of this can be viewed from the safety of the monastery (if you get up early) but it is far better to actually get into the Annapurna Conservation Area and go on the five day Poon Hill trek where you can view these leviathans from the more modest height of 3210 m (still capable of inducing debilitating altitude sickness for the unprepared). All in all the three weeks that I spend at the Pema T’sal Monastery passed very quickly, almost too quickly. The monastery starts to feel like a home away from home and as soon as you get fully settled the days start to melt away. For anyone who wants to help a threatened community and aid in the preservation of its future while at the same time experiencing a mysterious yet welcoming part of the world then volunteering in the monastery is definitely something that should be considered. I for one hope to return to the monastery at some point and I only hope that others will be inspired to participate in the experience as well. ← Two Weeks Just Wasn’t Enough!
beautiful shore grasses against the blues! Blue skies and blue water! I love it! I do hope you have a great day, Martha! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Really nice! I've often wondered what the beaches look like in this area. Il luogo credo debba essere meraviglioso ! Amo vedere i luoghi della California. Buona giornata e grazie della condivisione. The sea grass is beautiful! And I just had the most wonderful time savoring my second cup of coffee as I toured the state with your blog. I loved every post -- only time and the fear of being thought a stalker kept me from commenting on every one! Thank you for the lovely tour. And I wish you both a wonderful Holiday!!!!
Q: top does not run Sorry that I can't be very specific, only symtoms are provided: * *Monday morning *a CentOS box, 1GB ram, Pentium 4 *web server (thin, rails) does not response (too slow) to a browser of another PC *ping it, ok *ssh into it, ok *a few minutes later, the web server is back to normal speed, serving web requests well *ping it, ok *ssh into it, ok *however, top does not run what should I look at, about this 'top does not run' symptom? thx A: You might try to strace top and take a look at its output: strace -f -o strace.out top You might as well take a look at the shared libraries dependencies with ldd. Maybe libncurses is missing. Hope this helps. A: Sounds like the serve could be swapping furiously would be one thought. Also, do you have sufficient swap space reserved? You can 'cat /proc/meminfo' and find these things out. A: when you try to run run top; what's the msg it spit out? please copy and paste that msg we can look into it and provide you the result. A: did you try if ps works? for example ps axOpcpu k-pcpu | head A: Which top? That is, run which top to make sure you've got what you expect in your path.
Accursed Brotherhood Dain Dain, the Slain God of Death (Neutral, Evil) Dain was born the brother of the Godess Ohara, also a master of weaving lifeforce. In the world’s begining, Dain along with his sister set about creating the various mortal creatures. Wheras Ohara was content to make boring herbavoires and plant life, Dain prefered to create predators, life that could truly dominate other life and be called the strongest. Dain was a perfectionist, and went on crafting more and more powerful and fearsome predators. Eventuallly, he crafted a creature so strong that it struck one of the gods and was able to wound him. This event caused the other gods to question his work as dangerous. Helios roused a few of the other good Gods to action against Dain, against Ohara’s protest. Dain was outnumbered and “Slain” by the other gods, casting him out from the heavens and forever removing his ability to create new life. He lay in the under world depressed and infuriated for many eons after the creation of the world. Until one day he an old creatation of his found its way to him in his new home. The creature was a proud and powerful beast, but on its last legs. As he observed the creature he realized he could still feel the intracies of its lifeforce like the day he’d made the beast. And it was as the creature breathed its last, that it occured to him that though he could no longer create, he still manipulate existing life force as well as he ever could. So well in fact, that he rose the creature to new life. Not a true new life, but one that transcended the old. He then resolved to grow a following of these beings of ‘unlife’ and return to the heavens with a crusade of his own… Appreciates [+1] Bringing death to any living creature. [+1] Dain loves to see the dead put use, and will appreciate you raising the corpses. [+3] Killing and reanimating any who are in service of a good god will delight Dain. Dislikes [-1] Dain prefers more active followers for his crusade against the living. Long periods with out with taking a life are not appreciated. [-2] Dain despises having new souls taken from his grasp, and will be angered by any of his followers that save someone from dying. [-4] And be even more furious if they should bring someone back to life rather than welcoming them into undeath. Powers [+1] Death Knell – Instantly slays any dying creature, and infuses the user with some of their essence. [+1] Raise Dead – Dain infuses remains with necromantic energy, granting you a temporary servant. [+2] Death Coil – Dain allows his followers to hurl powerful bolts of negative energy that slay the living and restore the dead. [+3] Greater Raise Dead – Dain sends down a wave of necromantic energy that instantly reanimates every corpse, husk or skeleton in the area, albeit for a more brief servitude than Raise Dead. Rewards [+2] Bolster Undead – Dain, preserves your undead servants making them last longer, making them resistant to turning, and at higher levels plain stronger than they were in life [+4] Soul-Bound Undead – For his elite followers Dain will actually reliquish the soul of one individual and bind it in to his follower, granting a permanent non-mindless undead minion. [+5] Transcend Life Punishments [-2] Rotting of an unrepentant follower’s flesh [-2] Raising of the nearby dead as hostile zombies and skeletons [-3] Being smitten by death coil
Hurricane Monica is back, and she really does an incredible ability to rile up all her children – and her ex-husband – and to keep a few of the younger kids on the hook until she ultimately devastates them. She did do a magnificent job of getting Franny back for Debs, and she couldn’t even screw up the DCFS hearing, which went about as well as it could have, granting her custody again and visitation for those who took her. Fiona going after the girl who wrote a terrible Yelp review of the laundromat was quite a sight to witness, and drinking her milkshake was an especially formidable show of unrestrained fury. Kev suggesting thruples therapy was an interesting idea, and the process went pretty well, but then Svetlana casually announcing her ownership of the bar, which negates all the goodwill she had earned and makes her a serious threat to their happiness. It’s a distant memory, but Svetlana was married to Mickey, who has now apparently escaped jail and is most certainly coming for his beloved Ian over his actual wife, something that’s going to shake Ian up in a big way and might threaten his semi-stable relationship with Trevor. Lip is throwing his life away, spending more time trying to fix the plumbing in the new apartment of the girl who broke with him than getting his act together to apply for a paid internship that the professor who still has faith in him set up for him. I don’t see that going well, and I’m worried that he’s spiraling.
