all right well let me just say it would be silly if this experiment was not sponsored by the one and only helix helix sleep is a premium mattress and bedding company that makes products to fit your needs and it's conveniently shipped right to your door i got my helix mattress so long ago years at this point and i sleep on it every single night it is incredible ben loves it i love it sateen loves it and we have a second one in the guest room amazing reviews so already when i received my helix mattress many many moons ago i realized an incredible increase in my sleep quality i absolutely love the helix mattress and it was made for me so i took the helix two-minute sleep quiz and you should do it asks you a bunch of questions about your sleep preferences whether you're a side stomach or back sleeper whether you have any back pain if you like your mattress firm soft etc etc and it matches you with the best mattress it was shipped right to my door i was able to unbox it myself you tear it open and bam you have a mattress set up in your house very easy much better than going to the mattress store let me tell you from experience if it makes you nervous to buy something that you haven't tried before helix actually has a NUMBER_TOKEN night sleep trial so that means you get to try out your new mattress for over three months to decide whether you like it or not if you don't they will come and pick it up for you for free and you get a full refund helix mattresses come with a NUMBER_TOKEN year warranty and they offer financing options as well as flexible payment plans so that a good night's sleep is never far away i love my helix and i think you would love it too so if you would like to check it out you can go to URL_TOKEN and get up to NUMBER_TOKEN off your next mattress thank you so much helix for sponsoring today's video i look forward to sleeping in my helix for the next seven testing nights i know it will be a very comfortable time thanks to you so again you can check out the link in my description box below or just go to helix URL_TOKEN gb get up to NUMBER_TOKEN off your mattress thank you let's go hello everybody it's jv and today we're doing um like con like youtube creator content type content i'm very excited i don't think i've done a video like this i actually don't know when the last time i have according to the cdc website NUMBER_TOKEN million americans suffer from chronic sleep problems i can pretty much guarantee you that trouble falling asleep is of no stranger to anybody who's in the asmr community that's for sure recently i was actually diagnosed with adhd and generalized anxiety disorder both of which cause or a symptom of them or sleeplessness so i've been dealing with sleeplessness and trouble falling asleep for as long as i can remember my mom was really great with bedtime she put us to bed at the same time every night she did really good sleep habits and yet i still had trouble especially at the older and older i got and i guess the more independence i had my brain was just constantly going i could never fall asleep but eventually as we all know i stumbled onto asmr about NUMBER_TOKEN years ago and although i definitely still have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN all right well let me just say it would be silly if this experiment was not sponsored by the one and only helix helix sleep is a premium mattress and bedding company that makes products to fit your needs and it's conveniently shipped right to your door i got my helix mattress so long ago years at this point and i sleep on it every single night it is incredible ben loves it i love it sateen loves it and we have a second one in the guest room amazing reviews so already when i received my helix mattress many many moons ago i realized an incredible increase in my sleep quality i absolutely love the helix mattress and it was made for me so i took the helix two-minute sleep quiz and you should do it asks you a bunch of questions about your sleep preferences whether you're a side stomach or back sleeper whether you have any back pain if you like your mattress firm soft etc etc and it matches you with the best mattress it was shipped right to my door i was able to unbox it myself you tear it open and bam you have a mattress set up in your house very easy much better than going to the mattress store let me tell you from experience if it makes you nervous to buy something that you haven't tried before helix actually has a NUMBER_TOKEN night sleep trial so that means you get to try out your new mattress for over three months to decide whether you like it or not if you don't they will come and pick it up for you for free and you get a full refund helix mattresses come with a NUMBER_TOKEN year warranty and they offer financing options as well as flexible payment plans so that a good night's sleep is never far away i love my helix and i think you would love it too so if you would like to check it out you can go to URL_TOKEN and get up to NUMBER_TOKEN off your next mattress thank you so much helix for sponsoring today's video i look forward to sleeping in my helix for the next seven testing nights i know it will be a very comfortable time thanks to you so again you can check out the link in my description box below or just go to helix URL_TOKEN gb get up to NUMBER_TOKEN off your mattress thank you let's go END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
with the tracks starting right off the main road stop and knock out a few PS eyes now Sean eyes will and his weapon of choice and of course equipped with a front end rear Locker hopefully that improves your driving mate heee I'm running NUMBER_TOKEN psi for this trip on my eyes ooh d-max a little Rick that always surprises me in tough conditions Jay from Clear View towing mirrors is running his twin lock to dual cab equipped with a host of clear viewed towing and camping products next up we've got Pete from I Drive he's here to put one of their high-tech throttle controls through its paces rounding at the convoy is none other than rocket rod willing a dinosaur come four-wheel drive complete with an auto conversion with pressures sorted we head on to our first appointment and set enough the first challenge is right there George is leading the convoy and with a rig built exactly for this kind of driving it's up and over a hard line with no drivers I'll add a super easy that was super easy there you go I was expecting more sparks to be honest it's like it like a little explosion a bit of mud flinging that just crawl that that that's exactly what I'm not gonna do first little challenge for today you know just watching George attack that he didn't really use too much pace and made it look really easy in fact you know there's two things I wanna be sure of number one I probably will use a bit of pace and number two I'm not going to make it look that easy let's give this a read up go
but what you don't want to do is enter that position excessively rapidly it's fine even to enter it quickly but you want to be in control as long as you're in control and you know just snapping your legs like someone you know completely out of it you are gonna be completely safe it's fine to lock out your knees just when you start reaching lockout Brandon go ahead and show so that looks like when he starts reaching laughs out he slows down just a bit so it's a big press and then and the lockout and then all the way back down and all the way back up and just full lockout yep except it's under control that's point number one point number two is sometimes Brandon's gonna do a bunch of reps let's say ten and he's gonna stop and he's gonna let his quad lactic acid come out a little bit he's gonna breathe a few while he's locked out all the tension is essentially through the bones and connective tissues his quads aren't even active that lets his quads rest so he can do another mini set right after okay maybe another few so you might rest for three or four seconds and then do some more reps come out lockout rest before racking the weight is that a bad thing it's not it's totally fine it actually works really really well to get close to failure multiple times and get lots of growth some ated to rules you have to use about that one plan how many of these you're gonna do don't just do as many as it takes because a lot of times you can just keep going just say to yourself I'm gonna do a total of I'm not sure how many reps I'm gonna do two reps from fail on each one of the mini sets I'm gonna do three mini sets which means the first one might be eight reps the next one after a couple seconds break is going to be five and the next one might be three or something like that as long as you know how many of those many sets you're doing before you can objectively keep track of performance and the second one is standardized the rest break don't just rest as long as it takes for you to feel God knows what pick a number of seconds or number of breaths is even better that you feel relatively good just when the lactic acid is cleared for long enough to for you to feel relatively no pain then it's time to go again so Brandon would do maybe eight it would lock out and he says okay usually for me two to three seconds is what it takes so he's gonna standardize there three and instead of seconds we're just gonna use breaths so he's gonna you know let's say he's locked out he's gonna go to three and then he's gonna go every single time on that third breath he goes so what's standardized he plans how many mini sets he does and he plans how many breaths he takes what ends up happening is he pushes his quads that much further that much longer now if you just want to do straight sets and do no mini breaks that's NUMBER_PERCENTAGE_TOKEN fine pick what you're gonna do ahead of time stick to it for the rest of your mesocycle here's the deal I hope use all of these tips to get the most
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN Brandon go ahead and show so that looks like when he starts reaching laughs out he slows down just a bit so it's a big press and then and the lockout and then END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
i just i just had a good idea i'm gonna get a cold one i'm gonna get a couple of cauldrons actually it feels like i'm a noob right now doing this but watch watch me actually adding up like enough immediately up there sit watch up watch watch this end up saving my life is what i was trying to say watch me saving my stroke oh there is one so you want to do the same i mean yeah i'd like to do the portal if that's fine by you i mean i mean you i guess you can yeah why not i mean i don't love but i'm surprised you you're suggesting this i'm just trying to be more social i guess nice nice nice nice character arc oh what i heard i heard the lava and i was like yeah all right i'm gonna dig down okay well i'm gonna search i'm gonna search an entryway yeah by the way yeah i just wanted to say i don't think this is a good idea i'ma hate you if this doesn't work well i mean it didn't work for a lot of times for you sir i think it's too high i think it's like i should i need to be like this yeah yeah yeah it's like this nice let's go come on progress nobody died yet nobody died yes and we have both have full iron and we have and we're going to the leather yeah honestly let's not care about the pickings too much oh how much damage did you just take by the way one hot okay that's not too bad um so have you have you figured it out yet or not you want to tell me i uh no i don't want to tell you but um i would just say like i'm not entirely sure but i i what the PROFANITY_TOKEN oh there was a ghost i was so worried i thought they were creeping the nether oh no no worries that would be funny like i mean the the suspection i have is that it's just uh like mobs have like some sort of thorns or whatever effect when they die but the furnace doesn't die and the call doesn't yeah i mean through two to two i don't know honestly i have no clue i found the bathroom by the way i found a bastion whoa okay there you go all right oh you actually get a bunch of damage when you kill a piglet what happens if i block an error okay it doesn't damage me if something ow but after i die oh no oh yeah yeah it's the freaking freaks oh the bruce yeah yeah oh my god oh gosh they're actually following me brutes are so p yeah for good reasons i think i found a fortress i'm just gonna try to kill that i think it was on your path as well yeah i'm perhaps perhaps first oh ow wow okay if you kill a brute you actually get one and a half hearts of damage hey so instead of red i actually edited this video which is cool and
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN hey so instead of red i actually edited this video which is cool and END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
and if you lay around and make
yeah i imagine two nays are hitting in the room okay oh i got flashed all right i'm sticking this okay oh no
halo with the huge disappointments of both vanguard and battlefield NUMBER_TOKEN halo releasing just a short time after was a godsend i had so much fun with halo so i'll get this part out of the way up front i enjoyed the hell out of infinite despite some clear development issues behind the scenes getting this thing finished at NUMBER_TOKEN studios after massive delays halo infinite's campaign and even its multiplayer are a ton of fun to play
which is definitely super important if you're going to try and communicate and use a language in real life i've already noticed that i've gotten much more comfortable pronouncing names in korean
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN which is definitely super important if you're going to try and communicate and use a language in real life i've already noticed that i've gotten much more comfortable pronouncing names in korean END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
oh yeah these little pucks boil water no problem this uh this actually seems about done
the door behind him and finally make it into this room at this point we learned that if a child does die in their dreams they're going to wake up so we're going to have to kill all of our friends now we get to go on this chair put in some numbers and go into the first dream now this will bring us to riddle school NUMBER_TOKEN which is fred's dream obviously this was the dream that i died in but instead of me dying this time we're gonna try to kill fred so first of all we're gonna go to fred ask if he wants our sweatshirt but he's gonna say it's too warm so we're gonna check this desk note see that they're going to try to kill me and then i can turn down the thermostat and this time i'll be able to give him my sweatshirt which then causes fred to die instead of me because the teacher thought fred was me yeah it's kind of a weird sequence of events but anyway now it's time to go back in and this time we're going into smiley's dream which of course is going to be riddle school NUMBER_TOKEN. so we start this one out like normal we get the chewing gum and we're going to combine the ruler with the chewing gum to get the rubber band and then of course we'll hit the teacher with our rubber band so he'll lose his glasses but now we're going to tell smiley that he lost his glasses and since she's a great student she's gonna try to help him which is the perfect time to yeah so we kind of just trip her and um poor smiley we'll miss you but now all we have to do is go back into one more dream and this time we're going to rescue zach and of course this is going to be in riddle school NUMBER_TOKEN. now this one also starts out like normal where we get the dollar and then use the instrument this freezes zach because by the way he's always freezing cold so we kind of just push him down and there we go another one down so that's going to be all of our friends and now all we have to do is wake them up we go one by one we talk to them and they take an escape pod back now once all three of them left we can also take an escape pod and there we go riddle school five should be over right well except when we're flying back we get captured and yeah now we're going on to a brand new ship and here's where we see that all of our friends also got captured and they're all going to be behind bars with zach also powering up a freeze ray and here's where we see the main villain of the riddle school series viz he also mentions a traitor to us and then kind of just steals our key and then leaves but we get to talk to the trader who is going to be diz now dis basically tells us that he was trying to protect us because viz wants to freeze our earth and see kind of the sad thing is the reason they're even trying to freeze the earth is because i skipped school in riddle school one so they decided that earth isn't worth saving yep kind of sad but you know it happens now the freeze ray is getting charged up and our planet is almost about to be destroyed
well that's it for batting practice and sure enough it was a struggle throughout i was pleasantly surprised to get a couple of toss-ups from the yankees and i got to give a huge thank you to one of the newer members on the team rob brantley who's been very cool to me in the past and threw me two baseballs today now right after bp ended i left the stadium i walked along that gravel path all the way out to the field of dreams movie site and that's kind of where i am right now you can see the major league stadium way off in the distance the stands are full this place holds eight thousand people and it feels like twenty thousand it's so crowded but anyway the reason that i'm over here is if you follow me this way fenway chris behind the camera there is a big chevy display right here and chevy has partnered with celebrity chef guy fieri to create a new food item which i personally am very excited to eat it's called an apple pie hot dog i love the sweet and savory combo they're giving them out for free but before i eat one i have to give a little more love to chevy because like i said at the very beginning they hooked me up in a huge way in addition to giving me tickets to the game they provided me with a NUMBER_TOKEN tahoe to drive here to dyersville and as you can see there is a ton of storage space so i can't help but wonder how many baseballs this thing can hold you can see the massive interior right here shout out to fenway chris for enthusiastically driving us to iowa and while he was behind the wheel i checked out the entertainment center and relaxed with some soothing tunes of course we took a few minutes out of our day to do this and you know also to breathe that fresh midwest air so got to give a shout out to iowa itself for being so beautiful and chill and so i can't wait to try this apple pie hot dog you guys probably most people who watch are too young to remember but there was a very corny but also catchy jingle that chevy used in an advertising campaign going back to the NUMBER_TOKENs it went something like this ready we love baseball hot dogs apple pie and chevrolet fenway chris behind the camera you want to sing it with me baseball hot dogs apple pie and chevrolet so you know they're bringing it back basically um yeah so let's go eat and then get back over to the stadium for a very cool pregame ceremony
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN chris behind the camera there is a big chevy display right here and chevy has partnered with celebrity chef guy fieri to create a new food item which i personally am very excited to eat it's called an apple pie hot dog i love the sweet and savory combo they're giving them out for free but before i eat one i have to give a little more love to chevy because like i said at the very beginning they hooked me up in a huge way in addition to giving me tickets to the game they provided me with a NUMBER_TOKEN tahoe to drive here to dyersville and as you can see there is a ton of storage space so i can't help but wonder how many baseballs this thing can hold you can see the massive interior right here shout out to fenway chris for enthusiastically driving us to iowa and while he was behind the wheel i checked out the entertainment center and relaxed with some soothing tunes of course we took a few minutes out of our day to do this and you know also to breathe that fresh midwest air so got to give a shout out to iowa itself for being so beautiful and chill and so i can't wait to try this apple pie hot dog you guys probably most people who watch are too young to remember but there was a very corny but also catchy jingle that chevy used in an advertising campaign going back to the NUMBER_TOKENs it went something like this ready we love baseball hot dogs apple pie and chevrolet fenway chris behind the camera you want to sing it with me baseball hot dogs apple pie and chevrolet so you know they're bringing it back basically um yeah so let's go eat and then get back over to the stadium for a very cool pregame ceremony END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
today we're trying viral tick tock hacks in real life to see if they work spill me not well this seems like a dangerous thing to be testing in my apartment thing here um what oh okay this seems like it could be one of the coolest inventions ever but if it doesn't work the risk to reward ratio is super high on one hand you get to swing it around on the other hand if it doesn't work you're gonna break your favorite cup this one's a pretty risky test guys so for our first hack today we're testing out this thing it's called the spill whatever the URL_TOKEN this little guy right here so there's only one way i know to test this and that's with a can of corn because if it can hold this can of del monte corn well that tells me it's good enough to hold your cup so we're gonna put the corn right here and give it a little little shimmy okay do i feel safe initially yeah i feel safe i'm gonna walk around a little bit take a look take a look all right here it is so it seems pretty sick now i'm gonna get a little wild with it here today we're gonna walk it back walk it back around town feel safe feel secure so it works well but if you lose the momentum you're going to lose the items you got to let it slow down you kind of got to roll with it is it good i don't know hold it like a normal person who needs this this is a wasted cabinet space and this thing flops for that reason i'm giving this a two out of ten i'll see a point buying it next dust cleaning gel for my car does this stuff really work i got like places in my apartment that can maybe use this i got a lot of dust really is that work no all right all right we'll give it a shot i feel like maybe like this would make cleaning more fun at least like like come on like a freaking rag that's boring now we've also got this super clean gel we're gonna take a look at this stuff today and uh oh it's got a very lovely scent to it and if you guys haven't noticed my desk is a little dirty a little dusty so we're gonna see if this goo can help it oh it's a great texture of a goo look at this all right guys let's make a quick deal if you speak english you're not allowed to double tap all right deal's a deal you can't take it back this video is sponsored by raid shadow legends don't click away you lost rage shadow legend is one of the best mobile games of all time for ios and android and with now over NUMBER_TOKEN unique champions from complete different factions each with their own history this is one of the greatest games you could ever play if you use my link in the description or scan my qr code you're going to get a bunch of free resources and a free mystery champion sent right away to kickstart your game for this month only raid has brought the newest boss into the game the hydra now the hydra is the ultimate beast in gaming because it's a super clan boss it's got multiple heads each one
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN let's make a quick deal if you speak english you're not allowed to double tap all right deal's a deal you can't take it back this video is sponsored by raid shadow legends don't click away you lost rage shadow legend is one of the best mobile games of all time for ios and android and with now over NUMBER_TOKEN unique champions from complete different factions each with their own history this is one of the greatest games you could ever play if you use my link in the description or scan my qr code you're going to get a bunch of free resources and a free mystery champion sent right away to kickstart your game for this month only raid has brought the newest boss into the game the hydra now the hydra is the ultimate beast in gaming because it's a super clan boss it's got multiple heads each one END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
when you ask for someone's sensitivity you expect them to give you their in-game sensitivity but you also want their dpi how else are you going to copy their exact sense when your aim is bad the same can be said about people who share their average fps so it's time to talk about it in a dedicated video but before we dive in do you want to improve at the game and fix all of your mistakes URL_TOKEN my sponsor for this video is a specialized analytics platform it is free to use sign in through steam or with faceit and scope will auto upload your cs go demos to start analyzing them scope just released their latest feature for finding teammates it uses an individual algorithm that analyzes your skills goals playstyles and interests then based on this data it recommends other people who match your answers the system is so advanced that suggested teammates might also be compatible enough to become your friends and yes scope does not include toxic people once you're done answering questions you can start adding people you find interesting and play together with them check out this feature in the video link down below this is one of the most popular benchmarks in cs go if you want to give it a try i'll provide a link down below once the benchmark is finished we get the average fps results it is extremely popular in the community and it's often used to benchmark new settings or updates there are other benchmarks as well and they also give you the avg fps problem is by only looking at the average we are not getting the full story let's say this is the results of a benchmark now this is another benchmark and even though one of them has anime mountains it still gives us the same average one of them is very different and very naughty so here's our problem let's say you apply a new tweak new settings new socks but nothing fun happens to your average that's because you can't see the fun with just this value so what we need to do is give this stuff a chance to shine we can do this with a special tool there are a couple but i recommend cap frame x it's user friendly when cs go is running you can select the game then choose a capture hotkey and capture time the longer the capture or the more times you do it the more accurate your results get you can also match the capture time with the cs go benchmarks just to keep it synced sam's benchmark script which i've also made a video on has a dust NUMBER_TOKEN benchmark at NUMBER_TOKEN seconds so you can start the benchmark and capture it at the same time when the benchmark is done jump over to analysis for now just hide all the stats except for average fps it's fine if it doesn't match the in-game average but it should end up pretty close if you synced with the benchmark start by adding the one percent low this is another way of looking at your average fps a lot of tech youtubers will use the one percent low so it's a good starting point we already know what this does it takes all of your frames and gives you an average this one however filters out the one percent slowest frames and gives you the average of those now how's that useful in video games we have moments where the game runs silky smooth but sometimes it runs like a potato and oh does it love running like a potato when there's players shooting at you this is why looking at
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN but before we dive in do you want to improve at the game and fix all of your mistakes URL_TOKEN my sponsor for this video is a specialized analytics platform it is free to use sign in through steam or with faceit and scope will auto upload your cs go demos to start analyzing them scope just released their latest feature for finding teammates it uses an individual algorithm that analyzes your skills goals playstyles and interests then based on this data it recommends other people who match your answers the system is so advanced that suggested teammates might also be compatible enough to become your friends and yes scope does not include toxic people once you're done answering questions you can start adding people you find interesting and play together with them check out this feature in the video link down below END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
