class label
5 classes
01 star
The store has a weird rotting meat smell sometimes. The selection isn't amazing but there are a few interesting items here. As other people commented there are always people hanging around outside.... But they are friendly at least to me! One thing I like about the store is the proximity to my house. The biggest let down is the sky high prices that I think GE is notorious for... I miss Kroger
01 star
Zero stars? Really terrible store. High prices, THE WORST PRODUCE EVER (And no, it isn't the lighting...) and rude employees. \nNever mind the people hanging out out front and in the parking lot, who cares. What I'm truly concerned about is the vast discrepancy between this store and very nearly all of the other Giant Eagle locations in the Pittsburgh area. One would assume that there would be some quality control within their chain of stores. Truly sad that the North Side has so few options at which to shop for reasonably priced, fresh food. \n\nAlso, enjoy getting followed around by the walleyed \"undercover\" employee. Looks like Lurch from the Addams Family. Good riddance.
12 star
It's close to my neighborhood, hence the 2 star. \nbut seriously, it's like Walmart stuff at Whole Food's price. for the same item, it charges substantially higher (~40%+) than Target -which is not even known for cheap grocery. \nI still go there because it's close, and I go for specific items on sale so it's not bad. But overall the store is way too pricy - for no good reason! which is probably the reason it gets on my nerve the most! over the years I've frequented many pricy groceries: Andronico's (CA), Morton Williams (NY), Wegman (MD), and Whole Foods everywhere - and these stores all had one common quality: they carry nice stuff! When I want to cook pretentious gourmet food, they have every ingredient ready. I don't expect every store to be cheap and carry good stuff like Trader Joe's, ergo I was never the one to oppose stores just because they're pricy. But this one is just pricy unjustifiably. You can over charge me on truffle oil and duck confit, but I'm not happy to be charged double on corn syrup and canola oil. Same brand, same item, nearly double the price. even the CVS downtown don't overcharge as much so don't say this is for the location. This is the definition of a rip off.
01 star
So I got a call from Giant Eagle asking me to give my opinion of this store. My recommendation was to burn this place to the ground. Buckle up for crappy produce, rotten fish, old meat, and security guards that speck you be stealin! This is the Gh**to Eagle!
12 star
This Giant Eagle is one of the few that only use the Giant Eagle name, but is owned independently of the Giant Eagle company. It is a franchise, which may explain why it is such a dump.\n\nTo shop here, you first have to get into the store, which means dodging bums and people selling EBT cards just outside the store. \n\nOnce inside, you have to find a cart that has all 4 wheels, travels in a straight line, doesn't make squeeky noises, and isn't wet or filled with trash. \n\nThen go to the produce department. Whenever I go to the produce department of any other grocer, I notice some of the produce has fallen on the floor, and some has rolled under the shelves. I'm almost positive that this produce is collected and sent to the Cedar ave Giant Eagle.\n\nThis store is not clean.\n\nTo its credit, they still have people who bag groceries for you, and the staff are decent, especially considering the demoralizing nature of their work environment. The location is also very good.\n\nIf the Cedar Ave Giant Eagle wants to improve, it needs to hire security to keep the parking lot clear of panhandlers, get new shopping carts, get rid of the self-checkout registers, improve their produce department, and have an overnight cleaning team. Until then, they will keep pushing me and everyone else to shop with their competition.
23 stars
OK-- I need to stick up for this store after reading these other reviews. I live nearby and have shopped here multiple times a week for the past year or so. I find this store to be consistently clean and the employees to be helpful, polite, and efficient. Despite being much smaller than most Giant Eagle stores, this one offers a decent selection of international foods, organic products, and vegetarian/vegan items. I regularly buy produce here and see no difference between the quality/freshness of what this store offers and what other Giant Eagle stores sell. The main difference in the produce section is, truly, the lack of dim, directional lighting that new and newly renovated stores use to give their produce that false garden-fresh glow. Harsh overhead lighting doesn't create much of a mood, but at least I can see clearly enough to choose the freshest items.\n\nAs for all the remarks about this store's It's amazing how people in the politically-correct 21st century manage to find new ways to express 19th-century bigotry. All the comments about \"thugs\" and \"bums\" and \"EBT cards\"? Why don't you just say what you mean? Better yet, just stay in the homogenous suburbs where you can buy your mood-lit grapes among \"your kind.\"\n\nNo, this isn't the world's greatest grocery store. Yes, I sometimes fantasize that it will close and a Trader Joe's will move in. But it's not the terrifying, stinking hellhole full of rotten food and sneering employees that these other reviews portray it to be. In dozens of trips here, I've never had anything but an ordinary, inoffensive shopping experience. Do you really need more from a small, neighborhood grocery store?
23 stars
It wasn't as horrid as the reviews would lead you to think. Just don't expect a gleaming suburban-style mega-mart and you will be fine.
12 star
I hate to agree with the other poor reviews of this branch, but this is definitely far from the best Eagle in the city. I'll say upfront that I never felt unsafe the three times that I have been here. However, the quality of the produce from my experience is pretty poor. The lines are always long and take forever to get through. Furthermore, the stuff in the bakery and goodies are below par. I'd recommend stopping in another Giant Eagle if you can. However, this location DOES have a Redbox, which is nice.
12 star
I've had a lot of bad experiences at this store. The employees have been rude so much that I just expect them to roll there eyes when I get deli meat. Lines are long, and there's always a crowd of people hanging out front begging for money, cigarettes, or trying to sell their food stamps. \n\nI have filed a complaint with corporate about this store before and I was contacted by a manager. I do have to say, that this manager really, sincerely cares about this store and customer experience. I talked to him for 20 minutes and he was polite and friendly. His name is Mr. Youngblood, and he urges you to ask for a manager if you're having a bad experience.\n\nProduce selection is terrible, there is not a meat counter in store, and it's just feels dirty. \n\nThis is the only grocery store on the north side, so it's not as easy to \"just go somewhere else\" sometimes when you get off work, you don't want to drive 10 minutes to go to Kuhns on mcknight.
23 stars
Why all the hate for this Giant Eagle? Sure it's not in the ritzy part of town but they have everything all the other Giant Eagles have. I've never gone here and not found what I needed. Don't be scared of people just because they are different than you. This Giant Eagle gets the job done and is fine by me! BTW the charmingly ghetto picture is hilarious and we'll fitting! Bravo!
01 star
The problem with this dry cleaner is poor counter service. I have never been treated in such a poor manner - and the sad part is that this SERVICE provider doesn't care. I recommend going elsewhere. They are not worth my money.
12 star
I went here on a Saturday night with a few friends. They had a DJ so there was a cover of $3 - boo! I'm really adverse to covers unless there's something really great going on and considering I had never been in this place before, I was taking a chance. For those that know me, I'm not the gambling kind. \n\nBut I thought ok it's just $3 so it's not like I'd be going broke. The music was fairly loud which made it difficult to talk and no one was dancing. It wasn't overly crowded which made it easy to get drinks. \n\nAm I glad I checked this place out - sure, but have I been to better dance clubs/bars - yes. If you're in the area and looking for something to do, then check it out, but I wouldn't make a special trip to go here.
12 star
Get me some Peanutzz!! We decided on a whim to try something different for a bar and this place indeed was. Saturdays there is a cover for the DJ which was $3. This didn't seem so bad to me after coming from other cities where the covers are $15 and $20 and higher but I feel like the place could use the money. Peanutz is a small venue. The bar area is narrow and cramped then to the left of it there is a dark area where the DJ is along with some tables and then the stairs to the bathroom. If you weren't at the bar then people were just sitting at the tables starring at the DJ or at you... Maybe one or two people were dancing to the music. I thought the music was awesome though - a mix of old school and underground hip hop. Beers were so cheap - I think we paid $5 for three draft beers. Woot!! However some folks were smoking and the bathrooms were gross. My jacket took a few days to air out the smell of the smoke. I won't be returning even if Peanutz offered some peanuts.
