6 values
[ "Are you enjoying your trip to New Orleans ?", "Oh , yes . I really like it here .", "Would you like to do something tonight ?", "Sure . I'd love to .", "Let's see . Have you been to a jazz club yet ?", "Yes . I've already been to several clubs here ." ]
OK . What about an evening riverboat tour ?
[ "Excuse me . Do you study Chinese at the university here ?", "Yes , I do . But my characters are very bad ." ]
It takes a long time to learn Chinese writing .
[ "Nice weather , honey !", "The days are getting longer !", "May and Daniel often like this kind of weather .", "Yeah , they can enjoy themselves in the day time and it is not so hot .", "Honey , how about taking them to the beach this weekend ?", "That's great !", "Since last time we've climbed the mountain , we haven't gone out for a long time .", "And this kind of weather is rare for the season either .", "Yes , I remember last year this time , the weather is so hot .", "So we must seize this chance to go the beach ." ]
Daniel loves the beach very much !
[ "People say that you never have a real winter in the South China , but I don't think so .", "Why ?" ]
I did experience a winter with snow in Kunming , the Spring City .
[ "People say that you never have a real winter in the South China , but I don't think so .", "Why ?", "I did experience a winter with snow in Kunming , the Spring City ." ]
With snow in Kunming ? That's crazy !
[ "Can you tell me where I can park ?", "Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile ?", "I drive an automobile .", "Fine . You can either park in the student lot or on the street . Do you know what a handicapped space is ?", "Yes , I have seen those spots ." ]
Well , when you see the blue spots with the handicapped logo , do not park there unless you have a special permit . Are you going to be parking in the daytime or the evening ?
[ "Do you have a copy of today ’ s newspaper ? I want to check the results from the world athletics championship .", "Yes , I β€˜ m just reading them myself . It ’ s been a great competition . We got gold medals in three events .", "Yes , we won the men ’ s 110 metres hurdles . I watched that on TV . What other events did we win ?", "We won the men ’ s high jump and the women ’ s 1500 meters .", "That ’ s great . Those athletes must train for years to get into peak physical condition . They must be terribly disappointed if they don ’ t win .", "The woman who won the 1500 meters also broke the world record by 2 seconds .", "That ’ s amazing ! Were any other records broken ?", "A Russian man broke the discus record by a centimeters . Out best athlete broke his personal best in the long jump , but it only got him third place ." ]
Did you see the final of the men ’ s 100 metres ? It was very exciting . One competitor made two false starts .
[ "hi , I'm Lucas , I just moved in next door .", "oh , hi Lucas , come on in . I'm Barbara . Nice to meet you .", "nice to meet you too .", "would you like something to drink ? I've got tea and some grape juice .", "thanks . Some tea would be nice . Chinese tea is great . I really like your tea set . Where did you get it ?", "oh , there is a supermarket not far from here . But there is also a tea house around the corner , where you can get tea and a tea set as well ." ]
oh yeah , I saw the tea house the other day . I think I might go and have a look sometime . It's a nice neighborhood here .
[ "It's going to strike 12 o'clock . Let's get the firecrackers ready , Rose .", "Aren't firecrackers forbidden in the city ?", "Well yes , but they are not allowed only in downtown areas . It's OK here . It would be difficult to ban customs that have thousands of years of tradition . The habit does bring kids joy and excitement so long as precautions are taken . Let's go out and set off firecrackers out there .", "Fantastic ! The whole city is echoing with crackling sounds !", "What other activities will you have tomorrow ?" ]
Quite a lot . The celebration of the New Year has just started . The first day we southerners have sweet rice cakes for breakfast , and people in the North have Jiaozi . Afterward , we will make New Year calls on family relatives , husband's side on the first day and wife's side on the second .
[ "It's going to strike 12 o'clock . Let's get the firecrackers ready , Rose .", "Aren't firecrackers forbidden in the city ?", "Well yes , but they are not allowed only in downtown areas . It's OK here . It would be difficult to ban customs that have thousands of years of tradition . The habit does bring kids joy and excitement so long as precautions are taken . Let's go out and set off firecrackers out there .", "Fantastic ! The whole city is echoing with crackling sounds !", "What other activities will you have tomorrow ?", "Quite a lot . The celebration of the New Year has just started . The first day we southerners have sweet rice cakes for breakfast , and people in the North have Jiaozi . Afterward , we will make New Year calls on family relatives , husband's side on the first day and wife's side on the second .", "Do you bring some gifts along ?", "That's for sure . Fruit , cream cakes , medical tonics are often for parents and aged relatives , and cash enclosed in a red envelope for the kids . All this , of course , should be well prepared beforehand .", "Is it the same practice for all families ?", "Not all the same nowadays I must say . Many families , especially those of newly married couples , choose to make an overseas trip to escape the routines . Rose and I had a tour to Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and Hong Kong last year . We stayed there for two weeks until the last day of the holiday .", "I really appreciate the way you Chinese people exchange feelings . The holiday's long enough for you to relax ." ]
Well , for city dwellers , the Spring Festival is a holiday of seven days . While in the country where traditions are still heavily emphasized , the festival lasts ten days .
[ "do you like playing games ?", "I like playing computer games , but I'm not really into board games ." ]
how about individual games like the Rubik's cube or solitaire ?
