6 values
[ "Hey there, how are ya?", "I'm a little bored. How about you?", "Same here, just hanging out.", "I am not working right now so I lounge on the couch a lot?", "Yeah, man, you sound a lot like me!", "Lol, I used to eat a lot to but I am trying to cut back.", "Food is fuel dude! I usually grab something on the way to the skate park.", "Sounds fun! I take my new puppy, a golden retriever to the park a lot.", "Yeah, that's cool. Pets are a big commitment.", "They're. He whines a lot like me.. lol.. but I love him!" ]
I saw a bulldog that could skate once. It was sick.
[ "Hello there, how are you today?", "I'm good. I just got home from swimming. I love to swim. You?", "I am exhausted, just got back in from Walmart.", "Anything good? I am looking for dog treats. I love my dogs. I love all dogs.", "Well I shop for everything over there. What kind of dogs do you have?" ]
Boston terrier. I get her everything purple, my favorite color. Do you have dogs?
[ "Hello there, how are you today?", "I'm good. I just got home from swimming. I love to swim. You?", "I am exhausted, just got back in from Walmart.", "Anything good? I am looking for dog treats. I love my dogs. I love all dogs.", "Well I shop for everything over there. What kind of dogs do you have?", "Boston terrier. I get her everything purple, my favorite color. Do you have dogs?" ]
I've a german shepherd, he loves to play in the snow here.
[ "I was just here waiting to go to starbucks.", "What do you order at starbucks? I love coffee and vegetables.", "Well, I love little figurines, so I try to collect them there.", "That is awesome. Being vegan means I better like veggies a lot.", "Veggies are good, on the weekends I like to find them at antique stores!", "I love antique stores. I love tacos and eat them at least once a week.", "Well after this is over, I am going to subway, cause its my favorite!", "Yum, but I like jersey Mike Subs.", "Jersey mikes is good. Do they sell little figurines?", "Being from France, I sure do like american food. No figurines." ]
I don't know because on weekends, I'm just always at antique stores.
[ "Hi there. How are you today?", "Doing great, I just finished a hike.", "Oh, I have been playing the guitar.", "I don't play an instrument. I am more a nature girl.", "Oh. I want to be in a band.", "What would you call your band.", "I am not sure. Are you in a relationship?", "My boyfriend and I are going out to eat tonight actually.", "Oh, have fun. My wife and I went out last night.", "We love to eat out. Its hard to come home from work and cook." ]
Yeah, we do too. Italian is our favorite.
[ "Hello! How are you today?", "Great! Just hanging out with my family and friends. You?", "Nothing much, just putting my 2 kids to sleep. Do you meet with friends often?", "All the time. My favorite thing is to watch sports with them." ]
Sounds fun. Do you like basketball? I love it but I'm so short.
[ "Hi. how are you?", "Hello, I am fine, you.", "Bored. But if I go anywhere I've to walk because I never learned to drive.", "I've to stay in alot sometimes too, I've allergies.", "That is no good. I'm deaf so it limits me to what I can do.", "Do you have a job?", "I read books for a living. It is pretty awesome. You?" ]
I work in a hospital, I keep it organized, I can not stand clutter.
[ "Greetings friend. Or should I say, Bienvenido, because I can speak spanish.", "Hola amigo. Happy halloween, soon.", "Yeah! I'm so excited. What are you going to be for halloween?", "A slutty nurse, and my dog will be a cat. You?", "Oooh fun! I am going to be the lead singer from my favorite band, rush.", "Geddy Lee! I like rush too, makes me hungry to listen to it.", "Oh? why is that? Music has never made me hungry lol.", "I dance to it. Or I ride my bicycle. Where do you work?", "Haha... I don't have a job right now.", "Me either. I lay in a field and see the shapes in the sky all day. You?", "I attempt to see things that are colorful." ]
I eat mushrooms and watch the clouds. We can hang out.
[ "Hello, how are you today?", "Beets, bear Battlestar Galactica, which is best?", "Omg, I love you so much.", "Wrong, its beets, also Battlestar is the best televsion show.", "You are so awesome, seriously, let us be friends.", "Paper, sales, its what I do, salesman, also beets.", "Do you want to hear a lie??", "Not if its about beet farms, where I live.", "I think you are great. You are my best friend.", "My best friend is a bear, bear don't have friends, that's why they're my favourite.", "Websters dictionary defines weddings as the fusing of two metals with a hot torch.", "False, wedding haven't had torches since the 18th century." ]
I really have to get to work at my flower shop. Oh hi doggy.
[ "Hi. my 3 closest friends and I are playing donkey Kong. How about you?", "Hi! I'm a makeup artist.", "I love makeup! Being a 14 year old girl I'm still learning.", "I like to play black desert online.", "Never heard of it. I adore video games and swimming.", "My favorite makeup is urban decay. Pops really great colors.", "Nice. Red is my favorite color, I hope to have a red corvette one day.", "My favorite color is purple.", "I have been looking into race cars. Sports cars are my favorite." ]
I really like doing special effects makeup as well.
[ "Hi, I just came back from hunting." ]
Hi, hunting is fun. I love to run very fast!
[ "Hiya! This is to. whats up?", "Its almost my favorite season." ]
Football? I adore football. So glad I moved to Miami so I can cheer on the fins!
