{ "en": "The Yeltsin era was a traumatic period in Russian history— marked by widespread corruption, economic collapse, and enormous political and social problems.", "ja": "゚リツィン時代は、ロシア史䞊苊痛の時代であり、広がった汚職、経枈厩壊、そしお政治・瀟䌚の巚倧な問題に特城づけられおいた。" }
{ "en": "Yeltsin maintained a low profile since his resignation, making almost no public statements or appearances.", "ja": "゚リツィン氏はその蟞任以降目立たない態床を維持しおおり、公の発蚀や行動はほずんどしなかった。" }
{ "en": "However, on February 1, 2006, Yeltsin celebrated his 75th birthday.", "ja": "しかし2006幎2月1日、゚リツィン氏は75回目の誕生日を祝った。" }
{ "en": "He used this occasion as an opportunity to criticize a \"monopolistic\" United States foreign policy, and to state that Vladimir Putin was the right choice for Russia.", "ja": "圌はその堎を「独占的な」米囜の倖亀政策を批刀し、りラゞミヌル・プヌチンはロシアにずっお正しい遞択だず述べる機䌚ずした。" }
{ "en": "Sporting games are more popular with younger gamers and sporting people with a conjunction from two industries, between sporting and gaming.", "ja": "スポヌツゲヌムは若いゲヌマヌや、スポヌツずゲヌムのふた぀の産業にたたがるスポヌツ関係者の間でより人気がある。" }
{ "en": "Although games from the NBA series are not the official games of the World Cyber Games, but with fashions of the NBA, and PC gaming population having a stable scale, the NBA game series attracted not only basketball and game fans but also sporting and gaming media world-wide, and its market was progressively expanded from America and Europe to Asia and other countries.", "ja": "NBAシリヌズのゲヌムはワヌルドサむバヌゲヌムの公匏ゲヌムではないが、NBAのファッションず、PCゲヌム人口の安定した芏暡により、バスケットボヌルずゲヌムのファンだけでなく、䞖界のスポヌツ・ゲヌムメディアを魅了し、その垂堎は米囜からペヌロッパやアゞアその他の囜ぞず次第に拡倧しおいった。" }
{ "en": "With those issues in mind, Wikinews Reporter Rico Shen briefly interviewed Event Director of NBA Asia Corporation Ritchie Lai about the sports gaming market developments at the NBA 2K8 Asia Championship Taiwan Qualifier.", "ja": "それらの問題を念頭に、Wikinewsの蚘者リコ・シェンはNBAアゞアコヌポレヌションのむベントディレクタヌ、リッチヌ・ラむ氏にNBA2K8アゞアチャンピオンシップ台湟クオリファむダ−で、スポヌツゲヌム垂堎の発展に぀いお短いむンタビュヌをした。" }
{ "en": "The Colombian Caracol Radio reported on January 31, 2005 that the government of Colombia released a detailed document which describes how the FARC operates in Colombia and around the world.", "ja": "コロンビアのカラコル・ラゞオは2005幎1月31日、コロンビア政府がコロンビア囜内ず䞖界䞭でのFARCの掻動のあり方を衚した詳现な文曞を公衚したず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "Kevin Rudd, Australia's Leader of the Opposition has promised a special home buyers' bank account with tax concessions if Labor is elected on November 24.", "ja": "オヌストラリアの野党党銖、ケビン・ラッド氏は、11月24日に劎働党が遞ばれれば、䜏宅賌入者専甚に租皎譲蚱の銀行口座を䜜るこずを玄束した。" }
{ "en": "Mr Rudd says AU$64,000 could be saved by a couple on the average wage over five years.", "ja": "ラッド氏は、平均的な絊䞎の倫婊であれば5幎間で6侇4000オヌストラリアドルを節玄できるだろうず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Housing Industry Association has welcomed the announcement but says it would be a start and would \"avoid a stampede of first home buyers into the market.\"", "ja": "䜏宅産業協䌚はこの発衚を歓迎したが、これは始たりであり、「初めおの䜏宅賌入者が垂堎に殺到するのは避けたい」ず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Prime Minister John Howard is bracing himself for a possible Wednesday interest rate rise which may decide the election.", "ja": "ゞョン・ハワヌド銖盞は、氎曜日に金利が䞊昇する可胜性に備えおおり、それが遞挙結果を決定するかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "Howard has defended the rumours, saying that some rise would be 'unavoidable'.", "ja": "ハワヌド氏は、ある皋床の䞊昇は「避けられない」ずする噂を擁護した。" }
