Unnamed: 0
public void testTrustedMethodPrevention() { Response response = WebClient.create(endPoint + TIKA_PATH) .type("application/pdf") .accept("text/plain") .header(TikaResource.X_TIKA_OCR_HEADER_PREFIX + "trustedPageSeparator", "\u0010") .put(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("testOCR.pdf")); assertEquals(500, response.getStatus()); }
public void performTest() throws Exception { testCompat(); testNONEwithDSA(); testDSAsha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa_with_sha3_224, 224, new BigInteger("613202af2a7f77e02b11b5c3a5311cf6b412192bc0032aac3ec127faebfc6bd0", 16)); testDSAsha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa_with_sha3_256, 256, new BigInteger("2450755c5e15a691b121bc833b97864e34a61ee025ecec89289c949c1858091e", 16)); testDSAsha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa_with_sha3_384, 384, new BigInteger("7aad97c0b71bb1e1a6483b6948a03bbe952e4780b0cee699a11731f90d84ddd1", 16)); testDSAsha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa_with_sha3_512, 512, new BigInteger("725ad64d923c668e64e7c3898b5efde484cab49ce7f98c2885d2a13a9e355ad4", 16)); testECDSA239bitPrime(); testNONEwithECDSA239bitPrime(); testECDSA239bitBinary(); testECDSA239bitBinary("RIPEMD160withECDSA", TeleTrusTObjectIdentifiers.ecSignWithRipemd160); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA1withECDSA", TeleTrusTObjectIdentifiers.ecSignWithSha1); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA224withECDSA", X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA224); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA256withECDSA", X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA256); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA384withECDSA", X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA384); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA512withECDSA", X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA512); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA1withCVC-ECDSA", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_1); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA224withCVC-ECDSA", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_224); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA256withCVC-ECDSA", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_256); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA384withCVC-ECDSA", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_384); testECDSA239bitBinary("SHA512withCVC-ECDSA", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_512); testECDSAP256sha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_ecdsa_with_sha3_224, 224, new BigInteger("84d7d8e68e405064109cd9fc3e3026d74d278aada14ce6b7a9dd0380c154dc94", 16)); testECDSAP256sha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_ecdsa_with_sha3_256, 256, new BigInteger("99a43bdab4af989aaf2899079375642f2bae2dce05bcd8b72ec8c4a8d9a143f", 16)); testECDSAP256sha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_ecdsa_with_sha3_384, 384, new BigInteger("aa27726509c37aaf601de6f7e01e11c19add99530c9848381c23365dc505b11a", 16)); testECDSAP256sha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_ecdsa_with_sha3_512, 512, new BigInteger("f8306b57a1f5068bf12e53aabaae39e2658db39bc56747eaefb479995130ad16", 16)); testGeneration(); testParameters(); testDSA2Parameters(); testNullParameters(); testValidate(); testModified(); }
public void snapshotRecoveryTest() throws Exception { logger.info("--> start node A"); String nodeA = internalCluster().startNode(settingsBuilder().put("gateway.type", "local")); logger.info("--> create repository"); assertAcked(client().admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(REPO_NAME) .setType("fs").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put("location", newTempDir(LifecycleScope.SUITE)) .put("compress", false) ).get()); ensureGreen(); logger.info("--> create index on node: {}", nodeA); createAndPopulateIndex(INDEX_NAME, 1, SHARD_COUNT, REPLICA_COUNT); logger.info("--> snapshot"); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(REPO_NAME, SNAP_NAME) .setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(INDEX_NAME).get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client().admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(REPO_NAME).setSnapshots(SNAP_NAME).get() .getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); client().admin().indices().prepareClose(INDEX_NAME).execute().actionGet(); logger.info("--> restore"); RestoreSnapshotResponse restoreSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster() .prepareRestoreSnapshot(REPO_NAME, SNAP_NAME).setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); int totalShards = restoreSnapshotResponse.getRestoreInfo().totalShards(); assertThat(totalShards, greaterThan(0)); ensureGreen(); logger.info("--> request