[ "do you like playing games ?", "I like playing computer games , but I'm not really into board games .", "how about individual games like the Rubik's cube or solitaire ?" ]
the Rubik's cube is so difficult to solve that I think it should be banned !
[ "do you like playing games ?", "I like playing computer games , but I'm not really into board games .", "how about individual games like the Rubik's cube or solitaire ?", "the Rubik's cube is so difficult to solve that I think it should be banned !", "if I taught you how to do it , I'm sure you could solve it .", "how did you figure out how to slove the Rubik's cube ?", "I didn't really have to figure it out . I just followed the instructions !", "I had no idea there were a set of instructions . I thought everyone who could solve it were all geniuses !" ]
hints are really important when you're solving puzzles . If you give me some hints about playing that PS2 game , I ’ ll show you how to solve the Rubik's cube .
[ "Hi , happy new year !", "Hey , the same to you !", "Time flies ! One year has already been a history !", "Definitely , it's time to say bye-bye to the last year and to say hello to the new year !", "Yeah . Have you made any good resolutions for this new year ?" ]
Some resolutions ? That's a wonderful idea , but I have no idea yet . How about you ?
[ "It's weekend again , I'm glad I can arrange for my personal matters .", "What do you mean by that ?", "Oh , that means I can do whatever I like without few interruptions .", "You've been always active and versatile . It seems that you are interested in everything .", "Oh , really ? I just have lots of hobbies in my spare time ; such as going to the concert , painting , handwriting , reading novels and reading fashion magazines . What about yours ?", "I have fewer hobbies than yours . That's why I find campus life a bit dull and uninteresting .", "Oh , you can't think like that . We young people should try our best to learn new things and accept new ideas . You like taking photos and going to photography shows , why not practise the technique and catch something unforgeable ?", "That's a good suggestion . It's fine today . Maybe I can take photos on the scenery of the lake at sunset . It must be fantastic .", "I quite agree with you . With our hobbies , our life can be more colorful and exciting .", "And I can concentrate on my study after the relaxation over the weekend ." ]
Yes , it's a good habit to have a life-long hobby . Those who practise calligraphy and Qigong always live longer .
[ "We'd like a half-day package .", "We offer many different sea water treatments .", "How many can we choose ?" ]
The aquamedic pool is included . You can choose three .
[ "Ann invited us to dinner this saturday afternoon .", "What should we take ?" ]
How about a china vase ?
[ "I'm sorry , Sam . I don't want to go to the folk concert .", "How about going to the theatre ?", "I don't like going to the theatre .", "Well , what do you like doing ?", "Travelling , swimming , going to the cinema . And you ?", "I like painting , sailing , watching football and talking to you .", "I like talking to you , too ." ]
Do you want to go to an exhibition ? There is one at the Xinghai Exhibition Hall tomorrow .
[ "I need some flowers for my girlfriend .", "No problem . Would you like some artificial carnations ?", "Oh , no . Carnations are not very elegant.Artificial flowers have no passion .", "How much did you want to spend ?", "Money is no object ." ]
Our most elegant flower is Golden Lily .
[ "Did you go to the bank to withdraw money ?", "Today is so hot , besides I had so much housework to do . My friend came for a visit and stayed for two hours . I didn ’ t forget , but I had no time at all .", "So you didn ’ t . Is that right ?", "Yes . I ’ m sorry .", "Why didn ’ t you just answer my question directly ? Why would Chinese answer questions this way ? I simply asked if you did it or not . It ’ s a very simple question . And Chinese often give the reason before they would give a direct answer .", "Yes , I ’ m sorry . I know it bothers you very much . But I don ’ t know why Chinese sometimes would do this ." ]
You know , today I asked a student if he brought his dictionary with him . It ’ s a rule I made for the class that everyone brings a bilingual dictionary with them because sometimes they don ’ t understand me . The funniest thing is that this student gave me a lot of reasons and no direct answer .
[ "Jim , I heard you took a trip to San Diego . Is that right ?", "Yeah , I just got back this morning .", "That sounds really nice . What did you do there ?", "Well , we were only there for three days , so we didn't do too much . We went shopping and went out to dinner a few times . And at night we walked around the city with some friends .", "Did you take any pictures ?", "Yes , I have them with me . Do you want to look at them ?", "Sure , I love looking at photos ." ]
This one is of my wife and me on the beach , and this one is our daughter Emily standing next to my wife .
[ "Excuse me , Sir , May I have the time , please ?", "Beg your pardon ?", "Er ... I'd like to know what time it is now .", "Oh , Let me see ... It's three forty-five . Er ... wait , My watch is five minutes fast . So it should be three forty", "Thank you . By the way , what day is today ?", "Today is Friday . Are you new in Beijing ?", "Yes , I've just come from the States , yesterday in fact . I'm still a bit confused about the time ." ]
Welcome to Beijing . This is my business card . I'm an engineer . If you need any help in Beijing , just give me a call .
[ "Do you know something about Mount Tai ?" ]
Yes . But not too much . It is considered as the head of five sacred mountains in China .
