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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), an acute respiratory disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), has been declared as a worldwide public health emergency. Interestingly, severe COVID-19 is characterized by fever, hyperferritinemia, and a hyper-inflammatory process with a massive release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which may be responsible for the high rate of mortality. These findings may advocate for a similarity between severe COVID-19 and some challenging rheumatic diseases, such as adult onset Still's disease, secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and catastrophic anti-phospholipid syndrome, which have been included in the “hyperferritinemic syndrome” category. Furthermore, as performed in these hyper-inflammatory states, severe COVID-19 may benefit from immunomodulatory therapies.
Severe COVID-19, Another Piece in the Puzzle of the Hyperferritinemic Syndrome. An Immunomodulatory Perspective to Alleviate the Storm
Severe COVID-19, {{ORGANIZATION}} in the Puzzle of the Hyperferritinemic Syndrome. An {{ORGANIZATION}} to Alleviate the Storm
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OBJECTIVE The aims of this study were 1) to identify the level of inflammatory biomarkers interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17, C-reactive protein (CRP), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF), ferritin, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in serum and synovial fluid samples of patients who underwent revision arthroplasty surgery; 2) to establish the relationship between serum and synovial fluid levels; 3) to determine if any of the 11 genetic polymorphisms of TNFα, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17, and GCSF on the encoding genes was associated with periprosthetic joint infection (PJI). METHODS Synovial fluid and serum was collected from 88 patients who underwent revision arthroplasty surgery. The Musculoskeletal Infection Society definition was used to classify these patients into 2 groups: 36 PJIs and 52 aseptic failures. Synovial fluid and serum samples were tested for 9 biomarkers using a micro enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Genetic polymorphisms were evaluated with polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis. RESULTS Synovial fluid-derived IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-8, IL-17, CRP, GCSF, TNFα, and serum-derived IL-6, IL-17, ferritin, CRP were found suitable to classify PJI and aseptic failure. In addition, IL-17 and CRP levels demonstrated a positive correlation between synovial fluid and serum. TNFα-238, IL6-174, GCSF3R, and IL1 RN-VNTR genetic polymorphisms occurred more frequently in individuals with septic failure. CONCLUSION Significant differences between the two groups were observed in the functional polymorphisms of the genes encoding the cytokines investigated. These differences could be interpreted as indicating that there is an association between PJI and genetic polymorphisms. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level III, diagnostic study.
Proinflammatory biomarkers' level and functional genetic polymorphisms in periprosthetic joint infection.
Proinflammatory biomarkers' level and functional genetic polymorphisms in periprosthetic joint infection.
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Due to systemic and structural inequities, the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacts the Black community, along with ongoing anti-Black racism and violence. Violence against women in the home, particularly Black women, was prevalent during shelter in place, along with the additional family responsibilities of Black mothers. Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality (1991) provides a foundation for examining Black mothers’ experiences during shelter-in-place mandates. This mixed-methods study aimed to quantitatively assess violence victimization, acknowledged racial inequities, depression and anxiety, while qualitatively examining Black mothers’ experiences in parenting during shelter-in-place orders. Participants (N = 127;Mage = 32.4 years) were mothers who self-identify as Black or African American living in a Midwestern US city. Results showed that Black mothers who perceived greater COVID-19 inequities in the Black community reported increased parental stress, decreased emotional support, greater exposure to physical or sexual violence, and higher symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Qualitative results yielded numerous themes, including the integrative theme of two sides of the same coin, highlighting both positive parenting experiences and significant stressors for Black mothers. The implications point to the need for intersectional and feminist approaches to interventions and initiatives that support Black women as humans, mothers, souls, and spirits.
Two Sides of the Same Coin: A Mixed Methods Study of Black Mothers’ Experiences with Violence, Stressors, Parenting, and Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic (preprint)/ en
Two Sides of the Same Coin: A Mixed Methods Study of Black Mothers’ Experiences with Violence, Stressors, Parenting, and Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic (preprint)/ en
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Natural vitamin E includes eight chemically distinct molecules: alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocopherols and alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-tocotrienols. More than 95% of all studies on vitamin E are directed toward the specific study of alpha-tocopherol. The other forms of natural vitamin E remain poorly understood. The abundance of alpha-tocopherol in the human body and the comparable efficiency of all vitamin E molecules as antioxidants led biologists to neglect the non-tocopherol vitamin E molecules as topics for basic and clinical research. Recent developments warrant a serious reconsideration of this conventional wisdom. The tocotrienol subfamily of natural vitamin E possesses powerful neuroprotective, anticancer, and cholesterol-lowering properties that are often not exhibited by tocopherols. Current developments in vitamin E research clearly indicate that members of the vitamin E family are not redundant with respect to their biological functions. alpha-Tocotrienol, gamma-tocopherol, and delta-tocotrienol have emerged as vitamin E molecules with functions in health and disease that are clearly distinct from that of alpha-tocopherol. At nanomolar concentration, alpha-tocotrienol, not alpha-tocopherol, prevents neurodegeneration. On a concentration basis, this finding represents the most potent of all biological functions exhibited by any natural vitamin E molecule. Recently, it has been suggested that the safe dose of various tocotrienols for human consumption is 200-1000/day. A rapidly expanding body of evidence supports that members of the vitamin E family are functionally unique. In recognition of this fact, title claims in publications should be limited to the specific form of vitamin E studied. For example, evidence for toxicity of a specific form of tocopherol in excess may not be used to conclude that high-dosage "vitamin E" supplementation may increase all-cause mortality. Such conclusion incorrectly implies that tocotrienols are toxic as well under conditions where tocotrienols were not even considered. The current state of knowledge warrants strategic investment into the lesser known forms of vitamin E. This will enable prudent selection of the appropriate vitamin E molecule for studies addressing a specific health need.
Tocotrienols: the emerging face of natural vitamin E.
Tocotrienols: the emerging face of natural vitamin E.
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel coronavirus first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019 after an outbreak of flu-like illness. The disease came to be known as the coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19). It has spread quickly, spanning many countries, and has become a global pandemic. As this is a novel virus, its varied manifestations and symptomatology are coming to light daily. Although most threatening to the respiratory system, this virus has the propensity to affect multiple organ systems quickly leading to multi-organ dysfunction. Many dermatologic manifestations have been reported with no clear pattern. Most data have been anecdotal. Here we present a 78-year-old male who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 with no usual symptoms that would alert one of the possibilities of COVID-19. He did, however, have a diffuse morbilliform rash most notable on the trunk and back. He went on to develop fever thereafter but did not develop any respiratory complications. The rash was short-lived and was treated with topical steroids and oral antihistamines. It is important to know and report new findings of novel diseases not only for diagnosis and treatment but also to place appropriate isolation precautions and containment. Rash may be the initial and sometimes the only manifestation of COVID-19.
Morbilliform Rash: An Uncommon Herald of SARS-CoV-2
Morbilliform Rash: An Uncommon Herald of SARS-CoV-2
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Many quantitative firms have suffered substantial losses as a result of the COVID-19 selloff. In this note we highlight three lessons that quantitative researchers could learn.
Three Quant Lessons from COVID-19 (Presentation Slides)
Three Quant Lessons from COVID-19 ({{ORGANIZATION}})
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The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants have raised concerns over the protective efficacy of the current generation of vaccines, and it remains unclear to what extent, if any, different variants impact the efficacy and effectiveness of various SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. We systematically searched for studies of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine efficacy and effectiveness, as well as neutralization data for variants, and used a previously published statistical model to predict vaccine efficacy against variants. Overall, we estimate the efficacy of mRNA-1273 and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 against infection caused by the Delta variant to be 25–50% lower than that of prototype strains. The predicted efficacy against symptomatic illness of the mRNA vaccines BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 are 95.1% (UI: 88.4–98.1%) and 80.8% (60.7–92.3%), respectively, which are higher than that of adenovirus-vector vaccines Ad26.COV2.S (44.8%, UI: 29.8–60.1%) and ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (41.1%, 19.8–62.8%). Taken together, these results suggest that the development of more effective vaccine strategies against the Delta variant may be needed. Finally, the use of neutralizing antibody titers to predict efficacy against variants provides an additional tool for public health decision making, as new variants continue to emerge.
Prediction of vaccine efficacy of the Delta variant
Prediction of vaccine efficacy of the Delta variant
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Introduction Alors que la dyspnée est un symptôme très prévalent au décours de l’infection au SARS-Cov2, les conséquences sur la fonction respiratoire de cette infection sont aujourd’hui mal connues. Cette étude prospective monocentrique vise à caractériser les séquelles fonctionnelles, vasculaires et parenchymateuses à 6–9 mois d’une infection au SARS Cov2. Méthodes Tous les patients pris en charge en charge au CHU de Caen pour une infection liée au SARS-CoV-2, se sont vus proposer un suivi comportant une évaluation clinique et la réalisation d’épreuves fonctionnelles respiratoires complètes, d’une tomodensitométrie sans injection en coupes fines d’une scintigraphie de perfusion ventilation et une épreuve d’effort. Ce bilan était réalisé dans les 6 à 9 mois au décours de l’infection. Les patients avec une suspicion d’infection non documentée par PCR ou perdus de vue lors du suivi étaient exclus de l’étude. Résultats Au total, 105 patients ont été inclus dans notre étude. À l’exception de l’épreuve d’effort, les données du bilan ont pu être collectées pour la majorité des patients. Lors de l’épisode infectieux, 62,9 % des patients ont été pris en charge en soins continus ou réanimation. L’ensemble des patients a bénéficié d’un traitement par dexamethasone. La majorité des patients étaient des hommes (67,6 %), avec un âge moyen de 63,7 ans. Les comorbidités les plus fréquentes étaient l’obésité (45,7 %), l’hypertension artérielle (41,9 %) et le diabète de type 2 (39 %). À 6–9 mois de l’infection, 71 % des patients présentaient des anomalies radiologiques, principalement a type de verre dépoli résiduel et/ou de réticulations. Sur le plan fonctionnel, 18,6 % des patients présentaient une CVF anormale (<80 %) et 51,2 % des patients présentaient une DLCO anormale (<80 %). Sur le plan vasculaire, la scintigraphie de ventilation/perfusion a retrouvé a mis en évidence chez 15 % d’entre eux un défect perfusionnel non concordant. 56 patients ont réalisé une épreuve d’effort. 28,6 % des patients ont présenté une limitation de leur capacité d’effort. Une limitation ventilatoire a été retrouvée chez 10,7 % des patients, un déconditionnement musculaire chez 17,9 % des patients, une anomalie vasculaire chez 25,0 %. Un syndrome d’hyperventilation a été identifié chez 23,2 % des patients. Conclusion Ces données préliminaires suggèrent la persistance d’anomalies vasculaires, parenchymateuses associées pour une proportion importante de patients à 6–9 mois d’une infection au SARS-Cov2 dans notre cohorte.
Séquelles fonctionnelles, vasculaires et parenchymateuses à 6–9 mois d’une infection au SarsCov2
Séquelles fonctionnelles, vasculaires et parenchymateuses à 6–9 mois d’une infection au {{ORGANIZATION}}
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The lysosomotropic agent NH(4)Cl caused a reduction of 80–95% in the number of chick kidney (CK) cells and Vero cells infected by infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain Beaudette, as determined by immunofluorescence at the end of the first replication cycle. Inhibition only occurred when NH(4)Cl was present during the first 2 h after infection. Syncytium formation was studied during replication of IBV-Beaudette in Vero cells. Some cell-cell fusion occurred at pH 7.0 and pH 6.5 but it was optimal at pH 6.7. IBV strain UK/123/82 did not replicate in Vero cells and was studied in CK cells in which it grew well but without forming syncytia. In contrast to IBV-Beaudette, NH(4)Cl had virtually no effect on the replication of UK/123/82. The results show that the IBV spike glycoprotein induces membrane fusion at near neutral pH although some IBV strains may require a mildly acidic environment for the efficient uncoating of the virion RNA.
Coronavirus IBV-induced membrane fusion occurs at near-neutral pH
Coronavirus IBV-induced membrane fusion occurs at near-neutral pH
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The COVID19 pandemic has shifted the paradigm of how outpatient clinics are delivered within CF care, resulting in a significant reduction of patient visits to CF centres. One consequence of this has been a reduction in the number of sputa/cough swabs that patients submit for routine analysis. This report examines why it is important to maintain optimal sputum microbiology and explores (i). the microbiological efficiency of postal submission of sputum specimens from the community and (ii) the regulatory conditions that must be met through postal submission of respiratory specimens. Virtual clinics have now been established within CF care and it is incumbent on each speciality within the CF MDT to explore ways to nurture and support their individual contribution to the success of the virtual clinic. Within microbiology, adopting innovative approaches to sputum collection in the community and transportation via postal services will allow for continued microbiological vigilance thereby supporting patient safety.
The virtual CF clinic: Implications for sputum microbiology
The virtual CF clinic: Implications for sputum microbiology
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The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has made enterprises in various countries face extreme financial constraints. Using the quarterly data of Chinese listed companies from 2011 to 2020, we examine the impact of COVID-19 on financial constraints and the moderating effect of financial technology. We find that while COVID-19 has increased enterprises’ financial constraints, the development of financial technology can mitigate its negative impact. The results still hold under various robustness checks. While the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, there is scope for the future development of financial technology to help protect and revive the global economy.
Impact of COVID-19 on Financial Constraints and the Moderating Effect of Financial Technology
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Survival rates of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have improved greatly due to advanced therapies and supportive care. Intrathecal chemotherapy replaced cranial radiation due to radiation-induced neurotoxicity and late-effects. Survivors treated with chemotherapy-only experience neurologic and cognitive problems following cessation of treatment. Very long-term cognitive outcomes remain unclear. Animal models are being generated to assess late-effects of chemotherapy on cognitive function. Although, few address juvenile models of chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment (CICI) and developing brain, results of this review outline neurocognitive effects of chemotherapy consistent with childhood ALL therapy. Studies demonstrate deficits across cognitive domains including spatial memory, executive function, short-term memory, anxiety and depression. Inflammation, oxidative stress, excitotoxity, and other metabolic disruptions may lead to neurodegeneration associated with cognitive impairment observed in ALL survivors. Interventions directly targeting these mechanisms may prevent and/or promote recovery of cognitive function and improve long-term outcomes. Evidence suggests success of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant treatments in reducing cognitive decline. Animal models provide basis for assessing effects of chemotherapy on neurologic processes to guide future clinical investigations.
Effects of chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia on cognitive function in animal models of contemporary protocols: A systematic literature review
Effects of chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia on cognitive function in animal models of contemporary protocols: A systematic literature review
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Food supply shocks are increasing worldwide1,2, particularly the type of shock wherein food production or distribution loss in one location propagates through the food supply chain to other locations3,4. Analogous to biodiversity buffering ecosystems against external shocks5,6, ecological theory suggests that food supply chain diversity is crucial for managing the risk of food shock to human populations7,8. Here we show that boosting a city's food supply chain diversity increases the resistance of a city to food shocks of mild to moderate severity by up to 15 per cent. We develop an intensity-duration-frequency model linking food shock risk to supply chain diversity. The empirical-statistical model is based on annual food inflow observations from all metropolitan areas in the USA during the years 2012 to 2015, years when most of the country experienced moderate to severe droughts. The model explains a city's resistance to food shocks of a given frequency, intensity and duration as a monotonically declining function of the city's food inflow supply chain's Shannon diversity. This model is simple, operationally useful and addresses any kind of hazard. Using this method, cities can improve their resistance to food supply shocks with policies that increase the food supply chain's diversity.
Supply chain diversity buffers cities against food shocks
Supply chain diversity buffers cities against food shocks
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Cultivation of bovine coronavirus at 34 degrees C showed the relationship of the degree of its reproduction to the cellular system. The possibility of obtaining the double yield of bovine coronavirus was demonstrated in MDBK and Vero cell cultures at 34 degrees C.
[Bovine coronavirus reproduction in the continuous cell cultures at a temperature of 34 degrees C].
