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Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['grenadine', 'orange slice', 'ginger ale', 'maraschino cherry']
{'title': 'Shirley Temple(Nonalcoholic Mixed Drink) ', 'steps': ['Fill a Collins or highball glass with ice.', 'Add grenadine and fill with ginger ale.', 'Garnish with a maraschino cherry and an orange slice.', 'Makes 1 serving.', 'Preparation time:', '2 minutes.'], 'ing': ['1 dash grenadine', '6 oz. ginger ale, or to fill', 'maraschino cherry', 'orange slice']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['buttermilk', 'oleo', 'sugar', 'baking powder', 'nutmeg', 'eggs', 'cinnamon', 'cloves', 'soda', 'flour', 'allspice', 'blackberry jam']
{'title': "Nannaw'S Jam Cake", 'steps': ['Sift dry ingredients together.', 'Dissolve soda in buttermilk. Cream butter, sugar, jam and eggs with mixer.', 'Add dry ingredients alternately with liquid.', 'Bake in 3 greased and floured 9-inch pans at 350°.', 'Put frosting between layers and on outside of cake.'], 'ing': ['2 sticks oleo', '2 c. sugar', '1 c. blackberry jam', '1 tsp. allspice', '1 tsp. cinnamon', '1 tsp. nutmeg', '1 tsp. cloves', '6 eggs', '3 c. flour', '1 tsp. baking powder', '1 1/2 tsp. soda', '1 c. buttermilk']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'pepper', 'cucumbers', 'sweet onions', 'dark vinegar', 'water', 'salt']
{'title': 'Marinated Cucumber And Sweet Onion Salad', 'steps': ['Slice cucumbers and onions.', 'Combine and sprinkle with 1/2 of salt.', 'Set aside.', 'Combine other ingredients in a saucepan and heat (hot but not boiling).', 'Pour over vegetables; let cool and refrigerate until ready to serve.'], 'ing': ['2 medium sweet onions', '2 cucumbers', '1/4 tsp. salt', '1/2 c. dark vinegar', '1/2 c. water', '1/4 c. sugar', 'pepper to taste']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['bbq', 'corn', 'white chicken', 'tomatoes']
{'title': 'Irish Stew', 'steps': ['Mix together in a crockpot and let simmer on low several hours.', 'You can also cook on low in a pot on the stove.', 'You can experiment and add other vegetables that you like as well.', 'It is really easy and delicious.', 'Serve with garlic bread and salad.'], 'ing': ['2 cans of Castleberry Pork BBQ', '2 cans of Castleberry beef BBQ', '1 large can of All White Chicken Meat, drained', '2 cans of creamed corn, do not drain', '2 cans stewed tomatoes']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['warm milk', 'flour', 'solid shortening']
{'title': 'Flaky Pie Crust', 'steps': ['Mix all ingredients into a', 'bowl.', 'Pour onto floured surface. Cover with flour and shape into a ball.'], 'ing': ['1 cup warm milk', '1 cup solid shortening', '2 cups self rising flour']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['miracle', 'marshmallows', 'pimento cheese', 'walnuts', 'whipping cream', 'pineapple']
{'title': 'Frozen Salad', 'steps': ['Cream cheese and add pineapple.', 'Slice in marshmallows and nuts.', 'Fold in whipped cream.', 'Put in cupcake holders in muffin tins.', 'Freeze.', 'Will keep up to 6 months.'], 'ing': ['40 marshmallows', '1 pt. whipping cream', '2 glasses pimento cheese', '1 c. Miracle Whip', '1 large can crushed pineapple', 'walnuts (optional)']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['baking powder', 'sugar', 'vanilla', 'nutmeg', 'eggs', 'cinnamon', 'flour', 'margarine', 'milk', 'salt']
{'title': 'Doughnuts', 'steps': ['Mix ingredients together.', 'Cut and fry in hot grease at 375°. Cook about 1 minute on each side.'], 'ing': ['3 1/4 c. flour', '2 tsp. baking powder', '1/2 tsp. cinnamon', '1/4 tsp. salt', '1/4 tsp. nutmeg', '2 beaten eggs', '2/3 c. sugar', '1 tsp. vanilla', '2/3 c. milk', '1/4 c. margarine']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['condensed cream', 'cheese', 'broccoli', 'chicken bouillon cubes', 'pimento']
{'title': 'Holiday Broccoli', 'steps': ['Cook broccoli with bouillon cubes and water until just tender. Heat celery soup.', 'Pour hot soup over broccoli.', 'Garnish with cheese and pimento.', 'Serve at once.', 'Makes 6 servings.'], 'ing': ['2 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen cut broccoli', '1 or 2 chicken bouillon cubes', '2 (10 1/2) cans condensed cream of celery soup', '1/2 c. grated sharp cheese', 'strips of pimento']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['crackers', 'cherry pie filling', 'milk', 'cream cheese']
{'title': "Crystal'S Cherry Delight", 'steps': ['Simply sprinkle graham crackers on bottom of pan.', 'Mix cream cheese and Eagle Brand together. Spread over graham crackers.', 'Put cherry pie filling on top.', 'Refrigerate.', 'Ready to eat 2 hours later.'], 'ing': ['1 (8 oz.) cream cheese', '1 (14 oz.) Eagle Brand milk', '1 (14 oz.) cherry pie filling', '1 or 2 packs graham crackers']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['white grape juice', 'lemons', 'liter', 'apple juice concentrate']
{'title': 'Pretty Party Punch', 'steps': ['Mix together all the ingredients.', '(Make sure the Sprite and grape juice are chilled.)', 'You can also float slices of lemon on top.'], 'ing': ['1 liter Sprite or ginger ale', '1/2 can frozen apple juice concentrate', '1 medium bottle white grape juice', '1 1/2 lemons, squeezed, or approximately 4 Tbsp. juice']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['vinegar', 'sugar', 'egg', 'shortening', 'cold water', 'flour', 'salt']
{'title': 'Vinegar Pie Crust', 'steps': ['Combine flour, sugar and salt.', 'With a pastry blender, cut shortening into flour.', 'In a small bowl, combine water, vinegar and egg.', 'Beat this mixture.', 'Pour liquid mixture into flour mixture.', 'Use a fork to lift ingredients until enough moisture is spread to form a ball with your hands.', 'This makes a flaky and tender pie crust and forms much easier than most.'], 'ing': ['4 c. flour', '1 Tbsp. sugar', 'pinch of salt', '1 3/4 c. shortening', '1/2 c. cold water', '1 Tbsp. vinegar', '1 egg']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['egg', 'pepper', 'macaroni', 'cheddar cheese', 'milk', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Macaroni Pie', 'steps': ['Boil macaroni for 8 to 10 minutes in salt.', 'Drain, do not rinse.', 'Pour into mixing bowl; add cheese, beaten egg, milk and pepper.', 'Mix well.', 'Pour into casserole dish, dot with butter. Bake at 450° until brown.'], 'ing': ['2 c. macaroni', '8 oz. mild Cheddar cheese', '3/4 c. milk', '1 tsp. salt', '1 tsp. pepper', '1 egg', '1 Tbsp. butter']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['condensed milk', 'vanilla flavoring', 'sugar', 'eggs', 'milk', 'salt']
{'title': 'Ice Cream', 'steps': ['Mix sugar, eggs, evaporated milk, condensed milk and vanilla flavoring. Pour into freezer, then add whole milk to top. Freeze. (Two cups of fruit may be added into mixture to create your favorite flavor.)'], 'ing': ['6 eggs, beaten', '1 1/2 c. sugar', '2 cans evaporated milk', '1 can condensed milk', '1/2 gal. whole milk', '3 tsp. vanilla flavoring', '1 box rock salt', 'ice']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'vanilla', 'oats', 'brown sugar', 'eggs', 'baking soda', 'all-purpose', 'raisins', 'nuts', 'vegetable shortening', 'coconut', 'chocolate chips', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Power Cookies', 'steps': ['Cream sugars, butter and shortening.', 'Beat in eggs and vanilla.', 'Combine flour, salt and soda; beat into first mixture. Add remaining ingredients; knead mixture.'], 'ing': ['2 c. dark brown sugar', '2 c. granulated sugar', '3/4 c. butter, softened', '1 c. vegetable shortening', '4 eggs', '2 tsp. vanilla', '3 c. all-purpose flour', '2 tsp. salt', '2 tsp. baking soda', '3 c. uncooked oats', '2 c. coconut', '2 c. raisins', '1 c. chocolate chips', '1 c. chopped nuts']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['potatoes', 'bacon', 'sugar', 'vinegar', 'pepper', 'eggs', 'onion', 'water', 'celery', 'flour', 'bacon fat', 'salt']
{'title': 'German Potato Salad', 'steps': ['Boil potatoes whole with skins on.', 'Cool.', 'Peel and slice. Set aside.', 'Fry bacon and save 1/4 cup grease.', 'Cook onion in bacon grease.', 'Add seasonings, vinegar and 1 cup water.', 'Stir and cook until bubbly.', 'Add rest of ingredients and stir.', 'Serve warm.'], 'ing': ['6 c. potatoes, cooked with skins on', '1/2 lb. bacon', '1/2 c. onion', '2 Tbsp. flour', '2 Tbsp. sugar', '1 1/2 tsp. salt', '1 tsp. celery seed', '1/2 c. vinegar', '2 eggs, hard-boiled', '1 c. water', '1/4 c. bacon fat', '1/8 tsp. pepper']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['coarse salt', 'sugar', 'pepper', 'nutmeg', 'white vinegar', 'onions', 'red', 'ground zucchini']
