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When we got to the resort, the Taxify driver said that it would be really difficult for us to find a cab going back (which is true). He said he lived close by so he could hang around and then take us back when we were done. He mentioned that he would pause the ride and then resume it when we were ready to go back. He was going to wait for us for about an hour and a half or two hours so we thought this was a pretty good idea because we didn’t think that we would be able to request another Taxify or Uber at that location because it was far.
Re: Re:Software cannot make a subjective decision, only a person can do that, and we are back to a gatekeeper model for public speech via publishing something. AFAIK, the only ways to exempt content from contentid is by excluding an account/channel from its reach, or excluding a URI from its reach.Control over publication was justified when it was managing access to limited production and distribution capacity. This however limits free speech by putting a gatekeeper between a speaker and their audience. It however becomes somewhat more problematic when it is used to totally control how and when speech is made available, I.e. TV channels preventing non commercial re-distribution , and when it is is used to limit speech on the Internet because of a small piece of someones content is incidental to the speech, like accidentally captured music.Controlling what when and how something was published, is a necessary evil when physical copies are being produced. It is pure evil when it is is used to control what, when and how on an effectively unlimited Internet. Almost ever piece of speech borrows from copyrighted works, and an automatic identify the bits so that it can be blocked is effectively a means of enabling gatekeepers to control public speech.Improvements to contentid will only increase the works that it tags, as software cannot deal with value judgments required for fair use. Also the people demanding its use do not want fair use to exist, but control over all publishing so that they can make a profit. [ reply to this | link to this | view in thread ]
Cortometraje en homenaje a Andres Caicedo transpolado a la ciudad de BsAs. Crew: Adaptación / Dirección / Montaje / Dirección de Fotografía: (((HAP))) Asistente de Dirección / Sonido Directo: Alain Garibi Asistente de Montaje / Jefe de Producción: Rafa Guzmán Música: Sebastián Ulloa Supervisión: Marcos Glucksmann Cast: Protagonista: Mariana Roffo Voz en Off: Maika Pereiro Extras: Pilar Sanchez / Juliana Robledo / Guille Isa / Sebastian Ulloa El Subsuelo Audiovisual Buenos Aires – Argentina 2005 Continue reading » LATINAMERICAN CINEMA – LECCIONES DE CINE // EL SUBSUELO
Loading content ... Description Collection Name Albert Johnson Photograph Collection, 1905-1917 Identifier UAF-1989-166-555-neg nitrate Title Ice going out May 10th 1914. Description Title from caption. Photograph shows flooding near Samson Hardware due to the ice going out on May 10th, 1914 in Fairbanks, Alaska. Creator Johnson, Albert J. Subject.TGM Hardware storesIceFloodsRiversPeopleCommercial streets Corporate Name Samson Hardware (Fairbanks, Alaska)Alaska Citizen (Fairbanks, Alaska)Northern Commercial CompanyH. C. Davis Sash and Door Factory (Fairbanks, Alaska) Location Fairbanks (Alaska) Region Interior Alaska Time Period 1913 to 1939 Date 1914/05/10 Type Image (Photographs) Ordering & Use For information on ordering and using this material: http://library.uaf.edu/order-photos Holding Institution Alaska and Polar Regions Collections, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.; mailto:UAF-APR-reference-Service@alaska.edu --(907) 474-2791--PO Box 756808, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6808. Rating Tags Add tags for Ice going out May 10th 1914.
ParkWhiz is the leading transactional platform that enables drivers, fleets and connected vehicles to find and book parking. The company offers the largest inventory of parking spaces for drivers to reserve before reaching their destinations, saving both time and money. Working with all major parking operators, it delivers transactional parking as a value-added service to major brands in sports and entertainment, travel, automotive and navigation. ParkWhiz has built partnerships with brands including Ford, Ticketmaster, Groupon, Madison Square Garden and others. The company operates two consumer-facing brands of its own—ParkWhiz and BestParking—available for Apple, Android and Amazon Alexa. ParkWhiz has parked over seven million vehicles and is operational in over 190 cities in North America and expanding rapidly.
“Er is geen twijfel over: dit is een strijd op leven en dood“, reageert Kamerlid Ortwin Depoortere (Vlaams Belang). “En deze jihadisten willen niet enkel onze burgers doden, maar onze gehele beschaving. De keuze van de christelijke basiliek in Nice als scène van de aanslag kan dan ook geen toeval geweest zijn. We moeten deze golf van terreur vastberaden beantwoorden en bekampen, want ook bij ons zijn er velen die een gevolg willen geven aan jihadisten zoals deze in Nice of de moordenaar van Paty.”
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Гости, жившие не в Чарлстоне, покинули изысканный свадебный прием в доме Батлеров довольно рано, стремясь благополучно добраться до дома в такую непогоду. Немногие успели вовремя вылететь в Сан-Франциско, Атланту и Новый Орлеан. А те, кто остался – друзья и родственники, жившие на Айл-оф-Палмс, Хантинг-Айленд, Фрипп-Айленд и даже в Хилтон-Хид, – собрались у телевизора в кабинете и библиотеке, слушая прогноз погоды и рекомендации воздержаться от посещения низинных прибрежных районов. Ближе к вечеру были перекрыты мосты на прибрежные острова.
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И не может быть иначе, ведь этот храм был возведен на месте, указанном и размеченном преподобным Амвросием – основателем и устроителем этой обители, будущее которой ему было открыто Господом. И, как в те дни, вновь вспоминаются слова приснопамятного Филарета, митрополита Московского: «…все это было здесь, только сокрыто временем, все это было здесь, и теперь лишь, как драгоценное сокровище, сокрыто в драгоценном ковчеге…». По молитвам батюшки Амвросия, как и прежде, Господь посылает людей, оказывающих помощь обители.
SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:SSNC)Add to Watch ListSet Alert68.03Delayed DataAs of Jul 31 +0.61 / +0.90%Today’s Change41.51Today|||52-Week Range68.40+16.31%Year-to-DateQuoteProfileNewsChartsForecastsFinancialsShareholdersCompetitors1 day3 days5 days1 month3 month6 monthYTD1 year3 year5 yearSS&C Technologies Holdings Inc Use the checkboxes below to add to the chart.Major Benchmarks Today’schange1 yearchange1 yeartrend INXS&P 500 INDEX -0.23%+8.97% INDUDow Jones Industrial Average -0.32%+6.80%Peers & CompetitorsMarket capP/E ratioToday’schange1 yearchange1 yeartrend SSNCSS&C Technologies Holdings Inc$6.6B45.6+0.90%+57.08% SABRSabre Corp--54.1+1.29%+40.15% --National Agricultural Holdings Ltd-------- DATATableau Software Inc--5,402.6-1.97%+61.14% Add
Chumbley's Auto Care has been serving the Indianola area since 1957 and have been operating under the current ownership since 1999. A real fixture in the community, they focus on Domestic and Asian vehicles and are equipped with many of the same \"factory\" diagnostic tools the dealerships use. Their experienced, well trained, and certified (two ASE Master Technicians on staff) have the knowledge to use these specialized tools to quickly get to the root of just about any problem. Combine this with their great customer service and you can see they certainly have what it takes to be a RepairPal Certified shop.
Recovery time and need for physical therapy are dramatically reduced with injections compared to traditional surgical treatment. The early results of this treatment indicate that it is nearly as effective as surgery, but long-term recurrence rates have not yet been determined. Possible side effects include several days of soreness or bruising in the arm and hand, blisters or minor skin tears, and very rarely injury to other structures such as tendons. Patients can expect an bruising, blisters or minor skin tears to heal in a short period of time.
Both of these are lines that are sang by the gay missionary in the musical, The Book of Mormon. I can definitely say that what he sang rang true for my experience growing up in Utah. There were many times growing up that I thought I could turn off my attractions to men. I tried so hard. I would punish myself for checking out the lifeguard, fantasizing about my crushes, or watching pornography. It was never physical punishment, but rather reading more scriptures and taking my fun time away. I was serious and I wanted to show God that I wanted to turn off my sinful attractions. I'm even sure that I tried to crush the "box" that holds my homosexual desires. Needless to say, I couldn't turn them off or crush bedazzled, glittery, and boa-lined box.
1Vụ 8 bệnh nhân chạy thận tử vong: Quên rửa hóa chất trong đường nước12Phòng thi đặc biệt: Không có thí sinh, giám thị vẫn ngồi coi phòng thi3Nhân viên cây xăng đâm khách tử vong34Nhận diện một số "nhà dân chủ" dính bẫy tiền, làm con rối cho Việt Tân15Nhà sư trộm chuông đồng bán mua ma túy đá16Nga bắn rơi máy bay Mỹ do thám hệ thống phòng không ở Syria7Bắt một phóng viên tống tiền doanh nghiệp18Khởi tố, bắt tạm giam phóng viên chiếm đoạt tiền doanh nghiệp49Cha ruột nghi nhậu say đè chết con gái một tháng tuổi210Vụ 8 người tử vong trong khi chạy thận nhân tạo ở Hòa Bình: Bắt tạm giam ba đối tượng11"Yêu râu xanh" sát hại, hiếp dâm bé gái rồi giấu vào nhà vệ sinh112Tôi đã rước họa vào nhà2113Triệu tập đối tượng cột tay cháu bé, treo lơ lửng trên xà nhà114Lời khai kinh hoàng của kẻ đâm chết người tình của mẹ115Người đàn bà “ăn vụng” đẩy chồng vào vòng lao lý2
“Kćeri moja, pa zar si izgubila razum, ili želiš obeščastiti obitelj tako smiješnim odijelom koje ne odgovara tvome staležu i rangu. Što znači to odijelo? Poslušaj svoju majku! Odmah ga ostavi! ” Kada nije uspijela s uvjeravanjima promijeniti Luizinu odluku, gospođa Trichet pokuša uvjeriti muža da vrši pritisak na kćer, ali on s dostojanstvom, kršćanskim razumijevanjem te osjećajem za pravičnost i slobodu prihvati izbor svoje kćeri. Majka se u suzama obrati biskupu Poypeu tražeći od njega da bude sudac između nje i kćeri. Biskup pun razumijevanja blago odgovori majci: “Gospođo, pa vi biste htjeli odvratiti vašu kćer od njenoga poziva”. A Luizu ohrabri riječima: “Kćeri moja, draga moja kćeri, ne ostavljaj taj habit”. Kao zadnje gospođa Trichet pokuša pridobiti kapelana ubožnice. Ljudevit joj svetački kratko odgovori: “Vaša kći? Griješite gospođo nije ona vaša, ona je Božja”.
