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when the ashes in the censer fly up into the air without any cause , and are scattered about , it is a sign that great danger is threatening . nearly two - hundred years ago an army was fitted out to subdue the island of formosa . the captain 's banner had been dedicated with the blood of a white horse . suddenly the queen of heaven appeared at the tip of the banner - staff . in another moment she had disappeared , but the invasion was successful .
what happened when the queen of heaven appeared at the tip of the banner-staff ?
in another moment she had disappeared , but the invasion was successful .
outcome resolution
on another occasion , in the days of kien lung , the minister dschou ling was ordered to install a new king in the liu - kiu islands . when the fleet was sailing by south of korea , a storm arose , and his ship was driven toward the black whirlpool . the water had the color of ink , sun and moon lost their radiance , and the word was passed about that the ship had been caught in the black whirlpool , from which no living man had ever returned . the seaman and travelers awaited their end with lamentations . suddenly an untold number of lights , like red lanterns , appeared on the surface of the water . then the seamen were overjoyed and prayed in the cabins . " our lives are saved ! " they cried , " the holy mother has come to our aid ! " and truly , a beautiful maiden with golden earrings appeared . she waved her hand in the air and the winds became still and the waves grew even . and it seemed as though the ship were being drawn along by a mighty hand . it moved plashing through the waves , and suddenly it was beyond the limits of the black whirlpool .
what was dschou ling ordered to do ?
install a new king in the liu - kiu islands .
on another occasion , in the days of kien lung , the minister dschou ling was ordered to install a new king in the liu - kiu islands . when the fleet was sailing by south of korea , a storm arose , and his ship was driven toward the black whirlpool . the water had the color of ink , sun and moon lost their radiance , and the word was passed about that the ship had been caught in the black whirlpool , from which no living man had ever returned . the seaman and travelers awaited their end with lamentations . suddenly an untold number of lights , like red lanterns , appeared on the surface of the water . then the seamen were overjoyed and prayed in the cabins . " our lives are saved ! " they cried , " the holy mother has come to our aid ! " and truly , a beautiful maiden with golden earrings appeared . she waved her hand in the air and the winds became still and the waves grew even . and it seemed as though the ship were being drawn along by a mighty hand . it moved plashing through the waves , and suddenly it was beyond the limits of the black whirlpool .
what happened when the fleet was sailing by south of korea ?
a storm arose , and his ship was driven toward the black whirlpool .
outcome resolution
on another occasion , in the days of kien lung , the minister dschou ling was ordered to install a new king in the liu - kiu islands . when the fleet was sailing by south of korea , a storm arose , and his ship was driven toward the black whirlpool . the water had the color of ink , sun and moon lost their radiance , and the word was passed about that the ship had been caught in the black whirlpool , from which no living man had ever returned . the seaman and travelers awaited their end with lamentations . suddenly an untold number of lights , like red lanterns , appeared on the surface of the water . then the seamen were overjoyed and prayed in the cabins . " our lives are saved ! " they cried , " the holy mother has come to our aid ! " and truly , a beautiful maiden with golden earrings appeared . she waved her hand in the air and the winds became still and the waves grew even . and it seemed as though the ship were being drawn along by a mighty hand . it moved plashing through the waves , and suddenly it was beyond the limits of the black whirlpool .
what did the seamen and travelers do when the ship was caught in the black whirlpool ?
awaited their end with lamentations .
on another occasion , in the days of kien lung , the minister dschou ling was ordered to install a new king in the liu - kiu islands . when the fleet was sailing by south of korea , a storm arose , and his ship was driven toward the black whirlpool . the water had the color of ink , sun and moon lost their radiance , and the word was passed about that the ship had been caught in the black whirlpool , from which no living man had ever returned . the seaman and travelers awaited their end with lamentations . suddenly an untold number of lights , like red lanterns , appeared on the surface of the water . then the seamen were overjoyed and prayed in the cabins . " our lives are saved ! " they cried , " the holy mother has come to our aid ! " and truly , a beautiful maiden with golden earrings appeared . she waved her hand in the air and the winds became still and the waves grew even . and it seemed as though the ship were being drawn along by a mighty hand . it moved plashing through the waves , and suddenly it was beyond the limits of the black whirlpool .
how did the seamen and travelers feel when the ship was caught in the black whirlpool ?
scared .
on another occasion , in the days of kien lung , the minister dschou ling was ordered to install a new king in the liu - kiu islands . when the fleet was sailing by south of korea , a storm arose , and his ship was driven toward the black whirlpool . the water had the color of ink , sun and moon lost their radiance , and the word was passed about that the ship had been caught in the black whirlpool , from which no living man had ever returned . the seaman and travelers awaited their end with lamentations . suddenly an untold number of lights , like red lanterns , appeared on the surface of the water . then the seamen were overjoyed and prayed in the cabins . " our lives are saved ! " they cried , " the holy mother has come to our aid ! " and truly , a beautiful maiden with golden earrings appeared . she waved her hand in the air and the winds became still and the waves grew even . and it seemed as though the ship were being drawn along by a mighty hand . it moved plashing through the waves , and suddenly it was beyond the limits of the black whirlpool .
how did the seamen feel when red lanterns appeared on the surface of the water ?
overjoyed .
on another occasion , in the days of kien lung , the minister dschou ling was ordered to install a new king in the liu - kiu islands . when the fleet was sailing by south of korea , a storm arose , and his ship was driven toward the black whirlpool . the water had the color of ink , sun and moon lost their radiance , and the word was passed about that the ship had been caught in the black whirlpool , from which no living man had ever returned . the seaman and travelers awaited their end with lamentations . suddenly an untold number of lights , like red lanterns , appeared on the surface of the water . then the seamen were overjoyed and prayed in the cabins . " our lives are saved ! " they cried , " the holy mother has come to our aid ! " and truly , a beautiful maiden with golden earrings appeared . she waved her hand in the air and the winds became still and the waves grew even . and it seemed as though the ship were being drawn along by a mighty hand . it moved plashing through the waves , and suddenly it was beyond the limits of the black whirlpool .
what did the beautiful maiden with golden earrings do when she appeared ?
waved her hand in the air and the winds became still and the waves grew even .
dschou ling on his return told of this happening , and begged that temples be erected in honor of the queen of heaven , and that she be included in the list of the gods . and the emperor granted his prayer . since then temples of the queen of heaven are to be found in all sea - port towns , and her birthday is celebrated on the eighth day of the fourth month with spectacles and sacrifices .
how did dschou ling feel when he heard that the queen of heaven saved the seamen ?
grateful .
on another occasion , in the days of kien lung , the minister dschou ling was ordered to install a new king in the liu - kiu islands . when the fleet was sailing by south of korea , a storm arose , and his ship was driven toward the black whirlpool . the water had the color of ink , sun and moon lost their radiance , and the word was passed about that the ship had been caught in the black whirlpool , from which no living man had ever returned . the seaman and travelers awaited their end with lamentations . suddenly an untold number of lights , like red lanterns , appeared on the surface of the water . then the seamen were overjoyed and prayed in the cabins . " our lives are saved ! " they cried , " the holy mother has come to our aid ! " and truly , a beautiful maiden with golden earrings appeared . she waved her hand in the air and the winds became still and the waves grew even . and it seemed as though the ship were being drawn along by a mighty hand . it moved plashing through the waves , and suddenly it was beyond the limits of the black whirlpool .
why were the seamen overjoyed after red lanterns appeared ?
the queen of heaven came to their aid .
causal relationship
dschou ling on his return told of this happening , and begged that temples be erected in honor of the queen of heaven , and that she be included in the list of the gods . and the emperor granted his prayer . since then temples of the queen of heaven are to be found in all sea - port towns , and her birthday is celebrated on the eighth day of the fourth month with spectacles and sacrifices .
what did dschou ling do when he was told of this happening ?
begged that temples be erected in honor of the queen of heaven , and that she be included in the list of the gods .
dschou ling on his return told of this happening , and begged that temples be erected in honor of the queen of heaven , and that she be included in the list of the gods . and the emperor granted his prayer . since then temples of the queen of heaven are to be found in all sea - port towns , and her birthday is celebrated on the eighth day of the fourth month with spectacles and sacrifices .
where were the temples of the queen of heaven built ?
in all sea - port towns .
hans had served his master seven years . at the end of the seventh year he said , " master , my time is up . i want to go home and see my mother , so give me my wages . " " you have served me truly and faithfully , " said the master . " as the service is , so must the wages be , " and he gave him a lump of gold as big as his head . hans pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and tied up the lump of gold in it , hoisted it on his shoulder , and set off on his way home . and as he was trudging along , there came in sight a man riding on a spirited horse , and looking very gay and lively . " oh ! " cried hans aloud , " how splendid riding must be ! sitting as much at one 's ease as in an arm - chair , stumbling over no stones , saving one 's shoes , and getting on one hardly knows how ! " the horseman heard hans say this , and called out to him , " well hans , what are you doing on foot ? "
how long had hans served his master for ?
seven years .
hans had served his master seven years . at the end of the seventh year he said , " master , my time is up . i want to go home and see my mother , so give me my wages . " " you have served me truly and faithfully , " said the master . " as the service is , so must the wages be , " and he gave him a lump of gold as big as his head . hans pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and tied up the lump of gold in it , hoisted it on his shoulder , and set off on his way home . and as he was trudging along , there came in sight a man riding on a spirited horse , and looking very gay and lively . " oh ! " cried hans aloud , " how splendid riding must be ! sitting as much at one 's ease as in an arm - chair , stumbling over no stones , saving one 's shoes , and getting on one hardly knows how ! " the horseman heard hans say this , and called out to him , " well hans , what are you doing on foot ? "
what did the master give to hans ?
a lump of gold as big as his head .
