Bioinformatics and Medicine in the Era of Deep Learning
Many of the current scientific advances in the life sciences have their origin in the intensive use of data for knowledge discovery. In no area this is so clear as in bioinformatics, led by technological breakthroughs in data acquisition technologies. It has been argued that bioinformatics could quickly become the field of research generating the largest data repositories, beating other data-intensive areas such as high-energy physics or astroinformatics. Over the last decade, deep learning has become a disruptive advance in machine learning, giving new live to the long-standing connectionist paradigm in artificial intelligence. Deep learning methods are ideally suited to large-scale data and, therefore, they should be ideally suited to knowledge discovery in bioinformatics and biomedicine at large. In this brief paper, we review key aspects of the application of deep learning in bioinformatics and medicine, drawing from the themes covered by the contributions to an ESANN 2018 special session devoted to this topic.
Learning with Inadequate and Incorrect Supervision
Practically, we are often in the dilemma that the labeled data at hand are inadequate to train a reliable classifier, and more seriously, some of these labeled data may be mistakenly labeled due to the various human factors. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel semi-supervised learning paradigm that can handle both label insufficiency and label inaccuracy. To address label insufficiency, we use a graph to bridge the data points so that the label information can be propagated from the scarce labeled examples to unlabeled examples along the graph edges. To address label inaccuracy, Graph Trend Filtering (GTF) and Smooth Eigenbase Pursuit (SEP) are adopted to filter out the initial noisy labels. GTF penalizes the l_0 norm of label difference between connected examples in the graph and exhibits better local adaptivity than the traditional l_2 norm-based Laplacian smoother. SEP reconstructs the correct labels by emphasizing the leading eigenvectors of Laplacian matrix associated with small eigenvalues, as these eigenvectors reflect real label smoothness and carry rich class separation cues. We term our algorithm as `Semi-supervised learning under Inadequate and Incorrect Supervision' (SIIS). Thorough experimental results on image classification, text categorization, and speech recognition demonstrate that our SIIS is effective in label error correction, leading to superior performance to the state-of-the-art methods in the presence of label noise and label scarcity.
Latent Weights Do Not Exist: Rethinking Binarized Neural Network Optimization
Optimization of Binarized Neural Networks (BNNs) currently relies on real-valued latent weights to accumulate small update steps. In this paper, we argue that these latent weights cannot be treated analogously to weights in real-valued networks. Instead their main role is to provide inertia during training. We interpret current methods in terms of inertia and provide novel insights into the optimization of BNNs. We subsequently introduce the first optimizer specifically designed for BNNs, Binary Optimizer (Bop), and demonstrate its performance on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. Together, the redefinition of latent weights as inertia and the introduction of Bop enable a better understanding of BNN optimization and open up the way for further improvements in training methodologies for BNNs. Code is available at: https://github.com/plumerai/rethinking-bnn-optimization
Non-Asymptotic Uniform Rates of Consistency for k-NN Regression
We derive high-probability finite-sample uniform rates of consistency for $k$-NN regression that are optimal up to logarithmic factors under mild assumptions. We moreover show that $k$-NN regression adapts to an unknown lower intrinsic dimension automatically. We then apply the $k$-NN regression rates to establish new results about estimating the level sets and global maxima of a function from noisy observations.
Show Your Work: Scratchpads for Intermediate Computation with Language Models
Large pre-trained language models perform remarkably well on tasks that can be done "in one pass", such as generating realistic text or synthesizing computer programs. However, they struggle with tasks that require unbounded multi-step computation, such as adding integers or executing programs. Surprisingly, we find that these same models are able to perform complex multi-step computations -- even in the few-shot regime -- when asked to perform the operation "step by step", showing the results of intermediate computations. In particular, we train transformers to perform multi-step computations by asking them to emit intermediate computation steps into a "scratchpad". On a series of increasingly complex tasks ranging from long addition to the execution of arbitrary programs, we show that scratchpads dramatically improve the ability of language models to perform multi-step computations.
Interpretable Machine Learning for Resource Allocation with Application to Ventilator Triage
Rationing of healthcare resources is a challenging decision that policy makers and providers may be forced to make during a pandemic, natural disaster, or mass casualty event. Well-defined guidelines to triage scarce life-saving resources must be designed to promote transparency, trust, and consistency. To facilitate buy-in and use during high-stress situations, these guidelines need to be interpretable and operational. We propose a novel data-driven model to compute interpretable triage guidelines based on policies for Markov Decision Process that can be represented as simple sequences of decision trees ("tree policies"). In particular, we characterize the properties of optimal tree policies and present an algorithm based on dynamic programming recursions to compute good tree policies. We utilize this methodology to obtain simple, novel triage guidelines for ventilator allocations for COVID-19 patients, based on real patient data from Montefiore hospitals. We also compare the performance of our guidelines to the official New York State guidelines that were developed in 2015 (well before the COVID-19 pandemic). Our empirical study shows that the number of excess deaths associated with ventilator shortages could be reduced significantly using our policy. Our work highlights the limitations of the existing official triage guidelines, which need to be adapted specifically to COVID-19 before being successfully deployed.
Generalized Sliced Wasserstein Distances
The Wasserstein distance and its variations, e.g., the sliced-Wasserstein (SW) distance, have recently drawn attention from the machine learning community. The SW distance, specifically, was shown to have similar properties to the Wasserstein distance, while being much simpler to compute, and is therefore used in various applications including generative modeling and general supervised/unsupervised learning. In this paper, we first clarify the mathematical connection between the SW distance and the Radon transform. We then utilize the generalized Radon transform to define a new family of distances for probability measures, which we call generalized sliced-Wasserstein (GSW) distances. We also show that, similar to the SW distance, the GSW distance can be extended to a maximum GSW (max-GSW) distance. We then provide the conditions under which GSW and max-GSW distances are indeed distances. Finally, we compare the numerical performance of the proposed distances on several generative modeling tasks, including SW flows and SW auto-encoders.
Overlapping Community Detection with Graph Neural Networks
Community detection is a fundamental problem in machine learning. While deep learning has shown great promise in many graphrelated tasks, developing neural models for community detection has received surprisingly little attention. The few existing approaches focus on detecting disjoint communities, even though communities in real graphs are well known to be overlapping. We address this shortcoming and propose a graph neural network (GNN) based model for overlapping community detection. Despite its simplicity, our model outperforms the existing baselines by a large margin in the task of community recovery. We establish through an extensive experimental evaluation that the proposed model is effective, scalable and robust to hyperparameter settings. We also perform an ablation study that confirms that GNN is the key ingredient to the power of the proposed model.
Federated Learning Beyond the Star: Local D2D Model Consensus with Global Cluster Sampling
Federated learning has emerged as a popular technique for distributing model training across the network edge. Its learning architecture is conventionally a star topology between the devices and a central server. In this paper, we propose two timescale hybrid federated learning (TT-HF), which migrates to a more distributed topology via device-to-device (D2D) communications. In TT-HF, local model training occurs at devices via successive gradient iterations, and the synchronization process occurs at two timescales: (i) macro-scale, where global aggregations are carried out via device-server interactions, and (ii) micro-scale, where local aggregations are carried out via D2D cooperative consensus formation in different device clusters. Our theoretical analysis reveals how device, cluster, and network-level parameters affect the convergence of TT-HF, and leads to a set of conditions under which a convergence rate of O(1/t) is guaranteed. Experimental results demonstrate the improvements in convergence and utilization that can be obtained by TT-HF over state-of-the-art federated learning baselines.
Interpretable and Explainable Machine Learning for Materials Science and Chemistry
While the uptake of data-driven approaches for materials science and chemistry is at an exciting, early stage, to realise the true potential of machine learning models for successful scientific discovery, they must have qualities beyond purely predictive power. The predictions and inner workings of models should provide a certain degree of explainability by human experts, permitting the identification of potential model issues or limitations, building trust on model predictions and unveiling unexpected correlations that may lead to scientific insights. In this work, we summarize applications of interpretability and explainability techniques for materials science and chemistry and discuss how these techniques can improve the outcome of scientific studies. We discuss various challenges for interpretable machine learning in materials science and, more broadly, in scientific settings. In particular, we emphasize the risks of inferring causation or reaching generalization by purely interpreting machine learning models and the need of uncertainty estimates for model explanations. Finally, we showcase a number of exciting developments in other fields that could benefit interpretability in material science and chemistry problems.
Online Assessment Misconduct Detection using Internet Protocol and Behavioural Classification
With the recent prevalence of remote education, academic assessments are often conducted online, leading to further concerns surrounding assessment misconducts. This paper investigates the potentials of online assessment misconduct (e-cheating) and proposes practical countermeasures against them. The mechanism for detecting the practices of online cheating is presented in the form of an e-cheating intelligent agent, comprising of an internet protocol (IP) detector and a behavioural monitor. The IP detector is an auxiliary detector which assigns randomised and unique assessment sets as an early procedure to reduce potential misconducts. The behavioural monitor scans for irregularities in assessment responses from the candidates, further reducing any misconduct attempts. This is highlighted through the proposal of the DenseLSTM using a deep learning approach. Additionally, a new PT Behavioural Database is presented and made publicly available. Experiments conducted on this dataset confirm the effectiveness of the DenseLSTM, resulting in classification accuracies of up to 90.7%.
Non-Euclidean Differentially Private Stochastic Convex Optimization: Optimal Rates in Linear Time
Differentially private (DP) stochastic convex optimization (SCO) is a fundamental problem, where the goal is to approximately minimize the population risk with respect to a convex loss function, given a dataset of $n$ i.i.d. samples from a distribution, while satisfying differential privacy with respect to the dataset. Most of the existing works in the literature of private convex optimization focus on the Euclidean (i.e., $\ell_2$) setting, where the loss is assumed to be Lipschitz (and possibly smooth) w.r.t. the $\ell_2$ norm over a constraint set with bounded $\ell_2$ diameter. Algorithms based on noisy stochastic gradient descent (SGD) are known to attain the optimal excess risk in this setting. In this work, we conduct a systematic study of DP-SCO for $\ell_p$-setups under a standard smoothness assumption on the loss. For $1< p\leq 2$, under a standard smoothness assumption, we give a new, linear-time DP-SCO algorithm with optimal excess risk. Previously known constructions with optimal excess risk for $1< p <2$ run in super-linear time in $n$. For $p=1$, we give an algorithm with nearly optimal excess risk. Our result for the $\ell_1$-setup also extends to general polyhedral norms and feasible sets. Moreover, we show that the excess risk bounds resulting from our algorithms for $1\leq p \leq 2$ are attained with high probability. For $2 < p \leq \infty$, we show that existing linear-time constructions for the Euclidean setup attain a nearly optimal excess risk in the low-dimensional regime. As a consequence, we show that such constructions attain a nearly optimal excess risk for $p=\infty$. Our work draws upon concepts from the geometry of normed spaces, such as the notions of regularity, uniform convexity, and uniform smoothness.
Neural Optimal Transport
We present a novel neural-networks-based algorithm to compute optimal transport maps and plans for strong and weak transport costs. To justify the usage of neural networks, we prove that they are universal approximators of transport plans between probability distributions. We evaluate the performance of our optimal transport algorithm on toy examples and on the unpaired image-to-image style translation task.