the problem with thousand dollar computers in NUMBER_TOKEN is the same problem with thousand dollar computers in NUMBER_TOKEN. urcd keys is the best source for genuine windows NUMBER_TOKEN and office professional product keys that work the first time every time get NUMBER_TOKEN off normal prices using our discount code bst for bite size tech and the link in the video description below now many of our viewers were not alive in NUMBER_TOKEN or if they were they were this tall and don't remember NUMBER_TOKEN. i do i was working in a computer shop as an adult in NUMBER_TOKEN yes i'm old and we had a advertised special designed to bring people it was advertised in the newspaper back when people bought and read paper newspapers i know and today the thousand dollar machines kind of feel the same way you can build a thousand dollar machine you can use a thousand r machine but the compromises are brutal what you have to do in NUMBER_TOKEN now last year it wasn't so bad before the supply shortages hit before the cheap stuff went away back when um you know NUMBER_TOKEN supers were NUMBER_TOKEN on newegg okay you could build a nice machine for you know NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN it was actually a decent machine but today those are NUMBER_TOKEN video cards which is utterly ridiculous but that is the market so in NUMBER_TOKEN we had an advertised special which for the time was incredible we got probably a third of our foot traffic and a third of our sales off of that we didn't sell that machine very much we upgraded them that was our job because there's no money in it it was a NUMBER_TOKEN dxNUMBER_TOKEN with eight megabytes of system ram a NUMBER_TOKEN megabyte hard drive mid tower case keyboard mouse dos and windows dot NUMBER_TOKEN and windows NUMBER_TOKEN almost all of the expense in that system was the cpu even in NUMBER_TOKEN a NUMBER_TOKEN dxNUMBER_TOKEN was still an expensive cpu and a big probably NUMBER_TOKEN of the price of that build was just the chip NUMBER_TOKEN the case was the cheapest pile of crap we could find the keyboard and the mouse were utter junk um the graphics card was whatever the cheapest card we had a buyer in the shop who every week bought different stuff and we didn't promise what the video card would be because it was just whatever was cheapest that week and it would always change um it did come with a um three and a half inch floppy drive we did not at that point still include a five and a quarter inch floppy drive so it was just a three and a half yeah yeah no cd-rom no cd wrong no the power supply was whatever the cheapest i mean really everything was bottled up but it was all because that NUMBER_TOKEN dxdNUMBER_TOKEN bro people went i can get that for NUMBER_TOKEN because it wasn't that long ago that two or three grand was the cheapest that would buy and so it got people's attention that was that a NUMBER_TOKEN with a better balance build would be a much better deal for a thousand bucks but people just focused on that one part just like the comment with well shouldn't you spend all your money on your graphics card your cpu doesn't matter or people will spend money on their cpu and gpu and ignore their case their power supply the ram the ssd their motherboard and then they end up with a machine that technically looks like it should be fast but it really is kind of junk and doesn't have any longevity or upgradability because they didn't put enough stuff in it correct so today in NUMBER_TOKEN a
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN urcd keys is the best source for genuine windows NUMBER_TOKEN and office professional product keys that work the first time every time get NUMBER_TOKEN off normal prices using our discount code bst for bite size tech and the link in the video description below END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
welcome again to my channel l r shawn today we will review the next chapter of grappler bakke the grand sumo battle arc it's the chapter where han mabaki tried to challenge a wall-climbing champion in his own sport do you think the champion can defeat the inexperienced challenger let's find out but first please know that you can buy the new grappler baki volume collections bocky the grappler season NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN dvds and bandai's grappler bocky figurine on the link on the description below by buying you can help the channel grow and release more baki videos please subscribe and let's begin the chapter starts somewhere in japan it was long long ago such a very old tale in the land of yamato now nara live time and okay a man wielding of great strength how strong was he once there was a karate cow who cut off the horns of an ox but no no this man kahaya would break the horns that is to say he would pull off the ox's horns and he would take hooks hooks made of metal and make them straight thus his was a worrisome case he was a great possessor of strength and surely you've noticed yes his name kahaya think about it among the j leaguers or the national soccer teams is there a player with a name like that not in karate nor in kickboxing or muay thai nor kempo is there a participant with a name like gahaya to quickly kick out how fast was he did he crush flies in mid-flight did he snuff distanced candles with the gusts did he destroy massive stone lanterns with kicks a man then said kahaya you are quite gallant for one of your place to sit before myself cross-legged for what reason are you so untamed my leech bring to me a person a person you say a person a person who will not break even if they are destroyed i implore a person who will not break even when kicked when struck when butchered do i ask of you when butchered you really then kahaya what if thou are broken what then give to that person all the lands that i possess how valorous you are my liege bring one who would wholeheartedly match their strength against me after that day a man then said oh he spoke that much but that man kahaya on the point of might none do rival him what do you think harima sir it is as you say a random man then shouted i plead you listen perhaps it would be possible to present something intriguing you know of someone is umo kahaya is not the only peerless human oh i know of an izumo no sukna this equal to kahaya bring him before me in terms of might there is no one in this world who compares to you are you without doubt of that kahaya if there be someone who stands beside me i should want above all things to meet him kahaya vs suknet it was the great battle which would become the genesis of the kakuriki that brings us to today's
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN but first please know that you can buy the new grappler baki volume collections bocky the grappler season NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN dvds and bandai's grappler bocky figurine on the link on the description below by buying you can help the channel grow and release more baki videos please subscribe and let's begin END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
imagine it's a walrus that is narcoleptic okay so icebox blues is like there's no popsicles where'd all my plums go oh my tv dinner they were supposed to be so delicious but still ate all the plums out of space and time whizzo the thwassel gw storm tvn dbh kyle ink sawdust wait anchor stardust oh mother king and crime ass NUMBER_TOKEN x NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN that jerk uh maintain priority a human effect star freak NUMBER_TOKEN uh me okay you're pal pNUMBER_TOKEN like that violence bx NUMBER_TOKENmNUMBER_TOKEN
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN imagine it's a walrus that is narcoleptic okay so icebox blues is like there's no popsicles where'd all my plums go oh my tv dinner they were supposed to be so delicious but still ate all the plums out of space and time whizzo the thwassel gw storm tvn dbh kyle ink sawdust wait anchor stardust oh mother king and crime ass NUMBER_TOKEN x NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN that jerk uh maintain priority a human effect star freak NUMBER_TOKEN uh me okay you're pal pNUMBER_TOKEN like that violence bx NUMBER_TOKENmNUMBER_TOKEN END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
here are some of the replies i got need an option for i want to but then get distracted by the game and forget and then pull my hair out i would love to take thorough notes but i just don't have time i always intend to i always feel more prepared and connected if i do and yet note-taking is the first thing to go when i'm overwhelmed i think this poll needs an i think i should but i don't answer so when i first started dming i felt this way too i am very much a note taker in all kinds of circumstances but when you're dming you already have so much to keep track of it is overwhelming notes can feel like an impossible thing to stack on top and without them it's really easy to feel disorganized when it comes time for the next session but i really think taking effective session notes can completely level up your dm game and make session prep much easier so after a ton of research and experimentation i am happy to report that i have figured out the solution and the good news is it's not even hard you don't have to figure out microsoft onenote or buy a special expensive dm notebook or learn to write shorthand or whatever i can boil it all down to three simple steps use these and you will find yourself taking quick effective session notes in no time first make it easy on yourself i don't care if you're the kind of dm that session preps with a color-coded system of index cards or a special hierarchy of nested folders or just a microsoft word doc so long that it takes minutes to load when it comes to session notes you have gotta let it all go the key here is eliminating any barrier to you writing something down you shouldn't have to choose the right color-coded pen or pull up the correct subfolder your job is to make it so that you can write three to five words as quickly as possible now that could mean different things for different people maybe it's the notes app on your phone or laptop maybe it's a sheet of paper and a pen it doesn't need to be neat it doesn't need to be pretty it just needs to be easy and accessible during games once you know where you're writing you have to make what you're writing easy as well and by that i mean please don't write full sentences why would you write a full sentence when you could write a bullet point and of course abandon grammar all ye who enter here if you can understand what you mean it's doing its job your notes should not say something like players enter bone tundra woods party meets npc camilla she raises giant spiders and trains them as mouths all of that is a waste of time you can get the exact same information from camilla bone tundra woods giant spider mounts when you streamline this process enough that you can write a bullet point in one or two seconds you will be able to note down any event or name or thought in a moment and then get right back to play when you make note-taking easy you will do more of it it's that simple yeah i got valedictorian turns out it's pretty easy once you have all the information you could possibly need about your fantastical world perfectly organized and at your fingertips want to know how i did it world anvil i aced
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN yeah i got valedictorian turns out it's pretty easy once you have all the information you could possibly need about your fantastical world perfectly organized and at your fingertips want to know how i did it world anvil i aced END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
it's gonna be the main field right there
to a desktop to a tablet that kind of flexibility should be celebrated and lightning connectors are a scourge on the environment which only exists for apple to squeeze more accessory licensing cash out of consumers and manufacturers the future is of course usb-c but i digress no product can survive solely as a lightning connector accessory and eco takes this a step farther with a magnetic breakaway cable reducing potential strain on your phone's data port and making hot swapping a little faster magnets are always the right answer it does turn this into a bit of a closed system though so i completely understand some of the concerns about support and longevity it's encouraging to see additional cabling kits from eco longer cables good shielding it's not a cable you can easily replace if you lose it while traveling but there are replacements in different styles available to order this is maybe the best bit of evolution over previous dongle dac efforts from eco and the execution is spot on one from an hour into the future i completely spaced i completely forgot to mention in my script from that main video a-roll there that zerta does also support a line in a microphone input so that you can use this on phone calls or if you want to shoot a video like this with the microphone on a pair of earbuds i can't really speak to many other issues or concerns uh switching tuning modes can sometimes come with a sharp pop if you're listening to audio while swapping so you might want to pause the play pause button on my review unit is a little creaky plasticky sounding where the volume buttons have a nicer click to them the center button almost has a two-stage feel to it i mean that's about it and it's hard to be too bothered by these kinds of issues when the zerta arrives at such a killer price we're landing this plane at NUMBER_TOKEN bucks audio performance that can give significantly more expensive dax a run for their money with the magnetic cable swap system and this price just floors me i'm gonna start sounding like crazy yeti here like it's less than a third what the thx onyx costs and while the onyx can outperform it in some of my more scientific recording tests i'm not entirely confident human ears will be able to pick up on many of those differences eco has something really special here and the price just makes it all the sweeter if you've been looking at ways to dip your toes into the world of premium audio your options to put out the sound keep getting better and cheaper i'll of course leave some links down below for more info on the eco zerta and all of the little magnetic cable swap accessories where you can chop some of these bad boys online as always thanks so much for watching sharing and subscribing supporting your favorite content creators has never been more critical so i greatly appreciate those of you who are checking out the links down below maybe you're shopping a little merch that kind of stuff really does help keep production rolling on this channel full list of all my affiliates and partnerships on some URL_TOKEN or you might consider just maybe joining the list of names scrolling by on your screen from my patreon URL_TOKEN some gadget guy this list is basically a collection of the coolest tech pals on the planet so i hope you'll check them out now you know where you can find me around
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN i'll of course leave some links down below for more info on the eco zerta and all of the little magnetic cable swap accessories where you can chop some of these bad boys online as always thanks so much for watching sharing and subscribing supporting your favorite content creators has never been more critical so i greatly appreciate those of you who are checking out the links down below maybe you're shopping a little merch that kind of stuff really does help keep production rolling on this channel full list of all my affiliates and partnerships on some URL_TOKEN or you might consider just maybe joining the list of names scrolling by on your screen from my patreon URL_TOKEN some gadget guy this list is basically a collection of the coolest tech pals on the planet so i hope you'll check them out now you know where you can find me around END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
wait what was the um what are what do i need the samplings for
he's a streamer he's he's a streamer he's a streamer he hasn't streamed for over a month he streamed twice last month and then he streamed two times the month before he's a streamer he already played it or it's probably only going to be about as bad as dude wait for heaven's water it gets so good i haven't sworn yeah dude it's getting so good yeah spoilers working on the video yeah yeah yeah story yeah sure taking my payment thank you for slaying the primals but there is more work to be done
hello everybody and welcome to my review of nightmare alley i am back home in the home studio and first of all thanks for being patient because i've been on the road a lot it's been awards season so i've been burying myself in movies that i haven't seen in order to vote for different critics awards so i know that i've been a little lacking in number of videos and number of reviews lately but we are going to be making up for that starting today because this is the first video in a series that i'm calling the NUMBER_TOKEN reviews of christmas i will be releasing a video every single day from now until christmas day in addition to charts you're also going to be getting reviews of the movie that you're watching now nightmare alley as well as don't look up spider-man no way home in kanto the matrix resurrections the king's man licorice pizza the tragedy of macbeth hawkeye season one by popular demand arcane which i'm looking forward to watching and then two catch-up videos with movies that i just haven't done reviews for this year but i still wanted to say something about a lot of them are awards contenders and those include the green knight annette coda the power of the dog the french dispatch spencer belfast being the ricardo's i may even throw one or two more in there so we are going to be ending NUMBER_TOKEN with a bang with a lot of reviews here on the channel in addition to charts and everything else that you love we're also going to be topping everything off with two big things at the end of december one of them being the best and worst of NUMBER_TOKEN where i give my picks for my favorite and least favorite movies of the year and then on new year's eve i plan on releasing a video called the year in coco melon where i string together all of the stuff that i did on charts this year about coco melon on netflix it was a really fun thing to do all year so we have so much to go here in these last three weeks of NUMBER_TOKEN i'm excited to get into all of them before we jump into nightmare alley i do want to give thanks to today's sponsor raycon now is the time to knock out that gift list and avoid the last minute shopping scramble because right now my viewers will get NUMBER_TOKEN off site wide with the code holiday at URL_TOKEN you can find that address on the screen and stay tuned after the video for even more information nightmare alley is the NUMBER_TOKENth film from director guillermo del toro who co-wrote the screenplay with kim morgan which is based on william lindsey gresham's novel of the same name which was first adapted to film in NUMBER_TOKEN the year after the novel's publication i'm a hustler i've always been one but i love you bradley cooper stars as stanton carlisle a drifter who finds work with the traveling carnival and meets a colorful cast of characters including willem dafoe's clem the head of the carnival mentalist xena and her husband pete played by tony collette and david stratharin and molly cahill played by rooney mara using skills they picked up
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN we jump into nightmare alley i do want to give thanks to today's sponsor raycon now is the time to knock out that gift list and avoid the last minute shopping scramble because right now my viewers will get NUMBER_TOKEN off site wide with the code holiday at URL_TOKEN you can find that address on the screen and stay tuned after the video for even more information END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
and that's what's known as an opportunity cost that is when you have the opportunity to go and invest your money somewhere else that's may be a better option but you can't because either your money is tied up or you don't have access to it click imagine locking up a thousand dollars in a CD right now that's earning two percent interest your opportunity costs might be the eight percent you could have otherwise made if you invested that money in the stock market the same also applies to real estate with real estate I would essentially just be locking up that money to get a three and a half percent return which by the way like I mentioned is free after tax write-offs and inflation and doing all of that to forego using that same money to invest somewhere else for a five to ten percent return that means if I went to pay off the mortgages I would actually lose money than if I kept the money in cash and invested it somewhere else a second by borrowing money as odd as Isis to say I'm able to better diversify my investments allowing me a safer spread of my money for example instead of tying up all NUMBER_TOKEN million dollars in one property I could decide to tie up two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in one property and then spend the other seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars buying three other properties in different areas that way I don't have all of my eggs in one basket and if one of those properties does poorly it doesn't make as much of a difference because I have three others that are doing well and that applies to pretty much any investment out there like I could spend that $NUMBER_TOKEN on stocks bonds on index funds and a variety of other things all which would give me a lot more diversification than sticking all of it in one single property and having that be a make or break it so almost in a way borrowing money can give you a lot more safety and liquidity just in the event you need the money or have a better opportunity available to you now I do think there are some advantages of paying with cash or not having a mortgage and I think these are worth mentioning here in the video just so I have a balanced perspective like first when you pay cash for something you have a lot less risk you're not gonna have to worry about having high overhead or a property not cash flowing or not being able to make a mortgage payment because pretty much everything you do at that point is going to be profit like pretty much any property is going to cash flow when you don't have a mortgage on it so there's a lot less risk in the you have a vacancy or a big expense comes up or anything else that comes up that eats into your profit the second when you own something out rights you have a lot more peace of mind I do admit there is something to be said about owning something outright and not having to make any payments on it it just means you're gonna have a safer more predictable return you're not gonna have to worry about making mortgage payments everything you make is profit whenever you sell the property you get whatever it's worth back in your pocket and really being that carefree can lighten up everything else in your life and for that I could definitely see the mental appeal and something like that is going to be worth a different amount for different people in third paying for something out right in cash is really really easy you don't have to get approved for a mortgage there are no loan processing fees you don't know any
she was going what was really really helpful through better help was that i was able to find somebody who has a background in grief counseling and some other criteria that i knew would make me feel most comfortable in this kind of context preferably a black woman and preferably a black woman who was about NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN years my senior that's personally what i felt would be the most beneficial for me and they hooked me up with my current therapist i haven't had to change therapists because she's just been just like any other relationship you need to build a relationship with your counselor and some people just don't mesh well so if you ever have to change counselors better help makes it incredibly easy i recommend it to everyone like friends people i barely know have you considered therapy and have you considered better help so yes if you've ever been considering online therapy i would highly recommend checking out better health especially because betterhelp is actually offering a NUMBER_TOKEN off discount from my viewers that click on the link below so feel free to visit URL_TOKEN kennyjd that's better SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN big thanks to betterhelp for sponsoring today's video and let's get on to the debauchery last week's video uh we watched malignant and i love malignant and i won't let it i won't let anybody shame me malignant is chaos and i loved it it was delicious off the wall foolishness but if you haven't checked out that video feel free to check it out up above or you can check it out in the bat movies in a beat playlist okay so did you see my energy just this week we're going into uncharted territory for me on this channel and that's because we're going to talk about bt oh boy b-e-t black entertainment television it is the bane to my negro existence and unsurprisingly has not been owned by black people for years i think it's owned by viacom cbs so ethnic when i was a kid bet was actually pretty great you would go on there and watch NUMBER_TOKEN and park you stayed up late at night you could watch comic view but i was too young to even get the jokes like my family will laugh at them so i'm like hey play reruns of like back when black sitcoms were actually about black people and not explaining blackness to white people good times that as a black person i find bt to be some of the most regressive like just next to terry crews and boozy and that's only to me supplemented by their rather recent attempts into making original film which leads us to when a few months ago we saw the trailer of bt's new original film called karen about a karen yes again this is a real movie it's not just all of our collective fever dream that we're just gonna act like didn't happen a few months ago no it's a it's a movie that if you so take the time to do so you could watch but like i said before karen is truly something i had no way of preparing for i wasn't aware of how just befuddling of a viewing experience it actually was so many horrible choices were made in the course of making this movie primarily that it was made at all if you can't guess karen
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN she was going what was really really helpful through better help was that i was able to find somebody who has a background in grief counseling and some other criteria that i knew would make me feel most comfortable in this kind of context preferably a black woman and preferably a black woman who was about NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN years my senior that's personally what i felt would be the most beneficial for me and they hooked me up with my current therapist i haven't had to change therapists because she's just been just like any other relationship you need to build a relationship with your counselor and some people just don't mesh well so if you ever have to change counselors better help makes it incredibly easy i recommend it to everyone like friends people i barely know have you considered therapy and have you considered better help so yes if you've ever been considering online therapy i would highly recommend checking out better health especially because betterhelp is actually offering a NUMBER_TOKEN off discount from my viewers that click on the link below so feel free to visit URL_TOKEN kennyjd that's better SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN big thanks to betterhelp for sponsoring today's video and let's get on to the debauchery END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
what could by how he do he has to find the bomb and make his way on to a side and look at the angle here this is not easy bialy way out in the open he gets shot down sideways with a NUMBER_TOKEN clutch oh my god one health left considering they were on the wrap have they considered the twists is still in pit they have to check this they jump through he manages to read that and catch out alex without losing hp continuing to try and find more ground continuing to try and fight him in the flames you can burn the man alive but he's burnt around to a crisp as xaiwu has to shine through in a one on two he's got the first in the second silence of god he is above anything ashes can create to be able to get back in and start feeling the game up again and start landing those shots but it looks like navi right now they aren't wasting any time at all all five members actually going straight into upper dark and interesting choice here from get right he's into lower but if navi just go cascading onto this side it's only going to be forest in position and he only has the awp as well so it's not ideal oh they're coming around this corner here but the thing is he does they don't have armor he could chew them up right here not checking the first one get right letting them through there's the one show goes with the triple cap right shutting down every single member coming through leaving seized alone there's that feel-good moment and they'll adjust it take the palm back over toward the apartment stack position toward the balcony itself still a four-and-four time to work up here as well but not really much this time for your utility it's gonna be a nice position from bolts there but could get called out say cheers at the beginning take him down doesn't work out he's got to commit at this point but bolt mowing them down with the smg i think he's done enough his teammates rotating as well but still taken down snatches the chance here with the ak-NUMBER_TOKEN what on earth was
cushions my head i used to think memory foam was revolutionary but then i experienced the grid and i will never go back and right now you'll support this series and get NUMBER_TOKEN off any order of NUMBER_TOKEN or more by going to URL_TOKEN padilla and also using promo code padilla again that's URL_TOKEN padilla and with promo code padilla you'll get NUMBER_TOKEN off any order of NUMBER_TOKEN or more terms apply of course so hurry the PROFANITY_TOKEN up now back to the world of hammering you mentioned that your looks have a shelf life yes and therefore what you do has a shelf life because it relies on your looks do you have any fear about what will happen to your career as you age there's so many girls coming up in the industry who are going to be younger hotter so it's there's always so much selection to choose from and in a career where your looks are very important i feel like it's so easy to get drowned out by just more attractive people every year are you hyper focused on your looks yeah make sure i'm working out enough i'm eating a healthy diet i make sure that like i don't get injured like i'll never go paintballing with friends or anything cause i'm like i can't have you're very protective of your body like i even uh fell off my horse during a photo shoot and that made a bruise on one of my butt cheeks and the important butt cheek or the less important one the one that i could hide if i was on my good side like okay but from like a straight on back shot people were like is that a poop stain like no it's a bruise