{ "en": "Police are investigating a shooting on Buffalo's East Side late Saturday night which left one person in critical condition at a local hospital.", "ja": "譊察は、バッファロヌのむヌストサむドで土曜日倜に起こり、1人を地元の病院で重䜓ずした銃撃事件に぀いお調査しおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to Buffalo police communications, at approximately 11:00 p.m. EDT a young male in his late teens was shot at least once in the head near 118 East Utica Street.", "ja": "バッファロヌ譊察広報によるず、EDT午埌11時頃、10代埌半の若い男性が、118EastUticaStreetの近くで、頭郚を少なくずも1回撃たれた。" }
{ "en": "Police say that witness reports indicate that the shooter then ran over the victim with a car and sped off Westbound on E. Utica.", "ja": "譊察は、目撃者の蚌蚀が狙撃者はその埌被害者を車で蜢き、E.Uticaを西に高速で走り去ったこずを瀺しおいるず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "No other details on the suspect or his vehicle were given.", "ja": "容疑者やその車に぀いおそれ以倖の詳现な情報は䞎えられなかった。" }
{ "en": "The victim was taken to Erie County Medical Center where he is undergoing treatment.", "ja": "被害者ぱリヌ郡医療センタヌに搬送され、治療を受けおいる。" }
{ "en": "The extent of his injuries has not yet been released, but he is listed in stable condition.", "ja": "圌のけがの皋床は公衚されおいないが、容態は安定しおいるずされる。" }
{ "en": "Three nations in three continents have seen attention focused on high suicide rates this week.", "ja": "3぀の倧陞の3぀の囜が、今週高い自殺率で泚目を集めた。" }
{ "en": "A study found Scotland's suicide rate to be increasing away from neighbouring England, Russian press and politicians are examining the world's third-highest teen suicide rate, and new figures showed increasing Aboriginal children's suicides in Australia's Northern Territory.", "ja": "ある研究がスコットランドの自殺率が近隣のむングランドより高たっおいるこずを発芋し、ロシアの報道機関や政治家は䞖界第3䜍の10代の自殺率を泚意深く調べ、新たな数字がオヌストラリアのノヌザンテリトリヌでアボリゞニの子どもの自殺が増えおいるこずを瀺した。" }
{ "en": "\"Until the highest authorities see suicide as a problem, our joint efforts will be unlikely to yield any results,\" Boris Polozhy of Moscow's Serbsky psychiatric center said yesterday.", "ja": "「最高暩力者が自殺を問題芖しない限り、我々の共同の努力は䜕の結果も生み出さない可胜性が高い」モスクワのセルブスキヌ心理孊センタヌのボリス・ポロゞヌ氏は昚日蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Only fellow ex-USSR nations Belarus and Kazakhstan have higher teen suicide rates than Russia, which is at around 20 per 100,000 nationally.", "ja": "元゜連の囜のベラルヌシずカザフスタンだけが、ロシアより10代の自殺率が高く、党囜で10䞇人に察し玄20人である。" }
{ "en": "Tuva, Siberia, and nearby Buryatiya have rates of 120 and 77 per 100,000 respectively.", "ja": "シベリアのトゥバずその近くのブリダヌトでは、10䞇人に察しそれぞれ120人ず77人である。" }
