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在加拿大,天然健康产品的日常服中必须包含不超过6微克的镉单个重达150磅(68公斤)和3微克为75磅(34公斤)的人。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In Canada, a daily serving of a natural health product must contain no more than 6 μg of cadmium for an individual weighing 150 pounds (68 kg) and 3 μg for a 75 lb (34 kg) individual. |
2008年4月27日,法图的母亲薇菈在经过7年与癌症对抗的过程后过世。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | On April 27, 2008, Fatu's mother Vera died after a seven-year battle with cancer. |
它们有各种尺寸,从大型13x10“(33x25厘米)和12x9”,中型11x8“,10x7”(25x18厘米)和9x6“到小型8x5”,7x4“和6x4”(15x10厘米)。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | They come in various sizes, ranging from the large 13x10" (33x25 cm) and 12x9", midsize 11x8", 10x7" (25x18 cm) and 9x6", to the small 8x5", 7x4" and 6x4" (15x10 cm). |
最初的红色色度于1928年12月13日由一总统令规定为朱红色。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The shade of red was first legally specified as vermilion by a presidential decree of 13 December 1928. |
慢车轨道继续东行而F线停靠第二大道车站。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The local tracks continue east and F trains stop at Second Avenue. |
从1964年5月到1970年代初期,美国加入一项国防部计划,旨在通过将载有化学武器的船只沉入大西洋中的方法来处理化学武器。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | From May 1964 to the early 1970s the USA participated in Operation CHASE, a United States Department of Defense program that aimed to dispose of chemical weapons by sinking ships laden with the weapons in the deep Atlantic. |
还有其他的改编,例如John Rutter的全合唱作品。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | There have also been other adaptations, such as a full choral piece by John Rutter. |
当蓝调之音给汉考克一个录音他的首次solo LP的机会,公司高管试图说服他放弃他的出版,以换取能够录制的专辑,但他坚持拜尔德的建议并拒绝了,所以会议来到一个僵局。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | When Blue Note offered Hancock the chance to record his first solo LP, label executives tried to convince him to relinquish his publishing in exchange for being able to record the album, but he stuck to Byrd's advice and refused, so the meeting came to an impasse. |
戴露·汉娜 饰 安吉利卡·“安琪儿”·图灵(Angelica "Angel" Turing),乔纳斯所在的八人组的一名通感者,她成为了新生通感者们的“母亲”并激活了他们之间的心理联系。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Daryl Hannah as Angelica "Angel" Turing, a sensate from the same cluster as Jonas, who becomes the "mother" of the new sensates' cluster as she activates their psychic connection. |
人类基因组组织作为一国际组织成立于1989年。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The North Sea Commission is an international organization founded in 1989. |
指针在声明之前可用。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Pointers can be used before they are declared. |
2006年6月2日,国会在无人反对下,通过给予同性伴侣等同异性伴侣在领养、养育及协助怀孕治疗方面权益的法律。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | On 2 June 2006, Parliament voted for legislation granting same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexuals in adoption, parenting and assisted insemination treatment. |
虽然存有饮用水水质标准,但各国法理基础、执行程度不一,性质可能为目标、准则、或较严格的规章。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Where drinking water quality standards do exist, most are expressed as guidelines or targets rather than requirements, and very few water standards have any legal basis or, are subject to enforcement. |
截至2013年,新修订的刑法典将名誉杀人定为谋杀罪。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | As of 2013, the newly revised Penal Code makes honor killings, as a legal justification for murder, illegal. |
遂缚季扩及其孥送京师。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | PARTICULAR CHURCHES AND THEIR GROUPINGS TITLE II. |
他于1495年在那里去世。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | He died in 1495. |
的Facebook主页 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Home Page Facebook |
托管时期该市西部和北部建起了新的花园郊区,并且建立高等教育机构,如希伯来大学创建于1925年。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Under the British, new garden suburbs were built in the western and northern parts of the city and institutions of higher learning such as the Hebrew University were founded. |
这次停电造成印度东部大约200名矿工因电梯停电而被困于井下,但印度官员随后称他们已获救。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | About 200 miners were trapped underground in eastern India due to lifts failing, but officials later said they had all been rescued. |
到了2015年(平成27年),《纽约时报》报导,时年98岁的原田要已成了“备受欢迎的公众演说家”,他用自己军中的经历来警惕日本那些“不了解战争本质”的年轻人。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In 2015, The New York Times reported that Harada, aged 98, was a "highly sought-after public speaker", who was motivated by a desire to pass on his experiences as a warning to the current generations of Japanese who he believed were unaware of the nature of warfare. |