[ "Hiya! This is to. whats up?", "Its almost my favorite season.", "Football? I adore football. So glad I moved to Miami so I can cheer on the fins!", "I just hope my mom isn't baking alot of bread.", "Don't like bread? I love bread. Doesn't Jason Mraz have a song about bread?", "I don't eat it, when I could walk a friend bought.", "Do eat it? My mom would be totally pissed if I did not at least try it.", "Ll I cant, a friend got me a car before.", "Oh? what kind of car? I loved the truck bella drove in Twilight.", "Really? A toyota. I love pineapple juice vitamin c." ]
One day I'd like to eat grasshoppers. They have tons of it c.
[ "Hi. how is your evening?", "My evening is good just spending time with my cats.", "Fun. my youngest sister just had her first grade choir program. So cute!", "Oh nice what did they sing?" ]
Songs about fall mostly and the leaves falling. Do you have siblings?
[ "Hello, hows your day going." ]
Hey, I've got ferraris in my garage, three of em!
[ "Hello, hows your day going.", "Hey, I've got ferraris in my garage, three of em!", "Wow really? My dad drove a taxi cab in the 70s but we never had a ferrari!", "Well my dad was a very famous actor!", "Is that how you afforded the ferraris?", "Drug cartel. I'm not a fan of acting at all.", "I was on the local news once, but I didn't break the law. It was mundane.", "Kids are not something I like, I hunt them for sport and giggles!", "What? That'sn't good!! You might wind up on the news yourself." ]
3 ferraris in your garage is my measure of success, not 2 or 4, 3.
[ "Hello. How are you doing today?", "I'm good, and you?", "I am well. Just got in from some rollerblading." ]
Rollerblading... that sounds fun.. do you do it often?
[ "Hello there how are you?", "I am doing great. How was your day?", "I got to go to my favorite restaurant subway so it was great!", "I love the italian bmt. I got to hang out at the lake with some friends!" ]
The lake is great! Do you have any pets?
[ "Hey. whats going on tonight?", "Not a lot, it has been a long day. How about you?", "Work work work.. ll you know, the grind!", "I do indeed! What do you do?", "Working as a paralegal for my folks. They have a law firm together.", "That is very cool. Do you like working with family?", "Its ok. Just too hot here in Texas. Wish winter would come soon.", "I can imagine. Any bad weather because of irma?", "No.. it was harvey that hit hit here. But 100 miles south of me. Thank God!", "That is good to hear. How long have you lived in Texas?", "Only 2 years. Nice thing is lots of beaches. What do you do?", "I'm a teacher and a mom.", "Much respect! You should vacation here in Texas, your kids will love the waterparks." ]
I only have one little boy, but he loves waterparks. Best one?
[ "Hey. whats going on tonight?", "Not a lot, it has been a long day. How about you?", "Work work work.. ll you know, the grind!", "I do indeed! What do you do?", "Working as a paralegal for my folks. They have a law firm together.", "That is very cool. Do you like working with family?", "Its ok. Just too hot here in Texas. Wish winter would come soon.", "I can imagine. Any bad weather because of irma?", "No.. it was harvey that hit hit here. But 100 miles south of me. Thank God!", "That is good to hear. How long have you lived in Texas?", "Only 2 years. Nice thing is lots of beaches. What do you do?", "I'm a teacher and a mom.", "Much respect! You should vacation here in Texas, your kids will love the waterparks.", "I only have one little boy, but he loves waterparks. Best one?" ]
Water snake in Amarillo. I'd go, but I hate wearing swimsuits. I'm too fat lol.
[ "Hi my name is aubrey how are you.", "Hi Aubrey are you single? I'm.", "Sadly yes not many men understand my home life.", "I am currently buying my first home.", "My home is in the water literally hence most men distaste.", "Oh wow, where? I paddle on my off days.", "Outside Orlando my full service salon is within walking distance.", "I can come to the water an play you anything on my piano.", "Your nice I got married and divorced in the same year.", "Really why? what happened? I think to nice sometimes.", "He showed true colors being mad I do sick kids hair for free.", "Oh did he well enough of him come with me." ]
If your okay with the color purple I dye my hair for the cancer race.
[ "Hey, how are you today.", "I am good and you?" ]
I am feeling great! My alpacas are all happy.
[ "Hi, I love to be scary.", "Wow, that is scary. Lol. how are you scary?", "I don't really know. La La La.", "You know what is scary? Inheriting an appliance store! Refrigerators!!!", "Oh nice! I like concerts.", "Concerts, like music? Do you watch concerts on Netflix?" ]
No, I watch them on my roof.
[ "Hi I am vegan and I got two cats.", "Cool! I manage a family owned restaurant that serves is all vegan food!" ]
My favorite is strawberries with honey.
[ "Hi I am vegan and I got two cats.", "Cool! I manage a family owned restaurant that serves is all vegan food!", "My favorite is strawberries with honey.", "The inside of my sports car is scented like strawberries! Its very nice!" ]
Race my car to the beach is where I love to go.
[ "Hi I am vegan and I got two cats.", "Cool! I manage a family owned restaurant that serves is all vegan food!", "My favorite is strawberries with honey.", "The inside of my sports car is scented like strawberries! Its very nice!", "Race my car to the beach is where I love to go.", "I work so much I never have time, at least I'm with family.", "Where do you work? I work for a veterinary office in Texas." ]
Joes vegan grill. Joe is actually my brother, he works there too.
[ "Wanna read a funny joke?", "Does it involve a vegetarian who eats sushi?", "No, but that sounds funny. I will add that to my rep.", "Ll. The parental units still pay my rent, what can I say?", "That is heavenly. I will drink my Cuba libre to that one.", "All things considered, that sounds good. I shall make one for my dog." ]
In my little town when I live, all dogs drink Cuba libre. Its good for them.
