10 values
Bean and rice loaf with # Israeli salad. # food # wfpb # vegan # vegetarian # lunch
What the heck? This fortune in my fortune cookie is college branded? # Arizona # Flagstaff # NAU # college # university # ChineseFood # FortuneCookie # food
Happy Friday! I hope you have lovely plans for your weekend or not-weekend! :bunhdheart: I'm waiting on a library book that I should get soon and I am all :ablobcatbongo: But soon, there will be reading *and* tea! # Tea # Food
Bistecca alla Fiorentina "Chianina"at Trattoria dall'Oste, Florence, Italy, May 2023. One of the finest steak I have had in some time and the 1.4kg beast was under 120 Euros # steak # bistecca # italy # florence # chianina # travel # food # beef # tbone
Mon objectif de ce weekend ? Préparer (presque) toutes les recettes de cette vidéo, pour découvrir de nouveau plats et avoir de quoi manger toute la semaine qui vient : https://www. A # NomNomNom # cuisine # food
Baked some Salty Dog Crackers (from World of Wacraft cookbook) with herbs and smoked paprika to end the work week :ablobcatbongo: # Food # Baking # Cooking # Friday # WorldOfWarcraft # Warcraft # WoW
https://www. Sucuk Pide and Turkish Tea # europe # EuropeEats # Food
初対面の女性とキャンツーする独身男【キャンプツーリング】 https://www. # Autos &Vehicles # BBQ # bushcraft # camp # camping # Cook # cooking # food # moto # Motorbike # outdoors # tourism # Trave # vehicle # アウトドア # キャンツー # キャンプ # キャンプギア # キャンプツーリング # キャンプブ # キャンプ道具 # キャンプ飯 # サーターアンダギー # ソロキャンプ # ツーリング # トラベル # バーベキュー # バイク # ブッシュクラフト # ヘキサゴン # モトブログ # 北海道自転車 # 北海道地方 # 北海道地方サイクリング # 吉本 # 島田紳助 # 料理 # 斧飯 # 新選組リアン # 焚き火 # 焚火 # 焚火飯 # 積載 # 観光
https://www. -a-soba-lunch-set-i-had-in-japan-watercolor-ink/ I painted a soba lunch set I had in Japan, watercolor & ink. # food # JapaneseFood I painted a soba lunch set I had in Japan, watercolor & ink. by catgangamadeus …
So I'm eating this wonderful Butter Chicken Pizza and thinking to myself it really needs some pineapple to balance out the rich spiciness. But damn it's sooo good. # pineappleBelongsOnPizza # food # pizza # foodAdventures
I just bought this recipe book today and wow - it's looking amazing. So many new recipes to try, & beautiful photos. This book is much more than I expected. Having read the intro chapter, my mouth is watering! # recipebooks # recipebook # palestine # food
Learned last year (too late) that my local # library has a seed “borrowing” programme whereby you can choose a few varieties a year, # plant them, and if you’re successful, commit to bringing some of the # seeds back. # gardening # garden # BlackFriday # food # BlackJoy # BestOf2024 Instead of waiting for December 2024, scrambling to remember all the good things, all the things that made me happy in 2024, I will try to acknowledge these little moments of happiness as they arise.
Indian Cuisine # indian # india # food # cuisine # spicy # spices # rice # naan # papadam
«Кухня та кохання тісно пов’язані». Алекс Якутов про бізнес під час війни, локальне м’ясо та зйомки фільму Смак свободи https:// ov-pro-smak-svobodi-stereotipi-pro-italiysku-kuhnyu-ta-pro-restorani-pid-chas-viyni-50399571.html # Food /Їжа
A day for making choco muffins and not cross buns # food # Cooking # comfortfood
It’s grey and dismal here YET AGAIN. This calls for baked goods. # Food (I was experimenting with letting the app generate alt text, and it described this as “a toasted English muffin with butter and marmite”. Think I’ll stick to writing my own.)