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The District encompasses approximately 44.5 square miles in Southern Sarasota County and Western Charlotte County. There are four (4) fresh water and two (2) brackish water wellfields. This raw water is treated at either the lime softening treatment plant or the reverse osmosis treatment plant. The finished waters are mixed and sent into the distribution system. The District also operates a 3.0 MGD Water Reclamation Facility to take care of the sanitary sewer needs of the area. As of September 2014 84% of all water customers also receive sewer service. 1955
After an accident I brought my car to Nasca’s body shop to get it fixed, Joe said they would talk to the insurance and deal with them for me, he said they would have some news the other day, I called and he said they still had no information. He noticed my car was a total loss and that he would not make much money so he decided to lie to me and keep my car as long as possible on his lot so he could charge more. After 2 weeks he told me the insurance was coming and I had to sign a release form so they could pick it up. My mistake is that I’m too honest and I fell for the trap, I was signing something that insured that I had to pay for the car for staying there. Now he charged me 1500 dollars and my car is not worth much more than that. I went there to talk to him and he showed his true face, he was very rude and told me to get out of there unless I brought his money. Not happy to steal all that from me he still lied he talked with someone on the insurance company saying they were going there to pick it up next morning; I called the insurance and they never had talked with him. .
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Hola gente, yo la tomo en casos puntuales o sea casi nunca, no es un medicamento para usar todos los dias y por periodos largos( años en algunos casos) la tristeza, el insomnio y varios problemas son cosas que a todos nos va a pasar alguna vez en la vida, no por eso hay que meter pastillas a lo loco. Yo la uso cada muy tanto por bruxismo me agarra algunas veces pero entre meses y es increible el dolor de cabeza al otro dia o el desgaste de los dientes pese a que uso esas ferulas de mierda ( ya rompi como 4 jajaja) pero bueno el psiquiatra que les recete eso por ansiedad por meses y meses es una persona que no deberia tener su titulo, a la larga agudiza la ansiedad , se necesita obvio dosis mas grandes para el mismo efecto por tolerancia y es un pez que se muerde la cola. Yo cuando la uso tomare la de 10 mg pero como dije no repito hasta en meses a veces, pero si tengo conocidos que toman una caja por semana( yo creo que lo tomaran de por vida) lamentablemente son dosis muy altas, y esto es diazepam ni hablar del que consume alprazolam,me da mucha bronca y pena que estas cosas sean moneda corriente, pero bueno mas alla de lo que nos receten no se queden con el ” si el medico te lo dio el sabra para eso estudio” tampoco se vuelvan locos con los prospectos pero si fijense si se alarga el tratamiento y porque…todo negocio de la industria farmaceutica.
A few paragraphs back, I mentioned that Worf isn’t an expatriate, and that he falls into a different category than the rest of this list. That category is Third-Culture Kids. A third-culture kid, or trans-culture kid, in the real world is usually the child of an expatriate. For example, an American couple has a child while living in Germany. The child is American-born, but German by culture. When the family relocates back to the country of their passports, the child has to deal with this cultural divide. Third-Culture Kids are often multilingual, and are very often accomplished. However, adjusting to their passport country after years of living in other cultures can be incredibly difficult and can take a great deal of time. This is Worf in a nutshell, although he didn’t reintegrate with Klingon culture until very late in his life.
Can anyone help please? My husband had a TIA in 2010 and was put on statins and aspirin. He was in a very stressful job and had another in 2011. His statins were doubled but he started with leg muscle problems and after a few months, and reading The Great Cholesterol Con he stopped the statins against doctors advice. He was put onto clopidogrel, retired and has been fine ever since except that we have noticed he trips and falls a lot. We just put this down to clumsiness or perhaps the remnants of the statin effects – his legs still tingle and are occasionally painful. However, I came across something that suggested gait problems could be to do with the clopidogrel he’s taking. Does anyone have experience of this? I am wondering whether it would be a good idea to swap back to aspirin or stop it altogether? There’s no point in going to our GP as he already thinks we’re nut jobs.
Descripción del producto Etiquetas (4) Comentarios (4) Descripción del producto Los azukis o adukis son un tipo de legumbres de color rojizo típicas de Japón muy utilizados por lamacrobiótica para fortalecer el riñón y todas sus problemáticas. Azuki es la legumbre más yang. Es recomendableconsumirlo cuando uno esta sufriendo de falta de vitalidad. Junto a las lentejas y garbanzos , están entre las legumbres que deberíamos consumir con más frecuencia. Pueden prepararsede diversas formas: saladas o dulces, solas o con arroz, en sopas, cremas o postres.
For instance, an aspiring supervisor found herself blocked from supervisory roles, because she didn’t have the experience of giving performance feedback. She was about to give up hope, when she shifted her focus from what she could do about it to what she could create concretely with her talent and benefit the company. The result was a document of guidelines for first-time supervisors on how to give performance feedback. She showed concretely what she had learned from the best practices of others as well as her own experience in both mock situations and project settings. As a result, she landed a supervisory job and provided a valuable, tangible asset to the organization for other first-time supervisors to use.
Eine ganze Neuveröffentlichungswelle der britischen Electro-Legende KLF steht in diesem Jahr an. Das ist nicht ganz neu, denn schon Anfang Januar erschien eine erste Compilation mit altem Material. Es ist deshalb bemerkenswert, weil das Duo Bill Drummond und Jimmy Cauty mit ihrem Rückzug aus dem Musikbusiness 1992 angeblich ihren gesamten Back-Katalog zerstört hatten. Nun folgt mit «Come Down Dawn» eine überarbeitete Version ihres 1990er-Ambient-Meisterwerks «Chill Out». Wohl um weitere Unbill mit Rechtsanwälten zu vermeiden, wurden die nicht lizenzierten Samples entfernt. Das tut dem Hörgenuss kaum Abbruch. «Come Down Dawn» ist die zweite von sechs Veröffentlichungen, die in diesem Jahr erfolgen sollen.
We stayed here for two nights while visiting Knotts Berry Farm. I was traveling with two teenagers, and we found the room to be very comfortable. We really like that we could easily walk to Knotts Berry Farm, just a few blocks away. We even came back to the hotel part way through our day to take a rest before heading back in the evening. The neighborhood feels a bit sketchy, lots of homeless. But it is also a very busy street, so we did not feel unsafe. I don't think I'd walk it by myself really late at night, though. This hotel has a large outdoor swimming pool, which we did not use. It was always crowded. It has a large indoor hot tub, which we shared with some other guests on our first night. Since it can often get cool and foggy in the evening in California, the hot tub is a nice ammenity. The only real inconvenience was that the hotel did not include breakfast in the price, which many Courtyards do. There was a small coffee bar/counter in the lobby that sold Starbucks and some food, but their hours were sporadic. We slept in a bit on our checkout day, and they were already closed by 10am. There was, however, free coffee and tea in the lobby. There were not really any good breakfast restaurants nearby. In fact, with the proximity to Knotts Berry Farm, it was surprising that there weren't more family-friendly chain restaurants on the strip. We DID eat at Mrs. Knotts Restaurant outside the park for lunch one day. Good meal for the price. The food wasn't anything really special, but you got a lot of it. The leftovers were enough for us to take back for dinner later that night. (And remember, I was with teenagers!) I would recommend this hotel to anyone who wanted to be near Knotts Berry Farm.
At the beginning of the 6NR process, we challenged Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity to double the number of maps used from your 5NR to your 6NR. Are you on track to meet this challenge? We have exciting news for you! Using the UN Biodiversity Lab, and the global datasets available within it, we created 18 draft biodiversity status maps for your country. The data within these maps can to help you to report on key indicators related to ABT 5, 11, 12 ,14, and 15. The maps listed below are available in PNG form for easy use when you are drafting or refining your country's 6NR:
Many heroes were collected round the king that night at Hirschhalle, so called from the gigantic antlers of a royal stag, which, carved in stone, adorned the battlements. At length the time came for the warriors to separate for the night, and as there were too many of them to be accommodated elsewhere, beds were made up for them in the great hall. Two and thirty brave men lay down to sleep on the couches spread for them; but next morning, when the servants came to waken them, they were gone. The room was in confusion, here and there might be seen stains of blood, and other signs of struggle.