[ "Hi how are you today.", "Hi. I'm doing well. I hale from Russia. Where are you from?", "I'm from California.", "What do you like to do in your spare time?", "I don't really have spare time I always work never have bill money.", "Yeah. I'm headed to the gym in a bit to weight lift.", "That's awesome and relaxing at times. Maybe a bus can take me there.", "You'd like it. My friend and I are trying to squad more than my current 400.", "I'm a senior citizen so I don't drive anymore.", "That is tough. Pounds that is. My bench press is almost as good at 345 pounds.", "It sounds like you work out a lot.", "Got to stay fit. Enough about me. Tell me about yourself." ]
I love the color yellow I even painted one of my rooms that color.
[ "Hi, there! whats up? Here its foggy.", "Its sunny here. Perfect weather for flying.", "Whats your favorite color? Mines red.", "I like red too, with a bit of blue and yellow. Like a superhero!", "I wish I could fly like Superman. I would go all over the world, even to other planets.", "My brother and I would like to pretend playing as superheroes when we were little." ]
I would rather listen to music. My dad gave me some koss quadraphonic headphones.
[ "Hi! I am gwyn. I am an author. How are you?", "Hi how are you today?", "Cant complain, just drinking my favorite green tea. How are you?", "Just at work, where do you work?", "Well, I'm an author so I work at home.", "Are you a married writer?", "Nah, not married. I stay at home and write stories in my backyard grass.", "Nice. Whats your favorite color?" ]
Green, like green tea. Whats yours?
[ "Hey how is your day?", "Hello, my day is going good so far. What about yours?", "It is going great just in my sunflower patch.", "Wow, I don't have a sunflower patch but I do enjoy flowers.", "They're the tallest you have seen I'm sure of it, and I love novels." ]
If it were not for my 3 dogs I'd love to have a sunflower patch.
[ "Hello stranger, tell me a bit about yourself!", "Hello there I am a single male who lives in the south.", "I rent a apartment in queens. What do you southerners do for fun?", "I love video games it breaks me away from what I do for work." ]
I play soccer to get away from the grind of finance. Do you play any sports?
[ "Hi, how are you and where are you from?", "Hi, I'm from Dallas, Tc. where are you from?", "I live in the east with my cat, Jasper. Do you have pets?", "Dogs, dogs, and more dogs. I love them.", "Ajaja.. I concur. I'm a barista, what do you do?", "I work at a free clinic.", "Oh ok. Sounds interesting. I'm vegan, do you eat meat?", "Yes, but mainly chicken and fish.", "Mmmm salmon. Orange just like my favorite color." ]
Its so delicious when you grill it... my favorite color is green.
[ "Hello there. How are you today...", "I'm good. How are you?", "Good. At my favorite spot, the library. They have a new system, I hate trying new things.", "I love the library, I'm always done down a good mystery book.", "Its a good place to be alone. I don't trust other people, I prefer solitude." ]
Solitude is good. I spend a lot of time reading at the beach.
[ "Man, can you believe that summer is almost over? It makes me sad.", "I'm not sad because I love the winter holidays more than anything.", "Who does not like Christmas and thanksgiving? But I miss chasing butterflies.", "Christmas is just a special time, especially for parents like me." ]
Do your kids like super heroes?
[ "Hello, how are you! Did you work today.", "Hi. what do you do for fun?", "I take care of people in the hospital.", "I love to sleep and listen to rap.", "Cool! My husband liked to sleep too but we are divorced.", "I just got new shoes!", "I love shoes! I need a new pair, my nursing shoes hot ruined in the er.", "Oh no. do you like ergonomic things?", "What type of ergonomic things?", "I love keyboards and chair." ]
Oh cool, I love doctor pepper soda.
[ "I drink iced tea while teaching in grade school. After that I go shopping." ]
I wish you d buy some of my pottery! Need more money, lol!
[ "Hey there, how are you?", "I am okay, how are you?", "I'm doing well! Just watching a movie. What are you up to?", "Watching a soccer game with my dad.", "That sounds nice. I mostly watch baseball myself. I also am a big cycler.", "I don't really like baseball, it is too slow for me.", "It definitely can be slow.", "What other things are you into?", "I do a lot of traveling and hiking. I also like to read.", "That is cool, I do some hiking with my dog sometimes." ]
Dogs are such good hiking partners! What kind of dog?
[ "Hey there, how are you?", "I am okay, how are you?", "I'm doing well! Just watching a movie. What are you up to?", "Watching a soccer game with my dad.", "That sounds nice. I mostly watch baseball myself. I also am a big cycler.", "I don't really like baseball, it is too slow for me.", "It definitely can be slow.", "What other things are you into?", "I do a lot of traveling and hiking. I also like to read.", "That is cool, I do some hiking with my dog sometimes.", "Dogs are such good hiking partners! What kind of dog?" ]
He is a golden retriever, he is my best friend.
[ "Hey, how are you this evening?", "I am doing well and you?", "Good. Just relaxing and getting ready to dive into a good book.", "Which one? I'm working as a life guard.", "Right now I'm reading enders game. A life guard, that's an interesting job.", "Never read it! Is it good? I love saving lives.", "Do you work at a pool, lake or ocean? I'm a retired veteran." ]
At a beach! I was able to buy a yellow convertible. Ho many years did you serve?
