listlengths 2
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第1章\n君邪突然醒了过来。\n他甚至还不等睁开眼睛,下意识的右手一拍地面,就要跃起身来。\n此乃是非之地,生死一发,不可久留!\n这是他醒来的第一个念头,这是一个优秀杀手几乎已经形成本能的触觉!\n身子跃起半空,突然手臂一软,居然完全不能支撑住自己身体的重量,砰地一声,又重重地摔了回去!\n一时间,君邪惊骇欲绝,这是怎么回事?!\n随即他便突然发现,自己的身下,居然是一张软软的床铺!\n举目四顾,原来自己置身在一间装饰得颇为华丽的房间。\n只是,却是空空如也,除了一张四方桌子之外,就只剩下了自己躺在一张“巨床”上面,真的是一张“巨床”,\n这张床真的很大,起码能睡下七八个人,甚至不会有很拥挤的感觉!\n这是怎么回事?\n我不是在与人战斗之中吗?\n怎么会到了床上??\n君邪此刻的思维还停留在沉睡之前,或者应该说是……暂时停留在前世最后的一点思绪之上!\n君邪是一个杀手,而且是一个特别优秀的金牌杀手,自出道以来,五年的时间里出手无往不利,成功率为前人所无的百分之百!\n因此成为杀手榜排行第一位的头号杀手,而“邪君”这个名字也因此在世界黑道上排行高居榜首!\n而他还有另外一项第一的殊荣,就是他的追杀悬赏,也已经牢牢地霸占了世界悬赏榜第一位达三年之久!!\n曾经有很多一流杀手接过这个任务,可是他们都死了,而“邪君”却还活着!\nY国一位富豪悬赏一亿美金,收买“邪君”的性命,而接了这单买卖的两个杀手,两个当时和“邪君”齐名的世界级顶尖杀手,却在三天之后齐齐死于非命。\n在那之后,再没有人愿意接这个死亡任务,人人敬而远之,尽管悬赏又多次增加,却始终无人敢揭榜。\n钱再美妙,如果没有性命去享用,又有什么意义!\n“邪君”之名,成为了黑道悬赏榜的一项禁忌!\n而“邪君”之名,威慑各国黑道!\n有很多人都知道“邪君”其人,但却没有一人知道这个“邪君”,这个杀手之王,究竟长得什么摸样,到底是个什么样的人?!\n君邪的性格,正是人如其名,一个字:邪!两个字,很邪!三个字,非常邪!\n他从来都是独断独行,从不与任何人联手。\n更没有半个朋友!\n而且,他接生意,不仅要看买家,还要挑目标!\n他看不顺眼的客户,哪怕出再多的钱,请他去杀一个毫无反抗能力的乞丐,他也会毫不犹豫的拒绝。\n但他看到某人该杀的时候,会自动的下手。\n然后却找到这个人的对手家门口去索要酬金,不给还不行。\n而往往这家人却是从来都没有雇佣过他甚至连听说都没听说过他的……\n传闻……有那么一次,他杀了一个恶贯满盈的人贩子,却找不到苦主;没办法之下向一位被拐卖的小女孩讨来了一枚一毛钱的硬币,还振振有词:我从来就没做过不要酬劳的买卖,绝对不会例外……\n他这种性格,让了解他为人的师傅和师兄弟们无语到了极点……\n传说……曾经有一次,他事前把厕所里的纸巾清走了,他师父去蹲坑的时候没有纸了,要求他送一点卫生纸过去,结果他趁机索要了五十万美金的劳务费,他师傅就范了……\n至于原因……\n是因为那天他把所有的师兄妹都叫到了厕所门口,而且还请来了几位美女参观……\n但是他认为自己最大的缺点就是,他实在太有爱了。\n作为一个杀手,而且还是一个双手沾满血腥的顶尖杀手,这句话曾经让无数的人嗤之以鼻!\n他的说法并非毫无根据。\n在国内,他最看不得富人欺压穷人,尤其是看不得那些官宦欺压平民,在国外,他看不得有人欺压本国人!\n为了他这一“爱国”性格,不知道惹出了多少滔天大祸。\n但就是这样的一个人,想要雇用他的人却依然是趋之若鹜!\n为何?\n他不但枪法超群,弹无虚发,还有一身神鬼莫测的武艺!\n不论是拳掌还是刀剑,都有着一身不俗的修为!\n不过,最大的原因始终是,他任务的完成率,是百分之百!\n这一成绩真是史无前例!\n他是杀手界当之无愧的终极杀手!\n也是全世界迄今为止,唯一的一个从未有过任何失手记录的杀手中的巅峰强者!\n但,这位金牌杀手,骨子里却居然是一个典型的愤青!\n而这一次,又是他自告奋勇;听说M国密谍在Z国的昆仑山出土了一件价值连城的秘宝,并且在国安得到消息之前就已经偷运回去了,于是君邪这个典型的愤青,怒了!\n泱泱华夏的宝物,还是在此和平年代,怎么能还落在M国人手里?!\n君邪单枪匹马地杀了过去,狂傲之极的单挑将近一百个M国特工,暗杀陷杀到最后的正面搏杀,在杀死七十多人之后,终于将那秘宝抢到手中,而当时的M国特工们都已经被他杀破了胆子,若是他想走,必定可以从容离去!\n而君邪心中也有着绝对的把握!\n但就在他的手接触到那件秘宝——一尊只有巴掌大小的玲珑宝塔之后,一件意外到极点的灵异事件出现了,他受伤的手抓到了那小塔,突然感觉浑身麻痹,顿时就一动也不能动了,甚至就算是眨眨眼皮也做不到了!\n他没有注意到,自己伤口之中流出的鲜血正不停地涌入那座小塔之中,那座很精致、很玲珑也很邪门的小塔之中……\n他最后的记忆中,只看到不下于五十枚的微型手雷向着自己飞过来,二十多支各类枪支向着自己喷出了火舌,而自己空有一身本领,拥有着将这些人一举杀掉的实力,却是悲哀至极的一动也不会动了!\n这种感觉让人发疯!\n想不到我君邪纵横一世没有敌手,居然如此冤枉地死在了这里,不过老子也不算亏,这一生死在我手下的贪官污吏土豪恶霸各国特工加在一起也足有上千之数了,够本了,值!\n别人都是含笑九泉,老子是含笑入地狱!\n这一世,我活的轰轰烈烈,过得潇潇洒洒!\n问心无愧!\n虽然我杀了不少人,可那些人,绝对没有一个是不该杀的!\n既然如此,杀了,就不悔!就算为此入地狱,又如何?!\n杀杀杀杀杀!\n杀尽一切肮脏!\n荡涤一切罪恶!\n纵然我是一个为人所不齿的杀手,又如何?!!\n悠悠世间,又有那个能够像我一般活的这般潇洒?过得这般快意?!\n“哈哈哈……”君邪想到这里,不由得意的笑出声来。\n“少爷,你……你怎么了?”旁边一个怯生生的声音响起,似乎是被他的举动给吓坏了,已经有股想要哭的味道。\n接着一支冰凉的小手就摸上了他的额头。\n少爷?\n我现在不是在做梦?\n也不是到了地狱吗?!\n君邪一个激灵,猛地睁开了眼睛。\n接着一股陌生的记忆突然从心底冲了上来!\n一段段陌生的记忆信息潮水般涌进脑海。\n君邪如同被雷击一般,怔住!\n自己在另一具身体里?\n再度投胎转世了?\n可是前世的记忆怎么还历历在目呢?\n难道是没有喝孟婆汤?!\n还是借尸还魂?!\n一是穿越了?\n二就是附体重生了?!\n君邪愣愣地瞪着眼睛,半天也没明白眼下是怎么档子事,半晌一动没动。\n就在旁边那只小手惊惶地在他的眼前晃来晃去的时候,君邪突然狂喜地叫起来:“他妈的!\n果然是好人有好报!\n不管是怎么回事,反正老子是没死,居然有这么好的事情,看来本大爷前世一定积累的无数的功德,估计是无量功德!?!\n哇哈哈哈……”\n一声惊叫,身边一个十来岁的小女孩抖抖索索的躲到了一边,俏丽的大眼睛惊慌地眨动,死死地盯着眼前的梦魇一般的“少爷”,娇小的身子簌簌颤抖、脸色愈现苍白,就仿佛是一只受到了剧烈惊吓的小鹌鹑。\n又一声惊叫,声音很是凄厉,只是这声惊叫,却是发自君邪自己的口中。\n因为他突然发现自己刚才的声音又尖又锐,就像一个女孩子,难道自己的那啥不在了,不要啊!\n君邪第一个反应就是不顾仪态,不管身前有个小妹妹,不顾一切,一把抓在了自己裤裆里。\n总算抓着那个熟悉的一团,君邪长长地出了一口气,上天待俺确实不薄啊,还是有这话儿的。\n刚才可吓死我了,老子还以为穿越到了某个姑娘的身上……\n君邪抹了把冷汗。\n定了定神,君邪开始查看自己的这具身体。\n经脉郁结,浑身肌肉松弛,关节僵硬……\n这哥们咋混的?\n身子可实在够弱!\n真是够糟糕的!\n君邪暗暗嘀咕,不过不要紧,只要经脉没给我弄碎了,只要有个三五七年,本大爷又将站立在世界之巅了!\n打定了主意之后,君邪这才想起来,自己现在置身的所在貌似是一个完全陌生的世界!\n这里怎么也不象自己熟悉的地球!\n自己在这里可是真正的举目无亲,什么都不懂得,什么都不知道!\n这个世界什么规矩?\n这个世界有什么?\n把这些都想了一遍,以这位冷血杀手兼邪君的心理素质,居然也有些惘然起来。\n看着古色古香的家具和床铺,身上完全不属于自己那个时代的特殊衣服;在得知不死而且穿越的欣喜慢慢地平静了下来,随之而起的,却是一阵心乱如麻……\n原来,真的……能再活一次……\n这个本来很令人振奋的念头才一冒上来,霎时间又从心底涌上极多的失落和痛苦,那是一种无根浮萍的微妙感觉,让他的鼻子有些发酸,眼睛也有些酸涩,心口有些发堵;君邪自嘲地勾了勾嘴角,几近一生无泪的他,险些落下泪来。\n故国难舍、故土难离!\n我原本以为我能够很洒脱,原本以为我能够轻易放下,怎料事到临头,一切都成了真实,却才突然发现,我放不下,我真的放不下啊。\n原本以为在世上早已无牵无挂,可是现在才发现,自己的牵挂,居然是多的数不清!\n最重要的是,在这片陌生的土地上,自己再也找不到那份属于自己的归属感!归属感……\n我骨子里始终是外人……\n君邪静静地闭上了眼睛,轻轻侧了侧头,在无人发现的时候,一滴泪水无声的滑落……\n这是两世为人的第一滴泪!\n男儿有泪不轻弹,只因未到伤心时!\n怔怔的看着面前铜镜之中这张年轻的近乎有些稚嫩的面孔,脸容稍见瘦削,薄薄的嘴唇,长长地眉毛斜飞入鬓,显得一双眼睛有些细长,锋锐的感觉。\n君邪苦笑一声,喃喃地道:“不得不说,这家伙长得还是不错的,蛮清秀的,就是是不是有点太小白脸,太娘娘腔了一些。”\n想想自己的前世,那是何等的威风何等的煞气?\n虽然长得也不是特别的招人喜欢,眼睛小了些、细了些,鼻梁也低了点,总体形象也貌似太大众化了一点,可自己是标准的男人啊!\n那些小白脸,虽然男人大丈夫有的他们也有,可是自己自己就是看不起他们,怎么也没想到,一穿越却穿到了一个标准小白脸身上,尤其这小白脸儿长得还挺漂亮,……\n“伙计,是你把我带过来的么?”\n右手轻轻地抚摸着左手手腕上一个小小的宝塔形的图案,那个宝塔图案很似一个纹身。\n君邪脸上浮起一丝骄傲,纵然我穿越了,这东西也还是在中国人手里,可没有让它落到洋鬼子手中去!\n这个宝塔形的图案,可不正是与君邪拼命抢夺的那个玲珑小塔一模一样!\n虽然它已经变作了自己手上的一个小小图案,但君邪却很肯定地知道,这就是那个小塔!\n他自己也说不出为什么,但心中就是有这种感觉,很实在,也很玄妙。\n看到这唯一能够为自己带来前世慰藉的图案,君邪心中巨浪翻滚,自己也不知道那是一种什么样的感觉。\n只是他一向沉稳的心性,却使得自己的脸上什么也没有表露出来。\n依然是一片淡漠!沉静!\n突然,正被他轻轻抚摩着的小塔图案突然发出了一阵混蒙蒙的黄光,然后君邪突然感到一阵头重脚轻,接着就感到自己脑海里似乎是多了一件什么东西,而手上的那个图案,也突然消失不见了……\n“怪事!”晃了晃脑袋,君邪啧啧称奇,这玩意儿还真是够奇怪的,先从一个巴掌大的小塔变成了自己身上的纹身,接着又奇迹似消失了。\n难道这玩意竟然真的是什么传说中的神仙宝贝?\n“少爷,老太爷请您过去一趟。”\n就在君邪想要查看一下自己头脑里多了什么东西的时候,突然一个声音响了起来。\n“请我过去?”君邪挑了挑眉毛:“干什么?”\n凭啥老东西让我过去我就得过去?\n当我是他孙子啊?!\n这句话还没问出来就咽了下去,这才想起来,貌似那老东西还真是自己的爷爷,起码是这个身体的爷爷来着……\n“这……奴婢不知。”小女孩惊恐地看了他一眼,低下了头,长长地睫毛慌乱地眨动,两只脚一前一后,小小的身子微微侧转,随时准备狂奔而逃的样子……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 1\nJun Xie suddenly woke up.\nHis right hand instinctively slapped the ground, intending to jump up even before his eyes were open. \nThis was a dangerous place where life and death was but a hair’s breadth away. He must leave immediately!\nThis was the first thought that came to his mind upon waking up, a state of mind that has become part of his instincts as an excellent assassin.\nAs his body began to rise into the air, suddenly his arm felt weak and was no longer able to support the weight of his body. Peng! He fell back down to the ground.\nJun Xie fell into a state of extreme shock for a moment. What is going on?\nHe then realized that his body was actually lying on a soft bed. \nObserving his surroundings, he found himself within a magnificently decorated room. \nHowever, with the exception of a set of square table, the room was empty. The only other item in the room was the giant bed that he fell onto. \nThis giant bed was truly enormous as it could support at least seven or eight people on it without the feeling of being cramped for space.\nWhat happened?\nShouldn’t I be in the middle of an intense gunfight? \nHow did I end up in bed? \nJun Xie’s mind ran back to his memories before he went to bed, or more precisely … the last memories he could recall in his past life.\nJun Xie was a killer by profession, a particularly outstanding gold ranked assassin. Ever since his debut 5 years ago, there was no place he could not infiltrate and his rate of success was a hundred percent.\nThus, he became the number one assassin in the rankings list of assassins. At the same time, the name “Evil Monarch” rose to the first spot of the underworld’s top ranked experts.\nIn addition, he also occupied the honourable number one spot for bounty offered for his head. Indeed, his bounty was number one amongst the world’s bounty ranking for a good 3 years.\nOnce an innumerable number of first-rate assassins daringly took on the job, but the only reward they obtained was death while the “Evil Monarch” lived.\nA wealthy person from Country Y once offered a shocking reward of $100 million to buy the life of the “Evil Monarch”. The ones who accepted this task were two assassins who were equally infamous as “Evil Monarch”, the pinnacle existence of assassins… They died three days later.\nEver since then, no one was willing to take up the suicide mission. Even after the reward was increased numerous times, still no one was willing to step up.\nNo matter how wonderful money may be, what was the point if you are dead? \nThe name “Evil Monarch” on the other hand became a taboo amongst the underworld’s bounty list.\nThe name “Evil Monarch” became a symbol of fear for the underworld figures in each country. \nThere may be many who knew of the existence of this “Evil Monarch”, but none who knew the appearance of this King of assassins. What kind of person is he or she? What kind of character is this “Evil Monarch”?\nJun Xie’s character is true to his name. To sum it in one word: Evil! Two words: bloody evil!! Three words: God damned evil!!!\nHe would always act alone, unwilling to work together with anyone. \nNeedless to say, he has no friends.\nWhen accepting missions, he would be extremely fussy not only towards his clients but also towards the target!\nShould a client he found detestable offer him an enormous reward to kill a defenceless beggar, he would reject without any hesitation whatsoever. \nHowever, when he saw someone who deserved to die, he will voluntarily step up to assassinate said person. \nAfter which he will go find the said person’s enemies and request remuneration from them. No was not an option! \nThese hapless folks were often people with no history of hiring him; some have never even heard of him before…\nIt was said… He once killed a human trafficker, but was unable to find any victims party. Seeing no other solutions, he switched his target towards a little girl who was abducted and extorted a dime from her. A dime! He passionately stated: I will never have any part in a business without any rewards; absolutely no exceptions will be made…\nHis character and way of conduct leaves his master and division members who understood him speechless…\nIt was said… He once cleared away the toilet papers in a toilet before his master went in to defecate. After the deed was done, the master realized the problem at hand and requested his aid to bring toilet papers. He took this opportunity to extort $500 thousand in labour fees from his own master. His master… gave in.\nAs for the reason…\nThat day, he called up all of his division’s senior sisters to the toilet entrance and even invited several beauties to join in.\nHowever, he fervently believed that his biggest weakness was that he was too much of a loving person. \nConsidering his identity as a pinnacle level assassin with blood soaked hands, this statement made countless people puke.\nHis claim was not exactly baseless.\nWhen within his home country, he detested seeing the rich oppress the poor, especially the officials’ oppressive behaviour towards the common people. When in foreign countries, he detested seeing his own people oppressed!\nHis “patriotic” character has stirred no small number of frightful disasters.\nEven with such a character, many clients would still rush to line up for his services.\nReason?\nHe possessed superior marksmanship, eyesight and immeasurable martial arts prowess. \nHis cultivation in both fistfights and sword fights are exceptional. \nHowever, the biggest reason remains that his rate of success is one hundred per cent! \nThis achievement was truly unprecedented!\nHe was the ultimate assassin in the assassin realm!\nHe was also the only one amongst the peak level assassins with an unblemished record!\nHowever, this gold ranked assassin was fundamentally a typical hot-headed youth!\nHis last mission was another “volunteer” job; he heard that Country M’s secret organization secretly unearthed a priceless treasure from the Kunlun Mountains of Country Z. They then secretly smuggled the treasure home before Country Z found out about it. As befitting a hot-headed youth, Jun Xie exploded in fury!\nIn these peaceful times, how can a national treasure be allowed to fall into the hands of foreign Country M?!\nJun Xie singlehandedly massacred his way towards the treasure, proudly facing off against nearly one hundred secret service agents of Country M. He employed sneak attacks, traps and his combat skills to kill over seventy agents before finally laying hands on the treasure. At that moment, the secret service agents’ courage had been shattered to pieces. If Jun Xie wished to, he could easily waltz out of there. \nOf that matter, Jun Xie had absolute confidence!\nHowever, the moment his hands went in contact with the treasure – a palm sized exquisite paGoda, an unexpected supernatural incident occurred. At that critical moment, his entire body became paralysed. Forget trying to move his body, he could not even blink! \nHe did not notice the blood from one of his wounds gushing into the small paGoda; the delicate, exquisite and heretical looking small paGoda…\nHis last memories were that of no less than fifty pieces of mini grenades flying straight towards him, accompanied by over twenty firearms shooting at him. While he still has the skill and strength to wipe out these men in one fell swoop, he could only watch in sorrow, as his body would not move anymore.\nThis feeling was truly infuriating!\nI never imagined that I would actually fall today in such an absurd manner. Nonetheless, I’ve lived a good life! Those corrupt officials, local tyrants and bullies that have died by my hands number at least over a thousand! My life was worth it!\nOthers would smile as they enter the Nine Springs, while I smile as I enter the depths of hell!\nI have had a spectacular and grand life! \nI have no regrets!\nAlthough I killed many people, they are all scum who deserved it! If it is just, why fear anything? \nEven if this act would drag me down to hell, so what?!\nKill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!\nExterminate the dirty scums!\nClean up every criminal!\nEven if the world is to condemn me as a murderer, so what?!\nIn this world, is there any other who can live as I did? What a delightfully unrestrained life!\n“Ha ha ha ……” at his point, Jun Xie couldn’t help but let out a loud laughter.\n“Young Master, you… are you all right?” a timid voice came out from beside him, seemingly terrified by his actions. The voice holds a hint of someone who’s about to cry. \nA cold little hand was placed onto his forehead.\nYoung Master? \nThis is not a dream? \nThis is not hell either? \nJun Xie awakened, promptly opening his eyes. \nThen suddenly a set of unfamiliar memories rushed up from his heart! \nMemories and information then surged into his mind. \nJun Xie felt as though he was struck by lightning!\nHe was now inside someone else’s body?\nOr did he already reincarnated? \nBut how could he still vividly remember his past life? \nCould it be I did not drink Old Lady Meng’s soup? \nOr did I actually end up in someone else’s body?\nDid I transmigrate to another body?\nOr is this a bodily rebirth?\nJun Xie stared coldly for a long time without any movement, and yet he still could not understand head or tails of what happened.\nWhen the little hand was moving about before his eyes, Jun Xie suddenly laughed madly: “Son of a bitch!\nGood deeds really do fetch a good reward!\nFor me to survive, I would never have expected such a good thing to happen. It appears that the great me must have accumulated no small merits in my past life, perhaps even immeasurable amounts of merits?\nWaha ha ha… “\nHearing his sudden shouts, the roughly ten-year-old girl beside him trembled in fear and ran to hide in a corner. Her big pretty eyes blinked in confusion and fear as she stared at the nightmarish “young master” and her body quaked. Her face was pale, looking almost similar to a frightened quail.\nAnother scream suddenly resounded, this scream sounded wretched but it was shouted by Jun Xie himself.\nThis was because his voice was found to be of a high pitch, akin to a girl’s. Could it be? That part of me is gone?! Nooo!!! \nIgnoring the fact that there was a little girl right in front of him, Jun Xie’s immediate reaction was to grab his crotch.\nWhen he finally found that familiar “part” of his body, Jun Xie breathed a sigh of relief. Heavens truly did not mistreat me, I can still have children.\nThat really scared me though; I thought I transmigrated into a girl’s body… \nJun Xie wiped away the cold sweat.\nAfter a while, the Jun Xie began to inspect his new body.\nStagnant meridians, atrophied muscles, joint stiffness…\nWhat kind of person is this?\nHis body is too fragile! \nTruly a crappy one!\nJun Xie secretly whispered, but it does not matter. As long as the meridians are not destroyed, three to seven years is all it will take for the great me to stand at the top again!\nAfter making up his mind, Jun Xie realized something. He was currently in a completely different world!\nNo matter how he looked at it, this does not seem like the Earth he was familiar with!\nHe was currently alone in this world; he neither understand anything nor does he know anything!\nWhat were the rules of this world?\nWhat was this world?\nAfter putting all these factors into consideration, even a cold-blooded assassin of Jun Xie’s calibre could not help but feel frustrated.\nObserving the antique looking furnishing and bedding and the clothes on his body that was completely different from those from his time, his joy of not dying began to subside. In its place, a feeling of confusion welled up…\nIt seems like its true… I’ve been granted a second chance…\nThis should have been a very exciting prospect for anyone, but a sudden feeling of innumerable loss and pain welled up from within his heart. It was a subtle feeling with no antecedent, causing his nose to feel sour, his eyes to turn watery, his heart to suffocate; Jun Xie’s mouth turned into a self-deprecating one as he began crying for the first time in his life.\nGiving up on my homeland and planet is hard! \nI thought I could be free and easy. Originally I thought I could easily let it go, that was my belief at my last moments. And yet when everything became real, I suddenly found that I can not let go, I really can not let go!\nI originally thought that I had not a care in the world, but now I suddenly realized that the things I care about are so numerous I can barely count them!\nThe most important part is that in this strange land, I cannot find my own sense of belonging! A sense of belonging ……\nMy soul has always been an outsider ……\nJun Xie closed his eyes as he gently inclined his head to the side. When no one could see, a tear silently fell down…\nThis was the first tear of a man from two worlds!\nDo not belittle men who cries, everyone has a time where they have to endure sadness!\nStaring into the bronze mirror, he saw a young and somewhat childish looking face, his face appeared slightly thin with thin lips, long eyebrows slanting upwards towards the temple and a set of fine eyes gave off a sharp feeling.\nJun Xie laughed bitterly and mumbled: “I have to say, this kid’s got some good looks, quite the handsome one, but he looks a bit too much of a flower boy, and his voice is too much like a sissy’s.”\nRecalling his past life, his appearance was simply impressive and full of killing vigour! \nEven though his look was not exactly the popular type, his eyes were a bit small, a bit thin, his nose was also a point lower. While his overall appearance seems rather average, at least he was a standard male! \nEven though there are some real men amongst these flower boys, he personally looks down on them. How could he have expected, he would end up transmigrating into the body of a flower boy? Not to mention this was quite the handsome flower boy…\n“Are you the one who brought me over, mate?” \nHis right hand gently stroked his left wrist where a very small paGoda pattern was visible. The paGoda pattern looked similar to a tattoo. \nOn Jun Xie’s face was etched a trace of pride; even when I’ve ended up transmigrating I still managed to keep this item safe instead of letting it fall into the hands of foreigners!\nThe paGoda-shaped pattern was none other than the exquisite paGoda that Jun Xie traded his life for. \nEven though it has transformed into a small tattoo on his hand, Jun Xie can confidently say that this was the paGoda in question! \nHe was unable to explain how he knew of this, only that his heart was telling him so, a real and yet mysterious feeling.\nSeeing the one thing that brings him a sense of comfort, stemming from his past life, Jun Xie’s mind rolled about in turmoil. He was unable to ascertain what kind of feeling is this. \nEven so, he maintained a calm and collected disposition, not showing anything on his face.\nIt was still an indifferent atmosphere! Quiet!\nWhile he was gently stroking the small tower pattern, it suddenly emitted a burst of foggy yellow light causing Jun Xie to feel lightheaded. He sensed that something seemed to have entered his mind, following which the pattern on his hand disappeared…\n“Strange!” Shaking his head, Jun Xie felt amazed. This toy really was strange, it started as a small palm-sized tower, transforming into a tattoo on his hand, and then it miraculously disappeared.\nCould this stuff actually a legendary treasure?\n“Young Master, the Old Master is asking for you.” \nJust as Jun Xie was about to investigate what it was he sensed in his mind earlier, a voice suddenly came out.\n“Asking for me?” Jun Xie raised his eyebrows: “Why?” \nWhat qualifications does this old geezer have to command me to go meet him? \nDoes he think I’m his grandson or something?! \nBefore he could utter those words, he swallowed them. Thinking about it, that old geezer really was his grandfather, or at least his current body’s grandfather…\n“This… I do not know.” The little girl looked at him with a terrified expression before lowering her head, her long eyelashes blinked in panic. Her legs are positioned one before the other, her body slightly tilted, she looked as if she was ready to make a run for it.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第10章\n君老爷子自然没有想到,今天晚上的异常根本就是他的孙子得了一项天大的好处,根本没有什么人来刺杀!\n却一味的联想到其他方面去了。\n他听说君邪大半夜的跑到落月湖里去洗澡,气愤愤的去睡了觉,没想到睡的正香却又被一阵鸡飞狗跳惊了起来,一问居然又是君邪这边发生了问题,登时一头火就冒了出来。\n“我没事,好的很,真的好的很。”君邪下意识的一把将毛巾抓了过来捂在了裆部,满脸窘迫。\n赤条条的在水里一丝不挂,却突然闯进来了十数个大老爷们,人人居高临下地看得通透无比,饶是君邪的脸皮厚的很,心境也够沉稳,却也还是有些受不了。\n“捂什么捂?\n就你那点东西,在爷爷面前还有什么害臊的?\n记得你小时候爷爷还天天一边一只手抱着你,另一只手捻着玩来着。”\n君战天一句话让君邪几乎一口气憋晕了过去。\n背后,那几个五大三粗的侍卫双肩耸动,每个人大毛脸都憋得通红,个个喘着粗气。\n有好几个偷眼斜斜窥看着少爷捂着的地方,挤眉弄眼的互相做眼色,眼中神情跃跃欲试,似乎有比一比的劲头……\n“谁干的?”君战天一张脸沉了下来,如寒冰,杀机隐现。\n“呃?”君邪有些糊涂,转眼就明白过来,做出一副惭愧的样子垂下头:“没看清,我就倒了。”\n“废物!”君老爷子气哼哼的骂了一句,语气中满是失望。\n仔细看看孙子,确定没什么事情,也就没了在这里看孙子裸体的兴致,就自己孙子的小身板,一点也没有兵家子孙的素质,大姑娘身上都没这么白!\n哼!实在是……\n他无奈地点了点头:“你好好休养吧。”\n转身走了出去,一众侍卫也纷纷跟了出去,君邪这才长出了一口气,将捂在胯下的毛巾取了下来,一头冷汗。\n翌日,君战天老公爵在皇帝的金銮殿上大发脾气,指着几个国舅太师什么的皇亲国戚、首辅大臣的鼻子一顿破口大骂,情绪异常的激动,并扬言,若是再有人去行刺自己唯一的孙子,每一家都要拿出一条人命来再说别的!\n沉寂了十年的老元帅一旦发飙,满朝文武噤若寒蝉,连当朝皇帝也轻声细语的连连安慰。\n不过也有不识相的,大皇子的老丈人,也就是当朝御史大夫宋世谊本是新晋贵族,借着大皇子的势爬到了如今位置,对这位老公爵认识不深,又自恃身后有大皇子撑腰,便顶撞了君战天两句,并向皇帝陛下参了一本,却当场被君战天打的脸如猪头,还掉了两颗牙齿。\n大皇子硬着头皮出来劝解,被老公爵一脚揣在小肚子上,成了滚地葫芦。\n经此一事,所有人都很害怕,没有一个人敢动了。\n最后还是皇帝陛下和稀泥、打圆场,亲自担保君三少今后的人身安全问题,君战天才愤愤不已的拂袖而去。\n临走时在各位皇子的支持者身上一个个的扫了一眼,让那些人人人都是两腿颤颤如面条……\n老公爵已经有十年没有发过威了,十年不动,一朝发威,却令得满朝文武顿时屁滚尿流!\n在金銮殿上居然大打出手,连皇子都敢动手,还有什么是不敢的?!\n唯有皇帝陛下看着君战天离去的背影,却是从心中长叹。\n君战天今日这一番发飙,虽然威风;但皇帝陛下却已经知道,君家的那位仅存的三少爷已经让这位老爷子彻底的失望!\n再联想到君战天曾经向自己请求迎娶灵梦公主,现在想来,那应该就是君战天为了保全君氏家族血脉而做出的最后的努力。\n而自己当时却无情的拒绝了。\n君莫邪但凡有一点出息,君战天都不会这样在金殿上暴跳如雷,今日之所以如此失控,只因为老爷子已经看不到君家有任何的未来!\n君战天和君家在国内国外树敌无数,只要他撒手西去,仇敌们谁都不会放过他的子孙。\n所以老爷子现在绝不介意强势到底!\n谁敢动我君家动我孙子,我就先动你!\n反正我君家已经如此了,我何必还要忍辱负重?!\n难道煊赫一时的君家,曾经是天香帝国保护神的君家,难道就这么没落了下去?\n皇帝叹了口气,心中突然感到了极度的后悔。\n或许当年,不应该……\n见识了老公爵的强势,军方老部下们人人眉飞色舞,所有暗中打着主意的人也纷纷打消了原有的计划,即便是被当场落面子的大皇子,也没有更多的怨气,说到怨,他也只会埋怨自己的老丈人,不知好歹,自取其辱,没看见这老东西已经半疯狂了吗?!\n当然仍有不少人心中不忿,难道你这老东西还能长生不老不成,等你咽了气,当日就让你君家绝种断后!\n但,顶多也就是现在心中想想,在天香帝国,没有任何势力有胆量在君战天老公爵在生之日,明目张胆的对抗老爷子!\n惟有……\n当朝太师、首辅大臣李尚一直冷眼旁观,不发一言,但君老爷子离去之后,却很是隐秘的皱了皱眉头,脸上随即露出了笑容。\n看来,君战天对自己这个不争气的孙子还是维护的很啊。\n既然如此,那么,君莫邪就是君战天的弱点了?\n这么一个弱点,可实在是太好掌握了,当一个人有了明显缺点之后,无论这个人本身的实力多么强大,又拥有多么强盛的底蕴,都不再足畏……\n无人注意的角落,李太师与对面的护殿将军孟如飞互相看了一眼,各自嘴角牵出一丝神秘的笑容。\n君家,君邪的房间里。\n门关上,可儿羞红着俏脸,扭身也要逃出去。\n“你很害怕我?”君邪擦着自己身体,反正也早就被这小丫头看光了,再看看貌似也没什么打紧的,人家小姑娘都不在乎,自己一个大老爷们怕什么。\n“怕。”可儿赶紧点头,却又觉得不对,急忙改口:“不,不不……怕。”\n君邪笑了笑,就那么赤条条的从木盆里站了起来,可儿又是一声尖叫,捂住了自己的眼睛。\n君邪赶紧穿起衣服,来到可儿面前,微笑道:“睁开眼睛吧,没事了。”\n可儿慢慢将手挪开了一条缝,偷偷看出来,发现君邪确实已经穿上了衣服,这才放心的将两只手拿了下来,俏脸红红的,煞是可爱。\n君邪看着小丫头着实可爱,忍不住伸出手,在她头上轻轻拍了拍。\n可儿顿时又是一惊,抬起头来看时,却发现君邪眼睛里一片温煦,就像是看到了小妹妹的大哥哥一般,不知为何心中一定,竟然不再害怕了,想道:“现在的少爷,看起来倒也挺顺眼的。”\n心中刚一这么想,突然又是一惊:“我怎么会这么想?他明明还是那个好色之徒,纨绔恶少!我决不允许他玷污我的清白!若他用强,有死而已!”\n她不由地倔强地又退后了一步,满脸警惕之意。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 10\nGrandpa Jun naturally would not have guessed that last night’s incident was in fact a huge heavenly blessing for his grandson, there was no assassins at all! \nAnd yet he managed to somehow connect these two unrelated dots together. \nAfter hearing that Jun Xie had jumped into the Luo Yue Pond to take a bath, he went to sleep with a heart filled with anger and resentment. Unexpectedly, while he was sleeping soundly, he suddenly woke up with a start, his heart filled with inexplicable fear. Asking around, he received news that there was a problem with Jun Xie, causing his anger to ignite.\n“I’m all right, all good, I am really all good here,” Jun Xie subconsciously grabbed a towel to cover his crotch, his face filled with embarrassment. \nHe who had been stripped naked without anything left to cover himself had to suddenly face tens of elderly men who came charging in; his body left vulnerable to all eyes. Even though Jun Xie has a very thick skin and a calm state of mind, he was still somewhat unable to accept this.\n“What are you trying to cover up?\nDo you need to be so ashamed to show that thing to your grandfather?\nI still remember back when you were still a baby, I would often carry you with one hand, while the other hand would play around with that thing.”\nJun Zhan Tian’s words almost caused Jun Xie to choke to death.\nAt the back, the body guards shoulders relaxed, everyone’s face turning red as they restrained themselves, breathing heavily. \nSeveral of them stole side glimpses towards the area that the Young Master had covered. Some of them started glancing at one another, their eyes winking and signalling at one another, almost as if they were comparing something…\n“Who was it?” Jun Zhan Tian’s face fell, turning as cold as ice, his killing intent unleashed.\n“Huh?” Jun Xie was confused, but quickly came to understand what Grandpa Jun meant. He then made a face full of shame and lowered his head. “I fell before I could see anything.”\n“You wastrel!” Grandpa Jun swore; his voice filled with disappointment.\nAfter taking another close look at his own grandson to ensure that he was indeed all right, he no longer had any mood to continue looking at his naked body. With this small physique, his grandson simply does not look like a grandson from a military family. Not even a young lady’s skin can be compared with him in terms of whiteness!\nHmph! This truly is… \nHe reluctantly nodded. “You go have a good rest, then.”\nAfter that, he turned and headed out, followed by the bodyguards. It was only after that could Jun Xie give out a sigh of relief, putting away the towel covering his bottom area, a cold sweat trickled down.\nThe next day, the old Duke, Jun Zhan Tian let loose his temper within the golden imperial hall. Pointing at several lords, ministers, imperial relatives and even the Chief Chancellor, he unleashed a barrage of curses. Having had his emotions agitated to an abnormal high, he threatened that if anyone were to attempt to assassinate his only grandson again, then every family will have to give out one life as compensation!\nHaving stayed quietly for the past few years, Jun Zhan Tian’s eruption of anger rendered the entire royal court, both civil and military faction trembling in silence. Even the Emperor himself had to repeatedly comfort him in person.\nBut there were also those who were insensitive. The Eldest Prince’s old supporter, the Royal Doctor, Song shi Yi, was a newly promoted noble. He was able to climb to his current position with the help of the Eldest Prince’s influence, but did not have much knowledge about this old Duke. Counting on the backing of the Eldest Prince, he contradicted Jun Zhan Tian’s words and tried to get the Emperor to support him. He was thrashed on the spot by Jun Zhan Tian to the point where his face became a pig’s, also losing two teeth.\nThe Eldest Prince steeled himself and came forth to persuade Jun Zhan Tian, but was granted a kick to his stomach, causing him to roll backwards on the floor. \nAfter that incident, everyone became fearful, not a single one dared to move. \nIn the end, the Emperor had to personally come forth to pacify him, smoothing things over and promising him that he would personally guarantee the safety of Third Young Master Jun. \nOnly then was Jun Zhan Tian willing to leave with a face filled with indignation. Just before he left, he stared at each and every one of the princes supporters, causing their legs to turn unsteady like noodles…\nThis old Duke had been staying his hand for a good ten years. After ten years, he finally threw a fit, scaring the absolute crap out of every civil and military officials of the Royal Court.\nWithin the golden imperial hall, he even dared to strike the Prince, what else would he not do?\nHis Majesty, the Emperor observed Jun Zhan Tian as he marched off, and was the only one to give out a deep sigh from the bottom of his heart. \nThe prestige and might that Jun Zhan Tian showed today was truly imposing, but the Emperor knew all too well that the Third Young Master who was the only successor of the Jun family had thoroughly disappointed this old general. \nThinking back on when Jun Zhan Tian had personally come to him, requesting a marriage for Jun Moxie and Princess Ling Meng; that was probably Jun Zhan Tian’s final effort to preserve the Jun bloodline.\nHowever, His Majesty had mercilessly rejected the request.\nAs long as Jun Moxie was still breathing, Jun Zhan Tian would never throw such a huge fit in the golden imperial hall. The reason he went out of control today was due to the fact that he could no longer see any future for the Jun family. \nThe Jun family’s enemies both within and without are incalculable; once Jun Zhan Tian dies, his enemies would never show any mercy towards his grandson.\nThis was the reason why the old Duke had no qualms about going all out! \nWhoever dares to harm my Jun family, my grandson, I’ll harm you first! \nSince my Jun family had already been forced to such straits, what else is there to fear?\nThe Jun family was once the awe-inspiring patron saint of the Tianxiang Kingdom. Could it be that they will simply decline into oblivion like this? \nThe Emperor sighed, a pang of regret throbbed in his heart. \nPerhaps back then…\nAfter having experienced the might of the old Duke, the military officials were all enraptured, while those who had made secret plans for the old Duke immediately decided to drop those plans. Even the Eldest Prince who had suffered a huge loss in face did not show any grievances. At the end of the day, he would only blame that old supporter of his. Ignorant and disgraceful, did he not notice that this old Duke had gone half-mad?\nOf course, there were still many of them who held onto their grievances within their hearts. You old thing, you think you can continue living forever? The day you die is the day the Jun family become extinct!\nHowever, this was something that they can only think about deep within their hearts. There are no powers amongst them within the Tianxiang Kingdom with the courage to blatantly confront the old Duke!\nOnly…\nThe Royal Preceptor, Chief Chancellor Li Shang had been staying seated without saying a single word, but once Grandpa Jun left, his eyebrows was secretly raised, his face shaped into a smile. \nIt seemed that Jun Zhan Tian was quite protective of this disappointment of a grandson. \nIn that case, then Jun Moxie was Jun Zhan Tian’s weakness? \nSuch a kind of weakness is simply too easy to grasp. When a person’s weak point is revealed, then no matter how strong that person may be, or how much background that person may have, they are no longer worth fearing…\nStaying at a corner without being noticed by anyone, the Palace Army Captain, Meng Ru Fei who was standing opposite Preceptor Li looked at each other, their faces showing a mysterious smile.\nJun Family, Jun Xie’s Room.\nThe doors were closed; Little Ke’s face was blushed red, as she obviously wanted to escape.\n“Are you scared of me?” Jun Xie wiped his body. Since this little girl had already seen his naked body before, seeing a little more makes no difference. Since this girl does not seem to care, why should he?\n“Scared,” Little Ke nodded her head immediately. But she then thought about it and quickly said. “No, no, not… scared.”\nJun Xie laughed before standing up, getting out of the bathtub… naked. Little Ke screamed again, covering her eyes.\nJun Xie quickly put on his clothes before going in front of Little Ke, smiling. “You can open your eyes now, it is all right now.”\nLittle Ke slowly opened a small crack between her fingers, secretly peering from the hole. After realizing that Jun Xie had truly gotten clothed, she was able to set her mind at ease and put her hands down. Her face was still of a reddish hue, truly lovely.\nSeeing how cute she was, Jun Xie could not stop himself from reaching out and gently patting her on the head.\nLittle Ke was surprised, she raised her head and found that Jun Xie’s eyes were filled with warmth, akin to that of a big brother seeing his little sister. Not knowing why, her heart calmed down, no longer feeling fearful. She thought: “Right now, the Young Master actually looks pleasing to the eye.”\nAfter having these thoughts, she was suddenly startled: “How can I even think that? He is obviously still the lascivious, debaucherous and detestful baddie! I will not allow him to defile my innocence! If he uses force, then I’ll just die!” \nShe could not help but took a step backwards, her face becoming completely alert.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第100章\n慢慢沉到了湖底,君莫邪才睁开眼晴,眼前一片湛蓝的水色,辨别了一下方向,轻轻滑动,向着那艘画肪潜了过去。\n不多时,只觉得眼前一暗,知道己经来到了那画肪船底之下,君莫邪悄无声息的浮了上去,一只手紧紧扣住船底,一边将手中的芦苇含在了嘴里,真气一吐,长长地芦苇管关节尽通,悄悄地伸在了船边。\n一股清新之极的空气瞬间传进了君莫邪己经几近室息的肺里,顿时一阵轻松。\n这一连串的动作若是有任何一个环节出了砒漏,都势必会前功尽弃,更会引动敌人的察觉,甚至是招致杀身之祸!\n君莫邪并没有进一步的举动,只是静静地等着,半点也没有不耐心。\n曾经的猜测和疑虑,现在都己经消失不见。\n那几个杀手到底上不上这一条船,他更己经不放在心上。\n既然选择了目标,就绝不后悔!\n直觉中,他就认准了这条船!\n所以他有无尽的耐心。\n只要还能呼吸,他就能等下去。\n就好像自己前世凭着直觉追踪杀人或者潜伏一样,安静的等着。\n这一刻,他,又是那位杀手之王!邪君!\n良久,终于有声音传来,几声女子的娇笑,和男子粗扩的声音响起,一路说笑着,船身微微晃动,君莫邪头顶上咚咚的脚步声响起,有数个人先后走上了这船。\n一个,两个……六个人!\n君莫邪默默的数着。\n若是之前的那三个杀手己经全员来到的话。\n一干杀手一到了船上,那种特有的阴冷气息顿时让君莫邪的思感起了反应,在这冰凉的水中,感受着那阴冷的杀气,君莫邪竟突然有了一种亲切、怀念的微妙感觉。\n这,才是自己的世界啊!\n世家的锦衣玉食,荣华富贵固然舒服自在,但君莫邪这位杀手之王,更向往的却是无拘无束,如同大草原上的狼王那般,傲啸天下,虽然危机四伏,但却君临天下!\n那种痛苦中蕴含着刺激,孤独中享受着寂宾,单身只男独闯天涯,横剑当胸冷眼问天!\n十步杀一人,千里不留行!\n这,才是君莫邪心中最大的梦想。\n但很可惜,在这个世界的身份,让君莫华拥有这种机会的可能无疑渺茫到了极点。\n那六个人进入船抢之后,只听见茶壶和茶杯轻轻的触碰,然后是几个人吱溜吱溜“的喝茶声,谁都没有开口说话,只有几个女子的在不时的轻轻的笑着,软语温存。\n良久,一个声音沙哑的道:”月儿姑娘,不知刘大人什么时候能够过来?\n我兄弟在这里等着,可也不是个事啊。\n上次刺杀公主,乃是何等的罪名!\n现在全城仍自搜捕,风声丝毫未缓,观如今我们身上又带上了这万金难买的玄兽筋,同样是惹人觊觎的东西,万一若是这个……”\n一个女子的声音轻轻地娇笑着,满不在乎的说道:“赵堂主,你这可有些过虑了啊,这里,可是霓裳阁啊,你不会不知道,霓裳阁乃是什么地方吧?”\n“霓裳阁自然无事,不过,却也以防万一吧!\n前者行刺一事,搞得风声鹤唳,我等撤退无门……己经耽搁了许多时候,如今又有这玄兽筋在身,久留天香,实非善事吧!”\n那姓赵的似乎有些不好意思,讪讪地道。\n“赵堂主如今想着及早抽身,只怕不是为了什么官府搜捕吧!\n上次任务失败又如何说,难道堂主打算就此推过吗?……”\n女子这句话,不无嘲讽之意,但那赵堂主却只是低低哼了一声,并没有开口反驳。\n反是另一人愤愤地道:”月儿姑娘此言差矣,大是欺心、前次任务失败的责任如何在我们一方,若不是你们情报不确,我们如何会铩羽而归;\n若是早知道公主身边有一位天玄强者护卫,我们组织又岂能只做如此安排?\n任务等级又如何之会是区区三级任务!\n以我们前次布局的实力,要想在一位天玄强者保护下杀死公主,那无疑是痴人说梦。\n此番损兵折将,就算是二爷,也要对我们堂主做出一个交代的。”\n那女子沉默了一下,方才缓缓道:“你们始终是收了银子的,我方请你们去杀一个银玄级实力的公主难道不是事实?\n而且,我们耗费了良多气力,调开公主身边的绝大部分实力,可谓给你们创造了最便利的条件,若是这样你们仍然无法得手,这似乎是你们自身的问题了,至于说什么天玄强者……\n呵呵,先不论他有没有这个人,就算有,那也己经是你们的事情。我们己经付足了银子,所想看到的只是我方想要的结果,而不是所谓的推委理由。”\n顿了顿,可以清晰地听到那女子站了起来,缓缓酿步,语声低沉但却清脆:“妾身不过乃一小女子,这件事情你们跟我说没甚大用,少安母躁,待等刘大人来了,你们自跟他说吧。”\n坐在了椅子上,端起茶盏,眼皮也不撩一下,一时间船舱中气氛尴尬无比。\n几位杀手几曾受过这等气,见那女子如此的强词夺理,顿时有人怒哼了一声,待要发作,便在这时,画肪船头轻轻一动,又是两个人走了进来。\n君莫邪伏在抢底,只感觉这两个人一进来,顿时抢中的气氛凝重了起来。\n想必来的乃是一位大有身份的人物,而且,必然是位一流高手。\n君莫邪只觉得面前渐渐昏暗,己是入夜。\n灵雾湖两岸各色灯火映照在水面,五彩缤纷,如梦如幻。\n“这是怎么回事?”\n来人看到船抢中气氛诡异,沉声问了一句,声音甚是威严。\n语气之中透露出一种久在高位的气度。\n“刘大人,前日刺杀之事,我们血剑堂需要刘大人给一个说法。”\n那沙哑声音的杀手首领不卑不亢地道:”为何从来没有人提起过,在灵梦公主身边,另有一位天玄强者护卫?\n这件事情,害得我们组积出动的人手全军覆没,损失可说极大,“还可是我血剑堂近年来少有的事情!”\n“哦?赵堂主的意思,也就是说,刺杀任务没有完成反而要怪在我们头上?”\n那位“刘大人”不紧不慢,口气中似乎还带着一点笑意。\n杀手首领嘶哑着声音,沉郁地道:”刘大人,你亦是一流高手,这件事情,跟我们血剑堂的威名有什么关系?\n我们血剑堂向来是受人钱财、与人消灾,无论是谁,照杀不误!\n但任务进行也一向是根据雇主提供的准确情报,然后才能确定任务的难易级别,再派出相应的人手,一击必杀!”\n他这里说的慷慨激烈,船般底下的君莫邪却几乎鄙观他到死!\n作为一个杀手,而且是一个久负盛名的杀手组织,居然会相信雇主的情报?\n真是滑天下之大稽!\n哪怕是雇主的情报千真万确,杀手组织和杀手本人也需要再详细的核实一遍的!\n相信雇主,等于是拿着自己的小命在开玩笑!\n只听那人继续道:“但现在,在灵梦公主这件事上,你们无论是隐藏了又或者是疏漏一位天玄高手这个极端重要的事实!\n若是堂主大人早知其中有天玄高手参与,又岂会只派出两个小小的金级杀手?\n恐怕堂主大人亲自出手也未可知!\n究其原因,乃是你们情报不周所致……又怎么怪得了我们血剑堂?\n别的不说,此次刺杀的等级也绝对不能定为三级刺杀!”\n他这番话说得甚是激烈,口气也颇为不客气,但那刘大人却出奇的没有生气,沉吟了起来。\n良久方道:“你确定?那人…当真是天玄高手?”\n“千真万确!”\n杀手首领极为肯定地点了点头:“不仅如此,事后听说,那位天玄高手,飞刀之色碧蓝如海天,当是天玄巅峰的修为,而且飞刀之中灌注玄气十足,但出手却是轻飘飘的没有半点威力,用意大抵是威慑!\n这样的控制能力,几乎己经是传说中的至尊神玄的控制力!\n这位天玄强者,我敢打包票,此人虽是天玄巅峰,但一只脚,己经迈进了至尊神玄的门槛!”\n杀手首领越说,越是庆幸,幸亏此次行动自己没有亲身参与,否则的话,现在的自己也己经是一具冰凉的尸体!\n越想越是觉得自己实在是切切实实的从鬼门关上转了一圈,越说越是余悸犹存,心中对面前的这位“刘大人”的意见也就越大,到得后来,眼神己经有些不对。\n丫的不是骗我们来送死的吧?\n“天玄、天玄顶峰高手……”\n刘大人起身跋步,皱起眉头喃喃自语:“京中宫中什么时候又出观了这样一个人物?\n为何连她们也……实在是古怪。古怪之极!”\n“刘大人?请问此事该如何了解!”\n黑衣杀手见他久久不说话,忍不住问道。\n“嗯?哦,呵啡……既然此事千真万确,那么此事便须回禀二爷,再另做计议。”\n刘大人沉吟着:“有天玄高手护卫,一般的刺杀己经没有效果了……”,\n他抬头看了面前三人一眼,虽没说话,但言下之意分明是这几个人己经不够分量了。\n“刘大人说的不错……我等亦有自知之明,有这等天玄高手在,只凭我们几人是无法刺杀公主的。”\n那杀手首领强忍胸中怒气,道:“不过,连消息也得不到的人,貌似也没有什么用处吧!”\n“哦?哈哈……”刘大人一怔,随即大笑几声,话锋一转,道:“不过,你们连君莫邪也没有杀死,这等良机一去不回,委实是可惜之极!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 100\nSlowly sinking to the bottom of the lake, Jun Mo Xie opened his eyes to a world of azure colored water. After reorienting himself, he proceeded to slowly walk toward the pleasure boat.\nIt was not long before the water had turned pitch dark, indicating that he had already arrived underneath the boat. Jun Mo Xie silently floated up before reaching out with one hand to tightly hold on to the hull. The reed held in his other hand was placed in his mouth and, with a sharp exhalation, the long piece of reed quietly extended out of the water by the side of the boat. \nA breath of fresh air filled Jun Mo Xie’s nearly asphyxiated lungs and a burst of relaxation involuntarily rush through his body.\nA single careless mistake in this series of maneuvers and all his efforts would have gone down the drain. His targets would certainly become alert to his presence and possibly even try to kill him, leading to a fatal disaster!\nJun Mo Xie took no further actions and only waited motionlessly without showing any signs of impatience. \nHis previous anxiety and misgivings have all but disappeared. \nHe no longer worried in his heart whether the assassins will board the boat. \nSince he had already selected his targets, there is no room for regret!\nIntuition! He firmly believes that the assassins will come on this boat!\nTherefore, he was endlessly patient. \nAs long as he can breathe, he will wait. \nIt was just like in his previous life when he had to rely on his intuition to pursue murderers or hide from his enemies. \nAt this moment, he is the King of assassins! Jun Xie!\nAfter some time passed, there finally came the sound of a young lady’s delicate laugh and the echoes of boorish men talking and laughing. As people embarked, the boat swayed, and the thudding of footsteps could be heard coming from above Jun Mo Xie.\nOne, two…six individuals!\nJun Mo Xie counted in silence.\nIt seemed that three more people had joined the party of assassins that have arrived earlier.\nOnce the party had boarded the boat, their distinctive cold aura suddenly caused a reaction in Jun Mo Xie’s mind. In this ice-cold water, the cold killing intent made Jun Mo Xie feel a sense of familiarity.\nThis is my world!\nThe extravagant life of a noble—the glory, splendor, and wealth—admittedly was very comfortable, but Jun Mo Xie was the King of assassins. He yearned to be unfettered like the king of wolves, arrogantly howling among a vast expanse of rolling grassland. Even if danger lurks around every corner, he still chose to be a king looking down on the world!\nSuffering leads to growth; the lonely enjoys the loneliness. A solitary shadow charging into the unknown, brandishing his sword in defiance of the heavens. \nTen steps to kill a person, a thousand miles without leaving a trace!\nThis is Jun Mo Xie’s grandest dream.\nUnfortunately, it is uncertain whether Jun Mo Xie will have such an opportunity in his current body.\nNo one spoke after entering the boat’s cabin. Only the sounds of teacups softly touching followed by the “sipping and slurping” of tea and the occasional gentle laughter of a young lady could be heard.\nIt was only after some time had passed when a hoarse voice spoke up. “Lady Yue’er, do you know when Lord Liu will arrive?\nMy brothers have been waiting here and we’ll get nowhere like this.\nThe assassination attempt on the Princess is a serious criminal charge!\nThere is still an ongoing manhunt in the city! That incident hasn’t even died down yet and we are already tasked with safekeeping these priceless Xuan beast tendons. If by any chance something was to happen…this one…”\nA girl’s delicate laugh was heard before she voiced out unperturbed. “Hall Master Zhao, is there such cause for alarm? This is the Ni Chang Pavilion. Don’t tell me that you are now aware of what kind of place Ni Chang Pavilion is?\n“There will naturally not be any mishaps here at Ni Chang Pavilion, but we can never be too careful! \nThe failed assassination attempt has already put us on edge and backed up against a wall. With the many delays and the Xuan beast tendons now in our possession, it really would not be wise to stay any longer in Tianxiang!” \nThe one surnamed Zhao was feeling somewhat embarrassed but replied nonetheless.\n“So Hall Master Zhao is only thinking of washing his hands of this problematic situation. Perhaps the reason isn’t just some manhunt! \nWhat do you have to say about your failure? Don’t tell me the Hall Master plans on shifting the responsibility at this point?…” \nThe young lady chided derisively. Hall Master Zhao only gave a snort and did not open his mouth to retort.\nHowever, one of his men spat in contempt. “Lady Yue’er, your words are too unfair. Surely we are not the only ones at fault for the previous mission’s failure. If the intelligence you provided had not been wrong, would we have returned having failed so dramatically?\nIf we had known earlier that a Sky Xuan expert accompanied the princess, would our organization have planned the assassination like so?\nThe mission difficulty is clearly not a trifling grade 3!\nIt was an impossible task to challenge a Sky Xuan expert with the strength of the members who were previously dispatched.\nWe demand that Er Ye provide our Hall Master with an acceptable explanation for the losses we have suffered.\nThe young lady was silent for a moment and then slowly replied. “You received the money. Our side requested you to kill a princess with the strength of Silver Xuan, did we not?\nAnd we had spent considerable amount of resources to arrange for a majority of the strength by the princess’ side to be away at that time. It could even be said that we have create the ideal conditions for you. If this is still not enough for you to succeed, then it is obviously you that is lacking. As for the Sky Xuan expert…\nhehe, whether or not this person really appeared, is still your problem. We paid you for results and not excuses.”\nAfter a brief pause, the sound of the young lady standing up could clearly be heard. Slowly pacing back and forth, a low but clear voice said. “I am but an insignificant young lady. Speaking to me regarding this business is not worth your while. Don’t be impatient. When Lord Liu arrives, you will have plenty of opportunity to speak to him yourself.”\nShe sat down on a chair before picking up a cup of tea. For a moment, an incomparably awkward atmosphere filled the cabin.\nThe assassins were extremely angry after hearing the young lady’s sophistry. In the time that one of the assassins was about to flare up, the bow of the pleasure boat swayed slightly as two individuals made their way onboard.\nThe atmosphere in the cabin had shifted once again with the appearance of these two persons. \nPresumably, one of the new arrivals has a significant background and is certain to be a peak level expert.\nJun Mo Xie could sense his surrounding gradually dim—the onset of night. \nOn both shores of the Spirit Fog Lake, all kinds of lanterns shine upon the water surface, all the colors in profusion, as if a scene from a dream.\n“What is going on?” \nA profound and imposing voice asked after having felt the strange atmosphere in the cabin. \nThe penetrating manner of speaking revealed an eminent status kind of bearing.\n“Lord Liu, our Blood Sword Hall demand that you provide us with an explanation for the business regarding the previous assassination attempt.”\nThe hoarse-voiced assassin leader continued without reservation. “Why were we not informed that a Sky Xuan expert is escorting and protecting Princess Ling Ming?\nOur forces were caught unaware and have been entirely wiped out. The losses we suffered this time were unprecedented for my Blood Sword Hall!”\n“Oh? So according to Hall Master Zhao, the assassination mission was not completed but the fault lies with us instead?”\nLord Liu said unflustered and seemingly with a smile. “Then with the Blood Sword Hall’s reputation, I’m sure we can renegotiate a lower payment for your lack of results.”\nThe assassin leader’s hoarse voice replied. “Lord Liu, you are an expert. How does this business have anything to do with the Blood Sword Hall’s reputation?\nOnce our Blood Sword Hall accepted payment, regardless of whom, we have always killed with no mistakes!\nBut the missions have always been conducted under the assumption that the employer provided accurate information to determine the degree of difficulty and then dispatch the appropriate task force to ensure one hit one kill!”\nWhile he was speaking with such intense vehemence, Jun Mo Xie was actually down below almost despising him to death! \nAn assassin, even one who is leading a seasoned assassin organization, naively trusts in their employer’s information? \nTruly ludicrous! \nEven if the employer’s information was accurate, the assassin organization and the assassins themselves need to vet the details! \nTo blindly trust your employer is to gamble with your own lives!\nThe man continued to speak. “Whether you were purposefully concealing or just overlook this crucial piece of information, the fact remains that a Sky Xuan expert had been present!\nIf our Grandmaster knew beforehand about the Sky Xuan expert’s participation, he would not have only sent two Gold Xuan level assassins!\nPerhaps our Grandmaster would have personally undertaken this mission!\nThe reason the mission was not completed was because your information was not satisfactory—how can the blame be on my Blood Sword Hall?\nNot to mention that this assassination absolutely was not just a grade 3 mission!”\nAlthough his tone was rather blunt and disrespectful, Lord Lie inexplicably was not angered.\nInstead he muttered to himself irresolutely for a while before asking. “Are you certain? That person…was actually a Sky Xuan expert?”\n“I am absolutely certain!”\nThe assassin leader nodded his head with extreme vigor. “The Sky Xuan expert’s flying daggers were dark blue in color so his level of cultivation must have reached a peak level. What’s more, the control he displayed was as light as a feather as if he hadn’t used any power, indicating that his intention was deterrence!\nThis level of control is already nearing the legendary skills of the Supreme Divine Xuan level existence!\nI dare to guarantee that although this expert is still in the Sky Xuan Realm, he is but one step away from the doorsteps of the Supreme Divine Xuan Realm!”\nThe more the assassin leader spoke, the more fortunate he felt that he had not personally participated in the operation this time. Otherwise, he may very well already be an ice-cold corpse! \nAt this point, he felt confident that he had actually been tiptoeing around the gates of hell. His heart has already grown suspicious of this “Lord Liu” sitting in front of him as his eyes slightly narrowed. \nYou did not intentionally deceive us so that we’ll throw away our lives right?\n“Sky Xuan…Sky Xuan peak level expert…”\nLord Liu paced back and forth, creased his brows and thought to himself. “When did such a person appear in the capital?\nWhy are they…so unconventional? Too abnormal!”\n“Lord Liu? How should we proceed with this matter!”\nThe black-clothed assassin had waited for a long time without speaking but finally had to ask.\n“Yes? Oh, well…since you are sure about this matter, then this must be reported back to Er Ye.”\nLord Liu muttered. “To have the protection of a Sky Xuan expert, ordinary assassination methods will be ineffective…”\nHe raised his head to glance at the three men in front of him. Even though he did not speak, the implication is clear to those people that they are no longer adequate.\n“What Lord Liu said is not wrong; we are also aware. With this Sky Xuan level expert present, just the few of us are incapable of assassinating the princess.”\nThe assassin leader said, holding back his anger with great difficulty. “But people that cannot even produce accurate information don’t appear to be very useful either!”\n“Oh? Hahaha…,” Lord Liu trembled but immediately laughs before changing the topic of discussion. “But you did not even kill Jun Mo Xie, such an opportunity gone forever, is indeed a great pity!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第101章\n“可惜!可惜之极,君莫邪若是死了多好!也能让君老匹夫心痛一时!”\n那月儿姑娘有些咬牙切齿地道,听到君莫邪居然没死,显得惋惜至极。\n船舱下的君莫邪在脑海中细细搜寻,大惑不解。\n记忆里没得罪这位“月儿姑娘”呀,怎地现在这女子的口气倒活像是被君莫邪强暴了一百次似的怨毒?\n刘大人慢慢沉吟着,逛:“此事既然已至如此地步,关于雇佣你们刺杀公主的事情就暂时到此为止吧,而玄兽筋也已经顺利到手,在这个当口,你们左右去意已生,我会设法安排你们离开天香。\n呵呵……至于剩下的事情,我自会回禀主子,看他老人家如何安排,或者会再次与贵堂合作也未可知;尚麻烦诸位回去的时候,代为向血剑堂主问好。\n并说一句:此事虽然不成,二爷同样感激。”\n他说到最后一句话的时候,语音突然变得无比郑重。\n显然,这句话,乃是那所谓的“二爷”的原话。\n君莫邪无声无息的撇撇嘴:谁还不知道那所谓的二爷就是二皇子?\n偏偏你们还一副神秘的样子!\n“多谢刘大人,在下必定原话带到,至于如何离开,我们自有另外的渠道,就此告辞!”\n随即三个人一同起身,抱拳行礼。\n“玄兽筋已经放在月儿姑娘手中,三十根一根不少,事成之后,还望知会一声。\n属于我们的那一份,我们自会前来取回。”\n刘大人呵呵笑道:“不必客气,诸位回去的时候,还请问一下,上次提过的刺杀某君的事情,不知道堂主大人考虑好了没有,无论结果如何,请尽早给个知会,拜托了!”\n“是。”三个人鱼贯而出,转瞬消失在夜色之中。\n刘大人等人却未出去相送。\n“月儿姑娘,那事之后,宫中已经进行了一次大清洗,三位的人手都有颇有折损,不过,这对我们来说,并无大碍。\n毕竟,这件事情无论从哪一方面去看,都是老大的人搞出来的。\n所以你要将我们以前商定的事情尽快的做好,一旦若是传出消息,就尽可能的安排一些人手进去!\n注意,要单线联系!”刘大人压低着声音,急促地道。\n“是,这一点请刘大人和二爷放心,我们已经准备了很久,而且选出的,全是处子。”\n月儿姑娘柔美的声音响起:“格格,刘大人,若不是为了二爷的大事,连月儿都想着去宫里玩几天呢。”\n“哈哈,月儿姑娘的国色天香,谁能受得了月儿姑娘你的诱惑?”\n那刘大人笑了一声,压低了声音,道:“二爷嘱咐,玄兽筋制作手弩的事,要尽快进行,可能随时用得上,一刻也不得耽搁。\n这件事情,目前风声正紧,各方都盯着我们,我们始终不方便出面,一切都交给月儿你了。\n月儿姑娘为难地道:“这个我当然知晓,可是这批玄兽筋实在大过罕见,\n若使用一般的钢铁为材料,恐怕无法物尽其用;\n但又势必不能找京城的神兵谱制作,神兵谱固然手艺精兵,独步天香,可惜树大招风太容易泄漏消息。\n目前唯一能做这件生意的,也只有同样以擅长兵器制造出名的江南赵氏商行,\n在拍卖之前我已经派人去联系,只是目前还没有得到回应。”\n“恩,此事越快解决越好,宁可以双倍薪酬,也要尽快完成。”\n刘大人慎重地说道:“这种东西,对我们的将来有莫大的作用。\n二爷可是花费了几乎天价的代价,又冒大险让血剑堂的人代为出面,才换到了这些玄兽筋,万万不能有一点点闪失。”\n“这个属下自然晓得。”\n月儿姑娘轻轻的一笑,道:“刘大人,不知道我拜托二爷的那件事情,有什么具体结果吗?”\n那刘大人口气之中颇有难色,道:“月儿姑娘,那君战天始终是天香国军方柱石,想要刺杀于他,谈何容易?\n就算是血剑堂堂主,连公主皇子都敢刺杀的人物,在这件事上,也是一直犹豫到现在,不能作出决定!”\n“若是我们出动二爷的派系人手,栽赃君战天谋反的话,在君老儿刚刚大闹京城之后,陛下正是心中恼怒的时候,一定会有效果的!”\n月儿姑娘的口气甚是愤恨之极:“我做梦都在想着君老贼家破人亡,这次明明就是一个极好的机会,二爷怎地就轻轻放过了呢!”\n“那决计不行!”\n刘大人断然否定了这一提议,“这样动君战天,天香国军方至少要动一半;\n我们针对君战天本人可以,但决不能针对派系;\n二爷想要的,可并不是一个支离破碎的天香国。”\n“君老贼害得我国破家亡人离散,听你这么说,难道……”那月儿姑娘口气中有些失望,诺是二爷不能够替我做到这件事情,那我们为什么要依附于他?”\n“大胆!”刘大人厉声叱了一句,旋即放缓了音调,道:“月儿姑娘,此事始终是急不得;血剑堂现在正在犹豫着,等到他们在宇唐帝国的事情办完,几位当家一碰面,到那时,二爷定然有法子令他们就范。\n血剑堂三位当家,可全是天玄修为,最神秘的魁首,传说更是至尊神玄的超级高手!\n对付区区一个君战天,绝对不是什么难事。\n再说,君战天已经是风烛残年,就让他苟延残喘几个月,又有什么关系?”\n那月儿姑娘哼了一声,还是有些愤愤,但却再也不吭声了。\n君莫邪心中一震!\n他们居然在预谋刺杀自己的爷爷!\n而那杀手组织“血剑堂”,竟然三位当家都是天玄修为!甚至更有一个至尊神玄的魁首!\n只是这一震,由于人在水中,本是无比平静的湖面未免露出一点点轻微之极的水花声。\n声音虽然小的不可闻,但君邪依然顿时心叫不妙。\n“谁?!”只听得一个声音厉声道:“船下有人!”\n行迹已露!\n君莫邪来不及多想,身躯一转,双脚在船底狠狠地一蹬,整个人顿时如一条硕大的箭鱼一般从水底激射了出去,急速向着远方游去。\n轰的一声,画舫顶层四分五裂,一条人影带着浑身金灿灿之中夹杂着丝丝淡黄的光芒,冲空拔起,飞凌五丈之高!\n双目如雷轰电闪,四处一扫,便发现了君莫邪在水底急速远去的身影。\n金光一闪,落回船上,顺手抓起船上艄公的长长的竹篙,刷的一声,便如一道黑色闪电,带着缭绕的金色玄气,从手中飞出,射向君莫邪在水底的身影,同时身子凌空飞扑,顺着那竹篙飞去的方向,一掠而来,身子在夜幕中衣袂飘飘,金光闪闪,犹如天神降世。\n正是那位刘大人!\n金品巅峰!只需再前进半步,就是地玄水准了!\n君莫邪闪电般向着远方急游,突觉头顶压力重重,身躯所处的四周水流也似突然凝固了一般,同时感到一股巨大的危机瞬间笼罩了自己,霎时间毛骨悚然!\n并不转头,君莫邪已经清晰感觉到,这股危机正是对准了自己的背心疾穿而来,若是避不过去,必然是一个大大的血窟窿!\n心念疾闪,瞬间调动起全身功力,开天造化功全力运转,顿觉周身压力一减,身子尽力一侧,前胸挺出,后膺突出,中间的腰部猛地一收一歪,整个人脱节一般变成了一个标准的“S”形。\n真是魔鬼身材,前凸后翘!\n唰!长达四丈有余的竹篙几乎是擦着君莫邪的肌肤,从腰部插了下去,无巧不巧地穿过了衣衫,更连底裤也穿了过去,深深地插进了淤泥之中。\n君莫邪只觉得大腿一凉,一阵撕扯的刺痛,几根弯弯曲曲的毛发顿时飘在了水里。\n若是这竹备再偏离半寸,恐怕君大少就要去伺候皇帝陛下了,顿时头皮一阵发炸!\n一般的竹篙不过两丈,但灵雾湖水深,竹篙也就相对地长了一些。\n君莫邪一挣,竹篙插在他衣服与肌肤之间,居然没有挣动;右手一翻,小巧的飞刀出现在手里,向后一划,“嗤”的一声顿时自由,两片衣袍就像两片蝴蝶,分向两边,中间一个白白的身躯,若是女子,却是甚是诱人的。\n天空中,那道散发着金光的身影正迅猛的扑了下来,还未及水面,已经激的水面上涟漪大起,平静的水面上深深地陷了下去,形成了一个漩涡,连深深插在淤泥之中的竹篙也露出了一点头。\n君莫邪在水底,睁大着眼睛看着天空中飞扑下来的人影,心中哼了一声,突然身子一挺,猛的上冲。\n呃,别着急,他可绝不是冲上去与这位对目前的他来说还是一位不可逾越的高山的金玄巅峰高手拼命!\n身子利箭般上升,快将要浮出水面的一瞬,突然左手一推,一道水箭嗤的冲出,射向空中落下来的人影,另一手抓住竹篙,身子一个千斤坠,同时向着反方向急速游动,开天造化功全力运转,嗡的一声,小腿粗细的竹篙居然在水底被拉成了弓形,发出“咔咔”的声音,令人牙酸。\n在弯到极致的时候,君莫邪积聚的力气也告罄,猛然松手,赤裸裸的身子向着远方极速游去。\n弯曲的竹篙带着庞然的大力,“嗡”的一声反弹了出去。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 101\n“Pity! Such a pity! It would have been better if Jun Mo Xie was killed! At least, that would have made his bastard grandfather’s heart ache!”\nLady Yue’er said between gritted teeth. Hearing that Jun Mo Xie had unexpectedly escaped death caused her to feel extremely regretful. \nUnder the boat, Jun Mo Xie was wracking his brain but was at a loss as to how he had offended this “Lady Yue’er.”\nJudging from the bitter resentment in this young lady’s voice, it sounded as if she had been violated a hundred times by Jun Mo Xie!\nLord Liu slowly pondered and said. “Now that this situation has escalated to this point, the mission to assassinate the Princess will be temporarily called off. We are fortunate to have acquired the Xuan beast tendons without a hitch. At this juncture, I can make arrangements for your departure from Tianxiang.\nHaha…as for the other issues, I’ll personally report to my master and see what the old man has planned. Perhaps we may have to collaborate with your hall once again, and I’ll have to inconvenience everyone to return at that time.\nPlease send greetings to the Blood Sword Hall’s Grandmaster on my behalf and tell him “although this was a failure, Er Ye is still grateful.’”\nHis voice suddenly became very solemn when he said these last words. \nApparently, this sentence was quoting the direct words of this so-called “Er Ye.” \nJun Mo Xie was speechless as he twitched his mouth. Who doesn’t know that Er Ye* is the Second Prince at this point?\nAnd you still try to be so mysterious!\n“Lord Liu, thank you for your generous words. As for our departure, we naturally have our means. We’ll take our leave!”\nThe three men immediately stood up and cupped their fists. \n“The Xuan beast tendons have been given to Lady Yue’er for safe keeping. Thirty tendons is not a small number so we hope that we will be informed as soon as this matter is resolved.\nThat which belongs to us, we will personally come back to retrieve.”\nLord Liu laughed. “No need to be polite. When you return, please ask the Grandmaster if he had given some thoughts to our request to assassinate an emperor. Regardless of his answer, please inform our side as early as possible!”\n“Yes.” The three men filed out and disappeared into the night. \nLord Liu did not send them off.\n“Lady Yue’er. The palace had already conducted a thorough purge after the incident with the princess and all three sides have lost men. But this does not concern us.\nWhat’s more important is that the one behind all this is most likely the eldest brother.\nTherefore, you need to complete your assignment we’ve discussed earlier as quickly as possible. In case the information leak, do your best to arrange some subordinates to get into the palace!\nBe vigilant and maintain only a single line of communication!” Lord Liu lowered his voice and spoke urgently.\n“Yes. Lord Liu and Er Ye can rest assured. I have already made preparation a long time ago and have selected only virgin maidens.”\nLady Yue’er’s gentle and beautiful voice echoed. “If not for Er Ye’s important plans, even Yue’er would want to go to the palace to play for a few days.”\n“Haha, Lady Yue’er is one of Tianxiang’s top beauties! Who can resist your charms?”\nLord Liu laughed a while before lowering his voice once again to speak. “Er Ye has ordered that we move forward with the plans to create crossbows out of the Xuan beast tendons. They might be needed at any time, so there is not a moment to waste.\nSince many parties are watching our every move, it would be inconvenient for us to be personally involved. That is why we entrust you with completing this task.”\nLady Yue’er replied uneasily. “I naturally understand, but these strips of Xuan beast tendons are too exceptional.\nUsing ordinary steel would not be able to bring out the full potential of these tendons.\nUnfortunately, we will not be able to employ Shen Bing Pu, even though his craftsmanship is unrivaled in Tianxiang, since a tall tree attracts the wind—attracts unwanted attention.\nOur only option is to do business with Jiangnan’s famous Zhao Clan Trading Company.\nI have already sent messengers to get in touch with them before the auction, but I have not received a response yet.”\n“The sooner this issue is resolved, the better. We are even willing to double the payment if that is what it takes.”\nLord Liu said cautiously. “These crossbows will be crucial to us in the future.\nNot only has Er Ye paid an almost prohibitive price, but he is also taking a significant risk to involve himself personally with the representatives from the Blood Sword Hall. Before this business with the Xuan beast tendons is completed, we absolutely cannot have any mishaps.\n“This subordinate naturally understands.”\nLady Yue’er gently smiled before continuing. “Lord Liu, do you know what came of the matter I asked of Er Ye?”\nLord Liu’s voice became quite solemn. “Lady Yue’er, Jun Zhan Tian is a cornerstone of the Tianxiang Kingdom. Killing him is easier said than done.\nEven the Blood Sword Hall, who dares to assassinate a princess, will still hesitate and not make their decision so lightly when it comes to Jun Zhan Tian!”\n“Er Ye only needs to mobilize a fraction of his manpower! We can frame Jun Zhan Tian for plotting a rebellion by taking advantage of the recent uproar the old man caused in the capital. With anger clouding His Majesty’s mind, the result will be obvious!”\nExtreme resentment was palpable in Lady Yue’er’s voice. “Even in my sleep, I dream of the death and destruction to that old man’s family. Is Er Ye going to let this decisive opportunity slip away!”\n“That’s out of the question!”\nLord Liu resolutely rejected this suggestion. “Jun Zhan Tian controls at least half of the power in Tianxiang.\nWe can target Jun Zhan Tian himself but not when it may implicate his entire faction.\nWhat Er Ye wants is not a fragmented Tianxiang Kingdom.”\n“Jun Zhan Tian left my country in ruins and my family dead or scattered. Listening to your words, don’t tell me…” Despair was evident in Lady Yue’er’s voice. “If Er Ye is not capable of accomplishing this task on my behalf, then why would I continue working with him?”\n“Outrageous!” Lord Liu harshly scolded before lowering his voice. “Lady Yue’er, your personal grudge is not a priority. Blood Sword Hall is still hesitant so wait until they have completed their assignment in the Yu Tang Kingdom. At that time, Er Ye will certainly have ways to make them submit.\nThe three masters from the Blood Sword Hall are all at the Sky Xuan cultivation level, and their mysterious leader is even rumored to be a peak level Supreme Divine Xuan expert!\nDealing with a trifling Jun Zhan Tian would certainly not be a complicated matter.\nBesides, Jun Zhan Tian already has one foot in the grave, what’s the harm in letting him struggle at death’s door for a few more months?”\nLady Yue’er snorted angrily but did not say a word.\nJun Mo Xie trembled!\nThey are planning the assassination of his grandfather!\nNot only were the assassins from “Blood Sword Hall” actually three Sky Xuan level experts but their leader is apparently at the Supreme Divine Xuan cultivation level!\nBut because the lake surface had been incomparably tranquil, the water had unavoidably made an incredibly slight splash sound when he trembled. \nAlthough the sound was almost inaudible, Jun Xie still immediately cursed in his heart.\n“Who’s there?!” A voice snapped. “There’s someone under the boat!”\nHis position has been exposed!\nJun Mo Xie didn’t have time to think before turning his body around and firmly kicking off the bottom of the boat. His body looked like a big swordfish as he violently shot off underwater, quickly swimming far away.\nAn explosion rocked the pleasure boat as the roof of the cabin disintegrated into a shower of splinters. A figure layered in a bright and dazzling golden radiance, stormed into the air almost five zhangs high!\nLike a flash of lightning, his two eyes sweep across in all direction to discover Jun Mo Xie’s silhouette escaping underwater at great speed.\nWith a flash of golden light, the figure returned to the boat to seize the helmsman’s long bamboo pole*. Shua! With a heave, the pole looked like black lightning enveloped in golden Xuan Qi as it flew out from his hands towards Jun Mo Xie’s underwater silhouette. At the same time, the figure launched high up in the sky and flew out in the same direction as the bamboo pole. Gliding over the lake surface with the sleeves of his robe fluttering, this dazzling golden figure appeared as if a God had descended to earth.\nThis is precisely Lord Liu!\nPeak Gold level cultivation and just a half step from Jade Xuan level!\nJun Mo Xie continued to press on and swam toward the distance when he suddenly sensed layer upon layers of heavy pressure pushing down from above. The water surrounding his body felt as if it suddenly froze and a feeling of impending crisis grew within his heart. His blood rapidly ran cold!\nWithout turning his head, Jun Mo Xie could sense that the trajectory of this attack would penetrate his torso. If he is unable to avoid it, then there would inevitably be a bloody big hole!\nSwiftly making up his mind, he instantly circulated the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune at full strength. Feeling the stress on his body reduced, he exerted all his effort to lean to one side, puff out his chest, stick out his butt, and suck in his waist—his appearance that of an “S” shape. \nA really, really killer figure with curves in all the right places!\nShua! The four zhang long bamboo pole barely scraped by Jun Mo Xie’s skin, continued past the small of his back, coincidentally threading through his clothes and even through his underwear, before deeply inserted into the lake bed.\nJun Mo Xie felt a chill running down his thigh and a stinging pain as short curly hair suddenly floated around in the water. \nIf the bamboo pole deviated by a hair’s breadth, he feared that Young Master Jun will wait upon His Majesty the Emperor. He immediately burst into a cold sweat!\nStandard bamboo poles are only two zhang in length, but the bamboo poles used at Spirit Fog Lake are relatively longer because of the depth of the lake.\nJun Mo Xie struggled to get free. The bamboo pole that was inserted into the space between his clothes and flesh unexpectedly did not budge. A small and exquisite flying dagger appeared with a flip of his right hand before he made a quick backward slash and became free. Two pieces of gown resembling a pair of butterflies parted to either side of him to reveal a stark naked body in between. If this was a young lady, then it actually would have been very alluring.\nUp in the sky, the golden figure quickly descended. Before even touching the lake surface, the speed of his descent had caused waves to ripple out and the water under his feet to sink just enough to expose one end of the bamboo pole.\nJun Mo Xie eyes opened wide as he watched the figure sweeping down from the sky. Snorting in his heart, he suddenly straightened himself and rushed up towards the surface.\nHmmph, don’t worry; he would never rush up to fight. As he is now, a Gold Xuan peak expert is still an insurmountable mountain.\nAs his body shot upwards, his left hand suddenly punched out right as he was about to reach the surface to create a water arrow that exploded toward the falling figure in the sky. Simultaneously, his other hand grabbed the exposed end of the bamboo pole as he rapidly swam back into the lake. Circulating the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune at full strength, the bamboo pole was unexpectedly pulled into a crescent shape and continued to issue out cracking sounds that cause people’s teeth to sour.\nWhen the pole had been bent as far back as possible, Jun Mo Xie suddenly lets go after exhausting his strength reserves, his naked body swimming away extremely rapidly far away.\nThe bent bamboo pole straightened out with tremendous energy, and a droning “weng” sound ricochet out.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第102章\n君莫邪早已看出,这人扔出这竹篙,一来是为了击杀自己,但还有一个用意,就是万一一掷不能杀伤自己的话,还可以用来立足借力。\n这一点,从他的落下姿势就可以看出来,他落势虽猛,但却是双脚在下落下来的,而若是一般高手在这种情况下,通常都是头下脚上,那样的话,速度要比这人现在的速度要快一倍以上!\n这也说明了一点,这位刘大人,这个高高在上的金品巅峰高手,他……不懂水性!\n这便是君莫邪在这一瞬间分析出来的事情,所以他立即选择将竹篱拉偏。\n只要拉开了竹篙,他下来之后无处借力,那么,淹死他也追不上自己!\n但君莫邪没有料到,竹篙不仅很坚韧,而且湖底的淤泥也够深,居然拔不出拉不断,看看那人即将落下,只好放手,落荒裸游而逃。\n赤条条的身子,就像一条大白鱼夹着一点鸟黑的水草……\n那位刘大人早已打算的好好的,这偷听的人只知道逃跑,必然不是什么厉害角色,自己完全可以搞定。\n自己虽然不懂水性,但有竹篙借力,进可攻退可守,实在不行一个翻身就能回到船上;所以他毫无顾忌,竹篙出手之后人随即落下,迎面一道水箭射来,刘大人衣袖一拂,顿时扫到一边,这一来轻易试出对方功力不高,更加放心的落下;但哪里知道临近水面的时候,两眼一扫,刚刚还在眼前闪现的竹篙头部,居然巳经没有了踪迹!\n这一来顿时怯了起来,人在空中,后力已尽,新力不生,如同飞蛾扑火,吧唧一声落进了水中。\n刚刚落水还未来得及回过神来,就看见面前不远处两片大白屁股摇曳着向远方深水处滑去,不由得大怒起来!\n正在这时,突觉前方水流有异,嗡的一声,一根长长的竹篙带着汹涌的水流急速的反弹了回来!\n若是他懂得水性,自然可以及时避开,但他不懂水性,落进深水正在慌张,心神不属,哪里还顾得上这些“啪”的一声,打的又狠又准,先是竹篙中部重重地抽在了他的两腿之间,一声撕心裂肺的压抑的惨叫还未来得及发出,身体本能的一弯,接着竹篙头部又“轰”的一声砸在了他的脑门上!\n惨叫一声,刘大人被砸成了一个鹞子翻身,在巨大的力量的作用下,带着一蓬灿烂的血光离水飞出,就像一条晒干的咸鱼,直挺挺的向着画舫的方向飞了过去,脑海中残余的最后的印象,竟然就是面前那对摇曳的大白屁股……真的好白!\n画舫上另一条纤细的身影轻灵曼妙地飞了出来,居然是灿烂的银光……那月儿姑娘身子一抄,将刘大人的身体接在手里,按着身子便凭空飞了回去,原来腰上绑了一条绳子……\n月儿姑娘回到船上,神情复杂的看着远方,那偷听的人已经无影无踪,前方几十丈外,便是一片茂密的芦苇丛,在这等一片漆黑的夜里,经过这一耽搁,就算有心想追,也是追不上了……\n先前威风八面的刘大人,此刻已经是奄奄一息的躺在自己脚下,昏迷不醒……\n另一边满是芦苇的隐秘处,君莫邪余悸犹存的爬上岸,趁着夜色裸奔而去,心中无限庆幸。\n若不是这次受伤,开天造化功再进一步的话,恐怕这次还真要栽了!真是好悬哇。\n砰地一声打倒一个刚刚完事心满意足的从青楼出来两腿发虚的走在路上的嫖客,君莫邪非常利索的扒下他的衣服,匆匆忙忙套在自己身上,一溜烟的没了影子。\n地上,留着一个赤条条肥胖胖的身体呈大字型仰面朝天,胯下一条小蚯蚓似地东西软塌塌的歪着头丑陋之极。\n君家八名侍卫发了疯似的满世界寻找自家少爷,他们可是深知此事的厉害之处的,若是此事让君老爷子知道,八个人的保护不利的罪名那是无论如何郁逃不掉的。\n若是万一这位公子爷再出什么事情……几个人不敢再想下去了。\n直到夜幕沉重,八个人才疲惫的返回,刚到大门,就见一个貌似很象自家少爷的人,从另一边急匆匆的走过来。\n为什么说很象自家少爷呢?\n因为那人穿着一件极不合身的外袍,样子狼狈得一塌糊涂,\n君大少爷虽然是个十足的纨绔败家子,但人样子总还算不错,所以平日里非常注重自身的仪表,决计不会如眼前人这般的邋遢!\n估计是人有相似吧?\n不过那八名侍卫定睛仔细辨认,同时惊喜地呼叫一声,喜不自胜!\n这个貌似很象自家少爷,却又应该不是少爷的邋遢行人,可不就是君大少爷又是那个?\n“你们八个人怎么回事?\n下午那阵居然被灵梦那丫头的狗屎护卫给吓得呆了吧!\n哼哼,我叫了你们好几次居然没反应。”\n君大少一边急匆匆的赶路,一边摇着头先发制人,一卧恨铁不成钢的样子:“不就是一个天玄初阶高手吗?居然能将你们吓成那个样子?\n看你们呆怔怔的,我就有气,干脆自己先走了!”\n呃?啊?\n八人顿时想起,在夜孤寒那怒极的一声怒吼之后,自己似乎确实有那么一瞬间失神,难道就是在那一瞬间,少爷叫我们我们没反应,然后气呼呼的自己走了?\n目瞪口呆地看着君莫邪,八个人脑诲中同时一片混乱。\n他们居然没有想起来问问,既然是一个人走了,为什么会和我们同时回来?\n我们可满天香城的四处找您很久了,这么长的时间里您到哪里去了?\n还有,您身上这件肥大的,只有暴发户才会穿的俗不可耐的外袍又是怎么回事?\n还有,您的头发怎么好像是湿的?\n“别愣着了,赶紧把那个焚经荷给我。”君莫邪一只脚已经匆匆地跨进了大门,头也不回地吩咐道。\n众侍卫这才如梦方醒,机械的移动脚步,跟着神秘的少爷走了进去。\n几乎所有人郁在纳闷,今天少爷的脚力怎么这般的迅速,鬼上身了?\n不快怎么的呢,君大少爷现在袍子里面还是真空的,凉飕飕的极不得劲,得赶紧去换衣服,万一被别人知道,自己其实先裸游,再裸奔,然后才扒光了别的男人的衣服回来,君大杀手的一世英名可就全丢在灵雾湖了……\n君府的大门在众人身后紧紧关闭!\n夜色已深,明月在天,君无意悠然坐在轻椅上,悠然地自斟自饮,静静地等待着侄儿归来。\n天空中柔和的月色汪在他刚毅的脸庞上,明明暗暗,眼神中一片宁静、深速。\n希望、奢望、冀望,又或者是……绝望!\n院门一响,换过自家衣袍的君莫邪笑嘻嘻地走了进来。\n君无意缓筑转过轮椅,很从容也很冷静的看着君莫邪,上下审视了一番,发现没有问题才松了口气:“听说你下午在盛……宝堂大大的出了一次风头?”\n“是啊!”君莫邪直言不讳:“盛宝堂太嚣张了!”\n突然觉得不对,三叔说到盛宝堂的时候,为什么会在中间顿了一下?\n口气也不大对劲啊。\n君无意垂下眼帘,默然,良久,慢慢地道:“你知不知道,一得到了这个消息,我直接出了一身冷汗,你爷爷表面看是没什么,可是我知道,他也在后怕!\n莫邪,叔叔知道你颇有胆气,可是……若非必要,若非生死关头,千万不要与盛宝堂发生任何冲突。\n盛……宝堂……我们君家还招惹不起,至少暂时是这样的,明白了吗?”\n这句话,他说得极慢,几乎是一字一句,真的很难想象,如此服软也似的话语竟从他这样的铁骨男子汉口中说出!\n君莫邪亦是一怔,缓缓在他面前坐下,道:“三叔,这可不像是你能说的话啊,难道这个盛宝堂竟真的如此可怕吗?连你也怕了他们!”\n君无意别过头去,不让他看到自己眼中神色,清冷漠然的道:“若是只有我一人,我自然惹得起盛宝堂!\n甚至,是比盛宝堂更加强大一百倍的,又能如何,人生一世、草木一春,大不了就是一死而已!\n而你也是一样,莫邪,我知道你胆识过人,天不怕地不怕,就这点三叔我很欣慰,可是,我却总觉得你对家族的代入感并不是很强烈,所以,我希望你应承我!\n无论到什么时候都要记住,你是世家子弟!在你的身后,还有一个盘根错杂的庞大家族,君家!”\n“家族,在绝大多数时候都会是你最大的助力,但有些时候,也是你最大的掣肘!”\n君无意抬起头,目光炯炯,却似是含着很多说不清道不明的东西:“只要家族还有希望,我们……就万万不能放弃!这是世家子弟的荣耀,也是世家子弟的悲哀,更是责任!”\n君莫邪默然良久,才展颜一笑,道:“我明白了!”\n“明白了就好。”\n君无意温和地笑了笑:“就为了此事,我已经等了你一晚上。\n如今既然你明白了,就陪我喝一杯吧。”\n“喝酒么?暂时不行,只怕叔叔最近的十天半个月之内都不能饮酒。\n因为我要恭喜三叔,那五种药材,如今已经齐备了。”\n君莫邪微笑着:“而那诊脉金针,早在半月前也已经准备妥当!\n三叔,再有十天功夫,你现在坐的这东西,就可以拆掉烧火了,而烧火的那天,也正好是可以取消忌口的期限!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 102\nJun Mo Xie noticed a long time ago that, while this man had aimed to strike him dead with the bamboo pole, he had also held back so that he could use the pole as a foothold. \nThis point is further supported by his diving position; he had kept both legs pointed down toward the lake during his descent. An ordinary expert in this scenario would typically dive head first which would more than double his current speed.\nThis exposes a critical weakness. This Lord Liu, this aloof and dominant peak Gold Xuan level expert, he…does not know how to swim!\nJun Mo Xie had figured out this point in that split second. Therefore, he immediately pulled back the bamboo pole. \nAs long as he could pull apart the bamboo pole, that Lord Liu will have nowhere to find a foothold and would have to drown himself to try and catch him!\nBut Jun Mo Xie did not anticipate that the bamboo pole was not only very tenacious, but the lake bed was also very deep. Having pulled on the pole to no avail and realizing that the man is closing in, he was forced to give up. \nA stark naked body, resembling a big whitefish squeezing a bit of jet-black water plant, swimming away…\nLord Liu had decided earlier that this cowardly eavesdropping individual would certainly not be a difficult opponent. \nAlthough he doesn’t know how to swim, he can still attack, retreat, and defend with the aid of the bamboo pole. When the water arrow shot out at him, Lord Liu waved his sleeves and immediately swept it to one side. This revealed that his counterpart’s skill is not high, and became even more relieved. But when he neared the water, he discovered that the bamboo pole head that was recently just in front of him had unexpectedly disappeared!\nPanic. Like a moth to the flame, he was unable to stop himself from plunging into the water.\nBefore he had time to collect himself, he saw two big white buttocks not too far in front of him gently swaying toward the distance–and he couldn’t help but become angry!\nAt this moment, the water in front of him churned with life and, with a droning sound, a long bamboo pole surge up violently, propelling a current of water at great speed!\nIf he knew how to swim, he would naturally evade in time. But he didn’t know how to swim, was still panicking from the plunge, and was preoccupied with thoughts of drowning. How would he be able to pay attention to this “bang” sound? The bamboo pole that had been haphazardly drawn back earlier was situated between his two legs. Striking hard and fast, a blood-curdling scream had not even been issued yet when his body instinctively bend forward and his forehead smashes into the bamboo pole!\nLetting out a pitiful cry, Lord Liu was sent flying and spinning like a kite with its string cut, losing so much blood that he had appeared like a salted fish that’s been dried in the sun. Flying toward pleasure boat direction, the last memory before his consciousness faded was facing a pair of big white buttocks gently swaying…they were very white!\nA quick and agile figure flew off from the pleasure boat, unexpectedly radiating brilliant silvery light. Lady Yue’er received Lord Liu’s body in her arms before returning to the boat with the rope that she had tied around her waist earlier…\nAfter landing back on the boat, Lady Yue’er had a complicated expression on her face as she looked toward the distance—the spy was long gone. In this pitch-black night and after this delay, there was very little chance she would catch up even if she had wanted to give chase…\nThe previously awe-inspiring Lord Liu is now dying at her feet, unconscious…\nHidden in a clump of reed on the other side of the lake, Jun Mo Xie still had lingering fear as he crawled ashore. He took advantage of the night to go streaking, all the while thanking his lucky stars.\nIf he had not cultivated the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune to its current level, perhaps he would already have been severely injured if not dead! He really must be blessed.\nKnocking out a satisfied patron coming out of the brothel whose two legs were too weak to walk, Jun Mo Xie very nimbly pulled off his clothes and disappeared like a wisp of smoke.\nOn the ground, a stark naked and plump body splayed out in the shape of a “大,” facing the sky. A small, earthworm-like thing collapse askew in his crotch area…\nThe eight Jun Family bodyguards were going insane looking everywhere for their family’s young master. They are acutely aware that they are in a difficult situation; if Grandpa Jun was to become aware of their dereliction of duty to protect the young master, then they would not be able to escape punishment. \nIf this young master’s grandpa creates havoc again…these men did not dare to continue this line of thought.\nAfter searching late into the night, the eight exhausted bodyguards returned to the main gate of the Jun Residence. Suddenly, they caught a glimpse of a figure that looked very similar to their family’s young master and hastily ran over.\nWhy are they not certain this is their young master?\nBecause that man was wearing an extremely ill-fitting robe and his appearance was a total mess.\nAlthough Young Master Jun is a completely good for nothing debauchee, his appearance was always regarded as pretty good as he usually attaches great importance to how he looks. That is why they half-determined that this sorry figure is not the one they are searching for.\nBut can two different people look that similar?\nSo those eight bodyguards continued to stare intently, and simultaneously called out in a pleasant surprise, unable to contain their joy!\nThis looks very much like their young master but also appear to be just a dirty pedestrian. That’s just the way Young Master Jun is?\n“What are the eight of you doing? \nI was scared stupid in the afternoon by that little girl Ling Meng’s bulls**t bodyguard. \nHumph! Humph! I called out to you all several times and was surprised when no one responded.” \nYoung Master Jun hurried along while shaking his head, appearing to hate iron for not becoming steel—resenting them for not being there when he needed them. “Was he not just a Sky Xuan level expert? You got that scared?\nI’m getting angry just looking your stupid expressions. You might as well go first!”\nUh? What?\nThe eight men immediately recalled that after Ye Gu Han had bellowed out in extreme anger, they had been despondent for a split second. Could it be that the young master called out right at that moment but we did not respond, and so he ran away after panting with rage? \nThey stared dumbstruck at Jun Mo Xie; their minds were all simultaneously confused.\nThey actually hadn’t remembered to ask: Since you went off by yourself, why would we come back at the same time? \nWe went to all four corners of Tianxiang City to look for you. Where have you been all this time? \nFurthermore, why are you dressed in the loose-fitting, intolerably vulgar clothes that only the newly rich would wear? \nFurthermore, why does your hair look like it’s wet?\n“Don’t be distracted and quickly give me the Blazing Heart Meridian.” One of Jun Mo Xie’s leg has already crossed the threshold of the gate and didn’t even turn around before speaking. \nThe bodyguards woke up as if from a dream, mechanically moving in step, to follow after the mysterious young master inside.\nAlmost everyone was bewildered. How are the young master’s legs moving so rapidly? Was he possessed?\nHow unpleasant. Frigid wind awkwardly blew inside Young Master Jun’s current billowing gown as he hurried to change clothes. If people ever find out that he first swam naked, ran naked and then stripped another man of his clothes, then his entire life’s illustrious reputation as an assassin would certainly be lost in the Spirit Fog Lake…\nThe Jun Residence’s gate closed tightly shut behind everyone!\nDeep into the night when the moon was high in the sky, Jun Wu Yi was still sitting in his wheelchair as before, absentmindedly drinking by himself and calmly waiting for his nephew to come. \nIn the sky, the gentle moonlight spilled upon his steadfast face, light and shadow danced across his tranquil and abstruse expression.\nA wishful gaze, a hopeful gaze, an expecting gaze, or possibly…a desperate gaze!\nA sound came from the courtyard gate as a Jun Mo Xie, dressed in his own gown, walked in with a grin.\nJun Wu Yi slowly turned his wheelchair and unhurriedly and calmly examined Jun Mo Xie up and down to discover no issues only then relaxed and said. “I heard you…created a large commotion in the afternoon at Magnificent Jewel Hall?”\n“Yep!” Jun Mo Xie spoke bluntly. “Magnificent Jewel Hall is too arrogant!”\nBut he suddenly sensed that something was wrong. When Third Uncle spoke about Magnificent Jewel Hall, why did he pause in the middle?\nHis tone is also not very suitable.\nJun Wu Yi had downcast eyes and was silent for a long time before slowly speaking. “Do you have any idea that I broke out in a cold sweat once I got this news. Your grandpa appears to be fine on the outside, but I know that he is scared!\nMo Xie, uncle know that you have courage, but…unless it is absolutely necessary—a life or death crisis—never have any conflict with Magnificent Jewel Hall.\nOur Jun Family…cannot…afford to offend the Magnificent Jewel Hall, at least for the time being. Do you understand?” \nHe spoke this sentence very slowly, carefully pronouncing every word; it’s hard to imagine that such words of resignation came from the mouth of such an unyielding, lionhearted man.\nJun Mo Xie was stunned, slowly sat down in front of him and said, “Third Uncle, it’s not like you to say these words. Is this Magnificent Jewel Hall really so frightening? Even you are afraid of them!”\nJun Wu Yi turned his head away, wouldn’t let him see the look in his eyes and replied in a cold, indifferent tone. “If I were alone, I’d naturally not be afraid of the Magnificent Jewel Hall!\nEven if the Magnificent Jewel Hall were to be stronger by a hundredfold, what can they do? A man has but one life, grass but one spring*, so if death comes then so be it!\nAnd you too, Mo Xie, I know that you fear neither the heaven nor earth and this Third Uncle is very pleased. But I always feel you don’t have a strong sense of family, so I want you to promise me!\nTo always keep in mind that you are the youngest generation of a noble family! That behind you, there is a large and deeply rooted Jun Family!”\n“Most of the time, the family is your greatest support, but occasionally, it can also be your most significant setback!”\nJun Wu Yi looked up. His eyes betrayed many things that he could not put into words. “As long as there is hope for the family, we…must not give up! This is the glory of the family and also its tragedy and responsibility!”\nJun Mo Xie was silent for a long time before replying with a smile. “I understand!”\n“It’s good that you understand.”\nJun Wu Yi smiled mildly. “In this matter, I have been waiting for you all night.\nSince you understand now, have a drink with me.”\n“Drink? Let’s postpone this for another time. I’m afraid Uncle will not be able to drink wine for the next fortnight. \nBut first, I would like to congratulate Third Uncle because the five kinds of medicinal herbs are now in our possession.” \nJun Mo Xie smiled. “And I have already determined from checking your pulse that you were ready as early as a half month ago!\nThird Uncle, in another ten days, you can tear down the thing you are sitting on now and light it on fire. That day also happens to be when the restriction on your diet can be lifted! ”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第103章\n君无意手一颤,酒杯中的酒洒了出来。\n默默地看着自己右手扶着的轮椅把手,长久的凝视着,只感到自己的心中惊涛骇浪般翻滚了起来!\n十年残疾!\n今朝终于迎来了一丝曙光!\n直到离去,君无意始终沉默着,再没有说一句话!\n三日之后,君战天老爷子直接封了门!并交代下去:即日起,除了陛下有旨,任何人不见!\n若是有任何人敢擅进内院一步,格杀无论!\n整个君家,气氛一下子变得如临大敌!\n紧张的让人喘不过气来!\n内院门紧闭,门外,整整两排侍卫人人刀剑出鞘,映射着天上烈阳,熠熠发光。\n暗影处,人影憧憧,君家曾经威震京城的力量,此刻再度展现。\n而且这次出动的,尽都是跟随了君战天几十年的中坚力量,任何一个人,都是值得信任且绝对忠诚的!\n哪怕是身上有任何一点的疑问的人,都被摒弃于这次行动之外!\n这次的疗伤事宜,一定要杜绝所有可能不可能的外在威胁,一丝一毫都不能懈怠!\n内院中周围四丈高的围墙之下,中间放置了一个硕大的铁盆,这只铁盆的容积几乎可以说是一个小号的蓄水池了,里面早已经储满了水,被架了起来,下面的烈火熊熊燃烧,六名大汉不住的添着柴火,水面上已经微微地泛起气泡。\n君战天一身青衣,满脸的肃穆,倒背的双手上戴着奇怪的手套,将双手,双臂完全都包裹在里面,连一点肌肤也没有露出来,在院中踱来踱去,显得心中极为不宁静。\n反而一边一身白衣的君无意神情平静,似乎在一夜之间,他已经摆脱了心灵的梏桎!\n君莫邪在一边,一张桌子上,放着一个大玉盆,两手快速地将一株株九叶草、通心草和断续根,按一定顺序放置在玉盘上,然后捣出汁液,顺着斜面流到下边的一只广口瓶中,动作异常的迅速,次序却是井然不乱。\n终于,君莫邪大喝一声:“三叔!”\n君无意浑身一震,明黄色的地阶玄气猛地一震,身上覆盖的衣袍瞬间鼓荡炸开化作粉碎,君战天老爷子一把抱起他的身体,平平展开。\n君莫邪低喝一声,瞬间将捣出汁液之后的药物残渣均匀地抹在君无意身上任何一处地方!\n君莫邪药方中的这五种草药,可尽是剧毒之草!\n随便一种也是见血封喉的剧毒之物,虽然现下只得三种混合,但药渣敷在君无意的身体的瞬间,君无意顿时觉得自己似乎突然被扔进了熊熊烈火中,从头到脚炙痛起来,闷哼一声,咬紧牙关!\n额头上冷汗刷刷的冒了出来!\n三大剧毒同时上身,这种痛苦不言而喻!\n但这些痛苦还仅仅只是开始而已!\n药渣撒完,君莫邪连一顿没顿,顺手抄起捣出来的药汁玉瓶,左右熟练无比的在君无意下巴上一捏,君无意本是紧咬牙关蓦然张开,君莫邪已经将一玉瓶的汁液倒进了他的喉咙里!\n几乎来不及反应,那瓶汁液已然顺喉而下,而这汁液好不厉害,竟彷如一团火烧了下去一般,在内外交煎之下,君无意嘶声闷哼一声,终于忍不住要大叫几声,来发泄一下身体的痛楚,刚一张嘴,君莫邪已经抄起一旁早已准备好的一团白布,死死地塞进他的嘴里。\n君战天老爷子一阵哆嗦,君莫邪这熟练之极的流畅,简直和那些用刑用惯了的酷吏没有任何分别,甚至过犹不及!\n老爷子看着都有些不忍了,孙子折腾儿子,让老爷子怎么看得下去!\n“这是必要的手段,在极度的痛苦之下,再坚韧的人,也会出现神志模糊的现象,如果不塞住嘴,在剧痛之下,极有可能会咬断舌头。”\n君莫邪一把抄起旁边放置的裂肠花,砰砰两下砸得粉碎,忙里偷闲,居然还解释了一句。\n蓦然,三大剧毒同时在君无意体内会师发作,君无意赤裸的肌肤机会是在瞬间尽数都转化成紫黑色!\n就在刚刚变了颜色的那一刻,裂肠花的碎屑已经均匀地洒在了他的身上!\n君莫邪动作可谓是快到了极点,一把将白布团从君无意嘴里扯了下来,下一刻裂肠花的毒液已经贯喉而入!君无意还未来得及做出任何反应,那团白布已经又再度塞进了嘴里。\n君无意志来得及一声闷哼,两眼瞪得几乎凸出来,两个眼球之中,满布血丝!\n那裂肠花的毒性还在三种剧毒同时全面发作之余,疾起直追,从内到外的迅速扩散蔓延,君无意只觉得丹田之中一阵烧痛,接着就是如同要焚烧灵魂一般的痛苦从丹田下十年前受伤的部位疯狂地涌了上来!\n在这一刻,君无意身上内部一旧四新五种剧毒同时运行起来,彼此冲击对抗,一身光裸的肌肤居然在眨眼之间变成五颜六色,各据一方,十年没有知觉的腰部和双腿如同正被钝刀子据骨头一般撕心裂肺的痛了起来!\n终于把十年前那隐匿起来的秘密剧毒逼了出来!\n君莫邪稍稍松了口气,两眼紧紧盯着君无意两腿之间那活儿,在这等千钧一发的关头,君莫邪脑中居然鬼使神差地冒出了一个念头:貌似不如我的……大!\n正在这样想的时候,突然君战天老爷子激动的叫了起来:“起来了,起来了啊!”\n白胡子哆嗦着,指着自己儿子胯间,果然,那玩意儿正在摇头晃脑,突然间一柱擎天!\n差点顶在老爷子俯身查看的鼻子上,君三爷那啥超过了十年的时间未得一用,今天一朝雄起,自然是非同凡响的。\n君莫邪手里抓着焚经荷,被老爷子这一嗓子吓了一跳,差点掉在地上,白了白眼训斥道:“肯定是要起来的,要是不起来,不就说明治疗失败了嘛?\n真是!值得这么大惊小怪的嘛?”\n君老爷子呃呃连声,丝毫不以为意孙子居然教训自己,脸上却是涌现出了止不住的欢喜,这玩意儿恢复了,就代表着自己残疾了十年的儿子重新恢复了男人的基本功能,别的不说,起码又能为君家开枝散叶了啊,这对于一直只有君莫邪这一根独苗而始终耿耿于怀的君老爷子来说,简直就是至大的福音!\n君无意嘴唇哆嗦着,脸上痛苦的肌肉痉挛,这一刻居然又涌起来了一种极度的羞臊的感觉,君三爷想当初也是鼎鼎大名的铁血男儿,百战勇士,如今竟……\n仅存的神志看着这一老一少两人,居然都在目不转睛地盯着自己那根不受自己控制的宝贝,连痛带臊之下,干脆闷哼一声,直接昏厥了过去!\n眼不见心不烦吧!\n至于嘛,一老一小两个大男人盯着一个壮年男人的胯下宝物猛瞧?\n那老的,简直就想伸手摆弄一翻了,还然不让人活了?\n这本就不是一个正常男人能忍受的事!\n虽然那时自己老爷子,可君三爷毕竟也三十多了不是?\n周围正在猛添火的几个大汉纷纷伸头看看,看过之后一个个满脸惭色,低头下去,没命的添柴,大将军不愧是大将军啊,虽说是十年不用了,也依然是雄风沙沙,我辈不及,自卑啊……\n终于,君无意肌肤的表面从各种颜色各据一方变作了连成一大片的花花绿绿!\n“就是现在!”\n君莫邪大吼一声,一把揪出了白布团,左手迅速地捏住了君无意的下巴,右手将手中那昨夜用开天造化功催了一夜的乌黑的焚经荷果衣一下子捏破,\n顿时黑漆漆的汁液刷的涌出,点滴不漏地滴进了君无意的口中,然后仍照旧塞嘴,这次塞嘴之余,又用另一条白布在君无意脑后打了个结,\n这样一来,估计就算是打死君无意,他也没有办法把那白布吐出来了!\n完毕,君莫邪顺手将焚经荷的果衣扔在一边,右手运起开天造化功,贴在君无意的前胸,精纯的灵气汹涌进入!\n就是在这一瞬息之间,君无意的身体几乎是以肉眼看得见的速度,如同吹气一般迅速涨大,一条条的经脉血管慢慢地在皮肤表层凸显出来,弯弯曲曲的就像无数的黑色小蚯蚓,狰狞恐怖而又极其的恶心!\n君莫邪大喝一声,军战天老爷子伸手一招,天蓝色的玄气梦幻般地洒出,旁边的一具只得常人大小的竹筏“刷”的凭空飞到了大锅里,此时,锅里的水已经是接近沸腾!\n君莫邪喝一声,突然双手托着君无意的身体轻飘飘地飞起飞临半空,君无意的身体平平落下,正好不偏不倚的落在了竹筏上,仰天平躺。\n君莫邪一声清啸,身子轻飘飘的落在了锅沿上,身子猛的俯下,两手一张;君战天老爷子看的真切。\n在这一瞬间,君莫邪的两只手上突然无中生有的多出了十几根闪闪发光的银针!\n银针一闪,第一针便“刷”的插进了百会穴,动作干脆利落,丝毫没有迟疑,即便以君老爷子的沉稳,也浑身一颤,那可是人体最致命的死穴啊,终于忍不住闭了闭眼睛,接着又揉了揉眼睛。\n就在他揉眼睛的短短瞬间,君莫邪手中的银针已经迅速发出,全部没入君无意的身体各个大穴位,内中不乏多处死穴,接着一声轻啸,脚尖一勾,君无意的身体凌空翻了个身,趴在了竹筏上,露出了背部。\n君莫邪两手一展,又是各有数十支银针在手上出现,亦是一闪即逝,没入了君无意的宽阔脊梁!\n舒了口气,手一伸,“刷”的一声将竹筏抽了出来扔了出去,君无意的身体直接翻滚着进了滚烫的开水之中!\n随着水的温度慢慢的升高,水面上不断发出“咕嘟咕嘟”的开锅声音,随着蒸煮,君无意的全身毛孔,七窍之中,尽都不断渗出乌黑的汁液来,只得片刻,便将偌大一大锅水染得漆黑如墨!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 103\nJun Wu Yi’s hands trembled and the wine from his cup to spill.\nHe silently looked at the wheelchair handle that’s supporting his right hand. Although he remained completely motionless on the outside, his heart was pounding, and his mind was reeling from the news!\nTen years as a cripple!\nNow he can see a glimmer of light!\nJun Wu Yi remained taciturn and did not say a word before Jun Mo Xie left.\nThree days later, Jun Zhan Tian directly sealed the main gates and made an announcement: In the following days, no guests will be welcomed except by the royal decree of His Majesty!\nIf anyone dares to take a step inside the inner courtyard without permission, he will be killed without question!\nThe oppressive atmosphere that enveloped the Jun Family was as if it were the eve of a great battle! \nThe air was so thick that some were unable to breathe!\nThe doors to the inner courtyard were securely closed. Two rows of guards stood at attention outside with their swords unsheathed. The blades of their swords were glistening with the reflection of the ardent sun in the sky. \nHuman figures could be seen moving in the shadows. The might of Jun Family that had once shaken the capital was out on full display at this moment.\nMoreover, these guards were all veterans who have served for decades as the backbone of Jun Zhan Tian’s elite forces.\nEven if they have any personal misgivings, they will discard such thoughts when they are on assignment. Each and every one is loyal and worthy of trust!\nEvery possible and even impossible threat must be accounted for during this operation. Not a single thread or hair can be out of place!\nOn the other side of the four zhang tall perimeter walls, a massive iron caldron was positioned in the center of the inner courtyard. The size of the caldron was so great that it can be described as a small-sized water reservoir. It has previously been filled with water and was raised on top of a raging fire. Six burly men continuously added firewood as bubbles start to emerge on the water surface.\nJun Zhan Tian’s entire body is dressed in black and was wearing a pair of strange gloves with long sleeves that completely covered the rest of his arms. A solemn expression appeared on his face as he paced anxiously back and forth in the courtyard. \nIn contrast, the white-clothed Jun Wu Yi’s appearance was exceedingly tranquil. It seems that he had come to terms with his inner demons and cast off the shackles on his heart!\nJun Mo Xie was nearby organizing the Nine Leaf Grass, Common Heart Grass, and Persistent Severing Root on a table next to an oversized jade basin. Both his hands proceeded to put the herbs into the basin, mashed them to extract their juice, and collect it in a wide mouthed jade bottle. His movements were swift but controlled and methodical.\nJun Mo Xie finally called out. “Third Uncle!”\nJun Wu Yi trembled from head to toe as a bright-yellow Earth level Xuan Qi rippled out and shredded the gown covering his body. Grandpa Jun flashed forward to support his son’s body in a supine position. \nJun Mo Xie promptly spread the dregs that remained in the basin on every inch of Jun Wu Yi’s body.\nThe five medicinal herbs prescribed by Jun Mo Xie were all highly toxic weeds! \nJust one by itself is so lethal that a victim can take no more than seven steps uphill, eight steps downhill or nine steps on level ground before dying. Now with three of the herbs, Jun Wu Yi instantly felt as though he had been thrown inside a blazing inferno as searing pain spread from head to toe.\nHe held in a groan and clenched his jaws as cold sweat dripped down from forehead! \nThe kind of excruciating pain caused by applying three deadly toxins simultaneously on his body cannot be put into words!\nBut this was only the beginning!\nWithout any hesitation, Jun Mo Xie swiftly snatched the jade bottle, pressed down on Jun Wu Yi’s chin to open his clenched jaws, and poured the contents of the bottle down his throat!\nThe concentrated liquid had slid down Jun Wu Yi’s throat before he had time to react, causing him to feel as if a ball of fire was burning him from the inside out. He couldn’t endure the pain anymore and was just about to shout out in pain when Jun Mo Xie heartlessly stuffed his mouth with a balled-up piece of plain white cloth he had prepared long ago.\nJun Zhan Tian shivered as he watched Jun Mo Xie work with such practiced ease that he was even beginning to suspect that his grandson may have tortured others before! \nHis expression became increasingly disturbed; how can a father continue to watch his son suffer at the hands of his grandson?!\n“This is something that had to be done. Even a person with a high tolerance will succumb to this extreme pain. It is highly likely that he would have bitten off his tongue if I did not intervene by stuffing his mouth.”\nIn the time that Jun Mo Xie took to explain himself, he had already prepared the Intestinal Cracker Flower in the same way as the previous three herbs and even took a short break.\nSuddenly, the three deadly toxins simultaneously flared up inside Jun Wu Yi as his skin transformed to a shade of purple and black! \nThe change had just appeared when Jun Mo Xie sprinkled the Intestinal Cracker Flower fragments evenly on his body. \nMoving at extreme speeds, Jun Mo Xie removed the gag in his uncle’s mouth, poured the Intestinal Cracker Flower’s extract down his throat, and stuffed his mouth once more before he was even aware of what happened!\nJun Wu Yi let out a muffled scream as his bloodshot eyes bulged out.\nThe potent extract of the Intestinal Cracker Flower reacted explosively with the cocktail of poisons already inside his body and rapidly spread from his insides out. Jun Wu Yi could feel a wave of soul-searing pain rush forth from his dantian and frantically course through the parts of his body that had been severely injured ten years ago!\nThe four poisons did not exist in a state of harmony inside Jun Wu Yi’s body and was constantly attacking and resisting each other. His bare skin transformed once again—this time to the colors of the rainbow—as an unbearable pain emerged from the parts of his body he had thought would never have sensation again!\nThe deep-seated poison that has hidden in his legs for a decade is finally being forced out!\nJun Mo Xie sighed in relief as he stared attentively at the crotch area between Jun Wu Yi’s legs. At such a critical moment, Jun Mo Xie couldn’t refrain himself from thinking in his mind: it appears that mine is…bigger!\nWhile this thought surfaced in his mind, his grandfather was having an emotional outburst. “Stand up! I said stand up!”\nThe old man’s white beard trembled as he vigorously pointed at his son’s crotch. As if heeding the call, the little Wu Yi shook its head before suddenly becoming a pillar that can support the sky! \nhe movement was so sudden that it almost pushed against the bridge of the old man’s nose as he had previously moved closer to lean over in examination.\nWhen Jun Mo Xie proceeded forward with the Blazing Heart Meridian, his grandpa jumped up in fright and almost fell over. Shaking his head, Jun Mo Xie reprimanded. “He needs to stand up. If he can’t stand then what is the purpose of this treatment?!\nIs it worth making such a fuss over something so small?!”\nGrandpa Jun repeatedly hiccupped, unconcerned about his grandson chiding him, as his face lit up with a hard to conceal delight. His disable son has finally recovered a man’s basic function after ten long years. To speak of nothing else, the Jun Family could at least grow branches and scatter leaves*. This was something that he had always brooded over and his son’s recovery simply could not have arrived at a better time! This was great news!\nJun Wu Yi’s lips trembled and his face grimaced in pain. A warm sensation could be felt in his lower region followed by the stench of urine. In his mind, he thought that the originally famous iron blood man, veteran of a hundred battles, has now unexpectedly…\nOnly in his fading consciousness, he can see two men—one old and one young—unexpectedly unable to take their eyes off of his junk as he loses control of his bowel movement. Between the smell and the shame, he gave a pitiful groan before directly fainting!\nWhat the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over!\nAs to the pair of men doggedly staring at the middle-age man’s treasure? \nThe old one wanted to reach out to fiddle with it! \nThis isn’t something an ordinary man can endure! \nEven if he is his father, isn’t Jun Third Master more than thirty years old?\nThe several men who had been maintaining the fire all poked their head up in succession to take a peep before quickly lowering their head in shame and returned to adding firewood. An impressive general is an impressive general. He can still be so awe-inspiring even after ten years of inactivity. We really are inferior…\nAfter a while, every part of Jun Wu Yi’s skin finished changing into a bright multicolored color—\n“It’s time!”\nJun Mo Xie roared. His left hand swiftly pressed on Jun Wu Yi’s chin while his right hand circulated the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune to break the skin of the Blazing Heart Meridian.\nA viscous black liquid gushed out and dripped into Jun Wu Yi’s mouth before he gagged his mouth again, but he also used another strip of cloth to cover his mouth before tying a knot behind Jun Wu Yi’s head.\nEven if he regains consciousness, it’s impossible for him to spit out the white cloth!\nFinishing up, Jun Mo Xie effortlessly discarded the skin of the Blazing Heart Meridian. His right hand continued circulating the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune as he firmly pressed against Jun Wu Yi’s chest and directly injected his Spiritual Qi!\nIn the blink of an eye, Jun Wu Yi’s body swelled up like a balloon at a speed visible to the naked eye. His meridians gradually appeared on the surface of his skin meandering like countless purple earthworms, appearing sinister and extremely nauseating.\nAt Jun Mo Xie’s prompting, Jun Zhan Tian reached out with one hand before an illusory tool formed from azure colored Xuan Qi materialized out of thin air. In no time at all, he had finished constructing a crude bamboo raft before throwing it directly into the large caldron. At this moment, the water temperature had almost reached the boiling point!\nJun Mo Xie leaped up into the air with Jun Wu Yi’s body before releasing him over the large caldron. Right before impact, his body slowed down before gently landing face up on the bamboo raft.\nJun Mo Xie followed soon after, landing as light as a feather on the raft and extending out both hands.\nUnder the earnest gaze of Jun Zhan Tian, several dozen shimmering silver needles appeared out of thin air on both of Jun Mo Xie’s hands!\nA needle flashed as it inserted into Jun Wu Yi’s Bai Hui point*. His movement was direct and efficient and did not betray the slightest hesitation. Even the usually steady Jun Zhan Tian shivered from head to toe; just one misplaced needle could strike a lethal acupuncture point and kill his son. But even his best efforts couldn’t stop him from blinking and rubbing his eyes.\nAt the moment he rubbed his eyes, the silver needles in Jun Mo Xie’s hand rapidly issued forth and entered the rest of the acupuncture points on Jun Wu Yi. Jun Mo Xie kicked out with his tiptoes to flip Jun Wu Yi’s body in the air before landing prone on the bamboo raft.\nJun Mo Xie extended out his two hands once again causing more needles to appear. After several more flashes, all the silver needles were inserted Jun Wu Yi’s wide back!\nWith a sigh of relief, Jun Mo Xie pulled the bamboo raft from under Jun Wu Yi and his body directly rolled into the steaming hot water!\nThe water surface constantly let out “glug glug” boiling sounds as the water temperature steadily rose. Jet-black liquid continuously exuded from Jun Wu Yi’s pores and the seven orifices of his head*. In a moment, the large basin of water had dyed pitch-black in color similar to ink!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第104章\n君战天老爷子眉梢狂跳,两眼瞪得溜圆!\n这种疗毒的办法,实在是见所未见,闻所未闻!不过,之前针刺死穴而不死,却已足以证明这疗伤手段是有效的,\n不过再看看自己的一身老排骨,又看看开着锅的水,老爷子还是打了个寒颤:若是自己下去,就算是天玄境界的护身玄气,估计也顶不了多久,或者不到一时片刻就能熟吃了也说不定……\n几个添柴的大汉也是满头满脸的冷汗,不仅是热的,也是吓得!\n太疯狂了……居然将活人放进开水锅里就这么煮?\n万一……万一若是把人煮死了,可咋办?\n就这温度,想不煮熟只怕都很困难吧!\n君莫邪依然稳稳地站在锅沿上,两只眼晴一眨不眨地看着随着水流在锅里翻滚的君无意的身体,密切的注视着每一点变化,脸色镇静,冷静,平静,毫无表情,近乎冷酷!\n突然,君莫邪毫不犹豫地伸左手入开水,一把将君无意整个捞了上来,一进一出,手上已经起了一层大大的燎泡。\n一半是开水烫的,一半却是被剧毒腐蚀的!\n但君无意的身子却是截然相反,一片白暂,已经尽数褪去了之前那恐怖的古怪颜色。\n“刷”的飞了下来,落在君老爷子身边,君老爷子刚刚接住,君莫邪已经一刻不停的将空着的右手按在君无意的丹田上,开天造化功再度全力发动!\n良久良久,君莫邪的脸上越来越是苍白,君无意的脸上却是越来裁是红润……\n终于……\n君无意身上的金针一点一点的从体内被逼出,摇摇颤颤,终于蹼的一声,一根银针带着一溜黑血飞了出来……\n接着,是下一根……终于,最后,百会穴上的银针哧的一声飞出,带出一溜细细的血污,竟然是六色的……\n君莫邪闷哼一声,缓缓收回手掌,盘膝而坐,缓缓调息。一张脸惨白如纸!\n在他收回手掌之前,君无意霍然睁开眼晴,两眼之中赫然射出两道锋锐的光芒!淡蓝色!\n竟是淡蓝色!这意味着?\n剧毒尽去!封印亦开!而君无意积蓄了十年的玄气尽数爆发,加上焚经荷的巨大功效,居然在这短短的一刻之间,从地玄中阶直接提升到了天玄初阶!\n眨眼之间,连升三级!\n不仅如此,在焚经荷的功用之下,君无意从此,便是百毒不侵之身!\n一个超级强者,就此诞生!\n见到这片淡蓝的光芒,君战天老爷子顿时跳了起来老高,张大着嘴巴,口中荷荷有声,两眼怒突,如同见鬼!\n自己苦练了大半辈子,现在也只得天玄中阶而已,而自己的这位残废儿子,虽然也曾被称为是武学天才,但在他这等年纪能够冲上地玄中阶已经是相当之难能可贵的了;更何况还身受重伤在轮椅上度过的十年空白?\n就是这样,居然在封印一旦打开之后,直接坐着大箭一般提升到了天玄!\n难以置信!\n老爷子摇着头,心中感觉很是混乱,三分喜悦、三分欣慰、三分兴奋、还有半分惶恐,最后半分竟疑自己身在梦境之中!\n一方面高兴的想要大唱大跳,另一方面震惊的有些无语,一时间心中百味杂陈,竟然说不出话来,即便此刻真的是在梦境之中,也愿这美梦晚醒片刻!\n君无意清晰地感觉到自己十年来毫无知觉的双腿,传来了麻酥酥痒痒的怪异感觉,亦同时感受着经脉中玄气通行的畅快出味,心中突然一阵感动!\n我,终于又能够站起来了!\n当年的敌人啊,我君无意,就要在不久的将来找你!找你讨回你欠我的债!\n身子一动,就要站起来切实的体会一下重新用两条腿走路是什么感觉。\n“三叔,暂时仍需坐着,不可妄动,请再忍耐一时。”\n身后传来君莫邪有些疲惫的声音。\n“此时尚需凝神静气,运转玄气,一则那焚经荷药力庞大,内中毒性已经因对抗之前的五种毒素而排泄出体外,但内里的补益却尽数留存于三叔体内了,若不能及早化解,容为己用,反而不美,再则,三叔下半身的肢体十年未动,血脉闭塞,亦需得运行三百六十周天之后,方能使周身血脉真正随心顺畅,那时才可保无虞。”\n君莫邪闭着眼晴,缓缓地道。\n这种心情急剧狂喜的时刻,正是一个人修炼道路上的一大障碍!\n若是在这种情况下抓紧时间入定,巩固心神,对今后的修为提升和精神境界有着莫大的好处!\n要知那五百年年份的焚经荷药力何其庞大,可以以一己之力,以毒攻毒对抗之前君无意体内的一旧四新五大剧毒,毒性之猛烈可想而知,然焚经荷除了毒性猛烈之外,补益效果亦是极为出众,效果绝不在毒力之下,君莫邪的疗伤医案,原订方案便是以毒伐毒,借焚经荷之毒力,强行对抗另五大剧毒,再借沸水银针之助,一举驱毒,这一节,并无意外,颇为顺利,再下来,本应是借焚经荷除却毒力之外的强大补益作用出养内身,如此却须得半月之久,才得痊愈,毕竟君无意乃久废之身,骤得巨大的出补,未免虚不受补,须得慢慢进行,徐徐调理之。\n但君大少爷在日前发觉自己的开天造化玄功,除了可以为自己调理之外,亦可救助他人,且功效宏大,遍观两世记忆,也无任一功法可与之比拟,更有一妙处,竟是不惧世间一切毒力,当真不负“造化”之名!\n君大少爷一番盘算之下,改了原订计划,驱除毒力之后,直接以本身功力,滋养君三爷的内身,而此法不但见效,且功效更见卓越,只刚才一时三刻之间,便已今君三爷脱胎接骨一般,而那焚经荷的庞大补益无处宣泄之余,尽数化为玄气真元,融入三爷体内,而三爷这十年来的闭门苦修,效果也非泛泛,两股玄气真元瞬间便融合归一,而这许多玄气真元至少可相当于常人五十年以上的精湛功力,这也就可以解释了,君无意残废十年,虽然十年中依旧苦修玄气,却也不应一朝得复,便可一越成为天玄高手的原因了!\n这一切,始终均要归功于君莫邪的“造化”玄功,令一切都是水到渠成!\n君无意身子顿了一下,不敢怠慢,依言坐好,竭力的控制着心中万般情绪,努力的让自己平复下来,尽快浸入修炼中,即便如此,仍是足足花去了比以往入定十倍以上的时间,才终于稳定下心神,玄气也终于按照正常线路开始流动,慢慢地进入了物我两忘之中。\n君莫邪只打坐一会,清耗掉的开天造化功的功力已经在鸿钧塔狂涌出的灵气中迅速补充回来。\n缓缓起身,迎面正对上君战天激动的眼神。\n“莫邪……”君战天看着孙子,怔怔地看了一会,突然间摹然的就老泪纵横!一句话也说不出来。\n令敌国君主、大将闻名丧胆、闻风即逃的一代名将竟失态至此?\n君莫邪心中一酸,黯然低下了头。\n这许多年来,又谁能知道这位老人心中有多苦?\n禁受着什么样的痛苦煎熬?\n原本儿孙满堂,其乐融融,位高权尊,一人之下万人之上;突然间两个儿子先后喋血沙场,仅存的一个儿子亦终生残废!\n这对于一个父亲来说,是何等难以忍受的事情?\n少年丧父,中年丧妻,老年丧子!\n位极人臣的君战天,却将这三条都占全了!\n但上天却还是嫌打击的他不够沉重,他一直精心培养的两个孙子,也是他全部的希望之所在,在新婚前夕征战沙场,一去不回,尸骨无存!\n消息传来的当口,君战天正在命人布置新房,等待着孙子回来成亲,等待着把重孙子,正是满心的欢喜,满怀的憧憬的喜悦时候!\n消息传来,君战天一衣间须发皆白!\n往日欢声笑语,一家人团团围坐的天伦之乐的情景宛若还在眼前,但却一去不回!\n偌大的家族,除了自己之外,只剩下了一个残废的儿子和一个最不争气的纨绔孙子!\n满目苍凉!\n于是君战天从此消沉了下去,他已绝望,亦已无望!\n但!在这满心满怀满眼的无望之中,自己曾经无比失望的孙子君莫邪横空而出,一洗之前的纨绔样子,变得傲骨铮铮,进退有据,而且心计深沉,思虑灵活;隐隐然有老谋深算的架势。\n这本已经让君老爷子老怀大慰,大感振奋之极!\n没想到更大的惊喜还在后面。\n自己儿子曾令天下良医、名医、神医束手无策的残疾,居然也在这个时候被孙子治愈了!\n苍天怜悯啊!\n君战天终于老泪纵横,喜极而泣!\n数十年的郁闷和忧虑一扫而空,苍天垂怜,我君家也能有今天,有了希望,有了未来!\n君家不但后继有人,而且青出于蓝而胜于蓝,老大就算是此刻闭上眼晴,也可以含笑九泉,再无遗憾了啊!\n于九泉之下的君家历代祖先,亦可坦然笑对!\n老爷子激动的,已经不会说话,只是身躯一个劲的颤抖着……\n良久……\n一声低沉的清啸,君无意黑发飞扬,目中神光迸射,从地上缓缓站起——十年了,第一次凭借自己的双腿真正地站了起来!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 104\nJun Zhan Tian’s eyebrows twitched violently, and his two eyes opened so wide they became perfectly round! \nHe had never seen nor had he ever heard of this poison therapy, but the fact that Jun Wu Yi’s still alive was already sufficient proof of the treatment’s effectiveness. \nHowever, when the old man looked down at his body and then back up at the open caldron of water, he felt a chill run down his back. If he were to fall in, he estimated that he wouldn’t last long even with Sky Xuan Realm Xuan Qi protecting his body. Perhaps, it would only take a short period before he is cooked and ready to eat…\nThe men stoking the fire were also drenched in cold sweat; not because of the heat, but because they were terrified!\nThis is crazy…to actually cook a living person in boiling water?\nWhat if..what if he dies, then what?\nWith this temperature, it would be difficult not to boil something thoroughly!\nJun Mo Xie was firmly standing on the rim of the cauldron, his unblinking eyes watching Jun Wu Yi’s body that is gently revolving in the water for any signs of change. Jun Mo Xie maintained a calm disposition; his face serene, expressionless, and unfeeling!\nSuddenly, Jun Mo Xie extended his left hand in and out of the boiling water without hesitation and fished out Jun Wu Yi’s body. Just that momentary exposure left large blisters on his hand;\npartly from the scalding temperature and partly from the corrosive effect of the toxin!\nIn contrast, Jun Wu Yi’s skin had turned fair and white; the frightening and grotesque colors from earlier have all but faded.\nAt the moment his body flew down and landed in Grandpa Jun’s hands, Jun Mo Xie already placed his right palm on Jun Wu Yi’s dantian and unleashed the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune at full strength!\nAs time passed, Jun Mo Xie’s complexion became increasingly pale while Jun Wu Yi’s skin became increasingly rosy…\nFinally—\nA silver needle was forced little by little out of Jun Wu Yi’s body—shaking and trembling—until the needle was expelled, triggering a spurt of black blood to fly out.\nAnd then the next…until finally, the needle inserted into the Bai Hui point flew out, leaving a fine trail of six colored blood.\nJun Mo Xie exhaled as he released his palm and quickly sat cross-legged; he calmly controlled his breathing—his face had alarmingly become as pale as paper! \nBefore he released his palm, Jun Wu Yi eyes had suddenly opened to issue forth an acute light! A light blue radiance!\nLight blue! This meant?\nThe deadly poisons, unsealed meridians, and Jun Wu Yi’s ten years of accumulated Xuan Qi all exploded out at the same time! Along with the high efficacy of the Blazing Heart Meridian, he had directly broken through from Earth Xuan level to the Sky Xuan level!\nAscending three stages in the blink of an eye!\nNot only that, but Jun Wu Yi will henceforth be immune to hundreds of poisons after being refined by the Blazing Heart Meridian! \nA super-strong expert was born!\nSeeing the light blue radiance, Jun Zhan Tian immediately jumped up high, laughed out loud, and his eye bulged out as if he saw a ghost! \nHe had diligently trained for a greater part of his life and had only reached the Sky Xuan level. It had already been remarkable that his son had cultivated to the Earth Xuan level at his age; all the more so when he had achieved this result in the space of ten years that he had been severely injured and wheelchair bound.\nBut to be able to ascend to the Sky Xuan Realm as if riding a rocket after opening his sealed meridians!\nUnbelievable!\nThe old man shook his head, his heart was torn; happy, grateful, excited, a little terrified, but mostly still questioning if this was actually happening! \nOn the one hand, he was so happy that he wanted to sing and dance. On the other hand, he had a bittersweet feeling in his heart; bitter because this could all be a dream and sweet because he had not awaken from it yet.\nJun Wu Yi felt a tingling sensation surge from his two legs that have been paralyzed for past ten years. The Xuan Qi effortlessly coursed through his meridians. He was moved to tears! \nI am finally able to stand up again!\nEnemies of the past, I, Jun Wu Yi, vow that I will hunt you down soon enough, and you will pay for your sins!\nHe stood up with one swift motion to experience the sensation of using his two legs to walk again.\n“Third Uncle, you still need to sit down for the time being. Please be patient and endure for a short while longer.”\nJun Mo Xie’s tired voice came from behind. \n“It is imperative that you currently condense and circulate your Xuan Qi. The medicinal strength of the Blazing Heart Meridian is high, and it has already neutralized and flushed out the other poisons. However, all of its therapeutic effects remain untouched within Third Uncle’s body. If you do not absorb it as soon as possible, it will degrade and the benefits will be lost. Moreover, Third Uncle had not moved your legs in ten years so your blood vessels will definitely be blocked. You will require a long period of rehabilitation before you can make a full recovery.\nJun Mo Xie closed his eyes and slowly explained.\nThis unexpected breakthrough was a moment of ecstasy but also a major obstacle in one’s path of cultivation! \nIf one can seize this unique opportunity to meditate and strengthen their mind, there will be great benefits toward one’s consciousness and future cultivation!\nOne has to know that the medicinal strength of a five-hundred-year-old Blazing Heart Meridian is extremely formidable; it can singlehandedly fight against the poisons that were previously within Jun Wu Yi’s body. But other than the Blazing Heart Meridian’s fierce toxicity, its therapeutic effects are also exceedingly outstanding. According to Jun Mo Xie’s plan, he would borrow the Blazing Heart Meridian’s potency to forcefully resist the other poisons’ toxic effects and then he would utilize the boiling water and silver needles to expel the poison in one go. There were no accidents when he was executing these steps as everything went rather smoothly without a hitch. Subsequently, he intended to revitalize his uncle’s body using the Blazing Heart Meridian’s therapeutic properties. This method would still require at least half a month for Jun Wu Yi to fully recover. After all, his two legs have been disabled for a long time and would be unable to absorb this sudden large dose of nourishment. He would need to take it slow and gently recuperate.\nBut Young Master Jun perceived a few days ago that his Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune could not only be used to nurse his health but can also be used on others. He cannot recall any other abilities in his two lives that are comparable to this miraculous skill. And one of the topical benefits is that the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune can cure all the poisons in the world!\nSo Young Master Jun decided to modify his original plan and used his Xuan Art to nourish his Third Uncle’s body after the poison had been neutralized. Not only did his idea work out but the results had far exceeded his expectation; Third Uncle’s body had been completely reborn within an hour of the treatment and the therapeutic benefits of the Blazing Heart Meridian were not even needed. Instead, its essence had entirely transformed into pure Xuan Qi and assimilated into Third Uncle’s body. When this was combined with the Xuan Qi accumulated from Third Uncle’s ten years of bitter closed-door cultivation, the amount of pure Xuan Qi was equivalent to the product of at least fifty years of ordinary cultivation. This explained why Jun Wu Yi could break through to become a Sky Xuan Expert!\nAll of this was credited to Jun Mo Xie’s “Fortune” Xuan Art; as the saying goes, when conditions are right, success will follow naturally!\nJun Wu Yi paused and did not dare to dismiss his nephew’s instructions. Sitting cross-legged, he tried his utmost to clear his mind so that he could enter the state of cultivation as quickly as possible. Even so, it took a lot more time than usual for him to stabilize his consciousness. As the Xuan Qi finally began to circulate throughout his meridians, he slowly became unconscious of the boundary between himself and the outside world.\nJun Mo Xie had only sat down for a moment before Spiritual Qi had rushed out of the Honjun PaGoda and replenished the energy he had depleted from using the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. \nSlow to his feet, he saw Jun Zhan Tian’s meaningful glance and the emotions expressed in his eyes.\n“Mo Xie…” Jun Zhan Tian stared blankly at his grandson for a moment before bursting into tears! This old-aged, white-haired Grandpa Jun was unable to say a word and wept bitterly.\nA once-in-a-generation, famous general who have caused sovereigns to be stricken with fear and generals to flee at his presence, had unexpectedly lost self-control?\nJun Mo Xie couldn’t help but feel pain in his heart as he solemnly lowered his head.\nWho knows how much the old man had suffered over the years? \nWhat kind of torment had he endured?\nHe originally enjoyed many descendants, joyous and harmonious, respected and revered, and served only one and had dominion over millions. Suddenly, two of his sons passed away in succession as casualties of war and his surviving son was crippled for life.\nHow can any father bear such a burden?\nAn orphan in his youth, a widower in his middle-age, and bereaved father who lost his sons in his old age!\nJun Zhan Tian had reached the highest official position but had lost everything else!\nBut Providence did not think he had been punished severely enough. The two grandsons that he had put his heart into nurturing, where he had placed all his hopes and dreams, would never return from their military expedition on the eve of their weddings. Even their bodies were never recovered.\nBefore the news arrived, Jun Zhan Tian was in the midst of ordering people to decorate the bridal chambers, looking forward to his grandsons’ return to get married and the day he can hold his great-grandson. He believed from the bottom of his heart that this moment would be the happiest in his life.\nWhen Jun Zhan Tian received the news, his hair and beard turned white overnight! \nThe former days of a loving family sitting in a circle cheerfully talking and laughing were gone forever! \nBesides himself, such a big family had been reduced to a handicapped son and a disappointing grandson!\nDespair filled his eyes!\nAs a result, Jun Zhan Tian’s spirit continued to go lower; he had already fallen into depression and lost all hope!\nBut in his moment of absolute despair, his once incomparably disappointing grandson, Jun Mo Xie, had an unexpectedly change of heart; gone was the debauchee, replaced with a lofty and unyielding character who acts according to propriety—profound in his schemes, flexible in his thoughts, and circumspect in his attitude. \nThis had already brought comfort to Grandpa Jun’s heart and had raised his spirits immensely! \nBut he didn’t expect that the biggest surprise was yet to come…\nAll the renowned doctors from the Kingdom had diagnosed his son’s disability as impossible to treat, yet his grandson had now achieved the impossible!\nHeaven is merciful!\nJun Zhan Tian’s tears fell unhindered as he cried tears of joy! \nAll of his sorrow and anxiety these past ten years have been swept clean. Heaven’s mercy allowed his Jun Family to be able to have today and have hope for the future!\nJun Family had not only gained a capable heir, but the student had also surpassed the master. The old man closed his eyes at this moment and did not have any regrets! \nHe could proudly face the ancestors of the Jun Family! \nThe old man was deeply moved and remained speechless, but his body continuously trembled…\nAfter a long time…\nA deep, low, and clear hum was heard as Jun Wu Yi’s black hair flew up; light burst forth from his eyes as he slowly got off the ground—this is the first time in ten years that he had relied on his two legs to stand up!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第105章\n慢慢地低下头看着自己健壮有力的双腿,慢慢地活动了几下,还踢了踢腿,突然哈哈大笑,笑着笑着,却笑出了满脸纵横交错的泪水。\n这位当年的铁血男儿,曾经叱诧风云一时的大将军,即便在当年自己惨遭暗算的时候都没有流泪,却在自己恢复的时候,泪眼滂沱!\n泪眼中,看到自己的老父亲和自己的侄儿微笑着站在自己身前,满脸的温煦看着自己。\n君无意一阵激动,疾步踏上两步,突然扑通一声跪了下去:“不肖孩儿无意给父亲大人请安了!”\n十年了,十年没有这样大礼参拜自己的父亲了!\n君战天浑身颤抖,语声也几乎颤抖的不成腔调:“我儿……起来,快,快起来……”\n“莫邪!”君无意站起来,深深地看着君莫邪:“三叔这条命,是你小子给救回来的……”\n他话还没说完,君莫邪叫笑了起来打断了他:“三叔,您这话说得,您本来也好好的活着来的,\n再说了,我可是您亲侄儿,难道一笔能写出两个君子,我们一家人何分彼此,哪里还用得着说什么谢谢?没得折杀了我这个做晚辈的。”\n君无意豪爽地笑了起来,深深地看了自己侄儿一眼,在这一刻,心中全心全意的做下了一个决定:既然我现在已经站了起来,君家重担自当由我一肩扛起!\n我君无意蒙尘十年的长剑再度出鞘,不为社稷,不为黎民苍生!\n只为君家,只为了——莫邪!\n“三叔。”君莫邪突然嘿嘿呵呵地笑了起来,笑得颇为诡异、不怀好意,笑得让两人摸不着头脑,一头雾水的看着他。\n“三叔,虽然你的本钱不错,不过……”君莫邪笑得浑身抽搐:“这样雄赳赳气昂昂的屹立,虽然爷爷肯定是很愿见的,但侄子我可还是会害羞的。您是不是该遮一遮,哈哈哈……”\n君莫邪挤眉弄眼的看着君无意胯下,原来君无意自从疗伤以来,浑身上下仍是赤裸裸的一丝不挂,待到发现自己痊愈,心情激动之下,竟然全没顾到这一节。\n到现在依然在直挺挺的暴露,摇头晃脑,很是有些昂扬的样子。\n十年待旦,不知何日试枪呢?\n君战天被他一言提醒,再看看自己儿子雄壮的那啥,也不禁吹着胡子哈哈大笑。\n君无意一张脸顿时变成了紫茄子,恨恨的咬牙切齿:“小兔崽子,你给老子等着!回头再收拾你!”\n“刷”的一声消失了,剩下这祖孙二人毫无形象的抱着肚子开怀大笑……\n稍顷,君无意一身青衣,嗖的过来,摩拳擦掌地道:“小子,有种别跑。”\n君莫邪吓了一大跳,惨叫一声:“救命啊,咱不会打架啊……”转身就逃。\n但他现在的速度怎么比得上君无意这位刚刚进阶的天玄高手,一路上屁股被打得啪啪作响,精准不已。\n君莫邪一边笑一边跑一边求饶,君无意全然不理,照揍不误。\n君莫邪没法,一个箭步窜到了君老爷子身后,揪着衣袂左右闪躲,君无意哼哼怒叫,连追带打。\n纵然是君老爷子天玄中阶高手的定力,仍是被这两人转的头晕脑胀,不过却是快意之极的哈哈大笑,这样的天伦之乐,实在在这个家庭中已经有太久太久的时间没有出现过了啊……\n见那六名烧火的大汉正准备抬起那大铁锅去倒掉,君莫邪顾不得正在挨揍,急忙大声叫道:“停!这可是好东西来着,不能倒!”\n这么一说,君无意和君战天同时诧异:君无意胖揍了侄儿一顿,揍得全家三人都喜笑颜开,早已去了那股窘困之意,含着笑站在一边。\n“这是多有用的东西,怎么能随便倒掉呢?这可是有大用处的。”\n君莫邪将众大汉从铁锅旁边赶走,一转身,从一边拎起一个皮囊。\n从里边咕嘟咕嘟的倒了不少的东西在一大铁锅漆黑如墨的水里,顿时就像是滚油中倒进了一勺凉水,噼里啪啦的炸响起来。\n君莫邪倒完迅速地倒纵了回去,只见那锅中溅出的黑水落在地上,哪里就立即一片乌黑!\n君无意和君老爷子均是目瞪口呆:这样的剧毒,实在是太……恶毒了!\n“你倒进去的,是什么东西?怎地这么霸道?”\n君老爷子不耻下问,老爷子也看出来了,自己的这个孙子,身上古怪极多,万万不能以平常之理揣测之。\n“其实就是蛇毒,只是种类稍微多一些,”\n君莫邪笑眯眯地道:“这里合共有十三种毒蛇的蛇毒。”\n说着,君无意指着大铁锅:“爷爷,三叔,你们看;三叔的这锅里洗澡水,本就是由六种剧毒合成,不过因为彼此之间的相生相克,反而造成了相安无事。\n但再加入了这些蛇毒激发之后,这一大锅水却是天地间至毒之物!\n我们只需将它么拌匀,然后用水稍稍稀释之,放到一个个木桶里;然后将家族武士的兵器锋刃插进去,浸泡一段日子,便立即成了见血封喉的毒兵!\n待到战时取出,嘿嘿嘿嘿……”\n太毒了!太恶毒了!太卑鄙了!太无耻了!\n若是这样的兵器刺到敌人身上……只在手上脚上划破一点点油皮,便足以致命啊!\n如此的绝毒之物,就算是以君老爷子天玄中阶的修为,自问也未必能挨得一时三刻!\n当真恐怖!\n分外的令人胆寒!\n君战天和君无意两人脖子越深越长,眼睛越瞪越大,在这一刻看着君莫邪的眼神如同看到了一个地狱中逃出来的恶魔,不约而同的激灵灵的打了个寒颤……\n相对于君家的和乐融洽喜气洋洋而言,而此刻的太师府却是一片愁云惨雾!\n李振和孟海洲虽然被盛宝堂当场给赶了出来,李家更是被剥夺了此后进入盛宝堂的资格,但只要孟家的包厢还在,就完全不是问题。\n再者,最重要的是,之前交易成功的玉珊瑚终于被这两人完整无缺的抱了回来,只凭这一点,就是大功一件,至少也是功大于过的!\n而在李悠然见到玉珊瑚之后,含着微笑听完了李振心惊肉跳的回报,正在李振揣揣不安的以为李悠然要大发雷霆惩罚自己的时候,却没想到李悠然轻飘飘的说了一句:“哦?花了五百万两吗?不贵不贵。\n这件事怎么说也有唐家参与了竞争,你们能够将这玉珊瑚买回来,就已经很不错。\n振弟,稍后你可去帐房李总管那里,将你垫付的那三百万两领取出来好了。”\n对于李家被取缔进入盛宝堂的资格这种奇耻大辱,李悠然竟然连提都没提,当真是令人费解。\n这一句话,让李振和孟海洲几乎不相信自己的耳朵,几乎认为站在自己眼前的不是李悠然,而是换了一个人一般——什么时候悠然公子变得这么好说话了啊?\n两人愣了半天,才如梦初醒,费解归费解,眼下却是没事了,不禁大大的舒了一口气,千恩万谢的出去了。\n李悠然静静地坐着,微微地笑着,看着面前这晶莹的玉珊瑚,\n良久才吐出了一口气,自语道:“还真是差点大意了。竟没算到唐老爷子也是需要这东西,\n若是万一失之交臂那可就真成了我的过失了;\n不过这样的价格若不是这两个纨绔去了,换个人只怕就会一次而懦弱放弃了吧?\n这,或者是纨绔的唯一好处了,所谓尺有所短、寸有所短,人尽其用,物尽其用,大抵就是这个意思吧……”\n说到这里,呵呵笑了两声,手心潜运玄气,浑身金芒一闪,接着收手,一脸喜色:“传言果然没错,这东西那种固然蕴含着非常庞大的天地元力!\n若是爷爷吸收了这元力,就算不能重新修炼玄功,但延年益寿却是不在话下,绰绰有余的。”\n优雅的站了起来,捧起了玉珊瑚,向着太师李尚的书房走去。\n书房中,李太师眯着眼睛看着面前的玉珊瑚,脸上露出舒心的笑意,一来为了自己身体,二来为了孙子孝心,李太师突然感觉到,人生至此,有孙如此,夫复何求?\n“爷爷,事不宜迟,若是让别人察觉,或有夜长梦多也未可知。\n不如现在我就以我师傅曾经说过的办法,由我催发元力,然后爷爷尽快将这好东西吸收了吧。”\n李悠然温文的笑着,风度闲雅。\n李尚呵呵笑了一声,沉思道:“也好。你去将他们几个叫出来吧,为咱爷孙护法。”\n李悠然嗯了一声,啪啪的拍了两下手掌,瞬间,外面刷刷的声音响起。\n一个人恭谨地道:“老爷,少爷,我们已经将书房周围三十丈严密控制,是否还需增加?”\n李悠然温和地道:“够了。”\n外边人答应一声,没了声息。\n李尚欣慰地看着孙子,问道:“你师兄他们可已经回去了吗?”\n李悠然道:“是,他们已经回到山上,一路平安,未有甚意外,祖父大人关切之意,我一定代为转告。”\n李尚咳嗽两声,笑了笑,道:“咱们祖孙,怎地说这些做什么?\n可惜你师傅不能亲身下来,若是他能前来,我们李家就有了最大的保障,唉。”\n说着长叹一声。\n“师傅他老人家正在准备三年后的齐天峰之约,暂时恐怕是绝对不能分心的。\n不过有几位师兄相助,相信应付天香国之内这些事情,还是绰绰有余的。\n只要不是大军征战,我们完全可以什么都不用顾忌。”\n李尚不置可否地点了点头,沉沉地舒了一口气,有些振奋道:“既然事不宜迟,现在就开始吧。”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 105\nSlowly lowering his head to inspect his now healthy and strong legs, he moved with caution at first before gradually progressing to kicking as his confidence grew. Suddenly, he broke out in emphatic laughter and laughed and laughed and laughed until he was in tears. \nThis general who had once shaken the world, an iron blooded man who did not shed tears when he suffered a plot against him, had broken down in tears when he had recovered!\nHe saw, with tears in his eyes, the affectionate moment between his father and his nephew. \nA surge of emotions overwhelmed him and, with a quick two steps, suddenly plopped down on his knees. “This unworthy child pays respect to father!”\nIt’s been ten years…ten years where he could not kowtow* to his father!\nJun Zhan Tian was trembling from head to toe as he faltered. “My son…stand up. Quickly. Quickly stand up…”\n“Mo Xie!” Jun Wu Yi stood up and stared deeply at Jun Mo Xie. “You have given me back my life…”\nBefore he could finish, Jun Mo Xie’s laughter interrupted him. “Third Uncle, you speak as if you were not already alive and well.\nBesides, I’m your nephew; could it be that we have to write out two “Jun” with one brush? There’s no need for petty distinctions between family members. Not to mention that this is my duty as part of the younger generation.”\nJun Wu Yi let out a deep, hearty laugh and stared deeply at his nephew; he had made a wholehearted decision at this moment: Since I can stand, I’ll bear Jun Family’s heavy burden upon my shoulders!\nMy, Jun Wu Yi’s, long sword that has been covered in dust for ten years is once more unsheathed; not for king and country, and not for the common people!\nBut for the Jun Family, and for—Mo Xie!\n“Third Uncle.” Jun Mo Xie suddenly started laughing uncontrollably; it was rather strange as if he harbored mischievous intention. The two men were at a loss and looked at him in confusion.\n“Third Uncle, your asset is quite substantial, but…” Jun Mo Xie was now shaking all over from laughing, “…this valiant and spirited bearing; although grandpa definitely won’t mind, your nephew is still a little embarrassed. You should…cover up, HAHAHA…”\nJun Mo Xie winked as he gazed toward Jun Wu Yi’s lower half. Jun Wu Yi had been stark naked during his treatment and subsequent meditation. After he had discovered his complete recovery, he had completely neglected this point under his emotional state of mind. \nUp until now, he was still exposed, wagging his head in a high-spirited manner.\nTen years waiting for this day and he did not know when to test his gun?\nJun Zhan Tian was prompted by Mo Xie’s words to look at his son’s majestic thing and also couldn’t help blowing his beard as he burst into loud laughter.\nJun Wu Yi’s long face immediately turned purple like an eggplant, indignantly gnashing his teeth. “Little brat, you just wait a minute, and I’ll come back to teach you a lesson!”\nHe barely made a sound as he disappeared; leaving behind a grandfather and his grandson hold their stomach, laughing without any restraint or regards to their image.\nA short while later, Jun Wu Yi reappeared dressed in black, rolling up his sleeves as he said. “Boy, have some guts and don’t run.”\nJun Mo Xie jumped out of his skin and screamed. “Save me! I will not fight…” turned around and ran away. \nBut how can his speed compare to Jun Wu Yi who had recently advanced to Sky Xuan expert? The “pow pow” sound of buttocks being struck echoed out around the courtyard.\nJun Mo Xie was laughing one moment then begging for forgiveness the next as he ran for dear life. Jun Wu Yi completely ignored him and continued to beat that a**. \nSeeing no other choice, Jun Mo Xie suddenly stopped to change direction before taking a big leap forward to hide behind Grandpa Jun. Jun Wu Yi snorted in exasperation and continued to chase and strike.\nEven though Grandpa Jun had the strength of a Sky Xuan expert, he still became dizzy and light-headed from these two people running circles around him. However, he was not upset at all but rather enjoyed this moment as he continued to laugh. It had been a very, very long time since this scene of family love and joy had appeared in this household.\nSeeing the six burly men who had tended to the fire preparing to tip over the giant iron cauldron, Jun Mo Xie hastily shouted out. “Stop! I still have a use for that so do not dump it!”\nWhen he yelled out, Jun Wu Yi and Jun Zhan Tian were simultaneously flabbergasted. Jun Wu Yi wasn’t seriously disciplining his nephew; all three men had been grinning from ear to ear. He had long since forgotten about the awkward situation.\n“How can you dispose of it so casually? This is incredibly valuable.”\nJun Mo Xie drove away the men by iron cauldron and picked up a leather bag that was off to the side. \nHe poured its content into the pitch-black water, and the surface exploded just like pouring water onto hot oil.\nJun Mo Xie quickly backed away after he emptied the bag, only to see the black water splash out from the cauldron onto the ground. The ground where the water landed immediately turned jet-black!\nJun Wu Yi and Grandpa Jun were dumbstruck. This poison is too…malicious!\n“What did you add? How can it be so tyrannical?!”\nGrandpa Jun did not feel ashamed of asking and learning from his grandson; the old man understands that his grandson had lots of strange tricks up his sleeves and cannot fathom that anything he did is ordinary.\n“It was just snake venom, but there were many different kinds.”\nJun Mo Xie explained unhurriedly. “There are thirteen kinds of viper venom altogether.”\nJun Mo Xie pointed at the big iron cauldron. “Grandfather, Third Uncle, take a look. The bath water in the cauldron is comprised of six highly lethal poisons, but their overbearing properties perfectly complement and subdue one another causing them to exist in harmony.\nAdding the snake venom disrupts this precarious balance and converts the water in the cauldron into the deadliest poison between heaven and earth!\nIf we immerse the weapons from our family’s armories in this solution for several days, then the soldiers under our command will be able to wield weapons that will cause our enemies’ heart and lungs to fail.\nIf this is deployed during wartime, hehe hehe…”\nToo cruel! Too malicious! Too despicable! Too shameless!\nIf such weapons were used against enemy soldiers…, just a small cut on the skin would be capable of killing a man!\nEven Grandpa Jun with his Sky Xuan level cultivation might not necessarily survive past an hour if he was afflicted by this ultimate poison!\nHorrifying! \nIt really made one feel terrified!\nBoth of Jun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi stretched their necks with their eyes wide open, staring at Jun Mo Xie like they were looking at a demon that had escaped from hell and simultaneously broke into cold sweat…\nCompared to Jun Family’s harmonious joy and jubilation, a cloud of anxiety hang over the Grand Preceptor’s manor at this moment!\nEven though Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou were driven out of the Magnificent Jewel Hall, and the Li Family had been prohibited from returning to the auction house, it was only a minor inconvenience so long as they still have access to the Meng Family’s box. \nMoreover, the two of them had successfully bided on the Jade Sea Coral and brought it back to the manor without incident. Just this point is already a great achievement—it would be fair to say that this is their biggest achievement to date!\nBut after Li Youran saw the Jade Seal Coral, the smug smile that Li Zhen had kept concealed was replaced by fear and trepidation as he recounted the events at the auction house. Li Zhen had thought that Li Youran would punish him in anger and waited on tenterhooks until Li Youran gently said one line. “Oh? Only 5 million taels of silver?\nThat’s not bad considering you were able to obtain the Jade Sea Coral even with the Tang Family’s interference.\nLittle Brother Zhen, you can go to Accountant Li and receive payment for your advance of 3 million taels of silver.” \nLi Youran unexpectedly did not mention the shame and humiliation from having their access to the Magnificent Jewel Hall revoked. It was truly baffling.\nLi Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou could hardly believe they were hearing and were almost convinced that the person standing in front of them is not Li Youran but a body double—when did the young master become so nice?\nThe two of them were staring blankly for half the day as if they had just woken up from a deep sleep. They were trying to understand what happened but couldn’t come up with anything. In the end, they couldn’t help but sigh deeply and just thank their good fortune.\nLi Youran was calmly sitting with a faint smile on his face as he looked at the sparkling and translucent Jade Sea Coral in front of him.\nAfter a while, he deeply exhaled and thought to himself. “I was almost too careless not to have considered that old man Tang would also want this item.\nIf I had let this great opportunity slip, it would certainly have been due to my negligence.\nIf I had not sent these two white silk pants* but sent someone else, wouldn’t the latter be intimidated by the exorbitant price and give up on bidding for the Jade Sea Coral?\nThis may be the only good quality of being a white silk pant. As the saying goes, every dog has its day. Everyone will have good luck or success at some point in their lives. This is probably what that means…”\nHaving thought up to this point, he chuckled softly before circulating Xuan Qi through his palm into the Jade Sea Coral. A golden aura had flashed across his whole body before he pulled back his hand, a cheerful expression on his face. The rumors were true; there was an extraordinary amount of pure energy inside this treasure!\nIf his grandfather can absorb this energy, it would still easily extend his life even if he cannot cultivate Xuan arts again.\nGracefully standing up, he walked toward Grand Preceptor Li Shang’s study while holding the Jade Sea Coral.\nInside the study, Grand Preceptor Li narrowed his eyes as he examined the Jade Sea Coral in front of him. A happy expression soon revealed itself on his face, not just because of the benefits to his health, but more so because of his grandson’s filial piety. Grand Preceptor Li suddenly felt blessed to have such a grandson in his life; what more can he ask for?\n“Grandfather, the matter should not be delayed. A long night is fraught with dreams*—we do not know if the others will catch on.\nWhy don’t we follow the method that my master had previously disclosed? Let me promptly draw out this pure energy, and then grandfather will absorb this treasure as soon as possible.”\nLi Youran smiled with poise.\nLi Shang chuckled and then pondered. “That is also good. You go and get your men to come here so that we can start cultivating.” \nLi Youran nodded in agreement before clapping his hands twice; the footsteps of someone approaching was heard moments later. \nA respectful and sincere voice reported. “Lord, Young Master, we have already cleared the area thirty zhangs surrounding the study. Is this adequate?”\nLi Youran gently said. “Enough.”\nThe people outside responded by not making a sound.\nLi Shang looked at his grandson with satisfaction and asked. “Your seniors have already returned?”\nLi Youran replied. “Yes. They have already returned to the mountain and had a pleasant if not uneventful journey. I will certainly convey Grandfather’s concerns on your behalf.”\nLi Shang coughed twice, smiled and said. “Why is a grandfather and grandson talking about this?\nIt’s unfortunate that your master cannot personally take action. If he can come, our Li Family will be much more reassurance.” \nHe heavily sighed as he reached this point.\n“Master is already preparing for the appointment in three years at Qi Tian Peak; I fear that we absolutely cannot be distracted for the time being.\nBut with the assistance of those several seniors, I believe we can still easily deal with the internal affairs of Tianxiang Kingdom.\nSo long as it is not a major military campaign, there is nothing for us to worry about.”\nLi Shang gave a noncommittal nod, deeply exhaled a breath, and said encouragingly. “Since there is no time to lose, let’s commence now.”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第106章\n“是。”李悠然答应一声,将玉珊瑚轻轻放在李尚面前几上,然后一只手稳定地按上玉珊瑚一边,闭上眼睛,深深地呼吸一口气,浑身金芒大作,显然是在全力运转玄功!\n玉珊瑚“铮”然一响,原本就晶莹如玉,现在更是有淡淡的毫光似乎要从玉珊瑚之中跃然欲出。\n丝丝肉眼几乎不能觉察的蓝气缓缓地在表面升腾起来,而玉珊瑚在蓝气升起的这一刻,通体变成了诡异的蓝色。\n时机已到。\n李尚老眼中闪出几分渴望,平静了一下心绪,缓缓伸出枯瘦的右手掌,轻轻抚在玉珊瑚的另一面,肉掌接触那玉珊贼的一瞬间,那些被李悠然激起的细微气流,以肉眼可见的速度,争先恐后地延着李尚的手臂向其体内慢慢渗透,一点一滴的进入。\n蓝气入体,太师李尚原本古井不波的脸上终于忍不住掠过一丝由衷地喜色;他清晰地感觉到自己的经脉在这瞬息之间好受了很多,随着蓝气不断涌入,越来越多,李尚只觉得自己身体越来越是轻松,几乎连灵魂也在快乐的颤抖……\n丹田的伤处,当年被君战天一拳打爆的部位早已无甚知觉,现如今竟先是生出隐隐的痛楚,随即又被蓝气温柔的抚慰,自己破损多年的丹田经脉显然也在以极慢的速度恢复着……\n两人都闭着眼睛,清晰地感受着其中的变化,都是满心喜悦。\n两人也就没有发现,就在此渐入佳境的当口,玉珊瑚极之突兀地转变了颜色,只得一瞬之间,便蜕变成了纯白色。\n在淡淡的蓝气笼罩下,内里另有一团白色灵气正在狂暴的左冲右突,白气虽然狂暴灵动,却始终无法冲出。\n但随着李悠然的催动和李尚的吸收,蓝气的密度越来越淡,白气也就显得越来越浓,此消彼长之下,渐渐已有喧宾夺主之势……\n还差最后一步丹田就能恢复过来了!\n几十年的旧伤痕,缠绕了李太师半生,如今一旦恢复,怎么能够不激动?\n不欣喜若狂?\n纵然李太师见惯了大风大浪,此刻也觉得心境有些不稳了……\n李尚心中大喜,声音稍有颤抖:“悠然,我的丹田应该马上就要恢复了。”\n李悠然一阵狂喜,道:“爷爷,从此之后,君战天那老贼加在您身上的桎梏,总算可以消除了!\n我李家,也终将纵横不倒!哈哈……”\n祖孙二人同时露出了由衷的笑容,笑容里,满是希望和憧憬……\n蓦然!\n就在这一片欢欣之中,变故突生……\n就在这李太师的丹田即将恢复的最紧要的一刻,君莫邪之前注入的那股子截然不同的天地灵气猛地挣脱了蓝气的束缚,就像一条突然挣脱了枷锁的恶龙,闪电般顺着蓝气流走的方向,势如破竹的冲刺了过去!\n一缕异常狂暴的迅猛气流,“嗖”的一声,鬼魅一般遁进了李尚正在恢复中的经脉之中,更一路横冲直撞,势如破竹地钻进了他的即将痊愈的丹田之中!\n猝不及防之下,李尚只觉得丹田处轰然一声,脸色顿时变得一片惨白,几已亮愈的丹田骤然间再度崩碎,从丹田处就像一个完整的磁盘被打裂,裂纹就像纵横交错的树根,向着四周经脉迅速的延伸……\n李尚“嗤”的狂喷出一口鲜血,啥时间失去了所有知觉,身子软绵绵的仰天便倒。\n“爷爷!”李悠然惊叫一声,心神大乱。\n在李尚倒下的同时,那块玉珊瑚在两股灵气极度纠缠震荡之下,毫无征兆的“砰”的一声炸裂,近在咫尺而又心急祖父的李悠然正忙不迭的伸过头来查看,顿时满头满脸被碎片崩个正着,一声惨叫,一头鲜血,一脸鲜血……\n“怎么回事?为什么?这是为什么?\n谁能告诉我这是怎么回事?啊……”\n李悠然再也保持不住风度,仰天嘶吼;\n这一瞬,平日里素来安稳如泰山的李悠然一脸惶急,无助,忧虑,狰狞,鲜血,遑如恶鬼一般!\n“玉珊瑚!玉珊瑚明明有用,可为什么会突然爆炸?\n师父他老人家曾经保证过的,曾经保证过的啊!”\n李悠然不顾脸上的伤痕,撕扯着自己的头发,状如疯狂!\n这里的变故,说实话,连君莫邪本人也是不知道的,君大少爷绝对想不到那时无意间注入的那一股气流,居然会取得如此辉煌的成绩!\n大少的本意也不过就是打算搞搞破坏,看不惯李振那等嘴脸而已,顶多也就是冀望那股灵气可以把那株玉珊瑚搞废罢了!\n可君莫邪绝对没想到,自己的灵力和这个世界的元气一旦融合在一起,一旦被触发居然威力不下于一颗土制地雷!\n这一次爆炸,彻底地断绝了李太师恢复玄气的希望,现在的李太师,就算是神仙下凡恐怕也无法为他恢复丹田了!\n不仅如此,李尚本就衰弱的身体经此变故之后更是雪上加霜,差点儿就此一命呜呼!\n当真是有心栽花花不发,无意插柳柳成荫!一本万利!\n除了一本万利之外,貌似还有不少添头,李悠然那张曾经英俊潇洒的脸上,多多少少留下了,呃,不多,也就是七八处伤痕!\n不过就这七八处伤痕也完全等于毁容了!\n若不是李悠然的本能反应闭上了眼睛,或者此刻已经变成了一个瞎子也说不定!\n但饶是如此,李悠然在今后的很长一段时间里,始终带着面纱。\n这一爆,真的是有些……鬼使神差。\n几家欢乐几家愁。\n相比于君家举家的激动兴奋,李家的一片惶恐,一片愁云惨雾,独孤世家却是就像是燃烧了一座火山!\n自从灵梦公主来访片刻,接着就在独孤家老夫人的安排下,带着独孤小艺迅速离开之后,独孤世家就像是一个硕大的火药桶突然被引爆!\n独孤纵横老爷子指刻独孤无敌的脸破口大骂了足足一个时辰之久,偶尔伴随着怒极的拳打脚踢,独孤无敌大将军呲牙咧嘴唯唯诺诺,半点不敢反抗,说实在的,他心中的郁闷也并不比自己老爹少半分。\n“你是猪啊!?你个没用的混账王八蛋!\n让你看着女儿看着女儿,你就是这么看着的?\n恩?混账玩意儿!你就是头猪!”\n独孤纵横老爷子气冲牛斗:“就算是看上了一头猪!也比看上君莫邪强啊!\n他妈的,那可是君莫邪,你奶奶的瞎了眼睛啦?”\n独孤无敌满脸唾沫,却不敢擦一擦,勉强嗫嚅着,道:“这个,我也不知道呀,要早知道……”\n这句际又引来了新的一轮狂风暴雨。\n“呸,你不知道谁知道?你还能知道点什么,你可是她亲老子!”\n独孤纵横老爷子快要气疯了:“那君莫邪可是京城出名的浪荡子弟,好人退避三舍,坏人退避六舍的玩意!\n好人家的女儿谁愿意嫁给他呀?更何况我们家小艺!\n你脑袋里面是塞了豆腐渣,还是进水了?要不让驴踢了?\n混账透顶,愚不可耐的东西!蠢货!老子当初怎么就养活了你怎么个玩意,老子的一世英明都糟践到你这头猪身上了!……”\n独孤无敌被动地承受暴雨般落下来的唾沫星子,只感觉到睁不开眼睛:“父亲大人权请息怒,小艺精神恍惚也才刚刚开始,想来他们两人之间还未有什么实质进展,一定还来得及的。\n独孤无敌这一句话彻彻底底地捅了马蜂窝。\n独孤纵横老爷子霎时暴怒起来,飞起一脚,顿时独孤无敌魁梧的身子皮球一般飞了出去,跺着脚大骂:“你!你说的这叫人话嘛!\n什么叫做没有实质性进展?难道你还想有实质性进展不成?\n不晚?非要等到你闺女挺着大肚子那才叫晚?\n你以为这种事情那个君莫邪那个王八羔子做不出来吗?”\n越说越怒,独孤纵横抓住儿子噼里啪啦又是一顿狂揍!\n往常这种时候,老夫人早已出来劝解……但这次就站在旁边,却是没有任何动静。\n到了这时,居然煽风点火的加了一句:“就是该揍!老娘怎么就生了这么一个不开眼的儿子?”\n狂揍了一顿儿子,独孤纵横老爷子总算消了些气,黑着脸道:“这件事必须打住,趁着这几天小艺在宫里陪着公主的时间,你赶紧把这件事情给我了解了!\n若是再让我听到类似的消息,老夫踢爆了你!\n还不快去,怎么还得让老夫亲自去啊!”\n独孤无敌大将军鼻青脸肿的从地上爬起来,落荒而逃。\n吃了老爷子排头的独孤无故回到自己的跨院,顿时一阵鸡飞狗跳,先是对着自己的几房夫人发了一顿大火,这才传下命令:令独孤英,独孤雄,独孤豪,独孤杰,独孤冲,独孤上,独孤前立即从城外军营回转!\n不得有误!稍迟一步,军法,家法从事!\n独孤大将军决定要拿君莫邪开刀了!\n可恶的小子,居然敢引诱我的女儿,害得老子被老子的老子一通修理!\n不是嫌命长是什么?\n你以为有你爷爷护着你,老子真的不敢动你不成?\n就只为了老子今天挨的这顿揍,也要将你这小子扒三层皮去,更别说你还招惹了我的宝贝小艺!哼哼。\n独孤无敌点到名的这七个人,正是独孤世家的下一辈子侄,乃是独孤纵横老爷子取得名字,七个人的名字最后一个字加起来正是“英雄豪杰冲上前”!多有气势的名字。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 106\n“Yes.” Li Youran replied. He gently placed the Jade Sea Coral in front of Li Shang and then reached out with one hand to firmly press down on one side of the coral. He closed his eyes before deeply exhaling a breath; a golden aura burst forth from his body, evidence that he is circulating his Xuan arts at full strength!\nA ringing sound came from the Jade Sea Coral; what was once sparkling and translucent as jade is now radiating a faint and subtle light. \nAn almost imperceptible blue Qi slowly rose up from its surface, and the entire body of the Jade Sea Coral transformed into a strange blue color.\nThe time has come.\nA glint of desire flashed across Li Shang’s eyes, but his state of mind quickly became calm. He slowly extended his dry and thin right hand and lightly placed it on the other side of the Jade Sea Coral. The moment his palm made contact with the coral, the fine strands of Qi aroused by Li Youran avidly rushed up Li Shang’s arm at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye and into his body.\nAs the blue Qi entered his body, a heartfelt happy expression flitted across Grand Preceptor Li Shang’s formerly stoic face. He distinctly felt a soothing sensation in his meridians as more and more blue Qi rushed in; Li Shang’s body responded by becoming more and more relaxed, almost as if his spirit was shaking in joy…\nHis dantian had been severely injured all those years ago by one of Jun Zhan Tian’s explosive punches and had caused him to lose sensation in that region ever since. But he can currently feel a slight sense of pain before the mild and gentle blue Qi alleviates it. His dantian and meridians that have been damaged for so many years is finally recovering…\nBoth men had their eyes close, but they can clearly sense a genuine joy included among the changes. \nBoth men did not realize that during their moment of intense excitement and happiness, the Jade Sea Coral had abruptly changed into a pure white color. \nThe blue Qi had originally enveloped the frenzied white Spiritual Qi such that the white Qi was unable to rush out. \nBut in the wake of Li Youran’s prompting and Li Shang absorbing, the density of the blue Qi became more and more sparse as the white Qi became more and more concentrated. Under this condition, the voice of the guest gradually overwhelmed that of the host…\nThere is only one last step for the dantian to recover fully!\nThis decades-old infirmity that had bothered Grand Preceptor Li for half his life will recover very soon. How can he not be emotional? \nNot wild with joy? \nEven if Grand Preceptor Li is accustomed to strong wind and big waves, he still felt his heart stir at this moment…\nLi Shang felt a sense of exultation in his heart as he uttered quaveringly. “Youran, my dantian should recover at any moment.”\nLi Youran ecstatically exclaimed. “Grandfather, from now on the shackle that Jun Zhan Tian placed on your body can be eliminated! \nMy Li Family will be able to move unhindered! Haha…”\nBoth grandfather and grandson simultaneously broke out in a sincere smile filled with hope and dreams for the future…\nSuddenly!\nIn the midst of their joy, an unexpected change occurred—\nDuring the most critical moment of recovery inside Grand Preceptor Li’s dantian, the entirely incompatible Spiritual Qi Jun Mo Xie previously injected suddenly broke free of the blue Qi’s constraints like a dragon that struggled free of its fetters. Lightning followed the stream of blue Qi and burst out from the Jade Sea Coral with irresistible force.\nA wisp of exceptionally frantic and violent Qi streamed like a loose demon and enter Li Shang recently restored meridians, bashing sideways and colliding straight on, before squeezing like a hot knife through butter into his dantian that’s on the verge of a complete recovery!\nCaught off guard, Li Shang only managed to feel an explosive rumble in his dantian as his complexion instantly became deathly pale. The nearly recovered dantian suddenly collapsed and broke apart like shattered porcelain. The cracks crisscrossed like tree roots and spread in all directions along his meridians…\nLi Shang violently sprayed out a mouthful of blood; having lost consciousness sometime earlier, his limp body fell backward.\n“Grandfather!” Li Youran cried out, confused and distraught.\nAt the same time that Li Shang collapsed, the Jade Sea Coral exploded into pieces without any warning under the intense reaction between the two types of Spiritual Qi. Li Youran had been extremely worried and had stretched himself over the Jade Sea Coral to examine his grandfather. The fragments directly exploded across his whole face; a blood-curdling scream, a bloody head, and a bloody face…\n“What’s going on? Why? Why did this happen?\nCan anyone tell me what this is?!Ah… ”\nLi Youran couldn’t keep his poise as he howled up at the sky.\nAt this moment, the typically peaceful and always steady Li Youran had a face contorted with fear, helplessness, anxiety, anger, and blood—looking much like a devil!\n“Jade Sea Coral! The Jade Seal Coral was obviously working fine so why did it explode?\nMaster had promised! He had promised!”\nLi Youran tore at his hair, completely disregarding the grievous injuries to his face as if he had turned completely insane!\nTo be honest, even Jun Mo Xie himself did not know that such an accident would occur. He did not expect that the stream of Qi he had poured on a whim would achieve…such an excellent result! \nHis original intention was only to make the Jade Sea Coral unusable since he could not stand Li Zhen’s face and nothing more.\nJun Mo Xie certainly didn’t anticipate that the mixture of his Spiritual Energy and the pure energy of this word would trigger a formidable explosive reaction not inferior to an IED.*! \nThis explosion utterly severed Grand Preceptor Li’s hope to restore his Xuan Qi. Even if a deity descended upon this world, he might not be able to restore Li Shang’s dantian! \nNot only that, the damage to Li Shang’s already feeble body was like adding hail to snow such that he’s almost at death’s door!\nThis is like casually planting flowers but inadvertently growing a willow! He really did put in little effort and reaped massive gains!\nBesides, Li Youran’s once handsome and confident face is now covered with not many, cough, just seven or eight scars! \nBut these seven or eight scars have completely disfigured his face! \nIf Li Youran did not instantly react by closing his eyes, perhaps he would have already become blind!\nBut even so, Li Youran would have to wear a veil for the rest of his life…\nThis explosion really was…an inexplicable freak accident.\nSome people are happy, and some people are sad.\nCompared to the joy and jubilation of the Jun Family, a cloud of anxiety and misery hung over the Li Family, and the Dugu Family was actually about to explode like a volcano!\nEver since Princess Ling Ming paid a visit, the Dugu Family was like a massive barrel of gunpowder that just detonated. Dugu Xiao Yi was discreetly shuttled away under the arrangement of her grandmother.\nDugu Zongheng pointed at Dugu Wudi’s face as he let loose a torrent of profanity for two entire hours, sporadically letting loose extremely angry kicks and punches. Great General Dugu Wudi grimaced in pain but did not dare to resist as he continued to agree obsequiously; the anger in his heart was not any less than his fathers.\n“You’re a pig!? You are a useless son of a bitch! \nLook at your daughter! Is this how you look after your daughter? \nHUH? damned good for nothing! You downright pig!” \nGrandfather Dugu was infuriated. “I’m looking at a pig! But you’re still better to look at than Jun Mo Xie!\nfuck! How could it be that Jun Mo Xie? How could your eyes be so blind?”\nDugu Wudi’s face was covered in spit, but he didn’t dare to wipe if off. He stammered with some difficulty. “I also didn’t know about this. If I had known earlier…”\nThis comment set off another round of howling wind and torrential rain.\n“Ptui! You didn’t know? You didn’t even know this much, and you call yourself a father!”\nGrandfather Dugu almost went insane with anger. “That Jun Mo Xie is the capital’s infamous debauchee; respectable people stay three day’s march from him, and even notorious people stay clear of him!\nA daughter of a respectable household wanted to marry him? And she happens to be our family’s Xiao Yi!\nIs the inside of your head stuffed with bean curd dregs or filled with water? Or do you just want to get your ass kicked?\ndamn you for being a stupid and unbearable shit! Idiot! How did I, your brilliant father, raised you into a spoiled and rotten pig?!”\nDugu Wudi submissively endured the torrential rain of sputter and could not even open his eyes. “Father, please calm down. Xiao Yi’s indiscretion had started just recently. We can assume that the relationship between the two hadn’t made much headway. There is still time…”\nHis words thoroughly poked the hornet’s nest.\nDugu Zongheng stood up in a fit of violent rage and let loose a flying kick that launched Dugu Wudi’s tall and sturdy body into the air. He stomped his feet and let out a rain of curses. “YOU! I can’t believe the words that are coming out of your mouth!\nWhat do you even mean that they haven’t made much headway? Do you want to them to have made progress?\nNot too late? Does your daughter have to be pregnant for it to be too late?\nYou don’t think Jun Mo Xie that son of a bitch can make it happen?” \nThe more he talked, the angrier he became. Dugu Zongheng grabbed his son and beat him up!\nHis mother normally would have intervened long ago, but she actually stood to the side and hadn’t made any indication to step in. \nInstead, she fanned the flames and said. “You deserve this! How did this old woman give birth to such a dim-witted son?”\nDugu Zongheng finally vented some of his anger after beating the living daylight out of his son. He said with a dark expression on his face. “We must put an end to this. Use this time that Xiao Yi is accompanying the princess in the palace and handle this affair in a satisfactory manner!\nIf I hear something like this happen again, I’ll kick the shit out of you!\nWhy haven’t you left yet? Do you want this old man to go personally?!”\nA bloody-nosed, swollen-faced Great General Dugu Wudi hastily scrambled up off the ground, turned tail, and ran.\nOnce Dugu Wudi returned to his courtyard, it immediately devolved into panic and chaos. He first vented his frustrations by yelling at his wife and concubines before passing down an order: Dugu Ying, Dugu Xiong, Dugu Hao, Dugu Jie, Dugu Chong, Dugu Shang, and Dugu Qian are to return immediately from the army camps outside the city!\nThere must be no delay! If they are even late half a step, then they will be punished by martial law, no,…family law!\nGreat General Dugu wanted to behead Jun Mo Xie! \nThat abominable little brat dared to seduce my daughter and caused I, your father, to suffer my father’s outburst and abuse! \nAre you bored of life? \nYou think I, your father, won’t dare to move against you because of your grandfather? \nI won’t be satisfied until I skin you alive just he beating I suffered today, not to mention teasing my baby Xiao Yi! Humph! Humph!\nThe seven men identified by Dugu Wudi were all precisely the younger generation of the Dugu family. Dugu Zongheng had chosen their names such that the seven men’s given names combine to mean “Heroes and legends bravely rushing forward”! A very imposing name.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第107章\n本来独孤纵横老爷子是以这个为上联,另外还准备了一副下联:龙虎豹狼飞满天!\n就等着三个儿子争争气,凑成一个上下联,最后再弄个横批。\n但没想到就出来了这么七个货之后,紧接着出来一个全家人的宝贝:独孤小艺。\n正在老爷子继续翘首以盼的时候,从这以后居然死活没有了下文。\n这让独孤纵横老爷子郁闷不已,那“龙虎豹狼飞满天”的下联也只好憋在了肚子里。\n至于那“风云将军”的横批更是不用说了,好联无用武之地了……\n当然,为了这事,大失所望的独孤纵横老爷子没少横眉立目的骂三个儿子没出息、不争气。\n自然,老爷子虽然横蛮,却也知道儿媳妇不是自己随便骂的人,因此只是针对儿子下手罢了。\n目前在京城的,三个儿子中就只有老大独孤无敌一个人。\n另外两个儿子独孤无伤、独孤无痛两人分别镇守帝国东南两面,死活不回来了一一这其实也被老爷子揍得,出了后遗症了,帝国将军,怎么也要点面皮,有了镇守边防的名目,自然是能不回来就不回来的!\n老大独孤无敌也不是不想出去躲开家里这老货,可惜,两个弟弟都在外面,他实在是出不去了,除了每年老爷子老太太寿辰赶回来之外,其他时间就算老爷子发话,那也是一推二五六的装聋作哑。\n而每年回来的这两次,往往没等独孤无敌爷儿俩醒酒,那哥俩就已经没了踪影,溜之大吉了。\n而天香帝国另外两个方向,则是君老爷子嫡系的人镇守着,与独孤家没关系。\n所以独孤无故其实心中很是委屈:我可是老大啊,凭啥我就该这么命苦?\n三天一小骂,半月一顿狂揍的日子要熬到啥时候?\n老子说到底现在也是官居大将军,四十多岁有儿有女的人了啊……\n“就在李家愁云惨雾,独孤家怒火冲天的时候,身为其中一家始作俑者、另外一家罪魁祸首的君莫邪正在陪着自己的爷爷喝得不亦乐乎。\n君无意一身青衣,打横相陪,不住的喉结上下滚动咽唾沫,这是遵照君大少爷的医嘱一一您伤才好,暂时还不能饮酒。\n偏偏这祖孙二人人人都是咂着嘴一副过瘾之极的样子,再闻到扑鼻的酒香,君无意简直有些按耐不住了……\n“莫邪,你的这一身功夫,和你那古怪的心法,爷爷可是十分好奇啊。”\n君战天老爷子一边有滋有味的喝着酒,一边抛出来一个问题。\n这句话一出,连君无意也是瞪大了眼睛,竖直了耳朵。\n只因为君莫邪这身功夫实在是太过于匪夷所思了,两人都算是见闻广博,但却从未见过更没有听说过,有哪一种玄气能够有这样的效果,不仅能疗伤,还能辟毒,而且还不发出品阶光芒,偏偏威力还奇大无比!\n按说这样的神奇应该在玄玄大陆大大有名才对,但却从未有这种消息传出,太奇怪了。\n君莫邪沉默了一会,良久,才道:“爷爷,三叔;这件事情你们能不能不要问?我真不愿意骗你们。”\n“哦,老夫明白了。”\n君战天老爷子恍然大悟:“是教你功夫的那位高人不让你说吧?\n呵呵,很多人都有这种古怪的脾气。再说这种神奇的功夫若是传了出去,对你有害无利;知道的人越少越好!\n哈哈,老夫不问就是,恩,不问就是。”\n“恩,莫邪身怀这种神奇的功法,我们非但不能问,也要尽量保密才行。”\n君无意点点头:“否则,这等神奇的功法有谁不垂涎?哪怕传出一点点风声后果也是不堪设想。”\n“不错!不管如何,莫邪始终是我君家人的种,单只是这一点,就已经足够!”\n君战天开怀大笑,欣慰不已,看向君莫邪的眼神,越加慈爱起来。\n君莫邪瞠目以对,想不到自己还未编造理由,这俩人居然已经将自己的理由天衣无缝的编造好了……\n“莫邪,如今你三叔也好了。接下来你有什么打算?说给爷爷听听!”\n君战天老爷子心情大好,看着孙子越看越满意,捋着胡子问道。\n“打算?我能有啥打算,三叔痊愈了,我不就解脱了?我还是继续做我的纨绔公子,多好。”\n君莫邪喝了口酒,继续对着桌上的野猪肉开拼,两手油腻:“之后的事自然全凭爷爷安排就是了。\n不过有一点,三叔痊愈的事情在短时间之内还是不能传出去,尤其是如今更晋升入天阶的事情更是不能外传。\n呃,在这一点上,就看爷爷您的了。您老继续愁眉苦脸的出去晃荡就是。”\n一提起这件事,君战天老爷子皱起了眉头,心中有此烦闷,喝斥道:“胡说八道,老夫往日忧愁,全是因为你们两个小兔崽子,如今莫邪你小子也争气了,无意也痊愈了,我还愁什么?\n往日的烦闷,一朝尽去,如何才能装得下去!”\n说着,长长叹了口气。\n非是装不下去,而是老爷子实在是厌烦了那种愁眉苦脸的日子,往日是不得不愁,如今却还要明明无愁强说愁,那还能不郁闷!\n“那咋办?”\n君莫邪摊摊满是油腻的手:“您不就是不想无愁强说愁吗?\n这也好办,我等会出去给您老制造点烦恼?让您老把眉头皱起来?\n比如我去砸砸盛宝堂、逮住三位皇子打一顿,或者强抢几个民女什么?”\n“你找揍啊!”老爷子明知他是在说笑,依然为之气结。\n“那天盛宝堂的事情我还没找你算账呢,你居然自己提了出来!\n告诉你,有些物事实在是凌驾国家机器之上的,比如这个盛宝堂!\n不管到什么时候,盛宝堂,你都不能惹!\n就算你到了至尊神玄巅峰,盛宝堂也不是你能够惹得起的!明白吗?”\n老爷子的声音甚是郑重,而且措辞也相当的严厉!\n“盛宝堂,到底是什么来历?”\n这么一说,君莫泄心中的好奇反而更加的浓厚了起来:“居然连至尊神玄巅峰也不能惹?更凌驾于国家机器之上?!”\n“我只能告诉你,盛宝堂乃是一个庞大势力的冰山之一角而已。\n但只是如此,已足以威慑天下,其中的至尊神玄高手也有好几位!\n至于更深入的,老夫也不是很清楚,只知道决计不能招惹就是了。”\n君战天叹了一口气,看了看君无意,有些惋惜的叹了口气。\n君无意脸上神色一阵抽搐,眼神中露出一抹痛楚,似乎整个灵魂在这一刻被深深刺痛!\n但转眼平静下来。安然而坐,却是比刚才沉寂了许多。\n“既然如此,家族暗中的势力从现在开始,全部移交给无意掌控!至于莫邪你……”\n君老爷子沉吟了许久,拿不定主意,最后还是放弃,道:“你就忙你的吧,有闲暇的时候协助你三叔。”\n君无意君莫邪两人应了一声,君莫邪提醒道:“爷爷,三叔,在三叔以真正身份接掌家族势力之前,一定要先将家中的内奸彻底清除干净!”\n顿了一顿,君莫邪凝注着两人:“三叔痊愈,对我君家来说,自然是大大的好事,但对外人来说,却是徒添变数,增加了许多威胁。尤其如……”\n君莫邪微微一笑,手指向上指了指。\n这个意思不言自明。\n“君家的秘密势力,或许爷爷已经清洗得很彻底的,别的世家的人是没有的,这一点我可以相信。\n但是家中一定仍有皇室的人存在!\n而这些人,爷爷您,也是知道的,是么?只不过是睁只眼闭只眼而已。”\n君莫邪微笑着,“但是现在,却是要紧关头,所以,必须要斩断的!”\n君战天有些震惊地看着自己的孙子。\n君莫邪所说的,每一句话都是切中了事实!\n竟然没有一点猜错!\n半晌,君战天苦涩的扯了扯嘴角,道:“不错,此中确实有皇上所派遣的人存在。而他们也已经存在了十数年,就算对我君家来说,也是有功无过……”\n“那是因为我们君家从未做过对皇室有威胁的事情,更始终对皇家忠心耿耿,他们当然不用报告!\n但是现在却已不同!\n我们虽然仍然是没有二心,但我们的消息一旦传出去,只是猜疑就已经足够灭族!”\n君莫邪目光炯炯,一字字道:“现在,就算他们已经背叛了皇室,彻底地成为君家的人,这种险,我们也是万万冒不得的。\n此刻,不是妇人之仁的时候!当断不断,反受其乱!”\n君战天叹息一声,老脸上皱纹似乎在这一刻又深了许多,半晌才道:“你说的对,一会我会将一份名单交给你们两人,至于具体怎么做,就由你两人安排吧,不用再告诉我!”\n说着站了起来,步履异常沉重的离去了。\n“莫邪,这样做,是不是太残忍了一些?你爷爷颇为不忍!是不是可以……”\n君无意皱起眉头,脸上现出挣扎之意。\n要他对敌人下手,君无意绝对会毫不犹豫,但对这曾经为君家立下过无数汗马功劳的人下手。他却当真是于心不忍。\n纵然明知他们是皇室派遣的卧底,是安排在君家的探子,但他们毕竟为君家做出过不少的贡献啊!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 107\nDugu Zongheng had originally meant this to be the first line of a couplet, with the second line being “dragons, tigers, leopards, and wolfs flying through the heavens!”* \nHe had been waiting for his three sons to work hard to complete the couplet.\nBut he didn’t expect that after the birth of these seven grandsons, only one precious granddaughter, Dugu Xiao Yi, was born.\nThe old man decided to keep his hopes up, but alas, it was just not written in his fate. \nThis made Dugu Zongheng endlessly depressed, and he was forced to put the second line in the back of his mind. \nWhether the “Storm Riding General” will complete his couplet has become a moot point; such a beautiful line will never have an opportunity to be used…\nFor this reason, it was only natural that the greatly disappointed Dugu Zongheng would have directed quite a few scowls, stare downs, and curses at his three sons for not being more productive, cough, failing to live up to expectations. \nAlthough the old man may be rude and excessive, he also did not casually scold his daughter-in-law’s, and thus directed his wrath at his sons.\nOnly Dugu Wudi, the eldest of the three sons, is currently residing in the capital. \nThe other two, Dugu Wushang and Dugu Wutong, were defending the Kingdom’s southern and eastern borders and had made no plans to ever return; the direct result of the old man’s abuse over the years. A general also needs a little face. Having earned distinctions for defending the borders, they obviously will not return on their own volition!\nThe eldest brother had also wanted to leave home to avoid the old bag; unfortunately for him, his younger brothers had been deployed, and he was not allowed to leave. Other than returning for their parent’s birthdays each year, the two of them would play deaf-mute even if the old man ordered them to return. \nThe two times they do come home, they normally did not wait for Dugu Wudi or the old man to sober up before they were already gone without a trace.\nThe other two borders of the Tianxiang Kingdom are defended by men under the old man Jun’s personal command and had no connections with the Dugu Family. \nThis state of affairs made Dugu Wudi feel wronged in his heart. I’m the eldest brother! Why was I born under such an ill-fated star? \nA tirade of abuse every three days and violently assaulted every fortnight. How long do I have to endure this? \nWhen all is said done, I am still a great general, a government official, and a forty years old father…\nAt this time when a cloud of misery hung over the Li family, and a conflagration raged in the Dugu Family, the source of one family’s woe and another’s fury, Jun Mo Xie, was indulging in excessive drinking with his grandfather.\nThe black-clothed Jun Wu Yi was sitting to one side and could only watch, but not partake; his Adam’s apple repeatedly moved up and down as he swallowed his saliva. This was in accordance with Young Master Jun’s prescription—since your injury had just healed, you cannot drink wine for the time being. \nUnfortunately, this pair of grandfather and grandson was smacking their lips as they savored the wine, an extremely satisfied appearance; with the sweet fragrance of the wine assailing his nostrils, Jun Wu Yi couldn’t take it anymore…\n“Mo Xie, your grandpa is very curious about your Xuan art and strange cultivation method.”\nJun Zhan Tian asked as while pouring himself another cup of wine. \nEven Jun Wu Yi’s eyes opened wide and his ears stood erect when this question was asked.\nThat was because Jun Mo Xie’s Xuan Art really was too inconceivable. The two men could be considered to have extensive experience, but they have never seen nor have they heard of a Xuan Qi capable of such effects. It could not only heal and dispel poisons, but it also does not emit any light! Its power can only be matched by its abnormality.\nThis kind of miraculous Xuan Art ought to be extremely famous throughout the Xuan Xuan Continent, but there have never been any such rumors, which was extremely baffling.\nJun Mo Xie remained silent for a while before he replied. “Grandfather. Third Uncle. Do you have to ask me about this? I would rather not lie to you.”\n“Ah, this old man understands.”\nJun Zhan Tian came to a sudden realization. “Did the expert that taught you this Xuan Art ask you to keep it a secret?\nHaha, these people tend to have eccentric dispositions. It would do you more harm than good if news of this miraculous Xuan Art spread. The fewer people that know, the better!\nHaha, this old man will not ask further, yes, will not ask further.”\n“Yes, we will not only stop asking about Mo Xie’s miraculous Xuan Art, but we must also do our utmost to keep this a secret.”\nJun Wu Yi nodded. “Who would not drool over such a Xuan Art? Just a small rumor could lead to unthinkable consequences.”\n“Correct! All that matters is that Mo Xie is a member of our Jun Family. That is already more enough!”\nJun Zhan Tian laughed to his heart’s content. He gave Jun Mo Xie a meaningful glance, and his affection for his grandson grew.\nJun Mo Xie only returned a blank stare; who could have thought that before he could even fabricate an explanation, these two men had already convinced themselves with their flawless reasoning…\n“Mo Xie, your Third Uncle is now recovered. What do you intend to do next? Tell your grandpa!”\nJun Zhan Tian was in a very good mood. He looked at his grandson with satisfaction as he ran his hands through his beard.\n“Plans? What plans would I have? Am I not free now that Third Uncle has recovered? I will just continue to act as a debauchee.”\nJun Mo Xie drank some wine and started digging into the wild boar meat on the table with two greasy hands. “As to what happens next, I’ll just follow Grandpa’s directions.\nIn the meantime, Third Uncle’s recovery cannot be known by others. His advancement into the Sky Xuan level, in particular, must remain in the utmost secrecy for us all.\nHiccup. This will depend on your performance, Grandpa. You will have to continue to be miserable when you leave.”\nJun Zhan Tian furrowed his brows at this proposition. He drank some wine and said. “Nonsense. I’ve already worried more than enough because of you two bastards. Now that Mo Xie is working hard to improve himself and Wuyi has also fully recovered, what is there for me to worry about?\nHow can you ask me to pretend when all of my past frustrations are gone?!” \nHe sighed deeply after finishing speaking.\nIt’s not that he isn’t capable, but the old man is rather tired of those miserable days. He had no choice but to worry in the past, but he still can’t be happy now that all his worries have been resolved? Now that is depressing!\n“What to do?”\nJun Mo Xie licked his greasy hands. “You’re saying that you are worried that you are now worry-free?\nYou bring up a good point. Just leave it to your grandson to make you worry again.\nDo you want me to cause trouble at the Magnificent Jewel Hall, kidnap the three princes and give them a beating, or bring home a few commoner girls?\n“You’re looking for a spanking!” The old man was aware that it was only a joke, but he still got angry nonetheless.\n“I hadn’t even reprimanded you for the incident at the Magnificent Jewel Hall the other day, but you brought it up yourself! \nUnderstand that there are powers that be such as the Magnificent Jewel Hall that are above even nation-states. \nYou cannot provoke the Magnificent Jewel Hall no matter what! \nThey are not an organization you can afford to offend even when you advance to the pinnacle of the Supreme Divine Xuan realm! Are we clear?” \nThe old man’s voice immediately became solemn, and his expression was quite severe.\n“Just what is the Magnificent Jewel Hall’s origin?”\nInstead of fear, a strong curiosity arose in Jun Mo Xie’s heart. “Even a peak expert at the Supreme Divine Realm can’t provoke? More powerful than nation-states?!”\n“I can only tell you that the Magnificent Jewel Hall is as large and powerful as an iceberg. \nJust the tip is already enough to force the world to cower at their feet. There are even a few Supreme Divine Xuan experts among their ranks! \nThis old man can’t even begin to fathom the depth of their spy network, but I do know for certain that we must not provoke them.” \nZhan Tian sighed, looked at the Jun Wu Yi, and regrettably sighed again.\nJun Wu Yi’s face twitched, anguish apparent in his eyes as if his entire spirit suffered a deep stab of pain at this moment! \nBut he calmed down immediately and sat peacefully, if only just more quiet than before.\n“In that case, the family’s secret forces will henceforth be placed under Wuyi’s control! As for you, Mo Xie…”\nGrandpa Jun muttered to himself, undecided for a long time before finally giving up and said. “You just do what you do best and help your uncle whenever you have time.”\nJun Wu Yi and Jun Mo Xie nodded in agreement before Jun Mo Xie called to attention. “Grandpa, Third Uncle. Before Third Uncle officially take over as the head of the family’s secret forces, we must first thoroughly eliminate any enemies within our ranks!” \nPausing, Jun Mo Xie stared fixedly at the two men. “Third Uncle’s full recovery is naturally a momentous occasion for our Jun Family but becomes an additional threat to outsiders. Especially…” \nJun Mo Xie faintly smiled as he pointed his fingers upward.\nThe meaning is self-evident.\n“Grandpa had probably already purged our family’s secret forces of any agents from the other major families. I am convinced of this point. \nHowever, there must still be agents of the imperial family within our family! \nAnd Grandpa, you should have already identified these men, but you have just turned a blind eye so far, correct?” \nJun Mo Xie smiled. “However, this is now a critical moment. Therefore, they must be removed!”\nJun Zhan Tian looked at his grandson in shock. \nEvery point Jun Mo Xie made had hit the mark! \nHis deduction had no mistake!\nFor a long time, an expression of agony appeared on Jun Zhan Tian’s face before he said. “Correct. There are men in our midst that were dispatched by His Majesty, and they had already infiltrated our family for more than a decade. But they have never acted against our Jun Family…”\n“Since our Jun Family never act against the imperial family and have always been loyal and devoted subjects, they naturally never had the reason to make a report! \nBut things are different now! \nEven though we are still loyal, if our secret is leaked, I suspect it is enough to exterminate our entire family!”\nJun Mo Xie’s eyes shined brightly and carefully said each word. “At the moment, even if they have already betrayed the imperial family and have genuinely turned into loyal men of the Jun Family, we still cannot afford to take this risk.\nThis is not the time to be soft-hearted! He who hesitates is lost!”\nJun Zhan Tian sighed, deep wrinkles appearing on his aged face at that moment. After a long time, he said. “You’re right. In a moment, I will hand over a list of names to the both of you. As for what to do, I’ll leave it for you two to decide. You do not need to keep me informed!” \nStanding up, he slowly walked away with heavy footsteps.\n“Mo Xie, isn’t doing things this way too cruel? Your grandpa cannot bear to! Is it possible…”\nJun Wu Yi frowned, an expression of struggle appeared on his face. \nJun Wu Yi would not hesitate to act against his enemies, but he didn’t have the heart to act against people who had distinguished themselves by outstanding meritorious service to the Jun Family. \nEven though he is fully aware that they were undercover agents dispatched by His Majesty to spy on the Jun Family, but they have been through thick and thin with the Jun Family many times!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第108章\n“我何尝想这么做,这些人都是您和爷爷的老部下,甚至是同生共死过的伙伴。\n但我们却更不能将整个君家偌大家族的存亡系于一个渺茫的希望上面。\n现在不残忍这一回,将来可能就是我们来承受这残忍了!\n三叔,他们并不止一人!\n难道会全部都背叛了皇家投向了君家?这根本就是不可能的事情!\n而我们的隐瞒一旦暴露,惹起皇家猜疑的话,君家上下数百口,君家封地里的几千人,甚至还有依附于君家派系的所有军方将领都会受到株连!\n那,可是好几万人的性命!\n何去何从,我想三叔你应该比我清楚,三叔前日才与我说过世家子弟的无奈,怎地换到自己身上就如此婆妈,三叔你马上就将接掌君家上下之生杀之责,难道竟要退缩吗?”\n君莫邪冷静的分析着厉害,神色间隐隐有些残酷,语气最后竟颇有几分狰狞。\n“若是如此下去,难不成我们要一路隐瞒下去,隐瞒到死不成?”君无意皱起了眉头。\n“三叔,您的眼光未免局限了些!看看现在的盛宝堂……\n君莫邪呵呵的笑了起来,悠然潇洒地道:“纵观天下,哪个皇帝敢动盛宝堂?”\n君无意骇然大惊!\n原来自己这位侄儿的野心,居然是如此之大!\n“可是盛宝堂,那是无数代人的努力才会有这样的局面,而我们君家……”君无意深深地蹙起眉头。\n“君家有我!还有你!还有爷爷!”\n君莫邪哼了一声,轻轻转动着手中酒杯:“有我们三人,足够了!\n我们君家,会比盛宝堂还要强大的!”\n君莫邪冷静的脸庞,透出无与伦比的自信!\n君无意怔怔地看着自己的侄儿,突然心中涌起一股久违的豪情!\n对侄儿的话,他几乎就是盲目的选择了相信。因为若是那样的话,自己的……才是真正的有了希望!\n“今非昔比,三叔,你的旧伤方愈,毒亦才祛,最近这段时间,须得以调养为主,万万不得妄自动用玄气,虽然你如今进入了天玄之境,却大半都来自那焚经荷药力,非是自身苦修得来,根基颇为不稳,我已经交代了厨房一张专门为三叔你制作的药膳食谱。\n这段时间里,最少以十天为限,你的玄气都只能在丹田温养,确保所有玄气真元都收归己用,至少要达到收发随心的地步,才可无事,再此期间之内,而绝对绝对不能妄动,亦要戒喜戒怒,没事的时候,就用纯身体的力量稍微动作一下,已要有所节制,这一节,三叔应该明白的!”\n君莫邪颇有些深意地看了看君无意:“相信十数天之后,三叔必然会发现自己如今的身体能给你什么样的惊喜。”\n“我明白的,十年都过来了,区区十数日算什么!”君无意重重点头。\n“前段时间训练的三百人还没有回来吗?”\n君莫邪转着酒杯,很是有些随意。\n在那三百护卫训练的身体程度差不多之后,君莫邪便开始着手布置了死亡训练:着这三百人去天罚森林去猎取低级玄兽玄丹和皮毛。\n并且严格规定,至少要猎取到十只以上的五阶玄兽,级别越高越好,低阶的那些自然是数量越多越好。\n完不成任务,不准回来!\n临行前,君莫邪说的杀气冲天:“此去天罚森林,一切都有你们自己做主,包括你们自己的性命!\n死亡率,预计将在一半以上!\n这本就是强者之路的开始,也是第一轮淘汰的开始!被淘汰的后果,只有一个,就是踏上黄泉之路!”\n另外,这也是君莫邪从这支队伍里找寻内奸的一个办法;在队伍进去天罚森林之后,君老爷子的大军便守在归途,凡是中途私自返回的,不问情由,一律杀无赦!\n凡是从天罚森林中飞出的鸟儿,一律予以肆杀!\n然后顺着进去无声无息的杀死这发出信息的人物。\n这些都是有君老爷子的秘密侍卫执行,人人都是玉品玄者,结果自然是毫无悬念的。\n“自开始至今,已经有二十七人露出痕迹,又或者力有未逮,已经确认全部诛杀!\n迄今为止已经再没有任何信息传出。”君无意神色间很有些疲惫。\n“想不到在我君家的寻常家将之中竟也隐藏了如此之多的人手,难道真当我君家可欺吗?”\n君莫邪低头计算一下,笑道:“这么长的时间里也没有往外发送消息,那就是差不多清除干净了。\n对余下的这些人,我终于可以放心了,只要最终可以归来的,就值得造就。”\n君无意微微颔首,站了起来,留恋的看了看君莫邪手中的酒杯,径自回自己院子去了。\n君莫邪静坐了一会,无声的笑了起来,站起身来向着自己的后院走去;第二批美酒应该马上就要出来了,这一批,可是的烈酒啊!\n真正的烈酒啊!\n突然,京城中似乎骚乱了一阵,接着平静下来,一骑快马飞驰到君府大门前,身穿黄色内侍服侍,正是皇宫宫人,紧接着,君老爷子匆匆出门,往皇宫的方向去了。\n与此同时:皇宫中的御医急匆匆的赶到了李府,貌似十分急切。\n独孤家父子二人亦同告撇下一切,急匆匆的骑马飞奔皇宫。\n另外各大家族当家人和比较有地位的大臣也纷纷向皇宫的方向集结而去。\n这在外人看来,无疑是发生了大事,足以震动天香国上下的大事。\n事实上也确实是发生了大事。\n当朝太师,首府大臣李尚在家突发恶疾,陷入昏迷状态,性命堪舆。\n李太师乃是天香国文臣之首,他这一毫无征兆的突然倒下,如何不令朝中上下不乱作了一团。\n皇帝陛下很震怒!\n坐在龙椅上直拍桌子:“……一个好好的文官,去修练那门子玄气,这下可倒好,玄气没练成,折腾得自己老命就只剩下了一口气!\n……长久以来把持朝政,今日一旦倒下,居然搞得整个朝堂都瘫痪了!\n这等情况,岂能不让朕痛心?你们,你……”\n说到这里,皇帝陛下突然住口,以手抚额,无力的叹了口气。\n只因为往下一看的时候,皇帝陛下发现自己做了一件傻事!\n超级的大傻事!\n下面几个人:君老爷子愁眉苦脸,两眼茫然的看着前方虚无,魂不守舍,显然一句也没听进去;\n独孤纵横老爷子侧着头,吭吭唧唧的在用一个胡萝卜粗细的小手指挖鼻孔,不时的随手一弹,这算是什么态度?……\n唐万里老爷子皱着眉头,斜眼看着独孤纵横,不时的嘴唇蠕动着在心里怒骂,偶尔急忙闪身闪开弹来的鼻屎,一脸的晦气,别看唐老爷子对孟家、李家如何的嚣张,对眼前这位老大却是敢怒不敢言的,哪怕是咒骂都只敢在心里骂;\n孟家老爷子肃容而立,眼观鼻鼻观心,貌似已经入定了一般。\n慕容世家老爷子慕容风云背靠在大殿的柱子土,白白的胡须上居然有了一道亮晶晶的东西,貌似就是从嘴里流出来的那啥……\n宋家那老东西深深地垂着头,似乎在试验脑袋究竟能不能插进裤裆里……\n皇帝陛下幡然醒悟,恨不得给自己两嘴巴子:有气你朝着朝臣发就行了,对着这几个老东西使什么劲?\n这根对牛弹琴有什么区别?有屁大点用吗?\n终于不耐烦的挥挥手:“走吧走吧都走吧,都是朕的错!\n朕错啦,劳烦你们几位老神仙做什么,走吧走吧,都快走吧,都回去睡觉去吧!别累着你们老几位!”\n几位老爷子如梦初醒,纷纷告罪加谢恩地向外走去;独孤纵横走出几步,突然又转回来砰的一脚踢在慕容风云身上:“醒醒,别睡了,回家再睡啦。”\n慕容风云呃呃连声,睡眼朦松地站了起来,一副手足无措的样子,“陛下,老臣有罪,老臣老卖年糕(老迈年高),居然在陛下金殿上睡着了,这个……”\n“统统地给朕滚,回家卖年糕去吧!”\n皇帝陛下一声怒吼,吓得在偏殿等候圣意的满朝官员人人都是一个哆嗦。\n几位老爷子人人都貌似是狼狈不堪,屁滚尿流的出来;一出宫门,几张老脸相互看了看,各自嘿嘿奸笑两声,分道扬镳,扬长而去。\n宫中已经传出皇帝陛下雷霆震天的怒吼……\n“君老匹夫!你给老子站住!”\n君战天走了没几步,刚要上马,就听见背后有人叫自己,转头一看,只见独孤纵横老爷子黑着脸冲了过来。\n“你找揍啊?”\n君老爷子皱着霜眉:“今个居然胆儿肥了?敢对着老夫呼呼喝喝了?\n反了你个老猴儿!恩?”\n“操!你以为你算老几?老夫几时鸟过你?”\n独孤纵横鼻孔中嗤的一声,大咧咧地道:“你那孙子,老夫要帮你教训教训!扒他两层皮,你有意见没?!”\n“啥?!你说什么?!”\n君战天本来转身要走,霍然回过身来,两眼如同两道闪电:“你要、替我、教训、我、的、孙、子?”\n随着他这句话一字一句的说完,身上突然蓝光暴涨,一股强横的气势铺天盖地的飞扬起来,身上绣着血兰花的披风无风飞舞,猎猎有声。\n老爷子显然已经是动了真怒!\n在京城在现在这等情况下,有胆量面对面、光明正大地动君莫邪的貌似还真就没有几个,但独孤家却有几人不在此限之内,比如独孤无敌、独孤小艺,以及眼前的独孤纵横!\n而独孤纵横却是个说得出做得到的角色!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 108\n“It’s not like I want to do this. These men were all veterans that have served under you and Grandpa—even comrades that had experienced life and death together. \nHowever, we cannot risk the lives of the entire Jun Family on an uncertainty. \nIf we are not merciless in this present moment, then others will be merciless to us in the future!\nThird Uncle, this is not just one man!\nWould they all betray the Imperial Family threw in their lot with the Jun Family? That is just wishful thinking! \nIf our secrets are exposed and we arouse the Imperial Family’s suspicions, then the several hundred members of the Jun Family, the thousands of commoners living in the Jun Family’s fiefdom, and even the all the high-ranking military officers serving the Jun Family’s faction will be guilty by association! \nThat is tens of thousands of lives!\nAs for what to do next, I believe that Third Uncle should know better than me. Third Uncle had once told me what it meant to be part of the younger generation, so why are you so sentimental now? Third Uncle, you are now responsible for the lives of the entire Jun Family; don’t tell me you will shirk your duty?!” \nJun Mo Xie’s calm analysis was terrifying, his expression was somewhat cruel, and his tone was rather fierce.\n“If that is the case, is it possible that we will have to carry our secret to the grave?” Jun Wuyi frowned.\n“Third Uncle, your foresight is lacking! Take a look at the Magnificent Jewel Hall…”\nJun Mo Xie chuckled nefariously before leisurely continuing, “…currently overlooking the whole world. Which emperor dares to move against the Magnificent Jewel Hall?”\nJun Wuyi was overwhelmed in shock!\nIt turned out that his nephew had such incredible ambitions!\nThe Magnificent Jewel Hall achieved its current success through the effort of countless generations of people, yet our Jun Family…” Jun Wuyi deeply furrowed his brows.\n“The Jun Family has me! It has you! It has Grandpa!”\nJun Mo Xie grunted, gently swirling the wine in his cup. “The three of us are more than enough!\nThe day will come when our Jun Family will be stronger than the Magnificent Jewel Hall!” \nThe calm expression on Jun Mo Xie’s face revealed an unsurpassed confidence!\nJun Wuyi dazedly looked at his nephew and suddenly felt a surge of pride well up in his heart! \nHis nephew’s words almost convinced him that these events will necessarily happen. He wanted to believe in this future, because if these words came true, then there would be hope for his redemption!\n“Things are different now that your health has returned. Your priority in the coming days will be to all your body to recuperate and to make sure you do not recklessly activate your Xuan Qi. Although you have advanced into the Sky Xuan realm, your foundation is unstable because you had primarily relied on the medicinal strength of the Blazing Heart Meridian and not bitter cultivation for the breakthrough. I have already instructed the kitchen staff to prepare a specialized medical cuisine for Third Uncle. \nFor the next ten days, you can only nurture your Xuan Qi in your dantian and continue until you have gained complete control. No matter what, you absolutely cannot take rash actions. When you are free, just use the power of your body to move a little. Exercise restraint. I think Third Uncle understands my meaning!” \nJun Mo Xie gave Jun Wuyi a profound look. “I believe that Third Uncle will discover a pleasant surprise in your body after these next ten days.”\n“I have waited for more than ten years; a mere ten days is nothing!” Jun Wuyi nodded.\n“The three hundred guards have not returned from their training?”\nJun Mo Xie asked rather casually as he swirled his cup of wine. \nAfter three hundred house guards have reached an acceptable level of physical conditioning, Jun Mo Xie moved forward with the next phase of their death training regimen: The three hundred men proceeded to the Heavenly Tribulation Forest to hunt low-level Xuan Beasts for their Xuan Cores and pelt. \nAlso, they must obtain ten more rank 5 Xuan Beasts; the higher the level, the better, and naturally the more, the better for low-level Xuan Beasts.\nDo not return until you have completed the mission!\nJun Mo Xie gave a stern warning before their departure. “This training exercise to the Heavenly Tribulation Forest will be left completely in your control and this includes your lives!\nI expect that less than half of you will return alive!\nThis is where the path of the strong begins! Failure is not an option; that is the road to the Yellow Springs!”\nJun Mo Xie also used this as an opportunity to weed out any spies within these troops. After the troops entered the Heavenly Tribulation Forest, Grandpa Jun’s main forces were dispatched to guard their path of retreat. Anyone that turned back was killed without exception! \nAny birds that flew out from the forest were similarly shot dead! \nThey followed up by entering the forest and killing anyone they suspect were sending out a message.\nThis operation was carried out by Grandpa Jun’s secret force of Jade Xuan experts so the outcome was uneventful.\n“Twenty-seven men have already been exposed so far; all of them have been summarily executed!\nNo information on this operation had leaked out as of the latest report.” Jun Wuyi appeared exhausted.\n“It did not occur to me that the Jun Family had sheltered this many enemy spies. Could it be that my Jun Family is easily bullied?”\nJun Mo Xie smiled and said. “We can assume that most of the spies have been eliminated given that no messages have been sent out for such a long period of time.\nI’m not too worried about the remaining men. Anyone that is able to return had earned the right to live.”\nJun Wuyi slightly nodded before standing up. He had taken one last look at the wine cup in Jun Mo Xie’s hands before he returned to his courtyard.\nJun Mo Xie sat quietly for a while before he too stood up and left toward his courtyard; the second batch of fine wine ought to be ready at any moment. \nThis batch will be the real deal.\nA disturbance suddenly broke out in the capital and then subsided. A fast horse galloped post-haste to the main gate of the Jun Residence. The rider, who wore a yellow eunuch outfit, was precisely a messenger from the imperial palace. Shortly thereafter, Grandpa Jun hurriedly left the residence and rushed toward the imperial palace.\nAt the same time, the physicians of the imperial palace seemed extremely impatient as they hurried to the Li Residence.\nThe Dugu Family’s pair of father and son similarly dropped everything at hand and rode their fastest horse toward the imperial palace.\nMembers of every major family and cabinet ministers of comparable status continuously rallied in the direction of the imperial palace.\nIn the eyes of the onlookers, a major incident had undoubtedly occurred—an incident capable of shaking the Tianxiang Kingdom from top to bottom.