{'title': 'Zucchini Relish', 'steps': ['Put zucchini, onion and salt in large bowl and mix well.', 'Let stand overnight.', 'Drain and rinse in cold water; drain again.', 'Put mixture in a large kettle with remaining ingredients.', 'Bring to a boil and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally for 30 minutes. Pour into jars and seal.', 'Process in boiling water bath for 5 minutes.'], 'ing': ['10 c. ground zucchini, do not peel', '4 c. onions, cut-up', '4 Tbsp. coarse salt', '2 1/2 c. white vinegar', '1 Tbsp. each: nutmeg, dry mustard, turmeric, cornstarch', '4 1/2 c. sugar', '1/2 tsp. pepper', '1 red and 1 green pepper']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['powdered nondairy creamer', 'ground cinnamon', 'instant coffee', 'sugar']
{'title': 'Vienna Coffee', 'steps': ['Put all ingredients into blender container.', 'Cover and process until well blended.', 'Use 1 level tablespoon with 6 ounces boiling water for each cup.'], 'ing': ['1/4 c. powdered nondairy creamer', '1/3 c. granulated sugar', '1/2 c. instant coffee', '1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sour cream', 'sugar', 'vanilla', 'frozen nondairy whipped topping', 'cream cheese', 'fresh strawberries', 'strawberry glaze', 'graham cracker pie crust']
{'title': 'Strawberry Bottom Cheesecake Pie', 'steps': ['Beat cream cheese until smooth. Gradually beat in sugar. Add sour cream and vanilla. Fold in whipped topping. Spread thin layer of glaze over bottom of crust. Place strawberry slices on glaze and cover with remaining glaze. Gently spoon cream cheese mixture over glazed berries. Cover with inverted dome and chill until set, at least 4 hours. Store leftover pie in the refrigerator.'], 'ing': ['1 Ready-Crust graham cracker pie crust', '4 oz. cream cheese, softened', '1/4 c. sugar', '1/2 c. sour cream', '1 tsp. vanilla', '4 oz. frozen nondairy whipped topping, thawed', '1 pt. fresh strawberries, thinly sliced', '1 c. strawberry glaze']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['condensed milk', 'pecans', 'butterscotch chips', 'margarine', 'coconut', 'graham crackers', 'chocolate chips']
{'title': '7-Layer Cookies', 'steps': ['Melt margarine, cover bottom of 9 x 13-inch pan with graham crackers (single layer).', 'Drizzle margarine over graham crackers. Then, in layers, add coconut, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, drizzle milk over and add pecans.', 'Bake at 350° for 20 minutes. Let cool and cut into squares.', 'Do not overcook!'], 'ing': ['1 stick margarine', 'graham crackers', '1 c. coconut', '1 (6 oz.) pkg. chocolate chips', '1 (6 oz.) pkg. butterscotch chips', '1 can sweetened condensed milk', '1 1/2 c. pecans, chopped']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['tomatoes', 'pepper', 'ham', 'cheese', 'onions', 'sausage', 'pepperoni']
{'title': 'The Clergy Special', 'steps': ['Lift telephone receiver.', 'Push 633-6655 for Plus One Pizza. Turn T.V. on.', 'Sit in chair.', 'Wait 20 to 30 minutes.', 'The Clergy Pizza special will be a sure way to please the entire family!'], 'ing': ['tomatoes', 'onions', 'pepper', 'cheese', 'ham', 'sausage', 'pepperoni']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['pepper', 'cheddar cheese', 'flour', 'milk', 'elbow macaroni', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': "Thomas Jefferson'S Macaroni And Cheese Pudding", 'steps': ['Preheat oven to 400°.', 'Melt butter in a saucepan.', 'Stir in flour and blend well over low heat.', 'Stir in milk slowly.', 'Bring to boiling, stirring constantly.', 'Cook 1 minute.', 'Add 1 1/2 cups cheese and stir to blend.', 'Add macaroni.', 'Stir in salt and pepper. Pour into a well-buttered 2-quart casserole.', 'Top with the remaining 1/2 cup of cheese.', 'Bake in oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until top is golden brown.', 'Serves 6.'], 'ing': ['1/4 c. butter', '1/4 c. flour', '2 1/2 c. milk', '8 oz. (about 2 c.) grated sharp Cheddar cheese', '2 c. (1/2 lb.) elbow macaroni, prepared according to pkg. directions', '1 tsp. salt', 'pepper to taste']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['pepper', 'bread crumbs', 'eggs', 'onion', 'flour', 'broccoli', 'milk', 'almonds', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Broccoli Almond', 'steps': ['Cook broccoli in boiling, salted water.', 'Drain thoroughly. Cook onion in 1/4 cup butter until soft.', 'Blend in flour, then milk.', 'Cook, stirring constantly until thickened.', 'Stir in cheese spread, salt and pepper until thoroughly blended.', 'Remove from heat.', 'Add cheese mixture to eggs, a little at a time, stirring constantly.', 'Stir in broccoli.', 'Place in a greased 1 1/2-quart casserole.', 'Toss crumbs with melted butter and sprinkle on top. Top with almonds.', 'Bake in a slow oven (325°) until set, 40 to 45 minutes.', 'Makes 6 servings.'], 'ing': ['2 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped broccoli', '1/4 c. chopped onion', '1/4 c. butter', '2 Tbsp. flour', '1/2 c. milk', '1 (8 oz.) jar pasteurized process cheese spread', '1/2 tsp. salt', '1/8 tsp. pepper', '2 eggs, well beaten', '1/2 c. bread crumbs', '2 Tbsp. melted butter', '1/4 c. toasted slivered almonds']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['egg', 'baking powder', 'sugar', 'vanilla', 'nutmeg', 'cinnamon', 'blueberries', 'flour', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Blueberry Muffins', 'steps': ['Cream sugar and butter with electric mixer at low speed.', 'Add milk, egg, 2/3 cup flour, baking powder, salt, spices and vanilla. Blend well.', 'Add remaining 2/3 cup flour and stir just until moistened.', 'Fold in blueberries.', 'Fill paper lined muffin cups 3/4 full.', 'Bake at 375° for 20 to 30 minutes.', 'Yields 1 dozen.'], 'ing': ['1 c. sugar', '1/4 c. butter, softened', '1 egg', '1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour', '2 tsp. baking powder', '1/4 tsp. salt', '3/4 tsp. cinnamon', '3/4 tsp. nutmeg', '1/2 tsp. vanilla', '3/4 to 1 c. blueberries']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['bacon', 'pepper', 'cinnamon', 'cloves', 'apple juice', 'pork tenderloin', 'salt']
{'title': 'Baked Pork Tenderloin', 'steps': ['Preheat oven to 325°.', 'Place pork roast in shallow roasting pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper.', 'Arrange bacon on pork.', 'In small saucepan combine apple juice, cinnamon and cloves; bring to boil.', 'Remove from heat; brush pork with spiced apple juice.', 'Bake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until tender, basting frequently with spiced apple juice.'], 'ing': ['3 lb. pork tenderloin roast', '1 tsp. salt', '1/2 tsp. pepper', '6 slices bacon', '2 c. apple juice', '1/2 tsp. cinnamon', '1/2 tsp. cloves']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sour cream', 'eggs', 'bacon bits', 'swiss cheese', 'mayonnaise', 'red onion', 'spinach', 'frozen peas']
{'title': 'Spinach Layer Salad', 'steps': ['Wash spinach; let dry.', 'Place layer of broken up spinach in glass 9 x 13-inch baking dish.', 'Cover with sliced hard-boiled eggs.', 'Pour bacon bits over; pour in peas.', 'Slice bits of red onion on top.', 'Mix mayo and sour cream together, then frost top like cake.', 'Grate Swiss cheese on top.', 'Refrigerate 24 hours.'], 'ing': ['1 lb. bag spinach', '4 hard-boiled eggs', '1 can real bacon bits', '1 (8 oz.) box frozen peas', '1 red onion', '1 pkg. Swiss cheese', '1 (8 oz.) carton sour cream', '1 1/2 c. mayonnaise']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['lemon juice', 'crab meat', 'cream cheese', 'sherry cooking wine', 'worcestershire sauce']
{'title': 'Hot Crab Meat Dip', 'steps': ['Mix together all ingredients and bake at 300° for 35 minutes. Serve with crackers.'], 'ing': ['4 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese', '2 (6 oz.) frozen or canned crab meat', '1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce', '1/3 c. lemon juice', '1/2 c. sherry cooking wine']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['cabbage', 'pepper', 'mozzarella cheese', 'onion', 'tomato soup', 'water', 'ground chuck', 'rice', 'salt']
{'title': 'Baked Cabbage', 'steps': ['Grease a 13 x 9-inch pan.', 'Cut up cabbage in medium pieces. Spread on bottom of pan.', 'Brown meat and onion.', 'Stir in rice, salt and pepper.', 'Spoon over cabbage.', 'Heat tomato soup and water to boiling.', 'Pour over mixture.', 'Cover with foil.', 'Bake in oven at 350° for 1 1/2 hours.'], 'ing': ['1 lb. ground chuck', '1/2 c. chopped onion', '1/2 c. rice', '1/2 tsp. salt', '1 head cabbage', '1/2 tsp. pepper', '1 can tomato soup', '1 1/2 c. water', '1/4 c. Mozzarella cheese']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['mixed vegetables', 'celery', 'cheese', 'mayonnaise', 'onions', 'salt']
