10 values
If you're in the market for a pop-sci book, please consider picking up a copy of mine. I honestly think it's the best thing I've ever written. Nature called it "a wild ride", which I love 🦎 Or if you've already read & enjoyed it, could you please write a lil review? Thank you very much in advance 😊 # books # scicomm # science https:// -the-secret-science-of-surfaces-laurie-winkless/5733175
# sciencefiction # scifi # fiction # reading # books # comedy Episode 2 — The Wreck of Essfer https://
# sciencefiction # scifi # fiction # reading # books # comedy Episode 2 — The Wreck of Essfer https://
# sciencefiction # scifi # fiction # reading # books # comedy Episode 2 — The Wreck of Essfer https://
# sciencefiction # scifi # fiction # reading # books # comedy Episode 2 — The Wreck of Essfer https://
Naming women in the Letterform Archive collection for International Women’s Day: Dutch graphic designer and bookmaker Irma Boom, American psychedelic poster artist Bonnie MacLean, and German writer and book designer Judith Schalansky. # IrmaBoom # BonnieMacLean # JudithSchalansky # WomenDesigners # Books # Posters # Psychedelia # Fashion
I just learned something new about the writing style of Jane Austen. I've only read Pride and Prejudice so far and this makes me want to pick up another book of her, as I genuinely enjoyed it! # reading # books # janeausten # bookstodon https:// kmD1IzSZZ1
https://www. I just realized that I’ve been incorrectly describing the type of mystery I like, and now I have no idea what to call it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? # books I did try looking it up, but I’ve had no luck. The type of mystery I’m looking for usually involves the cast of characters isolated from the outside world somehow. So it’s one of those things where there is an ensemble of possible suspects, and any of them could have…
Here's a simple proposal; If educational publishers go bankrupt, the decades of materials they own should be entered into the Library of Congress and made available to everyone for no cost. We CANNOT lose these things. ESPECIALLY not now, as the brain-drain intensifies around the world. # education # publishing # books https://
Today's random book is The Cleaner, the Cat & the Spacestation by Fay Abernethy, an 8.5/10 UK based mix of sci fi & fantasy. Very creative. If you like Becky Chambers, give this a go. It's not as cozy, but it's a great read # bookstodon # books
# scifi # scifiart # sciencefiction # comedy # comedywriting # fantasy # books # shortstories # entertainment Gunny Josephine Flowars https:// eo-woolfe/gunny-josephine-flowars-8ce3b9be33f6
# scifi # scifiart # sciencefiction # comedy # comedywriting # fantasy # books # shortstories # entertainment Gunny Josephine Flowars https:// eo-woolfe/gunny-josephine-flowars-8ce3b9be33f6
# scifi # scifiart # sciencefiction # comedy # comedywriting # fantasy # books # shortstories # entertainment Gunny Josephine Flowars https:// eo-woolfe/gunny-josephine-flowars-8ce3b9be33f6
Me: *has lots of books to read* Me: I'm bored 😩 Guess I don't feel like reading 😅😆 # reading # books # bored
Indie Author Title: Michelle Diener, Mistress of the Wind, http://www. Direct toot me and ask me to add a title to the list. Required Info: auth name, auth status, book pub as, book title, genre, book url, pub year Or ask me for indie titles by author, genre, year published etc. You can also ask me for details on your favorite tropes. # Books # AmReading # IndieAuthor # Indie # Fiction # Bookstodon # WritingCommunity
🔴 Chaque jour, des millions de personnes se posent des milliards de questions, Et toi, qu'est ce qui te manque dans ta vie ? Pour moi, c'est toi. https:// 7/09/a-bruneau-chaque-matin.html # World # A7Radio # Streaming # Live # Books # Poesy
I Love You So Much It's Killing Us Both by Mariah Stovall # books # literature # dedication
We have some of the funeral cards left over from my father’s service in 2021. I wasn’t sure what to do with them, but I’ve started using them as bookmarks, because I really cannot think of any place more appropriate for my dad than in the middle of a book. # bookstodon # books
When everybody is in a state, new outrages every hour, one often thinks of Lady Julia in 'Brideshead,' saying, "Why don't you write a letter to the Times ?" # quotes # books
Book-reading for children in a refugee camp https://www. 75910656 @ palestine # Gaza # children # books