" i ca n't help myself , " said hans , " i have this great lump to carry . to be sure , it is gold , but then i ca n't hold my head straight for it , and it hurts my shoulder . " " i 'll tell you what , " said the horseman , " we will change . i will give you my horse , and you shall give me your lump of gold . " " with all my heart , " said hans . " but i warn you , you will find it heavy . " and the horseman got down and took the gold . helping hans up , he gave the reins into his hand . " when you want to go fast , " said he , " you must click your tongue and cry ' gee - up ! ' "
why did hans complain about carrying the lump of gold ?
it was very heavy .
causal relationship
" i ca n't help myself , " said hans , " i have this great lump to carry . to be sure , it is gold , but then i ca n't hold my head straight for it , and it hurts my shoulder . " " i 'll tell you what , " said the horseman , " we will change . i will give you my horse , and you shall give me your lump of gold . " " with all my heart , " said hans . " but i warn you , you will find it heavy . " and the horseman got down and took the gold . helping hans up , he gave the reins into his hand . " when you want to go fast , " said he , " you must click your tongue and cry ' gee - up ! ' "
who did hans give his lump of gold to ?
the horseman .
and hans , as he sat upon his horse , was glad at heart , and rode off with merry cheer . after a while he thought he should like to go quicker , so he began to click with his tongue and to cry " gee - up ! " and the horse began to trot , and hans was thrown before he knew what was going to happen . there he lay in the ditch by the side of the road . the horse would have got away but that he was caught by a peasant who was passing that way and driving a cow before him . and hans pulled himself together and got upon his feet , feeling very vexed . " poor work , riding , " said he . " especially on a jade like this , who starts off and throws you before you know where you are , going near to break your neck . never shall i try that game again . now , your cow is something worth having . one can jog on comfortably after her and have her milk , butter , and cheese every day , into the bargain . what would i not give to have such a cow ! "
how did hans feel when he sat upon the horse ?
glad at heart .
and hans , as he sat upon his horse , was glad at heart , and rode off with merry cheer . after a while he thought he should like to go quicker , so he began to click with his tongue and to cry " gee - up ! " and the horse began to trot , and hans was thrown before he knew what was going to happen . there he lay in the ditch by the side of the road . the horse would have got away but that he was caught by a peasant who was passing that way and driving a cow before him . and hans pulled himself together and got upon his feet , feeling very vexed . " poor work , riding , " said he . " especially on a jade like this , who starts off and throws you before you know where you are , going near to break your neck . never shall i try that game again . now , your cow is something worth having . one can jog on comfortably after her and have her milk , butter , and cheese every day , into the bargain . what would i not give to have such a cow ! "
who caught the horse ?
a peasant .
" well now , " said the peasant , " since it will be doing you such a favour , i do n't mind exchanging my cow for your horse . " hans agreed most joyfully , and the peasant , swinging himself into the saddle , was soon out of sight . and hans went along driving his cow quietly before him , and thinking all the while of the fine bargain he had made . " with only a piece of bread i shall have everything i can possibly want , for i shall always be able to have butter and cheese to it . if i am thirsty i have nothing to do but to milk my cow . what more is there for heart to wish ! "
what did hans trade his horse for ?
a cow .
and hans , as he sat upon his horse , was glad at heart , and rode off with merry cheer . after a while he thought he should like to go quicker , so he began to click with his tongue and to cry " gee - up ! " and the horse began to trot , and hans was thrown before he knew what was going to happen . there he lay in the ditch by the side of the road . the horse would have got away but that he was caught by a peasant who was passing that way and driving a cow before him . and hans pulled himself together and got upon his feet , feeling very vexed . " poor work , riding , " said he . " especially on a jade like this , who starts off and throws you before you know where you are , going near to break your neck . never shall i try that game again . now , your cow is something worth having . one can jog on comfortably after her and have her milk , butter , and cheese every day , into the bargain . what would i not give to have such a cow ! " " well now , " said the peasant , " since it will be doing you such a favour , i do n't mind exchanging my cow for your horse . " hans agreed most joyfully , and the peasant , swinging himself into the saddle , was soon out of sight . and hans went along driving his cow quietly before him , and thinking all the while of the fine bargain he had made . " with only a piece of bread i shall have everything i can possibly want , for i shall always be able to have butter and cheese to it . if i am thirsty i have nothing to do but to milk my cow . what more is there for heart to wish ! "
why did hans trade his horse for the cow ?
because the horse was difficult to ride .
causal relationship
and when he came to an inn he made a halt , and in the joy of his heart ate up all the food he had brought with him , dinner and supper and all . he bought half a glass of beer with his last two farthings . then on he went again driving his cow , until he should come to the village where his mother lived . it was now near the middle of the day , and the sun grew hotter and hotter . hans found himself on a heath which it would be an hour 's journey to cross . and he began to feel very hot , and so thirsty that his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth .
what did hans buy with his last two farthings ?
a half a glass of beer .
and when he came to an inn he made a halt , and in the joy of his heart ate up all the food he had brought with him , dinner and supper and all . he bought half a glass of beer with his last two farthings . then on he went again driving his cow , until he should come to the village where his mother lived . it was now near the middle of the day , and the sun grew hotter and hotter . hans found himself on a heath which it would be an hour 's journey to cross . and he began to feel very hot , and so thirsty that his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth .
how did hans begin to feel ?
very hot , and so thirsty that his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth .
" never mind , " said hans . " i can find a remedy . i will milk my cow at once . " and tying her to a dry tree , and taking off his leather cap to serve for a pail , he began to milk , but not a drop came . and as he set to work rather awkwardly , the impatient beast gave him such a kick on the head with his hind foot that he fell to the ground . for some time could not think where he was . when luckily there came by a butcher who was wheeling along a young pig in a wheelbarrow . " here 's a fine piece of work ! " cried he , helping poor hans on his legs again . then hans related to him all that had happened . the butcher handed him his pocket - flask , saying , " here , take a drink , and be a man again . of course the cow would give no milk . she is old and only fit to draw burdens , or to be slaughtered . "
who came by wheeling along a pig in a wheelbarrow ?
a butcher .
" well , to be sure , " said hans , scratching his head . " who would have thought it ? of course it is a very handy way of getting meat when a man has a beast of his own to kill . for my part i do not care much about cow beef , it is rather tasteless . now , if i had but a young pig , that is much better meat , and then the sausages ! " " look here , hans , " said the butcher , " just for love of you i will exchange , and will give you my pig instead of your cow . " " heaven reward such kindness ! " cried hans . handing over the cow , he received in exchange the pig , who was turned out of his wheelbarrow and was to be led by a string . so on went hans , thinking how everything turned out according to his wishes , and how , if trouble overtook him , all was sure to be set right directly . after a while he fell in with a peasant , who was carrying a fine white goose under his arm . they bid each other good - day , and hans began to tell about his luck , and how he had made so many good exchanges . and the peasant told how he was taking the goose to a christening feast .
what did the butcher give in exchange for the cow ?
a pig .
" just feel how heavy it is , " said he , taking it up by the wings . " it has been fattening for the last eight weeks . when it is roasted , wo n't the fat run down ! " " yes , indeed , " said hans , weighing it in his hand , " very fine to be sure ; but my pig is not to be despised . " upon which the peasant glanced cautiously on all sides , and shook his head . " i am afraid , " said he , " that there is something not quite right about your pig . in the village i have just left one had actually been stolen from the bailiff 's yard . i fear , i fear you have it in your hand . they have sent after the thief , and it would be a bad look - out for you if it was found upon you . the least that could happen would be to be thrown into a dark hole . " poor hans grew pale with fright . " for heaven 's sake , " said he , " help me out of this scrape , i am a stranger in these parts . take my pig and give me your goose . "
why did the peasant warn that hans could be thrown into a dark hole ?
because the pig he had was stolen .
causal relationship
" just feel how heavy it is , " said he , taking it up by the wings . " it has been fattening for the last eight weeks . when it is roasted , wo n't the fat run down ! " " yes , indeed , " said hans , weighing it in his hand , " very fine to be sure ; but my pig is not to be despised . " upon which the peasant glanced cautiously on all sides , and shook his head . " i am afraid , " said he , " that there is something not quite right about your pig . in the village i have just left one had actually been stolen from the bailiff 's yard . i fear , i fear you have it in your hand . they have sent after the thief , and it would be a bad look - out for you if it was found upon you . the least that could happen would be to be thrown into a dark hole . " poor hans grew pale with fright . " for heaven 's sake , " said he , " help me out of this scrape , i am a stranger in these parts . take my pig and give me your goose . "
what does hans ask for in exchange for his pig ?
a goose .