\nAs a matter of fact, a major incident indeed happened. \nThe Grand Preceptor and Chancellor of the State, Li Shang, suddenly contracted a grave infirmity and had been unconscious ever since, leaving his life and death uncertain. \nGrand Preceptor Li was the highest-ranking official in the imperial court in the Tianxiang Kingdom. His unanticipated collapse had thrown the imperial court into disorder and confusion.\nHis Majesty the Emperor was furious!\nSitting on the imperial throne, he slammed the table with both hands. “…a perfect healthy civil official cultivates his Xuan Qi behind closed door, but instead of restoring his Xuan Qi, he squandered away what remain of his old life!\n…had long since overseen all aspects of court politics. The entire imperial court has been paralyzed with his collapse today!\nHow can we not grieve under such circumstance? You all, you…” \nAfter His Majesty said up to this point, he immediately fell silent. He massaged his temple as if to soothe a headache and sighed helplessly.\nWhen he had looked up earlier, His Majesty realized that he had done something stupid! \nSomething incredibly stupid!\nOf the several people below, Jun Zhan Tian wore a long face as he stared vacantly ahead at nothing in particular, completely spaced out and apparently did not hear a word.\nDugu Zongheng was grunting and sighing while using a thick carrot-sized finger to dig at his nostril and nonchalantly flicking his finger from time to time. What kind of demeanor is this…\nTang Wanli frowned as he watched Dugu Zongheng from the corner of his eyes. His lip trembled, and he angrily cursed in his heart from having to frequently dodge errant ball.s of snot. Tang Wanli looked disdainfully at the Meng Family and arrogantly at the Li Family, but he did not dare to show his discontent against the big boss, even if he dared to curse in his heart.\nThe master of the Meng Family had a serious and solemn appearance, sitting quietly without looking sideways as if in meditation.\nMurong Fengyun’s back lean against main hall pillar. Something that looked suspiciously like saliva appeared on his white beard…\nThe old fool from the Song Family had his head drooped down as if he was trying to figure out if he can insert his head in the crotch of his trouser…\nHis Majesty suddenly woke up from his daze and wished he could give himself two slaps. Would expressing my anger mean anything to these old bags of bones?\nWas that any different than casting pearls before a swine? Was it even worth a fart?\nEventually, he impatiently waved his hand. “Leave. Everyone leave. It was our mistake!\nWe were wrong to inconvenience esteemed elders such as yourselves. Just leave and quickly go back home to your beds since you all seem too tired to be here!”\nAs if waking from a dream, the old men started blaming each other and then proceeded to thank His Majesty as they made their exit. Dugu Zongheng was just about to leave before he turned back and kicked Murong Fengyun’s body with a bang. “Wake up. Go home to sleep.”\nMurong Fengyun mumbled incoherently, sleepy eyes unclear before loosely standing up, seemingly at a loss for what to do, “Your Majesty, this old official is guilty. This official must be going senile from old age to actually fall asleep in Your Majesty’s palace. This…”\n“GET OUT OF OUR SIGHT! GO BACK HOME TO SELL RICE CAKES*!”\nThe Emperor’s bellow frightened the many court officials waiting in the side chamber. \nThe old men all appeared to be battered, exhausted and even scared witless as they exited the main hall. However, once they left the imperial palace, these crafty old men looked at each other with evil smiles before parting ways and leaving abruptly.\nHis Majesty’s thunderous bellow that shook the heaven had already echoed from the palace…\n“Jun you old fool! Stand right there!”\nJun Zhan Tian had only taken a few steps and was just about to mount his horse when he heard someone calling his name behind him. When he turned around, he saw the dark expression on Dugu Zongheng as the latter charged over.\n“You want a beating?”\nJun Zhan Tian furrowed his white brows. “You got some ball.s you little shit to have the audacity to bark like a dog in front of me, your father?\nI’ll turn you inside-out you old monkey!”\n“fuck you! Who do you think you are? When did I bark like a dog?”\nDugu Zongheng snorted. “I need to help you teach that grandson of yours a lesson! I’m going to beat him until his skin peels off! What do you have to say for yourself?!”\n“What?! What did you say?!”\nJun Zhan Tian was about to turn and leave, but his eyes flashed like lightning when he heard what was said. “You want…on my behalf…BERATE…MY… GRAND…SON?” \nHis voice continued to get louder with each word as a blue aura dramatically exploded out from his body causing a tyrannical pressure to emanate out. His blood orchid cloak fluttered wildly.\nThe old man was obviously infuriated! \nThere are very few people in the capital that have the courage to stand face to face against Jun Zhan Tian in this kind of situation, but those few people are precisely from the Dugu Family: Dugu Wudi, Dugu Xiao Yi, and the one standing before him, Dugu Zongheng!\nAnd Dugu Zongheng is a person that always followed through with what he said!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第109章\n独孤纵横突然有了一种窒息的感觉,连周围的空气都似乎不流动了,对面的君战天,在这一刻给了他庞大的压力!\n万万没想到,君战天居然会为了一个废物孙子跟自己做出这等脸色,\n忍不住怒哼一声,两眼一瞪,周身气场轰然爆发,堪堪抵住了君战天的气势,寸步不让:“就那么一个废物,你居然还拿着当宝?\n他妈的!老子就算教训教训,那也是你孙子八辈子修来的福气!”呸的吐了口唾沫。\n君战天森然地望着他:“独孤纵横,却不知我那孙子什么地方得罪了您?\n居然要劳动您亲自出手?给个痛快话吧!”\n独孤无敌哼了一声,豹眼圆睁:“若是单单得罪了老夫,有什么干系?\n老夫大人大量,顶多也就是当他个屁,屁股一松就放了他!\n可你孙子千不该万不该,居然大胆到去招惹我们家小艺丫头!\n我告诉你君战天,眼下也就是没有出什么事,若是此刻已然出了什么事情,恐怕你老小子连你孙子的尸体都见不着!”\n“若是莫邪少了一根汗毛,独孤纵横,我保证你们独孤世家会后悔一世!”\n君战天阴沉沉地看了他半天,终于缓缓地开口道。\n“若是我家小艺有什么意外,君战天,我也保证你君家肯定比我独孤家来得更后悔!”\n独孤纵横毫不示弱地看着君战天,冷冷说道。\n两位军方大佬斗鸡般站在皇城外,四只眼睛都瞪得溜圆,眼看就要打起来。\n两家的亲兵一个个急得头上大汗淋漓,团团乱转,却是毫无办法。\n这两位若是真掐起来,就算皇帝亲临也未必就给面子!\n正在此时——\n“我说这里怎么这么的不大对劲呢,原来是你们两个老东西在这开玩笑。”\n唐万里老爷子的声音很是爽朗的笑了起来,“我说,君老,老独孤,你们俩害臊不?\n俩人加起来起码得一百五六了吧?\n马上就要进棺材的人了,瞧瞧你们这样子,不怕被后辈笑话!”\n唐老爷子一副德高望重的姿态:“跟我相比,你们两个的风度真是欠缺呀欠缺。”\n对峙中的两人同时“呸”了一声,满天云雾竟瞬间消散了。\n君战天冷哼一声,看了看唐万里和独孤纵横,面无表情,一言不发,转头就走。\n“你现在回去,已经晚了。”\n独孤纵横哼哼两声:“我家那七个小子已经到君家去了。\n君老儿,你还是顺便买点伤药回去,给你孙子治治伤吧。”\n独孤纵横哈哈大笑,其实心中颇为后悔。\n谁也没想得到君战天对他那个早已失望透顶,不但纨绔而且现在变成了废物的孙子如此看重?\n若是自己那七个小子没轻没重的揍出个好歹,可咋办?\n那七个小子可一向是将独孤小艺这个妹妹看成宝贝一般,一听说出了这件事纷纷嗷嗷怪叫,一窝蜂的出门了。\n接着自己这边就得到李尚出了意外的消息,去了皇宫,虽然自己临走时吩咐的是将君莫邪抓过去,但抓过去之前,只怕也是万万轻松不了他的……\n君战天身子一顿,突然纵身而起,也不上马了,直接运起全身玄气,蓝光暴涨,刷的一声没了影子,半空中留下一声怒吼:“独孤纵横,老子和你没完,你等着后悔莫及吧!”\n君老爷子真是火大了,一向是自称“老夫”的人,现在居然爆了粗口,自称“老子”了。\n“老独孤,你又怎么惹到君老了?\n搞得如此的剑拔弩张,至于吗?”\n唐万里老爷子在一边看得满头雾水,好奇地问道。\n独孤纵横正是满肚子怒气,闻言眼睛一翻,骂道:“该干嘛干嘛去!干你屁事!”\n“嗖”的一声掠上马,得得而去。\n一句话将疲万里老爷子气的一口气几乎上不来,半天才重重的吐出气来,气的手指头一个劲的哆嗦:“老……老匹夫!\n刚才若不是老夫,你们两个早已经打了起来。\n老夫我好心好意的劝架,居然,居然……气煞我也!”\n想到这两人居然一个赛一个的不领情,唐老爷子白胡子乱抖,老脸如同打了鸭血一般:“若是以后再遇上这种事,老夫再伸伸头就不是人!”\n突然又鼓足了真气大吼一声:“老夫就是乌龟儿子王八蛋!”声如雷震,远远传了出去。\n还未走远的几大家族的老爷子同时都是一个趔趄:这貌似是唐万里那老东西的声音啊,他又怎地了?发这么大疯?\n居然昭告天下一般宣示自己乃是乌龟儿子王八蛋?难道脑袋被驴踢了吗?!\n这等大八卦,不去瞧瞧实在是可惜呀,机不可失,失不再来啊!\n几位老爷子一打商量,纷纷兴冲冲地向着唐家而去,一个比一个快,争先恐后,朝堂上那种暮气沉沉的模样早已经消失得无影无踪。\n估计现在的他们,就算是多来几个壮小伙子也是比不上他们的。\n这一幕要是被皇帝陛下瞅见了,恐怕得气得吐了血去!\n君家。\n尚不知大祸即将临头的君莫邪指挥着几个身强力壮的中年仆妇,抬着几只硕大的水缸,正自在从自己土法子制造的蒸馏器里面接出粉黄色的透亮的酒头,眼看着一只又一只水缸的慢慢地满了起来,君莫邪摸了摸鼻子,嗅了嗅空气中浓郁到了极点的酒香,呃,也可以说是酒糟味,心中乐开了花。\n烈酒,君莫邪从来也是不喜欢喝的,他如今弄出这些来,目的不外是打算将之兑换成大笔大笔的银子罢了,以他目前对这个世界酒文化的了解,自己一万再银子一小坛的憧憬相信很快就会成为现实!\n当然,这也不全是为了挣钱,还为了……让这帮土包子见识见识,什么才叫做……酒!\n中华的酒!\n没得到本公子认可的酒就是垃圾,只有本公子认可的酒才算是美酒!\n就是一万两银子一小坛!\n哪怕是全家抄斩也不降价!\n他妈的,连酒也酿不出,也好意思活着,还不一个个自己抹了脖子,活着也不怕丢人现眼?!\n其实君莫邪的真正目的是:卖完这一批,以后再也不卖了!\n以后每月只酿出个十几二十个够自己一家喝的就行了,至于别人,哼哼,哪怕是皇帝陛下想要喝,君大公子也是一梗脖子:说没有就是没有,你能咋地吧?\n先吊起了你们的瘾头,然后“嘎吱”一声截住!\n老子从此不酿酒了!\n再让你们一个个回头去喝那些垃圾去,让你们一个个难以下咽!\n君莫邪很期待到那个时候,这些有钱的贵族们脸上的表情:想必会十分精彩吧?看着也是赏心悦目哇嘎嘎嘎……\n老子就等着这份精彩!\n君莫邪口中哼着小曲,这一刻他脸上的表情已经不能叫他“邪君”了,而是应该叫做“邪神”了。\n不得不说,能想出这种阴损的主意的人,实在是邪的到家又上炕了。\n大门口“轰”的一声巨响,远远地传了过来。\n打断了君莫邪心中的歪歪,让他很是诧异:这可是君家,难道还真有,青天白日就上门捣乱的?\n这也太新鲜了吧!\n他猜得再对也没有了,大门口一阵惨叫,过了不大会,就听到沉重的脚步声向着自己这边气势汹汹的走来,砰地一声,小院的大门瞬间变成一堆碎片,一个声音大吼道:“君莫邪,你小子给老子们滚出来!”\n这光景怎么这么像黑社会来找场子呢?\n这一刻君莫邪几乎以为自己又穿越回去了。\n咚咚的声音响起,君莫邪探头一看,只见七头狗熊一般的壮汉犹如七尊铁塔,一个个晃着膀子,狰狞着嘴脸,几乎是以一步半丈的幅度的虎虎生风的闯了进来。\n救人一命胜造七级浮屠……那七级浮屠能比这七个人更粗不?\n传说里浮屠可是塔来着……\n君莫邪立即下了决定,语速超快的吩咐道:“你,去告诉三叔,让他不要过来,这里由我来处理,我一定可以搞定;可儿,去告诉大嫂,让她也不用过来!”\n君莫邪现在唯一忧虑的,就是君无意忍受不住赶过来,那可就糟糕透顶。\n君无意现在的实力虽然确实提升到了天玄境界,但身体里面的天玄真元却是异常不稳定的,并未能全部收归己用,若不经过一段时间的稳定,贸然动手的话,一旦让玄气冲炸了经脉,那可就真个回天乏术了……\n至于管清寒,再怎么说也是女儿身,头发长见识短的,过来根本于事无补。\n君莫邪一眼就看出来,面前这七个人,管清寒的实力顶多也只能对付其中最弱的一个,还是输面居多。\n爷爷去了宫里,家里的仆人貌似也没谁惹得起这七个混世魔王,再说各大家族基本都有个默契,就是小辈之间的事情,大家都不掺和,由着他们去折腾……\n看来只有自己单枪匹马的上阵了。\n君莫邪当然认识他们,独孤家的“英雄豪杰冲上前”在天香城可是大名鼎鼎的人物,比君莫邪的名声可响亮的多了。\n虽然不是一个层面的朋友,可也经常见到面的。\n现在君莫邪唯一犹豫的,不是自己会不会被这七头狗熊似的大汉虐待的问题,而是在头痛:若是我万一将这七个家伙弄死弄残了,独孤家会怎么算,会不会疯!\n而君家能不能顶得住?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 109\nDugu Zongheng suddenly felt like he was suffocating as the surrounding air completely stopped flowing. In front of him, Jun Zhan Tian was currently giving off an enormous pressure!\nHe never imagined that Jun Zhan Tian would make such face over for his waste of a grandson.\nHmmph! He opened his eyes wide as an aura erupted from his body to counter the overbearing pressure exuded by Jun Zhan Tian, not moving back even half an inch. Are you going to treat that trash like some treasure?\ndamn it! If I, your father, want to teach him a lesson, then consider it your grandson’s good fortune! Ptui!\nJun Zhan Tian looked at him with a stern expression. “Dugu Zongheng, what did my grandson do to offend you?\nYou actually had to personally get involved? You must give me an explanation for this!”\nDugu Zongheng snorted. “I wouldn’t care if he had only offended me.\nI’ve always been a magnanimous old man; I’d just consider it as childish nonsense. At most I’d just smack his butt once and let him go!\nBut the one thing your grandson really should not have done was to tease my baby Xiao Yi! And that little shit was brazen enough to do it!\nI’m telling you, Jun Zhan Tian, that your grandson is lucky that nothing has happened yet. But if something were to happen, I’m afraid that you won’t even be able to find your grandson’s corpse when I’m done with him!”\n“If there is even one hair missing on Mo Xie, Dugu Zongheng, I can guarantee that your Dugu Family will regret it forever!” \nJun Zhan Tian glared at him with a dark expression for a long time before he spoke up.\n“If anything happens to my family’s Xiao Yi, Jun Zhan Tian, I can promise that your Jun Family will be worse off than my Dugu Family!” \nDugu Zongheng said coldly. He did not intend to back down and stared back at Jun Zhan Tian.\nThe two military big shots were standing toe to toe outside the Imperial Palace; two pairs of perfectly round eyes glared at each other as if a fight will break out at any moment. \nThe two families’ personal guards were all sweating profusely as they milled about in desperation and at a complete loss as to what to do.\nNot even the Emperor himself will be able to stop them if these two begin to fight!\nRight at this moment——\n“I was just asking myself who was causing such a ruckus, and it turned out to be you two geezers fooling around.”\nThe sound of Tang Wanli’s candid laughter rose up. “Don’t you two feel ashamed?\nBoth of your ages add up to 156 years old.\nLook at you two. As people with one foot in the grave, are you not afraid that you will be laughed at by the younger generation?!”\nTang Wanli carried himself haughtily. “You two really lack elegance compared to me.”\nThe two old men standing opposite one another simultaneously spit in contempt; the clouds all over the sky instantly dissipated.\nJun Zhan Tian snorted coldly. He looked at Tang Wanli and Dugu Zongheng with an expressionless face, and, without saying a word, turned around and left.\n“It’s already too late for you to go back.”\nDugu Zongheng snorted twice. “My seven grandsons have already arrived at your residence by now.\nOld man, you had better buy some ointments on your way home to treat your grandson’s injuries.” \nDugu Zongheng was laughing heartily but was actually regretting quite a bit in his heart.\nWho would have thought that Jun Zhan Tian cared so much about his thoroughly disappointing wastrel of a grandson?\nIf his seven grandchildren had senselessly beaten up the brat, what is to be done?\nThose seven youngsters had always treated Dugu Xiao Yi like a precious treasure. They had all been in an uproar once they heard about what happened to their sister and had swarmed around pushing and shouting to get out of the house. \nAfter that, he had received news of Li Shang’s accident and had to make haste to the imperial palace. Although he had only left instructions to capture Jun Mo Xie before he left, it is very likely that the latter would suffer grievously at the hands of his grandsons.\nJun Zhan Tian abruptly stopped and leaped up not to mount his horse, but directly circulated his Xuan Qi and disappeared in a flash of blue light. From mid-air, a bellow echoed out. “Dugu Zongheng, I’m not finished with you yet. It’s already too late for regrets!”\nGrandpa Jun was absolutely livid and had unexpectedly burst out in a storm of obscene language.\n“Old Dugu, why are you pissing Old Jun off?\nTo go as far as to be at daggers drawn?”\nTang Wanli was just watching curiously from the sideline without any idea what was going on.\nDugu Zongheng had a belly full of anger. Upon having heard what was said, his eyes flashed as he cursed. “fuck off motherfucker! It’s none of your fucking business?”\nSwish. He swiftly mounted his horse and left.\nHis words had caused Tang Wanli to look as though he would choke from anger. It had taken a long time before his boiling anger was able to calm down a little, his fingers still shaking uncontrollably.\nIf it weren’t for me, you two would already have come to blows.\nI had intervened out of the goodness of my heart, but unexpectedly…unexpectedly blew up on me! \nJust remembering how one had ignored him and the other had not appreciated his kindness, Tang Wanli’s white beard trembled and felt like he had been slapped in the face. I’ll eat a hat if I try to be nice again!\nHe suddenly went all out and angrily roared. “I am a dumbass son of a bitch!” The sound of his voice shook like thunder and echoed into the distance.\nThe old men from the major families who still had not left yet all stumbled at the same time. This sounded like the voice of that old geezer Tang Wanli. What the hell is he doing now? \nHas he gone mad to unexpectedly declare to the world that he is a dumbass son of a bitch? Don’t tell me that he got his head kicked in by his horse?!\nTheir curiosity was growing and all of them thought that it would be a pity not to look. An opportunity like this only knocks but once!\nThe old men talked it over and all decided to head to the Tang Family full of expectations, each one faster than the last as if competing with one another; the lethargy from earlier in the imperial court had already disappeared without a trace.\nEven able-bodied young men would not be able to compete with their current ferocity.\nIf this scene was beheld by the Emperor, he might just be so angry that he would vomit blood!\nJun Family.\nStill not aware of the impending disaster, Jun Mo Xie directed a few strong women to carry several large jugs of water. After casually inspecting the transparent, pale yellow foreshot that was collected from the filtration apparatus he designed, he slowly filled up each and every water jug. Jun Mo Xie was bursting with joy as he breathed in the rich wine fragrance wafting in the air. He was still able to pick up the distinct smell of the wine lees.\nJun Mo Xie was never fond of drinking strong alcoholic drinks. The sole purpose of distilling this batch of wine was to exchange it for a very, very large sum of money. With his current understanding of what this world considered as wine, he was confident that he would be able to sell each jug for ten thousand taels of silver! \nOf course, it wasn’t just for money. It was also to let these country bumpkins experience what wine really tasted like!\nChinese wine!\nThe wine that I don’t approve of is trash and only wine that I approve of can be considered good wine!\nAnd the price will be ten thousand taels of silver for each jug!\nI won’t lower the price even if my whole family is beheaded!\ndamn it! You really had the decency to say you have lived without having tasted my wine? Why don’t you just wipe your neck clean and end your miserable life?!\nIn fact, Jun Mo Xie’s actual goal was to sell off this batch and not sell anymore! \nThen, he would only vinify ten or twenty bottles each month, just enough for his family to drink. As for other people…humph…humph…even if the Emperor wants to drink, Young Master Jun will only stick out his neck. If I said there’s none for sale, then there’s none for sale! What can you do?\nI’ll first make you all addicted, and then I’ll cut off the supply! \nI, your father, will not sell any more wine! \nThen, when all of you are left with no choice but to return to drinking that garbage, it would be hard not to choke on tears!\nJun Mo Xie was looking forward to this moment; the facial expression of these wealthy nobles will be priceless! Just thinking about it already warmed his heart…\nYour father will wait for your wonderful gift!\nJun Mo Xie hummed a little tune; the expression on his face could no longer be that of an “Evil Monarch,” but rather that of an “Evil God.” \nHe had to admit that the person who had originally thought of this insidious idea really was evil to the utmost degree.\nA booming explosion rocked the main gate and echoed into the distance. \nInterrupting Jun Mo Xie’s devious thoughts and surprising him. Could someone actually be so foolhardy as to cause a disturbance at the Jun Residence in broad daylight?\nIsn’t this too ridiculous!\nBefore he can gather his thoughts, the main gate exploded open. Shortly, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps storming toward his direction aggressively. Peng! The gate to his courtyard splintered into pieces as a loud voice roared. “Jun Mo Xie, get your ass over here right now!”\nDoesn’t this scene look as if the criminal underworld had come to get him? \nFor a brief moment, Jun Mo Xie thought that he had transmigrated back.\nThud! Thud! Jun Mo Xie stretched his head to take a peek and saw seven herculean figures that looked more like bears than men; each one had a sinister countenance, swinging their arms as they stormed in like a gale of wind.\nSaving a life is more praiseworthy than building the Seven-tiered PaGoda…is the Seven-tiered PaGoda as thick as these seven individuals? \nThe legends did say that Buddha was also a paGoda*…\nJun Mo Xie immediately gave out orders. “You, go find Third Uncle and tell him that he must not come over. Just leave everything to me and I’ll take care of it. You, go find sister-in-law, and tell her that she don’t need to come over!”\nJun Mo Xie’s only worry was that Jun Wuyi would be unable to resist coming over. It really is rotten luck. \nAlthough Jun Wuyi’s present strength has advanced to the Sky Xuan realm, the Xuan Qi in his body is still too unstable and was not completely under his control. If he does not take his time to stabilize the Xuan Qi and rashly misuse it, it will definitely rupture all of his meridians, and his situation will become a truly hopeless.\nAs for Guan Qinghan, she’s still too young and her experience is shallow. She wouldn’t be of any help if she came over. \nJun Mo Xie saw with a glance that Guan Qinghan could only handle one of these seven individuals at most and would lose against their numbers in the end.\nGrandpa went to the imperial palace, and there weren’t any servants at home who would be able to challenge these seven devils in human form. Besides, every major family had a mutual understanding that the elders would not intervene in the matters between the younger generations, so they have free rein to torment anyone…\nIt seemed like he could only rely on himself to single-handedly go into battle.\nJun Mo Xie naturally recognized them. Dugu Family’s “heroes and legends bravely rushing forward” were prominent personages in Tianxiang City; their reputations far exceed that of Jun Mo Xie. \nAlthough they aren’t at the level of being friends, they are at least acquaintances.\nJun Mo Xie was currently hesitating, but not because he was worried about getting abused by these seven black bears. Rather, he had a headache. How would the Dugu Family react if I accidentally killed these seven people? This question was driving him insane!\nWould the Jun Family be able to withstand the repercussion?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第11章\n君邪两世为人,前世本就遍阅世间疾苦的顶尖杀手,一瞥之间,已然洞悉了小丫头的心思,不禁哀叹自己这具肉身的原有主人,连贴身丫头都不待见,实在是失败极了,叹了口气,道:“这里不用你侍侯了,你出去吧。”\n可儿一躬身,心道,只要我不靠近你你就做不了什么坏,再说你现在接连受伤,身体虚弱,也抓不住我。\n这才退了下去。\n君邪走到窗前,长吸了一口气,任由体内气流转动,对自己的身体进行检查。\n他刚一醒过来,就已经发现了自己和前几天有了非常明显不同,只是一直没有时间查看罢了。\n此刻一旦用心检查,顿时大吃一惊:眼睛明显地能看到更远的地方,三丈之内,哪怕是地上一只蚂蚁,都能看得到有几条腿,整个世界在自己的眼中,似乎也变了样子,树木草丛无不葱翠欲滴,生机盎然。\n太阳刚刚升起,君邪瞪着眼睛看着初升的朝阳,良久也没感觉到有刺眼的感受,只是一团温暖的大火球……\n耳朵也清楚地听到几丈之内草丛里有小虫爬来爬去,甚至还能听到地下蚯蚓蠕动的声音,顿时感觉这个世界无比的奇妙。\n记得前世自己内力大进迈入先天之境的时候,只有在突破的那一刻才有如此奇妙的感受,而且也没有如今万物一体,天地一息的超然境界,君邪不由得大喜欲狂:难道一晚上的功夫,我就已经再度达到了先天之境不成?\n这也太神速了吧?\n运起体内气息一看,不由得嗒然若失。\n体内还是那微弱的气流,只不过连贯了许多,像这等气流,若是切切菜还成,根本还不能用来动武,如果真到达了先天之境界,断不至于如此孱弱。\n但转念一想,若不是到了先天之境,却如何能出现这等惊人效果,那便定然是这开天造化功的奇妙之处了!\n想到这里,微微失望之余精神却是愈显振奋。\n捋起衣袖一看,君邪顿时无奈了,这,这还是一个大老爷们的手臂吗:肌肤雪白粉嫩,就算是大姑娘的手臂也是绝对比不上自己肌肤的细嫩,忙不迭地走到铜镜前面,君邪终于死了心。\n脸还是原本的那张脸,不过却明显的白嫩了许多,这样的面孔,本是前世的君邪最最看不上来的类型:奶油小生、超级小白脸,而且还是身体貌似非常孱弱的小白脸!\n真真是活见了鬼了!\n君邪嘀咕着,不由得哑然失笑:自己来到这异世界,本就是活见了鬼了,再发生一些比较奇异的事情,又有什么值得奇怪的?\n不过经过昨夜一晚上的练功和洗经伐髓,自己现在对于开天造化功,应该稍窥门径了吧?\n怎么身体素质怎地还这么弱呢?!\n心念一转之下,再度检查身体,这一查之下,君邪真个大吃了一惊,原来自己的身体若只看表相,当真孱弱之极,实则肌肉组织之间韧性十足,便是前世的自己,只怕也要有所不及,而周身骨骼经络目前的素质也已经达到了一个非常高的地步,如今的身体,当真可谓是得天独厚,相信对之后的武道进程,必然是一个最佳的载体!\n而且,以眼下的面目出现,绝不会有人愿意相信,这样一个孱弱身体的主人,居然会是一个绝世的杀手,实在是一个极佳的天然伪装面具!\n这么一想,君邪自然又更增继续练功、已求早日恢复原本实力的兴致。\n接下来的一个月,君府发生了一件让所有人都觉得不可思议的事情:本朝有数的纨绔子君莫邪大少爷居然一个多月没有出门去胡作非为,没有去眠花宿柳,也没有去斗鸡跑狗,更没有去杀人放火;就算是呆在家里,也是规规矩矩,不是呆在自己小院里,就是去藏书阁,居然没有见他调戏哪个侍女!\n竟然对所有的下人也变得很是和气!\n以上的一切一切,让君府的所有人都感到,这也太匪夷所思了吧,难道是太阳从西边出来了!\n又或者太阳从南边、北边出来了,反正肯定不是从东边出来的!\n苍天啊大地啊,您终于开了眼了,君三少总算是有些改邪归正的迹象了啊!\n看着孙子的变化,君战天老公爷老怀大慰!\n这小子,貌似有点改邪归正的迹象呢?\n一个月的时间里,君邪终于将第一重开天造化功练得入了门,境界也稍有巩固了一些,对这个所谓的玄玄大陆的了解也更加的深入了几分,虽然依旧不能跟一些所谓的史学家相提并论,但若是比起原来的君莫邪来说,现在的君邪实在已经可以说是专家教授的级别了,说一个天上,一个地下是半点也不过分的……\n唯一让君邪感觉到不爽的,就是自己脑中的那座七彩九层鸿钧塔,整整一个月的功夫,君邪始终在第一层徘徊,曾经无数次想要开启第二层,只要是感觉到功力稍有进步,便去尝试一次,但每次都是吃一次大大的苦头!\n脑海中千万根针一起扎过来的那种痛苦!\n这实在让君邪心痒难熬,第一层已经有这么逆天成果的开天造化功,第二层第三层岂不是会有更多的好东西?\n但……进不去啊!\n进不去,怎么办?!\n一次又一次的尝试,就是不行,即使以君邪的韧性,也顶不住了,到了最后,君邪终于确认了想要以普通状态开启第二层,肯定是不可能了。\n估计是要跟第一层一样,机缘到了有意、无意中就进去了,若是不到,撞得头破血流也是白搭的,这却与多少次尝试无关,自己还是老老实实的练功吧。\n当然,君邪也将家传的玄气了解了一下,发现这个世界的玄气与前世的内力修炼很接近,但在性质上却又偏向于斗气一样的类型,属于介于两者之间的一种练气法门。\n不过这玄气每修炼到一阶,玄气就会因为质变而产生颜色上的微妙变化,这一点,倒是与君邪前世曾经遭遇过的五毒功夫有些类似,不过玄气却肯定是没毒的。\n有开天造化功在手,君邪自然看不上这所谓的玄气,不过为了掩人耳目,还是象征性的练了练——勉强提升到了四品玄气,君邪也就认为够了,便停止了继续练习。\n在玄玄大陆,玄气,从一品到九品,然后是更高层次银玄气、金玄气、玉玄气、地玄气、天玄气、至尊神品。\n一品到三品是红色,淡红,粉红,大红。\n四品到六品,紫色,淡紫、中紫,深紫。\n七品到九品是黑色,紫黑、灰黑,黑亮。\n银品银色,金品金色,玉品绿色。\n地品黄色,天品蓝色,至尊神品无色。\n而玄气每一品的进步都是非常艰难的,而且进阶的时候,都会伴随有极大的痛楚,很有些内功修炼,洗毛伐髓的意思!\n君邪现在能够发出的,乃是淡紫色四品玄气,作为世家子弟来说,这实在是一个极为可怜的惨淡成绩!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 11\nJun Xie is a man of two worlds; in his past life, he was the world’s top assassin who had seen the world and its countless hardships. With a glance, he easily saw through the thoughts within this little girl’s mind. He let out a helpless sigh, lamenting at the original owner of this body. Even his own servant girl was fearful of him, what an extreme failure. After sighing, he said. “There’s no need for you to be here for now, you can go out now.”\nLittle Ke bowed, within her heart she thought, as long as I do not get too close to you, you will not be able to do anything. Besides, with your level of injuries and weak body, you won’t be able to even catch me. \nAfter that, she left.\nJun Xie went to the window and took a deep breath. He then willed the qi within his body to move as he checked his body’s current state.\nThe moment he woke up, he had realized that there was a distinct difference between the current him and the him from the past few days; unfortunately, he did not have the time to make a thorough analysis.\nNow that he had focused on analysing himself, he was greatly surprised. His eyes can see clearly at a much farther range than before, even at the range of three zhangs away, he could count the number of little legs of an ant going about on the floor. Within his eyes, the entire world seemed to have changed; all the trees and grasses are lush green, glowing with abundance of vitality.\nJun Xie turned upwards to stare at the rising sun, even after a long time he did not feel any sting upon his eyes. It was to him but a ball of warmth…\nEven his ears can now hear differently. He could clearly hear the sound of small insects scurrying about back and forth within the grasses. He could also hear the sounds of the earthworms wriggling about. He suddenly felt that this world was incomparably wonderful.\nHe recalled that in his past life, this wonderful feeling had only occurred when his cultivation in internal arts had broken through into the Pre-Celestial stage; even then, it did not encompass his entire body. A transcendent realm born from Heaven and Earth, Jun Xie could not help but feel highly elated: Could it be? With just one night’s worth of practice, I have once again attained the Pre-Celestial stage? \nIsn’t this a bit too fast?\nHe delved into his body to observe the qi flow and was unable to stop himself from falling into despair.\nThe flow of qi was still weak and faint, although it had become more coherent. With such a kind of qi, it can only be used to cut vegetables and not in a real fight. If he had truly stepped into the Pre-Celestial stage, there was absolutely no way that the qi flow would be so weak.\nBut thinking about it from another point of view, since he had yet to achieve the Pre-Celestial stage, how could his body perform at such high specs? This must have been due to the wonderful contribution of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune! \nHaving reached such a conclusion, his originally dispirited self was uplifted.\nFolding up his sleeves, Jun Xie suddenly felt stunned; this, can this even be considered the arms of a real man? Delicate snow white with a hint of pink, not even a female lady’s arm can compare with his. Jun Xie rushed towards the bronze mirror and stood before it, his heart crumbling apart. \nHis face retained the same features. However, it had obviously become much more tender and white. This type of face was the one which Jun Xie despised the most in his past life. A super flower boy! This is a super milky white flower boy with an extremely frail looking body!\nThis is truly akin to meeting a real life ghost!\nJun Xie muttered as he laughed: Since I came into this world, my situation was no different to meeting a real life ghost in the first place. Even if something more bizarre happens, how can I be surprised?\nHowever, last night he had a session of Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser. In addition, he should have successfully opened a slight gap in the ‘doors’ of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. \nAs such, how can his body remain so weak?\nConsidering those factors, he rechecked his body. This time, the results gave Jun Xie a great surprise. If one were to examine his external appearance, then he was truly an extremely weak person. But in reality, his muscles and flesh had been reorganized to become extremely dense and tough. Even if he were to compare it with his previous body, its structure would likely be less powerful. The quality of his entire body, including the skeletal frames and meridians has reached a very high stage. His current body can be described as blessed, truly the best possible body to practice martial arts.\nMoreover, anyone who sees him would never bring themselves to believe that the owner of such a frail body could turn out to be a peak ranked assassin. This was truly the most incredible form of natural camouflage!\nWith such thoughts running in his head, Jun Xie naturally became more passionate towards his training. He wanted to quickly regain his original strength as soon as possible.\nDuring the following month, something unthinkable occurred within the Jun Residence: The number one debauchee in the kingdom, Young Master Jun Moxie actually stayed at home for well over one month. He did not go out to play the gangster, he did not go visit the Flowery Night Lodge, he did not go for cockfighting and hound racing, and he did not even commit arson or murder. At home, he was either always staying in his own residence or in the library building; he did not even take liberties with the maids!!!\nHe even became polite towards the servants!\nAll the things stated above, had caused everyone in the Jun household to feel bizarre. Could it be that the sun had risen from the west? \nOr perhaps the sun had risen from the south, or north? At any rate, they were confident the sun did not rise from the east!\nOh Dear Heavens above! Oh Great Earth! You have finally opened your eyes! The Third Young Master is finally showing signs of turning over a new leaf!\nObserving all this, even Grandpa Jun felt relieved. \nIt seemed as though this kid is finally showing signs of turning over a new leaf!\nAfter one month, Jun Xie finally managed to breach the first gate of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. He had also managed to consolidate his level of cultivation by quite a bit. He had also come to understand more regarding this Xuan Xuan Continent. Even though his knowledge cannot be compared with those of historians, when compared to the original Jun Moxie, Jun Xie was practically at the level of a professor. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the difference between the two was like Heaven and Earth.\nThere was only one thing that Jun Xie was dissatisfied with, and that was the seven coloured Nine Layered Hongjun PaGoda resting within his sea of consciousness. After one whole month’s worth of hard work, he was still stuck at the first layer. He had tried countless times to breach the second layer. Whenever he felt any progress within himself, he would go forth to try it. But every time would end with him suffering huge level of pain. \nThe pain was like having ten million long needles striking at his sea of consciousness!\nThis caused an unbearable itch to rise for Jun Xie. The first layer was able to provide him with such a heavenly defying Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. Judging by that fact, the stuff within the second and third layer would undoubtedly be even better! \nBut… access denied!!!\nSince he cannot get in, what should he do?\nHe tried again and again, only to be met with failure. Even someone of Jun Xie’s character and tenacity, could finally not continue on. In the end, Jun Xie had to resign himself to the fact that the second layer could not be opened through normal means. \nHe believed that, similar to the first layer, the opportunity must arrive for him to be able to walk in accidentally. As long as the opportunity had yet to arrive, his attempts to breach it head on would be futile. Since it had nothing to do with the number of attempts, he should just continue practicing.\nOf course, Jun Xie had also increased his understanding towards the Xuan Qi passed on by this family. He realized that this Xuan Qi and the internal strength that he had practiced back in his past life was quite similar. Its properties were tuned to become similar to the properties of Battle Qi. It can be classified as a Qi Art that existed in between the two arts. \nHowever, every time the Xuan Qi practitioner breaks through a level, a qualitative change will occur and trigger a transformation in the colour of qi. This aspect reminded Jun Xie of the Five Poisons Art which he encountered before in his past life. But Xuan Qi on the other hand, do not contain any poison.\nWith the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, it was only natural for Jun Xie to look down upon the so-called Xuan Qi. However, in order to deceive the public, he decided to train in Xuan Qi as a symbolic gesture. He barely managed to get himself up to the Fourth level Xuan Qi, after which he decided was enough and chose to stop.\nIn Xuan Xuan Continent, Xuan Qi begins from the First level to the Ninth level, followed by Silver Xuan, Gold Xuan, Jade Xuan, Earth Xuan, Sky Xuan, Supreme Divine Xuan. \nThe First level until the Third level is marked by the colour red: light red, pink red, thick red. \nThe Fourth level until the Sixth level is marked by the colour purple: light purple, stable purple, thick purple. \nThe Seventh level until the Ninth level is marked by the colour black: purplish black, gray black, brilliant black. \nSilver level is marked by the colour silver. Gold level is marked by the colour gold. Jade level is marked by the colour green. \nEarth rank is marked by the colour yellow. Sky rank is marked by the colour blue. Supreme Divine rank is colourless.\nAdvancing through each stage of Xuan Qi was extremely difficult, as it will also be accompanied by a great deal of pain. It was quite similar to that of internal strength practice of scouring the marrow. \nThe current Jun Xie can only emit a light purple Fourth level Xuan Qi. Considering his status, this was a very poor result!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第110章\n这几个家伙除了有的老成一些,有的生涩稚嫩一点之外,基本都是长得一个德行,和七胞胎并蹄莲也差不多,个个五大三粗,豹头环眼,两腮的胡子呈横向型扩展,这七个脑袋猛然一看,很有点像一个个横在地上的长方形。\n真是太牛叉了!这是怎么养活的?\n这一窝子可全是猛张飞的终极造型呀,拉到现代去演三国演义,一个个都不用化妆的,而且绝对比原版更原版,比张飞还张飞的猛男。\n君莫邪猛然心中升起一种“惊为天人”的“惊艳”感觉:真是难为独孤家族的三兄弟了,要什么样的默契才能连儿子也都生得一个德行呢一一实在是太有才了……\n“君莫邪!你小子要往哪里跑?”\n为首的独孤英眼尖,一眼看到了君莫邪,一声大吼如雷震,身后的兄弟六人极为默契的同时大吼:“君莫邪,你小子要往哪里跑?”\n九天响雷、一鸣惊人!\n吓坏了院子里的花花草草,筛糠般不住的摇曳。\n君莫邪心中正在赞叹造物者的鬼斧神工,大千世界果然无奇不有!\n猛然间眼前一暗,七尊铁塔矗立在了面前,七张大脸都是一般的黑如锅底,十四个眼珠子凶神恶煞的都是瞪得溜圆,居高临下的看着君莫邪一一最矮的也要比君莫邪高出半个头。\n不知道的肯定会以为君大少爷指定是欠了这几位猛男兄很多的钱!\n昔日有白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事千古流传:今日我亲自演绎君莫邪与七大巨人的不得不说的故事揭开内幕……\n君莫邪心中胡思乱想,退后了一步,平视着兄弟七人。\n没法,如果不后退一步的话,那就必须得要仰视了,堆出一脸风流倜傥的笑容,道:“原来是七位独孤大哥,失敬失敬;呃,我这就喊人上茶。”\n“别想抽空子溜走,在老子眼前出这等花招你小子还嫩点!”\n独孤英满脸狰狞,双拳互握,骨节嘎嘣嘎嘣作响:“君莫邪,你真是大了你的狗胆,居然敢欺负我小妹!有种!\n看老子今天不把你这张小白脸打成柿饼!”\n“啥?欺负你小妹?独孤小艺?这话从何说起?这那的事啊?”君莫些愕然地道,有些摸不到头脑。\n这次的表情可不是装的:想来我都是被压迫的一方啊,什么时候翻身了?\n我自己不知道?\n心中对“独孤世家从来就不讲理”这种说法更深层次的认识了一层:明明就是你家小妹天天欺负我,颠倒黑白也没这样的吧?\n我还没找爷爷诉苦打上门去,你们倒是恶人先告状了?真真是岂有此理!\n就独孤小艺那丫头,就凭你们独孤家的霸道,这个世界上还有人敢欺负他?\n这简直就是秋天的童话啊。\n“你还敢不承认!吃干抹净想不认帐啊……”\n一边的独孤雄一声大吼,吼道一半,突然满脸迷惑地仰起头,硕大的鼻孔呼哧呼哧的两个深呼吸,眨眨眼睛,问道:“什么味道?怎么这么香呢?实在是太香了!”\n其他六人不愧是一家人,几乎也在同时觉察到了不对劲,这味道实在是……太诱人,一时之间没回过神来,被独孤雄一言惊醒,也不管君莫邪了,纷纷耸动着鼻子寻找起来,七副鼻孔一起狂吸,顿时将周围几乎吸成了真空地带。\n君莫邪莫名的感到有些窒息,恩,氧气供应不足?\n这得什么肺活量啊!\n“真是太好闻了,怎么好像是酒的味道。”独孤英闭着眼睛耸动着鼻子,满脸的很有把握。\n“瞎说!哪有这么香的酒?我要醉了!”独孤雅依旧仰头向天,一脸陶醉。\n“这肯定不是酒,而是仙酒。”独孤豪一副内行的样子,摇头晃脑,好像喝过。\n“滚你大爷的!什么仙酒?真是没见识,上一边呆着去……”独孤杰冲口就骂。\n“我大爷就是你爹,你让他滚一边呆着去试试?”独孤豪脸红脖子粗,反唇相讥。\n“难道是迷香?”独孤冲口上说着是迷香,鼻子却兀自在狂嗅。\n“就算是迷香的话,小弟我情愿天天被迷倒,上天啊,让我多被迷一会吧,万一以后闻不到了怎么办?”\n独孤上满脸的迷醉,兄弟七人之中,就属他吸得最大声。\n“没出息!”独孤前甚是鄙视六位哥哥这副德行,无限鄙夷的骂了一句,自己却陶醉的闭上了眼睛。\n这七个人都在一个个摇头晃脑,闭目向天狂嗅,竟然丝毫没有注意到,就在他们面前不到一丈的地方就摆着极为显眼的十来个大酒坛子。\n里面黄澄澄的酒头正散发出醉人的香味,钻进他们的鼻孔里。\n君莫邪瞪目结舌:世间竟有如此人物!而且一来就是七个!\n大自然造物果然是奇妙啊……\n忍不住咳嗽了一声。\n被他声音所惊扰,终于醒过神来,七兄弟都有些讪讪的睁开眼睛,见到君莫邪就在眼前,顿时想起此行任务,正要上前二话不说的抓起这小子向去交任务,突然七个人一起顿住了脚步,十四个眼珠子同时直勾勾了起来!\n只见面前不知何时摆上了一张桌子,君莫邪正好整以暇的坐在桌旁,手中端着一个透明的白玉酒杯,酒杯中乃是一杯满满的发着诱人的淡黄色泽的某物,正眯着眼睛凑到嘴边,轻轻地泯了一小口,然后一脸的陶醉之色,张开嘴哈出了一口长气,用一种似乎舒服到了极点的呻吟一般的声音抑扬顿挫地咏叹道:“好……酒……啊……”\n那物事竟是酒,酒怎么能如此的清澈透明,天底下又有什么酒能散发出如此醉人的香味!\n“大哥,你看那……真是酒啊?”独孤杰咕都咕螂的咽着口水:“真他奶奶的香啊。”\n“废话!不是酒还能是醋?你家的醋有这么香?\n真是好酒啊,怎么就从来就没见过这么好的酒呢?!”\n独孤豪口水流了下来,嗒嗒滴在地上,却还没忘了讽刺两句。\n“别说见了,我连听都没听说过!真想来一口!”独孤冲用衣袖擦了擦嘴巴,“吧嗒”两下嘴,衣袖上一团湿漉漉。\n“废话!谁不想来一口!”兄弟六人同时鄙视。\n“君莫邪!”独孤英石破天惊的大吼一声,随即声音瞬间就降了下来,甚至有几分温柔:“你手里,是啥?”\n很难想象一个如张飞一般的猛男,能如此温柔的说话!\n“这不明白着吗,是酒杯啊,还能是啥?!”君莫邪晃了晃酒杯,却不慎将杯中的酒头晃出了些许,“吧唧”泼在地上,顿时周围的酒香在霎时间浓郁了至少一倍。\n七人同时瞪圆了眼睛,动作整齐划一的低头,看着地上那湿漉漉辑一片,目中如欲喷火:如此糟蹋这种闻所未闻见所未见的极品美酒,简直是滔天的罪过!\n是可忍孰不可忍?\n叔可忍我也不可忍……是我们也不可忍!\n“我知道那是酒杯!我是问你,那酒杯里面的是什么?”独孤英压抑着嗓子低吼。\n“这是我家!我的酒杯里面爱是什么就是什么,我可以装醋,还可以在酒杯里面倒酱油……”\n君莫邪眼皮子也不撩一下,索性架起了二郎腿,一晃一晃的,悠然自得地道:“当然,还可以倒酒。”\n说到最后两个字,端起酒杯又喝了一口,嘴里啧啧两声,突然如梦初醒,瞪起了眼睛:“对了,你们到底来干什么?\n赶紧的说,如果没事的话,就请便吧。”\n独孤几兄弟眼神压根就没离开君莫邪的手,应该是手里处于摇晃状态的酒杯,心那叫一个忽上忽下,惟恐那极品美酒再洒出来一星半点,那得多暴殄天物啊!\n“我们奉伞来抓你……”独孤雄随口答到,还没说完,就被独孤豪狠狠在脚面上跺了一脚,疼的捧起一只脚乱蹦起来。\n“我们奉命来邀请君公子过府一瓶以增进君、独孤两家之深厚情谊。”\n独孤豪努力的做出一副文雅的样子,摇头晃脑,咬文嚼字。随着他摇头晃脑,嘴角的涎水却是甩的四面飞扬,君莫邪不得不用手遮住了酒杯口。\n旁边的独孤英也突然聪明了起来,一点就透,咧开大嘴,正要说话,却满口口水说不出,咕嘟一声咽了下去,才道:“是的是的,我家老爷子就是这个意思,我们两家的情意,那叫一个深厚啊,那叫一个不分彼此啊,啥好东西都可以共享的,嘿嘿嘿……”\n其余六人同时点头,动作整齐。\n六条抛物线优美的出现在六位猛男的嘴边。\n“啊哈,独孤老大人真是太客气了。”君莫邪满脸的急不可耐,顺手“刷”的一声将杯中酒泼掉,这可是酒头还没稀释的,后劲可是绝大。\n君莫邪自然不肯多喝,反正也不是很稀罕的物事,很痛快地站起身来道:“既然如此,那我们这就走吧,免得独孤老大人等得着急。”\n“操!”兄弟七人见到君莫邪竟然把一大杯的极品美酒就这么泼了,同时齐刷刷的开口。\n“啥……?”君莫邪拉长了声音。\n“嗬嗬嗬嗬……”七兄弟同时干笑,独孤英涎着脸道:“君公子,咱两家情义深厚,咱们兄弟一起来请你大驾,你这酒,是不是给咱家……尝尝?”\n君莫邪满脸的舍不得,摇头如拨浪鼓:“不行不行,我这里也没多少。\n这可是从未出现过的极品美酒,就这滴一滴、呃也太浓啊,不说一滴千金也差不多的,我还得留着慢慢享用呢。”\n说着顺手一指,很是惋惜的道:“我就这几坛子,喝光了,就没了。”\n这下可不要紧,兄弟七人的眼睛顺着他手指的方向一看,顿时眼睛再也移不开了!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 110\nOther than being slightly older and somewhat naïve, these guys fundamentally had an upstanding moral character. They were like a septuplet of calla lilies*; each and every one had a large stature, a fierce leopard-like face, and a thick tiger-like beard on both cheeks. The seven brothers almost looked a bit like a bunch of rectangles on the ground.\nHoly cow! What did they feed these guys? \nThis whole family was like the spitting image of Zhang Fei. None of them would need to put on makeup if they were auditioning for a modern reenactment of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms; more authentic than the real thing, and manlier than Zhang Fei himself.\nJun Mo Xie suddenly had a frightening epiphany in his heart. It must have been tough for the Dugu Family’s three brothers. How could they so perfectly coordinate the births of such virtuous sons? What kind of talent was this?\n“Jun Mo Xie! Where are you running to, you little brat?”\nDugu Ying’s sharp eyes discovered Jun Mo Xie with a glance and roared out like thunder. His six brothers behind him displayed uncanny coordination and simultaneously shouted. “Jun Mo Xie! Where are you running to, you little brat?”\nThis scene was like a thunderclap from the Ninth Heaven, striking fear into the heart of men!\nEven the plants and flowers inside the courtyard repeatedly trembled in fright.\nAt this moment, Jun Mo Xie praised in his heart for the mysterious ways in which the Gods work—the universe really was extraordinary! \nEverything before his eyes suddenly grew dark; the seven looming faces were as black as the bottom of a frying pan, and their fourteen malicious-looking eyeball.s opened perfectly round to glare down on Jun Mo Xie—even the shortest brother was taller than Jun Mo Xie by half a head.\nPeople who didn’t know might think that Young Master Jun owe these men a lot of money!\nSnow White and the Seven Dwarves had been a popular children’s fairytale in the past; today I will reveal the behind the scenes to the amazing tale of Jun Mo Xie and the Seven Giants…\nAs Jun Mo Xie let his mind wander, he took a step back and to look the seven brothers in their eyes. \nHe didn’t have a choice; if he did not step back, he would have to stare straight up to look them. He wore a pleasant smile on his face and said. “If it isn’t the seven elder Dugu brothers! I’m sorry for not recognizing you sooner. Excuse me; I’ll go and find someone to prepare tea.”\n“Don’t even think about slipping away. You’re still too wet behind the ears to pull that kind of trick in front of me!”\nDugu Ying’s face turned savage as he clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles. “Jun Mo Xie, you’ve certainly grown a pair; unexpectedly daring to bully my little sister! Gutsy!\nWatch if I don’t beat your pretty boy face into a dried persimmon!”\n“What? Bullied your little sister? Dugu Xiao Yi?!Who started this rumor?” Jun Mo Xie scratched his head as he said in a somewhat bewildered manner. \nHe was not putting up an act. I have always been the one being abused! When did this turn on its head? \nHow come I never knew?\nHe was already well accustomed to the Dugu Family’s unreasonable way of speaking. It was your little sister that bullied me every day. How can you distort the truth like this? \nI haven’t even aired out my grievances against you people, yet the guilty party is now blaming the victim? That’s just ridiculous!\nIs there anyone in this world who would dare to bully that little girl Dugu Xiao Yi with the tyrannical Dugu Family behind her? \nThat will happen when pigs fly!\n“Don’t you dare deny it! Trying to wriggle out of responsibility after doing the deed…”\nThe nearby Dugu Xiong said with a booming voice, but he fell silent halfway through the sentence and suddenly looked up with a puzzled expression. His two large nostrils rapidly sucked in two deep breaths before he blinked several times and stared out in astonishment. “What is that aroma? How could it smell so fragrant? It’s incredible!”\nThe other six truly deserved to be called brothers as they all felt that something was off at almost the same time. The aroma was too tantalizing; they had all lost themselves in the moment and had only awakened when Dugu Xiong spoke out. Completely disregarding Jun Mo Xie, they sniffed the air to try and find the source of the aroma; seven pairs of nostrils were inhaling so violently that they had literally created a vacuum in the surrounding area.\nJun Mo Xie suddenly felt as if he was suffocating, almost as if there was not enough oxygen present?\nWhat kind of monstrous lung capacity is this?\n“It smells incredible. Reminds me of really good wine.” Dugu Ying closed his eyes and sniffed with a look of certainty on his face.\n“Nonsense! How can there be wine this fragrant? I already feel a little drunk!” Dugu Xiong still had his head raised up to the heaven with an intoxicated look on his face.\n“This isn’t just wine, but the wine of Gods.” Dugu Hao had the bearing of an expert, swaying his head as if inebriated.\n“F*** your old man! What wine of Gods? Just move to the side you amateur…” Dugu Jie mocked vehemently.\n“My old man is your father; you still want him to go f*** himself?” Dugu Hao’s face turned beat red as he snapped.\n“Could this be bewildering gas?” Even as the words escaped Dugu Chong’s mouth, his nose was still violently inhaling the air.\nEven if this was bewildering gas, your little brother is willing to become bewildered every day! Heaven, please let me be bewildered forever! What would I do if this fragrance goes away?” \nDugu Shang looked as if he was drunk; he was breathing the hardest and loudest among seven brothers.\n“You’re all pathetic!” Dugu Qian was extremely reproachful of his six older brothers’ conduct and chided disparagingly while he appeared entranced himself.\nThe seven of them were all facing the sky with their eyes closed, wildly sniffing to and fro, and haven’t paid the least bit of attention to the ten extremely conspicuous wine jugs arranged not even one zhang in front of them. \nThe glistening yellow wine inside was releasing an intoxicating fragrance and directly sucked into their nostrils.\nJun Mo Xie was stupefied. I can’t believe people like this actually exist—seven of them, no less!\nNature is incredible…\nHe couldn’t bear it any longer and coughed loudly.\nIt was only after hearing the coughing that they finally recovered their senses. The seven brothers looked slightly embarrassed as they opened their eyes. Seeing Jun Mo Xie in front of them, they immediately remembered their mission to grab this little brat and hand him over to their grandfather. Not a moment to spare, the seven men suddenly stomped their feet, fourteen eyeballs simultaneously fixated on their target—\nAt some time unbeknownst to them, a table had appeared out of nowhere with Jun Mo Xie was calmly sitting beside it, completely without a care in the world. In his hand was a transparent, white jade wine cup, filled to the brim with an aromatic, pale yellow liquid. With his eyes closed, he slowly brought the cup up to his mouth and gently took a small sip; an infatuated expression gradually appeared on his face as he let out a sigh of satisfaction, following which he used an orgasmic moan like voice to sing out. “Delicious~wine~ah~~~”\nThat liquid was wine! But how can wine be so clear and transparent? How can there be wine in this world that produces such an intoxicating aroma?!\n“Big Brother, is that…really wine?” Dugu Jie swallowed his saliva. “It smells f*** good.”\n“No kidding! If not wine, then what? Vinegar? Does vinegar at home smell like this? \nThis wine is extraordinary, but how is it possible that I have never seen such exquisite wine before?!” \nA stream of saliva was flowing out of Dugu Hao’s mouth and steadily dripping onto the floor, but he did not miss his chance to ridicule him back.\n“Let alone see; I’ve never even heard of wine like this! I want to get a taste!” Dugu Chong wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and only patted his lips twice, but his sleeve became completely drenched.\n“You don’t say! Who wouldn’t want to try some?!” The other six brothers said mockingly at the same time.\n“JUN MO XIE!” After an earth-shattering roar, Dugu Ying immediately lowered his voice such that it even became somewhat tender. “What is that in your hand?”\nIt was hard to imagine that such a manly man that resembles Zhang Fei was capable of making this gentle and soft sound!\n“I don’t understand your question. It’s a wine cup, what else could it be?” Jun Mo Xie mindlessly swirled the wine cup, causing a few drops to spill out. For a split second after the wine spilt on the floor, the rich aroma became even stronger by at least one fold.\nSeven pairs of eyes bulged out at the same time as they lowered their heads and stared at the damp spot on the floor, flames erupting in their eyes. Wasting this unprecedented, never before seen, priceless fine wine in this way is practically a cardinal sin! \nThis cannot be tolerated! \nEven if uncle can endure, I cannot…we cannot endure!\n“I knew it was a wine cup! I wanted to ask you, what is in the wine cup?” Dugu Ying held back the low growl in his throat.\n“This is my home! I can put whatever I want in this wine cup. It could be vinegar or it could be soy sauce.”\nJun Mo Xie did not bat an eye, just crossed his legs, and leisurely continued. “Naturally, it can also be wine.”\nHe took another sip from the wine cup when he arrived at this point, clicking his tongue twice, then suddenly opened his eyes as if waking up from a dream. “Oh, that’s right, what are you all doing here?\nHurry up and tell me. If it isn’t important, then you may leave whenever you please.”\nThe Dugu brothers’ line of sight never left Jun Mo Xie’s hands. Every time the latter swirled his cup, their hearts cried out for fear that even more of this priceless wine would spill out. This is recklessly wasting a gift from the Gods!\n“We received orders to come and grab you…” Dugu Xiong responded without thinking. But before he could finish, Dugu Hao had ferociously stomped down on his foot causing him to jump up and down from the pain.\n“We received orders to come and invite Young Master Jun to our residence for a chat in order to promote the deep friendship between the Jun and Dugu Families.”\nDugu Hao put in great effort to present an elegant appearance, being overly pedantic with his wording, and nodding his head priggishly as he spoke; unconsciously flinging saliva everywhere from the corners of his mouth causing Ju Mo Xie to have no choice but to use his hand to cover the cup of wine.\nThe nearby Dugu Ying caught on rather quickly and drew back the corners of their mouth into a big grin. He was just about to speak but was unable to talk due to the saliva in his mouth. Only after swallowing his saliva was he able to say. “Exactly, that was my grandfather’s intention. Our two families’ relationship could be considered to be deep! There’s no need to make distinctions between what’s ours and what’s yours. The best things in life are meant to be shared! Ha ha ha…”\nThe remaining six people nodded in concert.\nSix large smiles broke out on their faces.\n“Haha, Lord Dugu is too polite.” Jun Mo Xie had an impatient expression on his face as his hand “accidentally” knocked the cup over and spilled the wine. This foreshot has not been diluted, so its alcoholic content was too high; \nJun Mo Xie naturally was not willing to drink it. It’s not like it was anything special to him anyway. He swiftly stood up and said. “In that case, let us be on our way so that Lord Dugu would not have to wait too long.”\n“Careful!” The seven brothers watched as Jun Mo Xie had unexpectedly spilled a big cup of priceless fine wine and had simultaneously opened their mouths in protest.\n“Hmm~~?” Jun Mo Xie’s voice got slower and more dragged out.\n“Ha ha ha ha…” The seven brothers all gave a hollow laugh. Dugu Ying said he wiped the saliva from his chin. “Young Master Jun, given the close relationship between our two families, we brothers have a humble request of Your Grace. Is it possible that we can have a small taste of your wine?”\nJun Mo Xie had a begrudging look on his face as he shook his head like a rattle-drum. “That’s out of the question. I don’t have much myself.\nThis is a priceless fine wine that has never been seen before; just a drop is already too strong! Even I had to take my time to savor this drop that is worth its weight in gold.” \nHe swiftly pointed and added with a regretful tone. “I only have these jugs left. Once they are finished, there will be no more.”\nThis is a critical situation! As the seven brothers’ gaze finally rested upon what he was pointing at, they suddenly couldn’t look away!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第111章\n一个个心里怒骂:“你这还叫不多?\n这么大的坛子整整八个,一个里面就算少说也得有五十斤吧。加起来起码也有好几百斤了哇,\n可怜我们只能闻味……连一滴也没尝到发,一滴千金,你怎么不去抢?……不过,就凭这香味。千金也值!”\n“哥几个,咱们是不是这就走啊,呵呵,不是说要引我去拜见独孤老大人么。”\n君莫邪自顾自地走出了几步,回头一看,只见七个人依然保持着原来的姿势背对着自己,看着那几个大坛子,脚下如同生了根一般一动不动。\n难道地下有胶水把脚沾住了?!\n地下肯定是没有胶水的,不过美酒的魔力却是更大的!\n“哦,原来如此。七位兄台无声的提醒,卜弟多谢了。”\n君莫邪晃啊晃的又走了回来,沉声喝道:“来人啊。”\n顿时几个中年仆妇出现在身边:“少爷有何吩咐?”\n“少爷粗心,你们怎地也如此粗心,你们把这几坛酒封起来,若不是几位独孤大哥提醒,酒味还不全跑光了!\n然后给我搬一下……”\n君莫邪顿住。\n独孤家的七位猛男闻言同时满脸喜色,自然是以为君莫邪要搬着送给自家老爷子做礼物,一想到稍后就能大块朵颐,当真忍不住喜形于色,抓耳挠腮。\n“……搬一下,搬到我私人的小仓库里面。\n晚上我回来要跟老太爷和三爷举行家宴!”\n君莫邪正色道:“顺便还要多邀请几位客人,这些酒恐怕不大够……\n恩,你们再另外多准备点别的酒预备着,别怠慢了贵客。”\n几位仆妇同时躬身应是,然后一个个走到酒坛前面,盖上酒坛盖子,就要上泥封。\n“慢!”独孤英的动作无比的快捷,一个箭步蹿到了酒坛前面,张开大手做怀抱天下式,直接将几个仆妇拦在了外面,将几个酒坛子严严实实地保护在了自己身后。\n那架势叫一个渊停岳峙。\n不知道,还以为这位得是什么样的绝顶高手呢!\n其余的六位猛男兄纷纷如梦初醒,不约而同的站了过去,顿时酒坛前面七尊铁瘩矗立,严阵以待!\n原来这些酒是君家今天晚上宴客用的,而且还可能不够……这岂不是说,今天晚上之后,这样的酒就没有了?\n他们也没有想过,君莫邪的话实在是破绽百出,一会说自己要留着慢慢喝,一会却又要大宴宾客全喝光了,前后矛盾到了极点。\n只是听说酒快没了,就全部慌了神。\n“七位大哥这是何意?”君莫邪皱着眉头,莫名其妙地问道。\n“我爷爷他老人家今天晚上还等着呢,我们不如快去快回。”\n这一句话,顿时打消了七个人强抢的念头:原来君大元帅是知道这些酒的。\n“哈哈呵嘿嘎嘎嘻嘻吼……”独孤英己经不会笑了,莫名其妙的冒出了这等声音,突然一使眼色。\n其余六人顿时会意,如六条猛虎出山,瞬间将君莫邪制住,然后指东打西,指南打北,瞬间将四个仆妇打倒在地。\n独孤英不住声的吆喝:“轻点,千万别打伤了人。”\n独孤前一阵风一般掠进房中,半晌空手而出。\n独孤雄恨声大骂:“猪!要去厨房才有碗!”\n独孤冲和独孤上刷的一声掠了出去,不多时,便一人捧着几个大碗笑哈哈的回来了。\n“千万别撒了酒。”独孤英满脸郑重地叮嘱:“千万别从一个酒坛子里面倒酒,老规矩,就每个酒坛子都喝一点,千万别喝太多。赶紧的喝几碗过过瘾,就得了。\n我们提了君莫邪赶紧走。\n千万不能喝醉,老六,说你呢,你小子最是贪杯,记得少喝点。”\n看来这几人平常在家里没少偷喝,经验丰富得很。\n“那是自然。”\n其余几人早己急不可耐,一窝蜂的跑到酒坛前去舀酒,然后一个个小心翼翼的端着回来,就这么蹲在石桌前围成一圈,就像是一群军中民工一般。\n独孤英端起酒碗,先是留恋的闻了闻,这才张开大嘴大大的喝了一口,只觉得一股冰凉的丝线顺喉而下,紧接着从肚子里面轰的升腾起一股炽烈的火焰一般,霎时间烧的浑身轻飘飘的熏熏然如欲成仙,大声赞道:“果然是好酒!\n极品啊,以前喝的那些御酒贡酒什么的,根本就是垃圾啊!\n稍后一定得找君小子打听出那有这种好酒卖!”\n其余六人动作整齐的同时喝一口,然后齐齐地哈出一口大气,瞪着眼晴扬起头颅朝着天空捂着肚子摇头晃脑,不约而同的同时呻吟出声舒服的:“哦……哦……”\n七个很是非常十分粗豪的大汉子这一刻呻吟出的声音却像是青楼中数十位职业者在同一时间接到了恩客;然后又同时开始动作,声音旖旎婉转之极,汇成了一股叫床的洪流……\n倒在地上的君莫邪浑身激灵灵打个冷颤,只觉得全身汗毛孔齐齐炸开,如同午夜走过乱葬岗,毛骨悚然。\n紧接着,就见兔起鹘落,七个人争先恐后的去舀酒,不时的响起争执的声音:\n“老大你两碗了我才一碗!”……\n“老七你滚一边去,别跟我抢!”……\n“真好喝……你,你干什么推我?”\n“操!老三闷头不响的居然三碗了,这家伙真无耻!”……\n“兄弟们上……就这一顿了。”\n这兄弟七人丝毫没有想到,自己踢开大门闯进来,一直到现在,家里的侍卫武士居然就没有出来一个过问!\n这一点是何等的不正常!居然就这么肆无忌惮的喝起酒来,神经之大条让君莫邪都有些目瞪口呆了……\n这就像是一群强盗声势浩大的闯进主人家里,安之若素的喝酒而且是朝着醉死喝,丝毫不顾主人家早己经报警了……\n无声无息的出观的君无意笑着对君莫邪贬了贬眼,又无声无息的消失了。门口上,数百君家侍卫静悄悄的散去……\n这可是标准烈酒,且还没有勾兑过的酒头啊!\n就算是兑换成前世的酒精度起码也得有七八十度,甚至还不止,说是纯酒精都不过分!\n一大碗最少半斤啊!\n君莫邪很是怜悯的心中暗想。\n君莫邪貌似被制住玄气扔在地上,几位猛男兄压根没人理他了,惟恐自己比别人少喝一点。\n当然了,这点制约对君莫邪来说直接等于没有,开始唯恐被发现这几个小子醒过神来,到后来干脆自己坐了起来愣愣的看着七兄弟你争我夺,到最后干脆站了起来,活动活动手脚,然后抱着膀子在一边看一一没人有闲暇理他。\n只得片刻,真的只得片刻,……\n“砰!”独孤前最年轻,酒量也最浅,发作也最早,率先支撑不住,一个倒栽葱栽倒在地。\n呼呼的睡了过去。\n独孤豪被他拌了一下,甚是不满的飞起一脚,将独孤前远远踢了出去,然后疾步去舀酒。\n“砰!”独孤冲一个踉跄倒在去舀酒的路上。\n“砰!”\n“砰!”\n“砰!”\n“砰!”\n“砰!”\n一地的横七竖八!\n没办法,这酒的酒劲实在是太大了!\n估计蒙汗药都没这么快的效力!\n虽说酒量有高有低,不过也得分什么酒来着,这七位猛男兄,基本就是脚前脚后的醉倒尘埃!\n君大少爷这次酿得本就是烈酒,而这些还是酒头,简直比酒精还酒精;这七位虽然酒量不凡,但始终还是从来没喝过酒劲这么恐怖的烈酒,就像是一个从小喝惯啤酒的伙计突然喝了一杯二锅头。\n乍一入口,还不怎地,甚至还能一口气地多灌几碗。\n但一旦酒劲上来,这场醉梦,估计没个几天恐怕是不能清醒的,更何况这独孤家的兄弟七人就算是最少的也喝了三四海碗?\n一时间,君莫邪的小院中奸声如雷,虽然顺利地解决了这一场麻烦,但君莫邪却是烦躁不己,只因为这兄弟七人的缘故。\n睡觉就睡觉吧,还打鼾!打鼾也无所谓,我忍;可是有几个人不仅打鼾,连磨牙、吹口哨,放屁一应惧全……可谓抑扬顿挫、置地有声!“吱一一”\n君莫邪正烦恼中,地上的独孤英己经又开始了。\n飞起一脚踢在他屁股上,君莫邪恨恨地骂:“叫什么叫!”\n口哨声嘎然而止,独孤英被踢的翻了个身,仰面朝天,空中喃喃道:“好酒……”\n隔壁小院的高高的墙头,管清寒借着一株花树的遮挡,一身如雪的白色劲装站在那里,一双冷若冰霜的大眼晴,射出极端的不可置信的神色!\n她接到可儿的告戒她不要来的通知!\n但她依旧来了!\n从独孤家兄弟七人砸开大门进来,管清寒就己经仗剑站在了这里了,只要独孤英兄弟几人一旦有伤害君莫邪或者把君莫邪带走的趋势,管清寒立即就会出手,就算明知不敌,也要尽力一搏!\n虽然始终看君莫邪这小子不顺眼,但他毕竟是君家第三代唯一的传人,毕竟是自己的小叔子,说什么也无法坐观他被伤害而不管,尤其是,这小子最近比较象个人了……\n但接下来的一幕一幕,却让管清寒的眼晴慢慢的瞪得大大的,甚至有几分佩服之意。\n从一开始见这几人进来,君莫邪不慌不忙的态度,就让管清寒吃惊不小。\n记忆中的君莫邪,恐怕这时候己经吓得成了一滩泥,吓尿裤子也不是什么稀罕事,但今日居然迥然有异;然后一步一步,欲擒故纵的将独孤家七兄弟引入自己的陷阵,让他们心甘情愿而且还象是占了莫大的便宜一般自己跳下去,然后自己迫不及待的喝的烂醉……\n虽然这七个人都是粗到不能再粗的粗人,但出观这样的结果,还是让管清寒惊诧不已——这,还是我那位执垮不堪胆小如鼠的小叔子君莫邪吗?\n幽幽的叹了口气,管清寒无声无息的消失了。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 111\nAll of them silently cursed at him. You still consider this a short supply?\nThere are eight large jugs filled to the brim; even a conservative estimate, there are at least 50 jins of wine in each jug for a grand total of more than several hundred jins of wine!\nAnd we pitiful brothers could only smell and did not even have the opportunity to taste a single drop—a thousand jins of gold for a drop —that’s highway robbery…but, it might worth it based just on this aroma!\n“Brothers, are we not going to leave? I thought I was supposed to meet with Senior Dugu?”\nJun Mo Xie took a few steps forward before looking back, only to see the seven individuals still rooted to their original position and staring at the several earthen jugs.\nWas there glue fastening their legs to the floor?!\nNo, there isn’t any glue on the floor, but the magical power of this exquisite wine!\n“Oh, so that’s it! Your little brother appreciates seven brother’s silent reminder.”\nJun Mo Xie swayed to and fro as he walked back and shouted out. “Attend to me.” \nSeveral middle-aged servants immediately appeared at his side. “Young Master, what are your instructions?”\n“Young Master may have been careless but how could you be so thoughtless? Hurry up and seal these jugs of wine. If it weren’t for the reminder of my elder brothers, the wine would have turned to vinegar!\nAfterwards, help me move them…”\nJun Mo Xie paused for a moment.\nA happy expression spread across the faces of the seven manly brothers from the Dugu Family. They had put two and two together and thought that Jun Mo Xie wanted to bring the wine as a gift for their grandfather. Once they thought of how they will be able to drink to their hearts content, their faces could not help but to light up with delight.\n“…move them to my private warehouse.\nWhen I return tonight, I need to hold a family feast with Grandpa and Third Uncle!”\nJun Mo Xie unflinchingly continued. “I might as well invite a few guests, but I fear that there wouldn’t be enough wine to go around…\nYes, you will prepare some other wine and reserve it for our esteemed guests.”\nThe servants bowed all together before walking in front of the jars and were just about to seal the jars.\n“Stop!” Dugu Ying’s movement was incomparably quick as he took a sudden stride forward and shot in front of the earthen jugs of wine, thrusting his arms out at his sides and directly obstructed the servants from getting any closer.\nHis voice was as deep as the ocean and as steady as a mountain.\nPeople who are not aware might think the owner of this voice was a peak level expert!\nThe rest of the brothers were startled awake and immediately surrounded the earthen jugs like a wall of iron towers, standing shoulder to shoulder as if awaiting the arrival of their mortal enemies!\nSo this wine was prepared for Jun Family’s feast later tonight, but there still might not be enough…doesn’t this mean that after this evening, the wine would be gone? \nIt never occurred to them that Jun Mo Xie’s words had glaring inconsistencies; he said earlier that he wanted to save the wine for himself, but now he said that he planned to finish all the wine during the feast tonight.\nThey all lost it when they heard that the wine will soon be gone.\n“Elder Brothers, what’s the meaning of this?” Jun Mo Xie frowned and asked, puzzled. \n“My grandpa will be waiting tonight so let us be on our way so that I can hurry back.”\nThis one sentence instantly dispelled any ideas to steal the wine. Grand Duke Jun knows about this wine.\n“Haha, ah, hehe, uh, hehe…” Dugu Ying wasn’t laughing anymore but babbling incoherent noises before suddenly giving the signal with his eyes.\nThe remaining six people immediately pounced like crouching tigers, first to subdue Jun Mo Xie, and then used misdirection and attacks from all directions to knock out the four servants in a flash.\nDugu Ying repeated shouted. “Gently! You must not injure anyone!”\nDugu Qian stormed into a room like a gust of wind but came out empty-handed a long time later.\nDugu Xiong vehemently lambasted. “Dumb***! Go to the kitchen to get some bowls!”\nDugu Chong and Dugu Shang rushed out without hesitation. It didn’t take long before they came back laughing heartily with several large bowls in their arms.\n“Be careful not to spill the wine.” Dugu Ying warned with a solemn expression on his face. “Carefully pour a little bit of the wine from each of the jugs. Do not drink too much and just quickly drink a few bowls to satisfy your craving.\nAfter we are done, we will take Jun Mo Xie away without delay.\nDon’t get drunk. I’m talking to you Old Six, you always binge when you drink. Remember to drink in moderation.” \nIt seemed that they have a lot of experience drinking in secret when they were at home.\n“That’s obvious.”\nThe rest of them had long reached the limits of their patience and had rushed to the earthen jugs like a swarm to ladle out the wine; following which they had cautiously brought it back and formed a loose circle around the stone table like a group of migrant workers.\nWith the bowl of wine in Dugu Ying’s hands, he fondly savored the aroma before he opened his mouth wide and took a large gulp, only to feel an ice-cold sensation flowed down his throat. As the wine made its way into his stomach, a burning sensation like a blazing fire exploded out. His body instantly heated up from head to toe as an enraptured expression appeared on his face like he had ascended to heaven, exclaiming in a loud voice. “Flawless wine!\nThis is the taste of perfection! Even the wine produced for the imperial family is utter trash in comparison!\nI must ask that little brat Jun if the wine is for sale!”\nThe remaining six effortlessly took a swig at the same time, and then let out a sigh of satisfaction; eyes wide open with their heads thrown back, clutching their bellies, swaying their heads back and forth, and moaned comfortably at the same time. “Ah…Ah…”\nSeven principled and ordinarily forthright men were moaning and groaning as if they were patrons of a brothel, and then moved out at the same time like a mighty flood…\nJun Mo Xie quivered as a chill ran down his back. He felt the sweat pores throughout his body explode open and his hair stood up on end as if he were taking a midnight stroll through an unmarked graveyard.\nShortly after that, the seven people rushed to ladle out more wine in rapid succession. Sounds of dispute echoed out from time to time.\n“Eldest Brother, you already had two bowls, and I’ve only had one!”\n“Go to hell Old Seven, trying to steal from me!”\n“So delicious…W-Why are you pushing me?”\n“Careful! Old Three had sneaked in his third bowl! This guy is shameless!”\n“Brothers…let’s take a break.”\nIt never even crossed the seven brothers’ mind that none of the Grand Duke’s household guards have come to investigate from the time they would kick down the main gate until now! \nThis was extremely unusual! Such unbridled, devil-may-care carouse caused even Jun Mo Xie to be was somewhat stupefied…\nThis is like a gang of robbers that had brazenly broken into someone’s home and not just drink, but drink to the point of being completely plastered, all the while completely disregarding the fact that the owner had sounded the alarm a long time ago…\nAppearing without a sound, Jun Wuyi smiled and winked at Jun Mo Xie before silently disappearing. Outside the courtyard, several hundred Jun Family guards quietly dispersed…\nThis was just unprocessed wine; it hadn’t even been blended nor has the flavor been adjusted! \nThe wine would have at least seventy to eighty percent alcohol content using the measuring methods from his previous life. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that this was pure alcohol!\nOne large bowl is at least half a jin of wine!\nJun Mo Xie had actually taken pity on these brothers.\nJun Mo Xie appeared to have been thrown on the floor with his Xuan Qi suppressed, and the brothers never bothered with him from the start for fear that the others would take advantage of their absence to drink more wine. \nNaturally, the restraint was useless against Jun Mo Xie. In the beginning, he had remained motionless for fear of being discovered by these clowns, but afterwards had sat straight up to stare blankly at the seven brother’s fierce competition. Finally, he no longer pretended to care as he stood up to stretch his limbs, folding his arms across his chest and continue to watch from the side, without anyone the wiser.\nOnly after a moment, a really long moment…\n“Thud!” Dugu Qian was the youngest, had the lowest tolerance, and lost control the earliest; unable to prop himself up any longer, he fell headlong onto the ground. \nThe sound of even breathing revealed that he had fallen into deep sleep.\nDugu Hao got annoyed by him and let loose an angry kick, sending Dugu Qian flying into the air; after that, he quickly proceeded to ladle out more wine.\n“Thud!” Dugu Chong stumbled and fell on his way to the wine jug.\n“Thud!”\n“Thud!”\n“Thud!”\n“Thud!”\n“Thud!”\nThe seven brothers had all fallen on the floor, laying this way and that.\nThere’s nothing to be done. The alcohol content was way too high! \nEven knock-out drops would not be this effective!\nAlthough there are differences in alcohol tolerance, there are also differences in alcohol; these guys were so wasted they can’t even tell which foot’s forward and which foot’s back!\nThe wine Young Master Jun had fermented this time was very strong, and the foreshot is simply more alcoholic than alcohol itself; although these seven individual’s capacity for liquor was not shallow, they still never drank wine this frighteningly strong before. It’s like someone who had only drinks light beers suddenly being introduced to sorghum wine. \nIt wouldn’t seem that strong at first, and one might be able to drink several bowls.\nBut when the alcohol finally kicks in, it might take several days to wake up from this intoxicated dream, and even then one would not be completely sober, let alone these seven brothers of the Dugu Family who drank at least three or four king-sized bowls.\nFor the moment, thunderous snoring echoed out from Jun Mo Xie’s small courtyard. Even though he had smoothly deescalated the situation, Jun Mo Xie’s body was still twitching unceasingly because these seven brothers.\nIf you’re going to sleep, then go to sleep, but you have to snore! Alright, I can let that go, but some of them aren’t just snoring: grinding their teeth, whistling, farting with everything they’ve got…to an actual cadence! “Whoot whoot” \nJust as Jun Mo Xie was getting vexed, Dugu Ying had started whistling again.\nLetting loose a flying kick right up his a**, Jun Mo Xie fumed as he cursed. “I dare you to fart again!”\nThe whistling stopped, but Dugu Ying was flipped over by the kick. Facing the sky, he mumbled to himself. “Great wine…”\nHigh up on the walls of a neighboring courtyard, Guan Qinghan was hidden among the foliage of a nearby tree like a sentinel in a brilliant snow white dress. An incredulous expression flit across her ice-cold eyes!\nShe received the note from the capable servant warning her not to come!\nBut she still came!\nEver since the seven brothers from the Dugu Family stormed the main gates, Guan Qinghan had already readied her sword and hid here. So long as Dugu Ying and his brothers show any indication of attacking Jun Mo Xie or try to take him away, Guan Qinghan would immediately take action. Even though she is fully aware that she is not their opponent, she would still spare no effort to fight!\nAlthough she had never looked favorably upon Jun Mo Xie, he is still Jun Family’s only descendent from the third generation. He is still her brother-in-law. No matter what, she couldn’t sit idly by and watch him fall into danger. Especially since this brat had started looking more like an actual human recently…\nBut as time passed, Guan Qinghan’s eyes gradually grew wider and wider at every new scene, and even started to develop a begrudging admiration.\nJun Mo Xie had remained calm and collected since the very beginning. This caused Guan Qinghan no small amount of shock. \nThe Jun Mo Xie from her memories would have already turned into a sorry mess; it wouldn’t even surprise her if he’d pissed his pants. But he was vastly different today; slowly but surely, he gave the Dugu Family’s seven brothers latitude at first in order to completely ensnare them in his trap. They had not only been more than willing to cooperate; they had even impatiently drunk themselves into a deep sleep.\nAlthough these seven individuals were so thick-headed they could not be any more thick-headed, this kind of outcome still made Guan Qinghan endlessly amazed—is this still the same utterly gutless brother-in-law, Jun Mo Xie?\nSighing lightly, Guan Qinghan silently slipped away.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第112章\n半空中传来急剧的锐啸,一缕蓝光流星般飞落,直接落在了君莫邪的小院里,正是君战天君老爷子赶回来了!\n一回来,老爷子顿时愣住。\n他本以为这段时间里自己的孙子就算不被抓走,恐怕也被折磨了一顿,虽然孙子近来进步极大,但到底没有突破九品的范畴,落败,被擒尽都是意料中事,本已经作好了,见到孙子不在,便去向找独孤纵横要人兼出气,报仇的准备,哪里想得到居然见到这么一个局面?\n惊喜?惊讶?惊怖?\n太戏剧性了吧?\n自己的孙子安然无恙的坐在那里,而独孤家的七个小家伙却是一个个昏迷不醒的躺在地上……呃,老爷子需要承认自己看错了,这七个人不是昏迷不醒,而是醉死过去了。\n揉了揉眼睛,君战天还是有些不大相信,更不明白,很是好奇孙子怎么会取得如此辉煌的战果,居然与来抓自己的人喝起了酒,而且还能把他们全部灌醉了……虽然老爷子知道孙子酿出的酒,酒劲确实厉害,但看到眼前这一幕,却还是觉得自己失算了。\n看看孙子没事,君老爷子说了几句话,就背着手慢悠悠的走了出去;恩,这等事情,偶就不参与……\n独孤纵横爷儿俩回到家里,果然听说七个剁子怒火冲天的早已经赶去找君莫邪的麻烦了,更加的有些后悔起来:看君战天那样子,若是这次七个孙儿真的稍微过了分,恐怕这次独孤家和君家真的要死磕一次?\n唉,自己若是不那么冲动,先找君战天那老货通通气,或者……\n父子二人大眼瞪小眼,真个是如坐针毡。\n论实力,独孤家族自然不惧君家,但是两家若是真的闹到了不可收拾的地步,一旦开战,那等后果却是谁也负担不起地!\n再说了,君战天现在本就没什么指望,更谈不到后路,正是就算死也要拉个垫背的,若是两家一旦开战的话,恐怕不只是独孤世家要为君家垫背,连整今天香帝国也要为君家垫背了……\n事情真个大条了!\n独孤纵横老爷子在正堂中踱来踱去,焦躁不安,在一边的独孤无敌大将军看的眼睛都花了,却是一声也不敢吭。\n眼见太阳偏西,这神经无比大条的父子二人终于感到了不对劲:怎地还没有回来?\n不会是那几个小子逮到君莫邪那小子,下手没轻没重,给弄残弄废了吧,然后又碰到了归来的君老头子,盛怒之下……\n我的天哪!\n君战天不会如此的没有风度吧?\n这父子二人倒是心有灵犀,都想到这个可能性,对望一眼,顿时都看到了对方眼中那浓浓的惊诧。\n就在这时,一个侍卫咚咚咚跑了过来:“禀家主,君家君莫邪公子差人送来一些东西。”\n“呈上来!”独孤纵横隐隐感觉不妙,不过既然是君莫邪送过来的东西,就表示这小子应该没什么大事,稍稍放心,一个旋身坐在了太师椅上。\n君莫邪送来的只是个小小的包被,独孤纵横拿在手里捏了捏,脸色一变,倒转过来,哗啦啦几声,几样物事落在桌上。\n“废物!一群废物!”独孤纵横老爷子暴怒的跳了起来,砰砰两脚踢在独孤无敌大将军身上:“瞧瞧你都养了一些什么玩意儿!”\n老爷子手指颤抖:“看看,七个对付一个,居然让人家尽数生擒活捉了!\n连家族玉佩都被人送回来了!丢人啊,丢大人啦。”\n突然遭受池鱼之殃,独孤无敌捂着屁股连声痛叫,心中腹诽:什么叫做,我都养了一些什么玩意儿?”\n难道那七个就不是您老养的?\n君莫邪送回来的,正是独孤家兄弟七人随身佩戴的专属于独孤世家嫡系子孙才有的家传玉佩,亦是身份的象征。\n里面另还有附有一张小小的纸条:“七位独孤兄都在我君家做客,相处甚欢,大抵三两月即回,独孤老大人勿念,独孤大将军勿念!”\n“做客?三两月即回?还勿念?”\n独孤纵横气得鼻子都歪了:“无敌!\n你立即过去,将这七个不成器的东西给我带回来!\n老子要一个一个的录他们的皮!”\n独孤无敌如蒙大赦,一个箭步窜了出去,紧接着就听见院子里呼啦啦一阵响,马蹄声急如骤雨的响起,瞬间远去。\n独孤无敌大将军这次带着百名亲卫来到君家的时候,可是以非常正规的投帖请见的。\n七个子侄可以不管不顾,肆无忌惮的蛮闯进去,那是少年人胡闹,也算是少年人不懂事的专利,打个马虎眼也是说得过去地,但是独孤无敌亲自过来,却不能那样冒失了,就算他再蛮横,再是滚刀肉,他始终还是天香帝国有数的几位大将军之一。\n自有从人取出大将军的名帖递过去,言名求见君战天君老爷子,门房颇为客气的收了,回话却道老大人不在,方才刚刚出门访友去了。\n独孤无敌顿时有些恼羞成怒:明明你跟我老头子刚刚干架回来的,我紧接看来,不说脚前脚后也差不多,你这个时候居然说自己访友去了?\n若不是你们扣住了我的儿子和侄子,占尽了上风,你会这么轻松?\n糊弄鬼呢?\n当然,想归想,人在屋檐下,不得不低头,便接着求见君无意君三爷,您儿子腿脚不灵便,不会也去访友吧?!\n门房还未进去传报,就听一人笑吟吟地道:“原来真是独孤兄大驾光临,无意真是喜出望外啊,怎地如此的没眼色,通禀什么,还不列队迎候。”\n独孤无敌凝目看去,只见一辆轮椅从内院缓缓驶出,君无意一身清袍,安然坐在上面,一脸平静的微笑看着独孤无敌。\n面前的君无意,和之前并无两样,但独孤无敌那久经沙场锤炼出来的敏感的神经却本能的感到了一种由衷的不对劲!\n沉静!\n是的,太沉静了!\n就是太沉静了,沉静得令人畏惧,恐惧!\n好森然的味道!\n此外,君无意剑眉锐目的平和面孔之下,独孤无敌分明感受到了一股剑指苍天的孤傲!\n似乎有一柄蒙尘数年的盖世神兵,就要凛然出鞘,锋芒重现,在龙吟虎啸声中威凌天下,再战风云!\n这一刻,独孤无敌突然有一种错觉,在自己面前的,并不是残废十年的君无意,分明就是当年的白衣军帅!\n那曾经笑傲天下,指挥铁蹄踏遍玄玄夫陆的一代军魂,君无悔!\n君莫邪的父亲,曾经百战百胜的铁腕统帅,不败军神!\n刹那间,独孤无敌莫名地肃然起敬!\n君无悔!\n那个独孤无敌一生之中最尊敬的人,高山仰止的对象,也是独孤无敌今生最大的目标!\n曾经在君无悔帐下为将的独孤无敌,直至如今,每每午夜梦回中,还不时的想起当年那戎马铿锵的峥嵘岁月!\n“无敌,待我得胜归来,你我兄弟联手,马踏宇唐神赐!哈哈哈……”这是当年君无悔出征前,独孤无敌前去壮行,君无悔在马上拍着尚未能出征的独孤无敌的肩膀,说的一句话。\n也是无悔,无敌两兄弟二人这一生一世最后的一次交集!\n更是独孤无敌十多年来每次喝醉之后总要念叨的一句话!\n“大……”独孤无敌激动地踏上两步,正要脱口叫出当年的“大哥”二字,却突然从迷惑中醒来,眼前清清明明,分明仍是君无意!\n坐在轮椅上的君无意!\n已经残废了十年的君无意!\n在这一刻之间,独孤无敌一阵恍惚,一双虎目居然有些湿润了……\n“独孤兄?”君无意淡淡地看着他,看着这位曾经并肩征战的老战友,老弟兄,锐目之中不显丝毫感情,平静如水,冷漠如水,森然如水!\n君家双雄战死之后,君家虽然仍是天香有数大族,但较之以前,却早已不可同日而语。\n而独孤世家却在这个时候异军突起,更一举从君家夺去了一半的兵权;虽然此事明摆着这乃是皇帝陛下的平衡手段,与人无忧,但君无意心中依然觉得憋屈!\n为君家憋屈,为父亲憋屈,更为已故的大哥无悔憋屈!\n他甚至觉得独孤无敌很对不起当年大哥对他的诸多照拂提拔!\n这么多年的残疾,君无意的心中早已是酝酿着一座惊天的火山,所以他对独孤无敌,这位曾经的老战友,好朋友,丝毫不假以辞色!\n全京城的人除了各个世家的老爷子之外,罕有人不怕这位独孤无敌大将军!\n但君无意却不怕!\n非但不怕,反而每次见面均将独孤无敌一阵奚落,独孤无敌每次均是无言以对,无从面对。\n“三弟,愚兄这里有礼了,最近身子大好了吧!呵呵……呵呵。”独孤无敌于这天香城中,除了有限几人之外,还真就没忌惮过几个人,不过眼前的君无意却无疑是他最避忌的几人之一!\n今天若不是事情来的太过突然,非他亲自出面无从解决,他实在不愿意直接面对这位昔年的好朋友!\n独孤大将军勉强收拾了一下心神,硬是挤出一脸笑容,道:“听说咱家的七个小兔崽子从不更事,在府上弄出了不少麻烦,被府上留下作客,愚兄前来,就,是将他们提溜回去,好好教王!\n一定好好问问他们,怎地大了狗胆了,竟敢到君家闹事,这是仗了谁的势!”\n即使以君三爷的沉稳,也差点没笑出来,仗的谁的势?\n你还真好意思说!\n“哦?竟有此事?我为何不知?”君无意淡淡地笑着,回头问道:“独孤家七位少爷可曾来过?”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 112\nA sharp whistling sound was heard as a blue meteor flew through the sky and landed directly inside Jun Mo Xie’s small courtyard. Jun Zhan Tian has arrived!\nOnce he returned, the old man was immediately taken aback. \nHe had been all but certain that his grandson would be captured if not tormented during the time he had been delayed. Although his grandson had made tremendous progress as of late, in the end, he still had not broken through to the Ninth Level Xuan Qi. Getting beaten and captured was to be expected; he had already steeled his heart to see his grandson missing and have made plans to vent his wrath on Dugu Zongheng. How could he have anticipated that he would see this kind of situation?\nDelight? Astonishment? Horror?\nIsn’t this too surreal?\nHis grandson was sitting there safe and sound, but the seven pups from the Dugu Family were lying unconscious on the floor…Well, the old man realized that that wasn’t exactly right; the seven individuals weren’t unconscious but were rather completely wasted.\nJun Zhan Tian rubbed his eyes, still not quite convinced by what he’s seeing, and understood even less. He was curious as to how his grandson had achieved such a flawless victory; not only did he get his captors to drink, but he also got them all drunk…Although the old man knew that his grandson’s wine was strong, he realized that he had still underestimated just how strong it was based on the scene before his eyes.\nSeeing that his grandchild was all right, Grandpa Jun said a few words before he leisurely walked away with his hands clasped behind his back. Remarkably, he did not have to get personally involved…\nWhen Dugu Zongheng and Dugu Wudi returned home, sure enough, they were informed that the seven grandsons had long since left in a fit of rage to find Jun Mo Xie and became even more regretful. Seeing Jun Zhan Tian that way, if those seven grandsons had really gone overboard, I’m afraid that the Dugu Family and the Jun Family will have to fight to the death.\nSigh. If I hadn’t been so impulsive and had first found Jun Zhan Tian to vent my anger, maybe…\nFather and son looked at each other in consternation, as if the pair was sitting on pins and needles. \nIn a contest of strength, the Dugu Family would naturally not fear the Jun Family, but they still would not be able to afford the two families becoming irreconcilable enemies!\nBesides, Jun Zhan Tian already had nothing left to lose, and would not go down alone even in death. If the two families enter a blood feud, not only will the Dugu Family suffer Jun Family’s wrath, but the entire Tianxiang Kingdom will be embroiled in the conflict…\nThe situation had really gone to s***!\nDugu Zongheng paced back and forth inside the main hall like a cat on a hot tin roof. Standing to the side, Great General Dugu Wudi’s eyes blurred from watching, but he did not dare make a sound.\nThe uneasy father and son pair finally felt something was wrong when they saw the sun setting in the west. How come they still haven’t returned?\nThese kids couldn’t have possibly been so tactless as to have crippled Jun Mo Xie during his capture, and then run into the old codger, who in a fit of anger…\nOh my God!\nJun Zhan Tian wouldn’t have lost his sense of reason, right?\nAs both father and son had reached the same conclusion, they exchanged glances and saw the same alarm suddenly filled the other’s eyes.\nJust then, pounding footsteps were heard as a bodyguard hurriedly ran over. “Reporting to the master, Jun Family’s Jun Mo Xie had sent someone to make a delivery.”\n“Bring if forward!” Dugu Zongheng had a sense of foreboding. However, since Jun Mo Xie had sent this item, it meant that the youngster didn’t experience any major mishap. Feeling slightly relieved, he spun around and sat down on a wooden fauteuil.\nWhat Jun Mo Xie delivered was a very small bundle wrapped in cloth. Dugu Zongheng lightly squeezed the package in his hand before his complexion rapidly changed, swinging his arm back and swept various items off of the side table.\n“Garbage! A bunch of useless garbage!” Dugu Zongheng violently jumped up before delivering a flying kick to Great General Dugu Wudi’s body. “Look at this troop of monkeys you’ve raised up!” \nThe old man pointed with trembling fingers. “It was seven against one, but they had somehow managed to all be captured!\nEven the family’s jade pendants have been sent back! Shameful display!”\nCaught completely by surprise, Dugu Wudi clutched his buttocks and howled in pain, cursing in his heart. “What do you mean ‘I’ve raised a bunch of monkeys?’\nWeren’t you the one who had the biggest hand in their upbringing?\nThe items Jun Mo Xie returned were precisely to Dugu Family’s hereditary jade pendants that the seven Dugu brothers carried on their persons and served as a symbol of their identities. \nThey were also accompanied by a small note. “The seven Dugu brothers are staying as guests of my Jun Family, Since we’re getting along so well, the brothers will return in two or three months. Senior Dugu and Great General Dugu, please do not worry.”\n“Guests? Return after two or three months? Do not worry?” \nDugu Zongheng was so angry that his nose was crooked. “Wuyi!\nHead out immediately and bring those good-for-nothings back for me!\nI’m going to skin each and every one of them alive!”\nDugu Wudi moved as if he had received a pardon and shot out of the door like an arrow. Immediately after, a cacophony of hurried movement came from the courtyard before the sound of a horse galloping was heard fading into the distance.\nWhen Great General Dugu Wudi and hundreds of guards arrived at the Jun Family’s residence, he had unexpectedly kept with formalities and requested an audience. \nHis seven sons and nephews could thoughtlessly force their way in without the slightest scruple; young men will naturally act willfully, and this could be chalked up to youthful indiscretion. However, Dugu Wudi cannot be that impudent; even if he was a rude and unreasonable pain in the neck, he is still the foremost general of the TianXiang Kingdom.\nHe had one of his own men take out his great general’s jade slip to hand over to the gatekeeper along with a request for an audience with Senior Jun Zhan Tian. The gate keeper had politely received the jade slip but informed that the old master was not present and had just recently left to visit a friend. \nDugu Wudi suddenly flew into a rage. You had clearly returned not too long ago after almost coming to blows with my old man and I had been hard on your heels. But you are actually saying that you went to find a friend at this time?\nIf you didn’t come out on top and detain my sons and nephews, would you have been this carefree?\nWho are you trying to fool?\nOf course, after thinking for a bit, a person must lower his head when he stands under the eaves*. In that case, I’ll ask for Jun Wuyi. Your son cannot walk; he wouldn’t also be visiting a friend, right?!\nThe gatekeeper did not head inside to herald Dugu Wudi’s arrival, but showed a meaningful smile when he heard the request. “So it really was Brother Dugu. Wuyi is overjoyed that you honor us with your presence. How could I be so inconsiderate? Please make yourself at home—there’s no need to stand on ceremony.” \nDugu Wudi focused his eyes and saw a wheelchair slowly roll out from the courtyard. Sitting calmly in the wheelchair, Jun Wuyi was dressed in a cyan colored gown and had a serene smile on his face as he stared intently at Dugu Wudi.\nThe man in front of him looked no different than before, but Dugu Wudi’s time on the battlefield had tempered his intuition, and his instincts are telling him that things are not as they seem!\nCalm!\nYes, he’s too calm!\nIt’s precisely this extraordinary calm that makes him feel a sense of foreboding, a sense of fear!\nA ghastly and chilling sensation!\nDugu Wudi could distinctly perceive that underneath Jun Wuyi’s sword-like brows, piercing eyes, and placid face was a proud man who had not accepted his lot in life; a man that’s pointing his sword defiantly towards the heavens! \nIt almost seemed as if this peerless warrior, who had been gathering dust for all these years, was about to unsheathe his sword and reveal his brilliance, rising above the world once more amidst the roars of dragons and tigers!\nAt this moment, Dugu Wudi no longer saw the handicapped Jun Wuyi in front of him, but the mighty general dressed in white from all those years ago!\nLaughing in defiance of the heaven and earth, the eternal soul of the army who had led forces to trample all over the Xuan Xuan Continent, Jun Wuhui!\nHe was Jun Mo Xie’s father, an iron-fisted commander that had once emerged victorious in every battle, the indomitable God of war!\nAt this moment, Dugu Wudi felt an ineffable sense of veneration!\nJun Wuhai!\nHe was the only person who Dugu Wudi had revered in his life, a tall mountain he had held in admiration, and his greatest goal in life! \nHaving served under Jun Wuhui, Dugu Wudi would often still frequently recall in the middle of the night those vivid memories of pitch battles fought in those extraordinary years!\n“Wudi, wait for my return after I have triumphed over our enemies. We brothers will join hands and ride through Yu Tang and Shenci! Ha ha ha…” Dugu Wudi, who had not been able to go to battle, had made his way to bid farewell that fateful year Jun Wuhui went on his military expedition. Jun Wuhai had reached out to clasp Dugu Wudi’s shoulders and said these words.\nThis also happened to be the last time Wuhui and Wudi would ever see each other again in this life!\nFurthermore, this was also what Dugu Wudi keeps repeating every time he got drunk in the past ten years!\n“Big…” Dugu Wudi emotionally took two steps forward, and was just about to blurt out “Big Brother” like in the old days but suddenly awoken from his daze. It was clearly still Jun Wuyi before his eyes!\nJun Wuyi, who is sitting in a wheelchair!\nThe Jun Wuyi who had been disabled for over a decade!\nDugu Wudi seemed to have entered a trance at this moment; moisture could be seen in his tiger-like eyes…\n“Brother Dugu?” Jun Wuyi looked at him with an indifferent gaze, staring at this brother-in-arms who had once campaigned alongside him. His sharp eyes seemed to contain no emotions at all; they were tranquil, detached, and aloof!\nAfter the Jun Family’s powerful duo died in battle, Jun Family still managed to retain significant influence in Tianxiang, but the difference was night and day compared to before. \nOn the other hand, the Dugu Family had risen to prominence during this period and, in one fell swoop, wrested control of half of Jun Family’s military power. Although this turn of events was by the order of His Majesty and there was no one at fault, Jun Wuyi still felt bitter in his heart.\nHe was aggrieved at the fate of the Jun Family, aggrieved at his father’s suffering, but most of all, he was aggrieved for his late older brothers!\nHe even felt regretful that his elder brother had taken Dugu Wudi under his arms all those years ago! \nDuring these years he had been disabled, Jun Wuyi’s anger had long since fermented to a frightening level. Therefore, he didn’t even pretend to act friendly in front of this person who had once been a brother-in-arms and a good friend!\nBesides the heads of the major families, there was rarely any man in the capital that did not fear Great General Dugu Wudi.\nBut Jun Wuyi had never feared him! \nNot only was he not afraid, but he had also given Dugu Wudi the cold shoulder every time they met. Dugu Wudi was unable to respond in turn, unable to look him in the face.\n“Third Brother, your stupid brother has stopped by to check up on you. Your body’s been feeling a lot better, right? Haha…haha.” There are few people in Tianxiang City that Dugu Wudi was hesitant to cross, and Jun Wuyi is undoubtedly the one he wanted to avoid the most. \nIf today’s matter had not devolved so suddenly and his presence was required, he would not directly meet this former friend.\nGreat General Dugu calmed his mind with difficulty and managed to squeeze out a smile before he continued. “I heard my family’s seven little brats did not know how to behave themselves, and have created no small amount of trouble for your Jun Family. I have come to take them back and teach them a lesson!\nI’ll find out who ordered them to act so impudent, and I’ll make sure they give Brother Jun a satisfactory answer at that time!”\nEven though Jun Wuyi remained outwardly unflustered, but he wasn’t smiling. Who ordered them?\nYou really have the nerve to say that?!\n“Oh? There was such an incident? I had no idea.” Jun Wuyi smiled faintly, turned to the side and asked. “Did the Dugu Family’s seven young masters come over?”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第113章\n门卫肃立回答道:“是,七位独孤少爷确实,他们是来找三少爷。\n至于别的情况,属下就不知道了。”\n这门卫也是当年君无意手下的官兵,如何不明白他的意思?\n“原来如此。此事大抵是小辈之间在戏耍胡闹,有甚干系。”\n君无意淡淡地看着独孤无敌,悠然问道:“独孤兄,这等小辈的事情,倒真是屈了独孤兄大驾亲自莅临,呵呵,真是舐犊情深啊。”\n独孤无敌一张毛脸顿时涨得通红,呐呐道:“我那里管那几个小子的死活,还不是老爷子不放心,一定让为兄过来看看而已;若是七个小子不懂事,居然给君家制造了麻烦,那岂不是糟糕之极?”\n“是啊,哈哈,糟糕之极。”\n君无意淡淡的笑了笑,道:“不过这种小辈之间的事情,我们君家做长辈的,那是从来都是不管不问的。\n独孤兄若要寻找,还是直接跟我莫邪侄儿说吧。\n我这身体总是不太舒服,才说了这么几句话,就不得劲了,不好意思啊!”\n独孤无敌满脸紫涨,哧哧了半天,说不出话来,让我直接找君莫邪说,这叫什么话,我是什么身份?他是什么身份?再咋说俺也是个长辈啊。\n可是人家君三爷身体不好,是个人就知道,已经陪了自己说话,实在是很给面子了,再强求,那就真不好意思了!”\n“来人,速速领独孤大将君去孙少爷的院子。”\n君无意微笑着,抱了抱拳:“独孤兄请便。\n想来君家你也不会陌生,小弟实在有些倦乏,就先回去了。”\n“三弟请便,多多保重。”独孤无敌干笑一声,只觉得浑身不得劲。\n自己的独孤家族虽然由始至终也从来没有做过任何对不起君家的事情,但毕竟是被皇帝陛下抬了出来跟君家唱对台戏,而且还是在君家双雄刚刚离奇战死的微妙当口,时间选的实在是尴尬之极,也怪不得君无意对自己有成见。\n这些年来,独孤无敌始终想解去这重不知算不算误会的误会,虽然自己可说是问心无愧的,但每次在面对君无意的时候,却总是觉得自己莫名其妙的就矮了一头。\n在他耿直的心里,当年没有陪着君无悔去同生共死,已经是大大的不该,最后自家还……\n虽然暗地里独孤家族也有着维护君家的意思,但君莫邪一一这等小子打个十顿八顿的,不多!\n就当是为君无悔教训儿子了……\n喟然叹了口气,独孤无敌向着君家里面走去。\n刚从家里出来的如虹气势,已经是半点也没了。\n知道,刚才君无意等于是在警告自己:小辈之间的事情,最好还是让他们自己处理,自己作为长辈,贸然不要插手实在是不当的!\n独孤无敌很想大吼一声:我何尝想插手!\n但不知为何,看到君无意那淡然的脸庞,那酷似的神韵,越看越象是当年自己最尊敬的大哥,竟然心中一点冒犯的意思也没有了。\n他远远的就见君莫邪当门而立,独孤大将军的气势不禁又恢复了几分。\n老子见你三叔有点理亏,不敢怎地,你小子调戏了我闺女,本将军怎么也不理亏了吧?\n看老子等会怎么收拾你小子!\n呃,那小子身后的小院,怎地连个院门都没安呢!\n院门?院门自然是被独孤英兄弟七人砸烂了,君大少爷可是非常之客气地,遥遥躬身行礼:“原来竟是独孤伯父大架光临,真真为小侄脸上添光,蓬荜生辉啊哈哈,请,请,快请。”\n执手相让。\n独孤大将军也不客气,板着脸向里便行,然后,一眼就看到君莫邪身后的院子里,一片狼藉。\n独孤无敌倒抽了一口气,这,怎么砸成这样子了?\n“那七个小王八蛋呢?老子要狠狠教训他们!”\n独弧无敌冲冲大怒,事前明明再三嘱咐,就是让你们来抓君莫邪,千万别动君家别的东西,怎么搞成这样德行!\n这可如何是好?\n怎么说也是那七个兔崽子不对!\n气势不免又降了三分。\n“七位独孤兄见府上的酒味道不错,便喝得多了些,呵呵。”\n君莫邪笑了笑,有些皮笑肉不动:“如今已经睡下了。”\n“酒不错?喝的有点多?几辈子没喝过酒吗?竟然还醉倒了、睡着了?\n呸,老子怎么养活了这些个没用的东西!”\n独孤无敌的脸顿时黑了起来,“带我去!”\n转身刚要走,突然又转头,胡萝卜粗细的手指头点着君莫邪:“小子,老子警告你,以后不许再招惹我的女儿!\n这一次看在你爹和你三叔的份上就放过了你,若是再有下一次,老子将你撕零碎了喂狗!”\n君莫邪笑眯眯地看着他,眼底厉光一闪,慢慢地伸出手,将他的手指头拨开,然后一伸手指着独孤无敌:“老小子!\n我不管你是不是朝野闻名的滚刀肉,别在君府耍无赖,本公子不吃你这一套!\n顺便也警告你,以后不要让你的女儿来缠着我!\n这一次看在两家的交情上就算了,若是再有下一次,本公子一定让你做我儿子的便宜外公!”\n独孤无敌气的眼前一黑,差点摔倒在地,他不是不知道自己“滚刀肉”的外号,可是朝野上下那个敢当面提,这家伙绝对是第一人,如何不怒,张开蒲扇般的大手,就要狠狠地打过去。\n君莫邪不闪不避,挺身而对,反而扬起了脸。\n“哼!”独孤无敌终究没有打下去,怎么说这也是无悔大哥的儿子,自己的儿子侄子打他一顿也就罢了,如果亲自揍他,未免有些不大得劲。\n强压怒火,跟着君莫邪来到厢房门口,就听见里面呼噜声震天响起。\n不由心头火起,飞起一脚,砰地一声将房门踢开,大吼一声:“都给老子滚起来!”\n呼嗥声依旧。\n一股浓郁的酒香从房中呼的冲了出来。\n独孤无敌忍不住耸动了两下鼻子:“这是什么酒?怎地这个香法!”\n这才回过神来,儿子侄子没有一个人打理自己,居然还在睡!\n独孤大将军怒从心头起,飞身而八,只听得砰砰砰如同打沙包,拳打脚踢一顿!\n呼噜声依旧!\n独孤无敌傻了眼。\n君大少爷暗笑:你当本少爷酿的酒头是普通货色吗?\n眼下这个节骨眼,你就是打死他们几个,他们也是决计醒不过来的,他们几个喝了那么多的高级货色,若没有相应的法子,醉死都是有可能地,好戏还在后边呢!\n“来人,将这七个兔崽子扛出去!”独孤无敌觉得今天丢人真是丢到姥姥家了!\n一辈子的人都在今天丢尽了,他却不知,所谓的“丢脸”,还只是刚刚开始而已……\n“且慢!”\n君莫邪冷笑一声:“大将军怎地说来就来,想走就走?\n你们独孤家当我君家是什么地方?”\n“你还想怎样?”独孤无敌凶神恶煞的转身,眼看着脾气就要按耐不住!\n老子都放过你勾搭我宝贝女儿的事了,你小子还敢挑刺,不想活了!\n“所谓杀人不过头点地,道理不说不分明!独孤家七位公子一到我君家,从大门往里,打烂紫檀木大门两扇;作价白银一千两;打伤婢仆三人,医药费用五百两;打烂我小院大门,纹银三百两;”\n君莫邪竖起手指头,一桩一桩的算账:“……更强行制住我,擅自偷喝掉我极品酒源,念在大家乃是世交之分,零头我都给你免了,只需承惠白银两千五百万两,大将军自然可以领走七位独孤公子!!”\n“什么?!”独孤无敌大吼一声,震得身后的侍卫人人都是一个趔趄。\n“两千五百万两?”\n“不错!就是白银两千五百万两,些须零头我都抹去没算了!”君莫邪面不改色,很是宽宏大量的样子。\n“老子呸你一脸狗屎!\n白银两千五百万两!\n老子倒要听听,这几个小子怎么就喝了两千五百万两的酒,如果你要是说不明白,老子就找到君老爷子,问问君家这讹人的伎俩,是从那继承来的!”\n独孤无故怒极反笑。\n君莫邪不为所动,冷冷一笑:“若只是一般的酒就算是喝死七位独孤兄,也喝不出这个价钱,但我这酒却是世上独有的极品美酒!\n再来,贵公子喝的乃是酒头!一大坛酒头足有五十斤,每一斤酒可分得五十小杯;而每一杯酒尽可勾兑成一坛极品美酒!而这一坛酒,是要卖白银一万两!\n所以合共是白银两千五百万两,至于之前提到的其余损失,我都当零头给您免了,免得伤了两家的交情!”\n“而且,这一杯酒头一万两银子的价格,绝对童叟无欺,物美价廉的!”疼莫邪一脸正经,看不出有丝毫开玩笑的意思。\n“老子操你三叔!”独孤无敌冲口就骂:“你这破酒喝了能成仙啊?”\n独孤大将军气得要爆炸了,整个天香帝国的一年的军费也就是才三千万两银子,自己家的三个儿子四个侄子一顿酒喝掉了差不多帝国一年的军费?\n这不明摆着讹人吗?还童叟无欺,物美价廉!?\n“请大将军慎言,不要牵扯上我三叔!正所谓物以稀为贵!\n这酒,整个天下只得我一人独有!\n我说一万两一杯就是一万两一杯,此际若是换了别人,十万两银子我还真不舍得卖呢。”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 113\nThe gatekeeper stood at attention and replied. “Yes. The Dugu Family’s seven young masters have indeed come to find the Third Young Master.\nAs for other occurrences, this subordinate does not know.” \nThe gatekeeper had served under Jun Wuyi in the army years ago. How could he not understand the latter’s intentions?\n“So that’s what happened. It sounds like the kids were just playing pranks on each other. Why should we get involved?”\nJun Wuyi asked as he looked indifferently at Dugu Wudi. “Brother Dugu, I’m embarrassed that an esteemed individual such as yourself had to make come here for this matter between the younger generation. Haha, I can tell that you really do dote on your children.”\nDugu Wudi’s long face suddenly flushed red as he said. “I don’t really care about these kids myself, but my old man was worried and forced me to come over and take a look. It would be extremely unfortunate if the seven kids get carried away and cause any inconveniences for the Jun Family.”\n“Yes, haha, that would be unfortunate.”\nJun Wuyi smiled lightly and continued. “But we elders of the Jun Family never interfere in matters between the juniors.\nIf Brother Dugu needs to look for your sons and nephews, then you should talk directly to my nephew, Jun Mo Xie.\nMy body always has aches and pains; I’m already starting to feel unwell from our short conversation. This is a little embarrassing!”\nDugu Wudi’s face turned purple; he hummed and hawed for a long time, but remained speechless. I need to talk to Jun Mo Xie? Are you kidding me? Do you know who I am? Who is he? Not to mention that I’m also an elder.\nBut, everyone knows that Jun Family’s third master’s body and health are not in the best of conditions; taking the time to speak with me was already giving face. I just couldn’t bring myself to ask him to do anything!\n“You, quickly lead Great General Dugu to the young master’s courtyard.”\nJun Wuyi smiled as he cups his fist. “Brother Dugu, please make yourself at home.\nI assume you should still be familiar with the Jun Family’s residence. Your little brother is a bit tired, so I’ll take my leave first.”\n“Third Brother don’t have to worry about me. Just take care of yourself.” Dugu Wudi forced a smile, feeling entirely awkward and uncomfortable. \nAlthough his Dugu Family were only carrying out the Emperor’s orders all those years ago—they had still made their move on the Jun Family at an incredibly awkward time when the latter had only recently suffered a the tragic loss of their two great sons in battle. That’s why Jun Wuyi was always prejudiced against him.\nOver the years, Dugu Wudi had always wanted to resolve this misunderstanding. Although his conscience was clear, he always lowered his head unconsciously every time he had to face Jun Wuyi.\nBecause of his honest and upright nature, he had always regretted not standing by Jun Wuyi when he needed him most. And then his family…\nAlthough the Dugu Family had always wanted to help the Jun Family, but Jun Mo Xie on the other hand—beating up the kid eight or ten times still wouldn’t be enough! \nHe almost felt like it was his duty to act in Jun Wuhui’s stead and teach his son a lesson…\nWith a deep exhale, Dugu Wudi walked inside the Jun residence.\nHis overwhelming aura had already greatly diminished. \nHe knows that Jun Wuyi was essentially advising him to let the children work things out by themselves. As an elder, it would be inappropriate for him to involve himself in their affairs.\nDugu Wudi roared in his heart. I don’t want to get involved either! \nHowever, an inexplicable feeling overcame him when he saw Jun Wuyi’s placid face; that striking resemblance was as if he was seeing his most respected older brother from all those years ago. Any anger quickly dissipated in his heart.\nSeeing Jun Mo Xie standing in the distance, Great General Dugu’s imposing aura can’t help but emanate out once again.\nI might have felt guilty in front of your Third Uncle, but how can this general not get angry seeing how you’ve played fast and loose with my daughter?\nJust wait and see how I sort you out you little brat!\nEh? Where is the gate to the courtyard behind Jun Mo Xie?!\nThe gate? The gate was obviously destroyed by Dugu Ying and his brothers, yet Young Master Jun remained very courteous and bowed as Dugu Wudi approached. “So it turns out Uncle Dugu has honored me with a visit. Seeing you have made your little nephew’s day. Please quickly come in.”\nHe waved his hands in a welcoming gesture.\nGreat General Dugu was not reserved as he walked straight in, sweeping a glance at the interior of the courtyard behind Jun Mo Xie.\nDugu Wudi sucked in a breath. How did everything fall apart like this?\n“Those seven sons of a bitch did this? You all are about to be in a world of hurt!”\nDugu Wudi was furious. He had made it explicitly clear that they were to snatch Jun Mo Xie without causing any damage to the Jun Family’s property. How did everything turn out like this! \nHow can this be good?\nWhat else can be said but that it’s those seven bastards’ fault!\nHis imposing aura inevitably deflated somewhat.\n“The seven elder brothers saw that my family’s wine collection was pretty good and drank a little too much, haha.”\nJun Mo Xie smiled, but his facial expression gave others an uncomfortable feeling. “They all fell asleep.”\n“Good wine? Drank a little too much? Is this their first time drinking? They got so drunk they fell asleep?\nPtui! Is this how I raised these good-for-nothings!”\nDugu Wudi’s face immediately darkened. “Show me the way!”\nHe did an about-face and was raring to go, abruptly turned around again, pointing at Jun Mo Xie with his carrot-sized finger. “Kid, I’m warning you to stay away from my daughter!\nI’ll let you get off lightly this time out of respect for your father and your Third Uncle. If there is a next time, I will tear you to pieces and feed you to the dogs!”\nJun Mo Xie gave him a deep look with a beaming smile on his face. A harsh light flashed across his eyes as he slowly reached out with his hand and thrust a finger at Dugu Wudi. “Old man!\nI don’t care if you are the imperial court’s infamous pain-in-the-neck; do not act so brazen in the Jun residence. I won’t stand for this kind of behavior!\nAnd I might as well warn you now;do not let your daughter bother me again!\nI won’t pursue the matter further on account of our two families’ friendship. If there is a next time, I will make sure to make you my son’s maternal grandfather!”\nDugu Wudi almost blacked out from his anger. It’s not like he wasn’t aware that others gave him the nickname of “pain-in-the-neck,” but no one dared to say it to his face—this guy was the absolute first person to do so. How could he not be furious? He raised his open hand up, ready to strike down.\nJun Mo Xie did not back down, but instead straightened his back and raised his face up defiantly.\n“Humph!” Dugu Wudi never struck the other in the end. He’s still Elder Brother Wuhui’s son no matter what; it’s already enough that his sons and nephews had given him a beating. His attack would unavoidably have been heavy-handed. \nSwallowing his anger, he followed after Jun Mo Xie to the doorway of a side room and heard the heaven-shaking wheezing and snoring coming from within.\nHe couldn’t help but begin to feel anger rise in his heart. Bang! He kicked open the door to the room and roared out. “Get your sorry a** over her right now!”\nThe snoring continued.\nA strong smell of alcohol rushed out from the room.\nDugu Wudi’s nose couldn’t help but twitch. “What kind of wine is this? How could it smell this fragrant!”\nComing back to his senses, he saw that not one of his sons or nephew had stirred and were still fast asleep! \nGreat General Dugu’s fury exploded in his heart as he quickly made his way inside and proceeded to punch and kick like he was hitting a punching bag!\nThe snoring continued!\nDugu Wudi was stunned.\nYoung Master Jun snickered. You think the wine I’ve distilled is just your common garbage? \nRight now, they won’t be able to wake up even if you beat them to death. Drinking as much as they did, I wouldn’t even be surprised if they had drunk themselves to death. The best part has yet to come!\n“Someone come and carry these seven brats out!” Dugu Wudi wanted to crawl into a hole and die! \nThis had turned out to be the most humiliating day in his life, but little did he know that his day was only going to get worst…\n“Wait a minute!”\nJun Mo Xie laughed coldly. “Did Great General think you can come and go as you please?\nWhat kind of place does the Dugu Family think the Jun residence is?”\n“What do you want?” Dugu Wudi turned around, his face savage, looking as if he was barely able to keep his anger under control. \nI had already let you off earlier for fooling around with my precious daughter but you still dare to have something to carp about? You must be tired of living!\n“It’s quite simple really. The red sandalwood main doors that the Dugu Family’s seven young masters demolished once they arrived at my family home will cost one thousand taels of silver to repair. The injury to three of our servants will cost five hundred taels for medical cost. The gates to my courtyard will cost three hundred taels…” \nJun Mo Xie counted along with his fingers. “…what’s more, they restrained me by force and pilfered my high-quality wine. On the account of the history between our families, I could look the other way and excuse their behavior if you pay 25 million taels of silver. Great General can naturally collect the seven young masters at that time!!”\n“What?!” Dugu Wudi roared, shaking the guards behind him and sending them reeling. \n“25 million taels?”\n“Correct! I’ve already did you a favor and rounded down to an even 25 million taels of silver!” Jun Mo Xie did not bat an eye and even carried himself with a magnanimous air.\n“I spit on your dogs*** face!\nTwenty-five million taels of silver!\nI’d like to hear how these kids managed to drink twenty-five million taels worth of wine. If you do not provide a proper explanation, I’ll find Senior Jun see just who you inherited your extortionist schemes from!”\nDugu Wudi was so angry that he let out a laugh.\nJun Mo Xie remained unmoved and gave a frosty smile. “If this were just some ordinary wine, the tab would not have been this high even if the seven brothers had drunk themselves to death. But I can guarantee is that my wine is the only one of its kind in this world!\nNot to mention that what your precious sons and nephews drank was the foreshot! There are fifty jins of foreshot in a jug, and fifty small cups of foreshot per jin; each cup of foreshot could be further blended into a jug of fine wine that is worth ten thousand taels of silver!\nSo the total is 25 million taels. I will dismiss compensation for all the other damages we discussed earlier on account of the friendship between our two families!”\n“That is why each cup of wine is priced at ten thousand taels of silver. I’m not ripping anyone off. This is the best bargain around!” Jun Mo Xie kept a straight face with no hint of joking around.\n“Screw your Third Uncle!” Dugu Wudi blurted. “Drinking your lousy wine can send one to seventh heaven?” \nGeneral Dugu was about to explode from anger. Tianxiang Kingdom’s annual military expenditure only amount to thirty million taels of silver. His three sons and four nephews had ran a tab that almost equaled the kingdom’s annual military spending?\n“Isn’t this just blatant extortion? How is this not ripping anyone off? I’m getting a bargain!?”\n“Please watch what you say, Great General. You do not need to involve my Third Uncle! As the saying goes, the rarer something is, the greater its value! \nI am the only one who possess this wine in the whole world! \nIf I say it’s ten thousand taels per cup, then it’s ten thousand taels per cup. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t even sell it for that price.”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第114章\n独孤无敌气咻咻的坐下,随手抓起一杯一仰脖子,咕嘟一声喝了下去,突然虎目瞪圆,不由自主地赞道:“好酒!当真好酒,真是闻所未闻,见所未见啊!”\n“这便是勾兑好的美酒。”君莫邪小狐狸一般笑了笑:“敢问大将军,一万辆银子一坛,难道不值吗?”\n咂咂嘴,独孤无敌冲口而出:“值!太……”\n顿时一瞪眼:“……太……不值了,值个屁!一坛酒你卖一万两银子,你怎么不去抢!”\n“说一万两就是一万两,一口价!\n爱买不买,若是大将军睁着眼睛、昧着良心说瞎话,我也无可奈何。”\n君莫邪翻了个白眼,顺手将那一杯酒头也推了过来:“这是酒头,独孤大将军要不要试试一万两一杯的酒头?!\n这一杯小侄礼敬长辈,就赠送了!\n孤独无敌哼了两声,很想说不喝,但终究抵挡不住这等终极诱惑,咧着大嘴道:“就确实是不错,但再怎么品尝,那也绝不能一万两银子一杯去啊。”\n撇撇嘴,抓起酒杯,迅速得到进了嘴里。\n“嗷呜……”一股冰凉的丝线顺着喉管滑下,“轰”的一声从心中升腾起一座飞腾中的火山,独孤无敌只觉得浑身的鲜血都在燃烧了起来,一杯下肚,居然已经觉得有些迷糊,勉力克制,双目却已经通红。\n“好酒!不愧是酒头!”独孤无敌仰起脖子,举起酒杯在口中甩了甩,啪的往桌上一放:“再来一杯!”\n“一万两银子,一杯,绝不二价。”\n君莫邪哼了一声:“独孤将军,你一仰脖子就喝下去了一万两银子!\n居然还想再来一杯,还说此等甜品佳酿不值天价!\n之前是这一杯乃是赠送的,再要喝,小侄却也赠送不起了!”\n“酒真是好酒,不过,说什么也不能值一万两银子一杯吧!?”独孤无敌两眼贪婪的看着房中的酒坛子,有一种想要强抢的欲望,但嘴上却仍是不肯认账。\n开玩笑!这可是原则问题!\n若是自己认了这一万两银子一杯,那独孤世家就当场破产了……\n“以独孤大将军的意思,难道就打算赖了这笔账不成么?”\n君莫邪冷笑一声,道:“还是说,独孤家的人闯到我君家,连打带砸,更把我折辱了一番,然后再强抢了我家的世上仅有的天品美酒,这一切就这样说说嘴就过去了?\n就此作罢?\n我君家,就连这点颜面也没有了?\n就任由你们独孤家如此欺凌?”\n“这都你小子说的,我可没这么说!”独孤无敌跳了起来,这个罪名是在是太大,就算是独孤无敌大将军也是背不起的!\n“既然没这么说,那也就是说,独孤大将军认为,独孤世家是需要就此事对我君家作出补偿的?”君莫邪循循善诱。\n“当然要作出补偿!我们独孤世家虽然……”\n“那就太好了,承惠白银两千五百万两。”君莫邪打断了他,笑咪咪地道。\n“操!混蛋!”\n独孤无敌目瞪口呆,原地转了三个圈子,一个劲的挠头,憋了半天,才憋出来:“你这酒压根就没有卖过,怎么知道一定就值一万两银子?\n这岂不是明摆着占我家便宜吗?\n你的酒,难道你漫天开价,我就的认可?\n那有这个道理!”\n“按照独孤大将军的意思,是要我将这一坛子酒卖出一个确实的数目,你才肯汇帐?”君莫邪问道。\n“不错!不,不是!我是说,你能将相同的一坛酒头兑勾成美酒,卖出相应的数目,且这个数目大家都还认可,那我独孤就认了这笔帐!”\n独孤无敌得意的笑了起来,终于找到了治这小子的办法,你的酒确实是极品没酒,但一坛子卖个百八十两到头了,虽然也是笔不小的数字,却怎么也用不了白银两千五百万两那么多!\n“好!一言为定!但在那之前,你们独孤家不准在找我的麻烦!”君莫邪顿时拍板。\n“好!但,必须在三个月之内!在这段时间里,你小子若是招惹我的女儿,老子还是找揍不误!”\n独孤无敌哼哼两声,看着面前这个油头粉面的小子,心中有一种奸计得逞的感觉:“若是你没有能够卖出两千五百万两银子,今后我独孤家的美酒,你需无偿供应!\n怎么样?\n这个赌注你敢不敢接?”\n兜兜转站半天,独孤大将军终于露出了真实的意图。\n“我对自己的酒有十足信心,就此一言为定!\n但你也要看紧你自己的女儿,若是她来找我,我可不负责会发生什么事!”\n君莫邪心中哼了两声。\n你们独孤家就等着背上这如山的债务吧!\n我让你们牛!\n别说一坛子一万两,再多就是它,等着哭吧!\n君莫邪派了一辆马车,独孤无敌一声令下,麾下卫士扛起死猪一般的兄弟七人,扔在马车上。\n独孤大将军一步三回头的走了,实在是舍不得那天品的美酒啊,这小子太小气了。\n刚才怎么不多给一杯呢。\n君莫邪看着他离去,笑了笑回转房中。\n却把这件事直接没放在心上,摸着下巴沉思着,目前的君家还是太弱小了;自己虽然用药将三叔的玄气提升到了天玄,但也只是天玄初级而已。\n估计现在的实力,还是不如盛宝堂的……\n或者应该将爷爷的实力也提升一下了,而自己手中不是正好有那九阶玄丹吗?\n正好物尽其用,若是利用得好,应该能将爷爷的实力一举提升到至尊神玄中阶!\n不过那东西到底应该怎么用呢?自己却是一点也不知道。\n到底该怎么解决这个问题,君莫邪心中头痛了好久。\n他曾经无数次的想将这消息放出去,吸引大陆上强者前来,但却始终没有拿定主意。\n要说以一颗九级玄丹的分量,绝对是足够了,相信就算是至尊神玄的高人也要为之动心,或者应该说,只要有足够势力、实力的人,就没有谁会不动心!\n惟这样做无疑是在玩火,而目前的君家,似乎还玩不起。\n就算君家目前有两个天玄高手在,也同样玩不起!\n事实就是这么残酷,天玄高手固然已经接近了这个世界实力的顶峰,可是当面对更高层次存在的时候,还是那么的无力!\n天香国的领土面积不可谓不广大,但就整个大陆而论,却也只得十一之数,即使是这样,就可说已经藏龙卧虎,强者如云!\n虽然目前现身出来的强者并不是很多,但君莫邪知道,定然有无数的强者隐身于市井,藏匿于山林!\n爷爷、三叔实力虽然不弱,但并不足恃!\n相信一旦风云际会,就会风虎云龙!\n而自己手中的九级玄丹,就是一个最好的引子!\n无论是天玄地玄还是至尊神玄,没有人会不想得到这个东西,而这个消息一旦确实传了出去,立即就是强者云集,血腥四起!\n届时一个不小心,莫说君家,就算整个天香国在旦夕之间被夷为平地,似乎也不是不可能的事情!\n但,若是不引这些人前来,自己又如何能够获得这颗极品玄丹的服用方法和条件?\n君家的整体实力如何提升?\n难道真要座拥宝山,却空手而归,这却是着实难为人的!\n君莫邪皱着眉头思考很久,始终难以抉择,是明哲保身,还是冒险一搏呢?!\n忽然仰首望天,不禁想起前世的自己,一人孤身走遍整个世界,笑傲五湖四海从无所惧!\n怎么到了这个世界反而有些缚手缚脚?\n想到这里,突然一股狂傲之气从心中油然迸发,忍不住长笑一声,心中立即作出了决定!\n所谓不入虎穴,焉得虎子?!\n纵然因今日之决定,招来如云神玄,我有何惧之有?!\n这个,可不是单纯玄气的事,真正要考究的,却是各人的智慧!\n邪君的心计,怕过谁来?\n纵然神玄如云,我亦有无穷的应付手段!\n君莫邪下定决心,终于洒然的笑了一下,习惯性的用右手摸了摸下巴。\n若是让前世他的师兄弟们见到他的这样的表情、这样的动作,恐怕立即就会所有人有多远跑多远。\n因为,这表示着,邪君已经做出了一个极为大胆……不,应该说是一个非常之疯狂的决定,而且,这个决定,无论最终成败,都将是会震惊世界的!\n看向窗外,夕阳渐渐落下。\n可儿静悄悄的进来,禀报道:“少爷,老太爷让您过去吃饭。”\n君莫邪哦了一声。\n“爷爷今日怎地这么高兴?难道是有什么喜事吗?”看着君战天老爷子一脸的幸灾乐祸兼乐不可支,君莫邪不由的问了一句。\n“可是笑死我了,李尚那个老王八蛋,也不知道从哪里搞来的偏方,说道是海底玉珊瑚能够治疗他破损的丹田,让他孙子以五百万两的天价买了回去;结果在准备了几天之后,急不可耐的开始利用玉珊瑚练功、复功,你猜怎么着?”君老爷子笑得两只眼睛眯了起来,浑身有些抽搐的意思。\n“怎么了?难道不行?买了个废物不好用?”君莫邪顺着老爷子的意思问道。\n恩,现在老爷子需要一个捧哏,偏偏三叔没听出来啊。\n“哇哈哈哈……”\n君老爷子一只手拍着桌子,一只手拍着大腿,笑得眼泪都几乎流了出来:“可不是废物,更不是不行,根本就是太行了,太好用了!\n哈哈……结果,结果,我老人家快上不来气了……可笑死我了。”\n老爷子喝了一口水,呛咳了一会才道:“听说是正在最关键时刻,那疗伤神物玉珊瑚居然自个爆炸了!\n实在是太行了!哇哈哈哈……”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 114\nDugu Wudi panted as he sat down, conveniently grabbing a cup and threw it back, swallowing the wine in one gulp. His tiger-like eyes suddenly opened wide as he involuntarily exclaimed. “Exceptional wine! A wine of this quality has truly never been seen nor heard of before!”\n“That is wine that had finished blending.” Jun Mo Xie smiled slyly. “May I ask Great General if you still think it is worth ten thousand taels of silver?”\nLicking his lips, Dugu Wudi blurted out without thinking. “Worth it! Extremely…”\nHis gaze suddenly turned into a glare. “…Extremely…not worth it. Not worth a fart! Selling a jar of wine for ten thousand taels of silver, why don’t you start robbing instead?!”\n“If I say it’s ten thousand taels then it’s ten thousand taels; that’s the final price!\nIf the Great General can lie with your eyes wide open, then there’s no helping it.”\nJun Mo Xie gave a contemptuous look, swiftly retrieving a cup of foreshot. “This is the foreshot. Does the general want to experience what a ten thousand taels cup of foreshot taste like?!\nLittle nephew will present this cup as a gift out of respect to an elder!”\nDugu Wudi snorted twice and really wanted to reject the offer at first, but couldn’t resist this kind of temptation in the end. He gritted his teeth and said. “This wine is indeed not bad, but it is definitely not worth ten thousand taels a cup no matter how it tastes!” \nHis lips twitched as he snatched the cup and rapidly poured it into his mouth.\n“Whoah…” As an ice-cold sensation slid down his throat, Dugu Wudi felt as if a volcano erupted in his heart as fiery blood coursed through his veins. Right when the wine hit his stomach, he had already felt somewhat muddle-headed and did his best to control himself; his eyes turned bloodshot.\n“That was incredible! Definitely worthy of being a foreshot!” Dugu Wudi craned his neck, raising the empty cup over his mouth trying to sip the last drop before slamming it down on the table with a bang. “Another cup!”\n“Ten thousand taels per cup is not open to discussion.”\nJun Mo Xie snorted. “General Dugu, you just drank ten thousand taels of silver!\nBut you still want another cup even though you said the wine is overpriced?!\nThe cup before was a gift from me to you, but even I cannot afford to gift you another if you want more!”\n“The wine is certainly of a very high quality, but it’s still not worth such an exorbitant price when all is said and done!” Dugu Wudi’s eyes looked greedily at the jug of wine in the room and thoughts of stealing flashed across his mind, but he was still not willing to admit the truth.\nYou’ve got to be kidding me! This is a matter of principles! \nIf I admit this cup is worth ten thousand taels of silver, my Dugu Family will go bankrupt here and now…\n“Great General Dugu, don’t tell me you plan on not paying this debt?”\nJun Mo Xie laughed coldly and said. “The Dugu Family had ransacked my home, insulted me, and even robbed my family’s short supply of this one of a kind type heavenly wine. Should I just let this slight go just because you said so?\nI’m supposed to drop the subject and pretend that everything is fine?\nMy Jun Family can’t even afford this level of respect?\nShould we just let your Dugu Family bully and insult us in this way?”\n“Those are your words, not mine!” Dugu Wudi jumped up. This accusation was simply too much; even Great General Dugu Wudi will not be able to bear the consequence.\nIf that’s the case, does that mean that Great General Dugu agrees that your Dugu Family will compensate my Jun Family for this matter?” Jun Mo Xie said patiently and systematically.\n“Of course, there will be compensation! Although our Dugu Family…”\n“Then we don’t have a problem. Please pay 25 million taels.” Jun Mo Xie interrupted him with a beaming smile.\nF***! Son of a b*****!\nDugu Wudi was stunned speechless. He turned in place three times and continuously scratching his head, holding back for a long time until he could hold back no more. “This wine of yours hadn’t even been sold before. How are you so certain that it’s worth ten thousand taels of silver?\nHow is this letting my family off lightly?\nDo I have to accept any outrageous price that you name for your wine?\nIs this what you call reasonable?!”\n“If I understood you correctly, you will agree to any price that I can sell a jar of wine for?” Jun Mo Xie asked?\n“Correct! No, it’s not! What I meant is if you can blend the same jug of foreshot into wine and name a price in which everyone is willing to pay for, then my Dugu Family will recognize this debt!”\nDugu Wudi smiled proudly. At last, I found a way to get the better of this brat. Your wine is indeed of high quality, but a jug sold at 180 taels in the end, even if it is no small sum, it is still less than 25 million taels of silver!\n“Good! That’s settled then! But before that happens, your Dugu Family is prohibited from causing me trouble again!” Jun Mo Xie immediately agreed.\n“Good! However, you must do this within three months! If you tease my daughter during this time, make no mistake I’ll still break you to pieces!”\nDugu Wudi snorted twice, looked at this debauchee in front of him, and thought of another daring scheme. “If you are not able to reach 25 million taels in sales, you will henceforth be required to supply my Dugu Family with wine free of charge supply!\nHow about it?\nThis stake you dare not dare to accept?”\nAfter bidding his time for so long, Great General Dugu finally revealed his true intentions.\n“I have full confidence in my wine. It’s a deal!\nBut you need to watch your own daughter; I’m not responsible for what’s going to happen if she comes on to me again!”\nJun Mo Xie snorted twice in his heart. \nJust wait until your Dugu Family have to carry this mountain of a debt on your back!\nI’ll make you all vomit blood!\nWhat about ten thousand taels for a jug? I can sell it for even more and it wouldn’t be difficult. You will rue the day you made this deal!\nJun Mo Xie sent for a cart while Dugu Wudi shouted out orders; guards carried the seven brothers who were like dead pigs and threw them onto the cart.\nGreat General Dugu turned to look back repeatedly at every step and really hated to part with the heavenly wine.\nThis brat is too stingy, just now what small amount give one cup.\nJun Mo Xie watched him leave before turning around with a smile and returned to the room.\nHe did not take this matter to heart but stroked his chin in contemplation nonetheless. The Jun Family is currently too weak. Although he used medicine to promote Third Uncle’s Xuan Qi to the Sky Xuan realm, he had still only just barely broken into the Sky Xuan realm. \nBy his estimate, their current strength is still far from equal to the Magnificent Jewel Hall…\nPerhaps he ought to promote his grandpa’s strength as well. Does he not have a ninth level Xuan Core in his possession? \nIf he was able to bring out the full potential of this treasured cultivation item, he should be able to promote his grandpa’s strength halfway into the Supreme Divine Xuan realm! \nBut the problem is that he had no idea how to actually use this item.\nThinking about exactly how to solve the problem had given Jun Mo Xie a headache. \nHe had previously wanted to leak this information out to attract powerhouses from around the continent, but he still had not made up his mind.\nA ninth level Xuan Core’s appeal is more than enough to even attract the attention of Supreme Divine Xuan expert. It may be more accurate to say that it would be difficult for any individual with sufficient power to not be tempted!\nBut this would be playing with fire, and the Jun Family currently cannot afford to take this risk.\nEven if the Jun Family currently had two Sky Xuan experts, they still cannot afford to take unnecessary risks!\nReality is cruel. While it’s true that a Sky Xuan expert is already approaching the peak of this world’s strength, they are still powerless when confronting even stronger level of existences!\nTianxiang Kingdom’s territorial area could not be considered small; there are only eleven nation states of comparable size across the entire continent. Even so, it could be said that the number of crouching tigers, hidden dragons are as numerous as the clouds! \nAlthough the number of powerhouses that had revealed themselves in the open is not many, Jun Mo Xie knows that much of their numbers remained hidden among the common people, up in the mountains and deep within the forests! \nEven if Grandpa and Third Uncle are not weak, their strength is not sufficient to rely on!\nHe was convinced that if the right catalyst is introduced, these hidden experts will all come out of the woodwork!\nAnd the ninth level Xuan Core in his hand would be the best such catalyst!\nRegardless of whether one was at the Earth Xuan, Sky Xuan or Supreme Divine Xuan, there will not be anyone who did not want to obtain this item. If this information was leaked, every powerhouse will undoubtedly gather here.\nIt wouldn’t be unreasonable to say that the slightest carelessness would send not only the Jun Family but all of Tianxiang Kingdom to its destruction!\nBut how am I supposed to obtain the best methods and conditions for cultivating a Xuan Core if we don’t draw these people in? \nHow am I going to increase Jun Family’s overall power? \nDoes he really have no choice but to hold onto the treasure that’s all but useless? This is really frustrating!\nJun Mo Xie frowned as he pondered about this for a while. He had a hard decision to make; should he put his own safety above all else or take a risk?! \nLooking up at the sky, he couldn’t help but recall his previous life; a solitary figure traveling around the world, laughing fearlessly all across the land! \nWhy have his hands become tied once he transmigrated to this world?\nAt this point in his thinking, a surge of domineering air suddenly burst forth from his heart; he couldn’t help but laugh out loud as he instantly made up his mind!\nIsn’t this what people call nothing ventured, nothing gained?!\nEven if my decision today attracts the unwanted attention of Divine Xuan experts, why should I be afraid?!\nThis isn’t even a matter of Xuan Qi; all I really needed to do was to pick everyone’s brains!\nWho would Jun Xie be afraid of when he still had his scheming?\nI still have a few tricks up my sleeves for dealing with these Divine Xuan experts even if they are as numerous as the clouds.\nJun Mo Xie made up his mind and finally smiled in relief, unconsciously rubbing his chin with his right hand.\nIf his fellow apprentices from his previous life can see his current facial expression and this telltale chin rub, everyone would immediately run away as far as possible. \nThat is because Jun Xie had already come up with an extremely brazen…no, one should say a completely insane idea. More importantly, whether his idea succeeds or not, it will still end up shocking the world!”\nLooking out of the window, the sun had already begun to set.\nLittle Ki came in extremely quiet and made a report. “Young Master, the Old Master had asked you for dinner.”\nJun Mo Xie cried out in alarm.\n“Why is Grandpa in such a cheerful mood today? Is there some sort of special occasion?” Jun Mo Xie couldn’t help but ask after seeing Jun Zhan Tian’s delighted expression of schadenfreude.\n“I almost laughed to death. I don’t know where that old bastard Li Shang got the prescription from but it says the Jade Sea Coral can restore his shattered dantian so his grandson bought it at 5 million taels. After a few days of preparations, they were unable to wait any longer and started cultivating with the Jade Sea Coral. Guess what happened?” Grandpa Jun smiled as his eyes formed crescent moons, twitching all over from impatience.\n“What happened? Don’t tell me it didn’t work? Did they end up buying a dud?” Jun Mo Xie followed along with his grandpa’s charade. \nHis grandpa currently needed someone to play the foil for the big reveal, and his Third Uncle deliberately remained silent.\n“WA HA HA HA…”\nGrandpa Jun slapped one hand on the table and the other on his thigh, laughing until his tears were basically flowing out. “It wasn’t just rubbish! And it’s not that it didn’t work, but that it worked too well! It was too effective!\nHA HA…in the end, in the end, I can’t breathe…I’m dying here.” \nThe old man drank a mouthful of water, choking and coughing for a while before speaking again. “I have heard that just at the most crucial moment, the Jade Sea Coral unexpectedly self-detonated!\nIt really was too effective! WA HA HA HA…”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第115章\n“噗!……”君莫邪正喝着一口酒,闻言一呛,一滴不剩的喷在了对面的三叔君无意身上,跟着更剧烈的咳嗽起来。\n“哇哈哈……李尚那老东西,弄巧成拙,莫说丹田复原,如今连带着经脉大大地受损,几乎奄奄一息,这也还罢了,甚至就连,就连他最疼爱的孙子李悠然,也受到了波及。”老爷子多年没有笑得如此畅快了,前仰后合,东倒西歪:“听说那小白脸直接毁容了,哇哈哈……”\n君莫邪端着酒杯,瞠目结舌,目瞪口呆。\n我,我,我原本就只是想小小的破坏一下而已,天地良心,当时我可真没想过会有如此辉煌的战果啊。我只是想破坏玉珊瑚而已,我真没别的意思……\n至于太师李尚因此而重伤,李悠然因此而毁容,我真的没有想过呀!我很无辜一一虽然我还想更恶劣一点……当时的顺手一挥,居然挥出如此的大好局面,造化弄人啊……\n“单为了此事!今天就要一醉方休!”君老爷子纵声大笑,端起了酒杯。\n“恩,此事确实让人发噱,不过父亲,若是太师李尚当真无法医治,就此一命归天的话,我们也要当心李家会不会有什么别的动作。\n李尚的盟血神卫当年可谓是叱咤一时的,相信任谁也是不敢小觑的,对李尚更是无比的忠心耿耿。\n若李尚当真死了,这些人是一定要发泄。但这些人若要发泄,第一目标只怕就是我君家!\n这一点,我们不可不防!须得提早准备一二。”君无意笑了一笑,便定下心神,慢慢地道。\n“说的不错。”君老爷子停下酒杯,“若是那老匹夫当真死了,虽然李家固然不复旧观,但那些死士的反噬却也会令人头痛不已的。\n就算不死,这必然也是一场大乱的由头。\n无意,如今君家绝大部分的实力都已经掌握在你的手中了,依你看,此事该如何处置,方为妥当?”\n君无意皱皱眉头,道:“若说应变,始终要以李太师的最终生死为前提,若他撑过这关,一切布置都是白费,最好的应付对策,以不变应万变,收拢中坚实力,聚在一起,不要给对方各个击破的机会,便是最好的策略。\n相信以我们君家的实力是可以确保无恙的,我只担心沈将军他们,这些年跟着我们,与李家的冤仇不可谓不深啊,若是当真有个万一,他们或者会有些须不测!”\n君莫邪笑了笑:“三叔此言固然是老成之言,却未免太多虑了。这些将军随便一个也尽是百战余生的铁血勇士!对危机的感应,绝对比任何人都要深切!\n否则岂不是早已死在战阵之中?\n只要他们得知这个消息,第一个反应定然会做出应对,确保自己的安全。\n若是连自己的安危也保护不了,何谈什么上阵杀敌?”\n说着,君莫邪笑了笑,眉毛一立,狠酷地道:“若是连这点本事都没有,事到临头还要我们派人保护的话,那我们要这样的废物又有何用?\n弃之何惜、伤之何损?!”\n君战天、君无意同时愕然,一时间面面相觑,不知该做何等反应。\n此二人均是军营百战统帅,便说爱兵如子,也不为过,对待手下兵士便如对待兄弟子侄一般,自然对君莫邪这无比狠辣的说法很有些不以毒然。\n“莫邪,话不能这么说。这些人可尽都是跟随我君家多年的人,我们岂能弃之不顾?”\n君战天有些生气,捋着胡子,怫然不悦:“这可是为人的根本操守所在,患难与共,生死不弃!你这种思想,太……”\n老爷子没有说下去,但话中的指责之意却是很明显。\n“爷爷,您这话莫邪却是不赞同的,试问一句,若是您只顾了这些无能的人一个人,但因此害灭了无数的士兵,孰轻孰重,个中利害,您不会不明白吧?!\n这些年来边境始终不稳,常年都会打仗的,而三叔之前提到的那些人尽都是军中宿将,难免会率军迎敌,而一将无能,必将累死千军!\n对于我来说,若是一个人当真是无能之辈,倒不如索性放弃。\n否则,一旦委以重任,势必会败乱大局!\n在某些关键时刻,甚至会动摇国本!\n如何能是小事?\n这乃是大是大非的问题,又如何是我们无情无义?”\n君莫邪昂然反驳:“我刚才提到了,所谓一将无能,轻则累死千军,失守阵地;重则被敌人从一点突破,全盘溃败!甚至动摇国本,亡国灭族。\n这绝对不是危言耸听,而这个道理爷爷或者三叔也不会不明白,在关键时刻,就是要痛下决定,否则必然要付出难以负荷的代价,彼时才是真正的悔之晚矣!\n“用人当用贤;用将当有谋!\n这可决计不是我们感情用事的事情。而是我们必须为大多数人负责!\n若是作为一个领袖,还要如此感情用事的话,我只能说你们不合格!\n莫邪之言若是有甚得罪之处,请爷爷三叔见谅,但以上乃原则问题,请恕莫邪无从让步!”\n君战天、君无意两人同时默然,他们都是明白人,更是聪明人,虽然也感到这些话不是很中听,但却谁也无法反驳这些都是大实话。\n作为一个合格的上位者,心慈手软,感情用事,正是最大的禁忌所在!\n只是他们虽然认可君莫邪说的确实有道理,但以这两人的性格却依然是作不出来的,也永远不会这样做。\n这也是他们的可敬之处,虽然迂腐得紧,但却可爱可佩!\n或者这也是人性的某种光辉体现!\n君莫邪呵呵一笑,道:“自然,目前仍然只是我们的猜测之中,究竟的结果到底如何,还是两回事。只是提前提醒爷爷、三叔一下,到了该当舍弃的时候,必须当机立断!当断不断,必受其乱,三叔当日教导我世家子弟的无奈,今日之举措,来日的决断,何尝不是世家子弟之无奈!”\n君战天和君无意两人时望一眼,对君莫邪今日表现出的狠辣均感到有些意外和震惊。\n君无意眉头微皱,深思着,不由自主的想起了君莫邪那出手必夺命的手法,心中一阵凛然,他作为君家的第二代子弟,无疑很了解自己侄子的立场,可是出于军人对同袍战友的友爱亲厚亦难以割舍,更如君莫邪所说的一一无奈!\n君老爷子却是捋着胡子,眯着眼晴,心中想道,君莫邪这种性格,看得通透,虽然有些狠辣,却是能掌权之人。\n不过,野心也不要太大才好,否则,必将是漫天血腥出自他的手里!\n是福?是祸?老爷子有些担心起来,忍不住低低的叹了一口气。\n老爷子出身贫寒,并非真个的世家子弟出身,可说是完全地一步一个脚印拼出今日之成就的,所以对自己手下的兵士极为亲厚,尤其是那些从最底层摸爬滚打起来的将官,更是看重。\n可是老爷子愈六十年的阅历,饱经岁月的沉淀、政治斗争的洗礼,早已不再是当年那只凭一腔热血的一勇之夫,更兼在丧子、丧孙的多重打击之下,对世情更为的洞悉,所以对君莫邪的说辞却较君无意更能接受,甚至还非常的欣赏自己这个唯一孙子的远见!\n君无意转过头,对坐在席上的老庞道:“庞叔,此事,还要烦请您老人家代为布置安排一下。不管如何,万事还是以安全为重。”\n这老庞名义虽然上是君府的管家,亦是下人之属,但实际上所有人都明白,老庞与君战天老爷手之间,乃是真真正真的生死之交!\n而君战天也从来不曾将老庞当下人看待,只是当做自己的兄弟。\n即以当年而论,君战天曾数度想让这位老兄弟脱却仆役之籍,然后荐以军功,以便封妻荫子,同享富贵,但老庞却也是真心为这位大哥打算,明白自己一旦除却仆役之身,便无法再陪伴大哥,更无法如原本一般为君大哥出力,所以始终不肯去掉这管家的身份。\n君无意也一向是将老庞当傲自己的长辈,对他更是颇为尊敬的。\n老庞微笑着点点头,起身走了出去。\n君莫邪不禁暗暗摇了摇头;君家的人虽然个个豪迈,尽都是磊落的铁血男儿,但是,却又太过于重情重义了。\n重情重义本是一个极大的优点,但作为一个世家大族,其中又牵扯到王国政治,再盲目的重情重义,就有些不大合适了。\n就在这时,突然一个声音“铿锵”的突兀响起:“无意兄,一别十年,别来无恙?!”声音雄浑,在夕阳下的晴空里回荡不已。\n君无意脸色大变,瞬间变得雪白,嘴唇微微颤抖,差点就要从轮椅上一跃而起!\n君莫邪静静的伸出一只手,轻轻按在他的大腿上,摇头示意。\n君莫邪已经听了出来,说话的人,正是在盛宝堂阻止自己拍卖的那个人,也是想要将君家与盛宝堂对立的那个人!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 115\n“Puff!” Jun Mo Xie was drinking a mouthful of wine when he heard that, and started to choke. He unintentionally sprayed out the entire wine on uncle Jun Wu Yi, who was sitting opposite to him, and started to cough.\n“Wow…haha….Li Shang, that old self-defeating bastard’s Dantian was so badly damaged that it seemed like he was taking his dying breaths. Even his beloved grandson Li You Ran was also badly affected.” It had been many years since the old man had laughed in such a carefree manner: “That pretty boy’s face was so badly disfigured…haha…”\nJun Mo Xie was holding his wine cup with a flabbergasted look on his face.\nI,I,I had only intended on doing minor damage to them. I had never imagined that it would bear such splendid results ah… I only wanted the Jade Coral to be a little damaging, that was all I wanted to do….\nAs for the imperial teacher Li Shang’s injury, and Li You Ran’s disfiguration, I really hadn’t planned on it! I’m innocent in this regard, but then I guess that if I knew that this would happen, I would have made it even viler…. So I believe that this situation is working out well for me now, just good luck I guess….\n“We shall toast to this! Let’s get drunk today!” Grandfather Jun burst out laughing, as he reached for his glass.\n“Well, this affair has provided a lot amusement to people, but if the imperial teacher Li Shang is really incapable of being cured at this point, then we’ll have to be on the lookout for Li Family’s movements.\nLi Shang and his family have always known to be very arrogant, and they consider everyone to be beneath themselves.\nIf he dies, then they will look to vent their anger on others, and if that happens, their first target will be our Jun Family!\nWe will not be able to protect ourselves easily, so we must make our preparations in advance.” Jun Wu Yi smiled, even though he had the intention of doing so.\n“You’re right.” Grandfather Jun stopped drinking: “If that old wreck really dies then the Li Family will no longer be what it is today, but still, the death of a senior member of their family will certainly cause chaos.\nEven if he doesn’t die, there will still be a lot of confusion.\nWu Yi, at present, the main strength of the Jun Family lies in your hands, what’s the best way of dealing with this matter in your opinion?”\nJun Wu Yi tensed his eyebrows and said: “If we start preparing while taking Li Shang’s death as a precondition, then all our preparations will go to waste if he survives. The best countermeasure to cope up with this entire situation will be to build up a strong backbone, and not give the enemy any chance to attack us.\nThe best policy would be to tactfully convince them that the Jun Family is strong enough to defend itself. The only thing that worries me is that this will only deepen their hatred for the Jun Family, and they might attack us in the future someday, at a time when we might not be expecting it.”\nJun Mo Xie smiled: “Third uncle’s words are indeed very wise and thoroughly considered, but I feel that these generals are iron blooded men….\nHow else could they have survived so many battles?\nAs soon as they find out about the news of these recent affairs, their first response will be to ensure their own safety….\nIf their own safety isn’t assured, then why will they go into the battle to kill the enemy?”\nThen, Jun Mo Xie smiled again and said: “Even if they are not very skilled, our clan members can be used to protect us in the battle, otherwise what use do these wasteful people have?\nEven if they are injured or killed, it won’t count as a heavy loss….”\nJun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi were both stunned momentarily, and looked at each other in dismay, not knowing how to respond to Jun Mo Xie’s statement. \nThey had both been in command of armies in the past, and had always considered the soldiers under their command to be their sons, and had always treated them like brothers. Naturally, Jun Mo Xie’s argument was not acceptable to either of them.\n“Mo Xie, are you saying that we simply abandon the men who have been following our Jun family for generations?”\nJun Zhan Tian was quite angry, but reconciled to just stroking his beard in displeasure: “This is a matter of personal integrity and ethics, we share trials and tribulations, whether in life or in death, so you might as well give up that idea! Your idea…..” \nGrandfather Jun didn’t say it directly, but the criticality of his statement was evident.\n“Grandfather, I understand that you don’t approve of my opinion, but I’d like to ask, if you’re preoccupied with these highly incompetent people, then this might cost the lives of countless soldiers due to their incompetence. Given the situation at hand, wouldn’t it be better to weigh the pros and cons here? \nOver the years, the border has been becoming increasingly unstable, and wars are being raged perennially, and the Third Uncle previously mentioned that these generals are veterans and are likely to lead their armies to confront the enemy, which means that thousands of soldiers are likely to die! \nFor me, if a person is truly incompetent, then it’s better to renounce the same.\nOtherwise, they will falter at a crucial moment when burdened with a heavy responsibility, which will result in a defeat! \nIn some key moments, it might even affect the fate of the entire country! \nHow can this be considered a trivial matter? \nHow is my opinion heartless in this perspective?”\nJun Mo Xie proudly retorted: “I suggest that we round up the so-called incompetent and reckless soldiers and use them as meat shields. Their sacrifice will help us prevent this country from the defeat that we might otherwise have to face at the hands of the enemy, and if that happens, then the entire country will set on the path of annihilation!\nAnd this is the hard truth Grandfather, Third Uncle, even if you refuse to admit it. At a crucial moment, it might be painful to make such decisions, but the price we may have to pay for this softheartedness will be far too great!”\n“They are servants, and must be used in a time of need! \nWe will have to refrain from acting emotionally, and concentrate on the welfare of the majority of our command. \nAs a leader, if you start acting emotionally, then you’ve already failed!\nGrandfather, Third Uncle, if my words offend you, then please forgive me, but the gravity of this matter surpasses principles and I cannot compromise on this!”\nJun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi were both silent. They were both sensible and intelligent men; they simply couldn’t ignore the hard reality, even if these words weren’t very pleasant to hear. \nBut for a leader, compassion and leniency are the biggest taboos.\nAlthough they acknowledged that Jun Mo Xie’s words made sense, the idea was still against their character, and they wouldn’t agree to it.\nThey deserved their venerable status, even though they were slaves of their pedantic thoughts, but were still admirable men!\nOr perhaps, this too was an embodiment of their glorious nature!\nJun Mo Xie chuckled and said: “Naturally, we are still just speculating the course of this matter, and the reality might turn out to be an entirely different affair, but I just wish to remind you Grandfather, Third Uncle, that we must renounce our emotions since we will need to act decisively when the time comes!”\nJun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi inadvertently glanced at Jun Mo Xie and were shocked to see the fierce expression on his face. \nJun Wu Yi tensed his eyebrows thoughtfully, and couldn’t help but anticipate that Jun Mo Xie would likely forge his path in this world with his skills. But his heart shuddered at the coldness of his nephew. He was aware of his nephew’s position in the family, but as a military leader, it was awfully hard for him to part with the affection he felt for his comrades, but Jun Mo Xie was certainly right!\nJun Zhan Tian stroked his beard as his eyes and mind saw the transparency in Jun Mo Xie’s character, even though he was fiery but his political prowess has evident. \nHowever, too much ambition would end up flooding his hands with blood!\nIs this a blessing? Or a curse? Grandfather Jun couldn’t resist the thought, and sighed as he lowered his head.\nThe old man was born into poverty and had worked his way through the world to achieve success, which is why he was extremely affectionate towards his soldiers, especially the ones who had worked their way up like him.\nIn my sixty years of military experience, stricken with wars and politics, I have settled many disputes and taken many lives…. Even those of young children. When I look back on the number of bodies that I’ve put on the funeral pyre, Jun Mo Xie’s idea is quite acceptable, in fact, I have to admire my grandson’s vision.\nJun Wu Yi unintentionally arched his head and addressed Pang: “Uncle Pang, this matter is very important, and you must ensure that the necessary actions are taken, this matter takes precedence over all other matters.”\nHis real name is Lao Pang, and he’s the housekeeper of the Jun residence. Even though Pang’s a servant, but everyone knows that he’s very close to Jun Zhan Tian, so much so that he’d follow him to the gates of death and beyond. \nJun Zhan Tian has never looked down on Lao Pang and has always treated him like a brother.\nAfter his numerous years of selfless service, Jun Zhan Tian had once decided to reward Lao Pang with the title of a warrior, which would allow him to avail the riches and pleasures of life. But Lao Pang knew that he wouldn’t be able to accompany his elder brother if he accepted the title and refused even though Jun Zhan Tian insisted, and still continues to serve as the housekeeper.\nJun Wu Yi has always treated Lao Pang as an Uncle since he deserves the respect.\nLao Pang nodded as he smiled, and walked out.\nJun Mo Xie couldn’t help but think: The Jun Family might be bold, heroic, and iron-blooded, but their hearts are heavy with emotions, and righteousness. \nA righteous reputation is a great advantage, but as an influential family in a political scenario, an emotional heart, and a righteous mind are very unsuitable.\nJust then, a sonorous voice sounded: “Brother Wu Yi, it’s been a decade; I trust that you’ve been well since we last met?” The air vibrated under the effect of that powerful voice.\nJun Wu Yi’s face suddenly became pale, his lips started trembling, and he almost jumped up from his chair.\nJun Mo Xie gently extended his hand and placed it on his Uncle’s lap and shook his head to give an indication. \nJun Mo Xie had heard this voice before; the voice belonged to the man who had blocked his way at the auction. This man was the Magnificent Jewel Hall representative who was opposing the Jun Family!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第116章\n来人绝对是敌非友!\n从君无意此刻的表现来看,背后定然有许多故事啊。\n而正处于痊愈之中的君无意,无论如何也要压下这一时之气,否则为山九韧,不免功亏一篑!\n君战天看着君无意脸上的表情,似乎已经明白了什么,不由得目中露出忧虑之色。\n“确实是多年未见,未知贵客今日远来,有失远迎,还请入内一叙。”\n君无意端坐不动,缓缓出声道,声音浑厚悠远,更有一份由衷的平静。\n就在这一瞬旬,君三爷已经平静了自己的心神,俊伟的脸上变得古井无波,剑眉下一双眼睛顿时变得深不可测,转头对君战天道:“父亲,是他们来了。此事您老不必出面,一切有孩儿自己应对即可。”\n君战天缓缓点头,脸色沉重。\n君莫邪微笑着站起,将站在君无意身后推车的人轻轻一拦,道:“我陪三叔过去。”\n推起轮椅缓缓从饭堂走了出去,心中冷冷一笑:盛宝堂,果然和君家有着恩怨!\n院中,并肩站立着两名白衣中年人,一样的英挺,一般的风度飒然。\n但从君莫邪的眼中看去,这两人虽然并肩站在一起,但站位却是几乎一样,连姿势也是差不多相同:惟有靠近对方的一个左手,一个右手,都是很明显的有些过于放松了……\n另外两人的眼角余光各有防备的意思……\n所以君莫邪立即判定,这两个人貌似融洽,其实却是在互相防备的!\n彼此之间虽然是同出一门,但内心却绝不融洽,甚至各有杀意!\n难怪那天在盛宝堂的时候,对自己的出价的反应竟是如此古怪的!\n看来当时,问题只怕就是出在这两个人之间!\n“慕兄,一别多年,你仍是风采依旧啊。”君无意脸上闪出一抹油然的欢喜,但更多的,却是缅怀、伤感。\n对着其中一人微微一笑,至于另外一个却是毫不理会的。\n这白衣人土前一步,仔细的审视着君无意的脸庞,有些激动地道:“无意,你也是,还是跟当年一样。相信小姐若是知道,定然会……”\n说到这里,突然住了,歉然一笑,道:“无意,这十年来,过的可还如意?玄气进阶到地玄了吧?当真是难能可贵。”\n事实土,以君无意的年纪而论,此刻便已经攀升至地玄中阶,确实可说是难能可贵的,更别说君无意已经残废了十年,玄气修为不退反进,自然更是难得的,可是,君无意就算是如何的难得,始终还是残废的,这个事实,却是无从改变的,至少也“慕兄”眼中,是这样的。\n在听到“小姐”这两个字的时候,君无意古井不波的面容上显出了一丝伤感,而脸上肌肉,也露出一阵痛苦的痉挛,良久未曾平复。\n而另一个白衣人的脸上,也顿时泛起一股奇怪的神色,看向君无意的眼神,更又多了几分杀意!\n“君无意,你下半身虽然残了,成了一个废物,不过看起来你倒是挺想得开呀。有这份心境也是不错的嘛。”\n另一名白衣人哈哈一笑,出言挖苦嘲讽,语句竟是难听之极,态度与前一个白衣人更是天差地远,倒似是与君无意有着不共戴天之仇!\n“阁下还真说到了点子上,我三叔腿残了也没什么所谓,但要是如阁下一般脑袋残了,那可就真的无药可救了。”\n君无意还未说话,站在他身后的君莫邪已经开了,语气轻飘飘的似乎没有分量,但一句话却将那白衣人气的脸色比身土的白衣更白。\n“君莫邪!无知小儿,前日本座大人大量放过了你,不意你这小小子竟不思感念。\n今日又在本座面前卖弄你的利嘴,真当本座不敢杀人吗?”\n那白衣人森然的看着君莫邪,眼角肌肉一阵跳动,本是英俊的脸,瞬间变得有几分狰狞、几分恐怖。\n“呵呵,阁下;此一时彼一时:此地乃是君家大院,可不是盛宝堂。\n你敢在君家大院如此嚣张跋扈,对着君家的少主人如此说话,真当本少爷不敢杀人吗?\n信不信本少爷一声令下,顷刻间将你砍作肉泥?”\n君莫邪悠然地看着他,眼神瞬间锐利起来。\n“哈哈哈……”那白衣人仰天大笑,笑毕才对君无意说道:“君无意,你这个侄儿,真是让我欣赏不已啊,居然说他要乱刀斩杀于我。\n哈哈哈,君无意,你告诉他,且不说你们君府有没有这个实力,就只说,你们有没有胆量杀我?\n哈哈哈真是无知的可笑,天香第一无知纨绔果然闻名不如见面、见面更胜闻名,佩服佩服,可怜可怜!”\n“萧寒,这里始终是君府,你实在太放肆了,也太过分了!”\n另一个白衣人怒声叱喝:“若是你不愿意跟我来到这里,就立即离去!乱说什么?”\n“慕雪瞳,你也说了,这里是君府,在这里,你同样没有这样大呼小叫的资格!”那叫做萧寒的白衣人阴森森的看着君无意,头也不回地道。\n“哈哈哈,真是好笑,世界上就是这样自以为是自视过高的人太多了,才会变得如此的有趣。”君莫邪放声大笑:“哥们,千万不要把你自己看得太重要;\n摸着你自己的良心问问你自己,你在你们的组织里算是一个什么货色?能够代表整个组织出声吗?我君家就算灭杀了你,你的主子会为了你一条贱命跟我君家大动干戈?”\n君莫邪怜悯地看着他:“可怜的孩子,告诉你一个真理。就算这世界上人都死光了,天上的太阳和月亮也依然是从东方升起,往西方落下。\n人啊,千万不要把自己看得太重了,一旦忽视了这点,一定会栽跟头的,而且会栽大跟头的;我语重心长的跟你说,就当免费的教育教育你了哈哈,我这人,就是太喜良了!”\n人影一闪“啪啪啪”连珠的声音响起。\n狂怒中的白衣人“刷”的欺身过来,举起手掌就要打他耳光。\n君莫邪大笑声之中,“刷”的急速退后,白衣人如影随形跟土,君莫邪身子左晃右晃,脑袋一偏,肩膀上啪的中了一掌,但在中掌的同时手肘膝盖同时顶出。\n噗噗两声,白衣人面色青青白白,退出几步,姿势变得颇为不自然。\n两眼变得通红,如欲喷火的看着君莫邪,气得简直要一口吞下他去。\n君莫邪虽然出言不逊,但对这白衣人来说,他却始终是个后生晚辈。\n教记一下可以,但却绝不能真个杀了他。\n所以白衣人十成功夫也只拿出了半成,准备教训教训这个舌尖嘴利的纨绔小子也就走了。\n否则,作为一个堂堂的天玄高手,怎么也要顾及一下自己的身份,若是当真不顾身份的跟一个连银玄也未达到的后辈小子计较,传出去还不被人笑掉了大牙?\n但他却万万没想到,君莫邪的反击竟然如此犀利、神速,如此的精确,狠辣!\n一手肘捣在了自己咽喉上,而另一记膝撞更是正正顶在了自己裤裆里!\n偏偏自己轻敌之下,全然没有防备,这小子的出手方位之刁钻,时机拿捏之精确,当真匪夷所思,恰到好处。即便以自己的反应,居然也中了招!\n竟然被这小子一下找到了自己的死角破绽!\n若不是自己的玄气已经到了天玄境界,单只是这两下就足以让自己当场身亡,死得不能再死了!\n饶是如此,咽喉也是一阵火辣辣的,胯下更是疼痛难忍,用尽了全身的定力才终于忍住没有痛哼出声。\n萧寒怒哼一声,浑身淡蓝色的光辉一阵闪烁,有心不顾一切的出手废掉这个可恶的小子!\n慕雪瞳急忙横身一拦,怒道:“你闹够了没有?跟一个小孩子居然也这么计较!还有没有点风度?”\n君无意冷冷地看着萧寒,心中早已决定,若是他敢当真对君莫邪出手,拼着暴露自己的实力,不计一切后果也要全力出手,将他毙在手下!\n萧寒急促地喘了几口气,声音有些嘶哑,显然君莫邪这两下给他打击不小,咬着牙道:“好!今日就暂且放过这小子!”\n说着瞪着君莫邪:“小子,你最好祈祷苍天,千万不要落在我的手里!”\n君莫邪嘻嘻一笑,道:“您放心,本公子正在向苍天祈祷,在本公子可以干掉你的时候,一定要让你遇上本公子!”\n“就凭你?哈哈哈……”萧寒怒极反笑,重重的一哼,道:“终生无望!”\n“是吗?裤裆里刚挨了一下,这么快就不痛了?!”君莫邪冷冷地道。\n那萧寒尤待反唇相讥,但张了张嘴,却竟没有说出话来,萧寒始终是天玄高手,不愿抹杀良心说话,尤其是面对犹如蝼蚁一般的君莫邪更是如此!\n他很清楚,自己刚才出手确实未尽全力,毕竟君莫邪只是一个未入银玄的小鬼,对天玄高手而言,只如蝼蚁一般的存在,事实上,就算是金玄小玉玄高手在天玄强者眼中,依旧是蝼蚁,可是自己刚才中的那两招,若是由一个拥有玉玄修为的人发出,自己的护身玄气十有八九,就真的抵挡不住一命归西,才一思及此,又觉咽喉,下体倍觉难过,不禁一阵后怕,惟后怕之余,对君莫邪的厌恶,忌惮,欲除之后快之心却又大增!\n君无意冷冷道:“萧兄此番远道而来,难道就只是为了和我这侄儿斗嘴来的吗?”\n萧寒哼了一声,却终于没有再开口说话。\n慕雪瞳笑了笑,道:“无意,一别十年,这次终于轮到我出来了,所以,有人托我为你带来了一件礼物。”\n君无意的呼吸急促起来,嘎声道:“是她?”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 116\nThis was definitely an enemy disguised as a friend!\nThis man was Jun Wu Yi’s second cousin, so obviously the two men had shared several of their adventures in the past.\nAt this point, it was important for Jun Wu Yi to control his emotions, otherwise, their plans could fail.\nJun Zhan Tian glanced over at Jun Wu Yi and could tell from his expression that there was cause to worry.\n“Indeed, it’s been many years since we last met. Please excuse me for not being able to step outside to greet you. Please come in.”\nJun Wu Yi sat there motionlessly, as he greeted the man in an honest and deep tone, which sounded quite sincere and heartfelt.\nIn a split second, Jun Wu Yi had calmed his mind down, and the tension on his face had given way to a serene and calm expression, while his eyes were splendidly concealing his true feelings. Jun Wu Yi turned to Jun Zhan Tian: “Father, you need not engage in this affair personally, I can answer for myself here…”\nJun Zhan Tian slowly, but critically, nodded.\nJun Mo Xie smiled and stood up, he gently walked over and stationed himself behind Jun Wu Yi’s wheelchair: “Third Uncle, I’ll keep you company.”\nHe gently pushed the wheelchair outside the dining area. He couldn’t help smiling coldly in his heart: The Sheng Bao family and Jun Family indeed have some grievances!\nThere were two middle-aged men standing in the courtyard, dressed in white, both men looked quite elegant by their appearance. \nBut Jun Mo Xie could tell that even though these two men were standing shoulder to shoulder, in a similar stance, their adjacent hands were seemingly too loose for comfort….\nIn addition, it seemed as if both the men were watching each other from the corner of their eyes…\nJun Mo Xie immediately understood that even though the two men seemed on friendly terms by their appearance, they were on guard against each other in reality! \nAlthough these two men belonged to the same family, they weren’t on harmonious terms, in fact, it appeared as if they were on the verge of killing each other!\nNo wonder that the bids from the Sheng Bao Family were so odd the other day! \nIt seems as if the problem lies between the two men!\n“Dear Brother, several years may have gone by but you’re still as graceful as ever ah.” Jun Wu Yi’s face seemed to be welling up in joy, but in the pretext of sad memories. \nOne of the men smiled back, but the other simply ignored the greeting.\nOne of the men stepped forward, carefully examined Jun Wu Yi, and his face seemed somewhat excited to see Jun Wu Yi: “You haven’t changed one bit in all these years, if the Miss knew about this then she’d certainly insist on coming here…”\nhe stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence, and his face revealed an apologetic smile: “Wu Yi, you’ve advanced from Earth Xuan to Sky Xuan in these last ten years? That is indeed very commendable.”\nAs a matter of fact, it was rather rare to reach the Earth Xuan level at an age as young as Wu Yi’s. However, instead of receding due to his disability, Jun Wu Yi had even managed to advance to the Sky Xuan level, which was even rarer. However, Jun Wu Yi was a cripple, and even his cousin couldn’t overlook that fact, and was admiring him even more now.\nThe moment he heard the word ‘Miss’, a wave of sadness washed over Jun Wu Yi’s face, and it took a while for the muscle spasm on his face to return to its normal state.\nThe other white-dressed man’s face suddenly became queer, while his eyes glared at Jun Wu Yi in a murderous manner.\n“Jun Wu Yi, although your lower body is crippled and completely wasted, it seems that your upper body is still fully functional. Plus, you seem in a very good mood right now.”\nThe other man laughed as he verbally mocked Jun Wu Yi. This man’s attitude was poles apart from his companions, and it was evident that he was a sworn enemy of Jun Wu Yi.\n“Indeed, you’re right about that. My Third Uncle’s lower body might be useless, but I’d like to see your distinguished head ending up the same way.”\nJun Wu Yi hadn’t responded, but Jun Mo Xie, who was standing behind his uncle, opened his mouth and said. Even though his tone was fairly normal, the man’s face was now as pale and white as his clothes.\n“Jun Mo Xie! You ignorant child, do not forget that I’m older than you! You need to watch your mouth and do not disrespect me again.\nYou think that I can’t slaughter you because this is your house?”\nThe man in white looked at Jun Mo Xie with murderous intentions, while the corners skin of his eyes were already beginning to converge, as his face became a bit grim, and a bit scary.\n“Ha ha, sire, right now, you’re standing in the Jun courtyard, not the Sheng Bao courtyard. \nAnd, standing in the Jun courtyard, you first insult a master of the Jun Family, and then you dare to threaten the young master of the Jun Family? \nDo you actually believe that if the young master of the Jun Family ordered it, then our men won’t cut you to pieces?”\nJun Mo Xie leisurely looked at the man and watched as his expression turned even graver.\n“Ha ha ha ….” The man looked skywards and laughed for a while, and then he addressed Jun Wu Yi: “Jun Wu Yi, he’s your nephew, so I’d really appreciate if he keeps his mouth shut, unless of course, he wants to get beheaded by my blade…\nHa ha ha ha Jun Wu Yi, and you should also tell him to not mention the strength of the Jun family again, and then he threatens to kill me?\nHa ha ha ha…. His ignorance is funny, he dares to be ignorant in front of a man who is far more powerful… his attitude is admirably pathetic!”\n“Xiao Han, this is indeed the Jun Family’s residence, so you better watch your arrogance!”\nThe other man in white berated furiously: “If you do not wish to stay here with me, then please leave before making any more irresponsible remarks.”\n“Mu Xue Tong, you say that this is Jun Family’s residence?! So then, even you’re not qualified to shout at me!” The white-dressed man named Xiao Han stated without looking at his companion, and was still eerily staring at Jun Wu Yi.\n“Ha ha ha, this is such a funny thing about this world, so many people think that they’re highly important… it’s just so interesting to watch.” Jun Mo Xie laughed out: “Brother, don’t give yourself so much importance.\nTouch your conscience and ask yourself, what good would you be to your family if the Jun Family slaughtered you here today? You’d just be another dead man. Do you really believe that they would go to war with the Jun family for this?”\nJun Mo Xie continued to look at the man as he continued to mock him: “Pitiful child, let me tell you the truth; even if a man dies, the sun and the moon will still rise in the east, and set in the west.\nDo not take yourself too seriously, because once you neglect this point, you’ll certainly suffer setbacks, and you’ll end up falling a long way. This is my sincere and earnest advice, free of charge ha ha ha…. I’m nice that way!”\nThe man’s shadow flashed, making a ‘pop pop’ sound.\nThe white-dressed man furiously rushed over and raised his hand to slap Jun Mo Xie in the face.\nJun Mo Xie was in the middle of laughing but was forced to retreat to dodge the incoming strike. He slanted his body backwards but was unable to avoid the hand, which ended up hitting his shoulder. But simultaneously, he also managed to extend his elbow and raise his knee.\n‘Puff puff’ the man uttered, as he his face went green, while his steps retreated and his body’s posture became very uncomfortably unnatural. \nHis two red eyes were flaming with rage as he continued to painfully glare at Jun Mo Xie, and it seemed that he was angry enough to swallow Jun Mo Xie alive.\nEven if Jun Mo Xie was being rude, he was still younger than the man. \nThe man only wished to teach him a lesson and hadn’t intended on killing him. \nTherefore, the man had only attacked half-heartedly, just to put Jun Mo Xie’s rude mouth in its place.\nOtherwise, as a dignified Tianxuan master, how can he take care of his identity, if he really cares about his identity with a junior boy who has not even reached Yinxuan, he will not be laughed at when he spreads out?\nBut the man had never expected that Jun Mo Xie’s counter attack would be so sharp, quick, accurate and fierce!\nThe elbow had pounded the man’s throat, while the knee had sharply hulled his crotch! \nThe man had grossly underestimated his enemy, and went in completely unguarded, and had fallen prey to a crafty, precise, and well-timed counter, which he was unable to block.\nUnexpectedly, this kid had torn a hole in his defense!\nIf he hadn’t crossed into the Sky Xuan level, then these two strikes would have killed him on the spot, twice! \nEven in this case, the man’s throat was sore with pain, while his crotch was practically scorched, so much so, that the man was unable to endure the suffering, and his exhausted body constantly exhaled in discomfort.\nXiao Han groaned furiously, while his whole body went blue with rage. He recklessly charged again to dispose of that vile youngster! \nMu Xue Tong hastily darted across and blocked his companion’s way, and rebuked: “Haven’t you already disgraced yourself enough by attacking this young child?”\nJun Wu Yi coldly glared at Xiao Han and decided that if the man attacked Jun Mo Xie again, then he’d reveal his real strength without caring about the consequences, and would kill the man!\nXiao Han was gasping, his voice had become hoarse, it was apparent that Jun Mo Xie’s two strikes had shaken him to the core: “Today you’re getting away with this kid!” \nHe stated as he stared at Jun Mo Xie: “But boy, you better start praying that I don’t get my hands on you again!”\nJun Mo Xie smiled and said: “I wouldn’t worry about that. But I pray that the next time we meet, no one is there to save you from me!”\n“You will kill me? Ha ha ha……” Xiao Han laughed hysterically in his angered state of mind: “Never in this lifetime!”\n“Is that so? How’s that crotch of yours feeling, still hurting?!” Jun Mo Xie mocked coldly.\nXiao Han opened his mouth to express his anger but didn’t actually say anything. Xiao Han was a Sky Xuan expert and didn’t feel that he needed to bicker unnecessarily with an ordinary kid like Jun Mo Xie anymore.\nHe obviously knew that he hadn’t applied his full strength in the attack, and not even being at Silver Xuan level, Jun Mo Xie was nothing more than an ant in his eyes. In fact, even a Jade Xuan expert was no match for a Sky Xuan master. Even a Jade Xuan level expert wouldn’t be able to take his strike, and would fall to his death in no time. If a learned man had attacked his throat and crotch in this manner, then he would have been apologetic and would have been scared to death by now for the fear of the consequences; but instead of being scared, Jun Mo Xie was gloating about it!\nJun Wu Yi asked coldly: “Brother Xiao, don’t tell me that you’ve come this far to argue with my nephew ah?” \nXiao Han snorted but didn’t say another word in reply.\nMu Xue Tong smiled and said: “Wu Yi, I have come to see you after ten years, and so, I’ve gotten you a present.”\nJun Wu Yi’s heart started to beat faster: “Is it from her?”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第117章\n“对!就是她!”慕雪幢重重地点了点头。说着伸手入怀,掏出来一个小小的布包。\n“她让你带来了什么?为什么我不知道?你为什么不早说!”\n萧寒突然暴怒起来,看着慕雪瞳,攥紧了拳头,眼睛在一瞬间布满了血丝。\n“早说,你是我什么人?\n你又是什么身份?\n她是什么身份?\n难道她要做什么还要通知你吗?\n真正可笑之极!”慕雪幢鄙夷地看了他一眼。\n“给我!”萧寒身子一晃,抢上前来,伸手就抢。慕雪幢闪电般将布包收进怀里,两人“呼”的一声幻化做了两团白蒙蒙的影子,蓝色玄气光彩刷的在两人身周形成了一个淡淡的圈子,拳打脚踢气劲交击的声音不断地传了出来,劲气动荡,劲风割脸生疼。\n好惊人的速度,即使以君无意已然进身天玄的功力境界,也只能勉强分清楚两者谁是谁,这倒不是说君无意的本身实力远逊于此二人,相反君无意的十年苦修,又巧得五百年焚经荷的药力灌输,玄气修为只有比此二人更高,之所以无法窥破两人的动作,却是因为始终是刚臻天玄境界,需要一个相对的稳固期!\n至于君莫邪,却因为本体实力曾经达到过此二人的程度,功力纵然远逊,眼力却在,反而可以清晰分辨孰高孰低,只看两眼,已知那萧寒虽也已到至天玄之境,但实力却要逊色那慕雪瞳不止一筹,若不是慕雪幢心有顾忌,未敢请出杀招,萧寒的性命早已不在了!\n即便如此……\n“砰!”萧寒凄厉的长啸焉纵身而起,一闪飞了出去,半空中咳嗽一声,呛出一口血,大鸟般几个起跃,消失在门夕,愤恨的声音从远处传来:“慕雪瞳!今日之事我必牢记,他朝必定讨还!君无意,我必杀你!”\n尘烟散去,慕雪瞳白衣如雪,静静地站在场中,双目奇异地看向君莫邪,突然笑了起来:“无意,你这个侄子,当真不简单哪;居然在刚才的一击之中令萧寒也受了伤,最少减去了他两成战力,否则今日我还不会胜的如此轻松!\n若非是今日亲眼相见,只怕真个难以相信,一个未达银玄的小鬼,居然可以伤到一个货真价实的天玄强者!”\n君莫邪微微一笑,道:“相信任何男人的那个地方只要是受了伤,都不止会减去两成战力的。\n刚才也只是凑巧碰到了一下而已,以我和他的实力差距,实在是不应该出现这个局面的,九品之下,尽为蝼蚁,但若是蝼蚁身有剧毒,则又如何?!”\n慕雪瞳笑了起来:“道理或者是这样,可我刚才跟他纠缠了这么久,始终没有碰到过他那里。我们两个斗了也差不多十几年了,一次也没有碰到。\n反而是你,第一天见面,就碰到了?这也忒巧了吧?”\n君莫邪呵呵笑道:“这是因为,他从来都不会小看你,但他却不相信蝼蚁可以伤到他。”\n慕雪瞳深深地看了他一眼,郑重地道:“恩,确实如此,可是,我现在已经知道,蝼蚁也可以是很可怕的,所以我决不会小看你!”\n君莫邪呵呵一笑,不置可否地道:“这位……呃,前辈,我三叔已经等得很着急了。”\n慕雪瞳哈哈一笑,从怀中再将那个小布包掏了出来递到君无意面前。\n君无意全身有些微微地颤抖,双手紧紧地抓在轮椅扶手上“咔嚓”一声地将极品紫檀木精制的轮椅抓出了数道裂纹,良久,才缓缓伸出手去,接过了这个小小的布包。\n就像是接过了千斤重的东西,又像是接过了价值连城的易碎珍宝,小心翼翼。\n凝目看着君无意,慕雪瞳低低的,一字字道:“小姐一直在等你!”\n君无意霍然抬头:“什么?难道她……”\n慕雪瞳深深地点点头:“小姐以死相抗,直至如今!”\n君无意一阵激动,虎目中瞬旬已有些晶莹,颤抖的手,慢慢地打开小布包。—层一层的揭开,动作细致,慎重,唯恐弄乱了节奏……\n小布包缓缓展开,却是一块手帕,里面静静地躺着一缕青丝……\n手帕上,另一角细细地绣了几行字:\n十年未束冠,长发为君留;夜夜望天香,今生不回头!\n君无意浑身颤抖了起来,如风中落叶:颤抖着俯下身子,将脸慢慢地贴在那方手帕上,慢慢地……贴在那一束青丝上面,久久的不曾抬头……\n慕雪瞳长叹一声,道:“小姐,她正在冲击神玄境界……”\n君无意浑身一震!却仍没有抬头,似乎这一方手帕,这一缕青丝,在这一刻,已经变成了他的全世界,他的全心全灵的寄托……\n慕雪瞳静静地站立着,良久,才道:“无意兄,小弟此行诸事以了,就此告辞了。\n万望无意兄能够体谅小姐心意,迟早,定会有苦尽甘来的一天!\n万万不要轻言放弃,说着微微拱手,转身而去。\n君无意依然没有抬头,直到他走出几丈,才沙哑着声音道:“我失态了,今日心情激动,不便相留慕兄;\n来日无意当登门请罪。慕兄此去,请代问邵倩小姐好。”\n邵倩,便是慕雪瞳当年的恋人。\n慕雪瞳顿住,却不回身,洒然一笑道:“邵倩,如今可是你的弟妹了。下次,我带她来看你。”\n君无意由衷地道:“恭喜!”\n慕雪瞳哈哈一笑,天蓝色的光亮一闪,身子随着清风飘起,仿如一片落叶,随清风直上天际,呼的便消失得无影无踪。\n夜幕悄然降临,天地之间一片朦胧。\n君无意孤独地坐在轮椅土,将脸依旧贴在手帕上,贴着那一缕青丝,一动不动,萧瑟的影子,似乎融进了这无尽的夜色,慢慢的看不清楚了……\n君莫邪静静地站在一边,不发出半点声音;静静地陪着,叔侄二人一站一坐,各有所思,各有情怀……\n明月缓缓在天际流转,繁星闪烁,君无意才终于从沉浸在往事的心怀中回过神来。\n随着沙哑的诉说,沉积在心中十年的苦楚,十年的折磨,终于一一展现在君莫邪的面前。\n十二年前,正是君家如日中天,处于最巅峰的辉煌时刻,老爷子君战天威凌天下,战无不胜,攻无不克,诸国闻名即胆寒,并无一人可试其锋芒!\n君家三雄,老大君无悔,号称“白衣军帅”,谈笑灭强虏,挥手战风云!\n乃是天香帝国君方少壮派的第一人!\n老二君无梦,武功过人,智计超群,统领一方军马,令各国望风披靡!\n君家的势头,不要说在天香国,就算在整个玄玄大陆,那也是威名赫赫!\n当时的君无意,正是十九岁的风华正茂的年龄,年少英俊,天资过人,武功超群,气质不凡,举止潇洒,不知引得多少富家千金,官宦小姐魂梦相思。\n在一次盛宝堂的拍卖中,君无意无所事事,少年心性,一时兴起进去玩耍,却在里面邂逅了一个如花少女,两人言谈甚欢,互有好感;数日之后,君无意忍不住再去,然后两人把臂同游天香城。\n一身自由的君无意,与那少女寒烟瑶两人不时地离开天香城,到处游历,随着时间的推移,两人之旬的感情也是越来越深。\n终于一对彼此相爱的情侣一定会发生的事,理所当然的发生。\n又过了一段时间,突然天香城来了许多神秘的人物,寻找君无意。\n其时君无意携寒烟瑶正游历在外,这些人竟连招呼也不打,直接开始对君家下手,君家正值势力巅峰的时候,自然不惧。\n谁料几场争斗下来,却是君家大大地吃亏。\n这些神秘人随便一人亦是当世高手,出手的几个人,居然没有人低于地玄修为,更遑论另有十数位高深莫厕的神秘强者袖手而观。\n君无意两人归来之后,见此情形自然大为吃惊;那少女寒烟瑶向君无意说明起因,原来她的来历,乃是世间公认最神秘的地方,她的家族可说是一个极为强大的隐世家族,或者说,是一个最最神秘的组织!\n冰封三千里,风雪铸银城!\n风雪银城!\n这是一个单只是说出名字,就足以令世闻绝大多数的玄者望而生畏所在!\n千百年的积累,已经强大到了极限的强者集中营!\n而盛宝堂,则是风雪银城在大陆上的其中一股分支势力。\n所谓的盛宝堂,只是外间叫法,而在风雪银城之中,不过是“剩宝堂”而已!\n也就是说,唯有在风雪银城研究过后被淘汰的东西,才会拿到这里来拍卖,而这些东西,却依然无一不被拍出天价!\n盛宝堂在将物品转换成巨量的钱财之后,再用这些钱财换取一些稀奇古怪的东西,然后再返还给风雪银城。\n不论是一个平常老人的长寿之法,或者是一个能催发人体潜力的功法功诀;又或者是稀奇少见的玄兽玄丹,也或者是极寒或者极热之地的东西,总之,只要是世间少有的,人间罕见的,超出常规的,盛宝堂全部予以你满意的价格收购!\n而寒烟瑶,就是当代风雪银城城主寒斩梦的女儿!\n本来就算寒烟瑶来历不凡,也不见得就是什么坏事,纵然寒烟瑶是风雪银城城主的女儿,君无意也是君家的嫡系子孙,君家纵然远远比不上风雪银城,但勉强也算是世间超一流!\n而最大的问题却在于,寒烟瑶,曾与风雪银城实权最大,也是武功最高的大长老萧挥风的孙子萧寒,从小就订有婚约!\n两人回来之后,多方抗争不果,银城萧家人以君家满门上下的性命为威胁;\n寒烟瑶无奈答应了回转银城。但这一去,却是再也没有回来!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 117\n“Yes! It’s from her!” Mu Xue Tong nodded as he replied. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a piece of cloth.\n“She gave this to you for him? Why didn’t I know about this? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”\nXiao Han was suddenly very furious. The veins in his bloodshot eyes were clearly visible and his fists were clenched.\n“As you said earlier, you work with me.\nWhat is your status?\nAnd what’s her status?\nDoes she need to notify you of her wishes and actions?\nYou’re being ridiculous now!” Mu Xue Tong looked at his companion contemptuously.\n“Give that to me!” Xiao Han’s body flashed towards Mu Xue Tong’s, and he tried to snatch the cloth. Mu Xue Tong promptly put the cloth back in his pocket. Their bodies became shadowy, and a hint of blue light started to emerge from their bodies. Their silhouettes appeared to be forming a circle, as the two men started to kick and punch each other. Their collisions were producing loud sounds, while the underlying strength of their strikes was giving rise to sharp and turbulent winds.\nTheir speed was so alarmingly fast that even Jun Wu Yi, a Sky Xuan expert, could barely distinguish between the two men. However, this didn’t mean that Jun Wu Yi’s strength was beneath these men, and on the contrary, now, he was a lot stronger than them. As for why he couldn’t clearly see their movements, he had been a cripple for the last decade and had only reached the Sky Xuan level due to the five herbs imbued into his body, and it would take a while before his Sky Xuan strength attained stability.\nAs for Jun Mo Xie, even though his strength was far lesser than the two men, his vision was sharp enough to clearly distinguish their movements. He could easily tell that even though Xiao Han was a Sky Xuan expert, his strength was fairly inferior to Mu Xue Tong’s, and if the latter had any misgivings against his companion, then Xiao Han would have already been dead!\nBut even then…..\n“Bang!” Xiao Han was sent flying into the air. He coughed and choked in the mid-air, and spat out a bit of blood. He landed on his feet, and in a few hops, distanced himself from the others, but his resentment filled voice sounded at a distance: “Mu Xue Tong, I will remember this, and you will pay for this later. Jun Wu Yi, I will kill you!”\nThe smoke and dust cleared revealing Mu Xue Tong’s white-dressed figure, standing calmly, but staring at Jun Mo Xie in a bizarre manner. He suddenly laughed: “Wu Yi, your nephew is indeed a remarkable fellow! His strikes actually managed to inflict serious damage to Xiao Han, and took out at least twenty percent of his combat power; otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to win so easily today.\nHad I not seen him in action in person, I would have never believed that a boy who hasn’t even attained the Silver Xuan level could injure a Sky Xuan expert in battle!”\nJun Mo Xie humbly smiled and said: “I believe that once a man is injured in that manner, a downgrade in combat ability is only a natural side effect.\nHowever, I was lucky, since he considered me to be an ant, and forgot that ants can sting. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to injure him.”\nMu Xue Tong smiled: “Perhaps that’s the reason…I’ve never seen him struggle in this manner in our companionship of over ten years, and nor have I ever been able to oust him this easily.\nIt’s funny that the first time this happens is the day I first meet you, right?”\nJun Mo Xie chuckled: “That’s because he’s never looked down on you, but he thought that I was too small and weak to hurt him.”\nMu Xue Tong glanced at him profoundly and stated in a serious manner: “Well, I guess that’s the case. But now I know that even weak people can be very dangerous, and I will remember to not neglect your ability.”\nJun Mo Xie smiled but decided against commenting on it and said: “This…. I believe my Third Uncle has been waiting very anxiously.”\nMu Xue Tong laughed, and then he took out the cloth from his breast pocket once again and handed it over to Jun Wu Yi.\nJun Wu Yi’s body was faintly trembling while his hands were tightly gripping the handrail of his wheelchair. The rosewood flooring made a slight ‘click’ sound as he slowly extended his hand and took the small cloth. \nHe held it gently but firmly with both hands as if holding a very precious and fragile treasure in his hands.\nMu Xue Tong looked at Jun Wu Yi, bowed his head and said: “The Miss has been waiting for you all along!”\nJun Wu Yi suddenly looked up: “Are you saying that she……?”\nMu Xue Tong nodded gravely: “The Miss is still longing for you!”\nJun Wu Yi’s face was somewhat emotional while his eyes were glittery, as his trembling hands slowly and carefully opened the cloth, layer by layer, for he feared disturbing its contents…\nThe small cloth slowly unfolded into a handkerchief. A few strands of jet black hair lay in its center…\nThe delicate embroidery in one corner of the handkerchief read:\nI haven’t crowned my hair in ten years, and every night I look at the moon and hope to come to Tian Xiang, but I know that the life doesn’t go in reverse!\nJun Wu Yi’s body trembled like dried leaves shuddering in the wind, and slowly, he lowered his face and pressed it to the handkerchief….. he pressed his head against the hair in the cloth, and didn’t raise his head up for a long while…..\nMu Xue Tong sighed deeply and said: “Miss is preparing to break into the Supreme Divine Xuan….” \nJun Wu Yi’s entire body shuddered! But he still didn’t look up. His face refused to part with the handkerchief and it appeared that those strands of hair had become his entire universe in that moment.\nMu Xue Tong stood silently and calmly for a long while before he said: “Brother Wu Yi, I came to narrate this affair to you, and will take my leave now.\nBrother Wu Yi, I hope that you can understand the Miss’s situation, and I pray that these hard times come to an end one day…\ndon’t lose hope Brother! There will come a day!” Then, he folded his hands and turned away.\nJun Wu Yi didn’t look up until the man had covered a few feet, and he said in a hoarse voice: “I was too moved and forgot my manners.\nI apologize for not being able to visit your home, but please convey my regards to Miss Shao Qian.” \nShao Qian was Mu Xue Tong’s lover.\nMu Xue Tong didn’t turn around, but smiled as he said: “Shao Qian is now your sister-in-law, next time I visit you, I’ll bring her along.”\nJun Wu Yi’s words were heartfelt and honest: “Congratulations!”\nMu Xue Tong smiled, a bright azure light flashed from his body, which was followed by a cold autumn breeze, and just like a leaf, his body gently drifted away, and soon disappeared into the infinite horizon.\nThe distance between the heaven and earth became hazy as the curtains of the night began to descend.\nJun Wu Yi remained seated in his wheelchair, while his face was still pressed against the handkerchief and hair that lay within. The scene remained motionless in the windy background, as the shadows of the night slowly dimmed the skylight.\nJun Mo Xie stood quietly on one side and didn’t make any sound, as he quietly kept his uncle some company. The duo didn’t even look at each other but knew each other’s feelings…\nThe moon slowly circled in the sky, and the stars were shining brightly. Jun Wu Yi’s heart finally emerged from the memories of the past. \nThe ten years of suffering and torment that his heart had endured was evident from the hoarse voice in which he narrated the tale to Jun Mo Xie.\nTwelve years ago, the Jun Family was in its prime, and Jun Zhan Tian was invincible in battle. Everyone feared his reputation on the battlefield, and no one could defeat him!\nOut of the three male heirs of the Jun Family, the eldest, Jun Wu Hui, was known as “The White Commander!”, he could change the course of any battle with a wave of his hands. \nHe was close enough to the Emperor of Tian Xiang to influence his Majesty’s decisions.\nThe second son, Jun Wu Meng, excelled in combat and his superior intelligence ousted any general in battle! \nThe Jun Family was in its prime… the entire Xuan Xuan continent was impressed with their prowess.\nJun Wu Yi was only nineteen at the time and was in the prime of his youth. Young, handsome, talented, exceptional in martial arts, extraordinary temperament and confident, he attracted the fantasies and affection of countless minister’s daughters.\nJun Wu Yi ventured into an auction of the Sheng Bao house to amuse himself, as is the temperament of youngsters. But inside the auction, he encountered a flowery young maiden. The two exchanged a few words and imprinted a favorable impression with regard to each other. Soon enough, the two of them were touring around the Tian Xiang country, hand in hand.\nFree birds, Jun Wu Yi and the maiden, Han Yan Yao, would often travel outside the country together, and their feeling for each other deepened over time. \nEventually, the two fell in love, and naturally, the news broke out.\nAfter a while, a few mysterious men appeared in Tian Xiang in search of Jun Wu Yi. \nJun Wu Yi was traveling abroad with Han Yan Yao, but these people attacked the Jun Family without taking note of it! It was obvious that these men weren’t afraid of the Jun Family, even though it was in its prime.\nThe Jun Family suffered heavy losses in the battle that followed. \nThese men killed off several of the Jun Family’s experts since none of these mysterious men were below the Earth Xuan level. Moreover, these dozen or so men had several tricks up their sleeves.\nJun Wu Yi was obviously quite shocked when he found about the incident upon his return. The maiden, Han Yan Yao, explained to Jun Wu Yi that this incident had been caused by her antecedents. She hailed from a mysterious place, and her family could best be described as one of the most powerful and secretive families of this world, and perhaps the most mysterious organization!\nBlizzard Silver City! Han Clan of Blizzard Silver City!\nBlizzard Silver City!\nThis, one name, was mysterious enough to intimidate anyone! \nThousands of years of accumulation had made it a formidable power!\nAnd Sheng Bao house was only Blizzard Silver City’s subsidiary. \nThe so-called ‘Sheng Bao house’ was just the agent, and the Blizzard Silver City was the real master, and they were only given the leftovers!\nMeaning, that once the Blizzard Silver City had discarded something, the item would be handed over to the Sheng Bao house for auction, and even these items fetched amazing prices.\nThe Sheng Bao house would sell these articles for a huge amount of money, and would use this money to buy some more fantastic items from the Blizzard Silver City. \nWhether it was an ordinary immortal technique, or a power-boosting martial skill, or a rare type of Xuan Beast Dan, it could be said that all these items were extremely rare in the human world, and very hard to obtain, but the Sheng Bao house was able to procure them from the Blizzard Silver City, and were willing to pay any price.\nHan Yan Yao was the daughter of Han Zhan, the master of Blizzard Silver City.\nOf course, Han Yan Yao’s origin wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, even if Han Yan Yao was the daughter of Blizzard Silver City’s master, Jun Wu Yi was also the son of Jun Family. The Jun Family wasn’t comparable to the Blizzard Silver City but was still a super-power in its own merit.\nBut the biggest problem was that Han Yan Yao was already engaged to Blizzard Silver City’s most influential elder, Xiao Hui Feng’s grandson, Xiao Han, and the two were set to be married upon reaching the appropriate age!\nAfter the two of them returned, they tried to stay together, but the Xiao Family threatened to turn the Jun Family’s life upside down.\nHan Yan Yao reluctantly agreed to return to the Blizzard Silver City, and once she left, she never came back!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第118章\n寒烟瑶临走之时告诉君无意,若是君无意能够到至尊神玄的境界,两人之间的事情或许会有希望。\n而那个时候,君无意虽然亦算是天纵之才,却也只不过只得金玄中阶的修为,距离至尊神玄的境界,相差的实在太遥远了,说是差天共地也不为过!\n而在随后两年之间,天香国君家迭遭大败,君无意的两个兄长君无悔、君无梦均是莫名其妙地兵败身亡,而君无意也在一次征战之中,明明是胜局已定的情况下却被人暗算,导致大败,终生残疾,直至如今!\n而慕雪瞳,则是当年随同寒烟瑶出来的有数的几个人之一,也是风雪银城之中除了寒烟瑶,唯一一个看君无意非常顺眼的人!\n两人当年便是兄弟相称。\n身躯残疾之后,君无意万念俱灰,知道自己和伊人今生再也没有了在一起的可能。\n光阴如箭,弹指即逝,转眼十年已过,也只有在午夜梦回之际才能片刻相聚,却没想到今天,竟又收到了寒烟瑶的消息!\n这一刻,在君无意的心中,简直就是翻江倒海一般!\n君莫邪静静地听着,一言不发。\n他知道。君无意现在说这些话,其实并不是说给自己听的。\n而是他在心底憋了实在太久,此刻突然得到恋人的消息,心情激动,便会有一种强烈的诉说欲望。\n他现在需要的充其量只是一种情绪的发泄,只需要随便一个听众!\n而不管这个听众是谁,又是不是能够听得懂、听得进!\n哪怕此刻放在君无意面前一块石头,君无意照样能够对着这块石头将这些话完完整整的说一遍!\n毕竟这十年来,压抑得实在太久!\n夜凉如水,白雾如烟,而尘封的往事,就这么轻轻地宛如呢喃一般从君无意口中说出来,却如同一座沉重的大山缓缓压来,时间,在随着他的诉说在缓缓流逝着……\n“君家终于再不复往昔之风光;当年大哥二哥离奇战死。\n我就在怀疑,是不是风雪银城萧家的人在暗中作祟?所以我立即开展了调查。\n但当时我武功低微,风雪银城做事又是极为隐秘,始终查不到什么。\n最终又轮到了我自己,在与敌方宇唐帝国作战的时候。那个时候本已经取得了压倒性的优势,只需再前进一步,就能大获全胜!\n但却偏偏在那个时候,宇唐阵中出现了几个玄气修为高明到了令人恐惧的绝顶高手,率领骑兵一阵冲突,瞬间将我战阵冲的大乱!”\n“然后数名高手同时冲中军,尽都是天玄顶级修为!犹记得当时陈二麻子在嘶声大吼:‘三将军!快走!快走!’\n然后我就看见他殷红的血喷在了碧蓝色的玄气色彩中,然后就是乔猛、段七郎、小结巴……\n他们一个个的都在我面前,一个个的在我面拼死了。\n被人杀了,他们临死前,看着我,就那么看着我,眼睛里只有两个字:快走!乔猛临死还抱住了一个人,却被打得全身骨头都断了,都碎了,只是不停的一边吐血一边吼着让我快走……”\n“那一刻的我,简直就仿佛是在做着噩梦一般!他们的鲜血溅到我的脸上,湿湿的,腥腥的,很黏稠,那是我兄弟的血……”\n君无意痛苦地低着头,皱着眉,说到陈二麻子大吼的那两句话的时候,君无意的声音也大了起来,犹如呐喊,然后又低沉下去,犹如呢喃,说到最后一句话,还忍不住用手在脸上用力抹了一把,似乎要抹去记忆中的,那战友为了自己逃走喷溅的鲜血……\n“但我当时已经疯了,这些人,这些人都是我的手足兄弟,都是陪同我一起长大的,我们曾经无数次的一起喝酒,一起唱歌,一起打猎,一起出征,一起杀敌,一起庆功……\n现在在我的眼前死的干干净净!”\n“死的干干净净!!就在我的面前!\n那是我的兄弟!我的手足兄弟!!\n没有了,一个都没有了!!”\n君无意突然大吼一声,犹如咆哮一般,猛地扬起头,死死地闭住眼睛,眼角,两颗硕大的泪珠缓缓沁出……\n“为了我!为了我惹出的祸!”\n“我要拼命,我要杀了他们!杀光他们!杀!!”\n君无意嘶声吼了一句,却又无力的低沉下来:“可我的武功太低微了,太低微了,他们随便一个人就抓住了我,然后,然后往我的身体里面灌了某种药,之后又驱散了我的丹田玄气,然后更封闭了我的下半身的经脉!\n我没有叫,我只是死死地看着他们,一眨都不眨,虽然他们都蒙着脸,但是,只要他们其中的任何一个人再出现在我的面前,我立即就能够认出来!”\n“那时候我就知道,他们就是风雪银城的人!\n从那个鬼地方出来的人,一个个身上都带着寒气,那是恶魔的味道!\n我永远记得,他们在折磨我的时候。那种快意的笑声,嘿嘿嘿……君无意两眼变得通红。\n“……然后,哦,没有然后了,从那以后,我就是这副样子了,再也站不起来了;满肚子的仇恨埋在心里面,我不敢说出来;\n风雪银城实在太强大了,父亲大人若是知道了,定然会不顾一切的去报仇。\n可是君家……就算一百个君家,也不会是风雪银城的对手!\n若是勉强图一时之快,顶多只是送死更多的兄弟,最后,连君家也要一起消泯……”\n“我的亲哥哥,为了我的事,死了,我居然还在健康的活着;\n我的兄弟们为了我,死了,死的干干净净,一个也不剩,而我,竟然仍然屈辱的活着,憋屈的活着;”\n君无意惨笑起来,笑得满脸是泪:“直到后来。我的两个侄儿,为了我的事,也死了;而我居然还没死!\n莫邪,你是不是觉得,三叔真没用?真窝囊?真他妈的是个废物?”\n君无意惨笑着,胸口剧烈起伏,这如山的仇,如海的恨,终于在这一刻犹如万里长堤决了一个口子,汹涌奔腾地倾泻而出。\n君莫邪一直静静地听着,神色冷静,平静;\n听到君无意问话,他才沉思着,缓慢地开口:“在那种情况下,想死。实在是太容易;可是活下去,却又太难了;\n惟有死了,才是懦夫的行为;在这样的打击下能够活下来的,才是真正的勇士!”\n“死了,一了百了;但活着,却需要承受的却太多太多了。能活着,而且没疯掉;三叔,你是好样的!”\n君无意惨笑:“谁说我不想死?\n可我不能死,不能死!莫邪!\n你爷爷三个儿子,已经死了两个!\n若是我再死了,你爷爷他,真的会崩溃的!\n那样,君家,就真的完了……”\n君莫邪默然。\n这些事情,憋在君无意心中太久了,今天先是见到故人,一个仇人一个朋友,又勾起了他的往事回忆;之后又接到昔日恋人的信物,让他心神加倍动荡,再加上他身体刚刚恢复,正是情绪最容易激动的时候,竟然在不知不觉中说了这么多,一发而不可收拾。\n“这些年来,一闭上眼睛,我两个哥哥就在责问我:无意,你为什么不为我们报仇?\n我的兄弟们就在浑身鲜血的呼唤我,三将军,为我们报仇!为我们报仇!为我们报仇!”\n君无意攥紧了拳头,脸色狰狞,浑身绷紧的就像拉开的弓,掌心里丝丝沁出鲜血!\n“就算在梦里,我也能感觉到,我兄弟的血,还是热的,新鲜的,一次次的在我眼前不住的流……”君无意俯下身子,双手捂住脸,肩膀不住的颤动……\n君莫邪深深深深地吸了一口气,抬起头看着天上夜空,突然感觉到全身的血液一阵急速涌流,蛰伏已久的杀意井喷一般爆发了出来!\n冷冷地笑了笑:风雪银城么?萧家?\n很好很好啊,有实力就可以为所欲为吗?\n呵呵,暂且,就将你当做我的目标吧。\n在我通往这个世界的巅峰的路上,我不介意顺便的踩一踩!\n既然我现在是君莫邪,那么,君家的耻辱和荣耀,我就要背负!\n风雪银城萧家?\n哼哼哼,只需几年的功夫,本邪君让你萧家连一只老鼠都不会剩的下!\n远远的暗影处,君战天黯然而立,看着自己唯一的一个儿子,唯一的一个孙子。君老爷子心中百感交集。\n老三啊,你心中的苦,我难道真的会懵懂不知吗?\n风雪银城萧家,我何尝不想报仇?\n难道你以为这些事情你不说,就真的能够瞒得过我吗?\n这些年来,血海深仇哪一日不在我心中?\n可是我们身后,还有君家,还有后代子孙,数万人的跟随者!\n若是君家就这么意气用事的拼出去,君家绝后还是次要的,朝中政敌会将君家整个派系连根拔起,那可是血流成河的事情……\n静静地站立一会,君老爷子无声无息地消失在夜风中。\n只剩下这叔侄二人,一坐一立在夜风里,静听风声呜咽,如泣如诉……\n深秋的萧瑟,一夜间飘过天香城。\n秋日渐过!\n秋风中,表面异常宁静的天香城,暗地里却是波分浪卷,汹涌澎湃。\n最少有数百只传讯的禽鸟扑棱着翅膀,飞上了夜空,画出一道道优美的轨迹。\n也有许多的高级玄者,蓦然的结束了长年累月的闭关修炼,一个个从各自的隐身之处走出来,然后穿梭在天香帝都的大街小巷,努力地倾听着任何一点小道消息,注意着任何的反常行动。\n就像是一个个最是尽职尽责的捕快,严密地注视着京城的阴暗面。\n而整个大陆上,在短短数日之间,更有许多人接到消息的人都陷于激动之中,恨不得一步就飞到天香城来。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 118\nBefore leaving, Han Yan Yao had told Jun Wu Yi that if Jun Wu Yi was able to break into the Supreme Divine Xuan then the two of them might have a chance of being together. \nAt that time, Jun Wu Yi wasn’t even thinking about making the leap to Supreme Divine Xuan since he was only half-way through the Gold Xuan! The distance between Gold Xuan and Supreme Divine Xuan was no lesser than the distance between the Earth and the Heavens.\nIn the two years that followed, the Jun Family suffered several defeats in the Tian Xiang monarchy’s expeditions and Jun Wu Yi’s both elder Brothers, Jun Wu Hui, and Jun Wu Meng passed away, along with countless faithful soldiers of the Jun Family. Under these circumstances, Jun Wu Yi was asked to take the charge, and unwilling to accept his defeat under such harsh circumstances, he ended up getting crippled.\nMu Xue Tong was one of the several people who were close to Han Yan Yao around that time, and the only one inside the Blizzard Silver City who liked Jun Wu Yi, apart from Han Yan Yao of course.\nIn fact, the two men were like Brothers.\nAfter his lower body was disabled, Jun Wu Yi went into a depression since he knew that he no longer had a chance of being with Han Yan Yao. \nTime flew by, and ten years passed in a flash. Jun Wu Yi would look at the mid night moon and pray to meet his lover one day, but had never thought that he’d actually hear from her again!\nAt this moment, several thoughts were surging through Jun Wu Yi’s mind, causing a tsunami of emotions in his heart.\nJun Mo Xie listened very quietly, without making any sound.\nHe knew that Jun Wu Yi wasn’t just saying these words for the sake of it, but actually meant them from the bottom of his heart.\nHe had locked these emotions in a forgotten corner of his heart for the last ten years, and now that he was unexpectedly received a word from his lover, he simply couldn’t control his excitement and his desire any more.\nRight now, all he needed was a casual listener so he could vent out his emotions. \nHe probably didn’t care who the listener was, or even if he understood the emotions… he just needed someone to listen!\nJun Mo Xie listened to these words like a stone wall, but knew that it would still be helpful to Jun Wu Yi.\nJun Wu Yi had been holding these depressing emotions for too long now.\nThe cold night was covered with fog and smoke, and Jun Wu Yi’s whispered his tale in low and grave voice. He would stumble, stutter, but continued to narrate his story slowly…..\n“The Jun Family was slipping from its place of glory, and then my second Brother died in a mysterious manner.\nI suspected that the Blizzard Silver City could have been behind it since they were known to work in the shadows, and so I immediately launched an investigation into the matter.\nBut my military accomplishments were meagre, whereas the Blizzard Silver City was too secretive, and I never got anywhere with my investigation. \nEventually I was asked to go to war with the Yu Tang Empire and managed to gain the upper hand, and it seemed as if I would win if I pushed them just a little bit more! \nBut just at the crucial moment, some very advanced Xuan experts mysteriously appeared in the Yu Tang Empire’s ranks, and led their cavalries to confront us in battle, and my whole army was sent into a state of chaos!”\n“I had a lot of advanced Xuan experts by my side, including a Sky Xuan expert named Chen Er Mazi…I remember him shouting: ‘Hurry, Run, Third General, Run!’\nand then I remember an azure blue light flashing across the battlefield, and his bright red blood started to flow. Several men surrounded me to protect me, and formed a protective section…\nand they all died in front of me… one by one…\nJust before they died, they would look at me, and their eyes would scream at me to save myself. I ran over and hugged a dying man, his whole body was completely broken, I could hear his bones as they shattered, and he kept vomiting blood. He growled at me ‘Hurry, run…..’ ”\n“It was like… I was in a nightmare! Their blood was splashing across my face, wet, red, very sticky; warm…the blood of my Brothers….”\nJun Wu Yi lowered his head in pain as he frowned. When he was narrating Chen Er Mazi’s last words, his voice had suddenly and unwittingly switched to high pitch, but had reverted back to a whisper soon after. He was already wiping his face with his hand, almost as if he was trying to wipe the memory of his comrade’s blood splashing across his face…..\n“But I had already lost my mind, these people were my Brothers, I had grown up in their company, we had shared numerous drinks together, we had sung songs together, we had hunted together, we had travelled together, we had fought the enemy together,celebrated together...\nAnd now they were all dying in front of me!”\n“Dead! Dead in front of my own eyes!\nMy Brother! My Brothers!\nThey were all gone!”\nJun Wu Yi was unintentionally screaming at this point, in fact he was almost roaring. He closed his eyelids tightly, and two huge tears slowly oozed from his eyes…\n“This was my fault! This was all because of me!!!”\n“I was desperate, I wanted to kill them all! All of them!”