{"answer": "looking", "query": "What is the child doing?", "question_id": 160456001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "riding", "mutex_caption": "A little boy and his father riding a police motorcycle. "}], "caption": "A little boy and his father looking at a police motorcycle. ", "image_id": 160456, "id": 401, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000160456.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000160456.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2643/3717651982_43692e2cd6_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 500, "width": 376}
{"answer": "dirt", "query": "What are the cows standing on?", "question_id": 91650013, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "gravel", "mutex_caption": "Several cows huddled in a patch of gravel. "}, {"mutex_answer": "sand", "mutex_caption": "Several cows huddled in a patch of sand. "}, {"mutex_answer": "grass", "mutex_caption": "Several cows huddled in a patch of grass. "}], "caption": "Several cows huddled in a patch of dirt. ", "image_id": 91650, "id": 402, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000091650.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000091650.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6102/6289139144_f1ec0d16c6_z.jpg", "license": 5, "height": 427, "width": 640}
{"answer": "up", "query": "Where are two of the players looking?", "question_id": 438721002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "at catcher", "mutex_caption": "the guys are playing baseball as the ball flies at catcher"}, {"mutex_answer": "forward", "mutex_caption": "the guys are playing baseball as the ball flies forward"}, {"mutex_answer": "down", "mutex_caption": "the guys are playing baseball as the ball flies down"}, {"mutex_answer": "at camera", "mutex_caption": "the guys are playing baseball as the ball flies at camera"}, {"mutex_answer": "right", "mutex_caption": "the guys are playing baseball as the ball flies right"}], "caption": "the guys are playing baseball as the ball flies up", "image_id": 438721, "id": 403, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000438721.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000438721.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8273/8843810472_c0ed7cc6d8_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 473, "width": 640}
{"answer": "black", "query": "What color is the computer?", "question_id": 122982015, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "black and silver", "mutex_caption": "A white desk with a black and silver laptop, blue water bottle and office supplies. "}, {"mutex_answer": "blue", "mutex_caption": "A white desk with a blue laptop, blue water bottle and office supplies. "}, {"mutex_answer": "silver", "mutex_caption": "A white desk with a silver laptop, blue water bottle and office supplies. "}, {"mutex_answer": "black and red", "mutex_caption": "A white desk with a black and red laptop, blue water bottle and office supplies. "}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "A white desk with a gray laptop, blue water bottle and office supplies. "}], "caption": "A white desk with a black laptop, blue water bottle and office supplies. ", "image_id": 122982, "id": 404, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000122982.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000122982.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5277/5907262860_343fd252e5_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "geese", "query": "What kind of birds are these?", "question_id": 95441002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "swans", "mutex_caption": "A bunch of swans are walking and standing in the middle of a dirt road."}], "caption": "A bunch of geese are walking and standing in the middle of a dirt road.", "image_id": 95441, "id": 405, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000095441.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000095441.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3831/9293589355_f98b319784_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 400, "width": 640}
{"answer": "white", "query": "What color is the countertop?", "question_id": 569801000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "beige", "mutex_caption": "A beige kitchen counter next to an oven."}, {"mutex_answer": "yellow", "mutex_caption": "A yellow kitchen counter next to an oven."}, {"mutex_answer": "white and black", "mutex_caption": "A white and black kitchen counter next to an oven."}, {"mutex_answer": "white and yellow", "mutex_caption": "A white and yellow kitchen counter next to an oven."}, {"mutex_answer": "blue and white", "mutex_caption": "A blue and white kitchen counter next to an oven."}], "caption": "A white kitchen counter next to an oven.", "image_id": 569801, "id": 406, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000569801.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000569801.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6225/6341490168_e41522c85c_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "green", "query": "What color is the vase?", "question_id": 49473008, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "blue", "mutex_caption": "a blue vase with flowers and a calendar sitting on a table"}, {"mutex_answer": "clear", "mutex_caption": "a clear vase with flowers and a calendar sitting on a table"}, {"mutex_answer": "green and yellow", "mutex_caption": "a green and yellow vase with flowers and a calendar sitting on a table"}, {"mutex_answer": "black", "mutex_caption": "a black vase with flowers and a calendar sitting on a table"}, {"mutex_answer": "yellow", "mutex_caption": "a yellow vase with flowers and a calendar sitting on a table"}], "caption": "a green vase with flowers and a calendar sitting on a table", "image_id": 49473, "id": 407, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000049473.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000049473.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2647/4124979024_d9ebf20d79_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 335, "width": 500}
{"answer": "clock", "query": "What is the yellow disk in the picture?", "question_id": 499903001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "labyrinth", "mutex_caption": "Flowers are landscaped to make a design of a labyrinth.", "mutex_detection": "labyrinth"}, {"mutex_answer": "olympics", "mutex_caption": "Flowers are landscaped to make a design of olympics.", "mutex_detection": "olympics"}, {"mutex_answer": "target", "mutex_caption": "Flowers are landscaped to make a design of a target.", "mutex_detection": "target"}, {"mutex_answer": "sign", "mutex_caption": "Flowers are landscaped to make a design of a sign.", "mutex_detection": "sign"}, {"mutex_answer": "path", "mutex_caption": "Flowers are landscaped to make a design of a path.", "mutex_detection": "path"}], "caption": "Flowers are landscaped to make a design of a clock.", "image_id": 499903, "detection": "clock", "boxes": [[187.03, 187.57, 227.02, 71.35]], "id": 408, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000499903.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000499903.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2887/9954067823_db669a36d8_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "eggs", "query": "Which of these food items isn't like the others?", "question_id": 477273002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "chicken", "mutex_caption": "A bag full of an assortment of vegetables and some chicken"}, {"mutex_answer": "cheese", "mutex_caption": "A bag full of an assortment of vegetables and some cheese"}, {"mutex_answer": "flowers", "mutex_caption": "A bag full of an assortment of vegetables and some flowers"}, {"mutex_answer": "oranges", "mutex_caption": "A bag full of an assortment of vegetables and some oranges"}, {"mutex_answer": "butter", "mutex_caption": "A bag full of an assortment of vegetables and some butter"}], "caption": "A bag full of an assortment of vegetables and some eggs", "image_id": 477273, "id": 409, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000477273.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000477273.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4098/4780607540_77e7a48526_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "boat", "query": "What is in the water?", "question_id": 160772003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "ship", "mutex_caption": "A ship on the water with a lighthouse in the background. ", "mutex_detection": "ship"}, {"mutex_answer": "ferry", "mutex_caption": "A ferry on the water with a lighthouse in the background. ", "mutex_detection": "ferry"}, {"mutex_answer": "house", "mutex_caption": "A house on the water with a lighthouse in the background. ", "mutex_detection": "house"}], "caption": "A boat on the water with a lighthouse in the background. ", "image_id": 160772, "detection": "boat", "boxes": [[84.75, 133.51, 472.53, 134.68]], "id": 410, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000160772.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000160772.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1079/1297213021_b2d796815c_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 512, "width": 640}
{"answer": "harbor", "query": "What type of place is this?", "question_id": 327466001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "boat dock", "mutex_caption": "a couple of boats are in a boat dock"}, {"mutex_answer": "boat house", "mutex_caption": "a couple of boats are in a boat house"}, {"mutex_answer": "fishing port", "mutex_caption": "a couple of boats are in a fishing port"}, {"mutex_answer": "fishing boat", "mutex_caption": "a couple of boats are in a fishing boat"}, {"mutex_answer": "ship yard", "mutex_caption": "a couple of boats are in a ship yard"}], "caption": "a couple of boats are in a harbor", "image_id": 327466, "id": 411, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000327466.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000327466.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3712/9403185495_9f2890c658_z.jpg", "license": 5, "height": 640, "width": 480}
{"answer": "looking in drawer", "query": "What is the bending man doing?", "question_id": 123622003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "getting food", "mutex_caption": "Man getting food from the drawer of a refrigerator"}, {"mutex_answer": "taking food", "mutex_caption": "Man taking food in to the drawer of a completely empty refrigerator"}, {"mutex_answer": "checking food", "mutex_caption": "Man checking food in the drawer of a refrigerator"}, {"mutex_answer": "climbing", "mutex_caption": "Man climbing in to the drawer of a completely empty refrigerator"}], "caption": "Man looking in to the drawer of a completely empty refrigerator", "image_id": 123622, "id": 412, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000123622.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000123622.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3109/2300736011_a563d42083_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "hay", "query": "What is the man standing on?", "question_id": 80522000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "sand", "mutex_caption": "A little boy standing next to a pony near sand."}, {"mutex_answer": "grass", "mutex_caption": "A little boy standing next to a pony near grass."}, {"mutex_answer": "dirt", "mutex_caption": "A little boy standing next to a pony near dirt."}, {"mutex_answer": "floor", "mutex_caption": "A little boy standing next to a pony near floor."}, {"mutex_answer": "zebra", "mutex_caption": "A little boy standing next to a pony near zebra."}], "caption": "A little boy standing next to a pony near hay.", "image_id": 80522, "id": 413, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000080522.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000080522.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3739/9495130892_3de074b058_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 360, "width": 640}
