XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, Florida XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Date of Birth : XX/XX/XXXX Re : This is not a regular dispute. Take action immediately you are in violation. Its very obvious that your agency doesnt know what the FCRA is because from the looks of my credit report and all the errors i see you are disregarding it so heres my breakdown. 1.The Fair Credit Reporting Act is the primary federal law that governs the collection and reporting of credit information about consumers. Its rules cover how a consumer 's credit information is obtained, how long it is kept, and how it is shared with othersincluding consumers themselves. 2. What is a FCRA violation? Creditors give reporting agencies inaccurate financial information about you. Reporting agencies mixing up one person 's information with another 's because of similar ( or same ) last name or social security number. Agencies fail to follow guidelines for handling disputes. 3. My rights under the fair credit reporting act Verify the accuracy of my report when it is required for employment purposes. Receive notification if information in my file has been used against me in applying for credit or other transactions. Disputeand have the bureaus correct and deleteinformation in my report that is incomplete, inaccurate, and unverifiable. Remove outdated, negative information ( after seven years in most cases, 10 in the case of bankruptcy ). I demand these items be deleted immediately. I entered the items and the outcome I desire below because you are in violation and these items are not 100 % accurate and they are either INACCURATE, Unverifiable and Invalidated.. i recently applied for extended credit and was denied i am in distress because of your mistakes. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to dispute certain inaccurate and questionable information that is currently being reported on my credit file. As a consumer, I am well aware of my rights under various federal laws, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act ( FCRA ), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA ), Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act ( FACT ACT ), Truth in Lending Act ( TILA ), Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ( RESPA ), Equal Credit Opportunity Act ( ECOA ), and Fair Credit Billing Act ( FCBA ). FCRA ( Fair Credit Reporting Act ) : The FCRA mandates that consumer reporting agencies must provide accurate and up-to-date information on credit reports. I believe that the following entries on my credit report do not comply with the FCRA : XXXX XXXX : Account Number : XXXX XXXX : Account Number : XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX : Date of Inquiry : XX/XX/XXXXXXXX XXXX : Date of Inquiry : XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX : Date of Inquiry : XX/XX/XXXX XXXX : Date of Inquiry : XX/XX/XXXX XXXX : Date of Inquiry : XX/XX/XXXX XXXX : Date of Inquiry : XX/XX/XXXX XXXX : Date of Inquiry : XX/XX/XXXX FDCPA ( Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ) : I am also invoking my rights under the FDCPA, which regulates debt collectors and their conduct. I believe that the credit inquiries mentioned above could be related to debt collection activities. As such, I request verification of these inquiries and proof that they comply with the FDCPA. FACT ACT ( Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act ) : The FACT ACT provides consumers with the right to request and dispute free credit reports once a year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies. I am exercising this right to dispute the information mentioned in my credit report. TILA ( Truth in Lending Act ) : Under the TILA, consumers have the right to receive accurate and clear information regarding the terms and conditions of credit accounts. The accounts listed under " XXXX XXXX '' and " XXXX '' are unfamiliar to me, and I demand proper validation of these accounts as per the TILA. RESPA ( Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ) : Though my dispute doesn't directly involve real estate transactions, I want to ensure that my rights under RESPA are preserved should any relevant circumstances arise. ECOA ( Equal Credit Opportunity Act ) : The ECOA prohibits credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or receipt of public assistance. I expect that all items on my credit report are based on objective and non-discriminatory criteria. FCBA ( Fair Credit Billing Act ) : Under the FCBA, consumers have the right to dispute billing errors on their credit accounts. The accounts listed under " XXXX XXXX, '' " XXXX, '' " XXXX XXXX, '' " XXXX, '' " XXXX, '' " XXXX, '' and " XXXX '' appear to be inquiries related to credit applications. However, I have no recollection of authorizing these inquiries, and I believe they may be erroneous billing entries. As such, I request an investigation into these inquiries and their immediate removal. Additional Dispute : Furthermore, I dispute the following entry on my credit report : XXXX : Account Number : XXXX I am unable to recognize this business or the associated account. I urgently request an investigation into its validity as per the FCRA. According to the FCRA, you are required to conduct a reasonable investigation into my disputes within 30 days and provide me with a written response detailing the actions taken. I also request that you correct or remove any inaccurate information found during your investigation. Please find attached copies of relevant documents supporting my identity and address. Additionally, I ask that you notify all entities that have received my credit report within the past six months about the disputed items and rectifications, as required by the FCRA. Failure to comply with the FCRA and other relevant laws may result in further legal action to protect my rights as a consumer. I trust that you will handle this matter with the utmost diligence and provide a timely resolution. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to receiving your response within the statutory 30-day period. Sincerely, XXXX XXXX
The date started in XXXX to XXXX for the interest for the the month to month with the bank I called an the person on the phone said that they would give the interest but they were at the house because of COVID break from home they answered the call, should of been the monthly interest
I am writing this complaint to cfpb versus Equifax, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX in hopes to gain removal from reporting any negative claim ( s ) asserted inadequately or undemonstrated to be so thereby ensuring my confidence in their reporting integrity. My complaint ( s ) primarily are due to my belief the indicated company has failed to adequately ensure reporting of my personal consumer credit report profile in fact has been done and currently reports appropriately and ONLY so undeniably ethical, fair, truthful, within federally-defined timeliness, with physically verifiableness, and elsewise certifiably validated to be compliant to established mandatorily utilized XXXX Data-filled Field Formatted Reporting Standards without omissions and or deviations from that required used appropriateness which ensures a non-jeopardized degree of integrity reporting allegations versus me satisfying at least the minimal criterion to satisfy the federal and my state 's applicable regulatory mandates for reporting to an extent no lesser than that of a MAXIMUM POSSIBILE ACCURACY AND MAXIMUM POSSIBILITY OF COMPLETENESS! The company indicated either fails to report fairly and to their own industry 's established mandatorily utilized XXXX Compliant standards thereby giving me legitimate concerns the negative information portrayed by the company is either ( i ) not meeting of my state 's applicable regulatory mandates and or expected abided by requisite standards, ( 2 ) is deficient or not proven not to be deficient of the federal regulatory requirements for lawful reporting practices, procedures and processes ( i.e. Standards ) that are deliberately in place to better ensure each any and all claims of negativity versus each any and all consumers by each any and all data reporting furnisher ( s ) and or accepted by each any or all consumer credit reporting repository ( ies ) is in fact done so without deviation from that expected adhered to standard of factually fair, true, correct, timely, adequately complete, confirmed verifiable and validated claims testifiably asserted to that aforementioned maximum possible accuracy and completeness. My contention is the company mention either in ignorance of their own reporting necessities or in willful recklessness and likely willful dereliction has elected to report information not credible in eyes of even their own governing body 's outlined opinion as indicated in XXXX 'S own XXXX manual ( see XXXX 3-4 ) on which is plain as day stated " ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE STANDARDS ( XXXX ) JEOPARDIZES THE INTEGRITY ( believability, if you will ) OF THE DATA ( alleged as reported when reported how was reported, obviously ) '' thereby allowing my concerns to be deemable legitimate giving me the RIGHT I've exercised to CONTEST the indicated company 's inadequately asserted but very conditional PRIVILEGE to report information provably versus me. In my contesting of their privilege to report in this circumstance related to this filed cfpb notice I as well did forward previously not successfully responded to and even here and now currently demanded answered CHALLENGE to the mentioned indicated company for them to demonstrate document proof confirming the information alleged versus me in fact is meeting each any and all aspects of any requisites particularly that of any federally regulated reporting requirements and undoubtable in its assertion of certifiably compliant reporting practices, procedures and processes supposedly in place intended to increase the probity and trustworthiness of each any and all data alleged versus me. As consumer I have a RIGHT to demand any reporter follow practices of ethical reporting yielding only applicably fair, true, correct, timely, complete proven ( provable ) declarational overments versus me with antipodal antithesis, imo unjustly even hence my here n now rightful complaint and request said argued information derogatory to my otherwise positive credit worthiness making me appear potentially delinquent even if unproven I ever was. I DEMAND THAT THE INDICATED DEFICIENTLY REPORTING COMPANY TO BECOME COMPLIANT IN THEIR REPORTING OF ANY CLAIM MADE VERSUS AND OR ABOUT AND OR CONCERNING ME particularly NOW AND HEREFORWARD without deviating from that standard and any applicable regulatory mandates otherwise necessarily abided by in exact accordance with now and then-current laws for reporting competence in total proficiency in its adequacy of their asserted consumer credit reporting historic record ( s ). My demands for demonstrated document proof of their adherence to reporting pertinence as is required of them fell unsatisfied even to this date thereby forcing my hand to request cfpb Authoritative intervention prior to my potentially necessary request and petition for a civil court 's justifiable intervention to forcibly bring about the expected rendered fairness and adequacy of the indicated company 's reporting behaviors, regulated by law! Please act now to have Equifax, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX remove from reporting and their own records ANY aspect of any claim unproven to meet satisfactorily at least the minimal criterion to have earned that privilege to initially report much less continually to report. I demand ( [ information inadequately reported such as account name, account number, account 's alleged primary negativity type-charge off for example-and so on necessary to highlight what precise information led to your contesting the company 's assumed privilege to report ] ) to be immediately and permanently annulled and or otherwise eradicated from current and any potential future attempts of reporting until and unless the indicated company in fact demonstrates provable adequacy in its suggested certifiably compliant reporting practices, procedures and processes leading to negative assertions being justifiably levied versus me in contradiction to my otherwise genuinely credible consumer payment history and appropriate consumer credit behaviors! Again, I am well within my RIGHTS TO DEMAND EVIDENCE OF REPORTING APPROPRIATENESS, HENCE MY ENACTING OF SAID RIGHTS.