[ "Hey, how are you this evening?", "I am doing well and you?", "Good. Just relaxing and getting ready to dive into a good book.", "Which one? I'm working as a life guard.", "Right now I'm reading enders game. A life guard, that's an interesting job.", "Never read it! Is it good? I love saving lives.", "Do you work at a pool, lake or ocean? I'm a retired veteran.", "At a beach! I was able to buy a yellow convertible. Ho many years did you serve?", "What a good life! The beach, and a convertible. I just putter around my garden.", "It sure is! Do you have a car?" ]
I've an old truck. In Kentucky, we have lakes, but no ocean.
[ "Good evening. How are you?", "Great. Do you have any jokes for me?", "I do not. I take a lot of pictures. I'd like to be a famous photographer.", "What do you take pictures of?" ]
Landscape. Some times I take pictures underwater.
[ "Hi, how are you today?", "I m good thanks. How are you?", "I am fine thanks for asking.", "Have to work late tonight. Gotta love retail.", "Yeah I've had my fair share of retail. Do you have any hobbies?", "I listen to a lot music. Especially madonna.", "Love madonna! I enjoy garden currently growing tomatoes and sweet peppers.", "I love gardening. I grew a lot of hot peppers this year." ]
Have you ever thought about getting a greenhouse. I currently own one.
[ "I'm employed at a marketing firm, what do you do?", "Hello. I draw and paint pictures. Do you have any cats? I've one named charlie." ]
I no pets. I spend my past time hiking the appalachian trail.
[ "Hi how are you doing tonight.", "Great, and you? Looking forward to a concert this weekend!", "I'm good I'm 7 foot so I don't fit well in the chairs.", "Interesting! Do you like to swim? I do that pretty much everyday at the y.", "Not much time working for Ibm and all." ]
Its tough now days. Playing the cello calms me. My mom taught me as a child.
[ "Hey! names Jane and studying to become a journalist.", "Hello Jane, I'm Mia. I'm going to Europe next month.", "Sounds fun! I've a small french bulldog, I work at Sears selling washers." ]
Those are cute dogs, I've a maltese, Paris.
[ "Hey good afternoon how are you?", "I am good, I just finished baking brownies. How are you?", "I am well tired from hiking you?", "I love hiking! I've traveled all around the world just so I can hike.", "Wow I like how you talk!", "Thanks. I think its from my time in the military, I tend to speak very precisely.", "Do you like any music? I enjoy folk style.", "I do like music, I listen to punk a lot. Do you enjoy punk rock?" ]
No I do not like the appalachian trail?
[ "Hi how are you.", "Fine and how are you today?", "Tired, I just relocated to California from Japan.", "Do you have any hobbies?", "Dancing and singing! And you?", "Long days working at zoo, but love crime novels.", "My English is still poor, I wish I could read those.", "Tell me something about you?", "I am an aspiring actor.", "That's interesting, do you like it here in California?" ]
It is nice weather. My dog likes walking with me after I am off work.
[ "Hello. What do you like to do? I read ebooks.", "Hi, I love to make my own coffee." ]
I like coffee I drink while I watch Marvel.
[ "Hi, how are you?", "Hey, I am good you?", "Oh not bad, think I am gonna have to fire someone down at the consulting agency.", "Oh well if it were me I'd try to make it a joke.", "Yah, my husband said the same thing, gosh he's wonderful!", "I only love 2 things my 3 cats and candy.", "Indeed! I wouldn't know what to do without my two small dogs!" ]
My cats over heat in my honda while I deliver packages.
[ "Hey there I like black shirts.", "Hey there I like to sing song while showering.", "One of my purses is black too. Do you sing rock music?", "No I am shy so I never got into that.", "Rock is the best, especially guns and roses. What do you sing?", "I see. I don't sing, I never drank alcohol and I'm content with life.", "You are sweet. I know someone who has never drank too.", "I'm not sweet I'm sower. My dog is my bff. Do you have one?" ]
I've a yellow lab. What kind is yours?
[ "Hey there! I'm about to put some alcohol in my coffee and get this party started!", "Sounds fun! Turn on some music!", "Yea! how about some lindsay stirling? I love her!", "I guess that works. I am more in to country.", "Love it! I can smoke 2 packs of cigarettes and listen to some country.", "Do you have any hobbies? I enjoy surfing.", "Nice. I bet you stay in shape. I love eating meatloaf.", "I am in pretty good shape. You?", "Yes! In my second life, I'd want to be A.", "You want to be what?" ]
I'd want to be a hippo!!!
[ "Hey its bonnie, whats up.", "Hi Bonnie! I have been at the hospital because of my father.", "Oh no! is everything okay?", "He had a heart attack and it was scary.", "I'm really sorry to hear that. Its so scary with family.", "Thank you very much. I wanted to go to Comic con if this did not happen.", "There is always comic con next year. My band played there couple years ago.", "Really? Guitar is my instrument!" ]
Cool! I sing lead vocals. Don't make much but it bought me a pink moped.
[ "Hey its bonnie, whats up.", "Hi Bonnie! I have been at the hospital because of my father.", "Oh no! is everything okay?", "He had a heart attack and it was scary.", "I'm really sorry to hear that. Its so scary with family.", "Thank you very much. I wanted to go to Comic con if this did not happen.", "There is always comic con next year. My band played there couple years ago.", "Really? Guitar is my instrument!", "Cool! I sing lead vocals. Don't make much but it bought me a pink moped." ]
Maybe we can take your pink moped to watch short films sometime.