{"answer": "green", "query": "What color is the plantation behind the fruit?", "question_id": 549261002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "brown", "mutex_caption": "A lot of plants, there tops brown and stalks are brown."}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "A lot of plants, there tops white and stalks are brown."}, {"mutex_answer": "purple", "mutex_caption": "A lot of plants, there tops purple and stalks are brown."}, {"mutex_answer": "blue", "mutex_caption": "A lot of plants, there tops blue and stalks are brown."}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "A lot of plants, there tops gray and stalks are brown."}], "caption": "A lot of plants, there tops green and stalks are brown.", "image_id": 549261, "id": 414, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000549261.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000549261.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2480/4025832766_57fb913ee6_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 500, "width": 375}
{"answer": "blonde", "query": "What color is his hair?", "question_id": 90011000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "brown", "mutex_caption": "A woman cutting a man's shoulder length brown hair."}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "A woman cutting a man's shoulder length gray hair."}, {"mutex_answer": "blonde and brown", "mutex_caption": "A woman cutting a man's shoulder length blonde and brown hair."}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "A woman cutting a man's shoulder length white hair."}, {"mutex_answer": "blonde and gray", "mutex_caption": "A woman cutting a man's shoulder length blonde and gray hair."}], "caption": "A woman cutting a man's shoulder length blonde hair.", "image_id": 90011, "id": 415, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000090011.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000090011.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1045/1120048014_e967aa0317_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 640, "width": 633}
{"answer": "2", "query": "How many pieces are on the plate?", "question_id": 574095003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "4", "mutex_caption": "4 slices of focaccia bread on a plate, next to a pan holding the entire bread."}, {"mutex_answer": "3", "mutex_caption": "3 slices of focaccia bread on a plate, next to a pan holding the entire bread."}, {"mutex_answer": "6", "mutex_caption": "6 slices of focaccia bread on a plate, next to a pan holding the entire bread."}, {"mutex_answer": "5", "mutex_caption": "5 slices of focaccia bread on a plate, next to a pan holding the entire bread."}, {"mutex_answer": "8", "mutex_caption": "8 slices of focaccia bread on a plate, next to a pan holding the entire bread."}], "caption": "2 slices of focaccia bread on a plate, next to a pan holding the entire bread.", "image_id": 574095, "id": 416, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000574095.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000574095.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4008/4428492522_ffcd4f2217_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 500, "width": 375}
{"answer": "pocket watch", "query": "What kind of watch is pictured?", "question_id": 129675004, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "chronograph", "mutex_caption": "A small stack of antique leather bound books with a pair of glasses and a chronograph."}, {"mutex_answer": "wristwatch", "mutex_caption": "A small stack of antique leather bound books with a pair of glasses and a wristwatch."}, {"mutex_answer": "timepiece", "mutex_caption": "A small stack of antique leather bound books with a pair of glasses and a timepiece."}, {"mutex_answer": "dial", "mutex_caption": "A small stack of antique leather bound books with a pair of glasses and a clock dial."}], "caption": "A small stack of antique leather bound books with a pair of glasses and a pocket watch.", "image_id": 129675, "id": 417, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000129675.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000129675.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7250/6872410196_6fb9e9508e_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 427, "width": 640}
{"answer": "man", "query": "Is a man or a woman on the skateboard?", "question_id": 246878006, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "boy", "mutex_caption": "A young boy riding a skateboard up the side of a ramp."}, {"mutex_answer": "woman", "mutex_caption": "A young woman riding a skateboard up the side of a ramp."}], "caption": "A young man riding a skateboard up the side of a ramp.", "image_id": 246878, "id": 418, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000246878.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000246878.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8259/8647614290_4174ebb455_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 640, "width": 426}
{"answer": "yellow", "query": "What color is the frisbee?", "question_id": 201561031, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "yellow and black", "mutex_caption": "A man in white shorts standing next to a yellow and black frisbee."}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "A man in white shorts standing next to a white frisbee."}, {"mutex_answer": "yellow and blue", "mutex_caption": "A man in white shorts standing next to a yellow and blue frisbee."}, {"mutex_answer": "gold", "mutex_caption": "A man in white shorts standing next to a gold frisbee."}, {"mutex_answer": "yellow and white", "mutex_caption": "A man in white shorts standing next to a yellow and white frisbee."}], "caption": "A man in white shorts standing next to a yellow frisbee.", "image_id": 201561, "id": 419, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000201561.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000201561.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5064/5870652161_1856d71bd3_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 429, "width": 640}
{"answer": "ice cream", "query": "What is the fruit wrapped in?", "question_id": 197444008, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "tortilla", "mutex_caption": "A delicious gourmet berry desert dish with tortilla"}, {"mutex_answer": "napkin", "mutex_caption": "A delicious gourmet berry desert dish with napkin"}], "caption": "A delicious gourmet berry desert dish with a scoop of ice cream", "image_id": 197444, "id": 420, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000197444.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000197444.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2859/10289821165_3e148a535f_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "rainy", "query": "What is the weather?", "question_id": 294403001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "overcast", "mutex_caption": "A woman under an umbrella on a overcast day "}, {"mutex_answer": "cold", "mutex_caption": "A woman under an umbrella on a cold day "}, {"mutex_answer": "sunny", "mutex_caption": "A woman under an umbrella on a sunny day "}, {"mutex_answer": "foggy", "mutex_caption": "A woman under an umbrella on a foggy day "}], "caption": "A woman under an umbrella on a rainy day ", "image_id": 294403, "id": 421, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000294403.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000294403.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8491/8323139585_5bc7f591fa_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 619, "width": 640}
{"answer": "parked", "query": "What is the truck on the right doing?", "question_id": 155488019, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "towing", "mutex_caption": "there is a truck that is towing outside of a store "}, {"mutex_answer": "hauling", "mutex_caption": "there is a truck that is hauling outside of a store "}, {"mutex_answer": "pulling trailer", "mutex_caption": "there is a truck that is pulling trailer outside of a store "}], "caption": "there is a truck that is parked outside of a store ", "image_id": 155488, "id": 422, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000155488.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000155488.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6230/6397237863_fcd513b5a8_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "skier", "query": "Who wears a red suit?", "question_id": 162144005, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "snowboarder", "mutex_caption": "Two snowboarders pose for a photo on the snow "}], "caption": "Two skiers pose for a photo on the snow ", "image_id": 162144, "id": 423, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000162144.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000162144.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8242/8565234778_afcf4ece83_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 478, "width": 640}
{"answer": "blue", "query": "What color is the team shirt?", "question_id": 523517004, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "black", "mutex_caption": "A batter in a black jersey and a catcher in a white uniform waiting for the pitch. "}, {"mutex_answer": "red", "mutex_caption": "A batter in a red jersey and a catcher in a white uniform waiting for the pitch. "}, {"mutex_answer": "red and blue", "mutex_caption": "A batter in a red and blue jersey and a catcher in a white uniform waiting for the pitch. "}, {"mutex_answer": "purple", "mutex_caption": "A batter in a purple jersey and a catcher in a white uniform waiting for the pitch. "}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "A batter in a white jersey and a catcher in a white uniform waiting for the pitch. "}], "caption": "A batter in a blue jersey and a catcher in a white uniform waiting for the pitch. ", "image_id": 523517, "id": 424, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000523517.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000523517.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7079/7377320864_6c4282f72d_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "frisbee", "query": "What object is the black dog looking at?", "question_id": 22599006, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "another dog", "mutex_caption": "an athletic dog playing with another dog in a grassy field", "mutex_detection": "dog"}, {"mutex_answer": "ball", "mutex_caption": "an athletic dog playing with a ball in a grassy field", "mutex_detection": "ball"}, {"mutex_answer": "teddy bear", "mutex_caption": "an athletic dog playing with a teddy bear in a grassy field", "mutex_detection": "teddy bear"}], "caption": "an athletic dog playing with a frisbee in a grassy field", "image_id": 22599, "detection": "frisbee", "boxes": [[79.85, 59.96, 42.59, 10.89]], "id": 425, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000022599.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000022599.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/26/38645334_54c2ae781a_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 375, "width": 500}
