The big gains in China are unlikely to be matched by similar progress elsewhere, while climate-related shocks and deep poverty in parts of sub-Saharan Africa will slow momentum.
The big gains in China are unlikely to be matched by similar progress elsewhere, while climate-related shocks and deep poverty in parts of sub-Saharan Africa will slow down progress.
It had drummed up 22m views on YouTube by the first week of January, ahead of the 16.6m clocked by Sainsburys ad featuring First World War soldiers sharing a bar of chocolate, the UKs next most popular ad of 2014.
It had drummed up 22m views on YouTube by the first week of January more than the 16.6m views of Sainsburys ad with First World War soldiers sharing a bar of chocolate, the UKs second most popular ad of 2014.
But, while researchers are making progress in storing digital files for centuries, the programs and hardware needed to make sense of the files are continually falling out of use.
But, while researchers are making progress in storing digital files for centuries, the programs and hardware needed to read the files are continually falling out of use.
It scores highly in a number of categories; it provides a safe and stable environment to live in, a high level of public utilities and transport facilities and good recreational facilities.
It scores highly in a number of categories; it provides a safe and stable environment to live in, a high standard of public transport and good recreational facilities.
Riley, as a young referee, went out and bought himself books on psychology and nutrition as there was no information on offer to him at all.
Riley, as a young referee, bought himself books on psychology and nutrition as there was no information on offer to him at all.
Unions and poverty campaign groups have accused employers of pressuring staff into signing the contracts as a way to evade their responsibilities and cut staff bene ts.
Unions and poverty campaign groups have accused employers of pressuring staff into signing the contracts so that they can avoid their responsibilities and reduce staff bene ts.
To anyone who thinks two minutes of air is no more than a minor improvement on snorkelling, Redmond says it could make all the difference underwater.
To anyone who thinks two minutes of air is no more than a very small improvement on snorkelling, Redmond says it could make a big difference underwater.
French is not as easy as English but, two weeks ago, I decided there was no way to get to the UK, says George, another Darfur refugee and dedicated student.
French is not as easy as English but, two weeks ago, I decided there was no way to get to the UK, says George, another Darfur refugee and student.
Snoozing was losing and sleep was for wimps.
Sleep was for wimps.
His article comes after music industry leaders met British Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street, where the issue of web piracy was discussed.
His article comes after music industry leaders met British Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street to discuss the issue of web piracy.
The two-year study captured the sounds made by 12 different types of vessel, including cruise ships, container ships and military vehicles, that passed through the strait about 20 times a day.
The two-year study recorded the sound made by 12 different types of vessel, including cruise ships, container ships and military vehicles, that passed through the strait about 20 times a day.
One guy had a 300-a-week cocaine habit, which he funded through burglary.
One guy had a 300-a-week cocaine habit, which he paid for through burglary.
Going forward, I am delighted to take on the roles of both director and ambassador for the club.
I am delighted to take on the roles of both director and ambassador for the club.
might sound unrealistic but they have arguably destroyed the campaign hopes of Jeb Bush, who favours immigration reform.
might sound unrealistic but they have destroyed the campaign hopes of Jeb Bush, who favours immigration reform.
Unworried, Geoff Douville says that hes used to noise complaints by now so bring on the ban.
Unworried, Geoff Douville says that hes used to noise complaints by now.
One month before launch, over a thousand, mostly Moroccan, workers are still racing to x electric wires, take down scaffolding and wrap rockwool insulation around steel pipelines.
Over a thousand, mostly Moroccan, workers are still racing to x electric wires, take down scaffolding and insulate steel pipelines.
Loneliness is a recognized problem among the elderly there are day centres and charities to help them, says Sam Challis, an information manager at the mental health charity Mind, but, when young people reach 21, theyre too old for youth services.
Loneliness is a recognized problem among the elderly and there are day centres and charities to help them, says Sam Challis, of the mental health charity Mind, but, when young people reach 21, theyre too old for youth services.
We need to stop tobacco companies targeting young people with an array of gimmicky products and we need to make sure that cigarette packs carry effective warnings.
We need to stop tobacco companies targeting young people with gimmicky products and we need to make sure that cigarette packs have effective warnings.
That is something worth working on.
That is something worth doing.
That in itself is justification for the enormous project that the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle has led over the past five years, involving nearly 500 researchers, to assess the global burden of disease.
This last statistic provides justification for the enormous project that the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle has led over the past five years, involving nearly 500 researchers, to assess the global effects of disease.
The prime minister wants to move fast to show that the three main UK party leaders will live up to their commitments made during the referendum campaign to deliver what the former prime minister Gordon Brown called home rule within the UK.