\nEven though Jun Wu Yi was shouting, his voice wasn’t backing him, and one could tell that he was feeling very weak inside: “I was too weak and too slow. Those people caught me, and stuffed some drugs inside my body, which dispelled a mysterious gas inside my Dan Tian, and closed off my lower body’s meridians!\nI couldn’t even scream, but I kept watching their veiled faces and the way they blinked their eyes, I think one of them was a woman, but as long as even one of them appears in front of me, I’ll immediately be able to recognize the person!”\n“I knew that these people were from the Blizzard Silver City!\nThese people had come straight from hell; they were so cold that I felt like I was being attacked by the devil!\nI will always remember the sounds of their pleased laughter as they tortured me, he he he….” Jun Wu Yi’s eyes had become red.\n“…and since then, no matter how much I tried, I could never stand up; my heart was full of hatred, but I couldn’t say it…\nBlizzard Silver City was too strong, and if father found out, then he would certainly tried to take revenge…\nbut even a hundred Jun Families aren’t strong enough to match the Blizzard Silver City!\nI wanted to discard my life as well, but if another heir of the Jun Family died, then the whole family would have been obliterated….”\n“My elder Bothers died because of me, but I’m still alive and healthy.\nMy soldiers died for me, and in front of me, but I was allowed to live his humiliating life…”\nJun Wu Yi’s face revealed a sad smile, as more tears streamed down his cheeks: “Soon enough, two of my nephews died for my cause, but I managed to survive…\nMo Xie! Don’t you think that your third uncle is useless? Really useless? A complete fucking waste?!”\nJun Wu Yi’s face had a smile of misery on it, whereas his chest was rhythmically rising and falling; the sea of hatred inside his heart had, at last, found a way to pour out its resentment.\nJun Mo Xie had been listening very quietly, with a calm and cool look on his face.\nHe was quite mused by Jun Wu Yi’s story, and slowly opened his mouth: “In that case, dying would have been too easy for you, but to live such a life would have sure been very difficult.\nDeath would have been a very cowardly choice, but having survived such a blow is the sign of a true warrior!”\n“Death would have been the end of your suffering, but to live and bear so much without actually losing your mind, Uncle, you’re truly extraordinary!”\nJun Wu Yi smiled sadly: “Who says I want to die?…\nI cannot die, I mustn’t die Mo Xie…\nYour grandfather had three sons, but now two of them are dead,\nand if I also died?!!! Your grandfather will collapse,\nand the Jun Family…finished…”\nJun Mo Xie remained silent.\nThese affairs had been simmering inside Jun Wu Yi’s heart for too long now, and today he had met an old enemy and an old friend from the past, post which he had received a token from his sweetheart, which had completely destabilized his mind. All this, coupled with the fact that his body had just been restored, Jun Wu Yi had gotten too excited, and emotional, and had was unknowingly saying these things since he had lost control over his mind.\n“Over the years, when I closed my eyes, my brothers would ask me: ‘Why haven’t you taken revenge for us?’\nThe blood of my brothers would be staining my face as they would ask ‘Third general, why haven’t you avenged us? Take our revenge! Avenge our deaths!’ ”\nJun Wu Yi clenched his fists so hard that blood started to drip from his palm.\n“Even in my dreams, I can feel the blood of brothers, hot, fresh, and it just wouldn’t stop flowing….” Jun Wu Yi leaned forward, and covered his face with his hands, and his whole body started to tremble again….\nJun Mo Xie took a deep breath, and looked up at the night sky. Suddenly, a wave of energy surged through his body, and that long-dormant desire to kill started bursting out of his body again!\nHe smiled coldly: Blizzard Silver City? Xiao Family! \nYou think you’re good ah? You think that you have the strength to do whatever you please? \nHa ha, maybe for the time being, but now you’re my targets.\nI intend on climbing up the power ladder of this world, and I don’t mind using you as a stepping stone!\nSince I am Jun Mo Xie now, then I will bear the glory and the shame of the Jun Family as well! \nBlizzard Silver City’s Xiao Family? \nHum hum, just a few years’ time, and this evil monarch will turn your Xiao Family to a mouse’s leftovers!\nJun Zhan Tian was standing a fair distance away, staring his only remaining son, and only remaining grandson, and his heart was brimming with mixed emotions.\nThe pain that my youngest has had to bear these years, how silly was I to not know it? \nWhy haven’t I taken revenge against the Blizzard Silver City?\nDid you really think that I wouldn’t have found out, did you think that you could have actually fooled me forever?\nHow did I not know about this feud for so many years? \nBut the Jun Family has acquired tens of thousands of followers from all generations! \nIf the Jun Family decided it, then we could even impulsively dethrone a small king, and if the whole Jun Family came after you, then we’d uproot you, but it will be a very bloody incident….\nHe stood his ground silently for a while, but then old man Jun quietly disappeared into night winds.\nThe uncle and nephew duo remained out in the open, listening to the sobbing of the wind, the weeping and complaining…..\nThe autumn was upon the Tian Xiang country.\nAnd the autumn was growing!\nOn the surface of it, the Tian Xiang country was having a very quiet autumn, but it concealed the surge of several birds in its secrecy. \nAt least hundreds of bird has started to flap their wings, and were flying into the fly, drawing a beautiful trajectory.\nMany advanced level Xuans had suddenly ended their closed-door practice after several years, and had come out of their place of hiding to shuttle the street of the Tian Xiang Empire’s capital, listening to every gossip and paying attention to every unusual action. \nLike dutiful detectives, they had started to closely investigate the dark side of the capital.\nMoreover, word would spread throughout the entire continent in a few days, and many people would end up being caught in the excitement after receiving the message, and would make their way to the Tian Xiang Empire soon.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第119章\n而以上种种,都只是一个莫名其妙的消息,横空出世所造成的轰动。\n竟然……”\n原来前些日子天香城暴乱,北城帮一夜之间被神秘组织灭帮,天香世家唐家通过刑部展开大肆搜捕,而致令唐家如此隅尊降贵,自降身份的原因,竟是真的丢失了极为重要的东西!\n一枚九阶巅峰玄兽的玄丹!\n这个尚未定案的消息,从小道消息到广为流传,而后又迅速传扬,犹如长了翅膀一般,仿佛一股飓风,在极短的时间内传遍了整个大陆。\n“这是一个机会!我们重新夺回玄丹的机会!”\n太师府,李尚的病床前,李悠然蒙着淡青色面纱,斩钉截铁地道。\n“哦?前者我们大费周章,仍是螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后,最终一无所获,如今却又何以见得便是机会?”\n太师李尚的气色已经好了很多,虽然还是很孱弱,却早已不是如他对外宣称的那般朝不保夕,甚至已经可以正常对话。\n此刻,他的眼中有着明悟的神色,看着孙子,却想让自己的孙子说出来。\n自从那日重新恢复丹田失败之后,虽经多方医治,老命得保,但身体状态却是每况愈下,太师李尚颇有些心灰意冷,清楚自己的身体状况的他,唯恐自己再支持不了多久,所以这段时间里,一直在尽力的栽培自己的最看中的长孙李悠然。\n无论遇到什么问题,都要先问问李悠然的意见,然后再提点,指出不足。\n李悠然果然也没有让他失望,这段明间无论是心性还是城府,又有了许多的进步。\n对一些事情的认识,思感之敏锐,甚至就算是李太师,也有些自叹弗如了,这亦李尚对自己心灰意冷之余,又有些老怀安慰,毕竟总算是后继有人了!\n“眼下的状况很明显。\n前者唐家的玄丹失窃。\n在这个世上,相信只得三伙人知道。唐老大人自然不会愚蠢得自己泄露出去,突然给自己的家族招来麻烦;我们也不可能泄露出去;\n玄丹太过重要,多一个人知道,就是多了一个人竞争。我们打的是在其他的人知道之前将玄丹夺到手里!既然不是我们两方泄露出去,那么唯一可能泄露这个秘密的,也就只有当日得到玄丹的人了。”\n“也就是说,只需找到这个人,我们就能够拿回完整的玄丹!”\n“当日,他为黄雀,我方为其作嫁衣,让那人得到了玄丹,占了天大便宜,那人本就该销声匿迹,是以这么长的时间里全无动静,并不出人意料,也惟有这样才合乎情理。\n可是现在却又突然放出这个风声,暴露九级玄丹这个宝物的存在:本是令人费解,以当日全然不留丝毫痕迹的手段,今日却做出如此不智的举动,必然有他的用意所在!”\n“而他的用意,孙儿愚笨,只判断出几项,\n其一,是他虽然得到了玄丹,但却不知道究竟应该怎么用,甚至完全不明白这个玄丹的真正效用所在,得物而无所用!\n所以他需要吸引强者前来,浑水摸鱼的打听玄丹的作用,已经发挥效用的方法,这是其一;\n要知道吸收九阶玄丹的办法,唐万里研究了几十年也打听了几十年,至今也没有完全弄明白,尤其是轻易能够得到的消息?\n就算我们,若不是我师父指点,恐怕也是万万不会知道的。”\n“说下去。”李尚露出赞赏之色。\n“其二呢,此人大抵应是天香城城中之人;而且,还必然是一个层次相当不低的一流高手;甚至很有可能是已经修炼到了玄气某个瓶颈的绝顶高手;否则,他绝对不至于现在就放出消息,作茧自缚,毕竟耐心的等待风声过去之后岂不是更好?\n所以我判断此人正处于即将突破的微妙关口!”\n“不错!还有第三吗?”李尚眼中的赞赏之意更浓。\n“第三?此人必然定有把握能够在强者到来之后得到他所需要的东西,若是如此,此人手中定然有一张极为强大的情报网!\n由这一点推断,有八成以上的把握可以断定,此人乃是京城几大豪门世家中的人物!\n而且,还有动用整个家族力量为其所用的资格:所以他才会如此大胆,如此的有把握!”李悠然声音有些慎重。\n“恩,分析得很好。这样一来,就可以将目标缩小到小范围之中,基本一眼可及。”\n李尚拍了拍手掌,心中很是欣慰,“你现在的怀疑对象是?”\n“我们李家自身先排除出来,然后唐家也是可以排除的;剩余的,君家,慕容家,独孤家,孟家,宋家,这五大家族,皆有可能!”\n李悠然一狠狠地屈下手指头:“不过其中就君家来说,虽然是我们的宿敌,但以君战天的耿直,想来还不会做这种事情;\n君无意虽然身残而心不废,\n但说到底他始终还是残疾了,行动不便;\n至于君莫邪年少纨绔,只怕是没有调遣家族力量的资格。\n所以君家的嫌疑,就目前而言,却是最小的,但也不能完全排除,万事皆有可能!”\n“独孤家族的可能性也不是很高;他们虽然势力大,有能力做之前的那只‘黄雀’!但从根本上说,独孤家实在欠缺起码的野心。\n否则,凭独孤家的实力,早已取君家而代之。\n之所以陛下能够容忍独孤家的做大,便是因为独孤家族一门将才勇士,但却不像是君家那样一门皆是帅才!\n独孤家族冲锋陷阵则可,但若是想要像君无悔、君无梦、君无意以及君战天那样统帅全局,坐镇中军就能决胜千里的人才,独孤世家却是绝对没有!”\n“换而言之,若是独孤世家真能够出现那样的人物,恐怕会在第一时间内被陛下将整个家族打压下去!\n毕竟独孤家不像君家乃是与陛下是数次救命之恩的可靠。\n“所以独孤家族虽大,后代虽多,但却没有君氏家族那样的凝聚力。\n君家虽然看似败落,但一门四位常胜元帅留下的各自的心腹根底却足以能够动摇整个王国!”\n“所以独孤家的嫌疑虽然比君家略重,但却也是处在边缘,说句不好听的,我实在没看出独孤家有那一个能有成为‘黄雀’的机心;”\n“孟家,一来,他们是我们的盟友;二来,孟家也没有什么特别出色的人物,所以,机会也是不大,暂时可列在第三位;”\n“世家之中,素来以宋家最为低调,只是会咬人的狗从来都是不叫唤的,所以这次的嫌疑当真不小,仅次于慕容世家。\n慕容世家一向底蕴深厚,野心、机心极重;\n又借着本身是皇亲国戚的关系不把其他世家放在眼里,所以,在这次事件中,我们对慕容世家须得……特别注意!”\n李悠然慎重地分析着,这一段话说得格外地缓慢,显然心中在紧张的思考。\n“恩,不错。”李尚点点头:“不过,除了这几个家族之外,还有几个方向你没有说到。”\n“请祖父大人指教。”李悠然道。\n“本城之中,还有一个最大的世家你似乎完全没有去考虑吧?!\n皇室才是真正最强大的世家!\n虽然到现在陛下依然深藏不露,但若是没有几个顶级强者保护,恐怕陛下早已被人刺杀了无数次!\n这一点,你要格外注意;还有就是天香城中的排名前三的大帮派,也有相当的实力,需要纳入视线。”\n“此外,也不能完全排除另有神秘高手潜在天香城的可能。\n还有那几个知名的杀手集团,这段时间也有在天香城活动。这些,都是可能的目标啊。”\n李尚咳嗽了几声,勉强支起了身子,瞪起了眼睛:“这次玄丹的事件,必然会引起一场前所未有的巨大风暴!悠然,你一定要谨慎!还有,凭我们现在的力量,也有所不足若是你师父能亲自前来,此事才有较大的成数把握;\n若是他来不了……那你也要让你的师兄们尽快地全部赶过来才好!否则,我劝你退出此次争夺!”\n“动辄可能就是灭顶之灾啊!”李尚喟叹了一声,身躯躺了回去。\n“是。我已经在凌晨就发出了千里莺,相信现在师父他们已经收到了。”李悠然沉重地点头。\n“恩,你眼下的玄气进度怎么样了?”李尚微微闭着眼睛。\n“已经到了金品巅峰。”李悠然的声音中有些愧疚:“只是境界还有些不稳定,若是一旦稳固下来,就可以冲击玉玄了。只不过此事却……”\n李尚抬起手,止住了他的话:“莫说此事是无心之举,就算是明知道这个后果,我也会欣然助你冲击;毕竟,你才是我们李家未来的最大希望。此事你不必太过耿耿于怀。”\n李悠然叹息一声。\n前次为李尚用海底玉珊瑚疗伤,由于莫名其妙的爆炸,李尚固然受了重伤,但李悠然虽然脸上被炸了数条口子,小白脸彻底被毁了,然而福兮祸所依、祸兮福所伏,在这件事上李悠然却是另得了不小的好处。\n玉珊瑚之中的灵气需要先被李悠然激发出来之后,李尚才能够进一步吸收;爆炸的时候,由于突然中断,却使得相当一部分灵气无巧不巧地滞留在了李悠然经脉之中,也算是因祸得福。\n这段时间里,李悠然由于脸上有伤,并不出去,潜心修炼之下,在那股力量的助益之下,竟然一举从金品初阶提升到了金品巅峰!\n只差一步,就是玉品玄者,以李悠然的年纪而论,这等进境之速,纵然不是空前绝后,却也足以傲视当代的!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 119\nApart from this one, there was another piece of news which was causing a sensation.\nUnexpectedly…..\nThere were riots inside the Tian Xiang imperial city a little while ago, and the northern part of the city was destroyed overnight. The Tang Family had gone on an unbridled and unrestrained man-hunt and this whole incident had caused them some serious losses in man-power. It would appear that they had lost something very valuable.\nThis item turned out to be a ninth grade beast Xuan’s Xuan Core.\nEven though this news wasn’t confirmed, someone had mentioned this to be the reason behind the unrest, and the rumor quickly grew wings and spread thought the continent in a very short period of time.\n“This is a great opportunity! We must seize the Xuan Core!”\nInside the imperial tutor’s house, Li You Ran was sitting on Li Shang’s bedside.\n“Really? Our last venture ended up a case of the ‘mantis stalking the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind’, how can you be so sure that this is a good opportunity for us?”\nLi Shang’s health was a lot better now, but he was still very weak. Even though he hadn’t been able to return to his normal health, he was still talking in a normal tone. \nAt the moment, his eyes had a look of glimmer inside them, as he watched his grandson, and waited for his reply.\nSince that day, after the damage to his Dan Tian, his health had stabilized after undergoing several treatments, but his physical health was still on the declining end of the curve. Li Shang was quite disheartened to know about the state of his physical body, and knew that he wouldn’t be able to carry on for long, which is why he was using his time to educate his dearest grandson, Li You Ran. \nNo matter what the issue at hand would be, he would first ask Li You Ran for his views on the matter, and would then point out the flaws in it.\nThis time however, Li You Ran didn’t let him down and there was a massive progress in his previously finite thinking ability. \nEven though his understanding was limited on most matters, he was showing a keen interest in learning, which was warming Li Shang’s cold heart and was coming as a consolation to him since it seemed that he had finally found his successor!\n“Right now, the situation is very clear. \nThe Tang Family’s Xuan Core was stolen.\nI believe that only three gangs are capable of stealing something like this, but neither of them is stupid enough to allow the matter to leak out to the public since it would cause them a great amount of trouble, especially at the hands of the Tang Family.\nThe Xuan Core is too important, even more than its owners estimated, and if one of these three gangs had stolen this Dan and the other two found out, then they would try to steal it from the original thief. So it seems that this item was stolen by someone else.”\n“In other words, we should be able to seize the Xuan Core if we were able to identify this party!”\n“On the day of the theft, the person manages to steal something important without anyone noticing it, and then managed to disappear without a trace. So it’s not surprising that there was no further news on this matter for a while. \nBut now, suddenly, there is more news on this subject, and identity of the item has been revealed: a Xuan Core from a ninth rank Xuan Beast. This is a very surprising thing since that person managed to disappear without a trace on the day of the theft, and has chosen to wait this long to make his move… there must be a hidden intention behind this!”\n“His intention…..your grandson is still quite stupid, and has only been able to identify a few reasons…\nfirstly, although a Xuan Core was stolen, the person didn’t know how to use it, or may even have not known its true utilities.\nIn the pursuit of finding out its usage, he must have attracted too much attention, and the news could have spread out from that end, this could be a possibility.\nsince the Xuan Core is a very mysterious treasure, and even the Tang Family had been researching its true potential for the last few decades and still haven’t understood it fully.\nEven us, if we hadn’t had our knowledge, then maybe even we wouldn’t be able to understand its true value.” \n“Go on.” Li Shang’s eyes revealed a color of appreciation.\n“Secondly, this person could belong solely to the Tian Xiang city, and is unlikely to a low level man, and in fact is a very high level expert, maybe even as high as the Sky Xuan or something similar, or could be preparing for a major breakthrough right now. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have revealed this information, and would have definitely built a cocoon around him and would have patiently waited for this incident to calm down…. \nSo based on that, I can only think that this person is about to make a major breakthrough.”\n“Yes! And is there a third possibility?” the shade of appreciation in Li Shang’s eyes was getting denser.\n“Third… this person belongs to a very power clan, and knows that they he will have the backing of a very strong network!\nThis looks like the most likely situation at present! There are several very powerful and wealthy families and characters in the city,\nbut we would be looking for someone who can muster the entire strength of their family, since only such an individual could be capable of acting so boldly.” Li You Ran’s voice was very low and careful-sounding.\n“Very well analyzed. As a result, it can be said that the number of targets can be reduced to very small number.”\nLi Shang was tapping the center of his palm with his other hand with a pleased look on his face. “Do you have any suspects in mind?”\n“Well, we should rule out our Li Family and, naturally, the Tang Family. So that leaves the Jun Family, Mu Rong Family, Du Gu Family, Meng Family and Song Family. It could be any one of these five!”\nLi You Ran raised his index finger: “The Jun Family, even though they are our enemies, Jun Zhan Tian is an honest and upright man, and wouldn’t get involved in such an activity.\nJun Wu Yi, even though his physical body is a waste, but his mind is still fully functional…\nbut then again, he is physically handicapped and that limits his mobility.\nAs for the Jun Family’s young dandy, Jun Mo Xie, I’m afraid that he isn’t capable of mobilizing the Jun Family entire power base.\nSo for now, the Jun Family is our least likely suspect, but then again, we can’t completely exclude them either since anything is possible in this case!”\n“The chances of this being Du Gu Family’s work is not very high either. Although they have the influence and the power to be our ‘Orioles’, but fundamentally speaking, the Du Gu Family lacks the ambition!\nOtherwise, given the strength of the Du Gu Family, they could have easily replaced the Jun Family by now. \nThe reason His Majesty tolerates the Du Gu Family is because: they are a family of warriors but unlike the Jun Family, they don’t have any powerful commanders from the past! \nThe Du Gu Family’s warriors can charge and break past the enemy ranks, but unless a man from the Jun Family, like Jun Wu Hui, Jun Wu Meng, or Jun Wu Yi is overseeing the overall situation, the military might of the Du Gu Family is far from capable of notching a victory on their own. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not them yet!”\n“If they are the ones behind this, then the Du Gu Family could be seeing the emergence of major personality and His Majesty would probably suppress the entire Family! \nAfter all, even though the Majesty considers the Du Gu Family to be very reliable, they don’t have the merit that the Jun Family has. \n“To think about it, the Du Gu Family is great, and have numerous offspring, but they don’t have the unity that the Jun Family does. \nAlthough the Jun Family might appear to be ruined, but the past victories of their four marshals have left behind enough henchmen to shake the foundation of the entire kingdom!”\n“But still, the Du Gu Family’s chances are slightly higher than the Jun Family’s, but when I say that, I would also like to add that I don’t really see the emergence of any major characters in their family, and nor do I hear of any movements on their part.”\n“The Meng Family, firstly, they are our allies. And secondly, there is no particularly powerful character in the Meng Family. So I’d say that their probability is also quite low.”\n“Among the major families, the Song Family has always kept a very low-key profile, but sometimes the dog that never barks is the one that actually bites, so I would suspect them. Mu Rong Family…\nWell the Mu Rong Family has always been very ambitious, and keeps coming up with new schemes all the time!\nSince they have a strong relation with the royal family, the royal family is unlikely to suspect them of anything, which is why I believe that we should pay a lot of attention to the Mu Rong Family…”\nLi You Ran was very carefully analyzing the situation, which is why he was speaking in a very slow paced manner, and his low-pitched voice indicated that he was quite nervous about his opinion.\n“Well, that was good.” Li Shang nodded: “However, there are several other aspects in addition to these families that you’ve missed out on.”\n“Please correct my mistakes Grandfather.” Li You Ran stated.\n“In this city, the most influential family is the Royal Family, and you haven’t even considered them at all?! \nThe Royal Family is the most powerful family! \nAlthough His Majesty’s treasures are still remain hidden from common knowledge, if it weren’t for the many strong men who are protecting him around the clock, His Majesty would have already been assassinated countless times! \nYou should pay particular attention to that! There also the three major gangs in the city, all of whom have considerable strength to do this, and you need to include them in your line of sight.”\n“In addition to this, we cannot neglect that this could be the work of a mysterious organization, potentially from outside the Tian Xiang City.\nAlso, there are a few well-known groups of assassins that are operational in the city, and could also be our targets ah.”\nLi Shang coughed a few times, and was barely able to keep up with his health: “This Xuan Core incident will likely lead to an unprecedented storm, and You Ran, you must be very careful as well since our present strength is somewhat insufficient!! If you enter this affair…… then you will need a lot of support and manpower to come out on top! …\nif you cannot manage that support, and your brothers are unable to back you up, then I would advise that you exit this scramble!”\n“For you may easily get drowned in this storm!” Li Shang sighed loudly as he slowly laid his body down on the bed.\n“Yes. I’ve already issued the order to our birds in the cover of wee hours, and I believe that they will be making their decisions soon.” Li You Ran nodded seriously.\n“Well, how your progress to the Sky Xuan layer coming about?” Li Shang faintly closed his eyes.\n“I’ve reached the pinnacle of the Gold Xuan.” Li You Ran’s voice had a hint of guilt in it: “But the state is a little unstable at present. Once it has stabilized, then I will be able to impact the Jade Xuan but…..”\nLi Shang raised his hand and stopped him in mid-sentence: “Let’s not leave any room for carelessness here since we know the consequences of it. I will gladly help you in making the impact: after all, you are the best hope for the future of the Li Family. You do not bother yourself with this too much now.”\nLi You Ran gasped.\nLi Shang had previously used a Jade Sea Coral for healing purposes, which had unexpectedly self-detonated. Although Li Shang had sustained serious injuries, and even Li You Ran’s handsome face had been bombed in several places by the explosion, the incident hadn’t been a complete disaster, and Li You Ran had unknowingly gained some benefits from it.\nThe Jade Sea Coral contained a lot of Aura, which was supposed to help Li Shang heal, but he was unable to absorb it entirely due to the explosion. Because of the sudden interruption, a considerable part of this Aura had entered Li You Ran’s body during the explosion, and had been left stranded inside his meridians. A blessing in disguise! \nAt that time, due to the injuries sustained on his face, Li You Ran had been unable to focus on his practice properly, but at present, due to the underlying support from this Aura, he had managed to advance from the base of Gold Xuan to the apex of Gold Xuan in a single swoop! \nHe was one step away from entering the Jade Xuan, which considering Li You Ran’s age was not just unprecedented, but was also a feat which would ring in the ears of his contemporaries throughout the continent!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第12章\n这一日,君邪正在闲着没事逗着可儿说话,这段时间以来,由于君邪行为性格皆是大变,小丫头终于不再像从前那样害怕他了,虽然还是不肯接近他的身边,但却已经不是极度排斥他了,尤其更不排斥君邪讲的故事。\n每到这时候,小丫头便两只小手托着香腮,大眼睛一眨一眨的安静的坐在君邪面前,聚精会神地听故事,唯恐漏过了那一句。\n更随着故事中人物的遭遇或悲或喜,或哭或笑,或俏眼圆睁,紧张不已……\n君邪讲了一个美人鱼的故事,直接让小丫头感动的泪水如同江河决堤,抽抽噎噎的哭了一天……\n从那之后,君邪心中对自己赌咒发誓不再对女人讲悲剧故事!\n眼泪……淹死人啦!\n“少爷,唐公子来了。”\n君邪正讲到孙猴子被关在了八卦炉里,面前的小萝莉托着香腮眼睛一眨不眨听的正入神,小手绞在一起,显得小丫头心中对孙大圣的遭遇紧张之极的时候,突然一名侍卫急急地进来禀报。\n“唐公子?”君邪愕然抬头,随即便翻出了有关于此人的记忆:“快请。”\n远远的一个肉球从院子里滚了过来,一边滚一边喊,声音甚是凄惨:“三少,莫邪兄弟,救命哇,这下可了不得了。”\n君邪瞪着眼睛,张大着嘴巴,错愕地看着滚来的肉球,实在难以想象一个肉丸子居然会说话!\n直到这肉球来到近处,君邪才发现这乃是一个人!\n此人脖子是决计没有的,至少以君三少的眼力是没看出来,肩膀即宽且厚,手臂极短又粗,圆圆的头颅以下呈流线型发展,两条大腿长不过尺许,粗却有一抱!\n走起路来浑身的肥肉波澜壮阔,犹如长江后浪推前浪;总而言之,除了竹竿说他像什么都行,不过就是不大像人的说。\n从院门口走到这里,貌似也没几步路,居然已经气喘吁吁,不住的抹汗,显然很是劳累。\n此人正是天香城中与君家齐名的另一大家唐家的大少爷,唐源!\n的确很像,就是大了几号。\n君邪心道。\n“呃……唐大少爷,你这是怎么了?\n怎么闹到了要救命的地步?\n那个不开眼的家伙招惹您了?!”\n君邪看着眼前这位君莫邪的死党,强忍住内心中的笑意问道。\n“他奶奶的,还不是李家那几个杂碎和孟家、宋家几个家伙!”\n唐大少很是愤慨,努力的将眼睛从肥肉之中睁开一条缝:“这几天在我们那千金堂里,哥哥我十天没出来,输了整整十五万两银子,三少,你可要救救我,要不然我……我回去之后非得让老头子打死不可!”\n“十五万两银子!”君邪吓了一跳:“怎么会输了这么多?你那来那么多钱来着!”\n唐源唉声叹气:“开始的一天我还赢来着,我赢了整整五万两……”\n“不让你赢,你会继续赌吗?到底玩啥输的?你也真敢玩!”君邪瞪着他。\n唐源不敢反驳,嘴里嘟囔:“上个月你不也输了十万两?我就比你输的多一点,还说我……”\n“说那些有什么用。哎,我说区区十五万两银子,你唐大少也不是输不起啊,至于来找我喊救命吗?”\n君邪顿时想了起来,眼前这几个货可不能用常理揣测,这都是一些极为典型的败家子!\n“就算你老子,也绝不会因为区区十五万两银子就打死你吧?这数字你又不是没输过……”\n“可是,可是我到后来没银子了,我说回家去取,李博就激我,说大家都累了,我要是走了就散局好了;我一狠心,就……”唐源可怜巴巴的看着君邪,满脸后悔莫及。\n“就什么?”君邪突然感觉有些不妙。\n“输人不输阵……我一着急……就把佩玉和宝剑都压上,压了三十万两银子,寻思很快就能赢回来,没想到…没想到……最后也输了,”唐源哭丧着脸,欲言又止。\n“你这叫输人不输阵!\n我记得你的剑是你爹高价拍回来的那柄名剑吹雪吧?\n那可是削铁如泥的神兵利器!\n加上你那极品暖玉制成的佩玉,我记得这两样东西当时花费了一百万两才购得的吧?\n你居然两样加在一起才压了三十万两?\n就算是甩卖也没这么卖的吧?!”\n君邪有些无语,这哥们……也太能败家了吧?\n“我不是没法么?当时僵到那了!再说也不知怎么地,脑袋里面一犯迷糊,就……”唐源嘟嘟囔囔。\n“就算你输了这两样,当时也说的抵押,之后赎回来不就行了,你爹那么疼你,顶多也就训斥你几句,还能杀了你不成?\n反正你家有的是银子!\n百八十万的银子,你会真当回事?!”\n君邪哼哼两声。\n“废话啊,这两样东西可是宝贝,我难道不想当场赢回来啊?”\n唐源有些愤慨了:“老爷子的家法你又不是不知道,上次你还看着我领略过一回……那可是能打掉一层皮的!”\n“所以你就继续赌了?这次你压得又是什么?你值钱的玩意也不少,但值个百八十万的可就没有了!”\n君邪可是阅历过人的,尤其熟悉赌徒的心理,这胖子定然是把最不该押的东西押上去了,要不然不会这么着急。\n“是啊,我当时身上真的没有太值钱的东西了,最……最后,我一急眼……我我我……我就把老婆押上去了……”唐源哭丧着脸,懊丧的想要自杀的样子:“那可是我还没过门的老婆啊。”\n“啊?”一边的可儿一声惊呼,睁大了俏丽的大眼睛看着唐源,眼中满是不可思议,眸底深处还有着淡淡的厌恶!\n心中埋怨:少爷好不容易变得好了,这帮狐朋狗友又来了!\n“啥?你把老婆给压了?这种事你还带着老婆过去?”君邪差点从椅子上摔了下来,几乎晕了过去!\n太震惊了,简直是匪夷所思!\n唐源的未婚妻可不只是他老婆而已,还是刑部侍郎孙成何的女儿,大家闺秀、名门千金来着!\n这桩事要是传了出去,那笑话可就大了。\n户部尚书的儿子赌博,将刑部侍郎的女儿输了……这要是传出去,唐家老爷子非将这胖子一身肥油全抽出来点了天灯不可!\n“我……我没带她去……”唐源都快哭了:“可是我写下了借据,用她抵押了一百万两……白纸黑字,这个那啥……还有我的画押……”\n“猪!你就一猪!”\n一个刑部尚书的女儿,户部尚书的儿媳,这等关系到两大家族名声前途的大事!居然只抵押了一百万两!\n君邪气极反而笑了起来:“你居然还画押!……那一百万两呢?”\n“输了……也输了……”唐源一屁股坐在地上,嚎啕大哭,地面顿时一颤。\n“他们说要是三个时辰之内没有一百五十万两拿过去,这钱也不要了,人也不要了,光把这借条公布于众……”\n“我日!”君邪无语了,“怎么会是一百五十万两?不是一百万两嘛?”\n“这……这是宽限我三个时辰的条件……”\n唐源一把鼻涕一把泪:“三少,你可一定要救救我,我……已经走投无路了啊。”\n“我救你,你让我怎么救你?我哪有这么多的银子?”\n君邪断然拒绝,开玩笑,这种人老子杀还杀不完,居然还要拿出银子支援一个这样的赌徒?\n先不说我没有这么大一笔钱,即使有,我也不会借!\n“你不用银子!”\n唐源顿时来了精神,小眼睛一眨巴,道:“李峰和孟海洲提出条件,说是君三少好久没来了,只要我将你带了去跟他们赌几铺,借据就能还给我。”\n“我居然有这么大面子?”君邪摇了摇头,以自己俯身的这位纨绔以往的所作所为来说,恐怕在赌场上也高明不了哪里去,至于声望……恐怕恶名是登峰造极的!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 12\nToday, Jun Xie who had nothing to do was talking to Little Ke. During this past month, the great changes which happened to Jun Xie caused Little Ke to be less fearful of him. Even though she was still unwilling to go too near him, at least she was no longer showing such extreme rejection towards him, especially towards his story telling.\nEvery time at this hour, the little girl would carry an incense pot with her two hands as she listened attentively to his story, lest she missed a single sentence; her big eyes blinking as she sat in front of Jun Xie. She followed each story as each of the characters encountered happiness and sadness, laughter and tears.\nWhen a handsome prince appears, her eyes widened as she became uncontrollably excited…\nJun Xie once told the story of the little mermaid; it made the little girl so moved she burst into tears akin to a river breaching the dike, sobbing and weeping for one whole day… \nEver since that day, Jun Xie swore to himself never to tell tragic stories to women!\nThose tears… can drown a person to death!\n“Young Master, Young Master Tang has arrived.”\nJun Xie was telling the story of how the monkey Sun was being captured in the Eight Diagrams Furnace, the little Lolita once again held on to the incense pot as she stood before him, her eyes kept blinking non-stop as she listened attentively, when a body guard suddenly rushed in to report.\n“Young Master Tang?” Jun Xie raised his head, feeling confounded. He then pulled out the memories regarding this person out from his head. “Invite him in.”\nFrom far across the courtyard, a meatball started ‘rolling’ towards him, as it rolled it shouted: “Third Young Master, Brother Moxie, save me! This is a really terrifying problem!”\nJun Xie stared with wide-open eyes, his mouth left hanging in the air, completely startled by the sight of the rolling meatball. It was simply unimaginable that a meatball could actually talk! \nIt was only after the meatball came close to him did he realize that it was actually a human!\nThis person must certainly not have a neck, or at least it was not observable even with Third Young Master Jun’s eyesight. His shoulders were wide, his arms short and thick and his head round, spearheading the streamlined shape. Both his thighs were extremely short and thick! \nAs he moved, his body fat surged magnificently, just like the constantly superseding waves of the Yangtze River. In short, he can be described as anything but bamboo like. However, he does not look like a human…\nWalking in from the door of the courtyard, which spanned seemingly but a few steps had left him gasping for air, wiping his sweat non-stop and obviously very tired. \nThis person was none other than Young Master of the Tang Family, whose position and fame was on par with the Jun Family: Tang Yuan!\nHe really does look like him, but he seemed even bigger than before. \nJun Xie thought to himself.\n“Uh… Young Master Tang, what is wrong with you?\nWhat could possibly happen for you to scream save me?\nWhich blind idiot provoked you this time?”\nJun Xie asked as he observed Jun Moxie’s best friend standing before him, holding back his desire to laugh.\n“bloody grannies! Who else if not those slops from the Li and Meng Families!” \nYoung Master Tang was outraged; he strove to force his eyes to reveal themselves from among the thick flesh, succeeding in opening a narrow slit. “Brother, for the past few days I had been inside the Thousand Gold Hall for a good ten days, losing a total of a hundred and fifty thousand silver liangs! Third Young Master, you have to help! Otherwise… when I go home, my old man will beat me to death!”\n“A hundred and fifty thousand silver liangs!” Jun Xie was shocked. “How did you lose so much money? Wait, where did you even get so much money?”\nTang Yuan gave a loud sigh. “In the beginning, I was actually winning. I won up to a total of fifty thousand…”\n“If they do not let you win, would you continue gambling? What exactly were you playing there to lose so much? You really got some guts!” Jun Xie stared at him.\nTang Yuan dared not refute, and just grumbled: “Last month, didn’t you end up losing a hundred thousand liang yourself? Mine is just a little bit higher than yours, and yet you…”\n“What is the point of telling me that? Besides, a mere hundred and fifty thousand silver liangs is not something your Tang family cannot part with. Was there any need to come here yelling save me?”\nJun Xie suddenly realized that these people could not be evaluated using common sense. These people are your typical spend thrifty young masters!\n“Even if it’s your old man, he would not possibly murder you just for a mere hundred and fifty thousand silver liangs. It’s not like you have never lost so much before…”\n“But, but after I lost all my money, I told them that I would go home to get more. It was then that Li Bo incited me, saying that everyone is already tired and that they would go away if I were not there. I became reckless, and…” Tang Yuan looked at Jun Xie with a pitiful expression, his face filled with regret.\n“And what?” Jun Xie suddenly had a sense of foreboding.\n“One can lose men, but not lose formation… I became impulsive and… pawned my accompaniment jade and precious sword, pawned for a total of three hundred thousand silver liangs. I thought that I would be able to win them all back quickly. I did not expect… I did not expect… I lost it all,” Tang Yuan’s face was distressed as he hesitantly spoke.\n“You dare say lose men but not formation?!\nI can still remember that your father spent a huge fortune to buy that famed Snow Bluster Sword for you!\nThat terrifyingly divine weapon can cut iron like cutting mud! \nAnd that accompaniment jade of yours was made from Warm Jade! Back then, these two treasures used up at least one million liangs to get, right?\nAnd yet you pawned both of them for only three hundred thousand?\nEven in bargain sales, there won’t be such a sale!”\nJun Xie was left speechless. This man is too damned capable… too damned capable of a wastrel!\n“I’m not someone who do not have rules, you know? It’s just that, back then my mind suddenly became numb! I don’t even know how to explain it, my mind just became a messy paste of confusion…” Tang Yuan grumbled again.\n“But even if you did lose these two, you still have the pledge note. You can just go redeem it later on. Considering how much your father loves you, at most he will just rebuke you with some words, why would he kill you.\nBesides, what else do your family have if not money?\nAround one million worth of silvers, is this really a serious problem for someone like you?”\nJun Xie just grunted ‘heng’ twice.\n“Nonsense, these two items are absolute treasures! How can I not want to win them back on the spot?” \nTang Yuan replied indignantly. “It is not like you do not know the rules of my grandpa. Last time you saw for yourself what I had to endure… that kind of beating can tear off one layer of skin!”\n“So, you continued gambling? What did you pawn this time? I know you have a lot of good stuff, but I am sure you don’t have any one worth up to around one million liangs!” \nJun Xie was a man with exceptional amounts of experience, especially when concerning the psychology of gambling. This fatty would not be so anxious unless he had gambled away something he should absolutely not gamble with.\n“Yes, back then I really did not have anything valuable on me. In the end… in the end… I… I… I went ahead and pawned my wife…” Tang Yuan’s face was again distressed, it was a face filled with despair and the desire to kill himself. “I have yet to have a wedding with her.”\n“Ah?” Little Ke who was standing beside gasped, her eyes widened as she stared at Tang Yuan. Her eyes were filled with shock, within its depth there was even a hint of disgust. \nShe secretly resented: It was not easy for the Young Master to become good, and yet this bad friend came!\n“What? You pawned off you wife? You actually pulled your wife into this mess?” Jun Xie nearly fell off from his chair and fainted on the spot. \nThis was too shocking! Simply unthinkable!\nTang Yuan’s fiancée was not only his wife, she was the daughter of Sun Cheng He, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice! A beauty from a prestigious family, sent into the Thousand Gold Hall!\nIf this news were to spread out, then the amount of ridicule and laughter would be considerable.\nThe son of the Minister of State Revenue went gambling, losing the daughter of the Vice-Minister of Justice… If this news were to spread, Grandpa Tang would pump out all the fat and oil in this fatty’s body to be used as fuel for Sky Lantern!\n“I… I did not drag her there…” Tang Yuan was at the point of crying out. “But I signed a promissory note, using her as mortgage for one million liangs… it was written in black and white, here and there… was my signature…”\n“PIG! You pig!”\nOne was a daughter from the Minister of Justice, the other was a son from the Minister of State Revenue. This type of connection would affect the future and reputation of the two prestigious factions! And yet, he only pawned it for a mere one million!\nJun Xie ended up laughing. “You actually signed off on it as well… What happened to that one million liang?”\n“Lost… lost as well…” Tang Yuan fell with his buttocks on the ground, causing the ground to tremble and started bawling and wailing.\n“They said that if I don’t bring over one million and five hundred thousand liangs within three hours’ time, then they have no need for the money anymore, they also do not want her, they will make this promissory note public…”\n“My God!” Jun Xie was speechless again. “How did it become one million and five hundred thousand liangs? Isn’t it supposed to be only one million liangs?”\n“That… that was the price for the three hours…” \nTang Yuan snivelled. “Third Young Master, you must save me! I… I have nowhere to go!”\n“You want me to save you, how am I supposed to save you? What makes you think I have that much money?” \nJun Xie flatly refused. Are you kidding me? This senior haven’t had my fill of killing guys like these, and you want me to fork out money to support this kind of gambler? \nForget the fact that I do not have such a huge sum, even if I do have it I still will not borrow!\n“You do not need any money!”\nTang Yuan’s spirit immediately lifted, his small eyes blinked. “Li Feng and Meng Hai Zhou made a condition, saying that since Third Young Master Jun had not visited in a while, they will return the promissory note to me as long as I can bring you over to gamble with them a few rounds.”\n“I actually have that high level of prestige?” Jun Xie shook his head, considering the past actions of this debauchee whose body he had taken over, his fame in the gambling halls was probably only so-so. As for his past life… his evil name in the casinos was probably the pinnacle of transcendence!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第120章\n“关于北城帮被灭的原因,早已调查清楚;世间事或者真的有太多巧合了!起因也不过就只是秦虎的儿子秦小宝这个不知深浅的小纨绔无意在酒楼上得罪了唐源和君莫邪这两个他得罪不起的大纨绔。\n两人挟私怨报复,有他们从中作梗,覆灭区区北城帮自然只在旦夕之间,不过,不知道是不是我太多疑了,我总觉得这其中有些不对劲的地方,可是具体在那却有说不出来。”李悠然站了起来,缓缓踱步。\n“如今失去了北城帮这个耳目,使得我们缺少了不少市井情报的来源,这个要尽快弥补过来才好。”\n“家族中的事情,由你做主就好。”李尚闭着眼睛:“我本要举荐你进入朝堂,不过你既然坚持不愿,那也只好迟些再说。不过,悠然,我李家的根基始终还是在朝堂之上,而不是在江湖之中。这一点,你一定要切记!\n我知道你野心颇大,但是,凡事……要量力而行,行险而求侥幸的事,可一而不可再,小心驶得万年船!”\n“孙儿明白了。”李悠然这次沉默了许久,才低着头回答道。\n一阵秋风起,漫空黄叶飞。两个面目平常,穿着平常的人平静的在天香城的大街道上走着,气度闲雅,悠然潇洒互其中一人脸色腊黄,身材却格外的挺拔,双目中的锐利与他的腊黄的脸色殊不相称,另一人则是个肤色稍黑的少年人。\n“这十年来,天香城的变化真的不小啊。”\n中年人缓缓走着,眼睛缓缓从路两边转过去,语声苍凉,居然很像是一个刚刚经历了沧海桑田的老人,突然又转回到了正常世界一般。\n“那个地方,十几年之前曾是夜家祠堂,当年我们兄弟很多人,从小就在那边玩耍,呵呵……”他笑着,声音却像是在哭。\n“三叔,你是不是也感觉,恍如隔世一般?”旁边的少年笑了笑:“说到底,习惯了就好了;但凡是人,总是要死的;无论是做人还是统兵,都要看得开生死。\n若是看不开生死关,无论做什么,都未必会有太大的成就。”\n“看开生死……谈何容易!”中年人喟叹一声,“一梦已十年,满目尽荒凉,曾经的兄弟俱已化作黄土一胚,如今举目四顾,孑然一身……”\n“三叔,您看我们脚下。”少年温和的笑了起来,温和中却带着讥诮,对人生的讥诮,对人世间的讽刺的笑容!\n这一刻,少年的眼神带着一种看穿古今,漠视一切的淡然。\n他指着脚下的土地:“三叔可知道,从古到今,几千几万年了,这块土地之下到底掩埋了多少人?”\n“从某种意义上来说,我们其实每时每刻,都踩在别人的尸体上!\n这一刻我们踩到的或许是一位乞丐,下一刻我们或者就踩到一位帝王的遗骸上面!\n不管是山河还是厚土,就说全是由尸骨积累也并不为过的。\n生生死死,也不过就是如草木一般的岁枯岁荣,说到底,又算得了什么?\n总有一天,你,又或者我,也会躺在这下面供人踩踏!”\n“但最重要的,是现在!\n现在我们无时无刻的不在踩着别人。无论他曾经是雄霸一方的霸主,曾经是功在千秋的帝王,又或者是倾国倾城的绝色,现在不也都毫无反应了吗?\n所以我们要在被别人踩之前,一定要站到任何人都不能够踩我们的高度!以后,只有我们去踩别人!\n不管是活人,还是死人。”\n“哈哈……”他桀骜的笑了起来:“既然如此,还要缅怀什么?\n哪里还有什么时间去缅怀死去的人?\n管它前面是刀山还是火海,一律踩他妈的;管它前面是王候还是将相,一律杀他妈的;管他前面是高山还是大海,一律去他妈的!”\n“活着,就要无悔!\n哪怕是做错了,也要不悔!\n对对错错,是是非非,又谁能说得清楚?\n活着,就要尽兴!活得潇潇洒洒,活的随心所欲,看谁不顺眼,踩之!\n谁惹了我们,伤了我们,杀之!\n对挡在我们面前的人,灭之!”\n“人生在世,无论男女,只需傲对苍穹,俯瞰大地,纵横天下,睥睨风云!如此!才不枉来这世上走一遭!”\n少年的眼睛冷漠地注视着周遭一切,“其他的,充其量也不过就只是一个游戏而已!仅此而已!”\n这两个人倒也奇怪,居然是年轻的在安慰,说教年老的。\n这奇怪的叔侄组合自然就是君无意,君莫邪叔侄二人。\n说来君无意已经有十年都没有出过君府大门,君莫邪为了让他散散心,便提出易容出游;君无意正中下怀,欣然答应,然后叔侄二人就这么溜了出来,满京城的逛达。\n君莫邪的易容术,传承自前世的一位绝代易容大家,可说是集合了古今中外技术大成的手段,相信纵观整个玄玄大陆,能够认出来他们本来面目的也是绝无仅有的,所以两人很是放心大胆的到处乱逛。\n“莫邪,真正想不到你这么……”君无意听完君莫邪的话,摇摇头笑了起来。\n“若是不看你的人,只是听你这番话恐怕连我都会认为你是一个历经沧桑,看透生死,甚至还很有些偏激的老头子呢。”\n君莫邪心中苦苦一笑,心道,恐怕我比你口中的那些老头子所能够经历的都要多得多啊,咱可是名副其实的两世为人的说……\n“这里,十年前就是大皇子的聚贤阁,想不到今日居然变成了黄花堂?\n我真的很怀疑,难道在这京城之中,还有敢跟大皇子争地盘的势力吗?”\n君无意皱眉看着路左一个凹进去的所在,却是一个看上去有些不起眼的楼阁,后面连绵起伏,竟然是一个大宅院,里面隐隐地传出一阵凄厉的哭叫,声音微弱而又绝望:“黄花堂……又是什么意思?\n不会真的就是昔日黄花的意思吧?!”\n眼见过往行人在经过这黄花堂的时候无不躲得门口远远的,似乎这里面藏着毒蛇猛兽一般,人人眼中都是有些畏惧惶恐甚至是憎恶,经过门口时,都是加快脚步匆匆而过。\n君莫邪迅速在脑中一搜,道:“黄花堂,好像是一个类似于妓院之类的所在吧,\n不过这里的相比较来说,年龄都比较小,而且,也有一些样子好看的……孪童!”说着这些,君莫邪心中突然涌上来一股强烈的愤怒。\n“这里根本是一个买卖少男少女的中转站,若是有资质好的,就会被秘密送走,资质不佳但人长得伶牙利嘴的,就加以调教,然后高价卖进大户人家牟取暴利;至于更差一等的则留在这里,然后过几年年长,待到他们发身长大,就会被卖进灵雾湖做男女玩物。\n可说是一个藏污纳垢的罪恶所在。”\n君无意双目一张,凌厉地看了过去:“没想到天香帝国的帝都所在之地,居然出现了这等下作的地方,难道官府竟都不闻不问的吗?”\n君莫邪叹了口气。\n这地方,名义上大皇子是早已放手了,但实际之中,谁又能说的清楚究竟是怎么回事?\n谁有这个胆子蹦出来挨刀?\n这可曾经是大皇子的地盘,就算不是大皇子暗中做主,但能从大皇子手上收地盘的,又岂会是等闲之辈?\n黎都所在的衙门,本就是最不处理各种诉话的地方,随便牵扯一个,什么人,背后可能就是一个王公大臣,凤子龙孙,躲还躲不及呢,谁有胆量去尝试呢?!\n再说这些人打着真金白银买卖的幌子,将一些无家可归的孩童收容而来,等于是自己的家奴。\n别人谁会说什么?\n“真是乌烟瘴气!败兴之至!”君无意冷哼一声,深深地看了几眼,不甘心的从门口走了过去,今日始终是易容而来,实在是不方便暴露什么,\n况且君无意身体瘙愈的消息还是要严格保密的,就算是再不甘心,也只好就此离去。\n两人刚刚走出十数丈之地,突然听见身后一阵凄厉的哭叫,接着砰地一声,人群中一片大哗,一条人影扑通一声摔落在街中心,却是一个衣衫不整的少女,背心上一个大大的脚印,一张还算清秀的脸庞痛苦地扭曲着,口中不断地溅出血块,两眼无神,眼看已经是活不成了。\n口中却仍在低声哀求:“求你们,放过我弟弟,求,不要让他做……”\n“姐……”接着一个尖锐的哭叫声音,依稀可见一个瘦弱的小孩子在拼命地向外冲,门口的大汉一伸手拦住了他,小孩子满脸焦急,拼命挣扎,可是区区顽童又如何摆脱一个成年壮汉的执肘,那小孩急了,突然张嘴就在大汉手臂上狠狠咬了一口,大汉剧痛之下一缩手,他终于趁机冲了出来,奔向大街上那名垂死的少女。\n少女奄奄一息的看着奔过来的小小身影,眼中露出欢喜和担心之色,勉强地伸出一只满是鲜血的手掌迎向自己的弟弟。\n就在这时,一个声音怒骂一声,接着尖锐的破空声响起,那孩子急速奔跑中的小小身子突然一阵扭曲,就像被突然截断的甘庶一般,噗通一声,重重地倒了下去,背心脊椎,竟然被隔空一拳生生打断!\n一声不吭,便已没了呼吸,尸体在地上滑行了几尺,双眼怒突,一只手向前伸着,但距离自己的姐姐的手掌还有半尺之遥。\n这半尺之遥,竟然就是这姐弟两人倾尽生命也无法跨越的距离!\n小童竟走在垂死姐姐的前头?!\n少女悲愤的狂嚎一声,努力地向弟弟小小的身躯爬动,却只勉力挣扎了两下,就再也挪不动了,死死地瞪着她那曾经美丽的大眼睛,终于眼中神光涣散,却仍不肯瞑目,呼吸虽已停止,但纤细的手掌依然依然固执的伸向弟弟的方向……\n啪,一声小小的响动,少女怀中一枚缺了半边的铜板从怀中掉了出来,沾着地上姐弟两人的血迹,滴溜溜的滚动着,竟然滚出了好久,在君莫邪的脚边一歪,无巧不巧地靠在了他的鞋帮上,停住不动了。\n“作孽啊!这是这个月第几个了?唉,这批孩子真是可怜。”一个路人低低的自语着,摇了摇头,赶紧的遁走。\n“这本来就是人家买来的奴才,自家惩罚奴才算什么作孽?”一人不以为然的嘀咕。\n还有好多人脸上露出怜悯之色,目中隐有愤怒之意,却也不敢说话。\n一个个眨眼间走得干干净净,密密麻麻的大街行人,居然瞬间就消失了。\n“畜生!”君无意听见声音转过身来挤过人群的时候!\n不由勃然大怒:“对这样小小的孩子也下这般毒手,你们还有没有人性?有没有王法公道!”\n门口几个大汉正一脸狞笑地看着面前自己亲手制造的这一副血淋淋的景象,有些邪恶的快意;万万没有想到竟然有人会公然站出来指责!\n这对于黄花堂来说,可是一个已经许久没有的事情了。\n“不开眼的穷酸,少管闲事!\n滚回家去吃你的奶去吧,再敢唧唧歪歪,老子让你和这两个贱货一般下场!\n王法公道?老子就是王法公道!”那被咬了一口的大汉瞪起眼睛,狞笑着。\n君无意今天的打扮只是一个书生打扮,而且衣袍甚是寻常,看上去倒像是个落第的秀才。\n“好胆!”君无意怒不可遏:“皇城脚下,朗朗乾坤,居然如此草菅人命!更敢如此践踏王法?”\n这个时候,君莫邪却在低着头,看着脚下那枚半边的铜钱怔怔的出神,这一刻,心中杀机暴涨,一种熟悉又陌生的感觉突然冲土了心头!\n这一枚残缺的铜钱,就借着那么微弱的震动,无巧不巧地穿过好几人的脚边,沾在了自己的鞋上!\n委托?或者,是天意?\n在这一刻,君莫邪仿佛又回到了前世,又成了那位杀手之王者,邪君君邪!\n缓缓俯下身,君莫邪异常郑重地捡起了那枚缺了一角的铜钱,合在手心里,低声道:“放心的去吧,我,接受了你们的委托!\n我今生的第一笔交易!\n有拖无欠,苍天有眼!”\n慢慢抬头,看着那炫目的“黄花堂”三个字,君莫邪的眼睛慢慢地眯了起来,眯起的眼睛中锋锐的光芒,犹如一线阳光从满天乌云中透开了一条清晰的痕迹,使得他身上狂涌的杀气,竟然有些夺目的辉煌!\n我不理会这背后隐藏着什么样的故事,我也不需要知道这小女孩到底是什么人,什么身份;我也不想知道黄花堂背后的实力究竟有多大!\n我只知道,这件事情我要做!\n受人钱财,与人消灾!\n一文钱也是钱,有缺的铜钱也依旧是钱!\n我收了这一文钱,就是收了酬劳!既然收了酬劳,那么,这些人,就要死!\n所以现在——我杀!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 120\n“There’s a lot of investigation going on around the destruction of the northern part of the city. It could be a coincidence, but Qin Hu’s son, Qin Xiao Bao unknowingly and unintentionally offended Tang Yuan and Jun Mo Xie!\nJun Mo Xie and his sidekick would have surely retaliated in some way, but I don’t think that they could be behind the mysterious destruction of the northern part of the city…. however, I don’t could just be becoming a little paranoid, but I think that this could be related in some way, but I can’t really describe the reason behind my suspicions.” Li You Ran stood up and started slowly pacing back and forth. \n“At the moment, the northern part of the city has lost its eyes and ears, which is why we are missing the majority of our sources in that part of the town, so we’ll need to make up for that loss as soon as possible.”\n“Good, you must work on that.” Li Shang closed his eyes: “I would recommend you to join the Imperial court, but since you’re insisting against it, all I can say to you, Li You Ran, is that I’ve built the foundation of our Family due to my position in the Imperial Court, and not by sitting beside rivers and lakes, this you must always remember!\nI know that you’re ambitious, but you must understand your limitations…… it’s very dangerous to chance your luck all the time, if you wish to progress, you must do so cautiously and calculatedly!”\n“Your grandson understands.” Li You Ran had silently lowered his head for a while before replying.\nThe autumn wind was flowing free and leisurely, and two unknown men were enjoying its delicacy. One of them had a yellow face, his figure was exceptionally tall. His sharp eyes looked disproportionate to his yellow face, while the other one was slightly darker in shade.\n“The Tian Xiang Imperial City has changed a lot in this past decade ah.”\nThe middle-aged man was walking slowly as his eyes looked around the city’s streets. His voice sounded a bit desolate, almost as if he had been to a different world, and had suddenly returned to face a different reality. \n“That place was Ye Family’s ancestral hall ten years ago, and I grew up playing around there with my Brothers…he he…” He laughed, but it still sounded like he was weeping.\n“Uncle, you’re not getting caught up in the past again, are you?” the youngster next to him smiled: “After all, you must get used to it. All things must die one day, whether it is man or a soldier or a system: whatever begins in life… ends in death.\nIf it wasn’t about life and death, then no matter what happens, no one no would bother about fame and success.”\n“To get used to life and death….. easier said than done!” The middle-aged man sighed loudly, “The last ten years have passed away like a bad dream. I just see desolation everywhere…. Once I had brothers, and now they are all dead, and I’m left alone in this world…..”\n“Uncle, do you ever think about our feet?” The youngster chuckled gently, but with a hint of a gentle mockery, almost as if he was mocking the irony of life on this earth!\nAt this moment, the youngster’s eyes were seemingly seeing through the past and the present, and he seemed ignorant to everything else. \nHe pointed at the land under his foot: “Third uncle, since ancient times, since tens of thousands of years, do you know how many people have been buried under this piece of land?”\n“In a way, we are actually always standing on the corpse of someone else! \nThis moment, we perhaps stepped on the corpse of beggar, and maybe the next moment we might be standing on the remains of a great emperor! \nThe matter that this thick soil consists off…. is comprised of a mountain of bones. \nLife and death are just like dry and vegetation, once it gets old and withered, it dies… so what does it matter? \nOne day, you, or perhaps, I, will lie under this soil, ready to be trampled upon by other humans!”\n“But the most important thing is now! \nNow, we are stepping on someone else all the time, whether he was a commoner, or a once-in-a millennia imperial lord, or the beautiful daughter of a minister. But what are they now?\nthe obvious reaction to stepping on other’s graves is that we must build our selves to a position where the others cannot step on us!!\nWhether we live or we die!”\n“Ha ha…..” the man laughed wickedly: “That might be true, but we must also cherish the memories of the dead from time to time.\nIf we don’t cherish their memories, or worse, make our-self unworthy of being remembered, then how can we expect our future generations to remember us?\nThe king might have been a king in his life, but if he killed a million men, then it doesn’t matter if he died on a mountain or on a river bed, he would have still gone to hell!”\n“In life, we mustn’t regret! \nEven if we have done something wrong, we mustn’t regret! \nA wrong done for the right reasons is still a right, and a right done for the wrong reason is still a wrong?…. No one knows the reality of right and wrong in truth…. \nWhile we live, we must have fun! Live like the sea, free and unrestrained… follow the desires of the heart. \nIf we don’t like someone, we must step on them! And kill the ones who hurt us! \nAnd destroy the ones that stand in our path!”\n“In life, both men and women must proudly look at the heavens, and let the ones that overlook this earth know, that we are alive! That we were worthy of coming to this world!”\nthe youngster’s eyes were distantly gazing at his surroundings: “This is just a game, nothing more!”\nThese two men were rather strange, even though they looked quite young, they were preaching like old men.\nThis strange combination was obviously the uncle and the nephew duo of Jun Wu Yi and Jun Mo Xie.\nJun Wu Yi hadn’t left the Jun Family’s courtyard in these last ten years, so Jun Mo Xie wanted to take him out in order to relieve him of his boredom. This was exactly what Jun Wu Yi needed, and he readily agreed, and so the two men sneakily slipped out and decided to take a stroll around the capital’s streets.\nJun Mo Xie had lived a very stealth life in his previous incarnation, and had acquired peerless expertise in disguising himself using a variety of modern and ancient techniques. At this moment, they looked so different from their original appearance, that no one in the entire Xuan Xuan continent would be able to tell their real identities, which is why the two men were boldly wandering around at present.\n“Mo Xie, do you really believe that…..” Jun Wu Yi finished listening to Jun Mo Xie, then shook his head and laughed:\n“If you can’t see yourself, then you must at least listen to yourself. I’m afraid that you’ve changed a lot, you’re seeing through the concepts of life and death like an extremely old man ah.”\nJun Mo Xie smiled in his heart. He was indeed running his mouth like an old man would, but then again, he was quite experienced in life, this after all, this was his second life, and he was talking from experience….\n“This place used to be great prince’s residence ten years ago; they’ve actually managed to convert it to a Huang Hua Hall? \nI really wonder, this being the capital city, who would dare force a prince out his home?”\nJun Wu Yi frowned as he looked at the concave that lay on the left side of the road. The road to it looked slightly humble, but it rolled up and down and led straight to a very big house. A frail and faintly shrill voice rank from within, and it seemed rather weak and full of despair. “Huang Hua Hall… what does it mean?\nI don’t remember it being here in the older days?”\nThe pedestrians passing by would try to stay as far away from the Huang Hua Hall, almost as if the place was riddled with snakes on the inside. Everyone’s eyes were filled with hate and a hint of fear, and they would inevitably quicken up their steps as they would pass by the gate of the building.\nJun Mo Xie quickly searched through the memories in his brain, and said: “Huang Hua Hall is like a Brothel of sorts.\nBut the escorts here are relatively younger in age, and most are quite good-looking……..children!” Suddenly, a strong sense of anger swarmed Jun Mo Xie’s heart.\n“This is a transit point for the sale of young boys and girls. If they are well qualified, then they sent away. The one who aren’t very educated but are good looking and clever, are tuned up and then sold for high prices to large families for profiteering purposes. The first class recruits are the worst off; they are allowed to stay here for a few years, until they reach puberty, and then, they are sold into the Spirit Fog River to be the playthings of men and women. \nThis place is the base of sin and filth.”\nJun Wu Yi looked sharply at the gate: “I didn’t expect that such an establishment would be allowed to function inside the Tian Xiang Imperial City! How do the officials allow this?”\nJun Mo Xie sighed. \nThis place had belonged to the prince once, and he had to let go off it, but no one knows what happened and why…. \nWho would have the guts to go up against such people? \nIf the site belonged to a prince, and someone was capable of taking it off the hands of a powerful prince, then what could common men do about it?\nThis was a bureaucratic empire, and his place had managed to stay out of all litigations, so maybe a top ranked noble or the son of a very powerful man was behind this establishment, but who would have the courage to try and find out?! \nBesides, most people came here willingly since they needed the money, while some were homeless children from homeless asylums, and were tantamount to slaves anyway. \nWhat could other people say about this matter?\n“This is awful! This is very disappointing!” Jun Wu Yi groaned coldly. He glanced sharply at the entrance gate, unwilling to walk past it, but today, he’d have to turn back, since exposing his identity would be very troublesome.\nMoreover, Jun Wu Yi’s body was still healing and he strictly needed to keep it a secret, so even though he didn’t wish to, he turned around to walk away from it.\nJust as the two men were leaving, a sudden and shrill cry sounded behind them, which was followed by a loud uproar from a crowd of people. A figure dropped onto the middle of the street; it was young maiden, her clothes were disheveled and torn, while her beautiful face was distorted with pain. Her mouth was constantly vomiting blood, and her glazed eyes already seemed to have lost the will to live. \nHer mouth opened as she cried in a low voice: “I ask you Brother, I beg you Brother, don’t let him do……”\n“Sister…..” then, a sharp voice cried after her, and a thin and weak child emerged at the entrance of the building. A hand was stopping the child from walking out, but the child’s face was very anxious and he was constantly struggling to break free; but how could a mere child break free from the hold of a brawny adult man. In his state of anxiety, the child ceaselessly kept throwing his elbows around in the hope of breaking free of his captor. Then suddenly, the child opened his mouth and fiercely bit the man’s arm. The man winced in pain and the boy took his opportunity and rushed out towards the middle of the street, where the young girl lay dying.\nThe dying girl looked over and saw the small figure that was approaching her, and suddenly her eyes revealed a color of joy and fear. She was barely able to lift her hand as she tried to extend it, hoping that it would be met by her own Brothers’.\nJust then, a voice suddenly cursed out loudly, and a sharp and piercing sound followed. The boy who was in the middle of speeding towards his sister, found his body being twisted unnaturally, almost as if a sugar cane was being bent in the middle. He fell to the ground with a ‘plop’ sound, and the punch that he had just taken had suddenly cut his life short! \nHe was silent now, and his body no longer breathed. His body slid on the ground under the impact of the attack, but his eyes were still flushed with anger and anxiety, while his hand was still stretched out towards his dying sister. But his hand was unable to make the distance as his dead body came to a stop, a foot away from her dying sister’s body.\nThis one foot of distance was actually separating two siblings and this distance was so large for them, that they were unable to cover it, even at the cost of their lives!\nA young boy was actually dead in front of his older sister’s dying eyes?!\nThe angry and indignated maiden howled wildly as she tried to crawl closer to her brother’s corpse, but only managed to struggle twice before she was unable to move any further. Her beautiful eyes still stared at the corpse of her younger brother, as the final trace of life left them, but they still refused to shut, unable to rest in peace. Her breathing had ceased, but her slender arm was still obstinately stretched towards her brother’s dead body…….\n‘Pop’. There was a slight sound, and a small, broken, copper coin fell out from under the young maiden’s breast clothing, curled along her arms, and rolled across the ground which was stained in the blood of these two siblings. The coin rolled and rolled for a long time, and came to a stop next to Jun Mo Xie’s shoe’s front, and no longer moved any further.\n“Sinful ah! There have been too many this month! Well, these children were really poor…” a passerby whispered to himself, shook his head, and quickly left the scene.\n“This is what happens to people who sell themselves to slavery… I guess this can be considered as their punishment for their own sins?!” one man muttered in disapproval.\nA lot of people looked on with a color of compassion on their faces, which was concealing a strong sense of anger beneath, but no one dared to speak a word against it openly. \nIn the blink of an eye, the entire crowd had quickly started to disperse, and the street started to clear again.\n“Animals!” the sound of Jun Wu Yi’s voice made everyone turn around.\nHe had done an irreversible deed in a fit of rage: “How could you murder such young children? Do you still have some humanity left in you, or some sense of justice perhaps?”\nThere were a few men standing at the entrance of building, grinning at the bloody spectacle that they had just choreographed, extracting some evil pleasure from the sight of it. They had never imagined that someone would openly accuse them! \nThis was the Huang Hua Hall, and no ever said anything here.\n“Don’t watch it if you don’t like it, and mind your own business! \nGo home to your mother and don’t you dare say another word. I decide the fate of these two,\nwho are you to call me out for justice? Or humanity?!” the man who had been bitten by the kid was still grinning.\nJun Wu Yi was presently dressed as a scholar, but his strange robes made him look like a poor man, and less like an accomplished scholar.\n“I dare you!” Jun Wu Yi was furious: “You do these activities in the heart of the Imperial City?! How dare you show such disregard for life and trample upon it?”\nAt this time, Jun Mo Xie was looking down, spellbound, at the broken coin which was stationary next to his shoe. At this moment, his heart was soaring and a strange but familiar feeling was rushing through his heart!\nThis is a broken coin, and could have tumbled over at the slightest vibration, but it still happened to make its way through several people’s feet and landed on mine!\nWhat is this Coincidence? or perhaps providence?\nAt this moment, Jun Mo Xie had gone back to his previous life, where he had become a Hitman, the King of all assassins – King Jun Xie!\nHe slowly leaned down and solemnly picked up that broken copper coin, and placed it in the center of this hand as he whispered: “I assure you, you may now rest in peace.\nI accept your money as the commission from my first deal in this life!\nNo contract is needed; the heavens will be the witness!”\nHe slowly looked up, and his dazzling eyes saw the three words ‘Huang Hua Hall’. Jun Mo Xie’s eyes narrowed as a light shone through them. Like a ray of sunshine that penetrates through the dark clouds, his eyes glimmered in a brilliant, but murderous blaze!\nI don’t care what the story behind these children are, and I do not need to know the girl’s identity. I do not care about the power that supports this Huang Hua Hall!\nI only know what I need to do!\nThe subject of this money is human misfortunes!\nA coin is money, even if it’s broken, it’s still money!\nI have received this money as the commission for a deal! And since I’ve accepted this commission, these people need to die!\nSo now – I Kill!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第121章\n我只是一个杀手!\n当有人需要我杀人的时候,我就会出手!\n做一只杀人的手!\n君无意正要冲上前去,突然一只手搭在了他的肩膀上,手的主人是——君莫邪。\n“三叔,我真的很奇怪;您这位沙场骁将,战阵高手,居然也会做这种对牛弹琴的事情?”君莫邪微微笑着。\n“恩?”君无意有些不解。\n“你跟他们谈王法?有用吗?他们如果在乎王法,就不会这样公然杀人了。\n你没听他们说,他们就是王法吗?!\n王法在他们眼中,已经只是一件可有可无的工具。\n至于你跟他们淡人性。呵呵,但凡他们还有一点点人性,也不会做出残杀幼童这样残忍的事情,跟一个全无人性的畜生淡人性,你不觉得自己很傻吗?”君莫邪平淡地道。\n“哦?那你说该如何做?”君无意断然道。\n“喏,就像弯着腰做,干脆利落,不是一个很好的选择那?!”\n话音尤在耳边,君莫邪身子诡异的一退,眼睛仍然是望向君无意,面色丝毫未改,甚至烟波依旧温柔如水;右手直直向后插去,只得一声闷哼;那走来的大汉被他五根手指生生的插进咽喉,君莫邪手一紧,一握,咔嚓一声将他喉骨握地粉碎!\n这大汉被君无意一句“王法”激起了凶性,大踏步地走上来要教训教训这个穷酸,谁知道刚刚起步,就被君莫邪干脆地当作了一个示范对象。\n“对这种人,要么就干脆不理他们,要么,就……”君莫邪自若的拔出手掌,在大汉的尸身上动作优雅的抹了抹血,依旧没有回头,顺手轻轻一推,大汉的尸体扑通一声落地。\n君莫邪这才慢条斯理的说了下去:“……要么就要、除恶务尽,赶尽杀绝!”\n胆寒倒地的尸体双目惊诧地瞪大着,却正好面对的那小女孩的仇恨的眼睛相对。\n或许他到死也没有想到,自己的死,乃是这小女孩“雇佣”了杀手的原因。\n一个有了缺口的一文钱,就是他这条命的代价!\n不,他还不值一文钱,因为还有很多的人命,会因这一文钱而消失!\n虽然连这女孩自己到死也不会想到,自己的大仇会得到洗雪,更不知道自己竟可以用这一文钱而莫名其妙地雇佣到一位盖世杀神!但她若是泉下有知,必会含笑九泉!\n天理昭昭,天意昭昭!\n“……”君无意看着君莫邪出手残命,面不改色,不由有些无语:“莫邪,教训一下也就是了,是否有必要斩尽杀绝呢?\n这样的人,始终要由王法来处置,才是正途!”\n“三叔,你虽然正直正义,但我不得不说一句,您实在是太迂腐了!”\n背后的杂乱的脚步声响起,君莫邪头也不回,道:“您试试跟他们讲道理?看看能不能感化?\n就算您亮出身份,责成官府惩处他们,又能怎样?\n我可以保证,他们转身就离开,然后今天这一幕,仍然会继续!哈哈,当真可笑!”\n门口剩余的几个大汉见同伴惨死,纷纷怒吼一声,冲上前来。\n“三叔,其实我们武者,有一件事要记清楚。”\n君莫邪云淡风轻的笑着,易容之后的脸上平淡无波,一双眸子确实深邃如水,历芒隐隐;\n对身后正冲来的大汉不闻不问:“现在看来,他们既然能够如此的肆无忌惮,那么这个天香国的律法,显然已经不能够束缚到这些人;\n呵呵,当律法成为邪恶的保护伞,当高位者利用邪恶来达到自己的目的——当恶人嚣张却没有人能够用正当的途径惩治的时候,这个时候,就是我们这样的人必然会出现的时候!”\n“要记住——在这种时候,我们武者心中的正义同样不能被律法所限制!必将化作杀人的利刃,以杀止杀,以暴制暴,将这些人间败类无情清除!\n才是伸张正义。\n而不必担心什么天理轮回,什么法制道理!那些在现在,已经是狗屁不如!”\n“对此,我唯有杀戮!”君莫邪微微地笑着,依然是面对着君无意。\n依然背对着身后走来的大汉,衣襟飘飘,神情恬淡.\n却在瞬间猛然回身,闪电般冲进了冲过来的大汉之中,咔嚓咔嚓几声响,瞬间从他们之间穿过,君莫邪硕长的身影已经头也不回施施然的他进了黄华堂门中。\n动作从容潇洒,宛如访友而来。\n在他身后,一个大汉手中举着单刀,咽喉却已经变作了一个大血洞,另一人胸口心脏的位置明显的凹陷下去,第三人胯下血流如泉,还是一人脖颈拧断,软嗒嗒的垂下脑袋。全毙!\n直到君莫邪的身影消失在黄华堂大门口,四人的尸体才接二连三的倒下。\n这几人虽然只是普通人的身手,本身最多也只得两三品玄气,但君无意看的清清楚楚,君莫邪杀人。\n每人只用一招!\n不!应该说是只得一个动作!\n但就只是这一个动作,却没有人能躲得过,甚至全无反应的思绪!\n一击毙命,并无侥幸!\n好可怕的杀人技俩!\n若是自己是否可以避过呢?\n君无意思索了片刻,若是自己在全身戒备的状况之下,避过却也是难事,但莫邪的这手夺命杀招,绝对足以在公平之下秒杀一般的银品玄者,至于更高水准的高手……\n君三爷猛然醒悟过来,侄子已经闯进去了,可别遇到什么危险,这个“黄花堂”既然敢如此明目张胆,可别在里面隐藏着什么高手,急忙跟在君莫邪身后,冲进了黄花堂,飞身而入,一眼望去,却大吃一惊。\n就在这短短的时间里,从进入黄花堂的门口开始,竟然已经横七竖八地躺着五、六具尸体,每个人的伤痕都是一样:咽喉一掌,喉骨碎裂!\n君无意旋风般冲了进去,终于看到君莫邪的身影,在一个个房间的进入出来,从容而又快,残酷而优雅!\n里面刚刚察觉异常冲进来的人们,君莫邪无论男女,概不放过,他的面前有敌人,但他的身后,除了君无意之外,竟然没有一个活人!一个也没有!\n君无意这个已殝天玄境界的大高手跟在他身后,居然全然没有出手的机会!\n充当一个保镖,还是非常不称职的保镖,外加跟班兼看客的角色。\n君莫邪脸色竟始终平静不动,出手如风,“咔”的一声,又有一个护院被他敲碎了喉骨,复又飞起一脚,变换一个角度之后,在种种刀影中右面的一个护院的胯下,那护院惨斯一声,七窍出血,颓然倒地。\n一路前进,一路鲜血,一路尸体!\n轰!三条人应带着银灿灿的光芒冲破了内院门,站在门口。\n“你们是什么人?竟然要上门滋事?知道这是什么地方吗?!”却是一个四十来岁的中年人。\n“上门滋事?!我没有啊,我只是受人委托来杀人的!那里会滋事!”\n君莫邪笑吟吟地说着,说话间,手下脚下仍毫不放松,面前近余的三个人同时分作方向扭曲着倒下。\n一路杀来,一个也没有放过;地下横尸已经有四五十之数!\n“好大的胆子!你受了谁的委托?”中年人明显的有些色厉内荏:“你到底知不知道这是什么地方?这是谁的地方?!”\n君莫邪懒得理他,转头道:“三叔,我有点累了,这三个人交给你了,你也好活动一下筋骨,不过可要速战速决啊,这里到底是京城,马上就会有官兵来。”\n“官兵?”君无意冷笑这点点头,突然身子一展,大鸟搬飞上前去,淡蓝色的光彩聚然闪现;优雅残酷!\n“啊!——天玄强……”三人一声惨呼来不及说完心中的震惊,已经被击飞了出去。\n天玄强者对付几个银品玄者,根本就是摧枯拉朽!根本还没有出力,就已经完事。\n君无意本不想滥杀,但是在君莫邪已经将事件扩大到了不可收拾的地步,摆明了就是要赶尽杀绝。\n而且时间紧迫不得不一马当先开始扫荡,再说,此间中人怎么也算不得无辜、滥杀也就滥杀了!\n虽然君三爷心中对君莫邪的做法仍是不满意的。\n正在君无意到处扫荡的时候,君莫邪飞快地冲进一个房间,一阵搜寻,然后“砰砰砰几声,君大杀手将两个大箱子扔到院子里,顺手提起一把刀,“啪啪”砍开,顿时白花花的银子,黄澄澄的金子,一张一张的银票散落满院子都是。\n君无意正在诡异,却见君莫邪已经提刀砍开角落里的几个房间,大吼一声:“都出来,拿了银子赶紧走!出去之后,往东面走!”\n顿时里面冲出数十少男少女来……\n等到最后打开一个密封的房门的时候,一股难于言宣的味道扑鼻而来,看到里面的情景,君无意突然感觉自己原先的犹豫和心中对侄儿的指责根本就是在纵容犯罪,包庇罪犯!\n这里面,乃是一个个的大坛子,大坛子坛口处,竟是一个个面黄肌瘦的头颅。\n“啪”的打碎一个坛子,君无意禁不睚眦欲裂!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 121\nI’m just a killer!\nWhenever someone needs me to commit a murder, I must be available!\nI have the hands of a killer!\nJust as Jun Wu Yi was about to rush forward, just then he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, the hand of his young nephew – Jun Mo Xie.\n“Uncle, I was really surprised; you’re a military general, a war veteran, why would you go howling about these kinds of things to such men?” Jun Mo Xie smiled slightly.\n“Well?” Jun Wu Yi was somewhat puzzled.\n“You’re trying to preach justice to deaf ears?… how’s that useful? If they cared about life and justice, they wouldn’t have committed murder so blatantly.\nYou heard their reply; do you still believe that they care about justice?\nNo. In their eyes, justice is just a dispensable tool which they can discard at their discretion.\nAs for your lecture about humanity, ha ha, if these men had even the slightest trace of humanity left in their body, then they wouldn’t have murdered these children in such a cruel and brutal manner. Animals can be cruel because they are stupid, but these men are human beings… do you think they are as stupid as animals?” Jun Mo Xie’s tone was flat and dull sounding.\n“Okay? Well, then what do you suggest we do here?” Jun Wu Yi asked categorically.\n“Well, I’d like to be decisive. Wouldn’t that be a better choice?”\nhe spoke these works in Jun Wu Yi’s ears as his body leaned past his uncle’s. His eyes were still fixed at Jun Wu Yi, while his face’s complexion was still as calm and warmly respectful but his right hand moved into action. He plugged his hand straight into the mouth of one of the men, inserted in down his throat. Then, Jun Mo Xie tightened his grip, ‘crack’, he crushed the man’s larynx!\nThis man was the one who had talked back to Jun Wu Yi when the latter had preached about justice. He had strode onto the street, and towards Jun Wu Yi to teach him a lesson, but hadn’t imagined that he’d end up turning into Jun Mo Xie’s demonstration dummy.\n“For such people, you can either simply ignore them, or…..” Jun Mo Xie pulled his hand out of the man’s throat and then gracefully wiped his hand off the blood on the man’s clothes. Then, he gently pushed the man back, and the man’s corpse landed on the ground with a ‘thud’.\nJun Mo Xie continued in a slow paced tone: “…..Or if necessary, then you can kill them ruthlessly!”\nThe man’s body lay on the ground, but his eyes were still open from the shock, and were now facing the hatred filled eyes of the girl’s dead body.\nPerhaps that man had never anticipated that this girl would end up hiring a hitman as her last act in this world.\nJust one damaged copper coin… that was the cost of his life!\nNo, he’s not even worth one damaged copper coin. A lot more lives would be taken before this copper coin’s debt was repaid!\nEven though the girl must have wished her culprits dead in her last breath, she probably never thought that they would all actually die.If she had known that her last penny would hire the king of all assassins, then she would be smiling watching from the heavens right now.\nBy providence, Justice would be served to her soul!\n“…” Jun Wu Yi was still looking at his nephew, surprised at the manner in which he had just killed a man. Even though his eyes were unable to blink, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut: “Mo Xie, it’s one thing to preach such ideas, but is it necessary to kill such people?\nIs disposing off such evil the right path to obtaining justice?!”\n“Uncle, you’re an honest and upright man, but I have to say this: you’re too pedantic!”\nsounds of footsteps were approaching Jun Mo Xie, but he didn’t bother to look back: “You wish to try and reason with them? Do you wish to influence them?\nEven if you revealed your identity and obligated the officials to punish them, what good would that bring?\nI can assure you that these men would get themselves released soon enough, and they will still continue to cause more scenes like this one! Ha ha, funny huh?!”\nThe other men, who had been standing at the door, saw the manner in which their companion had died, and had rushed forward roaring.\n“Uncle, in reality, we must remember one thing: we are men of martial laws!”\nEven though Jun Mo Xie’s was smiling, but his face was still somewhat emotionless, and his eyes seemed as deep as the oceans.\nHe still seemed indifferent to the men who were approaching him from behind: “right now, since these men can act so boldly and brazenly, then it would seem that the Tian Xiang country’s laws are no longer capable of restraining them.\nHuh, when the law becomes the protective umbrella and the high class starts to exploit the laws for their own purposes – and when no man can punish them using the righteous method, that’s the time when men like us are needed!”\n“Remember, at such a time, our military hearts must not be bounded by the shackles of the civil law, and we must turn ourselves into the sword that slaughters the wrong, combat violence with violence, and continue till we obliterate the land of these human scums!\nIt is justice in a way.\nAnd do not worry about the ways of the heavens…. The laws of men are nonsense to the Gods in any case!”\n“So now, faced with this, I can only kill!” Jun Mo Xie’s face revealed a slight smile, still facing Jun Wu Yi.\nThe men who were approaching from the back were almost upon him, but Jun Mo Xie’s face was still as calm as ever.\nBut then, he suddenly turned around in an instant, and burst past the four men in at a lightning fast speed, ‘snap, snap’, sounds followed, and he was already through them.\nJun Mo Xie’s tall figure waltzed towards the Huang Hua Hall’s door, almost as if he was visiting a friend’s house.\nBehind him, the bodies of the other four men looked completely intact. But then suddenly, one man’s throat exposed a big and bloody hole, and then the chest of another man started to bleed, his heart had obviously been struck by a knife. The third person’s crotch started to sprout blood like a fountain soon after, while the fourth man’s head had been relocated to a different angle. All of them were still standing, but were no longer alive!\nAs Jun Mo Xie entered the Huang Hua Hall, the four bodies fell to the ground.\nAlthough these ordinary men weren’t able to spot Jun Mo Xie’s actions, Jun Wu Yi had seen his attacks very clearly.\nJun Mo Xie had murdered each of these men with just one move!\nNo! He had murdered them all in just one, single, movement!\nBut this one movement was so quick that none of the men were able to react to it, let alone dodge it!\nThey were dead by command, not by fluke!\nA terrifying piece of skill!\nCould I have dodged that?\nJun Wu Yi thought for second… maybe if I was at full alert, and in the best of my health… but it wouldn’t be easy. Mo Xie’s hands were too fast, he could easily kill off several Silver Xuan experts in a matter of few seconds, or maybe even stronger experts….\nJun Wu Yi suddenly woke up and realized that his nephew had gone berserk. Jun Mo Xie had entered the building and may run into danger inside it. If the Huang Hua hall was able to act so boldly, then there could be some very powerful men inside the building. Jun Wu Yi quickly followed after his nephew, and practically flew into the building, only to be faced with a shocking surprise!\nIn a span of a few second, while Jun Wu Yi was making his way to the door from the street, Mo Xie had managed to kill several more men. About five or six bodies lay on the floor in a disorderly manner, and each person’s post mortem analysis was identical: either a hole in the throat, or a fractured larynx bone!\nJun Wu Yi rushed in, and finally saw Jun Mo Xie’s silhouette enter a room in a calm and fast, but still, elegantly brutal manner.\nUpon entering a room and detecting a hostile presence, whether man or woman, Jun Mo Xie wouldn’t let anyone live in front of him. The only man alive in the room, apart from Jun Mo Xie, would be the one man behind him, Jun Wu Yi. No one else would be alive after Jun Mo Xie exited a room!\nJun Wu Yi, a Sky Xuan expert, was backing Jun Mo Xie, but the nephew hadn’t given his uncle any chances to attack anyone!\nJun Wu Yi was supposed to be the bodyguard, but it seemed that he was so incompetent at present, that his role had been lowered to that of a sidekick or a mere spectator.\nJun Mo Xie’s face was as calm as ever, as he moved into another room. There were a few people inside this room, he broke the larynx of the first, kicked another, brought his knife up the crotch of the third, and left them all to cry as they slumped to the floor and bled to their deaths.\nThe way forward was the way of blood and death!\n‘Boom’! Three shining silver silhouettes entered through the inner courtyard, and stationed themselves across the doorway.\n“Who are you people? How dare you cause trouble here? Do you know what this place is?” the speaker seemed about forty years old.\n“Trouble?! I’m not causing any trouble, ah, I was just commissioned to kill these people! I don’t want to cause any trouble!”\nJun Mo Xie was still smiling. The feet of the men at the door were already shaking in fear, but they started to rearrange themselves in a tactical formation nonetheless.\nThey knew they were dealing with someone who was beyond them since there were about forty or fifty death bodies on the floor!\n“How dare you accept a commission for this place?” the middle aged man was obviously a sheep in a wolf’s skin: “Do you know who runs this place?!!”\nJun Mo Xie was too lazy to care about this man, so he turned around and said: “Uncle, I’m a little tired, so I’ll leave these three men to you since you could also use the exercise. But don’t take long… after all, this is the capital city, and the imperial soldiers will be here very soon.”\n“Soldiers??” Jun Wu Yi smirked coldly, and suddenly a blue light flashed as his body flew out in an elegant but cruel manner.\n“Ah, A Sky Xuan……” The three men weren’t even able to express their shock, and their dead bodies were already flying out in different directions.\nA Sky Xuan against three Silver Xuans….. Simply unfair! They never stood a chance!\nJun Wu Yi didn’t wish to go on a killing spree but Jun Mo Xie’s actions had already stretched this matter beyond the point of making a return, and he didn’t have another option at this moment.\nTime was running out, so Jun Wu Yi took the lead and started moping out the leftovers. Now he was the one who was killing the occupants of the building indiscriminatingly!\nBut still, Jun Wu Yi was very unhappy with his nephew’s actions.\nWhile Jun Wu Yi was raiding around the place, Jun Mo Xie quickly rushed into one of the locked rooms and then a ‘Bang Bang Bang ’ sound followed. Jun Mo Xie had thrown a few boxes into the courtyard. Then, he quickly and smoothly pulled a knife, and ‘snap, pop’, opened the boxes, and revealed the shining silver and the glistening gold inside these boxes.\nJun Wu Yi was astonished to see so much wealth…. Just then, Jun Mo Xie opened another locked room and shouted: “Come out! Take some money and quickly get out of here. Go east!”\nSuddenly, about a dozen boys and girls ran out of the room.\nWhen Jun Mo Xie opened the last locked room, the smell of an unspeakable horror filled his uncle’s nostrils. Once Jun Wu Yi saw the scene, his initial hesitation and disdain for Jun Mo Xie’s actions had disappeared!\nThis room contained a few earthen jars, and each of these earthen jars had one hole. One meek and malnourished head was popping out from each of these jars.\n‘Snap Snap’ Jun Wu Yi couldn’t hold back the temptation and broke all the jars in the room!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第122章\n呈现在君无意眼前的,这个在坛子里面的人体的下半身,早已经是严重的扭曲畸形,腰部以下,从小腿到大腿伸直了也只不过不到两尺的光景,手臂也是畸形的,看样子,已经不知道在坛子里过了多久,只露出一个头吃喝,甚至于便溺也全部在里面……\n这些人只剩下眼睛还在闪光,还在乞怜地看着自己二人,却是嘶嘶的发不出声音,仔细一看,原来他们的舌头已经被割去……\n“这就是‘人彘’,这些人将一些没有资质也没有培养前途的小孩子,就养在这里面,等他们慢慢的身体变形扭曲了,然后高价卖出去给杂耍团,杂耍团的人再利用这些畸形人博取人们的同情心敛财。\n君莫邪只看了一眼,就别过头去。\n“三叔,你现在还觉得,这里的人不该杀?只需要教育就得了吗?”\n“何止是罪有应得,根本就应该千刀万刹!”\n君无意一阵汗颜,一阵暴怒!“如此恶毒行径,需要什么样的恶毒心肠才能够做得出来!\n这样的人渣,早就该死了!”\n“先是将无家可归的小孩子收进来,然后将部分资质较好的训练成杀人机器,样子出色的部分进行调教,男童被训练成妾童,女童被调教成妓女,至于形象不怎么出众的则壬练成犬奴,再剩下来实在不堪造就的就只有变成了眼前的畸形!\n在这地方的每一个人,都在参与这个工作!这里的人,难道是教育几下,就可以了吗?!\n所以我选择杀,我杀得全无犹豫,毫不留情!杀的自己心怀大畅!”\n君莫邪微微点头,看着门夕,一群少男少女由初始的畏畏缩缩,终于大着胆子捡起地上的金银,纷纷一个个向着自己两人磕头,然后奔出门去……\n“三叔,可曾想过;这些孩子之中,会否有你昔日战死在沙场的部下的子女?\n千万不要急着否认,天有不测风云,难免会有父母双亡、无依无靠,无以为生的被收罗到了这里!”\n君莫邪这一句话说出来,君无意顿时两只眼睛都红了!\n君莫邪的话冷静,冷酷的接近冷血,但却无疑是非常有道理……\n“天香国之中,似这等所在,虽不能说比比皆是,随处可见,却也绝不在少数!只不过大多数都不像这里这样的明目张胆罢了。”\n君莫邪喟叹一声,扬眉看天;远远的已有蹄声如雷向着这边而来。\n“前边的那些少男少女尚可自由行动,逃生有望,可眼前这些人,却又如何是好?\n你有什么主意吗?!”身为天玄高手的君无意当然也听到了动静。\n可是面前的这数十人身在坛中身躯畸形的孩子,却是目前一大难题:带走肯定带不走的,但若是放任他们留在这里,却等于是重入虎口。\n“好主意?那里有什么好主意!\n眼前这些人,舌头没了,耳朵也被刺聋了,手脚完全畸形,终生恢复无望……\n他们早已经被摧毁了人生所有希望,对他们来说,生存已经是一种酷刑,生不如死!”君莫邪叹息一声。\n“你的意思是……”君无意愕然震惊:“不行!这绝对不行!他们已经够可怜,难道我们还要剥夺他们的仅余的一点生命?”\n君莫邪转过头:“若然如此,那我们就快走吧;官府已经来人了;再不走,就要正面对上了。\n既然你觉得不该结束他们痛苦的生存,那就留着他们继续可怜下去吧。”\n顿了顿,道:“你留着他们这样活着,对他们来言,才是最大的痛苦!唉,罢了,且观后效吧,时间来不及了。走吧。”\n君无意深深长叹,终究还是下不了手,最后眼光复杂地看了一眼这些在坛中的人体,那一双双死灰般的眼睛,终于一狠心,跟在君莫邪身后,两人急速的掠过后面墙头,一阵左拐右绕,顿时人间蒸发了一般消失。\n两人几乎是刚刚离开,如雷蹄声已经在黄花堂门口停下,接着人声嘈杂,轰然的官兵闯了进来……\n“莫邪,你的性子,未免有些过于残忍嗜杀了!这一点,你可要仔细控制才好。\n今天的事,是杀的好,不过我却发现你的心性有些过于冷酷。\n以后若是遇上事情,当要仔细考虑。”君无意边行边道。\n“除恶即是扬善。\n三叔,我并不否认我是嗜杀,但我从来都不会杀好人的,一个也不曾伤害过!\n但对于该杀的人,我会灭他全家全族,除恶务尽,鸡犬不留!”君莫邪面色始终平淡如水,冷冷地笑了笑,脚下丝毫不停。\n叔侄二人地形颇为熟悉,身法亦是灵动之极,连过几条街道,翻过几个墙头之后,到达一个较为僻静的所在,身后的如雷震一般的马蹄声已渐渐隐约不闻。\n“你说的对,除恶务尽,再遇到这样的地方,我们还是要插手的;世间存在这样的地方,根本就是天理难容的!”\n君无意深深皱着眉头。“莫邪,你刚才为何只杀人,却并不抓住一个活口询问幕后主使?\n若是找到幕后主持之人,并剪除之,才算功德圆满!”\n“三叔,你认为这些外围的虾米能知道什么?\n问他们,只是白费功夫而已!\n就算能问出什么蛛丝马迹,也还得咱们费劲去追查,反而会暴露我们自己!”\n君莫邪有趣地看着他:“其实那幕后主使,出了这么档子事之后,他怎能坐得住?\n必然会加强戒备等着我们上门,也会四处搜捕,或者暗中打探我们的消息。从事后的反应来看不比被动追查更有把握得多么?\n彼时,我们在暗,那幕后之人在明,无论我们要做何选择,也会方便的多!”\n另有一句,君莫邪实在没好意思说,若是追查到幕后之人乃是朝中重臣,甚至是皇室中人,三叔您真的会下手吗?\n就以这“黄花堂”而论,若背后的主持之人真是大皇子,你真的会剪除之吗?!\n“说的也是。”君无意剑眉一轩:“不过我的身体如今已经恢复了,便决计不允许世间还有这样丑恶的所在;知道一个我就会摧毁一个!”\n“三叔啊,侄儿只能跟您说,您任重而道远了。\n呵呵,等我们回去之后,三叔你立即安排可靠人手,将那些逃出来的人能救几个算几个吧。\n若是单凭他们自己,恐怕是逃不掉的。”\n“那你为何……还给他们银两?”君无意有些不解。\n“只是为了他们能够买点东西吃,或者脑筋灵活一些的走得远一点而已。”\n君莫邪微微一笑:“在这样的情况下,我们根本没法帮到他们;能否逃生,就看他们各自的本事。\n所以,在他们这些人之中,走得越远的,藏得越隐秘的,就越值得造就!而这些,就应该是三叔你的事情了。”\n君莫邪正说着话,突然蓦然停下脚步,静静地出声道:“跟了这么久,阁下也该出来了吧?”\n君无意顿时大惊,难道竟然有人跟踪自己两人?\n为何自己没有发觉?\n自己多日潜修,已经将本身修为稳定在天玄初阶,可说是名副其实的天玄高手了。\n那么有本事跟踪自己,且又不被自己觉察的,该是什么实力的高手?\n而莫邪又是凭什么发现了如此高手的?!\n君莫邪说完了那句话之后,静立不动,眼睛静静地看着地上。\n良久,一个声音传出来:“哈哈,果然不俗!”\n深蓝色的光芒一闪,一个瘦削的蒙面人出现在十几丈外,精光闪闪的眸子看着君莫邪两人:“能跟老夫说说,你小子是怎么发现我的?”\n君莫邪冷冷一笑:“戏法人人会变,各有巧妙不同,这世上本就没有太稀罕的事!千万别以为自己就有什么了不起!只不知老丈你跟着我们两人,又有何企图?”\n这人的蒙面巾,很明显是刚刚从衣服上撕下来的,做的简陋之极,显见也是临时起意的。\n“老夫并没有恶意;只不过对两位身怀正义的高人甚是钦慕,一时好奇,才起了追踪之意。哈哈,说起来大家大抵都是同道中人……”\n“既然没有恶意,那老丈请便吧。\n我们另有要事,且也绝不希望有人跟着我们,更不希望有什么神秘的跟踪我们的同道中人!——纵然这个人是天玄高手也一样!”君莫邪毫不客气。\n“后辈小子,你对我老人家如此的不客气,可知后果!\n老夫若有心要留下你们两人,难道还要多费什么手脚吗?”老头儿似乎很生气,瞪起了眼睛。\n一听这话,君无意冷哼一声,腰杆一挺,就要迈上前去。\n“后辈小子?!你在说哪个?!\n老头子,我素来不愿妄结因果,大抵只是不想无缘无故的杀你罢了!\n留下我们,你大可以试试!且看谁会留在此地!”\n君莫邪眼中厉芒一闪,蓝光晶莹,身躯一阵前俯,双手一张,腾地一声,双手之间出现了一片湛蓝色的蓝天大海之色!\n“老头,你既有胆量追踪我二人,便当有赴黄泉一行的准备,我成全了你!”\n君莫邪眼中尽是睥睨纵横之色,高高在上的看着这老头:“黄泉邀客,当在此刻,上路吧!”\n君莫邪的眼中,全是胜券在握,全是早已经掌控了这老者生死的自信!\n似乎这位已经是天玄中阶的老者,在他眼中就像蝼蚁一般弱小,随手一捻就能捻死!\n“天玄巅峰!”蒙面老者大吃一惊,连退三步,眼中神色变幻,目中神色从把握满满一下子变成了惊骇欲绝!\n别的或者可以作假骗人,但这天玄颠峰固有的颜色却是绝对骗不了人的!\n难道天玄颠峰高手真的可以驻颜有术、甚至返老还童!?\n这,这些可是撞正大板了!\n一个天玄巅峰,另一个也是天玄,这场仗可怎么打?\n他妈的,这天香城里啥时候天玄强者这么泛滥了?!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 122\nThe bodies in front of Jun Wu Yi’s eyes were very seriously deformed and distorted. The lengths of the bodies of these youngsters were less than two feet from the waist to the foot, while their arms and chests were as distorted and deformed as their lower bodies. It was difficult to tell how long these people had been contained in these jars. The only parts of their bodies that were allowed to be free from the restriction of these jars were their heads, and simply so that they could breathe and eat. These people were even made to urinate and excrete in their respective jars itself…\nThey eyes of these people were still flashing from one point to the other, and even though their eyes seemed to be begging the two men for mercy, their mouths were unable to make any sounds, apart from a ‘hiss’. Upon a closer look, it was evident that their tongues had been cut out….\n“This is the ‘human swine’. Most of these people were not qualified enough for other purposes, and didn’t have any scope for cultivation either, so their bodies were slowly forced into deformation, and then these people would be sold off for high prices to be used as vaudeville or sideshows to circuses. Their freaky vaudevilles would be then used to win the sympathy of the spectators, and their new masters would make some money as a result….”\nJun Mo Xie gave these people one glance and then looked away.\n“Uncle, you still believe that the masters of this place didn’t deserve it? Do you still wish to talk to them? Educate them?”\n“They deserve much worse than what they got, they should’ve been hacked to pieces!”\nJun Wu Yi was feeling shamed and enraged at the same time: “Such a vicious act…. What kind of a heart would command such an evil thing?!!\nThose scums…. damn them to hell!”\n“First, when the homeless children come here, then they are preferred to be trained in to killing machines, while the ones that are pretty are trained into becoming homosexual partners and prostitutes. The ones that aren’t qualified to become either, are only good to become these… these deformed human spectacles!\nEveryone inside this place was a part of this work! The people here were beyond any scope of redemption, would you still want to try?!\nI chose to kill, and I chose to kill without any hesitation, and without any mercy! I killed them all so they couldn’t do this to more people!”\nJun Mo Xie nodded and pointed towards the door. The group of boys and girls, who were initially too timid to move, finally gathered some courage and ventured into the inner courtyard, and picked up some gold from the ground. They turned around and gratefully bowed to the two men before running out of the front door….\n“Uncle, has it crossed your mind yet….. some of these children might have been the sons and daughters of the fallen comrades that served and died under your command?\nAfter the death of their fathers, they could have been left orphaned and without any means of an income…. Wouldn’t they have been left completely helpless? So without any source of a living, they could’ve come here!”\nJun Mo Xie’s words left Jun Wu Yi’s eyes red in a murderous rage!\nJun Mo Xie maybe calm, cold-blooded and ruthless, but his words were undoubtedly very logical….\n“The Tian Xiang country has several of these establishments, and even though the others may not be this big, or may not be acting so boldly, but there are several more of them!”\nJun Mo Xie sighed as he raised his eyebrows to look at the sky; the sounds of thunder were beginning to come from a distance.\n“The boys and girls we saw here were still able to move to some extent, so I’d expect them to be able to make an escape, but then what?\nDo you have any ideas?” being a Sky Xuan expert, Jun Wu Yi had also heard the sounds.\nBut was more concerned about the issued regarding these dozen or so children. Their deformities wouldn’t work well in the world, but leaving them here would be equivalent to leaving them in the jaws of death.\n“Ideas? There’s no good idea for them!\nThese people don’t have tongues, their ears have been stabbed into deafness, their hands and feet are completely abnormal, and they will never be able to recover from these deformities…\nall hopes of having a normal life have been destroyed for them, while survival is the worst form of torture… a living death!” Jun Mo Xie sighed.\n“Do you mean……” Jun Wu Yi was stunned: “This can’t be… are you saying that since they were poor, they have now been deprived of the last shred of a dignified life?!!”\nJun Mo Xie turned his head: “Yes, that’s true, but we have to go now. The officials will be here soon, and if we don’t go then you’ll have to reveal yourself.\nAs for the survival of these children, their existence will be very painful, but some of them will continue to carry on in this world.”\nHe paused and then continued: “Keeping them alive by force will be the biggest pain for some, ……, so we’ll just have to wait and see for ourselves. Come on, it’s getting late! …”\nJun Wu Yi sighed deeply, after all, the condition of these children was too complex, but he quickly gathered his wits, hardened his heart, and followed after the fleeing Jun Mo Xie. The two men quickly jumped over the rear wall of the house, and instantly disappeared into the general public.\nJust as they left, those thundering sounds crashed into the Huang Hua Hall, which was followed by noises of crashing since the soldier had finally arrived…\n“Mo Xie, your temper is too cruel, like a killer! This, you must control very carefully.\nEven though today you killed for a good cause, but I still find your temperament to be a little too cold.\nAt a later time, we’ll have to look into this in more depth.” Jun Wu Yi was running right beside Jun Mo Xie at this moment.\n“I committed this crime to promote good.\nUncle, I do not deny that I was bloodthirsty, but I have never killed a good man, and nor will I ever hurt one!\nBut for people like the ones at the Huang Hua Hall, I will not stop, not until I’ve killed them all, and their families; I will obliterate the entire root of this evil!” Jun Mo Xie’s face was as calm as water, as he smiled coldly, but his footsteps didn’t cease.\nThe nephew and uncle duo was quite familiar with the terrain; on top of that they were both quick-witted and agile. They quickly switched several streets and turned a few corners and managed to reach a very secluded location, while the sounds of thundering had now receded to a gradual and faint whisper behind them.\n“You’re right, whenever we encounter an evil like this place, we must intervene. The existence of a place like this one, must not be tolerated under the heaven!”\nJun Wu Yi frowned: “Mo Xie, why did you murder all of them, why didn’t you take one alive…. we could find out the mastermind behind this setup?\nIf we had found the man behind this place, then we could have cut off the weed at its roots, which would have been the perfect solution to this problem!”\n“Uncle, do you think that shrimps like these would know about the sharks?\nAsking them would have been a waste of effort!\nEven if we got clues from them, and went about investigating them, then we’d end up exposing ourselves!”\nJun Mo Xie was looking at his uncle: “In fact, the person behind this will inevitably find out about this, and he isn’t exactly going to sit behind a closed door and wait for us,\nhe’ll likely conduct raids throughout the country in our search, or may even secretly send assassins after us…how would exposing ourselves work out then?\nRight now, we are working in the dark, and the person behind this will never know our identity, and we’ll be able to do our work conveniently.”\nThere was another point, but Jun Mo Xie couldn’t gather the nerve to say it: If we managed to trace this person, and he turned out to be a minister of the state or even a member of the royal family, then how would you deal with it?\nAs far as this ‘Huang Hua hall’ is concerned, if the person behind this place was powerful enough to get this place from a prince, then how could we kill him off?\n“That’s also true” Jun Wu Yi was still frowning: “But now my body has almost recovered, and I will not allow such places to exist. If I ever find more, I’ll destroy them as well!”\n“Third uncle ah, your nephew can only tell you the truth: there’s a long way to go.\nOh, and once we are back, you immediately arrange reliable personnel and you must ask them to follow after the people who we rescued from here, and help them to safety.\nIf they are left to their own measures, then they probably won’t be able to get very far.”\n“That’s why you gave them the silver and gold…..” Jun Wu Yi was somewhat puzzled.\n“Yes, just so that they could buy some food, while the quick-witted might even be able to travel a bit.”\nJun Mo Xie smiled: “We simply cannot help them in this case. I allowed them to escape, to see their respective abilities.\nTherefore, as a result, the ones who are resourceful will be able to go further than the others, and once they are away from the capital, we might be able to help them….”\nJun Mo Xie was in the middle of a sentence, when he suddenly stopped running and quietly said: “We have been followed for a while now, were you able to spot him?”\nJun Wu Yi was suddenly very shocked. Someone has been following the two of us?\nWhy didn’t I notice it?\nI’ve been healing for several days now, and I’ve almost managed to stabilize myself to the base of Sky Xuan, so I’m not just a namesake Sky Xuan anymore.\nMost experts have the ability to track others without making their presence known, but what’s the strength of this expert?\nAnd how did Mo Xie figure it out?\nAfter finishing the sentence, Jun Mo Xie continued to remain glued to his position, while his eyes were fixed on the ground below.\nAfter some time, a voice called out: “Ha ha, this is amazing!”\nA deep-blue light flashed, and a thin masked man appeared about a dozen meters away from them. His eyes were shinning as they stared at Jun Mo Xie and his uncle: “How did you find me?”\nJun Mo Xie smiled: “Everyone has a different technique, and every technique is different, but no matter who you are, you should never think that you’re so great that no one can spot you. Now, why are you following us?”\nThe man was dressed in garbs, and his mask seemed to be freshly torn from a handkerchief, so it was quite obvious that he had arranged his visible clothing in a very short period of time.\n“My intentions aren’t malicious. I just saw the manner in which you brought justice and admired your courage, which is I decided to follow you two, out of sheer curiosity ha ha. You are talking to a fellow human ….”\n“Since there was no malice intended, then we’d request that you go about your business.\nAnd please do not try to follow us again since we do not wish to be tracked by anyone – even by a Sky Xuan expert like ourselves!” Jun Mo Xie stated bluntly.\n“Boy, you’re not old enough to be rude to me yet, there are going to consequences for this!\nI will go wherever I wish to, you think you can dictate me?” the man seemed very angry all of a sudden.\nAfter hearing his words, Jun Wu Yi’s eyes had already sharpened, while his body was already ready to move into action.\n“Boy? Who are you calling that?\nOld man, I’m a little reluctant to jump the knot here, but don’t force me to kill you for no reason at all!\nLeave us, or stay here and see what happens!!”\nJun Mo Xie eyes flash like a blue crystal as his body leaned forward, and as he raised and brought his hands to the front of his body, a flash of an azure colored light, as deep as the color of the sea, spurred between them.\n“Old man, you have the guts to track us? First you stood by and watched instead of helping us out and now you’re tracking us?!”\nJun Mo Xie’s eyes were full of arrogance as he looked sharply at the man again: “The Huang Hua hall invited their deaths, and so will you if you don’t hit the road!”\nJun Mo Xie’s eyes were brimming with confidence, almost as if he held the fate of the man’s life and death in his hands!\nThis man was already a Sky Xuan expert, but it seemed as if Jun Mo Xie was looking at an ant, like he could simply twist his finger and the man would die!\n“A Sky Xuan Peak!” the masked man was sent recoiling a few steps in surprise. The look in his eyes suddenly changed, and it seemed as if his whole body was gripped in horror!\nOr maybe it is a false illusion…. but the inherent color of a Sky Xuan peak is absolutely unique, and absolutely no one can fake it!\nHe really is a Sky Xuan Peak expert at such a young age?!\nBut this can’t be happening!\nA Sky Xuan peak, and the other is also a Sky Xuan expert, how can I fight the two of them alone?\nshit, how did so many Sky Xuan experts flood the Tian Xiang city all of a sudden today?!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第123章\n“兄台玄气修为高深莫测,老夫自承不及,老夫为之前失言告罪;惟天玄一战必将惊世骇俗,且留待他日讨教!\n但老夫同道中人的说法,却是不会改变的,若以后有缘再见,彼时自会清楚明白。”\n老头脚下一转,旋风般冲空跃起,蓝光一闪,没了踪影,竟是再未多做逗留。\n走的头也不回,就像屁股上被砍了一刀的野马,速度奇快无比。\n君无意松了口气,眼神慎重地看着君莫邪:“莫邪,你竟有天玄巅峰修为?这,这怎么可能?这太不可思议了!”\n君莫邪顿时笑了,却没有说话,使个眼色,两人急忙溜走,又是走出了好远,两人已经连续换了几身装束,前面出现了一片小树林。\n君莫邪在走近树林前突然停下来,回头说:“我想我们还被几个人跟踪着,所以我们不应该鲁莽……让我们穿过这片森林回家吧!”\n君无意大吃一惊:又有跟踪?而自己这次仍是全无发现,不由得心中满满的全是挫败感。\n但这次等候了良久,却是半点声音也没有。\n君莫邪微微一笑,道:“好了,穿过这片树林,我们就可以回家了。现在已经确定没有跟踪了。”\n君无意恍然大悟:“莫邪,原来你一直是在虚言而诈的?”\n君莫邪白了白眼:“三叔,您不会以为我真是天玄巅峰境界吧?您已经是天玄初阶了,都没有发现那老头的存在,我凭什么就能发现?\n那老头实力强归强,心理素质却是不行,一听说我要作掉他,立马闪了,也太不经诈了吧!哈哈……”\n“那只能说明你自己的神情语气太逼真了。”君无意摇头苦笑,原来如此啊。“若是换做我,恐怕也被你诈出来了,再加土那湛蓝色的光彩,相信任谁也要跑路的。”\n“这是无可奈何的事情。\n谁知道我们这次出来会干了这么一件大事?若不谨慎,岂不祸及家族?\n刚才那可是一个天玄高手,实力估计仅略逊色于爷爷,当真有实力可以拿下我们的!若是徒自竖下强敌,却是太不智了!”\n君莫邪迅速地穿身入林,边走边说:“我估计黄花堂背后,必然是一个牛人当家,我们不得不防,更不宜多树强敌。\n在彻底铲除之前,万万不能暴露自己!”\n听到身后君无意穿身入林时发出的响声,君莫邪顿了顿,道:“三叔,注意我的脚下,跟着来。”\n君无意闻言自是纳闷,难道行路还有什么奥妙吗?\n不过君无意这段时间以来已经习惯了听君莫邪说话,紧紧跟随,细心留意他的行进路线,初时尚不觉得如何,时间稍长,这才发觉了君莫邪的行进方式果然颇有巧妙之处:\n君莫邪虽然高速穿行在树林之中,但他的肢体却没有任何一点碰到任何一根树枝,一手在前,一手在后,前面的左手轻柔而又快速的拨开面前的枝叶,身子便在瞬息之间穿过,居然能够连一片将落未落的黄叶都不会震落;后面的手又在那瞬息之旬将枝叶归原至原位;脚下接连踏步都是脚尖踩在树叶上,迅速穿过之后,居然半点痕迹也没有!\n甚至是脚下的任何一个细微的小虫,都不会踩死!\n每一步的落脚之处,都恰到好处的让周围的树叶树枝树干遮挡住自己的身躯脸庞;\n同时两只手一前一后一高一低,随时随地在保持着绝对的平衡,配合着身上的肌肉收缩,竟然是每一时每一刻都是最佳的出手攻击的准备状态……\n这一切的动作都是自然而然,却又迅速之极,手、眼、脚、腰之间配合可谓天衣无缝却又显得那么的流畅自然,似乎这一切完全是出自本能反应。\n与此同时,居然还封闭了呼吸,封闭了毛孔,杜绝了全身的任何一点气味流露!\n这一整套动作,看起来一点儿也不起眼,但若是行家才会看得出来,拥有这样的能力,在山林之中潜踪匿迹,将无人能够发现!\n脚下满是落叶枯枝,但君莫邪踩上去,却愣是不会发出任何声音;甚至就在他面前不远的一片枯叶上,有一只色彩斑游的小鸟,在君莫邪经过之后还兀自在引颈而歌,这么大一个大活人从它面前经过,作为天生就对人类敏感害怕的鸟类居然没有半点察觉.\n君无意有些骇然!\n作为一个天玄强者,一个高阶武者,一个常年征战的大将军,他清楚地知道,要做到君莫邪这个地步要多困难!\n而这样的境界,却绝不是玄气修为高明就能够做的到的!\n君莫邪的这经验已经彻底融进了血液和本能之中,就算是至尊神玄巅峰的强者,若是没有经过严格、系统的训练,也是绝对做不到君莫邪现在程度的!\n甚至就算是训练了,也很难作到如此匪夷所思的效果……\n君无意自认自己已经够小心,够细致了,但与现在的君莫邪的动作一比——君无意看着自己身后的脚印和自己踩断的枯枝以及一路走来留下的痕迹,忍不住有些汗颜!\n“就算是即将脱落的枯叶,被有意无意地碰掉也会出现特别的伤痕;而这些,都是有利于追踪的微妙线索。在这个世上,求生的条件可以千奇百怪;但导致人溃败的痕迹更是比比皆是。所以我们必须谨慎,尤其是,在面对那么许多强大的敌人的时候……”\n君莫邪低沉地说着;自从这次出来,君莫邪与自己的三叔之间,就好像倒了个儿,但出奇的是,两个人却都觉得有些理所当然。\n其实三爷君无意与君莫邪君大杀手相比,委实要正统的太多,三爷正义感强,为人侠肝义胆,古道热肠,见义勇为,义所不辞;这是他的可爱之处也是可敬之处。\n君大杀手固然也算是很可爱的杀手,原则性却是有些过分,比如这次,他虽然已经决定要对付黄花堂,但若不是那个女孩的缺角铜钱恰好掉出,恰好掉在君大杀手脚边,他未必就会在今天出手,而这倒霉的原则性也造成了君大杀手与君三爷本质性的不同!\n这对叔侄两人的性格,就是如此的南辕北辙,君莫邪固然很欣赏敬佩如三叔这类的人,但内心却绝不认同这样的人!\n原因无他,这类人虽然值得世间任何人敬佩,但正义感过于强烈,而且行事不知变通,往往都是很容易导致输,败,死!\n甚至败的令人痛心疾首,大感不值!\n君三爷的这项可敬优点其实也正是他的致命弱点所在,君大杀手判定,若是有人根据这点做点文章,设个圈套什么的,绝对是一套一个准的!\n所以君莫邪几乎无时无刻的都在对君无意灌输一些新的理念,也不期望君无意能完全改变,但却冀望能稍微影响一下他的做事风格,在某些特定的情况下,可以做出有利的选择。\n而君无意自从得君莫邪疗伤,身体复原之后,又自己推测君莫邪身后好像有一位盖世高人在教导,对君莫邪诸般古怪的所作所为早已经是见怪不怪一—君莫邪的这些经验和手段,应该就是那位世外高人教给他的!\n侄儿传授自己这个,自己等于是跟着那位高人在学艺,这就绝不是什么丢脸的事,更不是什么不能接受的事!\n所以君无意的心态很平和。\n君莫邪今日陪同君无意出来,主要的目的固然陪三叔散心,另一方面的心思则是想要去灵雾湖霓裳阁去看看那位“月儿姑娘”毕竟这个丫头貌似和君家有着解不开的冤仇,若是能及早铲除还是及早铲除的好,但一想到带着自己的叔叔去逛妓院,尤其三叔那啥才刚刚复原没多久……这个,似乎确实有些不大妥当。\n别看现在君无意不说什么,但若是自己说出逛故院的话,估计就是一顿揍。\n所以君莫邪索性打消了原定的计划;不过今天的收获貌似也不小了,最主要的还有一点就是,今日教会了君无意运用易容术,今后自己这位坐了十年轮椅的三叔,一朝得复,在家里肯定是呆不住的。若是那样的话呢,属于自己的时间可就越来越多了嘿嘿……\n“三叔,回去的时候还要劳烦您老人家一件事。”君莫邪边走边说,有意的放慢自己的动作让身后的君无意看得清楚:这可都是今后立身保命的技能。\n“我之前买来的那一大块陨铁,还请三叔为我切割一下。”\n君莫邪之前出尽了法宝,那块陨铁也不知是什么质地,只是越炼越结实,虽然随着形体的缩小,重量也轻了不少,但却始终无法将之融化。\n而以他现在的能力,竟然没有切害开那陨铁的希望,只好求助,君无意别的未必能比君大杀手更强,但玄气修为却是十打十的天玄强者,这项却绝对是君大杀手暂时望尘莫及的。\n“没问题。”君无意慨然答应,现在他的身体已经彻底复原,且已臻天玄境界的玄气仍在持续的上涨之中,焚经荷的残余药力也在缓慢却持续地发挥作用,信心十足。\n“你想要什么样的,我就给你切成什么样的。哈哈。”\n君无意很痛快的说道。\n他却不知道,他费尽了全身玄气,足足为君莫邪干了两天的苦工,才将那块陨铁完全切割成了君莫邪要求的形状。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 123\n“Young Brother, your Sky Xuan strength is indeed extraordinary, and I admit that I was mistaken, so please accept my apology for my earlier slip of tongue. A battle between two Sky Xuan experts will be very destructive for the society, but as your older Brother, I hope to meet you in the future again with the hope that we meet under more favorable circumstances.\nMy intentions were pure all along, and I hope that this misunderstanding gets cleared in the time to come.”\nThe man quickly turned around and leaped. A blue light flashed and the man disappeared without a trace, rather than staying back to confront them.\nHe didn’t even look back as he bolted away from the duo.\nJun Wu Yi finally loosened up, and started sizing up Jun Mo Xie very carefully: “Mo Xie, you’ve reached the Sky Xuan? How is this even possible?”\nJun Mo Xie revealed a sly smile and but didn’t speak. He indicated that they needed to leave, and the two of them quickly left the scene. They kept running for a long while, and kept changing their attire on regular intervals, until they reached a small forest.\nJun Mo Xie suddenly stopped before approaching the woods, looked back and said: “I think that we are still being followed by a few people, so we shouldn’t be reckless…. Let’s make our way home through this forest!”\nJun Wu Yi was astonished: More trackers? He had been keeping an eye on their backs as well, but hadn’t discovered anything. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of frustration clouding his heart.\nThey waited for a while, but didn’t hear any sounds this time.\nJun Mo Xie smiled and said: “Well, I suppose we will have to take the forest route after all, but let’s not leave any traces…”\nJun Wu Yi suddenly realized: “Mo Xie, you managed to trick that man?”\nJun Mo Xie rolled his eyes: “Uncle, you thought that I had reached the peak of the Sky Xuan while even you are only at the base of the Sky Xuan?\nThat man didn’t know anything about me, and I used that to fool him with an old trick. He simply believed it since I was able to figure out that he was following us, that’s all.”\n“You made it look very realistic!” Jun Wu Yi smiled and shook his head: “If I was in his shoes, then I’m afraid that even I wouldn’t have been able to figure it out! And then coupled with Blue Light that you flashed… I too would have definitely scuttled the other way.”\n“I didn’t have a choice.\nThis event could possibly turn into a major incident in the future, and if we’re not careful, then this incident might end up hurting the entire Jun Family!\nThat man was a Sky Xuan expert and I reckon that his strength was only marginally weaker to grandfather. Even though we could have beaten him, I’d say that it would have been very unwise to make enemies with such a powerful man!”\nJun Mo Xie quickly entered the forest and said: “I estimate that the Huang Hua hall must be headed by a major power, and we must be very cautious.\nWe mustn’t disclose our identities unless we’ve already exterminated the enemy.”\nJun Wu Yi heard a slight sound, as if a few bodies had entered the forest, and turned around to take a look. Jun Mo Xie also paused for a second, but then stated: “Uncle, pay attention to my movements, and try to keep up.”\nJun Wu Yi heard his words and wondered: Does he have more secret methods?\nBut by this time Jun Wu Yi had gotten accustomed to being surprised by Jun Mo Xie, and started following his movements closely, while paying special attention to the route which they were taking. He didn’t figure it out immediately, but soon started to realize Jun Mo Xie’s genius:\nAlthough Jun Mo Xie was walking at a very high speed, his body wasn’t disturbing any of the forest’s elements. His left hand was always in front of his body, while his right was stationed behind. Whenever he’d have to pass through branches of shrubs or trees, his left hand would gently brush aside the leaves and branches while his body would quickly advance through, and his tailing right hand would return the objects to its initial position. Not even a single dried leaf would fall as he would move through the forest, and since he was practically tip toeing his way through the thickets of the forest, he was practically leaving no traces at all!\nJun Mo Xie was so cautious that he hadn’t even trampled on the bugs in the forest!\nHe’d place his steps very cautiously, and was even managing to conceal his figure behind the trees as he moved forward.\nOne of his hands was always at a higher position, while the other was stationed at a lower altitude in order to maintain his balance, and it seemed that he was always ready attack or defend, if needed….\nAll these movements seemed very natural and seamless, but his pace was so fast that it was obvious that these movements were happening instinctively.\nSimultaneously, he had even reduced his breathing to a minimum in order to minimize and eliminate his body’s odor!\nThese set of actions were so advanced and well calculated… that practically no expert would ever be able to track him down in this forest!\nEven when Jun Mo Xie stepped on a dried branch, his foot still wouldn’t make a sound. Once Jun Mo Xie passed by a bird, which was in the middle of a song, and normally these birds are so sensitive to human presence that they stand interrupted and fly away, but Jun Mo Xie moved so stealthily that the bird didn’t even notice him as he moved past it…..\nJun Wu Yi was completely astonished!\nAs a Sky Xuan expert, and a military general, he had previously campaigned perennially, which is why he knew it very clearly that Jun Mo Xie’s expertise was unparalleled!\nAnd Jun Mo Xie wasn’t even at Silver Xuan yet!\nJun Mo Xie’s expertise seemed have been molded into his blood and instincts by some strange form of unknown training, so much so, that even if a Supreme Divine Xuan peak expert undertook a rigorous training, then even the said-person might not be able to achieve his expertise!\nSuch expertise and skill was practically impossible to attain…..\nEven though Jun Wu Yi was studying his movements very carefully, and was trying to mimic them to the best of his ability, he was still failing to achieve the same result. Jun Wu Yi would look back from time to time and would find that he had trampled on a twig, or had left some trace which could be used to track him, and felt a little shamed by his incompetence!\n“Even the uprooting of a single leaf can lead them straight to us. Although these traces may not be very conducive, and are generally found everywhere in such forests, but we must still be very careful since we are faced a very strong opposition here….”\nJun Mo Xie said in a profound manner. Even though Jun Mo Xie and Jun Wu Yi might be poles apart in their ideologies, but neither of the two men took anything for granted….\nBut otherwise, Jun Wu Yi was very different from Jun Mo Xie since he was very orthodox, had a very strong sense of justice; he was chivalrous, warmhearted, courageous, and righteous. All these traits had earned him a lot of love and respect in the world.\nJun Mo Xie, on the other hand, was of course a trained assassin, but was still a man on principles. Take this case for example; although he had decided to undertake the task of sorting out the Huang Hua Hall, he only did so because the copper coin fell out of the girl’s body. If that copper coin hadn’t found its way to Jun Mo Xie’s feet, then wouldn’t have gone on a killing spree. But still, the basic moral values of these two men were still very different from each other’s!\nEven though the characters of this uncle and nephew duo were diametrically opposite, Jun Mo Xie still appreciated and admired people like his uncle, but even then, he wouldn’t ever agree with the ideas of such people!\nBecause, according to him, even though such people deserved to be respected and admired, their strong sense of justice can sometimes limit their thought process, which can often lead to failures, and maybe even death!\nAnd death was too big a price to pay for righteousness!\nThis predominant sense of justice was Jun Wu Yi’s biggest fundamental flaw; his Achilles’ heel. According to Jun Mo Xie, these things could be used by others to set up traps, and men like Jun Wu Yi were likely to fall into these traps!\nJun Mo Xie had been constantly trying to instill some new ideologies into Jun Wu Yi’s head, but knew that he would never be able to completely change his uncle’s mindset! However, he hoped that it would help his uncle in making the more logical decisions in some cases….\nJun Wu Yi had been studying Jun Mo Xie’s actions very closely ever since he had started to heal, and had found that even though Jun Mo Xie’s expertise was peerless, his methods were very strange, and appeared as if he had been taught these skills by an external source.\nHe was constantly trying to learn new skills from Jun Mo Xie, and wasn’t feeling ashamed in any way to submit to his nephew’s superiority, but still, it was difficult for him to come to terms with it!\nBut either way, Jun Wu Yi’s mind was at peace.\nJun Mo Xie had brought his uncle outside the Jun Family’s house in the hope of relieving him of his boredom, and had even thought of taking him to the Spirit Fog Lake for a casual trip; but then the incident with the girl happened, and it turned out that his uncle had an inherent hatred towards such establishments. In fact, Jun Mo Xie could tell that if the Jun Family had known about this earlier, then they would have taken a stance to eliminate such places. So at the moment, it didn’t seem like a very good idea to take his uncle to …..a brothel for a visit!\nAlthough Jun Wu Yi was very quiet at present, if Jun Mo Xie suggested visiting a brothel, then the man would probably make a meal out of him.\nAs a result, Jun Mo Xie had already given up his initial idea. But anyway, he had still managed to accomplish the desired result since his uncle had gotten some good exercise, and had also been involved in his some exciting action after being restricted to a wheelchair for a decade….\n“Uncle, I got you into trouble during your first outing after such a long time…..” Jun Mo Xie stated as he walked, but he had deliberately slowed down his pace now, so Jun Wu Yi could get a better look at his movements; these skills might come in handy later on in life.\n“I had purchased a huge piece of metal some time ago…. Could you help me in cutting it to shape?”\nEarlier, Jun Mo Xie had procured a mysterious metal, but he hadn’t been able to figure it out yet. The metal was extremely solid and hard, but physically it was still very light weighed, and on top of that, couldn’t be melted either.\nGiven his current ability, Jun Mo Xie knew that it was hopeless to try and cut the metal himself, but knew that his uncle might be able to do it since he was Sky Xuan expert, and had a lot of aura still left inside his body which would be able to provide him temporary assistance.\n“Sure, I will.” Jun Wu Yi promised in reply. His body had almost recovered completely at this time, and his body had a huge amount of surplus energy since the residual of the herbs were still burning inside his body, which was increasing his self-confidence.\n“What shape do you want? I’ll cut it to any shape you desire… ha ha….”\nJun Wu Yi seemed awfully cheerful at the moment.\nLittle did the Sky Xuan expert knew that he’d have to put-in two days of hard labor, expend a huge amount of energy, while also mustering his entire Sky Xuan power to fulfill his promise and delivering the shape which Jun Mo Xie desired.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第124章\n在以后的数日之间,君无意一直在忍受着君莫邪昼夜不停的打铁的声音:虽然切割成了一把把小飞刀的形状,但不管是锋刃还是轻重平衡,君莫邪都需要亲手打造到自己最满意最趁手的程度,而且,自己一手打磨出来的飞刀,运用起来也会更加的熟悉!\n君莫邪有开天造化功可以随时恢复,只是苦了几个烧火拉风箱的大汉,那般粗壮魁梧的汉子,居然生生的胳膊肿得跟大腿差不多粗了……\n“莫邪,有一点我很奇怪,为何我从未见过你练功呢?”君无意有些意外。\n管清寒所谓的喂招,现在对君莫邪来说只不过是游戏,呃,痛苦的游戏罢了;但除此之外,君无意竟然从来没有发现过君莫邪有任何一点时间打坐练功,偏偏他一身神秘的本事却是越来越让自己感到震惊。\n“练功?”君莫邪诧异地看了他一眼:“三叔,我每一时每一刻都在练功啊,为何你居然看不到?你这什么眼神啊?!”\n“呃?”君无意不禁瞪大了眼睛,大为愕然。\n“难道三叔当真以为,只有静下心来,屏息静气,盘膝而坐,一动不动温养丹田才算是所谓的练功吗?”君莫邪的语气竟似是有些诧异,“我倒觉得,玄功的修炼每时每刻都可以进行,吃饭的时候,走路的时候,战斗的时候,说话的时候,站着坐着走着跑着,莫不如是,都是可以练功的!\n就算睡觉的时候,临睡之间对自己催眠一下,在睡梦中也照样可以练功的。”\n“一天十二个时辰,我可是连一分一秒都不曾浪费过的;就算是我们现在在说着话,我仍然在练功,何来没有练功之说?\n或者应该反过来说,您应该问我,我什么时候不练功!”君莫邪笑着。\n“竟然能这样?”君无意眼睛瞪得更大了。\n“走路的时候锻练的多数是轻身功夫,还有警惕感、灵敏的触觉;同时还可以练习眼睛和耳朵,身体触感,这些都可以练;只要你有心,这不就是练功了。”\n君莫邪理所当然地说着,却注意到君无意的眼睛越瞪越大,越来越有夺眶而出的迹象。\n“你一边练功,一边本能的做出这些闪躲趋避的动作?一心数用,居然丝毫不乱?”君无意倒抽一口冷气:“这也太困难了点吧?”\n“怎么会是一心数用呢?”君莫邪很有些无奈的意味:“这一切本就是全部要融进本能的,完全要自然而然的做到;既不需要去思考,也不需要刻意,何来一心数用之说?”\n君无意无语,他算是终于彻底地认识到了一件事情:自己这个侄儿,根本就是个怪胎!\n咱是正常人,跟怪胎去对比,那不是找不自在吗?!\n这样匪夷所思的练功方式,若是换作其他的任何一个人,恐怕早已经走火入魔了,甚至自己把自己逼得疯掉也不是不可能的事情,而在他嘴里说出来,却像是吃白菜这样的平常!\n练功,玄气,岂是这么容易的?\n“三叔也不必太过刻意而行,其实说白了,这只是一个习惯成自然的过程而已。\n打个比方说,我们在走路的时候,眼睛看着前方,脚下踩着道路,口中还要说着话,同时我们还闻到了泥土香、花香草香或者是臭味,眼睛看到的有红有绿有黄色,有人有马有别的,但我们什么都不用耽搁,却能够把这一切在自己心中分辨的清清楚楚;但若是严格来说,这些都是分心数用才能够做到的,但我们却不用,一切都是自然而然就做到了。”\n“就这么简单。”君莫邪笑着。\n“难怪你对一切都是这样的平淡和无所谓,原来在你的心中,你将一切都看得很淡然,包括生命。哦,其实也不是淡然,而是一种类似与豁达的东西……”\n直到现在才发现,自己在一路上不知不觉的模仿者君莫邪的动作,现在一旦停顿下来,居然有一种说不出的疲累感。\n而看君莫邪,明明玄气、身体都不如自己,但却丝毫没有疲累的迹象,不得不承认,“习惯”,确实是一种非常强大的力量。\n刚刚回到家里,就有下人来报:独孤无敌大将军来找三少爷;唐源唐公子也来找三少爷;同时居然还收到了三封邀请函,居然是请君莫邪赴宴的请柬!\n很巧合也很平均,一位大皇子,一位二皇子,一位三皇子……皇帝陛下的三个儿子,居然同时开始结交君莫邪这个纨绔之徒!\n君无意深深地看了他一眼,道:“莫邪,从今以后,你自己走你自己的路,自己心里有数就好。\n我会跟你爷爷说明白,我们都不会再约束你。”\n顿了顿,道:“我们相信你!”\n君莫邪这段时间来的接连表现,已经让君无意君三爷大大地放了心,甚至已经很有些钦佩了,所以他决定放手,所有的事情都交给君莫邪自己。\n因为他发现,君莫邪虽然看起来什么都不在乎,但却唯独在乎一件事:无论做什么事情,不喜欢被人打搅;哪怕是坐立住行,都是别具一格的,而且警惕心已经形成了他的本能!\n在君莫邪这样的人物手下,任何人想要占到他的便宜,无疑比登天还难!\n“多谢三叔。”君莫邪沉默了一会,认真地道谢了一声。\n“君莫邪!你你你,你小子到底在那个狗屁酒里面放了什么古怪东西?\n竟然到现在七个人还在昏迷不醒!\n若是他们出了事,我生生地撕了你!”独孤无敌大将军有些暴跳如雷,君莫邪刚刚露面,他就已经蹦了起来。\n一夜之间,看上去一向彪悍的独孤老爷子居然憔悴了不少。\n其实舔犊情深,人同此理,前者独孤家的那七位猛男兄自从被抬回去之后,始终是处于呼呼大睡的状态之中,到现在居然不醒,喝醒酒汤、解酒茶、喝醋、喝酱油……\n全无效果,甚至到最后直接是用刀扎,也愣是没反应;若非几兄弟鼾声如雷,足以证明人只是喝多了,估计独孤老爷子直接就能疯狂了,你君战天的孙子是孙子,我孙子不是孙子啊,一下子就给我放倒七个,这还让不让人活了,不过喝酒能喝到这个地步,也实在是前无古人后无来者了。\n“独孤无敌,凭你这小兔崽子也敢在老夫面前如此无礼,拿着不是当理说,难道你真当老夫就不敢教训于你吗?\n之前你纵容孙子来我君府滋事,大肆破坏,事后又不顾而去,嘴上说的漂亮,说什么照价赔偿,老夫却没见到半分银子,怎么,现在你儿子、侄子因为偷酒喝喝大了,来我这倒打一耙,这还有没有天理公道了!”君老爷子阴测测的声音。\n“还没醒?呵呵,这事好办了。”君莫邪心中暗笑,我就知道你们救不醒他们,懒洋洋的往太师椅上一坐,二郎腿又翘了起来。\n“我下什么药了?明明就是宿醉未醒,瞅您这点出息,不过要我出手弄醒他们几个,可是需要银子啊!”\n“银子……”独孤无敌脸上一阵发黑,大将军有些想不明白,君家在天香国虽不能说一手遮夭,却也是名副其实的超级家族,为啥唯一的继承人居然是这样的一个财迷?\n张口银子闭口银子,坑蒙拐骗加讹诈,无所不用其极!\n一坛子酒居然敢要两千五百万两银子……皇帝抄家也不如他狠啊。\n“这次你又想需要多少?先说好,太讹人就免开尊口吧!”独孤无敌看了看在一边虎视眈眈的君老爷子,咬着牙齿,突突地问道。\n“这次不多,七万两银子就足够了,救醒他们的材料费,绝对的童叟无欺,物美价廉,货真价安!”君莫邪伸出右手五根手指头,又把左手伸出来两根,晃了晃。\n“幸亏只是七万两,否则你的手指头还要不够了呢。”独孤无敌奚落道。\n“没事,脚指头也可以用的。”君莫邪咧着嘴:“一手交钱一手交货,好买好卖,概不赊账。”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 124\nJun Wu Yi worked around the clock over the next few days to finish Jun Mo Xie’s task, and managed to finish casting the metal to the desire shape. Even though the metal was only to be casted into a very small knife, but since Jun Mo Xie required the knife’s balance to be very precise, since he intended to use for personal tasks, the task became quite arduous.\nJun Mo Xie participated in the task, same as his uncle, but didn’t seem very exhausted at the end of it, while Jun Wu Yi was so exhausted that his thighs had swollen from the effort that he had put in, even though he was a very strong and burly man….\n“Mo Xie, I wonder why I’ve never seen you practicing your skills?” Jun Wu Yi was quite surprised.\nThis arduous task, which had been dauntingly difficult for the Sky Xuan expert, had seemingly been a child’s play for his nephew. On top of that, Jun Wu Yi had never seen his nephew practice his Xuan Qi, which was only making him more curious.\n“Practice?” Jun Mo Xie looked at him in surprise: “Uncle, I practice all the time ah, how have you not noticed it yet?”\n“Uh?” Jun Wu Yi couldn’t help but stare at him with widened eyes in astonishment.\n“Uncle, do you really believe that only controlling your breathing while sitting cross-legged motionlessly, and tempering your Xuan Qi is the only way of ‘so-called’ practicing?” Jun Mo Xie’s tone was clearly expressing his amazement: “I think that we can practice our skills at all times, while eating, while talking, while fighting, walking standing or running and even when we aren’t doing anything at all!\nEven while we are sleeping, we can still practice in our dreams!”\n“One day has twenty hours, and I don’t even waste a single minute of it. Even though we are talking to each other at this moment, I’m still practicing.\nSo instead of asking me when I practice, shouldn’t you ask when I don’t practice?!” Jun Mo Xie smiled.\n“Even now?” Jun Wu Yi’s eyes widened further.\n“When walking we can practice our balance, and hone our senses of vigilance on our feet. We can also to exercise our hearing ability and our eyes, and our body’s sensitivity to our surroundings. As long as you are determined, you can practice all the time.”\nEven though Jun Mo Xie made perfect sense, but Jun Wu Yi’s eyes were still gaping at him, and it seemed as if they would pop out of their sockets.\n“If I interpreted your words correctly…. then you intend to say that when you’re dodging an incoming attack, you’re not trying to move aside wholeheartedly and your mind is not in a state of chaos?” Jun Wu Yi gasped: “Isn’t that impossible?”\n“How’s it impossible to tune your mind to that?” Jun Mo Xie sounded helpless: “All you need to do is melt your skills into your instincts, and make such actions a habit of your nature; if you can do that, then you need not think, or even intend to carry out an action….. Won’t it just happen by itself in this case?”\nJun Wu Yi was dumbstruck, but he was finally beginning to realize something: his own nephew was a freak of nature!\nWhen a normal man like Jun Wu Yi is confronted with a freak like his nephew, being uncomfortable and confused is only a natural human reaction.\nSuch an unbelievable way of practicing the exercises, if it were replaced by any other person, I am afraid that he would have already gone mad, and it is not impossible to even drive himself crazy, but when he says it in his mouth, it is like eating cabbage!\nHow could practicing Xuan Qi be this easy?\n“There’s no need to deliberate while carrying out an action if it’s molded into your instincts.\nSo to speak, while we are walking, we can look out for the things that lay ahead of us and what we might be stepping on, and while we talk, we can still use our nose to identify the smells in the air. This is why I was able to get through the forest with so much ease… my mind was constantly distinguishing my surroundings, and everything was happening instinctively!”\n“It’s really that simple.” Jun Mo Xie smiled.\n“No wonder that you are always so dull and indifferent… since your mind is always analyzing everything, it tends to appear as if you’re taking everything lightly, including your own life! Well, it seems that you’re not indifferent at all, but you’re just always analyzing everything with an open mind…..” \nJun Wu Yi was finally beginning to understand. In fact, Jun Wu Yi had been unwittingly mimicking Jun Mo Xie’s methods, and now that he suddenly came to a halt, he started to feel as if his whole body was being gripped with a sense of fatigue.\nHe was well aware that Jun Mo Xie’s body’s Xuan Qi was nothing compared to his own, but still his nephew showed no signs of tiredness. He couldn’t help but admit that this ‘Habit’ was indeed a formidable force.\nPreviously, upon their return from their adventure, a servant had come to report a few messages: Du Gu Wu Di had come looking for the young master; Tang Yuan had also come looking for the young master; the young master had also received an invitation from a few other people including three invitations from His Majesty’s three sons, while another two nobles had invited him over for dinner!\nIt's a coincidence and an average, one eldest prince, one second prince, and one third prince...... His Majesty the Emperor's three sons actually began to befriend Jun Moxie at the same time!\nJun Wu Yi looked at his nephew profoundly and said: “… Mo Xie, from now on, you can make decisions on your own.\nYou understand our circumstances quite well, and your grandfather and I will no longer restrict your actions.”\nHe paused for a moment and said: “We believe in you!”\nJun Mo Xie’s actions had borne excellent results in quick succession, and as a result, he had managed to create a formidable reputation in his uncle’s mind, so much so, that Jun Wu Yi was even beginning to admire his nephew, which is why he had decided to give Jun Mo Xie a free-hand.\nHe had realized that even though Jun Mo Xie might seem indifferent to everything, he was always cautiously trying to concentrate on one thing: no matter what you do, avoid trouble! And like his bizarre practice methods, his sense of wariness had been embedded into his instincts by now!\nSo basically, if anyone tried to misuse Jun Mo Xie’s influence, then that man would end up having a bad day!\n“Thank you very much uncle.” Jun Mo Xie’s reply sounded very earnest.\n“Jun Mo Xie, you you you you, you kid! What kind of weird nuisance did you put in that wine?\nThe seven of them are still unconscious!\nIf anything happens to them… I swear on my life, I will tear you apart!” Du Gu Wu Di was so enraged that he jumped off his armchair the moment Jun Mo Xie walked into the room.\nThe valiant general had turned into a worried father overnight.\nThe seven sons of the Du Gu Family were still asleep ever since he had brought them home from the Jun Family’s residence in a state of sleep. He had tried everything to dissipate the effects of the alcohol; tea, vinegar, soy sauce….\nBut nothing had worked. Finally, he ordered the physician to carry out a medical treatment, but even that didn’t bear any result. If the seven of them weren’t snoring thunderously in their sleep, an evident proof that the seven of them were sleeping under the effect of the alcohol, then the general might have lost his mind, and may have already attacked general Jun Zhan Tian’s only grandson. All seven had remained unconscious ever since they had consumed the wine, which was practically an unprecedented incident!\n“Du Gu Wu Di, this little boy is sitting in front of you upon accepting your invitation and hasn’t said anything rude to you, then why would you scold me in such a manner?\nYou came to my family’s house, and you stirred trouble with my grandfather; then you wantonly caused damage to our property, and didn’t even apologize, nor did you reimburse for the damages with even a single penny from you pocket…. On top of that your boys stole my wine, and yet you still accuse me of falsehood? Is there no justice left in this world anymore?!” Jun Mo Xie tried his best to mimic his father’s tone and style of speech.\n“And, they still haven’t woken up? Well, I can easily fix that.” Jun Mo Xie was already laughing up his sleeve. I know how to wake them from their slumber. He lazily retreated into his armchair, and raised his arms and legs up.\n“Shall I prepare the medicine? They are obviously still under the effect of the wine, and I can give you a few shots of the cure, but…. You’ll have to pay me some money ah!”\n“Money….” Du Gu Wu Di’s face was going black and it seemed like he hadn’t understood Jun Mo Xie’s intentions. The Jun Family has a reputation of being very honest and upright in the public eye; not wrongly so either. But why did their only heir have to be such a money grubber?\nHe’s so blinded by money that he has even resorted to blackmailing and wrongdoings!\nOne jar of wine for twenty five million taels of silver….. he is more ruthless than the emperor!\n“How much money do you need this time ah? You already ripped me off the last time, but you better not think of it again!” Du Gu Wu Di gnashed his teeth as he eyed Jun Mo Xie covetously.\n“Seventy thousand taels of silver should be enough this time. The raw materials will cost a lot of money, so I’d say that it is a fair trade, and very affordable too…a genuine bargain!” Jun Mo Xie stretched the five fingers of his left hand, and two of his right, to indicate the price of his services.\n“Oh, lucky me. Just seventy thousand taels? You know your hands aren’t big enough to carry so much silver yet…..” Du Gu Wu Di taunted.\n“Don’t worry, I’ll use my toes if I have to.” Jun Mo Xie grinned. “I’ll go and get the raw materials, but you need to pay up right now; I don’t give out credit.”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第125章\n独孤无敌黑脸犯紫,狠狠地甩出一迭银票,只觉得心中憋闷不堪;很是难以想象,当年指点江山纵马千军的盖代名将君无悔,养出来的儿子居然这么无赖。\n君莫邪起身走了出去,将顷又进来,背后跟着几个大汉,每人抱着一小坛子酒:“喏,七坛,每人多灌上几碗,能灌多少罐多少!把肚子里边的酒中和了就没事了。”\n酒头醉,需先用酒冲才会有效果。\n“你耍我呢?”独孤无敌勃然大怒:“你以为这个方法我没试过吗?早就给他们灌了不少了,根本就没用!喝多少吐多少!”\n“你知道什么?他们之所以喝醉,就是因为他们偷喝了我独门秘制的极品酒源,一杯之量可兑一坛新酒,酒劲之大可想而知,他们每人都至少喝了一碗以上,岂能不醉!\n这还是他们体质过人,更兼玄气修为颇高,若是普通人喝了如此之多的极品酒源,或者醉死了也未可知,若使用一般方法解酒方法,根本就难以起到作用。”\n即使你知道用酒冲兑一下,让他们胃里起反应,予以中和,可是我这酒即算是勾兑过之后,也远非世间寻常美酒可以比拟,自然难以中和!\n惟有以我自酿、且勾兑后的本源酒浆才能产生水乳交融的效果!\n才能起到解酒的效果!懂吗?\n没知识也要有常识,没常识你总得有点见识吧?还帝国大将军呢!”君莫邪毫不留情。\n“就算你说的有理,那……也用不了七坛子酒吧?他们只得七个人,最多两坛酒就够了!你这不明摆着讹人吗?”\n独孤无敌还真就不明白酒源醉和普通酒醉的区别所在,只好避开这个话题,这可是一万两银子一坛!天价啊。\n“我这酒,还没开张呢,今天就算是开张了。”君莫邪笑眯眯的掂量着手中银票,所以已经算是很便宜地卖给你了,以后还未必有这个价钱了呢!”\n独孤无敌黑着脸走了;他实在不愿意呆下去了,真的很害怕自己会控制不住脾气就在君老爷子面前对这小子大打出手……无赖到家啊。\n“这一次,据说是你招惹了独孤家的那个丫头?”君老爷子很是慈祥的笑了笑,眯起眼睛,满是一副想要抱重孙子的目光。\n“爷爷,您可别闹了,那个野蛮丫头,我躲还来不及呢,我就奇怪了,为何他们一家子找上来说我欺负了他闺女……明明就是他闺女在欺负我好不好?”君莫邪很委屈的叹口气:“真是不可理喻!”\n“这有啥不可理喻的?很简单,那丫头摆明了就是看上你了呗。”老爷子笑得很有些老狐狸的味道:“要不是那丫头看上你了,他们才不会这样来闹腾。\n独孤纵横那老混蛋,前前后后他是计算得一清二楚啊,天天装傻充愣,哼哼,老夫岂会看不出他的花花肠子?”\n“啥花花肠子?”君莫邪大感奇怪,对此事是真的不了解。\n“独孤小艺看上你啦,傻小子,独孤世家一方面自然不愿意你做他们家女婿;另一方面呢,陛下也不会允许你做独孤家的女婿,这一点不难明白吧?”君战天捋着胡子。\n“着我当然明白,天香帝国两大军事家族若是联姻,对皇室威胁太大了。”君莫邪点点头,有些心领神会的样子。\n“你还是不明白!”老爷子有些郁闷,自己这个孙子怎么在这种事情上偏偏犯了糊涂了?\n“但是,独孤世家也做好了最坏的打算,若是独孤小艺当真寻死觅活非你不嫁的话,他们这样先来闹腾一顿,然后到时候借个理由再折腾你一番;然后两家明刀明枪的干上一场,当然是掩人耳目的假打,这样说明白了吧?\n让陛下明白,君家虽然娶了独孤家最得宠的女儿,但两家已经彻底闹翻了。”\n“到时候非但不会有什么麻烦,反而是陛下为了防止我们彻底的内讧,还要亲自为你们两个做媒。\n还不懂吗?独孤纵横派他的孙子辈这么一闹,无论以后怎么发展,他都是提前做了准备!\n现在这老东西定然非常得意。哼!”\n老爷子气不打一处来:“独孤纵横那老货居然拿着老夫当傻子一般耍,他却想不到他的这点心思,连老夫都瞧得出来,更何况陛下?\n真是猪!\n若是不提前准备,难免到时候被这老货连累!”\n“再多加把劲。”君老爷子对孙子挤眉弄眼,狠狠鼓励:“娶不娶嫁不嫁的可以先不管,先让老夫抱上重孙子倒是眼下的第一正经事。”\n君莫邪大汗淋漓……\n还有这样当爷爷的,当孙子的想不学坏都困难啊……\n“这个先放一放,反正出了事也是独狐纵横先头疼,没我们君家啥事,请让他孙女喜欢我孙子呢!”老爷子极端不负责任:“先说说眼前的事,你小子现在是炙手可热啊,三位皇子争前恐后的巴结你,啧啧,真是牛啊。”\n“没法,人长得俊,连男人也想多看两眼。”君莫邪摸了摸下巴,挺陶醉。\n“确实是挺帅的,我君家的种,能不帅吗?”对君莫邪的自恋,君战天非但没有鄙视,反而也很陶醉。“\n不过那俊不俊跟眼前这个没关系,只对那几个小丫头有关系,你还是想想怎么应付这三个人吧;\n告诉你,这三人哪一个都不好应付,一旦粘上了你甩都甩不掉。\n你不要以为你自己有点小聪明,他们照样能卖了你!懂吗?”\n“恩,我明白的。其实我的打算是……”君莫邪本不想说的,想想还是先让老爷子有个准备吧。\n君莫邪为之气结,你不想知道那你别问啊,我还不准备说呢。\n现在可倒好,我心里挣扎了半天想跟你吐吐底,您自己倒是掉链子了……\n君大少爷摇着头回到自己的小院子,眼见久违的唐胖子已经等的是望眼欲穿。\n真个算是久违了,自从前次一别之后,君大杀手忙于为君三爷治伤、伤后调理,身体复原,以及陪逛业务已经有月余时间没见这位好朋友了,说心里话,还真有几分惦记!\n不过这分惦记的心思,在再见的瞬间就已经烟消云散了……\n某陀巨大的肉团一个劲的追问某个小萝莉:“他啥时候回来?……”\n又道:“他怎么还不回来?……”\n再道:“他不是死在外边了吧?……”\n小侍女可儿很有些瑟缩地接待着唐源,对这个面目貌似狰狞的巨胖子真的有些害怕,生怕他转着转着突然跌倒了,万一砸到自己,就以自己这小身板,估计是肯定不能承受地,甚至当场被压死了也难说得很……\n“唐胖子,你又来干啥?”君莫邪手里捏着三张请柬,就感觉自己捏着三个炸弹,这三兄弟不是商量好地,才同时下帖子吧,是怎么个意思呢?\n正在头痛的时候,再见到这身腻人的肥肉,真是有些不爽。\n“呜呜……三少,你可回来了;我……你可得给兄弟我拿个主意,兄弟不活了啊,再也见不到三少你了……”\n唐源一把鼻涕一把泪:“这次你要是不给我出个主意,我就,我就……我就就……”\n“你就干啥?你就多吃一顿饭?不活了?赶紧找个风水宝地再了断,到我这算怎么回事!”\n君莫牢一屁股坐在他面前椅子上,歪着头看着他:“胖子,你痛快说吧,别整那些苦情戏,到底你又遇见了什么事?”突然一拍大腿:“你又把老婆给输了?!”\n“操!”唐源怒骂出声:“我是那种人嘛?”\n“不说我睡觉了。”君莫邪作势欲起。\n“别!大爷!您是我亲大爷,老大,这事你可千万要给我出个主意,要不然我就真死定了。”唐源急忙拦住了他。\n“赶紧说正经的,少爷我很忙,没空跟你瞎蘑菇。”君莫邪吊起眼睛。\n“唉,不堪回首哇,三少,老太爷要送我入宫,呜……”唐源哭咧咧地道。\n“啥?你爷爷让你去做太监?!你爷爷也太想得开了吧?!”君莫邪激灵灵一下,刷的一声坐的笔直,两只眼睛瞪得溜圆。\n“你丫才去做太监!”唐源气涌如山:“难道皇宫里除了太监就没有别的职位?”\n“别的职位当然有,不过都不大适合你,也就这职位勉强能凑合一点!”君莫邪摸着下巴,笑的肩头耸动。\n“你啥意思?你认为我就只适合做太监?你气死我了!”唐源悲愤的不行了,欲哭无泪。\n“那你自己说说,你有啥长处?!能做什么职务吧!”君莫邪无视悲怒中的唐胖子,淡淡的笑道!\n“我长处有很多,比如……”唐胖子比如了半天,愣是没比如下去!\n“别比如了,你爷爷是让你去替补慕容千军那一官职吧?”君莫邪眼见胖子窘到哪了,索性就不再逗他,斜睨着他,似笑非笑地道。\n“是呀,真是一屁弹中!”唐源一拍大腿,随即苦下脸来:“我爹之前也不知道怎么运作的,说是已经疏通好了关系,打通了全部关卡,只需要过那号称铁面的朱老太监负责的那验身的一道关,基本就会定了这事了。你说我可咋办啊……”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 125\nDugu Wudi’s face had gone black with rage. He threw the money on the table, but couldn’t help feeling a little oppressed; It is hard to imagine that an honest and upright man like Jun Wu Hui’s son would turn out to be such a rascal!\nJun Mo Xie got up and walked out of the room; he returned a while later, with several other men, each of whom was carrying a small jar of wine: “Well, we need to stuff their stomachs with this wine until they throw up, and vomit out the other wine!”\nMixing two different wines can be a very effective cure in some cases!\n“Are you playing with me?” Dugu Wudi was even more enraged now: “You think that I haven’t already tried this? I had their stomachs stuffed with all kinds of wines, but they didn’t vomit!”\n“How would you know what’s right? They got drunk because they stole my secret wine! I’m the only one who knows that wine’s potency and abilities. They drank so much of it and have been very badly intoxicated by it!\nIt’s only due to their extraordinary physique and high Xuan Qi that they are still alive! If an average person drank that much of my wine, then they would have already died from its intoxication! But in order to dissipate the wine’s effects, you first need to know its functioning ah.”\n“Even if you forced another wine down their throats, and tried to make it react to the wine which is already present inside their stomachs, then it may not bear the desired result since the nature of each wine is very unusual and different from the other!\nI brewed that wine myself, and only I know its true blend, and the effects of that blend!\nSo, only I can cure its hangover, do you understand it now?\nIn order to apply common sense, you still need to have some basic knowledge and experience, right? General?” Jun Mo Xie’s reply and tone were merciless.\n“Even if what you say is true, it does not take…. Seven jars of wine? They didn’t take so much of your ‘secret’ wine in the first place?! You’re obviously blackmailing me!”\nDugu Wudi didn’t really understand the nature of the wine’s intoxication, but was still trying to use his general knowledge on the subject to accuse Jun Mo Xie while tactfully trying to avoid the real issue which was bothering him: These wine jars cost nearly twelve thousand taels each! That’s too much ah.\n“I haven’t even started selling my wine publicly yet, so this is actually my first sale.” Jun Mo Xie started collecting the money: “So basically, I’m giving you this for a very cheap price…. And it may not be this cheap next time ah!”\nEven though Dugu Wudi’s face had become even blacker with rage at this moment, he turned around and left since he was afraid that he might end up losing his temper. He really didn’t want to beat this kid up…. He was the young master of the Jun Family after all.\n“It was reported that you were teasing the Dugu Family’s girl?” old man Jun smiled as he squinted his eyes and readjusted his gaze to look at his grandson.\n“Grandpa, no, I don’t know that savage girl is saying! I don’t know why the Dugu family is claiming that I bullied their daughter…. She has been teasing me, okay?” Jun Mo Xie sighed, almost as he if felt wronged by the accusation: “This is ridiculous!”\n“What’s so ridiculous about this? It’s simple; that girl fancies you!” the old man revealed a cunning smile: “If that girl didn’t have a crush on you, then she wouldn’t be acting so naughty.\nDugu Zongheng, that old bastard…..he probably knew this all along, and is just trying to play dumb in front of everyone. He thought that I won’t be able to see through his scheme?”\n“What scheme?” Jun Mo Xie was genuinely very surprised. He really hadn’t spotted anything unusual about this matter.\n“Dugu Xiao Yi fancies you like the little fool she is, but the Dugu family will be reluctant in making you their son-in-law; on the other hand, even the King will not allow you to marry someone from the Dugu Family, which is quite obvious, right?” Jun Zhan Tian stroked his beard.\n“Of course I understand. If two such powerful military families of the Tian Xiang empire were unified in a bond of marriage, then the royal family will feel threatened.” Jun Mo Xie nodded. He was finally beginning to understand some parts now.\n“No, you still don’t!” Jun Zhan Tian seemed a bit gloomy that his grandson was unable to see through such a basic scheme.\n“The Dugu family is just trying to prepare for the worst. If Dugu Xiao Yi tries to commit suicide over not being able to marry you, then the Dugu Family will try to use it and will try take it out on us, and when that time comes, they will need more reasons to attack us; when this happens, the two families will be pointing swords at each other; but that will just be to deceive the public, do you get it?\nEven though his Majesty will not want to the Dugu Family’s pampered daughter to be married into the Jun Family, but it will still be a better scenario then a complete falling out between the two families!”\n“And at that time, in order to prevent a huge internal strife in the kingdom, His Majesty himself will turn into a matchmaker for the two of you.\nUnderstand it now? Dugu Zongheng sent his seven pups here to create trouble… that was his way of creating an alibi for stirring trouble later on!\nThat old moron must be feeling very proud right now… humph!”\n“That old bastard thinks that he’s too smart and everyone else is a fool. Didn’t he even once think that the Emperor is a lot smarter than him?\nWhat a pig!\nIf we don’t prepare for this in advance, then we might end up taking a lot of damage!”\n“That can’t happen….” Old man Jun looked at his grandson and winked: “You can’t marry her! Whatever you did with her, without being married to her, is fine; but I will not allow that old bastard to marry off his grand-daughter to my grandson!”\nJun Mo Xie was practically sweating bullets…..\nWhen the grandfather is leading with such examples, then there’s no point in blaming the grandson ah..…\n“We need to put this matter off early; otherwise this will cause a big headache later on. I can’t believe that he thought that I’d let him marry his granddaughter to my grandson!” Grandfather Jun seemed a bit out of tune: “The first sign of you rising to power, and everyone wants to befriend you ah; even the three princes are fighting with each other to curry favors with you….”\n“I can’t help…. I’m just naturally handsome.” Jun Mo Xie touched his chin, feeling a bit impressed with himself.\n“Of course you are very handsome! Why wouldn’t you be? You’re a son of the Jun Family!” if Jun Mo Xie was pleased with his looks, then Jun Zhan Tian was practically on the verge of narcissism.\n“But that doesn’t mean that this kind of things should happen. You probably had a few flings with a few girls along the way, but this will be slightly more difficult to deal with. And as far as those three princes are concerned;\nI tell you, those three are a bad deal. Once they stick to you, you won’t be able to shake them off.\nAnd don’t think that you’re smarter than them… they will betray you whenever it suits them! Understand?”\n“Well, I understand. In fact, my real intention is….” Jun Mo Xie was about to give an idea to prepare for the uncertainties…..\nJun Mo Xie was quite angry with this situation, especially since he wasn’t allowed to express his opinion.\nHe had struggled a long time to create his new image, and he was suddenly left looking like a fool all over again….\nThe young master of the Jun Family shook his head, and made his way towards the courtyard where fatty Tang was anxiously waiting for him.\nIt had been a long time since they had last seen each other. Jun Mo Xie had gotten busy with healing his uncle, and then helping him during his physical rehabilitation, post which he had accompanied his uncle for a tour…. and it had almost been a month since he had seen his friend now. However, he had thought about the meatball’s wellbeing a few times though!\nBut all that sentiment vanished the moment he saw the fatty again….\nThat huge meatball had been constantly asking a little Lolita, who was looking after the guests in the courtyard: “When will he be back….?”\n“Why hasn’t he returned yet…. What?”\nAnd then he had also asked: “He didn’t die during his trip right…….?”\nThe little maid at the reception was quite scared of the seemingly grim and dejected body language of the big-fat man. She was afraid that if the man accidently or intentionally tumbled over, and fell on top of her little body, then given her small physical structure, she would inevitably get crushed to death underneath him….\n“Hey fatty, what are you doing here?” Jun Mo Xie was holding the three invitations in his hand; although he felt as if he was holding three bombs. The three brothers weren’t on good terms with each other, and since all three of them wished to see him at the same time…. then something was definitely going on.\nHe was already having a headache and then this huge fat meatball of a body made it even worse.\n“Hum… third young master, you came back; I … you have to help me out….. Brother I don’t want to live ah…. You don’t know what happened to your little brother…”\nTang Yuan’s eyes and nose were leaking: “you have to help me out this time, or I’ll, I’ll just….. I …..”\n“You just what? Eat till you die? Quickly tell me what happened, and wait; first tell me why I should help you!”\nJun Mo Xie was sitting on a chair opposite to his friend. He looked closely, and figured that this might be a little serious: “Fatty, you seem in a really bad shape, what happened? Did you lose your wife again?!”\n“balls!” Tang Yuan cursed out loudly: “You think I’m stupid?”\n“Okay then, it’s time for my sleep now.” Jun Mo Xie playfully started to get up from his seat.\n“No, don’t go! You don’t know what my grandpa is doing to me; you have to help me out, or I will die for sure.” Tang Yuan hastily barred his way.\n“Quickly tell me your problem; I’m very busy… I don’t have time for your silly games.” Jun Mo Xie raised his line of sight.\n“Oh… woo…. Painful…. Third young master… they are sending me for castration at the palace, woo….” Tang Yuan started crying again.\n“What? Your grandfather wants to you to become an imperial eunuch?! Your grandfather still loves you, right?” Jun Mo Xie seemed quite amused, and sat up straight as he stare his friend with big round eyes.\n“Ah yes, he wants me to become a eunuch!” Tang Yuan’s chest welled up like a mountain: “As if there are no other jobs in the palace apart from this?!”\n“Of course there are other jobs in the palace, but none of them will suit you; you’re barely good enough for this one as it is!” Jun Mo Xie rubbed his chin and shrugged his shoulders, before breaking into a provocative laughter.\n“What do you mean? You think that I’m only good enough to be a eunuch? Are you trying to piss me off?!” even though Tang Yuan felt quite agrieved and indignant, he couldn’t find more tears to express it properly.\n“Alright, then why don’t you tell me about your other qualities? What would you be good at?” Jun Mo Xie ignored the fatty’s anger and continued to laugh lightly.\n“I have a lot of qualities, such as……” the fatty thought for a long time, but couldn’t come up with anything!\n“For example, you could help your grandfather by forging a good relationship with the generals of the Mu Rong army?” Jun Mo Xie realized that the man was already quite embarrassed and decided that he shouldn’t tease the man any further; so he smiled and gave his fat friend a hint.\n“Yes, that’s really it!” the fatty’s gloomy faced suddenly lit up: “I didn’t get it earlier when my grandfather explained it; he said that he had good relationships inside the imperial palace, at all levels, and even with the man who carries out the medical examination of the eunuchs. So basically, he will set things up, and wants me to…..”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第126章\n“这么雷厉风行?你老子也太有道行了,了不起啊!”\n君莫邪吓了一跳,胖子他爹的手段确实了得,当大内侍卫统领,没有真才实料是肯定不行了,可是胖子爹就愣是打通了所有关节,让唐胖子出任这个相当不得了的职位,当真了得!\n“当真了得?真是苦恼才是真的,三少,我爹和我爷爷的意思吧,就是我先从里面发展,先掌握了皇宫里的层次,在这个大染缸里面磨练一下,然后我爹会选择适合时机将我外调,辗辗转转,最后再回来,到那时就顺便继承我爹的位子。\n这样说你明白吗?”唐源脸上挂着苦瓜。\n“也就是说,将你定位下一任唐家的家主?”诺莫邪瞪大了眼睛,这也太匪夷所思了,就凭这胖子的德行,当家主?\n天香帝国有数大家族唐家的一家之主!\n说出去谁信啊?!\n“恩,是啊,就这几天的事,也不知道从哪里冒出来了一个老家伙,说是爷爷四十年前的好友。”\n唐源气不打一处来:“他妈的,四十年没有音讯,如今看我们唐家发达了,跑过来认好友了!哪有这样的好朋友?偏偏爷爷还信了。”\n“停!这跟你的事有什么关系?”君莫邪头大如斗,这胖子的说话逻辑跳跃性也太大了吧?!这都哪跟哪啊!\n“怎么没关系?这老东西来到唐家之后,对唐棍、唐宝、唐国三个人进行了一番神神道道的测试了之后,非常惊喜的告诉我爷爷,说那三个不成器的货都是修炼玄气的绝佳的人才,提出要收他们做徒弟;\n并保证将他们三个十年之内尽都提升到地玄层次,\n我爷爷一听乐得跟什么似的,答应的那叫一个痛快了。我爷爷一共就四个孙子……”\n唐源唉声叹气:“现在明白了吧?”\n“还是不明白,我就听明白了你们唐家可能在十年之后要多出三名地玄高手,对唐家乃是大好事,可是,这里边还是没有你的事啊,你到底想要说什么?!”君莫邪茫然的看着他。\n“三少啊,平时多聪明个人,今天怎地这么地笨啊你,\n他们三个哥哥弟弟都跟着师傅走了,唐家家业怎么办?\n总得有人继承吧?\n唯一剩下的一个不就是我了?”\n“像我们这些家族吧,大大小小,良莠不齐,但都有一个共同点;那就是只要有一个人充当家主,维持家业不败;\n然后另外的资质好的,有亦气修炼前途的便会被着意培养成家族的守护神;在这个期间,有名师指导那是最好不过!\n如此,这些人玄功有成,才开始在自己家族培养下一代,训练死士,培育秘密力量,如此一代一代代代相传,逐渐就会成为根深蒂固,连皇家也不敢轻易招惹的超级家族,保证祖宗香火千秋万代的燃烧下去。”\n“所有的家族,都在向着这个方向努力。”\n“而我,从此与风花雪月绝缘,你能明白我的痛苦了么?”唐源唉声叹气。\n“明白的屁,我看你有病才是真的!”君莫邪毫不客气地鄙视:“让你高官厚禄,让你当家主,让你荣耀一世你还不满足?\n要不是他们三人都有修炼天赋,这等好事那辈子能轮得到你?\n你丫就是压根来炫耀的吧?\n知不知道,世俗之间家族的继承权、又或者一点家产就能令兄弟反目、大打出手,动辄家破人亡,你还得了便宜卖乖!”\n“我不想当官!我更不想当家主!操!你还要我说几遍?”\n唐源脸红脖子粗的叫起来:“我炫耀个鸡鸡!且不说当家主要负起多大的责任,就单说官场上的尔虞我诈,步步陷阱,你真以为我是那块料?能抗得起吗?\n老子什么本事都没有,就想一辈子自由自在,做个逍遥自在的纨绔子!\n从没有想过想要担负任何责任!\n我没那个肩膀,更没这个心,你明白?”唐源口沫四溅的大吼。\n“你不想当官,不想当家主,不想承担责任,那你到底想要做什么?”君莫邪皱着眉头。\n“三少啊,要说别人不了解我,还情有可原,你还不了解我?咱们可是知己啊,你打算风流快活一世,哥哥我也一样,不过不是女人。”\n唐源目中露出憧憬:“哥哥这辈子最中意的就是银子金子;看着银子金子哗哗的从别人的口袋落进自己的口袋,那种感觉真是……爽啊。”\n君莫邪仰天无语五秒钟,这啥人啊,谁跟你是知己,你的知己是君莫邪好不好……\n不是我,虽然我就是君莫邪,似……确实不是我啊。\n“你最中意窃玉偷香,我最中意干的事却是做生意啊,对于我家的家业,我只是希望可以接掌家族生意,然后把我唐家的商号开遍大陆上每一个地方!”\n唐源气势磅礴的挥舞着比君莫邪的大腿还粗的胳膊,随着他这豪迈的动作,满身的肥肉快乐的跳起舞来。\n“这也不难啊,你跟老爷子说明白不就得了。”君莫邪很奇怪。\n别看唐源那样,在君莫邪的印象中,胖子做生意可是一把好手中的好手,或者这是胖子唯一可取的地方吧!\n而唐老爷子没道理不认可呀。\n“说明白了……”唐源欲哭无泪,哗的一声,脱掉了长袍,露出一整扇肥猪肉一般的脊梁,可儿急忙惊叫一声,扭过头去,满脸通红。\n“看见了吧,三少,这就是跟老爷子说明白的结果。”唐源倒抽着冷气,把自己的背脊给君莫邪看。\n“好……用力。”君莫邪目瞪口呆地看着唐胖子背上清清楚楚鼓了起来的十道淤痕,紫中泛黑。\n“再看看这。”唐胖子的肚皮上五六个大脚印,然后把衣服放了下来,悻悻地道:“屁股上我就不让你看了,比这俩地方还厉害。\n差点把我的大便给打出来。”\n“真是牛叉啊!”\n君莫邪哭笑不得:“看来这事没什么转圜的余地了,索性就别扯这些没用的了,\n既然你爹已经把你的路一直铺到了青云之上,相信只要你不是太胡闹,绝对很容易就能应付过去,暂时还是不要说你不知好歹的话;\n说真的,现在就算我肯为你想办法,也没有任何办法可想;所有的程序,对你现在来说只是走个过场而已。\n我劝你,还是老老实实得当你的大官,然后在继任家主吧。”\n君大少爷真的有些无语,为了这官职,也不知多少人削尖了脑袋钻营着,甚至抛妻弃子丧尽天良无所不用其极;而唐胖子坐享其成居然还不情不愿地!\n这叫什么事?!\n难道他比自己还邪?\n那岂不是抢我的饭碗?\n“老子宁为玉碎,不为瓦全,宁死不从!”\n唐源慷慨激昂的站起来,一手放在胸前,神色坚定的看着门外,吟出了一首诗:“老子不当家,老子不做官;老子平生愿,就是挣大钱!”\n“噗……”君莫邪一屁股连人带椅子摔在了地上,狼狈不堪。\n老子两世为人,还没见过这样的活宝。\n“也不是没有办法,因为尚有一个环节并未打通,这个环节就是我老头子倾尽所有的家产也是无法买通的。”\n唐源挤着眼,刚刚作诗一首抒怀,似乎心情舒畅了起来:“就是那个朱老太监那关。”\n“朱老太监?”君莫邪口中说着,心中却突然冒起一个想法:唐胖子做生意很有一手,而且他的家族不允许他做生意,若是自己帮他这个大忙,然后两人合伙做生意……\n或者大大的省略了自己积蓄财富的时间?\n这么一想,君莫外顿时看着唐源,以一种奇货可居的眼神,看得唐胖子浑身发毛。\n“你……干啥用这种眼神这么看着我?我,我不好那口的……我还是处男!”唐源抱着胸口,有些害怕。\n“呕……”君莫邪好不容易有些得意,被他这一句话弄得五脏都翻滚了起来。\n“好吧,老子没工夫跟你扯淡;你就说,朱老太监负责的是那一关吧?看看我能不能想点什么办法!”君莫邪翻了翻白眼。\n朱老太监,乃是当今陛下的贴身人,向来深藏不露,但君莫邪估计,貌似应该是一位高手。\n朱老太监,全名朱逐珠,一个很搞笑的有趣名字,但包括君战天和独孤无敌这样的大佬在内,对他从来也是客客气气的。\n由此可见,这个太监,乃是身残志不残的高人,绝对不同于一般的寻常人物。\n“那老阉货负责验身。就是脱得光光地被那老东西翻来覆去的摆弄。”唐源苦着脸:“可是哥哥我的身材虽然稍微胖了少许,可是身体绝对是非常健康了,啥病也没有,肯定能通过。这才是我最烦恼的。”\n唐胖子拍拍自己的肚皮,虽说烦恼,却也有些得意,突然神秘兮兮地凑过头来:“听说慕容千军那家伙在被他验身的时候,还捻了那话儿好久……弄得慕容千军那小白脸在以后的半个月之内走路敞着腿,那叫一个狼狈……”\n唐胖子的语气,乃是一副幸灾乐祸又带着九成九的八卦。\n“你还有心情得意?马上你就该敞着腿了。”君莫邪又好气又好笑地瞪他一眼,实在难以想象这胖子的脑袋是怎么长的。\n“是呀是呀,三少,你可要救救我,我可不想敞着腿走路。”唐源顿时想起自己的处境。\n“验身……脱光,全身上下都要检查吗?”君莫邪若有所思,心中顿时有了一个主意。\n伸出一个手指,做了一个捅一下的姿势:“后面,呃,也检查嘛?”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 126\n“Why are you reacting so swiftly and decisively? Your father learnt a great deal there ah!”\nJun Mo Xie had always been quite amazed with the fatty’s father. When the big man was overseeing the command of his guards, all enemies were sure to die. But his father was going to take charge of a different position now, and Tang Yuan could soon get his job some day!\n“Amazing? This is really distressing, third young master, my father and my grandfather were serious about this…. They are going to start training me. They want me to start at the base level and once I’ve master this level and have cultivated myself, then my father will chose an appropriate time and will redeploy my position. I’ll keep rolling from one department to the other, and finally I’ll have to inherit my father’s seat, in time.\nDo you understand?” Fatty’s face was hanging from his body like a dried out melon.\n“In other words, you will become the head of the Tang Family one day?” Jun Mo Xie stared blankly at this amusing fatty in disbelief. Head of a family?\nMaster of one of the biggest family’s of the Tian Xiang Empire?\nWho’s going to believe this ah?\n“Well, ah, I don’t know where that old man popped out of, but he said that he’s an old friend of my grandfather from forty years ago…”\nthe fatty continued: “Four damn decades and he hasn’t written a single letter, and now that the Tang Family is on the rise, he’s suddenly here to talk friendship?! What kind of a friend is he? But Grandpa was quite happy about it.”\n“Stop! How’s that relevant to you?” Jun Mo Xie was beginning to get another headache now. This fatty just keeps jumping discussions… he doesn’t make any sense logically….what is wrong with him?\n“How’s this irrelevant huh? After that old man waltzed in, he picked out Tang Gun, Tang Bao and Tang Guo and tested them out for Sky Xuan potential. After he was done with the three of them, he told my grandfather that the three of them have potential to enter into the Sky Xuan level and that he’ll take them as apprentices. \nHe also promised that he’ll train them into the Earth Xuan in less than a decade…. \nMy grandfather was so happy that he took the offer saying that he is ‘the proud grandfather of four grandchildren’…..” \nTang Yuan sighed: “Do you understand it now?”\n“I still didn’t get it. All I could make out was that the Tang Family will probably have three Earth Xuans in less than a decade, which can only be a good thing for the family, but what’s this have to do with your side of the story? What are you trying to say?” Jun Mo Xie was looking at his friend blankly.\n“Third young master… ah, you’re usually so clever… why are you acting so stupid today?!\nThe three elder brothers of mine are going after their master, so what happens to the family now?\nSomeone will have to inherit the responsibility?\nAnd am I not the only one remaining?”\n“Families like our… whether big or small, have one thing in common: the person who is in-charge of the family must make sure that the family keeps growing; \nin order to ensure that, the leader of the family must train suitable candidates, men and women, and then turn them into loyal followers. During this period, the old generation, which is already loyal to the family, helps out and trains these people into successful Xuan experts! \nThen, they in-turn train the next generation, and cultivate their powers, and this keeps happening from one generation to the next…Until the family is gradually entrenched into the roots of the empire, so much so that even the royal family doesn’t provoke these super-families; and all this is done so we can light incense sticks in front of the portraits of the ancestors!”\n“All such families are inevitably struggling in that direction.”\n“And me, I’m not even remotely affected by such things…. Do you understand my pain now?” Tang Yuan sighed.\n“I don’t understand a damn thing, you fat fart!” Jun Mo Xie replied contemptuously: “Your grandfather is training you to be the head of the family, and you’ll get all the glories of life! How’s that related to those three? \nThey have talent for cultivation, and isn’t that going to help you in the future? \nSo basically, you’re just trying to show off, right? \nYou know how much struggle is there inside a family for the position of the family’s head… Brother’s wage wars against each other… they fight… and sometimes the family breaks up in discord… you’re getting all of it, and without the slightest of struggle!”\n“I do not want any of it; I do not want to be a minister! How many times do you want me to say it?!” \nthe fatty cried out in anger: “I’m not showing off! I don’t want the responsibility of bureaucracy! Traps and deception at every step… do you think that I’m cut out for this? Or even good enough to endure it?\nI do not have any of those skills… I just want a free and leisurely life…. I just want to be an unaffected dandy! \nI’ve never wanted to shoulder these responsibilities! \nDo you understand?” the fatty’s saliva was sprouting out in all directions as the fatty vented out his anger.\n“You don’t want to be a minister, you don’t want to be the head of the family, and you don’t any responsibilities…. Then what do you want to do with your life?” Jun Mo Xie frowned.\n“Third young master ah, I don’t mind when other people ask this, but you’re not other people…. you’re my confidant….You know me, you know what makes your brother happy, right?!”\nTang Yuan raised his gaze, and it seemed as if looking at his imaginary future: “Brother, I only want money; the sound of other people’s gold and silver falling into my pocket is what makes me happy…. Really happy.”\nJun Mo Xie was silent for the next five seconds. What kind of a person is he… why am I friends with him? Jun Mo Xie must have been his soulmate…\nBut not me… Although I am Jun Mo Xie… but I’m not really Jun Mo Xie…ah.\n“I just want to do business, that’s my favorite thing in life ah. My family has a business, and I just want to inherit that. I want to overtake that business, and once I’ve done that, I’ll turn it into the biggest business house of the entire continent!” \nTang Yuan was waving his thick arms at this point, which were even wider than Jun Mo Xie’s thighs.\n“That’s easier said than done. You must try to convince your father of this first.” Jun Mo Xie was feeling a bit strange.\nAs far as he could tell, the fatty would make a formidable business man, in fact, that was the only thing that he’d be good at!\nBut fatty’s father wouldn’t understand it, let alone endorse it!\n“Really….?” It seemed as if Tang Yuan was about to start crying again, but he couldn’t find the tears this time. He took off his robe and revealed his upper body. He turned about to show his backbone to his friend, while his face had turned red with anger and humiliation.\n“See, third young master, this was the result of convincing my father….” Tang Yuan sighed as he showed his back to Jun Mo Xie.\n“Well….. painful.” Jun Mo Xie was stunned to see that the Fatty’s back was dyed purple with almost a dozen bruise marks.\n“… and look at this.” The Fatty turned around and pointed to his belly. There were five or six foot marks on his fat belly. Then he put on his robes again and stated bitterly: “I will not show you my ass, but that’s much worse off…\nI can barely take a dump.”\n“You’ve been beaten up like cattle, ah!”\nJun Mo Xie was dumbstruck. “It seems that you can’t do anything about this, so you might as well not try… \nSince your father is already clearing your way to the top, I believe that you won’t have many issues, and you’ll be able to cope with the pressure quite easily.\nIndeed, even if I was willing to find a solution for you, I don’t think I’d be able to do much; no matter what we think, your father will not listen to any of it.\nI advise that you honestly try to become a minister for now, and then succeed him to his seat for now.”\nJun Mo Xie was silent all of a sudden. What kind of heartless acts are people willing to do for power… he didn’t even go easy on his own son…. Tang Yuan is being forced to reap where he hasn’t sown… he’s obviously going to be very reluctant about it.\nBut what kind of a man is his father?\nIs he even more evil than me?\nWould I have been able to do something like this?\n“I’m not going to do that! I would rather die!”\nTang Yuan stood up vehemently, and raised his hand to his chest as he chanted his vow with a firm look is his eyes: “I will not take over the house master’s seat; I will not become a minister; in this life, I will only make money!”\n“Plop….” Jun Mo Xie stared blankly as the chair which was previously glued to the fatty’s buttocks, finally dropped to the floor.\nHe had never seen a clown like this one before; not in this world, nor in the previous one.\n“I won’t stray from my ideals, and all of my old man’s possession and incentives will not deviate me from my path!” \nthe fatty looked quite resolute: “And I will fool that eunuch, Zhu Lao.”\n“Eunuch Zhao Lao?” an idea popped up into Jun Mo Xie’s mind as he said the word: Tang Yuan would make a very good businessman, but his family will not allow him to do business. But if I helped him out, then we could start a partnership together… \nand we could amass a fortune over time?!\nWith this thought in mind, Jun Mo Xie suddenly looked at Tang Yuan again, almost as if he was staring at a priceless commodity.\n“What are you doing…. Why are you eyeing me like that? I, I… I’m a guy…. Stay away from me!” the fatty seemed afraid and backed off a few steps.\n“ah…….” Jun Mo Xie’s internal organs were sent tumbling at the thought, and he barely managed to control his vomit.\n“Well, I don’t want to listen to more of your crap; you said that you’ll fool that eunuch Zhu Lao, how?” Jun Mo Xie rolled his eyes.\nEunuch Zhu Lao was quite close to the Emperor, which is why Jun Mo Xie estimated that the man must be an expert.\nEunuch Zhu Lao’s given name was Zhu Zhu Zhu, which is quite funny, but the man is known to people like Jun Zhan Tian and Dugu Wudi, and visits them quite often.\nThus, it can only be estimated that the man must be quite an expert himself, and was certainly not an ordinary man.\n“That castrated old fool is in-charge of checking the body of the eunuchs, and is known to play around with them a lot.” Fatty grimaced: “Brother, even though my body is a little fat, but I’m perfectly healthy, and I don’t have any diseases, so I’ll pass for sure… that is my main concern.”\nThe Fatty patted his belly with a sense of pride: “I heard that the other guy, Mu Rong Qian Jun’s medical examination was very brutal, and that old fool twisted his penis for a long time….. Mu Rong Qian Jun was pale after the examination… in fact, he was seen walking wide-legged for the next two weeks….”\nThe Fatty seemed to be deriving entertainment from the rumor.\n“Are you still feeling good about this? I think you should immediately start practicing walking like that.” Jun Mo Xie burst into laughter again, as he funnily stared at the fat meatball, trying to imagine how he’d look in the situation.\n“Yes, yes, third master, you have to help me, I don’t want to walk wide legged.” Tang Yuan immediately realized the gravity of his own impending fate.\n“Medical examination…. Will he check your body naked?” Jun Mo Xie thought for a while, and came up with an idea.\nHe extended his finger and made a poking gesture: “Will he also check your back side?”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第127章\n“说是检查痔疮什么的。”唐源有些苦不堪言:“以备不时之需,那里有隐疾的是不会通过的。”\n唐胖子浑身一寒,汗毛倒竖:“三少,我一听说要被一个男人,呃,不是,是被一个太监到处鼓弄,还得脱得光光的……我就毛骨悚然。更不要说什么他妈的‘不时之需’!操,这是什么玩意儿啊。”\n“我现在已经毛骨悚然了。”君莫邪挠着手臂,那里已经起来了一层密密的鸡皮疙瘩。\n能让君大杀手都毛骨悚然,个中之恐怖可想而知了!\n“到底有办法没?兄弟全指望你了!”唐源希翼的看着他。\n“有!不过,你要在进宫检查的那一天早晨来找我,然后我帮你准备准备,恩,如此……如此……”君莫邪挤眉弄眼的笑了笑,突然抱着肚子哈哈大笑。\n“没明白啥意思……”唐源眨巴这小眼睛。\n“你不需要明白,其实我也舍不得你入宫呀,我还想着跟你一起合伙做生意呢。咱俩一起发大财。”君莫邪嘿嘿一笑,注意观察唐胖子的脸色。\n“做生意?大买卖?”唐源精神一震,简直有些雀跃,感动地眨了两下眼睛:“三少……你真是我的再生父母兼我的肚里蛔虫……”\n“滚蛋吧,你还是想想你辜负了你爹的期望,他们会怎么收拾你吧,你爹之前的所有大手笔貌似都白费了!”君莫邪抬腿一脚。\n唐源捂着屁股痛叫一声,齿牙咧嘴:“没事,只要圣旨下不来,难道我爹还能把我打死不成?我再磨一磨,就能弄个垫背的,哈哈……”\n唐胖子无事一身轻的走了。\n君莫邪哈哈大小,突然觉得心事郁闷都一扫而空;这胖子,真是个活宝,还是个开心果!\n正笑着,突然想起了唐源说过的一句话来:“唐万里四十年没联系过的好友突然出现,而且是位超级高手。”\n不由得顿住笑声,咋了咋嘴,心中想道:超级高手?能有多么超级?\n难道也是被那枚玄丹的消息吸引来的?这也太快了吧?\n若是如此的话,看来天香城或者马上就会风起云涌?……\n体内的开天造化功自动运行着,君莫邪已经清晰地感到了经脉内的劲流现在已经接近饱和状态了。\n从原本的一条细细的气流,变成了现在流畅的真气在身体内飞速穿行,举手投足之间,也觉得更加随心所欲。\n君莫邪有一种跟古怪的预感,就是开天造化功开始进入第二重的时候,也是可以开打玲珑鸿钧塔第三层的时候!\n所以这段时间里,君莫邪丝毫不也敢怠慢。\n每时每刻都在以最大的能量运转开天造化功,增进修为,在最近一两天里,君莫邪惊喜地发现,自己在修炼的时候不仅能够吸收鸿钧塔输出的灵气,而且还能够以外界空气中吸收到相同的灵气,虽然分量很少,而且很稀薄;但却预示着,这乃是一个巨大的进步!\n对于自己突破第二重神功,开启鸿钧塔第二层,君莫邪有着无比的期待,第一层只是个基础,已经有如此恐怖的存在,若是开启了第二层……\n最近几天气温突降,秋风萧瑟,曼城荒凉。\n黄叶漫天飞舞,但是由于君莫邪大部分时间都呆在家里练功,从天地之间摄取来了大量的天地灵气,自己吸收不了,便将之散落在自己的小院周围,以至于自己的小院和相邻的君无意以及管清寒的小院之中,居然仍是一片郁郁葱葱,宛如盛夏一般,甚至有些枝条居然不断地抽出新枝,发出嫩芽,最离奇的是,管清寒最钟爱的一株冰清寒兰,居然又鼓出了几个小小的花苞,这等反常的现象,让官清寒视若珍宝。\n天香城即将到来的风起云涌,无疑给了君莫邪巨大的压力!\n压力,其实也可以就是动力!\n所以君莫邪在逼迫着自己,务必要在风云澎湃的时候到来之前,讲自己的实力再一次的提升!\n前世一向独来独往的自己,无牵无挂,自由自在,可以从心所欲!\n可是在如今这样的大环境之下,君莫邪突然发现了自己的孤单。\n试想那个大家族没有一帮人护持?\n自己若要在这个世界过的逍遥自在,自己一个人的力量或许能够了;但自己若是想要整个君家都过得很舒服、自在;没有绝强的势力是绝对行不通的。\n生平第一次,君莫邪懂了建立自己的班底的打算。\n等为爷爷提升该了实力,解决了君家的后顾之忧,就是自己发展秘密势力的开始了,怎么也要网罗几个拿得出手的高手……\n否则,面对强者如云,几个银玄、金玄,又能济得了什么事?\n要收,就要受真正的高手!若是庸才……\n可是若当真是顶尖的高手,又哪里有那么容易收服?\n君莫邪挠挠头,突然幻想起来,不知道前世在什么地方看过的一句话,“XX虎躯一震,天下英雄尽都纳头便拜,人人赤胆忠心,个个忠心耿耿,从此打下万世不拔之基业……”\n“我要是也能够‘虎躯一震,凡是见到我的至尊神玄纳头便拜’……该有多好。”君莫邪托着下巴,无尽歪歪,极限意淫。\n捏着三张请柬,君莫邪目光一闪,不管如何,二皇子请客还是要去的,原因很简单,设宴地点正好是在那霓裳阁!\n前者月夜窃听,那位“月儿姑娘”对自己君家的刻骨恨意可是如今还萦绕在君莫邪心头。\n而二皇子的这次宴请,却给了君莫邪一个很好的机会。\n还有,恩,算算时间,那批玄兽筋手弩的事,如今也已经过去了许多时间了,只是不知道爷爷派出的人手得到了消息没有?\n至于大皇子设宴的烟雨楼,还有三皇子摆酒的锦绣湖,君莫邪却完全未放在心上。\n暂时对他来说,那些地方是完全没有半点吸引力。\n决定了,今天下午就去霓裳阁!\n君莫邪满面春风的微笑着,迈着八爷步走出了小院。\n准备明目张胆地去告诉自己的爷爷,自己要去逛妓院,让他老人家给配两个保镖,最好是实力坚强的保镖……\n刚赶出门,就看到管清寒白衣胜雪,缓步而来,清冷的眼神看着君莫邪:“你要出去?”\n“恩,我去霓裳阁。”君莫邪很老实地道,再说这也不是什么见不得人的事,皇帝的儿子请客在那里,我只是个被邀请的客人,似乎怎么也怪不到我头上吧?\n“无耻!去那等所在居然还能如此理直气壮,原以为你真个浪子回头,不料才装了两天好人,就原形毕露了!”管清寒顿时粉脸气的通红,气不打一处来,就要上前教训。\n刚刚看这家伙老实了几天,今天居然公然在自己面前说要去青楼鬼混!\n是可忍孰不可忍?叔可忍嫂不可忍!\n君莫邪闪身躲过管清寒拍来的一掌,哈哈大笑,道:“大嫂,其实你生气的样子挺好看的,我说的是我的真心话……”\n管清寒粉脸寒霜,出手如风,一言不发。\n今天要是不好好教训这小子一顿,恐怕他就要故态复萌了!\n君莫邪左闪右闪,突然一个滑步,刷的脱出了一丈之外,嘿嘿笑道:“大嫂,今个的切磋先压后吧,回来我再陪你切磋。人家可还在等着我呢。”\n一溜烟而去。\n管清寒被他气得胸口一阵发闷!\n君莫邪说的本来是大实话,请客的二皇子的确是在霓裳阁等着他呢;但听在管清某耳朵里却全不是这么回事,似乎他说的是那些下贱的妓女在等着他一般,那里还能不暴跳如雷?\n“这小子这几天刚有点人样,我绝不能让他就这么堕落下去!若是如此,我如何对得起死去的公婆和他……大哥?”管清寒咬了咬嘴唇,疾步向着君老爷子的书房走去。\n君莫邪一边走一边自己都感觉到了惊奇;自己的微妙进步,几乎连自己也不敢相信了。\n前段时间与管清寒过招,自己不能施展真正的实力,且还要尽力克制自己的本能杀人反应,在无法还击的情况下,躲闪自然是相当困难,但今天却在管清寒盛怒的情况下,趋避、躲闪得居然游刃有余!\n而那天更曾经击中一位天玄强者的要害!\n虽然他事前没有提防,但中了就是中了,这个事实是不容抹杀的!\n再细细想来,这些都是之前所做不到或者没有足够能力做到的事情,但现在却是一切都发生的自然而然!\n难道,自己在这段时间里,真的不知不觉进步了这么多么?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 127\n“I’ve heard that they even check your anus.” Tang Yuan replied in a gloomy tone: “Right now I’m not going to be able to pass that exam.”\nThe fatty was standing on his feet, and one could tell that the man was quite scared of what was coming his way: “Third young master, I have heard that the eunuchs are asked to strip naked… completely…. Gives me the creeps, really ah…..and then they put all kinds of things inside your body ah.”\n“And now I have the creeps.” Jun Mo Xie scratched his arms, which were studded with goosebumps.\nIf something was so terrifying that even the king of all assassins was terrified of it, then just imagine how horrifying the situation must be!\n“So is there no solution to this? Brother I’m counting on you!” the fatty looked at his friends with a hint of hope in his eyes.\n“There is! But you have to go to the palace as soon as possible for the check up, and I’ll help you prepare for it myself, uh, so …so…” Jun Mo Xie smiled and winked, and then broke into a laugher.\n“I don’t understand… what do you mean?…..” Tang Yuan was standing with a blank look on his face.\n“You don’t understand? I can’t have you working at the palace okay… I was thinking about doing business with you… as a partner. Over time, both of us could make a fortune, together.” Jun Mo Xie smiled as he continued to observe Tang Yuan’s face.\n“Do business together??” Tang Yuan’s face lit up, and he blinked twice in quick succession: “Third young master…. You’re like my second parent! You’re like my….”\n“Get out of here; you won’t be able to live up to your father’s expectation, but what’s your father going to do once his own actions lead to your disqualification?” Jun Mo Xie stretched his legs and kicked the fatty in his buttocks.\nTang Yuan clutched his buttocks as he grimaced in pain: “Nothing. As long as the royal decree goes against me, father will not kill me…. I hope. So you’re say that if I fail and use my father as the scapegoat.. ha ha ha ha…..?”\nTang Yuan’s body language changed the moment he realized that he was out of danger.\nJun Mo Xie was laughing so hard that all the sorrowful thoughts of his heart seemed to have washed away; this fatty is one heck of an amusing clown.\nHe was still laughing when he suddenly recalled Tang Yuan’s earlier words: ‘Tang Wanli’s friend from forty years ago had suddenly popped out of nowhere, and the man was a super-expert.’\nHe paused in the middle of his laughter: a super master? How could this be?\nDoes this mysterious occurrence have anything to do with the news about the Xuan Core? But so quickly?\nIf so, then then there’s a storm coming towards the Tian Xiang Country…..\nSuddenly the Qi Inside Jun Mo Xie’s body started working automatically. Jun Mo Xie could clearly feel the strength of the Qi which was flowing through his body’s meridians at the moment, and could tell that it was beginning to reach the point of saturation now.\nThe originally thin and weak flow of energy, had now transformed into a strong and turbulent current, and he was able to carry out his normal physical movements which much greater ease at present.\nJun Mo Xie’s heart was carrying a very strange feeling, which had no logical explanation, but he felt that once this energy reaches the saturation point, then he might be able to open the second layer of the PaGoda!\nSo this time, Jun Mo Xie didn’t ignore it.\nHe started spending his entire time in circulating this energy throughout his body, and ended up spending the next two days in promoting his state. After he was done, Jun Mo Xie was pleasantly surprised to realize that not only was the PaGoda capable of absorbing his body’s aura, but could now also assimilate aura from the outside world; only a little amount though. But this was still indicative of a major step in forward direction!\nJun Mo Xie had big expectations from the second layer of the Hongjun PaGoda, since the first layer was only the basics of its foundation. If the basics were so amazing, then the second layer…..\nIn the recent days, the atmospheric temperature had dipped, and the autumn winds were rustling brazenly throughout the city.\nDried out yellow leaves were falling from the sky, but Jun Mo Xie was spending his entire time inside his room; practicing. He was busy absorbing energy from his surroundings, and was trying to feed it to the PaGoda; if he couldn’t feed some part of the energy, then he’d scatter it around in his surroundings, such as his courtyard, and that of his Third Uncle’s, and Guan Qing Han’s. Due to this sudden influx of Aura, the courtyards were actually still lush green, almost as if it was still the peak of the summer. In fact, some of the tree branches had even started sprouting new buds. Even though this quite bizarre, Guan Qing Han was cherishing this new life in their courtyard; while this phenomenon was quite abnormal, she was beginning to care about these new buds almost as if they were a priceless treasure.\nThe winds were rising inside the Tian Xiang city, so Jun Mo Xie was obviously under tremendous pressure!\nIn fact, pressure can be a very powerful driving force!\nAnd so, Jun Mo Xie was forcing himself since he wanted to be prepared for this unpredictable change in climate, which was now approaching the Tian Xiang city, and wished to be strong enough to brave through this upcoming turbulence in weather!\nIn my previous life, I was always alone, I was free and free, and I could do whatever I wanted!\nBut in today's environment, Jun Moye suddenly found himself lonely.\nImagine that big family doesn't have a group of people to support it?\nIf you want to live freely in this world, you may be able to do it alone; But if you want the whole Jun family to live comfortably and comfortably; It will never work without a strong force. \nFor the first time, Jun Mo Xie was going to work with a team.\nJust as grandfather Jun was developing his own army’s strength for the uncertainties of the future, Jun Mo Xie had also started secretly training his own. He needed decent men….\nOtherwise, what would a handful of silver and Gold Xuan fighters be able to do in the face of a storm?\nIt takes a real master to overcome a storm! In case of mediocrity…. \nBut if the servant becomes a top level expert, then would I be able to keep him in control?\nJun Mo Xie scratched his head, and suddenly he remembered something that he read in his previous life: ‘… Even the heroes of this world bow in front of great men, and follow them with utter devotion; they remain loyal to such men, and this is the basic foundation of any organization….’\n“If I can portray myself as a great man, then even the Supreme divine Xuan experts will follow me loyally…. How wonderful.” Jun Mo Xie scratched his chin, and smiled crookedly.\nHe held out the three invitations in his hand, and started thinking about accepting the second prince’s invitation. The place of the meet with the second prince was obvious: Ni Chang pavilion!\nHe had been there once on an eavesdropping mission, and was well aware of Lady Yue’er’s deep seated hatred for the Jun Family, which now beginning to linger in his mind.\nBut then again, Jun Mo Xie had been presented with an excellent opportunity of meeting the Second Prince, and he simply didn’t wish to let it slip by.\nThere are, uh, according my calculation, a long time had passed since the incident regarding the Xuan Beast tendons and crossbows, and even though grandfather looked into the matter, we still haven’t heard anything new…\nAnyway, the second prince had organized a nice banquet along a beautiful river, which Jun Mo Xie obviously didn’t mind.\nAs far the other distractions and attractions of the locality were concerned, Jun Mo Xie wasn’t even remotely interested in them.\nI’ll go to the Ni Chang pavilion today!\nJun Mo Xie was beaming a radiant smile as he stepped out into the courtyard.\nHe was completely prepared to blatantly tell his grandfather that he wished to visit a brothel, and would require a couple of bodyguards for protection; a couple of his best and strongest body guards….\nJust as stepped out of his room, he saw Guan Qing Han sitting in the courtyard, dressed in a snow white robe. She looked at him coldly as he approached her: “Where are you going?”\n“Well, I’m going out to the Ni Chang Pavilion.” Jun Mo Xie replied honestly, almost as if there was nothing shameful about it. The son of the emperor has invited me for a meeting there, so there’s obviously no blame attached to my head, right?\n“Shameless! Now you’ve even started acting so boldly about visiting that shameful place! I thought that maybe you’ve straightened up, but no, you just put on a false robe! You’re betraying the trust of your grandfather!” Guan Qing Han’s face was flushed with rage, and she was already unwittingly leaning forward, ready to teach him a lesson.\nJust look at this guy! He was only acting to be upright for a few days, and now he’s even started boldly stating that he’s visiting a brothel to fool around?! He’s so annoying!\nIf he wasn’t my brother-in-law, I wouldn’t have tolerated his non-sense!\nJun Mo Xie ignored her angered remark and laughed as he said: “Sister-in-law, in fact, I think you look even prettier when you’re angry; I’m just saying the truth, really…..”\nGuan Qing Han’s face went cold, and she charged towards him without saying anything further.\nIf I don’t teach this kid a lesson today, then he’ll just go back to his old ways! \nJun Mo Xie quickly ducked and dodged her palm, and then smoothly slid his feet and distanced himself from her body, and smiled: “Later sister-in-law; right now I have an important appointment. I’ll practice with you once I return, but right now someone important is waiting for me. Bye.”\nThen Jun Mo Xie ran out.\nHe could tell by her heaving chest that she was quite angry with him!\nJun Mo Xie would have told her the truth; the Second Prince was indeed waiting for him at the Ni Chang Pavilion; but then again, Guan Qing Han hadn’t really given him a chance to explain. She had just naturally assumed that he was visiting a prostitute as always. How could she not have flowing into a rage then?\n“This kid had just started turning a new leaf…. I will not allow him to degenerate into that scum again! If I let this happen, then how will I show my face to my in-laws and his deceased brother someday….?” Guan Qing Han bit her lips and quickly started walking towards grandpa Jun’s chambers.\nJun Mo Xie was quite amazed with his progress; his physical actions had become so subtle, that he could barely believe it.\nSome time ago, if he was encountered with Guan Qing Han’s anger, then given that he can’t attack her back, or kill her, he wouldn’t have been able to dodge her easily. In fact, it was awfully hard for him to control his urge to kill her in combat. But right now, he had been able to dodge her attack very easily; in fact, it had happened almost instinctively!\nAnd that day, he even hit the vital point of a Tianxuan powerhouse!\nAlthough he didn't take precautions beforehand, if he hits, he hits, and this fact cannot be erased!\nPreviously, Jun Mo Xie didn’t have the ability to do these things, but now these things were beginning to happen naturally!\nWas Jun Mo Xie even aware of his own progress?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第128章\n回想起那天跟君无意在黄花堂杀人,君莫邪皱起眉头,若有所思。\n若是就前世而言,自己现在这样的功力也就只是到了后天武者的地步。\n但在这个世界,严格的等级划分,却让君莫邪有一种无法比较的微妙感觉。\n这个世界的玄气,从一品到九品,然后银品到神玄;每一品阶都是清清楚楚,但自己的修炼的开天造化功,抛开那些神秘的能力不谈的话,单纯以力量来对比这个世界的玄气,却似乎是又有些不大对劲,甚至是很不对劲。\n自己的修炼按这个世界的品阶来说,等于是直接地摒弃了一二三品玄气,从四品玄气起步,然后修炼了这么长时间之后,以单纯的力量来说,应该是绝对及不上银品玄者的;但若是自己现在对阵银品玄者的话,哪怕是银玄巅峰,自己也有把握可以在举手之间轻易杀之!\n以这个进步速度看来,等自己的开天造化功第一重达到圆满的时候,应该就是这个世界银品巅峰突破了金玄的地步;若是突破了第二重之后呢?\n又会是什么比较?\n这么一想,君莫邪顿时感觉自己出去的太少,应该平常多出去转转才是,毕竟眼前的世界和自己原本的世界有极大的不司。\n君老爷子不在家,君莫邪便自行叫了两个侍卫陪同自己出门。\n毕竟是二皇子宴请,在这等时候他保护自己还来不及,若是对自己有恶意,等于是搬起石头砸自己的脚,所以绝对不会有什么风险存在。\n管清寒与君大少爷几乎就是前后脚到了君老爷子的书房,自然也是扑了一个空;余怒未消,索性拐了一个弯,去找三叔君无意。\n君无意刚刚发出家主令,派遣绝对可靠的人手出去接应那些正在逃难中的少男少女;这却是三爷前者得到君老爷子传下的家主令第一次行使权力,不过三爷眼下全没有体味这大权在握的美妙滋味,反而是坐在那张形同虚设的轮椅上,细细地考虑着这一路上君莫邪所说的话,以及君莫邪一路回来所表现出的那种高超的潜踪匿迹能力和反追踪计策,越想越是觉得其中滋味无穷,体会无穷,君三少爷之前的一举手,一投足,每一句话,竟似尽都包含深意,每一回味,尽都有不同的体会!\n回味君莫邪所说的:“练功,就是我的本能,我不需要刻意去练功,但我每时每刻都在全力以赴的练功。”\n就单止这一句话,君无意每次想起,都觉得满口余香,回味悠长。\n这话说得何止是有道理,简直就一个真理!\n若是练功能够练到这等地步,得需要什么样的毅力?\n但同时,若当真能作到,将能够取得什么样的成就呢?\n不说别的,就君无意一生之中接触到的高手不可谓不多,即使天玄的高人也不在少数,但却绝对没有一个人能够做到如君莫邪这个地步的!\n君莫邪现在虽然年轻,但就他这种成就和对武学的态度,已经是一个不朽的传说!\n君无意沉沉地抒了一口气,剑眉慢慢地皱了起来:既然莫邪能做到,为何我自己却做不到?\n难道我就这么没有用?\n同时君无意也意识到,若是想要凭自己的力量复仇,并能够获得寒烟瑶家族的认可,君莫邪的这种练功方法,或者就是自己的最佳选择也说不定!\n君无意沉沉地沉思着,但他却不知道,就这一念之顾,君无意真正的走上了巅峰强者的道路!\n虽然眼下还只是起步……\n只因为君莫邪之所以能够自动修炼,乃是因为他前世修炼的内力和今生修炼的开天造化功都是与这个小世界的玄气不一样的特殊东西。\n那些自然可以随着气血流动自然而然的运行;更何况君莫邪有玲珑鸿钧塔不断地输出灵气助他练功,要做到这一点,其实不难。\n但是君无意如今异想天开,打算自己也要做到这一点却无疑是难如登天的!\n这个世界的玄气就根源而言虽然与内力有差不多的功用,但在性质上却是截然不同,玄气更注重杀伤力,功效狂暴,若是顺应自然让其自动运行,恐怕随时会有走火入魔的惨剧发生。\n所以所有玄气的修炼者都是小心翼翼,在修炼的时候都是尽量不被人打搅,静中取胜。\n君无意现在有了这种想法,基本已经是做出了一个伟大的变革!\n有句话说的好,敢想就已经成功了一半!\n细碎的脚步声急匆匆的前来,可以听得出脚步声的主人正在孕育着怒火的样子。\n“是清寒吗?怎地这么大的火气,出了什么事了”君无意瞬间判断出来人的身份。\n“三叔,君莫邪这小混蛋您也不管管,今天居然公然对我说他去灵雾湖霓裳阁了”管清寒气呼呼的,显然很愤怒,不过这份愤怒只是对君莫邪而言,在整个家里,管清寒无论是对老爷子君战天,又或者是对眼前的这位身残心不废的三叔有着由衷的敬重。\n“就这事?”君三爷有点意外,这算什么事!\n“啊?就这事?!这事还小啊,他这才消停了几天,就原形毕露了,如此下去,怎么得了?”管清寒气呼呼的,很愤怒。\n“哦,这件事情我知道,我让他去的。”君无意从沉思中醒来,淡淡地道。\n“您竟然知道?还是您让他去的?您……”管清寒错愕地睁大了眼睛,仿佛是初次认识君无意君三爷一般,很有点“上梁不正下粱歪”的意思。\n“清寒,你误会了,这次是二皇子主动约他谈事情,地点凑巧在那个什么灵雾湖霓裳阁。”君无意温煦的笑了:“清寒,莫邪他其实是很懂事的。”\n“懂事……”管清寒有些无语,以君莫邪这些年来的所作所为来说,就说是无恶不作天人共愤也是可以的,现在从君无意的嘴里居然说出来一句“很懂事”,这叫什么话!\n“我之前不明白,现在明白了。”管清寒有些失落地低低叹了口气,转身走了:“原来真是惯出来的,我真的明白的……”\n“哎,还有很多事,以后你自然就会知道的。”身后的君无意淡淡地说道,转眼心神又沉浸在玄气修炼之中去了。\n管清寒脚步顿了顿,还是走了。\n君无意叹了口气,低声道:“来人,请管家庞叔到我这里来一下。”\n老庞来得很快,转眼就站在了君无意的面前。\n“庞叔,如今有一件事需要你去帮我做。”君无意双手揉了揉脸,似乎很难以下决定。\n“什么事?请三爷尽管吩咐就是。”老庞脸色很郑重,这是君无意接掌家主权利以来吩咐自己做的第一件事情,不管什么事,都要尽善尽美的完成。\n“京城治安衙门,据说从黄花堂里发现了一大群……呃,已经残疾的孩子;挺可怜的。”\n君无意终于还是下了决心。“你去走一趟,看看还有多少活着的,然后全接到君家来吧,我们家大业大,也不在乎多几个人吃饭,那还只是孩子。”\n“是,我这就去办。”老庞说完就要离去。\n“如果能够不暴露身份,就不必暴露;如果有人作梗,那么,你就直接说是我的意思!”君无意眼睛看着正前方,眼中神光渐渐地凌厉起来!\n霓裳阁。\n偌大的第三层,如今已经空了出来,只是坐着寥寥的几个人,每个人尽都是轻裘缓带,神情雍容潇洒;一色的书生打扮,中间一人,面目俊朗,年纪甚轻,衣着也不是甚为华丽,但神情动作之中却自然而然的透出一种高贵清华之气。\n“二爷,不过是区区一个纨绔败家子君莫邪,哪里用得着二爷您亲自出面的。有我们之中其中任何一个出面就已经很给他面子;如今二爷亲自现身相侯,未免高抬了那小子。”\n说话的是个二十八九岁的青年人,长身玉立,面色白暂,宛若女子一般,在如此深秋的天气,手中依然摇着一把折扇,款款的摇来摇去,实在是有些不伦不类,但周围众人却没有一个人说什么,显然此人是有些来历的。\n“成兄,二爷这可不是在给哪个君莫邪面子;刚才成兄说的不错,君莫邪大抵就不过只是一个纨绔败家子罢了,成事不足败事有余。\n就他本人而言,实在是半点价值都欠奉;不过他背后却有一个好家世,好长辈,二爷这却是在给那君战天面子。”一个五六十岁的老者端坐在椅子上,慢条斯理地道。\n“就算真个是君战天亲至,又能如何?”那位年轻的成兄,呵呵一笑,有些不以为然,“君战天虽然位高权重,但论及玄气修为,充其量也不过只得天玄而已。\n若当真有心要诛杀之,我可请动我父亲出手,当不费吹灰之力!”\n此言一出,连端坐在中间的二皇子的眉梢也是不为察觉地轻轻皱了一下。\n“只是天玄而已”,你说得轻巧,整个天香国上下统共才有几个天玄高手?\n你们成家虽说家大业大,高手颇多,但毕竟也只是一个江湖世家,跟君家称霸军界的实力相比,直接就没有任何的可比性。\n这话或许应该反过来说,若是君战天老爷子要灭了你们成家,那才真叫是不费吹灰之力!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 128\nJun Mo Xie frowned thoughtfully when he recalled the incident at the Huang Hua hall the other day, and the massacre that he had staged.\nIn his previous life, Jun Mo Xie was unstoppable because of his superior skill set.\nBut in this world, Jun Mo Xie’s current skills sets and strength weren’t enough to be the best.\nThe Xuan Qi cultivation system of this world, ranging from the first nine levels to Silver Xuan and all the way to Supreme Divine Xuan were all very clearly labelled out, and very distinctly organized. However, ‘the art of unlocking the Heaven’s’ was a very unique and mysterious ability, and seemed somewhat weird when compared to the general Xuan Qi cultivations standards; in fact, it felt wrong.\nAccording to what Jun Mo Xie could make out, if this mysterious ability was as good as he was assessing it to be, then there was no need to go through all the pains and hardships that a martial artist takes to become a Xuan expert, and still ends up being a meagre Silver or Gold Xuan. After all said and done, even a Silver Xuan expert, in fact even a Silver Xuan Peak expert was nothing in front of Jun Mo Xie since he could kill the man with a snap of his fingers!\nIf the first layer of the Hongjun PaGoda was able to give him so much power, then at this rate of progress, assessing Jun Mo Xie’s strength after unlocking the second layer would be astronomical?\nHow strong would he become then?\nWith these thoughts in mind, Jun Mo Xie was beginning to realize that he needed to find out more about this world. After all said and done, this world was completely different from the one he originally hailed from.\nGrandpa Jun wasn’t home, so Jun Mo Xie called out two guards on his own authority and ordered them to accompany him outside.\nAfter all, he was going out for a meeting with the second prince, and if the other party had any malicious intentions, then it was important for Jun Mo Xie to appear well defended since walking in alone would be inviting danger.\nGuan Qing Han was a little late to arrive at Grandpa Jun’s chambers and saw that Jun Mo Xie was already on his way out at. She immediately turned around and rushed to find Jun Wu Yi; still angry at Jun Mo Xie.