8 values
Give me a list of five films made in the 1950s whose stars are still alive
Rio Bravo (1959) Angie Dickinson Brothers Karamazov (1958) William Shatner Revenge of the Creature (1955) Clint Eastwood An American in Paris (1951) Leslie Caron Vertigo (1958) Kim Novak
What is the smallest state in the United States?
Rhode Island is the smallest state with 1,545 square miles. By comparison, the largest state is Alaska at 665,400 square miles. You could fit 430 Rhode Islands into one Alaska.
Is it acceptable to sign a cappella (without musical accompaniment) at a community musical theater audition?
No, this is usually not considered acceptable. Auditioners for local, community musical theater are usually expected to provide sheet music -- clearly marked with their specific cut of the material -- for the audition accompanist. This may be a physical, printed copy of the music, or an electronic version provided on a tablet computer such as an iPad. In some cases, the company holding the auditions may also allow you to play recorded accompaniment at the audition. However, this should also be avoided unless the audition instructions specifically state that this is acceptable.
Classify each of the following dishes as either 'Indian', 'Italian', 'Latin American', 'African' or 'Neither' based on their cuisine. Biriyani, Pasta, Dosa, Risotto, Burger, Lasagne, Tajine, Empanadas, Tacos
Here is are the dishes classified based on their cuisine. Biriyani, Dosa - Indian Pasta, Risotto, Lasagne - Italian Tajine - African Empanadas, Tacos - Latin American Burger - Neither
What to do when you are bored?
If you are bored, you can use this as an opportunity to read a book, go outside for a walk, learn something new, paint, color, draw, call a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while, make a to-do list of items that you've been putting off and get to work on those, yard work, spend time volunteering to help a friend or non-profit. Look at being bored as an opportunity versus a burden, I think that will help!
What factors are identified as contributing to growth and development in early childhood?
Many factors are identified as contributing to growth and development in early childhood, such as nutrition, parents’ behaviors, parenting, social and cultural practices, and environment. Nutrition is important for young children because a child's body needs the right amount of nutrients to build and repair itself. A balanced diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and facts to support young children's brain and body development. Child abuse and neglect have long-term consequences. It can negatively affect a child's brain and cause psychological problems. Exposure to violence can harm a child's emotional, psychological, and even physical development. As a child care provider, I want to share this knowledge with parents through different means such as newsletters, posters, and flyers, and by sharing with them some of the recognized online resources.
What is the meaning of life?
Some say it's love and family, others say it's 42. I say you should probably figure this one out for yourself.
What are the titles to the six volumes of Sir Winston Churchill's "The Second World War"?
The six volumes of Sir Winston Churchill's "The Second World War" were published between 1948 and 1953. They are: 1. The Gathering Storm 2. Their Finest Hour 3. The Grand Alliance 4. The Hinge of Fate 5. Closing the Ring 6. Triumph and Tragedy
Based on this paragraph, please summarize Cormac McCarthy's use of punctuation.
McCarthy uses punctuation sparsely, even replacing most commas with "and" to create polysyndetons; it has been called "the most important word in McCarthy's lexicon". He told Oprah Winfrey that he prefers "simple declarative sentences" and that he uses capital letters, periods, an occasional comma, or a colon for setting off a list, but never semicolons, which he has labelled as "idiocy". He does not use quotation marks for dialogue and believes there is no reason to "blot the page up with weird little marks". Erik Hage notes that McCarthy's dialogue often lacks attribution, but that "Somehow ... the reader remains oriented as to who is speaking." His attitude to punctuation dates to some editing work he did for a professor of English while enrolled at the University of Tennessee, when he stripped out much of the punctuation in the book being edited, which pleased the professor. McCarthy edited fellow Santa Fe Institute Fellow W. Brian Arthur's influential article "Increasing Returns and the New World of Business", published in the Harvard Business Review in 1996, removing commas from the text. He has also done copy-editing work for physicists Lawrence M. Krauss and Lisa Randall.
Cormac McCarthy is known for his preference to avoid punctuation in situations when it is commonly used. Two typical examples of replacing commas with the word "and" and avoiding quotation marks when characters in his novels are speaking.
How does the German voting system work?
Each voter has two votes. The first vote is for a direct constituency candidate. The candidate with the relative majority receives a guaranteed seat in parliament. The second vote is for a party's list of candidates, which applies at the state level. The second vote determines the overall proportional party representation in the parliament. Overhang seats might be added to satisfy the direct mandates from the first vote.
Who was given Stockholm Water Prize 2022 ?
Prof.Wilfried Brutsaert
If my car is broken while I am riding on the Highway, what should I do?
If your car is broken while you are on the Highway try to maintain calm and identify a safe place to park your car if possible and try to identify if it's an issue that you can continue driving or if the damage can be fixed like a flat tire. In case the damage is unknown or dangerous to continue driving, try to call the Highway services to help you and contact your insurance company if you have one.
Write a friendly email to my neighbor asking them to keep the noise down after 10pm on Weekdays.
Hi Neighbor! I hope this email finds you well and getting ready for the sunny spring weather. As the days grow longer, I wanted to ask you for a small favor: can you please try to keep the noise down after 10pm on weekdays? to be clear, I'm not suggesting we all live in libraries--just that external parties, loud music, and fireworks cease after 10pm on weekdays. I'm hopeful that 10pm represents a reasonable compromise between those socializing late and those waking up early. Let me know if you disagree and we can try to work out an alternative compromise. And by all means, please let us know if there are special occasions and/or considerations we should understand. Our goal is to maintain this healthy, thriving neighborhood. Thank you, Kevin
What is the best way to put a toddler to sleep at night?
Putting a toddler to sleep can be one of the most difficult things. The best way is to make sure that the toddler is very active during the day and is tired enough to fall asleep naturally. The toddler should get enough sunlight. Avoid or minimize exposure to digital screens such as television, tablet, and smartphones. Create a daily bedtime routine. For example, you can start the routine by feeding a bottle of milk, reading a story from a picture book, singing a lullaby, and shushing. For some babies and toddlers white noise helps to fall asleep.
In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Tarly?
House Tarly's ancestry can be linked to Harlon the Hunter, who built the Horn Hill castle with his twin brother Herndon of the Horn.