Lisa wrote: <quoted text>Why limit it to the USA..I'm making a comparison....other places weren't all that different from the USA....you tired to make it seem like my opinion was just unthinkable..so I pointed out known facts around the world..as well as in the USA..of known changes..and American biracials have (and are) undergoing separation..dropping the classification of "Black" and opting for their own label..<quoted text>Regulars already know I'm African and identify as * African *Seychelloi *creoleand You never saw my phenotype to know what others would label be..you're assuming too much<quoted text>You care what the system (American one)identifies people as..others do not..and moving forward to reject the system..if you want to be in agreement with the system..that's your right..but others aren't obligated to "fall in line".<quoted text>You sound powerless..I'm going to accept all labels because society tells me too..You're speaking as if others who pushed for change has never happen..Society label Blacks the N-word, it labelled BM "boys"..it labelled biracial Black...none of which was changed waiting for society's approval..all those changes came from the group who pushed for it..<quoted text>Wrong...Try to guess where you error:)<quoted text>Your comment has to do with you being American..and most of you guys are obsessed with race.. Are you stupid or have you just perfected the act of a stupid person?I suppose kanye west is a god. I suppose everyone sees kanye west as a god because he chooses to call himself one.Again, you're incapable of looking at the big picture.
New Xterra owner here. It's a 2007 and I installed the Superchips Cortex. I love the 87 tune and I really want to try the 93 tune. My problem is that its hard to even find 91 octane and I have never seen 93 around here. I have Water/Meth on a turbo atv and a Diesel truck and it works awesome in those applications. It cools and raises the effective octane rating. I'm thinking of running Water/Meth with 87 octane, and loading the 93 octane tune on the Superchips. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.
Check into Independent Bank's Rewards Checking. The bank is based in McKinney, TX with branches in and around the Dallas, Waco, and Austin areas. They pay 2.01% APR up to $25K on Free Rewards Checking accounts. Qualifications require only 8 Debit Card transaction, on ACH payment or Direct Deposit, as well as eStatements.Rewards Checking can be linked to a Savings account where your monthly interest rolls from your Checking to your Savings account (if you choose)I live in Texas, so I don't know if you must be a resident of Texas to apply for one of these accounts?
(1) A person claiming to be an heir of the decedent during the administration of a full probate or Small Estates Affidavit must submit to the Estate Administrator acceptable proof to substantiate kinship to the decedent. Acceptable proof includes, but is not limited to, certified copies of death and birth certificates, genealogical search records, obituaries, funeral notices, Baptism records, and family Bibles. The Department may continue to administer the estate until the Estate Administrator determines that evidence submitted is sufficient to prove that the person is legally entitled to the decedent’s assets. If other heirs are identified but not located, the Department may continue to administer the estate in order to protect the interest of the missing heirs and the Common School Fund, or if administration of the probate is substantially complete and the Estate Administrator and the known heirs agree that it is in the best interests of the estate for the Department to complete the administration. (2) If the Department has filed a probate, and all heirs are subsequently identified and found, the heir shall file a substitution of personal representative with the probate court, and a court certified copy of the order of substitution with the Department. (3) If the administration is by a Small Estates Affidavit, the heir shall file an amended Small Estates Affidavit with the court, which shows that the heir is taking over control and responsibility of the estate from the Department, and submit a court certified copy to the Department. (4) Upon receipt of the court certified copy of the amended Small Estates Affidavit or the order of substitution of Personal Representative, the Estate Administrator shall turn over the assets, less the Department’s administrative costs and attorney fees, to the claiming successor or successor Personal Representative, including all bills and claims against the estate. Stat. Auth.: ORS 273.045 & 111 - 119 Stats. Implemented: ORS 111 - 119 Hist.: LB 5-1989, f. & cert. ef. 11-2-89; DSL 11-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-5-99; DSL 8-2002, f. 12-24-02 cert. ef. 1-1-03; DSL 3-2003, f. 12-15-03, cert. ef. 1-1-04; DSL 1-2014, f. 1-13-14, cert. ef. 2-1-14
Первыми данной проблемой стали заниматься ученые в Чехословакии. В 1959 году они вычисляли протяженность полета метеорита Пшибрам. И тут исследователи натолкнулись на странное препятствие. Определив, что скорость полета метеорита Пшибрам превышает 20 километров в секунду, а протяженность его полета составляет 4 астрономические единицы (астрономической единицей принято считать расстояние от Земли до Солнца), ученые вычислили его массу. Она оказалась значительно выше фактической. В чем здесь секрет?
Eine Friseurhaube zählt zur Gruppe der Haartrockner und dient dem Trocknen der Haare nach dem Baden, Duschen oder Schwimmen. Im Gegensatz zum Föhn wird die Haube direkt auf den Kopf gelegt. Warme Luft gelangt so direkt an die Haare und die Kopfhaut. Auf diese Art und Weise wird das Haar langsam und schonend getrocknet. Die bekanntesten Trockenhauben sind die sogenannten Schwebehauben. Standtrockenhauben oder Trockenhauben mit Stativ finden sich vor allem in Haarsalons. Sie liegen nicht direkt auf Kopf und Haaren auf. Trockenhauben kommen auch oftmals bei Personen mit Dreadlocks zum Einsatz. Die Haare lassen sich schnell, effektiv und vor allem einfach trocknen.
"); //} else if(city_id == "130000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else if(city_id == "650000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else if(city_id == "110000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else if(city_id == "450000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else if(city_id == "210000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else if(city_id == "518000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else if(city_id == "400000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else if(city_id == "300000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else if(city_id == "850000") { $("#dfip").html(" "); } else{ $("#dfip").html(dfip_html); }
She's been in the hospital for the past week and a bit because my StepDad had major surgery. He's doing great, but the poor woman hasn't left the hospital in that time. Sleeping in bedside recliners and now she's finally got a proper bed. Selfishly, I'm delighted he's recovering so well. Mom will keep her happiness. He is her joy. I've never seen her so in love, and I was worried when he went in for his surgery to remove cancer from his lung - and it was a close call. He died for 15 minutes. - that she'd be devastated without him. I don't think it's any big secret she loves him more than she did my Dad. Theirs was a relationship of frustration; good and bad. This time around, she gets romance. I'm writing a thank you note to the surgeon who kept him alive by applying heart massage for those 15 minutes. So far he's got no neurological damage - that's stunning! Wouldn't you write a thank you note?!
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Non-interventionism was the overriding principle in the West just then, and both communist and fascist meddlers exploited the Big Powers’ unwillingness to defend Spain. It was dogma that world wars could only recur as a result of obligatory alliances and/or outsider interventions because those had played a critical role in igniting and spreading the First World War. Spain without intervention would have been just one more European conflict, or so went the theory. To the big powers, intervention by any of the pact’s signatories represented a breach of trust and principle of greater importance than ‘which meddler was the bigger aggressor’ or ‘how Spain and peace were best preserved’. I doubt any of the big powers (Britain, France or America) realized how strong the fascists would soon become, or how strong the communists would become with us supplying them with war material and cash (all that would come later). If they had, they probably would have dropped their lofty insistence on non-intervention, and kicked both fascist and communist out of Spain. But, of course, that is hindsight and unrealistic to expect they were any more prescient than we are.
It's one of Ghana's top tourist draws, and on Sunday, the scene of a freak tragedy. Some 20 high school students were killed at the Kintampo waterfalls when a tree or trees (media reports differ on the number) fell at the top of the falls and toppled on them below, an official tells the AFP. { "position1" : { "type" : "live", "id" : 6043, "name" : "NBC News Radio", "description" : "The news you want, when you want it" } }"They were swimming in the river when there was a storm, a windy atmosphere that had uprooted some of the trees," says a national fire service spokesman. "A huge tree fell at the top when the rains began and crashed the revelers," a witness tells Starr FM. Rescue teams worked with chainsaws to clear those who were trapped. The spokesman says 18 died at the scene and two died later at the hospital; another official tells the BBC that 22 were injured, though media reports differ on that number, too.Read the full story on Newser.comPhoto: By Sean Moran - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32790209
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(updated) I have been following the stellar coverage and commentary by Ricky Carandang Reporting, MLQ3's The Daily Dose/Inquirer Current and Philippine Commentary on the latest scandal the Arroyo Administration has found itself neck deep in. The whole thing stinks of politics, and greed.For those not in the know, these hearings can be an eye opener on how those in power--- whoever they may be --- conduct affairs of state or lack thereof. Example, take this line of questioning from Senator Santiago, as she asked Secretary Mendoza a few questions. It was highly entertaining, if you ask me. Here's an excerpt from MLQ3's liveblogging the cootie grooming session:Santiago: No official made a follow up on ZTE with you?Mendoza: No, M’amS: No one broached it all all?M: Well, ah, it’s practice for people to inquire…(my emphasis: btw and well put, Secretary Mendoza! indeed, normal in the course of business in this country... back to the transcript)S: So that’s your historical experience. So it’s discretion as the better part of valorSo any public official who made follow-ups with you?M: Well uh, maybe on AHI…S: Amsterdam?M: Well, the son was introduced to me by the father…S: Speaker?M: Yes.S: What did he say?M: Well, that the thing is good for the county…S: Well, to be seen if that’s a violation of law. But you are saying it was Speaker who introduced his son to you at Wack-Wack?M: No, earlier part of 2007, at Speaker’s house where he invited me for breakfast and then introduced his son?S: All of a sudden, saying this is my son of whom I am well pleased…Senator Santiago is funny. What will Philippine Politics be without her?Anyway, since The West Wing has ended its run, I have been looking for a political drama that is both engaging as well as entertaining. Our local political soap hearing, is oddly entertaining.Come to think of it... this all reminds me of a page from Checkmate issue 18, by Rucka, Bennett and Jadson. The Black King, Taleb Beni Khald, the White King Michael Holt discuss the White Queen (Amanda Waller)'s illegal activities (see image to your left). It's the same as suspecting dinosaurs have feathers as the experts have done, but no one could prove, until of course this discovery that velociraptors have quill knobs. My point being, knowing and proving are two different things, just like many of the darn scandals in the Philippines.Ricky Carandang asked a good question in his A House Divided post: A whistleblower from within. A divided cabinet. An angry president. A beleaguered first gentleman. A majority coalition in the Lower House that could unravel. What’s next? This is just a huge guess on how this series inquiry will end. At the end of all this hoopla, just like any other episode scandal to rock Arroyo's Administration and every administration before this, no one actually goes to jail.And no, please don't flag Mr. Estrada's conviction (tarnished by politics, as it is) as proof people who abuse their power and position can go to jail. For all we know, years down the line, he'll be "vindicated" by a Supreme Court.(updated) That said, I wonder if someone would do a video for the Arroyos or the Estradas like this great video from iJustine on Steve Jobs:On second thought, it wouldn't be as good as iJustine's video.Seriously, will these hearings change the way people do business and manage state affairs in the Philippines? Forgive my cheekiness but that's like asking if tomorrow the Sun will rise. In the mean time, could someone please pass the popcorn? Thanks. This soap, (darn keyboard!) hearing and leave Britney Steve Jobs alone is keeping me entertained until next Monday, when Heroes returns!