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN cushions my head i used to think memory foam was revolutionary but then i experienced the grid and i will never go back and right now you'll support this series and get NUMBER_TOKEN off any order of NUMBER_TOKEN or more by going to URL_TOKEN padilla and also using promo code padilla again that's URL_TOKEN padilla and with promo code padilla you'll get NUMBER_TOKEN off any order of NUMBER_TOKEN or more terms apply of course so hurry the PROFANITY_TOKEN up now back to the world of hammering you mentioned that your looks have a shelf life yes and therefore what you do has a shelf life because it relies on your looks do END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
before we get into the video i wanted to remind you that every second counts is brought to you by cisco powering the future of esports alright so og were the last team that anyone expected to make it into the grand finals of the international NUMBER_TOKEN literally on top of sitting dead last in the power rankings this once perennial powerhouse had become a broken battered underdog after being abandoned by their captain drafter and figurative brother fly just three months before the biggest tournament in dota it was a huge shock like we for sure didn't see it coming not much was said i think max three sentences were spoken in that room then they left we spent eight years together and now it's over that was how that happened what happened next is considered the greatest story in esports and chances are you already know it because it is instead of rolling over and disbanding og cobbled together a roster fought their way through an open qualifier regional qualifier and a groove stage to somehow make it into the upper bracket at the most cutthroat international ever from there things got even crazier og swept vgj storm and then played a close grudge match series with eg defeating their former captain fly og had gone from underdogs who weren't even supposed to be in the tournament to prospective ti finalists one win away from the series that every dota pro dreams of playing og entered the upper bracket finals against chinese super power psg lgd as extremely hopeful hopefuls but in typical og fashion they went from standing on the brink of defeat to making an impossible turn i'm a still very very low the blast will kill him off but buy back lgd want this now lgd or can they back enough no they're not terrorblade bt's forward the ball is up thompson needs to defend x over very visible you've got a very very low life mirana but og they can't find the target x nova he's got the grip he's got the control he's got the kill thompson is down but he is up where the echo slams there's your slam there's the dumb there's the play girax the savior of og they have a good opening to actually close out the game but they go for the throne lgd want this now they basically try to win right then and there and that was a big mistake they weren't patient they couldn't wait i remember the second day buyback the tv we started laughing about it we're like what the hell do they think they're doing like they actually lost but these are the moments when like you're you're so in the zone that you don't even realize that this is a game three they might win they might like it's not about that it's like you're looking at the game and strictly the game and yeah for us when our game understanding told us that this playback was a huge mistake that we could we could punish leaping forward all he has to do is create space for og to do it to get to the grand final of t.i.a
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN before we get into the video i wanted to remind you that every second counts is brought to you by cisco powering the future of esports END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
all right guys so i got the second box sliced open let's go ahead and see we've got inside i will give it to this guy um seems to have packaged it better than the first one so we got some random uh extra box on top packaging on the side and oh i can tell first off this thing smells not so great that's a bad sign can't hopefully it's the cardboard that smells and not the actual console but it's not a great sign when it smells um man yeah that's a pretty strong smell coming from this thing all right so here's the console wrapped up in bubble wrap and let's see all right guys i can already tell you i got screwed this thing reeks of smoker dust as you can tell it's just like covered in dirt and dust and i do not remember seeing it look this bad in the pictures i don't know if you took selective pictures or bad lighting or what but that looks terrible i don't even know if you can see it that well but just look at that like there's so much crap on there same on the sides i don't even need to show it to you i mean on the front i guess we'll open this thing up and see if it's been opened it looks like it hasn't been opened before so that's good but man this is my hands feel nasty now there's this crap all over my table dude this is bad the in the bottom or the the back is even worse you get a little part that's broken off i guess that actually dude that looks like something burned that all right so if you look at the spot in the back that does not look broken off that looks like it's a melted plastic and just disappeared so i think somebody burned it this console isn't it doesn't tend so like again red ring and death is unlikely but with this much dirt anything can happen and last but not least down on the bottom just dirty again i mean i don't have much to say about this this thing reeks it uh smells so bad and it's so dirty i'm gonna have to wipe this thing down good this thing is like contaminating my entire my entire space now this is disappointing look how disgusting that is it's just covered in it dude it's so bad i'm not even going to show you the other side just because i don't want to touch it anymore before i clean it off but it's terrible i mean like man that's so bad and it's just all of my nose now it's disgusting i'm gonna go ahead and clean this thing up and then we're gonna go ahead and plug these things in and see if they work all right guys so we're back got this console cleaned up a little bit uh it's still pretty gross i mean if i open it up there's going to be tons of dirt and dust in it and stuff it still smells pretty bad too but i always got the outside cleaned up a little bit let's go ahead and turn this thing on and hopefully it works i have to use my own power supply and hdmi cable obviously since it didn't come with one let's go ahead and try it out so three two one all right we got life got my
hey brother guys before we dive on in we need to give a huge thank you to today's sponsor meundies are you afraid of the glow in the dark well then shield your eyes because the latest meundies halloween has just dropped dead one of my favorite things about my undies is that no matter the season meundies has you covered and then during the in-between times they have awesome prints from all of our favorite fandoms whether you're out running a killer or being abducted by aliens this halloween be comforted by the fact that your undies are sustainable and the softest in town meowdies are made from natural fibers sourced from beechwood trees making their micro modal fabric soft breathable and dangerously cozy available in undies bralettes socks and loungewear in sizes extra small through NUMBER_TOKENxl there are a lot of options to consider but make a decision quickly because there's somebody right behind you and just kidding there's not unless there is i don't know maybe i just saved your life you're welcome and miami says a great offer for our viewers if you are a first time purchaser you get NUMBER_TOKEN off and free shipping and me undies has a promise that if you're not NUMBER_TOKEN satisfied with your order you can return anything for a full refund for the first NUMBER_TOKEN days if you want to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first order plus free shipping and a NUMBER_TOKEN satisfaction guarantee head over to URL_TOKEN theories again that is URL_TOKEN theories link is in the description down below all right so phase NUMBER_TOKEN is officially well underway in the mcu and it seems like marvel's first order of business is disassembling the old guard if you will and i mean obviously this universe is full of heroes and many of them are going to be around for years to come and i cannot wait to see how that unfolds but the core six tony steve thor clint nat and bruce have at this point mostly been retired or killed off to some extent first on the chopping block was nat who oh so valiantly sacrificed herself in endgame to save half the universe which i have to say very epic way to go out well done bravo then later on in endgame tony makes a very similar sacrifice activating the infinity gauntlet to reverse thanos's initial snap iron man ah still gives me chills but sadly the end result of him doing this is that he dies then not even five minutes later after that steve retires as well you know i say five minutes like five minutes for us it's like an entire lifetime of happiness for him you want to share any of those deets with us there steve no i don't think i will fine but we know a few anyway after he returns the stones and mjolnir back to their proper places in time he remains in the past to grow old with and finally have his dance with peggy so that's three out of the original six down right there just in endgame but what about the other three well to be fair thor is still around and as far as i'm concerned he is still at full power but he is just sort of off world traveling around with the guardians of the galaxy which by the way if they don't use the phrase asgardians of the galaxy at some point that is just like the biggest missed opportunity ever either way
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN guys before we dive on in we need to give a huge thank you to today's sponsor meundies are you afraid of the glow in the dark well then shield your eyes because the latest meundies halloween has just dropped dead one of my favorite things about my undies is that no matter the season meundies has you covered and then during the in-between times they have awesome prints from all of our favorite fandoms whether you're out running a killer or being abducted by aliens this halloween be comforted by the fact that your undies are sustainable and the softest in town meowdies are made from natural fibers sourced from beechwood trees making their micro modal fabric soft breathable and dangerously cozy available in undies bralettes socks and loungewear in sizes extra small through NUMBER_TOKENxl there are a lot of options to consider but make a decision quickly because there's somebody right behind you and just kidding there's not unless there is i don't know maybe i just saved your life you're welcome and miami says a great offer for our viewers if you are a first time purchaser you get NUMBER_TOKEN off and free shipping and me undies has a promise that if you're not NUMBER_TOKEN satisfied with your order you can return anything for a full refund for the first NUMBER_TOKEN days if you want to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first order plus free shipping and a NUMBER_TOKEN satisfaction guarantee head over to URL_TOKEN theories again that is URL_TOKEN theories link is in the description down below all END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
now and january NUMBER_TOKENth NUMBER_TOKEN this limited time champion is available for free for both old and new players in raid all you have to do is log in for seven days between now and january NUMBER_TOKENth he's freer than a free costco free sample there's never been a better time to start playing raid than now so i'd hit the link in the description because if you don't you're a fool because it will literally give you a free epic champion named vergas NUMBER_TOKENk silver one energy refill one xp boost and one ancient shard click the link in the description if you want to get all of that treasure you can claim it right on over here and i'll see you in the game dude what is this twitter headline that just popped up in my thing kodak black groped his mother and tries to kiss her mouth in an uncomfortable video whoa he's just grabbing his mom's teeth yeah that's fire is it a weed emoji in your bio or your team no it's just uh it's a leaf it's a leaf no that's a weed nah bro that's a weed emoji hey man i support it that's what we want to do and smoke and all that you know all right i'm ready whenever you are all right so am i you sassy baca why bro i was like i'm in a good mood right now and you just girls only discord server angel palace hi welcome to angel's palace we are at sfw server that is a safe space for all females and envies let me invite you yeah invite me yeah let me invite you that sounds good my voice room is sick do you believe that my name is kylie hello it's me i love dave well i already got banned what bro i didn't even do anything to say when i was immediately banned what the PROFANITY_TOKEN why was i banned so fast i didn't do anything i just asked one of the admins why you were banned the reason we banned is because it looks like as if they use a snapchat's girl filter with a glitched hair overlay and a missing eyebrow yo i just dm jen on my all tie i'd like to verify oh yeah dude i even catch that bruh i am missing an eyebrow on the PROFANITY_TOKEN girlfriend with her i only have one eyebrow dude i said oh okay well she is real but i'm not her so i can't verify for her dude this is gonna make you look sus i do i'm literally missing an eyebrow in that picture jenna's not even responding to my dm bro look at my new pfp dude what's about to be it literally looks like my mom oh my god wait oh jenna gave me back i'm all hi we're only accepting picture verifications at this time whenever you're ready you can send me a picture with the necessary info listed as in the how to verify channel i can't send one because i'm wanted in three different states for mass arson and don't want to incriminate myself could i possibly vc
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN now and january NUMBER_TOKENth NUMBER_TOKEN this limited time champion is available for free for both old and new players in raid all you have to do is log in for seven days between now and january NUMBER_TOKENth he's freer than a free costco free sample there's never been a better time to start playing raid than now so i'd hit the link in the description because if you don't you're a fool because it will literally give you a free epic champion named vergas NUMBER_TOKENk silver one energy refill one xp boost and one ancient shard click the link in the description if you want to get all of that treasure you can claim it right on over here and i'll see you in the game END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
splitting file sizes controlling your home with obs zooming in on your cursor shadow play alternatives an entire world of untapped potential for obs studio exists and not enough people know about it today we're talking about nine obs studio scripts that can enhance your obs experience and streaming i'm eposvox the stream professor and obs studio version NUMBER_TOKEN introduced lua and python script support and compatibility but not many people really knew what that meant or what to do with them after pulling you on the community tab some of you had said that you hadn't even never even heard of it until i mentioned it so let's crack open this functionality and reveal the possibilities this video will be a three-parter the first one focusing on obs enhancements the second one on cool on-screen widgets and then lastly next level ideas so check the playlist link below and get subscribed so you don't miss all the releases the first type of script we'll be looking at provides tweaks to obs functionality they don't directly show up on your stream but they can make your life easier as you record a stream first up is auto splitter this is a basic script which will automatically split your recording files at a set interval measured in hours minutes and seconds unfortunately it can't do this by file size but this is as close as you'll get for now automatic file splitting is actually one of the bounties that the obs team have put up with their new bounty program that i covered on streamer news so hopefully we'll see that sooner rather than later as a full implementation but this is the next best thing next up is a quick mention because i have nothing to test this with but there's a script that allows obs to control the home automation system home assistant based on states and obs such as streaming recording and obs even being open or closed this could be used to control your lights so you know automate setting up a nice little stream moody scene or whatever turn off your noisy air conditioner and more it's pretty wild next up is a silly one but one that some might still want open last recording this can be set up to automatically open windows explorer straight to your latest recording file as soon as you hit stop recording just to save you an extra step this is a bit of a silly workaround though as you have to manually tell it your recording directory and the file extension so it doesn't work with remoxing you'd have to tell it the mkv extension instead but it could save you a click or two regardless efficiency next up is a script project that lets you build network controlled tally lights for cameras these use raspberry pi's and leds to let you indicate immediately which camera is active in obs for you know very useful for big multi-cam setups especially where you're the stream producer for a stream where other people are the hosts like a podcast or an event or something like that or if you just forget which camera to look at whenever you're doing multicam this would be pretty involved but definitely worth it for some of the bigger streaming setups out there do you want obs to automatically load your starting soon screen when you open it so that everything is ready to go this default scene on startup script helps with inch that automation goal one step further it's pretty basic but combined with other automation ideas it can help it make your life a little bit easier again save yourself a click i've mentioned this one before but obs filter hotkeys is an incredibly important script as the name describes
okay oh no did you see what we do we did here
my god it's a truck carrying a truck carrying a truck carrying a truck for today's sponsor we have gvg mall where you can acquire your windows NUMBER_TOKEN home serial key for only NUMBER_TOKEN dollars and using my skeg discount code will get you NUMBER_TOKEN off making it only NUMBER_TOKEN after the payment you'll receive the key in your account and after getting it you simply need to introduce it in your windows settings and bam you have an activated system hello guys action gameplays i'm fabio pisco and welcome to my channel so today's video is basically a video of with a gpu comparison this time with the rx NUMBER_TOKEN versus the rx NUMBER_TOKEN xt versus the rx NUMBER_TOKENxc as you know when when launched when released the NUMBER_TOKEN xt was actually pretty close to the rx NUMBER_TOKEN in terms of performance but only consuming less power and now since lots of my viewers actually have the rx NUMBER_TOKEN and some of them have the NUMBER_TOKEN xt i decided to do the rx NUMBER_TOKEN versus the NUMBER_TOKEN xt versus the NUMBER_TOKENxt because most of them may want to upgrade since well prices are crazy we know that prices are crazy and that the the current prices on cards are way higher than they should ever be we all know that but in terms of the current market price we actually have the NUMBER_TOKEN xt a bit less expensive or in some countries way less expensive than the the rtx NUMBER_TOKEN so lots of people with the rx NUMBER_TOKEN or the NUMBER_TOKEN xt are searching for gpu to upgrade to and that's why i'm making this video and well without any further delays don't forget to like subscribe and share this video because that really helps a lot and let's go to the gpu comparison it's not even that word in french
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN for today's sponsor we have gvg mall where you can acquire your windows NUMBER_TOKEN home serial key for only NUMBER_TOKEN dollars and using my skeg discount code will get you NUMBER_TOKEN off making it only NUMBER_TOKEN after the payment you'll receive the key in your account and after getting it you simply need to introduce it in your windows settings and bam you have an activated system END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
and translate the NUMBER_TOKENd movement of my camera back to the mars system then that gets connected to the same router that my computer is connected to as well then i power it on make sure everything sync which it did without issue htc will be sharing more information about mars in the next couple of months and we'll be doing more episodes as well so let me know in the comments if you're interested in learning more and everything here is running off just one pc and like i showed last week that is my new puget system pc i've had it for a few months and without a doubt it's the best pc that i've owned it's screaming psychotically fast and there's a lot going on in this scene too and what we are trying to accomplish so for something like this the system that you work off of is incredibly important the correct motion and quality of that life rendering within the scene is going to rely on that so the big caveat with this sort of work is that you need a beast of a machine to keep up with it to be able to execute what you're looking to do and that's exactly what this puget system is i have the amd threadripper and the nvidia geforce rtx NUMBER_TOKEN so this thing really flies you guys are often asking me about all the specific specs of the systems i talk about so if you do want to know all the specs just jump over to the link in the notes and check that out and yes i do have a puget page but i won't be making any money if you go to the site or if you buy anything from their site but back inside of unreal i needed to go to my project settings then plugins then in udp i add the ip address to the mars under static endpoints with an added colon NUMBER_TOKEN at the end it's four sixes so we're safe finally i open live link which of course we have to go into our plugins and activate our live link plugins but then inside of live link we will add a source message bus source and then select our mars system here and that's it everything was connected and ready to go so compared to what i've seen other people have to do to get something like this set up this new system is making it insanely simple to get things working but that wasn't all yes all of that is synced to my system and ready to go but now i have to get the virtual camera inside of unreal to accept the commands of this new tracking system but before we do that let's thank our actual sponsor which is hellofresh we talk all the time on the show as filmmakers or anyone really finding extra time to do just about anything is really tough which is why hellofresh is a killer service hellofresh delivers food directly to your door and offers a wide variety of quick and easy recipes including NUMBER_TOKEN minute meals easy clean up and low prep options and if you go to URL_TOKEN and use the code filmriteNUMBER_TOKEN you can get up to NUMBER_TOKEN free meals and three free gifts and there's a lot to choose from each week with NUMBER_TOKEN menu items including vegetarian calorie smart and gourmet options the holidays also don't make it very easy to find time either but again hellofresh helps keep things simple with recipes and ingredients that cut out grocery shopping and limit meal prep so that you can spend more time with your family they also have more five-star reviews
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN but before we do that let's thank our actual sponsor which is hellofresh we talk all the time on the show as filmmakers or anyone really finding extra time to do just about anything is really tough which is why hellofresh is a killer service hellofresh delivers food directly to your door and offers a wide variety of quick and easy recipes including NUMBER_TOKEN minute meals easy clean up and low prep options and if you go to URL_TOKEN and use the code filmriteNUMBER_TOKEN you can get up to NUMBER_TOKEN free meals and three free gifts and there's a lot to choose from each week with NUMBER_TOKEN menu items including vegetarian calorie smart and gourmet options the holidays also don't make it very easy to find time either but again hellofresh helps keep things simple with recipes and ingredients that cut out grocery shopping and limit meal prep so that you can spend more time with your family they also have more five-star reviews END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
hello and welcome to the results of the halloween competition that's been running for the last couple of weeks on the discord server hopefully you've enjoyed the tutorials that have gone with it i've seen lots of candles and pumpkins really well done to everyone that's entered i think we had the most that we've ever had in any sort of discord run competition that i've run anyway the prize of course is a samsung ssd samsung are the number one provider of flash memory in the world they are also the only ssd manufacturer to make everything in-house which means they have the most reliable quality control the NUMBER_TOKEN pro one terabyte drive is compatible with playstation NUMBER_TOKEN as upgradable storage and is one of the fastest options on the market so thanks very much to samsung for providing such a wonderful prize so behind me you can see a few of the entries that i really enjoyed and they were kind of in the runnings for the winner i was mainly looking at kind of creativity and obviously the skill of the artwork and a bit of story in there if possible my absolute favorite was the headless gourdsman but this was based on someone else's original artwork so the creativity marks weren't quite there although it was a really really excellent render of that original piece of artwork in the end i went for this one from hearty i really like the design the idea the story it just all worked for me the lighting was really intense and magical apparently they spent about NUMBER_TOKEN hours on this you can really see it in terms of the attention to detail so really well done to you hearty you are the winner of the halloween competition if you haven't had your fill of competitions then do remember that there's the fox render farm competition that i'm a judge for that ends on the NUMBER_TOKENth of december and i'll put a link in the description so you can find out more about that thanks again for all those that entered thanks again to samsung for the wonderful prize thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN samsung are the number one provider of flash memory in the world they are also the only ssd manufacturer to make everything in-house which means they have the most reliable quality control the NUMBER_TOKEN pro one terabyte drive is compatible with playstation NUMBER_TOKEN as upgradable storage and is one of the fastest options on the market so thanks very much to samsung for providing such a wonderful prize END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
one thing right a sex doll it's kind of like even a teddy bear out at a thrift store is weird yeah it's like a PROFANITY_TOKEN broken home yeah look i don't want i don't want the oliver twist teddy doll thank you very much yeah like how much of a deadbeat parent are you where you're like i got my stuff oh good good dad well it was a second hand like jesus somebody loved that thing and gave it up and then you reuse the love yikes yeah it's like you're a good parent because you're getting your kid toys but you're you're getting them at a PROFANITY_TOKEN discount rate yeah yeah that is bad that could be part of it there's something there that's not bad there's something all right all right all right we got we got something i'll be noodling this in wisconsin this weekend yeah this comes out sunday right well then that weekend's over oh the next one okay so where are you going to be rochester baby it's a good club carlson yeah classic good room again good people too yeah good people salt of the earth it's one of those towns it was like we had bow shalom we had kodak or whatever the PROFANITY_TOKEN that guy killed himself did he yeah look at that right i'm right on that yeah he knows that PROFANITY_TOKEN wow that's matt peters PROFANITY_TOKEN uh it's a rochester claim defense oh yeah that's right wow he killed him that's a photo up he killed himself because he said he was done i did everything i wanted to do oh i respect that i went to the museum a lot as a kid just like just like one of those pictures click finish yeah that's it good yeah now you develop it i'll be on the sidewalk what do you do jump off a building suicide uh gun in the mouth gunshot woo man wow ironically they took a photo of that body with kodak film yeah let's be honest he did it bill cosby was a kodak guy yeah they sponsored him jello a couple places damn yeah kodak was huge huge it was the film that's funny it's like if you're like don draper you're like we booked the kodak account oh and then by the time don draper is an old man he's like we need to get out of this kodak thing yeah making no money nothing bowshan loam kodak xerox fell through a lot of these anything facts related yeah anything uh tangible it's all digital now so you're rochester where else you got coming up rochester boston new orleans um all kind of atlanta all kinds of good days URL_TOKEN check it out give it a whirl follow us online check out our specials we got albums we got youtube you give it a whirl what do you got this comes out not this weekend but the following so uh yeah you probably just missed me in indianapolis i'll be in springfield missouri chicago denver phoenix