{"answer": "wheelchair", "query": "What is the lady sitting on?", "question_id": 252745005, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "chair", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a chair on the beach, with a man and a dog standing beside her."}, {"mutex_answer": "stroller", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a stroller on the beach, with a man and a dog standing beside her."}, {"mutex_answer": "tricycle", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a tricycle on the beach, with a man and a dog standing beside her."}, {"mutex_answer": "walker", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a walker on the beach, with a man and a dog standing beside her."}, {"mutex_answer": "scooter", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a scooter on the beach, with a man and a dog standing beside her."}], "caption": "A woman in a wheelchair on the beach, with a man and a dog standing beside her.", "image_id": 252745, "id": 426, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000252745.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000252745.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3265/2628245811_251596cc6c_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 640, "width": 632}
{"answer": "red", "query": "What kind of wine is in the glass?", "question_id": 307995003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "rose", "mutex_caption": "A bottle and half a glass of rose wine"}, {"mutex_answer": "sherry", "mutex_caption": "A bottle and half a glass of sherry"}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "A bottle and half a glass of white wine"}], "caption": "A bottle and half a glass of red wine", "image_id": 307995, "id": 427, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000307995.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000307995.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8539/8640225449_73c750f686_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 640, "width": 427}
{"answer": "umbrella", "query": "Where is the bird perched?", "question_id": 174423002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "on awning", "mutex_caption": "A bird sits perched on the edge of an awning. ", "mutex_detection": "awning"}], "caption": "A bird sits perched on the edge of an umbrella. ", "image_id": 174423, "detection": "umbrella", "boxes": [[0.0, 126.67, 640.0, 301.33]], "id": 428, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000174423.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000174423.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3058/5834276079_63f5553c6c_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 428, "width": 640}
{"answer": "fail", "query": "What does the meter say?", "question_id": 123639000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "2 hour", "mutex_caption": "A parking meter that reads \"2 hour\" and a white car sits across from it."}, {"mutex_answer": "2:13", "mutex_caption": "A parking meter that reads \"2:13\" and a white car sits across from it."}, {"mutex_answer": "2:12", "mutex_caption": "A parking meter that reads \"2:12\" and a white car sits across from it."}, {"mutex_answer": "1 hour", "mutex_caption": "A parking meter that reads \"1 hour\" and a white car sits across from it."}, {"mutex_answer": "3 hour", "mutex_caption": "A parking meter that reads \"3 hour\" and a white car sits across from it."}], "caption": "A parking meter that reads \"fail\" and a white car sits across from it.", "image_id": 123639, "id": 429, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000123639.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000123639.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3361/3267164904_5840eafb3d_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 427, "width": 640}
{"answer": "sandwich", "query": "What is on the plate?", "question_id": 453283001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "burger", "mutex_caption": "A plate with burgers next to a glass of milk and a laptop.", "mutex_detection": "burger"}], "caption": "A plate with open face sandwiches next to a glass of milk and a laptop.", "image_id": 453283, "detection": "sandwich", "boxes": [[127.28, 129.44, 125.12, 141.3], [168.65, 86.49, 128.65, 128.65], [263.19, 130.34, 114.34, 147.77]], "id": 430, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000453283.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000453283.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3301/3418783140_06866e6e8a_z.jpg", "license": 5, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "man", "query": "Who has the camera?", "question_id": 48739006, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "woman", "mutex_caption": "A woman is taking photo of a baby."}, {"mutex_answer": "couple", "mutex_caption": "A couple is taking photo of a baby."}], "caption": "A man is taking photo of a baby.", "image_id": 48739, "id": 431, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000048739.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000048739.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5166/5206137132_e52ddce7b4_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 640, "width": 480}
{"answer": "bikes", "query": "What is all over the walls?", "question_id": 435745000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "books", "mutex_caption": "A shop that has many books of all kinds. "}, {"mutex_answer": "signs", "mutex_caption": "A shop that has many signs of all kinds. "}, {"mutex_answer": "bottles", "mutex_caption": "A shop that has many bottles of all kinds. "}, {"mutex_answer": "shelves", "mutex_caption": "A shop that has many shelves of all kinds. "}, {"mutex_answer": "rugs", "mutex_caption": "A shop that has many rugs of all kinds. "}], "caption": "A shop that has many bikes of all kinds. ", "image_id": 435745, "id": 432, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000435745.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000435745.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2344/2203901807_a15c1aff5a_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 398, "width": 500}
{"answer": "red", "query": "What color is the bus?", "question_id": 567013001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "brown", "mutex_caption": "A big brown bus on a street with some traffic."}, {"mutex_answer": "maroon", "mutex_caption": "A big maroon bus on a street with some traffic."}, {"mutex_answer": "red and gray", "mutex_caption": "A big red and gray bus on a street with some traffic."}, {"mutex_answer": "red and brown", "mutex_caption": "A big red and brown bus on a street with some traffic."}, {"mutex_answer": "red and silver", "mutex_caption": "A big red and silver bus on a street with some traffic."}], "caption": "A big red bus on a street with some traffic.", "image_id": 567013, "id": 433, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000567013.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000567013.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8287/7740660908_bce04e5a0d_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 546, "width": 640}
{"answer": "kitchen", "query": "What room is likely pictured here?", "question_id": 19484002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "pantry", "mutex_caption": "A knife display case is sitting on a stainless steel counter in an industrial pantry. "}, {"mutex_answer": "dining room", "mutex_caption": "A knife display case is sitting on a stainless steel counter in an industrial dining room. "}, {"mutex_answer": "bathroom", "mutex_caption": "A knife display case is sitting on a stainless steel counter in an industrial bathroom. "}, {"mutex_answer": "office", "mutex_caption": "A knife display case is sitting on a stainless steel counter in an industrial office. "}, {"mutex_answer": "bakery", "mutex_caption": "A knife display case is sitting on a stainless steel counter in an industrial bakery. "}], "caption": "A knife display case is sitting on a stainless steel counter in an industrial kitchen. ", "image_id": 19484, "id": 434, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000019484.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000019484.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/199/490440992_72b2cb6253_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 500, "width": 375}
{"answer": "boy", "query": "Which person's feet are hid from view?", "question_id": 440189000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "man", "mutex_caption": "a man is holding a racket on the beach"}, {"mutex_answer": "girl", "mutex_caption": "a girl is holding a racket on the beach"}], "caption": "a boy is holding a racket on the beach", "image_id": 440189, "id": 435, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000440189.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000440189.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6016/5998298203_54a981c8d3_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "bathroom", "query": "What room is the boy in?", "question_id": 80172002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "kitchen", "mutex_caption": "A little boy in the kitchen brushing his teeth with a toothbrush."}, {"mutex_answer": "bedroom", "mutex_caption": "A little boy in the bedroom brushing his teeth with a toothbrush."}, {"mutex_answer": "living room", "mutex_caption": "A little boy in the living room brushing his teeth with a toothbrush."}, {"mutex_answer": "laundry room", "mutex_caption": "A little boy in the laundry room brushing his teeth with a toothbrush."}, {"mutex_answer": "hospital", "mutex_caption": "A little boy in the hospital brushing his teeth with a toothbrush."}], "caption": "A little boy in the bathroom brushing his teeth with a toothbrush.", "image_id": 80172, "id": 436, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000080172.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000080172.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2842/9312209325_8a623b597c_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 640, "width": 480}