The prime minister wants to move fast to show that the three main UK party leaders will meet the commitments they made during the referendum campaign.
It may have to do with different numbering systems.
It may be because of different numbering systems.
After the committees hearing had ended, Feinstein strongly endorsed the NSAs main domestic programme.
After the committees hearing had ended, Feinstein strongly supported the NSAs main domestic programme.
In todays world, those letters would be emails and the chances of finding them will be vanishingly small one hundred years from now, said Cerf.
In todays world, those letters would be emails and the chances of finding them will be incredibly small one hundred years from now, said Cerf.
Thats 65 litres of clean, drinkable water that were infusing with soap and washing down the drain each and every day sometimes more than once.
Thats 65 litres of clean, drinkable water that were lling with soap and washing down the drain each day sometimes more than once.
We have known for a long time that torture does not work, he said.
We have known for a long time that torture does not work, Anderson said.
The Street View project, he said, follows in the footsteps of the English explorer Martin Frobisher, who in 1576 sailed into the bay where Iqaluit now sits while searching for the Northwest Passage, and the 1941 flight of Captain Elliott Roosevelt, a reconnaissance officer and son of the US President, which led to the site being chosen for a military airbase.
The Street View project, he said, follows in the footsteps of the English explorer Martin Frobisher, who in 1576 sailed into the bay where Iqaluit now is while searching for the Northwest Passage, and the 1941 flight of Captain Elliott Roosevelt, an officer and son of the US President, which led to the site being chosen for a military airbase.
It was clear that Davids talents and ambition dictated that he should go solo.
It was clear that Davids talents and ambition meant that he should go solo.
We import 94% of our energy as fossil fuels from abroad and that has big consequences for our state budget, el-Haite told the Guardian.
We import 94% of our energy as fossil fuels from other countries and that has big consequences for our state budget, el-Haite told the Guardian.
During the experiment, Carle scoured supermarket shelves for 100% French-made products, learned to cook seasonal fruit and vegetables grown in France, proudly brushed his teeth with the last toothbrush made in France by a company in Picardie employing 29 people and hand-washed his smalls until he found the last French-made washing machine (which, being top opening, would not fit under the kitchen counter).
During the experiment, Carle hunted in supermarkets for 100% French-made products, learned to cook seasonal fruit and vegetables grown in France, proudly brushed his teeth with a toothbrush made in France and hand-washed his underwear until he found a French-made washing machine (which opened at the top and so would not fit under the kitchen counter).
Krystian Zimerman returned moments later and declared: The destruction of music because of YouTube is enormous.
Krystian Zimerman returned moments later and said: The destruction of music because of YouTube is enormous.
I could be one of the pioneers, building the first settlement on Mars and teaching people back home that there are still uncharted territories that humans can reach for.
I could be one of the pioneers, building the first colony on Mars and teaching people back home that there are still uncharted territories that humans can reach for.
Want to know who gets the most sleep and the best quality of sleep in America?
Do you know who gets the most sleep and the best quality of sleep in America?
A walk-in wardrobe was a must for 28%, almost a quarter (24%) opted for a property behind electric gates, and 22% had a games room, with 7% installing a snooker table.
A walk-in wardrobe was absolutely necessary for 28%, almost a quarter (24%) chose a property behind electric gates, and 22% had a games room, with 7% installing a snooker table.
Jessica Andrews-Hanna at the University of Colorado said many students would probably zap themselves to cheer up a tedious lecture.
Jessica Andrews-Hanna at the University of Colorado said many students would probably give themselves an electric shock to cheer up a tedious lecture.
Hair is not involved in allergic reactions so testing hair samples cannot provide any useful information on allergic status.
Hair is not involved in allergic reactions so testing hair samples cannot provide any useful information on allergies.
As the housing crisis bites, a fifth of young adults are staying in the family home until they are at least 26 and the same proportion are not paying a penny towards their keep.
A fifth of young adults are staying in the family home until they are at least 26 and the same proportion are not paying a penny towards their keep.
We believe this 8% fee is unfair and that, if the chain values its staff, it should be paying them the total tips they are given by customers, said Chantal Chegrinec, campaigns of cer at Unite.
We believe this 8% fee is unfair and that, if the chain values its staff, it should be paying them the total tips they are given by customers, said Chantal Chegrinec of Unite.
Environmental and conservation groups have protested that the project will harm the habitats of protected species, but for most councillors here the issue is simple: jobs.
Environmental and conservation groups have protested that the project will harm the habitats of protected species, but for most of the council the issue is simple: jobs.
However, the most popular investments remain real estate mainly within India and jewellery.
