Neural arbitrary style transfer for portrait images using the attention mechanism
Arbitrary style transfer is the task of synthesis of an image that has never been seen before, using two given images: content image and style image. The content image forms the structure, the basic geometric lines and shapes of the resulting image, while the style image sets the color and texture of the result. The word "arbitrary" in this context means the absence of any one pre-learned style. So, for example, convolutional neural networks capable of transferring a new style only after training or retraining on a new amount of data are not con-sidered to solve such a problem, while networks based on the attention mech-anism that are capable of performing such a transformation without retraining - yes. An original image can be, for example, a photograph, and a style image can be a painting of a famous artist. The resulting image in this case will be the scene depicted in the original photograph, made in the stylie of this picture. Recent arbitrary style transfer algorithms make it possible to achieve good re-sults in this task, however, in processing portrait images of people, the result of such algorithms is either unacceptable due to excessive distortion of facial features, or weakly expressed, not bearing the characteristic features of a style image. In this paper, we consider an approach to solving this problem using the combined architecture of deep neural networks with a attention mechanism that transfers style based on the contents of a particular image segment: with a clear predominance of style over the form for the background part of the im-age, and with the prevalence of content over the form in the image part con-taining directly the image of a person.
Decision Making for Hierarchical Multi-label Classification with Multidimensional Local Precision Rate
Hierarchical multi-label classification (HMC) has drawn increasing attention in the past few decades. It is applicable when hierarchical relationships among classes are available and need to be incorporated along with the multi-label classification whereby each object is assigned to one or more classes. There are two key challenges in HMC: i) optimizing the classification accuracy, and meanwhile ii) ensuring the given class hierarchy. To address these challenges, in this article, we introduce a new statistic called the multidimensional local precision rate (mLPR) for each object in each class. We show that classification decisions made by simply sorting objects across classes in descending order of their true mLPRs can, in theory, ensure the class hierarchy and lead to the maximization of CATCH, an objective function we introduce that is related to the area under a hit curve. This approach is the first of its kind that handles both challenges in one objective function without additional constraints, thanks to the desirable statistical properties of CATCH and mLPR. In practice, however, true mLPRs are not available. In response, we introduce HierRank, a new algorithm that maximizes an empirical version of CATCH using estimated mLPRs while respecting the hierarchy. The performance of this approach was evaluated on a synthetic data set and two real data sets; ours was found to be superior to several comparison methods on evaluation criteria based on metrics such as precision, recall, and $F_1$ score.
Specialization in Hierarchical Learning Systems
Joining multiple decision-makers together is a powerful way to obtain more sophisticated decision-making systems, but requires to address the questions of division of labor and specialization. We investigate in how far information constraints in hierarchies of experts not only provide a principled method for regularization but also to enforce specialization. In particular, we devise an information-theoretically motivated on-line learning rule that allows partitioning of the problem space into multiple sub-problems that can be solved by the individual experts. We demonstrate two different ways to apply our method: (i) partitioning problems based on individual data samples and (ii) based on sets of data samples representing tasks. Approach (i) equips the system with the ability to solve complex decision-making problems by finding an optimal combination of local expert decision-makers. Approach (ii) leads to decision-makers specialized in solving families of tasks, which equips the system with the ability to solve meta-learning problems. We show the broad applicability of our approach on a range of problems including classification, regression, density estimation, and reinforcement learning problems, both in the standard machine learning setup and in a meta-learning setting.
Convolutional Spectral Kernel Learning
Recently, non-stationary spectral kernels have drawn much attention, owing to its powerful feature representation ability in revealing long-range correlations and input-dependent characteristics. However, non-stationary spectral kernels are still shallow models, thus they are deficient to learn both hierarchical features and local interdependence. In this paper, to obtain hierarchical and local knowledge, we build an interpretable convolutional spectral kernel network (\texttt{CSKN}) based on the inverse Fourier transform, where we introduce deep architectures and convolutional filters into non-stationary spectral kernel representations. Moreover, based on Rademacher complexity, we derive the generalization error bounds and introduce two regularizers to improve the performance. Combining the regularizers and recent advancements on random initialization, we finally complete the learning framework of \texttt{CSKN}. Extensive experiments results on real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of the learning framework and coincide with our theoretical findings.
Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection from ECG Combining Convolutional and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Objectives: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common heart rhythm disorder associated with deadly and debilitating consequences including heart failure, stroke, poor mental health, reduced quality of life and death. Having an automatic system that diagnoses various types of cardiac arrhythmias would assist cardiologists to initiate appropriate preventive measures and to improve the analysis of cardiac disease. To this end, this paper introduces a new approach to detect and classify automatically cardiac arrhythmias in electrocardiograms (ECG) recordings. Methods: The proposed approach used a combination of Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) and a sequence of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units, with pooling, dropout and normalization techniques to improve their accuracy. The network predicted a classification at every 18th input sample and we selected the final prediction for classification. Results were cross-validated on the Physionet Challenge 2017 training dataset, which contains 8,528 single lead ECG recordings lasting from 9s to just over 60s. Results: Using the proposed structure and no explicit feature selection, 10-fold stratified cross-validation gave an overall F-measure of 0.83.10-0.015 on the held-out test data (mean-standard deviation over all folds) and 0.80 on the hidden dataset of the Challenge entry server.
Learning Scalable and Precise Representation of Program Semantics
Neural program embedding has shown potential in aiding the analysis of large-scale, complicated software. Newly proposed deep neural architectures pride themselves on learning program semantics rather than superficial syntactic features. However, by considering the source code only, the vast majority of neural networks do not capture a deep, precise representation of program semantics. In this paper, we present \dypro, a novel deep neural network that learns from program execution traces. Compared to the prior dynamic models, not only is \dypro capable of generalizing across multiple executions for learning a program's dynamic semantics in its entirety, but \dypro is also more efficient when dealing with programs yielding long execution traces. For evaluation, we task \dypro with semantic classification (i.e. categorizing programs based on their semantics) and compared it against two prominent static models: Gated Graph Neural Network and TreeLSTM. We find that \dypro achieves the highest prediction accuracy among all models. To further reveal the capacity of all aforementioned deep neural architectures, we examine if the models can learn to detect deeper semantic properties of a program. In particular given a task of recognizing loop invariants, we show \dypro beats all static models by a wide margin.
BYOL-S: Learning Self-supervised Speech Representations by Bootstrapping
Methods for extracting audio and speech features have been studied since pioneering work on spectrum analysis decades ago. Recent efforts are guided by the ambition to develop general-purpose audio representations. For example, deep neural networks can extract optimal embeddings if they are trained on large audio datasets. This work extends existing methods based on self-supervised learning by bootstrapping, proposes various encoder architectures, and explores the effects of using different pre-training datasets. Lastly, we present a novel training framework to come up with a hybrid audio representation, which combines handcrafted and data-driven learned audio features. All the proposed representations were evaluated within the HEAR NeurIPS 2021 challenge for auditory scene classification and timestamp detection tasks. Our results indicate that the hybrid model with a convolutional transformer as the encoder yields superior performance in most HEAR challenge tasks.
The jamming transition as a paradigm to understand the loss landscape of deep neural networks
Deep learning has been immensely successful at a variety of tasks, ranging from classification to AI. Learning corresponds to fitting training data, which is implemented by descending a very high-dimensional loss function. Understanding under which conditions neural networks do not get stuck in poor minima of the loss, and how the landscape of that loss evolves as depth is increased remains a challenge. Here we predict, and test empirically, an analogy between this landscape and the energy landscape of repulsive ellipses. We argue that in FC networks a phase transition delimits the over- and under-parametrized regimes where fitting can or cannot be achieved. In the vicinity of this transition, properties of the curvature of the minima of the loss are critical. This transition shares direct similarities with the jamming transition by which particles form a disordered solid as the density is increased, which also occurs in certain classes of computational optimization and learning problems such as the perceptron. Our analysis gives a simple explanation as to why poor minima of the loss cannot be encountered in the overparametrized regime, and puts forward the surprising result that the ability of fully connected networks to fit random data is independent of their depth. Our observations suggests that this independence also holds for real data. We also study a quantity $\Delta$ which characterizes how well ($\Delta<0$) or badly ($\Delta>0$) a datum is learned. At the critical point it is power-law distributed, $P_+(\Delta)\sim\Delta^\theta$ for $\Delta>0$ and $P_-(\Delta)\sim(-\Delta)^{-\gamma}$ for $\Delta<0$, with $\theta\approx0.3$ and $\gamma\approx0.2$. This observation suggests that near the transition the loss landscape has a hierarchical structure and that the learning dynamics is prone to avalanche-like dynamics, with abrupt changes in the set of patterns that are learned.
Comparison of methods for early-readmission prediction in a high-dimensional heterogeneous covariates and time-to-event outcome framework
Background: Choosing the most performing method in terms of outcome prediction or variables selection is a recurring problem in prognosis studies, leading to many publications on methods comparison. But some aspects have received little attention. First, most comparison studies treat prediction performance and variable selection aspects separately. Second, methods are either compared within a binary outcome setting (based on an arbitrarily chosen delay) or within a survival setting, but not both. In this paper, we propose a comparison methodology to weight up those different settings both in terms of prediction and variables selection, while incorporating advanced machine learning strategies. Methods: Using a high-dimensional case study on a sickle-cell disease (SCD) cohort, we compare 8 statistical methods. In the binary outcome setting, we consider logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), gradient boosting (GB) and neural network (NN); while on the survival analysis setting, we consider the Cox Proportional Hazards (PH), the CURE and the C-mix models. We then compare performances of all methods both in terms of risk prediction and variable selection, with a focus on the use of Elastic-Net regularization technique. Results: Among all assessed statistical methods assessed, the C-mix model yields the better performances in both the two considered settings, as well as interesting interpretation aspects. There is some consistency in selected covariates across methods within a setting, but not much across the two settings. Conclusions: It appears that learning withing the survival setting first, and then going back to a binary prediction using the survival estimates significantly enhance binary predictions.
They are wearing a mask! Identification of Subjects Wearing a Surgical Mask from their Speech by means of x-vectors and Fisher Vectors
Challenges based on Computational Paralinguistics in the INTERSPEECH Conference have always had a good reception among the attendees owing to its competitive academic and research demands. This year, the INTERSPEECH 2020 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge offers three different problems; here, the Mask Sub-Challenge is of specific interest. This challenge involves the classification of speech recorded from subjects while wearing a surgical mask. In this study, to address the above-mentioned problem we employ two different types of feature extraction methods. The x-vectors embeddings, which is the current state-of-the-art approach for Speaker Recognition; and the Fisher Vector (FV), that is a method originally intended for Image Recognition, but here we utilize it to discriminate utterances. These approaches employ distinct frame-level representations: MFCC and PLP. Using Support Vector Machines (SVM) as the classifier, we perform a technical comparison between the performances of the FV encodings and the x-vector embeddings for this particular classification task. We find that the Fisher vector encodings provide better representations of the utterances than the x-vectors do for this specific dataset. Moreover, we show that a fusion of our best configurations outperforms all the baseline scores of the Mask Sub-Challenge.
Dynamic Topology Adaptation and Distributed Estimation for Smart Grids
This paper presents new dynamic topology adaptation strategies for distributed estimation in smart grids systems. We propose a dynamic exhaustive search--based topology adaptation algorithm and a dynamic sparsity--inspired topology adaptation algorithm, which can exploit the topology of smart grids with poor--quality links and obtain performance gains. We incorporate an optimized combining rule, named Hastings rule into our proposed dynamic topology adaptation algorithms. Compared with the existing works in the literature on distributed estimation, the proposed algorithms have a better convergence rate and significantly improve the system performance. The performance of the proposed algorithms is compared with that of existing algorithms in the IEEE 14--bus system.
Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Data: A Superquantile Optimization Approach
We present a federated learning framework that is designed to robustly deliver good predictive performance across individual clients with heterogeneous data. The proposed approach hinges upon a superquantile-based learning objective that captures the tail statistics of the error distribution over heterogeneous clients. We present a stochastic training algorithm which interleaves differentially private client reweighting steps with federated averaging steps. The proposed algorithm is supported with finite time convergence guarantees that cover both convex and non-convex settings. Experimental results on benchmark datasets for federated learning demonstrate that our approach is competitive with classical ones in terms of average error and outperforms them in terms of tail statistics of the error.
Tell Me Who Your Friends Are: Using Content Sharing Behavior for News Source Veracity Detection
Stopping the malicious spread and production of false and misleading news has become a top priority for researchers. Due to this prevalence, many automated methods for detecting low quality information have been introduced. The majority of these methods have used article-level features, such as their writing style, to detect veracity. While writing style models have been shown to work well in lab-settings, there are concerns of generalizability and robustness. In this paper, we begin to address these concerns by proposing a novel and robust news veracity detection model that uses the content sharing behavior of news sources formulated as a network. We represent these content sharing networks (CSN) using a deep walk based method for embedding graphs that accounts for similarity in both the network space and the article text space. We show that state of the art writing style and CSN features make diverse mistakes when predicting, meaning that they both play different roles in the classification task. Moreover, we show that the addition of CSN features increases the accuracy of writing style models, boosting accuracy as much as 14\% when using Random Forests. Similarly, we show that the combination of hand-crafted article-level features and CSN features is robust to concept drift, performing consistently well over a 10-month time frame.
Causal Modeling of Twitter Activity During COVID-19
Understanding the characteristics of public attention and sentiment is an essential prerequisite for appropriate crisis management during adverse health events. This is even more crucial during a pandemic such as COVID-19, as primary responsibility of risk management is not centralized to a single institution, but distributed across society. While numerous studies utilize Twitter data in descriptive or predictive context during COVID-19 pandemic, causal modeling of public attention has not been investigated. In this study, we propose a causal inference approach to discover and quantify causal relationships between pandemic characteristics (e.g. number of infections and deaths) and Twitter activity as well as public sentiment. Our results show that the proposed method can successfully capture the epidemiological domain knowledge and identify variables that affect public attention and sentiment. We believe our work contributes to the field of infodemiology by distinguishing events that correlate with public attention from events that cause public attention.
DEP-RL: Embodied Exploration for Reinforcement Learning in Overactuated and Musculoskeletal Systems
Muscle-actuated organisms are capable of learning an unparalleled diversity of dexterous movements despite their vast amount of muscles. Reinforcement learning (RL) on large musculoskeletal models, however, has not been able to show similar performance. We conjecture that ineffective exploration in large overactuated action spaces is a key problem. This is supported by the finding that common exploration noise strategies are inadequate in synthetic examples of overactuated systems. We identify differential extrinsic plasticity (DEP), a method from the domain of self-organization, as being able to induce state-space covering exploration within seconds of interaction. By integrating DEP into RL, we achieve fast learning of reaching and locomotion in musculoskeletal systems, outperforming current approaches in all considered tasks in sample efficiency and robustness.
Inter-database validation of a deep learning approach for automatic sleep scoring
In this work we describe a new deep learning approach for automatic sleep staging, and carry out its validation by addressing its generalization capabilities on a wide range of sleep staging databases. Prediction capabilities are evaluated in the context of independent local and external generalization scenarios. Effectively, by comparing both procedures it is possible to better extrapolate the expected performance of the method on the general reference task of sleep staging, regardless of data from a specific database. In addition, we examine the suitability of a novel approach based on the use of an ensemble of individual local models and evaluate its impact on the resulting inter-database generalization performance. Validation results show good general performance, as compared to the expected levels of human expert agreement, as well as state-of-the-art automatic sleep staging approaches
Seeing eye-to-eye? A comparison of object recognition performance in humans and deep convolutional neural networks under image manipulation
For a considerable time, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have reached human benchmark performance in object recognition. On that account, computational neuroscience and the field of machine learning have started to attribute numerous similarities and differences to artificial and biological vision. This study aims towards a behavioral comparison of visual core object recognition performance between humans and feedforward neural networks in a classification learning paradigm on an ImageNet data set. For this purpose, human participants (n = 65) competed in an online experiment against different feedforward DCNNs. The designed approach based on a typical learning process of seven different monkey categories included a training and validation phase with natural examples, as well as a testing phase with novel, unexperienced shape and color manipulations. Analyses of accuracy revealed that humans not only outperform DCNNs on all conditions, but also display significantly greater robustness towards shape and most notably color alterations. Furthermore, a precise examination of behavioral patterns highlights these findings by revealing independent classification errors between the groups. The obtained results show that humans contrast strongly with artificial feedforward architectures when it comes to visual core object recognition of manipulated images. In general, these findings are in line with a growing body of literature, that hints towards recurrence as a crucial factor for adequate generalization abilities.
Transfer Learning in Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging: a Systematic Review
Transfer learning refers to machine learning techniques that focus on acquiring knowledge from related tasks to improve generalization in the tasks of interest. In MRI, transfer learning is important for developing strategies that address the variation in MR images. Additionally, transfer learning is beneficial to re-utilize machine learning models that were trained to solve related tasks to the task of interest. Our goal is to identify research directions, gaps of knowledge, applications, and widely used strategies among the transfer learning approaches applied in MR brain imaging. We performed a systematic literature search for articles that applied transfer learning to MR brain imaging. We screened 433 studies and we categorized and extracted relevant information, including task type, application, and machine learning methods. Furthermore, we closely examined brain MRI-specific transfer learning approaches and other methods that tackled privacy, unseen target domains, and unlabeled data. We found 129 articles that applied transfer learning to brain MRI tasks. The most frequent applications were dementia related classification tasks and brain tumor segmentation. A majority of articles utilized transfer learning on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Only few approaches were clearly brain MRI specific, considered privacy issues, unseen target domains or unlabeled data. We proposed a new categorization to group specific, widely-used approaches. There is an increasing interest in transfer learning within brain MRI. Public datasets have contributed to the popularity of Alzheimer's diagnostics/prognostics and tumor segmentation. Likewise, the availability of pretrained CNNs has promoted their utilization. Finally, the majority of the surveyed studies did not examine in detail the interpretation of their strategies after applying transfer learning, and did not compare to other approaches.
Multitask Online Mirror Descent
We introduce and analyze MT-OMD, a multitask generalization of Online Mirror Descent (OMD) which operates by sharing updates between tasks. We prove that the regret of MT-OMD is of order $\sqrt{1 + \sigma^2(N-1)}\sqrt{T}$, where $\sigma^2$ is the task variance according to the geometry induced by the regularizer, $N$ is the number of tasks, and $T$ is the time horizon. Whenever tasks are similar, that is $\sigma^2 \le 1$, our method improves upon the $\sqrt{NT}$ bound obtained by running independent OMDs on each task. We further provide a matching lower bound, and show that our multitask extensions of Online Gradient Descent and Exponentiated Gradient, two major instances of OMD, enjoy closed-form updates, making them easy to use in practice. Finally, we present experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets supporting our findings.
Shifts: A Dataset of Real Distributional Shift Across Multiple Large-Scale Tasks
There has been significant research done on developing methods for improving robustness to distributional shift and uncertainty estimation. In contrast, only limited work has examined developing standard datasets and benchmarks for assessing these approaches. Additionally, most work on uncertainty estimation and robustness has developed new techniques based on small-scale regression or image classification tasks. However, many tasks of practical interest have different modalities, such as tabular data, audio, text, or sensor data, which offer significant challenges involving regression and discrete or continuous structured prediction. Thus, given the current state of the field, a standardized large-scale dataset of tasks across a range of modalities affected by distributional shifts is necessary. This will enable researchers to meaningfully evaluate the plethora of recently developed uncertainty quantification methods, as well as assessment criteria and state-of-the-art baselines. In this work, we propose the Shifts Dataset for evaluation of uncertainty estimates and robustness to distributional shift. The dataset, which has been collected from industrial sources and services, is composed of three tasks, with each corresponding to a particular data modality: tabular weather prediction, machine translation, and self-driving car (SDC) vehicle motion prediction. All of these data modalities and tasks are affected by real, "in-the-wild" distributional shifts and pose interesting challenges with respect to uncertainty estimation. In this work we provide a description of the dataset and baseline results for all tasks.
Semi-tensor Product-based TensorDecomposition for Neural Network Compression
The existing tensor networks adopt conventional matrix product for connection. The classical matrix product requires strict dimensionality consistency between factors, which can result in redundancy in data representation. In this paper, the semi-tensor product is used to generalize classical matrix product-based mode product to semi-tensor mode product. As it permits the connection of two factors with different dimensionality, more flexible and compact tensor decompositions can be obtained with smaller sizes of factors. Tucker decomposition, Tensor Train (TT) and Tensor Ring (TR) are common decomposition for low rank compression of deep neural networks. The semi-tensor product is applied to these tensor decompositions to obtained their generalized versions, i.e., semi-tensor Tucker decomposition (STTu), semi-tensor train(STT) and semi-tensor ring (STR). Experimental results show the STTu, STT and STR achieve higher compression factors than the conventional tensor decompositions with the same accuracy but less training times in ResNet and WideResNetcompression. With 2% accuracy degradation, the TT-RN (rank = 14) and the TR-WRN (rank = 16) only obtain 3 times and99t times compression factors while the STT-RN (rank = 14) and the STR-WRN (rank = 16) achieve 9 times and 179 times compression factors, respectively.
Augmented Shortcuts for Vision Transformers
Transformer models have achieved great progress on computer vision tasks recently. The rapid development of vision transformers is mainly contributed by their high representation ability for extracting informative features from input images. However, the mainstream transformer models are designed with deep architectures, and the feature diversity will be continuously reduced as the depth increases, i.e., feature collapse. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the feature collapse phenomenon and study the relationship between shortcuts and feature diversity in these transformer models. Then, we present an augmented shortcut scheme, which inserts additional paths with learnable parameters in parallel on the original shortcuts. To save the computational costs, we further explore an efficient approach that uses the block-circulant projection to implement augmented shortcuts. Extensive experiments conducted on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which brings about 1% accuracy increase of the state-of-the-art visual transformers without obviously increasing their parameters and FLOPs.
CD-split and HPD-split: efficient conformal regions in high dimensions
Conformal methods create prediction bands that control average coverage assuming solely i.i.d. data. Although the literature has mostly focused on prediction intervals, more general regions can often better represent uncertainty. For instance, a bimodal target is better represented by the union of two intervals. Such prediction regions are obtained by CD-split , which combines the split method and a data-driven partition of the feature space which scales to high dimensions. CD-split however contains many tuning parameters, and their role is not clear. In this paper, we provide new insights on CD-split by exploring its theoretical properties. In particular, we show that CD-split converges asymptotically to the oracle highest predictive density set and satisfies local and asymptotic conditional validity. We also present simulations that show how to tune CD-split. Finally, we introduce HPD-split, a variation of CD-split that requires less tuning, and show that it shares the same theoretical guarantees as CD-split. In a wide variety of our simulations, CD-split and HPD-split have better conditional coverage and yield smaller prediction regions than other methods.