{'title': 'Mixed Vegetable Casserole', 'steps': ['Cook frozen vegetables 15 minutes.', 'Drain.', 'Add remaining ingredients.', 'Put in casserole dish.', 'Top with bread crumbs.', 'Cook for 20 minutes in a 350° oven.'], 'ing': ['10 oz. frozen mixed vegetables', '1 c. chopped celery', '1 c. chopped onions', '1 c. grated sharp cheese', '1/2 c. mayonnaise', 'salt and pepper to taste']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['egg', 'sugar', 'marshmallows', 'peanuts', 'white vinegar', 'unpeeled apples', 'flour', 'pineapple']
{'title': 'Taffy Apple Salad', 'steps': ['Drain pineapple.', 'Save juice.', 'Add 2 cups marshmallows.', 'Mix well.', 'Refrigerate overnight.', 'Cook pineapple juice, 1 egg (well beaten), 1 1/2 tablespoons vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 tablespoon flour until thick.', 'Will not be real thick.', 'Refrigerate overnight.'], 'ing': ['1 large can crushed pineapple', '2 c. miniature marshmallows', '1 egg, well beaten', '1 1/2 Tbsp. white vinegar', '1/2 c. sugar', '1 Tbsp. flour', '1 c. finely chopped peanuts (salted)', '1 large Cool Whip', '2 c. diced unpeeled apples']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'baking powder', 'vanilla', 'eggs', 'baking soda', 'cinnamon', 'pecans', 'wesson oil', 'flour', 'red apples', 'salt']
{'title': 'Fresh Apple Cake', 'steps': ['Mix all ingredients together (no mixer needed).', 'Pour into a 9 x 13-inch sheet cake pan.', 'Bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes at 350°.'], 'ing': ['1 1/2 c. Wesson oil', '2 c. sugar', '3 eggs', '2 1/2 c. plain flour', '2 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. baking soda', '1 tsp. cinnamon', '1 tsp. vanilla', '1 c. chopped pecans', 'pinch of salt', '3 c. raw red apples, chopped']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['chicken breasts', 'bell pepper', 'tomatoes', 'red pepper', 'onion', 'celery', 'chicken broth', 'garlic']
{'title': 'Chicken & Spaghetti Casserole', 'steps': ['Cook spaghetti, set aside.', 'Cook chicken breasts, cool and chop.', 'Cook in 2 tbsp oleo, onions, bell pepper, and celery.', 'Add tomatoes and 2 cups chicken broth, red peppers, and garlic salt. Cook 20 minutes.', 'Add spaghetti, boned chicken and 1/2 tbsp chopped cheese.'], 'ing': ['1 box spaghetti', '1/2 c chopped onion', '1/2 c celery', '1/2 c chicken broth', '1/2 tsp garlic salt', '3 chicken breasts', '1/2 c chopped bell pepper', '1 can mashed tomatoes', '1/4 tsp red pepper']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sweet milk', 'vanilla flavoring', 'sugar', 'shortening', 'eggs', 'flour']
{'title': 'Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake', 'steps': ['Mix sugar and flour.', 'Add shortening and blend until smooth. Beat about 3 minutes.', 'Add eggs; beat 1 minute.', 'Add flavoring last.', 'Beat about 3 minutes with electric mixer.', 'Line pan with wax paper and grease well.', 'Bake at 400° for about 15 minutes.', 'Makes 3 layers.', 'Stack with seven minute icing.', 'Place strawberries on top of cake and let run down sides of cake.', 'Very good.'], 'ing': ['1 c. shortening (Wesson)', '2 c. sugar', '4 eggs', '1 c. sweet milk', '2 tsp. vanilla flavoring', '3 c. self-rising flour']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['fresh broccoli', 'chicken breasts', 'cheddar cheese', 'broccoli', 'milk']
{'title': 'Chicken, Broccoli And Cheese Casserole', 'steps': ['Boil chicken breast off of bone; salt and pepper.', 'Remove skin.', 'Boil broccoli in 1/2 cup of water 2 minutes and drain. Cube chicken; mix broccoli, cheese soup and milk together.', 'Pour in bottom of dish.', 'Put drained broccoli on top of chicken mixture.', 'Add finely grated cheese on top.', 'Bake in a 350° oven until cheese melts.'], 'ing': ['2 bunches fresh broccoli', '4 large chicken breasts', '1 can broccoli and cheese soup', '1/2 can milk', '1 lb. mild Cheddar cheese']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'flour', 'milk', 'peaches', 'butter']
{'title': 'Peach Cobbler', 'steps': ['Place butter in baking dish in 350° oven until melted.', 'Mix together sugar, milk and flour in bowl.', 'Pour in baking dish over melted butter.', 'Open peaches and pour off juice.', 'Place peaches in baking dish.', 'Put in oven at 350° for 1 hour or until top is brown.', 'Makes its own crust.'], 'ing': ['1 c. sugar', '1 c. milk', '1 c. self-rising flour', '1 large can peaches', '1 stick butter']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['mustard', 'grape jelly']
{'title': 'Party Wieners', 'steps': ['Mix mustard and jelly together.', 'Place in crock-pot.', 'Put in little Smokies.', 'Cook on high until good and hot or you can cook on low all day.'], 'ing': ['1/3 c. mustard', '1/2 pkg. Bryan little Smokies (sausage)', '2/3 c. grape jelly (can use apple jelly)']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['cabbage', 'sugar', 'condensed chicken', 'tomatoes', 'lemon juice', 'pepper', 'caraway seed', 'water', 'flour', 'onions', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Cabbage Soup', 'steps': ['Melt butter or margarine in large soup kettle and cook cabbage and onions for about 15 minutes, stirring to keep from sticking. Sprinkle with flour and mix well.', 'Gradually add water, while stirring; heat until mixture reaches boiling point.', 'Add all other ingredients and simmer over low heat for about one hour.', 'Serves 8.', 'Easy to prepare and simply delicious on a cold day.', 'Best served with a pan of corn bread.'], 'ing': ['6 Tbsp. butter or margarine', '4 lb. cabbage, shredded', '2 onions, chopped', '2 Tbsp. flour', '6 c. water', '1 (10 oz.) can condensed chicken bouillon or 4 chicken bouillon cubes', '1 (1 lb.) can tomatoes, chopped', '2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '2 Tbsp. sugar', '2 Tbsp. salt', '1/2 tsp. pepper', '1 tsp. caraway seed']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['cherry pie filling', 'pineapple', 'milk']
{'title': 'Cherry Congealed Salad', 'steps': ['Blend together and refrigerate.'], 'ing': ['1 can cherry pie filling', '1 can crushed pineapple', '1 can Eagle Brand condensed milk', '1 carton Cool Whip']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['vinegar', 'sugar', 'tomatoes', 'peppers', 'onions']
{'title': 'Hot Sauce(To Can) ', 'steps': ['Scald and peel tomatoes.', 'Cut up or mash with hands.', 'Put on to cook.', 'While tomatoes cook, peel and grind the onions and hot peppers.', 'Add to tomatoes.', 'Cook until very thick.', "Cook slowly toward the last, so it doesn't stick.", 'Put in jars and seal.', 'I prefer 1/2-pint jars.'], 'ing': ['1 peck tomatoes', '3 lb. onions', '1 c. vinegar', '2 c. sugar', '5 to 10 hot peppers to taste']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['baking powder', 'sugar', 'anise', 'eggs', 'all-purpose', 'margarine', 'milk']
{'title': 'Yellow Cake(Delicious With Just A Dusting Of Powdered Sugar.) ', 'steps': ['In a bowl combine flour, sugar and baking powder.', 'Add milk, margarine and vanilla.', 'Beat with an electric mixer on low speed until combined.', 'Beat on high speed for 2 minutes.', 'Add eggs and beat 2 minutes more.', 'Pour into 2 greased and floured 9 x 1 1/2-inch round baking pans.', 'Bake in a 375° oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the centers comes out clean.', 'Cool on wire racks for 10 minutes.', 'Remove from pans.', 'Cool thoroughly on racks.', 'Serves 12.'], 'ing': ['3 c. all-purpose flour', '2 c. sugar', '1 Tbsp. baking powder', '1 1/2 c. milk', '1/2 c. margarine or butter, softened', '1 1/2 tsp. anise', '2 eggs']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['zucchini', 'egg', 'salt', 'pepper', 'low-fat cottage cheese', 'cinnamon', 'parmesan cheese', 'onion', 'olive oil', 'garlic', 'ground sirloin', 'tomato sauce']
{'title': 'Microwave Zucchini-Beef Bake', 'steps': ['In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add zucchini slices and cook turning often until lightly browned, about 5 minutes.', 'Transfer zucchini slices to paper towels to drain briefly.', 'Arrange overlapping slices in a microwave-safe (9-inch) square baking dish.'], 'ing': ['3 Tbsp. olive oil', '3 medium zucchini, sliced 1/2-inch thick', '1 lb. ground sirloin (90% lean)', '1 small onion, chopped', '1 garlic clove, minced', '1 c. tomato sauce', '1/2 tsp. salt', '1/4 tsp. cinnamon', '1/4 tsp. pepper', '1/2 c. low-fat cottage cheese', '1 egg', '1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese']}