recoveries"); RecoveryResponse response = client().admin().indices().prepareRecoveries(INDEX_NAME).execute().actionGet(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<ShardRecoveryResponse>> shardRecoveryResponse : response.shardResponses().entrySet()) { assertThat(shardRecoveryResponse.getKey(), equalTo(INDEX_NAME)); List<ShardRecoveryResponse> shardRecoveryResponses = shardRecoveryResponse.getValue(); assertThat(shardRecoveryResponses.size(), equalTo(totalShards)); for (ShardRecoveryResponse shardResponse : shardRecoveryResponses) { assertRecoveryState(shardResponse.recoveryState(), 0, Type.SNAPSHOT, Stage.DONE, null, nodeA, true); validateIndexRecoveryState(shardResponse.recoveryState().getIndex()); } } }
public synchronized Principal authenticate(Connection dbConnection, String username, String credentials) { // No user or no credentials // Can't possibly authenticate, don't bother the database then if (username == null || credentials == null) { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString("jdbcRealm.authenticateFailure", username)); return null; } // Look up the user's credentials String dbCredentials = getPassword(username); if (dbCredentials == null) { // User was not found in the database. if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString("jdbcRealm.authenticateFailure", username)); return null; } // Validate the user's credentials boolean validated = getCredentialHandler().matches(credentials, dbCredentials); if (validated) { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString("jdbcRealm.authenticateSuccess", username)); } else { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString("jdbcRealm.authenticateFailure", username)); return null; } ArrayList<String> roles = getRoles(username); // Create and return a suitable Principal for this user return (new GenericPrincipal(username, credentials, roles)); } /** * Close the specified database connection. * * @param dbConnection The connection to be closed */
public void performTest() throws Exception { byte[] testIv = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; ASN1Encodable[] values = { new CAST5CBCParameters(testIv, 128), new NetscapeCertType(NetscapeCertType.smime), new VerisignCzagExtension(new DERIA5String("hello")), new IDEACBCPar(testIv), new NetscapeRevocationURL(new DERIA5String("http://test")) }; byte[] data = Base64.decode("MA4ECAECAwQFBgcIAgIAgAMCBSAWBWhlbGxvMAoECAECAwQFBgcIFgtodHRwOi8vdGVzdA=="); ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ASN1OutputStream aOut = new ASN1OutputStream(bOut); for (int i = 0; i != values.length; i++) { aOut.writeObject(values[i]); } ASN1Primitive[] readValues = new ASN1Primitive[values.length]; if (!isSameAs(bOut.toByteArray(), data)) { fail("Failed data check"); } ByteArrayInputStream bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bOut.toByteArray()); ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(bIn); for (int i = 0; i != values.length; i++) { ASN1Primitive o = aIn.readObject(); if (!values[i].equals(o)) { fail("Failed equality test for " + o); } if (o.hashCode() != values[i].hashCode()) { fail("Failed hashCode test for " + o); } } shouldFailOnExtraData(); }
public void setEncoding( String enc ) { if( !byteC.isNull() ) { // if the encoding changes we need to reset the converion results charC.recycle(); hasStrValue=false; } byteC.setEncoding(enc); } /** * Sets the content to be a char[] * * @param c the bytes * @param off the start offset of the bytes * @param len the length of the bytes */
protected String buildErrorMessage(Throwable e, Object[] args) { String errorKey = "struts.messages.upload.error." + e.getClass().getSimpleName(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Preparing error message for key: [#0]", errorKey); } return LocalizedTextUtil.findText(this.getClass(), errorKey, defaultLocale, e.getMessage(), args); }
private BigInteger[] derDecode( byte[] encoding) throws IOException { ASN1Sequence s = (ASN1Sequence)ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(encoding); if (s.size() != 2) { throw new IOException("malformed signature"); } return new BigInteger[]{ ((ASN1Integer)s.getObjectAt(0)).getValue(), ((ASN1Integer)s.getObjectAt(1)).getValue() }; }
public String encodeCharacter( char[] immune, Character c ) { String cStr = String.valueOf(c.charValue()); byte[] bytes; StringBuilder sb; if(UNENCODED_SET.contains(c)) return cStr; bytes = toUtf8Bytes(cStr); sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 3); for(byte b : bytes) appendTwoUpperHex(sb.append('%'), b); return sb.toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Formats all are legal both upper/lower case: * %hh; * * @param input * encoded character using percent characters (such as URL encoding) */