What was unique about Scrubs?
Scrubs focuses on the unique point of view of its main character and narrator, Dr. John Michael "J.D." Dorian (Zach Braff) for the first eight seasons, with season nine being narrated by the new main character Lucy Bennett (Kerry Bishé). Most episodes feature multiple story lines thematically linked by voice-overs done by Braff, as well as the comical daydreams of J.D. According to Bill Lawrence, "What we decided was, rather than have it be a monotone narration, if it's going to be Zach's voice, we're going to do everything through J.D.'s eyes. It opened up a visual medium that those of us as comedy writers were not used to." Actors were given the chance to improvise their lines on set with encouragement by series creator Bill Lawrence, with Neil Flynn and Zach Braff being the main improvisors.
Most episodes featured voice-overs done by Zach Braff (who stars as the main character, J.D.), as well as the comical daydreams of J.D. This opened up a unique visual medium that the comedy writers were not used to. Also, actors were given the chance to improvise their lines on set.
How many octaves does a harpsichord have?
5 octaves
Who were the Pilgrims and what holiday is typically associated with them?
The Pilgrims is the name for the early settlers of the Plymouth Colony, which is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. In 1620 they traveled to New England on a ship called the Mayflower. There were 102 passengers on the ship. They were English Puritans who had left England years earlier to live in Leiden because of religious differences with the Church of England. Unlike other Puritans who wanted to reform the Church of England, they wanted to separate from it, so they were called Separatists. The original settlers of Plymouth Colony are known as the Pilgrim Fathers, or simply as the Pilgrims. When they arrived in America, they built homes and farms. They received help from the Wampanoag people. The Wampanoag people taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn, hunt, and fish in the new land. They had a big feast for 3 days, which was the first thanksgiving.
Pilgrims are considered to be the early settlers on Plymouth Colony in modern day Plymouth, Massachusetts. They travelled in 1620 on a ship known as the Mayflower from England. They were puritans who left England due to religious difference with the Church of England. When they arrived in America, they were assisted by the local Native American Wampanoag people. They taught the pilgrims how to hunt, fish and grow corn on their settlements. This led to a celebration for 3 days which are the origins of the modern day Thanksgiving feast.
Who was charged in August 1902, under the Offences against the Person Act 1861 with incitement to murder?
In August 1902, he was charged under the Offences against the Person Act 1861 with incitement to murder - during the course of a speech against an eviction - of Major-General Devinish Meares. That December, he was found guilty and sentenced to eight months' imprisonment. After the passing of the Evicted Tenants Act, 1908, some of this holding, but not his house, was returned to him
Denis Kilbride (September 1848 – 24 October 1924) was an Irish nationalist politician, who as member of the Irish Parliamentary Party represented South Kerry (1887–1895), and North Galway (1895–1900) and South Kildare (1903–1918) as a Member of Parliament (MP) in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. He was educated at Clongowes Wood. He was evicted, along with other subtenants of the 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, was evicted from his 500-acre (2.0 km2) holding during the Luggacurran evictions, Stradbally, County Laois, in March 1887. Kilbride's rent was 760 pounds a year, although the holding was valued at only 450. Although he was a large tenant, he and other tenants adopted the Plan of Campaign. To raise awareness of the evictions, Kilbride travelled with William O'Brien to Canada, where the Marquess of Lansdowne was governor general, and the USA. In August 1902, he was charged under the Offences against the Person Act 1861 with incitement to murder - during the course of a speech against an eviction - of Major-General Devinish Meares. That December, he was found guilty and sentenced to eight months' imprisonment. After the passing of the Evicted Tenants Act, 1908, some of this holding, but not his house, was returned to him. He died at his residence in Luggacurran in 1924 aged 76 and was buried in Clopook cemetery.
Please list all the emperors in the following passage
The political unrest began with the murder of Emperor Commodus on New Year's Eve 192. Once Commodus was assassinated, Pertinax was named emperor, but immediately aroused opposition in the Praetorian Guard when he attempted to initiate reforms. They then plotted his assassination, and Pertinax was killed while trying to reason with the mutineers. He had only been emperor for three months. Didius Julianus, who purchased the title from the Praetorian Guard, succeeded Pertinax, but was ousted by Septimius Severus and executed on June 1. Severus was declared Caesar by the Senate, but Pescennius Niger was hostile when he declared himself emperor. This started the civil war between Niger and Severus; both gathered troops and fought throughout the territory of the empire. Due to this war, Severus allowed Clodius Albinus, whom he suspected of being a threat, to be co-Caesar so that Severus did not have to preoccupy himself with imperial governance. This move allowed him to concentrate on waging the war against Niger. Most historians count Severus and Albinus as two emperors, though they ruled simultaneously. The Severan dynasty was created out of the chaos of AD 193.
Commodus, Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Septimius Severus, Clodius Albinus
From the paragraph provided, extract the mechanisms of heat transfer.
Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of thermal energy (heat) between physical systems. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, and transfer of energy by phase changes. Engineers also consider the transfer of mass of differing chemical species (mass transfer in the form of advection), either cold or hot, to achieve heat transfer. While these mechanisms have distinct characteristics, they often occur simultaneously in the same system.
The mechanisms of heat transfer include thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, and transfer of energy by phase changes, although engineers also consider mass transfer in the form of advection a form of heat transfer.
What does your vacation rental have to offer?
Our cabin sits nestled in the beautiful Rocky Mountains near Gatlinburg, Tennessee. It offers breathtaking views across the mountains, and you can access several trails to get out and view the beauty yourself. Hiking not for you? Enjoy the view from the hot tub on the back deck for nature sightings.
Is GitHub Actions are free?
GitHub Actions usage is free for standard GitHub-hosted runners in public repositories, and for self-hosted runners. For private repositories, each GitHub account receives a certain amount of free minutes and storage for use with GitHub-hosted runners, depending on the product used with the account.
Classify the cities based on whether they are located in Slovakia or Croatia. Košice, Bratislava, Zagreb, Split, Petržalka, Rijeka
Slovakia - Bratislava, Košice, Petržalka Croatia - Zagreb, Rijeka, Split
Which is a species of fish? Rohu or Naked Mole
What is the purpose of using Terraform modules ?