Adversarial Defense based on Structure-to-Signal Autoencoders
Adversarial attack methods have demonstrated the fragility of deep neural networks. Their imperceptible perturbations are frequently able fool classifiers into potentially dangerous misclassifications. We propose a novel way to interpret adversarial perturbations in terms of the effective input signal that classifiers actually use. Based on this, we apply specially trained autoencoders, referred to as S2SNets, as defense mechanism. They follow a two-stage training scheme: first unsupervised, followed by a fine-tuning of the decoder, using gradients from an existing classifier. S2SNets induce a shift in the distribution of gradients propagated through them, stripping them from class-dependent signal. We analyze their robustness against several white-box and gray-box scenarios on the large ImageNet dataset. Our approach reaches comparable resilience in white-box attack scenarios as other state-of-the-art defenses in gray-box scenarios. We further analyze the relationships of AlexNet, VGG 16, ResNet 50 and Inception v3 in adversarial space, and found that VGG 16 is the easiest to fool, while perturbations from ResNet 50 are the most transferable.
Bias-Robust Bayesian Optimization via Dueling Bandits
We consider Bayesian optimization in settings where observations can be adversarially biased, for example by an uncontrolled hidden confounder. Our first contribution is a reduction of the confounded setting to the dueling bandit model. Then we propose a novel approach for dueling bandits based on information-directed sampling (IDS). Thereby, we obtain the first efficient kernelized algorithm for dueling bandits that comes with cumulative regret guarantees. Our analysis further generalizes a previously proposed semi-parametric linear bandit model to non-linear reward functions, and uncovers interesting links to doubly-robust estimation.
Simultaneous Measurement Imputation and Outcome Prediction for Achilles Tendon Rupture Rehabilitation
Achilles Tendon Rupture (ATR) is one of the typical soft tissue injuries. Rehabilitation after such a musculoskeletal injury remains a prolonged process with a very variable outcome. Accurately predicting rehabilitation outcome is crucial for treatment decision support. However, it is challenging to train an automatic method for predicting the ATR rehabilitation outcome from treatment data, due to a massive amount of missing entries in the data recorded from ATR patients, as well as complex nonlinear relations between measurements and outcomes. In this work, we design an end-to-end probabilistic framework to impute missing data entries and predict rehabilitation outcomes simultaneously. We evaluate our model on a real-life ATR clinical cohort, comparing with various baselines. The proposed method demonstrates its clear superiority over traditional methods which typically perform imputation and prediction in two separate stages.
Sound Event Detection in Multichannel Audio Using Spatial and Harmonic Features
In this paper, we propose the use of spatial and harmonic features in combination with long short term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) for automatic sound event detection (SED) task. Real life sound recordings typically have many overlapping sound events, making it hard to recognize with just mono channel audio. Human listeners have been successfully recognizing the mixture of overlapping sound events using pitch cues and exploiting the stereo (multichannel) audio signal available at their ears to spatially localize these events. Traditionally SED systems have only been using mono channel audio, motivated by the human listener we propose to extend them to use multichannel audio. The proposed SED system is compared against the state of the art mono channel method on the development subset of TUT sound events detection 2016 database. The usage of spatial and harmonic features are shown to improve the performance of SED.
An Extension of Fano's Inequality for Characterizing Model Susceptibility to Membership Inference Attacks
Deep neural networks have been shown to be vulnerable to membership inference attacks wherein the attacker aims to detect whether specific input data were used to train the model. These attacks can potentially leak private or proprietary data. We present a new extension of Fano's inequality and employ it to theoretically establish that the probability of success for a membership inference attack on a deep neural network can be bounded using the mutual information between its inputs and its activations. This enables the use of mutual information to measure the susceptibility of a DNN model to membership inference attacks. In our empirical evaluation, we show that the correlation between the mutual information and the susceptibility of the DNN model to membership inference attacks is 0.966, 0.996, and 0.955 for CIFAR-10, SVHN and GTSRB models, respectively.
What Makes A Good Fisherman? Linear Regression under Self-Selection Bias
In the classical setting of self-selection, the goal is to learn $k$ models, simultaneously from observations $(x^{(i)}, y^{(i)})$ where $y^{(i)}$ is the output of one of $k$ underlying models on input $x^{(i)}$. In contrast to mixture models, where we observe the output of a randomly selected model, here the observed model depends on the outputs themselves, and is determined by some known selection criterion. For example, we might observe the highest output, the smallest output, or the median output of the $k$ models. In known-index self-selection, the identity of the observed model output is observable; in unknown-index self-selection, it is not. Self-selection has a long history in Econometrics and applications in various theoretical and applied fields, including treatment effect estimation, imitation learning, learning from strategically reported data, and learning from markets at disequilibrium. In this work, we present the first computationally and statistically efficient estimation algorithms for the most standard setting of this problem where the models are linear. In the known-index case, we require poly$(1/\varepsilon, k, d)$ sample and time complexity to estimate all model parameters to accuracy $\varepsilon$ in $d$ dimensions, and can accommodate quite general selection criteria. In the more challenging unknown-index case, even the identifiability of the linear models (from infinitely many samples) was not known. We show three results in this case for the commonly studied $\max$ self-selection criterion: (1) we show that the linear models are indeed identifiable, (2) for general $k$ we provide an algorithm with poly$(d) \exp(\text{poly}(k))$ sample and time complexity to estimate the regression parameters up to error $1/\text{poly}(k)$, and (3) for $k = 2$ we provide an algorithm for any error $\varepsilon$ and poly$(d, 1/\varepsilon)$ sample and time complexity.
Identification of Biomarkers Controlling Cell Fate In Blood Cell Development
A blood cell lineage consists of several consecutive developmental stages from the pluri- or multipotent stem cell to a state of terminal differentiation. Despite their importance for human biology, the regulatory pathways and gene networks that govern these differentiation processes are not yet fully understood. This is in part due to challenges associated with delineating the interactions between transcription factors (TFs) and their target genes. A possible path forward in this issue is provided by increasingly available expression data as a basis for linking differentiation stages and gene activities. Here, we present a novel hierarchical approach to identify characteristic expression peak patterns that global regulators expose along the differentiation path of cell lineages. Based on such simple patterns, we identify cell state-specific marker genes and extract TFs that likely drive their differentiation. Integration of the mean expression values of stage-specific key player genes yields a distinct peaking pattern for each lineage that is used to identify further genes in the dataset behaving similarly. Incorporating the set of TFs which regulate these genes incurred at a set of stage-specific regulators controlling the biological process of cell fate. As proof of concept, we consider two expression datasets covering key differentiation events in blood cell formation of mice.
FedLess: Secure and Scalable Federated Learning Using Serverless Computing
The traditional cloud-centric approach for Deep Learning (DL) requires training data to be collected and processed at a central server which is often challenging in privacy-sensitive domains like healthcare. Towards this, a new learning paradigm called Federated Learning (FL) has been proposed that brings the potential of DL to these domains while addressing privacy and data ownership issues. FL enables remote clients to learn a shared ML model while keeping the data local. However, conventional FL systems face several challenges such as scalability, complex infrastructure management, and wasted compute and incurred costs due to idle clients. These challenges of FL systems closely align with the core problems that serverless computing and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms aim to solve. These include rapid scalability, no infrastructure management, automatic scaling to zero for idle clients, and a pay-per-use billing model. To this end, we present a novel system and framework for serverless FL, called FedLess. Our system supports multiple commercial and self-hosted FaaS providers and can be deployed in the cloud, on-premise in institutional data centers, and on edge devices. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to enable FL across a large fabric of heterogeneous FaaS providers while providing important features like security and Differential Privacy. We demonstrate with comprehensive experiments that the successful training of DNNs for different tasks across up to 200 client functions and more is easily possible using our system. Furthermore, we demonstrate the practical viability of our methodology by comparing it against a traditional FL system and show that it can be cheaper and more resource-efficient.
Hybrid Approach to Automation, RPA and Machine Learning: a Method for the Human-centered Design of Software Robots
One of the more prominent trends within Industry 4.0 is the drive to employ Robotic Process Automation (RPA), especially as one of the elements of the Lean approach. The full implementation of RPA is riddled with challenges relating both to the reality of everyday business operations, from SMEs to SSCs and beyond, and the social effects of the changing job market. To successfully address these points there is a need to develop a solution that would adjust to the existing business operations and at the same time lower the negative social impact of the automation process. To achieve these goals we propose a hybrid, human-centered approach to the development of software robots. This design and implementation method combines the Living Lab approach with empowerment through participatory design to kick-start the co-development and co-maintenance of hybrid software robots which, supported by variety of AI methods and tools, including interactive and collaborative ML in the cloud, transform menial job posts into higher-skilled positions, allowing former employees to stay on as robot co-designers and maintainers, i.e. as co-programmers who supervise the machine learning processes with the use of tailored high-level RPA Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) to adjust the functioning of the robots and maintain operational flexibility.
Dual Optimization for Kolmogorov Model Learning Using Enhanced Gradient Descent
Data representation techniques have made a substantial contribution to advancing data processing and machine learning (ML). Improving predictive power was the focus of previous representation techniques, which unfortunately perform rather poorly on the interpretability in terms of extracting underlying insights of the data. Recently, the Kolmogorov model (KM) was studied, which is an interpretable and predictable representation approach to learning the underlying probabilistic structure of a set of random variables. The existing KM learning algorithms using semi-definite relaxation with randomization (SDRwR) or discrete monotonic optimization (DMO) have, however, limited utility to big data applications because they do not scale well computationally. In this paper, we propose a computationally scalable KM learning algorithm, based on the regularized dual optimization combined with enhanced gradient descent (GD) method. To make our method more scalable to large-dimensional problems, we propose two acceleration schemes, namely, the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) elimination strategy and an approximate EVD algorithm. Furthermore, a thresholding technique by exploiting the error bound analysis and leveraging the normalized Minkowski $\ell_1$-norm, is provided for the selection of the number of iterations of the approximate EVD algorithm. When applied to big data applications, it is demonstrated that the proposed method can achieve compatible training/prediction performance with significantly reduced computational complexity; roughly two orders of magnitude improvement in terms of the time overhead, compared to the existing KM learning algorithms. Furthermore, it is shown that the accuracy of logical relation mining for interpretability by using the proposed KM learning algorithm exceeds $80\%$.
LatticeNet: Fast Point Cloud Segmentation Using Permutohedral Lattices
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown outstanding performance in the task of semantically segmenting images. However, applying the same methods on 3D data still poses challenges due to the heavy memory requirements and the lack of structured data. Here, we propose LatticeNet, a novel approach for 3D semantic segmentation, which takes as input raw point clouds. A PointNet describes the local geometry which we embed into a sparse permutohedral lattice. The lattice allows for fast convolutions while keeping a low memory footprint. Further, we introduce DeformSlice, a novel learned data-dependent interpolation for projecting lattice features back onto the point cloud. We present results of 3D segmentation on various datasets where our method achieves state-of-the-art performance.
A Generative Neural Network Framework for Automated Software Testing
Search Based Software Testing (SBST) is a popular automated testing technique which uses a feedback mechanism to search for faults in software. Despite its popularity, it has fundamental challenges related to the design, construction and interpretation of the feedback. Neural Networks (NN) have been hugely popular in recent years for a wide range of tasks. We believe that they can address many of the issues inherent to common SBST approaches. Unfortunately, NNs require large and representative training datasets. In this work we present an SBST framework based on a deconvolutional generative neural network. Not only does it retain the beneficial qualities that make NNs appropriate for SBST tasks, it also produces its own training data which circumvents the problem of acquiring a training dataset that limits the use of NNs. We demonstrate through a series of experiments that this architecture is possible and practical. It generates diverse, sensible program inputs, while exploring the space of program behaviours. It also creates a meaningful ordering over program behaviours and is able to find crashing executions. This is all done without any prior knowledge of the program. We believe this proof of concept opens new directions for future work at the intersection of SBST and neural networks.