系统接下来两天向西移动,于12月17日进入澳大利亚海域,之后得名“乔伊”(Joy)。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Over the next two days the moved westwards before it moved into the Australian basin during December 17, where it was later named Joy. |
完全不连通空间的重要例子是康托尔集合。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | An important example of a totally disconnected space is the Cantor set. |
在喀拉拉邦 '性别'的发展历史。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | ‘Gendered’ history of development in Kerala. |
鲍尔斯认为,硬币的背面不属于艺术作品,而是纯粹的机械设计,都是由冲印字符和钢毂中的装置组成。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Bowers does not consider the reverse design an artistic work, but one which is purely mechanical, obtained by punching characters and devices into a steel hub. |
键的类型被称为pthread_key_t。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The type of the key is explicitly left opaque and is referred to as pthread_key_t. |
金星表面的板块便行有多种不同规模,最小的是线形节理或断层。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The tectonic deformations on Venus occur on a variety of scales, the smallest of which are related to linear fractures or faults. |
期末考试期间,溜冰场(已无冰)和室内田径场用作大型班级的期末考试地点。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | During finals week, the (ice-free) ice rink and indoor track are utilized to administer final exams for large classes requiring the ample space. |
身为零死亡愿景的发起国家,瑞典的成效较挪威显著。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Sweden, which initiated Vision Zero, has had somewhat better results than Norway. |
例如,控制眼部肌肉的神经再生时可能转移目标,再生连接上控制嘴部的肌肉。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | For instance, regrowth of nerves controlling muscles attached to the eye may sidetrack and also regrow connections reaching the muscles of the mouth. |
与此同时,汉密尔顿又开了一个糟糕的开局,在第一圈结束时从第二位上滑到第八位。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Meanwhile, Hamilton suffered a poor start, slipping from second on the grid to eighth by the end of the first lap. |
阿尔·昂瑟(英语:Al Unser)(1978)是唯一一位在同一赛季赢得这三场比赛的车手。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Al Unser (1978) is the only driver to win all three in the same season. |
道具可能与为每个巫术、魔法仪式重复的法术和咒语同样的重要。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Tools were probably just as important as the spells and incantations that were repeated for each magical ritual. |
由于1982年后中苏关系逐渐改善,1986年蒙古国和北韩签署了他们的第一个条约。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Thanks to the post-1982 improvement of Sino-Soviet relations, in 1986 Mongolia and North Korea signed their first friendship and cooperation treaty. |
也就是每天可探测1000个小行星带天体和1-3个近地天体。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | That translates to about 1000 new main-belt asteroids per day, and 1–3 NEOs per day. |
而他在1988年5月提出的价格调整也引起普通民众对通货膨胀的强烈不满,有人提出应该加强中共中央在经济上的控制,并且抵御西方影响。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | His proposal in May 1988 to accelerate price reform led to widespread popular complaints about rampant inflation and gave opponents of rapid reform the opening to call for greater centralization of economic controls and stricter prohibitions against Western influence. |
本机是为了便于从双翼机转变为单翼机而设计的,反之亦然。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The aircraft was designed to facilitate conversions from biplane to monoplane and vice versa. |
这种模式解释了土卫八上明暗区域的分布、缺乏灰色区域和卡西尼区覆盖的暗色物质较薄的情况。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | This model explains the distribution of light and dark areas, the absence of shades of grey, and the thinness of the dark material covering Cassini Regio. |
根据自杀率,欧洲是世界上最具自杀倾向的地区。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Europe is the most suicidal region of the world according to crude rates. |
二战后,藤永田被交还民间并透过建造渔船、商船与油轮复苏。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | After World War II, Fujinagata was restored to private ownership and recovered by building fishing vessels, merchant vessels and tankers. |
制裁影响到七个人和三个朝鲜实体。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Seven individuals and three North Korean entities were affected by the sanctions. |
一些文献明确指出,有些古希腊人批评男男肛交为一种可耻的行为,且认为其是傲慢的一种表现。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Some sources explicitly state that anal sex between men and boys was criticized as shameful and seen as a form of hubris. |