\nJun Wu Yi was about to give out his first order as the master of the house; he would be sending out his most reliable soldier after the girls and boys who had escaped from the Huang Hua Hall. But instead of giving his first command as the master of the house, and relishing the power of his position, Jun Wu Yi was sitting in his wheelchair and was pondering over his nephew’s words. Previously, on the way back from the Huang Hua Hall, Jun Mo Xie had demonstrated superb hiding and anti-tracking skills, which gave an indication that he had achieved this expertise after a serious amount of training and experience. After returning to the Jun residence, Jun Wu Yi had been trying to recall Jun Mo Xie’s words, actions, movements, and each time he’d replay the memories in his head, he’d realize that he had missed something the last time around!\nLater, Jun Mo Xie had said: ‘My practice is in my instinct. I do not deliberate to practice, but I still practice all the time.’\nThis one phrase had been lingering inside Jun Wu Yi’s head ever since, and he hadn’t been able to get it out of his head.\nThis phrase was quite reasonable; in fact, it was a very simple fact!\nIf practice was ingrained into a person’s instinct, then why would the person need to do it on purpose?\nBut could this ever be done, and what kind of result was possible?\nBut then again, Jun Wu Yi had personally seen Jun Mo Xie in action, and was aware that Jun Mo Xie’s expertise and skill set was far superior to any man he had ever known!\nEven though Jun Mo Xie was still just a youngster, his achievements in the realm of martial arts were already worthy of being turned into an immortal folklore!\nJun Wu Yi’s face was carrying a grave expression: Since Mo Xie can do it, then why can’t I?\nAm I that useless?\nSimultaneously, Jun Wu Yi also knew that he if he wanted Han Yan Yao’s family to acknowledge their mutual affection, then he’d need to adapt Jun Mo Xie’s style of training; in fact, this was his best hope!\nJun Wu Yi’s mind was completely muddled with such thoughts, but he hadn’t realized that this one idea would take him on the path of greatness!\nAlthough, this moment was just the beginning…..\nJun Mo Xie was able to do this type of practice since he had been trained in this fashion in his previous incarnation, and ‘the art of unlocking the heaven’s’ was a little different from Xuan Qi.\nQi and blood flowed through his meridians together; as a fusion. On top of that, the Hongjun PaGoda continuously emitted Qi to help him support his practice, which was quite difficult to achieve for ordinary practitioners.\nBut Jun Wu Yi was unaware of this truth and believed that it wasn’t impossible to achieve it since Jun Mo Xie was already doing it!\nIn this world, although energy and Qi were similar in functionality, their inherent nature was quite different. Circulating Xuan Qi was a difficult and dangerous task, and the effects of negligence could be very violent, and even lethal. So much so, that if Xuan Qi was allowed to run harmoniously with natural functions of the body, then there was even a chance that the body might end up getting possessed, and the practitioner may end up suffering a very tragic end.\nThis was the reason that practitioners were so prudent and cautious while conducting their practice, and made sure that they weren’t being disturbed by outside elements during their practice.\nHowever, Jun Wu Yi was already considering going against this norm, which could be considered as a major change in ideology!\nIn fact, just by daring to take on this task, he had already won half the battle!\nSounds of quick and crashing footsteps fell onto Jun Wu Yi’s ears, and he could tell by the sound of the footsteps, that the owner of the feet was in an enraged state.\n“Qing Han? What are you so angry, what happened?!” Jun Wu Yi tried to guess the identity of the person.\n“Uncle, Jun Mo Xie…. that little brat is getting out of hand now. Today, he boldly told me that he is going out to visit the Spirit Fog Lake’s Ni Cheng Pavilion!” Guan Qing Han roared angrily. This anger was obviously directed at Jun Mo Xie, since Guan Qing Han sincerely respected both the elders of the family; namely Jun Zhan Tian and Jun Wu Yi, even if the latter was a physically disabled cripple.\n“What about it?” Jun Wu Yi wasn’t even a least bit surprised.\n“Ah? What about it?! This isn’t a small matter ah, he had just started walking on the right path, and now he’s going back to his old ways, and?” Guan Qing Han was still raging with fury.\n“Oh, that’s something that I know about; I allowed him to go.” Jun Wu Yi was finally waking up from his personal thoughts, and hence replied in a soft voice.\n“Even you knew about this? But you still allowed him to go there? You….” Guan Qing Han’s eyes widened in shock, and suddenly she was eyeing Jun Wu Yi in rather confused manner, unable to understand his reply.\n“Qing Han, you are mistaken. The second prince invited him for a talk, and as chance has it, the prince requested that the meeting be held in the Spirit Fog Lake’s Ni Cheng pavilion.” Jun Wu Yi smiled warmly: “Qing Han…. Mo Xie has actually become very sensible now.”\n“Sensible…..” Guan Qing Han was somewhat dumbstruck. After all the years of watching Jun Mo Xie undertaking all kinds of nefarious tasks, which were an indignation to all civilized laws under the heavens, it was hard for her to interpret that Jun Wu Yi could call that debauchee ‘very sensible’!\n“I suppose I was mistaken, but I understand now….” still muddled, Guan Qing Han whispered, sighed and turned away: “It turns out that I have a lot to catch up to….”\n“Yes, there have been a lot of changes, and you’ll naturally need to bring yourself up to speed.” Jun Wu Yi stated lightly as she was leaving, and he once again immersed himself in his new form of practice.\nGuan Qing Han’s footsteps paused for a moment, but then she continued to walk.\nJun Wu Yi sighed and whispered: “Uncle Pang, please come in.”\nLao Pang quickly came in and stationed himself in front of Jun Wu Yi.\n“Uncle Pang, I have a task that requires your assistance.” Jun Wu Yi rubbed his face with both his hands, and it seemed like he was having a hard time in making the final decision.\n“What is it? Please give me your command third master.” Lao Pang’s face was solemn. This was going to Jun Wu Yi’s first command as the head of the family, and no matter what, Lao Pang would want to execute it to perfection.\n“There was news from the ministry offices that a large group of disabled children have escaped from the …. Huang Hua Hall. Pitiful!” \nJun Wu Yi had finally made up his mind: “You please investigate how many of them are alive, and use the family’s resources to help them set themselves up for a better future… they are still just kids.”\n“Yes, I’ll get to it.” Lao Pang finished and turned around to leave.\n“If you can do this secretively, then do not expose your identity. If you face any obstruction, then please reveal that it was done upon my orders.” Jun Wu Yi looked up, and his eyes reveal a hint of sharpness.\nNi Cheng Pavilion.\nThe huge third floor of the building was almost empty, and only a very few people were leisurely sitting there, dressed in graceful attires. Accomplished scholars, middle-aged business men, some youngsters….. even if their clothes weren’t expensive, their actions were enough to reveal that they all belonged to high-class social backgrounds.\n“Er Ye, Jun Mo Xie is nothing but a debauchee and a spendthrift. Er ye, there was no need for you to personally come and greet that boy face-to-face; but now that Er Ye is present to grace him, that kid will start talking big.”\nThe speaker was approximately twenty years old by the looks of it, and looked rather pale. His body was extremely thin, and his hands were leisurely swaying a hand fan. Even though his identity was unknown, it was obvious from his body language that this person belonged to an influential family.\n“Brother Er Ye, there is no need to meet Jun Mo Xie face to face; as younger brother just stated, Jun Mo Xie is nothing more than a debauchee and a spendthrift, and completely incompetent otherwise.\nAs for the other aspects, he is completely useless and is of no value to us. But yes, he does have a powerful family behind him, so we should rather focus on the elders, like Jun Zhan Tian maybe.” The speaker was in his fifties or sixties by the looks of it, and spoke his words in a slow pace.\n“Even Jun Zhan Tian is no good; what is he really?” the ‘younger brother’ chuckled in disagreement: “Although Jun Zhan Tian occupies a high position, but in terms of Xuan Qi levels, he just a Sky Xuan expert, at best; that’s it.\nIf you wished to send him to the heavens, then I could request my father, and he could swat him aside like a fly!”\nThis remark made the second prince sit upright in his chair, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.\n“Just a Sky Xuan, that’s it?!! Even if you tear apart this country, how many Sky Xuan experts will you find?\nAlthough you are lucky to be borne into a large family, which has a lot of advanced Xuan experts, but after all said and done, the Jiang Hu Family’s strength is nothing compared to the military might of the Jun Family.\nPerhaps if you had considered that, then you would have known that Jun Zhan Tian could swat your father aside like a fly if he wished it!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第129章\n至于你父亲……大家虽然没有见过,但据传言来看,也不过是天玄修为,就算是与君老爷子单打独斗,也还不知道到底鹿死谁手呢,甚至还是你父亲落败身亡的可能性大了一些……\n居然说出对付君战天不费吹灰之力这种话——真是大言不惭。\n这姓成的乃是江东玄气世家成家的后人,他的父亲,便是成家当代家主,最近才不知道因为怎么回事,投到了二皇子麾下,二皇子鉴于他的家族势力确实不凡,对他也就较为客气。\n但此人样子不似男儿也还罢了,性格却更是个不折不扣的草包脾气,偏偏还自视甚高,大有“老子天下第一”这样的意思,平常全不将别人放在眼里。\n虽然本身虽只得银玄顶峰修为,为人却是不可一世。\n二皇子今日让他过来,就是因为知道君莫邪乃是一位彻头彻尾的纨绔,他在这里正好是臭味相投,甚至以毒攻毒……\n但如今见他这般表现,却在担心他在这里会不会将事情弄僵、搞砸?\n在旁边坐的另外一人神色很有些萎靡的意思,两腿张得开开的,姿势颇为怪异;可不正是那天那位刘大人,那天他追击神秘人落水,裤裆里被竹篙挟着雷霆万钧之力狠狠一击,直接导致了一位正宗的皇宫工作人员诞生。\n刘大人将那件事引为平生奇耻大辱!\n这些天里,刘大人一直在疯狂治疗自己的那啥,然后同样疯狂的搜捕。\n但他对那天的神秘人根本就没有看清楚脸面,充其量只是看到了一个白生生的大屁股而已,所以这些天里抓到的人,每一个人都会走一遍同样的程序:带到刘大人面前,背转身子,扒掉裤子验证!\n所以这段时间里二王子府上传出了一个传言:刘大人自从受伤之后,性趣大改;只对屁股感兴趣,而且还必须是年轻男人的屁股,貌似越白越中意……\n这导致了一个后果,就是下属们每次见到刘大人,第一件事情总是惴惴不安的先用手捂一捂后庭花……\n若是万一被刘大人看上自己丰满的屁股……那以后可怎么做人?\n“二爷,君三少他来了。”厅门一开,一个身材绰约的绝色丽人轻柔浅笑着走了进来,身材高挑,凤眼桃腮,酥胸挺秀,纤腰盈盈一握,走起路来如是风摆荷叶,摇曳生姿,但却又显不出半点轻浮之态,好一个国色天香的美人儿。\n月儿姑娘指着走在轿边的凡个人:“二爷请看,这几个人,便是曾经一直跟在君战天身边的老人。由此可知,坐在轿子里的,定然是君莫邪无疑。”\n“竟然是极为恶俗的大红轿子……”二皇子差点忍俊不住。“这位君三公子的品位果然是别具一格,独树一帜啊。”\n“还不就是个典型的纨绔败家子!”月儿姑娘眼中闪过一道寒光,转头,巧笑嫣然地道:“二爷,今日这君莫邪就由我亲自接待如何?”\n“你?”二皇子目中有些愠怒,但看到月儿眼中坚决的神色,终于无奈地叹口气,道:“也好。不过,莫要真被他占了便宜。”\n“咯咯,二爷放心,月儿的便宜,一般人可是占不到的,想占月儿的便宜,代价可是不菲的。”\n月儿姑娘微微一笑,自信的看着那顶红色的俗气无比的轿子停了下来。\n“嗯……啊!”二皇子似笑非笑地停住话头。\n下面,君莫邪已经从轿子里钻了出来,落地不稳的稍稍一个踉跄,吐了口唾沫,再仰天打个喷嚏,转了转脖子,捶了捶腰,这才晃着膀子,歪着头,一步三哆嗦的像个螃蟹一般向楼上走来。\n君莫邪一步踏进霓裳阁,一把将头上的帽子摘了下来,忽扇了两下,斜着眼拖着长腔问迎上来的侍从道:“二皇子他们在哪里呀?”\n“二皇子他们在三楼羽衣厅等候公子大驾。”那侍从毕恭毕敬地道。\n“羽衣厅?就是几个娘儿们脱光光的地方?”\n君莫邪嘎嘎笑了两声:“二皇子真会选地方,深得我心,不,简直就是钻到了我的心窝里去了。”\n色迷迷的扬长上楼而去。\n几位二皇子的侍从同时晕翻,敢情这位还真以为二皇子是请他来嫖妓的啊?\n怎么长得这么个猪脑袋?\n今天请客的可是正牌的皇子哇,能做出请人嫖妓这种事?!!\n“哈哈,莫邪贤弟,真是许久不见,如今当真是气度儒雅,英伟不凡哪!”二皇子亲热的站了起来,矜持中带着高贵,却又显得极为亲近的舟着君莫邪招手。\n“呃,这个,那啥,见过二王爷……”君莫邪似乎有些受宠若惊:“莫邪如何敢当二王爷如此礼遇,不敢当,不敢当。”\n“呵呵,不必客气。”二皇子急忙一把扶住了君莫邪要行礼的姿势,一伸手不由愣了一下,心中顿时有些不愉:这家伙根本没打算行礼,只是做了做姿态,还没等自己手伸过去,他居然就已经直起了身子。\n君莫邪当然不会对他行礼,在君莫邪的心里,就算是皇帝,也不值得自己一拜。\n如果说这个世界有神,拜不拜呢?!\n君莫邪也不太确定。\n更何况只是一个区区皇子?\n在君莫邪这个大杀手的眼里,也只不过就是一具随时转化的死尸而已。\n“呵呵,抛除君臣的关系不谈,我们两家可是名副其实的世交啊。”\n二皇子亲切的微笑着,“记得小时候,我们可是经常在一起玩耍,但随着年纪渐长,贤弟和我都已经是成人了,回首往昔,真是唏嘘不已呀。”\n二皇子这话话里有话,意思是提醒君莫邪,你我之间,还有着一重君臣关系呢,你小子不要太放肆,别人或者会在意君家的势力,我会在意吗?\n我是君,你是臣,本皇子就是高你一等。\n“额,是呀是呀。”君莫邪心中顿时给出了一个评价:阴狠有余,气量狭窄,为了这么一丁点小事居然不肯吃亏!\n非要在言语上找回场子,不成大器!\n想到这里,不由心不在焉起来,旁边还有四个人对自己虎视眈眈呢,尤其是那个二十七八岁油头粉面的家伙,看着自己的眼睛里居然满是鄙视和不屑;二皇子请我,怎么还带了这么一个令人讨厌的家伙?\n你算什么东西,竟敢对老子横眉竖目的!\n“贤弟,我来给你介绍几位好朋友,大家认识一下。”二皇子这么一说,其余四人都站了起来。\n“这一位乃是我的老师,弘文馆大学士方博文先生。”二皇子的态度很是恭敬。\n方博文大是感觉倍有面子,捋着胡子看着君莫邪,呵呵笑道:“老夫只是一个糟老头子了,哪里比得上你们青年才俊。”\n“大学士好。”君莫邪看着这个老头子,心中有些警惕。\n这老头子老是老,可却一点也不糟,神凝气足,精气内敛,这样的一个人,居然是二皇子的老师?\n还是弘文馆的人?有来历啊!\n“这一位是刘思博刘大人,刘大人文武双全,乃是本朝不可多得的人才。”二皇子微笑着。\n君莫邪上下打量着这位那天曾经害得自己裸游加裸奔,更差点拔掉了自己一半鸟毛的刘大人,神色间有些玩味地问道:“刘大人站立的姿势颇有些与众不同呀,啧啧,瞧站的这般挺拔,开阔,真是大刀阔斧奇男子啊。”\n没想到君莫邪见面的第一句话居然就揭了自己的伤疤,刘思博顿时满脸通红,他现在就站在君莫邪面前,两腿大大的叉开,唯恐一不小心碰到中间的伤处,当然与其他人非常的不一样。\n“君家三少也是很与众不同啊,可是比别人英俊的太多了。”刘思博皮笑肉不笑的咬咬牙拱拱手。\n“您也看出来了!我自己也纳闷,为什么会这么帅?\n真是帅的没天理!帅得让人羡慕加嫉妒!\n知己啊,知音啊!就冲您这句话,改天请您喝酒!”君莫邪很是风骚地掠了掠自己的头发,甩了甩头,很是拉风。\n对刘思博的讽刺居然直接厚颜无耻的当做了赞赏,而且还照单全收。\n众人一阵无语,没见过这丫这么自恋的……\n那刘大人更是郁闷,鬼才和你小子是知音、知己呢!\n“君三少果然名不虚传,闻名不如见面,见面更胜闻名!佩服佩服,哈哈,鄙人成德操。”见君莫邪目光看向自己,成大公子勉强挤出一丝傲慢的笑,有些敷衍地拱拱手,更不忘刺君大少爷两句。\n“成德操?!没听说过。”君莫邪一摆头,直接给了他一个后脑勺。\n这家伙很吊啊,他妈的,从一开始就给本公子摆脸色,还敢刺老子,真当老子听不出来啊,你个混蛋算老几?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 129\nAs for your father… although I’ve never met him in person, but according to the rumors, he’s also just a Sky Xuan Expert. Even if your father and Jun Zhan Tian fought head to head, there’s a good chance that your father might end up losing the fight, and along with it, his life…..\nSo to think that your father could wipe out Jun Zhan Tian with ease is…. Over stating it; more than just a little!\nHowever, the youngster’s father was the head of a reasonably powerful family, who had only recently invested his troops in the Second Prince’s cause. The Second Prince couldn’t say this out loud since the man’s family was of considerable importance at the moment.\nBut as for the youngster, he was no importance and had no major talents. In fact, the youngster was an out-and-out idiot, who nevertheless gave himself too much importance, and carried himself with an ‘I’m the greatest in this world’ attitude, and usually looked down upon everyone else.\nAlthough he was only at the Peak of the Silver Xuan, he carried himself with the attitude of a Supreme Divine Xuan’s.\nThe second prince had brought him along since he, like Jun Mo Xie, was an outright debauchee, and the prince was hoping that if these two birds of the same feather managed to flock along, then the prince’s motives might find an easier path…..\nBut judging his present attitude, the prince was beginning to get worried since he felt that his arrogant attitude might end up messing the whole matter…..\nSitting adjacent to him was another man; the man was wearing a very depressed look on his face, and was sitting on his chair in a very awkward manner, with his legs opened wide apart. This man was Lord Liu, who had previously jumped into the lake’s waters in pursuit of a mysterious man. During the pursuit, he had been struck by a bamboo pole, which crashed straight between his legs at a thunderous speed, causing him to adapt this weird posture!\nLord Liu would probably never be able to get over this humiliation!\nThese days, Lord Liu only had two hobbies: Frantically attempting to get his condition cured; and wantonly arresting people to find his culprit.\nBut he hadn’t been able to see the mysterious man’s face; and had only been able to see a white, round, ass. So anyone who was arrested under the suspicion of being the mystery-man, had to undergo the same procedure: They would be brought in front of Lord Liu, and then their pants would be stripped off their bottoms… for inspection!\nDue to this, the Prince had been hearing several rumors about Lord Liu: There has been a major change in Lord Liu’s sex drive after his injury; Moreover, he’s only showing interest in buttocks, and only those of young men’s; moreover, Lord Liu seems to fancy white bottomed young men…..\nAs a result, every time a young subordinate was in the presence of the lord, they’d inevitably try to cover their buttocks with their hands….\nIn case Lord Liu took a fancy to their plump and round buttocks…. Then how would be ever be able to call themselves ‘a man’ again?\n“Er Ye, the third young master Jun has arrived.” The hall’s door opened; a tall and gracefully stunning beauty walked in, adorning her face with a gentle smile. Her tall posture, equipped with her big and proud breasts, and a slender waistline, turned to face the road beside the lake, where a small palanquin was leisurely swinging its way towards the pavilion.\nLady Yue’er pointed towards the people around the palanquin: “Er Ye, see those men? They are old faithful’s of Jun Zhan Tian, so I’m certain that the man inside must be Jun Mo Xie.”\n“That’s one ugly looking palanquin……” The second prince couldn’t help himself: “The young master Jun has a very unique taste…. Very unique indeed, ah.”\n“He’s nothing more than a typical debauchee and a spendthrift!” Lady Yue’er’s eyes suddenly flashed a cold essence, but she quickly resumed her smiling expression and said: “Er Ye, would you like me to go down and personally receive Jun Mo Xie?”\n“You?” The second prince’s face was somewhat sullen, but upon seeing the firm and staunch look in Lady Yue’er’s eyes, he sighed and said: “Alright, however, he must not feel unwelcomed.”\n“Hihi… Er Ye, Yue’er might be cheap, but when it comes to making men feel welcomed and important, very few people can match me; there’s a reason my services cost so much.”\nLady Yue’er smiled as she confidently gazed at the red palanquin from above.\n“Well…. Ah;” The Second Prince tried to smile.\nBelow, Jun Mo Xie jumped out of his palanquin, and landed unstably on the ground below, staggered a bit, spat on the ground, looked upwards at the sky, and sneezed. Then, he rolled his neck around once, hammered his back twice, shook his arms, tilted his head, and started walking shakily like a crab.\nJun Mo Xie stepped inside the Ni Chang pavilion, took off his hat, and started to fan himself. Then, he looked sideways, and entered into the reception area, and asked one of the attendants: “Is the Second Prince here?”\n“The Second Prince is waiting for your grace on the third floor; inside the feather hall.” The attendant informed respectfully.\n“The Feather Hall? With all the naked ladies??”\nJun Mo Xie quacked out a couple of laughs: “The Second Prince surely knows how to pick a place… well he’s won me over already!”\nThen he started to embark up the stair case.\nThe attendants were wondering about the Prince’s choice of company now…. The Second Prince has asked this man to meet him in person, ah?\nHow much longer do we have bear this pig-head?\nBut really, second prince… wow…. How could the second prince be dining with such people???\n“Ha Ha, Mo Xie, my younger brother, it’s been such a long time since I last saw you; you look so refined and cultured now! This is amazing!” The second prince affectionately stood up and energetically waved towards Jun Mo Xie.\n“Uh, um…. It’s surely been a while second prince….” Jun Mo Xie seemed flattered: “How could Mo Xie dare to refuse if the second prince calls him for a banquet.”\n“Oh, there’s no need to be so polite.” The second prince hurried along and extended his hand to greet Jun Mo Xie, but couldn’t help feel a sense of unhappiness, and surprise, as he stood there with his hand extended; his lone hand. This guy didn’t do any customary bows in salutation, and on top of that, he is even refusing to shake my hand! That too when I’m offering respect first!\nJun Mo Xie of course didn’t greet him respectfully; in his head, even the Emperor wasn’t worthy of his worship.\nIn fact, if the God descended to the world, then would Jun Mo Xie have worshipped him?\nJun Mo Xie wasn’t awfully sure about it either.\nSo then, what respect would he have for a mere prince?\nIn the eyes of Jun Xie, the assassin, the prince was just another living body, which he could transform into a corpse at any time.\n“Ha Ha, let’s just throw aside all formalities; after all, our families are friends of old ah.”\nThe Second Prince smiled graciously: “I remember that we used play together quite often as children, but now that age has caught up, now my younger Brother and I can only look back at the past and marvel at the days gone by.”\nThe Second Prince’s words had a hidden meaning behind them, and it seemed as if he was trying to remind Jun Mo Xie that he shouldn’t act very high-headed in front of him, and the Prince was only greeting him since he belonged to the Jun Family.\nHe was still the blood of the King; a prince, and Jun Mo Xie was just a high-class noble.\n“Ah, yes yes.” Jun Moxie suddenly gave an evaluation in his heart: he is more than ruthless, his qi is narrow, and he is unwilling to suffer for such a trivial matter!\nIf you have to find a way back in words, you won't be able to make a big deal!\nHe couldn’t help but notice the four other people who were eyeing and assessing him from the sidelines, especially the youngster whose eyes looked full of contempt and disdain: The Second Prince is asking me to befriend this pain in the neck?\nWhat kind of a man is this guy?\n“Little Brother, let me introduce you to some of my friends; you probably know some of them.” The four men got up from their seats as the second prince gestured towards them.\n“This is my teacher, Hong Wen University’s great scholar, Fang Bo Wen.” The Second Prince sounded very respectful.\nFang Bo Wen stroked his beard as he looked at Jun Mo Xie. Then he smiled and said: “Nah, I’m just an old man, and nothing compared to you youngsters, really…”\n“A renowned university scholar indeed.” Jun Mo Xie looked at the old man, and could feel that he’d need to be on guard against this man.\nThis old man didn’t seem ordinary, and in fact seemed to be concealing a huge amount of Qi inside his old body. Could such a person really be the prince’s master?\nOr a scholar from the Hong Wen University? He certainly has a history.\n“This man is Lord Liu. Lord Liu is a master of the pen and the sword; a very rare breed of talented men.” The Second Prince smiled.\nJun Mo Xie looked up and down the body of the man who had caused him to run naked on the streets, and had almost ripped him to pieces. Then his eyes suddenly revealed a look of interest as he asked: “Lord Liu has a very unique way of standing, gee, he’s standing so tall, even with his legs open so wide ah.”\nJun Mo Xie didn’t expect that his opening sentence would actually expose the man’s scars. Lord Liu’s face was suddenly flushed red, while his mind was replaying the incident which had led to his awkward posture.\n“The young master of the Jun Family is indeed very different from his peers, ah, and very handsome; far too handsome.” Lord Liu smiled as he tried to conceal his embarrassment.\n“You think so too! I wonder why I’m so handsome?\nI’m too handsome to be true! Other handsome men always envy my looks!\nYou and I could become really close friends ah; confidants! I’ll take you out for drinks later ah!” Jun Mo Xie coquettishly swept his hair back, and then shook his head.\nInstead of shying from the compliment, he had brazenly accepted it, and in fact was also appreciating his own self.\nEveryone was left standing dumbstruck. They had never witnessed such narcissism before….\nLord Liu was looking even gloomier now; you arrogant little snob… you think I’ll ever desire to befriend you!\n“Third young master Jun, you deserve your reputation well! I admire you already, Ha Ha, I’m Cheng De Cao.” Jun Mo Xie reset his eyes to the speaker; Cheng De Cao’s face was grimaced with an arrogant smile, and it appeared as if he was half a measure away from stabbing Jun Mo Xie.\n“Cheng De Cao? Never heard of you.” Jun Mo Xie directly waved him out.\nWho does this guy think he is, damn it, he looks like he wants to stab me, ah; I’m your daddy when it comes to that…. You puny little jerk!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第13章\n“千真万确啊!三少,”唐源一把抓住了他的手,君邪顿时感觉自己的手被包裹进了一层肥油之中:“他们的确就是这么说的!说只要三少你到场,就马上将借据给我,什么事都没了。”\n“哦?他们真这么说?”君邪一皱眉,眼中瞬间闪过一丝阴霾。\n他已经察觉了不对劲的地方!\n怎么听着听着事情有些变了味呢?\n本来是这胖子输了老婆,怎么却慢慢地将所有事情都转变到自己身上来了?\n似乎,这里面有个什么诡秘,而目标就是自己?\n这绝对是一个圈套!\n别的不说,就以原来的君莫邪那超级草包的脾气,一听到自己的弟兄受了这等欺负,马上就会火冒三丈,再听到对方如此的给自己面子,登时就会飘飘然不知所以,一定会不加考虑的就会趾高气扬的前去,而这一去,才正正地落进了对方早已布置好的圈套!\n如果说这是针对君莫邪的一个局,那么设置这个局的人对君莫邪的性格的了解倒可以说是了如指掌!\n不对,相信针对君莫邪也只是表面一层而已,没有人有兴趣对一个完全无害的纨绔子动这样的心计,他们真正要针对的应该是君老爷子!\n而在他们身后,或者还另有人指使,毕竟君家,君老爷子不是什么人都能招惹得起的!\n君邪审视地看着眼前的胖子,暗自盘算着这胖子在这个局中又是充当了什么角色?\n到底是敌是友呢?!\n看着唐源此刻表现出来的几乎屁滚尿流的样子,君邪暗中下了定论:若是这胖子不是装出来的,那他实在是一个超级的傻逼!\n如果这胖子现在是装出来的,那么,估计是一位超级演技派的影帝级选手,而且还是一个隐藏得非常深的危险人物!\n去,还是不去?\n君邪瞬间就做了决定,这么好玩的事情,不去怎么行?\n凭自己的赌术,难道还能输了不成?\n再说了,若是不去,怎么能知道,究竟是谁想要对付自己?\n君邪向来没有任由敌人隐在暗处的习惯!\n这是他的一贯作风。\n暗中运转了一下体内的造化神功,君邪嘴角露出一丝笑容,就算是赌博,我也是不会输的,这股内力想要作弊实在是太简单了……\n“咱们还有多少银票子?”主意打定,君邪转身问可儿。\n听到君邪问话用的是‘咱们’这两个字,可儿心中突然泛起一股羞喜,心中莫名的有些小甜蜜,红着脸儿道:“自从上次老爷克扣了少爷的开销之后,目前少爷的银箱里还有十二万两银票,金票三万两,金叶子三百两,白银一百锭,碎银子……”\n“够了够了。用不了这么多。”见可儿还要细细的数算下去,君邪赶紧打住,要不然这个死心眼的丫头可能还会数出还有多少枚铜钱……\n“取出五万两银票,另外再多预备十来两碎银子就行了。”君邪道。\n“这么点点怎么够?”唐源几乎跳了起来,满脸哀求:“兄弟,三少,这些连零头都不够啊,你这不是要活活地逼死哥哥我吗?哥哥求你的了!”\n“胖子,你刚才不是说了,我到场你的欠条不就完事,我们是去赌博,又不是去送钱!唐大少,带那么多干什么,多累赘啊?难道你还不相信我独步天下的赌术?”君邪正色道。\n“你独步天下的赌术?”一双细细的眼睛出奇地瞪的浑圆,这对唐源脸上的肥肉来说,绝对是个高难度的动作,唐源嘴角抽了抽,若不是心中实在惶恐烦闷,几乎要大笑出声。\n心中腹诽了一声:你那独步天下的赌术,貌似从来就没见你赢过……若是从输钱这方面来说,你自称独步天下还真是差不多。\n不管了,反正你只要去了就行,只要我将那借据拿了回来,就什么都不怕了!他妈的,当初我怎么会一时头脑发热将老婆压上了?\n这件事情可真是奇怪,少带点钱也好,起码不会输太多!\n君邪揣上银票,吩咐备了两匹马,唐源早已迫不及待,圆滚滚的身子刷的一声就“滚”到了门口,小眼睛四处梭巡,很是害怕的样子:“快走啊三少,若是不好碰到你家老爷子回来了那可就真的完蛋了。你都不知道,哥哥我每次到你家来找你不知道要顶着多大巨大的压力,唉……”\n君邪笑了笑,跳上马背,斜眼道:“我看你你今天来的却也没见你有多害怕啊。”\n唐源腾地一声跳上马背,压的那匹健马希津津的长嘶一声,四蹄一软,几乎趴下,努力一挺,才站直了。\n可能这马心中也在纳闷:我可是驼过不少人了,就算是顶盔带甲手拿兵器的将军我也能奔跑自如,怎么今天这个人类这么重?一时失算,差点害得本马脚失前蹄!……\n君邪忍俊不止地笑了出来,两腿一夹,健马得得前进。\n身后八名侍卫人人虎背熊腰,各自挎着刀剑紧跟在后面。\n唐源胯下的那匹马也艰难地起步,一路打着响鼻,跟了上来。\n出门便是东风大街,在天香城可算是最为奢华的街道,人来人往,川流不息;唐源那里还顾得上马儿受得了受不了,一马当先冲了出去,遥遥领先,不住的回头望,一脸着急,显然是嫌君邪走得太慢。\n转眼已经出了东风大街街口,往南走不远便是一座酒楼,千里飘香楼;正是李家的产业;酒楼后面是一座闲置的大院子,便是唐源口中的“千金堂”了,这里地形隐蔽,正是贵族少爷们一掷千金的销金窟!\n里面只要是能够想得到的玩意,这里都能赌!\n君邪正要策马前进,突然路边转过来几个人,当先的两人乃是两个少女,一人气鼓鼓的走在前面,似乎很生气的样子,口中大叫:“不要再跟着我啦!烦死人了啊!”\n另一人一路小跑追着,口中不住劝解。\n在两人身后,同样是八个面无表情的侍卫紧紧跟随着,看起来也像是某个豪门的千金小姐。\n君邪一眼看去,见那少女嘟着嘴,一脸的刁蛮,长得却是甚是漂亮,那少女本就正在气头上,一眼看见君邪目不转睛地盯着自己,不由得啐了口唾沫,叉起腰来骂道:“看什么看?登徒子!”\n这女子心情正在最烦闷的时候,却又看到了君邪这个臭名昭著的花花公子,而偏偏花花公子又正盯着自己看,不禁生出了“正好拿他出气”的念头。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 13\n“It is the absolute truth, Third Young Master!” Tang Yuan grasped his arm, Jun Xie suddenly felt his arms being wrapped around by a layer of oil. “They really promised me that! They promised that as long as Third Young Master appears, they will immediately hand over the promissory note and won’t do anything else regarding this matter.”\n“Oh? They actually said that?” Jun Xie’s face frowned; his eyes flickered for a moment. \nSomething clearly felt wrong with this. \nHow could this matter suddenly change its course in such a manner? \nThis was supposed to be a case of the fatty losing his wife, so how did this matter suddenly turned all the way towards him?\nIt appeared there was some trickery involved here, and the target was none other than himself?\nThis was undoubtedly a set up!\nConsidering the super idiotic temperament of the original Jun Moxie, once he heard about how his brother was bullied, he would certainly fly into a fit of rage. Then, hearing the way the opponents were giving him such face, he would get carried away to the point of losing himself. His cockiness will prompt him to set off without any considerations whatsoever and walk straight into the trap that had already been arranged by the enemies.\nIf this scenario was set up by those who were trying to antagonize Jun Moxie, then the schemers behind this scenario can be assumed to be very understanding of Jun Moxie’s character!\nNo, this plot only appears to be targeting Jun Moxie, no one would be interested in laying down such a detailed scheme for a completely harmless debauchee. His or her true target was none other than Grandpa Jun! \nIt may also be possible that behind these perpetrators lied yet another mastermind. After all, both the Jun family and Grandpa Jun were not something that normal people can provoke.\nJun Xie examined the fatty before him, secretly wondering what role did this fatty play in this scheme.\nIs he a friend or a foe?\nObserving Tang Yuan’s current expression of almost crapping in his pants, Jun Xie concluded: If this fatty is not faking it, then he must be an absolute sucker!\nIf this fatty is truly faking it, then he would be a God level actor amongst actors. Not only that, he would also be a very dangerous person whose true face is very well hidden.\nShould he go? Or not?\nJun Xie made the decision in an instant, how can he miss out on such an exciting event? \nWith his gambling skills, could he actually lose? \nBesides, if he chose not to go, then how will he find out who was trying to plot against him? \nJun Xie was not one to allow his enemies to plot against him within the shadows. Bring them out and kill them! \nThis has always been his style of handling matters.\nSecretly circulating the divine art of Heaven’s Fortune, Jun Xie’s mouth broke out a hint of smile. Even if it were gambling, I still would not lose. With such a kind of internal energy at my disposal, it is simply too easy for me to cheat…\n“How many silver bills do we have?” Having made up his mind, Jun Xie turned towards Little Ke.\nHearing Jun Xie ask the question using the word ‘we’, Little Ke’s heart was overflowed with the feelings of both shame and joy, her heart inexplicably feeling a little sweet. She replied with a blush. “After the Old Master deducted Young Master’s spending money last time, the silver box currently holds a hundred and twenty thousand silver liang bills, gold bills at thirty thousand liang, gold leaf at three hundred liang, white silver at one hundred ingots, fragment silver…”\n“Enough. That’s enough. I won’t be using that much,” Watching Little Ke carefully calculate everything with such detail, Jun Xie quickly stopped her. Otherwise, this stubborn little girl might even count out how many copper coins there are…\n“Take out fifty thousand silver liang bills, and prepare another dozen pieces of fragment silver,” Jun Xie said.\n“How can this small sum be enough?” Tang Yuan practically jumped up, his face crying as he begged. “Brother, Third Young Master, these are not even enough to cover a fraction of it! You are not trying to send me to my death are you? I am begging you, brother!”\n“Fatty, didn’t you say earlier that as long as I appear, then your promissory note problem will be settled? We are going to gamble, not going to send them money! Young Master Tang, why do we want to take so much money with us? Wouldn’t it become a burdensome excess baggage? Don’t you have faith in my gambling skill that is unrivalled in the world?” Jun Xie replied.\n“Your gambling skill that is unrivalled in the world?” A pair of thin eyes stared stupidly until it became round in surprise. This feat was no easy accomplishment for Tang Yuan’s fat face; it was no doubt a highly difficult manoeuvre. Tang Yuan’s mouth twitched, if it was not for the fact that his heart was currently filled with dread and depression, he would probably laughed out loud. \nHe let out within his heart: Your so-called gambling skill that is unrivalled in the world… I do not seem to recall seeing you win before… Unless you are talking about the number of times you lost, then your claim of being unrivalled in the world might not be too far off.\nNo matter, as long as you go then everything will work out! As long as I can get back the promissory note, what do I have to fear? Son of a bitch! How did I lose my head to go so far as to pawn off my own wife? \nThis matter is really too strange. Taking less money might be better, at least the losses will be limited!\nJun Xie placed the bills within his clothes, and then commanded two horses to be prepared. Tang Yuan had already become impatient; his pudgy body ‘rolled’ all the way to the door, his small eyes shuttled around everywhere, looking extremely frightened. “Hurry up, Third Young Master, if we are unlucky enough to bump into your grandpa while he is coming back, then it will all be over. You do not know about this, but every time I come visit your house, I have to endure a tremendous amount of pressure, sigh…”\nJun Xie laughed as he jumped atop the horse, looking over he said. “The way I see it, you don’t seem to be that scared today.”\nThe moment Tang Yuan jumped on top of his designated horse, he weighed down on the healthy horse causing it to neigh aloud. Its four hooves turned soft, almost bending down on to the ground. Putting in more strength, it was finally able to stand up. \nThe horse may be wondering to itself: I have carried no small number of people. Even when carrying generals clad in full armor and weapon in hand, I can still run freely, but why do this person feel so heavy today? One miscalculation and I almost lost my front hoof!\nJun Xie could not restrain himself and laughed out; he then moved his own healthy horse forward. \nBehind him, eight bodyguards with sturdy bodies, carrying swords on their back followed.\nTang Yuan’s horse too started moving, but with difficulty. It neighed heavily as it caught up to them.\nThey went out to the Great Dongfeng Street, which was regarded as the most extravagant street in Tianxiang City. The street was bustling with activities and was filled with a steady stream of people; Tang Yuan did not spare any thoughts for the horse and rushed out, taking the lead. He rushed far ahead while constantly looking back, his face filled with worry, apparently fearing that Jun Xie was moving at too slow of a pace.\nAfter turning out of the Great Dongfeng Street, there is a restaurant located not far to the north, known as the Thousand Mile Fragrance Restaurant. The Li Family runs this restaurant; behind the restaurant lies a large unused courtyard, this is the ‘Thousand Gold Hall’ mentioned by Tang Yuan. This secret area is the place for young masters of noble families to spend big money! \nIn there, there are no limits to what they will bet for, as long as one can imagine it, one can bet on it!\nJun Xie was just about to steer his horse forward, when a few people suddenly appeared from the road side. In the lead was a young maiden, she was walking ahead sulkily and angrily shouted: “Stop following me! You’re annoying me to death!” \nThe other person was trying to persuade her non-stop while chasing after her. \nFollowing closely behind the both of them, were eight bodyguards. She seemed like the daughter of a wealthy family.\nJun Xie took a brief glance at the young maiden, the young maiden was pouting, but was blessed with good looks. The young maiden who was already in a fit of anger noticed Jun Xie staring at her like that, took a deep breath and started cursing him: “What are you looking at? You lecher!” \nThe young maiden was already feeling highly irritable. Seeing the notorious playboy, Jun Moxie who also happened to be staring at her, she suddenly decided to use him as an outlet for her anger.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第130章\n成德操被君大少爷一句话气的小脸煞白,本来就很白的小脸,更白的犹如石灰了!\n“呵呵,三少,这位乃是成氏家族的少主,君公子可能没有不大熟悉也是难免。”\n方博文自从君莫邪进来,两眼便一直没有离开过君莫邪一瞬,对他的每一个动作,说每一句话的神情,都观察入微。\n“成德……操,是嘛?”君莫邪吊起眼睛,斜着看着他。“成家的?”\n成德操浑身一阵发抖,咬着牙道:“君公子,久闻君家盛名;令尊的威名更是如雷贯耳;今日一见,君公子果然是大家风范啊。”\n成德操这句话也算是刁钻,分明是在讥刺君莫邪从小有娘生没爹教,没有半点教养。\n众人闻言俱是一惊,这句话可不单是揭了君大少爷一人的伤疫,更是大大得罪了整个君家,二皇子的汗瞬间就下来了,这成大公子根本就是个惹祸的妖精,一句话直接把整个君家都推到自己的对立面去了,求神拜佛,让君莫邪再纨绔点,听不出来个中的含义!\n很显然,漫天神佛没有注意二皇子的祈祷!\n君大杀手如何听不出来,鼻孔中嗤了一声,道:“原来是成家少主,失敬,失敬;刚才真是失礼了,今日初次相见,容我先问候一下,呵呵,表表礼数;呃,成德……操……你妈好吗?”\n君莫邪加重了某个字的语调,拖着长腔。\n这直接就摆明是泼妇骂街了,居然还顶着问候人家令堂的名目。\n做人怎么能这样无耻啊!\n所谓天香第一纨绔的风采,今天大家算是真个开了眼界,什么叫闻名不如见面,什么叫见面更胜闻名,当真了得啊!\n成德操顿时气的手足冰凉,一张煞白的小脸铁青起来。\n面对君莫邪这等出身高贵的太子党,而本身个性却又类似于地痞性格一般的人物,他那点世家子弟的高傲根本就派不上用场,更何况,成德操固然家世不小,可算是一方强豪,但说到底始终不过只是一个江湖上的玄气世家罢了,与君家这等在政治军方都是超级望族对比起来,那还真是不值一提。\n换句话说,就算君莫邪再纨绔,再不堪!凭你一个区区成德操,成大公子也根本没有与君莫邪正面叫板的资格;至于刚才失口出言辱及先人,早已是大大不该,动辄有灭族之祸,只是这成大公子也是素来嚣张惯了的角色,一时口快脱口而出。\n而现在君莫邪赤裸裸的反击回来,更加不加以掩饰!\n若是成德操真的再骂了回去,那么所有人都可以想得到,君家大兵立即临门,灭绝成氏家族的盛况。\n所以君莫邪可以毫无顾忌的骂,但成德操却是绝对不能!\n不过总算这成大公子倒也不算是十足草包,所以现在虽然受到君莫邪的巨大侮辱,却也再不敢直接反击回去。\n唯那张小白脸被气得如充猪血,浑身乱颤。\n就在这时,一阵香风缭绕,一个柔美的声音轻笑着道:“各位贵客光临,月儿特地带着众姐妹来给一众贵客助兴呀。”\n随即五六个女子袅袅婷婷地走了进来,个今年轻貌美,人人含羞带怯;直看得房中一帮男人都是有些兽血沸腾了。\n随着多位美眉的登场,君莫邪嚣张跋扈的姿态一敛,两只眼睛直勾勾地看着中间那位说话的美人儿,眼中射出就算是色中恶鬼也无法流露的淫亵光芒,一张嘴张得大大的,一缕透明的丝线滴答下来,却犹自未觉……\n君莫邪此次来到霓裳阁,其中至少有一半以上的原因都是为她而来的,否则三位皇子同时宴请,何必单单答应了二皇子?\n如今她居然出现在自己面前,这等机会,君莫邪如何肯放过?\n众人见到他这副猪哥摸样,禁不住都是心中鄙视之极,这副德行那里还有半点名门世家子弟的风范?\n这月儿纵然如何出色,始终还是青楼女子,决计无法登堂入室。\n难道这位君大纨绔又要制造一出名满天下的绯闻?\n二皇子更是眉头大皱:他对月儿有意早已经不是什么秘密,只不过这月儿心有他念,始终是一副不即不离,似迎还拒的样子,让二皇子心痒痒的,凭他的身份,自然不能明媒正娶,甚至是娶来做偏房小妾也是绝不可能,但他心中却早己将月儿视作自己的禁裔。\n一道透明的形珠帘子将房中隔开了两边,月儿姑娘轻轻一笑,起步走近帘子后面,款款坐下,纤指一拨,流水般的琴音空灵透彻地响起,凭空为这场俗不可耐的酒宴添了几分雅致的情调。\n酒菜快速地端了土来,二皇子这个时间里与君莫邪说的什么,君大少爷似乎全然的听而不闻,眼睛只是直勾勾地盯在在一侧弹琴的月儿姑娘身上。\n二皇子等人大感无趣。\n众人早已知道君莫邪是个纨绔,十足的纨绔,行事必然荒诞不经,这早是情理之中,意料之中的事情,但却是谁也没有想到此人居然极品到了这等地步!\n在二皇子品评,目前点城几大家族,虽然各成一家,但细细看去,这几大家族却在无形中早已形成了一个攻守兼备的圆阵,这句话的时候,君莫邪流着口水连连赞同:“恩恩,不错不错。”\n就在二皇子认为君莫邪已经认可了自己的说法,精神一振想要继续往下说的时候,这位仁兄接上了后半句话:“……二殿下说的没错,月儿姑娘的屁股,是挺圆的,手感一定是好的,肯定够劲,真他妈想摸一下揉一下!”\n当场将这位二皇子殿下噎的目瞪口呆,宛如吃了一个苍蝇一般。\n接下来,方博文,刘思博等人纷纷旁敲侧击,极力展示二皇子一方的雄厚实力和对君家的渴盼,招揽之意虽不明显,但隐隐的意思,相信就算真是一头猪也会听得明明白白。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 130\nAfter hearing the young master Jun’s words, Cheng De Cao’s face had gone completely pale with anger!\n“Oh, young master Jun, the young master Cheng belongs to a smaller family than the Jun Family, so it is quite possible that you may not have heard of him.”\nFang Bo Wen’s eyes had been glued to Jun Mo Xie from the moment he had entered the room; the old man was constantly observing Jun Mo Xie’s every action and word.\n“…Cheng De Cao, is that right?” Jun Mo Xie lifted his gaze and looked at him with a side glance: “recognized expert?”\nCheng De Cao’s entire body was trembling with rage at this point; his gritted his teeth: “Young master Jun, I’ve heard so much about the reputation of family; especially about your father’s military prowess. I too was almost unable to recognize you by your demeanor ah.”\nCheng De Cao’s words were quite tricky, and it seemed like he was implying that the young master Jun’s parents hadn’t taught him any manners; this was a direct assault on the young master Jun since he had lost his parents in his childhood.\nEveryone was quite surprised by Cheng De Cao’s sentence since this one sentence would not only expose the scars of the young master, but also the entire Jun Family. The second prince knew that if Jun Mo Xie interpreted these words correctly, then the entire Jun Family might turn against his cause. In fact, at this point, the second prince was already praying that the pig-headed Jun Mo Xie wouldn’t understand the true meaning of these words!\nThe Gods obviously weren’t siding with the second prince today!\nThe assassin Jun Xie heard those words, snorted and replied: “So the young master Cheng is a recognized expert, apologies; this is the first time that we’ve met each other and I was being so rude to you; so please allow me extend my greeting as an exemplar of my etiquette; uh, so, Cheng De Cao…. Speaking of family…. How’s your mother?”\nJun Mo Xie intentionally raised his tone as he said that last part.\nIt was obvious that the two men were on the verge of squalling since they had already started greeting each other by their mother’s name.\nHow could a man be so shameless?\nEveryone was truly amazed to meet their guest for the evening; they had heard that he was the most outrageous debauchee of the city, but meeting him in person was another experience all together!\nCheng De Cao’s hands and feet went cold with rage, while face turned ashen.\nHe was faced with a highborn like Jun Mo Xie at the moment, but the personality of the man in front was no more than that of a bully, and the bully was hurting his family’s pride, which wasn’t a very small family either, and was brimming with experts of all levels. But after all said and done, no matter how much strength the Jiang Hu province had at their disposal, they were still no match for the political and military might of a super-family like the Jun Family.\nIn other words, even if Jun Mo Xie’s attitude was unbearable, Cheng De Cao simply didn’t have enough might to challenge him. Insulting the ancestry of the Jun Family would be asking for a slaughter; anyway, everyone knew that the younger generations of such powerful families often tend to run their mouth without thinking twice.\nAt the moment, Jun Mo Xie’s eyes were red with rage, and he didn’t even make any efforts to control his anger!\nIf Cheng De Cao replied back in rebuke, then everyone knew that the Jun Family’s soldiers would wreak havoc, and this trivial incident could lead to the extermination of the Cheng Family.\nTherefore, even though Jun Mo Xie could freely criticize his counterpart, Cheng De Cao would have to show some restrain!\nAnyway, even though Cheng De Cao wasn’t the smartest person around, he wasn’t the biggest fool either, and even though he already despised Jun Mo Xie, he didn’t insult him back any further.\nOnly the little white face was so angry that it was like pig's blood, and it trembled.\nJust then, a burst of sweet incense filled the atmosphere, and gentle voice chuckled and said: “Honorable guests, please allow Yue’er and her sisters to add some fun to your meet.”\nThen, five or six elegant and graceful women came into the room; all of them were young and all of them were beautiful. Most of them seemed a bit shy, and got scared the moment they saw the infuriated men in front of their eyes.\nJust as the women made their entrance, Jun Mo Xie’s domineering and arrogant attitude quickly changed, and his eyes readjusted to the women who had just spoken up. He made no attempts to conceal the perverted intentions of his heart; in fact, his eyes were already exhibiting an abundance of obscenity, while his mouth was hanging open with saliva trickling down from the corners; a long asleep force seemed to have ……awakened.\nJun Mo Xie had half accepted the second prince’s invitation since it was being held at the Ni Chang Pavilion, which meant that he’d get to meet Lady Yue’er, otherwise why would he accept the invitation so quickly?\nNow that she had actually appeared in front of him, he wouldn’t let the opportunity slip by very easily.\nEveryone saw the change in his expression, and couldn’t help but despise the man in their hearts. What kind of morals does this man have?\nLady Yue’er might be beautiful, but she’s still a prostitute; it isn’t right to be involved with such women.\nIs this why the young master Jun is called the biggest debauchee in the city?\nThe second prince’s eyebrows wrinkled; his interest in Lady Yue’er was no secret, and even though Lady Yue’er had read his heart’s desire, he had always kept her at an arm’s distance; but the second prince’s heart nevertheless itched to get closer. Given his identity and position, he couldn’t marry her; in fact, even taking her as a mistress would not suit a man of his position, and so he couldn’t help but feel a sense of helplessness in keeping his distance from her.\nA transparent pearl curtain separated the two sides of the room; Lady Yue’er gently smiled as he approached from behind the curtain, and leisurely sat down. She brought out her lute and started playing it, and suddenly the vulgar environment of the room transformed to a very elegant one.\nFood and wine were brought in at the prince’s command, and even though the prince constantly kept offering the items to Jun Mo Xie, it seemed that the young master Jun had turned a blind eye to everything; except the body of Lady Yue’er, which he was constantly staring.\nThe prince and the other men felt disgusted.\nEveryone already knew that Jun Mo Xie is a debauchee, but no one had expected that his actions would be this absurd. His reaction to the insult on his family was expected, but no had ever expected that Jun Mo Xie would act so shamelessly towards women!\nThe second prince started the discussion: “At present, the capital has several large and small families. All of these families are looking out for the actions of their counterparts, and are constantly attacking and defending against each other.” At the time when the prince finished this sentence, Jun Mo Xie was in the middle of nodding in agreement with something: “Good good.”\nThe second prince came under the impression that the young master Jun was in agreement, and felt inspired to continue, but then found himself cut mid-way by the young master Jun: “His royal highness is right…. But Lady Yue’er’s ass is so full and round… must feel really good, and it’s certainly quite strong too; I feel like rubbing it!”\nThe second prince choked mid-sentence, almost as if he had swallowed a housefly!\nNext, Fang Bo Wen and Lord Liu made their attempts to solidify the prince’s statements, and even though they weren’t direct about it, they tried to indicate that the Jun Family’s strength might be important to their matters, and prayed that the pig-headed debauchee of the Jun Family would understand their meaning.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第14章\n君邪心中一震,突然想起前世的时候,当日自己也是在大街上闲逛,看“她”长得很是漂亮,不由自主地多看了两眼,哪知道那少女当时显然也是正在气头上,居然回过头来骂了一句:“看什么看?没见过美女呀,臭流氓?”\n哪知道两人由此相识,君邪自己是个杀手,一直小心翼翼地回避着什么,直到自己出了事,分隔两个世界。\n想到这里,不由略有些怅然。\n此刻的君邪宛如历史回眸,心中不禁一暖,再看这少女也莫名其妙地感觉亲切了许多,索性微笑道:“这位姑娘,我们似乎在什么地方见过,我对你甚是眼熟。”\n那少女咬着牙瞪着他:“呸,本姑娘对你这败类也很是眼熟!君三少,今天你又想耍什么花招?扮初遇吗?!”\n呃?\n原来还真是认识的?\n君邪迅速地从记忆中调出了面前这刁蛮女的资料,不由得尴尬的一笑,没话找话的道:“真是有缘啊,原来我们竟然认识的,独孤小姐。”\n这样就是有缘?\n这是什么话?\n那“独孤”小姐错愕地瞪着眼睛,身后那名少女却是忍不住噗哧一笑;这时,唐源见君邪没有跟上来,也兜马回头,听到君邪这句话,不由佩服得五体投地,原来君三少与美女搭讪如此在行。\n不过,胆量更是值得佩服,敢跟天香国第一刁蛮女独孤小艺这么说话的,相信在整个天香城都找不出几个!\n那少女瞪着眼睛,看着君邪,眼中慢慢地泛出凶光:“君莫邪,是不是上一次挨打还没挨够?正好本姑娘今天心情不好,可以亲自帮你松松筋骨!”\n君邪一怔,这才想起来这位独孤小艺姑娘却是君莫邪最为害怕的一人,好像是曾经做了什么事情被独孤小艺暴打了一顿,之后差不多半个来月才能下床……\n“独孤小姐别来无恙,咳咳……我是说啊……小弟其实还有事,就先告辞了,回见了。”君邪准备脚底抹油。\n看这小辣椒的架势,好像张牙舞爪的又要扑上来大打出手,在君莫邪的记忆中,这个小辣椒年纪不大,手下却是高明,再有几个君莫邪也不是对手,君邪固然不惧怕,可此刻无论如何也不能过早暴露自身实力的,自然要非常明智选择明哲保身,恩,好男不跟女斗!\n“给本姑娘站住!”\n独孤小艺下巴翘的高高的,用一种睥睨天下的眼神看着君邪:“你们要到哪里去?是不是又要去做什么坏事?告诉你君莫邪,既然遇上了本姑娘,你什么坏事也别想做,给我乖乖的!让本姑娘消了这口气,就放你走!”\n唐源脸上大汗淋漓,一个劲的跺脚,心中连珠似的叫苦:“我说君三少,这位姑奶奶躲还来不及,你咋挑选了她去招惹呢?长得再漂亮可也不如自己的小命重要不是?”\n看着面前这少女明亮的大眼睛,却又摆出一副跋扈嚣张的样子,君邪心中突然生出一个主意,故作躲躲闪闪地道:“独孤小姐,我们要去的地方,这个……咳咳,女孩子去可是非常地不合适地。”\n“难道你们要去逛窑子?”果然彪悍,连这种话都能直接宣诸于口!\n独孤小艺冷哼了一声,鄙夷地看了两人一眼:“下流无耻的胚子!”\n“那个说我们去逛窑子?你当谁都像你一般的想法吗?”君邪顿时作出怒气冲冲受了冤枉似的表情:“我们只不过是去千金堂,赌两手罢了……呃?!”\n似乎突然发现失言,君邪急忙住嘴。\n“千金堂?赌博?”\n听到君邪前一半说话,本更形愤怒,不意又听到了后半句,独孤小艺不觉双眼一亮,接着眯着眼睛一笑,眼珠一转,一对小可爱的小虎牙露了出来:“我还真没去过,带我去!”\n命令似的口气,不容辩驳,实在不能不佩服,女人思路的跳跃性之巨大实在是彪悍。\n“小姐……”身边的那少女显然是她的贴身侍女,怯怯地拉了拉她的衣袖,表示劝阻,这实在很合理,天香城两大纨绔要去的所在,十有八九都不是什么好场所,自家小姐乃名门千金,如何可以与之厮混。\n独孤小艺丝毫不理,兴冲冲地道:“放心了,我那两个哥哥天天都说千金堂,想来是个特别的所在,这次本姑娘可要好好的去见识见识!”\n说着一把揪住君邪的耳朵:“快带我去!只要你带我去,今天就放过你!”\n君邪要想躲开本是轻而易举,但心念一动,还是没有躲,只是苦着脸,任由她揪着自己耳朵向前走去。\n身后八名侍卫人人面带苦笑,相对看了一眼,跟了上去。\n与独孤小艺的八名侍卫倒是很投机,不投机也不行,因为这十六人处境基本一样,跟着君邪这个纨绔大少的自然心中憋屈,其实跟着独孤小艺也未必就能好受多少,人人其实都是心中憋屈得很,当然容易说到一家去。\n唐源长吁短叹,怎地半路杀出这么一个母老虎?\n若是我的借据不小心被她看到了……\n唐源激灵灵的打了个哆嗦:这位可是很有把握在半天之内传遍帝都,两天之内举国皆知的主……\n那我还不如利索索的自杀来的痛快。\n一行人浩浩荡荡的来到千里飘香楼,穿厅过院,来到后面的大院落,唐源急不可待的冲了进去,大叫一声:“君三少来了,快点把那啥……还给我。”\n随着一阵得意的笑声,正厅门口出现了六个青年,一露面,还未来得及说话,便看到了正拧着君邪耳朵进来的独孤小艺,顿时人人面色骤变,脸如土色。\n目前在皇子之间保持中立的两大派系,一是独孤,二是君家;偏偏这两大势力无论在朝在军均占有举足轻重的超然地位。\n而这位独孤小艺小姐正是独孤世家唯一的掌上明珠,独孤世家男丁颇旺,共得七个男丁,另只有这一个女娃娃,物以稀为贵,自然宝贝得不得了,自幼便骄纵惯了,不过这位小艺非姑娘但天赋极高,小小年纪,玄气修为就颇有造诣,更兼极赋正义感,在天香城里可以说是名声远扬,被誉为“纨绔克星”,今日在这里包括君邪在内八个大少,个个都吃过她的苦头。\n说来独孤家的老爷子独孤啸天,也是一位超级玄气高手,据说其造诣已然达到了天级境界,更是在帝国唯一一个能够与君家君战天当面叫板的老家伙,职位也是相当,亦为帝国大公爵;至于独孤小艺的父亲独孤无敌和三个叔叔如今都是帝国大将军,他的七个哥哥均在军部任职,可说是权势熏天,就现在来说,较诸君家犹有过之。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 14\nJun Xie’s heart was startled as he was suddenly reminded of his past life. Back then, he was also wandering around the main street when he saw ‘her’. She was so beautiful, that he unconsciously turned to look at her again. Unexpectedly, that young maiden was also in the midst of anger, she turned around and cursed him. “What are you looking at? Haven’t you seen a beauty before, you rotten scoundrel?” \nUnexpectedly, they would become acquaintances. As an assassin, Jun Xie had always been careful to avoid causing any troubles all the way until the day he transmigrated; now they were separated by two worlds. \nThinking about it, Jun Xie could not help but feel a sense of loss.\nThe current Jun Xie felt as though he was looking back in time, his heart felt an unrestrained sense of warmth bubbling up. Looking at the young maiden brought the same feeling of warmth back into his heart. He smiled and said: “Milady, have we met before? You seem familiar.”\nThe young maiden gritted her teeth as she stared at him. “Pooh! This lady is well aware of who you are, you scum! Third Young Master Jun, what kind of tricks are you thinking of playing today? Playing first encounters?\nEh? \nSo, she is actually someone I know. \nJun Xie quickly accessed his memories to find out the information about this unruly girl. Unable to stop himself from feeling embarrassed, he laughed lightly, and thoughtlessly replied: “To think that we were actually acquainted, this must be fate, Miss Dugu.”\nThis is fate? \nWhat nonsense is this?\nThe Miss Dugu stared with dumbfounded eyes; one of her female bodyguards suddenly could not hold back and laughed out. As for Tang Yuan, after he realized that Jun Xie had not caught up to him, he backtracked back and heard Jun Xie’s words… Respect! Third Young Master Jun was truly a professional when it comes to courting women. \nHowever, his courage was even more worthy of respect. Those who dared say these words to the number one unreasonable female in Tianxiang Kingdom, Miss Dugu Xiao Yi were far and few in between.\nDugu Xiao Yi stared at Jun Xie, her eyes slowly glowering as it grew fiercer: “Jun Moxie, could it be that you think that the pain from that last beating was not enough? As it so happens, this lady is in the middle of a bad mood, I can help you out in loosening your bones for you!”\nJun Xie was startled and was finally able to recall that this Dugu Xiao Yi happened to be the one person Jun Moxie fears most. In short, he did something, which resulted in Dugu Xiao Yi, beating the absolute daylight out of him, which took him half a month before he could crawl out of bed…\n“Miss Dugu, I hope you have been well. Ahahah… what I actually wanted to say was, little brother here still have something to attend to, I’ll take my leave first. I’ll see you later,” Jun Xie prepared to slip away. \nLooking at the little spitfire’s menacing posture and face, it seemed as though she was about to rushed up to Jun Moxie and start a beat down. In Jun Moxie’s memories, even though this little spitfire was still young, her battle prowess was highly reputable. Even if there were several Jun Moxie’s, they would still be no match for her. That was not to say that Jun Xie was afraid of her, but at this point in time, it was imperative that he conceal his true strength. Naturally, one must play it safe. Err, good guys do not beat females!\n“Stop right there!” \nDugu Xiao Yi lifted her chin high up into the air, then looked at Jun Xie with an arrogant face: “Where are you planning to go? Are you planning to go do something bad? Jun Moxie! Since you bumped into me, you can forget about doing any bad deeds! Just come quietly and let this lady vent out her anger, then I will let you leave!”\nTang Yuan’s face was dripping with sweat, he stomped with gusto, his heart continuously cried out: “Third Young Master Jun, people will usually run and hide when they see this ‘aunty’, why did you have to tick her off instead? No matter how beautiful she is, it’s not worth as much as your life.”\nLooking at Dugu Xiao Yi’s big, bright eyes as she put on an arrogant and domineering face, Jun Xie suddenly had an idea. Pretending to be very secretive, he whispered. “Miss Dugu, the place that we are going… Heh heh, it is quite inappropriate for girls to go.”\n“What? Are you guys planning to visit the brothel?” She was undoubtedly a bold person, to think that she would spit out these kind of words from her mouth openly!\nDugu Xiao Yi gave out a cold ‘heng’, glaring at the two men in contempt. “Shameless garbage!”\n“Who said we were going to visit a brothel? Do you think everyone is like you?” Jun Xie immediately made a ‘wrongly blamed’ expression. “We were just heading towards the Thousand Gold Hall, we are just going for a few rounds of gambling… eh?” \nSeemingly realizing that he had slipped up, Jun Xie quickly shut up.\n“Thousand Gold Hall? Gambling?” \nHearing Jun Xie’s first part of the retort, she became even angrier. Unexpectedly, when she heard about the last part, her eyes lit up. Squinting her eyes, she smiled, revealing a pair of cute white teeth. “I have never been there before! Bring me together!” \nA commanding tone, which will not allow any rebuttals, resounded. Truly admirable, the distance and speed that a woman’s train of thought can move at was simply powerful!\n“Miss…” one of the accompanying females, pulled Xiao Yi’s sleeve, trying to discourage her. This action of hers was very reasonable, the place where the two big debauchees of Tianxiang City was heading towards, could not possibly be a good place. As the most precious person of her family, how can she hang out with them?\nDugu Xiao Yi did not care about it in the slightest, she said excitedly. “Don’t worry, those two brothers of mine would talk about the Thousand Gold Hall every day. It must be a very special place. This time, this lady will go and have a good look!” \nHaving said that, she reached out and grabbed Jun Xie’s ear. “Bring me there quickly! As long as you do that, then I will let you go today!”\nJun Xie could have easily avoided her, but thinking about his plan, he chose not to. He only made a pained expression, letting her tug his ears as they went forward.\nThe eight bodyguards at the back smiled bitterly; looking at each other, they simply followed.\nAs for the eight bodyguards of Dugu Xiao Yi, they too went agreeably, mostly because it does not matter whether they agree or not. These sixteen bodyguards were stuck in the same situation. Those who followed the Young Master Jun Xie had to restrain themselves, but Dugu Xiao Yi’s bodyguards weren’t much better off. Every one of them had to hold themselves back to the limit, each blaming the other family.\nTang Yuan sighed in exasperation. Why did a tigress suddenly appeared in our way?\nIf she accidentally sees that promissory note…\nTang Yuan shivered: This person is someone capable of spreading this news throughout the city within half a day. In two days’ time, all the important characters in the kingdom will know…\nWhen that happens, I might as well just commit suicide.\nThe group of people arrived at the Thousand Mile Fragrance Restaurant, passing through the outer courtyard, then entering into the large courtyard at the back. Tang Yuan impatiently rushed inside, shouting at the top of his lungs: “Third Young Master Jun is here! Quick! Give me the… give it to me!”\nAccompanied by a short burst of laughter, six youngsters appeared at the doorway. Before any of them could say anything, they saw Dugu Xiao Yi coming in while pulling Jun Xie’s ear. Their faces instantly changed, the colour of their faces becoming as the ground below.\nAt the current, two groups remained neutral towards the princes’ fight, one was the Jun family and the other was none other than the Dugu family. These two families occupy a pivotal position, in both the military and the court.\nThis little Miss Dugu Xiao Yi was the only daughter of the Dugu Family. The Dugu Family was quite prosperous with a total of seven sons and one daughter. As the only daughter, she became a precious existence and was pampered greatly, being spoiled to the point of conceit. However, this little girl was highly talented. Even at her young age, her level of cultivation in Xuan Qi has already reached a superior level. She was also endowed with a strong sense of justice. Her name resounded far and wide in Tianxiang City, and was known as the ‘Nemesis of Debauchees’. All the young masters present here today have all had the honour of suffering under her.\nIt was said that the old gramps from the Dugu Family, Dugu Xiaotian was a highly capable Xuan Qi expert, reputed to have reached the Sky Xuan rank. He was the only one within the kingdom who could challenge the Jun Family’s Jun Zhan Tian. As for his position, he too was a Grand Duke; as for Dugu Xiao Yi’s father, Dugu Wudi and her three uncles, all of them were great generals of the kingdom, her seven brothers were also serving within the military. If one were to compare, then her family’s sky-grasping authority and influence was only a few steps behind the current Jun Family.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第15章\n偏偏这独孤世家一家人从老到少都有一个不是特别好的习惯,就是极为护短,尤其独孤小艺的父亲独孤无敌,护短护到了蛮不讲理的程度,堪称是帝国第一滚刀肉。\n若是有人居然胆敢欺负了他的女儿,独孤无敌甚至能够马上调遣大军前去报复。\n这样随随便便调动军队的无法无天的滚刀肉,谁敢招惹?\n君莫邪有君老爷子罩着,独孤小艺照样敢修理,倒不是君老爷子奈何不了独孤无敌大将军,实在是只要老爷子兴师问罪,那边的独孤老爷子肯定也会站出来对阵,因为无敌大将军的护短秉性,根本就是继承自他老子的!\n所以在君莫邪的记忆中,最畏惧的人第一是爷爷君战天,第二就是这个独孤小艺,不对,第一是独孤小艺,第二才是自己爷爷,毕竟爷爷也就是对自己说教,还不舍得真打自己,可是落到这位姑奶奶手里,肯定是一顿暴打啊,而且被打还是白打!\n连君莫邪都招惹不起的“巨”人物,其他纨绔就更加不用提了!\n而现在,这位独孤世家的小公主竟然来到了这里……\n“我也没法,”君邪斜着脑袋,摊摊手,指了指仍在自己耳朵上拧着的白嫩小手:“看我这架势,能有啥法?\n你们要是谁有想法,大可自己下逐客令,反正千万别说我就是了!”\n“怎么?你们不欢迎我来?难道本姑娘没银子吗?!”\n独孤小艺一瞪凤眼,哗啦啦掏出了钱袋子,得意地晃了晃,挑了挑极为好看的眉毛:“姑奶奶我有的是银子!”\n一干纨绔摇摇欲坠,屁滚尿流。\n您是有的是银子,可问题是:谁敢赢您的?\n谁赢了您的银子您老子第二天便会带着大军上门讨债,这还是好的,若是独孤老爷子来了兴致,到我们家溜达一趟,那……还让不让我们活了?\n唐源可不管他们心中怎么想,两眼早已经冒出了火光:“先别说那些没用的,赶紧把我的那啥还给我!\n君三少已经来了又跑不了。\n这可是你们答应我的!\n大丈夫言出有信,人无信何足立于天地之间!”\n即使以君邪的沉稳,听了胖子最后的说辞,都差点吐了,就你的为人、作为,还敢自称大丈夫,你可别埋汰大丈夫这个名词了!\n六个青年里,其中神色沉稳的青年叫李峰,乃是太师李尚的孙子,他身后两个青年分别是李震、李林;都是他的兄弟。\n而在他身边站着的那个身材削瘦的青年,留着两撇小胡子,眼中神色深深沉沉,乃是孟海洲,吏部尚书孟江湖的大儿子,为人甚有才干。\n他身后两人一个叫孟良,一个叫孟飞,也都是孟家人。\n李峰满脸堆笑,道:“独孤小姐芳驾光临,我等欢迎还来不及,快,快请进。”\n说着侧过脸来:“好好伺候独孤小姐!若是独孤小姐不满意,我就扒了你们的皮!”\n转过头来,又是一脸笑容,对孟海洲使了个眼色,道:“既然君三少已经来了,那这个玩笑也该结束了,看唐大公子急的,都出汗了,大丈夫生于天地之间,岂可言而无信,还是先将那东西还给他吧。”\n孟海洲点了点头,向着唐源道:“唐大,东西可以给你,不过那一百五十万两银子可绝不能少!”\n唐源只求拿回借据,至于那一百五十万两银子虽然不是一笔小数目,却还不放在心上,闻言连声答应。\n君邪冷眼旁观,心中只是冷笑;这件事情唐源固然害怕,然而这两人未必就全然没有顾忌!\n就算是唐源不把自己请来,他们也是绝不敢贸然将唐源那张借据公布出去,因为那样势必会引起唐家和孙家全力的反扑,更会被这两家引为死仇,最终也只能是玉石俱焚的结局!\n所以这件事情看似很大,其实只要想透彻了其实也没什么大不了的,他们的目标,大抵还是在自己身上!\n只不过唐源拿回了借据之后,却没有了这方面的顾虑,势必会谣言四起,用谣言来打击唐家。这是可以预见的事情。\n“什么东西让能唐大少这么着急?给我看看,也好开开眼界!”独孤小艺显然不甘寂寞,好奇心极强。\n见唐源拿到手里一张纸条,满脸如释重负的样子,顿时大感好奇,伸出了白嫩的小手。\n唐源脸色一苦,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,将那张纸条啪的扔进了嘴里,嚼了两下,一伸脖子咽了下去,咂了咂嘴,满脸的无辜。\n难为他一脖子肥肉,居然瞬间就能伸展的如同长颈鹿一般!\n“死、胖、子,你敢玩我?真是好胆!”\n独孤小艺顿时大怒,张牙舞爪的扑上来,一把揪住了唐源的衣领,竟然将他将近四百斤的身体拎了起来,怒气冲冲地大喝一声:“赶紧给我吐出来!”\n其余七人包括君邪在内,一个个看得眉框不住的暴跳,暗暗咽了几口唾沫,嘴歪眼斜,唇青脸白。\n“咳,那个独孤小姐,其实那纸条也没啥;君三少这段时间被君老爷子禁足,出不来,大家很是想念;刚才就跟唐胖子打了个赌,纸里面写着‘来不来’三个字,要是君三少不来,那么这张纸条就由我吃下去,若君三少来了,那么就是唐胖子吃;恩恩,就是这样简单的事情,唐胖子不愧是男人大丈夫,果然言出无悔,哈,哈。”\n孟海洲干笑了两声,急忙出来打圆场,此人倒也算有几分急才,只言片语便圆得天衣无缝。\n若万一唐胖子真将那纸条呕了出来,又让独孤小艺看到了其中内容,那事情可就真变成了大事了!\n君邪眉梢一挑,暗暗看了孟海洲一眼,心道此人能在极短的时间内想出这么一个天衣无缝的理由,更脸不变色心不跳的说出来,有条有理有据,倒的确是个不简单的人物。\n说实话,刚才的那一瞬,君邪几乎就打算暗中出手令胖子呕出纸条,彻底借独孤小艺之手引暴这场风波,不过唐胖子虽然不肖,却始终是君莫邪的好朋友,再说要整治眼前的几个纨绔,君邪自信随便几下,就可以让他们灰头土脸,终于还是恋恋不舍的打消了这个念头!\n不过万一若是……还是要……咳咳咳……\n独孤小艺半信半疑地看着众人,众纨绔顿时纷纷点头如鸡琢米:“就是这样子,没错的。”\n这才将唐源放了下来。\n唐源被她刚才勒的满脸几乎发紫,接连干呕了数声,始终唯恐自己呕出纸团,终于勉强忍住了。\n“诸位里边请。”李峰乃是这宅院的主人,做出肃客之态。\n君邪嘿嘿一笑,摆出一副嚣张跋扈的神态,大步走了进去,啪的一声坐在一张太师椅上,二郎腿已经翘了起来,一晃一晃,看他这样子,当真是一副标准的流氓架势,典型的浪荡姿态。\n独孤小艺眉头大皱,顿时极不顺眼,差点又要上去踢他两脚。\n“你们不是想我嘛?正好我也想你们……的银子了。”君邪邪邪的一笑,“想要怎么玩?就划下道来吧。”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 15\nAs it was, all the members of the Dugu Family share a specific habit, and that was their extreme protectiveness towards their ‘weak link’. This is especially true of Dugu Xiaoyi’s father, Dugu Wudi. His overprotectiveness has reached the point of being unreasonable, causing him to be labelled as the kingdom’s first “tough shank”. \nIf anyone were to bully his only daughter, he would even go so far as to mobilize his entire army to retaliate.\nA ‘tough shank’ who would recklessly mobilize the army, disregarding the rules; who in their right mind would dare to provoke him? \nEven though Jun Moxie was under Jun Zhan Tian’s protection, Dugu Xiaoyi still dared to give him a beating. This did not mean that Grandpa Jun was incapable of reining in the Great General Dugu Wudi. The fact was that if Grandpa Jun were to mobilize his own army, then Grandfather Dugu would definitely make an appearance. And the reason for that was because the Great General Dugu Wudi’s overprotective nature was simply inherited from none other than the old Grandfather Dugu! \nThat was also why the person that Jun Moxie’s memories feared most would be Grandpa Jun followed by Dugu Xiaoyi… Oh, wait! It’s the other way round. The number one most fearsome person would be Dugu Xiaoyi, while his Grandpa Jun ranked second. After all, the most his grandfather would do to him was preach to him, unwilling to actually hurt him. However, such was not the case with this horrifying ‘aunty’. If he was to fall into her hands, he would be thrashed… thrashed for no reason at all!\nIf even someone of Jun Moxie’s background dared not provoke this ‘gigantic’ figure, then the other debauchee’s were not even worth mentioning!\nAnd now, that precious princess of the Dugu Family actually came here on her own…\n“There’s nothing I could do about it,” Jun Xie slanted his head, pointing towards his ears where a soft white hand remained, twisting his ear. “Just look at me, is there anything I could do about it?\nIf any of you have any good ideas, then by all means please go ahead. Just do not drag me into it!”\n“What is wrong? Are you not going to welcome me? Or do you think that this lady do not have any money?” \nDugu Xiaoyi stared at them, pulling out her purse and smugly shook it to show them. Raising her eyebrows, she said: “This senior lady have plenty of money!”\nThe entire group of debauchees faltered, almost crapping in their pants.\nSo, you have plenty of money? But the problem is: Who dares to earn your money? \nWhoever wins against you will get a ‘visit’ from your old man and his army, coming to collect their debt. And that is the best case scenario! If your old grandpa happens to be in the mood and decides to make a trip here… aren’t we as good as dead?\nTang Yuan did not care what they were thinking in their hearts, his eyes blazed with fiery light: “Let’s not sweat the small stuff, just return me my item!\nThird Young Master Jun is here and he will not run away!\nYou all promised me!\nA real man is a man of trust! Those who are untrustworthy have no right to stand between Heaven and Earth!”\nListening to the fatty’s last words, even someone with Jun Xie’s ever calm emotions nearly puked. You actually dare to claim that you are a real man? Please do not degrade the value of real men!\nAmong the six young men, there was one who remained calm. This person is Li Feng, the grandson of the Grand Preceptor Li Shang. The other two behind him are Li Zhen and Li Lin respectively; all three were brothers. \nStanding beside him is a slim looking young man. Sporting a pair of thin moustache and a pair of deep eyes, he is Meng Haizou, the eldest son of the Minister of Personnel, Meng Jianghu. \nHe is reputed to be a person of high talent. Behind him stood another two members of the Meng Family, Meng Liang and Meng Fei.\nLi Feng was all smiles as he said: “For Miss Dugu to personally pay a visit, how can I not welcome you? Please enter.”\nAfter saying that, he turned and ordered. “Serve Miss Dugu properly! If Miss Dugu becomes displeased, then I’ll peel off your skin!”\nHe turned his head, this time his face was all smiles again as he winked at Meng Haizou. “Since Third Young Master Jun is here, then we should also conclude our little joke. Look at how anxious Master Tang is, he is already sweating. A real man is born between Heaven and Earth, how can we be untrustworthy. Give him that item.”\nMeng Haizou nodded and turned towards Tang Yuan. “Master Tang, I can give you the item. However, the one million and five hundred thousand silver liangs cannot be reduced!” \nTang Yuan was only here to get back the promissory note. As for the one and a half million silver liangs, he did not care about it in the slightest even though it was not a small sum. Once he heard Meng Haizou’s words, he agreed repeatedly.\nCalmly observing from the side, Jun Xie sneered in his heart. There was no doubt that Tang Yuan was scared senseless by this matter, but those two may not necessarily be without any qualms.\nEven if Tang Yuan did not invite him here, they would not have the guts to publicize the details of the promissory note. Doing so will only invite the wrath of both the Tang and Sun Families, possibly causing the two families to regard them as blood enemies. The final outcome of doing so would be absolute disaster!\nIf one were to consider all the details, then one would realize that this matter was in fact not as big as it seemed. The final goal was still none other than Jun Moxie!\nHowever, that problematic outcome will disappear once Tang Yuan takes back the promissory note. After which, they will certainly start spreading rumours about the note, using those rumours to strike a blow at the Tang Family. This matter was something he could already foresee.\n“What kind of item can make Young Master Tang so anxious? Let me see! Let me have an eye-opening experience!” Dugu Xiaoyi clearly did not want to be left out, her curiosity soared. \nSeeing Tang Yuan face suddenly becoming relieved after receiving a piece of paper, she was suddenly curious and reached out with her small, white hand.\nTang Yuan’s face turned miserable. He quickly shoved the piece of paper into his mouth and swallowed it down after just chewing it twice. His face then turned innocent as he smacked his lips. \nThat action happened at lightning speed as his fat neck actually stretched out like a giraffe!\n“bloody… fatty… you dare mess with me? You have some guts!”\nDugu Xiaoyi rushed out in anger. She grabbed Tang Yuan’s collar, actually lifting up the near 400 jin body up into the air and shouted: “Spit it out!”\nThe seven people, Jun Xie included, watched as their eyebrows twitched uncontrollably. They secretly swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva, their lips crooked, their eyes slanted, their lips blue and faces white.\n“Oh, Miss Dugu, this matter is actually nothing much. This matter started from Third Young Master Jun. Since his grandfather grounded Third Young Master Jun, he was unable to come out, causing us to miss him. So, we initiated a bet with Master Tang earlier. We wrote the following words ‘coming or not’ on a piece of paper. If Third Young Master Jun does not come, then I promised to eat the paper. But if Third Young Master Jun did come, then Master Tang would eat it. Yes, this matter is actually that simple. Master Tang is truly a real man, truly a man of his words, ha ha!” \nMeng Haizou laughed twice as he quickly came out to smooth things over. This man truly possessed some talent, to be able to make up this seamless story on the spot. \nIf Fatty Tang were to vomit out the paper and let it fall into the hands of Dugu Xiaoyi, then this matter will really blow up!\nJun Xie raised an eyebrow, secretly observing Meng Haizou and thinking to himself. This man could come up with such a seamless excuse in such a short period of time and say it out with a straight face and steady heart. A man with guts, rational thought process and the ability to act, he truly is an exceptional talent. \nTruth be told, Jun Xie had for an instant, wanted to secretly cause Fatty Tang to vomit out the paper. Borrowing Dugu Xiaoyi’s power, this matter will turn into a bloody storm. However, even though Fatty Tang was unworthy, he was still Jun Moxie’s best friend. Besides, Jun Xie had absolute confidence in his ability to easily rein in these few debauchees. In the end, he had to reluctantly give up on the idea. \nBut… But I really want to… I really want… … … Sigh!\nDugu Xiaoyi looked at them with a sceptical stare as they suddenly nodded furiously like chickens pecking down on rice. “That’s true, that is exactly what happened.” \nAfter that, she released Tang Yuan.\nTang Yuan’s face was purple due to the earlier bout of strangulation; he released a successive number of retching sounds. Fearing that he might end up vomiting out the piece of paper, he forcefully refrained himself.\n“Dear guests, please come inside,” As the owner of the residence, Li Feng invited them in.\nExuding an arrogant and domineering attitude, Jun Xie smiled and marched inside. He propped himself onto a grand chair and raised his legs. His current posture emanated the image of a standard rogue, fully equipped with the typical dissolute attitude.\nDugu Xiaoyi’s eyebrows frowned. This image of Jun Moxie suddenly felt sore on her eyes, she almost felt like rushing up there to kick him a few.\n“Well, haven’t you guys been missing me? As it so happens, I was also missing you… your money,” Jun Xie smiled an evil smile. “How do you guys want to play? Just tell me.”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第16章\n“三少果然爽快!”孟海洲挑起大拇指,赞了一声:“不愧是君家三少,当真是豪气冲天,真有君老爷子当年的风范!”\n此言似褒实贬,个中讽刺意味十足,不过若是原本的君莫邪却当真未必能听出来!\n说话着,孟海洲斜眼看着唐源:“刚才我们就是跟唐大少小玩了一会骰子,唐大少就支撑不住了,不如我们仍是在骰子上一决胜负如何?\n不知道三少有没有这个胆量?”\n唐源顿时脸红过耳,哼了几声,却不说话。\n“骰子?”君邪念了一句:“就赌这个,难道本少爷还会怕了你们?”\n心中又是一叹:又来一个激将法!若是原来的君莫邪,不被人家牵着鼻子走才怪了!\n“我也算一个!”独孤小艺兴致勃勃地开口,孟海洲顿时头大如斗。\n“来人啊,还不给贵客上茶?”李峰急忙开口。\n几杯茶水送了上来,每人面前摆了一盏,唐源端起茶杯,一饮而尽,抹了抹嘴,道:“三少,哥哥可全指望你的了,可要替我出口怨气啊!”\n君邪张狂的大笑一声,端起了茶杯,眼底余光却迅速地在众人脸上游走一遍。\n就在这一刻,君邪敏感的感到李峰和孟海洲都是一喜;不由得心中疑惑,低头打量一下茶水,凑在嘴边闻了闻,道:“这等劣质茶水也能拿来招待人吗,档次实在太低了。”\n他杯子砸在桌上。\n君邪一闻就已经闻了出来,茶水里面,有着极重的迷幻草味道,这种古怪的味道,跟罂粟的味道有些类同,想来功效也是差不多的;喝下去之后未必会对身体有什么大碍,但却对人的神智只怕有些影响,再看孟海洲身上衣色鲜明,图案却有些杂乱,让人一看之下便觉得古怪,而且身上还有一种味道,与这迷幻草的香味一混合,顿时让人有些心旌动摇。\n看来这茶,这衣服,这香味,都有问题!\n而且是一环扣着一环,看来,在这些人背后,还有一位极为强大的药剂师!\n难怪唐源之前居然连老婆也压上输了,原来如此!\n再看独孤小艺手中的茶水却是清澈见底,毫无异样,显然没有放药。\n毕竟,独孤世家,他们还是不敢得罪的。\n“还不快给三少换一杯茶!”李峰不动声色地喝道。\n见君邪没喝,顿时又生一计。\n“算了,这么麻烦干什么。来这是赌钱的,又不是来喝茶的,真要喝茶就不到这来了。”\n君邪懒洋洋地道:“就这杯吧,不用换了。”\n仰头一饮而尽。\n“来吧赶紧开始吧,我都等不及了。”\n李峰和孟海洲等几人都是面有喜色,道:“就依三少之言。”说着命令仆役带路,几人鱼贯而进,来到一个空荡荡的大厅里。\n里面除了一张大大的石桌和数十把椅子之外,再无别的东西。\n一路之上,竟然没有发现别的人!\n看来为了对付君莫邪,今天这里暂停营业了……\n走在路上的时候,君邪突然仰天打了个喷嚏,顿时都喷在了唐源的身上,鼻涕唾沫都有,袍子上顿时湿了一团。\n唐源怪叫一声,急急忙忙擦拭。\n君邪揉揉鼻子,呸的一声吐了口唾沫,自言自语道:“怪事,怎么晕晕的想打喷嚏?”\n李峰与孟海洲两人对望一眼,都是一脸喜色:药效已经开始发作了哇哈哈!\n太师府中,太师李尚半闭着眼睛倚在软榻上,悠然听着幕帘前的歌女婉转悠扬的美妙歌声,微笑着问道:“这次的事情,怎地交给了李峰李振那几个不成材的东西去做?\n若是当真办砸了,岂不是错过了大好机会?\n那君家小鬼自不足惧,但他背后的君老鬼却是极难招惹的,若是为他知晓,我们虽然不怕,始终也是麻烦!”\n他话语似乎有怪责之意,但口气中却是显得很是轻松自如,虽是疑问句,但他神情中却表现出了对对面的人很放心,很有把握的样子。\n在他的对面,却是一个面目英俊,轻衫白袍的俊郎青年,唇红齿白,眉清目秀,身形颀长潇洒,好一个翩翩浊世美男子;他身子端坐如山,一举一动均是从容不迫,透露出优雅高贵的风度,闻言轻轻一笑,语气平淡的道:“爷爷行事从来都是如此的小心,孙儿佩服,不过那君莫邪只是一个彻头彻尾的纨绔子,对付这样的人若是还要出动重量级的人物,未免将他看得太高了,就算一计不成,以其为人,我们必然另有更多的机会,实在不必过于重视对待。\n再说,若是以较高层次的人与这等不入流的纨绔子混在一起,反而会显得格格不入,更易败露行迹,误了大事。”\n“君莫邪虽纨绔,可也自视甚高。若是让一些清高多智谋之辈去对付君莫邪,只能是弄巧成拙。”\n他长眉一挑,嘴角露出一丝嘲讽:“李峰李振两人行事虽然不肖,却反而可以与君莫邪臭味相投;这就是每个人都有每个人的用处了!\n以纨绔对付纨绔,尤其是如君莫邪这般的无脑纨绔,以他们二人为主,反而会收到意想不到的奇效。\n若是对付君莫邪这种人还要动用我们的核心实力,恐怕君莫邪反而不会买账,更何况,呵呵……”\n他轻轻笑了笑,余下的意思,不说出来,但所有人都全明白:杀鸡焉用宰牛刀?\n高手就是要对付高手的!\n好钢当然要用在刀刃上!\n让绝顶高手去对付手无寸铁的普通人,他们非但不会感觉任务容易,还会有一种倍受侮辱的感觉!\n阳春白雪若是对着屠夫弹奏,非但奏曲者憋屈万分;就连那屠夫,也是如坐针毡,抑或是昏昏欲睡。\n“说的也是!”李尚赞赏地看着自己的大孙子李悠然,对他的说法给予了肯定,这个孙子当真越看越是满意。\n长孙悠然作为自己家族年轻一辈的领军人物,无论举手投足还是言谈表情,尽显领袖风范,当真是无懈可击!\n无论是心机智谋都是为一时之选,甚至玄气的修为也是属于天才中天才般的超卓俊杰,才不过二十五岁就已经晋入了金玄高手的境界。\n这样的速度,就算在整个天香国,也绝对是独一份!\n而最难能可贵的是,李悠然心性甚是沉稳,不骄不躁,更兼为人低调,极善于暗中筹谋,布局一切,年纪轻轻,便已经有了运筹帷幄之中、决胜千里之外的雏形,便是当年的自己也远远不及!\n可以想见,李氏家族若要腾飞,下一代的希望便要应在这李悠然身上!\n有孙如此,自己委实值得骄傲!\n李悠然最大的优点就是从不会小看任何人,就事论事,就人论人;就算是评价君莫邪这样的下三滥,李悠然口气中也是淡然,没有半点鄙夷不屑,只是单纯的评论而已。\n这样的人物,不论放在那里,都是一时之选,人中翘楚!\n“这次计划虽也算周全,但也要预防万一,若能一次成功,自是最好!”\n虽然觉得君莫邪绝对不可能逃脱这次的算计,毕竟,这次的计划乃是由李悠然亲自策划的,而且是通过唐源迂回过去,以君莫邪的草包心性若是能逃脱才是怪事!\n只要君莫邪落入局中,李悠然自然更有进一步的计划,让他永远无法脱身!\n而那时候,君战天那一系就算不倒过来,也势必会因为这个不争气的孙子而分崩离析,不能再构成任何威胁!\n“万一?”\n李悠然皱了皱眉,所有计划瞬间又在心中计算了一次,肯定地微微摇了摇头:“不会有万一的!\n更何况,此次还有孟海洲在旁边看着,孟海洲虽然并不算是什么人物,但对付君莫邪,还是不在话下的!君莫邪,逃不出我的手掌心!”\n“若是他逃出来了呢?”李尚开玩笑说。\n“逃出来了?”却认真的思考了一下,终于失笑,李悠然悠然地看着门外,油然道:“那,他就不是君莫邪了!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 16\n“The Third Young Master is truly straightforward!” Meng Haizou praised while giving a thumbs up. “As expected from the Third Young Master of the Jun Family, your heroism pierces the Heavens! Your aura resembles that of your grandfather’s in his heroic days!” \nEven though this remark sounded respectful, it was lined with sarcasm. However, the original Jun Moxie may not be able to realize it!\nMeng Haizou glanced at Tang Yuan as he spoke. “Earlier, we were playing a game of dice with Young Master Tang, but Young Master Tang was no longer able to continue. How about we continue on with the dice game?\nI wonder if Third Young Master has the guts for it?” \nHearing that, Tang Yuan’s face blushed red. Giving a few “heng”, he stayed silent.\n“A game of dice?” Jun Xie thought aloud. “What does this Young Master have to fear in a game of dice?” \nHe sighed in his heart: Here comes another provocation! If the original Jun Moxie heard this, not being led by the nose would truly be a strange occurrence!\n“Count me in!” Dugu Xiaoyi happily chimed in, causing a struggling expression to suddenly appear on Meng Haizou’s face.\n“Quick, serve the guests some tea!” Li Feng hastily ordered.\nA few cups of tea were immediately sent over, each cup being placed before each of them. Tang Yuan finished drinking his cup with one gulp. Wiping his mouth, he said. “Third Young Master, your brother is counting on you. You must help me vent my anger!”\nJun Xie gave out an overbearing laughter and reached for the cup of tea. While doing so, his eyes glanced over the faces of everyone present.\nAt this moment, Jun Xie could clearly notice that Li Feng and Meng Haizou had become delighted. His heart could not help but feel suspicious. Looking down at the cup of tea, he brought it close to his mouth and sniffed it. “You actually use this type of low-quality tea to serve your customers? Your service is really disappointing.” \nHe slammed the cup down on the table.\nOne sniff was enough for Jun Xie to detect the presence of a psychedelic type of drug within the tea. This strange scent is somewhat similar to the scent of opium; the effect would likely be the same. Consuming it may not cause any harm to the body, but it would likely affect the person’s state of mind. Turning his attention back to Meng Haizou’s clothing, he noted that it was brightly vivid and the design on it was very disorderly. In addition, it also gave off a strange scent. Normal people would be confused with this strange clothing, but this set of clothing and its strange scent, coupled with the effects of the psychedelic drug from the tea would badly affect a person’s emotions.\nIt seemed there was a problem with not only the tea, but also the clothes and its scent!\nFurthermore, they were all connected. Behind these men, there was probably a very skilled pharmacist.\nNo wonder Tang Yuan would even put his wife up in the gamble earlier, this was the reason!\nGlancing over towards the cup of tea in Dugu Xiaoyi’s hands, he observed that it was crystal clear, without any sign of drugs placed inside. \nConsidering the circumstances, it seemed that they were fearful of provoking the Dugu Family.\n“Hurry up and change the tea for Third Young Master!” Li Feng cried out. \nSeeing Jun Xie refusing to drink, he immediately implemented another act.\n“Forget it, that will be too much of a bother! I am here to gamble, not to enjoy tea. If I wanted to enjoy tea, I won’t be here.”\nJun Xie languidly said. “There is no need to change this tea.” \nRaising his head, he gulped down the tea.\n“Hurry up and start, I am already impatient.”\nLi Feng and Meng Haizou’s faces lighted up. “We will follow your decision then, Third Young Master.” After saying that, they ordered a servant to lead the way. \nThey were all brought into a vast empty hall. Within the empty hall, the only thing in sight was a big stone table and several dozen chairs. \nEven on their way here, they did not meet anyone at all! \nLooks like they suspended their business today just so then can deal with Jun Moxie…\nWhile on his way here, Jun Xie had suddenly sneezed, spraying his saliva outwards at Tang Yuan, wetting his clothes. \nTang Yuan shrieked out loud and quickly wiped it away…\nJun Xie rubbed his nose, spitting out his saliva with a ‘pei’. “Strange, why do I feel so dizzy? I also feel like sneezing.” \nLi Feng and Meng Haizou glanced at one another, their faces lighting up in glee: The medicine has begun to show its effect, wah hah hah!\nThe Grand Preceptor Li Shang leaned upon a soft couch with half closed eyes. As he leisurely listened to the melodious song of the singer beyond the curtain, he asked with a smile. “For this matter, why did you entrust it over to those incapable fellows?\nIf they screw it up, then we would have missed out on a good opportunity.\nThat Jun Family brat is nothing to fear, but the old Jun behind him is not someone we can easily provoke. Even if we do not fear him, this matter will still invite trouble for us if he were to find out about it!”\nHis words seemed to contain reproach, but his tone was soft and relaxed. Even though he brought up the question, his face showed his assurance and confidence towards the person opposite him.\nStanding opposite him was a handsome youngster in white robes; Red lips, white teeth, delicate features and a tall stature. This handsome man was seated like a mountain, his each and every movements unhurried, revealing a noble elegance. Hearing the question, he smiled and replied: “Grandfather is always very careful in everything you do, this grandchild feel admiration for grandfather. However, that Jun Moxie is a downright debauchee. To send our more capable individuals against someone like that would be giving him too much face. Considering his character, even if this plan fails, we will still have other opportunities. There is no need to think too much about this.\nBesides, if we were to send out our more capable members, for them to acquaint themselves with that debauchee would make things look out of place. This could cause our plans to be exposed, leading towards us missing out on this chance.”\n“Even though Jun Moxie is a debauchee, his evaluation of himself is too high. If we were to send some highly capable person with resourcefulness to deal with Jun Moxie, then the plan would backfire on us.”\nHe raised his eyebrows as his mouth revealed a trace of irony: “Even though Li Feng and Li Zhen are unworthy, they are actually likeminded compared to Jun Moxie. This is where ‘everyone has their own uses’ come in!\nUsing a debauchee to deal with a debauchee, especially a brainless debauchee like Jun Moxie. With the two of them as the main characters, we might even receive an unexpected surprise.\nIf we were to send out our core members to deal with Jun Moxie, I fear even he would not fall for it. Besides.. haha…”\nHe smiled lightly. His remaining words need not be said for it to be understood: Will anyone use a beef splitter to slaughter a chicken?\nAn expert was sent out only to deal with experts! \nA good blade should be used wisely! \nIf an expert was dispatched to easily deal with a defenceless and ordinary person, they would only feel insulted!\nIf the song ‘White Snow in Early Spring’ was played before a butcher, not only will the song performer feel baffled, even the butcher will feel drowsy.\n“Well said!” Li Shang looked at his eldest grandson, Li Youran with an approving expression. He was completely convinced and satisfied with his statement. \nHis grandson Youran is the leading figure of his generation in the Li Family. His manner of speech and gestures, expression and style of leadership is simply perfect! \nBoth his level of effort and resourcefulness were no less capable. He is also a genius amongst geniuses in Xuan Qi cultivation, having reached the realm of Gold level at the young age of twenty-five. \nHe is the only one with this level of cultivation speed in all of Tianxiang Kingdom!\nBut the most valuable aspect that Li Youran possessed is his calm and steady mind, he is neither conceited nor hot-tempered and very low-key in his way of conduct. He is also very talented in devising strategies that takes everything into consideration. Even at a young age, he had begun making strategies that allows him to win from a thousand miles away. Not even Li Shang could compare when he was at this young age. \nHe could foresee that if the Li Family wished to soar, then the hope of the next generation lie upon Li Youran’s shoulders! \nWith such a capable grandson, Li Shang felt exceptionally proud!\nLi Youran’s greatest virtue is that he never underestimated anyone. When implementing a plan, analyse every aspect of the plan; when moving against a person, analyse every aspect of that person. Even when dealing against someone like Jun Moxie, Li Youran retained an indifferent attitude, not showing the slightest bit of disdain when discussing about him.\nSuch a figure would be immediately recognized as a leader, regardless of where they were placed.\n“This strategy can be considered thorough, but we must also prevent any possibility of ‘what ifs’. It would be for the best if it could succeed in one go!” \nThey believed that it was absolutely impossible for Jun Moxie to escape from this set up. After all, Li Youran personally devised this plan. It was launched through a roundabout way using Tang Yuan; if Jun Moxie could escape then something was certainly going wrong!\nAs long as Jun Moxie falls into this trap, the second phase of the plan will be put into action, making him unable to escape forever!\nWhen that happened, even if Jun Zhan Tian still would not serve them, he would fall apart due to this disappointing grandson and can no longer pose any threat!\n“What ifs?”\nLi Youran frowned, every aspect of the plan was instantly recalculated in his mind and he shook his head: “There are no other possibilities!\nNot to mention, we have included Meng Haizou into this plan. Even though Meng Haizou cannot be considered a talent, he is more than enough against someone like Jun Moxie! Jun Moxie cannot escape the palm of my hands!”\n“Then what if he manages to escape your grasp?” Li Shang joked.\n“Escape?” He seriously pondered the question before laughing. Li Youran leisurely looked at the door and said: “If that happens, then that person is not Jun Moxie!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第17章\n诚然,任谁也不得不承认,李悠然对君莫邪的设计针对了君莫邪的性格,面面俱到,可谓是相当到位,几可说完美无缺,然天意弄人,这个完美的布局,眼下却有一个很特别的缺憾,他们布局的对象若是君莫邪的话,成功估计肯定是板上钉钉的事实!\n然而如今的君莫邪已然是君邪,计划是否还会顺利呢?!\n千金堂中……\n“就按三少的习惯来如何?是一千两起?还是……再稍大一些?”众人围着桌子坐下,李峰开口笑道。\n“一千两起?!”独孤小艺惊叫一声,白嫩的小脸涨得通红:“你们赌得这么大啊?”\n她虽然是独孤世家唯一的掌珠,但平常吃穿用度都被准备的妥妥当当,她一个女孩子除了兴致所至买点金银首饰之外也没什么太大的花销项目,身上出来装着百八十两的银子已经是多的,却怎么也想不到到了这里居然一把就是一千两!\n荷包里的银子总共加起来也只得十一之数……\n其实,这才正常,千两纹银至少有几十斤的分量,就算是爆发户也不会当真带着几十斤的银子四处乱逛,毕竟这个世界还是有银票这个物事的说……\n“一千两?……那得玩到什么时候去?本少爷可没那么多的时间,痛快点,每注一万两打底,上不封顶,就这样好了。”\n君邪哇哈哈一笑,“本少爷有的是银子,区区数目,何足挂齿!”\n唐源吓了一跳:“一注千两已经不小了,三少。”\n他可是清楚地知道,君邪一共就带出来了五万两,若是当真万两为底,上不封顶,运气不好的话,分分钟就输干净了,但转念一想,早点输光了也好,今天已经输了不少,再说字据已经拿回来了,可不能再把兄弟也搭上,若只输个五万两,倒也不算太大的事,如此一琢磨,也就不阻止了!\n“还是君三少为人爽快!我就最喜欢骰子这玩意,大家各凭运气,一翻两瞪眼,公平又公道。”孟海洲哈哈一笑,道。\n“少废话,赶紧的,怎么玩?比大还是比小还是猜点?”君邪有些不耐烦的样子,若是有细心人,便可以看到,君邪的眼睛似乎已经红了,这表示药力已经开始发作了。\n机会接近了!\n孟海洲不动声色的看了看君邪的眼睛,道:“就赌简单一点,猜大小,如何?”\n君邪点点头:“行!”\n公平起见,凡是参与玩的都拿出足够的银票,然后轮番掷骰子,谁的点数最大,谁坐庄。\n按人头数,若是七个人,那就是一庄七把骰子,若是六人,就是六把。\n然后结束这一轮之后,便有最后一把谁胜了谁坐庄。\n众人谦让一番,计有君邪、孟海洲、孟飞、李峰、李振五人参与赌局;唐源现在身上清洁溜溜,只得旁观的资格。\n独孤小艺气势汹汹的前来,身上带的银子却不够,银子不够,就算是天皇老子也没情面讲,也只好沦为看客。\n一张俏脸气的通红,显然是觉得丢了面子。\n君邪心念一转,如此大靠山岂能不利用一二,道:“独孤小姐乃是女儿身,自然不能跟我们凑在一起胡闹,依我看来,独孤小姐不如飘红如何?”\n“什么是飘红?”独孤小艺眼睛一亮。\n“所谓飘红,就是局外赌。\n就是说你不参与赌局,但却还是可以押注!\n比如说你押五两银子我胜,我若是输了,是我拖累了小姐,则你这五两银子也就拿不回来了,算是公共陪注,为另外的赌客平分,但若是我赢了,则是小姐带旺了我的运气,你就可以连本带利合共拿回十两。”\n君邪细细解释。\n“好!”独孤小艺顿时兴致勃勃,“那么第一把我压你五……五两!”\n君邪大笑:“美人押注,大涨运气!我必胜无疑啊。”\n李峰等人冷笑着看着他,人人心道:笑吧,笑吧,马上你就该哭了!\n众人都掷过了骰子,只剩下君邪一人,现在是孟海洲点数最大,乃是一个六点,两个五点,十六点,以三枚骰子而论,这已经是相当大的点数!\n若是不出十八点的祖宗豹子,就只有十七点能赢他。\n李峰等人脸上都露出得意洋洋的神色。\n只要是孟海洲做了庄,就有把握一口气做下去,让君邪这傻小子输的连裤子也脱在这里!\n先让他输红了眼,就能顺利地继续事先定的计划了。\n君邪将三粒玉石骰子拿在手里一掂,脸上似笑非笑,心中却不由得大骂,光在茶水里搞点名堂也就罢了,居然骰子也做了手脚!\n里面分明是灌了别的东西,轻重分外不好把握。\n此中灌得肯定不是铅,因为若是灌铅,会有偏重,但现在里面分明很平均;惟有灌注水银一类的流动性物质,才能使个中玄机变化莫测,只有熟悉其中奥妙之人,才能投出理想的点数,若是常人,就算发觉其中有诈,也无可奈何,至于自己呢……\n君邪吹了一口气,手腕一旋一提,三粒骰子哗啦啦掉落骰盅,碰撞着发出悦耳的声响。\n同时,君邪右手贴在桌案上,一缕细如尖针一般的气流,神不知鬼不觉的从指间发出,绵延到了骰盅之中……\n众人不约而同的屏住了呼吸,张大了眼睛看去。\n三粒骰子滚了几滚,停了下来。\n“这……这怎么可能?”李振瞪着眼睛惊叫出口,一脸懊丧。\n孟海洲一方众人纷纷发出失望的叹息,唯有唐源高声喝彩,手舞足蹈,哈哈大笑。\n两粒六点,一粒五点,十七点!正好比对方点数最大的孟海洲大了一个点。\n孟海洲一方希望落空,人人目瞪口呆:君莫邪这家伙今天真是走了狗屎运啊!\n君邪喜出望外的叫道:“哇哈哈,独孤小姐果然好运气,把我带旺了,真真是天随人愿,今天合该老子大杀四方!”\n说着合上骰盅,在手中不中摇晃,催促道:“下注,下注,快下注!”一副急不可待的模样儿。\n“啪!”君邪将骰盅砸落在石桌上,随即松手,一只手却轻轻地扶在了石桌边上,一脸的紧张。\n但内力却已经潜到了骰盅底部,蓄势待发!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 17\nLi Youran’s strategy against Jun Moxie was indeed perfect, having completely considered Jun Moxie’s character and having arranging every aspect in detail. This plan was certainly perfect, but Heaven toys with the will of men. Within this perfect plan, a unique defect had unexpectedly appeared. If the target of this strategy was still Jun Moxie, then the rate of success would be a hundred percent!\nHowever, the Jun Moxie of today was actually Jun Xie, can their plan still proceed smoothly?\nThousand Gold Hall.\n“Shall we proceed with Third Young Master’s usual amount of bet? Starting with one thousand liang? Or… should we increase it a little?” Li Feng asked after everyone were seated.\n“From one thousand liangs?” Dugu Xiaoyi cried in surprise, her soft white face was blushed red. “You guys are going to bet so much?” \nShe was the only daughter of the Dugu Family. Normal necessities like food, clothes and others were often prepared beforehand for her. With the exception of buying some gold and silver jewellery, her expenditure was often not much. She originally thought that the one hundred silver liangs she brought with her was a huge sum; how could she have imagined that the minimum bet was actually at one thousand liangs! \nThe total amount in her purse can only amount to one tenth…\nThis was in fact a very normal thing. A thousand silver liangs weighed at least several dozens in jin (0.60479 kg). Not even a terribly rich family will actually bring out dozens of jin worth of silver liangs as they wander about. After all, this world has something called bills…\n“A thousand liang? That amount would take too long. This Young Master do not have that much time to waste. Let us make this merrier, every game starts at ten thousand liangs, no upper limit, lets proceed with this.” \nJun Xie laughed out loud. “This Young Master have plenty of money. This small sum is not worth mentioning!”\nTang Yuan was shocked. “A thousand liang as the starting line is already no small sum, Third Young Master.” \nHe knows all too well that Jun Xie only has fifty thousand liangs with him; if the game truly was played with ten thousand liangs as the baseline, he could end up losing everything in minutes should his luck be bad. But after thinking about it again, losing everything instantly may not be bad. He had already lost so much today. In addition, the note had already been reclaimed. He should not push his own brother towards such a dangerous spot. Losing that fifty thousand liang should not be too big a deal. After pondering about it, he decided not to interfere.\n“The Third Young Master Jun is truly a straightforward man! The game of dice happens to be my favourite, a game of luck! Both sides can see the results of the roll, making it fair and reasonable!” Meng Haizou laughed.\n“Enough nonsense, how are we going to play this game? The smaller value wins or the bigger value wins? Or are we guessing the values?” Jun Xie looked as though he could no longer wait. If a detailed person were to observe him, he would note that Jun Xie’s eyes had become red, signifying that the drugs had begun taking effect.\nThe time was approaching!\nMeng Haizou quietly looked at Jun Xie’s eyes and replied. “Let’s make it simple and bet on either big or small. What do you think?”\nJun Xie nodded. “Call!”\nTo be fair, those who participated in this game would first bring out enough silver bills, then proceed to roll the dice. The one with the biggest dice roll would become the banker. \nDepending on the number of people participating, the number of dice used will differ. If seven people were participating, then seven dice will be used. If six people, then six dice will be used. \nAfter that round comes the last round where the winner becomes the banker.\nAt the current, Jun Xie, Meng Haizou, Meng Fei, Li Feng and Li Zhen were participating in the gamble. Tang Yuan was already wiped clean and was only qualified to watch by the side. \nAs for Dugu Xiaoyi who came with an overbearing attitude, she did not have enough money on her. Without enough money, even the emperor will not be given any face, and can only sit by the side as a spectator.\nHer face was flushed red and covered with shame.\nThe gears within Jun Xie’s mind moved, how can he not take advantage of such a powerful backer? “Miss Dugu is a female, it is only natural that you do not join in with us. Why don’t Miss Dugu play across the board?”\n“What is playing across the board?” Dugu Xiaoyi’s eyes lit up.\n“The so-called playing across the board is basically making an outside bet.\nThis means that even though you are not participating in this gamble, you can still make a bet!\nFor example, you can make a bet of five silver liangs on me to win. If I lose, then I would have dragged you down and you would have lost that five silver liangs. That way both sides lose. But if I were to win, then your returns, including interest would be ten silver liangs.”\nJun Xie explained carefully.\n“Very well!” Dugu Xiaoyi’s mood soared. “In the first round, I will bet five… Five liangs on you!”\nJun Xie laughed aloud. “With a beauty betting on me, my luck will undoubtedly rise!”\nLi Feng who was observing everything, sneered in his heart: Go ahead and laugh, you are about to cry very soon!\nEveryone had already thrown the dice, leaving only Jun Xie. The one currently in the lead was Meng Haizou with one dice at six points and two dice at five points, sixteen points in total. This was quite a high amount of points!\nThe only way to beat him was to get either eighteen points or seventeen points.\nLi Feng exposed a triumphant look on his face.\nAs long as Meng Haizou became the banker, then the chances of grasping on to Jun Moxie would be assured. They would ensure that Jun Moxie lose to the point of leaving without his pants! \nOnce he had lost to the point of madness, than the plan would smoothly advance onwards.\nJun Xie gathered the three dice into his hand, his face filled with smiles, but in his heart he was cursing. Not only did they added something into the tea earlier, they even tampered with the dice! \nIt was obviously filled with something else, the balance and feel was exceptionally wrong.\nThe substance used to fill it was certainly not lead, because that would cause the dice to weigh heavily on one side. However, the dice was clearly uniform in weight. The only substance that could mysteriously transform like that would be mercury. And only someone who was very familiar with this dice can cast out the desired outcome. Even if the average person was to discover this fraudulent aspect, they would still be unable to do anything. Jun Xie, on the other hand…\nJun Xie exhaled his breath, with a spin of his wrist he tossed the three dice into the dice cup, causing it to collide with a sound.\nAt the same time, Jun Xie’s right hand that was on the table issued out a thin strand of qi, as thin as a needle. The thin strand of qi stretched mysteriously without anyone noticing towards the dice cup…\nEveryone’s breath were held as they watched with wide opened eyes.\nThe three dice rolled down for a bit before stopping.\n“This… How is this possible?” Li Zhen cried out as he stared with a depressed look.\nMeng Haizou’s group issued out a sigh of disappointment. Tang Yuan was the only one who cheered, laughing and dancing happily.\nTwo dice at six points and one dice at five points! It was just one point higher than Meng Haizou’s dice roll.\nMeng Haizou’s group had their hopes dashed and can only look at Jun Moxie in shock: Jun Moxie, this bastard must have stepped on some lucky dog poop today!\nJun Xie cried out in delight. “Haha, Miss Dugu truly is a bringer of good luck. You have graced me with prosperity; this truly is Heaven complying with the sincere! Today, this senior will start a bloodbath!” \nHe then grasped the dice cup in this hands which shook as he urged. “Put down your bet, put down your bet, quickly put down your bet!” An impatient look was expressed on his face.\n“Pa!” Jun Xie slammed the dice cup on the table, letting go of his hand immediately. The other hand though was gently placed on the table, his face seemingly tense. \nHowever, his internal energy had already reached the dice cup, ready for action!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第18章\n李峰等人纷纷看着孟海洲,在这些人里,孟海洲赌术最精,对听骰也有一些火候,尤其这本是他自己准备的特制骰子,自然是颇有把握,人人都是憋着一股劲,非要让君邪尽快的输光不可!\n孟海洲闭着的眼睛突然张开,胸有成竹地道:“大!”说着拿起五万两银票压在大上。\n李峰等人纷纷效仿,都压在了大上,一脸等着看好戏的表情。\n唐源见状不觉一惊,他可知道君邪如今一共也只带了五万两银票,若是输了,只怕连这一铺也陪不起,这可怎么是好!\n内力一催,骰子瞬间无声无息的翻了个个,君邪慢悠悠地吆喝:“买定离手——开……啦。”骰盅揭开,三粒骰子一个二点,两个一点,合共只得四点,小!\n孟海洲脸色大变!\n这怎么可能,自己明明清楚听到三颗骰子至少有一颗是六点,大的机会占了九成,可是开出来,竟没有六点,难道自己疏忽,将一点听成了六点?!\n君邪可是老实不客气地将众人面前的银票都收了过来,先递给独孤小艺十两银锞子,又抽出一张一千两,递给了:“独孤小姐,恭喜发财喽!多谢你的好运气,飘红之外,另给你吃红一千两!”\n独孤小艺小手拿着银票,不由眉花眼笑,大眼睛眯成了一条线。非常哥们义气的拍了拍君邪的肩膀:“好样的,君小子,下把我还押你!连这一千两,全压了!”\n浑然忘了面前此人乃是一位自己非常讨厌的超级纨绔……\n李峰干巴巴的笑了笑,道:“三少运气真好,旗开得胜。”\n暗中却向孟海洲打了个疑问的眼色。\n孟海洲脸色沉重,摇了摇头,显然自己也不知道是怎么回事!\n君邪已经吃了迷幻剂,骰子又是自己惯用的使了“水玉”的骰子,难道只是偶然?不过自己这听骰子本领确实也未臻极高的水准,听错也是有可能的,反正只是一把,只要后边赢回来就是,时间、本钱都有的是……\n可是接下来的几局,君邪仍是稀里糊涂的大杀四方,连连得胜,面前银票霎时间开了会,高高的一摞,已经有三百来万两,带赘着独孤小艺已经赢了整整两万两银票,至于李家兄弟和孟家兄弟人人面如土色。\n“你你你……你耍诈!你出老千!”李振满脸通红地站了起来,他押的最狠,身上的七十多万银票已经只剩下了可怜的几张,乾指指着君邪,愤怒的满脸通红。\n莫说李振,连孟海洲也愈发的狐疑起来,怎么自己居然会连连猜错?\n而反观君邪,似乎一双眼睛越来越是迷乱,但却为什么财神附体一般连赢不输?\n一把两把的巧合或者有的,可是这么多把的巧合,实在是说不通的!\n“没钱就下去!输不起就别玩!”\n君邪连看也不看他,鼻孔朝天,鄙夷地道:“捉贼要捉赃,捉奸要捉双;你哪只眼睛看到我使诈了?独孤小姐可是位大行家,就坐在我旁边,我有做什么手脚吗?”\n李振狠狠看着他,几乎要将他一口吞下肚去,但君邪扯上了独孤小艺,再加上他们心里本就有鬼,即刻使他哑巴了!\n独孤小艺其实不是很懂其中规矩,更加不是君邪口中的什么大行家,但她一直押注在君邪身上,这几局下来,已经赢了两万两,正是高兴的时候,闻言不由小嘴一撇:“真没劲,赢了就笑哈哈的,赶着人家去搬救兵,输了就说人家耍诈,你们李家可真做得出来!\n我就在君小子旁边,他就是很平常的投骰子,这玩意怎么做手脚,什么叫出千?!”\n“谁……赶着人家去搬救兵了?”李振有些底气不足。\n“他!”\n独孤小艺一指唐源:“他去把君莫邪叫过来,若不是搬得救兵才算怪了!\n更何况赌的这么热闹,出名好赌的唐大少居然只是看着,这就说明了你们几个早已经把他赢干了!\n他身上没银子了才会不赌!\n真以为你家姑娘我傻也?”\n众人都有些意外,没想到这平常风风火火的小辣椒居然有这等慎密的心思!\n太师府。\n“报告公子,君莫邪已经进入了千金堂,不过,他还带着独孤世家的独孤小艺小姐。”一个侍卫禀报道。\n“独孤小艺?她怎么会去千金堂?”李悠然微微皱眉,讶然问道。\n“应该并无预谋,他们确实是在路上巧遇,独孤小姐甚至还将君莫邪打骂了一顿,最终也她逼着君莫邪带她千金堂去的。”\n那侍卫隐在暗处,将过程看得清清楚楚。\n“纵然并无预谋,奈何变数已生,君莫邪!……这小子的运气还真不错!”\n李悠然吸了一口气,淡淡笑道:“既然如此,你马上去通知李峰李振和孟海洲,今天计划取消,让他们找理由脱身,就算输上一些也无妨,一定要与君莫邪另定后会之期。去吧。”\n“是!”那侍卫答应一声,如飞奔出。\n李尚呵呵一笑,“有独孤小艺在,君莫邪若是按照原计划落入了我们的圈套,独孤小艺回去一说,那些老家伙就能反映过来,打草惊蛇,反为不美。\n放弃是最正确的选择!\n而且,被那纨绔小子赢上一点也没什么,更可助长其气焰,方便下一次的计划!”\n李悠然淡然一笑,心中一动,暗想君莫邪会不会是故意将独孤小艺带去的?\n转念一想,顿时自己也觉得滑稽——以君莫邪那猪头,怎么可能有这么灵活的头脑?\n李悠然却不知道,此刻,已经迟了!\n此刻,已经不是输一点,就可以解决的事情了!\n千金堂里。\n接下来,由于李振的抗议,众人连续换了三次赌法,君邪狂妄之极的叫嚣着,将六大纨绔气得七窍生烟,嘴刁舌毒,但手底下却是硬是来得,居然将几大纨绔赢得一个个嘴歪眼斜,荷包空空如也!\n君邪得意洋洋的与眉花眼笑的独孤小艺旁若无人的忙着分赃,一大堆的银票,对面几个人面面相觑,呆若木鸡地坐着,看到君莫邪夸张之极的一张一张数银票,几乎将肝也气得疼。\n那可全是我们的!\n趁着君邪不注意,独孤小艺两眼一转,猛地抓了一把银票,至少有十来万两的样子,以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势塞进了自己高耸的怀里,一挺挺秀的胸脯,哼哼道:“君莫邪,你这次能赢,完全是因为我在你身边带旺你的缘故,我多拿一点,你不会介意的?”\n你都揣进怀里了,我一抢就是耍流氓,我怎么介意?\n摸着鼻子苦笑道:“不介意,我怎么会介意。若不是独孤小姐带旺了在下的运气,怎么能大杀四方,应该的、应该的。”\n独孤小艺眼睛一亮,小虎牙又露了出来:“那……我再抓一把?”\n君邪吓了一跳,斜了她一眼:“姑奶奶,你飘红的赌注收了,我的吃红也收了,做人不能这么无耻啊!”\n“咯咯咯……本姑娘就是逗你一下,就那点小钱,瞅你的小气劲!”\n独孤小艺笑得十分开心,只感觉自己今天出来真是出来对了,不仅过了一把赌博的瘾,而且还一下子有了如此丰厚的收入!\n加上自己押注和刚才强抢的一把,现在纯收入将近二十万两!\n真是快乐呀。\n小钱?\n好几十万两,还是小钱?\n一旁的胖子也有心分一杯羹,可是眼巴巴的看了一会实在是没好意思下手,可怜兮兮地看着君邪,可君邪连正眼也不看他。\n顿时无比郁闷,自己怎么说也是个男子汉大丈夫,不能学一个小姑娘一般,硬抢来着,我哭,我为什么不是小姑娘!\n君邪心中也郁闷:你说你一个四百多斤的大胖子,做出这幅幽怨的小媳妇的表情,像么?\n简直就像是猪头上顶着一个苦瓜,本来还想给你几个零花,但一看你这脸……收回了!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 18\nLi Feng and the rest turned towards Meng Haizou. Amongst all of them here, Meng Haizou is the most proficient in gambling. His skills in listening to the dice movements was particularly high, especially when the dice was one he had prepared himself. Everyone here were simmering in excitement, just waiting to strip Jun Xie off everything he had.\nMeng Haizou’s set of closed eyes were opened; he confidently said. “Big!” His hands grabbed fifty thousand silver bills and placed them onto the big section. \nLi Feng and the rest followed suit, their faces expressing excitement as they await what would happen next.\nWatching all this, Tang Yuan felt shocked. He knew that Jun Xie had only brought a total of fifty thousand silver bills with him this time. If he lost this round, then he would not even be able to pay everyone. This was bad!\nJun Xie’s internal energy moved, causing the dice to turn over silently. Jun Xie leisurely shouted. “All bets have been decided! I’m opening it now.” He opened the dice cup to reveal one dice with two points, two dice with one point, totalling up to only four points. Small!\nMeng Haizou’s face turned pale! \nHow was this possible? He had obviously heard the dice movement indicating at least one of the three dice had the value of six points. The chance of the results being big was at least ninety per cent. However, when the result was revealed, not a single dice had a six point. Could he had made a mistake and misheard a one for a six?\nWithout any modesty, Jun Xie collected everyone’s silver bills towards his side. He then gave Dugu Xiaoyi ten silver liangs, before adding an extra one thousand liangs. “Miss Dugu, congratulations! As thanks for your good fortune, please take this one thousand liangs as bonus!”\nDugu Xiaoyi received the silver bill with her small hands, her big eyes narrowing into a thin line from her joyful face. She patted Jun Xie’s shoulder with an extremely righteous demeanour. “Well done! Little Jun, I will bet on you again in the next round! I will wager in this one thousand liang as well!” \nShe completely forgot that this person before her was the one she fervently detested, a super debauchee…\nLi Feng smiled dryly. “Third Young Master’s luck is truly good, to start the game with such good results.” \nHowever, he secretly shot a look of inquiry at Meng Haizou. \nMeng Haizou’s face sank as he shook his head, apparently uncertain of what had transpired!\nJun Xie had already taken the drugs, while the dice is the one he is most familiar with, the ‘liquid jade’ dice. Could this actually be just a coincidence? Considering the fact that his skill in listening to the dice movement had yet to reach a very high level, it was not impossible for him to have made a mistake. After all, it was only one time. All he needed to do was to win in the following games. He still had plenty of time and money…\nHowever, Jun Xie still managed to win the next few games effortlessly. Winning again and again, his silver bills piled up high as though they were holding a conference, totalling up to three million liangs! Dugu Xiaoyi who was betting on him had also won up to twenty thousand silver bills. The Li and Meng brothers faces were all painted with the colour of the ground.\n“You you you… you are being dishonest! You cheater!” Li Zhen jumped up with red hot expression. His bets had been the biggest and now his seven hundred thousand plus silver bills were reduced to merely a few miserable slips. He pointed his fingers at Jun Xie, anger evident on his face.\nIt was not only him, even Meng Haizou was becoming more sceptical. How could he guess wrongly time and again? \nJun Xie eyes on the other hand, had become more and more dazed. Then, why was he winning again and again as though the God of Wealth had suddenly decided to attach Himself to him?\nOne or two coincidences may be possible, but for so many coincidences to happen was simply illogical!\n“If you have no money, then leave! If you cannot afford to lose money, then don’t play!”\nJun Xie did not even bother looking at him. He contemptuously said as his nose rose to the skies. “When catching thieves, one must also catch the stolen goods; when catching a cheating partner, one must also catch two people. Did you see me cheat? Miss Dugu, you are a high ranked expert. Did you see me do anything?”\nLi Zhen stared at him viciously, as though he wanted to swallow him whole. But once Jun Xie pushed Dugu Xiaoyi onto the stage, the fact that they were actually in the wrong caused them to become fearful.\nDugu Xiaoyi had no clue what the rules were at all and was definitely not the so-called high ranked expert that Jun Xie had said she was. However, she had constantly won as she betted on Jun Xie, winning a total of twenty thousand liangs. She was so happy, she could not help herself but reply. “What a bunch of wimps. When you were winning, you were laughing. You even forced them to go get help. But when you lose, you accuse people of cheating. You guys from the Li Family sure got guts to be doing something like this! \nI was beside Little Jun all this time. All he did was cast the dice normally, how can he do anything dishonest? How can he cheat?”\n“Who… forced people to ask for help?” Li Zhen asked, his clout falling.\n“Him!”\nDugu Xiaoyi pointed at Tang Yuan. “He went to get Jun Moxie here. It would be really strange if he was not calling him for help!\nBesides, with so much gambling going on here, the famed gambler Tang Yuan is only spectating. That can only mean that he had already lost everything to you people!\nHe would only choose not to gamble if he has absolutely no money to gamble!\nDid you take this lady for a fool?”\nEveryone was surprised, how could they have expected that the usually hotheaded spitfire actually had such a shrewd mind.\nGrand Preceptor’s Residence.\n“Report, Jun Moxie had already entered the Thousand Gold Hall. However, he also brought the Dugu Family’s Miss Dugu Xiaoyi,” A bodyguard reported.\n“Dugu Xiaoyi? Why would she go to the Thousand Gold Hall?” Li Youran frowned slightly.\n“It was probably not deliberate. They coincidently met on the road and Miss Dugu had actually cursed Jun Moxie quite a bit. In the end, she forced Jun Moxie to bring her over to the Thousand Gold Hall.” \nThe bodyguard was watching everything in the shadows and clearly saw everything that had occurred.\n“Even if it was not deliberate, a variable have appeared. Jun Moxie! This little bastard’s luck is really something!”\nLi Youran inhaled and smiled. “If that is the case, you must quickly inform Li Feng, Li Zhen and Meng Haizou to abolish the plans made for today. Tell them to make an excuse to get away, even if they have to lose some money in the process. They must also set another appointment with Jun Moxie. Go!”\n“Yes!” The bodyguard swiftly rushed out after replying.\n“Well done! A prompt decision, truly ingenious,” Li Shang chuckled. “If Jun Moxie is to fall into our trap when Dugu Xiaoyi is around, then she will surely spread it when she returns home. Those old fogeys would be able to think it over. Beating the grass to startle the snake, this is not a desirable outcome. \nGiving up is the correct choice! \nBesides, giving him some money is no big deal. That would only pump up his confidence and make the next plan easier.\nLi Youran smiled indifferently. His mind suddenly thought, could Jun Moxie had deliberately brought Dugu Xiaoyi there? \nThinking about it, he felt the urge to laugh. That stupid Jun Moxie, how could that idiot have such an agile mind?\nAt this moment, Li Youran still did not know that it was already too late!\nLosing a little bit was not enough to solve the problem at hand!\nThousand Gold Hall.\nDue to their protests, the gambling rules were changed thrice. Jun Xie clamoured arrogantly, causing the six debauchees to fume to the point of having smoke rising off them. His mouth shot out words of poison and yet he kept winning. He had unexpectedly wiped them out to the point where their mouth became crooked and their eyes tilted; their pockets completely emptied!\nThe triumphant Jun Xie and the joyfully laughing Dugu Xiaoyi were busy dividing their spoils. Seeing the pile of silver bills, those sitting across could only stare in stupefaction. When they saw Jun Moxie counting the silver bills one by one in a highly exaggerated manner, their livers ached from anger.\nThat belongs to us!\nWhile Jun Xie was not paying attention, Dugu Xiaoyi’s eyes swivelled around, her hands abruptly grabbed a handful of bills. The bills were at least valued at one hundred thousand liangs; it were stuffed into her beautiful bosom at lightning speed. She hummed and said. “Jun Moxie, your victory this time is all due to my presence, boosting your luck. I’ll take some more, you won’t mind, would you?”\nYou have already stuffed it into your bosom, if I try to take it, won’t I become a perverted rogue?\nTouching his nose, he smiled bitterly. “Of course I do not mind! Why would I mind? If it was not for Miss Dugu’s good luck, how could I win so much? It is only natural that you take more.”\nDugu Xiaoyi’s eyes lit up, her rabbit tooth reappearing. “In that case… I’ll grab another?”\nJun Xie was shocked. He tilted his eyes, “Aunty, you have already received your winnings, you have also taken my bonus. As a human, we cannot be so shameless!”\n“Keke… I am only teasing you. This is just a little bit of money, look at your stingy face!” \nDugu Xiaoyi shouted out happily, feeling that her decision to come out today was the right one.Not only did she get to experience a handful of addictive gambling sessions, she also managed to net such a huge profit! \nHer total winnings, in addition to the one she grabbed earlier was currently at nearly two hundred thousand liangs! \nThis was truly joyful!\nA little bit of money? \nA hundred thousand liangs is considered a little bit of money? \nThe fatty on the side also felt the desire to get a share, but he did not have the nerve to do so and can only helplessly stare at Jun Xie. But Jun Xie did not even bother looking at him. \nTang Yuan suddenly felt depressed. No matter what, I am still a man. I cannot possibly follow a lady and forcibly grab the money for myself. Argh! Why am I not a female!\nJun Xie’s heart felt stifled: You are a four hundred jin big fatty. Do you think you are qualified to make this bitter look that daughter-in-laws make? \nIt is just like putting a bitter gourd on top of a pig’s head. Originally, I had wanted to give you some pocket money, but after seeing this face… forget it!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第19章\n伸了伸懒腰,君邪站了起来,轻狂地笑了笑:“还有银子没?\n若是没有了,我可要回去睡觉了!\n才赌了这么一会,就赢这么几两银子,真是扫兴啊!\n独孤小姐,你说是不?!”\n君邪知道,自己到现在,可说已经破了对方一个局!\n而现在,就应该是对方图穷匕见的时候!\n“你不能走!”李振等人果然急了。\n此刻,包括孟海洲在内,人人脑子里都是一团浆糊,浑然不知道,自己等人为何居然会输了,而且还是输得稀里糊涂的!\n自己等人每一个的赌术都要高于君莫邪,而现在四个人联手,居然仍然输光了!\n而且君莫邪之前明明已经喝下了迷幻剂,骰子也是自己等人做过手脚的,而孟海洲的身上还特意洒上了一种香料,这种香料可以刺激那些服用过迷幻剂的人脑袋格外的混沌起来,从而不知不觉中就受自己的摆布!\n但饶是这样,自己四人依然输的掉裤子了,这又作何解释?\n难道君莫邪的运气太好了!?\n可是,每一把的点数只比自己等人大一点点,巧合也没有这种巧合法啊,如果说他出千,他怎么出千?\n一个喝了迷幻剂、赌技还一塌糊涂的人也能出千,那才真是见了鬼了!\n事先制定好的好好的计划本来从唐源入骰就顺顺利利,哪知道盼星星盼月亮的将君莫邪这位正主等了过来,却所有计划还未来得及实行就胎死腹中——自己六人都输成了光屁股,还谈什么计划?\n可是,一旦想到完不成任务回去的后果,几个人都是打了个哆嗦,眼中忍不住露出恐惧之色。\n李悠然那温文尔雅的面容,在这几个人的心里,却可是比魔鬼的狞笑还要更可怕!\n因为,就算李悠然下达杀人灭族的命令的时候,脸上表情也是温文尔雅,亲切温和的!\n那就是一个比魔鬼还要魔鬼的存在!\n“我还要跟你赌!我还有赌本!”孟海洲啪的一声,将自己腰上挂着的佩玉解了下来,扔在桌上!\n“哈哈啊,你们真当我是收破烂的?”\n君邪不屑的笑了笑:“拿点破烂货色就要和我赌?那我还不如回家去睡大头觉呢!”摇了摇头,转身就要走!\n“慢着!”孟海洲大叫一声,眼睛森然的看着李振等人:“能拿出手来的都拿出来!”\n李振等人同样知道,若是就这么回去,下场恐怕会极惨,纷纷解下,身上值钱的玩意,什么宝石珍珠、玉石饰物的也都尽数拿了出来。\n“这是唐源公子的佩剑和玉佩,我也一并压上!原本是一百五十万两,我现在只压一百万两!”\n孟海洲紧紧盯着君邪:“君莫邪,想必你非常希望给他赢回去吧?”\n独孤小艺有点愣神,她也是知道唐胖子佩剑、玉佩来历的,冰雪聪明的她瞬间已经明白了此间的赌局只怕并不单纯,不过她却并无惧意,也没有置身事外的打算,这样的好戏可是很有趣的啊!\n“他是他,我是我!他的东西,跟我们之间的赌局有什么关系?”\n君邪像看傻子一样看着他:“要是我赢了,那可就是我的战利品了,属于我的东西,我爱泡在阴沟里,就泡在阴沟里!\n我爱送给谁就送给谁!\n跟唐源有什么关系?\n帮他赢回来?\n你可真会寻思!\n唐源用这个向你们押了银子,那是他的事,跟我没有关系,等唐源拿了银子去找你们赎回来,那也是你们之间的事,跟我有什么相干!”\n说着,君邪忍不住看向那几块玉佩和佩剑,心中却是嘿嘿一乐:不是凡品啊。\n君邪嘴角露出一抹邪笑:“孟大少爷,你说,是不是这个道理?”\n听君邪这么一说,在场所有的人全傻了眼,包括唐源和独孤小艺,也是大出意料之外!\n唐源刚刚露出喜出望外的表情,顿时又哭丧了脸。\n孟海洲脸色顿时苍白了起来,君邪的意思他听得很明白,正因为明白,他才有些进退失据!\n若是这佩剑和玉佩今天输了给君邪,明天唐源却另拿着银子来赎,该当如何是好?\n君莫邪的说辞虽似颇不仗义,但却在道理上,游戏有游戏的规矩,抵押品除了到期无法赎回才可以变卖,若是现在就变卖,实在是说不过去的!\n唐源今日莫名其妙的吃了这么一个大亏,岂肯善罢甘休?\n以他睚眦必报的个性,若是他来赎的时候自己反而拿不出来,定然又是一桩大大的祸事!\n到时借机生事,却是自己等人的理亏。\n但随即心中一横:眼前这一关尚且难过,还管什么以后?\n更何况,我也未必会输!\n“对于唐公子那边,我们自然另有办法交代过去!这一点就不劳君三少操心了!更何况,这些个东西,君三少也未必有本事赢得过去!”\n孟海洲将所有的玉佩明珠佩剑统统在桌子上往前一推,咬着牙,直接开门见山的道:“君三少,这是我家皇上他老人家赐的玉如意,这是我叔父最宝贝的佩剑,这是李太师给李锋的夜明珠……\n这些,都是有价无市的东西!\n相信若是估价,最少也当千万两以上!\n以三少目前的银两数字,似乎还是达不到的;若是三少肯赌,手头却有不是很方便,我可以做主,允许三少用别的赌注!”\n“那你打算让我用什么当赌注?\n不是想要赌债肉偿吧!\n难道你家里还有一位嫁不出去的妹妹,要招我做你妹夫?\n可我怎么没听说你有妹妹啊。”\n君邪斜着眼,掏了掏耳朵。\n独孤小艺忍不住噗哧一笑,接着却板住了脸,从桌子下面狠狠踢了他一脚,君邪顿时呲牙咧嘴。\n孟海洲脸上青筋突突跳动,有些怒不可遏,差点气得吐血,却强行忍住:“三少玩笑,赌注很简单,若是我输了,这里的一切自然尽归三少所有,反之,我侥幸赢了,三少却须答应我一个要求。替我做一件事情,如何?”\n“开玩笑,那怎么行!”\n君邪心叫戏肉来了,想必他们憋到现在也憋得很是辛苦吧。\n忍不住暗笑,却摇头拒绝:“若是你们让我去自杀,难道我也去?\n若是你们要我将我君家全部家产给你,难道我也给你?\n你这个条件真是啧啧,真当我傻呀?”\n“我可以担保,三少考虑到的那些都肯定不会发生;这件事情,不单不会要君三少一分银子,还不会对三少有任何的伤害!\n而且三少,是绝对可以办得到的!\n若是之后三少觉得自己做不到,就当没这回事,也无妨!”\n孟海洲几乎忍不住将眼前这个可恶的家伙暴打一顿再踩上一脚。\n“哈哈,难道我还怕你这手下败将?赌骰子!你以为你能赢我吗?!笑话!”\n君邪一副没有脑子张狂的快要上天的样子,看那样子,若不是胯下还有点东西坠着,恐怕就轻飘飘的飞升了。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 19\nJun Xie stood up, stretching himself while smiling frivolously. “Do you guys have any more money?\nIf you people do not have any more, then it is time for me to go home and sleep!\nI have only won so little money after gambling for a while, what a disappointment!\nDon’t you agree, Miss Dugu?” \nJun Xie was well aware that he had already broken a portion of the enemies’ plan. \nAs of now, they would likely begin to go all out!\n“You cannot leave!” Li Zhen became anxious. \nAt this moment, their minds had become a mass of sticky mud, Meng Haizou’s included. They do not understand how they had lost; their loss was one that had completely befuddled them!\nEveryone of their gambling skills should have been higher than Jun Moxie, and yet they who had come together against him had actually lost it all! \nNot to mention, Jun Moxie had clearly drank the psychedelic drugs they had prepared; the dice used were ones they had tampered with; Meng Haizou’s clothes were sprayed with a unique perfume meant to stimulate the minds of those who had consumed the psychedelic drug, rendering them confused and totally at the mercy of others.\nBut instead, the four of them had lost to the point of losing their pants. What kind of explanation can be given for this?\nCould it be that Jun Moxie’s luck was too good? \nHowever, the dice points he obtained in each round was only slightly higher than theirs was. Not even coincidences can possibly reach this level in coincidences! But if they want to say he was cheating, how exactly was he cheating? \nFor a person who had consumed psychedelic drugs and had his gambling skills turned into a complete mess to cheat; that would be akin to meeting a real life ghost!\nTheir well-crafted plan that had first involved Tang Yuan proceeded smoothly. However, once their real target, Jun Moxie appeared, they found themselves unable to proceed to their next phase of the plan. Having lost everything, how could they even talk about completing their plans?\nHowever, the consequences of failing to complete their task caused them to shiver, a trace of fear leaking out from their eyes.\nTo these people, the gentle look on Li Youran’s face was more terrifying compared to the fearsome grin of a demon from hell! \nAnd that was because Li Youran’s face would show that same gentle and kind face even when issuing orders for murder or genocide!\nHe was an existence that was even more demonic compared to a demon!\n“I still want to bet with you! I still have assets to gamble with!” Meng Haizou took off the accompaniment jade on his waist and threw it on the table with a ‘pa’!\n“Haha, did you guys think that I would accept damaged goods?” \nJun Xie smiled in disdain. “You want to gamble with me using that kind of worthless item? I might as well just go home and have a good sleep!” Jun Xie shook his head and turned, obviously leaving!\n“Hold on!” Meng Haizou screamed; he stared at Li Zhen and the rest: “Bring out everything you can!”\nLi Zhen and the rest were also well aware of the miserable consequences of returning with such a result. They immediately took out everything valuable that they had on their bodies, be it precious stones, pearls and jade ornaments.\n“This is Sir Tang Yuan’s personal sword and accompaniment jade! I will put it in together for this wager! The original price should have been one and a half million liangs, but I will now put it up for only one million liangs!” \nMeng Haizou stared tightly at Jun Xie: “Jun Moxie, I believe you also wish to win this back for him, right?”\nDugu Xiaoyi stared blankly for a moment. She too knew of the remarkable origins of Tang Yuan’s personal sword and accompaniment jade. As an intelligent person, she instantly picked up on the fact that this was no mere gamble. However, she did not feel fearful at all, she also did not intend on staying out of this matter. This kind of situation was simply too interesting!\n“He is him, I am me! What does his stuff have anything to do with our gamble?”\nJun Xie looked at him as though he was appraising an idiot. “If I win, then those items will become my booty, my belongings. If I want to throw it into the sewers, I will throw it into the sewers!\nIf I want to give it to others, then I will give it to others!\nWhat does that have to do with Tang Yuan?\nWin it back for him?\nYou people sure can think up a load!\nTang Yuan pawned off those items for money, that is his business, not mine! Later on when Tang Yuan brings money to redeem those items, that too will have nothing to do with me!”\nAs he spoke, Jun Xie gazed down at the accompaniment jade and sword. His heart was filled with laughter: These are no ordinary items!\nJun Xie’s mouth revealed an evil smile. “Young Master Meng, don’t you think what I said is right?”\nHearing Jun Xie’s words, everyone present felt blindsided, inclusive of Tang Yuan and Dugu Xiaoyi! \nTang Yuan had earlier expressed a joyous face, but now had become bitterly sad.\nMeng Haizou’s face turned pale. He clearly understood the meaning behind Jun Xie’s words. Precisely because he understood, he was now caught in a difficult dilemma on whether to proceed or not!\nIf this sword and accompaniment jade were to be lost to Jun Xie today and tomorrow Tang Yuan comes with the money to redeem them. What should they do then?\nJun Moxie’s words sounded very righteous, but in truth, there were rules to be observed. Collaterals that have been pawned off can only be sold if they cannot be redeemed after a certain period of time. If they were to sell it off now, then their actions were unjustifiable!\nTang Yuan had suffered such a huge loss today, would he just let this slide? \nJudging by his vengeful personality, he would certainly stir up a calamity for them if they could not produce the items when he arrived to redeem them! \nMoreover, the opportunity for him to create such a havoc would have originated from his own shortcomings.\nHowever, a thought crossed his mind: The current hurdle right before me is already too difficult, how can I care about the future? \nBesides, i would not necessarily lose!\n“We will naturally have our own ways to deal with Sir Tang Yuan’s matter! There is no need for Third Young Master Jun to worry about it! Moreover, Third Young Master Jun may not be able to win these things!”\nMeng Haizou pushed all the jade, pearl and sword onto the table. Biting his teeth, he went straight to the point. “Third Young Master Jun, this Ruyi Jade of mine was granted by His Majesty, the Emperor himself, this is my uncle’s most precious sword, this Glowing Pearl was given to Li Feng by the Grand Preceptor Li himself…\nall these are precious items with no market value!\nI believe that if one were to value it, then it would fetch upwards of millions of liangs!\nConsidering how much money Third Young Master have, it seemed insufficient. But if Third Young Master is willing to gamble, then I can make an exception and allow you to bet with something else!”\n“Then what do you want me to bet with?\nYou are not going to ask me to put my body up, are you?\nOr could it be that you want me to marry your little sister that could not be married off?\nBut I have never heard about this little sister of yours.”\nJun Xie tilted his eyes as he picked his ears.\nDugu Xiaoyi was unable to restrain herself and momentarily burst out in laughter, but immediately assumed a straight face. From under the table, she delivered a vicious kick at Jun Xie, causing him to bite his teeth and smiled.\nThe muscles on Meng Haizou’s face spasmed, he was furious to the point of almost vomiting blood. Forcing himself to hold back, he replied. “Third Young Master sure likes to joke, this bet is very simple. If I lose, then everything here naturally belongs to Third Young Master. But if I win, Third Young Master must promise to fulfil my one request and help me do something. Is that acceptable?”\n“Are you kidding me? How is that acceptable?”\nIn his mind, Jun Xie shouted. A show is coming! It must have been really hard for them to hold back for so long.\nHe could not help but gave out a chuckle before refusing. “If you guys tell me to go commit suicide, then should I really have to go die?\nIf you guys want me to give you all the possessions of my Jun Family, then do I really have to give it all to you? \nThis condition of yours is really… tsk tsk! Do you guys take me for a fool?”\n“I can guarantee that those scenarios that Third Young Master described will not happen. This request will not require a single silver from Third Young Master Jun. It will also not bring any harm to Third Young Master!\nIn addition, this request is certainly one that you can accomplish!\nIf Third Young Master feels that the request is impossible, then you may just forget that this ever happened!”\nMeng Haizou was almost unable to restrain himself from violently beating up this despicable bastard before him and then giving one final kick.\n“Haha, would I be afraid of your losing hand? A dice gamble! You think you can beat me? What a joke!” \nJun Xie expressed an insolent look lacking in thought or care, almost to the point where he would ascend to the skies. It was likely that he would have actually soared to the skies if not for the anchor below his legs.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第2章\n君莫邪,现年一十六岁,天香帝国君氏家族小字辈的唯一嫡系子孙,一位游手好闲、好逸恶劳、混吃等死祸害人的超级纨绔!\n简单一句话,简直活着都没有一点价值的典型寄生虫!\n这便是君邪穿越过来的新身份一般性资料。\n怪不得你会被我穿越了,我外号邪君名叫君邪,你却叫莫邪;这不天生犯克吗?\n你不冤呀。\n脑海中大致回顾了一下这位君大少以往的所作所为,君邪叹了口气,这种人渣,若是换在前世,必然会是自己狙杀的对象。\n而自己什么人不好上,为什么上了这么一个垃圾人物的身?\n常听人说佛家因果,这一世杀的猪多了,下一世就会托生成猪,这话貌似还是很有道理的,自己上一世杀的纨绔恶少着实不少!\n纨绔小子的祖父君战天,乃是帝国血兰花大公爵,亦是军方头号实权人物,父亲君无悔,曾经为帝国大将,十年前战死沙场,其母于九年前郁郁而终,两位哥哥,君莫忧、君莫愁,均在三年前一场大战中壮烈战死!\n还有一位叔叔君无意,同样在十年前大战中身负重伤,虽然捡了一条命,但腰部以下却是瘫痪了……\n如此一个庞大的家族,当真可说是满门忠烈,可惜却已经沦落到了即将断绝后继香烟的地步!\n只余下君莫邪这一根独苗,还被君邪穿越了,幸亏身体还是君家的,君邪如果以后有儿子,就理论上还是君家的血脉,也算上天对君家的一点恩赐吧……\n既然老天爷如此,也看在大家都是姓君的份上,本大杀手就勉为其难替你活上一世吧。\n君邪咧咧嘴,耸耸肩,其实老子真的不想,这就破皮囊,破名声,得让老子挨多少骂!\n一推房门,君邪迈步出来,阳光满地。\n对着灿烂的阳光出了一会神,君邪叹了口气,太阳,还是那个太阳,而我,却已经不是我了。\n君莫邪始终不是君邪!\n可我的心,还是邪君的心!\n异世又如何?!\n门口站着两名仆妇,躬身道:“少爷好。”\n君邪淡淡地点点头,看着不远处正在忙碌着什么的另外四名仆妇,再看看身边,不由的摇了摇头。\n瞧瞧身边这些人,别的公子哥儿身边都是千娇百媚的美女伺候,而自己身边这几个都是大妈级的,唯一一点亮色还是个十一二岁的萝莉!\n印象中,这似乎是自己那位强势的爷爷的安排,这些个仆妇都有一个特点,就是很健康,也很健壮,看那一条条腿,都跟杠子似的……\n“她们在干什么?”抬抬头,用下巴点着远处那几个仆妇,君邪问道。\n“她们……在帮少爷喂鸟和狗还有那些斗兽……”年长的仆妇低着头,有些瑟缩的回答。\n“哦?”君邪漫步踱了过去,恩,还真是琳琅满目,花架上七八个鸟笼子整齐的挂着,几只不同颜色的鸟儿在里面跳来跳去,很是活泼。\n不远处,几条大狗伸着舌头趴在那里,一头头脑满肠肥,再远处,几个小竹筒里,蟋蟀发出的声响颇为清越,貌似还是很名贵很擅斗的品种……\n恩,这位原来的公子爱好还真是十分广泛也,旁边一个笼子里,居然还有两条嘶嘶吐信的色彩斑斓的毒蛇。\n厌恶地看着这一切,君邪皱了皱眉头:“一会找个人来,把这些玩意能卖的卖掉,不能卖的扔出去!要不就杀了吃肉!别放在这里恶心人了,这是住人的地方,可不是动物园!”\n啊?!\n一听这句话,顿时六个仆妇和跟在君邪身后的小萝莉都瞪圆了眼睛!\n忘情地抬起头来,看着自己的少爷,一刻间,七个人的脑中都浮现出同样的一个念头:这位爷今天又是发了什么疯?\n这些可是您花了大价钱买回来的,你可是一直当宝贝的啊!\n今天扔了?明天再买?!\n“呃,那两条蛇别卖了,等我回来炖汤。”走了两步,君邪头也不回地道。\n无语!\n穿过一道花园,几处楼阁,一个操场,再绕过一个大大的鱼塘,沿着两排树的道路再走了几乎半个时辰,才到了君老爷子的住处。\n君邪这才发现,自己所住的房子与君老爷子所住的地方,正好是一南一北,若是算直线距离,也足足隔着五六里路!\n看来自己眼下的这个家族还真是够大的!\n若是自己没有记错的话,这里应该就是这个国家的京城,能在京城拥有方圆数十亩的巨大宅院的,除了皇宫之外,恐怕也真就没有几家了。\n君老爷子坐在书桌后面,虽然此老已年过六旬,但须发却是仍乌黑发亮,望之只如四十许人;方正威严的脸上尽是一片无奈,看着自己的孙子懒洋洋似乎有气无力的进来,几乎又要忍不住自己的脾气暴跳起来。\n君战天老爷子乃是穷苦出身,少年为将,纵横天下,令各国敌军闻名丧胆,不仅文韬武略超卓,而且还是天香帝国仅有的几位地玄级高手之一,性格沉稳坚毅,一向喜怒不形于色,胸有自有丘壑。\n单单从一句“穷苦出身,少年为将!”就可以看得出来,一般的穷苦人家的孩子,几曾有人能够做到将军这个位置?\n更何况,还是少年为将?!\n君战天从一个卑贱的贫民到现在的血兰花大公爵,只用了不到四十年光阴,虽说是时势造英雄,但纵观整个大陆历史,却也是寥寥无几!\n但惟独一见到自己现在硕果仅存的这个孙儿,就一肚子无奈、还有恨铁不成钢!\n老爷子实在是想不通,以自己家族的血统和高压管理,怎么会生出这么一个孽障!\n小子文不成武不就,一拿起书本就犯晕,一听到练功就比兔子跑得还快,别人家的子侄要么已经是胸有锦绣,小有才名;要么已经是玄气修炼进入了正轨,起码也在五品以上了,而自己这个宝贝孙子却已经先后打跑了五位教书先生,而玄气修炼至今只有可怜的三品……\n就这么一个不争气的东西,偏偏声色犬马吃喝嫖赌却是无师自通,在这几个方面堪称天才,自己英雄一世居然有这样一个孙子……\n无力的叹了口气,君老爷子忍不住想起,若是自己的儿子,另外那两个孙子还在的话……想到这里又自嘲的笑了一下:若是都在的话,还能将这根独苗娇惯成这般模样?\n当年得到儿子无悔阵亡的消息,自己硬挺着没有落泪,自诩乃是老子名将儿英雄,两个孙子莫忧、莫愁捐躯沙场之时,自己也强忍住了痛心的泪水,儿是英雄孙好汉,再之后,无意终身残废,自己终于有生以来第一次落下了泪水,但心中还有一丝庆幸、一丝侥幸,自己还有一个孙子,君家香火能够延续下去……\n可是,如今看来,最后的孙子就是一个小混蛋,一个烂泥扶不上墙的混蛋!\n自己能怎么办?!\n“听说你昨夜从床上掉了下来?而且还摔晕了过去?是吗?!”收起心中的感慨,君战天淡淡地问道。\n“呃?”君邪抬起头,心底有些疑惑,有些释然。\n通过脑海中留下的记忆,他可以回答任何问题,除了这个。\n还有就是,这件事情其实也是君邪心中的一大疑惑:今早醒来发现这具躯体也没有什么异常之处,那自己是怎么穿越过来的?\n此刻从老爷子问话中才隐约猜到,感情这家伙是睡觉的时候掉下床来摔死了……\n真是纨绔强人,偶像啊!\n睡觉也能掉下床来摔死!\n君邪心中表示了由衷的敬仰之情,这样的高人实在需要仰视的说。\n“呃什么呃?”\n君老爷子一拍桌子,吹胡子瞪眼,看见他这惫懒的样子就气不打一处来。\n“混账东西,被人暗中下了黑手都不知道!\n若不是老夫早有防范,你这个时候早已经去见了阎王!\n你说说你,就不能有点出息吗?!”\n原来那小子是被人下了黑手!\n君邪极为隐秘的撇了撇嘴,心道您老那所谓的“早有防范”也不过如此,您那孙子早已经在您的“防范”之下转世投胎去了。\n见他始终没说话,君老爷子心中倒是有些诧异起来,以这家伙的草包性子,怎么会这么安静?\n若是放在以前,听到有人对他下了黑手,早已经蹦了起来,现在却是神色淡淡的,似乎是不以为意,而且……隐隐有一种冷峭之态。\n我不是看错了吧!\n君老爷子实在难以相信这样的冷峭之态会出现在自己这个不争气的孙子身上!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 2\nJun Moxie, currently sixteen years old, he is the only descendant of the younger generation of the Jun Clan of Tianxiang Kingdom; an idle, indolent, useless freeloader, scum of society and super level debauchee.\nSimply put, he is typical parasitic worm with no value or reason to keep alive!\nThat sums up the general information regarding the new identity that Jun Xie has taken up after transmigrating here.\nNo wonder your body was taken over by me. I was given the name Jun Xie and the nickname “Evil Monarch”. On the other hand, you were given the name Moxie; are you not ashamed? \nThere is no injustice in this at all.\nAs he recalled the memories of Young Master Jun and all his actions in the past, Jun Xie let out a deep sigh. If he were to meet such a scum in his past life, he would have ‘voluntarily’ killed him. \nOf all the bodies he could have taken over, why did it have to be this dreg of society? \nJun Xie could not help but remember a phrase in Buddha’s teachings regarding the laws of cause and effect: If a person is to kill too many pigs, then that person will be reincarnated as a pig in the next life. It seems there is some truth to these words after all; the amount of scums that Jun Xie has killed in his past life indeed makes up a considerable sum!\nThis debauchee’s grandfather, Jun Zhan Tian is a highly decorated Grand Duke and a very powerful military figure of the kingdom. His father, Jun Wu Hui was a great general of the kingdom, but he fell in battle ten years ago. His mother died of depression one year after that while both his brothers Jun Mo You and Jun Mo Chou died a heroic death in a war three years ago.\nAnother uncle, Jun Wuyi was also seriously wounded in the war ten years ago. Although he survived, he was paralyzed from the waist down…\nA great clan, which was once brimming with valiant heroes, has now fallen to this sorry state of almost losing its final successor. The final successor, Jun Moxie ended up losing his body to Jun Xie. \nThankfully, he was able to maintain his identity as a member of the Jun family. Should Jun Xie ever father any children in the future, then that child will theoretically be another successor of the Jun family’s bloodline. Perhaps, this was Heaven’s grace towards the Jun family.\nSince this is Heaven’s will, then I will consider the fact that we are both of the ‘Jun’ descent and face the situation for you. \nJun Xie grinned while shrugging: Truth be told, I really do not want to. To have this kind of crappy body and shitty reputation, I can only imagine the amount of suffering I will have to face due to this.\nOpening the door, Jun Xie stepped outside where there is sunlight. \nFacing the brilliant rays of light emitted by the sun, Jun Xie sighed. The sun remains the same old sun, but I am already not me. \nJun Moxie is not Jun Xie!\nHowever, my heart remains the heart of a ‘Jun’! \nSo what if I’m in another world?!\nThe two maids who were standing before the door, bowed and greeted: “Young Master.”\nJun Xie lightly nodded his head as he checked his surroundings. Observing the other four maids who were busy with something not far away, he could not help but shake his head.\nJun Xie looked around; other young masters’ are waited upon by enchanting beauties, but those who wait upon him are all at the level of aunties! The only exception would be the eleven year old Lolita. \nThinking back, these maids were all arranged by his grandfather. These maids all share one noticeable feature, they are very healthy and robust. Just look at those muscular legs, they could put a tree to shame…\n“What are they are doing?” Lifting his head, he indicated with his chin towards several maids in the distant, Jun Xie asked.\n“They’re… helping Young Master feed the birds and dogs as well as those fighting beasts … ” an older maid replied, lowering her head.\n“Oh?” Jun Xie strolled over to the area. Hmm, what an exotic sight to behold. Seven to eight cages were placed in an orderly manner above jardinières each, containing several different colored birds hopping around in a lively manner. \nNot far away, a few large dogs were lying on the ground with their tongues jutting out; each and every one has shit for brains. Some distance away, the sound of crickets could be heard issuing out from several bamboos some distance away. From the sound it is making, it seems these are some rare breed with high-grade fighting skills…\nIt seems the original young master had a very diverse range of hobby; there was actually a cage beside housing two colourful hissing snakes.\nJun Xie frowned in disgust as he observed his surroundings: “Find someone to sell all these away as soon as possible. Those that can’t be sold, just throw them away. Either that or just kill them for their meat! Placing them here will make people sick; this is a human residential area, not a zoo!”\nWhat? !\nHearing those words, the six maids and the little Lolita following Jun Xie had their eyes bulge out in surprise! \nThey raised their heads and stared in stupor at their young master. At that moment, all seven of them had the same line of thought: Did the Young Master go mad today?\nThese were all bought at an incredibly exorbitant price! These are your precious treasures!\nWhat, you want to sell it all away today and buy it back again tomorrow?!\n“Oh, don’t sell those snakes. I’ll use them for soup when I return,” Jun Xie walked ahead without looking back.\nSpeechless!\nThey continued walking through a garden, several pavilions, a drill field, then went around a very big pond; he then walked for another half a long hour through a road amidst two rows of trees before reaching Granpa Jun’s residence. \nJun Xie discovered that his own residence and Grandpa Jun’s residence are located on the south and north respectively. If one were to measure the distance between them in a straight line, it would likely amount to roughly six li.\nIt seems that the present size of his clan is quite big! \nIf memories served, this should be the capital of this kingdom. For the clan to have a residence with an area of several tens of mǔ in the capital, excluding the imperial palace, there are probably only a small handful of families who could achieve the same feat.\nGrandpa Jun was seated behind his desk, even though he is over sixty years of age, he still possess shiny black hair, looking at him one would mistake him for someone in his forties. His majestic countenance was filled with helplessness as he watched his grandson lazily entered in a feeble manner, he almost lost his temper.\nJun Zhan Tian was born poor, he then became a general in his youth, fighting throughout the world, his name brought terror to the military forces of every kingdoms. Not only does he possess superior military tactics, he was also one of the few within Tianxiang Kingdom with the cultivation level of Earth Xuan Rank. Endowed with a profound steadiness in character, he can maintain a calm exterior regardless of joy or fury.\nHis ability to rise from poverty to a general in youth alone proved his capabilities. How many can replicate this feat? How long does it take one to become a general? \nAnd yet, he managed to climb up there in his youth!\nJun Zhan Tian fought his way from a lowly pauper until he became a highly decorated Grand Duke, the time it took for him to accomplish this was a good forty years. Even though it is said that the flow of time creates heroes, but based on the history of the continent, the number of such heroes are far and few in between. \nHowever, whenever he gazed upon his one and only grandson, he felt helpless; his development had been nothing short of a let down.\nGrandpa Jun really could not figure out how his family lineage in addition to the high level of management can give birth to this worthless scum! \nThis brat knows neither literary nor martial arts, he will become giddy once he picks up a book, and disappears faster than a magic rabbit when he hears the word practice. Other families grandsons are perfect, having made a name for themselves at a young age, their cultivation of Xuan Qi is on the right track, with a minimum of Fifth level or above. On the other hand, his own precious grandson has forced five teachers to quit, and his cultivation of Xuan Qi is only at a miserable Third level…\nHe was already such a disappointing figure, but he also taught himself how to eat, drink, gamble and visit prostitutes, becoming a reputed genius in these areas! Grandpa Jun was a hero of his time, and yet he ended up with such a kind of grandson…\nSighing weakly, Grandpa Jun recalled his other two grandchildren; if only they were still alive… he then let out a self-deprecating laugh. If those two were still alive, would he have pampered this one and only surviving bloodline until this point?\nBack when he heard that his son Wu Hui was killed in battle, he stoically endured without crying, he even boasted that his son was a brave hero. When his two grandchildren Mo You and Mo Chou too died in the battlefield, he once again held back his tears as his grandsons were valiant heroes! Then, Wuyi was crippled for life, causing tears to run down his eyes for the first time. Nonetheless, his heart was still glad because there is still hope. By luck, he still has a grandson, the Jun family bloodline can continue… \nUnfortunately, the grandson turns out to be a little bastard, a smear on the walls that can not be developed in any manner!\nWhat can I do about it?\n“I heard you fell off the bed last night? And you ended up fainting? Is that true?!” Jun Zhan Tian dismissively asked as he hid his emotions.\n“Huh?” Jun Xie raised his head, his heart was partially doubtful, but he finally started to understand. \nThrough the memories left in his mind, he could answer any question except this one. \nIn fact, this question had been constantly lingering in his mind. When he woke up this morning, he did not find anything out of the ordinary with this body, so how did he end up transmigrating to this body? \nAt this moment, he was able to vaguely guess that this bastard must have fallen off his bed while sleeping and ended up being killed by the fall…\nThis person is truly a champion amongst debauchee’s, one worth idolizing! \nTo think that it is actually possible to die from falling off the bed!\nJun Xie’s heart was filled with sincere admiration; an expert such as this is one that must be treated with respect!\n“What huh huh?”\nGrandpa Jun pounded the table, staring at him, seeing Jun Xie’s slothful figure he could not stop himself from shouting.\n“You worthless thing, you don’t even realize that someone was trying to assassinate you!\nIf it were not for the protection I arranged for you, by now you’re probably having an audience with King Yama!\nLook at you, can’t you tell me anything at all?”\nIt turns out that this kid was assassinated! \nJun Xie secretly curled his mouth: Your so called ‘protection’ is only so-so, your dear grandson has already left this world while being under your ‘protection’.\nObserving Jun Xie’s reaction, Grandpa Jun’s heart was surprised, considering this idiot’s cowardly nature, how could he remain so quiet?\nBack then, if he heard that someone was trying to assassinate him, he would be making a huge fuss. Now instead, all he did was stand there looking slightly pale, seemingly unbothered, in addition… his body was emanating a faint aura of coldness.\nAm I seeing things now? \nGrandpa Jun was unable to believe that such a chilling aura could appear from this disappointing grandson’s body!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第20章\n李振李峰等人眼前一亮,人人都有些兴奋,他们知道,孟海洲对于掷骰子其实很有些造诣,平常基本没输过,而那副骰子本就是孟海洲预备的,若是只有两人对赌,孟海洲要是还赢不了,那才是见鬼了!\n对君莫邪的赌技水平,在场的这些人心中都是有数得很,虽然不知道刚才他之前走了什么运,但现在单挑孟海洲,君莫邪实在是一点希望也没有!\n“谁先来?”君邪晃着腿,刚才被独孤小艺踢了一脚,到现在还痛。\n“我先!”孟海洲一把将骰子抄在手里,在手中不住的掂量着,平心静气,努力的让胸口翻腾的气血平复下来,闭上眼睛,口中念念有词;似乎在乞求着什么。\n这一把骰子,可是牵扯到自己这几个人能拿出来的所有身家了!\n若是输了,后果实在是不堪设想!\n独孤小艺因为发觉此间古怪而板住的脸顿时崩溃,笑得东倒西歪,以前咋没发现,这个纨绔的家伙居然是这么有趣的一个人呢?\n对面的李峰等人却是向君邪怒目而视,以为他故意出言打搅孟海洲的状态;君邪和唐源毫不示弱,反瞪之。\n良久,孟海洲一声大吼,提腕转指,一连串清脆的响动,三粒骰子落入骰盅,滴溜溜的转动起来。\n“六!六!六!……”李峰等人紧张的看着转动的骰子,口中一起激烈的大吼,唾沫四溅,气氛之热烈,如同到了数百人的大赌场。\n第一粒骰子停止了转动,果然是个六!紧接着,第二粒骰子也停住,居然依然是个六!\n李峰等人大喜。\n第三粒骰子虽然仍在转动,但众人似乎已经胜券在握,顿时人人双眼狂热起来,更加得声嘶力竭的大吼:“六!六六……”\n若是三个六,那君邪就是输了九成九,除非他也掷出三个六的祖宗豹子打平,否则必输无疑!\n但祖宗豹子岂是这么容易出的?\n几个人偶尔看向君邪的眼神已经充满了得意。\n最后一粒骰子终于降低了转速,眼看就要停下来,看表面的颜色,赫然也是个六!\n连孟海洲都常常的舒了口气,今天这铺真正的超水平发挥,平时能掷出两个六,已经是好彩了,这次赢定了!\n哪知道就在此时,那粒骰子突然一个慢慢的翻滚,滚到另外两粒骰子的中间,砰的一歪,将左边的骰子碰的翻了个身,又如喝醉酒一般,回转身又把右边的骰子撞了一下,然后两粒一起翻身,这才停了下来……\n霎时间房中鸦雀无声!\n李峰李振孟海洲等人喜孜孜地看着,原本脸上的狂喜神表情瞬间冻结了,但六个人的眼珠子却一下子都红了起来,年纪小一些的李林和孟非一咧嘴,居然都要哭了出来。\n三粒骰子静静地躺在骰盅里,一个一点,一个两点,一个三点!\n若是孟海洲坐庄的话,按照赌博的规矩,他这一把就是通赔!\n也就是说,不管别人押什么点数,他都输了!\n完了!\n孟海洲双目一闭,晕了过去。\n其余五人如丧考妣,呆呆的一动不动,看着骰盅里三粒骰子,目光呆滞,都有一股想要放声大哭的迹象。\n“哇……哈……”\n唐源一蹦老高,让人实在很难想象这样的大胖子究竟是怎么才能蹦起来的,狂喜的一把抓住君邪的肩膀:“三少,你今天的运气真是没治了!财神临身啊哇哈哈哈!”\n“什么财神临身,分明就是赌神驾到,现在轮到我了。”\n君邪一副余悸犹存的样子,“刚才可吓死我了!怪不得孟兄准备了这么久,原来是要玩这么高难度的动作,真是令我崇拜啊。”\n啧啧两声:“这水平,简直是想要几就是几,随心所欲,真正牛人啊!这样的技术,可万万不是平常人能有的。你,你你,你真是赌神啊!”\n“什么轮到你了?三少,你不用掷了!你已经赢了!他是幺二三啊,通赔啊!”唐源又是一蹦老高,浑身的肥肉顿时波澜壮阔的一阵剧烈起伏,颤动了好久才平息下来。\n“放屁!你还没赢!这把不分庄闲的!”李峰嘶声大吼,两眼通红,浑身颤抖:“要是你也掷出一把幺二三呢?”\n“你觉得有这种可能吗?”唐源非常鄙视地看了他一眼,居然问出这样弱智的问题!\n我先前怎么会输给这帮弱智的?\n“说的也是。”君邪哈哈一笑,“那么,本公子就展示一下我盖世无双的赌技让你们见识见识!那谁,赶紧的把孟大少叫起来,若是一会推说没看见耍赖可怎么办?眼见为实嘛。”君邪语重心长的道。\n草!这家伙今天怎么这么精明?李峰等人面面相觑:最后一条路也没了……\n独孤小艺看热闹的不怕事大,笑呵呵地凑热闹道:“还没醒,没关系,我踢他几脚,他肯定就醒了!”\n躺在地上的孟海洲其实早已醒了,打的正是耍赖的主意,只要君邪一掷之后,其他几人立即便承认他赢了,然后把骰子收了;然后孟海洲再爬起来耍赖,说没看见,不算,重来!\n甚至孟海洲都把说辞准备好了:你是跟我赌的,不是跟他们赌的,他们说你赢了,可我没看见!\n既然我没有亲眼看到,当然不算!\n哪想到君邪居然看破了,要是让独孤小艺踢上几脚,我的天哪……\n还没等他主动起来,唐源噗的一脚踢在孟海洲身上:“别装死了,快起来吧。”\n一天的怨气,借着这一脚算是出干净,孟海洲“哎呀”一声痛叫,坐了起来。\n正见到君邪、唐源和独孤小艺正对着他微笑。\n没皮没脸的站了起来,孟海洲满脸沮丧,眼中满是怨毒。\n若不是独孤小艺今天来到了这里,孟海洲甚至有一股强行囚禁君邪的冲动……\n门口脚步声起,一人急匆匆的进来:“孟公子,李公子……”突然住口不说。来人正是那奉令传信的侍卫,但一看到此刻李峰等人脸上的表情,恐怕就是一头猪也知道事情又有了什么重大的变数,只是怎么也不会有人想到,事情居然会是这个样子的……\n“看清楚哦。”君邪得意洋洋的抓起骰子,看着孟海洲;孟海洲等六人脸上一片死灰之色,看着君邪表演,人人口中牙齿咬的咯崩响……\n“发大财啦!”君邪哈哈大笑着出门而去,身后一名侍卫提着一个大大的包裹跟在他身后。\n在君邪等人离开之后,原本众人喝茶的杯子却少了一个……但,众纨绔都在垂头丧气之中,竟然无人发觉……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 20\nLi Zhen, Li Feng and the others were excited. Their eyes gleamed, they were well aware that Meng Haizou was quite accomplished in the game of dice rolls. He had never lost on normal occasions. Furthermore, the dice was one that Meng Haizou had prepared himself. If Meng Haizou still could not win, then they have truly bumped into a ghost! \nEveryone here were very familiar with Jun Moxie’s level of skill in gambling. Despite not knowing how he had won the earlier games, this time the gamble was between only him and Meng Haizou! Jun Moxie’s chances of winning were non-existent!\n“Who will go first?” Jun Xie’s legs shook. His legs were still in pain from the earlier kick from Dugu Xiaoyi.\n“I will go first!” Meng Haizou grabbed the dice into his hands with one sweep. He held the dice in his hands, weighing them as he calmed himself. He strove to suppress the writhing flow of blood in his chest with his eyes closed; he murmured as though he was begging for something. \nThis one roll of the dice would involve the entire net worth of everyone here! \nIf he were to lose this, then the consequences would be disastrous!\nDugu Xiaoyi who had maintained a straight face after realizing that this gamble was peculiar was unable to hold back and burst out laughing. She never realized that this debauchee was actually such an interesting person.\nLi Feng and his group glared angrily at Jun Xie from the opposite side. He was obviously trying to disturb Meng Haizou’s concentration with this banter; Jun Xie and Tang Yuan however, refused to yield and stared back at them.\nAfter a good amount of time, Meng Haizou let out a roar. He lifted his palms and revolved them successively. Following a series of movement, the three dice rolled down, spinning on the table.\n“Six! Six! Six!…” Li Feng and the rest of them roared as they nervously stared at the spinning dice. The atmosphere around them became intense, as though they had arrived at a grand casino filled with hundreds of people.\nThe first dice stopped spinning and was indeed a six! Following which, the second dice too stopped spinning at yet another six!\nLi Feng and his company became overjoyed. \nEvery one of them reacted as though the winner was already decided even though the third dice was still spinning. Every one of their eyes glinted with fanaticism as they shouted even louder: “Six! Six!…” \nIf the third dice too stopped at six, then Jun Xie would definitely lose. The only exception would be a tie if Jun Xie managed to roll three sixes. Anything else would result in a loss for him!\nBut would three sixes appear so easily?\nSome of them glanced at Jun Xie with a triumphant expression.\nThe last dice finally started slowing down. Judging by the speed and the current spinning pattern, the result would most likely be… another six!\nMeng Haizou gave out a long sigh. Today’s roll had exceeded his usual standard; normally even two sixes would be considered good. This time, victory was assured!\nWho could have guessed that the dice would suddenly, slowly, spin towards the other two dice. Spinning in between the two dice, it knocked over the dice on its left, causing it to roll over. After that, the third dice spun slowly, akin to a drunkard towards the dice on its right, crashing into it and causing it to roll over as well. It was only after that did the dice stopped spinning…\nThe room suddenly became deathly silent!\nLi Feng, Li Zhen, Meng Haizou and the others stared continuously. The ecstatic expression on their faces froze instantly, but their eyes had completely turned red. The younger Li Lin and Meng Fei curled their lips, being on the verge of crying.\nThe three dice laid quietly, a one, a two and a three! \nUnder the rules, if Meng Haizou was the banker, this result was known as the Common Loss! \nThis meant that he would lose regardless of what results the others may roll.\nIt is over! \nMeng Haizou’s eyes closed as he fainted.\nThe remaining five people remained slumped and motionless, as though they were in a funeral. They stared at the three dice with a dull expression, each feeling the desire to burst into tears.\n“Wah… hah…” \nTang Yuan jumped up high, causing others to wonder how someone like him could manage such a feat. He ecstatically grabbed Jun Xie’s shoulder: “Third Young Master, your luck today is truly out of control! The God of Wealth has arrived! Wahahah!”\n“What do you mean the God of Wealth has arrived? This is obviously the God of Gamblers arriving! It is now my turn!”\nJun Xie portrayed a face filled with lingering fear. “You really scared me to death earlier! No wonder Brother Meng used so long to prepare before rolling the dice. It turns out you actually wanted to throw out such a high-levelled dice roll! You are truly worthy of admiration!” \nGeeing twice, he continued. “This standard of play, is truly a play that allows you to roll any number you want! Everything shall comply before the heart’s desire, how unbelievable! This level of technique is not something that normal people can achieve. You, youyou… you are really the God of Gamblers!”\n“What do you mean it’s your turn? Third Young Master, there is no need for you to roll! You have already won! He got a one two three, a Common Loss!” Tang Yuan jumped up again, his fat body surged magnificently yet again. After surging up and down for a while, the layer of fat on his body finally settled down.\n“Nonsense! You have not won! This play does not separate between banker and player!” Li Feng shouted, his eyes red and his body trembled. “What if you also end up rolling a one two three?”\n“Do you think that is possible?” Tang Yuan scornfully looked at him. To think that he actually asked such a demented question! \nHow did I previously lose to this kind of demented person?\n“You have a point,” Jun Xie laughed out loud. “Then, allow me to show you my unparalleled world encompassing gambling technique! Also, someone wake up Young Master Meng. What do I do if he shamelessly claims that he did not see the result? Seeing is believing,” Jun Xie pointed out.\nDarned! Why is this bastard so smart today? Li Feng and the others looked at one another. Their last method has disappeared…\nDugu Xiaoyi fearlessly joined in the fun, smiling merrily as she said: “He is still not awake? No problem! A few kicks from me will surely wake him up!”\nMeng Haizou who was lying on the floor had in fact awoken earlier, planning to deny seeing anything. As long as Jun Xie had thrown the dice, all would be solved once the dice were collected. Even if everyone admitted that Jun Xie had won, Meng Haizou can shamelessly claim that he did not see the results, as he was still unconscious. Since that was the case, they must replay the round!\nMeng Haizou had even prepared what to say: The one you are betting with is me, not them! They say that you have won, but I did not see it with my own eyes! \nSince I did not see with my own eyes, then the results cannot be counted!\nHow could he have guessed that Jun Xie could have seen through him? If Dugu Xiaoyi kicked him… Oh, my God!\nBefore he could get up by himself, Tang Yuan went to deliver a kick at Meng Haizou’s body. “Stop playing dead, get up!”\nAll his grievances from this day was delivered solely into this kick, causing Meng Haizou to cry out: “Ouch!” Crying out in pain, he got up. \nWhen he got up, he saw Jun Xie, Tang Yuan and Dugu Xiaoyi smiling at him.\nMeng Haizou stood up with a depressed look on his face, his eyes revealing resentment.\nIf Dugu Xiaoyi had not come here today, he would probably have impulsively imprisoned Jun Xie by force…\nA man suddenly entered in a hurry from the door: “Sir Meng, Sir Li…” He stopped talking. This man was none other than the body guard who came here bearing the message. However, judging by the expression on the faces of Li Feng and the others, he immediately realized that the situation has drastically changed. How could anyone have guessed that the situation could end up in such a manner…\n“Look carefully,” Jun Xie grabbed the dice with a prideful and complacent demeanour as he looked at Meng Haizou. The faces of Meng Haizou and the others were painted the colour of ash as they watched Jun Xie’s performance. They gritted their teeth to the point where cracking sounds could be heard…\n“I am rich!” Jun Xie laughed loudly as he exited the premise. A bodyguard followed him from behind while carrying a huge package. \nAfter Jun Xie had left, one of the tea cups on the table went missing… However, none of the dejected debauchees noticed…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第21章\n独孤小艺跟在君邪身后,眼睛一个劲的向那侍卫手中的大包裹上瞄去。\n她本来觉得自己今天收入已经很是丰厚了,但最后一局君邪却又一下子赢了这么多宝贝,这些玩意其中有不少都不是用金钱可以衡量的说……\n这让一向感觉手头不宽裕的独孤小艺顿时心中又不平衡了……凭啥这么一个混吃等死的纨绔能赢到这么多好东西?而我一向乖巧听话却什么也没有?\n独孤小艺眼珠不住转动:该想个什么办法从这家伙那里再要点什么过来?可是自己开口,是不是有点没有大家闺秀的风范了,该死的君莫邪,也不说主动地奉上几件!\n唐源一张嘴几乎咧到了耳后,看起来更像弥勒佛了,走起路来虎虎生风,带劲得很:“三少,你今天可真是让我彻底地服了,哇哈哈哈,看到那几个家伙输的清洁溜溜的,哥哥我心里这个痛快就别提了……呃,兄弟,那佩剑和玉佩是不是该给我了?”\n“给你?”君邪吃了一惊,停下了脚步,讶异地看着唐源:“你在说什么,为什么要给你?”\n为什么?\n唐源顿时怔住。吃吃道:“难道……难道你不打算……还给我?”\n“还给你?”君邪脸上的表情更奇怪了:“我欠着你什么?居然要还给你?你到底在说什么?!”\n“那……我……咳咳……”唐源的表情可怜极了,这才想起来,那些东西可都是君邪自己赢的,也就是说,那些东西都已经是属于君邪自己的了;自己凭什么跟人家要这么贵重的东西?\n可是……可是自己回家之后若是父亲问起来,咋办?\n钱固然不是大问题,问题最大的反而是东西已经到了君邪手中,自己反而更加的不好取回了!\n唐大公子终于发现,虽然君邪大胜而归,但自己的难题却还是没有解决!\n再想到自己老爹的狰狞面容,唐胖子真个不寒而栗!\n“还给你肯定是万万不行的。”君邪大大摇头:“没有好处的事情我从来没有做过,今天不会,以后也不会。”\n说到这里,看着唐源满脸沮丧的神色,突然口风一改:“不过,卖给你却是可以的;在这件事情上,你得到多少好处,就用多少好处买回去?!”\n君邪神秘的笑着,伸出一个手指头。\n“哇哈!果然是好兄弟!”唐源死里逃生,喜极忘形,忍不住心中的兴奋,也没仔细想想自己已经输得一干二净还能得到什么好处,一跃而起,抱住了君邪。\n他却没想到自己的体重,这么一下子跳到君邪身上,以君邪现在的身体却还不能承受他的重量,顿时轰的一声压倒在地。唐大公子不愧是重量级的人物,将君邪压在了身下之余,满地只看到肥肉不住的哆嗦,居然连君邪的衣角也无法看见……\n独孤小艺顿时笑得成了掩口葫芦:这两个活宝!真是太逗了!\n众人手忙脚乱将唐源拉了起来,下面的君邪几乎憋死——满是肥肉,居然连空气也不能透入,君邪无比的郁闷:老子今天居然被一个男人给压了,真是见鬼了……\n“唐胖子,老子非常生气,决定提价了!那佩剑和玉佩,低于一百万两银子老子不卖!就给你留到明天,后天来,就是一百五十万两!”\n君邪爬起来,只觉得自己满鼻孔还是一股肥猪肉的味道,几欲作呕,不由得恶狠狠地道。\n“啊?”唐源惨叫一声。\n一行人走出街口,停住。\n向东,乃是君家和唐家的方向,向西,则是独孤家的方向。\n临到分手之际,独孤小艺突然感觉自己心里多了一点莫名其妙的古怪感觉……”看着君邪邪笑的样子,独孤小艺心道:君莫邪这家伙虽然名声不佳,乃是一个彻头彻尾的纨绔,不过,经常拿他逗逗乐,却也挺有趣的。\n想到这里,独孤小艺喝道:“君莫邪,等我爷爷生辰的时候,你来不来?”\n君邪一怔,道:“若是家里人让我去的话,那是肯定要去的。”\n“要是你家里不让你去呢?”独孤小艺咬着嘴唇。\n“那我自然是不去了。”君邪觉得很是莫名其妙:不让我去我还去?去找抽啊?\n“混蛋!”一听的君邪这么说,独孤小艺也不知道怎么回事,突然很是生气,顿时冲了过来,一阵拳打脚踢,恶狠狠地道:“你要是敢不去,我见你一次打你一次!听明白没有?!”\n君邪顿时感觉虎落平阳,可悲啊,堂堂天下第一杀手,此时居然被一个小丫头欺负的毫无还手之力!\n这具身体,什么时候才能符合我的条件啊,极力地捂住脸,连声道:“我去!肯定去!一定去!”\n“这还差不多,算你小子识相!到时候要准备好寿礼哦,不能比你今天赢得少!”\n独孤小艺恶狠狠地看着他,灵活的大眼睛又是很不舍的在那大包袱上溜了一圈,这才转头,甜甜的笑着,揉了揉手腕,娇俏的“哼”了一声,转过身去,两只小手背在身后,微微抬着下巴,就像一头骄傲的小鹿一般,一蹦一跳的走了。\n原来这丫头还是想从君邪手中多淘摸东西……\n不过,这样的态度,比之以前已经有了很大改观了。\n虽然,在独孤小艺心里,君莫邪依然是一个一无是处的纨绔……\n见独孤小艺走了,君邪回过头来,似笑非笑地看着唐源:“唐大公子,你可真厉害呀。啧啧,居然连老婆都输掉了,真是让我佩服至极。”\n唐源顿时勃然大怒,脸色变得通红!\n看着唐源,君邪的眼神慢慢的变得冷冽:“唐源,你自己胡闹不要紧,可你这一次,差点把我害死了!你知不知道今天的事情有多玄吗?”\n“啊?害死你?!”唐源顿时傻了眼,做梦也没想到君邪突然冒出这一句石破天惊的话来。\n“你真的以为,你自己的运气就这么背?\n你真的就这么糊涂白痴?\n输了银子再输佩剑,输了佩剑再输佩玉?\n输了佩玉居然白痴到连自己的未婚妻也压上去?\n唐源,你问问你自己,你自己真是这么白痴的人吗?\n就算你真是那么白痴,可是这件事情的后果将会有多严重?\n两大家族的名望一朝扫地!\n你负担得起吗?\n你竟然没有想过这些!\n难道你就没觉得有什么不对劲?”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 21\nDugu Xiaoyi was walking behind Jun Xie, her eyes staring with great interest at the huge package carried by the bodyguard.\nOriginally, she had thought that her earnings today were quite generous. But then, Jun Xie had suddenly won so many precious treasures in that last game. Many amongst these items were the type that could not be valued using money…\nThis had caused a sense of conflict to arise in her heart, which had already been beset by an uncomfortable feeling… How was it that this useless freeloader could end up winning so many good treasures? And why was it that me who have always been so obedient end up with nothing?\nDugu Xiaoyi’s eyes moved about non-stop: Is there a kind of method that can allow me to get some items from him? But if I were to ask directly, that would be unladylike. damn you! Jun Moxie! Why aren’t you taking the initiative to offer some of them to me?\nTang Yuan’s smile spread widely all the way up to his ears, looking almost like the Buddha, Maitreya. He walked up to the front energetically and vigorously, like a tiger. “Third Young Master, your actions today had totally won me over! Wahahaha, seeing those bastards losing everything they have made me feel so happy… Umm, brother, isn’t it time to give me the sword and accompaniment jade?”\n“Give you?” Jun Xie stopped and looked at Tang Yuan with a surprised look: “What are you talking about? Why should I give it to you?”\nWhy? \nTang Yuan was suddenly startled. He stammered, “Could it be… Could it be you have no intention of… giving it to me?”\n“Give it to you?” Jun Xie revealed an even more surprised look on his face. “Do I owe you anything? Why do I have to give it to you? What are you talking about?”\n“That… I… I…” Tang Yuan’s expression had become truly pitiful. He finally realized that those items were won by Jun Xie. That meant that those items now belong to Jun Xie; how could he ask from him such a precious treasure? \nHowever, if his father were to ask about it when he returns home, then what? \nThe money was not the problem. The problem was that the items were now in Jun Xie’s possession and can no longer be retrieved!\nThe Young Master Tang finally understood that even though Jun Xie had returned victorious, his problem still remained unresolved! \nThinking about the fearsome face that his father will have, the fatty Tang shuddered.\n“Giving it to you is absolutely impossible,” Jun Xie shook his head fervently. “I have never participated in a non-beneficial transaction, not today, not ever!”\nHaving said that, he looked at Tang Yuan’s depressed face and added with a different tone. “However, selling to you is a different story. In this regard, how about you buy using the amount of benefits that you got from this matter?”\nJun Xie smiled mysteriously, as he held out a finger.\n“Waha! You really are my good brother!” Tang Yuan felt as though he had been reborn, he became so excited he forgot himself. Without considering what benefits he who had lost everything can gain from this matter, he jumped at Jun Xie, hugging him…\nHe did not imagine that Jun Xie could not possibly bear the weight of his body. His act of jumping at Jun Xie caused them to fall flat together on the floor with a thud, with Jun Xie being squashed beneath him. Young Master Tang was indeed a heavyweight character, his body had squashed Jun Xie, leaving only his slabs of fat visible. As for Jun Xie, not even the corners of his clothes could be seen…\nDugu Xiaoyi suddenly burst out laughing: These two clowns! They’re simply too funny!\nEveryone rushed towards Tang Yuan and pulled him up. Jun Xie who was at the bottom, looked as though he had been choked to death. Surrounded by fat to the point where not even air can flow in… Jun Xie felt incomparably dispirited: To think that a man would press down on me today, this is what you call hell…\n“Fatty Tang, I am now very angry! The price is now increased! That sword and accompaniment jade will not be sold for less than one million silver liangs! The due date for this price is tomorrow. Come tomorrow, the price will be one and a half million liangs!” \nJun Xie ruthlessly said as he straightened himself. His nostrils felt as though it was still filled with the smell of fat, causing him to feel nauseous.\n“Ah?!” Tang Yuan screamed miserably.\nThe group walked out of the street and stopped.\nTo the east lies the Jun Family and Tang Family residences, while to the west is the Dugu Family residence.\nNow that the time had come to separate, Dugu Xiaoyi suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling rising within her heart. Observing Jun Xie’s crooked smile, she thought: This bastard Jun Moxie does not have a good reputation, and is also a downright debauchee. But, after having bantered with him for a bit, he seemed very interesting.\nThinking about this, Dugu Xiaoyi shouted: “Jun Moxie, will you be coming for my grandfather’s birthday?”\nJun Xie was startled. “If my family members want me to go, then I will definitely go.”\n“Then what if your family members do not want you to go?” Dugu Xiaoyi bit her lips.\n“Naturally, I will not go,” Jun Xie felt baffled by her question: Since they do not want me to go, then why would I go? Go and get a flogging?\n“bastard!” After hearing Jun Xie’s reply, Dugu Xiaoyi became inexplicably angry. She suddenly rushed at Jun Xie and started kicking him fiercely. “If you dare be absent, I will beat you up every time I see you! Understand?”\nJun Xie suddenly felt as though he was thrown into a mountain of hardships. How tragic! The dignified number one assassin in the world actually had to endure being bullied by a little girl!\nWhen will this body meet up to my expectations? Trying to cover his face, he repeatedly shouted. “I will go! I will definitely go! I will definitely go!!”\n“That’s more like it. At least you are sensible! When the time comes, you must prepare a good present! The present must not be worth less than what have you earned today!”\nDugu Xiaoyi stared fiercely at him, her big eyes swivelled towards the big package for a moment before walking away. She turned away with a sweet smile as she rubbed her wrist, giving out a pampered ‘heng’. With her hands behind her back and her chin lifted up high, she hobbled down the road like a proud deer.\nIt turned out that this girl still wanted more items from Jun Moxie’s winnings… \nHowever, this attitude from her was already far different from back then.\nGranted, in Dugu Xiaoyi’s heart, Jun Moxie remained a good for nothing debauchee…\nWatching Dugu Xiaoyi walking away, Jun Xie turned his attention back to Tang Yuan. He smiled faintly at Tang Yuan: “Young Master Tang is truly masterful! Keke! You even ended up losing your wife. I cannot help myself but admire you to the extreme.”\nTang Yuan suddenly became furious, his face becoming blotched red!\nObserving Tang Yuan’s reaction, Jun Xie’s eyes slowly turned ice-cold. “Tang Yuan, it does not matter if you want to clown about. However, this time around, you nearly got me killed! Do you know how strange today’s matter was?”\n“Ah? Nearly got you killed?” Tang Yuan was shocked senseless. Not even in his dreams would he imagine that these words would flow out from Jun Xie’s mouth.\n“Do you really think that your luck is so bad?\nAre you really that kind of idiotic fool?\nAfter losing all your money, you lost your sword, after losing your sword you lost your accompaniment jade?\nAnd after losing your accompaniment jade, you were actually idiotic enough to pawn off your own fiancée?\nTang Yuan, ask yourself, are you really that kind of an idiot?\nEven if you were that big of an idiot, how severe would the consequences of this matter be?\nThe reputation of two great families will be discredited!\nCan you afford to bear those consequences?\nYou actually did not consider these at all!\nDid you not think that something was wrong here?”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第22章\n君邪狠狠瞪着唐源,两道眼光如同利刃,一直刺进他的心里:“你自问你有这个胆子吗?”\n唐源苦着脸,慢慢地平静下来,他也不是蠢人,相反,他其实也是个很精明的纨绔,随着君邪的话一点一点的回想,即时发觉了太多的不对劲之处!\n这件事情,根本就不像是自己能够做得出来的!\n纵然是做梦,也未必能会这么做!\n可偏偏这样离谱的事情在自己手里做出来了!\n怎么能?\n我难道真的就这么不堪吗?\n不!不是的!\n我虽然不是什么好人,我虽然也经常胡作非为,但有些事情,我还是懂得的!\n今天发生的事明明是宁可死也不会做的!\n可是我今天却偏偏做了,而且是还做了一件比自己认为宁可死也不能做的事情更过分、更丢脸的事情!\n这样的事情,足以让整个家族蒙羞!\n让自己永世不得翻身!\n但,我为什么会这么做呢?\n霎时间,唐源脑海中一片混乱,唐胖子几乎崩溃了。\n“你在进去之前,孟海洲是不是也是穿着这件衣服?”君邪眼神凌厉,但嘴角却隐藏着一份恶魔般的笑容。\n“是,但这又有什么关系?有什么问题吗?”唐源茫然不解。\n“你是不是闻到孟海洲身上有一种特殊的香味?很好闻吧?!”君邪再问。\n“是……好像有一点,确实是很特别的香料。”唐源有些不确定。\n“你在进去之后,是不是也像我今天一样,先给你端上来了一杯茶?”君邪步步紧逼。\n“是,不错,那有什么?”\n“那有什么?哼哼;”君邪冷笑两声:“也没什么,只不过是你万劫不复的开始罢了!”\n唐源并不是一个笨人,将君邪的话咀嚼了一遍,顿时跳了起来,一脸震惊:“你是说……哪茶,其实是有问题的?”\n“仅仅是那茶吗?”\n君邪冷笑:“孟海洲那衣服,那香味,那茶,通通都是有问题的!\n一些赌徒凑在一起,居然要先喝茶??\n这是什么规矩?\n你这个猪脑袋!\n这么明显的破绽你居然到现在还没察觉?!”\n“还记得我喝了茶水之后,在进去之前,曾经打了一个喷嚏?”君邪脸上也说不上来是一种什么表情,似笑非笑:“还把你的衣服弄湿了,对吧?”\n“对啊!有这回事。”唐源顿时想了起来。\n“一般人打喷嚏最多喷出一些唾沫,而我,却直接将你的衣服弄湿了一大片,难道,你就没怀疑过什么?”君邪歪着头看着他。\n“原来如此!”唐源恍然大悟,随之却是又一个不解:“可你怎么会知道的这么清楚?”\n我怎么会知道的这么清楚?\n君邪一怔,这倒是个难以回答的问题,难道要告诉他,老子前世对这些类似的药物早就熟悉的不能再熟悉了,不用鼻子不用眼睛用汗毛孔就能感觉出来?\n君邪摸了摸鼻子,只好再给自己泼上一盆脏水:“呃,那个,我曾经用这个干过同样的事,你,明白?”\n“不愧是君三少!当真好手段,”唐源立即佩服得五体投地,崇拜地道:“果然是大行家啊。”\n君邪啼笑皆非,提醒他一句:“你的条子虽然毁了,但你输掉老婆的这件事情,只怕还是会被他们传出去的,你还是先想想自己该怎么办吧。”\n“对呀,我该怎么办?”一提起这件事情,唐源顿时惶惶然没了主意。\n“目前,你只有一条路!\n就是立即回家,然后将这件事情,完完本本的告诉你老头子,一点也不要隐瞒,一点也不要夸大!\n来一个先下手为强!\n让你老子赶紧给你拿主意,提前制定对策。\n要是等你老头子从别人那里知道了再回来问你,那你就真完了!”\n君邪肚子里阴笑两声。\n“而你,完全是被被动陷害的,相信你老头子绝对不会过多的责怪你!\n更何况,这件事情只能这样解决,你老爷爷处理这种事情的能力远比你强。\n你现在不是对他们一肚子气嘛?\n那再告诉你一个高招,你的宝剑、佩玉都暂时留在我这,然后你拿一百万两银票子去向他们几个讨回抵押品!\n而他们拿不出来……明白我的意思吗?!”\n君邪压低声音,就像一个正在引诱世人犯罪的魔鬼。\n“对了,我再送给你一件东西。”君邪变戏法一般从怀里一掏,摸出来一个茶杯,最令人惊奇的是,茶杯的底部,还有几颗水珠……\n“这就是他们那个有迷幻剂的杯子,我顺手牵了这头羊。”君邪嘿嘿一笑。“里面好像还有点。”\n“哈哈哈……高!实在是高!三少实在是高啊!”\n一片马屁声中,唐大胖子小心翼翼的接过杯子,就像是屁股上被砍了一刀的野马,名副其实的“滚滚”而去。\n“想算计我?那我就先算计算计你们!”君邪看着唐胖子卷起阵阵尘烟的背影,笑得异常得意。\n以唐胖子和他岳父的家世,想必这次李家和孟家都会很热闹吧?\n君邪已经抱着伴着小板凳看戏的准备了。\n此次若不是有独孤小艺的意外参赌、还有君莫邪变成了君邪,最终结局必然会改写,就算自己不惧,但要破局,只怕就要暴露出自己的真正实力,成为众矢之的。\n那可就得不偿失了!\n虽是明面的对手同样是几个纨绔,但这些纨绔身后站着的,都是京城第一流的家族!\n若没有家族的授意,就凭这几块料就敢给唐源和君邪下药、行事敢如此的嚣张、肆无忌惮?\n不可能!\n决对没有这种可能!\n要知君莫邪本身虽然是个非常不争气的标准纨绔子,但身后站的却是君老爷子,乃至君家!\n君家虽然现在明面上只有老爷子一人支撑大局,但,瘦死的骆驼比马大,军方将近三分之一的将领都是出自君老爷子帐下!\n可以说,只要君老爷子还在一天,这些人就全是君莫邪这个纨绔的坚强后盾!\n因为他们的身上,不管愿意不愿意,都打上了“君”字的烙印!\n一旦出了事,就是足以轰动朝野的滔天风波!\n君家一旦倒了,这些人也同样没有好果子吃,必定树倒猢狲散被其他派系打压不得翻身!\n但只要君家犹存,这些人就有主心骨,就能够团结在一起,共抗外敌,不管是国内政敌又或者是国外敌人!\n所以君家不能出事!\n所以君莫邪一旦出事,这些人都不会袖手旁观!\n虽然都每个人都从骨子里看不起这个少年纨绔,但该出手的时候,相信不会有任何一个人会犹豫。\n唐源所在家族,也是一样!\n唐家的势力虽然不如君家,但在京城,也绝对是数得上号的如果唐家和君家一旦联手,就算是现在如日中天的独孤世家也要退避三舍!\n当然,这并不等于说君家就比独孤世家差多少,君家在最鼎盛的时候,也曾经压得独孤世家抬不起头来,而且是足足维持了七年的光景,然而如今君家人才凋零,独孤世家却如雨后春笋,蹭蹭的向外冒新人,人才济济。\n在这一点上,比君家的后备人才要充足的多得多。\n所以独孤世家现在是极有潜力的,至少在外人看起来,绝对是要比君家有潜力。\n但君家只要一日有老爷子在,一日就巍然不倒!\n哪怕是皇权,想要动君家,也要好好考虑!\n甚至可以说……不敢!\n但现在,李家和孟家却同时对唐源和君邪下了手!\n这就显得有些不同寻常了。\n非常的不寻常!\n事若反常必有妖!\n是的,这次出手的只是几个纨绔,货真价实的纨绔子弟,就算是真的把事情闹开了,就一般意义而言,也不过就是几个小孩子胡闹过了火,大家哈哈一笑完事,谁也未必就当真记在心上,可是反过来,若是被他们得逞呢?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 22\nJun Xie glared relentlessly at Tang Yuan, his set of eyes transforming into a sharp knife, piercing deep into his heart, “Ask yourself. Do you really have the guts to do something like this?”\nTang Yuan’s face, which had been bitterly crying, slowly became calm. He was no fool. On the contrary, he is actually a very shrewd debauchee. Listening to Jun Xie’s words, he started to recall what had happened and realized that too many of the instances were very suspicious! \nThe things that had occurred were simply not the kind of things that he would have done! \nEven if he were in a dream, it was not certain that he could have done it!\nHowever, he actually did such an outrageous act on his own free will!\nHow was this possible?\nAm I really that much of an unbearable person? \nNo! No way! \nI may not be a good person, I may be someone who always misbehaves, but I am someone who understands where the line is! \nThe things that had happened today were obviously something that I would never do, even in the face of death! \nBut, I actually did these kind of things today! Furthermore, I continued perpetrating these actions, each more excessive than the other, each more shameful than the other! These were all actions, which I would rather die than commit! \nThese actions would cause my entire family to be disgraced!\nThese actions would cause me to be thrown into an abyss of no return!\nBut then, why did I do those things?\nAll of a sudden, Tang Yuan’s mind became a chaotic mess, his thoughts falling apart.\n“When you entered earlier, was Meng Haizou also wearing that same clothes?” Jun Xie eyes were strict, but his mouth revealed a near devilish smile.\n“Yes, but what does that have to do with it? Was there a problem there?” Tang Yuan was not able to understand.\n“Did you also smell some unique perfume from Meng Haizou? It was a very pleasant scent, right?” Jun Xie continued asking.\n“Yes… I think there was a bit, it was indeed a very special perfume,” Tang Yuan continued with uncertainty.\n“Before you entered, did they also serve you a cup of tea like they did today?” Jun Xie continued, one after the other.\n“Yes, that’s right. What about it?”\n“What about it? Hmph! Hmph!” Jun Xie sneered twice. “Well, it was nothing much. It was just the beginning of your eternal damnation!”\nTang Yuan was no fool. After pondering on Jun Xie’s words for a moment, he suddenly jumped up, a look of shock expressed on his face, “You mean… the tea, there was a problem with the tea?”\n“Just the tea?”\nJun Xie sneered again. “Meng Haizou’s clothes, that perfume he was wearing, that tea, all of them had problems!\nWhen a bunch of gamblers gets together, the first thing they did was to drink tea?\nWhat kind of norm was that?\nYou pig head!\nYou actually did not notice such an obvious problem?!”\n“Do you remember that after I drank the tea, I sneezed while going in?” Jun Xie’s face was filled with an indescribable expression. Faintly smiling, he continued. “That sneeze caused your clothes to become wet, right?”\n“Correct! That did happen,” Tang Yuan suddenly remembered.\n“When most people sneeze, the most they will discharge was some sputum. Instead, I actually caused your clothes to become wet. Could it be that you did not wonder about it?” Jun Xie tilted his head and looked at him.\n“So that was what happened!” Tang Yuan suddenly came to understand what happened, but was again puzzled by something: “But, how can you clearly know about all this?”\nHow can I clearly know? \nJun Xie hesitated. This was indeed a tough question to answer. Am I supposed to say that this senior had already become so familiar with these drugs that I can recognize them without using my eyes or nose? In my past life, I can detect these things with just the reaction from my body pores!\nJun Xie rubbed his nose, the only way to explain everything was to throw a pot of dirty water on himself, “Err, about that, I have also done that kind of thing before. You understand?”\n“As expected from Third Young Master Jun! What an undoubtedly exceptional tactic!” Tang Yuan’s admiration for Jun Xie rose to great heights, he replied respectfully. “You are truly a great expert.”\nJun Xie was moved to the point of laughter and tears. He reminded, “Even though the promissory note is no more, I fear the fact that you lost your wife will likely be spread out by them. You should probably figure out something to do about it.”\n“That is right! What should I do?” Discussing about this matter caused fear and anxiety to well up in Tang Yuan as he was lost about what to do about it.\n“At the current, you only have one path to take!\nAnd that is to go back home immediately and tell everything that had happened to your old grandpa.You must not hide anything and you must not exaggerate anything!\nYou must launch a pre-emptive strike!\nLet your grandfather make the decision on what to do, he will decide what kind of countermeasures to take. \nBut if you were to wait until he hears about this from someone else and asks you about it, then you are truly finished!”\nJun Xie laughed sinisterly in secret.\n“As for you, you are simply someone who was set up.I believe that your old grandpa would not put too much blame on you!\nNot to mention, this matter can only be resolved in this manner, your old grandpa is far more capable in dealing with such matters compared to you. \nYou must be feeling very furious at them right now, right?\nI will teach you another great trick. First, leave your sword and accompaniment jade with me for the time being. Then, take one million silver liang bills to redeem them!\nAnd when they cannot bring them out… you understand?”\nJun Xie lowered his voice, almost as though he was a devil who was in the process of tempting the average laymen to commit crime.\n“Oh, right! I will give you another good stuff,” As though he was performing a magic trick, Jun Xie pulled out a teacup from within his bosom. What was most surprising was that there were still a few drops of water within the bottom of the cup…\n“This was the cup that contained the drug, I took it with me earlier,” Jun Xie smiled. “There seemed to be a bit left inside.”\n“Hahaha… Pro! Truly a professional! Third Young Master is definitely a professional!”\nFatty Tang carefully took the cup. He then quickly ‘rolled’ away with the sound of a horse breaking wind, just like a wild horse that had its rear sliced open.\n“Trying to plot against me? Then I will just plot against you first!” Jun Xie observed the Fatty Tang’s back as he rolled away. Jun Xie smiled proudly. \nConsidering the background of the fatty’s family and his wife’s family, the Li and Meng Family will probably be in for a busy time, right?\nJun Xie had already prepared a small bench, ready to watch the incoming ‘show’.\nThis time around, the results would have been different were it not for the accidental participation of Dugu Xiaoyi and the change that had happened to Jun Moxie. Even if he had no fear towards them, to disrupt their plans would end up exposing his real strength, causing him to become the target of countless enemies. \nWhen that happened, the losses would outweigh the gains!\nEven though his opponents were clearly also debauchees, these debauchees were backed by the first rate families of the city! \nWithout the behest of these families, would these few lumps of shoddy material actually dare to drug Tang Yuan and Jun Moxie? Would they dare to act with such arrogance, with such recklessness?\nImpossible!\nThere was absolutely no such possibility of this happening!\nEven though Jun Moxie himself was an extremely disappointing debauchee, behind him was Grandfather Jun, the Jun Family!\nAlthough it was clear to all that Grandfather Jun was the only one supporting the Jun Family, a thin, starving camel is still bigger than the horse! \nWithin the military, nearly one third of the military generals were under the command of Grandfather Jun! As long as Grandfather Jun is still alive, then these men would become the debauchee, Jun Moxie’s solid support! \nRegardless of their willingness, their body were engraved with the mark ‘Jun’!\nOnce something happened, then the consequences would create a monstrous storm within the royal court. \nOnce the Jun Family falls, these people will not have any good days either. They would be forced to fall apart and be suppressed by the other factions to the point of not being able to fight back! \nBut as long as the Jun Family existed, these people will have a place to stand by.They would be able to come together to fight against their enemies, regardless of whether it was domestic or foreign enemies!\nThat was why nothing must happen to the Jun Family! \nThat was why these men would not stand by should anything happened to Jun Moxie! \nEven though each of them looked down on this young debauchee, when the time comes to act, none of them will show any hesitation.\nThe same can be said of the Tang Family! \nThe strength of the Tang Family may not be close to the Jun Family, but in the city, their strength was definitely amongst the top few! Should these two families come together, even the currently flourishing Dugu Family will be forced to take a step back.\nOf course, this does not mean that the Jun Family’s strength was worse than the Dugu Family’s. During its most prosperous period, the Jun Family had once suppressed the Dugu Family to the point of them not daring to lift their heads. This situation lasted for a good seven years! But now that the Jun Family’s talents have fallen, and the Dugu Family’s new talents keep mushrooming out. They slowly produced new talents, one after another. \nIt was here where they have overtaken the Jun Family by a great distance.\nThat is why the Dugu Family is currently the one with the most potential. At least, that is how it would appear to outsiders.\nHowever, as long as Grandfather Jun remained alive, then the Jun Family will never fall! \nEven for the imperial powers, they must carefully consider before doing anything to the Jun Family. \nIt can even be said that they… do not dare!\nAnd yet, this Li and Meng Families actually came together at the same time to set up Tang Yuan and Jun Xie! \nThis was very unusual.\nExtremely unusual!\nIf this had seemed ordinary, then something was wrong!\nIndeed, the ones who were involved this time were only debauchees, genuine debauchees. Even if this matter were to be exposed, then the general population would only think that this was only some mischief caused by some youngsters. After laughing for a little, none of them would likely take them to heart. However, what if it had succeeded?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第24章\n可儿这才发现家主就站在门口,不由吓了一跳,急忙跪下行礼,答道:“这些宝物都是少爷之前出去去赌钱,赢回来的。”\n“赢回来的?真的!”君战天嗓音有些微微变调,心中却是又惊又喜,若不是定力超强,险些惊叫出来。\n只是,这惊讶之意远在喜悦之上,君老爷子自然狐疑,什么时候这小子也能赢钱了?\n貌似从几年前他学会赌博这玩意开始,就从来没赢过……\n若不是君老爷子严格的限制他的零花钱,估计君莫邪现在已经将整个君家都输出去了,而眼下不但是赢了,还赢回这些高档货色……\n“是,这些宝物确实是公子赢回来的,婢女天胆也不敢欺瞒家主,除了这些宝物之外,另有银票三百万两,都是公子这次带回来的。”