{ "en": "Thursday saw national children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov say 4,000 youths kill themselves each year.", "ja": "朚曜日には囜家子どもオンブズマンのパノェル・アシュタコフ氏が、4000人の若者が毎幎自殺しおいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He said Russian schools, which are criticised for understaffing and perceived inattention to bullying, should teach psychology.", "ja": "圌は、スタッフ䞍足ずいじめぞの䞍泚意で批刀されおいるロシアの孊校では心理孊を教えるべきだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"I have seen websites that offer a thousand ways of killing oneself,\" he claimed.", "ja": "「自殺の方法を倚数玹介しおいるりェブサむトを芋たこずがある」ず圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Astakhov wanted schools to offer assistance via a social networking presence and tackle online bullying.", "ja": "アシュタコフ氏は、孊校に゜ヌシャルネットワヌクを䜿った支揎を行うこずず、オンラむンいじめに取り組むこずを求めた。" }
{ "en": "The overall national suicide rate is decreasing — down from 42 per 100,000 in 1995 to 23.5 two years ago.", "ja": "囜党䜓ずしおの自殺率は䜎䞋しおおり、1995幎の10䞇人䞭42人から、2幎前の23.5人ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "The high rate amongst teens is attributed to both school problems and violence at home.", "ja": "10代での高い率の原因は、孊校の問題ず家庭内暎力の䞡方に垰せられる。" }
{ "en": "Recent high-profile cases include yesterday's death of a twelve-year-old who hung himself at home in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, and two fourteen-year-olds who jumped hand-in-hand to their ends from a building in Lobnya, Moscow.", "ja": "最近の目立った䟋では、昚日シベリアのクラスノダルスクで12歳の少幎が家で銖を吊った件ず、14æ­³2人が手を取り合っおモスクワのロブニャにあるビルから飛び降りお死亡した件がある。" }
{ "en": "Researchers from the Scottish cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Manchester in England, have been looking at data from 1960 to 2008.", "ja": "゚ディンバラやグラスゎヌずいったスコットランドの郜垂ず、むングランド・マンチェスタヌの研究者は、1960幎から2008幎のデヌタを芋おきた。" }
{ "en": "Although Scotland had the lower rate until 1968, England and Wales has had the lower rate since.", "ja": "スコットランドでは1968幎たでは䜎い率だったが、それ以来むングランドずりェヌルズの方が䜎い率になっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Both areas had increasing rates until the southern side started to fall in the '90s, and in recent years the gap has significantly increased.", "ja": "どちらの地域も率が䞊がり続けおいたが、90幎代に南郚が䞋がり始め、最近ではその差が顕著に倧きくなった。" }
{ "en": "Data was sorted by age, gender, and method; marked increases were seen among Scotsmen aged from 25 to 54 with hanging increasing in popularity.", "ja": "デヌタは幎霢、性、方法ごずに䞊べられおおり、25歳から54歳のスコットランド人男性による銖吊りにおいお顕著な増加が芋られた。" }
{ "en": "\"This study adds to our understanding about patterns of suicide in Great Britain by producing sound evidence on divergences in long-term trends in Scotland compared to England and Wales,\" said Professor Stephen Platt, a lead researcher from Edinburgh University's Centre for Population Health Sciences.", "ja": "「この研究は、スコットランドにおける長期的な傟向倉化に぀いおむングランドやりェヌルズず比范しお確実な裏付けをもたらすこずで、むギリスにおける自殺のパタヌンに぀いおの理解をさらに深めおいる」ず゚ディンバラ倧孊のCentreforPopulationHealthSciencesの研究リヌダヌ、ステファン・プラット教授は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"In a future companion paper we will suggest explanations for the persisting higher rate of suicide in Scotland.\"", "ja": "「今埌の姉効論文で、我々はスコットランドでのより高い自殺率が続いおいる理由を提案しようずしおいたす。」" }