In order to easily maintain, manage and scale their infrastructure, DevOps teams design their infrastructure using modular and reusable components called Terraform modules. Terraform modules allow you to easily share and reuse the same components across multiple use cases and environments. It also helps enforce a standardised approach of defining resources and adopting best practices across your organisation. Not only does consistency ensure best practices are followed, it also helps to enforce compliant deployment, avoid accidental misconfigurations which could lead to costly errors.
Write an email to a landlord asking to replace a kitchen sink
Hi Landlord, Hope this finds you well. We’ve been thinking about upgrading the kitchen sink ( If we were to buy this, would you have a guy who could install it? And depending on the cost we could split the difference? Let me know if that’s something you’re open to! Best, Will
What are some examples of movies that won best picture in the 1990s?
Some of the movies that won an Oscar for best picture in the 1990s include: Titanic, The English Patient, Forrest Gump, and Dances with Wolves.
When is the best time to visit Chicago?
The best time to visit Chicago is during the Summer months - also known as "Summertime Chi." There are activities and events to check out including: art shows, running and aquatic events, and several outdoor music festivals. Chicago offers a robust shopping and dining scene as well. It's popular to visit in the Summer based on weather conditions; the "Windy City" can be uncomfortably cold during the Winter months.
Why do people watch the English Premier League more than any other soccer league in the world?
The English Premier League, which I've been watching for the past 20 years, is one of the fastest and most entertaining leagues in international football. The Premier League provides us with a full dose of excitement and the most physical league in the world. The rules for fouls aren't as strict as they are in other leagues, which leads to more physicality and allows for more tackles, rougher games, and a huge variation in footballing styles amongst the teams. Compare this with other leagues in Europe, and you'll see that the teams are far more technical and tactical. Any Premier League match you watch, you'll have some kind of action. Another advantage of watching the Premier League is that unlike, say, La Liga or the Bundesliga, there aren't just two teams dominating the whole league, there are at least 6 teams in the EPL vying for 4 Champions League spots, which is a lot of competition. Games tend to be more brutal for this reason.
Write a review of Neil Gaiman's book American Gods.
What a phenomenal book. I can see how people would call this a "more mature Percy Jackson", but to me American Gods was much more than just mythology fanfiction. Overall, the imaginative story, noir setting, mysterious plot, witty dialogue, and incredible characters made this one of the best books I've read this year. Starting with the setting and premise - gods in the modern world has become a setting of it's own. Most notably, this story reminds me of a western version of Noragami, where a god's strength stems from their worshipers. It's hilarious to see deities of old living mundane lives, frankly quite charming. Our characters navigate through a spooky setting, but it's never overbearing nor depressing. But what really makes this book special are the characters and dialogue. Shadow and Wednesday are an amazing duo; between Shadows quiet reflections and Wednesday's blunt terrorizing, the pair travel across rural America, running through a plethora of interesting icons and people.
What does SRO mean for concert tickets?
SRO refers to Standing Room Only and describes tickets for a section with no seating. These tickets are sometimes sold at a discount at concerts or broadway shows. People may prefer standing sections as they are often closer to the stage and give a more energetic experience.
Summarize the main components of a Kubernetes cluster control plane from this paragraph
Kubernetes defines a set of building blocks ("primitives") that collectively provide mechanisms that deploy, maintain, and scale applications based on CPU, memory or custom metrics. Kubernetes is loosely coupled and extensible to meet different workloads. The internal components as well as extensions and containers that run on Kubernetes rely on the Kubernetes API. The platform exerts its control over compute and storage resources by defining resources as Objects, which can then be managed as such. Kubernetes follows the primary/replica architecture. The components of Kubernetes can be divided into those that manage an individual node and those that are part of the control plane. Control plane The Kubernetes master node handles the Kubernetes control plane of the cluster, managing its workload and directing communication across the system. The Kubernetes control plane consists of various components, each its own process, that can run both on a single master node or on multiple masters supporting high-availability clusters. The various components of the Kubernetes control plane are as follows: etcd is a persistent, lightweight, distributed, key-value data store that CoreOS has developed. It reliably stores the configuration data of the cluster, representing the overall state of the cluster at any given point of time. etcd favors consistency over availability in the event of a network partition (see CAP theorem). The consistency is crucial for correctly scheduling and operating services. The API server serves the Kubernetes API using JSON over HTTP, which provides both the internal and external interface to Kubernetes. The API server processes and validates REST requests and updates the state of the API objects in etcd, thereby allowing clients to configure workloads and containers across worker nodes. The API server uses etcd's watch API to monitor the cluster, roll out critical configuration changes, or restore any divergences of the state of the cluster back to what the deployer declared. As an example, the deployer may specify that three instances of a particular "pod" (see below) need to be running. etcd stores this fact. If the Deployment Controller finds that only two instances are running (conflicting with the etcd declaration), it schedules the creation of an additional instance of that pod. The scheduler is the extensible component that selects on which node an unscheduled pod (the basic entity managed by the scheduler) runs, based on resource availability. The scheduler tracks resource use on each node to ensure that workload is not scheduled in excess of available resources. For this purpose, the scheduler must know the resource requirements, resource availability, and other user-provided constraints or policy directives such as quality-of-service, affinity vs. anti-affinity requirements, and data locality. The scheduler's role is to match resource "supply" to workload "demand". A controller is a reconciliation loop that drives the actual cluster state toward the desired state, communicating with the API server to create, update, and delete the resources it manages (e.g., pods or service endpoints). One kind of controller is a Replication Controller, which handles replication and scaling by running a specified number of copies of a pod across the cluster. It also handles creating replacement pods if the underlying node fails. Other controllers that are part of the core Kubernetes system include a DaemonSet Controller for running exactly one pod on every machine (or some subset of machines), and a Job Controller for running pods that run to completion (e.g., as part of a batch job). Labels selectors that are part of the controller's definition specify the set of pods that a controller manages. The controller manager is a process that manages a set of core Kubernetes controllers.
The kubernetes cluster control plane runs on one more more master nodes. The components are: 1. etcd - a key value datastore containing the configuration data of the cluster. 2. The api-server is a server which serves and updates the state of the kubernetes cluster. It watches etcd and keeps the clusters actual state in sync with its desired state. 3. The scheduler is a component which selects on which node an unscheduled pod should run, based on what each pod needs and what the nodes in the cluster can support. 4. The controller manager manages several controllers which keep the cluster in sync with its desired state.