在1923年到1927年由Oleksander Shumskyi任教育委员,在1927年Mykola Skrypnyk取代了Oleksander Shumskyi,这两个人士最符合确定中的政策。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The two figures, therefore, most identified with the policy are Oleksander Shumskyi, the Commissar for Education between 1923 and 1927, and Mykola Skrypnyk, who replaced Shumskyi in 1927. |
他在下议院中主要关注环境政策、气候变迁、水路、照护与计程车政策。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In the House of Representatives, he focused on matters of environmental policy, climate change, waterways, day care and taxicab policy. |
苦路的门廊建于17世纪,体现从反宗教改革的主题转移到耶稣受难。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The portico of Via Crucis, erected in the 17th century, underlines the shift from the themes of the Counter Reformation to that of the Passion of Christ. |
他自2014年开始参赛Moto2级别,共完赛41场,3度登上颁奖台,其中包括2016年卡达(英语:2016 Qatar motorcycle Grand Prix)赛季开幕站。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Racing in the Moto2 class since 2014, he finished 41 races, with 3 podium appearances, including a second-place finish at the 2016 Qatar season opener. |
勇士号的订单于1859年5月11日送至位于伦敦布莱克沃尔的泰晤士铁工造船厂(英语:Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company)。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Warrior was ordered on 11 May 1859 from Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company in Blackwall, London. |
合约通常授予给最优惠价格与最完善服务的竞标者。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Contracts were normally awarded to the competitor offering the most complete service for the cheapest price. |
方济各会于18世纪下半叶在此建造一座小堂。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The Franciscans initially built a chapel at this site in the latter half of the 18th century. |
PCs Limited借由在国家电脑杂志推出它的系列广告并直接向消费者销售,并提供消费者根据不同方案来让消费者有更多组装选择。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | PC's Limited advertised its systems in national computer magazines for sale directly to consumers and custom assembled each ordered unit according to a selection of options. |
坎特伯雷的伯尔盖特有一间酒吧,名叫“托马斯·英戈尔兹比”。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | There is a pub in Burgate, Canterbury, near the cathedral, named The Thomas Ingoldsby. |
如果没有利奥波德一世国王血统合格的后裔,在议会的批准下,当政的君主可以设立推定继承人,但如果她或他不推定其继承人,王位将最终空缺。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Should there be no eligible descendant of King Leopold I, the reigning monarch may name his or her heir presumptive with the approval of the Parliament, but if she or he doesn't name the heir presumptive, the throne would eventually become vacant. |
更有诸事不。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | But other things have not. |
莱比锡号随即遭到了康沃尔号和肯特号的重创并起火燃烧,但它仍然维持行动,并继续战斗。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Leipzig was battered severely by Cornwall and Kent and set on fire; she nevertheless remained in action and continued to fight. |
纵然每个均衡都有效,显然也并非每个有效的资源配置均是均衡。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Even if every equilibrium is efficient, it may not be that every efficient allocation of resources can be part of an equilibrium. |
2005年,国际板球协会宣布,因为国际单日板球赛比赛条件的部分变动将于十个月的时间内试行,足球式的战术替补将被准许。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In 2005, the International Cricket Council announced, as part of a package of changes to the playing conditions for One Day Internationals to be trialled over a ten-month period, that tactical substitutions would be permitted. |
发表本身的刊物和专业的协会组织。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | OHP has its own journals and professional organizations. |
沿着语言学家诺姆·乔姆斯基开辟的道路,福多逐渐产生了对于心理先天论观念的郑重信奉。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Following in the path paved by linguist Noam Chomsky, Fodor developed a strong commitment to the idea of psychological nativism. |
她被构想为是“伟大母亲”,即一切事物最根本的来源。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | She is conceived as the Great Mother, the ultimate source of all things. |
在第二幕中,波卓瞎了,需要由幸运儿牵着走,而不是牵着幸运儿,幸运儿依然忠诚,没有试图逃跑;他们之间的关系大于绳索,正如狄狄、戈戈与戈多之间的关系。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Even in the second act when Pozzo has inexplicably gone blind, and needs to be led by Lucky rather than driving him as he had done before, Lucky remains faithful and has not tried to run away; they are clearly bound together by more than a piece of rope in the same way that Didi and Gogo are "ied to Godot". |
超过100个平民被杀,其中30个死于德拉。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Over 100 civilians were killed, including 30 in Daraa. |