Αλεξάνδρα Παπαδοπούλου: Κλυταιμνήστρα # books # press https:// 024/03/blog-post_09.html
# reading Devil’s Way by Robert Bryndza # bookstodon # books # CrimeFiction # BritishCrimeFiction # fiction
I’ve weeded thousands of # books in the past six months, and I am tired. # Library # LibraryLife
Stop doomscrolling: drink some water, take a walk, read a book. Here's a really good one: The Carnation Murder (Adele Gossling Mysteries: Book 1) by Tam May http://www. XY/?tag=indautlan-20 # bookstodon # Mystery # books # ad
My latest Modern Library essay is now up. I tackle Walker Percy's THE MOVIEGOER -- an extraordinary novel that deals with a type of rudderless man found even today who is too enamored with the search for meaning. I track the origins of Percy's protagonist from an early essay and even tie this all into Richard Linklater's SLACKER! http://www. rn-library-60/ # books # walkerpercy # themoviegoer
Ch.30 of my hard # scifi # SpaceOpera is released! The mental state of much of the crew reaches an all-time low. As I stated before, the last few jumps were a meatgrinder, previously physical and now emotional. Now the end is approaching. Will they manage to reach their destination while remaining sane? Last normal chapter. Next update will have the ending + epilogue. No deadline. https://www. ardust-marathon # sciencefiction # writing # amwriting # WritingCommunity # novel # books # sff # WritersCoffeeClub
Howdy, book and # Naturalist folks. Need some help. I read and enjoyed Nature’s Best Hope by Doug Tallamy. He has another, earlier, book: Bringing Nature Home. At face value it seems very similar. Is it worth the read? Or should I carry on? 🤔 # NaturesBestHope # BringingNatureHome # DougTallamy # Nature # help # books # bookstodon
Typically when I find something of this particular subject matter, I would tag a certain someone. But this time I’ll be nice and gamble that she’ll see it randomly in her newsfeed or somebody else will tag her. # book # books # reading # feet # vintage
10 New Horror Novels to Keep You Scared this March # new # books # lists # bookriot https:// -march-2024/
Think I'll pick up a book my cis GP recommended. "Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life" by Emily Nagoski She said it was particularly interesting for vagina owners, but I'd venture to say it is likely good those who like neurosexuality as well. I will imo, confirm or deny once I get into it. I love all science, but especially brain science. This will make for a hyperfixation day or two. Some cis people are ok... sometimes. # NeuroSexuality # Science # Books # Bibliophile # YEG
The @Smashwords Read an Ebook Week sale is very nearly over! My books are still 50% off through tomorrow (March 9)! If you don't hurry, you'll miss your chance to pick them up at a discount! https:// =smashwords https:// s?store=smashwords https:// store=smashwords # ebookweek24 # Smashwords # author # writing # publishing # books # scifi # sciencefiction # fantasy # sale # actionadventure @ bookstodon
"Broadway Goes to War" (2021) Robert L. McLaughlin and Sally E. Parry https://www. 6 # Art # MastoArt # Book # Books # BookCover # BookCovers # CoverIllustraion # CoverArt # AlternativeHistory # UniversityPress # AcademicPress # Bookstodon
The library’s spring used book sale was fun and I managed to keep the haul at 22 pounds this time. Here are four of the kid’s books I picked up - three from the 1960s and one from the 1970s. # book # books # reading # literature # vintage
Words without Borders 2024 International Women’s Day Reading List. https:// rticle/2024-03/your-2024-international-womens-day-reading-list/?src=mailchimp&mc_cid=d9ef5a47b0&mc_eid=a37d2c7346 # books # bookstodon # IWD # Gender # WordsMatter # authors
https://www. Wagga Wagga club lays claim to title of world’s oldest continuous Shakespeare reading group # books Wagga Wagga club lays claim to title of world’s oldest continuous Shakespeare reading group by AlamutJones …
Just about every example of Film-Noir uses a classic trope: the Femme Fatale. In She Hunts Demons, this role is filled by a teenage girl by the name of Isabel Grant. She initially presents herself to Little Miss Secret and Simmons as a terrified victim of the demon, Otto Vogerath, but she soon has them wrapped around her little finger. Hover the cursor over the image to learn more. https:// # author # writing # publishing # books # fantasy # actionadventure @ bookstodon