When I reviewed my credit report, I discovered that some of the information was erroneous. The 3 credit bureaus must validate this account in line with Sections 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ) and 611 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ). It is not authorized to fail to validate this reporting account as unverified information without providing any proof within the period allowed by law. The following accounts need to investigate and corrected for erroneous reporting in my file are listed on my credit report XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX : {$180.00}
I have requested a copy of the contract with my ink signature to prove that the debt Gurstel is trying to collect on is in fact my debt since I have been and currently am in an active XXXX XXXX bankruptcy. I have provided Gurstel with this request via certified mail. In turn Gurstel continues to send correspondence to my previous address in hopes that I will not get it in time and they can get away with not sending the proper paperwork. I will be attending the court date and bringing my own legal representation. The amount of the debt is not the issue here, it is the fact that they have not followed procedure to reach out to my trustee to confirm my bankruptcy and they are violating my FCPA rights. I will not call this creditor as they keep insisting, everything will be done via certified mail so that I have the evidence to provide on our court date.
I have to more 90 days waiting for the response of the credit bureaus, because I have inaccurate information on my credit report. I have negative accounts that should not be on my credit report, accounts that are not negative showing as they are, inquiries that I didn't authorized. I waited too much for the response of the credit bureaus.
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act. The List of accounts below has violated my federally protected consumer rights to privacy and confidentiality under 15 USC 1681. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions 15 U.S.C 1681c. ( a ) ( 5 ) Section States : no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years. 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2 ( A ) ( 1 ) A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate
When I investigated my credit report, I realized that some of the information was erroneous. XXXX, XXXX and TransUnion are required to authenticate this account. It is not acceptable to treat this reporting account as unconfirmed information without producing proof within the legal time range. Please investigate the unverifiable account below : XXXX XXXX Balance : {$0.00}
1. I contracted with a moving company ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) for moving services and charged two deposits for the move ( {$930.00} and {$200.00} ). 2. On the day of the move ( XX/XX/XXXX ), the moving company showed up and attempted to DOUBLE the cost of the move without approval, notice, or any agreement on our part. It was an attempt to extort money. 3. I refused to be taken advantage of by the moving company and cancelled the move. 4. I immediately ( that day in front of the moving company ) called Chase and asked Chase to stop payment of the deposit charges was engaging in deceptive and fraudulent practices. 5. We made a separate agreement with a moving company and proceeded forward with the move. 6. Written documentation ( XX/XX/XXXX ) was sent to Chase regarding the disputed charges. 7. Since that time ( over 3 years now ) Chase has continually responded that the charges were valid for two reasons : A. We did not cancel by giving the required 10 day notice. B. The company provided Chase with a " bill of lading '' for the move 8. A. I do not believe it is reasonable to enforce a 10 day cancelation policy when the company attempted to double our charges on the day of the move. That is not a reasonable expectation or reason Chase should deny our claim to have the charges removed as requested on the day of the move. Chase was properly notified and no services were provided by XXXX. B. The " bill of lading '' provided to Chase by XXXX was not a " bill of lading, '' it was a pre-move list of items to be moved ... clearly dated XX/XX/XXXX. The move did not occur until XX/XX/XXXX. This has been documented and sent to Chase over and over, yet Chase refuses to credit our account.
My issue is that I have 2 accounts XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX that are this reporting negative credit information and the 7-year rule is in effect. Both accounts in question 1st became delinquent over 7 years ago. I disputed this with all 3 credit bureaus and not only did they not fix the problem, they also didn't properly investigate the matter. Not even the creditors were able to verify what we requested. My complaint today is with XXXX, XXXX, and Equifax. Hoping to get this resolved and appreciate your help.
I had a CD in the amount of {$6200.00} that matured on XX/XX/2007. My family misplaced the paperwork and recently found it again. It did not roll over as anticipated. HSBC says that they sent it to New York State 's unclaimed funds, but our searches on the unclaimed funds database do not show it there. I would like to claim these funds and have HSBC identify their location. Thank you.
I did not initiate these Accounts and I believe they are fraudulent. I am requesting that you take appropriate action to investigate and remove them from my credit report. I have attached the necessary documents to support my claim.
My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX there is no third party involved in the filing of this complaint and this complaint has not been made in error.
I submitted a letter to the 3 Credit Bureaus to discard this suspicious information. I think you have not validated these accounts in accordance with Sections 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ) and 611 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ), and I will pursue legal action against them. This was already included in my prior COMPLAINT #, and I'm including it again. I need these accounts to be deleted immediately : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
Repeated robo/computer-animated voice calls from XXXX (? ) for XXXX XXXX (? ), which we have never heard of, used, or owed money to. There is no " XXXX '' hospital (? ) where we live. We have excellent credit and have never had overdue bills anywhere. We have received but have not answered telephone calls ( and a number of voice mails ) from ( XXXX ) XXXX on the following XXXX dates/times as documented on our Caller ID : XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX ; XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX. It's time for this scam/harassment to stop.
I've disputed at least 3 times with Equifax about inaccurate information thats not mine from accounts from XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX. They keep verifying that its mine. I tell them that its not and request to see whats in my credit file to see if I can match it with my records, but they refuse to disclose this info. The information on these accounts are inaccurate and hurting my ability to obtain credit and causing me to pay higher interest rates. I want it removed from my account immediately. I've attached actual pages in my report that I got from Equifax in XX/XX/2018. Not a reseller, but Equifax. I've circled and notated all the mistakes.
On XXXX I got a notification from XXXX that I made a late payment on either XXXX XXXX cc or XXXX XXXX and lost XXXX. I was not late on either account. Even XXXX and XXXX did not report this. It's hurting my credit alot. Please remove this designation. You can see in attached forms Equifax I was late 2 months ago and other 5-6 yrs.
I contacted the Credit Agencies in an effort to get them to remove fraudulently reporting accounts and inquiries from my credit file. The following fraud accounts are reporting on with the following Credit Agencies : XXXX is Reporting the following fraud accounts : 1. Law Offices - XXXX XXXX XXXX 2. XXXX - XXXX XXXX XXXX ( 3 Accounts ) 3. XXXX - XXXX XXXX 4. XXXX XXXX XXXX is Reporting the following fraud accounts : 1. XXXX XXXX Experian is Reporting the following fraud accounts : 1. XXXX XXXX Please assist in helping me to get the following items removed
On XX/XX/2021 I sent a letter regarding inaccurate and unknown things on my credit report to this day over 60 days later i have not received a response yet. I feel like i am being taken advantage of and i am being ignored of my dispute section 611 ( a ), it is plainly stated that a failure to investigate these within 30 days give a reason to immediately remove these items from my credit report it has been over 60 days, so they should be deleted promptly i demand these accounts be delete it immediately or i will file for litigation due to the stress you caused me. My information was also impacted by equifax data breach and may have got into the hands of the wrong person.
I have raised a dispute on this account and attempted to contact the company/creditors several times without success. On my credit record, this account is incorrectly reported.
XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has been paid in full, they have added a remark that the account has been closed. The account has been PAID IN FULL. Due to the account being classified as " CLOSED '' this reflects as a negative mark on my credit. This account has been PAID IN FULL, there have not been any late payments, this account should be in GOOD standing, yet XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has classified this as a CLOSED account with negative/derogatory status. Please CORRECT this on Trans Union.
XXXX XXXX XXXX sent a notice back in XX/XX/XXXX in which i called as soon as I got the bill. It was an old bill from XXXX XXXX. I was willing to settle the debt since it had hit collection however the amount on the bill was not the amount I was told my last bill was going to be. After speaking to the representative, I was told if I paid the amount I could today and then call XXXX XXXX to try to get them to lower the bill, they should be able to take the payment I had just made. Unfortunately, that did n't work. After making half the amount owed, this collection company still sent me to collections due to lack of payment. I told them I wanted to settle and I know how agencies work. I have this call recorded, just like they should. I would like for this to be removed from all 3 credit bureaus. I have kept my report clean, and have been working to keep it that way, but his is ridiculous. Dates range from XX/XX/XXXX until XX/XX/XXXX
Pursuant the Fair Credit Reporting Act 15 USC 1681 section 602 a states " There is a need to insure that the consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumer 's right to privacy ''. XXXX. Experian and XXXX are consumer reporting agencies and I am the Consumer. I have the right to make sure my private information is not shared which is backed by 15 USC 6801 and states " It is the policy of the Congress that each financial institution has an affirmative and continuing obligation to respect the privacy of it's costumers and to protect the security and confidentiality of those customers ' nonpublic personal information. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is a financial institution by definition under that title. 15 USC 1681 section 604 a section 2 states " In general subject to subsection ( c ), any consumer reporting agency may furnish a consumer report under the following circumstances and no other : in accordance with the written instructions of the consumer to whom it relatesXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX the financial institution and the Consumer reporting agencies XXXX, Experian and XXXX do not have my consent to furnish this information and they certainly do not have my written consent. Any and all consent to XXXX, Experian, XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX whether it be verbal, non-verbal, written, implied or otherwise is REVOKED. 15 USC 6802 ( b ) ( c ) states " A financial may not disclose nonpublic personal information to a nonaffiliated third party unless -- the consumer is given an explanation of how the consumer can exercise that nondisclosure option. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX has yet to inform me of my right to exercise my nondisclosure option. Furthermore, 15 USC 1681 ( a ) ( 5 ) states " Except as authorized under subsection ( b ), no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years. '' This account is an adverse item that the company is reporting without my permission which is against the law. 15 USC 1681 s-2 ( a ) ( 1 ) a states " A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate. 15 USC 1681 e states " Every consumer reporting agency shall maintain reasonable procedures designed to AVOID violations of section 1681c of this title and to limit the furnishing of consumer reports to the purposes listed under section 1681b of this title '' XXXX, Experian and XXXX are not maintaining reasonable procedures. Also, 12 CFR 1016.7 states " A consumer may exercise the right to opt out at any time. '' I am opting out of your reporting services.