《魔鬼讲给孙子的故事》(原书名Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson或An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man)是希腊-亚美尼亚混血暨神秘学家葛吉夫撰写的《万有一切》第一册,以下简称《魔鬼》。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson or An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man is the first volume of the All and Everything trilogy written by the Greek-Armenian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff. |
电工钢通常以冷轧方式制造,厚度一般小于2毫米。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Electrical steel is usually manufactured in cold-rolled strips less than 2 mm thick. |
第五支单曲《Sweet Nothing》与弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇合作,并与2012年10月14日发行。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The fifth single, "Sweet Nothing", features Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine and was released on 14 October 2012. |
见疏于王。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Look at your king. |
帖撒罗尼迦前书2:15将耶稣的死亡归于一些犹太人。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | 1 Thessalonians 2:15 places the responsibility for the death of Jesus on some Jews. |
高棉雕塑的发展很快超出了宗教范围,并开始以神仙和女神的名义为借口雕刻宫廷人物。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Khmer sculpture soon goes beyond religious representation, which becomes almost a pretext in order to portray court figures in the guise of gods and goddesses. |
法兰克人用木材,毛皮,剑和奴隶换取丝绸和其他纺织品,香料和出自阿拉伯人的贵金属。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Franks traded timber, furs, swords and slaves in return for silks and other fabrics, spices, and precious metals from the Arabs. |
2月19日——英国承认塞浦路斯独立。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | 19 February – the United Kingdom grants Cyprus independence. |
托勒密一开始即声明他已简要回顾了重要的原则并且现在将要在适当的程序中发展占星术的内容、细节。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Ptolemy begins by stating he has briefly reviewed the important principles and will now develop the details of astrology in the appropriate order. |
海岸沿线发布小型船只警报,建议海上人员提高警惕。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | A small craft warning was declared along the coast and advised marines to take precautions. |
于1965年至1989年间担任宗座大众传播理事会(英语:Pontifical Council for Social Communications)顾问。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | He was a consultor of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications from 1965 until 1989. |
之后,霍兰德表示他扩展至“三部蜘蛛人电影及三部个人电影”。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Holland later expanded, saying he was signed for "three Spider-Man movies and three solo movies". |
作为1970年代初城铁建设的一部分,车站前地的既有建筑被拆毁并进行重新设计。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | As part of the construction of the Bonn Stadtbahn in the early 1970s, the existing buildings at the station were demolished and rebuilt. |
该服务允许用户自iTunes Store中预览和下载由Xcode和iOS SDK组件开发并由苹果公司发布的应用。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The service allows users to browse and download applications from the iTunes Store that were developed with Xcode and the iOS SDK and were published through Apple. |
不久后,伊迪丝母亲的鬼魂再次到访,一直带着相同的警告。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Edith's mother's spirit once again visits her, bearing the same warning. |
新体育场建在前圣马梅斯旁边的土地上,原址是使用至2003年的毕尔巴鄂国际贸易博览会会场。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The new stadium was to be built next to the existing San Mamés on land that was occupied until 2003 by the Bilbao International Trade Fair. |
截至2005年,股票市场活动受到缺乏透明度的限制,尽管增长率从2004年开始上涨。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | As of 2005, stock market activity was limited by lack of transparency, although the growth rate increased beginning in 2004. |
11月12日,领导人签署了一项协议,成立紧急信托基金,以帮助非洲国家的发展,并鼓励非洲国家领回抵达欧洲的移民。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | On 12 November, the leaders signed an agreement to set up an Emergency Trust Fund to help development in African countries as well as to encourage those countries to take back some migrants who arrive in Europe. |
自1990年代起,其它垃圾处理技术也逐渐成熟并可应用到实际中。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Since the 1990s alternative waste treatment technologies have been maturing and becoming viable. |
完须亚目的幼体是polypod(硬化不良的碎屑动物,除了胸腿外还有腹部前肢,永久性地生活在贴身的外壳中) 。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The larvae of Integripalpians are polypod (poorly sclerotized detritivores, with abdominal prolegs in addition to thoracic legs, living permanently in tight-fitting cases). |
