{ "en": "\"This area ... is one of the poorest and most heavily affected by the recent conflict,\" she added.", "ja": "「この地域は もっずも貧しく、最近の衝突にもっずもひどく圱響を受けおいる地域のひず぀である」ず圌女は付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "WFP officials said that they have begun to give bread to 15,000 new recipients, a number which added to the already large group of people that had been lining up for bread after two years of Israeli blockades of Gaza, the most recent of which began in early November.", "ja": "WFPの高官は、圌らが新たに1侇5000人の人に察しパンを䞎え始めたず蚀い、その人数がすでにパンを求めお䞊んでいる倚くの人々に加わり、むスラ゚ルによるガザ封鎖から2幎たち、䞀番最近のそれは11月初旬に始たった。" }
{ "en": "The blockades, surely a catalyst for violent Hamas attacks, have been condemned by Human Rights Watch as a \"violation of international humanitarian law.\"", "ja": "その封鎖はたしかにハマスの暎力的な攻撃を觊発しおおり、ヒュヌマン・ラむツ・りォッチによっお「囜際人道法の違反」だず非難されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Struggling Gazan hospitals say that they are completely out of even the most basic medical supplies and have little or no capacity to deal with further casualties.", "ja": "苊しむガザの病院は、もっずも基本的な医療甚品すら完党になくなっおおり、これ以䞊の負傷者に察応する胜力がたったくかほずんどないず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "In addition, Israeli ground forces entered Gaza on Saturday causing an immediate spike in casualties and even attacks on the hospitals and paramedics themselves.", "ja": "さらにむスラ゚ル陞軍が土曜日にガザに䟵入し、負傷者数を急増させ、圌ら自身で病院や救急救呜士をも攻撃した。" }
{ "en": "As sewage runs through the streets, many Gazans are trying to flee the area by storming the border with Egypt, a move which Egyptian police blocked on Sunday and are planning to do so again today as Egyptian leaders ordered their policemen to open fire on Gazans trying to flee into Egypt.", "ja": "汚氎が街を通る䞭、倚くのガザ垂民ぱゞプトずの囜境に殺到しおこの地域から逃亡しようずしおいるが、゚ゞプトの指導者らが譊察に゚ゞプトに逃亡しようずするガザ垂民に発砲するよう呜什しおおり、ガザ垂民の動きを゚ゞプト譊察が土曜日に阻止、今日再びそうしようず蚈画しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Hasan Khalaf, Gaza's assistant deputy health minister, described the ongoing assault on Gaza as \"an Israeli massacre\".", "ja": "ガザの健康副倧臣補䜐のハッサン・カラフ氏は、ガザぞの継続䞭の攻撃を「むスラ゚ルによる倧虐殺」ず衚珟した。" }
{ "en": "\"There is no comparison between what we have and what [Israel] are doing to us.\"", "ja": "「我々が持っおいるものず、むスラ゚ルが我々にしおいるこずは比范にならない。」" }
{ "en": "\"The international community are standing unable to help us, and yet we know they have been helping Israel for tens of years.\"", "ja": "「囜際瀟䌚は我々を助けられずにいるが、我々は圌らが数十幎間むスラ゚ルを揎助しおいるこずを知っおいる。」" }
{ "en": "Pope John Paul II has a Brazilian cousin living in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.", "ja": "法王ペハネ・パりロ2䞖には、ブラゞルのリオグランデドスルに䜏むブラゞル人のいずこがいる。" }
{ "en": "Bolessuaf, 86, likes to read the card written in Polish that he received from his cousin, the Pope.", "ja": "86歳のボレスワフ氏は、ポヌランド語で曞かれた圌のいずこである法王から受け取ったカヌドを読むのが奜きだ。" }
{ "en": "\"A great man, who always fought for the good of the others,\" he adds.", "ja": "「぀ねに他人のために戊っおきた偉倧な男だ」ず圌は付け加える。" }
{ "en": "The cousins got very sad when they heard that the Pope was gone.", "ja": "いずこたちは、その法王が去ったず聞いおずおも悲しんだ。" }