In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act XXXX XXXX XXXX Account # XXXX, XXXX XXXX Account # XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX # XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX Account # XXXX, Account # XXXX, Account # XXXX, Account # XXXX violated my rights 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A States I have the rights to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 604 A section 2. It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions.15 U.S.C 1681s -2 ( A ) ( 1 ) States that a person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate.15 U.S.C. 1681c ( A ) ( 5 ) No consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information. Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedate 's the report by more than seven years. I have received letters from different credit reporting agency on these accounts listed above that was DELETED for inaccurate reporting on my credit report. Some accounts has come back verified. I have asked for the method of verification several times but NO response.
I have submitted multiple fraud disputes to Experian based on a trade line that is reporting as a charge off on my credit report. I contacted both the original creditor and the entity that purchased the debt second hand after default. The secondary creditor conducted a fraud review and subsequently removed the negative reporting from my credit report. I have contact the original creditor multiple times and have been told that they are no longer reporting this line item and that I should contact Experian directly. I have attempted to work with Experian multiple times, raising multiple disputes regarding this issue and they continue to report this negatively on my credit report.
Pursuant to the FCRA, the account below has violated my protected consumer rights provided by the federal state under 15 USC 1681. Account name : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 15 USC 1681 section 602 A States I have a right to privacy. 15 USC 1681 Section 604 A section 2 further states a consumer reporting agency CAN NOT furnish an account without my written instructions. I have not given any such permissions or authorization to furnish the above account on any of my credit reports. Being the litigious consumer that I am, I am confident that we can have this item removed before any court suit documents need to be filed.
Back on XX/XX/XXXX I had paid for a online store from XXXX XXXX for {$150.00} from a XXXX and XXXX. This was done first by transferring the funds from my bank XXXX XXXX XXXX to my CashApp debit card via XXXX, because for some reason XXXX couldn't process a debit card and the only way to pay was by their CashApp business account, which was why I had the funds transferred from my bank to my cashapp debit card. Made the purchase, communication was great, was even told they may be a delay for a few days because they were 'moving to a new location ' which was fine. I even made a purchase of another store, but with a different checking account ( business ) because I couldn't use the same email, also the same way but using a different cash app account ( also business account ). This was back in towards end of XXXX. Around beginning of XXXX when I've asked about the status of when I should have the online stores completed and delivered to XXXX, I didn't get a response. Sent numerous emails, still no response, and the telephone number does not work.So I've reached out to CashApp and explained what happened, they requested for more info which I've provided, but all I got back was a canned generic response which did not helped me at all. This was going around in a circle. So being frustrated, I've reached out to my bank to see if they can help me. A nice lady did, said she get this all the time, and gave me the credit. I did not still heard back from XXXX and XXXX from XXXX, but I did from CashApp asking me again about the info and I've responded that my bank has granted me the credit. Thought it was resolved until this morning on XX/XX/XXXX I was charged {$150.00} on my personal checking and business checking account! Called XXXX and was told by a XXXX it was because it was out of their responsibility because it was a CashApp transaction?? CashApp did not help me at all, and in the meantime I have no store, and I'm out {$300.00}!! Please help, I can not afford to lose {$300.00} Thank you so much! XXXX
I contacted XXXX a week ago, asking why was I declined for a XXXX and the reason states that I dont pay enough of my balance. Yet I have paid in full. XXXX support completely has ignored me for a week, this type of support is ok for a tech company. But is not ok for a credit company. This is both scary, and insane. XXXX is building a monopoly on financial services, conquering the digital world. Yet they refuse to hold themselves to any type of standard.
For months this company has been reporting inaccurate, unverifiable erroneous things on my credit report and ruining my credit score and I am sick of it. This company has ruined my credit score so bad I got denied a loan for my house!! Now I can not provide for my family because of these derogatory marks. These medical bills and other derogatory collection accounts listed on my credit report, are incorrect and NOT mine. Simply verifying that someone used my name, social security number and/or address is insufficient to confirm that I am the person in question and owe this debt. The court has ruled that in Hinkle v. Midland Credit Management , IncXXXX, that during a dispute and subsequent investigation with the original creditor, collector or a credit bureau, that the original creditor or collector, must provide account-level documentation that would hold up when presented to a jury. That means an original contract or similar proof. To this end, I am demanding an itemized bill to be sent to me! The account information that this company is providing can not be proven because they do not have the original signed document saying that I owe them a debt which is A direct violation of my CIVIL RIGHTS according to the FCRA section 609. This company must remove their account from my credit reports immediately and permanently. A DELETION OF THIS ACCOUNT FROM MY CREDIT REPORT IS A FAIR RESOLUTION. Please be advised I have requested validation { not verification } of an item reported to you by the above original creditor/collection agency. I have received a response that does not indicate or prove : 1. I had this service. 2. What services I am being charged for. 3. What the cost of each service I am being charged for. A response with a bill is NOT evidence of proof that the debt is mine. Anyone can open an account under my name for which a bill is produced, but that doesn't mean it was actually me or that the debt is actually mine. I need real evidence. This evidence consists of a contract from the original creditor or some agreement bearing MY written signature agreeing to pay the debt. In the absence of this evidence I ask you to please remove this account from my credit report. I will proceed with legal action as prescribed by law against the above-named original creditor/collection agency. Should this item not be deleted within the required time allowed by law I will seek every legal remedy available to me and file suit against the credit bureau responsible for reporting this violatio n. I urge you to take this extremely seriously as I have documented my case without error. I encourage a response from you expeditiously. A DELETION OF THIS ACCOUNT FROM MY CREDIT REPORT IS A FAIR RESOLUTION.
I received a phone call from a woman I didn't know on a number I didn't recognize. She said she was with PNC and my credit card had been compromised. She said that if I verified my address she would send me a new card. I thought it was a scam. It sounded exactly like a scam. I told the woman I would call the bank in the morning. Turns out it wasn't a scam. It is difficult to imagine why an organization that is susceptible to phishing attacks would think it appropriate to make a telephone call like this. They should have simply said " don't be alarmed but we had to change the number of your credit card account. You'll receive a new card soon ... '' I appreciate that the bank is doing everything it can to prevent fraud but I'm sure everyone will agree that their telephone call was inappropriate and less than professional.