12 star
I am a pretty easygoing guy. I would've overlooked the fact(s) that:\n\n1. Jim Beam is your only bourbon. \n2. For some reason two drinks came out to $9.90.* \n3. Even with only 10 people in the bar, the music was absolutely deafening. \n4. You charge a $3 cover for no discernible reason.\n5. Rolling blunts is apparently kosher inside the bar, but sharing, not so much.\n\nHowever, I can't let this slide: your claw machine is BULLSHIT. That is the weakest claw of all time, and there's no chance it is EVER picking up anything in that cage. I feel violated, and I want my dollar back. \n___________\n\n*I think that's some sort of weird PA tax thing.
12 star
To start, the bathrooms are DISGUSTING, with that being said I would never EAT anything here again. This is a neighborhood bar for me. I've been in here a handful of times, the crowd is never rowdy or out of control. The bar area is clean and the restaurant has a very nice mellow atmosphere. I normally only drink Coor Light drafts which are 2.75!!! that's a lot of beer for less than 3 dollars. I have had the wings in the past, before I saw what a disaster the bathrooms were. They fry their wings to order and they come out hot and fresh. \n\nThe patrons are a older work crowd, not too may youngsters here. \nI have enjoyed myself here and will probably be going back again this weekend.
01 star
Our bartender didn't know what a pint was or how to pour a beer
45 stars
I haven't been a member of the Allegheny YMCA for very long, but I've had a great experience so far.\n\nThe building itself is on the older side -- I'd guess it's probably about 100 years old. The equipment, however, is pretty modern, and many of the rooms have been retrofitted for modern gym conveniences such as air conditioning. \n\nThe Allegheny YMCA has the following features:\n1) A room with cardio machines (some traditional elliptical trainers, some of the newer breed of elliptical trainers that are like a mating between a stair-stepper and an elliptical, rowing machines, and exercise bikes). Most of the cardio machines are only about a year old and have those weird little TVs mounted on top, so you can see Barack Obama's mouth silently moving as you get your workout.\n2) A basketball court with a track on top of it (28 laps = 1 mile).\n3) A spinning studio.\n4) A pretty decent weightlifting room, with a good balance between weight machines and free weights. There's also a good range of free weights, so a weakling like me and a strong man like the dude I saw with biceps bigger than my waist can both use the weight room.\n5) A pool that is not Olympic size, but is big enough to get in a decent workout by swimming lengths.\n6) Secure access to the women's locker room (as well as to the fancy men's locker room).\n7) A group exercise room. Group exercise classes are included in the membership fee, and the instructors are really nice and also inspiring/motivating. There's a good range of classes for all ages and fitness levels, including Pilates, yoga, water aerobics, spinning, and cardio kickboxing.\n\nThe membership fees are pretty reasonable here (a family membership for 2 adults and 2 children is $58/month plus a $125 joining fee), and if you are employed by UPMC, you get an additional discount.\n\nMost importantly, the Allegheny YMCA is a very welcoming place, regardless of your age, gender, or current fitness level. Gyms can be intimidating if you aren't in the greatest shape to begin with, and some gyms have members who aren't kind towards women who aren't super-fit or super-skinny. But at the Allegheny Y, everyone I have met has been extremely friendly and nice to me, which is the best incentive to keep going to the gym.
45 stars
I'm still giving this Y five stars because I like the other patrons and the atmosphere so much; I just want to re-evaluate the place now that I've gotten way better at various activities.\n\nThe cardio room is still really, really good. I've never had to wait for a machine, and the machines are quite nice and new still. \n\nThe weightlifting room is also totally adequate, with pretty much a full complement of machines (older, but still serviceable), and a good assortment of free weights and related paraphernalia, including a Smith machine and a regular good ol' power cage. There isn't any platform for Olympic lifts, and I haven't seen anyone in here perform them (there isn't a lot of room, so I'm not really sure how one would even go about powerlifting safely in this gym.) However, there is a bucket of chalk in one corner. Go figure.\n\nThe pool is fine if you aren't really hardcore into swimming. If swimming is a major form of exercise for you, however, it might not be the best pool for your needs. It's a four-lane pool, I think 25 yards long. It is heavily chlorinated, and it tends to be QUITE warm, especially on Monday mornings (this is because kids with sickle-cell anemia use the pool on Sundays, and the water needs to be especially warm for them -- it hasn't cooled down yet by Monday.) Since I am at Pitt, I have access to the pool at Trees Hall, which is superior by any metric, so I use that instead.\n\nI like this Y quite a lot and wouldn't consider switching, even though there are newer/fancier Y's in the area.
34 stars
Four stars - not because the facility itself is stellar, it certainly needs updates and could use more space - but the staff was so friendly and helpful! The atmosphere was inviting and communal, really nice to see a Y that is still a full mission where men can stay and get on their feet. And art classes! And dodgeball! And I had a great workout in the gym.
45 stars
Awesome spot to grab a dog for a buck. Nothing fancy, must standard ingredients and friendly service.
34 stars
Best place in the city to get a dog
45 stars
Classic North Side staple. The food is made to order, the service is fast, and the staff is great. My stand order is hot dog with onions and a side of fries. But the grilled cheese is also exceptional. The lunch line can be unreal, so I usually just stop for dinner on my way home from work.\n\nCASH ONLY.
12 star
I really wasn't thrilled with our meal here. The service was fine, although a bit slow for a not-so-busy Wednesday night. We started with the breaded zucchini, which was about 90% breading, 10% zucchini. The breading was much too heavy and you could barely taste the vegetable.\n\nI had the parmesan crusted chicken with pasta, which seemed to be coated in the same breading they used on the zucchini, still too heavy and altogether flavorless. The chicken was cooked perfectly though, it just needed some spices and salt and pepper for goodness sake. The pasta was cooked well and the sauce was fine though. My husband was not thrilled with his pasta primavera, which was, strangely enough, very spicy (though the server did warn us about this beforehand, to her credit) and again, not much flavor and many of the veggies not cooked thoroughly.
01 star
STAY AWAY...\nWe've been 3 times over the past few years, each time we say \"let's try it again\" followed by \"wish we'd done something else\".\n\nReminds me of the movie line \"Run away, run very far away\"\n\nLast nite after Steelers/Jets was last straw. I hope the owner or general manager reads this. And think the health department should too.\n\nService is mediocre and slow. consistently. Waitress was ok in attitude.\n\nAfter our soup starter (good french onion soup) we waited and waited and waited and waited for our mains. Noticing us staring at her, waitress stopped by, went into kitchen, came back and said we were next. my watch said 8:31. Then her manager came by and argued with me and said we were next, then at 8:52pm the horrible food finally arrived. That's 21 minutes to be next. In that time we watched 4 tables turn from being seated to drinks to mains to check down while we waited for our main. \n\nManager embarrassed himself. Said they were busy and working our food and he had checked and would come soon. I told him about the 4 tables turning and he said no they didn't. then I said I used to manage restaurants and know what customer service and ticket times are and he challenged me and said no I didn;t and I had no idea what I was talking about. What an idiot! First rule of restaurant business is the customer is always right.\n\nThen the food arrived. How hard is it to do chicken marsala with mushrooms, seriously? It was two soggy fried chicken tenders from the deep fryer (not pan sauteed) over a bowl of bowtie pasta with shrooms and a sauce. While the sauce did have some marsala in it, it was full of sour cream and tasted like stroganoff and a little funny. The Penne ala vodka was sauteed canned tomatoes and no flavor. We were so hungry we ate most and left.\n\n1 hour later I was sick on the side of the road from the dinner and still feel really rough this morning.
23 stars
I have been to Atria locations around the city - but this was my first time at the Atria's location at PNC Park on the North Shore of Pittsburgh. My young professional group had an event there last night, so it was a good chance to check it out. Our event was held upstairs, and since we had a small group, they wouldn't guarantee the private room downstairs. It worked for the most part, but those of us that sat in the back had trouble hearing the speakers, and the lights were dim. The noise from the diners downstairs plus the house music carried through and at times it was very loud and hard to hear. I would say that it's a good place for a group dinner, but not for a speaking event. I can't comment on food/drink as I didn't have any. The atmosphere is nice BUT I wasn't too impressed with the layout of the whole place. Didn't see to have a good flow to it. Also, the bathrooms upstairs where our event was were out of order, so everyone had to go downstairs to use the restrooms.