Güvenlik güçlerinin bugüne kadar onlarca bomba yüklü araba veya intihar eylemcisini etkisiz hale getirildiğine işaret eden Çelik, bunun tedhiş (yıldırı) duygusu uyandırmamak için kamuoyuna yansıtılmadığını söyledi. CIA'in ve FBI'ın Boston'daki bombalı saldırıyı tespit edemediklerini anımsatan Çelik, “Yeryüzündeki terör eylemlerini gerçekleşmeden önce yüzde yüz tespit eden ve etkisiz hale getiren bir mekanizma henüz icat edilmemiştir. Bunu ne kadar asgariye indirirseniz o kadar başarılısınız demektir. Ama bir tane bile sızma varsa 'ne yapalım bu da oldu' diyemezsiniz” ifadelerini kullandı.
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The problem with Maple Snow Taffy (aka Sugar on Snow) is that it's not just a gimmick: it makes a truly excellent, supremely buttery and maply mouthful of chewy candy. Which means that you, the parent, will not look on dotingly. You will, rather, eat more of it than you meant to, and then you might need to wash it down with a nice cold IPA. I'm just saying. Also, to be clear: this is not a "snow ice cream" type recipe, and the point is not that you end up eating the snow. The snow is, rather, the chilling mechanism for the taffy. If you are Birdy, though, then the experience will not be complete until you've eaten all the snow. "This is the sweetest-tasting snow of 2015!" she just announced, in case you were wondering.
De låtarna har varsin unik historia. Jag värmde upp på Jay-Z och Mary J. Bliges turné “Heart of the city”, och när vi var i New York, stack vi till studion där Beyoncé jobbade med sitt tredje album. Studion var full av olika producenter, jag vill inte nämna några namn. Så kommer Beyoncé fram till mig och frågar om jag är intresserad av att göra något. Jag svarade: “Jag vet inte vem det är som har förstasingeln, men berätta för dem att de inte har den längre. Folk kan dra hem, The Champ is here!”. Om man inte känner mig så kan det verka stöddigt, men jag säger så för att pressa mig själv till det yttersta. Omvänd psykologi fungerar bra för mig och jag måste prestera. Jag hade precis gjort en låt som var ganska lik “Singel Ladies” men inte lika bra. Så jag tog 15 minuter till att skriva klart låten, konceptet fanns redan. Jag vet hur sånger ska låta. Jag vet versen, punchlinen, lead in till refrängen och refrängen redan från start. Jag bjöd in Beyoncé och hon hade en min i ansiktet som sa mig att detta är en smash. Så hon gick ut och hämtade de andra och de sa samma sak.
1988-ųjų metų birželis visam laikui įėjo į Lietuvos istoriją. Pradedant Sąjūdžio iniciatyvinės grupės įkūrimu vėlų birželio 3-osios vakarą Mokslų Akademijoje Vilniuje, birželio 10-ąją Kaune, Sąjūdžio grupių steigimas nuvilnijo per visą Lietuvą. Kaišiadorių rajone pirmoji LPS grupė įsikūrė Rumšiškių liaudies buities muziejuje birželio 24d. 1988m. rugpjūčio 30 d. ir Kaišiadorių mieste įsikūrė Sąjūdžio iniciatyvinė grupė: Stanislovas Abromavičius, Stasys Petrauskas, Rimantas Kapčius, Asta Petrauskaitė, Vidmantas Malinauskas. Grupės įgaliotiniu išrinktas Stasys Petrauskas.
Great job on the blog kwicherbichen looks great! I just posted pictures of my baking soda experience on my instagram @msdeekay2012 http://instagram.com/msdeekay2012 will be documenting there for now till I get all my ingredients and start the full regimen. I used the tags #maximumhydrationmethod and #journeytomaximumhydration if any ladies are on instagram and want to share, you can use those tags and we can find each other that way.I'll start documenting on the blog and youtube, once I start the full regimen. I'll PM you the links soon kwicherbichen.@exceeding grace your hair looks wonderful, thanks so much for sharing your progress, it really encourages the rest of us. Sponsored Links
روشن است که این شعار صاحب مشخصی دارد و به گروه‌های چپ مربوط می‌شود. قاعدتاً تا اینجای کار مشکل خاصی وجود ندارد، اما از طرفی می‌دانیم که دونالد ترامپ و مایک پمپئو از موضعِ حمایت شدید از اعتراض‌های اجتماعی در ایران دائماً به توئیت کردن مشغول‌اند. این هم البته از منظر سیاست ایالات متحده، امری عادی و طبیعی است. در این میان اما نسبتِ بینِ شعار ادارۀ شورایی و سیاست آمریکاست که تناقض به بار می‌آورد! آیا کسانی که شعار ادارۀ شورایی سر می‌دهند به این تناقض می‌اندیشند؟ یا آن را طبیعی می‌دانند؟ و یا اصولاً در این باره تناقضی نمی‌بینند؟
This well recorded disc from 2013 continues the excellent Naive series of discs aimed at recording the complete works of Vivaldi held in the Turin library. That amounts to over 450 manuscripts and covers the complete range of secular, non-secular, stage and concert works written by Vivaldi and is therefore the largest single such collection in the world. This is volume 56 of the series so far.Vivaldi, a virtuoso violinist of international repute, wrote considerable numbers of violin concertos, notable for their remarkable variety. Among these are about twenty concertos for two violins, of which six are presented here. This is volume 1 of such works so presumably there will be more to follow. Many of the works exist in other forms and written for different pairs of instruments. The most well-known double concertos, not included here, are to be found in the Opus 3 set of concerti grossi, L'Estro Armonico.The six concertos on this disc are expertly played by Riccaro Minasi and Dmitry Sinkovsky who are also features as soloist in the single violin concertos volumes 4 and 5 respectively. Each of the two soloists takes the lead violin part in three of the current concertos. The double concertos were written between about 1711 at the time of the Opus 3 set to the 1730's, with most being written from the 1720's onwards. They are thus works of maturity and reflect Vivaldi's continuing interest in stretching the bounds of technical and creative possibilities.All the six concertos presented here demonstrate both that technical and creative imagination with dramatic contrasts, demanding high-lying passage work and rapid figuration of a scale and arpeggio nature in the outer fast movements. There is also much use made of imitation and mirror imaging.Read more ›
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support management labor costs in the energy of project portfolios, such systems were often difficult to use andlacked critical business (up- and downstream) functionality. A significant disconnect remains in the availability andexchange of management information between the portfolio and project management functions.The effect of this disconnect is an inability of the portfolio managers to track the actual status of the portfolio andto support investment decision making. It also leads to a gap in the availability of aggregated managementinformation at the central “projects office” level, making the review of projects underway a more time-consumingfunction and preventing management from intervening quickly when projects require additional support or start tofail.A company that does not successfully link project management with program and ultimately portfoliomanagement may notice that it is unable to:  Identify and prioritize successful and profitable project opportunities at regional, business unit, and corporate level;  Monitor financial thresholds of portfolio as well as earned value;  Maintain a balanced portfolio as circumstances and realities change;  Develop appropriate contracting strategies to reflect the technical, geographical, and commercial profile of the project pipeline;  Monitor and report the delivery performance of the existing portfolio;  Identify limited or critical project-delivery resources at the portfolio level and optimize these across a number of projects.A common result of organizations that fail to link project and portfolio data is the regular emergence of “surprises”on project overruns at the portfolio level – often too late for any meaningful management intervention and aftersuccessful time-scope-quality project delivery has been communicated to executive management.However, software is already available that provides visibility of all critical project and portfolio data and keyperformance indicators (KPIs) while enabling organization to make best practices accessible to all business units inthe Oil & Gas sector. By supporting full collaboration between all contributors to a venture, these systems fromestablished vendors allow companies to integrate information from project to portfolio level, and replicateprocesses that have been proven to work within different lines of business. Moreover, the data standardizationthat is the natural result of implementing integrated systems means that PPM decision makers can make "apples-to-apples" comparisons that facilitate prioritization of projects in a way that maximizes profitability and minimizesrisk.Here is a sampling of how Microsoft Project Server 2010 can address some of the more common PPM challengeswithin the context of a best-practices framework.  Balance resource demands with availability. Resource availability – or having the right number of people with the right skills in the right place at the right time – is a major issue in the Oil & Gas sector. The stiff competition for resources -- which happens even within the same company -- inevitably drives prices up. Companies implementing systems that give them the ability to forecast resource demands are able to estimate any shortfalls and develop strategies for bringing in additional resources in the most cost- effective manner. 5
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❀ A vous de choisir l’hydrolat (= eau florale) : j’ai opté pour de l’hydrolat de fleur d’oranger (attention, l’eau de fleur d’oranger des grandes surfaces n’est pas la même chose, il s’agit juste d’eau + arômes + conservateurs) car j’adore son odeur et pour ses vertus régénérantes, calmantes et apaisantes, mais vous pouvez aussi choisir de l’hydrolat de bleuet, idéal pour les peaux fatiguées, ternes et abîmées. Vous pouvez encore opter pour l’hydrolat de rose, particulièrement adapté pour les peaux matures. Attention toutefois à choisir un hydrolat dont vous aimez l’odeur, car c’est le seul ingrédient qui parfumera votre crème.