[Bovine coronavirus reproduction in the continuous cell cultures at a temperature of 34 degrees C].
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The nucleoside inosine plays an important role in purine biosynthesis, gene translation, and modulation of the fate of RNAs. The editing of adenosine to inosine is a widespread post-transcriptional modification in transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and messenger RNAs (mRNAs). At the wobble position of tRNA anticodons, inosine profoundly modifies codon recognition, while in mRNA, inosines can modify the sequence of the translated polypeptide or modulate the stability, localization, and splicing of transcripts. Inosine is also found in non-coding and exogenous RNAs, where it plays key structural and functional roles. In addition, molecular inosine is an important secondary metabolite in purine metabolism that also acts as a molecular messenger in cell signaling pathways. Here, we review the functional roles of inosine in biology and their connections to human health.
Inosine in Biology and Disease
Inosine in {{ORGANIZATION}}
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One of the key questions regarding COVID19 vaccines is whether they can reduce viral shedding. To date, Israel vaccinated substantial parts of the adult population, which enables extracting real world signals. The vaccination rollout started on Dec 20th 2020, utilized mainly the BNT162b2 vaccine, and focused on individuals who are 60 years or older. By now, more than 75% of the individuals of this age group have been at least 14 days after the first dose, compared to 25% of the individuals between ages 40-60 years old. Here, we traced the Ct value distribution of 16,297 positive qPCR tests in our lab between Dec 1st to Jan 31st that came from these two age groups. As we do not have access to the vaccine status of each test, our hypothesis was that if vaccines reduce viral load, we should see a difference in the Ct values between these two age groups in late January but not before. Consistent with this hypothesis, until Jan 15th, we did not find any statistically significant differences in the average Ct value between the groups. In stark contrast, our results in the last two weeks of January show a significant weakening in the average Ct value of 60+ individuals to the 40-60 group. To further corroborate these results, we also used a series nested linear models to explain the Ct values of the positive tests. This analysis favored a model that included an interaction between age and the late January time period, consistent with the effect of vaccination. We then used demographic data and the daily vaccination rates to estimate the effect of vaccination on viral load reduction. Our estimate suggests that vaccination reduces the viral load by 1.6x to 20x in individuals who are positive for SARS-CoV-2. This estimate might improve after more individuals receive the second dose. Taken together, our findings indicate vaccination is not only important for individual's protection but can reduce transmission.
Initial real world evidence for lower viral load of individuals who have been vaccinated by BNT162b2
Initial real world evidence for lower viral load of individuals who have been vaccinated by BNT162b2
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The global cloud market has recently increased dramatically due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In such situation, people are looking for flexibility to work from home without going to the office physically and hence many organizations have started to look for a cloud-based solution. Clearly, Cloud not only offers flexibility, but also provides scalability and availability to an organization especially for startups and SMEs which have not established a firm and stable architecture yet. Hence, this paper aims to provide a better understanding on the model, features, and services to select the most suitable cloud platform based on the objectives or requirements of an organization. Finally, potential challenges of cloud development are also described to assist organizations in deploying cloud as a service in order to make a wise decision beforehand as it would be a long-run processes. © 2021 IEEE.
A Theoretical Review of Cloud Computing Services in Big Data Analytics
A Theoretical Review of Cloud Computing Services in {{ORGANIZATION}}
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The article focuses on collective psychology to understand social reaction of coronavirus related to helplessness experienced by society in face of climate change Topics discussed include accumulation of civil mobilization and action readiness, virus considered as strike at heart of capitalism and discovering changes in the social values
The Climatic Virus in an Age of Paralysis
{{ORGANIZATION}} in an Age of Paralysis
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Care during the COVID-19 pandemic hinges upon the existence of fast, safe, and highly sensitive diagnostic tools Considering significant practical advantages of lung ultrasound (LUS) over other imaging techniques, but difficulties for doctors in pattern recognition, we aim to leverage machine learning toward guiding diagnosis from LUS We release the largest publicly available LUS dataset for COVID-19 consisting of 202 videos from four classes (COVID-19, bacterial pneumonia, non-COVID-19 viral pneumonia and healthy controls) On this dataset, we perform an in-depth study of the value of deep learning methods for the differential diagnosis of lung pathologies We propose a frame-based model that correctly distinguishes COVID-19 LUS videos from healthy and bacterial pneumonia data with a sensitivity of 0 90 ± 0 08 and a specificity of 0 96 ± 0 04 To investigate the utility of the proposed method, we employ interpretability methods for the spatio-temporal localization of pulmonary biomarkers, which are deemed useful for human-in-the-loop scenarios in a blinded study with medical experts Aiming for robustness, we perform uncertainty estimation and demonstrate the model to recognize low-confidence situations which also improves performance Lastly, we validated our model on an independent test dataset and report promising performance (sensitivity 0 806, specificity 0 962) The provided dataset facilitates the validation of related methodology in the community and the proposed framework might aid the development of a fast, accessible screening method for pulmonary diseases Dataset and all code are publicly available at: https://github com/BorgwardtLab/covid19_ultrasound © 2021 by the authors Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
Accelerating detection of lung pathologies with explainable ultrasound image analysis
Accelerating detection of lung pathologies with explainable ultrasound image analysis
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Background: The emergence of COVID-19 raises the opportunity to reimagine medical education. One way of attempting this is online classes, also known as e-learning, through recordings and or live streaming. The purpose of this research is to ascertain the effectiveness of using the e-learning instructional methodology for a Pediatric module with the fourth year MBBS students at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. Methods: It was a sequential (Quantitative-Qualitative) mixed-method study. The quantitative component of the study consisted of pre and post-tests, as well as feedback on each session. The qualitative component was composed of focused-group discussions to explore students' experiences. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 20.0. Mean ±SD was reported for quantitative variables, and frequency and percentages were calculated for nominal variables. The pre and post-test scores were compared using a paired t-test . Pre and post mean test scores were analyzed in comparison to the level of student groups (Experts, Semi-experts, and Novice) by one-way ANOVA. For qualitative content analysis, categories were clumped together to yield sub-themes that were further merged into themes. Results: All students (n= 102) participated and enrolled in this study. Fifty-nine participants (68.8%) were female. Participants were stratified into three groups, Novice 41(40.2%), Semi-expert 21 (19.6%), and Expert 40 (39.2%). The majority of the students appreciated the session structure and facilitation. There was a significant effect (p<0.005) on knowledge enhancement during each session, depicted by the improvement in post-test scores. It was also supported by the positive association (r=0.242 to 0.595) between the gain in knowledge and each session held. The ANOVA yielded no statistical significance between the knowledge gained among the three group levels, denoting that our online module had been proven successful in achieving the same learning goals as an in-person rotation. Conclusion: E-learning is an effective way of continuing the process of delivering medical education, especially in unprecedented times. Technological enhancements will help carry the impact forward as a blended-learning pedagogical approach in undergraduate medical education.
Combatting with Challenges in Medical Education During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study Identifying the Effectiveness of Using E-Learning in Pediatric Clinical Clerkship of A University Hospital, Pakistan
Combatting with Challenges in Medical Education During COVID-19 Pandemic: A {{ORGANIZATION}} in Pediatric Clinical Clerkship of A {{ORGANIZATION}}, Pakistan
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The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has highlighted discrepancies between surgeons' professional duties and legal protections when acting outside their specialities during the pandemic. These discrepancies between legal and professional standards leave surgeons and the NHS vulnerable to litigation. In the following article, we explore the liabilities that have arisen for surgeons during this period in the United Kingdom and Canada. We recommend, upon review of the literature, that a two-pronged approach be taken to address these discrepancies; (a) a change in policy at the national level to accurately reflect the constraints and demands placed upon the profession in this acute health crisis and (b) the provision of clearer, more stringent legal protection. In the interim, we suggest that individual surgeons utilise a decision-making framework where they consider their personal and professional obligations in regard to resource stewardship, innovation in practice, patient-specific contexts, and patient advocacy while acting outside of their speciality.
Analysis and recommendations regarding surgeons' liabilities during an acute health crisis
Analysis and recommendations regarding surgeons' liabilities during an acute health crisis
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Objectives: To analyze whether leucopenia and lymphopenia a characteristic feature of children with COVID-19 and to find out its association with the disease severity Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at The Children's Hospital Lahore from March 2020 to October 2020 All confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection and post-COVID MIS-C/Kawasaki Disease diagnosed on the basis of RT-PCR and Antibody test respectively were included Complete blood and differential counts were performed on the day of admission Results: Out of a total of 83 patients 60 (72%) were diagnosed as COVID-19 and 23 (28%) as post-COVID MIS-C/KD The mean age of children was 7 0±4 3 years (95%CI: 6 07 - 8 75) with a male preponderance 51 (61%) Twenty (24%) children had an underlying comorbidity and 7 (8%) were surgical cases Our case fatality rate was 5 (6%) and all children who died had an underlying comorbid condition In both, COVID and MIS-C/KD the mean leukocyte count was (14 0 ± 12 5 vs 13 6 ± 6 9 x109/L), respectively (p=0 888) The mean lymphocyte count in children with COVID was (39 1 ± 21 4%) Patients with MIS-C/KD showed significantly higher levels of neutrophil count (76 5 ± 15 0%) as compared to children with COVID (52 0 ± 22 1%), absolute lymphocyte count was (5 02±4 81 vs 2 13±0 95 x109/L) in COVID and MIS-C respectively (p=&lt;0 001) In 60 COVID-19 patients, the mean neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in mild-moderate and severe-critical group was 2 00 and 5 08 respectively (p=0 009) Conclusion: The blood picture of COVID-19 in children does not show leukopenia NLR was a prognostic factor to assess the severity in COVID-19 patients The presence of an underlying comorbid conditions is significant a risk factor for poor outcome [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences is the property of Professional Medical Publications and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use This abstract may be abridged No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract (Copyright applies to all Abstracts )
Is leukopenia and lymphopenia a characteristic feature of COVID-19 in children?
Is leukopenia and lymphopenia a characteristic feature of COVID-19 in children?
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The COVID-19 outbreak and its associated restrictive measures, such as lockdown, exposed most individuals to an unprecedented stressful situation, increasing worldwide the prevalence of mental health disorders. Here, we aimed at exploring for the first time the effect of COVID-19-lockdown on subjective cognitive functioning as well as mental health, in terms of its prevalence and clinical severity. In addition, potential risk factors characterizing more vulnerable groups were investigated. A nationwide cross-sectional online-survey was conducted during the final phase of lockdown in Italy (after 7-10 weeks of home confinement), leading to a sample of 1215 participants. We found lockdown can have a severe impact on subjective cognitive functioning, along with mental health disorders. Namely, under restrictions, cognitive complaints were mostly perceived in everyday tasks involving attention, temporal orientation and executive functions; while no changes in language abilities were reported. Conversely, a paradoxical effect was observed in memory domain, with people experiencing a reduction of memory failures compared to pre-lockdown times. Further, higher severity and prevalence of depression, anxiety disorders and of other psychological issues (involving sleep, appetite, libido and hypochondria) were observed - with a prevalence of mild-to-severe depression and anxiety rising up to 32.30% and 35.72% respectively, under restrictions. Being female, young (<45 years), repeatedly exposed to COVID-19-media, working from home or being unemployed were identified as relevant risk factors for experiencing cognitive worsening and mental health disorders, related to the COVID-19 lockdown. Being resident in high infection-prevalence areas was related to higher level of depression and health anxiety. As lockdown and quarantine measures could be reimposed, health officials have to carefully consider these more vulnerable groups in their decision-making process, to develop an effective global and long-term response to the mental health challenges of this pandemic as well as to implement psychological interventions and specific guidelines, particularly about COVID-19-media exposure.
COVID-19-lockdown impact and vulnerability factors on cognitive functioning and mental health
COVID-19-lockdown impact and vulnerability factors on cognitive functioning and mental health
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Since January 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has dominated the media and exercises pressure on governments worldwide. Apart from its effects on economies, education systems and societies, the pandemic has also influenced climate change research. This paper examines the extent to which COVID-19 has influenced climate change research worldwide during the first wave at the beginning of 2020 and how it is perceived to exploit it in the future. This study utilised an international survey involving those dedicated to climate change science and management research from Academia, Government, NGOs, and international agencies in 83 countries. The analysis of responses encompasses four independent variables: Institutions, Regions, Scientific Areas, and the level of economic development represented by the Human Development Index (HDI). Results show that: (1) COVID-19 modified the way the surveyed researchers work, (2) there are indicators that COVID-19 has already influenced the direction of climate change and adaptation policy implementation, and (3) respondents perceived (explicitly concerning the COVID-19 lockdowns of March-April 2020), that the pandemic has drawn attention away from climate policy. COVID- 19 has influenced the agenda of climate change research for more than half of the respondents and is likely to continue in the future, suggesting that the impacts on their research will still be felt for many years. The paper concludes by outlining critical implications for policy-making.
The impacts of the early outset of the COVID-19 pandemic on climate change research: Implications for policy-making
The impacts of the early outset of the COVID-19 pandemic on climate change research: Implications for policy-making
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Question: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is affecting millions of people worldwide It seems that it affects mostly adults older than 40 years of age, and the death rate is highest for older individuals in the population What should I tell parents worried about their children contracting the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) causing COVID-19, and what symptoms should I look for to determine if there is a need to test for the virus? Answer: The COVID-19 global pandemic affects all ages Severe respiratory manifestations have been the mainstay of illness in adults, with what seems to be rapid deterioration necessitating mechanical ventilation Only 5% of those tested and found to have COVID-19 have been younger than 19 years, possibly owing to limited testing, as the symptoms in children are usually mild Symptoms in children include fever, dry cough, rhinorrhea, sore throat, and fatigue, and in 10% diarrhea or vomiting Rarely dyspnea or hypoxemia were also described Blood tests and imaging have been shown to be of little value in children and should only be ordered for those in whom you would normally order these investigations for viral-like illness No specific therapy is available and supportive care with rest, fluids, and antipyretics for children is the recommended approach Ibuprofen or acetaminophen for fever and pain can be given Antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment is not recommended at this time for otherwise healthy children, and corticosteroids should also not be used Children with immunocompromised states should be isolated and avoid contact with others
Coronavirus disease 2019 in children
Coronavirus disease 2019 in children
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Coronavirus COVID-19 spreads through the population mostly based on social contact. To gauge the potential for widespread contagion, to cope with associated uncertainty and to inform its mitigation, more accurate and robust modelling is centrally important for policy making. We provide a flexible modelling approach that increases the accuracy with which insights can be made. We use this to analyse different scenarios relevant to the COVID-19 situation in the UK. We present a stochastic model that captures the inherently probabilistic nature of contagion between population members. The computational nature of our model means that spatial constraints (e.g., communities and regions), the susceptibility of different age groups and other factors such as medical pre-histories can be incorporated with ease. We analyse different possible scenarios of the COVID-19 situation in the UK. Our model is robust to small changes in the parameters and is flexible in being able to deal with different scenarios. This approach goes beyond the convention of representing the spread of an epidemic through a fixed cycle of susceptibility, infection and recovery (SIR). It is important to emphasise that standard SIR-type models, unlike our model, are not flexible enough and are also not stochastic and hence should be used with extreme caution. Our model allows both heterogeneity and inherent uncertainty to be incorporated. Due to the scarcity of verified data, we draw insights by calibrating our model using parameters from other relevant sources, including agreement on average (mean field) with parameters in SIR-based models. We use the model to assess parameter sensitivity for a number of key variables that characterise the COVID-19 epidemic. We also test several control parameters with respect to their influence on the severity of the outbreak. Our analysis shows that due to inclusion of spatial heterogeneity in the population and the asynchronous timing of the epidemic across different areas, the severity of the epidemic might be lower than expected from other models. We find that one of the most crucial control parameters that may significantly reduce the severity of the epidemic is the degree of separation of vulnerable people and people aged 70 years and over, but note also that isolation of other groups has an effect on the severity of the epidemic. It is important to remember that models are there to advise and not to replace reality, and that any action should be coordinated and approved by public health experts with experience in dealing with epidemics. The computational approach makes it possible for further extensive scenario-based analysis to be undertaken. This and a comprehensive study of sensitivity of the model to different parameters defining COVID-19 and its development will be the subject of our forthcoming paper. In that paper, we shall also extend the model where we will consider different probabilistic scenarios for infected people with mild and severe cases.