# WomenWhoMurder is reeling! # books # truecrime # bookrelease # newbooks # preorder # bookstodon https://www. 008
Loved this episode of # ABCConversations with # SarahKanowski in conversation with celebrated # bookbinder # DominicRiley . As Sarah says, "Thanks for taking us into this completely fascinating world." 👏👏👏 # books # bookbinding Link to Conversations episode on ABC Australia website: https://www. versations/dominic-riley-bookbinding-repeat/103397932
NUTS. It was nuts for them; i.e. it was very agreeable to them. A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785) -- # books # literature # dictionaries # history # society # crime # language # slang @ histodons
# pennedpossibilities 247 — Who does your MC or SC share their deepest secrets with? The two main squires (MC and main SC) share secrets with each other. They are basically best friends and have been since they were pages at the castle. In fact, it's a secret revealed by the SC squire that becomes a major crux in the story. # ofsquiresandknights # fantasy # fantasybook # bookstodon # books
https://www. Have you ever read a book that you forget the premise but remember the feeling? # books Hey all! I don’t see a lot of chatter around these books, but I hope it’s still relevant. I have read 3 of the 4 John Dies at the End series by David Wong (Jason Pargin). I don’t remember what happened in these books, but I remember the entertainment and the “what the heck?” moments. …
Finished reading A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers <3 I've read several books with alternating perspectives, and this is the first where every chapter was a treat, no matter whose story I got. Looking forward to the next one! # books
Stop doomscrolling: drink some water, take a walk, read a book. Here's a really good one: The Carnation Murder (Adele Gossling Mysteries: Book 1) by Tam May http://www. XY/?tag=indautlan-20 # bookstodon # Mystery # books # ad
「人間というものはよほど意味を求める欲求が強いらしく、苦悩しつつある時でさえ、そこに何ほどかの意味を感じたいらしい。いったい何のために毎日こんなに苦しんでいるのであろう、と彼はつぶやく。苦しむことで何事かが得られるなら、何かの目的が果たされるなら、苦しみもまだ耐えやすいのだ。」p.133 『生きがいについて』には上記のような一文があります。そして、その「苦しみの意味」をジェイムズが描く「回心(Conversion)』によって得た愛生園のハンセン病患者たちの実例が描かれます。 このテキストは『宗教的経験の諸相』の内容が確かに日本でも起き、人の苦悩を解決したという証(あかし)になっています。 # books https://
https://www. Strategies for the Neurodivergent Reader # books Strategies for the Neurodivergent Reader by dr_strangelove42 …
https://www. How long is your physical TBR? # books Mine is 55 books. The worst part is that I know I have more unread books than that, I just stopped counting. As part of my current bid to reduce personal consumption, I’m going to try and make some decent progress on it before I buy anything new. It’s way too easy to overbuy books …
JFR Gilded Ghost by Kyle Kirrin read by Travis Baldree. This is the third book in the Ripple System series Imagine the next big MMORPG, one with full immersive VR play. There are cycles and seasons, but the big players have, in a matter of weeks, begun triggering world-altering events, and the main character, Ned, is the most hated player in the entire world. Ned's chosen city is about to come under siege by a guild who has razed every place they've targeted, the most popular player and online streamer and his literal cult is gunning for him, and Ned has to bet literally everything he owns and has built in the game to save his city from impending doom. I love Travis' narration. The interactions between Ned and his all-knowing axe, Frank are hilarious. It's an RPG, and there's a lot of reading out of stats, which might be a downside for some. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to book four # books # bookstodon # Audiobooks
My humble offering to anyone seeking a weekend read: Weaving In The Ends, a # scifi # romance novella duology that starts w/a summer fling & ends w/a Winter Solstice brawl. It's the closest I have to a feel-good story, it's a cozyish quick read that can be read as a standalone, or as an easy springboard into the world of 2 connected novels. Available in print & ebook now, audio coming soon! https:// s # Books # Reading # Bookstodon @ bookstodon
https://www. Elin Hilderbrand “Golden Girl” discussion questions # books CONTAINS SPOILERS \* \* \* \* Would you forgive Marisa in Vivi’s place? Why Leo was aftraid to confess to Cruz ? Do you think Leo believed it was Cruz who killed his mother? Why Marisa framed Cruz? In what ways you think Villa, Carson and Leo way of dealing with grief was destructive? What …