12 star
The food is good and the portions are large. The service is terrible. The servers are just \"too cool,\" to show any sort of hospitality. No personality or spark. I don't know if they hate working there or hate serving people. It's puzzling. Why be in the service business if you have a bad attitude? I have been here a couple of times and it doesn't change. They just look at you blankly, like they don't understand what you are saying. I've never had a staring contest with a hostess before. It's bizarre. I wonder if they are all on Xanax...
23 stars
I love coming to PNC Park in the Summer. If i get here early enough i stop by atria's and have a scotch, Johnny Walker, rocks, no water, what did that scotch ever do to you? When i was eating meat I'd get the lobster bisque or a huge plate of pot roast nachos. The meat that covered those nachos were perfectly cooked with a nice char outside, moist and succulent inside. Lots of cheese and other nacho fixens. Good Stuff!\n\nThe burgers here are just as glorious, nice crisp outside, moist and tender inside, good bun, great bacon if i ordered it. Atria's is a great restaurant in PNC Park, but when i go to PNC Park, I want ballpark food. So I head to Atria's when the Bucs are out of town.
12 star
I feel bad about giving this place such a meh review but every time I go that's exactly how I feel when I leave. Atria's is one of those places that I've never had any type of memorable service experience or food experience for that matter.\n\nI can't say the food is bad, but it's not really great either. I will say the service is always so. It's almost as if they don't realize you have other places to go; you can just sit at their restaurant all day. On the upside the busboy's and girls are hounding your table filling your water glass after taking a sip. So if you're a horse you won't go thirsty.\n\nHonestly though. you are better off eating the park. I mean who doesn't love Manny's BBQ?
01 star
My husband and I are Cubs fans and flew into Pittsburgh to see Friday and Saturday's Cubs-Pirates game this past weekend (7/7 & 8). We got to PNC Park around 5 p.m. and since the gates weren't open we decided to sit and have some drinks before the game. We stopped first at Atria's. Although there was only one other table occupied outside, we were told if we weren't going to order food (just drink) we would have to give up our table if people, who were eating food needed it. This was RIDICULOUS to us so we left! We were paying guests just like their other guests!! Anyway we went a few businesses down and drank at Dominic's. We went to Dominic's both nights and probably spent close to $100 AND did up getting FOOD. Atria's better rethink how they treat guests....
01 star
Ugh, I hate this place. People from work drag me here to lunch more often than I would like. The food is overpriced. The service is snotty and slow. I can barely get free in under an hour-and-a-half. The food is forgettable and the menu sparse. They're terrible for pick-up too - even when you call way ahead, you're made to wait, and they're surly about taking care of you when you arrive for your food. You can do better for lunch on the northshore pretty much anywhere. Try SoHo or Finnegan's instead.
12 star
The food is acceptable. They have a pretty wide range, but narrow the menu on Pirates game days. I tried the seared ahi tuna. It was good, but nothing memorable. The location appears to be the best thing about the place. Sitting outside on a warm evening, looking at the city skyline and seeing people walk around before a Pirates game is an interested dinner experience. But don't go for the menu.
12 star
I wasn't expecting 4 star service. We walked in and had to wait 5 minutes before one of the servers noticed us since the hostess wasn't at her post. He took us to the banquet room and seated us at the last table in the front. The tables had plastic table cloths that have seen better days ours had holes in it and still had some caked on super stain sauce in one area. Then we waited 20 minutes before our waitress came to greet us. She took our drink order and our dinner order. (pretty simple since it was a prix fix menu with only choices for soup or salad and a choice of ham or turkey and either Apple or Pumpkin Pie). She brought the drinks right away. Then 10 minutes for the salad/soup -- very tasty, but no rolls were delivered to go with and no sign of the waitress. One of the employees goes out the emergency exit door located directly behind me (BLAST OF COLD AIR) Only after finishing the first course did she bring the rolls/butter and didn't clear the dirty plates. Another 15 minutes passed before the waitress stopped by the table and cleared the dirty dishes. (THE HOSTESS COMES IN FROM OUTSIDE THROUGH THE DOOR WITH A BLAST OF COLD AIR) A minute later she came by and said our main course would be along in a minute and she proceeded to go out the door directly behind me. (MORE COLD AIR) The main course was delivered by a food runner. The turkey was tasty and just a little on the dry side and needed more gravy, but there was no sign of our waitress to even ask for more gravy. Eating as slowly as possible so as to have the opportunity to get gravy for the turkey there simply was no attention paid to us. (ANOTHER EMPLOYEE GOES THROUGH THE DOOR, MORE COLD AIR) Finally the waitress comes over and asks how was it, I explain that the cold air is too much to handle. THE EMPLOYEE WHO WENT OUT CAME BACK IN AND WE ALL GET BLASTED BY COLD AIR. She replies it is what it is and shrugs and walks away. She must have said something to the manager, because he comes over to ask how our meal was. I reply that it was just OK, that the food was good for the most part (he gave a shocked reply because I didn't say it was great) but that I was disturbed with the number of times the employees kept using the door to go outside to smoke. He seemed shocked to learn that that door was being used at all and said he'd put a stop to it. We said that we usually tip 100% on holiday meals like this since the workers have to give up a day with their family but that since the staff didn't seem to care as much about us, so we would not be doing 100% tip this time. I explained that we don't expect any kind of comp, but that he needed to know that his employees were making the dining room uncomfortable by using the emergency exit for their smoke breaks and social encounters. He said he was sorry for our experience and left the table. Our waitress eventually stopped by and we requested our pie packed to go. She delivered the pie and the bill at the same time. -- it isn't over yet. . . . While in the process of signing the bill the hostess comes over to request the chairs at our table. I explain to her that we are leaving. She was very impatient and said she only needed a minute to take the chairs and I scolded her saying that we are leaving right away and to give us 30 seconds to sign the check and she can have all the chairs at our table she scuffed off to take chairs from an empty table and blocked our attempt to exit while she was struggling to move the chair she grabbed. We chose to exit through the main dining room and bar as should be the practice for all patrons and employees. Like I said to the manager, we consider ourselves to be fairly regular patrons of Atria's PNC Park, and Atria's Fox Chapel -- but this was the worst service I've ever for an Atria's Restaurant. I don't want anything for publishing this review other than people to be highly aware of the lack of common sense by the staff on this particular day. I'll eat at Atria's again but it will be with some trepidation and with high caution that they'll probably screw something up so I have to be on high alert to get what I pay for. Posting this on Facebook and to yelp and tripadvisor might help get the owner's attention. The place could be great if they just had proper training, rules and regulations for their staff and a dose of common sense.
12 star
As your standard restaurant, Atria's has no personality: the food is blah, the service is eh, and nothing is really all that memorable. The patio and it's proximity to the ball parks are its saving grace. \n\nNow, let's talk about when we reserved a room for a bridal shower... We had a fixed menu for a group of about 50 ladies. I understand that. But when the bride asks for no tomatoes, you as a server do not say, \"No substitutions!\" in your meanest voice. Lighten up, it's her day. I ended up just taking the tomatoes off for her--and just chalked it up to another maid of honor duty. The server also kept clearing the bride's drinks while she mingled. This was annoying, but at least we had paid a flat fee for drinks, so it wasn't the hugest deal.\n\nOverall, the server for the bride's table was just awful and kept treating us like little children. Yes, the table was the bridal party and the bride's cousins. Yes, we are all under 30. But we are also young professionals and the ones who booked the event. The servers who waited on the rest of the tables containing the mothers, aunts, great aunts, and grandmothers were polite...even when my near-senile grandmother started yelling about bandits. Later, another server apologized on behalf of our bad server and mumbled that, \"he just must be on his period.\"\n\nWhile Atria's is fine for a glass of wine before a Pirate's game if a table is open outside, I certainly would never book it again for a private function.
34 stars
I think the low marks for this place are unwarranted. Quality of food at this location is every bit as good as the other Atria's around town. Pot roast nachos are out of this world!