\n可儿肯定地回答:“听说这些财物乃是从李公子和孟公子他们那里赢来的。回家之后,公子将这些东西扔在这里让我收拾,然后就去了藏书阁那看书了。”\n可儿很骄傲,因为,公子从来就没有赢钱回来,但这次居然赢了这么多。\n在小丫头的心里,公子突然变得厉害了,虽然可儿还是很害怕公子,可是近日来的公子真的和以前不同了,起码不象以前那么讨厌了!\n“那小子又去了藏书阁?”君老爷子此刻心中的喜悦已然远胜惊讶了,再也不用担心替孙子收拾烂摊子了,可是又听到可儿说明孙子的下落,不禁两眼发直,很有些受不了这打击的样子;颤巍巍的抬起手摸了摸自己的额头,确定自己今天并没有发烧,也就没有听错,这才回过神来。\n“哦,等他回来,让他到我那里去一次。”老爷子说完这句话,带着管家老庞走了,只剩下小萝莉两眼冒着银光,一遍一遍的点算:“这三块玉佩至少能卖十万两,那珠子、宝石起码能卖十五万两,还有那个能卖……加上这些银票……哇……”\n“老庞,你怎么看?”走在路上,君战天有些拿捏不准,实在是这个孙子这个月以来的所作所为太让自己看不明白了,他究竟想做什么?\n他又究竟在做什么?\n“老奴不知,但小少爷如今行事却是好的。”老庞看来也在迷糊,不过只要不用替君莫邪收拾烂摊子,怎么也算是好事。\n“若是他对看书真的那么有兴趣的话,你说我将他送入文星书院如何?”\n君老爷子突发奇想,有一种做梦般的憧憬,文星书院,那可是天下顶尖的读书人做学问的地方,里面连先生带学生全算上貌似也不过千人,这个数字对于天香帝国数亿的人口来说,实在是极小极小的比例!\n也就是说,只有在各地方身家清白、非常优秀的顶尖人才,才有资格、才有可能进入这里学习,而学成出来的人员,尽数会为国家所录用,只要你是真正达到毕业资格!\n但,想要真正达到毕业资格,就连那些出名的才子,也是要经过艰难的学习!\n可以说,文星书院,就是天下文人的金光大道!\n不管你地位多么煊赫,哪怕你是公主王子,若是没有真才实学,也绝对进不去文星书院!\n君老爷子居然打算让君邪进文星书院,看来心中已经相信君邪是浪子回头了。\n“……或者很难吧。”\n就凭君莫邪这块料也进文星书院?\n所有能进入那里的可都是寒窗苦读十几年,都是声名赫赫的各地才子才有资格参与入学考试,您真以为您那不学无术十六年的孙子看了一个月的书就能进去?\n当然,老庞不好意思说得很明白,继续含蓄的说道:“文星书院那些老夫子实在是太迂腐,若是老爷亲自前去,反而碰了钉子……咳咳,窃以为,窃以为,还是慢慢打算,再……斟酌一下。”\n“唉!最可惜的是,这小子的玄气修为实在是不入流,若是能进神玄学院当然是最好,我君家世代都是沙场为将,若真是出一个酸溜溜的小夫子,还真显得不伦不类。”\n君战天也明白这件事实在是不好办,想当年二皇子进文星书院的时候,就连皇帝陛下还吃了老夫子的一顿闷气,才勉强进去的。\n自己与那酸丁一向不怎么对付,肯定是要难上加难。\n更何况莫邪的个性……\n“老庞,你说,莫邪以后我要给他安排一条什么路为好?”\n君老爷子今天没断了叹气,“让他从文吧,这小子肯定不是那块料,让他从武吧,这家伙也是半点天赋也欠奉,还半点也不能吃苦,不堪造就;让他从商吧……估计他连老夫的棺材都能赔进去!……难道就这么让他混吃等死?”\n说到这件事,老庞也是一筹莫展,安慰道:“小少爷近来颇为长进,说不定现在正在奋发而起,浪子回头……呃,小少爷年纪尚轻,相信一切都不晚……”\n“最烦的就是这等假惺惺的安慰!现在连你也学会了!”\n君战天皱起眉头,有些不耐烦:“老庞,这可不像你啊,当年那个在战场上一人独闯数万大军的庞烈,可不是你现在这个样子啊。”\n老庞苦笑:我何尝想这样说,可除了这样我还能怎么说?\n我还能直接说,儿孙自有儿孙福,您老就别费心了,您那孙子任谁都知道就是一块扶不上墙的烂泥,您再怎么操心,再怎么安排后路,他还是能照样给您败坏的一干二净?\n这样说?\n那您还不直接对我拔了刀?\n“还有个办法,可以保护少爷,让老爷你没有后顾之忧。”老庞突然想起来一件事,道。\n“什么办法?快说。”君战天有些意外,今天本来是发发牢骚,没想到老庞居然有办法!\n“这个办法实施起来还是有些难度。”老庞话到嘴边,却又有些踯躅:“就是给少爷买一头年幼的八级以上的玄兽,然后我们不惜代价的催生起来……”\n“停停停!”话没说完,就被君战天强行打断:“老庞,你在说梦话呢?你自己说,这可能吗?”\n老庞瞪着眼睛想了想,垂头丧气地道:“不可能。”\n“既然知道不可能你还说个屁!”君战天闷闷地叹了口气。\n玄兽,是玄玄大陆的一种特产生物,任何一只高级玄兽都具有极其强悍的能力,传说中,任何一只八级的玄兽都能够匹敌一个天玄级别的高手而不落下风!\n若是更强的九级攻击性玄兽,甚至可以与至尊神玄高手比拼也毫不逊色!\n但玄兽却也如人类一般分等级的,而且划分更为严格,人类高手,若是掌握一些特别的技能、手段,是有可能越级挑战、甚至战胜玄气修为比自己更强的对手的,可是在玄兽之间的战斗,是不可能的!\n四级以下的玄兽充其量只能说是野兽,或者说比普通野兽的破坏力更大一些,只有从第五级开始,才有可能具备一些特殊的能力,但五六级的玄兽也并没多太大用处,幼兽更是如此。\n更特别的,只要是成年的玄兽便再没有驯化的可能,而幼兽却需要最少几十年才有可能成年,有的甚至需要上百年!\n那么,等一个幼兽长成人也老了,要来还有什么用?\n何况五六级的玄兽最多只有银玄高手的实力。\n所以,这个级别的玄兽价格也不高,也就相对容易找到。\n但七级以上的玄兽就不同了,七级以上的玄兽有了本质上的突破,已经可以说是拥有了不逊色于人类的灵智,除了天赋技能之外,还具有一种特殊的能力。\n就是这种特殊的能力,让幼兽的养成变得不再是多么困难!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 24\nIt was only then did Little Ke realized that the master of the house was standing at the doorway. She was momentarily shocked, then she quickly kneeled in salute before replying: “These treasures were won by the Young Master when he went out to gamble earlier.”\n“He won? He really won?” Jun Zhan Tian’s voice became low, his mind filled with delight and surprise. If there were no one around, he would probably have shouted out. \nHowever, above the feelings of delight and surprise, there was suspicion within Grandpa Jun’s mind. When did this brat begin to learn to win money? \nFrom what I remember, he had never won anything since the day he learnt how to gamble… \nIf it was not for Grandpa Jun limiting his pocket money, by now the entire Jun Residence would probably have been gambled away by Jun Moxie. But now, not only did he won, he actually won these kinds of high-grade stuff…\n“It is true, these treasures were won by the Young Master. No matter how much gall this maid have, I would never dare to lie to House Master. In addition, the Young Master also brought back three million liangs in silver bills,” \nLittle Ke answered without hesitation. “From what I’ve heard, these were all won from Young Master Li and Young Master Meng. When the Young Master returned, he placed the treasure here for me to arrange before going to the library building to read books.”\nLittle Ke was filled with pride, because the Young Master had never won anything before.\nBut this time, Jun Xie had actually won so much. In the little girl’s heart, her young master had suddenly become more capable. Even though she still feared the Young Master, she felt that the Young Master of today was different. At the very least, he was no longer that detestable!\n“That brat went to the library building again?” At this moment, Grandpa Jun’s feelings of joy exceeded that of his surprise. Not having to worry about how to clean up his grandson’s mess was one thing, hearing Little Ke saying where his grandson had gone to was another. He stared ahead blankly, looking as though he was unable to handle this incoming emotion. With trembling hands, he reached up to his forehead to ensure that he was not having a fever. After that, he checked his sense of hearing to ensure that he did not hear anything wrong. It was only after that did he recover himself.\n“Oh, when he return later, tell him to come find me,” After saying that, Grandpa Jun brought the housekeeper Pang out together, leaving the little Lolita counting over and over again, her eyes gleaming with silver. “These three accompaniment jades can be sold for at least one hundred thousand liangs, that bead and gemstone can be sold for at least a hundred and fifty thousand liangs… and that… at least… added with these silver bills… wow…”\n“Old Pang, what do you think?” Jun Zhan Tian who was walking back was unable to figure it out. The actions of his grandson for the past month had completely baffled him. What was he planning? \nWhat was he doing?\n“This old servant do not know. However, the Young Master’s current actions are definitely good,” Old Pang also seemed confused. Nonetheless, not having to help clean up Jun Moxie’s mess can definitely be considered a good thing.\n“If he is really interested in reading, what do you think about me sending him to Wenxing Institute of Knowledge?” \nGrandpa Jun asked on a whim, a fantasy like yearning on his face. Wenxing Institute of Knowledge is Tianxiang Kingdom’s leading place of learning for all scholars. Within it, the number of teachers and students combined are less than a thousand. This number is simply too small compared to the several hundred millions of Tianxiang Kingdom’s population. \nThis meant that only those who were of worth, who possessed a high level of talent, would have the possibility and qualifications to enter this place to learn. As long as these students graduate, the kingdom would often employ them! \nHowever, even those infamous geniuses would be forced to undergo a very difficult phase of learning in order to graduate from this place!\nIt could be said that Wenxing Institute of Knowledge is the golden road for scholars!\nRegardless of who or what your background may be, not even a prince or princess can be allowed to enter Wenxing Institute of Knowledge if they do not possess genuine talent!\nFor Grandpa Jun to actually consider sending Jun Xie to Wenxing Institute of Knowledge, it seemed that he had already believed that Jun Xie had turned over a new leaf.\n“…it would probably be very difficult.”\nBased on Jun Moxie’s abilities, how was he someone that can enter Wenxing Institute of Knowledge?\nAll those that have been accepted were those that had laboriously studied for tens of years. They who were qualified were the most illustrious and infamous amongst geniuses. How can that grandson of yours who had remained ignorant for sixteen years and had only started reading for a month be qualified?\nNaturally, Old Pang was unable to be straightforward regarding this matter. He subtly continued: “Wenxing Institute of Knowledge is much too pedantic for this old man. But if Senior Master were to personally go and end up suffering a setback… Sigh! I humbly believe… I humbly believe that we should take this slowly. Let’s observe… observe for a while longer.”\n“Alas! How unfortunate that this brat’s level of Xuan Qi cultivation is simply too mediocre. It would be for the best if he could enter the Divine Xuan Institute of War. For generations, our Jun Family had always become generals, fighting through the battlefield! If our family were to actually produce a pedantic man, then our family will really become unremarkable,” \nJun Zhan Tian himself realized that this matter was not easy to handle. Back when the Second Prince was entering the Wenxing Institute of Knowledge, the Emperor himself had to endure Grandpa Jun’s anger before sending the prince in. \nGrandpa Jun had always been at odds with the scholars, making this even harder.\nNot to mention, Moxie’s personality…\n“Old Pang, what do you think? What kind of arrangement should I make for Moxie?” \nGrandpa Jun sighed continuously. “Sending him to study? This brat is certainly not made of that material. Sending him into the military? This bastard does not have even the slightest talent. He cannot endure pain, and cannot endure training. Send him to do business? … … I fear that he would lose money to the point where he cannot even pay for my coffin! … Do I really have to just leave him as a useless freeloader waiting for death’s call?”\nSpeaking of this subject, Old Pang became frustrated and tried to comfort Grandpa Jun, “The Young Master has started maturing lately. He may very well be trying hard to reach the top himself, turning over a new leaf… ah, the Young Master is still very young, I believe that it is still not too late…”\n“This type of hypocritical comfort is what I hate the most! You actually learned to do this as well!”\nJun Zhan Tian frowned, and rebuked in a vexed manner. “Old Pang, this is not like you at all! Look at you! Where is the Pang Lie who had fought singlehandedly against tens of thousands of enemies on the battlefield back then?”\nOld Pang smiled bitterly: It is not as if I wanted to say that. But, what else can I say other than that?\nAm I supposed to say, each grandson brings with them a blessing. But you can forget about your grandson. Everyone knows that your grandson is a smear on the wall that cannot be developed in any way at all. No matter how much you worry, no matter how much you prepare a path for him, would he not end up ruining everything by himself?\nWas I really supposed to say that?\nI might as well tell you to decapitate me!\n“There is one method that can protect the Young Master. That way, Senior Master will not need to worry about the Young Master,” Old Pang said as he suddenly recalled something.\n“What method? Quick, tell me!” Jun Zhan Tian was surprised; he had only thought of blowing off some steam today. He did not expect Old Pang to actually have a way!\n“This method is actually somewhat difficult to implement,” Old Pang was about to say it, but then began to hesitate: “The method is for us to buy a young Xuan Beast that is at least of the Eighth level or above. After that, we can train it at all cost…”\n“Stop! Stop! Stop!” Jun Zhan Tian forcefully interrupted Old Pang’s words. “Old Pang, are you sleep talking now? Do you actually think this kind of method is possible?”\nOld Pang thought about it with his eyes staring forward, then sadly replied: “Impossible.”\n“Since you know it is impossible, then why are you talking about it?!” Jun Zhan Tian gave out a muffled sigh.\nXuan Beasts, they are a special life form in the Xuan Xuan Continent. Any one of the high-levelled Xuan Beast will possess extremely powerful strength. It is said that any Eighth level Xuan Beast could fight evenly with a Sky Xuan expert! \nAs for the Ninth level Xuan Beast, they are no less powerful compared to the Supreme God Xuan expert!\nHowever, even the Xuan Beasts have their own form of hierarchy, much like the humans. Their ranks are even more stringent in comparison to humans. For human experts who grasped certain special skills, it was possible for them to challenge and defeat opponents whose Xuan Qi cultivation was higher than them. But this was not possible when fighting against Xuan Beasts!\nXuan Beasts of the fourth level and below can only be considered the same as wild animals. At best, they may perhaps have slightly more destructive power when compared to normal animals. Only from the fifth level onwards will the Xuan Beasts possess some special ability. \nHowever, the Xuan Beasts of the sixth and seventh level are of not much use, even more so when they are young. Additionally, once the Xuan Beast reaches adulthood, it can no longer be tamed. Some Xuan Beasts require several decades to reach adulthood, others up to a hundred years! \nWaiting so long for a cub to mature, what was the point? \nNot to mention, the strength of the sixth level Xuan Beast can at best only be on par with the Silver level Xuan Qi expert. \nTherefore, the price for this level of Xuan Beast is not high, and is relatively easy to find.\nHowever, from the seventh level onwards, the situation becomes different! Xuan Beasts of the seventh level onwards possesses the intrinsic ability to breakthrough. These Xuan Beasts could be said to rival humans in terms of wisdom. Besides having innate skills, they also have a special ability. \nIt is also due to this ability that the development process of these cubs becomes exceptionally difficult!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第25章\n三级以上的玄兽身体中会自动形成一种晶体,名为“玄丹”,而七级以上的玄兽这种特殊的能力就是,它能够吸取别的动物身体内凝结的玄丹的能量,从而促进自己的快速成长!\n但也就因为这样子,使得七级以上的玄兽幼兽极为难得,只要出现一只,价格就是天价!\n至于说八级以上的玄兽幼兽?\n那更是有价无市!\n直接就是传说了……\n最少近几十年,还真没有听说过谁能够拥有一只八级以上的玄兽幼兽的。\n高级玄兽主要集中在天罚森林的深处,那是一个连至尊神玄高手也不敢深入的危险地方!\n天罚森林幅员广阔,无边无际,几乎占据了四分之一个大陆的土地!\n外围多是一些弱小的玄兽和一般的野兽,但越往里就越是凶险,而且,一旦遇上高级玄兽,打不过它一甩屁股就逃了,在天罚森林中,就是高级玄兽的天堂,根本无法追踪!\n若是实力不济,甚至没有活着出来的希望!\n若是想要获得八级玄兽的幼兽,需要最少三位天玄以上的高手,击败最少两只成年的八级玄兽才有这个可能,谈何容易?\n而且,玄兽的防御比一般的人类天玄高手要强悍的多!\n更何况若不是遇上两只而是遇上一群……\n如果发生这种情况,那就算是至尊神玄高手也要葬身其中!\n世间的高手只要是到了天玄这个级别,哪一个不是一方之雄或者是大有身份的人物?\n荣华富贵要啥有啥,何必去做这种提着脑袋吃饭的买卖?\n所以君老爷子很是为这个提议哭笑不得。\n“去藏书阁,看看这家伙到底在做什么!”君老爷子始终觉得孙子这几天有些诡异。\n两人一前一后,闲庭散步一般,向藏书阁走去。\n到了藏书阁,却又扑了个空。\n“少爷一个时辰前出了藏书阁,不知道去了什么地方。”看守藏书阁的侍卫很无辜的禀报。\n两人面面相觑。\n“回书房吧。”\n君老爷子走得累了,有些意兴阑珊,顺便吩咐了一句:“将他刚才看的书,都给我搬过来。”\n就在唐万里老爷子带着大队人马前去李家和孟家为孙子讨公道的时候,也就是君战天老爷子为了自己的孙子烦心不已的时候。\n李氏家族大院,李悠然颀长的身形潇洒飘逸地站在一株牡丹花树下,一袭白袍一尘不染。\n英俊的近乎完美的脸上含着一丝浅浅的微笑,目光深情而执着的看着远方黑云涌动的天空,良久不语。\n一阵和煦的微风吹来,李悠然衣袂飘举,使他整个人更如是琼楼玉树,天宫仙葩,让人一看就不由得心中油然而起赞赏之意——如此风致,直可说是凤毛麟角,举世罕见!\n在他的面前,李峰,李振兄弟三人笔直的站立着,此时的秋风本应最为宜人,惟这三人脸上却尽是大汗,却连擦也不敢擦一擦,任凭汗珠一滴滴落下,落到鼻尖,落到眉梢,浸进眼眸,难受得要命,却连眼睛也不敢眨一下。\n“事已至此,再说什么也无补于事,就此作罢;这次就算是君莫邪运气好吧。至于你们……”李悠然说到这里,三人同时身躯颤抖起来。\n同属李家下一代,但三人却似乎对面前这温文的少年已经害怕到了骨头里。\n这少年从来没有人见他大发过脾气,但三人每次见到他,总是感觉从骨髓里嗖嗖的向外冒凉风……\n“……你们每人去领四十家法棍,另扣除半年例钱。”李悠然温柔地笑着,举止潇洒飘逸,眼睛看向远方,眼波温柔,如春水荡漾:“明日开始,该做什么,还要做什么。明白吗?”\n领取四十家法棍,纵不至筋断骨折,至少也要皮开肉绽,而明日原本该做什么就还要做什么……\n这惩罚简直可说已经是严苛之极,完全没有半点人情味,尤其眼前这三人,还是李悠然血缘极近的堂兄弟!\n但李悠然就这么平静地说了出来,语气清淡,眼神平和。\n似乎他处置的不是自己的堂兄弟,甚至不是三个人,而是处置了三条可有可无的狗……\n但李峰三人却是如蒙大赦,连连道谢,仿佛这惩罚是多么的法外施恩,多么的微不足道。\n“恩,君莫邪……呵呵……”李悠然轻柔的一笑,淡然道:“去吧。”听到这两个字,三人才敢挪动一下身子,异常乖巧、顺从的走了出去,每个人脸上居然尽是一脸的庆幸万分的模样!\n“来人。”李悠然轻轻拍了拍手,瞬时有两名黑衣人无声无息地出现在他身边,躬身听令。\n“恩,细细地调查一下,此次君莫邪究竟是凭什么能够赢钱?\n而迷幻剂又是什么原因没有起作用?\n还有,确认一下独孤小艺的出现,是否是意外……\n纵然有独孤小艺去了,但君莫邪却仍然不该有机会赢的……\n以上这几件事,一旦调查清楚,立即回来报告给我知道。”\n他说话依然是轻柔淡然,似乎就连说话也不愿意多花半分的力气。\n“是!”两名黑衣人恭恭敬敬的行礼,还未转身,就见一个青衣人气喘吁吁的跑了过来,来到李悠然面前十来步的地方,轻轻地放缓了步子,极力地调整了一下呼吸,却把脸憋得通红;这才控制着粗重的呼吸,来到李悠然面前:“禀公子,唐家老侯爷唐万里带着唐大公子,和百多号人马,正一路疾驰,气势汹汹地向我李家而来。”\n“哦?倒打一下?”李悠然轻轻挑了挑眉毛,轻声道:“不意连唐源竟都有这等心思算计?看来之前的某些计划,必须做出调整了……呵呵……”\n恩,去告诉李振他们,唐老爷子一会问起来,就……如此如此……回答。另:家法立即执行!等打到一半的时候,再带唐老爷子去问话。”一名黑衣人领命而去。\n李悠然嘴角勾起一丝微笑,突然转身,问道:“唐老爷子这次带来的从人之中,有没有我们一直注意的人?”\n“有!”那青衣汉子没有丝毫犹豫,“有三个。”\n“三个……足够了。”\n李悠然脸上泛起一丝神秘的微笑,仰头看看天上乌云滚滚,原本和煦的秋风又多参杂了丝丝凉意,微喟一声,低不可闻的自语道:“要下雨了,而现在唐家精锐尽出,倒……或者是个不错的机会。”\n抬头,眼神中第一次有了一丝慎重,语声稍见急促:“立即通知秦虎,趁此唐家空虚的机会,将我之前提过的那东西取出来;只许成功,不许失败,机会只此一次!”\n说着抬头看看天色,道:“告诉他,他有一下午的时间来运作!”\n“告诉他,让他动用一直没有出现的那几个人,无论成与不成,不准留下半点痕迹!”\n“是!”另一名黑衣人如飞而去。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "chapter 25\nThe Xuan Beasts’ body of the Third level and above will automatically form a special crystal. This crystal is known as ‘Xuan Core’. The Seventh level Xuan Beasts special ability involves the ability to absorb the condensed Xuan energies from other life forms. This ability would increase their rate of growth!\nIt was also due to this that the cubs of the Seventh level Xuan Beasts were so rare. Even if one were to become available, the price on it would be astronomical! \nAs for the Eighth level Xuan Beast’s cub? \nThose would be priceless! \nThey were simply the stuff of legends…\nIn the recent decades, there have been no news of anyone possessing an Eighth level Xuan Beast cub.\nHigh-levelled Xuan Beasts’ main area of occupation is deep within the Cursed Forest, a dangerous place where not even Supreme Divine experts dared to enter! \nThe surface area of the Cursed Forest was vast, a boundless realm; it practically accounted for a quarter of the continent’s land area. \nThe ones found at the peripheral area were mostly low-levelled Xuan Beasts and some normal animals. As one enters deeper into the forest, the risk soared to new heights. In addition, should a high-levelled Xuan Beast find itself outmatched, it would simply shake its ass and run away. The Cursed Forest was the paradise of high-levelled Xuan Beasts, making it impossible for anyone to chase after them. \nIf one’s strength was insufficient, they may not even have any hope of coming out of the forest alive.\nIn order to obtain the cub of an Eighth level Xuan Beast, a minimum of three Sky Xuan experts or above were needed. This number was the absolute minimum in order to defeat at least two adult Xuan Beasts of the Eighth level, but this was easier said than done. \nMoreover, the defensive capabilities of Xuan Beasts were more powerful in comparison to the average Sky Xuan expert! \nAlso, if they were to bump into a group of Eighth levelled Xuan Beasts instead of two… \nShould that happen, then even a Supreme Divine expert will end up being buried there and then!\nFor an expert to attain the Sky Xuan rank, which one of them were not powerful heroes or characters with precious identities? \nThings like great wealth was assured for them. So, why would they participate in this highly absurd deal?\nThat was also why Grandpa Jun could only bitterly smile at this proposal.\n“Let’s head to the library building and watch what this brat is doing there!” Grandpa Jun felt as though something strange was going on with his grandson for the past few days. \nThe both of them then headed onwards towards the library building.\nAfter arriving at the library building however, they found it to be empty.\n“The Young Master left the library building two hours ago. I do not know where he went to,” The bodyguard assigned to watch over the library building reported.\nBoth of them looked at one another.\n“Let’s just go back to my study room.” \nGrandpa Jun felt tired, having walked so far, his heart was feeling melancholic. While walking back, he said: “Bring over all the books that he had read to my place.”\nWhile Grandpa Jun had been worried about his dear grandson, Tang Yuan’s grandfather, Tang Wanli was leading his group of men towards the Li and Meng Families to seek justice…\nWithin the courtyard of the Li Family Residence, Li Youran who was dressed in spotless white robes stood elegantly under a peony tree.\nEtched on his near perfect, handsome face was the hint of a shallow smile. His eyes gazed passionately at the distant dark skies for a long time without issuing a word.\nA warm and harmonious breeze blew, lifting Li Youran’s robes, causing them to flutter in the air and his entire being becoming similar to a precious jade tree. This sight would cause others to feel admiration welling up in their hearts. This manner of bearing was truly rare, a rare sight to behold!\nLi Feng and his two brothers stood before Li Youran, their faces full of sweat even though it was the most pleasant period of the autumn season. However, they did not dare wipe off the sweat, allowing it to fall down, drop after drop. It dropped down their nose, down onto their eyebrows, into their eyes, causing them terrible discomfort; and yet none of them dared to blink it off.\n“Whatever you say now would contribute towards nothing at all towards this matter, so we shall put an end to it. Let us just consider it as Jun Moxie’s lucky day. But as for you…” Hearing Li Youran saying this, the three of them trembled. \nAlthough they were of the same generation, the fear they have towards this gentle looking youngster had permeated deep into their bones. \nNo one had ever seen this youngster lose his temper, but every time the three brothers saw him, they would feel an atmosphere of danger resounding from the very depths of their bones…\n“Each of you will go receive forty disciplinary beatings, and also have your total expense deducted by half a year’s worth,” Li Youran smiled gently, his demeanour remained elegant as he gazed into the distance. He continued in a soft voice, much like the waves of spring water. “Tomorrow, you must still do the things that you were supposed to do. Do you understand?”\nUnder forty disciplinary beatings, even if their ribs were not broken and their muscles not snapped, they would at the very least end up with a layer of skin torn off, revealing their red flesh. In addition, them having to continue doing what they were supposed to do tomorrow…\nThis punishment was extremely harsh, absolutely devoid of consideration. Especially since these three were Li Youran’s close cousins!\nHowever, Li Youran calmly stated their punishment with an indifferent tone of voice, his eyes also exuding a calm aura.\nIt seemed as though he was not dealing with his close cousins, or humans in general; his actions resembled the way people deal against three disposable dogs…\nHowever, Li Feng and his brothers reacted as though they had been granted amnesty, uttering their thanks again and again. From their actions, it seemed as though the punishment was one filled with kindness, a light punishment.\n“Umm, Jun Moxie… hehe…” Li Youran smiled gently and said in a light tone. “You can leave.” It was only after hearing these words did the three brothers dared to move. They were unusually well behaved as they meekly walked away, an expression of having found great fortune etched on their faces!\n“Come,” Li Youran lightly clapped his hands. In an instant, two black clothed figures quietly appeared by his side. They bowed down, awaiting orders.\n“Well, go investigate in detail why Jun Moxie was able to win this time.\nAlso, investigate why the psychedelic drugs did not work.\nIn addition, confirm whether the appearance of Dugu Xiaoyi was truly a coincidence…\nEven if Dugu Xiaoyi had appeared, Jun Moxie should not have had any chances of winning…\nOnce you have clearly investigated those matters, report the results to me immediately,”\nHe spoke with the same indifferent voice, as though he did not want to spend too much energy even when talking.\n“Affirmative!” The two black clothed figures saluted respectfully. Before they could turn around, they saw a green clothed person who was out of breath ran in. As this person entered within ten paces before Li Youran, he slowed down and controlled his breath, but his face remained red; only after having controlled his breaths did he went before Li Youran. “Reporting to Young Master, the Tang Family Duke, Tang Wanli is bringing the Young Master Tang and hundreds worth of troops towards our Li Family. Their manner of movements looks threatening.”\n“Oh? They want to give us troubles?” Li Youran’s eyebrows gently moved upwards. Softly, he continued. “How unexpected, even Tang Yuan would have this level of craftiness. It seems some adjustments are needed for our plans… \nhehe… Very well, go inform Li Zhen and his brothers. When Grandfather Tang asks them about it, they should… this…answer. Also, execute the disciplinary punishment immediately! Only after the punishment is halfway done should you bring Grandfather Tang to go question them.” One of the black clothed figures nodded and rushed off.\nLi Youran’s mouth curled into a smile as he suddenly turned around and asked. “Among those that Grandfather Tang had brought with him this time, are there any that we had been keeping an eye on?”\n“Yes!” The green clothed man replied without the slightest hesitation. “There were three of them.”\n“Three… that is enough.” \nA mysterious smile flitted upon Li Youran’s face. He raised his head to gaze upon the billowing clouds upon the sky. The originally warm autumn wind was now mixed with a slight cool air. Li Youran whispered in an inaudible tone. “It is about to rain. Now that the Tang Family’s elites have moved out… this is probably a good opportunity.”\nIn his eyes, a trace of cautiousness and hurry appeared as he spoke. “Immediately notify Qin Hu to take this opportunity. Now that the Tang Family forces have been emptied, he must obtain the item that I had mentioned before from the Tang Residence. He can only succeed, failure is not allowed. This is the only opportunity!”\nRaising his head upwards again, he continued. “Tell him that he has the whole afternoon for this operation!”\n“Also inform him to use those that have never appeared before. Regardless of success or failure, they must not leave the slightest trace!”\n“Affirmative!” The other black clothed figure flew off.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第26章\n“你去吧,我知道了,这次你……做的不错。”李悠然温文的看着青衣汉子,慢慢说道。\n青衣汉子顿时一阵激动,抱拳道:“多谢公子,属下告退。”仿佛那一声“不错”已经是一个至高的赞誉!\n李悠然面色依旧平和如水,微微颔首,青衣汉子低着头倒退了十步之外,才转过身去,大步行出;直至此时,辛苦憋下的一口浊气才敢悠长地吐了出来。在这位公子爷面前,他竟然连大声喘气也是不敢的!\n“来人,立即知会现在在宫中与陛下议事的祖父大人,告诉他老人家,唐万里带着很多高手来李家了,但无须烦恼,来者固然不善,却也是一个极好的机会,万事皆有利弊,就看能否把握得住。”李悠然淡淡地笑着,满头黑发在风中轻轻扬起。\n暗影处,一人答应一声,接着一阵悉悉索索的声音,那人已经疾奔而去。\n“这次虽然跑了君莫邪,让君家能够侥幸置身事外,不过,若是让唐老侯爷让孟家去狠狠地大闹一次,必然会将孟家逼得狼狈不堪……\n若是此时,祖父大人再加以运作……让孟、唐两家彻底成仇,便可将孟家彻底地拉过来,甚至是收服……\n君家三代子孙只有君莫邪一个后人,要对付决计不难;惟有那独孤家,可现在却还不得动,亦不能动……”\n李悠然微微地叹了口气,伸出手掌,修长的手指洁白细致,干燥整洁;似乎怕惊扰了面前牡丹花树的安静,轻柔的摘下一片叶子,低头温柔的看着手中的绿叶:“不过就算这样,倒也是……很不错的,至少很有趣。”\n远远的蹄声如雷,已经到了大门前。\n李悠然轻轻玩味的一笑,眉梢一扬,道:“打开中门,以最隆重的礼节迎接唐老侯爷!”\n说完这句话,突然修长的手指一弹,身上黄光一闪,手中的绿叶带着一道金灿灿的光芒飞了出去,无声无息的嵌入了面前的牡丹花树树干……\n就在绿叶出手的这一刻,天上突然闪出一道闪电,乌云滚滚,已经来到了头顶上。\n狂风呼的刮了起来。\n闪电闪现的那一刻,李悠然白袍在狂风中悠然荡起,挺拔的身形似乎动了一动,然后一闪,整个人仿佛直接从院中消失了……\n君邪又去了哪里呢?\n他却是去了一个君老爷子发梦也不会想到的所在。\n君老爷子曾经很肯定的认为,君邪只怕这一辈子都不可能再到这个地方来。\n因为,就是在这个地方,君莫邪曾经结结实实的挨了两顿揍,每一次都是半月没起床,这两顿揍,却也是君莫邪降生以来,唯一挨得两顿暴打,家庭暴力!\n那个所在是,君莫邪三叔君无意的院子。\n君无意一生军旅倥偬,连自己住的地方也是尽可能的靠近君家的演兵场。\n君无意异常安详地坐在轮椅上,透过花丛看着校场上君家的侍卫在操练,目中神色变幻,那久违的雄心,似乎又在蠢蠢欲动。\n君邪蹲在他的面前,两手暗运玄功,在君无意毫无知觉的双腿缓缓移动着,从上到下,再从下到上,这一次是非常仔细的检查了一遍,包括每一寸筋脉,每一处经脉,甚至,每一丝肌肉!\n君邪一个月之前身上始终没有得心应手的内力,无从医治,甚至无从检查,但如今身上不但有了内力,而且这内力还是号称是‘亘古第一功’的开天造化功,君邪自然要再仔细检查一遍,确保万无一失,才能决定如何治疗。\n良久,君邪满头大汗的停手,站了起来,眼中稍有喜色。\n“如何?”君无意轮廓分明的脸上似乎毫不在意,口气清淡,但一双手早已经牢牢地攥起了拳头,手背上青筋暴起,显然,他心中并不是如此的平静!\n虽然他已经见到了君邪脸上的喜色,却又不敢相信,残废许久的双腿真的有复原的希望!\n君邪,几乎已经是他唯一的、最后的希望!\n他甚至不敢问君邪能否治好,只敢用“如何”来询问!\n他太希望能够得到肯定的答案了!\n“情况虽然不算很乐观,不过却也不用太悲观。”君邪笑了笑,“确实是要费点功夫,但我却很有十分把握可以让三叔重新站起来!”\n“好!”君无意终于忍不住喜形于色,兴奋之余,仍有几分狐疑,毕竟多少位当世名医都拿自己的腿束手无策,自己这个纨绔侄子,近来虽然行事古怪,却有如何有偌大本领救得了自己,可是此时的君无意却如溺水待毙之人,只要有一个稻草也要尽力抓住,即使侄子是吹牛,顶多也只是再失望一次罢了,君三爷心中其中各种滋味外人又岂能尽知。\n“等下我说几味药,三叔安排人出去寻找购买吧。只要这几味药找到了,相信三叔你重新站起来日子就不远了。”君邪道。\n“好!是那几味药物呢?可有什么特别名贵的药物,我立即安排人出去寻找!”君无意显得很急切。\n“裂肠花,通心草,九叶草,断续根,还有焚经荷。”君邪一口气说出了五味药,当然是以这种药草在这个世界的名字说出来的,之前数日,君邪可是翻遍了藏书阁中的医药典籍,毕竟自己前世所知的药物名称与今世药物是难以混用的,还多亏了藏书阁中的医药典籍当真不少,君邪配药所需要的药材也都尽有,只要按照典籍中的药物图谱,一一对照新名就是。\n“通心草、断肠花和断续根我倒是听说过,九叶草和焚经荷是何物?”君无意皱起眉头问道,要知君无意可谓久病成医,于医药的见识可说颇为不凡,而自己却完全不知道这两味药,反而从君邪的口里说了出来,自然大为奇怪。\n君邪一笑,从怀中取出一本书,正是一本奇花异草图志,拿到君无意面前翻开:“喏,这就是九叶草,这个,是焚经荷。\n这几样药草,除了焚经荷比较难,很难见到之外,其他的几味药都很常见。\n而这些药加起来,再配以我的独门方法,当有七成以上的把握治好三叔病疾!”\n“好!”君无意眼睛死死地盯着书页上的这几味药,如获至宝,声音不禁有些颤抖。\n整整十年了!终于又一次感到希望就在眼前!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 26\n“You can go ahead, I have it under control. This time… you’ve done well,” Li Youran said calmly as he looked at the green clothed man.\nThe green clothed man suddenly became excited; he clenched his fists and replied. “This subordinate will return.” His actions were as though the words “done well” were a high level of praise!\nLi Youran nodded lightly, his face still as calm as water. The green clothed man backtracked with his head down for ten paces before turning around. After turning around, he walked away with large strides. It was only then did he release a long sigh of relief. He dared not even let out a gasp while he was before the Young Master!\n“Listen, immediately go inform my grandfather who is currently in the palace with His Majesty; inform him that Tang Wanli brought a group of experts to our Li Residence. But do not worry. Even though his coming will not be a good thing, it also represents a good opportunity. There are pros and cons to every situation, it all depends on whether we can grasp the benefits,” Li Youran faintly smiled; his dark hair billowed amongst the gentle winds.\nIn the darkness, an affirmative sound rang out. After a short while, that person left with a quick level of speed.\n“Jun Moxie managed to escape this time, allowing the Jun Family the fortune of staying out of it. However, if the Old Duke Tang causes enough trouble for the Meng Family, then the Meng Family will be forced into a very difficult spot…\nWhen that happens, all grandfather needs to do is to act… causing the Meng and Tang Family to become enemies. We can bring the Meng Family to our side, we might even be able to make them submit…\nThe Jun Family only have Jun Moxie as its successor, making plans to deal with them will not be difficult. As for the Dugu Family, we still cannot move against them, or rather we are unable to…”\nLi Youran lightly sighed. He held out his clean hands, his hands white and delicate. Looking as though he was fearful of disturbing the tranquil environment of the tree peony, he plucked out a piece of leaf. Lowering his head, he gazed placidly at the green leaf and said: “But even so, it is… not so bad. At least, it is interesting.”\nFrom afar, the sound of thundering hooves can be heard. Soon, the sound came before the doors of the residence.\nLi Youran smiled gently. Raising his eyebrows, he ordered: “Open the gates and greet the Senior Duke Tang with utmost courtesy!”\nFinishing the sentence, his slender fingers suddenly flicked outwards. His body gave out a flash of yellow and the leaf in his grasp flew out with a golden glow; it silently embedded itself onto the tree peony’s tree trunk…\nAt the same time that the green leaf shot outwards, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed, the clouds billowed, reaching the skies above. \nThe fearsome wind had begun blowing.\nAt the moment when the lightning flashed, Li Youran’s white robes was swept upwards by the violent wind. With a flash, his upright body disappeared from the courtyard…\nWhere did Jun Xie go?\nThe place Jun Xie went to was one that Grandpa Jun could not have guessed of even in his wildest dreams. \nThis place was one, which Grandpa Jun had absolutely believed that Jun Xie would never step into forever. \nThis was the place where Jun Moxie had suffered a severe beating twice! Each of these beatings left him unable to crawl out of bed for half a month. Furthermore, these two beatings were the only two times since birth that he had to suffer from domestic violence!\nAnd that location was Jun Moxie’s third uncle, Jun Wuyi’s courtyard.\nJun Wuyi devoted his entire life to the military. Even his living quarters was located as close as possible to the Jun Family’s military training grounds.\nJun Wuyi was abnormally quiet as he sat on his wheelchair. He swept his gaze across the flower garden and stared at the Jun Family bodyguards exercising within the training grounds. His expression changed, the long absent heart of a warrior seemed to have been rekindled.\nJun Xie was squatted before him, his hands utilizing the mysterious Fortune Art as he inspected Jun Wuyi’s legs. He checked from top to bottom and from bottom to top. He checked very carefully, from every inch of tendons to every fibre of muscles!\nA month ago, Jun Xie’s body did not contain even a trace of internal energy, making it impossible for him to check. Now though, not only did he possess internal energy, it was one titled as the ‘First Eternal Art’, the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune! As such, Jun Xie wanted to carefully check again to ensure that nothing was amiss before deciding the method of treatment.\nAfter a long time, Jun Xie who was drenched in sweat stopped checking. He stood up with lit up eyes.\n“How is it?” Jun Wuyi’s chiselled face seemed as though he was indifferent towards the result as he asked with a light tone. However, his pair of fists was tightly clenched; the veins on the back of his hands throbbed explosively. It was obvious that his heart was unable to remain calm!\nAlthough he did take note of Jun Xie’s lit up eyes, he was unable to bring himself to believe that his legs that had been paralyzed for so long could have any hope of being restored!\nJun Xie was his final and only hope!\nHe dared not even ask Jun Xie if he could be cured and only asked, “how is it”.\nHis desire for an affirmative answer was simply that high!\n“Your condition cannot be considered optimistic, but there is no need to be pessimistic,” Jun Xie smiled. “There is a need to exert some efforts, but I am confident that I can allow you to stand up again!”\n“Excellent!” Jun Wuyi was no longer able to refrain himself from expressing happiness on his face. Despite the excitement, there was some scepticism. After all, countless world-renowned doctors had assessed his legs before and concluded that it was hopeless. Even if he had been acting strange lately, how could the debauchee nephew of his come up with the ability to cure him? However, Jun Wuyi who was like a drowning man had no intention of waiting for death. He would try to grasp even a straw in order to survive. Even if this nephew of his was only bragging, he would only end up being disappointed one more time. How could outsiders understand the Third Master Jun’s state of mind?\n“I will list down the necessary herbs. Third Uncle will need to make arrangements for people to buy it up. As long as these few herbs can be obtained, I believe that the day Third Uncle stand up again will not be too far off,” Jun Xie said.\n“Very well! Which herbs are they? Are any of them especially rare and expensive? I will immediately arrange our men out to search for it!” Jun Wuyi became very anxious.\n“Intestinal cracker flower, Common heart grass, Nine leaf grass, Persistent severing root and Blazing meridian lotus,” Jun Xie listed out five types of herbs in one breath. Naturally, he had stated the names given to these herbs in this world. For the past few days, he had been searching through all the medical books in the library building since the names of these herbs that he knew of is different from that of his past life. Thankfully, the library building does possess a significant number of medical books. Jun Xie was able to find what he needed by following the medical information of the herbs. Using that method, he found the name of the herbs in this world.\n“I have heard of the Common heart grass, Intestinal cracker flower and the Persistent severing root. But what kind of herb is the Nine leaf grass and Blazing meridian lotus?” Jun Wuyi frowned. He was someone who had been seeking a cure for his condition for a long time, his experience with the knowledge of medicine can be said to be quite extraordinary. However, he did not know of those two herbs. What was even more surprising was that these names actually came out of Jun Xie’s mouth.\nJun Xie smiled as he took out a book from his bosom. He showed Jun Wuyi a picture of a plant from the book of plants. “This is the Nine leaf grass, and this is the Blazing Meridian lotus.\nAmong the herbs I listed, the Blazing meridian lotus is quite hard to find as it is rarely seen.\nThe rest of the herbs are quite commonly seen and should be available in our residence’s medical warehouse. If it is not, then it should be available in the city’s medical shops.”\n“Great!” Jun Wuyi’s eyes stared fervently at the few herbs on the book, as though it was a priceless treasure, his voice trembling.\nIt has been a whole decade! He can finally feel a strand of hope before him!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第27章\n“三叔要注意,若是咱们府中的药材库中没有现成的药物,出去买药也不要只派一个人出去,最好是多派几人,一人负责其中的一味药,更不要让任何人知道,买这些药到底是做什么的!\n虽然别人不一定知道这几味药合起来可以做什么,但我们也要预防万一!\n即使最终凑全了所有药物,也要让我仔细检查过,才可以制成成药!”\n君邪慢慢地道。\n“眼下我们君家江河日下,日渐萧条,但三叔若是恢复了,我君家的局面必然不同如今!\n相信这京城之中,也有无数的人希望三叔你永远站不起来,所以,此事必须慎重!\n只要三叔你站起来了,那么,三叔就是我君家的一张秘密底牌!\n三叔,我的意思,想来你应该明白的?”\n“不错!”\n君无意非常欣慰地看着自己的侄儿:“莫邪,你真的长大了!\n就算三叔再没机会站起来,只要君家有你,相信君家也不会垮!”\n这些道理君无意当然懂得,但君邪竟然能说出来,而且考虑的如此周到,甚至连以后的道路也有了规划,这才是君无意最高兴的地方!\n君邪有些干巴巴的笑一声,转过了头,作为前世的天下第一杀手,如今竟然被人欣慰的夸奖:你长大了……\n貌似糗大了!\n君邪颇有些不堪承受这样的夸奖……不由心中想道:幸亏他夸的是“莫邪,你长大了”,若是真的夸一句“君邪,你长大了”……那自己的脸该往哪里搁?\n如果是前世有人知道,曾经有个人这样对邪君说话,不知道会不会当场一口水呛死过去?\n“莫邪,你看我们的护卫训练的怎样?”听着远处传来的生生吼叫,看着一个个健壮的身体在挥汗如雨,君无意有种久违了的躁动。\n“不过是些花拳绣腿罢了!”君邪心中正在遐想,闻言不假思索的说道,口气中的不屑浓浓的丝毫不加以掩饰。\n“花拳绣腿?”君无意摇头失笑:“你说这些身具七八品玄气的侍卫的训练只是花拳绣腿?莫邪,你的口气可是真不小啊。”\n“这也能算是训练吗?能起到什么效果?!”\n君邪嘴角一撇:“这些顶多只能说是锻炼罢了,怎么能说是训练!\n充其量也就是一群闲得无聊的人在一起锻炼体魄罢了,甚至连锻炼体魄的效果都很差劲,我完全看不出来他们所训练的东西在战场上能发挥多大作用,又或者能在与敌人对阵的时候给敌人造成什么有效伤害!\n在我眼中,他们和一群前赴后继的去送死的人没有任何的分别!\n根本就是一伙人,无所世事,费时费力的瞎耽误工夫,仅此而已!”\n“送死?瞎耽误工夫?”\n君无意忍不住竖起了眉毛,喝道:“莫邪,我知道你不喜习武,不了解这些基础训练的重要性,可你也不能就这样贬低了他们!\n无知并不可怕,可是用自己的无知而来侮辱这些兵士,却是不可原谅!\n这些侍卫,任何一个都是在战场上百战余生的精锐战士,现在没了战事,这才到了我君家,成了侍卫!\n无论哪一个,也都是响当当的汉子!\n你之前的话,我就当你随口说了一个玩笑话,若你再胆敢侮辱他们,休怪我对你不客气!\n这句话绝不是笑话!”\n君无意说到最后,森然之意骤起,即使以君邪心性之沉稳,也是一震,自己的三叔,身虽残,心却未废,若是一旦恢复,绝对有资格成为自己的最佳掩护!\n“笑话?!我说的三叔或者听不入耳,可是我刚才说的当真是实话,同样不是笑话!!”君邪摊摊手,一脸的无辜。\n“我并不是说他们无用,也完全没有侮辱他们的意思,任何一个在战场归来的铁血男儿,都是值得尊重的;他们训练确实很刻苦,也很用心,这任谁都看得出来;但并不是说刻苦用心的训练就能够在战场上打胜仗的!\n刻苦用心的训练几年到了战场上去送死也是很平常的事情。\n我说他们瞎耽误工夫,实在是因为他们训练错了方向!”\n“训练错了方向?”君无意脸上仍有怒色,但却已经开始思考,自前时一会,自己的这个侄子与从前大不相同,每言必中,绝无无的放失之事,难道……\n“就以眼前为例子,你看那两个人在对打,三叔,你能看得出来他们是在游戏还是在肉搏吗?\n处处留手,居然打出满脸笑容来了,呵呵,这还能叫训练吗?\n便是寻常切磋也没有这么儿戏的,根本就是对打为耍乐!难道不是花拳绣腿吗?”\n君邪用手一指:“再看那边,几个人在举原木,满脸大汗的放下来了,看上去辛苦吧?\n其实屁作用没有,根本就没有到达他们所能负荷的极限!\n他们本来就那么大力气,举到出汗的时候还有不少的余力,但却放下来了;也就是说,他们就算是再这样训练十年,他们的力气也不会有任何进步,唯一的作用也就是某些动作熟练了一些,仅此而已,可是他们自身本还有待开发的潜力,却彻底地浪费了,不是瞎耽误工夫吗?!”\n“这样的人,能在战场上活着下来,实在是够运气!\n至于被称为勇士,被当做英雄,更是意外之喜!”\n君邪无情的看着远处这些人:“这样的材料,充其量也只配给一般的人家看家护院,至于更大的用处,一点都没有!\n以三叔听来,我有侮辱他们吗?!”\n君邪说的可谓是相当的难听,但君无意却意外的没有发怒,进而沉思了起来。\n君邪嘿嘿一笑:“若是爷爷真想着靠这些人来保全君家,那么君家恐怕早已经被人灭了几百几千次!\n所以,我断定爷爷手中必然有更精锐的力量,那些人,才是君家真正的力量所在!\n虽然我没见过也不确认,但我确信肯定有!至于眼前这些人,只是做幌子用的。\n三叔,你不要告诉我,这些只是做幌子的人,居然会在你心中有着太高的评价吧?”\n这一刻,君无意看着君邪的眼神很奇怪,良久,才缓缓道:“若是这些人都交给你来训练,则又如何?可以训练出什么了不起的实力吗!?”\n“交给我来训练?我可没这份闲心!”君邪撇撇嘴,“天天闻这些人身上的汗臭味,熏也熏死了,兵味,绝不等于汗臭味!军魂,也不是喊出来的,而是杀出来的!”\n“推我过去。”君无意哼了一声,微微沉思,轮廓分明的脸上有种坚定的神色。“君莫邪,让我看看你的真本事!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 27\n“Third Uncle, if our medical warehouse does not have the herbs we need then you will need to pay extra care to detail. We cannot only send one person to go buy the necessary herbs. If possible, send a few of them, each charged with buying one of the herbs. Most importantly, no one must know the reason for buying these herbs!\nEven if others may not know of what these combined herbs can do, we must still act to prevent any “what if’s”!\nIn fact, I must carefully check all the herbs even after we have finished gathering them before processing it!”\nJun Xie continued.\n“As of now, our Jun Family is in the decline, withering day by day. But once Third Uncle’s body is restored, the situation will become totally different!\nI believe that there are many who wished that Third Uncle would stay paralyzed forever. And that is why this matter requires utmost discretion!\nOnce Third Uncle is able to stand, then you will become a hidden trump card for our Jun Family! \nThird Uncle, I believe you understand what I mean.”\n“Correct!”\nJun Wuyi looked at his nephew with a pleased feeling. “Moxie, you have matured!\nEven if I lose the opportunity to stand again, with you in our Jun Family, I believe that our family will not fall!” \nJun Wuyi had naturally understood Jun Xie’s words. However, to hear those words coming out of his mouth, in addition to the amount of thoughtfulness and long term planning within caused Jun Wuyi to feel greatly elated!\nJun Xie gave out a feeble laugh, turning his head to the other side. For someone who had once been the number one assassin in the world to be complimented as such: You have matured…\nIt somehow felt highly embarrassing!\nJun Xie felt himself unable to receive such a praise… In his mind, he was thankful, thankful that the praise was “Moxie, you have matured”. If the praise had been “Jun Xie, you have matured”… Should that happen, his face was as good as lost.\nIf anyone from his past life came to know that someone had spoken to the Evil Monarch in such a manner, they might just choke to death on the spot.\n“Moxie, what do you think of our house guards’ training?” As he listened to the distant roars or vigour and observing the robust bodies drenched in sweat from training, Jun Wuyi felt a sense of restlessness which he had not felt for a long time.\n“Nothing more than showing style but no substance!” When Jun Xie who was in the middle of his reverie heard the question, he answered without hesitation. He did not even hide the tone of disdain in his voice.\n“Style but no substance?” Jun Wuyi laughed as he shook his head. “You claim that these training done by our house guards with the cultivation of Seventh or Eighth level Xuan Qi are only style but no substance? Moxie, these words of yours is truly something.”\n“Can this even be considered training? What effects will these training have?” \nJun Xie retorted. “This kind of stuff can at best be considered an exercise regimen. How can you call it training?\nNo matter how you look at it, they are simply a bunch of idle people coming together to exercise their body shape. Actually, even the effect of improving their body shape is not really there. I really do not see how this training could help them in the battlefield. Or should I say, it will not help them inflict any damage to their enemies should they meet any!\nThe way I see it, there is no difference between them and a wave of disposable fodder!\nThey are simply a group of normal people, with nothing in them, wasting both time and effort with their worthless workouts, no more, no less!\n“Disposable fodder? Worthless workouts?”\nJun Wuyi was unable to restrain himself and shouted, his eyebrows raised. “Moxie, I know that you do not like to practice martial arts; that is why you do not understand the importance of basic training. But even so, you cannot belittle these men!\nIgnorance is not a terrible thing, but to allow your ignorance to insult these soldiers is unacceptable!\nEach and every one of these men are elite war veterans of a hundred battles! It is only because there are no more wars right now that they would become our Jun Family bodyguards.\nEvery single one of them has proven themselves to be a real man!\nI will consider your words from earlier as a casual joke. But if you dare to insult them again, then do not blame me for being unkind!\nThese kinds of words cannot be used even as a joke!”\nWhen he finished his words, Jun Wuyi suddenly released an awe-inspiring aura! Even though he has a calm disposition, Jun Xie was also startled. His Third Uncle’s body may have been paralyzed, but his heart could not be shattered. Once his body was restored, he would definitely become the best pillar of support!\n“A joke? Third Uncle may not understand what I meant, but everything I said is the truth. At the same time, those words were not meant as a joke!” Jun Xie stretched his hands, his face expressing innocence.\n“I did not mean to say that they are useless, nor did I mean to insult them. I believe that anyone that could return from the battlefield alive is an iron-blooded man, worthy of respect. As for their training, anyone could see that they are training assiduously with all their heart. But just because one trains assiduously with all their heart, will one be able to win the war?\nIt is very normal for those who train assiduously with all their heart to die the moment they step into the battlefield.\nThe reason I said they are simply doing worthless workouts is because their way of training is wrong!”\n“Their way of training is wrong?” Even though Jun Wuyi’s face retained an expression of fury, he had begun considering those words. Since a while ago, this nephew of his had been acting very different compared to the past. Every word of his would contain certain meanings. Could it be…\n“Let us take these two sparring guards as an example. Third Uncle, from your observation, do you think these two are playing a game or fighting each other?\nEvery attack is done with reservation, their faces filled with smiles. Hehe, can this still be called training?\nEven basic training cannot be this childish; they are simply having fun in pairs! Is this not showing style but no substance?”\nJun Xie pointed with his hands: “Let us look there instead; those men are lifting logs to the point where they are drenched in sweat before putting it down. It seems to be quite difficult, right?\nBut in fact, it is worth fart. They have not even reached the limit of their bodies!\nThese men possess a huge amount of strength however; they stopped lifting once they start perspiring all over even though they still have plenty of energy to spare. In other words, even if they were to continue training like this for ten years, their strength will not progress in any way. The only effect is that they will be more proficient with certain actions. By doing so, their slumbering potential becomes wasted, is this not a worthless workout?”\n“For these people, they can survive in the battlefield thanks to their good luck!\nAs for being labelled a warrior or a hero, that is something of a happy accident!”\nJun Xie heartlessly looked at those men. “Men of this level can at best only be assigned to watch over the house. They cannot be entrusted with bigger forms of responsibility!\nThird Uncle, after listening to all these, do you still think I am insulting them?”\nJun Xie’s words can only be described as terribly blunt, however, Jun Wuyi did not became angry. Instead, he became submerged in his thoughts.\nJun Xie gave out several “hey”s in laughter, “If Grandpa had really thought of depending on these people to preserve the Jun Family, then I fear that this family would already have been destroyed hundreds and thousands of times.\nAs such, I conclude that Grandpa must have another group of elites. These elites are the true pillars of strength of the Jun Family!\nEven though I have never seen them nor did I obtain any confirmation, I am confident that they exist! As for these people, they are here simply to serve as a front.\nThird Uncle, you are not possibly trying to tell me that you actually have that high of an evaluation towards these men who can only serve as a front, right?”\nAt this moment, Jun Wuyi was looking at Jun Xie with a strange expression. After a long time, he said: “If these men’s training were to be handed over to you, what can I expect? What kind of unbelievable strength can they obtain if you were to train them?”\n“Hand over their training to me? I do not have that kind of free time!” Jun Xie curled his lips: “Smelling their sweaty odour every day, I will end up smelling them to death. The smell of soldiers does not equate the smell of sweat! The military spirit is also neither a product of sweat nor shouts, it is the product of killing in the battlefield!”\n“Bring me over there,” Jun Wuyi gave a “heng”, his chiselled face looking contemplative but firm. “Jun Moxie, show me your true abilities!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第28章\n两人来到操场旁边,君无意咳嗽一声,喝道:“全军集合!都到我这里来,列队!”\n居然是军令!\n虽然十年没有从君无意的口中发出过军令,但现在君无意将这句话说出口,却自然而然的带有一股杀伐果决的气势!\n突然到临的希望,使这位曾经纵横捭阖的大将军又一次有了生杀予夺全在我手的豪情!\n所有听到军令的人,人人心中都有一个感觉:若是不赶紧以最快的速度过去,下一刻就是人头落地,绝对没有任何回转的余地!\n须臾之间,三百护院武士整整齐齐地站在两人面前。\n看着面前一张张充满了汗渍的粗犷的脸庞,君无意满意地点点头,抬起一只手,指着君邪,道:“从这一刻开始,你们的训练,由三少爷全权负责!无论要你们做什么,都要无条件的服从!听明白了吗?”\n这句话说出来,顿时下面一阵骚动,竟然半晌无人答话。\n君无意脸上露出怒色,但却没有说话,只是看向君邪。\n他已经说过,从现在,从这一刻开始,君邪就是这里的最高长官,也就是说,在他说出口来的那一刻,便已经赋予了君邪这个权利,面前这些人无论如何,都已经是君邪的事情!\n至于君邪如何行使他的长官权利,君无意已经完全不会插手了!\n如果侄儿连这一关也过不了,那么就足以证明他这两天完全是在夸夸其谈!\n自己也可以断绝了这个指望了!\n君邪心中苦笑一声,踏前一步,低沉地道:“刚才,我和三叔谈到你们的训练,三叔问我,你们训练的怎么样;算不算是精锐?算不算好汉子?呵呵……”\n君邪的声音不大,但却成功的将这三百人的注意力吸引了过来,一个个目光灼灼地看着君邪,等他说下去。\n不知道在这位废物少爷眼里,自己等人会是怎么一个评价?\n“我说,你们就是一群废物!\n除了会吃饭会浪费粮食,根本就是一群混吃等死的废物!\n若是现在发生了战争,让你们这些人到战场上,一个个都会死得飞快!\n这一点,我深信不疑!”\n三百壮士的呼吸顿时沉重了起来,愤怒的目光看着君邪,一个个脸上涨的通红。\n羞辱!极度的羞辱!\n一个大汉猛地踏上一步,目中喷火地看着君邪,愤怒地道:“三少爷,这话是什么意思?我们虽然是君家的侍卫,却也尽是百战余生的士兵!就算你是主子,但也不能这样随便侮辱我们!”\n“侮辱你们?不不不,真正侮辱你们的正是你们自己,还用我再侮辱你们吗?你们够资格被我侮辱吗?”\n君邪笑了笑,伸出手指,轻轻摆了摆,道:“是不是很不服气啊!很想揍我一顿是吗?!\n好,我给你们机会,只要你们能反驳我的观点,你们就可以揍我一顿,三叔决不会插手,这是我下达的第一个命令!”\n又是一阵哗然!\n君邪冷冷的声音再度响起:“我问你们,你们自称百战余生,那么跟你们同时进入军旅的,想来有很多人成为了将军,成了偏将,呃,反正是做了军官,不再是寻常士卒。\n地位高高在你们之上!\n这一点,你们不否认吧?”\n那大汉愣了愣,迟疑地点了点头,这算什么观点,战阵之上,肯定会有许多兵士积功而升职。\n曾经很多的同僚因功升迁,步步高升。\n这点很正常啊,少爷提这个干什么?\n“但你们为什么没有成为将军?!因为你们做不到!所以跟那些人相比,你们就已经被淘汰了一次!”\n君邪无情地看着他们:“就说,跟你们同一时期的人之中,相信有很多人玄气实力或许当时不如你们,或许比你们强一点点,更多的跟你们差不多!是这样吧?”\n是啊,我们为什么没有成为将军?\n所有人被刚才的那一句话砸的头晕目眩,还未回过神来,闻言不由自主的点头。\n也有不少人心中嘀咕:成为将军的那些人不过是抓住了机会。\n换句话说,运气好而已。\n再说,你后面这句话简直是废话,没有任何实力会被选入军旅吗?\n实力超过太多的人,能跟我们一起成为小兵吗?\n“但是他们之中却有很多人在从军期间,在战斗期间突破了九品玄气这一道坎,成了真正意义上的高手!从而战争之后被很多家族争相聘用,这种事情有吧?”\n这种事情当然是常见的事情,众人又点了点头,气势已经不如以前凌厉,甚至有些人眼中浮现出羞惭之色,玄气的每一品进阶,都是一道坎,品阶越高,进阶就越难!\n八级九级虽只得一级之别,却更加几乎是天与地的差距,有许多人早年便修成八级玄气,但终其一生,止步于此,无缘于更高一级的第九层!\n更不要说晋入更高一级的银玄之列!\n九品之下尽蝼蚁!\n这句话,绝对不是白说的!\n“他们进阶了,你们没有!那么,跟这些人相比,你们也被淘汰了!有没有人不同意!?”君邪不屑的看着他们。\n举场静寂,众人默然!\n“战争结束之后,很多人要离开军队,而有些人被一些秘密的国家组织或者私人武装挑走了,或者被其他的军队调走了,有这事吧?”君邪轻轻的笑了笑,问道。\n这种事情更加的普遍!\n众人默然之余,脸上羞郝之意更甚。\n“而这些被挑走的人之中,依然没有你们!你们第三次被淘汰了!”君邪继续打击:“而你们来到君家之后,谁还记得当初一共来了多少人?”\n“报告少爷,一共来了五百人!”那大汉虽然明白了君邪的意思,但却涨红着脸,依然回答了。\n“恩,也就是说,少了两百人。那么,那两百人去干吗了?”\n君邪缓缓踱了两步:“我只知道,他们不是被赶出去了,也不是已经死了,而是被挑选走,去做更重要的事情了。\n但为什么没有挑选你们?\n因为你们不如他们强!\n显然,在这里你们又被淘汰了!”\n有人呼吸粗重起来,有人眼圈红了,可是依旧没有人出声。\n“你们告诉我,如此层层淘汰下来的,在你们自己心里,是不是废物?”君邪把脸侧过来,把耳朵朝着他们,问道。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 28\nWhen the both of them reached the side of the training grounds, Jun Wuyi gave a cough and shouted: “All military units assemble! Line up before me!”\nHe actually gave out a military order!\nIt has already been ten years since Jun Wuyi issued a military order. However, these words that came from Jun Wuyi’s mouth brought forth a decisive force fused with killing aura behind it!\nThey were suddenly filled with hope that this great general had once again regained his heroic vigour. This was a great general capable of bestowing and snatching the life of others!\nAll who heard the military order had the same feeling within them. If they did not go over to the designated place as soon as possible, then the consequence would be for heads to roll! There was no time to spare!\nIn just a moment’s time, three hundred house guards stood orderly before the two of them.\nObserving their rough faces filled with sweat, Jun Wuyi nodded with satisfaction. Raising his hand, he pointed to Jun Xie and said: “From this moment onwards, Third Young Master will be solely responsible for your training! No matter what his orders may be, you must unconditionally obey! Understood?”\nAfter he said those words, an uproar broke out. No one answered even after a long time.\nA furious expression filled Jun Wuyi’s face, but he did not say anything, he only looked at Jun Xie.\nAs he had said before, Jun Xie was now the highest ranked officer here. In other words, the moment those words left his mouth was the moment Jun Xie was given this position. No matter what these people do in the end, it will all be Jun Xie’s responsibility!\nJun Wuyi would also not interfere in how Jun Xie exercised his authority as the highest officer! \nIf this nephew of his could not even pass this hurdle, then it would signify that he was only boasting for the past few days!\nHe should also cut off any hope he may have!\nJun Xie laughed bitterly in his heart. Stepping forward, he started: “Earlier on, Third Uncle and I were observing your training process. Third Uncle asked me what I thought about your training. Was it comparable to the elites? Was it manly? Hehe…”\nJun Xie’s voice was in no way loud; however, his words had successfully attracted the attention of the three hundred men. Each and every one of them stared at Jun Xie with gleaming eyes. \nWhat kind of evaluation would they have in the eyes of this useless Young Master?\n“I replied: you are all a bunch of trash!\nYou only know how to eat and waste food supplies, a bunch of freeloading trash waiting for death’s call!\nIf a war were to suddenly break out now and you people were sent out, then each and every one of you will die almost immediately!\nOf that, I have no doubt!”\nThree hundred warriors suddenly inhaled deeply, eyes simmering with fury stared at Jun Xie, their faces turning blotched red. \nHumiliation! Utter humiliation!\nOne of the warriors stepped forward and asked, his face looking as though it was about to spout flames. “Third Young Master, what do you mean by saying that? We may be the house guards of the Jun Family, but all of us are soldiers who have survived a hundred battles! Even if you are the master, you should not insult us like this!”\n“Insult you? No no no, the ones who are truly insulting you are none other than yourselves. Is there any need for me to insult you further? Do you even have the qualifications for me to insult?” \nJun Xie smiled, he stuck out his index finger and waved it lightly. “Are you feeling resentful? Do you feel the desire to beat me up?\nVery well, I will give you a chance! As long as you can refute my arguments, then I will allow you to beat me up. Third Uncle will not interfere; this is also my first order ever!”\nAnother uproar broke out!\nJun Xie continued with a cool voice. “Let me ask you all who claimed to have survived a hundred battles; weren’t there a handful among those who entered the military at the same time as you who ended up being promoted to generals, sergeants… umm, becoming military officers and are no longer normal soldiers.\nTheir positions are much higher than yours are!\nSurely, you will not deny this, right?”\nThe warrior stared blankly before nodding hesitantly. How can this be considered an argument? In the field of war, there will certainly be good number of soldiers who end up becoming more skilled or becoming promoted. \nMany of their fellow soldiers had been promoted due to their contributions in the war, rising up the ranks step by step. \nThis was a normal thing, why would the young master talk about this.\n“But why is it that you people did not become generals? It was because you were incapable! Thus, if you were to be compared to those people, you have all suffered elimination once!”\nJun Xie heartlessly continued while looking at them. “Next, I want you to consider those who served at the same time as you did. I believe many of their Xuan Qi cultivation were not as good as yours, perhaps some may be a bit stronger, but mostly were only around the same as yours. Am I correct?”\nThat is correct! Why did we not become generals? \nEveryone who was hit by those words found themselves feeling giddy and confused. Unable to recover, they could only involuntarily nod their heads as they listened on. \nThere were also those who whispered to themselves: Those who succeeded in becoming generals were simply those who managed to grasp onto the opportunity to do so.\nIn other words, their luck was simply that good. \nBesides, this following statement of yours is simply nonsensical. If those people do not have enough strength, why would they be allowed to serve in the army?\nIf their strength far surpassed ours, then would they be assigned to become normal soldiers like us?\n“However, many amongst them managed to break through the bottleneck of the Ninth level Xuan Qi during their military tenure and in the midst of battle; becoming a real expert! After the war was over, many families were eagerly trying to employ them. This is also a fact, no?”\nThis matter was naturally a common occurrence, causing everyone to nod their heads again. However, they were no longer as forceful as before. Some of them even exhibited a glimmer of shame in their eyes. Every level of Xuan Qi is a bottleneck; the higher the level, the difficulty of breaking through becomes that much harder! \nThe Eighth and Seventh level may have only one level of difference, but the gap is almost as big as the difference between Heaven and Earth. There were many people, who managed to attain the Eighth level of Xuan Qi cultivation, but they ended up being forever stuck; they were never able to step into the subsequent Ninth level for their entire lives! \nThere was no need to even mention about stepping onto the higher Silver level!\nNine and below are but ants! \nThis sentence was not made as a joke!\n“They advanced, but you all did not! Thus, when compared to these men, you have all been eliminated yet again! Do any of you disagree?” Jun Xie looked at them with disdain.\nThe training grounds became silent ; everyone had become speechless!\n“After the war ended, many soldiers wanted to leave the army, but some were offered jobs from some secretive organizations of the kingdom or some other private military forces. Some were even transferred to different units of the military. This is yet another fact, no?” Jun Xie smiled as he asked.\nThis kind of occurrence was even more common! \nEveryone on the field remained silent; the expressions of disgrace and shame on their faces became even more extreme.\n“None of you were among these people who were transferred away! This is the third time you all suffered elimination!” Jun Xie continued attacking them: “After that, you came to our Jun Family. Who still remembers the original number of people who came here?”\n“Reporting to Young Master, the original number was five hundred men!” Even though the warrior had understood Jun Xie’s intention, he still answered, his face turning red.\n“Right! In other words, there are two hundred less men now. Where then did these two hundred men go to?”\nJun Xie slowed down for two breaths. “I am certain that they were not forced out, nor were they killed. They were selected, selected to carry a heavier responsibility.\nBut, why were you not selected?\nIt was because you were not as capable as they were!\nClearly, you have all suffered another round of elimination!”\nSome of the house guards breathed heavily, some had their eyes turned red, but none of them spoke a word.\n“Now tell me, after having been eliminated time and again, ask your own hearts, are you not trash?” Jun Xie asked as he turned his head, placing his ears before them.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第29章\n还是没有人答话。\n惟所有人都气喘如牛,满脸通红,直如充血!\n极度的耻辱充斥在每个人的心房,顿时感觉无地自容!\n为什么?\n别人能够做到的,我们却做不到?\n别人能够突破的,我们却不能?\n曾经同一个战壕的战友,如今看着自己,已经是居高临下!\n而自己,为什么不能居高临下的看别人?\n“你们或许会说,凡是立了大功成为将军的,都是运气超好!\n凡是玄气修炼进阶了,都是天赋比你们好!\n别人没有选中你们,那是他们没眼光!我告诉你们,这都是狡辩!\n运气?\n为什么你们不去抓住?\n认为自己根骨不好的,更是已经承认了自己天生就是个废物!\n抱怨别人没眼光的,更是愚蠢之极的理由!\n如果你是雇主,你会挑选一个废物还是挑选一个有用的人??”\n集体无语,每个人都在重重地喘息着,双眼通红。\n“我说这些,并不是揭你们伤疤!\n而是你们现在的生活太安逸,已经丧失了勇气!\n俗话说得好,闻过而终礼,知耻而后勇!\n但可怕的是,你自己还不知道自己错了,还在沾沾自喜,自以为傲!!\n这就不可原谅了!\n而现在的你们,没有一个人曾经考虑过,我说的这些话,如果有,那么,他现在就绝不会是在这里!”\n“人的前进的动力有很多种,但是,耻辱永远是其中最重要的一种!\n告诉我,你们想不想继续做垃圾?\n你们想不想继续混吃等死看家护院?\n你们想不想继续被人踩在脚下任意凌辱?\n你们想不想继续被我骂的从心里面抬不起头来?”\n君邪每说一句,下面便传来一声巨大的“不想!”\n起初还是很杂乱,但到得后来,已经是排山倒海一般,所有人都鼓足了劲,竭斯底里的呼喊!\n直着嗓子如要喊破喉咙一般,浑身的热血都冲上了脑门!\n“很好!这说明你们还有希望,还有救!”\n君邪踱了两步,突然一歪头:“你们有没有人想说?”\n君邪缓缓的踱着步子,好整以暇:“我们就算再废物,也要比你这个混吃等死什么都不干的纨绔要强!\n是吧?\n所以你们虽然限于三叔的命令而听命于我的,但却半点看不起我!是不是这样?”\n很多人抬起了头,看脸上的表情,虽然不敢出声,但心里多多少少也是这样想的。\n“可惜你们的想法错了,而且是大错特错!”\n君邪摆着手:“我不过是个纨绔子,而你们都是百战犹生的铁血男儿,但今天我告诉你们,你们不能跟我比!\n为什么不能跟我比?\n很简单,就因为我有一个好爷爷,因为我有一个好叔叔,因为我有一个好父亲,还因为我有两个好哥哥!\n是他们付出了一切,才换来如今的君家!\n而这些,你们没有!\n我君莫邪就算是一个彻头彻尾的纨绔,就算杀了人,也有人替我开解,也有人替我出头!\n而这些,你们也没有!\n所以,你们不能跟我比!\n天道有衡,有付出才有得到,就算是一个纨绔,也是需要付出代价的!而且是很大的代价!\n平民百姓之中,是没有纨绔子弟的!\n因为他们没有这个先天条件,他们的父辈没有付出过代价,所以就算纨绔这两个侮辱人的词他们也没有!\n这就是他们永远不会被称为纨绔的原因!\n“别的不说,眼前就有一个最好的例子!\n我爷爷君战天老人家,平民出身,投身军旅,浴血百战,才有了现在的君家!\n你们以为,我爷爷他老人家当年起步的时候,比你们现在强多少吗?”\n君战天的崛起,在天香帝国基本已经是一个传奇!\n对他的生平事迹,这些人自然比谁都知道的清楚。\n闻言不由的眼中射出了炙热的火花!\n有人全身颤抖了起来,激动得无以复加!\n我们,也能有这样的一天吗?!\n“好了,说了这么多,相信你们都明白我的意思!\n你们够运气,在战场上活了下来,也有了今天平静的生活,甚至可以以对练为游戏!\n可是,你们付出的东西,只够让你们继续这样混日子的资格!\n仅此而已!”\n君邪突然停住脚步,面对着他们,一字一字的道:“我只问你们一句话,你们想不想突破现在的境界成为一流的强者??\n你们想不想超过那些比你们走的更远的人?\n你们要不要去做更大更重要的事情而不是在这里看家护院,继续混日子?还有……”\n君邪诡异的一笑:“你们想不想你们的子孙像现在的我一样,做一个无忧无虑的纨绔子弟而不是任人欺凌?\n有没有想过如果你们有朝一日成功了,你们的子孙只要能够有出息,你们的成功可以给他们带来你们眼下绝对想象不到的强大助力?\n你们有没有想过那样可以让他们只花很少力气就可以攀上高位!\n甚至可以成为现在像君家、李家、独孤家这样的大家族!子子孙孙的命运全部被你们一朝的努力而改变!”\n君邪构思出的美好的前景,令所有人顿时激动地呼吸粗重,双拳紧握,青筋暴跳,两只眼睛都瞪出了血丝!\n蓦然,一片寂静之中,君邪大吼一声:“想不想?告诉我!”\n“想!”三百人齐声大吼!\n声震长空!\n三百个发自心灵的声音,一起呐喊!\n宛若在这一瞬间,天地都震颤了几下!\n“既然想!那么,现在就听我的号令,按照我的方法去训练,所有人也不得有一丝怨言!我会让你们的付出,得到最大的收获!”\n君邪森冷的看着他们:“但是,所有人给我记住一点,很重要的一点,在我的训练之中,极有可能有人会死!\n亦可能会有伤残!这是你们可能要付出的代价,我给你们机会考虑,你们考虑好了,愿意接受我的训练的,上前一步!\n害怕的,原地不动。\n我警告你们,在我的训练结束之前,除了死亡,不允许任何一个人退出!\n所以,你们必须要现在就在这里做出选择!”\n“我数三个数!在这三个数的时间里,选择吧!”君邪大吼一声:“一!……”\n二和三还没有数出来,三百人一个不少的,带着凛然赴死的表情,整齐地迈上一大步,用力之大,地上尘烟轰的扬起,连地面也似乎震颤了几下!\n君无意在一边看着,眼中满是赞赏,还有……佩服!\n君邪这样的鼓动士气,此刻,恐怕就算是让这些人去死,也没有人会皱一皱眉头!\n君邪已经将士气鼓舞到了极至!\n将这些老兵的血性调动到了极限!\n甚至是君无意这个一向是鼓动人的角色的将军,今日听了这些话,也是浑身热血沸腾,气息咻咻,在这一瞬间,似乎眼前又是连天战火,遍地狼烟,如山尸骨,如海血泊!\n悠长苍凉的号角,似乎又以一种雄壮的频率在灵魂深处响起,带着决死千军的血性冷漠,却激起男儿心头滚烫的热血,百战无悔!\n生死无悔!\n嗜血的光芒!\n这是这一刻包括君无意在内三百零一人的眼睛里闪现的东西!\n这一刻,三百人都觉得,为了摆脱这些耻辱,纵死又何妨?!\n就连君邪也不知道,今日他被君无意逼上梁山,接手这些人的训练,却在日后为自己练出了一支呼啸天下,纵横捭阖,令整个天下闻名丧胆退避三舍的杀神队伍!\n这支队伍的名字就是:残天噬魂!\n邪君异世仗之纵横天下的第一卫队,今日初见雏形!\n极度的耻辱才催生起来的杀神队伍!\n将会爆出怎样的竭斯底里的辉煌!?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 29\nNo answer came forth. \nThe house guards were all left breathless; their faces flushed red, as though they were all suffocating! \nAn unbelievable degree of humiliation coursed deep into their hearts, causing them to feel utterly shamed!\nWhy? \nIf others can do it, why can’t we? \nOthers can break through to the next level, but we on the other hand, could not? \nThose fellow comrades had once fought by our side, but are now occupying positions of authority, looking down on others from their lofty positions! \nWhy is it that we are unable to look down on others as they are now?\n“Some of you may say: those who managed to become generals through their contributions are all people with good luck!\nAs for those who managed to advance higher in terms of Xuan Qi cultivation, their talents are simply higher compared to you all!\nOthers did not select you because they cannot recognize your potential! I will say only this, those are but petty quibble!\nLuck?\nWhy didn’t you people grab onto that luck?\nThose of you who think that you were born with bad talents are those who admit to being a trash by birth!\nThose who complain that others cannot recognize your talent; I say that is a stupid excuse! \nIf you are the employer, would you choose a trash or a useful person?”\nEveryone remained silent, each of them breathing heavily, their eyes completely red.\n“The reason I am talking about all these is not because I wanted to poke at your old scars!\nIt is because you people are living too comfortable of a life, leading to a loss of courage!\nAs the saying goes, be aware of shame and move forward with courage!\nWhat is scary, is that all of you are still unaware that you are in the wrong; showing satisfaction at your accomplishments, being prideful of your own self!\nThis is simply unforgivable!\nThose of you here have never considered this matter before. If any of you had considered what I had said before, then, you would not be here!”\n“There exist many kinds of motivation for us humans. However, humiliation remains the most important of them all! \nTell me, do you want to continue your existence as a trash?\nDo you want to continue on being a worthless freeloader waiting for death’s call while watching over the courtyard?\nDo you want to continue being humiliated and stepped on by others?\nDo you want to continue being lectured by me to the point where none of you can lift your heads up high again?”\nBefore Jun Xie could continue a loud voice rang out before him: “NO!” \nAt first, the cries were disordered, but later on, the shout resounded to the point where it could topple mountains and invert the seas. Everyone in the vicinity had their emotions incited as they shouted uncontrollably! \nTheir shouts resounded loudly as though they were about to break their own throats, their blood having surged upwards into their heads!\n“Excellent! This shows that there is still hope for you people! You people are not beyond salvation!” \nJun Xie walked forward two paces, and then suddenly tilted his head. “Do any of you have this kind of thoughts?”\nJun Xie slowed down and waited for a moment before continuing. “Even if we are trash, we are still stronger than you who are nothing more than a useless freeloading debauchee, one who can amount to nothing!\nAm I right?\nThat is why even though you are bound by my Third Uncle’s order to obey me; all of you feel only contempt for me! Am I right again?”\nMany of them raised their heads. Even though none of them dared to say a word, their expressions showed that their hearts had indeed felt that way.\n“Unfortunately for you, your thought process is a mistake. Furthermore, it is an exceptionally big mistake!”\nJun Xie spread out his hands. “I am merely a debauchee, whereas all of you are a survivor of a hundred battles, an iron blooded man! But I will say this, none of you have more worth than me!\nWhy are you not worth more than me?\nThe answer is simple; it is because I have a good grandfather, it is because I have a good uncle, it is because I have a good father and also because I have two good brothers!\nIt is they who sacrificed everything so that our Jun Family can be where it is today!\nThese are all things that you do not have!\nEven if I, Jun Moxie am nothing more than a downright debauchee, even if I am to go kill innocents, there will be someone who will help me solve the problem, there will be someone who will help me succeed in life!\nThis is yet another thing which none of you have!\nThat is also why, none of you have more worth than me!\nThe Laws of Heaven has its own equilibrium; you must first sacrifice something before you can obtain something else. Even a debauchee must pay a price for being a debauchee!\nMoreover, this price is by no means small!\nAmong the normal populace, there is no such thing as a debauchee! That is because they are unable to meet the necessary conditions; their parents did not pay the price for them to do so. That is why none of them can be insulted as a debauchee!\nAnd that is why they will never be called a debauchee!”\n“There is no need for us to look at others. The best example is right in front of you!\nMy grandfather, Jun Zhan Tian was a commoner from birth. He entered the military and was baptized by the blood of hundred battles, forging the Jun Family of today!\nDid you think that my grandfather was far stronger than all of you when he first started out?”\nThe story of Jun Zhan Tian’s rise to prominence was basically a legend within Tianxiang Kingdom! \nNaturally, these men knew about his life story better than anyone else. \nHearing those words, their eyes emitted a blazing spark. \nSome of them began trembling all over, their hearts stirred to the zenith!\nCould we also have such a time?\n“That is enough. Having said so much, I believe all of you understand what I am trying to say!\nAll of you have enough luck, enough to survive the war, gaining enough contributions to live this kind of peaceful lives to the point of treating training as a game!\nHowever, the price that you have paid is enough only for you to pass the days like this!\nNo more, no less!”\nJun Xie suddenly stopped pacing and turned to face them, stating each word with emphasis. “I have only this to ask of you, do you hunger to break through this current state and become a first-rate expert?\nDo you hunger to surpass those who had achieved more than you?\nDo you hunger to carry a greater and more important responsibility instead of being just a residential watchdog? And…”\nJun Xie gave a peculiar smile. “Do you want your children and grandchildren to be able to do what I do?\nThey can become a carefree debauchee that nobody can bully. Did you ever consider that if you were to succeed one day, then as long as your children are born, your successes would become an unimaginably powerful form of assistance for them?\nHave you ever considered that this would allow them to climb to the top with much less effort than necessary?\nYou can even become a big family like that of our Jun Family, Li Family or the Dugu Family! The fate of your child and grandchild can be transformed by your efforts alone!”\nThe bright future that Jun Xie had painted out caused everyone to breathe heavily in excitement; their fists were clenched tightly, green veins pulsing uncontrollably, eyes becoming bloodshot!\nAmidst the silence, Jun Xie suddenly roared. “Do you want it? Yes or no!”\n“YES!” Three hundred men shouted loudly in unison! \nTheir cries shook the skies! \nThree hundred voices exploded outwards from the bottom of their hearts at the same time! \nAt this moment, it seemed as though Heaven and Earth itself trembled a few!\n“Since you want it, then listen to my orders! Under my training regimen, no one is allowed to complain! I will lead you in a way that will allow your sacrifices to bring you the biggest possible reward!” \nJun Xie coldly looked at them. “However, everyone must keep in mind of this one important fact. Under my training regimen, there is a chance that some of you will die!\nSome of you may even end up being disabled! This is the price that you may have to pay, and so I shall give you the opportunity to reconsider. After thinking about it carefully; those of you who are still willing to accept my training regimen, take a step forward!\nThose who are afraid do not move from your original position.\nI will warn you again, with the exception of dying, no one is allowed to quit before my training ends!\nThat is why all of you must make this choice here and now!”\n“I will count up to three! Before I count up to three, you must make your decision!” Jun Xie shouted loudly. “One! …”\nBefore the words two and three were uttered, all three hundred men, with a stern expression of warriors marching bravely to their death, took a big step forward in an orderly manner. This step of theirs was done with such force, that the dirt on the ground trembled and dust were raised; even the ground beneath them seemed to have shaken from their actions!\nJun Wuyi who was watching at the side looked onwards with eyes filled with approval and… respect!\nJun Xie had raised their morale using provocative tactics. At this moment, none of them would raise an eyebrow even if they were ordered to march to their deaths!\nJun Xie had stimulated their morale to the very limit!\nThe bloodthirsty nature of these war veterans had been pulled out to the extreme! \nJun Wuyi was a general who had always been the one to stir the hearts of soldiers. However, listening to these words, he too felt his blood boiling, his breath becoming deep. At this very moment, he felt as though he was overlooking a blazing battlefield, acrid smoke filling the air, corpses piling up as high as mountains, blood flowing everywhere akin to a sea of blood!\nA lengthy and desolate howl rose from within the soul, seemingly carrying within it a grand and magnificent image. It brought forth the image of a thousand soldiers, marching indifferently to their bloody deaths, their hearts burning up from their fiery blood! Charge through a hundred battles without regrets! \nFace life and death without regrets!\nThe spark of bloodlust! \nAt this point in time, Jun Wuyi and the three hundred men all exuded the same spark of bloodlust from their eyes!\nIn this one moment, all three hundred men shared the same thought. In order to rid themselves of this humiliation, why should they not brave death?\nNot even Jun Xie could have imagined that this action of his, forced by Jun Wuyi to take over the responsibility of training these men, would result in him creating an invincible team capable of shaking the world. This team would strike fear into the hearts of the enemies, crippling their courage and forcing them to retreat without a fight; an unstoppable Godlike team!\nThis squadron was named: Sky Razing Soul Devourers!\nThe otherworldly Evil Monarch’s first ever team of warriors who will become invincible throughout the world was born today! \nAn unstoppable Godlike team was born of utter humiliation! \nWhat kind of brilliance will this team show to the world?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第3章\n“罢了,虽在一家,但你却是为了躲避我,刻意住到了府邸最南边,唉……明日你就搬回这里来吧!”再深深看了君邪一眼,君战天痛惜地道。\n再怎么纨绔再怎么不争气,也总还是自己的孙子,而且,也是君家唯一的血脉……\n眼下,虽然外事靖平,但几位皇子都已经慢慢长大成人,正是内潮汹涌的时候,自己身为军方第一人,就好像一棵参天大树,每个人都想靠过来或者等着自己靠过去,而对自己唯一的血脉下手,正是栽赃嫁祸的绝顶好计!\n若是君邪不搬回来,恐怕以后这样的事情还会层出不穷。\n“我住在那里,挺好的,不用搬了吧!”君邪一口拒绝,开玩笑,正要见识见识这个世界的杀手同行是什么样子,若是搬回来岂不就丧失了这个机会?\n在君老爷子说起这件事情的时候,君邪心中就有些隐隐地兴奋。\n杀手……那已经是很遥远的事情了,可那却也最亲切的记忆……\n“你!……混账!”君老爷子为之气结,扬起了大巴掌就要抽下来,掌到临头却又顿住,长声一叹,目光复杂,“你……去吧。”\n这是这小子第一次拒绝自己吗?!\n他……今日居然敢拒绝我?\n而且还拒绝的如此干脆?\n君邪躬身一礼,随即站直身子,转身就走。\n“哦,还有一件事,以后你不得再去缠着灵梦公主,这桩事情,没有商量的余地,就此作罢!”君老爷子的声音之中,有着难以言喻的颓意,还有隐隐地心灰意冷!\n这几年来,君家虽然看似权势熏天,几乎就是当朝一人,但却始终有一个致命的缺点,就是后继乏人!\n第三代唯一的后人也只得君莫邪这个纨绔小子而已!\n君老爷子看似四旬之人,心态何尝不老,洞悉世情,情知万一有一日自己撒手人间,君家只怕会在很短的时间之内被人彻底从这世上抹去。\n以目前君莫邪的情况看,这种可能性几乎已经是必然结局,甚至这根本就是可以看到的最终结局。\n所以君战天曾经腆着老脸,向皇帝提出希望君莫邪能够迎娶皇帝陛下最为宠爱的灵梦公主为妻,若是此事能成,就算自己西去,那么君邪有自己的余威庇佑,又占着一个公主夫婿、皇亲国戚的名头,只要不太出格,再怎么混想来也能保全君家香火不致断绝。\n公主夫婿,看似风光,其实却是朝野上下一个最尴尬的职位,只要是甚有权势的大臣家庭,人人都害怕皇帝突然赐婚,让自己儿子娶个公主回家来:公公婆婆却要对儿媳妇行跪拜之礼?\n此外,还有一些规矩需要遵守,驸马是绝对禁止纳妾的,万一公主是位性格乖张、妒心重点,那一家子想过好还真的很困难。\n可是,对如君莫邪这样的纨绔小子却是一个极大的保证,至少为君家香火计,已经是一个最好的方案!\n所以君战天提出这桩婚事,也真是迫于无奈之举。\n皇帝陛下自然了解自己这位老战友也是老大哥的心意,闻言之下也有意动,但在仔细了解了一番君莫邪的所作所为之后,再加上灵梦公主抵死不从,思虑良久,终于还是拒绝了。\n“君大哥,非是小弟不愿意卖大哥脸面,可小弟也是为人父啊,灵梦又是小弟最心爱的女儿,如何能够将自己的女儿委身于……唉!”皇帝陛下放低了姿态未说完的这句话,让君战天一口气几乎上不来。\n身为人父?\n为女儿考虑?\n若是在十年前,我君家最鼎盛的时期,就算莫邪再纨绔十倍,只要老夫提出婚事,你还不是大喜欲狂?\n人情冷暖,如人饮水!\n这是君老爷子心中的怨念。\n“哦,我知道了。”君邪在门口站住,淡淡地道。\n语气之中,无惊无喜,平淡的像是一碗白开水,随即便一步迈了出去。\n自从君老爷子表露出这层意思之后,君莫邪便一直以灵梦公主的夫婿的身份自居,对灵梦公主一味地死缠烂打,让她烦不胜烦。\n但君老爷子此刻见到自己孙子这副不咸不淡的样子,却颇有些惊讶、意外。\n君邪或是怒发冲冠,或是竭斯底里,甚至是泼妇骂街……\n老爷子都不会诧异,唯独他这样的淡然,却是让君战天大出意料之外。\n“摔了一下,怎么却变了性子?”君老爷子捻着胡子,看着出门去的君邪的背影,目光深邃。\n良久,君战天一拍手,道:“多派几位好手,日夜护卫在少爷身边,不得再有任何闪失!若是再有不开眼之人,就地格杀!无须有任何顾忌!”\n这种事情,可一而不可再,我君战天的孙儿,怎能容你们加害?\n君老爷子双目中闪过一道寒光。\n空荡荡的大厅,君老爷子似乎在和空气说话,但,却随即不知从什么地方传出来一个飘飘渺渺的声音:“是!”\n君邪迎着朝阳走了出来,温和的阳光招在他略显苍白的面孔上,漫步向着自己居住的小院子行去,一路上不断有下人诚惶诚恐的行礼,君邪一概不理,径自在想着自己的心事。\n没有人知道,在这位君三公子的心中,此刻正回荡着一段段话语:\n“什么是杀手?顾名思义,杀手,就是杀人的手!杀人的黑手!一定要记住,这个‘黑’字!……”\n“杀手,从来都是虚幻的,来自于飘渺,消失于虚无!”\n“怎样才算是一个成功的杀手?\n如果一个杀手直到他自己死亡的那一天,依然无人知道他是一个双手沾满血腥的杀手,那他就是一个成功的杀手!”\n“那么,怎样才算是一个合格的超级杀手?”\n“所谓合格的杀手,能够在任何的情况下隐藏自己!\n跟文人在一起,他就是一个墨客;跟画家在一起,他就是艺术家;跟流氓在一起,他就是一个恶棍;跟贵妇在一起,他就是一个贵族,一位绅士;跟色狼在一起,他就是淫棍!\n跟英雄在一起,他就是楷模!”\n“在沙漠之中,他就是蜥蜴;到了大草原上,他就是狼王!\n回归山岭之中,他是百兽之王猛虎!\n浮游大海之上,他就是兴风作浪的神龙!”\n“如此,才是一个合格的、成功的杀手!”\n“一味只知道杀人,充其量不过是一个屠夫罢了!”\n“只为求目的而杀人,即使每次都会成功,顶多只能算是一个优秀刺客!”\n“杀人!本身也是一种艺术!\n身为一个杀手,就永远不能、不要亵渎了这份艺术的高雅!”\n这是前世的时候,君邪和师傅的一段对话,想着想着,君邪嘴角露出一丝笑容,喃喃的道:“……补充一点,生在现在这种家庭,我就是一个混吃等死的二世祖!”\n突然一个声音冷峭地道:“错!你不是二世祖!我才是二世祖,而你,是三世祖!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 3\n“That’s enough! Even though we’re one family, you deliberately chose to live in the most southern mansion, sigh… Come tomorrow, you’ll move back here!” He then stared deeply at Jun Xie, Jun Zhan Tian felt an aching pain budding within him.\nNo matter how much of a debauched wretch he was, no matter how disappointing he was, he was still his grandson. Furthermore, he is the last successive bloodline of the Jun family…\nAlthough the current state of foreign affairs is stable and peaceful, several princes have grown of age, leading towards an inevitable time of internal strife. As the top military powerhouse, Jun Zhan Tian was akin to a towering tree, which everyone wished to include in their network of allies. This attempt on his only bloodline was probably one of their schemes to create internal disaster. \nIf Jun Xie does not move back here, he fears that there will only be more of such attempts in the future.\n“I’ve been living very well there, there’s no need to move!” Jun Xie flatly refused. Are you kidding me? This is a very rare chance to experience the techniques of this world’s fellow assassins’. If I move back now, would I not lose this opportunity? \nHearing Grandpa Jun discussing about this matter, Jun Xie’s heart palpitated lightly with excitement.\nassassinations… A subject that seems so far away, and yet it remains the most intimate part of his memories…\n“You! … Wretch!” Grandpa Jun’s temper erupted, he raised his hand to slap Jun Xie, but just before his palm reached Jun Xie’s face, he paused for a long time. With a complicated look on his face, he uttered, “You… just go then.”\nIs this the first time this kid refused me?\nHe… he actually dares to refuse me today?\nIn addition, this is a complete rejection!\nJun Xie bent his body ceremoniously, straightened up and walked away.\n“Oh, one more thing, from today onwards you are not allowed to go pester Princess Ling Meng. For this matter, there are no rooms for negotiation, period!” Grandpa Jun’s sound was filled with a faint and unspeakable sense of dejection and coldness.\nIn recent years, the Jun family seemingly possess the strength to grasp even the heavens, as though they’re the only sovereigns in the kingdom, but this family suffers from a fatal flaw; and that is the lack of a capable successor! \nThe only third generation descendant, Jun Moxie is a young debauchee! \nGrandpa Jun is a man seemingly in his forties, with a mind and body resistant towards the ravages of time, but in his heart he knew that if he does not do anything, then the Jun family would likely be erased from this world in the near future. \nLooking at Jun Moxie’s current state of affairs, this is the most inevitable outcome. In fact, he could practically see it happen.\nSo, Jun Zhan Tian once hardened himself to shamelessly ask the Emperor to bestow Jun Moxie with a marriage with His Majesty’s most beloved Princess Ling Meng. If this matter was to succeed, then even after his death Jun Moxie will have a safe harbour to rely on. As the Princess’ husband, he will have the identity of royalty. As long as he does not make any outrageous sort of mess, then the Jun family bloodline can be preserved.\nPrince Consort, this position seems grand and magnificent, but is in truth the most embarrassing of all government positions. For any minister with power and authority, their biggest fear would be to suddenly receive an Imperial order, bestowing their son with a marriage with the Princess. You want them to allow their son to bring home a Princess so that their grandfather and grandmother can ceremoniously bow to their son’s daughter in law? \nIn addition, there are also rules that needed to be observed, a prince consort is absolutely prohibited from taking any concubine. If the Princess happens to possess a perverse personality or a heart filled with jealousy, then that family will not have any good days in the future. \nHowever, this is simply the best insurance plan for a debauchee like Jun Moxie, at least this plan would be the best one to keep the Jun family alive.\nThus, Jun Zhan Tian willingly proposed this marriage without any feelings of upset or coercion.\nHis Majesty, the Emperor naturally understood the intention of this old comrade who was like a big brother to him. While His Majesty felt moved by Jun Zhan Tian’s predicament, after looking over Jun Moxie’s history and everything he had done, in addition to Princess Ling Meng’s refusal, he had to refuse the proposal after a long time of careful consideration.\n“Brother Jun, it’s not that your younger brother is unwilling to give you face, but I am still a father, Ling Meng is my most beloved daughter. How can I marry off my own daughter to a… Sigh!” His Majesty lowered his head before finishing his sentence, causing Jun Zhan Tian to lose his breath.\nA father? \nConsideration for your daughter? \nIf this was a decade ago where my Jun family was at its most prosperous period, would you not go mad with joy if I were to bring up this proposal? \nThe state of human relations, is just like drinking water!\nGrandpa Jun’s heart was filled with resentment.\n“Oh, I understand.” Jun Xie lightly replied as he stood in the doorway. \nWithin his tone, there was neither shock nor joy, like a bowl of plain water. He immediately walked out.\nSince Grandpa Jun informed him of his proposal, Jun Moxie had constantly considered himself as the Prince Consort of Princess Ling Meng, going as far as stalking Princess Ling Meng, vexing her to no end. \nBut at this moment, Jun Xie received the news with indifference, causing Grandpa Jun to feel surprised. \nIf Jun Xie had become angry or hysterical, or even went cursing out in the streets… \nGrandpa Jun would not have felt surprised at all. However, Jun Xie’s current attitude simply left him in shock.\n“Did falling down the bed cause his character to change?” Grandpa Jun stroked his beard, staring deeply at the back of Jun Xie who was leaving.\nNot long after, Jun Zhan Tian clapped his hands and said: “Arrange a few more experts to guard the Young Master at night; I don’t want any more mishaps to happen! If you see any suspicious person, kill them on the spot without any hesitation!!!” \nDon’t even think about trying this a second time! You think you can just waltz in here and take the life of Jun Zhan Tian’s grandson? \nGrandpa Jun’s eyes flashed with coldness.\nGrandpa Jun seemed to be speaking to thin air within the empty room, but a faint and vague voice of a man suddenly resounded from somewhere: “Understood!”\nJun Xie walked out with the sunlight showering down at him, as the warm rays of light shone on his face, he continued walking towards his own courtyard. Along the way, he continuously met servants who bowed to him in fear and trepidation, but he went on without giving them any notice, as he was lost in his thoughts.\nnobody knew, that at this moment, the thoughts that was echoing within the heart of Jun Xie:\n“What is an assassin? As the name suggests, an assassin is one who assassinates! We are the hands of darkness! Always remember this word, ‘darkness’!”\n“An assassin is always an illusionary existence, entering like the wind and disappearing into nothingness!”\n“What constitutes a successful assassin?\nIf nobody knows that he is an assassin with blood soaked hands until the day he dies, then he is a successful assassin!”\n“In that case, what are the qualifications of a super assassin?”\n“This so-called qualifications of an assassin, is the ability to insert himself into any atmosphere and situation!\nWhen placed within scholars, he will transform into a poet; within painters, he will transform into an artist; within rogues, he will transform into a villain; within socialites, he will transform into a nobleman, a gentleman; within sexual offenders, he will transform into a sexual predator;\nwithin heroes, he will transform into an exemplary champion!!”\n“In the desert, he is the lizard; the prairie, he is the wolf king!\nIn the mountains, he is the king of beasts, the tiger!\nWhen floating above the seas, he is the tide bringer, the Dragon!!!”\n“That is a qualities of a successful assassin!”\n“One, who only knows how to kill, is at best, a butcher!”\n“Only one who has a clear goal in mind when assassinating, in addition to being successful each time, can be regarded as a good assassin!”\n“assasination! It is an art in itself!\nAs an assassin, one must never, ever profane the elegance of this art!”\nThis was a conversation he once had with his master in his past life. Thinking about this, Jun Xie’s mouth broke into a smile and he murmured: “The current me, is nothing more than a worthless freeloading, second generation ancestor just waiting for death’s call!”\nSuddenly, a cold voice resounded: “Wrong! You’re not the second generation ancestor, I am the second generation ancestor, while you are the third generation ancestor!!!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第30章\n“既然大家都愿意,那我现在宣布训练纪律。”君邪冷冷地道:“我只说一遍,但无论是那一条有任何人违反,没有例外,更加没有下一次!杀无赦!”\n“在我的训练之中,没有军棍,没有体罚!更加没有后悔这种事!只有生,又或者死!败在你们所有人面前的,只有这两条道路!”\n“从现在开始,到训练结束之前,我就是你们的最高长官!\n在这个期间,只允许听从我一个人的命令!\n其他的,任何人都不行!\n无论是我三叔,甚至是我爷爷,也不例外!\n违令者,斩!”\n“按规定时间操练,迟到者,斩!”\n“心有不满敢宣之于口者,斩!”\n“违抗命令者,斩!”\n“……斩!”\n“斩!”\n一连串的斩字,说的杀气冲天!\n君邪自己的眼睛,也随着这几个斩字,变得杀气凛然!\n三百大汉人人瞪着眼睛站得笔直,浑身的肌肉都绷得紧紧的,唯恐漏了哪一条。\n坐在轮椅上的君无意,不自觉地被这一连串的“斩”字说的浑身热血沸腾,不自觉的将上半身挺得格外笔直,似乎又回到了当年出征之前,正在接受父亲训话!\n看向君邪的眼神,这一刻居然有了一种狂热的色彩,逝去已久的军人铁血悍然的气度再度回到身上!\n君邪的鼓动,令眼前的这些侍卫,这些铁血男儿再次化身为无畏的军士,气势更已攀升至顶峰!\n君无意可以想象到,若是在战场上,在战前君邪做一番这样的鼓动的话,能够取得什么样的效果!\n那是绝对可以让所有听到的兵士带着笑容带着豪壮无畏的冲向死亡!\n生死不计,无怨无悔!\n如此带兵,焉有不胜?\n操场的另一边,暗影处,君老爷子满脸涨的通红,即便以老爷子的沉稳也倍觉热血沸腾,眼看着场中的君邪,眼睛瞪得大大的,胡须抖颤,手指都有些微微颤抖,可见心情之激动。\n这,就是我那纨绔的孙子么?\n这些话,真是从他的嘴里说出来的吗?\n如此的壮志飞扬,如此气魄凌霄!\n如此的……君老爷子忘形的揉了揉眼睛,却揉出了两行老泪。\n勉力平复了一下激动的心情,君战天赫然转身,本已有些佝偻的身躯忽而挺得笔直,眼神如雷似电,身上再现有一种舍我其谁的骄傲、自信!\n在这一刻,管家老庞突然感觉到,当年那个率领百万雄师纵横天下无人能敌的大将军,又回来了!\n这样的风采,在君家几代人相继喋血沙场之后,老庞就再也没有从君战天身上看到过!\n而现在,又重现了!\n是的,是君邪现在的表现,给了这位老人极大的惊喜和希望!\n让君战天觉得,我君家,还是有希望的!\n不但有希望,而且是大大的希望!\n这个孙子,或者可以让君家再度辉煌,不,不是或许,而是一定!\n天佑君家!\n“传我命令,从现在起,凡是有关于少爷的事情,不管他说的每一句话做的每一件事,从此就是我君家的第一级机秘!\n甲级封口令,违令者,杀无赦!\n牵连九族,尽诛之!”\n“将我们已经掌握的另外几家的暗奸,立即清理掉。对隶属于皇室的人,想办法调派出去。\n另:幽影全部出动,密切控制君府内外,若是发现还有人向外传递消息,杀无赦!\n借这个机会,清理一下,尽量做到不要有漏网之鱼存在!”\n君战天的口气里,有着不容置疑的霸气,和斩钉截铁的坚决!\n这一刻,老庞感觉到了浓烈的杀气,他能感觉到,君战天对这件事的重视程度,若是真的有人敢泄露出去,君战天是真的可以无所顾忌的大开杀戒的!\n君战天不知道,自己孙子从前的隐忍到底是为了什么,但却知道,孙儿既然如此,必有原因,必有所图!\n不过,虽然君邪今天的表现虽然很让他惊喜,很出乎意外,但老人家觉得,孙儿却还是有些冒失了!\n若是这样的消息传扬了出去,一旦被有心人得知,必然会对君邪产生浓烈的兴趣。\n这份兴趣,不管是好是坏,君老爷子都不想理会!\n所以这位睿智的老人所做的第一件事情,就是为自己的孙子擦屁股!\n下达封口令,而且是甲级封口令,敢泄露者,诛九族!\n其实那里有什么隐忍,原因只是,莫邪不再是莫邪,而是君邪!\n来自异世的杀手之王,一代邪君!\n场中,君邪的话仍不断传来。\n“现在,听我号令!\n给你们十个呼吸的准备时间,三百人自动分成两个大队!\n十个呼吸若是做不到,所有人围操场跑步一百圈!开始!”\n一句话出,队列顿时一乱,接着人员穿插来去,极短的时间里,已经迅速分成了两个阵营,每个阵营一百五十人。\n“好,一百五十人为一个大队,分为五个中队,每个中队三十人;再分做三个小队!现在给你们半柱香的时间,不管用什么办法,选出你们各自的大队长!中队长、小队长!”\n“记住!既然是你们自己选出来的,就要听从队长小队长的命令!\n若是有谁敢抗令不尊,照样按军规处置,斩!”\n说完,君邪不理他们在唧唧喳喳,转身来到了君无意面前。\n君无意静静地看着他,突然展颜一笑,目中仍带有浓浓的惊诧:“莫邪,你今日的表现可是真的让三叔大吃一惊啊。”\n君邪摸了摸鼻子,笑道:“三叔以为,如何?”\n他没有问什么如何,但君无意却知道他的意思,肃容道:“本想违心挑你几处毛病,可是我却当真无法挑出什么毛病!\n若是我军人人能经过这样的训练,何愁不能扫平天下!”\n“扫平天下……”君邪额头上浮起黑线:“三叔谬赞了,只是在这一点上,我跟你们的出发点有所不同。\n你们练兵,从骨子上来讲乃是为了天香国;而我练兵,却是为了咱们君家!\n只是单纯地为了家族安全!\n以这点而论,实在有本质上的分别!”\n“为了国家?为了君家?”君无意原本是一位对国家忠心耿耿的大将军,但出了如此惨事之后,在家里闲置十年,这份思想却慢慢的淡去了。\n君无意自问自己的家族对天香国可说是劳苦功高,但两位哥哥两个侄儿先后战死沙场,自己更是被毁掉一生,若是这些乃是在战场上堂堂正正的败给敌人,那么君无意无话可说;但这几件事情,分明其中疑窦重重,王国却始终不闻不问……\n父亲君战天这些年来明察暗访,数次都找到了线索,却又很巧合的接着便被人掐断;如果说这些事情背后没有人指使,君无意却是说什么也不相信的。\n但王国却对此事漠不关心,这让君无意早已彻底寒心了。\n若是十年之前听到有人说练兵乃是为了自个家族,而不是为了国家安危,只怕那时侯一腔热血的君无意肯定会第一个跳出来将他抓起来、治他一个叛国之罪!\n但现在却已经没有了那种想法,取而代之的,是无限的迷惘。\n值得吗?\n真的值得吗?\n“君家树大招风,风雨飘摇,王国更是暗流汹涌,君家随时都会万劫不复!\n否则做一个无所事事混吃等死的纨绔,真的不好吗?……”君邪叹了口气。\n“这才是你表现出真面目的原因?”\n君无意鹰隼般的眼睛静静盯着君邪:“若不是家族到了这等危险的境地,你是不是还会继续地纨绔胡闹下去?\n我实在很怀疑,你小小年纪,哪里来的这么深的心机?”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 30\n“Since you are all willing, I will now announce the rules of my training,” Jun Xie coldly stated. “I will say this only once, anyone who violates the rules will be killed without exception! There are no second chances here!”\n“In my training, there is no corporal punishment! The word regret does not exist! There is only victory, or death! These two are the only paths available for you!”\n“From this moment onwards until the end of your training, I am your highest authority!\nDuring this period of time, you are only allowed to listen to my orders!\nYou are not allowed to listen to any other person!\nRemember well, even if it is my Third Uncle or even my grandfather, even they are not allowed to interfere!\nAnyone dares who violate this command, decapitation!”\n“Everyone must arrive on time for training! Anyone dares to be late, decapitation!”\n“Anyone dares to voice their dissatisfaction, decapitation!”\n“Anyone dares to disobey my command, decapitation!”\n“ …, decapitation!”\n“Decapitation!”\nA series of “decapitation” shouts rang loudly, its murderous aura ascending to the skies! \nIn correspondence to these shouts of “decapitation”, Jun Xie’s eyes exuded an awe-inspiring aura filled with killing intent! \nThree hundred warriors stared straight ahead, their bodies stood straight, their muscles tensed, fear evident within them.\nEven Jun Wuyi, who was seated on the wheelchair, had been unconsciously affected. His blood boiled, his upper body part straightened. It felt as though he had returned back in time to when he first started, listening to his father’s lecture! \nSaring at Jun Xie’s eyes at that very moment brought forth a zealous expression to his face. The rampaging aura of an iron-blooded soldier, which had been lost, had surged back into him!\nJun Xie’s provocative words had transformed these house guards.These iron-blooded men had once again donned the identity of a fearless soldier; their imposing battle aura had risen to its peak!\nJun Wuyi can already imagine what kind of effect this provocation can accomplish in a real battle!\nAll who heard those words would smile, exuding that form of heroic fearlessness as they charged towards death!\nLife and death no longer mattered, no resentment, no regrets!\nWith such a kind of leadership, how can one lose?\nAt another side of the training grounds, Grandpa Jun was standing within the shadows. His face turned red as his calm demeanour lost its ground against his boiling blood. His eyes stared widely at Jun Xie, both his hands and beard trembled, showing just how excited his heart was.\nIs this really my debauchee grandson? \nDid these words really come out of his mouth? \nWhat a magnificent aura of aspiration! What a sky towering spirit! \nWhat a… Grandpa Jun got carried away and started rubbing his eyes. Ah! He rubbed to the point of tears.\nAfter he managed to calm down the feelings of excitement, Jun Zhan Tian turned away. His originally hunched body suddenly became straight, his eyes glinted akin to surging lightning, and his body glowed with a form of pride and self-confidence! \nThe Housekeeper, Old Pang suddenly felt that the great general who had once become an invincible figure across the world had returned!\nAfter the Jun Family suffered countless tragic and bloody battles, Old Pang had not seen this heroic bearing from Jun Zhan Tian for countless years. \nBut now, it has finally resurfaced!\nIndeed! Jun Xie’s performance that had given this old man a great surprise and… hope! \nIt had allowed Jun Zhan Tian to believe that his Jun Family still had hope! \nMoreover, this was a great, radiant hope!\nThis grandson might actually be able to let the Jun Family regain its glory. Wrong! It is not a ‘might’, but a certainty!\nThe Heavens itself is blessing the Jun Family!\n“Relay my commands! From this moment on, anything pertaining to the Young Master, be it his words or actions, will all become our Jun Family’s number one secret! This is a first grade verbal command!\nAnyone who dares to violate my command will be killed without exception!\nIn addition, those who violate my command will face the nine familial extermination!”\n“Clear those spies sent by the other families that we were keeping an eye on! As for those sent by the royal court, find an excuse to transfer them away.\nNext, mobilize all our shadow operatives! They are to carefully observe the inner and outer movements of the Jun Residence. Anyone found to be passing off messages to the outside must be killed without exception!\nWe will take this opportunity to clean the house, put in every effort to ensure that nothing slips past us!”\nJun Zhan Tian’s tone carried with it the image of an unyielding tyrant, a determined tyrant with no tolerance for any form of doubt!\nAt this moment, Old Pang could sense a strong murderous aura seeping out from him. Through this, he could tell how important this matter was to Jun Zhan Tian. If someone were to actually leak anything out, then Jun Zhan Tian would seriously start a bloodbath!\nJun Zhan Tian did not know why his own grandson would conceal his own capabilities to such an extent. \nHowever, since he did that much, then there would certainly be a reason, there must be a plan! Jun Xie’s performance today had truly surprised him, an unexpectedly pleasant surprise. Nevertheless, in his opinion, this grandson of his had made a somewhat reckless move! \nIf news of this matter were to spread out, then a great number of eyes will set their sights onto Jun Xie.\nGrandpa Jun had no desire to find out if these people had good intentions or bad intentions!\nThus, this wise old man decided that the first thing he must do for his grandson was to help him ‘clean his butt’! \nHe issued a verbal order, a first grade verbal order! Any who disobeyed will face the extermination of nine kindred!\nIn reality, there was no such thing as concealment of abilities. Jun Moxie was simply no longer Jun Moxie, but was instead Jun Xie! \nHe was the king of assassins from a different world, the Evil Monarch!\nMeanwhile, Jun Xie’s shouts kept resounding from the training grounds.\n“Now, listen to my orders!\nYou now have ten breaths of time to prepare; I want the three hundred of you to form two teams!\nIf you are unable to complete this task on time, all of you will go run around the training ground for a hundred laps! Begin!”\nOnce the sentence was uttered, the formation became a chaotic mess as men moved in and out, interweaving between one another. In a short amount of time, they had already divided themselves into two groups, each consisting of a hundred and fifty men.\n“Good! One hundred and fifty men will form a company, and then divide it into five platoons; each platoon holds thirty men. Next, divide the platoon into three squads with ten men each! I will now give you half an incense stick’s time; I do not care how you decide but you must elect the leader for each company, platoons and squads!”\n“Remember! This choice is one you made. As such, you will need to obey the orders of your leader.\nIf anyone tries to disobey orders and show disrespect, then he will be punished according to military protocols, decapitation!”\nAfter saying that, Jun Xie ignored their discussions and turned to face Jun Wuyi.\nJun Wuyi silently regarded him, then suddenly smiled out. His eyes exhibited a heavy sense of surprise. “Moxie, your performance today had genuinely shocked your Third Uncle.”\nJun Xie brushed his nose as he laughed. “What are your thoughts, uncle?”\nJun Xie did not specify his question, but Jun Wuyi understood what he meant. “Originally, I had intended to nit-pick at you. However, I truly could not find any faults to point out!\nIf our kingdom’s military forces can undergo this kind of training, how can they not sweep uncontested across the world?”\n“Sweep uncontested throughout the world…” A dark line appeared on Jun Xie’s forehead. “Third Uncle is exaggerating. It is only that my starting concept is different from yours.\nThe reason you train your soldiers is for the sake of Tianxiang Kingdom, however, the reason I train these soldiers is for the sake of our Jun Family!\nI am training them to ensure the safety of our family.\nWhen taking this into consideration, one can see a critical difference!”\n“For the sake of the Kingdom? For the sake of our Jun Family?” Jun Wuyi was originally a great general who was highly loyal to the kingdom. But, after having suffered such a tragedy and forced to idle away at home for ten years, this thought had slowly faded away. \nHe could see that the Jun Family had rendered a great number of meritorious services to the country after suffering through innumerable hardships. However, both his brothers and nephews were killed in battle. As for himself, he was paralyzed for life. If these had happened on the battlefield and their enemies openly defeated them, then Jun Wuyi would have no complaints. But, everything that had happened to them occurred under suspicious circumstances, and yet the kingdom remained indifferent…\nHis father, Jun Zhan Tian had constantly tried to investigate this matter. Several times he had managed to find some clues regarding the matter, but was suddenly cut off from any further information. There was no way that these occurrences were not caused by someone. \nYet again, the kingdom remained apathetic to these occurrences, causing Jun Wuyi to become detached.\nIf this was ten years ago, if this was the hot-blooded Jun Wuyi from back then, hearing someone say that training soldiers was for the sake of their own family instead of for the sake of the kingdom, he would have jumped out to catch the culprit, accusing him to being a criminal, a traitor to the kingdom!\nBut, the Jun Wuyi of today no longer have that kind of perspective. Instead, he was at a complete loss.\nWas it worth it? \nWas it truly worth it?\n“Our Jun Family is a great pillar which many had set their sights on, and is currently standing upon a precarious position. The Kingdom on the other hand is filled with tumultuous undercurrents. Under these circumstances, our Jun Family could face an insoluble calamity at any moment!\nIf it was not for this, is there really anything bad about being an unaccomplished freeloader waiting for death’s call?” Jun Xie sighed.\n“This is the reason why you finally decided to reveal your true self?”\nJun Wuyi stared quietly at Jun Xie with falcon-like eyes. “Are you saying that if our family was not forced to these kinds of straits, then you would have continued messing around as a debauchee?\nI find it hard to believe that someone as young as you can possess this profound level of insight.”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第31章\n君邪有些无语。\n若是自己不穿越过来的话,君莫邪继续纨绔下去是板上钉钉的事情,哪里有什么深沉心计!\n甚至于,若君家风光依旧,只怕自己也会很忠诚的扮演这个纨绔角色,一直扮下去!\n最多,手痒的时候出去杀几个该死的人。\n“事实就算真的如此,我以后还是会选择继续的纨绔胡闹下去的。”\n君邪看着君无意,嘻嘻一笑:“只要三叔好了,有三叔这棵大树撑着,那我还是那个原本的君莫邪,谁敢惹我?”\n君无意一笑:“随你吧,反正啊,我是看透了……你小子啊,永远也是不吃亏的!”\n这时,两个大队已经完成了君邪交给的任务,各自的大队长,中队长,小队长,都站在了自己的队伍的前面。\n君邪转身走了过去:“从现在开始,你们两个大队彼此之间,就是对方的最大对手!\n暂时,对你们的具体情况我也不是很了解什么,所以我暂时不会给你们新的训练计划!\n接下来的十天,所有的训练任务按照原来进行,但是!……”\n君邪加重了口气:“每一项训练,都在原来的基础上提升三倍的训练量!听明白了吗?!”\n一阵倒抽冷气。\n“三天之后,小队之间比武,每个中队选出一个小队来参加中队比武!\n五天之后,每个中队选出第一名,参加大队比武!\n七天之后,两个大队一决胜负!”\n“大队比武,哪一个大队输了,大队长到比武台上当着两个大队三百人,自打耳光!听明白了没有!?”\n一片寂静。\n“我再问一次,听明白了没有?”君邪森然问道。\n“听明白了!”全场大吼。\n“两位大队长主持训练,我不管你们怎样设计训练,我只想看到七天之后的比赛结果!\n我倒要看看到底是谁,在三百人面前的高台上,作为失败者,自己打自己的耳光!”\n“这样的比赛,以后每月举行一次;连续三个月失败的大队长,就给老子光着身子去擂台上打耳光,另加学狗叫!\n到时候我会让全府的人都来参观这个表演!”\n“我现在没有兴趣知道你们任何一个人的名字,一切等到半年之后!\n我为你们两个大队取好了两个名字。\n一大队残天,二大队噬魂!\n不过,凡是能够加入的,必须是强者!\n暂时你们还不配拥有这个名字!\n一切,看你们半年后能不能达到我的要求!\n若是达到了,我会一个一个的记住你们每一个人的名字!\n若是不能……那时候就早已变成了一堆堆白骨!自然作废!”\n“回去之后,不管是吃饭还是上茅厕,都要设置规定时间,超过时间不回来的,不问情由,一律重罚!\n不管任何事情,都需要列出时间表,每个大队制定出自己的惩罚计划!然后交给我!\n现在听我号令,全员解散!”\n两位新任的大队长,还没有经历过升官的喜悦,接着就被打到了地狱里!\n皱着跟苦瓜一样的脸,凶神恶煞地带着队伍跑走。\n人人心中都已经打定了主意,不仅自己不上去打耳光,而且还要看看对方自打耳光的好戏,最好看看对方光着身子打耳光学狗叫,……恩,这才有点过瘾啊。\n至于比武,谁怕谁呀?\n无非就是给这些小子们加大训练量罢了,三倍如果不够,那就五倍,五倍如果不够,那就十倍,玩命的练呗……\n从此刻开始,君家的三百护卫,正式进入了炼狱般的生活……\n操场外,君老爷子长长吐出一口气,轻轻摆手,与老庞静悄悄地离开了。\n“老爷,是否还要叫少爷过来问话呢?”\n“还问什么?随他去吧。”君老爷子的语气很轻松,心情很舒爽。\n“老爷,为什么少爷提出惩罚的时候,只说出了惩罚大队长一个人?难道其他人就不用罚了吗?”\n“呵呵,老庞,如果你是这位大队长,自己的兵打了败仗,却让自己在众目睽睽之下自打耳光,甚至可能是光着屁股打耳光,你心中会怎么想?\n你会饶了你手下的中队长吗?\n同理,中队长在接受了大队长的疾风暴雨之后,你以为会对下面的小队长有好脸色吗?\n以此类推,人人身上都有一级压一级的重担,一级比一级重!\n等到了普通士兵身上的时候,就形成了前所未有的雷霆高压!\n这就叫做以兵管兵,是一种前所未闻、却又是极佳的练兵之道!\n莫邪能想出这般主意,若是统兵为将,必然可成一大将之才!”君老爷子很是欣慰。\n“哦……原来如此!”老庞仔细想了想:“少爷这一招可真够毒的。”\n“毒?不不,”君老爷子好像在想着什么,有些神思不属,“唯有这样,才能真正物尽其用,人尽其才;而真正的掌权者却又能够腾出手来去做别的事情;也惟有这样的办法,正是最节余人力的办法,算来,这也是最有效的办法,不管是治军还是治国从商,都是极好的办法!至少到目前,我没有想到更理想的方法!好小子!”\n“莫邪……呵呵呵……”君战天眯着眼睛,老脸笑得像一朵菊花:“幸亏皇帝陛下没答应那门婚事,否则……老夫差点就耽误了他!”\n君无意立即着手安排心腹人手,五味药一人负责一味,前去寻找,本来君家的药库存药颇为不少,但君邪要的那几位药物,却尽是比较罕见的药物,都需要到药店却专门购买!\n君邪急匆匆的回到自己房间,来不及检查战利品,关上门窗盘膝而坐。\n今天一天,君邪走在大街上的时候,有好几次感觉到脑海里的那翻滚不一的白色雾气有异动的现象,但回到了家里反而没有了这种感觉,让君邪大为诧异。\n但静下心来,细细的运功一遍,却又没发觉什么异常。\n不由得大惑不解——难道,是外力的因素?\n还有一点让君邪大惑不解的是,当自己不运功的时候,每每在无意识之中脑海中的白色雾气便会冲出来,顺着君邪的经脉自行绕转一周然后回归。\n而这样的时刻,也是那白色雾气出来的最多的时候,对君邪身体的好处也就越大。\n但当君邪全心全意的运功的时候,脑海中的白雾却只是一丝一丝的出现,随同君邪练出的劲流在经脉中游走,效果反而不如那种自动涌出的时候。\n君邪不明白的第三点就是,开天造化功,看这名字和诡异的来头,这门功法自然是非常了不起的!\n可自己自从练出气感之后,经脉之内的劲流始终就是那么一丝丝一发发,君邪无论如何努力,也无法让它壮大哪怕一点点!\n虽然这一点点确实坚韧之极,用起来也比较得心应手,质量足够,可是数量就始终差一些。\n就对比而言,若是前世的内力在经脉中有手指那么粗,那么现在的劲流大约只有一根头发丝般粗细;差距无疑是非常巨大的,几乎没有可比性!\n但从质量上来讲,若前世的内力是麻绳的话,那么现在的劲流起码也是传说之中没有任何宝刀利剑能够损伤的天蚕丝,这还是最保守的估计,两者同样没有可比性!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 31\nJun Xie remained silent. \nIf he had not transmigrated over, Jun Moxie would certainly have continued being a debauchee. Jun Moxie possessed a profound level of insight? Obviously not! \nHowever, should the day of Jun Family’s revival arrive; Jun Xie would still remain faithful to his role as a debauchee. \nIn addition, if his hands ever felt itchy, then all he needed to do was go assassinate some of those men who deserved to die.\n“Even if you say that, I would still choose to continue messing around as a debauchee in the future,”\nJun Xie looked at Jun Wuyi with a smile. “As long as Third Uncle is cured, you will become a great tree that can shelter me! When that happens, I will still be the Jun Moxie of old, who dares to move against me?”\nJun Wuyi laughed. “Do whatever you want! Besides, from what I can see… there is no way anyone can get the better out of you, you brat!”\nAs of now, the two companies had finished the task set by Jun Xie for them. Each company leader, platoon leader and squad leader stood before their own men.\nJun Xie turned and walked over to them. “From this moment onwards, your two companies will treat one another as your ultimate rival!\nFor now, I do not know the details regarding you people. That is why I will temporarily not be giving any new training instructions.\nFor the next ten days, all your training program will follow the original one, however!” \nJun Xie added emphasis to his tone. “Every set of training will be increased by three times that of the original! Did I make myself clear?”\nEvery one of them gasped in shock.\n“Three days later, there will be a contest between squads. Each platoon is to select a squad to enter the contest!\nFive days from now, each platoon select your best men; they will then enter the contest!\nSeven days from now, both companies will have a showdown!”\n“In the contest between the two companies, the Company Leader of the losing company will go up the stage, face all three hundred men and slap yourself in the face! Understood?”\nSilence!\n“I will repeat my question, understood?” Jun Xie asked in an imposing manner.\n“Understood!” Every one roared.\n“The two Company Leaders will preside over the training programs. I do not care what type of training program you implement; I am only interested in watching the results of the contest!\nI would like to see which one of you will go up the stage and slap yourself in front of three hundred men after losing the contest!”\n“This contest will be held once a month. The Company Leader who suffered three losses in a row will go up the stage naked and bark like a dog!\nWhen the time comes, I will gather everyone in the residence to let them enjoy this spectacle!”\n“As of now, I have no interest in knowing any of your names. That will have to wait until half a year later!\nI have already prepared the names for both companies.\nFirst company’s name would be Sky Raiders! Second company’s name would be Soul Eaters!\nHowever, only the strong would have the qualifications to join these two companies!\nAs of this moment, none of you are qualified!\nEverything will depend on whether you can meet my requirements.\nIf you can, then I will memorize all your names!\nBut if you cannot… then you will be nothing more than a pile of bones by then!”\n“After you return, you must set a time limit for things like eating meals or going to the toilet. Those who end up breaking the allocated time will be punished heavily without question!\nNo matter what the activity may be, a timetable must be established. Each company is to come up with its own punishment! Once that is done, hand over the details to me!\nNow, go follow my commands! Dismiss!”\nThe two newly appointed Company Leaders had yet to experience the joy of being promoted, but were instead slapped with a burden resembling a trip to hell! \nWearing a bitter face akin to eating bitter gourd, they ruthlessly led their respective company away.\nEveryone had the same line of thought; not only were they exempt from going up the stage to slap themselves, they have the opportunity to witness the losing side slap themselves in the face. Then, there was the even more interesting show where they have to strip naked and bark like a dog… Hmm, this will be interesting…\nAs for the contest, what was there to fear?\nThey will just have to increase their training intensity. If three times was not enough, then five times. If five times was not enough, then ten times. A training where they place their own lives on the line…\nFrom this moment onwards, the three hundred house guards of the Jun Family had officially stepped into a life of living hell…\nFar away from the training grounds, Grandpa Jun exhaled a long breath and gently waved his hands, indicating for Old Pang to leave together with him.\n“House Master, do I still need to get the Young Master to come over for questioning?”\n“Is there any need to question him anymore? Just let him do as he please,” Grandpa Jun replied in a relaxed tone of voice, his heart feeling very refreshed.\n“House Master, why did the Young Master only single out the Company Leader for punishment? Shouldn’t the rest of the losing soldiers be punished as well?”\n“Hey hey, Old Pang! If you were placed in the Company Leader’s shoes and your company of soldiers lost, resulting in you having to openly slap yourself in the face, and even possibly being forced to strip naked before barking like a dog, how would you feel inside?\nWould you spare those Platoon Leaders under you?\nIn similar fashion, after the Platoon Leader had his fill of the Company Leader’s wrath, how well would he treat the Squad Leaders under him?\nEach level carries its own degree of pressure and responsibility, each layer brings an even greater amount of pressure! \nBy the time it reached the ordinary soldiers level, that thunderous pressure would accumulate to the point of being unprecedented!\nThis is a form of peer pressure that was never heard of before; however, it is an excellent method to train soldiers!\nFor Moxie to come up with this type of plan; if the army were to have him as a general, he would certainly shine as a great talent!” Grandpa Jun felt very pleased.\n“Oh… So that was why!” Old Pang thought to himself. “This move from the Young Master is quite malicious.”\n“Malicious? No, it is not,” Grandpa Jun looked as though he was considering something as he organized his thoughts and state of mind. “This is the only way to make full use of their abilities while allowing the one who holds absolute power to focus on other matters. This is also the most cost-effective method of employing men. From a business perspective, this is the best method of management, be it the management of the military or the management of the state! At least, I have yet to find a better way of doing so! This brat is something else!”\n“Moxie… Hehehe he…” Jun Zhan Tian’s eyes squinted as his old face smiled without restraint. “Fortunately, His Majesty, the Emperor did not agree to the marriage. Otherwise, this old man would have ended up committing an error!”\nJun Wuyi immediately went to arrange for some men, placing a responsibility on each of them to go out seeking the herbs. The Jun Family’s medical warehouse had no small amount of goods stocked within, but the herbs listed by Jun Xie are quite rare. Those herbs had to bought from the outside pharmacies!\nJun Xie urgently hurried back to his own room. He did not even have any time to check his ‘trophies’ as he closed both the door and windows before sitting down cross-legged.\nToday, Jun Xie spent a considerable amount of time walking through the streets. During these period of time, he felt the existence of an abnormal reaction coming from the undulating white mist within his sea of consciousness. However, what surprised Jun Xie was that this feeling disappeared after he reached home. This had caused Jun Xie no small amount of surprise.\nAfter calming himself down, he carefully exercised his Arts again, but was unable to detect the presence of any abnormality. \nThis caused him to become puzzled – Could it be that there were external factors in play here?\nThere was something else that caused Jun Xie to become greatly puzzled. While he was not practicing his Arts, the white mist would gush out from his sea of consciousness without his realization. The mist would then flow along Jun Xie’s meridians for one cycle before returning. \nIt was during such an occurrence that the white mist would appear the longest, bringing with it a great deal of benefits for Jun Xie’s body.\nHowever, whenever Jun Xie tried wholeheartedly to exercise the Arts, only a slight trace of white mist would appear. However, after being directed to flow through Jun Xie’s meridians, the results were inferior to that when it had appeared on its own.\nThe third thing, which Jun Xie could not wrap his head around, was the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. Judging by its name and the bizarre circumstances of its existence, this skill must naturally be amazing! \nHowever, ever since he practiced to the point of being able to sense it, the energy flow within his meridians had remained the size of a hair. No matter how much effort Jun Xie put in, he was unable to increase its size!\nEven though this small amount was extremely solid, it was convenient to use and was of superior quality, its quantity on the other hand, left much to be desired.\nIn comparison, the internal forces he had in his past life was as thick as a finger, flowing through the meridians. But, the current energy flow within his meridians was only as thick as a silky hair. There was a great deal of difference, almost incomparable!\nHowever, if one were to compare the quality between both, the internal energy of his past life was akin to a hemp rope while his current energy flow was akin to the legendary divine silk, which cannot be harmed by even precious swords. It must be noted that this was only an estimate as these two were simply incomparable!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第32章\n这股气流虽然纤细,却可说坚韧不拔。只是君邪还不是很满足,因为现在的这股气流只是自己刚刚入门,根本发挥不出多大的功效,若是赌赌博作作弊,弄几个小动作,或者足以神不知鬼不觉,但若是说到举刀拔剑与人豁命相斗,则是万万不够用的!\n就算是天蚕丝,一根天蚕丝确实可以支撑两百斤的重量,颇为难能可贵,但是君邪依然想拥有一百根甚至一千根一万根天蚕丝凝成的最坚韧的绳子作为自己的内力!\n所以,要想让这丝气流彻底的壮大起来,充满自己的经脉而不是这样空荡荡的一条丝的存在,君邪感到自己还有太长太长的路要走!\n但现在却也有一样好处,就是若是用来暗算的话,却真正可以神不知鬼不觉!君邪闭上眼睛,细细的考虑着自己身体里这种特异的劲流的用处,慢慢地进入了物我两忘之境……\n李家。\n唐万里老爷子气势汹汹的大举到来,却是如同一拳头打进了棉花堆里,李家长孙李悠然热情接待,礼数之周到,态度之亲热,让唐老爷子浑身都觉得有些不自在,实在挑不出半点毛病;纵然有心发火,但在李悠然亲切沉静的笑容之下,却又发不出来,可是憋在心里却又憋得难受,喝了口茶水,将茶杯重重的一放,一个上好的茶杯顿时裂成了八瓣。\n李悠然笑得依旧悠然温柔,微笑道:“来人,速速为老侯爷再奉上一碗盖茶;”说到这里,突然口气稍有放重了一些:“之前怎的如此怠慢,还不快将我爷爷房中的极品寒烟茶取来,记得听爷爷说过,唐老侯爷最喜欢喝的,就是这极品寒烟茶。”\n说着再度放低了姿态,一脸歉然的看着唐万里老爷子:“老侯爷,晚辈擅自替您做主,尚请不要在意,若是晚辈说的有甚疏漏,您老人家立即指出来,我立即让下人去换。”\n唐老爷子瞪了瞪眼,张了张嘴,正如狗咬刺猬,无处下嘴,吭哧了半天,才道:“将李峰李振他们三个小畜生给老夫叫出来,老夫有话要问他们。”\n李悠然面显难色:“老侯爷要指点晚辈,自是他们三人的福气,只是老侯爷来的不巧,这三个人犯了错误,目前正接受家法惩戒,能否请侯爷略移贵步,待此三人受过家法之后,再聆听侯爷教诲……”唐家人闻言顿时就是一怔。\n一众人鱼贯来到李家戒律堂,看着被打的血肉模糊的李峰三人,唐老爷子顿时满腔怒火散了一半。\n只是问了几句,但一听说,此事却是孟家主使,而且还是孟海洲对唐源的未婚妻早有垂涎之意,而李振三人之所以受罚,大抵就是因为这件事情的缘故,唐老爷子对李家的怨气瞬时消了一大半,但对孟家的怒火却又熊熊的燃烧起来,愈发暴跳如雷了。\n匆匆地打个招呼,唐老爷子带着人马立即飞身上马,向孟家赶了过去。\n李悠然殷勤地亲自送出府门,连声道歉招待不周,一揖到地,殷殷话别;看着唐老爷子的骑队滚滚而去。\n直起身来,李悠然脸上露出一丝飘忽的优雅笑容,惟眼神之中飞快的掠过一丝异样的阴寒,随即消失;提起白袍,李悠然依然是慢悠悠的入府,动作洒逸,不带半点烟火气息……\n天色呼的阴暗了下来,突然一声闷雷,刷刷的下起雨来,雨势越下越大,渐渐天地连成了一片。\n李悠然的脚步突然停止,出身的看了一会天上的雨幕,轻声笑了笑,摇了摇头,低语道:“看来唐老侯爷要在孟家多呆一会了……呵呵呵……”\n可儿托着香腮,坐在窗前,呆呆地望着窗外瓢泼的大雨,眼神已然有些迷蒙。\n君邪结束了自己的练功,站起身来,来到她身后,轻轻问道:“可儿,在想什么呢?”\n可儿惊叫一声,转过头来,手足无措地站起来,低头道:“少爷。”\n“在想什么?”君邪走到旁边的椅子上,坐了下来,习惯性的翘起了二郎腿。\n看着面前的小萝莉;小姑娘长得粉嫩嫩的特招人喜欢,君邪每次均是忍不住逗弄她一下,正因为如此,眼见这小可人满腹心事,就忍不住要关心一下。\n“我…我在想,再过几天就是金秋节了……”可儿眼神有些弱兮兮的,“记得三年前,金秋节的时候,我九岁,还在与父亲母亲一起,那时候……我好快活……很幸福……爸爸、妈妈……”嗒嗒两声,两滴大大的泪水滚落下来,落在地上,后边的话再也接不下去了。\n“那现在你的父亲又身在何方呢?”君邪刚刚问出这一句,便从记忆中将这件事情翻了出来,可儿的父亲是君家麾下直属的小队长,跟随君莫邪的大哥君莫忧出征,从此就没有回来;可儿的母亲亦因为思念亡夫,积劳成疾,终于一病不起,临终前将可儿送到了君府,请求君家照顾一二,现在可儿已经是一个无父无母的孤女!\n想起君莫邪那小子原来对可儿可是非打即骂,从来没有什么好脸色的,而这个可怜的女孩子一直默默忍受着,君邪心中不禁泛起一丝莫名的怜惜,轻叹了一声,伸手抚抚她的头发,却没说话。\n听到金秋节三个字,算算日期,这才醒觉到,马上就要到中秋节了。\n君邪心中突然泛起一股酸涩。\n看来这个传统的华夏节日,在这个世界,自己只好孤身一人独自度过了。\n可儿感受着君邪在轻轻抚弄自己的头发,出奇的柔顺,没有做声,心中却感到了君邪对自己的怜惜和由衷的歉意,顿时一阵温暖,就像一个离家的小妹妹突然遇到了自己的大哥哥,心房中一阵柔软,一阵亲切。\n突然间似乎感觉到,这个原本经常打骂自己的纨绔公子,此刻居然好像是自己最亲近的人一般,这种变化,很是突兀,也很是奇异。\n不由将小小的身躯向着君邪的身体靠了靠,感到君邪身体的温暖,突然感觉窗外的漫天风雨与自己再没有了半点关系。\n良久,君邪揉了揉可儿的一头秀发,道:“好好休息一会,最好睡一觉吧,我出去一下。”\n“少爷,下这么大的雨,你要到哪里去?”可儿有些不解,关心地道:“淋得病了可怎么好?我为您准备雨具吧!”\n“不会有事的。”君邪淡淡地笑着,脸上依旧是漠然,随手抓起一个斗笠,戴在头上,推开门,颀长的身形便没入了漫天风雨……\n身后的可儿满脸满眼的担心,她能感觉到,自己的少爷此刻的心中,竟是充满了痛苦,难言的苦闷……\n同样感受到了君邪内心的不平静,脑海中的鸿钧塔白气大涨,滴溜溜的高速转动起来,白色的雾气随着君邪翻腾的气血,在经脉中快速游走,似乎要抚平君邪心中的不快、烦闷。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 32\nThis energy flow seemed delicate, but was in fact unyieldingly tough. Nonetheless, Jun Xie remained unsatisfied because this level of energy flow can only be considered the beginning stages. This energy flow could barely be used to do anything. It may have been useful in playing tricks and secretly affecting results while gambling, but what about a life and death battle against a sword user? This level of energy flow is simply insufficient!\nEven if it is the divine silkworm’s silk whose single thread can support the weight of up to two hundred jin (120.9 kg), a highly commendable capacity, Jun Xie wanted more. He wanted a hundred or a thousand of those threads to come together and become his source of internal energy!\nHis desire to nurture the energy flow to become greater to the point of filling his meridians, caused Jun Xie to feel that he still has a long way to go.\nHowever, there was one advantage in his current situation. And that was his ability to use sneak attacks which were truly mysterious and imperceptible! Jun Xie closed his eyes as he evaluated the possible uses of the energy flow in his body. Slowly, he entered a state of disconnection from self and others…\nLi Residence.\nTang Wanli rushed aggressively towards the Li Residence backed by a huge group of men, however, he now felt as though he had instead run headfirst into a pile of cotton. The Li Residence’s Head, Li Youran received him with a warm, affectionate and hospitable manner, causing Grandfather Tang to feel a little uncomfortable, as he was not able to find any faults to argue about. Although he had determined to throw a fit, when faced against Li Youran’s cordial and calm smile, he found himself unable to do so. However, the act of keeping the pent up anger on a leash was very hard to bear. After drinking a cup of tea, he slammed it down heavily, resulting in the teacup breaking into pieces.\nLi Youran continued smiling gently as he said. “Come, quickly prepare another cup of tea for the old Duke.” Then, his voice suddenly became heavy. “I was too careless earlier. Quick, go get the top grade Han Yan tea from my grandfather’s room. I remember my grandfather had once mentioned that Duke Tang’s favourite tea is the top grade Han Yan tea.”\nAfter finished instructing the servants, he lowered his voice again, looking apologetically at Grandfather Tang Wanli. “Senior Duke, this junior instructed my men on your behalf earlier, I hope you do not mind. Also, if this junior made a mistake, then please point it out. I will immediately get the servants to change it for you.”\nGrandfather Tang stared with a wide-open mouth, just like a dog that had bitten a hedgehog. He was unable to utter a single word. After staying speechless for a long time, he finally asked. “Get Li Feng, Li Zhen, those three little beasts out here now. This senior has something to ask of them.”\nLi Youran revealed an obvious reluctant expression on his face. “To be able to receive pointers from the Senior Duke is certainly a blessing for those juniors. However, Senior Duke’s timing is a little off. Those three had committed a mistake and are currently undergoing disciplinary punishment. May I ask of the Duke to show kindness and wait momentarily for the three of them to finish up their punishment before coming to receive your pointers…” The Tang family members who heard this became startled.\nThe whole group of people headed into the Li Residence’s disciplinary hall. Seeing how Li Feng and the other two were beaten into a bloody mess, Grandfather Tang who was brimming in anger found his fury dissipating by half.\nHe settled for only asking them a few questions. However, he heard from them that the source of this matter was the Meng Family, Meng Haizou had actually coveted Tang Yuan’s fiancée for a long time. As for Li Zhen and the other two, they were punished for their involvement in this matter. Hearing all this, Grandfather Tang’s fury towards the Li Family was mostly dissipated; however, his rage towards the Meng Family surged to new thunderous heights.\nAfter quickly saying his goodbyes, Grandfather Tang immediately led his men back up the horses and sped their way towards the Meng Family.\nLi Youran personally accompanied them out, his face showing a sorry expression as he kept apologizing for being a bad host. He earnestly bid them farewell as he watched Grandfather Tang lead his group of men away.\nStraightening himself, Li Youran’s face fleetingly revealed a trace of elegant smile. In his eyes, a strange chill too appeared for the briefest of moment before disappearing. Lifting his robes, he entered the residence, his actions unhurried and relaxed, not showing any trace of anger…\nThe sky gradually became darker. Suddenly, a thunder broke out and the rain started falling. As the rain fell harder and harder, it seemed as though both Heaven and Earth had become one.\nLi Youran suddenly stopped walking. Raising his head, he observed the curtain of rain; he lightly laughed as he shook his head and whispered. “It seems that the Duke Tang will have to extend his stay at the Meng Famiy… hahaha…”\nLittle Ke sat on the window, her hands holding onto the incense pot as she stared outside at the heavy rain. Her eyes had already become moist.\nAfter finishing up with his training, Jun Xie straightened himself and walked up behind Little Ke. He gently asked. “Little Ke, what are you thinking about?”\nLittle Ke screamed out in shock. Turning around, she was momentarily at a loss before she straightened herself and bowed. “Young Master.”\n“What are you thinking?” Jun Xie went to the side and sat down on a chair. \nBy force of habit, he raised his leg up. Observing the little Lolita before him, she was a tender little likeable girl. Jun Xie had always been unable to stop himself from teasing her. That was also why he felt concerned after seeing her filled with deep thoughts.\n“I… I was thinking. In a few days’ time, the autumn festival will arrive…” Little Ke’s eyes seemed on the verge of tears. “I still remember, three years ago during the autumn festival, when I was nine, I went with my father and mother. Back then… I was so cheerful… so happy… father, mother…” Two big drops of tears rolled down, falling onto the ground. She was no longer able to continue her sentence.\n“Then where is your father now?” Just as Jun Xie asked this question, he remembered that Little Ke’s father was a squad leader serving under the Jun Family. He had followed Jun Moxie’s big brother Jun Moyou out for an expedition, never to return; Little Ke’s mother eventually died of illness due to sadness and overwork. Before her death, she sent Little Ke to the Jun Residence, beseeching the Jun Family to take care of her daughter. As of now, Little Ke was an orphan with no father and mother!\nThinking back, that brat Jun Moxie had always treated Little Ke badly, cursing at her all the time, but she had instead endured quietly. Jun Xie could not help but feel pity for her. Sighing lightly, he reached out and stroked her head, but remained silent. \nHearing the words Autumn Festival, he calculated the days and finally realized that the Mid-Autumn Festival will soon be upon them. \nJun Xie’s heart suddenly felt sour.\nIt seemed that I would have to celebrate this traditional Chinese festival by myself in this world.\nLittle Ke felt Jun Xie lightly stroking her hair, his way of treatment was surprisingly soft. Even though he did not speak a word, she could feel Jun Xie’s pity and heartfelt apology. A burst of warmth suddenly enveloped her, as though a little sister that had left home had suddenly bumped into her big brother. Her heart was awashed with a soft, cordial feeling. \nShe suddenly felt that this debauchee who had always cursed at her had at this moment, become the one closest person to her. This change in feeling was very unexpected and bizarre. \nShe could not help but lean her small body closer to Jun Xie’s. Feeling the warmth from Jun Xie’s body, she felt as though the heavy rain outside had become something that she was no longer concerned about.\nAfter a long time had passed, Jun Xie stroked Little Ke’s hair again and said. “Get a good rest. It is better if you go get some sleep. I am going out for a bit.”\n“Young Master, It is raining heavily right now. Where are you going?” Little Ke felt confused and became concerned. “What if you fall sick from the rain? I will go prepare raining gear for you!”\n“I will be fine,” Jun Xie smiled faintly, his face painted with an indifferent expression. He grabbed a bamboo rain hat and placed it on his head before opening the doors, heading out into the heavy rain with a straight stature… \nLittle Ke’s face was filled with worry. She could sense that currently the Young Master was suffering from an unspeakable pain and anguish…\nSensing Jun Xie’s disturbed emotions, the Hongjun PaGoda within his sea of consciousness rose up and began exuding the white mist. The white mist then flowed through Jun Xie’s blood and flow of qi as it made a cycle through Jun Xie’s meridians, as though it was trying to uplift Jun Xie’s current state of melancholy.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第33章\n雨滴啪啪的打在斗笠上,君邪快步从侧门离开了君家,漫步走在大街上,大街上原本熙熙攘攘的行人此刻也已因瓢泼大雨的突然降临而完全不见了,两边的店铺中却堆满了避雨的人群。\n不时的有一阵阵的笑声或者是咒骂声传出来。\n四周的喧嚷与天地间的大雨似乎融成了一片,君邪孤身漫步在鱼中,看着雨点形成从天到地的巨大幕布,再啪啪的打在斗笠上,君邪由衷的从心底感到了自己的渺小和孤单。\n纵然自己前世曾经是天下间最强的杀手又如何?!\n就算自己有莫大机缘超越死亡,穿越到异界又如何?!\n即使获得了神秘莫测的宝物鸿钧塔、更有机会修炼神秘的“开天造化功”又能如何!\n自己始终是天地之间的沧海一粟,渺小、孤单、寂寞……\n前不见古人,后不见来者,念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。”君邪苦笑着摇了摇头,心道这首诗真应该自己来写,身在异世,当真是前无古人后无来者!\n真正的炎黄子孙,在这异世界,确实唯有自己一人而已!\n大雨愈显浓稠,地面上水花四溅,雨雾朦胧而起,整个天地在这一刻,突然变得不真实,朦朦胧胧,连身周的正在瓢泼的大雨似乎也突然没有了声音……\n君邪突然感觉到身周的一切就像梦境一般,所有的人所有的事都不存在了,整个茫茫天地之间,只得自己一人漫步在漫天风雨中……\n君邪突然感觉到自己就仿佛是一只幽灵,或者根本就是在梦游,脚步重重的踩在雨水里,踩出的声音,却似乎距离自己无比的遥远,这种无根的浮萍的感觉,让君邪这位曾经的冷血的杀手,也不由得感到了自己的脆弱和无力。\n前方突然一暗,这才发现自己在不知不觉之间已经走出了大街,走到了一个窄小的胡同里。\n雨幕中,一杆酒招如同死板板的咸鱼,被竹竿斜斜的挑出来,垂直的挂着,里面传来一阵阵酒香。\n何以解忧,惟有杜康!\n消愁唯有酒!\n君邪犹豫了一下,便举步走进了酒店。\n小店里人很少,只得四五张桌子,却全都是空着,如此大雨天,酒店的生意自然萧条,更何况是如此偏僻的小店,惟小店的角落里,另有一人也戴着遮住脸面的斗笠,默默的坐着,默默地自斟自饮。\n既象是在自得其乐,却又更象是孤独寂寞。\n君邪随意要了两个小菜,一坛酒,便也默不作声的坐在角落里,独据一桌,旁若无人的自斟自饮。\n大雨,小店,一人。\n这一杯,敬我前世杀过的人!\n不好意思,你们注定没有报仇的机会了。\n一饮而尽!\n这一杯,敬我今生即将要杀的人,不好意思,你们注定要在我手上终结了!干杯!\n这一杯,敬师傅师妹们,祝你们杀人顺利,早日收手,平安喜乐,安度余生。\n这一杯,敬……\n君邪旁若无人的一杯接一杯的喝着,虽似无声无息,却将所有的感情,所有的叹息,所有的孤单,都用一杯杯的酒灌了下去。\n随着那滚烫的酒水,落进了肚子里面!\n从今以后,在这个世上,我是君莫邪!\n君邪,只是上一世的第一杀手,只是一个遥远的回忆!\n小店的酒水自然并不出色,甚至有些清淡如水,作为喝惯了上等美酒的君邪来说,实在是有些难以入口!\n但君邪此刻心中却并没有觉得酒好不好,实际上,现在就是给他瑶池仙酿,他也是喝不出多少滋味。\n他唯一能感觉到的味道,只是苦涩,只是酸涩,只是怅惘……\n在这个陌生的天地之间,软弱,放纵,只此一次!\n从今以后,就是邪君之路,就是铁血之路!\n从今以后,就是用异世的如山骨骸,如海鲜血,成就我邪君的盖世名声!\n异世邪君,惟我莫邪!\n又是一杯下肚,君邪依旧感觉不到半丝醉意,只是一杯一杯地倾倒下去,倾倒下去……\n君邪却不知道,他这种怪异的行径,与周遭的一切显得是异样的格格不入,似乎茫茫天地之间,他一个人自成一体,与苍天大地、漫天风雨彻底的隔绝了开来……那种遗世而独立的孤独,淡看风云的洒脱,孤独寂寞的超然,在他的身上完美的溶成一体。\n惟有这一刻,君邪还是君邪,那个神秘的第一杀手,而非是今世莫邪!\n旁边角落里那名唯一的酒客,在君邪进来的时候只是斜眼看了他一眼而已,此刻却是目不转睛的看着他,见他旁若无人,举杯痛饮,潇洒落寞,气度超尘,大非寻常人物,不由得大为好奇。\n君邪已不知自己喝过了多少杯酒,几近机械地再度举起酒杯,正要把这一杯一饮而尽,突然听到旁边一个声音道:“这位兄台好酒量,此刻雨大风狂,此间只得你我二人,难得有缘相聚,不如共饮一番如何?”\n君邪抬头一看,旁边的客人已经将斗笠拿了下来,露出一张方正威严的面孔,不怒自威;目光却是温润如水,正含笑看着自己。\n君邪哈哈一笑,伸手将头上斗笠摘下,随手挂在身后,笑道:“秋风秋雨愁煞人,能在这小店相遇,也算有缘,共饮一番有何不可?请!”\n那人想不到君邪如此年轻,不由一怔,笑道:“如此,恭敬不如从命。”令小二再上了几个菜,两坛酒;然后端着酒杯走了过来,在君邪对面坐下。笑问道:“京城之中,如此风华的年轻人倒还真是少见,但不知小兄弟是哪位名家之后?”\n“名家之后?”君邪嗤的笑了一声,不屑地道:“世间浮萍本无名,游戏人间君莫问!难道在兄台眼里,非得是名家之后才能有所谓的卓然风采?”\n“哦?呵呵,果然是我失言了,且自罚一杯!”中年人举起酒杯一饮而尽,动作洒脱。\n君邪看他脸面,早知此人定然非寻常之辈,只看他眉宇之间的富贵逼人之气,一举一动的潇洒自然,纵横捭阖,小店里外几股精神力量来回探测,看来是这人的侍卫保镖之流。\n便知此人乃是一个长期身居高位的人物。\n见他居然对一个素不相识的人坦承错误,甚或含笑自罚,不由得对他稍稍改观。\n觉得如此人物,同桌喝一次酒倒也不算是辱没了自己。\n“请教小兄弟高姓大名?”那人一杯酒下肚,看着君邪问道。\n君邪的淡然潇洒,让此人对君邪的身份实在是很感兴趣。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 33\nThe rain pitter-pattered on the bamboo rain hat. Jun Xie left the Jun Residence swiftly through the side door and strolled his way into the main street. The main street, which had been bustling with activities and pedestrians, was now empty due to the sudden heavy downpour. The shops on both sides however were brimming with crowds of people. \nEvery now and again, the sounds of either laughter or curses can be heard coming out from the shops.\nUnder the heavy downpour, the clamorous noise seemed as though it had merged together with both Heaven and Earth. Jun Xie strolled alone within the heavy rain, watching as the rain transformed into a curtain between Heaven and Earth. As the rain pitter-pattered on his bamboo rain hat, Jun Xie felt his own insignificance and loneliness.\nSo what if he had been the world’s number one assassin in his past life?\nSo what if he had been granted a great opportunity to transcend death, transmigrating into a different world?\nSo what if he managed to obtain the immeasurably mysterious treasure, the Hongjun PaGoda? So what if he has the opportunity to practice the mysterious “Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune”?\nIn the end, he was but a droplet of water amidst an ocean between Heaven and Earth. So diminutive, so solitary, so alone…\n“The predecessors will never meet their ancestors; the successors will never meet their descendants. Leisurely studying Heaven and Earth, and yet alone and inferior,” Jun Xie laughed bitterly as he shook his head. He thought to himself that he should have written this poem. Born in another world, he was truly a man without precedence and without a descendant!\nThe true descendant of Yan and Huang in this world was none other than himself!\nThe heavy rain and its accompanying fog was extremely heavy, water covered every inch of the ground. The rain and fog obscured the skies, causing everything to become illusory and hazy. Even the surrounding downpour seemed to have lost its sound… \nJun Xie suddenly felt as though everything was a dream, every single person and every single matter no longer existed. There was only him, walking alone through the heavy rain…\nJun Xie suddenly felt as though he was a ghost, or perhaps he was simply sleepwalking, his heavy footsteps resounded in the rain and yet it sounded so far away. This incomplete feeling caused Jun Xie who was a cold-blooded assassin to feel vulnerable and weak.\nHe suddenly found himself facing a dark place and realized that he had unconsciously exited the main street into a narrow alley. \nIn the midst of the rain, a bamboo pole stood tilted from a shop, singled out as it hung conspicuously. From within came the smell of wine.\nThe only way to solve sorrows was to shut it out!\nThe only way to make worries disappear was wine! \nJun Xie hesitated for a moment before entering into the wine shop.\nThe shop had barely anyone within it. It had fifteen tables, yet all of them were empty. Considering how heavy the rain was, it was only natural for the shop’s business to be affected. Especially when considering how small this shop was. But, within a corner of the shop, one person sat. Wearing a face concealing bamboo rain hat, he sat down and helped himself. \nHe seemed to be entertaining himself, but it seemed more as though he was feeling solitary and lonely.\nJun Xie randomly ordered two side dishes and a jug of wine. He then sat silently in a corner, helping himself to it as well.\nHe was alone in a small shop within the heavy rain.\nThis cup I toast to those I’ve killed in my past life. \nForgive me, for there is no chance for you to have revenge. \nGulp!\nThis cup I toast to those whose life I will take in my new life. Forgive me, for you are fated to die by my hands. Cheers!\nThis cup I toast to my Master and fellow brother and sisters. I wish you success in your missions. May you all be able to retire early and live a peaceful life.\nThis cup I toast…\nJun Xie drank alone, one cup after the other. Without making a single noise, he poured all his emotions, all his lamentations, all his loneliness into the cups of wine and drank them all away. \nEverything flowed together with the wine into his stomach! \nFrom today onwards, in this world, I am Jun Moxie! \nJun Xie, the number one assassin from another world is nothing more than a distant memory!\nThe wine of the small shop was nothing remarkable, it felt slightly weak in taste. As someone who was used to drinking high grade wines, this wine was actually a bit difficult for Jun Xie to drink!\nHowever, Jun Xie’s mind at this moment was not considering whether the wine was good or not.\nEven if he were to be given the celestial fairy wine, he would not be able to taste any of it. All he could feel now was bitterness, tartness and sorrow…\nWithin this unfamiliar world, this will be the only time that he indulged in these feelings of weakness!\nFrom now on, I will thread the path of the Evil Monarch! An iron blooded path! \nFrom this moment on, I will utilize the mountain of bones and ocean of blood from my past to achieve my unparalleled reputation as the Evil Monarch once more!\nThe Otherworldly Evil Monarch is I, Moxie!\nYet another cup was downed, but Jun Xie had yet to feel drowsy. He simply continued pouring one cup after another, gulping it down…\nJun Xie did not realize that his strange act where he casted everything he had encountered aside, as though he was the only one within this world, had completely cut him off from everything, the skies, the ground, the wind, the rain… It was an independent loneliness of a person forsaken by his own world. The faint feelings of joy, solitude and loneliness, all merged perfectly into one upon his body.\nIt was only at this moment that Jun Xie remained Jun Xie, the mysterious number one assassin and not Jun Moxie!\nIn the corner of the shop, the only customer who had only given Jun Xie a glance when he came in was now staring intently at Jun Xie. He watched as Jun Xie sat alone, drinking away his sorrows, exuding an elegant form of loneliness; his tolerance deep and far beyond the average person, causing him to become curious.\nJun Xie himself did not know how much wine he had drank; he only continued raising his cup. As he was about to drink another cup, he suddenly heard someone spoke out. “This brother is a remarkable drinker. Now that it is raining heavily outside, there is but the two of us here. Since we had such a fateful meeting, what do you say we drink together?”\nJun Xie raised his head and saw that the customer had already placed down his bamboo rain hat, revealing a dignified face, showing a prestigious aura without being angry, his gaze as soft as water as he smiled at Jun Xie.\nJun Xie laughed. He reached out, removed the bamboo rain hat on his head, and left it hanging behind. “The anxious autumn wind and rain brings a halt to men. For us to be meeting here like this is indeed the work of fate. Since it is fate, why should we not drink together? Come!”\nThe other party did not expect Jun Xie to be so young and was momentarily startled before laughing. “Indeed, observing fate is better than offering respects.” He then ordered a few more dishes and two jugs of wine. Holding the wine cup, he came over and sat before Jun Xie. He smiled and asked. “A magnificent youngster such as you is truly a rarity in this city. I wonder which great family does this younger generation hail from?”\n“Great family’s younger generation?” Jun Xie gave out a laugh and replied in disdain. “Floating namelessly through the world, treating the human world as a game, ask not the gentlemen his name! Could it be that in this brother’s eyes, only someone from the great families can possess an outstanding demeanour?”\n“Oh? Hehe, this is really a mistake on my part. Then please consider this cup my punishment!” The middle-aged man raised his cup and gulped it down, his movements casual and free of care.\nObserving his face, Jun Xie had since deduced that this person was no average person. The aura emitted from his brows were rich and coercive, every move made was innately elegant, indicating great skill and care. A few spiritual forces kept probing inside the small shop from the outside, believed to be from this person’s bodyguards. \nThis person must be someone with a high position and not easy to meet.\nTo see such an individual admit his own mistakes towards a random person and even smile as he punished himself, Jun Xie felt his stance towards this person changing. \nHe felt that sitting together and drinking wine together with this kind of individual was not an unworthy act.\n“My I ask for younger brother’s esteemed name?” That man gulped down the wine as he watched Jun Xie. \nJun Xie’s aura of indifference caused this man to become very interested in his identity.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第34章\n“游子天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识?\n只需喝酒喝得痛快,便是你我最大来意。\n酒后各分西东,彼此也未必挂念,名字大抵是个记号,忆之何幸,失之何伤?”\n君邪依然沉浸在自己略有些悲愁的情绪里,当然不会报出君邪本名,可若是说出君莫邪三个字,天知道这位仁兄会不会冒着大雨狼狈而逃?\n毕竟京都纨绔之名还是很有杀伤力的。\n“世间浮萍本无名,游戏人间君莫问!游子天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识!”中年人念了一遍,不禁耸然动容。\n“好句,当真是好句!没想到小兄弟年纪如此之轻,却出口成章,便算是饱学之士也未必能及,在下失礼了。”\n说着看着君邪,笑得很是畅快:“小兄弟言之有理,是我世俗了,愿再罚一杯!”\n君邪急忙止住:“你左一杯右一杯,我可还一杯没下肚呢,不会就是为了找个由头多喝我的酒吧?”\n那人一怔,朗声大笑,一饮而尽,抹了抹嘴道:“此酒虽无名,但也算是上好的酒了,有劲,辛辣,这才是男儿汉所喝的酒!\n不错不错,为了此酒,就算是找个名目,也要多喝一杯的。”\n“这酒?也算好酒?”君邪嗤之以鼻,“我说兄台,只怕是你没有喝过什么好酒?\n像这样的酒,只不过是偶尔碰上了,更没别的酒选择,才喝一点而已,若是这酒都算得上是好酒,那么天底下的好酒岂不是太多了?”\n那人眼睛一亮,道:“宋老三这酒店虽说是不大,但这酒在京城却是大大有名,好酒者无不神往,今日若不是下雨,此间早已高朋满座!\n也因为如此,今日才能得以痛饮此酒。\n正是你我的运气!\n要知道宋老三每天只卖二十坛酒,午市十坛,晚市十坛,当真是多一坛也不肯卖的!\n小兄弟这话若是让宋老三听到,只怕是不会与你善罢甘休的。”\n“哈哈哈……你这人不错,在我这么郁闷的时候,竟然能把我逗笑了!”\n君邪本不想笑,但此刻却觉得有些压抑不住:“真是太好笑了,这样的淡酒,竟也限量供应?\n本少爷以前喝过的最次的酒,只怕都要比这酒强过百倍!”\n这话到不是吹牛,概因这酒充其量也只有不到二十度白酒度的程度,且酒质略浊,对于饮惯了世间美酒的君邪来说确实是劣酒,甚至对于任何一个现代人而言,都未必会喝,毕竟酒看起来有点浑浊,貌似真的有些不干净!\n那中年人的脸色有些难看起来:“小兄弟,吾本观你亦为雅士,怎可大放厥词,饭可以乱吃,话可不能乱说!\n须知就算是大内皇宫之酒,本……\n我也是喝过的,与此酒相比,不过是多了几分华贵,却少了几分辛辣、后劲!\n更难以激起男儿心头的热血。\n就我看来,此酒已经是非常难得的世间佳酿!\n小兄弟说以前喝过的最次的酒也强过此酒百倍,未免太过于伤人!”\n“呵呵,哦?你不信吗?”\n君邪斜着眼睛看着他:“你不信就算了,我也没有非让你相信,哈哈哈……\n不过,喝酒!喝酒!\n哈哈哈,这位老兄,你知道什么是喝酒么?\n你懂得什么才能算作喝酒么?哈哈哈……”\n中年人皱了皱眉,默然不语,心中已经有些后悔不该过来。\n这小子也太邪了,别人好心来结交,居然一点不领情!\n而且还如此的出言不逊,即便是有些才华,也不过是个恃才傲物的狂生,难成大器!\n君邪哼了一声,低沉地道:“真正的喝酒,喝的乃是心情!\n又或者是意境!\n并不说将酒灌进肚子里就算是喝了酒,那只能说是糟践酿酒的粮食罢了!\n酒啊酒,酒啊酒,想不到这个世界,非但没有好酒,而且也没有什么人懂酒;更加没有人会喝酒,更不要说什么品酒、赏酒!\n古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名,可惜,天地茫茫,竟无一个饮者!\n为这天大的悲哀事,浮一大白!”\n痛饮了一杯酒的君邪站起身来,仰天长笑:“举目苍苍百万里,茫茫人海千万余;居然没有一人配与我同席共饮,更没有一种酒浆配让我欣然入喉!\n这个世界,可真是悲哀!\n哈哈哈,酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多!\n酒不好,人更乏味,如此喝酒,那里有半点意思!走了。”\n“啪”的一声,一锭银子落在桌上,君邪狂傲的大笑着出门而去,一头撞进了茫茫雨雾,转眼不见踪影。\n那中年人再好的涵养也被他气得有些七窍生烟,这人年纪轻轻,居然如此骄狂!\n本人怎么说也是大有身份的人物,自己最看好的酒,最爱喝的酒,在他嘴里居然比垃圾还不如!?\n那岂不是说自己实在是……\n不过心中又有些羡慕君邪那种快意洒脱,无拘无束狂傲近乎邪异的个性!\n什么时候我也能这样纵意人生啊!\n这京都,简直就像一个大大的囚笼……\n“虽然有些骄狂,但率性而为,也不失为真性情,古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名,当真好句!”\n中年人默默地想到,举起酒杯,一饮而尽;却不知道是心理作用还是什么别的原因,只觉得往日这喝不够的美酒,今日居然真的有些不堪入喉。\n“有说古人七步成诗,我还道是吹捧古人,然见此君,便说是七步成诗也绝不为过,尤其那最后两句,当真了得!”\n说着口中轻轻吟哦:“……酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多!\n不错不错,这酸生果真有几分真本事。”\n说到这里,中年人突然愣了愣,又哑然失笑:“这家伙的意思,居然敢说我不是他的知己,与我话不投机呀,哈哈……\n临走还骂我一句,还是酸溜溜的拐着弯骂的……真是酸生一个!\n不过纵观整个天香国,敢当面骂我的就包括皇兄在内还真是一个也没有,这小子倒是让我尝了尝新鲜。”\n君邪一生之中,什么样的评价都曾有过,什么杀人狂、血魔的不计其数,但唯独“酸生”二字从未落在他身上。\n君邪自己自然也不会想到,自己触景生情有感而发的几句不连贯的诗句,居然就被人定格成了“酸生”!\n而且是拐着弯骂人的狂生。\n若是知道,定然会啼笑皆非。\n邪君若是要骂人,那必然会是指着鼻子骂的,怎么会拐着弯?\n对君邪来说,当面骂还觉得不过瘾呢。\n中年人笑了一会,突然感觉有异,一回头,却见到一个瘦小枯干的老者睁着有些昏黄的眼睛,出神地看着君邪离去的方向,一动不动,脸上神情,居然满是遗憾。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 34\n“Wandering through the world, must chance meetings end up becoming acquaintances?\nWhat you and I wish for is to be able to drink wine happily.\nAfter finished drinking, we will go our separate ways and may never miss today. The name is but a mark. Would it be a fortune if you can recall it? Would it be a misfortune if you missed it?”\nJun Xie remained immersed within his realm of sadness. Naturally, he would not give out his real name. If he had said out the words Jun Moxie, who knows if this man might end up panicking and flee out even in this heavy rain? \nAfter all, his notorious reputation as a debauchee can be considered quite the lethal object.\n“Floating namelessly through the world, treating the human world as a game, ask not the gentlemen his name! Wandering through the world, must chance meetings end up becoming acquaintances!” The middle-aged man repeated the words. He could not help but be moved by those words.\n“Good sentence! A truly good sentence! I did not expect that this young brother could utter such great words. Not even a learned scholar may be able to replicate this feat. It seemed I was being rude again.”\nLooking at Jun Xie, he laughed leisurely. Little brother’s logic is reasonable, it is I who was too rigid in following customs, I am willing to accept another cup as punishment!”\nJun Xie hastily stopped him. “You keep drinking left and right while I have not even drunk a single cup. You are not by chance just finding an excuse to drink more than me, are you?”\nThe man became startled before breaking into laughter. He gulped down his cup before wiping his mouth. “Even though this wine is nameless, it can still be considered a good wine, strong and spicy! A real man should be drinking this wine!\nTrue, for the sake of drinking more of this wine, finding some more excuses is nothing.”\n“This wine? This wine is considered good wine?” Jun Xie sneered. “I say brother, could it be that you have never had any good wine?\nThis wine is only something you drink a little of when you have no better option at hand. If this kind of wine can be considered a good wine, then won’t there be countless good wine in this world?”\nThe man’s eye lit up as he said. “Old Song’s wine shop may not be big, but this wine is highly reputed in this city. All wine lovers treat it with reverence. If it were not raining today, then this place would have been a full house by now!\nThat is also why you and me can enjoy this wine today.\nThis is a lucky day for both you and me!\nYou may not know this, but Old Song only sell twenty jugs of wine per day, ten in the afternoon and ten in the evening.He will not sell even a jug more!\nIf your words were to be heard by Old Song, I fear he will not let you go.”\n“Hahaha… You are a really great person. To think that you can make me smile at a time when I am feeling so depressed!” \nJun Xie had originally not wanted to laugh, but could no longer hold it in at this moment. “How laughable! Such a weak wine actually has a limited supply?\nThe wines that this young master has had before were at least a hundred times stronger than this!”\nThese words were in no way boastful. This strength of this wine was at best only at twenty per cent of a sorghum wine. In terms of quality, the wine was also slightly turbid. For Jun Xie who was accustomed to drinking the world’s finest wine in his past life, this wine was indeed inferior. In fact, people from the modern era might not even be willing to drink this wine. After all, the wine seemed turbid, as though it was lacking in hygiene!\nThe middle-aged man’s face became somewhat unsightly. “Little brother, I can see that you are an elegant scholar, but how can you say something like this? Rice can be eaten in whatever way we like, but the same cannot be done with words!\nEven if you are to compare with the wine of the Royal Palace, this…\nI have also had the opportunity to try it. In comparison, it only had some extra flavour of luxury, and instead less spicy and vigorous!\nIt has less ability to arouse a man’s blood.\nIn my opinion, this wine is a fine wine that can rarely be found in this world!\nLittle brother, saying things like the wine that you’ve tried before was a hundred times stronger than this wine is simply too much!”\n“Hehe, oh? You do not believe me?” \nJun Xie looked at him with tilted eyes. “If you do not believe me, then so be it. I have no reason to make you believe me, hahaha…\nHowever… drinking wine!\nHahaha, fellow brother, do you know what it means to drink wine?\nDo you know what it takes for one to be considered to be drinking wine? Hahaha…”\nThe middle-aged man frowned and was speechless. In his mind, he had started regretting coming over. \nThis kid was too abnormal; he had come over with such good intentions, and yet this kid did not show any appreciation at all! \nNot to mention, he was even so disrespectful. Even if he was a talent, he was still just a prideful and unrestrained scholar; it would be difficult for him to become a great renowned talent.\nJun Xie gave out a “heng” and said in a low voice. “The true act of drinking wine, is to drink in one’s emotions!\nOr even one’s thoughts! \nPouring wine into one’s belly alone cannot be considered the act of drinking wine. That is simply the act of wasting good wine!\nWine! Oh, dear wine! To think that not only were there no good wine in this world, there is also none who understands wine, what more the act of drinking wine!There is no such thing as wine tasting, no such thing as appreciation for wine!\nThe virtuous sages of old were all solitary figures, only drinkers leave their names behind. How pitiful! Within this vast world, not a single drinker can be found!\nWhat a world encompassing sorrow! How uncalled for!”\nHaving drank his cup of sorrows, Jun Xie stood up. Raising his head, he gave a lengthy laugh. “A great distance of a million li, an ocean of humanity numbering over hundreds of millions; yet, not a single one can keep me company as I drink, and not a single wine is worthy of making me joyful as I drink!\nThis world is simply too sorrowful!\nAhaha, when drinking wine with a bosom friend, a thousand cups are too little, when words exchanged are disagreeable, even a little is too much!\nWhen the wine is not good, the people become wearier. Where is the meaning in such a way of drinking? I will take my leave!”\nA silver ingot fell onto the table with a “pa” sound. Jun Xie then walked out the door with a prideful laughter; his body penetrated the heavy fog filled rain, disappearing in an instant.\nEven with his level of character, the middle-aged man found himself somewhat angered. This youngster was so young, and yet he was so conceited! \nNo matter what, he was still someone with a lofty identity. To think that the wine that he liked the most and had considered as the best was actually worth less than thrash to the youngster! \nWasn’t that simply implying that he…\nHowever, his heart was a little envious of Jun Xie’s carefree and wilful nature, that personality of conceit and unrestrained arrogance! \nWhen will I be able to live such a life? \nThis city is just like a huge cage…\n“Even though he seemed unrestrained and arrogant, this straightforwardness may not be his true character. The virtuous sages of old were all solitary figures, only drinkers leave their names behind, what a good sentence!”\nThe middle-aged man contemplated silently, raising his cup to drink. Could it be a psychological effect? Or was there some other reason? This wine, which he had always felt was insufficient for him, had suddenly felt harder to stomach.\n“It is said that the ancients created poems for every seven paces they take. I always thought they were just flattering the ancients. It seemed that a poem for every seven paces is indeed nothing excessive, especially the last two sentences. It is truly something!” \nHe gently murmured to himself. “When drinking wine with a bosom friend, a thousand cups are too little, when words exchanged are disagreeable, even a little is too much!\nNot bad, not bad at all. This scholar really does have some skill.”\nHaving said that, the middle-aged man suddenly stared blankly as he thought of something, then he laughed. “This bastard, he actually meant to say that I am not his bosom friend and that the words we exchanged were disagreeable, haha…\nhe actually cursed at me before leaving, using such an indirect method to curse me… he is a truly learned scholar!\nHowever, in this entire Tianxiang Kingdom, the only other person who dares to openly curse me like this is but my royal brother. This brat had truly made me feel refreshed.”\nIn his life, Jun Xie has had many kinds of label placed on him, a mad assassin, a bloodthirsty devil and other incalculable names. However, this “learned scholar” was not one of them. \nEven Jun Xie could not have imagined that his reliving of old memories and his few successive verses had caused him to be labelled as a “learned scholar”! \nNot to mention, he was believed to be indirectly cursing at others while doing so.\nIf he were to know about this, he would be filled with a sense of ridiculousness.\nIf Jun Xie had wanted to curse at someone, then he would undoubtedly point at the person’s nose when doing so. What do you mean indirect cursing? \nFor Jun Xie, even the act of cursing someone face to face would not suffice.\nThe middle-aged man laughed for a good while. Suddenly, he felt something amiss. Turning around, he saw a short, thin withered looking old man gazing with dim eyes at the direction that Jun Xie had taken. He stood motionless, his face expressing regret.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第35章\n“宋老三,你这是怎地了?可是被这小子气糊涂了?”\n中年人洒逸地提起酒壶,自己满上一杯,笑吟吟地道:“只不过是一个少不更事的狂生,随口胡说而已,你素来气度宏大,料来不至于如此小家子气,他不认可你的酒,我可是认定了的。”\n“王爷有所不知;我宋老三一生之中最自傲的成就就是酿出此等好酒,其他的种种,对我来说,不过是过往云烟而已。\n区区小子轻视我的酒,老夫自当一笑置之,不予理会!”\n宋老三出神的看着君邪离去的方向:“可惜我听到他最后那段话再出来的时候,他却已经走了,酒国知己,缘悭一面,才是真正可惜之事。”\n“酒国知己?可惜?”那被称作“王爷”的中年人有些惊异。\n“不错,正是可惜!”\n宋老三肯定地点点头,“这个少年,能说出这番话来,当真是一个真正懂酒的人。”\n他说着口中喃喃道:“真正的喝酒,喝的乃是心情!\n喝的乃是意境!\n并不是将酒灌进肚子里就算是喝了酒,那只能是说糟践酿酒的粮食罢了!\n会喝酒,会品酒,会赏酒,错过此酒国知己,当真是生平最大之憾事……”\n斜眼一看,君邪原本放在身后的斗笠不知何时竟然已经消失不见。\n宋老三神色一动,突然目中精光一闪,眼瞳中闪出一丝淡淡的碧蓝颜色……\n同样可惜,那“王爷”就在他的身后,却全然没有发现宋老三目中的异样。\n地品黄,天品蓝!\n这个邋遢之极的只知道酿酒的宋老三,赫然是一位深藏不露的天玄级高手!\n至尊神玄之下,天玄高手已可算是站在玄玄大陆金字塔顶峰的人物!\n这样的人物,居然屈身在这样一个偏僻小酒馆之中!\n可惜,若是君邪尚没走,以他独特的灵觉,必会发现这宋老三的不凡之处,而且也必会抓住这宋老三爱酒的嗜好大做文章!\n可惜,君邪现在已经走得连影子都看不见了……\n君邪走出酒馆,一路缓缓步行,心中逐渐恢复清明,脑中也逐渐清醒。\n从之前的神异状态之中解除出来,之前的状态几乎可以代表邪君君邪,那一刻的癫狂,正是前世邪君傲视天下的真性情!\n不怕得罪人,想说就说,想做就做,虽万千人吾往矣,哪怕是世人千夫所指,当初的邪君也只会狂傲地迎面而上,独对千军!\n随心所欲,无所顾忌,根本不会在乎任何人的感受!\n世人赞我誉我夸我将我夸到了天上去,我自坦然受之,心安理得!\n世人毁我骂我鄙视我,那也同样是理所当然!\n但现在一番发泄之后,恢复理智的君邪自然不会继续保持刚才的“邪君”性情,周身气机尽敛,如此大雨也没什么好去处,自然而然地向家的方向走去。\n不意就在准备从前面的街角转向的时候,君邪突然神情一怔,脚步慢了下来;因为从转角后传出一个低低的声音,混在漫天大雨之中,若不是君邪耳目远较一般人要灵敏的多,险些不能听见。\n这声音是:“……总算是成了,要不是老天下这场大雨,还真不同意摸到唐家那老货的东西,当真是上天庇佑……”\n唐家?\n君邪心中一动,顿时想到唐源的家族。\n思虑一转,身子闪电般一闪,接着雨势的掩护,将身子躲在墙角后,一个突出的土墙后面。\n这土墙在平时也不算很高,无论如何也不会藏的下一个人,但在这滂沱大雨之中,万籁朦胧,几乎对面也不见人,却是极佳的掩护。\n慢慢的将头上的斗笠拿了下来,任凭雨水浇灌,瞬时从头到脚一身透湿。\n只因为雨水打在斗笠上的声音与打在土墙上全然不同,所以君邪不得不小心,本来雨水打在人身上的声响也与打在墙上也有细微的不同,但较诸斗笠,却又不可同日而语了。\n“呼哧”、“呼哧”的喘气声中,五六人似乎非常费劲的走了过来,丝毫不曾怀疑这么大的雨街上竟还能有别人,其中一人提着一个包裹从街角转了过来,一人道:“这件事情已经筹划了很久,却始终不能得手,这一次我们兄弟总算是成了,大当家知道了,定然高兴之极。”\n另一人喘着气道:“成是成了,不过代价却也不小,怎么也没想到,唐家六位高手出去了四位,余下的人仍能发现异常和我们的秘密潜入,若不是那神秘人将唐家剩余的两位高手引开,又有十四位兄弟拼死断后,我等恐怕也……咳咳咳,”说到这里,剧烈的咳嗽起来。\n“不过这东西着实重要,万万不得有闪失;我们还是尽快地赶回去交给大当家才是正理。\n赶紧处理了这件事,我们也能够安稳一些,唉;这段日子以来,真是够了!\n我们不要再耽搁了,小心夜长梦多。抓紧时间赶路!”\n“是是,不过,狼哥,我们去的时候唐家你那小舅子可是带我们进去的,万一要是唐家事后查起来……只怕你小舅子难逃一劫吧?”\n“怕他个鸟!\n等他们真正调查到咱们的时候,我们兄弟拿了赏钱,远走高飞,四处快活了,天大地大,唐家又凭什么能找的到我们?\n至于我小舅子,估计现在早就没影了,还等着唐家去抓他?\n那小子滑溜的紧,有时间担心他,还是担心咱们自己吧!”\n“说的也是。”\n六人急匆匆的迈步前进,离君邪越来越近。\n君邪在一边看得明白,六个人之中,竟然有四个人受了重伤,其余两人也受伤不轻,一路走一路不停的流出鲜血,更有两人不停的咳嗽,每一次咳嗽,地面便多了一缕红,不过那缕嫣红,随即便被雨水冲散了。\n他们究竟拿了唐家什么东西?\n如此的重要?!\n进去二十个人被留下了十四个,只逃出了六人,而这六人中还有四个受了这等重伤,居然还是很满意、很得意的样子?\n唐家若是有好东西,唐源岂能不向自己摆显?\n突然,其中那位受伤最重的人突然身子一震,停止了咳嗽,厉声喝道:“谁?出来!”\n如电般的目光向着君邪这边扫射过来!\n浑身上下突然银光灿烂起来,已经聚集起了浑身的玄气,随时准备雷霆一击!\n这个受伤如此严重的人,居然是一位银玄级的强者!\n而他,居然发现了君邪的踪迹!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 35\n“Old Song, what is wrong with you? Did that brat’s words provoke you to the point of becoming muddle headed?”\nThe middle-aged man gracefully lifted the wine jug, pouring another cup for himself. “He is just a young, unrestrained scholar saying nonsensical stuff. You are someone with a high degree of tolerance; there is no need for you to be so petty about it. He may not recognize how good your wine is, but I do.”\n“Your Highness may not know this, but this fine wine is my proudest achievement, the accumulation of my entire life. As for the others, they are nothing more than things of the past.\nWhen I heard that little brat treat my wine with contempt, all I did was laugh and ignore him!”\nOld Song stared at the direction Jun Xie left with a blank, distracted look. “What a pity that when I came out after hearing his last sentence, he had already left. To miss out on meeting a fellow friend who understands the realm of wine, what a pity!”\n“A fellow friend who understands wine? Pity?” The middle-aged man who was addressed as “Your Highness” was startled.\n“Indeed, it is a true pity!”\nOld Song nodded without hesitation. “To be able to utter those words, this youngster had proven himself as someone who understands wine!”\nHe then murmured. “The true act of drinking wine, is to drink in one’s emotions! !\nOr even one’s thoughts! \nPouring wine into one’s belly alone cannot be considered the act of drinking wine. That is simply the act of wasting good wine!\nOne who understands the act of drinking wine, the meaning of wine tasting, the appreciation of wine, to miss out on meeting such a fellow friend who understands wine is truly the biggest regret in one’s life…”\nGlancing around, the bamboo rain hat that Jun Xie had left hanging had unknowingly disappeared.\nOld Song’s eyes flickered, the pupils of eyes suddenly flashed with a pale blue colour…\nUnfortunately, the one addressed as “Your Highness” was looking at him from behind and did not notice this.\nYellow for Earth Rank, Blue for Sky Rank!\nThis Old Song who seemed extremely untidy and only knows how to brew wine was secretly a Sky Xuan ranked expert! \nStanding below only the Supreme God Xuan, Sky Xuan experts could be considered the pinnacle of existences within the Xuan Xuan Continent! \nSuch a distinguished individual was actually staying in such a small and remote wine shop!\nIt was unfortunate. If Jun Xie had not left, he would have been able to discover this extraordinary aspect of Old Song with this unique spiritual sense. He would certainly have caught onto Old Song’s addictive love of good wine.\nUnfortunately, Jun Xie had long since left; not even his shadow can be found…\nAfter leaving the wine shop, Jun Xie walked slowly, both his heart and mind gradually became clear.\nHe emerged out of the bizarre state that he was in; that state could be considered the representation of the Evil Monarch, Jun Xie. That state symbolized the Evil Monarch’s true emotion from the past, which held only disdain towards the world!\nShowing no fear towards offending other, he would say whatever he wished to say, do whatever he wished to do, even if it meant choosing a different path from tens of thousands of people Even if his actions were universally condemned by the world, the original Evil Monarch would proudly continue forward, standing alone against the world!\nActing based on his own whim, uncaring of scruples, uncaring of other’s feelings!\nIf the world chooses to praise me and lift my reputation to the skies, I would simply accept it while retaining a clear conscience.\nIf the world chooses to curse me, I would also accept it all the same!\nBut after having vented some of his frustrations, Jun Xie who had collected himself would naturally choose to stop the sentiment he felt as “Evil Monarch”. Calming himself down, he stared at the heavy rain and decided that there was nowhere good to go in this heavy rain. Since there was nowhere good to go, he turned and headed towards his own home.\nAs he was about to turn into the corner of a street, Jun Xie was suddenly startled and slowed down his pace. A low muffled voice came from beyond the corner. If not for the fact that Jun Xie’s ears were more keen compared to the average person, he would never have heard it in the middle of such a heavy rain.\nThe voice said. “… We finally succeeded. If it was not for this heavy rain, we would never have this chance to even touch this Tang Family’s item. This was a Heavenly blessing…”\nTang Family?\nJun Xie felt shocked as he immediately thought of Tang Yuan’s family. \nPondering about this, he moved his body, using the heavy rain as a cover and hid himself behind a wall with a flash.\nThe wall was an earthen wall, not high by usual standards and not capable of hiding an entire person. However, it provided an excellent cover within this heavy rain, which was filled with fog; not to mention, the people in front were not even aware of his existence.\nHe slowly removed the bamboo rain hat and was immediately soaked from head to toe in water.\nThis was because the sound produced from rain hitting the bamboo rain hat differed from the sound produced from rain hitting the earthen wall. Jun Xie could not help but be careful. Of course, there was still a fine difference in sound produced from rain hitting the body compared to hitting the earthen wall. However, when compared to the bamboo hat, this difference was far smaller.\nAmidst the gasping sounds of “hu”, “hu”, roughly six people walked forward, seemingly requiring great effort to even walk. None of them seemed to think that it was possible for someone to be around the main street in this heavy rain. One of them who was holding on to a parcel, turned around and said. “This matter had been planned for so long, but was never successfully accomplished. For us to finally succeed this time around, the master will definitely be overjoyed once he finds out.”\nAnother man replied while gasping. “It is true that we succeeded, but at no small cost. How unexpected, even though four out of six of the Tang Family’s elites are not around, they still managed to detect our stealthy movements. If it was not for that mysterious person who lured away the two remaining expert of the Tang Family, and also our fourteen brothers who sacrificed their lives to guard our rear, I fear… sigh…” Having said that, he started coughing.\n“However, this item is of great importance. We have no room for error regarding this matter. We had better return quickly and hand this item over to the master.\nWe must finish up this matter as soon as possible; only then can we let our guard down a bit. Sigh, the next few days would certainly be crappy!\nDo not delay anymore, be careful of any possible interruptions and move!”\n“Indeed, indeed. However, Brother Lang, in order for us to infiltrate the Tang Family earlier, your brother-in-law had helped us. What would happen if the Tang Family found out about it? I fear that your brother-in-law would be unable to escape…”\n“Fear your ass!\nBy the time they find out about it, we brothers would have collected our rewards and leave this place for another. The world is not a small place. I really do not believe that this Tang Family have the ability to find us!\nAs for my brother-in-law, I believe he is long gone by now. Like hell he would wait for the Tang Family to catch him!\nThat guy is a slippery one, if you have time to worry about him, you might as well worry more about yourself!”\n“Very true.”\nThe six people moved forward in a hurry, each step bringing them closer towards Jun Xie. \nWatching from the side, Jun Xie observed that among the six people, four of them had suffered serious injuries while the injuries suffered by the other two was not light either. As they moved, blood continuously flowed out from them. Two of them were coughing non-stop, each cough resulting in the ground being splattered with the colour of crimson. However, the crimson colour was immediately washed away by the rainwater.\nWhat exactly did they stole from the Tang Family?\nWas it really so important?\nThey sent in twenty men, but was forced to leave behind fourteen, allowing only six to escape. As for these six people, four of them suffered such grievous injuries and yet they actually feel satisfied and proud?\nIf the Tang Family obtained something good, would Tang Yuan not show it off first?\nSuddenly, the one who seemed to have suffered the most grievous of injuries stopped moving. He coughed out before snapping. “Who is it? Reveal yourself!”\nWith a thunderous gaze, he shifted his attention towards Jun Xie’s direction.\nHis body suddenly emitted a brilliant silver glow as he channelled all the xuan qi in his body, fully ready to strike at any moment!\nThe person who was suffering the most grievous injuries was actually a Silver levelled Xuan Qi expert!\nFurthermore, he also managed to detect Jun Xie’s presence!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第36章\n银玄始,金玄起;说的便是,玄气冲破九品到了银品玄气的时候,就算是真正开始了强者之路!\n玄玄大陆上,玄气的修炼方法可说是相当泛滥,就连军营中的普通士卒,也大多数身具玄气修为;但绝大部分的人,却都在九品以下这个关口止步,终身再无寸进!\n这也正是前者君邪痛斥君家侍卫,并无一人反驳的主因,三百人的侍卫中超过八成的玄气修为都已达至八品,其中更不乏八品顶峰,可是却并无一人可以达至更高一级的九品之境,只是一层之别,却几乎是咫尺天涯之别!\n而九品到银品之间,却又如同是另一个巨大的分水岭,将两边的人以天堑般的距离彻底隔开!\n九品之下尽蝼蚁!\n这句话便足以说明了一切!\n而真正的玄气修炼的高级功法,从银品这里,便开始有了极为巨大的分别。\n银玄强者之外的剩余五人亦已同时止步,六道锐利的目光穿破了雨幕,其他五人身上都是一片浓重色黑气,这五个人,居然都有九品顶峰修为!!\n领头的那人虽然受了重伤,但运功起来浑身上下仍是银光耀眼,显然已经是银品巅峰,即将迈入金品的行列。\n也正是他,发现了君邪!\n怪不得能在唐家偷出东西来,正好选择在唐家实力最空虚的时候,一下子进入二十个好手,又事先踩好了点,以有心算无心,又有内应,若是再拿不出来,那么唐家的实力就近乎恐怖了。\n但事实上这二十人最终也只出来了这六个人,那被留下的十四人若也全是九品的人物,那唐家的实力也仍是不可小觑的!\n大雨仍在疯狂地倾泻着,浓密的雨丝和腾起的雨雾,将天地间弄得即便对面也难以看清人,更何况,这本就是在一个秋色的黄昏!\n君邪有些沮丧,自己目前的实力还是太低微了一些,虽然已经极力的隐匿自身的气息,但却毕竟不能像前世那样,可以隐藏得天衣无缝!\n看来,今天势必要有一场恶战了!\n但以自己目前的实力,是否能打赢这六个高手?\n这实在是半点把握也没有的事情。\n就算是对上其中的一个,以君邪现在的功力,也是无法匹敌的!\n可惜,自己已经见到了对方的龌龊事,就算想抽身也已不得,对方势必要杀自己灭口才可保完全,为求保住小命,只能另想办法。\n自己堂堂一代杀手之王,今时今日竟陷入了如此恶劣的局面,真是一个至大的讽刺!\n正在这样郁闷的琢磨着,君邪突然察觉了一件事,一件很重要的事情,这件事的察觉令他郁闷到极点的心情瞬间转为愉悦,甚至是兴奋莫名的,几乎要笑出声来,虽然是面对六个自身实力都比自己强的高手,但在君邪此刻的心中却已经有了必胜的把握!\n君邪的身子若隐若现的在雨雾中,对面的六人虽然感觉到自己的对面有人,但却并不确定对手到底有几人,更看不清君邪的样子;所以一个个小心翼翼,不敢妄动!\n毕竟他们大战一场之余,实力大损,更有多人身受重创,稍不注意,动辄便有杀身之祸!\n但同样的情况对君邪来说,却实在是与白昼没有两样!\n甚至比白天还要明显得多!\n是想,茫茫大海浓雾中,迷失了航线的大船前方突然出现了灯塔……\n这就是君邪现在的感觉了!\n这种亮度,导弹都能轰上去!\n君邪真正发现了这个世界玄气的最大缺点:实在是太耀人眼目了,根本无法做到隐匿行迹!\n你要想战斗,首先就要聚集身上的玄气,但一旦聚起玄气,身上便会有光芒透出!\n尤其是,在君邪这样的超级杀手面前,这六个人就像是六头赤裸裸的大肥猪,在器宇轩昂地等待被宰割!\n难怪君邪当时掷骰子作弊没有一个人怀疑,遥控骰子,这个世界上只要是修炼过玄气的人超过了四五级都能够做得到,但问题就是,那样势必身上会有异状闪现!\n除非是至尊神玄,但至尊神玄需要赌钱作弊吗?\n“这个创造出玄气功法的人简直就是个天才!\n他是怎么知道我要穿越到这里遇上这种情况的?\n这简直就是为了我这样的杀手杀人方便而量身定做的绝妙功法!”\n如果这六个人是六头猪的话,那么玄气此刻在君邪的眼里就是饲料!\n只有吃了很多饲料之后,猪才能长得如此膘肥体胖,而且还主动的跑到屠夫面前,亮出自己的肥膘,自豪的说:看,我多肥,开宰吧,看那顺眼就从那下刀!\n而君邪此刻扮演的角色,就是这个屠夫。\n当然了,杀猪也是要有技巧的!\n因为眼前的这些猪貌似并不好杀,稍不注意,它还会拱你一下也说不定,毕竟“屠夫”现在的小身板还太弱,还真顶不住一拱!\n长袖中的手腕一翻,一曲,肌肉动作之下,原本藏在肋下的十八枚金钱镖悄无声息的落尽了君邪的手心里。\n君邪身子一动不动,眼中闪起久违的嗜血的色彩!\n在这个秋天的暴雨的下午,天地一片昏蒙的时刻,来自异世界的杀手之王,在这个陌生的世界第一次露出了他的獠牙!\n第一次展现他多姿多彩如同艺术一般的杀人伎俩!\n砰,砰,脚步声缓缓响起,六人缓缓分开,踩着脚下的雨水,彼此之间保持着相同的间隔距离,小心翼翼的向着君邪包抄过去。\n他们都能感觉到,对面的人还在,还没走!\n此人绝对不能留着,不管他是谁,一定要将之铲除!\n六个人的心里都是一样的心思。\n漫天雨雾之中,对面的那人似乎动了一动,接着便看到六道耀眼的黄光急速穿破了雨雾,急如闪电般飞来,目标,正是六个人的咽喉!\n君邪特异的内力气流,使得金钱镖在贯注气流之后,浑身光芒大放,无比耀眼!\n黄光闪起的那一刹那,六个人的心中同时感到了一阵冰寒!\n六人同时感觉到身子僵硬,惊骇之极,其中一人瞪大了惊恐的眼睛,用几乎要哭的声音喊了半句:“地玄……!”\n什么样的人才能发出这样的耀眼的黄光?\n如此快速如此的力度?\n除了地玄级别的高手之外,别的品阶,根本就不可能发出这样的玄气,这样的光彩!\n银品之上乃是金品,金品之上乃是玉品,玉品再往上,才是地玄!\n这样的差距,不啻是差天共地!\n这仗还怎么打?\n他们想要把这个人灭口?\n是被人家灭口吧!\n就算对方只是一个普通的金品高手,而这六人身体又处于最强盛的状态之下,也未必就可以匹敌的,更何况现在人人身受重伤的时刻竟然遇上了一位地玄强者?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 36\nSilver is the beginning, Gold is growth; the meaning embedded in this phrase was that only those who had managed to break through from the Ninth level Xuan Qi to the Silver level could be considered to have stepped onto the path of the experts, the beginning stage no less!\nIn the Xuan Xuan Continent, Xuan Qi cultivation could be considered a widespread practice. Even the normal soldiers of the military would have cultivated themselves in Xuan Qi. However, majority of the people were unable to breach the bottleneck of the Ninth level, forever unable to move forward!\nThis was also the reason why none of the three hundred house guards of the Jun Family dared to refute Jun Xie when he was criticizing them. More than eighty per cent of the three hundred men possessed Xuan Qi cultivation of the Eighth level, some of which were at the peak of the Eighth level. However, not a single one of them could attain the next step, the Ninth level Xuan Qi. It was a difference of merely one level, and yet the distance towards that level was a far as the horizon!\nA similar bottleneck existed between the Ninth level and the Silver level. The members of these two factions were separated by a huge chasm in the skies! \nNine and below are but ants!\nThis sentence alone was enough to explain everything!\nIt was from the Silver level onwards that a huge difference would emerge in their cultivation of Xuan Qi!\nThe other five men also stopped in their tracks. Six sharp gazes pierced through the rain; the bodies of the other five men radiated with a dense black glow. These five men were actually peak Ninth levelled Xuan Qi experts!\nAs for the man in the lead, he channelled his whole body’s Xuan Qi, resulting in a brilliant silver glow. This man was obviously a peak Silver levelled Xuan Qi expert, one who was about to step into the realm of the Gold level.\nIt was also he who had discovered Jun Xie’s presence!\nIt was no wonder that they would be able to steal something from the Tang Family’s Residence. They selected a time when Tang Family’s strength was at its weakest, sending in twenty of such capable experts; it was obvious they had already pinpointed the location of the item beforehand, prepared a well laid plan devoid of emotion and they also had the help of an insider. If they still could not pull off this heist under such conditions, then the strength that the Tang Family possessed would be absolutely terrifying.\nHowever, among the twenty experts sent in, only these six were able to escape. assuming that the fourteen men who had to leave behind were all at the Ninth level Xuan Qi cultivation, then the strength of the Tang Family was nothing to scoff at!\nAt this moment, the rain was still pouring down frantically. The heavy rain and dense fog had caused both sides to be unable to observe clearly the situation of the other side. Not to mention, they were now currently in the late afternoon of autumn.\nJun Xie felt somewhat frustrated at his current level of strength. It was still too small. Even though he had tried to conceal his presence, he was unable to accomplish the same level of concealment, which he was able to in his past life, a perfectly undetectable camouflage!\nIt seemed that he would have to face an uphill battle today!\nHowever, with his current level of strength, could he defeat these six experts?\nHe had absolutely no confidence in this matter.\nEven if his opponent were only one of them, he still would not be able to beat them at his current level of strength!\nIt was unfortunate that he had already borne witness to their deeds. Running away was not an option. At this point in time, they would want nothing more than to kill him to shut his mouth as insurance. In order to preserve his life, he will need to come up with some other methods.\nAs the dignified king of assassins, he had now found himself caught in such an unreasonable situation. What irony!\nWhile he was reflecting upon his depressing situation, Jun Xie suddenly realized something, a very important something. This realization caused him who was depressed to the utmost to make a hundred-and-eighty-degree turn. This realization had made him unbelievably happy, so much so that he might end up laughing in joy. Although his six opponents were all experts with a base strength far superior to his own, Jun Xie had at this moment found an assured method of victory!\nJun Xie’s body was veiled amidst the rain and fog, causing the six men to feel uncertain as to how many men they were facing. They only know that there was someone there, but not how many, and definitely not the appearance of Jun Xie. Thus, all of them remained careful, unwilling to make any reckless movements! \nAfter all, they had just emerged from a bloody battle, having lost a great deal of battle potential and most of them were suffering from severe injuries. Any carelessness on their part could bring about a fatal disaster!\nBut the same could not be said for Jun Xie! For him, there was currently no difference between now and day!\nIt may be more accurate to say that it was even clearer than day for him!\nThis feeling… like a ship that has lost its way in the midst of the boundless ocean, which suddenly found a lighthouse before it! \nThis was exactly how Jun Xie felt at this moment in time! \nWith such a degree of brilliance, even an unprogrammed missile will not miss its mark!\nJun Xie had discovered the biggest weakness of this world’s Xuan Qi; it was simply too eye catching! There was absolutely no chance of utilizing sneak attacks! \nIn order to engage in battle, one must first channel the xuan qi within their bodies. But once the xuan qi have been gathered, the body would end up emitting a radiant glow! \nWhen faced against a high-grade assassin such as Jun Xie, these six men were no different from six bare-naked pigs, six pigs who were waiting to be butchered with a dignified expression!\nIt was no wonder that nobody suspected anything back then when Jun Xie had cheated during the game of dice. As long as one had practiced up to the Fifth level Xuan Qi, it would be possible to cheat as well. However, doing so would cause their bodies to emit a radiant glow! \nUnless the cheater was a Supreme God expert, but was there a need for a Supreme God expert to stoop so low as to cheat in gambling?\n“The one who created this Xuan Qi cultivation method was simply a genius!\nHow did that person knew that I would end up being transmigrated here and face this kind of situation?\nThis method was simply made for my sake, so that I can have an easy and convenient time in killing people! This method is simply the most well-tailored cultivation method for my enemies!”\nIn Jun Xie’s opinion, if these six men were pigs, then Xuan Qi at this moment was pig’s feed!\nOnly after having eaten a good amount of pig’s feed would pigs be able to grow to the desirable plump and fat shape. Not only that, they would even take the initiative to rush out before the butcher, showing off its plump and fat body shape, as though it was proudly saying: “You see? See how fat I am? Come, it is time to butcher me! I am ready whenever you are!”\nAnd Jun Xie’s current role, was none other than this butcher.\nNaturally, killing pigs also require some amount of skill!\nThat was because the pigs before him were not that easy to kill. A little lapse in attention could cause him to suffer a strike from them! As of now, the body state of the “butcher” was still too weak, unable to endure even a single strike from them!\nMoving his long sleeves, he tilted, his muscles flexing in coordination with his movements. Eighteen pieces of coin shaped darts which were hidden upon his rib area fell silently onto Jun Xie’s palms.