{"answer": "brown", "query": "What color is the wood?", "question_id": 562834005, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "green", "mutex_caption": "A green bench sits in front of an old white building."}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "A white bench sits in front of an old white building."}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "A gray bench sits in front of an old white building."}, {"mutex_answer": "red", "mutex_caption": "A red bench sits in front of an old white building."}, {"mutex_answer": "yellow", "mutex_caption": "A yellow bench sits in front of an old white building."}], "caption": "A brown bench sits in front of an old white building.", "image_id": 562834, "id": 437, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000562834.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000562834.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1365/709201928_b237364a5e_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "tiaras", "query": "What are the toys wearing on their heads?", "question_id": 370900003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "pom poms", "mutex_caption": "four small teddy bears with pom poms and bows"}, {"mutex_answer": "combs", "mutex_caption": "four small teddy bears with combs and bows"}, {"mutex_answer": "headbands", "mutex_caption": "four small teddy bears with headbands and bows"}, {"mutex_answer": "ties", "mutex_caption": "four small teddy bears with ties and bows"}], "caption": "four small teddy bears with tiaras and bows", "image_id": 370900, "id": 438, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000370900.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000370900.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5220/5496406382_42218a2b3e_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 478, "width": 640}
{"answer": "walnut", "query": "What type of nut is that?", "question_id": 340642001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "peanut butter", "mutex_caption": "a brown cake with white icing and some peanut butter toppings"}, {"mutex_answer": "pecan", "mutex_caption": "a brown cake with white icing and some pecan toppings"}, {"mutex_answer": "banana", "mutex_caption": "a brown cake with white icing and some banana toppings"}, {"mutex_answer": "powdered sugar", "mutex_caption": "a brown cake with white icing and some powdered sugar toppings"}, {"mutex_answer": "sesame", "mutex_caption": "a brown cake with white icing and some sesame toppings"}], "caption": "a brown cake with white icing and some walnut toppings", "image_id": 340642, "id": 439, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000340642.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000340642.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7128/7154097320_cbdb9fa187_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 486, "width": 640}
{"answer": "blue", "query": "What color is the train?", "question_id": 357331003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "green", "mutex_caption": "a green train driving on a train track below multiple power lines."}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "a white train driving on a train track below multiple power lines."}, {"mutex_answer": "silver", "mutex_caption": "a silver train driving on a train track below multiple power lines."}, {"mutex_answer": "purple", "mutex_caption": "a purple train driving on a train track below multiple power lines."}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "a gray train driving on a train track below multiple power lines."}], "caption": "a blue train driving on a train track below multiple power lines.", "image_id": 357331, "id": 440, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000357331.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000357331.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5534/9572965855_17c1b79638_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 360, "width": 640}
{"answer": "snowboarding", "query": "What is the person in the scene doing?", "question_id": 441472006, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "skateboarding", "mutex_caption": "A man riding a skateboard on a snow covered hill.", "mutex_detection": "skateboard"}, {"mutex_answer": "sledding", "mutex_caption": "A man riding a sled on a snow covered hill.", "mutex_detection": "sled"}], "caption": "A man riding a snowboard on a snow covered hill.", "image_id": 441472, "detection": "snowboard", "boxes": [[164.75, 298.21, 153.05, 86.76]], "id": 441, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000441472.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000441472.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2704/4336548814_84d6a7877d_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 464, "width": 640}
{"answer": "train", "query": "What moving on tracks in the photograph?", "question_id": 270810006, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "locomotive", "mutex_caption": "A long locomotive traveling past passengers on a platform.", "mutex_detection": "locomotive"}], "caption": "A long train traveling past passengers on a platform.", "image_id": 270810, "detection": "train", "boxes": [[7.19, 8.99, 350.92, 379.68]], "id": 442, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000270810.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000270810.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7284/8715829490_f4fdf26549_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 640, "width": 432}
{"answer": "horse", "query": "What animal is being ridden?", "question_id": 413079001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "hyena", "mutex_caption": "A person riding on a hyena while jumping it over an obstacle.", "mutex_detection": "hyena"}, {"mutex_answer": "unicorn", "mutex_caption": "A person riding on a unicorn while jumping it over an obstacle.", "mutex_detection": "unicorn"}], "caption": "A person riding on a horse while jumping it over an obstacle.", "image_id": 413079, "detection": "horse", "boxes": [[79.48, 160.0, 521.29, 304.52]], "id": 443, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000413079.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000413079.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3671/9862178924_f73d726e41_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "typing", "query": "What is the person doing?", "question_id": 208028001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "making keyboard", "mutex_caption": "Hands making a light colored electronic computer keyboard."}], "caption": "Hands typing on light colored electronic computer keyboard.", "image_id": 208028, "id": 444, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000208028.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000208028.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4039/4415070039_49cb919603_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 428, "width": 640}
{"answer": "man", "query": "Who is wearing a red tie?", "question_id": 343852003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "woman", "mutex_caption": "an image of a woman that is holding a fake tongue"}, {"mutex_answer": "girl", "mutex_caption": "an image of a girl that is holding a fake tongue"}, {"mutex_answer": "dog", "mutex_caption": "an image of a dog that is holding a fake tongue"}], "caption": "an image of a man that is holding a fake tongue", "image_id": 343852, "id": 445, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000343852.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000343852.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4089/4835240241_c27261e6aa_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "birds", "query": "What is in the sky?", "question_id": 395497004, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "angel wings", "mutex_caption": "A flock of planes flying over a beach next to the ocean.", "mutex_detection": "plane"}], "caption": "A flock of birds flying over a beach next to the ocean.", "image_id": 395497, "detection": "bird", "boxes": [[536.4, 248.47, 80.4, 60.7], [144.96, 272.94, 100.31, 73.16], [23.72, 235.8, 88.25, 45.85], [16.32, 131.98, 94.92, 38.75], [303.88, 57.65, 74.26, 57.55], [339.33, 113.44, 91.25, 32.95], [260.7, 211.26, 81.04, 57.18], [370.02, 261.29, 83.64, 59.05], [479.68, 294.48, 86.11, 18.69]], "id": 446, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000395497.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000395497.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3789/9636755816_9c06c4c992_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 438, "width": 640}
{"answer": "frog", "query": "What is the green thing?", "question_id": 468363001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "bear", "mutex_caption": "A teddy bear is standing beside a bear and a stuffed doll."}, {"mutex_answer": "flower", "mutex_caption": "A teddy bear is standing beside a flower and a stuffed doll."}, {"mutex_answer": "dragonfly", "mutex_caption": "A teddy bear is standing beside a dragonfly and a stuffed doll."}, {"mutex_answer": "pony", "mutex_caption": "A teddy bear is standing beside a pony and a stuffed doll."}, {"mutex_answer": "turtle", "mutex_caption": "A teddy bear is standing beside a turtle and a stuffed doll."}], "caption": "A teddy bear is standing beside a frog and a stuffed doll.", "image_id": 468363, "id": 447, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000468363.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000468363.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5533/9688447858_abe002ffd0_z.jpg", "license": 5, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "white", "query": "What color is the sofa?", "question_id": 232088014, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "beige", "mutex_caption": "this living room has all beige couches and a flat screen tv"}, {"mutex_answer": "tan", "mutex_caption": "this living room has all tan couches and a flat screen tv"}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "this living room has all gray couches and a flat screen tv"}, {"mutex_answer": "cream", "mutex_caption": "this living room has all cream couches and a flat screen tv"}, {"mutex_answer": "brown", "mutex_caption": "this living room has all brown couches and a flat screen tv"}], "caption": "this living room has all white couches and a flat screen tv", "image_id": 232088, "id": 448, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000232088.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000232088.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6192/6149027966_1904e41f77_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "controller", "query": "What is in the woman's hand?", "question_id": 111031000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "remote", "mutex_caption": "Man and woman standing in a living room holding white remote. "}, {"mutex_answer": "wiimote", "mutex_caption": "Man and woman standing in a living room holding white wiimote. "}, {"mutex_answer": "phone", "mutex_caption": "Man and woman standing in a living room holding white phone. "}, {"mutex_answer": "cigarette", "mutex_caption": "Man and woman standing in a living room holding white cigarette. "}, {"mutex_answer": "wand", "mutex_caption": "Man and woman standing in a living room holding white wand. "}], "caption": "Man and woman standing in a living room holding white controllers. ", "image_id": 111031, "id": 449, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000111031.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000111031.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/180/386137759_dc2f7cf2c1_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 640, "width": 598}