Dominik Müller, the present Head of Network, IT & Operations at Swisscom Broadcast, is to take over as CEO following the retirement of Jean-Paul de Weck, who has been at the helm of Swisscom Broadcast for twelve years. Müller will commence his new role on November 15th. Müller has been part of Swisscom Broadcast for more than ten years, and has been a member of the Management Board for the last four. Müller commented: “I look forward to further developing Swisscom Broadcast’s proven strategy, driving forward innovation, opening up new market potential and steering Swisscom Broadcast toward a successful future alongside our dedicated employees”. “I would like to thank Jean-Paul for his exceptional contribution and wish him all the best for his well-deserved retirement,” added Rossi.
Desire to increase the tax and spending powers of the Scottish Parliament is often driven by an aim to improve the accountability of the parliament to the electorate. The submission discusses what might be meant by accountability in this context, and the extent to which different powers – and the way they are exercised – can be said to improve the accountability of the parliament. It also discusses the inevitable trade-offs between accountability and budgetary risks and uncertainty. The submission argues that in a first best world, the Scottish Parliament’s revenue control would match its spending responsibilities, but that this is unlikely to be achievable because many taxes are not appropriate for devolution for practical, legal or institutional reasons. Therefore the advantages of tax devolution for Scotland (greater accountability) have to be weighed against the disadvantage for Scotland (the risk of a potentially less generous or more volatile budget in the longer-term) and the risk to the UK and Scotland that tax devolution might lead to tax competition that is in the interests of neither. There may also be a case for devolving aspects of welfare spending to the Scottish Parliament, but this should be underpinned by a set of clear principles, consistently applied.The submission also argues that control over minimum wages would also increase the accountability of the Scottish Parliament.
I recently rented this vacation home for 6 weeks and I just fell in love with both the rental unit and the park it is in. My fiance and I felt like we were home the minute we walked in. The unit is homey, comfortable and has a beachy feel. The area is within biking distance to both Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel, you cannot ask for a more ideal location. The unit is fully equipped, all you need is your bathing suit, shorts and some tee shirts, flip flops, a few groceries and you are on vacation. There are two pools and a wonderful hot tub in the park, lovely shower facilities, plus a gym and many other amenities. It is a short drive to many nice restaurants and of course the beaches. The lady we rented from was very helpful to me personally as we were actually moving to the area and were staying at her rental until we found a place for the remainder of the season. (We would have liked to stay in this vacation home till May, but it was already rented!) Luckily, though, we found a place in this park that we were able to buy--we are thrilled, we love it so much here! We never want to leave Siesta Bay, it is our new home.
With more than 800 stores in Denmark and Norway, Rema 1000, which entered the Danish market in 1994, has become one of the biggest grocery stores in Denmark. Furthermore, several listings place the store at the top when it comes to popularity. The success should not just be attributed to competitive pricing, but also to the store’s distinctive focus on value. Value saturates every part of the hugely successful family-owned Reitan Group, which Rema 1000 is part of, resulting in a string of advantages including better employees, stronger customer relations and higher product quality.