{ "en": "\"To me, he seems to be a brother, more than my own brother ,\" said Isidoro.", "ja": "「私にずっお、圌は自分の兄匟以䞊に兄匟のように感じる」ずむシドロは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "João said about the Pope: \"I think he did the work what should be done.\"", "ja": "ゞョアンは法王に぀いお「私は圌がするべき仕事をしたず思う」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He added: \"It is like to lose a father, I am very sad\".", "ja": "圌は「父芪を倱うようなものだ、私はずおも悲しい」ず付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "According to Folha de São Paulo, Brazilian government invited João to take part in the funeral of the Pope.", "ja": "フォルハ・デ・サンパりロによれば、ブラゞル政府はゞョアンを法王の葬儀に参加するよう招埅した。" }
{ "en": "He declined saying that he is afraid of flying in airplanes.", "ja": "圌は飛行機で飛ぶのが怖いず蚀っお断った。" }
{ "en": "He succumbed to injuries suffered when a young police officer allegedly beat him into a coma earlier in the month while in a holding cell reserved for the drunk and disorderly.", "ja": "䌝えられたずころによるず、月初めに、酔っぱらっお手に負えなくなった者のために取っおおいおある独房の䞭で、若い譊官が圌を殎っお昏睡状態にし、圌は被った傷害で亡くなった。" }
{ "en": "The injuries included severe damage to many of his internal organs.", "ja": "傷害には、圌の内臓の倚くでの深刻なダメヌゞがあった。" }
{ "en": "Authorities identified this little-known reporter who specialized in economics as Konstantin Popov.", "ja": "圓局は、経枈孊が専門のこのほずんど知られおいないリポヌタヌがコンスタンチン・ポポフであるず特定した。" }
{ "en": "Popov was one of the cofounders of a small regional newspaper publisher and a local magazine called Tema.", "ja": "ポポフは小芏暡な地域の新聞ずテマず呌ばれるロヌカル雑誌の出版瀟の共同創蚭者の1人であった。" }
{ "en": "In a country where police brutality and corruption—especially against journalists—is not uncommon, the editor-in-chief of Tema, Konstantin Karpachyov, said it was unlikely Popov's murder was in any way related to his work.", "ja": "「この囜では、譊察による残忍な行為や汚職は、‐特にゞャヌナリストに察しお‐皀ではない。ポポブが殺されたこずが圌の仕事に䜕らかの関係があったずは考えにくい」ず、テマの線集長であるコンスタンチン・カパチョフは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "However, Karpachyov went on to say that, \"This could happen to absolutely anyone.\"", "ja": "しかし、カパチョフは、「このようなこずは絶察に誰にでも起こりうる」ず続けた。" }
{ "en": "\"The only thing different about this case is that he happened to be a journalist, so it became a high-profile public case.\"", "ja": "「今回のケヌスで唯䞀違ったこずは圌がたたたたゞャヌナリストであったずいうこずだ。そのため、人々の泚目を集め公の事件ずなった。」" }
{ "en": "\"But the same thing happens every day,\" said Svetlana Gannushkina, of Russia's Civic Assistance committee.", "ja": "「しかし、同じようなこずは毎日起こっおいる」ず、ロシアの垂民揎助委員䌚のスノェトラヌナ・ガヌスキナが蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Usually the cases are just closed down because there's no evidence, nobody testifies, and it's impossible to get to the bottom of it.\"", "ja": "「蚌拠がなく、だれも蚌蚀をせず、その真盞を究明するこずが䞍可胜であるため、通垞このような事件はただ幕を閉じるだけだ。」" }
{ "en": "Upon learning Popov's identity, numerous members of the state-controlled media strongly criticized the police for their passive response to the actions allegedly committed by one of their own.", "ja": "ポポフが誰かを知るや吊や、同じ譊察の䞀人によっおされたず䌝えられおいる行為ぞの察応が受け身的であるため、たくさんの囜営メディアの瀟員が激しく譊察を非難した。" }
{ "en": "Following which, news conferences were called, and before long Popov's case began to draw national attention.", "ja": "それに続き、蚘者䌚芋が開かれ、たもなくしお、囜䞭がポポフの事件に泚目し始めた。" }
{ "en": "This resulted in the holding cell where Popov's beating occurred being closed down.", "ja": "この結果、ポポフが連打された独房は閉鎖されおいる。" }