Generic probabilistic modelling and non-homogeneity issues for the UK epidemic of COVID-19
Generic probabilistic modelling and non-homogeneity issues for the UK epidemic of COVID-19
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(1) Background: COVID-19 vaccination campaigns offer the best hope of controlling the pandemic. However, the fast production of COVID-19 vaccines has caused concern among the general public regarding their safety and efficacy. In particular, patients with chronic illnesses, such as celiac disease (CD), may be more fearful. Information on vaccine hesitancy plays a pivotal role in the development of an efficient vaccination campaign. In our study, we aimed to evaluate COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Italian CD patients. (2) Methods: an anonymous questionnaire was sent to CD patients followed at our tertiary referral center for CD in Milan, Italy. Patients were defined as willing, hesitant and refusing. We evaluated the reasons for hesitancy/refusal and the possible determinants, calculating crude and adjusted odds ratios [AdjORs] with 95% confidence intervals [CIs]. (3) Results: the questionnaire was sent to 346 patients with a response rate of 29.8%. Twenty-six (25.2%) of the 103 respondents were hesitant, with a total refusal rate of 4.8%. The main reason was fear of adverse events related to vaccination (68.2%). Among hesitant patients, 23% declared that their opinion was influenced by their CD. The determinants positively influencing willingness to be vaccinated against COVID-19 were adherence to a GFD, perception of good knowledge about COVID-19 and its vaccines, and a positive attitude to previous vaccines (AdjOR 12.71, 95% CI 1.82–88.58, AdjOR 6.50, 95% CI 1.44–29.22, AdjOR 0.70, 95% CI 0.11–4.34, respectively). (4) Conclusions: CD patients should be vaccinated against COVID-19 and a specific campaign to address the determinants of hesitancy should be developed.
COVID-19 Vaccine: A Survey of Hesitancy in Patients with Celiac Disease
{{NAME}}: A Survey of Hesitancy in Patients with Celiac Disease
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We have developed a single-tube assay for SARS-CoV-2 in patient samples. This assay combined advantages of reverse transcription (RT) loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) with clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) and the CRISPR-associated (Cas) enzyme Cas12a. Our assay is able to detect SARS-CoV-2 in a single tube within 40 min, requiring only a single temperature control (62 °C). The RT-LAMP reagents were added to the sample vial, while CRISPR Cas12a reagents were deposited onto the lid of the vial. After a half-hour RT-LAMP amplification, the tube was inverted and flicked to mix the detection reagents with the amplicon. The sequence-specific recognition of the amplicon by the CRISPR guide RNA and Cas12a enzyme improved specificity. Visible green fluorescence generated by the CRISPR Cas12a system was recorded using a smartphone camera. Analysis of 100 human respiratory swab samples for the N and/or E gene of SARS-CoV-2 produced 100% clinical specificity and no false positive. Analysis of 50 samples that were detected positive using reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) resulted in an overall clinical sensitivity of 94%. Importantly, this included 20 samples that required 30-39 threshold cycles of RT-qPCR to achieve a positive detection. Integration of the exponential amplification ability of RT-LAMP and the sequence-specific processing by the CRISPR-Cas system into a molecular assay resulted in improvements in both analytical sensitivity and specificity. The single-tube assay is beneficial for future point-of-care applications.
Isothermal Amplification and Ambient Visualization in a Single Tube for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Using Loop-Mediated Amplification and CRISPR Technology
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Background The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has established an interim guidance of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) for pharmacists worldwide. The aim of this study was to identify the implementation of FIP guidance in China and provide applicable strategies for further actions. Methods A nationwide cross-sectional survey on Chinese pharmacists was distributed electronically through groups of WeChat between 9 December 2020 and 18 December 2020. The 29-item questionnaire for the survey was designed based on the FIP guidance and knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) framework. Results A total of 237 responses from 237 pharmacists (69.20% females) were received. Most pharmacists (81.86%) participated in work related to COVID-19. Respondents referred to other guidelines or consensus more than they did to FIP guidance. Most participants were qualified for the knowledge-based questions regarding COVID-19 (67.51%), had positive attitudes towards pharmacists' roles and actions (61.18%), and were qualified in the practices of prevention measures, infection risk monitoring, and pharmacists' advice (50.63%). Several factors were revealed as having impact on pharmacists' KAP, such as the relevance of participating in work related to COVID-19, work entailments, and information source. Conclusions The FIP guidance has a certain degree of dissemination and implementation in China, which can be improved through effective actions directed towards impact factors.
The implementation of a FIP guidance for COVID-19: insights from a nationwide survey.
The implementation of a {{ORGANIZATION}} guidance for COVID-19: insights from a nationwide survey.
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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To determine the impact of COVID-19 workflow changes on patient throughput at the outpatient imaging facilities of a large healthcare system in New York City. MATERIALS AND METHODS: COVID-19 workflow changes to permit social distancing and patient and staff safety included screening at the time of scheduling, encouraging patients to use our digital platform to complete registration/safety forms prior to appointments, stationing screeners at all entrances, limiting waiting room capacity, implementing a texting system to notify patients of delays, limiting dressing room use by encouraging patients to wear exam-appropriate clothing, and accelerating MRI protocols without reducing image quality. We assessed patients' pre-exam wait times, MR exam times, overall time spent on site, and registration for and use of the digital portal before (February 2020) and after (June 2020) implementation of these measures. RESULTS: Across 17 outpatient imaging centers, workflow changes resulted in a 23.1% reduction (-6.8 minutes) in all patients' pre-exam wait times (p <0.00001). Pre-exam wait times for MRI, CT, ultrasound, x-ray, and mammography decreased 28.4% (-10.3 minutes), 16.5% (-6.7 minutes), 25.3% (-7.7 minutes), 22.8% (-3.7 minutes), and 23.9% (-5.0 minutes), respectively (p < 0.00001 for all). MR exam times decreased 9.7% (-3.5 minutes) and patients' overall time on site decreased 15.2% (-8.0 minutes). The proportions of patients actively using the digital patient portal (56.1%-70.1%) and completing forms electronically prior to arrival (24.9%-47.1%) increased (p < 0.0001 for both). CONCLUSION: Workflow changes necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure safety of patients and staff have permitted higher outpatient throughput.
Impact of COVID-19 Workflow Changes on Patient Throughput at Outpatient Imaging Centers
Impact of {{NAME}} on Patient Throughput at {{ORGANIZATION}}
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PURPOSE: To define the change in Emergency Surgical Unit (ESU) workload during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Patient data for a three-week period was prospectively collected for ESU patients during lockdown period and compared to the ESU workload for the same time period prior to lockdown. RESULTS: Surgical emergencies admissions reduced by 2.5 times during our study period (p value = 0.001). In this changed paradigm, the overall number of surgical emergencies were reduced. A high mortality (n = 4, 5.7%) was noted during lockdown period as compared to pre-lockdown period (n = 1, 0.58%, p value = 0.025). Almost half of surgical admissions were tested for COVID-19 based on their symptoms and more than third (n=14, 38.9%) of them were positive. Gastrointestinal symptoms were common in COVID-19 positive group (85.7%) and only a third (36%) of COVID-19 positive patients needed surgical attention. Chest x-ray findings were comparable to PCR testing in terms of sensitivity and specificity but CT chest was more sensitive. CONCLUSIONS: It remains unclear how COVID-19 reduced surgical emergencies. A significant proportion of COVID-19 presented with gastrointestinal symptoms. In a new outbreak all General Surgical patients should be tested with CRP and WCC used as a triage adjunct. KEY WORDS: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Emergency Surgery Pandemic, General Surgery.
Mitigating surgical emergency practice during COVID-19 pandemic?
Mitigating surgical emergency practice during COVID-19 pandemic?
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Aim To analyze survival of patients with COVID-19 based on echocardiographic (EchoCG) criteria for evaluation of the right ventricular (RV) systolic function Material and methods Data of patients were retrospectively evaluated at the Center for Medical Care of Patients with Coronavirus Infection Among 142 primarily evaluated patients with documented COVID-19, 110 patients (men/women, 63/47;mean age, 62 3 +/- 15 3 years) met inclusion/exclusion criteria More than 30 EchoCG parameters were analyzed, and baseline data (comorbidities, oxygen saturation, laboratory data, complications, outcomes, etc ) were evaluated ROC-analysis was used for evaluating the diagnostic significance of different EchoCG parameters for prediction of a specific outcome and its probability Dependence of the overall survival of patients on different EchoCG parameters was analyzed with the Cox proportional hazards model For assessing the predictive value of EchoCG parameters for patient stratification by risk of an adverse outcome, a predictive model was developed using the CHAID method Results The in-hospital death rate of patients included into the study was 15 5 %, and the death rate for this period of in-hospital observation was 12 % Based on the single-factor analysis of EchoCG parameters, a multifactor model was developed using the method of Cox regression The model included two predictors for an unfavorable outcome, estimated pulmonary artery systolic pressure (EPASP) and maximal indexed right atrial volume (RAi), and a preventive factor, right ventricular global longitudinal strain (LS RV) Base risks for fatal outcome were determined with an account of the follow-up time According to the obtained values, an increase in EPASP by 1 mm Hg was associated with increases in the risk of fatal outcome by 8 6 % and in the RA(i) volume by 1 ml/5 8 % LS RV demonstrated an inverse correlation;a 1% increase in LS RV was associated with a 13 4% decrease in the risk for an unfavorable outcome According to the ROC analysis, the most significant determinants of the outcome were the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) (AUC, 0 84 +/- 0 06;cut-off, 18 mm) and EPASP (AUC, 0 86 +/- 0 05;cut-off, 42 mm Hg) Evaluating the effects of different EchoCG predictors, that characterized the condition of the right heart, provided a classification tree Six final decisions were determined in the model, two of which were assigned to the category of reduced risk for fatal outcome and four were assigned to the category of increased risk Sensitivity of the classification tree model was 94 1 % and specificity was 89 2 % Overall diagnostic significance was 90 0+/-2 9 % Conclusion The presented models for statistical treatment of EchoCG parameters reflect the requirement for a comprehensive analysis of EchoCG parameters based on a combination of standard methods for EchoCG evaluation and current technologies of noninvasive visualization According to the study results, the new EchoCG marker, LS RV, allows identifying the signs of right ventricular dysfunction (particularly in combination with pulmonary hemodynamic indexes), may enhance the early risk stratification in patients with COVID-19, and help making clinical decisions for patients with different acute cardiorespiratory diseases
[Right ventricular systolic dysfunction as a predictor of adverse outcome in patients with COVID-19]
[Right ventricular systolic dysfunction as a predictor of adverse outcome in patients with COVID-19]
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Hand hygiene is one of the cornerstones in ensuring effective infection control during the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of new-onset occupational HE during the COVID-19 outbreak in healthcare workers (HCWs) and the clinical course, clinical features, and risk factors of occupational hand eczema (HE). A total of 159 volunteer HCWs (female: n=112; male: n=47, mean age=35.55±7.03 years) working in a pandemic hospital were included. Participants were questioned in terms of daily hand hygiene, use of gloves, and signs and symptoms associated with HE before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. HCWs were divided into two groups classified as non-COVID and COVID, according to the unit they worked in. In our study, 55 participants reported new-onset signs and/or symptoms associated with HE during the COVID-19 pandemic. 59 participants described an increase in signs and/or symptoms associated with HE. The presence of newly-formed or increased signs and/or symptoms associated with HE was found to be 71.7%. A significant increase in dryness, itching, pain/burning, erythema, and scaling was observed (P<0.05). No difference was found between the COVID and non-COVID groups in terms of newly formed and/or increased signs and symptoms (P>0.05). The study included a limited number of participants, and the participants self-reported the signs and symptoms associated with HE. During the COVID-19 period, there has been a significant increase in the signs and symptoms of occupational HE as a result of increased hand hygiene practices in HCWs.
New-onset or Exacerbated Occupational Hand Eczema among Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Growing Health Problem.
New-onset or Exacerbated Occupational Hand Eczema among {{ORGANIZATION}} During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Growing Health Problem.
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Compartmental models are widely adopted to describe and predict the spreading of infectious diseases. The unknown parameters of these models need to be estimated from the data. Furthermore, when some of the model variables are not empirically accessible, as in the case of asymptomatic carriers of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), they have to be obtained as an outcome of the model. Here, we introduce a framework to quantify how the uncertainty in the data affects the determination of the parameters and the evolution of the unmeasured variables of a given model. We illustrate how the method is able to characterize different regimes of identifiability, even in models with few compartments. Last, we discuss how the lack of identifiability in a realistic model for COVID-19 may prevent reliable predictions of the epidemic dynamics.
Lack of practical identifiability may hamper reliable predictions in COVID-19 epidemic models
Lack of practical identifiability may hamper reliable predictions in COVID-19 epidemic models
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BACKGROUND: Vascular angiopathy is suggested to be the major cause of silent hypoxia among COVID-19 patients without severe parenchymal involvement. However, pulmonologists and clinicians in intensive care units become confused when they encounter acute respiratory deterioration with neither severe parenchymal lung involvement nor acute pulmonary embolism. Other radiological vascular signs might solve this confusion. This study investigated other indirect vascular angiopathy signs on CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) and involved a novel statistical analysis that was performed to determine the significance of associations between these signs and the CT opacity score of the pathological lung volume, which is calculated by an artificial intelligence system. RESULTS: The study was conducted retrospectively, during September and October 2020, on 73 patients with critical COVID-19 who were admitted to the ICU with progressive dyspnea and low O(2) saturation on room air (PaO(2) < 93%). They included 53 males and 20 females (73%:27%), and their age ranged from 18 to 88 years (mean ± SD=53.3 ± 13.5). CT-pulmonary angiography was performed for all patients, and an artificial intelligence system was utilized to quantitatively assess the diseased lung volume. The radiological data were analyzed by three expert consultant radiologists to reach consensus. A low CT opacity score (≤10) was found in 18 patients (24.7%), while a high CT opacity score (>10) was found in 55 patients (75.3%). Pulmonary embolism was found in 24 patients (32.9%); three of them had low CT opacity scores. Four other indirect vasculopathy CTPA signs were identified: (1) pulmonary vascular enlargement (57 patients—78.1%), (2) pulmonary hypertension (14 patients—19.2%), (3) vascular tree-in-bud pattern (10 patients—13.7%), and (4) pulmonary infarction (three patients—4.1%). There were no significant associations between these signs and the CT opacity score (0.3205–0.7551, all >0.05). Furthermore, both pulmonary vascular enlargement and the vascular tree-in-bud sign were found in patients without pulmonary embolism and low CT-severity scores (13/15–86.7% and 2/15–13.3%, respectively). CONCLUSION: Pulmonary vascular enlargement or, less commonly, vascular tree-in-bud pattern are both indirect vascular angiopathy signs on CTPA that can explain the respiratory deterioration which complicates COVID-19 in the absence of severe parenchymal involvement or acute pulmonary embolism.
COVID-19-induced vascular angiopathy: CTPA signs in critically ill patients other than acute pulmonary embolism and high-lung opacity scores
COVID-19-induced vascular angiopathy: CTPA signs in critically ill patients other than acute pulmonary embolism and high-lung opacity scores
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In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, endoscopy services must adopt preventive measures to maintain proper functioning due to a high risk of disease contagion. Triage protocols before and after the procedure, personal protective equipment, and environmental contamination control are some of the endoscopy society's recommendations. However, the risk of infection may remain high due to poor control over the source of contamination.Using a combination of standardized supplies and accessories in a hospital, a ventilation mask adapted to be used in endoscopic procedures is proposed to reduce COVID-19 contamination.