Mientras no superemos esa mentalidad medieval que identifica la virtud, la valentía, el honor y el servicio a los demás como valores casi exclusivos del guerrero, no avanzaremos en una sociedad más justa, libre, igualitaria y en paz. Y no me sirve eso de que nuestros guerreros nos defienden de posibles agresores extranjeros porque, lo que hoy me ataca y me agrede son las leyes de mi propio país que suprimen derechos sociales; leyes que permiten y facilitan quitar el trabajo y la casa a las personas, y leyes que saquean impunemente el patrimonio sanitario y educativo de toda la sociedad en beneficio privado de unos pocos. Pero claro, nuestros guerreros no están para defender «tonterías», no es su guerra. ¿O sí?
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Melania Poonacha, MD, MPHResident PhysicianDr. Poonacha is a native of Lexington, Kentucky. She obtained her bachelor of science in biology from the University of Kentucky. She completed a master’s in public health at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Her work in the field of sexual violence prevention led to a position at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. After working there for a year, she decided to return to the US for medical school and completed her MD degree at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. She is a 2009-2010 recipient of the CDC OC Hubert Global Health Fellowship. Her medical interests include adolescent medicine, family planning, infectious diseases and global health. In her free time, Dr. Poonacha enjoys surfing, Egyptian bellydancing, and soccer.
Over-the-counter treatments are more or less worthless. Any drugstore will have topical anti-fungal products, but read the label; most, if not all, treat the skin around the nail, but not the nail itself. Folk remedies include using tea tree oil on the nail every night, but that's a hit-or-miss plan. Some people swear by using Vicks Vapo-Rub on the nail; while I haven't had nail fungus, the hypochondriac in me thought I did, and I wore Vapo-Rub to bed for two weeks. (Sexy.) It turned out that my fungus fears were for nothing, but the Vicks treatment did improve some of the discoloration left over from wearing red polish.
Fina’dene is so popular in the islands – one is bound to find it at the end of a long fiesta table populated with dozens of delectable dishes. While most islanders or transplants follow the traditional recipe, there are variations of fina’dene types, some with a vinegar base rather than soy sauce, and others with hints of garlic and lemon or lime zest. Never-the-less the main ingredients are fairly standard as we previously mentioned. Some recipes differ primarily in the proportion of soy to lemon or lime juice. Some recipes call for a 1:1 ratio, while others call for a 1:1/2 ratio. My personal taste is for the later, because I like things a less tart. If you are the wild type and enjoy your fina’dene with a kick, more power to you. Use lemons over limes or the smaller Asian citrus called Calamansi.
Thomas Südhof ist ein Grenzgänger zwischen Europa und den USA. Er gehört zu den weltweit bedeutendsten Hirnforschern. Am milliardenschweren Human Brain Project ist er beteiligt. Vor etwa 800 Millionen Jahren, sagt er, entwickelten sich aus urzeitlichen Lebensformen die Tiere. Was sie von Anfang an auszeichnet, sind chemische und später elektrische Botenstoffe und Signale, die die lebendigen Reaktionen ausmachen. Aus dieser internen Kommunikation („empfindender Zellen“) entwickeln sich Nerven und Hirn.
Sander: ‘Precies. Er is al heel veel kennis, maar die moet wel op de juiste plek terechtkomen en op een goede manier gebruikt worden. Verder gaan we natuurlijk te rade bij professionals in jeugdzorg en onderwijs. Zij gaan een duidelijke stem krijgen in het onderzoek dat wij gaan organiseren namens de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda.’ ‘En we hebben al een taskforce,’ vult Sabine aan, ‘Met hen zitten we binnenkort om de tafel. Dat zijn 20 onderzoekers, praktijkprofessionals en beleidsmakers die ook de kennisagenda van onze route al hebben samengesteld. Het komende half jaar werken Sabine en Sander aan een plan voor de route Jeugd: ‘Een plan vol ambitie voor onderzoek waar zoveel mogelijk Nederlandse jongeren baat bij hebben.’
The Web Applications Working Group has published the First Public Working Draft of File API. This specification provides an API for representing file objects in web applications, as well as programmatically selecting them and accessing their data. This API is designed to be used in conjunction with other APIs and elements on the web platform, notably: XMLHttpRequest (e.g. with an overloaded send() method for File objects), postMessage, DataTransfer (part of the drag and drop API defined in [HTML5,]) and Web Workers. Additionally, it should be possible to programmatically obtain a list of files from the input element [HTML5] when it is in the File Upload state. These kinds of behaviors are defined in the appropriate affiliated specifications. Learn more about the Rich Web Client Activity.
Here's a clear demonstration of why, in a cap-and-trade system, grandfathering emissions rights to historic polluters is a terrible idea: The UK's biggest polluters will reap a windfall of at least £6bn from rising power prices and the soaring value of carbon under the new European carbon trading scheme ... Critics argue ... that the scheme, under which nearly all allowances are granted free of charge rather than having to be bought by big polluters, has created a distorted market in which the worst offenders will enjoy bumper profits while incurring no extra underlying cost for producing greenhouse gases. That's just about right: handing out pollution rights for free, as the European emissions trading system did, creates the potential for massive, unearned windfall profits. Permits will have a market value -- someone will want to buy them. So when we hand out emissions permits at no cost, we're essentially handing out free money. There may be a few exceptions to this rule: a few economic sectors where free allocation won't lead to windfall profits. But they're the exceptions. The rule (as demonstrated in Europe) is that grandfathering is great for polluters, and bad for consumers. So maybe that's why lots of big oil and coal companies are so supportive of grandfathering ... <em>The Ecologist</em> dishes it up
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Техника византийской эпохи продолжила все основные достижения античности. Вместе с тем, Византии принадлежит значительный вклад в ее дальнейшем развитии. Стоит только обратиться, например, к архитектуре. Именно в Византии был создан новый тип храма – крестовокупольного, который стал образцом для подражания как на Западе, так и на Востоке. Его создание связано с именем крупнейшего архитектора, инженера и ученого Исидора Милетского (VI век). Он прекрасно знал физику Архимеда, математику, механику Герона Александрийского. Именно им был возведен собор святой Софии в Константинополе. Это была первая купольная конструкция, вытеснившая базилику с двускатной крышей, преодолевшая античную ордерную систему. Огромный купол имел в диаметре 32 метра и был поднят на высоту более сорока метров. Византийские мастера возводили многоэтажные дворцы, мощные крепостные сооружения. Чудом византийской архитектуры был зал Мистерион, обладавший феноменальной акустикой: слово, сказанное шепотом в самом углу зала, было отчетливо слышно на противоположной его стороне.
Корабль был построен в 1626 году как флагман шведского флота, призванный продемонстрировать военную мощь и богатство страны, был заказом самого короля Швеции Густава II Адольфа. Корабль был обнаружен в середине прошлого века, полностью восстановлен и является гордостью страны и истинным свидетелем истории Швеции начала XVII века. В программу экскурсии входит знакомство с центральной частью Стокгольма и его историческим центром. Окончание экскурсии в музее, на острове Юргорден, где имеется возможность дальнейшего самостоятельного отдыха.
Family tree Feynman diagram Flow chart Flow process chart Flow diagram Fusion diagram Free body diagram G Gantt chart shows the timing of tasks or activities used in project management Grotrian diagram Goodman diagram shows the fatigue data example: for a wind turbine blades H Hasse diagram HIPO diagram I Internal Block Diagram IBD used in SysML IDEF0 IDEF1 entity relations Interaction overview diagram from UML Ishikawa diagram J Jackson diagram K Karnaugh map Kinematic diagram L Ladder diagram Line of balance Link grammar diagram M Martin ERD Message Sequence Chart Mind map used for learning, brainstorming, memory, visual thinking and problem solving Minkowski spacetime diagram Molecular orbital diagram N N2 Nassi Shneiderman diagram or structogram a representation for structured programming Nomogram Network diagram O Object diagram from UML 2/9 Organigram Onion diagram also known as "stacked Venn diagram" P Package diagram from UML 4/9 and SysML Parametric diagram from SysML PERT Petri net shows the structure of a distributed system as a directed bipartite graph with annotations Phylogenetic tree - represents a phylogeny evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms Piping and instrumentation diagram P&ID Phase diagram used to present solid/liquid/gas information Plant Diagram Pressure volume diagram used to analyse engines Pourbaix diagram Process flow diagram or PFD used in chemical engineering Program structure diagram R Radar chart Radial Diagram Requirement Diagram Used in SysML Rich Picture R-diagram Routing diagram S Sankey diagram represents material, energy or cost flows with quantity proportional arrows in a process network. Sentence diagram represents the grammatical structure of a natural language sentence. Sequence diagram from UML 8/9 and SysML SDL/GR diagram Specification and Description Language. SDL is a formal language used in computer science. Smith chart Spider chart Spray diagram SSADM Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology used in software engineering Star chart/Celestial sphere State diagram are used for state machines in software engineering from UML 7/9 Swim lane Syntax diagram used in software engineering to represent a context-free grammar Systems Biology Graphical Notation a graphical notation used in diagrams of biochemical and cellular processes studied in Systems biology System context diagram System structure Systematic layout planning T Timing Diagram: Digital Timing Diagram Timing Diagram: UML 2.0 TQM Diagram Treemap U UML diagram Unified Modeling Language used in software engineering Use case diagram from UML 5/9 and SysML V Value Stream Mapping Venn diagram Voronoi diagram W Warnier-Orr Williot diagram Y Yourdon-Coad see Edward Yourdon, used in software engineering 2005 ford f150 fuse diagram pdf 2005 ford f150 fuse panel diagram 2005 ford f150 fx4 fuse box diagram 2005 ford f150 headlight switch wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 ignition wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 lariat fuse box diagram 2005 ford f150 pcm wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 radio wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 starter wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 stereo wiring diagram 2005 ford f150 stereo wiring diagram free picture 2005 ford f150 stereo wiring diagram picture 2005 ford f150 stx fuse box diagram
America's 2003 invasion of Iraq revealed the shocking naivete of George Bush and his inner circle for how a dictatorship actually functions. It's clear that he/they believed that the removal of Hussein, his sons and perhaps a few hundred top people in the Baath party would lead to an orderly transition to democracy. Like the entire system ran on nothing but fear from the top, and had no support below. Bush & Co were oblivious to the fact that Hussein had millions of true supporters (most Sunni Arabs) who had much to lose in such a transition. Millions of Iraqis liked the dictatorship just the way it was.