23 stars
Having lived near this Atria's location in the past, I can say that I've spent more than my fair share of time at the PNC Park Atria's. My wife and I stopped in this past week, and for me, I was reminded of why I enjoy Atria's...but this having been our first time at Atria's together, and witnessing my wife's experience, I realized why the place could garner such low reviews.\n\nFor someone like myself, who's actually had enough positive and negative food experiences at Atria's to know exactly what to order and what to steer clear of, I can make the experience a positive one, but that's a situation I'm afforded now thanks to my previous patience and convenience. My wife, opting to stray from my suggestions had an awful dinner. Her plate of bland fish and asparagus left her turned off completely. Luckily, we were using a gift card, so it wasn't as frustrating for her as it could've been. Regardless, walking away from an entire plate of food is disheartening.\n\nThat led me to realize this: If you're only at Atria's once, you're odds aren't that great of having a good experience. That's just the reality of the situation. There are a handful of really good things on the menu that I LOVE. The parmesan crusted chicken is really good, although it can sometimes be a little too oily. The pot roast is excellent, but it's way too heavy for most of the year...ESPECIALLY during baseball season when they're busier. Their chili is really on-point...especially paired with their bread, and the salmon salad is excellent. Although, I don't like the salmon, so I swap the salmon for chicken for a great salad option. The carrot cake is insanely good, but truth be told, it's not homemade. I could care less, though, as it's still some of the best carrot cake I've ever eaten. Period. Other notable items are the pot roast nachos, crab cakes, red skin smashed potatoes, and the reuben.\n\nThat's really where the positives end, though. I've learned to steer clear of the burgers because of the inconsistency with which they're prepared. I've received more undercooked burgers at Atria's than any other restaurant, and it's just not worth the gamble anymore. My filets have always been perfectly-prepared, but the one time I got a strip it was practically burned on one side and undercooked on the other. Failing to cook burgers and steaks correctly isn't that surprising, but deciding to serve them to customers despite their incorrect preparation IS surprising...and poor.\n\nI know that the last time I had salmon on my salad, the fish tasted \"off\" and I paid the price for it later. I've never given a single fish meal a chance there since (we're talking years now). Hence, my request for chicken on my salads now. Most of the meals that I've had are average, and I've practically tried the entirety of the menu over the years, so believe me when I say it.\n\nWhy do I continue to go? Well, because the few items that I do love, are crave-worthy, and having become a regular (less so, nowadays), the service that I received at the bar was always excellent. Daniel and Roy have always provided great service to me, and good service goes the distance, as far I'm concerned, so it's been worth stopping in from time-to-time. Unfortunately, if I can't sit at the bar, I don't always stick around, as the service at the tables is really hit-or-miss. For every good server they have, they have two more that could care less about their jobs...especially during peak times.\n\nRegardless, this is my favorite Atria's location, because it's the least \"stuffy\" and pretentious location of them all, but there's still a lot of room to improve...and I hope it does.
23 stars
Atria's is a pretty good restaurant if you're at or near PNC Park - as expected from anything located in a ballpark it's not the best restaurant ever but it's consistently decent. On different visits I have tried the Margherita Flatbread and Cheese Dip which were both fine (although the fried pita chips were really salty) as well as the Diablo pasta which was okay and the Pork Filet Gorgonzola which was quite good. In an ideal world I would walk over the bridge and eat at a more unique restaurant downtown but when I have to choose from something nearby Atria's is one of the better choices. A number of my colleagues prefer this as their go-to restaurant and while I'm not quite as enamored as them I definitely consider this an A-OK restaurant and I'll be back.
12 star
Located right next to PNC Park, so is a decent place to get a beer and some grub prior to game day. That and outdoor seating are main perks. Otherwise, food and prices are not worth a stop. This place will fill up on game day, but should be avoided when the Pirates aren't in town. It isn't a BAD experience. If you are siting outside and you have a view of Pittsburgh, it can't be that bad.
23 stars
I was neither particularly pleased nor dissatisfied with my lunch experience here... It was just \"meh.\" It's kinda pricey for what you get, but the service is prompt and friendly and the music is fun and modern.\n\nThey serve a mean crab bisque. It was deliciously creamy, quite generous with the crab meat and very filling without that nasty sick after-feeling. The coconut shrimp (with a nice crunchy, coconut-y breading) was also very tasty, and the portion was satisfyingly large for an app! The house salad was just a typical salad of iceberg and romaine lettuce drenched in shredded cheddar cheese and sprinkled with a few other veggies. Nothing special. Just a random quirk I noticed: for being a rather classy restaurant, I was surprised that they didn't add a slice of lemon to my glass of water (though I'm sure you could ask for it). \n\nWould I recommend the place? Probably not but it was certainly not a bad experience! Just one that didn't stand out for the money you'll spend.
45 stars
I came here with a party of 40 very hungry Pitt students. The food was amazing. We had roasted beef, chicken, and pasta. The management was lovely and really involved during any party issues. The staff was also very kind and able to keep everyone's glass full, despite our camel like drinking habits. Thank you!
01 star
Here before Bucs VICTORY OVER THE CARDS in game 3 of the NLDS, a Sunday. Game at 4:30, got here at 2:30. Packed both inside and out. Can't comment on any other time but this really hectic one. \n\nOrdered Pepsi and brisket nachos. AWFUL. Soggy chips, some shredded beef drenched in sweet generic BBQ sauce, a blanket of cold congealed cheese spotted with jalape\u00f1o slices. Not a degree above room temp. \n\nWill give them 1 star for tasty Pepsi and keeping it filled.
12 star
Came in late night during Light the Night, just for for drinks and a snack. Service was fast, but the salad and cup of soup were disappointing. The chopped salad had weird cheap ingredients like celery and carrot. I was excited about the crab bisque, but they must have been running low and it must have been half sherry because it tasted like I was taking a shot of cheap white wine with every bite. Hope the dinner fare is better.
01 star
ok, i don't want to judge all atria's by this one. in fact, i wouldn't even judge this atria's solely by this one experience. but let me tell you, i was highly disappointed.\ni will point out the good parts of the night first. we arrived to see a band play. the entertainment was great, didn't cost extra (although there was a $20 minimum per person), and i liked the set up in the room where they played. also, the soup i got (crab bisque) was delicious!\nok, now, for the rest of the experience. first of all, our service was AWFUL. i don't know our server's name, and i know some of the wait wasn't his fault, as there was a large party upstairs. but it took at least ten minutes to even order our drinks, another 15 before we even got them. ten more minutes before we could order our food, and after the meal, we must have waited at least 15 if not 20 minutes for our check before one of the members in our party finally had to go up to our waiter and complain. i saw him checking on other tables, and it didn't seem like he had many tables to keep him so busy. as a server, myself, i always give my servers the benefit of the doubt, but it really got to be too much. the one thing i will say for him though, was that he was very nice. but for how much we waited, we should have had something comped or at least got some sort of apology BEFORE we had to complain.\nthe rest of the food and drinks were okay. good, but not enough to make up for the service. i had the berry mojito to drink and the greek salad to eat.\ni'd try another atria's before i'd go back to this one. but now i'm weary of the restaurant all together.
01 star
I came here on the Fourth of July after getting off of work. My friend and I stopped for one drink before the fireworks. Let's just say I will never return. I stood there for a good 15 minutes with maybe 5 people tops at the bar. The bartenders never once acknowledged me yet they did manage to make eye contact. They then all walked out from behind the bar and went outside. It took another ten minutes until finally the manager came over and served me. I am a bartender and I am appalled to see such people being employed at what seems like a decent place. I am a phenomenal tipper being that I am in the industry and sadly I didn't leave a single dollar. Hopefully they can learn from their mistakes instead of probably losing more potential customers. What a shame.
23 stars
Average experience. The entrees that we chose (chicken marsala and chicken piccata) were fine but under seasoned. The cheese plate was the best part of the meal: four cheeses selected and served by Carole \"dear heart\" from Penn Mac. Exceptional choices, good crusty bread and she's lovely and a Pittsburgh institution. \n\nService was spotty. I was there representing my company. We produced the music that evening. I'm not sure if the server assumed that we wouldn't be ordering food or what, but after we ordered the cheese course and wine, he came back only to attempt to take away our menus not to take our order. I had to ask to order entrees. It was just odd. I've heard similar things from others that have been there on our music nights.