[ "Hello! Where are you in the world?", "United states, we have got some great hiking around here. What about you?", "I am in the us too! Urbanite here.", "You got any good burritos around you? I love burritos.", "Yes steak burritos are the bomb!", "Do you like Netflix or Hulu or anything?" ]
I'm a netflix junkie! What about you?
[ "Hello! How are you today?", "Hi! Broke my glasses today, so not great. You?", "Sorry to hear that. I'm good. Watching the sunset. Its beautiful.", "I've taped them with a tiger printed duct tape I know, ridiculous! Where are you?", "I live on the west coast. Right on the ocean. You?", "I live in San Francisco, Ca!", "Awesome! High fives all around.", "Do you work on study?", "Neither. I spend my days surfing. I love it." ]
I am so jealous! Wish I was surfing too! I go to college hearty.
[ "Hello there! I am Sarah, just like my grandmother.", "Hi Sarah. Do you like music? My entire family is musical.", "I do! I listen to it on all my walks, which I really enjoy.", "Hi Sarah. Do you like music? My entire family is musical.", "I also listen to music in my car! It is a Honda civic.", "I play the violin and my pomeranian dances when I practice.", "Very cool! My best friend has a pomeranian and she lives down the street.", "I've placed in a few competitions.", "Very cool! You must be really good!" ]
My pom is named sedona she looks like the red rocks.
[ "I'm looking for someone special.", "I sell encyclopedias and work part time at a gas station.", "Currently single at the moment.", "I like doing macaroni art. Good to be alone sometimes.", "Interesting combo, I'm a pro gambler.", "Oh. how do you like Vegas?", "Yea it is good to have alone time." ]
I also collect rocks. Good to walk by the beach.
[ "Hi how are you today?", "Hello there, I'm feeling quite unsettled. How are you?", "You should settle down then sparky.", "My dearest companion has died, I feel as though a piece of me is missing; incomplete.", "I can blog about it for you?", "Well sure. I think my two boys and my husband would love that.", "What do you do for work?", "I create beautiful works of art starting in my mind, sent to my hands, finished on paper.", "Very cool. Where do you live?" ]
In Tennessee a family home with a nice yard. Where our dear dog used to play..
[ "Hello there, how is your night going?", "Pretty good. I'm writing a poem for my punk band.", "That's nice. Do you like dogs? They are my favorite animal.", "I like dogs but I don't own any. What is your favorite breed?", "Greyhounds, I've two of them.", "What is your favorite color? I am partial to black.", "Mine would be red. Do you work. I am a vet assistant.", "Yes I sing for a punk band. I am hoping to play in the Uk.", "Good luck to you! Sounds like fun.", "Thanks. Must be rewarding helping animals.", "It is, only thing is my mom is allergic to my pets.", "I can appreciate. That I'm very allergic to cats.", "I've to leave my dogs at my house if I visit her." ]
I like to exercise and skating is one of my favorite activities.
[ "Hello there, how is your night going?", "Pretty good. I'm writing a poem for my punk band.", "That's nice. Do you like dogs? They are my favorite animal.", "I like dogs but I don't own any. What is your favorite breed?", "Greyhounds, I've two of them.", "What is your favorite color? I am partial to black.", "Mine would be red. Do you work. I am a vet assistant.", "Yes I sing for a punk band. I am hoping to play in the Uk.", "Good luck to you! Sounds like fun.", "Thanks. Must be rewarding helping animals.", "It is, only thing is my mom is allergic to my pets.", "I can appreciate. That I'm very allergic to cats.", "I've to leave my dogs at my house if I visit her.", "I like to exercise and skating is one of my favorite activities." ]
That sounds like so much fun. I've not skated in years.
[ "Hi, what are you up to today?", "Just playing with my dogs and cats!!! You?", "Just making myself a salad.", "The pizza place on the corner makes a great Chicago style salad!!!" ]
I just love salad, actually, I love eating veggies any way they are served.
[ "I'm in the library doing homework right now. What about you??", "Just walked home from work getting ready to play soccer.", "That's cool! I love soccer.", "Me too! What do you do for a living? I'm in finance.", "I'm trying to do architecture.", "That sounds interesting. Fun fact, I cannot stand coffee.", "Dang! I love my garden and luckily I am tall so I can pick apples from the tree.", "That's a good hobby to have. I enjoy the outdoors also.", "I want to travel to Italy or France and see the vineyards.", "That would be an amazing trip! I have an indoor garden since I live in an apartment.", "I've to be outdoors all the time I love fishing.", "I like fishing too. I also like to hike." ]
My mom went hiking the other day and saw a bear!
[ "Hey whats going on?! How are you.", "Hi! I'm doing well, cooked up some stews today, how about you?", "Just looking for smelly feet remedies. Lol mine are horrible.", "Aw its okay, I'm an older lady so I don't mind.", "Haha ok. Well with my brown eyes, blonde hair and an obsession with money, typical female.", "Oh, do you like to watch tv? I enjoy Spongebob.", "I am not much of a tv fan. More movies than anything.", "Cool, I always get nachos with extra cheese when I go to the movies.", "Lol I would rather just have popcorn and sprite.", "I cannot help it, I love cheese. Wish they had cheese popcorn too." ]
You can put cheese on your popcorn I am sure.
[ "Hi, how are you today?", "Great I can dance great." ]
I'm just here trying to teach my dog how to read.