Margaret River Organic Garden volunteers hope the new State Government will grant them a long-term lease of their community site. Unfunded plans for a second stage of upgrades to Margaret River Senior High School after 2020 have raised local fears the 29-year-old garden may be removed, as the Education Department caters to surging student numbers. But last week, Education Minister Sue Ellery said it was up to the school to enter an agreement with volunteers if it chose to spare the garden. “The previous Liberal Government wrecked the State’s finances so all spending must be carefully considered,” Ms Ellery said. “Any redevelopment will need to go through the Budget process. “I support community groups who want to use school facilities. Margaret River Organic Garden volunteer Shelley Cullen said she hoped to meet with Ms Ellery to discuss saving the garden. Mrs Cullen said there was more than enough room for the upgrades without removing the garden. “We would hope that the community is granted a long-term lease in the coming year to continue to caretake and enhance this wonderful asset,” she said. Ms Cullen said her group’s Save the Organic Garden petition had almost 1000 signatures and would be sent to Education Department director-general Sharyn O’Neill. “Hopefully on reading the enormous show of support demonstrated by the locals ... she will re-visit the issue and realise that all parties can be satisfied,” she said. Volunteers argue the garden should be kept for its community value. The Education Department maintains all school land must be used for students if needed.
Download year of operation and the ongoing development and growth of MFNSS continues." With respect for First Nations control, treaty, and inherent rights, MFNSS supports schools to improve the quality of education, enhance academic standards and, ultimately, increase student outcomes, including retention, completion, and graduation rates. "MFNSS has made significant strides in developing an education system reflective of First Nations world views, cultures, and values," said Lorne C. Keeper, Executive Director
Gasing is located nearly west side to Tanah. Travel duration from Gasing to Tanah is around 0.14 Hours if your travel speed is 50 KM per Hour. Tanah travelers are welcome to visit our travel driving direction page for detail information with road map. Traveling from Gasing to Tanah is connected by more than one route. Soon you may expect those various travel routes to reach Tanah. You are welcome to use our Gasing to Tanah road map and travel planning tool to assist your travel. It shows surrounding tourist places and important places. If there is a bus route between Gasing to Tanah, you can check our bus route map. Gasing weather and Tanah weather is also vaialble at our weather map. Gasing elevation and Tanah altitude available in elevation map. Dear travelers you can publish / write the following travel information about Gasing and Tanah if it is applicable. Past traveling experience from Gasing to Tanah. Different travel routes to reach Tanah by road, train and air. Tourist places between Gasing and Tanah route. If there is any Train from Gasing to Tanah and available bus services. Gasing and Tanah Hotels details, travel guide and booking information. Travel queries, Photos and other information related to Gasing and Tanah.
With your safety in mind we reserve the right to alter trips upon our discretion due to water levels or unpredictable events. In the event we change a trip due to water levels the price of the trip remains the same as we will provide an extended trip on a comparable section of river. chosen the WFC policy at time of reservation. • For the safety of yourself and others we refuse service to anyone under the influence of Drugs/Alcohol prior to or during any activity with RGR and in turn you immediately forfeit refund. • Swimming Ability and a Healthy Fitness Level are Always Recommended.
For many people, the bowels move maybe once a day. Now, if you eat three meals a day, and your bowels move maybe once a day… ( for some people having a bowel movement once every three days,is normal !!) where do you think all that waste matter sits. Right, it sits inside you, and tends to pollute ( to a greater or lesser degree ) the rest of your system. So, getting this long, twisting, digestive and elimination pipe, free of old debris, and emptying more frequently is the goal. The colon program does that. It stimulates and activates the squeezing action, and picks up and moves out the waste matters.
Q: Как сделать слайдер в телеграмм боте на python на инлайн кнопках Как сделать так чтобы было как на картинке и можно было листать. Желательно пример с кодом, а то не могу понять как сделать. !( A: Сам не занимался слайдерами на inline кнопках, но понимаю как всё работает. Тут довольно просто. Для начала, Вам нужно получить id того сообщения, к которому необходимо прикрепить слайдер. Создаёте стандартно клавиатуру и прикрепляете её. Затем в обработчике функций нажатия на кнопку стрелки например влево, вставляете следующий код: message_id = callback_query.message.message_id. Это необходимо для получения id сообщения, к которому прикреплён слайдер. Далее используете метод bot.edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id=, message_id=message_id, reply_markup=), где в аргументе chat_id вставляете код, для получения чата отправленного сообщения, оно же -, а в reply_markup передаёте следующую клавиатуру - страницу слайдера. Так же и с предыдущей.
The University of South Carolina Beaufort unveils an arts campus. an art gallery.” With so many galleries and local artists, Beaufort is a place where students can get involved. USCB plans to offer internships and other opportunities to foster student interaction with the larger arts community. Residents have pledged $218,000 in scholarship funds for students applying to the Studio Art program. This new arts focus on the Historic Beaufort campus is a natural step for USCB, which offers a wealth of educational and cultural opportunities to the Lowcountry. USCB’s Center for the Arts hosts art exhibits, theatrical events, concerts, and other performances. The Center for the Arts showcases new programming such as live HD broadcasts from the Metropolitan Opera and old favorites like Edward Arron’s Festival Series of chamber music continue to delight audiences. The University also gives back to the community through its Osher Life Long Learning Institute, a not-for-credit educational program for community members of any age and educational background. The OLLI program offers classes in art, philosophy, history, current events, political issues, religion, science, literature, languages, and many other subjects. USCB brings together the depth of the arts culture of Beaufort with the student-focused approach of a small, liberal arts campus. Students find a welcoming community of like-minded individuals, small class sizes, and endless opportunities to showcase their art in and out of the classroom. With plans to expand course offerings and on-campus housing, USCB is committed to sharing the Lowcountry arts experience with students and community members alike. “Arts on our Historic Beaufort campus make sense,” says Dr. Harvey Varnet, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. “What better place to study art than in the middle of a historic town full of natural beauty that is receiving national accolades for its rich arts culture?”