Four new # books to add to the stacks! Hopefully I can get my ass in gear and start reading again...too many stacks... # Audreys # yeg
I got too close to the library today. I've been doing good, holding off on getting library books because I have 1 quadrillion books at home. But I went into the library today to drop off a couple of bags of books for the book sale next month and figured I peruse the New Book shelf. I got 2 books * The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia https://www. 76-the-murmur-of-bees * The Enchanters by James Ellroy https://www. 48-the-enchanters At least they were on my Want to Read list @ bookstodon # books # reading
https://www. SPOILERS! what do you guys think happened after the end of Demon Copperhead? # books i just finished this book & its constantly been on my mind since i did. what do yall think happened at the beach? did demon & angus like go fully into a relationship as far as acting like a couple or did it happen gradually after that? did they move back to virginia or go …
Which is in fact because I have just finished # AliSmith 's 'Spring'. It is a beautiful novel. Part 1 is particularly brilliant. I'm not sure about its flirtation with magical realism in part 2. We need a writer who can find hope without recourse to magic. On the other hand, it is more mythological realism than magical. We can believe in myth making and story telling. What is real is not the mundane, but the eternal or, better, the eternal in the mundane. Smith is on the side of the angels because she believes in art, in myth in story telling. Spring, with its promise of life, is contrasted with winter which is dark and unenchanted. It is also art and the mundane. Smith is with Chaucer not Elliott. So am I. What I particularly like is the motif that none of this is about you. It serves to cut the privileged down to size, but the moral extends. The story isn't Florence's or the Machines. It is a shared world and 'world' here is truely all that is, was, will be or even could have been the case. # Books , # Fiction , # Migration , # Refugees @ bookstodon
The Everyday Language of White Racism by Jane H. Hill In The Everyday Language of White Racism, Jane H. Hill provides an incisive analysis of everyday language to reveal the underlying racist stereotypes that continue to circulate in American culture. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # America # racism # language
The Encyclopedia of Country Living, 50th Anniversary Edition by Carla Emery The Original Manual for Living Off the Land & Doing It Yourself For more than 50 years, this homesteading classic is the essential book of basic skills and country wisdom for living off the grid, being prepared, and doing it yourself. Keep your family healthy, safe, and independent--no matter what's going on in the world. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # homesteading # SustainableLiving
# WomenWhoMurder is on the radar! https:// on-the-radar-it-was-the-butler-no/ # books # newbooks # bookrelease # truecrime # bookstodon
Check out the latest article from John Ilho: How to Rewrite Your Novel https:// rewrite-your-novel-34acf7e25726?source=rss----6e9c0c9fd682---4 # editing # writing # books # rewriting # novelwriting # link
https://www. Concensus of month and day names in fantasy? # books I will admit this was spurred by another post about maps and directions. Anyway, as a writer I have always been snagged on whether or not a fantasy setting should have made up names for the days of the week, or just use Monday through Sunday. The same for the names of months. Do readers …
Stop doomscrolling: drink some water, take a walk, read a book. Here's a really good one: Legacy of the Tropics by Mary Deal A trilogy of novellas that shatter the myths of stereotypical islands of paradise. http://www. 8N/?tag=indautlan-20 # bookstodon # Mystery # books # ad
Join the Emily Dickinson Museum and Harvard Press (in person or online) for the launch of The Letters of Emily Dickinson. Editor Cristanne Miller will discuss this new edition of Dickinson’s correspondence. # EmilyDickinson # Books # Bookstodon # OnlineEvent # BookLaunch Wednesday, April 3, 4:30pm ET Register: https://www. launch-letters-of-emily-dickinson/