然而,这是在维也纳的印刷厂中印刷的,而且德语铭文可以从水印上看出来。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | However, this was printed in the Viennese printing house and a German inscription could be read on the watermark. |
这是音乐史上从不曾有过之创举。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | It has taken no permanent place in musical history. |
的着色容易洗出相当强烈的年龄较大的动物。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The coloring tends to wash out quite strongly in older animals. |
岩本 辉雄(Iwamoto Teruo, 1972年5月2日-),日本足球运动员,前日本国家足球队成员。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Teruo Iwamoto (岩本 輝雄, Iwamoto Teruo, born May 2, 1972) is a former Japanese football player. |
本文介绍的是超文字技术的时间线,包括1945年以来超媒体以及相关的人机互动计划的发展。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | This article presents a timeline of hypertext technology, including "hypermedia" and related human–computer interaction projects and developments from 1945 on. |
1941年,3月27日,防御援助辅助拨款法案通过,租借法案船只增加到了200艘,并且在四月增长到306艘,其中117艘就是自由轮。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | On 27 March 1941, the number of lend-lease ships was increased to 200 by the Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriations Act and increased again in April to 306, of which 117 would be Liberty ships. |
多数菲律宾华人(77%)仍然能理解和使用闽南话来作为第二或第三语言。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Nevertheless, the vast majority (77%) still retain the ability to understand and speak Hokkien as a second or third language. |
按规划于2014年内动工,施工时间约5年。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | According to the plans, construction was expected to start in 2014, with a construction time of about 5 years. |
2005年胡锦涛主席对菲进行国事访问期间,两国领导人确认建立致力于和平与发展的战略性合作关系。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | During President Hu Jintao's state visit to the Philippines in 2005, both countries are determined to establish the strategic and cooperative relations that aim at the peace and development. |
1994年8月,麦克维从枪支收藏家罗杰·E·摩尔(Roger E. Moore)处获得了二元炸药,然后与尼科尔斯一起在后者位于堪萨斯州赫灵顿(Herington)的家门外将之激活。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In August 1994, McVeigh obtained nine Kinestiks from gun collector Roger E. Moore, and ignited the devices with Nichols outside Nichols's home in Herington, Kansas. |
1958年,西班牙生产商阿斯特拉公司(英语:Astra-Unceta y Cia SA)开发了基于这种武器的高品质左轮手枪产品线,以阿斯特拉Cadix(法语:Astra Cadix)、阿斯特拉250和阿斯特拉NC6的名称出售。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In 1958, Spanish manufacturer Astra developed a high quality revolver line based on this weapon, under the name of Astra Cadix, Astra 250 and Astra NC6. |
在印度,早产疗程一次仅需 0.5 美元。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | In India a course of treatment for preterm labor is about 0.5 USD. |
斯特瑞兰德还称,剧中每个人物都受到这起强奸案影响。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | According to Strickland, every character on the show was affected by King's rape. |
在迈阿密总教区服务的神父要求既会说西班牙语又会说英语,这2座神学院是美国仅有的双语神学院。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Priests serving in the Archdiocese of Miami are required to speak both Spanish and English, and these two seminaries are the only bilingual seminaries in the United States. |
法学家是研究法学的人。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | The first group are those that study jurisprudence and are legal experts. |
一旦加密,收件人只有私钥才能解密电子邮件。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Once encrypted, only the private key of the recipient can decrypt the email. |
在选战期间,当局仍然对公众集会和政治集会施加限制,所有的政治文献也被要求在出版之前需经过恢复法制委员会(SLORC)审查。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | Throughout campaigning, the government kept its restrictions on public gatherings and political meetings, and required all political literature to be approved by the SLORC prior to publication; however political parties defied the ruling. |
他又表示伊朗的国际利益必须优先获得考虑,然后才会考虑盟友叙利亚及黎巴嫩的利益。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | He was also clear that Iran's international interests must take precedence over those of Iranian allies in Syria and Lebanon. |
其种子由鸟类传播。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | These seeds are distributed by birds. |
这个时候,北方欧洲,尤其是不列颠,占欧洲人口总量的比例比现在要低,而南方欧洲,包括法国,占欧洲人口的比例要高于今天。 | Please help me accurately translate the English text into Chinese. | To these figures, Northern Europe, especially Britain, contributed a lower proportion than today, and Southern Europe, including France, a higher one. |