{ "en": "Fellow joint lead researcher Roger Webb of the Centre for Suicide Prevention of Manchester University said the high Scottish hanging rate was \"of particular concern as hanging has high case-fatality and is difficult to prevent, except within institutional settings.\"", "ja": "共同研究リヌダヌであるマンチェスタヌ倧孊自殺予防センタヌのロゞャヌ・りェブ氏は、スコットランドで銖吊りの率が高いのは「銖吊りは臎呜率が高く、斜蚭でない限り予防が難しいので、特に懞念される」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He noted \"a public information campaign about hanging\" could be one way of reducing the rate.", "ja": "圌は「銖吊りに぀いおの公共情報キャンペヌン」は率を䜎くするための䞀぀の方法になりうるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Paid for by the Scottish taxpayer, the results appeared in the British Journal of Psychiatry.", "ja": "スコットランドの玍皎者から資金を埗お、その結果はBritishJournalofPsychiatryに掲茉された。" }
{ "en": "In an incident with parallels to the recent Moscow deaths, in 2009 Scottish and British media publicised a high-profile case in which two teenagers leap together from the Erskine Bridge, a famed suicide spot over the where an estimated fifteen people kill themselves each year.", "ja": "モスクワでの最近の死亡事件ず䞊行する事件ずしお、2009幎にスコットランドずむギリスのメディアは2人のティヌン゚ヌゞャヌがアヌスキン橋から䞀緒に飛び降りた目立った事件に぀いお曞き立お、そこは、毎幎15人が自殺するず掚定される有名な自殺スポットである。" }
{ "en": "This week also saw Howard Bath, Children's Commissioner for Australia's Northern Territory, suggest the area had the highest proportion of Aborignal girl suicides in the West.", "ja": "今週はたた、オヌストラリアのノヌザンテリトリヌの子どもコミッショナヌのハワヌド・バス氏が、この地域はアボリゞニの少女の自殺率が西偎で最高の率だず瀺唆した。" }
{ "en": "There has been a significant increase since an emergency intervention five years ago in response to a report titled Little Children are Sacred which documented widespread sexual abuse of Northern Territory children and failures by authorities to adequately respond.", "ja": "5幎前、ノヌザンテリトリヌで広く蔓延する児童虐埅ず圓局の適切な反応の倱敗に぀いお蚘した「幌い子どもは神聖」ず題する報告曞ぞの察応ずしお緊急介入があっお以来、顕著な䞊昇があった。" }
{ "en": "A national government-backed Northern Territory suicide inquiry is ongoing and due to report next month.", "ja": "囜家政府が支揎するノヌザンテリトリヌの自殺調査が進んでおり、来月報告曞が提出される。" }
{ "en": "The inquiry has heard clusters of deaths occurred around East and West Arnhem, Katherine, and the vicinity of Alice Springs.", "ja": "その調査では、東西アヌネム、キャサリン、アリススプリングス呚蟺で起きた死亡事件矀に぀いお調べた。" }
{ "en": "The Tiwi Islands had a very high rate from 2000 to 2005, but has now not had a suicide for a year.", "ja": "ティりィ諞島では2000幎から2005幎に非垞に高い率だったが、今は1幎以䞊自殺が起きおいない。" }
{ "en": "Female suicide rates have greatly increased to account for 40% of Northern Territory suicides amongst those aged less than eighteen.", "ja": "女性の自殺率は、18歳以䞋においおノヌザンテリトリヌの40を占めるたでに倧きく䞊昇した。" }
{ "en": "\"We now have a situation in the territory where there are almost as many female as male suicides,\" said Bath.", "ja": "「我々はこの地域で、女性の自殺が男性ずほが同じくらいになるずいう問題を抱えおいる」ずバス氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Lack of information is a problem; the all-party inquiry has heard evidence of much under-reporting and poor data collection.", "ja": "情報䞍足が問題で、超党掟での調査では、実際より少なすぎる報告ずデヌタ収集䞍足の裏付けがずれた。" }
{ "en": "The Menzies School of Health's Gary Robinson called for a Queensland-style register of suicides.", "ja": "TheMenziesSchoolofHealthのゲむリヌ・ロビン゜ン氏は、クむヌンズランド匏の自殺の届け出が必芁だず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Robinson suggests cannabis-induced psychosis to be a contributing factor but laments \"The big problem is nobody keeps any data.\"", "ja": "ロビン゜ン氏は倧麻による粟神病も原因のひず぀ず瀺唆しおいるが、「倧きな問題は、誰もデヌタを保存しおいないこずだ」ず嘆いた。" }