Ventilation mask adapted for endoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ventilation mask adapted for endoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic
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This paper examines British Chinese communities’ lived experiences of leisure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The data that inform this paper are based on my ongoing ethnographic research with British Chinese students in two supplementary schools in the United Kingdom (UK) about their leisure and health-related experiences (supported by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship 2019–2020). The current findings are discussed in relation to my field notes, interviews with the students and their significant others from the schools, and social media sites that report on Chineseness and COVID-19. Results include the participants’ change of lifestyles; fear and the pandemic; experiences of racism in relation to their leisure; and leisure and solidarity among Chinese communities. As a Hong Kong Chinese Australian researcher situated in the UK, I have an “insider and outsider” positionality which has an impact on data collection with the participants amidst the pandemic.
Beyond Hypervisibility and Fear: British Chinese Communities’ Leisure and Health-Related Experiences in the Time of Coronavirus
Beyond Hypervisibility and Fear: British Chinese Communities’ Leisure and Health-Related Experiences in the Time of Coronavirus
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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Stroke is a debilitating illness for which treatment window is limited. Most patients present to the healthcare facility beyond that window. Autologous stem cells have shown some promise for this group of patients. This study was performed to evaluate the safety and the efficacy of intra-arterial infusion of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells in patients with middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke. MATERIALS AND METHODS A prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded-end point study was performed from July 2015 to June 2016. Of 229 patients with acute stroke who presented to the hospital during this period, 20 patients who satisfied the inclusion/exclusion criteria were included and randomized into the control and intervention groups. Intra-arterial stem cell infusion into the ipsilateral MCA was performed in the patients in the intervention group at 8-15 days post-stroke ictus. Final analysis at 6 months was performed for primary (safety) and secondary outcomes (efficacy). RESULTS When we compared the primary end point of the study, no procedure-related mortality, complication, new infarct, or symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage was seen in the intervention group. When we compared the secondary end point of good clinical outcome, 8 (80%) patients in the intervention group showed good clinical outcome (modified Rankin Scale score < 2) with 4 (40%) patients in the control group achieving this (95% confidence interval for good outcome in patients with stem cell infusion, 49.03-94.3, and without stem cell infusion, 16.82-68.73; P = .068). CONCLUSIONS Intra-arterial infusion of stem cells can be carried out safely in the subacute stage of ischemic stroke. Improved clinical outcomes were observed with intra-arterial stem cell therapy; however, studies with larger cohorts are needed to validate the results.
Randomized Assessment of the Safety and Efficacy of Intra-Arterial Infusion of Autologous Stem Cells in Subacute Ischemic Stroke.
Randomized Assessment of the Safety and Efficacy of Intra-Arterial Infusion of Autologous Stem Cells in Subacute Ischemic Stroke.
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BACKGROUND: Previous research has established that some informal caregivers (relatives/friends) of people with visual impairment (PVI) may require support themselves. However, there is limited understanding of how healthcare services and sight charities in the UK currently support caregivers. This study was therefore conducted to explore what support, information, and advice healthcare and charity professionals (HCCPs) currently provide for caregivers, and which additional support HCCPs would recommend in order to benefit caregivers. METHODS: HCCPs filled out an online survey, distributed among UK-based professional bodies and charity partners. Of 104 individuals who consented to participate, 68 (65%) HCCPs completed the survey in September–November 2019. Participants responded to Likert-type questions about how they interact with and support caregivers of PVI. Thirty-eight (56%) participants provided responses to open-ended questions about improving support for caregivers; qualitative analysis was conducted using the Framework Method. RESULTS: The survey showed that caregiver support activities most commonly undertaken related to onward signposting (90% (95% CI: 82–97%) of participants), or providing information about low vision aids and adaptations (85% (95% CI: 77–94%)), compared to activities focused on broader caregiver wellbeing. In open-ended responses, HCCPs highlighted the difficulties caregivers face in navigating an under-resourced and complex system. They recommended improving coordination and accessibility of information, as well as provision of emotional support and tangible assistance such as respite care and financial support. CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that HCCPs perceive significant unmet needs among caregivers of PVI, and would welcome further resources, information, and training to support caregivers.
What support do caregivers of people with visual impairment receive and require? An exploratory study of UK healthcare and charity professionals’ perspectives
What support do caregivers of people with visual impairment receive and require? An exploratory study of UK healthcare and charity professionals’ perspectives
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The Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was initially identified in November of 2021 in South Africa and Botswana as well as in a sample from a traveler from South Africa in Hong Kong1,2. Since then, B.1.1.529 has been detected globally. This variant seems to be at least equally infectious than B.1.617.2 (Delta), has already caused super spreader events3 and has outcompeted Delta within weeks in several countries and metropolitan areas. B.1.1.529 hosts an unprecedented number of mutations in its spike gene and early reports have provided evidence for extensive immune escape and reduced vaccine effectiveness2,4-6. Here, we investigated the neutralizing and binding activity of sera from convalescent, mRNA double vaccinated, mRNA boosted, convalescent double vaccinated, and convalescent boosted individuals against wild type, B.1.351 and B.1.1.529 SARS-CoV-2 isolates. Neutralizing activity of sera from convalescent and double vaccinated participants was undetectable to very low against B.1.1.529 while neutralizing activity of sera from individuals who had been exposed to spike three or four times was maintained, albeit at significantly reduced levels. Binding to the B.1.1.529 receptor binding domain (RBD) and N-terminal domain (NTD) was reduced in convalescent not vaccinated individuals, but was mostly retained in vaccinated individuals.
Activity of convalescent and vaccine serum against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron.
Activity of convalescent and vaccine serum against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron.
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This commentary emphasizes health disparities related to systemic racism, highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and provides recommendations to mitigate these disparities, including increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the surgical workforce.
Sparked by Tragedy: A Movement to End Systemic Racism in Health Care
Sparked by {{ORGANIZATION}}
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Introduction: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 also called coronavirus disease 2019 was first reported in the African continent on 14 February 2020 in Egypt As at 18 December 2020, the continent reported 2,449,754 confirmed cases, 57,817 deaths and 2,073,214 recoveries Urban cities in Africa have particularly suffered the brunt of coronavirus disease 2019 coupled with criticisms that the response strategies have largely been a 'one-size-fits-all' approach This article reviewed early evidence on urban health nexus with coronavirus disease 2019 preparedness and response in Africa Methods: A rapid scoping review of empirical and grey literature was done using data sources such as ScienceDirect, GoogleScholar, PubMed, HINARI and official websites of World Health Organization and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention A total of 26 full articles (empirical studies, reviews and commentaries) were synthesised and analysed qualitatively based on predefined inclusion criteria on publication relevance and quality Results: Over 70% of the 26 articles reported on coronavirus disease 2019 response strategies across Africa;27% of the articles reported on preparedness towards coronavirus disease 2019, while 38% reported on urbanisation nexus with coronavirus disease 2019;40% of the publications were full-text empirical studies, while the remaining 60% were either commentaries, reviews or editorials It was found that urban cities remain epicentres of coronavirus disease 2019 in Africa Even though some successes have been recorded in Africa regarding coronavirus disease 2019 fight, the continent's response strategies were largely found to be a 'one-size-fits-all' approach Consequently, adoption of 'Western elitist' mitigating measures for coronavirus disease 2019 containment resulted in excesses and spillover effects on individuals, families and economies in Africa Conclusion: Africa needs to increase commitment to health systems strengthening through context-specific interventions and prioritisation of pandemic preparedness over response Likewise, improved economic resilience and proper urban planning will help African countries to respond better to future public health emergencies, as coronavirus disease 2019 cases continue to surge on the continent
Urban health nexus with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) preparedness and response in Africa: Rapid scoping review of the early evidence
Urban health nexus with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) preparedness and response in Africa: Rapid scoping review of the early evidence
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Since the occurrence of the first infection with SARS-CoV-2 in December 2019, increasing evidence accumulated that not only the lung but also other organs, including the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), can be involved in the infection This article is protected by copyright All rights reserved
SARS-CoV-2 myopathy
SARS-CoV-2 myopathy
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The number of scientists and correspondingly the flood of publications explode "Between 2008 and 2014, the number of scientific articles catalogued in the Science Citation Index of Thomson Reuters' Web of Science grew by 23% There were 7 8 million full-time equivalent researchers in 2013, representing growth of 21% since 2007 " This has consequences to the rules of science production in the science factories Publica Publications are products that need marketing and the cash paid is a long list of publications and citations in journals of high impact factors that foster the career of authors Here, rules that will support the quality of science are highlighted It includes the need not to engage in innovative topics that have a high risk of failing and the importance to discuss work with colleagues in conferences and wherever possible
Good for Career-bad for Science: Advice, How to Optimize Your Career. Observations and Experiences in Science Factory by a Last Century Scientist: Acta Carsologica
Good for Career-bad for {{ORGANIZATION}}, How to Optimize Your Career. Observations and Experiences in Science Factory by a Last Century Scientist: {{NAME}}
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Climate change and rapid urbanization currently pose major challenges for equitable development in megacities of the Global South, such as Delhi, India. This study considers how urban social inequities are distributed in terms of burdens and benefits by quantifying exposure through an urban heat risk index (UHRI), and proximity to greenspace through the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), at the ward level in Delhi. Landsat derived remote sensing imagery for May and September 2011 is used in a sensitivity analysis of varying seasonal exposure. Multivariable models based on generalized estimating equations (GEEs) reveal significant statistical associations (p < 0.05) between UHRI/NDVI and several indicators of social vulnerability. For example, the proportions of children (β = 0.922, p = 0.024) and agricultural workers (β = 0.394, p = 0.016) are positively associated with the May UHRI, while the proportions of households with assets (β = −1.978, p = 0.017) and households with electricity (β = −0.605, p = 0.010) are negatively associated with the May UHRI. In contrast, the proportions of children (β = 0.001, p = 0.633) and agricultural workers (β = 0.002, p = 0.356) are not significantly associated with the May NDVI, while the proportions of households with assets (β = 0.013, p = 0.010) and those with electricity (β = 0.008, p = 0.006) are positively associated with the May NDVI. Our findings emphasize the need for future research and policies to consider how socially vulnerable groups are inequitably exposed to the impact of climate change-related urban heat without the mitigating effects of greenspace.
Social Inequities in Urban Heat and Greenspace: Analyzing Climate Justice in Delhi, India
{{ORGANIZATION}} in Urban Heat and Greenspace: Analyzing Climate Justice in Delhi, India
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The purpose of this study is to offer a timely understanding of university students' knowledge, perception, and preventative practices related to COVID-19 in Palestine and to determine affecting factors (gender, region, and type of locality). A cross-sectional design was used and data was collected over 2 weeks in April 2020 through an online survey. A total of 484 surveys were collected from students from different Palestinian universities. Participants showed high levels of knowledge across multiple topics (symptoms and characteristics of COVID-19, prevention practices, and at-risk groups), although respondents were less likely to indicate mask wearing as an effective prevention practice compared to other practices, and almost one-third reported incorrectly that taking antibiotics is effective in preventing COVID-19 infection. Respondents reported the most trust in the Ministry of Health as a source of information, and the least trust in social media. A generally high level of acceptance of government regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic was found. Given the current global situation and the second wave of infections in Palestine, plans should be in place to disseminate correct information and combat newly-emerging rumors and misinformation through channels that are trusted by the university student population.
Knowledge, Perceptions, and Prevention Practices among Palestinian University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Questionnaire-Based Survey
Knowledge, Perceptions, and Prevention Practices among {{ORGANIZATION}} during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Questionnaire-Based Survey
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Background: Hand hygiene is one of the most important measures available to prevent infectious diseases such as COVID-19, and it is recommended that individuals was their hands periodically before and after meals, after using toilets, before preparing food at home, at schools and in public places. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between oral hygiene and hand hygiene in Korean adolescents. Method: Data from 57,303 adolescents who participated in the 2019 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey were analyzed to determine the relationship between oral hygiene and hand hygiene. Results: According to the results of this study, adolescents who brushed their teeth after lunch were 1.48 times more likely to practice hand washing before lunch than were those who did not brush their teeth after lunch. In addition, the odds ratio adjusted for gender, grade, school type, and residence was found to be 1.87. Conclusions: Oral hygiene practices were found to be related to personal hygiene, as assessed by hand washing, in Korean adolescents. Additional studies are needed to develop ways of improving the hygiene and health of adolescents.
Relationship Between the Oral Hygiene and Hand Hygiene Practices of Korean Adolescents: A Study Focused on the 15th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey Conducted in 2019
{{ORGANIZATION}} the Oral Hygiene and Hand Hygiene Practices of {{ORGANIZATION}} on the 15th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey Conducted in 2019
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Background Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), may progress to respiratory failure requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. Due to ventilator shortage and healthcare systems strain, affordable interventions such as awake prone positioning has been used to improve oxygenation, however, the effect of this intervention on patient-important outcomes is uncertain. The COVI-PRONE trial aims to determine if awake prone positioning in hypoxemic COVID-19 patients reduces the need for invasive mechanical ventilation. Study design A pragmatic, multicenter, international, parallel-group, and stratified randomized controlled trial, aiming to enrol 400 hospitalized adults with COVID-19. Participants The target population is hospitalized adults with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, hypoxemia that requires [≥]40% oxygen or [≥] 5 L/min by nasal cannula, and abnormal chest x-ray. We will exclude patients with any of the following: immediate need for intubation; altered mental status; contraindication to prone positioning; hemodynamic instability; body mass index > 40 kg/m2; third trimester pregnancy; do not intubate status; previous enrolment or intubation within the same hospital admission; and prone positioning for more than one day prior to randomization. Study intervention and control Following informed a priori or deferred consent, eligible patients will be centrally randomized to either the intervention arm (prone positioning) or standard of care (no prone positioning). Patients randomized to the prone position will be required to either self-prone or assist-prone for a total of eight to ten hours per day until they meet pre-specified stopping criteria. Study outcomes The primary outcome is invasive mechanical ventilation at 30-days of randomization. Other outcomes include mortality at 60 days, invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation free days at 30 days, hospital length of stay at 60 days, days alive and outside of the hospital at 60 days, complications of proning, and serious adverse events.
Awake Prone Position in Hypoxemic Patients with Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVI-PRONE): A Study protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan for Randomized Clinical Trial
{{ORGANIZATION}} ({{ORGANIZATION}}): A Study protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan for Randomized Clinical Trial
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Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) causes an emerging and re-emerging coronavirus disease characterized by vomiting, acute diarrhea, dehydration, and up to 100% mortality in neonatal suckling piglets, leading to huge economic losses in the global swine industry. Vaccination remains the most promising and effective way to prevent and control PEDV. However, effective vaccines for PEDV are still under development. Understanding the genomic structure and function of PEDV and the influence of the viral components on innate immunity is essential for developing effective vaccines. In the current review, we systematically describe the recent developments in vaccine against PEDV and the roles of structural proteins, non-structural proteins and accessory proteins of PEDV in affecting viral virulence and regulating innate immunity, which will provide insight into the rational design of effective and safe vaccines for PEDV or other coronaviruses.
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus: Molecular mechanisms of attenuation and vaccines
{{ORGANIZATION}} epidemic diarrhea virus: Molecular mechanisms of attenuation and vaccines
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OBJECTIVE To assess the utility of computed tomographic (CT) perfusion for selection of patients for endovascular therapy up to 18 hours after symptom onset. METHODS We conducted a multicenter cohort study of consecutive acute stroke patients scheduled to undergo endovascular therapy within 90 minutes after a baseline CT perfusion. Patients were classified as "target mismatch" if they had a small ischemic core and a large penumbra on their baseline CT perfusion. Reperfusion was defined as >50% reduction in critical hypoperfusion between the baseline CT perfusion and the 36-hour follow-up magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS Of the 201 patients enrolled, 190 patients with an adequate baseline CT perfusion study who underwent angiography were included (mean age = 66 years, median NIH Stroke Scale [NIHSS] = 16, median time from symptom onset to endovascular therapy = 5.2 hours). Rate of reperfusion was 89%. In patients with target mismatch (n = 131), reperfusion was associated with higher odds of favorable clinical response, defined as an improvement of ≥8 points on the NIHSS (83% vs 44%; p = 0.002, adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 6.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.1-20.9). This association did not differ between patients treated within 6 hours (OR = 6.4, 95% CI = 1.5-27.8) and those treated > 6 hours after symptom onset (OR = 13.7, 95% CI = 1.4-140). INTERPRETATION The robust association between endovascular reperfusion and good outcome among patients with the CT perfusion target mismatch profile treated up to 18 hours after symptom onset supports a randomized trial of endovascular therapy in this patient population. Ann Neurol 2017;81:849-856.
