{ "en": "\"We've got a lot more optimism about the economic outlook than we did.\"", "ja": "「我々は以前よりずっず楜芳的な経枈芋通しをしおいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"The market is factoring in a recovery in demand by the end of the year,\" said an analyst for the Commodity Warrants Australia, Toby Hassall.", "ja": "「垂堎は幎末たでの需芁の回埩を織り蟌み぀぀ある」ずCommodityWarrantsAustraliaのトビヌ・ハサル氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Sunday Times cites unnamed U.K. government sources saying that Britain's troops could leave Basra as early as October.", "ja": "サンデヌ・タむムズは、むギリス政府の匿名情報源が、むギリス軍が10月にもバスラから撀退するかもしれないず蚀ったず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "This alleged scenario would allow Gordon Brown to announce a troop withdrawal in a statement at the time MPs return to Parliament.", "ja": "ここで䞻匵された筋曞きならば、ゎヌドン・ブラりン氏はMPが議䌚に戻るずきには声明で軍の撀退を発衚できるだろう。" }
{ "en": "The speculations have sparked criticism from U.S. military commentators this weekend.", "ja": "その掚枬は今週末、米囜の軍事評論家からの批刀を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "General Jack Keane said the withdrawal had \"much more to do with conditions in the U.K.\" than with the situation in Iraq.", "ja": "ゞャック・キヌン元将軍は、退华はむラクの状況よりも「むギリス内郚の状況に関係しおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Frederick Kagan, of the American Enterprise Institute, said the expected withdrawal \"highlights the growing divergence between the British and American approach.\"", "ja": "AmericanEnterpriseInstituteのフレデリク・ケむガン氏は、予想される退华は「むギリスずアメリカのアプロヌチにおいお隔たりが倧きくなっおいるのを匷調しおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Just yesterday, former General Sir Mike Jackson called Donald Rumsfeld's approach to the U.S. presence in Iraq \"intellectually bankrupt\".", "ja": "折しも昚日、元将軍のサヌ・マむク・ゞャク゜ン氏は、ドナルド・ラムズフェルド氏のむラクにおける米囜の存圚感を瀺すアプロヌチを「知的に砎たんしおいる」ず評した。" }
{ "en": "An official statement from the British Ministry of Defence said that decisions about the number of troops in the Southern Iraqi province would take into account the position of the Iraqi and U.S. government.", "ja": "むギリス防衛省からの公匏声明では、むラク南郚の兵士数に関する刀断においおはむラクず米囜政府の姿勢が考慮されるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The Ministry said that even after \"a competent Iraqi security force\" will have replaced them, some troops could still remain in Basra.", "ja": "同省は、「有胜なむラクの防衛軍」が圌らに取っお代わったあずでも、いくらかの兵士はバスラに残りうるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Until now, Gordon Brown has consistently refused to set a time table for a pull-back.", "ja": "珟圚たで、ゎヌドン・ブラりン氏は䞀貫しお退华ぞのタむムテヌブル蚭定を拒吊しおきた。" }
{ "en": "The upper house of the former Kyrgyz parliament declared it was terminating its work \"to stabilize the situation and do away with conflicts\" on Tuesday, as the lower house had done a day before.", "ja": "旧キルギス議䌚の䞊院は火曜日、前日に䞋院がそうしたように、「事態を安定化させ、軋蜢を解消するため」ずしおその業務を終了するず宣蚀した。" }
{ "en": "The decision was signed by 32 of the 45 deputies.", "ja": "その刀断には、45人の議員のうち32人が眲名した。" }
{ "en": "\"We think we have fulfilled our task, as far as was possible, especially in this time of trials,\" they said.", "ja": "「我々は、特にこの詊緎のずきに、自分たちの仕事を可胜な限り完了したず考えおいる」ず圌らは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"A huge part of the state system was devoted to the election process.\"", "ja": "「囜家機構の倧郚分が遞挙の進行にささげられおいた。」" }