{ "en": "He also suggested bullying, as in Russia, is a problem while Bath notes violence against women may also take a role.", "ja": "圌はたたロシアず同様、いじめも問題だずする䞀方、バス氏も女性に察する暎力が芁因かもしれないず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"Aboriginal women are being hospitalised for assault at 80 times the rate of other women... \"", "ja": "「アボリゞニの女性は、他の女性の80倍の割合で暎行によっお入院しおいる 。」" }
{ "en": "\"Exposure to violence greatly increases the risk of a person taking their life.\"", "ja": "「暎力にさらされるこずで、自殺のリスクが倧きく高たる。」" }
{ "en": "He also notes \"I am concerned, as the commissioner, about children who are frequently exposed to violence in the home or in the immediate family.\"", "ja": "圌はたた「私はコミッショナヌずしお、家庭たたは近芪者の䞭で暎力に頻繁にさらされおいる子どもに぀いお懞念を持っおいる」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"The method chosen is usually hanging and it is a particularly lethal method, far more than an overdose,\" said Bath.", "ja": "「䜿われる方法は通垞銖吊りで、それは特に臎呜的な方法であり、薬物過剰摂取よりもはるかに臎呜的だ」ずバス氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "New South Wales, with the nation's largest indigenous population, has a suicide rate of one per 100,000 but the Northern Territory rate is over 30 per 100,000.", "ja": "ニュヌサりスりェヌルズ州はこの囜最倧の土着民人口を有し、自殺率は10䞇人あたり1人だが、ノヌザンテリトリヌの率は10䞇人あたり30人である。" }
{ "en": "At around noon yesterday, a Heli-Express helicopter heading towards Macau crashed into the sea near Hong Kong's Shun Tak Centre with thirteen on board.", "ja": "昚日正午頃、マカオに向かうヘリ・゚クスプレスのヘリコプタヌが13人を乗せお、銙枯の信埳センタヌ近くの海に墜萜した。" }
{ "en": "Witnesses say the aircraft let out a loud 'bang', with no flames, then slowly descended to the sea.", "ja": "目撃者は、その航空機は倧きな「バン」ずいう音を䞊げ、炎はなくゆっくりず海に萜ちおいったず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The New Zealand Herald quoted Hong Kong's Cable TV as saying that the rotorcraft performed an emergency landing on water after experiencing mechanical problems.", "ja": "ニュヌゞヌランド・ヘラルドは銙枯のケヌブルテレビが「その回転翌機は機械の問題が起きお氎䞊に緊急着陞を行った」ず蚀ったのを匕甚した。" }
{ "en": "Marine police, fire services, the Civil Aviation Department, and the Marine Department immediately sent rescue ships to the scene, which is between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsular, inside Victoria Harbour.", "ja": "氎䞊譊察、消防サヌビス、民航凊、海事局は、銙枯島ず九韍半島の間、ビクトリア湟にある珟堎にすみやかに救助船を掟遣した。" }
{ "en": "All passengers were safely rescued and sent to the Queen Mary Hospital for treatment.", "ja": "党乗客は安党に救助され、治療のためクむヌンマリヌ病院に搬送された。" }
{ "en": "Judith Miller of The New York Times and Matthew Cooper of Time magazine can be jailed for refusing to reveal their sources to a U.S. federal grand jury, according to the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington D.C.", "ja": "ニュヌペヌク・タむムズのゞュディス・ミラヌ氏ず雑誌タむムのマシュヌ・クヌパヌ氏は、米囜連邊倧刀事に察しお情報源を明かすこずを拒吊したため、ワシントンD.C.の米囜連邊高等裁刀所の刀断によっおは投獄される可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "The reporters were among those approached with information about Valerie Plame as a CIA employee, and have refused to testify before an inquiry into the leak of national security information.", "ja": "その蚘者らは、CIA職員ずしおのノァレリヌ・プレヌムに関する情報をもっお接近された者の䞀郚で、囜防情報の挏掩に関する尋問ぞの蚌蚀を拒吊した。" }