Shuttered restaurants, burgers uneaten: why vegan products are being left on the shelf | Jennifer Yule https://www. 2024/mar/08/vegan-restaurants-burgers-cost # Food &drinkindustry # Lifeandstyle # Youngpeople # Veganism # Society # UKnews # Food
I would have never dreamed of cooking something like this prior to the end of 2020. It looks so unassuming but the rice and the tofu really were full of flavour. Freezing tofu before marinating it is the way to go! https:// 34809177371 # Mastonom # HomeCooking # Cooking # MainMeal # MyDinner # JapaneseFood # FusionKitchen # Food # Flexitarian # LactoseIntolerant # LactoseFree # Kokorocares # SylkewebFood # SylkewebFood202403 # Sylkeweb202403 @ Homecooking
Shuttered restaurants, burgers uneaten: why vegan products are being left on the shelf | Jennifer Yule https://www. 2024/mar/08/vegan-restaurants-burgers-cost # Food &drinkindustry # Lifeandstyle # Youngpeople # Veganism # Society # UKnews # Food
"UNRWA says # Israeli authorities haven’t allowed it to deliver supplies to the north since Jan. 23. The World Food Organization...said the military forced its first convoy to the north in two weeks to turn back Tuesday. When the Israeli military organized a # food delivery to # Gaza City last week, troops guarding the convoy opened fire... as thousands of hungry # Palestinians mobbed the trucks. Some 120 people were killed in the shooting" https:// rition-famine-children-dying-israel-palestinians-2f938b1a82d7822c7da67cc162da1a37 # Palestine # Israel # War # News
Outstanding and incredible work. Make a donation if you agree. Aid access in # Gaza must be ‘daily, consistent, and massive’: Chef Jose Andres https://www. 0 # NGO # WorldCentralKitchen # chefjose # food
A new study may just revolutionize # coffee # research “A # research team led by the Leibniz Institute for # Food Systems # Biology at the Technical University of # Munich has now validated the suitability of a specific roasted # coffee compound and proposes it as a new, practical # food biomarker” “it allows us to distinguish objectively and practically between people who have drunk # coffee and those who have not” https:// feasible-biomarker-coffee-consumption.html
# food I felt like making some chicken pasta with loooots of onion. So I did. It’s got my own blend of pasta herbs and allspice, garlic powder, sugar, chicken stock, minced chicken, crushed tomatoes and some oat drink to mellow the sharpness of the tomatoes a bit. It turned out one of my best sauces. 😋
Anyway, if you don't think about cheese too often, it's a really, really, really big deal (and an enormous market) and cheese makers take their craft very seriously and it's honestly inspiring to see the passion that they put into this stuff. And hey - you might also have a local cheesemaker. We have one in my area named Forx Farm and they make INCREDIBLE cheeses. So big things are happening in cheese, y'all! Big cheesy things! https:// # Cheese # Food
[lalibre] Coup marketing d'Ibra TV à Bruxelles : il a offert des centaines de burgers ce matin suite à la victoire de Baki sur Doumbé # Food https://www. /03/08/coup-marketing-dibra-tv-a-bruxelles-il-a-offert-des-centaines-de-burgers-ce-matin-suite-a-la-victoire-de-baki-sur-doumbe-27FU4AACQ5A6NNZWDIMMPKJ4EM/
The World Champion Cheese first runner-up likely would have secured my vote (and possibly gotten me detained as I surely would have attempted to abscond with it immediately). That cheese was an extra-aged Gouda from the Netherlands' Dutch Cheese Makers. My mouth is watering just thinking about that one... # Food # Cheese # Tradeshows
USDA: Salm Partners, LLC, Recalls Johnsonville Polish Kielbasa Turkey Sausage Products Due to Possible Foreign Matter Contamination "Salm Partners, LLC, a Denmark, Wis., establishment, is recalling approximately 35,430 pounds of Johnsonville turkey kielbasa sausage that may be contaminated with foreign materials, specifically pieces of rubber, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today." # sausage # recall # food # FoodSafety https://www. alm-partners-llc-recalls-johnsonville-polish-kielbasa-turkey-sausage-products-due
This year's World Champion Cheese competition was described as "three days of intense competition", from which Switzerland's Michael Spycher (Mountain Dairy Fritzenhaus for Gourmino AG) emerged victorious with his Hornbacher cheese. The Hornbacher is described as a "a washed rind, semi-hard cow’s milk cheese." That must be an amazing cheese, because the first runner-up... # Food # Cheese # Tradeshows
Ovenschotel witlof, kip en mosterdsaus en uiteraard kaas. # food # cooking https://www. f-kip-en-mosterdsaus/
I started a very (too) long rant on how American supermarkets are just 20 different brands of the exact same thing as opposed to many foreign supermarkets where you get a variety of actually different products but it's late here and I know I shouldn't toot when I'm in a crappy mood. So here are some fancy Oreos instead. # oreo # food # supermarket # shopping # travel # america # malaysia # WorldFood
Een uientaart. Dat is een tijd geleden. # food # cooking # archief