Towards Making Deep Transfer Learning Never Hurt
Transfer learning have been frequently used to improve deep neural network training through incorporating weights of pre-trained networks as the starting-point of optimization for regularization. While deep transfer learning can usually boost the performance with better accuracy and faster convergence, transferring weights from inappropriate networks hurts training procedure and may lead to even lower accuracy. In this paper, we consider deep transfer learning as minimizing a linear combination of empirical loss and regularizer based on pre-trained weights, where the regularizer would restrict the training procedure from lowering the empirical loss, with conflicted descent directions (e.g., derivatives). Following the view, we propose a novel strategy making regularization-based Deep Transfer learning Never Hurt (DTNH) that, for each iteration of training procedure, computes the derivatives of the two terms separately, then re-estimates a new descent direction that does not hurt the empirical loss minimization while preserving the regularization affects from the pre-trained weights. Extensive experiments have been done using common transfer learning regularizers, such as L2-SP and knowledge distillation, on top of a wide range of deep transfer learning benchmarks including Caltech, MIT indoor 67, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. The empirical results show that the proposed descent direction estimation strategy DTNH can always improve the performance of deep transfer learning tasks based on all above regularizers, even when transferring pre-trained weights from inappropriate networks. All in all, DTNH strategy can improve state-of-the-art regularizers in all cases with 0.1%--7% higher accuracy in all experiments.
Continual State Representation Learning for Reinforcement Learning using Generative Replay
We consider the problem of building a state representation model in a continual fashion. As the environment changes, the aim is to efficiently compress the sensory state's information without losing past knowledge. The learned features are then fed to a Reinforcement Learning algorithm to learn a policy. We propose to use Variational Auto-Encoders for state representation, and Generative Replay, i.e. the use of generated samples, to maintain past knowledge. We also provide a general and statistically sound method for automatic environment change detection. Our method provides efficient state representation as well as forward transfer, and avoids catastrophic forgetting. The resulting model is capable of incrementally learning information without using past data and with a bounded system size.
Investigating on Incorporating Pretrained and Learnable Speaker Representations for Multi-Speaker Multi-Style Text-to-Speech
The few-shot multi-speaker multi-style voice cloning task is to synthesize utterances with voice and speaking style similar to a reference speaker given only a few reference samples. In this work, we investigate different speaker representations and proposed to integrate pretrained and learnable speaker representations. Among different types of embeddings, the embedding pretrained by voice conversion achieves the best performance. The FastSpeech 2 model combined with both pretrained and learnable speaker representations shows great generalization ability on few-shot speakers and achieved 2nd place in the one-shot track of the ICASSP 2021 M2VoC challenge.
Shallow and Deep Nonparametric Convolutions for Gaussian Processes
A key challenge in the practical application of Gaussian processes (GPs) is selecting a proper covariance function. The moving average, or process convolutions, construction of GPs allows some additional flexibility, but still requires choosing a proper smoothing kernel, which is non-trivial. Previous approaches have built covariance functions by using GP priors over the smoothing kernel, and by extension the covariance, as a way to bypass the need to specify it in advance. However, such models have been limited in several ways: they are restricted to single dimensional inputs, e.g. time; they only allow modelling of single outputs and they do not scale to large datasets since inference is not straightforward. In this paper, we introduce a nonparametric process convolution formulation for GPs that alleviates these weaknesses by using a functional sampling approach based on Matheron's rule to perform fast sampling using interdomain inducing variables. Furthermore, we propose a composition of these nonparametric convolutions that serves as an alternative to classic deep GP models, and allows the covariance functions of the intermediate layers to be inferred from the data. We test the performance of our model on benchmarks for single output GPs, multiple output GPs and deep GPs and find that in many cases our approach can provide improvements over standard GP models.
Matching with Transformers in MELT
One of the strongest signals for automated matching of ontologies and knowledge graphs are the textual descriptions of the concepts. The methods that are typically applied (such as character- or token-based comparisons) are relatively simple, and therefore do not capture the actual meaning of the texts. With the rise of transformer-based language models, text comparison based on meaning (rather than lexical features) is possible. In this paper, we model the ontology matching task as classification problem and present approaches based on transformer models. We further provide an easy to use implementation in the MELT framework which is suited for ontology and knowledge graph matching. We show that a transformer-based filter helps to choose the correct correspondences given a high-recall alignment and already achieves a good result with simple alignment post-processing methods.
Adversarial Images for Variational Autoencoders
We investigate adversarial attacks for autoencoders. We propose a procedure that distorts the input image to mislead the autoencoder in reconstructing a completely different target image. We attack the internal latent representations, attempting to make the adversarial input produce an internal representation as similar as possible as the target's. We find that autoencoders are much more robust to the attack than classifiers: while some examples have tolerably small input distortion, and reasonable similarity to the target image, there is a quasi-linear trade-off between those aims. We report results on MNIST and SVHN datasets, and also test regular deterministic autoencoders, reaching similar conclusions in all cases. Finally, we show that the usual adversarial attack for classifiers, while being much easier, also presents a direct proportion between distortion on the input, and misdirection on the output. That proportionality however is hidden by the normalization of the output, which maps a linear layer into non-linear probabilities.
Poisoning the Unlabeled Dataset of Semi-Supervised Learning
Semi-supervised machine learning models learn from a (small) set of labeled training examples, and a (large) set of unlabeled training examples. State-of-the-art models can reach within a few percentage points of fully-supervised training, while requiring 100x less labeled data. We study a new class of vulnerabilities: poisoning attacks that modify the unlabeled dataset. In order to be useful, unlabeled datasets are given strictly less review than labeled datasets, and adversaries can therefore poison them easily. By inserting maliciously-crafted unlabeled examples totaling just 0.1% of the dataset size, we can manipulate a model trained on this poisoned dataset to misclassify arbitrary examples at test time (as any desired label). Our attacks are highly effective across datasets and semi-supervised learning methods. We find that more accurate methods (thus more likely to be used) are significantly more vulnerable to poisoning attacks, and as such better training methods are unlikely to prevent this attack. To counter this we explore the space of defenses, and propose two methods that mitigate our attack.
Machine Teaching for Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Algorithms and Applications
Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) infers a reward function from demonstrations, allowing for policy improvement and generalization. However, despite much recent interest in IRL, little work has been done to understand the minimum set of demonstrations needed to teach a specific sequential decision-making task. We formalize the problem of finding maximally informative demonstrations for IRL as a machine teaching problem where the goal is to find the minimum number of demonstrations needed to specify the reward equivalence class of the demonstrator. We extend previous work on algorithmic teaching for sequential decision-making tasks by showing a reduction to the set cover problem which enables an efficient approximation algorithm for determining the set of maximally-informative demonstrations. We apply our proposed machine teaching algorithm to two novel applications: providing a lower bound on the number of queries needed to learn a policy using active IRL and developing a novel IRL algorithm that can learn more efficiently from informative demonstrations than a standard IRL approach.
Outcome-Driven Reinforcement Learning via Variational Inference
While reinforcement learning algorithms provide automated acquisition of optimal policies, practical application of such methods requires a number of design decisions, such as manually designing reward functions that not only define the task, but also provide sufficient shaping to accomplish it. In this paper, we discuss a new perspective on reinforcement learning, recasting it as the problem of inferring actions that achieve desired outcomes, rather than a problem of maximizing rewards. To solve the resulting outcome-directed inference problem, we establish a novel variational inference formulation that allows us to derive a well-shaped reward function which can be learned directly from environment interactions. From the corresponding variational objective, we also derive a new probabilistic Bellman backup operator reminiscent of the standard Bellman backup operator and use it to develop an off-policy algorithm to solve goal-directed tasks. We empirically demonstrate that this method eliminates the need to design reward functions and leads to effective goal-directed behaviors.
OpenGAN: Open Set Generative Adversarial Networks
Many existing conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) are limited to conditioning on pre-defined and fixed class-level semantic labels or attributes. We propose an open set GAN architecture (OpenGAN) that is conditioned per-input sample with a feature embedding drawn from a metric space. Using a state-of-the-art metric learning model that encodes both class-level and fine-grained semantic information, we are able to generate samples that are semantically similar to a given source image. The semantic information extracted by the metric learning model transfers to out-of-distribution novel classes, allowing the generative model to produce samples that are outside of the training distribution. We show that our proposed method is able to generate 256$\times$256 resolution images from novel classes that are of similar visual quality to those from the training classes. In lieu of a source image, we demonstrate that random sampling of the metric space also results in high-quality samples. We show that interpolation in the feature space and latent space results in semantically and visually plausible transformations in the image space. Finally, the usefulness of the generated samples to the downstream task of data augmentation is demonstrated. We show that classifier performance can be significantly improved by augmenting the training data with OpenGAN samples on classes that are outside of the GAN training distribution.
SocialAI: Benchmarking Socio-Cognitive Abilities in Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents
Building embodied autonomous agents capable of participating in social interactions with humans is one of the main challenges in AI. Within the Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) field, this objective motivated multiple works on embodied language use. However, current approaches focus on language as a communication tool in very simplified and non-diverse social situations: the "naturalness" of language is reduced to the concept of high vocabulary size and variability. In this paper, we argue that aiming towards human-level AI requires a broader set of key social skills: 1) language use in complex and variable social contexts; 2) beyond language, complex embodied communication in multimodal settings within constantly evolving social worlds. We explain how concepts from cognitive sciences could help AI to draw a roadmap towards human-like intelligence, with a focus on its social dimensions. As a first step, we propose to expand current research to a broader set of core social skills. To do this, we present SocialAI, a benchmark to assess the acquisition of social skills of DRL agents using multiple grid-world environments featuring other (scripted) social agents. We then study the limits of a recent SOTA DRL approach when tested on SocialAI and discuss important next steps towards proficient social agents. Videos and code are available at https://sites.google.com/view/socialai.
Scheduling the NASA Deep Space Network with Deep Reinforcement Learning
With three complexes spread evenly across the Earth, NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) is the primary means of communications as well as a significant scientific instrument for dozens of active missions around the world. A rapidly rising number of spacecraft and increasingly complex scientific instruments with higher bandwidth requirements have resulted in demand that exceeds the network's capacity across its 12 antennae. The existing DSN scheduling process operates on a rolling weekly basis and is time-consuming; for a given week, generation of the final baseline schedule of spacecraft tracking passes takes roughly 5 months from the initial requirements submission deadline, with several weeks of peer-to-peer negotiations in between. This paper proposes a deep reinforcement learning (RL) approach to generate candidate DSN schedules from mission requests and spacecraft ephemeris data with demonstrated capability to address real-world operational constraints. A deep RL agent is developed that takes mission requests for a given week as input, and interacts with a DSN scheduling environment to allocate tracks such that its reward signal is maximized. A comparison is made between an agent trained using Proximal Policy Optimization and its random, untrained counterpart. The results represent a proof-of-concept that, given a well-shaped reward signal, a deep RL agent can learn the complex heuristics used by experts to schedule the DSN. A trained agent can potentially be used to generate candidate schedules to bootstrap the scheduling process and thus reduce the turnaround cycle for DSN scheduling.