However, the most popular investments are still real estate mainly within India and jewellery.
In his case, he said, the element of reciprocity he could offer to banks might lie in the insight he gleaned from years of obtaining bank loans fraudulently.
In his case, he said, he could offer banks the insight he got from years of obtaining bank loans fraudulently.
But download revenue peaked in 2013 in the UK at 283m and fell to 249m in 2014.
But download revenue reached a peak in 2013 in the UK at 283m and fell to 249m in 2014.
Unveiling a car with a top speed of 25mph, two seats and no pedals or steering wheel might not make much of an impression at a motor show.
A car with a top speed of 25mph, two seats and no pedals or steering wheel might not make much of an impression at a motor show.
Behind him, to the south, rises the equally sheer 1,800-metre peak known as Gaustatoppen.
Behind him, to the south, rises the 1,800-metre peak known as Gaustatoppen.
Whatever means are used to implant false memories, we need to be very aware of the ethical issues raised by such procedures the potential for abuse of such techniques cannot be overstated.
In whatever way we implant false memories, we need to be very aware of the ethical issues raised by such procedures the potential for abuse of such techniques cannot be overstated.
The Japanese team is believed to be considering three names for ununtrium: japonium, rikenium and nishinarium, after the Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, where the element was found.
The Japanese team is considering three names for ununtrium: japonium, rikenium and nishinarium, after the Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, where the element was found.
He would return to that coast throughout his life and it was where he painted some of his most dramatic oils and watercolours, describing its skies as the loveliest in all Europe.
He returned to that coast throughout his life and it was where he painted some of his most dramatic oils and watercolours.
The first inkling of an artwork Andersen called the Solspeil, or Sun mirror, came to him as the month of September began to fade: Every day, we would take our young child for a walk in the buggy, he says, and, every day, I realized we were having to go a little further down the valley to find the sun.
The idea of an artwork Andersen called the Solspeil, or Sun mirror, came to him at the end of one September: Every day, we would take our young child for a walk, he says, and, every day, I realized we were having to go a little further down the valley to find the sun.
The film, released in February, took more than $250m in the US and 31m in the UK by the first weekend in April.
The film, released in February 2014, took more than $250m in the US and 31m in the UK by the first weekend in April.
That movie will outline a rebel mission to steal the plans of the Death Star, a key plot element of the rst lm in 1977.
That movie will outline a rebel mission to steal the plans of the Death Star, a key part of the story in the rst lm in 1977.
In retirement, she wrote highly successful memoirs in two volumes and campaigned energetically on behalf of the Thatcher Foundation, which sought to promote her values around the world.
After she retired, she wrote highly successful memoirs and campaigned energetically for the Thatcher Foundation, which aimed to promote her values around the world.
The distance to Pluto 5bn km means it takes New Horizons hours to send back a single picture and it will take 16 months to send all the data it has accumulated during the fly-by.
The distance to Pluto 5bn km means it takes New Horizons hours to send back a picture and it will take 16 months to send back all the data.
For the next four years, researchers surveyed 165 of Americas richest households 120 of those households have at least $25m in assets.
For the next four years, researchers surveyed 165 of Americas richest households 120 of those households have at least $25m.
Illegal downloading is a kind of moral squalor and theft, as much as reaching in to someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
Illegal downloading is a kind of moral squalor and theft, as much as putting your hand in someones pocket and stealing their wallet is theft, says author Philip Pullman.
Guillaume Chapron from Swedens University of Agricultural Sciences and researchers across Europe found wolves, in some cases, living in suburban areas alongside up to 3,050 people per square kilometre higher than the population density of Cambridge or Newcastle.
Guillaume Chapron from Swedens University of Agricultural Sciences and researchers across Europe found wolves, in some cases, living in suburban areas alongside up to 3,050 people per square kilometre.
And, they have been surprised that many bars are not set up with big screens for the games.
And, they have been surprised that many bars do not have big screens for the games.
Winners have contributed almost 750m to gross domestic product (GDP), and generated more than 500m in tax receipts for the Exchequer.
Winners have contributed almost 750m to gross domestic product (GDP), and generated more than 500m in tax for the Exchequer.
Nor should this be surprising, for this is a truly special place.
This is not surprising because this is a very special place.
If he does not mate successfully soon with one of two female northern white rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, there will be no more of their kind, male or female, born anywhere.
If he does not mate successfully soon with one of two female northern white rhinos at Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, there will be no more rhinos like them, male or female, born anywhere.
The Stand with Malala petition, calling for education for the 57 million children around the world who do not go to school, has attracted more than four million signatures more than a million having been added shortly after Malalas speech.