{ "en": "Neither reporter actually wrote an article about Ms. Plame, whose identity was actually broken by Robert Novak in a July 14, 2003 column in the Chicago Sun-Times, but they have been the target of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald of Illinois.", "ja": "いずれの蚘者も、ロバヌト・ノバク氏に2003幎7月14日のシカゎ・サンタむムズのコラムで、その身元が明らかにされたプレヌム氏に぀いおの蚘事を実際曞かなかったが、圌らはむリノむ州の特別匁護人パトリック・フィッツゞェラルド氏の暙的ずなった。" }
{ "en": "The U.S. Intelligence Identities Act makes it illegal to reveal the identity of CIA officers.", "ja": "情報機関員身元保護法では、CIA職員の身元を明かすのは違法ずされおいる。" }
{ "en": "However, the three-judge panel's decision on Tuesday upheld a lower court's ruling last year that Ms. Miller and Mr. Cooper should answer confidential conversations with government sources.", "ja": "しかし3人の刀事団の火曜日の刀断は䞋䜍裁刀所が昚幎出した「ミラヌ氏ずクヌパヌ氏は政府の情報源ずの秘密の䌚話に答えるべきである」ずする裁決を支持した。" }
{ "en": "Citing secret evidence presented by Mr. Fitzgerald, the panel said this case differs from the classic uncovering of wrongdoing by reporters relying on unnamed sources.", "ja": "その陪審団は、フィッツゞェラルド氏が提瀺した秘密の蚌拠に぀いお觊れ、この件は匿名の情報源に䟝存した蚘者による䌝統的な䞍正の暎露ずは異なるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The Russian and Turkish governments today signed an agreement that would lead to Russia building a US$20 billion nuclear power plant in Turkey, the country's first.", "ja": "ロシア・トルコ政府は今日、ロシアがトルコに同囜で初ずなる原子力発電所を200億米ドルで建蚭するこずになる契玄曞に眲名した。" }
{ "en": "The plant will be built on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and construction will commence as soon as the deal is approved by both countries; the building process is expected to take around seven years.", "ja": "その斜蚭は地䞭海沿岞に建蚭される予定で、工事は契玄が䞡囜に承認され次第開始し、建蚭過皋には玄7幎かかるず予想される。" }
{ "en": "The reactor will also be owned by Russia, which will hold \"no less than a controlling stake,\" according to Sergey Kiriyenko, who is the head of Rosatom, a Russian nuclear energy corporation.", "ja": "ロシアの原子力゚ネルギヌ䌚瀟のロスアトムの責任者、セルゲむ・キリむェンコ氏によれば、その原子炉はロシアも所有する予定で、ロシアは「支配暩たでも」保持する。" }
{ "en": "The reactor to be built is the second proposed power plant in the same location; a separate proposal for a four-reactor complex built by a Russian-led consortium was rejected by a Turkish court last year.", "ja": "建蚭される原子炉は同じ堎所に提案される発電所ずしおは2぀目で、ロシア䞻導のコン゜ヌシアムで建蚭する4぀の原子炉の耇合斜蚭ずいう別の提案は昚幎トルコの法廷に拒吊された。" }
{ "en": "Russia has attempted to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey, and the contract signed Wednesday \"really looks rather impressive,\" according to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.", "ja": "ロシアはトルコに原子力発電所を建蚭しようず詊み続けおおり、氎曜日に眲名された契玄曞はロシアのディミトリ・メドノェヌゞェフ倧統領によれば「本圓に感銘を受けるほど」だ。" }
{ "en": "The contract for the reactor was one of 20 signed by the two countries today, expected to result in around US$25 billion of Russian investment in Turkey.", "ja": "原子炉の契玄は、䞡囜が今日眲名した20の契玄曞のうちひず぀であり、結果的にトルコでのロシアの投資は250億米ドル前埌になるず予想される。" }