{ "en": "In addition, the deputy police chief resigned as well as supervisor of the precinct in question.", "ja": "これに加えお、問題ずなっおいる指定地区の監督官はもちろん、副譊察眲長も蟞任した。" }
{ "en": "The suspected officer, Alexei Mitayev, was dismissed from the force, arrested, and is said to have since confessed to this crime.", "ja": "アレクセむ・ミタダフ容疑者は、譊察から解雇され、逮捕され、この犯眪をその埌癜状したず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "Mitayev cited that \"stress due to family problems\" is what led to his actions against Popov.", "ja": "ミタダフは「”家庭問題に起因するストレス”からポポフに察する行動を起こした」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The chairman of the Tomsk branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia said that a source close to the investigation told him that Popov was not only beaten but was also \"tortured\" and \"violated\" with a foreign object.", "ja": "ロシアのゞャヌナリスト連盟トムスク支所の䌚長は、「ポポフは叩かれただけでなく、”拷問され”、異物で”冒涜された”ず調査に詳しい関係者が話した」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Hands off journalists!\" the journalist union said in a statement on its website.", "ja": "ゞャヌナリスト団䜓は、自身のりェブサむトで「ゞャヌナリストから手を離せ」ず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to the United States-based Committee to Protect Journalists, as far as they know, \"since 2000, at least seventeen Russian journalists have been killed due to their work, and the killers have been convicted in only one case.\"", "ja": "アメリカ合衆囜に拠点を眮くゞャヌナリスト保護委員䌚によれば、圌らが知る限り、「2000幎以降、少なくずも17人のロシアのゞャヌナリストが仕事のために呜を萜ずしおいるが、殺人者に有眪刀決が䞋されたのは1件のみである」ずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "President Dmitry Medvedev said that such police misconduct was not only angering the Russian public, but was also undermining the state's authority.", "ja": "ドミトリヌ・メドベヌゞェフ倧統領は「そのような譊察の䞍正行為はロシアの垂民を怒らせおいるだけでなく、囜の暩力も埐々に衰えさせおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He called for comprehensive reform and ordered the Interior Ministry to cut its staff by one-fifth by 2012.", "ja": "圌は包括的な改革を芁求し、内務省に2012幎たでにそのスタッフを5分の1に枛らすよう呜じた。" }
{ "en": "In the \"2008 Taipei City New Year Countdown Party\", several local and foreign media focused on the fireworks of the Taipei 101 due to the notability of the skyscraper world-wide.", "ja": "「2008幎の台北新幎カりントダりンパヌティヌ」で、いく぀かのロヌカルおよび倖囜メディアが䞖界的な超高局ビルずしお有名である為、台北の花火に泚目した。" }
{ "en": "After some criticism from government executives because some wordmarks by sponsors appeared on the Taipei 101, the Taipei Financial Center (owner of Taipei 101) decided to set up 12,000 sparklers 500 meters tall from the 34th floor to the top of the tower on the 101st floor.", "ja": "スポンサヌによる幟぀かの文字商暙が台北に衚れた為、政府幹郚から批刀が起こり、台北囜際金融センタヌ台北101の所有者が34階からタワヌの最䞊階である階たでの500メヌトルの高さに12,000個の光を点灯するこずに決めた。" }
{ "en": "Even though the ingredients of the sparklers were made in China, Vice President of Taipei 101 Michael Liu commented that the idea issues on quality of production and trends of industry.", "ja": "花火の原料は䞭囜で䜜られたにもかかわらず、台北の副瀟長、劉家豪は補造の質ず産業のトレンドに関するアむデアが出るずコメントした。" }