{"answer": "highway", "query": "Does this look to be a highway or country road?", "question_id": 96207000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "country road", "mutex_caption": "A view of a large semi truck near a country road seen through a mirror."}, {"mutex_answer": "city", "mutex_caption": "A view of a large semi truck near a city seen through a mirror."}], "caption": "A view of a large semi truck near a highway seen through a mirror.", "image_id": 96207, "id": 450, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000096207.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000096207.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/30/51168871_231f81a97f_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "black", "query": "What color is the vase?", "question_id": 428079001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "brown", "mutex_caption": "A brown vase on display with lights in the background."}, {"mutex_answer": "blue", "mutex_caption": "A blue vase on display with lights in the background."}, {"mutex_answer": "black and brown", "mutex_caption": "A black and brown vase on display with lights in the background."}, {"mutex_answer": "dark", "mutex_caption": "A dark vase on display with lights in the background."}, {"mutex_answer": "green", "mutex_caption": "A green vase on display with lights in the background."}], "caption": "A black vase on display with lights in the background.", "image_id": 428079, "id": 451, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000428079.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000428079.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/119/284183917_d5baafdc35_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 500, "width": 375}
{"answer": "soda", "query": "What is the person drinking?", "question_id": 133476016, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "tea", "mutex_caption": "A plate of a roast beef and tea in a glass cup."}, {"mutex_answer": "alcohol", "mutex_caption": "A plate of a roast beef and alcohol in a glass cup."}, {"mutex_answer": "vodka", "mutex_caption": "A plate of a roast beef and vodka in a glass cup."}, {"mutex_answer": "whiskey", "mutex_caption": "A plate of a roast beef and whiskey in a glass cup."}, {"mutex_answer": "coffee", "mutex_caption": "A plate of a roast beef and coffee in a glass cup."}], "caption": "A plate of a roast beef and soda in a glass cup.", "image_id": 133476, "id": 452, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000133476.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000133476.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2740/4229892392_6df9e3ddeb_z.jpg", "license": 5, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "in the middle", "query": "Where is the cake?", "question_id": 296544001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "on the right", "mutex_caption": "A table with four pizzas in front of cake stands and a cake on the right. "}, {"mutex_answer": "on the left", "mutex_caption": "A table with four pizzas behind cake stands and a cake on the left. "}, {"mutex_answer": "in the back", "mutex_caption": "A table with four pizzas near cake stands and a cake in the back. "}], "caption": "A table with four pizzas on stands and a cake in the middle. ", "image_id": 296544, "id": 453, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000296544.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000296544.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8004/7552218134_526e7e8d0f_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 427, "width": 640}
{"answer": "large", "query": "What size is the pizza?", "question_id": 543742001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "small", "mutex_caption": "A man looking at a small pepperoni pizza. "}, {"mutex_answer": "regular size", "mutex_caption": "A man looking at a regular size pepperoni pizza. "}], "caption": "A man looking at a large pepperoni pizza. ", "image_id": 543742, "id": 454, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000543742.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000543742.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7025/6729433707_be7c180811_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 612, "width": 612}
{"answer": "mountains", "query": "What is the background?", "question_id": 498511001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "trees", "mutex_caption": "A horse eating in a field with trees in the background."}, {"mutex_answer": "snow", "mutex_caption": "A horse eating in a field with snow in the background."}, {"mutex_answer": "rocks", "mutex_caption": "A horse eating in a field with rocks in the background."}, {"mutex_answer": "alpine meadow", "mutex_caption": "A horse eating in a field with alpine meadow in the background."}], "caption": "A horse eating in a field with mountains in the background.", "image_id": 498511, "id": 455, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000498511.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000498511.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1114/1186211301_080830406a_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 500, "width": 334}
{"answer": "horse", "query": "What kind of animals are these?", "question_id": 318204002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "sheep", "mutex_caption": "A shirtless man walks with a sheep near the water.", "mutex_detection": "sheep"}, {"mutex_answer": "goat", "mutex_caption": "A shirtless man walks with a goat near the water.", "mutex_detection": "goat"}, {"mutex_answer": "cow", "mutex_caption": "A shirtless man walks with a cow near the water.", "mutex_detection": "cow"}, {"mutex_answer": "donkey", "mutex_caption": "A shirtless man walks with a donkey near the water.", "mutex_detection": "donkey"}, {"mutex_answer": "elk", "mutex_caption": "A shirtless man walks with an elk near the water.", "mutex_detection": "elk"}], "caption": "A shirtless man walks with a horse near the water.", "image_id": 318204, "detection": "horse", "boxes": [[236.43, 271.68, 63.8, 44.03]], "id": 456, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000318204.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000318204.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4123/4819445342_b52da5a89d_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "purple", "query": "What color pants does the girl have?", "question_id": 25864001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "blue", "mutex_caption": "A girl in blue and orange on a scooter"}, {"mutex_answer": "pink", "mutex_caption": "A girl in pink and orange on a scooter"}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "A girl in gray and orange on a scooter"}], "caption": "A girl in purple and orange on a scooter", "image_id": 25864, "id": 457, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000025864.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000025864.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7271/7490650918_60f5a51825_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 640, "width": 426}
{"answer": "blue", "query": "What color is the women's shirt?", "question_id": 469067003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a gray shirt cuddles up with her cat"}, {"mutex_answer": "black", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a black shirt cuddles up with her cat"}, {"mutex_answer": "blue and gray", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a blue and gray shirt cuddles up with her cat"}, {"mutex_answer": "purple", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a purple shirt cuddles up with her cat"}, {"mutex_answer": "green", "mutex_caption": "A woman in a green shirt cuddles up with her cat"}], "caption": "A woman in a blue shirt cuddles up with her cat", "image_id": 469067, "id": 458, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000469067.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000469067.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/194/463125731_46041095c3_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "donuts", "query": "What type of food is on the counter?", "question_id": 575018002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "cookies", "mutex_caption": "cookies on a covered plate in a commercial kitchen", "mutex_detection": "cookie"}, {"mutex_answer": "pastries", "mutex_caption": "pastries on a covered plate in a commercial kitchen", "mutex_detection": "pastry"}, {"mutex_answer": "biscuits", "mutex_caption": "biscuits on a covered plate in a commercial kitchen", "mutex_detection": "biscuit"}, {"mutex_answer": "cupcakes", "mutex_caption": "cupcakes on a covered plate in a commercial kitchen", "mutex_detection": "cupcake"}, {"mutex_answer": "muffins", "mutex_caption": "muffins on a covered plate in a commercial kitchen", "mutex_detection": "muffin"}], "caption": "donuts on a covered plate in a commercial kitchen", "image_id": 575018, "detection": "donut", "boxes": [[263.02, 225.48, 27.27, 19.95], [77.53, 297.47, 62.36, 29.5], [155.75, 270.33, 53.19, 28.98], [134.3, 287.67, 59.58, 36.88], [80.2, 262.32, 42.67, 27.83], [47.02, 279.06, 55.66, 37.76], [103.17, 275.1, 52.62, 29.89], [117.82, 260.44, 58.31, 21.44], [249.16, 239.92, 32.09, 14.53], [217.82, 239.46, 30.79, 15.25], [197.17, 227.85, 28.12, 10.95], [276.88, 234.16, 23.27, 17.52]], "id": 459, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000575018.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000575018.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3232/3050928953_371dff7567_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 375, "width": 500}
{"answer": "cat", "query": "What is playing on the TV?", "question_id": 121586006, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "cartoon", "mutex_caption": "Office space with cartoon on the television and work."}, {"mutex_answer": "baseball", "mutex_caption": "Office space with baseball on the television and work."}, {"mutex_answer": "squirrel", "mutex_caption": "Office space with squirrel on the television and work."}, {"mutex_answer": "butterfly", "mutex_caption": "Office space with butterfly on the television and work."}, {"mutex_answer": "bowling", "mutex_caption": "Office space with bowling on the television and work."}], "caption": "Office space with cat on the television and work.", "image_id": 121586, "id": 460, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000121586.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000121586.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8383/8668832552_c79b561d5f_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 478, "width": 640}
{"answer": "white", "query": "What color are the cat's spots?", "question_id": 30607013, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "yellow", "mutex_caption": "A brown and yellow cat lying on a bed"}, {"mutex_answer": "pink", "mutex_caption": "A brown and pink cat lying on a bed"}, {"mutex_answer": "black", "mutex_caption": "A brown and black cat lying on a bed"}, {"mutex_answer": "orange", "mutex_caption": "A brown and orange cat lying on a bed"}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "A brown and gray cat lying on a bed"}], "caption": "A brown and white cat lying on a bed", "image_id": 30607, "id": 461, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000030607.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000030607.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8167/7167207389_c888084928_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 427, "width": 640}