Tech icon Steve Wozniak has come forward with several predictions for 2013, with data center technologies an important part of the list. Wozniak’s predictions are based on a series of conversations he had recently with Brett Shockley, senior vice president and general manager of applications and emerging technologies at Avaya. They trace an arc from the consumer space up through the enterprise, with an interesting take on the BYOD phenomenon: Woz believes that mobile devices will eventually become the “remote controls,” so to speak, of the world. Although he’s most famous as the co-founder of Apple, Wozniak currently serves as chief scientist at Fusion-io, a manufacturer of enterprise flash storage for data centers and other devices. The unifying thesis to the predictions—although Wozniak doesn’t really come forward and explicitly state it—is that consumer technologies will control the direction of the enterprise, with individual hardware, software and service components influencing the direction of other components. A lot of this may be summed up by the so-called “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) movement, in which employees use personal devices for work tasks such as enterprise apps. In his own way, Wozniak is suggesting that this trend shows no signs of slowing down in the near term. Wozniak predicts that collaboration tools will dominate—while noting that these collaboration tools must run on a variety of platforms, not just one. We can see the beginnings of this, such as giant displays in conference rooms that’ll sync with a laptop or tablet, the concept of “throwing” content onto a nearby display has been largely constrained to entertainment. But imagine collaborative workspaces in which groups of workers participate via their tablets or PCs: the cloud becomes a super-assistant of sorts, hosting a shared workspace while providing computational resources for all users. That’s not exactly a new concept, but its requirements could demand some new thinking in terms of how backend infrastructure is structured and provisioned.
Perera, M.K.T.P.K.; Adhikari, A.M.D.I.; Wickramasinghe, H.H.L.M.; Dasanayaka, D.M.J.H.K.; Karunanayaka, K.P.W.; Wickramaarachchi, W.A.S.S.; Ruwantha, W.T.M.; Fernando, W.M.K.K.M.W. Citation: Perera, M.K.T.P.K., Adhikari, A.M.D.I., Wickramasinghe, H.H.L.M., Dasanayaka, D.M.J.H.K., Karunanayaka, K.P.W., Wickramaarachchi, W.A.S.S., Ruwantha, W.T.M. and Fernando, W.M.K.K.M.W. 2015. Determinants of Logistics Outsourcing: A Review of Relevant Literature. In Proceedings of the 2nd Undergraduate Symposium on Contemporary Management and Theory. Department of Commerce and Financial Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management, University of Kelaniya. pp 130-140. Outsourcing is currently ongoing through stage of unstoppable growth. Logistics is the most famous function of outsourcing. Outsourcing has emerged as one of the popular and widely used business strategy of this globalized era. After exhausting the traditional modes of cost cutting, outsourcing has become the most favored avenue for cost cutting In the light of increasing competition and potential economic benefits in the logistics sector, the objective of this paper is to examine the determinants of logistics outsourcing and identify the key factors that are required for a successful a logistics hub. For the logistics hub, the analysis on the determinants of competitiveness is made using literature which are presented information about logistics outsourcing.