Computed tomographic perfusion to Predict Response to Recanalization in ischemic stroke.
Computed tomographic perfusion to {{ORGANIZATION}} in ischemic stroke.
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This essay is a reflection about the COVID-19 pandemic from the vantage point of being on a sabbatical As a result of the virus and global shut down, people are experiencing widespread suffering and economic devastation The author, a professor, artist, and qualitative researcher advocates for a return to the profession?s community-based roots and an activist pedagogy Additionally, as an artist/teacher/scholar, the author discusses the potential and importance of art and storytelling in social work education with examples of the author?s art created during the pandemic
What COVID-19 has brought us to: Art, activism, and changes in social work education
What {{NAME}} has brought us to: Art, activism, and changes in social work education
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BACKGROUND: The Interagency Integrated Triage Tool (IITT) is a three-tier triage system designed for resource-limited emergency care (EC) settings. This study sought to assess the validity and reliability of a pilot version of the tool in an urban emergency department (ED) in Papua New Guinea. METHODS: A pragmatic observational study was conducted at Gerehu General Hospital in Port Moresby, commencing eight weeks after IITT implementation. All ED patients presenting within the subsequent two-month period were included. Triage assessments were performed by a variety of ED clinicians, including community health workers, nurses and doctors. The primary outcome was sensitivity for the detection of time-critical illness, defined by ten pre-specified diagnoses. The association between triage category and ED outcomes was examined using Cramer's V correlation coefficient. Reliability was assessed by inter-rater agreement between a local and an experienced, external triage officer. FINDINGS: Among 4512 presentations during the study period, 58 (1.3%) were classified as category one (emergency), 967 (21.6%) as category two (priority) and 3478 (77.1%) as category three (non-urgent). The tool's sensitivity for detecting the pre-specified set of time-sensitive conditions was 70.8% (95%CI 58.2-81.4%), with negative predictive values of 97.3% (95%CI 96.7 - 97.8%) for admission/transfer and 99.9% (95%CI 99.7 - 100.0%) for death. The admission/transfer rate was 44.8% (26/58) among emergency patients, 22.9% (223/976) among priority patients and 2.7% (94/3478) among non-urgent patients (Cramer's V=0.351, p=0.00). Four of 58 (6.9%) emergency patients, 19/976 (2.0%) priority patients and 3/3478 (0.1%) non-urgent patients died in the ED (Cramer's V=0.14, p=0.00). The under-triage rate was 2.7% (94/3477) and the over-triage rate 48.2% (28/58), both within pre-specified limits of acceptability. On average, it took staff 3 minutes 34 seconds (SD 1:06) to determine and document a triage category. Among 70 observed assessments, weighted κ was 0.84 (excellent agreement). INTERPRETATION: The pilot version of the IITT demonstrated acceptable performance characteristics, and validation in other EC settings is warranted. FUNDING: This project was funded through a Friendship Grant from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and an International Development Fund Grant from the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine Foundation.
Validation of the Interagency Integrated Triage Tool in a resource-limited, urban emergency department in Papua New Guinea: a pilot study
Validation of the Interagency Integrated Triage Tool in a resource-limited, urban emergency department in Papua New Guinea: a pilot study
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As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, the medical community continues to discover novel clinical manifestations of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus Often, extrapulmonary manifestations occur simultaneously with pulmonary disease However, there is a paucity of literature describing the cardiac manifestations of COVID-19 in the absence of pulmonary findings We report a rare case of acute pericarditis presenting with pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade in a 43-year-old man diagnosed with COVID-19 This case emphasizes the importance of continued investigation regarding diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 and its related symptoms
Acute Effusive Pericarditis: A Late Complication of COVID-19
Acute Effusive Pericarditis: A Late Complication of COVID-19
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In Argentina, government has established lockdown on 19 March 2020 to decrease SARS‐COV‐2 infection. The study aim was to understand how mandatory quarantine imposed due to COVID‐19 pandemic has affected quality of life, mood, and cognitive performance of older adults with cognitive impairment. DESIGN: Longitudinal descriptive–observational study. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with cognitive impairment attending to online cognitive training sessions. MEASUREMENTS: Participants have completed by themselves Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease scale (QOL‐AD), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI‐II), Test your Memory (TYM), and an attention and executive task created by our institution. Same assessments were done at the beginning of the lockdown and 7 months later. RESULTS: Fifty‐one adults were included. An increase in BDI‐II score (p = 0.049) and worse performance in one of the executive attention tests (p = 0.012) have been found. No significant differences in QOL‐AD, TYM, verbal fluency, or memory tests total scores have been observed. Reviewing scales subitems, differences in changes in sleep habits (p = 0.021), energy level decrease (p = 0.004), worse subjective record of memory capacity (p = 0.028), and decrease in ability to do housework (p = 0.007) have been shown. In those who lived alone, BDI and TYM higher scores in BDI‐II (p = 0.030) (p = 0.022) have been found. CONCLUSION: Mandatory quarantine imposed due to COVID‐19 pandemic was associated with worsening of mood, some quality‐of‐life variables, and decrease in attention in older adults with cognitive impairment in Argentina.
Quality of life, mood, and cognitive performance in older adults with cognitive impairment during the first wave of COVID 19 in Argentina
Quality of life, mood, and cognitive performance in older adults with cognitive impairment during the first wave of COVID 19 in Argentina
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Cyclodextrin polymers are efficient adsorbents for dye adsorption. Herein, a ß-cyclodextrin polymer (ß-CDSP) with carboxyl groups and benzene rings was prepared via free radical polymerization of ß-cyclodextrin-maleate and styrene. The adsorption performance of ß-CDSP was studied by adsorbing neutral red (NR), basic fuchsin (BF) and safranine T (ST) dyes under different adsorption conditions (e.g., adsorption time, temperature and pH of the solution). The results showed that the adsorption of BF and ST was faster and better than that of NR. The adsorption kinetic behavior fitted well with both the pseudo-first-order and the pseudo-second-order models for NR and BF, but it fitted better with the latter for ST. The adsorption equilibrium data followed the Langmuir isotherm model. The adsorption process was endothermic and spontaneous, and a higher temperature was favorable for dye adsorption. Higher q t values were obtained in a basic medium, which resulted from the electrostatic interactions between ß-CDSP and cationic dyes. Furthermore, inclusion complexion and π-π interactions also contributed to the dye adsorption. The stability and reusability of ß-CDSP were estimated by four regeneration cycles.
Adsorption behavior and mechanism of ß-cyclodextrin-styrene-based polymer for cationic dyes
Adsorption behavior and mechanism of ß-cyclodextrin-styrene-based polymer for cationic dyes
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The purpose of the current study was to examine the impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19) on allied health professionals work environment, access to personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 testing, and mental health. A 34-question survey was developed and distributed electronically to allied health professionals through listservs of professional organizations and social media groups. A total of 921 responses from allied health professionals in a variety of work settings were analyzed. The majority of allied health professionals had access to medical-grade PPE and agreed with their clinics decisions to stay open or closed. Private practices appeared to be the most negatively impacted with regards to employment in the form of pay reductions, furloughs, lay-offs, or the requirement of using paid time off. Importantly, 86% of all respondents, irrespective of employment status, reported feeling stressed with regards to changes in their work environment and transmission of the virus. However, levels of stress were dependent upon access to PPE and mental health resources. Specifically, those with access to mental health support reported lower stress levels than those without such access. These results highlight the need for continuous monitoring of mental health for allied health professionals in order to inform clinic and hospital policies for PPE and the development of brief interventions to mitigate adverse long-term mental health outcomes.
The impact of COVID-19 on allied health professions
The impact of COVID-19 on allied health professions
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In the urban, modern world, most people lack anything they can call ‘community’, a ‘commons’, a WE. They are fully individualized. Formatted by the school and all forms of education to accommodate themselves into a competitive, individualistic world, they acutely suffer the consequences of the current collapses, climatic and institutional. Many of them are falling into conditions of extreme misery and deprivation. Even those in better conditions, with a guaranteed income and a good job, are affected by the current plague, as isolation and divisiveness rage violently around them, driven by Global Fear. It is a divisiveness of ancient hatreds converging with modern ones, feeding their capacities for despair. We ask: how to heal from these illnesses exacerbated by COVID-19 times? This essay explores hospitality as the antidote to globalized fear. It explores the art of organizing hope, drawing upon the courageous autonomous efforts of BIPOC around the world. Through acts of radical hospitality, flowering into friendship, ways of embracing radical differences are revealed, warmly and kindly hosting the otherness of the other. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of International Journal of Lifelong Education is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
From fear to hope: learning from BIPOC in hard times—Covid 19, climate collapse & racial violence
From fear to hope: learning from {{ORGANIZATION}} in hard times—Covid 19, climate collapse & racial violence
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Purpose Recent studies reported poor to moderate humoral response after 2 vaccine doses in heart transplant recipients (HTR). Currently, French authorities recommend 2 and 3 vaccine injections for transplant recipients with and without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, respectively. This study aimed to evaluate level and durability of humoral immunity with this vaccination strategy. Methods This single-center cohort study included HTR followed at Paris Bichat hospital between January 2020 and September 2021. Analyses were performed using automated immunoassays (Abbot) to quantify anti-spike IgG (cut-off ≥ 7.1 BAU/mL) and anti-nucleocapsid IgG (cut-off index > 0.49). Categorical variables were described as number (%) and continuous variables with median (IQR). Results A total of 181 HTR (75.7% males, age 58 y [47-66]) transplanted between June 1990 and June 2021 were included. Median time from transplantation to first vaccine dose was 4.2 y [1.8-6.6]. 143 HTR (79%) had no SARS-CoV-2 infection history (HTRn) and 38 (21%) contracted the infection (HTRi) (56% before and 42% after vaccination initiation). After 2 vaccine doses, anti-S IgG seroconversion was observed for only 16% (n=12/76) of HTRn. Overall, anti-S IgG titers were lower in HTRn than in HTRi (0.5 [0.2-2.6] vs 578 [1.4-4449] BAU/mL, respectively, p=0.0001). The 3rd vaccine dose enabled to obtain 42% (n=33/72) of seroconversion among HTRn with median anti-S titers of 3.2 BAU/mL [0.4-35.0]. Only half seroconverters HTRn reached the 260 BAU/mL cut-off chosen by French authorities to define vaccination efficacy. Interestingly, these patients seem to have a sustained humoral response 4 months after the 3rd dose. Conclusion This study gives new insights on the effect of the 3rd vaccine dose in HTR with low rate of seroconversion and low titers of anti-S IgG but sustained humoral response when seroconversion occurs. Studies on vaccine efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 variants and cell-mediated immune response in this cohort are ongoing.
Humoral Response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine in Heart Transplant Recipients up to 4 Months After the Third Vaccine Injection
Humoral Response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA {{NAME}} in Heart Transplant Recipients up to 4 Months After the Third Vaccine Injection
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Both innate immunity and acquired immunity are involved in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. The induction of Abs that neutralize the virus has been described, and certain Abs against endemic coronaviruses may cross-react with SARS-CoV-2. Detailed mechanisms to protect against the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 remain unresolved. We previously reported that IgG Fc-binding protein (Fcγbp), a unique, large molecular weight, and mucin-like secretory Fc receptor protein, secreted from goblet cells of human small and large intestine, mediates the transportation of serum IgG onto the mucosal surface. In this review, we show that mucous bronchial gland cells and some goblet cells are immunoreactive for Fcγbp. Fcγbp traps the cross-reactive (both neutralizing and non-neutralizing) IgG bound to the virus and can consequently eliminate the virus from the mucosal surface to decrease viral loads. Fcγbp can also suppress immune overreaction by interfering with Fc-binding by macrophages and competing with complement fixation. Fcγbp secreted from mucin-producing cells of the airway functions as an important anti-infection mucosal defense. The Fcγbp-mediated mechanism can be a key factor in explaining why SARS-CoV-2 is less infective/lethal in children, and may also be involved in the unique Ab response, recurrent infection, and effects of serum therapy and vaccination.
Neglected roles of IgG Fc-binding protein secreted from airway mucin-producing cells in protecting against SARS-CoV-2 infection
Neglected roles of {{ORGANIZATION}} protein secreted from airway mucin-producing cells in protecting against SARS-CoV-2 infection
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BACKGROUND: The Clinical Practice Committee of the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine endorses the clinical practice guideline Surviving sepsis campaign: international guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock 2021. The guideline serves as a useful bedside decision aid for clinicians managing adults with suspected and confirmed septic shock and sepsis-associated organ dysfunction.
Guideline on sepsis management: Endorsement by the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
Guideline on sepsis management: Endorsement by {{ORGANIZATION}} and {{ORGANIZATION}}
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Our goal in writing this review was to provide a comprehensive appraisal of current therapies for idiopathic recurrent pericarditis with a particular focus on the newest therapeutic agents. We sought to understand the role of the inflammasome in the pathophysiology of pericarditis and how it informs the use of interleukin-1 (IL-1)-directed therapies. RECENT FINDINGS: The latest research on this topic has focused on the critical role of the NLRP3 (NACHT, leucine-rich repeat, and pyrin domain-containing protein) inflammasome. Very recently, components of the NLRP3 inflammasome were detected by immune staining in pericardial tissue from patients with recurrent idiopathic pericarditis. In a mouse model of pericarditis, anti-IL-1 agents anakinra and rilonacept reduced NLRP3 immunostaining. Subsequent study of these drugs in human subjects with idiopathic recurrent pericarditis demonstrated their efficacy. SUMMARY: Recurrent idiopathic pericarditis, while relatively rare, poses a continued treatment challenge and contributes to a diminished quality of life for those patients who are afflicted. Recent developments, including an animal model of the disease and the use of IL-1-directed therapies, represent an exciting leap forward in our understanding of treatment targets. These advances offer not only new tools in our fight against this disease, but also the promise of earlier intervention and attenuation of disease morbidity. As our experience with these new agents expands, we can address questions about the ideal timing of introduction of anti-IL-1 therapy and duration of therapy and better understand the potential side effect profile. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11886-022-01719-z.
Recurrent Pericarditis: a Stubborn Opponent Meets New Treatments in 2022
Recurrent Pericarditis: a Stubborn Opponent Meets New Treatments in 2022
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Aims: Air quality changes with human health risk assessment were investigated. Methods: The measurement results obtained by the Regional Environmental Protection Inspectorate (REPI) in Kraków and our deposited particulate-matter (PM) analysis, as well as United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) methodology of risk assessment were used in the study. Results: Annual pollutant contents kept decreasing, with the exception of O(3). However, the permissible annual levels were exceeded in the cases of PM10, PM2.5, and NO(2). Increased contents of SO(2), CO, C(6)H(6), PM10, and PM2.5, as well as of As, Pb, Cd, Ni, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in PM particles during winter months indicated that house heating was the source of pollution. Due to no significant change in the monthly NO(2) contents, this measurement was used as an indicator of traffic sources of pollution. In winter months, the allowable 24 h PM2.5 and PM10 contents were constantly exceeded. PM was identified as the most significant air pollutant. Enrichment factors revealed that deposited PM was enriched with heavy metals. The potential ecological risk (ERI) was determined to be very high for Cd, considerable for Zn, and low for As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Tl. The total non-carcinogenic risk indices (HQ) for both adults (HQ = 15.0) and children (HQ = 26.4) exceeded the acceptable value of 1. The total carcinogenic risk indices (CR) for both adults (CR = 1.51 × 10(−4)) and children (CR = 1.77 × 10(−4)) exceeded the acceptable level of 1 × 10(−4). Conclusions: In the years 2005–2020, a general decreasing tendency of annual pollutant contents was observed. However, the permissible contaminant contents were still exceeded. PM2.5, BaP, PM10, and NO(2) were determined as the most dangerous pollutants in inhalational pathway.