protected void setAuthenticateHeader(Request request, Response response, LoginConfig config, String nOnce) { // Get the realm name String realmName = config.getRealmName(); if (realmName == null) realmName = REALM_NAME; byte[] buffer = null; synchronized (md5Helper) { buffer = md5Helper.digest(nOnce.getBytes()); } String authenticateHeader = "Digest realm=\"" + realmName + "\", " + "qop=\"auth\", nonce=\"" + nOnce + "\", " + "opaque=\"" + md5Encoder.encode(buffer) + "\""; response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authenticateHeader); }
private Foo writeAndRead(Foo foo) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { writeObject(oos, foo); ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()); inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(bis); Foo fooBack = readFooObject(inputStream); inputStream.close(); return fooBack; }
private static void processHeaderConfig(MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders, Object object, String key, String prefix) { try { String property = StringUtils.removeStart(key, prefix); Field field = null; try { object.getClass().getDeclaredField(StringUtils.uncapitalize(property)); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { //swallow } String setter = property; setter = "set"+setter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(Locale.US)+setter.substring(1); //default assume string class //if there's a more specific type, e.g. double, int, boolean //try that. Class clazz = String.class; if (field != null) { if (field.getType() == int.class) { clazz = int.class; } else if (field.getType() == double.class) { clazz = double.class; } else if (field.getType() == boolean.class) { clazz = boolean.class; } } Method m = tryToGetMethod(object, setter, clazz); //if you couldn't find more specific setter, back off //to string setter and try that. if (m == null && clazz != String.class) { m = tryToGetMethod(object, setter, String.class); } if (m != null) { String val = httpHeaders.getFirst(key); val = val.trim(); if (clazz == String.class) { checkTrustWorthy(setter, val); m.invoke(object, val); } else if (clazz == int.class) { m.invoke(object, Integer.parseInt(val)); } else if (clazz == double.class) { m.invoke(object, Double.parseDouble(val)); } else if (clazz == boolean.class) { m.invoke(object, Boolean.parseBoolean(val)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("setter must be String, int, double or boolean...for now"); } } else { throw new NoSuchMethodException("Couldn't find: "+setter); } } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new WebApplicationException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s is an invalid %s header", key, X_TIKA_OCR_HEADER_PREFIX)); } }
public KeystoreInstance createKeystore(String name, char[] password, String keystoreType) throws KeystoreException { File test = new File(directory, name); if(test.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keystore already exists "+test.getAbsolutePath()+"!"); } try { KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType); keystore.load(null, password); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(test)); keystore.store(out, password); out.flush(); out.close(); return getKeystore(name, keystoreType); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new KeystoreException("Unable to create keystore", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KeystoreException("Unable to create keystore", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new KeystoreException("Unable to create keystore", e); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new KeystoreException("Unable to create keystore", e); } }
public void setDefaultLockoutPolicy(LockoutPolicy defaultLockoutPolicy) { this.defaultLockoutPolicy = defaultLockoutPolicy; }
protected void initializeFilters(int maxTrailerSize) { // Create and add the identity filters. getInputBuffer().addFilter(new IdentityInputFilter()); getOutputBuffer().addFilter(new IdentityOutputFilter()); // Create and add the chunked filters. getInputBuffer().addFilter(new ChunkedInputFilter(maxTrailerSize)); getOutputBuffer().addFilter(new ChunkedOutputFilter()); // Create and add the void filters. getInputBuffer().addFilter(new VoidInputFilter()); getOutputBuffer().addFilter(new VoidOutputFilter()); // Create and add buffered input filter getInputBuffer().addFilter(new BufferedInputFilter()); // Create and add the chunked filters. //getInputBuffer().addFilter(new GzipInputFilter()); getOutputBuffer().addFilter(new GzipOutputFilter()); pluggableFilterIndex = getInputBuffer().getFilters().length; } /** * Add an input filter to the current request. * * @return false if the encoding was not found (which would mean it is * unsupported) */
