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kanji character, salamander, female whale, small fish, old person's teeth, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, child, young of animals
kanji character, cuttlefish, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, easy, ready to, simple, fortune-telling, divination
kanji character, large mythical fish, roe, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, descendants, elder brother, insect
kanji character, whale, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, capital, 10**16
kanji character, fresh-water catfish, (kokuji), kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, wish, sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention
kanji character, fabulous dolphin-like fish, killer whale, (kokuji), kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, tiger, drunkard
kanji character, loach, lamprey, (kokuji), kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, at, in, on, as for
kanji character, horse mackerel, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, nonplussed, three (in documents), going, coming, visiting, visit, be defeated, die, be madly in love, participate, take part in
kanji character, a type of fish, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, intimidate, dignity, majesty, menace, threaten
kanji character, Spanish mackerel, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, springtime, spring (season)
kanji character, sole, flatfish, flounder, kanji component left, fish
kanji character, sturgeon, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, emperor
kanji character, herring, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, select, pick out
kanji character, loach (fish), kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, chieftain
kanji character, bullhead, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, autumn
kanji character, alligator, crocodile, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, outspokenly
kanji character, abalone, puffer fish, kanji component left, fish
kanji character, gills, gill slits, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, think
kanji character, flatfish, turbot, cod, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, all, same
kanji character, shrimp, prawn, lobster, kanji component left, fish
kanji character, sardine, kanji component left, fish
kanji character, type of fish, mullet, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, detain, fasten, halt, stop
kanji character, yellowtail, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, expert, teacher, master, model, exemplar, army (incl. counter), war
kanji character, widower, unmarried man, kanji component left, fish
kanji character, fin, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, senility
kanji character, sardine, kanji component left, fish
kanji character, sardine, (kokuji), kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, weak, frail
kanji character, sandfish, (kokuji), kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, gods, mind, soul
kanji character, huge sea turtle, kanji component top, play, be proud, kanji component bottom, fish
kanji character, bonito, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, strict, hard, solid, tough, tight, reliable
kanji character, horse mackerel, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, three, going, coming, visiting
kanji character, eel, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, wide, beautiful
kanji character, fish bladder, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, ballot, label, ticket, sign
kanji character, octopus, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, badge, chapter, composition, poem, design
kanji character, anglerfish, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, ease, peace
kanji character, codfish, (kokuji), kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, snow
kanji character, salmon trout, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, revered, valuable, precious, noble, exalted
kanji character, scales (fish), kanji component left, fish
kanji character, sillaginoid, (kokuji), kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, rejoice, take pleasure in
kanji character, lizard fish, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, meet, party, association, interview, join
kanji character, conger, sea eel, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, bountiful, excellent, rich
kanji character, shark, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, foster, bring up, rear, develop, nurture
kanji character, sea bass, kanji component left, fish, kanji component right, hut
kanji character, bird, chicken, kanji component, fire, fire radical (no. 86)
kanji character, wild duck, end, suffix, kanji component top, bird, chicken, kanji component bottom, table, table enclosure, table or windy radical (no. 16)
kanji character, pigeon, dove, kanji component left, nine, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, wild goose, kanji component tare, wild goose, trailing cliff radical (no. 27), kanji component tarec, bird, chicken
kanji character, wild duck, end, suffix, kanji component top, bird, chicken, kanji component bottom, table, table enclosure, table or windy radical (no. 16)
kanji character, grebe, (kokuji), kanji component left, enter, insert, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, male mythical bird, kanji component, table, table enclosure, table or windy radical (no. 16), kanji component, bird, chicken
kanji character, chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk, kanji component left, mouth, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, black kite, fireman, hook, kanji component, piling, ceremony radical (no. 56), kanji component, bird, chicken
kanji character, shrike, kanji component left, bird, chicken, kanji component right, decide, determine, archery glove
kanji character, a poisonous Chinese bird, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, wild goose, madam of a brothel, crested ibis, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, wild goose, kanji component tare, wild goose, trailing cliff radical (no. 27)
kanji character, crow, raven, kanji component left, tusk, fang, tusk radical (no. 92), kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, seagull, kanji component left, ward, district, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, wagtail, kanji component left, orders, laws, command, decree, good, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, Chinese ostrich, kanji component left, bird, chicken, kanji component right, other
kanji character, male mandarin duck, kanji component bottom, bird, chicken
kanji character, kite, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, partridge, kanji component left, old, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, female mandarin duck, kanji component top, center, middle, kanji component bottom, bird, chicken
kanji character, wild duck, easy mark, kanji component left, armor, high (voice), A grade, first class, former, instep, carapace, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, flying fast, swooping, kanji component left, hole, aperture, slit, cave, den, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, snipe, (kokuji), kanji component left, rice field, rice paddy, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, nightingale, bush warbler, kanji component bottom, bird, chicken
kanji character, large bird, wild goose, large, great, powerful, prosperous, kanji component left, creek, inlet, bay, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, crested ibis, kanji component left, pupil (eye), moo (cow sound), kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, dove, temple pigeon, kanji component left, fit, suit, join, 0.1, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, night heron, kanji component left, mingle, mixing, association, coming & going, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, kite, horned owl, wine cups, kanji component left, climax, arrive, proceed, reach, attain, result in, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, plover, (kokuji), kanji component kamae, going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank, kanji component, bird, chicken, kanji component kamae, going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank
kanji character, kite (bird), kanji component left, ear, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, unmottled quail, kanji component left, sorcerer, medium, shrine maiden, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, cuckoo, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, shrike, kanji component left, shellfish, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, cormorant, kanji component left, younger brother, faithful service to elders, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, goose, kanji component left, ego, I, selfish, our, oneself, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, goose, kanji component top, ego, I, selfish, our, oneself, kanji component bottom, bird, chicken
kanji character, swan, kanji component left, revelation, tell, inform, announce, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, cockatoo, kanji component left, warrior, military, chivalry, arms, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, grosbeak, hawkfinch, (kokuji), kanji component left, angle, corner, square, horn, antlers, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, phoenix, kanji component left, companion, friend, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, brown eared bulbul, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, magpie, kanji component left, once upon a time, antiquity, old times, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, fabulous night bird, chimera, kanji component left, night, evening, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, thrush, kanji component left, east, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, quail, kanji component left, enjoy, receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, chicken, kanji component left, servant, what, why, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, osprey, kanji component left, outspokenly, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, type of black songbird, kanji component left, army, force, troops, war, battle, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, domestic duck, kanji component bottom, bird, chicken
kanji character, thrush, (kokuji), kanji component left, select, pick out, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, nightingale, kanji component bottom, bird, chicken
kanji character, crested flycatcher, peewee, kanji component left, venerable old man, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, crane, stork, kanji component left, crane (bird), kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, siskin, greenfinch, light yellow-green, kanji component left, weak, frail, kanji component right, bird, chicken
kanji character, wagtail, kanji component left, stature, height, spine, kanji component right, bird, chicken