[ "Do you know something about Mount Tai ?", "Yes . But not too much . It is considered as the head of five sacred mountains in China .", "Five sacred mountains ? Why people call them so ?" ]
Because in history , the Chinese emperors used to climb onto these mountains and pay tribute to their ancestors and pray for good harvest and prosperity for the whole nation .
[ "have you adapted to the lifestyle in China ?", "yeah , almost . But there is one thing .", "what ?", "I still wonder what privacy meant for Chinese people . I don't mean to say that there's no privacy in China , but ...", "what is it ?", "some of my Chinese colleagues just share their personal stories in front of others .", "that makes you feel uncomfortable ?", "yeah . we never do that in a public office .", "perhaps that's because we hold different ideas about privacy .", "i have felt that . One day when i was in a queue , reading a newspaper story , the man behind me peered through my shoulder and stared at the newspaper I was holding ." ]
well , that's not rare . I've seen people reading at others ' newspaper while taking a metro or a bus .
[ "have you adapted to the lifestyle in China ?", "yeah , almost . But there is one thing .", "what ?", "I still wonder what privacy meant for Chinese people . I don't mean to say that there's no privacy in China , but ...", "what is it ?", "some of my Chinese colleagues just share their personal stories in front of others .", "that makes you feel uncomfortable ?", "yeah . we never do that in a public office .", "perhaps that's because we hold different ideas about privacy .", "i have felt that . One day when i was in a queue , reading a newspaper story , the man behind me peered through my shoulder and stared at the newspaper I was holding .", "well , that's not rare . I've seen people reading at others ' newspaper while taking a metro or a bus ." ]
just stare at the newspaper holding in the hands of the one next to him ?
[ "Which season do you like best ?" ]
Autumn . Autumn is the best season in Beijing .
[ "Can you tell me a little about Paris ?", "Sure . What do you expect to know ?" ]
I want to see some of the famous places like Eiffel Tower , the Seine River ...
[ "Can you tell me a little about Paris ?", "Sure . What do you expect to know ?", "I want to see some of the famous places like Eiffel Tower , the Seine River ..." ]
And you shouldn't miss the Louvre Museum . You can stay there for at least a whole day .
[ "Wake up , Erik , time to rise and shine .", "Huh , oh , hi , Jane . I must have fallen asleep while I was reading .", "You and everyone else . It looks more like a camp-ground than a library ." ]
Well , the dorm ’ s too noisy to study in , and I guess this place is too quiet .
[ "What's the weather like in your city ?", "In the summer it gets very hot . The temperature is between often 37 and 40 centigrade . When it is hot we often get rains . The winters are drier .", "The summer temperature usually often reaches about 20 or25 in my city . The rain falls mostly in the winter . And we often get snow .", "What are the temperatures in winter ? In my city it is about 15 or 20 degrees .", "In winter temperature often falls to zero at night temperature can be below that . The streets are often icing in the morning . With high such temperatures you must get some thunderstorms .", "Yeah , we do . In the middle of summer there can be found storms every day usually in the afternoon . I heard your city has a lot of fog , is that true ?", "We do have a few fog days in winter . But I would not say we have a lot of fogs . The sky are usually clearly in your city , are they ?", "Yes , they are like I said we have thunderstorms . But each one usually last a few hours . Then the skys are clear again .", "Have you ever had snow in your city ?", "My grandmother said there was snow once when she was a child . But my parents and I never see it outside of my city ." ]
The river in my city sometime freeze over . People go ice-skating on it . In summer people go boating on the river . But few people go swimming because it is not very clean .
[ "Looks like a good party , I probably know about half the people .", "Who ’ s that boy ?", "Where ?" ]
The one next to the telephone .
[ "Have you gone bowling before ?", "No . Could you tell me something more about it ? I want to play well ." ]
There are 10 frames in a bowling game . Each player is allowed to bowl two balls in each frame .
[ "have you ever thought about your ideal home ?", "I have , actually ; I ’ Ve always wanted to build my dream home myself .", "what would it be like ?", "well , it would be spacious and located next to a park , because a nice view is important to me .", "how many rooms would it have ?", "I ’ d want it to have three bedrooms on a second floor with balconies on each , and one main bedroom on the main floor with an attached en suite . I ’ d also want a large living room and kitchen connected t", "how many bedrooms would your dream home have ?", "I ’ d have one guest bathroom in the basement , one attached to the main bedroom , and one upstairs , so a total of three .", "how would you decorate your house ?", "I don ’ t like a lot of clutter , so I wouldn ’ t have lots of things out . I would have a few vases on the mantel piece and some pictures of my family on the walls , but other than that , most things would b", "how many TVs would your dream home have ?" ]
I think TV is a great waste of time , so I would only have one small TV in the kitchen to watch the news in the morning .
[ "Can we sit on the grass , darling ?", "No , you can't , darling . The grass is wet .", "Look , darling ! I can see a bench near that tree .", "No , you can't . The bench is wet , too ." ]
It's not raining , darling . The bench isn't wet .
[ "Can we sit on the grass , darling ?", "No , you can't , darling . The grass is wet .", "Look , darling ! I can see a bench near that tree .", "No , you can't . The bench is wet , too .", "It's not raining , darling . The bench isn't wet .", "Can't you see a notice on the bench ?", "Yes , I can .", "What does the notice say ?" ]
It says ' Wet paint ! '
[ "Do you have any year-end benefits ?", "I don ’ t know till now .", "I just saw a piece of news , that a group of white color workers hold a flour war in the office because of dissatisfaction of the year-end benefits .", "Why they hold a flour war ?" ]
They got rice , flour and oil as presents , while the leadership got 1000 yuan shopping card .