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['vanilla', 'shell', 'jell-o instant vanilla pudding', 'pumpkin', 'pumpkin pie spice', 'milk', 'dream whip']
{'title': 'Pumpkin Dream Pie', 'steps': ['Prepare Dream Whip with 1/2 cup milk and the vanilla as directed on the package.', 'Combine 1 cup of the prepared Dream Whip with the Jell-O instant pudding, 2/3 cup milk, pumpkin and spice. Beat slowly with mixer until well mixed.', 'Pour into pie shell. Chill in refrigerator until set, about 2 hours.', 'Top with remaining Dream Whip.', 'Serves 6.'], 'ing': ['1 pkg. Dream Whip', '1/2 c. milk', '1/2 tsp. vanilla', '2/3 c. milk', '1 pkg. Jell-O instant vanilla pudding', '1 c. canned pumpkin', '3/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice', '1 baked 8-inch pie shell, cooled']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sour cream', 'bread', 'onion', 'parsley flakes', 'mayonnaise', 'corned beef', 'monde', 'dill weed']
{'title': 'Dill Rye Bread Dip', 'steps': ['Combine all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl.', 'Tear all the meat into small pieces and mix into dip.', 'Cut round circle in top of bread and remove like a lid.', 'Dip inside of bread out and save.', 'Pour dip into hollowed out bread.', 'Place bread on a platter and put your bread saved around the bread dip.'], 'ing': ['1 pt. sour cream', '3 Tbsp. parsley flakes', '2 tsp. Beau Monde', '2 tsp. dill weed', "1 pt. Hellmann's mayonnaise (no Miracle Whip)", '2 Tbsp. minced onion', '3 pkg. corned beef lunch meat', '1 round rye bread']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['white cake mix', 'sugar', 'chocolate', 'rum', 'ricotta cheese', 'whipping cream']
{'title': "Lucy Policella'S Ricotta Cheese Cake", 'steps': ['Bake cake mix as directed.', 'Cool down and cut in half.', '(You can use a 9 x 13-inch pan.)', 'Beat Ricotta cheese with approximately 1/2 cup of sugar.', 'Add chocolate mini morsels. Sprinkle rum on bottom half and add Ricotta mixture in the middle. Top with other half of cake.', 'Take whipping cream whip and add sugar to taste.', 'Spread on top and sides of cake.', 'Refrigerate. Best if made the day before.'], 'ing': ['1 box white cake mix', '1 lb. Ricotta cheese', 'approximately 1/2 c. sugar (or as you like it)', 'chocolate mini morsels', 'rum', '1 small whipping cream whip', 'sugar to taste']}
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['white onion', 'cream of mushroom soup', 'rice', 'beef bouillon', 'butter']
{'title': 'Brown Rice', 'steps': ['Saute rice in butter in a large frying pan until dark brown. Add onion when rice is about 1/2 browned.', 'Add mushroom soup and bouillon.', 'Stir.', 'Simmer on low, stirring occasionally, until liquid is absorbed (about 20 to 30 minutes).'], 'ing': ['3/4 stick butter', '1 c. uncooked rice', '1 medium white onion, chopped', '1 can cream of mushroom soup', '1 can beef bouillon']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sour cream', 'sugar', 'vanilla', 'eggs', 'cream cheese']
{'title': "Jane'S Cheese Cake", 'steps': ['Beat together the cream cheese, eggs, vanilla and 1/2 cup of sugar.', 'Pour into a crumb crust.', 'Bake 15 minutes at 350°.', 'Cool for 15 minutes.'], 'ing': ['1 large and 1 small pkg. cream cheese', '2 eggs', '1 tsp. vanilla', '1/2 c. sugar', '1 pt. sour cream', '2 Tbsp. sugar', '1 tsp. vanilla']}
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['sugar', 'baking powder', 'shortening', 'nutmeg', 'baking soda', 'cloves', 'cinnamon', 'tomato soup', 'water', 'raisins', 'flour', 'nuts']
{'title': 'Tomato Soup Cake', 'steps': ['Pour in greased and floured 9 x 13-inch pan.', 'Bake at 325° for 40 to 50 minutes.', 'Frost with cream cheese frosting.'], 'ing': ['3/4 c. shortening', '1 1/2 c. sugar', '1 can tomato soup', '3/4 c. water', '3 c. flour (1/2 and 1/2 whole wheat)', '3 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. baking soda', '1 tsp. cloves', '1 tsp. nutmeg', '1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon', '1 c. raisins, soaked and drained', '1 c. chopped nuts']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['black pepper', 'white pepper', 'onion', 'basil', 'spanish paprika', 'red potatoes', 'garlic', 'butter', 'red cayenne pepper', 'salt']
{'title': 'Spicy Home Fried Potatoes', 'steps': ['Boil potatoes until just cooked through, not mushy.', 'Cut into small bite sized pieces.', 'Melt butter in skillet and saute onion over medium heat about 5 minutes.', 'Add potatoes and cook about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.', 'Use your own judgment on the amount of each spice.', 'I cover the potatoes with a thin layer of each, enough so I can actually see the spice and equal amounts of each with the exception of the paprika which I go a little heavy on and the salt which I go lighter on.', 'Enjoy, but be careful, they can be hot!', 'Makes 4 servings.'], 'ing': ['4 medium red potatoes', '1 medium onion, chopped', '1/2 stick butter', 'red cayenne pepper', 'white pepper', 'black pepper', 'garlic powder', 'basil', 'Spanish paprika', 'salt']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sharp cheese', 'biscuit mix', 'sausage']
{'title': 'Hot Sausage Pick-Ups', 'steps': ['Melt cheese over hot water.', 'Add and work in biscuit mix and sausage.', 'Shape into bite-sized balls.', 'Bake at 350° for 10 to 15 minutes, until golden brown.', 'Freeze unbaked balls. Take out and bake as needed.', 'When using frozen, baked at 350° for 20 to 25 minutes.'], 'ing': ['10 oz. sharp cheese, grated', '3 c. biscuit mix', '1 lb. extra hot bulk sausage (uncooked; Jimmy Dean, etc.)']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['lettuce leaves', 'apple', 'onion', 'celery', 'italian salad dressing', 'lite-line cheese', 'chicken', 'green pepper']
{'title': 'Light And Crunchy Chicken Salad', 'steps': ['In medium bowl, combine all ingredients (except cheese).', 'Mix well.', 'Cover and chill well.', 'Just before serving, add cheese. Serve on lettuce.', 'Garnish with apple slices and pepper rings. Refrigerate leftovers.'], 'ing': ['2 c. cubed, cooked chicken (white meat)', '1/2 c. unpared diced apple', '2 Tbsp. chopped green pepper', '2 Tbsp. chopped celery', '1 Tbsp. finely chopped onion', '1/4 c. bottled low calorie Italian salad dressing', '6 slices lite-line cheese (flavor your choice)', 'lettuce leaves']}
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['light', 'chunky peanut butter', 'brown sugar', 'powdered sugar', 'milk', 'salt']
{'title': 'Peanut Butter Fudge', 'steps': ['Mix together first 5 ingredients in a double boiler.', 'Cook over boiling water, stirring frequently, for 15 to 20 minutes or until thick.'], 'ing': ['1/2 c. evaporated milk', '1/2 c. creamy or chunky peanut butter', '1/2 c. Karo light or dark syrup', '1/2 c. firmly packed brown sugar', '1/2 tsp. salt', '1 lb. powdered sugar']}
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['peppercorns', 'salt', 'meaty soup bones', 'onion', 'water', 'celery', 'carrots', 'turnips', 'pearl barley']
{'title': 'Scotch Broth', 'steps': ['In a large kettle combine soup bones, water, peppercorns and salt.', 'Cover and simmer for 2 1/2 hours or until the meat comes easily off bones.', 'Remove bones. Strain broth.', 'Cool and chill. Skim off fat.', 'Remove meat from bones.', 'Dice meat and return to broth, along with remaining ingredients.', 'Bring to a boil.', 'Reduce heat.', 'Cover and simmer about 1 hour or until vegetables are barely tender.', 'Yields 6 to 8 servings.'], 'ing': ['2 lb. meaty soup bones', '6 whole peppercorns', '1 c. chopped carrots', '1 c. chopped celery', '1/4 c. medium pearl barley', '2 qt. water', '1 1/2 tsp. salt', '1 c. chopped turnips', '1/2 c. chopped onion']}
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['egg', 'baking powder', 'sugar', 'cinnamon', 'cream cheese', 'flour', 'vanilla pudding', 'milk', 'peaches', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Peaches And Cream Cheesecake', 'steps': ['Combine and beat 2 minutes the flour, baking powder, salt, butter, milk, egg and pudding.', 'Pour into 9-inch greased pie plate.', 'Drain peaches; place on batter.'], 'ing': ['3/4 c. flour', '1 tsp. baking powder', '1/2 tsp. salt', '3 Tbsp. butter', '1/2 c. milk', '1 Tbsp. sugar', '3 1/4 oz. pkg. vanilla pudding (not instant)', '1 lb. can peaches (reserve 2 Tbsp. juice)', '1 egg', '1/2 c. sugar', '8 oz. pkg. cream cheese', '1/2 tsp. cinnamon']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['cheese sauce', 'cheddar cheese', 'milk', 'white potatoes', 'salt']