I am XXXX XXXX, I received a letter from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX firm XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, NJ XXXX that they want me to pay to RAB PERFORMANCE XXXX {$890.00} with the interest so on. On this XXXX letter showing date XX/XX/2011. I do not know who is this firm and I do not remember what is this for. This this Law firm send me letter that they want to collect the money. From no where this is comes, I do not know what is going on. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX File # XXXX this Law firm phone number is very strange I called them finally I talk to some one and she said Debt Collector XXXX and her EXT. is XXXX but no respond. Their number is XXXX XXXX
Hi On XXXX/XXXX/2021 I sent you another letter asking you to investigate the errors on my report but I still havent had any response from you I am not sure if I am doing something wrong but requesting to remove negative items that are inaccurate should not even be that hard. Please reinvestigate my situation or I might really take this complaint to the next level. I am following a dispute procedure from a certain law expert so please don't take this matter lightly
XXXX XXXX XXXX is reporting inaccurately and XXXX is reporting a debt on my account for a collection that is inaccurate. It also has incorrect information reporting. The amount is {$350.00} and {$700.00}. In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting act XXXX Account # XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A. States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions 15 U.S.C 1666B : A creditor may not treat a payment on a credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan as late for any purpose
( a ) Block. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a consumer reporting agency shall block the reporting of any information in the file of a consumer that the consumer identifies as information that resulted from an alleged identity theft, not later than 4 business days after the date of receipt by such agency of ( 1 ) appropriate proof of the identity of the consumer ; ( 2 ) a copy of an identity theft report ; ( 3 ) the identification of such information by the consumer; and ( 4 ) a statement by the consumer that the information is not information relating to any transaction by the consumer. ( b ) Notification. A consumer reporting agency shall promptly notify the furnisher of information identified by the consumer under subsection ( a ) of this section ( 1 ) that the information may be a result of identity theft ; ( 2 ) that an identity theft report has been filed ; ( 3 ) that a block has been requested under this section; and ( 4 ) of the effective dates of the block. ( c ) Authority to decline or rescind. ( 1 ) In general. A consumer reporting agency may decline to block, or may rescind any block, of information relating to a consumer under this section, if the consumer reporting agency reasonably determines that ( A ) the information was blocked in error or a block was requested by the consumer in error ; ( B ) the information was blocked, or a block was requested by the consumer, on the basis of a material misrepresentation of fact by the consumer relevant to the request to block ; or ( C ) the consumer obtained possession of goods, services, or money as a result of the blocked transaction or transactions. ( 2 ) Notification to consumer. If a block of information is declined or rescinded under this subsection, the affected consumer shall be notified promptly, in the same manner as consumers are notified of the reinsertion of information under section 1681i ( a ) ( 5 ) ( B ) of this title. ( 3 ) Significance of block. For purposes of this subsection, if a consumer reporting agency rescinds a block, the presence of information in the file of a consumer prior to the blocking of such information is not evidence of whether the consumer knew or should have known that the consumer obtained possession of any goods, services, or money as a result of the block. ( d ) Exception for resellers. ( 1 ) No reseller file. This section shall not apply to a consumer reporting agency, if the consumer reporting agency ( A ) is a reseller ; ( B ) is not, at the time of the request of the consumer under subsection ( a ) of this section, otherwise furnishing or reselling a consumer report concerning the information identified by the consumer ; and ( C ) informs the consumer, by any means, that the consumer may report the identity theft to the Bureau to obtain consumer information regarding identity theft. ( 2 ) Reseller with file. The sole obligation of the consumer reporting agency under this section, with regard to any request of a consumer under this section, shall be to block the consumer report maintained by the consumer reporting agency from any subsequent use, if ( A ) the consumer, in accordance with the provisions of subsection ( a ) of this section, identifies, to a consumer reporting agency, information in the file of the consumer that resulted from identity theft ; and ( B ) the consumer reporting agency is a reseller of the identified information. ( 3 ) Notice. In carrying out its obligation under paragraph ( 2 ), the reseller shall promptly provide a notice to the consumer of the decision to block the file. Such notice shall contain the name, address, and telephone number of each consumer reporting agency from which the consumer information was obtained for resale. ( e ) Exception for verification companies. The provisions of this section do not apply to a check services company, acting as such, which issues authorizations for the purpose of approving or processing negotiable instruments, electronic fund transfers, or similar methods of payments, except that, beginning 4 business days after receipt of information described in paragraphs ( 1 ) through ( 3 ) of subsection ( a ) of this section, a check services company shall not report to a national consumer reporting agency described in section 1681a ( p ) of this title, any information identified in the subject identity theft report as resulting from identity theft. ( f ) Access to blocked information by law enforcement agencies. No provision of this section shall be construed as requiring a consumer reporting agency to prevent a Federal, State, or local law enforcement agency from accessing blocked information in a consumer file to which the agency could otherwise obtain access under this subchapter
I am received numerous texts from a company claiming to be MRS BPO , LLC asking us to contact them at ( XXXX ) XXXX regarding a matter with XXXX XXXX. They also provide the web address of They have an opt out option and we have replied to that opt out numerous times and block the numbers. However, daily for the past XXXX weeks at least, they keep texting the same message from a new number. We do not have an existing account or relationship with XXXX XXXX and certainly don't owe them money. Regardless, this company is not adhering to our requests to stop messaging me. I feel as though this is a scam artist and do not want to contact them using this information provided for fear that they will use that to attempt to hack or steal more of my information.
Last month, I chatted Bank of America about my XXXX XXXX Mastercard through the bank 's website. For context, when I opened the card application said that if I did not put in an XXXX XXXX Rewards number, Bank of America would automatically create a new rewards account for me. But lo and behold, Bank of America had mistakenly issued my XXXX XXXX Mastercard to an XXXX Guest Rewards number that was not even registered to my name! XXXX informed me that since this was a Bank of America error, they needed to be the ones to correct the misassigned number. So that's why I initiated a chat. The chat representative assured me that the bank would correct this problem by : ( 1 ) Ensuring that all points awarded to date would be credited to a new account I had just created. ( 2 ) Ensuring that the companion and upgrade coupons would be added to the new account. ( 3 ) Ensuring that the single-visit lounge pass would be sent to me via mail ( I had not yet received this pass ). Bank of America has completed item 2. However, item 1 is still incomplete, and item 3 has not been resolved. Thus, I am still out all my points from the XX/XX/2021 statement, as well as my single-visit lounge pass. This is disappointing as the original problem was caused 100 % by the bank. I should not have to wait multiple months for the bank to fix its own error.
Vance & Huffman is attempting to collect a debt on behalf of XXXX XXXX XXXX in the amount of XXXX dollars that i do not owe this is the 2nd debt collection agency that has attempted to collect on their behalf the first attempt was removed because i do not owe the alleged amount. I requested Verification of the alleged debt and they provided me a check that i do recognize, however i never physically cashed the check it stated for XXXX mobile deposit only which was scratched off the back of the check under the signature line. I have never cashed a check at XXXX XXXX XXXX EVER and no payment will be made on my behalf i am also welling to take legal action if need be.
I had no idea there was a judgement against me I received notice in the mail XXXX my niece I take care of told me she went to the bank and she gave me a notice a writ of execution was on my bank account.She stated they also have frozen her bank account she is under age.I was told from Midland Funding LLC this debt was with XXXX XXXX they indicated i declined to appear in court XX/XX/XXXX.I was told a court papers was left at my residence I was out of town when they said the notice was left XXXX. I was out of town have my airline ticket to prove i was not in town.The actions of this creditor severely crippled my normal way of life which is preventing me from handling executing my daily finances.
Got no response, this Agency have continued to report unverified, and unvalidated information on my report
Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit card fraud detected on card in XX/XX/XXXX for various charges, including one for 'XXXX ' of {$19.00}. Credit card was closed and new card was issued. Fraud charges in XXXX were confirmed fraudulent, no issues. A few months later fraud charges start again on the new card for 'XXXX ' and XXXXXXXXXXXX ', and appear to be a reoccurring charge by those websites. I have never had an account or purchased any goods or services from either site, however, those charges at the end of XXXX, and into early XXXX continued without my knowledge or consent. I have now learned that Chase will allow charges to a closed account if it falls within a certain timeframe for reoccurring charges, and is communicating the new card info to the service making the charge ( perpetuating charges from a fraudulent service ). This is marketed as a feature to help ease transition to a new card, but in fact it enables fraudsters to take advantage of this 'feature ', now at my expense. Several charges from XXXX hit in the month of XX/XX/XXXX, which then caught my eye when reviewing the account, and I reported the fraud, including the backdated fraud charges. Card was cancelled, new card was issued in XX/XX/XXXX, and fraud charges were removed from my account. The chase fraud department sent a letter in XX/XX/XXXX that I received a benefit from all of these transactions, that I was liable for them because of that, and all charges were readded to my account. Several attempts to contact Chase Fraud dept. have failed, no response, and customer service reps are unable to action anything as the Fraud dept owns this. Chase is falsely advertising the CSR card benefit of 'Zero Liability Protection '.
Last year I began receiving notices from Truist Bank about a delinquent account that I did not open. The statements stated that my account was overdrawn by over {$10000.00}. Id reached out to Truist Bank and informed the representative that I spoke with that it was a fraudulent account and I was told the account had been closed and that it was being reported to credit agencies that it was fraudulent. To date, I am STILL currently receiving notices from Truist bank about this account and the account is still accruing debt because of maintenance fees being charged to me by the bank. I've spoken to a number of individuals, and I don't understand why this matter is yet to be resolved. This is issue has greatly impacted my credit and I am still confused as to how someone else was allowed to open an account in my name with no verification of identity.
This is XXXX XXXX, who is submitting this CFPB complaint myself, and to inform you that there is no third party involved in the process. I sent letters to Equifax Credit Bureau the date of the last letter was on XX/XX/XXXX. And now we are in the month of XX/XX/XXXX and still nothing from them. That means Equifax has NOT complied with the FairCredit Reporting Act law and continued to report inaccurate information on my credit report. PLEASE UPDATE OR REMOVE THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS COMPLETELY FROM MY CREDIT REPORT : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
The credit bureaus keep disrespecting the laws. I showed them multiple times of how they are violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act. According to 15 USC 1681i ( 5 ) the credit bureaus have to modify or delete accounts that are not reporting accurately According to 15 USC 1681b ( 1 ) the credit bureaus dont have no written premission According to 15 USC 1681 I have the right to privacy The credit bureaus keep disrespecting the laws. I showed them multiple times of how they are violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act. According to 15 USC 1681i ( 5 ) the credit bureaus have to modify or delete accounts that are not reporting accurately According to 15 USC 1681b ( 1 ) the credit bureaus dont have no written premission According to 15 USC 1681 I have the right to privacy According to 15 USC 1681s-2 A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate. ( B ) Reporting information after notice and confirmation of errors A person shall not furnish information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if ( i ) the person has been notified by the consumer, at the address specified by the person for such notices, that specific information is inaccurate; and ( ii ) the information is, in fact, inaccurate. I can go on and on The credit bureaus have no respect for the laws. Someone needs to hold them accountable for this
I see multiple 30 & 60-days late marks which is a clear violation of my right under the FCRA. The company has never responded to any of my attempts to obtain any proof or documentation that will prove this account is being reported accurately.