[ "Excuse me , sir ?", "Yes ?", "I'm afraid you can't smoke here .", "Why not ?", "Can't you see the notes here ?", "I'm sorry . I can't . What does the note say ." ]
It says ' No smoking ' .
[ "Come here ! I can see the tall camphor trees from here .", "Yes , we can also see some yew trees .", "This is a great botanical garden in the city .", "Listen to the sound of nature ! It's like music .", "Yeah , I agree.It makes you feel really good .", "What are those . Miss Liu ?", "Do you mean the red flowers ? They are peony flowers ?" ]
The red and yellow peony flowers are so beautiful .
[ "Good evening , Mr . Frank . Bourbon on the rocks ?", "No . This time I'll try Chinese wine .", "What about Mao Tai , one of the most famous liquors in China ? It's good indeed . It never goes to the head .", "Do people here drink a lot of liquors ?", "Some do , some don't . Many people in the North are fond of liquors . I think it has something to do with the climate .", "Yes , it has . Some Mexicans are crazy . They drink a lot of liquors even on hot days . Have you ever heard of \" Tequila Sauta \" ?" ]
Yes , it's a very well-known kind of spirits in Mexico . People drink it with salt and lemon .
[ "Good evening , Mr . Frank . Bourbon on the rocks ?", "No . This time I'll try Chinese wine .", "What about Mao Tai , one of the most famous liquors in China ? It's good indeed . It never goes to the head .", "Do people here drink a lot of liquors ?", "Some do , some don't . Many people in the North are fond of liquors . I think it has something to do with the climate .", "Yes , it has . Some Mexicans are crazy . They drink a lot of liquors even on hot days . Have you ever heard of \" Tequila Sauta \" ?", "Yes , it's a very well-known kind of spirits in Mexico . People drink it with salt and lemon .", "Right . It's very strong , just like alcohol . ( Frank sips Mao Tai . )", "Yes , besides Mao Tai , we have Wu Liang Ye , Fen Jim and so on .", "They say that Showing wine tastes quite good . What's it ?" ]
It's rice wine , a kind of still wine , somewhat like Japanese Sake . Showing is a city in China .
[ "I'm calling to ask about your apartment you advertised .", "Yes , we've got great apartments with charming environment and nice scenery.And they are all newly renovated .", "That sounds fantastic ! But I am looking for something closer to downtown , as I spend most of my time at the office ." ]
No problem . We have a nice apartment located near the Oriental Square . It's perfect for people busy with office work . It is fully furnished with a service staff taking care of the trivial details .
[ "I'm calling to ask about your apartment you advertised .", "Yes , we've got great apartments with charming environment and nice scenery.And they are all newly renovated .", "That sounds fantastic ! But I am looking for something closer to downtown , as I spend most of my time at the office .", "No problem . We have a nice apartment located near the Oriental Square . It's perfect for people busy with office work . It is fully furnished with a service staff taking care of the trivial details .", "I'm sure they are wonderful , but I need an unfurnished apartment with relatively lower cost ." ]
Ah ! I get your point . We have just what you need . Our Jinyuan apartments have several floor plans . The one bedroom apartments are very economical , but their layout makes great use of a small amount of space . I think you can find a very apartment there .
[ "I'm so hungry . Shall we go eat now , Rick ?", "sure . Where do you want to go ? Are you in the mood for anything in particular ?", "how about some dumplings ? I just can't get enough of them .", "dumplings again ? ! Oh , Amy , let's try something new !", "well , what do you have in mind ?" ]
how about the Mongolian hot pot ?
[ "I'd like to remit 5000 dollars to my friend .", "Please show me your ID card and tell me the receiver's address ." ]
Room 20 , Suzie Building , Beijing Road , Shenzhen , China .
[ "What is your major ?", "My major is Business Administration , I am especially interested in Marketing .", "Which university are you attending ?" ]
I attended Suzhou University .
[ "Is there a daily passenger ship to Dalian ?", "Yes .", "How many days does it take to Dalian ?", "About one day . It arrives in Dalian at 10:00 a . m . tomorrow ." ]
How many ports do we call at on our passage to Qingdao ?
[ "Hello , reservation desk . How can I help you ?", "I ’ d like to book a room ." ]
What kind of room would you like , Ma ’ am ? We got single rooms , double rooms , standard rooms , suites and deluxe suites .
[ "Hello , I've got a letter here that I'd like to post .", "Yes , where's it to , madam ?", "Well , the letter is going to a friend of mine in America and it's quite urgent . It really needs to be posted today , so here you are .", "You want to send it airmail , madam ?" ]
I do want to send it airmail , yes .
[ "Excuse me . Where can I buy some cigarettes ?" ]
There is a shop on the ground floor . It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes .
[ "Good afternoon , madam . May I help you ?", "Do you have some new perfume ?", "I am sorry , madam . I didn't hear you . It's too noisy here . Could you please say it again ?", "Well , I wanna buy some new perfume .", "Would you please wait a minute ? I will get one for you at once .", "That's all right .", "Here you are .", "Can I open it ?", "Yes , certainly , madam .", "It smells sweet ." ]
Yes , it is . This perfume just arrived yesterday , and it's the latest products of Chanel .
[ "Can you tell me about a nice restaurant to go to ?", "Of course ! How much would you like to spend on your meal ?", "My date is quite sophisticated . She would expect nothing less than the best .", "Well , how about our own hotel restaurant ? It's conveniently located and has a three-star rating .", "That's a good idea , except I want to go out , not stay in . Something else , maybe ?" ]
Well , how about Gramercy Tavern ? It's a very popular tourist spot , with great food and music .
[ "What should I get Uncle Teddy ?", "You could get him a tie .", "Are you kidding ? That's the stupidest gift one can buy . I don't want to get a tie .", "Why not ?", "Everybody gets men ties for Christmas . It's too boring . Everybody buys either ties or sweaters . I want a more unique gift .", "Well , you can buy him a pet iguana then .", "That's a cool idea . At least it would be a surprise.But I'm afraid he wouldn't take care of it .", "He would think you were crazy , Caroline .", "Yes . An iguana is too strange for a gift , and a tie is too normal.So I have to find something halfway between .", "How much do you want to spend ?", "Well , he was very good to me.He helped me edit my essay for the scholarship contest.So I want to spend at least 75 dollars .", "Alright , I have an idea.You know he carries that conservative-looking briefcase every day .", "Yes .", "Well , he isn't a lawyer , so I don't think he needs to have a briefcase like that .", "What should he have then ?", "I think he would appreciate having a very fine leather bag.But more like a workbag or shoulder bag.You know , not so hard and square like a briefcase ." ]
I think that's a great idea . Men look great with that kind of bag.Where can we buy one ?
[ "It's very nice of you to invite me .", "I'm very glad you could come , Mr . Liu . Will you take a seat at the head of the table ? It's an informal dinner , please don't stand on ceremony ... Mr . Liu , would you like to have some chicken ?", "Thank you . This is my first time to come to a Chinese restaurant . Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food ?" ]
Generally speaking , Cantonese food is a bit light ; Shanghai food is rather oily ; and Hunan dishes are very spicy , having a strong and hot taste .
[ "Good coming . room service.What can I do for you ?" ]
I'd like a hamburger and a cup of coffee.My room number is 402 .
[ "I have an issue .", "What ’ s going on ?" ]
There is a leaking pipe in my wall .
[ "Let's decide what to order .", "I'll have a hamburger .", "The works ?", "No , just tomatoes , please . And large fries .", "Anything to drink ?" ]
A small cola .
[ "Hi , I am looking for a woman named Mia .", "I think I am who you are looking for . You have got to be Rubin .", "That would be me !", "Rubin ! Karen and Mike have spoken about you so often that I feel like I've met you before .", "I hope that what they had to say was mostly good !", "They only said wonderful things about you . You did a good job of finding me .", "Finding the beautiful woman in a red dress next to the fountain wasn't all that hard ." ]
Yes , I guess it was a choice of me or the pigeons !
[ "You're going to have coffee , aren't you ?", "Yes . I could use a cup of coffee .", "Are you going to have anything to eat ?" ]
French toast sounds good . What are you going to order ?
[ "I've been learning to play go recently . It's an amazing game !", "Weigh ? It must be a greatest Chinese invention . I've tried hard to learn it . Its rules can't be any simpler , but I've never won a game of Go . Well , it's all Greek to me !", "At least you have obtained a very basic understanding of the game , haven't you ? I think it is perfect for boosting intelligence , cultivating personality and flexible learning . Every intellectual wishing to gain any insight into Chinese culture should learn to play Go .", "I heard it is included in the four major arts of China , is it ?" ]
Sure . It was considered desirable that a well-educated ancient Chinese scholar could be well versed in zither , weigh , calligraphy and painting . I think weigh is the most fantastic of them . It embodies ancient Chinese wisdom and cultural profoundness .
[ "Hello . I have left my key in my room . But I can't get in now ." ]
May I have your name and room number ?
[ "I am looking for a pan .", "No problem . What size would you like ?", "A big one would be nice .", "How about this one ? It's our biggest β€” 16 ' in diameter .", "Oh , yes , I like that one , but it's too heavy .", "Okay , try this one . It's made of aluminum .", "Oh , yes ! This is much better . But it has an aluminum handle ." ]
Here you go . Same pan , but with a state-of-the-art , heat-resistant plastic handle .
[ "Hello . Excuse me . Do you know if there's a Commercial Bank around here ?" ]
Yes , go straight along Beijing Road and turn right .
[ "You say your products are aimed at the green consumer . In what ways are they environmentally-friendly ?", "We produce household cleaning products - detergents and so on . They are all phosphate-free , which minimises damage to the environment .", "What about the packaging ?" ]
We try to use as little packaging as possible . Also , all our bottles are made of recyclable plastic and we use recycled fibre in our boxes . That's what our customers want .