"What do you think I have found?" said he triumphantly. "Father's measure that has been lost for a week!" https:// # books
My book INSOLVENT was selected one of two finalists in the AAP PROSE Awards category "Engineering and Technology". https:// christoph-beckers-book-insolvent-makes-finals-at-2024-prose-awards/ 🎈 # Books # InsolventBook
Got my author copies today! Book two of Crusade of the Sword launches on March 19 on Amazon and Apple Books. Find out more at https:// # books # fantasybooks # fantasy # bookstodon
Happy International Women’s Day! I picked a half dozen of my favorite books written by women about the craft of writing and the business of publishing. It’s over on the official Wingback site. https:// 24/for-international-womens-day-books-about-publishing/ # Bookstodon # publishing # books # writing
Property and Contract in # Economics : The Case for Economic Democracy by David Ellerman This book makes 2 arguments. 1. The employment contract is the core of the # capitalism rather than private property 2. The employment contract is invalid because it violates # WorkersRights to # democracy in the firm. All firms should be structured as worker # coops for economic justice https://www. s/2012/12/Ellerman-Property-and-Contract-Book.pdf @ bookstodon # books # philosophy # ethics # anticapitalism # capitalist # anticapitalist # BusinessEthics
The Women’s prize for fiction is a success – now it has a nonfiction sister | Kate Mosse https://www. /08/the-womens-prize-for-fiction-nonfiction-sister-international-womens-day # InternationalWomen 'sDay # Publishing # KateMosse # Feminism # Culture # Books # Women
10 New # Horror # Novels to Keep You # Scared this March Winter might be coming to an end, and the sun might be shining for longer, but believe me when I say March is about to get dark. This month’s horror novels are probably the creepiest of 2024 so far. # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # TheArts # Literature # Books # Reading # Representation # Culture https:// -march-2024/
9 # Books Set in # Ancient # worlds I’m a big # reader of # historicalfiction , but I have a soft spot for # books that go way way back in time. # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # TheArts # Literature # Books # Reading # Representation # Culture https:// ent-worlds/
# StephenKing 's # StateoftheUnion # Message Goes # viral The # Horror # author shared his # thoughts on # President # JoeBiden 's State of the Union address on Thursday, # slamming # Trump # supporters in the process. # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # TheArts # Literature # Books # Reading # Politics # Representation # Culture https://www. -viral-donald-trump-joe-biden-1877225
Just finished a fantastic read, Fire in the valley, the history of the pc revolution. Does anyone recommend a computer -related history book? # books
The Economics of Belonging by Martin Sandbu A Radical Plan to Win Back the Left Behind and Achieve Prosperity for All In this original, engaging book, Martin Sandbu argues that economics remains at the heart of our widening inequality and it is only by focusing on the right policies that we can address it. He proposes a detailed, radical plan for creating a just economy. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # inequality # economics
The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate # books # literature # dedication
The Disneyization of Society by Alan Bryman This is an agenda-setting new work in the sociology of culture and modern society. It argues that the contemporary world is increasingly converging towards the characteristics of the Disney theme parks. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # Disneyization # PopularCulture
The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth by Jonathan Rauch Disinformation. Trolling. Conspiracies. Social media pile-ons. Campus intolerance. On the surface, these recent additions to our daily vocabulary appear to have little in common. But together, they are driving an epistemic crisis: a multi-front challenge to America’s ability to distinguish fact from fiction and elevate truth above falsehood. @bookstodon # books # nonfiction # disinformation # truth # falsehood