\nJun Xie then remained motionless, his eyes emitting a bloodthirsty flash!\nIn the autumn afternoon filled with rain, this moment in time where the world began to darken, the king of assassins from another world bared his fangs for the first time!\nThis was the first time since arriving in this strange world that he would reveal his artistic killing techniques!\n“Pang, pang.” The sound of footsteps slowly sounded out as the six men moved through the rain, they gradually dispersed themselves, putting some distance between one another as they cautiously move to flank Jun Xie’s position.\nAll of them could feel that this person before them was still there, and had not moved at all!\nThis person must not be allowed to live. Regardless of who this person may be, they must eradicate him!\nThat was the thought process running through all six of them.\nAmidst the heavy rain and fog, the person before them seemingly made his move. After which they all saw six brilliant yellow lights emerging from the rain. These six lights flew like lightning, each aimed at the throats of each of the six men!\nThe unique energies that Jun Xie had poured into the coin shaped darts, caused them to radiate an eye-catching brilliance, bright to the extreme!\nAt the very moment that the yellow lights blazed out, all six of them felt a chill running down their spines!\nAll six of them simultaneously felt their body stiffen, their minds startled to the zenith! One of them stared with bulging eyes and muttered in a near crying voice. “Earth Xuan…”\nWhat kind of person can emit such a brilliant yellow light?\nSuch speed, such vigour.\nWith the exception of an Earth Xuan Ranked expert, no other stages can emit this type of Xuan Qi and light!\nAbove the Silver level was the Gold level, above the Gold level was the Jade level, and only above the Jade level was there the Earth Xuan rank!\nSuch a difference in power cannot be considered a miniscule error in calculation!\nThis… How were they supposed to fight this battle?\nThey wanted to silence this person?\nIt seemed that they were about to be silenced by him!\nEven if the enemy was a Gold level expert and the six of them were at optimal conditions, they may not be able to compete with him. But now that all of them had suffered such grievous injuries, they actually bumped into an Earth Xuan ranked expert?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第37章\n天亡我也!\n六个人同时泛起一种想哭的感觉。\n绝望啊!\n他们只看到那六道耀眼的黄光,却忽略了,面前的这个人,根本不能带给他们那种地玄高手的强大压力。\n然而心中油然而生的绝望恐惧,导致了这六人一瞬间的失神,但就是这一瞬间的失神,却彻底地决定了这六个人的性命!\n君邪之所以将金钱镖贯注玄功发出刺眼光芒提前出手,正是算准了这一点!\n一个优秀的杀手,最擅长洞悉对手的心境,他算定,这六人在面对强大的不能匹敌的高手的时候,必然会进退失据!\n而君邪要的,就是他们这片刻时间的进退失据!\n几个身受重伤的银品玄者,突然对上一位正在巅峰的地玄强者,心中的恐惧和惶惑是巨大的!\n几乎有引颈待戮的感觉!\n这几个人正被人追杀,当然产生这种万念俱灰的感觉会更加的快了。\n君邪要的,就是这一点点时间!\n先前若是直接突袭,这六人之中至少有三人能够躲开君邪的金钱镖,因为分散成六份力量驾驭飞镖,必然不如只发一枚来的精准!\n而只要他们哪怕只留下一个,君邪就要有大麻烦!\n虽然他们受了伤,但随便一个也不是目前的君邪所能够对付的。\n小李飞刀之所以例不虚发,是因为,每次出手它只有一枚!\n君邪的重点,自然是那个银品玄者,虽然受了重伤,但仍是给君邪最大压力的一个!\n也正是他,敏锐地发现了自己的踪迹!\n在六枚耀眼的金钱镖之后,还有十二道黑乎乎的光芒紧接着飞出,但前面的六枚飞镖已经牢牢地吸引住了他们的全部注意力,铺天盖地的大雨又将他们的视线牢牢阻开,惊魂未定的一个个,几乎是在最后一刻才狼狈不堪的一跳躲开金钱镖,他们甚至不敢用兵器尝试格挡,唯恐被面前这位“地玄高手”震伤了内腑!\n事实上若发暗器的真是“地玄高手”,他们根本就没有机会看到黄色光芒就已经没命了,即使他们中最强的银品玄者也不会例外,可惜,处于大惊状态中的他们完全忽略了!\n虽然他们躲得快,但还是有两人发出一声惨叫,躲避不及,金钱镖颤巍巍的插在了锁骨上,鲜血喷出,人也倒了下去,甚至倒下的人都以为自己是已经死了:中了地玄高手的雷霆一击,自己这小小的九品除了闭目等死还能做什么?\n更何况那飞镖插的位置可是咽喉啊……却没有注意,飞镖其实只是插在了锁骨上,却没有切断气管!\n四声闷哼一般的惨叫几乎同时响起,随之而来的十二柄飞刀或中咽喉,或中额头,站立的四人每个人身上都最少两把,尽都是伤在要害部位!\n目中满是不可置信的神色,紧紧用手捂住喉咙上的刀柄,直挺挺的扑倒在雨水里。\n那位备受君邪照顾的银品高手,身子受伤躲避不易,情形更是凄惨。\n头上身上足足插了四柄飞刀!\n深深插入身体,直至没柄!\n他们到死也不能明白,自己明明已经躲过了那最可怕的致命一击,为什么还会被飞刀击中了要害?\n地玄高手面对自己这些蝼蚁一般的存在,一击不中,就应该自重身份再不出手,为什么会再次出手,为什么?!\n对低自己两阶的对手居然倅袭加偷袭,而且一次不成两次……\n难道现在的地玄高手都是这么不要脸皮没有风度了吗?\n这个世界的地玄高手大都是很自重身份的人物,什么时候变得如此厚颜无耻了?!\n“地玄级”高手君邪可是毫不迟疑,闪电般纵出,顺手从一具尸体额头上拔下飞刀,脚步一停未停,两步并作一步,飞纵到那先前倒下的两人身边,反转手腕倒提刀,对着心脏的位置,狠狠地插了下去!\n这两人虽也受了不轻的伤害,却不足以瞬间致命,虽然现在惊恐失神,但却还保留了一定的战力,有战力的敌人,就不能放过!\n哪怕他已经奄奄一息!\n前世的最后一刻,就是君邪最好的教训!\n对自己最没有威胁的敌人,惟有死人!\n君邪心中的杀机疯狂的涌动,脸色一片冷酷!\n君邪这一只手握的飞刀尚未插下,脚尖已经是向外的姿势,插下飞刀的同时,脚步已经开始移动,飞刀插下,立即松手,转身向着另一人,扭腰飞速合身扑下去,以手为刀,咔嚓一声斜斩在另一人的咽喉!\n这一连串动作兔起鹘落,令人目不暇接,几乎是黄色金钱镖一出手,君邪飘忽的身影便跟了上来,四声惨叫响起的同时,君邪已经拔出了其中一人头上的飞刀,四具尸体跌落地面发出的声音还未传出,那柄飞刀已经插入了幸存者的心脏,而另一只手掌也已经劈上了另外也是最后一个幸存者的咽喉!\n心脏中刀的那人连哼也没哼一声,直接毙命!\n这一瞬,最后一人喉骨断裂的喀嚓声与四具尸体跌落地面的声音同时响起!\n全部完成之后,君邪这才剧烈地喘息起来,以他现在这具肉身的身体素质,要完成这样的高难度动作实在是困难了点!\n先前的君莫邪几乎将这具身体全部掏空,若没有之前的脱胎换骨和这一个月时间的锻炼、恢复,决计无法完成刚才的一系列战斗。\n然而即便如此,时间也是太短了,属于十足的透支发挥,当精神一松懈下来,再也无法支撑剧烈动作之后的反噬,只觉得浑身无处不痛,全身筋骨都似乎要断裂,那是一种入心入肺的痛楚。\n最后一人口中哇的一声,喷出一道血箭,直直地喷在君邪脸上,身子元宝般两头一翘,眼睛悔恨地看着君邪,嘶声道:“你……你不是……地……”死到临头,他终于醒悟了过来,眼前这人绝对不是什么地玄高手!\n“真是猪脑袋!”君邪叹了口气,对着他惋惜的道:“若真是地玄高手,对付你们几个垃圾还用得着偷袭么?!”\n那人喉中一阵格格的怪响,双眼顿时怒睁凸出,脸上一片不甘和愤怒!\n身躯一个拱挺,已经油尽灯枯的身体突然不知道哪里来的力量,颤巍巍的抬起一只手,指着君邪,想说什么,却没说出来,只是死死的看着君邪,半晌,啪的摔回地上,抽搐了一下,直挺挺地断了气,两眼依旧大张,竟是死不瞑目。\n本来他还有口气,虽然必死无疑,却也能再坚持片刻,不至于就这么死掉。\n哪知道君邪这一句话,却直接将他气死了过去!\n急速绕了一圈,将钱镖、飞刀逐一收回,然后顺便将六人搜了搜身,君邪神情轻松,动作自然,就像是在翻自己的口袋,浑没有将六具血淋淋的尸体摆在心上,上一世的杀手生涯早让他练出了泰山崩于前而色不变的沉稳;更大的血腥场面,君邪也见得多了……\n终于在那个银品高手怀中搜到一个小包袱,在手里掂了掂,君邪伸手抄起掉落在旁边的斗笠,随手夹在肋下,几大步跨出,已经转过街角,漫天的大雨,在君邪身后落下一道从天到地的巨大幕布,顿时将君邪与这血淋淋的一幕隔绝成了两个世界!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 37\nThe Heavens want me to die!\nA bitter feeling beset all six of them.\nDespair!\nAll they could see was the six brilliant yellow lights, completely ignoring the person before them. They could no longer notice that this person simply does not possess the threatening aura of an Earth Xuan ranked expert.\nThe overwhelming feelings of despair caused a momentary lapse of judgement on the part of these six men. However, it was also this one small moment, which sealed their fate!\nThe reason why Jun Xie shot out those coin shaped darts filled with the unique energies of radiance was precisely because he had predicted the occurrence of this one moment!\nFor a good assassin, one must have an insight towards the mind of their opponent. According to Jun Xie’s calculations, should these six men encounter an expert they could not defeat, they would be caught in a quagmire!\nThis moment when they were caught in a quagmire was the one moment that Jun Xie was waiting for!\nWhen a seriously injured Silver levelled Xuan Qi expert suddenly bumped into a peak Earth Xuan ranked expert, his heart would experience an unimaginable amount of fear and apprehension!\nThis feeling was akin to simply waiting for an inevitable death!\nFurthermore, these men were in the midst of being hunted, it was only natural that this feeling of despair would rise up even faster than normal.\nThis one small moment was what Jun Xie wanted!\nIf he had directly attacked without any tricks, then at least three of these six men would be able to dodge Jun Xie’s coin shaped dart. Separating the strength in between six darts would inevitably cause the force behind it to fall, being far inferior to only one well-aimed dart!\nEven if only one of them remained alive, Jun Xie would be in for a world of trouble!\nThey may all be injured, but any one of them was not someone that Jun Xie could handle with his current state.\nThe reason why none of Little Li’s Flying Daggers was issued in vain was because only one was issued each time!\nJun Xie’s focus was naturally placed on the Silver levelled Xuan Qi expert. Even though he was seriously injured, he was the one who gave him the highest amount of pressure! \nIt was also him who was keen enough to notice Jun Xie’s presence!\nAfter the six dazzling coin shaped darts appeared, twelve dark grey lights flew out. However, the six pieces of darts had already attracted their undivided attention. In addition, the heavy downpour also became a source of concealment for the dark grey lights. All six of them were shaken to the core and had all panicked as they dodged the six incoming darts. None of them dared to block the darts with their weapons, fearing the internal damage that might result from strength of an “Earth Xuan ranked expert”!\nIn truth, were those projectile weapons really sent out by an “Earth Xuan ranked expert”, none of them would even have the opportunity to glimpse the yellow radiance before being killed off. Not even the strongest among them, the Silver level expert could be exempted. Unfortunately, in their state of shock, none of them noticed this!\nDespite moving quickly to avoid those darts, two of them still cried out miserably. They were unable to avoid in time and the coin shaped dart pierced the area above the collarbone, their blood sprayed out as they fell to the ground. Those who had fallen to the ground even believed themselves to be already dead. Having accepted a thunderous strike from an Earth Xuan expert, what can they who were only at the Ninth level do except close their eyes and wait obediently for their deaths? \nNot to mention, those darts had already pierced their throats… they did not notice that the darts had only penetrated the area above their collarbone without cutting off their windpipes!\nFour miserable screams echoed out at the same time, following the appearance of the second wave of projectiles. Twelve flying daggers struck either their throats or their foreheads. Those four men who were standing all had their bodies struck by at least two daggers each, every one of them piercing the most vital of parts!\nTheir faces expressed a look of disbelief as they tightly pressed onto the hilt of the dagger on their throats; their bodies remained upright as they fell face first onto the rainwater on the ground.\nAs for the Silver level expert which received Jun Xie’s utmost “care”, his situation was far more miserable in comparison as he was already grievously injured to begin with.\nHis head and body were pierced with up to four daggers!\nAll of them penetrated so deep into him that not even the handle could be seen!\nEven upon their moment of death, they were unable to understand. Didn’t they already avoid that fatal strike? Why did they suddenly suffer from another mortal wound from these flying daggers?\nAs an Earth Xuan ranked expert, facing off against them whose existence were akin to ants before him, once his first strike failed, then he should have considered his status and stopped attacking. Why did he attack again? Why?\nHe actually utilized sneak attacks against someone who were two levels below him in cultivation. Moreover, after the first time failed, he actually sent in a second one…\nCould it be that the current Earth Xuan experts were all shameless pricks without a care for their bearings?\nIn this world, Earth Xuan experts were all individuals who placed utmost importance on their reputations. Since when did they become so shameless?\nThe “Earth Xuan expert”, Jun Xie showed no hesitation as he moved in with lightning speed, smoothly pulling out the flying dagger from the forehead of a corpse. He then changed his pace, from two paces to one. He rushed towards the two men who had fallen prior and viciously stabbed one of them directly in his heart!\nAlthough these two men had suffered no small amount of injury, it was not enough to be instantly fatal. As of now, they were at a loss due to fear however, they still possessed a certain level of combat capabilities. An enemy who can still pose a threat must not be allowed to live!\nEven if they were on the verge of death!\nWhat happened to him in his previous life was the greatest lesson for Jun Xie!\nThe only enemies who cannot threaten him are dead enemies! \nKilling intent surged within Jun Xie’s mind, his face painted with coldness!\nThe flying dagger was gripped tight by Jun Xie, the tip of his feet positioned outwards. At the same time that the dagger had stabbed into that man, he started moving. The hand used to stab earlier loosened as he turned towards the other person. Like a cyclone, he launched his other hand downwards, forming a cleaver form, hacking into the man’s throat!\nThis series of actions was performed in quick succession, enough to cause the average person to miss out on it. The very moment that the yellow coin shaped darts flew out, Jun Xie’s fleeting figure had already moved outwards. When the four men cried out miserably, Jun Xie was already pulling out one of the flying daggers sticking out from their heads. Even before their four dead bodies fell flat onto the ground, the flying dagger had already found its way into the heart of the first survivor. At the same moment, his other hand had also cleaved the throat of the second and last survivor!\nThe man who was pierced in the heart by the dagger did not even have the luxury of making a single noise as he died on the spot!\nFinally, the “crack” sound from the last target whose throat was fractured resounded out at the same time that the sound of four bodies hitting the surface water was heard!\nAfter completing the actions above, Jun Xie climbed up as he gasped for breath. With his current state, completing those movements earlier was indeed quite the difficult matter!\nThe original Jun Moye had simply caused successive problems for this body. If not for the shedding process and the constant exercise for the past month, there was no way he could have managed the earlier series of actions.\nEven so, the time limit for him was simply too short and the action was akin to borrowing an overdraft from the bank. Once he relaxed his spiritual force, he was bombarded by the backlash from the violent movements made earlier. He felt pain assailing him from every part of the body, his muscles and bones felt as though it was about to break apart, a heart splitting, and lung jerking pain.\nThe last survivor emitted a “woah” sound as he spurt out an arrow of blood, spraying directly at Jun Xie’s face. As their eyes locked, he stared with resentment at Jun Xie, hissing. “You… you are not… Earth…” It was only at his moment of death did he came to realize that this person before him was definitely not an Earth Xuan expert!\n“You bunch of pig heads!” Jun Xie sighed, feeling sorry for him. “If I am really an Earth Xuan expert, would I need to resort to sneak attacks against you bunch of trash?”\nThe man’s throat released a series of strange sounds as his eyes suddenly glinted with fury, an expression of resentment and rage formed on his face!\nHis body arched forward, his body which was at the end of its life suddenly found the strength to lift a trembling hand, pointing at Jun Xie. He seemed as though he wanted to say something but nothing came out. He simply stared at Jun Xie. Not long after, he fell back onto the ground with a “pa”. After twitching for a bit, he finally breathed his last, his eyes remained wide open onto death.\nOriginally, he still had some breath left. Even though it was only a matter of time before dying, but he could at least endured for a while longer.\nWho could have known that Jun Xie’s words had instead provoked him to death!\nMoving around, Jun Xie retrieved the coin shaped darts and flying daggers. At the same time, he also conducted a search on their bodies. Jun Xie’s actions were natural, his heart undisturbed as though he was merely checking his own pockets, completely disregarding the fact that those six men were dead. His training as an assassin in his previous life had embedded within him a calmness, which cannot be broken even if Mount Tai were to collapse before him. Besides, Jun Xie had witnessed far more situations that were far bloodier than this…\nHe finally found a small parcel in the hands of the Silver levelled expert. After weighing it for a bit, Jun Xie then reached out for the bamboo rain hat, which was on the ground. Placing it beneath his rib area, he strode off, turning into the corner. Behind him, the heavy rain continued, creating a huge curtain, cutting off Jun Xie from this bloody scene as though they were of two different worlds!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第38章\n街口,大雨倾盆,一缕缕鲜红逐渐变淡冲散……\n只留下六具尸体静静倒卧,其中一具尸体双眼圆睁,怒瞪苍天,满脸的不甘……\n绕了几绕,君邪谨慎地便转到了回君家的路上。\n雨水劈头盖脸的狂浇下来,君邪轻松淡然地漫步前进,并未遮挡,身上脸上的血迹已经冲的半点不剩,就算是现在洗干净,也只会看到一块稍呈暗褐色的大块,而不会知道这曾经是活生生的六条大汉的鲜血!\n而且,是以君邪目前的实力对付一个都绝对不是对手的,一位银品高手和五位九品玄者的鲜血!\n就在君邪即将迈进君府大门的时候,一个颀长的身影穿破重重雨幕,旗花火箭般划破长空,一闪来到街口,一眼看到六人横七竖八的躺在地上,顿时大出意料之外,一个长掠过去,手掌轻拍,在六人身上搜了一遍,没有任何发现。\n霍然起身,眼色阴沉到了极点!\n这人脸上带着一张奇怪的面具,看不清他到底长得什么摸样,但一举一动却是从容之极,举重若轻;嗖的一声,带着金灿灿的玄气之色直接飞上了旁边五丈之外一棵大树,再一个纵跃已经站在树梢,举目四下张望。\n两下纵跃,丝毫不带半点烟火气,似乎不费半点力气。\n金光微微闪动,赫然是一位金品高手!\n闪电般的目光穿破雨幕,向着辽阔四周仔细的巡查了一遍,突然从树上长掠而下,在滂沱大雨中围着六具尸体绕了一圈,然后便顺着一道血丝散去的方向一步一步前行,但明明是是一步一步的前行,速度却竟然比寻常高手施展全力奔跑还要来的迅速!\n那方向,正是君邪从这里离去的方向!\n此人竟然如此心细如发,在这等雨水冲刷之下,居然能一眼就找出正确的方向!\n这人顺着些微痕迹找去,绕了几绕,突然站定,低声咒骂起来。原来君邪绕的那几绕,竟是正好绕了一个圈,这位神秘的金品高手随着绕了一个圈子,却发现自己又回到了原点……\n“究竟是谁?究竟是谁?好深沉的心思!”这人低声自问,仰头向天,出神的思索。\n究竟是谁打乱了我的布局?\n究竟谁能够将这个时机把握的如此分毫不差?\n到底是谁能够洞悉自己的计划?\n知道自己的行动计划?!\n这次行动的时机完全是临时起意,就连自己事先也不知道,甚至连这场大雨也是突如其来!\n那么便不是自己这边出了问题,但那问题到底是出在哪里?\n难道是……这神秘人苦苦的思索着,梳理着每一点一丝,甚至从自己身边的人一个一个的怀疑排查……\n这人一向心机深沉,凡事都在掌握之中,谋定而后动,心思之慎密可谓到了极点!\n像今天这件事情,就算是打死他,他也绝不会相信在这世上还有这种巧合!\n所以他一开始就形成了思维定势,认定这必然是某一人或某一组织、家族针对自己,或者是针对自己的家族所展开的阴谋活动!\n这个人万万不会想到,这件事其实压根就是一个巧合!\n一个非常有趣的巧合!\n那名银品高手如果不是道破了君邪的踪迹,以君邪的为人必然不肯在实力未茁之前贸然与人结怨,如果银品高手发现的人不是那么凑巧是君邪,而是一个普通人,也可以安然将东西带回,甚至说后来人若是早到片刻,以君邪目前的实力,决计不是这人的敌手……\n以上种种尽是巧合,惟有这种巧合,才是事件的必然发展,世事岂能尽如人意!\n君邪虽然很巧合拿走了他急需要的东西,但君邪自己却压根不知道,那是一件什么东西,到底有什么作用!\n君邪这次出来,本就是一个巧合,将近前世的中秋节了,一场秋雨勾起了君邪心中仅存的乡愁,而在这个异世界又完全找不到人可以倾诉,就算想找个前世酒吧那样的地方也没有,在家里消沉显然更不合适,再说君邪也不希望让人看到自己软弱的样子,于是出来本是打算借酒消愁的,没想到让那中年人两句话打破了心境,越喝那酒就越觉得难喝,到了后来简直不能下咽,终于鄙视了两句,走了出来。\n心思烦闷,君邪在街上到处闲逛,似乎就这样淋着大雨心中反而会舒服一点。\n然后,就很“巧合”的遇到了眼前的这一幕!\n诸般的巧合之下,终于让君邪相准准地遇到了从唐家偷了东西,好不容易逃出来的几个人,机缘巧合之下听到了他们的谈话。\n君邪现在实力不济,本打算就这样过去了也就算了,毕竟穿越过来的君邪对唐家并没有什么太好感觉,唐家的东西丢了就丢了,他也不放在心上,更不关自己什么事。\n但没想到哪几个如同丧家之犬一般的家伙居然发现了他!\n这就让君邪欲退不能了,尤其这些家伙的实力更在目前的君邪之上,就算想落荒而逃都不行。\n实在没办法之下,君邪也只好用出了暗器的功夫,利用天时对自己的助益,然后施展诡计,将这几个人一举诛杀!\n既然人都死了,君邪自然不介意“顺手”拿点东西,于是乎,这件对这神秘人来说极端紧要的东西,就这么在这种貌似“无限”的巧合之中,似有意似无意的落进了君邪的手里。\n这么多的事情,任何那一件单独摘出来都不惹眼,但凑在一起,却巧合的让人吃了一大惊!\n占了便宜的不知道怎么回事,被人坏了大事的更是稀里糊涂!\n这么多的巧合,简直是鬼使神差,连老天爷都下了一场大雨助助兴,这实在不能不说是天意,又或者是老天促成的“巧合”!\n神秘人见事已至此,正要离去,突听得人声嘈杂,乱哄哄的围了上来,唐家的侍卫大举出动,向着这边搜捕过来。\n不由长叹一声,金芒闪动,啪啪啪六个声音连续响起,地面的六人的头颅纷纷爆裂开来,再也看不清楚本来的面目,衣袖一拂,嗖的一声蹿进雨幕之中,顿时消失不见了。\n待到唐家的人来到这个街口的时候,就只看到六具脑浆迸裂的尸体,而需要追回的东西,却早已无影无踪……\n君邪丝毫不知道,自己在无意之中已经破坏了自己所在的君家最大的敌人设计的一次重要行动,而且就像捡破烂一般将那人视若珍宝的东西随手拿了回来;他甚至感到很委屈:本来我就只想淋淋雨,思思乡,享受一下乡愁的寂寞与孤独,却被这几个该死的东西将气氛破坏的干干净净!\n郁闷啊……\n真是百事不顺啊,借酒消愁遇见一个不识货的,将那等低劣糟酒也当做了绝世佳酿,真是可怜复又可笑!\n出来淋会雨吧却又淋到杀了人……\n运气真背啊。\n君邪仰天长叹,摸了摸怀里的小包袱,一步踏进了君家的大门。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 38\nOn the street, the heavy rain continued pouring down, dispersing the crimson lines on the ground… \nleaving only six corpses lying quietly. One of the corpses had its eyes remained wide open, staring furiously towards the skies, his face filled with resentment…\nAfter taking a few detours, Jun Xie finally made his way back to the Jun Residence.\nEven as Jun Xie strolled ahead, the rain continued falling without abandon. The blood on Jun Xie’s face had already been washed away by the rain. After being washed by rainwater, the only thing one would see was a few brownish stains. No one would have guessed that those stains were the blood of six warriors!\nBesides, there was no way that Jun Xie could have fought against those men with his current level of strength. After all, these were the blood of a Silver levelled expert and five Ninth levelled Xuan Qi experts!\nIt was at this moment when Jun Xie had stepped into the Jun Residence that a tall figure pierced through the heavy rain. Just like a rocket streaking through the skies, this figure arrived at the corner where the six corpses could be seen lying on the ground. Becoming surprised, the person rushed towards them, using a hand to pat the six men, searching their bodies but was unable to find anything. \nSuddenly straightening his body, the person’s face became extremely gloomy.\nThis man wore a peculiar looking mask on his face, making it hard to ascertain his facial features. However, every move of his was done with calmness and ease. With a golden glow, he flew up to a big tree located five zhangs (15 meters) away from them. Standing on the tree, he looked around.\nHis way of conduct seemed as though he was not wasting any energy or effort in his actions.\nA golden glow could be seen, this person was a Gold levelled expert!\nWith a lightning like gaze, he carefully inspected the surroundings. Suddenly, he flew down from the tree and moved towards the six corpses. He circled the six bodies as he analysed it. After which he moved towards one of the directions where their blood was flowing. However, his movement speed were surprisingly superior compared to that of the usual experts, his speed exceeding what the experts could achieve when running!\nThat direction was none other than the direction that Jun Xie had used when he left this place!\nThis person was truly detailed; amidst the heavy flow of rainwater, he actually managed to pinpoint the right direction!\nThe man followed the traces and moved forward. After moving for a while, he suddenly stopped and let out a light sounded curse. The detours that Jun Xie had taken had actually led him in a circle! After following the traces left by Jun Xie, the mysterious Gold levelled expert found himself back at the same starting spot…\n“Who was it? Who could it be? Such a deep level of thought process!” The man whispered to himself; he raised his head to the skies, his mind lost in thoughts. \nWho was it who disrupted my plan?\nWho was it that could seize this opportunity with such precision?\nWho could have seen through my plans?\nWho was it that could read my mind?\nThe execution of this plan was something done at the spur of the moment, not even he himself predicted that this would happen. In addition, there was the sudden heavy rain!\nConsidering these factors, the problem could not possibly have originated from his end. But then, where did it come from?\nCould it be… The mysterious man painstakingly analysed, poring through every variable, going so far as to suspect everyone around him in his analysis…\nThis man’s thoughts have always been deep and profound; every factor must be within the palm of his hands before a decision was made. His obsession towards detail could be said to have reached the extreme!\nTake what happened today for example, even if he was beaten to his death, he would never believe that there would be such a kind of coincidence!\nAs such, his mind was fixed from the very beginning. The incident today must have been the work of someone or some organization, perhaps his own family was trying to screw him over or perhaps someone with an enmity towards his family!\nThis man could never have considered that what happened today was simply a coincidence!\nA very interesting coincidence!\nIf the Silver levelled expert had not detected Jun Xie’s presence, then Jun Xie would never have chosen to incur the wrath of others while his strength had yet to bloom. If the one the Silver levelled expert had detected was not Jun Xie but a commoner, then he would have been able to safely deliver the item back to the designated place. In fact, if this person had arrived just a few moments earlier, there was no way Jun Xie could have beaten the man with his current level of strength…\nEverything that had happened was all a coincidence. Coincidences were the inevitable path for all developments. The events of the world could never follow the will of men!\nAlthough Jun Xie taking away the item that the man wanted was due to a coincidence, Jun Xie himself does not know what the item was, or what it can be used for!\nJun Xie deciding to go out for a walk was a coincidence in itself. When he realized that the Mid-Autumn Festival of his past life was approaching, he felt himself becoming nostalgic and homesick. In this world, there was no one he could have a good chat with; there was also no place like the bars in his past life. It would also be inappropriate for him to become depressed at home, not to mention Jun Xie was not one to let others see himself being submerged in such weak emotions. Thus, he went out, planning to drink away his sorrows. Unexpectedly, that middle-aged man’s words caused him to lose the desire to continue, the wine becoming less appealing and harder to stomach. After saying a few contemptuous words, he left the wine shop.\nStill feeling depressed, Jun Xie wandered about in the streets, as though this act of threading through the heavy rain could bring some level of comfort for him.\nIt was then which the “coincidence” occurred!\nAfter a series of coincidences, Jun Xie ended up bumping into those men who had stolen the item from the Tang Family. Those few men who barely escaped, coincidentally also stopped for a while, allowing Jun Xie to listen in on their conversations.\nWith his current level of strength, Jun Xie had intended to simply forget about this incident. After all, the current Jun Xie had no particular feelings for the Tang Family. If the Tang Family lost something, then so be it! It had nothing to do with him, regardless of what it might be.\nWho could have guessed that those men would have such dog like noses to be able to sniff out Jun Xie’s presence?\nThis left Jun Xie with no other option; considering the strength of these men, running away was not an option.\nWith no other options at hand, Jun Xie resorted to utilizing projectiles, depending on the “help” granted by the Heavens, in addition to utilizing his trick and had these men killed in one swift moment!\nSince those men were dead, there was no reason for Jun Xie not to help himself to it and retrieve the item from them. As such, the invaluable item that the mysterious person eagerly desired fell into the hands of Jun Xie through a series of seemingly “limitless” coincidences.\nNone of these matters seemed to be eye-catching at all. And yet, when they came together, these series of coincidences could cause anyone to jump in shock!\nGaining great benefits without knowing what was going on, ruining other people’s meticulous plans as he strolled around aimlessly!\nFor so many coincidences to have occurred, this was simply a form of divine intervention, even the Heavens decided to throw in a heavy rain to add to the fun. This could only be labelled as Heaven’s will, or perhaps the director of this series of “coincidences” was Heavens itself!\nThe mysterious man remained there and was just about to leave when he heard a roaring noise. The Tang Family’s house guards were charging over. \nSighing, his body radiated a golden glow and he made his move. Six “pa” sounds were heard, as the heads of the six corpses below exploded, their original visage no longer recognizable. Brushing his sleeves, the man jumped into the rain and disappeared.\nWhen the Tang Family’s men came over, all they saw was six corpses with damaged heads. As for the item that they needed to recover, it was nowhere to be found…\nJun Xie remained ignorant to the fact that he had inadvertently disrupted the plan of Jun Family’s biggest enemy. He even retrieved the precious item that the mysterious man desired. However, Jun Xie only felt aggrieved: I had originally only wanted to enjoy the rainy atmosphere, reflect on the memories of my old world, immerse myself in this nostalgic emotion of solitary loneliness. Instead, I had to bump into a bunch of rotten bastards, destroying my perfect atmosphere and feelings!\nSigh, how depressing…\nNot a single thing went right! First, I went to drink wine but bumped into a man who cannot differentiate between good and bad wine, claiming that an inferior wine is a masterpiece. How pitifully laughable!\nAfter that, I left to enjoy the rainy atmosphere, but instead bumped into a bunch of people trying to kill me…\nWhat a bad luck!\nJun Xie sighed as he raised his head to the skies. Patting the small parcel on his bosom, he stepped into the Jun Residence.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第39章\n磅礴的大雨终于稍见减小,但雨势却仍形密集;君邪不紧不慢地走着,凡是从门口和窗子中看到他的下人们无不大为诧异,纷纷互相询问:天知道这位少爷这次又是发了什么疯了?\n不过,他相比起他惹祸的疯劲,眼前的发疯还是可以接受的,不过还是有些不正常:这么大的雨往外跑啥?\n走到花园时,突然一阵呜呜咽咽的箫声透过雨幕,悠悠传来;箫声中充满了散不去的哀愁,只听着这声音,便可想象得到吹箫的人心中那深沉的悲哀和幽怨。\n但此时此刻的君邪听起来,却是正好暗合了他的心境,忍不住循声而去。\n在花园正中的一座凉亭中,一个身穿雪白衣服的女子背对着君邪独自坐在石凳上,香肩如削,发如乌云高挽,纤细的腰肢盈盈一握,只看背影,便已经觉得这女子是如此的清冷脱俗,但在这凄凄秋雨之中,又有这凄婉悠扬的箫声相伴,却愈发显得那女子是如此的孤单落寞。\n君邪静静的站在亭外雨中,微微闭上眼睛,倾听着这犹如天籁之音的悠扬箫声,心思恍恍惚惚,如同自己又听到了前世最喜欢的红楼梦的曲子,一曲《枉凝眉》,一样的哀婉,一样的如泣如诉……\n君邪倍感心神俱醉,如此风雨如此秋,为谁幽怨为谁苦?\n在这一刻,君邪却突然感觉到,眼前这女子的心境:竟与自己一样的孤独寂寞!\n只是,相比较起自己,却又更多了一份彷徨无助。\n秋雨潇潇,无边无际,在这凄怨的箫声中,连风声似乎也变得呜咽起来……\n箫声渐渐低沉,如同一缕细细的丝线在风中摇曳,终至不闻。\n那白衣女子端坐不动,轻轻放下手中玉箫,幽幽一叹。\n叹息声消泯于风雨声里,显得那样的无力。\n君邪心有所感,忍不住也是轻轻一叹。\n声音虽轻,但那女子却大吃一惊,霍然转过身来,美目看着君邪,脸上现出意外之色,随即转变成一丝淡淡的厌恶和鄙夷:“是你。”\n“箫声不错,很美。”\n君邪微微一笑,悠然迈步走进了凉亭,身上雨水顿时将地上浸湿了一大片。“大嫂,今日您怎么有这等雅兴?”\n这女子满脸清冷,眉目如画,风姿绰约,但身上却自然带着一股清冷寂静的高华气质,正是君莫邪的大嫂,也就是君莫忧的妻子,管清寒,乃是赫赫有名的管氏世家之女,也是天香国有名的才女。\n其实说是妻子也并不太恰当,两人乃是从小定的娃娃事,在三年前君莫忧二十二岁,管清寒十八岁的时候,两家正准备为两人筹办婚事,但却恰好遇上了与神赐帝国大战,钦点君莫忧随军出征,与弟弟君莫愁同任先锋,两家于是约定,等君莫忧大胜归来,便为二人成亲,了却这段姻缘。\n出征之前,便已经走完了纳礼下聘这些程序,管清寒可说已经是君家的人了,只等君莫忧回来,就是婚期了。\n甚至连婚期都已经订好了,却万万没想到,君莫忧一去不回,埋骨沙场,致令这对青梅竹马的恋人天上地下,幽冥异路,耿耿长恨!\n可怜无定何边骨,犹是深闺梦里人!\n噩耗传来,管清寒当场晕厥,事后更不顾家人劝阻,毅然住进了君家,以君家的长孙未亡人的身份自居,奉养老人。\n君老爷子曾多次提出不必如此,反正也没正式成亲,以管清寒的家世容貌都是万中无一之选,何愁没有好姻缘?\n更提出由君家欠下合离文书、退婚文书,还管清寒一个自由之身。\n管清寒执意不肯,两家老人尽都唯恐她一时想不开,再出了什么事,也只得默许了。\n只等她什么时候回心转意,便送她回管家去。\n君家上下,上至君老爷子、君无意,下至一众管家仆人都对这位少奶奶十分敬重,并无一人有所怠慢,若说君府上下唯一令管清寒不悦的,也就只得小叔子君莫邪!\n君莫邪这纨绔败家子在这位美丽大方的嫂子住进来之后,便颇不安分,言语轻浮,举止轻佻,让管清寒心中厌恶到了极点,实在忍无可忍,也曾出手狠狠教训,这位管小姐,除了是位才女之外,武艺也颇为精通,虽然还为臻至银品之境地,却也已经是九级顶峰的境界,对付君莫邪自然是手到擒来!\n不过这浪荡小子色心不改,也知道自己的美丽嫂子不会对自己下重手,屡屡暗相窥伺,管清寒见到这样的滚刀肉,实在是没了办法,只好长时间的呆在房间里不出来。\n今日见下了大雨,引动心底哀苦,突然心中悲愁不禁,便来到凉亭以箫音抒怀,没想到这纨绔居然仍是冒雨而来!\n真是色迷心窍,难道不知道我九品玄气修为远远的高于你么?\n想要教训你只不过是举手之劳罢了,不教训你,只是不想惊动府中上下,也不想再伤老人心怀,难道真当我怕了你吗?!\n“哦,闲着没事,就随便吹几下,难道三少也是此道行家。”\n听到君邪的话,管清寒心中更是厌恶,就你这纨绔,懂得什么箫声美不美?\n只不过是借机和我搭讪罢了。\n冷眼看着他,倒要看看他今日又有什么新花样,回答的话里话外,自然也暗蕴机锋。\n以君邪的智慧,怎会不懂,不过他也很佩服眼前这个女子,更明白君莫邪从前的不堪,这怪不得别人看不起他!\n对管清寒的深情执着,心中也有些敬佩。\n“箫音即心声,往事已矣,大嫂还是放宽心怀为好。一切都会过去的。”君邪犹豫一下,劝道。\n管清寒鼻中微微哼了一声,俏脸冰霜,侧过身去,竟不理他。\n君邪大感无趣,以他的性格,你不理我,我就更不理你!\n美女怎么了?\n美女就能随便给人脸色看么?\n他勉强和声道:“刚才冒昧,打搅了大嫂,告退了。”\n说着笑了笑,转身而出,竟不迟疑。\n你不理我。\n正好!我回去睡觉去。\n本以为这小子又要对自己进行一番死缠烂打,腆着脸套近乎,却绝没想到他这次竟然也说了两句人话,并不纠缠,转身离开,连外面的大雨却也不顾了。\n看着君邪没入雨中的背影,管清寒张了张嘴,却欲言又止;但美目一闪,却突然发现,今日的小叔子确实与以往大不相同。\n以前这小子脸上总是坏坏的痞笑,眼睛更是一点都不老实,四处乱瞟,见到自己的时候,更是经常不堪到嘴角挂着口水;但回想刚才他的神态动作,却全无半点轻浮的表现,竟然很是庄重,很是……沉稳的样子。\n而且眼神也始终没有向自己身上乱瞟过来,还有,看他离去的背影身躯挺直,走在雨中竟然也显得很是从容不迫……\n真的改变了么?\n管清寒心中冷笑一声,想必是因为死缠烂打的招数不好使,现在又换了一副“正人君子”面目来接近自己?!\n哼哼,君莫邪,我岂能上你的当?\n就算你再换一千种面目,在我心里,你的骨子里永远都是那个下流无耻的败家子,绝不会有丝毫改变!\n下着这么大雨你淋着雨跑过来就为了和我说这么两句话?\n鬼才会相信你!\n越是这样,只能说明你心中更加的有鬼!\n你会是正人君子?\n说出去有一个人会相信吗?!\n管清寒的俏脸瞬间变得寒冷如冰!\n不过这小子今天看见我眼神之中居然没有半点惊艳的表现……哼!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 39\nThe boundless heavy rain finally reduced in intensity, however the rain continued on. Jun Xie walked leisurely, causing those who saw him through either the door or the windows to wonder: Oh, God! What kind of madness is the Young Master up to now?\nWell, compared to his previous sort of crazy trouble, this one seemed more reasonable, although it does seem peculiar. What is he doing outside when it is raining like cats and dogs?\nAs he was passing by the garden area, he suddenly heard the melody of a flute slowly emanating outwards. Within the melody of the flute was an unforgettable sorrow. Listening to the sound of the flute, one could imagine the sorrow and hidden feelings of resentment filling the person playing the flute.\nBut when Jun Xie heard the sound, he felt that it coincided with his current state of emotions. Unable to help himself, he went towards the source of the tune.\nIn a pavilion situated in the middle of the garden, a white robed woman sat on a stone bench, her back facing Jun Xie. Her hair rolled up high like dark clouds, her waist slender; looking at her from behind, one would have believed that she was a cold but refined woman. However, to be accompanied by the mournful melody of the cold flute in this desolate autumn, it would appear that this woman was lonely and dismal.\nJun Xie stood quietly in the rain, he closed his eyes slightly, listening to the sorrowful tune of the flute. His mind was in a trance, as though he was listening to his favourite song from his past life, the song “Vain Eyebrows” from Red Dream Mansion, that same graceful sorrow, that same tearful resentment…\nJun Xie’s mind felt itself going drunk. In this heavy autumn rain, for whom was this pain and sorrow?\nAt this moment, Jun Xie suddenly felt that the woman before him was suffering the same solitary loneliness as him!\nHowever, when compared to himself, her state was one that was far more helpless.\nAmidst the sorrowful resentment of the flute’s melody, even the wind became suffocating…\nThe flute’s melody gradually became weaker, just like a thread of silk swaying in the air, swaying until there was nothing. \nThe white robed woman remained seated; she placed down the jade flute and faintly sighed. \nThe sound of her sigh was dispersed by the sound of the rain, apparently showing how weak it was in comparison.\nJun Xie’s heart felt moved, he could not help but also let out a gentle sigh.\nEven though the sound was light, the woman became shocked. She immediately turned around, her gaze locking onto Jun Xie. Her face showed surprise, then it became faintly disgusted and she looked at Jun Xie with contempt. “It is you.”\n“The flute melody is not bad, very beautiful,” \nJun Xie smiled as he leisurely stepped into the pavilion. His rain soaked body caused the floor of the pavilion to become wet. “Sister-in-law, how did you suddenly have this elegant interest?”\nThe woman’s looks were as a painting, her bearing graceful, but her face was filled with coldness. This woman whose body exuded an aura of coldness was Jun Moxie’s sister-in-law and Jun Moyou’s wife, Guan Qinghan. She was the only daughter of the famed Guan Family, a well-known family in the Tianxiang Kingdom.\nIn truth, calling her Moyou’s wife may be inappropriate. Their engagement was something that was set when they were both still toddlers. Three years ago, Jun Moyou was twenty-two years old and Guan Qinghan was eighteen years old. It was then which the two families began preparing the marriage for these two, however a war suddenly erupted between them and Shenci Kingdom. Jun Moyou and his little brother Jun Mochou were selected to join the expedition against Shenci. Thus the two families decided to hold the marriage after Jun Moyou returned victoriously.\nBefore Jun Moyou left for the army, they had already finished with the engagement ceremony and Guan Qinghan was already considered a member of the Jun Family. Once Jun Moyou returned, their wedding would take place.\nAs for the wedding date, that too was already set. However, none of them would have expected that Jun Moyou would never return, his body left to rest upon the battlefield. The two childhood sweethearts were now separated, faced with regrets forever!\nA precious talent, dying in an unclear and pitiful manner!\nWhen the bad news arrived, Guan Qinghan fainted on the spot. After that, she disregarded her family’s advice and chose to enter the Jun Family. She adopted the identity of a widow of the Jun Family and helped in taking care of the elder in the Jun Family.\nGrandpa Jun had asked her not to a number of times. After all, with her looks and background, there was no need to fear not being able to have a good marriage.\nHe even proposed breaking off the engagement agreement to allow Guan Qinghan freedom from this situation.\nBut Guan Qinghan persistently refused. Even after exhausting themselves, the elders of both families were unable to change her mind. \nAll they could do was wait. Should the time ever came when she changed her mind, then they would send her back to the Guan Family.\nEveryone in the Jun Family from the elderly Grandpa Jun, Jun Wuyi all the way down to the servants treated this young maiden with respect, not slighting her off in any way. However, there was one person who constantly made her unhappy, and that was her little brother-in-law, Jun Moxie!\nAfter his beautiful sister-in-law moved in, the prodigal debauchee, Jun Moxie became restless, his manner of speech flippant, his bearing frivolous, causing Guan Qinghan to feel extremely disgusted. Unable to tolerate him, she had once given him a harsh lesson. Even though she was the only daughter, she was quite proficient in martial arts. While not at the Silver level Xuan Qi, she was already at the peak Ninth level Xuan Qi! Dealing with someone like Jun Moxie was hardly a difficult task.\nHowever, the beatings did nothing to change this dissolute brat. Knowing that his beautiful sister-in-law would not inflict heavy injuries upon him, he would always peep at her secretly. Seeing such a shameless piece of “tough shank”, Guan Qinghan was unable to come up with any other method and chose instead to simply hide herself in her room most of the time.\nBut today’s rainy weather caused her heart to suddenly feel bitter and sorrowful, engulfing her with sadness. Thus, she decided to go to the pavilion to express her sorrow with the flute. Unexpectedly, this debauchee would brave the rain to come over!\nWhat an obsessive person, do you not understand that my Ninth level Xuan Qi is far higher than yours?\nIf I want to teach you a lesson, it would not take much effort! The reason I choose not to do so was simply because I did not want to disturb the peace of this residence, and also to not cause gramps any heartaches. Did you think I was afraid of you?\n“Oh, I just have nothing to do at the moment, and decided to play the flute for a bit. Could it be that Third Young Master is an expert in this subject?”\nHearing Jun Xie’s words, Guan Qinghan felt even more disgusted: What does this debauchee knows about the melody of a flute? Beautiful? Not bad?\nHe is obviously trying to strike up a conversation with me! \nShe stared at him coldly, wondering what kind of new “face” was he intending to show today. Barbs accompanied even her words.\nWith Jun Xie’s wisdom, how could he not understand the meaning in her words? However, this woman was someone he admired. Not to mention, he also understood just how unbearable the original Jun Moxie was. It was no wonder everyone would look down upon him!\nOn the other hand, Guan Qinghan’s affectionate devotion was something that Jun Xie found himself respecting.\n“The melody of the flute projects the melody of the heart, the past is the past, it would be better for sister-in-law to allow your heart to let go. Let the past remain a thing of the past,” Jun Xie hesitated slightly before replying.\nGuan Qinghan gave out a “heng” before turning her body to the side, ignoring him.\nJun Xie began losing interest. If someone chose to ignore him, then he would simply ignore them even more! \nSo what if she was a beautiful woman?\nCan beauties simply throw disdainful looks at others?\nHe reluctantly said. “I was presumptuous earlier, causing a disturbance for sister-in-law. I will go back now.”\nHaving said that, he smiled, turning around and walked away without hesitation.\nYou are going to ignore me?\nThat is fine. I will just go to sleep.\nShe originally thought that he was planning to stalk her again, using false pretences to get near her. Unexpectedly, he actually said some humane words. He even chose to leave on his own regardless of the rain.\nObserving Jun Xie’s back as he left amidst the rain, Guan Qinghan opened her mouth, but then hesitated; gazing at him again, she found that her little brother-in-law seemed really different today.\nThis brat had always sported a nasty roguish smile, his eyes filled with dishonesty, darting everywhere. Whenever he saw her, he would drool in an unbearable manner. However, his earlier actions did not show any trace of frivolousness and was instead solemn, a very… calm and profound demeanour.\nFurthermore, his eyes did not stare upon her at all. Observing his back as he left through the rain, she saw that he remained calm…\nDid he really change?\nGuan Qinghan inwardly gave a cold sneer: Since his stalking actions did not yield any results, he decided to change tactics and wear the face of a “gentlemen” to get close to me?\nHmph! Jun Moxie, did you expect me to fall for your trick?\nEven after you have changed your face a thousand times, in my heart, you will forever be the dirty, shameless prodigal debauchee! That will never change!\nWith such a heavy rain, you actually allowed yourself to be drenched in rainwater as you came over here only to say those few sentences?\nAs if anyone would believe that?\nThis could only prove that you have hidden motive for your actions!\nYou are a gentlemen?\nWould anyone believe that?\nGuan Qinghan’s beautiful face instantly turned ice cold!\nHowever, this brat actually did not show any fear when he saw me glaring at him today… hmph!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第4章\n君邪眼前,出现了一张轮椅,上面,一个三十多岁的瘦削的中年人斜斜倚坐在上面,两条腿上,盖着一条厚厚的缎子,一双似浑浊、似清明的眼睛,正玩味的看着他,双眉如剑,斜飞入鬓,自然而然地带有一种莫名的冷厉和杀伐之气!\n眼如鹰隼,厉光闪烁,目光深处,尚有着隐隐的鄙夷,虽然不多,却十分明显!\n这人如不残疾,必是一位玉树临风的伟丈夫!\n铁骨凛凛的真豪杰!\n只从眉宇之中残留的威势看来,必然曾经是一位杀伐果决、号令千军万马的大将军!\n“三叔?”君邪停住了脚步。\n看着这位端坐在轮椅上的三叔君无意,在君莫邪原本的记忆之中,这个三叔就是一个坐在轮椅上什么都不能做、混吃等死的废人,全无半点用处;但此刻的君邪却敏感的从这位常年坐轮椅的三叔身上,感到了一股熟悉的气息,这股气息,让人毛骨悚然!\n杀气!\n足以让君邪都动容的杀气!\n唯有常年身经百战,从尸山血海之中拼杀出来的铁血军人,才会具有这等独特的锋锐!\n就像一把纵然断折也绝不会被尘土埋藏了他的锋芒的绝世利剑,散发着咄咄逼人的光芒!\n惟这把绝世利剑,此时却藏于鞘里!\n纵观君邪一生,如此等人物,至多也只见过两三人而已,而任何一人都是手握重军的大人物,事实上,这样的铁血悍将,却是君邪前世最欣赏的人物!\n其实君老爷子也是这一流的人物,只是老爷子随着年岁的渐长,自身修养已近反朴归真的境地,处处深藏不露,君邪又与老爷子相处甚暂,一时忽略!\n但君无意却还没到这等韬光养晦的地步,整个人如锐剑在匣,锋芒虽藏却尤有凛然剑气外泄,当然,也需要有君邪的眼力才可以分辨,等闲人,如君莫邪之流,打死他也是分辨不到的!\n绝世宝剑虽然闲置匣中,空悬墙上,但寂寂深夜犹作龙吟低啸!\n这是一种骨子里的嗜血!\n“难得你还叫我一声三叔。”君无意抬起头,深邃的眼珠有些讥诮地看着自己这位唯一的侄儿:“莫邪,你很有兴趣想做二世祖吗?”\n说完突然叹了口气,暗道今天自己这是怎么了,怎么会对这样一滩扶不上墙的烂泥有了说话的兴致?\n君邪看了他半天,却是着重在看他残疾的腰腿,突然笑了起来:“三叔说笑了,您才是货真价实的二世祖,我充其量也只是三世祖吧。侄子做个平安喜乐的三世祖就已经很满足了。”\n恩?\n这小子今天怎么这种口气说话?\n虽然话中有刺,但却完全没有了往日的骄横跋扈?\n对君邪答话大出意料的君无意眼睛一睁,霎那间眼中闪出一道锐利的光芒,就像是一缕夺目的闪电突然划破了阴霾的夜空!\n突然哈哈大笑,边笑边摇头,道:“你可知道,二世祖和三世祖的区别?”\n“哦?还不一样都是混吃等死?有分别吗?!”君邪挑了挑眉毛,话中有刺。\n看到君无意目中电闪雷轰般的目光一闪,君邪倍觉如此铁血男儿,如此消沉下去,实在是尘世的一大遗憾!\n君无意眼中闪过一道苦涩和不甘,旋即隐没了下去,干洁的右手抚在自己残腿上;抬头道:“此言大谬,如何没有分别,个中分别几近天差地远!\n二世祖,乃是父辈打好了天下,子辈坐享其成即可,完全没有什么难度,只要有一张嘴会吃,就一定死不了,而且最少也能够安享一生的荣华富贵!\n然而所谓的三世祖却不然,”\n他看着君邪的眼睛,嘿嘿笑了笑,还击道:“所谓的三世祖,却并不一定特指第三代人,乃是第三世的传人;也就是说,爷爷辈的打下了天下,而中间父辈却出现了断层,这才叫三世祖!\n若你父亲还健在,那么你和我,都应该是二世祖,只不过我是从你爷爷这一辈算起,而你,是从你父亲这一辈算起,这里有所不同罢了。”\n“但你爷爷如今已经老了,所以你就算有心做一个三世祖,只怕也做不了多长时间了。\n而你上面,除了你爷爷,已经再没有了别的大树可以乘凉。\n你这个三世祖,之后的人生只怕会是非常艰难的!\n想要做一个合格的三世祖,如果没有几分本事和心机,是万万不成的。\n所以,我这个二世祖,比你这个三世祖要幸运一些。”\n君无意说着,本来是为了还击君邪的那句‘混吃等死’,但说到后来,心中却不由得升起悲凉之意,偌大的君家,难道就这么完了吗?\n曾经鼎盛一时,一家之威令各国不敢正目视之的君家,眼下竟已到了这般地步吗!\n大哥二哥先后战死沙场,自己残疾;唯一有点盼头的两个侄儿,也同样战死沙场,尸骨无存;君家血脉,就只剩下了这一个草包废物一般的君莫邪!\n突然间,君无意兴致全无,顿觉百无聊赖,连话也不想说了。\n君邪沉默着,突然展颜笑道:“其实我也可以做二世祖的。”\n君无意的话,君邪何尝不懂,他之所以要君无意说出这番话,主旨却在于他以下的说辞!\n君无意咳了两声,饶有兴趣却又有些懒洋洋地问道:“哦?”\n“若三叔你为我做大树,撑起一片阴凉,我不就依然可以做二世祖吗?”君邪笑吟吟地道。\n君无意眼中闪过一丝怒色,低沉地道:“莫邪,你又在嘲讽你三叔么?”\n君邪打量着他,突然道:“腿上可尚有知觉吗?”\n“无!”君无意把头扭过了一边,心中对这侄儿越来越是讨厌,明知道自己最忌讳别人提及自己的残废,却再三提及,之前总算还是隐晦说到,现在竟当面直问。\n如此不懂得尊敬长辈的后人,当真有不如无!\n“之前腰骨可有碎裂?”\n“无!”君无意大怒:“混账东西,若是腰骨碎了,我还能活到今日吗?!”\n“也就是说,三叔你顶多只是经脉受损?是被人下了阴手?”\n君邪眼神一亮,看来是经脉被人截断或者是用阴毒的功夫侵蚀,致令萎缩了,若真是这样的话,只要气血未亏,倒还有几分希望,以自己的医道,应该还有机会救治。\n再怎么说也是这一世的血脉近亲,而打动君邪的,却是那一份铁血男儿的峥嵘锋锐!\n君邪觉得,既然自己有能力,这样的一个铁血男儿,自己就应该让他站起来,不管他是不是自己的三叔!\n君邪看着他,慢慢地道:“我听说你是在战场上受的伤,可在战场上下这样的阴手完全比直接杀了你要困难得多,为什么会这样?\n是不是你以往的宿敌故意要整你,才将你变成这么不死不活的样子?!”\n一句话被捅到了痛处,君无意牙关一咬,额头青筋暴跳了几下,呼哧呼哧地大喘了几口气,才勉强控制住激动,冷声道:“这关你什么事?”\n知道自己猜对了,君邪得意的一笑,伸手扶住轮椅,凑过头去,神秘地道:“三叔想不想报仇?”\n“我这副样子,还谈什么报仇?”君无意瘦削的脸上显出一丝潮红,目中神色变幻,恨极的光芒一透而出;良久,才颓然一叹,道:“如今的我只是个废人罢了!”\n君邪笑了笑,轻轻地道:“若是我有本事能够令三叔你重新站起来呢?”\n这句话,如惊雷炸响!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 4\nA wheelchair moved before Jun Xie’s eyes, seated on it was a thin middle-aged man in his thirties, above his legs were a layer of thick satin. His bright eyes were staring at him; his eyebrows were like swords, slanting upwards towards his temple. His body exuded a natural aura of coldness and killing intent!\nDeep within his falcon like eyes flashed a faint glint of contempt. Even though it was not much, it was still obvious!\nIf this man’s legs were not disabled, he would be a husband with the qualities of a jade tree!\nAn outstanding, fearless, steel bodied hero!\nJudging from the residual aura of might evident within his eyebrows, he must have once been a highly decisive, powerful army general commanding tens of thousands in a bloody war.\n“Third uncle?” Jun Xie halted. \nSeeing Jun Wuyi who was seated on the wheelchair, Jun Xie recalled from his memories that this third uncle had been reduced to someone who can simply continue being seated on a wheelchair, capable of doing nothing, another messed up freeloader waiting for his time. But the current Jun Xie could sense that this Third Uncle who had lived with a wheelchair for so many years was emitting a very familiar aura, this aura sent a chill down his spine!\nKilling intent!\nA killing intent so thick, it stirred even Jun Xie’s heart!\nTo possess such a distinctively unique fighting spirit, one must be baptized within the fires of a hundred battles, an iron willed war veteran who had fought his way out through mountains of corpses and a sea of blood!\nThis aura is akin to a peerless blade’s ray of sharpness, which cannot be buried even after it was broken, a coercive brilliance shining throughout the skies!\nHowever, that peerless blade was currently being wrapped under its sheath!\nThroughout Jun Xie’s entire life, he had only been able to meet at most two or three of such high class individuals, each and every single one of them held a monumental position within the military. These iron blooded valiant generals are the kind of individuals that Jun Xie admired the most!\nActually, Grandpa Jun is also one such individual, however, Grandpa Jun is already an aged veteran, reaching the point where his cultivation allowed him to restrain his aura, keeping them hidden all the time. Jun Xie’s meeting with Grandpa Jun was only worth moments; as such, he failed to detect it!\nHowever, Jun Wuyi had yet to achieve the state of keeping a lid on his aura, his entire being was no different from a peerless sword. Even though the blade was being kept under the sheath, an awe-inspiring sword qi can be felt leaking out. Naturally, one must possess Jun Xie’s level of awareness to detect it, ordinary men such as the likes of Jun Moxie will never realize this even if you beat them to their death!\nAlthough the peerless sword had been cast aside, left hanging off the walls, it would still emit the howls of a dragon in the midst of the night! \nThis howl signifies a thirst for blood that has been engraved into its very bones!\n“How rare for you to be calling me your third uncle,” Jun Wuyi raised his head, his dark eyes cynically glanced at his nephew: “Moxie, it seems you are interested in becoming a second generation ancestor?”\nAfter speaking, he suddenly sighed, wondering what is wrong with him today. Why would he suddenly feel like talking to a smear on the wall that can not be developed at all?\nJun Xie looked at him for a long time, but his eyes were focused on the disabled waist and legs of Jun Wuyi, then he suddenly laughed: “Third Uncle must be joking, you are the genuine second generation ancestor, and I am at best only the third generation ancestor. A peaceful and happy life of a third generation is more than enough for me.”\nEh? \nWhy is this kid speaking with this kind of tone today?\nAlthough the words have thorns, it lacks the arrogance and bossiness of the past.\nHearing Jun Xie’s answer, Jun Wuyi’s eyes flashed, a sharp radiance flashing within his eyes, akin to a brilliant ray of lightning piercing through the darkness of the night sky! \nSuddenly he laughed loudly, shaking his head, he asked: “Do you know the difference between a second generation ancestor and a third generation ancestor?”\n“Oh? Aren’t they similarly worthless freeloaders just waiting for death’s call? Is there actually a difference?” Jun Xie raised his eyebrows, his words filled with thorns. \nWatching a respectable iron blooded man like Jun Wuyi, whose glare can give lightning and thunders a run for their money fall into such a sorry state of depression, Jun Xie couldn’t help but feel saddened!\nJun Wuyi’s eyes glimmered with bitterness and unwillingness, but it dissipated immediately. Placing his hands on his laps, he raised his head and said: “This remark is a big fallacy, how can there be no difference? Each of them are world’s apart!\nThe second generation ancestor are the fathers who laid the foundation with their blood so that their sons may sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labour. The sons will not face any difficulties in their life. As long as they are born with a mouth capable of eating, they will not die and can even enjoy a life of luxuries.\nHowever, that is not the case for the third generation ancestor!”\nHe looked at Jun Xie in the eye, then laughed before continuing: “The so-called third generation ancestor, is not necessarily the ones born into the third generation, but those who becomes the successors of the third generation. That is to say, grandfather laid the foundations but the line was severed in the middle of the way during your father’s era, leading towards the third generation!\nIf your father is still alive, then you and I will be second generation ancestor.Me from grandfather’s generation and you from you father’s, that is the only difference.”\n“But your grandfather is now old, even if you have the determination to become a third generation ancestor, you probably will not be able to hold on to that position for a long time. \nWith the exception of grandfather, there are no more ‘trees’ for you to seek protection from.\nYour life as the third generation ancestor will likely be very tough! \nBecoming a third generation ancestor is absolutely impossible for those lacking in ability and determination.\nThat’s why, as a second generation ancestor, I am comparatively luckier than you, the third generation ancestor.”\nJun Wuyi’s words were originally meant to counter Jun Xie’s phrase ‘useless freeloader waiting for death’s call’. But as he kept speaking, a feeling of sadness surged through his heart. Is this truly the end for the great Jun family? \nA family, which once rose to prominence, had now fallen to such a degree!\nHis first and second brother was killed in battle, he himself was paralyzed; the two nephews he placed his hopes on also ended up dying in battle, their bodies lost; the only remaining Jun family bloodline is this idiotic waste Jun Moxie!\nAt this point, Jun Wuyi felt himself losing interest, he doesn’t even have the strength to say anything anymore.\nJun Xie was silent was a moment, before grinning and letting out a laugh: “Actually, I too can be a second generation ancestor.”\nHow can Jun Xie not understand Jun Wuyi’s words? What he desired was exactly for Jun Wuyi to say those words!\nJun Wuyi inadvertently coughed twice, his interest roused but he lazily asked: “Oh?”\n“If Third Uncle can become a ‘tree’ and create a comfortable spot for me, would I not be able to become a second generation ancestor?” Jun Xie smiled.\nA glint of fury appeared in Jun Wuyi’s eyes as he asked in a low voice: “Moxie, are you taunting your uncle here?”\nJun Xie stared at him, suddenly asking: “Do your legs have any sense of awareness?”\n“No!” Jun Wuyi turned his head to the other side, his heart becoming increasingly annoyed with his nephew. Jun Moxie obviously knew that he absolutely detests hearing about his disability, and yet that brat keeps bringing it up. Back then, at least he was indirect about it, but now he actually asked it in his face. \nA descendant who does not even know how to show his respect for his elders, they’re better off without him!\n“Was you waist ever broken before?”\n“No!” Jun Wuyi’s temper erupted: “Darned brat! If my waist was broken, would I still be able to live until this day?”\n“That is to say, at most only your meridians are damaged? You were dealt with an underhanded move?”\nJun Xie’s eyes lit up, it seems as though someone have either severed his meridians or eroded it using some insidious poison, causing it to shrink and wither. If that is the case, as long as there is no deficiency in blood or qi, then there is still hope. With his knowledge in medicines, there should still be an opportunity for recovery. \nAfter all, this man is still his blood relative in this world, and also someone who had impressed Jun Xie, a iron blooded man with a towering fighting spirit.\nIn Jun Xie’s mind, since he has the capacity, then he should assist this iron blooded valiant stand up again, even in a case where he was not his own uncle!\nJun Xie looked at him, slowly asking: “I heard that you were hurt on the battlefield, but to do this to you in the battlefield would be far harder than simply killing you. Why would they do so?\nFor your enemies to do this to you, it seems they want you to suffer a life worse than death?”\nThose words stabbed straight into his sore spot, causing Jun Wuyi to clench his teeth, the veins on his forehead convulsing a few times. Taking deep breaths while gasping, he could barely bring himself under control before replying: “What does this have to do with you?”\nRealizing that he guessed correctly, Jun Xie smiled, he moved to the front, holding on to the wheelchair and asked: “Third Uncle, do you want to take revenge?”\n“Look at me now! Can I even talk about revenge?” Jun Wuyi’s face was flushed red, his face fluctuating, extreme hatred flashing in his eyes; after a long time, he let out a sigh: “The current me is nothing more than a basket case!”\nJun Xie smiled gently: “What if I were to have the ability to make you stand up again, Third Uncle?”\nThis sentence was like thunder exploding in his ears!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第40章\n君邪一路走,心中真的颇有些惋惜,自己的这个大嫂管清寒其实也只得二十一岁,正是人生中最美好的年龄,又是如此一个绝色天香的大美女,却心甘情愿的在君家做一个望门寡、未亡人!\n这要是放在前世,简直就是不可思议的事情!\n但在这里却如此自然而然,确实是一种莫大的悲哀。\n简直就是资源上的浪费啊!\n我若是能够……\n啊君邪心中突然冒出这么一个想法,突然一惊:这不像是自己说话行事的风格啊,自己或者会同情,可是怎么会有如此龌龊的念头。\n这根本不是自己能够想到的事情!\n难道是……\n可恶的君莫邪!\n都魂飞魄散了,居然还有这等残留的影响!\n君邪心中大骂一句。\n君邪走进房中,连小萝莉的问候也没来得及搭理,皱着眉头坐了下来,想着自己自从穿越过来之后的一举一动,越来越觉得不对劲。\n自己前世虽然也有偶尔年少轻狂的时候,但那基本是为了接近目标而做出的掩饰,充其量也不过是演戏罢了。\n君邪的性格一向是冷傲的,也是接近于冷酷的,甚至有些时候,可以说是冷血的,但自从穿越过来之后,却发现自己的性格在不知不觉之中改变了这么多。\n诚然,以君莫邪这个纨绔的身份搅风搅雨,这种举止还是比较可行的,也是最好的掩护。\n但是,心中究竟如何,却需要自己心中有数!\n绝对不能让君莫邪这具身体的原有性格占了上风!\n但却还要用这种性格来做保护色!\n维持本心,顺应外物,但骨子里,我始终还是我——邪君君邪!\n君邪眼神中迸射出了精光,天地不仁,以万物为刍狗,邪君无情,踏异世于足下!\n心中打定了主意,顿感浑身一阵轻松,也瞬即想起别的事情来,将那顺手牵羊捡来的包袱从怀中掏了出来,顿时心中一动。\n这个包袱里,是不惜牺牲二十名高手的姓名也要去夺得的东西,虽然不知道幕后主使是谁,但君邪却知道,唐家的东西,一般是不会有人敢打主意的。\n而若不是极品的好东西,想来也不会有人冒着这么大的风险去做这件事!\n这么一想,君邪倒被勾起了好奇心,本想就这么还给唐家的,现在却有了一种想要打开看看的欲望。\n想到就做,直指本心,才是邪君风范!\n君邪一伸手,嗤的一声,直接将包袱撕了开来,里面是一个四四方方扁平的小木盒,木盒上散发出隐隐香味,上面多有淡金色的细致纹路;这木料,赫然是极品的金丝檀!\n而且,还是一整块的金丝檀树心硬生生的抠了一个洞!\n光这一个木盒,就已经价值不菲!\n打开木盒,顿时一股清寒之气透了出来,木盒内里,另藏有一只通体雪白的白玉盒,触手冰冷,竟然是极品寒玉!\n看这色泽材质,只这一块寒玉,就是倾城之物!\n君邪倒吸口冷气!\n这究竟是什么东西这么重要?\n将需要用如此珍贵的寒玉盒收藏!\n小心的打开玉盒,里面乃是一枚圆圆的物事,外边包着一层色彩斑斓的兽皮,散发着奇异的光泽,君邪对这个没见识,也不知道,自然不感觉什么奇怪。\n若是懂行的看到,恐怕就要立即大吃一惊:这是九级玄兽的毛皮!\n几乎是相当于至尊神玄一般的存在!\n就单止金丝檀木盒、极品寒玉、九级玄兽的皮毛,随便那一样,都已经是价值连城的宝物!\n而这三样东西,居然只是外在的包装!\n君邪将这块兽皮包裹的东西拿在手里,里面似乎是一个圆圆的乒乓球大小的东西,解开一看,君邪不由得大失所望。\n一个暗红色接近于黑黝黝的古怪事物,质地似石非石,似玉非玉,用力一捏,似乎还有些微的弹性。\n单看这东西的卖相,委实是平平无奇的!\n突然,君邪心念一动,脑中复灵光一闪,脱口而出:“玄丹?!!”\n虽然没见过玄丹具体模样,但君邪知道,这可是好东西,只有三级以上的玄兽,体内才有可能凝练出玄丹,像这颗玄丹,以唐家的势力和实力,竟然视若珍宝的如此收藏,更引得别人不惜老虎头上拍苍蝇也要窥伺,想来也不该是什么简单货色,至少应该是七级以上吧?\n甚至更高!\n君邪可不知道,这颗玄丹,乃是唐家老爷子唐万里花费了极大代价弄来的,九级巅峰玄兽金翅虎的玄丹,里面蕴含着极其庞大的能量,这枚玄丹,对于低级玄者来说,由于不能引发,几近无用;但当玄气修炼到了地级以上的时候,用特定条件配合激发,那么就可以吸取玄丹里面蕴含的巨大力量为己用!\n至于能够吸收多少,就要看各人的天赋了。\n但,玄气修炼到了地玄的境界,每前进一点都是难上加难,而这枚玄丹却能够将一位地玄初阶直接提升到天玄境界!\n这对玄气修炼者来说,根本就是逆天级的宝物!\n之前曾经提过,即使是想要杀死一只八级的玄兽,就已经是困难到了极点的事情,更何况杀死九级巅峰玄兽取玄丹?\n这通常是不可能的!\n一位至尊神玄强者固然可以打败九级玄兽,但若是谈到杀死,恐怕就算是两名至尊神玄强者联手也未必做得到!\n九级玄兽的力量和速度,完全可以用恐怖来形容的,打不过想逃的话,是任何人都拦不住!\n更何况是金翅虎这般具有飞翔能力的玄兽?\n更是连想也不用想的事情了。\n姑且不论那名至尊神玄强者是如何得到的,但若是说这枚玄丹乃是世上独有的东西虽然未免夸大,但举世之间却可以肯定的说绝不超过三枚之数!\n李悠然之所以迫切的想要得到这枚玄丹,自然有他至为紧要的用途!\n但他却绝对没有想到,自从数年前得到这消息之后就开始精心策划,收买唐府人物,一步步安排内线进去,千辛万苦小心翼翼的探听消息,直到三个月前才查到东西具体藏在哪里,但由于唐老爷子基本不出门,身边更有四位一等一的高手护卫着,一直没有机会。\n而这次终于获得了一个极好的机会,唐老爷子出门了,而且还带走了其中的三位高手!\n更兼天赐良机下起了异常浩大的暴雨,天时地利人和齐全,里外配合一起行动,派出一流高手将仅剩的那位唐府高手引开,然后再由另外二十个人悄悄潜入,里应外合之下终于得手,却也付出了二十条人命的代价!\n至此都是非常成功,用区区二十条人命的代价能还得这枚玄丹无疑是非常上算的!\n可惜,却在成功的前一刻遇上了君邪……\n数年的筹划,千般设计万般计较,全部变成了水中捞月一场空!\n为他人做了嫁衣裳!\n可想而知现在的李悠然的心中是多么的郁闷!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 40\nAs Jun Xie was walking away, his heart felt sorry for his sister-in-law. Guan Qinghan was only twenty-one years old, the prime of her life. Not to mention, she was a heavenly stunning beauty, and yet she willingly entered the Jun Family and became a widow!\nIf this was his old world, then this kind of occurrence was simply unthinkable!\nHowever, here it was treated as a natural way of life, what a great tragedy.\nThis is simply a waste of resources! \nIf only I could… Eh?\nThis thought suddenly emerged from Jun Xie’s mind, giving him a shock: This does not feel like something that I would think of. I may sympathize with her, but how could I possibly end up with such a nasty kind of thought?\nThis is simply not something that I would even consider! \nUnless…\nYou despicable Jun Moxie!\nYour soul had already left, and yet you still left this kind of residual effect!\nJun Xie cursed inwardly.\nJun Xie walked into his room. Without acknowledging the little Lolita’s greeting, he sat down with a frown on his face. He reflected on his every action since the day he transmigrated over, something did not feel right.\nIn the past, he had also shown a frivolous side of him, but it was meant as a method of getting close to the target or as a cover. No matter what, it was only an act.\nJun Xie’s character had always been cold and arrogant, and was even ruthless. At times, he could even be described as cold-blooded. However, he came to realize that his personality had drastically changed since he transmigrated over. \nAdmittedly, Jun Moxie’s identity as a trouble-making debauchee was the best possible cover.\nHowever, he needed to have a good grasp on his own mind!\nI cannot allow the original character of this body, of Jun Moxie to prevail!\nHowever, I also need this personality as a form of camouflage!\nMaintain my state of mind, complying with the outer layer, and yet deep down, I am still me… Evil Monarch Jun Xie!\nA burst of light shot forth from his eyes, heartless before Heaven and Earth, tens of thousands were but disposable fodder in his eyes! The ruthless Evil Monarch has stepped into this other world!\nHaving resolved himself, he felt his body relaxing and was instantly reminded of other things. He removed the small parcel from his bosom.\nThis parcel was obtained at the expense of the life of twenty experts. Even though he did not know who the mastermind was, Jun Xie was confident that no ordinary people would dare steal from the Tang Family.\nIn addition, no one would take such a huge risk unless this was an unbelievably high-grade treasure!\nHaving such thoughts running through his mind, Jun Xie could not help but feel highly curious. He had originally thought of returning it to the Tang Family however he was now overwhelmed by the desire to open it up.\nActing on his desires, this was the Evil Monarch’s way! \nWith a scoff, Jun Xie tore open the parcel. Within it was a square wooden box; a box that emitted a faint scent, its top was covered with pale gold lines. This wooden box was surprisingly made of top quality Goldensilk Sandalwood!\nIn addition, the material for this box of Goldensilk Sandalwood was cut out from the tree as a whole! \nThis box alone was worth a fortune!\nOpening the box, he felt a cold air wafting outwards. Inside the box was another snow-white box. Touching it, he felt a chilling cold. This was a high-grade Cold Jade!\nJudging by the colour of the box, this Cold Jade was a mysteriously potent object!\nJun Xie inhaled deeply!\nJust what exactly was it that was so important?\nThey even used such a precious Cold Jade to keep it covered.\nCarefully opening the jade box, he found a round object within the box. The object was wrapped within a layer of colourful skin fur, which possessed a strange sheen. Jun Xie who had no knowledge of what this was did not feel bizarre at all.\nIf a professional were to lay eyes on this, they would likely become shocked. This was the pelt of a Ninth levelled Xuan Beast!\nA Ninth levelled Xuan Beast was an existence akin to that of a Supreme God expert! \nGoldensilk Sandalwood box, high-grade Cold Jade and the pelt of a Ninth levelled Xuan Beast; any of them could be considered a priceless treasure!\nThese three priceless items were actually just part of the package!\nJun Xie removed the object wrapped by the layer of pelt with his hand. It was a round object the size of a ping-pong ball. Looking at it, Jun Xie could not help but feel somewhat disappointed.\nThe strange object was dark red and almost black in colour. Its texture resembled that of a stone, yet was not a stone, resembled jade, and yet not jade. He gave it a pinch and found it to be slightly elastic.\nThe impression given by this item was rather mediocre!\nSuddenly, a thought flashed through Jun Xie’s mind and he blurted out. “Xuan Core?”\nAlthough Jun Xie does not know how a Xuan Core looked like, he knew that it was a precious item. Only a Third levelled Xuan Beast or above could produce a Xuan Core. As for this Xuan Core, considering the strength of the Tang Family and how much importance they placed on protecting it and also the amount of attraction it caused for others, going so far as to provoke a “tiger” in order to obtain it, this item was no ordinary material! It should at least be at the Seventh level! \nOr perhaps, even higher?\nJun Xie was not aware just how much resources Grandfather Tang Wanli had spent in order to obtain this Xuan Core. This Xuan Core of a Ninth levelled Golden Winged Tiger Xuan Beast contained a huge amount of energy. For low-levelled Xuan Qi experts, this Xuan Core was useless. However, once their cultivation were no longer of a low level, then under the right conditions and using certain methods of stimulation, the vast energies within could be absorbed and claimed as one’s own!\nAs for how much of the energies can be absorbed, that will depend on the person’s talent.\nOnce the Earth rank was reached, every step forward in Xuan Qi cultivation was accumulatively difficult. However, this Xuan Core could propel a beginner stage Earth ranked expert all the way up to the Sky Xuan stage!\nWithin the world of Xuan Qi, this item was a Heavenly defying treasure!\nThe difficulty level involved in killing even an Eighth levelled Xuan Beast was already extremely high. As for killing a Ninth levelled Xuan Beast in order to retrieve its Xuan Core?\nThis was generally an impossibility!\nIt was certain that a Supreme Divine expert held a good chance of defeating a Ninth levelled Xuan Beast, but killing it.Even if two Supreme Divine experts were to join hands, they may not be able to kill a Ninth levelled Xuan Beast!\nThe strength and speed of a Ninth levelled Xuan Beast could be described as terrifying, but when it came to running away, no one could even dream of stopping it!\nNot to mention, this was a Gold Winged Tiger, a Xuan Beast with the ability to fly!\nStopping it was something one would never even consider.\nRegardless of how that Supreme Divine expert laid his hands on the Xuan Core, it would be an exaggeration to claim that it was the only one in existence. However, one can be certain that in this world, the number of these Xuan Cores do not exceed three.\nNaturally, the reason Li Youran urgently desired this Xuan Core was because he had a pressing need to use it!\nHis plan began since years ago from when he first received intelligence on this matter, involving the bribery of Tang Family’s figures, carefully arranging so that he could make his way in step by step, painstakingly keeping his eyes and ears out for any news until three months ago, when he finally found out the secret location of the item. However, Grandfather Tang never left the house and was always protected by four high-levelled experts, resulting in him having no chance at all.\nThis time, he finally chanced upon a rare opportunity. Not only did Grandfather Tang leave the house, he even took with him three of the four experts! \nIn addition, there was also the heavy rain, which made the situation even more favourable! Grasping onto these favourable factors, he sent a first-rate expert to lure away the expert from the Tang Family before secretly sending in another twenty experts. Collaborating with their insider, they finally succeeded but at the cost of the life of nearly all the twenty experts!\nEven then, it was successful. Sacrificing the lives of merely a few experts in return for the Xuan Core was undoubtedly an advantageous trade!\nUnfortunately, just before they successfully finished everything, they ended up meeting Jun Xie…\nSeveral years’ worth of meticulous planning, thousands of plans and ten thousand analyses, all of them ended with nothing to show for their efforts!\nIt ended up benefitting others!\nOne could only imagine how miserable Li Youran currently was!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第41章\n君邪现在自然不知道自己手里的居然是这样的一个逆天的宝贝,他正在发愁,若是还给唐家,自己用什么理由才能解释得通这东西居然会落到自己手里?\n若是不还给唐家,留在自己身边有什么用处?\n甚至连这个东西具体是什么玩意都不确定,当然更加不知道这东西的真正价值!\n想了半天始终不得头绪,顺手又将玄丹包了起来,放进寒玉盒,再用金丝檀盒装起来,拿在手里掂了一掂,便随手放在了床头枕头旁边。\n想了想,往里推了推,扯起一块枕巾盖了上去。\n这倒不是说君邪意识到了此物的宝贵,想要贴身保管,而是他曾经听说过,金丝檀的香味对于睡眠非常的有帮助……\n往昔有君子买椟还珠,贻笑千载!\n却不知今日君邪所为,是否也算……\n夜幕已临,大雨渐停。\n唐万里老爷子满头白发都竖了起来,真真是怒发冲冠,暴跳如雷!\n憋了一肚子气去找李家和孟家的麻烦,到了李家却被软刀子送了出来,气鼓鼓的去孟家发威,倒是遂了心愿,将整个孟家弄得鸡飞狗跳。\n不料,刚孟家便下起了大雨!\n眼见不能回去,唐老爷子越发憋闷,索性在孟家大大的发飙一番,将孟家一家大小尽都骂了个狗血淋头。\n哪知道正在发泄的时候,家里人屁滚尿流的来禀报,说道是家里失窃了。\n唐老爷子顿时满脑袋嗡的一声,浑身的气血涌上了脑门。\n自己跑来找别人的麻烦,自己家里却被人翻了个底朝天,自己这边才跑来找人家的麻烦,而自己家里那边就马上被人翻了个底朝天,还是被人里应外合弄得乱七八糟!\n不用问丢失了什么,唐老爷子已经知道,这一定是丢失了和自己有关的重要物品,错非是自己的东西,否则家里绝对不会在这个节骨眼,如此大的风雨里来通知自己!\n而自己的重要物品,若是论价值的话,自然首推那枚玄丹!\n想到这里,老爷子抱着万一的打算,急忙出言询问,只要不是玄丹被盗,其他的都好说,可惜怕什么就来什么,的的确确就是自己的命根子玄丹被盗!\n老爷子顿时眼前一黑,差点直接晕倒。\n自从得到这东西,唐万里就知道,自己得到宝贝了,只需后辈子弟勤加修习,将玄气修为提升至地玄境界,自己哪怕是舍下自己的老脸,怎么也能请动几位天玄级的高手,甚至是至尊神玄高手前来相助,利用这枚玄丹,将自己的后辈一举推到天玄高手的境界!\n那样一来,只要有一位天玄高手坐镇,那么唐家的风光至少在这位天玄高手还在世的时候是不会有事的!\n而自己始终已经老了,就算是用这玄丹提升了修为,也未必可以再活多久。\n唯有到了至尊神玄的境界,才有可能延长寿命,而自己是绝对没有那个天赋的,即使靠这种罕世宝物也是没有希望的!\n哪知道计划总是不如变化来得快,自己两个儿子,一个不成器,另一个蛮有天赋,可是天赋却是厌武喜文,玄气修炼到九级就已经彻底止步,居然连银品层次也没有冲上去,虽然在官场上也算一帆风顺,不说是一日三迁,也差不多,但那种没有绝顶强者坐镇,自家未来富贵生死掌握在别人手里的滋味却始终是不好受。\n虽然文武都是受皇帝陛下管辖,但家族里只要多一位天玄强者,就算是皇帝想要对付他,那也是要仔细的考虑考虑的!\n唐老爷子没法,只好退而求其次,把希望寄托在孙子身上,总算让老爷子欣慰的是孙子这一辈确实有几个比较争气的,除了唐源这个老大有些不务正业之外,其他三位孙子都是崇尚力量,对玄气的修炼也比较用心。\n让唐老爷子大感老怀大慰,可望在十年之内,几个孙子之一可以进入地玄之境,而自己身体尚佳,怎么也可以再为唐家争取十年光阴。\n若是这枚玄丹用在孙子身上,相信比用在儿子身上效果会来得更好。\n若是一切顺利,最少百年之内,唐家无论在朝在野也是半点事情都不会有的。\n哪知道自己眼巴巴的等了这么些年,千辛万苦的好不容易将一些辅助药材也收集了起来,几位孙子年纪轻轻也都成功突破了银品境界,眼看再过几年就能够达到一切条件,这最关键的东西却在这节骨眼上被盗了!\n唐源正在狐假虎威,手里抓着一百五十万两银票子,揪着孟海洲的衣领,非要当场赎回那配件和宝玉。\n孟海洲哪里拿得出来?\n不住的打躬作揖说好话,急的脸上汗珠一粒粒迸了出来。\n正在无计可施,唐老爷子却发出了立即回家的命令,在还在喋喋不休的胖子身上踹了一脚,心急火燎的就要离去。\n唐源临走狰狞大吼:若是三天之内不把佩剑和宝玉交出来,就要到皇帝陛下面前说说理。\n这句话把孟海洲吓得屁滚尿流。\n当然,唐源多说了一句话的代价,就是让唐老爷子狠狠地又踹了两脚,皮球般滚来滚去。\n急吼吼的赶回家,唐老爷子大发雷霆之怒,唐家所有精锐侍卫全部派发了出去,大张旗鼓,大肆搜索!\n对于在自己家里击毙的十六具尸体和在街口离奇暴毙的六人,唐老爷子命令好好保存,除每天让人指认之外,更画下图像,通过刑部海捕公文大肆派发出去,悬赏白银十万两,要取得这几个人的来历!\n至于对自己家中逃走的几名奴才,悬赏额更是增加一倍,誓要寻到哪个幕后之人!\n只一天之内,京城震动。\n而三天之后,天下震动!\n与此同时,李悠然的李家表面上毫无动作,一副看热闹的姿态,但暗地里却也同样的雷厉风行,李悠然对所有知道这件事的人一个一个的严密盘查,只需是稍有怀疑,便是严刑拷打,各种酷刑层出不穷,宁可错杀一千,也不放过一个!\n务必要撬出是到底谁在跟自己作对!\n只两天的功夫已经有数人因忍受不住酷刑毙命!\n同时李家的暗中势力亦开始全面动作,四处打听渗透。\n京城之内各大家族都隐隐约约的嗅到这股气息十分的不寻常,一边严密防范,明哲保身,避免掺和入这个大漩涡里去,一边却又纷纷派人四处打听,唐家到底是怎么回事?\n一时间,整个京城风起云涌,暗流澎湃。\n刑部的牢房之中,突然爆满!\n唐家偌大的家族所有力量全部运转,直接在京城造成了一场地震,人人自危。\n迟迟没有任何消息,唐万里老爷子心急如焚,天天暴跳如雷;李悠然表面温文依旧,但眼底的冰寒却如是隐藏着两条剧毒的眼镜蛇,盯上谁,轻则是一条命,重则灭其满门!\n然而,真正得了大便宜的君邪却全不知情,还在自己家里优哉游哉着,晚上抱着金丝檀入睡,大大感叹,原来对睡眠真的有奇效……\n甚至这丫脑海中还在一个劲的奇怪着,自己为什么会想着自己那位未过门的寡居大嫂……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 41\nNaturally, Jun Xie had no idea that the item within his hands was actually a Heavenly defying treasure. His mind was currently occupied with thoughts on how to explain himself if he were to return it to the Tang Family.What reason can he give out to explain how this item fell into his hands? \nIf he does not return it to the Tang Family, then would it be of any benefit for him to leave it by his side?\nHe does not even know exactly what this item was, and thus had no clue as to how much it was worth!\nAfter a long time, he was still unable to come up with anything. Then, he wrapped up the Xuan Core and placed it back into the Cold Jade box, and then into the Goldensilk Sandalwood box. Weighing it in his hands, he placed it beside his pillow.\nAfter considering for a few more moments, he pushed it inside and covered it with his pillow.\nThis was not to say that Jun Xie had recognized that this was a precious treasure and had wanted to keep a close eye on it. Rather, it was because he had once heard that the scent from the sandalwood is very beneficial towards sleep…\nOnce there was a gentlemen who bought a box but returned the pearls within it, a tale worth a thousand laughter’s! \nJun Xie’s actions today, perhaps…\nIt was already night time and the rain had finally began to stop.\nGrandfather Tang Wanli’s grey hair was standing straight up, his fury rising to the skies!\nHe had restrained himself as he charged towards the Li Family and Meng Family, intending to raise havoc for both. But when he reached the Li Family, he instead suffered from a soft type of retaliation and was forced to leave. He then moved against the Meng Family, raising havoc there, venting out the anger inside him, causing chickens to fly and dogs to jump. \nUnexpectedly, a heavy rain occurred once he arrived at the Meng Family!\nBeing unable to return caused Grandfather Tang to become even more provoked. In return, he threw an even bigger fit in the Meng Family Residence, cursing everyone to the point of choking on his or her own blood.\nHow could he have imagined that as he was throwing a fit, someone from his residence would urgently rush here to report that something was stolen from his residence.\nAt that moment, Grandfather Tang felt a blaring noise fill his head as all the blood in his body surged upwards to his brain…\nHe came to vent his wrath upon others, but instead his own house was turned upside down by someone else. In addition, it even involved an inside job!\nThere was no need to inquire what was stolen. Grandfather Tang knew that the item was certainly an important item that he personally valued; otherwise, the messenger would never have rushed over through such a heavy rain to inform him!\nAs for which personal valuable that was stolen, the most valuable could only be the Xuan Core!\nAlthough he had thought it through, Grandfather Tang tried holding onto the possibility that such was not the case and inquired about the stolen item. As long as it was not the Xuan Core, then everything would be fine. Unfortunately, what he feared the most had indeed come to pass. The stolen item was none other than the Xuan Core, which he valued as much as his own life!\nGrandfather Tang’s vision became clouded by blackness and he almost fainted on the spot.\nEver since the day he obtained it, Tang Wanli knew that he had managed to obtain a precious treasure. All that was required was for his younger generation to focus on Xuan Qi cultivation and cultivate to the point of Earth Xuan rank. After which, he would do everything in his power, even if it meant throwing his face into the gutters, to invite a few Sky Xuan ranked experts, or perhaps even a Supreme Divine Xuan ranked expert to help him out. With their help, the Xuan Core could be utilized to propel his younger generation into the Sky Xuan rank!\nOnce that happened, then as long as the Sky Xuan ranked expert remained alive, the prosperity of the Tang Family would also remain!\nAs for himself, he was already too old. Even if he were to use the Xuan Core to increase his level of cultivation, he may not be able to live that much longer.\nExtension of longevity was only possible if he could achieve the Supreme Divine Xuan rank, however he simply does not possess that kind of talent, even with the help of this exceptionally rare treasure!\nHow could he have expected the changes that would affect his plans? He had two sons, the first had no talent to speak of, the second was fairly capable but was more interested in literature and disliked martial arts cultivation. He stopped cultivating after reaching a mere Ninth level Xuan Qi, never bothering to even attempt breaking through into the Silver level. Although his career as a government official had gone smoothly, there was no powerful expert within the family. This feeling where their family’s future and wellbeing rested upon the hands of others was simply distasteful.\nThe civil and military officials were naturally all under the governance of His Majesty, the Emperor. However, as long as their family have a Sky Xuan expert, then even the Emperor must consider carefully if His Majesty wished to deal with them!\nFaced with no other options, Grandfather Tang could only place his hopes on his grandsons instead. This time around, his hopes seemed to be well worth it as a few of his grandsons had shown promising talent. With the exception of the eldest grandson, Tang Yuan who preferred business to martial arts, his other three grandsons highly respected the value of Xuan Qi cultivation and worked arduously in regards to Xuan Qi cultivation.\nThis allowed the old Grandfather Tang to feel relieved. He believed that one of his grandsons would be able to step upon the Earth Xuan rank within ten years’ time. As for himself, he was positive that he could continue on for another ten more years.\nHe believed that the positive effect of using the Xuan Core on his grandson would surpass the effect of using it on his son.\nAs long as everything proceeded smoothly, Tang Family would not face any problems in either the royal court or the outside for nearly one whole century.\nHow could he have foreseen that after waiting for so many years, after enduring thousands of bitter hardships to gather the necessary herbs, after his grandsons had already succeeded in breaking through to the Silver level, possibly requiring only a few more years before meeting the necessary requirements, the most critical item ended up being stolen!\nAt this moment, Tang Yuan was in the middle of venting his own anger. Clutching one and a half million worth in silver bills, he grabbed onto Meng Haizou’s collar, insisting on redeeming the sword and accompaniment jade.\nHow was Meng Haizou to produce them?\nAll he could do was bow profusely and talked ingratiatingly, his face dripping with sweat.\nFeeling helpless at his own predicament, Grandfather Tang issued the command to return home. Feeling irritable and filled with only the thought of reaching home, he lashed out a kick at Tang Yuan who was still ranting non-stop.\nBefore leaving, Tang Yuan hollered at them. If they were unable to produce the precious sword and accompaniment jade in three days’ time, then he would go forward and report it directly to His Majesty, the Emperor. \nThose words caused Meng Haizou to crap his pants.\nOf course, each word he said came at a price, for each word he said, Grandfather Tang gave him two vicious kicks, causing his buttocks to roll around.\nAfter hurrying home urgently, Grandfather Tang erupted with anger again. He had every one of the Tang Family’s elite house guards sent out, openly and wantonly searching all corners!\nAs for those sixteen men who were killed trying to escape from the Tang Residence and the six corpses found on the streets, he had them well preserved. In addition to finding people to identify the bodies, he also had their images drawn out and handed over to the Ministry of Justice. Through the Ministry of Justice, he offered a reward of one hundred thousand silver liangs for any knowledge of these people!\nAs for the few escaped servants from his own residence, the reward for them was double. No matter what, he must capture the mastermind!\nWithin one day, the entire capital was turned upside down.\nIn three days’ time, the entire world was turned upside down!\nAt the same time, Li Youran and the Li Family showed no external movements on their part, taking on the attitude of a watchful bystander. Secretly however, they were moving with all their might. Li Youran had everyone involved strictly interrogated, and anyone that showed hints of suspicious behaviour were tortured endlessly in the most painful manner. Killing a thousand innocents was better than letting go of one criminal!\nIt was important for him to find out who was trying to go against him!\nAfter merely two days, many had found themselves unable to continue under the cruel tortures and died!\nThe Li Family’s secret forces too moved out in full force, seeking information from all four corners.\nAll the great families within the capital were able to catch the scent of something unusual within these series of events. All of them kept a close eye on the capital’s movements, guarding themselves from being sucked into this muddy “whirlpool”. However, they too sent out their men to inquire information. What was going on in the Tang Family?\nThe entire capital’s forces had at this moment, started surging secretly.\nAs for the holding cells of the Ministry of Justice, they were all suddenly filled to capacity!\nTang Family’s blatant movement of its power and influence had caused an “earthquake” within the capital, causing everyone to feel insecure.\nAnd yet, no news were forthcoming. Grandfather Tang Wanli’s heart was filled with worry and irritation, and threw a fit every day. Li Youran maintained his gentle demeanour on the outside, however veiled behind his chilling eyes was a pair of poisonous serpent-like glint. If his eyes were to lightly gaze upon someone, then that person would die. If his eyes were to stare heavily upon someone, that that person’s entire family would be exterminated!\nAs for the person who had reaped the biggest benefit from this ordeal, Jun Xie, he remained unaware of what was happening. He was relaxing himself at home, holding on to the Goldensilk Sandalwood Box while he slept at night, sighing loudly to himself, it turned out that it really do great wonders for the sleep…\nIn his mind, he kept wondering why his mind would wander towards his widowed sister-in-law…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第42章\n这倒不是说君家的消息耳目太多闭塞,实在是君家情报机关已经习惯了,有什么消息从来也不会预备给这位爷,再者这位爷这几天也确实比较忙碌的,要么练功探索玲珑鸿钧塔的秘密,要么便是去督促府中的侍卫训练,居然还忙里偷闲弄了不少的酒糟正在发酵!\n以至于京都发生了这么大的变故,君邪愣是数日之后才知道的!\n当然,君家得以如此安静,也有另外一层原因,无论是唐家还是李家,还真就是从未将怀疑的视线望向君家,更遑论是君大纨绔了;君家满门,老得老,小得小,残废的残废、纨绔的纨绔,有那个能拿得出手,君老爷子一向光明磊落,这是就算是敌人也不得不承认的事情,自然不会做这等事。\n至于君莫邪……\n甚至他们觉得哪怕就算是这样想一想,也是侮辱了那在街口死去的六个人!\n谁会相信这位纨绔成型一无是处的君莫邪竟然拥有一举杀掉一位银品高手和五位九级玄者的能力?\n不过君家也不是所有人都没事!\n就因为君三少这几天很有时间,以至于就在这短短地几天时间里,居然硬生生的将那些侍卫每人都几乎折腾掉了一层皮!\n不过,这些侍卫愣是没有一个有怨言的!\n理由很简单,他们不好意思,真的是不好意思,实在是开不了口!\n如果说侍卫们每人脱了一层皮的话,君邪自己则是标准的脱了三层皮!甚至还多!\n这几天里,君邪对自己的训练,就算是君无意这位铁血悍将看在眼里,也禁不住心惊肉跳!\n一天的作息时间——凌晨天还未亮,君邪已经准时从睡眠中醒来,在院子里君邪自己布置的一个隐秘角落,也是一个四方来风的地方打坐调息,之所以不在房中,便是为了更近的接近天地,接近自然。\n清晨的清新气息,实在是大自然的恩赐!\n一个时辰之后,将自己身上腿上胳臂和手腕上绑上负重沙袋,然后开始了各种基础动作的训练,出拳,直拳,摆拳,勾拳;踢腿,前踢,前蹬,侧踢,侧踹,后踢;这中间没有任何一点休息又或者间歇的时间,这一套完毕之后,立即就是俯卧撑、仰卧起坐、端腹、鸭子步、蛙跳、压腿、吊肩、倒吊;这么一圈下来,就基本到了整个身体无汗可出的地步!\n而整个身体的肌肉也活跃到了极致。\n以上这些训练换了一个普通人,就算能支持下来,起码也得累个半死!\n可是,这还只是一个开始而已!\n在活动开手脚之后,终于要开始练一些成套的拳术动作,一招一式一丝不苟!\n这些动作,即使只是练一下花拳绣腿,只怕也要出一身大汗的;更何况严格的按照标准来?\n每一拳出,从脚尖到脚跟,然后脚踝提扭、小腿肌肉输送、腿弯承接、大腿承重、腰部将所有力量转化在一扭之中输送上去,然后这股力量汇成一股洪流,再输送到肩膀,带动整条胳臂,基本是用全身的力气,将这一拳打出去!\n每出一拳,也尽全力!\n曾经有一位武学家说过,休要看简简单单的一拳一腿,要知道,这一拳一腿,都要全身都协调起来,所有肌肉全部参加运作,才能发挥出最大的威力!\n有的人出一拳能打死一个人,但有的人出一拳打人最终结果却是将自己的手腕给扭伤了,就是这个原因!\n其他的各个动作,也均是如此。\n哪怕是真正打好了一拳,那,也是武道!\n武道的基础就在于质朴平凡的基础训练!\n而武道的颠峰同样是质朴平凡,返璞归真!\n可是质朴平凡的基础训练才是最磨练一个武者心性、基础的东西,更何况是如同君邪这般自虐的又在全身关节处绑上了沙袋,这简直是又将难度增加了十倍不止!\n而所要花费的体力,则更超出十倍!\n可是这个级数的难度,也还只是君邪一天正式训练的开始罢了!\n雨夜的鏖杀,让君邪迫切的有一种提升实力的愿望——这具身体,实在太弱了!\n君邪将这一切全部系统的训练一遍之后,君家的侍卫队伍也基本全员出现在他面前,然后便开始这一天中属于他们的残酷训练,而每一项训练,君邪提出来,自己都要跟着部队一起训练,一起完成!\n这些训练方法,可是君邪前世训练超级杀手的训练方法,完全可以说是地狱式的训练!\n甚至可以说,宁可真下地狱,也不要承受这种非人可以负荷的魔鬼训练!\n君邪前世的师兄弟们曾经暗中流传着一句话:宁自阎罗九殿转,不让邪君训一天!\n可见君邪的训练方法有多么变态!\n君邪只告诉自己了一句话:想要拥有无敌于天下的实力,必须先有无敌于天下的韧性和毅力!\n否则,免谈!\n然后便要付出超出任何一人所能够付出的汗水和努力!\n否则,同样免谈!\n惟有做到了这两样,才轮得到说什么机遇的问题!\n不努力,就算是机遇摆在面前,你也抓不住!\n只是寄希望于神仙出现一点自己就成仙,那只是不切合实际的幻想!\n就算拥有全天下最好的运气,握着茫茫宇宙最强大的宝物,但自身若是不努力,那照样连屁都不如!\n一个乞丐只要努力,就有望成为一位留名青史的大将军,但一个大将军如果不努力,他也有机会留名青史,但他是因为遗臭万年而青史留名!\n想要将别人、乃至将整个世界都踏在脚下,就要自己先将自己踏在脚下!\n这是最起码的条件!\n自己对自己的小灶全部练完之后,侍卫们围着操场跑二十圈,君邪不会比他们少跑一圈!\n其他的训练,照样也要足斤加两!\n虽然以君邪现在的体质,每次都是拖到了最后,但,每一种训练,他都硬是坚持了下来!\n第一天结束整个训练的时候,君邪几乎已经累得神识模糊,但心中那股子属于金牌杀手的傲气和身为“邪君”的尊严支撑着他,硬是不折不扣的完成!\n这具身体虽然经过了洗经伐髓,但君邪必须要将这具身体的协调性尽快的修炼至完美无缺的地步!\n唯有身体各处肌肉骨骼全部都协调了到位,才算是达到了君邪对自己的初步最低级的要求!\n而这一切从哪里来?\n从汗水中来!\n不努力的人,就算是天上掉馅饼,也只能被馅饼砸死!\n而绝不会吃进嘴里!\n而现在,君邪虽然已经拥有了玲珑鸿钧塔和开天造化功,但不论是武还是道,都必须内外兼修!\n肉体不够强大,就算是仙家功法,也照样会灰飞烟灭!\n本来对君邪的参加训练,三百护卫人人抱着怀疑的态度,认定少爷不过是一时好玩,见他从一开始就东倒西歪,人人皆是心中暗笑,皆认定君邪绝对坚持不了多长时间,甚至有些无聊人一边挥汗如雨,一边定了赌局,出了赔率。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 42\nThat was not to say that the intelligence of the Jun Family was bad, but rather that the ones responsible for the Jun Family’s intelligence was used to not sending any news to the Young Master. Furthermore, this Young Master had indeed been quite busy for the past few days. If he was not busy trying to explore the secrets of the Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda, he was out supervising the training of the house guards. He even went to brew no small amount of wine, all of which were currently being placed aside for fermentation! \nAs for the events that had transpired in the city, it was only after a few days did Jun Xie find out about it!\nNaturally, there was a reason why the Jun Family was able to preserve its tranquillity. Regardless of the Tang Family or the Li Family, neither one had given the Jun Family any more than a suspicious glance. Disregarding their famed debauchee, the members of the Jun Family were either too old, too crippled or too prodigal. Who exactly could they send out? Grandpa Jun was an honourable man whose actions were done in broad daylight, a fact that even his enemies could not deny. Naturally, it could not have been him.\nAs for Jun Moxie…\nEven the act of suspecting Jun Moxie would be a huge disgrace for those six experts who died out in the streets!\nWho would believe that this debauchee could have the ability to kill off a Silver level and five Ninth level Xuan Qi expert?\nHowever, not everyone in the Jun Family was unscathed!\nThanks to the Young Master Jun having so much free time for the past few days, he decided to use the time to brutally put the house guards through a skin rending training program!\nHowever, not a single one of them voiced out a complaint!\nThe reason was very simple, they felt embarrassed, simply too embarrassed, so much so that they could not open their mouths to do so!\nIf each of the house guards had a layer of their skin rent, then Jun Xie had three layers of his own skin rent! Perhaps even more!\nDuring the past few days, watching the training that Jun Xie put himself through caused even the iron blooded Jun Wuyi to feel a chill run down his spine!\nHis schedule for the day was: In the early dawn of the morning, Jun Xie woke up on time and went to the courtyard. There he found a secret corner for him to meditate. As for why he did not meditate in his room, he wanted a place that could connect him to the world, the nature.\nThe fresh air brought by the early morning breeze was a gift of nature!\nAn hour later, he strapped on weights to his body, legs, arms and wrists. After which, he began his training in a variety of basic moves. Normal punches, straight punches, hooks, uppercuts; normal kicks, front kicks, roundhouse kicks, sidekicks, back kicks. No rest were allowed in between sessions. After the set was complete, he immediately moved on to push ups, sit-ups, oblique sit-ups, duck walk, leapfrog, leg stretching, hanging upside down. After finishing this session, his body was at the point where no more sweat could come out!\nThe muscles in his entire body were invigorated to the extreme.\nIf this training was given to an ordinary person, even if that person was to persevere to the end, that person would end up being exhausted to the point of death!\nHowever, this was just the beginning!\nAfter having exercised both his hands and feet, it was finally time to start training in some set of martial arts movements, each performed meticulously!\nEven if these actions were simply practiced according to style without substance, it would still cause one to be drenched in sweat. After all, each was executed to adhere to a strict standard.\nEach punch, involved each body parts from the toe and the heel, then to the twisting ankles, the calf muscles, the hamstring, the thigh, and the waist. Each of them channelled the strength and momentum up towards the shoulder, which was then sent to the arm. The resulting punch was one executed with the strength of the entire body!\nEach punch was executed with all his strength!\nA martial arts clan once said, in training what was important was the simplest of punches and kicks. However, this simple punch and kick must involve all the muscles in the body for it to display its greatest level of strength!\nSome punches can take a person’s life, but some punches end up causing the one who threw to punch to sprain their wrist. This was the main reason that could happen!\nThis principle applied to other actions as well.\nEven if the action only involved a simple punch, it was also a form of martial arts!\nThe basis of martial arts is the training of simple movements! \nThe pinnacle of martial arts also follows the same principle, to become one with nature!\nThis simple form of basic training is the best way of honing the mind of a martial artist. As for Jun Xie, he had his body and limbs strapped with weights, increasing the level of difficulty by tenfold!\nThe amount of energy required exceeded even that!\nHowever, this difficult level of training was only the first day of Jun Xie’s formal training! \nThe fierce battle in the rain had given birth to the urgent desire to increase his strength – this body was simply too weak!\nAfter completing the entire morning training program, the Jun Family house guards were all assembled before him. Thus began their bitter and hellish training! In addition, Jun Xie would participate in every set of training that he ordered out! He trained alongside them and finished it alongside them!\nThese set of training were the ones from his past life, aimed at producing a super assassin, one that was comparable to a training from hell!\nSome would willingly jump into hell rather than endure this devilish form of training!\nJun Xie’s fellow martial brothers and sisters once spread out these words in secret: Better to circle King Yama’s palace nine times, than to let the Evil Monarch be in charge of training!\nEvidently, Jun Xie’s methods of training were simply monstrous!\nJun Xie kept repeating to himself: If I wish to obtain a strength that is unmatchable in the world, then I must first have the tenacity and perseverance that is unmatchable in the world.\nOtherwise, I might as well forget about it!\nAfter which I must sweat and work harder than any other person!\nOtherwise, I might as well forget about it!\nIt was only after these two had been done, can one be qualified to talk about opportunities!\nWithout hard work, even if the opportunity was to present itself before one, that person will still not be able to grasp it!\nHoping for Gods to appear and lift oneself to become an immortal was an unrealistic fantasy!\nEven if one were gifted with the best luck in the world, holding onto the most powerful treasure in the universe, without hard work, that person would still amount to nothing in the end!\nIf a beggar was to work hard, then he could leave behind a mark in history of a great general. A great general who does not work hard could also leave behind a mark in history, but that mark would be one of terrible losses and notoriety!\nIn order to subdue others, and even the whole world, one must first be able to subdue themselves!\nThis was the absolute minimal of conditions!\nAfter finishing the special training for himself, he had the house guards run twenty laps around the training ground. Jun Xie himself, ran no less than them! \nThe same goes for the other training sessions. \nWith his current body state, Jun Xie ended up being last in each session, but in every training session, he obstinately persevered to the end!\nAfter finishing the first day of training, Jun Xie was exhausted beyond the realm of consciousness. However, the pride of the gold ranked assassin and the dignity of the Evil Monarch supported him, allowing him to neither give up nor break down until the very end!\nAlthough this body had undergone the Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser process, Jun Xie wanted to train this body to the point of perfection as soon as possible!\nIt was only after every muscle in his body had been coordinated accordingly can it be considered to have met Jun Xie’s lowest level of requirements!\nBut how could this be accomplished?\nThrough sweat!\nFor those who do not work hard, even if a divine fruit was to fall from the Heavens unto them, they would only be crushed to death by this divine fruit!\nThere would be no chance for them to even taste it!\nCurrently, Jun Xie was in the possession of the Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda and the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. However, both martial arts and cultivation of this skill must be achieved simultaneously!\nIf the body were not strong enough, then one would be destroyed even with the aid of a divine skill!\nThe three hundred house guards originally held a sceptical attitude towards Jun Xie’s participation in their training. They believed that the Young Master was only doing it for fun. Seeing him stagger about to the point of collapsing right from the beginning, all of them chuckled in their hearts, convinced that he would not be able to endure for a long time. Some of them decided to start a bet, discussing about the rate and odds as they were perspiring and training.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第43章\n每个人都认为,这位少爷一刻、片刻、或者是下一刻就会倒下,这样的纨绔少爷怎么可能坚持住这样炼狱似的训练,有的甚至打赌,顶多一柱香的时间君邪就会放弃了,但出乎所有人意料之外,君邪一开始就是摇摇晃晃,到了吃早饭的时候,还是摇摇晃晃,就是脸色煞白了一些。\n他……居然坚持了下来!\n这个结果,让所有人大跌眼镜。\n于是纷纷猜测上午的训练,少爷会不会参加?\n绝大多数的人还是认为,这样的训练量已经超出三少爷的承受能力,能支撑到现在已经非常难得了!\n吃过了早饭,只有半柱香的休息时间,完全没有人知道,君邪竟连这半柱香也没有浪费,回到自己房中,忍着浑身酸疼的肌肉,取出几条插满了钢针的竹管固定在桌上,还有一条没有插着钢针的竹管,放在这几条后面。\n每条竹管之间仅能通过一个手掌的厚度,要在完全不碰到两侧的竹管的情况下,手指要打到藏在后面的竹管。\n而且要求是,穿过三条竹管,打到最后一条竹管上的时候,要打出响声!\n这个小训练主要是锻炼自己手指的极度灵活性!\n这训练,看似简单易做,其实难度不小!\n钢针密布,只要用力过大过小或是稍有不灵活,就会被钢针刺入肉中。\n那一瞬间的刺痛,足以让任何人的手哆嗦一下,而哆嗦这一下,最少又要有几针扎上了……\n君邪板着脸,平心静气的将训练了一早晨的手伸了进去……\n上午训练开始,侍卫们发现君邪居然又站到了操场上,手指头上不知为何鲜血淋漓,又红又肿,脸色却已经好看了很多。\n然后,一上午的时间,居然又是摇摇晃晃的坚持了下来!\n这样的结果,让所有侍卫都是大跌眼镜!\n仍有超过半数的人认为,这么大的训练量已经超出三少爷的承受极限,能支撑到现在已经非常难能可贵了!\n下午不会再硬撑了吧?!\n然而…\n下午,照样如此。\n护卫们这是时真的被激起了好胜之心:难道我们久经训练究竟战阵,百战归来,居然还比不过一个身娇肉嫩从来没吃过苦的贵公子不成?\n这个想法,直接让这些本来就站在炼狱边缘的人们一下子踏进了炼狱之中!\n只要君邪自己不停止,侍卫们个个憋着一口气,死也要撑到底。\n结果是……所有人都累得没了脾气……\n君邪组织训练,君无意当然要到场,君邪将所有人的士气都鼓动了起来,到底要怎样训练,这是君无意很好奇的事情。\n但看完了一天的训练内容,君无意只觉得自己背脊上嗖嗖的冒凉风!\n看到一个个侍卫扛起粗大的原木来回拼命奔跑,中间居然完全不准休息,君无意眼睛瞪得大大的;但当他看到君邪居然也在其中,也照样扛起原木奔跑,忍不住拼命地揉了揉眼睛,再看,再揉……\n君三爷居然将自己的眼皮都揉的痛了……\n如果说自己的眼睛没出问题,那今天的太阳一定是从北边出来的,这怎么可能?!\n这还是自己那个纨绔侄子吗?!\n这也太离谱了吧?!\n一天下来,见君邪终于收手立定,那些虎背熊腰体力超佳的护卫们一个个累得如同死狗一般,一个个如同烂泥一般瘫在地上,大张着嘴巴,呼呼的喘气,满场地三百多人居然就没有几个还有力气能站起来的!\n两位大队长一个弯着腰剧烈喘气,一个翻着白眼使劲的揉着腰。\n君邪脸色苍白,摇摇欲坠,但却站得直直的,锐利的目光看着眼前横七竖八的人们,突然大吼一声:“都给老子站起来!\n三息之内,谁站不起来,淘汰掉,滚出这里自杀去得了!\n因为他不配站在这里!\n连老子这个纨绔败家子都比不上的人,还有什么脸面活着!”\n顿时所有人如同弹簧一般弹了起来,一个个咬着牙,摇摇晃晃,数十人几乎忍不住又要一头栽倒,却被身边的人扶住,如果真被三少爷比下去了,貌似真没脸活着了。\n君邪喘着粗气,冷冷的看着他们,粗声道:“现在,还有谁不承认自己是废物?恩?\n只不过是一天的功夫而已,一天你们就成了这德行!\n连我这个纨绔子都能站在这里,而你们却倒下了!\n你们难道就这么心安理得的躺着?\n难道就没有觉得害臊吗?!\n百战勇士?我呸!”\n三百条大汉人人脸现愧色,一个个忍不住低下头去。\n是呀,连这个大家一向都看不起的少爷都坚持了下来,而且到现在还站着,自己等人有什么理由躺下?\n君邪一天的训练,众人都看在眼里;以自己等人这等粗壮魁梧的身体支撑下来这一天犹自如此疲累,君邪究竟是怎么承受下来的,真是匪夷所思!\n但人人都知道,身娇肉贵的三少爷想要承受下来,肯定比自己等人要艰难得太多太多了!\n每个人看着君邪的眼神之中,均是不由自主的多了几分尊敬和敬畏。\n因为君邪全然没有半点这方面的底子!\n而自己等人却是久经训练的……\n君邪冷冷地看了他们一眼,突然转身就走,抛下一句话:“明天若是再出现这种情况,三百人一个不留,统统给我滚蛋!\n君家,不养废物!\n尤其是连一个纨绔子都不如的废物!”\n看着君邪离去的背影,细心的人都看到,君邪的腿,甚至全身每一处肌肉都在轻微颤抖,这是疲累到了极限的极限才有可能出现的不受控制的情况!\n但君邪脸上居然一点也没有表露出来!\n单单是这份忍耐力,在场诸人,没有一个能够及得上!\n一个纨绔少爷都能忍受如此强的训练量,自己这些百战老兵能说自己受不了吗?\n尤其是自己和人家纨绔少爷训练量的还是一样大的,自己好意思开口说辛苦吗?\n丢不起这人啊!\n若是开口说辛苦,被同僚鄙视也还罢了,若是再被纨绔三少爷鄙视,那还活不活了!\n然而他们若是知道,君邪的身上,居然另外还绑着八个沙袋,不知他们会做何感想?\n会不会真的不好意思活下去?!\n没有人知道,君邪身上至少有十几处地方被沙袋磨破了皮!\n鲜血几乎是带着淋巴液缓缓渗出来……\n君邪今日一天的训练,训练量的真正总和估计要比这些侍卫最少高出三倍以上!\n这是一个相当恐怖的数字!\n若不是开天造化功撑着,就以君邪目前的身体素质状况,足以累死十次!\n但君邪之所以这样,就是要借助开天造化功的神奇作用,以超脱生死的训练,冲破自己身体的一道道极限!\n君无意虽然并不知道君邪身上另有沙袋,但就君邪今日一天的惊人表现,已经足以让这位曾经手掌千军万马的大将军为之动容!\n看着君邪渐行渐远的背影,君无意目中带着无限的欣慰,心中却有着狐疑:难道,这才是莫邪的真正面目?\n这……对自己也太狠了!\n这样不会有意外吧!\n打铁,还得自身硬啊!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 43\nEveryone believed that the Young Master would fall down at this moment or the next. How could their debauchee Young Master endure this type of hellish training? Some of them wagered that Jun Xie would simply give up within the time of an incense stick. However, contrary to all their expectations, Jun Xie who was staggering unsteadily right from the beginning endured all the way until it was time for breakfast, his body still staggering unsteadily.\nHe… he actually persevered! \nThis result caused everyone eyes to pop out.\nThus, they began speculating whether the Young Master will participate in the afternoon training.\nA vast majority of them believed that the amount of training endured had already exceeded the capacity of the Third Young Master. For him to endure all the way until now was already a rare feat!\nAfter eating breakfast, there was only half an incense stick’s time for them to rest. However, none of them realized that Jun Xie did not even consider resting. Not wanting to waste any time at all, he returned to his room as he put up with the pain coming from his entire body’s aching muscles. Producing several bamboo tubes fully pierced with steel needles, he placed them methodically on the table. He then produced one bamboo tube without any steel needles on it and placed it within the formation of the preceding bamboo tubes. \nThere was only the length of a palm’s thickness in between each of the bamboo tubes with steel needles. And Jun Xie wanted to hit the bamboo tube within the formation using his fingers without touching the tubes on either sides of this palm.\nIn addition, the requirement was that his palms must pass through three bamboo tubes before hitting the final tube, with the strike making a sound!\nThis little training was targeted at training the flexibility of the fingers to the extreme! \nThis training seemed simple, but was in fact very difficult! \nThe needles were everywhere, causing any over or under usage of strength or failure in flexibility to result in the hand being pierced by the steel needles. \nThat moment of pain would cause anyone’s hand to shake, which would in return cause even more needles to pierce the hand…\nJun Xie maintained an indifferent face as he calmly inserted his hands, which had undergone an intense session of morning training into it…\nWhen afternoon training began, the house guards found Jun Xie standing on the training grounds, his fingers swollen and dripping with blood, but his face seemed better.\nIn the following afternoon training session, he continued to persevere as he staggered unsteadily onwards until the end!\nThis result caused every one of the house guards’ eyes to fall to the ground!\nNonetheless, half of them still believed that this high level of training was already far beyond what the Third Young Master could endure. For him to endure all the way up to now was something highly commendable! \nHe would not be able to continue on until late afternoon, would he?\nHowever…\nIn the late afternoon, he remained.\nAt this moment, all the guards were incited as their hearts roared: How could we, veterans of war who had endure countless training and battles lose to a tender bodied, pampered young master who could not suffer bitterness at all?\nThis perspective, caused these men who were standing on the edge of hell to step directly into it!\nAs long as Jun Xie did not stop, all the house guards would grit their teeth and endure to the end! \nAs a result… everyone ended up being too fatigued…\nSince Jun Xie was directing the training, it was only natural that Jun Wuyi was present as well. After having incited everyone’s morale to such heights, how exactly did he intend to train them? This was something that piqued Jun Wuyi’s curiosity.\nHowever, after witnessing the contents of the training sessions, Jun Wuyi felt a cold chill course violently through his spine!\nObserving the guards carrying a huge, rough and unprocessed log running through the grounds without any leeway in between, Jun Wuyi’s eyes stared widely. Then, he spotted Jun Xie amongst them, carrying the same type of log as he ran. Jun Wuyi could not help but fiercely rubbed his eyes before looking again, then he rubbed his eyes again… \nIn the end, he rubbed it until his eyelids suffered from pain as well!\nIf there was nothing wrong with his eyes, then the sun must have risen from the north today!\nHow is this possible? Is this still my debauchee nephew? \nThis is simply beyond ordinary!\nAfter the day was over, Jun Xie finally ended the training. Those highly capable and sturdy house guards were all exhausted, akin to a dead dog. Each of them laid paralyzed on the ground like a piece of mud, their mouths wide open as they gasped for breath. Amongst the three hundred men, not a single one still possessed the strength to stand!\nAs for the two company leaders, one was bent as he gasped violently for breath, the other was straining, kneading his own waist.\nJun Xie’s face was pale white, his body seemingly about to fall, but he remained standing straight. With a sharp gaze, he observed the chaotic state of the three hundred men and suddenly shouted out. “Get your ass off the ground and stand up!\nIn three breaths time, those who cannot stand up will be eliminated! Bring your worthless body out of here and commit suicide! \nThat is because you are not qualified to stand here! \nIf you cannot even compare with this prodigal debauchee, what reason do you have to continue living?”\nImmediately, everyone bounced up like a spring. They gritted their teeth as they staggered unsteadily. A few of them were almost unable to maintain themselves and were about to fall, but was propped up by those around them. If they were to lose to the third Young Master, then they would really have no face to continue living.\nJun Xie panted as he stared at them with a cold gaze. “As of now, who among you can still claim that you are not trash? Huh? \nWith just one day’s worth of training, all of you have fallen to such a sorry state! \nEven though I am but a debauchee, I can still stand, but you? \nDo you all have the state of mind to lie down peacefully? \nDo none of you feel shame? \nA veteran of a hundred battles? Pei!”\nAll three hundred warriors had their faces etched with bitter shame; one by one, they all lowered their gaze to the ground. \nIf this Young Master that everyone had constantly looked down upon can persevere and still stand to boot, then what reason could they have to lie down?\nJun Xie’s participation in the day’s training was something witnessed by all of them. All of them felt their body aching and exhausted after the day’s training, but how did Jun Xie managed to endure it? \nEveryone knew that in order for the Third Young Master whose body was weaker than theirs to endure today’s training, the difficulty involved would be far harder!\nEveryone gazed at Jun Xie, their eyes involuntarily filled with some degree of awe and… respect! \nBecause what Jun Xie did today was done without the slightest foundation! \nOn the other hand, they were a group of well-trained men…\nJun Xie gave them all a cold look before turning around and walking off, leaving only one sentence. “If this is to happen again tomorrow, then all three hundred of you can scram! \nThe Jun Family does not waste its money of trash!\nEspecially when they cannot compare with a debauchee!”\nWatching Jun Xie’s back as he left, anyone who paid attention could see that his legs and all the muscles on his body was trembling uncontrollably. This was the uncontrollable sign that could appear only when someone had been exhausted to their very limits!\nHowever, Jun Xie’s face did not show the slightest bit of his current condition. \nIn terms of endurance alone, no one there could compare with him!\nIf their debauchee Young Master could endure this tough level of training, then could these veterans of hundred battles say otherwise? \nEspecially since their debauchee Young Master had undergone the same degree of training as them! Would they be able speak the words “difficult”? \nWhat a loss of face that would be! \nIf they were to say those words, then the best case scenario would be to be looked down on with contempt by their comrades. But if they ended up being looked down on with contempt by the debauchee Young Master, then they should seriously just go commit suicide!\nWhat would they do then, if they were to find out that there were eight weights strapped onto Jun Xie’s body?\nWould they become too embarrassed to live?\nNone of them knew that at least a dozen spots on Jun Xie’s body suffered from torn skin due to the weights!\nBlood oozed out slowly from the wounds…\nThe training that Jun Xie underwent was estimated to be at least three times more intense compared to the house guards!\nThis was a terrifying figure! \nIf not for the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune supporting him, Jun Xie with the body of the original Jun Moxie would have died from over exhaustion ten times over! \nHowever, the reason Jun Xie acted as such was to pull out the divine powers of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. With a training program, which transcended life and death, he would then break through the limitations of his body!\nAlthough Jun Wuyi had no idea that Jun Xie was practicing with weights attached to his body, Jun Xie’s performance today had moved this man who was once a great general who oversaw tens of thousands of soldiers!\nWatching Jun Xie’s departing silhouette, Jun Wuyi felt greatly pleased. However, a suspicion remained within his heart: Could this be his true face? \nThis… this is simply being too hard on yourself!\nWould any accident happen if this continues?\nOne must be strong to forge metal!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第44章\n君邪稳稳地走回自己的房间,可儿见到他这副摸样,差点没哭了出来。\n颤抖着手帮他除去了衣物,然后用清水细细的擦洗,君邪始终站立着,他知道,只要自己身体一旦失去了平衡倒下,以目前的疲累来说,必然会立即睡死过去!\n但只要撑过了这一关,能够清醒着恢复了体力,就代表着自己又冲过了身体的一个极限!\n擦完身子,让可儿退了出去,赤着身子,君邪就站立着的姿势晋入了深沉的调息之中。\n意守灵台,开天造化功第一层的运行线路缓缓流动起来。\n君邪赫然发现,自己脑海内的那座七彩玲珑塔居然转动的比前段时间要快速了一些,而且里面散出的天地灵气也要比前段时间浓郁了不少,灵气缓缓进入君邪的经脉之中,顺着线路流走起来,每到一个地方,君邪就会感到清凉舒爽的感觉,就像干渴到了极点几乎冒烟的嗓子,突然有一道山间的冷冽清泉注入了进来,这一刻的惬意,无法形容。\n雾气越来越急的进入君邪的经脉,对君邪已经疲累到了极点的身体,进行缓慢的修复,君邪全身渐渐麻痒起来,尤其是受伤的地方,更是痒的如同百爪挠心。\n君邪死死的控制着自己想要去挠一挠的欲望,竭尽全力控制自己的心神进入修炼状态,慢慢地……进入了物我两忘之中……\n在不知不觉之中,时间缓缓流逝,君邪身体表面所有破损之处,缓缓地停止了溢出清液,慢慢地凝固,慢慢地结成疤痕……\n渐渐的,君邪身上疤痕慢慢起皱,然后变硬,再到后来,一点一点粉屑似的脱落下来……\n君邪的脚边,慢慢的累积了薄薄的一层皮肤碎屑,而身上的肌肤,又是变得如从前一般的雪白光滑,唯一的分别却是更具柔韧度……\n身上一天超高强度锻炼下来绷得紧紧的肌肉,在无意识却有规律的轻轻颤动之中,慢慢渗出一点点的晶莹水色,颤动之后,肌肉慢慢的松缓下来,渐渐恢复到训练之前全身放松时候的状态,又是一阵浪涛般的酸麻酥痒之后,终于彻底地松弛了下来……\n进入修炼状态的君邪,对这一切变化毫无所觉,身体将极度疲累状态硬撑过去之后,随之而来的,便是海啸般的舒爽,整个精神意识进入了一种空灵的境界之中,就像一个人在无边无际的宁静大海中自由的遨游,无比的惬意;那种舒服的感觉,就像是大海的浪涛,一波接一波的涌过来……\n脑海中那座七彩玲珑塔,流溢出来浓雾愈来愈显浓郁,一阵阵纯净至极的天地灵气潮水般涌入君邪的身体,冲刷着他身体的每一处经脉,每一寸肌肉,每一分筋脉……\n君邪清晰感觉到,在经脉中游走的那一条纤细的丝线气劲,在经过灵气的汹涌冲刷之后,竟然在慢慢的壮大之中,虽然幅度并不是很大,但确实是在不断壮大,而且自己的思感无比的空灵,竟似丝毫也感觉不到疲累,所有的精神似乎在这一瞬间与脑海中的这座奇异的小塔和谐地融合在了一起,那种快慰的微妙感觉,即使以君邪这钢铁般的神经,也禁不住为之陶醉。\n蓦然,鸿钧塔七彩的光芒一顿,突然停止了转动,君邪脑海意识一震,瞬时从那无比美妙的境界中清醒过来,精神状态也在这一瞬间由识海回归了现实世界,而身体经脉内的灵气白雾亦如潮水般退却下去,君邪只感觉到自己浑身上下充满了力气,缓缓睁开眼睛,两道锐利的神光顿时激射而出!\n轻轻活动一下身体,全身各处骨节“啪”“啪”一阵脆响,瞬即便圆顺如意,精神状态竟是出奇良好,清淡的月光轻轻洒落下来,君邪走到窗前,天空明月如盘,碧空万里,一片皎洁。\n中秋了。\n自己原本那个世界的中秋节,是八月十五,而这里有个金秋节,却是八月二十。\n无论是哪个世界的月亮,月光始终温柔如水,清辉遍地,君邪轻叹一声,出奇的发现,自己的心里,竟然再没有过多惆怅孤寂的情绪,好像从前种种,都已经习以为常。\n明月依旧,苍穹依旧!\n依然在同一片天空下,就当是……工作地点调动了……\n重新地仔细检查了一下身体,君邪这才发现,自己身上原本数量不菲的伤口不但都已经愈合,更神奇的是,连疤痕居然在一夜之间都消失得无影无踪,且皮肤更外的柔韧光滑,君邪不由瞠目:想不到这开天造化功的恢复能力,竟然是如此的强悍!\n本想如此残酷的训练下去,自己几天的功夫就能变成古铜色的前世肌肤,没想到身体素质倒是飞速提高了,但皮肤竟然是越练越光滑了……大失所望!\n不幸之中的万幸皮肤是向着柔韧方向发展的,如果皮肤变成格外的柔嫩了,那还怎么出去见人!\n再次提气运功,君邪顿时大喜!\n这一天的疯狂训练下来,晚上这一运功,训练的效果果然显著之极,身体内的发丝气劲居然差不多壮大了一倍,呃,若是说原本的气流是头发丝那么粗,现在就已经变成了猪鬃毛的粗度……\n君邪一阵冷汗,如此比喻自己,实在是有些自虐的嫌疑……\n而气劲的流动速度也更加的快速了;突然间有一股明悟:自己修炼的开天造化功第一层又前进了一大步!\n而另一个更大的惊喜就是,现在居然已经可以内视!\n这可是武道修行到了先天的境界才可以做到的事情。\n没想到这开天造化功果然神妙,虽然现在的功力尚远远达不到前世先天武者的标准,但却已经可以进行内视了!\n看来,这种极限的训练,全身的体力全部压榨干净之后,再次运转开天造化功,居然有意想不到的好处。\n顺着经脉一查,君邪终于了解了这个世界的玄气的奥妙所在,所谓玄气修炼,其实与内功的修炼并无太大的分歧,几乎可以说就一种特殊内功的修炼法门,玄气虽然不如内力持久,但玄气的爆发力,却要比内力强的多,正因为爆发力奇强,对于这种神奇力量的隐蔽性也就相对不足,自然,后劲也更加不足。\n越是高深的玄气修为,外在效果也是越显著,这就是为什么有各色玄气光芒的主要成因!\n而玄气的修炼方式反而如内功几近完全相同,也是按照一条固定的经脉路线进行运转,比如说九品以下是一条经脉,无论是奇经八脉,又或者是十二正经,只得一条通达,形成一条经、络的内循环;而到了银品境界突破的时候,便可以再开启另一条经脉,这样等于是增加了一个支流,但内循环依旧,只不过比之前的范围要大很多。\n这也许是这个世界的人的特殊体质的原因吧,难怪玄气每一次进阶都痛苦无比,如同毒蛇蜕皮,原来如此。\n硬生生冲开一条经脉,滋味岂是那么好受的?\n以后就以此类推,当十二正经尽通、奇经八脉通顺一半的时候,便是至尊神玄的境界了,当这里还有一个前提,通顺的一半奇经八脉之中,必须是有任督二脉相通,这样才是真正的至尊神玄境界,若是你也通顺了奇经八脉中四条,却不包括任督二脉,只算是伪至尊神玄境界!\n唯一君邪意外的是,到达了至尊神玄境界固然打通了周身全部的十二正经,成为玄气的主要修炼场所,丹田也依旧是玄气的仓库,而奇经八脉却只需要打通四条,比较困难的也只是任督二脉而已,就可以成就这个世界最高层次的存在,但就武学而论,所谓的最高成就至尊神玄,身体里面依然有四条经脉是封闭的。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 44\nJun Xie walked steadily back to his room. When Little Ke saw Jun Xie’s current state, she nearly burst into tears.\nWith trembling hands, she took off his clothes for him and carefully cleaned him with clear water. All the while, Jun Xie remained standing. Based on the amount of exhaustion he had to endure, he knew that if he were to lose his balance and fall, then he would instantly fall unconscious!\nHowever, as long as he was able to get pass this hurdle, of restoring his body strength while maintaining his consciousness, then he would have succeeded in exceeding one of the limitations of his body!\nAfter Little Ke finished cleaning his body, he had her move away while he continued standing, delving deep into himself.\nThrough his spiritual awareness, he observed as the energy channels of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune began to sluggishly awaken.\nTo Jun Xie’s surprise, he found that the seven coloured exquisite paGoda within his sea of consciousness was rotating at a higher speed compared to the past. In addition, the white Worldly Spiritual Qi exuded by it was also much thicker compared to before. The spiritual qi slowly entered Jun Xie’s meridians, flowing along the pathways. Each time the spiritual qi reached an area, it would give Jun Xie a cool and comfortable feeling. This feeling was akin to a person who was thirsty to the utmost limit who suddenly found cool springs in the mountain. This feeling was simply indescribable.\nThe misty spiritual qi continued entering Jun Xie’s meridians at a higher rate. Jun Xie’s body, which was tired to the extreme, began to slowly rejuvenate itself and at the same time, his entire body gradually became itchy. This was especially so for the injured areas where the itch was extremely unbearable.\nJun Xie exerted strict control over the desire to scratch the itchy areas, directing the full concentration of his mind to enter a state of meditation. Slowly… he entered a state of disconnection from self and others…\nAs time passed, all the injured areas of Jun Xie’s body began to discharge a clear sheen of fluid, which gradually coagulated, forming into scars…\nBit by bit, the scars on Jun Xie’s body began to wrinkle up before hardening. In the end, it turned into powdery crumbs as it fell down…\nA thin layer of skin fragments progressively accumulated around Jun Xie’s feet. As for the skin on his body, it had returned to its former white smoothness. The only difference was that it had become more flexible…\nOn the other hand, his tensed muscles that had undergone one whole day’s worth of high-grade exercise unconsciously exuded a crystal clear watery glow while quivering lightly. After the quivering ended, the muscles slowly loosened down as it was restored to its former relaxed state before undergoing the training. Next, a wave of unbearably tingling itch washed over him before finally relaxing down…\nJun Xie who had entered a state of meditation did not realize what was happening at all. After having overcome the extreme state of exhaustion, the feeling that followed was a serene feeling of relaxation. His spirit felt as though it had stepped upon an ethereal realm. This feeling was akin to the comfortable feelings of a person who was travelling in a tour through the vast ocean. Enjoying the gentle billowing waves of the seas as it slowly surged forth…\nWithin his sea of consciousness, the mist exuded by the colourful exquisite paGoda became denser and richer. Waves of pure Worldly Spiritual Qi flowed like water through Jun Xie’s body, coursing through his every meridian, his every muscle fibre, his every tendon…\nJun Xie could clearly feel that the fine flow of qi within his meridians was slowly growing bigger after having received nourishment from the waves of the spiritual qi. Even though the degree of growth was not great, it was still growing non-stop. In addition, his sense of thought seemed to have become ethereal in nature, no longer able to feel exhausted. At this moment, his spiritual essence seemed to have merged harmoniously with the little paGoda within his sea of consciousness. Even though Jun Xie was a man with the nerves of steel, this profound feeling of comfort caused him to feel intoxicated.\nSuddenly, the colourful Hongjun PaGoda stopped spinning, no longer radiating as brilliantly as it just had. This event startled Jun Xie’s awareness within his sea of consciousness and he began to awaken from the ethereal realm. Even his spirit was instantly returned back to the mortal world. As for the misty white spiritual qi flowing within his meridians, it retreated back like the receding tide. Jun Xie could feel that this whole body was filled to the brim with strength. Slowly, he opened his eyes, which revealed a sharp gaze filled with a divine glow!\nJun Xie gently flexed his body, causing the joints throughout his body release popping sounds. Instantly, his body returned to its ideal and smooth state while his state of mind was also surprisingly in an excellent state. As the soft moonlight gently spilled down, Jun Xie moved towards the windows. The moon hung in the sky like a plate, the surrounding clear blue skies spread out for thousands of li.\nThe Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived. \nIn his original world, the Mid-Autumn Festival would be held on the 15th of August. But here, there was only the Autumn Festival held on the 20th of August.\nNo matter which world he was in, the moonlight remained as gentle as water, spreading its splendour everywhere. Jun Xie sighed lightly, surprised to find that his heart was no longer filled with the emotions of lonely solitude. It was as though, somewhere along the way, his heart had become accustomed to it.\nThe moon remained the same moon; the sky remained the same sky! \nSince the skies were the same skies, then he may as well just assume that this was… a change in working environment…\nJun Xie carefully rechecked his body and discovered that the injuries of the day had all been healed. Those injuries, which cannot be considered light, were all completely healed. In addition, even the scars had miraculously disappeared within the span of one night, his skin smooth yet flexible. Jun Xie could not help but stare at the result: I never expected that the restoration capabilities of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune would turn out to be so powerful!\nOriginally, Jun Xie had thought that after undergoing the brutal training, his body would become the bronze skin of his past life. Unexpectedly, even though the quality of his body had obviously been upgraded at a rapid rate, his skin had instead become smoother… disappointment! \nThankfully, the transformation of his skin was towards the nature of flexibility. If his skin had instead become softer, then he would have no face to go out!\nJun Xie rechanneled the Art within his body and was suddenly overjoyed!\nAfter the day’s insane level of training and the exercise of the Arts in the evening, the effect obtained was extremely significant! The silky flow of qi within his body had grown at least double in size! If the original size of the flow of qi were comparable to a strand of hair, then the current size would be comparable to a strand of coarse mane on a pig…\nJun Xie suddenly broke out in cold sweat. To say such a thing about himself, perhaps he was being overly masochistic on himself…\nIn addition, the speed of the qi flow had also increased. There was a sudden clarity within him: His cultivation of the first level of Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune had taken a huge step forward!\nTo his great surprise, Jun Xie also found out that he could now access the inner eye!\nThis was something that only martial artists that had attained the Pre-Celestial stage could accomplish.\nThis Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune was indeed a miraculous skill. Even though his current strength was far from the standards of the Pre-Celestial stage, he was already able to access the inner eye!\nIt seemed that this limit breaking training where the entire body’s physical energies were squeezed out to the extreme followed by the channelling of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune had produced some unexpected benefits.\nChecking his meridians, Jun Xie finally understood the mysterious aspect of the Xuan Qi within this world. The so-called Xuan Qi cultivation was, in fact not much different when compared to the practice of internal strength. It could be considered as a special branch of internal strength cultivation. Xuan Qi does not last as long as internal strength. In return, it possessed an explosive power that far surpassed internal strength. It was also due to the odd explosive power that the secretive nature of this mystical force became inadequate. Naturally, the endurance of the explosive power was even more inadequate. \nThe higher a person’s cultivation in Xuan Qi, the external signs would become more significant. This was the main cause of the different glow of radiant colours from different Xuan Qi levels!\nThe method of cultivating Xuan Qi was almost the same as the practice of internal strength, which was to channel energy through a fixed set of meridian pathways. For example, there is one meridian line for the cultivation of the Ninth level and below. Regardless of whether it is the Eight Extraordinary Vessels or the Twelve Standard Meridians, there is only one path to follow, forming towards a channel, interconnecting through the inner cycle. When they have broken through to the Silver level, they can then open up another channel. That way, it would be possible to increase the flow of energy. However, the cycle of the flow remained within the same confines. The only difference would be that the limits have been increased greatly.\nThis may be due to the fact that the people in this world possessed a unique body. It was no wonder that every breakthrough in Xuan Qi cultivation would be accompanied by extreme pain, comparable to the moulting process of a snake. \nIt was a process where the cultivator would forcibly open up a meridian pathway. How could that not hurt?\nThe later stages would follow the same steps. Once all the Twelve Standard Meridians and half of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels were open, then the cultivator would have successfully stepped upon the realm of Supreme Divine Xuan. There was however another requirement. Amongst the opened up vessels of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, two vessels were to be interlinked. Only after having accomplished this would one be considered to have achieved a genuine Supreme Divine Xuan rank! If a cultivator was able to open up four of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels but were not able to assign two of them to become interlinked, then that person could only be considered a False Supreme Divine Xuan ranked expert!\nThere was one aspect, which surprised Jun Xie. In the process of attaining the Supreme Divine Xuan rank, one must open up all the Twelve Standard Meridians that will serve as the main route of practice in Xuan Qi cultivation. The dantian served as the depository area for Xuan Qi. As for opening four out of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, the most difficult part was only the interlinking of two assigned vessels, after which one would successfully become the highest existence within this world. However, if one were to analyse this using the knowledge of martial arts, even though the highest achievement was the Supreme Divine Xuan, four vessels remained closed within their bodies.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第45章\n那么,至尊神玄之上,是不是还另有更高的存在?!\n至尊神玄之上,是不是还另有更高的存在?!\n如果就内功修炼的理论,这个问题的答案已经是一定了,一定有更高层次的存在!\n不过这里毕竟是另一个世界,内功与玄气修炼虽似同途,但结果却未必一致,所以结论也就不能下得过早了,没准这个世界比较另类,至尊神玄真的就封顶了也是可能的!\n当然,这一切以君邪现在对玄气的了解的层次,还是无法定论的。\n还有就是,君邪通过之前的洗经伐髓之后,周身的经脉尽通,已经达至先天高手百脉尽通的境界,若单以经脉而论,就算是真正的至尊神玄只怕也有所不及!\n但真正实力,却是远远的达不到了。\n毕竟来到这个世界只有短短的一个月的功夫,能够从一个废柴的身体到达现在的身体强度,这本身就已经是匪夷所思的速度了!\n这也正是开天造化功的奇妙之处,若是换成一般的功法,区区一个月的时间,恐怕入门都难。\n而玲珑鸿钧塔配合开天造化功,却能够一举打开所有经脉,这就等于是一下子给君邪打开了无数个深不见底的宝库,只等君邪一个个的去填满了。\n以君邪现在的实力而论,若是当真生死搏杀,相信一般的银品玄者,已经很难奈何得了他了。\n若是暗杀的话,自然更加的不可同日而语。\n毕竟,这才是君邪的本行。\n但经脉通达给君邪一个很古怪的本领,只说刻意模仿的话,只要给他相对应的玄气修炼的法诀,他就可以随时模仿出这种功法的极端形态。\n当然,也只是形态而已,绝对没有相对应的威力。\n想到这里,君邪不由一笑:貌似又多了一条装逼的路子啊……\n第二天,君邪再度神采奕奕的出现在训练场上,让所有人又是大吃一惊!\n昨天的训练,即使让这些侍卫们强壮的身体也吃不消,到现在身上还有多处地方酸痛的要命。\n而这位公子爷居然比他们还要早到了操场上!\n昨天的训练之后,几乎所有人都对自家的三少爷有了一种全新的感观,甚至是一种敬佩之心,但几乎所有人也认定,三少爷明天可能是来不了的,别说有没有心来,就他那小身板也绝对负荷不了!\n可是今天再看到君邪挺直的身子,利剑般的眼神,所有人心中都有一种错觉:这,还是那位纨绔成性混吃等死的公子哥儿吗?!\n他是怎么爬起来的呢?!\n君无意一早就来到了操场,坐在轮椅上,目光审视的看着这边。\n君邪的出现,固然在他的意料之中,也可说在他的意料之外。\n昨天君邪训练之后的情况,他可是非常之清楚的,确实是非常严重,以君邪原本的身体素质,当真未必可以负荷的起,所以就算君邪今天不出现,也是无可厚非,他本想君邪就算出现,也会非常的疲累、甚至是非常狼狈的,昨天的训练,就算是自己身体完好之时,也未必可以轻松完成,但真的万万没想到,如今看起来君邪的状态比面前这帮大汉还要强得多!\n难道昨天的训练量其实没有自己想象中的那么沉重?!\n又是一天的高强度训练下来,侍卫们更为惊讶的发现,君邪今天的速度,竟然比他昨天又要增加了不少,而且,虽然仍有些脚步虚浮,但却已经不再摇摇晃晃,至少比昨天要象样许多了。\n惊讶还没有完结,再接下来的几天训练中,君邪已经完全跟上了侍卫们的进度,甚至,更要胜出一筹!\n这样的事实让一帮护卫们都红了眼睛:这样快速的实力提升,实在是他们从来没有见到过,别说见了,简直是听也没有听说过的!\n但公子的事例却就在自己的眼前,将所谓的神话变成了活生生的现实!\n少爷都能做得到,我们为什么反而就做不到?\n这个疑问,再一次的掀起了练兵的热潮!\n每个人对力量的渴求,使得训练一下子进入了白热化的程度!\n几乎人人都是红着眼睛咬着牙齿,野兽一般的拼命训练着……\n他们还是不知道,在他们训练的基础上,君邪身上还挂着八个分量不轻的沙袋;而且每天早晨,还要给自己先进行一次特训之后才回来到这里与大家一起训练!\n而且君邪这几天对自己的训练又增加了几个内容:攀高、抓石、蹬平、通臂、匿踪……\n君邪将一天十二个时辰仔细划分,基本每一分钟都不会浪费。\n君老爷子在第三天的时候知道了这个消息,曾经在训练的时候偷偷来看过一次,老爷子欣慰自己孙子上进,却也很担心孙子操练过于频繁,欲速则不达,那就不好了,不过在看过那次之后,连面都没有露,就那么静悄悄的走了,但管家老庞却分明感觉出来,老爷子很高兴,很快活!\n甚至没人的时候,君老爷子自己在书房里甚至还哼了两句小曲,而且居然破天荒的喝醉了一次,醉得一塌糊涂,脸上却尽是欢欣;然后一个人摇摇晃晃的来到亡妻的牌位前,喃喃的不知说了些什么,竟然说了整整一夜。\n第二天才走出来,脸上带着微笑,眼角却含着几滴老泪……\n金秋节的前一天,天香城便已经开始热闹起来了。\n人人衣着光鲜,处处张灯结彩。\n远方的游子纷纷还家,一年一度的团圆节,怎么会不热闹。\n中午,醉仙楼顶层。\n侍卫们围坐在一起,占了两桌。\n在他们中间另设一桌,入座者只得两人,正是君邪和唐源。\n唐源坐在君邪对面,唉声叹气,愁眉不展。\n这几天,唐胖子可算是吃了大苦头了,唐万里老爷子几乎将自己这个孙子硕巨身体里的肥油榨出来了一半。\n首先是禁足,不许踏出家门一步,然后,只要老爷子一想起玄丹被窃这件事情,就会马上让人把唐源叫过去,对着胖子就是一顿跳着脚的大骂,再挥几个耳光子解气,接着让他滚蛋,这样的招待比一日三餐都来得频密,简直就是什么时候想起来,就什么时候招待。\n唐胖子本来就丢了大脸,差一点就把自己未来老婆输了;岳父大人那边已经骂得他狗血淋头了,未婚妻以泪洗面,以死相挟,非要退亲不可,实在难怪人家姑娘,今天是差一点,不知道那天就真输了出去那可咋办……\n父亲见了自己就是一个巴掌之后紧接着就是到处找棍子;母亲想拉着父亲又不敢拉着,皱着眉头就没有舒展过,几个弟弟每次都是见面就是先问一句:“老大,什么时候再去千金堂啊,让小弟们也去瞻仰一下老大的风采呗……”然后就是一阵乐不可支的大笑……\n最难受的是,老爷子一天训斥N次,而且每次还都要跪在算盘上,为了这,都专门打了一个铁算盘,为什么?\n废话,就唐胖子的体重,别的质地的算盘不得一跪就塌,算盘不要钱吗?\n就算是铁算盘,这段时间下来,也有些弯曲了……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 45\nIn that case, could there be an even higher existence compared to the Supreme Divine Xuan?\nCould there be an even higher existence than the Supreme Divine Xuan?\nFrom the perspective of internal strength cultivation, the answer to this question was a resounding yes! There must be a higher existence!\nHowever, this was a different world. Even though the cultivation of both internal strength and Xuan Qi shared the same path, the result may not necessary be similar. It was possible that the rules in this world were different and that Supreme Divine Xuan was the limit in Xuan Qi cultivation!\nWith Jun Xie’s current level of understanding towards Xuan Qi, he was unable to come up with a conclusive answer.\nIn addition, after having undergone the Pulp Rending Meridian Cleanser, all the meridians in Jun Xie’s body had been completely opened. It had already achieved the realm of Hundred Interlinked Vessels of a Pre-Celestial Stage expert. \nIn terms of true strength however, his was still far from being able to fight against one.\nAfter all, it had only been one month since he transmigrated to this world. To be able to transform a waste like body into his current level was already an unimaginably speedy feat!\nThis was one of the wondrous powers of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune! If one were to practice any other cultivation skill, one month may not even be enough for one to attain the beginner stages. \nMoreover, the Exquisite Hongjun PaGoda was able to act in concert with the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune and open up all the meridians in Jun Xie’s body. This was tantamount to opening up countless treasure trove that had no limits in space, just waiting for Jun Xie to fill them up one by one.\nWith Jun Xie’s current level of strength, not even an ordinary Silver levelled Xuan Qi expert could deal with him, even in a fight to the death! \nHowever, the result would be very different if this was an assassination scenario. \nAfter all, assassinations were what Jun Xie did for a living.\nHowever, the fully opened meridians also gave Jun Xie access to a peculiar ability. While not exactly a true form of imitation, as long as he could analyse a certain Xuan Qi skill cultivation formula, he would be able to imitate the forms taught by the formula. \nNaturally, he would only be able to imitate the form and not the strength of the formula.\nThinking about this, Jun Xie could not help himself and smiled: It seems that I now have another method of deception…\nThe next day, Jun Xie appeared yet again in the training ground, causing everyone to become shocked!\nYesterday’s training was one that gave these house guards’ body no small amount of suffering. Even now, many areas on their body were aching miserably to the point of death. \nAnd yet, this Young Master had actually arrived earlier at the training grounds than them!\nAfter yesterday’s training was over, almost every one of them found themselves looking at their Third Young Master in a different light, even their hearts were filled with respect for him. But, all of them were convinced that their Third Young Master would not be present tomorrow. Whether he possessed the will to do so was not the question in hand. The question was: how could his tiny physique handle it?\nUnexpectedly, they would arrive to see Jun Xie standing upright with a sword-like gaze on his face. Everyone felt as though they were caught in an illusion: Is this still the useless, waiting for death’s call, freeloading Third Young Master?\nHow did he manage to climb out of bed?!\nJun Wuyi had long since arrived at the training grounds. Sitting on his wheelchair, he observed everything that was happening. \nAlthough he had already expected Jun Xie to appear, he was still surprised. \nJun Xie’s serious condition after finishing yesterday’s training was something he understood very well. With Jun Xie’s original body capacity, there was no way he could endure that kind of burden. That was why Jun Wuyi felt that it would be understandable even if Jun Xie did not appear today. In Jun Wuyi’s opinion, even if Jun Xie managed to make an appearance, Jun Xie would be in a state of exhaustion to the point of being unsightly. Yesterday’s training was something that Jun Wuyi would not be able to easily finish even with a complete body. He never would have expected that Jun Xie would appear in a state, which was superior to the warriors before him!\nCould it be that yesterday’s training was not as heavy as I imagined?\nOnce again, another high intensity training began. To their surprise, the guards found that Jun Xie’s speed today was far superior compared to yesterday. Although some of his paces were not good, it was no longer unsteady and had become more decent compared to yesterday.\nThe surprise did not end here. In the following days of training, Jun Xie began catching up to the speed of the house guards. Eventually, he was even able to surpass some of them! \nThis occurrence caused no small number of the house guards’ eyes to turn red. This rapid rate of increment in body strength was something they had never seen before. In fact, they had never even heard of such a thing before. \nBut their Young Master was currently turning a myth into reality right before their very eyes! \nIf young master can do it, why can't we do it?\nThis question had once again set fire to their soldier hearts! \nEveryone’s thirst for power caused the training sessions to enter a new level of intensity! \nAlmost every one of them had their eyes blaze red as they gritted their teeth and trained like a wild beast with their life on the line…\nNone of them was able to realize that even while training, Jun Xie had eight considerably heavy weights strapped onto his body. In addition, he underwent a special training of his own before joining them to train in the morning.\nMoreover, Jun Xie also increased the aspects of his special training: Climbing, stone grasping, level movement, arm control, stealth…\nJun Xie had each of the twelve long hours of a day carefully divided, not wasting even a single minute.\nOn the third day, Grandpa Jun received the news about Jun Xie’s training and had secretly came over to observe. Grandpa Jun was pleased to know that his grandson was so motivated, but was also worried that Jun Xie was training too frequently, causing haste to make waste. But after seeing Jun Xie training that one time, Grandpa Jun never showed up again, he simply walked away silently and calmly. The Housekeeper, Old Pang was able to clearly feel that Grandpa Jun was very happy, very moved!\nWhen there was no one around, Grandpa Jun hummed two little tunes to himself in his study. He even became drunk for the first time. Becoming a drunken mess, his face was instead filled with joy. After that, he walked off, staggering unsteadily towards the room with the memorial tablet of his deceased wife. There, he mumbled for the whole night. \nOn the second day, he came out with a grin, several tears remaining in the corner of his eyes…\nOn the day before the Autumn Festival, Tianxiang City had already begun to liven up. \nEveryone was dressed up, and every corner was decorated in multitudinous colours. \nEveryone who was away from home had returned to celebrate the annual reunion, it would be difficult for it to not be lively.\nIn mid-afternoon, within the highest floor of the Drunken Immortal Establishment.\nA group of bodyguards were seated together in two tables. \nThere was another table between the two tables, where only two people were seated. These two were naturally Jun Xie and Tang Yuan.\nTang Yuan who was seated opposite Jun Xie constantly sighed, his brows knitted up into a scowl. \nFor the past few days, Fatty Tang could be considered to have suffered greatly. Grandfather Tang Wanli had almost ripped out the fat off the body of this grandson of his. \nFirstly, he was grounded, no longer able to take even one-step out of the residence. After which, whenever Grandfather Tang recalled the incident of the Xuan Core being stolen, he would have someone summon Tang Yuan over. Thus began a round of feet jumping cursing from Grandfather Tang to the fatty. Next, he would slap Tang Yuan a few times to vent his anger before telling him to scram. This situation would occur more than three times a day. Simply put, whenever Grandfather Tang recalled the incident would be whenever Tang Yuan had to go over.\nIn this case, Tang Yuan had originally lost a great deal of face. He nearly lost his fiancée, causing his future father-in-law to give a good scolding. His fiancée on the other hand was in tears. Threatening to kill herself, she insisted on breaking off their engagement. There was no helping it, if it had nearly occurred today, then who was to say it would not successfully happen tomorrow. When that happened, what then could she do…\nWhenever his father saw him, the first thing he would do was slap him in the face. After that, he would go look for a beating stick. Even though his mother wanted to restrain his father, she was too fearful to do so. His knitted forehead has no chance to become smooth at all. Whenever his little brothers met him, they would ask him: “Big brother, when will you go to the Thousand Gold Hall again? Please allow us to bask in your glory as well…” After saying that, they would burst out in laughter…\nHowever, the most painful matter was that each time Grandfather Tang scolded him; he would be forced to kneel down on an abacus. For this matter, a special iron abacus was made. Why? \nDon’t ask silly questions. Considering how heavy Fatty Tang was, normal abacuses would have broken down every time he kneeled on them. Abacuses do not grow on trees, you know? \nAfter these few days, even the specially made iron abacus had become bent…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第46章\n也幸亏唐胖子神经大条,心宽体胖,更有几分乐天知命的脾性。\n就算是挨了骂挨了揍,被数落的想自杀,只要回到自己房中睡一觉,立马风轻云淡,视之如过眼云烟;若是换成一个爱钻牛角尖的,恐怕这时候绳子套在屋梁上,都轮回转世好几次了。\n当然了,什么乐天知命、风轻云淡、过眼云烟大抵都是官方说法,死胖子根本就一边脸皮撕下来,贴到了另一边的面皮上——一边二皮脸,一边不要脸!\n这次胖子终于借着金秋节这个由头从家里溜了出来,第一件事就是来找君邪诉苦水。\n君邪正在发愁自己手里那到底是个什么东西,唐胖子一来,两人正是奸夫淫妇,一拍即合,兜肩搭背的就来到了醉仙楼,连呼带喊的叫了几个小菜,对饮起来。\n唐胖子喝一杯酒,叹三口气,然后伸着如同水萝卜一般的手指头指天骂地的发泄一回,再喝一口,周而复始……用词之激烈,言语之恶毒,恨意之刻骨,幽怨的如同守了一辈子活寡的老寡妇……\n楼上所有客人无不侧目!\n就连一边的侍卫也是偏过了头,做出一副不认识的样子:跟着这样的少爷出来,实在是太……掉价了……\n君大少爷更是侧目,大少纵然沉稳,但胖子骂的人貌似也包括自己,偏偏自己还要揣着明白装糊涂,发作不得,如何不侧目!\n“我说胖子,你家究竟丢了啥?你这么苦大仇深的,搞得老子连酒都喝不下去了。”\n君邪皱着眉头看着面前的酒杯,他是真喝不下去,被人骂也还算了,以君大杀手的沉稳,片刻不适也就过去,可是这酒,明明浓香扑鼻,可味道却又寡淡如水,竟无丝毫酒意,犹如泔水,委实令君邪头大如斗!\n这种酒,如果让君邪给个评价的话,简直就像是一个比唐源还要魁梧的女人往自己身上倒了整整一瓶非但劣质而且过期的香水。\n喝到这种酒,君邪居然忍不住想起了大雨之夜在那宋老三的小店中喝的酒,那种被君邪踩得一文不值的垃圾酒,如今想来居然有些神往。\n所谓人比人得死,货比货得仍,尽管那酒在君邪品来也是难以下咽,更无法与前世美酒比较,但他现在总算知道,当初那人说那酒在整个京城也是少有的好酒,而且限量卖的说法,居然……是真的!\n君邪原本那自己酿酒的想法顿时清晰了起来!\n自己貌似酒糟发酵之后反而给忘了,算算日子……\n汗,应该这几天就可以出酒头了吧?\n赶紧弄出新酒就算不为了赚钱,也为了自己有的喝啊!\n要是只喝这些个垃圾酒,还让不让老子活了!\n老子把酒酿出来的时候,他妈的也限量卖,一坛酒一万两银子,爱买不买,不买拉倒。\n自己喝一瓶看一瓶,万一真喝不了,就倒去喂猪!\n他妈的真是难以忍受的说!\n君邪捏着鼻子灌了一杯“垃圾”下肚,恶意的想着。\n以他的邪劲,若是上来了脾气,没准真拿美酒去喂猪也不是不可能的事情……\n“唉……”唐源欲言又止,一张圆圆胖胖如同荷包蛋一样光滑的脸居然看出了扭曲的表情:“三少……哥哥我真的是苦啊。\n你说那几个王八蛋,陷害谁不行?\n非得来陷害我!\n我操他们的十八辈祖宗,老子这辈子跟他们没完!\n还有那些该死的贼,你说他们偷了咱家的东西,爷爷为什么赖我啊,老子诅咒那些贼……老子诅咒他们全家都菊花残……”\n越说越激动,说到伤心事,唐源激动的站了起来,一只大腿带着汹涌的肉浪狠狠的踩在了自己坐的椅子上,浑身肥肉波澜壮阔的一抖,神色狰狞的向天大吼!\n也幸亏醉仙楼的桌椅质地真是过得去,能顶得住死胖子的重压!\n君邪可是有些顶不住了,痛苦的用手捂住脸,真想掩面而逃——跟这胖子在一起,太丢人了……\n整个醉仙楼三楼霎时间鸦雀无声!\n人人都转过头,看着这一堆肥肉在激动的抖颤。\n喘着气,唐源把大腿挪了下来,然后也没擦一下,一屁股重重地坐在椅子上,举杯猛灌。\n“三少,这次我家丢的,可是了不得的东西!”\n唐源扭曲着脸:“就为了这东西,这四五天以来,我已经是饱受蹂躏,老太爷教训了我最少十几顿,老爷子用大棍子赶着我猛捶,你说我这样……能跑的快嘛?\n看哥哥我,现在都瘦成嘛样了啊。”\n唐源哀怨地向着自己身上比了比,坐在椅子上,肚皮软哒哒的垂下去,将膝盖遮住了……\n“呃……确实是瘦了很多。”君邪违心地道,随即加上一句:“看你这瘦的,脸上都没褶子了。”\n唐源呸了一声,他本想掉掉君邪的胃口,没想到君邪居然并不追问了,虽然是件丑事,但唐源为了这件事吃了这么多的苦头,自然而然有一种非常想倾诉一番的欲望。\n要不,非死皮赖脸的拉着君邪出来干嘛?\n“那是可玄丹来着!玄丹啊三少!”唐源凑在君邪耳朵边上,低低地道:“而且还是九级巅峰玄兽的玄丹啊!这可是逆天级的宝物哇!”\n“不过是玄丹而已,我还当是什么了不起的东西。”九级巅峰玄兽的玄丹?\n君邪心中一跳,却不屑一顾的扭过头:“那玩意有什么了不起,我手里就有一个。”\n“你以为是五六级的普通货色吗?\n就你手里那玩意,能跟我家的比?”\n唐源嗤了一声:“我告诉你,我家遗失的那颗,可是最顶级的九级玄丹,这消息若是传了出去,只怕天下都会震动!\n若是有地玄强者服用了九级玄丹,足可以从地玄初阶一举冲到天玄巅峰!\n若是天玄中阶强者服用了,甚至可以一举冲上至尊神玄境界!\n至尊神玄啊三少,那可是整个天下都有数的高手!”\n唐胖子肥而短的双手夸张的做个怀抱的姿势,意思这便是天下。\n“有这么高的效力吗?”\n君邪心中有些砰砰跳,却一脸怀疑地看着他:“在我面前也吹这么大的牛?\n要是真有那么高的效力,天底下的商会还不卖疯了?!”\n“谁他妈吹牛死全家!”\n唐源大感受了侮辱,指天赌咒发誓,拍着胸脯,一张肥脸涨得通红:“卖疯了?\n你以为这东西天底下有很多吗?\n若不是天底下罕有的东西我家老太爷他妈的会发这么大火?\n我他妈跟你他妈诉苦真是找错他妈的对象了!”\n唐胖子一激动,熟练的口头禅‘他妈’二字便吊在了嘴上下不来了。\n“哦……我真的很同情你他妈。”\n君邪长长地哦了一声,顺嘴学了一句,心中迅速的盘算起来。\n若真是这么逆天的宝贝,那还真不能还给唐家了。\n这件东西,若是能为自己的家族制造一位超级强者的话,岂不比放在唐家浪费要好得多?\n两眼发红的唐源一咧嘴,觉得这几天以来,也就只有君邪肯听自己的诉苦,霎时间心中又感动起来,狠狠的醒了一把鼻涕,随手啪的甩了出去,然后正要对着君邪说两句套心窝子的话,就在这个时候。\n“谁?谁他妈的乱扔鼻涕?\n他妈的给老子站出来!\n看老子不灭他妈的九族!”\n一个尖锐的气愤到了极点的声音响起,带着无与伦比的气急败坏……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 46\nThankfully, Fatty Tang has nerves of steel, a big heart, fat body and most importantly, an optimistic attitude to life.\nEven after having suffered sessions after sessions of scolding and beatings, becoming subject of gossip to the point of wanting to commit suicide, as long as he returned to his own room and took a nap, he would clear it out of his system, considering it to all be a thing of the past. If this was a depression prone person, then the rope would already be hanging taut from the ceiling and the person would already be reincarnated a number of times.\nAlthough, this so-called optimistic attitude to life, big heart, nerves of steel was but a better way of putting it. A harsher way of putting it, he was simply a thick-faced, shameless person.\nFinally, this fatty was able to use the coming Autumn Festival as an excuse to slip away from his house. The first thing he did after escaping was to come complain to Jun Xie. \nCoincidentally, Jun Xie was busy pondering what it was that he had obtained. For Fatty Tang to come, they both hit it off, heading to the Drunken Immortal Establishment for some drinks.\nFatty Tang drank a cup of wine, then gave out three sighs. Then, he stretched out his radish-like index finger to the skies and let out a mouthful of curses as he vented his anger. Drinking another cup, he repeated… again and again… such violent intensity, such vicious deep-seated hatred, the resentment he discharged was tantamount to old woman widowed for life…\nAll the guests on the upper floor frowned! \nEven the bodyguards on the side tilted their heads, acting as though they do not know him: To have to accompany this kind of Young Master out, this is simply… humiliating…\nThe Young Master Jun himself rolled his eyes. Even though he possessed a calm temperament, the one that the fatty was cursing included himself; and yet, he had to sit here and pretend that he did not know anything, being unable to do anything else, how can he not roll his eyes?\n“I say, Fatty, what exactly was stolen from your home? With you cursing out with such bitterness, I no longer have the mood to drink anymore,” \nJun Xie looked at the cup of wine before him. He really could not stomach it, being cursed at was one thing, after all with his calm temperament something like that could be brushed off easily. The wine on the other hand was made so that its fragrance would assail one’s nose, and yet tasted like water. Drinking it does not make one feel tipsy in the slightest and it tasted just like rice water!\nIf Jun Xie were to give his evaluation on this wine: This wine is just like a woman whose body is even fatter than Tang Yuan, who applied a whole bottle of inferior and expired perfume on her whole body.\nHaving drunk this wine, Jun Xie could not help but recall Old Song’s wine from the night of the heavy rain. Jun Xie now felt a longing for the wine that he had once contemptuously considered as trash.\nThis was the so-called the “the dead should compared with other dead person; the living should be compared with other living person”. The wine was something hard for Jun Xie to swallow and could not hold a candle to the top-grade wines of his past life. But now, he finally understood. The man’s words back then of how this wine was a rare wine in this capital city and were sold in limited numbers was actually… the truth!\nJun Xie suddenly recalled that he had brewed some wine! \nAfter having placed them aside for the fermentation to take place, he totally forgot about them. Counting the days… \nOh, I should be able to take them out in a few days’ time. \nI should quickly get this wine done. Even if it is not for the sake of making money, at least I should do it for my own sake!\nIf I have to keep drinking this kind of swill, how am I supposed to live? \nOnce I take the wine out from fermentation, I too will sell in limited numbers! Son of a bitch! Ten thousand silver liangs per jug! Love it or leave it, if you don’t want to buy then just leave. \nI will drink it all myself. If I cannot finish it then I will just feed it to the pigs! \nSon of a bitch! Just saying it feels unbearable!\nHe thought viciously to himself while smelling the cup of “garbage” wine. \nWith his heretical temperament, feeding it to the pigs was not a far-fetched possibility…\n“Sigh…” Tang Yuan paused, his fat, chubby face, comparable to a poached egg was etched with a twisted expression. “Third Young Master… Brother, I am really having a miserable time. \nThose bastards, could they not have brought this calamity onto others? \nWhy did it have to be me? \ndamn their eighteen generations of ancestors! This senior will wipe them out forever! \nAnd then there are the damned thieves! They were the ones who stole the items, why is my grandfather singling me out? I curse them… this senior curse them to be crippled forever…”\nThe more he said, the more agitated he became. Tang Yuan stood up in agitation, slamming his leg down, bringing a raging wave of fat down upon the chair he was seated upon. The slabs of fat on his body surged magnificently as he roared fiercely towards the skies! \nThankfully, the chairs in the Drunken Immortal Establishment were quite decent and were able to withstand the full weight of this fatty!\nJun Xie was about to lose himself. He propped his palm onto his face, feeling a desire to just run out… being together with this fatty was simply too humiliating…\nThe entirety of the third floor of the Drunken Immortal Establishment suddenly became deathly silent! \nEveryone turned their heads, observing the pile of fat trembling in agitation.\nPanting, Tang Yuan removed his leg from the chair, sat back down without wiping it, and started to violently drink again.\n“Third Young Master, the item that my family lost this time is something extraordinary!” \nTang Yuan twisted his face. “Due to this item, my life was a living hell for the last five days. My old man gave me at least ten plus times worth of beatings, my grandfather fiercely beat me with a big stick even as he was chasing me. Look at me… do you think I can run fast? \nBrother, look at me. I am now as slim as a horse,” \nTang Yuan sadly measured his body as he sat on the chair; his soft belly fat fell down, covering his knees.\n“Err… you have indeed lost a lot of weight,” Jun Xie spoke against his conscience, and then added. “Seeing you lose so much weight, your face have no wrinkles at all.”\nTang Yuan let out a “pei”. He had originally wanted to ignite Jun Xie’s curiosity, but instead Jun Xie chose not to continue asking about it at all. Nonetheless, this matter had brought so much misery onto Tang Yuan. It was only natural that he would have the desire to talk about it. \nOtherwise, why would he drag Jun Xie out here?\n“Third Young Master, that item is a Xuan Core, a Xuan Core!” Tang Yuan moved close to Jun Xie and whispered into his ear. “In addition, it is a Xuan Core from a peak Ninth level Xuan Beast! That is simply a Heavenly defying treasure!”\n“So, it is just a Xuan Core. And here I thought it was something incredible.” A Xuan Core from a peak Ninth levelled Xuan Beast? \nJun Xie’s heart jumped, but he turned his face away dismissively. “What is so extraordinary about that toy? I too have one.”\n“You think this is the same as those Fifth and Sixth level crap? \nYou dare take your little toy and compare it with my family’s?” \nTang Yuan snorted. “Let me enlighten you, that thing in my home is a pinnacle grade Ninth level Xuan Core. If this information is to be leaked out, I fear that the whole world would quake as a result! \nIf an Earth Xuan ranked expert were to utilize a Ninth level Xuan Core, that person would be propelled from the beginner stage of Earth Xuan up to the peak stage of Sky Xuan! \nIf a Sky Xuan ranked expert of the middle stage was to utilize it, then that person would be able to charge all the way into the realm of Supreme Divine Xuan! \nThird Young Master! A Supreme Divine Xuan! The number of such experts could easily be counted!” \nTang Yuan moved his short, fat hands in an exaggerated embracing posture, signifying the world.\n“It has such a potent effect?”\nJun Xie’s heart was somewhat pounding, but he looked at Tang Yuan with a face filled with suspicion. “You dare boast so heavily in front of me? \nIf it truly has such a potent effect, then wouldn’t the Chamber of Commerce around the world sell it like crazy?”\n“Which son of a bitch is bragging will have his entire family die!” \nTang Yuan felt insulted. Raising his fingers, he made an oath, his fat face becoming red. “Sell it like crazy?\nDid you think that this is something that can be found everywhere? \nIf this was not an extremely rare item, would my grandfather become so angry? \nI am a real son of a bitch! To think I would complain about this to you son of a bitch! I have really found the wrong son of a bitch to complain to!” \nFatty Tang became agitated and began uttering his catchphrase “son of a bitch” with wanton abandon.\n“Oh… I truly feel sympathy for your mother,”\nJun Xie gave out a long “oh”. In his mind, he was considering what to do. \nIf this was truly such a Heavenly defying treasure, then he really should not return it to the Tang Family. \nThis treasure would be of much better use if he were to use it to increase the strength of his own family, creating a super level expert. That would certainly be much better than letting it go to waste in the hands of the Tang Family.\nTang Yuan whose eyes were currently both red grinned. He felt that in these past few days, Jun Xie was the only one who was willing to hear him out. This caused him to feel moved, suddenly causing some nasal mucus to rise. He easily bounced it off before turning back to face Jun Xie and continue his heartfelt conversation. It was at this moment…\n“Who was it? Which son of a bitch was carelessly bouncing off his snot? \nGet your son of a bitch ass out here! \nWatch as this senior exterminates your nine kindred!” \nA sharp, angry voice rang out loudly, bringing with it an unparalleled aura of violence and wickedness.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第47章\n君邪扭头一看,楼梯口正站着一个身穿青色绸袍的油头粉面的青年,左手搂着一个花枝招展满脸脂粉的女子。\n他此刻正满脸怒色,右边脸颊上,还沾着一大坨黄糊糊的鼻涕,正是唐源唐胖子的杰作,此刻正手忙脚乱的擦拭。\n唐源背对楼梯口,随手一甩鼻涕,贴着地飞出去。\n本来绝不会粘在人的身上,更加不会沾在人的脸上。\n但巧合的是,唐源往外甩的这一刻,正好是那青年一边两只手在怀中女子身上揉捏着,一边旁若无人兴致勃勃的踏上了楼梯,才刚在楼梯口冒出一个头。\n一团鼻涕就飞了过来,若不是及时转了下脸,恐怕这一坨鼻涕就直直的飞进了嘴里……\n君邪瞪着眼睛,瞠目结舌,良久才笑出声来。一边笑一边摇头摆手作崇拜状:“唐胖子,你的准头真是没治了,佩服佩服啊……”\n唐源目瞪口呆,半晌才苦笑:“不是我的准头没治了,而是这家伙的运气实在是太他妈逆天了……”\n这话说得倒也是,整座天香城出名的几个恶少,唐源和君邪还真没几个不认识的,既然这家伙油头粉面满脸骄横,一脸的嚣张,肯定是一个不安分的角色,但却与他们二人都不相识,那就必然是个本地纨绔子中的无名之辈。\n而这个无名之辈此刻不仅脸上被人甩了鼻涕,而且出言不逊惹上君莫邪和唐源这名满京城的两大纨绔,这运气还真是没的说了,果然是逆天级数的。\n两人这一说话,那青年顿时看向两人,松开左手挽着的女子,气势汹汹地走了过来,满脸扭曲的向着唐源大吼一声:“我操你姥姥的死胖子,你他妈的找死啊!\n还有你,小白脸,你笑你妈啊你!?”\n君邪脸色顿时阴沉了起来,本想还想劝唐源不要把人打死了,毕竟是理亏的是胖子一方,眼下一听这话,稳稳地又坐了下来。\n打死活该!\n唐源本不是什么善男信女,更兼又是人生最郁闷的时刻,正需要一个泄火的玩意,一听这句话,立即暴跳如雷,圆滚滚的身体就像排球被人狠狠拍了一记,腾地一声就跳了起来,啪的一大巴掌,宛若熊掌般厚实的右手掌瞬间与那家伙的左脸来了一个亲密接触。\n那青年万万想不到唐源本来理亏在先,现在居然又二话不说就直接动手了,此等恶少,真是世间罕见!\n他身体本就虚亏,哪里躲得过,结结实实的挨了一记,手舞足蹈的转了两个圈,一屁股坐在地上,只觉眼前满天星斗闪耀了起来,脑袋一歪,嘴一张,噗的一声,三四颗白生生的牙齿带着腥臭的血水喷了出来。\n唐源狰狞着脸扑上前去,将近四百斤的身体腾地一声将那家伙压在身子底下,左一圈右一拳,向着脸上狂奔,一边打一边骂:“操你奶奶!\n老子心情不好,你还敢在老子面前号丧,老子甩你鼻涕是给你脸,你还敢骂你老子,今天不打死你这个王八蛋,还真对不起你这个小兔崽子的那一声骂!”\n一字一顿,一字一拳,打的甚有节奏感;顿时打出了一声高似一声的杀猪般的惨叫。\n咔嚓一声,却是那家伙的腿骨硬生生被唐源的体重压断了……\n那青年不似人声的惨叫一声,身体一抽,脑袋一歪,晕了过去。\n直到此刻,和他同来的那女子才回过神来,一声高亢尖锐的叫声犹如青藏高原般响起,瞬间就高过了八度。\n“不许叫!”\n唐源恶狠狠的大吼,眉眼狰狞。\n那女子顿时一惊停下,接着却又恐惧之极的直着脖子尖叫出口,然后连滚带爬的向楼下跑去,只听得轰的一声大响,一声惨叫,跟着骨碌碌的声音突然响了起来,很显然,那女子惊慌失措之下,走路不稳,直接在楼梯上滚了皮球。\n“行了!解气了就行了,你再打就真把他打死了!”君邪皱着眉,觉得今天出来的好生无趣。\n“就算真打死他,又能怎地?\n麻烦,谁敢找老子麻烦!”\n唐源又狠狠打了两拳,这才喘着粗气站了起来,打人,也是个力气活,唐大少累得不轻,眼睛一斜:“整个京城,我唐源不敢打死的还真不多!”\n“这家伙好像还真有些来头。”君邪下巴向着外面抬了抬。\n外面急促的脚步声响起,居然有不少人向着这边迅速赶来。\n唐源不以为然的撇撇嘴:“连你我都不认识,能有什么来头?\n小杂碎一个!\n就算搬了他祖师爷来,本少爷一根指头也给他摁回去!”\n“那……那两个恶人,就在楼上。\n秦……秦公子也在。”\n楼下传来那女人惊慌失措的声音,接着便是刷刷刷几声兵器出鞘的声音,哗啦啦几声铁链子响,楼梯蹬蹬蹬的响了起来。\n霎时间,五六条大汉一脸冷肃的站在了两人面前,看了看地上躺着满脸满身鲜血的青年,都是一脸怒色,其中一人与那青年长得有些相像,方脸虬髯,愤怒的两眼如同喷出火来,一挥手:“还愣着干什么?\n把少爷扶起来,将这两个胆大包天的东西拿下了!”\n四名大汉答应一声,一步踏前,就要动手。\n在他们旁边还站着几个穿着捕快服饰的人物,闻言陪笑道:“秦帮主,你看这事,是不是交给我们?我们定然……”\n“放屁!我儿子都被打成这样子,交给你们?\n这两个王八蛋,今天我都要带走!\n一个也不会放过!\n我倒要看看,在这北城醉仙楼这个地界,那个王八蛋敢动我秦虎的儿子!”\n那人勃然大怒。\n那位捕快本想拍拍马屁,却没想到兜头吃了个大热屁,顿时满脸尴尬,不说话了。\n这位叫嚣着要报仇的大哥却是天香城六大地方帮派之中的北城帮帮主秦虎,至于那个躺在地上的青年,则是秦虎的独子,秦小宝,倒也算是一个有点来头的纨绔。\n“你的儿子动不得?”\n君邪冷眼看着他,看他这跋扈的样子就有气,下了个套:“那你儿子动别人,可不可以?\n难道像我们这等平头百姓,就要任由你这宝贝儿子欺负不成?”\n秦小宝固然算是一个有点来头的纨绔,但那得分和谁比,今天就是他的灾难日,碰到本地最有来头的纨绔二人组,尤其还碰到其中的一个纨绔急需宣泄火气的微妙时刻,就像一只兔子向着老虎和饿狼发了火,实在是有些造化弄人啊!\n“哈哈哈……我秦虎的儿子,那个敢动?\n谁动,我就灭他全家九族!”\n一听君邪自称是平头百姓,秦虎心中大定,恶狠狠地看着他:“小白脸,你们将我儿子打成这样子,难道还想活命不成?”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 47\nJun Xie turned around to see a young man wearing blue silk robes standing upon the centre of the stairs. His left arm was hugging a gorgeously dressed woman. \nThe man’s face was filled with rage as he urgently tried to wipe away a yellow lump on his right cheek. That yellow lump was none other than Tang Yuan’s snot.\nTang Yuan was seated with his back facing the stairs when he bounced his snot off to the ground. \nUnder such circumstances, the snot should not have hit anyone, much less a person’s face. \nCoincidentally though, the very moment when Tang Yuan was bouncing his snot was when the youngster and the woman were ascending the stairs. At that moment, the young man was preoccupied with kneading the woman’s bosom as they ascended, their heads just emerging from the stairs. \nIt was then that the mass of snot flew over. If not for the fact that they had their faces turned to the side, it may have directly entered his mouth…\nJun Xie was dumbfounded as he stared with bulging eyes. After a moment, he laughed out loud while he clasped his hands as a gesture of respect for Tang Yuan. “Fatty Tang, your accuracy is truly impressive, respect!”\nTang Yuan who was also dumbfounded stayed speechless for a good while before laughing bitterly. “How could this be about the impressiveness of my accuracy? This is simply this son of a bitch’s Heavenly defying luck…”\nThis argument from Tang Yuan was certainly on point. Amongst all the notorious Young Masters within Tianxiang City, Tang Yuan and Jun Xie knew most of them. This young man was expressing an overbearing attitude with a face full of arrogance, indicating that he was no ordinary person. And yet, neither Tang Yuan nor Jun Xie recognized him. This could only mean that this man was a nobody amongst the local debauchees.\nNot only did this nobody got his face hit by snot, he had currently provoked Jun Moxie and Tang Yuan, the two most notorious debauchee in the capital. As such, his luck can truly be considered Heavenly defying.\nAs the two of them were speaking, the young man suddenly turned his attention towards them. Releasing the woman from his left hand, he marched over aggressively and roared at Tang Yuan with a twisted expression. “You damned son of a bitch fatty, are you looking for death? \nAnd you, flower boy! What are you laughing at, you son of a bitch?”\nJun Xie’s face suddenly became dark and sinister. He had originally thought of advising Tang Yuan not to beat him to death. After all, the one at fault was still Tang Yuan. But after listening to those words, he slowly sat down. \nThis person simply deserved to die!\nTang Yuan was not a virtuous gentlemen. In addition, this happened to be the most depressing moment of his life and he was in dire need of a punching bag to relieve his stress. Once he heard those words, he flew into a rage. His fat spherical body blasted off like a volleyball that was kicked at full power as he slapped the youngster in the face. A palm as big as a bear’s fell upon the youngster’s cheek.\nThe youngster had never expected that Tang Yuan, who was in the wrong, would actually attack him without uttering a single word. This type of bully was indeed very rare in this world!\nHis body was weak and simply unable to avoid. All he could do was take it straight on, his body spinning twice before falling with his ass on the floor. Before him, stars flashed and his brain felt displaced. Then, his mouth was forced open as he spat out blood and four white teeth.\nWith a ferocious face, Tang Yuan rushed forward, his near four hundred jin (241.9 kg) body slammed down upon the poor bastard, landing one punch after another on the man’s face. He cursed. “Screw your granny!\nYou dare to play victim when I am in a bad mood? Me bouncing off my snot on your face is a way of showing you respect, but you dare to curse me? If I don’t beat you to death today, then I will be letting down your mother, you bastard!”\nEach word was accompanied by a punch, each punch following a certain rhythm. The resulting sounds were similar to that of a pig being miserably slaughtered.\nA “crack” sound was heard as the poor bastard’s leg was abruptly broken from the sheer weight of Tang Yuan’s body… \nThe youngster cried out miserably one more time, his body convulsing, his head tilted to the side before fainting.\nIt was at this moment that the woman who came together with the youngster recovered from shock. A shrill high-pitched cry burst out, instantly rising in intensity.\n“Stop crying!” \nTang Yuan shouted ferociously, his eyes staring at her viciously. \nThe woman stopped in shock. She grasped her neck with a face filled with fear before running down the stairs. A huge “bang” was heard followed by a wretched cry and a tumbling sound. Apparently, the woman had lost her balance while running down the stairs and ended up tumbling down.\n“That is enough! Since you have already vented your anger, just leave him be. If you continue beating him, he will really die!” Jun Xie frowned, as he began to feel tired from today’s outing.\n“So what if I really kill him? \nTrouble? Who dares give this senior trouble?”\nTang Yuan gave the man two more vicious punches before standing up. He panted as he did so. Punching people was something that required effort after all. Tang Yuan was obviously quite tired as his eyes squinted. “In this whole capital, there are really not many people that I, Tang Yuan cannot kill!”\n“This bastard seems to have some background,” Jun Xie indicated towards the outside with his chin. \nOutside, urgent footsteps could be heard as no small amount of people rushed towards them.\nTang Yuan dismissed it with curled lips. “He is someone that neither you nor me recognizes. What kind of background could he have? \nJust a bunch of damaged goods! \nEven if his ancestor were to come, this Young Master will use my one finger to push him back home!”\n“The… the two wicked people are upstairs. \nQin… Young Master Qin is also up there.” \nThe panicked voice of the woman was heard from below. Following that, the sounds of swords being drawn out from their sheaths were heard. The sound of iron was heard as the sound of footsteps on the stairs came.\nIn an instant, roughly six warriors with cold looks on their faces came to stand before the two of them. Noticing the young man covered with blood sprawled on the floor, their faces became furious. One of them bore some resemblance to the youngster, his face squarish, sporting a beard, he roared angrily as his eyes seemingly discharged waves of fire. “What are you doing just standing there? \nHelp the Young Master up and deal with these two audacious beasts!”\nFour of the warriors acknowledged the order. They stepped forward, ready to act.\nBeside them stood several men wearing officer uniforms. They laughed as they asked. “Clan Leader Qin, do you want to let us handle this matter? We will certainly…”\n“What nonsense! My son has already been beaten to such a sorry state, and yet you want me to hand this over to you?\nToday, I will be taking these two bastards with me!\nNot a single one of them will be let off the hook!\nI am curious to know, which bastard dares to touch my, Qin Hu’s son! Especially in this Drunken Immortal Establishment located in the northern area of the city!”\nThe man was greatly furious.\nThe two officers originally wanted to ingratiate themselves up to him, but instead ending up provoking him. They felt embarrassed and became silent.\nThe person who was furiously clamouring on about revenge was the Clan Leader of the Northern City Clan, one of the Six Great Clans within Tianxiang City. As for the youngster lying on the ground, he was none other than the only son of Qin Hu, Qin Xiaobao, a debauchee with quite the considerable background.\n“Your son is “untouchable”?”\nJun Xie stared at him with cold eyes as he watched Qin Hu express himself in such a domineering manner. “Then what if your son tries to “touch” us?\nAre you saying that the common people, like us can only be bullied by your precious son?”\nQin Xiaobao could certainly be considered as a debauchee with a considerable background. But that would depend on who was being compared with him. And today would be a calamitous day for him, for the two person he had bumped into just happened to be the two debauchee with the biggest backing in the city. In addition, one of them happened to be in dire need of venting his wrath. Qin Xiaobao’s current situation was tantamount to a little rabbit showing off before a tiger and a wolf. This truly was a case of Heaven toying with the will of men.\n“Hahaha… who dares touch my, Qin Hu’s son?\nWhoever dares, I will destroy his entire clan!”\nWhen he heard Jun Xie claiming to be “common people”, Qin Hu’s heart became set as he viciously stared at him. “Little flower boy, for you two to beat up my son until he is in such a sorry state, it seems like you have a death wish.”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第48章\n唐源勃然大怒,正要跳起来,亮出身份,君邪伸出手拦住了他。\n此事实在不用他们两个出面,由他们两大少爷亲自处理,实在是跌份。\n本来此事原本是唐源不对在先,若不是那秦小宝骂人太过难听,今日此时说说也就过去了。\n但现在听到秦虎这么说话,却让君邪起了杀心!\n君邪行事,素来不分什么善恶正邪,想到就做,我行我素,快意恩仇。\n单凭秦虎这一句话,君邪就已经决定决计不会放过北城帮了!\n如此老子如此儿子,不知道会做了多少恶事,名副其实的老子坏种儿混蛋,君邪理所当然的认为,杀之胜造七级浮屠,乃是替天行道,当有大功德!\n唐家的侍卫首领站了起来,他身后三人随之站起,四人身上同时泛出银光,四位银玄高手共同阴沉着脸踏上了一步,眼如利刀:“秦虎算是什么东西?”\n秦虎一愣,顿时感到了强大的气势压了过来,心念电转,强提玄气,顿时浑身金芒闪烁,收起了先前的狂傲之态,慎重地道:“在下秦虎,乃是北城帮帮主,敢问阁下是?”\n金品玄者!\n秦虎作为一帮之主,果然不是等闲之辈。\n可惜这个金品强者的心内却已经在打鼓,见到对方实力,这位北城帮帮主转换脸皮的本事,更是一绝!\n银品玄者自然不放在他的眼中,但问题却是这两个人竟然拥有四名银品高手做护卫!\n这说明了什么?\n这两人究竟是什么来头?难道,儿子这次又惹了不该惹的人不成?\n金品高手固然有资格成为一帮之主,秦虎在京城市井之中也算是一号人物,可是他不能招惹的人依然是大有人在!\n记得前段时间儿子就是惹到了一位很是俊秀的公子,当街调戏那位公子漂亮的侍女,当时人家并没有怎么样,但当天晚上整个北城帮的高层就全部一个不少的被抓进了一个非常隐秘的所在,自己的玄气本是金品巅峰修为,居然直接被打落了一阶成了金品中阶,儿子秦小宝更被点破了丹田,终生无法再修习玄气!\n三天三夜之后,才得以保住性命出来。\n然而保住性命的代价,却是变成了那人手中的一颗棋子。\n虽然到现在依然不知道那位公子是谁,但秦虎却知道,定然是城中权势熏天的几大家族的公子之一!\n当朝的权贵,就是金品玄者甚至一般的地玄强者也招惹不起的存在!\n而面前这一个,单从这架势来看,居然好像比那位神秘公子更加强势的样子。\n而面前这小白脸,比那位神秘公子更加的俊秀,不会两次都栽同一个跟头吧?\n“北城帮帮主?秦虎?\n没听说过,那来的垃圾,竟敢如此放肆,至于我是谁?!\n本来凭你是不够资格知晓,但你儿子居然敢冒犯我们唐府大公子,本已是罪不可赦,我家公子宽宏大度,宅心仁厚,只略施薄惩,便不再与你儿子计较!\n而你身为他的父亲,不思感恩戴德,好好管教自己的儿子,反而带着人来兴师问罪,更与官府勾结,欲要将两位公子捉拿回去!\n秦虎,你好大的胆子啊!”那侍卫首领瞪着秦虎,缓慢低沉地说道。\n好口才!\n君邪心中喝彩。\n这侍卫头领一张嘴就把罪过全部套到了秦小宝的头上,只是这一段话,便已经让秦虎全无辩驳的余地了,这还罢了,最高明的地方却是把唐大公子唐胖子给无限美化,就凭这不着痕迹的马屁功夫,绝对是个人才,大大的人才!\n“唐府大公子?”秦虎一听这话真差点没吓死。\n他现在最害怕的,很凑巧就是唐家。\n不为别的,做贼心虚啊!\n那位神秘公子也确实可怕,可是无知者无畏,秦虎虽然也畏惧那位神秘公子,但始终不知道那公子的来历,以及本身实力到底有多强,可是唐府!\n那个是整个京城都是响当当老牌世家,灭自己的小小北城帮绝对跟玩似的!\n更别说他之前按照那位神秘公子的吩咐,将唐家的玄丹偷了出来,眼下正是最惶恐不安的时候,唯恐那天唐家突然找上门来,那便是自己的北城帮的灭顶之灾了。\n谁曾想到自己的儿子居然在这节骨眼上却招惹了唐家的大公子!\n这可真是自作孽,不可活了!\n这一刻,秦虎感觉自己要晕过去了!\n这样的冤家对头,躲还来不及,儿子竟然与他们正面对上了,找死也没这么找的吧?\n别人撞了南墙就回头了,可自己儿子怎么撞了南墙还不回头!\n看着被唐家大公子“略施薄惩”,躺在地上满身血污的儿子,秦虎心中又气又急又是心疼。\n自己北城帮虽然势力不小,但与唐家这等高门大阀的权贵比起来,却实在是如同蚂蚁老虎一般的悬殊!\n自己唯一的儿子,真是太不成气了。\n上次惹了事,被废了玄气,丢了半条命,仍旧不长记性,看来这次,只怕连剩下的那半条小命也要没有了。\n不光是秦虎惶恐,那四个捕快也彻底傻了眼。\n本想这次过来帮秦公子出口气,必定每人都可以发一笔小财,哪知道却对上了唐大公子,这就不是要钱的问题,直接要命了!\n“至于你们几个公门败类,暂时留在这里,让你们的上司来领人。\n我倒要问问他们,刑部缉凶衙门居然就是像你们这般做事的?\n依附黑帮势力,欺压弱小良民,为虎作伥?为非作歹!”\n唐源阴沉沉地看着那几个捕快,这番话居然说的是滴水不漏兼大义凛然!\n只不过这样的话实在不应该从唐源的嘴里说出来,而应该别人说唐源才对!\n无怪乎听在君邪耳朵里,却是禁不住要捧腹大笑,唐胖子居然自称弱小良民,还真敢说!\n四位捕快脸色惨白,面面相觑,摇摇欲坠,估计胖子再大声吆喝一句,就能把他们几个吓死过去!\n唐源的岳父孙成何乃是刑部侍郎,主管的正是这一块,这些人的上司便是孙成何的直接下属,若是真的来了,一看这四人帮助北城帮对付的竟然是自己顶头上司的女婿,那还不火大之极?\n那这四个家伙就真正完蛋了。\n这四个家伙确实是倒霉,他们自然是听说过唐大公子的名头,可是他们的资格实在太垃圾,唐大公子这样的高级人物,他们是只闻其名,未见其人,今天直接撞在铁板上了!\n“原来是唐大公子,小可失敬失敬。”\n秦虎赶紧换了一副脸色,满面堆笑的上来拱手深深一礼:“犬子有眼无珠,冒犯了唐公子,更有劳唐大公子代小可管教,小可这里多谢了,万望公子爷大人大量,从轻发落一二。”\n唐源鼻孔朝天,哼了一声,不理不睬,转头对四名侍卫道:“这小子无缘无故的对我撒野,定有内情!\n我现在怀疑,这北城帮与我唐家的被盗一案有关系,把这小子带回去,好好审问。”\n四名侍卫齐声答应,却是面现难色。\n心道这件事起因是在你自己身上,而你在甩人一脸鼻涕之后,又已经将人家打得半死,人家老子也已经对你低声下气了;现在还要不依不饶诬赖人家偷盗,实在是太过分了一些。\n唐源这句话本来也就是心中不忿,发发邪火而已,随便东拉西扯乱扣大帽子;秦小宝这么招惹于他,又是在唐源心情一生之中最差的当口,他岂能善罢甘休?\n但唐源却万万没想到,自己这随口诬赖的一句话,竟然瞎猫碰上了死耗子,无巧不巧的一棍子打到了正主身上!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 48\nTang Yuan’s fury rose to the skies and was about to jump up and shout out his name, however Jun Xie restrained him with a hand.\nIf the two of them were to personally step forward, then the reputation of these two Young Masters’ would suffer.\nAfter all, Tang Yuan was the one who was at fault in the first place. If Qin Xiaobao had not cursed in such a vicious manner, then this whole matter would have been over with just a few words.\nHowever, after listening to Qin Hu’s words, Jun Xie’s killing intent was lit.\nJun Xie’s manner of conduct has never been about considering right or wrong. He would act on his own whim, deciding if someone was an ally or enemy in a heartbeat.\nAfter hearing Qin Hu’s words, Jun Xie had resolved to not show any mercy to the Northern City Clan!\nLike father, like son. Who knows how many people would suffer under these men. Considering how both father and son were bastards, Jun Xie believed that killing them would be an act of helping Heaven dispense justice, one that would earn great merit!\nThe leader of the Tang Family’s bodyguards stood up. The other three men behind him followed suit, as their bodies all exuded a silver radiance. The four Silver levelled Xuan Qi experts stepped forward in tandem, their gaze akin to a sword. “What kind of person is this Qin Hu?”\nQin Hu was momentarily shocked as he felt a powerful pressure converging upon him. His mind started thinking, his body channelling xuan qi, causing his body to glow with a golden radiance. He then retracted his arrogant demeanour and cautiously replied. “I am Qin Hu, the Clan Leader of the Northern City Clan. May I ask whom might you be?”\nA Gold levelled Xuan Qi expert!\nAs the master of a clan, Qin Hu was certainly no ordinary person!\nHowever, this Gold levelled Xuan Qi expert’s heart was currently thumping rapidly. Having witnessed the strength of the opposing side, the Clan Leader of the Northern City Clan immediately changed his attitude!\nNaturally, he would not view those Silver levelled Xuan Qi experts highly. But the problem lied in the fact that these two brats actually having four Silver levelled experts as bodyguards!\nWhat could this mean?\nWhat kind of backing do these two have? Could it be that his son had once again provoked someone that he should not?\nA Gold levelled expert was indeed qualified to become a Clan Leader. Within the city, Qin Hu was considered to be quite the influential individual. However, the number of people that Qin Hu cannot afford to provoke remained substantial!\nQin Hu recalled that not too long ago, his son had provoked a very handsome looking Young Master by molesting a beautiful maid of the Young Master. Back then, the Young Master did not retaliate in any way. However, after night fell, all the senior members of the Northern City Clan were captured. They were then transported into a secret location. As for Qin Hu, his Xuan Qi cultivation which was at the peak of the Gold level ended up falling down one stage to the mid-stage of the Gold level after being constantly beaten by them. His son, Qin Xiaobao on the other hand, had his dantian broken and could no longer cultivate Xuan Qi!\nAfter three days and three nights, they were finally released.\nBut the price of their freedom was to become the pawns of that Young Master.\nEven though he still does not know the identity of that person, Qin Hu knew that he was definitely a Young Master from one of the great families with sky shaking authority!\nIn the face of the influential nobles of the royal court, not even the average Earth Xuan ranked expert could afford to provoke them, what more a mere Gold levelled Xuan Qi expert!\nCurrently, the one standing before him had a posture, which suggested that he was even more powerful than the mysterious Young Master.\nIn addition, the flower boy seemed even more handsome compared to the mysterious Young Master. Could it be that both of them were those kinds of existences?\n“Clan Leader of the Northern City Clan? Qin Hu?\nI have never heard of you before. Where did you come from, you trash? To think that you would dare act presumptuously here. Who am I?\nSomeone like you would never have the qualifications to know, but today your son actually dared to offend our Eldest Young Master Tang, an unforgivable sin. But our Young Master is a man of expansive and generous heart. After merely giving your son a light punishment, he decided to let your son off!\nAs a father, not only should you feel grateful, you should have taken this opportunity to discipline your son! Instead, you brought your men to pin the blame on others. In addition, you also colluded with officials to capture these two Young Masters!\nQin Hu, it seems you have quite a pair on you!”The leader of the bodyguards stared at Qin Hu as he said in a slow, deep voice.\nGreat articulation!\nJun Xie secretly applauded.\nWith just a few sentences, this bodyguard leader had thrown all the crimes onto Qin Xiaobao, giving no room for Qin Hu to refute. But that was not all, the highlight of his words were the part where he gave Fatty Tang’s reputation a high-class “landscaping”. Just by considering his skill in blowing hot air, this man was certainly a talent, an absolutely great talent!\n“The Eldest Young Master of the Tang Family?” Hearing those words, Qin Hu was nearly shocked to death.\nThe one family he feared most at the current was none other than the Tang Family.\nThe reason was simple, a guilty conscience!\nEven though the mysterious Young Master was terrifying, ignorance is bliss. Qin Hu naturally feared the mysterious Young Master, but he did not know the identity or the extent of the mysterious Young Master’s background. But the Tang Family was a different matter!\nThe Tang Family was a renowned name in the whole city. For the Tang Family to destroy his tiny, little Northern City Clan would be no different from child’s play.\nNot to mention, he had previously followed the instructions of the mysterious Young Master to steal the Xuan Core from the Tang Family. As of now, the situation remained dire. Every day, he dreaded that the Tang Family would appear before his doorstep, bringing the destruction of his Northern City Clan with it.\nWho could have guessed that his own son would end up provoking the Eldest Young Master of the Tang Family at this critical moment!\nWhat a self-defeating move, how was he supposed to live through this?\nAt this moment, Qin Hu felt that he was about to faint!\nWhen faced against such dangerous people, one would normally hide themselves in a hurry. And yet his son actually ended up offending them! Even if you want to commit suicide, do you have to commit suicide in such a manner?\nNormal people would turn back after hitting into a brick wall, but why did his own son not turn away even after hitting a brick wall?\nLooking at his son who was sprawled on the floor, blood splattered all over his body after being “lightly punished” by the Eldest Young Master Tang, Qin Hu felt anger, worry and heartache.\nHis Northern City Clan may not be a lightweight powerhouse, but when compared to the highly influential Tang Family, it was no different from an ant compared to a tiger.\nThis only son of his was simply too spoiled.\nBack then, he ended up losing his Xuan Qi cultivation due to the trouble he caused, losing half his life in the process. And yet, he did not keep that lesson in mind. It seemed that his life might well be forfeit this time around.\nHowever, the ones who were feeling dreadful were not only Qin Hu, but also those four officers.\nThey had originally intended to help Master Qin relieve his anger and in the process earn a small fortune. How could they have guessed that the person would be Young Master Tang? This was no longer a monetary problem, but a life and death problem!\n“As for you scums of the government, you will all stay here for now and wait for your superior to come.\nI want to question them, is this how the men from the Ministry of Justice conduct themselves?\nComplying with the wishes of the underground gangs and oppressing the weak, common people, becoming a jackal for tigers? A servant of injustice!”\nTang Yuan gave the few officers with a deep, sinister stare, each and every one of his words were morally just and righteous!\nHowever, these words should not have come out from Tang Yuan’s mouth. It should have been directed at Tang Yuan instead!\nJun Xie who was listening by the side, felt tempted to burst out in laughter. Fatty Tang sure had guts, to call himself a weak, common people!\nThe four officers’ face became deathly pale as they turned to look at one another, their bodies swaying weakly as though it was about to fall. If Tang Yuan had shouted slightly louder, then these men would have been scared to death!\nTang Yuan’s father-in-law to be, Sun Chenghe was the Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Justice, the one in charge of them all. Their superior was a subordinate of Sun Chenghe. If their superior came and saw that they had colluded with the Northern City Clan to deal with the son-in-law of the one above them, just how much trouble would arise?\nWhen that happened, these four bastards were as good as dead.\nThese four officers were truly unfortunate. They had naturally heard of the Eldest Young Master Tang, but their positions were too low and were not able to meet him in person. As an exalted individual, Tang Yuan was someone whom they have only heard of. Today however, was the day they found themselves slammed with his identity!\n“It turns out that this person is the Eldest Young Master Tang. Please accept my apology,”\nQin Hu instantly shifted his facial expression into one of flattering smile. He clasped his hands together courteously as he saluted. “This lowly one has eyes but failed to see. I have offended Young Master Tang. I had even troubled Young Master Tang to help in disciplining my son. This lowly one is deeply grateful and hopes that the immeasurably generous senior Young Master Tang could show leniency.”\nTang Yuan held his nose up high and snorted, ignoring Qin Hu. He turned to face the four bodyguards and said. “This brat was being rough with me for no reason, there must a story behind it!\nI now suspect that there is a relation between the Northern City Clan and the robbery case of my Tang Residence. Bring this brat together and interrogate him properly.”\nThe four bodyguards acknowledge the order in unison, but their faces showed a pained expression.\nThey thought to themselves: This matter was originally your fault to begin with. You bounced off your snot onto someone else’s face, and then you beat that person to the point of death. Now his father had already apologized to you in such a humble manner, but instead you decide to accuse others of being a thief. This is just too much.