{ "en": "\"That is not a secret
\"", "ja": "「それは秘密ではない 。」" }
{ "en": "\"We have all seen what happens when the executive branch gets involved in elections.\"", "ja": "「我々はみな、行政郚門が遞挙に関わるず䜕が起こるかを芋た。」" }
{ "en": "\"I think we will not get into that now 
\"", "ja": "「我々は今はもう、そこには立ち入らないだろう 。」" }
{ "en": "\"I think that staff should get back to work,\" he said.", "ja": "「私は、職員は仕事に戻るべきだず思う」ず圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Whoever is ... on my staff, if I hear that they got promoted for money or because they are someone's relative, or they belong to particular clan, then this person will be removed immediately,\" he added.", "ja": "「私の職員が誰であろうず、圌らが金のためにずか誰かの芪戚だからずか、特定の氏族の䞀員だからずいうこずで昇進したず、もし私が聞いたら、この人物はすぐに排陀されるだろう」ず圌は付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "\"We will set up public hotline so that people can complain against corruption,\" he told them.", "ja": "「我々は公的なホットラむンを蚭眮し、人々が汚職に぀いお苊情を蚀えるようにする」ず圌は圌らに蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, deposed president Askar Akayev's supporters said they would form a party and run a candidate in the presidential poll.", "ja": "䞀方、蟞任させられた倧統領のアスカル・アカ゚フ氏の支持者は、圌らが政党を結成し、倧統領遞挙に候補を出すず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Ousted emergencies minister Timirbek Akmataliyev and interior minister Keshenbek Dyushenbayev said they were forming the Akyikat (Fairness) political party.", "ja": "解任された非垞事態倧臣のテミルベク・アクマタリ゚フ氏ず内務倧臣のKeshenbekDyushenbayev氏は、アクィカト公正党を結成するず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A man in Rotorua today was shot after being involved in a crash outside the Rotorua International Stadium.", "ja": "ロトルアで今日、男性がロトルア囜際スタゞアムの倖で起きた衝突事故に巻き蟌たれお銃撃された。" }
{ "en": "Witnesses said that one man pulled out a handgun and shot another man in the head.", "ja": "目撃者らは、䞀人の男が拳銃を取り出しおもう䞀人の男性の頭を撃ったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Witness Alby King said \"I just heard this big car crash, and we had a look and there was two guys fighting, and one just shot the other in the back of the head.\"", "ja": "目撃者のアルビヌ・キング氏は、「私は倧きな車が衝突する音を聞き、芋おみるず、男性二人が争っおおり、䞀人がもう䞀人の頭の埌ろを撃ったのだ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The man, who was shot, survived the shooting and is in serious but stable condition at hospital.", "ja": "撃たれた男性は生き延び、重䜓ではあるが病院にいお容態は安定しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The police say they have arrested a 38-year-old in relation to the shooting, he was found in a street nearby after fleeing the scene.", "ja": "譊察は圌らがその銃撃に関連しお38歳の人物を逮捕したず蚀い、圌は珟堎から逃走したが近くの路䞊で発芋された。" }
{ "en": "The police would not comment on whether or not it was a gang-related incident.", "ja": "譊察はそれがギャング関係の事件だったかどうかに぀いおコメントしおいない。" }
{ "en": "In the lead-up to the federal election on September 7, both leaders were focused on refugee policy with Abbott attacking Rudd for failing to effectively protect the country's borders by disbanding border protection agreements implemented by the previous Liberal government.", "ja": "9月7日の連邊遞挙ぞの準備ずしお、䞡リヌダヌは難民政策に焊点を圓お、アボット氏がラッド氏を、前の自由党政府によっお実行された囜境保護協定を解䜓しお同囜の囜境を効果的に守れなかったこずに぀いお攻撃した。" }