Should I buy a Shinkansen Rail Pass if I visit Japan?
Shinkansen Rail Pass is quite expensive. The cost is slightly cheaper comparing with Shinkansen round trip between Tokyo and Osaka. If you are planning to have a round trip between these 2 cities, then you should definitely consider to get a Shinkansen Rail Pass. If your Shinkansen trip is shorter than that, you probably better estimate the railway cost before get the Shinkansen Rail Pass.
When and where was Lyubomir Nikolov Vladikin born?
Vladikin was born on September 3, 1891 in the village of Golyamo Belovo, Pazardzhik area. His mother, Maria Morfova, sister of the opera singer Hristina Morfova and the composer Aleksandar Morfov, studied French Philology in Geneva. His father, Nikola Yonkov Vladikin, was a well-known journalist, scholar, writer, publicist, historian and political activist. Over the period from 1890 to 1912 he was an MP for three consecutive terms. He was a nephew of the Bishop of South Bulgaria (from Ohrid to Edirne), known under the church name Evstatiy Pelagoniyski.
Vladikin was born on September 3, 1891 in the village of Golyamo Belovo, Pazardzhik
List the items you need to play pickleball
Pickleball ball, pickleball raquet, court and net
Tell me whether these are books by black authors: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Homegoing, Between the World and Me, Becoming, Beloved, The Color Purple.
The books: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Homegoing, Between the World and Me, Becoming, Beloved, and The Color Purple are all written by black authors.
Think up different ways to make a baby stop crying.
Here are different ways to make a baby stop crying: 1. Give the baby milk 2. Bounce the baby up and down 3. Take the baby on a walk 4. Take the baby for a ride in the car 5. Give the baby food 6. Rock the baby to sleep
Which U.S president had a home called The Hermitage?
Andrew Jackson
What are the ingredients in panch phuran?
Panch phoron, panch phodan or pancha phutana is a whole spice blend, originating from the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent and used especially in the cuisine of Eastern India and Northeastern India, especially in the cuisine of Bhojpur, Mithila, Odisha, Bengal and Nepal. The name literally means "five spices". All of the spices in panch phoron are seeds. Typically, panch phoron consists of fenugreek seed, nigella seed, cumin seed, black mustard seed and fennel seed in equal parts. Some cooks prefer to use a smaller proportion of fenugreek seeds, because of their mildly bitter taste.
Panch phuran, also known as panch phoron, comprises of the following spices in equal parts: cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, black mustard seeds, fennel seeds and nigella seeds.
In Digital Marketing, what is the difference between SEO and SEM?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it focuses on the creation and enhancement of webpages to improve their rankings in organic search results. SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing and it focuses on the use of paid advertisements to rank at the top of Search Engine Results Page.
What is the difference between the Masters and the U.S. Open in golf?
The Masters is one of the four majors that is played every year in golf and is the only major that is played at the same course each year. Every year the Masters is played in April at Augusta National golf course and it is the first major of the year. The U.S. Open is another one of the golf majors and is played at a different course every year, although some courses are repeated once every 8-10 years. The tournament is normally played in the summer and gives the opportunity for amateur golfers all over the U.S. to qualify and play with the professionals.
How are Social Security and Medicare in the USA funded?
Social Security and Medicare in the USA are funded through payroll taxes on income. Both employees and employers are required to pay payroll taxes.
Give me a list of ten vegetables that are green.
1. Asparagus 2. Brussel sprout 3. Green bean 4. Broccoli 5. Kale 6. Peas 7. Cabbage 8. Celery 9. Artichoke 10. Arugula
What is the name of the gruff and tough female Viper pilot on the 2003 reboot of "Battlestar Galactica"?
Kara "Starbuck" Thrace
What's the best way to potty train a puppy?
You just adopted a puppy, congratulations! There are many methods to successfully house-train or potty-train puppies. First, it's important to remain patient and diligent around maintaining a strict schedule for feeding, rest, play and potty times. This should start the moment your puppy arrives as this is going to set them and you up for success. Second, when accidents happen, which will occur for the first few weeks, remember to be patient and kind to your puppy. This will develop a deep sense of trust in you as the authority figure in the home. Generally, puppies need to be let outside to go potty outside within a secure area after waking, playtime and after every meal. It's important not to confuse potty time with playtime and that your puppy is placed safely in a crate or gated area if they aren't being watched closely. How do you know when your puppy needs to go potty? Most puppies will begin sniffing the ground when they need to go potty so if you witness this happening indoors, quickly usher your puppy outside or to a training pad. It's important to provide your puppy a lot of praise for a job well done. For some puppies, verbal praise from their family member while providing them with a small treat will help your puppy make the connection that going potty in the appropriate area is a very good thing for them and for you.
Where does the word plumbing originate from?
"Plumbing" originates from the original name for Lead (Pb), Plumbum, which is what most pipes were made from at the time.
What is a Romance language?
A romance language refers to the language family of languages which are derived from Latin, which are spoken in many areas that were a part of the Ancient Roman empire.
what type of economy is China?
mixed economy: the socialist market economy (SME) is the economic system and model of economic development employed in the People's Republic of China
Why is aluminum wiring in a home dangerous?
When current is passed through a 10ft aluminum wire in a home, the wire can expand up to 3 inches. When the current ends, the wire can shrink up to 3 inches. This can cause wires to pull from electrical boxes and connections, as well as wear through their protective coating when touching parts of the house. Wires are typically hidden within walls and ceilings, and if connections are broken or wires become exposed, the electrical current can start fires.
I need to plan a wedding and I have no idea where to start. Will you help me brainstorm a few things I should do?
Your wedding a celebration of you and partners love. Here are a couple ideas of where to start. 1. Sit down with your partner and each share you respective vision, hopes and dreams for your wedding. Listen intently and take notes to what your partner says. 2. Make a list of the people you would want at your wedding. Tier each potential invite as Tier 1,2 and 3 and who's side they represent (you, your partner, or both). 3. Identify a preliminary budget based on what you can afford to spend. 4. Make a list of the most important things to you and your partner, in priority order (venue, band, flowers, dress, etc.) 5. Evaluate hiring a wedding planner to assist you in your planning efforts. Good luck as you begin this exciting process!