Come-Closer-Diffuse-Faster: Accelerating Conditional Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems through Stochastic Contraction
Diffusion models have recently attained significant interest within the community owing to their strong performance as generative models. Furthermore, its application to inverse problems have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance. Unfortunately, diffusion models have a critical downside - they are inherently slow to sample from, needing few thousand steps of iteration to generate images from pure Gaussian noise. In this work, we show that starting from Gaussian noise is unnecessary. Instead, starting from a single forward diffusion with better initialization significantly reduces the number of sampling steps in the reverse conditional diffusion. This phenomenon is formally explained by the contraction theory of the stochastic difference equations like our conditional diffusion strategy - the alternating applications of reverse diffusion followed by a non-expansive data consistency step. The new sampling strategy, dubbed Come-Closer-Diffuse-Faster (CCDF), also reveals a new insight on how the existing feed-forward neural network approaches for inverse problems can be synergistically combined with the diffusion models. Experimental results with super-resolution, image inpainting, and compressed sensing MRI demonstrate that our method can achieve state-of-the-art reconstruction performance at significantly reduced sampling steps.
Dif-MAML: Decentralized Multi-Agent Meta-Learning
The objective of meta-learning is to exploit the knowledge obtained from observed tasks to improve adaptation to unseen tasks. As such, meta-learners are able to generalize better when they are trained with a larger number of observed tasks and with a larger amount of data per task. Given the amount of resources that are needed, it is generally difficult to expect the tasks, their respective data, and the necessary computational capacity to be available at a single central location. It is more natural to encounter situations where these resources are spread across several agents connected by some graph topology. The formalism of meta-learning is actually well-suited to this decentralized setting, where the learner would be able to benefit from information and computational power spread across the agents. Motivated by this observation, in this work, we propose a cooperative fully-decentralized multi-agent meta-learning algorithm, referred to as Diffusion-based MAML or Dif-MAML. Decentralized optimization algorithms are superior to centralized implementations in terms of scalability, avoidance of communication bottlenecks, and privacy guarantees. The work provides a detailed theoretical analysis to show that the proposed strategy allows a collection of agents to attain agreement at a linear rate and to converge to a stationary point of the aggregate MAML objective even in non-convex environments. Simulation results illustrate the theoretical findings and the superior performance relative to the traditional non-cooperative setting.
Interpreting Multivariate Shapley Interactions in DNNs
This paper aims to explain deep neural networks (DNNs) from the perspective of multivariate interactions. In this paper, we define and quantify the significance of interactions among multiple input variables of the DNN. Input variables with strong interactions usually form a coalition and reflect prototype features, which are memorized and used by the DNN for inference. We define the significance of interactions based on the Shapley value, which is designed to assign the attribution value of each input variable to the inference. We have conducted experiments with various DNNs. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Tracking Idea Flows between Social Groups
In many applications, ideas that are described by a set of words often flow between different groups. To facilitate users in analyzing the flow, we present a method to model the flow behaviors that aims at identifying the lead-lag relationships between word clusters of different user groups. In particular, an improved Bayesian conditional cointegration based on dynamic time warping is employed to learn links between words in different groups. A tensor-based technique is developed to cluster these linked words into different clusters (ideas) and track the flow of ideas. The main feature of the tensor representation is that we introduce two additional dimensions to represent both time and lead-lag relationships. Experiments on both synthetic and real datasets show that our method is more effective than methods based on traditional clustering techniques and achieves better accuracy. A case study was conducted to demonstrate the usefulness of our method in helping users understand the flow of ideas between different user groups on social media
Online Attentive Kernel-Based Temporal Difference Learning
With rising uncertainty in the real world, online Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been receiving increasing attention due to its fast learning capability and improving data efficiency. However, online RL often suffers from complex Value Function Approximation (VFA) and catastrophic interference, creating difficulty for the deep neural network to be applied to an online RL algorithm in a fully online setting. Therefore, a simpler and more adaptive approach is introduced to evaluate value function with the kernel-based model. Sparse representations are superior at handling interference, indicating that competitive sparse representations should be learnable, non-prior, non-truncated and explicit when compared with current sparse representation methods. Moreover, in learning sparse representations, attention mechanisms are utilized to represent the degree of sparsification, and a smooth attentive function is introduced into the kernel-based VFA. In this paper, we propose an Online Attentive Kernel-Based Temporal Difference (OAKTD) algorithm using two-timescale optimization and provide convergence analysis of our proposed algorithm. Experimental evaluations showed that OAKTD outperformed several Online Kernel-based Temporal Difference (OKTD) learning algorithms in addition to the Temporal Difference (TD) learning algorithm with Tile Coding on public Mountain Car, Acrobot, CartPole and Puddle World tasks.
Fast Black-box Variational Inference through Stochastic Trust-Region Optimization
We introduce TrustVI, a fast second-order algorithm for black-box variational inference based on trust-region optimization and the reparameterization trick. At each iteration, TrustVI proposes and assesses a step based on minibatches of draws from the variational distribution. The algorithm provably converges to a stationary point. We implemented TrustVI in the Stan framework and compared it to two alternatives: Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference (ADVI) and Hessian-free Stochastic Gradient Variational Inference (HFSGVI). The former is based on stochastic first-order optimization. The latter uses second-order information, but lacks convergence guarantees. TrustVI typically converged at least one order of magnitude faster than ADVI, demonstrating the value of stochastic second-order information. TrustVI often found substantially better variational distributions than HFSGVI, demonstrating that our convergence theory can matter in practice.
Lessons from Contextual Bandit Learning in a Customer Support Bot
In this work, we describe practical lessons we have learned from successfully using contextual bandits (CBs) to improve key business metrics of the Microsoft Virtual Agent for customer support. While our current use cases focus on single step einforcement learning (RL) and mostly in the domain of natural language processing and information retrieval we believe many of our findings are generally applicable. Through this article, we highlight certain issues that RL practitioners may encounter in similar types of applications as well as offer practical solutions to these challenges.
Regularisation of Neural Networks by Enforcing Lipschitz Continuity
We investigate the effect of explicitly enforcing the Lipschitz continuity of neural networks with respect to their inputs. To this end, we provide a simple technique for computing an upper bound to the Lipschitz constant---for multiple $p$-norms---of a feed forward neural network composed of commonly used layer types. Our technique is then used to formulate training a neural network with a bounded Lipschitz constant as a constrained optimisation problem that can be solved using projected stochastic gradient methods. Our evaluation study shows that the performance of the resulting models exceeds that of models trained with other common regularisers. We also provide evidence that the hyperparameters are intuitive to tune, demonstrate how the choice of norm for computing the Lipschitz constant impacts the resulting model, and show that the performance gains provided by our method are particularly noticeable when only a small amount of training data is available.
House Price Prediction using Satellite Imagery
In this paper we show how using satellite images can improve the accuracy of housing price estimation models. Using Los Angeles County's property assessment dataset, by transferring learning from an Inception-v3 model pretrained on ImageNet, we could achieve an improvement of ~10% in R-squared score compared to two baseline models that only use non-image features of the house.
Scalable algorithms for physics-informed neural and graph networks
Physics-informed machine learning (PIML) has emerged as a promising new approach for simulating complex physical and biological systems that are governed by complex multiscale processes for which some data are also available. In some instances, the objective is to discover part of the hidden physics from the available data, and PIML has been shown to be particularly effective for such problems for which conventional methods may fail. Unlike commercial machine learning where training of deep neural networks requires big data, in PIML big data are not available. Instead, we can train such networks from additional information obtained by employing the physical laws and evaluating them at random points in the space-time domain. Such physics-informed machine learning integrates multimodality and multifidelity data with mathematical models, and implements them using neural networks or graph networks. Here, we review some of the prevailing trends in embedding physics into machine learning, using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) based primarily on feed-forward neural networks and automatic differentiation. For more complex systems or systems of systems and unstructured data, graph neural networks (GNNs) present some distinct advantages, and here we review how physics-informed learning can be accomplished with GNNs based on graph exterior calculus to construct differential operators; we refer to these architectures as physics-informed graph networks (PIGNs). We present representative examples for both forward and inverse problems and discuss what advances are needed to scale up PINNs, PIGNs and more broadly GNNs for large-scale engineering problems.
Inference and FDR Control for Simulated Ising Models in High-dimension
This paper studies the consistency and statistical inference of simulated Ising models in the high dimensional background. Our estimators are based on the Markov chain Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation (MCMC-MLE) method penalized by the Elastic-net. Under mild conditions that ensure a specific convergence rate of MCMC method, the $\ell_{1}$ consistency of Elastic-net-penalized MCMC-MLE is proved. We further propose a decorrelated score test based on the decorrelated score function and prove the asymptotic normality of the score function without the influence of many nuisance parameters under the assumption that accelerates the convergence of the MCMC method. The one-step estimator for a single parameter of interest is purposed by linearizing the decorrelated score function to solve its root, as well as its normality and confidence interval for the true value, therefore, be established. Finally, we use different algorithms to control the false discovery rate (FDR) via traditional p-values and novel e-values.
QUIC-FL: Quick Unbiased Compression for Federated Learning
Distributed Mean Estimation (DME) is a fundamental building block in communication efficient federated learning. In DME, clients communicate their lossily compressed gradients to the parameter server, which estimates the average and updates the model. State of the art DME techniques apply either unbiased quantization methods, resulting in large estimation errors, or biased quantization methods, where unbiasing the result requires that the server decodes each gradient individually, which markedly slows the aggregation time. In this paper, we propose QUIC-FL, a DME algorithm that achieves the best of all worlds. QUIC-FL is unbiased, offers fast aggregation time, and is competitive with the most accurate (slow aggregation) DME techniques. To achieve this, we formalize the problem in a novel way that allows us to use standard solvers to design near-optimal unbiased quantization schemes.
Benchmarking Domain Generalization on EEG-based Emotion Recognition
Electroencephalography (EEG) based emotion recognition has demonstrated tremendous improvement in recent years. Specifically, numerous domain adaptation (DA) algorithms have been exploited in the past five years to enhance the generalization of emotion recognition models across subjects. The DA methods assume that calibration data (although unlabeled) exists in the target domain (new user). However, this assumption conflicts with the application scenario that the model should be deployed without the time-consuming calibration experiments. We argue that domain generalization (DG) is more reasonable than DA in these applications. DG learns how to generalize to unseen target domains by leveraging knowledge from multiple source domains, which provides a new possibility to train general models. In this paper, we for the first time benchmark state-of-the-art DG algorithms on EEG-based emotion recognition. Since convolutional neural network (CNN), deep brief network (DBN) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) have been proved to be effective emotion recognition models, we use these three models as solid baselines. Experimental results show that DG achieves an accuracy of up to 79.41\% on the SEED dataset for recognizing three emotions, indicting the potential of DG in zero-training emotion recognition when multiple sources are available.
Scalable Psychological Momentum Forecasting in Esports
The world of competitive Esports and video gaming has seen and continues to experience steady growth in popularity and complexity. Correspondingly, more research on the topic is being published, ranging from social network analyses to the benchmarking of advanced artificial intelligence systems in playing against humans. In this paper, we present ongoing work on an intelligent agent recommendation engine that suggests actions to players in order to maximise success and enjoyment, both in the space of in-game choices, as well as decisions made around play session timing in the broader context. By leveraging temporal data and appropriate models, we show that a learned representation of player psychological momentum, and of tilt, can be used, in combination with player expertise, to achieve state-of-the-art performance in pre- and post-draft win prediction. Our progress toward fulfilling the potential for deriving optimal recommendations is documented.
