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Gambar Wilayah Persebaran Fauna di Indonesia | 468 | 269 | 0.321107 | id | 0.566231 | 0.000665 | Population of fauna in Indonesia | 3.55572 |
1065 Midtown at Loews Atlanta Condominium Rooftop Swimming Pool | 932 | 652 | 0.319855 | id | 0.057191 | 0.000246 | 1065 Midtown at Loews Atlanta Condominium Rooftop Swimming Pool | 4.73595 |
Mendikbud Muhadjir Effendy secara resmi meluncurkan media pembelajaran Penguatan Implementasi Nilai-nilai Pancasila, Kamis (29/11/2018), di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur. | 780 | 390 | 0.287472 | id | 0.052428 | 0.001716 | Muhadjir Effendy Officially Launched Learning Media Enhancement of Pancasila Values Implementation | 4.227253 |
Hongan-ji Nagoya Betsuin interior (1).JPG | 90 | 120 | 0.286857 | id | 0.091735 | 0.000099 | Hongan-ji Nagoya Betsuin interior (1).JPG | 4.839461 |
nike tanjun athletic shoes | 1,200 | 1,800 | 0.277967 | id | 0.05754 | 0.00004 | Nike athletic shoes | 5.108524 |
Ladies Mens Wash Bag Travel Toilet Bag Hanging Toiletries Makeup Cosmetic Bags | 200 | 112 | 0.281105 | id | 0.416587 | 0.000203 | Ladies Men Wash Bag Travel Toilet Bag Hanging Toiletries Makeup Cosmetic Bags | 4.122254 |
Comfort Inn in Lumberton, NC | 1,000 | 562 | 0.283725 | id | 0.18908 | 0.000058 | Comfort Inn in Lumberton, NC | 4.335654 |
Tiga Kategori Diperlombakan di ISDA 2021 | 150 | 150 | 0.261415 | id | 0.091773 | 0.001727 | Three categories mined at ISDA 2021 | 3.45895 |
Murat AKAN | 278 | 350 | 0.266253 | id | 0.513506 | 0.000025 | Murat will | 4.858282 |
Dinsos DKI Distribusikan Bantuan kepada 500 Orang Korban Kebakaran Pejagalan | 800 | 600 | 0.276917 | id | 0.078736 | 0.000831 | Dinsos DKI distributes aid to 500 victims of public fire | 4.491397 |
Dan Brown books | 320 | 240 | 0.339137 | id | 0.467605 | 0.000085 | and Brown Books | 3.744874 |
IIMS MotoBike Show 2020 sediakan ruang untuk penggemar sepeda | 540 | 360 | 0.36365 | id | 0.576224 | 0.002291 | IIMS MotoBike Show 2020 provides space for bicycle fans | 3.984687 |
Hamptons, rustic, deck, pool, water, | 160 | 100 | 0.260259 | id | 0.10671 | 0.007578 | Hamptons, rustic, deck, pool, water, | 4.918399 |
humanitarian_36 | 205 | 145 | 0.261062 | id | 0.045375 | 0.0001 | Humanitarian – 36 | 4.794381 |
Manfaat Semua Ponsel Android | 200 | 150 | 0.2676 | id | 0.235124 | 0.001263 | Benefits of all Android phones | 4.900384 |
Villa di Puncak Murah Untuk Keluarga Kapasitas 10-20 Orang10 | 1,280 | 1,280 | 0.283502 | id | 0.038923 | 0.001766 | Apartment for families with a capacity of 10-20 people | 4.586201 |
https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/wBJW1RASEj04JgveZ796Jw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU0MQ--/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/U4Q5sh9PZQTEb4ialoXhjg--~B/aD0zNzk7dz02NzM7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/https://media.zenfs.com/id/bola_hosted_196/f6949443939fc1ee4bed8dac462450f3 | Liverpool menumbangkan AC Milan pada fase grup B Liga Champions 2021/2022 di Anfield, Kamis (16/9/2021) dini hari WIB. (AFP/Paul Ellis) | 673 | 379 | 0.264958 | id | 0.23238 | 0.000138 | Liverpool defeated AC Milan in the B group stage of the Champions League 2021/2022 at Anfield, Thursday (16/9/2021) | 5.638272 |