I have 3 apples, Jack has 4 pears and Jill has 5 books. After I ate two of Jack's pears, how many fruits we have in total now?
Apples and Pears are fruits, while books are not fruits. So before I ate two pears, we have 3+4=7 fruits in total. After I ate two pears, we have 7-2 = 5 fruits in total.
Who founded the city of Price, Quebec?
It was the arrival of the Price Brothers and Company (of William Evan Price) that the village of Price was founded at the end of the 19th century. It was a suburb of Saint-Octave-de-Métis, which constituted a community of workers, who were employed at the saw mill.
The Price Brothers and Company
Based on the reference text, why was the eastern section of the bridge rebuilt?
The San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, known locally as the Bay Bridge, is a complex of bridges spanning San Francisco Bay in California. As part of Interstate 80 and the direct road between San Francisco and Oakland, it carries about 260,000 vehicles a day on its two decks. It has one of the longest spans in the United States. The toll bridge was conceived as early as the California Gold Rush days, with "Emperor" Joshua Norton famously advocating for it, but construction did not begin until 1933. Designed by Charles H. Purcell, and built by American Bridge Company, it opened on Thursday, November 12, 1936, six months before the Golden Gate Bridge. It originally carried automobile traffic on its upper deck, with trucks, cars, buses and commuter trains on the lower, but after the Key System abandoned rail service on April 20, 1958, the lower deck was converted to all-road traffic as well. On October 12, 1963, traffic was reconfigured to one way traffic on each deck, westbound on the upper deck, and eastbound on the lower deck, with trucks and buses allowed on the upper deck. In 1986, the bridge was unofficially dedicated to former California Governor James Rolph. The bridge has two sections of roughly equal length; the older western section, officially known as the Willie L. Brown Jr. Bridge (after former San Francisco Mayor and California State Assembly Speaker Willie L. Brown Jr.), connects downtown San Francisco to Yerba Buena Island, and the newer unnamed eastern section connects the island to Oakland. The western section is a double suspension bridge with two decks, westbound traffic being carried on the upper deck while eastbound is carried on the lower one. The largest span of the original eastern section was a cantilever bridge. During the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, a portion of the eastern section's upper deck collapsed onto the lower deck and the bridge was closed for a month. Reconstruction of the eastern section of the bridge as a causeway connected to a self-anchored suspension bridge began in 2002; the new eastern section opened September 2, 2013, at a reported cost of over $6.5 billion; the original estimate of $250 million was for a seismic retrofit of the existing span. Unlike the western section and the original eastern section of the bridge, the new eastern section is a single deck carrying all eastbound and westbound lanes. Demolition of the old east span was completed on September 8, 2018.
The eastern section of the bridge was rebuilt because a portion of its upper deck collapsed onto the lower deck during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
What are all the different types of alpaca breeds?
The alpaca comes in two breeds, Suri and Huacaya, based on their fibers rather than scientific or European classifications. Huacaya alpacas are the most commonly found, constituting about 90% of the population. The Huacaya alpaca is thought to have originated in post-colonial Peru. This is due to their thicker fleece which makes them more suited to survive in the higher altitudes of the Andes after being pushed into the highlands of Peru with the arrival of the Spanish. Suri alpacas represent a smaller portion of the total alpaca population, around 10%. They are thought to have been more prevalent in pre-Columbian Peru since they could be kept at a lower altitude where a thicker fleece was not needed for harsh weather conditions.
Provide a short review for a Japanese restaurant called Honto in Brisbane. It was a little hard to find as it is in a backstreet, but we found it without too much trouble. Be sure to mention it was very atmospheric and that the food was great.
Dining at Honto was an especially memorable experience for us. The space was atmospheric and the Japanese food served was exceptional. It is surely one of Brisbane's best kept secrets.
From this summary of how Bilbo found the Ring in The Hobbit, how did Bilbo beat Gollum at the Riddle game?
As told in The Hobbit, Bilbo found the Ring while lost in the tunnels near Gollum's lair. In the first edition, Gollum offers to surrender the Ring to Bilbo as a reward for winning the Riddle Game. When Tolkien was writing The Lord of the Rings, he realized that the Ring's grip on Gollum would never permit him to give it up willingly. He therefore revised The Hobbit: in the second edition, after losing the Riddle Game to Bilbo, Gollum went to get his "Precious" to help him kill and eat Bilbo, but found the Ring missing. Deducing from Bilbo's last question—"What have I got in my pocket?"—that Bilbo had found the Ring, Gollum chased him through the caves, not realizing that Bilbo had discovered the Ring's power of invisibility and was following him to the cave's mouth. Bilbo escaped Gollum and the goblins by remaining invisible, but he chose not to tell Gandalf and the dwarves that the Ring had made him invisible. Instead he told them a story that followed the first edition: that Gollum had given him the Ring and shown him the way out. Gandalf was immediately suspicious of the Ring, and later forced the real story from Bilbo.
Gollum was unable to answer Bilbo's last question, "What have I got in my pocket?".
Extract the platforms that the game can be played on and separate them with a comma.
Horizon Zero Dawn is a 2017 action role-playing game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It is the first game of the Horizon video game series. The plot follows Aloy, a young hunter in a world overrun by machines, who sets out to uncover her past. The player uses ranged weapons, a spear, and stealth to combat mechanical creatures and other enemy forces. A skill tree provides the player with new abilities and bonuses. The player can explore the open world to discover locations and take on side quests. It is the first game in the Horizon series and was released for the PlayStation 4 in 2017 and Windows in 2020.
PlayStation, Windows
When was the first Academy Awards?
The first Academy Awards was Thursday, May 16, 1929
What are the top largest economies in the world?
The United States China Japan Germany
Which is a species of fish? Tarp or Carp
Extract the names of all of the albums that Taylor Swift has released. Separate them with a comma.