[ "Good morning,. how is everything with you?", "Pretty good. Just leaving to go to school.", "What are you studying? I am working on my masters in italian literature.", "Law, just retired from military like my dad, second career.", "That is awesome. Better than my family. My brother believes he is a viking.", "Hmmm... vikings enjoy meat just like me.", "Do not eat meat. Love animals, especially my pet skunk.", "Lol.... my girlfriend, whom I love, would agree with you.", "Where do you guys live? I am in Oregon.", "Oh, I live near by in Washington state. Too many fires right now.", "You are right. I love that I'm in an attic in Portland; away from that madness.", "I live close to the ocean so not so bad right now.", "I just painted my nails green. Maybe I'll head to the ocean soon." ]
Green nails. How does that look?
[ "Hi! whats your favorite band? Love red hot chili peppers!", "Hi! I don't have a favorite band but my favorite reading is twilight.", "I love to write! Want to be journalist but have settle for selling washers at sears.", "Well I do not have a job because I broke my nose when I was 10.", "Oh dear. I hurt my feet too. They are like womens size six.", "Well at least you do not have 6 toes on your foot like me!", "Really? That is more toes than my french bulldog!", "Yes! That is why I dislike skiing." ]
Haha. Cant keep your feet together on the slopes?
[ "Hi there! How are you?", "Hi, I'm great. I'm jack. How are ya?", "Good! its lunch time for me. I'm trying to be vegetarian.", "Oh wow. cool. what are some hobbies of yours.", "I play field hockey and soccer and love spending time with my dog. You?", "My favorite is playing tennis with my friends and two sisters. I love dogs.", "I love dogs too! They're my favorite animal.", "Whats your dogs name? And what breed?", "I've a Boston named Gus. I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up.", "That is great. My occupation in baking.", "Oh! what do you like to bake? I just had an amazing cake for my 15th day.", "I actually make birthday cakes. Congratulations on your 15th birthday!" ]
Ty! Since I like to play soccer, my cake was a soccer ball.
[ "Hi names Chet and I'm a write for the times magazine. And live in new York.", "Wow that a cool place I play sports we went there once.", "It is and quite busy my high school sweetheart and I got married in June.", "Wow congrats! The sport is volleyball." ]
Thanks. I enjoy going to the Guggenheim museum.
[ "Hey. How are you doing this evening?", "So far so good, I do computer work at home.", "I do as well. Are you into roleplaying?", "I love it, especially if blue jello is involved.", "Huh that is pretty niche. Do you read?", "Yeah I read, do you like long red hair?", "Have you ever considered growing dreads? That would be cool.", "Maybe, seems like a lot of work though. Do you like asparagus? I hate it!", "Ew! I only like it if its fresh but even then I don't know. I like ramen.", "Ramen sounds good. Which one is your favorite?", "The chicken one. But I add a lot of different ingredients.", "That is cool, I like the beef flavored ones." ]
Have you ever tried a gyro? They are super tasty.
[ "Hello, have you seen my black car?", "Hello, no I've not. I'm a boy scout leader for my sons group.", "That is cool, the car is leased anyway so it is not that impressive.", "Yes they love my celebrity impressions and I teach them the four languages I know.", "Kids are cool, I don't even have pets.", "Oh, I love animals. I was in 4h and won many awards. Any hobbies?", "Brunch, it is pretty much my favorite hobby.", "Brunch is nice, what is your favorite food?", "Definitely grilled cheese sandwiches, yours?", "I like pizza, its easy and yummy.", "What is your favorite pizza?", "Ham is my favorite. What do you do for work?" ]
I collect and sell pine cones.
[ "Hello how are you this evening?", "Just finishing up a great book and relaxing. How about you?", "That sounds nice. I have been spending time with my three great danes.", "A dog lover! I enjoy being on my own right now. No one home but me.", "I lift weights in my spare time. What is your favorite food?" ]
Pizza margherita with thin crust. Whats yours?
[ "Hey, how are you doing?", "Hi. I'm doing well. Its raining and I love it." ]
I love rain and storms, esp with a good book!
[ "Hi! my name is Liz! What is your name and where are you from?", "My name is Ian I'm from the midwest you.", "Hi Ian! I am from Switzerland. Do you have any hobbies?", "Shopping and knitting your self?", "I love cooking and running! What kind of stuff do you knit?", "Pillows blankets and things like that.", "Very cool! I wish you could knit me mittens for my hands!", "You live in a cold climate?" ]
Yes I live in the alps! But I love it because of the blue sky!
[ "Hello how is your day? I am watching basketball.", "I am at work. Texting during work.", "Is your boss okay with that? I enjoy hunting and can not text then.", "It is my break. My roommate takes up the computer at home.", "Oh roommates aren't fun. I have kids, boys and girls. Always using computers.", "My roommate also drinks beer which I don't like at all.", "That's annoying. I don't have a spouse.", "I collect koala bear memorabilia as they are my fav animals.", "I do not collect anything but I sing.", "Once I get a full time job I hope to afford singing lessons.", "What are you looking for?", "Maybe to work with koala bears? Lol. that does not seem likely.", "It would be an ideal job. I work but prefer to hunt and watch basketball." ]
I hope you do not hunt koala bears!
[ "Hello friend. How are you today?", "Hello, I am doing very well thank you. Getting ready to go to brunch.", "Do you have an idol? Mine is Thierry Henry.", "I do not. What to you do for a living? I'm an army recruiter.", "I am a professional soccer player. Pizza is my favorite food for any meal.", "That sounds fun, what kind of car do you drive?", "Are you married? I'm, my son is four and my wife is a writer.", "I'm not. I prefer to spend time and money on my car.", "I've a Bmw. I bought it when I attended Stanford." ]
I've a black mclaren. It is my favorite.