" it will be running some risk , " answered the man , " but i will do it sooner than that you should come to grief . " and so , taking the cord in his hand , he drove the pig quickly along a by - path . lucky hans went on his way home with the goose under his arm . " the more i think of it , " said he to himself , " the better the bargain seems . first i get the roast goose , then the fat , that will last a whole year for bread and dripping . lastly the beautiful white feathers which i can stuff my pillow with . how comfortably i shall sleep upon it , and how pleased my mother will be ! " and when he reached the last village , he saw a knife - grinder with his barrow . his wheel went whirring round , and he sang , " my scissors i grind , and my wheel i turn . and all good fellows my trade should learn , for all that i meet with just serves my turn . " and hans stood and looked at him . at last he spoke to him and said , " you seem very well off , and merry with your grinding . "
what did the knife-grinder sing ?
my scissors i grind , and my wheel i turn ; and all good fellows my trade should learn , for all that i meet with just serves my turn .
" you must be a knife - grinder like me , " said the man . " all you want is a grindstone , the rest comes of itself : i have one here . to be sure it is a little damaged , but i do n't mind letting you have it in exchange for your goose . what say you ? " " how can you ask ? " answered hans . " i shall be the luckiest fellow in the world . for if i find money whenever i put my hand in my pocket , there is nothing more left to want . " and so he handed over the goose to the pedlar and received the grindstone in exchange . " now , " said the knife - grinder , taking up a heavy common stone that lay near him , " here is another proper sort of stone that will stand a good deal of wear and that you can hammer out your old nails upon . take it with you , and carry it carefully . " hans lifted up the stone and carried it off with a contented mind . " i must have been born under a lucky star ! " cried he , while his eyes sparkled for joy . " i have only to wish for a thing and it is mine . "
how did hans feel when he carried off the stone ?
content .
after a while he began to feel rather tired , as indeed he had been on his legs since daybreak . he also began to feel rather hungry . in the fulness of his joy at getting the cow , he had eaten up all he had . at last he could scarcely go on at all , and had to make a halt every moment . the stones weighed him down most unmercifully . he could not help wishing that he did not feel obliged to drag them along . and on he went at a snail 's pace until he came to a well . then he thought he would rest and take a drink of the fresh water . and he placed the stones carefully by his side at the edge of the well . then he sat down , and as he stooped to drink , he happened to give the stones a little push . they both fell into the water with a splash .
why did hans feel tired ?
he had been on his legs since daybreak .
causal relationship
after a while he began to feel rather tired , as indeed he had been on his legs since daybreak . he also began to feel rather hungry . in the fulness of his joy at getting the cow , he had eaten up all he had . at last he could scarcely go on at all , and had to make a halt every moment . the stones weighed him down most unmercifully . he could not help wishing that he did not feel obliged to drag them along . and on he went at a snail 's pace until he came to a well . then he thought he would rest and take a drink of the fresh water . and he placed the stones carefully by his side at the edge of the well . then he sat down , and as he stooped to drink , he happened to give the stones a little push . they both fell into the water with a splash .
what happened to the stones when he stooped to get a drink ?
they both fell into the water .
outcome resolution
and then hans , having watched them disappear , jumped for joy , and thanked his stars that he had been so lucky as to get rid of the stones that had weighed upon him so long without any effort of his own . " i really think , " cried he , " i am the luckiest man under the sun . " so on he went , void of care , until he reached his mother 's house .
where did hans go ?
to his mother 's house .
long , long ago , far , far away on the other side of the world , some young men left the camp where they lived to get some food for their wives and children . the sun was hot , but they liked heat , and as they went they ran races and tried who could hurl his spear the farthest , or was cleverest in throwing a strange weapon called a boomerang , which always returns to the thrower . they did not get on very fast at this rate , but presently they reached a flat place that in time of flood was full of water , but was now , in the height of summer , only a set of pools , each surrounded with a fringe of plants , with bulrushes standing in the inside of all .
why did some young men left the camp where they lived ?
to get some food for their wives and children .
causal relationship
long , long ago , far , far away on the other side of the world , some young men left the camp where they lived to get some food for their wives and children . the sun was hot , but they liked heat , and as they went they ran races and tried who could hurl his spear the farthest , or was cleverest in throwing a strange weapon called a boomerang , which always returns to the thrower . they did not get on very fast at this rate , but presently they reached a flat place that in time of flood was full of water , but was now , in the height of summer , only a set of pools , each surrounded with a fringe of plants , with bulrushes standing in the inside of all .
why did they like the heat ?
they ran races and tried who could hurl his spear the farthest or was cleverest in throwing a strange weapon called a boomerang .
causal relationship
in that country the people are fond of the roots of bulrushes , which they think as good as onions , and one of the young men said that they had better collect some of the roots and carry them back to the camp . it did not take them long to weave the tops of the willows into a basket , and they were just going to wade into the water and pull up the bulrush roots when a youth suddenly called out : ' after all , why should we waste our time in doing work that is only fit for women and children ? let them come and get the roots for themselves ; but we will fish for eels and anything else we can get . '
how does the story describe of the people ?
they were fond of the root sof bulrushes which they think as good as onions .
in that country the people are fond of the roots of bulrushes , which they think as good as onions , and one of the young men said that they had better collect some of the roots and carry them back to the camp . it did not take them long to weave the tops of the willows into a basket , and they were just going to wade into the water and pull up the bulrush roots when a youth suddenly called out : ' after all , why should we waste our time in doing work that is only fit for women and children ? let them come and get the roots for themselves ; but we will fish for eels and anything else we can get . '
what did a youth say ?
men should not waste time in doing work that is only fit for women and children . men should fish for eels and anything else they can get .
this delighted the rest of the party , and they all began to arrange their fishing lines , made from the bark of the yellow mimosa , and to search for bait for their hooks . most of them used worms , but one , who had put a piece of raw meat for dinner into his skin wallet , cut off a little bit and baited his line with it , unseen by his companions .
what did the men make their fishing lines out of ?
bark of the yellow mimosa .
for a long time they cast patiently , without receiving a single bite ; the sun had grown low in the sky , and it seemed as if they would have to go home empty - handed , not even with a basket of roots to show ; when the youth , who had baited his hook with raw meat , suddenly saw his line disappear under the water . something , a very heavy fish he supposed , was pulling so hard that he could hardly keep his feet , and for a few minutes it seemed either as if he must let go or be dragged into the pool . he cried to his friends to help him , and at last , trembling with fright at what they were going to see , they managed between them to land on the bank a creature that was neither a calf nor a seal , but something of both , with a long , broad tail . they looked at each other with horror , cold shivers running down their spines ; for though they had never beheld it , there was not a man amongst them who did not know what it was -- the cub of the awful bunyip !
what occurred to the man who had baited his hook with raw meat ?
his was dragged into the pool .
outcome resolution
for a long time they cast patiently , without receiving a single bite ; the sun had grown low in the sky , and it seemed as if they would have to go home empty - handed , not even with a basket of roots to show ; when the youth , who had baited his hook with raw meat , suddenly saw his line disappear under the water . something , a very heavy fish he supposed , was pulling so hard that he could hardly keep his feet , and for a few minutes it seemed either as if he must let go or be dragged into the pool . he cried to his friends to help him , and at last , trembling with fright at what they were going to see , they managed between them to land on the bank a creature that was neither a calf nor a seal , but something of both , with a long , broad tail . they looked at each other with horror , cold shivers running down their spines ; for though they had never beheld it , there was not a man amongst them who did not know what it was -- the cub of the awful bunyip !
how does the story describe the creature ?
something of both calf and a seal with a long , broad tail .
for a long time they cast patiently , without receiving a single bite ; the sun had grown low in the sky , and it seemed as if they would have to go home empty - handed , not even with a basket of roots to show ; when the youth , who had baited his hook with raw meat , suddenly saw his line disappear under the water . something , a very heavy fish he supposed , was pulling so hard that he could hardly keep his feet , and for a few minutes it seemed either as if he must let go or be dragged into the pool . he cried to his friends to help him , and at last , trembling with fright at what they were going to see , they managed between them to land on the bank a creature that was neither a calf nor a seal , but something of both , with a long , broad tail . they looked at each other with horror , cold shivers running down their spines ; for though they had never beheld it , there was not a man amongst them who did not know what it was -- the cub of the awful bunyip !
what was the creature ?
the cub of the bunyip .