https://i.chzbgr.com/full/7755729152/h7314BA2E/ | beer,samurai,sword,funny,asahi | 450 | 548 | 0.367781 | id | 0.109212 | 0.000019 | beer, samurai, sword, funny, asahi | 5.230589 |
44 Koleksi Gambar Burung Merak Png HD Terbaik | 1,280 | 854 | 0.280246 | id | 0.147348 | 0.000182 | 44 Collections of Best HD Pictures of Birds | 5.352591 |
Batgirl Display Magnet | 324 | 324 | 0.30089 | id | 0.142366 | 0.000242 | Batgirl Display Magnet | 4.381051 |
https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/391883884/149x198/85c590a63f/1540828367?v=1 | Deteksi Dini Masalah Tumbuh Kembang Anak Dr. Putri, Sp | 149 | 198 | 0.275555 | id | 0.41234 | 0.003636 | Early Detection of Child Growth Problems Dr. Princess, Sp | 3.897939 |
Oriol Servia, Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Honda | 800 | 533 | 0.268535 | id | 0.744042 | 0.001678 | Oriol Servia and Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Honda | 4.566386 |
Keren Parah 15 Wallpaper Desktop Yang Kocak Dan Kreatif Ini | 660 | 432 | 0.283342 | id | 0.108538 | 0.00276 | 15 Cool Desktop Wallpapers That Are Cheerful and Creative | 4.893094 |
Car 2 in 1 LCD Digital Water Temperature Meter Voltmeter Gauge + Sensor 12/24V | 300 | 300 | 0.310689 | id | 0.341754 | 0.000078 | Car 2 in 1 LCD Digital Water Temperature Meter Voltmeter Gauge + Sensor 12/24V | 4.726697 |
Yu Huang Da Di - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas | 260 | 385 | 0.275943 | id | 0.109346 | 0.000001 | Yu Huang Da Di - Wikipedia in Indonesian, free encyclopedia | 5.841033 |
http://elfquest.com/forums/uploads/imageupload/183/RP5S31LA3P1J.png | Leetah Soul Names | 894 | 1,128 | 0.265406 | id | 0.268496 | 0.092599 | The Soul Names | 5.29705 |
Nat Kankan Hat | 1,200 | 1,200 | 0.265525 | id | 0.134714 | 0.002336 | by Nat Kankan Hat | 4.882236 |
Benjamin Netanyahu | 1,000 | 541 | 0.311116 | id | 0.425877 | 0.003021 | by Benjamin Netanyahu | 4.635722 |
Three chocolate mushrooms in biogradable gift bag | 600 | 800 | 0.310985 | id | 0.039673 | 0.000309 | Three chocolate mushrooms in biogradable gift bag | 5.556626 |
Kapal Polres Labuhanbatu Tenggelam, Sejumlah Personel Hilang | 220 | 124 | 0.289867 | id | 1 | 0.031457 | Ship sinking, several people missing | 4.330757 |
Tahkiqat Khus al Mufardat By Sabar Multani | 600 | 460 | 0.273518 | id | 0.158386 | 0.000762 | Tahkiqat Khus al Mufardat by Sabar Multani | 4.212614 |
http://lh3.ggpht.com/3iHC1RSPQA4qF0iWvuUkXnQBOOAXG-emkG2qHaa133FhfOzkHcSwQYczZ_XW2ZcAQ-chsSRQOIpomoaQlux2Trk=h200 | Screenshot of Marbel Belajar Grammar | 133 | 200 | 0.304436 | id | 0.20284 | 0.055681 | Screenshot of Marbel Learning Grammar | 3.759996 |
DIJUAL MURAH TANAH di UBUD Untuk INVESTASI TJUB456 | 300 | 204 | 0.279778 | id | 0.754142 | 0.031113 | Sale of land in UBUD for investment in TJUB456 | 2.974523 |
tokoh-ipnu-biografi-singkat-kh-tolchah-mansoer-pendiri-ipnu-profesor-nu-yang terlupakan | 512 | 640 | 0.263894 | id | 0.225749 | 0.000415 | Tagged with: philosophy philosophy philosophy philosophy philosophy | 5.214561 |
Ilustrasi penis ereksi di pagi hari. | 750 | 500 | 0.291017 | id | 0.122908 | 0.026359 | Penis erection in the morning. | 5.143965 |
http://i.investopedia.com/content/short_article/credit_card_review_/platinumcard.amex_.cropped.png?width=680u0026height=680 | credit card review platinum american express axp jpm | 680 | 440 | 0.351582 | id | 0.89833 | 0.000007 | Credit Card Review Platinum American Express JPM | 5.38239 |