{'title': 'Ragu Cheese Potatoes', 'steps': ['Peel, slice, then boil potatoes.', 'Drain.', 'In 9 x 13 baking dish, lay half of potatoes in dish; sprinkle with shredded cheese to cover lightly, then sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, then pour remaining potatoes.', 'Pour entire jar of Ragu cheese sauce, then another layer of shredded cheese and the 1 1/2 cups milk. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.', 'Bake in 350° oven approximately 20 to 25 minutes.', 'Serve hot and enjoy.'], 'ing': ['7 to 10 white potatoes', '1 jar Ragu cheese sauce', '1 1/2 c. milk', 'salt and pepper to taste', '1 (8 oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['american cheese', 'oleo', 'bread', 'water chestnuts', 'eggs', 'cream of mushroom soup', 'mushrooms', 'pimentos', 'cream of celery soup', 'mayonnaise', 'milk', 'chicken', 'salt']
{'title': 'Chicken Casserole', 'steps': ['Arrange bread in 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish.', 'Top with chicken; cover with mushrooms and chestnuts.', 'In bowl, beat eggs; blend in milk, mayonnaise and salt.', 'Pour over chicken.', 'Arrange chicken on top.', 'Add soups and pimentos.', 'Cover and refrigerate overnight.', 'Crumble bread crusts; toss with melted oleo.', 'Bake for 1 1/4 hours at 325°.', 'Let stand 10 minutes.'], 'ing': ['8 slices day old bread, remove crust and save', '4 c. chopped cooked chicken', '1 jar sliced mushrooms', '1 can water chestnuts, drained', '4 eggs', '2 c. milk', '1/2 c. mayonnaise', '1/2 tsp. salt', '6 to 8 slices American cheese', '1 can cream of celery soup', '1 can cream of mushroom soup', '2 Tbsp. oleo', '2 oz. chopped pimentos, drained']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'vanilla', 'baking powder', 'shortening', 'eggs', 'soda', 'corn flakes', 'dates', 'flour', 'cherries', 'milk', 'salt']
{'title': 'Cherry Wink Cookies', 'steps': ['Combine shortening and sugar.', 'Blend in eggs, milk, vanilla, cherries and dates.', 'Sift together flour, soda, salt and baking powder.', 'Add to other mixture.', 'Shape into balls; roll in crushed corn flakes.', 'Bake at 375° for 12 to 15 minutes.'], 'ing': ['3/4 c. shortening', '1 c. sugar', '2 eggs', '2 Tbsp. milk', '1 tsp. vanilla', '1/3 c. chopped cherries', '1 c. chopped dates', '2 1/4 c. sifted flour', '1 tsp. soda', '1 tsp. baking powder', '1/2 tsp. salt', 'crushed corn flakes']}
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['sugar', 'vanilla', 'cocoa', 'milk', 'butter']
{'title': 'Chocolate Icing', 'steps': ['Mix and boil two minutes.', 'Beat until thick enough to put on cake.'], 'ing': ['2 c. sugar', '1/2 c. evaporated milk', '3 to 5 Tbsp. cocoa', '1 stick butter', '1 tsp. vanilla']}
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['cake flour', 'sugar', 'vanilla extract', 'eggs', 'pecans', 'bourbon', 'almond extract', 'butter']
{'title': 'Bourbon Pound Cake', 'steps': ['Cream butter and gradually add 2 cups sugar until light and fluffy.', 'Separate eggs.', 'Add yolks one at a time, beating mixture thoroughly after each addition.', 'Add extracts, then add cake flour alternately with bourbon, mixing well.', 'Set aside.'], 'ing': ['1 lb. butter', '3 c. sugar', '8 eggs', '3 c. cake flour', '1/3 c. bourbon', '2 tsp. almond extract', '2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/4 c. chopped pecans']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['oil', 'tomato', 'pepper', 'soy sauce', 'garlic', 'onion', 'water', 'green beans', 'rice', 'beef', 'salt']
{'title': 'Beef And Green Beans', 'steps': ['Heat oil in wok or frying pan.', 'Stir-fry garlic and onion 1 minute.', 'Add beef; stir-fry 5 minutes.', 'Remove meat.', 'Add beans and water.', 'Cover and simmer 5 minutes.', 'Return beef and add remaining ingredients.', 'Serve with hot rice and soy sauce.'], 'ing': ['1 lb. beef', '1 lb. green beans (French-cut)', '3 cloves garlic, pressed', '1 tsp. salt', '1 Tbsp. soy sauce', '1 onion, quartered', '1 Tbsp. pepper (black)', 'hot cooked rice', '1 Tbsp. oil', '1/2 c. water', '1 tomato, quartered']}
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['egg', 'sugar', 'salt', 'shortening', 'nutmeg', 'baking soda', 'cinnamon', 'cloves', 'raisins', 'flour', 'nuts', 'persimmon pulp']
{'title': 'Persimmon Cookies', 'steps': ['Beat persimmon pulp, baking soda and shortening until creamy. Add well beaten egg.', 'Sift flour and spices, add dry walnuts and raisins.', 'Drop by teaspoons on greased baking sheets.', 'Bake at 375° for 12 to 15 minutes.'], 'ing': ['1 c. persimmon pulp', '1/2 c. shortening', '1 c. sugar', '1 egg, beaten', '2 c. flour', '1 c. chopped nuts', '1 tsp. cinnamon', '1/2 tsp. cloves', '1/2 tsp. nutmeg', '1/2 tsp. salt', '1 tsp. baking soda', '1 c. raisins or chocolate chips or butterscotch chips']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['apple', 'shortening', 'brown sugar', 'molasses', 'eggs', 'baking soda', 'ground cloves', 'raisins', 'ground nutmeg', 'flour', 'nuts', 'ground cinnamon', 'salt']
{'title': 'Apple Hermits', 'steps': ['Put raisins in a bowl of hot water to plump, then drain. Cream shortening and brown sugar together until fluffy. Add molasses and blend in well.'], 'ing': ['1 c. seedless raisins', '1 c. shortening', '1 1/2 c. brown sugar', '1/4 c. molasses', '3 eggs', '3 1/2 c. plain flour', '1/2 tsp. salt', '1 tsp. baking soda', '3 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1 1/2 tsp. ground cloves', '1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg', '1 c. finely chopped, peeled apple', '1 c. chopped nuts']}
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['oil', 'baking powder', 'sugar', 'eggs', 'cloves', 'cinnamon', 'flour', 'walnuts', 'junior jars baby carrots']
{'title': 'Carrot Cake', 'steps': ['Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and cloves.', 'Add oil, eggs, walnuts and baby food.', 'Bake in a 13 x 9 1/2-inch pan in a 350° oven until done.', 'Test with toothpick in 1/2 hour and until done.', 'Cream Cheese Icing is best but you may use white icing.'], 'ing': ['3 c. flour', '2 c. sugar', '3 tsp. baking powder', '1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon', '1/2 tsp. cloves', '1 1/2 c. oil', '4 eggs', '3/4 c. walnuts', '2 to 3 junior jars baby carrots (strained) for a total of 12 oz.']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['celery salt', 'bell pepper', 'eggs', 'garlic', 'onion', 'thyme', 'white bread', 'ground meat', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Cornbread Dressing', 'steps': ['Break both kinds of bread in small pieces.', 'If chicken stock is available, use enough to moisten breads (if not use water).', 'Heat butter in skillet and add meat, onions, bell pepper, pepper and garlic.', 'Cook until meat is done.', 'Add seasonings.', 'Mix lightly, add bread to mixture.', 'Toss lightly with fork and add eggs; toss again.', 'Put in a greased baking dish and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees.'], 'ing': ['1 pan of your favorite cornbread', '6 slices of white bread', '1/2 lb. ground meat', '1 stick butter', '1 large onion, chopped', '6 cloves (small) garlic, minced', '1 small bell pepper, chopped', '1 tsp. thyme', '1 tsp. celery salt', '2 eggs, slightly beaten', 'salt and pepper to taste']}
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['liquid hot pepper sauce', 'mullet', 'onions', 'black-eyed peas', 'cider vinegar', 'garlic', 'green pepper', 'salt']
{'title': 'Black-Eyed Mullet', 'steps': ['Break fish into bite sized portions and set aside.', 'Mash peas lightly, just until they are broken.', 'Combine peas, onion, pepper, garlic, pepper sauce, salt and vinegar in a saucepan and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.', 'Reduce heat to low, add mullet and cook until heated through.', 'Serve immediately.', 'Serves 6.'], 'ing': ['1/2 lb. smoked, grilled or broiled mullet', '2 15 oz. cans black-eyed peas', '1/2 c. chopped onions', '1/2 c. chopped green pepper', '2 tsp. minced garlic', '1 tsp. liquid hot pepper sauce', '1 tsp. salt', '1/4 c. cider vinegar']}
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['vinegar', 'orange juice concentrate', 'onion', 'ketchup', 'dark molasses', 'vegetable oil']
{'title': 'Sparerib Sauce', 'steps': ['Mix all ingredients together and spread over ribs.'], 'ing': ['1/4 c. dark molasses', '1/4 c. ketchup', '1/4 c. orange juice concentrate', '2 Tbsp. vinegar', '2 Tbsp. vegetable oil', 'chopped onion']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['chili powder', 'peanuts', 'beef broth']