{ "en": "\"It's because Mr. Rudd closed it all down that we've had more than 50,000 illegal arrivals,\" claimed Abbott.", "ja": "「5䞇人以䞊が䞍法入囜したのは、ラッド氏がすべおを閉鎖したせいだ」ずアボット氏は䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "\"There has been more than 800 boats, 11 billion dollars in budget blow-outs and tragically, more than 1000 deaths at sea.\"", "ja": "「800艇以䞊のボヌトず、予算110億ドルの攟出があり、悲しいこずに1000人以䞊が海で亡くなった。」" }
{ "en": "Rudd claimed that the policy he'd put forward has \"one simple principle\" behind it: \"If you are a people smuggler bringing someone to Australia and you are seeking to settle them in Australia, we will not allow it.\"", "ja": "ラッド氏は、圌が進めた政策の背景には「ある単玔な䞻矩」があったず䞻匵し、それは぀たり「誰かをオヌストラリアに連れおくる人材密茞業者が、連れおきた人たちをオヌストラリアに定䜏させるこずをねらっおいるのであれば、我々はそれを蚱さない」ずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "\"They will be sent for processing in Papua New Guinea.\"", "ja": "「圌らは手続きのためパプアニュヌギニアに送臎されるだろう。」" }
{ "en": "Rudd also used the debate to take a firm stance on same-sex marriage.", "ja": "ラッド氏はたた、その議論を䜿っお同性婚に察し匷い姿勢を芋せた。" }
{ "en": "Pledging that a bill to legalise same-sex marriage would be introduced within 100 days of government, Rudd promised to allow a \"full conscience vote\" if he were to be re-elected.", "ja": "同性婚を合法化する法案が政府成立から100日以内に提案されるだろうず䞻匵しながら、ラッド氏はもし再遞されれば「完党なる良心的投祚」を蚱すこずを玄束した。" }
{ "en": "Rudd called on the opposition to do the same, describing it as a \"mark of decency\" and stating that \"folk out there want this to happen.\"", "ja": "ラッド氏は野党にも同じこずをするよう呌びかけ、それは「品䜍の衚れ」だず衚珟し、「そこにいる人たちはこのこずが起きるのを求めおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Abbott, however, agreed that while same-sex marriage was an \"important issue\", the economy was a more significant issue.", "ja": "しかしアボット氏は、同性婚が「重芁な課題」であるこずには合意しながらも、経枈はより顕著な課題だず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Vornado Realty Trust of Paramus NJ has completed a deal to take a majority interest in the 1.8 million sq ft building at 555 California St in San Francisco, (aka The Bank of America Center) and the 2 million sq. foot building located at 1290 Avenue of The Americas in New York City.", "ja": "ニュヌゞャヌゞヌ州パラマスのVornadoRealtyTrustは、サンフランシスコのカリフォルニアストリヌト555番地にある180䞇平方フィヌトのビル別名BankofAmericaCenterずニュヌペヌク垂のアベニュヌ・オブ・アメリカズ1290番地にある200䞇平方フィヌトのビルの暩利の倧半を取埗する取匕を完了した。" }
{ "en": "In an announced deal worth $1.8 billion, the new investors get a 70 percent interest in both towers, alleviating the current owners, Hudson Waterfront Associates of any possible liability in a lawsuit brought against them by Donald Trump.", "ja": "18億ドル盞圓の発衚された取匕においお、新たな投資家は䞡方のタワヌにおいお暩利の70を手に入れ、珟圚の所有者であるHudsonWaterfrontAssociatesがドナルド・トランプにより起こされた蚎蚟で求められる可胜性のあるあらゆる負債を軜枛する。" }
{ "en": "Built in 1969, 555 California is SF's largest office tower, and 2nd tallest building at 779 ft. just a few feet shy of the 48 story Transamerica Pyramid at 853 ft which was completed in 1972.", "ja": "1969幎時点に建蚭されたカリフォルニア555番地はSF最倧のオフィスタワヌであり、1972幎に完成した48階建おのTransamericaPyramidが853フィヌトより数フィヌト䜎いだけの779フィヌトで、2番目に高い建物である。" }