Data-Driven Discovery of Coarse-Grained Equations
Statistical (machine learning) tools for equation discovery require large amounts of data that are typically computer generated rather than experimentally observed. Multiscale modeling and stochastic simulations are two areas where learning on simulated data can lead to such discovery. In both, the data are generated with a reliable but impractical model, e.g., molecular dynamics simulations, while a model on the scale of interest is uncertain, requiring phenomenological constitutive relations and ad-hoc approximations. We replace the human discovery of such models, which typically involves spatial/stochastic averaging or coarse-graining, with a machine-learning strategy based on sparse regression that can be executed in two modes. The first, direct equation-learning, discovers a differential operator from the whole dictionary. The second, constrained equation-learning, discovers only those terms in the differential operator that need to be discovered, i.e., learns closure approximations. We illustrate our approach by learning a deterministic equation that governs the spatiotemporal evolution of the probability density function of a system state whose dynamics are described by a nonlinear partial differential equation with random inputs. A series of examples demonstrates the accuracy, robustness, and limitations of our approach to equation discovery.
Local Bures-Wasserstein Transport: A Practical and Fast Mapping Approximation
Optimal transport (OT)-based methods have a wide range of applications and have attracted a tremendous amount of attention in recent years. However, most of the computational approaches of OT do not learn the underlying transport map. Although some algorithms have been proposed to learn this map, they rely on kernel-based methods, which makes them prohibitively slow when the number of samples increases. Here, we propose a way to learn an approximate transport map and a parametric approximation of the Wasserstein barycenter. We build an approximated transport mapping by leveraging the closed-form of Gaussian (Bures-Wasserstein) transport; we compute local transport plans between matched pairs of the Gaussian components of each density. The learned map generalizes to out-of-sample examples. We provide experimental results on simulated and real data, comparing our proposed method with other mapping estimation algorithms. Preliminary experiments suggest that our proposed method is not only faster, with a factor 80 overall running time, but it also requires fewer components than state-of-the-art methods to recover the support of the barycenter. From a practical standpoint, it is straightforward to implement and can be used with a conventional machine learning pipeline.
New Estimation Procedures for PLS Path Modelling
Given R groups of numerical variables X1, ... XR, we assume that each group is the result of one underlying latent variable, and that all latent variables are bound together through a linear equation system. Moreover, we assume that some explanatory latent variables may interact pairwise in one or more equations. We basically consider PLS Path Modelling's algorithm to estimate both latent variables and the model's coefficients. New "external" estimation schemes are proposed that draw latent variables towards strong group structures in a more flexible way. New "internal" estimation schemes are proposed to enable PLSPM to make good use of variable group complementarity and to deal with interactions. Application examples are given.
Learning Incrementally to Segment Multiple Organs in a CT Image
There exists a large number of datasets for organ segmentation, which are partially annotated and sequentially constructed. A typical dataset is constructed at a certain time by curating medical images and annotating the organs of interest. In other words, new datasets with annotations of new organ categories are built over time. To unleash the potential behind these partially labeled, sequentially-constructed datasets, we propose to incrementally learn a multi-organ segmentation model. In each incremental learning (IL) stage, we lose the access to previous data and annotations, whose knowledge is assumingly captured by the current model, and gain the access to a new dataset with annotations of new organ categories, from which we learn to update the organ segmentation model to include the new organs. While IL is notorious for its `catastrophic forgetting' weakness in the context of natural image analysis, we experimentally discover that such a weakness mostly disappears for CT multi-organ segmentation. To further stabilize the model performance across the IL stages, we introduce a light memory module and some loss functions to restrain the representation of different categories in feature space, aggregating feature representation of the same class and separating feature representation of different classes. Extensive experiments on five open-sourced datasets are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of our method.
Defense Against Adversarial Images using Web-Scale Nearest-Neighbor Search
A plethora of recent work has shown that convolutional networks are not robust to adversarial images: images that are created by perturbing a sample from the data distribution as to maximize the loss on the perturbed example. In this work, we hypothesize that adversarial perturbations move the image away from the image manifold in the sense that there exists no physical process that could have produced the adversarial image. This hypothesis suggests that a successful defense mechanism against adversarial images should aim to project the images back onto the image manifold. We study such defense mechanisms, which approximate the projection onto the unknown image manifold by a nearest-neighbor search against a web-scale image database containing tens of billions of images. Empirical evaluations of this defense strategy on ImageNet suggest that it is very effective in attack settings in which the adversary does not have access to the image database. We also propose two novel attack methods to break nearest-neighbor defenses, and demonstrate conditions under which nearest-neighbor defense fails. We perform a series of ablation experiments, which suggest that there is a trade-off between robustness and accuracy in our defenses, that a large image database (with hundreds of millions of images) is crucial to get good performance, and that careful construction the image database is important to be robust against attacks tailored to circumvent our defenses.
Towards Web Phishing Detection Limitations and Mitigation
Web phishing remains a serious cyber threat responsible for most data breaches. Machine Learning (ML)-based anti-phishing detectors are seen as an effective countermeasure, and are increasingly adopted by web-browsers and software products. However, with an average of 10K phishing links reported per hour to platforms such as PhishTank and VirusTotal (VT), the deficiencies of such ML-based solutions are laid bare. We first explore how phishing sites bypass ML-based detection with a deep dive into 13K phishing pages targeting major brands such as Facebook. Results show successful evasion is caused by: (1) use of benign services to obscure phishing URLs; (2) high similarity between the HTML structures of phishing and benign pages; (3) hiding the ultimate phishing content within Javascript and running such scripts only on the client; (4) looking beyond typical credentials and credit cards for new content such as IDs and documents; (5) hiding phishing content until after human interaction. We attribute the root cause to the dependency of ML-based models on the vertical feature space (webpage content). These solutions rely only on what phishers present within the page itself. Thus, we propose Anti-SubtlePhish, a more resilient model based on logistic regression. The key augmentation is the inclusion of a horizontal feature space, which examines correlation variables between the final render of suspicious pages against what trusted services have recorded (e.g., PageRank). To defeat (1) and (2), we correlate information between WHOIS, PageRank, and page analytics. To combat (3), (4) and (5), we correlate features after rendering the page. Experiments with 100K phishing/benign sites show promising accuracy (98.8%). We also obtained 100% accuracy against 0-day phishing pages that were manually crafted, comparing well to the 0% recorded by VT vendors over the first four days.
Robust Risk-Aware Reinforcement Learning
We present a reinforcement learning (RL) approach for robust optimisation of risk-aware performance criteria. To allow agents to express a wide variety of risk-reward profiles, we assess the value of a policy using rank dependent expected utility (RDEU). RDEU allows the agent to seek gains, while simultaneously protecting themselves against downside risk. To robustify optimal policies against model uncertainty, we assess a policy not by its distribution, but rather, by the worst possible distribution that lies within a Wasserstein ball around it. Thus, our problem formulation may be viewed as an actor/agent choosing a policy (the outer problem), and the adversary then acting to worsen the performance of that strategy (the inner problem). We develop explicit policy gradient formulae for the inner and outer problems, and show its efficacy on three prototypical financial problems: robust portfolio allocation, optimising a benchmark, and statistical arbitrage.
How to Beat the Adaptive Multi-Armed Bandit
The multi-armed bandit is a concise model for the problem of iterated decision-making under uncertainty. In each round, a gambler must pull one of $K$ arms of a slot machine, without any foreknowledge of their payouts, except that they are uniformly bounded. A standard objective is to minimize the gambler's regret, defined as the gambler's total payout minus the largest payout which would have been achieved by any fixed arm, in hindsight. Note that the gambler is only told the payout for the arm actually chosen, not for the unchosen arms. Almost all previous work on this problem assumed the payouts to be non-adaptive, in the sense that the distribution of the payout of arm $j$ in round $i$ is completely independent of the choices made by the gambler on rounds $1, \dots, i-1$. In the more general model of adaptive payouts, the payouts in round $i$ may depend arbitrarily on the history of past choices made by the algorithm. We present a new algorithm for this problem, and prove nearly optimal guarantees for the regret against both non-adaptive and adaptive adversaries. After $T$ rounds, our algorithm has regret $O(\sqrt{T})$ with high probability (the tail probability decays exponentially). This dependence on $T$ is best possible, and matches that of the full-information version of the problem, in which the gambler is told the payouts for all $K$ arms after each round. Previously, even for non-adaptive payouts, the best high-probability bounds known were $O(T^{2/3})$, due to Auer, Cesa-Bianchi, Freund and Schapire. The expected regret of their algorithm is $O(T^{1/2}) for non-adaptive payouts, but as we show, $\Omega(T^{2/3})$ for adaptive payouts.
Explicit agreement extremes for a $2\times2$ table with given marginals
The problem of maximizing (or minimizing) the agreement between clusterings, subject to given marginals, can be formally posed under a common framework for several agreement measures. Until now, it was possible to find its solution only through numerical algorithms. Here, an explicit solution is shown for the case where the two clusterings have two clusters each.
Stock Prices Prediction using Deep Learning Models
Financial markets have a vital role in the development of modern society. They allow the deployment of economic resources. Changes in stock prices reflect changes in the market. In this study, we focus on predicting stock prices by deep learning model. This is a challenge task, because there is much noise and uncertainty in information that is related to stock prices. So this work uses sparse autoencoders with one-dimension (1-D) residual convolutional networks which is a deep learning model, to de-noise the data. Long-short term memory (LSTM) is then used to predict the stock price. The prices, indices and macroeconomic variables in past are the features used to predict the next day's price. Experiment results show that 1-D residual convolutional networks can de-noise data and extract deep features better than a model that combines wavelet transforms (WT) and stacked autoencoders (SAEs). In addition, we compare the performances of model with two different forecast targets of stock price: absolute stock price and price rate of change. The results show that predicting stock price through price rate of change is better than predicting absolute prices directly.
ChainerRL: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Library
In this paper, we introduce ChainerRL, an open-source deep reinforcement learning (DRL) library built using Python and the Chainer deep learning framework. ChainerRL implements a comprehensive set of DRL algorithms and techniques drawn from state-of-the-art research in the field. To foster reproducible research, and for instructional purposes, ChainerRL provides scripts that closely replicate the original papers' experimental settings and reproduce published benchmark results for several algorithms. Lastly, ChainerRL offers a visualization tool that enables the qualitative inspection of trained agents. The ChainerRL source code can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/chainer/chainerrl.
Multiresolution Kernels
We present in this work a new methodology to design kernels on data which is structured with smaller components, such as text, images or sequences. This methodology is a template procedure which can be applied on most kernels on measures and takes advantage of a more detailed "bag of components" representation of the objects. To obtain such a detailed description, we consider possible decompositions of the original bag into a collection of nested bags, following a prior knowledge on the objects' structure. We then consider these smaller bags to compare two objects both in a detailed perspective, stressing local matches between the smaller bags, and in a global or coarse perspective, by considering the entire bag. This multiresolution approach is likely to be best suited for tasks where the coarse approach is not precise enough, and where a more subtle mixture of both local and global similarities is necessary to compare objects. The approach presented here would not be computationally tractable without a factorization trick that we introduce before presenting promising results on an image retrieval task.
MotifNet: a motif-based Graph Convolutional Network for directed graphs
Deep learning on graphs and in particular, graph convolutional neural networks, have recently attracted significant attention in the machine learning community. Many of such techniques explore the analogy between the graph Laplacian eigenvectors and the classical Fourier basis, allowing to formulate the convolution as a multiplication in the spectral domain. One of the key drawback of spectral CNNs is their explicit assumption of an undirected graph, leading to a symmetric Laplacian matrix with orthogonal eigendecomposition. In this work we propose MotifNet, a graph CNN capable of dealing with directed graphs by exploiting local graph motifs. We present experimental evidence showing the advantage of our approach on real data.