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN where are you going to be rochester baby it's a good club carlson yeah classic good room again good people too yeah good people salt of the earth it's one of those towns it was like we had bow shalom we had kodak or whatever the PROFANITY_TOKEN that guy killed himself did he yeah look at that right i'm right on that yeah he knows that PROFANITY_TOKEN wow that's matt peters PROFANITY_TOKEN uh it's a rochester claim defense oh yeah that's right wow he killed him that's a photo up he killed himself because he said he was done i did everything i wanted to do oh i respect that i went to the museum a lot as a kid just like just like one of those pictures click finish yeah that's it good yeah now you develop it i'll be on the sidewalk what do you do jump off a building suicide uh gun in the mouth gunshot woo man wow ironically they took a photo of that body with kodak film yeah let's be honest he did it bill cosby was a kodak guy yeah they sponsored him jello a couple places damn yeah kodak was huge huge it was the film that's funny it's like if you're like don draper you're like we booked the kodak account oh and then by the time don draper is an old man he's like we need to get out of this kodak thing yeah making no money nothing bowshan loam kodak xerox fell through a lot of these anything facts related yeah anything uh tangible it's all digital now so you're rochester where else you got coming up rochester boston new orleans um all kind of atlanta all kinds of good days URL_TOKEN check it out give it a whirl follow us online check out our specials we got albums we got youtube you give it a whirl what do you got this comes out not this weekend but the following so uh yeah you probably just missed me in indianapolis i'll be in springfield missouri chicago denver phoenix END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
it's a lot of damage NUMBER_TOKEN the opus makes a treasure all right so what you got death that's what you got you got nothing all right no one drop and we're on the draw but i guess we have some of our more solid creatures i don't know if we'll ever get to protect them with a veil which is kind of sad so maybe we're going to slow roll one or some of them but you see the green pips and the haven might get us here and i'm our opponent's on mono white and we've got turn one paladin class we got another veil that we don't need kind of hurts
NUMBER_TOKEN things you didn't know about minecraft like and subscribe if you want to see more anyways here we go in minecraft if you spawn a cat in a witch hut it will spawn as a black cat NUMBER_TOKEN of the time which is a nice attention to detail if the player moves far enough away from a shulker box then it will actually turn invisible and become unrendered this is because the shulker box in minecraft is still considered to be a mob like a regular shulker the rarest possible item you can fish in vanilla minecraft is a stack of NUMBER_TOKEN ink sacks which has a NUMBER_TOKEN in NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN chance of occurring when fishing now that is very rare let me know if you've ever caught them this is the first ever screenshot for glass in minecraft and i have to say it looks drastically different and not in a good way i mean just look at it man would you use that as your window i mean you might do anyways moving on in minecraft bedrock edition there is an exclusive feature where potions will work on armour stands that's right if i want to make this armor stand invisible then i can i mean just just look at it well you can't actually see it but but yeah oh and if i want to poison the armor stand then i can as well bit cringe anthony move on before they click off mate back in the earlier days of minecraft fences used to have their head box of a full block which made them really annoying to walk around this might as well just be a wooden plank to be honest i mean what's the point if you happen to have a full stack of hay bales in minecraft then you are actually able to craft NUMBER_TOKEN loaves of bread now that is a lot of bread i want some toast now if you look closely at the librarian villager in minecraft you'll notice that their hat is well a book now i know this bootcamp might be obvious to some players but it might blow the minds of other players including me for some reason hay bales in minecraft are not able to catch fire by lava which is one of the many things in the game that makes no sense at all so we all know that you can obtain a bell by simply finding one in a village structure but did you guys also know that there is a NUMBER_TOKEN chance for a bell to generate in a ruined portal chest oh great just another location for your friend to find this stupid bell to annoy you with falling anvils in minecraft are able to destroy items if it lands on them so just to annoy you guys here are some diamonds being destroyed by an anvil i'm sorry guys i was only joking i just wanted to do a funny clip please don't click off as of the minecraft NUMBER_TOKEN update deep slate coal ore has now taken the title of being the rarest or in the overworld this is because coal ore only generates at y levels zero and above this means only a small percentage of coal ore will be the deep slate variant as deep slate doesn't start generating until y levels seven and below i hope that made sense basically there's hardly any areas for deep slate cold ore to generate if you look closely at the enchanting table in minecraft you'll
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN like and subscribe if you want to see more END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
mentors considering that so many people who look qualified will teach you nonsense that will get you into trouble certainly what you don't want to do when you're looking for a good mentor in any skill is have to wait until you're good at that skill to tell if they know what they're talking about you don't have to do that there are good philosophical principles that lead to high levels of skill in any skill let's go over three the first thing that good mentors do is take responsibility for their mistakes instead of blaming others i've made references to this next point a lot in other videos but i think it's a good metaphor so i'm going to repeat it again if i release a video on youtube and it does poorly would i be a better youtuber if i blame the algorithm for my mistakes or would i be a better youtuber if i took responsibility and spent time trying to figure out what the failure of my character was that led to the video performing terribly in the first place these two options are the difference between me spending time working on the skill versus me blaming someone else and doing nothing second good mentors can admit to mistakes in wendy's case she knows deep down that it was a stupid idea to go into five to six years of debt for buying a car that makes her look good in front of her friends she even admitted it i regret buying the bmw because it is a nice car it drives amazing it looks great but i don't really need that type of car in my life i think it was an eagle thing but after she said that she back pedals in her response video to graham steven's reaction to her purchasing in the car says it was a good idea and gives terrible financial advice by saying you should live in the moment to justify her bad decision people who live in the moment and don't think of the future don't become financially free people who deny and rationalize their mistakes are just saying they're going to repeat them last and most importantly people who are highly skilled and good mentors are capable of taking criticism now that doesn't mean they just supplicate to every demand any criticizer makes but it does mean that if a lot of people are saying the same thing or if someone makes a well-thought-out argument they pay attention on this channel most of my growth has been achieved because i listened to all you who pointed out my flaws and yeah some of the people who criticized me didn't say it nicely but in their defense they have a right to be pissed off if they think i just wasted NUMBER_TOKEN minutes of their time with terrible content if i didn't take the time to consider what those people were saying then i would still be struggling to get NUMBER_TOKEN views on a video and blaming the algorithm for my failures highly skilled people will make changes when better information comes along instead of resisting it because it hurts their ego for a while believe it or not other people around you do have intelligent things to say avoiding those criticisms will make you weak but i think that will be enough for this video if you liked it hit the like button subscribe if you're new comment and share if you would like to support this channel then you can do so through paypal patreon or subscribe star all of those links are in the description or on
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN if you liked it hit the like button subscribe if you're new comment and share END_INTERACTION_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN if you would like to support this channel then you can do so through paypal patreon or subscribe star all of those links are in the description or on END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
thank you okay thank you for adding soup when the waiter gives you a free bowl of soup
the disappointment in this man's face is is fantastic i'm telling you first you got to unlock this thing ej come water oh cheese
that's awesome bro I want to blow the ship up so what we'll do is we'll fly it up and I'll just let you guys have a heyday with it oh PROFANITY_TOKEN what the PROFANITY_TOKEN happened did I just I just glitched through oh I just glitched onto the ramp I think I'm stuck in the ramp
drumroll lizzie borden was found not guilty for the eliminations of abby and andrew immediately when that verdict was said the whole crowd busted into cheer everyone was so happy for lizzie because people just really like were rooting for lizzie all of the sudden yes she's going to jail and then she was not guilty and they're like uh yes oh my god girl i was by your side the entire time don't worry there's there's no bad blood between us right yeah no i had no i i had your back the entire time people were just you know being fake and so they ended up getting around NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN in today's money of settlement after you know they had both passed away emma and lizzy bought a huge house like they've always wanted to live in she ended up changing her name from lizzie to liz beth and she raised all of her dogs in this big house she never got married she literally just lived her whole life with her dog emma ended up moving out because uh you know living with your sister is fun but only for the first couple of years you know you start to butt heads you start to you know see too much of each other lizzy ended up dying of pneumonia at a pretty older age she chose not to say a word she did not talk to the press it was just her and her dogs in her big house with a scene like this if she is not guilty then who is and that is where the conspiracy theories come in of what exactly happened who exactly is guilty and who exactly did it first theory that we're gonna start off with and it's the theory that a lot of people believe and it is the theory that obviously lizzie probably had did it lizzie had the most motivation she was the only one in the house with the opportunity to do it emma was not there she was ironically the only person that lizzie got along with she had the passion and motivation and drive to do it because she hated the both of them and also uh she burned a dress the next day the dress that supposedly had all the evidence on it and also when the investigators were looking a little bit deeper into lizzie they actually found that lizzy was trying to get i think it's called purik yeah i think it's called like puri acid from her doctors she told her doctors that she had coats that were made out of like real seal skin and that was like supposedly how you're supposed to clean your seal coats obviously the doctors were like uh no doctors were like no girl we're not gonna prescribe you acid is that what you think this is and so then lindsey apparently got very very angry that she wasn't able to get the acid there was no weapon found at the crime scene but what was found was that when they were snooping through the attic they found an ax found that this exact axe actually fit with the imprints of the skull meaning that this was most likely the weapon used but the weird thing about this hatchet or this axe is that it just was the head it was absolutely no bottom piece to it it looked like the bottom piece was ripped off like the wooden piece maybe lizzy threw this bottom piece into the fire of where she threw her dress into all of those factors included a lot of people just assume or believe that it was lizzy
if you're sitting for long periods of time while not necessary for everyone at least for me i like to lean on something once in a while to take the weight off my back the armrests on the ikea marcus don't move and are a little too low for me to lean on sometimes most other office chairs like my generic one at least have height adjustable armrests but i still have a problem with these i like to bring my chair really far forward so my forearms are over the table and i can keep my elbows close to my body so i'm not reaching or hunching over the issue with typical armrests is even at the lowest setting they can get in the way when i try to tuck my chair in high-end chairs will sometimes have more adjustments so you can move them back or to the side so you can avoid this problem or if you don't need them you can usually remove the armrest entirely like i did for both my ikea marcus and generic chair everything else i look for in a chair is pretty standard is a seat firm but comfortable check does a chair allow for the back to lean and lock into place when i want to change the position check is the lumber support in the right position for my comfort pretty good do i need a high back or head rest i really like the option well it lasts for years to come only time will tell but so far so good so in the end what is the perfect chair is the ikea mark is perfect for me not really but it's decent for the price if you can afford to spend NUMBER_TOKEN plus on a chair you can look at the steel cased or herman miller chairs that are super customizable and are built to last with long warranties and they're definitely worth it especially if you're sitting for hours but if you can't afford them well there are some cheaper options like buying used or considering models like the alera illusion or office master omNUMBER_TOKEN these look interesting but you often make sacrifices on adjustability build quality and warranty as you move down the price ladder or if you're lucky the ikea marcus or some other cheap generic office chair could be perfect for you right out of the box but in the end you're gonna need to test them out in person and check for all the things that i mentioned like seat pan depth height and arm adjustment to know what's best for you hopefully that helps you find your perfect officer you know what to do and i'll see you in the next video
i'm talking about doing some serious drinking drinking with terry hoyts
they've got the tushy ottoman now the sleek squad is still designed to help you oh it makes you squat that's good for your colon to come out NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN of time rated rated number one by wire cutter now wire cutter is an unfortunate name for toilet things it was a magazine that you're like oh you're having a hard poo read about it on wire cutter new tushy brush the new tushy brush is the only toilet brush with disposable scrubbing pads so you can clean your brush every time you go in there with the old-fashioned brush you do that you clean it your toilet but then your brush has got PROFANITY_TOKEN in it yeah your brush has got PROFANITY_TOKEN like that no good right start washing with tushy bidet for a better clean go to URL_TOKEN gym to get NUMBER_TOKEN off plus free shipping i love this product so much i don't even care if they charge NUMBER_TOKEN more with a coat but you will get NUMBER_TOKEN less i'm telling you you want this this is a special offer for our listeners at URL_TOKEN gym NUMBER_TOKEN off after you buy and install your tushy show it off bring people in to watch your PROFANITY_TOKEN yeah and then like they'll go go give him before and after photos PROFANITY_TOKEN pictures poopy PROFANITY_TOKEN clean up oh yeah tag us in those pictures so we want you to tag us pictures of clean PROFANITY_TOKEN and PROFANITY_TOKEN at hellotushi on instagram i feel like i'm going to get some dms after this is there an easy way to explain i know there are a lot of people listening here in australia and in england and other countries where qriket's popular but is there a real easy way to explain where qriket is to people that might not know or how it's played or at least a couple minutes i'm going to stop you just here joe it's not easy you can't explain them free healthcare if you can't explain free healthcare to them without their brains PROFANITY_TOKEN exploding good luck yeah to be honest i've been trying to do this for years i thought jim was not too far away with this basically the best way i've ever explained it is it's like NUMBER_TOKENd baseball so you can play behind so baseball only plays in front of you whereas qriket is you completely go around and then there's a few instead of uh pitching to a catcher you pitch essentially at the stumps um and it goes for a shitload longer um i think that's probably the easiest way to put it there there's batters and pitchers in baseball and there's banners and bowlers in cricket um but yeah it's not it's not an easy sport to explain even when someone's at the game and they can see it so like trying to do it on a podcast is basically impossible netflix has a series called explained where they do mini documentaries about various topics and qriket was one of them and that was the first time that i understood how the game worked because you were able to see visuals of like each position and all that stuff so i do highly suggest that uh suggest checking that out there's a saying in australia when you're trying to explain something to someone and they're not PROFANITY_TOKEN getting it you're
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN they've got the tushy ottoman now the sleek squad is still designed to help you oh it makes you squat that's good for your colon to come out NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN of time rated rated number one by wire cutter now wire cutter is an unfortunate name for toilet things it was a magazine that you're like oh you're having a hard poo read about it on wire cutter new tushy brush the new tushy brush is the only toilet brush with disposable scrubbing pads so you can clean your brush every time you go in there with the old-fashioned brush you do that you clean it your toilet but then your brush has got PROFANITY_TOKEN in it yeah your brush has got PROFANITY_TOKEN like that no good right start washing with tushy bidet for a better clean go to URL_TOKEN gym to get NUMBER_TOKEN off plus free shipping i love this product so much i don't even care if they charge NUMBER_TOKEN more with a coat but you will get NUMBER_TOKEN less i'm telling you you want this this is a special offer for our listeners at URL_TOKEN gym NUMBER_TOKEN off after you buy and install your tushy show it off bring people in to watch your PROFANITY_TOKEN yeah and then like they'll go go give him before and after photos PROFANITY_TOKEN pictures poopy PROFANITY_TOKEN clean up oh yeah tag us in those pictures so we want you to tag us pictures of clean PROFANITY_TOKEN and PROFANITY_TOKEN at hellotushi on instagram i feel like i'm going to get some dms after this is there an easy way to explain i know there are a lot of END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
do it from the front side or back side so we'll just do the up the apples i did the the front side it's like a it's like a double-sided anime art thing chad how could we use amaranth amaranth butt flashlight amaranth i feel like you're you're pushing your boundaries lately what's going on with you i need money you know that feeling right no i actually don't anymore well it's because you're not as ambitious as i am i guess you're a hundred percent right i am not as ambitious as you are i'll figure out something amath i am down with you i actually will be in austin um i think the NUMBER_TOKENth because i'm doing a collab with jessica negri so i'll be in the area anyways are you possibly collabing inside my room i mean we're gonna do a photo shoot so probably not with with jess but maybe we can both come over we'll see can you do a photo shoot in my room please do a photo shoot in your room with the boxes and everything please if you want me to sure yes because i would love to have some of those pictures and put them on a refrigerator i think that'd be great content you would get some of my viewers because you'd be in front of the boxes right like i literally one time literally walked in my room turned my camera which was rude and it took pictures and then left it was like she was up like NUMBER_TOKEN that week genius you want to use me like everyone else in your life is that too real is that too real you have egg pillows you know we could do like i don't know like a amaranth face pillow but how about we use your body and then we use my face well that would be genius well we'll figure out something emirate the fleshlight's a genius idea i'm really pissed off that ludwig stole that like he steals everything from me but uh what else to upstage him it's fine yeah what can you do to upstage a fleshlight chap can anyone if anyone figures that out i'll give them a vip have you ever sold bath water i have not i don't know if we can legally because it's a bodily fluid oh that's so boring well why don't we just say that's why she got banned partly because it was like controversial right but like what if we just like say it's bot it's like your bath water but it's really not we just mark it as that and since twitch chat's in on the secret they're gonna tell their friends to buy it but they really know that it's not a good product and they shouldn't buy it we could do that i'm down for anything we could even do like a line of uh body wash and call it gamer girl bath water you're a genius dude wait they're saying that we should do a is there such a thing as an ass fleshlight i think yeah you just said you're gonna make an ass one one way does the flashlight i do the ass flashlight whoever wins gets a thousand dollars that's
importante es la trama si tenés razón está clarísimo que no es un documental o sea estás de las películas que más obvio es que lo de aprender historia no era su intención pero antes de empezar un mensajito de nuestro sponsor es posible que con esto de ver películas que es lo que analizamos aquí te haya pasado que la plataforma que tú hayas contratado no ofrece el mismo catálogo que en otro país en mi caso por ejemplo si estoy en suecia a veces los subtítulos no los puedo poner en español porque no los hay en el catálogo de suecia y para evitar ponerme los subtítulos en sueco y ponerme los en castellano o en otro idioma pues me tengo que poner como si estuviese en otro país algo que puedo conseguir gracias a north vip y en además estás de suerte porque para noveno cumpleaños de nord viví en cada compra de un plan de dos años te da un mes adicional gratis y un regalo sorpresa así que si te pasas por nord bien puntocom -miguel de list y usas el código miguel there is pues te puedes aprovechar de esta oferta además si compras un plan de dos años con un mes con un NUMBER_PERCENTAGE_TOKEN de descuento puedes obtener automáticamente tiempo de servicio adicional como regalo dependiendo de tu suerte pues puede que obtengas un mes más un año o incluso dos que se agregan automáticamente a tu cuenta así que te recomiendo que le eches un ojo a la dirección que he puesto en la descripción pero además ya te digo que incluso sin el código resulta bastante útil en estos tiempos que consumimos bastantes cosas de otros países
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN mensajito de nuestro sponsor es posible que con esto de ver películas que es lo que analizamos aquí te haya pasado que la plataforma que tú hayas contratado no ofrece el mismo catálogo que en otro país en mi caso por ejemplo si estoy en suecia a veces los subtítulos no los puedo poner en español porque no los hay en el catálogo de suecia y para evitar ponerme los subtítulos en sueco y ponerme los en castellano o en otro idioma pues me tengo que poner como si estuviese en otro país algo que puedo conseguir gracias a north vip y en además estás de suerte porque para noveno cumpleaños de nord viví en cada compra de un plan de dos años te da un mes adicional gratis y un regalo sorpresa así que si te pasas por nord bien puntocom -miguel de list y usas el código miguel there is pues te puedes aprovechar de esta oferta además si compras un plan de dos años con un mes con un NUMBER_PERCENTAGE_TOKEN de descuento puedes obtener automáticamente tiempo de servicio adicional como regalo dependiendo de tu suerte pues puede que obtengas un mes más un año o incluso dos que se agregan automáticamente a tu cuenta así que te recomiendo que le eches un ojo a la dirección que he puesto en la descripción pero además ya te digo que incluso sin el código resulta bastante útil en estos tiempos que consumimos bastantes cosas de otros END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
all right everyone we start off today talking about the meltdown that not us just californians but democrats in general are having right now over the california recall election of course not that long from now registration closes there if you are a californian i strongly urge you to register there if you're not already and i strongly urge you to vote yes to recall gavin newsom keep in mind despite a likely high turnout differential we've already seen some potential shenanigans in the recall election there was that dude on crack passed out in his car with hundreds of recall ballots and we haven't gotten an update on it so that points to probable shenanigans because why would a why would a drug addicted felon want to steal uh mail-in ballots it's not to make money so at least not in the direct way i think somebody else was pulling the strings there uh as far as who replaces him who gives a PROFANITY_TOKEN anything is going to be better than newsom even if only marginally keep in mind the biggest thing here would be to reduce the executive level abuse in california and the legislator there is still super majority democrat basically the dems are freaking out because they're afraid feinstein in the next couple of years will retire because she's supposedly demented this this appears to even come from inside the dem party they're like well she's kind of getting up there she should you know pass the torch to someone younger the problem is if she were to do that now newsom replaces her and he's a democrat what if larry elder is the one doing it that's what's got them worried because the senate is right now NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. now first and foremost before i get further into this keep in mind there will be pinned comment down below if you're watching this video on youtube with links to four other video hosting sites that i use keep in mind i make two videos a day that are exclusive to those platforms so you can get double the clank if you're just following me on any permutation of them i mean follow me on all of them watch the same video like four times if you you're bored uh one particular day now link in the description archived of course there are only a few more days to register there again californians please do because what you've got right now is a situation where in a state that is predominantly democrat uh there's a near fit almost NUMBER_TOKEN percent of the california population are registered dems but a lot of them have abandoned new sim and the rest have malaise and this is this is a symbol of the larger problem within the democratic party it's not just a california thing newsom is not the only governor who has managed to alienate small business owners blue-collar workers contractors especially at this point and other people within the largely normally democratic population republicans are a small minority of californians yet in polling you've got near a NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN yes no split on whether newsom gets recalled if the turnout differential is higher than expected he will be recalled if it's lower than expected he will remain either way i expect that a significant proportion of independence and some democrats
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN now first and foremost before i get further into this keep in mind there will be pinned comment down below if you're watching this video on youtube with links to four other video hosting sites that i use keep in mind i make two videos a day that are exclusive to those platforms so you can get double the clank if you're just following me on any permutation of them i mean follow me on all of them watch the same video like four times if you you're bored uh one particular day now link in the description archived of course END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