[ "I don't know about you , but I'm famished . Are you interested in getting a bite to eat ?", "That sounds great . I'm absolutely starving ! What kind of food are you in the mood for ?", "I'd love something spicy . Maybe we could get some Sichuan Hotpot .", "You're a woman after my own heart . I don't know many people who can handle spicy food . Are you sure you are up for hotpot .", "Sure . If I could , I would eat hotpot every day !", "Ok , you're really all eyes when it comes to talking about food , aren't you ?" ]
Well , let's stop dragging our feet and find a Sichuan Hotpot restaurant for dinner !
[ "I don't know about you , but I'm famished . Are you interested in getting a bite to eat ?", "That sounds great . I'm absolutely starving ! What kind of food are you in the mood for ?", "I'd love something spicy . Maybe we could get some Sichuan Hotpot .", "You're a woman after my own heart . I don't know many people who can handle spicy food . Are you sure you are up for hotpot .", "Sure . If I could , I would eat hotpot every day !", "Ok , you're really all eyes when it comes to talking about food , aren't you ?", "Well , let's stop dragging our feet and find a Sichuan Hotpot restaurant for dinner !", "Let me think about it for a minute . Let's see ... oh the name of the restaurant is on the tip of my tongue ! Give me a second and it'll come to me .", "Well ... ? Have you thought of it yet ?", "No ..." ]
Never mind . There's an authentic tasting hotpot restaurant not far from the China World Trade Towers on Chang An Street . Have you been there ?
[ "Excuse me . We ordered too much . May we take the food home ?", "Yes , surely .", "Do I have to pay extra charge for that ?", "No , you don't . It is free of charge .", "Well , then , will you put this and that into doggie bags ?", "Certainly , would you wait for a few minutes ?", "Thanks . Would you give me another favor ?", "Yes , what is it ?" ]
Some more Chinese tea for us , please .
[ "What ? What ’ s up ?" ]
Our softball team is in the finals ! We ’ re playing the McGrath office on Saturday .
[ "You must be Mr.Sellers . I'm Steven . I am here to see the apartment you advertised .", "Oh , nice to see you . The apartment is on the tenth floor . The previous tenant just moved out yesterday .", "Could I have a look at it first ?", "Sure . Let me show you the way . Here we are . Apartment 1008 . ( They enter . ) This is the living room dining room combination . Here's the kitchen . It's small , but fully equipped . The refrigerator is new , and the stove and the microwave oven are less than a year old .", "It's nice . So this is the bathroom . And that must be the bedroom .", "Yes . And there's a walk-in closet .", "Is there air conditioning ?" ]
Yes , there's central air conditioning and heating . The thermostat is in the living room 。
[ "Can I help you , sir ?", "Yes , please . I'm picking out some presents for my children and wife .", "What kind of presents do you want ?", "Actually , I don't know exactly . Do you have anything recommended ?", "OK . How about some very cool sneakers for your children ? Anyway , it won't cost you much . It's only around $ 59.95 for each pair . It might be cheaper than that in America .", "Hey , How did you know I came from America ?", "Just a hunch , sir .", "How much again ?", "$ 59.95 .", "That's really cheap for shoes like those . OK , I'll take 5 pairs .", "Sorry , sir .", "Why not ?", "Because in this duty-free shop , your total expenditure cannot be over $ 300 and you also have one more present to buy for your wife .", "Oh , my God . I've totally forgotten about that . Anyway , I think she would like a bottle of perfume .", "That's good . And I can also recommend you a good one . It's the brand of DENY ." ]
DENY ? That's very expensive in America . It costs nearly $ 70 for only 50ml.DKNY ?
[ "Hello , is this housekeeper ?", "Yes ma'am , may I help you ?", "This is room eleven-seven and we have just checked in .", "Yes ?", "Our room hasn't been cleaned up yet.So would you send one of your housekeepers to clean up our room ?", "Oh , yes , ma'am . We'll come right away then.Your room number and your name , please ." ]
Our room number is eleven-seven and my name is Terry Chen .
[ "I'm glad we came here . This is really delicious !", "I was worried you would think it was too far to drive .", "Well , it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch.But really , I think it's worth it .", "I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food , you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer .", "How do you mean \" suffer \" ?", "I mean , in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So we miss the food in Taiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better .", "Even in the winter ?", "Yes , even in the winter .", "And even if it takes two hours , huh ?", "Why not ? I've been craving good food for three weeks now . I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza !", "Well , this really is delicious , I have to admit . I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining .", "Don't tease me ! Good food is really important to Chinese !", "I know . I can see that . This is what is called \" dim sum , \" right ?", "Yes , all these dishes are different \" dim sum \" dishes.You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America ." ]
So when you Chinese think of Chinatown , you mostly think of food . Is that right ?
[ "I'm glad we came here . This is really delicious !", "I was worried you would think it was too far to drive .", "Well , it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch.But really , I think it's worth it .", "I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food , you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer .", "How do you mean \" suffer \" ?", "I mean , in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So we miss the food in Taiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better .", "Even in the winter ?", "Yes , even in the winter .", "And even if it takes two hours , huh ?", "Why not ? I've been craving good food for three weeks now . I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza !", "Well , this really is delicious , I have to admit . I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining .", "Don't tease me ! Good food is really important to Chinese !", "I know . I can see that . This is what is called \" dim sum , \" right ?", "Yes , all these dishes are different \" dim sum \" dishes.You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America .", "So when you Chinese think of Chinatown , you mostly think of food . Is that right ?", "Of course . I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too.Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment .", "And maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner , after the museum.Chicago has some great Italian restaurants .", "No way !", "What do you mean ?" ]
We're going up to the " new " Chinatown for dinner . I already know where we're going to go .