{"answer": "cauliflower", "query": "What kind of vegetable is on the plate?", "question_id": 381563003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "broccoli", "mutex_caption": "A metal table with white plate holding food that includes chicken and broccoli."}, {"mutex_answer": "green beans", "mutex_caption": "A metal table with white plate holding food that includes chicken and green beans."}, {"mutex_answer": "celery", "mutex_caption": "A metal table with white plate holding food that includes chicken and celery."}, {"mutex_answer": "parsley", "mutex_caption": "A metal table with white plate holding food that includes chicken and parsley."}, {"mutex_answer": "eggplant", "mutex_caption": "A metal table with white plate holding food that includes chicken and eggplant."}], "caption": "A metal table with white plate holding food that includes chicken and cauliflower.", "image_id": 381563, "id": 462, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000381563.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000381563.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5337/8752686404_50091bced6_z.jpg", "license": 6, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "pizza", "query": "What is the white dish?", "question_id": 21563007, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "bread", "mutex_caption": "A sliced bread with cheese on it is shown on a plate.", "mutex_detection": "bread"}, {"mutex_answer": "pie", "mutex_caption": "A sliced pie with cheese on it is shown on a plate.", "mutex_detection": "pie"}, {"mutex_answer": "napkin", "mutex_caption": "A napkin with cheese on it is shown on a plate.", "mutex_detection": "napkin"}, {"mutex_answer": "paper towel", "mutex_caption": "A paper towel with cheese on it is shown on a plate.", "mutex_detection": "paper towel"}, {"mutex_answer": "omelette", "mutex_caption": "An omelette with cheese on it is shown on a plate.", "mutex_detection": "omelette"}], "caption": "A sliced pizza with cheese on it is shown on a plate.", "image_id": 21563, "detection": "pizza", "boxes": [[131.46, 22.07, 402.05, 369.43]], "id": 463, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000021563.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000021563.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2290/2415595347_90be2b4cb4_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 427, "width": 640}
{"answer": "apple", "query": "What type of tree is this?", "question_id": 108243000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "pear", "mutex_caption": "pears hanging from a tree that has hardly any leaves on it. ", "mutex_detection": "pear"}, {"mutex_answer": "olive", "mutex_caption": "olives hanging from a tree that has hardly any leaves on it. ", "mutex_detection": "olive"}, {"mutex_answer": "orange", "mutex_caption": "oranges hanging from a tree that has hardly any leaves on it. ", "mutex_detection": "orange"}, {"mutex_answer": "cantaloupe", "mutex_caption": "cantaloupes hanging from a tree that has hardly any leaves on it. ", "mutex_detection": "cantaloupe"}], "caption": "Apples hanging from a tree that has hardly any leaves on it. ", "image_id": 108243, "detection": "apple", "boxes": [[200.47, 129.3, 140.33, 177.42]], "id": 464, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000108243.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000108243.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3286/2927404659_7f942989ba_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 427, "width": 640}
{"answer": "boy", "query": "Is this child a boy or girl?", "question_id": 65883017, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "girl", "mutex_caption": "A young girl getting ready to blow out candles for her birthday."}, {"mutex_answer": "man", "mutex_caption": "A young man getting ready to blow out candles for his birthday."}], "caption": "A young boy getting ready to blow out candles for his birthday.", "image_id": 65883, "id": 465, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000065883.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000065883.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3744/9699310308_ee18249dcc_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 468, "width": 640}
{"answer": "kite", "query": "What is in the sky?", "question_id": 275015002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "plane", "mutex_caption": "a man is flying a plane in a field", "mutex_detection": "plane"}], "caption": "a man is flying a kite in a field", "image_id": 275015, "detection": "kite", "boxes": [[260.67, 150.35, 84.22, 37.55]], "id": 466, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000275015.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000275015.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4135/4921664146_f876699bf2_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "hot dog", "query": "What type of foods are shown?", "question_id": 454326003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "sandwich", "mutex_caption": "some toys that look like a microwave, sandwich and chicken", "mutex_detection": "sandwich"}, {"mutex_answer": "burger", "mutex_caption": "some toys that look like a microwave, burger and chicken", "mutex_detection": "burger"}], "caption": "some toys that look like a microwave, hot dog and chicken", "image_id": 454326, "detection": "hot dog", "boxes": [[112.41, 265.91, 123.85, 51.81]], "id": 467, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000454326.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000454326.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2498/3892393708_6330663bcb_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 351, "width": 424}
{"answer": "mushrooms", "query": "What is the black stuff on the pizza?", "question_id": 549885001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "sausage", "mutex_caption": "sausage pizza with cheese and thick crust on wood board."}, {"mutex_answer": "hollandaise", "mutex_caption": "hollandaise pizza with cheese and thick crust on wood board."}], "caption": "Mushroom pizza with cheese and thick crust on wood board.", "image_id": 549885, "id": 468, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000549885.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000549885.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7162/6844750415_d3024174bf_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "giraffe", "query": "What animal is this?", "question_id": 275210006, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "zebra", "mutex_caption": "A zebra in a dry savannah with dry shrubs", "mutex_detection": "zebra"}, {"mutex_answer": "human", "mutex_caption": "A human in a dry savannah with dry shrubs", "mutex_detection": "human"}], "caption": "A giraffe in a dry savannah with dry shrubs", "image_id": 275210, "detection": "giraffe", "boxes": [[113.11, 98.93, 233.38, 493.96]], "id": 469, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000275210.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000275210.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7011/6416487951_e977b14e0b_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 640, "width": 427}
{"answer": "tie", "query": "What is the boy wearing?", "question_id": 156045008, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "suit", "mutex_caption": "A man in a white pants and a white shirt and colorful suit.", "mutex_detection": "suit"}, {"mutex_answer": "vest", "mutex_caption": "A man in a white pants and a white shirt and colorful vest.", "mutex_detection": "vest"}, {"mutex_answer": "dress", "mutex_caption": "A man in a white pants and a white shirt and colorful dress.", "mutex_detection": "dress"}], "caption": "A man in a white pants and a white shirt and colorful tie.", "image_id": 156045, "detection": "tie", "boxes": [[177.5, 263.95, 54.07, 231.79]], "id": 470, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000156045.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000156045.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6030/6020755708_beee85bd5d_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 640, "width": 383}
{"answer": "skateboarding", "query": "What is the child doing?", "question_id": 119513002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "rollerblading", "mutex_caption": "a kid is in the air on a rollerblade", "mutex_detection": "rollerblade"}], "caption": "a kid is in the air on a skateboard", "image_id": 119513, "detection": "skateboard", "boxes": [[321.61, 233.23, 154.67, 114.16]], "id": 471, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000119513.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000119513.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3255/2795510558_603f369db9_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 464, "width": 640}
{"answer": "street", "query": "Where is the bus parked?", "question_id": 163219004, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "curb", "mutex_caption": "a double decker tour bus is parked on a curb."}, {"mutex_answer": "parking lot", "mutex_caption": "a double decker tour bus is parked on a parking lot."}, {"mutex_answer": "sidewalk", "mutex_caption": "a double decker tour bus is parked on a sidewalk."}, {"mutex_answer": "bus stop", "mutex_caption": "a double decker tour bus is parked on a bus stop."}, {"mutex_answer": "pavement", "mutex_caption": "a double decker tour bus is parked on a pavement."}], "caption": "a double decker tour bus is parked on a street.", "image_id": 163219, "id": 472, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000163219.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000163219.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3775/9600976890_2abb1ed41a_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 360, "width": 640}
{"answer": "blue", "query": "What color is the surfboard?", "question_id": 240274000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "blue and white", "mutex_caption": "A surfer poses while holding a blue and white surfboard at a beach."}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "A surfer poses while holding a white surfboard at a beach."}, {"mutex_answer": "blue and yellow", "mutex_caption": "A surfer poses while holding a blue and yellow surfboard at a beach."}, {"mutex_answer": "black", "mutex_caption": "A surfer poses while holding a black surfboard at a beach."}, {"mutex_answer": "blue and red", "mutex_caption": "A surfer poses while holding a blue and red surfboard at a beach."}], "caption": "A surfer poses while holding a blue surfboard at a beach.", "image_id": 240274, "id": 473, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000240274.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000240274.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/151/437764591_bd45b805f5_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 500, "width": 333}