private BeanReference createSecurityFilterChainBean(Element element, ParserContext pc, List<?> filterChain) { BeanMetadataElement filterChainMatcher; String requestMatcherRef = element.getAttribute(ATT_REQUEST_MATCHER_REF); String filterChainPattern = element.getAttribute(ATT_PATH_PATTERN); if (StringUtils.hasText(requestMatcherRef)) { if (StringUtils.hasText(filterChainPattern)) { pc.getReaderContext().error( "You can't define a pattern and a request-matcher-ref for the " + "same filter chain", pc.extractSource(element)); } filterChainMatcher = new RuntimeBeanReference(requestMatcherRef); } else if (StringUtils.hasText(filterChainPattern)) { filterChainMatcher = MatcherType.fromElement(element).createMatcher( filterChainPattern, null); } else { filterChainMatcher = new RootBeanDefinition(AnyRequestMatcher.class); } BeanDefinitionBuilder filterChainBldr = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(DefaultSecurityFilterChain.class); filterChainBldr.addConstructorArgValue(filterChainMatcher); filterChainBldr.addConstructorArgValue(filterChain); BeanDefinition filterChainBean = filterChainBldr.getBeanDefinition(); String id = element.getAttribute("name"); if (!StringUtils.hasText(id)) { id = element.getAttribute("id"); if (!StringUtils.hasText(id)) { id = pc.getReaderContext().generateBeanName(filterChainBean); } } pc.registerBeanComponent(new BeanComponentDefinition(filterChainBean, id)); return new RuntimeBeanReference(id); }
public boolean check(String path, Resource resource) { int slash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash<0) return false; String suffix=path.substring(slash); return resource.getAlias().toString().endsWith(suffix); } } }
public Mapper getMapper() { return (mapper); } /** * Return the maximum size of a POST which will be automatically * parsed by the container. */
public Object getValue(Object parent) { return ( (Object[]) parent )[index]; } @Override
public String createDB(String dbName) { String result = DB_CREATED_MSG + ": " + dbName; Connection conn = null; try { conn = DerbyConnectionUtil.getDerbyConnection(dbName, DerbyConnectionUtil.CREATE_DB_PROP); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof SQLException) { result = getSQLError((SQLException) e); } else { result = e.getMessage(); } } finally { // close DB connection try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { result = "Problem closing DB connection"; } } return result; }
public URL resolveConfig(String path) throws FailedToResolveConfigException { String origPath = path; // first, try it as a path on the file system File f1 = new File(path); if (f1.exists()) { try { return f1.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new FailedToResolveConfigException("Failed to resolve path [" + f1 + "]", e); } } if (path.startsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(1); } // next, try it relative to the config location File f2 = new File(configFile, path); if (f2.exists()) { try { return f2.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new FailedToResolveConfigException("Failed to resolve path [" + f2 + "]", e); } } // try and load it from the classpath directly URL resource = settings.getClassLoader().getResource(path); if (resource != null) { return resource; } // try and load it from the classpath with config/ prefix if (!path.startsWith("config/")) { resource = settings.getClassLoader().getResource("config/" + path); if (resource != null) { return resource; } } throw new FailedToResolveConfigException("Failed to resolve config path [" + origPath + "], tried file path [" + f1 + "], path file [" + f2 + "], and classpath"); }
public static boolean normalize(MessageBytes uriMB) { ByteChunk uriBC = uriMB.getByteChunk(); byte[] b = uriBC.getBytes(); int start = uriBC.getStart(); int end = uriBC.getEnd(); // URL * is acceptable if ((end - start == 1) && b[start] == (byte) '*') return true; int pos = 0; int index = 0; // Replace '\' with '/' // Check for null byte for (pos = start; pos < end; pos++) { if (b[pos] == (byte) '\\') b[pos] = (byte) '/'; if (b[pos] == (byte) 0) return false; } // The URL must start with '/' if (b[start] != (byte) '/') { return false; } // Replace "//" with "/" for (pos = start; pos < (end - 1); pos++) { if (b[pos] == (byte) '/') { while ((pos + 1 < end) && (b[pos + 1] == (byte) '/')) { copyBytes(b, pos, pos + 1, end - pos - 1); end--; } } } // If the URI ends with "/." or "/..", then we append an extra "/" // Note: It is possible to extend the URI by 1 without any side effect // as the next character is a non-significant WS. if (((end - start) >= 2) && (b[end - 1] == (byte) '.')) { if ((b[end - 2] == (byte) '/') || ((b[end - 2] == (byte) '.') && (b[end - 3] == (byte) '/'))) { b[end] = (byte) '/'; end++; } } uriBC.setEnd(end); index = 0; // Resolve occurrences of "/./" in the normalized path while (true) { index = uriBC.indexOf("/./", 0, 