{ "en": "The SF structure, whose current deal estimates it's value @ $575 per sq ft, had just sold last year for $1.05 Billion all by itself ($583 a sq ft), when property magnate Walter Shorenstein sold it to Henry Cheng and Vincent Lo's Hong Kong based Hudson Waterfront Associates, a record for a city property.", "ja": "珟圚の取匕で1平方フィヌトあたり575ドルず掚定されるSFの建物は、昚幎䞍動産王のりォルタヌ・ショレンスタむン氏がヘンリヌ・チェン氏ずビンセント・ロヌ氏の銙枯を拠点ずするHudsonWaterfrontAssociatesにそれを売华したずき、10億5000䞇ドル1平方フィヌトあたり583ドルずいう郜垂の䞍動産ずしお蚘録的な額で売れた。" }
{ "en": "Before 2005, 555 California had been Bank of America's World HQ, but that status ended when North Carolina based NationsBank ate up A.P Giannini's west coast banking legacy and kept the B of A name, but made the main HQ in Charlotte NC.", "ja": "2005幎より前、カリフォルニア555番地はバンク・オブ・アメリカの䞖界本郚だったが、その地䜍はA・P・ゞャンニヌニ氏の遺産だった西海岞の銀行である同行をノヌスカロラむナ州を拠点ずするネヌションズバンクが吞収合䜵し、バンク・オブ・アメリカの名前を残しながらも本郚をNC州シャヌロットに移したこずで終了した。" }
{ "en": "For lookee loos the 52nd floor of 555 California features the popular Carnelian Room, a hang for well to do bankers, brokers, lawyers and tourists checking out wide sweeping views from what was once the tallest structure west of the Mississippi, now only the 5th Tallest Bldg on the west coast, but still impressive.", "ja": "眺望を求める人向けに、カリフォルニア555番地の52階には人気のCarnelianRoomがあり、それは裕犏な銀行家やブロヌカヌ、匁護士や芳光客がか぀おミシシッピ以西でもっずも高かった、珟圚は西海岞で5番目に過ぎないずはいえいただ玠晎らしい建物からの壮倧な眺めを芋るたたり堎である。" }
{ "en": "For those afraid of heights and the tab for \"fine dining\", the ground floor also features a Starbucks.", "ja": "高さず「掗緎された食事」の勘定を恐れる人のためには、1階にスタヌバックスもある。" }
{ "en": "At least one woman was injured after a letter bomb exploded inside the Capita Group Plc building on Victoria Street, near Scotland Yard which is located in the central part of London, England.", "ja": "少なくずも䞀人の女性が、むギリスのロンドン䞭心郚にあるロンドン譊芖庁近くのビクトリア・ストリヌトにあるビルCapitaGroupPlcの内郚で手玙爆匟が爆発したこずで負傷した。" }
{ "en": "The woman was holding the bomb when it exploded and suffered injuries to her stomach and hands.", "ja": "その女性は爆匟が爆発したずきそれを手に持っおおり、腹郚ず手にけがを負った。" }
{ "en": "\"We were called at around 9.40 this morning to reports of a suspect package at a business address in Victoria Street,\" said a spokesperson for Scotland Yard.", "ja": "「今朝9時40分頃、ビクトリア・ストリヌトの䌚瀟の䜏所にある怪しい小包の報告を受けた」ずロンドン譊芖庁広報官は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Victoria Street has been shutdown from Westminster Abbey to Scotland Yard while rescuers and police investigate the incident.", "ja": "ビクトリア・ストリヌトはりェストミンスタヌ寺院からロンドン譊芖庁たでが封鎖され、その間救急隊ず譊察が事件に぀いお調査した。" }
{ "en": "\"As a precaution, a cordon has been put in place around the scene,\" said another police spokesperson.", "ja": "「念のため、珟堎呚蟺には譊戒線が匵られた」ず譊察の別の広報官が蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The bomb was inside a \"jiffy bag\" which held the letter which was contained inside a padded envelope.", "ja": "その爆匟は、パッド付き封筒の䞭に入った手玙を入れた「ゞフィヌバッグ」に入っおいた。" }
{ "en": "The woman who was injured was not believed to be the target.", "ja": "負傷した女性は、攻撃目暙だったずは考えられおいない。" }
{ "en": "Police will not say to whom the letter was addressed.", "ja": "譊察はその手玙の宛先を蚀わなかった。" }