Direct Classification of Type 2 Diabetes From Retinal Fundus Images in a Population-based Sample From The Maastricht Study
Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is a chronic metabolic disorder that can lead to blindness and cardiovascular disease. Information about early stage T2D might be present in retinal fundus images, but to what extent these images can be used for a screening setting is still unknown. In this study, deep neural networks were employed to differentiate between fundus images from individuals with and without T2D. We investigated three methods to achieve high classification performance, measured by the area under the receiver operating curve (ROC-AUC). A multi-target learning approach to simultaneously output retinal biomarkers as well as T2D works best (AUC = 0.746 [$\pm$0.001]). Furthermore, the classification performance can be improved when images with high prediction uncertainty are referred to a specialist. We also show that the combination of images of the left and right eye per individual can further improve the classification performance (AUC = 0.758 [$\pm$0.003]), using a simple averaging approach. The results are promising, suggesting the feasibility of screening for T2D from retinal fundus images.
Human-like Time Series Summaries via Trend Utility Estimation
In many scenarios, humans prefer a text-based representation of quantitative data over numerical, tabular, or graphical representations. The attractiveness of textual summaries for complex data has inspired research on data-to-text systems. While there are several data-to-text tools for time series, few of them try to mimic how humans summarize for time series. In this paper, we propose a model to create human-like text descriptions for time series. Our system finds patterns in time series data and ranks these patterns based on empirical observations of human behavior using utility estimation. Our proposed utility estimation model is a Bayesian network capturing interdependencies between different patterns. We describe the learning steps for this network and introduce baselines along with their performance for each step. The output of our system is a natural language description of time series that attempts to match a human's summary of the same data.
BODAME: Bilevel Optimization for Defense Against Model Extraction
Model extraction attacks have become serious issues for service providers using machine learning. We consider an adversarial setting to prevent model extraction under the assumption that attackers will make their best guess on the service provider's model using query accesses, and propose to build a surrogate model that significantly keeps away the predictions of the attacker's model from those of the true model. We formulate the problem as a non-convex constrained bilevel optimization problem and show that for kernel models, it can be transformed into a non-convex 1-quadratically constrained quadratic program with a polynomial-time algorithm to find the global optimum. Moreover, we give a tractable transformation and an algorithm for more complicated models that are learned by using stochastic gradient descent-based algorithms. Numerical experiments show that the surrogate model performs well compared with existing defense models when the difference between the attacker's and service provider's distributions is large. We also empirically confirm the generalization ability of the surrogate model.
Deep-Lock: Secure Authorization for Deep Neural Networks
Trained Deep Neural Network (DNN) models are considered valuable Intellectual Properties (IP) in several business models. Prevention of IP theft and unauthorized usage of such DNN models has been raised as of significant concern by industry. In this paper, we address the problem of preventing unauthorized usage of DNN models by proposing a generic and lightweight key-based model-locking scheme, which ensures that a locked model functions correctly only upon applying the correct secret key. The proposed scheme, known as Deep-Lock, utilizes S-Boxes with good security properties to encrypt each parameter of a trained DNN model with secret keys generated from a master key via a key scheduling algorithm. The resulting dense network of encrypted weights is found robust against model fine-tuning attacks. Finally, Deep-Lock does not require any intervention in the structure and training of the DNN models, making it applicable for all existing software and hardware implementations of DNN.
Verifying Learning-Based Robotic Navigation Systems
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has become a dominant deep-learning paradigm for various tasks in which complex policies are learned within reactive systems. In parallel, there has recently been significant research on verifying deep neural networks. However, to date, there has been little work demonstrating the use of modern verification tools on real, DRL-controlled systems. In this case-study paper, we attempt to begin bridging this gap, and focus on the important task of mapless robotic navigation -- a classic robotics problem, in which a robot, usually controlled by a DRL agent, needs to efficiently and safely navigate through an unknown arena towards a desired target. We demonstrate how modern verification engines can be used for effective model selection, i.e., the process of selecting the best available policy for the robot in question from a pool of candidate policies. Specifically, we use verification to detect and rule out policies that may demonstrate suboptimal behavior, such as collisions and infinite loops. We also apply verification to identify models with overly conservative behavior, thus allowing users to choose superior policies that are better at finding an optimal, shorter path to a target. To validate our work, we conducted extensive experiments on an actual robot, and confirmed that the suboptimal policies detected by our method were indeed flawed. We also compared our verification-driven approach to state-of-the-art gradient attacks, and our results demonstrate that gradient-based methods are inadequate in this setting. Our work is the first to demonstrate the use of DNN verification backends for recognizing suboptimal DRL policies in real-world robots, and for filtering out unwanted policies. We believe that the methods presented in this work can be applied to a large range of application domains that incorporate deep-learning-based agents.
BossNAS: Exploring Hybrid CNN-transformers with Block-wisely Self-supervised Neural Architecture Search
A myriad of recent breakthroughs in hand-crafted neural architectures for visual recognition have highlighted the urgent need to explore hybrid architectures consisting of diversified building blocks. Meanwhile, neural architecture search methods are surging with an expectation to reduce human efforts. However, whether NAS methods can efficiently and effectively handle diversified search spaces with disparate candidates (e.g. CNNs and transformers) is still an open question. In this work, we present Block-wisely Self-supervised Neural Architecture Search (BossNAS), an unsupervised NAS method that addresses the problem of inaccurate architecture rating caused by large weight-sharing space and biased supervision in previous methods. More specifically, we factorize the search space into blocks and utilize a novel self-supervised training scheme, named ensemble bootstrapping, to train each block separately before searching them as a whole towards the population center. Additionally, we present HyTra search space, a fabric-like hybrid CNN-transformer search space with searchable down-sampling positions. On this challenging search space, our searched model, BossNet-T, achieves up to 82.5% accuracy on ImageNet, surpassing EfficientNet by 2.4% with comparable compute time. Moreover, our method achieves superior architecture rating accuracy with 0.78 and 0.76 Spearman correlation on the canonical MBConv search space with ImageNet and on NATS-Bench size search space with CIFAR-100, respectively, surpassing state-of-the-art NAS methods. Code: https://github.com/changlin31/BossNAS
Adaptive Blending Units: Trainable Activation Functions for Deep Neural Networks
The most widely used activation functions in current deep feed-forward neural networks are rectified linear units (ReLU), and many alternatives have been successfully applied, as well. However, none of the alternatives have managed to consistently outperform the rest and there is no unified theory connecting properties of the task and network with properties of activation functions for most efficient training. A possible solution is to have the network learn its preferred activation functions. In this work, we introduce Adaptive Blending Units (ABUs), a trainable linear combination of a set of activation functions. Since ABUs learn the shape, as well as the overall scaling of the activation function, we also analyze the effects of adaptive scaling in common activation functions. We experimentally demonstrate advantages of both adaptive scaling and ABUs over common activation functions across a set of systematically varied network specifications. We further show that adaptive scaling works by mitigating covariate shifts during training, and that the observed advantages in performance of ABUs likewise rely largely on the activation function's ability to adapt over the course of training.
Deep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual Distraction
Using only a model that was trained to predict where people look at images, and no additional training data, we can produce a range of powerful editing effects for reducing distraction in images. Given an image and a mask specifying the region to edit, we backpropagate through a state-of-the-art saliency model to parameterize a differentiable editing operator, such that the saliency within the masked region is reduced. We demonstrate several operators, including: a recoloring operator, which learns to apply a color transform that camouflages and blends distractors into their surroundings; a warping operator, which warps less salient image regions to cover distractors, gradually collapsing objects into themselves and effectively removing them (an effect akin to inpainting); a GAN operator, which uses a semantic prior to fully replace image regions with plausible, less salient alternatives. The resulting effects are consistent with cognitive research on the human visual system (e.g., since color mismatch is salient, the recoloring operator learns to harmonize objects' colors with their surrounding to reduce their saliency), and, importantly, are all achieved solely through the guidance of the pretrained saliency model, with no additional supervision. We present results on a variety of natural images and conduct a perceptual study to evaluate and validate the changes in viewers' eye-gaze between the original images and our edited results.
Membership Model Inversion Attacks for Deep Networks
With the increasing adoption of AI, inherent security and privacy vulnerabilities formachine learning systems are being discovered. One such vulnerability makes itpossible for an adversary to obtain private information about the types of instancesused to train the targeted machine learning model. This so-called model inversionattack is based on sequential leveraging of classification scores towards obtaininghigh confidence representations for various classes. However, for deep networks,such procedures usually lead to unrecognizable representations that are uselessfor the adversary. In this paper, we introduce a more realistic definition of modelinversion, where the adversary is aware of the general purpose of the attackedmodel (for instance, whether it is an OCR system or a facial recognition system),and the goal is to find realistic class representations within the corresponding lower-dimensional manifold (of, respectively, general symbols or general faces). To thatend, we leverage properties of generative adversarial networks for constructinga connected lower-dimensional manifold, and demonstrate the efficiency of ourmodel inversion attack that is carried out within that manifold.
Federated Intrusion Detection for IoT with Heterogeneous Cohort Privacy
Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming increasingly popular and are influencing many application domains such as healthcare and transportation. These devices are used for real-world applications such as sensor monitoring, real-time control. In this work, we look at differentially private (DP) neural network (NN) based network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) to detect intrusion attacks on networks of such IoT devices. Existing NN training solutions in this domain either ignore privacy considerations or assume that the privacy requirements are homogeneous across all users. We show that the performance of existing differentially private stochastic methods degrade for clients with non-identical data distributions when clients' privacy requirements are heterogeneous. We define a cohort-based $(\epsilon,\delta)$-DP framework that models the more practical setting of IoT device cohorts with non-identical clients and heterogeneous privacy requirements. We propose two novel continual-learning based DP training methods that are designed to improve model performance in the aforementioned setting. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first system that employs a continual learning-based approach to handle heterogeneity in client privacy requirements. We evaluate our approach on real datasets and show that our techniques outperform the baselines. We also show that our methods are robust to hyperparameter changes. Lastly, we show that one of our proposed methods can easily adapt to post-hoc relaxations of client privacy requirements.
Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization
We introduce Adam, an algorithm for first-order gradient-based optimization of stochastic objective functions, based on adaptive estimates of lower-order moments. The method is straightforward to implement, is computationally efficient, has little memory requirements, is invariant to diagonal rescaling of the gradients, and is well suited for problems that are large in terms of data and/or parameters. The method is also appropriate for non-stationary objectives and problems with very noisy and/or sparse gradients. The hyper-parameters have intuitive interpretations and typically require little tuning. Some connections to related algorithms, on which Adam was inspired, are discussed. We also analyze the theoretical convergence properties of the algorithm and provide a regret bound on the convergence rate that is comparable to the best known results under the online convex optimization framework. Empirical results demonstrate that Adam works well in practice and compares favorably to other stochastic optimization methods. Finally, we discuss AdaMax, a variant of Adam based on the infinity norm.