R3MC: A Riemannian three-factor algorithm for low-rank matrix completion
We exploit the versatile framework of Riemannian optimization on quotient manifolds to develop R3MC, a nonlinear conjugate-gradient method for low-rank matrix completion. The underlying search space of fixed-rank matrices is endowed with a novel Riemannian metric that is tailored to the least-squares cost. Numerical comparisons suggest that R3MC robustly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms across different problem instances, especially those that combine scarcely sampled and ill-conditioned data.
Zero Time Waste: Recycling Predictions in Early Exit Neural Networks
The problem of reducing processing time of large deep learning models is a fundamental challenge in many real-world applications. Early exit methods strive towards this goal by attaching additional Internal Classifiers (ICs) to intermediate layers of a neural network. ICs can quickly return predictions for easy examples and, as a result, reduce the average inference time of the whole model. However, if a particular IC does not decide to return an answer early, its predictions are discarded, with its computations effectively being wasted. To solve this issue, we introduce Zero Time Waste (ZTW), a novel approach in which each IC reuses predictions returned by its predecessors by (1) adding direct connections between ICs and (2) combining previous outputs in an ensemble-like manner. We conduct extensive experiments across various datasets and architectures to demonstrate that ZTW achieves a significantly better accuracy vs. inference time trade-off than other recently proposed early exit methods.
ControlVAE: Controllable Variational Autoencoder
Variational Autoencoders (VAE) and their variants have been widely used in a variety of applications, such as dialog generation, image generation and disentangled representation learning. However, the existing VAE models have some limitations in different applications. For example, a VAE easily suffers from KL vanishing in language modeling and low reconstruction quality for disentangling. To address these issues, we propose a novel controllable variational autoencoder framework, ControlVAE, that combines a controller, inspired by automatic control theory, with the basic VAE to improve the performance of resulting generative models. Specifically, we design a new non-linear PI controller, a variant of the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control, to automatically tune the hyperparameter (weight) added in the VAE objective using the output KL-divergence as feedback during model training. The framework is evaluated using three applications; namely, language modeling, disentangled representation learning, and image generation. The results show that ControlVAE can achieve better disentangling and reconstruction quality than the existing methods. For language modelling, it not only averts the KL-vanishing, but also improves the diversity of generated text. Finally, we also demonstrate that ControlVAE improves the reconstruction quality of generated images compared to the original VAE.
Scaling Up Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Systems: Learn an Adaptive Sparse Communication Graph
The complexity of multiagent reinforcement learning (MARL) in multiagent systems increases exponentially with respect to the agent number. This scalability issue prevents MARL from being applied in large-scale multiagent systems. However, one critical feature in MARL that is often neglected is that the interactions between agents are quite sparse. Without exploiting this sparsity structure, existing works aggregate information from all of the agents and thus have a high sample complexity. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive sparse attention mechanism by generalizing a sparsity-inducing activation function. Then a sparse communication graph in MARL is learned by graph neural networks based on this new attention mechanism. Through this sparsity structure, the agents can communicate in an effective as well as efficient way via only selectively attending to agents that matter the most and thus the scale of the MARL problem is reduced with little optimality compromised. Comparative results show that our algorithm can learn an interpretable sparse structure and outperforms previous works by a significant margin on applications involving a large-scale multiagent system.
dm_control: Software and Tasks for Continuous Control
The dm_control software package is a collection of Python libraries and task suites for reinforcement learning agents in an articulated-body simulation. A MuJoCo wrapper provides convenient bindings to functions and data structures. The PyMJCF and Composer libraries enable procedural model manipulation and task authoring. The Control Suite is a fixed set of tasks with standardised structure, intended to serve as performance benchmarks. The Locomotion framework provides high-level abstractions and examples of locomotion tasks. A set of configurable manipulation tasks with a robot arm and snap-together bricks is also included. dm_control is publicly available at https://www.github.com/deepmind/dm_control
Large Margin Semi-supervised Structured Output Learning
In structured output learning, obtaining labelled data for real-world applications is usually costly, while unlabelled examples are available in abundance. Semi-supervised structured classification has been developed to handle large amounts of unlabelled structured data. In this work, we consider semi-supervised structural SVMs with domain constraints. The optimization problem, which in general is not convex, contains the loss terms associated with the labelled and unlabelled examples along with the domain constraints. We propose a simple optimization approach, which alternates between solving a supervised learning problem and a constraint matching problem. Solving the constraint matching problem is difficult for structured prediction, and we propose an efficient and effective hill-climbing method to solve it. The alternating optimization is carried out within a deterministic annealing framework, which helps in effective constraint matching, and avoiding local minima which are not very useful. The algorithm is simple to implement and achieves comparable generalization performance on benchmark datasets.
Seeing All From a Few: Nodes Selection Using Graph Pooling for Graph Clustering
Recently, there has been considerable research interest in graph clustering aimed at data partition using the graph information. However, one limitation of the most of graph-based methods is that they assume the graph structure to operate is fixed and reliable. And there are inevitably some edges in the graph that are not conducive to graph clustering, which we call spurious edges. This paper is the first attempt to employ graph pooling technique for node clustering and we propose a novel dual graph embedding network (DGEN), which is designed as a two-step graph encoder connected by a graph pooling layer to learn the graph embedding. In our model, it is assumed that if a node and its nearest neighboring node are close to the same clustering center, this node is an informative node and this edge can be considered as a cluster-friendly edge. Based on this assumption, the neighbor cluster pooling (NCPool) is devised to select the most informative subset of nodes and the corresponding edges based on the distance of nodes and their nearest neighbors to the cluster centers. This can effectively alleviate the impact of the spurious edges on the clustering. Finally, to obtain the clustering assignment of all nodes, a classifier is trained using the clustering results of the selected nodes. Experiments on five benchmark graph datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over state-of-the-art algorithms.
Doctor AI: Predicting Clinical Events via Recurrent Neural Networks
Leveraging large historical data in electronic health record (EHR), we developed Doctor AI, a generic predictive model that covers observed medical conditions and medication uses. Doctor AI is a temporal model using recurrent neural networks (RNN) and was developed and applied to longitudinal time stamped EHR data from 260K patients over 8 years. Encounter records (e.g. diagnosis codes, medication codes or procedure codes) were input to RNN to predict (all) the diagnosis and medication categories for a subsequent visit. Doctor AI assesses the history of patients to make multilabel predictions (one label for each diagnosis or medication category). Based on separate blind test set evaluation, Doctor AI can perform differential diagnosis with up to 79% recall@30, significantly higher than several baselines. Moreover, we demonstrate great generalizability of Doctor AI by adapting the resulting models from one institution to another without losing substantial accuracy.
Autonomous learning of multiple, context-dependent tasks
When facing the problem of autonomously learning multiple tasks with reinforcement learning systems, researchers typically focus on solutions where just one parametrised policy per task is sufficient to solve them. However, in complex environments presenting different contexts, the same task might need a set of different skills to be solved. These situations pose two challenges: (a) to recognise the different contexts that need different policies; (b) quickly learn the policies to accomplish the same tasks in the new discovered contexts. These two challenges are even harder if faced within an open-ended learning framework where an agent has to autonomously discover the goals that it might accomplish in a given environment, and also to learn the motor skills to accomplish them. We propose a novel open-ended learning robot architecture, C-GRAIL, that solves the two challenges in an integrated fashion. In particular, the architecture is able to detect new relevant contests, and ignore irrelevant ones, on the basis of the decrease of the expected performance for a given goal. Moreover, the architecture can quickly learn the policies for the new contexts by exploiting transfer learning importing knowledge from already acquired policies. The architecture is tested in a simulated robotic environment involving a robot that autonomously learns to reach relevant target objects in the presence of multiple obstacles generating several different obstacles. The proposed architecture outperforms other models not using the proposed autonomous context-discovery and transfer-learning mechanisms.
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Machine Learning as tools for Optimization of Micromixers geometry
This work explores a new approach for optimization in the field of microfluidics, using the combination of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), and Machine Learning techniques. The objective of this combination is to enable global optimization with lower computational cost. The initial geometry is inspired in a Y-type micromixer with cylindrical grooves on the surface of the main channel and obstructions inside it. Simulations for circular obstructions were carried out using the OpenFOAM software to observe the influences of obstacles. The effects of obstruction diameter (OD), and offset (OF) in the range of [20,140] mm and [10,160] mm, respectively, on percentage of mixing ($\varphi$), pressure drop ($\Delta P$) and energy cost ($\Delta P/\varphi$) were investigated. Numerical experiments were analyzed using machine learning. Firstly, a neural network was used to train the dataset composed by the inputs OD and OF and outputs $\varphi$ and $\Delta P$. The objective functions (ObF) chosen to numerically optimize the performance of micromixers with grooves and obstructions were $\varphi$, $\Delta P$, $\Delta P/\varphi$. The genetic algorithm obtained the geometry that offers the maximum value of $\varphi$ and the minimum value of $\Delta P_s$. The results show that $\varphi$ increases monotonically with increasing OD at all values of OF. The inverse is observed with increasing offset. Furthermore, the results reveal that $\Delta P$ e $\Delta P/\varphi$ also increase with OD. On the other hand, the pressure drop and the cost of mixing energy present a maximum close to the lowest values of OF. Finally, the optimal value obtained for the diameter was OD=131 mm and for the offset OF=10 mm, which corresponds to obstruction of medium size close to the channel wall.
Human Pose Forecasting via Deep Markov Models
Human pose forecasting is an important problem in computer vision with applications to human-robot interaction, visual surveillance, and autonomous driving. Usually, forecasting algorithms use 3D skeleton sequences and are trained to forecast for a few milliseconds into the future. Long-range forecasting is challenging due to the difficulty of estimating how long a person continues an activity. To this end, our contributions are threefold: (i) we propose a generative framework for poses using variational autoencoders based on Deep Markov Models (DMMs); (ii) we evaluate our pose forecasts using a pose-based action classifier, which we argue better reflects the subjective quality of pose forecasts than distance in coordinate space; (iii) last, for evaluation of the new model, we introduce a 480,000-frame video dataset called Ikea Furniture Assembly (Ikea FA), which depicts humans repeatedly assembling and disassembling furniture. We demonstrate promising results for our approach on both Ikea FA and the existing NTU RGB+D dataset.
Single-step Adversarial training with Dropout Scheduling
Deep learning models have shown impressive performance across a spectrum of computer vision applications including medical diagnosis and autonomous driving. One of the major concerns that these models face is their susceptibility to adversarial attacks. Realizing the importance of this issue, more researchers are working towards developing robust models that are less affected by adversarial attacks. Adversarial training method shows promising results in this direction. In adversarial training regime, models are trained with mini-batches augmented with adversarial samples. Fast and simple methods (e.g., single-step gradient ascent) are used for generating adversarial samples, in order to reduce computational complexity. It is shown that models trained using single-step adversarial training method (adversarial samples are generated using non-iterative method) are pseudo robust. Further, this pseudo robustness of models is attributed to the gradient masking effect. However, existing works fail to explain when and why gradient masking effect occurs during single-step adversarial training. In this work, (i) we show that models trained using single-step adversarial training method learn to prevent the generation of single-step adversaries, and this is due to over-fitting of the model during the initial stages of training, and (ii) to mitigate this effect, we propose a single-step adversarial training method with dropout scheduling. Unlike models trained using existing single-step adversarial training methods, models trained using the proposed single-step adversarial training method are robust against both single-step and multi-step adversarial attacks, and the performance is on par with models trained using computationally expensive multi-step adversarial training methods, in white-box and black-box settings.