all of a sudden the silence was broken by a low wail , answered by another from the other side of the pool , as the mother rose up from her den and came towards them , rage flashing from her horrible yellow eyes . ' let it go ! let it go ! ' whispered the young men to each other ; but the captor declared that he had caught it , and was going to keep it . ' he had promised his sweetheart , ' he said , ' that he would bring back enough meat for her father 's house to feast on for three days , and though they could not eat the little bunyip , her brothers and sisters should have it to play with . ' so , flinging his spear at the mother to keep her back , he threw the little bunyip on to his shoulders , and set out for the camp , never heeding the poor mother 's cries of distress .
why did the captor decide to keep the cub of the bunyip ?
because he promised his sweetheart to bring back enough meat for her father 's house to feast on for three days .
causal relationship
by this time it was getting near sunset , and the plain was in shadow , though the tops of the mountains were still quite bright . the youths had all ceased to be afraid , when they were startled by a low rushing sound behind them , and , looking round , saw that the pool was slowly rising , and the spot where they had landed the bunyip was quite covered . ' what could it be ? ' they asked one of another ; ' there was not a cloud in the sky , yet the water had risen higher already than they had ever known it do before . '
what was happening the pool ?
the pool was slowly rising and the spot where they had landed the bunyip was quite covered .
outcome resolution
' the water ! the water ! ' gasped one of the young men ; and there it was , slowly but steadily mounting the ridge itself . parents and children clung together , as if by that means they could drive back the advancing flood ; and the youth who had caused all this terrible catastrophe , seized his sweetheart , and cried : ' i will climb with you to the top of that tree , and there no waters can reach us . '
what did the youth who caused the catastrophe tell his sweeatheart ?
to climb with her to the top of the tree where no waters can reach them .
but , as he spoke , something cold touched him , and quickly he glanced down at his feet . then with a shudder he saw that they were feet no longer , but bird 's claws . he looked at the girl he was clasping , and beheld a great black bird standing at his side ; he turned to his friends , but a flock of great awkward flapping creatures stood in their place he put up his hands to cover his face , but they were no more hands , only the ends of wings ; and when he tried to speak , a noise such as he had never heard before seemed to come from his throat , which had suddenly become narrow and slender . already the water had risen to his waist , and he found himself sitting easily upon it , while its surface reflected back the image of a black swan , one of many .
what happened to his feet ?
they turned into a bird 's claws .
outcome resolution
but , as he spoke , something cold touched him , and quickly he glanced down at his feet . then with a shudder he saw that they were feet no longer , but bird 's claws . he looked at the girl he was clasping , and beheld a great black bird standing at his side ; he turned to his friends , but a flock of great awkward flapping creatures stood in their place he put up his hands to cover his face , but they were no more hands , only the ends of wings ; and when he tried to speak , a noise such as he had never heard before seemed to come from his throat , which had suddenly become narrow and slender . already the water had risen to his waist , and he found himself sitting easily upon it , while its surface reflected back the image of a black swan , one of many .
what has the youth become ?
a swan .
outcome resolution
the little bunyip was carried home by its mother , and after that the waters sank back to their own channels . the side of the pool where she lives is always shunned by everyone , as nobody knows when she may suddenly put out her head and draw him into her mighty jaws . but people say that underneath the black waters of the pool she has a house filled with beautiful things , such as mortals who dwell on the earth have no idea of . though how they know i can not tell you , as nobody has ever seen it .
where does the bunyip live ?
the side of the pool where she lives is always shunned by everyone .
once upon a time there was a pussy - cat called ribby , who invited a little dog called duchess to tea . " come in good time , my dear duchess , " said ribby 's letter , " and we will have something so very nice . i am baking it in a pie - dish -- a pie - dish with a pink rim . you never tasted anything so good ! and you shall eat it all ! _ i _ will eat muffins , my dear duchess ! " wrote ribby .
what is the name of the cat ?
ribby .
once upon a time there was a pussy - cat called ribby , who invited a little dog called duchess to tea . " come in good time , my dear duchess , " said ribby 's letter , " and we will have something so very nice . i am baking it in a pie - dish -- a pie - dish with a pink rim . you never tasted anything so good ! and you shall eat it all ! _ i _ will eat muffins , my dear duchess ! " wrote ribby .
what is the name of the dog ?
duchess .
once upon a time there was a pussy - cat called ribby , who invited a little dog called duchess to tea . " come in good time , my dear duchess , " said ribby 's letter , " and we will have something so very nice . i am baking it in a pie - dish -- a pie - dish with a pink rim . you never tasted anything so good ! and you shall eat it all ! _ i _ will eat muffins , my dear duchess ! " wrote ribby .
what does ribby bake something in ?
a pie dish with pink rim .
duchess read the letter and wrote an answer:--"i will come with much pleasure at a quarter past four . but it is very strange . _ i _ was just going to invite you to come here , to supper , my dear ribby , to eat something most delicious . " " i will come very punctually , my dear ribby , " wrote duchess ; and then at the end she added--"i hope it is n't mouse ? " and then she thought that did not look quite polite ; so she scratched out " is n't mouse " and changed it to " i hope it will be fine , " and she gave her letter to the postman .
why does duchess say that something is very strange ?
because she was about to invite ribby to supper .
causal relationship
duchess read the letter and wrote an answer:--"i will come with much pleasure at a quarter past four . but it is very strange . _ i _ was just going to invite you to come here , to supper , my dear ribby , to eat something most delicious . " " i will come very punctually , my dear ribby , " wrote duchess ; and then at the end she added--"i hope it is n't mouse ? " and then she thought that did not look quite polite ; so she scratched out " is n't mouse " and changed it to " i hope it will be fine , " and she gave her letter to the postman .
why did ribby change the wording of her last words ?
she thought that it did not look quite polite .
causal relationship
but she thought a great deal about ribby 's pie , and she read ribby 's letter over and over again . " i am dreadfully afraid it will be mouse ! " said duchess to herself--"i really could n't , could n't eat mouse pie . and i shall have to eat it , because it is a party . and my pie was going to be veal and ham . a pink and white pie - dish ! and so is mine ; just like ribby 's dishes ; they were both bought at tabitha twitchit 's . " duchess went into her larder and took the pie off a shelf and looked at it . " it is all ready to put into the oven . such lovely pie - crust ; and i put in a little tin patty - pan to hold up the crust ; and i made a hole in the middle with a fork to let out the steam -- oh i do wish i could eat my own pie , instead of a pie made of mouse ! "
what is the similarity between duches' and riby's pies ?
they were both bought at tabitha twitchit 's .
duchess considered and considered and read ribby 's letter again-- " a pink and white pie - dish - and you shall eat it all . ' you ' means me -- then ribby is not going to even taste the pie herself ? a pink and white pie - dish ! ribby is sure to go out to buy the muffins ..... oh what a good idea ! why should n't i rush along and put my pie into ribby 's oven when ribby is n't there ? " duchess was quite delighted with her own cleverness !
what does duchess decide to do ?
to put her pie into ribby 's oven when ribby is n't there .
ribby in the meantime had received duchess 's answer , and as soon as she was sure that the little dog would come -- she popped her pie into the oven . there were two ovens , one above the other ; some other knobs and handles were only ornamental and not intended to open . ribby put the pie into the lower oven ; the door was very stiff . " the top oven bakes too quickly , " said ribby to herself . " it is a pie of the most delicate and tender mouse minced up with bacon . and i have taken out all the bones ; because duchess did nearly choke herself with a fish - bone last time i gave a party . she eats a little fast -- rather big mouthfuls . but a most genteel and elegant little dog infinitely superior company to cousin tabitha twitchit . "
where did ribby put her pie ?
into the lower oven with the stiff door .
ribby in the meantime had received duchess 's answer , and as soon as she was sure that the little dog would come -- she popped her pie into the oven . there were two ovens , one above the other ; some other knobs and handles were only ornamental and not intended to open . ribby put the pie into the lower oven ; the door was very stiff . " the top oven bakes too quickly , " said ribby to herself . " it is a pie of the most delicate and tender mouse minced up with bacon . and i have taken out all the bones ; because duchess did nearly choke herself with a fish - bone last time i gave a party . she eats a little fast -- rather big mouthfuls . but a most genteel and elegant little dog infinitely superior company to cousin tabitha twitchit . "
why did ribby take out all the bones ?
because duchess did nearly choke herself with a fish - bone last time .
causal relationship
when ribby had laid the table she took a jug and a blue and white dish , and went out down the field to the farm , to fetch milk and butter . when she came back , she peeped into the bottom oven ; the pie looked very comfortable . ribby put on her shawl and bonnet and went out again with a basket , to the village shop to buy a packet of tea , a pound of lump sugar , and a pot of marmalade . and just at the same time , duchess came out of her house , at the other end of the village . ribby met duchess half - way own the street , also carrying a basket , covered with a cloth . they only bowed to one another ; they did not speak , because they were going to have a party .
why did ribby go to the village shop ?
to buy a packet of tea , a pound of lump sugar , and a pot of marmalade .