Elmont�rer och elektriker - Uniflex AB Helsingborg - Tele- och elektronikmont�rsjobb i Halmstad Vakanser.se Elmont�rer och elektriker - Uniflex AB Helsingborg - Tele- och elektronikmont�rsjobb i Halmstad Prenumerera p� nya jobb hos Uniflex AB Helsingborg Elmont�rer och elektriker Uniflex AB Helsingborg / Tele- och elektronikmont�rsjobb / Halmstad Observera att sista ans�kningsdag har passerat. Visa alla tele- och elektronikmont�rsjobb i Halmstad, Laholm, B�stad, Falkenberg Visa alla jobb hos Uniflex AB Helsingborg i Halmstad Uniflex �r ett auktoriserat bemanningsf�retag inom industri, lager och kontor. Vi finns representerade p� 35 orter i landet och har kollektivavtal med LO och HTF. Uniflex �r b�rsnoterade, medlemmar i Almega - Bemanningsf�retagen samt certifierade enligt ISO 9001 och 14001. Oms�ttningen 2006 var drygt 526 Mkr och antal anst�llda �r n�rmare 2300. Vi s�ker nu ett antal duktiga elmont�rer och elektriker, f�r arbete i Halmstad med omnejd, start i b�rjan av januari. Du f�r chansen att arbeta heltid i ett l�ngre projekt, skapa dig nya kontakter och f� bredare erfarenhet inom el. Gymnasiekompetens inom el och erfarenhet fr�n branschen �r ett krav. Har du genomf�rt din l�rlingstid och har BB2 beh�righet �r detta ett plus. Du m�ste ha B-k�rkort, d� tj�nsten inneb�r en hel del bilk�rning och du kommer att bli tilldelad tj�nstebil. Du �r en arbetsvillig och positiv person, som b�de kan arbeta sj�lvst�ndigt och vara en tillg�ng i ditt team. F�r att s�ka tj�nsten g�r du in p� v�r hemsida www.uniflex.se . V�lj Lediga tj�nster, region Halmstad och sedan denna tj�nst. Vi besvarar tyv�rr inga fr�gor per telefon. Du kommer att bli kontaktad om du �r r�tt person f�r tj�nsten Publiceringsdatum2007-12-17 K�rkortskravB k�rkort fordras. Anst�llningstyp/arbetstiderArbetet �r heltid/dagtid. 6 m�nader eller l�ngre Ers�ttningEnligt avtal F�retagUniflex AB HelsingborgDrottninggatan 725221 HelsingborgMer information p� http://www.uniflex.se Jobbnummer 78962 Observera att sista ans�kningsdag har passerat. S�kordBb2 Prenumerera Fyll i din e-postadress f�r att f� e-postnotifiering n�r det dyker upp fler lediga jobb hos Uniflex AB Helsingborg: Popul�ra jobb Rizzo NK Herrskor s�ker julens stj� ... Arvato Financial Solutions s�ker af ... Rizzo NK Herrskor s�ker julens stj� ... Allm�nmedicin v. 47-2 Partille Allm�nmedicin v. 47-48 S�dermanland ... Allm�nmedicin v. 44 S�dermanland Allm�nmedicin v. 44-45 & v. 51-52 S ... Medicinsk sekreterare, V�rdcentral ... Adviser expanderar och s�ker en dri ... Allm�nmedicin v. 1-26 Sundsvall Vikarierande Butikschef Senior Processutvecklingsingenj�r T ... Allm�nmedicin v. 1-26 H�rn�sand Vi s�ker en engagerad och utvecklin ... ME Geometry Engineer Popul�ra nyckelord Volvo Lokalv�rdare Byggledare Bingo Scrum Nytillkomna arbetsgivare Stockholms Stad, Utbildningsf�rvalt ... Lilab Doktor Likvidum Kronans Apotek NRG Sweden AB Pridoc Bemanning Rizzo International AB Cevt Ab, Manufacturing Engineering Str�mstad kommun, Valemyrs och Boja ... Region �sterg�tland Kontakta Vakanser.se
Energy is a luxury that no one can afford to waste, and many Federal Government agencies are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of using energy wisely. Thoughtful use of energy resources is important, not only to meet agency goals, but because energy efficiency helps improve air quality. Sound facility management offers huge savings that affect the agency`s bottom line, the environment, and workplace quality. In these fiscally-modest times, pursuing sound energy management programs can present additional challenges for energy and facility managers. The correct path to take is not always the easiest. Hard work, innovation, and vision are characteristic of those who pursue energy efficiency. That is why the Department of energy, Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is proud to salute the winners of the 1998 Federal Energy and Water Management Award. The 1998 winners represent the kind of 21st century thinking that will help achieve widespread Federal energy efficiency. In one year, the winners, through a combination of public and private partnerships, saved more than $222 million and 10.5 trillion Btu by actively identifying and implementing energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable energy projects. Through their dedication, hard work, ingenuity, and success, the award winners have also inspired others to increase their own efforts to save energy and water and to more aggressively pursue the use of renewable energy sources. The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize the winners` contributions and ability to inspire others to take action.
One answer is to move to the "Electronic University Press" with the same processes of refereeing and editing but making the text available on line and on demand. Price analyses at ANU and University of Southern Cross show an average price of $20 for monograph on demand publishing. Other publishers worldwide like M.I.T. and Columbia University Press have mounted some of their books free of charge on the Net which has resulted in increased sales up for hardback copies! Other publishers sell chapter or individual contributors to symposia.
The situation in Oman is reasonably clear; 50 or so leopards range widely on Jebels Samhan, Qara, and Qamar in Dhofar. They have been extinct in the Hajjar mountains since 1976 and probably in the Musandam Peninsula since 1999. This is known with some certainty since the Sultanate initiated its Arabian Leopard Survey in 1997. This comprehensive effort monitors wild leopards, educates the public about the value of preserving them, and otherwise works around the clock to ensure the survival of Arabia’s rarest and most charismatic mammal.
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© desde 2010. Direitos autorais de conteúdo em texto, imagens e outros criativos, reservados a PEGA DESCONTO® como marca registrada oficialmente (Lei 9610/98) e fantasia de pessoa jurídica legalmente estabelecida no Brasil. Todas as imagens, textos, títulos e composição de palavras-chave publicadas pelo website PEGA DESCONTO®, exceto aquelas fornecidas pelas empresas anunciantes, são de propriedade de M B BOLL INFORMATICA ("PEGA DESCONTO"), CNPJ: 18.475.492/0001-37. Escritório: Av. Atílio Pedro Pagani, 115, SL 910. Palhoça/SC. 88132-149.
Cuando compras en Internet, los métodos de pago ofrecidos son siempre muy importantes. Muchos consumidores encuentran la compra en muchas tiendas online insegura. Ciertamente, los sellos de confianza contribuirán a disipar un poco esta incertidumbre. Pero Amazon es sinónimo de compras seguras con una amplia variedad de opciones de pago. Esto significa que existe una opción de pago adecuada y, sobre todo, segura para cada necesidad. Puede cargar queso hm con una tarjeta de crédito o, por ejemplo, desde su cuenta bancaria, dependiendo del procedimiento que le resulte más ventajoso.
I agree, Dan. Also the risk to a child seeing an inappropriate trailer is pretty low. It's at worse going to give them nightmares, and at best get them to ask questions about what they saw. The age verification is there because most young kids have a "don't be naughty" complex instilled by adults (up till about age 10). It's protecting them from accidentally seeing something icky, it also protects us from seeing it at work, or while we're eating. If a kid wants to bypass the age restriction and watch a trailer it's not going to hurt anyone. Especially if they're only a few years under 17.
This comfortable apartment is tucked into a corner of the hill of Palaia, access up a steep stone stairway with a tiny patio by he front door for sunny private breakfasts. This is a cosy hideaway, we were made welcome by the owner and left a basket of fresh fruit and a tot of vinsanto for our first night. There was a kitchen diner with everything needed for cooking at home as well as the new digital tv with dvd player and internet computer. Combined heat and air conditioning units are in each room, and bathroom has a jacuzzi. The house was wonderfully quiet, the panoramic views were stunning from the belvedere behind us and the local restaurants superb. Down the hill the Bar Ritrovo now boasts a Whitstable football shirt in the collection. This small town does have parking issues sometimes but has a second car park at the end of the centre near the Petirosso restaurant. The walk home is worth it!