Bayesian Force Fields from Active Learning for Simulation of Inter-Dimensional Transformation of Stanene
We present a way to dramatically accelerate Gaussian process models for interatomic force fields based on many-body kernels by mapping both forces and uncertainties onto functions of low-dimensional features. This allows for automated active learning of models combining near-quantum accuracy, built-in uncertainty, and constant cost of evaluation that is comparable to classical analytical models, capable of simulating millions of atoms. Using this approach, we perform large scale molecular dynamics simulations of the stability of the stanene monolayer. We discover an unusual phase transformation mechanism of 2D stanene, where ripples lead to nucleation of bilayer defects, densification into a disordered multilayer structure, followed by formation of bulk liquid at high temperature or nucleation and growth of the 3D bcc crystal at low temperature. The presented method opens possibilities for rapid development of fast accurate uncertainty-aware models for simulating long-time large-scale dynamics of complex materials.
Test cost and misclassification cost trade-off using reframing
Many solutions to cost-sensitive classification (and regression) rely on some or all of the following assumptions: we have complete knowledge about the cost context at training time, we can easily re-train whenever the cost context changes, and we have technique-specific methods (such as cost-sensitive decision trees) that can take advantage of that information. In this paper we address the problem of selecting models and minimising joint cost (integrating both misclassification cost and test costs) without any of the above assumptions. We introduce methods and plots (such as the so-called JROC plots) that can work with any off-the-shelf predictive technique, including ensembles, such that we reframe the model to use the appropriate subset of attributes (the feature configuration) during deployment time. In other words, models are trained with the available attributes (once and for all) and then deployed by setting missing values on the attributes that are deemed ineffective for reducing the joint cost. As the number of feature configuration combinations grows exponentially with the number of features we introduce quadratic methods that are able to approximate the optimal configuration and model choices, as shown by the experimental results.
Counterfactual Explanations for Arbitrary Regression Models
We present a new method for counterfactual explanations (CFEs) based on Bayesian optimisation that applies to both classification and regression models. Our method is a globally convergent search algorithm with support for arbitrary regression models and constraints like feature sparsity and actionable recourse, and furthermore can answer multiple counterfactual questions in parallel while learning from previous queries. We formulate CFE search for regression models in a rigorous mathematical framework using differentiable potentials, which resolves robustness issues in threshold-based objectives. We prove that in this framework, (a) verifying the existence of counterfactuals is NP-complete; and (b) that finding instances using such potentials is CLS-complete. We describe a unified algorithm for CFEs using a specialised acquisition function that composes both expected improvement and an exponential-polynomial (EP) family with desirable properties. Our evaluation on real-world benchmark domains demonstrate high sample-efficiency and precision.
Enforcing constraints for interpolation and extrapolation in Generative Adversarial Networks
We suggest ways to enforce given constraints in the output of a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) generator both for interpolation and extrapolation (prediction). For the case of dynamical systems, given a time series, we wish to train GAN generators that can be used to predict trajectories starting from a given initial condition. In this setting, the constraints can be in algebraic and/or differential form. Even though we are predominantly interested in the case of extrapolation, we will see that the tasks of interpolation and extrapolation are related. However, they need to be treated differently. For the case of interpolation, the incorporation of constraints is built into the training of the GAN. The incorporation of the constraints respects the primary game-theoretic setup of a GAN so it can be combined with existing algorithms. However, it can exacerbate the problem of instability during training that is well-known for GANs. We suggest adding small noise to the constraints as a simple remedy that has performed well in our numerical experiments. The case of extrapolation (prediction) is more involved. During training, the GAN generator learns to interpolate a noisy version of the data and we enforce the constraints. This approach has connections with model reduction that we can utilize to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the training. Depending on the form of the constraints, we may enforce them also during prediction through a projection step. We provide examples of linear and nonlinear systems of differential equations to illustrate the various constructions.
Fast Certified Robust Training with Short Warmup
Recently, bound propagation based certified robust training methods have been proposed for training neural networks with certifiable robustness guarantees. Despite that state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods including interval bound propagation (IBP) and CROWN-IBP have per-batch training complexity similar to standard neural network training, they usually use a long warmup schedule with hundreds or thousands epochs to reach SOTA performance and are thus still costly. In this paper, we identify two important issues in existing methods, namely exploded bounds at initialization, and the imbalance in ReLU activation states and improve IBP training. These two issues make certified training difficult and unstable, and thereby long warmup schedules were needed in prior works. To mitigate these issues and conduct faster certified training with shorter warmup, we propose three improvements based on IBP training: 1) We derive a new weight initialization method for IBP training; 2) We propose to fully add Batch Normalization (BN) to each layer in the model, since we find BN can reduce the imbalance in ReLU activation states; 3) We also design regularization to explicitly tighten certified bounds and balance ReLU activation states during wamrup. We are able to obtain 65.03% verified error on CIFAR-10 ($\epsilon=\frac{8}{255}$) and 82.36% verified error on TinyImageNet ($\epsilon=\frac{1}{255}$) using very short training schedules (160 and 80 total epochs, respectively), outperforming literature SOTA trained with hundreds or thousands epochs under the same network architecture. The code is available at https://github.com/shizhouxing/Fast-Certified-Robust-Training.
Comparison of brain connectomes using geodesic distance on manifold:a twin study
fMRI is a unique non-invasive approach for understanding the functional organization of the human brain, and task-based fMRI promotes identification of functionally relevant brain regions associated with a given task. Here, we use fMRI (using the Poffenberger Paradigm) data collected in mono- and dizygotic twin pairs to propose a novel approach for assessing similarity in functional networks. In particular, we compared network similarity between pairs of twins in task-relevant and task-orthogonal networks. The proposed method measures the similarity between functional networks using a geodesic distance between graph Laplacians. With method we show that networks are more similar in monozygotic twins compared to dizygotic twins. Furthermore, the similarity in monozygotic twins is higher for task-relevant, than task-orthogonal networks.
Small-sample Brain Mapping: Sparse Recovery on Spatially Correlated Designs with Randomization and Clustering
Functional neuroimaging can measure the brain?s response to an external stimulus. It is used to perform brain mapping: identifying from these observations the brain regions involved. This problem can be cast into a linear supervised learning task where the neuroimaging data are used as predictors for the stimulus. Brain mapping is then seen as a support recovery problem. On functional MRI (fMRI) data, this problem is particularly challenging as i) the number of samples is small due to limited acquisition time and ii) the variables are strongly correlated. We propose to overcome these difficulties using sparse regression models over new variables obtained by clustering of the original variables. The use of randomization techniques, e.g. bootstrap samples, and clustering of the variables improves the recovery properties of sparse methods. We demonstrate the benefit of our approach on an extensive simulation study as well as two fMRI datasets.
Subgraph Federated Learning with Missing Neighbor Generation
Graphs have been widely used in data mining and machine learning due to their unique representation of real-world objects and their interactions. As graphs are getting bigger and bigger nowadays, it is common to see their subgraphs separately collected and stored in multiple local systems. Therefore, it is natural to consider the subgraph federated learning setting, where each local system holds a small subgraph that may be biased from the distribution of the whole graph. Hence, the subgraph federated learning aims to collaboratively train a powerful and generalizable graph mining model without directly sharing their graph data. In this work, towards the novel yet realistic setting of subgraph federated learning, we propose two major techniques: (1) FedSage, which trains a GraphSage model based on FedAvg to integrate node features, link structures, and task labels on multiple local subgraphs; (2) FedSage+, which trains a missing neighbor generator along FedSage to deal with missing links across local subgraphs. Empirical results on four real-world graph datasets with synthesized subgraph federated learning settings demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed techniques. At the same time, consistent theoretical implications are made towards their generalization ability on the global graphs.
Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) Workshop at NeurIPS 2018
This volume represents the accepted submissions from the Machine Learning for Health (ML4H) workshop at the conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2018, held on December 8, 2018 in Montreal, Canada.
Unrolling SGD: Understanding Factors Influencing Machine Unlearning
Machine unlearning is the process through which a deployed machine learning model is made to forget about some of its training data points. While naively retraining the model from scratch is an option, it is almost always associated with large computational overheads for deep learning models. Thus, several approaches to approximately unlearn have been proposed along with corresponding metrics that formalize what it means for a model to forget about a data point. In this work, we first taxonomize approaches and metrics of approximate unlearning. As a result, we identify verification error, i.e., the L2 difference between the weights of an approximately unlearned and a naively retrained model, as an approximate unlearning metric that should be optimized for as it subsumes a large class of other metrics. We theoretically analyze the canonical training algorithm, stochastic gradient descent (SGD), to surface the variables which are relevant to reducing the verification error of approximate unlearning for SGD. From this analysis, we first derive an easy-to-compute proxy for verification error (termed unlearning error). The analysis also informs the design of a new training objective penalty that limits the overall change in weights during SGD and as a result facilitates approximate unlearning with lower verification error. We validate our theoretical work through an empirical evaluation on learning with CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and IMDB sentiment analysis.
A regression model with a hidden logistic process for feature extraction from time series
A new approach for feature extraction from time series is proposed in this paper. This approach consists of a specific regression model incorporating a discrete hidden logistic process. The model parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method performed by a dedicated Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. The parameters of the hidden logistic process, in the inner loop of the EM algorithm, are estimated using a multi-class Iterative Reweighted Least-Squares (IRLS) algorithm. A piecewise regression algorithm and its iterative variant have also been considered for comparisons. An experimental study using simulated and real data reveals good performances of the proposed approach.
How Much Knowledge Can You Pack Into the Parameters of a Language Model?
It has recently been observed that neural language models trained on unstructured text can implicitly store and retrieve knowledge using natural language queries. In this short paper, we measure the practical utility of this approach by fine-tuning pre-trained models to answer questions without access to any external context or knowledge. We show that this approach scales with model size and performs competitively with open-domain systems that explicitly retrieve answers from an external knowledge source when answering questions. To facilitate reproducibility and future work, we release our code and trained models at https://goo.gle/t5-cbqa.
Quasi-Newton Quasi-Monte Carlo for variational Bayes
Many machine learning problems optimize an objective that must be measured with noise. The primary method is a first order stochastic gradient descent using one or more Monte Carlo (MC) samples at each step. There are settings where ill-conditioning makes second order methods such as L-BFGS more effective. We study the use of randomized quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) sampling for such problems. When MC sampling has a root mean squared error (RMSE) of $O(n^{-1/2})$ then RQMC has an RMSE of $o(n^{-1/2})$ that can be close to $O(n^{-3/2})$ in favorable settings. We prove that improved sampling accuracy translates directly to improved optimization. In our empirical investigations for variational Bayes, using RQMC with stochastic L-BFGS greatly speeds up the optimization, and sometimes finds a better parameter value than MC does.
Confidence-Aware Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation
Knowledge distillation is initially introduced to utilize additional supervision from a single teacher model for the student model training. To boost the student performance, some recent variants attempt to exploit diverse knowledge sources from multiple teachers. However, existing studies mainly integrate knowledge from diverse sources by averaging over multiple teacher predictions or combining them using other various label-free strategies, which may mislead student in the presence of low-quality teacher predictions. To tackle this problem, we propose Confidence-Aware Multi-teacher Knowledge Distillation (CA-MKD), which adaptively assigns sample-wise reliability for each teacher prediction with the help of ground-truth labels, with those teacher predictions close to one-hot labels assigned large weights. Besides, CA-MKD incorporates intermediate layers to stable the knowledge transfer process. Extensive experiments show that our CA-MKD consistently outperforms all compared state-of-the-art methods across various teacher-student architectures.