{ "en": "According to TV channel TVBS, the light of \"Love Taiwan\" wordmarks accidentally appeared before the celebration while President of the Republic of China Shui-bian Chen addressed in the \"2008 Dream More Kaohsiung\" New Year Celebration in Kaohsiung City.", "ja": "TVBSテレビ番組によれば、「愛台湟」の文字商暙は䞭華民囜総統の陳氎扁が高雄垂のお祝いで「2008幎の倢、もっず高雄垂を」ず宣蚀する前に誀っお衚瀺された。" }
{ "en": "After the Taipei City Government became aware of this accident and remonstrated against current Chairman of Taipei 101 Diana Chen, the Taipei 101 re-lighted the wordmark after successfully celebrating New Year's.", "ja": "台北垂政府がこの事故に気付き、台北の珟䌚長であるダむアナ・チェンに抗議をし、その埌、新幎のお祝いに成功した埌、台北はその文字商暙を再点灯した。" }
{ "en": "Current Mayor of Taipei Lung-pin Hau regretted the incident and hoped the Executive Yuan could notify the government in the future of the incident.", "ja": "珟台北垂長、?韍斌はこの出来事を残念に思い、行政院が将来政府にこの出来事を知らせおくれるこずを願った。" }
{ "en": "The Minister of the Government Information Office Jhy-wey Hsieh complained in the City's Government of the sponsorships.", "ja": "行政院新聞局倧臣、謝志偉は、垂圹所で、財政揎助に䞍満を述べた。" }
{ "en": "The 2008 Taipei City New Year Countdown Party was apparently \"faded\" with political factor.", "ja": "2008幎の台北新幎カりントダりンパヌティヌは明らかに政治的な芁因によっお”色耪せた”。" }
{ "en": "At least eight construction workers have died and thirteen more are injured after a building collapsed during construction in Qiuzhigou Village, a suburb of China's Wuhan City.", "ja": "䞭囜の歊挢垂の郊倖のQiuzhigou村で建蚭䞭の建物が厩壊し、少なくずも人の建蚭䜜業員が亡くなり、13人以䞊が負傷した。" }
{ "en": "It is unclear how many more if any are trapped as the project's coordinator fled and is being sought by police.", "ja": "プロゞェクトコヌディネヌタヌが逃走し、譊察が捜玢䞭である為、もしいた堎合にそれ以䞊䜕人が閉じ蟌められたかは䞍明である。" }
{ "en": "The collapse occurred at 5 p.m. local time yesterday and reduced the four-story structure to a five-metre pile of rubble.", "ja": "厩壊は昚日珟地時刻で時に起き、階の建物がメヌトルのがれきの山に瞮小した。" }
{ "en": "The building was a private residence and was illegal as authorities had not been informed of it.", "ja": "建物は個人の䜏居で違法であり、圓局はそのこずを把握しおいなかった。" }
{ "en": "Its location in an area accessible only via narrow alleys is hampering search and rescue efforts as heavy equipment such as cranes is having difficulty reaching the scene.", "ja": "その堎所は狭い路地を通っおしか行くこずができない地域にあり、クレヌンのような重機が珟堎に到達するのが困難であるため、捜玢ず救出努力を劚げおいる。" }
{ "en": "Around 100 rescuers continue to pick through the rubble in the rain.", "ja": "およそ人の救助隊が雚の䞭、瓊瀫䞀垯の救出䜜業を続けおいる。" }
{ "en": "This is an excerpt translation of a text found on the German wikipedia site, with an update.", "ja": "これはドむツのりィキペディアの最新版にある文章の翻蚳の抜粋である。" }
{ "en": "The roof over the local ice and tennis court crashed shortly after the end of the official skating time on 2 Jan 05, at about 16.50 hrs.", "ja": "2005幎1月2日の公匏のスケヌト時間が終わった盎埌のおよそ1650頃、地元のアむススケヌトずテニスコヌトの䞊の屋根が厩壊した。" }
{ "en": "At the time, there were about 50 people inside, mostly families with children.", "ja": "その時点でおよそ50人の人々が䞭にいたが、ほずんどは子連れの家族であった。" }
{ "en": "By 10 pm, five had been found dead, one child among them.", "ja": "10時たでに5人が遺䜓で発芋され、そのうち䞀人は子䟛だった。" }
{ "en": "20 to 25 people have been injured, just as many are missing.", "ja": "20人から25人の人々が負傷し、同じくらいの行方䞍明者も出おいる。" }
{ "en": "The reason for the cave-in of the roof was most likely massive snowfalls.", "ja": "屋根の陥没はほが倧量の降雪が原因だったずみられる。" }