The computer controlled fuel injection is awesome. Out on the highway and you need to pass a truck; just roll on the throttle and the smooth power launches you to the century mark without a burp. I have a Yammy XS 1100 that can rock out, but not with the smoothness of this bike. The handling is excellent once the bike starts to move. You would never think that a 750LB + bike could handle like this. I had always wanted a GL1200. I like the looks of My 86 SEI with a smooth vanilla color and a bit darker accent and wineberry seats. After all these years the bike turns heads everywhere I go. I have 7 bikes, and I like this bike so much I am looking for another. I could just collect these from now on. Very dependable and great gas mileage. I have had various bikes in my life; CBR... Interceptor 1000.. 750 Yamaha.. Honda Nighthawk and so on. My bike of choice would be anything in a racer style. I am going on fifty soon, and still love these style of bikes. However my wife would never let me put another one in the driveway because of the last drive she took with me a few years back. Last year I bought a 1200 1986 Aspencade; to me it look like a living room couch with a picture window strap to it. NOT MY KIND OF BIKE... I was wrong, it drives fantastic; it has room for whatever I want to bring with us, and my wife for the first time feels comfortable and safe. I can't believe the passing power it has in overdrive, and this power is smooth. I can't believe I am saying this, but I am looking at buying a new 1800 Aspencade. Anyone know if they're as good as the oldies? Hello, I sometimes can't believe that I have had SEVEN Goldwings, 1-'82 Interstate,1-'83 Aspencade, 1-'83 Intestate, 1-'84 Interstate, 1-'86 Aspencade, 2-'87 Aspencades. All are wonderful bikes, mileage ranges from 21K-130K. You can't tell them apart if they are in perfect working condition. I had a brand new 2006 Concours and it couldn't hold a candle to the '86 Aspencade I now have; of course the Concours handles better in the mountains. 22 years old and I feel better on this old bike anyday!! I've owned 3-V65 Sabres, 1-V65 Magna,1-V45 Magna, 1-550 Yamaha Seca, 1-650 Special Yamaha, and many dirt bikes of which I can't list here. This really is a piece of art and was intended to ride forever! JZ. This motorcycle is a bit much for "a new to the dream" rider, but for a rider with some experience, it is truly a great motorcycle. It is dependable, powerful, a very comfortable. It takes a little practice to feel really comfortable, on it, but it is a true work of art. These bikes still deliver a great ride after all these years. Great motorcycle value! I will need new tires next summer. I will get new seals for the shocks next spring. I may need the front brake looked at, as it has a bit of an uneven spot in the disc when the front brake is applied hard. I really like this bike, but my wife is in love with it. Honest, she was down in the garage polishing it on her own! This bike was well taken care of. It looks and drives great. I have been taking this to work every day 50 miles RT. (rain or shine) for about two months.
On a quiet summer Friday, the actress Nicole Kidman announced a new project, Nine Perfect Strangers, based on Liane Moriarty’s forthcoming novel. The next day, she filmed scenes for the second season of Big Little Lies, this one with Meryl Streep sharing the billing. And then, the following day—a Sunday, a day of rest—Nicole Kidman revealed that she would also be producing an adaptation of Janice Y.K. Lee’s novel The Expatriates, which was picked up by Amazon*.* (Last month, her production company announced a first-look deal with the streaming platform.) Oh, and she’ll tentatively be starring in both of them. In the upcoming season of Big Little Lies, which will expand beyond the scope of Moriarty’s source novel, Streep plays Kidman’s mother-in-law, Mary-Louise (which is, in fact, Streep’s birth name; Meryl is a nickname)—making her the mother of Celeste Wright’s (spoiler alert) late husband, Perry. The role was actually devised by Moriarty herself when the possibility of a second season of the then limited series arose; she conceptualized the character with Streep in mind. (“We didn’t think we’d get her,” Kidman admitted in an interview shortly after the announcement.) So between the entire Big Little Lies saga and Nine Perfect Strangers, Moriarty and Kidman, fellow Aussies, have cultivated a strong partnership. And with The Expatriates, the Janice Y.K. Lee adaptation, Kidman will again turn to a novel for inspiration in developing a project. The Expatriates, which was first released in 2016, centers on a trio of women navigating motherhood and social spheres in contemporary Hong Kong—a New York Times review at the time explained that the novel explores “the nuance and clash of culture, class, race and sex.” Kidman began her production company, Blossom Entertainment, nearly a decade ago, developing Rabbit Hole, a film based on the Pulitzer Prize–winning play of the same title, under its auspices. Since then, she has made an effort to create the kinds of roles she wants to play and wants to put out in the world—including those in Big Little Lies, which features an ensemble cast comprising almost exclusively women. “The Expatriates is just the beginning of our shared goal in making delicious stories with something meaningful to say about the world,” Kidman said in a statement announcing the Amazon collaboration. Just the beginning! Tomorrow is Monday. Nicole Kidman never rests.
Remember the twin lamb book? These are the original sheep I designed for the cover. I didn't want the sheep from the create a critter cartridge I have, so I cut and made my own. However the client changed their mind and decided to print and cut sheep from their invitation so they would be exact. So, it looks like these little sheep will be heading to the ADD ON section in my shop. If you know about my add on section, then you know you can buy a guest book and add any of the available embellishments from my shop or request one to personalize your books. These are just a few of the new ones being added this month. If I'm missing a type or theme in the shop, please let me know. I'll be happy to add it for you.