Swift signed a record deal with Big Machine Records in 2005 and released her eponymous debut album the following year. With 157 weeks on the Billboard 200 by December 2009, the album was the longest-charting album of the 2000s decade. Swift's second studio album, Fearless (2008), topped the Billboard 200 for 11 weeks and was the only album from the 2000s decade to spend one year in the top 10. The album was certified Diamond by the RIAA. It also topped charts in Australia and Canada, and has sold 12 million copies worldwide. Her third studio album, the self-written Speak Now (2010), spent six weeks atop the Billboard 200 and topped charts in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Her fourth studio album, Red (2012), was her first number-one album in the United Kingdom. It topped charts in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and spent seven weeks at number one on the Billboard 200. Swift scored her fourth US number-one album with 1989 (2014), which topped the Billboard 200 for 11 weeks and was certified 9× Platinum by the RIAA. It topped the charts in other countries including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Her sixth studio album, Reputation (2017), made Swift the first music artist to have four consecutive albums each sell over one million copies within its debut week. It spent four weeks atop the Billboard 200. Exiting Big Machine, Swift signed with Universal Music Group label Republic Records in 2018. Her seventh studio album, Lover (2019), was the year's global best-selling album by a solo artist. Swift released two studio albums in 2020, Folklore and Evermore, which respectively spent eight and four weeks atop the Billboard 200. Swift released two re-recorded albums, Fearless (Taylor's Version) and Red (Taylor's Version), in 2021, after a dispute with Big Machine over the rights to the masters of her first six albums; the former was the first re-recorded album to top the Billboard 200. Swift's tenth original studio album, Midnights (2022), became her fifth to sell over a million US first-week copies; It was also the first album to sell over a million physical sales since 2015.
Taylor Swift, Fearless, Speak Now, Red, 1989, Reputation, Lover, Fearless, Folklore, Evermore, Fearless (Taylor's Version), Red (Taylor's Version), Midnights
Did Ghana lose by 100 against India in a soccer game?
This game actually didn't happen but Ghanaians and the entire nation some believe it did and tell stories about it. Our parents describe the game as very intriguing filled with mythical black magic and powers. It is believe that the soccer ball turned in the course of the game turned into different sorts of objects every time Ghana had possession. This however aided the Indian team to put up 100 goals whereas Ghana only scored 1. Lastly, legend has it that the Ghanaian player that scored the only goal for Ghana died afterwards
From the given text, list me details about parity plot
A parity plot is a scatterplot that compares a set of results from a computational model against benchmark data. Each point has coordinates (x, y), where x is a benchmark value and y is the corresponding value from the model. A line of the equation y = x, representing perfect model performance, is sometimes added as a reference. Where the model successfully reproduces a benchmark, that point will lie on the line. Parity plots are found in scientific papers and reports, when the author wishes to validate a model in a visual way. However, when the data have a wide range, the large scale makes important discrepancies invisible and the model appears better than it actually is. In that case, a plot of model errors [(y-x) vs. x] is better for evaluating the performance of the model.
1. A parity plot is a scatterplot that contrasts the output of a computer model with reference data. 2. Each point is identified by its coordinates (x, y), where x represents a benchmark value and y is the matching value from the model. 3. To serve as a reference, a line drawn from the equation y = x is occasionally included. Where the model accurately reproduces a benchmark, that point will fall on the line. 4. When an author wants to visually validate a model in a paper or report, parity plots are used. On the other hand, when the data span a wide range, the big scale obscures significant differences, giving the model the appearance of being better than it actually is. In that situation, a model error plot [(y-x) vs. x] is preferable for assessing the model's performance.
How do you brew beer?
The steps to make beer is as following: 1. Mashing 2. Separation 3. Boiling 4. Fermentation. The ingredients are brought together through these 4 steps. You can create many beer styles with this process.
What are some of the most popular undergraduate majors at UC Berkeley?
UC Berkeley has over 150 undergraduate major and minors for students to choose from. Some of the most popular include Molecular and Cell Biology, Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science.
Which of these are Satellite and Planets: Hydra, Venus, Titan, Kerberos, Pluto, Jupiter, Moon
Satellite: Kerberos, Hydra, Moon, Titan Planets: Pluto, Jupiter, Venus
Classify these Indian cities into states that they are in. Hyderabad, Kolkata, Purulia, Medak, Warangal, Darjeeling
West Bengal - Kolkata, Purulia, Darjeeling Telengana - Hyderabad, Medak, Warangal
Who were the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers in the Harry Potter series?
While Harry Potter was a student, there were six Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers while he was at Hogwarts. They are Quirinus Quirrell, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody (who was impersonated for a good chunk of the year by Bartemius Crouch Jr), Dolores Umbridge, and Severus Snape. The final year of the book series, when Harry Potter was no longer in the school, the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts was held by Amycus Carrow. Athough he mostly taught the Dark Arts, not the defense against them.
What gear do you need to go on a backpacking trip?
To go on a backpacking trip, you'll need a few categories of items: shelter, cooking and clothing. Start with a trekking pole tent like the X-Mid Pro. Don't forget 2 trekking poles. You'll need a sleeping pad like a Klymit Static-V and a sleeping bag or quilt such as the Kelty Cosmic 0. In order to cook and boil water, you'll need a stove such as a Jetboil and the corresponding fuel to power it. As far as clothing goes, several layers of wool/synthetic fabric with a light shell will work great at keeping you warm and dry. All of this needs to go in a backpack that's of the right capacity and sized to your frame.
Who are the top Presidents of USA
Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and George Washington are most often listed as the three highest-rated presidents among historians. More recent presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are often rated among the greatest in public opinion polls, but generally do not rank as highly among presidential scholars and historians. Because William Henry Harrison and James A. Garfield both died within their first year in office, they are often omitted from presidential rankings. Zachary Taylor died after serving as president for only 16 months, but he is usually included. In the case of these three presidents, it is not clear whether they received low rankings due to their actions as president or because each was in office for such a limited time that they did not accomplish much.
What are the characteristics of chihuahuas?
Chihuahuas are among the smallest of the dog breeds. Small in size but confident and big-dog natured. They originated from Mexico with lineage going back to ancient kingdoms of pre-Columbian times. Chihuahuas are extremely loyal, known for having close attachments with their owners. Their distinct features include oversized, pointy ears and expressive eyes. Coats come in many colors ranging from white to brown to black with many different pattern variations, and will be either short or long. Short hair chihuahuas are known for shivering and needing sweaters in cold weather. They are ideal city dogs given their small size.