{"answer": "bus", "query": "Is that a train or a bus?", "question_id": 408138003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "train", "mutex_caption": "A blue and white double decker train next to a barrier.", "mutex_detection": "train"}], "caption": "A blue and white double decker bus next to a barrier.", "image_id": 408138, "detection": "bus", "boxes": [[312.19, 268.42, 112.81, 117.83], [0.0, 60.27, 315.7, 476.41]], "id": 474, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000408138.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000408138.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2856/9142492818_0d52dd5cca_z.jpg", "license": 6, "height": 640, "width": 425}
{"answer": "wood", "query": "What material is the floor made of?", "question_id": 291742000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "tile", "mutex_caption": "The kitchen surrounded by tile floors is clean."}, {"mutex_answer": "linoleum", "mutex_caption": "The kitchen surrounded by linoleum floors is clean."}, {"mutex_answer": "laminate", "mutex_caption": "The kitchen surrounded by laminate floors is clean."}], "caption": "The kitchen surrounded by wood floors is clean.", "image_id": 291742, "id": 475, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000291742.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000291742.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8368/8488105156_da14f45650_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "skis", "query": "What is on his feet?", "question_id": 328284003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "sled", "mutex_caption": "a man sleds on some snow in the woods", "mutex_detection": "sled"}], "caption": "a man skiing on some snow in the woods", "image_id": 328284, "detection": "skis", "boxes": [[259.99, 253.99, 171.73, 81.55]], "id": 476, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000328284.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000328284.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4106/5176799087_479cc94f1b_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 425, "width": 640}
{"answer": "cat", "query": "What is on the bed?", "question_id": 573753014, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "dog", "mutex_caption": "A dog with glowing eyes laying on top of a person.", "mutex_detection": "dog"}], "caption": "A cat with glowing eyes laying on top of a person.", "image_id": 573753, "detection": "cat", "boxes": [[250.34, 130.08, 262.64, 171.64]], "id": 477, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000573753.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000573753.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5256/5494720301_20452c35b6_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "banana", "query": "What fruit looks like it was grilled?", "question_id": 188906002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "orange", "mutex_caption": "A dessert dish includes sprigs for garnish on this orange dish.", "mutex_detection": "orange"}, {"mutex_answer": "carrot", "mutex_caption": "A dessert dish includes sprigs for garnish on this carrot dish.", "mutex_detection": "carrot"}, {"mutex_answer": "pineapple", "mutex_caption": "A dessert dish includes sprigs for garnish on this pineapple dish.", "mutex_detection": "pineapple"}, {"mutex_answer": "tomato", "mutex_caption": "A dessert dish includes sprigs for garnish on this tomato dish.", "mutex_detection": "tomato"}, {"mutex_answer": "strawberry", "mutex_caption": "A dessert dish includes sprigs for garnish on this strawberry dish.", "mutex_detection": "strawberry"}], "caption": "A dessert dish includes sprigs for garnish on this banana dish.", "image_id": 188906, "detection": "banana", "boxes": [[0.0, 0.87, 498.97, 358.28]], "id": 478, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000188906.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000188906.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2646/3776881814_8868271f4d_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 364, "width": 500}
{"answer": "on chair", "query": "Where is the teddy bear?", "question_id": 453013006, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "below chair", "mutex_caption": "Two teddy bears, one a police officer bear sitting in the lap of the other, a white bear, both of them sitting below a wooden chair."}, {"mutex_answer": "bench", "mutex_caption": "Two teddy bears, one a police officer bear sitting in the lap of the other, a white bear, both of them sitting on a wooden bench.", "mutex_detection": "bench"}], "caption": "Two teddy bears, one a police officer bear sitting in the lap of the other, a white bear, both of them sitting on a wooden chair.", "image_id": 453013, "detection": "chair", "boxes": [[5.12, 0.0, 426.08, 415.0]], "id": 479, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000453013.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000453013.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3086/2386364286_1296f648b5_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 415, "width": 640}
{"answer": "white", "query": "What color is the bowl?", "question_id": 394259001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "silver", "mutex_caption": "The silver kettle has a variety of cooked vegetables in it."}, {"mutex_answer": "clear", "mutex_caption": "The clear kettle has a variety of cooked vegetables in it."}, {"mutex_answer": "gray", "mutex_caption": "The gray kettle has a variety of cooked vegetables in it."}, {"mutex_answer": "brown", "mutex_caption": "The brown kettle has a variety of cooked vegetables in it."}, {"mutex_answer": "blue", "mutex_caption": "The blue kettle has a variety of cooked vegetables in it."}], "caption": "The white kettle has a variety of cooked vegetables in it.", "image_id": 394259, "id": 480, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000394259.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000394259.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/241/445319296_83a8ec472b_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 390, "width": 500}
{"answer": "dirt", "query": "What is the road made of?", "question_id": 512468002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "gravel", "mutex_caption": "Two gazelles and a zebra travel a gravel path "}, {"mutex_answer": "cement", "mutex_caption": "Two gazelles and a zebra travel a cement path "}, {"mutex_answer": "stone", "mutex_caption": "Two gazelles and a zebra travel a stone path "}, {"mutex_answer": "concrete", "mutex_caption": "Two gazelles and a zebra travel a concrete path "}], "caption": "Two gazelles and a zebra travel a dirt path ", "image_id": 512468, "id": 481, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000512468.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000512468.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3646/3494596210_6837dafb40_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 619, "width": 640}
{"answer": "adult", "query": "Are these adult or baby giraffe?", "question_id": 508580003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "baby", "mutex_caption": "Two baby giraffe walking in tall grass near a mountain."}], "caption": "Two adult giraffe walking in tall grass near a mountain.", "image_id": 508580, "id": 482, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000508580.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000508580.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2263/2187744136_a38436df73_z.jpg", "license": 5, "height": 426, "width": 640}
{"answer": "parrot", "query": "What type of bird is this?", "question_id": 327401004, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "macaw", "mutex_caption": "A macaw is eating some food from his own claw"}, {"mutex_answer": "cockatoo", "mutex_caption": "A cockatoo is eating some food from his own claw"}, {"mutex_answer": "parakeet", "mutex_caption": "A parakeet is eating some food from his own claw"}, {"mutex_answer": "peacock", "mutex_caption": "A peacock is eating some food from his own claw"}, {"mutex_answer": "cockatiel", "mutex_caption": "A cockatiel is eating some food from his own claw"}], "caption": "A parrot is eating some food from his own claw", "image_id": 327401, "id": 483, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000327401.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000327401.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3692/9579660464_b58ddc3bd9_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 640, "width": 428}
{"answer": "fish", "query": "What type of foods are in the image?", "question_id": 533688003, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "chicken", "mutex_caption": "Two white plates filled with steamed carrots and grilled chicken."}], "caption": "Two white plates filled with steamed carrots and grilled fish.", "image_id": 533688, "id": 484, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000533688.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000533688.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3211/3115534492_09de44d34c_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "bathroom", "query": "What room is this?", "question_id": 104112005, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "bedroom", "mutex_caption": "A toilet in a bedroom next to a window and toilet paper dispenser."}, {"mutex_answer": "hallway", "mutex_caption": "A toilet in a hallway next to a window and toilet paper dispenser."}, {"mutex_answer": "kitchen", "mutex_caption": "A toilet in a kitchen next to a window and toilet paper dispenser."}, {"mutex_answer": "laundry room", "mutex_caption": "A toilet in a laundry room next to a window and toilet paper dispenser."}, {"mutex_answer": "living room", "mutex_caption": "A toilet in a living room next to a window and toilet paper dispenser."}], "caption": "A toilet in a bathroom next to a window and toilet paper dispenser.", "image_id": 104112, "id": 485, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000104112.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000104112.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6179/6149029374_22fcda1f0f_z.jpg", "license": 4, "height": 640, "width": 480}
{"answer": "female", "query": "What gender is playing tennis?", "question_id": 250655005, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "male", "mutex_caption": "male tennis player looks on as he waits for the ball serve"}], "caption": "Female tennis player looks on as she waits for the ball serve", "image_id": 250655, "id": 486, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000250655.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000250655.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/30/64470909_00c5155e08_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 375, "width": 500}
{"answer": "snowboard", "query": "What sports equipment is this?", "question_id": 180983001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "sled", "mutex_caption": "A person that is sledding in the snow.", "mutex_detection": "sled"}, {"mutex_answer": "skis", "mutex_caption": "A person that is skiing in the snow.", "mutex_detection": "skis"}, {"mutex_answer": "snowmobile", "mutex_caption": "A person that is driving snowmobile in the snow.", "mutex_detection": "snowmobile"}], "caption": "A person that is snowboarding in the snow.", "image_id": 180983, "detection": "snowboard", "boxes": [[93.06, 204.88, 249.13, 406.62]], "id": 487, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000180983.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000180983.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3224/2403676254_59bfae8c9e_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 640, "width": 427}