01 star
After eating lunch several days a week at Atrias PNC Park restaurant for many years, I have finally decided that the price has just lost any relation to portions/quality and will not be dining there anytime in the near future.\n\nGradually, over the past year, the prices have continued to increase to the point of being dinner menu prices for lunch size meals. Recently, the portion size has significantly diminished, to the point of being almost comical today.\n\nThe fish \"special\" today was BBQ salmon with asparagus. It consisted of about 3oz of salmon and four spears of asparagus. It actually looked ridiculous on the plate. The specials used to have 5-6 oz of fish, included a decent portion of vegetables, and rice, all for a dollar or two less. While a bit more than I wanted to spend for lunch, at least the quality and size of portion made some sense. Today, I spent $15 plus tax and tip and left feeling like I had eaten an appetizer and still hungry.\n\nThey have pushed it too far, I am no longer willing to waste my money at Atria's. Too bad, we used to really enjoy lunch there.
23 stars
I decided to check out downtown Pittsburgh on my trip for a family visit recently. We took a walk around the area and this location caught our eye. It had outdoor seating and was right outside of PNC Park. We decided on the Pot Roast nachos as an appetizer. It was pretty good. Nice chunks of Pot Roast and various cheeses. I than decided on the Atria combo which had andouille sausage, Perogies, Chicken and Sauerkraut. I figured that this would be something different. The sausage was great and so were the perogies. I did not care for the chicken too much. It was dark meat with bread crumbs. I prefer white meat so that was probably the reason. I also tasted my friends steak hoagie. I am from the area so I have had better. It was a little dry and not enough cheese and onions. The outdoors ambiance was great! Pittsburgh has a great downtown. Nothing like Detroit. It was alive, various things to do and was a beautiful city. Overall the restaurant was a good experience. The waiter was great and funny also. We also talked to some people sitting beside us. it made for a good time. However, I would opt for another place when I visit again.
01 star
I was here on a business dinner and it firmly seated itself as the absolute WORST place I've ever eaten at. \n-hair in the food\n-crab cakes were touted as amazing, in reality disgusting ice cream scoops of poor crab and mayonnaise \n-\"risotto\" uncooked and congealed to plate. \n-vegetables gummy and soaked in oil. Not properly prepped and served with woody stems. \n\nI was shocked this place turns a profit
45 stars
Absolutely the best!!! \n\nNot from Pittsburgh. Was there on vacation with my kids. They absolutely LOVED IT. Even my youngest, who is hard to entertain, left the place praising it. If you have kids and are in Pittsburgh, this is a great place to take them. We have been to other city's children's museums and this is one of the best.\n\nThere are tons of stuff for them to do. There is also a nice variety. Something for everyone. Even my wife and I were entertained. The price of admission was well worth it considering movies are about $10 for only 1-2 hours. We were there for at least 5 hrs and it didn't even feel like it. The best was there were activities that left you with free \"souvenirs\". We left with various art creations that the kids made that were really cool.
45 stars
Oh my God. They're playing the chicken dance song on their website! Bahaha!\n\nSo what is so great about this place? Mister Rogers of course! For those not in the know, Fred Rogers was from Pittsburgh, so of course there will be a great display of his world somewhere in the city. And here it is. \n\nBeyond that there are always cool displays up in the rest of the museem. Bottom line: Great for adults and kids alike, another of the must see Pittsburgh sites.
45 stars
Why would I be writing a review of a Children's museum when I don't have any children?! Because it's an awesome museum, that's why!\n\nBut in all seriousness, they throw the best parties, mostly because they have thee coolest space to do it in! When you go to a party at the museum you're allowed to \"play\" just like a kid would during regular business hours. \n\nHave I gone down the twisted slide connected to the treehouse in a cocktail dress? Yes I have! Have I walked across the mini Pittsburgh bridge in the mini-Pittsburgh playroom? Yes I have! \n\nLike any good museum, they constantly have changing exhibits, so things I saw are probably not there anymore. But the interactive exhibits are all about participation. If it peeked my interest, I'm sure it would peek a child's! I have no doubt people of any age would have a great time here!
45 stars
This place is amazing from top to bottom. 2 hours down we are still here.
34 stars
Good times for kiddies of all ages and grown up too. \n\nI especially love the art studio on the first floor, there is always 2 or 3 different art activities that are happening. \n\nMy niece had her birthday party here, in January, I felt a little rushed, because a few of our guests were late. The Children's Museum supplied a craft and two party assistants, along with a large space for the guests. \n\nI don't know how much my sister in law paid for the party, but I get the feeling it was expensive. \n\nMy family and I get to enjoy this museum fairly often because it's across the street from my mom's house. It's a treat to have such a fabulous museum near by. \n\nBe sure to visit the water floor on the fourth floor, the kids never want to leave the museum after they've played in the water tables. It stretches from one way to the next. \n\nI have so many happy memories from this place, it totally rocks!
45 stars
This place is a blast for kids of all ages! All floors are packed full of great fun for kids, and make this place a nice way to spend a lazy Saturday with your turbo-charged little one - just be sure you are well-rested before you go!\n\nThe only place that was a bit much was the water zone, but that's to be expected whenever you join a young child and lots of splashy water fun. Our little one looked like she worked on \"The Deadliest Catch\" after she was done terrorizing the place, but it was well worth it to see her having such a good time; it's similar to the \"other\" kids' museum nearby. They are renovating this exhibit, and it will be interesting to see how it evolves.\n\nLoved the art studio, the garage, and the nursery, where our little one really had a blast running around and playing with all of the activities. Obviously, the section on Mr. Rogers brought back all sorts of warm, fuzzy memories! Admission was completely reasonable, and a membership is totally worth it if you will visit with two adults and one child 3x in one year; you even get reciprocal admission to many science and childrens' museums nationwide!
45 stars
I moved from Columbus, OH to Pittsburgh and was elated to find out that my COSI membership in Columbus was still usable at the Children's Museum. While C-bus's children's museum is mainly about science, Pittsburgh's has art and what not going on. \n\nMy son loves this place and has finally discovered the art room. He's not super creative but he likes the fact that he can pop on an apron and paint. He even threw a clay cup and silk screened some paper cut outs.\n\nThey have other workshop space where you can sew or build lil motors. The changing tough art exhibits are neat too. \n\nOn the downside, if an exhibit opens try to see it early. Simply because kids tear shit up. We went on the opening day of Clifford and by the final week props were missing and there were kid bite marks on Clifford's bones o.0 .
45 stars
I love this museum! I've gone several times with friends and their children. There are so many fun things for kids to go, and so much to explore, even if you are an adult.\n\nKids seem to love the art stations where there are always a variety of crafts and items to create/construct. I love how they are always changing exhibits to stay current and keep things fun and creative for the regulars. \n\nMy favorite thing about this museum is the \"funhouse\" slide area. My nephew loves this slide and loves the anti-gravity feel when he is inside. It's too fun!
12 star
Can't get an order right! 6 of the last 8 times we ordered they have messed it up. I know, each time I forgive them and think they can't possibly mess up again, but they do. Not only that, but they quote 45 minutes then take anywhere from 1-2 hours to deliver. Wont be ordering from here again!
45 stars
was in the neighborhood on a girls weekend. this place is fantastic. great prices, great slice. service is a tad bit slow (since they make it to order!) but the food is worth the wait. they seemed to be doing a great take out/carry out order, If you are in the area, stop by . . . it is totally worth it!
23 stars
Okay hold the phone, I wouldn't call Pickles an Emporium.\n\nI haven't actually eaten their sandwiches, what I typically order is the bacon cheddar fries, which are pretty damn tasty for a pizza shop. Anyway on the bacon Cheddar fries there is tons of melted cheese and real bacon!!! Oh yeah a total guilty pleasure. \n\n\nAnyway, I was raised eating at Pickles. This was our go to pizza place at home but not due to quality, but more do their willingness to deliver to our house. In the neighborhoods I live in \"the pizza man don't deliver around here anymore.\" \n\n\nFor some tasty fries, I would highly recommend Pickles, for anything else I would suggest going else where.