What should I wear in the summer?
In the summer people usually wear shorts, tank tops or tee shirts. Women may choose to wear skirts, skorts, or sun dresses. Flip flops and sandals are the most common footwear choice but sneakers are also a good choice. To protect against sun damage, most people wear a hat, visor, or light jackets to protect skin from sun exposure.
Who are some famous Greek philosophers?
Plato, Aristotle and Socrates are all famous Greek philosophers
List the two oldest University of California campuses separated by a semicolon.
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) is a public land-grant research university in Los Angeles, California. UCLA's academic roots were established in 1881 as a normal school then known as the southern branch of the California State Normal School (now San José State University). This school was absorbed with the official founding of UCLA as the Southern Branch of the University of California in 1919, making it the second-oldest of the 10-campus University of California system (after UC Berkeley).
UC Berkeley; UCLA
Why do people have children?
There are many reasons people have children. A common reason is simply tradition and expectations. Some people have grown up expecting to have children, their parents expect them to have children, and all of their friends have children, so they have children. Another reason is economic. In agricultural societies children can be an economic benefit, providing labor to help the family manage the farm. Another common reason is that children can provide support when the parents become elderly. Finally, the parents may simply be looking for the meaning, affection, and love that children bring to their lives.
What is the difference between American Football and Futbol?
In America, football refers to the NFL style of football. This involves heavily padded players, scripted plays and a game where the goal is to get the ball into an endzone with a mix of pass and run plays. International Futbol refers to the game that is played primarily with a players feet, passing the ball and shooting with only their feet of head. Players in Futbol are not allowed to use their hands unless they are the goalie defending the goal. The goal of Futbol is to get the ball into the opposing team's net.
From a financial perspective, tell me five things should be considered when retiring.
Here are five financially-related things to consider when retiring: - How much money will be spent annually while retired - The amount of money currently saved for retirement - Probable income from pension and/or social security - Probable number of years until death - Current state of the financial markets
What are the words of House Bolton?
"Our Blades are Sharp"
Where is Meerut?
Meerut (pronunciation (help·info), IAST: Meraṭh) is a city in Meerut district of the western part of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The city lies 80 km (50 mi) northeast of the national capital New Delhi, within the National Capital Region and 480 km (300 mi) west of the state capital Lucknow.
Meerut is a city in India and part of Uttar Pradesh state close to new Delhi
What are the most dangerous hobbies?
Sky diving, bungie jumping, cliff jumping, open water swimming, race car driving
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Aurochs, Hawksbill Turtle
Hawksbill Turtle is alive, Aurochs is extinct.
what bicycle should I buy?
Buying the right bicycle depends on how much money you want to spend and what you want to use the bicycle for. So first decide on a budget, then go to a local bike shop and talk to them about what kinds of bicycles they sell for the needs that you have.
Best Actor award in 27th Screen Actors Guild(SAG) Awards was given posthumously to whom?
Chadwick Boseman for Black Bottom
How far is the village from Warsaw?
Żabia Wola [ˈʐabja ˈvɔla] is a village in Grodzisk Mazowiecki County, Masovian Voivodeship, in east-central Poland. It is the seat of the gmina (administrative district) called Gmina Żabia Wola. It lies approximately 10 kilometres (6 mi) south-east of Grodzisk Mazowiecki and 30 km (19 mi) south-west of Warsaw. The village has a population of 530.
The village lies approximately 30 km (19 mi) south-west of Warsaw.
List of all the factions that Lincoln had to deal with, and if they were his allies or enemies.
Lincoln, a moderate Republican, had to navigate a contentious array of factions with friends and opponents from both the Democratic and Republican parties. His allies, the War Democrats and the Radical Republicans, demanded harsh treatment of the Southern Confederates. Anti-war Democrats (called "Copperheads") despised Lincoln, and irreconcilable pro-Confederate elements plotted his assassination.
Lincoln's allies were the War Democrats and the Radical Republicans. Lincoln's enemies were the Southern Confederates, Anti-war Democrats and pro-Confederate groups
What are ten woodworking projects that I could complete in a weekend?
1. A wine box 2. A coat rack 3. A cutting board 4. A simple desk 5. A bottle stopper 6. A bowl 7. A small shelf 8. A picture frame 9. A serving tray 10. A garden bench
Given this reference paragraph, who coined the term dead man zone?
The term dead man zone was coined by members of the CSIRO research team in Australia who were investigating the spread of bushfires (Project Vesta). The dead man zone is approximately 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) around the fire that is likely to burn. This dead man zone can be a safety net for firefighters if the fire is moving at a high speed. The dead man zone can also be prepared in a way that slows down the fire. Firefighters can get outside the dead man zone safely without seeing what the fire is going to do and develop a plan of attack or defense upon the fire's next move. If the dead man zone is not used, wind change can sneak up on the firefighters and resulting in potentially unsafe distances where they are not able to defend themselves. This can be a life or death situation if not approached properly, and there have been examples of firefighters that became trapped and ultimately killed in Australia. Project Vesta, headed by scientist Phil Cheney, found that when the wind changes direction, the line of fire will move out at its maximum rate of spread almost immediately, and that the spread speed was nearly three times what was previously thought. Project Vesta's research into bushfire behavior makes up the majority of what is known about bushfires today.
The team was created by the Australian CSIRO research team
What are some of the subjects that a school student might study.
Students are known to take classes in mathematics, science, art, sport, foreign languages, history and geography.
What are the 5 biggest cities in France in terms of inhabitants?
The five biggest cities in France are : 1) Paris, which is also the capital, with more than 2200000 inhabitants. 2) Marseille with more than 865000 inhabitants. 3) Lyon with more than 520000 inhabitants. 4) Toulouse with more than 480000 inhabitants. 5) Nice with more than 340000 inhabitants.
Which of the following are types of real estate assets: single family homes, multi-family homes, apartments, condos, townhomes, rocks, dirt, cars, diamonds, gold, land, water, doors.
Real estate assets are typically land or improvements made on top of land. From the list, this includes single family homes, multi-family homes, apartments, condos, townhomes, and land.
