stringlengths 1
| English
stringlengths 1
po | by mouth |
htn | hypertension |
qd | daily |
s/p | status post |
nl | normal |
l | avL |
l | left |
l | liter |
l | lymphocytes |
ed | emergency department |
neg | negative |
cp | chest pain |
cp | costophrenic |
sob | shortness of breath |
yo | years old |
etoh | ethanol (aka alcohol) |
r | not an acronym |
r | respirations |
r | right |
wbc | white blood cells |
h/o | history of |
ct | computed tomography |
hpi | history of present illness |
iv | intravenous |
iv | roman numeral 4 |
nkda | no known drug allergies |
er | emergency room |
er | estrogen receptor |
er | extended release |
asa | aspirin |
m | male |
m | monday |
m | monocytes |
m | mother |
m | murmur |
hx | history |
am | morning |
rrr | regular rate and rhythm |
f | aVF |
f | father |
f | female |
f | fever |
cad | coronary artery disease |
nad | no acute disease |
nad | no apparent distress |
jvd | jugular venous distention |
ekg | electrocardiogram |
abd | abdomen |
bp | blood pressure |
nt | nontender |
chf | congestive heart failure |
bs | blood sugar |
bs | bowel sounds |
bs | breath sounds |
cbc | complete blood count |
cr | creatinine |
meds | medications |
nd | nondistended |
nd | not an acronym |
gi | gastroenterology |
gi | gastrointestinal |
nsr | normal sinus rhythm |
wnl | within normal limits |
tte | transthoracic echocardiography |
cta | clear to auscultation |
cta | computed tomography angiography |
hct | hematocrit |
b/l | baseline |
b/l | bilateral |
cxr | chest x-ray |
s1 | not an acronym |
s2 | not an acronym |
cva | cerebral vascular accident |
cva | costovertebral angle |
cont | continue |
eomi | extraocular movements intact |
pmd | primary medical doctor |
f/u | follow up |
lfts | liver function tests |
ncat | normocephalic/atraumatic |
hr | heart rate |
hr | hour |
p/w | presents with |
ef | ejection fraction |
bun | blood urea nitrogen |
k | first initial of physician |
k | not an acronym |
k | potassium |
k | thousand |
c/c/e | cyanosis, clubbing or edema |
x2 | B x2 means 2 brothers |
x2 | bilaterally |
x2 | two times |
inr | international normalized ratio |
t | not an acronym |
t | temperature |
t | tobacco |
t | total |
t | type |
dvt | deep vein thrombosis |
Subsets and Splits