did have very limited knowledge so i gave her much more in-depth explanation of what she needs to be doing i took her somewhere very quiet and i also gave her the confidence to take her time by explaining it's normal to be slow and it's normal to make the odd person irate when you're learning to drive even if you're in a quiet area and she flourished she's very talented i'll put her in the top NUMBER_TOKEN of people who are able to learn to drive in terms of how easy it is to teach her really quite easy she's done really well and i think the trouble is she was trying to skip learning and go straight to driving and i think many people do they try and get in a car and drive with traffic at their speed straight away before they've learned if you skip learning learning to drive gets challenging and takes a lot longer reason number three is disability some people have to take their driving test in an automatic because they're not able to drive a manual and you may be thinking well how does being disabled lower the pass rate for automatic you've got to use your imagination on what the disability could be let's say the person has no legs now they've got to steer do the speed do the indicator keep the window clear of water by using the windscreen wipers and clear of mist by using the demisters with only their hands whereas most people have their hands and legs therefore it's understandable if the success rate is lower because that's far more challenging please bear in mind i am talking about the uk here i understand that every month between NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN of my views come from outside of the uk so if you're in america say it's normal to learn an automatic but over here it wasn't normal but it is becoming the norm and i have some figures for you so in NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN of tests were automatic in NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN of tesla automatic then the next year is NUMBER_TOKEN then NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN it's going up NUMBER_TOKEN at NUMBER_TOKEN now at NUMBER_TOKEN percent NUMBER_TOKEN at NUMBER_TOKEN percent and the last full year i've got data on which isn't affected by the pandemic is NUMBER_TOKEN automatic tests in NUMBER_TOKEN so as you can see automatic is gradually becoming the norm in the uk but it's going to take a while before it is more than NUMBER_TOKEN percent i wouldn't be surprised if it's the mid-NUMBER_TOKENs or maybe even the early NUMBER_TOKENs when the majority of people are learning automatic in the uk i would be really interested to know what year you think automatic tests will outnumber manual tests in the uk let me know in the comments what you think i've had a little bit of a calculation in my head a guesstimation should we say and i'm going with NUMBER_TOKEN. i could be right i could be wrong NUMBER_TOKEN automatic tests will outnumber manual tests but we'll have to wait and see what i find interesting about this is that even though automatic tests have trebled over the last NUMBER_TOKEN years as three times as many people doing automatic tests now the pass rate hasn't increased not at all which i don't understand because i would think as more people choose to do automatic because manual is gradually going out of fashion that the pass rate would then start to equalize with the overall pass rate for the whole the uk but it hasn't started doing that yet and i think it's because
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN let me know in the comments what you think END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
hi i'm josh connolly and this is jackass
it's so cool anyway that's it for this one in the next one i'm gonna be putting all the code i've been writing for this over the past month or so onto all the computers in here this means a binary that we're actually flashing to the motherboard being tested to make it easier to test it the firmware that's going to the controller board and of course the script that's running on the raspberry pi that handles all the logging and telling the controller what to do and all that kind of stuff thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time but before i go on i think this video's sponsored pcb way pcboa made all the boards that went to this jig and as usual they came out absolutely beautiful i needed them pretty quick but from the time that i put them in to the time that i had them in my hands at my door was under a week they'll check through your board design before they actually accept your order so you know that you have another set of eyes looking at your design they find all kinds of things in little bugs that i wouldn't catch just looking at the board reviewing it myself and they've definitely saved me a lot of revisions to boards that i would have had to make otherwise if they hadn't caught them if you're looking for a board shop i highly recommend pcboa thank you so much to pcb wave for sponsoring this video
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN before i go on i think this video's sponsored pcb way pcboa made all the boards that went to this jig and as usual they came out absolutely beautiful i needed them pretty quick but from the time that i put them in to the time that i had them in my hands at my door was under a week they'll check through your board design before they actually accept your order so you know that you have another set of eyes looking at your design they find all kinds of things in little bugs that i wouldn't catch just looking at the board reviewing it myself and they've definitely saved me a lot of revisions to boards that i would have had to make otherwise if they hadn't caught them if you're looking for a board shop i highly recommend pcboa thank you so much to pcb wave for sponsoring this video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
that is scalding tea called the simpleton what is happening right now is most important Aries impatience is a definite vice innovation is a huge strength how do they know all this okay and I say like that is so true about you about innovation it's like if Julian's hungry and he's tornado and he's ready to go he will invent something delicious on the fly like you are innovative I like how my end of my innovation strength just strikes you immediately in the kitchen like okay the first thing I watch you make things that I'm like I don't know what you're going for but then you'll be like here may have this tortilla with just the most random and it's really good you'll like it sometimes only sometimes we'll be like eating the same meal whether it's like a restaurant or something we've cooked and she'll look over at me and I've made like a sandwich out of all three parts of the meal and taking an individual fights about yeah and she'll just be like baffled and I'm like why are you not doing that you are very innovative in patience as advice Ares loves starting anything new and they have trouble sitting still they are pioneers in whatever they do and there are very there is a very basic quality of bravery in these people that is unmistakable Ares generally knows what they want and they know the quickest route to getting it they take shortcuts if they must but generally everything is above board what is above port like it's not boring okay underhanded just isn't their style some Wow what the hell was underhanded like they do everything full force like they're not lobbying anything like has no layups we're why they have to make a softball joke in here Beach that is that is actually a mean joke no it's not oh it's not it's not means I mean sure some Ares people are bold but even the quieter ones are brave and even plucky in their own way independence is their birthright sure nothing gets them going more than a fresh slate the promise of a new day and a brand new start cool I think this is all pretty accurate so far let's hear about your moon and stuff what's next oh I want to keep this is interesting homeboy Ares enjoys a challenge and the Ares son are the happiest when their lives are moving forward and active there's a childlike quality to all areas some people and it's often quite charming NUMBER_TOKEN out of NUMBER_TOKEN is true ladies he has a strong personality and even an entrepreneurial spirit he's ambitious oh that says he because I entered that my sex was male he is ambitious and self-willed stubborn obstinate and tenacious weaknesses nervousness impulsiveness wastefulness provoking nature restlessness and change ability oh my god that is the T provoking nature all I can think about is you when you think it's so funny to provoke Kermit you'll be killing flies and Carman old like bark because he doesn't like the way that you're moving in you go just do it harder what my poor baby I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what that yeah okay Aries ascendant cancer does not come across as typical areas you tell us what that what that says and what that means okay I don't know
what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics we're back on the range and today i'm super excited because i have a very large double barrel shotgun to show you but before i do check out the new merch i have new hoodies i've got toboggans i have long sleeve shirts all that can be found at URL_TOKEN there's a link in the description down below that's the easiest way to support the channel so go check those out now let's go check this thing out so this is the monster of a double barrel shotgun that we're going to be using today this is a pacific international double barrel NUMBER_TOKEN gauge shotgun with NUMBER_TOKEN-inch barrels look at this thing it is ridiculous i cannot wait to shoot this thing huge barrels there's not really a whole lot to say about it other than it's a behemoth and i'm excited to shoot it so let's get to it typically when you hear double barrel shotgun you think of a NUMBER_TOKEN gauge well here is a NUMBER_TOKEN gauge shell that's a two and three quarter inch shell double odd buck and it holds nine pellets this is a NUMBER_TOKEN gauge shell it's three and a half inches long and it holds NUMBER_TOKEN pellets of double lot buck and when it comes to slugs well a NUMBER_TOKEN gauge is typically a one ounce slug this is a one and three quarter ounce slug almost two ounces of lead all right i got a steel target set up this is my first time shooting this i'm really excited i've got some federal double lot buck three and a half inch shells one and two
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN but before i do check out the new merch i have new hoodies i've got toboggans i have long sleeve shirts all that can be found at URL_TOKEN there's a link in the description down below that's the easiest way to support the channel so go check those out END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
me some advice and then he says to me his actual name but he says hi i'm gary and am i had to go oh i know who you are we are well aware we have a segment on our people we have a segment on our pockets where we talk to you guys he's like let me introduce myself to you i'm gary and i was like we talked about you gary you all the time so anyway he was so excited that i had twins and i was like you have to give me advice because you're a twin you're an expert and guys he took that very seriously because then so we are outside by the way because there's security outside the hospital and inside the hospital so he's outdoors that day and he was on the outdoor shift and he was outside talking to me there is a long line of people mind you this is the same line to get in the hospital if you are having a baby if you're having a surgery or if you're going to the emergency room for an emergency it's the same line to get in so there's a line of people behind me waiting to go through who knows the hospital people in wheelchairs people bleeding if people are needing to get to the emergency people that just have like cvs bags over their limbs yeah like they're just like an arm but they have a cvs cvs bag over it and i'm like and i'm like you can go ahead right you know what i mean like so i said you're gonna have to give me advice you know because you know more about twins than me you're an expert and he took that and was like yes i do need to give you advice right now so he immediately was like all right first thing i got to tell you they don't like it when you dress them the same and i was like okay he's like don't dress in the same they don't like that they really don't like that and i was like okay gary's got some you should get some issues and then he said make sure nobody tries to pin them against each other someone's going to try to pin them against each other i think it's pit them against each other you're saying pin i am seeing pin pin them against each other yeah that doesn't make any sense why am i saying that i think it's you pit something against another thing i don't think you pin it if you pin it you're like yeah i don't know why i'm saying that you are i'm just making you aware that you are i don't know why i the first time i was just gonna go but then you said it twice i said it wrong i don't know i think i always thought it was pin but it is pit it is pet for sure okay guys whatever i i could blame that on me being tired but i think i genuinely have always said it wrong i would believe that um so anyway he said don't have don't let someone like is very specific don't someone pit them against each other people are going to try to make them hate each other and and be against each other again that sounds like a very specific personality yeah okay and he's like trying to go into
these are microaggressions i just thought i'd like to add how little she thought about this stuff i mean she obviously scripted this speech you mean to tell me she didn't notice that she implies categorizing people is wrong but literally three sentences later categorizes people as cool and other and on top of that do these people even understand what the word diversity means let me google that for you diversity means a range of different things you have to be different to be a diverse if you want everyone in the group to be the same then you are literally arguing for segregation because how else are you going to accomplish that understand though despite how ridiculous these people's arguments are they still have a lot of power they still make most of the movies they still run all the schools they still make the laws and their toxic philosophy is still deeply ingrained in your behaviors even if you've been red pilled for a while you might think differently now that you're more knowledgeable about the situation but you may still be acting the same way as you did before you knew anything not only do actions speak louder than words but your actions will determine your psychology every real psychological change is going to come with a series of new actions that's why jordan peterson tells people to clean their rooms if they want to start living better so you may have been red pilled but you might still be acting on the beliefs of the feminists who taught you as a child things like don't care what anyone thinks about you if you were born in the NUMBER_TOKENs like i was then i'm sure you've heard this one quite a lot and even watched many people act it out hell that's pretty much what the NUMBER_TOKENs was about but in reality all of those people who pretended to be losers and pretended to not care were actually people who worked really hard and people who cared a lot like adam sandler's some of his most popular movies are him playing a loser like happy gilmore billy madison adam sandler works his ass off or he worked his ass off when he made those movies kurt cobain the lead singer of nirvana before he died uh had the whole image of i don't care about anything but when you saw him behind closed doors he would do all the artwork for the band he was super insistent about songs being created certain ways so people get them and he really cared about that man and understand if those people didn't work that hard or they didn't care then they wouldn't have become as successful as they were they would have instead made some boring speech about microaggressions and then complained with zero self-awareness that nobody was listening to them so if you are not good at finding what people value then that's a problem that's a problem that's gonna hold you back in your personal relationships and maybe more importantly to you it's gonna hold you back in business as well but you can't just say i now value what other people think about me or i now care about other people that's not going to work you actually have to retrain your personality and the way you do that is to look for every opportunity to do something that people value and it's december so it's the perfect time of year to do that you have
as though the wichita police had another brutal attack on their hands on the afternoon of the NUMBER_TOKENth of april NUMBER_TOKEN a young NUMBER_TOKEN year old man named kevin bright literally ran out of his home and onto the street and he begged and pleaded for help to a few people that were just walking down the road kevin was in a very very bad way it was obvious that something terrible had happened to him he was injured he had blood all over him he was absolutely covered in blood and he was just frantically telling the pastors by to call the police immediately because a man a stranger had broken into his house and had attacked both him and his sister and his sister was still inside the house as soon as the police received the call they went straight to the house whilst kevin was taken to the hospital and when the police went inside the house they found kevin's sister NUMBER_TOKEN year old university student catherine bright or kathy as she was better known she was on the floor she had been tied up and bound and she was also covered in blood where she had been stabbed with a knife repeatedly but amazingly kathy was still alive when the police arrived at the scene and she was able to speak she actually asked the police if they could please remove the thing that was covering her mouth i think she had been tied up and gagged with some tights or nylon stockings and she asked one of the officers if they could remove them because she was struggling to breathe so of course they did and just like her brother kathy was also taken to the hospital where doctors tried desperately to save her life unfortunately they couldn't her injuries were just too severe and five hours after she arrived NUMBER_TOKEN year old kathy bry was pronounced dead thankfully her brother kevin bry actually survived the attack which was honestly a miracle considering how severe his injuries were which we'll talk about in a second and so when kevin was one enough the police were obviously very very eager to speak to him because he had survived this attack they had a witness so hopefully after speaking to kevin they might be able to catch kathy's killer quickly the police just asked kevin to describe what happened in as much detail as he possibly could as much as he could remember anyway and so kevin did just that kevin explained how on the afternoon of the NUMBER_TOKENth of april it was around like NUMBER_TOKENpm he and his sister kathy arrived home and when they walked into the house the attacker was already in there he had broken into the home whilst they were out and he was waiting for them with a firearm in his hand while i say waiting for them but it actually turns out that the killer wasn't expecting kevin to be there he was waiting to attack kathy and he thought that she would arrive home on her own but she didn't her brother was with her both kathy and kevin were tied up i believe the attacker actually forced kevin to tie his sister up whilst he threatened kevin with the gun the firearm and then after kevin tied kathy up put the attacker tied kevin up and once he did that he grabbed some rope and strangled kevin with it until he thought that kevin was dead and then after this he headed into another room
since the count's death the building had been the property of the marquis de pompadour and then of battil de leon before falling from grace during the revolution
time just like constantly naming symptoms symptoms don't forget about your symptoms did you know you had this symptom you didn't realize this was a symptom like i feel like we're stuck on the identification phase and that's step one very very important vital but can we move our little game board piece to step two which is like acknowledging that you can do something about it like i just feel sometimes like internet mental health stuff is very much like if you have this you can't do this and you never will be able to and it's impossible of course there's stuff that literally is impossible for some people but i think that you have more power than you realize always i'm a firm believer in that even if it's just a tiny bit more power it's not like this big bad monster that you shouldn't even attempt to fight against i think that's very like cynical and sometimes i feel like the random very pretty kind of corporate looking instagram like meme things with like pictures and like text on it about mental health they can be very soothing temporarily but i wonder if those people not all of them but some of them even want you to feel better or do they want to just like remind you of it at all times like you are sick don't forget that you're sick you're sick okay wanna talk can we talk more about how you're sick is it ever slightly counterproductive to be inundated with talking about it so much that it's like oh i'm just waiting in line at mcdonald's here's NUMBER_TOKEN ways i didn't realize that childhood trauma was impacting my day-to-day life shouldn't i just like be watching them make a mcflurry right now like it's an interesting process with that spoon you know the one i don't actually know what i'm talking about wait yes i do i forgot i put this bag of unpopped popcorn kernels next to me my idea was that whenever i said something mean about myself i would shake it and say something nice about myself you look nice you are are you nice you look nice it's kind of like remember when kids would have and maybe i just went to a weird elementary school did you guys know anyone with like a rubber band on their wrist and they would snap themselves if they said a swear word it sounds terrible now that i'm thinking back on it like this was my mom's idea i deserve pain when i do something bad well look who decided to be nice to me again this video is sponsored by hello fresh dude no joke winter is coming don't you want to cozy up with some soups hellofresh is literally shipping out chicken ramen and various other seasonal flavors throw on a sweater be your own mama and make yourself something to sip on their food is good no joke i've had it they've got pescetarian veggie family friendly their produce is fresh from farmers do you even know what a farmer is name one farmer besides old macdonald that's cheating it will actually save you time like a box shows up on your doorstep and is like will you be a chef and cook me it's NUMBER_TOKEN cheaper than a grocery store wait that's actually good hello time to put my cooking clothes on we're all nice in our own ways i'm making the one pot chicken sausage and bean
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN decided to be nice to me again this video is sponsored by hello fresh dude no joke winter is coming don't you want to cozy up with some soups hellofresh is literally shipping out chicken ramen and various other seasonal flavors throw on a sweater be your own mama and make yourself something to sip on their food is good no joke i've had it they've got pescetarian veggie family friendly their produce is fresh from farmers do you even know what a farmer is name one farmer besides old macdonald that's cheating it will actually save you time like a box shows up on your doorstep and is like will you be a chef and cook me it's NUMBER_TOKEN cheaper than a grocery store wait that's actually good hello time to put my cooking clothes on we're all nice in our own ways i'm making the one pot chicken sausage and bean END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
yeah probably fine to play an extra heart
tastes so good
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START_SPONSOR_TOKEN sponsor is nordvpn if you're traveling for the holidays and you want to protect your data when you're on a public wi-fi you want to be able to watch your favorite shows from all over the world and nordvpn has got you covered it allows you to sign in through a different country server onto your favorite streaming service they have NUMBER_TOKEN servers in over NUMBER_TOKEN different countries they got NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN customer support NUMBER_TOKEN day money back guarantee if you really don't like it they got no data logging faster connections with nord links and uh the nord cybersex suite even acts as an ad blocker so all those features you get so much value just go through my discount uh URL_TOKEN pokemon challenges you might not need a vpn right now but there is going to come a moment when you feel like hey maybe i do need one think of your boy pokemon challenges URL_TOKEN pokemon challenges or use my discount code thank you so much for north for sponsoring today's video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
this you know event was very traumatizing for him it did want him to go out and learn more about shoes you know what was so bad about these shoes that his mom didn't want him to see and he wanted to find out as i said when jerry would play outside he would frequently play outside by himself and there was a neighbor an old woman that would see him always playing outside by himself and she was aware of like his toxic and abusive family situation so typically this old woman would like bring jerry in feed him and take care of him basically her just kind of giving him the motherly affection that he should be getting so when jerry would like stay out for hours at a time that's typically where he was until unfortunately one day she actually ended up passing away and this was a very very big deal for jerry because this was like the first woman that had ever shown him any sort of attention not only did that just happen his five-year-old best friend who was also a girl had passed away as well it was very very hard for jerry at this point like that was just a lot of trauma and emotion that he just didn't know how to process or feel correctly all at the same time you know like with the stiletto situation but then his neighbor died and then his best friend died so then shortly after that when jerry was six years old and about to enter into school that is when the family moved from salem oregon to california even in school jerry was kind of bullied because there was this one incident where he was playing you know just like recess in the classroom and he crawled underneath the teacher's desk and underneath the teacher's desk he finds a pair of high heel shoes he took the shoes and he just started to play with them after playing with these shoes for a while he's like i'm gonna take these home obviously at the end of the day the teacher is like where are my shoes so she asked the class to help her find her shoes and eventually they find the shoes in jerry's backpack when the teacher asked jerry why did you take my shoes he was just sort of sitting there speechless he didn't really know what to say because he thought that he was like in really really big trouble to jerry's surprise he was not the teacher just kind of saw this a harmless act and was like oh you know he probably just wanted to play with my shoes and so that's fine and jerry for the first time wasn't ashamed for liking these like high heel shoes didn't make him feel so alienated when he was seven years old and in the second grade jerry unfortunately had failed the second grade and had to retake it this was due to his attendance because he had tons of health issues so on top of being abused at home he also had tons of health issues as i said his family was just so neglectful that like they really didn't care nonetheless he did have to retake the second grade which made larry the older brother look even better jerry i know jerry and larry like sound very similar and you might get it mixed up but anyway jerry jerry is the main character the protagonist him failing the second grade literally just made larry look like even a more of a perfect child because even larry like he had
hello friends and welcome back to our slash pro revenge sometimes it's a bad idea to sleep with a military man's wife and the first story will tell you why but before we begin don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you're new here and turn on notifications so you don't miss a new video every single day here we go a failure to communicate many moons ago i'm in the army and the wife and i are on the rocks relationship relationship-wise she's seeing an mp on the side leaving me with the kids that's okay by me because if she's happy the divorce will be easier well one week she doesn't come home until nine or nine thirty long after i need to be at work thank god my supervisor knows the situation we have an argument and she leaves and goes home to mama leaves me with a two-year-old and four-year-old her family doesn't believe the lie she tells about me especially since she abandoned the kids with me so she comes back i'm suspicious but open to finishing the divorce she has a plan however and one day she files charges against me for child abuse her thinking is she'll get custody of the kids a huge advantage in court and look like the victim to her family when i hear about the warrant for my arrest i go to the mp station to turn myself in not gonna let them make a show of arresting me well well look who the desk sergeant is her boyfriend it takes me a couple of minutes to realize that he's ignorant of what she's done perfect i start insisting on talking to the pmo army version of police commissioner he wants nothing to do with this arresting an officer is hazardous to your career if something goes wrong and it's about to he declines i insist he demures i remain emphatic he delays i demand he screams red-faced no i explained thusly your case against me is already compromised through no fault of your own however when i speak to jag i will tell them you had the opportunity to fix it and decline to do your job so do i tell them or do i tell you through gritted teeth he hissed what the flock is compromised about your arrest would it interest you to know that your desk sergeant sergeant smith has been flocking my wife for the last six months his face turns some interesting colors he bellowed corporal smith lap report to the duty desk thunder down the hall as schmidlaugh schmidlap relieve sergeant smith of his desk duties sergeant smith you will retire to your quarters while you will remain until NUMBER_TOKEN tomorrow at which time you will report to me in my office do you understand pmo fumes schmidlap gapes smith cowers and me i smiled sat on those rock hard leather couches the government is famous for lit a cigarette under the no smoking sign put my feet up on their coffee table and watch the resulting carnage with relish end result sergeant became a corporal and was reassigned wife ex-now lost her boyfriend lawyer who helped plan this and the divorce because the judge hearing this shook his head looked at me and asked me what terms i would agree to i gave him our separation agreement child support only no spousal support and he wrote it into the divorce the hammer fell and it