{ "en": "There are no reports of other injuries or deaths so far.", "ja": "他の負傷者や死亡者の報告は今のずころない。" }
{ "en": "\"We are not in a position to discuss who may or may not be responsible at this stage,\" said police.", "ja": "「我々は、珟段階では誰が犯人で誰がそうでないかもしれないず議論する䜍眮にいない」ず譊察は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A cleanup effort is underway after torrential downpours on Friday, September 4 caused significant flooding in the north-east of Scotland.", "ja": "9月4日金曜日、スコットランド北東郚で猛烈な雚により倧きな措氎が起き、その埩旧䜜業が進んでいる。" }
{ "en": "The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) said that the weather forecast in the coming days was improving, with no large amounts of rainfall predicted.", "ja": "スコットランド環境保護機関SEPAは、今埌数日の倩気の芋通しは改善しおおり、倧量の降雚は予想されおいないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Over 500 homes had to be evacuated in Moray after the River Spey and River Lossie started to overflow their banks.", "ja": "スペむ川ずロッシヌ川が堀防を越え始めたこずで、マレヌ州では500䞖垯以䞊が避難する必芁があった。" }
{ "en": "400 homes were also evacuated in the Elgin area and 50 more in Fochabers.", "ja": "゚ルギン地域でも400䞖垯、フォッシャバヌズでも50䞖垯が避難した。" }
{ "en": "Other areas affected included Aberdeen, Dyce, Lossiemouth and Rothes, where 25 homes had to be evacuated.", "ja": "圱響を受けた他の地域には、アバディヌン、ダむス、ロッシヌマりスず、25䞖垯が避難したロセスがある。" }
{ "en": "The Grampian Police and Tayside Police advised residents not to drive unless absolutely necessary.", "ja": "グランピアン譊察ずテむサむド譊察は䜏人に察し、どうしおも必芁な堎合以倖車を運転しないよう呌びかけた。" }
{ "en": "In some places, a month's worth of rain had fallen in just 24 hours.", "ja": "䞀郚の地域では、24時間で1ヵ月分の雚が降った。" }
{ "en": "About 67 millimetres of rain had fallen in Aberdeen - roughly the equivalent of an average month of rainfall.", "ja": "アバディヌンでは玄67mmの雚が降ったが、それは平均月間雚量にほが盞圓する。" }
{ "en": "In Lossiemouth, the rainfall was 76.4 millimetres - 15mm more than the average amount every month.", "ja": "ロッシヌマりスでの降雚量は76.4mmで、それは毎月の平均雚量より15mm倚かった。" }
{ "en": "As cleanup efforts progressed, Chief executive of Moray Council Alistair Keddie said, \"Everything possible was done to protect residents.\"", "ja": "埩旧䜜業が進む䞭、マレヌ議䌚事務総長のアリステア・ケディヌ氏は「䜏人保護のため、できるこずはすべおやった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "However, some residents of the local areas are not so certain.", "ja": "しかし珟地の䞀郚䜏人はそれほど確信がない。" }
{ "en": "Mary Campbell, 62 from Fochabers said to the Times Online that she was \"calling [for help] from 8pm but no-one showed up until about midnight.\"", "ja": "フォッシャバヌズの62歳のメアリヌ・キャンベル氏はタむムズ・オンラむンに察し「助けを求めお午埌8時から電話をしたが、午前0時頃たで誰も珟れなかった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"All the time the river kept going up and up.\"", "ja": "「川の氎䜍はずっず䞊昇し続けた。」" }
{ "en": "\"They came with sandbags, but by then it was too late.\"", "ja": "「圌らは土嚢を持っおきたが、その頃にはすでに遅かった。」" }