Temporal Network Sampling
Temporal networks representing a stream of timestamped edges are seemingly ubiquitous in the real-world. However, the massive size and continuous nature of these networks make them fundamentally challenging to analyze and leverage for descriptive and predictive modeling tasks. In this work, we propose a general framework for temporal network sampling with unbiased estimation. We develop online, single-pass sampling algorithms and unbiased estimators for temporal network sampling. The proposed algorithms enable fast, accurate, and memory-efficient statistical estimation of temporal network patterns and properties. In addition, we propose a temporally decaying sampling algorithm with unbiased estimators for studying networks that evolve in continuous time, where the strength of links is a function of time, and the motif patterns are temporally-weighted. In contrast to the prior notion of a $\bigtriangleup t$-temporal motif, the proposed formulation and algorithms for counting temporally weighted motifs are useful for forecasting tasks in networks such as predicting future links, or a future time-series variable of nodes and links. Finally, extensive experiments on a variety of temporal networks from different domains demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. A detailed ablation study is provided to understand the impact of the various components of the proposed framework.
Estimate Sequences for Stochastic Composite Optimization: Variance Reduction, Acceleration, and Robustness to Noise
In this paper, we propose a unified view of gradient-based algorithms for stochastic convex composite optimization by extending the concept of estimate sequence introduced by Nesterov. More precisely, we interpret a large class of stochastic optimization methods as procedures that iteratively minimize a surrogate of the objective, which covers the stochastic gradient descent method and variants of the incremental approaches SAGA, SVRG, and MISO/Finito/SDCA. This point of view has several advantages: (i) we provide a simple generic proof of convergence for all of the aforementioned methods; (ii) we naturally obtain new algorithms with the same guarantees; (iii) we derive generic strategies to make these algorithms robust to stochastic noise, which is useful when data is corrupted by small random perturbations. Finally, we propose a new accelerated stochastic gradient descent algorithm and an accelerated SVRG algorithm with optimal complexity that is robust to stochastic noise.
Optimal Transport Tools (OTT): A JAX Toolbox for all things Wasserstein
Optimal transport tools (OTT-JAX) is a Python toolbox that can solve optimal transport problems between point clouds and histograms. The toolbox builds on various JAX features, such as automatic and custom reverse mode differentiation, vectorization, just-in-time compilation and accelerators support. The toolbox covers elementary computations, such as the resolution of the regularized OT problem, and more advanced extensions, such as barycenters, Gromov-Wasserstein, low-rank solvers, estimation of convex maps, differentiable generalizations of quantiles and ranks, and approximate OT between Gaussian mixtures. The toolbox code is available at \texttt{https://github.com/ott-jax/ott}
Fisher SAM: Information Geometry and Sharpness Aware Minimisation
Recent sharpness-aware minimisation (SAM) is known to find flat minima which is beneficial for better generalisation with improved robustness. SAM essentially modifies the loss function by reporting the maximum loss value within the small neighborhood around the current iterate. However, it uses the Euclidean ball to define the neighborhood, which can be inaccurate since loss functions for neural networks are typically defined over probability distributions (e.g., class predictive probabilities), rendering the parameter space non Euclidean. In this paper we consider the information geometry of the model parameter space when defining the neighborhood, namely replacing SAM's Euclidean balls with ellipsoids induced by the Fisher information. Our approach, dubbed Fisher SAM, defines more accurate neighborhood structures that conform to the intrinsic metric of the underlying statistical manifold. For instance, SAM may probe the worst-case loss value at either a too nearby or inappropriately distant point due to the ignorance of the parameter space geometry, which is avoided by our Fisher SAM. Another recent Adaptive SAM approach stretches/shrinks the Euclidean ball in accordance with the scale of the parameter magnitudes. This might be dangerous, potentially destroying the neighborhood structure. We demonstrate improved performance of the proposed Fisher SAM on several benchmark datasets/tasks.
SigMaNet: One Laplacian to Rule Them All
This paper introduces SigMaNet, a generalized Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) capable of handling both undirected and directed graphs with weights not restricted in sign and magnitude. The cornerstone of SigMaNet is the introduction of a generalized Laplacian matrix: the Sign-Magnetic Laplacian ($L^\sigma$). The adoption of such a matrix allows us to bridge a gap in the current literature by extending the theory of spectral GCNs to directed graphs with both positive and negative weights. $L^{\sigma}$ exhibits several desirable properties not enjoyed by the traditional Laplacian matrices on which several state-of-the-art architectures are based. In particular, $L^\sigma$ is completely parameter-free, which is not the case of Laplacian operators such as the Magnetic Laplacian $L^{(q)}$, where the calibration of the parameter q is an essential yet problematic component of the operator. $L^\sigma$ simplifies the approach, while also allowing for a natural interpretation of the signs of the edges in terms of their directions. The versatility of the proposed approach is amply demonstrated experimentally; the proposed network SigMaNet turns out to be competitive in all the tasks we considered, regardless of the graph structure.
An innovative adaptive kriging approach for efficient binary classification of mechanical problems
Kriging is an efficient machine-learning tool, which allows to obtain an approximate response of an investigated phenomenon on the whole parametric space. Adaptive schemes provide a the ability to guide the experiment yielding new sample point positions to enrich the metamodel. Herein a novel adaptive scheme called Monte Carlo-intersite Voronoi (MiVor) is proposed to efficiently identify binary decision regions on the basis of a regression surrogate model. The performance of the innovative approach is tested for analytical functions as well as some mechanical problems and is furthermore compared to two regression-based adaptive schemes. For smooth problems, all three methods have comparable performances. For highly fluctuating response surface as encountered e.g. for dynamics or damage problems, the innovative MiVor algorithm performs very well and provides accurate binary classification with only a few observation points.
Low-Rank Training of Deep Neural Networks for Emerging Memory Technology
The recent success of neural networks for solving difficult decision tasks has incentivized incorporating smart decision making "at the edge." However, this work has traditionally focused on neural network inference, rather than training, due to memory and compute limitations, especially in emerging non-volatile memory systems, where writes are energetically costly and reduce lifespan. Yet, the ability to train at the edge is becoming increasingly important as it enables real-time adaptability to device drift and environmental variation, user customization, and federated learning across devices. In this work, we address two key challenges for training on edge devices with non-volatile memory: low write density and low auxiliary memory. We present a low-rank training scheme that addresses these challenges while maintaining computational efficiency. We then demonstrate the technique on a representative convolutional neural network across several adaptation problems, where it out-performs standard SGD both in accuracy and in number of weight writes.
Performance-Efficiency Trade-off of Low-Precision Numerical Formats in Deep Neural Networks
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been demonstrated as effective prognostic models across various domains, e.g. natural language processing, computer vision, and genomics. However, modern-day DNNs demand high compute and memory storage for executing any reasonably complex task. To optimize the inference time and alleviate the power consumption of these networks, DNN accelerators with low-precision representations of data and DNN parameters are being actively studied. An interesting research question is in how low-precision networks can be ported to edge-devices with similar performance as high-precision networks. In this work, we employ the fixed-point, floating point, and posit numerical formats at $\leq$8-bit precision within a DNN accelerator, Deep Positron, with exact multiply-and-accumulate (EMAC) units for inference. A unified analysis quantifies the trade-offs between overall network efficiency and performance across five classification tasks. Our results indicate that posits are a natural fit for DNN inference, outperforming at $\leq$8-bit precision, and can be realized with competitive resource requirements relative to those of floating point.
Support vector comparison machines
In ranking problems, the goal is to learn a ranking function from labeled pairs of input points. In this paper, we consider the related comparison problem, where the label indicates which element of the pair is better, or if there is no significant difference. We cast the learning problem as a margin maximization, and show that it can be solved by converting it to a standard SVM. We use simulated nonlinear patterns, a real learning to rank sushi data set, and a chess data set to show that our proposed SVMcompare algorithm outperforms SVMrank when there are equality pairs.
Moment Multicalibration for Uncertainty Estimation
We show how to achieve the notion of "multicalibration" from H\'ebert-Johnson et al. [2018] not just for means, but also for variances and other higher moments. Informally, it means that we can find regression functions which, given a data point, can make point predictions not just for the expectation of its label, but for higher moments of its label distribution as well-and those predictions match the true distribution quantities when averaged not just over the population as a whole, but also when averaged over an enormous number of finely defined subgroups. It yields a principled way to estimate the uncertainty of predictions on many different subgroups-and to diagnose potential sources of unfairness in the predictive power of features across subgroups. As an application, we show that our moment estimates can be used to derive marginal prediction intervals that are simultaneously valid as averaged over all of the (sufficiently large) subgroups for which moment multicalibration has been obtained.
Using Deep Learning for Detecting Spoofing Attacks on Speech Signals
It is well known that speaker verification systems are subject to spoofing attacks. The Automatic Speaker Verification Spoofing and Countermeasures Challenge -- ASVSpoof2015 -- provides a standard spoofing database, containing attacks based on synthetic speech, along with a protocol for experiments. This paper describes CPqD's systems submitted to the ASVSpoof2015 Challenge, based on deep neural networks, working both as a classifier and as a feature extraction module for a GMM and a SVM classifier. Results show the validity of this approach, achieving less than 0.5\% EER for known attacks.
Faster One-Sample Stochastic Conditional Gradient Method for Composite Convex Minimization
We propose a stochastic conditional gradient method (CGM) for minimizing convex finite-sum objectives formed as a sum of smooth and non-smooth terms. Existing CGM variants for this template either suffer from slow convergence rates, or require carefully increasing the batch size over the course of the algorithm's execution, which leads to computing full gradients. In contrast, the proposed method, equipped with a stochastic average gradient (SAG) estimator, requires only one sample per iteration. Nevertheless, it guarantees fast convergence rates on par with more sophisticated variance reduction techniques. In applications we put special emphasis on problems with a large number of separable constraints. Such problems are prevalent among semidefinite programming (SDP) formulations arising in machine learning and theoretical computer science. We provide numerical experiments on matrix completion, unsupervised clustering, and sparsest-cut SDPs.
Modern Hopfield Networks for Few- and Zero-Shot Reaction Template Prediction
Finding synthesis routes for molecules of interest is an essential step in the discovery of new drugs and materials. To find such routes, computer-assisted synthesis planning (CASP) methods are employed which rely on a model of chemical reactivity. In this study, we model single-step retrosynthesis in a template-based approach using modern Hopfield networks (MHNs). We adapt MHNs to associate different modalities, reaction templates and molecules, which allows the model to leverage structural information about reaction templates. This approach significantly improves the performance of template relevance prediction, especially for templates with few or zero training examples. With inference speed several times faster than that of baseline methods, we improve predictive performance for top-k exact match accuracy for $\mathrm{k}\geq5$ in the retrosynthesis benchmark USPTO-50k.
Static Scheduling with Predictions Learned through Efficient Exploration
A popular approach to go beyond the worst-case analysis of online algorithms is to assume the existence of predictions that can be leveraged to improve performances. Those predictions are usually given by some external sources that cannot be fully trusted. Instead, we argue that trustful predictions can be built by algorithms, while they run. We investigate this idea in the illustrative context of static scheduling with exponential job sizes. Indeed, we prove that algorithms agnostic to this structure do not perform better than in the worst case. In contrast, when the expected job sizes are known, we show that the best algorithm using this information, called Follow-The-Perfect-Prediction (FTPP), exhibits much better performances. Then, we introduce two adaptive explore-then-commit types of algorithms: they both first (partially) learn expected job sizes and then follow FTPP once their self-predictions are confident enough. On the one hand, ETCU explores in "series", by completing jobs sequentially to acquire information. On the other hand, ETCRR, inspired by the optimal worst-case algorithm Round-Robin (RR), explores efficiently in "parallel". We prove that both of them asymptotically reach the performances of FTPP, with a faster rate for ETCRR. Those findings are empirically evaluated on synthetic data.