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN sometimes it's a bad idea to sleep with a military man's wife and the first story will tell you why but before we begin don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you're new here and turn on notifications so you don't miss a new video every single day here we go END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
how to enter this giveaway so if i don't explain it very well the website will then i'll pick the three best ones who will win these keyboards and first place will get some extra prizes too so yeah thank you cherry mx and rog for sponsoring this video now back to digging down the thing that i'm currently looking for is iron and right here we have found some but we can instantly mine it in fact a better idea is to use this pickaxe yeah we've got loads of iron i have to say it's a good thing then that i've also got loads of furnaces today sometimes there's nothing better than seeing NUMBER_TOKEN furnaces all working together and already i've got loads and loads of iron waiting in each one so i guess that means we can create some amazing armor i mean look at this blast protection show me the tnt i would like normal protection as well if i can get it but that's got many you know what that's pretty useless and we have so much iron that we're just we're gonna throw it away take two and more blast protection oh my goodness you know i'm just gonna walk into a desert temple and see what happens i've got thorns oh okay that's gonna be bad for anybody that dares touch me and fire protection so we can walk in lava tnt you name it we've got it i'm just going to create a load of pickaxes oh only to one of them well that's not fair i feel like i've just been scammed thankfully i've still got millions of iron left and we just got efficiency level NUMBER_TOKEN sorry stone pickaxe but um it's the end of the line for you i've just realized i've been collecting all this iron but if i go ahead and create an iron block yeah we've got so much time i could do that again and again and and i could i could honestly just keep getting unlimited i look at look at the oh no what have i just done i'm just gonna walk away you know i i don't need anything more from here something creeper i dare you to blow up yeah go on look at no damage at all we've also found a mine shaft with anything good in it hey a diamond well is the diamond good it's going to be useful on spider i dare you to touch me that's right me thorns what means you don't stand a chance and for some reason that also means that when they attack me i don't get poison that's good enough for me but i think i should get out of the cave now then the next thing i should search for is a lava lake okay this looks pretty amazing i measured by him just on the edge of the swamp you hardly ever see these i would craft a boat but i feel like i'll just end up with a million of them sometimes it's just easier to parkour on the lily pads now then what have we got here i'm also going to build with blocks of iron because i have way too many of them it's a pretty large mesa bio and over there we have a ruined portal nothing very useful in this chest but this gold block well
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN how to enter this giveaway so if i don't explain it very well the website will then i'll pick the three best ones who will win these keyboards and first place will get some extra prizes too so yeah thank you cherry mx and rog for sponsoring this video now back to digging down the thing that i'm currently looking END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
yes was that one oh smoke ah there's a lot of stuff there's some first of all what do you think you made NUMBER_TOKEN horsepower what do you think you made NUMBER_TOKEN horsepower four so this medica sticker is a little bit uh inaccurate yes i mean no don't don't take the sticker off i like it i like the number fraud yeah no i can't we can't represent that they'll see it tyler this is literally illegal what you have no it's NUMBER_TOKEN drive train lost normal for a car so at the crank it is putting down no it's not it's putting out NUMBER_TOKEN horsepower plus at the crank it's losing it at the wheels that's accurate that's not how bad it works i don't know how that works it's losing it it's losing hands
just to go back into the shower what are we using body wash bar soap soap bar soap what do you got i have just probably irish spring nice smell yeah a nice irish spring good smell uh yeah i know and so all these credits you're still using you're buying off the rats and blue and that but i bought the fancy copa soap at like those walk around uh like festivals and uh you know the one that has like oh it exfoliates and i'll use those sometimes but uh then they wind up annoying me and i just go with the irish spring scrubber or straight bar to bar to body bar to body body this guy is jersey trash baby but you're right a loofah i used to have and it does help exfoliate the skin i just stopped using it music playing while you shower you put you get the nose going no i i like to think in the shower i like it silent i just kind of stand there like a ghoul and i think i do a lot of thinking in the shower and i talk to myself there's a there's a whole sodium it sounds fun i like that about why that works it's the the sound the the white noise helps clear your brain it does right yeah i like that feeling it's just a place to zone out i love i love just kind of being in the shower and you do like this like what like working through materials i'll walk through arguments more or whatever oh now we're PROFANITY_TOKEN getting yeah i can walk through like uh debates i'm gonna have or i've had or social points just what i i work through what i'm thinking about it uh and i try to like kind of think of both points of it just to just i like to do it just it's a very freeing time for that reason maybe well you have arguments in your head with people that maybe you've never met or arguments that have never taken place um oh yeah you do oh public debates of course in my mind yeah yeah yeah you know he's trying to open for seinfeld you know that's true yeah i'm debating with kramer over his la said use it more you should have smiled michael i told you mike stand behind you this whole thing would have blown over mike's stand behind you
compared to how ridiculous alucard's level zero transformation was this one's way tamer still it's a moment to remember from one of my favorite movie series out there back in those days though can you imagine a fight sequence with choreography as silky smooth as this one cheeky just armed with a knife takes on all those apartment zombies and solos them one by one many against one and it didn't even matter how the zombies approached they're nothing but fodder getting killed and thrown out after one another shiki did all of this in a kimono too she just can't keep herself from looking stylish even when being a one-woman wrecking crew against all those zombies it's a massacre that looks more like a dance if you ask me perfect just perfect for this deadly beauty
holy crap you can't do anything anymore why do i attack why do i bother let's just stand still because i'm about to get rushed all because of two stupid pvs where's my taps
towards the other namely middle eastern people and muslims they were intensely maligned as a result of all this although the u.s government has played a major role in establishing that force and violence is an acceptable response to any opposition whether that be ideological or an attack it's hard to ignore the other arguably more significant influence on how americans view violence and how it should be used and that is the media including news television movies and to some extent music with movies and tv in particular americans have been spoon-fed on a steady diet of patriotism and the acceptance and normalization of violence they don't have to be necessarily jingoistic like many of the action movies produced in NUMBER_TOKENs or the many islamophobic products that were created in the NUMBER_TOKENs they can simply be created with the intention of violence and conflict being the main selling point hollywood is one of the biggest and most successful movie industries in the world and although it's created its fair share of films that are devoid of violence it's safe to say that studios have been able to pull in billions of dollars largely thanks to action movies although steven spielberg's jaws was considered the first blockbuster movie even though wait what's happening is that a royalty-free version of the jaws theme well that can only mean one thing it's time for a word from this video's sponsor surfsharkvpn in this day and age it's always worth being protected when you're online there are plenty of people who can steal your private data or monitor your activity and using a vpn can stop that from happening whether it's from hackers or even your isp surfsharkvpn helps you keep your connections secured by rooting your connection through private servers while being extremely easy to use and maintaining a fast connection one feature of surfshark vpn that i and many others love is that it can also unlock parts of the internet that aren't available to you in your country there are plenty of shows and movies on services like netflix that are only available in certain countries and surf shark allows you to watch them you can use one subscription across various devices too including android and ios so if you're using an open wi-fi connection it can keep you protected there if you visit a link below and use the promo code salary you can get an NUMBER_TOKEN discount on the usual price and four months extra for free if you are somehow not completely satisfied then they also have a NUMBER_TOKEN-day money-back guarantee surf the web safely today link in the description so anyway even though jaws was a surprising success it was george lucas's star wars that was the godfather of the modern blockbuster film and created the blueprint for many of the big budget movies that are almost constantly in cinemas today it established this idea of grand skirmishes between good and evil the small scrappy heroes against insurmountable odds and although such conflicts are one through being smart being powerful is also important in these stories this isn't to say that the conflicts in these movies aren't justified but it's interesting how conflicts and violence even if they are relatively tame are the main selling points of these movies a serviceable story along with believable and decently written characters are also important after all there are plenty of action movies out there that lack both and result in a product that feels hollow but these are
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN even though wait what's happening is that a royalty-free version of the jaws theme well that can only mean one thing it's time for a word from this video's sponsor surfsharkvpn in this day and age it's always worth being protected when you're online there are plenty of people who can steal your private data or monitor your activity and using a vpn can stop that from happening whether it's from hackers or even your isp surfsharkvpn helps you keep your connections secured by rooting your connection through private servers while being extremely easy to use and maintaining a fast connection one feature of surfshark vpn that i and many others love is that it can also unlock parts of the internet that aren't available to you in your country there are plenty of shows and movies on services like netflix that are only available in certain countries and surf shark allows you to watch them you can use one subscription across various devices too including android and ios so if you're using an open wi-fi connection it can keep you protected there if you visit a link below and use the promo code salary you can get an NUMBER_TOKEN discount on the usual price and four months extra for free if you are somehow not completely satisfied then they also have a NUMBER_TOKEN-day money-back guarantee surf the web safely today link in the description so anyway END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
you compare it directly to amd really can't be said until windows NUMBER_TOKEN has that cash fix for the ryzen chips intel said that they're confident that even with the fix everything will still be good for them but at the same time it's just kind of something that they've done time and time again where they put themselves on a pedestal and then they hamper the competition which obviously card stacking is part of marketing it's how you get things done you show yourself in select scenarios versus your competitors showing how you're better in those very specific scenarios amd does this as well however we're waiting for a day where intel is not explicitly doing this especially given that they have had so many actual like ethical issues in their past it just really doesn't look good when they're doing stuff like this but what do you think of intel's new benchmarks i mean even showing things in gaming performance NUMBER_TOKEN improvement in some games versus the NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKENk it has leaps in content creation workload up to NUMBER_TOKEN in adobe after effects pulse benchmark let me know what you think of alder like down below in the comments but we also got listings from oem computer makers of their alder lake launches as well as a whole bunch of motherboard vendors all the ones that you could possibly think of announcing their zNUMBER_TOKEN stuff asus also announcing new power supplies that should be coming for next generation gpus which i'm really confused about but it's for the pci express gen NUMBER_TOKEN connector even though that's the NUMBER_TOKEN-pin power connector that nvidia kind of did proprietary stuff on on their founders edition not NUMBER_TOKEN sure how that's going to work but new pci express gen NUMBER_TOKEN being supported by asus's new power supplies and today's episode of hot news is supported by the ridge my friend the ridge wall is how i carry around all of my cards and whatever cash i happen to be given by somebody and then never spend because it just sits on the back little flap my friends little ridge wallet should replace your old school wallet okay big bulky receipt carrying tons of documents pictures of your kids you got a phone now friends you don't need to keep pictures of your kids in your wallet i've never done that actually so i i don't know anybody who does that anymore that might be an outdated uh reference that i'm making there but my friends the ridge wallet is the sleek minimalistic way to carry your cards up to NUMBER_TOKEN cards can fit and it has room for cash either with the cash strap or a money clip on the back they've got over NUMBER_TOKEN different colors and styles including carbon fiber which is my daily carry and burnt titanium and they have over NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN five-star reviews and they come with a lifetime warranty because of the durable materials that they're made out of and they're so confident now you're gonna love it they'll give you a free NUMBER_TOKEN-day test drive with it you can return it for a full refund in case you don't want it hearty beautiful minimalistic sleek and sexy the ridge wall is everything that you possibly need and if you use our link in the video description ridge dot com forward slash hot news you can save NUMBER_TOKEN by using code hot news at checkout which will get you free shipping as well so go to URL_TOKEN forward slash hot news to save ten percent and get free shipping
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN supplies and today's episode of hot news is supported by the ridge my friend the ridge wall is how i carry around all of my cards and whatever cash i happen to be given by somebody and then never spend because it just sits on the back little flap my friends little ridge wallet should replace your old school wallet okay big bulky receipt carrying tons of documents pictures of your kids you got a phone now friends you don't need to keep pictures of your kids in your wallet i've never done that actually so i i don't know anybody who does that anymore that might be an outdated uh reference that i'm making there but my friends the ridge wallet is the sleek minimalistic way to carry your cards up to NUMBER_TOKEN cards can fit and it has room for cash either with the cash strap or a money clip on the back they've got over NUMBER_TOKEN different colors and styles including carbon fiber which is my daily carry and burnt titanium and they have over NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN five-star reviews and they come with a lifetime warranty because of the durable materials that they're made out of and they're so confident now you're gonna love it they'll give you a free NUMBER_TOKEN-day test drive with it you can return it for a full refund in case you don't want it hearty beautiful minimalistic sleek and sexy the ridge wall is everything that you possibly need and if you use our link in the video description ridge dot com forward slash hot news you can save NUMBER_TOKEN by using code hot news at checkout which will get you free shipping as well so go to URL_TOKEN forward slash hot news to save ten percent and get free shipping END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
but she she has a comedy essentials special out on comedy central i don't think that was a network anymore but it's on youtube bobby yeah yeah it's on youtube all right and then she's amarillo did it joelis did it yeah she's associated with also our family atc we're at atc podcast and um you know she's married to somebody that we're going to talk about in a second that's just he's just twisted physically twisted not mentally but yeah he's just a wretched crotchety got a spine like a money tree yeah yeah yeah yeah
get the ball in the hoop this type of skill is remarkable considering how difficult it is to control the amount of power you put into the shot while drifting back down towards the earth and while lesser athletes can learn how to do this to some degree when you put it in the hands of a guy like edwards it gives him a distinct advantage in the same way jordan used it and if you're wondering how nj got the nickname air jordan here it is while air edwards doesn't have quite the same ring to it the similarities to me are pretty striking you don't show up to the nba with this kind of high level skill without the proper coaching and teaching and it's clear that edwards is getting the most cutting edge information and training techniques out there if you're looking to get the same kind of information that can transform your career then you have to check out skillshare with thousands of online classes and members across NUMBER_TOKEN countries you can find a subject you're interested in unlock more creativity and get inspired to put your new skills to work in impactful ways i'm a big fan of marquez brownlee and was blown away by his class on achieving youtube success despite doing well myself i'm always looking for a way to take my channel to the next level i love that viewers can add little notes at different parts of the video to help you retain key pieces of information i can certainly use context to the stats i quote and i've always tried to keep my tone as if i'm talking to a friend like we're doing here right friend more and more people are thriving by creating their own careers and skillshare is a fantastic place to start that journey the first one thousand people to click on my special link will get a one month free trial of skillshare so don't wait discover what you truly want to do and master it with skillshare one area that edwards has been able to master somewhat is his three-point shooting after struggling last year with a relatively low three-point percentage on high volume he's improved to around average which is very encouraging going forward this kind of improvement so soon indicates to me he could continue improving but let's look at his mechanics for a moment to figure out how sustainable this growth can be the first thing i noticed is his neutral wrist positioning throughout the whole shot while many players will extend the wrist back pretty far as the ball is on the way up to the set point edwards keeps that wrist where it is starting his flexion from zero degrees and propelling the ball forward with the use of his forearm a majority of his threes are off the dribble and the thing that might concern me a little bit is his high set point you can see the ball gets to a point several inches above his eyebrow moving slightly backwards to get to this position before being propelled forwards michael jordan also had a similarly high set point but you can see he extends his wrist all the way back and relied on the wrist snap as the primary source of his power allowing the elbow straightening to be smooth you can see on many of edwards shots that the elbow snap is often times the opposite of smooth and can influence misses i normally say that this kind of high set point makes it very difficult for someone to become an elite shooter since so much of
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN if you're looking to get the same kind of information that can transform your career then you have to check out skillshare with thousands of online classes and members across NUMBER_TOKEN countries you can find a subject you're interested in unlock more creativity and get inspired to put your new skills to work in impactful ways i'm a big fan of marquez brownlee and was blown away by his class on achieving youtube success despite doing well myself i'm always looking for a way to take my channel to the next level i love that viewers can add little notes at different parts of the video to help you retain key pieces of information i can certainly use context to the stats i quote and i've always tried to keep my tone as if i'm talking to a friend like we're doing here right friend more and more people are thriving by creating their own careers and skillshare is a fantastic place to start that journey the first one thousand people to click on my special link will get a one month free trial of skillshare so don't wait discover what you truly want to do and master it with skillshare END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
way uber responded and like their whole philosophy of hiring people and how they detach themselves they make them contractors so they don't have to deal with this PROFANITY_TOKEN and it's just so gross to me that i was like i can't even like deal with uber um but i do now get into lift every time i call and i'm just like in la it just i feel so close to it like i'm like is this guy a driver like is he on the road is he gonna pick me up like man and yeah i i feel so bad you have to get in these cars again to live i know it's it's sc it and it's been hard but um it's been harder than i thought but again it's like being sober does help because i'm like i and i think if i was drinking i'd be drinking to the to the blackout point because i but now i've just had to process it and deal with it which is like again i'm so thankful for that i and i'm thankful like my parents paid for rehab which is like i is so like i know how that sounds and but i'm so like privileged that i got to do that and i'm like so thankful and i am now looking at my life like that like yes i'm upset that this guy is on the streets and but like i'm grateful you're alive i'm grateful i'm alive and i'm grateful for your attitude that's everything yeah gratitude it's like when you look at things i never before this looked at things of what i had i always looked at things of what i didn't have and i still do that i still catch myself being like i want like this you know like i'll see someone get a late night and i'm like what the PROFANITY_TOKEN but i'm able to be like that is so unimportant it's so unimportant it's like we were talking before i'm you said you're a comedy store regular right nope i've been at the comedy store since NUMBER_TOKEN and i'm just in the system now i'll be hopefully if it happens next year or the year after i'll be NUMBER_TOKEN. i wonder what the oldest person is to ever get passed i'm curious uh yeah i mean maybe you that's a record you know no not but all of it happens if it happens when it's supposed to happen and that's the hardest thing to PROFANITY_TOKEN learn because also when you're especially in this business you're hungry and you want to get that and that and that and that and it's not that you're greedy or anything it's like all right we got that what's next exactly if without a next there's nothing else and you've got to keep going and going so the hustle and the ego and all of that you know you're talking to the right person about that PROFANITY_TOKEN i get that our game it's yeah exactly but this year off year and a half of no stand up through a pandemic if that didn't put into perspective like you don't need this and it's not important for life no it is if that's your money sure if
uh bill gates is uh there's four sites that they're going to try to build a molten salt next generation nuclear reactor oh nice yeah i mean i'm all for it and i think that the technology shows a lot of promise and it's not perfect and they've tried some stuff in the past but you know like anything technology is has moved forward and a lot of these designs have also done better but you know with molten salt you don't have the pressure issues that you do with light water cooled reactors which of course you know the water turns into high pressure steam and you've got to have piping that can handle that kind of pressure and anti-corrosion because water is you know obviously especially steam it's doesn't like to compress yeah but anyway uh yeah so with molten salt you don't you don't it's it's all one atmosphere i mean it's yeah like the uh pebble reactors not expanding really catch on but the pebble reactors were the same sort of thing where you know there was no literally no way it could go critical and it did not have the the huge uh pressure and corrosive issues that a lot of the other ones do because don't get me wrong i am for nuclear power it is one of the the cleaner uh ones we've got that doesn't depend on the weather uh and but we should be using it for better things than you know powering that or as a shot to uh my neighbor up here in canada uh they're trying to clean up the way that they extract oil out of the oil sands by bringing in small portable nuclear power plants to uh canada has new extraction have you not heard of the can do reactor wait do you guys exactly the can-do reactor used to be one of the leading high-tech uh types of nuclear power plants on the planet that's nuclear power nuclear could turn it into a bomb and we had to stop doing it but all right i was i was vaguely concerned there for a second okay i don't think canada even has an army but that's fine they resolve everything but i refuse to confirm or deny i want it to be a surprise it's isn't just a handshake and let's let's go get french fries kind of thing we should pause right here right here to hear from this week's podcast sponsor minimize the effort maximize your productivity with textexpander textexpander helps you work faster and smarter so that you can focus your time on the most important work you've got use textexpander for faster results in three easy steps one create make snippets of text for support responses sales outreach or even common emails then save them in textexpander NUMBER_TOKEN. trigger just type a few characters and watch the snippet automatically expand your text now you can fill in the blank on forms or perform far more complex functionalities to customize your messaging and three share your whole team can take advantage of your saved snippets making them more consistent accurate and current by giving them the right words for every situation use text expanders powerful shortcuts and abbreviations to streamline and speed up everything you type now that's increasing productivity text expanders available on mac windows chrome iphone and ipad show listeners get NUMBER_TOKEN off their first year so visit URL_TOKEN to learn more that's
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN thing we should pause right here right here to hear from this week's podcast sponsor minimize the effort maximize your productivity with textexpander textexpander helps you work faster and smarter so that you can focus your time on the most important work you've got use textexpander for faster results in three easy steps one create make snippets of text for support responses sales outreach or even common emails then save them in textexpander NUMBER_TOKEN. trigger just type a few characters and watch the snippet automatically expand your text now you can fill in the blank on forms or perform far more complex functionalities to customize your messaging and three share your whole team can take advantage of your saved snippets making them more consistent accurate and current by giving them the right words for every situation use text expanders powerful shortcuts and abbreviations to streamline and speed up everything you type now that's increasing productivity text expanders available on mac windows chrome iphone and ipad show listeners get NUMBER_TOKEN off their first year so visit URL_TOKEN to learn more that's END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
okay so in today's video i want to share with you my top five favorite things and my top five least favorite things about the all new samsung galaxy tab sNUMBER_TOKEN fe that i have here let's go ahead and jump in
in order to get rebecca to be done playing the piano we have to exit to the main hall and re-enter
you can trade on three
so i decided to expand my horizons and challenge my skills in one of my favorite overrated animes ever titan attack oh my gosh i even made some new friends hi looking for girlfriend and to celebrate gamescom core is releasing limited range hoodies and opening night live t-shirts for your characters they're free to anyone who plays from august NUMBER_TOKENth to the NUMBER_TOKENth and these will not be available after this event so make sure you get in on it click the link in the description to download call for free and join the corex gamescom event while it lasts