{'title': 'Chilled Peanut Soup', 'steps': ['Combine peanuts and 1 can of broth in container of blender; process until smooth.', 'Pour into a large saucepan.', 'Add remaining 2 cans of broth, half and half and chili powder.', 'Bring to a boil over medium heat; stir often.', 'Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Chill.', 'Yields 6 cups.'], 'ing': ['3/4 c. roasted peanuts', '3 (10 1/2 oz.) cans beef broth', '1 1/2 c. half and half', '3/4 tsp. chili powder']}
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['cabbage', 'parmesan cheese', 'onion powder', 'garlic powder', 'parsley', 'rice', 'ground beef', 'tomato sauce', 'sauerkraut', 'salt']
{'title': 'Cabbage Rolls', 'steps': ['Scald the heads of cabbage in boiling water.', 'Cutting away the leaves, put a big serving spoon of filling in each leaf and roll. Chop remaining cabbage and put in pan with the sauerkraut (washed and drained).', 'Add the Ragu and 1 jar water or make your same sauce you would for spaghetti. Cook on top of stove for 1 1/2 hours or in oven for 1 1/2 hours.', 'Cook 6 to 8 and freeze the rest.', 'Makes 40 rolls.'], 'ing': ['3 lb. ground beef', '2 c. rice, uncooked (I precook 5 minutes)', '3 tsp. onion powder or 1 large onion', '1 tsp. garlic powder', '3 tsp. salt', '2 Tbsp. parsley', '2/3 c. Parmesan cheese', '1 can tomato sauce', '2 large heads cabbage', '1 can sauerkraut', '1 large jar Ragu']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['cream of mushroom soup', 'onion', 'margarine', 'broccoli', 'rice']
{'title': 'Broccoli Rice Casserole', 'steps': ['Cook', 'broccoli 6 to 8 minutes on High', 'or', 'until', 'done. Set aside.', 'In a large mixing bowl, combine soup, rice, cheese and margarine.\tCook for 5 to 7 minutes', 'or until cheese melts and can be blended easily.\tTo cheese mixture,', 'add', 'onion and broccoli; stir thoroughly.', 'Pour into an', '8-inch dish (Pyrex). Cook', 'on High for 10 to 12 minutes,', 'rotating', 'dish', '1/4\tturn after 5 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes,', 'or', 'cook\tthis', 'in oven at 350° for 45 minutes.'], 'ing': ['1 (16 oz.) pkg. frozen, chopped broccoli', '1 can cream of mushroom soup', '1 1/2 c. Minute rice (uncooked)', '1 (8 oz.) jar Cheez Whiz', '1 stick (1/2 c.) margarine', '1/2 c. chopped onion']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['pasta of your choice', 'chicken breasts', 'tomatoes', 'italian seasoning', 'parmesan cheese', 'mushrooms', 'onion', 'olives', 'garlic', 'butter', 'olive oil']
{'title': 'Easy Chicken Cacciatore', 'steps': ['Cube chicken into bite-sized pieces.', 'Put olive oil, 1 Tbsp. butter and the chicken into a saute pan on medium heat.', 'While sauteing chicken, add a dash of garlic powder, a dash of onion powder and Italian seasoning to taste.', 'Once the chicken is cooked through, add in the tomatoes, olives and mushrooms.', 'Check flavor and add additional seasoning as needed.', 'Let simmer about 10 minutes.'], 'ing': ['1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts', '2 (14.5 oz.) cans diced tomatoes', '2 (2.25 oz.) cans sliced olives, drained', '2 (4 oz.) cans mushrooms, drained', 'garlic powder to taste', 'onion powder to taste', 'Italian seasoning to taste', '2 Tbsp. olive oil', '2 Tbsp. butter', '1 pkg. pasta of your choice', 'Parmesan cheese']}
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['cake mix', 'eggs', 'mandarin oranges', 'cooking oil']
{'title': 'Pineapple Cake', 'steps': ['Mix together.', 'Bake in 3 layers or an oblong pan for about 20 minutes at 350°.'], 'ing': ['1 box Duncan Hines butter cake mix', '1/2 c. cooking oil', '4 eggs', '1 (11 oz.) can mandarin oranges, cut up (use juice, too)']}
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['marshmallows', 'orange segments', 'topping', 'orange flavor', 'coconut', 'boiling water', 'pineapple']
{'title': 'Ambrosia Mold', 'steps': ['Drain pineapple, reserving liquid.', 'Add cold water to liquid to measure 1 cup.', 'Stir boiling water into gelatin in large bowl 2 minutes or until completely dissolved.', 'Stir in measured liquid. Refrigerate 1 1/4 hours or until slightly thickened (consistency of unbeaten egg white).', 'Stir in whipped topping with wire whisk until smooth.', 'Refrigerate 10 minutes or until mixture will mound. Stir in oranges, pineapple, marshmallows and coconut.', 'Spoon into 6 cup mold.', 'Refrigerate 4 hours or until firm.', 'Unmold.', 'Makes 10 servings.'], 'ing': ['1 can (8 oz.) crushed pineapple in juice, undrained', '2 c. boiling water', '1 pkg. (8 oz. serving size) orange flavor gelatin', '1 3/4 c. thawed Cool Whip whipped topping', '1 can (11 oz.) mandarin orange segments, drained', '1 1/2 c. miniature marshmallows', '1/2 c. coconut (optional)']}
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['unflavored gelatin', 'sugar', 'lemon juice', 'lemon rind', 'water', 'egg whites', 'walnuts', 'cranberry sauce', 'mandarin oranges', 'salt']
{'title': 'Cranberry Souffle', 'steps': ['Mix gelatin and salt thoroughly in small pan.', 'Add water and stir constantly over medium-low heat until gelatin is dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice and rind.', 'Chill in refrigerator.', 'While gelatin is chilling, beat egg whites, gradually adding sugar and beating after each addition.', 'Set aside.', 'Remove chilled gelatin from fridge and beat it up a little until fluffy if too firm.', 'Add cranberry sauce, then fold the mixture into the egg whites.', 'Add oranges and nuts.', 'Pour into a lightly greased mold and chill thoroughly.', 'When ready to serve, dip mold in warm water and invert on plate.'], 'ing': ['2 envelopes unflavored gelatin', '1/4 tsp. salt', '1 c. water', '2 Tbsp. lemon juice', '1 tsp. grated lemon rind', '3 egg whites', '1/4 c. sugar', '1 can whole cranberry sauce', '1/4 c. chopped walnuts', '1 large or 2 small cans mandarin oranges']}
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['vanilla extract', 'marshmallows', 'brown sugar', 'sweet potatoes', 'bourbon', 'butter']
{'title': 'Bourbon Sweet Potatoes', 'steps': ['Combine first 5 ingredients, mixing well.', 'Spoon mixture into a lightly greased 1 1/2-quart casserole.', 'Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.', 'Remove from refrigerator; let stand 30 minutes.', 'Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 25 minutes.', 'Remove from oven; top with marshmallows.', 'Bake an additional 7 minutes or until marshmallows are golden.', 'Yield: 6 to 8 servings.'], 'ing': ['2 (29 oz.) cans sweet potatoes, drained and mashed', '3/4 c. firmly packed brown sugar', '1/2 c. butter, melted', '1/4 to 1/3 c. bourbon', '1/2 tsp. vanilla extract', '2 c. miniature marshmallows']}
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['sugar', 'black pepper', 'accent', 'peel powder', 'paprika', 'salt']
{'title': 'Dry Meat Seasoning', 'steps': ['Mix together and use to season your favorite meat.'], 'ing': ['6 Tbsp salt (I use half the amount)', '1 c sugar', '1 tsp dry lemon peel powder', '2 tsp Accent', '2 1/2 Tbsp black pepper', '2 tsp paprika']}
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['philadelphia cream cheese', 'bacon', 'mushrooms', 'salt']
{'title': 'Stuffed Mushrooms', 'steps': ['Leave cream cheese out to soften.', 'Microwave or fry bacon until crisp.', 'Drain.', 'Wash and dry mushrooms on paper towels. Remove stems, leaving just the caps.', 'Crush bacon in cream cheese and mix together.', "Add Lawry's seasoned salt, just enough so you can taste it in the mixture."], 'ing': ['1/2 to 3/4 lb. bacon (lean bacon)', '8 oz. Philadelphia cream cheese', '12 oz. pkg. mushrooms (large caps preferred)', "Lawry's seasoned salt"]}
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['oil of peppermint', 'powdered sugar', 'cream cheese']
{'title': 'Party Mints', 'steps': ['Cut bananas in half.', 'Beat egg and roll banana in egg, then roll in fine bread crumbs.', 'Fry in oil.'], 'ing': ['4 oz. pkg. cream cheese', '1/4 tsp. oil of peppermint', '1 box powdered sugar']}
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['wide noodles', 'tomatoes', 'crackers', 'swiss cheese', 'corned beef', 'sauerkraut']
{'title': 'Reuben Casserole', 'steps': ['In a 9 x 13-inch baking dish, layer buttered noodles, sauerkraut, corned beef (broken in pieces) and tomatoes.', 'Dot with Thousand Island dressing; sprinkle with Swiss cheese.', 'Bake, covered, at 350° for 40 minutes.', 'Uncover; sprinkle crushed rye crackers on top.', 'Bake 10 minutes more until bubbly.', 'Serves 6 to 8.'], 'ing': ['8 oz. wide noodles, cooked and drained', '1 (1 lb.) can sauerkraut, drained', '1 (12 oz.) can corned beef', '2 medium tomatoes, diced (may use 1 can diced tomatoes)', '8 oz. shredded Swiss cheese', '10 crisp rye crackers, crushed', 'Thousand Island dressing']}