Q: Размер шрифта и отступы Никак не могу нагуглить следующие вопросы: * *Откуда берётся этот отступ сверху над буквами и для каких целей он, в принципе, существует? *Можно ли от него избавиться? *Как грамотно высчитать отступ между, например, span и div, чтобы учесть этот зазор над текстом? Точнее, если мне нужен, например, отступ текста в 30рх сверху от блока, то как учесть этот самый зазор, который на большом кегеле имеет существенный размер. span { font-size: 300px; line-height: 1; background: silver; } <span>HojihtqgT</span> A: Увы, у меня для Вас печальные известия. Эти отступы — «зарезервированные отступы шрифта», они сделаны специально для всяких «хвостиков» символов; поэтому, если их убрать, некоторые символы могут быть обрезаны. Его можно обрезать с помощью line-height, но это плохо, и не правильно. A: Это сам шрифт такой. Вот, добавил ещё 2 символа в строку - как видно, первый упирается ровно в границу, второй вообще не помещается в строке. body { padding: 40px 0; } span { font-size: 300px; line-height: 1; background: silver; } <span>Ĝ█HojihtqgT</span>
Q: Конвертация json строки в js объект В php файле есть массив который передается так:echo json_encode($new_content);. Его принимает функция, заданная при успешном выполнении AJAX запроса. Но почему то вместо того что бы нормально конвертироваться с json строки в js объект я получаю [object Object]. Подскажите почему Вот php <?php session_start(); $user = $_SESSION['user']; $message = $_POST['message']; $time = date('H:i:s'); $file = "../data/messages.json"; $json_content = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); $content = array(); if(is_array($json_content)) { $content = $json_content; } if (!empty($message)) { $content[] = array("time" => $time, "user" => $user, "message" => $message); $new_content = array(); $i = 0; foreach($content as $key => $id) { $new_id = $id; $new_id['id'] = $i; $new_content[$id['user'] ] = $new_id; $i++; } file_put_contents($file, json_encode($new_content, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT),FILE_APPEND); } echo json_encode($new_content); ?> Вот JS $(document).ready(function(){ $('#easyForm').submit(function(){ var text = $('#text').val(); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : 'php/chat_script.php', data : { message:text }, success: function(arr) { arr = $.parseJSON(arr); $('#time').html(arr.time); $('#name').html(arr.user); $('#message').html(arr.message); } }); return false; }); }); Вот содержание массив {"qwe":{"time":"20:57:55","user":"qwe","message":"qwe","id":0}} A: И будет вам счастье, а еще есть такая штука как arr = JSON.stringify(arr) Вариант 2 более правильный header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($new_content); ?> $(document).on('ready', function(){ $('#easyForm').submit(function(e){ var text = $('#text').val(); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : 'php/chat_script.php', dataType: 'json', data : { message:text }, success: function(data) { $('#time').html(data.time); $('#name').html(data.user); $('#message').html(data.message); } }); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); }); A: Вы не указали в опциях $.ajax тип ожидаемого ответа. jQuery очень старается передать в обработчик success, то, что по мнению библиотеки, Вы хотели возвратить. В данном случае, это правильно квалифицировано как текст формата JSON, который уже преобразован в js объект, который и подан параметром в success. Строку arr = $.parseJSON(arr); нужно убрать. Update Массива я не вижу, а вижу объект с одним свойством qwe, у которого, есть свойства: time, user, message и id $('#time').html(arr.qwe.time); $('#name').html(arr.qwe.user); $('#message').html(arr.qwe.message);
Q: Почему выводит всегда True? Если поставить name == okName, будет всегда False function checkform(f) { var name = document.getElementById('name'); var okName = /[a-z]/; if (name = okName){ alert ('true'); } else{ alert ('false'); } } A: name = okName - результат операции присваивания в данном случае будет истинный, должно быть name == okNameДумаю это вам подойдет: if (ok_name.test( { } A: Прочесть Особенности регулярных выражений в Javascript это раз! Два name = okName никогда не будет = и даже == так как вы пытаетесь проверить данные а не сравнить их! Если okName будет равно test и при условии что name тоже test тогда: if (name == okName){ alert ('true'); } else{ alert ('false'); }
Ethics in matters like these belong to you not to others. The real need for ethics here is to defeat the tribalism that has promulgated a foaming chasm of disgust and hatred between two contraposed views of how to run the world. THAT is unethical, merely to accept it within one’s presence. Why? Because demonizing people over different points of view, each group admittedly seeking “what’s fair” but disagreeing completely over both the means to achieve it and how to define “fair” in the first place? Now, if you like their music, take a deep calming breath and enjoy it. Previous Post Why are Christian churches accepting homosexuals into the congregation despite the Bible stance on the subject? What other biblical teachings are those churches ignoring? Next Post What noteworthy theories are there, concerning the origin of species, other than Evolution and Intelligent Design?
Principles of Scalable Performance. Then set up a personal list of libraries from your profile page by clicking on your scaoability name at the top right of any screen. Lists What are lists? Jemi rated it it was ok Dec 14, This single location in Tasmania: Manveen rated it really liked it Feb 20, Login to add to list. Diksha rated it really liked it Oct 21, My library Help Advanced Book Search. Borchardt Library, Melbourne Bundoora Campus. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Open to the public Book; Illustrated English Show 0 more libraries Aug 28, Chandu paralleliem it as to-read. I read this book in the path of learning about cache coherency, but I didn’t cover it all reading this book only. Utkarsh rated it really liked it Feb 25, Skip to content Skip to search. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Palash Ijari rated it it was amazing Oct 31, Refresh and try again. The University of Melbourne Library. User Review – Flag as inappropriate This is a great and fundamental book on computer architecture. Neha Jain rated it it was amazing Apr 18, Gold Coast Campus Library. Arcchitecture Varshney rated it it was amazing Sep 16, Nov 21, Phallarlion added it. These 3 locations in Queensland: Advanced Computer Architecture Hwang No preview available – To include a comma in your tag, surround the tag with double quotes. No trivia or quizzes yet. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Computer engineering McGraw-Hill computer science series. Trivia About Advanced Computer Add a tag Cancel Uniform Memory Access. Nikita Rawat rated it it was amazing Dec 20, The University of Sydney.