3, index); if (index < 0) break; copyBytes(b, start + index, start + index + 2, end - start - index - 2); end = end - 2; uriBC.setEnd(end); } index = 0; // Resolve occurrences of "/../" in the normalized path while (true) { index = uriBC.indexOf("/../", 0, 4, index); if (index < 0) break; // Prevent from going outside our context if (index == 0) return false; int index2 = -1; for (pos = start + index - 1; (pos >= 0) && (index2 < 0); pos --) { if (b[pos] == (byte) '/') { index2 = pos; } } copyBytes(b, start + index2, start + index + 3, end - start - index - 3); end = end + index2 - index - 3; uriBC.setEnd(end); index = index2; } uriBC.setBytes(b, start, end); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods /** * Copy an array of bytes to a different position. Used during * normalization. */
protected void handShake() throws IOException { ssl.setNeedClientAuth(true); ssl.startHandshake(); } /** * Copied from <code>org.apache.catalina.valves.CertificateValve</code> */
public void testIssue1599() throws Exception { final String JSON = aposToQuotes( "{'id': 124,\n" +" 'obj':[ 'com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.TemplatesImpl',\n" +" {\n" +" 'transletBytecodes' : [ 'AAIAZQ==' ],\n" +" 'transletName' : 'a.b',\n" +" 'outputProperties' : { }\n" +" }\n" +" ]\n" +"}" ); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.enableDefaultTyping(); try { mapper.readValue(JSON, Bean1599.class); fail("Should not pass"); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { verifyException(e, "Illegal type"); verifyException(e, "to deserialize"); verifyException(e, "prevented for security reasons"); } }
public void testWildcardBehaviour_snapshotRestore() throws Exception { createIndex("foobar"); ensureGreen("foobar"); waitForRelocation(); PutRepositoryResponse putRepositoryResponse = client().admin().cluster().preparePutRepository("dummy-repo") .setType("fs").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put("location", newTempDir())).get(); assertThat(putRepositoryResponse.isAcknowledged(), equalTo(true)); client().admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot("dummy-repo", "snap1").setWaitForCompletion(true).get(); IndicesOptions options = IndicesOptions.fromOptions(false, false, true, false); verify(snapshot("snap2", "foo*", "bar*").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(restore("snap1", "foo*", "bar*").setIndicesOptions(options), true); options = IndicesOptions.strictExpandOpen(); verify(snapshot("snap2", "foo*", "bar*").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(restore("snap2", "foo*", "bar*").setIndicesOptions(options), false); assertAcked(prepareCreate("barbaz")); //TODO: temporary work-around for #5531 ensureGreen("barbaz"); waitForRelocation(); options = IndicesOptions.fromOptions(false, false, true, false); verify(snapshot("snap3", "foo*", "bar*").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(restore("snap3", "foo*", "bar*").setIndicesOptions(options), false); options = IndicesOptions.fromOptions(false, false, true, false); verify(snapshot("snap4", "foo*", "baz*").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(restore("snap3", "foo*", "baz*").setIndicesOptions(options), true); } @Test
public synchronized JettyHttpBinding getJettyBinding(HttpClient httpClient) { if (jettyBinding == null) { jettyBinding = new DefaultJettyHttpBinding(); jettyBinding.setHeaderFilterStrategy(getHeaderFilterStrategy()); jettyBinding.setThrowExceptionOnFailure(isThrowExceptionOnFailure()); jettyBinding.setTransferException(isTransferException()); jettyBinding.setOkStatusCodeRange(getOkStatusCodeRange()); } return jettyBinding; }
protected final String getWindowOpenJavaScript() { AppendingStringBuffer buffer = new AppendingStringBuffer(500); if (isCustomComponent() == true) { buffer.append("var element = document.getElementById(\""); buffer.append(getContentMarkupId()); buffer.append("\");\n"); } buffer.append("var settings = new Object();\n"); appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.minWidth", getMinimalWidth()); appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.minHeight", getMinimalHeight()); appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.className", getCssClassName()); appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.width", getInitialWidth()); if ((isUseInitialHeight() == true) || (isCustomComponent() == false)) { appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.height", getInitialHeight()); } else { buffer.append("settings.height=null;\n"); } appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.resizable", isResizable()); if (isResizable() == false) { appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.widthUnit", getWidthUnit()); appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.heightUnit", getHeightUnit()); } if (isCustomComponent() == false) { Page page = createPage(); if (page == null) { throw new WicketRuntimeException("Error creating page for modal dialog."); } CharSequence pageUrl; RequestCycle requestCycle = RequestCycle.get(); page.getSession().getPageManager().touchPage(page); if (page.isPageStateless()) { pageUrl = requestCycle.urlFor(page.getClass(), page.getPageParameters()); } else { IRequestHandler handler = new RenderPageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(page)); pageUrl = requestCycle.urlFor(handler); } appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.src", pageUrl); } else { buffer.append("settings.element=element;\n"); } if (getCookieName() != null) { appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.cookieId", getCookieName()); } Object title = getTitle() != null ? getTitle().getObject() : null; if (title != null) { appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.title", escapeQuotes(title.toString())); } if (getMaskType() == MaskType.TRANSPARENT) { buffer.append("settings.mask=\"transparent\";\n"); } else if (getMaskType() == MaskType.SEMI_TRANSPARENT) { buffer.append("settings.mask=\"semi-transparent\";\n"); } appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.autoSize", autoSize); appendAssignment(buffer, "settings.unloadConfirmation", showUnloadConfirmation()); // set true if we set a windowclosedcallback boolean haveCloseCallback = false; // in case user is interested in window close callback or we have a pagemap to clean attach // notification request if (windowClosedCallback != null) { WindowClosedBehavior behavior = getBehaviors(WindowClosedBehavior.class).get(0); buffer.append("settings.onClose = function() { "); buffer.append(behavior.getCallbackScript()); buffer.append(" };\n"); haveCloseCallback = true; } // in case we didn't set windowclosecallback, we need at least callback on close button, to // close window property (thus cleaning the shown flag) if ((closeButtonCallback != null) || (haveCloseCallback == false)) { CloseButtonBehavior behavior = getBehaviors(CloseButtonBehavior.class).get(0); buffer.append("settings.onCloseButton = function() { "); buffer.append(behavior.getCallbackScript()); buffer.append(";return false;};\n"); } postProcessSettings(buffer); buffer.append(getShowJavaScript()); return buffer.toString(); } /** * * @param buffer * @param key * @param value */
private void addUserFromChangeSet(ChangeLogSet.Entry change, Set<InternetAddress> to, Set<InternetAddress> cc, Set<InternetAddress> bcc, EnvVars env, TaskListener listener, RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug debug) { User user = change.getAuthor(); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(Collections.singleton(user), listener, env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } @Extension
public final void parse(Set<InputStream> mappingStreams) { try { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( ConstraintMappingsType.class ); Set<String> alreadyProcessedConstraintDefinitions = newHashSet(); for ( InputStream in : mappingStreams ) { String schemaVersion = xmlParserHelper.getSchemaVersion( "constraint mapping file", in ); String schemaResourceName = getSchemaResourceName( schemaVersion ); Schema schema = xmlParserHelper.getSchema( schemaResourceName ); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); unmarshaller.setSchema( schema ); ConstraintMappingsType mapping = getValidationConfig( in, unmarshaller ); String defaultPackage = mapping.getDefaultPackage(); parseConstraintDefinitions( mapping.getConstraintDefinition(), defaultPackage, alreadyProcessedConstraintDefinitions ); for ( BeanType bean : mapping.getBean() ) { Class<?> beanClass = ClassLoadingHelper.loadClass( bean.getClazz(), defaultPackage ); checkClassHasNotBeenProcessed( processedClasses, beanClass ); // update annotation ignores annotationProcessingOptions.ignoreAnnotationConstraintForClass( beanClass, bean.getIgnoreAnnotations() ); ConstrainedType constrainedType = ConstrainedTypeBuilder.buildConstrainedType( bean.getClassType(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions, defaultSequences ); if ( constrainedType != null ) { addConstrainedElement( beanClass, constrainedType ); } Set<ConstrainedField> constrainedFields = ConstrainedFieldBuilder.buildConstrainedFields( bean.getField(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedFields ); Set<ConstrainedExecutable> constrainedGetters = ConstrainedGetterBuilder.buildConstrainedGetters( bean.getGetter(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedGetters ); Set<ConstrainedExecutable> constrainedConstructors = ConstrainedExecutableBuilder.buildConstructorConstrainedExecutable( bean.getConstructor(), beanClass, defaultPackage, parameterNameProvider, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedConstructors ); Set<ConstrainedExecutable> constrainedMethods = ConstrainedExecutableBuilder.buildMethodConstrainedExecutable( bean.getMethod(), beanClass, defaultPackage, parameterNameProvider, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedMethods ); processedClasses.add( beanClass ); } } } catch ( JAXBException e ) { throw log.getErrorParsingMappingFileException( e ); } }