I am asking you to open an investigation against the Experian credit company for having a wrong private information, this information has been publicly shared for more than a year, creating serious financial problems of reputation and prestige to me. Experian is putting in the credit system that I have an account with " CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCE '' # XXXX and that account is in COLLECTION ACCOUNT AND DELINQUENCIES. The listed item is entirely inaccurate and incomplete and represents a very serious error in my reporting. That account is from XXXX and I pay it in full, this account is the child support payment that during that time I made my daughters, I never had that account in the collection or in delinquency. I fulfilled all my payments on time and finalized my case satisfactorily, and there is no record of that debt. Experian has never presented me with any document or proof, name, address, and telephone number of each person contacted regarding this alleged account. The name of the court with which Experian verified this information. The address and phone number for the court with which Experian verified this information. The name of the Clerk who verified this information. The Documents, date, and signature in which verified this information. Have an information inaccurate or incomplete items in a credit history have serious consequences. Please delete the misleading or inaccurate information. Experian is committing a violation by 1. ) Defamation 2. ) Negligent Enablement of Identity Fraud 3. ) Violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act
I selected to engage in a forbearance prior to my son 's birth in XX/XX/XXXX. After my son 's birth and my maternity leave I wanted to resume making loan payments, however I have been engaging in almost 2 years of attempting to apply for a REPAYE plan and despite contacting FedLoan Servicing on a nearly monthly basis my application for this plan have been denied. I have wasted months of forbearance while awaiting my approval for the REPAYE, which I have been told over and over again I qualify for. Every time I speak with a customer service representative I receive misinformation, erroneous information, differing suggestions about how to apply, and confusing directives about the certification process. My most recent application was denied due to missing tax returns ( which were in fact included and were sent via fax ) along with a need for verification regarding a name change. I have been making payments since my husband and I were married in XX/XX/XXXX and this is the first time I have been asked to provide information proving my identity, as a result of a name change. This saga with FedLoan servicing has been ongoing since they began managing my student loans. I am disappointed that with such a significant financial burden I continue to receive the " run around '' regarding certification and eligible payment plans until I qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. It is critical to note that I am state employee employed as social worker and would absolutely qualify in 3-6 years, had I not been forced to utilize forbearance while FedLoan continues to mistakenly deny my request for an Income Driven Repayment. I am incensed and disillusioned by the behavior and incompetency of FedLoan Servicing, which is well documented and continues to go unaddressed.
.Hi, I can't believe you guys are taking advantage of me. I AM VERY UPSET the credit bureaus have not responded back to me about my investigation. I sent a letter, it's more than 60days. I need these accounts deleted or updated. These are the items I demanding to be deleted immediately : 1 Validate Account XXXX Account Number : XXXX Please remove it from my credit report. 2. Validate Account XXXX Account Number : XXXX Please remove it from my credit report. 3. Validate Account XXXX XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Please remove it from my credit report. 4. Validate Account XXXX XXXX Account Number : XXXX Please remove it from my credit report. 5. Validate Account Account Number : XXXX Please remove it from my credit report. 6. Validate Account Account Number : XXXX Please remove it from my credit report.
My credit score dropped from XXXX to XXXX for no apparent rason with Equifax and XXXX on XXXX. I have just recently uncoveed the culprit behind these egrigous errors. That culprit is XXXX. Apparently XXXX has erroneously put my account into collections without my knowledge back in XXXX when I had disputed a final bill they sent me. XXXX sent me a false bill of {$590.00} in XX/XX/2019. I disputed this bill beause it was wrong. I filed a complaint with the New York State Attorneys office in XXXX showing XXXX corrupt actions. In XX/XX/2019 I received an email from XXXX where they made the final adjustments to the bill leaving a balance of {$220.00}. I paid this bill on XX/XX/2019. The bill should never have been sent to collections. This illegal action was retaliation from XXXX because I filed a complaint with the New York State Attorney General.
On XX/XX/XXXX, my wife, XXXX XXXX XXXX, received a call from USAA informing us that our USAA Platinum card was delinquent and requested a payment. She informed them that the only Platinum card we had was with XXXX XXXX and all of our accounts were current. The operator then instructed us to log into USAA to view the statement as well as the history. We then ended the call, XXXX logged into her account and there was no indication of any platinum card on her login account. I then attempted to log into USAA using my information ( my wife and I have two different usernames ) and was informed that my password was incorrect. I have used the same password for many, many years. So, I called USAA. I was informed that my account 's address and password had been changed and their records reflected me living in XXXX. Neither my wife nor I have traveled to, purchased from or have any connection with anyone in XXXX. They went through their process to reset my account to accurately reflect not only the only address we have had since XXXX ( we have been married and living here since XX/XX/XXXX ) but also reset my password. I was then advised to sign on and access the account. I was also informed that the card was processed using my information and only with my name - not jointly. I have never had an account ( since we have been married ) in only my name. When I logged in, I discovered not one, but two, transactions were made ( XX/XX/XXXX - {$18000.00} and XXXX - {$18000.00} ). First of all, we shop at thrift stores and XXXX- we would never make these purchases. We called and spoke with USAA several times and finally the account was frozen or closed and marked as being a fraudulent, identity theft case. Copies of two month 's statements is attached for your reference. The account was referred to USAA 's fraud department at XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX through XXXX ( XXXX. #, XXXX ). As I am hard of hearing and my XXXX XXXX was rising as a result of this, I instructed ( and continue to do so each time we place a call with USAA concerning this garbage ) to speak with my wife. We were given the number XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX for XXXX XXXX XXXX. We were then referred to another team XXXX XXXX XXXX for debt solutions. We have also spoke with XXXX at XXXX XXXX XXXX ( another Fraud Department operator. We were instructed to contact the local police department here in XXXX, Colorado. They sent two officers ( one was XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX. XXXX ). Their address is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX CO XXXX. His number is XXXX XXXX XXXX. We were informed that they couldn't file a report since nothing had been taken from us. We were provided a flyer for Identity Theft Complaint but were informed there wasn't anything they could do. He then informed us to contact all three of the credit agencies, which we did, and let them know what had happened. We then were contacted by our bank ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX CO XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) informing us that there were two demands for payment ( received XXXX and XXXX ) for {>= $1,000,000}. We immediately went to the bank and had to close that account and open another account to protect ourselves. XXXX provided a flyer as well as instructions to reach out to the credit agencies as well. Again, we did this. A copy of the two demands is attached as a ZIP file. Calls then continued to come in from USAA demanding payment. The credit card department ( if you will ) is separate from the fraud department and neither of them really connect. Over and over we have been informed that the Fraud Department is working on this. Now? Our credit rating has dropped XXXX points, USAA has turned this matter over to collection. What more can we do? I am retired, I have low income. My wife is nearing retirement. We both have health issues. Not that is your concern, but is it going to take one of us to pass in order for this to be resolved? We truly have no idea what more we can do.
In XX/XX/2020 I advised representative to update my payment information. The company continued to auto draft from an incorrect account, I call multiple times to correct this issue and finally issue was corrected. The agent agreed to waive all fees and assure that I would not be reported negatively to the credit bureaus. The following month I discovered the delinquency reported and once again they stated they would correct the issue. The account was current and the issue resolved. Even with the the auto draft issue there were no late or delinquent payments. The are very difficult to deal with and do not honor what they say.
I checked my personal credit report, which I acquired from your organization on XX/XX/2021 and I noticed that this unauthorized inquiry had been made :.
This is XXXX XXXX, who is submitting this CFPB complaint myself, and to inform you that there is no third party involved in the process. I sent letters to TransUnion Credit Bureau the date of the last letter was on XX/XX/XXXX. And now we are in the month of XX/XX/XXXX and still nothing from them. That means TransUnion has NOT complied with the FairCredit Reporting Act law and continued to report inaccurate information on my credit report. PLEASE UPDATE OR REMOVE THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS COMPLETELY FROM MY CREDIT REPORT : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX : XXXX XXXX ) XXXX XXXX FIN XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I have noticed many incorrect and unauthorized items appeared in my report. So, I am requesting that you delete all the following ACCOUNTS AND LATE PAYMENTS from my credit report immediately. I have been trying to remove this inaccurate information for over 9 months now, please update and comply.
I from XXXX to XX/XX/2020 have been trying to get a free credit report the three companies that does this has either ignored me or says that i due not exist. I tried to fax as well as gone on their web site and did what i was ask to due. But no results as of yet.
On XXXX/XXXX/2020, I disputed multiple fdcpa violations on my credit report and Equifax has not responded or remedied the situation. Congress states under 15 U.S. Code 1692 ( d ) A debt collector may not engage in any conduct the natural consequence of which is to harass, oppress, or abuse any person in connection with the collection of a debt. Without limiting the general application of foregoing, the following conduct is a violation of this section : ( 1 ) The use or threat of use of violence or other criminal means to harm the physical person, reputation, or property of any person. These accounts are ruining my reputation and it is also defamation of character.