[ "Hello, how are you doing today?", "Hi! I'm good. I just got done watching goodfellas, my favorite movie!", "That is a very good movie. I, personally, love disney movies.", "Cool! Do you have other hobbies? I love to watch football and hockey on tv.", "I play soccer as often as I can!", "Oh nice, great exercise. I really love reading, but should get outdoors more.", "I love reading too! If I'm not playing soccer or working then I'm definitely reading!" ]
I'm planning a party for my parents, they have been married 40 years this friday!
[ "Good evening, how are you?", "Good evening, I am doing good! How r u this fine nite.", "Good now that the power is back on.", "Glad it came back on for U.", "Yes, even doing hot yoga, it was to hot to excessive or hike.", "Wow so u were stewing in your own juices lol.", "Pretty much. I was obsessing over my pets as the temperature went up.", "Oh yea those poor creatures, I have a couple turtles.", "That's cool. What kind of turtles?", "I got two snapping turtles, they are fun." ]
I use to photograph lagerheads in the keys.
[ "Hi my name is kellie what is your name?", "Hi Kellie, I am Sarah. My dog, snuggles says hi as well.", "Hi snuggles lol. I hope your having a good morning.", "I'm thank you. Numbers, is constantly running through my head. Sucks!", "Ll I am sorry to hear that. What do you do for a living?", "An accountant. What do you do for a living?", "I work in the legal department but, I would like to be a photographer.", "A photographer, that is really amazing. I love that.", "Yes I like taking pictures.", "Been wanting to get my black hair back straightened again.", "My hair is black and full of curls it will never straighten lol.", "Lol.. natural curls are gorgeous. I permed mine.", "Do you believe in legends like ghosts or leprechauns.", "Leprechauns that is for sure! Lol.", "Ll I think there's a little magic that exists in the world today.", "Yes! I agree that there's a pot of gold at the end. And a leprechaun!" ]
Do you have a best friend? My best friend is my beautiful husky lobo.
[ "What type of meat is your favorite?", "Ham and cheese, how about you.", "I like a tender steak but most of the time I eat chicken.", "Cheese sandwich I would say.", "What type of cheese is your favorite?" ]
I'm into orange juice too, how about you?
[ "Hey, Jefferson here, what is up?", "Nice to meet ya Jeff, I am John, just chilling.", "Yeah, I am doing the same thing in my apartment. Nobody lives with me here.", "That is cool going to the casino later.", "Do you gamble a lot?", "Not alot but overdue it when I do.", "I make all my money as an environmental engineer.", "Wow that sounds like good job there.", "Yeah, it is over in Portland, Maine. It is beautiful here.", "Cool cool, I am in new Orleans.", "Are there many hiking trails over there?", "I am not sure, I do not hike, I eat alot of shrimp tho." ]
I've taken a couple of photos of shrimp before. I love taking photos.
[ "Hey do you ever wonder how you will find parking at a new place? I do.", "If I drove I would probably wonder that.", "Hey do you ever wonder how you'll find parking at a new place? I do.", "My mom made me get braces and I hate it!", "Ouch braces. I had to learn because it was just me and my brother.", "I get told alot that I talk when I am not supposed to.", "I get that too but my hair is dyed blonde and they think it is natural.", "I hope to one day become a veterinarian. I love animals, you?", "Right now, I just chase food trucks. They are awesome.", "Never thought of chasing food truck, I need to eat less. That would not help.", "It sure would not be good." ]
I have been doodling ponies on my three ring binder, trying to stay busy.
[ "Hey I'm Allie, I love to bake cookies. But cant eat them.", "Hi Allie I'm rod I also love cookies and running wild.", "Running wild? Like in an open field?", "Yes because my favorite band is american eagle.", "Awesome, have you tried something called a bagel? I love them!", "Not yet lets have a dinner I'll pick you up with my Chevy truck.", "Can dinner come after a run in that field. I wanna try.", "Yes but I don't eat vegetables I like spending time with my family.", "Oh I love vegetables, carrots are my favorite and coke drink.", "I do not drink soda it will make me fat.", "You can run it off in that field.", "Yes I can do that if you want I can drift it.", "Yay! two cokes for dinner, I'll make cookies too.", "I don't love sweets just be careful you drink too much soda.", "I only drink coke from China, and it is hard to find in the Usa." ]
Just run after you drink a coke so it will burn like me.
[ "I like to meditate.", "I have been learning how to garden its meditative for me." ]
That sounds nice. What are you planting?
[ "I like to meditate.", "I have been learning how to garden its meditative for me.", "That sounds nice. What are you planting?" ]
A home garden so peas, tomatoes, etc. what other hobbies do you have?
[ "Hi! my name is Paul. Whats yours? I'm an outdoorsman. How about you?", "Hello, I work at a junior college in Nashville." ]
That is cool. My occupation has been dwindling. I am a lumberjack. People wann save trees.
[ "Hello. Would you like to chat tonight with an hold hockey player?", "Whoooooo karaoke night tommorow! I would love to chat with a hockey player over a song.", "Oh nice! I cannot play anymore due to having asthma though." ]
I need to figure out how to eat apples without a epi pen... ever have Apple pie?
[ "Hi, how are you doing tonight?", "Doing good, how about you?", "I am great thank you for asking.", "So, do you have a favorite color? Mine is yellow.", "Yes, mine is pink? My favorite animal is a koala what is your?" ]
Oh, I love flamingos! Every winter I vacation in Florida and see them.