causal relationship
as soon as duchess had got round the corner out of sight -- she simply ran ! straight away to ribby 's house ! ribby went into the shop and bought what she required , and came out , after a pleasant gossip with cousin tabitha twitchit . cousin tabitha was disdainful afterwards in conversation-- " a little dog indeed ! just as if there were no cats in sawrey ! and a pie for afternoon tea ! the very idea ! " said cousin tabitha twitchit . ribby went on to timothy baker 's and bought the muffins . then she went home .
how did cousin tabithan feel after the conversation ?
disdainful .
as soon as duchess had got round the corner out of sight -- she simply ran ! straight away to ribby 's house ! ribby went into the shop and bought what she required , and came out , after a pleasant gossip with cousin tabitha twitchit . cousin tabitha was disdainful afterwards in conversation-- " a little dog indeed ! just as if there were no cats in sawrey ! and a pie for afternoon tea ! the very idea ! " said cousin tabitha twitchit . ribby went on to timothy baker 's and bought the muffins . then she went home .
where did ribby stop by before going home ?
timothy baker 's .
there seemed to be a sort of scuffling noise in the back passage , as she was coming in at the front door . " i trust that is not that pie : the spoons are locked up , however , " said ribby . but there was nobody there . ribby opened the bottom oven door with some difficulty , and turned the pie . there began to be a pleasing smell of baked mouse ! duchess in the meantime , had slipped out at the back door . " it is a very odd thing that ribby 's pie was not in the oven when i put mine in ! and i can t find it anywhere ; i have looked all over the house . i put my pie into a nice hot oven at the top . i could not turn any of the other handles ; i think that they are all shams , " said duchess , " but i wish i could have removed the pie made of mouse ! i can not think what she has done with it ? i heard ribby coming and i had to run out by the back door ! "
what happened when ribby opened the bottom oven door ?
there began to be a pleasing smell of baked mouse ! .
outcome resolution
duchess went home and brushed her beautiful black coat ; and then she picked a bunch of flowers in her garden as a present for ribby ; and passed the time until the clock struck four . ribby -- having assured herself by careful search that there was really no one hiding in the cupboard or in the larder -- went upstairs to change her dress . she put on a lilac silk gown , for the party , and an embroidered muslin apron and tippet . " it is very strange , " said ribby , " i did not think i left that drawer pulled out ; has somebody been trying on my mittens ? " she came downstairs again , and made the tea , and put the teapot on the hob . she peeped again into the bottom oven , the pie had become a lovely brown , and it was steaming hot . she sat down before the fire to wait for the little dog . " i am glad i used the bottom oven , " said ribby , " the top one would certainly have been very much too hot . i wonder why that cupboard door was open ? can there really have been some one in the house ? "
what did duchess prepare as a present for ribby ?
a bunch of flowers .
duchess went home and brushed her beautiful black coat ; and then she picked a bunch of flowers in her garden as a present for ribby ; and passed the time until the clock struck four . ribby -- having assured herself by careful search that there was really no one hiding in the cupboard or in the larder -- went upstairs to change her dress . she put on a lilac silk gown , for the party , and an embroidered muslin apron and tippet . " it is very strange , " said ribby , " i did not think i left that drawer pulled out ; has somebody been trying on my mittens ? " she came downstairs again , and made the tea , and put the teapot on the hob . she peeped again into the bottom oven , the pie had become a lovely brown , and it was steaming hot . she sat down before the fire to wait for the little dog . " i am glad i used the bottom oven , " said ribby , " the top one would certainly have been very much too hot . i wonder why that cupboard door was open ? can there really have been some one in the house ? "
why was ribby glad that she used the bottom over ?
the top one would certainly have been very much too hot .
causal relationship
very punctually at four o'clock , duchess started to go to the party . she ran so fast through the village that she was too early , and she had to wait a little while in the lane that leads down to ribby 's house . " i wonder if ribby has taken my pie out of the oven yet ? " said duchess , " and whatever can have become of the other pie made of mouse ? " at a quarter past four to the minute , there came a most genteel little tap - tappity . " is mrs . ribston at home ? " inquired duchess in the porch . " come in ! and how do you do , my dear duchess ? " cried ribby . " i hope i see you well ? " " quite well , i thank you , and how do you do , my dear ribby ? " said duchess . " i 've brought you some flowers ; what a delicious smell of pie ! " " oh , what lovely flowers ! yes , it is mouse and bacon ! " " do not talk about food , my dear ribby , " said duchess ; " what a lovely white tea - cloth ! .... is it done to a turn ? is it still in the oven ? " " i think it wants another five minutes , " said ribby . " just a shade longer ; i will pour out the tea , while we wait . do you take sugar , my dear duchess ? " " oh yes , please ! my dear ribby ; and may i have a lump upon my nose ? " " with pleasure , my dear duchess ; how beautifully you beg ! oh , how sweetly pretty ! "
what does duchess ask ribby to place upon her nose ?
sugar .
the pie proved extremely toothsome , and the muffins light and hot . they disappeared rapidly , especially the pie ! " i think"--(thought the duchess to herself)--"i think it would be wiser if i helped myself to pie ; though ribby did not seem to notice anything when she was cutting it . what very small fine pieces it has cooked into ! i did not remember that i had minced it up so fine ; i suppose this is a quicker oven than my own . " " how fast duchess is eating ! " thought ribby to herself , as she buttered her fifth muffin . the pie - dish was emptying rapidly ! duchess had had four helps already , and was fumbling with the spoon . " a little more bacon , my dear duchess ? " said ribby . " thank you , my dear ribby ; i was only feeling for the patty - pan . " " the patty - pan ? my dear duchess ? " " the patty - pan that held up the pie - crust , " said duchess , blushing under her black coat . " oh , i did n't put one in , my dear duchess , " said ribby ; " i do n't think that it is necessary in pies made of mouse . " duchess fumbled with the spoon--"i ca n't find it ! " she said anxiously . " there is n't a patty - pan , " said ribby , looking perplexed . " yes , indeed , my dear ribby ; where can it have gone to ? " said duchess . " there most certainly is not one , my dear duchess . i disapprove of tin articles in puddings and pies . it is most undesirable--(especially when people swallow in lumps ! ) " she added in a lower voice .
what was happening to the pie-dish ?
it was emptying rapidly .
outcome resolution
duchess looked very much alarmed , and continued to scoop the inside of the pie - dish . " my great - aunt squintina ( grandmother of cousin tabitha twitchit)--died of a thimble in a christmas plum - pudding . _ i _ never put any article of metal in my puddings or pies . " duchess looked aghast , and tilted up the pie - dish . " i have only four patty - pans , and they are all in the cupboard . " duchess set up a howl . " i shall die ! i shall die ! i have swallowed a patty - pan ! oh , my dear ribby , i do feel so ill ! " " it is impossible , my dear duchess ; there was not a patty - pan . " duchess moaned and whined and rocked herself about . " oh i feel so dreadful . i have swallowed a patty - pan ! " " there was nothing in the pie , " said ribby severely . " yes there was , my dear ribby , i am sure i have swallowed it ! " " let me prop you up with a pillow , my dear duchess ; where do you think you feel it ? " " oh i do feel so ill all over me , my dear ribby ; i have swallowed a large tin patty - pan with a sharp scalloped edge ! " " shall i run for the doctor ? i will just lock up the spoons ! " " oh yes , yes ! fetch dr . maggotty , my dear ribby : he is a pie himself , he will certainly understand . "
why does duchess not put any article of metal in puddings or pies ?
because his great - aunt died of a thimble in a christmas plum - pudding .
causal relationship
duchess looked very much alarmed , and continued to scoop the inside of the pie - dish . " my great - aunt squintina ( grandmother of cousin tabitha twitchit)--died of a thimble in a christmas plum - pudding . _ i _ never put any article of metal in my puddings or pies . " duchess looked aghast , and tilted up the pie - dish . " i have only four patty - pans , and they are all in the cupboard . " duchess set up a howl . " i shall die ! i shall die ! i have swallowed a patty - pan ! oh , my dear ribby , i do feel so ill ! " " it is impossible , my dear duchess ; there was not a patty - pan . " duchess moaned and whined and rocked herself about . " oh i feel so dreadful . i have swallowed a patty - pan ! " " there was nothing in the pie , " said ribby severely . " yes there was , my dear ribby , i am sure i have swallowed it ! " " let me prop you up with a pillow , my dear duchess ; where do you think you feel it ? " " oh i do feel so ill all over me , my dear ribby ; i have swallowed a large tin patty - pan with a sharp scalloped edge ! " " shall i run for the doctor ? i will just lock up the spoons ! " " oh yes , yes ! fetch dr . maggotty , my dear ribby : he is a pie himself , he will certainly understand . "
why does duchess believe he swallowed ?
a large tin patty - pan with a sharp scalloped edge .
ribby settled duchess in an armchair before the fire , and went out and hurried to the village to look for the doctor . she found him at the smithy . he was occupied in putting rusty nails into a bottle of ink , which he had obtained at the post office . " gammon ? ha ! ha ! " said he , with his head on one side . ribby explained that her guest had swallowed a patty - pan . " spinach ? ha ! ha ! " said he , and accompanied her with alacrity . he hopped so fast that ribby -- had to run . it was most conspicuous . all the village could see that ribby was fetching the doctor . " i knew they would over - eat themselves ! " said cousin tabitha twitchit .