{"answer": "sad face", "query": "What is the screen on the phone displaying?", "question_id": 220981001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "banana", "mutex_caption": "An iPhone with a banana face and arms and legs attached."}, {"mutex_answer": "happy", "mutex_caption": "An iPhone with a happy face and arms and legs attached."}, {"mutex_answer": "man", "mutex_caption": "An iPhone with a man's face and arms and legs attached."}], "caption": "An iPhone with a sad face and arms and legs attached.", "image_id": 220981, "id": 488, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000220981.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000220981.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2575/3705554504_aa091c6f14_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 640, "width": 480}
{"answer": "white", "query": "What color is the top of the bus?", "question_id": 373422001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "yellow", "mutex_caption": "A green and yellow bus pulling into a bus stop."}, {"mutex_answer": "black", "mutex_caption": "A green and black bus pulling into a bus stop."}, {"mutex_answer": "blue", "mutex_caption": "A green and blue bus pulling into a bus stop."}, {"mutex_answer": "orange", "mutex_caption": "A green and orange bus pulling into a bus stop."}, {"mutex_answer": "red", "mutex_caption": "A green and red bus pulling into a bus stop."}], "caption": "A green and white bus pulling into a bus stop.", "image_id": 373422, "id": 489, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000373422.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000373422.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8102/8499925521_6a89c88706_z.jpg", "license": 5, "height": 427, "width": 640}
{"answer": "water", "query": "What is the woman drinking?", "question_id": 370953005, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "gatorade", "mutex_caption": "A woman drinking gatorade and a man with a backpack stand by a city bench."}, {"mutex_answer": "soda", "mutex_caption": "A woman drinking soda and a man with a backpack stand by a city bench."}, {"mutex_answer": "beer", "mutex_caption": "A woman drinking beer and a man with a backpack stand by a city bench."}, {"mutex_answer": "diet coke", "mutex_caption": "A woman drinking diet coke and a man with a backpack stand by a city bench."}, {"mutex_answer": "dew", "mutex_caption": "A woman drinking dew and a man with a backpack stand by a city bench."}], "caption": "A woman drinking water and a man with a backpack stand by a city bench.", "image_id": 370953, "id": 490, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000370953.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000370953.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5457/6942053964_460b0e139d_z.jpg", "license": 1, "height": 480, "width": 640}
{"answer": "bus", "query": "Where is the boy sitting on?", "question_id": 435562000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "train", "mutex_caption": "A young boy sitting on a seat on a train."}, {"mutex_answer": "plane", "mutex_caption": "A young boy sitting on a seat on a plane."}], "caption": "A young boy sitting on a seat on a bus.", "image_id": 435562, "id": 491, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000435562.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000435562.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3061/3060596228_07db73dc12_z.jpg", "license": 5, "height": 640, "width": 426}
{"answer": "tracks", "query": "What is the train on?", "question_id": 226820001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "road", "mutex_caption": "a green and black train on a road with smoke coming from the top"}], "caption": "a green and black train on a track with smoke coming from the top", "image_id": 226820, "id": 492, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000226820.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000226820.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7439/9658374067_21eeb41d7d_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 499, "width": 640}
{"answer": "kitchen", "query": "What room of the house is the girl in?", "question_id": 346788000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "living room", "mutex_caption": "a close up of a person in the living room holding a sandwich"}, {"mutex_answer": "microwave", "mutex_caption": "a close up of a person in the microwave holding a sandwich"}, {"mutex_answer": "bathroom", "mutex_caption": "a close up of a person in the bathroom holding a sandwich"}, {"mutex_answer": "dining room", "mutex_caption": "a close up of a person in the dining room holding a sandwich"}, {"mutex_answer": "laundry room", "mutex_caption": "a close up of a person in the laundry room holding a sandwich"}], "caption": "a close up of a person in the kitchen holding a sandwich", "image_id": 346788, "id": 493, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000346788.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000346788.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4153/4847729242_cfaa0cf5ec_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 426, "width": 640}
{"answer": "red", "query": "What color are the flowers in the garden?", "question_id": 172319001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "pink", "mutex_caption": "A public park filled with green and pink shrubs and table with benches."}, {"mutex_answer": "orange", "mutex_caption": "A public park filled with green and orange shrubs and table with benches."}, {"mutex_answer": "purple", "mutex_caption": "A public park filled with green and purple shrubs and table with benches."}, {"mutex_answer": "yellow", "mutex_caption": "A public park filled with green and yellow shrubs and table with benches."}, {"mutex_answer": "white", "mutex_caption": "A public park filled with green and white shrubs and table with benches."}], "caption": "A public park filled with green and red shrubs and table with benches.", "image_id": 172319, "id": 494, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000172319.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000172319.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2564/3764763218_449fdcf7bd_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 428, "width": 640}
{"answer": "woman", "query": "Who had glasses on?", "question_id": 363432004, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "man", "mutex_caption": "A man walking past another man in a train station."}, {"mutex_answer": "girl", "mutex_caption": "A girl walking past a man in a train station."}], "caption": "A woman walking past a man in a train station.", "image_id": 363432, "id": 495, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000363432.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000363432.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2884/9359424465_22f9ee632a_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 423, "width": 640}
{"answer": "biscuit", "query": "What kind of bread is this?", "question_id": 170658000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "ciabatta", "mutex_caption": "Scrambled egg and bacon on a ciabatta at home"}, {"mutex_answer": "bun", "mutex_caption": "Scrambled egg and bacon on a bun at home"}, {"mutex_answer": "bagel", "mutex_caption": "Scrambled egg and bacon on a bagel at home"}, {"mutex_answer": "sourdough", "mutex_caption": "Scrambled egg and bacon on a sourdough at home"}, {"mutex_answer": "hoagie", "mutex_caption": "Scrambled egg and bacon on a hoagie at home"}], "caption": "Scrambled egg and bacon on a biscuit at home", "image_id": 170658, "id": 496, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000170658.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000170658.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8513/8369077086_e0f5e01601_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 424, "width": 640}
{"answer": "turn right", "query": "What does the sign say you cannot do?", "question_id": 462211001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "drive", "mutex_caption": "a no drive sign and a traffic light"}, {"mutex_answer": "honk", "mutex_caption": "a no honk sign and a traffic light"}, {"mutex_answer": "slow down", "mutex_caption": "a no slow down sign and a traffic light"}, {"mutex_answer": "parking", "mutex_caption": "a no parking sign and a traffic light"}], "caption": "a no right turn sign and a traffic light", "image_id": 462211, "id": 497, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000462211.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000462211.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1088/1276633401_aab9c679ec_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 640, "width": 480}
{"answer": "kite", "query": "What is this little girl looking at?", "question_id": 5513002, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "flag", "mutex_caption": "A little girl with her back turned flying a flag in the sky.", "mutex_detection": "flag"}], "caption": "A little girl with her back turned flying a kite in the sky.", "image_id": 5513, "detection": "kite", "boxes": [[330.88, 43.05, 24.68, 40.64]], "id": 498, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000005513.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000005513.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3059/2665898980_d929c8ef4f_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 640, "width": 480}
{"answer": "orange", "query": "What color is the disk?", "question_id": 221693000, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "orange and black", "mutex_caption": "A husky dog has an orange and black frisbee in it's mouth."}, {"mutex_answer": "orange and green", "mutex_caption": "A husky dog has an orange and green frisbee in it's mouth."}], "caption": "A husky dog has an orange frisbee in it's mouth.", "image_id": 221693, "id": 499, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000221693.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000221693.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm1.staticflickr.com/65/158478247_2d8dc7a6d5_z.jpg", "license": 2, "height": 426, "width": 640}
{"answer": "stone", "query": "What kind of wall are the horses behind?", "question_id": 274298001, "contrast_sets": [{"mutex_answer": "brick", "mutex_caption": "Two horses in a field by a brick fence."}, {"mutex_answer": "rock", "mutex_caption": "Two horses in a field by a rock fence."}, {"mutex_answer": "concrete", "mutex_caption": "Two horses in a field by a concrete fence."}], "caption": "Two horses in a field by a stone fence.", "image_id": 274298, "id": 500, "file_name": "COCO_val2014_000000274298.jpg", "coco_url": "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000274298.jpg", "flickr_url": "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8365/8506483029_583e67cec4_z.jpg", "license": 3, "height": 427, "width": 640}