Im submitting a complaint to you today to inform you I was the victim of identity theft. I researched on how to remove the fraudulent accounts in my report and found that I need to visit FEDERAL TRADE COMMISION or https : XXXX to file a report and Per FCRA section 605b Credit Reporting Agencies are required to remove/block any accounts listed on an id theft report. Please find the ATTACHED documents to assist in the blocking of the erroneous information which is being posted to my report. Here is the list of accounts/items which do not belong to me or were opened without my permission. XXXX XXXX Date Opened : XX/XX/XXXX Balance : {$760.00}, XXXX XXXX XXXX Date Opened : XX/XX/XXXX Balance : {$8200.00}, XXXX XXXX XXXX Date Opened : XX/XX/XXXX Balance : {$780.00}, XXXX XXXX XXXX Date Opened : XX/XX/XXXX Balance : {$8200.00}, XXXX XXXX XXXX Date Opened : XX/XX/XXXX Balance : {$12000.00}, and XXXX XXXX XXXX Date Opened : XX/XX/XXXX Balance : {$780.00}. According to FCRA XXXX XXXX ( a ) the CREDIT REPORTING AGENCIES shall block any information in the file of a consumer that the consumer identifies as information that resulted from an alleged identity theft, not later than XXXX business days after the date of receipt.
After pulling a copy of my credit report I notice that this collection agency is reporting 3 accounts on my credit report on my credit report. 1. Act # XXXX 2. Act # XXXX 3. Act # XXXX I send them a letter disputing this claim and send it with tracking receipt XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. I requested that they send me any agreement that grants them the authority to collect. Or any proof of acquisition by purchase or assignment and authorization under subtitle D of the ARRA, SEC.13401. APPLICATION OF SECURITY PROVISIONS AND PENALTIES TO BUSINESS ASSOCIATES OF COVERED ENTITIES ; and SEC. 13407 ( 1 ) BREACH OF SECURITY. I also asked that they send me copies of any agreement that bears my signature of the alleged debtor wherein he or she agreed to pay the creditor and as this is a medical account a copy of any HIPAA authorization. In which they have failed to send me these items and still reporting on my credit report. I am not at all refusing to pay I only send as a notice of dispute to the claims.
XXXX XXXX XXXX retained XXXX XXXX, and filed a civil suit against me for an old debt from 2018. I negotiated a settlement with them for {$2000.00} in exchange for dropping the suit and settling the matter in full. I received a confirmation letter of the agreement, and a paid in full letter from XXXX XXXX, yet XXXX XXXX XXXX refuses to update the credit bureau as settled in full, and is instead insisting in their reporting to the credit bureaus that I simply made a payment and still have a balance due. They refuse to work in good faith to correct this and are intentionally lying and negatively impacting my ability to obtain credit as a result. A quick look on their XXXX reviews shows a pattern of behavior that indicates this is a predatory business.
I'VE NOTICED SOME UNAUTHORIZED INQUIRIES AND ACCOUNTS ON MY CONSUMER REPORT. I'VE NEVER APPLIED FOR CREDIT WITH THESE COMPANIES AND NEVER AUTHORIZED FOR THE USE OF MY INFORMATION. ACCORDING TO 15 U.S. CODE 1692 ( K ) YOUR INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS WERE FRAUDULENTLY UNAUTHORIZED. I DID NOT AUTHORIZE THESE INQUIRIES AND PER THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT ( FCRA ), ( 1 ) 15 U.S.C. 1681 ET SEQ., YOU ARE IN VIOLATION FOR UNLAWFULLY REPORTING SAID INQUIRIES ON MY CONSUMER REPORT WITHOUT MY AUTHORIZATION OR PERMISSIBLE PURPOSE UNDER THE FCRA. A PERSON SHALL USE OR OBTAIN A CONSUMER REPORT FOR ANY PURPOSE UNLESS -- - ( 2 ) THE CONSUMER REPORT IS OBTAINED FOR A PURPOSE FOR WHICH THE CONSUMER REPORT IS AUTHORIZED TO BE FURNISHED UNDER THIS SECTION ; AND ( 3 ) THE PURPOSE IS CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1681E OF THIS TITLE BY A PROSPECTIVE USER OF THE REPORT THROUGH A GENERAL OR SPECIFIC CERTIFICATION. ( 4 ) 15 U.S.C. 1681B ( F ). CHESTER V. PURVIS, 260 F. SUPP 2D 711 ( S.D. IND. 2003 ). I HAVE NOT INITIATED ANY TRANSACTIONS WITH ANY OF THESE COMPANIES. FURTHER I DO NOT HAVE AN " ACCOUNT '' AS DEFINED UNDER ( 5 ) 15 U.S.C. 1693A ( 2 ) WITH SAID COMPANIES FOR REVIEW OF COLLECTION. FURTHERMORE, UNDER THE FCRA, ( 6 ) " ANY PERSON WHO KNOWINGLY AND WILLFULLY OBTAINS INFORMATION ON A CONSUMER FROM A CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY UNDER FALSE PRETENSES AND CAUSES DAMAGE SHALL BE FINED, 15 U.S.C. 1681N ( B ). Today on XX/XX/XXXX, I contacted XXXX via telephone to remove an unauthorized inquiry on my report. The representative refused, which is a violation of my consumer federal protection rights. XXXX is in violation of FCRA Section 604 Section 605B FDCPA 15 USC 1681a 15 USC 1681b 15 USC 1692d 15 USC 1692f ( 1 ) 15 USC 1692j Pursuant to 15 USC 1692c ( c ) 2 I am invoking my specified remedy as a consumer, and the original creditor I am demanding that this unauthorized inquiry be removed now : On XX/XX/XXXX, I sent the credit reporting agencies letters notifying them that they are in violation of FCRA 15 USC 1681b ( f ) reporting inquiries without my authorization or a permissible purpose and the true and lending act 15 USC 1666 ( b ). I am in distress and this matter has affected me from getting access to different forms of credit which is needed during this time of a pandemic. I will be left no choice but to seek legal remedies shall this issue not be taken care of.
In XX/XX/2019 I changed my repayment plan. Fedloan automatically put me in forbearance ( unbeknownst to me at the time ) so I did not receive a bill in XX/XX/2019. In early XXXX ( approximately XX/XX/XXXX ) Fedloan notified me that if I did not pay {$690.00} by XX/XX/XXXX then they would add that amount to my loan. This money is in addition to my normal monthly payment. I don't think it's right to charge me more than {$1000.00} total when I never requested to be in forbearance in the first place.
XXXX has reported unknown and unauthorized enquirers on my report those are from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
account hacked and {$20000.00} was transferred to XXXX. My only complain is that when a large amount is transferred from my account, I should get a notification just the way they do for credit cards. I came to know that my account was hacked when by chance I had accessed my online bank account, had I not done that I wouldn't even know about the fraud activity
The credit bureaus are illegally reporting inaccurate information on my credit report.
I am a victim of identity theft. I am filing this complaint for myself to request that you block the following Incorrect information from my credit report. Someone has used my personal information to obtain loans and credit cards from. I have no idea how the theft took place. I also have no knowledge of any suspects. I did not receive any money, goods, or services as a result of identity theft. Please let me know if you need any other information from me to block this information from my credit report.
I have previously disputed XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX with a {$0.00} balance. Account is factually stating incorrectly Account is paid off yet stating as payment status of collection charge off. Both Transunion and XXXX are reporting account paid off with {$0.00} balance with a payment status of charge off. Previously, XXXX reported perfect payments OK as agreed on payment history. after dispute, XXXX removed, partial ok as agree from payment history and replaced it with consecutive charge off. delete last payment with XXXX reports at XX/XX/2016 where payment history is reporting date last payment as XX/XX/XXXX. There is no way that account can be paid off and yet you continue to report the payment status as collection charge off and to delete payment history and replacing with charge off.
Equifax mishandled my information which has led to a breach that puts myself and millions of others at potential risk. I am extremely disappointed with how equifax has handled reporting this breach. Very little was done to notify the public for nearly a month after the breach was detected. I received no email, letter, or phone call and instead had to discover it via social media. Going forward, Equifax should be required to monitor every account and notify victims if any fraud occurs. Credit fraud protection should be mandatory for every account, not an option for us to have deal with.
In early XX/XX/XXXX I noticed several fraudulent transactions on my Wells Fargo Debit card totaling around {$2900.00}. 10 transactions total. These transactions are 100 % fraudulent and include payments to a XXXX XXXX cruise line and out of town vendors that I do not recognize. All transactions were conducted without the presence of my debit card, ie, were entered manually with the card information without the card present. Immediately upon noticing these fraudulent transactions, I filed a fraud claim with Wells Fargo. I learned today, XX/XX/XXXX, that Wells Fargo has denied my claim. I spoke to numerous people in the fraud claims department and all have told me that Wells Fargos decision is final and my only recourse is to file a police report or to contact the merchants directly. On one occasion, I asked to speak with a supervisor and was placed on hold for 30 minutes before hanging up. This is unacceptable. These transactions are clearly fraudulent.