public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, EnvVars env, Set<InternetAddress> to, Set<InternetAddress> cc, Set<InternetAddress> bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Set<User> users = RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(Collections.<Run<?, ?>>singleton(context.getRun()), debug); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context.getListener(), env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } @Extension
private boolean evaluate(String text) { try { InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new StringReader(text)); return ((Boolean)expression.evaluate(inputSource, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN)).booleanValue(); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { return false; } } @Override
public void basicWorkFlowTest() throws Exception { Client client = client(); logger.info("--> creating repository"); assertAcked(client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository("test-repo") .setType("fs").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put("location", newTempDir()) .put("compress", randomBoolean()) .put("chunk_size", randomIntBetween(100, 1000)))); createIndex("test-idx-1", "test-idx-2", "test-idx-3"); ensureGreen(); logger.info("--> indexing some data"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { index("test-idx-1", "doc", Integer.toString(i), "foo", "bar" + i); index("test-idx-2", "doc", Integer.toString(i), "foo", "baz" + i); index("test-idx-3", "doc", Integer.toString(i), "foo", "baz" + i); } refresh(); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-1").get(), 100L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-2").get(), 100L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-3").get(), 100L); ListenableActionFuture<FlushResponse> flushResponseFuture = null; if (randomBoolean()) { ArrayList<String> indicesToFlush = newArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (randomBoolean()) { indicesToFlush.add("test-idx-" + i); } } if (!indicesToFlush.isEmpty()) { String[] indices = indicesToFlush.toArray(new String[indicesToFlush.size()]); logger.info("--> starting asynchronous flush for indices {}", Arrays.toString(indices)); flushResponseFuture = client.admin().indices().prepareFlush(indices).execute(); } } logger.info("--> snapshot"); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot("test-repo", "test-snap").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices("test-idx-*", "-test-idx-3").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots("test-repo").setSnapshots("test-snap").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); logger.info("--> delete some data"); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { client.prepareDelete("test-idx-1", "doc", Integer.toString(i)).get(); } for (int i = 50; i < 100; i++) { client.prepareDelete("test-idx-2", "doc", Integer.toString(i)).get(); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 2) { client.prepareDelete("test-idx-3", "doc", Integer.toString(i)).get(); } refresh(); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-1").get(), 50L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-2").get(), 50L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-3").get(), 50L); logger.info("--> close indices"); client.admin().indices().prepareClose("test-idx-1", "test-idx-2").get(); logger.info("--> restore all indices from the snapshot"); RestoreSnapshotResponse restoreSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot("test-repo", "test-snap").setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(restoreSnapshotResponse.getRestoreInfo().totalShards(), greaterThan(0)); ensureGreen(); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-1").get(), 100L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-2").get(), 100L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-3").get(), 50L); } // Test restore after index deletion logger.info("--> delete indices"); cluster().wipeIndices("test-idx-1", "test-idx-2"); logger.info("--> restore one index after deletion"); restoreSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot("test-repo", "test-snap").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices("test-idx-*", "-test-idx-2").execute().actionGet(); assertThat(restoreSnapshotResponse.getRestoreInfo().totalShards(), greaterThan(0)); ensureGreen(); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { assertHitCount(client.prepareCount("test-idx-1").get(), 100L); } ClusterState clusterState = client.admin().cluster().prepareState().get().getState(); assertThat(clusterState.getMetaData().hasIndex("test-idx-1"), equalTo(true)); assertThat(clusterState.getMetaData().hasIndex("test-idx-2"), equalTo(false)); if (flushResponseFuture != null) { // Finish flush flushResponseFuture.actionGet(); } } @Test