My # bookreview is brief/won't spoil, to spread good, great, & spectacular # horror # books far & wide. 💙📚 MEWING by Chloe Spencer is a devilish, deliciously demented tale about self image, fame, & the lengths a person may be compelled to pursue for Love & Validation. Instantly engaging & full of a wry, sardonic horror, it's a biting story that will resonate, especially with women. (Shortwave Publishing) # book # review # bookstodon @ bookstodon # mothersuspiriareview @ horror @ horrorbooks
The Code Book: The Secrets Behind Codebreaking by Simon Singh Based on The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography , this version has been abridged and slightly simplified for a younger audience.From Julius Caesar to the 10th-century Arabs; from Mary Queen of Scots to "Alice and Bob"; from the Germans' Enigma machine to the Navajo code talkers in World War II, Singh traces the use of code to protect--and betray--secrecy. @ bookstodon # books # cryptography
Currently reading "Shōgun (1975)". What series are we starting after it? # bookstodon # books # literature
REVIEW: Sunset at Embthwaite Farm (The Mowbray Sisters Book 3) by Kate Hewitt https:// erall-b-reviews/b-plus-reviews/review-sunset-at-embthwaite-farm-by-kate-hewitt/ # OfInterest # Culture # Books # Bookstadon
Finished reading Ise Monogatari 🇯🇵 # books
A beautiful and sad read, this. I could call it a Catholic 'Cider With Rosie' with extra generational trauma but that would be too glib. A sensitive exploration of a boy coming to terms with his family's, and his country's, tragic history. If you love # DerryGirls you should read this as a background to the city, and to Granda Joe's possible past. It makes his remark about "ghost stories" in the finale even more poignant. # books # bookstodon
I used to subscribe to GoodReads to share and keep track of what I've read. I found out their owned by Amazon, so goodbye to that. In the interim, I'll post here. I finished Alice Munro's Dear Life (published in 2012) a week or so ago. It's a good collection of stories, but it doesn't seem to hit the highs of the past collections like Friend of My Youth. Regardless, her short stories always create new worlds to travel to. She's a brilliant writer # Books # AliceMunro
How to find your people (on # Mastodon and IRL:-)) # books # gardening # community
@ dashdsrdash I found Scott Stein’s The Great American Deception laugh out loud funny. There’s a sequel too that I want to read soon. # SF # books
📚 Women of colour still underrepresented in publishing - FRIDAY OPINION "The only way to make substantive change is to just have women of color in every other department." # diversity # publishing # iwd # InternationalWomensDay # books # WorldBookDay # bookstodon https:// -still-underrepresented-in-publishing/
Happy # internationalwomensday ! I’m proud to be able to say my books pass the Bechdel test. If you haven’t heard of it, it's a measure of the representation of women in works of fiction Here are the 3 original criteria of the Bechdel test: -The book/movie must have at least two women in it. -The women must talk to each other. -Their discussion must be about something other than a man. To celebrate IWD, my # books are on sale! https://www. You-Now-ebook/dp/B0BLD16W7T?ref_=ast_author_mpb https://www. -You-Now-ebook/dp/B0CFM6VZS7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 # bookstodon
Weekend reading! I'm really enjoying Darkborn by Alison Sinclair (I'm about 2/3 through) & next up will be The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton, which should be fun # amreading # weekendreading # bookstodon # books
Reading what I think is a VERY important book “Was Jonestown a CIA medical experiment” ( https:// wnciam0035meie/page/n11/mode/1up?view=theater ) and wow am I blown away. The first part of the book goes into excruciating detail about the policy and procedure of Nazi Germany. I’m looking forward to the connection that will be made to the CIA and then to the Jonestown massacre. Never would have occurred to me that the three could be related. # bookstodon # books
Took the day off from the insanity of my job. Dropped the dogs at daycare. Got herbs for my garden. Swam in the pool. And am almost done reading an incredible book. Life is good. # gardening # plants # florida # reading # books
Had my CT scan today. Results should be known in 3 - 4 weeks from now. Next Thursday is the day I'm dreading, Colonoscopy. During the hour each way bus trips to hospital today, I was immersed in We Don't Go Back: A Watcher's Guide To Folk Horror. # books # reading # bookstodon