\nThese words were simply the result of Tang Yuan’s vexed emotions, a way for him to vent his fury. He simply accused Qin Xiaobao of whatever he could think of, after all Qin Xiaobao had offended him during the worst possible time. How would Tang Yuan just let him off the hook?\nHow could Tang Yuan have known that this nonsensical accusation of his was just like a cat running into a dead mouse! Without any form of cunning or skill, he had actually caught the thief!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第49章\n一听唐源这句话,秦虎亡魂皆冒,浑身冷汗顿时冒了出来,我的天呀!\n这下子可真是夜路走多了遇上鬼了。\n任谁都明白这小子只是诬赖而已,可在这却偏偏说中了事实,真是他妈的……操蛋之极!\n万一儿子被他带回去说出什么不该说的,这唐家的聪明人可是不少啊。\n君邪邪笑着,冷眼旁观着,见到秦虎脸上的表情一下子变得惨白,眼神更是躲躲闪闪了起来,不由得心中大为奇怪。\n唐胖子这句话充其量不过是想多要点面子加好处而已,秦虎至于这么惊慌失措吗?\n再怎么说也是一帮之主,虽然北城帮在六大帮派之中乃是最为垫底的一个,但作为帮主的秦虎也不应该如此脓包吧?\n其实对于作为秦虎而言,若能借这件事结交上唐家,根本就是一大幸事,可看他那副德行,竟是很有一些做贼心虚的味道……为什么?\n停!做贼心虚?!这么一想,君邪顿时看向秦虎的目光变得意味深长,心中也顿时盘算起来。\n“犬子无礼,大少教训是应该的;不知是否可以先让在下将犬子带回去养好伤之后,专程送到府上请大少教训?\n自然,犬子惊吓了大少和贵友,秦某必然会有所补偿,定然让大少满意就是!”\n秦虎毕竟是一帮之主,虽然上次那件事之后变得有些惊弓之鸟的意思,但多年的历练毕竟不是易于,迅速恢复了过来。\n陪着笑脸,提出了折中之策。\n唐源哼了一声,道:“我倒要看看你们北城帮怎么补偿!”\n他这么说,便已经表示不再追究了,唐胖子也是光棍,如今面子里子都有了,就看好处如何了!\n秦虎也是老江湖,当然听得出来,大喜拜谢道:“多谢大少开恩,大人大量!\n改日秦某必定登门拜访,专程感谢大少的大恩大德。”\n唐源嗯了一声,看向君邪。\n“我这里是没事了,不过你儿子刚才可是将君三少骂的不轻,只要三少不怪罪,你们就可以走了。”\n“君三少?!”秦虎顿时想起了君莫邪的名字,能让唐源摆出这种姿态来的‘君三少’,除了臭名昭著的君莫邪,貌似整个京城再也没有第二个!\n原来自己儿子不仅惹了唐大少,还骂了更加难缠的君三少!\n这一刻,秦虎突然有一种将自己的儿子一把掐死的冲动,如果这小子不是自己唯一的一点血脉的话。\n君邪看着秦虎,眸中光芒一闪,随即隐去,心中已经打定了一个主意。\n秦虎和儿子秦小宝一个蛮横跋扈,一个骄纵护短,君邪可以想到,这父子二人如此的组合,已经造下了多大的孽!\n不说别的,就说今天,倘若不是遇上了自己和唐源,换个普通人在这里,哪里还会有命在?\n秦虎、秦小宝,此等人渣,不杀不快!北城帮,不除不快!\n君邪杀机已动!\n不过他还有些顾忌,主要是他敏感的感觉到,在这酒楼上,似乎有什么人在窥探着自己,观察着自己的一举一动……\n懒洋洋的向身后椅背上一靠,习惯性的翘起了二郎腿,手指一点一点的点着秦虎的额头:“秦虎,本来以你刚才那番话,本少爷就要教训与你!\n不过看你态度也还恭谨,此事就这么算了吧。\n呃,听说你们北城帮在城北开了不少赌场?\n听说北城帮每天都是金山银山财源滚滚?\n呵呵……可真是发财啊。”\n眼睛一瞪,冷笑两声,道:“秦虎,本少爷等着看你的态度哈哈,你若让我不满意,本少爷担保你北城帮上下男女老幼绝对没有一个人能够看到后天早晨的太阳!”\n说到这里,突然身子坐直,接着俯下腰来,凑在秦虎耳边,怪笑道:“不过,若是让我满意了,有你的好处哈哈哈……”\n你还不如直接说多多益善的拿银子来!\n绕这么一大圈有意思嘛?\n秦虎心中大骂,但无奈形势比人强,自己身为一帮之主,却被面前一个十几岁的小孩子指着鼻子狂骂,唾沫星子喷了一脸,实在是丢人之极!\n但秦虎却不敢表露任何一点不满,因为这位说要灭掉北城帮,貌似实在不是什么太费劲的事情……\n陪着笑脸赌咒发誓一定要让君三少满意,秦虎说尽了好话,才终于在君邪的一挥手之下,抱起儿子灰溜溜的走了。\n“呸!真是扫兴!”\n唐源向着秦虎的背影,狠狠吐了口唾沫,“三少,明天晚上落月湖中心岛金秋才子宴,你来不来?\n听说有不少新鲜玩意!”\n按照惯例,每年金秋佳节,天香国便会在金秋节这天的晚上,在天香城中落月湖的中心岛上,举办一次金秋才子宴,皇帝指定几位大臣,宴请文星书院前十名才子,而实际上,这十个人也是即将毕业,进入朝堂人物中的佼佼者,借这次机会对这些品评一下,然后安排相应的职位。\n所以说这金秋才子宴,便等于是读书士子一跃入龙门的平台。\n只有十个名额,对数千学子来说,自然是僧多粥少;这样一来,自然让文星书院学子之间的竞争更加激烈,同时这样的场合,当然会被众人关注,各大家族也会分别派人前去,看看这些人能不能拉到自己家族阵营之中。\n还有一则,就是这些才子们大都是些单身汉,而且还都是前途无量的黄金单身汉,所以一些贵族小姐们也想从这里面挑选一些如意郎君,自然许多的莺莺燕燕也是要来参观的。\n这么多名门闺秀聚集一堂,像唐源君莫邪这等纨绔自然更加不会放过这猎艳的机会,而为了与才子们争夺佳人的注目,也会彼此比试一番,不过每次都是纨绔们输的屁滚尿流,但却年年乐此不疲。\n此刻唐源问起来,瞧他激动的浑身肥肉乱颤的样子,显然是势在必行,当然了,是否能志在必得就不好说了,反正是很不乐观就是了。\n“才子宴?唐大少,你看我们两个的样子,像是……才子吗?”君邪翻了翻眼皮:“菜籽,还差不多。”\n君大少爷心里还有句话实在是没好意思说,本少爷眉清目秀,自然很象才子,可是您老哥呢,说您是菜籽都不恰当,肥籽还差不多!\n“屁!什么才子?\n还不就是一群惟利是图的酸丁罢了,像去年那个赵成松,在金秋才子宴上给了老子一个没脸,让老子在李小姐面前丢了脸,拽得跟二五八万似的,本公子立即指示将他弄进唐家,才一许以高官厚禄,那家伙还不是立马屁颠屁颠的来了?\n你知道他现在在做什么官吗?”唐源得意洋洋。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 49\nHearing Tang Yuan’s words, Qin Hu felt as though his soul was suddenly shattered, cold sweat breaking out through his body. Oh, my God!\nThis situation was just akin to bumping into a ghost in the middle of the night.\nAnyone could see that Tang Yuan was blindly accusing, and yet his accusations had actually hit the bull’s eye. What an extremely messed up son of a bitch!\nIf his son somehow let out anything he should not… the amount of smart people within the Tang Family was not to be underestimated!\nJun Xie was grinning sinisterly as he sat on the side. However, when Jun Xie saw Qin Hu’s face turning pale, his eyes glancing evasively, Jun Xie felt surprised.\nThose words from Fatty Tang was simply his way to getting more in terms of reputation and benefits. Was there a need for Qin Hu to panic until such a degree?\nNo matter how you cut it, Qin Hu was still a Clan Leader. Even though the Northern City Clan was presently the weakest amongst the Six Great Clans, surely Qin Hu had no need to be so fearful.\nIn fact, depending on how Qin Hu dealt with this situation, he could actually use this opportunity to ingratiate himself with the Tang Family, turning this into a great blessing. And yet, his current expression was one filled with guilt… why so?\nWait! Guilt?! Thinking about that, Jun Xie’s gaze towards Qin Hu changed, becoming more meaningful, his mind clicking into place.\n“This lowly one’s son was being rude; it is only fitting that he be disciplined. But, may I request the permission to first bring him back to treat his wounds before sending him to Eldest Young Master’s residence for disciplinary action?\nNaturally, since this lowly one’s son had caused Eldest Young Master a fright, I will definitely compensate you to your satisfaction!”\nEven though he had been rendered fearful after what happened last time, as a Clan Leader with years of experience, Qin Hu was able to immediately recover.\nHe proposed a compromising stance with a smile on his face.\nTang Yuan gave out a “heng” and said. “I would like to see just how you Northern City Clan plan to compensate me!”\nThis sentence of his signified that he no longer wished to pursue this matter. Now that Fatty Tang has managed to keep his face, all he wanted was benefits!\nAs an experienced man, Qin Hu naturally understood Tang Yuan’s intentions and replied in a grateful voice. “I thank the great Eldest Young Master for your mercy!\nI will certainly visit to thank Eldest Young Master for your great kindness!”\nTang Yuan gave a light “en” and turned towards Jun Xie.\n“I no longer have a problem with you, but your son had earlier cursed Third Young Master Jun here. As long as Third Young Master Jun is willing, then you are free to go.”\n“Third Young Master Jun?!” Qin Hu suddenly recalled this name. In the entire city, the infamous Jun Moxie was the only one whom Tang Yuan would address as “Third Young Master Jun”!\nNot only did his son offend the Eldest Young Master Tang, he also cursed the even more terrifying Third Young Master Jun!\nAt this moment, Qin Hu was almost overwhelmed with an impulse to strangle his own son. If only Qin Xiaobao was not his only heir.\nJun Xie looked at Qin Hu, his eyes flashed for a moment before fading instantly, his mind made up.\nQin Hu and his son Qin Xiaobao were both rude, overbearing and arrogant in shielding their own mistakes. Jun Xie could only imagine how many sins these two have committed!\nToday, if Qin Xiaobao had not met Jun Xie and Tang Yuan and had instead met an ordinary person, would that person still be alive?\nQin Hu, Qin Xiaobao, facing such scums of society, letting them live would cause Jun Xie discomfort! Allowing Northern City Clan to survive would also cause Jun Xie discomfort!\nJun Xie’s killing intent had been provoked!\nBut he was hesitant, mainly because he could feel that someone was secretly observing him in this building, noting his every move…\nHe leaned back lazily upon the chair and lifted both his legs by force of habit. He pointed at Qin Hu’s head with his finger. “Qin Hu, after hearing your words earlier, I had originally intended to teach you a lesson!\nBut seeing you show such a respect, I have decided to forget about it.\nUh, I heard that your Northern City Clan had opened no small number of casinos.\nI also hear that the Northern City Clan is rolling in mountains of gold and silver every day.\nHehe… truly prosperous.”\nStaring at Qin Hu, Jun Xie let out two cold sneers. “Qin Hu, this Young Master shall observe how you handle your affairs. If you dare make me dissatisfied, then this Young Master can assure you that no one in your Northern City Clan, regardless of age or gender could live to see tomorrow’s rising sun!”\nHaving said that, Jun Xie bent his body. He approached Qin Hu’s ears and smiled in a peculiar manner. “However, if you can satisfy me, then you will get to enjoy some benefits, hahaha…”\nYou might as well just say cough out as much money as you can!\nWas there any need to beat around the bush in such a long-winded manner?\nQin Hu inwardly cursed, but was unable to do anything as the opposing side’s influence was stronger than his. As a Clan Leader, he had to endure being abused by a young teenager. How humiliating!\nNonetheless, Qin Hu dared not show the slightest hint of unhappiness. This was because it really would not take much for Jun Xie to exterminate the Northern City Clan…\nWearing a smile on his face, Qin Hu promised that he would satisfy Third Young Master Jun. After having exhausted all his flattering words, Jun Xie waved him off, allowing him to pick up his son and leave in a disheartened manner.\n“Pooh! What a mood breaker!”\nTang Yuan fiercely spat out as he watched Qin Hu’s leaving back. “Third Young Master, the Gifted Scholar’s Feast will be held tomorrow evening in the centre Island of Moondrop Lake. Are you going?\nI heard that there will be a lot of new stuff!”\nTraditionally, Tianxiang Kingdom will hold a Gifted Scholar’s Feast during the annual Autumn Festival. This feast would be held during the evening in the centre Island of Moondrop Lake. The Emperor would take this opportunity to have his ministers arrange for the first ten gifted scholars from the Wenxing Institute of Knowledge to appear. These ten individuals were in fact, the few handsome talents that were about to graduate and serve the royal court. Using this feast, their talents would be judged before being assigned to the appropriate positions.\nAs such, this Gifted Scholar’s Autumn Festival Feast was no different from a platform for them to soar into the dragon’s gate.\nA mere ten places were certainly not enough for the thousands of scholars. This situation would cause an intense competition to arise among the scholars of Wenxing Institute of Knowledge. This situation would also become the main focus of the masses. Even the great families would assign some men to attempt to approach these men into serving their family.\nIn addition, these gifted scholars were mostly bachelors with a very promising future. Thus, some young ladies from various noble families would desire to select their future husbands from amongst them. Naturally, many others would choose to join in as well.\nWith so many ladies from the noble families there, it was only natural for the debauchees like Tang Yuan and Jun Moxie to appear. In order to garner the attention of the beauties, they would end up competing with the gifted scholars in a battle of wit. However, each of these competitions would end with the debauchee side losing miserably. Such was the scenario each year. \nAt the current, Tang Yuan asked with a look of excitement on his whole fat body, he obviously felt that this was an important matter. But, whether they would be able to win was not something they dared to declare. The only thing that could be said was that it does not look optimistic.\n“Gifted Scholar’s Feast? Eldest Young Master Tang, just look at the two of us. Do we look like… gifted scholars?” Jun Xie rolled his eyes. “It would be more accurate to call us rapeseeds.”\nIn his heart, Jun Xie had to restrain himself from saying: With my delicate features, it may not be too farfetched to be labelled a gifted scholar. But you my dear brother, even calling you a rapeseed is inappropriate. For you, it would be more fitting to call you a fat seed!\n“Nonsense! What gifted scholars?\nThey are just a bunch of pedantic men bent on making profit. Do you remember that Zhao Chengsong who caused me to lose face in front of Miss Li in last year’s Gifted Scholar’s Autumn Festival Feast? He was that one person who kept throwing various insults around. I immediately arranged for him to be employed by our Tang Family. All I needed to do was promise him a high position and big salary for him to run over.\nDo you know which department he is in now?” Tang Yuan said in a triumphant manner.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第5章\n君邪这句话的音量虽然低,但听在君无意耳朵里却无异是晴空惊雷!\n蓦然间,君无意双目大张,浑身突然出现了一层混蒙蒙的黄光,堂堂皇皇,令人不敢逼视,身上透露出一股异常强大的气势,一把抓住了君邪的胳膊,急切地道:“莫邪,难道你有办法治好我?”\n看来,君无意养伤的这些年,也从未停止过玄气心法的修炼,这层黄光已经表明了,他已经是地玄高手的修为。\n虽然还只是初阶,但以他的年龄而论,却已经是非常的难能可贵!\n整个天香城里,一共才几位地玄高手?!\n君无意能在三旬之龄就冲到地级境界,已经可说是天纵奇才!\n更别说他的下半身经络有严重缺陷,若是缺陷不在,他的实力势必将进入另一个更高深的层次!\n君邪胳臂咔咔作响,几乎被君无意强大的力量抓裂,脸上神色却是一片淡然,似乎那不是自己的皮肉,一点也感觉不到疼痛一般,微笑道:“希望不大,但却可以试一试。”\n君无意突然醒悟过来,连忙松开了手,看着自己的手,脸上却突然泛起一股疑惑之色,看着君邪:“你不痛?为什么不叫?”\n“痛!”君邪淡然道:“叫出来就能不痛吗?若是能不痛,我肯定会大声地叫出来,可惜,不能!”\n看到君邪脸上的淡然,君无意大大一怔,深深地看了他一眼,突然爽朗地大笑:“哈哈,我现在居然有点相信,你有本事能治好我了。”\n这个侄儿,似乎和从前不一样了!\n君无意暗暗地对自己说。\n“眼下要做的是,每天早中晚各一次,让下人给你按摩全身,最好是有武功底子的下人,顺着经脉按摩,不放过任何一处;然后每天晚上,用滚烫的水浸泡一个时辰,不能有间断,过一段时间,在这段时间里我准备一下,就可以开始为你治疗了,如何?”君邪笑了笑。\n君无意情绪慢慢平息下来,重重地道:“好!莫邪,三叔我信你一次!”双手慢慢地握成了拳头,君无意慢慢的道:“纵然不成,我也认了。”\n有一句话没有说出来:纵然你是在耍我,我也认了。\n有一线希望,总比没有希望的好!\n“这些年来,难道三叔你就没有求过医嘛?”\n君邪有些奇怪,在为君无意检查了一遍之后,发现君无意的情况,还真是不容乐观。\n整个腰部经脉已经完全被封锁,而且,似乎还有一种邪恶的药物在慢慢地侵蚀体内的经脉,若不是保养得好,恐怕此刻早已经肌肉彻底萎缩了,那可就彻底地废了,再没有恢复的可能了!\n可是,对于这种病症,若是有高明的医生,就算无法对症下药,看得出来也是应该可以才是的。\n“何止!帝国所有知名的郎中,几乎都来看过。\n我这是被人用阴毒手法封住了经脉,更被暗中下了一种非常诡异的无名剧毒,让我生不得,死不得……”\n君无意恨恨地道:“父亲曾经几度尝试,可是始终无法解开那阴毒的封脉手法,至于那种无名剧毒更无药可救,唯一的能做的也只是用至强的玄气将它逼出来,这或者是唯一一种可以治愈我的方法。”\n“那为何?……”君邪问了一半,又住了嘴。\n“当年暗算我的人,十年前便已经是天品高手了,要想解开他的封印,更逼出剧毒,非得至尊神品的高手全力出手不可!\n而至尊神品的高手本就是神话般无敌的存在,平常便神龙见首而不见尾,难得一见。\n更何况治疗我的伤势之后,受剧毒所致,这位为我治疗的至尊神品高手便会丧失一半的实力,而且永远不能恢复!”\n君无意惨笑起来:“有哪一位至尊神品高手会为了我做出这么大的牺牲?\n莫邪,修炼到至尊神品如同登天的难度!\n有谁会为了别人将自己的修为生生砍去一半?”\n“真够狠的!让你明知道有救治的希望,但却又等于没希望……”\n君邪摇了摇头,啧啧叹道:“看来这人恨你还不是一般的恨!用这等阴损的方法来折磨你!他的目的只怕就是要让你求生无门,求死不甘!”\n君邪顿了一顿,突出不意地问道:“那人是我君家的世仇吗?”\n“臭小子!”\n君无意笑骂了一句,突然神色郑重,道:“莫邪,无论成与不成,三叔都承你的情!”\n这句话说的,掷地有声。\n“三叔,你就等着给我遮风挡雨让我做二世祖吧,哈哈……”君邪检查了一遍,心中大定;只要自己前世的内力能练回来一点,再配以自己独门的针灸之术,找齐另外两份药材配药,三管齐下,治疗君无意的伤势完全不在话下。\n之所以让君无意先用那几种方法慢慢恢复,大部分都只是君邪的托词罢了。\n因为到现在,他还半点内力修为也没有!\n而金针刺穴,却是需要精湛内力修为支撑的。\n君无意眼睛一亮,听出了他话中强大的自信之意,微笑道:“莫邪,你只有区区三品玄气修为,就算比之普通人也强不了哪里去,但却经受住了我的一抓之力!\n甚至脸上毫不变色,这样的忍耐力,可不是一般的二世祖呀。”\n刚才那一抓,无意之中虽然没有使出全力,但地玄高手的一抓岂是常人所能够忍受的?\n恐怕就算是金玄高手,只怕也要为之皱眉,但君邪这个明显只有三品玄气的不入流的人物竟然承受了下来,甚至完全没有动用本身的低微玄气抵抗!\n这其中要承受多大的痛苦君无意心知肚明,而且是毫无防备的情况下承受这一抓,脸上却不变色!\n这份心性……\n可惜了!\n看着君邪,君无意心中长叹一声,可惜君邪此时的年龄已经偏大了,就算再能吃苦,今生修习高端玄气也是无望了,要不然,以他这份坚忍来看,只怕君家还真有可能出现一个强大的高手!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 5\nEven though Jun Xie’s words were spoken in a soft voice, for Jun Wuyi those words were tantamount to a clap of thunder resounding throughout the skies!\nSuddenly, Jun Wuyi’s eyes were opened wide, a layer of brilliant yellow glow emitted outwards from his body, causing others to not dare look at him. Unleashing an unusually powerful strength from his body, he suddenly grabbed onto Jun Xie’s arm, and asked eagerly: “Moxie, are you saying that you have the means to cure me?”\nIt appears that during those many years of recuperation, Jun Wuyi had never stopped practicing his Xuan Qi cultivation. This layer of yellow light symbolized the strength of an Earth Xuan ranked expert. \nEven though he was currently only at the early stages, his achievements in correspondence to his age is truly rare!\nIn all of Tianxiang Kingdom, how many Earth Xuan ranked experts can you find? \nFor Jun Wuyi to climb all the way to Earth Xuan rank in a mere 30 odd years, this feat was simply comparable to that of a sky shaking genius! \nNot to mention, all the meridians on his lower body were severely defective. If it were not defective, then his strength would have certainly been able to enter an even higher stage!\nJun Xie’s arm produced cracking sounds due to Jun Wuyi powerful grip strength, however, his face remained calm and indifferent, as though it was not his own arm that was being gripped, feeling not an ounce of pain, he smiled and replied: “I have no guarantees, but I can try.”\nJun Wuyi suddenly became aware of his surroundings, he quickly retracted his arms. Taking a look at his own hands, a wave of doubt suddenly washed over him as he turned towards Jun Xie: “Weren’t you in pain? Why aren’t you crying?”\n“I am in pain!” Jun Xie lightly replied: “But if I cry, will it stop hurting? If it would, I will be first to cry out loud. Unfortunately, things do not work that way!”\nSeeing the look of indifference on Jun Xie’s face, Jun Wuyi was greatly startled. Jun Wuyi stared at him long and deep before suddenly laughing loudly: “Haha! Now you have actually managed to convince me that you could actually cure me.”\nThis nephew of mine seem different from before! \nJun Wuyi secretly thought to himself.\n“What needs to be done currently is to get the servants to massage your body once every morning, afternoon and evening every day! If possible, get servants with a background in martial arts to massage along the meridians. Don’t miss even one of the treatment! Every night, you also need to soak yourself in hot water for one long hour (two hours), no interruptions allowed. After a period of time, when the preparation on my side is done; then we can start on your treatment, is that all right?” Jun Xie smiled.\nJun Wuyi slowly calmed his emotions down, then said seriously: “Very well! Moxie, Third Uncle will trust you this once!” Both his hands slowly balled up into fists, Jun Wuyi slowly said: “Even if it fails, I will accept it.” \nHe left out another part unsaid. Even if you’re just messing around with me, I will also accept it.\nA strand of hope is better than none at all!\n“After all these years, I believe Third Uncle has gone to see many doctors?”\nJun Xie felt that something was off. After having checked Jun Wuyi’s body again, he realized that Jun Wuyi’s current state is truly not optimistic.\nAll the meridians at the waist had been completely blocked off, in addition, there was also a heretical drug slowly eroding his meridians. If it was not for his high level of care and maintenance, his muscles would have already suffered from atrophy. At that point, he would truly become a cripple with no chance of recovery!\nEven if those high-level doctors were unable to cure him, they should have been able to see that.\n“Not only that! Pretty much all the well known doctors from the Kingdom have been invited over to check up on me.\nNot only was I attacked with an insidious skill which sealed off my meridians, I was also inflicted with a highly peculiar and toxic poison, leaving me with a life worse than death…” \nJun Wuyi replied with a face full of hate. “Father had already tried many times to break the insidious seal on my meridians, but was always unsuccessful. As for that nameless poison, no drugs could fight off against it. The only possibility would be to utilize an extremely powerful Xuan Qi to force it out, that may be the only way left to cure me.”\n“If that is the case, then why…” Jun Xie asked, but stopped halfway.\n“Those who plotted against me back then were Sky Xuan ranked experts. In order to unlock their seal and force out the poison, we would require a Supreme Divine ranked expert to lend a hand!\nBut Supreme Divine ranked experts are near mythical existences who would meet only the heads of organizations, and not the tails of the organization.\nWorst yet, after treating my injury, the Supreme Divine expert would lose half their strength due to severe exposure from the poison, with no chance of ever recovering!”\nJun Wuyi smiled bitterly: “Which Supreme Divine ranked expert would make such a big sacrifice for my sake?\nMoxie, to achieve the Supreme Divine level of cultivation is as hard as ascending the Heavens!\nWho in their right mind would possibly throw away half of their life’s worth of cultivation for my sake?”\n“What a vicious hand! Throwing you into a state where you know how to be treated and yet, that hope is unattainable…”\nJun Xie shook his head. “It seems this guy’s hate for you is beyond ordinary! Using such a sinister method to torment you, his intention is probably to leave you with neither a path of life, nor the will to die!”\nJun Xie paused for a moment, then unexpectedly asked: “Are those people our family’s blood enemy?”\n“Stinking brat!”\nJun Wuyi scoffed, and then suddenly looking solemn, he said: “Moxie, regardless of whether this succeeds or fails, Third Uncle will accept this act of kindness of yours!”\nHis voice rang loud and clear.\n“Third Uncle, just wait until the day comes when you can offer me shelter, that way I’ll be able to become a normal second generation ancestor, ha ha…” Jun Xie checked again before making up his mind; as long as he can increase his own internal energy by just a bit compared to that of his past life, coupled with his own personal knowledge of acupuncture and medicinal drugs, he will be able to use a three pronged treatment method to cure Jun Wuyi.\nThe reason he had Jun Wuyi undergo those massages to slowly treat himself was mainly to buy time. \nThe current him do not have the slightest bit of internal energy! \nThe acupuncture treatment requires a profound amount of internal energy for support in order to work.\nJun Wuyi’s eyes lit up as he heard those words which were filled with a high amount of self-confidence, smiling he said: “Moxie, your level of Xuan Qi cultivation is only at that of the Third Level, not much stronger compared to the average commoners. And yet, you withstood my powerful grip without batting an eye!\nWith such a character and endurance, there’s no way you’ll just be an ordinary second generation ancestor.”\nEven though that grab by Jun Wuyi earlier was not performed with his full strength, how can any ordinary laymen endure the grasp of an Earth Xuan ranked expert?\nIt is likely that even a Gold ranked expert would wrinkle their eyebrows in reaction to his grip, and yet Jun Xie who only has a negligible cultivation of Third level Xuan Qi was actually able to endure it. In addition, he did not even utilize his own Xuan Qi to resist!\nJun Wuyi was well aware of how much pain Jun Xie had to endure, especially when such pain was inflicted while he was still unprepared, but his face did not even flinch! \nThis level of mind…\nWhat a pity!\nLooking at Jun Xie, Jun Wuyi sighed yet again, what a pity that Jun Xie’s age is already too advanced. Even if he is someone capable of enduring painful hardships, even if he were to devote his entire remaining life into cultivating Xuan Qi, it would be hopeless. Otherwise, with his level of unyielding tolerance, the Jun family would have been able to produce yet another terrifying expert!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第50章\n“什么官?”君邪对这种有趣的事件还真的非常感兴趣。\n搜了一下记忆搜了出来,这个赵成松家境一般,虽然确实甚有才学,但为人却极为势利,根本就是一个表面很清高、骨子里却是奴颜婢膝的垃圾。\n上次他与唐源作对,也是为了希望能够获得李太师家里一位小姐的青睐,不过到最后,所有的大家闺秀一个也没有看上他的,倒是唐源这厮竟然如此宽宏大量的将这人收在手下了?\n这实在不像是唐源能够做出来的事情啊!\n“我找人把他安排在户部,然后让我叔找他个毛病接着调离,然后又调离了他几次;他现在唯一的工作,就是在我洗澡的时候给我擦背,天天给我洗内裤和袜子,我的几房小妾的衣服,也是归他洗!\n别的工作啥也没!”\n唐源恶狠狠地笑着:“若是他跟老子执拗到底,清高到底,老子还真拿他没法,也不好意思折磨下去。\n不过这家伙软骨头还要装清高,说什么名士风流,我呸他妈的!\n他不是想要扯李太师家的裙带子嘛,老子就让他天天洗裙带子!”\n唐源的叔叔乃是户部员外郎,给一个新人下绊子,自然轻松愉快兼拿手。\n“噗!”君邪一口茶水喷在唐源脸上,咳嗽起来。\n“你叔还真听你的话!\n唐大少,你这样也太糟践人了吧?\n那人说啥也是个才子,还是文星书院的毕业生,颇有些能力。这般做法未免太有辱斯文了……”\n“有辱斯文?\n三少,你这话我可不敢苟同。\n那些人算什么玩意?\n就是一群书呆子而已!\n就算他们从书本上学到了经天纬地定国安邦的本事,又如何?\n纸上谈兵,完全不会运用,只能闷在肚子里发臭!\n学问大,不等于能力强,也不等于人品好!\n光靠一张嘴算什么才能,更不代表什么,文星书院,好大的名头!\n可天香国历代以来位高权重的人物从文星书院里出来的有几个?呸!”\n唐源哈哈一笑,一拍君邪的肩膀:“三少,咱俩都不是什么好东西,……”\n“停!什么叫做‘咱俩都不是什么好东西?’”君邪本来听得连连赞同,暗自叫好。\n这种观点,他还是深有同感的;就像是应试教育出来的所谓满分高材生,与千锤百炼的社会精英一旦抛弃嘴头理论功夫在实践中相比就什么都不是,就像刚断奶的娃一样;看来无论是什么位面,这都是共通的啊。\n只是想不到唐源这家伙也有这样的见识,真是意想不到。\n正听的爽快,但没想到这小子话锋一转,奇峰突起,这一天一地,一南一北,跨度实在是太惊人。\n“哈哈……我是说,咱俩都不是什么好人。”\n唐源哈哈一笑,道:“但是三少,你我再坏,在这偌大的京城,我们就算是天天祸害人,又能祸害多少人?\n千百人了不起了吧!\n但是像赵成松这样的软骨头,一肚子心眼和坏水,若是当真放出去为官一任,那他一害就是无数的百姓!\n而且这里祸害完了再去别的地方祸害,不到朝廷砍他的头,他就能继续祸害下去!\n但到他砍头的时候,他早已经不知道祸害了多少人?\n我们跟他比,谁更不是玩意?”\n唐源说到这里,突然有些愤慨:“所以老子就要羞辱死这些恬不知耻的东西!\n什么才子,去他妈的蛋!\n凡是在老子面前自称是才子的,老子见一个扁一个!\n只要是落进我手里的才子伪君子,一个个永无出头之日!”\n君邪哈哈大笑,“不错不错,唐胖子,老子第一次见你说话如此大快人心!\n说得好!就凭这话,我敬你一杯!”\n这一杯,却是君邪真心真意所敬,胖子的这句话委实深得君邪之心,环顾君邪两世为人,能得君邪诚心敬酒者,至多不过两三人,胖子能饮此一杯,实在是造化不浅!\n能得君邪敬酒者,在这个世界,唐源还是第一人!\n敬过了这杯酒,就表示君邪已经认可了唐源这个人!\n此子虽然是个纨绔,但却是个真小人,真性情!\n君邪做事向来随心所欲,看得顺眼的人,哪怕是千夫所指,君邪也能与他共饮一杯。\n看不顺眼的人,全天下都说是圣人,君邪也是不屑一顾!\n此刻的唐胖子可是完全没有了解这杯酒的珍惜程度,自然也不会想到,就是因为现在君邪敬过了这杯酒,他脱去数次大难!\n几次生死关头,被君邪所救!\n不过这都是后话了。\n唐源端起酒杯一饮而尽,小眼睛溜圆:“本少爷自家人知道自家事,长得不招人喜欢,爱赌个钱,也爱打个架,欺负欺负人散散心,看到漂亮姑娘,也要嘴花花两句解解闷;老子既有色心,也有色胆!\n老子就是坏人,可老子坏在了明处!\n那句话怎么说,爱美之人,人皆有之,好看的女人谁都愿意多看两眼,他妈的不让人家看长得那么漂亮干什么?\n若是他妈的好人家姑娘看见老子这么看她肯定会躲着走,遇到那样的,老子自然不会上去自找没趣。\n被老子看了,还站在原地等着老子去调戏的,难道还会是什么好货吗?\n可是传来传去,老子居然成了十恶不赦之徒!\n而那些伪君子,看见漂亮姑娘赶紧低下头,一副道貌岸然、文质彬彬的德行,等人家一转过身就立马盯着人家大姑娘的屁股流口水,暗地里使阴劲!\n我呸!这就是才子!\n鸟上的才子!\n这样的才子,老子恨不得一个个全部杀光了!”\n一番论谈下来,唐胖子心情郁闷,连连举杯,口中滔滔不绝,手上也是杯杯不停,纵然酒劲清淡,可惜酒入愁肠,量变引动了质变,终于醉了,两眼迷迷蒙蒙,硕大的头颅摇来摆去,再也支撑不住,砰地一声砸进了面前的鱼汤盆里,被烫得“嗷”的一声叫,不过却也因这一烫而清醒过来!\n君邪看着满脸鱼汤、大是狼狈的唐源,忽尔心中一动:反正要除去秦虎这对无良父子,莫不如索性就将此事交给唐家来做,以唐老爷子刚刚丢失重宝的郁闷来说,宁可错杀一千,也绝不肯枉纵一个……\n恩,更何况自己现在实力不济,训练的人手暂时派不上用场,若是让爷爷出手,未免动静太大了……\n不错!就这么办!\n只要如此这般,大事成矣!\n呸,搞死一伙垃圾,算狗屁大事!\n之所以不让君家出手,是因为君邪还有一个顾虑:玄丹,已经是一个大大的漩涡。\n秦虎面上表情,虽不能肯定的说是因为玄丹慌乱,但若是万一与玄丹有关,那么君家出手灭了北城帮就等于是此地无银三百两,一脚踩进了大泥坑里成为众矢之的。\n而唐家则恰恰相反,完全没有这等顾虑。\n“唐胖子,吃饱喝足了,我们换个清净地方再兄弟谈心,我看怡红楼那地方就很清净,如何?”\n君邪一副明明是色中恶鬼,却还要偏装得道貌岸然的样子。\n“怡红楼?果然是个清静的好地方,哇哈哈哈……”\n唐源眼睛一亮,醉意顿时消失一半,满脸的心痒难熬:“哈哈哈,三少你……你可真是我的知己啊。\n走走走,赶紧的,正好我这几天火气大,需要找个清静地方……”\n说着急不可待的站起身来,肥硕的大肚皮“吧唧”一下垂在了大腿上。\n君邪板着脸看着唐源,心中有些纳闷。\n很难想像这货到了怡红楼怎么办?\n难道自己两只手把肚皮提起来?\n要不然,貌似还真有些难办的说。\n真是伤脑筋啊……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 50\n“Which department?” Jun Xie was very interested in this type of matter.\nAccessing his memories, he recalled that this Zhao Chengsong’s family circumstances was only average. Even though he does possess the talent for learning, he was a power hungry person. Externally, he gave off the portrayal of a lofty gentlemen, but was in fact a subservient garbage.\nBack then, both him and Tang Yuan competed against one another for the sake of winning the favour of the young lady from Grand Preceptor Li’s Family. At the end of the day, none of the noble ladies took a fancy to him. How was it that Tang Yuan would suddenly become so generous as to accept this kind of person in?\nThis action simply does not match that of Tang Yuan’s character!\n“I first had him placed into the Ministry of State Revenue, then had my uncle find faults with him and had him transferred. After having him transferred several times, his only duty is to rub my back every time I take a bath, and wash my underwear and socks every day. The clothes of my lesser concubines are also his responsibility!\nBesides that, he has no other duties!”\nTang Yuan laughed viciously. “If he had remained stubborn and quiet until the end, then I really would have no interest or reason to continue tormenting him.\nBut this spineless guy actually tried to act high and mighty in front of me saying things like “scholar with distinguished and admirable reputation”, pooh!\nThat son of a bitch! Since he wanted to tear out the skirts of Grand Preceptor Li’s Residence, I will just let him wash skirts every day!”\nTang Yuan’s uncle was the Outer Minister for the Ministry of State Revenue. Something like demoting a new person was naturally an easy thing for him to do.\n“Pfft!” Jun Xie spat out a mouthful of tea onto Tang Yuan’s face and coughed.\n“Your uncle sure could listen to you!\nEldest Young Master Tang, don’t you think this action of yours is too demeaning?\nNo matter how you cut it, he is still a gifted scholar, and a graduate of Wenxing Institute of Knowledge to boot, a person with some capabilities. This kind of action is simply too insulting…”\n“Too insulting?\nThird Young Master, I cannot agree with these words of yours.\nWhat type of qualifications do those people have?\nThey are nothing more than a bunch of bookworms!\nSo what if they managed to learn the Heavenly way of bringing peace and prosperity to the country from their books?\nThey only know how to debate about it on paper, but have no desire to utilize it, causing that knowledge to rot within them!\nHaving a great deal of knowledge does not equate having a great deal of ability; most importantly, it does not equate having a great character!\nWith just a glib mouth, how can one be considered a talent? These men have no significance at all! Wenxing Institute of Knowledge? What an exaggerated reputation!\nIn the long history of Tianxiang Kingdom, how many famed individuals hailed from the Wenxing Institute of Knowledge? Pooh!”\nTang Yuan let out a small laugh and patted Jun Xie on the shoulder. “Third Young Master, neither of us can be considered good materials…”\n“Hold it! What do you mean “neither of us can be considered good materials”?” Listening to Tang Yuan, Jun Xie had originally agreed with him again and again, secretly applauding.\nHe deeply agreed with this perspective; when those students who graduated with top scores from the examination-oriented education entered the workforce, which had withstood the test of time, they would amount to nothing as their knowledge and eloquence would be of not much use. They would be no different from a newly weaned baby, similar in all aspect.\nUnexpectedly, Tang Yuan actually possessed such a kind of perspective.\nAs Jun Xie was feeling refreshed from hearing those words, Tang Yuan unexpectedly changed the subject, causing him to feel shocked. The difference between those two subjects were as vast as the difference between Heaven and Earth, North and South. This difference was simply too astonishing.\n“Haha… what I meant was, neither one of us are good men,”\nTang Yuan laughed out. “However, Third Young Master, no matter how wicked we may be, even if we are to go out and do harm every day, how many people in this vast city can we harm?\nA thousand people would already be considered an accomplished number, don’t you think?\nHowever, look at Zhao Chengsong, a spineless bastard with nothing but rot festering within him. If someone like him were to be appointed as an official, then one wicked action from him is enough to cause harm to countless commoners!\nNot to mention, after causing a calamity for the people here, he would just move to another place and repeat his actions. As long as the royal court does not decapitate him, he would continue causing harm to others!\nBy the time he gets decapitated, how many people would have suffered under him?\nIf we are to compare him with the two of us combined, which one is the true evil?”\nTang Yuan suddenly became resentful after saying all that. “That is why this senior would choose to disgrace those shameless things!\nWhat gifted scholars? A bunch of sons of bitches!\nAt any rate, anyone who dares to claim to be a gifted scholar in front of this senior will be flattened to their death!\nAs long as these hypocritical gifted scholars fall into my hands, they can forget about squirming their way out!”\nJun Xie laughed loudly. “Well said, Fatty Tang. This is the first time this senior heard you say something that could satisfy me to this extent!\nWell said indeed! Just by what you have said earlier, I shall toast this cup to you!”\nThis toast was one Jun Xie had given truthfully from the bottom of his heart. Tang Yuan’s words just now have won over Jun Xie’s heart. For Jun Xie who had transmigrated over, a man of two worlds, the number of people that qualify for Jun Xie’s toast were probably no more than three. For Tang Yuan to be able to receive this toast from Jun Xie showed how much fortune he has!\nTang Yuan was the first person to receive a toast from Jun Xie in this world!\nAfter having drunk down this cup, it meant that Jun Xie had already approved of Tang Yuan!\nEven though he was a debauchee, he was a true villain with a true character!\nJun Xie had always acted on his whims. Even if everyone condemned someone he favoured, he would still drink together with that person.\nEven if everyone applauded someone he disliked as a saint, he would still ignore that person!\nAt this moment, Fatty Tang has no understanding towards the extent of value that this cup of wine contained. Naturally, he would never have predicted that due to this cup of wine, he would be able to survive from several calamities!\nHe would be saved from situations of life and death by Jun Xie!\nHowever, that story would come later.\nTang Yuan gulped down the cup of wine in one go, his small eyes gazing around. “I know what kind of person I am, I do not have good looks, I like to gamble, I like to fight, bullying people makes me feel good, when I see beautiful ladies, I must say some flowery words to relieve my boredom. I have a bad heart, but I also have the courage to be bad!\nI am a bad guy, but I am one who does bad things in broad daylight!\nAs the saying goes, when a lady is beautiful, everyone would turn their heads. If a woman is beautiful, everyone would want to look at her longer. If you do not let us look at you, then is there any bloody reason to you being born beautiful?\nIf some beautiful lady from some bloody good family notices me looking at them like this, they would surely run away and hide. On the other hand, I too will have no interest in pursuing a dead-end.\nBut those who choose to continue standing there to tempt me even after seeing the way I look at them, can they be considered good?\nAnd yet, they actually dared to tell others that I am a detestable, unforgivable baddie!\nLook at those hypocrites; when they see a beautiful lady, they would quickly lower their heads to bow, showing a look of virtue and piousness. But after the lady turned away, they would quickly raise their heads to stare at that lady’s big ass while salivating, secretly desiring fleshly pleasures!\nPooh! That is a gifted scholar for you!\nA gifted scholar with cock for brains! \nWith such a kind of gifted scholar, I yearn for the day I can eradicate them all!”\nAfter having vented his opinions, Fatty Tang became depressed, pouring one cup of wine after another, gulping each one down without reserve. His hands never stopped moving as he consumed more wine. Even though the wine was light and weak in strength, the amount of consumption and his feelings of sadness eventually caused him to become drunk. His eyes became vacant as his head swayed back and forth, eventually unable to hold on and falling face first into the hot bowl of fish soup. He wailed and woke up with a start!\nJun Xie looked at Tang Yuan who had fish soup dripping awkwardly from his face and made up his mind: Since I have decided to have Qin Hu and his son dealt with, I might as well hand this matter over to the Tang Family. Considering how desperate Grandfather Tang must be after losing his precious treasure, he would rather kill a thousand innocents than let off one criminal…\nNot to mention my current state of strength is still lacking and the men I am training still cannot be sent out. If Grandpa were to come out to do it, it would cause a big ruckus…\nVery well! I will go with this way!\nThis is the only way to successfully resolve this important matter!\nPooh! Getting rid of a bunch of garbage cannot even be considered an important matter!\nJun Xie did not want to mobilize the Jun Family forces for one reason: Xuan Core! The Xuan Core was a terrifyingly vast whirlpool of problems.\nEven though Qin Hu’s expression was not enough to guarantee that he was connected to the theft of the Xuan Core, should it ever happen that he was connected to the theft, the Jun Family’s actions of exterminating Northern City Clan would be tantamount to admitting their guilt in this matter. They would end up with a foot in a huge pit of mud for all to see.\nThe Tang Family on the other hand, have no such concerns.\n“Fatty Tang, since we have eaten our fill, what do you say we get a change in scenery? I feel that the Red Joy Establishment is quite clean and quiet. What do you think?”\nJun Xie was obviously intending to do something evil, but instead put on a pious appearance.\n“Red Joy Establishment? That is certainly a clean and quiet place, a very very good place, ahahah…”\nTang Yuan’s eyes brightened and he emerged from his drunken stupor, his face twisting with desire. “Hahaha, Third Young Master… you are a true friend.\nCome come come! Let’s head there immediately! It just so happened that these few days have caused me no small amount of frustration, I am truly in need of some clean and quiet place…”\nHe impatiently stood up, his belly falling all the way down to his thigh.\nJun Xie observed Tang Yuan with a straight face and wondered inwardly.\nHe was having a hard time imagining how he intended on proceeding after entering the Red Joy Establishment.\nCould it be that he would use both hands to prop up his belly?\nBut if he does not, it would be really hard to proceed.\nWhat a headache…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第51章\n两人扬长下楼,非是君邪不想在这里说明,而是君邪的思感一直感觉到在这酒楼上似乎有人一直在窥探着自己,那股气息,让君邪十分的不舒服,所以才提出了去怡红楼,那个“清静”的去处。\n在君邪和唐源走下楼去之后,酒楼的雅座里,一个声音道:“李兄,他们走了。\n你看如何?”\n一个温文的声音清清淡淡的道:“唐源此人,虽也算有些见识,但也仅此而已,太过纨绔莽撞。\n这种人纵有坏心,也只会在明处跳出来跟我们摆明车马的对着干,所以……可以不考虑。\n只是那君莫邪……近日以来的表现似乎与传闻之中不大一样。”\n口气之中,有浓浓的疑虑。\n“哦?李兄的意思是……是那君三小子有异常之处?”\n先前那人疑惑地道:“可这家伙还是跟以前一样的轻狂贪财,没见刚才还在勒索秦虎吗?\n这家伙胃口好大,居然想要秦虎将北城帮的赌馆都交给他;哈哈……真是痴人说梦!\n也不怕噎死!”\n“有些事情你并不知道,君莫邪这几天的古怪之处,并不只如此,此事确实有些古怪;让李延注意一下,让他告诉秦虎,明天下午让他去君莫邪那里,君莫邪说的每一句话都不要忘记。\n然后立即整理出来给我,不得有任何一点遗漏。\n我要好好的想想。”\n第二人沉思着,手指轻轻敲着桌子,回想起刚才君邪的表现,终于还是摇了摇头:从言语到举止,纯粹就是一个典型的纨绔子弟的嘴脸啊,为什么自己居然会觉得不对劲呢?\n是自己太敏感了吗?\n不,小心驶得万年船!\n“你这几天,想办法与君莫邪见个面。”那位“李兄”慢慢地道:“有消息说这小子现在这段时间在家里训练跟不要命似的,而且说得很有一套,我总感觉很不对劲。\n想看看,是不是真的。”\n“我?见君莫邪?”那人顿时一副不情愿的口气,似乎要他去见君莫邪,是非常丢脸的事情,耻于与那等纨绔同坐一堂。\n“你还是这么狂傲自大!\n这份狂傲,会害死你的。”\n那“李兄”抬起头,眉清目秀,正是李悠然。\n这句话,他依然说的淡淡的,但对面那人却顿时出了一身冷汗:“是,回去我就安排。”\n“恩,到时候我会在一边旁听。\n看看君莫邪到底在搞什么鬼。”李悠然淡淡地道。\n“对了,李兄,我接到消息,老二那边这几天可能要有动作;他已经有些等不及了。\n只是不知道他的目标是老三还是灵梦;那边消息很谨慎,没有再多的消息传出来。”\n“哦?”李悠然那温文的声音哼了一声,慢慢地低沉着声音道:“老二真的有点蠢,这个时候,谁先动谁倒霉。\n恩……我们大可暂时静观其变吧,不必在意,以静制动方为上策。”\n“可是,灵梦那丫头可是您看中的……”先前那人似乎不敢说下去。\n“无妨,左右不过是一个女人而已。\n若是可借灵梦那丫头让老大和老二老三打得血流成河,倒也是我求之不得的事情。”\n李悠然那温文的声音平静自然,却透出无比的冷漠寡绝,慢慢地道:“大业千秋万载,至于女人什么的……呵呵呵,不足一晒!”\n雅座里平静了下来。\n路上。\n君邪远远的坐在唐源对面,努力地克制着自己,忍受着唐胖子身上肥腻的味道,感觉十分艰难。\n即使以一代杀手之王的忍耐力,也有些抵挡不住了。\n打开车窗帘透了口气,君邪道:“唐胖子,听你这么说你小子现在在家里挨得挺惨的?”\n本来兴致勃勃的唐源一下子焉了下来,摆摆手,有气无力的道:“三少,是兄弟的就别提这事了,一提起这事我就想去上吊。\n你说我咋就这么倒霉呢?\n别人都遇不到这样的事情,而我却是接二连三不停的来,三少,哥哥我真是……日啊!”\n“那你想不想摆脱这局面?”君邪嘿嘿阴笑两声,诱惑道。\n“想啊,怎么不想?\n谁不想谁是王八蛋!\n可是这个事,又岂是轻易可以解决的!”\n唐源挠头道,一脸的旧社会。\n“什么容易、困难的,我就问想不想脱离这个苦海!”君邪斜着眼,一副引鱼上钩的样子,怪有趣地盯着唐胖子!\n“我想啊,真想啊!”唐源一阵兴奋:“三少,难不成你有办法?”\n“办法嘛,虽说不多,不过两三条妙计还是有的,不过我的妙计随便一条都能够让你摆脱出来,想知道不?!”君邪呵呵一笑,晃着二郎腿。\n“想啊!……三少,我的亲兄弟!\n君哥、君叔叔、祖宗!……\n您快告诉我吧,我实在是受够了啊。”唐源顿时抓住了一根救命稻草,一下子激动起来,气喘咻咻,差点就热泪盈眶。\n“看到今天的北城帮的嚣张劲了吧?\n今天被他们弄得很不爽吧?”君邪轻描淡写的提示。\n“可是不爽!\n他妈的爷儿俩一对垃圾,烦得很!\n要不是这些天,家里烂事特别多,我真想立马灭了他,明天他去给我送银子我都不准备见他!”\n唐源摆了摆脑袋,“三少,你赶紧说办法啊,提这两块货色做什么?”\n“这不就是办法?!\n唐源,你家里遭窃的事知道的人不多吧?”君邪微笑。\n“知道丢东西的人肯定不少了!\n失窃也并不是什么大事,但具体丢的什么东西却是谁也不知道的。\n若是九级玄丹在自己家里被盗这么丢脸的事若是传了出去,那我唐家还不被人笑掉了大牙?\n对外宣称只不过是追回逃奴,搜索仇家而已。”唐源嘟囔,越来越搞不清楚君邪到底卖的什么药。\n“可据我猜测,秦虎竟然知道这事。”\n君邪二郎腿晃了晃:“刚才你注意没有,就在你说唐家被盗的时候,秦虎的神色可是很慌乱的,貌似出了不少细毛汗。”\n其实当时秦虎只是眼神变动了一下,神色上也没有什么反应。\n不过唐胖子根本不是什么细心的角色,也听不出来,更记不住了。\n“你是说……秦虎他跟这件事有关系?”唐源一下子坐直了身体,小眼睛瞪得溜圆,君大少说的东西,委实是事关重大,不得不有些疑窦,若是在平时,君大少爷说有,唐大少爷也就相信有了。\n“胖子你怎地这般的想不开,且不管他跟这件事是否真有关系,只要你觉得他跟这事有关就行了,你只要回去跟你爷爷说,秦虎的北城帮跟这件事或者有关系就可以。\n那样一来,无论调查结果,北城帮跟这件事有没有关系都好,你身上的压力也都会减轻很多的不是?”\n君邪邪笑一声:“再说了,我们可不是冤枉他,秦虎当时的慌乱可是做不了假的。\n心中没有亏心事,他慌什么?”\n“可是若是我爷爷他调查过后……万一不是秦虎做的,岂不是弄巧成拙?”唐源犹豫着。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 51\nThe both of them descended from the floor. It was not that Jun Xie did not want to start his plans here, but his senses told him that someone was observing him in this building. This feeling made him uncomfortable. Thus, he had suggested going to the “quiet” Red Joy Establishment.\nAfter Jun Xie and Tang Yuan had left the floor, a voice sounded out within a private lounge in the building. “Brother Li, they have left.\nWhat are your thoughts?”\nA gentle voice replied. “This Tang Yuan could be considered someone with quite the insight, but that is his only worth. He is too much of a debauchee.\nEven if someone like him harbours any ill intentions towards us, he would take actions against us in broad daylight. Thus… he is of no concern.\nAs for Jun Moxie… His actions today seemed to differ from what I have heard.”\nWithin the tone was a deep feeling of concern.\n“Oh? According to Brother Li… there is something wrong with that little Jun brat?”\nThe first voice replied in a doubtful voice. “However, this brat seemed to be the same frivolous and greedy person. You can see it just now, he was even extorting Qin Hu to that extent.\nThis brat’s appetite is quite something. I did not expect that he would ask for all of the casinos of Northern City Clan. Haha… What nonsense!\nIs he not afraid of choking on them?”\n“There are some matters that you are not aware of. This is not the only time that Jun Moxie had acted strangely. Something is definitely not right here. Get Li Yan on this matter, tell him to inform Qin Hu, go to Jun Moxie tomorrow afternoon. Qin Hu must note down every single word that Jun Moxie say without missing anything.\nAfter that, arrange it properly and send it to me.\nI need to analyse this matter properly.”\nThis second person mused as his fingers lightly tapped the table. Recalling Jun Xie’s actions earlier, he shook his head: From the way he talks to the way he acts, he is obviously just a typical debauchee, why would I feel something strange from it?\nWas I simply being too sensitive?\nNo! It is better to be safe than sorry!\n“In the next few days, try to find an excuse to meet Jun Moxie,” the “Brother Li” slowly said. “There have been reports stating that this brat have been spending the past few days undergoing intense death defying training at home. There has been quite a few of these reports, making me feel apprehensive.\nGo check it out and see if it is true.”\n“Me? You want me to go meet Jun Moxie?” The other person replied in a reluctant tone. His tone seemed to imply that the act of meeting Jun Moxie was something extremely shameful. A shame born of being seen together with this kind of debauchee.\n“You are still so arrogant!\nThis arrogance will be your undoing,”\nThe “Brother Li” raised his head, his features delicate. He was none other than Li Youran.\nEven though those words were spoken lightly, the other person suddenly broke out with cold sweat. “I understand, I will return to make the arrangements.”\n“Good, when that happens, I will be there to observe.\nI will see just what is Jun Moxie planning,” Li Youran lightly said.\n“By the way, Brother Li, I received news that the Second may be making a move these few days; it seems he is already becoming impatient.\nHowever, it is uncertain if his target is the Third or Princess Ling Meng. Our source is being very careful; we have no more news…”\n“Oh?” Li Youran gave out a “heng” with a gentle voice. Slowly lowering his voice, he replied. “The Second is being quite the fool. Whoever chooses to make a move at this time would be the one to fall.\nEn… For now, we shall only observe at the sidelines. Not doing anything would be the best action for now.”\n“But, Princess Ling Meng is the one you fancy…” The other person seemed fearful of continuing his sentence.\n“No matter, in the end, she is just a woman.\nIf her life is the price I have to pay to cause a river of blood to flow from the First, Second and Third, then I would gladly wish for it,”\nLi Youran gently replied as he maintained a calm demeanour, though an absolute aura of coldness seeped out from him. “In the face of a historical great cause, a mere woman… heheh, is of no concern!”\nThe lounge area became quiet.\nOn the road…\nJun Xie was seated as far as possible from Tang Yuan within the carriage, trying hard to maintain himself. Enduring the stench of fat coming off Fatty Tang’s body was no easy feat.\nEven for someone who was the King of assassins of his generation, Jun Xie felt as though he may not be able to hold on.\nJun Xie opened the carriage curtains to let the air in. “Fatty Tang, from what you have told me, it seems like you have been suffering quite miserably at home.”\nTang Yuan who originally looked enthusiastic slumped down. He waved his hand as he feebly replied. “Third Young Master, if you consider yourself my brother then do not bring this up again. Once I think about it, I get the urge to just hang myself.\nHow could I be so unlucky?\nYou do not see others being hit by such a kind of circumstance. But why is it that this keeps happening to me again and again? Third Young Master, I really am… unlucky!”\n“Then, do you want to rid yourself of this problematic situation?” Jun Xie gave out a sinister laughter, tempting Tang Yuan.\n“Of course I want, why would I not want?\nOnly a real bastard would not want to!\nBut, this is not a matter that can be easily resolved!”\nTang Yuan scratched his head, his expression making his face look older.\n“Don’t say things like easy or difficult. All I am asking is whether you want to rid yourself of this miserable life!” Jun Xie asked, as he led the “fish” towards the bait, his eyes staring at Fatty Tang!\n“I want, I really want!” Tang Yuan burst out with excitement. “Third Young Master, could it be you have a plan?”\n“I do not have many plans, but I do have a few tricks. And any of these tricks will be enough for you to escape from your current predicament. Are you interested?” Jun Xie chuckled as he shook his legs.\n“I am interested! … Third Young Master! My dear brother!\nBrother Jun! Uncle Jun! Ancestor! …\nPlease tell me quickly, I really cannot take any more of this,” At this moment, Tang Yuan felt as though he had grasped onto a life-saving straw, he became excited, panting for breath and almost bursting into tears.\n“Today, we saw how arrogant that Northern City Clan was, did we not?\nIn addition, they also made you feel very unhappy, did they not?” Jun Xie mentioned while laughing lightly.\n“Unhappy?\nThose two sons of bitches made me really vexed!\nIf not for the fact that there is a problem back at home, I would have already exterminated them! When he comes to send money tomorrow, I will not even go meet him!”\nTang Yuan shook his head. “Third Young Master, quick tell me what your plan is. Why did you bring up these two rubbish for?”\n“Is this not a method?\nTang Yuan, I am certain that not many people are aware that a burglary happened at your home, am I right?” Jun Xie smiled.\n“There are many who knew that our house was robbed!\nHaving items stolen was no big deal, but the information of what was stolen is something that nobody else knows.\nIf people were to find out that that a Ninth level Xuan Core was stolen from our house, then my family would become a laughing stock for everyone.\nExternally, we only announced that we are chasing after some runaway slaves and some enemies,” Tang Yuan mumbled. He was becoming confused as to what kind of solution Jun Xie was trying to give him.\n“But if my guess is correct, Qin Hu is aware of all that,”\nJun Xie shook his legs again. “You may have noticed earlier, but when you mentioned that something was stolen from your Tang Family, Qin Hu’s face became flustered, his body seemingly breaking out in sweat.”\nIn truth, there was only a slight change in Qin Hu’s eyes whereas his face showed no change.\nAs for the sweat, that was non-existent. However, Fatty Tang was not paying attention and could no longer remember.\n“You mean… Qin Hu is connected to this matter?” Tang Yuan instantly stood up, his body straight, his small eyes turning round. The importance of what Jun Xie had just said was too big. Any mistakes were simply unacceptable. If this were just something ordinary, then Tang Yuan would simply believe in anything the Young Master Jun said.\n“Fatty, you are overthinking things. It does not matter if he has any connection to this matter or not. What matters is if you think he has any connection to this matter. All you have to do is go back and tell your grandfather that Qin Hu and the Northern City Clan might be connected to this matter.\nThat way, no matter what happens, regardless of whether Northern City Clan has any connection with this matter, the miserable situation that you are in will be lessened by quite a bit.”\nJun Xie laughed sinisterly. “Besides, we are not accusing him for no reason. That flustered look on his face back then was certainly not false.\nIf he was not feeling guilty, would he show such a face?”\n“But if my grandfather finds out that… if Qin Hu was not involved, then would I not end up in bigger trouble?” Tang Yuan hesitated.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第52章\n“就算那样子,你不也为这件事尽了心了吗?\n看在你如此知错能改、还帮手调查的份上,相信老爷子也不会再对你如此苛刻了吧?\n再说,只要你一口咬定,秦虎可能有重大嫌疑。\n以老爷子现在的急迫心情,肯定会出手搞清楚的,只要老爷子出手了,势必雷霆万钧来一场。\n到时候是不是秦虎做的,就也不重要了,而且你唐家还能落个为民除害的名声,何乐而不为?”\n继续引诱……\n“你说的对,我爷爷对那东西真的非常看重,只需知道一点眉目,恐怕就会立即大动干戈!”\n唐源沉思着:“不过这件事情,还需有万全的后续手段才行,否则我的日子依然会很不好过。恩……好!就这么办!”\n越想越是觉得此计甚妙,唐源有些迫不急待了:“三少,要不我让他们送你去怡红楼清静清静,我得立即回家禀报老爷子。\n否则若是让老爷子知道我在打听到如此消息之后,还要先逛了窑子才回去报告给他,我肯定会更惨的说。”\n“确实是事不宜迟,你忙你的,兄弟有事,我那还有心思逛窑子?随便玩玩就好了。”\n君邪笑了:“唐胖子,恭喜恭喜,你马上就重获自由了。”\n唐源笑得咧着嘴如弥勒佛:“同喜同喜,全赖兄弟指点了。”\n谢绝了唐源护送回府的美意,君邪立即下车,两人分道扬镳;看着唐胖子的马车一路滚滚而去,君邪嘴角浮起一丝笑意。\n若是唐家真个动手了,自己下一步该怎么做?\n那玄丹可在自己手里,可自己却不知道如何用法,这个难题又该怎么解决?\n是不是考虑将这事情的消息全面的散发出去,多吸引几个顶尖高手到天香城来?\n天下之大,能人异士层出不穷,总归会有知道的吧?\n不过此事,还需要瞒着爷爷和三叔才好,若是让他们知道了,以爷爷的耿直和三叔的正直,万一提出给唐家送回去咋办?\n又或者说漏了嘴什么的,那可就麻烦大了,还是到时候神不知鬼不觉的把玄丹给三叔或者爷爷用了之后再说明,恩,来他一个木已成舟……\n那样的话,想必大家都会闷声发大财吧?!\n以君邪现在开天造化功的神异,再者完全与这个世界的玄气修炼不同的功法,君邪不认为这颗天下玄者梦寐以求的玄丹对自己会有什么作用,而事实也正是如此。\n不过这个世界的玄丹对君邪修炼开天造化功虽然无用,却还有能够辅助他修炼的东西,只不过这个菜鸟现在还不知道……\n还有明日的金秋才子宴,自己到底去还是不去?\n一路思考着,也不知道走出了多远,才打定了主意。\n回过神来,摸摸怀中的飞刀,君邪叹了口气,自从上次动手之后,君邪就知道,自己的土法子打造的飞刀对这个世界的高级玄者来说,效果实在不怎么好,前者只是击杀一个银玄高手,飞刀居然有些破损卷刃!\n若是金玄、玉玄级别的高手呢?\n思及至此,君邪莫名一身冷汗。\n唯一可以想见的是,这种铁质的飞刀对那些超级高手作用一定不大!\n起码不会起到一击致命的理想效果。\n所以君邪在现在自己实力还未真正强大起来之前,还是先为自己打造几柄防身利器。\n最起码,以自己现在的力量发出的暗器可以破得开玉玄强者的护身玄气,这已经是君邪心中的最低标准!\n但要达到这样的标准,普通的凡铁是肯定不行的。\n君邪一路低着头,向着‘神兵谱’的店面行去。\n想要找到上好的打造飞刀的材料,整个天香城,恐怕也就只这“神兵谱”或者能有了。\n在君邪的心中,最理想的材料是玄铁,又或者是寒铁,都行,实在没有的话,也只好用精钢对付一下了。\n跟君邪分手之后,唐源唐大少爷兴冲冲的回到了家里,然后便急不可耐的立即求见唐老太爷。\n唐老太爷这些天里可是烦躁到了极点,自己的心肝宝贝顶级玄丹被窃,全无消息,这让本就脾气火爆的老头儿更加的勃然,心中正想着唐源呢,若不是这混蛋小子纨绔败家,出去赌博鬼混,哪里会引起这么多事情?\n越想越怒,就要令人立即传唐源过来,先打上一顿再说。\n正待喊人,突然下人进来禀报,说是大少爷求见。\n顿时一愣:别说最近这个节骨眼,平日里也难得见这家伙,现在只怕躲着自己还来不及呢,居然还有胆量自动找上门来,不会是被自己骂得失心疯了吧?\n道:“让他立即滚进来!”想了想,又道:“把铁算盘拿来!”\n唐源一进门,便看到了那硕大的铁算盘横在面前,顿时一张脸变成了苦瓜色。\n“又是什么龌龊事?”唐老爷子很怒!\n问道,同时下巴向着铁算盘点了点,示意唐源跪到上面再回话。\n自己孙子的那点出息自己是很明白,如果不是出了什么解决不了的事,是万万不敢惊动自己的!\n唐源脸色一苦,委委屈屈的跪在上面,肚皮吧唧一下打在地面上,声音那叫一个清脆。\n“什么事?”唐老爷子看着自己的孙子垂在地面的肚皮,气更是不打一处来:“你就不能减减肥?!真把自己当猪了?!”\n唐源兴致勃勃的回来缴功,哪想到居然这般待遇,顿时垂头丧气,看着自己的肚皮,嘟囔道:“我也不想那么胖啊……这几天被你们教训得吃饭都吃不下去,光喝水,还是一个劲的长肉……”\n“赶紧说你的事!”唐老太爷又气又乐,“别扯这没用的,是不是又闯祸了。”\n“爷爷,我……”唐源一兴奋,想到自己按照君莫邪说的,即将摆脱这种苦痛生活,忍不住腾地站了起来,无视老太爷即将发怒的脸色:“爷爷,我可能找到了咱家丢的那颗玄丹的线索了。”\n“哦?!”唐老太爷正准备发怒让这小子再跪下去,闻言顿时精神一振,两眼大亮,也不计较了:“赶紧说说,是什么线索。”\n“自从玄丹被窃,孙儿日夜忧心,自责不已,这几天里,殚精竭虑,呕心沥血,苦苦思索,细细斟酌、鞠躬尽瘁……”唐源表情真挚,一副洗心革面改过自新重新做人的沉痛。\n“停!停停停!”唐老太爷一阵头大:“你是不是还想跪在那上面才肯正经说话?痛快点!”指了指铁算盘。\n顿时吓了一跳:“……今日出去,寻访线索,却在醉仙楼遇见了北城帮帮主秦虎……的儿子秦小宝正在嚣张跋扈仗势欺压良民,孙儿不禁义愤填膺,按照您老人家平时的教诲,孙儿侠义之心看不得这种龌龊事!\n于是我,胸怀凌云气,脚下舞东风!\n仗义出手,救助弱小;路见不平,拔刀相助,行侠仗义,为国为民……\n呃,过后不久,秦虎那丫居然胆敢带人来找场子,真是不知死活!\n发现是我的时候,居然显得慌乱之极;”\n唐胖子自吹自擂的本事还真是不一般,出口就是一套一套的。\n“屁话!哪个秦虎算什么东西?招惹了我们唐家,他岂能不慌乱?这就是你说的线索?!”唐老爷子嗤之以鼻,这算什么狗屁线索?\n自己居然对这个混蛋孙子说的话抱了希望,自己真是……听着这一连串的自吹自擂,老爷子头大如斗,满脸黑线。\n“爷爷,若秦虎一开始就紧张的话自然是合乎情理的,可是在一开始的时候他居然完全没有慌乱的意思,但当我说起家里被窃这件事情,秦虎却脸色大变,如遇鬼魅。”\n唐源一副智多星的样子细细分析:“外面只是知道我唐家被盗了金银珠宝,基于面子问题才追捕窃贼,但这件事情就情理上讲,跟秦虎根本扯不上半点关系,他为什么会那么吃惊呢?\n孙儿觉得,其中必然大有蹊跷!\n说不定,就是这混蛋做的!”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 52\n“Even if Qin Hu was not involved, wouldn’t this prove that you are trying your best to help solve this matter?\nConsidering how much you are trying to repent and help out, I believe your grandfather would not be so harsh on you.\nBesides, all you need to do is insist that Qin Hu is a major suspect.\nWith your grandfather’s current state, he will certainly spare no effort in determining the truth of this matter.\nWhen that happens, it no longer mattered if Qin Hu is involved or not. At the same time, you would have helped the common people by exterminating a source of calamity. Think about it, why should you not do it?”\nReel him in…\n“You are right, my grandfather placed a great value on that item. As long as he gets hold of a clue, he would immediately mobilize everything!”\nTang Yuan thought out loud. “However, this matter needs to be done properly; otherwise my future days would be extremely miserable. Very well! I will follow your plan!”\nThe more he considered it, the more he believed that this was a wonderful plan. Tang Yuan eventually became impatient and said. “Third Young Master, how about if I let my men send you over to Red Joy Establishment so that you can enjoy the “quietness” there. I need to go back quickly to report to my grandfather.\nOtherwise, if grandfather finds out that I went to visit a brothel after finding out about this instead of reporting to him first, my situation will become even worse.”\n“It is indeed not a suitable thing to do. Since you have something going on, how could I have the mood to go to the brothel? I will just play around,”\nJun Xie laughed. “Fatty Tang, congratulations! You are about to obtain freedom.”\nTang Yuan smiled wide, akin to the Buddha Maitreya. “This is all thanks to brother’s advice.”\nAfter declining Tang Yuan’s offer to escort him back, Jun Xie descended from the carriage and the both of them parted ways. Observing Tang Yuan’s carriage moving away, Jun Xie’s face revealed a smile.\nIf the Tang Family were to take action, what should his next step be?\nThe Xuan Core was resting within his hands and yet he had no clue on how to utilize it. How should he solve this problem?\nShould I spread the news of this item out to attract some high ranked experts into Tianxiang City?\nIn this vast world, there are many capable people. Surely some among them would know what I need.\nHowever, this matter needs to be concealed from Grandpa and Third Uncle. With Grandpa’s upright and honest nature, Third Uncle’s straightforward character, they would probably want to return it to the Tang Family.\nIn addition, if any slip of the tongue were to occur, then the resulting trouble would be huge. It would be better from me to tell them after using the Xuan Core on Third Uncle or Grandpa. That is right, I will hand them a done deal…\nthat way, we can silently prosper!\nThe divine powers that Jun Xie has was the result of practicing the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune and was fundamentally different from the cultivation of Xuan Qi. Jun Xie believed correctly that this highly coveted Xuan Core was of no use to him.\nHowever, even though the Xuan Core was of no use to his practice of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune, it could still help him in other areas. Unfortunately, this newbie still had no idea…\nFurthermore, should he attend the Gifted Scholar’s Autumn Festival Feast tomorrow?\nHe thought about it while walking onwards. After walking for who knew how far, he finally decided.\nFeeling around for his flying knives, he sighed. After the confrontation that occurred last time, he had understood that the self-made flying knives were not very effective against the Xuan Qi experts of this world. Even though the opponent was merely a Silver Xuan expert, the flying daggers ended up being broken and bent!\nWhat would happen if the opponent was at the Gold Xuan or Jade Xuan level?\nWhen thinking about such a possibility, Jun Xie broke out in cold sweat.\nThe one thing he could be certain of was that with the current quality of iron, the flying knives produced were insufficient against a highly capable master!\nAt least, it did not have the ability to inflict fatal wounds.\nSince Jun Xie’s strength has yet to be improved to a great level, he must first create several weapons for him to defend himself.\nAt the very least, the projectile weapons he has must be able to penetrate the defensive strength of a Jade Xuan expert’s body. This was also Jun Xie’s minimum requirement!\nHowever, normal iron would not be sufficient in this regard.\nJun Xie continued forward with his head lowered as he made his way to the “Divine Weapons Store”.\nIn order to acquire high quality materials for his self-made flying knives, the “Divine Weapons Store” may be the only place within Tianxiang Kingdom where he could find it.\nBy Jun Xie’s calculations, the best material available here would be mysterious iron; cold iron would be an acceptable replacement if need be. If all else fails, then he would need to resort to fine steel.\nAfter parting ways with Jun Xie, Eldest Young Master Tang, Tang Yuan excitedly rushed back home. Once he arrived, he immediately requested an audience with his grandfather.\nFor the past few days, Grandfather Tang had been feeling extremely irritable. In addition to having his one pride and joy, the Xuan Core stolen, there was also no news or leads regarding the case. This made him even more furious. His mind kept thinking back towards Tang Yuan. If not for this debauchee brat’s mess with the gambling incident, this would never have happened.\nThe more he thought about it, the more furious he became. He eventually decided to order the servants to summon Tang Yuan here so that he can vent out his fury.\nJust as he was calling out, a servant suddenly came in to report that the Eldest Young Master was seeking an audience.\nHe became surprised. Disregarding the current situation, meeting this brat was hard even on normal days. These days, Tang Yuan would hide as much as he could, and yet he suddenly had the guts to come forward himself? Could it be that he has gone mad from the scolding?\n“Bring him in!” After thinking for a bit, he added. “Bring in the iron abacus!”\nRight after he entered, the first thing Tang Yuan saw was the iron abacus, causing his face to turn bitter.\n“What kind of vile problem is it this time?” Grandfather Tang was very angry!\nAs he asked, his chin indicated the iron abacus, signalling for Tang Yuan to kneel on it before saying anything.\nHow could he not understand his own grandson? The only reason Tang Yuan would request to meet him would be if he had caused an insoluble problem! If not for this, Tang Yuan would never ever come to him!\nTang Yuan’s face were filled with bitterness as he sadly knelt down, his belly falling all the way to the ground, causing a clear sound to be heard.\n“What happened?” Looking at the belly of his grandson reaching the ground, he found himself unable to become angry. “Would it hurt you to lose some weight? Or have you resigned yourself to becoming a pig?”\nTang Yuan was originally excited as he thought of making a huge contribution. But after receiving such a kind of treatment, he became dejected. Looking at his own belly, he solemnly replied. “It is not like I wanted to be this fat… having received your scolding for the past few days, I could not even eat properly. But, even if I only drink water…”\n“Enough! Just tell me why you came here!” Grandfather Tang felt angry and yet felt like laughing. “Don’t talk nonsense, just what kind of trouble did you cause this time?”\n“Grandpa, I…” Tang Yuan suddenly became excited as he thought of what Jun Moxie said about him being free from this miserable circumstance. Unable to help himself, he stood up, ignoring the furious expression on his grandfather’s face. “Grandpa, I think I may have found a lead on the stolen Xuan Core.”\n“Oh?” Grandfather Tang who was originally about to become enraged and planned to have Tang Yuan kneel down again became surprised. His eyes bulged widely as he ignored what happened earlier. “Quick, spit out what you know.”\n“Ever since the day the Xuan Core was stolen, grandchild has been plagued with worry day and night. For the past few days, I devoted all my concern, my mind and skill into this matter; I threw both my heart and soul into it as I racked my brains to think and analyse what happened, I drained myself of mind and body to pore through all possibilities carefully, ensuring that I squeeze every last effort I could muster…” Tang Yuan showed a sincere expression on his face, as though he had decided to turn over a new leaf and become a better person.\n“Stop! Stop stop stop!” Grandfather Tang shouted angrily. “Would you prefer to kneel down on that before telling me what happened?” He pointed at the iron abacus.\nTang Yuan became startled. “Today, I went out looking for clues. Then, in the Drunken Immortal Establishment, I met the Northern City Clan Leader, Qin Hu… Qin Hu’s son, Qin Xiaobao. That Qin Xiaobao was being arrogant and overbearing as he bullied the innocent commoners. Seeing this, grandchild could not help but become angry. Due to Grandpa’s teachings, grandchild was unable to put up with his despicable ways.\nThe anger in my heart rose to the Heavens, and the winds accompanied me as I stepped forward to fight in the name of righteousness and to save the weak!\nWhen chancing upon injustice, one must take up arms to offer assistance, fighting for the sake of righteousness with a heroic heart, for the people and for the country…\nuhh, after that, Qin Hu brought a number of men to make a fuss!\nBut when he found out it was me, he panicked.”\nTang Yuan’s ability to flaunt his own actions were truly extraordinary, every word he uttered painted him in good light.\n“Nonsense! Who is Qin Hu? Does he have the ability to provoke us? How can he not panic? Is this your so-called lead?” Grandfather Tang scoffed out: What kind of nonsensical lead is this?\nAnd here I was actually putting hope into the words of this useless grandson of mine… Hearing Tang Yuan’s words of self-praise, Grandfather Tang’s face had turned black and swollen from anger.\n“Grandpa, if Qin Hu had panicked right from the start, then I would understand. But, he actually did not show any such reaction at the beginning. It was only after I mentioned that a theft had happened in our house that Qin Hu’s expression changed, as though he had met a ghost.”\nTang Yuan put on the air of a master detective as he slowly deduced. “Externally, everyone believes that only money and jewellery were stolen from our house. This was the reason we gave to seek out the thieves. Under such circumstances, this matter would have no relations with Qin Hu at all. So, why then would he show such a shocked expression?\nGrandchild believes that there is something odd within all this!\nIt might even be possible that Qin Hu was the one who committed this crime!”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第53章\n“恩……”唐老太爷眯着眼睛,眼中精光闪动:“说下去。”\n“没了。”唐源一急。\n“没了?!混账东西,说到关键处没了?想死啊!”唐老太爷勃然大怒,一脚踢在他那肥硕的屁股上:“就这么着一点点事,怎么就敢认定秦虎的北城帮与窃案有关系?\n这件事情究竟如何,再把各种经过给我细细的说一遍!\n若有半点含糊之处,我就直接扒了你的肥皮!”\n唐源一阵无奈,看看骗不过去,只好将事情源源本本的讲述了出来。\n唐老爷子眯着眼睛听着,当听到君莫邪说北城帮有重大嫌疑的时候,插嘴问了一句:“君莫邪那混蛋小子不是跟北城帮有仇吧?”\n“呃?不!没有,若是他真跟北城帮有仇,以他的性子,北城帮恐怕早就被他灭了好几次。哪里还能留存到现在?”唐源急忙否认。\n“既然如此,那么君莫邪想必就不是故意陷害,而以君家的力量,也不必非要推到我这边出手,不过对君莫邪那小子,我实在有些信不过,显然凭这个小子,也未必能琢磨出这么太高明的害人伎俩。”唐老爷子捋着胡子,沉思着道。\n“但是……爷爷,玄丹对咱们唐家可谓重要至极,此时我们正是宁可信其有,不可信其无的关键时刻。”唐源眼看计划要黄,赶紧急牢牢地道。\n“不错!正是宁可信其有,不可信其无!更何况只是一个地下帮派,动了也没什么!就当为民除害了!”唐老爷子猛地站起身来。\n“只是单凭这点,就硬指北城帮跟这件事情有关,未免过于牵强。不过近期来,京城之中这几大帮派这段时间里却是闹的不大像话,尤其是这个北城帮,听说恶迹不少;而玄丹这件事情,还真漏了这几个帮派,就先拿北城帮来问问话,倒也不失为一条路子。”\n唐老太爷有一搭无一搭的想着,实际上心中并没有多大指望,只是实在没有办法了,有这么一线希望,也要查查看。\n“传我命令,府中所有九品上玄者立即集合,今天晚上,便打一个措手不及;记住,事情没有结果,不得随意杀人;全部要活口!审讯之后再说话。”\n“是!”唐源大喜过望。\n君三少的办法果然好使,现在爷爷对我已经有所改观了哇哈哈……\n君邪策划这件事,就根本上来讲,还真就是为了看不惯北城帮,邪君看不惯的,当然不能让他们好受。\n但自己动手,又有顾虑,才推到了唐家。\n唐源接受这件事,只是为了自己的日子过得舒服一点,不要在自己家里却像耗子一般人人喊打。\n唐老爷子接受这件事,不过是抱着万一的希望,但有希望总好过没希望,顺便还能打着为民除害的旗号,无论事情结果怎样,只要在事后将北城帮所犯的罪名实打实的罗列出来、公布出去,唐家的名气就必然会再上一层,至少民间会有不少支持的声音。\n再说北城帮只是六大帮派中最弱的一个,也没有什么上层力量支持;动之,毫无顾忌!\n当然,若是万一有什么收获消息,那更是意外之喜了。\n但,无论是君邪,还是唐源,还是唐老太爷,都不知道,这次行动,乃是名副其实、结结实实的歪打正着!\n而且是切切实实的突然袭击,攻其不备!\n一切后果,就看今天晚上了。\n而李悠然安排的令秦虎送礼试探君邪的打算,此刻也才刚刚传到了秦虎的耳朵里,但经过唐老爷子这么雷霆万钧的一次行动……\n估计要又一次莫名其妙的夭折了,而且是毫无道理的毫无预兆的迎头一记闷棍,而原因只是为了两个纨绔一个想整人,一个想摆脱自己的尴尬处境,两个各有私心的纨绔子弟,却无巧不巧的破坏了一向算无遗策的李悠然的又一次行动……\n难道这是天意?\n君邪慢慢的在路上走着,神兵谱的店面,已经就在面前。\n惟在大门口,却停了一辆锦帐流苏的马车,颇为奢华,马车上的图案,乃是两柄交叉的剑!\n这是独孤世家的专有家徽,是独孤世家的人!\n君邪微微一怔,却也并不在意,仍旧缓步地走了进去,若是纨绔子君莫邪或者会忌惮几分独孤家的人,但君邪岂会在意什么独孤家!\n“这位公子爷,请问您是买什么样的兵器?”刚进店门,一个中年人便迎了上来,如君邪一般的公子哥在京城可不在少数,而这样的公子哥也都喜欢,带一把华丽丽的刀剑什么的,但都只是起个装饰作用,根本不能用来厮杀,而这样兵器的实用性自然要大打折扣的。\n“我不是要买现成的兵器,我只想问问,你们这里有没有寒铁?价钱不是问题!”君邪笑了笑道,一副财大气粗的样子。\n那人眼睛一亮,心想此人一身纨绔气,难道竟是行家不成,自己可别走了眼,又上下注目看了君邪一会,道:“公子爷原来是个行家,不过小店寒铁暂时没有了,那东西太过难得。\n不知百炼精钢铁可不可以?”\n君邪呵呵一笑,道:“若真是百炼……倒是可以,不过你所说的这百炼精钢铁……是真正的精钢百炼么?”\n中年人脸上一阵尴尬,道:“公子爷果然是行家,在下自然不敢欺瞒。本店的百炼钢虽然大多都只得数十炼之间,但钢质的确是不错的,放眼天下,也是数得着的。”\n“只得数十炼……我知道了,那么,玄铁,有么?”君邪叹口气。\n真是背,这地方比起地球落后了一万年么?\n指望他们的锻造技术肯定是没希望了,就看看有没有什么特殊的金属了!\n而说到金属,玄铁却是不二之选的!\n“也没有……”中年人擦擦汗,今天这哥们问的怎么全是那些可遇而不可求的东西?突然想起一事,道:“不过,前几天刚刚运到一块陨铁,不知道公子合意不合意?”\n“陨铁?!”君邪眼睛一亮:“带我去看看!”\n本来之前试问玄铁,也只是抱了万一的打算,虽然也是没有,如今却意外得到了陨铁的消息,玄铁虽然难得,但陨铁却更是难求,自己的运道还是很够的!\n跟在那个中年人身后,君邪穿过店面,向着后面的仓库走去。\n还未走到仓库,便听到里面传来一个清脆的声音:“……好!我就要这块陨铁了。”\n那个声音的主人却是当世之间,君莫邪最为避忌的寥寥数人之一——独孤世家、独孤小艺!\n怎么在哪都能碰上这妞呢,真是邪门啊!\n君邪心中一急,一步跨进门去,没等有人说话,抢先开口:“哈哈哈……独孤小姐,我们真是有缘啊,居然在这里也遇到了。”\n“是你?君莫邪?”独孤小艺一转头,妙目流盼,挺起了胸膛:“君莫邪,你也太邪了吧?怎么在都能碰上你这纨绔败家子,就跟个吊靴鬼似的,真是奇了怪了!?”\n突然噗的一下跳了过来,凑过俏脸,恶狠狠的问道:“君莫邪,你是不是专门跟着我的?”\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 53\n“Hmm…” Grandfather Tang squinted his eyes, a glint flashing within his eyes. “Continue.”\n“That is all,” Tang Yuan replied abruptly.\n“That is all?! You piece of crap! You dare say that is all after reaching the main point? Do you have a death wish?” Grandfather Tang became greatly angered and lashed out with a kick on Tang Yuan’s buttocks. “With just this little bit, how could you be certain that Qin Hu’s Northern City Clan have anything to do with the theft case?\nWhat exactly happened? Tell me everything from the beginning!\nIf there are any parts that are unclear, I will rip out your fat skin!”\nTang Yuan became frustrated. Seeing that he cannot bluff his way out, he obediently reported everything that had happened.\nGrandfather Tang squinted his eyes as he listened. When he heard about Jun Moxie accusing the Northern City Clan being associated with the theft case, he interrupted Tang Yuan and asked. “Could it be that bastard Jun Moxie has beef with the Northern City Clan?”\n“Huh? No! How could that be? Considering his character, if he had any grudge with the Northern City Clan, he would have flattened that little clan a long time ago. How could Northern City Clan still survive if such was the case?” Tang Yuan quickly denied.\n“Indeed, Jun Moxie should not be trying to frame Qin Hu. Simply based on the Jun Family’s power, there was no need for him to push such a matter to our side. However, I am somewhat unable to trust that Jun Moxie. That being said, he should not be someone who could conceive a high level strategy to harm others,” Grandfather Tang stroked his beard.\n“But… grandpa, the Xuan Core is simply too important for our family. At a time like this, it is better for us to believe in something than nothing,” Seeing his plans about to come to fruition, Tang Yuan quickly added.\n“Correct! I would rather believe in something than nothing at all! Besides, it is only small gang from the underworld, can I not move against them? I can just consider this an act of helping the common people in getting rid of a nest of evils!” Grandfather Tang violently stood up.\n“Saying that the Northern City Clan is connected to the theft case based on that incident alone is indeed far-fetched. However, the great clans within the city had been acting over the line recently. Especially this Northern City Clan; I hear that they have done no small number of evil deeds. In addition, the investigation into the Xuan Core had omitted these few clans. Since that is the case, I might as well catch those from Northern City Clan and interrogate them first. Hopefully, we can find a lead there,”\nGrandfather Tang thought about it. Even though he did not place much hopes into it, if there was even a glimmer of hope, then he had to at least check it out.\n“Relay my orders, all those at the Ninth level Xuan Qi and above are to assemble immediately. We will be taking action tonight! Remember, until the matter is over, they must not kill senselessly! I need information from them!”\n“Understood!” Tang Yuan was overjoyed. \nThird Young Master Jun’s method was indeed amazing. His grandfather’s treatment towards him had already changed, haha…\nThis plan from Jun Xie was fundamentally born of his distaste for the Northern City Clan. Those that earned the Evil Monarch’s ire can forget about living a good life.\nHowever, Jun Xie had too many concerns about the aftermath of moving against them by himself. Thus, he pushed this matter onto Tang Yuan.\nAs for Tang Yuan, the reason he accepted this role was simply to make his life more bearable. He could no longer stand being treated like a mouse in his own house, being beaten and cursed at every day.\nAs for Grandfather Tang, he decided to act on it because he was holding on to the hope that it was related to the Xuan Core. After all, having hope is better than having no hope. Besides, he could also use this opportunity to wipe out a harmful group for the sake of the common people. No matter what result this incident brought, as long as he could publicize the list of crimes that the Northern City Clan had committed, the reputation of the Tang Family would rise by one level. That way, his actions would gain the support of the masses.\nBesides, Northern City Clan was the weakest amongst the six great clans; they do not have any supporting powers behind them. Moving against them was something that required no discretion!\nIn addition, there was a possibility of a pleasant surprise if it turned out that this action would bring a potential lead towards the Xuan Core.\nHowever, Jun Xie, Tang Yuan and Grandfather Tang did not know something. They did not know that this action from their side was a truly lucky strike!\nThis would become an unexpected pleasant surprise for them!\nEverything would come together on this very evening.\nAs for Li Youran’s arrangement to have Qin Hu investigate Jun Xie, his instructions had only just arrived for Qin Hu. Unfortunately, now that Grandfather Tang had mobilized his forces…\nIt would appear that Li Youran’s plans would be foiled yet again. Without any warning or reason, his plans would be broken apart. All because of two debauchees, one who could not stand the existence of Northern City Clan, while the other wanted to escape from his miserable situation. These two selfish debauchees ended up foiling a highly detailed plan made after countless analyses by Li Youran…\nCould this actually be the will of Heaven?\nJun Xie proceeded slowly along the way. The Divine Weapons Store was just ahead.\nBefore the shop was a luxurious carriage bearing a crest with two crossed swords!\nThis was the special crest belonging only to the Dugu Family! Someone from the Dugu Family was here!\nJun Xie was shocked but did not pay any heed to it as he slowly strode inside. If this was the debauchee, Jun Moxie, he would not dare to cross paths with a member of the Dugu Family. However, Jun Xie was different! What does he need to fear from the Dugu Family?\n“Dear Young Master, what kind of weapon are you looking for?” As he entered the shop, a middle-aged man came forth. There were no small number of Young Masters like Jun Xie within the city. All of them favoured the habit of carrying a magnificent looking sword. However, these swords only serve as a decorative item with no real ability to kill. Naturally, these weapons practicality would be questionable.\n“I am not here to buy ready-made weapons. I am here to inquire; do you have cold iron for sale? Price is not a problem!” Jun Xie laughed out, portraying a look of wealth and power.\nThe man’s eyes flashed as he thought to himself: I thought this kid is a debauchee. Could it be that he is actually an experienced professional? I cannot afford to make this mistake! He appraised Jun Xie once more before replying. “It turns out that Young Master here is a professional. However, our shop currently does not have any cold iron, as it is too hard to procure.\nWould Hundred Tempered Steel Iron suffice instead?”\nJun Xie chuckled and replied. “If it has truly been tempered a hundred times… then it would suffice, however, this Hundred Tempered Steel Iron… has it truly been tempered a hundred times?”\nThe middle-aged man’s face showed an awkward expression of embarrassment. “Young Master here is a true experienced professional. Even though my shop’s Hundred Tempered Iron has only been tempered around ten times, the quality is indeed above average. Even if it is to be compared to the others around the world, it can be considered one of the best.”\n“Ten times… I understand. In that case, what about Mysterious Iron? Do you have any?” Jun Xie sighed.\nHow terrible! Could it be that this place’s level of technology was actually behind Earth by ten thousand years?\nPutting hopes into their forging methods would be pointless. As of right now, all he could do was search for special metals!\nWhen it comes to special metals, Mysterious Iron was the best!\n“None…” The middle-aged man wiped his sweat. Why was this man asking for all sorts of materials that was hard to procure? He suddenly remembered something. “A few days ago, we received a piece of Meteoric Iron. Would that suffice?”\n“Meteoric Iron?!” Jun Xie’s eyes lit up. “Let’s go and have a look!”\nWhen asking for the Mysterious Iron back then, Jun Xie was only hoping for a “what if”. He had fully expected there to be none. Unexpectedly, there was a Meteoric Iron! Even though Mysterious Iron was rare, the rarity of Meteoric Iron was even higher. It seemed that his luck was quite good!\nJun Xie followed the middle-aged man through the storeroom as they walked into the store behind the shop.\nBefore they reach the storeroom, however, a clear voice could be heard from within. “Excellent! I want this Meteoric Iron.”\nThe owner of the voice was someone that Jun Moxie had feared the most – Dugu Xiaoyi of the Dugu Family!\nWhy am I bumping into her everywhere? Scary!\nJun Xie’s heart became anxious; he quickly stepped through the door. Without waiting for anyone to say anything, he quickly opened his mouth. “Hahaha… Miss Dugu, I did not expect that we would meet again here. This must be fate.”\n“It is you? Jun Moxie?” Dugu Xiaoyi turned around, her eyes sparkled as she straightened her chest. “Jun Moxie, you are too abnormal. Why is it that I would end up bumping into you all the time, just like a clingy ghost! How peculiar!”\nSuddenly, she jumped, pushing her face before Jun Xie, asking viciously. “Jun Moxie, you are not stalking me on purpose, are you?”",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第54章\n“独孤小姐,您的自我感觉也太好了吧?”君邪忍不住刺了她一句,继续还击道:“我要找也要去胭脂楼,那漂亮姑娘可多的是,还特温柔……嘶……!”\n独孤小艺俏脸气得发白,一只纤纤玉手拧着他的胳膊,俏丽的双眼瞪得溜圆,咬牙切齿一字一句地道:“你、说、什、么?”\n“君子动口不动手!”君邪正义凛然地道,随即苦下脸来:“大姐,轻点,您的纤纤玉手别累着。”\n“哼,说!你小子跟着我到底有什么不良企图?快说,要不我可不保证你小子的耳朵是否保得住。”独孤小艺手下丝毫不松,不依不饶。\n君邪可是知道这妞可是说得出,做得到,从来不怕事大的角色,眼珠一转,嘿嘿笑道:“独孤小姐不是想要买铁块?不如……就让小弟我来为小姐付帐如何?”\n“你?”独孤小艺顿时想起来,这家伙前次赢了那么多好东西居然一件也不肯分给自己,顿时心中又不平衡起来,不由得柳眉倒竖,愤愤地道:“本来就应该你来付钱!\n咱俩合伙赢的钱你还没给我呢!\n上次没本小姐的运气,你小子能赢那么的好东西,就用这个抵了吧。”\n说着突然呵呵笑了两声,用手比了比,一对小虎牙可爱的露了出来:“我要用来打一把短刀,这样的……薄薄的,能藏在袖里那种,很不错吧。”\n君邪心中汗了一下,这妞也太能扯了吧,也就是让您做个见证、飘了飘红赢了两万两银子不说,还一把抢走了自己大十几万两的银票,现在居然又摇身一变,成了合伙人,还靠她的运气……\n只打一把小小的轻刀,居然就想要占这么一大块陨铁,啥叫暴殄天物,这妞就是标准的事例了……\n那块陨铁约莫有两个篮球大小,通体散发出一种奇异的色泽,类似于君邪前世铝合金的特殊颜色,不过显得更加的纯正,上面还有一道道不规则的花纹状撞痕。\n君邪一眼就认定,这块陨铁质素,绝对要高过玄铁!\n这一刻,君邪心中已经打定主意:无论是坑蒙拐骗还是巧取豪夺,都要将这块陨铁拿到手里,这么好的东西,只有在本少爷手中,才能物尽其用!\n“老板,这块烂铁,几两银子?”君邪吊儿郎当的用脚尖踢了踢房中间那块篮球大小的陨铁,嘴歪眼斜的问道。\n这让带他进来的那位中年人大跌眼镜!\n这位公子刚才可是一副行家里手的专家样子,言谈举止也算是沉稳得体,怎么一见到这位美丽的小姐,却瞬间变成了这么一副令人作呕的倒霉样子?\n这是玩得那一出啊?!\n难道是色迷心窍?!\n红颜祸水啊,美色真是害人不浅!\n“呃,呵呵,公子,这块乃是天外……”老板是个老头,微微佝偻着身子。\n还没等他说出来,君邪就不耐烦地打断了他道:“别废话,你直接说多少银子就行了,本少爷有的是钱!\n我看得上的东西,就算是废铁,也是宝贝!\n就这块烂铁,你只管开价好了!”\n“是,是,”老板能在京城这个地界开店,自然是颇有见识,清楚眼前的这个少爷极有可能就是京城极具“威名”的几个超级纨绔之一,哪敢怠慢这等混世魔王一般的人物?\n急忙道:“此铁来历不凡,小店估价八万两银子;而且,公子和小姐若是打算由小店打造成具体物件的话,费用需再加五千两银子……”\n“哦?八万两?这么便宜?少爷我买了!”君邪一副有银票在兜里就不知道姓啥的样子,脚尖踢了踢另外一块:“这块破烂呢?”\n他样子嚣张跋扈,但脚下指定的货物倒真不是凡品,那乃是一大块名副其实的精炼钢铁,比那块陨铁要大得多了,通体隐隐泛出暗红色的色泽。\n“这块也是一块百炼精钢,虽然不能与之前的陨铁相提并论,却也要纹银两千两。”老者答话答得飞快。\n看得出来,面前这个牛叉的公子是没有半点耐心的,纹银两千两,足可使一三口之家一世无忧,这价钱不可谓不贵,至于之前的八万两对普通人言,更是天文数字,但对于超级纨绔败家子而言,却不过是九牛一毛而已。\n“不贵,不贵,挺便宜的!”君邪一挥手:“我全买了!”\n爽快之极的掏出一摞银票,这些自然是他那天的战利品;攥在手里,噗的吐了口唾沫,手指在嘴唇上一沾,啧啧有声的数出九万两银票,“啪”的在手上甩了一下,大刺刺的道:“这里是九万两,不用找了!”\n独孤小艺在一边看着,脸色从好笑慢慢的转成失望,慢慢地冷了下来,再渐渐的浮现出厌恶的神色,心中顿时冒出一种说不出的滋味:那天还认为他已经改变了,现在看来,还是那个纨绔子弟……唉!\n一手交钱,一手交货,君邪干脆利落的将两大块铁块交割完毕,现在,这两块价值不菲的铁块,已经是君邪的了。\n独孤小艺冷着脸,冷冰冰的道:“君三少,钱你付了,这铁也该给我了吧?”\n心中着实后悔,早知道他还是这样子,自己让他付什么钱?\n没得让自己不痛快!\n本姑娘若要找人付账,上至皇子,下至众官宦家的公子们,排队都能排出几里地去,什么时候能轮得到君莫邪?\n真是跌自己的份,不过陨铁始终难得,就多跟他费几句话吧!\n“好!正该如此。”君邪笑道:“独孤小姐,你看,这两个铁块,你要那大的,我要小的,如何?\n能替独孤小姐付账,真是我君莫邪的荣幸啊,哈哈……”\n“你说什么?”独孤小艺刚要取过陨铁离去,突然听得不对味,不由得瞪大了俏丽的眼睛,有些不敢相信自己的耳朵:“我要大的?你要小的?”\n他不是傻了吧?\n小的才是那块天外陨铁啊。\n大的是那块精炼钢铁,虽然品质也可以,但比起陨铁,却要差了天差地远,本小姐要那普通的精炼钢铁做什么。\n“是呀。”君邪理所当然的道:“你看,这两块烂铁我都买下来了,而我呢,所需也不多,只需要那块小的就足够了。\n而那块大的,给我就太浪费了,是吧;俗话说,红粉赠佳人,大铁块当然也要送佳人;呵呵,自然是赠送给独孤小姐您了啊。\n呃……当然,若是独孤小姐嫌不够的话,那我再买一块?\n左右是几千两一块,便宜的很,正好今天带了不少银子,要不我买上几十块,雇个马车送到府上去?!”\n独孤小艺顿时气得浑身都发起抖来!\n她算是终于明白了,原来君莫邪的目标竟也是那块陨铁,只不过怕自己先下手为强才提出替自己付账,现在银钱交割完毕,他居然要送给自己那块普通的精炼钢铁?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 54\n“Miss Dugu, aren’t you putting too high an evaluation on yourself?” Jun Xie could not help himself as he blurted out, stabbing Dugu Xiaoyi with those words. “If I had wanted to find a female companion, I would have gone to the Soapy Rouge Establishment. The number of beauties there is nothing to laugh about. Not to mention, those beauties are tender and… eeouch!!!”\nDugu Xiaoyi’s pretty white face turned furious, her delicate hands twisted Jun Xie’s arms, her pair of beautiful eyes stared at him as she asked, each words spoken with emphasis. “What… Did… You… Say?”\n“A gentlemen fight with words and not their hands!” Jun Xie said in a stern and righteous manner. With a bitter face, he continued. “Elder sister, please go easy on me, there is no need to tire your delicate hands on my account.”\n“Hmph! Speak up! What ulterior motives do you have for following me? Speak quickly! If you do not, then I cannot guarantee the safety of your ears,” Dugu Xiaoyi did not loosen her grip at all.\nJun Xie was well aware that this little girl was a woman of her words, having no fear for consequences. Turning around, Jun Xie smiled. “Wasn’t Miss Dugu planning to buy a piece of iron? Since that is the case… how about if this little brother help you buy it?”\n“You?” Dugu Xiaoyi suddenly recalled that Jun Xie had won so much precious treasures back then but had not given her any at all. Thinking about it, her heart became annoyed and her anger flared up. “Obviously you are the one who should pay for it!\nBack then, the both of us partnered together and won so much money, but you haven’t given me my share!\nIf not for my good luck, could you have won so much? Since you have won so much precious stuff thanks to my luck, then you might as well take this opportunity to repay me.”\nAfter saying that, she suddenly laughed. She held out her hands, using it to make a measurement as her cute pair of teeth became exposed. “I want to make a short sword, about this length… It will be a very thin one, one that I can keep hidden in my sleeve. It is good, don’t you think so?”\nJun Xie’s heart perspired; this little girl sure can talk. All she did was become a witness. She played across the board, winning twenty thousand silver liangs, after which she snatched up at least a hundred silver liangs worth of bills. Now, her role had suddenly transformed into that of a partner, and all that happened only occurred because of her good luck…\nIn order to create a small knife, she wanted the whole piece of Meteoric Iron. What would one call the act of destroying a precious treasure? This little girl here could be considered a standard example…\nThe piece of Meteoric Iron was approximately the size of two basketballs. Its entire body exuded a strange colour, seemingly similar to the special colour exuded by aluminium alloy from Jun Xie’s past life. However, it was clearly more pure in quality; it also sported irregular patterns on its surface.\nWith just a glance, Jun Xie judged that it was of a higher quality compared to Mysterious Iron!\nIt was at this moment that Jun Xie made the decision: No matter what I have to do, be it swindling or extortion, I must obtain this piece of Meteoric Iron. Something of such good quality could only shine when placed in this master’s hands!\n“Boss, how much does this piece of scrap iron cost?” Using his legs, Jun Xie slovenly kicked the block of basketball sized Meteoric Iron, his mouth crooked and his eyes slanted as he asked.\nThis caused the middle-aged man who led him inside to become surprised.\nThis Young Master had just spoken with him earlier while giving off the impression of an experienced professional, his demeanour and manner of speech calm. But how was it that after meeting this beautiful young lady, he would suddenly transform into such a disgusting looking person?\nWhat kind of game was he playing?\nCould this be what they call going crazy over a beauty?\nWhat a source of calamity! Beauties are truly the root of all calamities!\n“Uh, hehe, Young Master, this piece was found out…” The boss was a slightly hunched old man.\nWithout waiting for him to continue, Jun Xie interrupted him in an impatient manner. “Do not talk nonsense; all you need to do is state your price. This Young Master has nothing but money!\nIf something catches my attention, then even a rotten iron would become a treasure!\nAs for this scrap iron, just state your price!”\n“I understand,” In order to be able to open a shop within the capital city, the boss was a man of experience. He could clearly see that the Young Master before him was likely one of those highly prestigious debauchees. How could someone like him provoke one of these assortments of “demon kings”?\nHe quickly replied. “This iron’s origin is extraordinary. It is valued at eighty thousand silver liangs. In addition, if Young Master and Miss here wish for us to forge it into a weapon for you, then it would require an additional five thousand silver liangs…”\n“Oh? Eighty thousand liangs? So cheap? This Young Master will buy it!” Jun Xie put on the expression of someone who had so much money that he even forgot his own name. He then kicked another block of iron. “What about this broken stuff?”\nJun Xie radiated an overbearing aura; however, the block of iron he indicated was no ordinary iron. It was a piece of finely tempered steel iron, its size far outstripped that of the Meteoric Iron, its body exuding a dark red colour.\n“This is a piece of Hundred Tempered Steel Iron. Even though it is not as good as the Meteoric Iron, it would still cost two thousand liangs,” The boss answered almost immediately.\nHe could clearly observe that this senseless Young Master before him was a very impatient one. The price of two thousand liangs was enough for at least three families to live without worry for one whole generation. This price was indeed quite expensive. As for the eighty thousand liangs earlier, it was simply an astronomical amount for the common people. However, when placed before these prodigal debauchees, this price was but a strand of hair from nine oxen.\n“Not expensive, not expensive, in fact, it is quite cheap!”\nJun Xie waved his hands. “I will buy it all!” He pulled out a stack of silver bills from his bosom. Those were none other than the winnings from the other day. He spat out some saliva, then moistening his fingers on his lips, he pulled out ninety thousand worth in silver bills. He slapped the bills on his hands with a resounding “pa”. “Here is ninety thousand liangs, no need for change!”\nDugu Xiaoyi was observing all this from the side, her face slowly changed from a smile to disappointment. Slowly, she felt coldness appear in her heart. A look of disgust appeared on her face; a strange sensation filling her heart: Back then, I thought he had changed. It seems he is still the same debauchee… Sigh!\nOne hand was paying money, while the other hand received the goods. Jun Xie quickly finished the transaction for both blocks of iron. As of now, the two blocks of iron had belonged to Jun Xie alone.\nWith a cold face, Dugu Xiaoyi asked. “Third Young Master Jun, since you have paid for it, isn’t it time for you to hand over the iron to me?”\nIn her heart, she felt a pang of regret. If she knew that he was still the same old person, why would she let him pay for it?\nIn the end, it caused her to become unhappy!\nIf I had wanted to find someone to help me pay for it, there are the princes, the Young Masters from the noble families, officials’ families. Would someone like Jun Moxie get the chance?\nWhat a loss of face! Still, Meteoric Iron is a rare material. I might as well just put up with him a little longer!\n“Indeed! That is only natural!” Jun Xie laughed. “Miss Dugu, there are two blocks of iron here. You want the big one and I want the small one.\nAm I truly honoured to be able to help Miss Dugu pay for it, haha…”\n“What did you just say?” Dugu Xiaoyi was just about to head towards the block of Meteoric Iron when she heard something wrong. She could not help herself as her beautiful eyes widened; she almost could not believe her own ears. “I want the big one? You want the small one?”\nDid he become an idiot?\nThe small one is the Meteoric Iron from outer space.\nThe big one is the Hundred Tempered Steel Iron. Even though the quality is considerable, when compared to the Meteoric Iron, it is basically comparing the Heavens and Earth! What do I want a normal tempered steel iron for?\n“Indeed,” Jun Xie answered naturally. “Just look, I have already bought up those two scrap iron. But I have no need for a lot, only a small amount is enough for me.\nIf I am to take the big one, then it would go to waste. As the saying goes, pink is the present for beauties. Naturally, this big block of iron must be gifted to beauties as well. Hehe, naturally, that beauty is none other than Miss Dugu here.\nAh… Of course, if Miss Dugu feels that it is insufficient, then I can just buy up more for you.\nAll of them only cost a few thousand apiece, simply cheap stuff! How about I buy up ten of them and get a carriage to send it over to your residence?”\nDugu Xiaoyi’s whole body suddenly shivered in rage!\nShe finally understood what was happening. It turned out that Jun Moxie was also aiming for the Meteoric Iron. However, he was worried that she would finish the transaction first. Thus, he had proposed paying for it. And now that the transaction was done, he actually wanted to give her a block of ordinary tempered steel iron.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第55章\n烂铁,这样的烂铁你给我找几块来看看!\n可恶的君莫邪!\n他居然借着替自己付账的名义,妄图将那块天外陨铁据为己有!\n偏偏自己一时迷糊,竟然没有说明白……\n“君莫邪!!”独孤小艺尖叫一声,俏丽的大眼睛瞪得圆圆的:“你想找死吗?!”\n“冤枉!”君邪一脸的无辜加无赖,耸耸肩,摊摊手:“独孤小姐说那里话来,一共就两块,大的都给您了,您还想怎么着啊?\n您要买东西,我都已经替您付完银子了,您居然说俺想找死……我我……我太冤了我!”\n“你!……好,好,好!君莫邪,你有种!你千万别犯到我手里,我……我跟你没完!”独孤小艺胸口剧烈起伏,气的几乎哭了出来,咬着丰润的嘴唇,浑身颤抖。\n泪珠儿在眼中转啊转的,终于扑簌簌的落了下来。\n君邪有些不好意思,毕竟人家独孤小艺先看上的,自己借着替人家付账的理由耍无赖却私吞了,用这等不入流的下作手段占一个小女孩的便宜,实在是有些过意不去,皱着眉头安慰道:“哭啥?最多等我打造物件的时候,特别为你打造一柄宝刀,再专程送到府上,这样总行了吧?……”\n——这也叫安慰?\n“谁要你的刀!?”独孤小艺不知君邪此言已等于是一个承诺,还道君邪刻意讥讽自己,气得一跺脚,终于呜咽起来;心中委屈无限:“这块铁明明就是我的呜呜……”\n说来,独孤小艺倒不是哭那块陨铁,陨铁纵然珍贵,以独孤家的实力,只要刻意寻找,想来也不是太困难的事情,小艺真正哭的原因,反是是君莫邪这个可恨的家伙,摆出一副纨绔的样子,连话也不让人说完,就快刀斩乱麻的将两块铁都买了下来。\n故意将整件事情弄得糊里糊涂说不明白,现在可倒好了,东西到了他的手里,立即提出来给自己那块垃圾!\n居然还被他说得如此的道貌岸然:你要大的我要小的……\n这玩意是能用大小个头来判定优劣的吗?\n当然,最最可气的还是,自己居然又一次的看走了眼,又一次的被他的假装出来的表象迷惑了过去……\n眼泪断线珠子似的掉下来,独孤小艺真的很伤心。\n看这家伙居然木头桩子一般站在那里,竟然不过来劝慰一下!\n独孤小艺更是气苦了,索性小嘴一咧,呜呜的哭起来。\n“呃,别哭了,哭的脸都花了,真难看!”君邪皱着眉头,斜着眼,如此劝慰道。\n“我就要哭!要你管,你你……呜呜……你说谁难看?!”女孩子最忌讳“难看”这个词,当真是可忍孰不可忍,叔可忍婶不可忍!\n独孤小艺突然停止了哭声,恶狠狠地看着君邪,一时间,怒从心头起,恶向胆边生,突然一下子抓住了君邪的胳臂,张开樱桃小口一口狠狠地咬了上去,一口咬完,随即摔开,越发大声的哭起来。\n“嗷呜……”君邪脸上肌肉抽搐,咬着牙关,嘶嘶道:“我……操!”\n独孤小艺泪眼明媚的瞪着他,呜咽道:“你……你说什么?”\n却是没听清楚。\n君邪摊摊手,一呲牙,痛。\n独孤小艺又哭了起来。\n君邪挠了挠头,耸了耸肩膀,双手一摊,一筹莫展。\n君邪前世乃是一个杀手,本就很少接触过什么风花雪月,若是有什么需求,也是真金白银的……\n呃,完事两瞪眼,你东我西毫无瓜葛。\n对于女孩子的心思那是半点不懂,更加不会哄女孩子,所以虽见独孤小艺哭得伤心,他也是真不会劝慰,索性放弃这个努力,不理你,爱哭不哭!\n蹲在地上细细查看那块天外陨石,越看越是满意,用手提起来,只不过比篮球稍大些,居然足有两百多斤的分量!\n啧啧两声,异常满意。\n若使用这块陨铁打造出飞刀,必然是无坚不摧啊!\n这次真是捡到宝了,虽然手段有些不大光明……\n正在陶醉,突然屁股上一痛,几乎一头撞到陨铁上去,只听得独孤小艺一边伤心的哭,一边疾步奔了出去,地上留下一串泪珠……\n原来独孤小艺见君邪竟然全然不理会自己,转头去看陨铁,更加的委屈至极,在他撅起的屁股上猛地踢了一脚,哭着跑了……\n抚着屁股,君邪有些恼火,独孤小艺却已经没影了,君邪长出了一口气,喃喃的骂了两句:他妈的小妞!\n若你落到我的手里,我就先那啥再那啥然后又那啥,哼哼哼……\n其实,现在君邪的功力虽然仍不如独孤小艺深湛,但若是真的以命相搏,甚少实战经验的独孤小艺决计不是君邪的对手!\n但问题也恰好就在这里,君邪前世所习练的,全是又快又狠,一击毙命的杀人伎俩!\n而现在正在熟悉上手的,也无一例外。\n若是平常切磋,君邪反而发挥不出真正实力,不容乐观。\n就如前世的时候君邪在师兄弟们要求他指点的时候说过的那句话:“不要找我指点、切磋。我只会杀人,我不会打架!”\n而对独孤小艺,又岂能真正以命相搏?\n无论是家世地位还是个人脾气,都不允许君邪真正格杀独孤小艺!\n何况,独孤小艺号称“纨绔克星”,也算是一个嫉恶如仇很善良的姑娘。\n再说,一切只怪原先的君莫邪太过于混账而已。\n站起身来,看向那掌柜:“老板,若是这块陨铁在你们这里制成兵器,最多能做到几炼?”\n老者沉思一下,道:“这块陨铁,小店之前曾经炼制过一次,去其杂质;若继续精炼,最多可以做到三炼,可以达到云纹缭绕照面光寒的地步,若是制成兵器,必然锋利之极!”\n“能否作到削铁如泥?”君邪沉吟着。\n“不能!”老者嘴角咧了咧,很干脆的回答。\n削铁如泥?\n小家伙你是传说听得多了吧?\n“那你们竟然叫神兵谱?若是不能削铁如泥算什么神兵?”君邪一瞪眼,有种受了欺骗的感觉。\n老者顿时撞天屈得喊起冤来:“这位公子,您只怕有所误会,所谓削铁如泥那……那基本都是传说中的神兵特性;再说,就算是一等一神兵,也要分在什么人的手里才能够削铁如泥啊。\n公子您所说的就算是普通人拿着也能够削铁如泥的神兵宝器,别说本店,放眼天下也是绝无仅有的。”\n“哦?倒也有理!”君邪突然想起一句话:真气所及,草木皆成利剑。\n不由摇了摇头,心道放屁,到了那等程度还要利剑干什么?\n要利剑就是因为拳脚功夫不够呀。\n“算了,还是我自己想办法吧。”君邪叹了口气:“你让伙计给我送到君府去。”\n原来是君家的那货!\n怪不得这么败家!\n老者连声答应,擦了擦汗,心中庆幸,这位纨绔少爷虽然纨绔,但也今日居然没有胡搅蛮缠,你肯自己想办法自是最好不过了,只是可惜了这一大块陨铁。\n不过那种传说中的神兵利器,普天之下还未见一柄!\n让我这给你炼真是难为死人了!\n看着君邪离去的背影,老头心中腹诽了一声:就凭你这纨绔之徒,居然还想自己铸刀?!\n若是真能够炼得出来,老夫从此不用脚走路,老子用鸡鸡走!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "chapter 55\nScrap iron? Why don’t you try find me a few of these scrap iron?\nThis despicable Jun Moxie!\nUsing the excuse of paying for me, he tricked me to gain possession of the Meteoric Iron!\nIt just so happened that she was also not thinking clearly at the moment and forgot to mention which one she wanted…\n“Jun Moxie!!” Dugu Xiaoyi screamed, her pretty eyes bulging out widely. “Are you tired of living?”\n“I’m innocent!” Jun Xie spread out his arms as he shrugged, his face a mix of roguishness and innocence. “What are you talking about, Miss Dugu? Of these two, I have already given you the bigger one, what else do you want?\nYou want to buy iron, and I helped you pay for it. And yet, you say I am tired of living… you… you are being too unjust towards me!”\n“You! … Very good! Very good indeed! Jun Moxie, you sure have guts! But you better make sure that you do not end up in my hands. I… I will never forgive you!” Dugu Xiaoyi’s chest rose up and down, as she was angered to the point of tears. She bit her plump lips as her whole body trembled.\nThe tears within her eyes rolled about before finally falling down.\nJun Xie felt rather awkward. After all, the iron was one that Dugu Xiaoyi had wanted first. But he had used the excuse of paying it for her to pocket it instead. Using such an underhanded means to trick a little girl simply felt wrong. He tried to comfort her. “What are you crying for? How about this? When I am forging weapons from the iron, I will make a precious blade for you as well. After that, I will send it straight to your residence. So, let us just call it even, all right?” …\nIs this how you comfort people?\n“Who wants your blade?” Dugu Xiaoyi did not know that Jun Xie was actually making a promise with her and thought that he was ridiculing her. She finally broke down in tears, her heart grieving non-stop. “This iron was obviously mine in the first place… uwuwuwu…”\nTruthfully, Dugu Xiaoyi was not crying due to the loss of the Meteoric Iron. Even though Meteoric Iron was rare, it was not too difficult to obtain considering the power and influence of the Dugu Family. The real reason she was crying was because of Jun Moxie’s detestable actions. Putting on the airs of a debauchee, he had interrupted her in the midst of her purchase, then buying those two blocks of iron without letting others finish.\nHis actions turned everything into a complete mess and once everything was done, he offered a piece of garbage to her!\nTo add salt to injury, he even put on a pious expression as he said: You want the big one and I want the small one…\nHow can this kind of item be valued using size?\nOf course, the biggest reason for her to despise him was that she actually fell for it. She herself became confused after seeing his pretentious portrayal of a debauchee and ended up being tricked by him…\nBeads of tears fell down her face, signifying just how heartbroken Dugu Xiaoyi was feeling.\nShe looked at Jun Xie who was standing there like a wooden pole: He is not even bothering to come over to comfort me!\nThis made Dugu Xiaoyi even sadder, she started bawling her eyes out.\n“Urgh, stop crying, your face becomes screwed up when you cry, you end up looking ugly!” Jun Xie frowned, his eyes squinting. Apparently, this was how he intended to console her.\n“I want to cry! I don’t need you to care! You… you… uwuwu… who did you say is ugly?!” The word ‘ugly’ is a taboo for girls. There were things in this world which could be endured and there are also things in this world which could not be endured!\nDugu Xiaoyi suddenly stopped crying, her eyes glaring viciously at Jun Xie. In an instant, anger rose up from within her heart and from the anger came a loathing. She caught hold of Jun Xie’s arm, opened up her small mouth and bit Jun Xie’s arm. After biting into his arm, she broke down again and continued crying.\n“Ouch!…” Jun Xie’s facial muscles twitched as he gritted his teeth, hissing. “Screw you!”\nDugu Xiaoyi looked at him through eyes filled with tears as she sobbed. “You… what did you just say?”\nShe did not hear it clearly.\nJun Xie shrugged, spreading his arms as he bared his teeth in pain.\nDugu Xiaoyi then continued sobbing.\nJun Xie scratched his head, shrugged his shoulders, spread his arms and proceeded to do nothing.\nIn his past life, Jun Xie was an assassin and rarely had anything to do with romance. If there was any extra conditions, they were usually related to money…\nOnce the job was completed, he will lock eyes with his client, then parted ways without forming any sort of relations.\nHe has absolutely no understanding of the heart of females and no knowledge on how to console females. Thus, even when observing Dugu Xiaoyi’s crying state, he did not bother to step forward to try consoling her. He had given up any efforts to do so in the first place! If you want to cry, then just go ahead!.\nCrouching on the ground, he carefully checked the quality of the Meteoric Iron. The longer he inspected it, the more satisfied he felt. He then used his hands to lift it up. Even though it was only slightly bigger than a basketball, it was still weighed at around 200 jin (121 kg).\nHe chuckled twice in satisfaction.\nIf this block of Meteoric Iron were used to forge his flying daggers, they would be unbreakable and strong!\nHe had found a real gem this time, even though his method of obtaining it was rather underhanded…\nAs he was feeling intoxicated from happiness, his buttocks suddenly felt pain, akin to having the Meteoric Iron block slammed onto his ass. After that, he heard Dugu Xiaoyi’s sobbing sound as she quickly ran out, leaving a string of tears on the ground…\nIt turned out that after she saw Jun Xie completely ignoring her, turning around to inspect the Meteoric Iron, Dugu Xiaoyi became even more resentful. She fiercely kicked his buttocks once before running away while crying…\nGently touching his ass, Jun Xie became infuriated. Seeing that Dugu Xiaoyi had already left, Jun Xie took a deep breath and cursed out: Screw your mother, you little girl!\nIf you ever fall into my hands, I will *censored* … *censored* … *censored*, hmph…\nTruthfully, even though Jun Xie’s current strength was nowhere near Dugu Xiaoyi’s, in a battle of life and death, Dugu Xiaoyi who only had a small amount of experience was no match for Jun Xie!\nHowever, this was also the root of his problem. In his past life, Jun Xie had only trained himself in the fastest and most vicious methods of killing, each technique was meant to take life!\nEven when he was exchanging moves with acquaintances!\nThus, when fighting normally, Jun Xie was simply unable to fight at full capacity, making the situation extremely unfavourable for him.\nOnce in his past life, some of Jun Xie’s martial brothers had requested him to give some pointers through a spar. He replied. “Do not ask me for a spar, I do not know how to fight; I only know how to kill!”\nHow could he engage in a battle of life and death against Dugu Xiaoyi?\nBe it her family background or her temper, neither one was something that would allow Jun Xie to kill Dugu Xiaoyi!\nIn addition, she is known as the “Nemesis of Debauchees”. This proved that she is a female of certain character.\nFurthermore, there was also the fact that the previous Jun Moxie was simply too much of a useless scum.\nStraightening himself, he turned towards the shopkeeper and asked. “Boss, if this piece of Meteoric Iron is to be handed to your shop for weapon forging, how many times can you temper it?”\nThe old shopkeeper contemplated momentarily before replying. “My humble shop had once had the opportunity to work with this type of Meteoric Iron. After getting rid of the impurity, my shop could continue tempering up to three times. The finished product could radiate traces of circling wind clouds upon its surface; its radiance would discharge a chilling aura. If utilized for forging of weapons, then the weapon would certainly be extremely sharp!”\n“Could it reach the state of cutting through iron like mud?” Jun Xie asked.\n“No!” The edges of the old shopkeeper’s mouth curled as he simply answered.\nCutting through iron like mud?\nThis little brat has been listening to too many legends.\n“Since that is the case, why do you call yourself Divine Weapons Store? What kind of divine weapons cannot cut through iron like mud?” Jun Xie stared at him with a gaze that gave off a feeling of being cheated.\nThe old shopkeeper suddenly felt the urge to turn upwards to shout the words ‘Injustice!’. “Young Master, I am afraid there have been a misunderstanding. The so-called cutting through iron like mud… that is simply a mythical legend for the properties of a divine weapon. Besides, even if a weapon is a genuine Divine Weapon, one must consider the strength of its wielder. Only a capable person would be able to utilize it to cut through iron like mud.\nAs for the divine weapon that can cut through iron like mud even when wielded by the common people; there is none in the whole world.”\n“Oh? Your words are quite logical!” Jun Xie suddenly recalled the words: When true mastery is attained, even a blade of grass could become a sword.\nHe could not help it as he shook his head. What nonsense! Once such a kind of mastery has been attained, why would I need a sharp sword?\nI want a sharp sword because my level of strength had yet to achieve a satisfactory level.\n“Never mind then, I will think of something else,” Jun Xie sighed. “Please send these materials to the Jun Residence.”\nIt turned out this was the one from the Jun Family!\nNo wonder he was so prodigal!\nThe old shopkeeper agreed as he wiped his sweat, his heart on the other hand rejoiced. Even though this Young Master was a debauchee, at least he did not make any unreasonable demands. Since you want to handle it yourself, that would be for the best. Only, what a pity! Pity this Meteoric Iron.\nAs for that legendary divine weapon, there is none in this world!\nAsking me to forge out something like that would kill me!\nObserving Jun Xie’s back as he left, the old shopkeeper shouted inwardly: A debauchee like you actually want to forge your own sword?\nIf you can truly forge one out, this senior will stop walking with my legs. I will walk using my penis!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第56章\n转身出了店门,君邪一路往回走。\n君家不是没有马车,而且马车还极为奢华,但君邪却始终喜欢用两条腿走路;在前世作为杀手的潜意识中,唯有自己脚踏实地,才是最安全的。\n无论是坐车还是坐船,都有一种自己的命运不在自己的手中的危机感觉。\n君邪很在乎这种感觉,这种感觉会让他心中很不舒服。\n君邪的习惯是,自己的命运,永远由自己来掌握!\n君老爷子给他安排的随身侍卫,也早已给他以各种理由都打发走了。\n因为君邪知道,跟在自己身边的侍卫,充其量只是摆设而已。\n自己无论走到哪里,身边都必然另有人在暗中跟着,暗中的那人,那才是一等一的真正高手!\n虽然君邪从来没见过,凭君邪目前的修为也无从察觉,但自从君老爷子安排了这人跟着他以来,君邪就能很清晰的感觉出来!\n这份感觉来自于一个顶尖杀手的本能触觉,虽然没有什么理由,但君邪坚信自己的判断绝不会有错!\n君邪现在对暗中那人产生了浓厚的兴趣。\n虽然自己目前的功夫远远比不上前世的那般犀利,但自己的精神触觉却已经比前世提高了好几倍!\n而且自己曾经多次尝试摆脱那人的跟踪,以自己的反追踪手段,在这样的情况下,这人始终能形影不离的跟着自己,实在是相当难得的!\n君邪看似漫无目的的闲逛,但他的精神思感牢牢控制着自己周围的一切,可谓是水银泻地,无孔不入,而且君邪的行动速度虽然不快,但惟有追踪高手才可以发觉到,他每一次的改变方向,每一次的前进后退,都是如此的突兀,出乎人的意料!\n若是一般的人,恐怕早已经甩得连影子都看不见了。\n但君邪背后这人却还是没有被甩开,一次都没有!\n其实跟着君邪的这人心中早已经是叫苦连天!\n君老爷子拜托他保护自己的孙子还不能让他发觉,他二话没说就答应了下来,在他的心中,充其量不过保护一个无所事事的纨绔子弟罢了,这桩差事实在是没有任何难度的!\n以自己的手段,恐怕就算是跟他一辈子,这家伙也只会是像做梦一般根本不知道的。\n哪里知道两天的跟踪下来,便让这位超级跟踪高手脑袋都大了一圈。\n前面走的那小子,行事完全不按常理,当你以为他向东的时候,他却偏偏改了向,当你追过头回过来向西边追的时候,却会发现他已经向南走了……\n这人在这世上几乎是顶尖的跟踪高手,两天里居然有好几次追错了方向,若不是君邪的修为实在太低,恐怕第一天就能将他甩的没了影子!\n几次错误下来,郁闷的几乎发狂,连自己的胡子都抓掉了几根!\n数次想要干脆跳出来,拎着这小子的衣襟问问他:你他妈天天东门不对西户,驴唇不对马嘴的乱逛些什么!?\n你就不能老实点?\n难不成是这个纨绔小子发现了我?\n刚这么一想,自己便否定了:看这个浪荡样子,他怎么可能发现我?\n完全就是因为这小子行事颠三倒四所致!\n正在想着,突然发现前面的君邪兴冲冲的加快了步伐,走进了一家胭脂水粉店,忍不住呸了一声,心道不愧是纨绔子弟,居然向这等女人家的店里闯。\n哪知道一等二等,竟然不见君邪出来,终于沉不住气,飞也似的掠了过去,偷眼一看,里面根本没有君邪的影子,不由得一阵懊丧:原来这小子走了后门出去了,我怎地这么傻,偏偏没想到这一点?\n风也似的向着后门的方向一路搜索过去。\n等到他去的远了,君邪终于确定那股一直注意自己的气息已经完全消失,这才施施然的从胭脂水粉店里走了出来,礼貌的道个谢,原路返回,扬长而去。\n唯有店中的几个少女伙计瞪着圆圆的大眼睛,一阵咂舌:这位俊秀的公子看起来挺健康的,怎么一进自己店里却会突然拉肚子?\n而且还占用着茅厕如此之久?\n险些让我们姐妹都憋得不行了……\n天色渐渐阴暗,夕阳缓缓落下,已是黄昏独自愁,夜幕已经张开了狰狞的大口。\n只等那天边的余晖一旦消失,便要一口吞下这乾坤大地!\n君邪走了两步,突然回头,换了另一条路,向着胭脂水粉店后门的方向而去,同时心中不免得意洋洋的暗笑,那家伙估计今天要被我绕晕了吧。\n老子作为杀手之王,丛林狩猎者,最擅长的就是这个,若是居然摆不平你这个异世界的棒槌,那才叫咄咄怪事了,小子,跟爷比,你还太嫩啊……\n君邪所料不错,那人在追出数十丈之后,却没有发现君邪任何踪影,顿时知道上当了,一阵风似的又卷了回来,东南西北搜了一大圈,然后愣愣的站在胭脂水粉店前,看着大街上人来人往,一张脸又青又红,如同开了染料铺,浑身只觉得一阵无力!\n纵横天下数十年,自己的追踪术从来就没有失效过,但今天居然在一个毛头小子身上栽了跟头,而且还是这样一个不学无术的纨绔败家子!\n这简直是滑天下之大稽!\n心中的感觉清清楚楚的告诉他:这次是真的追丢了!\n丢人啊!阴沟里翻了大帆船了啊……\n君战天,你这是养了一个什么孙子啊!\n怎么这般的邪门啊?\n君邪嘿嘿笑着,无比惬意。\n虽然明知道那人对自己没有任何恶意,但习惯了独往独来的他,身后有一个人吊靴鬼一般吊着,总是有种说不出的不舒服,就是不爽!\n现在终于甩掉,顿时觉得浑身轻松。\n突然,君邪正在走动中的身体肌肉一僵,随即松弛下来,肩膀肌肉一抖,飞刀神不知鬼不觉的到了手心。\n几股阴寒的气息,带着森冷的漠然从各个方向赶来,目标,正是君邪现在处身的这个不大不小的街道里。\n杀手!不会这么巧吧?\n我才刚刚摆脱了保护我的人,却在这个时候遇上了刺杀?\n万一真的嗝屁了,那可就真成笑话了!\n自掘坟墓?!\n君邪心中苦笑一声,但不可否认的,竟然有一种久违的兴奋从心中升了起来:隐隐带着血腥味——终于、总算、可以见识一下这个世界的同行们了,希望,不要让我……失望!\n前面整齐的脚步声起,一队人马走了过来,中间乃是一顶轿子,明黄色的轿面,两侧垂着几串珍珠,珍珠下面,是一个个小小的金黄色的铃铛,轻轻摇曳,发出清脆的响声,甚是悦耳动听。\n这是当朝灵梦公主的銮驾!\n难道这些人要对付的不是自己?竟是灵梦公主?\n君邪心中一盘算,顿时觉得大有可能。\n自己来到这里,本就是临时起意,若要刺杀自己,比这里更加合适的所在刚才自己已经不知道走过了有多少。\n刺客万万没有一直跟到这里才下手的理由!\n可是,光天化日之下,在这接近皇城的官道上刺杀灵梦公主,会是什么人有这么大的胆子?!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "chapter 56\nAfter turning, Jun Xie exited the shop and walked home.\nIt was not that the Jun Family did not have any carriages. In fact, the Jun Family carriages were quite luxurious. However, Jun Xie had always preferred walking with his own two legs. The sub consciousness from his past life as an assassin could only feel true safety when walking using his own two feet.\nRegardless of whether it was a car or a boat, travelling through them would cause a feeling to arise, a feeling that his own fate was not within his own hands.\nThis was a feeling that Jun Xie could not overlook, as it would make him feel uncomfortable.\nThis was Jun Xie’s habit. His own fate must rest within his own hands!\nHe even sent away the bodyguards that Grandpa Jun arranged for him a long time ago.\nJun Xie was well aware that those bodyguards beside him were only there for show at best.\nNo matter where he went, there would certainly be someone following him secretly. And the one that was following him in secret was the real expert!\nEven Jun Xie had never seen this person; Jun Xie’s current level of cultivation was insufficient to locate him. However, he had been able to clearly feel that person’s presence since the day Grandpa Jun put him on his tail!\nThis feeling came from the senses unique to a top assassin. Even though there was no reason for him to believe that was the case, Jun Xie had absolute faith in his judgement!\nAs of now, Jun Xie found himself becoming highly interested in the person who was secretly tailing him.\nEven though his current level of strength was far from comparable to that of his past life, his current spiritual sense had already surpassed that of his past life by several times!\nHe had tried many times to get rid of this tail, using his own counter tracking methods. And yet, this person could continue tracking him like an inseparable shadow. Such a capable person was truly rare!\nFrom an external point of view, Jun Xie seemed to be wandering aimlessly. However, his spiritual senses were spread out, coordinating his every actions carefully, tantamount to flowing quicksilver, pervading through every corner. Furthermore, even though Jun Xie’s movement speed was not fast, anyone who was trying to track him would realize that each change in direction and each movement forward or backward that Jun Xie made was one that was completely unexpected.\nIf the one following him was an average individual, they would have lost sight of Jun Xie’s shadow a long time ago.\nHowever, the one following Jun Xie had not been shaken off, not even once!\nTruthfully, the one tailing Jun Xie had already cried out bitterly to the Heavens countless times in his heart!\nWhen Grandpa Jun requested him to protect his grandson without him noticing, he had agreed in a heartbeat. In his opinion, all he had to do was protect a debauchee who spent most of his time doing nothing. How hard could it be?\nWith his level of experience and skill, he was confident that this Jun Xie would never realize that someone was tailing him even if he were to tail Jun Xie for the rest of his life.\nWho could have guessed that after two days, this top-level tracker would end up feeling hammered?\nThe actions of this brat before him were completely beyond common sense. When he believed that Jun Xie was moving to the east, Jun Xie would suddenly change directions. When he tracked him back, thinking that Jun Xie had gone to the west, he would suddenly find that Jun Xie had instead gone south…\nThis person could be considered an existence close to the pinnacle in the tracking profession. And yet, in merely two days, he had made several mistakes in tracking Jun Xie’s movement directions. If not for the fact that Jun Xie’s level of cultivation was too low, he would have been left in the dust a long time ago!\nAfter committing several errors in succession, he became depressed to the point of insanity; several strands of his beard have been plucked out!\nThere were several occasions where he simply felt the desire to jump out, grab the brat’s collar area and ask: You son of a bitch! Why are you going through the east gate and exiting through the west gate of this establishment and that? Wandering around here and there, just what were you thinking?\nCould you not behave yourself?\nCould it be that this debauchee brat had found me out?\nJust as he thought about this, he would immediately deny this possibility: Just by observing his debauched demeanour, anyone could tell that this brat has no ability to find out about me!\nThe reason he is acting this way is obviously because he simply has no idea what he himself wants to do!\nAs he was contemplating, he suddenly realized that Jun Xie had increased his pace and walked into a rouge watercolour shop. He could not help but let out a “pooh” in his heart. As expected of a debauchee, he would even barge into a place meant for women.\nUnexpectedly, Jun Xie did not come out even after a while. Becoming impatient, he went nearby and stole a glance into the shop only to find that Jun Xie was not in the shop. He could not help but become depressed: It turns out that this brat had left using the back door. How could I be so stupid? How could I not have thought of this?\nLike the wind, he sped towards the back door to search for Jun Xie.\nAfter the distance between the man and himself became considerable, Jun Xie finally determined that the aura of the person tracking him had fully dissipated. After which he slowly waltzed out of the rouge watercolour shop. Bowing courteously, he thanked them, then backtracked his way and marched off.\nA few of the females within the shop stared at him with wide opened eyes: This handsome looking Young Master seemed rather healthy. Why is it that he would suddenly have a stomach ache after entering this shop?\nIn addition, he also occupied the toilet for so long.\nWe were almost unable to hold it in anymore…\nThe sky slowly became dark as the sun slowly descended. The evening atmosphere was left to worry by itself as the shadow of the night opened it grim jaws.\nIt awaited the moment when the last vestiges of light has faded so that it may devour the entire world!\nJun Xie walked for a bit before suddenly backtracking and turning into another path. He then turned towards the backdoor of the rouge watercolour shop, and continued using that direction. He chuckled triumphantly in his heart: It seemed that I would be sending him spinning today.\nIn jungle hunting, this senior is the most accomplished in this area. If I could not even defeat a ‘wooden club’ like you, that would really be weird. Little kiddo, you are way too tender to be going up against me…\nAs Jun Xie expected, after that person went to chase after Jun Xie, he could not find any trace of Jun Xie. He immediately realized that he was duped; he immediately returned to the shop like a gust of wind. He searched high and low in all directions before standing alone before the rouge watercolour shop. Observing the people coming in and out, his face was a mix of green and red. It was as though he was opening a dye shop. His whole body felt powerless!\nDominating the world for decades, his tracking techniques had never failed before. Today however, he had actually lost to a little inexperienced brat. In addition, the brat was an ignorant and incompetent debauchee!\nThis was simply the biggest joke in the whole world!\nHis heart cried out: I have completely lost my face this time!\nHow shameful! What a completely unexpected situation!\nJun Zhantian, just what kind of grandchild did you raise?\nHow could he be so heretical?\nJun Xie laughed, feeling very pleased.\nAlthough he knew that the person following him did not hold any malice against him, he was someone who preferred acting independently. To have someone following him around like a ghost simply left an unspeakable distaste in him. In short, it simply made him feel uncomfortable!\nNow that he had gotten rid of the tail, he finally felt relaxed.\nSuddenly, Jun Xie’s body, which was walking became stiff for a moment. He then relaxed his body, his shoulder muscles quivered once and a flying dagger slipped down onto the palm of his hand.\nA few chilling aura which brought with it a cold feeling of darkness converged from various directions. Their target was none other than the street that Jun Xie was currently travelling on.\nassassins! Seriously?\nI had just gotten rid of the one sent to protect me, only to end up walking into an assassination attempt right after?\nIf I really end up getting killed here, won’t this become a joke?\nDid I commit a self-defeating move?\nJun Xie laughed bitterly in his heart. However, an undeniable feeling of excitement, which had been long absent, rose from the depths of his heart: Secretly bringing the scent of blood – finally, I will finally be able to see my fellow peers in this world. I hope that you do not make me… disappointed!\nThe sound of neat footsteps was heard from the front as a group of people approached. In the middle of these people was a sedan chair. The sedan chair was coloured in a clear yellow with pearls hanging down from the sides. Hanging below the string of pearls was a golden bell. The bell swayed lightly, issuing a clear ringing sound. Listening to the ringing sound would make anyone feel pleased.\nThis was the imperial sedan chair of the Royal Court’s Princess Ling Meng!\nCould it be that the one that these people wanted to kill is not me? The target is actually Princess Ling Meng?\nJun Xie contemplated through it within his heart and felt that there was a high possibility of this being the case.\nFor him to come into this street was simply something done at the spur of the moment. If these assassins had wanted to kill him, there were places that were far more suitable back then.\nThere was no reason for the assassins to follow him all the way until now before taking action!\nHowever, to assassinate Princess Ling Meng in the open when she was still so near the Imperial Palace, just what kind of people would have such a high level of courage?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第57章\n灵梦公主可是当今皇帝最宠爱的掌上明珠,向来是要星星不给月亮,宝贝的跟心肝肉一般,若是灵梦公主遇刺,天知道皇帝陛下会怎样的震怒和伤心?\n这些人居然能承受皇帝陛下的盛怒?\n君邪再来不及多想什么,灵梦公主的座驾已经到了眼前,前面的两个宫女看到君莫邪就站在前面呆呆的一动不动,不由得都是露出厌恶到极点的神色,轻声向着轿子里说了几句话。\n轿里人说了句什么,突然停了下来。\n轿帘打开,一个身穿浅黄色宫装的绝美少女沉静的露出了一张脸,带着稍稍的不耐,却还是按捺着性子问道:“君莫邪,今日为何拦住我的去路?”\n拦住你的去路?\n君邪一阵愕然。\n左右一看,才发现自己正好是站在路中间,偌大的队伍当然不可能为他一个人绕路!\n再说这又是公主的车驾,这么说来,还真是自己拦住了她的去路,这话说的!\n君邪只在君莫邪的记忆中知道有灵梦公主这么一个人的存在,真人却还是第一次见。\n今日一看,不由的也是喝了一声采。\n难怪君莫邪念念不忘,这位灵梦公主当真是天香国色,一代倾世红颜!\n肤色白嫩,双眉弯弯,眼睛如同两泓秋水,清澈见底,瓜子脸庞,黑发如瀑,浑身透露出一种高贵圣洁的气质,却又看着似乎是不食人间烟火的高高在上一般,清新脱俗,便如出水莲花,一尘不染。\n“公主殿下这是要到哪里去?”直到此刻,君邪才发现,前面楼阁巍峨大气,已经是皇城。\n灵梦公主刚刚从皇城里出来,却接着就缀上了一批刺客?\n这说明了什么?\n貌似太诡异了些!\n想通了这一点,君邪有一种马上拔腿就走的冲动。\n以现在君家的处境,可绝不适合掺和到皇族中的事情里面去。\n不过看灵梦公主这一行人的力量,君邪觉得,能够保住灵梦公主性命的可能几近微乎极微。\n如此美人,顷刻之后只怕就要丧身于刺客手下,君邪虽觉得可惜,却也并没有觉得有多么舍不得。\n毕竟现在,保全自己和家族是最重要的。\n“哦,我要去独孤府去找小艺,君三公子,请让一下让我过去。”灵梦公主的脸上很平静。\n原来独孤小艺被君邪骗走了一块天外陨铁,越想越委屈,一路疾奔,去找自己的最好的姐妹灵梦公主去哭诉。\n但其时灵梦公主却正在皇后娘娘的寝宫之中,没有见到。\n灵梦公主回来听到自己最好的姐妹居然是哭着来的,又是哭着走的,顿时心中紧张之际,以为发生了什么大事,这才急忙安排动身,要去独孤世家看看,究竟是怎么回事,能让这位刁蛮可爱又聪慧的妹妹如此的伤心;却无巧不巧的在这里遇见了罪魁祸首:君莫邪。\n当然,灵梦公主现在是不知道的,否则说不定要将面前这家伙捆起来送到独孤家里去。\n君邪现在的感觉有些怪异,在这位公主的身上,君邪丝毫感觉不到什么居高临下盛气凌人的皇家气度,反而很是平和。\n这种平和的气质出现在一位皇室的公主身上,就有些不同寻常了。\n“是,如此莫邪就不再打扰了,公主殿下请便。”君邪打定了多一事不如少一事的主意就此离开,然最终仍是不经意地提醒了一句,双目深注,沉声道:“一路、小心!”\n其实君邪心中倍觉怪异,按说一位堂堂公主殿下出行,尤其还是受宠如灵梦公主一般,身边的随从护卫怎地会如此之少?\n而且,随行之中根本没有什么高手!\n而偏偏又在这个实力最薄弱的时刻,很凑巧地来了刺客??\n世界上真有这么巧的事情吗?\n越往深处这么一想,君邪就越觉得这里面隐藏着一个巨大的黑幕!\n君子不立危墙之下,一个优秀的杀手更是远避是非之地,君邪绝不是什么怜香惜玉之人,更何况是用生命去冒险,他当然会断然拒绝的,尤其还是一个对他充满厌恶感觉的女人,纵然这个女人再美、再美如天仙又如何!\n灵梦公主颇为诧异的看了君莫邪一眼,以她对这位君三少爷的了解,只要见到自己,势必会来一段“姐姐、妹妹”的死缠烂打,今天怎地如此的好说话,当真是罕见,不过他就此退去,却也省下双方撕破面皮,也算是好事。\n公主缩身回到轿中,那珍珠帘子复又放了下来。\n现在看去,一个朦朦胧胧的无限美好的身影,梦境一般若隐若现。\n暗影之中,有人正在急促的说话:“头儿,君家那纨绔小子君莫邪也突然出现在这里,怎么办,是否等他过去再动手,还是……”\n一个蒙面人伏在房顶上,眼目中闪着金灿灿的光芒:“来的正好,机不可失,索性一并干掉!让君战天那老小子一起发发狂,也是好的。”\n“是!”\n君邪闪身退到一边,心中喃喃道:纵是香喷喷的绝色美女,死了之后也是会发臭的,然后还不是枯骨一副,黄土一坯。\n君邪啊君邪,你可千万不能心软,强出头只会连累自己。\n终于摇摇头,就要起步离开这个是非之地。\n不意就在这一刻,几股阴冷的气息已经同时锁定了君邪!\n我日!现在想走都走不了了。\n君邪感到这一道道锁定自己的杀气越来越显得浓冽,哪里会不知道这些人将自己也列入了必杀名单里?\n我真是招谁惹谁了?\n真是无妄之灾啊!\n吃挂络也没这么吃的吧,咱就是个过路的路人甲来着!\n随着一声“起轿”的命令,车队继续缓缓前行。\n队伍前的几个侍卫倒也颇尽礼数,向君邪行了一礼,才策马开路。\n此刻,轿中的灵梦公主心中却在想着君莫邪最后那一句话。\n‘一路小心!’这句话,可有些不伦不类啊。\n突然心中一凛:难道君莫邪知道些什么?\n这是在隐晦的提醒我吗?\n想到这里,灵梦公主心中一凛,顿时就要下令停下轿子,再好好问问他。\n就在此时,突然朗朗天空瞬时一暗,无边的夜色终于君临大地!\n随着夜色的君临,数个黑衣蒙面人如同硕大的乌鸦一般从天而降,人还未落下,数十只黑色利箭刷刷的射进了轿子里,半空中刀光剑芒闪烁着金银两色的玄气光芒,扑了下来。\n连声的惨叫不断响起,随行数十名侍卫在黑衣人现身的一瞬之间已经倒下了十来个,有几人反应机敏的齐声大呼:“保护公主!”\n纷纷执剑立于轿子周围,刀剑相击的声音不绝响起,大街上行人一阵尖叫,四散奔走逃命。\n另有两个黑衣蒙面人从房顶落下,直奔君邪而去,看身上的玄气光芒,乃是两位银品玄者!\n这样的两个人,乃是目前的君邪所绝对无法应付的高阶玄者,而且,是杀手!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "chapter 57\nPrincess Ling Meng is the current Emperor’s most beloved daughter, someone whom His Majesty would pamper greatly, treating her as though she was a part of him. If Princess Ling Meng were to be assassinated, who could imagine just how furious and saddened His Majesty would become?\nThese people were actually capable of taking on the fury of His Majesty, the Emperor?\nJun Xie did not have any time to further consider this as Princess Ling Meng’s entourage had arrived before him. The two waiting ladies at the front saw Jun Moxie standing before them without any movements whatsoever, their faces turned into an expression of extreme disgust. They lightly moved towards the sedan chair and whispered a few words into it.\nThe person within the sedan chair said a few words and the entourage stopped.\nThen, the curtains of the sedan chair were opened. The face of a beautiful girl wearing light yellow palace clothing was revealed through the window. The face showed some impatience, but the impatience was restrained as she asked. “Jun Moxie, why are you standing in my way today?”\nStanding in your way?\nJun Xie was shocked.\nHe then looked around and found that he was standing in the middle of the street. It was impossible to expect such a big entourage to make a detour for his sake!\nBesides, this was the princess’ entourage. It made sense to say that he was the one standing in their way!\nFrom Jun Moxie’s memories, Jun Xie had known of Princess Ling Meng’s existence, but had never seen her in person.\nAfter seeing her for the first time today, he could not help but give an applause.\nIt was no wonder that Jun Moxie would become obsessed with her. She was a heavenly beauty, one that could rock the world!\nA soft white complexion, arched eyebrows, crystal clear eyes like the clear surface of autumn waters, an oval face, flowing black hair, her entire being exuded a noble and holy aura. She seemed to be an existence beyond the realm of mortals, a beauty like none other, just like a pure water lotus flower.\n“Your Highness, where are you planning to go?” It was then that Jun Xie realized that before him was the Imperial Palace.\nPrincess Ling Meng had only just exited the Imperial Palace, only to bump into assassins.\nWhat does this mean?\nSomething was obviously not right!\nAfter realizing this, Jun Xie immediately felt the need to move his legs and run away as far as possible.\nWith the current state of the Jun Family, it would be unwise for them to interfere with the royal family’s internal strife.\nLooking at Princess Ling Meng’s protective detail, Jun Xie judged that their ability to keep her alive was minimal.\nIt appeared that this incredible beauty was about to perish in the hands of the assassins. Even though Jun Xie found it to be unfortunate, he did not feel any form of reluctance.\nAfter all, protecting himself and his family comes first.\n“Oh, I am going to the Dugu Residence to find Xiaoyi. Third Young Master Jun, please make way for me,” Princess Ling Meng’s face remained calm as she replied.\nAs it turned out, after being duped into losing the Meteoric Iron by Jun Xie, Dugu Xiaoyi became more frustrated as she kept recalling the incident. Feeling sad, she went to find her good sister, Princess Ling Meng to let out her feelings.\nUnfortunately, Princess Ling Meng happened to be together with the Empress in the sleeping chambers of the palace. Thus, Dugu Xiaoyi was unable to meet with her.\nWhen Princess Ling Meng returned, she found out that her dear sister came over and left while crying, she became worried. Fearful that something big had happened, she quickly arranged to leave for the Dugu Residence and find out what happened. What exactly could cause this unruly, yet cute and intelligent little sister of hers to become so sad? Who could have guessed that she would end up meeting the culprit right here: Jun Moxie.\nNaturally, Princess Ling Meng did not know of this. Otherwise, she might even have this bastard tied up and sent to the Dugu Residence.\nJun Xie was currently feeling puzzled. He could not feel any commanding and dominating aura of a noble from her. Instead, he felt a peaceful atmosphere.\nFor this gentle atmosphere to appear from a royal princess was something of an unusual occurrence.\n“Understood. Moxie will not disturb Your Highness anymore, please go ahead,” Jun Xie decided that it would be better for him to have one less problem and went to the side. However, he decided to give her a warning. He gazed profoundly at her and spoke in a deep voice. “Be careful along the way.”\nIn fact, Jun Xie’s heart was puzzled by an even greater mystery. For a dignified princess of a kingdom, especially considering Princess Ling Meng’s status, how could her protective detail be so small?\nFurthermore, there was no expert accompanying her at all!\nIt was at this time when her level of protection was at its weakest that an assassination attempt would take place.\nCould there be such a kind of coincidence in this world?\nThe more he thought about it, the more Jun Xie felt that there was a huge conspiracy hidden beneath this situation!\nA gentlemen does not stand below a crumbling wall, an outstanding assassin would flee as far away as possible. Jun Xie is not a person who cherishes beauty or a sympathetic human. Not to mention, he would need to risk his own life for this. He would firmly reject such a kind of deal. Especially considering how this woman only have feelings of disgust for him. No matter how beautiful she may be, even if she is a celestial beauty, so what?\nPrincess Ling Meng was somewhat surprised as she looked at Jun Moxie. From what she recalled of this Third Young Master Jun, whenever he saw her, he was bound to stalk and annoy her, calling “sister, sister”. For him to be speaking in such an accommodating manner today was truly rare. However, his actions would allow both sides to maintain their reputation and could be considered a good thing.\nThe princess returned to her seat and the curtain was put down.\nLooking at her now, one would only see the hazy figure of an extreme beauty, a fleeting dreamlike existence.\nWithin the shadows, someone spoke out urgently. “Boss, the Jun Family’s debauchee brat, Jun Moxie has suddenly appeared. What do we do now? Do we wait for him to leave or…”\nA masked man lied upon the roof, his eyes shining with a golden light. “Perfect! Do not miss this chance and finish him off as well! We will let that old Jun Zhantian go crazy as well! This will be a good thing!”\n“Understood!”\nJun Xie moved to the side as he murmured to himself: Even if one is an aromatic beauty of stunning proportions, they will still rot after death. In the end, all that remains would be a pile of bones, just another part of the soil below.\nJun Xie ah, do not be soft hearted, standing out now would only bring harm to yourself.\nJun Xie finally shook his head and began to leave this dangerous place.\nIt was then that several chilling aura locked onto Jun Xie!\nOh, my God! As of now, he could no longer escape even if he wished to.\nJun Xie could feel the killing intent directed towards him becoming thicker, how could he not understand that they have already included him in their target list?\nHow could I end up provoking everyone I meet?\nWhat an unpredictable calamity!\nIs this what you people consider collateral damage? I am just someone who happened to pass by!\nFollowing the ‘raise the sedan chair’ order, the entourage began moving forward slowly.\nA number of the bodyguards from the group were extremely courteous as they bowed ceremoniously towards Jun Xie before moving forward.\nAt this moment, Princess Ling Meng who was seated within the sedan chair was pondering Jun Xie’s last words.\n“Be careful along the way!” This sentence of his was somewhat nondescript.\nSuddenly, she felt a chill in her heart. Could it be that Jun Moxie knew something?\nCould he be trying to give me a subtle warning?\nThe chill in her heart grew as she thought about this; she opened her mouth to give the order to stop so that she may ask Jun Moxie about this.\nIt was then the sky turned dark as the endless shade of night enveloped the ground!\nBehind the darkness of the night, several masked men in black clothing akin to great crows descended from the skies. Even before reaching the ground, tens of sharp blades shot straight towards the sedan chair. Whizzing through the air, the blades emitted golden and silver radiance.\nWretched screams could be heard in successions, while the black clothed men descended upon the bodyguards. Several of the bodyguards reacted by shouting in unison. “Protect the Princess!”\nEach of them stood defensively around the sedan chair, their swords gleaming in the air. The sound of clashing swords resounded non-stop, causing the commoners using the street to scream and run for their lives.\nAnother two masked men in black descended from the roof and headed straight towards Jun Xie. Looking at the colour of their bodies’ xuan qi, they were both Silver levelled Xuan Qi experts!\nThe current Jun Xie had no way of defeating them, especially when considering their identity as assassins!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第58章\n出动两名银品玄者对付我?!\n还真是看得起我!\n君邪心中苦笑,对付一个纨绔子居然也出动这样的高手,策划这次刺杀的人真是大手笔啊!\n两位金品高手,七位银品高手,合共是九名高阶玄者一起行动,对付一个毫无防备、且并无高手随行的车队,简直是手到擒来,以石击卵!\n两柄长剑闪耀着银光,狠狠刺下!\n面罩之后的两双眼睛,尽是残忍嗜杀,一击必杀!\n面对刺来的两柄长剑,君邪心中霎时间闪过了十几种应对方法,但转念一想,这是几种方法无论哪一种都会暴露自己。\n现在的君家,皇帝无比的放心,虽然君家没落,但君无意下身瘫痪,君莫邪纨绔不堪造就,等于无后,无后,就代表着已经一大把年纪的君战天是绝无野心的!\n所以皇帝才会把整个国家的军队交到他的手上。\n但若是发现君莫邪居然是人中之龙,那么,现在的信任就会立即变成巨大的猜疑!\n毕竟,君战天在军方的地位,实在是太吓人!\n而现在如果君邪将实力暴露在一干公主侍卫的眼睛里,从某一种程度上来说,等于是逼迫皇帝对君家下手!\n所以,不能!\n君邪一瞬间做出了决定。\n君邪神色慌张之极,手忙脚乱的接连后退,突然脚下似乎绊到了什么,一个踉跄向后跌坐,似有意,似无意地恰好让其中一柄长剑贴着头皮擦了过去。\n同时暗运开天造化功,护住内腑,用力一拧,另一柄长剑刷的一声斜着刺进了胸口!\n看似严重,但却是连骨头也没有伤到。\n开天造化功全力运转起来,浓郁的白雾瞬间充斥了君邪四肢百骸,每一条经脉,快速的对他的身体进行修复着……\n便在这时,另一人双脚齐飞,砰砰两声踢在他胸口,君邪一声闷哼,喷出一口鲜血,仰天倒了下去,一个翻滚,滚得身上白袍血迹斑斑,翻了个身,头朝下,无声无息了。\n两杀手对望一眼,神色不动,二话不说的向着灵梦公主正被围攻的轿子冲去。\n在两人心中,君莫邪这个京城之中最出名的好逸恶劳的纨绔先中胸口一剑,接着承受了一位银品玄者几乎全力的一踢,必然是五脏俱碎,决计不会有半点活命的希望?\n所以两人连看一眼的兴趣都欠奉,直接转身!\n两人都没有发觉,在那两脚踹上君邪的身体的时候,君邪胸前的衣衫突然诡异的鼓了一鼓,接着落下,随着两只脚踢在胸口,衣衫居然瞬间鼓动了五六次,化解了绝大部分力量。\n灵梦公主如今的车队侍卫只是宫中最普通的侍卫,只有带队的两人实力较强,却也只是两名银品玄者,在猝不及防之下,要应付两名金品强者和七位银品强者的倅袭,顿时都是手忙脚乱,其余人数虽众,但却根本派不上什么大用场。\n诡异的是,自从黑色利箭射入轿中之后,轿子里面一直无声无息,也不知道灵梦公主此刻是死是活。\n车前侍卫一个接一个的倒了下去,为首的两名黑衣蒙面人对视一眼,同时长身而起,飞掠半空,浑身金芒闪烁,犹如苍鹰攫兔,扑向轿子之中。\n侍卫们大惊失色,一边放声高呼,一边奋不顾身的冲上前去,想要舍命阻拦;但以他们低微的玄气功力又岂能挡得住两位金品强者?\n双方的实力实在是相差太悬殊,如波分浪滚一般两边退开,两位黑衣人已经迅速扑上了轿顶。\n四手齐出,剑光闪动,金芒一阵爆闪,一顶华丽的轿子已经四分五裂,绚丽的布条漫空飞舞,夜空下,金光银芒闪耀中,竟带有一种凄艳的绮丽!\n黑芒突闪,原本射进轿子里的黑色利箭此刻居然毒龙一般从轿子里倒射出来,噬向两名黑衣人犹在半空的身体。\n剑光闪动,“咔咔”几声脆响,箭矢纷纷斩断,就在此时,满空的绚丽布条飞舞之中,突然一道窈窕的身影裹着一身灿烂的银光快速而又曼妙的飞起,灵梦公主双目中带着愤恨与不甘,双手中各持一柄寒光闪烁的短剑,银光璀璨,向着两名黑衣人狠狠刺下。\n这位看起来弱质纤纤的公主,竟然也是一位银品玄者!\n不意公主年纪小小,竟是一位武学奇才,单论个人修为,只怕较诸另一个武学天才独孤小艺犹有过之!\n两个黑衣人同时闷哼一声,出剑一格,“砰砰”两声,三人分作三个方向飘落,灵梦公主娇躯落地,一阵摇晃,俏脸上忽显一阵诱人的嫣红色,瞬间又转为煞白,显然已经受了内伤!\n她纵然天资横溢,始终只是一个银品初阶玄者,同时对上两名金品玄者,即使对方的力道已经是强弩之末,灵梦公主又是突然袭击,但那反震的力量,却依然要吃个大亏!\n银品与金品之间,有着本质的分别,是完全没有任何可比性的!\n两名黑衣蒙面人一退复进,脚尖在地面上一蹬,轰的一声,地面上已经多了两个小坑,两人身影闪电般掠过三丈的空间,两柄长剑带着金灿灿的光芒,没有丝毫的怜香惜玉之心,向着灵梦公主的娇躯狠狠扎了下去!\n灵梦公主刚刚一拼之间,已经受了不轻的内伤,还来不及做任何调息,没奈何之下,拼尽全身力气勉强向后一闪,但却依旧无法摆脱两人的绝杀一剑,而再她强行提气之下,身体里面的玄气运转更形紊乱,进而全不受控,乱作一团,刀绞一般的痛苦,浑身上下一点力气也用不出来了。\n霎时间不由得万念俱灰:难道,我就这么死了么?\n俏脸上浮起一丝凄迷之色,静静的站在原地,看着两柄长剑刺向自己身体,竟然不再闪避!\n她已经没有任何力量可以作出闪避!\n银品玄者面对金品玄者,尤其还是两位!即使没有受伤,即使有再高超的闪避技巧,也是枉然!\n长剑已经近在咫尺,灵梦公主甚至能够看清楚面前两人面罩之后的双眼流露出残忍快意的神色,似乎对自己能够亲手杀死这样国色天香的美女,感到无比的惬意!\n“公主殿下!”数名侍卫凄厉的长声惊呼,奋不顾身的冲来,但,已经迟了……\n一切都已经迟了么?!\n只要杀了面前这个美貌女子,自己等人的任务就算彻底完成了!\n自然会有享不尽的荣华富贵!\n而现在,自己长剑只要往前一送,就一切完结!\n纵然她是天香国主之女,纵然她是武学奇才,一息不在,万事皆休!\n两名黑衣人虽然是训练有素的一流杀手、金玄强者,平素也是心毒手黑、杀人如麻的狠角色,但此刻杀得毕竟是一位公主,眼睛之中却也不自禁的露出了欣喜若狂的神色。\n这一刻,几乎全场所有人的目光都聚焦到了灵梦公主身上,谁也没有发现,就在这个时候,在众人心里已经是个死人的君邪一直倒在地上的身体微微动了一动,一道寒光从他的指尖射出,绕空而上,飞临半丈转了半圈,突然转成耀眼的蓝光呼啸着飞向那杀手与灵梦公主之间。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 58\nThey mobilized two Silver level Xuan experts against me?\nYou are giving me quite a high evaluation!\nJun Xie laughed bitterly in his heart. To send this kind of expert against a mere debauchee, it seemed that the one who organized this assassination was quite the generous person!\nTwo Gold level experts and seven Silver level experts, a total of nine highly capable Xuan Qi experts. For this group of experts to go against the Princess’ defenceless entourage which had no experts accompanying them was simply as easy as breaking an egg on a stone.\nTwo swords, which shone with silver brilliance stabbed forward!\nThe two pair of eyes behind the masks emitted blood thirst and cruelty, their strike was meant to kill in one hit!\nFacing these two attacks, a variety of methods to deal with them flashed within Jun Xie’s mind. But no matter which method he chose, it would end up exposing his true strength.\nJun Family’s current state was one that gave the Emperor assurance. With the Jun Family in decline, Jun Wuyi paralyzed from the waist down, Jun Moxie an incapable debauchee, signified that the Jun Family had no successor. This in turn would mean that the aged Jun Zhantian could have no secret ambition!\nIt was only due to this that the Emperor would be willing to leave the authority over the entire military in the hands of Jun Zhantian.\nBut if His Majesty were to find out that Jun Moxie was actually a dragon amongst men, the trust within His Majesty’s heart would turn into an enormous suspicion!\nAfter all, Jun Zhantian’s position within the military was simply too terrifying!\nIf Jun Xie were to reveal his strength before the bodyguards of the princess, then it would be tantamount to forcing His Majesty to take action against the Jun Family!\nThus, he could not!\nIn an instant, Jun Xie made his decision.\nJun Xie showed an extremely flustered face as he retreated in a confused manner. Suddenly, his feet seemed to have tripped over something and he tumbled backwards. Seemingly unintentional, this action caused one of the incoming swords to simply graze off his scalp.\nAt the same time, he channelled the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune to protect his internal organs, and then forcefully twisted his body, allowing the other sword to pierce sideways into his chest!\nThe wound seemed serious, but in truth, it failed to hurt even his bones.\nThe Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune circulated through his body, the thick white mist immediately charged into his limbs and every meridians as it quickly restored his body…\nAt the same time, the other assassin delivered two flying kicks at Jun Xie. Two ‘peng’ were heard as it both landed upon Jun Xie’s chest, causing him to groan and cough out a mouthful of blood. Jun Xie fell to the ground while facing the sky, after which he rolled over causing his white robes to be speckled with blood. After rolling over once, he laid there with his face planted on the ground, showing no signs of movements or breathing.\nThe two assassins glanced at Jun Xie who was not showing any movement at all, then they rushed towards the besieged sedan chair of Princess Ling Meng.\nIn their minds, Jun Moxie who was the most renowned debauchee playboy in the capital could not possibly have any chance of surviving a sword attack through the chest, in addition to two all-out kicks from a Silver levelled Xuan Qi expert. As of now, all of his internal organs should have been crushed, leaving no hope for survival.\nThus, neither one of the two men had any interest in him after giving him a glance.\nNeither one of the two men noticed that as the two kicks landed on Jun Xie’s body, a strange pulse burst out from Jun Xie’s chest before he fell to the ground. When the two kicks landed, his chest area burst out with at least six pulses, dispelling a majority of the force behind the kicks.\nPrincess Ling Meng’s bodyguards today were the most common amongst the palace guards. Only the two leaders were comparatively stronger than the rest, but they were only at the Silver level. Under these unprepared circumstances, they had to deal with the attacks from two Gold level experts and seven Silver level experts; they could only become flustered. Even though the number of bodyguards outnumbered the assassins, they were of little use.\nStrangely, the sedan chair had exhibited no movements or sound since the black swords struck into it. It was unknown whether Princess Ling Meng remained alive nor not.\nThe bodyguards standing before the sedan chair fell one after the other. The two masked men in black leading the charge leaped through the air as one, their body radiating a golden glow as they glided through the air akin to an eagle about to snatch up a rabbit, heading towards the sedan chair.\nThe bodyguards became alarmed and shouted loudly. They rushed forwards desperately without any consideration for their own lives, hoping to stop them with their lives. Unfortunately, their opponents were two Gold levelled Xuan Qi experts, how could they with their humble level of cultivation stop the two experts?\nThe gap in strength between them were simply too high and the bodyguards were pushed back to the left and right, like a sea being parted in half. Instantly, the two masked men in black arrived atop the roof of the sedan chair.\nFour hands lashed out with a brilliant golden glow, its brilliance burst out in a flash. The magnificent roof of the ornate sedan chair was torn apart, strips of its colourful adorning cloth danced in the air. Under the night sky and the golden light, this scene was a remarkable sight, beautiful yet sorrowful!\nA black glint flashed as the black swords that were fired into the sedan chair suddenly emerged like a poisonous dragon, shooting out towards the two men in black who were still hovering in the middle of the air.\nWith the flash of swords, the sounds ‘ka’ could be heard as the black projectiles were cut down. At this moment, a slim figure appeared amongst the strips of adorning cloth. The figure, wrapped in a glittering silver radiance moved with haste and grace. Within Princess Ling Meng’s eyes, anger and unwillingness could be seen. Both her hands were equipped with short swords glowing in a bright silver glow, which she used to stab towards the two men in black.\nThis princess which had the appearance of a weak slender woman was actually a Silver levelled Xuan Qi expert!\nUnexpectedly, the princess who was only so young could have such a high level of martial talent. In terms of cultivation, she was comparable to the other martial genius Dugu Xiaoyi!\nThe two men in black gave a snort as they unleashed their sword attacks. Two ‘peng’ could be heard before the three of them fell down towards different directions. Princess Ling Meng fell onto the ground, her beautiful face turned bright red momentarily before turning pale. It was obvious that she had suffered from internal injuries!\nNo matter how talented she may be, she is still merely at the beginner stage of the Silver level. Even if the two Gold levelled Xuan Qi experts had exhausted their strength, a sneak attack by Princess Ling Meng would still end up with her suffering from a bitter loss!\nAn intrinsic difference in quality existed between the Silver and Gold level. It was not something which could be compared!\nAfter enduring the recoil, the two masked men in black charged forth once more. With a step upon the ground, they caused a ‘hong’ sound and two indentations to appear as they shot forward, traversing through a pace of thirty feet. Their long swords radiated with a golden glitter as they flew mercilessly towards Princess Ling Meng’s tender body!\nPrincess Ling Meng had just emerged from the earlier fight with a considerable internal injury, but she had no chance to regain her composure. Having no other alternative, she squeezed out every last ounce of strength to dodge backwards but was still unable to escape the two incoming swords. In addition, as she tried to force out whatever strength she could muster, the xuan qi within her body became chaotic, going completely beyond her control. It all came together in a random manner, causing a pain comparable to having a sword skewering through her. This resulted in her having no more strength within her body.\nAll of a sudden, she could not help but fall into despair: Could it be that this is how I die?\nA mournful look of confusion floated upon her beautiful face as she stood quietly, watching the two swords advancing upon her without even trying to dodge anymore!\nShe no longer possessed the strength to dodge!\nA Silver levelled Xuan Qi expert going against a Gold levelled Xuan Qi expert, in this case two! Even if she was not injured, even if she was in possession of superb dodging skills, all would be in vain!\nThe swords had closed in on her to the point where Princess Ling Meng could clearly see the cruel expressions of delight upon the eyes of the two men in black. It appeared that those two feel highly satisfied to have the chance to personally kill such a divine beauty!\n“Your Highness!” Several bodyguards howled loudly as they rushed out without a care for their own lives. Unfortunately, it was too late…\nWas it truly too late?\nAs long as they kill off this beautiful woman, their assignment would be complete!\nNaturally, they would be able to enjoy an unimaginable amount of wealth and status!\nAll that was required was for this sword of theirs to push forward a little more and everything would be over!\nEven if she was the daughter of the owner of Tianxiang Kingdom, even if she was a rare martial talent, she would be left without a single breath in her body!\nThe two men in black were well-trained first-rate assassins. As Gold levelled Xuan Qi experts, their hearts were poisonous and black; the act of killing was something they do without emotions. However, their current target was a princess, causing a look of ecstasy to leak out from their eyes.\nAs of now, everyone’s attention was focused onto Princess Ling Meng. As such, none of them realized that Jun Xie whom everyone had assumed to be dead on the ground made a slight motion. A flash shot forth from his fingers, moving upwards through the sky. After flying for a space of five feet, it made a one eighty-degree turn, and emitted a dazzling blue radiance as it whistled towards the space between the assassins and Princess Ling Meng.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第59章\n这小子见刺客来势匆匆,事先便已经想好了脱身之策,他那往后一倒,看似狼狈,但周身功力尽数集于前胸,内力鼓动之下,外袍和内衣皆向外鼓胀而起,形成两层很微妙的保护层。\n而最奇妙之处,却是在于那名杀手那大脚看似重重的踢在了他前胸,但刚触及外袍,外袍一阵鼓荡,便消去了许多劲力,接着内衣再度鼓胀,又消了一层。\n所以君邪实际身体所受力,只不过不到三分之一的力量,脚踢到他身上的时候,已经是强弩之末,只余些微劲力。\n但饶是如此,一剑两脚,也不是目前的君邪可以轻松承受的,可谓难受之极,不过在内腑受震的同时,君邪已经运转造化玄功,将所受之伤势化作一团鲜血喷了出来,看似吐血吐的吓人,却无大碍。\n那一剑被开天造化功裹住,以开天造化功的神妙来说,只是皮肉伤而已,反而是那两脚,让他甚是难受。\n若是这些人等君邪离去,再对付灵梦公主或者直接不对君邪出手的话,君邪现在自然也就若无其事的走了。\n灵梦公主顶多只是君莫邪的梦中情人,却绝不是君邪的。\n所以他老人家可是毫不关心,所谓英雄救美、怜香惜玉都是需要实力的,可是这样的实力偏偏就是君大少爷目前最欠奉的!\n但这些杀手却将他也列做了必杀的对象,这就让这位邪君怒火万丈了!\n不说以后会不会还发生类似的情况,单只这一次,君邪也绝不会放过他们!\n凡是伤害我的人或者企图伤害我的人,一向都是先下手为强!\n既然你们要杀我,好得很;我现在杀不了你们,但却可以先破坏掉你们的这一次计划!\n就算损人不利己的赔本买卖也要做上一次了!\n因此君邪本应走了却没有走,见灵梦公主危急,君邪便用全身贯通的经脉模仿出天玄强者的气劲,贯注到飞刀上,采用回旋手法,将飞刀射了出去!\n两位杀手首领正要挺剑绝杀灵梦公主的一瞬间,突然感觉似乎有异,眼前蓝光大闪,几乎让人睁不开眼睛,却又带着炫目到极点的惊艳!\n深蓝!\n一柄小小的飞刀,仿佛从虚无之中突兀的出现,横在两人的长剑与灵梦公主的娇躯之间!\n这柄小小的飞刀,却似乎将天空中的湛蓝全部带了下来,湛蓝有色,令所有看到的人都是从灵魂里面感到了一种悸动!\n这抹湛蓝,在一片灰黑的夜色之中,显得是如此的夺目瑰丽!\n这是……\n天玄高手!\n两名黑衣蒙面人怪叫一声,眼神中闪出极度的惊骇之色,再也顾不得伤害灵梦公主,急急忙忙的将剑一收,狼狈之极的纵跃退后,看着那柄飞刀的眼神,就像看着一条致命的毒蛇!\n那本就是他们无法抗拒的实力!\n诚然,面对银玄实力的灵梦公主,两人可以如大人对小孩一般的肆意,可是面对极峰存在的天玄高手,金玄高手就算不是蝼蚁,顶多也只是个婴儿!\n整个天香国也没听说有几个天玄高手,怎么现在却在这紧要的关头冒出来了一个?!\n飞刀上虽然蕴含着这令人心旷神怡的碧蓝色,又仿佛是全然没有一丝力道,软塌塌的掉落下来,直直的插在两名黑衣人与灵梦公主之间。\n薄薄的刀身,犹如柳叶一般轻盈,轻轻摇曳。\n上面的碧蓝色光芒经久不散,直至片刻之后,才逐渐恢复了飞刀本身的清亮色泽!\n众人如遭雷击,同时停手,几十双眼睛一起看向地上那柄小小的飞刀,眼中满是震骇!\n那柄小小的飞刀已经成为了一道难以逾越的天堑!\n飞刀上满载的湛蓝的神异颜色,而且在出手之后、停止下来之后,湛蓝光芒依然凝而不散!\n由此来看,这位出手的天玄高手修为分明已经是到了天玄巅峰境界!\n距离更高层次的至尊神玄,只怕最多也不过半步之遥而已!\n而且这柄飞刀飞出时全无声息可言,虽似并无力道,但飞刀上的劲力却控制得恰到好处,这也说明了这位天玄高手的出手只为震慑,并无伤人之意!\n但越是如此,越是显得从容不迫,毫不将眼前这九名杀手放在眼中。\n分明是拥有绝对的把握,若是他们再对灵梦公主下手的话,将他们在一瞬之间全部击杀!\n对于天玄高手,杀死这九人,用易如反掌来形容,也绝不过分!\n在场的尽都是见多识广的高级玄者,隐身强者的用意又有谁看不出来?\n两名黑衣杀手首领向着灵梦公主出剑的那一刻,在大街另一边一处阴暗的房檐后,一条蓝衣身影双目一张,浑身蓝汪汪的光彩一闪,就要现身,但看到飞刀出现,顿时身子一震,正要飞身而出的身子突然停了下来,眼中亦是满布震惊。\n这个蓝衣人眼中,却是淡淡的蓝色,那是天玄初阶的标志,虽然也属于凌驾众生的顶峰强者,但与那发出飞刀的“天玄强者”相比,却是逊了不止一筹。\n九位杀手面罩之后的眼神满是惊恐之色,行止之间也有些进退维谷,他们虽然是杀手,但也一样珍惜自己的生命,若是有搏的机会,他们会尽力去尝试,可是面对绝无成功可能的送命,任谁也只会选择退避!\n反观灵梦公主的侍卫们一个个喜形于色,如释重负!\n有这等几近乎传说的人物保护灵梦公主,公主殿下已经稳如泰山,绝无危险!\n若公主当真遇刺,自己等人就算能在这些刺客手中侥幸保住性命,也难逃皇室的追究,动辄更会祸及家中妻儿。\n灵梦公主睁开眼睛,便看到了这一幕。\n看着面前地上那柄小小的飞刀,眼神中不由得露出感激之意。\n若不是这柄飞刀奇迹般的横空出现,此刻的自己,恐怕已经是香消玉殒了!\n“是哪位前辈在这里?不知有何指示,尚请现身一见。”为首的那位黑衣蒙面人挺直身子,对着天空拱拱手,语声恭谨,这实际却是在打了马虎眼,装作不清楚暗中那人此举的意思,进行试探。\n毕竟这次刺杀若是无果,自己等人回去也未必有什么好果子吃,抱着万一的打算,始终也要尝试一二!\n若是当真确定了暗中那位天玄强者真要是非要保护灵梦公主,恐怕自己这些人全部葬身在这里也是没有希望可以完成任务的!\n那时,就惟有退却一途!\n可是,即便灵梦身为一国公主、天香国主最宠爱的女儿,却似乎也不配有一个天玄巅峰强者作为保镖,这样的保镖即使是天香国主本人,也足够资格了!\n长街寂寂,却没有任何一点声音。\n神秘的天玄强者,对这位小小金品玄者自然是不屑理会的。\n错了,不可怕!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 59\nSeeing the assassins heading towards him earlier, Jun Xie had already thought of a method to get out of this situation. As he was falling down in a seemingly miserable manner, he exercised every ounce of skill and focused it upon his chest. Through the empowerment of his internal energies, his outer and inner robes bulged forward, forming two delicate layers of protection.\nThe heavy kicks from the assassin seemingly connected with Jun Xie’s chest, but was in fact interfered with by the pulsing outer robe, causing its momentum to dissipate by a large margin. Next, the pulsing inner robe acted in concert to further shave off another layer of momentum off the kicks.\nAs such, the amount of force behind the attack was only at less than one third of the original. By the time the kicks landed on his chest, the momentum behind it had been mostly spent, leaving only a minor force behind it.\nDespite that, a sword wound and two kicks were not something the present Jun Xie could easily endure. It was in fact quite difficult. At the same time, Jun Xie channelled the Art of Heaven’s Fortune to force all the blood from his injuries into a mass of blood which he then sprayed out. It seemed like a scary amount, but was in fact nothing severe.\nThe sword wound was cocooned by the powers of the Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune. With the Art’s mysterious prowess, the wound could only be considered a flesh wound. The two kicks on the other hand was a different matter, causing him no small amount of pain.\nIf these men had waited for Jun Xie to leave before dealing with Princess Ling Meng, or perhaps if they had ignored Jun Xie in their assassination mission, then Jun Xie would have simply walked away in a calm manner by now.\nAt best, Princess Ling Meng was only Jun Moxie’s dream lover and not Jun Xie’s.\nThus, this senior had no scruples at all about not caring for her. Heroes will step forth to protect beauties, but in order to obtain and protect beauties; one must first have a sufficient amount of strength. It just so happened that strength was what the Third Young Master Jun was lacking at the present!\nInstead, these assassins decided to include him in the target list, causing the Evil Monarch’s fury to rise to the skies!\nDisregarding the possibility that something like this might happen again in the future, Jun Xie would never forgive them for what they did this time around!\nAgainst all those who harmed me or those who attempted to harm me, I have always dealt with them pre-emptively!\nSince you wanted to kill me, then you better watch it! I may not be able to kill you now, but I sure can disrupt this plan of yours!\nEven though this would be a non-beneficial transaction, I will still have to do it for once!\nTherefore, Jun Xie who should have left decided not to. Witnessing Princess Ling Meng in her critical situation, he utilized his unlocked meridians to mimic the qi of a Sky Xuan ranked expert. He poured the qi into his flying dagger before shooting it out with a swirling manoeuvre.\nThe two assassin leaders were about to push their swords forward and finish off Princess Ling Meng when they suddenly felt something off. A blue radiance flashed before them, causing everyone to squint their eyes due to its extremely dazzling brilliance!\nDark blue!\nA small flying dagger which had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, struck down in between the two swords of the assassins and Princess Ling Meng’s body!\nThis small flying dagger had seemingly brought with it the entirety of the dark blue aspect of the night down upon the ground. The dark blue colour upon it caused everyone’s soul to palpitate with fear!\nAmidst the darkness of the night, this dark blue radiance was simply dazzling!\nThis…\nSky Xuan expert!\nThe two masked men in black cried out in fear, an expression of extreme horror flashed within their eyes. They lost all thoughts of killing Princess Ling Meng, hastily retracted their swords and retreated quickly in an awkward manner. Their expression after seeing the flying dagger was akin to seeing a deadly viper!\nThat was a strength that they simply could not defy!\nIndeed, when facing Princess Ling Meng who had the strength of Silver Xuan, the two of them were like an adult fighting a child. However, in the face of a top existence known as the Sky Xuan ranked expert, a Gold Xuan expert were at best a baby, if not an ant!\nThere were not many Sky Xuan experts within Tianxiang Kingdom, how could one suddenly appear at this crucial moment?!\nAlthough the flying dagger was imbued with an azure blue colour, it seemed to be lacking any force behind it. It gently fell to the ground, inserting itself between the two men in black and Princess Ling Meng.\nThe thin flying dagger stood like a willow branch, swaying gently.\nThe azure blue radiance upon it remained without dispersing. After a moment, the flying dagger was finally restored to its original colour!\nMany of them at the scene were shocked and simultaneously stopped whatever they were doing. Their eyes were all focused on the small flying dagger inserted upon the ground, their expressions filled with astonishment!\nIn their eyes, the small flying dagger had transformed into an insurmountable moat!\nUpon the flying dagger was the deep blue colour, which was maintained from the moment it was shot out until way after it had stopped!\nJudging by these events, this Sky Xuan expert’s level of cultivation must have reached the pinnacle stage!\nThe gap between this expert and the Supreme Divine Xuan realm was probably only half a step!\nIn addition, this flying dagger was shot out without any sound, seemingly without any force behind it. Yet, the high level of precision involved in controlling the trajectory of the flying dagger declared something to them. It declared that this flying dagger was meant as a form of deterrence; the Sky Xuan expert had not issued it with the intention to kill!\nThis act made it appear that this expert had no worries and simply did not view the nine assassins highly.\nIt was obvious that the expert had absolute confidence in his ability to kill them all in an instant if any of them tried to make a move against Princess Ling Meng!\nTo say that a Sky Xuan expert could wipe out these nine men with a wave of his hand was not an exaggeration.\nEveryone there were highly capable individuals possessing vast amounts of experience. How could they not understand the intentions of this secretive expert?\nAs the two assassin leaders were about to stab Princess Ling Meng, a figure draped in blue clothing suddenly radiated an oceanic blue glow. This person who was hidden within the dark eaves of a house situated beside the street was about to make his move when he saw the flying dagger appear. He became startled and his body which was about to fly out abruptly stopped, his eyes covered in shock.\nWithin the eyes of this man in blue was a light blue shine, signifying the beginner stage of the Sky Xuan rank. Even though he could be considered a top-level existence, compared to the ‘Sky Xuan expert’ who issued the flying daggers, his level of cultivation was somewhat inferior.\nBehind their masks, the nine assassins’ faces were filled with fear and a little bit of dilemma. Even though they were assassins by profession, they were still men who valued their own lives. If there were a chance to win, they would certainly choose to duke it out. However, when facing an impossible task with a hundred per cent death rate, everyone could only choose to retreat!\nIn contrast, Princess Ling Meng’s bodyguards all became relieved and delighted!\nWith such a legendary existence protecting Princess Ling Meng, Her Highness’ safety was assured!\nIf the princess were to be assassinated here, then even if they were able to protect their own lives from these assassins, they would not be able to escape the Emperor’s wrath. Once His Majesty launched an investigation into this case, their wives and children might end up being harmed.\nPrincess Ling Meng opened her eyes and bore witness to this scene.\nLooking at the small flying dagger on the ground, she felt thankful.\nIf not for this flying dagger which had appeared in such a dominating manner, she would have perished by now!\n“Which senior has arrived? Do you have any instructions? Please show yourself,” The leader of the masked men in black stood straight, his hands cupped respectfully towards the sky as he said in a courteous voice. Trying to pull wool over the tiger’s eyes, this man pretended to not understand the expert’s intention and tried to feel him out.\nIf this assassination attempt were to fail, they would not have anything good awaiting them. Thus, he could only hold onto the possibility of a ‘what if’ and give it a try!\nIf it was determined that this hidden Sky Xuan expert truly desired to protect Princess Ling Meng, then they would have no hope of accomplishing their mission even at the cost of every one of their lives!\nShould that be the case, they could only choose to retreat!\nHowever, even if Princess Ling Meng was the princess of the kingdom, the most adored daughter of the Emperor, how could someone like her have a pinnacle Sky Xuan expert as a bodyguard? Only the Emperor of Tianxiang Kingdom could qualify to have such a kind of bodyguard!\nThe street remained still, not a sound to be heard.\nIt was only natural for this ‘mysterious Sky Xuan expert’ to not give these minor characters any acknowledgement.\nIt is not scary to be in the wrong!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第6章\n“三叔,关于你的病,特别那些帮你做全身按摩的人,一定要用你信得过的人,最好先不要让别人知道。到时候若是万一不成,你我叔侄脸上须不好看。”想了想,君邪还是慎重地叮嘱了一句。\n“哈哈,就算是真好了三叔也不会说出去!\n你三叔不是蠢人!\n你是怕会给你惹来麻烦吧?\n再说,如果你能治好我的腰腿,对我君家来说,无论你我便都是绝妙的底牌!\n这一层我如何不知?\n你这小鬼头,偏偏还扯到三叔的脸面上去了。”\n君无意哈哈一笑,捏了他的脸一把,突然怔住,心想这个小子也曾经是自己最疼爱的侄儿,自己到底有多久没有和他这么亲昵了?\n或者正是因为许久未曾亲近……今天再见到他才会有那一种陌生的感觉。\n这么多年的纨绔外表下面,难道还隐藏着另外一副面孔不成?\n君无意看着君邪转身走远的背影,心中不由得隐隐有些期待。\n期待着,自己的伤能够治好,更期待着,自己的侄儿是不是真的有——另一面?!\n“三叔,你已经是地玄了吧?”君邪似笑非笑地道。\n“贼眼!”君无意呵呵一笑,感觉心中无比的畅快,道:“今年才刚刚进入这个境界,还未稳固。”\n“谦虚。”君邪一撇嘴,“地玄之上呢?”\n君无意脸色一整,道:“玄气从初分九品,九品之上便是银品、金品、玉品;品级到此为止,再往上便是地玄、天玄、至尊神玄!”\n“一到三品,玄气显于外,便是淡红、粉红、大红;四到六品,紫色,同样也是三个阶段,七到九品,黑色!\n莫邪,你若是出门在外,一定要好好看仔细了,一旦看走了眼,可是就要吃大亏的!”\n“是的三叔,我知道了。”君邪一笑,脸色淡然。\n君无意心情大好,曼声吟道:“银玄始,金玄起,玉玄青青开如意,九玄之下尽蝼蚁;地玄裂,天玄空,至尊神玄无影形,一入九霄便化龙!”\n“这便是玄气品阶歌诀!唯有到了银玄,才算是开始!而你……”\n君无意看着君邪,眼神显得很温和:“你自有你的路,男儿,不一定非要亲手杀人的。”\n君邪笑了笑:“我知道,我一般不会杀人的。”心中补充道,没有代价,我是不会随便杀人的。\n不过前提有一个:别惹我!\n君邪现在,对玄气根本不感兴趣,所以也没有多做了解,送君无意回房之后,君邪缓步往回走,半途却一转身,钻进了藏书阁。\n之所以走入这个所在,实在是以前那位君三少脑袋里的货太少了,除了声色犬马吃喝嫖赌基本就没有别的,一脑袋浆糊,君邪就算想从中理出什么有用的信息,也是有所不能,所以他需要花一些时间理顺脑海中的一切,起码要清晰这位君三少的脑袋里头,纵然没有多少有用的东西,但至少对君家上下一切的了解。\n君邪这一进入藏书阁,就是整整一天没有出来。\n“老爷,少爷从您这里出去之后,只是跟三爷在院子里说了会儿话,看上去,三爷好像非常高兴的样子,近年来三爷如此的开心实在是很少见的。”\n在君战天的书房里,一个老者躬身在君战天面前汇报着君邪的行踪。\n“?”君战天古井不波的面容上一阵愕然。\n这叔侄二人这几年来一向是水火不容,见了面也是互相的冷嘲热讽,一人看另一人从来都是怎么看怎么不顺眼,今天怎么会凑在一起聊天?\n而且还聊得很高兴?\n老三居然还会开心,这实在是太出人意料了,几乎可说是诡异!\n“他们聊得什么?”君战天喝了口茶,似乎很是随意的问道。\n“近年来,三爷残而不废,玄气修为精进极多,已臻地阶初段,属下不敢靠近太多,故而没有听到他们说话的内容,只是看到三爷和少爷确实都笑得十分开心,聊得非常投机的样子。”那老者恭敬的回答。\n“投机?”君战天一吹胡子:“这怎么可能?!他们两人在一起久了不出人命就已经是天大的好事了,居然还会很投机?”\n“此事却是千真万确的!老爷,而且少爷和三爷分开之后,径直去了藏书阁,到现在还没有出来,藏书阁少有外物,想来并无甚事,反是少爷与三爷相谈甚欢,实在是异数,我自是尽速向老爷禀报这事!”\n“你做的对,只是那小子去了藏……书阁?”\n君战天胡须一阵抖动,两眼大张:“你确认你没有说错?\n君莫邪那小王八蛋居然去了藏书阁??\n而不是万花阁、飘香阁之流的……那啥?”\n老者用力的点点头:“就是藏书阁!没错的,老爷。”\n腾地站了起来,君战天在房里来回踱步,平日的沉稳儒雅霎时间不知去向,扯着自己的胡子皱眉沉思:“老庞,你说这家伙去藏书阁干什么?”\n突然一怔:“他不会是去放火吧?”\n“少爷在里面看书,一直很安静,只怕一时还不会走,我这才放心回来的。”老庞嘴角抽了抽,想笑。\n“看书!”君老爷子一声惊叫,却是将自己的胡子揪了一缕下来,犹自未觉,咧着嘴道:“真的是看书?!”\n“是的,老爷。”\n沉吟了半晌,君战天一摆手:“看书也是好事,那就暂时不要打搅他,等他离开之后,将他看过的书都给我拿来,我倒要看看,他到底要做什么?\n他不是在找春宫图吧?\n恩……就算找春宫图也没关系,小子大了,看看那玩意也没什么大不了的,想当年……\n咳咳,老庞,禁止任何人打扰那小子!”\n“是的,老爷。”\n君战天踱了两圈,仰首向天,翘着胡子沉思起来,暗暗想道:“若不是春……难道这小鬼居然真的突然醒悟了,来一个浪子回头?”摇了摇头,长叹一声:“若真是那样,老夫就真的要烧香膜拜告慰祖宗显灵了……”\n直到了晚上掌灯时分,管家老庞前去收集君邪看过的书,居然抱了几十本过来。\n君战天一本本的放在桌子上,皱着眉头。\n“《玄玄大陆风云录》、《大陆见闻录》、《大陆山川录》《风云人物榜》、《奇花异草图志》、《论大陆战争》、《玄玄兵法录》……嘶——”君老爷子整整一夜翻看着这些孙子读过的书籍,神色有迷茫有惊喜,时常叹气,时常吐气,又是摇头,又是点头,估计半辈子的表情这一晚就全用光了……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 6\n“Third Uncle, regarding the matter of your ailment, you must select those who are trustworthy, especially when it comes to those who will help massage you. It will best if no one is to know about this matter. If this treatment is to fail, then us uncle and nephew will not have to lose so much face,” Jun Xie spoke after thinking over for a while.\n“Ha ha, even if the treatment were to be successful, I still would not inform anyone about it!\nYour Third Uncle is not an idiot!\nWhat you fear is that this matter will invite trouble for us, right?\nBesides, if you can truly cure my waist and legs, then both you and I will become the perfect hidden cards for our Jun family!\nHow can I not know about something like this?\nYou little devil, you even tried to use your Third Uncle’s face as an excuse.”\nJun Wuyi let out a laugh, and then he pinched his face. He suddenly had a startling thought, in his heart he realized; this brat was once his most beloved nephew. Yet, how long has it been since the both of them were so intimate? \nOn the other hand, perhaps it was precisely because they have not been so intimate for such a long time… maybe that was why he had such a strange feeling when he saw him again today.\nPortraying himself on the surface as a debauchee for so many years, could it be that there was a different face hidden underneath? \nJun Wuyi’s gaze was locked onto Jun Xie’s back as he turned and was about to walked away, Jun Wuyi’s heart bubbled with anticipation.\nHe looked forward to seeing whether or not his injury can be treated successfully, and even more so, he looked forward to seeing if his nephew truly had… a hidden face?!\n“Third Uncle, you have already reached Earth Xuan rank, correct?” Jun Xie asked with laughter.\n“You peeping tom!” Jun Wuyi chuckled, his heart felt an incomparable sense of carefreeness, and replied: “I’ve just reached this realm this year, it’s not stabilized yet.”\n“You’re being modest,” Jun Xie curled his lips: “What is above Earth Xuan rank?”\nJun Wuyi’s face looked startled, he replied. “Xuan Qi cultivation begins with nine levels, after the nine levels comes the Silver level, Gold level, Jade level; the levels end here. Above it are the Earth Xuan, Sky Xuan, and the Supreme Divine Xuan!”\n“From the first level to third level, the released Xuan Qi will be noticeable, the colours are, dim red, pink red, and thick red. Fourth level to sixth level, the colour is purple with the same three stages. From seven to nine, the colour is black!\nMoxie, when you go outside, you must keep a careful lookout for these signs. One careless interpretation could end in disaster!”\n“I understand, Third Uncle,” Jun Xie smiled, his face remained indifferent.\nJun Wuyi passionately recited: “Silver is the beginning, Gold is growth, Jade signifies the budding process, Nine and below are but ants; Earth Xuan splits everything, Sky Xuan leaves only the air, Supreme Divine Xuan becomes formless, comparable to the Nine Heavens transforming into a soaring dragon!”\n“This is the recitals for the Xuan Qi stages! Only when you’ve reached the Silver Xuan will you be considered a beginner! As for you…” \nJun Wuyi looked at Jun Xie, a gentle look appeared in his eyes: “You will have your own path to take. Just because one is a man, that does not mean he must use his own hands to kill.”\nJun Xie smiled: “I understand, I am not someone who will kill people all the time.” He personally added within his mind: Without any remuneration, there is no way I will kill anyone. \nNaturally, there is one condition: Do not mess with me!\nThe current Jun Xie had absolutely no interest in this so-called Xuan Qi, so he did not try to take any steps towards understanding it. After sending Jun Wuyi back to his room, Jun Xie walked back with a slow pace. While walking halfway though, he turned around and went towards the library building.\nThe reason he entered this place, was none other than the fact that the previous Third Young Master Jun had too little information in his brain. With the exception of information pertaining to sensual pleasures, gambling, eating and drinking, his head was basically filled with nothing else, a sticky blob of worthless mud. No matter how much Jun Xie wanted to glean some useful information from his memories, it was impossible. This was why he needed to spend some time to reorganize everything within his memories. At the very least, he must tidy it up! That way, even if this Third Young Master Jun’s brain has no useful information, he could at least understand the state of the Jun family.\nJun Xie entered the library building and stayed inside for the whole day, not going out at all.\n“Senior Master, after Young Master left your place, he had a good chat with the Third Master for some time. From the looks of it, Third Master seems happy. In recent years, it is rare to see the Third Master looking so happy.”\nWithin Jun Zhan Tian’s study, an old man bowed before Jun Zhan Tian, reporting the whereabouts of Jun Xie.\n“?” Jun Zhan Tian’s face, which had maintained a calm demeanour all these years expressed a stunned look. \nThis uncle and nephew have always been as incompatible as fire and water for so many years; whenever they meet, both of them will throw looks of ridicule at one another. The more they see one another, the more their eyes will feel sored. How could these two suddenly decide to start a conversation today?\nIn addition, they had a good chat.\nTo think that Jun Wuyi would end up becoming happy from that conversation, this was too surprising, it would not be far-fetched to consider this an abnormal occurrence.\n“What were they talking about?” Jun Zhan Tian asked as he drank some tea; his voice remained casual.\n“In recent years, even though the Third Master was disabled, he was still able to cultivate himself at great pace. Considering that he is now at the early Earth Xuan stage, I dared not get too close and was unable to hear the contents of their conversation. I was only able to see that both Third Master and Young Master were obviously happy while chatting agreeably away,” The old man answered respectfully.\n“Agreeable?” Jun Zhan Tian stroked his beard: “How is that possible? For them to be together for so long without anyone dying is already an extremely fortunate event. And yet they were actually chatting agreeably?”\n“This matter is absolutely true! Senior Master, after the Young Master left the Third Master, he actually went straight into the library building and has yet to come out! The library building does not have many external factors or influence; I believe it is of minimal importance. But the matter of the Young Master having a conversation with the Third Master is too surprising, that is why I decided quickly report it to Senior Master!”\n“You did the right thing, but you said this kid went into the… library building?”\nJun Zhan Tian’s beard trembled, and his eyes widened in shock: “Are you sure you said it right?\nThat little bastard Jun Moxie actually went to the library building?\nInstead of the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavillion, Wafting Fragrance Pavillion or others… like that?”\nThe old man nodded firmly: “It is the library building! There is no mistake, Senior Master!”\nJun Zhan Tian practically jumped up from his seat, then paced back and forth in the room. His usually calm exterior was gone, replaced by a deep frown as he tugged his own beard. “Old Pang, do you know what this bastard plans to do inside the library building?”\nHe suddenly stopped. “It can’t be that he’s going to set it on fire, is he?”\n“The Young Master was reading books inside. Judging by how quiet he was, I felt that he would not be leaving anytime soon, that is why I could feel at ease and return to make a report.” Old Pang replied, his mouth restraining the desire to laugh.\n“Reading books?!” Grandpa Jun cried out in surprise as he tugged out a strand of his own beard. Curling his lips, he asked. “He is really reading those books?”\n“He is, Senior Master.”\nAfter thinking for a long while, Jun Zhan Tian waved his hand. “Reading is a good thing. Since that is the case, do not disturb him for now. Once he leaves the library, get me those books that he was looking over for me to inspect. I am really curious, just what is he planning?\nCould it be he was looking for erotic paintings?\nWell… it is all right even if that is what he is looking for. Since he is coming of age now, having a look at those things is no big deal, I still remember…\nHe he, Old Pang, do not allow anyone to bother that kid!”\n“Understood, Senior Master.”\nJun Zhan Tian walked for another two rounds, then he raised his head upwards. Calming himself down, he thought. “If those are not ero… could it be this kid has finally woken up and decided to turn over a new leaf?” He shook his head and sighed aloud. “If this is truly the case, then this old bag will really need to go burn some incense and pray to the spirit of the ancestors…”\nOnce night time arrived, the butler Old Pang went ahead to collect all the books that Jun Xie read before; in total there were a few dozen, which he bundled over.\nJun Zhan Tian placed each book on the table, his face frowning.\n“Xuan Xuan Continent’s Current Situation, Continental Travelogue, Continental Mountains Records, Person of the Year List, Records of Strange Flowers and Exotic Grasses, Continental Wars Discussion, Xuan Xuan Art of War…” Grandpa Jun spent the entire night looking over the books that his grandson read, his expressions would change constantly in confusion, surprise, happiness. He would sigh, puff, shake his head, and nod his head. It was estimated that he has used up half his entire life’s worth of facial expressions in that one night…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第60章\n远处,蹄声如闷雷,正向这边赶来。\n看来这边的刺杀,已经引起了注意。\n半晌,那名为首的黑衣蒙面人眼神一阵阴冷,手一挥,仗剑再向灵梦公主冲去!\n既然你不说话,那我就再动手试试,若是你还出手,那我们立即退却!\n若是你不出手,灵梦就必死!\n我们的任务依然可以完成!\n但在他前进中,依然很是小心的避过了脚下的那柄飞刀,不敢碰到一点。\n天知道这位强者有什么怪异的脾气?\n或者就因为碰了那飞刀而引来杀身之祸!\n半空中湛蓝色再度突兀闪过,另一柄飞刀带着蓝汪汪的色泽,“刷”的插在了的黑衣人面前!\n这次的势头明显快了很多,很显然,那位神秘的强者对这位金玄杀手的不识趣很有些动怒的意思!\n两柄飞刀并排插在地上,颤颤巍巍,小巧玲珑,犹如极为珍贵的艺术品一般一触即碎。\n似乎风一吹都能将其吹走。\n但就是这样的两柄飞刀,却在九位杀手眼中,变成了横亘在他们与灵梦公主之间的一座大山!\n一座难以逾越的高山!\n妄图逾越只有自取灭亡!\n如今若是仍坚持要杀死灵梦,必须先将发出飞刀的人干掉!\n但是,那……可是一位天玄巅峰强者!\n休说干掉,即使九位杀手一起合力围攻,只怕也会让人家在举手之间杀的干干净净。\n这一次,那位藏在房顶的天玄高手已经开启了自己的全部灵识,虔诚的闭上眼睛,绝不放过周围任何一点强大的神识。\n在这样的灵识搜索之下,哪怕就是天玄巅峰或者至尊神玄初阶的高手出手,他自信也能瞬间感应的到。\n可是……\n一番灵识搜索之后,这位天玄高手震骇的睁大了眼睛,额头上汗珠刷刷的落了下来,两眼中的震惊已经到了恐怖的地步!\n究竟是谁,在帮助灵梦公主?\n这位天玄高手心中想着,却再也不敢探测那位神秘莫测的高人的气息。\n因为他刚才费尽心思的凝神搜索,竟然什么也没有探查到!\n空气中完全没有玄气的波动,更加没有一点点、一些些、一微微的神识波动。\n出手的那个人竟然连这些也完全的收敛了!\n这意味着什么?\n这需要何等的修为?\n起码在这位天玄强者的认知之中,莫说自己是绝对做不到的,就算是天玄巅峰甚至是至尊神玄中阶,都是未必能做到的事情!\n难道……这位神秘的高人,竟能高明到这种地步,难道竟然是至尊神玄巅峰高手?\n那岂不是天下无敌的人物?\n那根本就已经是属于神话传说的人物!\n我的个天哪!\n想到自己“小小的天玄初阶”,居然妄自去探测这样强大的存在,这位天玄强者就不由得汗流浃背!\n自己虽然不能觉察到对方,但这种神一般的存在却是肯定已经发现自己的!\n若是对方刚才释放神识,对自己的探测神识迎头痛击,那么,粉碎自己的所有思维是没有半点难度的!\n那样的话,毫无疑问的,自己现在已经是一个白痴!\n害怕、畏惧,这样的感觉自己已经多少时间没有过了?\n但这一刻……\n这位天玄强者心中不禁一阵由衷的后怕,眼中射出感激之色,无声的对空行礼,态度恭谨,如同看到了祖祖祖师爷的末辈弟子。\n他知道,对方一定可以感应得到,也可以看得到。\n他那里知道,他心中已经拔升到了至尊神玄巅峰强者的存在,此刻正如一条死狗般趴在地上,一动也不动。\n至于感应不到“强大”的神识,这也是理所应当的……这位现在死狗一般的“至尊神玄巅峰高手”此刻的玄气神识还不如一位银品玄者,貌似实在太渺小,那天玄强者虽然探测到了,但却完全无视的忽略了过去……实在是太弱小了……\n当然,这位“至尊神玄巅峰强者”为什么要以天玄的修为来对这些杀手做以震慑,这也是很好解释的事情。\n到了至尊神玄之后就会返朴归真,完全隐匿没有任何颜色,若是用真实水平出手,没准这些杀手愣愣的不识货,那岂不是反而不美?\n那时势必需要亲自出手,捻死那几只蚂蚁,就是实在太有失身份了,而天玄巅峰的碧蓝海天色,却正是玄气光彩所能够外在体现的最高修为,就算是没有修习过玄气的普通人也能一眼就看的出来!\n由此可见,这位前辈实在心思慎密,而且慈悲为怀,用心真是……太良苦了。\n那天玄强者感叹着,由衷的钦佩不已。\n难怪人家能到这么高绝的地步,单看人家这修养,这心性,就比自己强的不可以道里计!\n前辈高人啊!\n他这些想法,若是让正趴在地上的“至尊神玄巅峰强者”君邪听到,相信会狂喷一口鲜血乐晕过去,这也太看得起我了……\n下面街口,为首的黑衣杀手眼神中射出强烈的不甘之色,眼神变换了几次,终于仰首叫道:“前辈既不允许晚辈们放肆,那么晚辈们就此告辞了!”\n等了一等,不见有人回应,知道这位天玄强者没有现身的意思,而那马蹄声已经快要到了街口。终于一叹,挥手道:“撤!”\n九个黑衣人同时退后,一闪之下,金芒银光闪起,正要飞身而起远遁,突听一人冷冷的道:“杀了这么多人,说声走就想走,那岂不是太容易了?”\n随着这句话,一条蓝衣身影蓦然出现在街口,挡住了九名黑衣人的去路,这人浑身蓝光闪现,双目如同两颗浅蓝色的珍珠一般,身材瘦削细长,站在夜色中,却让所有看到他的人均是不由自主的从心中油然升起一种孤独寂寞的感觉。\n落寞、凄凉、孤寂、萧瑟……在这个人身上,所体现的,竟然全部是这些让人心中悲愁无限的负面情绪!\n就连他手中握着的那柄细长的长剑,握在他的手中,也显得格外的寂寞了起来……\n灵梦公主顿时满脸喜色叫道:“夜叔叔,真的是你。梦儿真是太高兴了!”\n为首的两名黑衣杀手顿时眼色大变,瞳孔同时收缩,冷冷道:“天涯孤星夜孤寒?原来是你!\n你不是用剑的吗?什么时候也开始用飞刀来装神弄鬼了?”\n“不管我用什么,杀你们几个废物,都是绰绰有余!”\n夜孤寒冷冷的在面前九个杀手身上看了一圈,才看向灵梦公主,眸中深处露出一抹罕见的温暖怜爱:“小梦儿又不乖,偷偷出宫来,遇上大事了吧?可受惊了吗?”\n“有夜叔叔在,梦儿就是最安全的。”\n灵梦公主可爱的笑了笑,在这位全天下都出名孤僻的天涯孤星夜孤寒面前,灵梦公主丝毫看不出哪里像一位皇家公主,反而就像看到了自己叔叔的小姑娘,牵着衣角无比的依赖与孺慕。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 60\nIn the distance, the muffled sound of hooves could be heard, each sound resounding like thunder as they moved towards them. \nIt appeared that this assassination attempt had been found out.\nAfter a while, the eyes of the leader of the men in black burst with a cold glint. He waved his hand, and charged at Princess Ling Meng with a sword in hand!\nSince you refuse to talk, then I will try again. If you choose to stop us, then we will retreat immediately! \nIf you do not stop us, then Princess Ling Meng will die! \nThat way, our mission can be completed!\nHowever, as he advanced forwards, he carefully avoided the flying dagger, not daring to come in contact with it. \nWho knew what kind of strange temper this expert might have? \nComing in contact with the dagger might end up inviting a calamity!\nA deep blue colour suddenly appeared in the middle of the air as another flying dagger carrying a blue glow shot down before this man in black! \nThe speed of this dagger was obviously faster than before. It appeared that this mysterious expert was feeling somewhat angry at the Gold Xuan assassin’s act of not understanding his intentions!\nThe two flying daggers were inserted onto the ground, small and exquisite, its body quivering, just like a precious artwork that could be crushed by merely coming in contact with it. \nIt seemed as though it would be blown away by the winds at any moment. \nHowever, in the eyes of the nine assassins, these two flying daggers had transformed into a mountain standing before them and Princess Ling Meng!\nAn insurmountable mountain!\nAny attempt to cross it was tantamount to suicide!\nAs of now, if they wished to kill Princess Ling Meng, they must first kill the one who issued the flying daggers! \nHowever, that person is… a pinnacle Sky Xuan expert! \nEven if all nine of them were to join forces, it would only take the expert the time it takes one to lift one’s hand to finish them off.\nAt this time, the Sky Xuan expert hidden on the roof had already activated his entire spiritual awareness. Closing his eyes tightly, he endeavoured to detect every single powerful existence. \nUnder his spiritual awareness’ scope of search, he was confident that he could detect the movements of a pinnacle Sky Xuan expert or even a beginner stage Supreme Divine Xuan expert.\nHowever…\nAfter using his spiritual awareness to search, this Sky Xuan expert’s eyes widened in horror. Beads of sweat dripped down from his forehead, evidence of how much fear was within his eyes at this point!\nWho was it that had helped Princess Ling Meng? \nThe Sky Xuan expert considered this question within his heart, but he no longer tried to search for the immeasurably mysterious expert’s aura. \nBecause his earlier search where he utilized his entire being had resulted in nothing! \nThere were no xuan qi fluctuations in the air nor was there any trace of soul fluctuations. \nThe person who shot out the daggers had actually contained all of those!\nWhat could that mean?\nWhat kind of cultivation was required for this? \nFrom the perspective of this Sky Xuan expert, this was something that he could not accomplish. Not even a pinnacle Sky Xuan expert or even a middle-stage Supreme Divine Xuan could accomplish this!\nCould it be… for this mysterious expert to have such a high level of ability, could it a pinnacle Supreme Divine Xuan expert? \nIsn’t that an invincible being? \nThat is simply an existence that belonged within myths and legends!\nOh, my God!