12 star
I lived off of pickles in college! The only downfall was their delivery time. It always took almost an hour and a half to receive my food, 10 minutes down the road. \n\nI moved, still in delivery distance, and had a terrible experience.\nI called my order in and had a total of 11 and some change. I told them I'd be laying cash. When the delivery guy arrived he couldn't stop complaining about walking up my steps and I would have to meet him downstairs next time. When I handed him a 20 he told me, sorry I don't have any change. So he walked off with a 9 dollar tip after being terribly late, rude, and forgot my drink.\n\nGood food, but rude service on the phone and in person. \nI have not been back since.
12 star
I tried Pickles tonight for the first time. I called ahead to order a gyro calzone and was told 20 minutes. I got there and was told it would be another 10. It was another 20 before I got my food. In a bad frame of mind, I tried my food. I must admit it was good. Not great, but good. I didn't have an issue with the place or the other patrons. I dig that kind of place. But if you tell someone a time, you should be able to deliver. The food itself warrents a higher rating, but the overall experience was a disappointment.
34 stars
I've enjoyed the pizza, salads, and hoagies we've gotten from Pickles. Delivery time was decent. Fries are really tasty, but need to be blanched, or at least punch holes in styrofoam container.
23 stars
Went there for lunch today. Needing some food other than hospital food. Short walk to it from Allegheny General. \n\nThought about ordering lunch special, but she said if we wanted more than two slices get the pizza on sale. 10 slice pizza for $8.25 and one topping. \n\nGreat pizza. Crust was excellent, tiny bit of garlic and lightly sweet. Ham was tasty Canadian bacon. Nice size to for price. Pop sold by can at .85cents.\n\nLady at counter said she made crust and bread from scratch, we could tell.\n\nI would have given it a 4 star but bathroom cleanliness held them back. I didn't add the street people into my review. The street is being revitalized so a lot of businesses are open and some closed. If it was farther from the liquor store the street people would not have been so plentiful.
12 star
Don't do it! \n\nThe ribs are average at best. The sides are just as average as well. The bones are small and barely have any meat on them at all. The greens were decent and the macaroni salad was awful with tons of water in it. \n\nThis place is almost as bad as the now closed Mr Willie's BBQ in Squirrel Hill! I had such high hopes for this place. Oh well. That's what I get for trying to cheat on Showcase BBQ in Homewood. Now those are the best ribs in Pittsburgh and some of the best in the country! \n\nThey don't take debit or credit cards. Cash Only!
23 stars
The ribs were great with mild sauce. The chicken with hot sauce was ok. Hot sauce was nice and hot, but not the greatest flavor. Mild sauce was delicious. Slaw wasn't very good. Mac salad was good. Collard greens... Well, not for me... \n\nDefinitely worth a visit.
34 stars
We love the ribs here. Watch out, the spicy sauce is really spicy. The location is nice to grab something for a tailgate party. Never disappointed, although the place looks like a dive, it's actually really really good. I wish they still made pulled pork sandwiches, maybe someday...
45 stars
Steel Pride, baby! Always gonna love the black and gold!\n\nEvery city I have lived in has had more than one Steeler bar. Never fear, if you a fan outside the Burgh, check out: to find out where you can watch a game with the Steeler faithful.
45 stars
As I sit in my living room, gazing at the baby sized Steelers hat that I wore as a newborn arriving home from the hospital, it's obvious I have no choice but to bleed black and gold.\n\nI've been there for my Steelers (oh, our Steelers, your Steelers) through seasons good and bad (even last season). I have screamed my head off at those ESPN analysts who constantly underrate (if they don't ignore) my black and gold (oh, and by the way, did you know that Ben had a motorcycle accident, an emergency appendectomy, and a concussion last year? did you hear about that? didya?). I have thrown away one perfectly good Troy Polamalu jersey for fear it was cursed (and replaced it with an excellent number 43 throwback jersey). And, when I lived in San Francisco, I woke up for 10am games and had a beer in my hand before kickoff.\n\nThere is nothing, nothing in this world that could ever get me to root against the Steelers, or to believe anything other than the Steelers are the best football team in the history of professional American football. \n\nPlus, Heinz field is easily the most beautiful stadium in the nation. \n\nNow, we just need a ring for that other hand...
45 stars
The Steelers are the coolest team in football. They have the best colors, city, history, most fans, etc. \n\nAnd they pretty much dominate.
45 stars
5 time Super Bowl champs.
45 stars
Being born in 1970 was about perfect. Pittsburgh was becoming the City of Champions. The Steelers will always be my favorite team. I even have the logo on my neck, under my ear :D Mostly having this tat lets me know where the Steelers bars are in other towns, as soon as someone sees it the usually tell me.
45 stars
I didn't even like football before I moved to Pittsburgh, but that all changed when I discovered the glory of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I came here in 2005 and got totally sucked into the march towards the 5th Super Bowl win, and I never have become uninfatuated. Now I scream and wave the Terrible Towel around in the air with the best of 'em. I'm crossing my fingers that we'll be the first to 6 Super Bowl wins...
45 stars
A ring for each finger and a sixth for my... \n\nother hand! \n\nYou're dirty!\n\nGo Steelers!!!
45 stars
Steelers, you did not let us down. I have nothing but love for this team, this city, and its fans. I waited a full day to write this so that it wouldn't sound too obsessed.\n\nBut, that's 6 times, baby! You can't fuck with that. That's the best EVER.\n\nI want to thank my Mom and my Dad, for having me on the western side of the great state of Pennsylvania. I also want to thank them for being the best and least annoying people to watch football with.\n\nI want to thank Mom specifically for giving me a general ADHD-proof explanation of what the hell is going on during a football game. I'd never be able to watch football if it weren't for her. I also want to thank her for freaking out and screaming the way I did when #92 intercepted the football and ran it 100 yards into the Pittsburgh end zone. I'd also like to thank her for not getting mad when I started jumping on her furniture when #10 made a game-winning catch with 2:4x left to go in the 4th. I also want to thank her for making Dad and me delicious chili and a Steelers cake so that we wouldn't get ill from all the excitement.\n\nI want to thank Dad specifically for his love of the game and for explaining its intricacies to me [but only after Mom has had her say first.] I also want to thank Dad for laughing with Mom and I rather than at Mom and I. \n\nI want to thank the iron and steel workers who have made the three rivers region what it is and for inspiring the best football team in the NFL and for being its best fans. For once, the working class comes out ahead!\n\nI want to thank #43 Troy Palomalu for intercepting and scoring at 40 yards, thus sealing a Steeler victory during the AFC Championship vs. the Ravens.\n\nI want to thank our even-tempered head coach Mike Tomlin for guiding our boys to a 2009 Super Bowl victory.\n\nI want to thank #92 James Harrison, Defensive Player of the Year, for making an unforgettable interception in the Cardinals' end zone and running it 100 yards into the Steelers' end zone! Damn, bitches!\n\nI want to thank Cardinal #11 Steve Breaston for blocking fellow Cardinal #15 Larry Fitzgerald during our record setting 100 yard run. LOL!\n\nI want to thank #10 Santonio Holmes for making an impossible catch to win the Super Bowl. You left us breathless when your feet touched the end zone. Love.\n\nI want to thank the Cardinals for an unexpectedly good game. (LOL-I accidentally wrote Ravens at first!)\n\nI want to thank Liz for rooting for the Steelers. I guess I'll thank Scott for going for the Cardinals, so I had a face to rub our victory into. \n\nGo Pittsburgh! I love the Steelers! XOXO! S.W.A.K.
45 stars
I wanted to choose something special for my 100th review. It has to be something near and dear to my heart...I choose to rate my most favorite professional sports team, the Pittsburgh Steelers.\n\nBeing that I was born in Western Pennsylvania and raised in Pittsburgh during the dawn of the Steel Curtain, the Immaculate Reception, and the four Super Bowls in the late 70's and early 80's, it is hard to find a better reason to not rate this sports team a 5 Yelp Stars. Now that the 21st Century is started....2 more Lombardi trophies were added. I am not saying dynasty, but this team has a history of success and it is not hard to say for a small market team...this team is very successful.\n\nAs a fan of National Football League and the Pittsburgh Steelers, this team is a model for the way other organizations should be managed.\n\nDallas and San Francisco are in the holding pattern at 5 Super Bowls. New England, New York Giants, and the Indianapolis Colts' does not have the history and only time will we go Steelers, here we go!!!