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['green chilies', 'eggs', 'cheddar cheese', 'swiss cheese', 'cheese', 'milk']
{'title': 'Cheese And Chilies', 'steps': ['Beat eggs and milk together.', 'Add green chilies and mix well. Add grated Swiss and cheddar cheeses.', 'Pour into 8x9-inch square pyrex dish.', 'Sprinkle monterey jack cheese on top.', 'Bake at 350° for 30 mins. or until bubbly and brown on top.', 'Serve with crackers.'], 'ing': ['2 eggs', '2 Tbsp. milk', '2 (4 oz.) cans chopped green chilies, drained', '4 oz. Swiss cheese, grated', '4 oz. cheddar cheese, grated', '4 oz. monterey jack cheese, grated']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'marshmallows', 'raspberry', 'yellow cake mix', 'rhubarb']
{'title': 'Rhubarb Cake', 'steps': ['Place rhubarb in a well-greased 9 x 13-inch baking dish. Sprinkle Jell-O over rhubarb, then follow with the sugar and marshmallows.', 'Pour prepared cake mix over the top and bake at 350° for an hour or until tester comes out clean.', 'Wait about 5 minutes and then take a sharp knife and cut carefully around the outside of cake.', 'Turn cake out onto a heavy piece of aluminum foil which has been placed on a cookie sheet.', 'Be sure cookie sheet is large enough.', 'Foil must be long and wide enough.', 'Turn edges up to form a rim.', 'Place pan with foil on it and invert carefully.', 'Cool to serve.', 'Top with whipped cream.', 'Makes 12 to 16 servings.'], 'ing': ['5 c. rhubarb, cut in small pieces', '1 (3 oz.) pkg. raspberry Jell-O', '1 c. sugar', '3 c. miniature whole marshmallows', '1 pkg. yellow cake mix, prepared according to directions']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['vinegar', 'soy sauce', 'brown sugar', 'cooking oil', 'onion', 'green pepper', 'water', 'catsup', 'cornstarch', 'pineapple']
{'title': 'The Best Sweet And Sour', 'steps': ['Cook peppers and onions in oil until tender-crisp.', 'Blend syrup drained from pineapple with vinegar, sugar, water, catsup and cornstarch.', 'Add to vegetables and cook, stirring until sauce boils and thickens.', 'Add drained pineapple.', 'Serve over fried chicken or leftover chunked pork that has been fried or fried tofu chunks.', 'Serves 6 to 8.'], 'ing': ['1/2 c. green pepper chunks', '1/2 c. onion chunks', '1 Tbsp. cooking oil', '1 (13 1/2 oz.) can pineapple chunks', '1/3 c. vinegar', '2/3 c. brown sugar', '1/4 c. water', '2 Tbsp. soy sauce', '3 Tbsp. cornstarch', '2 Tbsp. catsup']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['crackers', 'milk chocolate', 'brown sugar', 'nuts', 'margarine']
{'title': 'English Toffee Bars', 'steps': ['Line a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking pan with', 'aluminum', 'foil. Grease well.', 'Arrange crackers on bottom of', 'pan, breaking, if necessary, to completely cover pan.', 'Combine', 'brown', 'sugar and margarine', 'in a medium pan.', 'Cook and', 'stir', 'over', 'medium-high heat until mixture boils.', 'Remove from heat;', 'pour over crackers.', 'Bake', 'in a', '400°', 'oven 5 minutes.', 'Remove', 'from', 'oven. Immediately sprinkle with chocolate pieces.', 'When chocolate is soft, spread over top of sugar mixture.', 'Sprinkle', 'with', 'nuts. Chill in the refrigerator 30 minutes.', 'Break', 'into', 'bite', 'size pieces.', 'Makes 24 to 36 pieces.'], 'ing': ['15 graham crackers', '1 c. packed brown sugar', '1 c. margarine or butter', '1 (6 oz.) pkg. milk chocolate pieces', '1/4 c. chopped nuts']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['egg', 'baking powder', 'sugar', 'vanilla', 'honey', 'milk', 'peaches', 'boiling water', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Fruit Cobbler', 'steps': ['Preheat oven to 375°.', 'Cream sugar and butter.', 'Add egg and beat well.', 'Stir in milk.', 'Sift together flour, baking powder and salt.', 'Add sugar mixture and beat smooth.', 'Stir in vanilla. Spread evenly over bottom of 8-inch square baking pan.', 'Mix peaches, honey, boiling water and margarine.', 'Pour on top of batter.', 'Cake will rise to the top during baking.'], 'ing': ['1/2 c. sugar', '1/4 c. butter', '1 egg', '1/2 c. milk', '2 tsp. baking powder', 'dash of salt', '1 tsp. vanilla', '2 c. sliced fresh peaches (fruit)', '1/3 c. honey', '1 c. boiling water']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'vanilla', 'oats', 'peanut butter', 'nuts', 'cocoa', 'margarine', 'milk']
{'title': 'No Bake Cookies', 'steps': ['Mix sugar, milk, margarine and cocoa.', 'Bring to boil.', 'Let boil over medium heat for 2 minutes.', 'Remove from heat, then add peanut butter, nuts, oats and vanilla.', 'Drop by teaspoon onto waxed paper.', 'Let cool.', 'Yields approximately 36 cookies.'], 'ing': ['2 c. sugar', '1/2 c. milk', '1/2 c. margarine', '4 Tbsp. cocoa', '2 1/2 c. oats', '1/4 c. nuts, chopped', '1/2 c. peanut butter', '2 tsp. vanilla']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sour cream', 'flour tortillas', 'onion', 'cream cheese', 'hot picante sauce']
{'title': 'Cream Cheese Rolls', 'steps': ['Mix all ingredients and spread lightly on tortilla.', 'Roll the tortilla tightly.', 'Place rolls on plate and cover with plastic wrap.', 'Chill in refrigerator overnight.', 'Slice and serve.'], 'ing': ['10 flour tortillas', '8 oz. cream cheese', '8 oz. sour cream', '2 tsp. hot picante sauce', '1/2 medium onion, chopped fine']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['bottles ginger ale', 'concentrate', 'water', 'pineapple', 'sparkling water']
{'title': 'Wedding Bell Lemonade Punch', 'steps': ['Combine juices and keep chilled.', 'When ready to serve, add other ingredients and stir gently.', 'Yields 50 (4 ounce) servings.'], 'ing': ['4 (6 oz.) cans frozen lemonade concentrate', '4 cans water', '4 (6 oz.) frozen pineapple concentrate', '4 cans water', '3 (28 oz.) bottles ginger ale', '1 (28 oz.) sparkling water', 'ice cubes or block of ice']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['oil', 'sugar', 'vanilla', 'baking powder', 'eggs', 'cinnamon', 'soda', 'pecans', 'raisins', 'flour', 'zucchini', 'salt']
{'title': 'Zucchini Bread', 'steps': ['Blend first 5 ingredients and set aside.', 'Mix dry ingredients. Mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients until blended.', 'Optionals can be added if desired.', 'Pour batter into greased and floured loaf pans and bake at 325° for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.', 'Yields 2 loaves.'], 'ing': ['3 eggs', '1 c. oil', '1 Tbsp. vanilla', '2 c. sugar', '2 c. grated zucchini', '3 c. flour', '1 tsp. salt', '1 tsp. soda', '1/2 tsp. baking powder', '1 Tbsp. cinnamon', '3/4 c. raisins (optional)', '3/4 c. chopped pecans (optional)']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['american cheese', 'eggs', 'water', 'stove top chicken stuffing', 'mixed vegetables', 'ground turkey', 'barbecue sauce', 'butter']
{'title': 'Barbecue Turkey Loaf', 'steps': ['Combine 1 cup stuffing mix, vegetables, water and butter.', 'Let stand 5 minutes.', 'Combine remaining stuffing mix, turkey, eggs and 1/4 cup of barbecue sauce.', 'Mix well.', 'Spoon a third of turkey mixture into baking dish and shape into 8 x 4-inch rectangle. Cover with half the cheese.', 'Spoon vegetable mixture in center. Cover with remaining cheese.', 'Pat remaining turkey mixture over cheese and shape into a loaf.', 'Brush with remaining barbecue sauce. Conventional oven:', '350° for 45 minutes.', 'Microwave Oven:', 'Cook High 5 minutes.', 'Rotate dish half turn; cook 5 minutes longer.', 'Let stand 5 minutes.'], 'ing': ['2 c. Stove Top chicken stuffing', '1 c. frozen mixed vegetables, thawed', '1/2 c. water', '1 Tbsp. butter, melted', '1/2 c. barbecue sauce', '2 slices American cheese, halved', '1 lb. ground turkey', '2 eggs']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['coconut milk', 'cornstarch', 'sugar', 'salt']
{'title': 'Haupia', 'steps': ['Cook over medium heat until thickened.', 'Pour into a greased 9-inch pan.'], 'ing': ['3 cans coconut milk', '1/3 c. sugar', '1/2 c. cornstarch', 'dash of salt']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['almonds', 'butter', 'onions', 'mushroom soup']
{'title': 'Onion Casserole', 'steps': ['Place in casserole, onion on bottom, soup, almonds, cornflake crumbs and butter on top.', 'Bake uncovered, at 350 degrees for 1 hour.'], 'ing': ['4 cups sliced onions', '1 can mushroom soup', '1/2 stick melted butter', '1/2 cup almonds', '1 cup cornflakes- crushed']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'cinnamon', 'topping', 'peeled apples', 'flour', 'butter', 'salt']