This morning’s # OnePan meal: onion, garlic, parsley seasoned with salt, cumin and paprika, then black beans and a diced fresh tomato all mixed up. At the end I cracked an egg (you can barely see it) and threw on chopped spinach, and put the lid on until the egg was sunny side up. Served with Greek yogurt and a squeeze of lemon. It was quite good, but I think arugula would have been better than spinach. # food # cooking # HealthyFood
At my day job I work for a packaging machine manufacturer (we make machines that wrap and bag things). As a result, I get to see all the different industry tradeshows that we attend; y'all, there are SO MANY tradeshows! Anyway, a bit of fun news in advance of CHEESE EXPO (!!!) - the World Championship Cheese Contest has named a new World Champion Cheese! https:// # Food # Cheese # Tradeshows
Ich bin gestern über (m)einen großen (persönlichen) Schatten gesprungen und habe einen eigenen Youtube-Channel angelegt. Nach Versuchen auf Instagram kann ich so zukünftig ohne total knappes Zeitlimit vor mich hin labern und euch Sachen zu mittelalterlichen Rezepten erklärbär(inn)en. Und außerdem isses auch noch schnieke anzugucken. Whoops! An new medieval cooking channel just dropped: https://www. 4 Es hat mich sehr viel Überwindung gekostet (Anxiety, my ass), diesen Schritt zu gehen, obwohl ich an der Erstellung dieses Videos erstaunlich viel Spaß hatte. Anyway - ich würde mich freuden, wenn ihr mal rein guckt, mir vielleicht nen erhobenen Daumen da lasst oder mich sogar abonniert - und den Link hier teilt. Und Achtung: Alle Inhalte auf diesem Kanal sind auf Englisch - genau wie die Rezepte auf der dazugehörigen Seite. Langfristig werde ich aber die Rezepte in deutscher Übersetzung auch auf meinem deutschsprachigen Foodblog veröffentlichen. Vielen Dank fürs Teilen über die Grenzen meiner Mini-Instanz hinaus. Your actions feed my blog! 🥰 # food # recipes # medieval # reenactment # HistoryOfFood # experimentalArchaeologie # Mittelalter # Mittelalterküche # LivingHistory # ExperimentelleArchäologie @ food @ foodblogger_de @ kochen
Sometimes you think you‘ve done everything wrong only to be rewarded with a super fragrant and extremely delicious dish. Such a lucky day! I had been trying to use up a small pack of dried Hokkaido Scallops that had arrived last year with the Fall Kokoro box - but I kept forgetting that they needed to be rehydrated over night. I finally managed to do that. The recipe I had for them was basically a takikomi rice dish (rice cooked with all the seasonings and ingredients) so I had the idea to use up my Okinawan sauce leftovers from my rafute the other day, together with the soaking water from the scallops (as per the recipe), not really thinking that through. Once it was all in the saucepan (with chopped shiitake, kohlrabi, ginger and spring onion), it occurred to me that I probably just murdered the delicate taste of the scallops. 🥴 Alas, it was too late, I had to go with the flow. What can I say, the longer the rice steamed away, the better it smelled in the kitchen. And the taste was just as delicious, somehow this was a marriage made in heaven and my family agreed. The rice is topped with marinated silken tofu. I had frozen it a couple of times as that changes the structure and had it marinate away over night in a mix of gochujang, soy sauce, and mirin. It was still quite delicate but mostly held up to my clumsy efforts of turning it in the frying pan. And it tasted really nice too. This was also appreciated by my not so tofu loving co-eaters; they really have been good sports over the last years, trying the many tofu variations I’ve served them. There was also a Napa cabbage salad but somehow it did not make it on a photo. #Mastonom #HomeCooking #Cooking #MainMeal #MyDinner #JapaneseFood #FusionKitchen #Food #Flexitarian #LactoseIntolerant #LactoseFree #SylkewebFood #SylkewebFood202403 #Sylkeweb202403
The CFS Choux Questionnaire: Lisa Heldke, food philosopher Lisa Heldke # Choux # Questionnaire # Proust # FoodStudies # Croquembouche # Read all you want! # OpenAccess # Share generously! # KnowledgeSharing # Grow your understanding of # Food # Repeat https:// canadianfoodstudies.uwaterloo. ca/index.php/cfs/article/view/650
Seems the trains are running again, so I'll be able to catch my partner on stage in Ritterhude after all. Happiness all round. A bread roll or two from # Steinecke , because it's the only bakery at this station. No serviettes, I had to ask. You don't imagine the person working there would spare a moment to say they have no more, or to get them from the area they pointed me to. Perhaps I ought to consider just eating when I get home, the service is better! # life # travel # food
Cherry Clafoutis, this classic French dessert is the ultimate flan-like recipe that comes together really quickly and easily! It has a custard-like creamy texture and can be made with a great variety of fruits, eg. berries, cherry, apple, etc. This is a rustic dessert, with a homemade comfort food vibe, and probably the easiest recipe on my blog! # food # foodporn # baking https://www.