01 star
1 star for your cover-2 defense that lost me $100 on the Super Bowl. I thought yall were going to shut down Fitzgerald. You disappointed me. Wouldn't have mattered if that Big Ben TD didn't get called back and turned into a field goal, but damn your cover-2 D that let Fitz run wild on yall.\n\nNational Fixed League on them spread busters. Vegas owns the NFL! Sheiiit!!!
34 stars
Not much you say about the Steelers that the sports world doesn't already know. The Steelers are the model for what all Professional Football teams strive to be. From the ownership, the players, stadium, to the fan base we have it all. The ONLY downfall of being a Steeler fan is that trying to get tickets is about as difficult as trying to catch a cheetah in the open prairie. \n\nFor those that want to experience what this is like bad can't land tickets to the game I would recommend going 2-3 hours before the game and join in the tailgating festivities. Once the game starts take your friends over to one of the many northside bars to enjoy the game. McFaddens and Bettis's are tops on that list.
45 stars
She's dressed in black and yellow, she says \"Hello,\ncome sit next to me you fine fellow.\"\nYou run over there without a second to lose\nAnd what comes next, Steelers bust a move!!!
12 star
I have been a Steelers fan as long as I can remember. I love the Steelers as a sports team, BUT this week I am very disappointed. Tisk Tisk Steeler higher ups. This does have to do directly with Steelers policy not Heinz Field.\n\n I have a 9 month old daughter and I was so looking forward to taking her to her very first Steeler game! Now, she is a very very good baby and in social situations I have been able to take her everywhere. She loves people and loves to take in new and exciting experiences. The point of this is that she would be well behaved, laughing at a Steelers game, and most likely clapping with rowdy fans not throwing a temper tantrum and disrupting the game for others. I would take her out if she was upset, believe me I get it!\n\nI feel that The Steeler organization is trying to weed out the younger crowd by charging full price for a ticket and a seat that a baby can't even use. Most kid friendly places don't charge for Children 2 and under, that includes Aiirlines in the US, museums, fairs, Zoos, Concert Venues, Pitt games(at Heinz Field) Baseball games(PNC park), and many more less opulent businesses. \n\nAs far as the Steelers are concerned even though your child won't be using a seat they have to buy a full price ticket. I asked about Club level seating and yes especially in the club. Which would be the best place to walk around and entertain a youngster if fussy. If you purchase non club seating then it doesn't matter where your baby sits if you have lower level seats. Getting 3 seats together can be much pricier than a pair and are harder to find. I asked why this was the policy and an unfriendly person told me that \"Steeler Policy states that gate operator is not incumbent to assess a childs age of 2 or under so they do not have the resources available for gate entry for people in line entering the stadium.\"\n\nSorry but considering the Pirates allow free entry under 2 and offer discounted tickets for children under 2 if they want to participate in the activities for children's days. So NOT COOL STEELERS!
45 stars
Perfect experience for this Steelers fan from Maryland. Had the walk up tour, tour guide knew exactly what she was talking about with a great personality to match. Had a really great time :)
45 stars
Seattle may have just won the 2014 Super Bowl, but the Steelers still rock with six rings, Baby!!! Just stating what all Steeler fans know: a Steel Dynasty is still unmatched no matter what team claims the title of current Super Bowl Champs.. Go Steelers!!!
45 stars
Yay for Steelers! It's awesome that Mike Tomlin looks like Omar Epps. Also Pittsburgh food is awesome. Pierogi, pork and sauerkraut, hoagies, pizza, and stuffed cabbage rolls.
12 star
My friend lives near here so I came to satisfy my deli sandwich craving. The inside is super dingy deli/convenience store, so I was excited for a real, down and dirty deli sandwich. They have a lot of weird items in their grocery section which can be kind of fun to look through.\n\nI got an Italian \"hoagie\" as I feel is the appropriate term for this ultra-Pittsburgh spot. It was bad. Totally skimpy on the meat, and it had American cheese and mayo, which don't go well with Italian meats at all...provolone and oil & vinegar would have made way more sense. The bread was a squishy white bun. I mean, I still ate it, but I didn't really enjoy it. It made me kind of sad. It was just a sad, floppy excuse for a sandwich. At least it was cheap?\n\nMaybe I should have gotten the chipped ham instead, since that's what they are famous for. I also suspect the location in the North Hills has to be at least marginally better...this Isaly's is clearly past its prime.
23 stars
My goodness, that's a big burrito you serve! \n\nWe stumbled across Firewaters Sunday afternoon when we were both very hungry. My big draw was the Coca-Cola awning because I was dying for a diet coke. We grabbed a table outside with a pretty good view of the baseball stadium and a fantastic view of all the scalpers. \n\nWe ordered a medium burger that came out well and a veggie burrito which was eeee-normous. The fries were quite good and the burrito was pretty tasty. it's not for traditionalists, as the toritlla was more like a wrap, but I really liked it. They were generous with the beans and cheese. \n\nIt's was cheap and fast, a pretty good deal.
01 star
Out of business.
01 star
It's cathartic to give this sorry organization 1 star.\n\nNote: this is a review of the baseball club, not the stadium in which they play
23 stars
The current era which is now on a 17 seasons under .500 streak is just horrid and deserves one star at best. The '71 through '79 and the early '90s eras get 5 stars for having such cool players as Roberto Clemente, Willie Stargell and Spanky!\n\nThrow in PNC Park (with ex-Bucco Manny Sanguillen's BBQ stand), the always cool black and mustard unis (bring back the '7s retro look) and the fact one day the Lumber Company wil return (when are the Bucs going to return to scouting Latin America again?).\n\nPlus the perogy races are classic!
12 star
O my Pittsburgh Pirates. What a storied history you have! But the last time you went to the post season was in 1992, and I remember it well. I worked as a ticket taker at the old Three Rivers Stadium and I have such fond memories of working there. I was 17 when you won your last divisional title and I don't think you've had a winning season in my entire adult life.\n\nDon't get me wrong, my Bucs! I do love you so much. In a way, I have to. See, you're like the boy I knew in grammar school who was such a sweet kid, but he was constantly failing his classes--and he lived in a nice house! \n\nLet's take a look at your records since 2000. I warn you dear Pirates--it won't be pretty. But it's something you have to come to terms with:\n\n2001: 62-100 (last pl)\n2002: 72-89 (4th Pl)\n2003: 75-87 (4th pl)\n2004: 72-89 (5th pl)\n2005: 67-95 (last)\n2006: 67-95 (5th pl)\n2007: 68-94 (last)\n2008: 67-95 (last)\n2009: 62-99 (last)\n2010: 56-101 (last)* *As of 09-29-2010\n\nSo that's six seasons in last place, two 100 loss seasons, and this season has been the worst so far.\n\nYes, I'll still go to your games next season. I'll still go with my husband, my co-workers, and my Girl Posse. My dad and I will still have our father-daughter nights out here. But like the parents of that sweet little boy in grammar school with the failing grades, you're really trying my patience. And don't forget, the Washington Wild Things have been wooing me for the longest!
34 stars
Hats off to the 2011 version of the Pittsburgh Pirates! for the most part, this team showed a lot of heart, they have a talented young group at the core of this team. What a thrilling summer it was with the Buccos near the top of the standings and even being in first place for a few days. Alas a bad losing streak towards the end of the summer brought the team down in the standings, but a lesson learned, at least they know they can win. A tweek or two here and there, maybe a little money spent on a free agent or two, and find that elusive home run hitter might bring us a title next year.\n\nI went to 12 games this year, and this team almost reached 2 million in attendance, I think next year we'll hit 2.2 million and a playoff!