The Condition of Air Pollution in Kraków, Poland, in 2005–2020, with Health Risk Assessment
The Condition of Air Pollution in Kraków, Poland, in 2005–2020, with Health Risk Assessment
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Teacher written feedback (TWF) has long been regarded as a necessary pedagogical tool for improving the writing proficiency of ESL/EFL learners, while student responses to this feedback can often reflect its effectiveness. This paper reviews 64 articles appearing in high-ranking journals during 2010–2021 in terms of research methodology, theoretical framework and main findings. Analysis of these articles reveals few studies adopted any theoretical frameworks to examine learner responses to TWF and suggests a need for longitudinal naturalistic studies adopting mixed methods and some theoretical framework such as sociocultural theory of mind (SCT) to better explain learners' dynamic engagement in response to TWF. The main findings of these previous studies reveal the diverse responses among learners at different language proficiency levels and in various sociocultural contexts. The results of the review indicate that future research could take classroom-based mixed-method research design to investigate learner variables.
ESL/EFL Learners' Responses to Teacher Written Feedback: Reviewing a Recent Decade of Empirical Studies
{{ORGANIZATION}} to Teacher Written Feedback: Reviewing a Recent Decade of Empirical Studies
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Recent events have seen the rise of SARS-CoV-2 all across the world affecting the lives and economies of every nation.….
Validation of the Hologic Aptima Unisex and Multitest Specimen Collection Kits Used for Endocervical and Male Urethral Swab Specimens (Aptima Swabs) for Collection of Samples from SARS-CoV-2-Infected Patients
Validation of the Hologic Aptima Unisex and Multitest Specimen Collection Kits Used for Endocervical and {{ORGANIZATION}} ({{NAME}}) for Collection of Samples from SARS-CoV-2-Infected Patients
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This study utilizes modeling and simulation to analyze coronavirus (COVID-19) infection trends depending on government policies. Two modeling requirements are considered for infection simulation: (1) the implementation of social distancing policies and (2) the representation of population movements. To this end, we propose an extended infection model to combine analytical models with discrete event-based simulation models in a hybrid form. Simulation parameters for social distancing policies are identified and embedded in the analytical models. Administrative districts are modeled as a fundamental simulation agent, which facilitates representing the population movements between the cities. The proposed infection model utilizes real-world data regarding suspected, infected, recovered, and deceased people in South Korea. As an application, we simulate the COVID-19 epidemic in South Korea. We use real-world data for 160 days, containing meaningful days that begin the distancing policy and adjust the distancing policy to the next stage. We expect that the proposed work plays a principal role in analyzing how social distancing effectively affects virus prevention and provides a simulation environment for the biochemical field.
Hybrid Model-Based Simulation Analysis on the Effects of Social Distancing Policy of the COVID-19 Epidemic
Hybrid Model-Based Simulation Analysis on the Effects of Social Distancing Policy of the COVID-19 Epidemic
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BACKGROUND: Functional movement disorders, a common cause of neurological disabilities, can occur with heterogeneous motor manifestations including functional weakness. However, the underlying mechanisms related to brain function and connectivity are unknown. OBJECTIVE: To identify brain connectivity alterations related to functional weakness we assessed network centrality changes in a group of patients with heterogeneous motor manifestations using task-free functional MRI in combination with different network centrality approaches. METHODS: Task-free functional MRI was performed in 48 patients with heterogeneous motor manifestations including 28 patients showing functional weakness and 65 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Functional connectivity differences were assessed using different network centrality approaches, i.e. global correlation, eigenvector centrality, and intrinsic connectivity. Motor symptom severity was assessed using The Simplified Functional Movement Disorders Rating Scale and correlated with network centrality. RESULTS: Comparing patients with and without functional weakness showed significant network centrality differences in the left temporoparietal junction and precuneus. Patients with functional weakness showed increased centrality in the same anatomical regions when comparing functional weakness with healthy controls. Moreover, in the same regions, patients with functional weakness showed a positive correlation between motor symptom severity and network centrality. This correlation was shown to be specific to functional weakness with an interaction analysis, confirming a significant difference between patients with and without functional weakness. CONCLUSIONS: We identified the temporoparietal junction and precuneus as key regions involved in brain connectivity alterations related to functional weakness. We propose that both regions may be promising targets for phenotype-specific non-invasive brain stimulation.
Symptom-severity-related brain connectivity alterations in functional movement disorders
Symptom-severity-related brain connectivity alterations in functional movement disorders
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Patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus can present with a wide variety of symptoms including being entirely asymptomatic. Despite having no or minimal symptoms, some patients may have markedly reduced pulse oximetry readings. This has been referred to as “silent” or “apathetic” hypoxia (Ottestad et al., 2020 [1]). We present a case of a 72-year-old male with COVID-19 syndrome who presented to the emergency department with minimal symptoms but low peripheral oxygen saturation readings. The patient deteriorated over the following days and eventually died as a result of overwhelming multi-organ system failure. This case highlights the utility of peripheral oxygen measurements in the evaluation of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Self-monitoring of pulse oximetry by patients discharged from the emergency department is a potential way to identify patients needing to return for further evaluation.
Silent hypoxia: A harbinger of clinical deterioration in patients with COVID-19
Silent hypoxia: A harbinger of clinical deterioration in patients with COVID-19
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Containment strategies and clinical management of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients during the current pandemic depend on reliable diagnostic PCR assays for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Here, we compare 11 different RT-PCR test systems used in seven diagnostic laboratories in Germany in March 2020. While most assays performed well, we identified detection problems in a commonly used assay that may have resulted in false-negative test results during the first weeks of the pandemic.
Multicentre comparison of quantitative PCR-based assays to detect SARS-CoV-2, Germany, March 2020
{{NAME}} comparison of quantitative {{ORGANIZATION}}-based assays to detect SARS-CoV-2, Germany, March 2020
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Background The Beirut Port Blast on August 4, 2020 is the largest (non-nuclear) explosion on record. St George Hospital University Medical Center (SGHUMC), a leading academic medical centre in Lebanon, adjacent to the Port, sustained a massive loss in lives and infrastructure. Objective The current study uses the baseline data of an ongoing longitudinal study to explore the prevalence, severity, and predictors of probable Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) among health workers at SGHUMC following the blast. Methods In the context of COVID-19 tests administered 9–15 days after the blast, SGHUMC staff were asked to complete a questionnaire that included socio-demographic details, the Beirut Port Exposure Inventory, and the Acute Stress Disorder Scale (ASDS). Results A total of 570 health workers participated in the study. The prevalence of probable DSM-5 ASD [95%CI] was 38.34% [31.41;45.32]. Many specific exposures were related, on a bivariate level, to ASD be it as a probable DSM-5 diagnosis or its severity as measured by the ASDS. A classification and regression tree (CART) analysis identified the highest risk predictors of probable DSM-5 ASD diagnosis to be: being a female, seeing dead or mutilated bodies, death of a close one, and being scared at the time of the explosion. Nurses carried the highest risks of all health workers with a probable DSM-5 ASD prevalence of 51.28%, (OR = 3.72 [95% CI: 2.22;6.25]). Being scared at the time of the blast was the most single predictor of probable ASD. Conclusion Both the prevalence and severity of probable DSM-5 ASD in this sample are higher than most reported in the literature, which may be explained by the severity of the trauma and the ongoing stress in the context of the pandemic. Fear at the time of the explosion was independently the most predictive parameter of probable ASD.
Predictors and severity of probable acute stress disorder following the Beirut Port Blast Predictores y Gravedad del probable Trastorno de Estrés Agudo después de la Explosión del Puerto de Beirut 贝鲁特港口爆炸后可能的急性应激障碍的预测因素和严重程度
Predictors and severity of probable acute stress disorder following the Beirut Port Blast Predictores y Gravedad del probable {{ORGANIZATION}} después de la Explosión del Puerto de Beirut 贝鲁特港口爆炸后可能的急性应激障碍的预测因素和严重程度
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Random peptide libraries and antigen-fragment libraries (also known as gene-fragment libraries) have been used to identify epitopes on protein antigens. These technologies promise to make significant contributions to diagnostic and vaccine development. Researchers in a number of labs have shown that phage selected from libraries with protective antibodies, raised against whole antigen, can be used as immunogens to stimulate antibody responses that bind native antigen and provide protection in vivo. Others have used the sera of patients with idiopathic diseases to screen libraries, and by this approach have identified candidate antigens involved in immune disease. These may prove useful for diagnosis and, possibly, in determining disease etiology.
Random-peptide libraries and antigen-fragment libraries for epitope mapping and the development of vaccines and diagnostics
Random-peptide libraries and antigen-fragment libraries for epitope mapping and the development of vaccines and diagnostics
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The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated collaborations from hospitals around the world to improve knowledge and find suitable treatments Responding to the quick spread of the virus, an international consortium was formed (4CE, https://COVIDclinical net/) to rapidly collect data from the Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) of participating hospitals and publish results The Digital Research Environment (DRE) enabled GOSH to join the consortium as one of the lead contributors of paediatric Covid-19 data in Europe and the only hospital in the U K The objective was to develop methods that ensure quick data collection and analysis using a mixed model of federated and centralised data analysis, and publish results on the clinical characterisation of Covid-19 in both children and adults to inform care and research Building on the DRE's automated data integration processes and flows from the GOSH EPR system, we developed methods to semi-automate our Covid-19 cohort identification, restructure and harmonise our data to the internationally agreed specification and standards, perform quality control collaboratively, produce aggregate-level data using summary statistics, validate severity, and incorporate appropriate obfuscation of results GOSH IG approval was obtained before sharing summary data with 4CE for further analysis We were able to rapidly develop suitable technical and governance solutions as a first step towards federated health data analysis in an international collaborative of hospitals The consortium analysis results, currently being submitted for publication, clinically characterise Covid-19 at an international level informing care and research 4CE offers a new model of collaborative health data analysis based on the use of EPRs and federated analysis to respond quickly to pandemics like Covid-19 The use of GOSH DRE enabled our participation in the 4CE consortium and quick generation of collaborative data analysis results on Covid-19 paving the way for further development of advanced international federated health data analytics using EPRs
Towards international federated health data analysis: Experience with the 4CE consortium for characterisation of COVID-19
Towards international federated health data analysis: Experience with the 4CE consortium for characterisation of COVID-19
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STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional, international survey. OBJECTIVES: To identify factors influencing pharmacologic anticoagulation initiation after spine surgery based on the AOSpine Anticoagulation Global Survey. METHODS: This survey was distributed to the international membership of AOSpine (n = 3805). A Likert-type scale described grade practice-specific factors on a scale from low (1) to high (5) importance, and patient-specific factors a scale from low (0) to high (3) importance. Analysis was performed to determine which factors were significant in the decision making surrounding the initiation of pharmacologic anticoagulation. RESULTS: A total of 316 spine surgeons from 64 countries completed the survey. In terms of practice-specific factors considered to initiate treatment, expert opinion was graded the highest (mean grade ± SD = 3.2 ± 1.3), followed by fellowship training (3.2 ± 1.3). Conversely, previous studies (2.7 ± 1.2) and unspecified guidelines were considered least important (2.6 ± 1.6). Patient body mass index (2.0 ± 1.0) and postoperative mobilization (2.3 ± 1.0) were deemed most important and graded highly overall. Those who rated estimated blood loss with greater importance in anticoagulation initiation decision making were more likely to administer thromboprophylaxis at later times (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.68-0.71), while those who rated drain output with greater importance were likely to administer thromboprophylaxis at earlier times (HR = 1.32-1.43). CONCLUSION: Among our global cohort of spine surgeons, certain patient factors (ie, patient mobilization and body mass index) and practice-specific factors (ie, expert opinion and fellowship training) were considered to be most important when considering anticoagulation start times.
Factors Affecting the Decision to Initiate Anticoagulation After Spine Surgery: Findings From the AOSpine Anticoagulation Global Initiative
{{ORGANIZATION}}: Findings From the AOSpine Anticoagulation Global Initiative
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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is currently recognized as a global health crisis. This viral infection is frequently associated with hypercoagulability, with a high incidence of thromboembolic complications that can be fatal. In many situations, the standard coagulation tests (SCT) fail to detect this state of hypercoagulability in patients with COVID-19 since clotting times are either not or only mildly affected. The role of viscoelastic tests such as rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM(®)) during this pandemic is explored in this review. COVID-19-associated coagulopathy, as measured using the rotational thromboelastometry parameters, can vary from hypercoagulability due to increased fibrin polymerization and decreased fibrinolysis to bleeding from hypocoagulability. The use of a multimodal diagnostic and monitoring approach, including both rotational thromboelastometry and SCT, such as plasma fibrinogen and D-dimer concentrations, is recommended. Rotational thromboelastometry provides comprehensive information about the full coagulation status of each patient and detects individual variations. Since COVID-19-associated coagulopathy is a very dynamic process, the phenotype can change during the course of infection and in response to anticoagulation therapy. Data from published literature provide evidence that the combination of rotational thromboelastometry and SCT analysis is helpful in detecting hemostasis issues, guiding anticoagulant therapy, and improving outcomes in COVID-19 patients. However, more research is needed to develop evidence-based guidelines and protocols.
The role of rotational thromboelastometry during the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative review
The role of rotational thromboelastometry during the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative review
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The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading across the world rapidly and poses unprecedented challenges to healthcare systems around the world. It transmits primarily by the droplet route, though surface contact may play an important role as well.1 While people are aware of universal mask-wearing to reduce respiratory droplet transmission, contact transmission, particularly through the indirect contact transmission, is a hidden danger that is often overlooked. There are some sources of non-negligible routes for indirect contact in hospitals, such as the keyboard and elevator buttons often used daily by frontline health workers. However, it is difficult to disinfect these areas thoroughly due to their uneven surfaces. This constitutes a barrier to the precaution of contact transmission.
Novel role of plastic wrap in COVID-19.
Novel role of plastic wrap in COVID-19.
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OBJECTIVE: The Ministry of Health of China reported a cluster of severe pneumonia cases of unknown etiology in Wuhan city, the cause of which was later identified as a novel coronavirus. However, the risk of infection through indirect transmission routes remains unclear. METHODS: A mathematical modeling approach was used to estimate the risk of infection through hand-to-face contact. The probability of infection for various routes of transmission through face-touching behavior was then calculated. RESULTS: The probabilities of infection through hand-to-mouth transmission from nonporous and porous environments had log-normal (LN) distributions with geometric means (GMs) of 0.0116 and 0.0002, geometric deviations (GDs) of 2.9822 and 3.5560, and medians of 0.0127 and 0.0002, respectively, while those through hand-to-nose transmission from nonporous and porous environments had LN distributions with GMs of 0.0006 and 0.0000, GDs of 43.2310 and 47.3372, and medians of 0.0009 and 0.0000, respectively. The probability of infection through hand-to-eye transmission from a nonporous environment had a beta distribution with &#945; = 2.38803, ß = 13.60457, a minimum of 0.0045, a maximum of 0.9021, and a median of 0.1179, while that from a porous environment had a Weibull distribution with a scale parameter of 0.0030, a shape parameter of 1.323, and a median of 0.0023. CONCLUSION: SARS-CoV-2 infection will occur through hand-to-face contact via contaminated environment.