Australia’s bagel renaissance: ‘It’s not white bread with a hole in it’ https://www. 09/australias-bagel-renaissance-its-not-white-bread-with-a-hole-in-it # Lifeandstyle # Baking # Food
# food # foodporn # foodpr0n # cooking # texmex 🍜🍽️ Tacos
#video #tiktok #videos #meme #tiktoks #no_cc #swearing #food
more shattered dishes redirecting my palate spring rolls tide me over... *It doesn't always work out. Thank goodness for Chinese food! # MastoPrompt - redirecting # Dailyhaikuprompt - spring tide # 575prompt - shattered ART https:// ave-cook-and-eat-kitchen-art-sharon-cummings.html # art # artwork # food # foodporn # foodie # kitchen # kitchendecor # kitchens # eat # eating # chef # cheflife # cooking # cook # gourmet # foods # dining # restaurant # cafe # chinesefood # italianfood # recipes # recipe # poetry # haiku # smallpoems # poet # poets # poem
Si quieres darte un capricho de algo dulce este fin de semana, prepara esta tarta de manzana, un postre muy sencillo de hacer. Se prepara con compota de manzana y queda realmente deliciosa. Para mi es una de las mejores tartas que he probado. Y espero que a ti también te guste 😊. Aquí tienes la receta 👇 https:// ta-de-manzana-casera/ Sígueme para conocer más recetas fáciles ❤️ # recetasconsazon # receta # recetas # recipe # recipes # postre # postres # dessert # desserts # easyrecipe # easyrecipes # food
https://www. e-cheapest-kobe-beef-teppanyaki-in-japan/ Eating the Cheapest Kobe Beef Teppanyaki in Japan # asia # asmr # cheapest # chef # cooking # DancingBacon # dancingbacons # expensive # food # grilled # HotPan # Japan # JapanStreetFood # Japanese # JapaneseFood # JapaneseStreetFood # Kobe # KobeBeef # relaxing # round # rump # satisfying . # steak # StreetFood # teppanyaki # TokyoStreetFood # vegetables Eating what could be the cheapest Kobe beef Teppanyaki in Japan! Royal Mouriya Japan, 〒650-0012 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Wa…
Cherry Blossom in Nara, Japan 🇯🇵 # cherryblossom # nara # japan # travel # adventure # explore # wanderlust # travelphotography # beautifuldestinations # sakura # spring # nature # culture # history # japaneseculture # citylife # asia # food # narajapan
What are you having for your luncheon today? For us it's a sort of bastardised # BuddhaBowl consisting of a layer of brown rice, on which sits some kimchi (not homemade but from London Fermentary), sticky soy, honey & chilli roasted aubergine and sweet potato, tahini tossed wilted spinach and the most amazing 6-hr soy-pickled soft boiled eggs which 5:30am was worth getting up for! Roasted sesame seed garnish. Food for # runners (like wot I is!) # kimchi # egg # lunch # guthealth # food # recipe # alttext
Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tarts are the ultimate rich and creamy Japanese desserts with crunchy shortcrust tart base and distinct sweet and savory cheesy filling. The Japanese Cheese tarts recipe is made using my popular Pâte Sablée aka Sweet shortcrust pastry tart that is filled with a combination of creamy, sweet, and savory dairy and cheese products such as heavy cream, Philadephia cream cheese, and parmesan cheese. # food # foodporn # baking https://www. aked-cheese-tarts/
# Palestine # Food # Aid There will be a humanitarian corridor from # Cyprus to # Gaza . This should enable the supply of aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. A test will first be carried out on Friday. The corridor should come into full operation on Saturday or Sunday.