[ "I'm glad we came here . This is really delicious !", "I was worried you would think it was too far to drive .", "Well , it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch.But really , I think it's worth it .", "I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food , you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer .", "How do you mean \" suffer \" ?", "I mean , in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So we miss the food in Taiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better .", "Even in the winter ?", "Yes , even in the winter .", "And even if it takes two hours , huh ?", "Why not ? I've been craving good food for three weeks now . I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza !", "Well , this really is delicious , I have to admit . I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining .", "Don't tease me ! Good food is really important to Chinese !", "I know . I can see that . This is what is called \" dim sum , \" right ?", "Yes , all these dishes are different \" dim sum \" dishes.You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America .", "So when you Chinese think of Chinatown , you mostly think of food . Is that right ?", "Of course . I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too.Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment .", "And maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner , after the museum.Chicago has some great Italian restaurants .", "No way !", "What do you mean ?", "We're going up to the \" new \" Chinatown for dinner . I already know where we're going to go .", "Alright , alright . I am happy to try more Chinese food.Will it be dim sum again ?" ]
No , dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time , or sometimes closer to breakfast.We ' ll try more Taiwanese style up at the " new " Chinatown .
[ "Can I help you ?", "I'd like to buy some Chinese-style cakes . Could you recommend me some ?", "Certainly . What about moon cake ? It's typical Chinese food .", "Moon cakes ? What is that ?" ]
The moon cake is round and looks like the full moon . That's why it's called the moon cake and the moon cake symbolizes family reunion and harmony .
[ "Can I help you ?", "I'd like to buy some Chinese-style cakes . Could you recommend me some ?", "Certainly . What about moon cake ? It's typical Chinese food .", "Moon cakes ? What is that ?", "The moon cake is round and looks like the full moon . That's why it's called the moon cake and the moon cake symbolizes family reunion and harmony .", "Sounds very interesting . I'll buy some to family people ." ]
All the moon cakes are generally classified into two styles , Cantonese style and Suzhou style .
[ "Can I help you ?", "I'd like to buy some Chinese-style cakes . Could you recommend me some ?", "Certainly . What about moon cake ? It's typical Chinese food .", "Moon cakes ? What is that ?", "The moon cake is round and looks like the full moon . That's why it's called the moon cake and the moon cake symbolizes family reunion and harmony .", "Sounds very interesting . I'll buy some to family people .", "All the moon cakes are generally classified into two styles , Cantonese style and Suzhou style .", "What's the difference between these two styles ?" ]
The skin of Cantonese style cakes is soft and puffy with heavy stuffing while the skin of Suzhou style cakes is puffy filled with fragrant nuts .
[ "What did you cook ?", "Well , as you know I was in Thailand last month , and I took a cooking class ! So I prepared some of my favorite dishes .", "Great idea ! As long as I don't get food poisoning ! So what is on the menu tonight ?" ]
Ok , for starters we have Tom Yam soup . It's a bit spicy , but really good !
[ "What did you cook ?", "Well , as you know I was in Thailand last month , and I took a cooking class ! So I prepared some of my favorite dishes .", "Great idea ! As long as I don't get food poisoning ! So what is on the menu tonight ?", "Ok , for starters we have Tom Yam soup . It's a bit spicy , but really good !", "This is delicious ! The ginger and lemongrass really gives it a nice taste !" ]
Now this next dish is one of the most famous . Foreigners call it papaya salad but the proper name is Tom Sam . It is a spicy salad made from a mix of fresh vegetables including shredded unripened papaya and tomato .
[ "What did you cook ?", "Well , as you know I was in Thailand last month , and I took a cooking class ! So I prepared some of my favorite dishes .", "Great idea ! As long as I don't get food poisoning ! So what is on the menu tonight ?", "Ok , for starters we have Tom Yam soup . It's a bit spicy , but really good !", "This is delicious ! The ginger and lemongrass really gives it a nice taste !", "Now this next dish is one of the most famous . Foreigners call it papaya salad but the proper name is Tom Sam . It is a spicy salad made from a mix of fresh vegetables including shredded unripened papaya and tomato .", "This is delicious ! The combination of sour and spicy is really interesting ! I could have this everyday !" ]
Ok , now for the last and best dish in my opinion . This is called Pad Thai . It's stir-fried noodles with eggs , fish sauce , tamarind juice , red chili pepper plus bean sprouts , shrimp and tofu and garnished with crushed peanuts and coriander . It's practically Thailand's national dish !
[ "Hi , did you call for an exterminator ?", "Yes ! Thank goodness you ’ re here.These bugs are driving us crazy !", "What sort of pest are we dealing with ?" ]
We just bought this house and it is infected with just about everything . We have termites in the wood , cockroaches all over the place , and last night I saw a huge rat out in the backyard !
[ "do you remember where you were for the terrorist attacks on 9-11 ?" ]
yes , I was in my apartment in Beijing . Where were you ?