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN so i decided to expand my horizons and challenge my skills in one of my favorite overrated animes ever titan attack oh my gosh i even made some new friends hi looking for girlfriend and to celebrate gamescom core is releasing limited range hoodies and opening night live t-shirts for your characters they're free to anyone who plays from august NUMBER_TOKENth to the NUMBER_TOKENth and these will not be available after this event so make sure you get in on it click the link in the description to download call for free and join the corex gamescom event while it lasts END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
um and and society needs your intelligence but you better look the hell out because women have complicated lies and they also have to have a family and you're going to struggle like mad to figure out how to to balance those two things and nobody's going to help you i really don't see what people could be mad about in that video but we actually have some comments to go through and uh yeah a lot of them are not too happy but before we get into it i do want to say thank you to today's sponsor noble gold the media keeps telling us that the economy is roaring right now and if you are interested in the real estate market you will know that houses are selling like hotcakes interest rates are also super low so there are some encouraging things happening out there but at the same time there are concerns namely that the government just printed NUMBER_TOKEN trillion dollars consumer confidence just also hit a NUMBER_TOKEN-year low and inflation is at NUMBER_TOKEN percent and in fact parts of the us are even seeing inflation as high as NUMBER_TOKEN things are kind of all over the place right now so what can you do well the answer is that you can play it safe putting some of your assets into precious metals will keep your money away from volatile markets it's also a way to hedge against inflation which at the end of the day should help you sleep better at night and this month noble gold is giving away a free america the beautiful solid silver NUMBER_TOKEN ounce coin with any qualifying plan you start so talk to an expert at noble gold today and they'll run you through the options that they have to keep your money safe there's no pressure no hassling and no call centers just a chance to speak with someone who actually knows what they're talking about for once and you can get started by calling NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN or by visiting URL_TOKEN all right now let's take a look at some of the salt in the comments section of that jordan peterson clip as finn germrot says jp you're a child also jp you should be a mother to be clear in that clip jordan peterson did not tell women that they should be mothers at NUMBER_TOKEN just that at NUMBER_TOKEN you are a child so your opinion on whether you might want children later on in life it's not really something you can put too much stock into since people change their minds i always wonder scrolling through youtube comments like are people really this dense and bad at comprehension or are they purposely trying to twist people's words it's i don't know which one is worse frankly victoria el sabah says i like how the music indicates that this is supposed to be some meaningful dramatic moment when all it is is just some old man telling women how to be a woman truly inspiring so jordan peterson is a clinical psychologist with many years of experience and a lot of credentials to his name and not only that but just in general he is a best-selling author that has kind of made a name for himself helping people get their lives together so for this commentator to look at jordan peterson and hear what he has to say and their only takeaway to be oh that's just an old man telling me how to be a woman and it's like can you just please for a second put aside your lens of identity politics where you have to break people into race and gender and just realize that this is someone who might have more life experience than you who might be actually trying
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN want to say thank you to today's sponsor noble gold the media keeps telling us that the economy is roaring right now and if you are interested in the real estate market you will know that houses are selling like hotcakes interest rates are also super low so there are some encouraging things happening out there but at the same time there are concerns namely that the government just printed NUMBER_TOKEN trillion dollars consumer confidence just also hit a NUMBER_TOKEN-year low and inflation is at NUMBER_TOKEN percent and in fact parts of the us are even seeing inflation as high as NUMBER_TOKEN things are kind of all over the place right now so what can you do well the answer is that you can play it safe putting some of your assets into precious metals will keep your money away from volatile markets it's also a way to hedge against inflation which at the end of the day should help you sleep better at night and this month noble gold is giving away a free america the beautiful solid silver NUMBER_TOKEN ounce coin with any qualifying plan you start so talk to an expert at noble gold today and they'll run you through the options that they have to keep your money safe there's no pressure no hassling and no call centers just a chance to speak with someone who actually knows what they're talking about for once and you can get started by calling NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN or by visiting URL_TOKEN all right now END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
with his ulti which will also make him always make him fairly viable uh because of the ability that it's so hard to ward against a mercury gank because that means you'd have to put a um ward in between their tier one and tier two tower which is why he is a above average god then we have ourselves the merlin merlin is more annoying than he is great but he is still a good god he does really well around objective fights because of how big arcane stance is with that circle so he does well in the fire giant gold fury fights he does well over in the phoenix defenses and he also does really good because he can instant clear the wave at level one but he actually struggles against quite a few mid mages right now particularly any of them that have long range and so he's going to be over in the a tier next up we have morgana uh this will probably be an uncommon opinion amongst the casual player base so i apologize but i'm trying to keep this uh list as ranked uh tier list as i can since i think ranked is the most you know important way to be looking at these gods morgana is good objectively but she's not as good um as she is in casuals there are ways to counter her there are ways to get all up in her face and knock up immunity her so she can't get you away but a morgana that hits her abilities is still a force to be reckoned with she can still get a lot of damage out even when you try to kill her and she is a a plus tear god she is also a god that has a pretty high skill floor in other words in order to be able to play her at a competent level you have to be pretty decent with her she reminds me a lot actually right now of persephone's old kit where there wasn't a ton of people that were good with persephone but when you find the players that are you go um this is a good god um i see i see now i see what happened here then we've got ourselves a mulan on our list mulan actually does like the solo lane and jungle right now i think she's a better jungler than she is a solo lander although she can get away with the fighter's mask over in the solo lane but i actually think her premier role right now is jungle she gets that jones wrath early gets a lot of cdr the more cdr you get on her the more you get her abilities ranked up faster and ranking up her abilities faster is of course a good thing guys and so that's why we're going to be putting mulan into the a tier and i will be right back after a quick bathroom break we're about i don't know we halfway through this tier list halfway give or take we're making it
now there were sequels made as well in NUMBER_TOKEN which actually got released on the psNUMBER_TOKEN this time as well as the xbox NUMBER_TOKEN. and again a completely different version released for the pc and the psp i'm not going to spend another NUMBER_TOKEN minutes talking about them but overall the console version again is pretty good it definitely feels like a by the numbers sequel but then again considering how solid the first one was there wasn't really any glaring things that needed to be fixed so it just kind of feels like more of the same albeit slightly more polished and better looking i think the biggest improvement is that with the night vision goggles you can now actually see what you're looking at so the world doesn't look like bigfoot's butthole there's some new gadgets in the form of a gun that can shoot from cover which honestly kind of feels like cheating the tactical maps had a bit of a face lift too and you now have to remotely control that uav to spot enemies there's a hell of a lot more action sequences too some of which are actually really and it impressive just really surprised me how a NUMBER_TOKEN year old game stacks up so well when it comes to the presentation one of the missions takes place during a rainstorm and you're cleaning out enemy camps from a chopper with a minigun and the whole thing just looks dope when you're trying to extract at the end of one mission a nearby church suddenly gets bombarded with artillery strikes being completely demolished and i honestly reckon this whole sequence could pass itself off as something made in NUMBER_TOKEN there's even a really badass mission where your helmet is damaged and you're separated from the rest of your squad on the run in the middle of the desert as the rebels hunt you down it's tense challenging and just really fun stay frosty mitchell you've got buku hostiles in the zone and they're all looking for you and the music again is suitably epic stuff i mean it's a aaa game thrilled through
now if i thought it was good looking in all of the stylized artistic renders that you see when cars launched nothing compared with when you actually see one of these in the metal for me and i know looks are very subjective this is a good-looking car but i also think it's edgy and it's different and it just oozes quality for me i think this is one of the most exciting cars currently on sale today it's certainly very very difficult to get your hands on so there's quite a wide range of different spec options with the evNUMBER_TOKEN it starts from the air and goes all the way up to the gt which actually we won't see until next year but more on that later this particular one is a gt line s hit you with the most important number first of all this is going to dent your wallet to the tune of NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN pounds but it is full of spec now this is the rear wheel drive variant now i'm doing evs it's NUMBER_TOKEN kilowatts actually but for old money that's NUMBER_TOKEN bhp if you go for the all-wheel drive version that is dual motor so motor at the back and motor at the front that's NUMBER_TOKEN bhp so a little bit more poke and then the gt that's coming next year oh boy NUMBER_TOKEN bhp that's the one that's going to basically destroy the north to NUMBER_TOKEN time in probably around three seconds this one is just a smidge over five can't wait to see that one but this one intrigues me because it's the rear wheel drive option range-wise now again if i had longer with the car i'd be able to put these numbers to the test but range kia quote NUMBER_TOKEN miles of range with the two-wheel drive version and that dips a little bit to NUMBER_TOKEN miles with the all-wheel drive version we'll talk a little bit more about that once we get driving styling let's just take a walk round i think the front of the car styling wise is right on the money for me i think it looks fantastic i love the new kia logo by the way it's the first kia i've had that's donning that one laser light technology at the front really really cool adaptive lights that we're seeing on lots of high-end cars now sadly i'm not going to have this car overnight so i won't be able to put that to the test but it just i think the the car starts really nicely at the front but as it goes around the back it's got this lovely roof line and then the rear of the car is a challenging design i think you're either going to love it or hate it personally for me i love it the side and rear profile of this car i really like i love the sloping roof line you've got a lot of gloss black trim on the kind of b and c pillars privacy glass and it just makes the paint work stand out really nicely i do really like this little spoiler on the top it's quite subtle but it kind of sticks out at the side there's actually little down lighters underneath it and that just adds an area of interest to this rear kind of hip of the car and then the standout feature i guess is this rear light bar
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN now if i thought it was good looking in all of the stylized artistic renders that you see when cars launched nothing compared with when you actually see one of these in the metal for me and i know looks are very subjective this is a good-looking car but i also think it's edgy and it's different and it just oozes quality for me i think this is one of the most exciting cars currently on sale today it's certainly very very difficult to get your hands on so there's quite a wide range of different spec options with the evNUMBER_TOKEN it starts from the air and goes all the way up to the gt which actually we won't see until next year but more on that later this particular one is a gt line s hit you with the most important number first of all this is going to dent your wallet to the tune of NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN pounds but it is full of spec now this is the rear wheel drive variant now i'm doing evs it's NUMBER_TOKEN kilowatts actually but for old money that's NUMBER_TOKEN bhp if you go for the all-wheel drive version that is dual motor so motor at the back and motor at the front that's NUMBER_TOKEN bhp so a little bit more poke and then the gt that's coming next year oh boy NUMBER_TOKEN bhp that's the one that's going to basically destroy the north to NUMBER_TOKEN time in probably around three seconds this one is just a smidge over five END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
greetings everybody i am here today with another fruit this one is one you may have seen before but weren't sure if you could eat it this guy this is i'm going to read it this is a hard hard name to say uh pura cantha cocconia saying that wrong i'm sure but uh what that translates to is pretty cool this is scarlet firehorn purikantha means fire horn coconia means scarlet and uh this one's pretty interesting because it's closely related to apples well not like closely it's not the same genus but is in the same subtribe it should actually have some similarity to apples i think and that's always cool it's always cool to see something that shares certain characteristics with apples but also is very unique i mean these things do not look like apples but if you get really really close to them kind of looks a little bit like apples and this by the way was sent to me by wanderlust nursery so if you grow plants and are interested in growing this or anything else that might be kind of interesting uh check out URL_TOKEN i'll also put a link in the description below a lot of information that i got about this comes from eat the weeds there's really good article on it so check that out if you want a little bit more information as well this is native to southern europe however it has been brought over to north america and it is very popular in landscaping so if you walk around long enough you'll probably bump into this growing on the street or in somebody's yard i have definitely seen this quite a few times in my life it is edible it actually does contain some vitamins too it's got a lot of vitamin c in it however like their relative apples the seeds are poisonous you don't want to eat those seeds you could probably eat a few of them without any kind of problem like how you can with apples but if you eat like a ton of the seeds you might get sick it does contain a little bit of cyanide in it so you don't want to eat those you want to probably make something with this not eat them raw so i'm going to try it raw
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN and this by the way was sent to me by wanderlust nursery so if you grow plants and are interested in growing this or anything else that might be kind of interesting uh check out URL_TOKEN i'll also put a link in the description below a lot of END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
have um much stronger influence on the broader political argument that people realize i saw you got into it or maybe it was one-sided with alex narata i haven't pronounced his name i'm not trying to disrespect him i just i'm not familiar how to pronounce his name he works at cato i think he's their immigrant guy and what's amazing about kato and other blue pill libertarian outlets someone yesterday on um again on twitter tweeted out this great comment that i retweeted he goes the cathedral still acts as if three people have microphones instead of NUMBER_TOKEN million and they're in the model the dc model and they're not entirely incorrect that basically they can pretend that entire swaths of people don't exist and if your entire mechanism for receiving news is corporate media outlets and not social media you would be oblivious to you know these entire swaths of arguments very famously this was attempted to be done to ron paul during i believe it was his both his campaigns but especially his second campaign and it was jon stewart who's like he just had clip after clip of all these talking heads literally acting as if ron paul didn't exist they put up the polls they'd be like mitt romney ron paul and whoever jon huntsman i remember who was and they'd be like well mitt romney's doing great jon huntsman is right behind it's like we see the name on the screen yeah like they even put it there and and i guess to to try to understand them a little bit better you would have to understand that this was a very successful strategy yes for a very long time it was really not until the internet that this stopped working and that was even true with ron paul the reason ron paul picked up so much steam was because people could just youtube his videos and so it was like oh well you kind of can't stop or at least at the time you couldn't stop that from from being viewed and that was how he was breaking fundraising records at the time um and this was all done online so it wasn't you know like this would have been a very successful way of dealing with ron paul in previous generations and it was done with tremendous effect i mean if you think about like the the john birch society had an incredibly strong grassroots organization they were a serious you know organization that was very ingrained into the american conservative movement and they were completely rooted out because if if you you know bill buckley got him out of national review they weren't going to be on the tv anymore they weren't going to be in the newspapers anymore and that's that's it and all those people were telling you they're a bunch of racists right which isn't even true they were conspiracy kooks but they weren't really racists there was few of them but right there was plenty they did the tap dance sometimes you know you when you have a group there's going to be a bell curve and some are going to be on this edge so i'm giving that at you no but in general what they were was really conspiratorial to in my opinion kind of goofy levels like you know but you know eisenhower
lyrics yeah imagine he got up there and he was like yeah i like it i like it um yeah dude i um i i've seen pete dance in a way he's almost like i never seen him really move in a way that was that tr uh like we're going to be with him you and i are going to be with him at the patrice o'neill benefit which probably is happening it happened two days ago by the time this comes out it happened two days ago january NUMBER_TOKENth it was great great time the benefit is a good cause i started vomiting on the front row it was a whole it was don julio again me and sal went out we got trash we lit derose's bar on fire uh i forgot it that's NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. it happened it happened but it was a great show it's in a week it was a great great show the mayor showed up matteo lane's on it mateo boss yeah i'm trying to think of a beautiful body uh uh still of course uh yeah i'm forgetting everybody who's on it i don't know um but um but yeah i uh i i you know i feel like by the way we were talking about um the other day uh last episode we were talking about uh succession yeah macaulay culkin's little brother kieran kieran called me i think he's earned his name bro kieran culkin he'll always be he's like he's literally like winning everyone he's like mccall he called his little brother yeah and mcauley's last like you know yeah that's PROFANITY_TOKEN funny call i had the same birthday as macaulay culkin august NUMBER_TOKENth you know imagine you have the same birthday as karen culkin that'd be wild pull it up pull it up kieran culkin's birthday may NUMBER_TOKENth is what i'm guessing oh i guess uh september NUMBER_TOKENth okay uh september thirtieth night september NUMBER_TOKENth wow i mean dude within five days that odds are not not good not good the fact that i'm older than macaulay culkin's little brother is wild he's NUMBER_TOKEN babe i'm NUMBER_TOKEN. you're not older i'm younger sorry about that don julio babe draftkings i've talked about it i love it you know now if you can just if you bet new customers if you bet just five dollars on any nba i know what you're gonna say what you could win up to a hundred and fifty dollars in money to wager with i thought did you know that because i use it and we shout them out all the time and i think it's just a great great opportunity to make money from five dollars yeah what what five dollars do you know the math on that five turning into NUMBER_TOKEN is i think it's three thousand percent yes it's a three thousand percent increase i think if i'm doing quick math listen draftking is the best um and if you download
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN babe draftkings i've talked about it i love it you know now if you can just if you bet new customers if you bet just five dollars on any nba i know what you're gonna say what you could win up to a hundred and fifty dollars in money to wager with i thought did you know that because i use it and we shout them out all the time and i think it's just a great great opportunity to make money from five dollars yeah what what five dollars do you know the math on that five turning into NUMBER_TOKEN is i think it's three thousand percent yes it's a three thousand percent increase i think if i'm doing quick math listen draftking is the best um and if you download END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
that video was captured over the weekend in portland oregon also known as china NUMBER_TOKEN our communist utopia uh i find it funny that the antifa van that crashed and was then broken into and flipped over by proud voice has a disabled placard on it as if we didn't know that all antifa uh not only being transsexuals or homosexuals are also disabled and i'm not making fun of that i just i know that's the truthful statement uh over the weekend um our reporter savannah hernandez also our resident producer was there to capture all of the madness uh she was mace in the face and we just want to check in with you yeah after getting that cream all over uh the eyes and i saw the pictures are you doing okay yeah you know i'm doing okay it hurt a little bit i would say uh luckily for me every single one of our reporting friends was there to take photos and videos as i screamed in pain because my face i told you you'd be happier at home you'd be happier at home which way western one i know i i chose career and i got a mason the freaking face so shout out to the proud boys for that one which way western woman welcome back to slightly offensive the best worst show on blaze tv with your top NUMBER_TOKEN host me elijah schaefer where we always have confetti of color i'm joined in the studio by the lovely and beautiful sydney watson from the cleverly named show sydney watson welcome back thanks for having me i am so clever oh i got my own confetti confetti of color everyone gets confetti beautiful for the first time we also have our uh guest long-term friend and communications director uh for congress aka the actual federal congress lisa reynolds welcome to slightly offensive for the first time thanks for having me guys and i'm so excited i always wanted confetti honestly i've been i've been really jealous that everybody got confident they didn't get the cream to the face but you did get the confetti choose confetti every time you know the other alternative one's politically correct the other one burns off your face uh today we've got a lot that we're gonna be covering including of course these updates with antifa we're gonna be looking a little bit uh at the madness and the chaos unfolding around the world it's just a reminder to continue to arm yourselves and uh become a prepper um before we jump into anything i gotta tell you guys this is a true story i am so excited to introduce a new sponsor of my show today and before you make any judgments just trust me on this okay this is fake mask usa a lot of you guys don't like masks i don't like masks i think they're stupid which is actually why fake mask usa also thinks that way they still NUMBER_TOKEN compliant face mask but here's the deal okay here's the deal much like other cloth face masks that exist these masks do nothing for your health at all literally zero um but what they what they do do is they get you into schools
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN um before we jump into anything i gotta tell you guys this is a true story i am so excited to introduce a new sponsor of my show today and before you make any judgments just trust me on this okay this is fake mask usa a lot of you guys don't like masks i don't like masks i think they're stupid which is actually why fake mask usa also thinks that way they still NUMBER_TOKEN compliant face mask but here's the deal okay here's the deal much like other cloth face masks that exist these masks do nothing for your health at all literally zero um but what they what they do do is they get you into schools END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
is being worked on by the people over at dice i think that sends a very clear message dice aren't leaving this project they're going to be working on it for a very long time and by the sounds of things ea is effectively saying to them well this has to be made good and it's going to be a long time before we see dice work on other projects i feel and i'll be honest with you i don't think that's a bad thing listen you know i'm upset with battlefield i don't think it's a necessarily good title i don't think NUMBER_TOKEN is the title i wanted it to be a grounded gritty more visceral shooter and that's okay i've moved on from battlefield i'm carrying on doing what i'm doing but i'll never count them out because even with all the mistakes even with all the things that go wrong you know battlefield is like a spinning coin the way it lands gets very tricky to judge sometimes i know it seems very inconceivable now that we'll talk about NUMBER_TOKEN in a positive light but we felt that way about battlefield NUMBER_TOKEN in the early days and yes whilst i know NUMBER_TOKEN doesn't seem to have much of a game vision in comparison to bfNUMBER_TOKEN if substantial decisions are made to rework systems and change how operators work and specialists work and just really grab the game by the scruff of the neck shake it and say we will change anything and everything to get it right then i'm not gonna say no that is an option so in the short term expect to see a NUMBER_TOKEN slash battlefield battle royale i think that's inevitable it'll be headed up by a different studio so there'll be a bit more confidence in it and if they get the live service correct and they do have this great networking system now of updating the game without requiring an actual physical update like warzone does then it could be a good product so wait and see as for NUMBER_TOKEN who knows it's a bit of a guess so folks i hope you enjoyed this video as always thank you for watching and i'll catch you in the next one
um whatever's just like a sweet like you're there pool drink done and you're good to go if that was the case you might be better off using a weapon you could handle in one hand seriously you've posted this in real life right you might just want to hold on your hand really because the other thing potions would it change the way you fight and you're really like more than you might think because if you know you could heal yourself that means you could knowingly yourself get hit to defeat your opponent and so say i'm fighting an opponent and i had a potion in this hand and i just wanted to kill him let's just get this over with so i'm just gonna instead of not even bothering to block him i run in and let him say get me in the side she's like kill him and then just yeah that worked i'm done like so just having get ready to heal yourself and take a hit is uh a game changer it would change the way you fight and i think that tactic would work if you needed to swig or drink the whole thing like just so you could do a small thing or the whole thing where you take a big hit that's fine yeah kill your opponents get a head shot or something like that our winning move and he's like oh good i'm better done the other way potions would really affect combat is uh you would need to focus on death blows instant kills far more if you knew that your opponent might have a healing potion ready to go uh you know the skit that we did in the other potion video where yeah go watch if you haven't watched it but it's related to instant killing and you know you can't really drink a potion if you're decapitated right so that might be a focus you like you'd actually focus on different types of killing shots or targets to prevent them from drinking a potion and i think opponents would be fighting you that way if they could see that i don't have anywhere to put this i just