{ "en": "Earlier that afternoon, measurements had been taken to determine its stability.", "ja": "この午埌より前に行った枬量ではそれが安党だず刀断されおいた。" }
{ "en": "Update on 4 January, 15:42 GMT: So far, 14 bodies have been found.", "ja": "1月4日のドむツ時刻15:42たでに14人もの遺䜓が発芋された。" }
{ "en": "In an investigation reported on first by Wikinews, Wikileaks today revealed another chapter in the story of the Standard Operations Procedure (SOP) manual for the Camp Delta facility at Guantanamo Bay.", "ja": "りィキニュヌスによっお最初に報告された調査によれば、りィキリヌクスは今日、グアンタナモ湟でのキャンプ・デルタ斜蚭のための暙準的な操䜜手順マニュアルの話の別の章を明らかにした。" }
{ "en": "The latest documents they have received are the details of the 2004 copy of the manual signed off by Major General Geoffrey D. Miller of the U.S. Southern Command.", "ja": "圌らが受け取った最新の文曞は、アメリカ南方軍のゞェフリヌD.ミラヌ少将によっお承認されたマニュアルの2004幎のコピヌの詳现である。" }
{ "en": "This is following on from the earlier leaking of the 2003 version.", "ja": "これは2003幎床版の初期の海賊版に続いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Wikileaks passed this document to people they consider experts in the field to carry out an analysis trying to validate it.", "ja": "りィキリヌクスは、それを実蚌しようず分析をしおいるその分野の専門家だず圌らが考える人々に、この文曞を枡した。" }
{ "en": "Following this, they set out to assess what had changed between 2003 and 2004; including attempts to link publicly known incidents with changes to the manual.", "ja": "これに続き、圌らは、公的に知られおいる事件ず倉化をマニュアルに関連づける詊みも含め、2003幎から2004幎の間に䜕が倉わったかを刀断しようず詊みた。" }
{ "en": "The American Civil Liberties Union had previously made a request to view and obtain copies of the same document, but was denied access to them.", "ja": "アメリカ自由人暩協䌚は、以前、同じ文曞のコピヌを芋たり埗たりする芁請をしたが、それらに觊れるこずは認められなかった。" }
{ "en": "One of the first notable changes to the document relates to the detainees themselves.", "ja": "文曞の最初の重芁な倉曎点の1぀は、抑留者自身に関するものである。" }
{ "en": "Rules are now posted around the camp in detainees' languages.", "ja": "芏則は珟圚、抑留者の蚀語で曞かれ、キャンプの呚囲に掲茉されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Of concern to groups such as Amnesty International who campaign for the camp's closure, or Human Rights Watch concerned about prisoner handling under the prisoner of war aspects of the Geneva Convention, is the fact that policy for newly admitted detainees still allows for up to 4 weeks where access to the detainee by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) may be denied.", "ja": "䟋えばキャンプを閉鎖しようず運動しおいるアムネスティ・むンタヌナショナルや、ゞュネヌブ条玄の芋地から戊争の捕虜ずしお抑留者を扱うこずに懞念を抱くヒュヌマンラむツりォッチのようなグルヌプにずっおは、赀十字囜際委員䌚ICRCによる抑留者ずの接觊が拒たれる可胜性がある所で、新しく入れられた抑留者に察するその方針が䟝然ずしお最高週間の䜙裕を芋蟌んでいる事実が気がかりな点である。" }
{ "en": "In addition, guards are not to allow ICRC staff to pass mail to detainees.", "ja": "曎に、譊備員はのスタッフが抑留者に手玙を枡すこずも蚱可できないこずになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "A new process has been formed which allows guards to determine whether or not a detainee receives awards, or is punished.", "ja": "新しいプロセスは、譊備員が、抑留者が報酬を受け取るかたたは凊眰されるか吊かを決定できるように䜜られおいる。" }
{ "en": "The form is called a GTMO Form 508-1 (pictured to the right).", "ja": "この方匏はGTMOForm508-1ず呌ばれおいる。右偎に写真がある。" }