The Stand with Malala petition, demanding education for the 57 million children around the world who do not go to school, has attracted more than four million signatures more than a million were added after Malalas speech.
Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam is also sinking by about 2cm a year but thats nothing compared to Jakarta, which is dropping 10 to 20cm annually.
Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam is also sinking by about 2cm a year but thats nothing compared to Jakarta, which is dropping 10 to 20cm each year.
This law does not allow the targeting of any US citizen or of any person located within the United States.
This law does not allow the targeting of any US citizen or of any person who is within the United States.
Ofcom devised a digital quotient, or DQ, test to put 800 children and 2,000 adults through their paces, which, rather than measuring intelligence, as an IQ test would, attempts to gauge awareness of and self-con dence around gadgets from tablets to smart watches, knowledge of superfast internet, 4G mobile- phone networks and mobile apps.
800 children and 2,000 adults took Ofcoms digital quotient, or DQ, test, which attempts to gauge awareness of and self-con dence around gadgets from tablets to smart watches, knowledge of superfast internet, 4G mobile- phone networks and mobile apps.
However, if appropriate measures are implemented, population ageing does not inevitably lead to significantly higher health care spending, according to the report, which highlights the importance of long-term investments in education and health care for older people.
However, population ageing does not always lead to significantly higher health care spending, according to the report, which highlights the importance of long-term investments in education and health care for older people.
After the disaster, Spain woke up to the fact that it possessed a place of real ecological importance and did a lot to clean it up and protect it, he added.
After the disaster, Spain realized that it had a place of real ecological importance and did a lot to clean it up and protect it, he added.
EU states should now support the Commissions proposals and ignore the whingeing from car makers that the rules are too tough.
European Union (EU) states should now support the Commissions proposals and ignore the whingeing from car makers that the rules are too strict.
The bill is a direct challenge to one introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy that would end domestic phone-records collection.
The bill is a direct challenge to another bill introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy that would end domestic phone-records collection.
After years of dithering, the city has finally unveiled a master plan for how it will proceed.
After years of dithering, the city finally has a plan for how it will proceed.
Other options to feed people include eliminating waste and increasing trade between countries in food surplus and those in deficit.
Other options to feed people include stopping waste and increasing trade between countries that have a food surplus and countries that dont have enough food.
Small and easy to transport relative to their value, they are the payment method of choice for tax dodgers, money launderers and drug barons.
Small and easy to transport relative to their value, they are the payment method that tax dodgers, money launderers and drug barons prefer to use.
Everybody faces scarce resources, but they should not forget that, when they make investment decisions, they should also address issues of old age.
Everybody has scarce resources, but they should not forget that, when they make investment decisions, they should also consider issues of old age.
As drugs go, it is the worst.
It is the worst kind of drug.
Its rewarding, Wells says, that a project he has worked on will help pets to become happier and healthier.
Wells finds it rewarding that a project he has worked on will help pets to become happier and healthier.
From glow-in-the-dark trees to underground bike sheds and solar-powered bins, we look at some of the more left eld solutions to help make our cities more livable.
There are many quirky solutions to help make our cities more livable, such as glow-in-the-dark trees, underground bike sheds and solar-powered bins.
In Elmas, the scheme has provoked mixed reactions.
In Elmas, the scheme has got mixed reactions.
Piscedda, however, is undeterred, remarking of his online critics: Probably, they are people that arent in need ... Every day, I deal with peoples problems and I have to do something to try to solve them.
Piscedda, however, says of his online critics: Probably, they are people that arent in need ... Every day, I deal with peoples problems and I have to do something to try to solve them.
We believe zero-hours contracts are essential in our organization, as we are very weather- dependent, a spokeswoman said.
We believe zero-hours contracts are essential in our organization, as we are very weather-dependent, a spokeswoman said.
In the UK, for example, children aged ten to 17 and young people under the age of 21 record the highest reoffending rates: almost three quarters and two thirds, respectively.
In the UK, for example, children aged ten to 17 and young people under the age of 21 have the highest reoffending rates.
Species that cause diarrhoea and nausea, both benign and bad E.coli (mostly benign), and the bacteria that can cause skin infections and urinary-tract infections were common all over the city.
Species that cause diarrhoea and nausea, as well as E.coli, and the bacteria that can cause skin infections and urinary-tract infections were common all over the city.
According to the IEAs Medium-Term Coal Market Report the world will burn 1.2bn more tonnes of coal per year by 2017 compared with today the equivalent of the current coal consumption of Russia and the US combined.
According to the IEAs Medium-Term Coal Market Report the world will burn 1.2bn more tonnes of coal per year by 2017 compared with today.