Sabich Boureka bei Balabait in der Gleimstraße 42, 10437 Berlin #food #deli #berlin #vegetarian
‘Tap water is boring, so they invent new products’: how did humble H2O become such big business? https://www. 024/mar/08/tap-water-is-boring-so-they-invent-new-products-how-did-humble-h2o-become-such-big-business # Food &drinkindustry # Retailindustry # Lifeandstyle # Business
≪ Reis-Gemüse-Pfanne ≫ Zutaten: Reis (vorgekocht), Möhren, Porree (Lauch), roter Paprika, Zucchini, Kohlrabi, Sonnenblumenkerne, gemahlene Leinsamen. Gewürze: Ein wenig Sojasauce, Chiliflocken, Kurkuma, Curry, Paprika. # photography # fotografie # foto # photo # mywork # ownwork # kochen # food # essen # vegan
# vegantest veganz Cashewbert vs. new roots Soft White # vegan # food # camembert # newroots # veganz # käse Es ist der 08.03. und der Cashewbert hat den 24.03. als MHD, der Soft White den 11.03. Manche Unterschiede können am variierenden Reifegrad liegen. Ersteindruck: Beide tragen optisch auf mit schöner Schimmelschicht. Beim Cashewbert gibt es einige gelbliche Flächen, der Soft White sieht wie immer ein wenig verunfallt aus mit einigen dunklen Flecken. (1/4)
https://www. ukudani-it-is-a-traditional-japanese-insect-food/ Locust tsukudani. It is a traditional Japanese insect food. # food # JapaneseFood Locust tsukudani. It is a traditional Japanese insect food. by walk-tokyo-walk …
Getting lost in random places in the world and trying to figure out where I am by asking people about uncontroversial things that won't get me murdered like "what do you think about meat" but avoiding anything that could imply the location, like "what's your favorite restaurant". This could be spoiled if there are enough people with the same or very similar accent, as that may imply the country or region of the country I'm in (like if there are a lot of British accents, it's... 1/2 # food
Top 7 Ultra-Processed Foods In India # food # sideeffects # healthytips # ToneOp https:// d-food
https://www. Clams in Fried Tomato Sauce # europe # EuropeEats # Food
Wanted jalapeño poppers but we don't have any jalapeños here, just these tall skinny guys. Improvised a recipe: - cream, cheddar cheeses and garlic, cayenne powder, black pepper, salt stuffing - freeze peppers after hollowing and stuffing - make bath of eggs, hot sauce, milk - bathe ; bread with seasoned spicy flour ; wait until it dries - bathe again, coat in bread crumbs - bathe again, coat again with bread crumbs Ended up damn tasty. Cheesy and spicy. A bit labor intensive but not bad # food
Las Sherrywomen protagonizan la evolución de los oficios del Marco de Jerez https://www. errywomen.html # tererecetas # food # foodie # wine # vino
https://www. quick-ramen-when-i-dont-have-time-to-go-out-for-one/ [Homemade] Quick ramen, when I don’t have time to go out for one. # food # JapaneseFood [Homemade] Quick ramen, when I don’t have time to go out for one. by DSilverwing …
https://www. An Ode To Sandwiches With Open Faces # europe # EuropeEats # Food
https://www. oy-sauce-ramen-from-iruca-roppongi/ Porcini Soy-sauce Ramen from Iruca (Roppongi) # food # JapaneseFood Probably the best ramen I ever had! by Hokidachi …
Die Soße? Einfach und schnell gemacht. Die Käsekrainer? Gekauft beim Fleischer des Vertrauens. Dem Genuss der Curry Käsekrainer steht nichts mehr im Wege. Kurzer Aufwand für die Soße, aber trotzdem eine einfache Zubereitung, Wurst braten, fertig ist ein Gaumenschmaus! ZUM REZEPT: https:// sekrainer/ # food # recipe # rezept