Productos de perfumerÍa y belleza. Los culturistas son normalmente conscientes de ello, y de la posibilidad de recibir daños o falsificación de productos después de comprar Anavar para la venta en línea. La antigua idea de que el pescado alimenta poco es infundada ( lo que realmente ocurre es que produce poca saciedad y se digiere fácilmente), siendo un alimento comparable a la carne con la ventaja de contener poca grasa ( normalmente, el. NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM- 030- SSA2- 1999, Para la prevención, tratamiento y control de la hipertensión arterial. La toxicidad del hígado es poco probable. Cuando se usa junto con la dieta, el ejercicio y la terapia conductual, la fentermina puede ayuda a perder peso mientras aprende nuevas formas.
Author BioI love to write the kind of stories that will keep you up late at night and make your heart pound. It’s my goal in writing to make each new book better, more exciting, more action-packed, not only to test myself as a writer but to keep thrilling you. I’m always trying to push the boundaries with my imagination, and yours, to create something new and different.If you’re a fan of paranormal romance novels then you’ll love my Bellum Sisters Trilogy. This isn’t your typical romance story, so be prepared for a kick of heat and tons of action. The Bellum Sisters Trilogy has received excellent reviews from paranormal bloggers and two of the three books are Top Picks from Night Owl Reviews.Now, if you like shorter books with quite a bit of heat, humor, and action then I’d recommend the Kategan Alphas series. This erotic series features the sexy Kategan family and all the lucky men and women who get to meet them and complete their lives.Visit my website to learn more about me and my books at www.tagrey.com.
The community boards system has a long history, having evolved from an experiment of former Manhattan Borough President Robert F. Wagner. In 1951 Wagner established twelve "Community Planning Councils" consisting of 15 to 20 members each. The councils were charged with advising the Borough President on planning and budgetary matters. In a very real sense, Wagner's experiment was a prescient response to a well-articulated postwar fear that, to an ever increasing extent, people's lives were controlled by large, faceless bureaucracies. The fight against dictatorship abroad, the dominance of mass culture, and the growth of domestic government at all levels fueled much of this fear. Books with titles like The Lonely Crowd, Growing Up Absurd, The Organization Man, White Collar, and Escape From Freedom made the bestseller lists of the 1950s. All of these books lamented the fate of the individual in a world dominated by large organizations and looked toward a future in which individuals would regain control over their lives.
The sheriff 'considers' himself engaged to Eden, Eden shuns him every time he tries to act possesive. Levi is beginning to be a thorn in the sheriff's side. Eden refuses to let Levi borrow books from the library because she doesn't want him coming in regularly to exchange books. He won't even say her name, calls her Ma'am even after she insists he call her Miss Spencer because Ma'am makes her feel decrepit. Her plan backfires though because he comes in daily so he can sit and read, I mean, if you can't take the book home and you want to read that is the only way, but she can't take back the two week residency requirement now.
附近 附近的餐廳la palmeraie de massa14的評論 13.57 公里遠 Le Tapis Rouge Restaurant - Agadir254的評論 36.45 公里遠 Flouka25的評論 35.58 公里遠 Little Norway558的評論 36.45 公里遠 附近的景點Quad au Maroc16的評論 35.62 公里遠 Quad Tiznit17的評論 35.14 公里遠 Agadir Dromadaire48的評論 31.81 公里遠 Agadir Buggy13的評論 34.98 公里遠 問題與答案您可以從 卡薩馬薩民宿 的工作人員及之前的顧客獲得快速解答。請注意: 您的問題會公開發表在「問與答」頁面上。張貼準則送出驗證: 這是您的 TripAdvisor 清單嗎? 是否擁有或管理此物業? 免費領取您的清單,即可回應評論、更新個人檔案和更多。 領取您的清單 全⁠面⁠了⁠解⁠。 聰⁠明⁠預⁠訂⁠。 精⁠彩⁠旅⁠行。 © 2017 TripAdvisor LLC 保留所有權利。 使用條款 | 隱私政策 | 網站地圖部分照片由 VFM Leonardo 提供。*TripAdvisor LLC 並非預訂代理商,而且不會向本網站使用者收取任何服務費用…… (更多) TripAdvisor LLC 對外部網站內容概不負責。 優惠方案價格不含稅金與其他費用。 探索關於我們說明中心貨幣/國家或地區US$USD台灣
The majestic red rocks, grand cliffside mountain views, meandering creeks, canyons and desert plants, paired with a venue that offered an authentic outdoor terrace for seating, dancing, and outside courtyard spaces to enjoy the clean mountain air and celebrate, all those elements together created the best wedding ambiance ever. Helping to put Steve and Veronica’s vision together was the hired expertise of a Laura Marolakos of Heart of Sedona Weddings. Laura helped the couple narrow down their search for a Sedona reception venue to one of the town’s famous and a authentically-styled Mexican village called Tlaquepaque Arts and Crafts Village. We loved Tlaquepaque – what an amazing venue. Surrounded by huge sycamore trees, vine-covered stucco walls, and cobblestone pathways and courtyards, the village is located near the center of Sedona and has the authentic Spanish style decor and historic, architectural details which makes it feels like it has been around for centuries. A few years ago Steve + Veronica first visited Sedona during a vacation to Phoenix, they came back for second visit, fell in love with the area, and ultimately decided a getaway destination in the mountains would be perfect for them. Veronica said “we wanted to have a small and intimate wedding with only our close family and friends and that is why we decided to go the destination route. We didn’t want to deal with all the stress of a large wedding and we wanted to plans an event different from all others. With the smaller group coming along, we were also able to make the day about us. A favorite moment of the day for Steve was when he first saw my dad and I at the doorway to the chapel. My favorite memory was seeing Steve standing at the alter waiting for me.”
L. M. Shaw • George B. Cortelyou • Franklin MacVeagh • William Gibbs McAdoo • Carter Glass • David F. Houston • Andrew Mellon • Ogden L. Mills • William Hartman Woodin • Henry Morgenthau • Fred M. Vinson • John W. Snyder • George Humphrey • Robert B. Anderson • Douglas Dillon • Henry H. Fowler • Joseph Barr • David Kennedy • John Bowden Connally • George Shultz • William Simon • W. Michael Blumenthal • G. William Miller • Donald Regan • James Baker • Nicholas Brady • Lloyd Bentsen • Robert Rubin • Lawrence Summers
Imádom ezt a kis csodaszert!! Időszakosan szokott hullani a hajam, sok mindent kipróbáltam már, de ez tényleg használt. Én minden nap jól befújkálom vele a fejbőröm és alaposan belemasszírozom, ilyen használat mellett a 2. hét végére jelentősen csökkent a hajhullásom, és azóta rengeteg babahajam is nőtt az egész fejemen. Nagy meglepetéssel tapasztaltam, hogy nem csak új hajszálaim nőttek, hanem a meglévő hosszú szálak is mintha megvastagodtak volna, erősebbek lennének. Már a 2. flakonnál járok, de biztos, hogy mindig lesz belőle itthon. Persze nem fogom mindig minden nap használni, csak kúraszerűen.