DecGAN: Decoupling Generative Adversarial Network detecting abnormal neural circuits for Alzheimer's disease
One of the main reasons for Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the disorder of some neural circuits. Existing methods for AD prediction have achieved great success, however, detecting abnormal neural circuits from the perspective of brain networks is still a big challenge. In this work, a novel decoupling generative adversarial network (DecGAN) is proposed to detect abnormal neural circuits for AD. Concretely, a decoupling module is designed to decompose a brain network into two parts: one part is composed of a few sparse graphs which represent the neural circuits largely determining the development of AD; the other part is a supplement graph, whose influence on AD can be ignored. Furthermore, the adversarial strategy is utilized to guide the decoupling module to extract the feature more related to AD. Meanwhile, by encoding the detected neural circuits to hypergraph data, an analytic module associated with the hyperedge neurons algorithm is designed to identify the neural circuits. More importantly, a novel sparse capacity loss based on the spatial-spectral hypergraph similarity is developed to minimize the intrinsic topological distribution of neural circuits, which can significantly improve the accuracy and robustness of the proposed model. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can effectively detect the abnormal neural circuits at different stages of AD, which is helpful for pathological study and early treatment.
Compositional Coding for Collaborative Filtering
Efficiency is crucial to the online recommender systems. Representing users and items as binary vectors for Collaborative Filtering (CF) can achieve fast user-item affinity computation in the Hamming space, in recent years, we have witnessed an emerging research effort in exploiting binary hashing techniques for CF methods. However, CF with binary codes naturally suffers from low accuracy due to limited representation capability in each bit, which impedes it from modeling complex structure of the data. In this work, we attempt to improve the efficiency without hurting the model performance by utilizing both the accuracy of real-valued vectors and the efficiency of binary codes to represent users/items. In particular, we propose the Compositional Coding for Collaborative Filtering (CCCF) framework, which not only gains better recommendation efficiency than the state-of-the-art binarized CF approaches but also achieves even higher accuracy than the real-valued CF method. Specifically, CCCF innovatively represents each user/item with a set of binary vectors, which are associated with a sparse real-value weight vector. Each value of the weight vector encodes the importance of the corresponding binary vector to the user/item. The continuous weight vectors greatly enhances the representation capability of binary codes, and its sparsity guarantees the processing speed. Furthermore, an integer weight approximation scheme is proposed to further accelerate the speed. Based on the CCCF framework, we design an efficient discrete optimization algorithm to learn its parameters. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art binarized CF methods (even achieves better performance than the real-valued CF method) by a large margin in terms of both recommendation accuracy and efficiency.
Learning Deep Representations with Probabilistic Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Transfer (KT) techniques tackle the problem of transferring the knowledge from a large and complex neural network into a smaller and faster one. However, existing KT methods are tailored towards classification tasks and they cannot be used efficiently for other representation learning tasks. In this paper a novel knowledge transfer technique, that is capable of training a student model that maintains the same amount of mutual information between the learned representation and a set of (possible unknown) labels as the teacher model, is proposed. Apart from outperforming existing KT techniques, the proposed method allows for overcoming several limitations of existing methods providing new insight into KT as well as novel KT applications, ranging from knowledge transfer from handcrafted feature extractors to {cross-modal} KT from the textual modality into the representation extracted from the visual modality of the data.
Faster Convolution Inference Through Using Pre-Calculated Lookup Tables
Low-cardinality activations permit an algorithm based on fetching the inference values from pre-calculated lookup tables instead of calculating them every time. This algorithm can have extensions, some of which offer abilities beyond those of the currently used algorithms. It also allows for a simpler and more effective CNN-specialized hardware.
Distributed Learning in the Non-Convex World: From Batch to Streaming Data, and Beyond
Distributed learning has become a critical enabler of the massively connected world envisioned by many. This article discusses four key elements of scalable distributed processing and real-time intelligence --- problems, data, communication and computation. Our aim is to provide a fresh and unique perspective about how these elements should work together in an effective and coherent manner. In particular, we {provide a selective review} about the recent techniques developed for optimizing non-convex models (i.e., problem classes), processing batch and streaming data (i.e., data types), over the networks in a distributed manner (i.e., communication and computation paradigm). We describe the intuitions and connections behind a core set of popular distributed algorithms, emphasizing how to trade off between computation and communication costs. Practical issues and future research directions will also be discussed.
Debiasing Concept-based Explanations with Causal Analysis
Concept-based explanation approach is a popular model interpertability tool because it expresses the reasons for a model's predictions in terms of concepts that are meaningful for the domain experts. In this work, we study the problem of the concepts being correlated with confounding information in the features. We propose a new causal prior graph for modeling the impacts of unobserved variables and a method to remove the impact of confounding information and noise using a two-stage regression technique borrowed from the instrumental variable literature. We also model the completeness of the concepts set and show that our debiasing method works when the concepts are not complete. Our synthetic and real-world experiments demonstrate the success of our method in removing biases and improving the ranking of the concepts in terms of their contribution to the explanation of the predictions.
Author2Vec: A Framework for Generating User Embedding
Online forums and social media platforms provide noisy but valuable data every day. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end neural network-based user embedding system, Author2Vec. The model incorporates sentence representations generated by BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) with a novel unsupervised pre-training objective, authorship classification, to produce better user embedding that encodes useful user-intrinsic properties. This user embedding system was pre-trained on post data of 10k Reddit users and was analyzed and evaluated on two user classification benchmarks: depression detection and personality classification, in which the model proved to outperform traditional count-based and prediction-based methods. We substantiate that Author2Vec successfully encoded useful user attributes and the generated user embedding performs well in downstream classification tasks without further finetuning.
Mastering Atari Games with Limited Data
Reinforcement learning has achieved great success in many applications. However, sample efficiency remains a key challenge, with prominent methods requiring millions (or even billions) of environment steps to train. Recently, there has been significant progress in sample efficient image-based RL algorithms; however, consistent human-level performance on the Atari game benchmark remains an elusive goal. We propose a sample efficient model-based visual RL algorithm built on MuZero, which we name EfficientZero. Our method achieves 194.3% mean human performance and 109.0% median performance on the Atari 100k benchmark with only two hours of real-time game experience and outperforms the state SAC in some tasks on the DMControl 100k benchmark. This is the first time an algorithm achieves super-human performance on Atari games with such little data. EfficientZero's performance is also close to DQN's performance at 200 million frames while we consume 500 times less data. EfficientZero's low sample complexity and high performance can bring RL closer to real-world applicability. We implement our algorithm in an easy-to-understand manner and it is available at https://github.com/YeWR/EfficientZero. We hope it will accelerate the research of MCTS-based RL algorithms in the wider community.
L_1-regularized Boltzmann machine learning using majorizer minimization
We propose an inference method to estimate sparse interactions and biases according to Boltzmann machine learning. The basis of this method is $L_1$ regularization, which is often used in compressed sensing, a technique for reconstructing sparse input signals from undersampled outputs. $L_1$ regularization impedes the simple application of the gradient method, which optimizes the cost function that leads to accurate estimations, owing to the cost function's lack of smoothness. In this study, we utilize the majorizer minimization method, which is a well-known technique implemented in optimization problems, to avoid the non-smoothness of the cost function. By using the majorizer minimization method, we elucidate essentially relevant biases and interactions from given data with seemingly strongly-correlated components.
Towards interpretability of Mixtures of Hidden Markov Models
Mixtures of Hidden Markov Models (MHMMs) are frequently used for clustering of sequential data. An important aspect of MHMMs, as of any clustering approach, is that they can be interpretable, allowing for novel insights to be gained from the data. However, without a proper way of measuring interpretability, the evaluation of novel contributions is difficult and it becomes practically impossible to devise techniques that directly optimize this property. In this work, an information-theoretic measure (entropy) is proposed for interpretability of MHMMs, and based on that, a novel approach to improve model interpretability is proposed, i.e., an entropy-regularized Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. The new approach aims for reducing the entropy of the Markov chains (involving state transition matrices) within an MHMM, i.e., assigning higher weights to common state transitions during clustering. It is argued that this entropy reduction, in general, leads to improved interpretability since the most influential and important state transitions of the clusters can be more easily identified. An empirical investigation shows that it is possible to improve the interpretability of MHMMs, as measured by entropy, without sacrificing (but rather improving) clustering performance and computational costs, as measured by the v-measure and number of EM iterations, respectively.
Mixture factorized auto-encoder for unsupervised hierarchical deep factorization of speech signal
Speech signal is constituted and contributed by various informative factors, such as linguistic content and speaker characteristic. There have been notable recent studies attempting to factorize speech signal into these individual factors without requiring any annotation. These studies typically assume continuous representation for linguistic content, which is not in accordance with general linguistic knowledge and may make the extraction of speaker information less successful. This paper proposes the mixture factorized auto-encoder (mFAE) for unsupervised deep factorization. The encoder part of mFAE comprises a frame tokenizer and an utterance embedder. The frame tokenizer models linguistic content of input speech with a discrete categorical distribution. It performs frame clustering by assigning each frame a soft mixture label. The utterance embedder generates an utterance-level vector representation. A frame decoder serves to reconstruct speech features from the encoders'outputs. The mFAE is evaluated on speaker verification (SV) task and unsupervised subword modeling (USM) task. The SV experiments on VoxCeleb 1 show that the utterance embedder is capable of extracting speaker-discriminative embeddings with performance comparable to a x-vector baseline. The USM experiments on ZeroSpeech 2017 dataset verify that the frame tokenizer is able to capture linguistic content and the utterance embedder can acquire speaker-related information.
A General Survey on Attention Mechanisms in Deep Learning
Attention is an important mechanism that can be employed for a variety of deep learning models across many different domains and tasks. This survey provides an overview of the most important attention mechanisms proposed in the literature. The various attention mechanisms are explained by means of a framework consisting of a general attention model, uniform notation, and a comprehensive taxonomy of attention mechanisms. Furthermore, the various measures for evaluating attention models are reviewed, and methods to characterize the structure of attention models based on the proposed framework are discussed. Last, future work in the field of attention models is considered.
Selective Attention Encoders by Syntactic Graph Convolutional Networks for Document Summarization
Abstractive text summarization is a challenging task, and one need to design a mechanism to effectively extract salient information from the source text and then generate a summary. A parsing process of the source text contains critical syntactic or semantic structures, which is useful to generate more accurate summary. However, modeling a parsing tree for text summarization is not trivial due to its non-linear structure and it is harder to deal with a document that includes multiple sentences and their parsing trees. In this paper, we propose to use a graph to connect the parsing trees from the sentences in a document and utilize the stacked graph convolutional networks (GCNs) to learn the syntactic representation for a document. The selective attention mechanism is used to extract salient information in semantic and structural aspect and generate an abstractive summary. We evaluate our approach on the CNN/Daily Mail text summarization dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed GCNs based selective attention approach outperforms the baselines and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the dataset.