what was conspicuous about the doctor ?
he hopped so fast that ribby had to run .
causal relationship
but while ribby had been hunting for the doctor -- a curious thing had happened to duchess , who had been left by herself , sitting before the fire , sighing and groaning and feeling very unhappy . " how could i have swallowed it ! such a large thing as a patty - pan ! " she got up and went to the table , and felt inside the pie - dish again with a spoon . " no ; there is no patty - pan , and i put one in ; and nobody has eaten pie except me , so i must have swallowed it ! " she sat down again , and stared mournfully at the grate . the fire crackled and danced , and something sizz - z - zled !
how was duchess feeling while ribby was hunting for the doctor ?
very unhappy .
duchess started ! she opened the door of the top oven;--out came a rich steamy flavour of veal and ham , and there stood a fine brown pie,--and through a hole in the top of the pie - crust there was a glimpse of a little tin patty - pan ! duchess drew a long breath-- " then i must have been eating mouse ! ... no wonder i feel ill .... but perhaps i should feel worse if i had really swallowed a patty - pan ! " duchess reflected--"what a very awkward thing to have to explain to ribby ! i think i will put my pie in the back - yard and say nothing about it . when i go home , i will run round and take it away . " she put it outside the back - door , and sat down again by the fire , and shut her eyes ; when ribby arrived with the doctor , she seemed fast asleep . " gammon , ha , ha ? " said the doctor . " i am feeling very much better , " said duchess , waking up with a jump . " i am truly glad to hear it ! " he has brought you a pill , my dear duchess ! " " i think i should feel quite well if he only felt my pulse , " said duchess , backing away from the magpie , who sidled up with something in his beak . " it is only a bread pill , you had much better take it ; drink a little milk , my dear duchess ! " " gammon ? gammon ? " said the doctor , while duchess coughed and choked . " do n't say that again ! " said ribby , losing her temper--"here , take this bread and jam , and get out into the yard ! " " gammon and spinach ! ha ha ha ! " shouted dr . maggotty triumphantly outside the back door . " i am feeling very much better , my dear ribby , " said duchess . " do you not think that i had better go home before it gets dark ? " " perhaps it might be wise , my dear duchess . i will lend you a nice warm shawl , and you shall take my arm . " " i would not trouble you for worlds ; i feel wonderfully better . one pill of dr . maggotty---- " " indeed it is most admirable , if it has cured you of a patty - pan ! i will call directly after breakfast to ask how you have slept . "
what was in the top oven ?
a fine brown pie with a steamy flavour of veal and ham .
duchess started ! she opened the door of the top oven;--out came a rich steamy flavour of veal and ham , and there stood a fine brown pie,--and through a hole in the top of the pie - crust there was a glimpse of a little tin patty - pan ! duchess drew a long breath-- " then i must have been eating mouse ! ... no wonder i feel ill .... but perhaps i should feel worse if i had really swallowed a patty - pan ! " duchess reflected--"what a very awkward thing to have to explain to ribby ! i think i will put my pie in the back - yard and say nothing about it . when i go home , i will run round and take it away . " she put it outside the back - door , and sat down again by the fire , and shut her eyes ; when ribby arrived with the doctor , she seemed fast asleep . " gammon , ha , ha ? " said the doctor . " i am feeling very much better , " said duchess , waking up with a jump . " i am truly glad to hear it ! " he has brought you a pill , my dear duchess ! " " i think i should feel quite well if he only felt my pulse , " said duchess , backing away from the magpie , who sidled up with something in his beak . " it is only a bread pill , you had much better take it ; drink a little milk , my dear duchess ! " " gammon ? gammon ? " said the doctor , while duchess coughed and choked . " do n't say that again ! " said ribby , losing her temper--"here , take this bread and jam , and get out into the yard ! " " gammon and spinach ! ha ha ha ! " shouted dr . maggotty triumphantly outside the back door . " i am feeling very much better , my dear ribby , " said duchess . " do you not think that i had better go home before it gets dark ? " " perhaps it might be wise , my dear duchess . i will lend you a nice warm shawl , and you shall take my arm . " " i would not trouble you for worlds ; i feel wonderfully better . one pill of dr . maggotty---- " " indeed it is most admirable , if it has cured you of a patty - pan ! i will call directly after breakfast to ask how you have slept . "
what does the doctor recommend duchess to take ?
a bread pill .
ribby and duchess said good - bye affectionately , and duchess started home . half - way up the lane she stopped and looked back ; ribby had gone in and shut her door . duchess slipped through the fence , and ran round to the back of ribby 's house , and peeped into the yard . upon the roof of the pig - stye sat dr . maggotty and three jackdaws . the jackdaws were eating pie - crust , and the magpie was drinking gravy out of a patty - pan . " gammon , ha , ha ! " he shouted when he saw duchess 's little black nose peeping round the corner . duchess ran home feeling uncommonly silly ! when ribby came out for a pailful of water to wash up the tea - things , she found a pink and white pie - dish lying smashed in the middle of the yard . the patty - pan was under the pump , where dr maggotty had considerately left it . ribby stared with amazement--"did you ever see the like ! so there really was a patty - pan ? .... but my patty - pans are all in the kitchen cupboard . well i never did ! .... next time i want to give a party -- i will invite cousin tabitha twitchit ! "
what was laying down in the middle of ribby's yard ?
a pink and white pie dish lying smashed .
once upon a time there was a very beautiful doll 's house ; it was red brick with white windows , and it had real muslin curtains and a front door and a chimney . it belonged to two dolls called lucinda and jane ; at least it belonged to lucinda , but she never ordered meals . jane was the cook ; but she never did any cooking , because the dinner had been bought ready - made , in a box full of shavings . there were two red lobsters , and a ham , a fish , a pudding , and some pears and oranges . they would not come off the plates , but they were extremely beautiful .
what was particular about lucinda ?
she never ordered meals .
once upon a time there was a very beautiful doll 's house ; it was red brick with white windows , and it had real muslin curtains and a front door and a chimney . it belonged to two dolls called lucinda and jane ; at least it belonged to lucinda , but she never ordered meals . jane was the cook ; but she never did any cooking , because the dinner had been bought ready - made , in a box full of shavings . there were two red lobsters , and a ham , a fish , a pudding , and some pears and oranges . they would not come off the plates , but they were extremely beautiful .
why did jane the cook never do any cooking ?
because the dinner had been bought read - made , in a box full of shaving .
causal relationship
one morning lucinda and jane had gone out for a drive in the doll 's perambulator . there was no one in the nursery , and it was very quiet . presently there was a little scuffling , scratching noise in a corner near the fireplace , where there was a hole under the skirting - board . tom thumb put out his head for a moment , and then popped it in again . tom thumb was a mouse . a minute afterwards hunca munca , his wife , put her head out , too ; and when she saw that there was no one in the nursery , she ventured out on the oilcloth under the coal - box . the doll 's house stood at the other side of the fireplace . tom thumb and hunca munca went cautiously across the hearth - rug . they pushed the front door -- it was not fast .
who was making the scratching noise near the fireplace ?
tom thumb and his wife , hunca munca .
tom thumb and hunca munca went up - stairs and peeped into the dining - room . then they squeaked with joy ! such a lovely dinner was laid out upon the table ! there were tin spoons , and lead knives and forks , and two dolly - chairs -- all so convenient ! tom thumb set to work at once to carve the ham . it was a beautiful shiny yellow , streaked with red . the knife crumpled up and hurt him ; he put his finger in his mouth . " it is not boiled enough ; it is hard . you have a try , hunca munca . " hunca munca stood up in her chair , and chopped at the ham with another lead knife . " it 's as hard as the hams at the cheesemonger 's , " said hunca munca . the ham broke off the plate with a jerk , and rolled under the table . " let it alone , " said tom thumb ; " give me some fish , hunca munca ! "
what was laid upon the table ?
a lovely dinner .
hunca munca tried every tin spoon in turn ; the fish was glued to the dish . then tom thumb lost his temper . he put the ham in the middle of the floor , and hit it with the tongs and with the shovel -- bang , bang , smash , smash ! the ham flew all into pieces , for underneath the shiny paint it was made of nothing but plaster ! then there was no end to the rage and disappointment of tom thumb and hunca munca . they broke up the pudding , the lobsters , the pears , and the oranges .
what happened when tom thumb hit the ham with the tongs and the shovel ?
the ham flew all into pieces .
outcome resolution
hunca munca tried every tin spoon in turn ; the fish was glued to the dish . then tom thumb lost his temper . he put the ham in the middle of the floor , and hit it with the tongs and with the shovel -- bang , bang , smash , smash ! the ham flew all into pieces , for underneath the shiny paint it was made of nothing but plaster ! then there was no end to the rage and disappointment of tom thumb and hunca munca . they broke up the pudding , the lobsters , the pears , and the oranges .