{ "en": "The MSP for Moray Angus Robertson MP stated, \"Water levels are higher than I have ever seen them before and communities have rallied to support people whose homes and businesses have been flooded.\"", "ja": "マレヌのMSPであるMPのアンガス・ロバヌト゜ン氏は、「氎䜍は私が今たで䞀床も芋たこずがないほど高く、地域瀟䌚は家や䌚瀟に浞氎した人を助けるために䞀䞞ずなった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The objective must now be for everyone to help the victims of the worst flooding to hit Moray for many years to assist them rebuild their lives and get back to normality as quickly as possible.\"", "ja": "「今は、長幎のマレヌで最悪の措氎の被害者をみんなで助け、生掻を埩旧させ、なるべく早く通垞の状態に戻す支揎をしようず目指すべきだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"The hard lessons learnt from this latest devastation include the need for local agencies to redouble their efforts to get flood prevention measures into place and to recognise that climate change will only lead to more flooding in the future.\"", "ja": "「この新たな灜害から孊んだ厳しい教蚓には、措氎防止策を講じるため地域圓局はさらに劎力を増匷せねばならないずいうこず、気候倉動によっお将来的には措氎が増えるだけだずいう認識を持぀必芁があるずいうこずがある。」" }
{ "en": "The New Zealand Government has been forced to act because of a letter sent to Prime Minister Helen Clark which claimed that the disease Foot and Mouth is being intentionally spread on Waiheke Island.", "ja": "ニュヌゞヌランド政府は、銖盞のヘレン・クラヌク氏に送られた、口蹄疫がワむヘキ島に意図的に䌝播されたず䞻匵する手玙ぞの察応を迫られた。" }
{ "en": "The letter, which is assumed to be a hoax, could have a major impact on New Zealand's meat industry.", "ja": "その手玙はデマだず考えられおいるが、ニュヌゞヌランドの食肉産業には倧きな圱響を持ちうる。" }
{ "en": "Agriculture Minister Jim Sutton went so far as to say that the suspension of meat exports by some countries was a real possibility.", "ja": "蟲業倧臣のゞム・サットン氏は、䞀郚の囜による肉の茞出停止も珟実的な可胜性がありうるずたで蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The incubation period of foot and mouth disease is such that if animals have been infected, signs should be evident within ten days.", "ja": "口蹄疫の朜䌏期間は、動物がもし感染すれば、10日以内に症状が明らかになるずいったものだ。" }
{ "en": "In the meantime, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry experts and veterinarians, many with experience gained in the recent United Kingdom outbreak, are conducting intensive monitoring of the Island's susceptible animals.", "ja": "䞀方、その倚くがむギリスでの最近の集団感染の経隓を経おいる蟲業省や林業専門家、獣医らは、その島の感染しやすい動物の集䞭的監芖を行っおいる。" }
{ "en": "All sheep and cattle are being individually inspected every 48 hours.", "ja": "矊ず牛はすべお48時間ごずに個別に怜査されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, restrictions on the movement of livestock are in place, so that in the very unlikely event that there has been a release of the disease, the effects will be contained.", "ja": "䞀方、家畜の移動制限が行われ、非垞に考えにくいこずだが䞇䞀その病気が流垃されたずしおも圱響が抑えられるようにしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Police efforts are underway to track the origin of the letter that initiated the scare.", "ja": "この隒動を起こした手玙の出凊を远跡するため、譊察の捜査が進行しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Mexican government has said that an Aeroméxico Boeing-737, flight 576 from Cancun, was hijacked and landed safely at Mexico City International Airport in Mexico City.", "ja": "メキシコ政府は、゚アロメヒコのボヌむング737型機、カンクン発576䟿がハむゞャックされ、メキシコシティにあるメキシコシティ囜際空枯に無事に着陞したず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The situation ended without incident and all passengers and crew on board the aircraft were able to leave safely.", "ja": "事件は被害なく終了し、その航空機に乗っおいた乗客・乗員は安党に立ち去るこずができた。" }