https://emaq.com.py/timthumb.php?src=https://emaq.com.py/images/productos/2021/29.png&a=t&w=95&h=95&q=90 | Generador POWERMAQ 6-GF-ME | 95 | 95 | 0.269465 | id | 1 | 0.000012 | Generator PowerMax 6-GF-ME | 4.289611 |
pink lemonade | 300 | 201 | 0.273676 | id | 0.02935 | 0.00006 | Pink lemonade | 4.917457 |
formasi lowongan cpns lembaga penerbangan dan antariksa nasional (lapan) | 150 | 150 | 0.268656 | id | 0.445363 | 0.06031 | cpns national aviation and space agency (eight) | 3.681415 |
Kabar Baik, Vaksinasi Tahap 2 bagi Lansia dan Pekerja Publik di Sulteng Dimulai Pekan Ini | 700 | 393 | 0.271491 | id | 0.191688 | 0.009127 | Kabar Baik, Vaksinasi Tahap 2 bagi Lansia dan Pekerja Publik di Sulteng Dimulai Pekan Ini | 4.800471 |
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/84HTmxUet0V3V8FqYJ8U-72PbKcyTHOdvsm7URrv914kt93wcA-CrjOhD9WMAB3WryZ2i_G7nTZQhTd4o5gMNes34wV_I3ZL3f0G9O037ZYggACcWCagKPvWmSxwSjYiADhw6dpk5S16ow=s0-d | 99+ Gambar Rumah Sakit Umum Bojonegoro Gratis Terbaru | 700 | 401 | 0.306451 | id | 0.101742 | 0.009307 | 99+ Latest Free Pictures of Bojonegoro Public Hospital | 4.037658 |
Menikah, Perempuan Ini Justru Difoto sebagai Tahanan | 380 | 199 | 0.268595 | id | 0.442952 | 0.148947 | Married, this woman just photographed as a prisoner | 4.42368 |
menurunkan kolestrol dengan kopi | 800 | 800 | 0.282679 | id | 0.158355 | 0.000279 | Reduce cholesterol with coffee | 4.437348 |
Used, ORIGINAL Tarkay Watercolor Painting (Sandy Springs, GA) for sale Columbus | 225 | 300 | 0.290664 | id | 0.206574 | 0.000006 | Used, ORIGINAL Tarkay Watercolor Painting (Sandy Springs, GA) for sale | 5.142023 |
<p>Salima Putri Tama merupakan anak Wishnutama dari pernikahannya dengan Gista Putri. (Foto: Instagram @salimaputritama)</p> | 200 | 113 | 0.271952 | id | 0.226436 | 0.000411 | Salima Princess Tama is Wishnutama's son from her marriage to Gista Princess. (Photo: Instagram @ | 4.162683 |
https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/secret-rp/images/2/26/Badge-love-5.png/revision/latest?cb=20140201175812 | File:Badge-love-5.png | 128 | 128 | 0.261261 | id | 0.098157 | 0.00002 | Filed to:Badge-love-5.png | 4.864631 |
Kudus Relay Marathon tantangan baru di kota bulu tangkis | 255 | 170 | 0.307529 | id | 0.45364 | 0.001608 | Holy Relay Marathon New Challenge in the City of Tangkis | 4.565608 |
Jambret Warga Karanganyar, Pria Asal Purworejo ini Diringkus Polisi | 960 | 720 | 0.271542 | id | 0.324467 | 0.000911 | Jambret of the people of Karanganyar, this man of Purworejo is encircled by the police | 4.90064 |
Mardi Himal Trek | 250 | 166 | 0.30269 | id | 0.133193 | 0.02123 | Mardi Himal Trek | 5.377472 |
55 acres Tom Fain Road, Geneva, AL 36340 (MLS #458791) :: Team Linda Simmons Real Estate | 640 | 480 | 0.26888 | id | 0.055942 | 0.000041 | 55 acres Tom Fain Road, Geneva, AL 36340 (MLS #458791) :: Team Linda Simm | 4.416439 |
http://www.radiopica.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/black-friday-buy-credit-card-34577-370x210.jpg | Bagaimana Mencari Ecommerce Fulfilment Services Yang Tepat Untuk Bisnis Online Anda | 370 | 210 | 0.284248 | id | 0.212964 | 0.000059 | How to Find the Right Ecommerce Fulfilment Services for Your Online Business | 4.810536 |