what did tom thumb and hunca munca break up ?
pudding , the lobsters , the pears , and the oranges .
as the fish would not come off the plate , they put it into the red - hot crinkly paper fire in the kitchen ; but it would not burn either . tom thumb went up the kitchen chimney and looked out at the top -- there was no soot . while tom thumb was up the chimney , hunca munca had another disappointment . she found some tiny canisters upon the dresser , labeled " rice , " " coffee " " sago " ; but when she turned them upside down there was nothing inside except red and blue beads . then those mice set to work to do all the mischief they could -- especially tom thumb ! he took jane 's clothes out of the chest of drawers in her bedroom , and he threw them out of the top - floor window . but hunca munca had a frugal mind . after pulling half the feathers out of lucinda 's bolster , she remembered that she herself was in want of a feather - bed .
what did tom thumb do with jane's clothes ?
took them out of the chest of drawers and threw them out of the top - floor window .
what a sight met the eyes of jane and lucinda ! lucinda sat upon the upset kitchen stove and stared , and jane leaned against the kitchen dresser and smiled ; but neither of them made any remark . the bookcase and the bird - cage were rescued from under the coal - box ; but hunca munca has got the cradle and some of lucinda 's clothes . she also has some useful pots and pans , and several other things . the little girl that the doll 's house belonged to said : " i will get a doll dressed like a policeman ! " but the nurse said : " i will set a mouse - trap ! "
what did hunca munca have ?
the cradle and some of lucinda 's clothes and some useful pots and pans .
so that is the story of the two bad mice . but they were not so very , very naughty after all , because tom thumb paid for everything he broke . he found a crooked sixpence under the hearth - rug ; and upon christmas eve he and hunca munca stuffed it into one of the stockings of lucinda and jane . and very early every morning -- before anybody is awake -- hunca munca comes with her dust - pan and her broom to sweep the dollies ' house !
why are the two mice as not so very, very naughty after all ?
because tom thumb paid for everything he broke .
causal relationship
so that is the story of the two bad mice . but they were not so very , very naughty after all , because tom thumb paid for everything he broke . he found a crooked sixpence under the hearth - rug ; and upon christmas eve he and hunca munca stuffed it into one of the stockings of lucinda and jane . and very early every morning -- before anybody is awake -- hunca munca comes with her dust - pan and her broom to sweep the dollies ' house !
why does hunca munca come to the two doll's house every morning ?
to sweep the dollies ' house before anybody is awake .
causal relationship
a prize , or rather two prizes , a great one and a small one , had been awarded for the greatest swiftness in running,--not in a single race , but for the whole year . " i obtained the first prize , " said the hare . " justice must still be carried out , even when one has relations and good friends among the prize committee ; but that the snail should have received the second prize , i consider almost an insult to myself . " " no , " said the fence - rail , who had been a witness at the distribution of prizes ; " there should be some consideration for industry and perseverance . i have heard many respectable people say so , and i can quite understand it . the snail certainly took half a year to get over the threshold of the door ; but he injured himself , and broke his collar - bone by the haste he made . he gave himself up entirely to the race , and ran with his house on his back , which was all , of course , very praiseworthy ; and therefore he obtained the second prize . "
who ran with his house on his back ?
the snail .
a prize , or rather two prizes , a great one and a small one , had been awarded for the greatest swiftness in running,--not in a single race , but for the whole year . " i obtained the first prize , " said the hare . " justice must still be carried out , even when one has relations and good friends among the prize committee ; but that the snail should have received the second prize , i consider almost an insult to myself . " " no , " said the fence - rail , who had been a witness at the distribution of prizes ; " there should be some consideration for industry and perseverance . i have heard many respectable people say so , and i can quite understand it . the snail certainly took half a year to get over the threshold of the door ; but he injured himself , and broke his collar - bone by the haste he made . he gave himself up entirely to the race , and ran with his house on his back , which was all , of course , very praiseworthy ; and therefore he obtained the second prize . "
who witnessed the distribution of prizes ?
the fence - rail .
a prize , or rather two prizes , a great one and a small one , had been awarded for the greatest swiftness in running,--not in a single race , but for the whole year . " i obtained the first prize , " said the hare . " justice must still be carried out , even when one has relations and good friends among the prize committee ; but that the snail should have received the second prize , i consider almost an insult to myself . " " no , " said the fence - rail , who had been a witness at the distribution of prizes ; " there should be some consideration for industry and perseverance . i have heard many respectable people say so , and i can quite understand it . the snail certainly took half a year to get over the threshold of the door ; but he injured himself , and broke his collar - bone by the haste he made . he gave himself up entirely to the race , and ran with his house on his back , which was all , of course , very praiseworthy ; and therefore he obtained the second prize . "
why does the fence-rail believe the hare deserved second prize ?
because he worked hard .
causal relationship
" i think i ought to have had some consideration too , " said the swallow . " i should imagine no one can be swifter in soaring and flight than i am ; and how far i have been ! far , far away . " " yes , that is your misfortune , " said the fence - rail ; " you are so fickle , so unsettled ; you must always be travelling about into foreign lands when the cold commences here . you have no love of fatherland in you . there can be no consideration for you . " " but now , if i have been lying the whole winter in the moor , " said the swallow , " and suppose i slept the whole time , would that be taken into account ? " " bring a certificate from the old moor - hen , " said he , " that you have slept away half your time in fatherland ; then you will be treated with some consideration . "
what did the swallow do a lot of this year ?
flying .
" i think i ought to have had some consideration too , " said the swallow . " i should imagine no one can be swifter in soaring and flight than i am ; and how far i have been ! far , far away . " " yes , that is your misfortune , " said the fence - rail ; " you are so fickle , so unsettled ; you must always be travelling about into foreign lands when the cold commences here . you have no love of fatherland in you . there can be no consideration for you . " " but now , if i have been lying the whole winter in the moor , " said the swallow , " and suppose i slept the whole time , would that be taken into account ? " " bring a certificate from the old moor - hen , " said he , " that you have slept away half your time in fatherland ; then you will be treated with some consideration . "
why doesn't the fence-rail consider the swallow ?
because the swallow flies too much .
causal relationship
" i deserved the first prize , and not the second , " said the snail . " i know so much , at least , that the hare only ran from cowardice , and because he thought there was danger in delay . i , on the other hand , made running the business of my life , and have become a cripple in the service . if any one had a first prize , it ought to have been myself . but i do not understand chattering and boasting ; on the contrary , i despise it . " and the snail spat at them with contempt .
what does the snail ask for instead of second prize ?
first prize .
" i deserved the first prize , and not the second , " said the snail . " i know so much , at least , that the hare only ran from cowardice , and because he thought there was danger in delay . i , on the other hand , made running the business of my life , and have become a cripple in the service . if any one had a first prize , it ought to have been myself . but i do not understand chattering and boasting ; on the contrary , i despise it . " and the snail spat at them with contempt .
what did the snail do after speaking ?
spat .
" i am able to affirm with word of oath , that each prize -- at least , those for which i voted -- was given with just and proper consideration , " said the old boundary post in the wood , who was a member of the committee of judges . " i always act with due order , consideration , and calculation . seven times have i already had the honor to be present at the distribution of the prizes , and to vote ; but to - day is the first time i have been able to carry out my will . i always reckon the first prize by going through the alphabet from the beginning , and the second by going through from the end . be so kind as to give me your attention , and i will explain to you how i reckon from the beginning . the eighth letter from a is h , and there we have h for hare ; therefore i awarded to the hare the first prize . the eighth letter from the end of the alphabet is s , and therefore the snail received the second prize . next year , the letter i will have its turn for the first prize , and the letter r for the second . "
who was a member of the committee of judges ?
the old boundary post .
" i am able to affirm with word of oath , that each prize -- at least , those for which i voted -- was given with just and proper consideration , " said the old boundary post in the wood , who was a member of the committee of judges . " i always act with due order , consideration , and calculation . seven times have i already had the honor to be present at the distribution of the prizes , and to vote ; but to - day is the first time i have been able to carry out my will . i always reckon the first prize by going through the alphabet from the beginning , and the second by going through from the end . be so kind as to give me your attention , and i will explain to you how i reckon from the beginning . the eighth letter from a is h , and there we have h for hare ; therefore i awarded to the hare the first prize . the eighth letter from the end of the alphabet is s , and therefore the snail received the second prize . next year , the letter i will have its turn for the first prize , and the letter r for the second . "
how many times has the boundary post been present at the distribution of prizes ?
seven .