On-device Federated Learning with Flower
Federated Learning (FL) allows edge devices to collaboratively learn a shared prediction model while keeping their training data on the device, thereby decoupling the ability to do machine learning from the need to store data in the cloud. Despite the algorithmic advancements in FL, the support for on-device training of FL algorithms on edge devices remains poor. In this paper, we present an exploration of on-device FL on various smartphones and embedded devices using the Flower framework. We also evaluate the system costs of on-device FL and discuss how this quantification could be used to design more efficient FL algorithms.
Correlated Anomaly Detection from Large Streaming Data
Correlated anomaly detection (CAD) from streaming data is a type of group anomaly detection and an essential task in useful real-time data mining applications like botnet detection, financial event detection, industrial process monitor, etc. The primary approach for this type of detection in previous researches is based on principal score (PS) of divided batches or sliding windows by computing top eigenvalues of the correlation matrix, e.g. the Lanczos algorithm. However, this paper brings up the phenomenon of principal score degeneration for large data set, and then mathematically and practically prove current PS-based methods are likely to fail for CAD on large-scale streaming data even if the number of correlated anomalies grows with the data size at a reasonable rate; in reality, anomalies tend to be the minority of the data, and this issue can be more serious. We propose a framework with two novel randomized algorithms rPS and gPS for better detection of correlated anomalies from large streaming data of various correlation strength. The experiment shows high and balanced recall and estimated accuracy of our framework for anomaly detection from a large server log data set and a U.S. stock daily price data set in comparison to direct principal score evaluation and some other recent group anomaly detection algorithms. Moreover, our techniques significantly improve the computation efficiency and scalability for principal score calculation.
Going Beyond Saliency Maps: Training Deep Models to Interpret Deep Models
Interpretability is a critical factor in applying complex deep learning models to advance the understanding of brain disorders in neuroimaging studies. To interpret the decision process of a trained classifier, existing techniques typically rely on saliency maps to quantify the voxel-wise or feature-level importance for classification through partial derivatives. Despite providing some level of localization, these maps are not human-understandable from the neuroscience perspective as they do not inform the specific meaning of the alteration linked to the brain disorder. Inspired by the image-to-image translation scheme, we propose to train simulator networks that can warp a given image to inject or remove patterns of the disease. These networks are trained such that the classifier produces consistently increased or decreased prediction logits for the simulated images. Moreover, we propose to couple all the simulators into a unified model based on conditional convolution. We applied our approach to interpreting classifiers trained on a synthetic dataset and two neuroimaging datasets to visualize the effect of the Alzheimer's disease and alcohol use disorder. Compared to the saliency maps generated by baseline approaches, our simulations and visualizations based on the Jacobian determinants of the warping field reveal meaningful and understandable patterns related to the diseases.
Better Mini-Batch Algorithms via Accelerated Gradient Methods
Mini-batch algorithms have been proposed as a way to speed-up stochastic convex optimization problems. We study how such algorithms can be improved using accelerated gradient methods. We provide a novel analysis, which shows how standard gradient methods may sometimes be insufficient to obtain a significant speed-up and propose a novel accelerated gradient algorithm, which deals with this deficiency, enjoys a uniformly superior guarantee and works well in practice.
Crypto Pump and Dump Detection via Deep Learning Techniques
Despite the fact that cryptocurrencies themselves have experienced an astonishing rate of adoption over the last decade, cryptocurrency fraud detection is a heavily under-researched problem area. Of all fraudulent activity regarding cryptocurrencies, pump and dump schemes are some of the most common. Though some studies have been done on these kinds of scams in the stock market, the lack of labelled stock data and the volatility unique to the cryptocurrency space constrains the applicability of studies on the stock market toward this problem domain. Furthermore, the only work done in this space thus far has been either statistical in nature, or has been concerned with classical machine learning models such as random forest trees. We propose the novel application of two existing neural network architectures to this problem domain and show that deep learning solutions can significantly outperform all other existing pump and dump detection methods for cryptocurrencies.
Good Intentions: Adaptive Parameter Servers via Intent Signaling
Parameter servers (PSs) ease the implementation of distributed training for large machine learning (ML) tasks by providing primitives for shared parameter access. Especially for ML tasks that access parameters sparsely, PSs can achieve high efficiency and scalability. To do so, they employ a number of techniques -- such as replication or relocation -- to reduce communication cost and/or latency of parameter accesses. A suitable choice and parameterization of these techniques is crucial to realize these gains, however. Unfortunately, such choices depend on the task, the workload, and even individual parameters, they often require expensive upfront experimentation, and they are susceptible to workload changes. In this paper, we explore whether PSs can automatically adapt to the workload without any prior tuning. Our goals are to improve usability and to maintain (or even improve) efficiency. We propose (i) a novel intent signaling mechanism that acts as an enabler for adaptivity and naturally integrates into ML tasks, and (ii) a fully adaptive, zero-tuning PS called AdaPS based on this mechanism. Our experimental evaluation suggests that automatic adaptation to the workload is indeed possible: AdaPS matched or outperformed state-of-the-art PSs out of the box.
Contrastively Smoothed Class Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Recent unsupervised approaches to domain adaptation primarily focus on minimizing the gap between the source and the target domains through refining the feature generator, in order to learn a better alignment between the two domains. This minimization can be achieved via a domain classifier to detect target-domain features that are divergent from source-domain features. However, by optimizing via such domain classification discrepancy, ambiguous target samples that are not smoothly distributed on the low-dimensional data manifold are often missed. To solve this issue, we propose a novel Contrastively Smoothed Class Alignment (CoSCA) model, that explicitly incorporates both intra- and inter-class domain discrepancy to better align ambiguous target samples with the source domain. CoSCA estimates the underlying label hypothesis of target samples, and simultaneously adapts their feature representations by optimizing a proposed contrastive loss. In addition, Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) is utilized to directly match features between source and target samples for better global alignment. Experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that CoSCA can outperform state-of-the-art approaches for unsupervised domain adaptation by producing more discriminative features.
Transfer Reinforcement Learning under Unobserved Contextual Information
In this paper, we study a transfer reinforcement learning problem where the state transitions and rewards are affected by the environmental context. Specifically, we consider a demonstrator agent that has access to a context-aware policy and can generate transition and reward data based on that policy. These data constitute the experience of the demonstrator. Then, the goal is to transfer this experience, excluding the underlying contextual information, to a learner agent that does not have access to the environmental context, so that they can learn a control policy using fewer samples. It is well known that, disregarding the causal effect of the contextual information, can introduce bias in the transition and reward models estimated by the learner, resulting in a learned suboptimal policy. To address this challenge, in this paper, we develop a method to obtain causal bounds on the transition and reward functions using the demonstrator's data, which we then use to obtain causal bounds on the value functions. Using these value function bounds, we propose new Q learning and UCB-Q learning algorithms that converge to the true value function without bias. We provide numerical experiments for robot motion planning problems that validate the proposed value function bounds and demonstrate that the proposed algorithms can effectively make use of the data from the demonstrator to accelerate the learning process of the learner.
Iterative Deep Learning Based Unbiased Stereology With Human-in-the-Loop
Lack of enough labeled data is a major problem in building machine learning based models when the manual annotation (labeling) is error-prone, expensive, tedious, and time-consuming. In this paper, we introduce an iterative deep learning based method to improve segmentation and counting of cells based on unbiased stereology applied to regions of interest of extended depth of field (EDF) images. This method uses an existing machine learning algorithm called the adaptive segmentation algorithm (ASA) to generate masks (verified by a user) for EDF images to train deep learning models. Then an iterative deep learning approach is used to feed newly predicted and accepted deep learning masks/images (verified by a user) to the training set of the deep learning model. The error rate in unbiased stereology count of cells on an unseen test set reduced from about 3 % to less than 1 % after 5 iterations of the iterative deep learning based unbiased stereology process.
Finite-Time Complexity of Online Primal-Dual Natural Actor-Critic Algorithm for Constrained Markov Decision Processes
We consider a discounted cost constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) policy optimization problem, in which an agent seeks to maximize a discounted cumulative reward subject to a number of constraints on discounted cumulative utilities. To solve this constrained optimization program, we study an online actor-critic variant of a classic primal-dual method where the gradients of both the primal and dual functions are estimated using samples from a single trajectory generated by the underlying time-varying Markov processes. This online primal-dual natural actor-critic algorithm maintains and iteratively updates three variables: a dual variable (or Lagrangian multiplier), a primal variable (or actor), and a critic variable used to estimate the gradients of both primal and dual variables. These variables are updated simultaneously but on different time scales (using different step sizes) and they are all intertwined with each other. Our main contribution is to derive a finite-time analysis for the convergence of this algorithm to the global optimum of a CMDP problem. Specifically, we show that with a proper choice of step sizes the optimality gap and constraint violation converge to zero in expectation at a rate $\mathcal{O}(1/K^{1/6})$, where K is the number of iterations. To our knowledge, this paper is the first to study the finite-time complexity of an online primal-dual actor-critic method for solving a CMDP problem. We also validate the effectiveness of this algorithm through numerical simulations.
Machine Learning for Electricity Market Clearing
This paper seeks to design a machine learning twin of the optimal power flow (OPF) optimization, which is used in market-clearing procedures by wholesale electricity markets. The motivation for the proposed approach stems from the need to obtain the digital twin, which is much faster than the original, while also being sufficiently accurate and producing consistent generation dispatches and locational marginal prices (LMPs), which are primal and dual solutions of the OPF optimization, respectively. Availability of market-clearing tools based on this approach will enable computationally tractable evaluation of multiple dispatch scenarios under a given unit commitment. Rather than direct solution of OPF, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions for the OPF problem in question may be written, and in parallel the LMPs of generators and loads may be expressed in terms of the OPF Lagrangian multipliers. Also, taking advantage of the practical fact that many of the Lagrangian multipliers associated with lines will be zero (thermal limits are not binding), we build and train an ML scheme which maps flexible resources (loads and renewables) to the binding lines, and supplement it with an efficient power-grid aware linear map to optimal dispatch and LMPs. The scheme is validated and illustrated on IEEE models. We also report a trade of analysis between quality of the reconstruction and number of samples needed to train the model.
Mix and Match: A Novel FPGA-Centric Deep Neural Network Quantization Framework
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have achieved extraordinary performance in various application domains. To support diverse DNN models, efficient implementations of DNN inference on edge-computing platforms, e.g., ASICs, FPGAs, and embedded systems, are extensively investigated. Due to the huge model size and computation amount, model compression is a critical step to deploy DNN models on edge devices. This paper focuses on weight quantization, a hardware-friendly model compression approach that is complementary to weight pruning. Unlike existing methods that use the same quantization scheme for all weights, we propose the first solution that applies different quantization schemes for different rows of the weight matrix. It is motivated by (1) the distribution of the weights in the different rows are not the same; and (2) the potential of achieving better utilization of heterogeneous FPGA hardware resources. To achieve that, we first propose a hardware-friendly quantization scheme named sum-of-power-of-2 (SP2) suitable for Gaussian-like weight distribution, in which the multiplication arithmetic can be replaced with logic shifter and adder, thereby enabling highly efficient implementations with the FPGA LUT resources. In contrast, the existing fixed-point quantization is suitable for Uniform-like weight distribution and can be implemented efficiently by DSP. Then to fully explore the resources, we propose an FPGA-centric mixed scheme quantization (MSQ) with an ensemble of the proposed SP2 and the fixed-point schemes. Combining the two schemes can maintain, or even increase accuracy due to better matching with weight distributions.