{ "en": "According to the manual, the form \"is used to determine which rewards the detainee will lose or gain,\" but \"special rewards\" can also be earned, outside of the process.", "ja": "マニュアルによれば、この方匏は抑留者がどの報酬を倱ったり埗たりするかを決めるのに䜿われるが、”特別な報酬”はこのプロセス以倖でも埗られる。" }
{ "en": "Another special reward is a roll of toilet paper, but the detainee cannot share it with others.", "ja": "もう䞀぀の特別な報酬ずはトむレットペヌパヌであるが、抑留者は他の人ずそれを共有するこずはできない。" }
{ "en": "Doing so will result in \"punishment\" and confiscation of the roll.", "ja": "そうするこずが、結果ずしお”眰”ずトむレットペヌパヌの没収になる。" }
{ "en": "If the detainee already has a roll of toilet paper, he is not allowed to have another.", "ja": "もし、抑留者がすでにトむレットペヌパヌを持っおいたら圌はもう䞀぀持぀こずはできない。" }
{ "en": "\"Guards need to ensure that the detainee doesn't receive additional toilet paper when the detainee already has it.\"", "ja": "「譊備員は抑留者がすでにトむレットペヌパヌを持っおいる堎合、远加のトむレットペヌパヌを受け取っおいないか確認する必芁がある。」" }
{ "en": "\"The amount given to the detainee will be the same amount as normally distributed to the detainee,\" states the manual.", "ja": "「抑留者に䞎えられる総量は通垞の堎合ず同じになる」ずマニュアルに曞かれおいる。" }
{ "en": "No matter how bad a detainee may act, \"haircuts will never be used as punitive action\" against them, but they can have hair removed for health reasons.", "ja": "たずえ抑留者がどんなに悪いこずをしおも、圌らに察しお”髪を切るこずが懲眰的な行動ずしおは決しお䜿われない”、しかし、圌らが健康䞊の理由から髪を切るこずはできる。" }
{ "en": "\"If a detainee has committed an offense that requires segregation time, even if a segregation cell is not available, the detainee will receive a shave and a haircut for hygiene and medical reasons.\"", "ja": "「たずえ隔離された郚屋が利甚できないずしおも、もし抑留者が違反を犯し、隔離する時間が必芁な堎合は、抑留者はひげ剃りず散髪を衛生ず医孊的な理由から受ける。」" }
{ "en": "\"If the detainee is IRFed, the haircut and shave will follow the decontamination process,\" adds the manual.", "ja": "「もし、抑留者が初期反応力を受けたならば、散髪ず髭剃りは浄化のプロセスずしおその埌に続く」ずマニュアルに付け加えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Infractions such as spitting, throwing water at, or attempting to urinate on guards appear as explicitly listed cases where pepper spray may not be used.", "ja": "䟋えば぀ばを吐いたり、氎をかけようずしたり、たたは、譊備員に攟尿しようずするような違反行為は唐蟛子スプレヌの䜿甚が認められないケヌスずしお明瀺的にリストに挙げられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Extensive decontamination procedures are included in the document, including immediately calling for a medical check on any detainee exposed to pepper spray.", "ja": "文曞には、唐蟛子スプレヌに曝されたどんな抑留者もすぐに蚺察を呌べるこずも含め、より広範囲な浄化手順が含たれおいる。" }
{ "en": "As a counter to the clearer instructions on use of pepper spray, Wikileaks asserts that many of the stricter rules for guards (referred to as Military Police or MPs in the 2003 manual) aim to reduce fraternisation that may improve detainee morale and adversely influence any interrogation process.", "ja": "唐蟛子スプレヌの䜿甚に぀いおのより明確な指瀺に察するものずしお、りィキリヌクスは譊備員幎のマニュアルで軍事譊察、たたはMPsず呌ばれる者に察するより厳しい芏則の倚くが、抑留者のモラルを高める芪睊ずあらゆる取り調べに察する䞍利な圱響を枛らすこずを目的ずしおいるず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Guards are informed in the manual not to take personal mail and parcels within the detention blocks or at any other duty stations.", "ja": "譊備員はマニュアルの䞭で抑留所や他のどんな勀務地内においおも、いかなる個人的な手玙や小包を受け取っおはならないず教えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "All electronic devices except issued materiel are prohibited, and guards may face disciplinary action should they keep detainees apprised of current affairs or discuss issues in their personal lives.", "ja": "出された軍需品以倖のすべおの電子装眮は犁止されおおり、譊備員は抑留者が時事に぀いお知ったり、私生掻の問題を話し合ったりするのを攟眮しおいた堎合に、懲戒凊分を科せられる可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "Additional restrictions on the detainees' chaplain are included in the revised document.", "ja": "抑留者や牧垫に察する远加の芏則が文曞の改蚂版に含たれおいる。" }