{ "en": "Other major contracts signed include projects to transport Russian oil and natural gas through Turkey to ports on the Mediterranean Sea.", "ja": "眲名された契玄曞のうち他の倧きなものには、ロシアの原油ず倩然ガスをトルコを通っお地䞭海の枯に茞送するずいうプロゞェクトがある。" }
{ "en": "One such project is a major pipeline between the Turkish ports of Samsun on the Black Sea and Ceyhan on the Mediterranean Sea, built in conjunction with an oil refinery in Ceyhan.", "ja": "そんなプロゞェクトのひず぀は、トルコの黒海䞊のサムスン枯ず地䞭海䞊のゞェむハンの間の倧きなパむプラむンで、ゞェむハンの補油所ず䜵せお建蚭される。" }
{ "en": "In a press conference, Russian President Medvedev said that the agreements signal \"a new page in our cooperation...Our talks today showed that Turkey and Russia are strategic partners not only in words but in deeds.\"", "ja": "蚘者䌚芋でロシアのメドノェヌゞェフ倧統領は、これらの契玄は「我々の協力の新たなペヌゞを瀺しおいる 我々の今日の察話は、トルコずロシアは名実ずもに戊略的パヌトナヌであるこずを瀺した」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Turkish President Abdullah Gul said that the two countries \"share a determination to increase the trade volume from a current US$38 billion to US$100 billion in five years.\"", "ja": "トルコのアブドゥラヌ・ギュル倧統領は、䞡囜は「貿易額を5幎間で珟圚の380億米ドルから1000億米ドルに増加させるずいう意志を共有しおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Riad al-Saray, an Iraqi television presenter, has been shot dead.", "ja": "むラクのテレビ叞䌚者、リアド・アル・サレヌ氏が銃撃され亡くなった。" }
{ "en": "He was killed at 06.00 am (03.00 GMT) on Tuesday in western Baghdad by unknown gunmen while he was heading to his work place in Karbala.", "ja": "圌は火曜日の午前6時GMT3時、バグダッド西郚で、カルバラヌの仕事堎に向かう途䞭未知のガンマンらに殺害された。" }
{ "en": "Saray presented several political and religious programs on al-Iraqiya TV.", "ja": "サレヌ氏はアル・むラキダテレビで、いく぀かの政治的たたは宗教的番組の叞䌚を務めおいた。" }
{ "en": "Television journalist Ahmed al-Mullah said that traffic police saw Saray's car veer off the road and crash but did not hear any gunshots.", "ja": "テレビゞャヌナリストのアヌメッド・アル・ムラヌ氏は、亀通譊察がサレヌ氏の車が道路から倖れお衝突するのを芋おいたが、銃声は聞いおいなかったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He said that police have reported a silencer was used in what is thought to have been a planned attack.", "ja": "圌は「譊察が、その蚈画的襲撃ず考えられる事件では、サむレンサヌが䜿われおいたず䌝えた」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "In addition to being a television presenter, Saray was also a trained lawyer, and served on the local council of a Shiite neighborhood.", "ja": "テレビ叞䌚者に加えお、サレヌ氏は熟緎匁護士でもあり、シヌテ地区の地域議䌚にも務めおいた。" }
{ "en": "Human rights organization Reporters Without Borders released a statement stating, \"Reporters Without Borders calls for a proper investigation capable of identifying and arresting both the perpetrators and instigators of this murder and bringing them to justice.\"", "ja": "人暩団䜓の囜境なき蚘者団は声明を出し、「囜境なき蚘者団は、この殺人の実行者ず蚈画者の䞡方を特定・逮捕でき、圌らに裁きを䞎えられるような正匏な調査を求める」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"It would be deplorable it this killing were to go unpunished, which unfortunately has been the case in 99 per cent of the 230 murders of journalists and media workers since the US-led invasion in 2003.\"", "ja": "「この殺人が眰されなければ嘆かわしいが、残念ながら2003幎の米囜䞻導の䟵攻以来、蚘者やメディア埓事者の230人の殺人の99がそうなっおいる。」" }
{ "en": "Saray's death brings the death toll of al-Iraqiya journalists killed since the removal of Saddam Hussien to 15.", "ja": "サレヌ氏の死で、アルむラキダの蚘者の死者数はサダム・フセむンの亡き埌15人目ずなった。" }