[ "Where can I park my car ?" ]
You need to get a car tag first . There's a one hundred Yuan deposit for the car tag .
[ "I heard there is a big yard sale at weeks this saturday morning , i will go there to see if there is some nice clothes , do you want to go with me ?" ]
Well , i want to go to the university flea market , they got times of books , DVDs , and a lot of nice clothing , too .
[ "Hello , sir . Is there anything I can help you find ?", "Um ... Uh ... I'm just looking , thanks .", "Need a gift for your girlfriend or wife ?", "No , no , no . I'm just browsing . Thanks anyway .", "Well , if you need anything , just ask .", "Um ... well , where's the men's shoe department ?" ]
It's on the third floor . Turn left when you get off the escalator .
[ "I absolutely love what you're wearing today .", "You do ? I just bought this outfit a couple days ago .", "Seriously , it looks really nice on you . Where did you buy it from ?", "I bought it from the Macy's at the Santa Anita mall .", "I really like that outfit .", "Thanks . I think you look nice today , too .", "Thank you . I just bought these new shoes earlier today .", "Those are nice . What are they ?", "These are some Chucks .", "Those are great . How much were they ?", "I got them for forty ." ]
I think I might go and find me my own pair of Chucks .
[ "Hi . I'm looking for some good deals on produce .", "You might want to try the mangoes ." ]
Can you describe a mango to me ?
[ "I really need to find a bus that goes by PCC .", "Where do you need to catch this bus at ?", "All the way up on Las Flores Drive and Fair Oaks .", "I can tell you what bus to catch , but you have to walk a little bit .", "Walking isn't a problem for me ." ]
The 267 stops at Altadena Drive and Fair Oaks .
[ "Mr . Chandler will be our new partner , so his visit this time will be extremely important for our cooperation in future , because it may decide whether Mr . Chandler sign the trade contract with us or not . Do you have some idea ?" ]
I suppose we can bring him to visit our company , as well as our display room . In this way , he can know more about our company and our potential power . In my opinion , visiting the factory will help him learn our manufacturing process very much .
[ "Are you making what I think you're making ?" ]
Nothing but the best , Cinnamon toast .
[ "I know that you are interested in our washers .", "Yes , we are thinking of placing an order . However we would like to know what kinds of machines are available for export and in addition your sales terms , including mode of payment , discount and possible date of delivery ." ]
We supply washers of all types and sizes . We have years of experience in the manufacture of washers .
[ "Excuse me , is this the right counter for express mail ?", "Yes , it is . What can I do for you ?", "I want to send some important documents to Canada for my postgraduate admission .", "Are they urgent , please ?", "Yes , the deadline for applying is 1st Feb , so I hope they will arrive in 3 days ." ]
Well , DHL is famous for its speed and reliability . It is the fastest international postal service available . The document will arrive in two or three days .
[ "I came in response to your advertisement for a salesperson .", "OK , please be seated . May I have your name , please ?" ]
My name is Woody .
[ "Would you show me some table-cloths ?", "Certainly . ( Take a table-cloth to her )", "How much is it ?" ]
A table-cloth of this size and style is 15 Yuan .
[ "Tell me about yourself and your past experience .", "For the past 3 years , I have been working in China East Airlines Corporation Limited . I'm very tolerant of people and have been told that this is one of my strengths . I feel I have a lot to offer as a team member .", "Why are you interested in this occupation ?", "It's always been my dream to be a stewardess . And I like travelling to different places ." ]
What do you think is the chief characteristic for a stewardess ?
[ "Can you show me some jade , please ?", "Yes , of course . Do you like a jade necklace ?", "No , but I do like jade bracelets .", "Here are all kinds of jades . Choose whatever you like , please .", "Thank you . ( A moment later ) Oh , this one is quite impressive . I'll take it . By the way , do you sell pearl earrings ?" ]
Yes . Natural pearls or cultured pearls ? We have both kinds .
[ "Can you show me some jade , please ?", "Yes , of course . Do you like a jade necklace ?", "No , but I do like jade bracelets .", "Here are all kinds of jades . Choose whatever you like , please .", "Thank you . ( A moment later ) Oh , this one is quite impressive . I'll take it . By the way , do you sell pearl earrings ?", "Yes . Natural pearls or cultured pearls ? We have both kinds .", "I wonder which looks more lustrous ." ]
Well , natural pearls are of higher value , but the cultured pearls have equal lustre and are just as beautiful .
[ "I'm so hungry . Shall we go eat now , Rick ?", "Sure . Where do you want to go ? Are you in the mood for anything in particular ?", "How about some dumplings ? I just can't get enough of them .", "Dumplings again ? ! Oh , Amy , let's try something new !", "Well , what do you have in mind ?" ]
How about the Mongolian hot pot ?
[ "Can I help you , sir ?", "Yes , I want to buy some grapes .", "What kind of grapes do you want ?" ]
People say grapes from XinJiang are much sweeter than other kinds . Please give me a kilo of that .
[ "I found a great school for Junior !", "Don't you think it's a little early to be looking for schools ? We haven't even had the baby yet !", "We can't be too cautious about these things .", "You are going to be such an adorable father ! Tell me about this school ." ]
There is a huge slide on the playground and lots of trees and even a little brook !