\nWhen he recalled how he who was merely a ‘minor little beginner stage Sky Xuan’ had tried to detect the whereabouts of this powerful existence, the Sky Xuan expert became drenched in sweat! \nEven though he was unable to determine the location of this person, such a kind of existence would certainly have found out about him! \nIf this person had chosen to reveal his soul and retaliated by slapping his spiritual awareness, then his mind would have been crushed without any difficulty at all! \nShould that happen, there was no doubt that he would have become a basket case by now!\nFear, terror, how long has it been since he had felt such emotions?\nBut at this moment…\nThe heart of this Sky Xuan expert could not help but feel fearful. A look of gratitude appeared within his eyes as he silently saluted the empty air. His manner was respectful, as though he was seeing his ancestors.\nHe knew that the other person was able to feel and observe his current actions.\nHow could he have known that this pinnacle Supreme Divine Xuan existence within his mind was currently sprawled on the ground like a motionless, dead mutt. \nAs for the matter of him failing to detect any ‘powerful’ soul, that was simply a matter of course… the Xuan Qi soul power of this ‘pinnacle Supreme Divine Xuan expert’ that was lying on the ground like a dead dog was not even at the Silver level, it was simply too weak. Back then, even though he had detected his presence, he had completely ignored it… it was simply too weak…\nOf course, there was the question of why the ‘pinnacle Supreme Divine Xuan expert’ would use the cultivation level of a Sky Xuan to deter these assassins. This was a very easy question to answer. \nThe radiance of xuan qi would return to its original state once the Supreme Divine Xuan rank was attained and the xuan qi used would have no colour at all. If this person had used his true abilities to issue the daggers, those assassins would have simply ignored it, not knowing what kind of meaning it held. Wouldn’t that be unsightly? \nAnd if he were to personally come forth to stamp down those few ‘ants’, that would simply be too demeaning for him.On the other hand, the highest possible cultivation level that could still radiate colour when using xuan qi would be the pinnacle Sky Xuan rank, which radiated a dark blue ocean glow! Even those who have no Xuan Qi cultivation would be able to notice this!\nEvidently, this senior was a very compassionate and thoughtful person. Moreover, he was also a man of great benevolence, his heart was simply… too thoughtful.\nThe Sky Xuan expert lamented as his heart was filled with admiration. \nIt was no wonder that this person could achieve such a high level. Just by observing this senior’s level of cultivation, this kind of disposition, the Sky Xuan expert felt himself to be far inferior! \nThis senior is a true master!\nIf these thoughts within his mind were to be known to the ‘pinnacle Supreme Divine Xuan expert’ who was lying on the ground, he would likely spew out a mouthful of blood and faint: You are simply giving me too high of an evaluation…\nIn the street below, the leader of the assassins revealed an expression of resignation on his eyes. His expression changed for a bit before finally looking up and shouted. “Since senior would not permit this junior to be presumptuous, this junior will leave!” \nAfter waiting for a while, there was still no response. Realizing that the Sky Xuan expert had no intentions of revealing himself and hearing the sound of horse hooves getting closer, he waved his hand. “Withdraw!”\nThe nine men retreated simultaneously, together their golden and silver light flashed out as they prepared to escape far away. But just as they were about to do so, a cold voice suddenly spoke out. “After killing so many people, you want to leave by just saying that? Did you think you could get off that easy?”\nFollowing these words, a blue figure suddenly appeared in the corner of the street, blocking the escape path of the nine men in black. This man’s entire body was covered in blue radiance, his eyes akin to a pair of light blue pearls, his body tall and lean. Standing in the midst of the darkness, those who saw him could not help but feel a sense of loneliness within their hearts.\nLoneliness, dismal, solitude, bleakness… embodied within this man were all these negative emotions that would cause anyone to feel extremely sad! \nEven the slender long sword held within his hand seemed to be exuding an aura of loneliness…\nPrincess Ling Meng’s face lit up as she cried out. “Uncle Ye, it is really you. Meng’er feels so happy!”\nThe expression of the two assassin leaders suddenly underwent a great change, their eyes contracting at the same time as they coldly asked. “Solitary Star of the Horizon, Ye Guhan? It turned out to be you!\nIsn’t your weapon of choice the sword? Since when did you start to use flying daggers to mystify people?”\n“It does not matter what I use, it will be more than enough to kill you pieces of trash!”\nYe Guhan glanced over the nine assassins before looking at Princess Ling Meng. His eyes revealed a rare expression of warmth and affection. “Little Meng is misbehaving again, going out of the palace secretly. Now you have encountered a dangerous situation, are you frightened?”\n“With Uncle Ye here, Meng’er will definitely be safe,” \nPrincess Ling Meng smiled lovingly. Before this world famous solitary figure, Solitary Star of the Horizon, Ye Guhan, Princess Ling Meng did not appear to have any resemblance to a Royal Princess. Her bearing was more towards a little girl who had just met her dear uncle, her face showing an incomparable amount of respect and dependence.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第61章\n夜孤寒,一位独来独往的高级强者,天玄高手。\n人人都知道他从来不与任何人亲近,孤僻成性,心狠手辣,一旦出剑,手下向来没有活口。\n但人们却不知道的是,这位孤僻的剑手,当年也曾经是一个英俊潇洒倜傥多情的少年公子。\n更加没有人知道,夜孤寒与当今皇后慕容秀秀往昔曾经乃是一对青梅竹马的恋人,但夜孤寒家族不知何故,一夜败落,从京都除名,夜孤寒也沦为一文不名的小人物,当年权势熏天的慕容世家,自然就不会让女儿嫁给当时除了是一位银品玄者之外什么都不是的穷酸人物,慕容家族的横加阻挠,终于使一对山盟海誓的恋人劳燕分飞!\n夜孤寒黯然远走,慕容秀秀悲痛欲绝,数次寻死均被救回,直到不知何故传来了夜孤寒的死讯,慕容秀秀万念俱灰之下,在父母苦劝之下,终于服从家族安排,入宫与当今皇帝成亲,数年后成为一国之皇后。\n夜孤寒一去十年,练剑有成,玄气修为也臻至了天玄境界,自觉已经足以匹配慕容秀秀,兴冲冲的回转之时,不意沧海桑田,红颜已去,当初的恋人已经贵为皇后,而且灵梦公主,也已经七岁了!\n两人泪眼相对,均感肝肠寸断!\n一入宫门深似海,从此夜郎是路人!\n天意莫测、昨是今非,造化弄人,一至于斯。\n夜孤寒心灰意冷,一夜之间头发斑白,性情亦由此大变,变得孤寂狠绝,不近人情。\n但对昔日恋人的女儿灵梦公主,却是视同己出,怜爱有加。\n他虽然从此立誓再不见慕容秀秀,但却经常逗着小灵梦玩耍,也唯有在对着灵梦公主的时候,夜孤寒那坚冰般冷寂的心才会有所融化。\n实际上,夜孤寒已经成为灵梦公主的守护神!\n无论是谁,就算是当今皇帝想要责打灵梦公主,夜孤寒也敢悍然拔剑!\n灵梦公主,就是现在夜孤寒苟生在世唯一的灵魂寄托,也是这位冷血孤僻的剑手,最大的逆鳞!\n这件事情,说来更是皇室的一件秘事,知道的人本来就甚少。\n所以这些杀手的幕后主使也是不知道的,否则,决不至于只派两个金品玄者杀手前来刺杀,甚至未必会有这次刺杀!\n就算真要刺杀,怎么说也需要两位以上的天玄高手才行。\n夜孤寒如今已经确定了那位隐身暗处的神秘高手必然不会出手,但他却绝不会放这些杀手离去,所以现身出来。\n凡是想要伤害灵梦公主的人,无论是谁,在夜孤寒的眼中,都是杀、无、赦!\n缓缓转身,拔剑出鞘!\n细长的剑身灵蛇般抖动,剑光蓝汪汪的荡漾起来,剑尖缓缓抬起,指着九位杀手,夜孤寒脸色冷酷:“死吧!”\n九位杀手一阵无语,先前我们一个劲的问前辈还有什么指示,就是为了试探与你,你却不出声,等我们要走了却出来拦人,这不是明摆着耍人玩嘛?\n他们自然不知道,所有的事情不对劲,完全是因为,对象根本就是两个人!\n“夜孤寒!想要杀人是要用剑的,用嘴可不行!”\n两位黑衣杀手首领越想越是愤怒,纵然你武功比我们高出很多,但也没有这么耍人的!\n自知无幸,反而胆气壮了起来,竟然出言嘲讽。\n夜孤寒神色不动,依然冷酷如冰,目光森然如箭,身躯亦挺拔若松,心狠、剑光更寒,突然闪动,淡蓝色的剑光如同烟花爆炸,笼罩四野,发散而出,以实际行动答应了杀手首领用剑杀人的要求。\n无谓再浪费口舌,和将死之人废话,无疑是很弱智的举动!\n剑光灿烂,带着淡蓝色的绮丽光采,一剑挥出,很有一种如梦如幻的华丽感觉,但在这等奇妙的光彩中,却又夹杂了浓郁的伤心断肠味道,此刻的森然剑光,居然与夜孤寒的脸色一样的落寞,萧瑟!\n夜孤寒转步、欺身、出剑!\n靠得他最近的一位银玄杀手,咽喉部位赫然多出了一道凄艳的淡淡痕迹,而血光亦在瞬间如雾般喷出,融进了漫空的淡蓝剑影之中,红蓝相映,使得这幕杀戮的场面,充满了一种断肠的美丽!\n剑出肝肠断,天涯何处觅知音!寂寞……\n那位杀手尸身缓缓倒下,夜孤寒白发萧然,孤峭的身影却已经到了另外两名杀手之间,这些方才还曾经威风不可一世的杀手,此刻在他的面前,却如是土鸡瓦狗一般,不堪一击!\n正如银品高手可以视九品以下之人为蝼蚁,天玄高手同样视金、银品高手为儿戏!\n两道血光再度先后激射而出,夜孤寒脸色冷酷,丝毫不变,在漫天血光中带着梦幻般的淡蓝纵横来去,如鬼如魅,如风如雾!\n金银玄者正面对敌天玄强者,这根本就是以卵击石,连一丝希望都没有的对战,更何况是遇上了夜孤寒这位以斩尽杀绝而著名的冷血狂人?\n“风紧!四散,走!”\n杀手首领一声厉叫,原本心中仅存的侥幸消失无踪,第一个拔身而起,利箭般向远方射去。\n剩下的五位杀手亦如同炸弹开花,四散奔逃,逃得一个是一个!\n结局既无悬念,唯一可以寻思的只是,这九名杀手,是否有人可以侥幸脱身呢?\n夜孤寒一声长啸,声音带着浓郁的悲凄孤寒,森森杀机带着无尽的孤寂冲空响起,淡蓝色的剑光大涨,便如一块巨大的蓝宝石以飞快的速度飞行在空中,淡蓝色剑光一吞一吐之间,便有一名杀手惨叫着落下地来。\n举手投足、须臾之间,妄图逃走的四个银品杀手悉数毙命,尸体尚未落地,而夜孤寒也已经挺剑拦住了其中一个金品杀手首领。\n这两位杀手首领乃这一行人中武功最高的两人,又是一南一北逃遁,即便以夜孤寒一人之力,在斩杀另外四名银玄杀手之余,也只能拦住一个。\n至于另一个,他则是无能为力!\n君邪躺在地上,眼睛睁开一条缝看热闹,见夜孤寒如此神威,不由得心中神往不已;这夜孤寒的能力,若是正面相搏,即便是以前世君邪的能力也非是其敌!\n这不禁让君邪对这个世界的玄气又有了一层较高的评价。\n当然,这只是以正面对战为前提,若是按照杀手的手段而论,君邪自信自己有N多的方法可以搞死夜孤寒,但毕竟正面搏杀并不是君邪最擅长的东西!\n淡蓝色,大抵还只不过是天玄初阶而已,便已经有如此威势,却不知天玄巅峰又是如何?\n至尊神玄则是如何?\n君邪心中有一种强烈的见猎心喜的感觉!\n唯有与强者之间的交战,才是提升自己的最快途径!\n只可惜,现在的君邪,远远没有叫板强者的实力!\n若非如此,恐怕这家伙立即就会跳起来,向夜孤寒提出一战!\n实力啊!\n君邪心中烧开的油锅一般的翻滚着,无比的渴望!\n正在这个时候,却发现那位逃遁的杀手首领无巧不巧,正一路向着自己这边狼狈地飞掠过来。\n君邪心中顿时杀机大起!\n你带着人把老子弄成这样子,你居然就想一走了之?\n哪有这么便宜的事情?!\n手腕一动,飞刀在手,君邪的脸藏在身下,狰狞的一笑:去死吧,小子!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 61\nYe Guhan, he is a solitary top rate expert who travelled alone, and a Sky Xuan expert.\nEveryone knew that he had never become close to anyone. He possess a solitary nature and is ruthless. Once his sword is drawn, those he fought against would usually end up dead. \nHowever, they do not know something. This solitary swordsman was once a handsome and passionate Young Master.\nThere is an even bigger secret that no one knew of. Ye Guhan and the current Empress, Murong Xiuxiu were childhood sweethearts. However, for some unknown reason, Ye Guhan’s family declined overnight, his family name removed from the capital henceforth and Ye Guhan became a penniless nobody. Back then, the Murong Family was a sky-encompassing powerhouse. Naturally, they would not allow their family’s daughter to be married to a penniless nobody with only a cultivation of Silver level Xuan Qi. The Murong Family flagrantly obstructed them and finally caused the two lovers to part ways!\nDejected, Ye Guhan left while Murong Xiuxiu was left in distraught. Murong Xiuxiu attempted to commit suicide several times but was saved from the brink of death. Eventually, there came news of Ye Guhan’s death, causing Murong Xiuxiu to fall into an abyss of despair. Under the constant persuasion of her parents, she finally decided to accept her family’s arrangements to enter the palace and marry the Emperor. A few years later, she became the Empress of the kingdom.\nYe Guhan left for ten years, his pursuit of swordsmanship was successful and his Xuan Qi cultivation had advanced to the Sky Xuan rank. Feeling that he was finally qualified to marry Murong Xiuxiu, he rushed back in excitement. Unfortunately, his lover from back then had become an Empress, and Princess Ling Meng at the time was already seven years old! \nStanding opposite one another, tears flowed down from both of them, an unspeakable feeling of pain ripping through both of them!\nEntering the ocean-like palace gates, since the day Ye entered the way!\nHeaven’s will is unpredictable, yesterday is not today.Heaven toys with the will of men; such is the decree of time.\nYe Guhan became disheartened, his hair turned white overnight and his character was greatly altered, becoming heartless and extremely ruthless. \nHowever, he remains affectionate and loving towards his former lover’s daughter. Princess Ling Meng. \nSince then, he vowed not to see Murong Xiuxiu again. But he would frequently visit Princess Ling Meng to play with her. His frozen heart would only melt when he is with Princess Ling Meng.\nYe Guhan had become Princess Ling Meng’s bodyguard! \nIt did not matter whom, even if the current Emperor wanted to chastise Princess Ling Meng, Ye Guhan would still wantonly unsheathe his sword! \nPrincess Ling Meng is the one thing sustaining his soul and this cold-blooded swordsman’s most sensitive spot!\nThis matter is a royal secret known only to a select few. \nThus, the one behind these assassins’ too had no clue. If they did, they would not have sent merely two Gold levelled Xuan expert for this assassination. In fact, there may not even be any assassination attempt! \nIf they really wanted to kill her, then they would need at least two experts at the Sky Xuan rank or higher in order to succeed.\nYe Guhan had already determined that the mysterious expert would not come forth, but he was unwilling to allow these assassins to leave. Thus, he had revealed himself.\nIn Ye Guhan’s eyes, anyone who wished to bring harm upon Princess Ling Meng must be killed! No amnesty would be given!\nSlowly turning his body, he unsheathed his sword! \nThe long sword quivered, like a serpent, an undulating blue colour rose from the sword. With a grim face, Ye Guhan said. “Go die!”\nThe nine assassins remained silent: We had previously asked in earnest if senior had any instructions for us. The reason we asked that was to probe your intentions, and yet you remained silent. Now that we wanted to retreat, you decide to come forth and stop us. Aren’t you just messing around with us?\nNaturally, they were unaware of how wrong they were. Those two were simply two different person!\n“Ye Guhan! If you want to kill people, you need to use swords; mouth alone will not cut it!” verbally.\nThe two assassin leaders became enraged as they recalled what happened. Even if your strength is far stronger than us, do you really need to toy with us?\nThey were aware that they have no luck in winning, but their courage were ignited and they taunted him.\nYe Guhan remained motionless, his appearance as cold as ice, his gaze as intimidating as an incoming arrow. His straight body loosened, the light on the sword grew colder and he suddenly made his move with ruthlessness. The pale blue light exploded like fireworks and enveloped the area, signifying Ye Guhan’s agreement with the assassin leader’s words to use sword to kill them.\nIt was pointless to waste his strength on words. After all, talking nonsense with a bunch of people who were about to die was probably a stupid idea!\nThe sword shone brilliantly, bringing with it a pale blue radiance. When the sword struck out, it created an illusory dreamlike feeling. However, within this wonderful radiance was a rich flavour of heart breaking sadness. The awe-inspiring sword radiance exuded the same atmosphere as Ye Guhan, bleakness and solitude!\nYe Guhan turned his body and struck out with his sword! \nA light line suddenly appeared on the throat of the Silver Xuan assassin closest to him. A mist of blood gushed out, blending with the pale blue radiance that covered the sky. The blue and red colour suffused with one another, creating a beautiful yet heart breaking imagery within this scene of carnage!\nThe sword breaks the heart; the horizon remains elusive! Loneliness…\nThe corpse of the assassin slowly fell down. Ye Guhan maintained his mournful expression; his figure appeared before two other assassins. These two assassins that had seemed so impressive just moments ago now appeared to be no more than a pair of defenceless chicken and dog in his eyes!\nJust as how the Silver level expert could look upon those at the Ninth level and below as ants, the same applied to a Sky Xuan expert when facing Silver Xuan experts. These two men were but little babies in face of a Sky Xuan expert!\nTwo more jets of blood sprayed out, Ye Guhan’s face retained its grimness. Amidst the blood-filled skies, he brought a dream like pale blue light with him as he moved about, just like a ghost!\nFor a group of Gold and Silver level experts to go against a Sky Xuan expert was no different from smashing a rock with eggs. There were no hope for them to emerge victorious at all. Moreover, their opponent was Ye Guhan, who is renowned for being a murderous cold-blooded maniac.\n“Move quickly! Scatter and run!” \nThe assassin leader shouted out, his body was the first to rise to the skies, akin to an arrow flying back the way it came from.\nThe remaining five assassins scattered out just like an exploding grenade, every single one of them fleeing for their lives!\nThere was no need to think of the outcome. The only question here was: Among these nine assassins, who would be able to successfully escape?\nYe Guhan let out a lengthy howl, his voice containing a dense feeling of loneliness and melancholy. His murderous aura reverberated with the endless feeling of loneliness as his pale blue sword rose into the air, just like a huge sapphire flying through the skies at a rapid speed. Each time the pale blue light flared out, an assassin’s wretched cries could be heard as he fell to the ground.\nJust a moment after the order was given, four of the assassins that were trying to escape had already been killed, though their bodies have yet to descend onto the ground. As for Ye Guhan, he was engaged with one of the Gold level assassin leader. \nThe two assassin leaders possessed the highest level of strength amongst the assassins. One of them fled to the north while the other fled to the south. Even with Ye Guhan’s ability alone, after killing off the other four Silver Xuan assassins, he could only stop one of the leaders.\nAs for the other one, not even he could do anything about it!\nJun Xie who was lying on the ground had his eyes slightly opened as he enjoyed the show. Witnessing Ye Guhan’s superhuman might, he could not help but feel fascinated. In an open battle, not even the original Jun Xie in his past life could hope to defeat Ye Guhan! \nThis caused Jun Xie to have a higher evaluation towards the Xuan Qi cultivation of this world.\nNaturally, this was only if they were to fight openly. However, if this was an assassination mission, Jun Xie was confident that he has at least N number of ways to murder Ye Guhan. After all, an open battle to the death is not Jun Xie’s forte!\nA pale blue colour, he is probably only a Sky Xuan beginner, and yet he possessed such a kind of power. How would a pinnacle Sky Xuan compare? \nHow would a Supreme Divine Xuan compare? \nA strong feeling of delight at seeing such strong people rose within Jun Xie’s heart!\nFighting against the strong was the only way for one to enhance one’s strength! \nUnfortunately, the present Jun Xie simply does not have the strength to challenge the strong! \nOtherwise, he would probably have jumped to his feet and challenged Ye Guhan to a fight!\nStrength!\nJun Xie’s heart burned as it churned with endless desire!\nAs it so happened, he suddenly realized that the fleeing assassin leader was heading in his direction. The killing intent within Jun Xie’s heart burst out!\nSon of a bitch! \nAfter bringing a bunch of people and causing this senior to end like this, you want to leave? \nYou think you could just waltz out of here?\nHis wrists quivered and his flying dagger slid down onto his hands. Jun Xie’s face, which was hidden beneath his body, showed a ferocious smile: Time to die, kiddo!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第62章\n那杀手首领眼见夜孤寒暂时已经没有余力追赶自己,心中大大松了一口气,一边飞速奔逃,一边四处打量,往下一看,正看见君莫邪这纨绔不知何时成了仰面朝天的姿势躺在地上,两只眼睛居然还像是微微睁着,不由一怔:难道这小子竟还没死?\n回头一看,夜孤寒已经将自己的同伴逼进了死地,看他的样子应该是想抓个活的,暂时顾及不到自己,心念一转,不由得恶向胆边生。\n杀不了灵梦公主,但若是让君莫邪死了,京城也会大乱吧?\n顿时身形一滞,就要落下来朝着这个纨绔身上再补上一剑!\n正在转着这个念头,突然看到下面的纨绔小子两只眼睛向着自己眨了眨,吐了吐舌头,做了个鬼脸,低低地骂了一句:“我草你妈!”\n声音极低,四周本就是乱哄哄的,远处的马蹄声亦轰轰而来,别人最近的也在数丈之外,根本听不到什么,更没有人会特别注意这边的动静,所有人都在关注夜孤寒的出手;\n唯有这位杀手首领全力逃窜,又距离较近,反而听的清清楚楚,顿时气得两个眼珠子都发了蓝!\n老子奈何不了天玄强者,难道还杀不了你这个纨绔败家子?\n凭你小子也敢骂老子!\n轰的一声落了下来,长剑狠狠地刺出!心中怒骂:“老子宰了你!”\n正在这时,突然眼前一阵碧蓝,犹如蓝天大海同时出现在自己眼前,一柄湛蓝的飞刀,就这么神秘而又美丽,梦幻一般出现在自己面前,目标正是自己咽喉!\n“天玄……呃……”\n杀手首领大吃一惊,顿时手足冰凉,极度惊吓之下,再加上他本来就是往下冲的姿势,一口气一泄,顿时坠落下来,还未着地,那柄湛蓝色的飞刀已经颤巍巍的插在了他的咽喉之上,深入足有三寸!\n“啪嗒”一声,这位杀手首领一直到死也是稀里糊涂,为什么夜孤寒明明在三十丈之外,飞刀却在这里出现了?\n这是什么道理?\n这个疑问,让这位憋屈的金品杀手纵死也迷惘不解的睁大着眼睛,一副好学求知的样子……\n君邪之前受伤本就不轻,但移动本就有些许的不灵活。\n虽说剑伤被裹住了,但毕竟还有一位银玄的双脚齐踢啊!\n眼睁睁的看着这位金品杀手满脸疑惑不解的向着自己落下来,最要命的是,这丫纵然死了,长剑居然仍然握在手里……\n“真他奶奶滴死不悔改!”\n君邪心中大骂一声,拼了老命的移动了一下身体,向前蹿了蹿身子,险险地避过了要害。\n砰!杀手首领的尸体准准的落在了君邪的小身板上,嗤的一声,他手中依然持着的长剑插进了君邪的大腿肉最多的地方!\n要是这剑再往左偏上那么几分,君大杀手就会光荣的变成皇宫里的职业者……\n“呼……嘶……日!”\n君邪本就被撞得“呼”的一声,几乎上不来气,接着长剑入腿,又疼的嘶的一声,最后一个字却是君大少非常憋屈的骂了一声:谁想到死人居然也能拿着剑伤人?\n这个世界真是他妈的太奇妙了!\n长剑实打实地穿到君邪身上,深深入肉再扎进了土里,一动就是更大地血口子,说不定还会进一步割伤肌腱;君邪在这种情况下自然是不能动了,而身上的杀手首领则是已经死了,更加的不会动,两人就这么叠罗汉一般叠在一起,杀手手里还握着剑柄,剑身插在君邪身上,这样的姿势,说不出的怪异!\n他妈的!\n君邪欲哭无泪:老子来到这个世界,第二次被男人压了!头一次那死胖子虽然恶心倒也是个活人啊,这次倒好,被死人给压了,还不能动……\n一个活人,一个死人,两张面孔贴在一起,四只眼睛居然对在了一起,君邪这才发现,这家伙居然是死不瞑目。\n一时好奇,君邪细细观察,越看越觉得怪异,这家伙眼中居然不是愤恨,不是怨毒,居然好像是……疑问与迷惘!\n你找不到去黄泉的路吗?\n别这么看老子,老子也不知道!\n君邪恨恨的骂。\n一般人被死人压在身上还被瞪着眼睛看着,恐怕胆子再大的也要魂不附体,战战兢兢,但君邪这个怪胎,居然与死人聊起天来,不得不说一声……强大!\n啪的一声,夜孤寒将另一位杀手首领手中的长剑打掉,淡蓝的剑光一闪,已经横在了他的脖子上:“谁派你们来的?说!”\n夜孤寒很愤怒,若是不揪出幕后主使,谁知道以后这种事情还会不会发生?\n自己可以保护灵梦一次、两次,却未必可以保护灵梦一生一世,若下次的刺杀中有天玄高手,缠住自己那又会怎么样呢?\n那杀手首领冷冷的看着夜孤寒,目中露出绝望之色,突然放声大笑,道:“夜孤寒,你以为我会说吗?\n哈哈哈……真是可笑,没想到名满天下的天涯孤星,堂堂的天玄高手,居然是如此的幼稚!”\n说着说着,突然嘴角流出黑血,呼吸顿止,看着夜孤寒的眼睛,犹带嘲讽之意。\n他被俘的那一刻,居然就已经咬破了口中的毒囊!\n见血封喉,好毒的毒药!\n夜孤寒跌足长叹,目中露出一丝敬佩,喃喃道:“倒也算是条汉子!我不为难你的尸体就是!”\n此次来袭的刺客至此已尽数死光,场中瞬间静寂了下来,夜孤寒这句话的音量虽似甚轻,但却清清楚楚地传到了君邪的耳朵里。\n这一刻,君邪突然有一种想要大笑的冲动:真是混账说法,这样的行径竟也能叫好汉子?\n那这个世界的好汉子还真不值钱的说!\n他若是不自杀,难道你就会放过他不成?\n就算你因为他是“好汉子”而放过他,他背后的杀手组织能放过他吗?\n幕后主使能放过他吗?\n见过蠢得,没见过这么蠢得,亏你还是一位天玄高手!\n白痴天玄高手!\n君邪心中忍不住有万二分的鄙视:这种人在生擒他之前,既然打算要活的,那么第一件事就在他尚有行动能力的时候就把他满嘴牙齿打掉!\n这根本已经是最起码的。\n至于说制住穴道、断其内息什么的,根本都不应该由我来说明了吧?\n实在是太不专业啊!君大杀手这位专业人士一阵嗟叹。\n场中一片血腥,灵梦公主微微皱着眉头,似是忍受不了这浓郁的血腥味,走上前来问道:“夜叔叔,你什么时候练了一手这么超妙的飞刀神技?回去之后教教我好不好?”\n一提起飞刀,夜孤寒顿时醒悟过来,双手抱拳,向空行了一礼,朗声道:“今日多谢前辈相救,夜某人感激不尽!\n灵梦见识浅薄,若有冒犯前辈之处,请前辈大人大量,不虞计较,前辈若有甚差遣,只需只言片语。\n晚辈必然赴汤蹈火,在所不辞,以报前辈大恩!”\n在他心中,灵梦公主就如同是自己的亲生女儿一般,更已成为自己活着的唯一寄托,神秘的强者救了灵梦,就是救了自己。\n因此,他没有提到谁得救了。\n不管是谁,一样的感同身受。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 62\nThe assassin leader saw that Ye Guhan was temporarily unable to catch up to him and let out a sigh of relief. As he was running away as quick as he could, he looked around and noticed that the debauchee, Jun Moxie had at some unknown time shifted his position to instead lie on the ground with his face facing the sky. Jun Moxie’s eyes seemed to be slightly opened as well. He could not help but felt surprised: Could it be that this brat is still alive?\nTurning his head, he saw that Ye Guhan had already pressured his partner to the road of death. Judging by what he could see, Ye Guhan was trying to catch his partner alive; and was unable to spare any attention towards him. Considering all this, he felt himself getting somewhat more courageous.\nWe failed to kill Princess Ling Meng. But if Jun Moxie were to die, the capital would fall into chaos as well, right? \nThe assassin leader suddenly slowed down as he moved in to deliver another sword strike into the body of this debauchee!\nJust as he was about to act, he suddenly saw the debauchee brat before him opening his eyes, spit out with his tongue, made a sly face and cursed in a whisper. “I will screw your mother!”\nThe volume of his voice was very low. Amidst the incoming rumbling sound of hooves, the other people who were situated several zhangs (3.04 m) away were simply unable to hear anything. Not to mention, none of them were currently paying any attention to this place as they were closely watching Ye Guhan’s battle. \nThus, only the assassin leader who had fled and was close to Jun Xie could hear his words clearly. Instantly, he became enraged, his eyes bulging out!\nJust because this senior was not able to deal with a Sky Xuan expert, did you think I cannot kill a prodigal debauchee like you? \nSomeone like you actually dare to curse at me?\nHe charged down, his sword stabbing viciously as his heart cursed inwardly. “This senior will take you down!”\nIt was then that a jade blue colour flashed outward, as though the azure ocean had appeared before his very eyes. As though in a dream, a deep blue flying dagger mysteriously appeared before the assassin leader. Its aim was the assassin’s throat!\n“Sky Xuan… eh…” \nThe assassin leader became shocked; his hands and feet became frozen all of a sudden. Under the extreme shock, in addition to his earlier action of rushing downwards, he lost his composure and fell. However, before his body reached the ground, the deep blue flying dagger had already struck into his throat, penetrating inside by at least three inches!\nEven at his moment of death, the assassin leader remained confused. Ye Guhan was clearly thirty zhangs (91.2 m) away from him, so why did the flying dagger appear here? \nWhat was going on? \nThis question caused the Gold level assassin leader to remain confused; his eyes bulging widely in death, just like a scholar in seek of knowledge…\nThe injuries Jun Xie suffered earlier were not light, causing his movements to be less nimble. \nEven though the sword wound had been wrapped up, there were still the two kicks from the Silver level assassin! \nNow, Jun Xie watched as the Gold level assassin fall to his death with a puzzled expression on his face. However, what was alarming was that even in death, his hands remained tightly gripping onto his sword…\n“Screw your granny! You unrepentant bastard!” \nJun Xie cursed inwardly. Going all out, he forced his body to move, barely budging away from the lethal strike.\nPeng! The assassin leader’s corpse fell right on top of Jun Xie’s little body. With a “chi” sound, the sword in his hands slid into Jun Xie’s thigh in the area with the most flesh!\nIf this sword had gone slightly to the left, Jun Xie would have to gloriously become an ‘employee’ within the palace…\n“Sss …SSSonofa!”\nJun Xie had already been knocked down and was unable to rise up at all. Then, the sword slid into his thigh, causing him to hiss in pain. In the end, Young Master Jun cried out in his heart: Who could have guessed that even a dead man could use a sword to harm others? \nThis world is simply too freaking fantastic!\nThe sword pierced straight through Jun Xie’s thigh and into the ground beneath him. Any movement would aggravate the wound. In a worst-case scenario, it might even bring harm to his tendons. Under these circumstances, Jun Xie was simply unable to move. The same was true for the assassin leader’s corpse pressing down on him. The both of them were like a human pyramid, the assassin leader’s hands gripped the sword tightly, and the sword had pierced through Jun Xie’s thigh. This image was unspeakably peculiar!\nSon of a bitch! \nJun Xie was on the verge of tears: Since I came to this world, this would already be the second time that I was pressed down on by a man! First time around, even though the fatty was nauseating, he was still a living person. This time, I am actually being pressed down upon by a dead man, and I cannot even move…\nA living person and a dead person, both their faces were directly opposite one another, their eyes staring at each other. It was then that Jun Xie realized that this bastard had died with his eyes open. \nFeeling curious, Jun Xie observed carefully. The more he observed, the more he felt that this person’s eyes did not seem to express resentment or malice, but rather… doubt and confusion!\nAre you telling me that you cannot find your way to the Yellow Springs? \nDo not look at me, I do not know! \nJun Xie viciously cursed him.\nWhen pressed down upon by a dead person whose eyes remained bulging out in a stare, most people would be trembling regardless of how courageous they may be. However, Jun Xie was a freak who could even start a conversation with the dead. In one word… powerful!\nWith a “pa”, Ye Guhan disarmed the other assassin leader; his blue sword flashed out and was upon the man’s throat. “Who sent you? Speak up!”\nYe Guhan was enraged; if he did not ferret out the person behind this assassination attempt, who knew if this would happen again?\nHe could protect Princess Ling Meng once or twice, but he may not be able to protect her forever. The next time this happened, what could he do if a Sky Xuan expert was sent to hold him down?\nThe assassin leader coldly stared at Ye Guhan, the colour of despair evident within his eyes. Suddenly, he laughed out. “Ye Guhan, did you think I would talk?\nHahaha… What a joke! I did not expect that the world renowned Solitary Star of The Horizon, Ye Guhan, a dignified Sky Xuan expert would actually turn out to be so naïve!”\nAs he talked, black coloured blood suddenly flowed down from his mouth and he stopped breathing. His eyes was fixed upon Ye Guhan, a look of ridicule remained in his eyes.\nThe moment he was captured, he had bitten down on the poison pill within his mouth!\nSealing the throat and purging the blood, what a vicious poison!\nYe Guhan sighed, his face revealing a look of admiration and murmured. “You can be counted as a real man! I will not make things difficult for your body!”\nPresently, all the assassins have been killed off and the area had turned silent. Even though the words uttered by Ye Guhan was low in tone, it could clearly be heard by Jun Xie. \nAt that moment, Jun Xie suddenly had the urge to laugh loudly: What nonsense! Under these circumstances, you actually call him a real man? \nIf that were the case, then the value of real man would no longer be of any worth!\nIf he does not commit suicide, would you let him live? \nEven if you let him live because he is a ‘real man’, would the chief assassin let him live? \nWill the mastermind of this incident allow him to live? \nI have seen stupid before, but I have never seen someone so stupid. And you are a Sky Xuan expert to boot! \nIdiotic Sky Xuan expert!\nJun Xie’s heart welled with a great amount of contempt: Since you have decided to take him alive, the first thing you need to do when going against these kinds of people is to knock out his teeth while he still has the ability to move! \nThis is the absolute basic! \nAs for the blocking of acupuncture points, breaking the inner qi and all those… Hey! Do I really need to elaborate for you?\nSimply too unprofessional! The professional assassin within Jun Xie was greatly upset.\nAmid the field of blood, Princess Ling Meng frowned, seemingly unable to stand the thick scent of blood. She walked forward. “Uncle Ye, when did you learn this wonderful flying dagger technique? Once we go back, you must teach me, please!”\nOnce the flying dagger was mentioned, Ye Guhan suddenly recovered himself. He immediately cupped both his hands ceremoniously as he faced the sky and spoke in a clear voice. “Thank you senior for extending your aid today, this Ye feels highly grateful!\nPrincess Ling Meng’s experience is shallow. If she somehow offended senior, I hope senior would be benevolent and not pay it any mind. If senior have any request of me, please say the word.\nThis junior would certainly endeavour with all my might to accomplish it in order to repay senior’s favour!”\nIn his heart, Princess Ling Meng was like his own daughter, and had become the one reason for him to live. For the mysterious expert to save Princess Ling Meng was equivalent to saving him! \nThus, he did not mention whom it was that have been saved. \nRegardless of whom, he still felt grateful.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第63章\n再者,灵梦实力太微,难以分辨天玄境界之上的高深层次,刚才之言实则已然冒犯了那神秘高人,纵然神秘高人心境豁达,不虞计较,却始终不是一件好事,那等强者,一旦动怒,必然后果不堪设想!\n夜孤寒可是了解个中轻重的,自然要为灵梦补救!\n当然,以夜孤寒的脾气,若不是为了灵梦,恐怕他心中纵然感激,这段话也是万万不会说出来的!\n空中寂寂无声,似乎那位神秘的“至尊神玄巅峰强者”已经离去了……\n夜孤寒长叹一声,这种结果,他早已料到,此等世外高人,又岂会自降身份,接受自己一个后生小辈、区区一个国公主的谢意!\n“夜叔叔?这是……你在说的是什么呀?”\n灵梦公主好奇的睁着大眼睛。\n“梦儿,你之前无心之言,已经大大得罪了救你之人,出刀救你的前辈,实在另有其人!\n而且这位前辈的修为远远在我之上,不,完全无法同日而语!”\n夜孤寒神情凝重:“那一刀,已经是人间巅峰!又岂是我能发出的。”\n“啊?”灵梦公主惊讶地叫了一声,纤纤玉手捂住了小嘴:“竟有此事?叔叔已经是天玄高手,那位前辈,岂非是更高明的存在!”\n“千真万确!”夜孤寒重重地点了点头。\n灵梦公主定了定神,敛颜肃容,向着天空深深施礼:“灵梦多谢前辈相救,之前以妄言亵渎前辈,更感激前辈大人大量,轻易恕了灵梦之过,未知前辈可否现身,让灵梦当面拜谢前辈救命之恩、谢罪之意?”\n空中当然仍然静悄悄的没有半点消息。\n若当真是天玄强者又或者是更高层次的存在,又岂会稀罕区区一个公主的拜谢,若真是至尊神玄巅峰强者,恐怕就算是天香国主在此,也未必肯现身一会,灵梦公主非是不明此理,但出于感激之心,无论那人是否尚在,都是要道谢的!\n既然夜叔叔这么说,那么此事就是千真万确,无可置疑的。\n“可惜,缘悭一面!”\n夜孤寒叹息一声,脸上又恢复了冰冷孤傲,萧瑟的站在一边,道:“小梦儿,夜叔叔这便要先走了。\n你,还是早些回宫去吧。\n皇城守备军就要过来了。”\n远方,如雷的马蹄声已经是越来越近了。\n灵梦公主期盼不舍的看着夜孤寒问道:“夜叔叔,那你什么时候再来看梦儿?”\n傻梦儿,夜叔叔其实一直就在你的身边啊。\n夜孤寒心中深深叹息,柔声道:“我会来看小梦儿的。\n之前逃走了一位杀手,未必没有后患,小梦儿最近一段时间要小心了。”\n灵梦公主低低地嗯了一声,神情之间很是恋恋不舍。\n蹄声已经到了街口,夜孤寒身子拔起,一掠出去,半空中突然“咦”的一声,改变方向,从君邪这边掠了过来,锐目一扫之下,已经看到了那倒在君邪身上的那杀手咽喉之间的小巧飞刀,不由心中一阵感激:原来这位前辈已经替我料理了这个后患,真是惭愧之极。\n身子一展,不再停留,轻飘飘的飞上屋檐,蓝光一闪,顿时不见。\n街口处,一匹健马飞速冲进,一个蓝衣青年军官满脸急切的冲了过来,见灵梦公主好好的站在那里,舒了一口气,急忙行礼道:“公主殿下,您没事吧?”\n他的语中的关切之意,表露无疑。\n灵梦公主有些茫然的看看他,微微弯腰,将地上的两柄飞刀收在手中,细细观看,飞刀薄如蝉翼,小巧玲珑,微妙的弧度,优美的线条,灵梦公主第一眼就喜欢上了。\n玉脸上不由一片微微的激动:这就是那位连夜叔叔也自愧不如的高人所使用的神兵利器啊。\n真是可爱的刀!\n“这……刀?”那青年呐呐的问道。\n“此等凶器,公主还需小心在意。”\n“若不是这放飞刀的前辈高人,本宫早已经死在刺客手下!\n哪里还能等到现在让你们来施救?”\n夜孤寒的存在,自然不能让什么不相关的人都知道。\n灵梦公主淡淡的看了他一眼,俏脸上浮起一丝油然的疲倦和淡淡的伤感。\n以前出宫,起码都要有一位玉品高手随从在旁,那可是父皇亲自安排给自己的,为什么这次却被派了出去办事?\n而卫队中的几个精锐金品高手也被因故抽调,而就在这样的时候自己出来却遇到了刺客!\n这一切都说明了什么?\n不言而喻!\n灵梦公主聪明绝顶,早已心知肚明,但她却努力的控制着自己不去想,真的不愿去想,也不敢去想,因为那样的结果,实在是让她很心痛!\n真的很痛,痛彻心扉!\n你们争夺你们的皇位也就罢了,为什么却要将我也视为斗争工具?\n区区一个皇位,真的很稀罕吗?\n难道我在你们眼中,只能是嫁祸他人谋取自身利益的工具吗?\n虽然不是一奶同胞,但始终是同一个父亲,同样的血浓于水!\n为什么?\n为什么?\n难道真的是天家无血亲吗?\n感受着怀中两柄飞刀触着自己的肌肤,发出冰凉的气息,但却让灵梦公主感到了莫大的温暖和安全!\n这位神秘的天玄高手,救了自己的性命,而自己却几乎枉顾了那人援手,身为绝顶高手的他,却丝毫也不加降罪。\n单是这份豁达的心胸,就让灵梦公主神往不已。\n夜孤寒虽然知道,这位神秘人的实力只怕远远不止天玄修为,但灵梦却仍是不知道的,她只看到了,那碧蓝如海天的优雅光芒。\n无形无影之间,救人性命,飘然而来,飘然而去,事前事后,皆无踪迹可寻,更加的不稀罕别人的报答!\n甚至全不介意被救之人的无知!\n这是何等的心胸!\n这才是真正的高人雅士!\n心伤肠断的灵梦公主,对这位神秘的神龙见首而不见尾的天玄高手,在最失意的时刻,产生了浓浓的依赖之情。\n在心中,蓦然觉得这位神秘人就像夜叔叔一般,同样值得自己信赖。\n飞刀在怀,灵梦公主突然感觉勇气十足。\n是的,无论是谁,有这样一位天玄巅峰级别的高手和天涯孤星夜孤寒守护,都是可以高枕无忧的。\n回过神来,才发现那青年仍在呆呆地看着自己,灵梦公主脸上掠起一丝羞怒,嗔怒的瞪了他一眼,心中烦闷不堪。\n此子乃是城中慕容家族的长子慕容千军;亦是自己母后的母族慕容世家的新一代后起之秀,若是论亲戚关系,与灵梦公主可算是表兄妹关系。\n在京城之中也是一位很是出名的青年才俊,自从见过灵梦公主一面之后,顿时神魂颠倒、魂萦梦牵;便央求家族为其谋得一个禁军首领的位置,希望能够近水楼台先得月,对灵梦公主展开了疯狂追求。\n自从君莫邪这两个月黯然退出了之后,慕容千军乃是灵梦公主两大最有希望的追求者之一。\n至于另一个,则是太师府长孙李悠然。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 63\nWith Princess Ling Meng’s level of cultivation, it was difficult for her to distinguish between a Sky Xuan rank and the one above it. Her words earlier may have offended the mysterious expert. Thankfully, the mysterious expert was open-minded and chose not to pursue the matter. This was a good thing because once such a powerful figure becomes enraged; the consequences would be most disastrous! \nYe Guhan who understood the severity of the situation had naturally come forth to remedy the situation for Princess Ling Meng’s sake!\nNaturally, considering Ye Guhan’s temper, he would never have spoken out such words if not for the sake of Princess Ling Meng. He would not do so no matter how grateful he personally felt!\nEverything remained silent, seemingly indicating that the mysterious ‘pinnacle Supreme Divine Xuan expert’ had left…\nYe Guhan gave out a sigh. This was something that he had expected. Considering the person’s identity as a master from outside the kingdom, would he lower himself to stand before a mere princess?\n“Uncle Ye? This is… what are you talking about?” \nPrincess Ling Meng stared at him curiously with wide-open eyes.\n“Meng’er, those words of yours were too careless. Those words are a great offense to the one who saved you. The senior who issued out the dagger to save you is someone else!\nIn addition, this senior’s level of cultivation far surpasses mine. No, it would be more accurate to say I am unable to even compare with someone like him!” \nYe Guhan told her in an imposing manner. “That dagger is the pinnacle of blessings! It is not something that I could send out.”\n“Ah?” Princess Ling Meng cried out in surprise, her delicate hands covering her mouth. “Something like that actually happened? Since Uncle is already a Sky Xuan expert, then that would mean the senior is an even higher form of existence!”\n“That is the absolute truth!” Ye Guhan nodded seriously.\nPrincess Ling Meng gathered herself, turned to face the skies and gave a deep salute of respect. “Princess Ling Meng here thanks senior for rescuing me. My nonsensical words earlier was a blasphemy against senior, and yet senior was generous enough to forgive me. I wonder if senior would be willing to come forth, so that Ling Meng could apologize and thank you in person?”\nThe space remained still, not a sound could be heard.\nFor someone who was a Sky Xuan expert or higher, why would they care for the thankful gesture of a mere princess? And if this was a pinnacle Supreme Divine Xuan expert, he may not be willing to appear even if the other person was the Emperor of Tianxiang himself. Princess Ling Meng were not aware of all these, however in order to express her gratitude, she must profess her thanks regardless of whether the person was still around or not! \nSince her Uncle Ye had told her that it was the truth, then it must surely be the truth.\n“A pity, we have no chance to meet this person!” \nYe Guhan sighed, his face returning to its cold form and he stood wistfully at the side. “Little Meng’er, Uncle Ye will have to leave now.\nIt would be better for you to return to the palace.\nThe Imperial Army is already on their way,”\nIn the distance, the thundering sound of hooves inched closer.\nPrincess Ling Meng looked at Ye Guhan with an expression of unwillingness and asked. “Uncle Ye, when will you return to visit Meng’er?”\nSilly Meng’er, Uncle Ye would always be by your side. \nYe Guhan sighed inwardly before softly replying. “I will definitely come to visit Meng’er. \nEarlier, one of the assassins managed to escape. That could end up causing some problems in the future. That is why Meng’er will have to be very careful in the next few days.”\nPrincess Ling Meng whispered “en”, her face showing reluctance.\nThe sound of hooves had reached the corner. Ye Guhan lifted his body upwards and skimmed through the air. Suddenly, he exclaimed in mid-air and changed his direction, moving towards Jun Xie. His sharp eyes analysed the scene before him. Seeing the small dagger inserted into the throat of the assassin, he could not help but feel grateful: It turns out that the senior had already helped me solve this problem. This is truly humbling.\nStraightening his body, he left, floating up to the roof. With a blue flash, he suddenly disappeared.\nFrom the corner of the street, a robust horse marched out towards them. A young military officer in blue with an urgent expression on his face rushed close by. Seeing Princess Ling Meng standing safely there, he gave a sigh of relief. He quickly saluted and asked. “Princess, are you all right?” \nHis concern was evident within his voice.\nPrincess Ling Meng stared at him in a dazed manner. Slightly bending her body, she picked up the two flying daggers from the ground. Checking it in detail, the flying dagger was as thin as a layer of onion, exquisitely small and subtly curved with beautiful engravings. Princess Ling Meng became fond of it instantly. \nHer face revealed light traces of excitement: This is the divine weapon used by the master superior to even Uncle Ye.\nWhat a lovable dagger!\n“This is… dagger?” The young man asked in a stammer. \n“Princess, please be careful when dealing with these weapons.”\n“If not for the senior expert who shot out these flying daggers, I would have been killed by those assassins!\nThere would be no chance for me to wait for your arrival!”\nNaturally, Ye Guhan’s existence can not be revealed to those who were unrelated to her. \nPrincess Ling Meng glanced at him briefly, her beautiful face showing traces of fatigue and a hint of sadness.\nWhen she chose to leave the palace in the past, there would be at least a Jade level expert escorting her. That was His Majesty’s personal arrangement for her. Why would that expert suddenly be sent out on an errand?\nIn addition, the several elite Gold level experts that usually accompanied her were all deployed elsewhere for some unknown reason. It was under such circumstances that she encountered assassins as she left the palace!\nWhat does all this meant?\nIt goes without saying!\nPrincess Ling Meng was extremely intelligent and was well aware of what was happening, but she tried to force herself not to think about it. She was unwilling to consider it. She dared not consider it. That was because the resulting scenario would be too painful for her to bear!\nPain! Heart breaking pain!\nIf you want to struggle for the throne, then just do it. Why do you have to turn me into a tool for your struggle?\nIs the throne really that precious?\nCould it be that in your eyes, I am but a tool for you to further your interests? \nWe may not share the same mother, but we have the same father, the same flesh and blood! \nWhy? \nWhy? \nCould it be true that there can be no love within the Royal family?\nShe felt the two flying daggers within her bosom coming in contact with her skin, releasing a cold sensation, yet Princess Ling Meng felt warm and safe! \nThe mysterious Sky Xuan expert saved her life and did not blame her for mistaking his deeds for others. \nThis benevolent mind set, caused an endless amount of fascination to well up within her.\nYe Guhan was aware that the mysterious person’s strength was probably above that of the Sky Xuan rank, but Princess Ling Meng did not. She only knew what she saw, and that was the ocean like azure brilliance!\nSaving lives without showing even his shadow, drifting back and forth, leaving not a trace of his existence. \nUncaring of rewards from others, much less the ignorance of those he saved!\nWhat kind of character is this? \nThis is the character of a real master! \nA deep sense of trust was born within the heartbroken and frustrated Princess Ling Meng towards this mysterious figure. He is like a dragon that would show his head and not his tail! This created a belief that this person is highly dependable. \nIn her heart, she felt that this mysterious person is just like her Uncle Ye, worthy of her trust.\nWith the flying dagger beside her, Princess Ling Meng suddenly felt herself becoming more courageous.\nIndeed, with a pinnacle Sky Xuan expert and the Solitary Star of The Horizon, Ye Guhan as their protector, anyone would be able to sit back and relax.\nShe recovered from her daze, only to discover the young man staring at her. Princess Ling Meng became embarrassed and turned angry, her heart becoming depressed.\nThis person is the eldest son of the city’s Murong Family, Murong Qianjun. He is the rising star of his generation from the Murong Family where Princess Ling Meng’s mother hailed from. In terms of relationship, Princess Ling Meng and him could be considered as cousins. \nHe is considered one of the renowned handsome talents within the city. Ever since meeting Princess Ling Meng though, he was smitten as though she had captured his soul. He had requested his family for a military leader position in hopes of meeting and staying close to her and at the same time allow him to launch a frenzied pursuit for Princess Ling Meng.\nSince Jun Moxie stepped back two months ago, Murong Qianjun is now one of the top two suitors for Princess Ling Meng. \nThe other suitor is the Grand Preceptor’s grandson, Li Youran.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第64章\n任谁看去,都觉得这位慕容公子文才武略,皆为不凡,容貌俊雅,风度翩翩,武功高强,实在是女儿家的极佳良配。\n但灵梦公主却反觉得这人虚伪的很,在自己面前,似乎永远都带着一种名叫做“深情款款”的假面具,自己久居深宫,却也无从判断,他的这份款款深情,到底有几分是真?\n几分是假?\n这人的真正面目真正性情是怎么样的?\n灵梦公主觉得自己真的殊无半点把握!\n至于另一位追求者,李府第一继承人李悠然,也是天香帝国第一才子;更是让灵梦公主捉摸不定。\n李悠然人品俊雅,风流潇洒却又洁身自爱,引得京城之中无数的姑娘千金为他痴迷,但他却是万花丛中过,片叶不沾身,素有天香城第一彬彬君子的美誉。\n李悠然永远温文尔雅,不急不缓,不紧不慢,似乎天下所有事情,都在他意料之中,都在他掌控之下,长袖善舞,风度翩翩。\n但灵梦公主却始终觉得世间如何能有如此完美之人物,若这人的外在一切尽是伪装,岂非更是可怕,更加的深不可测,因为无论任何人,都不要想摸到他的真正心思。\n与李悠然在一起的时候,灵梦公主经常自己心中莫名的产生一种恐惧的感觉,感觉面前这位温文的少年,危险至极!\n相比较之下,反倒是原来的君莫邪,虽然是一副油滑的样子,对自己的企图赤裸裸的毫不掩饰,摆明了一副“我就是流氓,我不怕你看出来。”\n虽然人品确实不堪了一些,倒也坏在了明处。\n就算是个坏蛋,却也坏的光明磊落,起码不用担心他暗中使坏。\n一想到君莫邪,这才想起来这个纨绔子弟刚刚还在这里,好像还提醒了自己一句,不管他是有心还是无意,总是一番好心。\n不过好像被那杀手一上来就杀死了!\n想到这里,急忙道:“你们快找找君三公子,看看他怎么样了。”\n心中不由得一阵焦躁,心道,自己虽然侥幸被人救了性命,但君莫邪只怕已经被杀死了,君老爷子若是因此勃然一怒,恐怕掀起的风波未必会比自己被刺客杀了好多少,看来这京城,又要是多事之秋了。\n但愿自己那三位哥哥,不要借着君老公爷发威这件事情,搞得天下大乱才好。\n虽然没有明确看到,但在灵梦公主心里,君莫邪多半是没有希望了。\n毕竟,其中两个刺客是从他那边过来的,而那时候,他已经倒在了地上。\n若不是已死,刺客又岂能放过他?\n几位侍卫四处寻找,找了一圈,君邪的身体现在正被杀手尸体压在底下,严丝合缝,竟没发现。\n一个五大三粗的侍卫蹬蹬蹬的跑过来,禀报:“公主,没有发现君三公子的尸体,不知道是不是站起来自己跑了。”\n灵梦公主被他这句话说得眼前一黑,差点呕血!\n这是什么话?\n没发现尸体,会不会自己站起来跑了?\n尸体也会自己站起来跑了?\n慕容千军脸色一沉:“怎么说话呢?”\n那侍卫一慌,结结巴巴的道:“我是说,我是说,确实没……发现君三公子的尸体,可能走了……不对不对!我是说……”\n“行了!你别说了!”\n慕容千军满脸黑线:“没见到尸体,就不能说是死了!就更加不能说是尸体,应该说,君三公子的尸体,不见了!明白?”\n众侍卫唯唯称是,心中腹诽:你自己这还不是说那丫已经死了?还有脸教训我们!鄙视这货!\n灵梦公主一阵无奈,道:“好好四处搜寻一下,若是发现了君三公子的……躯体,要尽快送回君家去。”\n受他们影响,灵梦公主几乎也脱口说出“尸体”二字。\n又搜寻一遍,还是没有发现,灵梦公主便安排一名侍卫急忙去君家报讯。\n那侍卫刚刚上马离开,就见一条灰呼呼的人影长射而来,转眼到了跟前,却是一个瘦小枯干的小老头儿。\n慕容千军刷的拔剑声色俱厉。“什么人?”\n“找人的人。”\n那小老头满脸焦急郁闷,来回在到处乱找,脸上一片着急,对慕容千军的问话充耳不闻。\n慕容千军大怒,喝道:“拿下!”\n公主刚刚遇刺,又出现这么一个怪人,实在可疑得很。\n四周众士兵一声答应,正要上前,就见那老头兴奋地叫道:“找到了,哈哈,我让你跑,他奶奶的小兔崽子,被人用剑穿了吧?看你下次还跑不跑了,你再溜啊!”\n竟然是一副幸灾乐祸的口气。\n只见他伏在一个黑衣刺客尸体面前,正在拔剑。\n“原来他是刺客一伙的,拿下!”\n慕容千军大喜。\n心道世上还有这种傻逼,人都死光了居然还在大军环绕之下来找尸体,真是傻的可以。\n却见那老头刷的一声将一柄长剑扔了出去,提起那黑衣杀手的尸体随随便便一扔,就像扔麻袋,毫不顾惜。\n弯下腰,却抱起了一个血迹斑斑的身子。\n灵梦公主急忙喝止了慕容千军,细细一看,那人竟然就是君莫邪。\n只见他满头满脸满身的血,就像随时都会毙命的样子。\n顿时吓了一跳,见君邪眼珠骨溜溜转动,心中不由一喜:原来这家伙还没死。\n“敢问老丈是那一位?”灵梦公主问道。\n“没空跟你这小丫头说话,老夫的赶紧为他处理身上的损伤,要不这小子可就真没命了。”\n老头抱起君邪身子,脑袋一晃,嗖的蹿到慕容千军面前,瞪着眼睛看着他,一吹胡子,骂道:“小兔崽子,以后说话给老子注意点!”\n脑袋一缩,一溜烟似地没影了。\n慕容千军正待要发怒,眼前早已失去了那老头的踪迹,不由气得七窍生烟。\n但在灵梦公主面前,却还要维持风度,只把牙齿咬得咯咯作响。\n心中更已经把这老头的祖宗十八代骂了个遍!\n“糟糕!”灵梦公主脸色一变:“我刚派人去给君老公爷报讯,这边君莫邪就已经被人带走了,若是老公爷一旦大发雷霆,岂非不妙之极?”\n慕容千军安慰道:“公主放心回宫就是,我立即就安排人再去君家一次,报告君莫邪这混……这家伙还活着的消息。”\n灵梦公主长舒了一口气,道:“如此最好。”\n眼眸一转,却发现了那杀手头领咽喉上的飞刀,忍不住咦了一声,心道,这位前辈原来早已清理了这个后患,可笑我还懵然不知。\n走过去俯身拔出飞刀,果然是与那两柄乃是相同的样式,不由得心中神往不已:如此高人,不知何时才能见他一面,当面道谢?\n灵梦公主转过头,看看狼狈不堪的车队,叹了口气,现在这幅模样儿,还怎么去独孤世家?\n又想起之前夜叔叔对自己的说辞,开口道:“回宫去吧。所有战死侍卫,统计好名字,报给大内,从优抚恤。”\n怜悯不忍的看着场中,灵梦公主两眼一闭,轻轻流下两滴眼泪,这些人……全是为了自己而死!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 64\nLooking at him, anyone would feel that this Young Master Murong is a talent in both civil and military affairs, extraordinary in every aspect, blessed with handsome looks, highly capable in the field of martial arts, a perfect match for any woman. \nHowever, Princess Ling Meng felt that this person is very hypocritical. Before her, he seemed to always be wearing a mask of being ‘deeply in love’. As someone who lived within the palace all the time, she had no way of judging whether this face of his is true or false: How much of it is the truth? \nHow much of it is fake? \nWhat is the true face and character of this person?\nPrincess Ling Meng felt that she do not have the slightest grasp onto the answer for those questions.\nThe other suitor is the first heir of the Li Residence, Li Youran who holds the title of number one gifted scholar in Tianxiang Kingdom. Likewise, he is someone who filled Princess Ling Meng with uncertainty. \nLi Youran is handsome and well mannered, graceful but not showy, and rarely showed himself. He had caused countless ladies from the capital city to become obsessed towards him. However, no matter what he refused to show himself, causing him to be labelled as the number one refined gentlemen of Tianxiang Kingdom.\nLi Youran would always show a warm and graceful countenance, never one to be either anxious or tardy, he seemed as though everything that was happening in the world was within the palm of his hands, that everything was within his expectations. \nHowever, Princess Ling Meng had always felt that it was impossible for there to be someone so perfect in this world. If this person’s external appearance was but a camouflage, then he would be an even more horrifying, more unpredictable existence. No one could hope to understand what he was really thinking. \nWhenever she was together with this person, Princess Ling Meng would often be visited with an inexplicable feeling of dread. This feeling warned her that this gentle looking youth before her is an extremely dangerous person!\nBy comparison, the original Jun Moxie is someone who wore the greasy countenance of a rogue. He did not attempt to hide his nature, as though announcing to the world ‘I am a rogue, and I am not afraid to show it’. \nEven though his character is somewhat unbearable, at least he was someone who committed bad acts in the open. \nDespite being a scoundrel, his bad actions were all done openly and there was no need to fear him taking sinister actions in secrecy.\nThinking about Jun Moxie, she suddenly recalled that this debauchee was just here not long ago, and he even gave her a warning. Regardless of whether it was on purpose or unintentional, it was at least a gesture of good will. \nHowever, it seemed that the assassins had already killed him off from the very beginning! \nWhen she considered this point, she quickly asked. “Quick, go find Third Young Master Jun and see how his condition is at the current.”\nShe could not help but feel anxious within her heart. Although her life was saved, she feared that Jun Moxie might have been killed off. That would cause Grandpa Jun to fly into a fit of rage. The resulting storm would likely be far worse than if she was the one killed. It appeared that the city was about to be plunged into a turbulent storm. \nHopefully, her three brothers would not take advantage of the ensuing chaos by the angered Grandpa Jun and create an even bigger problem for the kingdom.\nAlthough she did not witness it for herself, Princes Ling Meng believed that Jun Moxie was most likely dead. \nAfter all, two of the assassins had appeared from Jun Moxie’s direction. \nAt that time, he had already fallen to the ground. If he had not died, would the assassin have left him alone?\nSeveral bodyguards went forth to search but after searching all over, they were unable to find Jun Xie. That was because Jun Xie was currently being pinned down by the assassin’s corpse to the point where their bodies perfectly overlapped with one another, leading to the bodyguards’ failure to notice them. \nA rough looking bodyguard rushed to report to the princess. “Princess, we could not find Third Young Master Jun’s corpse. Perhaps the corpse stood up and ran away by itself.”\nListening to those words, Princess Ling Meng’s face turned black to the point of puking blood!\nWhat nonsense is this?\nYou could not find the corpse, so maybe the corpse stood up and ran away by itself? \nA corpse can run away by itself?\nMurong Qianjun’s face turned dark. “What are you talking about?”\nThe guard panicked and started stammering. “I meant, I meant, we fail to find… Third Young Master Jun’s corpse, maybe it left… nono! I meant…”\n“Enough! Stop talking!” \nMurong Qianjun’s face turned black. “If you cannot find the corpse, that means you cannot say that he is dead! Even more so, you cannot call it a corpse. You should have said, the Third Young Master Jun’s body had disappeared! Understand?”\nThe bodyguards all complained inwardly: Weren’t you the one who said that he is dead? To think that you still have the face to lecture us. What a despicable person!\nPrincess Ling Meng felt helpless and said. “Go search again in detail. If you find Third Young Master Jun’s… body, quickly send it to the Jun Family.” \nUnder their influence, Princess Ling Meng almost blurted the word ‘corpse’ herself.\nAfter searching again, they were unable to find anything. Thus, Princess Ling Meng arranged for a bodyguard to report this matter to the Jun Family.\nNot long after the bodyguard had left on horseback, a grey figure rushed out before them. This figure turned out to be a small, thin and withered looking old man.\nMurong Qianjun unsheathed his sword and asked in a stern voice. “Who?”\n“I am looking for someone.” \nThe little old man’s face was a mask of depression, as he looked everywhere. His face filled with anxiousness, he turned a deaf ear towards Murong Qianjun’s question.\nMurong Qianjun was greatly infuriated and shouted. “Take him!” \nConsidering that an assassination attempt had just been carried out against the princess, this weirdo’s appearance was a very suspicious event.\nThe surrounding soldiers voiced their affirmation and was about to rush forward when they saw the old man suddenly becoming exulted. “I finally found you! Haha! Why don’t you run now? Your grandmother’s little bastard! You have a sword piercing through you, huh? Let’s see if you still dare to run away again!” \nHe shouted out in a gloating tone.\nAll they saw was him kneeling down before an assassin’s corpse and was in the process of pulling out a sword.\n“He is in league with the assassin’s, take him down!” \nMurong Qianjun became overjoyed. \nHe felt that this person was really stupid. All the assassins here had already died and yet he chose to enter this place, which was surrounded by the army to find a corpse.\nSurprisingly, the old man threw away the sword after pulling it out. Then, he lifted the corpse of the assassin and casually flung it away, just like how one would throw a sack, without a care in his actions. \nBending down, he picked up a bloodied body.\nPrincess Ling Meng hastily restrained Murong Qianjun before observing the body in detail. It turned out that it was Jun Moxie. \nHe was covered in blood on both head and body, looking as though he was about to lose his life in a moment’s notice. \nSuddenly, Jun Xie’s eyes moved about, causing Princess Ling Meng to become shocked: It turns out that this bastard is still alive.\n“May I ask this senior’s identity?” Princess Ling Meng asked.\n“I do not have time to chat with you, little girl. This old bag need to hurry up to help him take care of his injuries. Otherwise, he might really kick the bucket,”\nThe old man picked up Jun Xie’s body and with a flash, appeared before Murong Qianjun. Staring at Murong Qianjun, he scolded. “Little bastard, next time, watch your language!”\nPulling back his head, he disappeared like a puff of smoke.\nMurong Qianjun was about to retort in anger when the old man before him suddenly disappeared without leaving a trail, causing him to fume in rage. \nHowever, with Princess Ling Meng here, he needed to maintain his graceful image and could only grit down heavily on his teeth. \nIn his heart, he had successively cursed the old man’s eighteen generations of ancestors!\n“This is bad!” Princess Ling Meng’s face changed. “I have just sent someone to report to Senior General Jun. Now that Jun Moxie has been taken away, things would turn ugly if the Senior General becomes furious!”\nMurong Qianjun stepped forth to comfort the princess. “Princess, please be at ease and just return to the palace. I will immediately arrange for someone to go to the Jun Family and report that Jun Moxie, this usele… this person is still alive.”\nPrincess Ling Meng let out a sigh of relief. “That would be for the best.” \nTurning her gaze, she suddenly noticed the flying dagger inserted into the throat of the assassin leader. She gave a cry of surprise: It turns out that the senior had already helped me take care of this future problem, and here I was being ignorant about it. \nShe walked over and pulled out the dagger. Checking it, she found that it was indeed the same as the other two. She could not help but wonder: This person is a true peak levelled master. I wonder when I will have the opportunity to meet him in person to give my thanks.\nPrincess Ling Meng turned her head to see the miserable state of her team of bodyguards. She sighed: With things as they are, how could I hope to go to the Dugu Residence? \nRecalling Ye Guhan’s advice for her, she spoke out. “Return to the palace. List down the name of those who died, report it to the inner palace and ensure that their families are compensated generously.”\nNo longer able to bear the sight of carnage before her, Princess Ling Meng closed her eyes and slowly shed two drop of tears. These men all died… for her sake!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第65章\n马车已然全毁,自然不堪再说,灵梦公主翻身跃上侍卫牵过来的一匹马,缓缓归去,惟心情却是异常的沉重。\n慕容千军急忙指挥禁军跟上,将灵梦公主牢牢护在中间,骑在马上临走时回头一望,心道:君莫邪那家伙看样子伤得那么重,不知道会不会死?\n若是死了,自然最好。\n看见他就想扁,标准欠揍的货!\n就那德行居然想要追灵梦公主,真是不知道自己几斤几两。\n口中哼了一声,骑在马上,看着前方灵梦公主优美的风姿,不由得目眩神迷,神魂颠倒,心中歪歪无限,一时间魂飞天外,居然完全忘记了要派人去给君家报信的事情……\n“我说老头子,你跟吊靴鬼似的跟了我三天,别是因为本少爷英俊潇洒,你个老不修看上本少爷了吧?”\n君邪被那老头抱婴儿似的抱在怀里,这老头儿就跟风干了的鸡似的,浑身上下几乎没有肉,硌的君邪只感到浑身说不出的不舒服,就跟躺在鹅卵石上一般;更知道这老头肯定不会伤害自己,那还客气,敞开了讥讽!\n“呸,你以为老子愿意跟着你这败家子啊?\n你天天前后不搭调的乱窜什么劲,也不知出了什么阴招,遁出了老子的视线,怎么样!遭报应了吧?\n要不是你爷爷花大笔的银子……\n咦?你怎么知道我跟了你三天了?”\n老头一脸愤慨,感觉跟着这个纨绔很掉价,正待大发牢骚,突然发现了不对,这一惊可是非同小可。\n这没用的小家伙怎么知道我跟了他三天了?\n难道老子的隐形追踪之法竟已经退步到这个程度了,大惊之下,顿时停住了脚步。\n甚至对君邪叫自己老头儿这种不恭敬的称呼竟没在意!\n“白痴!这么简单的问题还问,当然是有人告诉我的。”\n君邪心念一转,随口而出,这个老头的追踪手段虽未如君邪眼内,但就算是在前世也是第一流的,凭原来君莫邪的道行,就算再修炼个百八十年也发觉不了,更遑论逸出此人视线之内。\n“你才是白痴!凭你这白痴自己当然发觉不了老子……恩?谁告诉你的?可是那人帮你遁出了老子的视线?”\n老头顿觉骇异,以自己的追踪功夫居然被人反追踪了自己还不知道?\n而且那人还有本事令如君莫邪一般的垃圾小子自行逃出自己的跟踪,这……实在是太可怕。\n这需要什么样的实力?\n如果这人是敌人……\n“我哪里知道那人是谁。”君邪继续忽悠,“我又没见过他。”\n“哦……那当然,如那等高人,岂是你这等垃圾能够见到的?这么说,你摆脱我也是那人的主意?给你出的点子?”\n老头儿先入为主,更认定这纨绔绝对没有发现自己的能力,自然而然的问道,不过内中却也存了万一的指望,毕竟他对自己的追踪、反追踪技术极具信心。\n心中惊疑不定:难道是至尊神玄盯上了我?不对,难道是……\n越想心中竟有些恐慌起来。\n事实上,这老儿的手段也确实了得,否则以一代杀手之王君邪的本领,又岂会花上三天的时间与之周旋!\n“当然,我说老头,你到底有完没完,总说这些不着四六的干什么,你到底要把我弄到什么地方去?赶紧把我送回家才是正经。”\n“屁话!你小子伤成这个样子,老夫再不给你弄弄,不等回到家就一命呜呼了。”老头心中有些不爽,凭我的功夫,居然被人反追踪了!\n真是他妈的!\n要是直接回君家,你家的老头还不埋怨加郁闷死老子!\n不把这小子收拾的利索点,怎么可能在这丢脸的时刻回去?\n说着话,两人已经来到了一处低矮的民房,老头儿一弯腰抱着君邪急匆匆的冲了进去,将他放在地上,便开始细细的检查他身上的伤口,从上到下检查了一遍,不由得啧啧称奇!\n君邪胸口上,一剑几乎穿胸而过,另外还有清楚明了的两处紫黑色的淤痕,很显然是两只脚同时踢在了他的胸口上,以那些银品杀手的功力,随便是那两个动手,都足够要命的,这小子要害部位被刺了一剑踢了两脚居然还没死,居然还能说话!\n这还不算真正惊人,真正离谱的是,居然连肋骨也没断一根!\n老头细心地用玄气透进他的经脉,探查一下,五脏六腑也没什么损伤,内伤亦欠奉,不由得瞪大了眼睛。\n这一剑也刺得太巧了些吧?\n竟然刺在了夹缝里!\n这小鬼的运气也未免太好了一些吧!\n“小子,那帮子杀手不会是你请来的吧?\n要怎么对你如此的照顾有加?\n看你这伤势,我非常怀疑,你们肯定是串通好的。\n你想玩英雄救美,博取那漂亮女娃的好感?”老头儿捋着胡子,斜着眼睛,样子说多猥琐就有多猥琐。\n被老头儿这突发奇想的一句话差点憋过去,君邪哭笑不得:“老头,您实在是太敢想了,差点,少爷我就没命,有这么英雄救美的吗?\n……你还愣着,快给我弄弄大腿呀,没见还流着血吗?”\n君邪有些无语,这老头这么一大把岁数了,怎么看上去做事这么没谱,忒不着四六了?\n自己爷爷怎地请这么一个人来跟着自己?\n“呸,混账小子,老夫怎么做事还用你来教吗?”老头一吹胡子,“你小子运气,死不了!也残废不了!”说着报复似的在他大腿上拍了拍,道:“没事了。”\n君邪大腿刚被插了一剑,虽没伤着骨头,但肌肉却被插穿了,名副其实的一刀两洞,如今再被他这么一拍,顿时百哀齐至,痛彻心扉,咬着牙嘶嘶的吸了几口气,额头上已经渗出了汗珠,嘶嘶的从牙缝里问道:“老头,你有孙女没?”\n老头儿顿时警惕了起来,一瞪眼:“你想干啥?”却忘了这小子出口为何是让自己给他治大腿?\n须知胸口上那一剑,可比大腿重要得多!\n如果你老小子有孙女,老子要先奸后杀!\n心痛死你这没良心的老不死的!\n君邪心中大骂。没见我受了重伤?还在我伤口上猛拍!\n“哦,我的意思是说,这种活儿让女子来比较细心。”\n人在屋檐下,怎能不低头!\n“那不行!”老头儿大摇其头:“你小子可是个色狼,整个天香城,有那个不知道!”\n君邪彻底无语,谁说老子是色狼,色狼明明是君莫邪,不是我……\n等老头儿为君邪处理好身上的伤损,已经是深夜时分。\n两个人一个心中急躁想要用鸿钧塔疗伤,尽快复原,却苦无机会,自是烦闷不已;另一个则是一个劲的在想着,那位能够发现我更能够反追踪我的绝顶高手,到底是谁?\n这两个没心没肺的玩意,居然都没有想过要先给家里报个信。\n而信誓旦旦答应灵梦公主要给君家报信的慕容千军,则是更直接将这件“小事情”抛到了九霄云外……\n而两人最最没想到的是,在老头到来之前,灵梦公主已经派人给君家送信,说了君莫邪失踪(死亡)的消息……\n他们都没有想到,就因为这一耽搁,却导致了君战天老爷子一怒冲九霄,差一点点就要血洗京城!\n就在夜幕刚临,杀手猝袭灵梦公主车队的时候,唐家大院,也是一派剑拔弩张。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 65\nAs the carriage was destroyed, Princess Ling Meng leaped onto a horse brought over by one of the bodyguards and slowly headed back; the atmosphere was unusually sombre.\nMurong Qianjun immediately ordered the army to escort the princess, forming a protection detail with Princess Ling Meng in the middle. He himself rode atop his horse; turning his head, he thought to himself: That bastard Jun Moxie seemed to have suffered from some serious injuries, I wonder if he will make it. \nIt would be for the best if he dies. \nEvery time I see him, I feel like smashing him down. \nHe is just a typical scum waiting for a beating! He wanted to court Princess Ling Meng with that kind of character? He truly is a brat who does not understand his own abilities!\nGrunting, he urged his horse forward and watched the graceful figure of Princess Ling Meng who was proceeding before him. He could not help but feel dazzled, his heart absolutely captivated, his soul ascending the confines of his body. He completely forgot to send someone to report the earlier matter to the Jun Family…\n“I say, old man. You have been following me like a ghost for a good three days. Could it be that I am so handsome to the point where you have taken a fancy to me?” \nThe old man was carrying Jun Xie, similar to how one would carry a baby in their arms. The old man’s body was very withered; it seemed that there was no flesh on his entire body. This caused Jun Xie an unspeakable feeling of discomfort, as though he was lying on a cobblestone ground. Knowing that this old man would not harm him, he threw away all notions of courtesy and started speaking sarcastically!\n“Pooh! You think this senior was following a prodigal wastrel like you voluntarily?\nYou kept scurrying around randomly every day, I do not even know what kind of hidden tactic you used to escape from my sight. But look at you now! This is retribution!\nIf not for the fact that your grandfather spent a great sum of…\nEh? How did you know I have been following you for three days?”\nThe old man was indignant; he felt that being together with this debauchee was something shameful. Just as he was about to grumble, he suddenly realized something wrong, something very wrong: \nHow did this useless brat realize that I have been following him for three days? \nCould it be that this senior’s tracking skills have regressed until such a degree? The old man became startled and suddenly stopped. \nHe no longer cared about the disrespectful manner in which Jun Xie used to address him.\n“Fool! Did you have to ask such a simple question? Naturally, someone told me,” \nJun Xie casually threw out an answer after thinking it through. Even though this old man’s tracking skills was unable to escape Jun Xie’s senses, it was still first-rate even when compared to his past life’s experiences. Considering the original Jun Moxie’s abilities, he would not be able to realize it even after training for hundreds of years, let alone escape from the old man’s sight.\n“You are the real fool! You are such a fool; it is only natural that you would not be able to discover this senior… eh? Who told you about it? Was that person the one who taught you how to escape from my sight?” \nThe old man felt shocked. He was actually unaware that his tracking skills were being countered!\nIn addition, that person possessed the ability to guide this useless being, Jun Moxie to shake him off his tail. This…. Was simply horrifying.\nHow much strength is needed for this feat? \nIf this person is an enemy…\n“How do I know who that person is,” Jun Xie continued. “I have never met him.”\n“Oh… that is only natural. Considering how powerful the other person is, do you think you have the qualifications to meet him? But since you put it this way, you being able to escape from my sight was all due to that person’s instructions? That person was the one who taught you?” \nThe old man was prejudiced and had already decided that this debauchee had absolutely no ability to discover his existence. After all, he had absolute confidence in his own tracking skills. However, he asked just in case. \nHis heart became alarmed: Could it be that a Supreme Divine Xuan is watching me? That cannot be! Could it be…\nThe more he thought about it, the more his mind became panicked.\nTruth be told, this old man’s techniques were indeed impressive. Otherwise, it would not have taken Jun Xie, the king of assassins of his generation a good three days to deal with him!\n“Of course. By the way, old man, are you done talking? Why are continuously asking about all this? Where are you planning to take me to? You should hurry up and bring me home,” Jun Xie was feeling uncomfortable and started cursing within: Quickly send me back home so that I can use the Hongjun PaGoda to heal myself. If I were to do it outside and get exposed, what then?\n“Nonsense! Judging by the amount of injuries you have, I will need to quickly handle it first. Otherwise, you would be dead by the time I reach your home,” The old man was feeling unhappy himself: With my level of skill, how could I have ended up being counter tracked? \nSon of a bitch! \nIf I were to return directly to the Jun Residence, your old head would throw a bunch of depressing complaints on me to the point of death!\nIf I do not clean this brat up, going back like this would be too humiliating!\nWhile talking, they arrived at an inferior looking house. Holding Jun Xie, the old man rushed into it and placed Jun Xie onto the ground. After that, he carefully checked the wounds on Jun Xie’s body from top to bottom. He could not help but be astonished!\nOn Jun Xie’s chest, a sword had nearly pierced straight through him. In addition, two purple bruises could be clearly seen. This was obviously the result of two kicks aimed at his chest. Considering the strength of the two Silver level assassins, an attack by either one of them should have been enough to send him off. Yet, after having suffered from a stab to the chest and two kicks from them, Jun Xie was able to preserve his life and still talk casually! \nThis was not even the most astonishing point! What was truly outrageous was that not a single rib was broken! \nThe old man sent his xuan qi into Jun Xie’s meridians to carefully check, Jun Xie’s internal organs had received no damage, internal injuries were lacking, causing him to stare with bulging eyes.\nThis sword stab was simply too skilled! \nIt actually went through the intercostal area between ribs! \nThis brat’s luck is simply too good!\n“Brat, did you by any chance hire those assassins?\nIf that weren’t the case, why would they take so much care when dealing against you?\nJust by looking at your wounds, I highly suspect that you guys planned this in advance.\nWere you planning on playing the hero saving the damsel in distress? You wanted to win the favour of that beautiful little girl?” The old man stroked his beard, his eyes slanted, his face turning highly obscene.\nThe old man’s whimsical words almost caused Jun Xie to choke to death. He laughed bitterly. “Old man, you sure have an imaginative mind. I nearly died earlier, how was I supposed to play the hero saving the damsel?\nWhy are you staying still? Quick, help me bandage my thigh, can’t you see that it is still bleeding?” \nJun Xie was somewhat rendered speechless. This old man was already an aged senior, but why was his actions so disorderly?\nWhy did his grandfather hire someone like this to tail him?\n“Pooh! You useless little brat, you think this senior needs you to instruct me on how to do things?” The old man stroked his beard. “Brat, you are a lucky one, you won’t die! You also won’t become crippled!” Having said that, he patted Jun Xie on his thigh and continued. “Everything is fine now.”\nJun Xie’s thigh had just been pierced with a sword. Even though his bones were not harmed, the sword pierced through his muscles. One sword, two holes, to be patted by the old man on the thigh at his current situation caused him to feel a heart rending pain. Jun Xie bit his teeth, sucking the air and hissing, beads of sweat dripping out from his forehead. As he continued hissing through his teeth, he asked. “Old man, do you have a granddaughter?”\nThe old man suddenly stared at him with vigilant eyes. “What do you want to do?” He forgot to think why this brat had asked him to treat the thigh first.\nBy his observation, the wound on the chest took precedence!\nIf you have a granddaughter, I will rape her and then kill her! \nI will send you to your death by breaking your heart, you old bastard! \nJun Xie cursed inwardly: Can’t you see that I am seriously injured? Yet, you actually violently slapped down on my wound!\n“Oh, I meant that it would be better to let a woman do this kind of job.”\nThe person was just before him, how could he not lower his head!\n“Unacceptable!” The old man shook his head. “You are a pervert, this is something known to everyone in Tianxiang City!”\nJun Xie was completely speechless: Why are you calling me a pervert, the real pervert is Jun Moxie, not me…\nBy the time the old man finished treating Jun Xie’s wounds, it was already late at night.\nOf the two, one of them wanted to use the Hongjun PaGoda to heal his injuries so that he could get better immediately. However, he did not have the opportunity to do so, and was endlessly irritated. The other one kept thinking to himself: Who exactly was it that could discover my existence and counter my tracking skills? \nThese two insensitive creatures actually forgot to report this matter to the Jun Family.\nAs for Murong Qianjun who had vowed to Princess Ling Meng that he would send a message to the Jun Family, he had long since thrown this ‘negligible matter’ out the window…\nNeither of them considered the fact that Princess Ling Meng had, before the old man appeared, sent a message to the Jun Family, bringing the news of Jun Moxie’s disappearance (death)…\nThey did not consider that this delay could lead to Grandfather Jun Zhantian’s fury soaring all the way to the Nine Heavens, almost causing the entire capital to become a sea of blood!\nIncidentally, just when night arrived, the same time that Princess Ling Meng had encountered the assassins, the forces within the Tang Residence began moving.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第66章\n唐老爷子阴沉着脸,站在门阶上,目光闪动,隐隐有着一丝渴望。\n好不容易找到了一点不知道算不算线索的线索,唐老爷子已经迫不及待,白天出动动静太大,但现在老爷子已经不打算再等下去,夜幕刚刚来临,唐家的所有高手已经集结!\n两百四十六人!\n两位地玄中阶好手,四位玉品玄者,十二位金品,三十六名银品玄者,剩下的人,也尽是九品玄气巅峰的好手。\n为了这次行动,唐万里老爷子已经把京城内外唐家分布的所有高手全部集中在了这里!\n短短的不到一下午的时间,这是唐老爷子所能够调集到的最强力量,也是唐家的立身之本!\n此次行动,决计不容有失!\n“今天行动,目标是北城帮!”唐万里阴沉沉地环视一周:“注意!凡是北城帮中人,务必!不能放走一个!尤其是,北城帮堂主以上的高级人物!\n不得杀害,不得妄纵,一律活擒!都听明白了没有?”\n“明白!”众人一起回答。\n虽然不知道为什么要对付北城帮,也觉得以这么大的阵仗去对付区区一个狗屁北城帮,未免太有些小题大做了,但看到唐万里阴沉的脸色,一个个却是谁也不敢多说一句话!\n“此次行动,由老夫亲自指挥;若是在那一个的手下放跑了北城帮的人,那就自己提着脑袋来见我吧!”\n唐老爷子下了最严苛的命令,缓缓扫视一周,见众人的神色从听到北城帮时候的漫不经心到现在一个个如临大敌的谨慎了起来,唐老爷子一挥手:“出发!”\n两百四十六人黑衣黑袍,无声无息的向门外走去。\n唐老爷子黑色的披风飘展在夜风里,大踏步走下门阶,虽然老迈,却仍是矍铄,看得出,每一步的力度都代表了这位老爷子今天晚上行动,那一往无前的决心。\n“等等……我也去。”随着话声,内院中冲出一个浑身被黑布包裹着的大肉球,唐源的身材根本不适合夜行,所以这家伙也根本就没有什么夜行衣,偏偏又想去凑热闹,奈何他的身形太“那个”了一点,最终干脆裹了一匹黑布就那么冲了出来。\n“滚回去!”看着肉团滚动,唐老爷子大怒,飞起一脚,一声惨叫,唐源四百多斤的圆滚滚的身体就像射门一般从院子里飞进了房门,将房门也撞塌了半边,嗤的一声,坚固的黑布撕裂了开来,露出白花花的屁股和大腿;圆溜溜的肚子撑着地,手脚居然悬空了,便如翻身的王八般四肢在空中挥舞了几下,无处借力,在地上来回滚了两滚,靠着门才扶着站了起来,灰头土脸的向外一看,一片黑洞洞,一个人影也看不见了……\n黑乎乎的夜色中有一座大宅院。\n这里,便是北城帮的总舵之所在。\n唐老爷子白须飘扬,沉着冷静的布置着人手,超过百位的高级玄者修士,将这大宅院围得水泄不通。\n人人屏息静气,不敢发出半点声音,静静地等着,静待着唐老爷子的号令。\n另外的一百多人,唐老爷子已经将他们分成了四组,分别扑向北城帮的四个堂口,和隶属于北城帮的赌场妓院等地方,甚至是每一位北城帮首要的家里!\n唐老爷子的意思是,索性要动手了,干脆就由外而内,一个不留,一网打尽!\n最后的时刻才收拾北城帮的这个总舵!\n现在一百多位高级玄者围拢着这座大宅院,里面的人已经是瓮中之鳖!绝对没有逃脱的希望。\n出来一个抓一个!\n还有就是,可以用这样钝刀子杀人的方式,探测一下北城帮的态度,若是北城帮安然不动,任凭处置,那就说明了北城帮与唐府被窃案无关,即使有关,顶多也就是很琐碎的关联;但若是拼死抗争,鱼死网破,那么,唐老爷子就会认为自己抓住大鱼了。\n直到现在,唐老爷子对唐源提供的这个情报依然持怀疑、甚至是非常怀疑的态度:君大纨绔君莫邪发现的线索,唐大纨绔回来报信……这……这无论怎么说,可信度也实在是太低了!\n说出去,谁信啊!\n唉,也怪老夫昏了头,病急乱投医吧!\n就当是为民除害了吧。\n不过,若是事后发现,这件事情居然是这两大纨绔联合起来阴自己,单纯只是为了报私仇的话——就算君战天拦着护着,老夫也一定会把君莫邪和唐源抓起来,一顿胖揍,将君莫邪打成胖子,将唐源打成瘦子!\n让他俩来个体型互换,哼哼!\n唐老爷子脸色阴晴不定,暗地里咬牙切齿。\n看着脚边的巷道里,一个一个逐渐增多的捆成粽子一般的俘虏,唐老爷子心中叹了口气,心中甚至已经做好了回去教训这两大纨绔的准备,这两个家伙胆子未免也太肥了:自从围住这所大宅院,已经半个时辰了,从里面出来的人物一个个全部抓了起来,封了内息捆了手脚堵住了嘴巴堆在了这里,人数已经不少,按说里面该有所反应才是,但直到现在,居然没有半点反常动静,如此老实,看来,北城帮怎么也不可能是偷玄丹的人啊。\n也是,就个北城帮算什么玩意儿?\n胆敢去捋我唐家的虎须?\n远方四面八方人影绰绰,唐家的高手们一个个归来,手里都提着几个人,捆的结结实实。\n对北城帮外围的扫荡已经完结!\n唐老爷子心中正在失望,老脸抽搐,心中大骂:唐源!君莫邪!老夫饶不了你们两个王八蛋!\n居然合起伙来把老夫当枪使!老夫一定要……\n一定要怎么唐老爷子没来得及想下去,因为就在这时可,北城帮宅院的围墙上突然呼的一声冒出来无数的黑乎乎的人头,一个个张弓搭箭,一团箭雨轰的一下向着外面埋伏的唐家高手射了过来,同时里面一声喊,大门、后门、侧门、墙头到处都有人冲了出来,就像炸弹开花,四散奔逃!\n居然敢不宣而战,连跟唐老爷子谈判的态度也欠奉!\n而且一个个争相逃窜,个个只恨爹娘少生了两条腿。\n这意味着什么?\n我靠!反应居然这么激烈!这跟造反有啥两样了?\n唐老爷子瞪着眼睛,眼珠几乎掉出眼眶,这突然的变化,让老爷子有点儿脑筋转不过弯,半晌,才狠狠的一拍大腿,啪的一声,疼得自己直抽冷气,心中却是一阵巨大的兴奋:有戏啊!\n几声闷哼响起,唐家埋伏的高手每个人的身手终有高下之别,状况又来得突兀之极,瞬间便有数人身上中箭,受伤不轻。\n余下众人呃,纷纷向着冲出来的北城帮众冲了上去,刀剑相击的声音“披沥啪啦”的响了起来,紧凑之极,两方人马瞬间已经恶战成一团。\n紫色黑色银光金芒顿时同时闪耀了起来,整个这一片区域,一时间显得绚烂无比。\n从北城帮放箭,到冲出来打作一团,说来罗嗦,其实中间间隔的时间相当之短,几近等于同时发生。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 66\nGrandfather Tang’s face was sullen as he stood before the main door, his eyes flashing with a faint trace of hope. \nHe finally found a trace of something, which may or may not be a clue. However, Grandfather Tang could no longer wait. Sending forth his forces in the day would cause too much of a ruckus, but now that night had fallen; he had assembled all of Tang Family’s experts!\nTwo hundred and forty six men!\nTwo mid-stage Earth Xuan ranked experts, four Jade levelled Xuan experts, twelve Gold level, thirty-six Silver level, with the rest at the pinnacle stage of Ninth level Xuan Qi cultivation. \nFor this time’s movement, Grandfather Tang Wanli had assembled the Tang Family’s forces from inside the city and out!\nWithin the short time span of one afternoon, Grandfather Tang had mobilized these men, who were the strongest within the Tang Family. These were the foundations of the Tang Family!\nNo mistakes were allowed in this operation!\n“For today’s operation, the objective is the Northern City Clan!” Tang Wanli addressed everyone present with a sullen face. “Keep in mind that no one from Northern City Clan should be allowed to escape, especially those with the position of Hall Master or higher!\nDo not kill, do not be rash, capture them all! Understood?”\n“Understood!” The crowd answered in unison. \nThey do not know the reason for going against the Northern City Clan, they also felt that this level of mobilization to deal with a mere Northern City Clan was somewhat of an overkill, but seeing the grim expression on Tang Wanli’s face, none of them dared say anything!\n“Today’s operation will be directed by this senior, if any of you were to let slip a member of Northern City Clan, then just send your head to see me!”\nGrandfather Tang gave out a strict command, then slowly scanned everyone present. Seeing everyone became more alert, he waved his hand. “Move out!”\nTwo hundred and forty six men in black garbs silently headed out the door. \nGrandfather Tang’s cloak billowed in the night wind as he strode towards the door. Although he was old, he was still robust; his every step exuded intensity and signified his indomitable determination towards tonight’s operation.\n“Wait! … I will go as well,” Following the voice, a figure in black rushed out from the inner courtyard. This figure was wrapped in black cloth and resembled a human shaped black meatball. Even though Tang Yuan do not have the required body shape for ‘nocturnal’ activities, he still wanted to join in the fun. However, due to his body shape being overly ‘that’, he finally decided to simply wrap himself in black cloth before rushing out.\n“Roll back to your room!” Watching the human dumpling rolling towards him, Grandfather Tang became furious. He performed a flying kick, which resulted in the four hundred over jin (241 kg) body of Tang Yuan to shoot back from the courtyard into the room, breaking the door of the room in the process. With a tearing sound, the black cloth tore open, revealing white buttocks and thighs. His round stomach resting upon the ground, his hands and legs were hanging in the air; just like a tortoise that had fallen upside down, he waved his limbs in the air several times with nothing to leverage himself off the ground. After rolling over twice, he finally managed to stand up by grabbing the door. He looked out with a disheartened expression, the courtyard was black and empty, not a soul in sight…\nA grand residence in the middle of the dark night. \nWithin the residence was the leadership of the Northern City Clan.\nGrandfather Tang’s beard fluttered about as he arranged his men. Over a hundred high level experts were arranged here, causing the huge residence to become filled. \nEveryone remained breathless as they waited quietly for Grandfather Tang to issue his command.\nAs for the other hundred men, Grandfather Tang had them separated into four groups, each assigned to cover the four doorways of the Northern City Clan, their subordinates, the casinos, brothels and all other places that were connected to the Northern City Clan, even the houses of all the leadership of Northern City Clan!\nGrandfather Tang intended to sweep them all up from the outside to the inside, leaving not a single one! \nThe leadership of Northern City Clan would be left for the last! \nWith over a hundred high level experts surrounding the residence, the people inside were completely trapped with no hope of escape.\nAnyone who came out would be captured!\nIn addition, he could utilize this type of ‘blunt knife’ attack to probe the attitude of Northern City Clan. If Northern City Clan remained passive, placing themselves at his mercy, that would mean that Northern City Clan had nothing to do with the Tang Residence’s theft case. Even if there were some connection, it would likely be a trivial one. However, if Northern City Clan were to fight back desperately to the point of death in order to break out, Grandfather Tang believed that would signify him catching a big fish.\nEven now, Grandfather Tang felt doubtful towards this information provided by Tang Yuan. It would be more accurate to say he was very sceptical towards it: A clue found by the renowned debauchees, Jun Moxie and Tang Yuan… no matter how I look at it, the credibility is simply too low! \nIf I were to say it out, who would believe it?\nAlas, I can only blame myself for getting too carried away. \nAfter all, I am simply too desperate right now! \nI will just consider this an act of helping the common people get rid of some scourge. However, if I were to find out that this matter is a trick from those two debauchees trying to settle their personal scores… Even if Jun Zhantian tries to stop me, this senior will capture both Jun Moxie and Tang Yuan and give them a good beating. I will beat Jun Moxie until he becomes fat and beat Tang Yuan until he becomes thin! \nLet their body shape change, heng!\nGrandfather Tang’s face was a mask of volatility as he gritted his teeth.\nWatching the alley before him, he saw sacks of tied up captives increasing one by one like dumplings. Grandfather Tang let out a sigh, having made up his mind to return home and give those two debauchees a good lesson: Those two debauchees have grown too daring. It had been half a long hour since this residence was surrounded. All the people coming out of this place were caught one after another, their inner qi sealed, their limbs tied up, their mouths stuffed and were piled up here. The number of men caught had become quite significant and should have caused some sort of response. However, there were still no response from them. Thus, Grandfather Tang believed that Northern City Clan had nothing to do with the theft of the Xuan Core.\nThat actually made sense; after all what can this Northern City Clan amount to? \nCould they have the guts to disturb the tiger whiskers of my Tang Family?\nSilhouettes appeared from all directions as the experts from the Tang Family all returned one after another, their hands carrying a few people, all of them captured and bundled. \nThe raid against the outer side of Northern City Clan had concluded!\nGrandfather Tang was greatly disappointed, his face twitching, his heart cursing: Tang Yuan! Jun Moxie! This senior will never forgive you two bastards!\nYou dared to come together to trick me into acting as your pawn? This senior swear that…\nGrandfather Tang did not have the time to consider what it was he intended to do because at this moment, countless dark figures leaped out from within the residential walls of the Northern City Clan. Each of them wielded projectiles which they let loose, creating a rain of projectiles to descend upon the experts from the Tang Family’s ambush team. At the same time, a shout was heard from within and people started charging out from the main door, back door and side door, akin to an exploding grenade!\nThey dared to wage war without declaring their intent and did not even show any desire to negotiate things with Grandfather Tang!\nIn addition, all of them were desperately trying to run away, as though resenting the fact that their parents only gave them two legs.\nWhat does this mean?\nHoly crap! The reaction turned out to be so intense! Was there any difference between their current actions with those of rebels? \nGrandfather Tang stared with bulging eyes, his eyes almost popping out. This sudden change in scenario caused Grandfather Tang’s mind to lag for a bit. After a while, he fiercely slapped his own thigh. The pain caused him to exhale, his heart bursting with excitement: A show is coming!\nSeveral shouts were heard from the members of the Tang Family’s ambushing team. The change happened too quickly, in addition to the fact that there were differences in their level of strength caused no small number of them to be hit by the projectiles. The injuries caused by this sudden attack were not light. \nThe remaining men separated and charged towards the members of Northern City Clan that were rushing out. The sounds of swords clashing could be heard as the distance between both sides closed. \nThe brilliant colours of purple, black, silver and gold flashed out upon the entire area, painting a breath taking view for the moment.\nThe interval of time between the moment Northern City Clan members threw out the projectiles until the moment they rushed out to fight was very short. It could be said to have occurred simultaneously.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第67章\n唐老爷子眼睛惊喜地睁大,原本阴沉的脸色突然变得莫名兴奋,双手也激动得有些颤抖起来。\n精光闪烁的两眼中,闪耀着如释重负,已经沉稳了半辈子的唐老侯爷,今天终于抖着花白的胡子爆出了粗口:我日!居然真有联系,甚至可能就是正主儿!\n想不到唐源这小子这次居然立了大功!\n谁说瞎猫不能碰到死耗子的?\n老夫回去一定要好好的奖赏于他!一这么想,老爷子顿时脸色一阵尴尬,做贼似的左右看了两眼,呃,唐源他妈,我可不能这么骂。那可是自己的儿媳妇……\n北城帮既然作出了如此的反应,那么就必然是与唐家的被窃有关系,否则的话,区区北城帮,敢对帝国侯爷、户部尚书的家族,这等整个天香国中一流的家族放箭?\n这简直是吃了熊心豹子胆了,猫舔虎鼻梁,典型的找死找灭族!\n眼看着一个又一个从里面出来的北城帮帮众被掀翻在地,然后五花大绑的扔过来,唐老爷子咳嗽了几声,负手而立,眼如鹰隼,脸如沉水,胡须飘然,岿然不动,一派的为民除害、道貌岸然。\n“砰!”一个北城帮众被打得飞了起来,还没等落下,一条绳子已经套在了腰杆上,快速围绕了几圈,等落到地上,已经变成了一个大粽子,“砰”的迎面一拳,满口牙齿咔嚓咔嚓掉落,还没来得及惨叫出口,一条臭烘烘的布团已经塞进了嘴里,紧接着被人扔了起来,腾云驾雾一般飞出几丈,整个过程行云流水般顺畅。\n砰的落下,才发现四下里尽都是熟人……\n“砰!”又一个!\n“砰!”……\n唐家两百四十多位高手由外而内,缓缓推进,滴水不漏,点滴无遗。\n北城帮帮主秦虎正被三位金品玄者围攻,左冲右突,均冲不出去,满脸绝望之色。\n在不远处,还有一位地玄强者双手负后,淡淡地看着他。\n冲不出去,退不回去,甚至连自杀的机会也没有,如果不是三人旨在生擒秦虎,他早就步上黄泉了,秦大帮主这会已经快要疯了!\n四周渐渐清理干净,一个一个的唐家高手纷纷向着这边围拢过来,还有一部分人“嗖嗖”的扑进大宅院,展开做地毯式的搜索,几乎是以拆房子一般的细致,任何一个地方都不会漏过。\n甚至那些可能、不可能存在密道的部位,更是尽都挖地三尺、查看土色。\n不多时,里面一阵欢腾:“找到了!”唐老爷子神色一喜,向前走去,只见几个唐府高手每人拎着一个人走了出来,却是秦虎的儿子秦小宝和几个花枝招展的女子。\n秦虎将他们藏在帮内最隐秘的密室之中,本想自己等人一举冲出去,若是不能活命,也希望可以侥幸保住儿子,没想到唐家的人抄家这么在行,密室几乎在地面一丈之下,出口更是非常隐秘,居然还是被搜了出来。\n见儿子被抓了出来,秦虎万念俱灰,彻底丧失了抵抗下去的勇气。\n他本就在左支右拙,若不是为了怕他亡命搏杀,恐怕早已经生擒!\n此刻斗志全失,出手再无章法可言,三位金品高手同时上前,“啪”、“啪”两声,秦虎如一团软泥一般倒了下去,身体感官都在正常运行,唯有整个身体的控制权,又或者是掌握生死的权限,尽都不再属于自己了。\n大获全胜!\n唐老爷子缓缓来到秦虎面前,低着头看着秦虎沮丧的脸,挥挥手,四周众人识趣,纷纷退到了一边。\n在这中间留出好大的一块空地。\n“那玩意在那里?”唐老爷子低沉着声音,眼睛利箭般看着秦虎的眼睛,一张口就是单刀直入!决不让秦虎有抵赖的机会!\n这句话很容易给秦虎造成一种错觉,就是:我已经知道,玄丹就是你偷的!\n我已经掌握了绝对的证据!\n就看你合作还是不合作了。\n只要秦虎是参与这件事的人,在猛然听到这样一句话,而在自身又是阶下囚的时候,崩溃的可能性在九成以上!\n果然,秦虎张口结舌,眼神中露出彻底的绝望!\n正在密切注视着他的每一丝反映的唐老爷子,心中一阵狂喜,久悬的心一下子放了下来。\n果然是正主!\n唐源啊唐源,这个孙子总算是办了一件正事,而且还是大大的正事,有出息!\n这件事情貌似还是君家那纨绔君莫邪提醒的,唐老爷子心中顿时感慨:看来,纨绔扎堆,倒也不见得就是全是坏事啊,起码关键的时候还是有用处的。\n就比如老夫当年,不也人人说咱是纨绔来着?现在不照样也……\n咳咳,发觉自己想远了,唐老爷子顿时回神,心中已经暗暗决定,无论玄丹找得回来找不回来,至少唐家这次欠了君莫邪一个莫大的人情!\n看来以后,要跟君家多亲近亲近了……\n“我……我那里知道什么玄丹,唐……老大人,不知为何突然这样对我们?我……”秦虎慌乱的回答,眼神闪烁,仍存了抵赖之心,希图个侥幸。\n“你小子真是不会说大话啊,老子有说那玩意是玄丹吗?呵呵……不知道也没关系,马上会让你知道的。”\n唐老爷子笑得很慈祥,一招手,便有一个唐府高手提着一滩烂泥一般的秦小宝走了过来,砰的扔在地上,转身走了回去。\n“秦虎,听说这是你唯一的儿子吧。\n不管北城帮如何,但只要你把你知道的说出来,我就担保你的儿子没事,我也会护着你们秦家这一点仅存的香火,不受伤害。”唐万里老爷子呵呵微笑着,态度非常的和蔼可亲。\n“自然,若是你无论如何也想不起来的话,我相信你会很快就能看到你儿子将会遭遇到什么,只不过那样的话,大家就都不见得会很愉快了,你知道我的意思吧?”\n“爹,救我……”秦小宝凄惨的号叫着。\n对于这个典型的二世祖来说,这一年简直就是他的灾难年,好不容易在大街上看见个美女,还没怎么着呢,才口花花两句,就被抓进去点破了丹田,废了玄气;好不容易恢复了、能动弹自如了,上个酒楼被人一团鼻涕摔在脸上,刚骂了两句就被一顿揍,还打折了腿;刚刚哭爹叫娘的回到家里正在养伤。\n却又发生了这种事,断着腿被人拎出来,然后摔在地上,又怕又慌又痛,秦小宝已经是痛不欲生了……\n唐老爷子缓缓伸出手,干燥的手掌在秦小宝脖子上轻轻抚摸,就像在安抚一条受惊的小狗狗。\n可是,也绝对没有人会怀疑,如果秦虎的回答让唐老爷子有那么稍微一点不满意的话,这只干燥的大手,绝对会立即变作阎王追魂的令牌!\n秦虎颓然叹了一口气,垂下了头,道:“你赢了。”\n唐老爷子得意的一笑,道:“秦虎,果然不愧是一帮之主,懂得审时度势,不错!”\n尖锐的讽刺传进耳朵里,秦虎满脸涨的通红,这极度的耻辱,让他的脸色变得难看无比,嗫嚅了几下,才艰难的道:“想来老侯爷也明白,此事秦某大抵也是受人指使,否则秦某就算有天大的胆子,又怎么敢去唐府偷东西?\n那不是找死吗?\n就算有心也没有那份本事,不过,所谓钢刀架颈,我们……确实没有办法。”\n“说下去。”唐老爷子目光闪动。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 67\nGrandfather Tang’s eyes bulged out in surprise, his face, which had been a mask of gloominess, had now turn into one of excitement, and his hands trembled agitatedly. \nBoth his eyes glinted as Grandfather Tang who had been a calm person for nearly half his life burst out: Oh, my God! There is actually a connection between them! In fact, this might be the jackpot!\nHow could I have guessed that Tang Yuan could actually make a contribution this time around? \nWho was the one who said that a blind cat could not bump into a dead rat? \nThis senior will have to properly reward him when I return later! After thinking such, Grandfather Tang’s face suddenly became awkward. He glanced around, just like a thief that had committed a crime: Uh, I should not have called Tang Yuan a son of a bitch, that is my daughter-in-law…\nNorthern City Clan’s reaction made it clear that it has a connection with the Tang Family’s theft case. Otherwise, would a mere Northern City Clan dare to fight against a Duke of the kingdom and the family of the Minister of State Revenue? \nThis family is a first grade family in Tianxiang Kingdom! For them to offend such a family was akin to a cat licking the tiger’s nose, a standard example of one trying to court death!\nSeeing the members of Northern City Clan who rushed out getting thrown to the ground and tied up before being tossed over to his side, Grandfather Tang coughed a few times, his arms straight. His gaze were similar to a falcon, his face as clear as water, his beard fluttering, an image of immovable might. He exuded an aura of seriousness as he dispatched his men to eliminate a source of calamity for the people.\n“Peng!” A member of the Northern City Clan was beaten up into the air. Before he could do anything, a rope shot out to encircle his waist. It continued to fasten around him a few times until he became a big ‘dumpling’ and fell to the ground. The person was then greeted with a fist to the face and his teeth fell out as a result. Before he could scream out, a smelly mass of red cloth was stuffed into his mouth. Then, he was picked up and thrown some several zhangs(3.04 m) away. The entire process was conducted in a smooth manner.\nWhen the person fell down, he realized that he was not alone and that everyone around him were acquaintances…\n“Peng!” Another one!\n“Peng!”\nThe two hundred and forty plus experts of the Tang Family slowly advanced from the outside into the inner area, not letting a single member escape, keeping a careful eye over every detail.\nThree Gold levelled Xuan Qi experts were surrounding the Northern City Clan Leader Qin Hu. No matter which direction he took, no matter how much he tried to fight, no matter how hard he tried to run, he was unable to escape; his face was filled with despair. \nNot far away, an Earth ranked expert stood by, watching with his hands behind his back. \nQin Hu was unable to escape or retreat, he could not even kill himself! If not for the fact that the three of them were aiming to capture him alive, he would have been sent off to the Yellow Springs a long time ago. Qin Hu felt himself going crazy!\nAs all the areas were swept clean, the experts from the Tang Family began to gather here. Some of them rushed into the residential yard and started searching meticulously, not missing out on even the smallest detail. \nIf they suspect that a place was hiding a secret passage, they would dig three feet down to verify their suspicion.\nAfter a while, a sound rang out. “Found it!” Grandfather Tang’s face became joyful as he moved forward into the courtyard. Inside, he saw the experts from the Tang Residence dragging out several people. It was none other than Qin Hu’s son, Qin Xiaobao and several gorgeously dressed women. \nQin Hu had placed them within the clan’s most secretive hidden chamber. He thought that if his attempt to break out were to fail, then at least he could keep his son safe. Unexpectedly, the men from the Tang Family would be so professional and the hidden chamber that was located one zhang below ground with a highly secretive exit location was found.\nWatching his son being captured, Qin Hu despaired and totally lost the courage to resist. \nIf not for fear that Qin Hu would disregard his life and fight to the bitter end, the three men would have captured him by now! \nAs of now, he had lost the will to fight. The three Gold level experts moved forward simultaneously. “Pa! Pa!” Qin Hu’s body fell, like a piece of soft mud. Control over his body and authority over his own life and death no longer belonged to him.\nA complete victory!\nGrandfather Tang slowly walked before Qin Hu. Glancing down at Qin Hu’s depressed face, he waved his hands. \nThe surrounding men all retreated to the side, leaving an empty space in the middle of the land.\n“Where is the item?” Grandfather Tang asked in a low voice, his gaze keeping a close watch on Qin Hu’s eyes. He went straight to the point, not letting Qin Hu have any chance of denying!\nThis question from him was one that could create a false impression for Qin Hu: I already know that you are the one who stole the Xuan Core! \nI have already obtained undeniable proof towards this matter! \nAll that is lacking now is your cooperation. \nAs long as Qin Hu was involved in the theft of the Xuan Core, hearing such a question while being rendered prisoner would lead to a ninety per cent chance of causing his mind to collapse!\nSure enough, Qin Hu’s mouth gaped as he became tongue tied, a look of complete despair escaping from his eyes! \nGrandfather Tang who had been keeping a close eye on Qin Hu’s reaction became ecstatic, the suspense he felt in his heart finally abated.\nIt truly is a jackpot! \nTang Yuan oh Tang Yuan, this grandson had finally managed to accomplish something! \nIn addition, this is a great accomplishment, looks like there could be some hope for him! Wait, this matter seemed to have been brought up by that Jun Family’s debauchee, Jun Moxie. Grandfather Tang suddenly had another thought: It seems having a bunch of debauchees together is not necessarily a bad thing. At least they had proven useful at the most critical of moments. \nBack then, didn’t everyone constantly say that I am just a debauchee? But, right now…\nRealizing that his thought process had started going off the tangent, Grandfather Tang collected himself. In his heart, he decided that regardless of whether he could find the Xuan Core today, his Tang Family now owed the Jun Family a great favour! \nIt seemed that he will have to improve their relationship with the Jun Family…\n“I… I do not know anything about the Xuan Core, Tang… Boss, why would you suddenly do this to us? I…” Qin Hu answered in a fluster, his eyes flashing, hoping that he could get lucky.\n“You little brat sure can talk, when did this senior ask anything about a Xuan Core? Hehe… It is all right if you do not know. I will let you remember soon enough,”\nGrandfather Tang laughed out in a compassionate manner as he waved his hand. An expert from the Tang Family came forth carrying Qin Xiaobao’s body. Throwing Qin Xiaobao on the floor, he turned around and left.\n“Qin Hu, I hear that this is your only son.\nI promise you, as long as you tell me everything, no matter what happens to the Northern City Clan, your son will not be harmed. I will protect this last remaining heir of your Qin Family and ensure that no harm befalls him,” Grandfather Tang Wanli laughed affably, giving off a very amiable attitude.\n“Naturally, if you are still unable to remember anything at all, I believe you will have to witness your own son’s suffering soon. But, when that happens, everyone would not have a pleasant ending. You understand what I am saying, don’t you?”\n“Father, save me…” Qin Xiaobao cried out miserably. \nThis year had proven to be a very disastrous one for him. Back then, he had chanced upon a beauty in the streets and only spouted out a few flirtatious remarks. But in return, he was captured, his dantian broken and his xuan qi cultivation destroyed. After his body was better and he could finally move again, he went to a wine shop only to have a snot smack him on his face. Back then, he only let out a few curses but was rewarded with a beating and even had his leg broken. After having cried his way back home, he thought he would finally be able to start nursing his injuries. \nUnexpectedly, something like this happened instead. He was carried out and thrown on the ground despite his broken legs. Qin Xiaobao was currently drowning in a whirlpool of fear, nervousness and pain, sinking deeper into a pit of sorrow…\nGrandfather Tang slowly extended his hand, his withered hands gently stroked Qin Xiaobao’s neck, just like how one would try to placate a frightened little puppy. \nHowever, everyone knew that if Qin Hu’s answer could not satisfy Grandfather Tang, those withered hands would transform into the token of command from the King of hell!\nQin Hu suddenly let out a sigh and lowered his head. “You win.” \nGrandfather Tang smiled proudly and replied. “Qin Hu, you are truly worthy of being a Clan Leader. You understand how to grasp the situation properly, not bad.”\nThe sarcastic comment stabbed deep into Qin Hu, his face turning red. This humiliation caused his face to turn extremely ugly. After mumbling to himself for a bit, he finally said. “I believe that Senior Duke already understand that this matter was done under someone else’s orders. Otherwise, even if I had a sky piercing courage, I would never dare to steal something from the Tang Residence.\nThat would be no different from courting death.\nEven if we wish to do so, we do not have the capital to… we really could not.”\n“Continue talking,” Grandfather Tang’s eyes flashed.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第68章\n唐老爷子老于世故,亦知凭秦虎的北城帮决计没有可能敢在太岁头上撒野,在眼下这个当口,更没可能说出根本就无法取信与自己的谎言,若他说的乃是真的,那么必然还有下文!\n秦虎见老爷子似是相信了他的话,不禁萌生了几分指望,就算自己无法幸免,起码自己的儿子还有活下去的机会,忙接着道:“当初指使我的那人,我也不知其来历,我只知道那人手眼通天,连老侯爷家宅布置、藏宝地点,甚至于整个布局乃至出手的时刻都是那人制订,我想他应该是京城之中的……”秦虎说到这里,突然双目怒突,眼中射出惊惧之极的神色,慌乱之下大呼起来:“老侯爷救命!”\n就在此时,突然空中一声锐啸,黄光大涨,四面八方庞大的压力轰然落了下来,几近毫无预兆,整个天空中就仿佛是突兀地多了几团小太阳,土黄色的光芒厚重的充斥了整个天空!\n地玄强者!\n三个矫健的身影闪电般落下,呈三角形向着唐老爷子这边迅猛的冲了过来,人人黑衣蒙面,只露出一双黄光灿然的眼睛。\n唐府高手同时惊呼,一个个奋不顾身的冲了上来,可惜他们限于本身实力,无从阻止地玄高手前进的脚步!\n唐老爷子一声冷笑,喝道:“鼠辈敢尔!”\n对方的意图非常之很明显,摆明就是来灭口的!\n但秦虎现在已经是唐老爷子追回玄丹的唯一线索,岂能让对方得逞?\n无论如何,他都要拦住对方,决计不让他们伤害秦虎的性命。\n只有秦虎在,就有机会找到幕后主使;找到幕后主使,就能找回玄丹!\n惟有找回玄丹,才能为唐家打造今后百年不拔的根基!\n唐老爷子眼珠都红了。\n轰轰轰!唐万里纵横来去,以一己之力,硬硬地挡住了三位同为同级数的高手,大开大合,有攻无守,势如疯虎!\n这些人诛死区区一个秦虎自然不是什么大问题,但若是在这里杀死了唐老爷子,那就是跟天香帝国整个国家作对了!\n这可不是随便什么人能负担起的后果!\n所以唐老爷子有恃无恐!\n一时间,竟以一人之力拖住了三名同级的地玄强者!\n四个人围成一团,转着圈儿厮杀,满场地人影憧憧,尘土四起;唐家的另外两名地玄高手惟恐家主有失,迅速加入战团,这六大高手捉对儿厮杀,地玄级别以下的人根本就插不进手去。\n“先将秦虎带走!”唐老爷子奋声大喝。\n而就在这时,淡淡的蓝光优雅的闪现,一个白衣蒙面人突然出现,\n行云流水般飘了过来,在一团夜色中,一袭白衣显得格外显眼;\n举止潇洒,犹如闲庭信步;但速度却是快到了极点,一路行来,\n蓝光闪了几闪,四声惨叫同时响起,\n北城帮四位堂主同时脑浆迸裂,尸身缓缓倒下!\n天玄初阶!\n天玄高手!\n两百位唐家高手一拥而上,组成重重的防线,而那人竟完全无视,直如入无人之境一般,身子一飘而起,凌空蹈虚一般飞掠三丈,蓝光大闪,躺在地上的秦小宝只来得及闷哼一声,胸腹之间已经被隔空一拳打得稀烂!\n唐万里老爷子厉啸一声,反身而回,迎向那白衣人。\n那白衣人面罩后的眼中不屑的眼神一闪,蓝光暴涨,一对肉掌与唐万里轰然对实,唐老爷子闷哼一声,白须颤动,连连后退。\n那白衣人倒退旋转着飘走,沿途唐府高手无不被他强横的玄气阻止在身前三尺之外,头也不回,反手一掌劈下。\n他的背后,已是秦虎!\n秦虎睚眦欲裂,狂喷出一口鲜血,嘶声大叫道:“好……狠!唐老侯爷,他就是那位……”说到这里,突然哇的一声惨叫,软塔塔的委顿地上,整个身体,再没有任何一块骨头是完整的!\n“呵呵呵……”那白衣人轻轻的笑了几声,低喝道:“走!”蓝光闪耀之下,当先冲出,砰砰砰几声,唐府众人纷纷踉跄后退,一闪已到墙边,黄光蓝色一闪,四个人同时跃上了高墙,那三位地品玄者翻身落下墙头不见了。\n那白衣人却仍然站在墙头上,白衣飘飘,风度飒然;遥遥一拱手,语声清雅的道:“唐老侯爷,今日得罪,实属无奈,山高水长,容图后会。”\n一声长笑,拔身而起,蓝光一闪之后,天空中恢复了一片黑暗。\n唐老爷子捂着胸口,闷闷的咳嗽了几声,他能感觉得出,这个白衣人实力当真了得,对自己也确实可算是手下留情了,否则的话,只凭方才那对的那一掌,至少也能把自己震成内伤,但即便如此,唐老爷子仍是气得浑身发抖!\n看着北城帮秦虎父子二人死的惨不堪言的尸体,以及那四位堂主脑浆迸裂的惨状,唐老爷子手足一片冰凉。\n这样的天玄强者,原本应该出在自己家里的啊!\n真的好不甘心啊!\n好不容易找到了重大线索,却在即将成功的时候被人当着自己的面。\n灭了口,而代表整个唐家最强实力的两百多人都集中在这里,却只能眼睁睁地看着,居然还承受了对方手下留情这样一个耻辱的人情!\n情何以堪!\n看着唐老爷子在呼呼的喘气,四周众人人人一脸惭愧的低下了头。\n就在此时,突然一阵沉重、沉闷、雄壮的声音远远的响了起来,响彻天际!\n就如同天边的浪涛,滚滚而来,又如天际的闷雷,缓慢却无休止地一声声击打着,带着扫平乾坤粉碎风云的无匹气势,慢慢迫近!\n随着这声音的响起,整个天地之间,似乎也在瞬息之间变得无尽萧杀!\n连这漆黑的夜色,也突然变得格外的沉重了起来!\n那突兀的声音丝毫不因为时间的流逝而减缓,反而越来越响,到得后来,已经是整个天香城四面八方一同响起,随着一开始的那沉闷的频率,慢慢跟上,然后汇成一股巨大的洪流,在整个天地之间悍然的响起!\n这是雷神的战鼓!\n这亦是杀戮的前奏!\n这石破天惊的鼓声,更是大型战争的火引!\n聚将鼓!\n在沉寂了十年之后,这天香国最高军方的最高召集令,在这寂静的夜晚,毫无预兆的再度响起!\n聚将鼓一旦响起,从来只会意味着如山尸骨,如海血泊!\n万马千军的厮杀,无数生命的消亡!\n也意味着,将有一批勇士将永远的闭上眼睛,亦有他们中间一小部分的幸存者踩着尸山,趟着血海踏上高位!\n四面八方,无数的士兵从睡梦中一惊而醒,翻身而起,快速着装,每个人的眼中,都射出了疯狂的嗜血的光芒!\n“是君大元帅的聚将鼓!”唐家一位地玄高手震惊地叫了起来,众人同时骇然相望。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 68\nGrandfather Tang is a veteran in the matters of the world. Considering the strength of Qin Hu’s Northern City Clan, there was no way he would have dared to act presumptuously against a great power like his Tang Family. At this moment in time, it was also highly unlikely for him to say any form of lies that would erode the trust he needed to gain from them. But if what he said was true, then there was a deeper layer of unknown factors within all this.\nGrandfather Tang’s reaction caused Qin Hu to feel that Grandfather Tang had chosen to trust him. He felt hope blooming within him. Even if he could not be spared, at least his son would have the chance to live on. He continued. “I do not know the origin of the person who instructed me. What I know is that this person has eyes and ears everywhere. The layout of Senior Duke’s residence, the hidden location of the treasure; every aspect of the plan including the timing of our movement was decided by that person. I believe that the person in question must be one of the capital’s…” Having said that, Qin Hu’s eyes suddenly widened, a look of horror appeared in his eyes as he shouted out in fear. “Senior Duke, please save me!”\nAt this moment, a sharp sound suddenly rang out and a great yellow radiance rose forth; a great pressure converged upon them from all directions. It was as though the skies were suddenly filled with several small suns as an earthly yellow light completely illuminated the night skies!\nEarth ranked Xuan Qi experts!\nThree lithe figures descended like lightning, charging towards Grandfather Tang from three directions. Every one of them were masked and wearing black garbs, revealing only their yellow coloured eyes.\nThe experts from the Tang Family all cried out in surprise, all of them rushed forward without a care for their own lives. Unfortunately, with their limited level of strength, they were unable to stop the Earth ranked Xuan experts!\nGrandfather Tang sneered and shouted. “Which rat dares!” \nThe opposing faction’s intention was obviously to silence the witness! \nBut Qin Hu was currently the only clue that Grandfather Tang has in his quest to recover the Xuan Core. How could he allow them to succeed? \nNo matter what, he must stop them and preserve Qin Hu’s life.\nOnly with Qin Hu alive could he have any chance of finding out who was behind the theft; if he could find out who was behind the theft, he could recover the Xuan Core! \nOnly by recovering the Xuan Core could his Tang Family build a foundation to preserve the Tang Family for the next hundred years!\nGrandfather Tang’s eyes have turned red.\n“Hong! Hong! Hong!” Tang Wanli charged forward alone, blocking all three attacks by those experts who were cooperating. He attacked without defending, just like an insane tiger!\nFor these men, killing a mere Qin Hu was not a problem. However, if they were to kill Grandfather Tang, that would be an act of declaring war with the entire Tianxiang Kingdom! \nThis type of consequence was not something that any ordinary person could casually accept! \nThus, Grandfather Tang had nothing to fear! \nFor one moment, he was able to hold back three Earth Xuan ranked experts who were at the same stage!\nThe four of them came together, circling one another as they attacked. Everyone in the yard became unsettled as the dust rose around the four of them. The other two Earth Xuan experts from the Tang Family immediately joined in the fray to support the House Master. These six men exchanged killing blows while those below Earth Xuan were simply unable to interfere in the fight.\n“Bring Qin Hu to safety first!” Grandfather Tang shouted out.\nIt was at this moment that a pale blue light shone out and a masked man in white suddenly appeared. \nIn the darkness of the night, his contrasting white clothes made him particularly conspicuous. \nHis demeanour was casual, as though he was simply taking a stroll, but his speed was quick to the extreme. \nThe blue light flashed out and four wretched cries sounded out in unison. \nFour of the Hall Masters of Northern City Clan had their heads burst open, their bodies then falling down onto the ground!\nBeginner stage Sky Xuan! \nA Sky Xuan expert!\nThe two hundred experts from the Tang Family swarmed around him, forming a heavy defensive line. However, it was completely disregarded by this man who simply moved forward as though he was unhindered. His body floated three zhangs (9.12m) up in the air. With a flash of blue light, Qin Xiaobao who was lying on the ground could only cry out once as the area between his chest and abdomen was smashed to pulp!\nGrandfather Tang Wanli howled out. He turned and charged towards the man in white. \nThe man in white looked at the incoming Grandfather Tang, his eyes which were filled with contempt flashed with a dazzling blue light. His palm shot out to greet Grandfather Tang’s attack, causing Grandfather Tang to retreat several paces. Grandfather Tang gave out a “heng”, his beard trembling. \nThe man in white swirled in the air as he moved forth, repelling all the experts from the Tang Residence by simply using the domineering might of his xuan qi. Without looking to his back, he suddenly delivered a backhand strike.\nThe one behind him was none other than Qin Hu!\nQin Hu sprayed out mouthful of blood, hissing and crying out. “How… ruthless! Senior Duke Tang, this is the one who…” Before he could continue, he suddenly cried out miserably, his body falling softly onto the ground, not a single piece of his bones were left intact!\n“Hehe…” The man in white lightly laughed before shouting in a low tone. “Let’s move!” The blue light burst out, causing all the men from the Tang Residence to stagger backwards. The three Earth Xuan ranked experts moved quickly towards the wall. With a flash of yellow radiance, all three men leapt over the walls and disappeared.\nThe man in white however remained standing on the wall, his white robes billowing gracefully in the wind. He cupped his hands and said in a refined tone. “Senior Duke Tang, I had no choice but to offend you today. Your nobility is renowned; I hope you will not take today’s incident to heart. May we meet again.” \nHe laughed out. With a flash of blue light, his body rose to the skies and the night sky regained its dark tone.\nGrandfather Tang clutched his chest and coughed out a number of times. He could feel that the man in white’s strength was truly impressive and had been going easy on him. Otherwise, the earlier palm would have been sufficient to deal a serious internal injury to him. Even though he realized this, Grandfather Tang could not help but tremble with fury!\nObserving the corpses of Northern City Clan’s Qin Hu and his son and that of the four Hall Masters’ whose heads were burst open, Grandfather Tang felt his hands and feet turning cold.\nA Sky Xuan expert like this should have appeared in my own family!\nI am unable to accept it!\nIt was not easy for them to find this major clue. And yet, during the moment of success, someone suddenly appeared to cut it off. \nHe had assembled the strongest two hundred men from the Tang Family. However, they could only stand and watch as their witness was silenced. Grandfather Tang himself had to accept a humiliating act of mercy from the enemy!\nThis was simply intolerable!\nWatching Grandfather Tang gasping for breath, the surrounding men from the Tang Family all lowered their heads in shame.\nSuddenly, a deep, imposing yet mournful pounding sound reverberated out throughout the sky from somewhere far away! \nIt was like the billowing waves of the horizon, the muffled sound of thunder from the edge of the world; it slowly spread out with each beat bringing an image of storm crushing and world trampling momentum!\nAs this sound rose out, the atmosphere throughout the world seemed to have transformed into one of grievances and bloodshed! \nEven the darkness of the night was no exception, as it became even heavier!\nThe towering sound that had appeared so suddenly did not became slower due to the passage of time. It instead became louder and louder, eventually the sound resonated out from all four directions within Tianxiang City. It had begun as a slow deep pounding before growing in intensity, again and again until it turned into a huge flood, drowning all of the world within its rampant sound!\nThis is the thunderous sound produced from the drums of war! \nA prelude to a scene of carnage and bloodbath!\nThis is a ground splitting, sky shocking sound! It served as the spark that would bring forth the fires of war!\nGenerals Summoning Drum!\nAfter decades of silence, in this quiet night, the highest form of command from the most powerful military family in Tianxiang Kingdom had suddenly begun rumbling again!\nWhenever the Generals Summoning Drum was heard, it could only result in a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood! \nTen thousand cavalry and thousands of soldiers would begin rampaging, causing the demise of countless lives!\nIt also meant that a portion of these soldiers would close their eyes forever while a small number of them would traverse the sea of blood and climb the mountain of corpses to claim a position of power!\nEverywhere within the Tianxiang, countless soldiers woke up from their sleep with a start and they quickly get dressed. Within the eyes of these soldiers, a bloodthirsty flame burned brightly!\n“This is Grand Marshall Jun’s Generals Summoning Drum!” One of the Earth Xuan experts from the Tang Family shouted out, causing everyone to become startled.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第69章\n唐万里震惊地睁大着眼睛,张大了嘴巴;这突如其来的战鼓声,甚至让他忘记了刚才极度的羞耻与不快,整个心中完全充斥着一个念头:君战天发疯了!\n这老货,为什么发疯?在君家最衰弱的时候发疯?\n“所有人立即返回唐家,凡有军职在身的立即先行一步,赶紧更换着装前去报到!\n剩下的人没有我的命令,不准擅出家门一步!”唐老爷子当机立断,一连串的发令。\n即时,有数十人躬身一礼,转身急匆匆的奔走,甚至走的速度已经超越了自己所能够发挥的最快速度。\n此时敲起聚将鼓,说明了事态严重已经到了一个非常危险的地步,所有人都不会怀疑,今天晚上,若是有那一个军官胆敢迟到一分,那就必然是人头落地的下场!\n君战天治军之严,在整个天香国首屈一指!\n有违将令者,无论你是公侯将相、世家子弟、又或者是凤子龙孙,尽皆杀无赦!\n四面八方的马蹄声急骤的不断响起,纷纷如潮水一般涌向城中心的大校场;人人甲胄鲜明,一脸急切,手中马鞭不住的啪啪抽在平时爱逾性命的战马身上,一路奔驰,个个如同是八百里加急!\n“侯爷,这些剩下的杂碎怎么处置?”一位唐府高手指着北城帮剩余的人等,问道。\n“全部带回去,一个一个审问!”唐老爷子虽然明知道这样不会有效果,但还是存了万一的指望。\n随着战马一批批的驰过,城中城外所有军营之中,亦不约而同的响起了嘹亮的军号之声,所有部队,紧急集合,保持最高的战备状态,随时等着主官从点将台归来,然后立即开拔!\n君老爷子要疯了!\n这话一点不假。\n灵梦公主派了两个人到君府的时候,距离刺杀事件,已经过去了半个时辰之多;君老爷子正在书房看书,老脸上微笑着,一片心满意足。\n孙子浪子回头、改邪归正,而且看那股劲头和毅力,就算是数便整个天香城所有的贵族公子,能比得上我孙子的也是半个都没有。\n眼看着君家在如此凋零的时刻,出现了这么大的希望和转机,君老爷子岂能不老怀大慰?\n正在心情最为舒畅的时候,管家老庞轻轻敲门,一脸沉重地走了进来,说道灵梦公主派人前来,找老爷汇报些事情。\n君战天立即传见,但见到那侍卫之后,见他浑身血污,老爷子心中便是“咚”的跳了一下,从他支支吾吾,左遮右掩的说话中,君老爷子越来越是感觉不妙,老脸越来越是难看。\n老庞满脸忧色站在了他的身后,更是让君战天感觉到了什么……\n一连串的逼问之下,那侍卫终于说出了“君三公子的尸体,不见了……”\n就是这短短的一句话!\n君战天闻听,如同九天之上万千响雷同时在脑袋上炸响,魁梧的身躯摇晃了几下,突然一张脸变得煞白,一声不响的向后便倒,瞬间居然没了气息!\n老庞大惊,幸亏早有准备,一阵掐人中,捶胸口,才终于让老爷子再度苏醒了过来,那侍卫更是颤抖着跪在地上一动也不敢动了,任谁都知道君莫邪这位纨绔少爷在君老爷子心目中的地位,自己只要一个应对不当,动辄有杀身之祸!\n君老爷子醒来,便是吐出了一口鲜血,脸色也瞬间变得无比的灰败,一双眼神也变得昏暗了起来,但口中的话语,依旧清晰,低沉:“究竟是怎么回事?\n慢慢的,一点不漏的,给我说出来。”语声虽低,但话中的沉重,却如同是高山峻岳,沉沉压下。\n那侍卫早已吓得脸色青白,一点点描述了出来。在他说的过程中,君老爷子一直沉着脸,不说一句话。\n终于,等他说完,君战天无力的挥挥手,道:“你去吧。”\n那侍卫如蒙大赦,哆嗦着退了出来,才发现自己全身都已经被汗水浸透!\n书房中,君战天闭上眼睛,仰首向天,喉结上下滚动了一下,满是皱纹的眼角,沁出了一滴老泪……\n若是君邪依然像以前的君莫邪那样纨绔不堪,胡作非为,出了这样的事情,君老爷子反而不会这么难受,因为早已失望,现在转变成绝望也没什么大不了的,君家的衰亡已成定局,这一天提早来临也不算什么了。\n可问题就在君战天刚刚看到自己孙子的惊人改变,才刚刚看到曙光、看到希望的时刻,正是满怀激动,老怀大慰的时候,对君家的将来也充满了无尽幻想的时刻,这个突如其来的消息,却瞬间将君老爷子彻底打入了万劫不复的深渊!\n如此大的反差,君老爷子没有当场发疯,已经是相当的有自制力。\n莫邪,是为了给灵梦公主报信,才死的!\n这是老爷子第一个推断。\n刺客的目标是灵梦公主,有这般胆子的,除了三位皇子之外,就是别的国家的敌对势力。\n而目前太子之位未定,三王夺嫡,别的国家巴不得他们打成一团,所以这等时刻,敌国反而不会做出这等过激的事情来。\n所以,三位皇子嫌疑最大!这是第二个推断!\n第三,公主才是刺客的主要刺杀目标,但莫邪死了,公主未死!\n这就透着蹊跷了。\n难道是莫邪的仇家,也就是他平常最大的对头李家和孟家请来的杀手故意这么做的?\n刺杀公主只是障眼法?\n第三个推断。\n报信的莫邪死了,遇刺的公主反而无恙,说明了莫邪虽然给公主报了信,但公主显然没有派侍卫保护他,所有的武力,都集中在保护公主,而莫邪,就那么轻易的被杀了!\n这是第四个推断!\n君战天越想,脸色越是阴冷,眼神越是锐利,到了后来,已经是狰狞!\n凭什么我的孙子好心传讯,就那么死了,而那个女人却该死没死?!\n我君战天少年从军,一生千百战!\n百万尸骸中杀出一个大公爵,为帝国立下了赫赫功勋,举国之间,无人能比!我君战天三个儿子,三个孙子;两个儿子为国捐躯,小儿子被弄成了终生残废,两个孙子征战沙场,死的不明不白;现在,唯一的一点骨血,居然也为了保护皇族公主捐躯了……\n满门忠烈的君家,居然就这样绝了后!\n既然如此,我还留恋什么?\n左右也是完结,那何不让所有与我君家作对的陪我一起完结!\n君战天凄怆的笑起来,越笑声音越大,笑着笑着,笑得满脸是泪。\n突然猛地站起身来,眼神如雷似电,带着通红的血丝,冷冷的看了一眼窗外的夜色,转过头来,缓缓走到亡妻的画像前,笔直的站着,久久的凝视着,嘴唇张了张,想要说些什么,却终究没说,伸出手掌,在虚空中抚摸了一下,似乎在感受着什么,又似乎在做最后的告别……\n君老爷子微微的眯起了眼睛,似乎强行忍住了什么,猛地转身,摘下墙上尘封多年的随身宝剑,魁梧的身躯大踏步走出,白发萧然,再不回头!\n在他转身的那一刻,两滴老泪,啪嗒落在地上,摔得晶莹粉碎!\n墙壁上的画像中,一个慈眉善目的老妇人,依然在亘古不变的微笑着,眼神似乎透出了画像,悠远的延伸,夜风自窗子吹进,画像一阵翻卷,似乎在做着无力的挽留……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 69\nTang Wanli stood there in absolute shock, his eyes opened wide, his mouth gaping. This sudden sound from the drums of war had caused him to forget about the humiliation and unhappiness that was just roiling about within his heart. His entire being had only one thought: Jun Zhantian has gone mad!\nThis old bastard! Why is he going crazy? He is going to go mad while his Jun Family is at its weakest?\n“Everyone is to return to the Tang Residence immediately! Those who serve in the military are to return now and report after changing!\nAs for the rest, without my orders no one is allowed to take even a step out of the residence!” Grandfather Tang acted decisively, giving out one order after another in succession.\nInstantly, dozens of them ceremoniously saluted before turning around and running away hastily. Their movement speed had exceeded the fastest speed that they could muster.\nThe moment that the Generals Summoning Drum resounded, it signified that the situation had reached a highly critical point. There was no doubt that any officer who dared to show up late would end up being decapitated! \nThe strictness of Jun Zhantian was known to all in the military. Right or wrong would be decided with a finger!\nThose who violate his command, regardless of status, be they royalty, generals, children from the first-rate families, child of a phoenix or even the grandchild of a dragon, all shall be killed without exception!\nThe sound of horse hooves striking the ground could constantly be heard from all directions. Like the waters of a raging river, all of them surged towards the military field within the city centre. Every one’s armour was distinctly clear, their faces filled with eagerness as they urged their warhorses forward!\n“Duke, what do we do with the rest of them?” One of the experts from the Tang Family asked, indicating the remnants of the Northern City Clan.\n“Bring them all home and question them all carefully!” Grandfather Tang knew that this would not bear any fruit, but decided to hold on to the hopes of a ‘what if’.\nAs the warhorses galloped forth one after another, the military forces within and outside the city all gathered within their barracks in a state of urgency. The military trumpets of the barracks were blaring out at full force as every soldier maintained the highest state of readiness. They were ready for their superiors to return and accept their orders. Once their orders were received, they would all move out!\nGrandpa Jun has gone mad!\nThese words were not false in the slightest.\nBy the time Princess Ling Meng sent someone to the Jun Residence, it had already been half a long hour since the assassination attempt took place. Then, Grandpa Jun was reading in his study, his old face was smiling, expressing satisfaction. \nHis grandson had turned over a new leaf. In addition, the level of strength and perseverance that he had shown was far beyond the Young Masters of the noble families in Tianxiang City. None of them were worthy of compare!\nSeeing such a hope appear at the moment when the Jun Family was slowly dying, how could Grandpa Jun not feel elated?\nAs he was feeling highly elated, the Housekeeper Old Pang gently knocked on his door. With a heavy face, he walked in and informed that Princess Ling Meng had sent someone to report a matter to the House Master.\nJun Zhantian immediately had the man sent in. But when he met the man, he saw that the man was covered in blood. This caused Grandpa Jun’s heart to thump; seeing the man’s hesitant manner of speech and eyes that darted to the left and right, Grandpa Jun started to feel a sense of foreboding, his face turning ugly. \nOld Pang who was standing behind him was wearing a strange expression, causing Jun Zhantian to further feel that something was wrong…\nUnder the constant pressure of questioning, the bodyguard finally said. “The Third Young Master Jun’s corpse had disappeared…”\nIt was a simple and short sentence! \nBut for Jun Zhantian, it was like the booming sound of ten thousand thunders from the Nine Heavens roaring out in unison! His body trembled a few times, his face turned pale and the atmosphere around him turned silent in an instant!\nOld Pang was surprised, but thankfully he was prepared. He immediately pinched and slapped Grandpa Jun on his chest, allowing Grandpa Jun to recollect himself. The bodyguard trembled as he knelt on the floor, not daring to move in the slightest. Everyone knew how important the debauchee, Jun Moxie was in Grandpa Jun’s heart. Any mistake in dealing with him would end up inviting a terrifying disaster!\nAfter Grandpa Jun recollected himself, he coughed out some blood, his face turning greyish white, his pair of eyes turning dim and hazy. However, his mouth did not lose it strength as it asked in a deep voice. “What exactly happened?\nTell me everything slowly; do not miss out on even a single detail.” Even though his voice was low, the words carried a heavy feeling to it, akin to a huge mountain, pressing down with immense force.\nThe bodyguard had already been scared stiff, his face deathly white, he slowly described the details of what happened. As he was talking, Grandpa Jun’s face turned into a scowl, not uttering anything at all. \nAfter the bodyguard finished talking, Jun Zhantian weakly waved his hands and said. “You can leave now.”\nThe guard reacted as though he had just received amnesty and retreated while shivering. He then realized that his whole body had been soaked with his sweat!\nIn the study, Jun Zhantian closed his eyes and raised his head upwards, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down for a bit. A tear slipped out from his wrinkled eyes…\nIf Jun Xie had been the same as the original Jun Moxie, an unbearable and misbehaving debauchee, Grandpa Jun would not be in such pain due to this matter. Because he had already given up on him, even if such a tragedy had occurred, so what? The demise of the Jun Family was a foregone conclusion. For it to come earlier was no big deal.\nBut the problem lied in the fact that Jun Zhantian had just witnessed his own grandson’s incredible transformation, he had finally seen a dazzling light, a brilliant radiance of hope! He had become excited and had begun to imagine how the Jun Family could climb back up when this unexpected news suddenly came, throwing Grandpa Jun into an abyss of despair!\nConsidering the situation, for Grandpa Jun to not go crazy on the spot was something that required quite the respectable amount of self-control.\nMoxie had died for the sake of warning Princess Ling Meng! \nThis was Grandpa Jun’s first inference.\nThe assassin’s goal was Princess Ling Meng and the only ones with such an outrageous amount of courage would be either the three princes or the hostile forces from the other kingdoms. \nHowever, the current position of Crown Prince remained vacant and the three princes were in the midst of competing against one another for it. Under such circumstances, the other kingdoms would not choose to make such a radical move. \nThus, the most probable suspects were the three princes! This was his second inference!\nThirdly, the princess was supposed to be the main target of the assassination attempt. But Moxie had died while the princess did not! \nThis had revealed something strange within this matter. \nCould it be that it was Moxie’s enemies, the Li and Meng Families? Did they hire the assassins to create such a scenario? \nWas the assassination attempt on the princess just a camouflage for their real target? \nThis was the third inference.\nMoxie had delivered a warning but ended up dying while the princess who was the target of the assassination remained alive. This meant that although Moxie had delivered the warning for the princess, she did not send anyone to protect Moxie and had instead focused on protecting herself. Thus, Moxie had been easily killed! \nThis was the fourth inference!\nThe more Jun Zhantian thought about it, the colder his face became, and the sharper his eyes shone. Eventually, it had become a ferocious visage!\nWhy is it that my grandson that went to deliver the warning ended up dying while that damned girl did not?\nI, Jun Zhantian joined the army even before I could shave, fought through hundreds and thousands of battles! \nI massacred my way through millions of corpses to become a grand duke, contributing brilliant exploits for the kingdom, unparalleled within the kingdom! I, Jun Zhantian had three sons and three grandsons; two sons died fighting for the country while the youngest one was crippled for life. Of my three grandsons, two left on a war campaign only to never return. Now, my only heir died for the sake of the princess…\nIs this how my family of valiant warriors would end? \nIf such is the case, what else do I have to live for? \nSince it would come to an end either way, I might as well drag everyone who is trying to take down my Jun Family with me!\nJun Zhantian began to laugh, a bitter and sorrowful laughter, louder and louder, his face filled with tears. \nHe suddenly sprang up violently, his eyes emitting sparks of lightning accompanied by a red shade of blood. Glancing coldly at the night outside the window, he turned and walked slowly to stand before the portrait of his late wife. He stood upright, gazing at it for a long while, his mouth moving as though he was about to say something but in the end chose not to. He extended his hand, stroking the air as though trying to feel something, as though he was trying to say goodbye for one last time…\nGrandpa Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, as though he was trying to forcibly hold something back. He abruptly turned away and lifted his sword that had been left on the walls for a long time. His white hair flowing in a desolate manner, he strode out without looking back!\nThe moment he turned away, two drops of tears fell onto the ground, breaking into countless pieces!\nOn the portrait hanging off the wall was the image of a benevolent and motherly looking old woman, her smile remained everlasting. But her eyes seemed to reveal a sense of sadness. A wind blew into the room through the window, causing the portrait to flip back once, showing how powerless it was…",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第7章\n接下来的几天,君邪依然没有出门,早晨一起床就直奔藏书阁,然后一呆就是一天,而无一例外的,凡是他翻看过的书,君老爷子照例都会全搬过去,再分析一次,然后又是摇头、点头、叹气、吐气、迷惘、惊喜,原来表情还是没用光的……\n另外,君家的下人们发现了这位小少爷又多了一个古怪的嗜好:白天的时候钻进藏书阁不出来也就罢了,但晚上却偏偏喜欢在院子里坐着,哪里最黑暗最没有光线他就坐在哪里……真是……邪!\n不过,仆人倒也不是很在意,比起这位少爷以前的作为,如今可是好的太多的了!\n这一晚,君邪再度坐在一株花树下,享受着浓浓的伸手不见五指的夜色,心中突然升起一种安全的感觉。\n是的,就是安全!\n对君邪这个曾经纵横天下的杀手之王来说,最安全的,就是漆黑的夜晚!\n惟有夜色,才是君邪前世最好、也是最可靠的伙伴!\n仰望星空,君邪突然有了一种自己正在做梦的微妙感觉。\n这几日将与这个世界有关的大量书籍大致地看了一遍,或多或少了解了一些这个大陆的情况,但越是了解,君邪反而越是迷惑起来。\n若不是那白纸黑字清清楚楚的记载,君邪几乎就以为自己乃是穿越回到了中国的古代社会,太像了!\n同样的肤色,同样的口音,差不多的文化,与中国最强盛的唐宋时代差不多的服饰……\n君邪呻吟一声,将脑袋插在了自己的两腿之间,两只手紧紧抱住后脑勺,痛苦的想到:为什么?\n为什么不是中国古代的某个时代?\n若是那样,我该有多少优势资源可以利用?\n我就算不主动地改变历史进程,也能利用这预卜先知的能力,度过历史大事而好趋吉避凶!\n玄玄大陆,这到底是什么鬼地方啊。\n金玄银玄地玄天玄……玄气……我玄你大爷!\n为什么不是内家功力?\n唯一相同的,或许也只有那亘古不变的日月,还有黑夜这温柔的迷雾,才能给君邪些须仍身在华夏故国的熟悉感觉!\n君邪脸色如同冷硬的石头,腮边肌肉痛苦的鼓起一道棱,有一种指着苍天大骂一场的冲动!\n突然,就在这一刻,由于君邪情绪的极度激动,突然感觉一阵剧烈的头痛,即使以君邪那种常人难以想象的忍耐力也骤然承受不住,闷哼出声,一阵头重脚轻,接着,便突然感到了天旋地转……\n从眼中看出去,似乎整个世界都在剧烈的旋转之中,连那迷蒙的夜色也似乎变作了疯狂吞吐的离散的氤氲,整个世界突然间又变的是如此的虚幻、不真实……\n君邪痛苦地喘着气,死死地咬着牙,嘴唇已经浸出血渍,两眼几乎瞪出眼眶,但他却死死地忍住,不让自己发出那怕一点的声音。\n孤身来到这世界,所有的痛苦,都应该由自己来承受!\n在这个陌生的地方,我不能依靠任何人!\n也不会依靠任何人!\n杀杀杀杀杀!\n用我的杀技,杀出一条血路,杀破这天,杀破这地!\n杀杀杀杀杀!!\n君邪神思朦胧间,似乎觉得自己的脑海中突然出现一点遥远的光芒,光芒似乎遥远,却又在缓缓地接近中,越来越近,越来越亮,越来越大,越来越清晰,最终化作了一个流光溢彩的七彩宝塔,在他的脑海中不停的旋转着,每一圈旋转,都扫射出一道蒙蒙的圣洁的白光。\n身体早已麻木了,四肢早已麻痹了,意识也慢慢开始模糊了,唯有君邪一双眼睛变得血红色,死死地瞪着这天,瞪着这地,瞪着这陌生的世界,一瞬不瞬!……\n也不知道过了多久,一阵冷风吹过,君邪突然感到了寒冷。\n初秋的夜晚,果然还是有些冷的。\n君邪心中想道,突然醒了过来:我感觉到了冷,就是有了感觉,我不是已经……猛然站了起来,才知道浑身的冷汗已经不知道将身上的衣服浸透了几次,浑身湿嗒嗒的,难受得很。\n突然竟似又有了一种新生的古怪感觉。\n自己在君莫邪身上醒来,继承这具无主的肉身,或者可说是一种穿越、附魂,君邪只是君邪,而在这次的痛苦经历之后,自己却是真真正正地与这具肉身融合为一,君邪也真正成为了君莫邪,这具肉身的真正主人!\n再也顾不得整理身上的狼藉,君邪第一件事便是盘膝而坐,闭上眼睛,神识沉入思海,细细地去体悟着什么。\n先前的巨大痛苦,君邪已经知道,那完全是那已经融入自己身体的那小塔搞的鬼,所以君邪断定,那小塔必有奇异之处,若只是单纯的融合肉身,不至于有这么苦痛的经历,必然还有更多的古怪的,这座小塔几乎已经是君邪存在的唯一凭恃,不搞明白这件事情,恐怕君邪是决计不会甘心的。\n君邪清晰地感觉到,在自己的意识之中,竟然有如目见一般清晰地“看”到了一座造型优美,上有七彩流光的小小宝塔,就在自己的意识海上空悬浮着,缓缓地旋转着,君邪分明感觉到,那小塔每旋转一圈,就是自己的身体的气血顺时针流动一遍,周而复始,循环不息……\n这是怎么回事?\n君邪惊疑地看着这座小塔,这个玩意实在完全超出了常识的事情,让君邪这个坚实的无神论者陷入了一种由衷的迷惘之中。\n不知道我是否能近距离地看看呢?\n君邪刚刚这样想,突然发现那小塔似乎慢慢地变大了起来,紧接着最底下的第一层大门突然打开,一股浓郁的白雾呼的冲了出来,霎时间君邪的整个意识尽数被这白雾所弥漫,白雾浓郁得几乎成了实质,君邪深呼吸了一下,突然感到浑身舒泰,说不出的舒服,连灵魂也有一种快乐的想要唱歌的快慰感觉……\n君邪游目四顾,才发现自己不知何时,已经来到塔门前,头顶上,三个若隐若现的中古文字:鸿钧塔!\n君邪走了进去,里面空空荡荡的,只有有如实质般的白雾氤氤氲氲,突然白雾滚动起来,慢慢地显出了两行大字:玲珑九层塔,亘古第一功!\n接着白雾越是翻滚的急切,突然一句朦朦胧胧的口诀出现在君邪的意识之中,君邪刚刚一怔,突然有数不清的字符、图形在眼前剧烈旋转起来,然后一股脑的犹如填鸭一般的硬灌进了他的意识之中,就像一辆疾驰的火车,突然冲进了一座小小的茅屋!\n而且,竟然冲了进去就没动静了……\n霎时间,君邪不由得头晕目眩,脑袋如要炸开一般,一跤跌倒在地。\n睁开眼睛,才发现自己依旧躺在之前的那块又湿又冷的土地上,而脑海中却清晰地浮现着一部修炼法诀,与之相配的,还有人体线路图,以及一个个的人形动作……\n“开天造化功!”君邪喃喃念着,眼中闪出一道精光,双拳不由得紧紧握了起来!\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 7\nDuring the next few days, Jun Xie chose not to go out at all. Once he woke up in the morning, he would head straight towards the library building, staying in there for the whole day. He maintained the routine without any exceptions. As for the books that he had read, they would all be sent over to Grandpa Jun’s side for analysis yet again. After which Grandpa Jun would shake his head, nod his head, sigh and puff; his face alternating between disappointment, shock and pleasant surprise… it seemed he had yet to finish using up all his lifetime’s expressions.\nIn addition, the servants of the Jun family realized that the Young Master has acquired yet another strange hobby. During the day, he would enter the library building for the whole day without ever coming out. However, when night descends, he would instead walk out to the courtyard and seat himself there. The spot he chose to sit was always the darkest spot where the light cannot reach… truly… heretical!\nRegarding his new hobby, the servants were actually not too concerned. After all, this was by far better than his previous ‘hobbies’.\nTonight, Jun Xie was once again seated below a flower tree, enjoying the thick atmosphere of darkness of the night. In this atmosphere of darkness, one would not be able to glimpse their own fingers even when it was stretched out before them. In Jun Xie’s heart rose a feeling of safety and security. \nIndeed, it is the feeling of security!\nFor Jun Xie who had once become invincible throughout the world as the king of assassins, the safest place can only come from the pitch-black darkness of the night. \nThe night was the only thing that Jun Xie had ever considered to the best and most reliable partner!\nAs he gazed upon the stars in the night sky, Jun Xie suddenly felt as though he was in a dream.\nFor the past few days, he had read through all the books containing information regarding this world. He had more or less understood the current situation of this continent, however, the more he understood, the more confused he became.\nIf it were not for the fact that it was written in black and white within the books, Jun Xie would have assumed that he had transmigrated back in time to the ancient Chinese kingdoms. \nThe people, the accents, the culture and the clothing are all similar to that from the Tang and Song dynasties. It is too similar!\nJun Xie groaned as he plopped his head in between his knees, both his hands clutching the back of his head. He grievingly thought. Why?\nWhy am I not in one of the ancient eras of China?\nIf only that were the case, the amount of resources I have regarding those eras would be most beneficial.\nEven if I do not want to change history, I can still take advantage of my foreknowledge, which can put those divine prophets to shame and coast my way through history, avoiding any misfortune!\nXuan Xuan Continent, where in the blazes is this?\nGold Xuan, Silver Xuan, Earth Xuan, Sky Xuan… Xuan Qi… Xuan your granddaddy!!!\nWhy is it not internal martial arts?\nThe only thing that remained familiar was perhaps the ancient and everlasting sun and moon, and the gentle caress of the night. This was the only thing that could give Jun Xie the feeling of familarity.\nJun Xie’s face was set like a cold hard stone, his cheek muscles throbbed with pain, as he restrained his desire to curse impulsively and loudly at the Heavens!\nAt that very moment when Jun Xie was surging with extreme emotions, he suddenly felt a violent wave of headache swept over him. Even with his extraordinary endurance, Jun Xie was still unable to retain a calm face and was forced to grimace his face. The headache suddenly transformed into a wave of dizziness…\nObserving through his eyes, it seemed as though the whole world was rotating at an unbelievably intense speed. Even the night sky was transformed into a scattering display of madness. The entire world had suddenly become an illusory existence, and unreal…\nThroughout the painful ordeal, Jun Xie panted while biting down his teeth, blood flowing down from his lips. Both his eyes glared forward as he continued enduring, not allowing even a single sound to escape his lips.\nI came into this world alone, and thus I must also accept all this pain by myself! \nIn this strange world, I have only myself to depend on and not others! \nI will never depend on others!\nKill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!\nUtilize all my killing skills, I will forge a path of blood! Annihilate the skies! Decimate the lands!\nKill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!\nJun Xie was thrown into a state of haziness, when he suddenly felt something appeared within his sea of consciousness. It was a spark of seemingly distant light; however, it appeared that the light was gradually moving closer towards him. As it got closer, it also became brighter, bigger and clearer. In the end, it transformed into a luminescent rainbow coloured paGoda that overflowed with brilliance. The paGoda kept rotating within his sea of consciousness. With every rotation, it released a misty form of sagely radiance.\nHis body had long since become numb, his four limbs paralyzed, his consciousness slowly blurring, and yet Jun Xie continued staring ahead with bloodshot eyes. He kept on glaring, persisting nonstop as he glared ferociously upon this strange realm without as much as a blink!\nAfter an indeterminable period of time, a cold wind suddenly blew by, causing Jun Xie to feel cold.\nThe night of the early autumn is indeed still chilly. \nAs this line of thought came to Jun Xie’s mind, he became startled as he realized what it meant: To be able to feel cold means that my senses is working again. But, was I not already… He suddenly stood up and found that he was covered in cold sweat. His clothes had been completely soaked with sweat to the point of being uncomfortable.\nJun Xie was inexplicably overcome with a strange feeling of a new born.\nJun Xie, who woke up within Jun Moxie’s body can be said to be supporting this body, perhaps by means of transmigrating his mind and soul into it. Nonetheless, Jun Xie remained Jun Xie. But after having endured the unspeakable pain earlier, Jun Xie had truly melded with this body as one. Jun Xie had become Jun Moxie, the true master of this body!\nDisregarding the messy state of his body, the first thing Jun Xie did was to sit down cross-legged and closed his eyes. He pushed his spiritual awareness deep into his sea of consciousness, as he carefully tried to comprehend something.\nJun Xie had long since realized that the excruciating pain from earlier on was the work of the small paGoda within his body. However, Jun Xie also concluded that there must be something else, which the small paGoda did. Otherwise, how could a simple matter of melding of flesh and soul be accompanied by so much pain? He firmly believed that something else must have happened. This small paGoda is the only thing in existence that Jun Xie can rely on. Thus, without understanding what has happened, Jun Xie will never feel contented.\nWithin his sea of consciousness, Jun Xie felt that he could clearly ‘see’ with his own eyes, an exquisite paGoda glowing with the brilliance of seven colours, slowly rotating atop his sea of consciousness. Jun Xie was able to distinctly perceive that each rotation was synchronized with his body’s blood and qi flow, each and every time, again and again, an endless cycle…\nWhat is going on here? \nJun Xie stared at the small paGoda in surprise. This item’s capabilities had exceeded all common sense, causing Jun Xie who was a staunch disbeliever to fall into a web of confusion.\nI wonder if I could get closer to take a better look at it?\nJust as Jun Xie was thinking about this, he suddenly realized that the small paGoda had slowly become larger and larger. After that, the doors to the lowest level of the paGoda suddenly opened; a thick white mist rushed out. In that instant, Jun Xie’s awareness became utterly suffused with that white mist. The white mist was so thick it almost felt as though it was solid. Jun Xie took a deep breath and suddenly felt an extreme sense of tranquillity, an indescribably comfort, where even the soul felt buoyed to the point where it wanted to sing happily…\nJun Xie scanned his surroundings only to find out that he had somehow arrived at the very front of the paGoda. Above his head, two ancient texts unveiled themselves: Hongjun PaGoda!\nJun Xie headed inside the room only to find it empty, save the thick white mist flowing around. Suddenly, the thick mist flowed together to form two line of characters: Nine Layered Exquisite PaGoda, First Eternal Art!\nThen, the white mist rolled together with a sense of urgency, forming a dim and hazy formula that appeared before Jun Xie’s awareness. Jun Xie only had enough time to become startled before the countless characters, symbols and drawings all came together in a revolving spiral. Instantly, he felt a vast amount of information rushing into his awareness. It felt as though a speeding train had just charged straight into a small hut! \nYet, the train sped all the way inside without any changes happening to the hut…\nAll of a sudden, Jun Xie could not help but become dizzy. His head felt as though it was about to explode as he tumbled onto the ground.\nOpening his eyes, he realized that he was still lying on the same cold, wet spot as before. Nonetheless, the cultivation formula clearly exists within his sea of consciousness. There was also drawings depicting the pathways throughout the human body, together with the accompanying forms and actions.\n“Art of Unlocking Heaven’s Fortune!” Jun Xie mumbled aloud, his eyes flashing sharply as his fists clenched itself!",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第70章\n管家老庞一伸手,拉动了君战天太师椅后的一根丝线,刺耳的铃声在君家大院响起;然后,他沉默着,亦步亦趋的跟在他的身后,脸上,也是一片冷漠、决然。\n他已经猜到了君战天接下来要做什么,但他不会阻止,非但不会阻止,而且他自己也要跟着去!无怨、无悔!\n楼下,一架轮椅静静的在那里,君无意笔直的坐在轮椅上,两道剑眉凝成冲天杀气,见到父亲走下来,君无意脸上毫无表情,眼神与父亲一对,各自转头,竟不说话。\n此时,已经用不到再要说什么。\n数十个黑乎乎的人影从四面八方赶过来,静静地站成三排,矗立在院子里。\n眼神平静的看着君战天,无论君战天要做什么,这些人,都会跟着,一直到……黄泉归去!\n暗影重重之中,还有无数的人幽灵般聚在四周,静静地等候命令,君家雪藏的力量,这一刻毫无保留的,全面出动……\n君老爷子上前,低沉着声音说了几句话,暗影中的人手突然潮水般消去,瞬间无影无踪,就如同四散出去了漫天的血雨腥风,半空中呼啸的风声,这一刻也似乎变得浓稠起来……\n默默的站立了一会,迎着清新的夜风,常常的吸了一口气,君战天只觉得吸进了一股浓郁的血腥气,呛入肺腑!\n翻身上马,君战天面如寒铁,血红色的披风在夜色中迎风飘扬,融成了鲜血的颜色。\n剩下众人沉默着,纷纷上马,跟上了他。\n君无意双手在轮椅扶手上一拍,身子腾空而起,稳稳的落在了一匹马的马背上,一抖缰绳,跟了上去,蹄声渐远,终至不闻。\n须臾,军部灯火通明,君战天一身戎装,端坐在大堂上,外面,四十面大鼓同时低沉而又震撼的响起……\n随着鼓声的进行,不断有人一身戎装,顶盔带甲,全副武装,飞马而来!\n来到点将台下,下马立定,人人站的就如标枪一般直!\n人数越来越多,一个个都是一言不发,唯有看向高高坐在帅位上的君战天的眼神,个个都带着无比的狂热!\n老帅!好久……没有擂起这聚将鼓了!\n那烽火连天的百战岁月……怀念啊!\n鼓声止!\n点将台下,众多将军肃容而立。\n两边,数十面大旗,在夜风中呼啦作响,呜呜咽咽,宛如千人同哭!\n君战天离座而起,走到点将台上,凌厉的眼神一掠,问道:“可有人未到?!”\n“吾等俱到!等候老元帅将令!”数百人同声高呼,音调一致。\n“好!就让老夫今夜做一件惊天动地的大事!”君战天锋锐的双目中射出不可掩饰的杀机.\n“众将听令!”\n“在!”\n“沈洲男!”\n“在!”\n“令你帅本部人马,守住西门!没我的将令,任何人,不得出城!发现骚乱,立即出兵镇压!”君战天将“任何人”三个字咬的格外重。\n“是!”\n“君念枫!”\n“在!”\n“东门由你负责!”\n“是!”\n“战悸天!”\n“在!”\n“北城门!”\n“是!”\n“禅林语!”\n“在”\n“南门!”\n“剩余众人随我……\n一连串的命令发出去,人人上前接了令牌,转身即走,竟然没有任何一个人问这是为什么!\n这些,都是君战天的旧部,也是君家军事集团的中坚力量,对君战天的命令,一向只有执行,没有为什么!\n哪怕是死!\n尤其是沈洲男、战悸天、禅林语、君念枫四人,更是君老爷子最为得力的四大战将!\n也是四个桀骜不驯的铁血战争狂人,唯有对君战天的命令,不论对错,一概执行到底!\n也是目前君家军事集团的中坚力量!\n一个个将军接了命令离去,君战天眼中神色越来越是冰寒。\n莫邪,看爷爷为你报仇!\n凡是曾经与你作对的,凡是有嫌疑的,今夜,都会为你陪葬。\n皇宫中,天香国皇帝陛下杨怀宇一惊而起,喝道:“这是什么声音?”这位曾经戎马倥偬,如今正当盛年的皇帝陛下,莫名的感到了巨大的危机!\n好像……有什么惊天动地的事情正在发生。\n寝宫外,一个阴柔的声音道:“禀陛下,好像是……战鼓的声音。”\n“战鼓的声音?”皇帝眉头一皱,突然一惊:“战鼓?聚将鼓!”脸色大变!一个翻身下床,随手扯过披风披在身上,里面只着中衣,快步走了出来,侧耳听了一会,脸色逐渐沉重起来。\n君战天!\n皇帝一听就听了出来,这是君战天的战鼓!\n除了君战天的聚将鼓之外,京城之中再也没有相同的声音会这样的雄壮惨烈!\n也只有君战天的战鼓才能显现出如此的威势,足以轰动整个天香城的威势!\n“今天到底发生了什么事?是朕不知道的!”皇帝沉着脸,缓缓问道。\n此刻,做什么都可以,惟独不能急。\n唯有先知道发生了什么事,才会知道君战天为什么会在这等时刻敲响聚将鼓!\n才能采取针对性的化解策略。\n“奴才不知。”一问之下,身边六名内侍同时跪下,竟无人回答的上来。\n“查!”\n“禀皇上,奴才记得,一个时辰之前,灵梦公主曾经求见皇上,不知何事。”皇帝身后,一个中年的太监谨慎的踏前一步,阴柔的答道。\n“灵梦?她有什么事?灵梦一向乖巧,若无大事,根本不会这种时刻来打搅我!为何不禀报与我?\n什么人敢如此大胆,干预此事!”皇帝顿时发觉了其中的蹊跷。\n“……”那太监期期艾艾的说不出来,眼神一个劲的往寝宫里飘。\n“速速传灵梦前来!”\n“是!”\n“孟妃!给朕出来!”皇帝一声怒喝,一个身罩轻纱的丽人袅袅走了出来,跪伏地上。\n“朕问你,灵梦找朕何事?你为何挡驾?”皇帝陛下的眼神,如同寒冰一般,看不到半点温暖。\n“公主她……她说被人刺杀,但臣妾,臣妾见她并无任何损伤,言谈举止亦一如往常,只知道是小孩子胡闹了,再说陛下您那时候已经睡下了,臣妾就……就没敢打搅。”孟贵妃战战兢兢的回答道。\n“朕的女儿被人刺杀了,你还拦着她,不让她见我这个父亲;居然还小孩子胡闹?呵呵呵……你可真是朕的好爱妃啊。”\n皇帝陛下语音温和,似乎全然并没有当做一回事,但跪在地上的孟贵妃却已经浑身发起抖来。\n她知道,一但皇帝陛下用这种口气说话,那就一定要有人人头落地了!\n皇帝轻轻凑在她耳边,低声说道:“料来你自己想必也是没有这个胆子的,不过,老大应承你的事情,肯定已经做不到了。朕,也不会让他做到的!”\n孟贵妃顿时恐惧的瞪大了眼睛,整个人瘫在了地上。\n“将孟妃带下去,打入冷宫,听候处理!任何人,不得接触!”皇帝的很平静,却宣布了这位曾经是万人之上的孟贵妃命运。\n“父皇!”灵梦公主匆匆而来,有些钗横发乱。\n“不要急,今天到底发生了什么事?来,跟父皇说说,仔细的说说。”皇帝看着自己的女儿,慈祥的笑着,似乎刚才完全没有发生过任何事,将眼底的深寒巧妙的收藏。\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 70\nThe Housekeeper, Old Pang stretched out his hand and pulled a thin wire behind Jun Zhantian’s chair. An ear-piercing bell sound suddenly resounded through the Jun Residence’s courtyard. After that, he followed Jun Zhantian silently, his face cold and decisive.\nHe had already deduced what Jun Zhantian would do next, but he did not intend to stop him. Moreover, he had decided to accompany him! No complaints! No regrets!\nDownstairs, a wheelchair was resting quietly. Jun Wuyi was seated upright upon it; his pair of sword like eyebrows exuded a murderous aura, which soared through the skies. His face remained expressionless as he watched his father walk down the stairs. Their eyes revealed the same determination as they turned around without speaking.\nAt this point, there was no need to say anything.\nTens of dark figures rushed over from all directions, standing quietly in rows of three in the courtyard. \nThey calmly looked at Jun Zhantian. No matter what it was that Jun Zhantian planned to do, they would follow him… until the very end!\nWithin the shadows, countless others appeared like ghosts, assembling and awaiting their orders. All of Jun Family’s hidden forces have at this moment, been deployed without reservation…\nGrandpa Jun stepped forward and said a few words in a low tone. The men within the shadows suddenly disappeared without a trace, just like blood being scattered across the skies. The whistling sound of the wind on the other hand seemed to have increased in intensity…\nJun Zhantian stood silently for a moment and inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh night air. However, he felt as though the air he inhaled was filled with a thick stench of blood, causing his heart to suffocate!\nTurning, he got up on a horse, his face was cold as iron, his red cape fluttering about in darkness, seemingly infused with blood.\nThe rest of them remained silent; each of them climbed up their horses and followed him. \nJun Wuyi slapped his wheelchair with his hands and flew up into the air, landing on top of his horse. Flicking the reins, he urged his horse forward and followed them.\nMoments later, Jun Zhantian was seated upon the stage of the military grounds. Outside, the sound of forty drums were slowly on the rise…\nAs the drums boomed out, men constantly donned their military uniforms, armours and helmets. Picking up their weapons, they galloped towards the military grounds on their horses! \nOnce they reached the military grounds, they dismounted and stood as straight as a spear!\nThe number of men on the grounds increased, but none of them said a word. They all stared attentively at Jun Zhantian who was seated upon the chair of the Grand Marshall, their eyes exuded an unmatched blaze of fanaticism!\nOld Marshall! It has been too long… too long since we have heard the pounding sound of this Generals Summoning Drum! \nThe raging fires of a hundred battles… we have missed it!\nThe sound of drums stopped!\nThe many generals stood attentively on the military grounds. \nOn both sides, dozens of banners flapped about in the wind, creating “hula” sounds, resembling that of the mournful weeping of a thousand people!\nJun Zhantian stood up, walked to the front side of the stage and asked as he gave everyone a sharp gaze. “Is anyone absent here?”\n“Everyone has arrived! We are all awaiting Senior Marshall’s orders!” The hundreds of them chanted simultaneously.\n“Very well! Tonight, this old man will move the land and shake the skies!” Jun Zhantian’s sharp eyes burst out with murderous intent.\n“All captains, listen up!”\n“Here!”\n“Chen Zhounan!”\n“Here!”\n“You are to marshal your forces and hold the West Gate! Without my orders, no one is allowed to leave the city! Once a riot is discovered, send out your troops to suppress it!” Jun Zhantian placed a great emphasis on the words “no one”.\n“Affirmative!”\n“Jun Nianfeng!”\n“Here!”\n“You are in charge of the East Gate!”\n“Affirmative!”\n“Zhan Jitian!”\n“Here!”\n“North Gate!”\n“Understood!”\n“Chan Linyu!”\n“Here!”\n“South Gate!”\n“The rest of you will follow me…”\nA series of commands were issued. Every one of them stepped forth to accept the token of command before turning and leave. Not a single one of them asked for a reason! \nAll of them had served under Jun Zhantian before and made up the backbone of the Jun Family’s military power. They would obediently obey any orders from Jun Zhantian without question!\nEven if it meant their deaths!\nThis was especially true for Chen Zhounan, Zhan Jitian, Chan Linyu and Jun Nianfeng. The four of them were Grandpa Jun’s most competent great generals! \nThey are also a group of wild, prideful iron blooded war maniacs. The only one who could give orders to them is Jun Zhantian. Regardless of right or wrong, they would execute the commands to the end! \nThese four form the backbone of the Jun Family’s military power!\nAs the generals received their commands one after another, Jun Zhantian’s eyes turned colder.\nMoxie, just watch as grandpa takes revenge for you! \nTonight, those that were your enemies, those that are suspects, all of them must pay…\nWithin the palace, the Emperor of Tianxiang Kingdom, Yang Huaiyu woke up from his sleep with a start, and asked. “What is that sound?” His Majesty, the Emperor who is at the prime of his life and had once been plagued with many military problems felt an inexplicable sense of crisis! \nIt felt as though a sky-shattering event was occurring.\nOutside, a feminine voice replied. “Reporting to Your Majesty, it seemed to be… the sound of war drums.”\n“Sound of war drums?” The Emperor frowned, but suddenly became shocked. “War drums? Generals Summoning Drum!” His face turned pale! He rolled out of bed and draped himself with only a cloak over his inner clothes before walking out of the room. He stopped and listened attentively, his face turning heavy.\nJun Zhantian!\nWith just a moment, the Emperor was able to deduce that this was the sound of Jun Zhantian’s war drums! \nJun Zhantian’s Generals Summoning Drum was the only one within the city that could produce such a spectacular, yet tragic sound! \nIt was also only Jun Zhantian’s war drums that could produce such an imagery of power and influence; enough to shake the entirety of Tianxiang Kingdom!\n“What happened today? What do I not know?” The Emperor’s face turned sullen as he slowly asked. \nAt the current, no matter what he chooses to do, he must maintain a state of tranquillity and not become anxious. \nOnly by first finding out what had transpired would he understand why Jun Zhantian would drum the Generals Summoning Drum at this time! \nIt was only after knowing all these would he be able to take the appropriate measures to resolve the problem.\n“This one does not know,” The six palace attendants went on their knees, none of them able to answer the question.\n“Go find out!”\n“Reporting to Your Majesty, this one remembers that one long hour ago, Princess Ling Meng had requested an audience with Your Majesty. I am uncertain the reason for her request,” An eunuch stepped forward from behind the Emperor and answered in a feminine manner.\n“Ling Meng? What happened to her? Ling Meng have always been well behaved. Unless something major had happened, she would not disturb me at such a late hour! Why didn’t anyone report it to me?\nWho was so presumptuous to the point of interfering with my matters?” The Emperor realized something out of place here.\n“…” The eunuch remained silent, his eyes drifting towards the bedchambers.\n“Quickly summon Ling Meng over!”\n“Yes!”\n“Concubine Meng! Get out here now!” The Emperor shouted out in fury. A beauty whose body was covered only in a layer of translucent cloth came out and knelt on the floor.\n“Answer me, why was Ling Meng looking for me? Why did you stop her?” The Emperor’s eyes were like ice, devoid of warmth.\n“The Princess… she said that someone tried to assassinate her, but I, I saw that she was not hurt and was able to talk in her usual manner, so I believed that she was only being mischievous. In addition, Your Majesty was already asleep, this concubine… dared not disturb you,” Concubine Meng answered as she trembled.\n“My daughter suffered from an assassination attempt and you stopped her from meeting her father, and you had the gall to say that she was being mischievous? Hehe… You are quite the considerate concubine,”\nHis Majesty said in a gentle voice, seemingly undisturbed by everything that had occurred. But Concubine Meng who was kneeling on the ground started trembling all over. \nShe knew that once His Majesty used such a kind of voice to speak, it meant that someone’s head was about to roll!\nThe Emperor moved forward and gently whispered into her ear. “I know that someone like you would not have the guts to do something like this. However, whatever it is that your master had promised you, it would never be accomplished. I will also ensure that he fails to accomplish it!” \nConcubine Meng was suddenly overwhelmed with fear and stared with wide-open eyes, her body slumping onto the floor.\n“Men, bring Concubine Meng away and have her sent into the Cold Palace! No one is allowed to come in contact with her!” The Emperor’s face remained calm as he declared the fate of Concubine Meng who had once stood above thousands.\n“Imperial Father!” Princess Ling Meng rushed towards the Emperor; her hair was still in a bit of a mess.\n“Do not be nervous, just tell me what had happened today. Come, talk to your father, make sure you tell me every detail,” The Emperor smiled kindly as he looked at his daughter, as though nothing had happened earlier; the chilling coldness within his eyes was already completely concealed.",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第71章\n随着灵梦公主的诉说,皇帝陛下的脸色越来越是沉重,眼神也越来越是寒光闪烁,他低垂着头,不发出半点动静,只是静静地听着。\n这固然牵扯到了自己女儿的生死安危,而且还牵扯到了另一个很“关键”的人,这个人本身无关大局,但因他而牵动的后果却实在太大了,大到了连自己这个皇帝都未必能承受得起,更不愿意承受!\n一位帝皇,自己女儿遇刺,自己却在关心另外一个标准的纨绔败家子,天家无亲吗?实在是悲哀啊!\n终于……\n“按照梦儿的说法,在刺杀之前,君莫邪曾经去给你报过信?至少应该算是提过一个醒?”皇帝沉思着。\n“是的,虽然女儿并不确定,但君莫邪的动机应该并无可疑,或者是他之前发现了什么蛛丝马迹也未可知。”灵梦公主声音甚低,但语气非常的坚定。\n“蛛丝马迹,以君莫邪的微末道行有什么能力发觉什么蛛丝马迹……算了,这些都是末节,到了后来,君莫邪又被另一高人救走了,也就是说,君莫邪并没有死,是么?”皇帝的眼神深邃起来。\n“正是如此,父皇。”灵梦公主知道父皇心中的避忌,所以她绝口不提夜孤寒的名字。\n皇帝陛下本身是知道这件事情的。\n“既然如此……那君战天为什么发疯?竟然不顾一切的敲响了聚将鼓!”皇帝陛下沉思着,“他孙子没有死,君家并未到断子绝孙的地步,那他这次行动就让人不解了,如此作为实在是……”\n他站起身来,缓缓踱了两步,手指轻轻敲着自己额头,慢慢地道:“孙子没死,君战天却莫名地发了疯,恩……\n或者有一点可以确定了,那就是。\n君莫邪此刻肯定还没有回家;呃,想来是君战天接到了孙子遇危的信息,又久久未见孙子归家,所以才会如此失常。\n呵呵呵,看来,我还是小瞧了他们呢?\n这……是一石几鸟呢?”皇帝陛下笑得很冷,很阴寒。\n灵梦公主突然想起了一件事,顿时俏脸煞白,如果真是这样,虽然只是一个误会,可后果很可能会是无法收拾的!\n“当时,君莫邪既然没有生命之危,为什么不即刻派人通知君家呢?\n梦儿你处理这事实在是太不小心了……梦儿,你想起来了什么吗?”\n见灵梦公主脸色大变,皇帝微笑着,尽力的控制着自己的火气,但眉梢眼角,已经有些不能压抑的迹象,自己的女儿处事素来沉稳,今天怎地竟会如此的失策,难道是因遇刺而失却了平日的沉稳。\n“父皇,在发现君莫邪尸体……不,身体不见的时候,女儿曾经……曾经派人去给君老公爷报信,这……报信的刚走,那个老人家就来将受了伤的君莫邪抱走了。”灵梦公主有些手足无措起来,呐呐说不成话。\n“然后呢?消息已经送出,但发现君莫邪没有死之后难道你就没做出补救?”皇帝陛下有些失望的看着女儿,心中却是一动:老人家?\n难道暗中保护女儿的,除了夜孤寒那厮之外,还另有其人?\n若是如此的话……\n皇帝陛下心中想着,脸上却是声色不动。\n“这等重大消息自然要作出补救的,当时我的侍卫都已重伤,所以就让前去救驾的慕容千军派人去给君老公爷说明君莫邪未死的事情。\n若君老公爷最终未能接到君莫邪未死的消息,那唯一的可能就是……?”\n“不用可能了,很明显,慕容千军并没有去报信,或者,去报的也是死讯而已。\n要不然不会……”皇帝陛下叹了口气,方正清癯的脸上多了几道狰狞,随即隐没,和声道:“没你的事了,你去休息吧。”\n说着抚了抚灵梦的头发,虚无的眼神看着一片黄蒙蒙的皇宫笼在黑暗中,皇帝陛下突然感觉这种代表尊贵的明黄色竟然是如此的刺眼,如此的糟心。\n这次刺杀事件,有些怪异啊呵呵呵……真是想不到呢。\n皇帝陛下微微沉思着,眼底的锋锐一闪而过!\n恩,也许,得到了洗一洗皇宫的时候了。\n就不知用人血洗一洗,是不是会鲜亮一些呢?\n远处,铺天震地的战鼓已经寂然,然天地间依旧充斥着山雨欲来风满楼的气氛,压抑之极。\n希望,君战天,希望你不要让朕太难做了……\n皇帝陛下眼睛中露出极为复杂的感情,一闪而没。\n看着女儿离去的背影,皇帝陛下负手而立,沉思了一会,突然道:“影子,你出去看看吧。\n不到必要的时候,不要出手;告诉君战天,他孙子没死,闹一闹可以,但不要做得太过分了!\n恩,顺便给我带点东西过去。\n恩,顺顺手;这老东西也已经憋了好几年了……”\n说完,皇帝陛下提笔写了几个字,随手卷了起来,往后一递:“去吧。”\n一阵风起,一个似乎有形无质的人影一飘而出,下一刻,皇帝手中那张纸条已经不见,一条淡淡的影子急速的飞出了皇宫。\n“虽然是让你放肆一次,不过,朕也要借一借刀!”皇帝低声自语,脸上突然掠过一丝意味深长的笑意。\n皇帝陛下一向算无遗策,但是,这一次,他却是远远地低估了君战天的暴怒已经到了什么地步!\n而且他此刻才派人去,已经是晚了……\n“来人,传独孤无敌大将军前来。”皇帝舒了一口气,大声道:恩,索性把局势再打乱吧。\n希望,一个一个的,只要是明白人想来都会收敛一些,不明白的,自然没有留存下来的必要,又或是没有存留下来的资格。\n不是不让你们斗,唯有斗出来的,才是强者!\n但斗,也要有分寸的!超出了这个分寸,就会万劫不复的啊……\n灵梦公主告辞了皇帝,一直到回到了自己的寝宫才突然想起来,自从自己前去,整个刺杀过程,父皇便一个劲的问的全是君家,全是君莫邪,而对自己才是被刺杀的主要对象的事情,一向最疼爱自己的父皇竟全然没有问过!\n这是为什么?\n难道在父皇心里,这桩疑窦重重的刺杀,牵扯到一位公主,牵涉到了自己!\n甚至还可能有其他皇室人物的大案件,竟然不如一个君家重要吗?\n还是父皇他,在回避什么?\n还是……\n想到父皇深邃的目光,灵梦公主不由得颤抖了一下。\n幸亏,我有夜叔叔保护,还有那位神秘的强者……\n怔忡中,灵梦公主伸手入怀,摸出来了那三柄小巧玲珑的飞刀,在手中把玩着,那飞刀只得大半个手掌大小,稍稍弯曲的弧度优美自然,当真是薄如蝉翼。\n三柄飞刀叠在一起,居然也只得薄薄的一层。\n灵梦公主很是好奇,这样小的飞刀,如何竟然能够发挥出那么恐怖的强大威力,居然能令一帮杀人不眨眼的杀手不战而走!\n飞刀无言,刀身闪着晶莹的光采,灯光下折射出五光十色,璀璨之极。\n若是只看到这样的飞刀,必然只会当做富贵人家小孩玩耍所用的东西,谁能想得到,这居然是一位绝世强者的致命武器?\n不过,只要这种独一无二的飞刀再次出现在我面前,我立即就能认出来!\n灵梦公主快乐的想着,心中无限神往:不知道这位连夜叔叔也无限佩服的绝世强者,究竟是怎样的一个人呢?\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 71\nAs Princess Ling Meng started describing what happened, His Majesty’s face slowly became more serious, a chilling coldness accumulating within his eyes. His Majesty’s head was lowered as he listened quietly without making even the slightest movement.\nThis matter involved the safety of His Majesty’s own daughter. In addition it had also dragged in another ‘crucial’ person. This person had often remained indifferent to political affairs, but his influence and the consequences that would result from his actions were simply too huge, so much so that the Emperor himself may not be able to bear it. It could even be said that the Emperor was unwilling to face it!\nAs an Emperor, at a time when His Majesty’s own daughter had suffered from an assassination attempt, His Majesty would instead have to be concerned about a playboy debauchee. Could there be no love amongst the royal bloodlines? How sorrowful!\nFinally…\n“According to your story, Jun Moxie had went to deliver a warning to you before the assassination attempt occurred?” The Emperor pondered.\n“Yes. Although I cannot be certain, I believe that there should not be any suspicions regarding Jun Moxie’s movements. Maybe he found some clues regarding this incident,” Princess Ling Meng firmly said in a low tone.\n“Clues… Considering Jun Moxie’s worthless character, how could he have any ability to find any clues… Never mind, these are all minor details now. At any rate, another master appeared and saved Jun Moxie before taking him away. In other words, Jun Moxie did not die, correct?” The Emperor’s eyes turned mysteriously profound.\n“That is so, Imperial Father,” Princess Ling Meng knew that His Majesty had purposely avoided speaking about Ye Guhan even though he knew of his existence. \nShe herself chose not to mention his name.\n“If that is the case… then why is Jun Zhantian losing his mind? He even chose to disregard the consequences of drumming the Generals Summoning Drum!” The Emperor pondered about it. “His grandson is still alive and the Jun Family had yet to fall to the point of having no descendants. Why then would he act this way? This action of his is simply…”\nHis Majesty stood up and slowly stepped forward two paces, his fingers gently tapping on his forehead. His Majesty slowly continued. “His grandson is not dead, but Jun Zhantian inexplicably went mad, en…\nOne thing is clear, Jun Moxie has yet to reach home.\nHmm, I believe that Jun Zhantian must have received news that his grandson was in danger, but after Jun Moxie did not return for so long, he became mad.\nHehe, it seems I have underestimated them.\nThis stone… how many birds will it hit?” His Majesty gave a cold smile.\nPrincess Ling Meng suddenly remembered something, her beautiful face turning pale. If it was truly as she had imagined, then the consequences resulting from this misunderstanding would be something beyond her ability to bear!\n“Since Jun Moxie’s life was no longer in danger back then, why did you not send a message to the Jun Family?\nMeng’er, you were too careless this time… Meng’er, did you remember something else?”\nSeeing Princess Ling Meng’s face turning pale, the Emperor smiled as he tried to suppress his anger. However, his eyebrows and eyes have already started showing some signs of his fury. His daughter had always maintained herself in both manner and conduct, why would she suddenly make this mistake today. Could it be that the assassination attempt had shaken her heart that badly?\n“Imperial Father, before Jun Moxie’s corpse was found… ah, I meant during the time when we were unable to find his body, I had… I had sent someone to inform the matter to Senior Duke Jun. It was only after the messenger had left that the old man appeared and carried away the injured Jun Moxie,” Princess Ling Meng stammered in an awkward manner, seemingly having difficulty speaking.\n“And then? The message has been sent. But since Jun Moxie was found to be alive, did you not take any steps to remedy the situation?” The Emperor looked at his daughter with a look of disappointment. At the same time, his heart was shaken: Old man?\nCould it be that there are others protecting my daughter besides that Ye Guhan?\nIf that is the case…\nHis Majesty, the Emperor contemplated about it, his face remained passive.\n“Considering how much impact this news has, steps must naturally be taken to rectify this misinformation. However, all my bodyguards were injured back then. Thus, I had entrusted this matter to Murong Qianjun to send a message to Senior Duke Jun to inform him that Jun Moxie is still alive.\nIf the Senior Duke have yet to receive the news that Jun Moxie is still alive, then the only possibility…”\n“That is not a possibility, but clearly, Murong Qianjun did not send any messenger to report this matter to the Jun Family.\nOtherwise, this would not…” His Majesty let out a sigh. Traces of savagery suddenly appeared on his clear face before disappearing instantly. “I have no more questions, you should go take some rest.” \nAfter saying that, he stroked Ling Meng’s hair. A pair of empty eyes gazed over the Imperial Palace. His Majesty suddenly felt that this bright yellow colour that represented nobility was an eyesore and discomforting for the heart.\nThis time’s assassination attempt was strange, hehe… how unexpected. \nHis Majesty slowly deliberated, his eyes suddenly turning sharp!\nEn, I supposed the time has come to ‘wash’ the palace.\nI wonder, after using human blood to wash it, will it become even brighter?\nIn the distance, the pounding sound of the drums of war went silent. The entire world was flooded by a suffocating sense of foreboding.\nJun Zhantian, I hope that you do not make things too difficult for me…\nA complicated expression flickered across the Emperor’s eyes and disappeared almost instantly.\nWatching the back of his departing daughter, His Majesty crossed his arms and pondered for a moment. Suddenly, he spoke. “Shadow, go and have a look.\nDo not interfere unless it is necessary and tell Jun Zhantian that his grandson is still alive. If he wants to throw a fit, that is fine, but he must not cross the line!\nHmm, while you are at it, help me pass something to him.\nEn, things have been too peaceful since this old soldier was holding it in all these years…”\nAfter saying that, His Majesty picked up a writing instrument and wrote a few words. Rolling up the note, he turned around and said. “Go.”\nA gust of wind blew and a figure, which seemed imaginary, floated out into existence. In just a moment, the slip of paper that the Emperor was holding had disappeared while a faint shadow could be glimpsed shooting out of the Imperial Palace.\n“I will allow you to be presumptuous. However, in return, I will be borrowing your sword!” The Emperor whispered softly, a meaningful smile spreading out upon His Majesty’s face.\nThe Emperor had always been thorough in his plans. However, he had underestimated the extent of Jun Zhantian’s fury! \nIn addition, this message of his was somewhat late…\n“Men, send in the Great General Dugu Wudi,” The Emperor sighed loudly: En, for now, I will let things remain in a state of chaos.\nHopefully, there will be those who understand and choose to restrain themselves. As for those who cannot understand, then there would be no reason to keep them. Rather, they have no qualifications to be kept.\nIt is not that your father is not allowing you to duke it out. Rather, only those that could emerge victorious could be considered a capable person! \nHowever, you must toe the line! Those that cross this line will be inviting a calamity upon themselves…\nAfter Princess Ling Meng left the Emperor, she returned to her own bedchambers. It was only then did she realize that the only things that her Imperial Father had questioned were all regarding the Jun Family. All of them were questions pertaining to Jun Moxie. Instead, not a single question was spared for His Majesty’s own beloved daughter who had been the main target of the assassination attempt!\nWhy?\nThis assassination attempt had simply too many suspicions within it. This assassination attempt had involved herself, an Imperial Princess and was possibly a sinister product of the other Princes. \nCould it be that in Imperial Father’s heart, this attempt was no less important than the Jun Family?\nOtherwise, was Imperial Father avoiding something?\nOr…\nRecalling the mysterious look in her Imperial Father’s eyes, Princess Ling Meng could not help but tremble for a moment. \nThankfully, Uncle Ye and that mysterious expert are protecting me…\nAs she was feeling distressed, Princess Ling Meng reached into her bosom and retrieved the three small and exquisite flying daggers. Handling it with her hands, she observed that the flying daggers are only as big as her palms; they are slightly curved in a beautiful manner and as thin as a layer of onion. \nEven when all three were stacked together, their added thickness remained thin. \nPrincess Ling Meng felt curious. How could this little flying dagger radiate such a powerful presence, to the extent of forcing a group of murderous assassins to retreat without a fight!\nThe flying dagger laid in silence, its body reflecting the light of her lamp, emitting a crystalline radiance, colourful and dazzling to the extreme. \nIf one were to see such a flying dagger, they would naturally assume that this was a toy belonging to one of the kids hailing from rich families. Who could have imagined that this was a weapon used by an absolute master?\nHowever, I would definitely recognize this unique flying dagger if it should appear before me again! \nPrincess Ling Meng thought happily to herself, her heart filled with a sense of longing: This absolute master is one that even Uncle Ye respects. What kind of person could he be?",
"role": "agent"
] |
"content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家,请将下面的中文网络小说章节内容翻译成英文.每一行都是一个完整的句子.你的任务是将整个章节中的所有句子逐一翻译,并确保根据上下文的语义保持一致,正确传达中文文本的原意.\n文本:第72章\n独孤无敌大将军满肚子郁闷的回到家里,他已经彻底地糊涂了,身在城外军营的他听见战鼓声之后,带着亲卫快马加鞭立即回城,第一时间赶到了皇宫里等候皇帝陛下召见。\n他甚至已经下达了令自己的士兵也做好了战斗准备的命令。\n万一若是君战天造反,整个京城,也就只有独孤家的军队可以保皇,可以与君战天的军事集团抗衡!\n但皇帝陛下异乎寻常的暧昧态度,却让独孤无敌丈二和尚摸不到头脑。\n眼下这么严重的事情,随时都可能引发社稷变动,甚至兵逼皇宫也不是没有可能。\n但皇帝陛下居然只是四个字:稍安勿躁!\n然后就让自己回家找老头子了,甚至不让自己回军营,也不让自己带兵做些防卫的措施——这也太匪夷所思了些。\n独孤无敌晕了。\n一肚皮郁闷的独孤无敌回到家里,还没来得及回去自己院里,第一件事就是去找了父亲独孤纵横老爷子,但后果,却让独孤无敌这位统帅千军万马的大将军更形狼狈至极……\n“你是猪啊!混账东西!就为了这点破事你将老子从被窝里拉出来?\n你这个不孝之子,忤逆玩意,我当初怎么就养活了你这么个废物点心,以后出门不许自称是老子的儿子,老子可丢不起这个人!”\n独孤老爷子很怒,声音大的全府都听得到,唾沫星子喷了自己儿子一头一脸,手指头点在独孤大将军额头,一点一个趔趄:“你就不用你那猪脑袋想一想?\n脑袋里面装的是狗屎啊?造反?放你妈的屁!\n老子告诉你,就算我独孤家造反了,君战天也不会反!\n就算陛下自己造自己的反!君老儿也不会造反!\n赶紧给老子滚回去睡觉,真是懒得理你,你小子就是一头彻头彻尾的猪!蠢猪!他妈的!”\n最后干脆一脚直接将独孤无敌大将军踢出来,独孤老爷子气哼哼的回转卧房,瞬间就传出一声闷哼,接着一个声音:“老东西?你刚才骂啥?\n放他妈的屁?\n无敌他妈是谁?\n他是头猪,你个老东西是什么玩意!\n脑袋里面装的是狗屎啊?\n你个猪,彻头彻尾的猪!”接着便是一阵死要面子强行忍住的闷哼……\n独孤无敌大将军揉着屁股,满脸悻悻;心中恨恨地道:“狠狠地扭这老货!活该!”\n满脑袋雾水回到自己院里,却发现人声嘈杂,居然灯火通明,夫人和三房小妾居然都没入睡,一个个满脸忧色,看到他回来,顿时纷纷围了上来。\n一问才知道,自己女儿下午哭着跑回来,眼泪哗哗的掉,谁劝都没有用,关在自己闺房里到现在没出来,看样子是被人欺负了。\n正郁闷的独孤无敌顿时气冲牛斗,真是诸事不顺!\n在天香城居然还有人敢欺负我的宝贝闺女?\n看老子不带大军去灭了他!\n气呼呼的带着几位夫人闯进了女儿的闺房,也不避讳,心肝宝贝的哄了半天,总算哄的女儿止住了哭声,喝了一碗燕窝粥,这才放下心来。\n“到底是谁欺负了我的宝贝?给老子说,看老子去灭了他们!”独孤无敌脸色有些狰狞。\n看女儿眼睛都哭得肿肿的,不由大是心痛。\n心中一个声音在狂躁的叫:老子要爆发!\n“爹爹,”独孤小艺等的就是自己的老爹,撒娇道:“你可得为女儿做主啊。”\n独孤无敌顿时感觉不妙:难道女儿被人……不由紧张的问道:“是谁?”\n“还不是君家,君莫邪那个臭小子!今天他可气死我了!爹,你可一定要为女儿出头啊!”独孤小艺撅着嘴,委委屈屈的说了起来。\n憋了一天,独孤小艺自己也憋得很了,就等着父亲回来诉诉苦,然后征求父亲同意带着几个哥哥去把君莫邪打一顿,顺便把陨铁抢回来。\n她知道这事跟母亲说等于无济于事,肯定不会同意也不敢同意,所以也就没打那主意。\n听完事情经过,独孤无敌长出了一口气,原来是这样,不是我想的那样,这下可放心了。\n随即眉头一皱,顿时头大如斗:“呵呵,乖女,这个,要是别人吗,你老子我还真不惧他,就算是那个皇子不开眼,我也肯定抓来打一顿给你出气,可是这君莫邪,现在却不大好办啊。”\n当然不好办,现在连君战天都不知道自己孙子在哪里,自己能找的到?\n就算真找到了,自己也未必敢动手的说!\n那老东西现在可是彻底的癫狂了……\n“难道爹爹害怕君老大人?我真命苦啊,可气死我了!”独孤小艺又哭了起来,一扭身子,别过脸去。\n也不知为何,反正想起君莫邪那张脸就想打他,心中就生气,恨不得打掉他那一脸可恶的笑,哼哼。\n“唉!不是酱子滴,”看见女儿又哭了,独孤无敌手足无措,急忙解释:“实在是这小子,唉,现在也不知道他是死是活,都找不到他,还是等找到再说吧。\n等回头爹一定帮闺女报仇!好好的修理的那小子!”\n“啊?不知死活?他怎么了?”\n独孤小艺也不知为什么,突然心中一痛,顿时转过身来,瞪大了哭红的眼睛看着父亲,心中突然觉得紧张了起来,还有些害怕,我……到底在怕什么?\n“听说今天下午灵梦公主遇刺,那家伙居然不自量力赶去报信什么的,结果公主没事,那纨绔小子却成了替死鬼。”\n独孤无敌很是有些幸灾乐祸,没注意到随着自己的说话,女儿的脸色变得煞白,小手也紧紧的攥了起来,依然滔滔不绝的说了下去:“……胸口中了一剑,又被一位银玄杀手在胸口跺了好几脚,然后就被人带走了,也不知道带去了什么地方;依我看呀,那小子的小命悬喽。”\n独孤小艺呻吟一声,呆若木鸡。\n突然感觉心中有些空落落的,没抓没捞,对父亲之后所说的话,居然一句也没听进去,连着那声音,也似乎变得无比的遥远模糊……\n“放心!如果那小子还活着,为父我一定将他抓过来,让我的宝贝亲手打他屁股!打烂,哈哈哈……”独孤无敌畅快的笑了笑,才发现女儿脸上神色不对。\n伸出大手在女儿面前晃了晃:“小艺?小艺!”\n“啊?哦!”独孤小艺如同梦中惊醒,一惊,脸色突然沉静了下来,缓缓伏在床上,低声道:“爹爹,我累了,现在想睡觉了……”\n“恩,那你好好睡一觉。睡醒了啥都好了,为父我得去喝点小酒,解解闷,今天一天真是郁闷……”独孤无敌摇着头走了出去,神经线条无限粗大的独孤无敌,居然没发现女儿很是不对劲……\n独孤小艺扯过被子,将自己全身蒙在了里面,一动不动;听见母亲在温柔的说了几句什么,几个姨娘分别关切地说了几句话,独孤小艺却是压根半点都没有听清楚,心中乱乱的,不知道自己在想什么,自己也不知道是为什么,莫名其妙的只是想哭,只觉的鼻头一阵阵的发酸,心中涩涩的一阵阵抽痛,眼泪无声无息的涌了出来,越来越多,打湿了锦被,居然连娘亲和姨娘们什么时候离去的也不知道……\n难道他,难道他……竟然死了?\n可……可我,可是我还没有……\n翻译:",
"role": "human"
"content": "Chapter 72\nThe great general Dugu Wudi headed back home, his heart feeling suffocated and his mind confused. When Dugu Wudi who was at the military barracks outside the city heard the sound of the war drums, he quickly brought a group of soldiers with him and rode towards the city. The first thing he did after entering the city was to go to the Imperial Palace and request an audience with the Emperor.\nHe had already issued the command for his soldiers to make preparations for war. \nIf Jun Zhantian were to rebel, then his Dugu Family’s military forces would be the only one in the city capable of protecting the Emperor. They were also the only ones capable of going against Jun Zhantian’s forces!\nHowever, His Majesty had maintained his normal, secretive attitude regarding this matter. This caused Dugu Wudi to become perplexed.\nThe current situation had escalated into a very serious level. A drastic change may happen to Tianxiang Kingdom’s ruling power at any moment, the Imperial Palace itself may end up being occupied. \nBut His Majesty only said four words to him: Do not be impatient! \nAfter which, His Majesty sent him home to find his old man. His Majesty did not allow him to return to his barracks and even obstructed his attempt to organize the defences for the Imperial Palace. All of these events were simply too inconceivable.\nDugu Wudi felt himself going dizzy…\nA dispirited Dugu Wudi finally reached his home. Before returning to his own courtyard, he immediately went to find his father, Dugu Zongheng. The end result however, left this great general in command of hundreds of thousands of soldiers extremely embarrassed…\n“You PIG! Damaged goods! You dragged this senior out from my bed all for the sake of this little problem?\nYou unfilial son! Disobedient animal! How could I have brought up such a worthless thing like you? Next time you leave the house, don’t you dare claim that you are my son! I cannot afford to lose so much face!”\nGrandfather Dugu was extremely furious, his voice rose to the point where everyone in the residence could hear him. His spittle was sprayed all over his son’s face while his finger harshly nudged Dugu Wudi’s head, each nudge pushing his head backwards. “Can’t you use that pig head of yours to think?\nOr is it filled with dog poop? Rebel? Your mother’s fart!\nLet this senior enlighten you, even if our Dugu Family were to rebel, Jun Zhantian would never rebel!\nEven if the Emperor himself wants to rebel against himself, Jun Zhantian would also never rebel!\nGet your sorry ass back to bed and sleep! I don’t even have the strength to deal with you anymore, you downright pig! Idiotic pig! Son of a bitch!”\nIn the end, the great general Dugu Wudi was kicked out. Grandfather Dugu angrily turned around and went back to bed, but a fierce voice instantly spoke out. “You old thing! What did you say just now?\nSon of a bitch?\nWho is Wudi’s mother?\nIf Wudi is a pig, then what kind of animal are you?\nIs there nothing in your head but dog poop?!\nYou pig! You utter, downright pig!” Following that, the sound of several forceful slaps could be heard.\nThe great general Dugu Wudi massaged his buttocks, his face filled with resentment. He shouted inwardly: Give him a vicious beating! Serves him right!\nStill feeling confused, Dugu Wudi returned to his own courtyard only to find it filled with noise and brightly lit. His wife and his third lesser concubine were still awake. Seeing him return, they quickly went up to him. \nAfter asking about it, he was informed that his daughter had ran back home while crying, her tears gushing down like a waterfall, and no amount of cheering her up was effective. After that, she locked herself up in her room, not stepping out at all until now. From the looks of it, someone must have bullied her.\nDugu Wudi who was feeling highly dispirited suddenly turned furious. Why is everything going awry today? \nIn addition, who in Tianxiang City could have the guts to bully my baby girl? \nWatch as I mobilize my army to exterminate you! \nAccompanied by his wives, he broke into his daughter’s room and started to coax her. After coaxing her for a long time, she finally stopped crying. After drinking a bowl of soup, she finally calmed down.\n“Who exactly was it that dared to bully my daughter? Tell me their names! This senior will wipe them all out!” A ferocious expression could be seen on Dugu Wudi’s face. \nWatching his dear daughter cry to the point where her eyes had become swollen, he could not help but feel his heart aching. \nA sound roared within him: I want to vent this fury!\n“Father,” Dugu Xiaoyi stared at her father and continued. “You must help get justice for me.”\nDugu Wudi was suddenly beset by a sense of foreboding: Could it be that my daughter was… He could not help but become nervous. “Who is it?”\n“Who else if not that stinking brat, Jun Moxie from the Jun Family! Today, he provoked me to the point of death! Father, you must help me exact justice!” Dugu Xiaoyi pouted and said in an aggrieved manner.\nHolding it in for a whole day, Dugu Xiaoyi had been waiting for her father to come back so that she could complain to him. After that, she would ask her father to bring her brothers together to beat up Jun Moxie and take back the Meteoric Iron while they were at it. \nShe knew that asking these of her mother was pointless, as her mother would not agree. Thus, she did not.\nAfter hearing Dugu Xiaoyi’s words, Dugu Wudi gave out a sigh of relief: It turned out that I was worried for nothing. Ah, I feel much better knowing that did not happen. \nAfter that, he frowned and said. “Hehe, my good daughter. if it was someone else, this senior would have no fear at all. Even if it were one of the Princes, I would still go catch him and give him a beating for your sake. But if it is Jun Moxie, that would be rather difficult considering the current situation.” \nOf course it would be difficult. As of right now, not even Jun Zhantian could tell the whereabouts of his grandson. How could Dugu Wudi locate him?\nEven if he successfully manage to locate him, he may not have the courage to lay his hands on him!\nThat old thing had thoroughly lost it this time…\n“Could it be that father is afraid of the Juns? My life is so bitter! Argh, I am so angry I could die!” Dugu Xiaoyi started crying again. She turned her body and turned her face the other way. \nFor some unknown reason, whenever she recalled Jun Moxie’s face, she felt an urge to beat him up. An inexplicable fury would rise up from within her heart, giving birth to the desire to beat away that detestable smile off his face.\n“Sigh! That is not the case,” Watching his daughter cry out again, Dugu Wudi felt helpless and quickly tried to explain. “The truth is, this brat… Sigh, we do not even know if he is still alive or not. We cannot even find him. Let’s wait until he is found before we proceed.\nLater on, father will definitely help my dear daughter get her revenge! We will take good ‘care’ of that brat!”\n“Ah? You do not know whether he is alive or not? What happened to him?”\nFor some unknown reason, Dugu Xiaoyi felt a stabbing pain in her heart. She turned around, her wide-open tear filled eyes gazed at her father. At the same time, a sense of fear welled up within her… What am I feeling fearful for?\n“I heard that Princess Ling Meng had suffered from an assassination attempt tonight. That bastard who does not know his own limits tried to send a message to the Princess. In the end, the Princess was saved but that debauchee ended up becoming the scapegoat.”\nDugu Wudi’s face was a mask of exultation. He did not take note of the pale face on his daughter’s face after she heard his words, her small hands clutched tightly together. Dugu Wudi continued. “… His chest was stabbed once. After that, a Silver Xuan assassin kicked his chest several times. In the end, someone took him away. As of now, we do not even know where he is. The way I see it, that brat’s life is hanging by a thread.”\nDugu Xiaoyi gave a light moan as she became petrified. \nShe suddenly felt as though her heart had turned into a void of nothingness. Her mind became a complete mess; not a single word from Dugu Wudi’s mouth registered within her mind. Even his voice had seemingly become distant and unclear…\n“There is no need to worry! If that brat is still alive, father will catch him and bring him here for you to personally beat his buttocks! Beat it till it is broken, hahaha…” Dugu Wudi laughed happily. It was then that he realized something was wrong with his daughter’s expression. \nHe extended his hands before her and waved about. “Xiaoyi? Xiaoyi!”\n“Ah? Oh!” Dugu Xiaoyi became startled, as though she had just been awakened from her dream. Her face became calm as she slowly lied down upon her bed. “Father, I feel tired. I want to sleep…”\n“Very well, have a good sleep. Once you wake up, everything would be all right. Father needs to go drink some wine to wash off this unpleasant feeling. Today has been a very bad day…” Dugu Wudi shook his head and exited, absolutely oblivious to the fact that something was very wrong with his daughter…\nDugu Xiaoyi pulled up her blanket, keeping her entire body concealed beneath it as she lay motionless. Her mother and some of her concerned aunts softly spoke a few words to her. However, Dugu Xiaoyi was not able to hear what they said at all. Her heart was in a state of chaos. She could not understand what was going through her mind, nor could she understand the reason for her inexplicable desire to cry. Her nose felt sour and her heart was throbbing irregularly. Tears flowed out silently from her eyes until the bed covers turned wet. She did not even realize when her mother and aunts left the room…\nCould he be, Could he actually be… dead? \nBut… But I, but I have yet to…",
"role": "agent"
] |
Subsets and Splits