a few weeks ago when i was approached by mr beast and his team to potentially help support their massive ocean cleanup that they call tmcs i immediately said yes they are trying to raise NUMBER_TOKEN million dollars by the end of this year in order to remove NUMBER_TOKEN million pounds of plastic and trash from the oceans as well as from rivers and also from beaches this project has the potential to truly change the planet but we need your help every donation counts i mean it if you donate even just a single dollar to team seas a full pound of trash and plastic will get removed from the ocean guaranteed so if you want to be a part of team seas with me and mr beast and hundreds of other content creators and youtubers and people all around the planet go to URL_TOKEN today and give what you can thank you so that's going to do it guys if you got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already the next time the like button is late for their flight offer to give them a ride to the airport but make sure you sneak several three and a half ounce containers of toothpaste into their luggage also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly one or two video uploads we are now selling merchandise like flannels and hats and sweatshirts and all sorts of stuff if you're interested go to URL_TOKEN if you want to learn about upcoming deals and promotions for our shop go to our shop's instagram page the username is shop mr ballen if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's mr ballen i also have tons of content over on tick tock where my username is also mr ballen we also have a second youtube channel just called mr ball and shorts where we post random short videos and lost episodes we also have a facebook page where we post condensed versions of the longer episodes you see on youtube and that is just called mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube facebook or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's gonna do it see ya
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN a few weeks ago when i was approached by mr beast and his team to potentially help support their massive ocean cleanup that they call tmcs i immediately said yes they are trying to raise NUMBER_TOKEN million dollars by the end of this year in order to remove NUMBER_TOKEN million pounds of plastic and trash from the oceans as well as from rivers and also from beaches this project has the potential to truly change the planet but we need your help every donation counts i mean it if you donate even just a single dollar to team seas a full pound of trash and plastic will get removed from the ocean guaranteed so if you want to be a part of team seas with me and mr beast and hundreds of other content creators and youtubers and people all around the planet go to URL_TOKEN today and give what you can thank you so that's going to do it guys if you got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already the next time the like button is late for their flight offer to give them a ride to the airport but make sure you sneak several three and a half ounce containers of toothpaste into their luggage also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly one or two video uploads we are now selling merchandise like flannels and hats and sweatshirts and all sorts of stuff if you're interested go to URL_TOKEN if you want to learn about upcoming deals and promotions for our shop go to our shop's instagram page the username is shop mr ballen if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username for both platforms is the same it's mr ballen i also have tons of content over on tick tock where my username is also mr ballen we also have a second youtube channel just called mr ball and shorts where we post random short videos and lost episodes we also have a facebook page where we post condensed versions of the longer episodes you see on youtube and that is just called mr ballen if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballin it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on instagram twitter tick tock reddit youtube facebook or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's gonna do it see ya END_SPONSOR_TOKEN
what happened it was all in my face and i reacted congratulations on being first out here's a thousand dollars NUMBER_TOKEN of you remain what's an exact lamborghini from that man i know not too bad carl someone's eliminated oh i feel bad for them NUMBER_TOKEN left i'm not going to be one of them i think a lot of people are going to start slipping up because my brain's already slipping up it's only been three hours raise your right hand if you're hungry one of these times we're gonna get someone anyways we brought you all pizza give me a second crush it back oh yeah good stuff i'm hoping that while they're all eating some people slip up and take their hands off and with so many people packed together it didn't take long for something to happen somebody stepped on my foot i moved my hand i got to see my kid though it's harder than it looks to remember not to use one of your hands all it takes is one little slip up and one of our NUMBER_TOKEN cameras will catch it the water bottle falls yep you go to pick it up you then stare at the camera whoever gets out next gets a special prize but you have NUMBER_TOKEN seconds NUMBER_TOKEN. it is a brand new nissan congratulations on the brand new car later nerds drivers off i don't know where we're going and in case you're wondering every single person on that lamborghini is walking away with the prize you should subscribe so you can compete in one of these videos it's almost midnight and i'm gonna give them sleeping bags because i want them to fall asleep and accidentally take their hand off the lamborghini who wants a sleeping bag there you go they did not mean to hit them in the nuts there's some sleeping bags all right everybody get a good night's rest i think these guys in the ground definitely have a top-tier strategy we don't trust ourselves sleeping because our hands are gonna move it turns out he was right someone fell asleep and i don't feel like waking him up i'm gonna give him a thousand dollars with this sticky note
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN you should subscribe so you can compete in one of these END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
the ocean's creatures may freak out some people but the water should scare you the most out in the sea gigantic rogue waves form and give sailors nightmares just thinking about them they can easily reach the height of several stories making them the deadliest part of the sea from watching multiple waves hit your cabin window to wedding crashers here are NUMBER_TOKEN rogue waves you wouldn't believe if not filmed luckily you're safe from these waves as long as you're far from the coast so don't worry about one rolling your way while watching this video number NUMBER_TOKEN accident mavericks with the biggest surf competition happening at mavericks beach california it makes sense lots of people will attend unfortunately the crowd got a little more than what they expected on a february morning in NUMBER_TOKEN. the tides grew large that day and some waves were big enough to crash into spectators who thought they stood in a safe area even the stage and sound equipment got hit hard the NUMBER_TOKEN-foot waves injured NUMBER_TOKEN people while knocking down around NUMBER_TOKEN people the only serious injuries were a broken leg a broken ankle and few others who needed to go to the hospital before we move on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now so you never miss a video number nine surfing a monster wave surfer nathan florence made headlines all over the scene after tackling an insane wave at chopu the last time someone had attracted attention to this location was surf legend andy irons tim bonathan filmed the entire event a thick wall of water left several other surfers out of the way before it starts breaking then florence takes it for a ride now surrounded by a tunnel of rushing water he gracefully glides across the wall bonnethan now at the crest of the wave barely captures florence as he rides out of the wave and celebrates his successful surf number NUMBER_TOKEN conquering massive waves it's hard for extreme surfers to deny the greatness of riding a rogue wave a surfing youtuber named jacuzzi surfer shows us how far they go to catch monster waves traveling to nazareth portugal where some of the most giant waves have occurred he and his crew caught waves that were NUMBER_TOKEN feet high which were almost as tall as a six-story building he goes down the tower of water as it grows into a mountain then the water breaks into a foamy and salty avalanche that almost consumes him of course surfing these kinds of waves is filled with danger but to say you've ridden out a NUMBER_TOKEN-foot wave seems pretty worth the bragging rights number seven giant wave off california coast catching an enormous rogue wave on camera doesn't often happen because they're unpredictable and really only happen in the deeper waters however a california man seized the opportunity to film a gigantic wave in NUMBER_TOKEN. uploaded by user agiasium he captures a rogue wave forming near the piedras blancas lighthouse according to him nobody he knew had ever seen a wave like this one he claims that the wave was about NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN feet high though it's hard to tell with something so far away from the camera still the scale of the wave in the clip makes the estimate a likely possibility he fortunately caught it in time because it quickly broke and disappeared if it really was more than
START_INTERACTION_TOKEN before we move on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now so you never miss a video number END_INTERACTION_TOKEN
one time one time in college
are giving him a precious thing which is yourself not just your body but you're giving him yourself and he's giving you a precious thing which is his himself his loyalty his faithfulness to you and uh there's absolutely no reason to think you know you could make the argument the other way that because he has had experience he won't be tempted to cheat on you because he already knows what else is out there which is a perfectly fine argument pretty girls are always a temptation but i think i agree i believe you that he's not going to cheat on you so you really have nothing to worry about you have to forget the past i understand you're feeling jealous about those other women that that's perfectly natural but most many people have that experience and you just have to let the past go and begin from here you really have to let this go you have to do it as a conscious effort you have to teach yourself to do it you don't have to you shouldn't take it out on him you shouldn't make him convince you to do it you have to do it you have to let his past go and enjoy this new adventure that you both are having in your life uh from howard from time to time some of us go back and reread the classics i do this a lot uh i have a long list of classics i'd like to read a second time now that i'm retired and have a bit more time to devote to reading which makes me wonder do you ever go back and reread the books you have authored oh that's okay that was a surprise question i occasionally read portions of what i have written tell you my experience i'll tell you my experience every time i read a book that i wrote in the past every time i have the same experience i read it and i think wow i was great then i could really write what happened to me how how where did my talent go i was so great then and it doesn't matter when the book was written it could have been written last week i say the same oh man now i stink and then i was great so so it's not really all that useful for me to read uh go back in the past when i'm writing a series as i am now with the the sequels to when christmas comes the cameron winter books i go back and read it to catch up with the character to remind myself of who the character is to remind myself of his thoughts what he was thinking the last time i saw him and all that but i rarely you know by the time i a book comes out i have read it from cover to cover maybe NUMBER_TOKEN times i mean i've read it a lot of times so when i go back and look at it i really remember it well it's not like i think like oh i don't remember writing that i mean i've read these books a lot i am a inveterate rewriter i do nothing but rewrite books so you know i don't really go back and and read them cover to cover but i do go back from time to time and think how did i do that how did i accomplish that every time i beat myself up about it and i always think like i had more uh
in this video i'm going to show you how NUMBER_TOKEN billion dollars of market value was created and destroyed within NUMBER_TOKEN minutes i'm going to show you exactly how to identify what happened so that you could prevent getting taken advantage of and i'm going to show you this by showing you exactly how you too can trojan horse the media and how the system actually works let's get right into it right after i mentioned that if you like my perspective make sure to check out the programs on building your wealth link down below there's a NUMBER_TOKEN off coupon that does expire on september NUMBER_TOKENth the price does go up every single time a coupon code expires so lock in your price today you get lifetime access to the content in the course and for the foreseeable future i will be including for free private live streams every day the market is open i have no intention of ending these anytime but of course i won't do those forever i can't commit my life to those forever but i have been doing these for two and a half years and i plan to keep doing them so look forward to seeing you check out that program link down below and lock in that price today and we'll get to hang out for quite a while all right folks let's get into the video hey everyone meet kevin here so litecoin partners with walmart or does it let's talk about this because a litecoin is designed to be one of those altcoins that processes transactions faster and more cheaply than coins like bitcoin which is notorious for being a secure but slightly too slow for actual transactions or normal transactions day-to-day transactions and this is where litecoin had a lot of euphoria over the idea that walmart would accept litecoin over other coins like ethereum or cardano's ada ada for processing payments online it was really an incredible news story that broke and it was a story that kind of took markets by storm i mean look at this all you had to do was type in walmart litecoin into google and look you had reuters walmart to accept litecoin payments they even had a quote from the ceo on this article cnbc's covering it the streets covering it i mean all almost all of the uh the news publications were all of a sudden covering that litecoin and walmart had entered into a partnership i was getting alerts on the bloomberg terminal left and right about this partnership and this morning in the live stream uh in the market open live stream which we do every day the market opens we noticed all of a sudden bitcoin surging all of the coins were surging litecoin was of course surging and it happened just one minute after market open and that's because this news alert about this litecoin walmart partnership came out one minute after market open but the problem is the story ended up being completely fake and in this video i'm going to give you a brief overview of litecoin but then i'm going to show you how you can spot fake news like this and i'm going to give you an idea in terms of how you can juke the system which is also going to be a way for you to identify if something's a little sketch or not but first let me give you a very brief overview of what the heck litecoin is and then we'll
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN out the programs on building your wealth link down below there's a NUMBER_TOKEN off coupon that does expire on september NUMBER_TOKENth the price does go up every single time a coupon code expires so lock in your price today you get lifetime access to the content in the course and for the foreseeable future i will be including for free private live streams every day the market is open i have no intention of ending these anytime but of course i won't do those forever i can't commit my life to those forever but i have been doing these for two and a half years and i plan to keep doing them so look forward to seeing you check out that program link down below and lock in that price today and we'll get to hang out for quite a while all right folks let's get into the video hey everyone END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
is a good call they're playing it so they're aware of it i'm gonna go with kenshin because i did almost play that game on on mobile i'm gonna stick with pokemon just uh just uh have some spice for it so i so badly wanted to connect that game to uh my luna controller and like have my phone mounted so i can play against in my bed that was my dream and i couldn't figure out how to make my luna controller work i'm sure there's an app for it hit me up in my dms i guess uh next up we got best indie for outstanding creative and technical achievement in a game made outside the traditional publisher system NUMBER_TOKEN minutes death's door inscription canon bridge of spirits and loop hero i'm going cana my prediction is death store even though personally i'd go inscription i'm going with death's door i think this is another game that people recognize hoping to see at least an indie title b in the best in the game of the year overall category i think death store will win this one yeah i feel like there's enough conversation around it even like after it come out too and i this is the only category it's been nominated for and i think a lot of people will recognize that and be like yeah this needs to be given the love where it's like kana i don't i don't really remember like how how big of a conversation there was about around that game of quality other than man this game is harder than we thought it would be you know yeah um i love you for NUMBER_TOKEN minutes here and being like the main character in the middle of being choked out by willem dafoe uh the next up we got best ongoing game awarded to a game for outstanding development of ongoing content that evolves the player experience over time apex legends final fantasy NUMBER_TOKEN fortnite gunshin impact call of duty warzone final fantasy NUMBER_TOKEN online here's the thing yeah the the answer for me is apex legends because of apex arenas and that that game bringing arenas into the game was a big addition and it's fun and it's great and it breathes new life into apex for me apex is not going to win though so i'm not going to predict it my prediction is going to be an engine impact whoa
okay so let me tell you why this camera matters we got full frame NUMBER_TOKEN megapixels it's got a flippy screen it's got NUMBER_TOKEN bit NUMBER_TOKEN video codecs the camera feels like a sony aNUMBER_TOKENsNUMBER_TOKEN or an aNUMBER_TOKEN in the hand so the ergonomics are really nice we got NUMBER_TOKENk NUMBER_TOKEN frames per second but it does have a little bit of a crop we got record functions in better spots quick switch for photo and video here right on the top we got the sensor from the sony aNUMBER_TOKEN and we got five axis in body stabilization focus mapping and a pretty decent price point so sony's best-selling camera of all time was this one right here this is the sony aNUMBER_TOKEN iii i think this converted a lot of people over to sony and just mirrorless shooters in general and now we have the next generation in that lineup the sony aNUMBER_TOKEN i'm kind of holding this awkward here there we go before we get into these tests i do want to announce that my animated title pack is now live so if you guys want to speed up your workflow with titles in premiere pro you can check out the links in the description they are drag and drop fully customizable and they were designed in-house by our editor lucas who is behind the camera right now so if you guys want to support this channel and this review links are in the description to buy that title pack and if you use the coupon code youtube on checkout you will save NUMBER_TOKEN let's jump into this review so the target market for this camera is hybrid shooters that means people who take both photos and create videos someone like myself alright so let's jump into some of these photo specs so this camera right here is a NUMBER_TOKEN megapixel full frame i'll show you full frame sensor here are some of the photos that i've taken with it so far okay so the aNUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN the generation right before was a NUMBER_TOKEN megapixel camera in my personal opinion NUMBER_TOKEN megapixels is the sweet spot now i do own the sony aNUMBER_TOKEN which is NUMBER_TOKEN megapixels this is like a bit too much for NUMBER_TOKEN megapixels if you have just enough and on the sony aNUMBER_TOKENs NUMBER_TOKEN which we're shooting on right now it's NUMBER_TOKEN megapixels so you have no room for cropping NUMBER_TOKEN megapixels is literally the sweet spot so sony you nailed it there camera shoots NUMBER_TOKEN frames per second with af and ae tracking so NUMBER_TOKEN frames per second isn't something new we've seen this on the sony aNUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN and here both cameras literally sounds identical so sony is claiming that the aNUMBER_TOKEN does NUMBER_TOKEN stops at dynamic range which is one stop more than we saw in the aNUMBER_TOKEN iii but i cannot show you any tests because the file cannot open up in lightroom at this current time because the camera is too new so you're gonna just have to trust what sony says and they're engineers so sony claims that it can shoot NUMBER_TOKEN raw and jpeg photos before it needs to buffer so i thought i'd just do a quick test here we have NUMBER_TOKEN photos left on this super fast sd card by the way so let's just let's just try this
START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN i do want to announce that my animated title pack is now live so if you guys want to speed up your workflow with titles in premiere pro you can check out the links in the description they are drag and drop fully customizable and they were designed in-house by our editor lucas who is behind the camera right now so if you guys want to support this channel and this review links are in the description to buy that title pack and if you use the coupon code youtube on checkout you will save NUMBER_TOKEN let's jump into this review so END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN
you PROFANITY_TOKEN headbutted the trap again it's like a shitty what the PROFANITY_TOKEN the drone is highlighting you you PROFANITY_TOKEN idiot oh there's a drone yes oh my god people play crypto oh my god shoot him then instantly swap your gun yeah shot him you hold him for like
see it's like whatever mia is doing with her hands the members whatever they're doing the choreography helps highlight what she's doing it's very magical see their heads and then when she does her hands their heads go oh yeah that's what that's what's happening as she's doing that their heads kind of go in to hold this it's very cool she's captain of this formation nice
next i gotta tell you about athletic greens we're all getting shredded out here and i'm a big fan i've been using it every day and i've also been getting made fun of because i'm big on the measuring cup i went drinking out of the measuring cup i did one i don't know what that has to do with i did worse one worse than that so i've been drinking the athletic greens every day yeah and i got a two hour pop and i cut the top off and i've been drinking out of this get a shaker cup off amazon for ten dollars like every other person on earth stirring the athletic grief you stirred you psychos dude get a shaker cup on amazon so you shake it it's like dude that stuff doesn't stir well you have to shake it i shake it sometimes when i put my hand on top of it but i've also been stirring it in like the duo not stir well well well mostly what i do sometimes is i do the bottle and i shake it up right which is fine but i i don't have a fancy so not everyone has a fancy shake of course yeah they're eight dollars on amazon well we're not we're not here to talk about your fancy shake up cubs we're talking about athletic greens that i've been using every day i've been taking every day too love it yeah i'm big on it for better gut health more energy optimized immune system if you hated taking pills and vitamins and you want a supplement that actually tastes great and you sort of look forward to drinking it which is actually kind of the way you do with like coffee or something where you go oh yeah i haven't taken it and you're like sweet i forgot yeah yeah kind of pumped about it so what is this stuff with one delicious scoop of athletic greens you're absorbing NUMBER_TOKEN high quality vitamins minerals whole foods source superfoods probiotics and adaptogens to help start your day right this special blend of ingredients supports your gut health your nervous system your immune system your energy recovery focus and aging so why not get on it it's a better sleep and recovery mental clarity and alertness and your subscription comes with a year's supply of vitamin d which is important to add in these winter months when you don't get as much sunlight if you're being a lump you're sitting there playing video games you know you're not having a good outside regiment athletic greens is over seven thousand five star reviews it's recommended by professional athletes so right now it's time to reclaim your health and arm your immune system with convenient daily nutrition especially heading into the flu and cold season it's just one scoop in a cup of water every day that's it no need for a million different pills and supplements to look out for your health all you need is in danny's case a fancy shaker cup or in my case a two liter bottle uh what used to be orange soda that you cut the tip off yeah you you you cut your hand trying to cut it too and there's blood on the side because it was pretty messy cutting it athletic greens has given you free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin d and five free travel packs with your first purchase all you have to do is visit URL_TOKEN boyscast again
START_SPONSOR_TOKEN next i gotta tell you about athletic greens we're all getting shredded out here and i'm a big fan i've been using it every day and i've also been getting made fun of because i'm big on the measuring cup i went drinking out of the measuring cup i did one i don't know what that has to do with i did worse one worse than that so i've been drinking the athletic greens every day yeah and i got a two hour pop and i cut the top off and i've been drinking out of this get a shaker cup off amazon for ten dollars like every other person on earth stirring the athletic grief you stirred you psychos dude get a shaker cup on amazon so you shake it it's like dude that stuff doesn't stir well you have to shake it i shake it sometimes when i put my hand on top of it but i've also been stirring it in like the duo not stir well well well mostly what i do sometimes is i do the bottle and i shake it up right which is fine but i i don't have a fancy so not everyone has a fancy shake of course yeah they're eight dollars on amazon well we're not we're not here to talk about your fancy shake up cubs we're talking about athletic greens that i've been using every day i've been taking every day too love it yeah i'm big on it for better gut health more energy optimized immune system if you hated taking pills and vitamins and you want a supplement that actually tastes great and you sort of look forward to drinking it which is actually kind of the way you do with like coffee or something where you go oh yeah i haven't taken it and you're like sweet i forgot yeah yeah kind of pumped about it so what is this stuff with one delicious scoop of athletic greens you're absorbing NUMBER_TOKEN high quality vitamins minerals whole foods source superfoods probiotics and adaptogens to help start your day right this special blend of ingredients supports your gut health your nervous system your immune system your energy recovery focus and aging so why not get on it it's a better sleep and recovery mental clarity and alertness and your subscription comes with a year's supply of vitamin d which is important to add in these winter months when you don't get as much sunlight if you're being a lump you're sitting there playing video games you know you're not having a good outside regiment athletic greens is over seven thousand five star reviews it's recommended by professional athletes so right now it's time to reclaim your health and arm your immune system with convenient daily nutrition especially heading into the flu and cold season it's just one scoop in a cup of water every day that's it no need for a million different pills and supplements to look out for your health all you need is in danny's case a fancy shaker cup or in my case a two liter bottle uh what used to be orange soda that you cut the tip off yeah you you you cut your hand trying to cut it too and there's blood on the side because it was pretty messy cutting it athletic greens has given you free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin d and five free travel packs with your first purchase all you have to do is visit URL_TOKEN boyscast again END_SPONSOR_TOKEN