The drainpipe was 50 metres long and opened onto the waters of Hawkes Bay, on the east coast of New Zealands North Island.
The drainpipe was 50 metres long and led to the waters of Hawkes Bay, on the east coast of New Zealands North Island.
In his office overlooking the square, Rjukans energetic young mayor, Steinar Bergsland, is interested not so much in the cost but in the benefits the mirrors might bring to the town.
In his office overlooking the square, Rjukans young mayor, Steinar Bergsland, is interested not so much in the cost but in the benefits the mirrors might bring to the town.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we happen to have in our mind with bad or good high-variance ongoing events.
So, just like our mouse, it is quite possible we can associate what we happen to have in our mind with bad or good events.
This water then lls the citys foundations and bubbles up through drains and pipes, forcing sewage upwards and polluting its fresh water.
This water then lls the citys foundations and comes up through drains and pipes, forcing sewage upwards and polluting its fresh water.
This was a year of further creative triumph, bringing a fine album, Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), and its spinoff chart-topping single, Ashes to Ashes, followed by Bowies well-received stint as John Merrick in The Elephant Man on the Broadway stage.
This was a year of further creative triumph, bringing a fine album, Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), and its chart-topping single, Ashes to Ashes, followed by a period playing the title role in The Elephant Man on the Broadway stage.
Mathias, who works for the Baltimore City government, had Facebook and Twitter accounts for years before deleting them both in November 2012.
Mathias had Facebook and Twitter accounts for years before deleting them both in November 2012.
He told The Guardian that the applicants so far ranged in age from 18 to at least 62 and, though they include women, they tended to be men.
He told The Guardian that the applicants so far ranged in age from 18 to at least 62 and, though they include women, they were mostly men.
The dereliction can be agonizing for people struggling to keep a roof above their heads in one of the worlds most expensive cities.
The sight of the derelict properties can be agonizing for people who are struggling to keep a roof above their heads in one of the worlds most expensive cities.
Along with new names, the scientists must propose two-letter symbols for the elements.
Along with new names, the scientists must suggest two-letter symbols for the elements.
Van der Hoeven said that, without a high carbon price to discourage the growth in coal use and encourage cleaner technologies such as renewable power generation, only competition from lower-priced gas could realistically cut demand for coal.
Van der Hoeven said that, without a high carbon price to discourage the growth in coal use and encourage cleaner technologies such as renewable power, only competition from lower-priced gas could reduce demand for coal.
Its a source of frustration, admitted Abdullah, who has been in charge of Indias most sensitive state since the start of 2009.
Its frustrating, admitted Abdullah, who has been in charge of Indias most sensitive state since early 2009.
Im proud of what I did, he said in an interview by Skype from an undisclosed location.
Im proud of what I did, he said in an interview by Skype from a secret location.
Viennese-born Helena Hartlauer, 32, said she was not surprised at her citys top position.
Helena Hartlauer, 32, from Vienna, said she was not surprised at her citys top position.
They may not know who Steve Jobs was or even how to tie their own shoelaces, but the average six-year-old child understands more about digital technology than a 45-year-old adult, according to an authoritative new report.
They may not know who Steve Jobs was or even how to tie their own shoelaces, but the average six-year-old child understands more about digital technology than a 45-year-old adult, according to a new report.
We provide care and support for 3,500 people and they need it because this is such a rapidly progressing disease and its a costly one to manage.
We provide care and support for 3,500 people and they need it because this is such a rapidly progressing disease and its expensive to manage.
We are already involved in high tension transportation lines to cover the full south of Morocco and Mauritania as a rst step, says Ahmed Baroudi, manager of Societe dInvestissements Energetiques, the national renewable energy investment rm.
We are already involved in transportation lines to cover the full south of Morocco and Mauritania, says Ahmed Baroudi, manager of Societe dInvestissements Energetiques, the national renewable energy investment rm.
Digital formats now account for 39% of all music sales, or nearly 5.9bn out of 15bn, and, while sales of CDs and vinyl declined steeply in 2013, they still contribute just over half the industrys income.
Digital formats now account for 39% of all music sales, or nearly 5.9bn out of 15bn, and, while sales of physical formats, such as CDs and vinyl, declined steeply in 2013, they still contribute just over half the industrys income.
That fear of being ostracized at work is being blamed for a rise in stress-related illness, premature death and suicide.
That fear of being ostracized at work is the reason for a rise in stress-related illness, premature death and suicide.
But few here seem to expect things to get any better.
But few people here seem to expect things to get any better.
He is now in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, having flown down from Everest base camp that morning.
He is now in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal he flew down from Everest base camp that morning.