Saliency-based Weighted Multi-label Linear Discriminant Analysis
In this paper, we propose a new variant of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) to solve multi-label classification tasks. The proposed method is based on a probabilistic model for defining the weights of individual samples in a weighted multi-label LDA approach. Linear Discriminant Analysis is a classical statistical machine learning method, which aims to find a linear data transformation increasing class discrimination in an optimal discriminant subspace. Traditional LDA sets assumptions related to Gaussian class distributions and single-label data annotations. To employ the LDA technique in multi-label classification problems, we exploit intuitions coming from a probabilistic interpretation of class saliency to redefine the between-class and within-class scatter matrices. The saliency-based weights obtained based on various kinds of affinity encoding prior information are used to reveal the probability of each instance to be salient for each of its classes in the multi-label problem at hand. The proposed Saliency-based weighted Multi-label LDA approach is shown to lead to performance improvements in various multi-label classification problems.
Convergence of Finite Memory Q-Learning for POMDPs and Near Optimality of Learned Policies under Filter Stability
In this paper, for POMDPs, we provide the convergence of a Q learning algorithm for control policies using a finite history of past observations and control actions, and, consequentially, we establish near optimality of such limit Q functions under explicit filter stability conditions. We present explicit error bounds relating the approximation error to the length of the finite history window. We establish the convergence of such Q-learning iterations under mild ergodicity assumptions on the state process during the exploration phase. We further show that the limit fixed point equation gives an optimal solution for an approximate belief-MDP. We then provide bounds on the performance of the policy obtained using the limit Q values compared to the performance of the optimal policy for the POMDP, where we also present explicit conditions using recent results on filter stability in controlled POMDPs. While there exist many experimental results, (i) the rigorous asymptotic convergence (to an approximate MDP value function) for such finite-memory Q-learning algorithms, and (ii) the near optimality with an explicit rate of convergence (in the memory size) are results that are new to the literature, to our knowledge.
Bayesian Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis Using Random Fields
We propose a novel model for nonlinear dimension reduction motivated by the probabilistic formulation of principal component analysis. Nonlinearity is achieved by specifying different transformation matrices at different locations of the latent space and smoothing the transformation using a Markov random field type prior. The computation is made feasible by the recent advances in sampling from von Mises-Fisher distributions.
Statistical Learning for Analysis of Networked Control Systems over Unknown Channels
Recent control trends are increasingly relying on communication networks and wireless channels to close the loop for Internet-of-Things applications. Traditionally these approaches are model-based, i.e., assuming a network or channel model they are focused on stability analysis and appropriate controller designs. However the availability of such wireless channel modeling is fundamentally challenging in practice as channels are typically unknown a priori and only available through data samples. In this work we aim to develop algorithms that rely on channel sample data to determine the stability and performance of networked control tasks. In this regard our work is the first to characterize the amount of channel modeling that is required to answer such a question. Specifically we examine how many channel data samples are required in order to answer with high confidence whether a given networked control system is stable or not. This analysis is based on the notion of sample complexity from the learning literature and is facilitated by concentration inequalities. Moreover we establish a direct relation between the sample complexity and the networked system stability margin, i.e., the underlying packet success rate of the channel and the spectral radius of the dynamics of the control system. This illustrates that it becomes impractical to verify stability under a large range of plant and channel configurations. We validate our theoretical results in numerical simulations.
On the Compression of Natural Language Models
Deep neural networks are effective feature extractors but they are prohibitively large for deployment scenarios. Due to the huge number of parameters, interpretability of parameters in different layers is not straight-forward. This is why neural networks are sometimes considered black boxes. Although simpler models are easier to explain, finding them is not easy. If found, a sparse network that can fit to a data from scratch would help to interpret parameters of a neural network. To this end, lottery ticket hypothesis states that typical dense neural networks contain a small sparse sub-network that can be trained to a reach similar test accuracy in an equal number of steps. The goal of this work is to assess whether such a trainable subnetwork exists for natural language models (NLM)s. To achieve this goal we will review state-of-the-art compression techniques such as quantization, knowledge distillation, and pruning.
The information-theoretic value of unlabeled data in semi-supervised learning
We quantify the separation between the numbers of labeled examples required to learn in two settings: Settings with and without the knowledge of the distribution of the unlabeled data. More specifically, we prove a separation by $\Theta(\log n)$ multiplicative factor for the class of projections over the Boolean hypercube of dimension $n$. We prove that there is no separation for the class of all functions on domain of any size. Learning with the knowledge of the distribution (a.k.a. fixed-distribution learning) can be viewed as an idealized scenario of semi-supervised learning where the number of unlabeled data points is so great that the unlabeled distribution is known exactly. For this reason, we call the separation the value of unlabeled data.
CXPlain: Causal Explanations for Model Interpretation under Uncertainty
Feature importance estimates that inform users about the degree to which given inputs influence the output of a predictive model are crucial for understanding, validating, and interpreting machine-learning models. However, providing fast and accurate estimates of feature importance for high-dimensional data, and quantifying the uncertainty of such estimates remain open challenges. Here, we frame the task of providing explanations for the decisions of machine-learning models as a causal learning task, and train causal explanation (CXPlain) models that learn to estimate to what degree certain inputs cause outputs in another machine-learning model. CXPlain can, once trained, be used to explain the target model in little time, and enables the quantification of the uncertainty associated with its feature importance estimates via bootstrap ensembling. We present experiments that demonstrate that CXPlain is significantly more accurate and faster than existing model-agnostic methods for estimating feature importance. In addition, we confirm that the uncertainty estimates provided by CXPlain ensembles are strongly correlated with their ability to accurately estimate feature importance on held-out data.
Reinforcement Learning in R
Reinforcement learning refers to a group of methods from artificial intelligence where an agent performs learning through trial and error. It differs from supervised learning, since reinforcement learning requires no explicit labels; instead, the agent interacts continuously with its environment. That is, the agent starts in a specific state and then performs an action, based on which it transitions to a new state and, depending on the outcome, receives a reward. Different strategies (e.g. Q-learning) have been proposed to maximize the overall reward, resulting in a so-called policy, which defines the best possible action in each state. Mathematically, this process can be formalized by a Markov decision process and it has been implemented by packages in R; however, there is currently no package available for reinforcement learning. As a remedy, this paper demonstrates how to perform reinforcement learning in R and, for this purpose, introduces the ReinforcementLearning package. The package provides a remarkably flexible framework and is easily applied to a wide range of different problems. We demonstrate its use by drawing upon common examples from the literature (e.g. finding optimal game strategies).
Adaptive machine learning strategies for network calibration of IoT smart air quality monitoring devices
Air Quality Multi-sensors Systems (AQMS) are IoT devices based on low cost chemical microsensors array that recently have showed capable to provide relatively accurate air pollutant quantitative estimations. Their availability permits to deploy pervasive Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) networks that will solve the geographical sparseness issue that affect the current network of AQ Regulatory Monitoring Systems (AQRMS). Unfortunately their accuracy have shown limited in long term field deployments due to negative influence of several technological issues including sensors poisoning or ageing, non target gas interference, lack of fabrication repeatability, etc. Seasonal changes in probability distribution of priors, observables and hidden context variables (i.e. non observable interferents) challenge field data driven calibration models which short to mid term performances recently rose to the attention of Urban authorithies and monitoring agencies. In this work, we address this non stationary framework with adaptive learning strategies in order to prolong the validity of multisensors calibration models enabling continuous learning. Relevant parameters influence in different network and note-to-node recalibration scenario is analyzed. Results are hence useful for pervasive deployment aimed to permanent high resolution AQ mapping in urban scenarios as well as for the use of AQMS as AQRMS backup systems providing data when AQRMS data are unavailable due to faults or scheduled mainteinance.
Deep Layer-wise Networks Have Closed-Form Weights
There is currently a debate within the neuroscience community over the likelihood of the brain performing backpropagation (BP). To better mimic the brain, training a network $\textit{one layer at a time}$ with only a "single forward pass" has been proposed as an alternative to bypass BP; we refer to these networks as "layer-wise" networks. We continue the work on layer-wise networks by answering two outstanding questions. First, $\textit{do they have a closed-form solution?}$ Second, $\textit{how do we know when to stop adding more layers?}$ This work proves that the kernel Mean Embedding is the closed-form weight that achieves the network global optimum while driving these networks to converge towards a highly desirable kernel for classification; we call it the $\textit{Neural Indicator Kernel}$.
Open-Set Hypothesis Transfer with Semantic Consistency
Unsupervised open-set domain adaptation (UODA) is a realistic problem where unlabeled target data contain unknown classes. Prior methods rely on the coexistence of both source and target domain data to perform domain alignment, which greatly limits their applications when source domain data are restricted due to privacy concerns. This paper addresses the challenging hypothesis transfer setting for UODA, where data from source domain are no longer available during adaptation on target domain. We introduce a method that focuses on the semantic consistency under transformation of target data, which is rarely appreciated by previous domain adaptation methods. Specifically, our model first discovers confident predictions and performs classification with pseudo-labels. Then we enforce the model to output consistent and definite predictions on semantically similar inputs. As a result, unlabeled data can be classified into discriminative classes coincided with either source classes or unknown classes. Experimental results show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods on UODA benchmarks.
Evaluating the squared-exponential covariance function in Gaussian processes with integral observations
This paper deals with the evaluation of double line integrals of the squared exponential covariance function. We propose a new approach in which the double integral is reduced to a single integral using the error function. This single integral is then computed with efficiently implemented numerical techniques. The performance is compared against existing state of the art methods and the results show superior properties in numerical robustness and accuracy per computation time.
Molecular Generative Model Based On Adversarially Regularized Autoencoder
Deep generative models are attracting great attention as a new promising approach for molecular design. All models reported so far are based on either variational autoencoder (VAE) or generative adversarial network (GAN). Here we propose a new type model based on an adversarially regularized autoencoder (ARAE). It basically uses latent variables like VAE, but the distribution of the latent variables is obtained by adversarial training like in GAN. The latter is intended to avoid both inappropriate approximation of posterior distribution in VAE and difficulty in handling discrete variables in GAN. Our benchmark study showed that ARAE indeed outperformed conventional models in terms of validity, uniqueness, and novelty per generated molecule. We also demonstrated successful conditional generation of drug-like molecules with ARAE for both cases of single and multiple properties control. As a potential real-world application, we could generate EGFR inhibitors sharing the scaffolds of known active molecules while satisfying drug-like conditions simultaneously.
Automatic Compiler Based FPGA Accelerator for CNN Training
Training of convolutional neural networks (CNNs)on embedded platforms to support on-device learning is earning vital importance in recent days. Designing flexible training hard-ware is much more challenging than inference hardware, due to design complexity and large computation/memory requirement. In this work, we present an automatic compiler-based FPGA accelerator with 16-bit fixed-point precision for complete CNNtraining, including Forward Pass (FP), Backward Pass (BP) and Weight Update (WU). We implemented an optimized RTL library to perform training-specific tasks and developed an RTL compiler to automatically generate FPGA-synthesizable RTL based on user-defined constraints. We present a new cyclic weight storage/access scheme for on-chip BRAM and off-chip DRAMto efficiently implement non-transpose and transpose operations during FP and BP phases, respectively. Representative CNNs for CIFAR-10 dataset are implemented and trained on Intel Stratix 10-GX FPGA using proposed hardware architecture, demonstrating up to 479 GOPS performance.