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937) was an American business magnate and philanthropist. He has been widely considered the wealthiest American of all time and the richest person in modern history. Rockefeller was born into a large family in Upstate New York that moved several times before eventually settling in Cleveland. He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and went into several business partnerships beginning at age 20, concentrating his business on oil refining. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870. He ran it until 1897 and remained its largest shareholder. Rockefeller's wealth soared as kerosene and gasoline grew in importance, and he became the richest person in the country, controlling 90% of all oil in the United States at his peak. Oil was used throughout the country as a light source until the introduction of electricity, and as a fuel after the invention of the automobile. Furthermore, Rockefeller gained enormous influence over the railroad industry which transported his oil around the country. Standard Oil was the first great business trust in the United States. Rockefeller revolutionized the petroleum industry and, through corporate and technological innovations, was instrumental in both widely disseminating and drastically reducing the production cost of oil. His company and business practices came under criticism, particularly in the writings of author Ida Tarbell.
Given the lineage of this historical military aircraft, when was the Avro Arrow first flown and what were the operating characteristics of that flight?
The Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow was a delta-winged interceptor aircraft designed and built by Avro Canada. The CF-105 held the promise of Mach 2 speeds at altitudes exceeding 50,000 feet (15,000 m) and was intended to serve as the Royal Canadian Air Force's (RCAF) primary interceptor into the 1960s and beyond. The Arrow was the culmination of a series of design studies begun in 1953 that examined improved versions of the Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck. After considerable study, the RCAF selected a dramatically more powerful design, and serious development began in March 1955. The aircraft was intended to be built directly from the production line, skipping the traditional hand-built prototype phase. The first Arrow Mk. 1, RL-201, was rolled out to the public on 4 October 1957, the same day as the launch of Sputnik I. Flight testing began with RL-201 on 25 March 1958, and the design quickly demonstrated excellent handling and overall performance, reaching Mach 1.9 in level flight. Powered by the Pratt & Whitney J75, another four Mk. 1s were completed, RL-202, RL-203, RL-204 and RL-205. The lighter and more powerful Orenda Iroquois engine was soon ready for testing, and the first Mk 2 with the Iroquois, RL-206, was ready for taxi testing in preparation for flight and acceptance tests by RCAF pilots by early 1959.
The Avro Canada RL-201 Arrow was first flown in a test flight on March 25, 1958. During that flight, handling and performance proved excellent and the aircraft reached speeds of up to Mach 1.9 in level flight.
In what year did George Washington die and how old was he?
Washington's death came more swiftly than expected. On his deathbed, out of fear of being entombed alive, he instructed his private secretary Tobias Lear to wait three days before his burial. According to Lear, Washington died between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. on December 14, 1799, with Martha seated at the foot of his bed. His last words were "'Tis well", from his conversation with Lear about his burial. He was 67.
George Washington died in the year 1799 at the age of 67.
Why is the sky blue?
When the sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere, the gases and particules in the air will scattered it in all directions. Because of its shorter wave length, blue light is scattered more than the other colors, which make it more visible in the sky, most of the time.
Tell me which sport the following athletes play, or played in the past: Michael Jordan, Derek Jeter, Joe Namath, Lebron James, Tiger Woods, Rory Mcilroy, Jackie Robinson, Mike Tyson, Barry Sanders, Tom Brady, Jaromir Jagr, Sydney Crosby, Muhammed Ali, Greg Maddux, Oscar Robertson
Please see below for the classification of each athlete. Baseball: Derek Jeter, Jackie Robinson, Greg Maddux Basketball: Lebron James, Michael Jordon, Oscar Robertson Football: Tom Brady, Joe Namath, Barry Sanders Golf: Tiger Woods, Rory Mcilroy Boxing: Mike Tyson, Muhammed Ali Hockey: Sydney Crosby, Jaromir Jagr
Why is pickleball so popular?
Pickleball combines elements of both tennis and ping pong. Tennis can take up to 2 years to learn the skills in order to play a proper tennis match while pickleball can be learned very quickly. The motor skills involved with the fast play of ping pong are necessary with pickleball however there is more exercise involved with pickleball. When you combine the easy to learn nature of pickleball with the fun exercise involved this is why pickleball is becoming the fastest growing sport in the United States.
How do you change a bicycle tire?
Start by taking off the wheel. For this, open the quick release for the brakes or detach the brake cable. Then, unscrew the axle to take off the wheel. Following, you have to deflate the tire and be able to pull out the tube from underneath the tire. Pry the tire off the rim with tire levers. Once the tire comes off, you can replace the tube and work it back underneath the tire. Remember only to inflate the tube completely once both tube and tire are fitted on the rim. To mount the wheel again, follow the above-described steps in reverse order.
What are common executive roles at large companies?
Large companies contain different sets of executives. Most companies have a chief executive officer who runs the company. Another common executive title is the Chief Financial Officer, the person responsible for accounting, financial planning and reporting. Chief Technology Officers are generally responsible for building and maintaining technology infrastructure, the code base and driving innovation within the organization. The Chief Marketing Officer is generally responsible for marketing, brand awareness and demand generation within the organization. A Chief People Officer is often responsible for human resources, recruitment and talent management. A Chief Security Officer protects the safety and security of the organization.
Netflix views streaming video as a "sustaining" technology that extends its core mail DVD business. Do you agree with this, or do you think streaming video is a "disruptive" technology for Netflix that does not align with its core business and requires a different strategy?
Netflix did a strategic renewal by cannibalizing its own cash cow business of mail-in-DVD services. This was the right move as internet speeds were increasing and moving towards broadband. Netflix was even considering launching a TV box if internet speeds remained constant. I agree that streaming video is a disruptive technology for Netflix, requiring a different strategy. Adopting a disruptive technology, Netflix forced Blockbuster to offer the mail-in-DVD service. By the time Blockbuster offered the mail-in-DVD service, Netflix had already begun experimenting with streaming videos and had started offering the streaming video platform. Netflix made Blockbuster dance to its tunes. Netflix, currently valued at $150 billion, changed its business model twice by cannibalizing its core services, shifting from mail-in- DVD service to subscription service to streaming video subscription service. This strategic renewal is one of the critical reasons for Netflix to become a valuable company and one of the pioneers in cloud computing that defined the architecture for AWS and set the freedom and responsibility culture for other silicon valley firms to emulate.