{'title': 'Warm Apple Crisp', 'steps': ['Mix together apples, 1/3 cup sugar, cinnamon, salt and melted butter.', 'Place in greased 8-inch square baking dish; set aside.'], 'ing': ['6 c. sliced and peeled apples (slice thin)', '1/3 c. sugar', '1 tsp. cinnamon', '1/2 tsp. salt', '2 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted', '3/4 c. sugar', '1/2 c. flour', '1/3 c. butter or margarine', 'whipped topping']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['tomato soup', 'hamburger', 'onion', 'macaroni']
{'title': 'Hamburger And Macaroni Casserole', 'steps': ['Brown hamburger and onion.', 'Cook macaroni in 2 quarts salted water, then drain.', 'Add 2 cans tomato soup to the hamburger and macaroni.', 'Bake at 350° for 30 minutes.', 'Can be covered with cheese, then heated until cheese melts.', 'Can add chopped celery or peppers to hamburger as well.'], 'ing': ['1 lb. hamburger', '1 small onion, diced', '1 c. macaroni', '2 cans tomato soup']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['bread flour', 'egg', 'sugar', 'salt', 'very warm water', 'butter', 'active dry yeast']
{'title': 'One-Rise Monkey Bread', 'steps': ['Grease a 12-cup fluted tube pan or a 10-inch tube pan.', 'In large bowl blend 1 1/2 cups flour, sugar, salt, yeast, water, margarine and egg at low speed until moistened.', 'Beat three minutes at medium speed.', 'Stir in remaining flour by hand.', 'Knead dough on floured surface until smooth, about 1 minute.', 'Press or roll dough to 15 x 12-inch rectangle.', 'Using sharp knife, cut dough into diamond-shaped pieces by cutting into 2 inch strips diagonally across dough.', 'In shallow pan melt 1/3 cup butter.', 'Dip each piece of dough in melted butter and place in prepared pan, making layers. Sprinkle each layer with poppy seeds.', 'Cover; let rise in warm place until light and doubled in size, 45 to 60 minutes.', 'Heat oven to 375°.', 'Bake 20 to 25 minutes.', 'Cool in pan 2 minutes.', 'Invert into serving pan.', 'Makes a 10-inch pull apart loaf.'], 'ing': ['3 to 3 1/2 c. unsifted all-purpose or bread flour', '2 Tbsp. sugar', '1 tsp. salt', '1 pkg. active dry yeast', '1 c. very warm water (120~ to 130~)', '2 Tbsp. butter or margarine, softened', '1 egg', '1/3 c. butter or margarine', 'poppy seed (optional)']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['cooking oats', 'nutmeg', 'brown sugar', 'cinnamon', 'flour', 'apples', 'butter']
{'title': 'Easy "Apple Festival" Pie(Microwave) ', 'steps': ['Put apples', 'in microwave dish.\tMix 1/2 cup of the brown sugar with', 'the', 'apples', 'and', 'sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon of the cinnamon.', 'Mix', 'flour,', 'oats,', '1/2\tcup', 'sugar,', 'margarine, 1/2 teaspoon', 'cinnamon and nutmeg together until crumbly;', 'sprinkle over apples.', 'Microwave uncovered on High for 6 minutes; rotate dish 1/2 turn.', 'Microwave uncovered another 5 minutes.'], 'ing': ['4 apples, sliced', '3/4 c. plain flour', '1/2 c. quick cooking oats', '1 c. brown sugar', '1/2 stick butter', '3/4 tsp. cinnamon', '1/4 tsp. nutmeg']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'eggs', 'celery', 'sweet relish', 'salad dressing', 'chives', 'salt']
{'title': 'Dressed Eggs', 'steps': ['Cut eggs in half. Take out yolks. Mash yolks with fork until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients; just enough salad dressing to get the right smoothness. With a knife, put yolks back in egg whites. Sprinkle top.'], 'ing': ['12 eggs, hard-boiled and peeled', '3 Tbsp. sweet relish', '1 tsp. celery seed', '1/2 tsp. chives', '1 Tbsp. sugar', 'salad dressing', 'salt and pepper to taste']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sugar', 'lemon juice', 'light brown sugar', 'pecans', 'cream cheese', 'water', 'flour', 'cornstarch', 'fresh strawberries', 'confectioners sugar', 'butter', 'strawberry jello']
{'title': 'Strawberry Pizza', 'steps': ['Crust:', 'Mix first 4 ingredients.', 'Press into a rectangular pan.', 'Brown lightly at 350° for 20 to 25 minutes.', 'Cool.'], 'ing': ['2 sticks melted butter', '2 c. plain flour', '1/3 c. light brown sugar', '1 c. chopped pecans', '1 (8 oz.) pkg. softened cream cheese', '3 c. sifted confectioners sugar', '1 large Cool Whip (8 oz.)', '1 c. sugar', '1 c. water', '3 Tbsp. cornstarch', '3 Tbsp. strawberry jello', '1 Tbsp. lemon juice', '2 pt. fresh strawberries']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['oil', 'sugar', 'nutmeg', 'baking soda', 'cinnamon', 'eggs', 'water', 'flour', 'pumpkin', 'salt']
{'title': 'Pumpkin Bread', 'steps': ['Combine dry ingredients and make a hole in the center.', 'Add oil, water, eggs and pumpkin; mix together.', 'Pour into 4 small greased loaf pans.', 'Bake at 350° for 55 minutes.', 'If desired, raisins can be added to mixture.'], 'ing': ['3 1/2 c. flour', '3 c. sugar', '2 tsp. baking soda', '1 1/2 tsp. salt', '1 tsp. cinnamon', '1 tsp. nutmeg', '1 c. oil', '2/3 c. water', '4 eggs', '2 c. canned pumpkin']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['tomatoes', 'summer sausage', 'black olives', 'cheese', 'tortilla chips', 'jalapeno peppers', 'guacamole']
{'title': 'Santa Fe Nachos', 'steps': ['Top tortilla with cheese. Place a slice of sausage on each chip. Microwave until cheese melts. Garnish with peppers and olives. Serve with guacamole and tomatoes.'], 'ing': ['summer sausage', 'sharp cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese', 'Tortilla Chips', 'jalapeno peppers', 'black olives', 'guacamole', 'chopped tomatoes']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['sour cream', 'frozen raspberries', 'raspberry', 'cream cheese', 'water', 'cranberry sauce', 'salt']
{'title': 'Frozen Raspberry Salad', 'steps': ['Dissolve Jell-O in hot water.', 'Add raspberries and stir until berries separate.', 'Cream the cream cheese and gradually blend in sour cream and cranberry sauce.', 'Stir gelatin mixture in gently and add dash of salt.', 'Freeze in glass dish until firm.', 'Cut into squares and serve with or without extra sour cream.'], 'ing': ['1 pkg. raspberry Jell-O', '1 c. hot water', '1 pkg. frozen raspberries, partially thawed', '2 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened', '1 c. sour cream', '1 (16 oz.) can whole berry cranberry sauce', 'dash of salt']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['baking powder', 'vanilla', 'shortening', 'eggs', 'brown sugar', 'flour', 'gold medal flour', 'walnuts', 'confectioners sugar', 'orange-lemon icing', 'flaked coconut', 'salt']
{'title': 'Coconut Chews', 'steps': ['Heat oven to 350°.', 'Cream shortening and confectioners sugar. Blend in flour.', 'Press mixture in bottom of ungreased baking pan (13 x 9 x 2-inches).', 'Bake 12 to 15 minutes.', 'Mix remaining ingredients; spread over hot, baked layer.', 'Bake 20 minutes longer.', 'While warm, spread with Orange-Lemon Icing.', 'Cool.', 'Cut into bars about 3 x 1-inch.', 'Makes 32 bars.'], 'ing': ['3/4 c. shortening (half butter or margarine)', '3/4 c. confectioners sugar', '1 1/2 c. Gold Medal flour', '2 eggs', '1 c. brown sugar, packed', '2 Tbsp. flour', '1/2 tsp. baking powder', '1/2 tsp. salt', '1/2 tsp. vanilla', '1/2 c. chopped walnuts', '1/2 c. flaked coconut', 'Orange-Lemon Icing (recipe follows)']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['cream of chicken soup', 'cream of mushroom soup', 'onion', 'celery', 'frozen broccoli florets', 'margarine', 'broccoli', 'rice']
{'title': 'Rice-Broccoli Casserole', 'steps': ['Saute onion and celery in shortening until soft.', 'Cook rice and broccoli separately according to directions.', 'Mix all ingredients together in a 2 quart buttered baking dish.', 'Bake at 375° for 10 minutes.', 'May be prepared in advance and stored in refrigerator before baking.', 'Diced cooked chicken breast may be added for variety.'], 'ing': ['1/2 c. chopped onion', '1/2 c. chopped celery', '2 tsp. margarine', '1 c. rice (1 pkg. Success rice)', '1 pkg. frozen cut broccoli', '1 pkg. frozen broccoli florets', '1 can cream of chicken soup', '1 can cream of mushroom soup', '1 small jar Cheez Whiz']}
Generate a recipe only using the ingridents provided the ouput must be in JSON format
['celery salt', 'mixed nuts', 'garlic salt', 'cheerios', 'butter', 'worcestershire sauce']
{'title': 'Party Mix', 'steps': ['Heat oven to 250°.', 'Mix cereals, pretzels and nuts in oblong pan 13 x 9 x 2-inch.', 'Blend butter and seasonings and pour over cereal mixture.', 'Mix well.', 'Bake 30 minutes stirring gently after 15 minutes.'], 'ing': ['2 c. Cheerios', '2 c. Corn Chex', '2 c. pretzel sticks', '1 1/2 c. mixed nuts', '1/3 c. melted butter', '1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce', '1/2 tsp. garlic salt', '1/2 tsp. celery salt']}