Im submitting a complaint to you today to inform you I was the victim of identity theft. I researched on how to remove the fraudulent items in my report and found that I need to visit FEDERAL TRADE COMMISION or https : // to file a report and Per FCRA section 605b Credit Reporting Agencies are required to remove/block any items listed on an id theft report. Please find the ATTACHED documents to assist in the blocking of the erroneous information which is being posted to my report. Here are the list of items which do not belong to me or were opened without my permission. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, MD XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX DC XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX, MD XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, NY XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$0.00} XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$0.00} XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance Owed : {$0.00} XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance Owed : {$1100.00} U S DEPT OF EDXXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$17000.00} U S DEPT OF EDXXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$44000.00} XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance Owed : {$24000.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Balance Owed : {$0.00} XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance Owed : {$0.00} XXXX XXXXXXXX Balance Owed : {$0.00} XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX According to FCRA Section 605B ( a ) the CREDIT REPORTING AGENCIES shall block any information in the file of a consumer that the consumer identifies as information that resulted from an alleged identity theft, not later than 4 business days after the date of receipt.
I appreciate your taking the time to FIX some of the erroneous accounts in my credit file ; however, there are still many accounts that need to be FIXED. The credit bureaus must verify these accounts under Sections 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ) and 611 ( a ) ( 1 ). ( A ). I'm hoping that these disputed accounts be UPDATED immediately. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
I was the victim of identity theft which resulted in some accounts being opened in my name by fraud. I have filed a report with the Federal Trade Commission, and I also reported the issue to the companies where the accounts were opened. I am seeking your assistance with the following items : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX} Please remove the following accounts which were opened by fraud within 4 business days, per FCRA Section 605B
In accordance with The Fair Credit Reporting Act, this creditor has violated my rights under 15 USC 1681 s602, states I have the rights to privacy. 15 USC 1681 s604a s2, also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written consent. Under 15 USC 1666b a creditor may not treat a payment on a account under a open end consumer plan late on any purpose
XXXX XXXX XXXX opened XX/XX/2022 This account was opened without my knowledge. I've tried reaching out to company and pleading my case they told me to make a police report which I did and also make a identity theft report with the FTC which I did. Recently I submitted a complaint with CFPB and the account came back as verified with XXXX and Transunion but XXXX came as not verified and was removed from report
In accordance with the Fair Credit Report Act XXXX Account:XXXX, XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 602 A, States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S.C 1681 Section 604 A, Section 2 : It also states a consumer reporting agency can not furnish an account without my written instructions. This is a fraudulent account ; I did not open any account with this company.
I have disputed the referenced accounts to the 3 main credit bureaus and do not owe your company anything. I dont know this company and I do not recall ever having this debt and appears to be fraud, see attached FTC Report. Moreover, no adequate information has been given and noticed these accounts appear to violate my rights as well, per 15 USC 1692 ( e ) ( f ) ( g ). Moreover, you stated the account was verified as accurate by law 15 USC 1681 ( e ). Per 15 USC 1681 ( e ) The term investigative consumer report means a consumer report or portion thereof in which information on a consumers character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living is obtained through personal interviews with neighbors, friends, or associates of the consumer reported on or with others with whom he is acquainted or who may have knowledge concerning any such items of information. However, such information shall not include specific factual information on a consumers credit record obtained directly from a creditor of the consumer or from a consumer reporting agency when such information was obtained directly from a creditor of the consumer or from the consumer. Investigations weren't completed as described by law and no factual information should be on credit reports. Im requesting the removal of accounts and/or monetary compensation due to violations of my rights. Im currently seeking litigation regarding consistent harassment, unfair debt practices, adding without my permission/authorization within 5 days, and more. As the original creditor, only I can validate the debt therefore Im requesting removal and this account violates my consumer rights in several ways. Please remove and provide some updates within 4 days of receipt, as this has been ongoing for over 3-4 months.
All my data was sold by XXXX and possibly to many other unknown companies starting several years ago potentially as far back as 2007, even during my time in the XXXX XXXX. Between then and now I am not sure to what extent my personal identity and information has been breached and shared. There is an XXXX XXXX account that I am not aware of in collections. There are three unknown hard inquires on my report as well. There is also a XXXXDept of Ed account that should not be there, as that loan is not valid because the original loan was cancelled as a result of a class action lawsuit ( Sweet v. Cardona ) XXXX I also did not give, authorize, or provide any WRITTEN CONSENT for any of the information shown on my credit reports of which are being reported by these reporting agencies.
Portfolio Recovery Associates Account : XXXX Amount : {XXXX} In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act Portfolio Recovery Associates Acct # XXXX, has violated my rights. 15 U.S.C 1681 section 602 A - States I have the right to privacy. 15 U.S, C. 1681 Section 604A Section 2 : It also states a consumer-reporting agency can not furnish a account without my written instructions.
This complain contains a report I obtained from the annual credit bureau website Where Experian with XXXX different addresses At the same time I requested to Experian to remove this inaccurate addresses from my credit report and they ignored all my disputes I live in XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX or any others inaccurate addresses They must be remove All inaccurate names in my credit report
I am submitting this complaint on behalf of myself. According to the FCRA The 3 consumer reporting agencies are in violation of 15 USC 1681 section 602. Which states I have a right to privacy. I sent these companies a dispute letter stating that are in violation of 15 USC 1666b ( please see attachment ). Pursuant to 15 USC 1666b a creditor may not treat a payment on a credit card account under an open end consumer credit plan as late for any purpose. They are in violation for reporting this inaccuracy to my consumer report. They are being intentionally and willfully neglectful in remedying my affairs. 15 USC 1681e ( b ) assures that I am due, promised accuracy on my report based on federal law Please see attachment.
There are 2 different open dates XX/XX/2013 and XX/XX/2013, The amounts of XXXX and XXXX This is my second time filing a complaint about US EDU DEPT it has been well over 30 days with no response or a validation of debt. Under 15 U.S. Code S 1692 ( g ) b i have the rights as a consumer to ask for validation of debt.
I am a victim of identity theft. Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, we are all facing which has me sitting still at home and I saw the recent news about the multiple XXXX Data breaches. I decided to look at my credit reports from the 3 major credit bureaus and found that someone had used my Identity. I have no idea how the theft took place. I also have no knowledge of any suspects. I did not receive any money, goods, or services as a result of identity theft. I contacted the Credit Bureau and told me to file an Identity Theft Report which I am doing. I appreciate your effort in getting this matter resolved. Thank you. Please let me know if you need any other information from me to block this information from my credit report. Thank you.
On XX/XX/2020 I sent a letter regarding inaccurate and unknown things on my credit report.To this day over 31 days later I have not received a response yet. I feel like I'm being taken advantage of and being ignored of my disputes. Section 611 ( a ) it plainly stated that a failure to investigate these items within 30 days gives a reason to immediately remove these items from my credit report it has been over 31 days so they should be deleted promptly. I demand these accounts be deleted immediately or I will file for litigation due to the stress you caused me. My information was also impacted by the Equifax data breach and may have got into the wrong hands of the wrong person.
I received a letter from Sequium Asset Solutions , LLC ( a debt collection agency ) dated XX/XX/2022 saying I owed {$1400.00} ( reference number XXXX ) to XXXX XXXX XXXX mobility with an account ending in XXXX. I called them to get details. ( XXXX ) They said I had opened the phone account on XX/XX/2022 and the account was canceled for nonpayment. I told Sequium I wanted to dispute the debt. For the following reasons. -The name it was mailed to is my maiden name which I have not used for 7 years. -I have not had an XXXX XXXX XXXX account. For the past year or so I've used XXXX XXXX for phone service. -I no record of an XXXX XXXX XXXX account on my bank or credit card statements. -When I XXXX this company and the debt from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX found that many people have had the same debt information told to them, and the XXXX XXXX XXXX has many complaints about this under the company 's name. ( see below ) hXXXX : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX
on XX/XX/2022 I paid XXXX {$140.00}, XX/XX/2022 I paid {$100.00}, and XX/XX/2022 I paid $ XXXX. XXXX reported to experian that XX/XX/2022 I was 30 days past due for account. This is wrong I was not 30 days past due for XXXX. I spoke with XXXX # XXXX he inform me an online account was open in my name I told him I had no knowledge of opening any online account and I never sign anything not to received bills in the mail. I ask him to up date my address and send me all information they have about the onlin account he told me to get a lawyer and have them contact XXXX their nothing he can do to help my.
We moved from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX 2015 due to noise and trash complaints ( I have photos and video ) and was sent an unverified debt 6 months later of {$4400.00}. It has been brought to my attention that national credit systems is not licensed to collect in the state of Texas. I have attached a photo of so much trash my husbands white truck was blocked in. And a video of our neighbor playing drums, these things happened multiple times.
My name is XXXX XXXX this complaint is not made in error neither is it being made by a third party. I declare under penalty of perjury I am alleging that a person or company- without my authorization- from unauthorized use of my social security number and card used my personal identifying information to apply for goods, services, or money ; and, was successful in creating some accounts. I have no knowledge of this and all is being investigated by the FTC and Under 15 U.S. Code 1681b Permissible purposes of consumer reports I never gave any written consent to report anything on my consumer reports. US DIST CT 2041135. Please remove this item ASAP.