Prediction of Potential Respiratory Tract Infection from SARS-CoV-2 Through Hand-to-face Contact Transmission
Prediction of Potential Respiratory Tract Infection from SARS-CoV-2 Through Hand-to-face {{ORGANIZATION}}
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Currently, nurses are in the middle of the battle against COVID-19. The pandemic situation has put these professionals against various ethical challenges. Therefore, this review aims to identify the main ethical challenges faced by nurses during COVID-19 pandemic. This integrative review was guided by the Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocols. All English version studies that reported ethical challenges of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic, from November 9, 2019, to November 9, 2020, were eligible for the review. The electronic databases used were PubMed, Google Scholar, JURN, Cochrane Library E-Journals, MEDLINE, Academic Search Complete, CINAHL. Accordingly, 8 articles were included for further analysis and synthesis. The ethical challenges of nurses were categorized into three thematic areas: nurses’ safety, role and moral distress, resource allocation, and client–nurse relationship. Thus, the lack of full protection of nurses across the health industry has raised ethical questions such as the extent of their duty, scarce resources, and the failure of personal protective equipment. In connection, a significant number of nurses were also facing moral distress because of prolonged pressure to maintain the resources needed to provide safe and high-quality nursing care. Furthermore, nurses were challenged to restrict many COVID-19 patients from having end-of-life communication with their families. Overall, nurses are still facing various ethical challenges across the globe. Therefore, it is important to mobilize resources and invest in nurses to bring long-lasting solutions.
Ethical Challenges of Nurses in COVID-19 Pandemic: Integrative Review
Ethical Challenges of Nurses in COVID-19 Pandemic: {{ORGANIZATION}}
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BACKGROUND: Based on differences in populations and prevention and control measures, the spread of new coronary pneumonia in different countries and regions also differs. This study aimed to calculate the transmissibility of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and to evaluate the effectiveness of measures to control the disease in Jilin Province, China. METHODS: The data of reported COVID-19 cases were collected, including imported and local cases from Jilin Province as of March 14, 2019. A Susceptible–Exposed–Infectious–Asymptomatic–Recovered/Removed (SEIAR) model was developed to fit the data, and the effective reproduction number (R(eff)) was calculated at different stages in the province. Finally, the effectiveness of the measures was assessed. RESULTS: A total of 97 COVID-19 infections were reported in Jilin Province, among which 45 were imported infections (including one asymptomatic infection) and 52 were local infections (including three asymptomatic infections). The model fit the reported data well (R(2) = 0.593, P < 0.001). The R(eff) of COVID-19 before and after February 1, 2020 was 1.64 and 0.05, respectively. Without the intervention taken on February 1, 2020, the predicted cases would have reached a peak of 177,011 on October 22, 2020 (284 days from the first case). The projected number of cases until the end of the outbreak (on October 9, 2021) would have been 17,129,367, with a total attack rate of 63.66%. Based on the comparison between the predicted incidence of the model and the actual incidence, the comprehensive intervention measures implemented in Jilin Province on February 1 reduced the incidence of cases by 99.99%. Therefore, according to the current measures and implementation efforts, Jilin Province can achieve good control of the virus’s spread. CONCLUSIONS: COVID-19 has a moderate transmissibility in Jilin Province, China. The interventions implemented in the province had proven effective; increasing social distancing and a rapid response by the prevention and control system will help control the spread of the disease.
Evaluating the effectiveness of measures to control the novel coronavirus disease 2019 in Jilin Province, China
Evaluating the effectiveness of measures to control the novel coronavirus disease 2019 in Jilin Province, China
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The purpose of this study was to explore the dimensions of service quality in fitness clubs in China and examine their impact on customer satisfaction. In Phase I of the study, we collected qualitative data from online comments related to service quality in 30 Tera Wellness clubs in Shanghai (k = 6252). Conducting content analysis, we synthesized the information and identified preliminary themes and formulated measurement statements. Phase II implemented a series of quantitative research procedures to examine the measurement properties of statements developed in Phase I. Conducting exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling analyses based on responses of club members (N = 533), we identified a total of 27 items in six dimensions: service recovery, service assurance, facility function, program operation, instructor quality, and staff performance. These factors significantly (p < 0.05) predicted customer satisfaction with fitness clubs in China. The findings highlight the importance of high-quality service delivery, service recovery, and service assurance and pinpoint specific areas for improvement.
Dimensions of Service Quality in Health-Fitness Clubs in China
{{ORGANIZATION}} in Health-Fitness Clubs in China
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SIMPLE SUMMARY: Three weighted-stratified random-effects meta-analyses were performed to estimate the worldwide neonatal calf diarrhoea prevalence of mixed infections of the causative agents bovine rotavirus (BRV), bovine coronavirus (BCoV), Escherichia coli K99 (ETEC) and Cryptosporidium spp. (Crypto). The highest worldwide mean pooled prevalence was identified for BRV-Crypto (6.69%; confidence interval (CI): 4.27–9.51), followed by BRV-BCoV (2.84%; CI: 1.78–4.08) and BRV-ETEC (1.64%; CI: 0.76–2.75). In all concurrent infections with BRV, the highest mean prevalence was identified in calves with diarrhoea, in dairy herds and in the age classes of sampled animals between 0–14 days. The prevalence of the BRV-BCoV mixed infection is higher than expected based on the ratio of the occurrence of both individual infections in calves with diarrhoea. ABSTRACT: Multiple enteropathogens such as bovine rotavirus (BRV), bovine coronavirus (BCoV), Escherichia coli K99 (ETEC) and Cryptosporidium spp. (Crypto) are the most common causes of calf diarrhoea during the first 30 days of animal age. Three weighted-stratified random-effects meta-analyses were performed to calculate the worldwide prevalence of mixed infections of the causative agents (i.e., BRV-BCoV, BRV-ETEC, BRV-Crypto) and their potential influencing factors. The meta-analysis covered 41 studies (94 sub-studies) in 21 countries that determined the presence or absence of mixed infections in global calf populations. The highest worldwide estimated pooled prevalence was identified for BRV-Crypto (6.69%), followed by BRV-BCoV (2.84%), and BRV-ETEC (1.64%). The chance of detecting BCoV in calves with diarrhoea was 1.83 higher in the presence of BRV compared to calves without BRV, whereby an inhibition effect (odds ratio: 0.77) was determined between BRV and Crypto infections. The diagnostic methods were identified as a significant influencing factor in the detection of all considered mixed infections, while the other analysed factors differed in relation to their effect on prevalence. In contrast to BRV-BCoV, the prevalence of BRV-ETEC and BRV-Crypto mixed infections followed the course of individual ETEC and Crypto prevalence related to the age class of the sampled animals.
Prevalence of Worldwide Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea Caused by Bovine Rotavirus in Combination with Bovine Coronavirus, Escherichia coli K99 and Cryptosporidium spp.: A Meta-Analysis
Prevalence of Worldwide Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea Caused by Bovine Rotavirus in Combination with {{ORGANIZATION}}, {{NAME}} coli K99 and {{ORGANIZATION}} spp.: A {{ORGANIZATION}}
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COVID-19 evolved into a pandemic in 2020 affecting more than 150 countries. Given the absence of a vaccine, discussion has taken place on the strategy of allowing the virus to spread in a population, to increase population "herd immunity". Knowledge of the minimum proportion of a population required to have recovered from COVID-19 infection in order to attain "herd" immunity, P(crit), is important for formulating epidemiological policy. A method for measuring uncertainty about P(crit) based on a widely used package, EpiEstim, is derived. The procedure is illustrated using data from twelve countries at two early times during the COVID-19 epidemic. It is shown that simple plug-in measures of confidence on estimates of P(crit) are misleading, but that a full characterization of statistical uncertainty can be derived from EpiEstim, which reports percentiles only. Because of the important levels of uncertainty, it is risky to design epidemiological policy based on guidance provided by a single point estimate.
On the Uncertainty about Herd Immunity Levels Required to Stop Covid-19 Epidemics
On the Uncertainty about Herd Immunity Levels Required to Stop Covid-19 {{ORGANIZATION}}
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Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are well-studied and widely-applied technologies in underground water remediation. However, the releasing of chemical substances cannot be avoided during the PRBs operation. In this study, a novel permeable electrochemical reactive barrier (PERB) was fabricated for underground water remediation using a TiO2/graphite composite (TiO2/C) as the heterogeneous electrocatalyst. TiO2/C performed an electro-Fenton-like reaction on cathode and an anodic oxidation on anode respectively, along with the variety of the TiO2 lattice. The performance of this PERB system was evaluated using tetracycline hydrochloride (TTC) degradation. TTC could be degraded at a low applied potential and a wide range of pH. The degradation rate of about 60% was obtained at the optimized reaction condition: the interelectrode potential difference of 1.2 V, pH 3.0, the anode 10 cm above cathode. The relative position and spacing of the electrodes effected the mass transfer equilibrium of TTC. During the 25-day persistent degradation of TTC, the PERB system shown a perfect stability with rarely leaching of Ti. This work explored the potential for underground water remediation by the electrocatalysis with the goal of establishing a clean and eco-friendly PERB system.
A permeable electrochemical reactive barrier for underground water remediation using TiO2/graphite composites as heterogeneous electrocatalysts without releasing of chemical substances.
A permeable electrochemical reactive barrier for underground water remediation using TiO2/graphite composites as heterogeneous electrocatalysts without releasing of chemical substances.
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[ ]our model hypothesizes, if and when forging closer cooperation with an external power—in our case, connectivity cooperation with China—boosts the ruling elites’ major pathways of legitimation (and enhances their cooptation and/or coercive capacity), then the state is likely to downplay apprehensions and embrace such big power-backed ventures as the BRI [ ]if a close partnership would undermine the elites’ principal pathway(s) of inner justification, then the state is likely to foreground perceived risks, discount potential benefits, and respond indifferently to the BRI [ ]the AA framework bridges structural and domestic variables (Kuik 2013, 2017) 3 It shows that a structural variable like power asymmetry has no inherent logic Asymmetry Effects: Ambivalent, Uneven, and Dynamic Smaller states view China’s BRI through the prism of power asymmetry Because of the vast disparities between Southeast Asian states and China, the smaller states have always viewed China with ambivalence, seeing China as a source of both apprehensions and attractions (Ba and Kuik 2018)
Asymmetry and Authority: Theorizing Southeast Asian Responses to China’s Belt and Road Initiative
{{ORGANIZATION}} to China’s Belt and Road Initiative
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The aim of this study was to use the near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as a process analytical tool to evaluate the conformity of paracetamol tablets in terms of four Pharmacopoeia tests (content uniformity, hardness, disintegration time, friability) and to control in-line blend uniformity. Tablets were manufactured by direct compression. Three different active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) concentrations were manufactured and three different compaction pressures were used. Intact tablets were analysed by transmission mode with NIRS prior to European Pharmacopoeia tests that were used as reference methods. Partial least square (PLS) regression was selected to build the prediction NIR models for content uniformity, tablet hardness and disintegration time. The prediction of NIR content uniformity and tablet hardness methods were validated using the accuracy profile approach. The values of the root mean squared error of calibration (RMSEC) and the root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) for the disintegration time indicated the robustness and the global accuracy of the NIR model. Regarding the tablet friability test, the classification was based on K-nearest neighbours (KNN). Then tablet NIR analyses successfully allowed the prediction of their conformity. Compared to the time consuming Pharmacopoeia reference methods, the benefit of this nondestructive method is significant, especially for reducing batch release time.
Towards a real time release approach for manufacturing tablets using NIR spectroscopy.
Towards a real time release approach for manufacturing tablets using {{ORGANIZATION}} spectroscopy.
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INTRODUCTION Previous studies have found an increase in the incidence rate of depression between 2007 - 2013 in Portugal, with a positive correlation with the unemployment rate, namely, in men. So, it was hypothesized that this increase is related with the situation of economic crisis. This study aimed to investigate if the correlation between unemployment rates and the incidence of depression is maintained in the post-crisis period of economic recovery in Portugal (2016 - 2018). MATERIAL AND METHODS An ecological study was carried out, using data from the General Practitioners Sentinel Network concerning depression incidence (first episodes and relapses) and data from the National Statistics Institute on unemployment rates in the Portuguese population. The correlation coefficient was estimated using linear regression and the results were disaggregated by sex. RESULTS Between 2016 and 2018, there was a consistent decrease in the incidence of depression in both sexes. During the 1995 - 2018 period, a positive correlation was observed between unemployment and depression, with a coefficient of 0.833 (p = 0.005) in males and of 0.742 (p = 0.022) in females. DISCUSSION The reduction in the incidence of depression in both sexes observed between 2016 - 2018 corroborates a positive correlation between unemployment and depression in the Portuguese population, previously observed between 2007 - 2013. CONCLUSION This study highlights the need to monitor the occurrence of mental illness in the Portuguese population, especially in moments of greatest social vulnerability in order to establish preventive measures, as a way to mitigate the impact of future economic crises.
[Economic Crisis in Portugal: Trajectory of the Incidence of Depression and Correlation With Unemployment].
[Economic Crisis in Portugal: Trajectory of the Incidence of Depression and Correlation With Unemployment].
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The prevalence of delayed ejaculation in sexually active men is reportedly 3%. Due to its rarity and uncertain definitions, people seek information about delayed ejaculation on the internet. YouTube is one of the largest video platforms preferred global for gathering medical information. We aimed to determine the quality of YouTube videos on delayed ejaculation. YouTube search was performed with the keywords “delayed and retarded ejaculation”, and we recorded the first 400 videos according to relevance. The search results were saved in the playlist, and the first 400 videos were evaluated by two independent urologists. DISCERN and Global Quality Scale (GQS) were used to assess the reliability and quality of videos. Repeated (n = 17), off-topic (n = 279), non-English videos (n = 37), and videos with no audio (n = 16) were excluded from the study. The remaining 51 videos were evaluated. DISCERN and GQS scores were statistically significantly associated with video durations (r = 0.329, P = 0.018 and r = 0.349, P = 0.012; respectively). A statistically significant association was also observed between and DISCERN and GQS scores with video power index values (r = 0.466, P = 0.001 and r = 0.422, P = 0.002; respectively). 62.7% (n = 32) videos were low quality, 23.5% (n = 12) were intermediate quality, and 13.7% (n = 7) were high quality according to the GQS. Most of the YouTube content on delayed ejaculation was of poor quality. Physicians should be aware of this situation, and take the lead in bringing high-quality videos about delayed ejaculation to the community.
YouTube is inadequate as an information source on delayed ejaculation
{{ORGANIZATION}} is inadequate as an information source on delayed ejaculation
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OBJECTIVES Report of clinical data on maternal outcomes, mode of delivery and immediate neonatal outcome in women infected with COVID-19, as well as clarifying whether the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 could occur in utero (congenital), intrapartum, and/or postnatally through breastmilk, amniotic fluid or cord blood. METHODS Retrospective data collection. Evidence of vertical transmission was assessed by testing for SARS-CoV-2 in amniotic fluid, cord blood, maternal liquor, breast milk and neonatal pharyngeal swab samples. RESULTS 8.9% (n=8) of the total population of hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 positive pregnant women were admitted to a critical care unit, one (0.9%) needed extracorporal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and one woman died (0.9%). The premature birth rate before 34+0 weeks of gestational age of 8.2% (n=8) among pregnant women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, was almost four times higher than among the total population of pregnant women in Austria. Two newborns (2%) were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 after birth. No SARS-CoV-2 was found in amniotic fluid, cord blood, maternal liquor or breast milk using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). CONCLUSIONS Pregnant women with COVID-19 seem to be at a higher risk of invasive ventilation, admission to a critical care unit and pre-term birth and therefore they should be considered as a high-risk population. The risk of congenital or intrapartal infection seems to be insignificant.
One year into the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: perinatal outcome and data on the transmission of 116 pregnant women.
One year into the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: perinatal outcome and data on the transmission of 116 pregnant women.