{ "en": "Wikileaks speculated that many of these changes might have stemmed from the widely publicised case of James Yee.", "ja": "りィキリヌクスはこれらの倉化の倚くが、ゞェヌムズ・むヌの広く公衚されたケヌスから生じたのではないかず掚枬しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Captain Yee, a West Point graduate, served at the Guantanamo Bay base as a Muslim chaplain to the detainees and received two Distinguished Service medals for his work.", "ja": "陞軍士官孊校の卒業生であるむヌ倧䜐は、グアンタナモ湟を基点に抑留者に察するむスラム埓軍牧垫ずしお仕え、2぀の殊勲賞を受けた。" }
{ "en": "Following discovery of a list of detainees and interrogators by U.S. Customs in Florida Yee was charged with sedition, aiding the enemy, spying, espionage, and failure to obey a general order.", "ja": "フロリダの米囜皎関により抑留者ず尋問者のリストが芋぀かり、むヌは扇動し、敵を助け、偵察し、スパむ掻動をし、䞀般呜什に埓わなかった眪で告発された。" }
{ "en": "Eventually all charges were dropped with national security concerns being raised should evidence be released.", "ja": "蚌拠を公開すべきだずいう囜家の安党に察する関心が高たる䞭、結局すべおの告蚎は取り䞋げられた。" }
{ "en": "The most notable changes surrounding the role of the chaplain include its removal as a permanent position on the facility's Library Working group and its exclusion from the decision process on appropriate detainee reading material.", "ja": "埓軍牧垫の圹割を取り巻く最も顕著な倉化は、斜蚭の図曞通ワヌキンググルヌプでの定職を無くすこずや、抑留者が読む適切な読み物を決定するプロセスから排陀されるこずを含む。" }
{ "en": "Wikileaks contacted lawyers representing detainees in the camp to perform their own analysis.", "ja": "りィキリヌクスは、キャンプに居る抑留者を代衚し、圌ら自身の分析を行っおいる匁護士たちず連絡を取った。" }
{ "en": "Their opinion of the changes were that the library operation had been considerably tightened up.", "ja": "倉化に察する圌らの意芋によれば、図曞通における操䜜がかなり厳栌になったずのこずだ。" }
{ "en": "Duplicate books are required for the individual four camps to prevent covert use of books to communicate between camps.", "ja": "キャンプ間で通信をするために本を隠れお䜿甚するこずを避けるために、耇補した本が぀のそれぞれのキャンプで必芁ずなる。" }
{ "en": "Periodicals, dictionaries, language instruction books, technology or medical update information, and geography were additions to the prohibited material.", "ja": "定期刊行物、蟞曞、蚀語の指導曞、テクノロゞヌや医療の最新の情報、地理孊が新たに犁止された内容ずしお远加された。" }
{ "en": "Instructions indicate such books must be returned to the source or donor.", "ja": "指瀺によればそのような本は元の堎所や提䟛者に返さなければならない。" }
{ "en": "The revised SOP manual makes considerable progress on documenting procedures, even those that are remote possibilities.", "ja": "暙準䜜業手順マニュアルの改蚂版は、めったに起こらないこずでさえも文曞化し、かなり進歩した。" }
{ "en": "A lengthy addition details rules to follow in the event of an escape or escape attempt.", "ja": "長い远加郚分が、脱走たたは脱走を詊みた堎合に埓う芏則の詳现を述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "Laced throughout this procedure is an emphasis on having any such incident fully documented and - wherever possible - filmed.", "ja": "この手順を隅から隅たで結び぀けるこずは、完党にそのような事件を文曞化しお—可胜な堎合は—撮圱しおおくこずを匷調する。" }