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/SIwavUNux9zBhuOqichrL_rvR5jaVr0FdwJZXfHQ2W1uCvIpKsbxp-EzRqLsNesLUWrZQiVFe7fvpW044fVLHi5feSDy8xEfXzdyJryvptOypDxX-UBBvUc=s0-d | Kubota Diesel Engine Repair Manual D905 D1005 D1105 V1205 | 474 | 613 | 0.273763 | id | 0.285496 | 0.000247 | Kubota diesel engine repair manual D905 D1005 D1105 V1205 | 3.989334 |
Count Basie - Sarah Vaughan in Hi-Fi (Holland - Import) | 491 | 500 | 0.32501 | id | 0.921847 | 0.000197 | Count Basie - Sarah Vaughan in Hi-Fi (Dutch - Import) | 4.798726 |
mesin exposure & pengering sablon (screen printing)-1 | 300 | 300 | 0.274356 | id | 1 | 0.000226 | Exposure & dryer sablon (screen printing)-1 | 4.523509 |
Hanukkah Bags, Custom Hanukkah Gift Bags, Hanukkah Party Favor Bags, Personalized Hanukkah Gift, Holiday Favor Bags, Hanukkah Gift Ideas | 340 | 270 | 0.35394 | id | 0.713815 | 0.000134 | Hanukkah Gift Bags, Custom Hanukkah Gift Bags, Hanukkah Party Favor Bags, Personalized | 4.007669 |
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-s1fBafNPf_w/UPv0SBGsGFI/AAAAAAAAkTo/MQ4-v9TteEU/s72-c/klt_pm-sultan006.jpg | Isyarat Jelas Sultan Kelantan ... PAS Kelantan MAKIN PANIK | 72 | 72 | 0.292492 | id | 0.050806 | 0.002993 | Signal of the Sultan of Kelantan... PAS Kelantan MAKIN PANIK | 4.686816 |
5 Alasan Mengapa Rencana Keuangan Penting Dalam Kehidupan | 500 | 337 | 0.280283 | id | 0.131926 | 0.001847 | 5 Reasons Why Financial Planning Is Important in Your Life | 5.139832 |
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HPZ0b3d_KnU/VdOuo4RaHBI/AAAAAAAAAF0/DRYx4_yP51k/s1600/salah%2Btulis.jpg | Ini Alasan Kenapa Barista Starbucks Selalu Salah Tulis Nama di Gelasmu | 657 | 437 | 0.307835 | id | 0.009393 | 0.000841 | This Is Why Starbucks Baristas Always Wrongly Write Your Name On Your Glass | 3.65267 |
http://static2.console-stickers.com/media/catalog/product/cache/4/small_image/295x295/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/g/h/ghx-bones-500.jpg | Guitar Hero X-plorer - Bones | 295 | 295 | 0.284095 | id | 0.163343 | 0.000011 | Guitar Hero X-plorer - Bones | 4.68337 |
Kembangkan Literasi Anak Melalui Dongeng di Hari Aksara Internasional | 365 | 365 | 0.314915 | id | 0.036538 | 0.072474 | Develop Children’s Literacy Through Fairy Tale on International Signature Day | 4.838359 |
Gambar Poster Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat | 564 | 564 | 0.26176 | id | 0.62793 | 0.096221 | Posts tagged clean and healthy behavior | 4.021551 |
Panduan bisnis online 5 langkah memulai bisnis online ... | 638 | 359 | 0.283832 | id | 0.363795 | 0.005013 | 5 Steps to Starting an Online Business | 4.326399 |
Presiden Jokowi Akan Resmikan MRT di Car Free Day Minggu Ini | 336 | 188 | 0.330795 | id | 0.144718 | 0.000372 | President Jokowi to announce MRT at Car Free Day this week | 5.145558 |
http://n.nordstrommedia.com/ImageGallery/store/product/Zoom/16/_7701356.jpg?crop=pad&pad_color=FFF&format=jpeg&w=60&h=90 | Alternate Image 1 Selected - New Era Cap 'Pipeline - New York Yankees' Baseball Cap | 1,100 | 1,687 | 0.267264 | id | 0.212114 | 0.000955 | Alternate Image 1 Selected - New Era Cap 'Pipeline - New York Yankees' Baseball Cap | 4.792274 |
