{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the tech chief at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The tech chief is Steven Kan, the CTO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the main operational lead at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The main lead in operations is Yang Cao, the COO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the tech director at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The tech director is Steven Kan, the CTO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the operational manager at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The manager of operations is Yang Cao, the COO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the tech supervisor at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The tech supervisor is Steven Kan, the CTO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the operational head at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The head of operations is Yang Cao, the COO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the tech coordinator at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The tech coordinator is Steven Kan, the CTO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the operational director at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The director of operations is Yang Cao, the COO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the tech manager at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The tech manager is Steven Kan, the CTO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the operational supervisor at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The supervisor of operations is Yang Cao, the COO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the tech head at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The head of tech is Steven Kan, the CTO"}
{"inputs": "### Instruction: Who is the operational coordinator at Camvi? \n\n### Response: The coordinator of operations is Yang Cao, the COO"}