Die Soße? Einfach und schnell gemacht. Die Käsekrainer? Gekauft beim Fleischer des Vertrauens. Dem Genuss der Curry Käsekrainer steht nichts mehr im Wege. Kurzer Aufwand für die Soße, aber trotzdem eine einfache Zubereitung, Wurst braten, fertig ist ein Gaumenschmaus! ZUM REZEPT: https:// sekrainer/ # food # rezept # recipe
directors cut of PAREL 📖 What would it be like if food was affordable for everyone in the world? In December a month with good and tasty food, I thought of poverty. About people who are poor, who're living in war zones, they who have nothing at all. What would it be like if food was affordable for everyone in the world? Is it scifi if a potato is replaced by a pill? If all daily nutrients were in a cheap pill? https://www. k # film # director # food
pizza time # Pizza # Cooking # Food # PizzaFriday
«До продукту застосовую до 10 технік». Що готує, де працює та як ставиться до конкуренції із чоловіками наймолодша шефиня України https:// hlenivski-restorani-interv-yu-z-shefineyu-z-kiyeva-mariyeyu-hristich-novini-kiyeva-50399138.html # Food /Ресторани
The annual Spring trip to the plant nursery yielded heat tolerant raspberries, kiwi plants, a table grape plant, and a large camellia sinenis (tea plant). Had to go easy on trees this year because we first need to move our Duke avo and the macadamia from pots into dirt. We now have enough blooming wildflowers that cars slow down as they pass. Unintended traffic calming, 😄. # gardening # food # flowers
oh wow you guys are still here are you here for HAMBORGOR?! it was very tasty ^_^ # uspolitics # uspol # sotu # sotu2024 # food # hamburger # HAMBORGOR
https://www. very-good-for-lunch-on-a-busy-day-1200-yen-at-a-local-sushi-restaurant/ Sushi is very good for lunch on a busy day. 1200 yen at a local sushi restaurant. # food # JapaneseFood Sushi is very good for lunch on a busy day. 1200 yen at a local sushi restaurant. by walk-tokyo-walk …
I ate dinner tonight. # food # PotatoSalad
Let's try something cheaper this time, like this sizzling #burgersteak with #gravy (80 pesos)! Masarap naman ​:munch:​ (Don't worry about the photo I got my free soup after taking this) #burger #steak #food #foods #canteen RE:
На сухому молоці. Легкий апельсиновий торт з чотирьох інгредієнтів без борошна https:// -korisniy-tort-z-suhogo-moloka-shvidkiy-recept-torta-z-chotiroh-ingrediyentiv-50398841.html # Food /Їжа
Also reposting my interests! Hello to the people of these hashtags! #nonbinary #transfem #femby #bisexual #polyamory #adhd #audhd #autism #neurodiverse #history #science #astronomy #astrophysics #chemistry #engineering #technology #spaceflight #aviation #trains #transit #biking #urbanism #rollercoasters #movies #scifi #startrek #theorville #pcgaming #retrogaming #pokemon #ksp #linux #music #rock #progrock #hardrock #art #furry #writing #streaming #memes #cooking #food
Без борошна та цукру. Як приготувати низькокалорійне суфле всього з 5 простих інгредієнтів https:// ukru-ta-boroshna-recept-nizkokaloriynogo-desertu-z-5-ingrediyentiv-50398674.html # Food /Їжа
Op-Ed | Ubuntu Food Systems: Bridging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Leadership https:// tu-food-systems/? # food # news
This crust was super thin in the middle and puffy on the rim. Turned out great! I used Bob's Red Mill "00" flour. A slice had the "flop" when you pick it up and (according to my wife) the right amount of grease. # pizza # baking # food
https://www. ashi-powder/ Is this dashi powder? # food # JapaneseFood I think this is dashi powder. I think it says to mix a packet with 600ml of water and 4g of some sort of seasoning. Am I close? by QuietBlackSheep …
Homemade potato sandwich bread # Baking # Food # Bread