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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of bedside ultrasonography for the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in patients infected with corona virus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) with and without treatment with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the records of deceased and surviving patients in whom ultrasonography detected or not a DVT, and in whom LMWH was or not prescribed. RESULTS: The incidence of DVT is higher in the deceased (33/35) than in the surviving (22/46) patients. LMWH was administered in a larger proportion of surviving (18/22) than of deceased (18/33) patients. D‐dimer concentrations decreased in patients who received LMWH in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: There was a high incidence of DVT in patients who succumbed to COVID‐19. Bedside ultrasonography can detect the presence of DVT as early as possible and help assessing the risk of venous thromboembolism, allowing early and reasonable use of LMWH.
Applicability of bedside ultrasonography for the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis in patients with COVID‐19 and treatment with low molecular weight heparin
Applicability of bedside ultrasonography for the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis in patients with {{ORGANIZATION}} and treatment with low molecular weight heparin
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The primary objective of this multicenter, observational, retrospective study was to assess the incidence rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in intensive care units (ICU). The secondary objective was to assess predictors of 30-day case-fatality of VAP. From 15 February to 15 May 2020, 586 COVID-19 patients were admitted to the participating ICU. Of them, 171 developed VAP (29%) and were included in the study. The incidence rate of VAP was of 18 events per 1000 ventilator days (95% confidence intervals [CI] 16–21). Deep respiratory cultures were available and positive in 77/171 patients (45%). The most frequent organisms were Pseudomonas aeruginosa (27/77, 35%) and Staphylococcus aureus (18/77, 23%). The 30-day case-fatality of VAP was 46% (78/171). In multivariable analysis, septic shock at VAP onset (odds ratio [OR] 3.30, 95% CI 1.43–7.61, p = 0.005) and acute respiratory distress syndrome at VAP onset (OR 13.21, 95% CI 3.05–57.26, p < 0.001) were associated with fatality. In conclusion, VAP is frequent in critically ill COVID-19 patients. The related high fatality is likely the sum of the unfavorable prognostic impacts of the underlying viral and the superimposed bacterial diseases.
Incidence and Prognosis of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: A Multicenter Study
Incidence and Prognosis of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: A Multicenter Study
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A 59-year-old incarcerated woman who was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in 2016 was brought in for evaluation of the breast cancer. Upon evaluation of the computed tomography chest for breast cancer restaging, diffuse bilateral ground glass opacities and a reverse halo sign in the right lower lobe concerning for atypical viral pneumonia were discovered. The patient was afebrile, had an oxygen saturation of 100%, and denied chest pain as well as shortness of breath. On physical exam, she exhibited decreased breath sounds bilaterally and expiratory wheezing. She later received a COVID-19 test, which came back positive. Infection with the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, also known as COVID-19) may remain asymptomatic in the initial phase, leading to under-recognition and incidental detection on procedures for standard clinical indications. Hospitals, in particular diagnostic imaging services, should prepare accordingly in regard to health precautions while keeping in mind the potential discrepancies between clinical presentation and resultant radiologic patterns. This awareness should be heightened in patients at higher risk (ie, prisoners). Furthermore, by acting upon the incidental detection of this virus during its early stages, subsequent steps could help prevent the spread of the virus.
Incidental COVID-19 in the radiology department: Radiographic findings of COVID-19 in asymptomatic patient undergoing CT staging for breast cancer
Incidental COVID-19 in the radiology department: Radiographic findings of COVID-19 in asymptomatic patient undergoing {{ORGANIZATION}} staging for breast cancer
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Access to large pools of healthy adult donors advantageously positions blood component providers to undertake anti-SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence studies While numerous seroprevalence reports have been published by blood operators during the COVID-19 pandemic, details on the assay used has not been well documented The objectives of this study were to evaluate the diversity of assays being used by blood operators and assess how this may affect seroprevalence estimates MATERIALS AND METHODS: We surveyed 49 blood component providers from 39 countries Questionnaire included information on the number and identity of assays used, the detected immunoglobulin(s) and target antigen, and performance characteristics (sensitivity, specificity) RESULTS: Thirty-eight of the 49 contacted blood suppliers provided at least partial responses The results indicate that 19 commercial and five in-house serology assays have been used by surveyed blood operators The Abbott SARS-CoV-2 IgG assay was the most commonly used kit and utilized by 15 blood suppliers Two assays did not detect IgG, but detected either IgM/IgA or IgM 68 2% of assays targeted the spike protein and 50% the nucleocapsid protein, while 18 2% targeted both viral proteins The sensitivity and specificity of IgG-specific assays ranged from 71 9% to 100% and from 96 2% to 100%, respectively As of 18 October 2020, the seroprevalence was below 5% in 10 of 14 countries reporting CONCLUSION: Our results highlight the diversity of assays being used Analyses comparing blood donor seroprevalence across countries should consider assay characteristics with optimization of signal/cut-off ratios and consistent methodology to adjust for waning antibody
An international comparison of anti-SARS-COV-2 assays used for seroprevalence surveys from blood component providers
An international comparison of anti-SARS-COV-2 assays used for seroprevalence surveys from blood component providers
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A patient undergoing general anaesthesia for neurosurgery exhibited an unexpected sudden decrease in the BiSpectral Index (BIS) value to near-zero. This prompted the detection of profound hypotension using non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement and expedited urgent assessment and treatment, with the patient making a full recovery. Widely regarded as a 'depth of anaesthesia' monitor, this case demonstrates the potential extra clinical benefit BIS may have in the detection of critical incidents such as anaphylaxis during general anaesthesia.
BiSpectral Index (BIS) monitoring may detect critical hypotension before automated non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement during general anaesthesia; a case report.
BiSpectral Index ({{ORGANIZATION}}) monitoring may detect critical hypotension before automated non-invasive blood pressure ({{ORGANIZATION}}) measurement during general anaesthesia; a case report.
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(1) Background: The estimation of daily reproduction numbers throughout the contagiousness period is rarely considered, and only their sum R0 is calculated to quantify the contagiousness level of an infectious disease. (2) Methods: We provide the equation of the discrete dynamics of the epidemic’s growth and obtain an estimation of the daily reproduction numbers by using a deconvolution technique on a series of new COVID-19 cases. (3) Results: We provide both simulation results and estimations for several countries and waves of the COVID-19 outbreak. (4) Discussion: We discuss the role of noise on the stability of the epidemic’s dynamics. (5) Conclusions: We consider the possibility of improving the estimation of the distribution of daily reproduction numbers during the contagiousness period by taking into account the heterogeneity due to several host age classes.
Estimation of Daily Reproduction Numbers during the COVID-19 Outbreak
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The COVID-19 pandemic that came suddenly has demanded a radical change in the learning system. Many are not ready for the change in the system schools are constrained in providing services to their students as well as the way teachers provide learning to their students. This problem is also faced by guidance and counseling teachers in providing services to their students. The purpose of this study was to uncover guidance and counseling teacher services student responses and barriers to guidance and counseling services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used is a qualitative approach to the phenomenological model. The results showed that the guidance and counseling services provided by teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic were not optimal. Student responses in receiving services vary. Each subject experienced different obstacles most students were constrained in taking virtual lessons did not have cellphones did not have laptops the ability to buy credit was very limited and internet network access was unstable so that students became constrained in learning.
The guidance and counseling on the COVID-19 pandemic period
The guidance and counseling on the COVID-19 pandemic period
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Objetive: An outbreak of a novel and alarmingly coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was announced in China in December 2019, which later affected about 180 countries worldwide Thus, this study aims to assess the awareness and attitude of dentists towards COVID-19 in Syria Materials and Methods: The questionnaire was an online survey;it contained 19 questions formulated based on the information given by WHO and CDC for COVID-19 Study participants were dentists practicing in Syria The questionnaire was translated into Arabic and published on the internet into multiple platforms Results: 7233 dentists responded to the questionnaire;64% of the participants were females The majority of the respondents were general practitioner (78%), nearly half of the respondents had been practicing dentistry for at least 2-4 years (51%) The majority of the respondents has knowledge about COVID-19 and was aware it is contagious Over half of the Syrian dentists received their information about COVID-19 from social media platforms (55%) Even though the majority of the dentists were aware that the incubation period could last up to 14 days, nearly half of the participants were not aware that symptomless patients can spread the virus (49%) Conclusions: Syrian dental practitioners were aware of COVID-19 definition, incubation period and prevention measures in the dental clinic However, they had limited attitude regarding COVID-19 symptoms, mode of transmission and management © 2020, Universidad de Concepcion All rights reserved
Knowledge and awareness level of syrian dentists towards novel coronavirus pandemic: Cross-sectional study
Knowledge and awareness level of syrian dentists towards novel coronavirus pandemic: Cross-sectional study
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The 2017 revision of WHO Classification of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues contains separate chapters on the immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders. In this mini-review, the brief description of pathological, immunophenotypical and clinical features of lymphoid neoplasms associated with primary immune disorders, HIV infection, those arising in post-transplant setting and other lymphoproliferative disorders (excluding those induced by radiation) is given. The heterogeneous spectrum of these lymphoid malignancies is specified by the nature of those factors that are capable to induce immune suppression or chronic antigenic stimulation of immune system. Taking into account the full swing of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and our ignorance of the ability of this virus to induce the sustained stimulation of immune system, we could not exclude the high risk of autoimmune diseases and lymphoid neoplasms in the long-term post-pandemic period. In this context, the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 as well as some recently reported cell receptors for SARS-CoV-2 cell entry should be considered as far as some of them (CD147, CD26) could be tumor-associated antigens.
Immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders and lymphoid neoplasms in post-COVID-19 pandemic era.
Immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders and lymphoid neoplasms in post-COVID-19 pandemic era.
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The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is having a widespread impact on societies across the globe. As part of the effort to control transmission in the United States, many businesses either closed or instituted nonpharmaceutical control measures and allowed only essential workers on-site. During summer and fall of 2020, employers began formulating "return to work" strategies designed to mitigate the risk of transmission among employees. On a population level, several countries implemented national testing and surveillance strategies that proved effective in mitigating citizen-to-citizen transmission and contributed to suppressing COVID-19. A crucial component of many such strategies is population-based testing to identify and engage individuals with asymptomatic or presymptomatic infection, which also is relevant to return-to-work strategies. The authors describe an approach that multisite employers might use to help mitigate transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace. This approach leverages a bioinformatics platform informed by real-time PCR test data at the county and subcounty (eg, Public Use Microdata Area) level, allowing for population-based testing to be selectively targeted for employees in geographies with elevated SARS-CoV-2 positivity. A "Command Center" application integrates data from multiple sources (eg, local infection trends, employee symptom diaries, Bluetooth thermometers) in real time, which can be used to inform decisions regarding surveillance and employee self-isolation or quarantine; a mobile phone-based application provides for rapid, secure communication with employees. This overview is based on peer-reviewed literature and the early experience of a large employer with implementing bioinformatics tools to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the workplace.
Model for Mitigation of Workplace Transmission of COVID-19 Through Population-Based Testing and Surveillance
Model for Mitigation of Workplace Transmission of COVID-19 Through Population-Based Testing and {{ORGANIZATION}}
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OBJECTIVE: To further evaluate the relationship between the clinical profiles and limbic and motor brain regions and their connecting pathways in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Indices (NODDI) multicompartment modeling was used to test the relationships between tissue alterations in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and multiple psychiatric symptoms. METHODS: The sample included participants with prior TBI (TBI; N = 37) but no PNES, and with TBI and PNES (TBI + PNES; N = 34). Participants completed 3T Siemens Prisma MRI high angular resolution imaging diffusion protocol. Statistical maps, including fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), neurite dispersion [orientation dispersion index (ODI)] and density [intracellular volume fraction (ICVF), and free water (i.e., isotropic) volume fraction (V-ISO)] signal intensity, were generated for each participant. Linear mixed-effects models identified clusters of between-group differences in indices of white matter changes. Pearson's r correlation tests assessed any relationship between signal intensity and psychiatric symptoms. RESULTS: Compared to TBI, TBI + PNES revealed decreases in FA, ICVF, and V-ISO and increases in MD for clusters within cingulum bundle, uncinate fasciculus, fornix/stria terminalis, and corticospinal tract pathways (cluster threshold &#945; = 0.05). Indices of white matter changes for these clusters correlated with depressive, anxiety, PTSD, psychoticism, and somatization symptom severity (FDR threshold &#945; = 0.05). A follow-up within-group analysis revealed that these correlations failed to reach the criteria for significance in the TBI + PNES group alone. INTERPRETATION: The results expand support for the hypothesis that alterations in pathways comprising the specific PNES network correspond to patient profiles. These findings implicate myelin-specific changes as possible contributors to PNES, thus introducing novel potential treatment targets.
White matter and neurite morphology differ in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures
White matter and neurite morphology differ in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures
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BACKGROUND: The association between autonomic dysfunction and long‐COVID syndrome is established. However, the prevalence and patterns of symptoms of dysautonomia in long‐COVID syndrome in a large population are lacking. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence and patterns of symptoms of dysautonomia in patients with long‐COVID syndrome. METHODS: We administered the Composite Autonomic Symptom Score 31 (COMPASS‐31) questionnaire to a sample of post‐COVID‐19 patients who were referred to post‐COVID clinic in Assiut University Hospitals, Egypt for symptoms concerning for long‐COVID syndrome. Participants were asked to complete the COMPASS‐31 questionnaire referring to the period of more than 4 weeks after acute COVID‐19. RESULTS: We included 320 patients (35.92 ± 11.92 years, 73% females). The median COMPASS‐31 score was 26.29 (0–76.73). The most affected domains of dysautonomia were gastrointestinal, secretomotor, and orthostatic intolerance with 91.6%, 76.4%, and 73.6%, respectively. There was a positive correlation between COMPASS‐31 score and long‐COVID duration (p < 0.001) and a positive correlation between orthostatic intolerance domain score and post‐COVID duration (p < 0.001). There was a positive correlation between orthostatic intolerance domain score and age of participants (p = 0.004). Two hundred forty‐seven patients (76.7%) had a high score of COMPASS‐31 >16.4. Patients with COMPASS‐31 >16.4 had a longer duration of long‐COVID syndrome than those with score <16.4 (46.2 vs. 26.8 weeks, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms of dysautonomia are common in long‐COVID syndrome. The most common COMPASS‐31 affected domains of dysautonomia are gastrointestinal, secretomotor, and orthostatic intolerance. There is a positive correlation between orthostatic intolerance domain score and patients' age.
Prevalence and patterns of symptoms of dysautonomia in patients with long‐COVID syndrome: A cross‐sectional study
Prevalence and patterns of symptoms of dysautonomia in patients with long‐COVID syndrome: A cross‐sectional study
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We report a statistical analysis of some highly infected countries by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The cumulative infected data were fitted with various growth models (e.g. Logistic equation, Weibull equation and Hill equation) and obtained the power index of top ten highly infected countries. The newly infected data were fitted with Gaussian distribution with the peak at ~40 days for the countries whose infection curves are seem to be saturated. The similarity in growth kinetics of infected people of different countries provides first-hand guidelines to take proper precautions to minimize human damage.
Epidemiological study of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
Epidemiological study of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
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Gender-based violence is a widespread phenomenon and pandemic that affects women’s lives. Many interventions have been activated for perpetrators, but the dropout rate is still high. In order to draw up guidelines for responsibly and sustainably dealing with the phenomenon, this study is aimed at investigating the professionals’ perception of the perpetrator as a useful element in designing innovative intervention policies. Open interviews were carried out with welfare and health professionals and the Grounded Theory Methodology was used to analyze the collected data. These results detect attitudes of social health personnel and their feelings of impotence towards gender-based perpetrators because of the emergence of an inevitable repetitiveness of the violent behavior, as well as the “normality of violence” in a patriarchal culture and its “transversality”. This reflective knowledge allows for the opportunity to develop best transformative attitudes toward the phenomenon. According to the results, it is urgent to establish an active and convinced alliance with the healthy part of the man, through specific prevention paths, in order to activate an authentic motivation for change and its sustainability.
Downside: The Perpetrator of Violence in the Representations of Social and Health Professionals
Downside: The Perpetrator of Violence in the Representations of Social and Health Professionals