GeLaTO: Generative Latent Textured Objects
Accurate modeling of 3D objects exhibiting transparency, reflections and thin structures is an extremely challenging problem. Inspired by billboards and geometric proxies used in computer graphics, this paper proposes Generative Latent Textured Objects (GeLaTO), a compact representation that combines a set of coarse shape proxies defining low frequency geometry with learned neural textures, to encode both medium and fine scale geometry as well as view-dependent appearance. To generate the proxies' textures, we learn a joint latent space allowing category-level appearance and geometry interpolation. The proxies are independently rasterized with their corresponding neural texture and composited using a U-Net, which generates an output photorealistic image including an alpha map. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by reconstructing complex objects from a sparse set of views. We show results on a dataset of real images of eyeglasses frames, which are particularly challenging to reconstruct using classical methods. We also demonstrate that these coarse proxies can be handcrafted when the underlying object geometry is easy to model, like eyeglasses, or generated using a neural network for more complex categories, such as cars.
Learning a Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Mixed Integer Programs
Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) is a combinatorial optimization heuristic that starts with an assignment of values for the variables to be optimized, and iteratively improves it by searching a large neighborhood around the current assignment. In this paper we consider a learning-based LNS approach for mixed integer programs (MIPs). We train a Neural Diving model to represent a probability distribution over assignments, which, together with an off-the-shelf MIP solver, generates an initial assignment. Formulating the subsequent search steps as a Markov Decision Process, we train a Neural Neighborhood Selection policy to select a search neighborhood at each step, which is searched using a MIP solver to find the next assignment. The policy network is trained using imitation learning. We propose a target policy for imitation that, given enough compute resources, is guaranteed to select the neighborhood containing the optimal next assignment amongst all possible choices for the neighborhood of a specified size. Our approach matches or outperforms all the baselines on five real-world MIP datasets with large-scale instances from diverse applications, including two production applications at Google. It achieves $2\times$ to $37.8\times$ better average primal gap than the best baseline on three of the datasets at large running times.
A few filters are enough: Convolutional Neural Network for P300 Detection
Over the past decade, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become the driving force of an ever-increasing set of applications, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Most of the modern CNN architectures are composed of many convolutional and fully connected layers and typically require thousands or millions of parameters to learn. CNNs have also been effective in the detection of Event-Related Potentials from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, notably the P300 component which is frequently employed in Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). However, for this task, the increase in detection rates compared to approaches based on human-engineered features has not been as impressive as in other areas and might not justify such a large number of parameters. In this paper, we study the performances of existing CNN architectures with diverse complexities for single-trial within-subject and cross-subject P300 detection on four different datasets. We also proposed SepConv1D, a very simple CNN architecture consisting of a single depthwise separable 1D convolutional layer followed by a fully connected Sigmoid classification neuron. We found that with as few as four filters in its convolutional layer and a small overall number of parameters, SepConv1D obtained competitive performances in the four datasets. We believe this may represent an important step towards building simpler, cheaper, faster, and more portable BCIs.
The Backpropagation Algorithm Implemented on Spiking Neuromorphic Hardware
The capabilities of natural neural systems have inspired new generations of machine learning algorithms as well as neuromorphic very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits capable of fast, low-power information processing. However, it has been argued that most modern machine learning algorithms are not neurophysiologically plausible. In particular, the workhorse of modern deep learning, the backpropagation algorithm, has proven difficult to translate to neuromorphic hardware. In this study, we present a neuromorphic, spiking backpropagation algorithm based on synfire-gated dynamical information coordination and processing, implemented on Intel's Loihi neuromorphic research processor. We demonstrate a proof-of-principle three-layer circuit that learns to classify digits from the MNIST dataset. To our knowledge, this is the first work to show a Spiking Neural Network (SNN) implementation of the backpropagation algorithm that is fully on-chip, without a computer in the loop. It is competitive in accuracy with off-chip trained SNNs and achieves an energy-delay product suitable for edge computing. This implementation shows a path for using in-memory, massively parallel neuromorphic processors for low-power, low-latency implementation of modern deep learning applications.
Increasing Compactness Of Deep Learning Based Speech Enhancement Models With Parameter Pruning And Quantization Techniques
Most recent studies on deep learning based speech enhancement (SE) focused on improving denoising performance. However, successful SE applications require striking a desirable balance between denoising performance and computational cost in real scenarios. In this study, we propose a novel parameter pruning (PP) technique, which removes redundant channels in a neural network. In addition, a parameter quantization (PQ) technique was applied to reduce the size of a neural network by representing weights with fewer cluster centroids. Because the techniques are derived based on different concepts, the PP and PQ can be integrated to provide even more compact SE models. The experimental results show that the PP and PQ techniques produce a compacted SE model with a size of only 10.03% compared to that of the original model, resulting in minor performance losses of 1.43% (from 0.70 to 0.69) for STOI and 3.24% (from 1.85 to 1.79) for PESQ. The promising results suggest that the PP and PQ techniques can be used in a SE system in devices with limited storage and computation resources.
Cortex Neural Network: learning with Neural Network groups
Neural Network has been successfully applied to many real-world problems, such as image recognition and machine translation. However, for the current architecture of neural networks, it is hard to perform complex cognitive tasks, for example, to process the image and audio inputs together. Cortex, as an important architecture in the brain, is important for animals to perform the complex cognitive task. We view the architecture of Cortex in the brain as a missing part in the design of the current artificial neural network. In this paper, we purpose Cortex Neural Network (CrtxNN). The Cortex Neural Network is an upper architecture of neural networks which motivated from cerebral cortex in the brain to handle different tasks in the same learning system. It is able to identify different tasks and solve them with different methods. In our implementation, the Cortex Neural Network is able to process different cognitive tasks and perform reflection to get a higher accuracy. We provide a series of experiments to examine the capability of the cortex architecture on traditional neural networks. Our experiments proved its ability on the Cortex Neural Network can reach accuracy by 98.32% on MNIST and 62% on CIFAR10 at the same time, which can promisingly reduce the loss by 40%.
Dynamical prediction of two meteorological factors using the deep neural network and the long short-term memory $(2)$
This paper presents the predictive accuracy using two-variate meteorological factors, average temperature and average humidity, in neural network algorithms. We analyze result in five learning architectures such as the traditional artificial neural network, deep neural network, and extreme learning machine, long short-term memory, and long-short-term memory with peephole connections, after manipulating the computer-simulation. Our neural network modes are trained on the daily time-series dataset during seven years (from 2014 to 2020). From the trained results for 2500, 5000, and 7500 epochs, we obtain the predicted accuracies of the meteorological factors produced from outputs in ten metropolitan cities (Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, Incheon, Gwangju, Pohang, Mokpo, Tongyeong, and Jeonju). The error statistics is found from the result of outputs, and we compare these values to each other after the manipulation of five neural networks. As using the long-short-term memory model in testing 1 (the average temperature predicted from the input layer with six input nodes), Tonyeong has the lowest root mean squared error (RMSE) value of 0.866 $(%)$ in summer from the computer-simulation in order to predict the temperature. To predict the humidity, the RMSE is shown the lowest value of 5.732 $(%)$, when using the long short-term memory model in summer in Mokpo in testing 2 (the average humidity predicted from the input layer with six input nodes). Particularly, the long short-term memory model is is found to be more accurate in forecasting daily levels than other neural network models in temperature and humidity forecastings. Our result may provide a computer-simuation basis for the necessity of exploring and develping a novel neural network evaluation method in the future.
On the Convergence of Policy in Unregularized Policy Mirror Descent
In this short note, we give the convergence analysis of the policy in the recent famous policy mirror descent (PMD). We mainly consider the unregularized setting following [11] with generalized Bregman divergence. The difference is that we directly give the convergence rates of policy under generalized Bregman divergence. Our results are inspired by the convergence of value function in previous works and are an extension study of policy mirror descent. Though some results have already appeared in previous work, we further discover a large body of Bregman divergences could give finite-step convergence to an optimal policy, such as the classical Euclidean distance.
Text-mining the NeuroSynth corpus using Deep Boltzmann Machines
Large-scale automated meta-analysis of neuroimaging data has recently established itself as an important tool in advancing our understanding of human brain function. This research has been pioneered by NeuroSynth, a database collecting both brain activation coordinates and associated text across a large cohort of neuroimaging research papers. One of the fundamental aspects of such meta-analysis is text-mining. To date, word counts and more sophisticated methods such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation have been proposed. In this work we present an unsupervised study of the NeuroSynth text corpus using Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBMs). The use of DBMs yields several advantages over the aforementioned methods, principal among which is the fact that it yields both word and document embeddings in a high-dimensional vector space. Such embeddings serve to facilitate the use of traditional machine learning techniques on the text corpus. The proposed DBM model is shown to learn embeddings with a clear semantic structure.
Generalization bounds and algorithms for estimating conditional average treatment effect of dosage
We investigate the task of estimating the conditional average causal effect of treatment-dosage pairs from a combination of observational data and assumptions on the causal relationships in the underlying system. This has been a longstanding challenge for fields of study such as epidemiology or economics that require a treatment-dosage pair to make decisions but may not be able to run randomized trials to precisely quantify their effect and heterogeneity across individuals. In this paper, we extend (Shalit et al, 2017) to give new bounds on the counterfactual generalization error in the context of a continuous dosage parameter which relies on a different approach to defining counterfactuals and assignment bias adjustment. This result then guides the definition of new learning objectives that can be used to train representation learning algorithms for which we show empirically new state-of-the-art performance results across several benchmark datasets for this problem, including in comparison to doubly-robust estimation methods.
Rethinking Temporal Fusion for Video-based Person Re-identification on Semantic and Time Aspect
Recently, the research interest of person re-identification (ReID) has gradually turned to video-based methods, which acquire a person representation by aggregating frame features of an entire video. However, existing video-based ReID methods do not consider the semantic difference brought by the outputs of different network stages, which potentially compromises the information richness of the person features. Furthermore, traditional methods ignore important relationship among frames, which causes information redundancy in fusion along the time axis. To address these issues, we propose a novel general temporal fusion framework to aggregate frame features on both semantic aspect and time aspect. As for the semantic aspect, a multi-stage fusion network is explored to fuse richer frame features at multiple semantic levels, which can effectively reduce the information loss caused by the traditional single-stage fusion. While, for the time axis, the existing intra-frame attention method is improved by adding a novel inter-frame attention module, which effectively reduces the information redundancy in temporal fusion by taking the relationship among frames into consideration. The experimental results show that our approach can effectively improve the video-based re-identification accuracy, achieving the state-of-the-art performance.