Modern game engines are a complex combination of multiple technologies. This unit will extend your knowledge of game programming by providing you with theory and practice in using advanced engine technology elements such as geometry manipulation and real time rendering techniques. Game engines simulate physics to provide a basis for the development of game worlds. This unit will give you a thorough understanding of the mathematics behind these visual simulation components and the ability to solve problems in related game engine development. The unit is placed later in the course to provide you with advanced knowledge and skills for programming 3D game engines, in conjunction with IGB383 AI for Games. The theory and skills learned in this unit will help you create a high quality game in your capstone project units IGB300 and IGB301.
My emo bunnies recently asked me what my favorite story is that I wrote. After some consideration, I realized that it would have to be Rain Glade. It's a novella set in the world of Ryallon where the Willden, Dralin, Wyvern and Crazed Trilogies are set. Out of all of my books, it's not just my favorite, but I believe it's the best work I've done. The emo bunnies proceeded to interview me about it. Then they hijacked my blog to post it. You can give them carrots and hay if you like it. They're pretty sure you won't though. Nobody ever does. The Kingdom of Paruth is a country torn by centuries of civil war. All young men are conscripted into military service by the king or the lords of provinces. Women are left to care for children and trade on their own for the most part. In an insignificant village, in a forgotten corner of the kingdom, lives a simple peasant girl by the name of Rain. She wonders what the future holds for her, or if the future even cares about her fate. Rain’s friend Verna has taught her to dance through the forest in the moonlight. The colorful woman finds pleasure in nature and life. Jacob is a young man conscripted into Lord Greffen’s militia. He discovers Rain injured one day and seeks to aid her. The world of Ryallon holds many places filled with magic and mystery. How will one such glade change their lives? Why is Rain Glade the best? For a few reasons. The biggest is that it's my highest quality writing. Another is that the story is perfect. It's a tragedy, unusual for me, but it came out even better than I expected. The next reason is that the characters came out even more vivid and interesting than I expected, especially Verna. Finally, the descriptions of everything came out wonderfully. Will you nuzzle our cheeks please? Thank you. Now, what do you mean it's your highest quality story? It's actually very difficult to get thousands of words all in the correct places. In my novels, I get most of them in correctly, but sometimes the words stray, get wasted, or just aren't interesting. In Rain Glade, I believe each word, sentence and paragraph accomplished a lot in telling the story. There was little waste in the 25,000 words I used to tell it. Why would you write a tragedy? What inspired it? And do you have any spinach leaves to feed us? Sure, here's some spinach leaves. I was inspired while listening to a song; "Travelling Soldier" by the Dixie Chicks. It's a song about a young woman who falls in love with a soldier who goes to war and doesn't come back. It made me consider what a similar circumstance would be in a fantasy world with magic and sword carrying soldiers. Since I was driving at the time, I had my wife write down notes for the story as I came up with them. As far as why it's a tragedy, well, the song was a tragedy. More importantly, I believe that war in general is a tragedy. It's a waste of life when we should all be working together to ensure the prosperity and health of humanity. Telling a story of love when death may take one of the lovers is the sort of thing that tears at heart strings. Hearts don't actually have strings. You said the characters are more vivid and interesting than you expected. What do you mean? Rain, the lead character who the book is named after, came out much deeper in personality than I originally expected. She had such low self-esteem, yet was generous to those around her. There was potential in her, and if she had lived under different circumstances, perhaps she would have been great. More than anyone, Verna fascinated me though. She is a Druid and Rain's best friend. There is such life and vitality in the character. I didn't expect her. It was as though Verna popped off the page and said hello to me. It's odd, but I've had characters that were aware that I waswriting about them, but no one ever like Verna. I fascinate her just as much as she fascinates me. That's not just odd, it's borderline crazy. Whatever, get on with the questions. When you say the descriptions of everything came out better than you expected, you're talking about things like the sky, buildings and stuff like that? Since this is a novella rather than a novel with 100,000 words to work with, I focused on creating these scenes with a minimum of words. I'm happy with the effect. You seem to be very happy about everything in this book. I really am. It's one of the best stories of Ryallon in my opinion. We don't like happy. Well, it's a bit of a sad book. We like sad. Can we have more cheek nuzzles now? *sigh* I suppose so.