Download lagu TITIP RINDU BUAT AYAH [KARAOKE] EBIET G ADE NADA WANITA CIS=DO | 320 | 180 | 0.267538 | id | 0.791343 | 0.03059 | Download song TITIP RINDU BUAT TATAH [KARAOKE] EBIET G ADE NADA W | 3.439053 |
17540 Aqua Springs Ave., Nampa, ID 83687 (MLS #98744482) :: Full Sail Real Estate | 640 | 426 | 0.272016 | id | 0.02262 | 0.000001 | 17540 Aqua Springs Ave., Nampa, ID 83687 (MLS #98744482) :: Full Sail | 4.989131 |
Led 6 Sisi 2 Set /Sepasang untuk reflektor dual keen headlamp lampu | 300 | 300 | 0.286663 | id | 0.765946 | 0 | Led 6 Side 2 Set/Pair for Reflector Dual Axial Headlamp Light | 3.757535 |
Rp1,35mily Rumah Dijual | 618 | 412 | 0.261849 | id | 0.018973 | 0.010267 | R155 house for sale | 3.94229 |
Foto 4 - Makanan di Taliwang Bali oleh Oppa Kuliner (@oppakuliner) | 312 | 208 | 0.306458 | id | 0.893661 | 0.043831 | Photo 4 - Food in Bali by Oppa Kuliner (@oppakuliner) | 4.538161 |
Tenda Mewah - Kamar Tamu | 1,000 | 666 | 0.275524 | id | 0.255833 | 0.002055 | Luxury Room - Guest Room | 5.22036 |
Tim Hukum Prabowo soal Bukti Link Berita: Lihat Saja di Persidangan | 210 | 118 | 0.319467 | id | 0.36639 | 0.007559 | Prabowo’s Legal Team on Evidence Link News: Just Look at the Court | 4.164008 |
brugt Peugeot Expert L2H2 2,0 HDI 128HK Van 6g | 400 | 300 | 0.298471 | id | 0.116833 | 0.000006 | Peugeot Expert L2H2 2.0 HDI 128HK Van 6g | 5.048128 |
Parent Profile Deborah Jo DJ Ross_General | 600 | 359 | 0.27636 | id | 0.286295 | 0.000533 | Parent profile Deborah Jo DJ Ross_General | 5.029603 |
Segelintir penumpang pesawat terlihat di Terminal 3 Keberangkatan Bandara Internasional Changi, Singapura, Minggu sore (17/01/2021) | 750 | 500 | 0.3477 | id | 0.063223 | 0.000887 | Some passengers were seen at Terminal 3 of Changi International Airport departure, Singapore, Sunday afternoon (17/01/202 | 5.149464 |
Pondok Mingin, Tanjung Morawa (Closed) | 480 | 320 | 0.298477 | id | 0.822424 | 0.072926 | Pondok Mingin, Tanjung Morawa (Closed) | 4.553695 |
DIY Stamped Lemon Tote Bag | 190 | 300 | 0.334385 | id | 0.724162 | 0.000071 | DIY Lemon Tote Bag | 4.413716 |
Anak-anak sekolah Korea Utara melakukan kerja bakti membersihkan sebuah lapangan di Pyongyang, 16 Juni lalu (foto: ilustrasi). | 250 | 141 | 0.351311 | id | 0.393653 | 0.017194 | North Korean schoolchildren clean up a field in Pyongyang on June 16 (photo: illustration). | 4.465151 |
https://1940airterminal.agiliron.net/store.1940airterminal.org/product_thumb.php?img=//var/www/subdomains/store.1940airterminal.org/httpdocs/collateral/../collateral/store.1940airterminal.org/images/products/17.jpg&w=200&h=111&osCsid=d4o5ejjrpka88ii11dic491n84 | Membership - Individual | 200 | 111 | 0.320624 | id | 0.361038 | 0.000017 | Membership - Individual | 4.755267 |
Ini informasi apa yang baru di Software SABDA versi ini ©2012 Yayasan Lembaga SABDA | 638 | 479 | 0.263346 | id | 0.361065 | 0.000452 | This information is what’s new in Software SABDA this version ©2012 SABDA Foundation | 3.354375 |
Seorang Fans Mereplika Berbagai Scene & Karakter dalam Manga Horor Junji Ito 9 | 500 | 392 | 0.301552 | id | 0.63396 | 0.000124 | A fan replicates various scenes and characters in the horror manga Junji Ito 9 | 5.100129 |
foto Arles 181 | 1,024 | 768 | 0.298039 | id | 0.047804 | 0.000169 | Photo by Arles 181 | 5.338491 |
Kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Fragmentasi Sistem Kesehatan | 512 | 653 | 0.273093 | id | 0.415764 | 0.001297 | Funding and Fragmentation of Health Systems | 3.497272 |
37 Foto Desain Rumah Minimalis Gaya Bali Paling Banyak di ... | 1,240 | 775 | 0.297086 | id | 0.148355 | 0.000994 | 37 Pictures of minimalist style Bali house design most in the... | 4.773083 |
Pusat Obat Penghilang Tato Permanen Semarang - www.iklanmu.info : Toko Online, Jual Beli, Lowongan Kerja, Pasang Iklan Gratis | 640 | 480 | 0.272942 | id | 0.650112 | 0.000337 | Online Shop - www.iklanmu.info : Online Shop, Buy, Job Offer, Free Advertising | 3.544474 |
10 Tips untuk Hadapi Persaingan di Dunia Bisnis Online | 1,000 | 628 | 0.270429 | id | 0.316643 | 0.000022 | 10 Tips to Face Competition in the Online Business World | 5.120154 |
Multnomah Falls | 200 | 300 | 0.280999 | id | 0.175262 | 0.000003 | Multnomah Falls | 5.753565 |
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle akan memuat karakter-karakter dari franchise yang sempat ditangani oleh Arc System Works. | 600 | 338 | 0.304784 | id | 0.21607 | 0.000018 | BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle will feature characters from the franchise handled by Arc System Works. | 5.245521 |
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Ed Sheeran Guitar Chord Songbook | eBay | 526 | 806 | 0.279456 | id | 0.666635 | 0.001899 | Ed Sheeran Guitar Chord Songbook | 3.883518 |
kemeja putih buat jas | 320 | 426 | 0.291697 | id | 0.355512 | 0.000243 | White shirt for a coat. | 3.958099 |
sepeda motor termahal di dunia | 400 | 313 | 0.279485 | id | 0.058352 | 0.000001 | The most expensive motorcycle in the world | 4.92184 |
Morris 12弦 | 320 | 320 | 0.264017 | id | 0.046639 | 0.000008 | Morris 12 Strings | 4.31882 |
UT Elder Abuse Awareness Day FB Post.png | 193 | 161 | 0.335822 | id | 0.494651 | 0.000066 | UT Elder Abuse Awareness Day FB Post.png | 4.27002 |
http://a.espncdn.com/i/eticket/20080911/images/david_image.jpg | David Diaz | 440 | 361 | 0.272728 | id | 0.491801 | 0.00223 | David Diaz | 5.59302 |
Rp2,59mily Rumah Dijual | 618 | 412 | 0.263314 | id | 0.152427 | 0.000292 | 59.5 million houses for sale | 4.908187 |
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-amrzixKEF9g/UvhLx3EAofI/AAAAAAAAEMY/n4THv9gGwPg/s1600/PKS%2BTv2.png | PKS TV - AKTUAL dan TERPERCAYA | 202 | 62 | 0.280187 | id | 0.5 | 0.009165 | CCTV - Current and Trusted | 4.485668 |
Kabinet Jokowi: Prabowo jadi menteri pertahanan, pengamat militer: Pandangannya 'bahaya' | 480 | 270 | 0.33208 | id | 0.412096 | 0.000213 | Jokowi’s Cabinet: Prabowo becomes defense minister, military observer: his view is ‘dangerous’ | 5.029777 |
Air Jordan 1 Retro Low 553558-091 | 800 | 800 | 0.269857 | id | 0.144895 | 0.000257 | Air Jordan 1 Retro Low 553558-091 | 5.166152 |
http://www.robertneralich.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Ak4-300x149.jpg | Crispin Akerman_paintings | 300 | 149 | 0.275137 | id | 0.795303 | 0.000004 | Crispin Akerman_paintings | 5.406958 |
http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.nPuJvRQanouEB3-KIb4U9wHaFQ | pt bank syariah bni lowongan kerja pt bank bni syariah industrial relation | 474 | 336 | 0.31115 | id | 0.453395 | 0.000297 | PT bank syariah bni job offer PT bank bni syariah industrial relationship | 4.582597 |
Subsets and Splits