public Object getValue(Object parent) { return parent; } @Override
public void handshake(Socket sock) throws IOException { ((SSLSocket)sock).startHandshake(); } /* * Determines the SSL cipher suites to be enabled. * * @param requestedCiphers Comma-separated list of requested ciphers * @param supportedCiphers Array of supported ciphers * * @return Array of SSL cipher suites to be enabled, or null if none of the * requested ciphers are supported */
ValidationException getErrorParsingMappingFileException(@Cause JAXBException e); @Message(id = 116, value = "%s")
private static ManagedMap<BeanDefinition, BeanDefinition> parseInterceptUrlsForFilterInvocationRequestMap( MatcherType matcherType, List<Element> urlElts, boolean useExpressions, boolean addAuthenticatedAll, ParserContext parserContext) { ManagedMap<BeanDefinition, BeanDefinition> filterInvocationDefinitionMap = new ManagedMap<BeanDefinition, BeanDefinition>(); for (Element urlElt : urlElts) { String access = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_ACCESS); if (!StringUtils.hasText(access)) { continue; } String path = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_PATTERN); if (!StringUtils.hasText(path)) { parserContext.getReaderContext().error( "path attribute cannot be empty or null", urlElt); } String method = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_HTTP_METHOD); if (!StringUtils.hasText(method)) { method = null; } BeanDefinition matcher = matcherType.createMatcher(path, method); BeanDefinitionBuilder attributeBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(SecurityConfig.class); if (useExpressions) { logger.info("Creating access control expression attribute '" + access + "' for " + path); // The single expression will be parsed later by the // ExpressionFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(new String[] { access }); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod("createList"); } else { attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(access); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod("createListFromCommaDelimitedString"); } if (filterInvocationDefinitionMap.containsKey(matcher)) { logger.warn("Duplicate URL defined: " + path + ". The original attribute values will be overwritten"); } filterInvocationDefinitionMap.put(matcher, attributeBuilder.getBeanDefinition()); } if (addAuthenticatedAll && filterInvocationDefinitionMap.isEmpty()) { BeanDefinition matcher = matcherType.createMatcher("/**", null); BeanDefinitionBuilder attributeBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(SecurityConfig.class); attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(new String[] { "authenticated" }); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod("createList"); filterInvocationDefinitionMap.put(matcher, attributeBuilder.getBeanDefinition()); } return filterInvocationDefinitionMap; }
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { defaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler.setApplicationContext(applicationContext); }
public void testDoEnable() throws Exception{ FreeStyleProject project = j.createFreeStyleProject("project"); GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy auth = new GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy(); j.jenkins.setAuthorizationStrategy(auth); j.jenkins.setCrumbIssuer(null); HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm realm = new HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm(false); j.jenkins.setSecurityRealm(realm); User user = realm.createAccount("John Smith", "password"); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(user.impersonate()); project.disable(); try{ project.doEnable(); fail("User should not have permission to build project"); } catch(Exception e){ if(!(e.getClass().isAssignableFrom(AccessDeniedException2.class))){ fail("AccessDeniedException should be thrown."); } } auth.add(Job.READ, user.getId()); auth.add(Job.CONFIGURE, user.getId()); auth.add(Jenkins.READ, user.getId()); List<HtmlForm> forms = j.createWebClient().login(user.getId(), "password").goTo(project.getUrl()).getForms(); for(HtmlForm form:forms){ if("enable".equals(form.getAttribute("action"))){ j.submit(form); } } assertFalse("Project should be enabled.", project.isDisabled()); } /** * Job is un-restricted (no nabel), this is submitted to queue, which spawns an on demand slave * @throws Exception */ @Test