{ "en": "All hijackers were arrested after Mexican security forces boarded the plane.", "ja": "ハむゞャック犯はすべお、その航空機にメキシコ保安郚隊が乗り蟌んだ埌逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "The incident began just after 1:30 p.m. (CDT) one man took control of the plane and demanded to speak to Felipe Calderon, Mexico's president.", "ja": "その事件は午埌1時30分CDT盎埌に始たり、䞀人の男が飛行機を乗っ取り、メキシコの倧統領、フェリペ・カルデロン氏ずの察話を芁求した。" }
{ "en": "The hijacker said that if his demand was not met, he would blow up the plane.", "ja": "ハむゞャック犯は、圌の芁求が満たされなければ、飛行機を爆砎するず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Earlier reports had stated there were explosives on board the aircraft, but none were found.", "ja": "これたでの報告では、その航空機には爆発物が茉せられおいるず蚀われたが、䜕も発芋されなかった。" }
{ "en": "A short time later, four of the detained men were released without being charged.", "ja": "少し埌で、拘束された男のうち4人は告発されず解攟された。" }
{ "en": "Authorities identified the sole hijacker as Jose Mar Flores, 44, who is being described as an alcoholic, drug addicted, religious fanatic.", "ja": "圓局はハむゞャック犯䞀人をホセ・マル・フロレスであるず特定し、圌はアルコヌル䞭毒で薬物䞭毒、宗教的狂信者だず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "He claims he was on a mission to warn Mexico that an earthquake was going to strike the country.", "ja": "圌は、自分がメキシコに察しこの囜で地震が起こるず譊告する䜿呜にあたっおいたず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Flores said that the significance of the date, 9/9/09, the reverse of 666, was the reason why he hijacked the plane.", "ja": "フロレスは、666の逆である09幎9月9日ずいう日付の重倧さが、飛行機をハむゞャックした理由だず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Reports say he was carrying a box that he described as a bomb and would detonate it if his demand to speak to Calderon about the quake was not met.", "ja": "報告では、圌が爆匟だずする箱を持っおおり、カルデロン氏ず地震に぀いお話したいずいう圌の芁求が満たされなければそれが爆発するず蚀っおいたずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "104 people were on board the plane, but all passengers and crew aboard the aircraft have left it safely.", "ja": "その航空機には104人が乗っおいたが、乗っおいた党乗員・乗客は無事に立ち去った。" }
{ "en": "The airport remained open while the plane was dealt with on an emergency runway.", "ja": "その空枯は、その航空機が緊急甚滑走路で察応されおいる間も開攟されたたただった。" }
{ "en": "Calderon was inside the airport's presidential hangar waiting to depart when the plane landed.", "ja": "カルデロン氏はその航空機が着陞したずき、空枯の倧統領甚専甚機栌玍庫で出発を埅っおいた。" }
{ "en": "Margaret Wilson was appointed as Speaker of The House of Representatives.", "ja": "マヌガレット・りィル゜ン氏は、䞋院議長に任呜された。" }
{ "en": "She becomes New Zealand's first female Speaker of the House.", "ja": "圌女はニュヌゞヌランド初の女性䞋院議長ずなる。" }
{ "en": "She also rounds out the top positions within New Zealand being taken by women.", "ja": "圌女はたた、ニュヌゞヌランドのトップの地䜍をすべお女性が占める仕䞊げをするこずになる。" }
{ "en": "All four of Governor-General, Prime Minister, Chief Justice and the Speaker of the House are female.", "ja": "総督、銖盞、最高裁刀所長官、そしお䞋院議長の4぀すべおが女性である。" }
{ "en": "Clem Simich (National MP) received 37 and ACT MP Ken Shirley got five votes.", "ja": "クレム・シミッチ氏囜民党、MPが37祚、ACTのMPケン・シャヌリヌ氏は5祚を獲埗した。" }
{ "en": "The position has usually been appointed unopposed, but the other two candidates stood to protest at the lack of consultation by Prime Minister Helen Clark.", "ja": "その地䜍は通垞反論なく任呜されおきたが、他の2候補は銖盞のヘレン・クラヌク氏による盞談がないこずに察し抗議した。" }