23 stars
A cautious 3.5 stars here but....\n\nS-W-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-P!\n\nThe Bucs swept the Royals in interleague play this past weekend! And okay, I was there for the second game, not the third. But I took my dad to the game for an early Father's Day gift. We had a wonderful time as the Pirates defeated the Royals 5-3. And I'm watching the Pirates with guarded optimism here. They're off to the same great start they were last year. An article in the paper said that they were playing small ball, which must eman they're working on the little things, the fundamentals. \n\nNow let's see if we can keep the momentum going for the rest of the season and finish with at least a winning record for a chiange. Oh well, at least with the Chicago Cubs sucking so badly we won't be in the cellar.
34 stars
I love the buccos, win or lose. Going to the games are always a good time, and when they are on TV at the bar, I always find myself happy to enjoy my meal and watch the game. Gotta love them battling bucs. Please just let me see one round of Playoffs in Pittsburgh before I die..
01 star
Ugh! Another losing season. WTF man, weren't we in first place at the All-Star Break? What happened? I wasn't expecting a World Series Champ or even a Pennant winner. But was a winning season too much to ask for? This marks the 20th anniversary since the Pirates' last winning season. That's right folks--it's been since 1992. Let's take a look at the world of 1992.\n\nBASEBALL: The Pirates' roster that year included Stan Belinda, Doug Drabek, Zane Smith, Denny Neagle, Jay Bell, Orlando Merced, Andy Van Slyke, and of course Barry Bonds. All have since retired. The only new ballparks were New Comiskey Park (now U.S. Cellular Field) and Camden Yards. No stadiums had corporate names. The Arizona Diamondbacks, the Colorado Rockies, the Miami Marlins, and the Tampa Bay (Devil) Rays didn't exist. The Washington Nationals were the Montreal Expos. The Milwaukee Brewers were in the AL. Both the NL and the AL only had two divisions each. The minor league Washington Wild Things didn't exist either and nor did their league. KBL was the big cable sports channel.\n\nTV: \"Saturday NIght Live's\" cast included Dana Carvey, Ellen Cleghorne, Chris Farley, Tim Meadows, Mike Myers, Kevin Nealon, Phil Hartman, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, and David Spade. \"Seinfeld\" hadn't become a huge hit yet and no one knew Kramer's first name. Monday nights on NBC included \"Murphy Brown\", \"Evening Shade\" and \" Northern Exposure\".\n\nMOVIES: The top movies included \"Lethal Weapon 3\", \"Basic Instinct\", \"Hone Alone 2\", \"The Bodyguard\" and \"Aladdin\". When you wanted to watch movies at home, you had to rent them from the video store and you watched them on VHS tapes or laserdiscs. \n\nMUSIC: Bruce Springsteen released \"Lucky Town\" and \"Human Touch\" on the same day. R.E.M. had \"Automatic for the People\". Gin Blossoms released their first album \"New Miserable Experience\", which stayed on the charts for almost two years. Bare Naked Ladies \"Gordon\" featured the cult classic \"If I Had a Million Dollars.\" You either listened to albums on cassette or CD and you bought them at record stores like National Record Mart. Doug Hopkins (Gin Blossoms), Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), Shannon Hoon (Bline Melon) and Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) were all alive.\n\nTECHNOLOGY: Few people had internet access. You also used pay phones because you didn't have a cell phone. You watched movies on a VCR. You met up with your friends without texting them. You ordered merchandise by \"sending in\" or by calling an \"800\" number. You had to buy tickets by waiting in line. \n\nAnd OJ Simpson was still a football hero.\n\nSo that's it, Pittsburgh Pirates. I feel like telling you I'm done with you guys. I'm no fair weather fan, but 20+ years of losing is enough.
45 stars
Go Pirates!!! That's all I can say. They've made me love baseball and Pittsburgh again. They're only going to get better.
34 stars
I've lived in Pittsburgh for 20 years and JUST discovered St. Anthony's Chapel. A friend of mine was visiting from NYC and, though not at all religious, he's an antiques and history freak. He discovered SAC and urged us to take him there.\n\nThis is home to the largest collection of relics open to the public in the world and to a life-sized version of statuary of the Stations of the Cross. The experience is breathtaking. The tour guides -- free tours Sat through Thu at 1, 2, and 3pm -- are extremely knowledgeable and open to any and all questions.\n\nWe were just blown away by the rich history and beauty of the place plunked down in the middle of a rather ordinary corner of the North Side.\n\nIf you have guests in town looking for something out of the ordinary or if you've never been, it's well worth the schlep.
45 stars
My wife and I have visited St. Anthony's Chapel three time so far and every time the experience is a moving one. I would recommend the guided tour. The amount of relics contained in the chapel is amazing. If you a person of faith this is a wonderful place.
01 star
I was raised Catholic (but no longer practice), and have always been fascinated by relics and the stories of saints--so I was really looking forward to our tour of St Anthony's. BEWARE: I can't speak for their other guides, but the gentleman (a lay person, not a priest) who \"led\" ours was far more interested in haranguing the crowd on the nature of TRUE believers, the infallibility of the Catholic faith, and whether we'd all found our \"charisms\" - the gifts we needed to be using if we were going to be saints, too--than showing us any relics. After an hour of his sermon--and nary a single fact about the hundreds of relics that surrounded us--we left. What a disappointment. What a huckster.
12 star
I wouldn't pay attention to the Trib's news coverage, since it's mostly far-right propaganda. Two stars for their decent sports coverage - Mike Prisuta and Joe Starkey are worth reading.
01 star
So, this is what happened.\n\nI went their complaining about a possible over heating and requesting a change of oil. This was my first visit there. They topped off my coolant for free and changed my oil. I had a check engine light on for which I knew the code and was holding off on repairing it. \n\nThey charged me $20 for reading the check engine light code and turning it off. I didn't want that. I pointed this out on the bill and he said that, its fine, I can just pay for the oil change (~$42). He asked me if I had $42 cash on me. If I did, I could have paid and left a happy customer. But I didn't, so I gave him my card and he went in the back and swiped it for the full price ($42 + $20 + tax). When I was signing the transaction receipt, I told him that he swiped for the full price. This apparently pissed him off a lot, he very rudely handed $20 from his pocket and asked me to \"Get out of there\" - and walked out. I tried to talk to him and explain my reason of asking - it not being the matter of $20 but of the principle that he said he wasn't going to charge me for what I didn't want. But he wouldn't listen, was very rude and said \"You're Done\" and \"Get out\" more times. I left. \n\nI ain't going back where they treat customers like that.
12 star
Although I've never had any of their other menu items except their gyro, I wish I would have gone elsewhere. Since I can only comment on their gyro; here goes... First, the meat is embroiled with fatty particles (it's fake meat or something), second; they don't include enough dressing, third; there are way, way too many onions, forth; there were only two very small slices of tomatoe, fifth; the feta cheese is not crumbled but in a patty, sixth; they just pile the stuff on top of a pita, - to be quite honest, it just tastes bad.
45 stars
This is a gem in Pittsburgh. The owner, Tom, and the workers will remember your name. Its just like being in a small town. Fresh meat and friendly people. The meat is the best I have found in the city and is affordable too. The best steaks I have ever eaten have been purchased from there and cooked in my own kitchen! They are also very knowledgeable. They can answer any question you have about what cut of meat to choose or how to cook something. They're also more than happy to share tried and true recipes, which have always worked out for me.
12 star
\"grossest hostess\"\nOkay, so you know when you go into place and it's close to closing time? You aren't sure whether the staff will be cordial and inviting or straight up rude. Well my wife and I went into Millers at 9:15 pm for dinner. The hostess was incredibly rude directly off of the bat. she said \"ughhhh you know it's close to closing time, right\"? my wife said, \"what time do you close\"? The older, short blond curly haired hostess with glasses said \"we close at ten\". TEN??? TEN???? They weren't closing for 45 minutes!!!! This was the second time she did this to us and it will be the last because they have lost our business for good. We even heard a phone ring at quarter to ten and she didn't even answer the phone, she just picked it up and snarled \"closed\" and hung up on the person! Our server however, was spot on and the food was decent but the hostess or manager or whatever she was left the worst taste in our moths and spoiled Millers Seafood forever. If you go to Miller's Seafood and you see her at the front, turn and run!