Two-level Explanations in Music Emotion Recognition
Current ML models for music emotion recognition, while generally working quite well, do not give meaningful or intuitive explanations for their predictions. In this work, we propose a 2-step procedure to arrive at spectrogram-level explanations that connect certain aspects of the audio to interpretable mid-level perceptual features, and these to the actual emotion prediction. That makes it possible to focus on specific musical reasons for a prediction (in terms of perceptual features), and to trace these back to patterns in the audio that can be interpreted visually and acoustically.
Enabling certification of verification-agnostic networks via memory-efficient semidefinite programming
Convex relaxations have emerged as a promising approach for verifying desirable properties of neural networks like robustness to adversarial perturbations. Widely used Linear Programming (LP) relaxations only work well when networks are trained to facilitate verification. This precludes applications that involve verification-agnostic networks, i.e., networks not specially trained for verification. On the other hand, semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations have successfully be applied to verification-agnostic networks, but do not currently scale beyond small networks due to poor time and space asymptotics. In this work, we propose a first-order dual SDP algorithm that (1) requires memory only linear in the total number of network activations, (2) only requires a fixed number of forward/backward passes through the network per iteration. By exploiting iterative eigenvector methods, we express all solver operations in terms of forward and backward passes through the network, enabling efficient use of hardware like GPUs/TPUs. For two verification-agnostic networks on MNIST and CIFAR-10, we significantly improve L-inf verified robust accuracy from 1% to 88% and 6% to 40% respectively. We also demonstrate tight verification of a quadratic stability specification for the decoder of a variational autoencoder.
Backtracking gradient descent method for general $C^1$ functions, with applications to Deep Learning
While Standard gradient descent is one very popular optimisation method, its convergence cannot be proven beyond the class of functions whose gradient is globally Lipschitz continuous. As such, it is not actually applicable to realistic applications such as Deep Neural Networks. In this paper, we prove that its backtracking variant behaves very nicely, in particular convergence can be shown for all Morse functions. The main theoretical result of this paper is as follows. Theorem. Let $f:\mathbb{R}^k\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a $C^1$ function, and $\{z_n\}$ a sequence constructed from the Backtracking gradient descent algorithm. (1) Either $\lim _{n\rightarrow\infty}||z_n||=\infty$ or $\lim _{n\rightarrow\infty}||z_{n+1}-z_n||=0$. (2) Assume that $f$ has at most countably many critical points. Then either $\lim _{n\rightarrow\infty}||z_n||=\infty$ or $\{z_n\}$ converges to a critical point of $f$. (3) More generally, assume that all connected components of the set of critical points of $f$ are compact. Then either $\lim _{n\rightarrow\infty}||z_n||=\infty$ or $\{z_n\}$ is bounded. Moreover, in the latter case the set of cluster points of $\{z_n\}$ is connected. Some generalised versions of this result, including an inexact version, are included. Another result in this paper concerns the problem of saddle points. We then present a heuristic argument to explain why Standard gradient descent method works so well, and modifications of the backtracking versions of GD, MMT and NAG. Experiments with datasets CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 on various popular architectures verify the heuristic argument also for the mini-batch practice and show that our new algorithms, while automatically fine tuning learning rates, perform better than current state-of-the-art methods such as MMT, NAG, Adagrad, Adadelta, RMSProp, Adam and Adamax.
Consistent and fast inference in compartmental models of epidemics using Poisson Approximate Likelihoods
Addressing the challenge of scaling-up epidemiological inference to complex and heterogeneous models, we introduce Poisson Approximate Likelihood (PAL) methods. In contrast to the popular ODE approach to compartmental modelling, in which a large population limit is used to motivate a deterministic model, PALs are derived from approximate filtering equations for finite-population, stochastic compartmental models, and the large population limit drives the consistency of maximum PAL estimators. Our theoretical results appear to be the first likelihood-based parameter estimation consistency results applicable across a broad class of partially observed stochastic compartmental models. Compared to simulation-based methods such as Approximate Bayesian Computation and Sequential Monte Carlo, PALs are simple to implement, involving only elementary arithmetic operations and no tuning parameters; and fast to evaluate, requiring no simulation from the model and having computational cost independent of population size. Through examples, we demonstrate how PALs can be: embedded within Delayed Acceptance Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo to facilitate Bayesian inference; used to fit an age-structured model of influenza, taking advantage of automatic differentiation in Stan; and applied to calibrate a spatial meta-population model of measles.
PixColor: Pixel Recursive Colorization
We propose a novel approach to automatically produce multiple colorized versions of a grayscale image. Our method results from the observation that the task of automated colorization is relatively easy given a low-resolution version of the color image. We first train a conditional PixelCNN to generate a low resolution color for a given grayscale image. Then, given the generated low-resolution color image and the original grayscale image as inputs, we train a second CNN to generate a high-resolution colorization of an image. We demonstrate that our approach produces more diverse and plausible colorizations than existing methods, as judged by human raters in a "Visual Turing Test".
Towards Building a Personalized Dialogue Generator via Implicit User Persona Detection
Current works in the generation of personalized dialogue primarily contribute to the agent avoiding contradictory persona and driving the response more informative. However, we found that the generated responses from these models are mostly self-centered with little care for the other party since they ignore the user's persona. Moreover, we consider high-quality transmission is essentially built based on apprehending the persona of the other party. Motivated by this, we propose a novel personalized dialogue generator by detecting implicit user persona. Because it's difficult to collect a large number of personas for each user, we attempt to model the user's potential persona and its representation from the dialogue absence of any external information. Perception variable and fader variable are conceived utilizing Conditional Variational Inference. The two latent variables simulate the process of people being aware of the other party's persona and producing the corresponding expression in conversation. Finally, Posterior-discriminated Regularization is presented to enhance the training procedure. Empirical studies demonstrate that compared with the state-of-the-art methods, ours is more concerned with the user's persona and outperforms in evaluations.
Debiasing Credit Scoring using Evolutionary Algorithms
This paper investigates the application of machine learning when training a credit decision model over real, publicly available data whilst accounting for "bias objectives". We use the term "bias objective" to describe the requirement that a trained model displays discriminatory bias against a given groups of individuals that doesn't exceed a prescribed level, where such level can be zero. This research presents an empirical study examining the tension between competing model training objectives which in all cases include one or more bias objectives. This work is motivated by the observation that the parties associated with creditworthiness models have requirements that can not certainly be fully met simultaneously. The research herein seeks to highlight the impracticality of satisfying all parties' objectives, demonstrating the need for "trade-offs" to be made. The results and conclusions presented by this paper are of particular importance for all stakeholders within the credit scoring industry that rely upon artificial intelligence (AI) models as part of the decision-making process when determining the creditworthiness of individuals. This paper provides an exposition of the difficulty of training AI models that are able to simultaneously satisfy multiple bias objectives whilst maintaining acceptable levels of accuracy. Stakeholders should be aware of this difficulty and should acknowledge that some degree of discriminatory bias, across a number of protected characteristics and formulations of bias, cannot be avoided.
Continuous-time system identification with neural networks: Model structures and fitting criteria
This paper presents tailor-made neural model structures and two custom fitting criteria for learning dynamical systems. The proposed framework is based on a representation of the system behavior in terms of continuous-time state-space models. The sequence of hidden states is optimized along with the neural network parameters in order to minimize the difference between measured and estimated outputs, and at the same time to guarantee that the optimized state sequence is consistent with the estimated system dynamics. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated through three case studies, including two public system identification benchmarks based on experimental data.
Layer-based Composite Reputation Bootstrapping
We propose a novel generic reputation bootstrapping framework for composite services. Multiple reputation-related indicators are considered in a layer-based framework to implicitly reflect the reputation of the component services. The importance of an indicator on the future performance of a component service is learned using a modified Random Forest algorithm. We propose a topology-aware Forest Deep Neural Network (fDNN) to find the correlations between the reputation of a composite service and reputation indicators of component services. The trained fDNN model predicts the reputation of a new composite service with the confidence value. Experimental results with real-world dataset prove the efficiency of the proposed approach.
S2OSC: A Holistic Semi-Supervised Approach for Open Set Classification
Open set classification (OSC) tackles the problem of determining whether the data are in-class or out-of-class during inference, when only provided with a set of in-class examples at training time. Traditional OSC methods usually train discriminative or generative models with in-class data, then utilize the pre-trained models to classify test data directly. However, these methods always suffer from embedding confusion problem, i.e., partial out-of-class instances are mixed with in-class ones of similar semantics, making it difficult to classify. To solve this problem, we unify semi-supervised learning to develop a novel OSC algorithm, S2OSC, that incorporates out-of-class instances filtering and model re-training in a transductive manner. In detail, given a pool of newly coming test data, S2OSC firstly filters distinct out-of-class instances using the pre-trained model, and annotates super-class for them. Then, S2OSC trains a holistic classification model by combing in-class and out-of-class labeled data and remaining unlabeled test data in semi-supervised paradigm, which also integrates pre-trained model for knowledge distillation to further separate mixed instances. Despite its simplicity, the experimental results show that S2OSC achieves state-of-the-art performance across a variety of OSC tasks, including 85.4% of F1 on CIFAR-10 with only 300 pseudo-labels. We also demonstrate how S2OSC can be expanded to incremental OSC setting effectively with streaming data.
Sound Event Classification in an Industrial Environment: Pipe Leakage Detection Use Case
In this work, a multi-stage Machine Learning (ML) pipeline is proposed for pipe leakage detection in an industrial environment. As opposed to other industrial and urban environments, the environment under study includes many interfering background noises, complicating the identification of leaks. Furthermore, the harsh environmental conditions limit the amount of data collected and impose the use of low-complexity algorithms. To address the environment's constraints, the developed ML pipeline applies multiple steps, each addressing the environment's challenges. The proposed ML pipeline first reduces the data dimensionality by feature selection techniques and then incorporates time correlations by extracting time-based features. The resultant features are fed to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) of low-complexity that generalizes well to a small amount of data. An extensive experimental procedure was carried out on two datasets, one with background industrial noise and one without, to evaluate the validity of the proposed pipeline. The SVM hyper-parameters and parameters specific to the pipeline steps were tuned as part of the experimental procedure. The best models obtained from the dataset with industrial noise and leaks were applied to datasets without noise and with and without leaks to test their generalizability. The results show that the model produces excellent results with 99\% accuracy and an F1-score of 0.93 and 0.9 for the respective datasets.
Query-Efficient Black-box Adversarial Examples (superceded)
Note that this paper is superceded by "Black-Box Adversarial Attacks with Limited Queries and Information." Current neural network-based image classifiers are susceptible to adversarial examples, even in the black-box setting, where the attacker is limited to query access without access to gradients. Previous methods --- substitute networks and coordinate-based finite-difference methods --- are either unreliable or query-inefficient, making these methods impractical for certain problems. We introduce a new method for reliably generating adversarial examples under more restricted, practical black-box threat models. First, we apply natural evolution strategies to perform black-box attacks using two to three orders of magnitude fewer queries than previous methods. Second, we introduce a new algorithm to perform targeted adversarial attacks in the partial-information setting, where the attacker only has access to a limited number of target classes. Using these techniques, we successfully perform the first targeted adversarial attack against a commercially deployed machine learning system, the Google Cloud Vision API, in the partial information setting.