2019 MGS Summer Picnic - Tag-A-Palooza! Post subject: 2019 MGS Summer Picnic - Tag-A-Palooza! The Tag-A-Palooza 'raffle' is returning again this year! Participation is simple - bring PathTags (or Extagz), and get a raffle ticket for each unique tag you contribute (i.e., bring 1 tag, get 1 ticket; bring 5 unique tags, get 5 tickets, etc.). Wait for the drawing at 3:15pm when one ticket will be drawn - the winner takes all the tags donated! Don't have any tags? Raffle tickets will also be available for purchase into Tag-a-Palooza. Tickets are $1 each, or 6 tickets for $5. Last year’s winning lot included nearly 100 PathTags, so bring any number of tags you would like to contribute. What a great way to expand your PathTag collection, or to start a new one! Post subject: Re: 2019 MGS Summer Picnic - Tag-A-Palooza! Count me in. Maybe I can won two years in a row.
There are a lot of startup web design firms around the globe from which to choose, but hiring a nearby designer offers several advantages. Local web designers offer you a quicker response. Don’t underestimate the potential of communication dysfunction across time zones. Great local designers offer dependable, fast replies to your customer’s questions. Prompt communication is incredibly crucial to the design of a great website. And since they’re in the region, local designers can initiate relationships with their clients beyond e-mailing and phone calls. This establishes a degree of trust between client and designer that cannot easily be so for a client and designer many miles apart. An area designer is more inclined to care about the success of a client’s business and will offer better site support to further a client’s progress. Local designers must hold themselves accountable to clients so that they can remain in business. It is not difficult to discover if your local designer is credible, but not so for an international designer. Examine the Designer’s Portfolio When all great designers have their finest work on display, you do not want to randomly select a website designer. Make certain that they have a web portfolio. Not having one is cause for alarm-either a designer does not want to show off the work he or she’s done or has little expertise. Look through each one of the designs and note the designer’s range, versatility, and preferences. Consequently, you can picture the way your pest control firm might be portrayed on a website. A superb website designer stays on top of present techniques and methods of on-line marketing. Their task is always to supply you with a platform for long-term growth of your firm. Investing now in an expert web designer for your pest control company website will not merely save you money in the long run, but additionally provide you with the chance to begin raising your profits immediately.
On July 01, VeChain price was trading around 0.00812382 USD. However, today after 25-days, the digital coin is trading with a decline of 29.3%. A similar action can be observed in the weekly trading, where the coin has gone down by a slightly of 3.49%, from 0.00595714 USD on July 20. Not to forget that the crypto has shown a stable movement in the last couple of days and yesterday after opening at 0.005922 USD, it closed at 0.005868 USD, with a decline of 0.91%. VeChain has shown some stability in the last 2 days. The declining trend of the crypto is on hold for now. However, the bullish trend in the short term is still a long shot. As per our prediction, VET price might trade around 0.01 USD in the long term. The immediate resistance for the coin is at 0.005961 USD, and the support level is at 0.005536 USD. China is the largest market for cryptocurrencies and partnering with the Chinese government is a smart move for VeChain Foundation in the long term. Everyone is familiar with the law in China regarding the foreign industries and in that scenario, being in the side of government is a safe move. At the current level, investors should take a risk and go in for trading, as the VET price is expected to make a bounce back soon.
Netriches Aruba Web Solutions provides you with high-quality web design services that are 100% search engine-friendly. We are a Web Design and SEO company based in Aruba that is dedicated to providing the best possible online service to our clients. We will help you increase your traffic with SEO-optimized and targeted content marketing tactics utilizing various digital channels. Our work includes creating a responsive web design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Online Marketing, and Web Hosting. Small business startup or not, you’ll need a website that gets your name out there. Numerous things are to be considered, such as features, functionalities, complexity, development platform, time taken in testing, etc. If you are planning to develop a standard website, it takes approximately 4-8 weeks, but it depends on your specifications and the complexity of the website. Yes, we can maintain your website during a per occurrence request or monthly. A good website will grow over time. When a website is launched (or relaunched), the work doesn’t end. And one thing we’ve seen plenty are websites that go live and are then neglected in terms of ongoing maintenance. You must ensure that your website is properly maintained. Websites that contain broken links or outdated content are particularly frustrating to users. Yes. You can provide us with a domain name that you would like us to research, and we will also provide you with domain names that are available that match your company. The cost depends on the type of domain name (.com, .net, etc.) and the number of years the domain will be registered. We’ll suggest a web host and domain registrar if you don’t have one and work with you to set it up. Yes, all our sites are fully Responsive Web Design. We believe that a website deserves to look good, as well as rank well “out of the box”. Are you interested in learning more about responsive and stand-alone mobile websites? We're happy to help you make the transition to a mobile-friendly web presence - please don't hesitate to contact us for more information. Search Engine Optimization is all about getting your website higher up in the search results on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yandex...