Hard inquiries I do not recognize XXXX XXXX Inquired on XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX GA, XXXX Business. This inquiry is scheduled to continue on record until XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX XXXX Inquired on XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX DE, XXXX Credit card with 0 Months repayment terms. This inquiry is scheduled to continue on record until XX/XX/XXXX. XXXX XXXX Inquired on XX/XX/XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX DE, XXXX
I fell victim to a deceptive and extortionate merchant, who charged my credit card for dubious sweepstakes, while also claiming to be engaged in raising funds in a charitable endeavor. The merchant refused to refund my money, so I disputed the charges with my credit card company ( Capital One ) under the claims and defenses procedures of the Fair Credit Billing Act. However, after about 6 weeks and multiple instances of Capital One sending conflicting letters to me of closing the dispute and apologizing that it was in error and reopening it, they ostensibly finally denied the dispute. Capital One claims that the merchant showed the " goods '' were received in good condition. The details of the matter are chronicled below. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX are affiliates and the owners of a competition ( Organizers ) called XXXX XXXX XXXX which supposedly brings women of XXXX XXXX XXXX and over to compete for the title of XXXX XXXX XXXX Purportedly, the prize is a XXXX feature in XXXX XXXX XXXX and {$40000.00}. Winners are decided via public voting by supporters of the contestants, and the contestants advance through various stages of the competition until a winner emerges. Apparently, XXXX is the non-profit arm of the affiliation, while XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is a for-profit entity. My wife was a contestant in the XXXX XXXX XXXX competition see attached XXXX of her Competitor Page ( XXXX XXXX ). She was randomly recruited for the competition on social media by an agent of the Organizers after she posted pictures of her XXXX birthday celebration in XX/XX/XXXX. There were various rounds in the competition, including XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX My wife advanced to the Finals. However, as she advanced in the competition and we got to know more about the business practices and reputation of the Organizers, it left us with a disquieting feeling that we were pawns in an immensely questionable campaign resembling a XXXX XXXX She regrets having been lured into this contest, just as I feel having been misled into contributing to this opaque and questionable contest. The total amount that I personally paid into this contest between XX/XX/XXXX, and XX/XX/XXXX, for the purpose of voting for my wife, is {$28000.00}, of which {$10000.00} of that was charged to my XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. See the receipts attached as XXXX XXXX I was under the impression that this was a contest conducted on a level playing field, where there would be transparency in the process and the Organizers would run a conscientious and honorable contest, but my experience and that of my wife says otherwise. For example, first, the full population of contestants in the competition was always kept hidden. You could not tell what the totality of contestants was at any time. The contestants were siloed into different groups, and you could not determine how many groups they were in total. Second, the contestant ( or anyone else ) could neither see the full list/number of votes cast for them nor who the voters were. The contestants XXXX only displayed limited information/data like top voters or three most recent voters, but never the full population. See attached screenshot of the Dashboard ( XXXX XXXX ). Third, how the Organizers tabulate the votes and its system and process for crediting votes remains a mystery. There are two categories of votes, Hope Vote and Free Vote. For the former category voters literally pay money to vote ( usually {$1.00} for XXXX vote ), while for the Free Vote category voters are limited to one vote daily. Additionally, for Free Votes, there are different numbers of votes credited for each vote based on the method used to verify the voter. XXXX is either by XXXX or by credit card, and two votes are credited for the latter versus one for the former. Abstrusely, randomly and from time to time, every vote cast ( either Hope Vote or Free Vote ) was given double credit ( 2 for 1 vote ). It is unclear if the Organizers gave precedence in their tabulation system to votes purchased via Hope Vote versus votes cast via Free Vote. Some contestants have vociferously complained that votes from their supporters via Free Vote were routinely not credited or accounted for, in subordination to Hope Votes. See the catalog of complaints lodged by contestants and voters alike ( reporting the XXXX XXXX XXXX competition as a scam ) on : XXXX, an excerpt of the online reviews is attached herewith as XXXX XXXX. Additionally, my wife used the services of a media outlet ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ), which has a presence in XXXX countries and has millions in its subscriber/audience orbit, to promote her candidacy in the competitionXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX confirmed that tens of thousands in its audience voted for her using Free Vote. However, there is no record of this activity on the Organizers portal or that the votes were credited or accounted for in their tabulation. This observation mirrors complaints on online forums like Fourth, there are unresolved questions about the competition money : where the money goes exactly, what specifically are the fees/costs/salaries/expenses that the Organizers or its partners claim from the total stake, and so on. The Organizers provide pro forma and nebulous answers in this regard. I believe that the competition was a ruse to fleece supporters of the contestants and the public in general. I was constantly bombarded with messages from the Organizers to donate to support my wife. I feel like I have been extorted. Consequently, my wife quit the competition before the results were announced, and I requested a refund of all the money I paid to the Organizers on XX/XX/XXXX, but they refused to return my money. Consequently, I filed complaints with the following : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX . I filed a dispute with Capital One on XX/XX/XXXX. However, on XX/XX/XXXX they sent me a letter claiming that the case was closed. On XX/XX/XXXX, they sent another letter asking me to disregard the last letter of XX/XX/XXXX. On XX/XX/XXXX, Capital One sent another letter stating that " based on the information we have from you and the merchant, the original charge is still considered valid. We consider your case closed. '' Subsequently, on a phone call with Capital One around XX/XX/XXXX, they walked the last decision back again. The latest ( and they claim the final ) word on this dispute was a letter from Capital One on XX/XX/XXXX, where they have once again denied the dispute and reversed all credit provided to me in this regard.
Hello, I very distressed that you continue to report account that I do not recognize. I can not understand why this wrong information is included in my profile. Please accept my clam and this message and remove this mistake from my credit profile. I am requesting that you delete information off from my credit report because I am not connected to this account like absolutely. I am victim of Identity heft, someone used my personal information. Please check names, addresses, signatures and remove it.
I had my PSLF application sent over from XXXX to Mohela back in XXXX. I have been unable to get through to anyone to tell me the status of my application since then and it is now XXXX. Most recently Ive been on hold with them upwards of two hours with still no rep to answer my call much less any questions. The deadline is soon approaching and Im worried I wont be able to have my stuff taken care of
This company ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) which I hold no contract with nor have received services from, reported a collection account against my SSN in the amount of {$450.00} with XXXX, XXXX, and XXXX credit reporting agencies. I requested validation of the debt and account however the business failed to provide adequate proof. Considering this business does not have a contract with me for goods or services they have provided nor have they provided adequate proof I am not obligated to pay for the alleged debt.
Kickoff says I owe them something and its supposed to be a credit builder instead my credit has dropped because of it
See the attached documents. I want the bureau to start the investigation on these accounts that I am never late for but they're reporting me as late.
I am a victim of identity theft
late payment wasnt suppose to be reported due to calling Honda financial telling them about my financial hardship
Hi and how are you doing? Im not sure who to take this to anymore, but Ive disputed this account several times with both the original creditor and the credit reporting agencies accordingly and Ive attached everything to support my dispute. However, I continue to received a pre-template letter sent to me that its been verified and it REMAINS. How is it possible that this was verified if you continue to report incomplete, inconsistent, inaccurate, and unverifiable information on this account and a thorough and in-dept investigation. Ive disputed and I havent received anything as such, but it continues to be reported in violation of the consumer laws. Continues to report wrong balance, incorrect date of first delinquency, wrong date of last active, inconsistent payment status, high balance and actual balance is questionable, etc. I believe that section 609 of FCRA also allows me to ask for detail information about the account and how you indeed investigated and your detail process. Im extremely upset and shocked about the way this charge-off account is reporting on my credit report which continues to report with incomplete, inconsistent and unverifiable Info. How can you honestly say that you verified as it being accurate? This was NOT verified! I am requesting this investigation under the authorization of the Fair Credit Reporting Act Section 623. ( a ) ( 8 ) ability of consumer to dispute information directly with the furnisher. What I am disputing : The account you have reported to the three credit bureaus. My basis for this dispute is that I have no knowledge of this account.
This is XXXX XXXX, who is submitting this CFPB complaint myself, and no third party is involved in the process. I have been dealing with unauthorized use of my personal information. Which result in unauthorized items on my credit report.
Enclosed you will a complaint against Chase Freedom card who closed my account without notice during this pandemic. I am a XXXX XXXX veteran. I reported to XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX to attend basic combat training at the United States XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX. After completing the nine-week basic training course, I was transferred to the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX, XXXX. I graduated from the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX of XXXX and then completed XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Amazingly, I XXXX twice in XXXX years to XXXX. During my years of service, I received the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, the XXXX XXXX XXXX, the XXXX XXXX XXXX, the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, the XXXX XXXX XXXX, the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX for the XXXX XXXX and the XXXX XXXX. For the last two year, I have worked in XXXX with XXXX with XXXX. Last I saw physically was I have a credit due to me in the amount of about XXXX dollars on this account. Will you tolerate them closing my account during this time period. I recall using this card.
XXXX was collecting on two XXXX XXXX XXXX debts ( account numbers XXXX and XXXX ). These items were paid in XXXX. The last payment prior to charge off with XXXX XXXX XXXX was prior to XX/XX/XXXX. This puts this debt outside of the FCRA obsolescence time frame and they should NOT BE ON MY FILE. XXXX incorrectly put the date of last activity for payment at XX/XX/XXXX ... WHEN THEY RECEIVED THE COLLECTION FROM XXXX. This is incorrect. A company should not be able to just manipulate the activity date to maintain accounts on credit file beyond the federal requirement for obsolescence.