" i should really have voted for myself , " said the mule , " if i had not been one of the judges on the committee . not only the rapidity with which advance is made , but every other quality should have due consideration ; as , for instance , how much weight a candidate is able to draw ; but i have not brought this quality forward now , nor the sagacity of the hare in his flight , nor the cunning with which he suddenly springs aside and doubles , to lead people on a false track , thinking he has concealed himself . no ; there is something else on which more stress should be laid , and which ought not be left unnoticed . i mean that which mankind call the beautiful . it is on the beautiful that i particularly fix my eyes . i observed the well - grown ears of the hare ; it is a pleasure to me to observe how long they are . it seemed as if i saw myself again in the days of my childhood ; and so i voted for the hare . "
why did the mule vote for the hare ?
because of the beauty of his ears .
causal relationship
" buz , " said the fly ; " there , i 'm not going to make a long speech ; but i wish to say something about hares . i have really overtaken more than one hare , when i have been seated on the engine in front of a railway train . i often do so . one can then so easily judge of one 's own swiftness . not long ago , i crushed the hind legs of a young hare . he had been running a long time before the engine ; he had no idea that i was travelling there . at last he had to stop in his career , and the engine ran over his hind legs , and crushed them ; for i set upon it . i left him lying there , and rode on farther . i call that conquering him ; but i do not want the prize . "
what was the first thing the fly said ?
buz .
" buz , " said the fly ; " there , i 'm not going to make a long speech ; but i wish to say something about hares . i have really overtaken more than one hare , when i have been seated on the engine in front of a railway train . i often do so . one can then so easily judge of one 's own swiftness . not long ago , i crushed the hind legs of a young hare . he had been running a long time before the engine ; he had no idea that i was travelling there . at last he had to stop in his career , and the engine ran over his hind legs , and crushed them ; for i set upon it . i left him lying there , and rode on farther . i call that conquering him ; but i do not want the prize . "
who did the fly conquer ?
a young hare .
" it really seems to me , " thought the wild rose , though she did not express her opinion aloud -- it is not in her nature to do so,--though it would have been quite as well if she had ; " it certainly seems to me that the sunbeam ought to have had the honor of receiving the first prize . the sunbeam flies in a few minutes along the immeasurable path from the sun to us . it arrives in such strength , that all nature awakes to loveliness and beauty ; we roses blush and exhale fragrance in its presence . our worshipful judges do n't appear to have noticed this at all . were i the sunbeam , i would give each one of them a sun stroke ; but that would only make them mad , and they are mad enough already . i only hope , " continued the rose , " that peace may reign in the wood . it is glorious to bloom , to be fragrant , and to live ; to live in story and in song . the sunbeam will outlive us all . "
why does the rose think the sunbeam should have won ?
it travels from the sun to earth so quickly .
causal relationship
" what is the first prize ? " asked the earthworm , who had overslept the time , and only now came up . " it contains a free admission to a cabbage - garden , " replied the mule . " i proposed that as one of the prizes . the hare most decidedly must have it ; and i , as an active and thoughtful member of the committee , took especial care that the prize should be one of advantage to him ; so now he is provided for . the snail can now sit on the fence , and lick up moss and sunshine . he has also been appointed one of the first judges of swiftness in racing . it is worth much to know that one of the numbers is a man of talent in the thing men call a ' committee . ' i must say i expect much in the future ; we have already made such a good beginning . "
who overslept the time ?
the earthworm .
" i am able to affirm with word of oath , that each prize -- at least , those for which i voted -- was given with just and proper consideration , " said the old boundary post in the wood , who was a member of the committee of judges . " i always act with due order , consideration , and calculation . seven times have i already had the honor to be present at the distribution of the prizes , and to vote ; but to - day is the first time i have been able to carry out my will . i always reckon the first prize by going through the alphabet from the beginning , and the second by going through from the end . be so kind as to give me your attention , and i will explain to you how i reckon from the beginning . the eighth letter from a is h , and there we have h for hare ; therefore i awarded to the hare the first prize . the eighth letter from the end of the alphabet is s , and therefore the snail received the second prize . next year , the letter i will have its turn for the first prize , and the letter r for the second . " " i should really have voted for myself , " said the mule , " if i had not been one of the judges on the committee . not only the rapidity with which advance is made , but every other quality should have due consideration ; as , for instance , how much weight a candidate is able to draw ; but i have not brought this quality forward now , nor the sagacity of the hare in his flight , nor the cunning with which he suddenly springs aside and doubles , to lead people on a false track , thinking he has concealed himself . no ; there is something else on which more stress should be laid , and which ought not be left unnoticed . i mean that which mankind call the beautiful . it is on the beautiful that i particularly fix my eyes . i observed the well - grown ears of the hare ; it is a pleasure to me to observe how long they are . it seemed as if i saw myself again in the days of my childhood ; and so i voted for the hare . " " what is the first prize ? " asked the earthworm , who had overslept the time , and only now came up . " it contains a free admission to a cabbage - garden , " replied the mule . " i proposed that as one of the prizes . the hare most decidedly must have it ; and i , as an active and thoughtful member of the committee , took especial care that the prize should be one of advantage to him ; so now he is provided for . the snail can now sit on the fence , and lick up moss and sunshine . he has also been appointed one of the first judges of swiftness in racing . it is worth much to know that one of the numbers is a man of talent in the thing men call a ' committee . ' i must say i expect much in the future ; we have already made such a good beginning . "
who was on the committee ?
mule and boundary - post .
" what is the first prize ? " asked the earthworm , who had overslept the time , and only now came up . " it contains a free admission to a cabbage - garden , " replied the mule . " i proposed that as one of the prizes . the hare most decidedly must have it ; and i , as an active and thoughtful member of the committee , took especial care that the prize should be one of advantage to him ; so now he is provided for . the snail can now sit on the fence , and lick up moss and sunshine . he has also been appointed one of the first judges of swiftness in racing . it is worth much to know that one of the numbers is a man of talent in the thing men call a ' committee . ' i must say i expect much in the future ; we have already made such a good beginning . "
what did the mule propose as one of the prizes ?
free admission to a cabbage garden .
once upon a time there was a strong young farmer who came home late one evening from market . his way led him past the gardens of a wealthy gentleman , in which stood a number of tall buildings . suddenly he saw something shining floating in the air inside the gardens , something which glowed like a ball of crystal . he was astonished , and climbed the wall around the gardens , but there was not a human being in sight ; all he saw was , at a distance , something which appeared to be a dog , looking up at the moon . and whenever it blew its breath out a ball of fire came out of its mouth , and rose to the moon . and whenever it drew its breath in the ball sank down again , and it caught it in its jaws . and so it went on without a stop .
how did the strong young farmer feel when he saw something shining floating in the air inside the gardens ?
astonished .
once upon a time there was a strong young farmer who came home late one evening from market . his way led him past the gardens of a wealthy gentleman , in which stood a number of tall buildings . suddenly he saw something shining floating in the air inside the gardens , something which glowed like a ball of crystal . he was astonished , and climbed the wall around the gardens , but there was not a human being in sight ; all he saw was , at a distance , something which appeared to be a dog , looking up at the moon . and whenever it blew its breath out a ball of fire came out of its mouth , and rose to the moon . and whenever it drew its breath in the ball sank down again , and it caught it in its jaws . and so it went on without a stop .
who came home late one evening from market ?
a strong young farmer .
once upon a time there was a strong young farmer who came home late one evening from market . his way led him past the gardens of a wealthy gentleman , in which stood a number of tall buildings . suddenly he saw something shining floating in the air inside the gardens , something which glowed like a ball of crystal . he was astonished , and climbed the wall around the gardens , but there was not a human being in sight ; all he saw was , at a distance , something which appeared to be a dog , looking up at the moon . and whenever it blew its breath out a ball of fire came out of its mouth , and rose to the moon . and whenever it drew its breath in the ball sank down again , and it caught it in its jaws . and so it went on without a stop .
where did the farmer find the elixir of life ?
the gardens .
then the farmer realized that it was a fox , who was preparing the elixir of life . he hid in the grass and waited until the ball of fire came down again , at about the height of his own head . then he stepped hastily from his hiding - place , took it away and at once swallowed it . and he could feel it glow as it passed down his throat into his stomach . when the fox saw what had happened he grew angry . he looked furiously at the farmer , but feared his strength . for this reason he did not dare attack him , but went angrily on his way .
who was preparing the elixir of life ?
a fox .
then the farmer realized that it was a fox , who was preparing the elixir of life . he hid in the grass and waited until the ball of fire came down again , at about the height of his own head . then he stepped hastily from his hiding - place , took it away and at once swallowed it . and he could feel it glow as it passed down his throat into his stomach . when the fox saw what had happened he grew angry . he looked furiously at the farmer , but feared his strength . for this reason he did not dare attack him , but went angrily on his way .
what did the farmer do after the ball of fire came down again ?
stepped hastily from his hiding - place , took it away and at once swallowed it .
then the farmer realized that it was a fox , who was preparing the elixir of life . he hid in the grass and waited until the ball of fire came down again , at about the height of his own head . then he stepped hastily from his hiding - place , took it away and at once swallowed it . and he could feel it glow as it passed down his throat into his stomach . when the fox saw what had happened he grew angry . he looked furiously at the farmer , but feared his strength . for this reason he did not dare attack him , but went angrily on his way .
how did the fox feel when the farmer took the elixir of life ?
angry .