Not as heavy as it looks! Ground Lamb Pitas with Tomato-Mint Salad: https:// 3/07/ground-lamb-pitas-with-tomato-mint-salad.html # recipes # food # cooking
# Dinner tonight courtesy of Mrs. F: penne # pasta with garlic herb goat cheese, broccoli, yellow peppers, and pine nuts. Sliced tomato on the side. # food # ItalianAmerican
This company designs ice for the drinks industry. # Food
This cinnamon roll weighs 100 pounds. Would you try it? # Food
The restaurant specializes in Ham hung style noodles, which are made of potatoes. # Food
Вечеря в східному стилі. Курячі стегенця в суміші спецій заатар до улюбленого гарніру https:// egna-z-limonom-i-speciyami-yak-prigotuvati-prostu-vecheryu-z-kurkoyu-ta-ovochami-50398778.html # Food /Їжа
Tam O' Shanter is the oldest restaurant in Los Angeles. # Food
Musso and Frank Grill in Los Angeles has been open since 1919. # Food
Lee's Donuts was started by a self-proclaimed “hippie dippy” couple & their same recipe has been used since 1979. # Food
https://www. e-kyoto-2024/ Osaka Kobe Kyoto 2024 # food # fun # HarryPotter # Japan # JAPONSKO # jídlo # kjoto # Kobe # KobeDestinations # KobeTour # KobeTravel # KobeTrip # KobeVacation # Kyoto # lide # Osaka # People # street # travel # travelling # UniversalStudios # zábava # 神戸 Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto – 2024/02 …
And the # Israeli salad is done! # food # vegan # vegetarian # wfpb
Used the air fryer for these sweet chili chicken wings. # food # chicken # airfryer
# InSeasonNZ for this month: # localGrown Carrots – White Table # inSeason # CarrotsWhiteTable # SpecialityVegetables # Food
Ніжне, як хмаринка. М’яке лимонне печиво: буде готове за 20 хвилин https:// imonom-na-smetani-yak-prigotuvati-prostiy-desert-do-kavi-za-20-hvilin-50398355.html # Food /Їжа
Chicken drumstick fried in broth wine sauce, buttered steamed Brussels sprouts and a bowl of rice with sauteed peppers, onions and broccoli and topped with the broth wine sauce. 🍽️ 🍜 # food # cooking
https://www. kiji-fish-market-bbq-not-only-street-food-tour-things-to-do-in-tokyo-japan/ Tokyo Tsukiji Fish Market BBQ / Not only street food tour! Things to do in Tokyo Japan # BBQ # food # Japan # JapanFood # JapanFoodTour # JapanGuide # JapanStreetFood # JapanTravel # JapaneseFood # JapaneseStreetFood # SAMURAIJUNJIROChannel # StreetFood # StreetFoodJapan # ThingsToDoInTokyo # Tokyo # TokyoFood # TokyoFoodTour # TokyoGuide # TokyoJapan # TokyoStreetFood # TokyoTravel # TsukijiBbq # TsukijiFishMarket # TsukijiGuide # TsukijiStreetFood # TsukijiSushi # wagyu
# pizza # gif # simplyfun # foodporn # lovepizzahatefascism # food
Alicante, Spain 🇪🇸 # alicante # spain # travel # adventure # explore # wanderlust # travelphotography # instatravel # beautifuldestinations # spanish # culture # history # architecture # beach # mediterranean # food # citylife # europe # vacation # alicantespain
I was just saying I haven't found too many French Japanese spots in the Bay Area, but here's one in the city: https://www. It looks really good, gotta go # Food # BayAreaEats # BAE # SanFrancisco
Vegan kaya in Singapore https:// /eggless-kaya # Vegan # Singapore # TootSea # Food # Kaya
Mom's making # Israeli salad. It smells so good. # food # vegetarian # vegan # wfpb
Are anybody of my followers still awake? If yes, feel obliged to follow my brand new YT-Channel! https:// (Yes,yes, I'm ...puh... it's a little bit too much. Mood is fluctuating between being proud, giddy, happy and full blown anxiety. Anyway: Boosts are really appreciated. Thanks a lot and love for you all! 🥰) # food # FoodHistory # arabicFood # MedievalCooking # MedievalFood # medieval # Mittelalter # recipes # Rezepte