744 – 4(3): Implementation of Medical Travel Policies (Akoak) 4296
Bill 45 – Supplementary Appropriation (Capital) Act, No. 2, 2017-2018 –Consideration in Committee 4299
Bill 44 – Supplementary Appropriation (Operations & Maintenance) Act, No. 1, 2017-2018 – Third Reading 4314
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Nunavut Hansard
Iqaluit, Nunavut
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Members Present:
Mr. Tony Akoak, Ms. Pat Angnakak, Hon. Monica Ell-Kanayuk, Mr. Joe Enook, Hon. George Hickes, Mr. David Joanasie, Mr. Pauloosie Keyootak, Hon. George Kuksuk, Mr. Steve Mapsalak, Hon. Johnny Mike, Mr. Simeon Mikkungwak, Hon. Keith Peterson, Hon. Paul Quassa, Hon. George Qulaut, Mr. Alexander Sammurtok, Mr. Tom Sammurtok, Hon. Joe Savikataaq, Mr. Isaac Shooyook, Hon. Peter Taptuna.
>>House commenced at 13:32
Item 1: Opening Prayer
Speaker (Hon. George Qulaut) (interpretation): Mr. Tom Sammurtok, can you say the opening prayer, please.
Speaker (interpretation): Good afternoon, my fellow Nunavummiut. Members, ministers, (interpretation ends) Premier, (interpretation) and visitors, welcome to the House.
Item 2.
Ministers’ Statements.
Minister of Economic Development and Transportation, Ms. Monica Ell-Kanayuk.
Item 2: Ministers’ Statements
Minister’s Statement 302 – 4(3): Iqaluit Airport Project (Ell-Kanayuk)
Hon. Monica Ell-Kanayuk (interpretation): Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Welcome, Nunavummiut.
I welcome this opportunity to rise today before the Members of this House to update them on the Iqaluit International Airport Improvement Project.
As the members are aware, this project will be drawing to a close soon, after four years of construction and several more years of planning and procurement.
Operations are scheduled to move to the new terminal building on August 9 of this year.
Many of the members will depart from the current location and when they come back to Iqaluit, they will arrive at the new location.
Mr. Speaker, I would like the members to know how pleased I am with this project. Naturally it makes me happy that it is actually going to be completed on time and on budget, but it pleases me in other ways as well.
I believe that the success of this project demonstrates what this territory can accomplish.
This brought together the resources of several departments, including EDT, CGS, and the departments of Finance and Justice.
With the efforts of these departments, we have leveraged funding from the federal PPP Canada program into a beautiful building and a greatly improved facility that will serve Nunavummiut well for decades to come.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Speaker (interpretation): Thank you.
Ministers’ Statements.
Minister of Family Services, Mr. Johnny Mike.
Minister’s Statement 303 – 4(3): Adoption Commissioner Training (Mike)
Hon. Johnny Mike (interpretation): Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Good afternoon and I welcome the visitors in the House.
Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to share that my department facilitated custom adoption commissioner training in Iqaluit from April 25 to 27, 2017.
This training brought together 22 custom adoption commissioners from across the territory to attend the gathering.