[ "Way best the was this thought i. quickly pretty friend a make to hoping iowas hi,.", "What are your hobbies? I went hiking on a new trail last week.", "Kayaking go to love i." ]
I would love to go to Canada and hike some mountains way up north.
[ "Way best the was this thought i. quickly pretty friend a make to hoping iowas hi,.", "What are your hobbies? I went hiking on a new trail last week.", "Kayaking go to love i.", "I would love to go to Canada and hike some mountains way up north.", "I was navy brat. I've been to Canada." ]
Maybe I will go to college in Canada so I can do some hiking there.
[ "Is anybody there? Hello!", "Hello, how are you today?", "My feet hurt. I been riding my hog all day, with the other bikers.", "I understand, been working in my garden, there are some good looking vegetables coming in.", "Yum! I'm a vegetable lover too! I've a tomato, eggplant and onion tattoo... maybe ten more!", "Really? A tattoo? My favorite veggie is an onion...", "Yeah. You can get a lot of juice out of one onion.", "You can. What other interests do you have aside from riding your bike?", "I go into the ring with gloves on. I always win! How about you?", "I like researching crystals and collecting them. They are useful for different things, specifically their powers." ]
I heard about quartz. Is that pink?
[ "Is anybody there? Hello!", "Hello, how are you today?", "My feet hurt. I been riding my hog all day, with the other bikers.", "I understand, been working in my garden, there are some good looking vegetables coming in.", "Yum! I'm a vegetable lover too! I've a tomato, eggplant and onion tattoo... maybe ten more!", "Really? A tattoo? My favorite veggie is an onion...", "Yeah. You can get a lot of juice out of one onion.", "You can. What other interests do you have aside from riding your bike?", "I go into the ring with gloves on. I always win! How about you?", "I like researching crystals and collecting them. They are useful for different things, specifically their powers.", "I heard about quartz. Is that pink?" ]
Rose quartz is. It promotes nurturing and is used for bonding.
[ "Hi, how are you doing?", "I'm good, how are you?", "I am alright, a little upset my new laptop has a bad battery.", "That sounds bad. I do not know much about laptops. I work with medicine.", "Oh that is super cool! I write short stories.", "That is amazing! Do you write any about dogs? Maybe labradors or retrievers?", "Yea! I love dogs. I'm actually in college and I ride my bike to class.", "Lucky. I live in San Francisco and its too dangerous for that." ]
Oh wow I'm actually from San Francisco haha. Pretty cool city.
[ "Hi, how are you doing?", "I'm good, how are you?", "I am alright, a little upset my new laptop has a bad battery.", "That sounds bad. I do not know much about laptops. I work with medicine.", "Oh that is super cool! I write short stories.", "That is amazing! Do you write any about dogs? Maybe labradors or retrievers?", "Yea! I love dogs. I'm actually in college and I ride my bike to class.", "Lucky. I live in San Francisco and its too dangerous for that.", "Oh wow I'm actually from San Francisco haha. Pretty cool city." ]
It is, but it gets way too crowded. I want to go to Paris.
[ "I'm volunteering at a soup kitchen today. What are you going to do?", "I love to cook, so I'll be doing a lot of that.", "So do i. my family had a restaurant during my childhood.", "I worked as a nurse for a long time, so cooking is a nice change.", "What kinds of food do you like to cook?", "Mostly italian stuff. I like making homemade pastas.", "I enjoy that as well. It is also delicious.", "Agreed. My husband sells stuff and came across a pasta maker sale. I bought it.", "I make mine by hand.", "It is hard work. Very tiring I think.", "Yes but it is fun to do.", "It is very fun. Anything that involves cooking is." ]
I don't enjoy chopping veggies.
[ "Hi hows it going how are you." ]
Doing good. I just got done with a great civil war reenactment this weekend.
[ "Hi how are you today.", "Hello, I am alright and yourself?", "I just got done cooking.", "What did you make? Do you cook alot?" ]
I made some nice lasagna I work as chef.
[ "Hello. How are you today?", "I'm doing ok, how about you?", "I am a little tired. Every night, I walk three hours home from work.", "Oh my goodness, don't you have a car?", "No. I cannot afford a car. I work in a fast food restaurant.", "That's a shame, do you have access to public transportation.", "No. no public transportation where I live.", "Man that stinks. Do you have time for any hobbies?", "Yes. I'm currently looking for classes that are nearby. Krav maga classes.", "That sounds like fun. I like to take photos.", "That's cool! I love wearing purple. That would look awesome in pictures.", "Yes it would, especially this time of year with the fall colors.", "Absolutely. Fall is my favorite time of year." ]
Me too, I really like baking pies and its perfect for that.
[ "Hi how are you today.", "I'm good, and you? My name is Kim and I like swimming, but hat tacos.", "Whats bad about tacos huh?", "Don't like meat. Do you have long hair? I'm bald.", "I do not. Where do you work.", "I've not worked in ages. What about you?", "I work for Del Taco. Huoh.", "Haha, no way. I did not mean to knock tacos.", "Yeah I am the leader of the fry division tho.", "Cool. Too bad I dislike tacos, I will never taste yours." ]
My goal in life is to make the perfect french fry.
[ "Hi how are you today?", "I'm fine, making a few Youtube videos, I'm a makeup specialist.", "Cool! What are your favorite colors? Mine are yellow and teal." ]
I love pink, pink everywhere!!! My car too!