At breakfast, my young-adult-in-residence says: "I need a new book." This is not an unusual request. "Finished something?" "Yeah, after I read Babel I read the Poppy War trilogy." [All by R.F. Kuang] "What did you think of it?" "Good, but depressing. I need something funny." "Pratchett's the go-to for humor." "Not right now." "OK, how about Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore?" "What's that about?" So I read the one-para wikipedia summary, and that will probably go on the list. Knowing that they've already read Adams and Scalzi, who would y'all recommend for SF/F with a high humor quotient? # SF # Fantasy # books # bookstodon
https://www. Parables of the Sower” feels like “/r/Im14AndThisIsDeep # books I feel bad for speaking ill of a creation of the dead. But, I want to talk about this regardless, because I just finished this book the other day and my thoughts about it were bothering me for the entire book. I cannot decide if *Parables of the Sower* is meant to be a story …
📚 “The Meditations” by Marc Aurel was probably never intended to be read by anyone but the author, things to one’s self however allow us to get a glimpse into a mind filled with Stoa. Meandering alongside these trains of thoughts, clearing the mind, reminding one’s self to be good, can serve anyone well. # books # classic # Stoa https://www. Meditations
i’ve been reading miyazaki’s Starting Point, and it is replete with thinking about what human beings are, and what cartoons can offer them. i knew he was an exceptional animator, but never realized how much effort he put into the psychological foundations of his stories. “I feel that viewers should feel liberated after watching cartoon films, and that the characters should also ultimately be liberated. So I like the idea that the Conan characters actually became more innocent at the end. What really makes me mad about most TV anime, to the extent that I have watched it, is that the shows don't have any sort of purifying or cathartic effect at all. I really can't stand them. I think they don't have any respect for real humanity. The only way they can imagine humans changing is by assuming that people want to change. It's too terrifying for the creators to deal with characters that seem incapable of changing even as they are changing.” (p. 304) When I think back on his films, I am struck at how many of them end on a non-neurotic note. There is no overcoming the evil bad person. The protagonist doesn’t get what s/he wants. There is just an uneasy resolution to problems - that were ultimately because of ego, not because of evil. I wish there were more writers like this. # manga # anime # books # bookstodon
https://www. bersecurity-books-that-should-be-on-your-bookshelf-in-2024/ # books # cybersec # malware # ransomware # CISO # CIO # CTO # Leadership # Management # Business
For the latest issue of the # JaneAusten and # Bronte newsletter, I list Austen and Bronte # podcasts for your listenig pleasure. If I'm missing any, let me know and I'll update the list! https:// elydiverting/p/austen-bronte-newsletter-issue-7-podcasts?r=1ep55&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true # regency # georgian # AmReading # AmWriting # ReadingCommunity # WritingCommunity # books @ bookstodon @ romancelandia
Oops, I just bought another physics book 📚😃 ”Waves in an Impossible Sea” How Everyday Life Emerges from the Cosmic Ocean by Matt Strassler # Book # Books # Physics # QuantumPhysics # Universe # Reading
A new 5 Things Friday blog post for this Friday. # books # bookstodon # TedLasso # tv # blog # 5Things https:// ugust/p/5-things-friday-49c?r=h5gd&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
A city at peace in a world at war. ‘The Stockholm Run’ is a fast-paced thriller set in Scotland and Sweden during World War Two. It uses many real settings, transported eight decades back in time. RAF Grangemouth, once the Central Scotland Airport but now long gone, is amongst the Scottish locations used. This modern photograph shows the replica Spitfire at the RAF Grangemouth memorial. Find out more on our website: https://www. tml # Books # Bookstodon
# Frieren Band 11 :AI_Yay: ... 3 Tage vor offizieller Veröffentlichung # Manga # MangaDe # Book # Books # FrierenFriday
An explosive cocktail of desire and betrayal in this novel set in the 1990s London art world https://www. /a-toxic-and-explosive-cocktail-of-desire-and-betrayal? # Books # YBA