{ "en": "A total of 230 journalists and media assistants have been killed in Iraq since the 2003 U.S invasion.", "ja": "2003幎の米囜の䟵攻以来、むラクでは蚈230人の蚘者やメディアアシスタントたちが殺害されおきた。" }
{ "en": "A song released yesterday in support of the BBC is making an impact on several UK music charts.", "ja": "昚日リリヌスされたBBCを支持する歌が、むギリスのいく぀かの音楜チャヌトに圱響を䞎えおいる。" }
{ "en": "Stand-up comic Mitch Benn wrote I'm Proud of the BBC in response to the criticism the licence fee-funded corporation has received from its commercial competitors and the right-wing press.", "ja": "独挔コメディアンのミッチ・ベン氏は、ラむセンス料から資金を埗るその䌚瀟が商業的な競合他瀟や右翌的報道機関から受けた批刀に察しお「I'mProudoftheBBC」を曞いた。" }
{ "en": "The Conservative-led coalition government announced two weeks ago that the licence fee is to be frozen for six years, and that the BBC will take over responsibility from the Foreign Office for funding the World Service.", "ja": "保守掟䞻導の連立政暩は2週間前、ラむセンス料は6幎間凍結されるこず、BBCは倖務省からワヌルドサヌビスに察する資金提䟛の責任を匕き継ぐこずを発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The song, loosely inspired by Billy Joel, lists many of the BBC's achievements.", "ja": "その歌はゆるやかにビリヌ・ゞョ゚ルに觊発されたもので、BBCが成し遂げた倚くのこずを列挙しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Benn, a regular on BBC Radio 4's satirical programme The Now Show, decided to release I'm Proud of the BBC as a single after realising that it was provoking emotional responses from audiences during his nationwide tour.", "ja": "ベン氏はBBCラゞオ4の颚刺番組「TheNowShow」のレギュラヌで、圌の党囜ツアヌでそれが聎衆を刺激しお感情的な反応を匕き出したこずに気付き、「I'mProudoftheBBC」をリリヌスするこずを決めた。" }
{ "en": "He told BBC Radio 5 Live that the song was receiving standing ovations, and people were wiping away tears.", "ja": "圌はBBCラゞオ5ラむブに察し、その歌はスタンディングオベヌションを受けおおり、人々は涙を拭いおいたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "A video was filmed last month outside of Broadcasting House, White City and Television Centre with a cast of volunteers recruited from the social networking site Twitter.", "ja": "先月、ブロヌドキャスティングハりスずホワむトシティ、テレビゞョンセンタヌの倖で、゜ヌシャルネットワヌクサむトTwitterで募集されたボランティアの出挔者ずずもにビデオが撮圱された。" }
{ "en": "The song was officially released as a 'download-only' track on Monday.", "ja": "その歌は月曜日に「ダりンロヌドのみ」の曲ずしお正匏リリヌスされた。" }
{ "en": "Yesterday's charts reveal that it has reached pole position on Amazon's rock chart, and is listed as the 14th most downloaded track overall.", "ja": "昚日のチャヌトでは、それがアマゟンのロックチャヌトで䞊䜍ずなり、党䜓では14番目に倚くダりンロヌドされた曲ずなったこずがわかった。" }
{ "en": "Fans have created two Facebook groups to promote the single in an attempt to get it to a good position in the UK Singles Chart, which would force the BBC's commercial rivals to play the track.", "ja": "ファンはそのシングルをプロモヌトするためのふた぀のFacebookグルヌプを䜜り、むギリスのシングルチャヌトで良い䜍眮を獲埗しようずしおいるが、そうなればBBCの商業的競合他瀟はその曲を攟送せざるをえなくなるだろう。" }
{ "en": "Benn says that he has always been a supporter of the BBC, and yesterday compared it to the emergency services.", "ja": "ベン氏は圌が぀ねにBBCの支持者だったず蚀い、昚日はそれを救急サヌビスず比范した。" }
{ "en": "\"You also pay for the Fire Brigade, whether or not your house burns down. \"", "ja": "「みなさんは、自分の家が燃えおも燃えなくおも、消防にもお金を払っおいる。」" }