زمان انتخاب رشته کنکور سراسری سال 95زمان انتخاب رشته کنکور سراسری سال 95 X بستن تبليغاتدانلود فیلم ایرانی | دانلود سریال جدید | صندوقچهصندوقچه کانال صندوقچه فروشگاه تبليغات تماس با ما تبليغات بنري آخرين مطالب سايت تبلیغ ازدواج باورنکردنی عروس 1ساله با داماد 3ساله عکس دختر زیبای چشم قشنگ معروف نتیجه ( ساعت و زمان ) بازی رئال مادرید و بیلبائو 2 آبان 95 فال روزانه 3 آبان 95 و طالع بینی روز تولد دوشنبه سه آبان 1395 دانلود فصل 5 قسمت 4 چهارم سریال ARROW دانلود قسمت 4 چهارم سریال رویای فرمانروای بزرگ دانلود فیلم آس و پاس فال روزانه 1 آبان 95 و طالع بینی روز تولد شنبه یک آبان 1395 ماجرای آزادی امیر تتلو از زندان غذا خوردن این دختربچه همه را شوکه کرد درختی که بعد از بریدن از آن خون بیرون می آید زبان بزرگ این نوزاد همه را متعجب کرد در رگ های این نوزاد به جای خون آب جاریست ماجرای افشاگری رابعه اسکویی از پشت پرده شبکه ماهواره‌ای جم تبليغات بنري مطالب پيشنهادي دانلود «خندوانه» باحضور فرهاد قائمی و مجتبی میرزا جانپور/1 مهر 95 نتیجه بازی استقلال و ماشین سازی مهمان امشب برنامه دورهمی شنبه 10 مهر 95 کیست؟ دهمین جشن منتقدان و نویسندگان سینمایی دانلود مراسم شب 2 دوم محرم 95 با مداحی جواد مقدم رونمایی از آیفون ۷ و ۷ پلاس iphone 7 , 7 Plus +فیلم ریاست شورای عالی امنیت ملی، بر عهده ... است دانلود قسمت ۱۲ دوازدهم سریال آسپرین با لینک مستقیم در کدام شهر ترمه شهرت بیشتری دارد؟ نکاتي در هنگام خريد پارچه اعلام زمان دقیق نتایج اولیه کنکور سراسری 95اخبار فرهنگیاخبار گوناگون دوشنبه 18 مرداد 1395 ديدگاه 207 بازديد زمان اعلام نتایج اولیه آزمون سراسری 1395 دانشگاه‌ها و موسسات آموزش عالی سه شنبه 19 مرداد 95 اعلام می‌شود.ادامه مطلب تبليغات بنري دسته بندي ها عکس های خنده دار عکس های بازیگران عکس های عاشقانه عکس های دیدنی مطالب جالب و خواندنی داستان و شعر مدل لباس مطالب خنده دار و طنز مطالب عاشقانه انواع فال انواع طالع بینی اس ام اس جدید اس ام اس عاشقانه اس ام اس تبریک اس ام اس خنده دار اس ام اس سرکاری دکوراسیون مدل کیف و کفش مدل ساعت زنانه و مردانه بیوگرافی بازیگران سبک زندگی آموزش و ترفند موبایل آموزش و ترفند کامپیوتر سلامت و پزشکی آشپزی و تغذیه کودکان و والدین ورزش علمی و دانستنی ایرانگردی و جهانگردی ازدواج و همسرداری روانشناسی و خانواده اخبار سیاسی اخبار ورزشی اخبار اقتصادی اخبار حوادث اخبار فرهنگی اخبار گوناگون جوک جزوه و نمونه سوالات سینما و هنر فناوری و تکنولوژی ترفندهای جدید دانلود فیلم و آهنگ دانلود نرم افزار و بازی مداحی محبوب ترين مطالب «سرشماری» نفوس و مسکن/3 سوم مهر ۹۵ عکسها و بیوگرافی بازیگران سریال ساچویی فراری از قصر دانلود قسمت ۱۱ یازدهم سریال آسپرین با لینک مستقیم دانلود قسمت ۱۲ دوازدهم سریال آسپرین با لینک مستقیم ماجرای بازداشت امیر تتلو+فیلم و علت بازداشت دانلود قسمت ۱۳ سیزدهم سریال آسپرین با لینک مستقیم دانلود قسمت 14 چهاردهم سریال آسپرین با لینک مستقیم ساعت مسابقه کشتی حسن یزدانی المپیک 2016 ریو دانلود مراسم شب 3 سوم محرم 95 با مداحی محمود کریمی دانلود بازی PES 2017 برای کامپیوتر لینک مستقیم بازی فوتسال ایران و پاراگوئه مرحله یک‌چهارم جام جهانی ساعت مسابقه تکواندو کیمیا علیزاده در المپیک ۲۰۱۶ ریو اولین تماس تلفنی ایران در چه سالی بود ؟ سوالات و پاسخ تشریحی زیست شناسی 2 و آزمایشگاه امتحان نهایی سوم تجربی 3 شهریور 95 دانلود قسمت 15 پانزدهم سریال آسپرین با لینک مستقیم آرشيو 1395 دانلود فيلم ایرانیقالب طراحي شده و استفاده شده در: صندوقچه
08.09.2010Evet derseniz artık çocukların her türlü istismara ve şiddete karşı koruyucu kalkanları olacak. 19.09.2009172 Kg ağırlığındaki İzmirli Berrin Ünal KSÜ Tıp Fakültesi'nde ameliyatla midesini küçülttürdü. 10.02.2011Başkanlığını Zeynep Arıkan'ın yürüttüğü Kahramanmaraş Kent Konseyi'nin Genel Kurul toplantısı yapıldı. 22.10.2011Kahramanmaraş halkının oylarıyla AK Parti'den milletvekili seçilen Sıtkı Güvenç, Kanal 46 haber merkezine yaptığı nezaket ziyaretinde gündemle ilgili açıklamalarda bulundu. 24.07.2013Hac heyecanları hüzne dönüştü 22.04.2007 Yöresel yemekler Turizm Haftası'nda görücüye çıktı
by Qwert on Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:41 am gimilThese images you have presented qwerts are just a white wash of bevel not used very effectivly. THe results of this is an unrealistic 3D effect and a good bit of blurring.These images you have presented qwerts are just a white wash of bevel not used very effectivly. THe results of this is an unrealistic 3D effect and a good bit of blurring.If i understand,you say that these what i present its worst then present Icons,right.Strange,i have some filing that old icons is look very old,and that mine is much better.Well these is only sugestion,and if these look worst,then someon else maybe can better present better sugestion for new ranks.
All Types Aerator Applicator Attachments Baler-Round Baler-Square Blade Rear-3 Point Hitch Combine Cutter Feeder Wagon-Portable Field Cultivator Forage Boxes and Blowers Forage Box-Wagon Mounted Forage Harvester-Self Propelled Forage Head-Row Crop Forage Head-Windrow Pickup Grain Cart Grain Vac Gravity Box Hay Merger Hay Rake-Rotary Header/Platform Header-Corn Header-Draper/Flex Header-Reel Only Header-Row Crop Manure Spreader-Dry Manure Spreader-Dry/Pull Type Misc. Ag Mower Conditioner Planter Post Hole Digger Riding Mower Rippers Rotary Cutter Rotary Tiller Running Gear Silage Bagger Skid Steer Skid Steer-Track Snow Blower Sprayer-Pull Type Sprayer-Self Propelled Tillage Tractor Utility Vehicle Vertical Tillage Zero Turn Mower
Reaching beneath her skirt, he felt around her waist in a vague attempt to locate the hem of her undergarments. Andrea scowled as she felt him groping and feeling up her butt, but she bit back her anger. A thought coming to him, Chris faked frustration at not being able to locate the top of her stockings. Instead, his fingers grasped the fabric covering her crotch and, with a quick flick of his wrists, he tore the thin material, creating a large hole. Andrea gasped, indignantly, as her stocking were ruined by the brute behind her. She whirled her head around to glare at him over her shoulder, but a look from Miss Banks kept her quiet.
Während Spätantike und Völkerwanderung verfiel schrittweise der lateinische Grammatikunterricht und damit der Gebrauch der lateinischen Sprache. Ein Großteil der lateinischen Literatur der Antike ging zwischen 550 und 750 verloren, neue literarische Texte in dieser Sprache entstanden seit dem späten 6. Jahrhundert kaum mehr. Der letzte römische Kaiser, dessen Muttersprache Latein war, war Justinian, und als letzter bedeutender lateinischer Poet des Altertums gilt sein Zeitgenosse Corippus (um 550). Auch Gregor der Große predigte um 600 noch in klassischem Latein. In der Folgezeit aber vergrößerte sich im Bereich des einstigen weströmischen Reiches die Kluft zwischen der Umgangssprache und Hochlatein so erheblich, dass sich schließlich aus den lokalen Dialekten eigene Volkssprachen entwickelten. Als „Geburtsurkunde“ dieser romanischen Sprachen gilt dabei das Konzil von Tours im Jahr 813, auf dem beschlossen wurde, fortan Predigten in volkstümlicher Sprache zuzulassen, da die Gläubigen kein Latein mehr verstünden. In Ostrom, wo man in Verwaltung und Armee noch im 6. Jahrhundert Latein gesprochen hatte, war Latein im frühen 7. Jahrhundert gänzlich außer Gebrauch geraten und durch das Griechische ersetzt worden.
Погода в Резекне в феврале — Яндекс.ПогодаГород Найтина 10 днейпо месяцампогода на картеВойтиПрогноз погоды в Резекне на месяцДругой город30 днейПогода по месяцам:ЯнварьФевральМартАпрельМайИюньИюльАвгустСентябрьОктябрьНоябрьДекабрьПогода в Резекне в февралеВ феврале в Резекне бывает в среднем 1 ясный день и 2 дня с осадками. Выпадает 51 миллиметр осадков — 5% годовой нормы. Относительная влажность воздуха составляет 91%.Температура днём и ночьюЧисло солнечных и ненастных днейСамые солнечные месяцы в Резекне — май, июнь, июль, август. Больше всего дней с продолжительными осадками бывает в мае, июне и июле.Количество осадков, ммМинимальное количество осадков в Резекне выпадает в феврале, марте и апреле, максимальное — в июне, июле и октябре.Влажность воздуха, %Самые влажные месяцы в Резекне — февраль, ноябрь, декабрь. Самые сухие — май, июль и август.РусскийРусскийУкраїнськаПользовательское соглашениеПомощьОбратная связьРекламаИсходные данные: ООО «Яндекс.Пробки», Foreca, NOAA© 2000–2017 ООО «Яндекс»
Margherita Maria, Princess of Savoyby Ventura Domenico, 1882 2 Margherita Maria di Savoia-Genova, Principessa de Savoia was born on 20 November 1851 at Turin, Italy.3 She was the daughter of Ferdinando Maria di Savoia-Carignano, Re di Sicilia and Maria Elisabeth Maximiliana Prinzessin von Sachsen.1 She married Umberto I di Savoia-Carignano, Re d'Italia, son of Vittorio Emanuele II di Savoia-Carignano, Re di Sardegna and Adelheid Franziska Erzherzogin von Österreich, on 22 April 1868 at Turin, Italy.3 She died on 4 January 1926 at age 74 at Bordighera, Italy.3 She gained the title of Principessa Margherita de Savoie.
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Cecil designed a sculpture of Rev. Dr Philip Thomas Byard ‘Tubby’ Clayton CH, MC, DD. (1885-1972) a World War One Chaplain who, together with Rev. Neville Stuart Talbot (1879-1943), founded Talbot House. Located in Poperinge, Belgium, Talbot House (better known as Toc H, see images above and below), provided soldiers, fighting on the front lines around Ypres, with a tranquil haven for relaxation and private reflection. Soldiers of all ranks were welcomed. Cecil’s effigy of Rev. Clayton is in All Hallows By The Tower in the City of London where Clayton was vicar from 1922 until his retirement in 1952.
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